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[ "Neil tells Devon that he is renovating the lake house as a present for Hilary and Devon. Gwen arrives in time to tell Neil it was her that followed him to the lake house. Neil tells Gwen it is over between them and she should just accept that. Later, Devon finds Gwen at GCAC. She admits she is falling in love with Neil. At Hilary's bedside, Neil breaks down. Quarterly reports show a decline in Chelsea 2.0 and just as much of an incline of Brash & Sassy sales. Nick thinks it's more than just a coincidence. Victoria points out that she's been saying this would happen all along. Abby thinks Victoria tried to sabotage Chelsea 2.0. Victoria admits that she went to Ben and suggested he take Abby away so she could regroup.", "When Abby confronts Ben, they have a fight that leads to a break up. Adam tells Chelsea that this is the way it usually works, not to worry about it. Meanwhile, Ian moves in across the hall from Chelsea and Adam. Chelsea wants to go over and introduce themselves but Adam says their new neighbor isn't home. Sage insists on working on the books during her bed rest. Noah leaves his dinner with Marisa to bring Sage some receipts leaving Marisa wide open to Luca's advances. Victor observes Luca leaving Marisa alone at the table. He tells her that she has to make Luca disappear the way she did Marco. While Sage goes through the receipts, she collapses. Victor finds her, but she covers and insists she is all right and doesn't need his help.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: The quarterly reports are out.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: Uh-huh.", "Victor: Let me take a look.", "Victoria: Please do.", "Victor: So, let's see. Uh-huh. [Chuckles]", "Victor: Well, that looks good. There's a spike, a rather dramatic spike, for brash & sassy's sales.", "Victoria: Yes, which is why I have this ginormous smile on my face right now.", "Victor: Yes, you do.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Yep. Wait a minute. What is this?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victor: While brash & sassy went up in sales, there's a precipitous drop for Chelsea 2.0.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. There was nowhere for it to go but down.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Victoria: I tried to tell Abby that, but she was just too green and too stubborn to listen to me.", "Victor: But this precipitous of a drop?", "Victoria: Well, I would ask Abby what she thinks, although she tends to ignore what's right in front of her face.", "Victor: I tried to reach her, and she didn't answer the phone, so what do you think about all this?", "Victoria: About my division going up or hers going down?", "Victor: Both.", "Abby: I should check the time.", "Stitch: Or not.", "Abby: Ah, but the office needs me.", "Stitch: Yeah, and they can survive without you. Me, on the other hand, I'm like a thirsty man in the desert. We should order another bottle of champagne. What do you say?", "Abby: Oh, my God. The quarterly report comes out today.", "Stitch: Wow, you got that from champagne?", "Abby: [Sighs] \"Order another bottle.\" I'm the genius who got more orders for Chelsea 2.0. I can't wait to rub Victoria's nose in the expanded line. The proof will be in the quarterly report, and the quarterly report comes out today.", "Stitch: [Laughs] Wow. Your mind works fast.", "Abby: Hello.", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Abby: Genius. But the office needs me. Now.", "Stitch: Hey, hey. I can't let you do that. Not until you guarantee you'll go to Europe with me -- today.", "Ian: Psst! Hey, neighbor. [Laughs] Did you know you can do real-estate transactions over the internet? Presto, you wire some funds and you, too, can be the resident of a lovely penthouse apartment.", "Adam: Have you lost your mind?", "Chelsea: Babe? Is that you?", "Adam: Uh, yeah, sweetheart, I'll be right there! Is this your idea of keeping a low profile? Get out of here. Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi! Did you forget your key?", "Adam: Uh, no. I have my key.", "Chelsea: Who were you talking to?", "Adam: Just now?", "Nick: Whoa! What are you doing?", "Sage: What? I'm just getting the laptop!", "Nick: No, no. Sit down.", "Sage: Oh, stop it.", "Nick: Sit -- hey, sit down. Come on.", "Sage: I'm pregnant. I'm not an invalid.", "Nick: You're a pregnant woman who had some dizziness and pain, so sit back down on the couch. End of discussion.", "Sage: You're very sweet. You're very caring. Thank you. But can I ask you for a favor?", "Nick: Name it.", "Sage: Can you back off and let me do something for you for once?", "Noah: Hey. Where you at?", "Marisa: I'm right here.", "Noah: You sure? You seem like you're a million miles away.", "Marisa: Oh. No. No place special. Here with you is much, much better.", "Luca: Aww. Just who I was hoping to see.", "Neil: How'd you know I'd be here?", "Devon: You mean in the same house that you were planning on turning into Hilary's dream home? Dad, it seems like you've been lying to a lot of people lately. Why are you here? Will you tell me the truth?", "Neil: Okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to turn around and go. Let me do what I need to do without dragging you into it, okay?", "Devon: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a second. Hold on a second. I'm your son. I'm already dragged into whatever this is. Just tell me what's going on.", "Neil: Yeah, believe it or not, it's all for you. So you know, son, this house had a real purpose. To make Hilary happy. To be the home that she always wanted. That's what I'm doing here. I'm keeping her dream alive, man. I thought it was high time to, you know, put it back together.", "Devon: You're renovating this house for Hilary?", "Neil: I'm renovating this house for both of you, so you can live here together.", "Devon: Dad... you lost your eyesight in this house. This is the same house that you planned on spending your life with Hilary.", "Neil: Yeah, that's right. This house. If I make this house right again, I heal myself, man. I heal us. And prayers up for your wife that she comes back safely. And when she does, I hope both of you accept this house as a gift from me. Together you can make this house yours.", "Devon: You're really doing this for us?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Abby: Europe would be amazing with you. I could show you all my old haunts in London.", "Stitch: All right, so let's do it.", "Abby: But neither of us have jobs that we can just blow off. Can you imagine what Victoria would say?", "Stitch: [Scoffs] She'd be happy for us. I know it.", "Abby: You know?", "Stitch: We could go on a business trip, arrange some meetings. We can be front row during Paris fashion week.", "Abby: How do you know when fashion week is?", "Stitch: And after all the champagne and air kisses, we can find a secluded chateau where I could have you all to myself for hours and hours...and hours.", "Abby: You really want this?", "Stitch: Oh, I really want this right now.", "Abby: Sipping wine, driving up the coast, not at the same time.", "Stitch: No, of course not. Look, I'll book it and we're out of here, okay?", "Abby: Not until I go check the numbers and give work a heads up.", "Sage: So, you're working at Newman, you're checking in on Noah at the club, you're parenting faith -- thank you -- and you are supporting Sharon as she checks into Fairview, and I'm sitting here like a lump on the couch.", "Nick: But you're a hot lump.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "Nick: Look, you're following doctor's orders for the sake of our baby and for me, because now I don't have to worry as much and my head won't explode.", "Sage: But I'm going stir-crazy, and I don't want to go back to those dreams where Victor takes our baby, which I know he's not going to. He's just a caring grandfather who wants to buy our kid a pony. But I want to be productive, you know? I want to do the books for the club.", "Nick: Just let Noah deal with it and save yourself the stress and aggravation.", "Sage: What's stressful is that you treat me like a delicate flower, nick. It's like that ob who thinks that all my pains are in my head.", "Nick: It's just one person's opinion, but stitch is on it now, so if there is a medical reason, he's gonna find it. Meanwhile --", "Sage: Meanwhile I will sit here if you let me do the books.", "Nick: Is that really what you want? Profit and loss and spreadsheets?", "Sage: Yes!", "Nick: 'Cause, you know, big daddy can think of other ways you could be spending your time.", "Sage: [Laughs] Really? Like, um, hot sex in between shifts in the office?", "Nick: Well, you said it, not me, but yes.", "Sage: [Laughs] [Sighs] Okay, okay. All right. Listen. [Sighs] You do your job. I'm gonna do my job. And then, baby, I will couch-surf with you all night long.", "Nick: All right.", "Sage: Yeah.", "Nick: Cool.", "Sage: Cool. I just need last week's receipts.", "Nick: Oh, my gosh. Seriously? That's --", "Sage: Yes. Receipts.", "Nick: Okay. I'm on it.", "Sage: Nick. Thank you.", "Nick: Sure.", "Sage: I love you.", "Nick: Love you, too.", "[Door closes]", "Sage: [Sighs] Ooh. Okay.", "Luca: The food is good here. Like the tapas place in Madrid. You remember, Marisa?", "Marisa: I'm sorry. Uh, no.", "Luca: Well, the one with the bulldog out front. He tried to follow you down the street whenever we left. [Chuckles] Well, you, me, and my wife. How soon they forget, eh?", "Marisa: We hold on to what matters, I suppose. The rest just slips away.", "Noah: Hey, Luca, uh, what are you still doing here, man? I mean, Marisa said that your wife's in new York. Thought you'd be on a plane by now trying to win her back.", "Luca: It's her turn to wonder about me. To remember the spark, to think about what she's missing.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Noah: [Sighs]", "Marisa: Everything okay?", "Noah: Uh, yeah. Dad needs me to get something to Sage at their place. I'll be just a minute.", "Luca: Oh, good. More time for us to catch up. You don't remember the bulldog? He adored you.", "Marisa: [Sighs] Hurry back.", "Noah: I will.", "Marisa: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: I was certain I heard you talking to someone.", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, I was. I was talking to Jack. I know you're not thrilled about us working together on this whole virus hunt thing.", "Chelsea: That's okay. We've moved past that. But I really thought I heard two voices out here.", "Adam: Two voi-- oh, I was on speakerphone with Jack on the -- on the speakerphone. Come on in. Stay awhile.", "Chelsea: Oh, someone moved in, by the way.", "Adam: Really? Did you see him?", "Chelsea: No, I just saw the delivery guys. But it's weird, someone else in your old place.", "Adam: Yeah? Remember when you came by and you asked me to dinner? I wanted to tell you everything then. Come on. Let's go.", "Chelsea: Well, let's go introduce ourselves.", "Adam: No, don't do that.", "Chelsea: What's wrong with knocking? This is someone we're gonna see in the elevator, bump into in the parking garage.", "Adam: Yeah, no, that's, um, that's what I was gonna tell you. He's not home. He was getting in the elevator as I was getting off.", "Chelsea: Well, how did you know it was the new neighbor?", "Adam: He was putting his key away.", "Chelsea: Did you say hi?", "Adam: I mean, he did one of these, I did one of these.", "Chelsea: Okay, that's really neighborly of you.", "Adam: Well, it's enough, you know. I mean, look, you invited me over for dinner. Look where we're at now.", "Chelsea: So, uh, what did he look like? Was he older? Younger?", "Adam: Chelsea, you're gonna have plenty of time to meet this guy when he comes banging on our door here because Connor is laughing too loud.", "Chelsea: Well, right now Connor's laughing too loud in the park with the nanny, remember? He's gone.", "Adam: Give us a little mommy and daddy alone time.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] I would love that, but I have to get to the office for quarterly reports.", "Adam: You do?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Okay. Speaking of that, just remember what I said about the Chelsea 2.0, all right? Those numbers could start coming down.", "Chelsea: Yeah, or we could ride this wave. Maybe it's not over yet. So, chill a bottle of wine for us. I'll see you soon. Bye.", "Adam: Hmm.", "Chelsea: Come on.", "Adam: Have fun.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Ian: Oh, to think that I would ever shush a laughing child. What kind of a person would do that?", "Adam: Stop talking.", "Ian: [Chuckles] What are you so afraid of? This is a very exclusive building. Nobody's ever gonna hear anything they shouldn't.", "Adam: What the hell are you doing here? In this town? In this building? You think Chelsea hasn't seen your mug shot plastered all over the internet? Are you trying to go back to prison?", "Ian: No, no, not at all. Not at all. I intend to be very cautious. Maybe I'll buy a pair of those eyeglasses that has the fake nose and mustache.", "Adam: Shut up. If anyone finds out that you're out of prison, you know they're gonna find out who got you out of prison.", "Ian: I think it's wonderful that you're right across the hall from me. Now we don't have to meet in public places.", "Adam: Or you could just get the hell out of town, right? We could use the damn telephone.", "Ian: You know, I worry about you, Adam. You have everything a man could want -- a delectably beautiful woman, a healthy young son, and yet you want more. Retribution, vengeance, Victor broken and bowed. My friend, you have to make up your mind what you want more. Vengeance or your picture-perfect family.", "Luca: Leave town now? I just got here, mi amor.", "Marisa: I...I am not your love. Victor Newman wants you gone, and Victor Newman always gets what he wants.", "Luca: He was very clear about that when we met. I was flattered he considered me such a threat.", "Marisa: [Chuckles] Not a threat. A nuisance. He would happily crush you under his heel.", "Luca: You'd never let that happen. The last thing you want is to lose me again.", "Marisa: Luca, I am in love with Noah.", "Luca: If you love him so much, why haven't you told him the truth about us?", "Noah: Are you sure you want these?", "Sage: Yes! Receipts! Thank you.", "Noah: You know, nobody gets this excited about spreadsheets, right?", "Sage: I do. I really do, at least right now.", "Noah: How's bed rest treating you? Not getting cabin fever?", "Sage: [Laughs] Uh, well, it's nothing I can't handle. I don't want to take my chances, you know.", "Noah: Yeah. You know, it's kind of like what my mom is doing in her own way. Um, she's not completely off the rails, but she checked herself into Fairview to get control of her meds.", "Sage: She's a wonderful mother. It takes a lot of bravery to do what she's doing.", "Noah: Yeah. Takes guts to ask for help.", "Sage: It really does. I didn't know how to ask for help until nick. I think Marisa's the same way. But now she's met someone that she can finally let herself trust.", "Noah: Well, maybe she just lets me think that.", "Victoria: Abby has earned some time away from her phone and the office. Her being here is not gonna change what's in the quarterly report. What's done is done. For now.", "Victor: But with all due respect, my sweetheart, you haven't explained to me why there was such a precipitous drop in sales for Chelsea 2.0.", "Nick: Dad, did you already forget Vick has been saying all along that Chelsea 2.0 would have a major correction after inflated numbers?", "Victor: You're right. You did predict that, didn't you?", "Victoria: There's an accusation in there.", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. But Abby has been gone for 24 hours ensconced in some hotel suite with stitch. And, uh, I just wondered if you had anything to do with her being gone from her job.", "Victoria: Yes, dad, I talked to Ben. He wanted to spend some more time with her, and she needed a break from the office.", "Victor: According to you, you mean?", "Nick: Dad, if you know where Abby is, you can get her in here right this second.", "Victor: Well, it is good that she isn't here because we all realize how important Abby is for the success for Newman enterprises.", "Abby: Which is why I'm here. Not a moment too soon. I apologize for my brief absence from the building. I was advised to take some time to recharge. But according to this, Chelsea 2.0 hit a wall.", "Chelsea: Or the wall hit us right in the face. I'm trying not to panic, but Gabriel warned that this could happen.", "Nick: Ah, Gabriel, the voice of doom.", "Chelsea: Well, Victoria said the same thing. Was she the voice of doom?", "Nick: It was an opinion, Chelsea, one I didn't happen to share at the time, but it turns out Vick was right.", "Abby: And isn't it just uncanny that as soon as Chelsea 2.0 slowed down, brash & sassy picked right up?", "Nick: Different divisions. No overlap. There was no reason to jump to conclusions on that one.", "Victor: Well, it seems that according to these numbers, Chelsea 2.0 is still out-performing the competition and brash & sassy is hitting its stride. So I would like you to all take a look at these numbers and do what's best for Newman enterprises, all right?", "Abby: Admit it, dear sister. You tried to sabotage my company.", "Adam: Don't you ever mention my family again. You understand me?", "Ian: There's such an agitation in you and an abrasiveness that is unfair to me. Did I not give you my word that Chelsea 2.0 would not be destroyed along with the rest of Victor's empire? And I have honored that promise.", "Adam: Yeah. Except now you're going after Victoria's division. The idea was to bring down Victor, okay? Victor alone. No one else.", "Ian: Well, Newman enterprises is more than Victor Newman. What? Did you think the paragon worm would be selective? Aim only at your father and ignore everyone else?", "Adam: Newman enterprises is a multinational conglomerate, okay? Surely there's a way to bring it down without going after Victoria or Chelsea or anyone else.", "Ian: Chelsea 2.0, brash & sassy -- that name is so '80s. All it needs is shoulder pads.", "Adam: Yeah, well, you know, it's a legacy brand.", "Ian: That's history. And once it's dead and buried, Victoria can rise up out of the ashes and be free of the past, be free of her father. It's a gift -- freedom. The same gift you gave me. And I'm so grateful.", "Adam: You grateful? Is that why you're out and about just begging to be noticed? Taking up residence here in my damn building, harassing my family?", "Ian: And a lovely family it is. I would very much like to get to know them.", "Adam: You're gonna stay away from both of them.", "Ian: Your pulse is racing now, isn't it? Come on. You can practically hear your heart beat thumping in your ears. Come on. Relax, Adam. Embrace the journey. I'm gonna give you a chance to calm down, man. Come on. Come on. All right. If you need me, I'm right across the hall. Come anytime.", "Neil: When your mind is racing with thoughts of fear, doubt, confusion, I want you to remember all the good things that you have in your life, like this house. You're gonna live in this house. You're gonna make it your house. And your kids are gonna grow up here. My grandkids.", "Devon: It's empty right now, dad. It's just you and me here.", "Neil: Not forever, son. I promise you. So, uh, how did you -- how did you find out that I was here?", "Devon: People been worried about you.", "Neil: Yeah? You followed me out here?", "Gwen: Devon didn't trail you here. I did.", "Neil: Well, look at y, thinking you can come here and invade my privacy.", "Gwen: I care about you, Neil. I mean, you said you had an appointment, and then you left the hospital so quickly.", "Neil: Wait a minute. You followed me to the hospital? Wow. My appointment is none of your business.", "Gwen: I just wanted to make sure that you're okay. That's all.", "Devon: He's been here fixing this place up as a gift to Hilary and me. All right, dad, she had no way of knowing. When I got here, thought you were dwelling in the past, but now we can both see what's going on.", "Neil: Yeah, okay. We both know what's coming next. Gwen, we are done. I suggest you accept that and move on before there's a problem here.", "Gwen: Romance is not my top priority. Ur well-being is. And I'm not gonna apologize for that.", "Neil: Sure. Smart move dragging Devon into all this and make sure that he can see that golden halo around your head.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: And I'll just bet u that you don't want Hilary to return. See, that way you can make your move on him and pick up the pieces. Am I right about that, Gwen?", "Devon: Neil, Neil.", "Gwen: All this time and you don't know me at all.", "Devon: Dad, what the hell was that? She's not trying to make a play on me. This is all about you.", "Neil: Hey, do me a favor. You just concentrate on finding your wife, all right? Let me do what I need to do. Oh, hey, for once, just give me my dignity. Can you all do that for once? [Sighs]", "Marisa: Noah deserves to know everything. My past, you, all of it.", "Luca: And yet you stay quiet like a mouse.", "Marisa: What do you want? And don't say me, because that's not an option.", "Luca: Because of your little friend? Marco didn't last. Neither will this one.", "Marisa: Yes, I was with Marco, and now I'm with Noah. And I despise you.", "Luca: Love and hate. Two sides of the same coin. The coin will flip back over. I know how to make that happen.", "Marisa: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "Victoria: The market fluctuates, Abby. I didn't find some way to sabotage Chelsea 2.0. And I didn't find some magical way to boost the numbers for brash & sassy.", "Abby: No, no, my line just happened to go down while yours just happened to go up.", "Nick: Just hang on. What we need is hard numbers, not speculation. And you two need to stop with all this.", "Chelsea: Thank you. There's a lot more at stake here than which sister gets to gloat, okay? Chelsea 2.0 is my line.", "Abby: Well, Victoria doesn't mind if you're a casualty in her sibling wars. Tell them. Tell them how you insisted stitch get me away from the office.", "Victoria: I didn't insist anything. I just suggested that you take a breather.", "Abby: God, you are so threatened by me being here. Newman enterprises is supposed to be all about you, isn't it? Well, congratulations. You tried to hurt me, but instead you hurt the whole damn company. What a great leader you are.", "Chelsea: Stop her.", "Victoria: Let her go sit in a corner and sulk!", "Chelsea: You know, when I agreed to work at Newman, I expected some respect and some support, not this ridiculous sibling rivalry blowing up my business.", "Victoria: Abby thinks that somehow she's responsible for the Chelsea 2.0 sales uptick. Now, there's no proof of that any more than there's proof that I'm responsible for the downturn.", "Nick: You know, Vick's right. The uptick in brash & sassy does mirror the decrease in Chelsea 2.0's numbers. I mean, there's a distinct pattern. It's not anything we're generating at Newman.", "Victoria: Someone altered our sales figures?", "Nick: Not someone. Something. A computer. Maybe this is that cyber attack dad's been warning us about.", "Stitch: You can cover my shifts for those days, I cover you for your next vacation and the holiday after that. And the next one after that. Come on, man. This is so I can go to Europe with Abby. I know. Poor me. Ooh! Awesome. Thanks. Okay, once I book the flight, I'll let you know. Yeah. Sweet.", "Abby: Call him back. Tell him you don't need the time off.", "Stitch: What's wrong?", "Abby: Well, I don't generally take intercontinental trips with people who conspire against me.", "Stitch: [Scoffs] I don't even know what that means.", "Abby: Victoria confirmed that you two teamed up to try and keep me out of the Newman loop.", "Stitch: Why do I care what happens at Newman? I wanted to be with you, and you're making it sound like it was a crime.", "Abby: It is a crime. You stole my time away from work. You stole my focus and my attention, all because your ex whispered in your ear and told you to, which makes you pathetic. Or you're just that selfish, which makes you a jerk.", "Stitch: Oh, now I'm a jerk?", "Abby: I blinked because of you, and my whole division went down the toilet.", "Stitch: Oh, and that's all that matters, huh?", "Abby: Yes!", "Stitch: More than you and me?", "Chelsea: It's bad, Adam, like you said. Chelsea 2.0 has taken a dive. As quickly as the sales went up, it's as quickly as they went down.", "Adam: Not below previous levels, right?", "Chelsea: Uh, no. They plateaued. How did you know that?", "Adam: Well, it's, you know, basic market behavior, right? Your key demo hasn't changed, so you keep supplying them. Manufacturing distribution hasn't changed thanks to Abby's in-source program, right? You maintain capital, so you maintain quality control.", "Chelsea: Yeah, everything you're saying is making sense. I just wish I had listened to you sooner.", "Adam: Babe, there's nothing you could have done about this, nothing you could have done to prevent it, okay? The worst is behind you.", "Chelsea: Maybe it's not, though.", "Adam: Sweetheart, these numbers are not gonna dip lower than they already have, okay? It's basic business.", "Chelsea: Well, nick says there's nothing basic about this.", "Adam: Well, nick's brain is pretty basic, sweetheart. He should stick to cutting fruit and zesting limes.", "Chelsea: Well, I didn't tell you the other part. Brash & sassy is up a similar percentage to Chelsea 2.0's decline, so nick is thinking maybe this has something to do with this virus that Victor's been talking about. If someone is trying to take down Victor, they're gonna take us all down with him.", "Victor: You missed a great opportunity. Your husband was trying to be affectionate with you. You should have used your talents as you did with Marco to get him the hell out of here.", "Marisa: You want me to sleep with Luca even though I'm in love with your grandson?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. You're responsible for him coming to this town. Now, you get him out of here.", "Marisa: The only way to get him out is if I go with him.", "Victor: Well, it shouldn't take you very long to pack your things, now should it?", "Marisa: And tell Noah what? That I don't want to be with him? He lost his fiancée. You want me to add to that pain?", "Victor: You tell him the truth. You tell him that you were married or are married to Luca Santori. Do you think he'll forgive you?", "Marisa: Either way, I'll hurt him.", "Victor: Oh, you make me almost teary-eyed. I give you exactly 48 hours to make sure that your husband leaves town with or without you. If you don't, I will take matters into my hand.", "Victoria: So you think that the increase in brash & sassy is due to the paragon attack. But why wouldn't paragon just tank all of Newman and be done with it?", "Nick: A program doesn't have a brain. A person or people created this virus. The motivation for that could be any number of reasons -- jealousy, revenge, entertainment. We're gonna get this paragon nerd think he's got us up against a wall. Well lull him into a false sense of security. Soon as he lets his guard down... don't say I sound like dad again.", "Victoria: No, not at all. No, you're the anti-dad. And one day soon, you'll be bouncing your new son or daughter on your knee, and you'll warn them to not go work for dad, not get sucked in.", "Nick: Words to live by.", "Victoria: Good luck with that.", "Nick: I'm gonna need it.", "Sage: Ah! [Sighs] If you're hungry, just say so. [Sighs] Okay. I think we should call daddy. [Sighs] Okay [Groans] [Breathing heavily] [Groans]", "Abby: I get it. Yeah, I needed protection, a bodyguard. It was your chance to play hero. Maybe that's why you jumped so quickly from Victoria to me -- because she wasn't pathetic, but I was. [Chuckles] Yeah. But now that I have my own life and no one's trying to kill me, maybe the thrill's gone for you.", "Stitch: Hmm. Maybe I should give you credit for finally talking about us instead of your job. It's your entire life now. It's like nothing else exists. Even your dad finds time to try to manage the rest of the universe. Not just Newman enterprises.", "Abby: Okay, okay, so yay, Abby, for being good at her job, but boo, Abby, for not spending every waking moment the way that you think I should.", "Stitch: Oh, come on. That's a crock.", "Abby: You were gonna whisk me away to Europe not for romance, not for fun, but to try and control me. Well, tough luck, because I am exactly who I want to be. I can say what I want, do what I want. I call the shots, not you.", "Stitch: Okay, you are not making this easy. You know that?", "Abby: Oh, I can make it very easy for you. Yeah, yeah. Enjoy your trip to Europe. Without me. Or stay here without me. Or do whatever the hell you want to do without me.", "Stitch: [Laughs] You know what? Fine! Done! Over!", "Abby: Bon voyage!", "Stitch: Yeah!", "Adam: Sweetheart, I would know if paragon was making any kind of headway, okay? Not nick.", "Chelsea: I mean, he doesn't have any proof yet or anything. It's just a gut instinct.", "Adam: A gut instinct? Yeah, okay, well, that makes sense, because why use logic and reason when you can make decisions based on my brother's innards? Who else has he shared this feeble plan with?", "Chelsea: Just Victoria and me so far. There's also another theory that maybe Victoria's trying to sabotage Abby out of jealousy.", "Adam: Well, see, there you go. That's what it is, okay? He's trying to keep the sisters from ripping each other's throats out, so he came up with this plan, this idea to take blame away from everyone. Except the problem is no one is to blame, okay? It's no one's fault. That just happened. Listen, let them freak out. Let them worry about it, okay? You just keep making design magic.", "Chelsea: Gladly. But hey, I don't want you getting sucked into this Newman nightmare, okay? No fixating, no dwelling.", "Adam: Where am I right now? I'm right here, right? And who am I with?", "Chelsea: Me.", "Adam: I'm with you, right? That's all that matters -- you and our little man, okay? It's what I hold precious, sacred. It's the only thing I'm gonna take care of. All right?", "Devon: I'm glad you came here instead of going home. Everything that Neil said was...", "Gwen: He's in pain. You know, he's going through recovery on his own, and he's pushing me away. I can accept that. But I need you to know that I'm not trying to be noble to score points with you.", "Devon: I know. I think the fact that you're not angry with Neil after the way he acted is -- seems pretty noble to me.", "Gwen: No. I will put up with anything that Neil has to say or do right now because... I'm falling in love with him.", "Neil: I dragged you out of that water. I saved your life! I could have left you there. Devon could grieve. And we could all heal and move on at some point. I should have left you there. [Sighs] [Sobs] [Sighs] I... I am so sorry. [Sobbing] I am so sorry.", "[Door closes]", "Noah: Marisa. Sorry that took so long. So, uh... Luca hassle you anymore about his wife?", "Marisa: If she wanted to be with him, she would be. And...he should respect that.", "Noah: Respect? Yeah, respect is important. Trust, honesty. 'Cause without those...", "Marisa: Why are you so --", "Noah: You know, what really gets me is the lie. Right in front of me like I'm just some simple-minded idiot, like I was never gonna catch on.", "Marisa: Noah --", "Noah: It's you. Yeah. Yeah. You're married to that son of a bitch.", "Marisa: No --", "Noah: Yeah.", "Marisa: Noah. [Sighs]", "[Door closes]", "Marisa: [Groans] [Sighs]", "[Knock on door]", "Victor: Hello? Sage? Hello?", "Sage: [Groans]", "Victor: Sage. My goodness, what happened? I just came to see if you and the baby were okay.", "Sage: I'm okay.", "Victor: Let me help you up.", "Sage: No, I don't need your help, Victor. Just leave me alone.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: The whole shipping line? This can't be! It has to be a mistake!", "Ian: The soothing sound of chaos. [Laughs]", "Jack: Phyllis, what's going on?", "Phyllis: I have a confession to make." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack resigned from the Abbott-Winters foundation. Billy accused Jack of being a hypocrite and told him to admit he drove Phyllis away by ignoring her feelings. Jack tried to attack Billy after Billy said Phyllis had loved Billy. Hilary followed Jack to Jabot and encouraged him to learn from her, Neil and Devon's mistakes. She told Jack that it was clear that Phyllis loved him. Lily and Devon disagreed about whether Hilary would try and pursue Jack romantically again. Devon was convinced that Hilary was committed to their marriage. Nikki touched base with Phyllis to make sure she wouldn't go after Victor again. Phyllis said she was through seeking revenge. Nikki encouraged Phyllis to fight for her marriage. Travis told Victoria he was going to move out so she could have space to deal with her feelings about Billy and Phyllis. After a talk with Nikki, Victoria realized she'd let her past with Billy get in the way of her present with Travis. Victoria asked Travis to officially move in with her and the kids and he accepted. Billy accused Ashley of ruining lives and of taking Jack's side all the time. Ashley told Billy not to call her the next time he hit rock bottom. Billy started to feel like he had nothing to offer anyone. Neil came by and tried to convince Billy to work the 12 step program and make amends to the people he hurt. Nikki told Ashley what she said to Phyllis. Ashley admitted she hoped Jack never took Phyllis back. Phyllis told Jack she took full responsibility for her actions and she asked him to forgive her. Jack told Phyllis to get out of his house and never return. As Jack went upstairs, Phyllis followed and grabbed his hand. Jack roughly pulled away, and Phyllis fell down the stairs and was knocked unconscious. Billy arrived and saw Phyllis lying motionless on the floor.", "" ]
[ "Neil: You're resigning?", "Ashley: You can't be serious, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, I assure you, I am. The Abbott-winters foundation will hereafter be known as the winters foundation. I wish you all the best, Neil.", "Neil: I don't want your best wishes. I want you to stay on as my partner, Jack.", "Lily: This foundation has meant so much to people.", "Devon: Wouldn't be the same without you, Jack.", "Neil: I know it's a terrible time. I get that. But to go all scorched-earth on us -- it's not necessary.", "Jack: Suppose we let me decide that.", "Ashley: Jackie.", "Jack: Listen... I've lost my faith in the cause. I no longer believe in the mission. Redemption, second chances -- I don't believe in it, thanks in no small part to my brother here, whose entire life I have tried to help. But it turns out he's an incurable addict -- a lost cause in every sense of the word, and I'm not gonna waste my time on him or anyone like him again.", "Billy: Well, St. Jack, everybody. With all the answers once again, self- righteous to a fault -- biggest hypocrite I know.", "Ashley: Billy.", "Billy: Here's a little fun fact for everybody. Jack -- he slept with my mother while she was still married to our father. It was before my time, but, still, an interesting little piece of family lore, isn't it? Do whatever you're gonna do, Jack. Quit or don't quit. But take the martyr act and shove it.", "Jack: Martyr? Really? Did you or did you not sleep with my wife, making a mockery of my marriage and burning to the ground any chance you and I will ever have of a relationship?", "Billy: I'm not gonna deny what I did or the damage that I caused, but you sure as hell are gonna deny your role in it. You don't want to face the real reason Phyllis turned to me. You were just as responsible for your marriage blowing up as I am.", "Nikki: I suppose you want to be alone.", "Phyllis: Well, I suppose you're right. If you've come here to condemn me, I suggest you take a ticket and come back later. I'm not in the mood.", "Nikki: I don't want to condemn you, Phyllis. I'm actually very concerned.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Why do I find that hard to believe?", "Nikki: I am worried about the fallout this situation is going to have on everybody -- both of our families. Jack came out to the ranch yesterday to declare war on Victor.", "Phyllis: Why are you telling me this?", "Nikki: Well, it's gonna be hard enough to keep those two from killing each other, and if you go after Victor, too -- [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: Oh. You mean because I have nothing left to live for but revenge?", "Victoria: I am not tied to Billy -- at least not the way that you mean.", "Travis: What way do I mean?", "Victoria: We have kids together, yes, and we're gonna co-parent, but that's where it ends.", "Travis: Okay.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Am I upset about the way that he's living his life right now? Yes. But am I jealous of him and Phyllis? No, not at all.", "Travis: Victoria, I'm not trying to put you on the spot here, okay? This whole situation's a mess.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. You think?", "Travis: So, I think I should give you the space you need to figure some things out.", "Victoria: Space? I...don't know where that's coming from. I mean, I don't even know what that means. Travis, are you saying that we should stop seeing each other?", "Jack: I suggest you stop talking before I stop you.", "Billy: Phyllis slept with me because you pushed her away, Jack. You were more interested in making peace with Victor instead of listening to your wife, but I listened to her. I was there when you weren't. And that little friendship turned in to something more, Jack. Phyllis loved me.", "Jack: You son of a --", "Devon: Hey, Jack.", "Neil: Jack, stop!", "Hilary: Sorry I'm late.", "Neil: It's not worth it, Jack.", "Ashley: This is over! This meeting's done.", "Jack: Oh, you bet it is over.", "Travis: No. I still want to be with you. It's just I don't want to pressure you, Victoria. Okay? I don't want to make things more complicated than they are while you work through all this stuff with Billy.", "Victoria: Wait. Hold on a second. All of what stuff with Billy? I don't know where this is coming from at all. I really don't. And I don't know if I like the sound of it, either.", "Travis: I've been living out of a suitcase, all right? When I came back to town, it's not like I had a plan. I need to get a job.", "Victoria: Yeah. I hope you're not thinking about the one that Jill offered you.", "Travis: No. No. Definitely not. But, you know, I should have a place of my own.", "Victoria: Look, if this is because Billy came by the other night, then --", "Travis: Me being there is just adding a level of complexity you don't need right now. Not much is gonna change, right? I'm still crazy about you. We're still together. I'll just have a place to pick up my mail every now and then. Does that make sense?", "Victoria: Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah.", "Travis: Okay. Well, I'll get my things together, and I'll be out before you're back from work, okay?", "Victoria: Okay. Yeah. I mean, if you really think that this is what's best for us, then...yeah.", "Travis: I do.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Nikki: You have to understand why I'm concerned, Phyllis. You did everything you possibly could to get Victor thrown in to prison, and then when he got out after serving his time, you continued to go after him.", "Phyllis: I don't know if anybody would really blame me. It's not like he's served his debt to society. What he did to Jack and me scarred us, scarred our marriage.", "Nikki: I know that. That's why I'm so scared about what you might do. I mean, I don't know. You feel like you have nothing left to lose?", "Phyllis: Oh, no. I-I have a lot to lose. I-I still have my daughter.", "Nikki: So then you're not planning on...", "Phyllis: What, Nikki? Going on the attack? No. You can stand down. Just let me finish my drink in peace, please. You're not very good at reading social cues, are you?", "Nikki: Actually, I read them very well. I'm just choosing to ignore them.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well, I see that you have [Sighs] More to say, and you obviously don't trust me, so I'm betting that you have an argument all ready to go to convince me to take the high road with Victor. You can save your breath. My desire for retaliation has cost me absolutely everything. And Jack was right. Every bad thing that has happened, I have brought on myself. I planted the landmines, I knew where they were, and I stepped on every single one of them. And now...Jack is not only rejecting me, he's kicking me out of jabot, he's asking for a divorce.", "Nikki: Okay. Wait a minute. I saw your video on GC buzz. I thought you were going to fight for him.", "Phyllis: What's the point? The harder I fight, the harder he fights back.", "Ashley: Let's go, Billy.", "Billy: Gladly. Think about what I said, Jack. Before you go ripping in to your wife again, or me, take a good, long look at how we all ended up here.", "Ashley: Okay, stop.", "[Door closes]", "Jack: I apologize. I did not mean to turn my final meeting into a cage match.", "Hilary: Final? What are you talking about?", "Devon: I'll fill you in later.", "Jack: I'll have my lawyers draw up the paperwork. We want this break to be nice, clean, easy. Now, if you'll excuse me...", "Neil: Oh, no. No. No, Jack. No, you don't. I'm not just letting you walk away. What are you doing?!", "Hilary: Jack quit?", "Devon: Yeah, because of Billy.", "Hilary: No, no. He's making a huge mistake.", "Devon: I know, and not just by leaving the foundation but the whole way he's handling the situation.", "Hilary: Not good, I take it?", "Devon: Let's just hope that Neil can get through to him.", "Neil: We had a conversation yesterday about not letting your anger blind you.", "Jack: Oh, I promise you, I'm seeing clearly -- crystal clear.", "Neil: Okay. You know what I see? I see a guy who's hell-bent on hurting himself, a man who is headed for a very dark place. You know what you're supposed to do when everything is crumbling around you. You're supposed to hang on to someone, something, anything -- anything that's on solid ground. Right? Like your family, who supports you -- like your work that matters.", "Jack: Like this foundation?", "Neil: Yeah, like this foundation. You can't just abandon this project right now.", "Jack: Watch me.", "Neil: You say that we don't have anything to offer -- nothing of value -- that our work is in vain. Well, I don't believe that. And I think that if you see a little bit clearer and a little bit calmer that you won't believe it, either. It's true. We can't save everybody. But there are so many more people that we can save.", "Jack: Good for you, Neil. I'm glad you're fighting the fight.", "Neil: I am!", "Jack: I meant every word I said. I want no part of this. Have a good day.", "Neil: Hey, Jack. Hey, come on! Jack! [Sighs]", "Hilary: I'll see what I can do.", "Devon: Seeing Jack and Billy go at it like that was crazy.", "Lily: Yeah, it was horrible.", "Devon: I get they're hurt, and I'm the last person to judge anyone.", "Lily: Nope, not when we live in glass houses.", "Devon: Among others, but especially us. I just hope that in time -- and I'm sure it's gonna take a long time -- they can get past all the pain the same way that Neil and I have.", "Lily: Well, I think if anyone can get through to Jack, it's dad. I just really don't like Hilary interjecting herself into this.", "Devon: Don't start with this.", "Lily: I can't believe you just stood there while she went chasing after Jack.", "Devon: He needed a friend to talk to.", "Lily: A friend? Really? Did you forget that she threw herself at him?", "Devon: Lily.", "Lily: Please do not make excuses for that woman.", "Devon: It's not an excuse. We were in a bad place back then, okay? We wanted different things. We were frustrated and unhappy with each other, okay? And, yeah, she made a move at Jack. But we've gotten past that. We're both happy now. She's just as into this marriage as I am.", "Lily: You sure about that?", "Hilary: Hey.", "Jack: How can I help you, Hilary?", "Hilary: Uh...I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Things got a little intense back at the meeting.", "Jack: I'm fine. Actually, I'm better than fine. Now that I've resigned from the foundation, I can focus my energies on jabot, where they are needed. I spread myself a little too thin. Now I've got a mountain of things to catch up on, so, if you don't mind...", "Hilary: Jack, I think you can use a friend. Now, you've been there for me, so, please, just let me return the favor.", "Billy: Jack's all about blaming everybody else? He ought to look in the mirror. His marriage didn't fall apart because of me, Ashley. He alienated Phyllis. He told her to just get over what Victor did.", "Ashley: Are you kidding me?", "Billy: And she tried to get him to understand, but he refused to listen to her.", "Ashley: You're putting your own spin on things, Billy!", "Billy: No, I'm not.", "Ashley: Yes, you are! He would never be that callous. He didn't tell her to just get over it. He didn't share her need for revenge!", "Billy: She was tormented. Do you understand that? I watched her every single day. Jack -- he didn't want to see it or he refused to see it. Now look what's happened. She's begging him to get past being wrong, and he's flat-out refusing. That is hypocritical -- not that I expect you to see it that way, because you're always on his side.", "Ashley: Could you please just stop with that? Now, listen to me. You blew up Jack's life when you slept with Phyllis. He's gonna lash out at you, Billy! And guess what -- if you can't handle it, maybe you need to keep your distance. Maybe you're the one that should be resigning from the foundation board.", "Billy: Probably.", "Ashley: Focus our energies on brash & sassy! And focus on your own damn life. Please stay the hell out of our brother's way. And keep away from Phyllis.", "Nikki: Well, maybe it isn't any of my business, but... I hope that you don't give up on Jack.", "Phyllis: Why would you care what I do?", "Nikki: Maybe because... deep down I truly believe the two of you love each other. And I have been where you are -- believe me -- more than once, desperately loving my husband but not knowing if my marriage could...succeed again. [Sighs] This last time, I was certain we were going to divorce again -- certain. But we managed to work it out.", "Phyllis: Congratulations.", "Nikki: See, I had to forgive Victor, and he had to forgive me. And that wasn't easy. That was very difficult. And for the longest time, all he could think about was how betrayed he was by his family, so I had to kind of steer him back into happier memories, you know -- when we had good times, when we had that bond. And when I did that... the distance between us shortened, you see?", "Phyllis: I've tried everything to do.", "Nikki: You know, you're not trying, Phyllis. You are sitting there, crying into a martini. That is called \"surrendering.\" But do you really want to give up all hope on Jack? 'Cause that sure as hell isn't the Phyllis I know. So, you're doing okay?", "Victoria: Gosh, Mom. We talked about this.", "Nikki: Yes, I know. I just wanted to see how you're handling this news about Billy with my own eyes.", "Victoria: Well, I haven't completely lost my mind, so at least that's something.", "Nikki: Yeah. I mean, you are upset. And don't tell me you aren't. I know better.", "Victoria: Mom... okay, look -- I guess I am a little upset. But it's not about Billy. It's about Travis.", "Nikki: Did something happen?", "Victoria: He asked me if I was jealous of Phyllis and Billy, and I assured him that I wasn't, but, suddenly, he decided that we should take a step back, so he's getting his own place, and he couldn't rush out of here fast enough to go and pack.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, honey, that's not the worst thing.", "Victoria: No, I know. I know. I know. I know. It's not the end of the world. [Sighs] It's just a little confusing. That's all.", "Nikki: Is there any truth to it?", "Victoria: What?", "Nikki: The thought of Phyllis and your ex being together -- does that bother you?", "Victoria: Maybe a little.", "Devon: I think I know where I stand on my own marriage.", "Lily: Well, gee. Where I have heard that before?", "Devon: Tell me where this is coming from, 'cause I thought that you and Hilary have, like, started to become friends, put aside your differences. You keep saying what a great thing it was, her getting dad to reconnect with his mom.", "Lily: One act of kindness doesn't erase all the time that she spent scheming against our family. That doesn't mean her priorities have changed, either.", "Devon: Okay. Are you finished?", "Lily: All she cares about are status symbols, and now an Abbott -- the same one she went after before -- is available.", "Devon: I just think you're way off base.", "Lily: You know that I'm right. The fastest way for her to climb the social ladder is to go after Jack. She doesn't care about marriage vows, either. She cheated before. Who's to say that she won't do it again?", "Devon: I could ask you the same question. What's stopping you from cheating on cane again?", "Lily: How can you even ask me that?", "Devon: Because you can't have it both ways. Either you believe once a cheater, always a cheater, or people can actually learn from their mistakes and deserve a second chance. Which is it?", "Phyllis: Jack?! Jack?", "Jack: I know it's taken some time for me to get back there to what we had, to what we were. But I want you to know right now... I am there now. I feel it -- all of it. I love our connection. So now I can honestly... and unconditionally... offer my pledge... forever to you... and ask that you do the same to me.", "Phyllis: [Gasps]", "Jack: Red... will you marry me?", "Phyllis: [Crying] Yes. Yes. Yes.", "Jack: There. How's that for a package?", "Phyllis: [Chuckles]", "Jack: I love you. When I'm with you, I am more alive... than I've ever been with anyone.", "Phyllis: Anyone?", "Jack: Do I have to prove myself to you?", "Phyllis: Every day and every night -- especially every night.", "Hilary: You are hurting, Jack, and I understand because I hurt Neil just as badly. But it led to some pretty disastrous things, so I am hoping that you learned from our mistakes. The way that Devon and I have handled the situation, the way that Neil went crazy -- I think that we all regret how everything snowballed.", "Jack: Well, you don't regret it enough that you stay away from each other. In fact, you're still together now.", "Hilary: Yes, but that's because I realized that as much as I cared about Neil, Devon was the love of my life. Now, with Neil, our marriage was over before he even found out, so it is different than with Phyllis.", "Jack: Oh, is it really?", "Hilary: Jack, I saw the interview. And you want to know what really stood out to me? Is how much Phyllis loves you and how lousy she feels about what she did. She is filled with remorse, Jack. I truly believe that. So whatever this affair was to her, it was not meant to last.", "Jack: You know, I am absolutely amazed to be hearing you of all people defending her.", "Hilary: Well, I guess you don't have to like the woman to understand where she is coming from. She was torn in two, Jack. And when the dust settled, she chose you. She chose her husband.", "Jack: Lucky me.", "Hilary: Okay, Jack. You have every right to feel bitter. But I am just hoping that you consider your next move, because as much as you want to punish Phyllis, trust me -- from someone who knows -- she is punishing herself far more than you think.", "Jack: If Phyllis is doing that, that's what she should be doing. She cheated and lied for months on end. I will give you this much. She started in this direction after what Victor did to her. As for Billy, he has no excuse. He saw that Phyllis was vulnerable. He took advantage. He betrayed me in the worst possible way. There is no coming back from this. In fact, for all I care, Billy can rot in hell.", "Billy: That's rich, ash -- telling me to focus on my own life. Maybe you should take your own advice instead of wrecking everybody else's around you.", "Ashley: You need to stop trying to put this on me and take responsibility for what you've done. And for your information... I happen to love both my brothers. You're the one that put me right in the middle of the two of you. And you know what else? Phyllis is more than just my sister-in-law, Billy. I work with her every day at jabot. This is affecting me, too, personally and professionally.", "Billy: Jack fired her. And it's pretty clear your opinion of me, so you're not in the middle anymore, ash. Congratulations! That's got to feel great!", "Ashley: Are you not hearing what I'm saying? Are you not getting that this is killing me, too... watching both my brothers tear each other's throats out, watching my family fall apart?! And you don't give a damn because you're selfish and you're immature and you didn't care. You just had to have Phyllis, no matter what the ramifications were, right? You want to be alone? Fine. The next time that you hit rock bottom -- and, believe me, Billy, you will, because that's what you do so well -- don't you dare call out asking for my help to get back up.", "Victoria: Thanks, mom. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe somewhere... back in the deep, dark recesses of my mind, I thought that Billy would still be there for me, you know -- in case I wanted to try again.", "Nikki: Honey, it's normal to feel that way when you've loved someone like you and Billy did.", "Victoria: But to hear that he's been with someone else, someone that he's very passionate about... I don't know. I guess maybe it's like that door is finally closed. And [Sighs] I hate myself for clinging to those old feelings and for letting them get to me. I really do.", "Nikki: Honey, it's perfectly understandable.", "Victoria: But mostly I am mad at myself for letting him keep me from being more deeply invested with Travis.", "Nikki: Do you really think the two of you could actually be something real?", "Victoria: I don't know, mom. I know this is gonna sound really stupid, but... I just feel like Travis gets me, you know? I feel like we're on the same wavelength. He's never insecure. He never flies off the handle. He's patient. He's kind. He's strong. [Chuckles softly] And in the midst of all this madness that is my life, he's like -- he's like the calm in the eye of the storm.", "Nikki: You want to know what I think?", "Victoria: What?", "Nikki: I think you ought to be talking to someone else.", "Lily: Do not compare me to Hilary. I am nothing like that woman.", "Devon: Is that right?", "Lily: I'll admit that I made an error in judgment.", "Devon: Two times.", "Lily: Fine, twice. But my intention was never to hurt anyone. Look at Hilary's history.", "Devon: Let's not, please.", "Lily: She came to town to get revenge on dad for her mother's death. She threatened our entire family.", "Devon: I remember.", "Lily: Well, you're acting like you forgot.", "Devon: No, I'm not. It's just that was then. This is now.", "Lily: Okay, look -- I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm just trying to help you.", "Devon: I know you are, and I love you for it. I really do. But you need to realize that people can change. And I'm not being naive. I've actually seen it. When she was in the hospital, didn't know she'd make it out alive, it gave her a new perspective on life and on us -- made her realize how lucky we are to have each other. I have no doubts about how much my wife loves me.", "Lily: Well, for your sake, I hope you're right.", "Devon: You know what? I am right. We've been through hell and back and come out stronger for it. Not everyone gets that kind of happy ending.", "Neil: [Banging on door] Billy!", "Billy: [Sighs] Come on.", "Neil: Are you in there?! Hey, hey, Billy! Hey. It's me.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Neil: Um, listen, I'm gonna cut right to the chase. There are some things I think that we need to discuss.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah. You want me to resign from the board. Not a problem. Ashley already suggested it. In fact, Jack should have never asked me to join in the first place, because I got nothing to give.", "Neil: That is absolutely not true, Billy.", "Billy: No. You should ask any one of my relatives. They'll be happy to tell you how much of a loser I am, Neil.", "Neil: Okay. Wait a minute. I want you to stay on. I hope you will.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Oh, I see what you're doing here. Throw a lifeline to a drowning man because you're a good person? Be careful, buddy. I'll drag you down with me.", "Neil: All right. Uh... hey, listen, man. I understand this battle that you're fighting. Yeah, I do. It's a constant struggle. And keeping yourself centered when all you really want to do is run as fast as possible in the opposite direction and self-destruct -- I'm seeing what's looking like the beginning of the end, a downward spiral. Oh, yeah. That drink -- you got that drink. Then there's number two and three. You start feeling pretty good -- good enough to pick up that phone and call the bookie, right? The next thing you know, you're sitting around a poker table, blocking everyone and everything else out. I realize that you might not be digesting everything I'm saying. But I am here to remind you, my friend, that when you were at your lowest point, when Delia died... it took time. But you somehow managed to pick yourself up and get on with your life.", "Billy: Only to blow it apart again. So maybe Jack's right. Maybe there is no helping somebody like me. I mean, clearly, I haven't learned my lesson.", "Jack: What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: We didn't get to finish our conversation.", "Jack: I said everything I intend to say. Oh, by the way, I resigned from the foundation. If you want your board seat back, I suggest you bring it up with Neil.", "Phyllis: You shouldn't have done that, Jack.", "Jack: I had to. I finally saw the light. Our work doesn't help people. It provides them a temporary crutch until they fall down again and return to exactly who they were, only now they blame everybody else for it.", "Phyllis: Okay. Obviously, you're talking about Billy, but that is not true for everyone else who loses their way. That's exactly why I'm here -- to own up for what I did. You were right. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I cannot put that on you. I can't put that on Billy or Victor. I take full responsibility for every painfully wrong thing I did. I set myself up to destroy my marriage and to destroy our life together.", "Jack: You don't really have a choice at this point, do you?", "Phyllis: Just let me finish. What I cannot accept is that this is an end for us, and I know you don't want to hear that again. I know you don't want to hear again how much I love you, but I will not stop saying it because I never have and I never will stop loving you, Jack, which is why I am asking you, from the depths of soul... for your forgiveness.", "[Door opens]", "Travis: Hey. Perfect timing. I was just about to finish up --", "Victoria: No, no. Look, you can't leave.", "Travis: Victoria, I thought we agreed that this was --", "Victoria: No. You agreed. I hadn't formulated my opinion.", "Travis: Okay. Well, you had some time to think about it.", "Victoria: Yes, I have. I have been thinking, and I don't need space and I don't need time to figure out things with Billy. I-I don't.", "Travis: You sure about this?", "Victoria: Look, please just be quiet and listen to me, okay? I haven't been fair to you.", "Travis: How so?", "Victoria: I have been holding back on letting things get too deep with you because of my past with Billy. But I don't want to do that anymore, because you are my present, and, hopefully, you'll be my future, too.", "Neil: Billy, it's never too late. I think what you got to do is make a pact with yourself and start working the steps again immediately, you know? Don't fall back on destructive patterns. You got to break the cycle, man. You can do this. First you got to do it for yourself, and then you can do it for your kids. Don't let your mistakes define you -- or your sins, your flaws, your shortcomings, whatever you want to call them, cast a shadow over your children's lives. I know you want better for them.", "Billy: Of course I do.", "Neil: Good. Then you know where you have to begin -- with the steps. What's the first one? Admit that you're powerless. Your life has become unmanageable. And then you got to work the rest of them.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Neil: You make a searching and fearless moral inventory. And above all, you have to make amends to the people that you've hurt.", "Billy: That's a lot easier said than done, isn't it, Neil?", "Neil: I never said it was gonna be easy or simple or pain-free. I'm just saying that you know where to start.", "Ashley: Oh. Hi. What are you doing here?", "Nikki: Well, I was in the building with Victoria. I just thought I'd come up.", "Ashley: Oh. Well, Jack's not here.", "Nikki: Actually, I wanted to talk to you.", "Ashley: Okay. Come on in.", "Nikki: I, uh... wanted to check in with you about Jack and Billy. I mean, he is still very much a part of Victoria's life and he always will be, not to mention the fact that he's the father of my grandchildren.", "Ashley: Yes, and if anybody can get Billy to get his life together, it's those kids. But he won't be hearing it from me. He's living his life now, and I'm living mine.", "Nikki: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's going to take people a long time to work through this.", "Ashley: Well, I'm more concerned with how Jack works through it, because he's on a tear right now.", "Nikki: I know that, but that will pass, and then he will realize that he needs to get past it and find happiness again. That's exactly what I told Phyllis earlier. She cannot give up hope. She's got to keep reaching out to him.", "Ashley: Wait. You did what?! That's the worst thing you could have done.", "Jack: You don't want my forgiveness. You're choking on guilt, and you want me to make you feel better, to set you free.", "Phyllis: I promise you that is not what this is about.", "Jack: You know what? I'll do it. I'll say the words you long to hear. I forgive you, Phyllis. There. You feel better? Now you can get on with your life however you want, with whomever you want. I can't get on with mine as long as you're in it. Whatever we had between us, whatever existed, is gone.", "Phyllis: Really? It's all gone -- all the memories we made with one another, just gone?", "Jack: Those memories have all been replaced by images in my mind's eye I can't get out of it -- images of you with Billy in his bed, images of you and Billy at the cabin! In each other's arms! Those memories have destroyed everything -- everything -- that you and I had together. I hope it was worth it.", "Phyllis: You don't mean this. You know what I see every time I turn around in this house? I see the connection we have! I see everything that we've created with one another!", "Jack: I feel terrible for you. This must be torture. Let me help you. You want to get away from those? Get out of this house, now, and never step foot in it again!", "Travis: Victoria, I understand what you're saying --", "Victoria: No, listen to me, okay? Look, this is not some impulsive reaction. All right? I mean, when you said that maybe you should walk away for a little while, it hit me. That's not what I want -- not at all. And then everything just started falling into place. I mean, you are just this incredible man, and I would be stupid not to give this a chance. I'd at least like to try. So, take this bag upstairs and put your stuff away and make this your home with me and the kids.", "Travis: Is that an order?", "Victoria: I don't know. Did it sound like one? It did, didn't it? Are you all right with that?", "Devon: Hi. What was that for? We just saw each other not too long ago, man.", "Hilary: I'm just feeling lucky to have you.", "Lily: Good. Keep it that way.", "Hilary: Don't worry. I will.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: Any luck?", "Neil: With Jack? No. No. But the I went and saw Billy.", "Lily: And?", "Neil: I think I made some headway. At least he listened, or he pretended to.", "Hilary: I wish I could say the same about my conversation with Jack.", "Lily: Well, he's hurting, and rightfully so.", "Devon: Hey, honey, at least you tried. That's more than most people would do.", "Hilary: I just really wish that I could have done more. I've never seen Jack this angry. Frankly, I am worried about what he's gonna do next.", "Nikki: Ashley, Jack and Phyllis have to communicate. They have to learn to forgive each other. That's the only way they're gonna get through this, the only way they will reconcile.", "Ashley: I don't want them to even think about reconciling, Nikki. Phyllis has torn Jack's heart out of his chest too many times. She doesn't deserve him. She never has. Personally, I would love it if Jack says goodbye to her and never looks back.", "Phyllis: Jack, I do not want to leave this house. This is not what we need.", "Jack: Fine. I will throw you out. Don't worry -- you'll land on your feet. You always do. Billy's got lots of room. You can stay with him. As a matter of fact, let me go pack a bag for you right now.", "Phyllis: Come on. We have to talk this out.", "Jack: Let go of me.", "Phyllis: Do not pack my things, Jack!", "Jack: Let go of me!", "Phyllis: Ohh!", "Jack: [Breathing heavily]", "Billy: What did you do to her? Phyllis? Hey, hey.", "Jack: Phyllis? Phyllis!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: Both of my brothers need to run as far away from her as they can and never look back.", "Paul: A woman hit her head. She's unconscious.", "Kevin: Why would they call you?", "Paul: It was at the Abbott estate.", "Jack: Phyllis? Can you hear me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "When Billy saw Jack dining with Hilary, he assumed that Jack was feeding her lies about Brash and Sassy. Phyllis talked Billy out of confronting the pair. Phyllis suggested that they have a romantic meal and make love instead, and she quickly agreed. Jack confirmed to Hilary that he planned to take down Brash and Sassy, but he declined to elaborate. Victoria and Jack had coffee together and bantered about their companies. Victoria called and interrupted Phyllis and Billy's date. Victoria told Billy that Jack had a big secret project in the works. Billy used Phyllis' computer while she was in the shower. Jack launched his big project, unaware that Billy was downloading the private details of the plan from Jabot's servers. Irv was impressed by Tessa's performance. Tessa was ecstatic when he offered to send her on tour across the Midwest. Scott recognized Irv's date as the prostitute he met while searching for Crystal. Scott and Sharon worked together to distract Irv and stall Natalia so that Tessa could question her. Natalia revealed that Crystal had been sent out of the city. Tessa gave Natalia her number in case she found out anything else. Tessa was relieved to have a possible lead. Sharon and Scott decided to ask Noah to give them Irv's credit card information so they could figure out how he purchased Natalia's services. Devon noticed Mariah's support for Tessa and called her a good friend. Devon asked Mariah to spend the night with him. Noah offered to cancel his trip after Tessa filled him in, but she insisted that he follow his dream.", "Juliet told Cane that she kissed him because he was upset. He told her he was better now. Esther felt that Cane had worn out his welcome at the Chancellor house. Kevin learned that Cane had a baby on the way. Cane explained that Lily didn't seem to want to fix the marriage and that he and Juliet were just friends. Juliet told Hilary that Cane leaned on her after the marriage session went poorly. Hilary contended that Cane would have no use for Juliet once she had the baby. Juliet suddenly doubled over in pain, and Hilary took her to the hospital. Juliet insisted that Hilary call Cane. Juliet fantasized about making a family with Cane and the baby. Juliet learned that she might have placenta previa, a condition that could threaten her life and the life of the baby. Juliet told Cane that he was free to go back home while she waited for her tests, but he insisted on staying by her side. Juliet and Cane had a tender moment over the baby.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Are you sore yet?", "Billy: From that little workout we just had?", "Phyllis: Well, I mean, you did add like 20 pounds to the barbell.", "Billy: Yeah, I mean, I could have added another 30. I mean, I would have hurt myself, but I could have done it.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: All in seriousness, though, thank you.", "Phyllis: For what?", "Billy: For getting my mind off of the war with jack and jabot and the brother- on-brother battle that goes along with it.", "Phyllis: You are strong. You can handle anything that comes your way.", "Billy: Well, sometimes it feels like it's almost too much. But then without fail, I'm with you, and you make me feel sane again. What do you say? Should we go upstairs and grab a bite to eat? I'm starving.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Billy: Come on.", "Jack: Each day of the week, we showcase a different parker beauty skin product -- light daytime moisturizer on monday, an anti-aging night cream on tuesday... you get the gist of it.", "Hilary: Yeah, I sure do, and it sounds fantastic.", "Jack: Well, good. I'm glad we're in sync. I'll let marketing know it's a go.", "Hilary: Not so fast. I already have commercials on my show. If you want me to promote jabot's products, I'm gonna need a little something extra for my viewers.", "Jack: Such as?", "Hilary: A scoop. We all know that the revamping of this new product line is going to kill it in the marketplace. But so far, you've been a little coy as to how far you're willing to go to beat brash & sassy. What are the limits, or aren't there any?", "Billy: What are those two doing together?", "Phyllis: Well, it looks like they're having dinner. They're friends. Match made in hell, if you ask me.", "Billy: I don't know about that. Jack and hilary, I'm sure they're cooking up something to make brash & sassy look bad. Not on my watch.", "Phyllis: Billy... please. Don'T.", "Juliet: I hope that wasn't out of line. I just... I thought in the moment, it was what you needed. You were so down when I got here.", "Cane: Yeah, I was.", "Noah: All right, everyone's in for a real treat tonight. Tessa porter always packs them in at the underground open mic night. She's also the new artist for my buddy devon's new streaming service, lp. She has her first single out, \"fight or flight,\" so please download that after the show.", "Scott: She looks familiar. No, wait here, I want to get a better look.", "Noah: All right, let's give it up for tessa!", "[ Cheers and applause ]", "Tessa: Well, thank you for the great introduction, noah. So, this is a song that I wrote about love and what happens when you lose it. I wait by the telephone don't know why 'cause I know you're not coming home but call it wishful thinking a dying man and a boat that's sinking down down down Additional sponsorship", "Cane: I'm doing better now, okay? So... yeah.", "Juliet: I better take off.", "Cane: Okay.", "[ Door opens ]", "Cane: Hey, what are --", "Kevin: What are you doing here?", "Cane: Uh, I -- I'm staying here.", "Kevin: Oh.", "Cane: Oh, this is, uh, juliet helton.", "Kevin: Oh. Uh, um, you work at, uh, brash & sassy.", "Juliet: Worked. Past tense.", "Kevin: Huh. Okay. This is awkward.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Kevin: Uh, I'm kevin fisher, by the way. I worked at the police department before I moved to oregon.", "Juliet: Well, nice meeting you.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Juliet: I was just leaving, so hi and bye.", "Kevin: So, if you're here, where is your wife?", "Cane: Uh, she's at home, i guess.", "Kevin: Huh. Must have been a lot of changes since I left. And who is that woman to you? Besides an ex-co-worker.", "Esther: Ah! You're back.", "Kevin: Hey. How's my little girl?", "Esther: Bella's napping.", "Kevin: Why didn't you mention that you were shacking up with cane?", "Esther: Well, you didn't give me a chance to. You were in and out of the house so fast. Besides, I'm trying to pretend he's not here. Which isn't easy.", "Cane: Ah, well, uh, you know, jill did say I could stay here.", "Esther: You told me it was gonna be temporary, and now your stuff is everywhere, and the whole house smells like mu shu pork.", "Cane: I'll get a can of air freshener and I'll spray it for you.", "Esther: Or you can meet your friend at a restaurant next time.", "Kevin: Oh, so she's a friend?", "Cane: It's a long story. Don't worry about.", "Esther: Uh-huh. I'll say. So I'll check on bella, and then he can fill you in. There's a lot to catch up on.", "Cane: Well, that's an understatement.", "Phyllis: Okay, making a scene in front of hilary -- probably not a good idea, especially when victoria ran into what's-his-name on her show.", "Billy: I can't argue with that. But look at him. I'm sure jack's feeding hilary a bunch of garbage about how brash & sassy's failing when the exact opposite is true. How do we fix this?", "Phyllis: We can head back into the gym, we can put some gloves on, pummel the heavy bag, get the aggression out. Or we go for a nice romantic meal. We take in some good wine and relax. And then we make love until we pass out. Your call.", "Billy: Option B.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Jack: I always play to win.", "Hilary: So you do have a plan to obliterate brash & sassy. Come on. Spill.", "Jack: I would be a fool to let a reporter in on my strategy.", "Hilary: But I am your strategy. Or at least part of it.", "Jack: I haven't forgotten that for a second.", "Hilary: I guess I will call it a night.", "Jack: Let's do this again soon.", "Hilary: Yes. I would like that.", "Victoria: Hello, jack. Good luck with that one.", "Jack: Uh, care to join me? Oh, come on, we're supposed to be friendly competitors. Swallowed up the sea we're sinking down down down down sinking down do I chase the ghost or just let go a dying man and a boat that's sinking down", "[ Cheers and applause ]", "Noah: Give it up for tessa!", "Mariah: Whoo! Yeah!", "Sharon: What's going on? Why are you so interested in irv's date?", "Scott: He might want people to think they're dating, but, uh, it's a lie. He's compensating her for her time.", "Sharon: She's a prostitute? Are you sure?", "Scott: I am now. I met her at the motel the night I was pretending to be a john and trying to get information on crystal. When I asked if she knew tessa's sister, I definitely got a reaction.", "Mariah: Amazing!", "Tessa: Thank you!", "Noah: Guys! Come on. Did you hear that applause? The crowd cannot get enough of you.", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Devon: Hey. Irv's coming, guys. Be cool.", "Irv: For once, the performance exceeded the hype.", "Tessa: Oh! [ Laughs ]", "Irv: You two guys, you've undersold her talent! It was great hearing you perform.", "Tessa: I'm so glad you could make it.", "Irv: Do you like traveling, life on the road?", "Tessa: Uh, I mean, I've been a few places, but...", "Irv: I want to send you across the midwest.", "Tessa: Like, on tour?", "Irv: For sure. Like, on tour.", "Tessa: Uh...", "Irv: You'll be opening for some of my more established artists.", "Tessa: Yeah!", "Irv: I mean, with your talent, your looks, you'll be headlining soon enough. I need to get you on my roster before that happens.", "Tessa: I'm so in.", "Irv: What about you, bossman? You up for this?", "Devon: I'm on board 100%.", "Tessa: This is so nuts!", "Irv: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Back off, honey. You don't want to get my girlfriend jealous.", "Tessa: Sorry.", "Irv: What'd you think of the show, babe?", "Natalia: Oh, I enjoyed it. You are very good.", "Tessa: Thank you.", "Irv: Right there.", "Natalia: Oh. Be right back.", "Sharon: Okay, this may be our only chance to get her alone. Tell tessa and we can talk to her together.", "Scott: All right, I'll make sure she's right behind you.", "Kevin: You're having another son?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Kevin: Congrats?", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Look, it's not how we planned it, but it's happening, and I'm gonna be a father to this kid.", "Kevin: Another sore spot for lily, I'm sure.", "Cane: Oh, yeah.", "Kevin: Hey, I'm not judging. I've messed up a ton, also, but she did give you a lot of chances.", "Cane: Yeah. And after everything we've been through, she's trying to forgive me, but I just think... I just think this is too much.", "Kevin: Have you thought about seeing a counselor?", "Cane: Yeah, we did. It was my idea.", "Kevin: How did that go?", "Cane: Well, I thought it was gonna, like, steer us in the right direction, but it just blew us right off course.", "Kevin: I'm sorry, man. That's rough.", "Cane: Because, lily, she didn't want to fix us. She just wanted advice on how to help the kids deal with it.", "Kevin: Well, you have pulled a lot bad things, and she did forgive you for all that eventually.", "Cane: The problem is -- pretty soon, juliet's gonna have a baby, and then my wife is going to have a daily reminder as to why she should never forgive me.", "Hilary: Oh! Did you settle another lawsuit, or did something else put that smile on your face?", "Juliet: Someone else.", "Hilary: Cane?", "Juliet: We had dinner. Alone. At the chancellor house.", "Hilary: Well, enjoy it while it lasts.", "Juliet: He was feeling down, so I helped lift his spirits. The same way he helped me when i was waiting for the genetic testing results.", "Hilary: And what was cane down about?", "Juliet: A marriage counseling session didn't go the way he wanted it to. I wonder whose shoulder lily leaned on.", "Hilary: The only reason why cane puts up with you is because of that child that you're carrying, but once you pop out that baby, his interest in you will disappear. What is wrong with you?", "Juliet: Agh! Agh! [ Gasps ]", "[ Breathing heavily ]", "Hilary: Is there anything that I can do?", "Juliet: Ow!", "Hilary: Okay, you really need to go and get that checked out.", "Juliet: I can't drive. Take me to memorial. Please.", "Hilary: Uh... all right, fine. Let's go. Come on! Come on.", "Juliet: Ow! Ow!", "Hilary: Yeah. I got you. I got you.", "Juliet: [ Breathing heavily ]", "Billy: Siberia is less empty and barren than this fridge. Honestly, we could unplug it and turn it into a filing cabinet.", "Phyllis: There should be leftovers from when we went out the other night.", "Billy: I threw them out because they were so green and fuzzy, it looked like a science project.", "Phyllis: Well, check the cupboard. I'm sure we can pull something together.", "Billy: Says the woman who doesn't cook.", "Phyllis: Says the man who has a prized collection of takeout menus.", "Billy: We can go to the club. We could eat there.", "Phyllis: You're not fooling me. Not for one minute. I know what you want to do. You want to go see what jack's up to, but that's not gonna happen. You know why? Because you are all mine tonight.", "Jack: Well, thank you for the warning, but hilary's a friend.", "Victoria: Mm. A friend. A friend who happens to own a television show...", "Jack: You've taken advantage of that fact.", "Victoria: I've been taken advantage of, jack.", "Jack: Getting eyeballs on our products is crucial to our success. And surprising everyone with our sales numbers -- that takes real creativity, right?", "Victoria: What are you implying?", "Jack: You tell me. I mean, jabot's just playing catch-up here. After how well you did at fenmore'S...", "Victoria: You are right. We are pretty far ahead of you, now, aren't we?", "Jack: Brash & sassy's sudden sales spike -- wow! Raised a few eyebrows.", "Victoria: Well, we made a wonderful product, and our consumers took note, and they snapped all of our products up in record time. End of story.", "Jack: Wait till the parker beauty line is on the shelves. You'll feel like you're standing still. Then after that...", "Victoria: After that, what?", "[ Laughter ]", "Irv: Seriously! Way back before she was selling out stadiums, I booked her band in most of the lower east side clubs.", "Tessa: No way.", "Irv: Gave her a few pointers on, uh, stage presence. She's still using my tips to this day.", "Devon: I bet!", "Scott: Hey, uh, pardon the interruption, guys.", "Mariah: Hey, where's sharon?", "Scott: I just wanted to congratulate you. She must have gotten lost in the crowd or something.", "Noah: Hey, have you met irv?", "Scott: No. Not yet.", "Irv: Hey.", "Devon: Scott grainger, this is irv west. He's a music promoter.", "Noah: He's come to check out tessa's gig.", "Devon: Scott here is an executive at newman enterprises and also runs hashtag.", "Irv: Oh, nice! Your site is on my news feed. It's one of my favorites.", "Scott: Oh, good to know!", "Irv: If you want a ton of hits and some page views, you should do a profile on me.", "Scott: Is that so?", "Irv: Oh, yeah.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: Irv has worked with some major, major legends.", "Scott: Huh.", "Devon: And now tessa's gonna be going on the road, opening up for some his clients.", "Scott: Congrats.", "Tessa: Thank you.", "Scott: You know, I've seen you a few times, but tonight was magical. Your lyrics grabbed me, your performance -- it was on point! And just your look. I mean, you're becoming a bona fide star.", "Tessa: Gosh, you're the sweetest! You get a hug!", "[ Laughter ]", "Scott: The woman irv's with is a hooker. She knows your sister. Sharon's stalling her. You got to get to the bathroom, okay? Seriously, wonderful job tonight! Congratulations, guys. Irv, nice to meet you.", "Tessa: Uh... oh, is it just me, or is it hot in here? I'm gonna go, uh, splash some water on my face.", "Noah: Uh, hey, tessa, irv's a pretty busy guy. He's probably got somewhere he needs to be, so...", "Tessa: Oh, uh, it'll be fast.", "Irv: All right. What is taking my girl so long? Excuse me, guys.", "Scott: Hey, uh, no doubt she's gabbing with the other ladies in the restroom. She'll be back soon.", "Irv: I better go check. You know what these chicks are like.", "Scott: Hey, let me grab you a drink, get some background for the article I'll be writing.", "Irv: Ha! I knew it piqued your interest. Have I got tales, let me tell you...", "Scott: Excuse me! Can we get another, uh, drink for this gentleman?", "Sharon: Finally!", "Tessa: Scott told me about irv's date. Where is she? Look, hold up.", "Sharon: We need to talk to you.", "Natalia: My date is waiting.", "Sharon: Well, he can wait a little longer.", "Tessa: This is important.", "Sharon: Please.", "Natalia: Leave door open.", "Sharon: We need privacy.", "Natalia: No! Talk to me out there. I don't know either of you. Not alone.", "Tessa: But you do know her. That's my sister.", "Sharon: You recognize her?", "Natalia: I -- I don'T...", "Sharon: Her name is crystal.", "Tessa: And you're natalia.", "Sharon: And you both work for the same...people.", "Natalia: You're wrong.", "Sharon: No, we're not. It's okay. We're not gonna make any trouble for you.", "Tessa: Look, I've been trying to locate her for weeks, but i can't find out where she is or what happened to her. We don't want to put you in any more danger, but if you could please help me... \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Esther: Bella's wide awake and thirsty.", "Kevin: Oh, I can get that.", "Esther: Oh, that's okay. We're in the middle of a game anyway. Gosh, I have missed her so much.", "Kevin: She misses you, too. It's not easy living so far away.", "Cane: So, why did you move?", "Kevin: Uh, I just needed a fresh start.", "Cane: And what brought you back to town?", "Kevin: Just taking care of some business. Plus, I wanted bella to have some time with her grandmother.", "Cane: Yeah. So, how long are you gonna stay?", "Kevin: It's just a brief visit.", "Esther: I'll take as much time with bella as I can get. [ Sighs ] She reminds me so much of chloe at that age.", "Kevin: I'll be up in a few minutes.", "Esther: Okie dokie. Oh, I'll put the can of air freshener on the counter.", "Cane: [ Laughs ] Uh, I think that's my cue to start cleaning up before she calls the hazmat team.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Cozy dinner for two, huh?", "Cane: No, it's actually more just, uh, takeout between a couple of friends.", "Kevin: So, finding out juliet was pregnant didn't bring you two closer?", "Cane: Not the way you're implying it, no.", "Kevin: But you are closer.", "Cane: Well, at least we can be in the same room now, which is a big step. Look, what is important to me here is this baby because I do not plan on abandoning an innocent child.", "Juliet: [ Groaning ]", "Hilary: Um...", "Dr. Alcott: Step outside, please.", "Juliet: [ Gasping ]", "Dr. Alcott: Try to relax, try to relax.", "Juliet: [ Panting ]", "Dr. Alcott: It's tough when you're in pain, but don't worry, I'm gonna get to the bottom of what's going on with you tonight, okay?", "Juliet: Hilary!", "Hilary: Do you want me to stay?", "Juliet: No. Call cane.", "Hilary: Are you sure that's wise? You wouldn't want to worry him if it's nothing.", "Juliet: I need him.", "Natalia: Your sister... is my friend.", "Tessa: Where is she?", "Natalia: They took her somewhere.", "Sharon: But crystal was here in genoa city. You saw her?", "Natalia: Da.", "Sharon: Why did they take her away?", "Natalia: They told me... no more questions.", "Tessa: Just wait! Is there anything else you can tell us? Even if you don't think it's important, it might be.", "Sharon: You're scared. We understand. But we can protect you. Promise.", "Natalia: I want to help. But...can'T. My date -- I should not be gone this long.", "Tessa: Just wait! Wait! Here's my number. Call me if you get any new information, or if you remember anything.", "Natalia: I liked crystal. Very much.", "Tessa: I can't believe it. We might have a lead.", "Scott: Do you focus on a specific genre of music, or...?", "Irv: Interesting question. You see, that's a trap that most promoters fall into, but not me. If the music moves me, it makes me money. You could say I've got a golden ear.", "Scott: Yeah, that'd make an excellent quote.", "Irv: I agree. Shouldn't you be writing this down or recording it? You don't want to miss any nuggets.", "Scott: Oh, no worries. You've made quite an impression. I won't forget.", "Irv: Ah! There she is. Mm, I missed you, hon. Oh, uh, thanks for the drink, scott.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Irv: Listen, uh, we got to jet. See you round like a doughnut.", "Scott: [ Chuckles ]", "Irv: Hey, close me out, would you, please? Hey, uh, give me a ring.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Irv: We'll finish that interview. I got a ton of interesting insider tidbits. You might want to do a series of stories.", "Scott: All right. I like that.", "Irv: Good man.", "Noah: You know, let me find tessa.", "Irv: No time, kiddo. Sorry.", "Devon: Hey, irv, are you taking off already? 'Cause we haven't had a chance to talk about specifics or a contract or...", "Irv: Oh, ho worries. I'll be in touch. But, uh, do me a favor -- e-mail me her bio and links to her music?", "Devon: Absolutely. You got it.", "Irv: Good man.", "Devon: All right.", "Irv: Come on, beautiful.", "Devon: Thanks again for coming.", "Noah: Guys, where is tessa? She missed an opportunity to talk to irv before he left.", "Scott: She's right here.", "Mariah: Hey. Where were you guys? The promoter left.", "Tessa: Oh, uh, I was talking to his date.", "Mariah: For this long? She barely spoke two words to us.", "Tessa: Wait until you hear what she told me.", "Devon: Hey, do you mind if we take off?", "Mariah: Uh, I haven't finished my drink.", "Devon: I know. I just want to head to the office and stop by and prep the documents that irv asked for. We can get a nightcap at the club if you want.", "Tessa: It's cool. Yeah. I'll text you later.", "Mariah: Okay. Yeah.", "Devon: Appreciate it. Hey, you did a phenomenal job tonight. Your career's really about to blow up.", "Tessa: And I'm taking all of you on the ride.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Devon: All right.", "Mariah: Um, yeah. I'll -- I'll talk to you later.", "Devon: See ya.", "Noah: Hey. I was hoping you could spend a little more time with irv before he left, but he seemed impressed.", "Tessa: Sometimes less is more.", "Noah: True. So, are you happy how things turned out?", "Tessa: You have no idea. It turned out way better than i expected.", "Jack: Cheers.", "Victoria: Oh! Okay. What are we toasting?", "Jack: Your cleverness. You almost got me to spill company secrets.", "Victoria: Spill away. Unlike hilary, I know how to keep my mouth shut. Besides, we're just having a friendly little chat, remember?", "Jack: Well, I'll leave you with this little nugget -- jabot always knows when the competition has had an edge. We also know what we have to do to stay on top.", "Victoria: Well, that's nice and vague. What are you trying to do, jack? Are you trying to rattle me?", "Jack: Did it work?", "Phyllis: Okay, and here is the last bite. [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: Mmm!", "Phyllis: Okay, so what did we say we were gonna do after dinner?", "Billy: I don't know. I forget.", "Phyllis: Oh. Okay, so we earned our paycheck today.", "Billy: Did that.", "Phyllis: Yes, yes. And we worked out.", "Billy: Oh, we definitely did that.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. We ate...", "Billy: Pb&js, a throwback to our youth.", "Phyllis: Yeah, so what am i forgetting?", "Billy: Let me try and help you remember.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh! Yep. It's coming back to me. Yep.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Phyllis: You know what? You should take that. It's a change of plans, but I'll tell you what, I'm gonna draw a bath -- a bubble bath -- and when you're done, maybe I'll let you join me.", "Billy: Hey. What's up?", "Victoria: Hi. I just had the most interesting run-in with jack.", "Billy: Let me guess -- at the club.", "Victoria: How did you know?", "Billy: I saw him and hilary and they had their heads together.", "Victoria: He's definitely up to something, that's for sure.", "Billy: Well, you couldn't crack him?", "Victoria: No, not for a lack of trying. I mean, he dropped a few hints. Whatever it is, it's gonna be be big.", "Billy: But we know everything that's on the files. The only thing they have coming down the pipe is their launch of parker beauty.", "Victoria: Well, it must be a new project. We have to find out what it is.", "Billy: There's only one way to do that.", "Devon: Well, now that I got those documents to irv that he asked for, how about that drink, huh? Mariah.", "Mariah: What? I'm sorry.", "Devon: It's all right.", "Mariah: Tessa that she would text me. It seemed important.", "Devon: Well, did she?", "Mariah: No. Nothing yet.", "Devon: Her performance was great tonight, huh?", "Mariah: I know. I totally agree. It was outstanding.", "Devon: I was watching you watch her, and you were really into it.", "Mariah: Yeah. I mean, everyone was. Especially irv.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mariah: He's the most important.", "Devon: No, I know, but you're very supportive of her -- you really are -- and I hope that she sees how good of a friend you are.", "Devon: It's way later than i thought.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ]", "Devon: We can skip the drink and I can drop you off, or...?", "Mariah: Is that your way of asking me to spend the night?", "Devon: Well, I'm not gonna push, but it's been a while.", "Mariah: Well, we should fix that.", "Tessa: Whoa.", "Noah: That was for a spectacular performance onstage tonight.", "Tessa: Was that my tip?", "Noah: Yeah, you know, an advance, to help you get through the next few days since I'm leaving tomorrow.", "Tessa: Oh. Yeah. To ann arbor with your dad.", "Noah: You know, I -- i could, uh, reschedule, let him take the meeting solo.", "Tessa: Why would you do that?", "Noah: It's just bad timing, you know? I should be here for you in case you hear something about your sister.", "Tessa: Remember how I was excited earlier?", "Noah: About irv? Yeah.", "Tessa: Well, he -- he had something to do with it, but not for the reason you think.", "Noah: I'm not following.", "Tessa: Did you notice anything about his date?", "Noah: [ Laughs ] She was too young for him.", "Tessa: Anything else?", "Noah: Uh... too hot for him?", "Tessa: What else?", "Noah: Well, now that you mention it, the fact that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. It was pretty obviously they didn't really know each other.", "Tessa: And what does that spell out to you?", "Noah: Wait a minute. Are you saying...? No.", "Juliet: You're here.", "Cane: Yeah. I jumped in the car the moment hilary told me you were here. You okay?", "Juliet: I am now.", "Cane: How's the baby?", "Juliet: Dr. Alcott should be back soon to tell me.", "Cane: No. She's gonna tell us. 'Cause I want to be here when you get the diagnosis. Because the truth is, sweetheart, our little baby boy's health is my number-one priority. Because you and our little baby boy might be the only family i have.", "Juliet: Then I'll be your family. We can raise this child together.", "Dr. Alcott: How are you feeling?", "Juliet: Anxious. Nervous. Honestly, I'm not sure.", "Dr. Alcott: That's understandable. Now that your pain has subsided, I want to ask you a couple questions.", "Juliet: Okay.", "Dr. Alcott: Is this the first time you felt cramping?", "Juliet: No, there were a couple of other times.", "Dr. Alcott: Recently?", "Juliet: Not as bad as tonight, though.", "Dr. Alcott: Mm. Any bleeding?", "Juliet: Light spotting, but not enough to be concerned.", "Dr. Alcott: Based on your answers, your preliminary tests, and your bedside ultrasound, I'm concerned you might have a condition called placenta previa.", "Juliet: Oh, my god. I've never heard of that. How worried should I be about, um, what was the name again?", "Dr. Alcott: Placenta previa.", "Juliet: Oh. Can you explain it to me?", "Dr. Alcott: Of course. As the uterus grows, the placenta moves up and away from the cervix. In your case, the placenta is planted down low in the uterus and may be covering the cervix. As the uterus grows, it pulls on the placenta, which causes the tearing, the cramping, and the bleeding. We're gonna have to watch this very closely. There can be serious consequences as you get closer to term. If the placenta is still dangerously close to the cervix, you can develop bleeding that comes from both you and the baby, life-threatening amounts of blood.", "Juliet: Life-threatening? For both of us?", "Cane: Hilary, where is she? Is there any word from the doctor?", "Hilary: Not yet. She's in the room with juliet.", "Dr. Alcott: I'm gonna send you to radiology for a formal ultrasound. Get more detailed pictures.", "Juliet: Fine.", "Dr. Alcott: I'll schedule the procedure.", "Juliet: May I have visitors while I wait?", "Dr. Alcott: Absolutely. Would you like me to send your friend in?", "Juliet: And cane. I heard him out there, too.", "Dr. Alcott: The father of your baby?", "Juliet: You met him at my last appointment.", "Dr. Alcott: After I contact radiology, I can come back and explain your condition to him if you'd like.", "Juliet: That would be great. Thank you.", "Cane: Hey, um, dr. Alcott said we can come in. Did she manage to tell you what's wrong?", "Juliet: Yes. And it's not good.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] It was frustrating not being able to get more out of natalia. Well, at least now she does have tessa's phone number. So fingers crossed that she calls with some news. In the meantime, all we can do now is wait and pray that nothing bad happens.", "Scott: Maybe not.", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Scott: Irv paid for his drinks with his credit card, so his number's in the system. I mean, if noah lets us take a look, we can get his account information, take it to paul, and then see what else irv's spending his money on.", "Sharon: Do you really think that he would pay for a night with natalia with a personal credit card?", "Scott: It's a hail mary, but it's worth a try.", "Sharon: Let's do it. You know what, I was not able to help crystal when she called the crisis hotline. So I owe it to her to follow up on any and all leads.", "Scott: You've gone above and beyond for her.", "Sharon: So have you. If you hadn't recognized natalia tonight, we wouldn't have even gotten this far.", "Scott: It was dumb luck that she was in here tonight.", "Sharon: Still. I owe you.", "Scott: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: And trust me, i always pay my debts.", "Scott: Oh!", "Noah: So natalia is part of this prostitution ring. [ Scoffs ] And she was here tonight with the dude who's gonna rep you.", "Tessa: How screwed up is that?", "Noah: How are you doing?", "Tessa: It was a big night.", "Noah: Tessa...", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] After I lost contact with crystal, I almost gave up hope. I was worried I'd never see her again. But after talk to natalia and hearing that she cares about my sister and that she has my number and that she might call... I mean, I know it's not a sure thing, but -- it's something to hold onto.", "Noah: All right, um, I'm not going to michigan. My dad will understand.", "Tessa: No. Hey. The underground expansion is your dream. You should be there.", "Noah: Look, only if you are careful when I'm gone. You can't go running off if you get a lead, okay? You have to promise me that you'll be safe.", "Tessa: I promise.", "Dr. Alcott: I can't stress this enough. You need to follow my instructions to the letter. If you don't, you're putting your life and the life of your baby in jeopardy.", "Cane: She will, doc. I'll make sure of it.", "Dr. Alcott: Okay. Oh. Excuse me.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Thank you for bringing her here and for calling me. I appreciate that.", "Hilary: Yeah. No problem.", "Cane: Okay, well, uh, I've got this from here. You can go. I'll take her back to the club when she's done.", "Juliet: No. No. You both should go. Who knows how long this is going to take?", "Cane: No. No.", "Juliet: I'll just get a ride share.", "Cane: No, I'm staying until you get the results, all right? I'm not leaving you, okay? End of discussion.", "Hilary: Well, that worked out well, didn't it? I'll check in with you later.", "Juliet: I'm sorry for interrupting your evening.", "Cane: Hey, it's all right. You don't need to apologize when it comes to our baby. You don't have to do that.", "Juliet: I'm scared.", "Cane: You don't have to be scared. 'Cause I'm here, and I'm not gonna let anything happen to our little baby boy.", "Victoria: Did you get access?", "Billy: Yeah, dina's password is still working.", "Victoria: Is phyllis there?", "Billy: Yeah, she's upstairs waiting for me, so I don't want to give her a reason to wonder where I am.", "Victoria: Is anything jumping out at you?", "Billy: No, I'm not reading that thorough. I'm just skimming through. Wait a second.", "Jack: No, I want the whole proposal as fast as you can get it to me. And tell the boys in r&d it is go-time! It's downloading.", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Ashley: I know what you did, and you're not gonna get away with it.", "Phyllis: What's going on?", "Ravi: It seemed like...", "Phyllis: What? What's the issue?", "Jack: Why would victor be e-mailing me?", "Nikki: Wait! Before you open that --", "Jack: Oh, my -- someone's stalking us?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lily couldn't enjoy a family breakfast and told Neil he was happy Devon was gone. Dru later agreed with Lily's assessment and told Neil their marriage was in trouble. Paul admitted to Nikki that Victor had asked him to keep details about the search for Charles Cassen to himself. Nikki was furious and demanded Paul locate Joshua's brother. JT told Mac about his game with Brittany, then agreed to share another dinner with her. Bobby accused Brittany of not wanting to marry him, and told her to have fun with JT. Brittany was furious to learn JT had told Mac about their game, worried she'd tell Anita, and warned JT not to kiss her while out in public on their date. Bobby and Nikki found comfort in one another and their club. After an intimate embrace, she suggested she should go, but Bobby asked her to stay. Sharon revealed to an outraged Victor that she'd followed Nikki to 'Marilyn's' and watched her play hostess to the crowd. Phyllis intimidated Alex into leaving town with threats of involving the police and Victor Newman. She ordered Kevin to keep his distance from Daniel, then shared a touching moment with her grateful son, who said no one had ever fought for him before." ]
[ "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Get in here. Get in.", "Alex: This better be worth my time, lady, 'cause yours is the last face I wanna see today. Ladies!", "Phyllis: Yeah? Listen to me. I'm doing the talking so you're gonna listen up. Do you understand me?", "Alex: You have a big mouth, lady. What do you say we leave the kids and go get--", "Daniel: Get your damn hands off her, Alex!", "Alex: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Don't get crazy on me, bro!", "Daniel: I'm not afraid of you!", "Phyllis: You don't have anything to prove to him.", "Alex: Come on!", "Phyllis: I swear to God, if you touch my son--", "Alex: You gonna stop me? Where's your bodyguard?", "Kevin: Hey, back off!", "Alex: Hey! You're on my list, too! Ha ha!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Nikki, I thought you were gonna let this lie for a bit.", "Nikki: No. That was never my intention. Why would you think that?", "Paul: Well, no reason, I guess.", "Nikki: You know how desperate I am to find Joshua's brother. Haven't you heard anything?", "Paul: Well, the trail is awfully cold.", "Nikki: Well, Paul, what can I do? I-I mean, do you need more money for more resources? I will give you anything you need.", "Paul: You know, Nik, it's not easy to find people, especially when it's been so long since anyone's heard from them.", "Nikki: Well, you have to keep trying! Please! You know how much this is weighing on me. I need to find out. I am desperate. You've got to find him!", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Paul, what is it? What aren't you telling me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hey.", "J.T.: Hey. Anything in that bag for me?", "Mac: No, just healthy stuff.", "J.T.: Ugh. Gross. So what'd you do last night?", "Mac: Nothing too exciting. Watched a movie, wrote a few e-mails.", "J.T.: That sounds better than what I did.", "Mac: You came in, what, like midnight. Where were you?", "J.T.: I was stuck at the Colonnade Room with Brittany.", "Mac: The Colonnade Room? Wow, look at you, Mr. Big Spender.", "J.T.: No. No, no. Her, uh, her parents invited us. They had that big harvest ball thing?", "Mac: Oh, yeah. My grandma said something about that.", "J.T.: Yeah, I saw her there with Esther and some g..", "Mac: Yeah, that's her fiancé Arthur. So wait... you didn't have a good time?", "J.T.: Well, having dinner with Fred and Anita Hodges isn't exactly my idea of fun.", "Mac: Then why'd you go?", "J.T.: Brittany roped me into it. Her parents wanted to celebrate our big news.", "Mac: What news?", "J.T.: Oh, you haven't heard? Brittany and I are engaged.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Well, if it isn't the future Mrs. J.T. Hellstrom.", "Brittany: Please don't be upset.", "Bobby: Me? Be upset? Why would I be upset? 'Cause you felt the need to lie to your parents and tell 'em you're marrying J.T. instead of me?", "Brittany: I told you why I did it.", "Bobby: Yeah, so they wouldn't get on your case?", "Brittany: Which they totally would if they found out we're engaged.", "Bobby: Right, because I'm not good enough for their daughter.", "Brittany: Don't feel bad. Raul sure wasn't. Frankly, I'm not sure anyone is.", "Bobby: Oh, I don't know. J.T. looked pretty cozy with them last night.", "Brittany: I'm going to tell them eventually. I just need more time.", "Bobby: See, that's what I don't get. If they hate my guts, then they hate my guts. A little more time isn't gonna change anything.", "Brittany: You never know! It might. Just let me work on them, okay? Please? I know I can make them see what a terrific guy you are.", "Bobby: And when are you gonna tell them? When you're out shopping for a wedding dress with your mother, or after your father gets back from a round of golf with his future son-in-law J.T.? Don't you see how crazy this is?", "Brittany: I know how to handle my parents.", "Bobby: They're gonna go nuts when they find out that you lied to them.", "Brittany: Let me worry about that.", "Bobby: Why can't you just tell 'em the truth and be straight with them?", "Brittany: Because if I do that--", "Bobby: If you do that, what? What is the worst thing that could possibly happen?", "Brittany: They will never be on board with this wedding.", "Bobby: Yeah, so?", "Brittany: Bobby...", "Bobby: Hey, if they don't wanna come to the wedding, that's their choice.", "Brittany: But this is my wedding. I've been dreaming about this ever since I was a little girl. I want my parents to be there! I'm sorry if you don't get that.", "Bobby: Oh, I get it. Trust me. But this is ridiculous. You are not a little girl anymore, you're a grownup. Start actin' like it. You gotta stop letting Fred and Anita run your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Yeah, I just-- this is Victor Newman. I just wanted to--right. Right, he's coming over to-- right. He must have called you. Thank you. Bye.", "Sharon: Hope I'm not interrupting.", "Victor: No. Come in.", "Sharon: I was looking for Nick. I'm gonna take him out for lunch.", "Victor: You just missed him. He's picking up some supplies.", "Sharon: Oh! Well... what about you then? Lunch? On me.", "Victor: How nice of you to offer. Unfortunately, I can't. I'm tied to my desk for awhile.", "Sharon: Some things never change, huh?", "Victor: Unfortunately, you're right about that. Have a seat.", "Sharon: Except for Nicholas and you, huh? Finally working together again? I'm glad he's giving this place priority.", "Victor: So am I. And if anyone had reason to be preoccupied, it certainly was my son.", "Sharon: Well... let's not go there.", "Victor: I've got to tell you, watching the two of you together last night was very nice, you know? It seems you're on solid ground again.", "Sharon: Yeah. These last few weeks have been really amazing for us, and we're very lucky. I just wish...", "Victor: Wish what?", "Sharon: I wish that things were the same for you and Nikki.", "Victor: (Chuckles) have you talked to her about me, or what?", "Sharon: Oh, no. I just--I know there's tension between you two. I noticed it at the dance.", "Victor: Yeah, well, I certainly had hoped it would have been otherwise, but it wasn't meant to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Lily. I didn't even hear you come in.", "Lily: What are you doing home?", "Neil: Well, I knew you had a short day. Picked up some Chinese. Thought we'd have some lunch together.", "Lily: Just you and me?", "Neil: Nah, silly. Your mom's home, too. Come on.", "Dru: Hey! Look at you!", "Lily: Hi.", "Dru: Hi, sweet. Let's eat!", "Lily: Actually, um, I can't. I have homework to do.", "Dru: Oh, come now, sweetie.", "Neil: Oh, come on now. I picked up shrimp and snow peas--your favorite.", "Lily: Well, thank you, but I'm not hungry.", "Dru: Sweetie, please keep us company.", "Lily: Do I have to?", "Neil: What, we're not cool like that? It's gonna cramp your style to hang out with us old folks?", "Dru: Oh, speak for yourself.", "Lily: Fine. Whatever.", "Dru: Okay. Thank you, hon.", "Neil: Sure.", "Dru: Daddy got shrimp and snow peas!", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Mmm!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: All right, back up, fool! What are ya comin' at me for? None of this was my idea.", "Alex: I wanna be a hero. I want all the girls to like me.", "Kevin: I never made any kind of deal with you.", "Alex: I hooked you up, bro.", "Kevin: Yeah, big man? Well, drugging Lily was never part of the deal.", "Alex: Keepin' it real, Kev! Keepin' it real... just like you wanted.", "Kevin: I-I never wanted Lily to get hurt!", "Alex: I made you a star, man. Had you in the papers and everything. Because of you, I can barely show my face around town. And no one does that to me.", "Phyllis: All right, all right, all right. Enough. Your days of intimidating my son and his friends are over. Do you get that? They're over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: My parents don't run my life.", "Bobby: Well, you could have fooled me.", "Brittany: Why is it so terrible that I want them at my wedding?", "Bobby: It's not terrible. That's great, but at some point you gotta stop trying to please other people and do what makes you happy.", "Brittany: I'm sorry, Bobby. I can't tell them. Not now.", "Bobby: It's unbelievable.", "Brittany: I wish it didn't have to be this way.", "Bobby: Was this whole charade J.T.'s idea?", "Brittany: No. Why would you think that?", "Bobby: Well, it's obvious the guy has got a thing for you.", "Brittany: Oh, please. J.T. and I are just friends.", "Bobby: Really? Does he know that?", "Brittany: He didn't even want to be involved. I made him do it.", "Bobby: Oh, you had to really twist his arm.", "Brittany: Don't tell me you're jealous of J.T.", "Bobby: No, I'm not jealous of anybody, but this whole scenario is making me start to wonder. Do you really want to go through with this marriage? And be honest with me.", "Brittany: Of course I do! I accepted your proposal, didn't I? I'm wearing your ring. We're getting married this fall. What more can I do?", "Bobby: You go to the airport with me, get on a plane and we'll go to Vegas.", "Brittany: Oh, right.", "Bobby: I'm serious. Let's just forget all this crazy stuff. Let's go to Vegas. We can get married today. What do you say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I'm sorry, Nikki. I don't have more information to give you.", "Nikki: But if you did, you would tell me, right? Paul, what's going on? Something is.", "Paul: Your husband asked to see me. He is concerned about you and quite frankly, so am I. Nikki, you are dealing with some heavy-duty stuff here.", "Nikki: All the more reason for me to find this man.", "Paul: Victor doesn't think that's such a good idea.", "Nikki: Well, that's too bad. He didn't hire you.", "Paul: But he did ask me to continue the investigation under his auspices. He wants me to keep whatever I find under wraps until you've had a chance to make peace with what's happened.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. And you agreed to that?", "Paul: Nikki, he told me you were on board with it.", "Nikki: I most certainly am not. How dare he? I told him that this is something I need to do.", "Paul: Nik, listen, he is just trying to protect you.", "Nikki: I don't need his protection. The damage has already been done.", "Paul: That's not necessarily true. You have no idea what kind of wounds you're gonna open up by confronting Joshua's younger brother.", "Nikki: I already know what kind of wounds it's opened up in me.", "Paul: That's different.", "Nikki: I need you to do this. I I can barely get through a day without thinking about what happened every single moment and what I did to that family.", "Paul: You know, even if I continue looking, there is no guarantee that I'm gonna find this person.", "Nikki: Paul, you have to try.", "Paul: All right, I will try, but I don't like what this is doing to you.", "Nikki: Please, just find his brother. Give me a chance to atone for the problems that I caused. I don't care if he hates me or thanks me for telling him what happened. He's the only one who can give me peace. He's the only one who can put this at rest. And he's probably spent his whole life wondering what happened to his brother. That's no way to live. Please, Paul. Please find him he is the only one who can bring me peace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Lily, what are you doing? Eat something, sweetie.", "Lily: I told you I wasn't hungry.", "Neil: You're sure you're not coming down with something, right?", "Lily: No, Dad.", "Neil: You sure? Maybe you're a little--", "Lily: Dad, stop! I'm fine.", "Dru: Neil, Neil...", "Neil: Okay, fine. How was school today?", "Lily: Okay.", "Neil: Wow, with details like that, I almost feel like I was there.", "Lily: There's nothing to tell.", "Neil: How about your day?", "Dru: How about my day? What about it?", "Neil: You know, the beauty pageant project. I'm anxious to hear what you've come up with.", "Dru: Neil, I'd rather not talk about business at the table. Would you please pass me the beans?", "Neil: Since when do you not want to talk about business at the table?", "Dru: May I have the beans, please?", "Neil: I mean, you, normally you want to talk about what you're doing at work all the time-- how wonderful your presentation's gonna be, how you're gonna blow Phyllis out of the water.", "Dru: Well, um, you know, there's nothing normal about what's going on right now.", "Lily: You can say that again.", "Neil: What do you mean?", "Dru: What do I mean? Neil, look, I've got a lot on my mind, all right?", "Neil: All right. All right, you two, I can see what's happening here. You're worried about Devon. Well, let me tell you something for the record. So am I.", "Lily: No, you're not. You're the reason that he's gone.", "Neil: I am not the reason that he's gone, and he's only been gone for two days.", "Dru: Two days too many.", "Neil: The point is we can't let this stop us from functioning as a family. Now I'm sorry that the boy ran off, but I'm not the one who led him on. I'm not the one who got his hopes up that he could stay. All along, I made sure that that wasn't an option, didn't I?", "Lily: Dad, you are not sorry. You're glad to be rid of him. One less mouth to feed, right?", "Dru: Lily, that's enough.", "Lily: You know what? I'm tired of this. I'm going to my room.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Wait, so you and Brittany were only pretending to be engaged?", "J.T.: A friend of Anita's saw us coming out of a bridal shop, and Brittany doesn't want to tell her parents she's actually marrying bobby marsino.", "Mac: So she talked you into playing her fiancé?", "J.T.: Mm-hmm. You know, I have to say, I did a pretty convincing job.", "Mac: Whew. Well, that's a relief, 'cause you had me scared there for a second.", "J.T.: Well, you don't think Brittany and m make a convincing couple?", "Mac: Well, do you?", "J.T.: Anyway, I, uh... I have to say, the night really sucked.", "Mac: Well, hey, at least you got a free meal out of it, right?", "J.T.: Yeah, that's true, but I would have rather been here with you. We could have kicked back, had some pizza, watched a game.", "Mac: Well, maybe we could do that tonight, you know, 'cause I do owe you a date.", "J.T.: Oh, yeah, you do owe me a date.", "Mac: Yes, I do.", "J.T.: That's right.", "Mac: But if tonight doesn't work, I totally understand.", "J.T.: No, tonight's fine.", "Mac: 'Cause we could do it another time.", "J.T.: Mac, tonight's fine. Really, it's cool.", "Mac: You sure your fiancée won't mind?", "J.T.: You know, we kind of have an open relationship.", "Mac: Oh, good. That's healthy.", "J.T.: Yeah, it is.", "Mac: Um, I just remembered a couple more errands I have to run, so I'll see you later, okay?", "J.T.: All right.", "Mac: And don't eat all my food, okay?", "J.T.: Mmm, this stuff? Don't worry about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I am not getting married in Las Vegas.", "Bobby: Give me one good reason why not.", "Brittany: I want my wedding to be special, Bobby. That means a church and a minister, not some quickie ceremony at the chapel o' love with an Elvis impersonator and an all-you-can-eat buffet.", "B bobby: They have churches in Vegas.", "Brittany: Will my father walk me down the aisle?", "Bobby: Is your father being there that important to you?", "Brittany: Yes, Bobby. It really is.", "Bobby: Fine. Then what you're really saying is that this marriage is on hold until your parents come around. 'Cause you know what? That just may never happen. Unless that's the whole point of this.", "Brittany: What are you talking about?", "Bobby: Is this some kind of stall tactic?", "Brittany: No, of course not. I just want our wedding to be perfect. I want all the people we care about to be there, including my parents.", "Bobby: Then tell them the truth.", "Brittany: I will, when the time is right.", "Bobby: Okay, fine. So in the meantime, I'm just gonna sit back and let you and J.T. play out this little game of yours. That'll be just fine. It's nice to know how much I mean to you.", "Brittany: This is pointless. I'm leaving.", "Bobby: Yeah, fine. Say hi to your fiancé for me, huh?", "Nikki: Hey, Brittany. How are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I have been very worried about Nikki's state of mind lately.", "Sharon: Yeah, she seemed troubled to me. I saw her leave the dance alone.", "Victor: That's one of many episodes.", "Sharon: Well, is there anything I can do to help?", "Victor: It's very nice of you to offer, but I don't think anyone can.", "Sharon: Is this some weird phase she's going through? I mean, does she wish that she could relive her youth, because that would certainly explain a lot of things.", "Victor: Explain what?", "Sharon: Um, it's just that I ran into her up at the main house the other night. Um, she was on her way out.", "Victor: And?", "Sharon: And I followed her.", "Victor: What do you mean you followed her? Where?", "Sharon: This place called Marilyn's.", "Victor: Ah, you're talking about that strip joint.", "Victor: Yeah, I was aware that she entertained the idea of doing some business with that sleazy character who owns that place, but she's also aware of how much I disapprove of that. What was she doing there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Uh-oh. What'd you do?", "Bobby: What? She just... whatever.", "Nikki: She sure showed you.", "Bobby: Oh, yeah. That's a woman's prerogative, isn't it? Storming out when they get mad.", "Nikki: Is that what that is? I thought it was to change her mind.", "Bobby: Oh, yeah, they do that, too, until your head is spinning. And what's up with you? You don't look too happy either.", "Nikki: I don't know. Sometimes I wish I just had a simple life.", "Bobby: And what is that supposed to mean?", "Nikki: I had an unpleasant conversation with somebody.", "Bobby: And what did they say?", "Nikki: It's not what they said. It's what Vvictor did.", "Bobby: Oh, how did I know that was coming? Every time you're in here and you're upset, Victor did this, Victor did that.", "Nikki: It didn't always used to be that way.", "Bobby: Oh, I bet it didn't. I'm sure it didn't help you leaving the party early to come down to the club.", "Nikki: Oh, he doesn't know about that. I can only imagine what he'd say if he found that out.", "Bobby: I can imagine, too. But you know what? Don't listen to him, 'cause I wouldn't have this place without you. Nikki, you really make this place special.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Something wrong, princess?", "Brittany: I don't want to talk about it.", "J.T.: All right.", "Brittany: I'm doing this for him! But of course he can't see that, because he's so pigheaded, he can only think about himself.", "J.T.: Let me guess. You're talking about my friend Bobby Marsino.", "Brittany: Yeah, I just got back from the club. He thinks I want out of this engagement. Can you believe that?", "J.T.: Do you want out?", "Brittany: No, and he knows that! He's just mad about last night.", "J.T.: Oh, well, I don't blame him, really.", "Brittany: So you're on his side?", "J.T.: For the first time, yeah, I think I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Alex: I don't take orders from a woman.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Well, this time you're going to. This is how it's gonna be. I want you out of our lives for good and Lily Winters' life and anybody remotely connected to us. Do you understand?", "Alex: Like that's gonna happen.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, it's gonna happen. I don't want you to go near the Rec Center or into the coffeehouse or anywhere near us. Do you understand that? If you do, I'm going straight to the police.", "Alex: Right.", "Phyllis: I don't want to see you. I don't want to smell you, and I don't want to hear you. The party is over.", "Alex: You won't go to the cops, 'cause they'll haul your precious son's butt off to jail for what he's done.", "Phyllis: You think so? I've got enough on you to put you away for 30 years. I'm willing to roll the dice. Are you?", "Kevin: No way am I going back to jail.", "Phyllis: Shut up. This is what's gonna happen. Daniel's a minor. It's your word against his. He doesn't have a record. My guess is you do. I have some very competent attorneys working for me that'll make sure he gets off, and you'll do time.", "Alex: It's not going down like that. I've got my own witnesses.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? You think your crew's gonna come through for you? You think so, especially when they find out that Victor Newman is on their tail?", "Alex: Newman? I don't care about that old man.", "Phyllis: Oh, you don't? You don't care about that old man? That old man is a friend of mine. Yeah, he's a very powerful man in Genoa City. He has resources, and he never gives up. He absolutely never gives up. He hates drugs, and he hates drug pushers. And when he finds out that you're behind that drug bust at the Rec Center, oh, he'll come after you. He'll come after you until you're locked up, and you know what? You'll wish you were. You don't want to fool around with Victor Newman.", "Alex: I've met tougher dudes.", "Phyllis: I'm gonna give you ten minutes to get your butt out of here, or else I'm going to Victor with everything.", "Alex: You're bluffing. It's okay. I was gonna leave anyways. I've had to lay low ever since it went down.", "Phyllis: That's real convenient. If I ever see you in this town again, anywhere near this town again, you'll be sorry. Do you understand?", "Alex: Y'all are a bunch of candy-ass punks anyway. (Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Lily's right, you know.", "Neil: Lily's right about what?", "Dru: You're happy that Devon's gone.", "Neil: I am not happy that the boy is gone.", "Dru: Okay, relieved then. Relieved.", "Neil: Yeah, I admit, I was relieved when child services called and they found a group home here in town for him, but I never dreamt in a million years that he would run off the way he did.", "Dru: I don't know why not. He was betrayed. Where else is he gonna go?", "Neil: Whose fault is that?", "Dru: Yours. Yours. Neil, you never helped that boy understand what that letter was about.", "Neil: What could I have done if he was so determined to take off? How am I supposed to stop him? You know, as long as we're talking about it, let's talk about this. Let's talk about betrayal.", "Dru: Oh, here we go. All right, knock yourself out. It's not gonna be anything I haven't heard already. Go ahead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What was my wife doing at that strip joint?", "Sharon: Um, maybe you'd better ask her, Victor.", "Victor: No, no, no, no. Sharon, I'm asking you. You were there.", "Sharon: You know, I think I'd better get going.", "Victor: Sharon, please, you cannot tell me this and then leave without answering some questions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Look, if you don't believe me, check out the receipts. The place doesn't do nearly as well when you're not here.", "Nikki: Bobby, I highly doubt people are coming here to see me.", "Bobby: What, you think I'm trying to shine you on? I mean it.", "Nikki: Yeah, I know, and you have the receipts to back it up, but...", "Bobby: But nothing. I wouldn't have a club without you. You knew exactly what I needed to do to turn this place around.", "Nikki: What are you doing? Praising me for my business sense?", "Bobby: Yeah, that's right. I think you're a hell of a businesswoman.", "Nikki: Oh, come on.", "Bobby: Come on, what's a guy gotta do here to give you a compliment?", "Nikki: You really think I'm a good businesswoman?", "Bobby: Are you kidding me? You taught me things that I wish I'd learned years ago.", "Nikki: Huh. Well, I guess I did learn something at Jabot, like how to get the most bang for your buck.", "Bobby: Mm-hmm, and that's what I'm talking about. You walk the walk. You talk the talk, and I don't say this about many people, but I am in awe of you.", "Nikki: Oh, all right, that's enough, stop.", "Bobby: What's the matter? Why can't you see yourself as a serious businesswoman?", "Nikki: I don't know. I have never really ouought of myself that way. Victor has never thought of me that way. He always regards my career as some silly hobby.", "Bobby: Then it's worse than I thought. I mean, it's one thing if the guy's driving you nuts, but if he can't see you for the incredible woman that you are, you gotta wonder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Funny, I don't remember asking for your opinion.", "J.T.: Hey, I'm just being honest. If I were engaged, I wouldn't want my girl running around telling people she's marrying somebody else.", "Brittany: I'm only keeping it from my parents.", "J.T.: Oh, right! Like they haven't told half the country club. You'd better hope that they don't run into my parents. Otherwise, we're over.", "Brittany: I hate this.", "J.T.: Don't blame me. I warned you.", "Brittany: I didn't realize it would get this messy. I'm lying to my parents. Bobby and I are fighting. This should be one of the happiest times in my life, and instead I'm totally stressed out.", "J.T.: Have a little faith. It'll work out somehow.", "Brittany: You won't blow my cover, will you J.T.?", "J.T.: Oh, Brittany, look, I don't know how much more of this I can take.", "Brittany: Please, just for a little while longer while I figure out what to do.", "J.T.: What you should do is tell Fred and Anita the truth. But, hey, you know, if this is what you want, if you want me to pretend to be your fiancé, I'll keep pretending.", "Brittany: Thank you.", "J.T.: I should warn you, though. I told Mac everything.", "Brittany: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Come on, Neil. Let's hear it.", "Neil: Drucilla, you were the one who was never up front with me or with Devon, for that matter.", "Dru: I was completely up front with you. I told you that I loved this kid, and I wanted to take him in. You're making it into a black-and-white issue. There is gray all over this. We're talking about a foster youth.", "Neil: So what are you saying? That because I demand honesty that I'm coldhearted?", "Dru: Neil, you are one of the most compassionate people I know, but there is something that frightens you about Devon. What is it?", "Neil: I already told you the answer to that.", "Dru: Oh, come on, Neil. Lily, she was so jazzed about Devon living with us. She's not anymore, because he's done run away. She's sick with worry and so am I.", "Neil: Trust me, he can take care of himself.", "Dru: At 16, why should he?", "Neil: Okay, I realize that you think you can relate to this boy simply because of your past experiences--", "Dru: Does it matter to you at all that a basically good kid may resort to old behavior-- lying and stealing-- just to live?", "Neil: Of course it matters.", "Dru: Then do something about it already.", "Neil: The police are doing everything they can.", "Dru: Oh, Weber and his crew. Have they found him yet?", "Neil: I'm hoping that Devon will come to his senses and realize that he's got people who care about him, who want him to come back.", "Dru: Do you hear what you're saying? Do you believe what you're saying? Because if you don't, that's the reason why he's not coming back. Because he's gonna be put in a group home that's gonna break his spirit.", "Neil: All right, well, I'm sure that there are options within the system.", "Dru: What options? A group home or a group home? Neil, if there were options, do you really think I would have campaigned this hard to keep this boy with us until he emancipates?", "Neil: Drucilla, just because I don't want him living with us doesn't mean that I think we should turn our backs on him. I've told you over and over again, I'm more than willing to offer support and guidance.", "Dru: Cut a check already and be done with it. It's not enough, Neil.", "Neil: Baby, I'm sorry, but I haven't changed my mind. I am not ready to become this child's permanent foster parent.", "Dru: Whoa. You know, it's amazing how two people can love each other so much and see things so differently. It's a sad commentary on our marriage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Wow. That was, uh... that was something else.", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "Daniel: Mom, you were amazing. That was absolutely incredible.", "Kevin: I'd better go tell my brother before he... before he does something.", "Phyllis: Tell your brother the plan worked.", "Kevin: He knew?", "Phyllis: Yeah, we worked it out together. He was my backup if anything happened.", "Kevin: Thanks. I'll see you around.", "Phyllis: No, you won't see him around, Kevin. I don't want you associating with my son ever again.", "Kevin: I understand.", "Phyllis: All right, I want you to get your stuff. I'm gonna drive you to school. I'm gonna tell the dean that you were with me, so you won't get an unexcused absence.", "Daniel: That's it? No lecture?", "Phyllis: Well, what do you want me to say?", "Daniel: I don't know. That I screwed up big time, maybe? That you just saved my life, you know, kept me out of jail or maybe even worse or--I don't know-- that I owe you one.", "Phyllis: Well, you already know that.", "Daniel: I'm sorry, Mom. Honest, I had no idea it was gonna turn out this way.", "Phyllis: I know you didn't deliberately try to hurt Lily Winters, right? But what you did was stupid, and it was reckless.", "Daniel: Yeah, I know. I know, totally.", "Phyllis: Daniel, you made some really bad choices. I mean, if you call these people your friends...", "Daniel: Mom, can I tell you something?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: You know, everybody thinks that going to school in Switzerland is like some kind of big deal. It's not. I would have given anything to live maybe growing up with a couple of rules, to have had a real family.", "Daniel: To have had you. And I'm not just saying this to try and make excuses or anything. I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate what you just did for me right now. You really risked a lot and put yourself out there on the line and...", "Daniel: No one's ever fought for me before.", "Phyllis: Wow.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Phyllis: I love you, Daniel. I love you. I will always protect you. I will always protect you, but listen to me. I can't protect you if you deliberately make bad choices, all right? Do you understand that?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So I told Mac that we're trying to con your parents. What's the big deal?", "Brittany: I don't trust her.", "J.T.: Oh, give me a break. She's not gonna call your mom and tell her that we've been lying to her. Trust me, she's got better things to do.", "Brittany: What if my mom comes over here, and Mac lets something slip?", "J.T.: She won't.", "Brittany: J.T.--", "J.T.: Hey, would you relax? Look, she's not gonna say anything, okay? But if it makes you feel better, I'll say something to Mac when we go out tonight.", "Brittany: When you go out where?", "J.T.: On a date.", "Brittany: What? J.T., how could you do this to me?", "J.T.: What are you... what, do what? What are you talking about?", "Brittany: You're going out in public? What if someone sees you together and it gets back to my parents?", "J.T.: Oh, I don't know.", "Brittany: How am I supposed to explain that?", "J.T.: Tell 'em the truth. Tell them that Mac and I are roommates who decided to go out for a bite to eat. You know, it's not that difficult.", "Brittany: I guess that would work. Just don't kiss her.", "J.T.: What? I'll just put my entire love life on hold for you.", "Brittany: Your love life?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Brittany: Is that how you see Mackenzie?", "J.T.: So what if it is?", "Brittany: You and Mac? That's crazy.", "J.T.: It's no crazier than pretending to be your fiancé.", "Brittany: I don't know why I even bother. What is it with you men?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Look, it's obvious to everyone. You know, Nikki is going through something, and I don't want to say anything that's just gonna make everything more difficult.", "Victor: Sharon, wait a minute. Has she sworn you to secrecy?", "Sharon: You know, I feel like I've already ratted her out here. Can't you see you're putting me in a spot?", "Victor: Wait a minute. You're saving me a trip down to that club. Now if she did something unseemly, why don't you tell me? Because I'm gonna find out anyway.", "Sharon: Okay, um, I saw her up on stage.", "Victor: You saw her up on stage doing what?", "Sharon: Not what you think, not stripping. She was, um... she introduced one of the dancers, and she was warming up the crowd, you know, that sort of thing.", "Victor: What do you mean she was warming up the crowd? In other words, my wife spent time in that sleazy club acting like a cheap carnival barker?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: All right, just stop. You don't have to defend your old man to me.", "Nikki: You know what? I don't want to talk about victor anymore. I don't want to talk about anything serious.", "Bobby: That's a deal. I know you've had a lot on your mind lately.", "Nikki: That's right, and it feels so good to have a place to go to where I can just laugh and let my hair down.", "Bobby: Yeah, and it's nice to hear somebody tell you how much they appreciate you.", "Nikki: Yeah, I guess I could suffer through that.", "Bobby: I mean, if I kept going, your head would have got so big that you wouldn't be able to get out that...", "Nikki: Oh, excuse me. I don't think that my ego is in danger of being inflated, not like other people that I know.", "Bobby: What are you saying? There's something the matter with my ego?", "Nikki: Not a thing. Anyway, it's very nice to not have to think about my problems for five minutes. It's a relief. Thanks.", "Nikki: Well, I gotta go.", "Bobby: Nikki, don't go.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Why would you ever jeopardize your freedom again? Why? Just explain it to me.", "Kevin: Are you done? Because I'm done. Are you finished?", "Victor: Obviously my wife is making some very bad choices.", "Bobby: Let's go to dinner.", "Nikki: Okay, all right." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Michael and Lauren become Eden's legal guardian and offer to help River find better legal support but he declines. Eden meets Noah and its not so friendly, this prompts Noah to asks why girls are so difficult; this presents an opportunity for Sharon and Phyllis to take pot shots at each other. Phyllis questions Sharon about Jack's whereabouts, while Nick watches Victor fall apart to the point where he collapses after being visited by Sabrina's ghost. Jack and Adam are in Mexico investigating what went down there and just what was Walter's involvement. Kevin informs Michael that he is 99% sure that Jeffrey was the one who turned River in, Eden overhears this and goes ballistic." ]
[ "Noah: Whew. You are gonna be wired, Dude.", "Phyllis: Yes, definitely. That's the point. Your dad and I are working so hard on \"Restless Style.\" We've been up since 5:30 this morning.", "Noah: Whew, that's brutal.", "Phyllis: I know. Yeah, but it's kind of brutal in a good way. You know what I mean?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Don't you have class?", "Noah: Not today. There's \"Teachers' meetings.\"", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "Noah: Public school rocks.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Don't get used to that. Do you want something to eat? I'll get you something.", "Noah: No, no, no. My mom and I already ate.", "Sharon: Jack, I can't really hear you.", "Noah: She's talking to Jack about something. He had to leave town.", "Phyllis: Oh, where'd he go?", "Noah: I don't know. Oh, there's my buddy, so I'll see you later.", "Phyllis: Okay, bye. You know, um, excuse me. Hold off on-- on one of those coffees, okay?", "Sharon: The note that you left didn't even say where you were going. I don't understand. I mean, who leaves town without even mentioning it?", "Jack: I know, you're right. I should have called from the airport last night.", "Sharon: Okay, so where are you?", "Jack: I'm in L.A. uh, Ashley called. We're selling some family stock, and I needed to be at the bank as soon as it opened.", "Sharon: What bank?", "Jack: Well, these shares are in a trust, Honey. Uh, believe me, if I didn't have to be here in person, I wouldn't. I'd be at home sleeping in late with you.", "Sharon: So when are you coming home?", "Jack: Uh, that depends.", "Sharon: On what?", "Jack: On how things go here.", "Sharon: Jack, is this about the note that I wrote Nick? Are you--are you punishing me for that or something?", "Jack: No, no. Honey, this is business. This is about family business. Believe me, I-I will be home as soon as I can. You're starting to break up, Sweetheart. I gotta run, all right?", "Sharon: Wait, Jack. Are you still there?", "(Hangs up cell phone)", "Phyllis: Hey. Trouble in paradise?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I want this to grab the reader, really jump off the page. When in doubt, just go for sexy, Baby. That's the point of this issue.", "Nick: Uh, Dan, let me call you back. Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victor dreaming]", "Sabrina: May I have this dance?", "Victor: You came back to me. You finally came back to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Eden's still sleeping, Honey. Poor thing's exhausted.", "Michael: Well, spending your whole life running from the law will do that.", "Lauren: It wasn't her fault.", "Michael: Yeah. You're right. I-I blame Lowell. I mean, if the FBI hadn't finally caught up with him, he would never have bothered to tell me that I have a sister. I have--I have a sister.", "Lauren: He was protecting her, Michael.", "Michael: From what, who? What, from me? Me? Come on, me?", "Lauren: All right, Sweetie. I am so sorry that he hurt you. I-I don't think it was intentional.", "Michael: (Scoffs)", "Lauren: But now that we are responsible for Eden--", "Michael: Wait, wait, wait. Responsible? Who says?", "Lauren: Well, River asked us, and if that's the case, we have decisions to make, like school and...", "Michael: You know what? A request is not the same thing as a legal mandate.", "(Knock on door)", "Lauren: I'll get it.", "Lauren: Oh, hello.", "Dick: Well, hello, young lady. I'm Dick Dentner. I represent River Baldwin. I was given this address for his son Michael.", "Lauren: Well, but--", "Michael: Mr. Dentner, uh, come on in. This is my wife Lauren.", "Dick: Oh.", "Lauren: How do you do?", "Dick: Fantastic. It's all good.", "Lauren: Okay.", "(Chuckles)", "Michael: So, Mr. Dentner, what can we do for you?", "Dick: Well... (Sighs) River asked me to draw up Eden's paperwork. Now you're his obvious first choice for guardian, but if you aren't up for letting her crash here, he wanted me to tell you that, uh, everything's cool.", "Michael: Is that so?", "Dick: Someone at the ashram might be willing to take the child in. It's up to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Well, I spoke to Michael last night around, mm, midnight. He was wound pretty tight.", "Gloria: Yeah, this whole thing's a real mess.", "Kevin: Well, it's a good thing he wasn't there when the arrest went down-- not worth losing his license over this nut job.", "Gloria: Don't you call him that.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. What, now-- now you're defending the guy?", "Gloria: I'm not defending him. You didn't know him, Kevin, not the way I did. Lowell made a lot of mistakes, but before that, he was kind. He was caring. He was an idealistic man.", "Kevin: You still have a thing for this guy.", "Gloria: Of course I don't. I just don't think a man should be judged harshly before you get to know him.", "Kevin: Well, look, Mom, maybe you lucked out with John and maybe even with William, but if you judged men a little more harshly, you wouldn't keep falling in love with rats.", "Gloria: Don't you compare Lowell to Jeffrey Bardwell.", "Kevin: Oh, time out. Where did that come from?", "Gloria: Jeffrey... what am I gonna do about Jeffrey? The man scares me sometimes, Kevin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So is everything okay with you and Jack?", "Sharon: Of course.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Good. I mean, I know how it feels when your husband is out of town. You know, you--you're alone. You don't feel safe.", "Sharon: How did you know that Jack was out of town? Were you standing over there eavesdropping?", "Phyllis: No. Noah told me. I-I wouldn't have said anything, but you just seem tense. I mean, did you guys have a fight?", "Sharon: Okay, am I supposed to buy this-- this concerned routine? Because we both know that you don't give a damn about me or Jack.", "Phyllis: Actually, that's not true. I do give a damn, and--and I really give a damn about that letter that you wrote to your ex pouring your heart out. Talk about a sign of insecurity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Dad. Dad? Dad, it's me. It's Nick. Come on, let's get you up. There you go.", "Victor: What's going on?", "Nick: Okay, it's okay. Take it easy. There you go.", "Nick: Dad, have you been here all night?", "Victor: I have to put things in order.", "(Sighs)", "Nick: You have to put what in order? What--what are you talking about?", "Victor: What happened to me? I guess I-- I guess I fell asleep.", "Nick: Look, Dad, you're kind of scaring me. Are you okay?", "Victor: Yeah. Don't worry.", "Nick: Have you eaten anything or slept? I mean, you don't-- you don't look well.", "Victor: I'm all right.", "Nick: Okay. I-I know. Look, I'm--I'm just-- I'm gonna call an ambulance, all right, Dad?", "Victor: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.", "Nick: You're scaring--", "Victor: No.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "(Sighs)", "Victor: What's happening to me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Even though Eden was raised on that ashram, I'd prefer her closer where I know she's safe.", "Dick: Right on. You got a good heart, Man. That's what counts.", "Michael: How's River doing?", "Dick: Well, knowing that his daughter's gonna be with you will definitely ease his mind.", "Lauren: When are they moving him to Michigan?", "Dick: Well, he waived extradition. That means he'll be on that big silver bird for Ann Arbor tomorrow sunup.", "Michael: Tomorrow?", "Lauren: What?", "Dick: Best say your good-byes today. Peace out.", "Michael: Boy, the FBI's not wasting their time.", "Lauren: They certainly are not. Morning, Sleepyhead. How you doing?", "Eden: Uh, I heard-- I heard voices. Who else was here?", "Michael: Well, that was your father's attorney. He brought some papers by for me to sign. You are now officially Lauren's and my legal responsibility.", "Lauren: That's also known as \"Part of the family.\"", "Eden: What about my dad? When's he getting out?", "Michael: Well, uh, Eden, that part's not so simple, but, look, you'll be staying here with us. You'll go to school. We'll get to know each--", "Eden: School? No, shut up. I don't give a damn about school. I want to know about my dad. He needs help. You're a big-deal lawyer. Why can't you just get him out of jail?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, so where'd you say Jack went?", "Sharon: I didn't.", "Phyllis: Oh. Hey, I hope he's using your buyout money to get into some juicy new venture.", "Sharon: You know, Phyllis, if you're trying to rub my nose in the fact that Jack and I lost the magazine to you and Nick...", "Phyllis: You know what? Seattle, maybe.", "Sharon: What?", "Phyllis: That's a great place, or Toronto. There are a lot of business opportunities in Toronto these days.", "Sharon: Well, since you're so fascinated in where Jack went, he's in L.A. with Ashley. They're working on some family business matters.", "Phyllis: Oh, L.A. that is a great town. That is a great town, and the weather is so beautiful at this time of year. Why didn't he take you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cisneros: Buenos tardes. I'm Inspector Cisneros. You are Jack Abbott?", "Jack: I am indeed. This is my associate, uh, Adam Wilson.", "Cisneros: Hi.", "Jack: We're down here writing a story. I do have my press credentials with me.", "Cisneros: Uh, please.", "Jack: Here we are.", "Cisneros: \"Restless Style\"?", "Jack: Yes, it's a magazine back in the states, uh, current affairs.", "Cisneros: Ah.", "Jack: We're doing a story we think only you can help us with. Uh, we've come a pretty long distance.", "Cisneros: Okay, Mr. Abbott, um, what do you want to know?", "Jack: Can we sit down?", "Cisneros: Sure.", "Jack: There was a storm here...", "Cisneros: (Sighs)", "Jack: Back in August, a pretty severe storm. A fishing boat went down, and, well, we have reason to believe that this man was the skipper.", "Cisneros: (Sighs) Yes, we believe he was on the boat, but, um, we never recovered his body.", "Adam: What would you say if I told you he was alive and well?", "Cisneros: That is out of my jurisdiction. This case was passed along to the A.F.I. in Mexico City.", "Jack: A.F.I.?", "Cisneros: La Agencia Federal de Investigación, similar to your American FBI. And my own investigation is complete, so, um, unless you have another inquiry, I'm just--", "Jack: Oh, how nice of you to ask. Actually, there is something else. I was wondering about the other guy.", "Cisneros: I'm not sure I--", "Jack: There was another man in the boat in that storm. His body was found in a tide pool, dead. Do you maybe have an 8x10 glossy of him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Look, Dad, you may not care what happens to you, but there are people who do, and I need you to think about them right now and what they're feeling and how worried we are.", "Victor: Son, I don't want to hear about other people right now. I just want to be left alone, okay?", "Nick: You can't stop us from caring.", "Victor: Oh, please, don't. (Sighs) I don't know what's the matter with me. I just want to be left alone. So just turn around and go, all right? (Sighs) I'm empty. I'm just empty, okay? So go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Enough coffee. Here's some tea.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Kevin: (Sighs) So what is that jerk threatening you with this time? Same old, same old?", "Gloria: No, it's not even about the cream. It's just he's just so sinister sometimes. He gets in my face and says, \"I dare you.\"", "Kevin: Mom, I don't know what that means.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Kevin: You're hiding something. Damn it, will you tell me what's going on?", "Gloria: J-Je--hi, Honey.", "Jeff: Hi.", "Gloria: How was your game?", "Jeff: Splendid. 18 holes, shot a 4 over par. Beat the pants off those smug S.O.B.s.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: I'm outta here. I'm gonna go see how Michael's doing.", "Gloria: Tell your brother to call me when he can.", "Kevin: All right.", "Gloria: He's taking all this really hard.", "Jeff: Pity about River getting nabbed. Imagine 40 years of getting away with murder all brought to a screeching halt with one little phone call.", "Kevin: What is that supposed to mean?", "Jeff: Nothing. Obviously, somebody turned the man in. Damn shame. (Sighs) Give your brother my best, will you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Ooh, let's grab that table over there. I'll get us some tea. Are you hungry? They have the best scones ever here.", "Eden: Is that why we're here, so we can bond over sugar? Well, save it, Lauren. I'm not staying in this town. If my dad's getting sent away, I'm going with him.", "Lauren: Let's sit down, okay? Come on. Come on.", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Lauren: I understand that this is hard for you.", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Lauren: But River needs to know that you're okay. He is heading into the fight of his life, and the last thing he needs to do is be worrying about where you are and who you're with. It would just be too much.", "Eden: I'll go back to the ashram. The people there are--", "Lauren: Look, I know. I know. They're nice. They're--they're wonderful, very decent people, but your father asked us to give you a home, and we agreed. So if you'd like to help your father, you'll stay with us, you'll enroll in school, and you'll make it as easy as possible for him. Make sense?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nick: Dad, please tell me what's going on.", "Victor: I just need some time away, Son.", "Nick: Are you going somewhere?", "Victor: Where the hell are these people? They're supposed to be here by now.", "Nick: Where's who? Are--are you expecting someone?", "Victor: (Sighs)", "(Sighs)", "Victor: I need to put some things in order, my boy.", "Nick: All right, Dad, I need you to tell me right now what's going on.", "Victor: (Sighs) Something happened in Mexico.", "Nick: What happened in Mexico? What'd you do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cisneros: The man came to Bucerias from time to time to go sport fishing, but he never gave his name, paid cash. We could never identify his remains. Um, perhaps the A.F.I. has had more luck.", "Jack: Do you know this guy?", "Adam: No, I don't think so.", "Jack: Yeah, I don't recognize him, either. This is probably not his best shot.", "Adam: Uh, listen, were there any other bodies recovered?", "Cisneros: As far as I could determine, only these two men were-- went out on the boat that day.", "Jack: Can I keep this?", "Cisneros: I can't release it. It belongs in the case file.", "Jack: What, no negatives?", "Cisneros: There are no others. The, uh, morgue only uses an instant camera.", "Jack: There's no copier in town?", "Adam: Wait, I have an idea. Uh, do you mind if I use a cell phone camera?", "Cisneros: (Chuckles) Go ahead.", "Adam: Let's have it.", "Jack: Good idea.", "Adam: All right, got it.", "Cisneros: Will there be anything else?", "Jack: No, no, no. Thank you very much for agreeing to see us. Uh, you've made our trip worthwhile.", "Cisneros: You're welcome, and, uh, good luck with your story.", "Adam: Thanks.", "Cisneros: Con permiso.", "Jack: Thank you.", "(Sighs)", "Adam: So who's the stiff?", "Jack: No idea, but if he's dead and Victor's alive and there were only two of them on the boat, well...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: I, uh, I don't know how to thank you and Lauren.", "Michael: Fenmore will enjoy having her around.", "River: Eden can be a handful.", "Michael: Oh. She's scared out of her mind, and who could blame her? Uh, not-- not saying she has a clue about what you're really facing.", "River: I don't--I don't want her coming here, Michael, please? It's not, you know, the nicest place to be.", "Michael: I know. I've spent some time behind bars myself.", "River: I'm sorry.", "Michael: Why? You didn't have anything to do with it.", "River: No, maybe if I-- I don't know-- (sighs) Just been there.", "Michael: Uh, your lawyer told me that you were to be transferred to Ann Arbor tomorrow, and, uh, I promised Eden I would do whatever I could to help you.", "River: But, Michael, you've already done enough. Legally, I-I'm taken care of.", "Michael: Well, I-I'm sure Mr. \"Mad at the man\" is a nice guy and knows his way around an affirmative action suit, but, uh, he might not be the best choice to defend you against a first-degree murder and conspiracy rap.", "River: Why do you say that?", "Michael: Because the world's changed in the last few decades. His, uh, tirade against the establishment routine, uh, that's not gonna help your case. In fact, it's likely to bury you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, here you go. Here's your tea.", "Eden: And what kind of tea is this?", "Lauren: It is jasmine pearl. It's my favorite. I think you'll like it. Hey, Noah. Hey!", "Noah: Hey, Lauren.", "Lauren: Hey, how you doing?", "Noah: I'm good. How are you?", "Lauren: I'm fine. I want you to meet somebody. Come here.", "Noah: O-okay.", "Lauren: Yeah. Eden, this is Noah. Eden is staying with us for a little bit. She's Michael's sister.", "Noah: Cool.", "Lauren: Yeah. Hey, you know, she's going to be going to Genoa City High. Do you know anybody there?", "Noah: Um...", "(Cell phone rings)", "Lauren: Oh, wait a minute. Uh, it's Fen's babysitter. Would you give me a minute?", "Noah: Sure. Um... (Clears throat) I, uh, I used to go to private school, but, uh, I'm going to Genoa City High now, too. You know, maybe we could help each other figure the place out.", "Eden: Um, listen, I'm--I'm not gonna be living in this loser town for very long, and I'm not going to your loser school, but even if I were staying in this loser town and going to that loser school, I sure as hell wouldn't be seen with a loser like you. Got it?", "Noah: Uh-huh. Well, nice to meet you, too, and good luck with the whole psycho-bitch-from-hell act. It really suits you.", "Lauren: (Sighs) That Noah-- he's such a nice guy, isn't he?", "Eden: I want to know what Michael's doing for my dad. Listen, I'll make you a deal. If he's willing to get my dad out of jail, I will think about going to school.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I just wonder why they aren't here yet.", "Nick: Dad, there's-- there's no one coming, all right? It's just you and me here.", "Man: Everything okay, Mr. Newman?", "Victor: Everything is fine, thank you. Are they here?", "Man: Yes, Sir. Should I send them in?", "Victor: Yes, please do.", "Nick: Dad, who's outside?", "Victor: They're just movers. They're going to take some of this stuff that Sabrina and I collected. All the art pieces we collected are gonna be sent to museums and be auctioned off.", "Nick: I don't understand. I-if they're meaningful to you, why don't you keep them?", "Victor: (Sighs) Please be careful. There's a lot of fragile stuff here, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Michael, I'm no fool. I know I'm in a hell of a lot of trouble. But see, I know I'm innocent, and this lawyer Dentner-- he--he believes in me. What more could I ask for? (Sighs) Besides, he's all I got.", "Michael: Uh, Lauren and I would like to help you.", "River: How?", "Michael: Uh, we will hire you a first-rate attorney, somebody who specializes in politically charged cases, uh, who'd understand your situation. You just say the word, and I'll start making phone calls.", "River: That's very generous, Michael, generous of you both, but, uh, I've already burdened you with a teenage girl, and I'm not taking your money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Look, why doesn't he just get my dad out of jail so we can go back to the ashram? What's so complicated?", "Lauren: Uh, do you understand how serious the charges are?", "Eden: None of that matters. My dad is innocent. You know, he always said that one day he'd go back, stand tall against his accusers, prove them wrong. I guess now is the time.", "Eden: I just don't want him to be in jail. He's always been so afraid of winding up there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I offered to help her out at school, that's it. I-I'm sorry. Did you want to sit?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, thanks.", "Noah: No worries. Anyway, in--instead of just saying \"No, thank you,\" she had to stomp me into the ground. I mean, why are girls like that?", "Sharon: Well, not all girls are that way, Noah, you know? Only the ones who are insecure, bitter, lonely and getting old before their time.", "Noah: Mom, she's only 15.", "Sharon: Mm.", "Phyllis: It--that-- that doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Some girls are just forever like that. You know, they're--they're forever, um, what, what, immature and stupid, right, Sharon?", "Sharon: No, no, I think that--that they just-- they seem that way to the ones who are jealous of how vibrant they actually are.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh. Yeah, I-I don't know. I don't know about that, but--but what's more likely is, uh, that the, um, stupid, immature ones-- they are just oblivious to how clueless they are, and they find themselves later in life wondering where their husband is night after night after night after night after night--", "Noah: Uh, Guys, forget I asked. I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's freaking me out. I'll catch you later.", "Phyllis: Leaving so soon?", "Sharon: For your information, Phyllis, Jack adores me, and I'm lucky to be his wife.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I was married to him, Sharon. We all sing that triumphant duet when we have matching wedding bands, but we'll see how shrill the tune goes when it's over.", "Sharon: Well, that's not gonna happen to my marriage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Has visto a este hombre?", "Jack: Anyone seen this man?", "Adam: Seguro?", "Man: No.", "Jack: Hola.", "Adam: Has vista a este hombre?", "Jack: Have you seen this man?", "Adam: Reconoce a este-- este hombre? Seguro?", "Man: No.", "Jack: (Groans)", "Girl: Señor? I know the man in the picture. I can show you where he lived.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Phyllis? Is Phyllis around? Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Emergency services. Hello? Is anyone there? Do you need assistance?", "Man: Mr. Newman, the movers just left. Are you ready? Sir?", "Victor: Yes.", "Man: Shall I drive you home now?", "Victor: That's all right. I'll find my way.", "Man: Mr. Newman, with all due respect, Sir, I--", "Victor: That's all right. Thank you. Thank you very much.", "[Victor passes out and dreams]", "Victor: I want to be with you and only you. Will you marry me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victor wakes up]", "Victor: Sabrina...", "(Sighs)", "Victor: I'm ready for you now.", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Sweetheart? Hi. How'd it go with River?", "Michael: Well, I offered to hire him a competent attorney, and he turned me down.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm so sorry, Honey.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: So, uh, where is the angry girl?", "Lauren: She's in her room, and you know, all that attitude that she throws out is just a cover. She's--she's so scared.", "Michael: And tomorrow when Lowell gets transferred to Ann Arbor...", "Lauren: Which I dread, because she doesn't even know what he's accused of, let alone what would happen if he got convicted.", "Michael: No. No, he didn't tell her anything. He told me this. I mean, a-apparently, uh, you know, details are not his forte.", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Lauren: Go ahead.", "Michael: I'll get it. Mm. Hey.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Michael: Thanks for coming.", "Kevin: Sure.", "(Sighs)", "Lauren: Hi.", "Kevin: Hi. So I was just with Mom. Guess who I am 99% sure blew the whistle on River?", "Lauren: Who?", "Kevin: Jeff.", "Eden: Who'd you say narced on my dad?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Gasps) Jeffrey.", "Jeff: What were you and Kevin talking about?", "Gloria: Michael, of course, and River.", "Jeff: Think twice before you tell anyone who made that call to the FBI. You got too much to lose to double-cross me now.", "Gloria: Hmm. Now why on earth would I double-cross you? You are a stinker, but I also love you too much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, Sweetheart, what's up?", "Sharon: Hey, listen, I just had a-a brainstorm.", "Jack: H-Honey, I'm on my way into a meeting, okay?", "Sharon: Oh, okay. Well--well, listen. What if I dropped Noah off with Nick and then I hopped on a plane? I could come out and see you. You know, we could both use a little fun in the sun.", "Jack: You know, it's pretty hectic here. I--look, I-I gotta run into this meeting. I-I'll be home tomorrow night, no later. Promise, okay?", "Sharon: Sure, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Forester Creations. How may I direct your call?", "Phyllis: Ashley Abbott, please.", "Woman: I'm sorry. Miss Abbott's not in the office this week. She's working out of Forrester International. Would you care to leave a message?", "Phyllis: No, thank you, no message.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Girl: The man stayed here. I brought him food.", "Jack: Sweetheart, h-how--how long did the man stay here?", "Girl: A few days, but then the lady with the yellow hair came, and he was gone.", "Jack: Probably Nikki.", "Adam: Nikki. Yeah.", "Girl: The man was kind. He gave me money.", "Jack: Well, listen, thank you very much for bringing us here, okay?", "Adam: (Sighs) Well, it's quite a step down from the ranch, huh?", "Jack: Victor Newman comes to this hole-in-the-wall in Mexico, finds himself on a fishing boat-- Victor who never fished a day in his empire-building life-- with a man no one can seem to identify, gets caught in a storm. The man dies, but Victor lives and holes himself up in this godforsaken place, allowing everyone to think he died. Why? Why would he do that?", "Adam: I think I got something here.", "Jack: What, what do you got?", "Adam: It's a notebook. Hey, hey, hey, look at this-- Victor's handwriting.", "Jack: Well, open it up. See what it has to say.", "Adam: It doesn't say much. The entries are all kind of innocuous. Oh, wait a second. I got a name-- Tony Amato.", "Jack: Tony Amato-- who's that?", "Adam: Mm, Victor doesn't say. Ah, do you think maybe it's our dead guy?", "Jack: It could well be. If we can find out what this guy's story is, we can find out what Victor was doing down here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victor dreaming]", "Victor: Sabrina!", "Victor: Sabrina!", "Sabrina: Victor.", "Victor: You have come for me. I've been waiting for you. You have come for me.", "(Sighs)", "Sabrina: Please take my hand.", "Victor: Why won't you take my hand? I'm not going back. Without you, there's nothing left.", "Sabrina: I won't let you do this. This is not what I wanted. Go back, Victor. Go back. Go back.", "Victor: I won't go back. I'm coming after you. I won't go back. There's nothing left for me without you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nick walks into the office Victor is passed out]", "Nick: Dad! Dad! Dad? Dad. Dad? Dad? Dad, are you okay?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Here's to finding the truth.", "Adam: I'll drink to that.", "Doctor: Mr. Newman? Can you hear me, Mr. Newman?", "Jeff: I did it. I called the feds on River." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kay asks Jill how can she be so broke. Jill tells Kay that she doesn't want to talk about it. Jill orders Kay to pick a color. Gloria arrives at the bank and introduces herself. The receptionist tells Gloria that the real Gloria is in the vault. Gloria insists that she is the real Gloria Fisher and the other woman is an imposter. The receptionist tells Mr. Felix that she needs to talk to him. Mr. Felix tells Kevin and Amber to come with him. J.T inquires about Billy and jack. Ashley tells Traci that she should never have listened to Victor. Ashley and Traci talk to a brain dead Colleen. Traci sees Colleen's hand move. Victoria visits Victor. Paul finds Nikki at a posh hotel. Daniel and Jana manage to get Gloria's attention. Amber claims that Gloria is her grandmother. Gloria denies it. Mr. Felix threatens to call the police .Ashley tells Adam that Victor had regained consciousness. Adam apologizes to Ashley for Victor calling out for Nikki. Victor asks Nick about Colleen. Paul tells Nikki about victor being shot by Patty. Paul tells Nikki that Victor had been behind Patty changing her name to Mary Jane Benson. Gloria tells Daniel that whatever is in that safe deposit box belongs to her .Nikki tells Paul about the letters. Jill tells Kay about all her money being gone. Nikki refuses to go home with Paul. Ashley tells Victor that she is moving out with Abby and the new baby. Once back in Genoa City, Daniel reveals that he had stolen the Terroni out of the safe deposit box. Kay leaves Jill a sizable tip. Victor goes into congestive heart failure. Ashley feels responsible for Victor's heart failure. Nikki, upon hearing about Victor's heart failure, agrees to go home with Paul", "" ]
[ "Kay: How can you be broke?", "Jill: I don't want to talk about it, okay? So unless you want a manicure...", "Kay: Fine, if that's the only way you will explain to me why you're doing all of this.", "Jill: Oh, for God sake. Go ahead, pick a color.", "(Sighs)", "Kay: Okay.", "Jill: Ha! Yeah, \"The other woman\"-- how appropriate.", "Kay: Where shall I sit?", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Walk-ins wait their turn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I said, my name is Gloria Fisher. I am Tom Fisher's widow, and I am here to collect the contents of my late husband's safe-deposit box.", "Woman: Gloria Fisher is already in the vault...", "Gloria: Excuse me?", "Woman: Collecting the contents of her late husband's safe-deposit box. (Clears throat)", "Gloria: Listen, I don't know what kind of bank you people think you're running here, but I am Gloria Fisher, and if there is another one of me in there, believe me, she's the imposter.", "Woman: I need to speak with you.", "Amber: (Whispering) Go see. Go see. Go see.", "Kevin: Is there a problem?", "Mr. Felix: I'm afraid there is. You and your mother need to come with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Oh, here, go ahead.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "J.T.: Where did, uh, where'd Billy go?", "Steve: Oh, uh, Traci asked him to grab some of Colleen's things from her house-- slippers, hand cream.", "J.T.: What about Jack?", "Steve: He, uh, he's arranging for a couple of specialists to be flown in.", "J.T.: (Sighs) It's hard to let go of that last bit of hope.", "Steve: Yeah. It's about the only thing that's keeping Traci going right now.", "Ashley: I never should have listened to him.", "Traci: Listened to who?", "Ashley: Victor. I thought he was done trying to destroy Jack, Traci. He convinced me that his priorities had changed. I didn't know.", "Traci: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Sweetheart... (Sniffles) Colleen, I'm so, so sorry. I wish I'd seen it. I would have stopped him. I swear to you, Sweetie. I would have stopped him. I'm sorry. (Sobs) I need some air.", "Traci: Okay, Sweetheart. It's Mama. I think you're gonna have to wake up now. (Chuckles) Please, Colleen? Do it for me. Oh, Sweetie, I need you. So many people need you.", "Traci: (Gasps) Did you see that? Her hand moved. Steve, get the doctor! Our baby's waking up. Our girl is coming back to us. Sweetie? Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hi. Where were you?", "Victoria: At the nurses' station. I wanted to find out what was going on with Colleen, whether they'd taken her off, um...", "Victor: Mm.", "Victoria: Daddy?", "Victor: (Groans)", "Victoria: Dad? Daddy? Hey.", "Victor: Save... Colleen.", "Victoria: Daddy, everything's okay. You're in the hospital, remember?", "Nick: You just came out of surgery. You did great in there.", "Victoria: Yeah, you did great. Everything's gonna be just fine, Dad.", "Nick: I'll let them know he's awake.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Hey, Paul. Uh, great news. Dad is conscious.", "Paul: That's great.", "Nick: Any word on Mom?", "Paul: Well, uh, I'm following that lead I told you about. I'm at a retreat in the Rocky Mountains.", "Nick: But you haven't found her?", "Paul: Well, I'm hoping she's here. Uh, listen, I gotta go. I will keep you posted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Paul. Um, h-how did you find me? What are you-- oh, no. What is it? What's wrong?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Whispering) Look, we can't let her see Kevin and Amber. We gotta do something.", "Jana: (Whispering) What? No, no, Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!", "Daniel: (Clears throat)", "Gloria: Daniel! Jana. What are you two doing here?", "Jana: (Clears throat)", "Mr. Felix: This woman also claims to be Tom Fisher's widow. Will the real Gloria Fisher please stand up?", "Kevin: Uh, um, uh, this-- this is Gloria Fisher. She's my grandmother.", "Gloria: What?", "Amber: Yes. Yes, um, this is-- this is my mother. She must have wandered from the car. Poor thing gets confused sometimes. Isn't that right, Mom?", "Gloria: I am not confused, and I'm certainly not old enough to be your grandmother.", "Mr. Felix: Look, I don't know what you folks are trying to pull here, but I'm going to call the police.", "Kevin and Jana: No!", "Amber and Daniel: No!", "Gloria: No!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam remembering]", "Adam: You need to live. You need-- (Sobs)", "Adam: (Sobs) (Sniffles) (Sighs) You have to live.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Adam: Who's there?", "Ashley: It's Ashley.", "Adam: (Sighs) Hey, Ash.", "Ashley: Victor regained consciousness.", "Adam: Have you seen him yet?", "Ashley: No, I haven't. Have you?", "Adam: Mnh-mnh, not since earlier when we saw him together. And look, I'm, uh, I'm sorry about you having to hear him call for Nikki.", "Ashley: It's okay. I don't want to talk about that, okay?", "Adam: Okay.", "Ashley: I feel like such a fool. I swore to myself I'd never get involved with him again.", "Adam: Hey, come here. I'm right here.", "Ashley: What kind of a man spends his days doing horrible things to me and my family and then holds me in his arms at night and tells me everything's gonna be okay?", "Ashley: I just saw my niece. (Sobs) Colleen had her whole life ahead of her, and now she's never gonna have a chance to live it, all because of Victor.", "Adam: I can't excuse what he's done, but I do understand it.", "Ashley: You understand him sending that woman to do God knows what to my brother? Come on!", "Adam: That man blamed Jack for everything that had to do with that diary.", "Ashley: It doesn't give him an excuse to retaliate, Adam. Please.", "Adam: He just wanted justice brought against anyone who wronged him. You start to lose control of the situation, and no matter how bad you want to call the whole thing off, you can't.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Adam: It's already in motion. Then you-- you look at yourself in the mirror, and you don't even recognize who you are.", "Ashley: Adam, please. (Scoffs) That's who Victor is. That is who he is. He's always been that way. He likes to be a master manipulator. He loves to play God with people's lives.", "Adam: (Sighs) So what are you gonna do?", "Ashley: (Sniffles) I gotta protect my baby. I'm gonna talk to Victor.", "Adam: That man just went through major surgery. Why don't you wait a few days, let him get a little stronger?", "Ashley: No. Nope, I don't want to lose my resolve.", "(Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Weakly) How is-- how is Colleen?", "Nick: Dad, you need to get some rest.", "Victor: Tell me the truth.", "Victoria: She's been diagnosed brain-dead.", "Victor: (Sighs) I-I never wanted... that.", "Victoria: I know you didn't, Daddy. I believe you.", "Nick: We both do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: It's Victor. He's been shot.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Is he alive?", "Paul: Yes, he's fine. He made it out of surgery.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Who shot him?", "Paul: My sister.", "Nikki: Patty? What are you ta-- (Stammers) Nobody's heard from her in years. What do you mean?", "Paul: Nikki, she is not the Patty we knew. She's got a new face, a-a-a new name, a new persona.", "Nikki: I don't understand any of this.", "Paul: You remember Mary Jane Benson?", "Nikki: (Scoffs) Who could forget that lunati-- are you saying--", "Paul: Mary Jane Benson is Patty.", "Nikki: How could she be? Uh, to--to pull off something of that magnitude, it--", "Paul: She didn't even have to lift a finger. Victor provided for extensive plastic surgery. He made sure that she got a job at Jabot with Jack.", "Nikki: That is ridiculous. Victor wouldn't do that.", "Paul: He would, and he did.", "Nikki: But why?", "Paul: He was hoping that Patty would cause Jack as much pain and hurt as possible, as much as she did all those years ago.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Whatever is in that box belongs to me.", "Daniel: That's up for debate.", "Gloria: I'm the real Mrs. Fisher-- therefore, other than Tom, the only one authorized to open it.", "Daniel: You know, it's funny, 'cause your husband died years ago. Why the sudden interest?", "Gloria: Got a tip from a friend.", "Daniel: Mm. Bet that friend's name is Deacon Sharpe, isn't it?", "Gloria: How would you know?", "Daniel: Let me guess-- he told you that whatever's inside that box is worth millions, and he'll give you a cut of it, right?", "Jana: Look, Gloria, this man cannot be trusted. He tried to ruin Daniel's life.", "Daniel: Yeah, Amber's life, too. Look, Gloria, if you play along with us, you're gonna get your cut.", "Gloria: Mm. Excuse me. (Clears throat) I am so sorry about earlier. I do get confused sometimes.", "Kevin: It's all right, Grandma. We know.", "Mr. Felix: You've got three seconds to vacate the premises, or I really will call the police.", "Kevin: But we haven't finished our business here yet.", "Amber: Oh, no. The man is right. We have taken up enough of his time. Come along, son.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Oh, I could kiss you.", "Amber: Oh, not in front of mother.", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Snyder: I-if you'll look here, you'll see there are no sudden spikes, no sign of brain activity.", "Traci: What are you saying?", "Dr. Snyder: What you saw was an involuntary muscle spasm, nothing more. I'm sorry.", "Traci: No, I-I don't care what your printout says. She moved her hand.", "Steve: Traci, let's-- please, just--", "Traci: No! I'm not talking about brain activity. I'm talking about heart, and I'm talking about soul-- two things my daughter has so much of. Don't you think I would feel it if she was gone? (Sobs) Sweetie, okay, I want you to do it again for me, Honey. I want you to move your hand again. Show the doctor she's wrong. (Sniffles) Please, Sweetheart. I know you're in there. Okay, just squeeze my hand. (Voice breaking) Squeeze my hand. (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) Paul, I-- and all these weeks, I've been indulging myself.", "Paul: It's not like you were up here having a party.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Yeah, but I caused you so much pain-- calling off the wedding. I really thought that some soul-searching would be in order. Instead, I ended up walking away from the people that care most when they needed me the most.", "Paul: Look, there's no way you could have known that Victor was gunned down.", "Nikki: Poor Colleen. And the Abbotts must be absolutely devastated.", "Paul: And Traci-- I mean, not only is it her child, it's her only child.", "Nikki: (Sighs) You know, I have thought about my first conversation with you a hundred different ways, but never like this.", "Paul: Look, I tried to respect your privacy, but once the truth about Patty came out, Nicholas, Victoria, Katherine-- they were all so worried about you.", "Nikki: (Sighs) After everything else that's happened, I don't know why on earth anybody's worried about me.", "Paul: My sister caused so much chaos as Mary Jane Benson. For all we knew, she could have gotten to you, too. I mean, after all, we--we--we didn't-- we didn't hear from you, and we had no idea--", "Nikki: Wait a minute. Wh-what about my letters?", "Paul: What letters?", "Nikki: I sent letters to Victor and the kids telling them where I was and that they shouldn't worry about me.", "Paul: Where did you send them?", "Nikki: I sent them to the ranch. In fact, I even got delivery confirmation.", "Paul: That's odd. No one ever got them.", "Nikki: Well, then where did they go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I can go with you if you'd like.", "Ashley: Oh, that's okay, Honey. I-I, uh, I gotta do this alone. Thanks.", "Victor: (Weakly) My beautiful Ashley.", "Ashley: Hello.", "Victor: Huh. Colleen...", "Ashley: There's no hope.", "Victor: I know.", "Ashley: You do these really terrible things. I know that deep down inside, it hurts you when innocent people get caught in the cross fire, but this time, you've gone too far-- your Goddaughter, your granddaughter, me.", "Ashley: How do you-- how do you destroy the lives of the people that you claim to love and then come home to me at night and talk to me about our future with our baby girl? How do you do that? How do you convince me that we could have it all when our marriage was based on lies? Lies after lies after lies.", "Victor: Not lies. I love you. I love you.", "Ashley: You don't love me. You can't love me, because you don't know the meaning of the word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Scoffs) Talk to me, Jill.", "Jill: About?", "Kay: Stop playing games. Now why are you doing all this?", "Jill: A girl can only watch so much TV and eat so many bonbons.", "Kay: (Sighs) Oh, please. Please.", "Jill: (Sighs) All right, last year, when the economy was tanking, I moved all my investments to a bank in the Cayman Islands. Long story, it went under.", "Kay: Well, everyone knows the worst thing you can do in a recession is to panic. You should have left your money where it was.", "Jill: Thank you so much, Katherine, for your timely financial advice. Give me the other hand.", "Kay: All right, so you-- you lost your life savings. Why didn't you apply for another corporate job?", "Jill: Oh, don't you think I did? I went to Jack. He turned me down flat. Then I went to Victor. He wouldn't hire me. It's not like I have a lot of options.", "Kay: Oh, with your résumé, you could have gone anywhere, for heaven sakes. You could have gone to Chicago, New York, uh, Paris, London. You could have gone anywhere.", "Jill: I couldn't leave town.", "Kay: Well, why not?", "Jill: Because that was the time that Nina was making all those accusations against Cane, okay? And that Chance got back from Iraq and Phillip turns up at our door.", "Kay: Please, if you didn't want to leave Genoa City, you could have at least started your own business. You could have eventually even competed against Chancellor Industries. You would have been your own-- (Whispering) You would have been your own boss.", "Jill: My God, you can't build a company on thin air. You need money, okay?", "Kay: (Normal voice) Well, you could have found a cosigner.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: Borrowed it. I mean, you could have reinvented yourself a hundred ways, but you didn't. No. You went right back to starting where it all started for us.", "Jill: Where what all started for us? (Sighs)", "Kay: Our lifelong feud, which ultimately led to so many bad things, but many good things. I mean, what were you thinking? That somehow, you deserved a second chance from the universe out there? You know, w-- were you looking to-- to make another best friend, a rival, a...", "Kay: Or were you looking to find another mother? Did you miss me that much?", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: (Chuckles) I missed you, too.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So what are you plotting now?", "Adam: Excuse me?", "Nick: Eh, you brought Dad's favorite things from the ranch. You're holding Ashley's hand like the doting stepson.", "Adam: You know, if you spent a lot less time worrying about me, your life might not be such a disaster.", "Nick: (Chuckles) What's that supposed to mean?", "Adam: You bounce back and forth from your wife to your ex like a frickin' yo- yo.", "Nick: You better watch your mouth.", "Adam: Or what? You're gonna hit a blind man?", "Nick: You don't know anything about my relationship with Sharon or Phyllis.", "Adam: I do know you've been walking around this hospital like the prince of Newman for the last couple of days, and no matter how hard you try, you will never fill Daddy's shoes.", "Nick: You'd still be under house arrest if Dad didn't take pity on you.", "Adam: If there's anything I learned at that Godforsaken ranch, all the suffering Victor and I put each other through-- he and I-- we're a lot alike.", "Nick: Adam, I can't keep you from here, but you stay away from me. You stay away from my sister, and don't even think about trying to worm your way back into Newman Enterprises.", "Adam: (Whispers) Or what?", "Nick: Or you will find out exactly how much like our father I can be.", "Adam: (Snickers) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Without those letters, my taking off must have seemed so selfish.", "Paul: Well, you're safe. That's, um, that's really all that matters.", "Nikki: Yeah, but when I think what you and the kids and Victor were going through--", "Paul: Victor didn't go through anything, except having his-- his plan to destroy Jack blow up in his face.", "Nikki: Granted, what he did was... (Sighs) Irresponsible and vindictive. I wouldn't blame you if you never forgave him.", "Paul: You're not gonna defend him, I hope.", "Nikki: You know as well as I do that everything that happened with Colleen and Summer and Ashley, Victor didn't intend for any of that to happen. I mean--", "Paul: Oh, damn it, Nikki. The guy almost killed his own granddaughter! Colleen is brain-dead. And what are you doing? You're tossing it aside like it's just wh-what, one of--one of Victor's \"Little personality quirks\"?", "Nikki: No! I am not saying that at all. I was gonna go into how stubborn he was, if you really want to know. My God, Paul! If anybody knows how cruel that man can be, it's me. The things he said to me after Sabrina died-- come on. I am just saying that you can't lay all the blame at his feet.", "Paul: Well, what? You're talking about Patty?", "Nikki: Victor may have been responsible for turning her into Mary Jane, but he didn't force her to hurt Summer or to kidnap Colleen. She's as guilty as he is.", "Paul: You don't think I know that? She's my sister.", "Nikki: And he's my--", "Paul: So I guess that's all I need to know, right?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Paul: So as long as Victor is alive, you're always gonna stand by him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Weakly) I do love you.", "Ashley: Those words don't mean anything to me anymore.", "Victor: Darling, please--", "Ashley: You know, I tried so hard. (Sniffles) I tried--I tried to get past what you did with the Jabot stock, but, uh, you let Patty Williams torture me, and it almost caused me to have a nervous breakdown. I mean, do you understand that you're talking about my sanity?", "Victor: I tried to stop her.", "Ashley: No. No, you did not. You could have come clean, but you were afraid of what people would say about you. Because of that, I almost lost everything, and Colleen has lost everything. And if you think I'm gonna bring a baby into a home where revenge means more than love or family, then you're the one who's nuts. That's why I did it.", "Victor: You did what?", "Ashley: (Sobs) Before I found out that you'd been shot, I packed my bags. I was planning on leaving you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Traci: Sweetie, look who's come to see you again. It's Victoria. Um, thank you for coming. I-I know that you and Colleen, well, you've had your difficulties over the last couple of years.", "Victoria: I wish that I could take it back. I would have handled it all so differently.", "Traci: Well, you'll just start fresh when she gets out of here.", "Traci: Would you like to sit with her?", "Victoria: I-I should go be with my dad.", "Traci: Oh. Um, h-how is Victor?", "Victoria: He's out of the anesthesia, and the doctors are very optimistic.", "Traci: Good.", "Traci: J.T., it's okay. You can go be with your wife.", "J.T.: (Whispers) Bye, Sweetheart.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Traci: Are you coming back?", "J.T.: Of course.", "Traci: 'Cause I think hearing your voice will help our girl come back to us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I've spent years listening to you make excuses for Victor. I don't know why I thought this was gonna be any different. No matter what the guy does, you stand behind him. I've had it, okay?", "Nikki: I'm so sorry.", "Paul: Don't apologize. Please. Just do me a favor. The next time the guy rips your heart out, don't come crying to me. (Sighs) I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just--I don't know.", "Nikki: I know you are. You're--you're--you're confused and-- and angry and can't understand why on earth you agreed to even come look for me.", "Paul: And I would do it all over again, because no matter what new atrocities Victor might do, I know you love him, and I know you'd want to be with him.", "Nikki: God, after everything that I've done to you--", "Paul: Stop it. Get your stuff. We'll--we'll catch the next flight.", "Nikki: Nope. (Sighs)", "Paul: What do you mean, \"No\"?", "Nikki: No, Victor made it very clear before I left that it was over between us.", "Paul: And since when has that ever stopped you?", "Nikki: It's just not something I'm going to do, Paul, especially not this close to Ashley's due date-- confuse things. It's best that I stay away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I have loved you for so many years, Victor.", "Ashley: (Sighs) I see a man that's betrayed me so many times.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Ashley: I thought we could have everything. It kills me to know that none of it was ever real.", "Victor: (Weakly) I loved you. Listen. Please listen.", "Ashley: Why? So you can manipulate me again? So you can tell me what it is I want to hear and then do just the opposite when I walk away? Isn't it enough-- isn't it enough that you've taken my niece from me? Who else do I have to lose, Victor? My brother? Abby? Our baby girl?", "Victor: I would never hurt her.", "Ashley: Oh, yes, you would! Oh, yes, you would. Maybe not intentionally, but you'd just keep on doing whatever it is you do, and eventually, somebody I love will get hurt again.", "Victor: (Moaning)", "Ashley: And that's why Abby and I are moving out, Victor, and this baby--", "Victor: (Groaning)", "(Heart monitor beeping)", "Ashley: Victor?", "Victor: (Grunts)", "Ashley: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Victor! Help! Somebody, help me! He can't breathe! Help me!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You four were whispering all the way back on the plane, and what the heck are we doing here if that painting's still in Detroit? Whatever you're hiding, let's have it.", "Gloria: Why, you little sneak. You smuggled it out. Mm. Fantastic. Now we sell it for millions, and we all get rich.", "Daniel: (Clears throat) We're, uh, not selling that.", "Gloria: I beg your pardon?", "Kevin: Daniel wants to give it to Deacon in exchange for Amber's freedom.", "Gloria: Her freedom?", "Jana: Deacon's been blackmailing her.", "Amber: Yes, um, I agreed to marry him, and Daniel stays out of jail.", "Gloria: (Sighs) And what's he got on you?", "Daniel: It doesn't matter, 'cause he's gonna forget all about it if I give him the Terroni.", "Gloria: So what you said at the bank about cutting me in, that was a lie?", "Kevin: (Snickers) You told her that?", "Daniel: Well, I had to tell her something, or we all probably would have wound up in jail if she didn't back down.", "Gloria: You know something? We can talk all day. That painting is mine.", "Jana: Wrong. That painting belongs in the Sheffer museum. And, Amber, I love you, and you know I would do anything for you, but we really have to return it.", "Gloria: Are you out of your ever-loving mind?", "Jana: Well, look, if you're so worried, there's a $25,000 reward, okay?", "Gloria: $25,000-- five ways. That ain't keepin' me in Armani.", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Okay, so what do you suggest we do then? 'Cause I'll tell you one thing, there's no way in hell I'm letting Deacon marry Amber.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: There. All done. Now you can run out and tell everybody how low Jill Abbott has fallen.", "Kay: Don't do that.", "Jill: Do what?", "Kay: Don't pretend that we didn't just have a moment.", "Jill: Oh, is that what we just had?", "Kay: Jill, we were in a good place. Please leave it there.", "Jill: (Sighs) Until tomorrow when it all goes to hell again? (Sighs)", "Kay: It doesn't have to be, but it takes two.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jill: No, no, no, no. You pay up front.", "Kay: Well, anyway, this is, um, here's your tip. Um, perhaps you can apply that towards the $100,000 property tax you owe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Steve: Honey, why don't you take a break?", "Traci: What?", "Steve: Why don't you go back to the house for a few hours and get some sleep? I-I'll stay with Colleen.", "Traci: Oh, no. No. She might wake up. I have to be here.", "Steve: (Sighs) At least come and get a bite to eat at the cafeteria.", "Traci: No, I'm not hungry. You go ahead.", "Steve: Are you sure?", "Traci: Yes. We'll be fine.", "Steve: Okay. Call me if you need me.", "Traci: Okay. Thank you. (Sniffles) Okay, Sweetheart, when you feel up to it, \"Phantom of the Opera\" is still at the Majestic. And, well, you know, we're so busy with our hectic lives, it's been ages since we've had some alone time, you know? Some quality time, just us girls. (Voice breaking) I really miss that. Don't you? (Sniffles) (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Swift: Let's turn up-- I want to turn up the oxygen to 100% concentration.", "Ashley: (Whispering) I did this. If Victor dies, it's my fault, Adam.", "Victoria: What happened?", "Nick: What's wrong with him?", "Ashley: I don't know. He just--", "Dr. Swift: It appears that your father has developed congestive heart failure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I don't want to make things worse for Victor and Ashley, but I am gonna call home and let the kids know that I'm okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Swift: The ventricle isn't pumping the blood fast enough. It's backing up into his lungs.", "Ashley: Oh, God.", "Adam: Come on.", "Ashley: No, I've gotta stay here with him.", "Adam: No, just for a few minutes, until you feel a little bit better. Let's go.", "Victoria: Isn't there something else that you can do for him, Doctor?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nick: Hello?", "Nikki: Nicholas, it's me.", "(Heart monitor beeping)", "Dr. Swift: He's in v-fib!", "Nick: Mom--Mom--Mom, where are you?", "Victoria: Daddy!", "Nikki: What's happening?", "Woman: Charging.", "Dr. Swift: Clear!", "Victoria: Dad! Dad!", "Nick: Dad's heart's failing. We--we could lose him.", "Victoria: Dad!", "Nick: Mom? Are you there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Nikki, what is it? What's wrong?", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Paul: Nikki, what's wrong?", "Nikki: I-I have to go home. I have to go to Victor-- oh, God, let it not be too late!", "Paul: (Sighs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: There is no blood flow to the brain.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: It's irreversible.", "Ashley: Stay away from me. I killed her. I hit her with the car.", "Jack: You hit who?", "Ashley: I hit Nikki, Jack. I killed her." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At Restless Style, Billy tells his staff to come up with ideas for the cover story. Skye tells Billy that she can help him sell magazines and asks him to put her on the cover of Restless Style. At the ranch, Nikki hides the glass she has been using to drink in her purse and tries to put it back before anyone notices. When Maggie comes into the family room, Nikki has a flashback of Maggie and Victor hugging. Nikki ties to tell Victor something but is interrupted by Abby. Heather finds out that her entire staff has been suspended by the FBI. At Gloworm, Tucker sets up a meeting for him and Jack. Tucker fires Jack because he didn't deliver Beauty of Nature as promised. Billy agrees to put Skye on the cover of Restless Style. Victor decides to reward Abby for her new behavior by giving her part of her trust fund, but it comes with strings attached. Heather complains to Christine that it is going to be hard to do her job without her staff. Christine answers that she wouldn't have recommended Heather for the job if she thought that she couldn't handle it. Heather asks Christine to set up a meeting with the FBI agent in charge of suspending her staff. Christine responds that the agent is Ronan.", "Jack tries to keep his job so he tells Tucker that he can get Abby to change her mind about suing Victor. Tucker tells Jack that he has by the end of the day to hold up his end of the deal. Abby is unhappy with the conditions that she has been given in order to get her inheritance so she gives Victor back the check. Billy tells Victoria that he is putting Skye on the cover of Restless Style. Victoria is upset with Billy for helping Skye and Adam exploit their family name. Adam tells Abby that they have something in common when it comes to problems with Victor. Abby agrees that they have nothing in common. Skye tells Abby and Adam that she is going to be on the cover of the next issue of Restless Style. Heather tells Victor that she will not be able to reopen Adam's case unless some new evidence comes to light. Victor tells Heather that he may have a great source for getting new evidence on Adam. Victor tells Heather to find something on Adam's wife Skye and then use it as leverage to get what they need to convict Adam. Abby tells Jack about the conditions Victor offered her in exchange for some of her trust fund. Abby tells Jack that she maybe suing Victor after all.", "At Gloworm, Skye gloats to Victor about her being on the cover of Restless Style. Victor meets Nikki and Maggie at Gloworm and tells Nikki that something has come up so he can't have lunch with her as he promised. Heather is still upset with Ronan because of Chance's death. Ronan apologizes to Heather and tells her about all the good they can do for Chance. At Restless Style, Victor asks Victoria if he can speak with Billy regarding him putting Skye on the cover. Victoria and Victor get into a heated argument. Victor threatens Victoria and tells her that if she is not careful, they will not have a relationship. Heather agrees to work with Ronan only if they respect boundaries for each other's turf. Billy tells Skye that they can start shooting images for the magazine. Adam asks Billy to put him and Skye on the cover of Restless Style. Billy quickly declines the idea. Abby tells Jack that she won't reinstate her lawsuit against Victor unless she is guaranteed to win. Abby also asks Jack to get something on Victor to help her win her case. Nikki decides to go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting which surprisingly is being run by Deacon. After arguing with Victor, Victoria is so upset that she starts to have serious stomach pains.", "" ]
[ "Billy: I need you to provoke me. I need you to startle me. I need you to piss me off. We need a cover story. We need it now. We need it fast. So grab one, all right? Are--are you payin' attention? Great. All right. We'll reconvene in an hour. Go bring me gold. Bring me ideas. Go. Especially you--move. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.", "Skye: How about one from me? Skye Newman.", "Billy: Yeah, I know who you are.", "Skye: We met once briefly.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Skye: Then you must also know I'm, uh, a member of Victor's family.", "Billy: Yes, I do. Okay.", "Skye: I also run the fastest-growing hedge fund in the U.S.", "Billy: Check. Check. Check. So what can I do for you? Can you make it fast? 'Cause I've got a lot goin' on.", "Skye: I'm here to help you sell magazines.", "Billy: Okay, I'll bite. How can you do that?", "Skye: By letting you put me on the cover.", "Billy: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sister, Dear. How are you? I hear congrats are in order.", "Victoria: Buzz off.", "Adam: Buzz off. Nice. So you've got a surprise bun in the oven, a shotgun wedding, and all that pales in comparison to Daddy having you arrested-- at the ceremony, no less.", "Victoria: Did anyone ask you?", "Adam: Welcome, Dear sister. Welcome to the wonderful world of being screwed over by Daddy. You're on the outs with him. Now we have something in common.", "Victoria: Huh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nikki remembering]", "Nikki: Rule number one-- Victor is off-limits.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Um, I was thinking about getting Victor some new bar crystal as a wedding gift. Um, do you think you could help me with that?", "Meggie: Oh, I'd be happy to.", "Nikki: All right.", "Victor: Well, you ready?", "Nikki: Um, Victor, I-I really need to talk to you.", "Victor: Sweetheart, this is not the time.", "Nikki: It's im-- it's important. Could you please get to that, um, what we were talking about?", "Meggie: No problem.", "Nikki: Victor, please.", "Victor: Okay, let's talk about it. Sit down, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Sighs) Um, you know, there has been so much turmoil in our lives lately.", "Victor: Are you talking about Victoria?", "Nikki: Well, yeah, that-- that's some of it. Um, and peop-- and people just get so stressed like this, things are gonna happen--", "Abby: I got your text. What did you want?", "Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I have something for you, and I think it'll make you very happy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: And just remember, the word of the day is \"Delegate.\" If you need help, ask for it. Thank you.", "Man: Delegate to whom?", "Heather: Uh, the junior A.D.A.s for starters. They can handle a lot more than you think.", "Man: Well, that'll be a trick since we're down to two.", "Heather: What are you talking about?", "Man: The rest were just suspended, along with Dabrowski's whole group.", "Heather: Suspended? On whose authority?", "Man: FBI this morning. Figured you would have heard by now.", "Heather: (Sighs) Thank you. That will be all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Chris: Christine Blair.", "Heather: I want to know how the FBI thinks that it can suspend my staff without informing me, especially considering that our caseload has more than doubled since we're reviewing everything Owen did!", "Chris: I'll come by shortly, and we can discuss this in person. Does that work for you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Well, I guess it'll have to, won't it?", "(Slams down phone)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm glad you called this meeting, Tucker. I'm very excited about a number of things. This acquisition of Beauty of Nature is gonna help us move forward on a number of initiatives that--", "Tucker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Jack. Slow down. Now I gave you this job as co-C.E.O. of Jabot in return for getting me Beauty of Nature.", "Jack: Which I fully intend to do.", "Tucker: Really? Well, it's been weeks. I've been waiting. Where is it?", "Jack: Tucker, I told you this was gonna take some time.", "Tucker: Well, time's up, my friend.", "Jack: Wh-what does that mean?", "Tucker: I'm declaring your contract null and void. You're fired, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Listen. You want to be in the \"I hate Victor Newman club,\" you can be there by yourself. Don't lump me in there with you.", "Adam: Next, you're gonna tell me that Dad siccing the law on you was just a little disagreement and that, uh, him freezing you out because of who you decided to fall in love with, that was just a little parental concern, right? 'Cause if you recall, Victoria, he did both of those things to me.", "Victoria: Oh, really? Well, our situations couldn't be more different, because you look at being an outcast as some sort of bizarre status symbol-- pretty much defines who you are. I'm not an outsider.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Victoria: I never have been, and I never will be.", "Adam: So you think that eventually, he'll accept Billy as a son-in-law.", "Victoria: Yeah, I do. Eventually, mm-hmm.", "Adam: Mm, just like he did with me?", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Adam, you can say whatever you want. At least I'm married to a man who I love and I trust, and we're building a family together, whereas you are in some sort of sham marriage with a woman who's using you for your name, and you're just sponging off of her. So, yes, Brother dear, yes, we are in different places.", "Adam: Time will tell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: No, no, no. I need it yesterday. I need it yesterday. Okay, fine. You do that. I appreciate it. Thank you. Sorry. Like I said, I'm swamped.", "Skye: Putting me on the cover of \"Restless Style\" guarantees a sold-out issue. There's enough buzz around my hedge fund--", "Billy: Wait, your hedge fund with Adam.", "Skye: Sure. Sure, you can mention Adam if you think that's important. You can do a story about how I'm the female Warren Buffett, a new force to be reckoned with in the world of high finance.", "Billy: You certainly have a healthy self-image. I'll give you that.", "Skye: Well, the Newman name sells magazines. Also can't hurt to have a, uh, hot woman front and center.", "Billy: True. What's hubby think about that?", "Skye: He'll play along. But I want to be on the cover alone.", "Billy: Oh, I take it he's not on board.", "Skye: Adam won't be a problem.", "Billy: Is it gonna piss him off?", "Skye: Might.", "Billy: Bonus for me.", "Skye: So do we have a deal?", "Billy: Look, if I run with this, then I have full control over all the images and all the content.", "Skye: Naturally. It's your magazine.", "Billy: And if my research digs up any skeletons in your closet, or, say, underneath the Newman stables, its fair game. I own it.", "Skye: Wouldn't have it any other way.", "Billy: Okay, we're gonna have to do this fast, so...", "Skye: Then let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Well, you're making this sound really intriguing. (Chuckles)", "Victor: Have a seat, Sweetheart. My darling, this won't take long. Um, why don't we have lunch afterwards? We'll talk, okay?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Yeah, o-o-okay.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: I'll, uh, I'll have Meggie drive me. We--we have some shopping to do.", "Victor: All right.", "Abby: So... (Sighs) What's this about?", "Victor: Well, your mother and I have been talking about you. We're very happy about the restraint that you've been showing.", "Abby: You mean my dropping the lawsuit.", "Victor: Yes, and no naked shenanigans.", "Abby: That you know of. Kidding.", "Victor: I hope so. Anyway, I've decided to reward your exemplary behavior.", "Abby: What's this? (Clears throat)", "Victor: Well, open and see.", "Abby: Whoa.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: (Chuckles) Dad, uh...", "Victor: It's part of your trust fund, Sweetheart. You approve?", "Abby: Um, yeah. Yeah.", "Victor: Good.", "Abby: (Laughs) I-I don't--I don't understand. When you offered me a check before, it was nowhere near this number.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. It's a lot of money.", "Abby: Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Victor: And I hope you can deal with it responsibly.", "Abby: What's the other paper?", "Victor: Just a little document. Once you sign it, um, you can put that check into your account.", "Abby: Oh, right. Of course. There's a catch. (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: This is the worst possible time for me to be losing head count, Christine.", "Chris: I never would have recommended you as Owen's replacement if I didn't think you could handle it.", "Heather: Believe me, I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I am more than grateful for the honor of nailing Owen to the wall, but I don't see how I'll be able to do that when my staff is being decimated.", "Chris: I-I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the suspended employees were involved in cases that Owen may have thrown, and until the bureau can finish the investigation, you're gonna have to work without 'em.", "Heather: (Sighs) And your cleanup man couldn't have at least informed me in advance? I have to find out from a subordinate? I mean, at the very least, I should have been consulted. Better yet, make me a part of the process.", "Chris: And while I don't disagree with you, you know--", "Heather: You know what? Yes, please, set up a meeting with the agent in charge, and I will make sure that he understands what I'm up against. Who is it, by the way? Is it somebody from your D.C. office?", "Chris: I-I thought you knew.", "Heather: Knew what?", "Chris: It's Ronan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: And I am telling you, we have a contract. You can't just fire me.", "Tucker: I sure as hell can, if you can't fulfill your side of the bargain.", "Jack: Who says I can't?", "Tucker: In this lifetime, Jack. Now why should I keep you on the payroll when I have Ashley, who's doing a brilliant job for me? I'm also thinking about hiring Victoria. Don't you think the two of them would make a bang-up team?", "Jack: Are you just doing this to light a fire under my butt?", "Tucker: No, I don't operate that way. I believe in plain English.", "Jack: Okay, here's some plain English from me. You can't rush this, Tucker. Getting Beauty of Nature away from Newman takes several steps. Right now, I'm focusing on Abby's trust, on her getting her shares of Newman.", "Tucker: She dropped her suit. It's dead in the water. So what's your next move, Jack? Or haven't you thought that far ahead?", "Jack: Abby got cold feet. It's that simple. This is a temporary setback.", "Tucker: Temporary.", "Jack: Yes, and I am going to do everything I can to change her mind.", "Tucker: Mm. Well, you have till end of day. If Abby's lawsuit isn't reinstated by then, our deal is off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: When something seems too good to be true, it is.", "Victor: There's nothing unreasonable about that document.", "Abby: Are you j-joking? If I cash this check, I can't ask for any more money until I'm 30, which is, like, a million years away. Plus, I'm gonna be forced into slavery at Newman. (Scoffs)", "Victor: That's your company you're talking about. One day, you and Nicholas will run it, and Victoria. Is that slavery?", "Abby: Do I have to paint you a picture?", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm even willing to forgo the normal requirement that you work your way up from the bottom. You can start with opening an entertainment division, which you have talked about.", "Abby: I thought by giving me this money, it meant that you were finally coming around. But you're not. You don't trust me at all.", "Victor: This is very generous, you know. If I were you, I would take it.", "Abby: Yeah, except that it comes with strings attached.", "Victor: I've already explained that.", "Abby: I know, Dad. I know. The problem is is that you're doing all the explaining, and you're not listening. How many times have I told you I've got my own plans? I don't want to be at Newman. If you were really sincere about rewarding me, you would just give me my inheritance.", "Victor: Do you know how much money we're talking about when it comes to your inheritance? You're nowhere near ready to have that kind of money.", "Abby: Then I'm nowhere near ready to sign this paper. You can have your check back.", "Victor: Okay. Just know that next time, your father will not be as generous. Do you understand that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Okay, so we're gonna do the photo shoot right away, and then I will schedule an interview for later.", "Skye: Sounds great.", "Billy: Okay. Thank you. Bye. Hey, \"Pookums.\" How did you know I needed to see your gorgeous face?", "Victoria: Don't you always need to see my gorgeous face?", "Billy: I do.", "Victoria: All right, well, I brought you your favorite.", "Billy: (Sighs) Triple espresso...", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: And you had some. Mm.", "Victoria: Yeah, I did. (Chuckles) Who loves you?", "Billy: (Chuckles) You do, Baby.", "Victoria: That's right. Mm-hmm. Mwah.", "Billy: Mwah. Thank you very much.", "Victoria: You're welcome. So what was that woman doing here?", "Billy: Oh, great news-- no more sweating a cover story.", "Victoria: Oh?", "Billy: Yeah, she's my new cover girl. We're gonna do a story on her new up- and-coming hedge fund.", "Victoria: Seriously?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Because I thought that now that we're married that you might start cutting the crap.", "Billy: What \"Crap\" would that be, \"Snookums\"?", "Victoria: Why don't you just rename this magazine \"Newman Style\" and stop pretending to report on anything else?", "Billy: \"Newman Style\"? Will you give me a break, please?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Right after you give me one.", "Billy: I don't focus exclusively on your family, Sweetheart. No. No.", "Victoria: Oh, you don't? No? Oh, what do you call that right there?", "Billy: I call that Chloe and Kevin, neither of whom are related to you last time I checked.", "Victoria: No, Billy, I am talking about the giant teaser. \"Victor Newman: World-class honcho, world-class creep!\" You do know that now that we're married, you're attacking your own relatives, right?", "Billy: Can I help it if they're interesting?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) Look, this is my business.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: I find riveting, beautiful people. I put 'em on my magazine. And you knew that before we got married...", "Victoria: No...", "Billy: So why are you so shocked that I want to put Skye on my cover? I don't get it.", "Victoria: I am not shocked. I am just questioning your judgment. She's exploiting our name for her own gain, and you are giving her and Adam free publicity, and how do you think that's gonna play with my dad?", "Billy: I haven't even thought of the article yet. And I don't care what Victor thinks. I can't think about that. Who cares? He's gonna think what he thinks. I don't care.", "Victoria: Well, you should care. You know my dad. You know how he feels about Adam, and if he thinks that you're helping him, he's just gonna come down that much harder on us.", "Billy: Wow.", "Victoria: Wow?", "Billy: Do you know who you sound like?", "Victoria: Who?", "Billy: The old Victoria. It's all about Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. What's Daddy gonna think? Dad-- I thought you left that behind. I thought you were gonna take control of your whole new world, your whole new life. Come on.", "Victoria: Wow. You are so...", "Billy: What, cute?", "Victoria: (Sighs) So right about me, about... God, it's just the same thing. It's the same knee-jerk reaction that I always have, the one that... (Sighs)", "Billy: Oh, it's okay.", "Victoria: That makes me lose everything. I mean... (Groans) You're right.", "Billy: It's okay. It's okay. Old habits, they die hard.", "Victoria: Why is it so easy for him to slip back into controlling my every thought? I'm so sorry, Baby. I'm so sorry.", "Billy: It's--its fine. Come on.", "Victoria: I'm so sorry. Come here. (Sighs)", "Billy: I mean, it takes a lifetime of practice to become a real rebel. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: God. Oh. (Sighs) I just have one question, though.", "Billy: Shoot.", "Victoria: Did you just say that you thought that Skye was beautiful?", "Billy: No.", "Victoria: I think you did.", "Billy: I...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: What a rare and oh, so special treat-- running into my sister, both of them, on the very same day.", "Abby: Can you please cancel my order? I'll be back later after... (Sighs) \"It\" is gone.", "Adam: (Chuckles) So I hear you're suing Victor. Good luck with that.", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: I hope you have better luck than me, at least. You know, it does tend to put you on the outs with him, though, when that happens, so at least finally, you and I will share something in common.", "Abby: Actually, I dropped the lawsuit. So, uh, Dad and I are fine, and you and I, we have nothing-- and please, let me repeat-- nothing in common. You are a creepy baby-stealing freak who spied on my entire family. I can't even believe... (Scoffs) That you saw me in my bedroom changing. Ew.", "Adam: (Chuckles) Well, Abby, it is nothing that you didn't display to the whole rest of the world.", "Abby: You know, you are disgusting.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Skye: Hello, Adam. Abby, how are you?", "Abby: Ready to barf, thanks to him.", "Skye: Then maybe this will perk you up. I'm about to follow in your footsteps.", "Abby: Hmm.", "Adam: Meaning what?", "Skye: I'll be on the next cover of \"Restless Style.\"", "Abby: (Laughs) Yeah? Good luck with that.", "Abby: (Clears throat) Uncle Jack? Hey, it's me. I need to-- yeah, okay. Good. Then we can talk to each other. Where do you want to meet? All right, I am on my way, and after the day I've had, please order me a drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: So Ronan murders a fellow officer, and then as a reward, gets to throw my office into complete chaos. If you think for one--", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Oh, excuse me. I need to talk to Heather.", "Chris: Uh, okay. I have to return some calls, so that's--", "Heather: Do it in the office next door. We're not through talking.", "Chris: Okay. Hi.", "Victor: Christine, how nice to see you.", "Chris: Oh, my gosh, it's so good to see you. We'll have to catch up.", "Victor: I know. My goodness, we do, all right?", "Chris: Okay.", "Victor: Nice to see you. Bye.", "Chris: Nice to see you.", "Heather: Hello. Please have a seat.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Heather: All right, I have reviewed Adam's case file, and reread the transcript from his hearing, and unfortunately, there is no indication that the case was tainted by Owen's drug-related activities.", "Victor: Really? Well, that's disappointing, isn't it?", "Heather: Believe me, no one wants to see Adam hang more than I do. But unless, um, compelling new evidence comes to light...", "Victor: Well, I know it is out there, and you know something, I may just have the perfect source.", "Heather: Who?", "Victor: It just occurs to me--Skye Lockhart.", "Heather: Hmm. You mean Skye Newman, don't you?", "Victor: Right. She knows everything about Adam. And she has a criminal record herself. So if you can find something on her...", "Heather: Then we can use it as leverage.", "Victor: You bet.", "Heather: Ahh. (Chuckles) That is one hell of an idea, Victor.", "Victor: We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise you. One way or the other, we'll do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: So Dad tried to bribe me with this gigantic check, but first, I would have to sign a paper saying that I wouldn't pester him for any more money and-- wait for it-- I'd have to go work at Newman. Obviously, you know how I feel about that, so...", "Jack: I take it you said no.", "Abby: You take it right.", "Jack: Well, look, I'm sorry. Clearly, it had to be upsetting learning how much your father didn't respect you.", "Abby: (Scoffs) It's just like everything I've said and done this year... it's like none of it even penetrated his skull. All he cares about is what he wants all the time.", "Jack: Yeah, your father can be a pretty self-absorbed human being.", "Abby: Yeah, you think?", "Jack: Abby, he still does control your life, though, as long as he holds the purse strings.", "Abby: I know. Tell me about it.", "Jack: Look, I know why you decided not to follow through with the suit, and I understand it. What he did to Victoria was just plain mean. But, Honey, if he insists on treating you like an infant, even after you agree to meet him halfway--", "Abby: (Scoffs) I know. I know. (Sighs) I don't know. I--maybe I should call Vance. Maybe I should tell him I'm suing my father after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Terrible idea.", "Skye: Shows how much you know.", "Adam: Billy's a snake. You can't trust anything that that guy says.", "Skye: Oh, hello, Victor.", "Victor: Hello, Skye.", "Adam: Hey, Pop, what's shakin'?", "Skye: In case you haven't heard, I'm gonna be on the cover of \"Restless Style.\"", "Victor: Really?", "Skye: Yeah, Billy's doing a piece about the Newman fund and what it's like being part of your family.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Skye: If I realized how amazing it would be as your daughter-in-law, I would have married Adam years ago.", "Victor: (Chuckles) Yes, I can imagine. The two of you deserve each other.", "Adam: Mm, that is so sweet of you. I'll take that as a compliment.", "Victor: You should. Excuse me.", "Skye: Take care, \"Dad Newman.\" Enjoy your lunch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Love the bar crystal idea. What kind of presents have you gotten Victor in the past?", "Nikki: I'd prefer to focus on this wedding, if you don't mind.", "Meggie: Oh. (Chuckles) Bad luck to look back, eh?", "Nikki: I didn't say that.", "Meggie: Oh, it'll be lovely, I'm sure.", "Victor: Hello, Ladies.", "Nikki: Victor, you made it in record time.", "Meggie: Back to work. Let me know when you want me to pick you up.", "Victor: Uh, no, no. You--you--you stay. Um, something has come up that I have got to deal with, okay? So we can't have lunch now.", "Nikki: That's all right. I-I understand.", "Victor: Okay, Sweetheart, I'm sorry. We'll talk later, okay?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Victor: Okay.", "Meggie: I know I'm a poor substitute for your fiancé, but if you'd still like to grab a bite, I'd be happy to keep you company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Thank you very much. I'll wait to hear back from you. Okay, before you say anything, now that I know it's Ronan we're dealing with, I really want nothing to do with him.", "Chris: Well, actually, I--", "Heather: Every time I see him, I would just think of Chance and that horrible night and what he did to him.", "(Knock on door)", "Ronan: Hey, Chris. You wanted to see me?", "Heather: What are you still doing in Genoa City? Haven't you caused enough pain?", "Ronan: If it were up to me, I would be long gone, as far as I could, from this place.", "Chris: Ronan knows more about the workings of this drug ring than anyone. Therefore, he--", "Ronan: Therefore, I'm stuck...", "Heather: (Scoffs)", "Ronan: Until further notice.", "Heather: So you figured since you're already here, why not see how big a pain in my backside you can be, huh?", "Ronan: That--that's it. That's right. How'd you know?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Ronan: I'm here to make you miserable--nothing better to do.", "Heather: (Scoffs)", "Chris: Okay, you know what? This isn't going to be fun for any of us. We're all gonna be putting in killer hours. But you have an office to run, and Ronan isn't going anywhere, so you're gonna have to figure out a way to work together.", "Heather: How, Chris? How am I supposed to do that? Huh? Chance is dead. He is never coming back to us.", "Ronan: Heather, I've apologized for that all I could. I've done all I can do.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Listen, the only way I know how to make amends from here is to turn all of those arrests we made and flip 'em into convictions. Every dirty cop that we end up putting behind bars is a step toward honoring Chance's sacrifice. Okay, you know what? I don't care if you like me or not. But I know--I hope-- that you're gonna work with me toward that goal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, great. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye. Yep. Bye.", "Victor: Where's your husband? I want to talk to him about this appalling cover he's about to come out with.", "Victoria: Billy's not here. Dad, I don't know when he's gonna be back, so you might as well just go home.", "Victor: You don't seem to give a damn. You know that he's openly promoting the scam that Adam is involved with?", "Victoria: Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, he might be trying to expose him? And why do you always assume the worst about Billy? My husband would never hurt me.", "Victor: Really? He would never hurt you? He has published issue after issue lambasting anyone with the name of Newman attached to it, and he is not gonna hurt you?", "Victoria: He doesn't tell you how to run your business, Dad. Why should he listen to you?", "Victor: How dare you use that tone with me?", "Victoria: How dare I?", "Victor: Yes.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Why, that's almost funny, Dad, after the way that you have treated me. And now you're coming in here after my husband's business. Do you remember? I'm carrying your grandchild. There's nothing more that you can do to me that I can't take.", "Victor: The way I've treated you? I've never done anything to you. I've only done things for you. I've given you--", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah. You've given me a lot-- an incredible life, and I am an ungrateful and spoiled child. I've heard this before, Dad. I've heard this speech. I have it memorized.", "Victor: You should hear it again!", "Victoria: Save it.", "Victor: How is it that both of my daughters have this sense of entitlement?", "Victoria: The only thing that I am entitled to from you is a little respect, which you have never given me.", "Victor: I didn't grow up with a trust fund. I didn't have a father to smooth things over. If you don't watch it very carefully, you and I will no longer have a relationship.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: If you think you can trust that guy, forget it. Billy will take whatever you tell him and twist it into the most sensational thing possible, Skye.", "Skye: There's no need to twist it. It's sensational already. I mean, how could it not be?", "Adam: Your über-ego might just get us in trouble.", "Skye: You could be happy for me, you know.", "Adam: Heather is just waiting for an excuse to reopen my investigation. This is too dangerous.", "Billy: (Claps hands) Danger? Ooh, I love danger. It gets the juices flowing.", "Skye: Hey, there. What's the word?", "Billy: Word is we could do the photo shoot in your suite this afternoon if you're available.", "Skye: I will make myself available.", "Billy: Nice. (Taps rhythmically on table)", "Adam: Or, Billy, what we could do as a possibility-- a little feature between the two of us, maybe a he said/she said of Genoa City's power couple. What do you say?", "Billy: (Clears throat) (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, Meggie, you can just go on home. I have some personal errands I need to take care of.", "Meggie: Oh, I hate to leave you stranded in town.", "Nikki: Oh, no, no. Don't worry. I-I'll just jump in a taxi. It's fine. Go ahead.", "Meggie: Okay, see you later then.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Nikki: Hello. (Sighs) (Clears throat) I will have a ginger ale, please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Chris: Thank you, both of you, for being reasonable. It certainly makes my job easier.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: I will play ball on one condition-- as D.A., I need to be privy to all decisions that affect my ability to do my job. That includes staffing decisions.", "Ronan: No. Most times, FBI's gonna make the call.", "Heather: Listen, um, we need to respect each other's turf. And that means you do not hire, fire, or suspend anyone in this office without checking with me first. I can't afford to be blindsided the way I was today or have my authority undermined.", "Ronan: Yeah, that's-- that's fair.", "Chris: I'll make sure Ronan's superiors know the setup.", "Heather: (Sighs) Chance was my colleague and my friend, and I am going to make damn sure that he didn't die in vain.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Well, that's an idea.", "Adam: Two Newmans for the price of one?", "Billy: Eh, actually it's more like one and a quarter Newmans. And frankly, Buddy, she is much more interesting than you, not to mention a lot better- looking, so sorry.", "Skye: Well, win some, lose some.", "Adam: Worth a shot.", "Billy: So, um, I will see you in your suite later?", "Skye: I'll be there.", "Billy: Okay.", "Adam: This might be the dumbest move I've ever seen you make.", "Skye: Look, no one asked for your opinion, Adam. And be a good boy and play along, or you're gonna find yourself out in the street.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I'm proud of you for taking a stand against your dad. Not many people stand up to Victor these days.", "Abby: And live?", "Jack: Eh, that's a myth he wants everyone to believe.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Jack: You're fine. I have every faith.", "Abby: I just want to be clear. I will only reinstate this lawsuit if you can guarantee that I'll win.", "Jack: I can't. Honey, I can't. No one can.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Okay, well, I-I need something stronger than we have.", "Jack: You already have a very compelling case.", "Abby: Not good enough. I don't want to end up like Adam-- just some loser that Dad can't stand. I will not sic Vance on him unless you can find something. Find something that makes this foolproof.", "Jack: I will do my damnedest.", "Abby: Thanks for the drink.", "Jack: You're welcome. Hang in there. I'll be in touch.", "Abby: (Sighs) Thank you.", "Jack: See ya.", "Tucker: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, Tucker.", "Tucker: I didn't expect to see you here.", "Jack: Yeah. How was your workout?", "Tucker: Good. Was that Abby I just saw leavin'?", "Jack: It was, indeed. I'm, uh, getting closer and closer to bringing her on board. I'm making real progress.", "Tucker: Well, progress is good. But that doesn't change what I said before. If you don't make something happen by end of day, you're out of a job.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: My name's Deacon, and I'm an alcoholic.", "All: Hi, Deacon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I don't feel entitled at all. How could I when you're constantly reminding me of what I owe you? If anyone's entitled in this situation, it's you.", "Victor: What the hell are you talking about?", "Victoria: I have lived my life for years according to your standards.", "Victor: And?", "Victoria: And it's never been good enough. And because of that, I've lost my husband. I've lost my career. I've lost my son.", "Victor: Are you serious?", "Victoria: Yes, I'm serious, Dad. But that's okay. That's fine. That was a different era of my life. I have never felt such peace since I walked away from Newman, and since I walked away from you. And you know why? It's all because of Billy. That's why.", "Victor: You think you'll get a sense of peace with him? Is that it?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: That's a myth.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Victor: He's gonna ruin your life. He's a gambler. He's an alcoholic.", "Victoria: Oh, okay.", "Victor: He's a womanizer.", "Victoria: Mm.", "Victor: When everything turns south for you, you will regret having burned bridges with me, I assure you. Come with me now.", "Victoria: No.", "Victor: Come back to your family...", "Victoria: No.", "Victor: Before your heart will be broken again.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: All right. I guess that's your answer.", "Victoria: (Winces) (Moans) (Exhales) (Sniffles)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Skye: You Abbott men are so supportive.", "Jack: You're a hard lady to say no to.", "Deacon: You know, when you said you were in recovery, I didn't realize you were a friend of Bill's.", "Victor: What do you want?", "Billy: What do I want? I want you to stop attacking my wife!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "An inmate gets mad at Sharon and they start to fight. When Daisy gets in the way, the inmate punches her instead of Sharon. Daisy calls Phyllis and asks her why Leslie isn't her lawyer anymore. Phyllis promises to get her a better lawyer. Avery sees Phyllis with Lucy. Phyllis tells Avery she doesn't want her anywhere near her family. Later Avery accuses Phyllis of using Nick to insinuate herself into her life. Harsh words are exchanged between Phyllis and Avery in front of Nick. Nick thinks Phyllis is too hard on Avery. Phyllis admits she loves her sister but won't allow Avery to drag her back to her past, because she can't go back there. Avery goes to the jail to check on Phyllis. Sharon introduces Daisy to Avery who asks her to be her lawyer, because Phyllis manipulated her into turning herself in and giving up her child and never sent her any updates or pictures of Lucy.", "Jack figures out Victor sent him on a wild goose chase -- an accusation that Victor denies. Jack remains determined to find Billy. Kevin can't cope with the gratitude Chloe and Jack are giving him. Jack notices that Kevin is very nervous. Billy writes an e-mail to Victoria that he doesn't intend to send, but Victor sees it and tells Billy that Victoria has a new man in her life. Billy doesn't believe Victoria would move on so soon with another man. Victoria goes for a horseback ride at the ranch at Sam's suggestion to take her mind off Billy. It doesn't work, but Victoria is determined to get Billy out of her heart and mind. Jack stops by Billy's trailer but he isn't there. Victor is surprised to find Jack in the trailer and not Billy. After Victoria twists her ankle getting off her horse, Sam drivers her home and puts an ice pack on it. Billy watches from outside Victoria's house as Sam carries her upstairs. She laughs saying that this would be very \"Gone With the Wind\" romantic if he didn't smell like a horse and she hadn't twisted her ankle. Billy can only watch the expression on Victoria's face from the window, and he is hurt because according to what he sees, Victoria looks happy with the man in her life.", "" ]
[ "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Yeah, okay. (Sighs) Yeah, thanks for letting me know.", "Sam: Hey.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: So Keely's had his morning run and his breakfast, so, uh, I'm gonna head out to the ranch.", "Victoria: Hmm?", "Sam: You okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, uh, Jack didn't find Billy in Hong Kong. Apparently, he-- he never went back there after Myanmar.", "Sam: You had your hopes up, huh?", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "Sam: Look, you know, I don't know if you're aware of this, but uh, it's take your landlord to work day.", "Victoria: Is that so?", "Sam: That is so. And I probably shouldn't have done it, but I told the horses you were gonna come by. I maybe even said you'd take 'em for a ride.", "Victoria: Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint them.", "Sam: No. Go get your gear. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You know, we have the best news. Believe it or not... (Sighs) Kevin is match, so he can be a bone marrow donor.", "Jack: Unbelievable. Wow, what are chances of that?", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Chuckles) I know.", "Jack: Spectac--thank you.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Jack: I thought they tested you before I left.", "Kevin: They did. They--they botched it, so, um, I had to get tested again.", "Jack: Well, I'm glad they found their mistake. I certainly wish they'd found it before I traipsed halfway around the world looking for my brother.", "Chloe: I know. You had to leave Kyle behind. I'm really sorry.", "Jack: No, no, it's not your fault. You can blame whoever gave me that bogus tip.", "Kevin: Could it have just been a case of mistaken identity?", "Jack: No one I talked to had seen anyone who looked anything like Billy. No, the longer I looked, the more I realized somebody was leading me astray.", "Victor: Is the patient accepting visitors?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, my. Okay, where is that nanny? Where is she? (Scoffs) Playing \"Hide-and-seek.\" She's playing \"Hide-and-seek.\" So what do you want to do? You want to play with the creamers? You want to play with the creamers? We can pile them up, and then you can knock 'em down. That's a fun game. You like that game, right?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: Oh, shoot.", "(Ring)", "Phyllis: Hello?", "Daisy: What the hell, Phyllis? Leslie's not my lawyer anymore?", "Phyllis: Hey, um, Daisy. No, uh, Leslie had a bunch of other trials. She was swamped. Uh, she couldn't give you the attention you need.", "Daisy: I swear, if you leave me high and dry--", "Phyllis: That's not gonna happen. Please relax. I'm looking to get you somebody else. I'll get back to you. Okay. Those creamers, creamers, creamers. Get the creamers. Oh, we can play with the sugars, too. Ooh.", "Avery: Who is this little cutie? Hi. (Chuckles)", "Daisy: (Sniffles) (Sobs quietly)", "Sharon: Are you okay?", "Daisy: You're Sharon Newman. Didn't you know I was at the same prison?", "Sharon: Um, they said you were in a different ward.", "Daisy: They moved me-- o-overcrowding. (Sighs)", "Sharon: Well, see you around.", "Daisy: Wait. We have something in common-- Phyllis.", "Sharon: Um, Phyllis and I really aren't all that close.", "Daisy: Yeah, that's what I mean. I'm learning what a total sneak and a liar she is, just like you did.", "Sharon: I think our situations are a little bit different.", "Daisy: She lured me back into town, promised to help me with my defense if I turned myself in. (Sighs) All she wanted was Lucy. She was supposed to bring her to visit, send me photos, updates. None of that ever happened, and I just found out she fired my lawyer.", "Sharon: Wow. That--that's a shame. Gotta go.", "Daisy: Listen, you know a lot of the same people. Maybe you could get somebody to talk to her for me?", "Sharon: No, Daisy, no. I can't do that. I have enough of my own headaches when it comes to Phyllis. I cannot get involved in yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You forgot your toy. This is the little girl you fought so hard for.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Oh, gosh, are you going there? You're gonna try to prove to me how vicious I was...", "Avery: What?", "Phyllis: That I took her away from her family?", "Avery: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: You know, she's my family, too. She's my blood.", "Avery: Oh, wow, I had no idea you were so loyal to family. I guess that means we're gonna get to know each other. I'm your Aunt Avery.", "Phyllis: Don't do that. Don't--don't--don't do that to her. Don't do that. Don't confuse her.", "Avery: Okay, now I'm confused. You just said, the \"Family should be together.\"", "Phyllis: You're the exception. You're all the exception. There's her nanny. I've gotta go.", "Avery: Nick.", "Nick: Avery, what do you want?", "Avery: Well, I want to apologize for yesterday. You were absolutely right to be upset with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Isn't it wonderful that the donor for that sweet girl turns out to be a good friend? You must be very grateful.", "Chloe: Oh, I'm beyond grateful. I'm petty much gonna be a slave for life.", "Jack: You're scorin' big points with everyone who loves Delia. That's a lot of people.", "Chloe: Imagine if Billy knew. He'd be, like, his B.F.F.", "Woman: Would you gentlemen mind giving the patient a little privacy, just for a few minutes? Mom can stay.", "Victor: Thank you. By the way, Jack, did you cut your trip short when you found out that Kevin would be the donor?", "Jack: Actually, I left Hong Kong when I realized I was on a wild-goose chase.", "Victor: Really? Billy wasn't there?", "Jack: No.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Jack: No, Billy wasn't there.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Jack: Funny timing, though-- no sooner had I shared with you that I'd heard Billy had been seen in Myanmar than I got another tip that he was in Hong Kong.", "Victor: I'll be damned. I remember you telling me that.", "Jack: Yeah, somebody was obviously attempting to mislead me.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Jack: I can't help but wonder if it was you.", "Victor: You know, Jack, if you weren't so quick to blame others for your brother's egregious failings, perhaps he wouldn't have quite so many of them. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Aw, there they are.", "Sam: Yep.", "Victoria: Hi. Hey, there. Hey, Abby. It's been way too long. Look what I brought for you.", "Sam: Yeah, they got excited when I told 'em you were comin'.", "Victoria: Yeah? Well, this used to be, like, my second home here.", "Sam: Yeah, well, I can understand that. These are-- these are some of the finest animals I've ever seen.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Sam: That's right. I'm talkin' about you, Girl.", "Victoria: Well, Skydancer-- that's Reed's favorite.", "Sam: Yeah. And yours is Blue Smoke, huh?", "Victoria: Well, you know, she reminds me of Mom.", "Sam: Yeah.", "Victoria: Have you missed Mom while she's been gone? Yeah.", "Sam: Well, your father-- he makes sure they get plenty of attention and exercise, you know?", "Victoria: You know, Billy used to say that the only time my dad seemed remotely humane was around his grandkids and his animals.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) There I go again, talking about Billy. It's pretty pathetic, huh?", "Sam: No. No shame in that, you know? He was a huge part of your life.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, I think he's taking up too much real estate in my brain, especially for someone who didn't have the decency to stick around. So I think I'm going to officially evict him. Yep.", "Sam: Well, what do you say we get these guys some exercise, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Sam: (Pats Skydancer's back)", "Victoria: Yay. Let's do it. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Coughs) (Sighs) (Thinking) \"I'm a no good waste of a human being who's made terrible mistakes and hurt way too many people, and you're far better off without me. You deserve so much more. But, God, what I wouldn't give to be with you again. I love you, Vick. I want you back.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I wouldn't put it past you to try to keep me from finding Billy.", "Victor: Are you accusing me of not caring whether Cordelia is dead or alive?", "Jack: Oh, a man like you could certainly justify that-- sacrificing his daughter to protect your own.", "Victor: Now that's nonsense, and you know it. I told you I'd make every effort to find Billy, and I did. Now since we have found another donor, I don't think a further search is necessary, do you?", "Jack: We weren't just looking for Billy for his bone marrow. His daughter is sick and frightened.", "Victor: And if you want--", "Jack: She needs her father next to her to hold her hand and tell her she's gonna be okay.", "Victor: If you want to continue searching for your brother, you go ahead.", "Jack: Oh, believe me. I will. Okay. And I won't be distracted this time by mysterious and anonymous tips, so you can save yourself the trouble of churning them out.", "Kevin: (Quietly) I don't see how this works out. They are gonna find Billy eventually. He loves Delia. He's not gonna be able to stay away.", "Victor: Oh, he will. He will for his daughter's sake, okay? But you did a very good job helping Delia stay alive, okay?", "Kevin: I am not keeping her alive. Billy is. I-I'm--I'm a stand-in. I'm a smoke screen.", "Victor: No, you're helping Delia by keeping her father away from her. He has already broken her heart. He'll continue to do so. Keep that son of a bitch away from his daughter. That's the best thing we can do.", "Kevin: I don't know about that.", "Victor: Listen, once the blood transfusion has taken place, I will send Billy far away from here. None of us will ever have to deal with him again. We'll all be better off without him, trust me.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I should have told you straight out why I wanted you to bring your kids to the hearing. It's the lawyer in me it's beaten into our heads in law school not to leave anything to chance.", "Nick: You just manipulated Sharon into taking a very big chance by going on with this trial, not taking the deal that the DA offered.", "Avery: No, she agreed to that deal out of fear. She doesn't have to be afraid. I'm gonna win this case.", "Nick: You seem very sure yourself.", "Avery: Yeah, I do, because I know what I'm doing.", "Nick: Well, you obviously have a way of getting what you want, that much is sure. And hell, you can always apologize afterwards if someone catches on to your tactics, right?", "Avery: You think my apology is a tactic?", "Nick: Avery, I don't know what to make of you yet. You seem to have a reason for everything you do, so if I had to guess, I'd say, yeah, there probably is more to this apology than meets the eye.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, excuse me. There's more to than meets the eye, I guarantee you. And I guarantee it has something to do with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Why'd you turn down that deal? You could have been out of here in a year and a half.", "Sharon: Um, if I were willing to lie.", "Woman: I'd kill to get outta here.", "Sharon: Well, I-I think I'm gonna be acquitted.", "Woman: 'Cause you're pretty and famous and you got a high-class lawyer?", "Sharon: (Sighs) No, because I'm innocent.", "Woman: You laughing at me?", "Sharon: No.", "Woman: It's funny, right? 'Cause you're gonna get out, and the rest of are stuck here?", "Sharon: No, I really didn't--", "Woman: (Grunts)", "Sharon: I wasn't say--", "(Whimpers and gasps)", "Woman: As long as you are here, little girl, you better understand-- you are no better than the rest of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Look at you-- so passive aggressive. I love this. Were you always like this?", "Avery: Oh, God, we--", "Phyllis: Is this new for you?", "Avery: We weren't even talking about you.", "Phyllis: Oh, of course you weren't. Of course you weren't talking about me. Of course you weren't. But, you see, it's the visual. I see what you're doing. You're trying to insinuate yourself into my life-- chatting it up with my ex- husband, insinuating yourself into my kids' life...", "Nick: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: Into my ex-husband's life.", "Nick: Phyllis, we weren't even talking about you. We were talking about Sharon's case.", "Phyllis: It doesn't even matter what it was about. It doesn't even matter. It's a lie.", "Avery: I'm not staging conversations to get at you.", "Phyllis: Of course you're not. Of course you're not. It's all in my head, isn't it?", "Avery: Oh, my God. It really is all about you, isn't it?", "Phyllis: Prove to me it's not.", "Avery: What?", "Phyllis: You prove to me that you have a life, and that you're not just following me around like-- that you're just not following me around like you did.", "Avery: Okay, wow. Uh... thank you for letting me clear the air, and as always, lovely seeing you.", "Phyllis: Lovely. So lovely. I love that. Look at her acting like the innocent victim.", "Nick: Phyllis, I think you went a little overboard.", "Phyllis: I did not go too far. I did not. Believe me, she has made a career out of helping the innocent even if they're not. She's not gonna admit this to you, but she hates me. She's furious with me for decisions that I made when I was younger that I had to make, Nick. I have to draw a line hard. I have to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: (Grunts)", "Sharon: (Grunts)", "Woman: Where are all your rich boyfriends when you need 'em, huh? Maybe they'll get you out of here someday, but who's gonna protect you now?", "Sharon: I don't need any protection.", "Woman: Wanna bet?", "Sharon: Look, what is your problem? Why don't you just leave me alone?", "Daisy: Everything okay here?", "Sharon: It's fine.", "Woman: Stay out of it.", "Daisy: You know, I wouldn't mess with her. She threw somebody in a volcano.", "Woman: You takin' her side?", "Daisy: Can't we just drop this and watch something on TV?", "Woman: I told you to stay out of it.", "Sharon: Why don't you go find a guard?", "Woman: Now you need protection.", "Sharon: No, I don't. I just think you need a nap.", "Woman: (Grunts)", "Daisy: Aah!", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. (Gasps) Are you okay? Daisy, oh, my gosh. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I can't believe that Victor would try to keep Billy away, knowing he knows that Delia's life could depend on him coming back. I mean, that's completely inhuman.", "Jack: Well, unfortunately, \"Inhuman\" is territory Victor is very familiar with.", "Chloe: Okay, look, I-I understand that you're worried that Billy may be in some sort of trouble, and I'm sure that he is, but I don't think that it's fair to blame Victor for it. Billy has trashed his life plenty of times all on his own.", "Jack: Okay, I'm gonna continue to search for him.", "Kevin: Do you want Billy found?", "Chloe: I'm not sure.", "Jack: What do you mean? Delia begging for him.", "Chloe: Yeah, I know, and she would thrilled to see her father. And if he were to walk through the door, it would be a beautiful reunion, and I would probably cry my eyes out. But then what? Then what? I mean, it's not like we've never been down this road with him before. (Sighs) I mean, he shows up in a crisis. That's what he does. That's what he does best. And then what does he do? He promises us all of these things and makes all of these commitments, and he can't keep them. So maybe it's better if Delia learns now that there are certain men that she can rely on, like her Uncle Jack, and like you, and then there are certain men that-- that she just can't.", "Kevin: Maybe we should have this conversation outside.", "Jack: Hey, what-- y-you seem very nervous. What is it?", "Kevin: I'm--I'm worried that Delia's gonna wake up.", "Jack: No, I mean, even out in the hall talking with Victor. Do you know something we don't?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Are you telling me you did not let me win?", "Sam: No.", "Victoria: Yeah, really?", "Sam: No, of course not. You won fair and square. Absolutely. I mean, you know, you're more familiar with the trails, of course.", "Victoria: Uh-huh. Well, that is definitely not the only reason.", "Sam: No, of course it's not the only reason. I mean, you're-- you're more familiar with the horse, as well.", "Victoria: Yeah, and...,", "Sam: And, uh... help me out here", "Victoria: And... okay, so does it have anything to do with my superior skills and my years of training and my expertise?", "Sam: Your \"Expertise,\" huh?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Sam: Is that why you twisted your ankle when you dismounted just now?", "Victoria: I did not twist my-- (Winces) Ow!", "Sam: (Laughs) Okay. All right.", "Victoria: Ow.", "Sam: You okay? You all right?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Don't laugh.", "Sam: I'm--I'm simply admiring your superior--how-- how'd you put it?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: Your--your agility.", "Victoria: You know, it's not funny, okay? It hurts. (Groans)", "Sam: \"Dale Evans,\" let Doc take a look.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: Come on. All right?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm okay.", "Sam: Okay. All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Thinking) \"There's no excuse for the things I've done, so I won't make any. I really just want to tell you how much I miss you. The entire time I've been gone, I've been picturing you, remembering how great we are together.\"", "Billy: (Sighs)", "Victor: Just came from the hospital. Your daughter's fine. I see. So... you have broken our agreement, haven't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Was there something about Victor being here that made you nervous?", "Kevin: No, me being here makes me nervous. I don't like hospitals. In fact, I'm gonna go get some air.", "Chloe: (Sighs) You know, there is a lot of pressure on him. He must feel uncomfortable with me talking about him like he is a father figure to Delia and... I mean, he's stepping up to fill the void that Billy's left behind.", "Jack: That void should be filled by Billy.", "Chloe: Do you think that Billy-- maybe he's the one trying to trick you into thinking that he was in China?", "Jack: Why would he do that?", "Chloe: Well, maybe he heard that we were looking for him not knowing that it was about Delia. I mean, Jack, he left a mess behind. You really can't blame him for not wanting to come back and face it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Ow.", "Sam: Well, I--whoa, whoa-- well, it is swollen just a bit.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Well, it's nothing compared to the bruise on my ego.", "Sam: (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Winces) Ow, ow, ow.", "Sam: You got nothing to be ashamed of. You had every reason to brag. You are-- you are something else on that horse.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Thank you.", "Sam: Now gettin' off the horse, I mean, that's another story. Did you, uh, you graduate equestrian school before they got to the whole-- the whole dismount thing? Is that how that happened?", "Victoria: (Chuckles sarcastically) That's so funny.", "Sam: Not near as funny as you, Girl. That was priceless-- that whole, \"I'm the greatest thing in the world--aah!\"", "Victoria: (Laughs) Okay, I'm sorry. I admit it, I'm a complete dork. Just take me home, please. (Sighs)", "Sam: All right. But I'll tell you what, how about I race you to the car?", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "Sam: All right. Come on. You all right?", "Victoria: No, I'm not all right. I'm hurt.", "Sam: All right, well, it's gonna be better.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Take it easy. I wasn't gonna send it. I was just thinking through what I would say if I had the opportunity. Okay?", "Victor: If you want to be rebellious, you go ahead, all right? You're not under lock and key. But there's a price to pay, Billy Abbott. All your secrets will come to light.", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let--let's just set that aside for the moment. Isn't best if Victoria hears something from me? At least that I'm alive? If she thinks something terrible has happened to me, it makes it that much harder for her to move on.", "Victor: Your concern for her is very touching to me.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Victor: Yeah. Rest assured, it ain't a problem.", "Billy: \"It ain't a problem\"? What's that supposed to mean?", "Victor: It means she has moved on. There's another man in her life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Thank you for sticking up for me.", "Daisy: Any time. Well, why don't you wait till this heals before you pick your next fight?", "Sharon: (Laughs) It wasn't me who started it.", "Daisy: Didn't think it was. I can't imagine you hurting anyone.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Avery: What happened? I heard you were attacked.", "Sharon: Uh, yeah, someone took a swing at me.", "Daisy: They missed.", "Avery: Okay, that's it. I'm having you moved to protective custody.", "Sharon: Well, everyone here already thinks I'm getting special treatment. That's part of the problem.", "Avery: I need you in one piece for the trial.", "Daisy: Hey, are you Sharon's lawyer?", "Sharon: Um, Avery, this is Daisy.", "Avery: Daisy Carter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Hey, I get to see you after all. Lucky day.", "Phyllis: Yeah, lucky nanny. She, uh, had an emergency. She doesn't get to spend time with Lucy.", "Nick: You got a backup? Or do you need to work from home?", "Phyllis: Door number three?", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "Nick: Three?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You could give mommy the day off.", "Nick: And you're going by \"Mommy\" with her?", "Phyllis: Yeah. (Sighs) Me, why-- why should I deprive her of a mommy/daughter relationship just because her mom is out of her mind?", "Nick: So, um, you think Avery's showing an interest in your kids?", "Phyllis: It's not sincere.", "Nick: Well, if that's true, it's sad for someone to have that much going for her and be that hateful.", "Phyllis: She's not hateful. (Sighs) We used to be close a long time ago. There was affection there. She's stuck in the past. She-- she can't get out of it. She wants to bring me back there, and I can't do it, Nick. I can't do it. I'm not going back there. I'm--I'm not doing it. I left. I forgot about it, and I moved on.", "Nick: Well, I'm rally sorry that you're having to deal with this. I know it's tough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Go ahead. Pull it out.", "Chloe: Oh, what's in there? Lucky doll, gettin' all these presents.", "Jack: Ohh...", "Chloe: Wow!", "Jack: There you go.", "Chloe: Did you know that Uncle Jack brought that all the way back from China?", "Jack: Yep. Do you like it?", "Chloe: What do we say?", "Delia: Thank you.", "Jack: Oh, you are very, very welcome. I hope you enjoy it. I'll see you later, okay? Next time I come, I'll bring Kyle with me, all right?", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Jack: (Sighs) Um, uh, listen, if you hear from any of the gang in New York that might have seen Billy, let me know right away.", "Chloe: Yeah, of course.", "Jack: I'm gonna start over. I'm gonna go back to the trailer, see if I can dig something up, maybe something from \"Restless Style.\" Maybe.", "Chloe: You're such a good brother, Jack.", "Jack: And Billy will be a good father. We just have to get him back here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Victoria's dating? That's what you're telling me?", "Victor: Did you honestly expect her to sit around and pine away for you?", "Billy: She has every right to move on. She probably should.", "Victor: Well, for once, you and I agree.", "Billy: But she wouldn't. Not yet.", "Victor: You're gonna leave town very soon, Billy. That way, Victoria won't ever find about you.", "Billy: Yes, yes, I know. You've made your point repeatedly, on and on and on. (Clears throat)", "Victor: Want me to, uh, a take that with me so you won't be tempted?", "Billy: Not necessary.", "Victor: I'll come back by and bring you come groceries. How is that?", "Billy: Thanks.", "(Front door closes)", "Billy: He's so full of... Vicki wouldn't have sent this if she had already moved on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Singing) Lucy, Lucy I'm in love with you I'm so crazy.", "Nick: I'm in love.", "Phyllis: All for the love of you.", "Nick: That's right. (Beat boxing)", "Phyllis: It's you and I forever 'cause I will leave you never.", "Nick: It's the funky version. Phyllis 'Cause you look so sweet.", "Together: Up on the seat of a bicycle built for two.", "Nick: Word. See that? See what we did there?", "Together: (Quietly) Lucy, Lucy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Walsh offering you that plea bargain was a huge sign. He's not happy with Heather.", "Sharon: But she's likely to take that personally. Don't you think? Come after me even harder?", "Avery: Well, assuming he doesn't take over for her. Either way, we've got whatever they throw at us covered.", "Woman: Your turn.", "Sharon: Yeah, they want us to file reports about the assault.", "Avery: Good. It'll help make it easier if I need to get you moved. I'll see you later.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Daisy: You knew my name.", "Avery: Uh, yeah, well, you're pretty high-profile.", "Daisy: Yeah, so are you for helping people get out of prison who don't belong there, like me.", "Avery: My hands are pretty full right now.", "Daisy: Phyllis tricked me into incriminating myself by someone who promised to help me and then backed out.", "Avery: You're talking about Phyllis Newman?", "Daisy: Yeah, you know her?", "Avery: I'm aware of her.", "Daisy: She's a lying bitch. She used me to get her hands on my baby. Now if you'd help me, we could undo that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: More tests. (Sighs) If you can believe it.", "Kevin: Poor kid. Did Jack leave?", "Chloe: Yeah, he went to go search for Billy again.", "Kevin: Billy doesn't want to be found. He should just drop it.", "Chloe: We don't even need Billy. We don't need Billy to save Delia's life because we have you, thank God.", "Kevin: God, don't look at me like that. Ok, anybody would do what I'm doing. I'm not like a saint or anything.", "Chloe: Can't you just let me be grateful? Is that so hard?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Chloe: Why? Why, Kevin? You saved Delia's life, and you saved mine. You fixed everything.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "(Front door opens)", "Jack: What the hell are you doing here?", "Victor: Isn't it obvious? I'm here to obstruct your search for Billy. I got a hot tip he is somewhere near the North Pole pulling down big money on reindeer games.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Aah! It's cold!", "Sam: Okay. (Laughs) Come on. That's kind of the point, you know?", "Victoria: Okay, I think I'm just gonna change first, okay?", "Sam: No, no, no, no. You're not gettn' out of this. Victoria, you're not.", "Victoria: I'm fine, really. I'm okay. I'm-- (Winces) (Groans)", "Sam: Okay, okay, okay.", "Victoria: Aah! Really. Whoa! What are you doing?", "Sam: (Sighs) This pack of ice would have melted before you got upstairs.", "Victoria: Uh-huh. You know, this would be really \"Gone with the Wind\" if we were a couple and I was wearing a big ball gown, but you kind of smell like a horse. That's the only thing.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: Now you're gonna testify at my trial?", "Victor: I know what I'm doing.", "Victoria: There's nothing romantic between Sam and me.", "Chloe: Well, maybe there should be.", "Phyllis: Arrest me.", "Ronan: Arrest--what? Excuse me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Paul and Nikki go to a motel, the only one left in town, but it is less than desired. At home, Sharon asks Nick if he is all right and he assures her that he is fine. Sharon can tell by the look on Nick's face that it is over between him and Avery. Nick gets a phone call from Amy that she is bringing Faith home. Avery and Dylan go home to her apartment and find it ransacked. Upon looking how disoriented things are, she realizes how Adam found out where Dylan was with the baby. Dylan realizes that Chelsea must have told Adam where the cabin was. Dylan lets Avery know that he must have been in shock when he took Connor. Chelsea refuses to let Adam leave with Connor. Chelsea begs him not to take her son. Adam agrees to let Connor stay with Chelsea on one condition. Amy brings Faith home, but upon seeing Nick, Faith tells him that she doesn't like to see him so unhappy and it is all her fault. Adam insists to Chelsea that she and Connor come and spend the night with him so they can take Connor to the eye specialist together. Chelsea feels that Adam is trying to pull a fast one on her. Avery tries to talk to Dylan about his love for Chelsea and Connor. Sharon, Nick, and Faith go for ice cream in order to cheer Nick up. A man brings Nikki back her scarf and for a fleeting moment, she thinks that the man is her son.", "Avery lets Dylan know that she and Nick are not getting married. Chelsea prepares to go and spend the night with Adam at his condo. Nick pulls Faith close to him and prepares to tell her the truth about him and Avery not getting married. Nikki and Paul discuss how she will react when she does find her child. Adam remembers the last time that he and Chelsea were there together and how they argued. Chelsea tells Adam that she told him about the child when he was in the hospital, shot, but when he had woke up, he asked for Sharon. Dylan, asleep on the sofa, dreams of his war days and upon awakening, grabs Avery by the arm. Coming to himself and realizing where he is, he realizes he needs help. Adam goes downstairs and finds Chelsea on the sofa asleep with Connor in her arms.", "" ]
[ "Paul: Okay. Welcome to the last available hotel room within 50 miles of Winnetka.", "Nikki: Well, I can see why.", "Paul: Oh, come on. Don't be spoiled. It's not that bad. Okay, maybe you're right. Well, look at it this way. What we lack in accommodations we are gaining in authentic Chicago-style pizza. There's got to be 3 1/2 pounds of cheese on this thing.", "Nikki: You know, what are the odds that there would be a medical convention, a plumbers convention, and -- god help us -- a tattoo convention all in the same week?", "Paul: Tattoo convention? Does that really exist?", "Nikki: Well, according to all six fully booked hotels that turned us away, it does.", "Paul: All right, well, the important thing is, it's close to the church. And that's what matters.", "Nikki: That may be the only thing this place has going for it. I'm sorry you have to stay in such a dump.", "Paul: If we are able to track down your son, it'll all be worth it.", "Nikki: Will it? I mean, is my search for my long-lost son worth lying to the people I love?", "Nick: I'm fine. Really.", "Sharon: You're not fine. Your fiancée just stood you up at the altar.", "Nick: Okay, you're right. I-I feel like roadkill.", "Sharon: But you know you will get through this. You and Avery both will.", "Nick: Sharon, Avery and I didn't just call off the wedding.", "Sharon: It's over between you two.", "Nick: How did you know?", "Sharon: I've seen that look on your face before. I hated seeing it then as much as I do now.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: [Sighs] Hey, Amy. Are you and faith on the way home? Okay, well, uh, we'll be here. Thanks.", "[Keys jingle]", "Avery: Well, I think I know how Adam figured out where you were.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Can't say I blame him. I'd have been freaking out, too, if somebody had run off with... you know, when I think about what I put Chelsea and Adam through...", "Avery: Dylan, you were in shock.", "Dylan: I think I still am.", "Avery: You had a son, and now you don't. [Sighs] It's gonna take some time to get used to that.", "Dylan: I'm not sure I ever will.", "Adam: Think I'm gonna allow my son to spend one more night here with you and Rambo?", "Chelsea: Dylan loves Connor. We both do, and I'm not gonna let you leave here with him.", "Adam: There's nothing you can do about it.", "Chelsea: I'll call the police if I have to.", "Adam: Call the police. Go ahead. Please. Tell them how this man kidnapped my son, how you perpetrated a fraud for several months. You'll both end up in jail.", "Chelsea: Dylan is still Connor's legal father. You have no proof otherwise, which means you have no claim to him. Now give me my son and get out.", "Adam: You can go to hell, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: No. You are not leaving here with my baby.", "Adam: Get out of my way.", "Chelsea: No.", "Adam: If you do not move, I will make you move.", "Chelsea: You're gonna scare him. Please let me have him.", "Connor: [Fussing]", "Chelsea: Okay, sweet boy. Mama's here. Mama's here. Yes. Yes. It's okay. He needs me. I will never let you take him from me. And if you really love him, you wouldn't try to.", "Paul: You know, lying never ends well.", "Nikki: Well, that's just it. We don't know how this is gonna end. Why should I tell victor that I kept this huge secret from him if it might not ever affect our lives?", "Paul: It's already affecting your life. This search has brought on the same kind of feelings you were going through when you were a-a scared, pregnant teenager.", "Nikki: I wanted to forget about what I had done. I...I didn't want to think about it, much less admit it to victor.", "Paul: Nikki... you've got nothing to be ashamed of.", "Nikki: I gave away my child and never looked back.", "Paul: You were just a kid.", "Nikki: I was that boy's mother. I should have looked out for him.", "Paul: You did. You found him a home.", "Nikki: Oh, Paul. You can't absolve me. I can't absolve myself. Not until I know what happened to my baby.", "Paul: Well, you won't even confide in victor?", "Nikki: No. It's bad enough I'm putting you through this.", "Paul: Really? Do you think I'd pass up a once-in-a-lifetime chance to spend an evening in the magnificent Venus de Milo arms motel & motorcourt? Do you really?", "Nikki: Well, all right, then. In that case, Mr. Williams, do you prefer the lumpy mattress or the firm?", "Paul: Oh, definitely the firm.", "Nikki: Are you sure?", "Paul: Oh, positive. Less chance of bedbugs.", "Nikki: [Gasps] My god! Do you really think there are bedbugs?! Don't say that! Oh, I haven't been in a place like this in a long time.", "[Knock on door]", "Nikki: Who's that?", "Paul: Hi. I'm looking for Nikki Newman.", "Nikki: I'm Nikki. Father martin said I'd find you here.", "Sharon: Do you want me to throw this stuff away?", "Nick: Uh, sure.", "Sharon: Okay. I don't think anyone's going to miss this, whatever it is.", "Nick: Thanks for helping me clean all that up. I didn't want faith to see that.", "Sharon: Oh, you know, she'd understand. She knows you're hurting.", "Nick: I need to tell faith what's going on.", "Sharon: Well, do you want to hold off?", "Nick: No. Faith needs to know that Avery and I aren't together anymore.", "Sharon: Well, of course, but I don't think she's gonna take the news too badly.", "Nick: You mean because she never wanted me and Avery to get married in the first place?", "Sharon: It's not that she didn't want you to be happy.", "Nick: I think she knew what I needed to be happy more than I did.", "[Door opens]", "Faith: Mommy.", "Sharon: Oh, hi, sweetheart.", "Nick: Hey! What's going on?", "Sharon: Thanks, Amy. Good night.", "Nick: How was your day?", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: Just okay? Why?", "Faith: Because you're sad, and it's all my fault.", "Avery: Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.", "Dylan: No, thanks.", "Avery: What are you looking for?", "Dylan: Is this, uh, all the tools that you have?", "Avery: Yes.", "Dylan: Then that'll have to do.", "Avery: For what?", "Dylan: To fix the lock. You can't leave it like that.", "Avery: Dylan, I can get the super to do that.", "Dylan: Why? I'm here.", "Avery: I know, but --", "Dylan: It's not gonna take long.", "Avery: Dylan, you're exhausted.", "Dylan: I'm fine.", "Avery: Look, why don't you take a shower? I can make you something to eat.", "Dylan: Will you just let me fix the lock?!", "Adam: I don't understand how you can question my love for him. You know how much I wanted a family, how devastated I was when we lost our baby.", "Chelsea: How was I supposed to know how devastated you were, Adam? You never said a thing. You shut me out. You left me to deal with my pain and my grief alone.", "Adam: And that gives you the right to keep my son from me?", "Chelsea: I did what's best for him.", "Adam: You did what you thought was best for him.", "Chelsea: No, Adam. I am his mother.", "Adam: I am his father.", "Chelsea: Connor may have your DNA, but Dylan is a real father to him.", "Adam: I think a real father might know the difference between their own child and some long-dead kid from some war far away.", "Chelsea: Dylan was trying to protect his son!", "Adam: He's my son! Do you understand me?", "Chelsea: The only thing you have contributed to that boy is the possibility that he'll go blind! I'm sorry. That wasn't fair.", "Adam: It is my fault. And that's my cross to bear. And in spite of what you think, I understand his needs come first.", "Chelsea: Then you should know what he needs is to be with me.", "Adam: Nobody understands the bond between a mother and a son better than I do.", "Chelsea: So does that mean you won't try to take him from me?", "Adam: He can stay with you. Under one condition.", "Chelsea: Wow. That's love -- using your child as leverage.", "Adam: I'm offering a deal that's in all of our best interests.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure Dylan would agree with that.", "Adam: I don't really give a damn what Dylan thinks about this.", "Chelsea: So, what is it? What is your deal?", "Adam: You and the baby move into my penthouse.", "Chelsea: [Scoffs] No way.", "Adam: You're not staying here.", "Chelsea: Doesn't mean we have to shack up with you.", "Adam: I'm trying to be reasonable.", "Chelsea: Reasonable? Adam, we can't stand to be in the same room with each other. How do you expect us to live together?", "Adam: By putting our son first. That's what you said.", "Chelsea: It would never work.", "Adam: One night. Tomorrow we go to the doctor, and we'll just take it from there.", "Chelsea: What -- what doctor?", "Adam: I set up an appointment with a top pediatric ophthalmologist, one of the best in the country.", "Chelsea: See? You are already trying to take over.", "Adam: I'm not taking over. I'm just trying to prevent our son from going blind. And if dr. Lintz can't handle that, then I'm gonna find someone who can.", "Chelsea: How do I know this isn't some kind of a trick?", "Adam: You don't. But we have to start somewhere. Come stay at my place.", "Dylan: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to --", "Avery: I shouldn't have pushed.", "Dylan: I guess I just need a little --", "Avery: Space. I got it.", "Dylan: Thanks. [Sighs]", "Avery: Hmm.", "Dylan: What's wrong?", "Avery: Well, the picture of you and me at the cabin is missing. That must be how Adam figured out where you were. But how would we know where the cabin was?", "Dylan: Chelsea knew about it. She must have told him. Guess we know where her loyalties are. And why not, now that the truth is out.", "Avery: Dylan, she was just trying to protect her son.", "Dylan: You think she's gonna want to press charges?", "Avery: Well, she can't, because legally, you're still Connor's father.", "Dylan: Yeah. Not for long.", "Avery: Look, I know you're hurt and angry, and you have every right to be. But you should know, when you were flashing back to Afghanistan, Chelsea was really scared to death.", "Dylan: She was worried about her son.", "Avery: She was, but she also wasn't gonna let anything happen to you.", "Dylan: Do you have any other wood screws? These two are too short.", "Avery: You may not remember what happened at the cabin, but I saw Chelsea was really concerned about you. And I know you're hurt. But I also know you still love her and that little boy. And, Dylan, the three of you were happy. You were a family. Isn't there still a part of you that wants that?", "Dylan: Just because you and nick got your happily ever after doesn't mean the rest of us will.", "Nick: Why do you think it's your fault that I'm upset?", "Faith: I wasn't nice to Avery.", "Nick: And you think that's the reason she didn't show up to the wedding?", "Faith: Uh-huh.", "Nick: Sweetheart, I can promise you that is not the reason that me and Avery didn't get married. You had nothing to do with it.", "Faith: I didn't?", "Nick: Not a chance.", "Faith: You're not mad at me?", "Nick: Not even a little bit, sweetie.", "Faith: I still wish you weren't sad.", "Nick: Well... you know what would make me really happy?", "Faith: What?", "Nick: Let's go get some ice cream.", "Faith: Yay. Can mommy come, too?", "Sharon: Oh, no, why don't you and daddy go?", "Faith: Please?", "Nick: You know, I think that's a great idea. Let's do it.", "Sharon: Do you have a jacket in yr backpack? It's getting a little cooler in the evenings. Okay, good. Put that on. You ready?", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. Let's go get happy.", "Sharon: Whoo!", "Faith: My jacket just needs to go on.", "Paul: Come in.", "Nikki: Um, you -- you said that father martin sent you? What did he tell you about me? Do you -- do you know why I showed up at the church? Is that why you're here?", "Man: I'm here because you left something at the church. I-I came to return it to you.", "Nikki: Oh! So...I thought... you're -- you're not...", "Paul: Uh, thank you, uh, for returning this. And, uh, thank father martin, as ll.", "Man: Yeah, uh, glad to help.", "Paul: Okay. Um...good night. Thanks again.", "[Door closes]", "Paul: Nikki, I know you thought the young man was --", "Nikki: [Laughing] My scarf! He's returning my scarf! My god, the poor man must have thought I was crazy! I mean --", "Paul: Well, he did look a little, uh...", "Nikki: Scared?", "Paul: Well, more like terrified.", "Nikki: My god, it must have been the way I was staring at him. It was that blonde hair.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. If he didn't pull out the scarf, I think you were gonna be halfway on your way to the DNA lab with a fistful of it.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Are you kidding? I was already planning his \"welcome to the family\" party before he could get a word out.", "[Laughing]", "Nikki: Talk about getting ahead of yourself.", "Paul: Maybe tomorrow we'll get some real news.", "Nikki: Maybe sister Clare will remember more about what happened the night I gave birth in the church. [Sniffles]", "Paul: Yeah, what if she does?", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "Paul: Well, have you thought about what you're going to do if we do find your son?", "Nikki: I've been so focused on finding my child, I haven't really thought about how I would react to it.", "Paul: Well, no time like the present.", "Nikki: Well, first of all, I would want to make sure he's all right.", "Paul: Beyond that?", "Nikki: Well, in my dream world, he would have been raised by parents who loved him and gave him everything that he needed to grow up and have a good, happy life and be doing something that he feels passionate about and is sharing his life with someone he loves, maybe even has children of his own.", "Paul: And in your dream world, does your son know about you?", "Nikki: He was told that I gave him up out of love, and when we first meet, he would let me fill in the missing pieces of his life and give him closure. And then once he got used to the idea, maybe even accept me as his mother.", "Paul: Oh, Nikki.", "Nikki: I know. It's just a dream.", "Paul: You know, I'd love for it to work out the way you want. I just don't want to see you get your hopes up.", "Avery: Happily ever after is only in fairy tales. Real-life relationships take work. Maybe you can make this right.", "Dylan: You know as well as I do, when things get to a certain point... you can't go back.", "Faith: Want the last bite, daddy?", "Nick: Nah, you go ahead.", "Sharon: Sweetie, could you throw the cups away for us?", "Faith: Sure.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: There you go. You got it.", "Sharon: You know, we really didn't have to come here tonight.", "Nick: That's all right. Faith really likes that ice-cream place down by the playground.", "Sharon: Yeah, but this is where you were supposed to get married, and it must not be easy for you to be back here so soon.", "Nick: Well, whether I was here or at home, I'd still be thinking about what happened. Or what didn't happen.", "[Paper rustling]", "Dylan: Lock's fixed.", "Avery: Thanks. Uh, I was just gonna make myself dinner -- myself -- because I wouldn't want to make a fuss over you, god forbid, but if you are hungry, I could make enough for two.", "Dylan: You don't have to babysit me.", "Avery: I'm making dinner for myself.", "Dylan: But you just got married. You should be having dinner with nick.", "Avery: So, do you want something or not?", "Dylan: Avery, what's going on? I know you were late to the wedding because I showed up here --", "Avery: You showed up a mess.", "Dylan: A-a mess. I know. I'm -- I'm sorry. But what -- what happened? You still got married, didn't you?", "Sharon: I hate to see you hurting like this.", "Faith: I thought ice cream would make you feel better, daddy.", "Nick: Oh, it did, sweetheart. It did. I just -- I think I ate so much that I'm in so much pain. Ohh!", "[Laughter]", "Nick: Come here. That's my girl. So... there's something I need to tell you.", "Avery: By the time I got to the park, the minister, all the guests -- they were gone.", "Dylan: So it didn't happen? [Sighs] But you -- you picked another date. So, when is it? When -- when are you guys getting married?", "Avery: We're not.", "Chelsea: [Sniffles]", "Adam: This is the last one.", "Chelsea: I'll meet you downstairs. Okay. [Sniffles] Time to go, Connor. [Sniffles] Okay, sweet boy. Okay, sweet baby. Yes. I got you.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Chelsea: I got you. Yes, I do. I got you. [Sniffles]", "Dylan: You don't mean \"not,\" like in \"never.\" You just mean that this was a temporary postponement, right?", "Avery: I mean like nick and I are finished.", "Dylan: What? W-why? Because you were late to the wedding? Did you explain that I was the one that held you up, that you were trying to help me, that it was my -- that's why you broke up.", "Avery: Dylan --", "Dylan: I know coming to town caused a lot of trouble for you and nick, but I thought nick got past all that.", "Avery: You did not cause my breakup, okay? There were a lot of factors involved.", "Dylan: I'm sorry. I really wanted this to work out for you.", "Avery: So did I. You know, just there -- there were things that we couldn't get past. And, um... I don't know. You just can't deny the truth.", "Dylan: Yeah. The truth. [Sighs] Man, I so wanted to believe in that once-in-a- lifetime love my mom and dad had. After everything that happened to us... I finally thought I had that with -- with Chelsea.", "Avery: Yeah, I thought I had it with nick.", "Nick: Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. It really helped.", "Faith: And mommy?", "Nick: Yes. And mommy.", "Faith: When you and Avery do get married, does that mean you and mommy and me won't be able to go out together anymore?", "Nick: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Avery and I aren't gonna be getting married.", "Faith: Ever?", "Nick: Nope. You know, sometimes when people love each other, it doesn't mean that they're meant to be married.", "Faith: And you're not mad at me?", "Nick: Oh, sweetheart, not even a little bit.", "Faith: But you're still sad.", "Nick: Yeah, daddy's a little sad.", "Faith: Don't worry, daddy. Mommy and I will cheer you up.", "Nikki: I know that we might find my son and he could not want to have anything to do with me.", "Paul: Or he could be a lot more interested in your money than your love.", "Nikki: So stop fantasizing. I get it. But we already know who his father was. Who's to say that he didn't turn out just like him?", "Paul: Well, I think if he were running a modern-day version of the new world commune that we would have found him by now.", "Nikki: He could have inherited some nasty traits. I mean, what if he really is his father's son?", "Paul: Nikki, I think it's best not to jump to any conclusions. Although I think it's very prudent to consider all possibilities.", "Nikki: Or he could be a saint and thrilled to meet his mother. I would still have to deal with telling victor and the kids about him.", "Paul: Well, I think if you wanted them to accept him as your son, they would.", "Nikki: It didn't work out that way for Adam. And I wouldn't want to put them through that again.", "Paul: You know, if we keep pursuing this, you're not gonna be able to control the outcome.", "Nikki: I know. Katherine really wanted me to find my child.", "Paul: That's because she was certain your marriage was strong enough to survive.", "Nikki: What if she was wrong?", "Chelsea: Sweet dreams, baby. Mommy will be right here. What?", "Adam: I'm just thinking.", "Chelsea: About how you're gonna steal my son from me?", "Adam: About the last time you were here.", "[Liquid pours]", "[Glass clinks]", "Chelsea: We argued.", "Adam: You pleaded with me to stop harassing you about the paternity of your child. I relented. And then you collapsed right where I'm standing. I rushed you off to the hospital. You want to know what I was thinking the entire time we were on the way to the hospital? I was thinking about our child, the baby that we lost, and I was praying that wouldn't happen to you again. Little did I know that that was my child that you were carrying. Well, here we are. You're back, both of you.", "Chelsea: We're not back. You forced us to be here.", "Adam: You should have come here the second that you found out that you were pregnant.", "Chelsea: You made that impossible.", "Adam: I would have been there for the both of you.", "Chelsea: Connor and I never would have been a priority for you, Adam.", "Adam: You never gave me a chance. You needed to tell me the truth.", "Chelsea: I did!", "Adam: You -- what?", "Chelsea: I did tell you. In the hospital after you were shot. When I thought that you were going to die, I told you about the baby, that you were gonna be a father. Even though you were unconscious, I-I hoped on some level you could hear me and you would come back to us. And it worked. You woke up. And the first person you called for... was Sharon.", "Paul: You know, Nikki, in all the things that you and victor have been through, I can't understand why you think this would be the one he couldn't handle. I mean, how many women have given up their child for adoption?", "Nikki: One of those children was victor Newman. His mother left him at an orphanage when he was 7. Very few people know what that did to him.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Nikki: He felt truly and utterly abandoned and alone. He used to wait for his mother to come back for him. And she never did. He hated her for that. And he never forgave her until she was on her deathbed. If I were to go to him and say that I abandoned my son...", "Paul: No, no, Nikki. This is a completely different situation.", "Nikki: No.", "Paul: It is.", "Nik: I walked away from my child just like victor's mother. [Voice breaking] He would see me the way he saw her, and I couldn't bear that.", "Paul: No, no, no. Sweetheart, come on. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.", "Nikki: [Sniffles]", "Paul: You know? We -- we don't know that anything sister Clare has said is true. We just have to wait and find out.", "Nikki: I know. One step at a time. I know.", "Paul: Right. And until we find your son, you don't have to worry about anything else.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Adam: I had no idea.", "Chelsea: And what? If you had heard me, things would have been different?", "Adam: We'll never know now, will we?", "Chelsea: I know. You almost died. I was with you... every minute, holding your hand, begging you to wake up and come back to me and our child. And then when you finally did, your first thoughts were of Sharon.", "Adam: I'm sorry. I was drugged. I was confused.", "Chelsea: And at your most vulnerable. [Sniffles] And she's the one you called for.", "Adam: She was the last person that I saw before I fell unconscious. Chelsea, you should have told me. You should have waited until I was awake and I was clear-headed.", "Chelsea: Why, Adam? You think you really would have dropped everything and made me and our child your priority?", "Adam: Yes.", "Chelsea: No. You would have been the same cold-hearted bastard of a father to him that victor's been to you.", "Adam: So you made a unilateral decision based on how you thought I might behave.", "Chelsea: I wasn't just guessing, Adam. I know firsthand how you treat people you supposedly love. You promised me over and over that you would change, and you never did. You broke your word and my heart again and again. I was not about to sit back and watch you do the same thing to my child.", "Adam: Well, now you're gonna have to sit back and watch a judge try and figure this thing out.", "Chelsea: [Sniffles] [Sighs]", "Nick: It's amazing how something can die so quickly. I mean, not too long ago, this was alive and beautiful, and now it's...", "Sharon: Nick...", "Nick: It's true. You know, one minute something's here, and the next it's gone. Summer and Avery and... I can't help wondering.", "Sharon: Wondering what?", "Nick: A few months ago, everything in my life was good. Actually, it was great. And now it's all slipping away, and I don't know how or why.", "Sharon: You haven't lost everything. You still have faith and me.", "Faith: I'm tired. Let's go home.", "Sharon: Of course. Let's go.", "Nick: You know what? I'm gonna, uh, stick around here a little while longer.", "Sharon: You sure?", "Nick: Yeah, I'll just, uh, take a cab home. Come here. Thank you so much for cheering me up today.", "Faith: Good night, daddy.", "Nick: Good night. I love you.", "Sharon: Let me know if you need anything.", "Nick: Okay. Thanks.", "[Thunder crashing]", "[Rain falling]", "[Explosion]", "[Helicopter blades whirring]", "Sully: I see it.", "[Machine-gun fire]", "Dylan: Sullivan!", "Avery: Dylan? Are you here?", "Dylan: Stop!", "Avery: [Gasps]", "Dylan: Wadrega! Wadrega! Wadrega!", "Avery: It's Avery. No one's gonna hurt you.", "Dylan: She needs a doctor! You understand? Doctor? Daakter! Hag-ha daakter!", "Avery: Dylan. Let me see him. Let me make sure that he's --", "Dylan: I said stay back! Stay back!", "Avery: Dylan?", "Dylan: Drop your weapon!", "Avery: Dylan, it's okay.", "Dylan: I said put it down!", "Avery: Dylan, it's me!", "Dylan: Now! Do it!", "Avery: Dylan!", "Dylan: Put it down!", "Avery: You're hurting me! [Gasping]", "Dylan: I'm sorry. I-I don't know what's -- what's happening. I hurt you. I could have hurt Connor. I scared Chelsea. I need help. [Sighs]", "Paul: Did you talk to victor?", "Nikki: Yeah. I told him I had to spend another night in Chicago for my charity project.", "Paul: Was he at all suspicious?", "Nikki: I don't know. No. No, I don't think so. And that just makes me feel worse.", "Paul: You know, Nikki, we can stop the search anytime you want.", "Nikki: I know. T I really feel like we're about to find something, don't you?", "Paul: Well, the information's out there. We just have to find the pieces.", "Nikki: You sound pessimistic.", "Paul: Well, I've been through a million investigations just like this one, and it could go either way. You just need to catch a break, that's all.", "Nikki: Do you think I should keep looking?", "Paul: That's up to you. But whatever you decide, I'll support you all the way. Look, you don't have to decide tonight. It'd be a good idea if we get some rest.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Paul: Good night, Nikki.", "Nikki: Good night.", "Paul: And don't let the bedbugs bite.", "Nikki: [Gasps] Paul, stop it!", "Paul: [Laughs]", "Nikki: Good night. Lips touched in summer I was sure it felt like the real thing I was exploding you poured out like honey you were like the rain days dance like minutes I was high on love want to give you my pain want to give you my name next step, a bride will she say yes? You did, but you lied it's time to confess I know what you did you did what you know it didn't take long, but the death was slow a bullet or a blade nobody knows like a river of pain the blood just flowed how does it feel? You killed Romeo there was an instant distance went on and on for miles my heart turned black with no reason to I just wanted to cry I just wanted to die now the minutes pass like days only sleepless nights", "Sharon: Hey, sweetie. You ready to go? Trying to keep my head up nothing in my life", "Sharon: Let's go. Will ever be the same never again 'cause I know what you did you did what you know it didn't take long, but the death was slow a bullet or a blade nobody knows like a river of pain the blood just flowed how does it feel? You killed Romeo we walked hand in hand from the moment that we met when I held you close, I smell the sweet summer sweat and did you know, could you see, you killed Romeo and that Romeo was me? How does it feel?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Noah: I got a meeting with my grandfather.", "Tyler: When victor Newman calls a meeting...", "Noah: Anything could happen.", "Nikki: What did you find out?", "Father martin: I found your son.", "Jack: Shall we all agree to be frisked for weapons before we sit down?", "Victor: [Chuckles]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At Sharon's home while Nick gets Victor something for his headache, he takes a plastic bag out of his pocket and steals the wine glass that Nick drank out of. Also, he gets in Faith's backpack and steals her hairbrush. Nick brings Victor back his aspirin and then wants to know what is going on. At the Underground, Noah tells Mariah her schedule for the week which she resents. Mariah asks Noah about Nick's and Sharon's engagement. A truck driver on the highway picks up Phyllis and asks her where she is headed. She doesn't reply. At the Athletic Club dining room, Paul joins Nikki at her table and starts to take a drink of her glass, but Nikki stops him. Paul smells it and asks if it's vodka. Victor refuses to let Nick know what he is up to by being there. Victor reminds Nick of the secret that Sharon has been keeping from him as well as everyone else. Mariah lets Noah know that she may be leaving this town before too long. Noah asks her where she is getting the money to leave town, but Mariah refuses to tell him about her deal with Victor. Mariah begins to lash out at Summer to Noah for her actions and how he let Austin have the night off in order to take Summer home. Noah defends Summer which unnerves Mariah. Paul reminds Nikki of the ramifications of her drinking again. To keep from telling him the truth, Nikki tells him that the drink was for Barbara and that she called and cancelled. Paul feels better about the drink and Nikki's explanation. Paul looks around the room for Christine. Nikki gets up to leave so Christine will not see them together. In the foyer, Nikki calls Barbara and tells her that she needs to cancel that she isn't feeling well. Christine asks Dylan why he's in Paul's office with the file on Ian Ward lying on the desk. Dylan doesn't like Christine's accusations and accuses her of treating him like a \"criminal.\" Christine apologizes but tells Dylan not to let this happen again. Paul walks in and wants to know what's going on. Nick and Sharon think that Victor had a hidden agenda for bringing them a bottle of champagne in order to celebrate their engagement. Dr. Cutler tells everyone to find Phyllis and get her back in her room before her family finds out. Victor calls Dr. Cutler for an update on Phyllis, but he also lies. Victor asks Dr. Cutler for the name of a DNA clinic that he could trust with the results of a DNA test. Dr. Cutler gives him the address of one in Sweden. When the truck driver lays his hand on Phyllis' leg, she picks up a rod and hits him with it. He moves his hand quickly.", "Nikki visits Victor and tells him she is still upset with him for his interference in his children's lives. Nikki also questions him about the money that he gave to Mariah. Victor lies to Nikki and tells her that Mariah needed money for bills. Nikki doesn't exactly believe him. Christine warns Paul about Dylan being in his office so close to evidence concerning the case of Ian Ward. Christine warns Paul to set some limits for Dylan. Nick and Sharon arrive at the Underground. Noah accepts Nick's invitation to be his best man. Sharon asks Mariah to be her bridesmaid but Mariah, at first, refuses but then gives in and agrees. Victor lets Nikki know that he is going out of town. Phyllis is 235 miles away from Genoa City. Mariah asks Victor for more money.", "" ]
[ "Nick: [Sighs] All right, Dad. Here's your aspirin.", "Victor: Thank you, son. Very kind of you.", "Nick: Some water. All right. So, you want to tell me what's really going on now?", "Noah: So, I got you scheduled for your usual shift tomorrow and the day after. And you got a double on Saturday.", "Mariah: I have a double tonight, so I really wish you'd have asked me if I was available for another one.", "Noah: Are you available?", "Mariah: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off celebrating your parents' disgustingly happy engagement?", "Noah: Yes. Our mom is marrying my dad. And it is great news, so I'd appreciate it if you don't ruin it with your little attitude.", "Mariah: I am not gonna put on a phony smile to make you feel better, dude.", "Noah: Fine. Just put on a phony smile for the customers, okay? Because we're paying you for that.", "Mariah: Not for long.", "Noah: What is that supposed to mean?", "Mariah: It means that I was very serious about getting out of this sorry-ass town. And once I make enough cash to do so, I'm gone. It shouldn't be too long now.", "Noah: Are you planning winning the lottery?", "Mariah: Something like that.", "Trucker: It's beautiful country, huh? You still haven't told me where you're headed. Since you were hitchhiking, you must really want to get there.", "Christine: What do you think you're doing?", "Paul: Hi, Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, hi, Paul.", "Paul: Hi. Can I join you?", "Nikki: Well, sure. Uh, I don't have much time, though.", "Paul: Oh, I don't, either. Just a quick hello. How's that?", "Nikki: Oh, that's nice.", "Paul: Good. Oh, man, do you mind? I'm dying of thirst.", "Nikki: Oh, no, don't -- don't drink that!", "Paul: Why? Vodka?", "Victor: What do you mean it's time to be honest with you? What are you talking about?", "Nick: Your change of heart about Sharon and me. I started asking you about that. All of a sudden, you get a headache and try and get me off the subject.", "Victor: Son, I had a headache. Do you think I'm misdirecting you, or what?", "Nick: Yeah. I think you are. And it tells me I'm getting close to something, like maybe you haven't accepted my engagement after all.", "Victor: Son, did I bring a bottle of champagne, or did I not? And didn't I toast to your future?", "Nick: To my future. Not my future with Sharon.", "Victor: What can I do to make you believe that I meant a toast to both of you?", "Nick: Can you blame me, after the lengths you went to try and uncover Sharon's supposed secret?", "Victor: Supposed secret? Have you forgotten that Sharon herself said that she's hiding something that could be devastating to you?", "Nick: Yeah, well, did you have to use Mariah and grill Sharon's psychiatrist to do that?", "Victor: You bet.", "Nick: Well, what do you got planned next, dad? Because that's what concerns me.", "Victor: You don't need to worry about a damn thing from me, okay?", "Sharon: Oh. I didn't know you were still here.", "Victor: I should be leaving. Enjoy the rest of the champagne, and congratulations again, okay? Nice seeing you, son.", "Sharon: Oh, and Victor...", "Victor: Yeah?", "Sharon: If you really mean it, about wishing us well, you are welcome in our home anytime, and we would love to have you attend our wedding.", "Victor: Yeah. The next days should be very interesting. I'm looking forward to it. Nice to see you.", "Nick: You too, dad. I mean, that's an act, right? You don't believe a word that just came out of his mouth, do you?", "Noah: So, what's your big secret, huh? How are you planning on putting together all this money? I mean, other than playing the lottery, which you have less chance of winning than being struck by lightning.", "Mariah: I wouldn't be too sure about that, because I am way past due for some good luck.", "Noah: You wouldn't know good luck if it came up and bit you in the --", "Mariah: Excuse me?", "Noah: If you ask me, you like being miserable.", "Mariah: I didn't ask you, and you're wrong.", "Noah: Really? Than why do you keep on pushing away people who are just trying to help you?", "Mariah: Oh, was Sharon trying to help me when she kicked me out?", "Noah: She didn't know that you were Cassie's twin.", "Mariah: [Scoffs] Exactly. That's all that I am to you people, is Cassie's twin. You don't care about me or what I want or who I am. Sharon thinks she can just slot me into Cassie's place and that I'm just gonna forget about the life that I had before. I'm just gonna become the daughter that she lost.", "Noah: The daughter she never had, and she's just trying to make up for it.", "Mariah: I already have a mother.", "Noah: Oh, right. You mean the one who just pops in and out of your life whenever it suits her. And now you have somebody that's willing to be there for you whenever you need it. So will faith. Maybe even Summer.", "Mariah: [Chuckling] Oh, yeah. Because Summer has been so supportive.", "Noah: What do you expect? You keep on insulting the people that she loves.", "Mariah: Oh, my god. And she had to act like a 5-year-old earlier and run and tell everybody what big, bad Mariah did. \"Oh, Noah, did you hear what that witch said to me, how my mother was never gonna get better?\"", "Noah: [Chuckles] Well, Mariah, that was a sad thing to say.", "Mariah: And then you had to go on and indulge the drama queen by giving Austin a break so he could take her home.", "Noah: Summer was hurt. She needed somebody to be there for her, so I was. It's the kind of loyalty that we show our family -- the kind of loyalty my family might actually show to you, too. But you're just too stubborn to accept it. Your loss.", "Paul: Oh, Nikki. You -- you have been on the wagon for the past couple of years. You've worked very hard to stay clean. So -- so, why sabotage it now?", "Nikki: I didn't.", "Paul: Well, then...", "Nikki: That was Barbara Goldberg's drink.", "Paul: Barbara Goldberg? You mean the G.C. Police foundation Barbara Goldberg?", "Nikki: We were going to have a meeting, discussing a charity event that we were having for the league of disabled officers. She called me a few minutes ago, and she can't make it. I was about to have the waiter take it away.", "Paul: Well, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. You know, when you said earlier that, uh, you couldn't handle any more stress, I just thought...", "Nikki: Things have been difficult, yes, but not that difficult. Believe me, Paul, you have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't dream of losing my sobriety again, not after how my life spun out of control after the last time I did. And, besides, I feel a lot better after talking to you.", "Paul: You do?", "Nikki: Well, knowing that Dylan isn't in any trouble with the police, for one. And when you took him down to the station the other day, I was sure that you suspected him of having something to do with Ian's disappearance.", "Paul: Well, I can certainly understand why you might think that.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, you set me straight on that. You also let me know you want Ian caught as badly as I do.", "Paul: Yes. Nothing would mean more to me.", "Nikki: Are you looking for someone?", "Paul: Well, yeah -- Chris. I was supposed to meet her here. You haven't seen her, have you?", "Nikki: No, I haven't. But I know if she walks in and sees the two of us here, she wouldn't be very pleased, so I'm gonna head off.", "Paul: And, listen, about the vodka, I, uh...", "Nikki: Oh, don't mention it. Barbara, hi. It's Nikki. Um, listen, I-I'm afraid I'm not feeling very well. I'm not gonna be able to make our meeting. Well, I appreciate your understanding. I-I will. I will. Thank you. [Clears throat] Bye-bye.", "Paul: Oh, d", "Christine: How did you get in here?", "Dylan: One of the Dawkins -- let me in.", "Christine: Why would he do that?", "Dylan: I told him I came to see Paul.", "Christine: Did you?", "Dylan: Uh, yeah. Why else would I be here?", "Paul: Well, Paul's at the athletic club, and, uh, you have no business looking through a confidential file. Especially not one on Ian ward.", "Dylan: Well, I just happened to notice it while I was waiting. I didn't -- I didn't open the file.", "Christine: Well, I'm sure you're anxious to know what's going on with the investigation.", "Dylan: Uh, of course. Yeah. It affects my mother.", "Christine: You, too, right? I mean, that's really what you're concerned about, isn't it?", "Dylan: Uh, what exactly are you implying, Christine, and why? Because the last time I saw you, at Paul's party, you treated me like a friend, and now I feel like I'm a criminal being cross examined here.", "Christine: Well, you have to admit, I have cause for concern. A man who's being questioned in the disappearance of Ian ward is snooping around the police chief's office?", "Dylan: Hold on. I wasn't snooping around. And like you said, I was questioned. I wasn't arrested, and I'm not gonna get arrested, because I didn't do anything wrong.", "Christine: Well, I'm sorry if you feel I'm treating you unfairly. I'm sorry. I do think of you as a friend. I'm just asking you to consider how this reflects on Paul.", "Dylan: I don't -- I don't follow.", "Christine: You're in the room where the evidence is. It's completely inappropriate.", "Dylan: And suspicious. That's how you see it.", "Christine: I think a great number of people around here would, yes.", "Dylan: Maybe. But the truth is, I had no motive for coming here except to talk to Paul about Nikki... and what Ian being on the loose is doing to her.", "Christine: That's all I hear about -- how hard this is on Nikki.", "Dylan: I understand this whole thing's been tough on Paul, too.", "Christine: And if you don't want to make it worse, you will leave and promise to never do anything like this again.", "Paul: [Chuckles] Anything like what?", "Sharon: My skepticism for your father is as healthy as yours, but I figure as long as he made the gesture of good will, why not play along?", "Nick: You're a lot nicer than me. I pretty much called him out while you were upstairs.", "Sharon: Oh. What did he say?", "Nick: He just denied having any agenda other than --", "Sharon: Protecting you.", "Nick: Exactly. Where have we heard that before?", "Sharon: Well, at least now we have a way of dealing with him. Good cop, bad cop.", "Nick: [Chuckles] Meanwhile, neither one of us got the real story behind his visit.", "Sharon: Yeah. But I don't think it would matter if we did. You know how your father is. Once he gets something in his head, there's no stopping him. I figure, you know, let's just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. We'll plan our wedding.", "Nick: All right. Let's do that. So, what's next? Book a venue? Call a minister?", "Sharon: We have to get to that, yes, but, first, there is a matter I need to take care of, and you have one, too.", "Dr. Cutler: Keep searching the building and the grounds for her. The woman just came out of a coma, for god's sake. She couldn't have gone far. No. We haven't contacted miss Newman's family yet... or the authorities. We just need to get her safely back in her room and everything will be fine. I have another call. Do your job and find her. Yes?", "Victor: This is Victor Newman. Has Phyllis made any additional progress?", "Trucker: You know, I'm trying to help you out here. [Chuckles] Can't you be a little more friendly? [Grunts]", "Victor: Well, doc, what about Phyllis?", "Dr. Cutler: As of this moment, her situation is still unresolved.", "Victor: I'm disappointed to hear that.", "Dr. Cutler: Frankly, so am I.", "Victor: Well, I want you to press on with the treatment, and I expect to hear good news soon.", "Dr. Cutler: Well, if that's all --", "Victor: No, there's, um, something else I want to discuss with you. I need a recommendation.", "Dr. Cutler: For?", "Victor: A reliable DNA lab. Okay? Reliable meaning I don't want them to tamper with the results.", "Dr. Cutler: There's a place in Sweden.", "Victor: Near Stockholm? Okay. And I can depend on their confidentiality? All right. Thank you for your help. Bye. There you are.", "Nikki: I almost didn't come. I am still very upset with you.", "Victor: I know you are. That's why I asked you to come over.", "Nikki: Don't think that you can talk your way out of this, Victor. What makes you think I haven't already gone to Sharon and Nicholas and warned them that you plan to interfere with their engagement?", "Victor: But you haven't, because I just came from there, okay? And I brought a bottle of champagne, and I drank to their future.", "Nikki: [Sighs] Of course. Any excuse to play more games. So, what did they think of your little toast, not that I think they bought it?", "Victor: I don't care if they bought it or not. I went over there and did what I had to do.", "Nikki: While you were lying about your best wishes, did you also lie about the meeting you had with Mariah? I think you probably forgot to mention that and that you have paid her off for god knows what.", "Sharon: Hi, Mariah.", "Mariah: Hello.", "Sharon: How's the job going?", "Mariah: It's what I've always wanted to do with my life -- cut lemons. I'm going on break now. I'm gonna go down the street and get some food.", "Noah: Hey, guys.", "Nick: Hold up, Mariah.", "Mariah: Well, I just said that I was going off the clock.", "Sharon: We would like to ask you something first.", "Nick: Both of you.", "Sharon: I would appreciate it if you'd give me the courtesy of hearing me out.", "Paul: And that's all there is to it, you found Dylan in here?", "Christine: Standing over a confidential file.", "Paul: He wasn't reading it. There's no harm done.", "Christine: What if detective Harding or one of the other officers had walked in instead of me?", "Paul: They didn't.", "Dylan: Paul, I-I apologize for putting you in that position. That was not my intention. I just want an update on the search for Ian. I'll get out of here.", "Paul: Okay. You know what? Let's let this go. There's nothing new I can disclose right now.", "Dylan: Okay. I hope you wrap this up soon, 'cause we'll all be better off when this is over.", "Paul: [Chuckles] I'm counting on that.", "Dylan: I'll see you around. Christine.", "Paul: He didn't know the file was on my desk.", "Christine: Even so, you have to set some boundaries with him.", "Paul: Chris, really? You know, there is nothing nefarious going on here. He is a good man.", "Christine: Yes, he is a good man. That's irrelevant. He can't waltz in here and peruse your files, especially not ones he may be involved in.", "Paul: Okay, so now he knows the situation, and it won't happen again.", "Christine: Oh, my -- do you hear yourself?", "Paul: What?", "Christine: The position you're taking, the excuses you're making for him. It's got to stop.", "Victor: I don't know where you get these ideas from.", "Nikki: Oh, you don't?", "Victor: No.", "Nikki: You have already paid Mariah to do unspeakable things. Why would it be any different now?", "Victor: I paid Mariah to uncover Sharon's secret. She didn't do it. So she's no longer employed by me, okay?", "Nikki: So you gave her money for what, to bartend for you?", "Victor: Sweetheart, she came to me saying that she was flat broke, she couldn't pay her bills. So I gave her some money.", "Nikki: Why didn't she go to her mother?", "Victor: Because she doesn't like her mother, doesn't want anything to do with her.", "Nikki: So she came to you?", "Victor: What's unusual about that? I have empathy with that girl, okay? I've been in that situation -- flat broke, couldn't pay my damn bills.", "Nikki: Okay. Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough if that's true.", "Victor: Could we please not bicker about this? I got to go on a trip.", "Nikki: What trip?", "Victor: Business trip. I need to take care of something.", "Nikki: [Sighing] Oh, god.", "Victor: Only I can take care of it. But if you don't want me to go, I'll stay, I'll send someone else.", "Nikki: No. You know what? If it's that important, go.", "Victor: You sure it's all right with you?", "Nikki: It's fine. I'll be fine.", "Victor: I'll be back very soon.", "Nikki: All right.", "Victor: Okay? Bye, my sweetheart. Okay. I love you. [Smooches]", "Nikki: I love you, too.", "Victor: I want you to double security around the house, okay? Ian ward is still at large. I want you to make sure that my wife is safe. Yep.", "Noah: Dad, I know what you're gonna ask me.", "Nick: Really?", "Noah: Yes. And the answer is of course. I would love to go to the packers/bears game with you this weekend.", "Nick: [Chuckles] It that your not-so-subtle way of asking me to buy tickets for us to the game?", "Noah: Yes.", "Nick: Okay. We might be able to work out some kind of agreement, but you're gonna have to do something for me first.", "Noah: Seems fair.", "Nick: It's very important to your mom and me that we have the people we love the most at our wedding, and, miraculously, you fall into that group.", "Noah: No accounting for taste, huh?", "Nick: And, son, I would be extremely honored if you would stand up for me at my wedding.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Wow.", "Nick: Wow? That's -- that's all you got?", "Noah: Yeah, it's all I got.", "Nick: I'll never forget the look on your face when I had to tell you I was divorcing your mom. The way you looked at me -- it's like you didn't know me anymore. I was a different person. I so badly wanted to be able to explain it to you, but I didn't understand it myself. When your sister died, Noah, I was just -- I was so lost.", "Noah: I just remember mom crying all the time and you guys constantly fighting. I-I remember thinking it would be a miracle if you ever spoke again.", "Nick: Yeah, it's not like the other times that your mom and I got back together. We never dealt with the pain or the resentment. We never had a chance to make it. It's different this time.", "Noah: I can tell. You guys are happy. You're really happy. Not trying to be.", "Nick: Yeah, there's no more of that. We're exactly where we belong.", "Noah: I always found it hard to believe in happily ever after. Maybe I'm wrong.", "Nick: So I'm gonna take that as you saying you will accept my offer.", "Noah: Dad, I will be right there next to you when you marry mom. Nowhere else I'd rather be.", "Mariah: You want me to be a bridesmaid?", "Sharon: Along with Summer, yes.", "Mariah: Really?", "Sharon: Yeah, really. It would mean a lot to me.", "Mariah: And that matters to me why?", "Sharon: I know you and I did not get off to a great start.", "Mariah: Oh, you mean because you gave me up for adoption?", "Sharon: I explained that to you.", "Mariah: And you think that that just erases everything that's happened? You think I'm just gonna forget all of the horrible things that you said to me once I was back in your life? Why would I want to be in your wedding, knowing how you feel about me?", "Sharon: Because you don't know I feel about you. You're basing all of that on one unfortunate argument, and there is so much more to it than that.", "Mariah: Whatever. I don't even care.", "Sharon: I believe you do care. I believe you care so much that it scares you.", "Mariah: Oh, thank you for that instant analysis, dr. Freud.", "Sharon: And you can keep fighting me, you can keep telling me you want nothing to do with me, and it won't stop me from reaching you. I will never give up on you.", "Mariah: You already did.", "Sharon: I wanted a better life for my child, for my children, than I thought I could give. And it breaks my heart that you didn't get that. You were betrayed by the woman you thought was your mother and by the man you looked at as a father. But I am not like those people.", "Mariah: Aren't you?", "Sharon: No. And if you'll let me, I will be the mother you have always deserved. In the meantime, it would be nice if you were a part of the wedding. Not only is going to be a new beginning for nick and me, but it could be a new beginning for our family.", "Noah: We're going to the green bay game, then?", "Nick: Is that the only reason you agreed to be in the wedding?", "Noah: Yes.", "Nick: Well, how does 50-yard line sound?", "Noah: It'll have to do.", "Nick: Okay. You're a great kid. You know that?", "Noah: It's in the genes.", "Nick: Sometimes I look at you and just can't believe how well you turned out, considering everything I put you through.", "Noah: Look, dad, you know, no matter how hard it was for me and how angry I was at you for leaving mom, I always knew you loved me. That was huge. I'm lucky.", "Nick: You are. I know I don't say it enough, but I am so proud of you, son. I'm proud of the man that you are, and I'm very proud that you're gonna stand up for me.", "Noah: So, is that, uh, what mom's doing over there with Mariah, asking her to be a bridesmaid?", "Nick: Yeah. She wants her to walk down the aisle with Summer and faith.", "Noah: Summer in the same room as Mariah?", "Nick: Yeah, I think they can handle it for one day.", "Noah: Yeah, it's probably what they said about tom and jerry, too.", "Nick: Okay, first off, nobody has ever said that about a cartoon cat or mouse, ever. It's absurd. And secondly, there's always hope, right?", "Noah: Sure, there's hope, and, you know, then there's flat-out delusion. It's gonna be an interesting wedding.", "Nick: Well, let's just hope Mariah even agrees to come.", "Sharon: It's a chance for us to start over or at least put the past behind us for a period of time and have fun.", "Mariah: Fun?", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, a positive experience, then. I know faith would like to have you there.", "Mariah: Oh, so now you're bringing faith into this. You wouldn't be trying to guilt me into saying yes, would you?", "Sharon: No guilt. This is an honest-to-goodness invitation, straight from my heart.", "Mariah: Let me think about it.", "Sharon: Sure. Okay. But just so you know, I am gonna keep asking you every day, up until the wedding, so, you know, it means that much to me.", "Mariah: When is this magical day?", "Sharon: We haven't set the date. So I guess, really, I could just keep postponing it and then asking you to be a part of the wedding every day between now and the end of time, and then eventually you would have to say yes.", "Mariah: Fine.", "Sharon: Fine that I keep asking you?", "Mariah: Fine, as in yes, I'll go. I'll be your bridesmaid.", "Sharon: You will?", "Mariah: At least I'll get a free dress and a meal out of it.", "Sharon: At the very least, and you might get a lot more in the long run.", "Christine: I am worried that you're heading down a troubling direction, personally and professionally.", "Paul: Oh, really, because I didn't arrest Dylan for standing over my desk? Chris, the last time I checked, that wasn't a crime.", "Christine: People are watching you during this investigation. They know Dylan's your son, and they are waiting for you to cross the line. I mean, the minute you give him some special consideration, you will be off this case and possibly out of a job.", "Paul: I won't let that happen.", "Christine: You say that, but if you find evidence that proves he committed a crime, can you stay neutral?", "Paul: There's not gonna be any evidence.", "Christine: Because there isn't any or because you're looking the other way? Paul, I am worried. I'm worried that you're being too easy on him. You have to keep your guard up, and you have to be objective.", "Paul: You know what? I'm gonna act on the facts and the facts alone.", "Christine: And the facts say he has a hair-trigger temper and a bad history with Ian, that he chased him out of Nikki and Victor's home, that there was blood on the driveway, that he was caught in the vicinity of the racetrack where Ian's wallet and car were discovered. I'm asking you to be prepared for whatever else we find.", "Paul: And you think I haven't thought of that already? Really? Come on.", "Christine: I promise, I am not trying to criticize you or put you on the spot. I am just trying to look out for you.", "Paul: Okay, fine. I appreciate your concern.", "Christine: I hope so.", "Paul: It'll be okay, Chris. I promise you, I will do everything I need to do.", "Nikki: [Slurring] Yoo-hoo! Hey, stranger!", "Dylan: Hey. I didn't, uh, see you when I walked in.", "Nikki: Hi. Well, good. I'm glad it's just that. I was starting to think you were purposely ignoring me. You have been ignoring my phone calls.", "Dylan: Uh, sorry about that. I've been, uh, been busy.", "Nikki: Too busy to join me now?", "Dylan: Is this better?", "Nikki: Much better.", "Dylan: I know you've had questions for me ever since Paul and I left his party.", "Nikki: Oh, no, really. I-I talked to Paul, and everything is fine. It's all good.", "Dylan: It's all good?", "Nikki: You're not in any trouble with the police.", "Dylan: He said that?", "Nikki: And you're not in any trouble with me.", "Dylan: Uh, for what? Not getting back to you on those phone calls?", "Nikki: You know, sometimes the things that we do are not in our control, and I just want you to know that I don't blame you for anything.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Paul: What happened to all the furniture?", "Avery: Uh, Ian dropped by earlier, and Dylan got a little upset.", "Paul: I thought you told me you wouldn't do anything stupid where Ian was concerned.", "Dylan: I didn't. I waited till he left, and then I trashed the place. Come on. Relax. I just -- I broke a few pieces of furniture, and I felt better afterwards. End of story.", "Paul: It doesn't look that way to me.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Come in. Dawkins, what's the word?", "Dawkins: They're about to start dragging the quarry lake for ward's body.", "Paul: Okay. Keep me posted on that, will you?", "Dawkins: I also have news for you on that call from ward's life-insurance company.", "Paul: Was it someone purporting to be Dylan McAvoy? Where was the call placed from?", "Dawkins: It came from the landline at Avery Clark's apartment.", "Dylan: I'm not really sure what you're talking about.", "Nikki: Well, I'm just saying that we all make our choices, and some choices are better than others, right?", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. Right.", "Nikki: And I take full responsibility for all of my actions on all of the for -- the, uh, um, the fallout -- all of the fallout of my actions. I am just so happy to have you in my life.", "Dylan: I'm -- I'm happy to be in your life, too.", "Nikki: I just wish that I could...", "Dylan: Wish that you could what? Nikki?", "Nikki: Hmm?", "Dylan: W-when was the last time you had something to eat?", "Nikki: Oh. This morning, I think.", "Dylan: I'm gonna grab you something to eat, and I'll refill that, too. What are you drinking?", "Nikki: Tea. It's just tea.", "Dylan: Okay. I'll be right back.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Nick: Well, that was a good day's work.", "Sharon: It's good to get that off our to-do list.", "Nick: You know, Noah didn't say it in so many words, but I could tell he was really touched that I asked him to be a part of the wedding.", "Sharon: I think that underneath the skepticism, Mariah was, too.", "Nick: I'm glad everything went so well.", "Sharon: Yeah. It was a step in the right direction, if nothing else.", "Nick: Yeah. Things are really starting to come together.", "Sharon: I am happier than I've been in a long time.", "Nick: So am I.", "Sharon: Don't let your father get to you.", "Nick: It's just I can't help remembering dad trying to stop Victoria and Billy's wedding. I mean, he even had Vick arrested at the wedding.", "Sharon: Hmm. What happened to that agreement we made earlier to put him out of our minds? We can't let him ruin this special time for us.", "Nick: He can't ruin it, anyway, even if he is still trying to track down that secret.", "Sharon: Do you think that's what he's doing?", "Nick: It doesn't matter, anyway, 'cause whether dad knows it or not, he's trying to track down something that we've already put behind us. Come here.", "Victor: And what are you doing here again?", "Mariah: I want to know when you're gonna give me the rest of the money so I can leave town.", "Victor: My dear girl, you must not have listened to me before. I told you that I will pay you your money if and only if I can substantiate your claim that faith is not my son's daughter.", "Mariah: Well, it better be soon, because Sharon asked me to be a part of her wedding, and I said yes so she would get off my back, but I don't want any part of it.", "Victor: Please don't waste my time. Just know that if my trip is successful, then Sharon's secret will be blown wide open -- all right? -- And that wedding is not gonna take place.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Why are you so interested in Mariah's annulment? Do you two have a thing for each other?", "Victoria: You want to search his desk.", "Nick: Would you let me?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack and Phyllis discuss the possibility that Fred is connected to Marco. Jack calls Fred hoping to get more information. Ian struggles through the phone call, then destroys his phone. From his computer, Ian puts Newman's shipping line up for sale for cheap. Billy buys it for Jabot. Nick and Victoria ask Kevin to check it out. He finds out that someone used Victoria's password to do it. Abby goes to Chelsea's apartment looking for a shoulder to cry on about her break up with Ben. While there, she finds out about the sale, but not the name of the company. Chelsea worries it is Chelsea 2.0. Gabe convinces her to take a bath and relax. He goes across the hall and tells Ian that he doesn't want Jack involved in their scheme. Ian says there are only so many ways he can get revenge against Victor. Why does he care who benefits from it anyway? At Newman, Abby accuses Victoria of doing this purposely to make her look bad. Nick finds out that Sage was taken to the hospital and Victor is with her. While Nick and Abby go to the hospital, Victoria goes to Jabot to see Billy. He assures her that he bought the shipping company but didn't use her password to do it. At the hospital, Nick accuses Victor of putting stress on Sage because he is suing Chelsea for visitation rights and Sage is afraid Victor will do something like that with her baby. Kevin tells Gabe what he knows, as promised. He tells both Gabe and Chelsea that Newman's system has a virus and it's bad. Abby tries to talk to Ben but he receives Sage's test results and says he has to talk to Nick and Sage. Victor tells Victoria that he thinks something is wrong with Nick besides worrying about Sage. Victoria tells Victor to look at his phone. Victor is shocked to find that Jabot has bought one of Newman's most profitable divisions. At this moment, Billy walks in.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Numbers don't lie, Vick. Brash & sassy's numbers are -- they're way up. Chelsea 2.0's numbers are way down.", "Victoria: And you think that this is due to the computer virus, the paragon project?", "Nick: It's more than a glitch.", "Victoria: So paragon is more dangerous and unpredictable than we thought.", "Nick: Maybe. But there isn't anything we can do about it tonight. Let's get out of here. I want to get back to Sage anyway.", "Victoria: Is she okay?", "Nick: Yeah, she's just going a little stir-crazy since the doctor put her on bed rest. She'll be all right.", "[Computer chimes]", "Nick: Transaction alert?", "Victoria: Did dad ask you to put in a buy/sell order?", "Nick: No. You?", "Victoria: No, I didn't put one in, either.", "Nick: What the hell?", "Victoria: What?", "Ian: Let the bidding begin. Come on, Abbotts! [Laughs]", "Billy: Can you believe this?", "Ashley: No, actually, I can't. Victor would never offload his shipping line, not in the middle of the night without notice, and especially not at this price. This is one of his most prized divisions.", "Billy: Who knows why Victor does anything? And who cares? The company's in play. Somebody's gonna get a great deal. Why not jabot?", "Ashley: Because something's not right.", "Billy: Yeah, something's not right. You're not clicking \"buy.\"", "Ashley: Shh! I just need to think about this for a second.", "Billy: No, no time for that.", "Ashley: Billy!", "Billy: Too late. We bought it.", "Nick: Sold?", "Victoria: No. No! The whole shipping line? This can't be! It has to be a mistake!", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Ian: [Chuckles] The soothing sound of chaos. [Laughs] Yes!", "Jack: Phyllis! We're gonna be late for our reservati-- wow. Worth the wait.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: I thought you were gonna wear the necklace I gave you.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I forgot to put that on.", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Come here. What is going on? And don't tell me \"nothing.\"", "Phyllis: It's just this Fred thing.", "Jack: I'm sorry I scared you when I found you out at his trailer, but what if Gabe is right? What if Marco actually sent --", "Phyllis: You are right to be worried.", "Jack: I am?", "Phyllis: I do not think it's a coincidence that Fred out of the blue befriended me. That's why I...", "Jack: Why what? Phyllis, what's going on?", "Phyllis: I have a confession to make.", "Chelsea: You're good, you know.", "Adam: Yeah? Thank you. At so many things, right? What in particular are we talking about right now?", "Chelsea: Knowing what to say to make me feel better.", "Adam: And those weren't just words, you know. I meant that. I'm never taking you for granted ever again.", "Chelsea: See? Perfect. Now, about those...other things that you're good at?", "Adam: Yeah? Like, uh, like what? If you're hungry, I can grill you a steak. I sear that sucker to perfection.", "Chelsea: Maybe later.", "Adam: Yeah? Want me to knit you a sweater? Hmm? You know I knit.", "Chelsea: You don't knit.", "Adam: I do not knit, no. But I do like to keep in touch with my feminine side.", "Chelsea: Hmm. I was hoping you could maybe take care of mine.", "Adam: Well, now you're talking my language.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: [Groans]", "Adam: Are you serious?", "Chelsea: Maybe it's the new neighbor?", "Adam: Don't move, all right? I will get that. I will be right back.", "Abby: Ohh! It never fails! You think you know someone! You think you can trust them, and then they -- and then they -- [Sobs]", "Chelsea: Abby, Abby, what is wrong? Who's upset you like this?", "Adam: I can think of one person.", "Abby: Ugh! [Sniffles]", "Victor: Sage?", "Sage: I can do it. I'm fine.", "Victor: Let me help you.", "Sage: I don't need your help, Victor. Please just get away from me.", "Victor: You're not --", "Sage: Stay away from me, Victor!", "Victor: Sage, I won't hurt you. I just want to help you and the baby. Please.", "Sage: No. No! You can't have my baby! I won't let you!", "Victor: My daughter-in-law seems to be delirious. She was writhing on the floor. Um, yes. I would appreciate that. And when you come to my property, tell them to drive to the back of the property. That's where my son's house is, all right? I'll be here. Thank you.", "Sage: Who was that, Victor? [Voice breaking] What are you planning on doing with me and my baby?", "Victor: I just called an ambulance.", "Sage: No, you did not. You're lying.", "Victor: Please, I'm not --", "Sage: Don't touch me, Victor!", "Victor: Please. Please, Sage. Calm down. The ambulance is on the way. Help is on the way now, okay? Please. Just sit down. Just sit down, please. Just relax. Come on. It's all right. It's okay. It's all right.", "Sage: Why should I trust you, Victor?", "Victor: Because you're carrying my grandchild, okay? I love my grandchildren. Just relax.", "Sage: Faith. You are so good with faith.", "Victor: I adore faith. I adore all my grandchildren, as I will adore the child that you are carrying now, okay? You just relax now. Take some deep breaths. Yes. That's good. Help is on the way, okay?", "Victoria: I thought you were supposed to be some sort of computer genius. What's taking so long?", "Nick: We're just very anxious to figure out how something like this could happen. No one at Newman enterprises would ever approve this sale. This is an extremely valuable asset.", "Victoria: So how did it happen? We need answers, Kevin.", "Kevin: Then stop your yammering and let me work! Even a genius needs a little time to problem-solve, and quiet.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Nick: We have got to call dad and tell him about this.", "Victoria: No, no, no. We have to wait.", "Nick: Wait for what?", "Victoria: Look, maybe we're wrong. Maybe Kevin will find out that it's some sort of a computer glitch.", "Nick: A billion-dollar glitch? Dad has to know about this.", "Victoria: We can't go running to dad every time there's a problem. He'll never hand the company over to us. Or worse yet, he'll put Abby in control.", "Nick: Dad has to be informed. We just lost a major subsidiary.", "Kevin: You didn't lose it. I know exactly where it is.", "Nick: Where?", "Kevin: Jabot.", "Abby: Ugh! Dr. Rayburn. He's been calling and texting me nonstop. [Blows nose] I'm surprised that he even has time since he's so devoted to his job. [Sniffles]", "Chelsea: Uh, well, Abby, isn't that a good thing that he cares about his patients?", "Abby: Yeah, sure, but I just don't get how he can be so caring with people that he hardly knows and so clueless when it comes to the woman that he loves. You have no idea how lucky you are to have Gabe.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Abby: I'm sorry.", "Adam: No, no, it's... it's yours. Keep it.", "Abby: You know what? I-I...I guess I should go.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Are you sure you don't want to answer that? I mean, maybe stitch wants to apologize.", "Abby: After what he did? Forget it.", "Adam: What'd he do? He didn't cheat on you, did he?", "Abby: No. He wanted to take me to Europe.", "Adam: For a romantic getaway? Bastard.", "Abby: You know what? I'm just gonna turn this off. Oh. This last one was from nick.", "Adam: What's wrong?", "Abby: Oh, my god. This -- this has to be some sort of mistake.", "Chelsea: What?", "Abby: Someone randomly approved the sale of one of Newman enterprises' satellite companies.", "Chelsea: Wait, it wasn't Chelsea 2.0, was it?", "Abby: No, I don't know. Nick didn't say which one. Look, I have to go, but I'll call you when I find out.", "Chelsea: I can't believe this. I mean, who would make this kind of a mistake?", "Adam: I don't think it was a mistake.", "Chelsea: How do you know?", "Jack: Fred left this for you?", "Phyllis: I found it in the trailer after he disappeared.", "Jack: \"We will see each other again. I'll explain more then. This isn't goodbye. Fred.\" Did you call him?", "Phyllis: I was tempted. But I wanted to prove you wrong, that I am a good judge of character and that I don't need your approval when it comes to choosing my friends.", "Jack: But you didn't call him?", "Phyllis: You show up, and then when you told me about Marco trying to get a message to Marisa from prison, how it might be connected to Fred, with him disappearing the way he did, I couldn't deny you might be right. I should have said something then, and I didn't. I have been acting incredibly foolish and gullible lately. Let's, uh, get rid of this and let's forget about Fred, please, all right?", "Jack: No, actually... I have a better idea.", "Ian: [Laughs] \"How bad is it?\" Oh-ho. It's about to get a lot worse.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Ian: [Chuckles] I knew you'd call.", "Jack: Hello, Fred. It's jack Abbott.", "Ian: Oh, well, um... um, hello. Nice to meet you. Not face to face, but it's still a pleasure, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Call me jack.", "Ian: All right. Jack.", "Jack: I'm sorry you couldn't make it for dinner tonight. Uh, Phyllis was terribly disappointed. So was I.", "Ian: Well, uh, there was no one as disappointed as I when I had to cancel, believe me. Um, unfortunately, I was called out of town.", "Jack: Sounds like a fish tale.", "Ian: Excuse me?", "Jack: Well, I know you're a fisherman. I guess you probably heard that fish are biting somewhere and you couldn't pass up the opportunity to land a big one.", "Ian: [Chuckles] Phyllis was right. You're a smart man. You saw right through me.", "Jack: I know something about living with a real passion.", "Ian: Yes, well, you won't tell Phyllis about my little white lie, will you? I mean, she's become such a dear friend, and, uh, I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings in any way.", "Jack: No, your secret's safe with me.", "Ian: Oh, good. Well, I'll be in touch with her soon. Until then, uh...", "Jack: Uh, before you go, uh, where is this new fishing place you found?", "Ian: Oh, a fisherman never tells. Oh, goodness, my -- my plane's boarding. Um, give Phyllis my best.", "Phyllis: What?", "Jack: I don't know. Something about that voice.", "Ian: Let's not do that again.", "Chelsea: I asked why you thought the sale of one of Newman's divisions wasn't a mistake.", "Adam: Right. Um, well, jack hired me to figure out what kind of damage the paragon project could inflict, right? And this sudden sale of a Newman subsidiary, it's -- it's a red flag, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Well, what else can this virus do?", "Adam: We don't know yet. But we're working on it. I can tell you're nervous. Listen, why don't you go upstairs, okay, run a hot bath, and try to relax, all right?", "Chelsea: Speaking of red flags, why do I need to relax? Is Chelsea 2.0 in trouble? Is this the division that they sold?", "Adam: Babe, slow down, okay? We don't know that. Let's just wait for Abby, okay? She's gonna come back here. She's gonna give us some information. In the meantime, why don't you go upstairs, try to relax, stop thinking about business, okay? I'll stay down here. I'll try to figure out what's going on.", "Chelsea: The second you know something, you have to tell me, okay?", "Adam: I know where to find you, all right? Relax.", "[Knock on door]", "Adam: What the hell are you doing coming around here?", "Ian: Not very neighborly.", "Adam: Someone could see you! What are you doing?!", "Ian: We better move it along, then, huh?", "Adam: I was just calling you!", "Ian: Well, don't bother. My phone broke. Do you have any red wine, by the way? I just ran out.", "Adam: You're like an insane person. You've lost your mind.", "Ian: No. And in prison, they ran a lot of tests on me to make sure.", "Adam: So -- so why don't you share with me -- what division of Newman did you sell out from under Victor's nose tonight?", "Ian: Just relax. It's not your precious Chelsea's company. It's Lancelot shipping. [Laughs]", "Adam: What?", "Ian: Go ahead. Congratulate me. I just deprived your daddy of one of his most profitable operations.", "Adam: You didn't do that. You didn't.", "Ian: Oh, yes, I did. But not to worry. Newman enterprises' loss is someone else's gain.", "Adam: Okay. Someone else's gain. Who?", "Billy: Jabot cosmetics is now the proud owner of Lancelot shipping.", "Ashley: I cannot believe you just did that.", "Billy: Well, sure you can. It's me. Look, we just bought a hugely profitable company at a rock-bottom price.", "Ashley: There's something called due diligence, Billy.", "Billy: I'm sure that when you investigate our new acquisition, you will see that this was a smart move.", "Ashley: You know what? Crazy me -- I choose to investigate things before I lay out that much cash.", "Billy: And if we had waited, somebody else would have grabbed it.", "Ashley: And they'd be getting burned and not us.", "Billy: Ever since you became C.E.O., You've become a little cautious, sis.", "Ashley: You're too reckless. And I'm gonna tell you right now, if you ever try to pull something like that again without my approval, I cannot guarantee your future in this company. Are we clear?", "Billy: Okay, but let me reiterate. We just bought Lancelot shipping at well- below market value, and the deal was completely legitimate.", "Ashley: Yeah. Just seems a little bit too good to be true, and usually that means it is.", "Abby: Jabot bought Lancelot shipping? That's not a mistake. That's a disaster. How did that happen?", "Kevin: Well, I traced the source of the sale order. It was placed from Victoria's computer. Or at least somebody using your log-in.", "Abby: You.", "Victoria: What?", "Abby: This was all part of your plan to try and make me look bad in dad's eyes. But guess what? Dad knows how loyal I am to this company.", "Victoria: I am not the one with divided loyalties, Abigail.", "Nick: That's not completely true, Vick.", "Victoria: What are you talking about?", "Nick: You are devoted to Newman enterprises, but you're equally devoted to Billy.", "Victoria: Billy had nothing to do with this.", "Abby: No, just like you didn't try to use Ben to get my mind off of business. Was that part of your plan, too?", "Victoria: Stop being ridiculous.", "Nick: Look, this has got to stop, this arguing between the two of you.", "Kevin: You know, getting you guys at each other's throats could be part of the plan to bring down Newman.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: It's dad.", "Abby: He knows.", "Victoria: Well, we can't avoid him forever.", "Nick: Hey, dad. Uh, I was just about to call you.", "Victor: Son, whatever it is, it can wait, okay? You need to come to the hospital.", "Nick: Why? What happened?", "Victor: Sage collapsed.", "Victoria: Is it true? Have you been using me?", "Billy: Vicki, are we gonna do this again?", "Victoria: I'm asking you straight up. Has everything that we shared lately been just one huge lie?", "Billy: I'm going to tell you the exact same thing that you told me. I would never do that to you. What we have is separate from business. And it's way more important. I thought you knew that.", "Victoria: I do. I'm just trying to figure out how jabot got their hands on one of Newman's most valuable assets.", "Ashley: We purchased it, Victoria. Legally.", "Victoria: Lancelot shipping was not supposed to be on the market.", "Ashley: And yet there it was.", "Victoria: Well, it was a mistake. And if you meant what you said about me meaning more to you than business, you'll rectify this before my dad gets involved and things get messy.", "Ashley: News flash -- they've been messy for quite some time. And we didn't start this.", "Victoria: I knew it. This wasn't your doing. It was yours.", "Adam: The plan was very simple. It was to bring down Victor, not reignite the war between the Newmans and the Abbotts.", "Ian: I'm trying to dismantle your father's company. Now, I have no control over who benefits from that.", "Adam: Some things are off limits, all right?", "Ian: The plan is to hurt your father. There are only so many ways you can do that. Now, your darling wife's fashion line is already off the table, so you can't keep everything off limits.", "Adam: I don't want jack dragged into this. That's all I'm saying.", "Ian: Well, sorry. Jack Abbott is fair game.", "Adam: Jack Abbott is my friend, all right? I don't want to see him hurt.", "Ian: You know, your tender heart is starting to get in the way, all right? You need to do something about that.", "Chelsea: Adam!", "Adam: Just pl-- go. Will you please go?", "Ian: Hey.", "Adam: What?!", "Ian: You remember what I said. [Sighs] Man.", "Chelsea: Oh. You are down here.", "Adam: Hey. Uh, how was your bath? You feeling better at all?", "Chelsea: You don't have to pretend. I know what you've been up to.", "Nick: Where's Sage? What happened?", "Stitch: She's in with dr. Greene. It's the same symptoms as before, nick. She spiked a fever. We're working to get it under control.", "Victor: You know, she was delirious when I found her.", "Nick: What were you doing at my place?", "Victor: I was taking a walk, seeing if she needed anything. Thank god I did.", "Nick: Can I see her?", "Stitch: Excuse me.", "Sage: I'm so sorry I scared everyone.", "Nick: [Scoffs] I'm not scared. Do I look scared to you?", "Sage: Terrified.", "Nick: Nope. I'm cool. Everything's cool. Will you tell her everything's cool?", "Dr. Greene: We have a few more tests to run. So, if you wouldn't mind waiting outside, nick...", "Nick: Yeah, sure. Stop giving the doctor a hard time, okay?", "Sage: [Sobbing] What's wrong with me? Why does this keep happening?", "Nick: That's what we're gonna find out.", "Victor: Were you and Nicholas working late at the office together?", "Abby: We were wrapping up some business with Victoria. You know, I told her I would call her and let her know what was going on, so excuse me, dad.", "Victor: Sure. How is she?", "Nick: They're still running tests.", "Victor: Well, I certainly hope they'll be all right.", "Nick: Well, if they are, it's no thanks to you.", "Victoria: You know, you might consider creating a new product that can compete with Newman enterprises instead of trying to steal one of its more profitable divisions.", "Ashley: I think you're confused, Victoria. Stealing is when somebody tries to rig a blind bid to acquire somebody else's top moneymaker, you know, like that time Newman stole Chelsea by jabot from us.", "Victoria: We won Chelsea 2.0 fair and square.", "Ashley: Right. I mean, if you're playing by Victor's rules, which apparently you are.", "Billy: Okay, okay, ladies, why don't we dial down the rhetoric here? Look, if you want to blame somebody, you can blame me. I saw an opportunity for a great bargain, and I grabbed it. And I didn't use you or your log-in to do it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victoria: Hi, Abby. What's going on? Oh, thanks for letting me know. I've, um, I've done all I can do here. Tell nick I'll be there in a few minutes. Okay. Bye.", "Billy: Is everything okay?", "Victoria: It's just -- it's Sage. She's in the hospital. Um, I should go and be with nick.", "Billy: Yeah, sure. I'll come with you.", "Victoria: No, no, no, I'm gonna go by myself, but thanks.", "Billy: [Sighs] So, you think buying Lancelot was a good idea?", "Ashley: Obviously, Billy, it's a good acquisition. But not without its consequences, both personally and professionally.", "Adam: You know what I've been up to?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I should have known. It's who you are.", "Adam: Chelsea --", "Chelsea: It's, you know, the man that you've worked so hard to become. I know that you were probably never gonna tell me, but I know you did all of this for me.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, what -- what are we -- what are we talking --", "Chelsea: I just got a text from Abby.", "Adam: From Abby?", "Chelsea: You were right. You said Chelsea 2.0 would rebound, and it has.", "Adam: Really?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: Well, of course it did. This is good. This is good.", "Chelsea: Yeah, yeah, the sales are continuing to rise. Abby didn't tell me what company got sold off tonight, but as of now, Chelsea 2.0 is still under the Newman umbrella.", "Adam: It's all great news.", "Chelsea: Yeah, it's great news because of you. Jack hired you to protect jabot from cyber attacks by paragon, and the whole time you were also thinking about me and my company. That means a lot. Thank you.", "Adam: Yeah, uh, well, I have news, as well.", "Chelsea: What?", "Adam: Well, um, I found out who bought that, uh, that division of Newman that was inadvertently put up for sale.", "Chelsea: Who?", "Adam: Jabot.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. Did you tell jack?", "Phyllis: People's voices could sound the same.", "Jack: No, no, I recognize Fred's. It didn't sound familiar to you?", "Phyllis: No. Not at all. Could you have met him while I was in a coma?", "Jack: Yeah, maybe. I definitely recognize that voice. I just can't place it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Jack: Oh. It's -- it's Gabe. Gabe, can I get back to you? I'm in the middle of something.", "Adam: Then you've heard the news.", "Jack: The news?", "Adam: One of Newman enterprises' most lucrative divisions was sold off tonight.", "Jack: Wait. No announcement, no press conference, nothing?", "Adam: Well, apparently the Newmans were just as clueless as everyone else, and there's more.", "Jack: Tell me.", "Adam: Jabot bought the company, jack.", "Jack: Paragon is responsible?", "Adam: I'd bet on it.", "Jack: They want us to destroy each other.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, which is exactly what they're gonna get unless you can convince your sister to sell the company back to Victor.", "Victor: Why are you angry with me?", "Nick: You blame me?", "Victor: Do I blame you? What's the matter with you? I'm not responsible for Sage being in the hospital! I found her on the floor writhing!", "Nick: Then what happened?", "Victor: What do you mean, then what happened? I called the ambulance, tried to help her! She then tried to run away!", "Nick: Does that surprise you, dad?", "Victor: What is this questioning? Of course, that surprises me.", "Nick: Sage knows that you threatened to take Chelsea to court so you could get control of Connor.", "Victor: That is because I wanted visitation rights with my grandson.", "Nick: So you blackmailed Chelsea in order to get it. Well, Sage has been having nightmares you're gonna do the same thing to her once our baby gets here.", "Victor: That's ridiculous.", "Nick: Her fear is real, and the fact that she's in this hospital is also real.", "Victor: It's lucky she's in the hospital, lucky I found her, lucky I called the ambulance!", "Nick: Something to consider, dad, that maybe this happened because you were there.", "Victor: You can't possibly think that I'm responsible for what happened to Sage tonight. I brought her to the hospital, for heaven's sake.", "Nick: What happened before that? Because Sage is too upset to tell me. I can only take your word.", "Victor: That should be enough, son.", "Nick: Dad, if you did anything to cause this, I swear to you...", "Victor: You swear what? What is the matter with you? What has happened? I thought you and I were getting along again. You came to work for me again. I thought everything was fine.", "Nick: I'm just worried about Sage.", "Victor: There's more going on than that. Abby has been acting kind of strangely, as well. What's going on? You tell me, and I'll take care of it.", "Nick: No, you've done enough. [Door opens] Stitch, have you figured out what's going on with my wife yet?", "Stitch: We're still waiting for the last test results.", "Dr. Greene: The lab results will be here soon. We can discuss your options then. In the meantime, I have an emergency c-section to get to. Dr. Rayburn will be here if Sage needs anything.", "Nick: Okay, thank you, doctor.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Nick: Can I see my wife?", "Dr. Greene: Your wife is asking for you.", "[Door closes]", "Victoria: Hi. Any news?", "Abby: Um, still waiting to hear. We haven't told him about the computer screw- up yet.", "Victoria: I talked to Billy. You and nick were wrong. He did not steal my passcode.", "Abby: And you don't think that he would lie about that?", "Victoria: No. Not to me.", "Abby: I hope not. Listen, Victoria, despite our differences at work, I really want you to be happy.", "Victoria: I want you to be happy, too. That's why I talked to Ben. Not because I wanted to undermine you. I just wanted to show you that there's more to life than turning a profit.", "Abby: Well, you know what? It doesn't matter because it's over between us.", "Victoria: You and Ben? What happened?", "Abby: He thinks that I put my job before him, before everything. I messed up.", "Victoria: No, it's not your fault. I mean, no more than it's Billy's fault for taking advantage of a great deal.", "Abby: Then who's to blame?", "Kevin: Hey.", "Adam: I've been monitoring things from my end. I'm aware that, uh, jabot scarfed up a piece of the Newman pie tonight.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, are you aware that not one Newman executive signed off on that deal? That includes nick, Victoria, Abby.", "Adam: Well, I mean, that's what you get when you hire your three incompetent children to run your company.", "Kevin: That's what I'm trying to tell you. None of them approved the sale. It was a complete surprise to all of them.", "Adam: What are you saying? This was an accident?", "Kevin: I'm saying that there's no way this could have happened unless...", "Adam: Unless someone outside of Newman wanted it to happen.", "Kevin: That's what I'm thinking 'cause...", "Adam: Oh, no, she's good. She knows we're working together on the paragon project. It's fine.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure I like it, but if it keeps the Newmans and the Abbotts from killing each other, then...", "Kevin: I think we're gonna be longing for the days when it was just those two families battling it out.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about?", "Kevin: There's a third party involved now, and he's more dangerous than both families combined.", "Adam: Why don't you just, you know, stop talking in code, tell us what's going on?", "Kevin: The virus. I can confirm that paragon launched a virus against Newman enterprises' system.", "Chelsea: Wait, why would somebody do something like that?", "Kevin: I have no idea, but whoever it is, they must hate the Newmans.", "Ashley: You're kidding me. You have to be.", "Jack: No, I am quite serious. I am ordering you -- sell Lancelot shipping back to Newman at cost.", "Ashley: You're ordering me?", "Jack: I'm not gonna stand here and quibble over semantics. You bought the company illicitly. Now sell it back and wash your hands of it.", "Billy: Actually, I bought it, and the sale was completely legitimate.", "Jack: You don't have the authority.", "Ashley: But I do. And if Victor wants to buy back that company for above market value, I'll consider it.", "Jack: Ashley, you're being unreasonable.", "Ashley: I call it being a good businessperson, jack.", "Jack: Help me out here, Billy.", "Billy: Sorry, brother, you're on your own with this one. Look, guys, I got to get to Victoria, but, jack, you need to ask yourself something. If this situation were reversed, would Victor just hand this division back over to us free of charge?", "Jack: Ash, you know me. No one likes sticking it to Victor more than I do. This is different. This is bigger than revenge. What happened tonight is not an accident. It is not a fluke. Someone wanted jabot to buy that company, and you took the bait. Now you have to undo it!", "Ashley: The only thing I have to do is remind you that I'm C.E.O. And you're not.", "Jack: Don't make this about us.", "Ashley: I'm not selling it. And that's final.", "Jack: Ash, you know what I'm asking you to do is the right thing. In fact, I'll bet you tried to stop Billy from doing it to begin with.", "Ashley: You know what? I should have known how difficult this would be for you to walk away. You just can't stand it that I have the power and you don't.", "Jack: I gave you that power!", "Ashley: That's right, you did! And I'm in charge, and I make the decisions! If you have a problem with that, you convene the board and you vote me out!", "Jack: I don't want to do that, ash.", "Ashley: It's your call, jack.", "Jack: You're not leaving me any choice.", "Ashley: Then go for it! Because that's the only way I'm gonna let you call the shots around here!", "Phyllis: \"This isn't goodbye.\" What is it, Fred? What kind of game are you playing with me? The number you have reached is no longer in service.", "Adam: I'm gonna tell you what, Kevin, I appreciate you, man. I mean, you're bringing me a lot of assumptions, a lot of theories, but not a lot of facts. I mean, how do I even know what you're saying is true?", "Chelsea: This is what Kevin does -- computers, worms, firewalls. He's a genius.", "Adam: A genius, sweetheart? He's a computer nerd.", "Chelsea: He can be both.", "Kevin: Thank you. I think.", "Chelsea: Okay, so there must be someway to stop this -- this thing from taking over the Newman computer service.", "Kevin: It's a supervirus.", "Chelsea: Well, supervaccinate it or cure it or kill it or something.", "Kevin: It's not that simple, Chelsea, not even for a genius like me. It's already in the system. It's multiplying, it's replicating itself. It's like that three-headed monster from Zypton with the poisonous slime oozing out of its pores that attacked the kingdom beyond.", "Adam: Nobody knows.", "Kevin: Forget what I said about the creature. My point is, there is nothing I can do to stop this virus.", "Chelsea: So you're telling me this virus is gonna continue to destroy every company at Newman enterprises? Because eventually that will be Chelsea 2.0. You realize that, right?", "Adam: Hold on, it's not gonna get that far, okay?", "Chelsea: But if it's as bad as Kevin says it is...", "Kevin: It's bad. It's bad.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Okay. So if someone had the power to start this thing, someone must be able to stop it, right?", "Kevin: It may be too late. Besides, we don't even know who this person is.", "Victoria: You and nick okay?", "Victor: Something is going on with him.", "Victoria: I think he's just worried about Sage.", "Victor: No, I think more than that. What else is going on? You know, don't you? Tell me.", "Victoria: Have you checked your phone today, dad?", "Victor: No. Been too busy worrying about Sage and taking her to the hospital and arguing with my son. Why?", "Victoria: I think your day's gonna get a little bit worse.", "Victor: What are you talking about? What? Jabot took over our shipping line? Are you serious?", "Abby: Hi.", "Stitch: Hey.", "Abby: Um...", "Stitch: Thank you.", "Abby: I got your text. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.", "Stitch: Yeah. I have to speak to Sage and nick.", "Nick: Stitch?", "Stitch: I have Sage's test results.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: How the hell did you reconcile with a useless, obnoxious punk like this?", "Sharon: You're keeping something from me. You don't need to protect me. Whatever it is, I can handle it.", "Jack: Don't push me, ash! I will take this to the board!", "Ashley: Bring it on!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "As a result of arguing with Jack, Phyllis falls down the stairs and loses consciousness. Billy bursts in and wants to know what Jack has done to her. Billy calls for help. Dylan asks Kevin what he is working on, but before Kevin can tell him, Paul comes in. Paul gets a call that there has been an accident at Jack's home concerning Phyllis falling down the stairs. The rest of the Abbott family is notified of Phyllis' condition. They rush to the hospital to be with Jack and Summer. Chelsea helps Chloe prepare for her date with Kevin. Mariah and Faith share ice cream.", "Kevin arrives for his dinner with Chloe, but he doesn't want it to be called a date. Kevin and Chloe's dinner consists of hamburgers at the athletic club. Paul asks Jack what kind of mood he was in when he and Phyllis were arguing. Jack wants to put all the blame on Victor. Billy visits Phyllis in her hospital room and urges her to wake up. Billy kisses her on the forehead to awaken her. Phyllis opens her eyes. Kevin and Chloe's date ends with a kiss.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: I do not want to move out. This is not what we need.", "Jack: Fine. Then I will throw you out. Don't worry. You'll land on your feet. You always do. Billy's got a lot of room. You can stay with him. You know what? I'll pack a bag for you.", "Phyllis: Jack, we have got to talk this out!", "Jack: Let go of my arm.", "Phyllis: No!", "Jack: Let go of --", "Phyllis: You cannot pack my things!", "Jack: Let go!", "Phyllis: [Screams]", "Jack: [Breathing heavily] Phyllis?", "[Door opens]", "Billy: Phyllis? Phyllis, hey. What did you do to her?!", "Jack: What did I -- she -- it was an accident! She fell! She hit her head!", "Billy: Fell how, Jack?!", "Jack: Phyllis?", "Billy: Get the hell away from her! Hey. You there? Phyllis? Hey.", "Ashley: Thank you. So, please, the next time that I feel the need to save somebody from self-destructing, would you just ship me off to Tahiti or Timbuktu? Tell me to stay out of it.", "Abby: Is Timbuktu even a real place? Oh, that's right. It's just north of Kenosha. Here. Have a sip of afternoon wine, or five, and tell me what happened.", "Ashley: What didn't happen? Jack outed Billy on TV, and then Phyllis alerted the media about her marital status.", "Abby: Yes, it's been an interesting couple of days for the Abbott family.", "Ashley: We're not a family anymore. We are a reality show.", "Abby: It's not that bad.", "Ashley: I think it is. Nikki comes to me and she thinks that Phyllis and Jack should reconcile, that he should just forgive and forget. After being cheated on like that, are you kidding me?", "Abby: Well, if uncle Jack still loves Phyllis and she still loves him --", "Ashley: Oh, no. Please. Stop. After the way both of my brothers have been hurt by that woman, they need to run as far away from her as they can and never look back.", "Jack: You honestly think I would hurt her? She fell! It was an accident! She hit her head!", "Billy: Do not move her, do you understand? Come here, stay here, and just keep talking to her.", "Jack: Phyllis, Phyllis, can you hear me? Phyllis? Phyllis?", "Billy: She breathing?", "Jack: Yes, I think. Yes, she is. Definitely.", "Billy: Hi, yes. We have an accident. A woman fell down the stairs and hit her head. She's unconscious.", "Jack: Phyllis.", "Billy: 603 Glenwood Drive.", "Jack: Phyllis, can you hear me?", "Chloe: Kids okay?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Monique is calming them down. In an hour, they will be in their PJs and sleeping, and we will be free for the night. Okay, so I brought you down a couple dress options, both fabulous obviously, but I want you to try them on before Kevin gets here so I can make adjustments.", "Chloe: A dress? Don't you think that's a little...", "Chelsea: Appropriate?", "Chloe: Uh, too much?", "Chelsea: Chloe, you're going on a date, not to a business meeting.", "Chloe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are not going on a date. It's just two friends sharing a meal. Kevin has been so great with Bella lately.", "Chelsea: And you thought you'd reward him by allowing him to buy you dinner. Sure. Great. Call it whatever you want. I'm still dressing you, and that is fine. Here. I think this is the one. Give me this, give me this, give me this. What -- what are you reading? GC buzz? Since when do you care about the latest Abbott drama?", "Chloe: I don't. Just -- I feel bad for Billy. He gets blamed for everything in that family.", "Chelsea: Billy isn't exactly destined for sainthood.", "Chloe: No, I know, but he's not responsible for everything that goes wrong. Even a screw-up like Billy can get something right every once in a while.", "Mariah: You realize you just ate your body weight in ice cream, right? I am impressed.", "Faith: Thank you.", "Mariah: Where does it go?", "Faith: My...stomach?", "Mariah: Yeah, that makes sense. All right, so what would you think about a sleepover tonight?", "Faith: We always have sleepovers. We live together.", "Mariah: I didn't mean with me, squirt. Chelsea wants to see if you want to come over and spend the night.", "Faith: At Connor and Bella's?", "Mariah: Yeah. She thought it'd be nice since your dad is busy at the underground.", "Faith: Totally.", "Mariah: Perfect. I will send her a text and tell her that it is a go.", "Faith: I can't wait to hang out with the little kids. And with Chelsea, too.", "Mariah: Ah, don't forget about Chloe.", "Faith: Hmm, not tonight. I heard Chelsea tell daddy that Chloe had other plans.", "Mariah: What plans?", "Faith: A big date with Kevin.", "Dylan: Hey, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.", "Kevin: For some reason the Wi-Fi is best in this exact spot right here. Bit of a design flaw if you ask me.", "Dylan: Okay, you have anything on surveillance footage on those break-ins by the lake?", "Kevin: Yeah, I was just about to send you the link. Two suspects, one motorcycle. Should get a pretty good description from the video.", "Dylan: Perfect.", "Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here? You're interrogating Kevin? What did you do now?", "Kevin: Really? Is that all the trust I've earned around here?", "Paul: Well, you've got to admit it's not beyond the realm of possibilities.", "Kevin: I have not committed a crime in weeks, I tell you! Weeks!", "Paul: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: He's helping me with the break-ins north of town.", "Paul: Yeah, well, hand it off to Lindstrom. Get off the clock. Go home and visit your family.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, just, uh, one quick thing I need to --", "[Cell phones ring]", "Paul: Uh-oh.", "Dylan: Yeah, this is McAvoy.", "Paul: Yeah, Williams. Where?", "Dylan: Really?", "Paul: Okay.", "Dylan: All right, thanks.", "Paul: All right, thanks for the call.", "Dylan: I'll be there.", "Kevin: Wow. What is it?", "Paul: Woman hit her head. She's unconscious. Ambulance en route.", "Kevin: Why would they call you?", "Paul: It was at the Abbott estate.", "Kevin: Phyllis? What happened?", "Paul: We will find out. Go over and see Jack. I'll meet you at the hospital.", "Ashley: Hmm. I like this wine so much. I should get a picture of the label or something.", "Abby: Mom.", "Ashley: What?", "Abby: You have nothing to feel guilty about. What were you supposed to do when Billy said he was in love with Phyllis?", "Ashley: Maybe keep my mouth shut?", "Abby: Okay, say you hadn't said anything. I mean, what? You were just supposed to look your brother in the eye knowing that information about his wife?", "Ashley: No, I couldn't have done that.", "Abby: Exactly. Uncle Jack needed to know that information, and what he did with that, that's his choice.", "Ashley: Well, I tell myself that, but maybe Billy was right.", "Abby: [Chuckles] Billy is never right.", "Ashley: Abby. My life is kind of empty. I mean, you know, it's pretty devoid of passion, don't you think?", "Abby: Well, passion's overrated. Once you've lost that spark, once that feeling is gone...", "Ashley: Uh-oh. Are we talking about you and Ben? There something I can do to help? [Gasps] What did I just say? I just said I wanted to help. So now you have to ship me off right now to Timbuktu. I hear that it's lovely this time of year.", "Abby: No. You are not going anywhere. I need you. We all do.", "Kevin: Hey!", "Faith: Kevin!", "Kevin: What are you two doing here?", "Mariah: Oh, just crushing massive amounts of sugar. How about you?", "Faith: Are you meeting Chloe here for your date?", "Kevin: My what?", "Faith: Or are you picking her up at Chelsea's? You should probably pick her up. It's the gentleman thing to do.", "Mariah: Um, you know what? Can you do me a favor? Can you see if they have any cinnamon doughnuts left? I got major sugar envy watching you crush that sundae.", "Faith: Okay.", "Mariah: Okay. Hey, and no stealing bites.", "Faith: Not even one?", "Mariah: Okay, fine. Just one.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] Ha.", "Mariah: So...", "Kevin: So...", "Mariah: I heard about your big plans. What's your deal? Do you just enjoy rejection or...?", "Kevin: It's not a date.", "Mariah: Then what is it?", "Kevin: It's a dinner. It's a casual dinner.", "Mariah: Oh. Is that your \"casual dinner\" jacket and tie?", "Kevin: This is what I wore to work.", "Mariah: Oh, I see. It's very professional the way that you've left the tie untied all day long.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Kevin: She said yes.", "Mariah: What?", "Kevin: To dinner. Chloe said yes, so you're way off with that whole rejection thing.", "Mariah: Ah. I am talking about what happens after the dinner. Chloe's already said that she's moving on without you, starting fresh. I mean, do I have to spell it out for you? W-I-t -- you know what? That's -- that's too many letters. You get the point. Unless something has changed.", "Kevin: I changed. I stopped fishing for information about Bella's dad, and I was honest with Chloe. I told her I just want to be a part of her daughter's life.", "Mariah: And a part of Chloe's.", "Kevin: Yes. As friends. As...whatever.", "Mariah: And what if Bella's dad wants to be a part of her life, too?", "Kevin: Well, that would be challenging given that he doesn't even know she exists. And apparently Chloe didn't want to complicate his already complicated life, whatever that means.", "Mariah: Wait a second. I thought that this was a one-night stand. Now suddenly she knows all about the guy? What --", "Kevin: Okay, can we not talk about this?", "Mariah: Kevin, that's kind of sketchy.", "Kevin: Okay, you know what? I have a dinner to get to, a casual dinner. And from now on -- good lord -- I'm tying my own ties.", "Mariah: Who's gonna comb your hair?!", "Chloe: Maybe I shouldn't go.", "Chelsea: What? What are you talking about?", "Chloe: [Sighs] I don't want to leave you alone.", "Chelsea: Oh, stop it, Chloe. It's a couple hours. I'll be fine.", "Chloe: Yeah, but we've had dinner with each other every single night since...", "Chelsea: Well, all the more reason you should have a night out on the town by yourself. I told you. I will survive. Now, will you please hold still?", "Chloe: I am.", "Chelsea: No, you're not. You're fidgeting like crazy. What? Are you nervous or something?", "Chloe: No, I'm just -- I'm annoyed.", "Chelsea: What? About Kevin?", "Chloe: No, about Billy. Why does he always draw the short straw?", "Chelsea: Uh, Billy is a big boy. He makes his own decisions.", "Chloe: Yeah, but sometimes he actually makes good ones. When I came back in town, I was fully expecting him to be drowning in gambling debt and on some epic bender thanks to Victoria rejecting him yet again.", "Chelsea: Sounds like Billy.", "Chloe: Yeah, but he didn't do that this time. I mean, after losing the internet business and almost losing his own life, and then not to mention Victor piling a heap of crap on top of him, he survived. It just goes to show that he's a survivor. And he's an excellent father. Remember the way that Dee Dee used to look at him?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I know you'll always share a bond with Billy because of Delia. And you're right. He has overcome a lot. But he's also very lucky. He has always managed to land on his feet. But having an affair with your brother's wife? I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that. I mean, he's not gonna land on his feet this time.", "Chloe: No, that situation is messed up. I get it. I'm just saying we don't need to pin the whole thing on Billy. There's plenty of blame to go around.", "Jack: Why isn't she responding? Shouldn't she be conscious by now? We're gonna take your wife to the hospital.", "Jack: Okay, I'm going with you.", "Billy: Like hell you are. I'm going. I'm his brother. Uh, sorry. Next of kin only.", "Billy: Okay, you have no right to go after what you just did.", "Dylan: Okay, hold on, hold on. Take Mr. Abbott to the ambulance, please.", "Billy: This is wrong. You have no idea.", "Dylan: So give me one. Tell me what happened.", "Jack: Summer is on her way, Phyllis. She loves you very much, and she needs you. So do a lot of people. Hang in there. Hang in there, Phyllis.", "[Elevator doors open]", "Stitch: Okay. Take her into room 3. Let's go. Hey, I think it's best you wait here, Jack.", "Jack: She's not even conscious.", "Stitch: She's in good hands. I have some questions for Mr. Abbott.", "Stitch: And now is not the time, okay? I promise I'll keep you updated as soon as I know anything.", "Jack: Okay, uh, just take care of her.", "Stitch: I will.", "Ashley: Thank you so much. I'm ready to go home. Are you?", "Abby: Yes. And in the morning, you will realize you did uncle Jack a favor by getting everything out in the open.", "Ashley: I hope so.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Ashley: Who is it?", "Abby: Um, it's Ben. He's supposed to be on call at the hospital all night.", "Ashley: Maybe he misses you. It's possible, Abby. Pick it up.", "Abby: Ben, hey. How are you?", "Stitch: There's been an accident. Phyllis was just brought in to the E.R.", "Abby: What?", "Stitch: She's unconscious.", "Abby: Is uncle Jack there?", "Stitch: Yeah, but he's a wreck. He could probably use some support from his family.", "Abby: We're on our way.", "Summer: Jack. Jack, hi. Where's mom? How is she?", "Jack: She's with Dr. Rayburn right now. He's promised me he's gonna take the best care of her.", "Summer: How did this happen? I mean, I know how -- how it happened, that she fell and she hit her head. But how?", "Jack: We were fighting.", "Summer: Fighting?", "Jack: Yeah. Arguing.", "Summer: Is that when she fell?", "Jack: It was an accident, summer. No matter how angry I was, I would never hurt your mother. I could never hurt her.", "Summer: No, no, no. I-I know that. I-I know that. [Sighs] I just cannot believe that this happened. I mean, what if this isn't like last time? What if mom doesn't wake up? This could be her coma all over again.", "Billy: Can we just go to the hospital, please, and we can talk about this on the way?", "Dylan: I would rather you finish explaining here. It helps me visually. I can see everything the way it was. So go ahead. You showed up.", "Billy: Yes, I showed up. Okay, uh, I was standing right there. I could see through the glass doors. They were arguing.", "Dylan: Jack and Phyllis?", "Billy: Jack and Phyllis. They started up the stairs. They got about halfway, and then that's when -- [Sighs] Next thing I know, Phyllis came rolling down the stairs.", "Dylan: And then what?", "Billy: I don't know. She must have hit her head.", "Dylan: So you're -- you're telling me that they were on the stairs?", "Billy: They were on the stairs. She came rolling down. She must have hit here, 'cause when I walked in, she was -- she was laying right here.", "Dylan: But you didn't actually see it happen.", "Billy: I didn't actually see it happen. So all we have is Jack's version, that it was an accident.", "Dylan: And you don't believe him?", "Stitch: Okay, notify Radiology. Tell them I want a head CT as soon as possible. Yes, Doctor.", "Phyllis: [Weakly] Jack. Jack.", "Stitch: [Loudly] Phyllis? This is Dr. Rayburn. You're in the hospital. Can you hear me?", "Phyllis: Jack, no. No! D-don't! [Gasps]", "Chelsea: Hey. Come on in.", "Kevin: Hi. Thanks.", "Chelsea: So... you ready for your big d...inner?", "Kevin: Thank you for not calling it a date. People are way into making this something it's not.", "Chelsea: As long as Chloe's happy.", "Kevin: Yeah, that's the plan.", "Chelsea: She's been through so much. Nobody knows that more than you do. But somehow she's mustered the strength to prop me up and smile for Connor when I couldn't. I mean, really she's been a godsend to me.", "Kevin: So don't mess this up or I'm gonna have to answer to you?", "Chelsea: You're always so good at reading between the lines.", "Kevin: [Chuckling] Chelsea, come on. It's me. I would never do anything to hurt Chloe or her daughter. You know that.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Kevin: Really all I want is a chance to be there for them.", "Chelsea: Well, looks like you're about to get that chance.", "Chloe: Hi. Sorry to make you wait. My hair was staging a protest tonight. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: Well, some things are worth the wait. You look just spectacular.", "Chloe: Oh, thanks. Dress credit goes to Chelsea.", "Chelsea: You're very welcome. Now, you two kids have fun. Bella is in good hands. Faith is coming over. We've got the whole bedtime thing taken care of.", "Chloe: Oh, well, then maybe -- maybe we should stay and hang around. I bet you Bella would really like that. You wouldn't mind, right?", "Kevin: Um --", "Chelsea: No, stop. What are you talking about? Go. You have dinner plans. I've got this.", "Chloe: You sure you're gonna be okay?", "Chelsea: Chloe, I'm sure. Go.", "Kevin: All right, that's our cue. Shall we?", "Chloe: Okay. Let's do it.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Jack: Even if that happens -- and I'm not saying it will -- your mother beat the coma the last time around. I don't see it shaking out any differently this time. She's too tough. She's too stubborn. Any minute she's gonna wake up and insist on being let out of this hospital.", "Summer: Yeah, I hope you're right.", "Jack: I am right. She's gonna be okay.", "Summer: You still love her, don't you? In spite of everything.", "Jack: If only love were enough.", "Summer: I just hate that all this happened while you guys were fighting.", "Jack: I do, too. I do, too.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Jack: Hey.", "Ashley: What happened?", "Summer: Hey, I'm so happy that you guys came. Hi.", "Abby: Of course. Where else would we be? Um, how's Phyllis? Ben said there was an accident.", "Jack: We were arguing. Phyllis slipped and fell and hit her head.", "Ashley: At the house?", "Jack: Yeah. Billy showed up, called an ambulance.", "Ashley: What was Billy doing there?", "Dylan: Hey. Tell him what you told me.", "Billy: I've answered enough questions tonight, okay? All I care about is finding out if Phyllis is all right.", "Dylan: I know, but we need to know what we're dealing with, if it was an accident or a domestic dispute.", "Paul: Dylan filled me in. He said you arrived at the house, you heard arguing, you opened the door --", "Billy: I heard arguing. Next thing I know, I saw Phyllis coming down the stairs. I run in and I saw her at the bottom of the stairs. Okay, I don't know exactly what happened.", "Stitch: I might be able to shed some light on that.", "Billy: She all right? Is Phyllis okay?", "Stitch: We're running some scans right now. We'll know more once we have the results.", "Billy: Did she wake up at all?", "Stitch: Briefly. We ended up having to sedate her. She was agitated.", "Paul: She was agitated? Did she happen to say anything about the accident?", "Stitch: Not specifically.", "Dylan: Well, she must have said something. What was it?", "Stitch: Enough to make me wonder if it was an accident at all.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Faith: Thank you for inviting me.", "Chelsea: Oh, are you kidding? Connor and Bella were bouncing off the walls when they heard you were coming. They are so excited.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Faith: Where are they?", "Chelsea: They're upstairs. You want to go see them?", "Faith: Mm-hmm!", "Mariah: [Clears throat] Are you forgetting something?", "Faith: Thanks for the sundae.", "Mariah: You are very welcome. Be good, and I'll pick you up in the morning, okay?", "Faith: Okay!", "Mariah: What?", "Chelsea: Oh, nothing. No, I just -- I don't think I've ever seen you hug somebody before.", "Mariah: Oh! [Chuckling] Um, yeah, I try not to make a habit of it, but she's a kid, so special rules apply.", "Chelsea: Totally.", "Mariah: Well, uh, thank you, and just give Sharon and I a call if you need anything.", "Chelsea: You don't have to rush off, if you don't have plans.", "Mariah: I could say that I do, but that would be...", "Chelsea: Sad?", "Mariah: Yeah. [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: Yeah. So stay.", "Mariah: Okay. I have my tablet if you want to work on --", "Chelsea: Oh, no. Forget work. We should just hang. I mean, I guess we should get to know each other better, right?", "Mariah: We should?", "Chelsea: Well, yeah. Connor and I are spending more time with sully and faith.", "Mariah: What's this about sully?", "Chelsea: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. It was nick's idea. He thought it'd be nice if all the kids hung out together.", "Mariah: Yeah, no, that -- that sounds awesome. Um, did he run this by Sharon?", "Chelsea: Uh, I don't really know, but I assume she would want as many play dates for sully as possible, right? Nick -- he...he really adores that boy. They have a special bond, don't you think?", "Chloe: Thank you, sir.", "Kevin: I ordered for both of us. Hope that's okay.", "Chloe: You ordered for both of us? Well, that makes sense, 'cause it's 1952.", "Kevin: Hey, you're just gonna have to trust me. I know you and I know what you like, remember?", "Chloe: Good. So then it is a burger with cheese and pickles. Joke. I'm just not used to the royal treatment. Lately it's just been takeout with Chelsea and the kids.", "Kevin: Well, if anyone deserves the royal treatment, it's you, and I'm gonna make sure you get it from now on. To... new beginnings.", "Chloe: Sounds good to me.", "[Glasses clink]", "Kevin: Mmm. Ah. I have to say, I'm so excited for this meal. The chef prepared something special just for us.", "Chloe: No way.", "Kevin: I'm serious. Pulled out all the stops, flew in fresh ingredients, and apparently the kitchen staff's been working on this all day.", "Chloe: Pbbbbht. Well, now I feel weird. [Chuckles]", "Kevin: Why?", "Chloe: Well, you didn't have to do all this.", "Kevin: Uh, you want me to send it back?", "Chloe: No. No, no, no, no, no. So what is it? Is it duck l'orange?", "Kevin: No.", "Chloe: Is it sole almondine?", "Kevin: No.", "Chloe: Okay, then it must be something weird, like cockles.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] What are cockles?", "Chloe: I don't know, but I think they're from the ocean.", "Kevin: Oh, no. This is all wrong. I should send this back and get us cockles.", "Chloe: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.", "Kevin: Well, then are you done guessing?", "Chloe: Yes. The anticipation is killing me.", "Kevin: Ta-da! Burger avec fromage.", "Chloe: [Laughs] How did you know?", "Kevin: Because I know you.", "Jack: Hey. How's she doing?", "Stitch: She woke up briefly. Her vital signs are strong and steady. And as you well know, Phyllis has been through worse and come through it. As with any head injury, we have to be extremely cautious.", "Summer: Okay, but my mom's gonna be okay, right? She's gonna wake up?", "Stitch: I wish I had an answer for you, summer. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait and trust your mom to pull herself out of this.", "Summer: Just -- just gonna get some air.", "Abby: I'll come with you.", "Jack: You know what? I think I'll join you.", "Paul: Hey, Jack. If you don't mind, we'd like a word.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Billy: Well, you were right. You said things were gonna get worse, and they did. You should quit your day job at jabot, become a fortune teller. You'd make a killing.", "Ashley: I wish I'd been wrong. I'm sorry. I hate to see you hurting like this, Billy.", "Billy: It's not your fault. You were just trying to get me to listen, trying to get me to smarten up, but I've never been very good at that, have I?", "Ashley: Something like this, it's not anybody's fault. Just a horrible accident.", "Billy: No, no. Jack caused this. And I'm gonna make sure he suffers for it.", "Ashley: Billy, he already has.", "Chelsea: On a scale of 1 to 10, how guilty should we feel that we're not sharing this with the kids?", "Mariah: [Chuckles] I don't know. 2, maybe 3. As far as I see it, we have actually earned this ice cream.", "Chelsea: Agreed.", "Mariah: Yeah. So, is this what you and Chloe do at night?", "Chelsea: Hmm. Sometimes ice cream. Sometimes wine. Sometimes both.", "Mariah: That is a very solid routine.", "Chelsea: We've been attached to the hip lately. It's almost weird being here without her.", "Mariah: I wonder if she and Kevin are having fun.", "Chelsea: Does it bother you, their date that they're not calling a date?", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Yeah, what's up with that, anyway? Kevin and I are just friends.", "Chelsea: Is that because it's what you want or because it's what he wants?", "Mariah: Does it matter?", "Chelsea: Kind of does, yeah.", "Mariah: I care about Kevin. I don't know why. He is beyond irritating, immature. I don't know what is going on with his hair lately.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: But I care about him. He probably doesn't deserve it, but I know that he feels the same way about me. I just don't want him to get hurt again.", "Chelsea: Right. I mean, I understand your concern, but Chloe's been really honest about where she's at, you know? Her main concern is Bella. Second to that, it's work.", "Mariah: Yeah, I know that's what she said when she came back.", "Chelsea: You don't believe her?", "Mariah: I just think that things have changed a lot for everybody. I-I mean, would I be sitting here right now eating ice cream on your couch if Adam weren't gone? I don't -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. I-I'm just saying --", "Chelsea: I get it. I get it. I see your point. But... Chloe hasn't changed.", "Mariah: No? Because now all of a sudden she needs Kevin, whereas before she was practically pushing him away. I don't know if it has anything to do with Adam, but yeah, I'd say that she's changed.", "Chelsea: I think she's just trying to figure out what's important to her. That's what happens when your whole world gets turned upside down. Suddenly the things you thought you needed aren't important anymore and the things that you didn't think you needed... you can't live without.", "Mariah: See? I did it. I made you sad.", "[Both laugh]", "Mariah: I told you that I would do that.", "Chelsea: Trade?", "Mariah: Yeah. Absolutely.", "Chloe: Ooh! That was cheese nirvana. Thank you.", "Kevin: You're welcome. Do you regret saying yes?", "Chloe: To our non-date? Not one regret. You?", "Kevin: Yeah, a pretty major one, actually.", "Chloe: Really?", "Kevin: I regret that we didn't do it sooner. See what I did there?", "Chloe: Very tricky. Look at you, little misdirection. [Laughs] Well, I think it was the right move waiting. Had we done this any earlier, I think the night would have ended badly.", "Kevin: Well, who says it has to end at all?", "Chloe: Me.", "Kevin: Well, boo.", "Chloe: You can't boo me.", "Kevin: Sure I can. I just did.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] I just want to get home and give Bella a good-night kiss, even if she's asleep.", "Kevin: Lucky girl.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Look at you with all the lines.", "Kevin: What? Too cheesy?", "Chloe: Clearly I like a little bit of cheese.", "Kevin: [Laughs]", "Chloe: [Laughs]", "Kevin: Home?", "Chloe: Home. Ooh!", "Kevin: Whoa.", "Chloe: [Chuckles] I think the bubbles went to my head.", "Kevin: I don't know if it's the bubbles.", "Paul: Here, Jack. Have a seat.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Paul: So, um, can you describe how you were feeling when you resigned from the foundation?", "Jack: Exhausted. Emotionally and physically. I just wanted to get home, forget about all this talk of saving my fellow man, and just be alone.", "Dylan: Did you pour yourself a drink?", "Jack: No. I was tempted, but no.", "Paul: So you -- you went home, and that's where you found Phyllis waiting for you.", "Dylan: Why was she there?", "Jack: She wanted to ask me -- well, to beg me...", "Paul: What, Jack?", "Jack: She wanted me to forgive her.", "Dylan: But you couldn't.", "Jack: Oh, I could. In fact, I did. At least I said the words. Even if I meant them, it wouldn't change anything. All the damage was done. My marriage is over.", "Paul: Okay, so that's when you asked Phyllis to leave your house.", "Jack: Yeah, and she refused.", "Dylan: And how did you respond?", "Jack: Not well. I was pretty ticked off that she wasn't respecting my wishes.", "Paul: You know, Jack, when, um, I was listening to that interview that went viral, to me frustrated. And given the fact that Phyllis went public, airing your affairs --", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going with this?", "Paul: Well, what do you think I'm getting at?", "Jack: Was I angry? Yes! I was furious!", "Dylan: So when Phyllis refused to leave --", "Jack: I threatened to toss her out! In fact, I was on my way up to pack a bag for her! You don't actually think I would try to hurt her physically? I would never do that.", "Paul: So you weren't angry enough to cause bodily harm?", "Jack: Oh, hell yeah I was. But not against Phyllis. Against the man who started all this, who ruined all our lives and got away with it!", "Dylan: Victor Newman.", "Billy: Stitch, can I go in and see her?", "Ashley: Billy.", "Stitch: Yeah, I don't think that's a good --", "Billy: She needs to know that I'm here, okay? She needs to know that she's not alone.", "Ashley: She's not conscious.", "Billy: She's gonna know that I'm there.", "Stitch: Keep it brief.", "Billy: Thank you.", "[Door opens]", "Ashley: Is this just a horrible idea?", "Stitch: Maybe.", "[Door closes]", "Stitch: But medicine can't always cure everything. For all we know, this might be exactly what she needs.", "Billy: Dr. Rayburn said it's okay. You can check with him.", "[Door closes]", "Billy: How you doing, beautiful? You okay? I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere until you wake up. Even if it's to tell me to get the hell out of here. So wake up, okay? Come back.", "Abby: Hey. Any news? How long could she be out?", "Stitch: Could be awhile. But Phyllis may wake up sooner than, uh... hey, maybe, uh, maybe you should go home and get some sleep, too.", "Abby: No, no, I can't leave her. She needs as much support as she can get. We all do.", "Stitch: Yeah. It's a tough time. I have to get back, so...", "Abby: Bye.", "Dylan: Jack maintained what happened was an accident.", "Paul: Right. But Billy seems convinced that Jack was at fault, even if he didn't say it out loud.", "Dylan: I mean, that could be some residual resentment.", "Paul: Could also be the truth.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Okay, you've known Jack a long time. I mean, what do you think?", "Paul: Well, I think anything's possible when emotions are flying around, but would I peg Jack for acting like that? No.", "Dylan: I agree with you.", "Paul: One thing bugs me, though. What stitch told us. About what Phyllis said when she came to.", "Dylan: Yeah, but, I mean, she just hit her head. It could have meant anything.", "Paul: You were ready to drop the whole thing, weren't you? Then Jack pointed his finger at Victor.", "Dylan: I mean, he's got a point, Paul. You want to track it back to the root of the whole story? Everything leads to Victor. I mean, he brought that monster into their lives, and it tore Jack and Phyllis apart!", "Paul: I'm not gonna get into this again, but this is not about Victor. Our job right now is to find out how and why Phyllis fell. And we're not going to be able to do that until she wakes up.", "Billy: You know, you can't sleep forever. Even sleeping beauty's got to wake up eventually, get back to being a princess. Is that what you're waiting for, hmm? Some prince to come along, lay one on you, and break the spell? Well, it's a rough job, but somebody's got to do it, right? [Sighs] Hey. Hey. Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty. Welcome back.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Then you've heard the rumor?", "Jack: What rumor? That you beat up your wife.", "Victoria: I want you to get it through your insanely thick skull that Billy and I are never getting back together.", "Billy: If you look into your heart, you will find the truth, that you love me, too, and we can still be together." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack defended Adam when he heard the Newmans say he killed Victor. Billy let Jack continue to think he'd been in rehab. Adam ordered Michael to arrest Victoria for murder. When Michael resisted, Adam threatened to have Fen thrown in jail. Lauren came home after taking Fen to rehab. She had revenge toward Adam on her mind, but Michael didn't want her becoming a target of Adam's. Chelsea worried about what it would do to Connor if Adam was guilty of killing Victor. Nick reassured her. Chelsea took Connor to see Adam. Adam told Connor that Victor died. Rey reluctantly arrested Victoria, which outraged Billy, Nikki and Nick. Nikki raced home and told Victor that their plan had gone wrong. Elena and Devon talked about Amanda, but he didn't tell her Amanda looked like Hilary. Devon met with Jill. Devon, Elena and Jill all thought the case was a scam. Devon hadn't been able to reach Tucker, and Jill wasn't able to contact Chance. Devon had a tense run in with Amanda. Nate went to visit Devon, but talked to Elena instead. Nate came face to face with Amanda.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "I had no idea that i resembled your late wife, but i am here for one reason and one reason only, and that is to discuss the legitimacy of katherine chancellor's will.", "Lauren: Adam is going to use our son's addiction as blackmail material?", "Michael: Listen to me. Whatever adam has in mind, it's not going to work because you're gonna find our son right now, and you're going to get him into treatment immediately.", "Nick: Dad's gone, and it's your fault.", "Rey: Is there any evidence that it was an accidental overdose or foul play?", "Paul: That's what you have to find out. We're now officially investigating the death of victor newman as a possible homicide. I made the higher dosage capsules, and I forged the label on the prescription bottle to be identical to victor newman's prescription.", "Paul: Who told you to do this? Victoria newman.", "Victoria: When rey and paul showed up and wanted to search the office and my house, i thought I had no reason to worry, that they would find nothing and I would be cleared.", "Billy: Because you're innocent.", "Victoria: I was completely floored when nate's tablet and dad's pills showed up in my desk at work.", "Billy: Yeah, but it's right up adam's alley. I mean, he planted the evidence in your office.", "Nikki: I just can't believe, after everything he's done, he would go after you!", "Billy: But it makes sense. He's been going after nick for months now. He's got bigger issues with nick. So if he planted the evidence on him and tried to frame nick, it would look too obvious.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm, and by setting me up, he creates a scandal at newman enterprises.", "Billy: Just another chess move for him. He tampers with victor's medication, get somebody else to take the fall. On top of everything else, he's a coward.", "Nikki: I just never imagined he would go this far.", "Victoria: If adam has it in him to sit back and watch his own father die...", "Jack: I came by to see how everyone was coping. I have to admit, this is not what I expected.", "Nick: So paul and rey didn't arrest my sister, which means they know it's a set-up. Especially my sister. She's the last person in the world who would ever do anything to hurt my dad.", "Chelsea: Well, I don't want to believe adam would, either.", "Nick: Look, I know you don't want to believe this, but adam did it. It's the only thing that makes sense.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] He's been texting. He wants to see connor.", "Nick: Well, you know how i feel about that.", "Chelsea: Well, so far, all we have are suspicions. If adam wants to see his son, I don't know how much longer I can keep him away.", "Michael: Even super-villains take the occasional day off.", "Adam: Well, if you would do your job... then I wouldn't have to summon you to my lair.", "Michael: I got immunity for a pharmacist who tampered with the late victor newman's medication. What more did you want?", "Adam: Well, apparently, she provided useful information to the police.", "Michael: She admitted to making a phony prescription with victor's name on it, and then she said that victoria paid her to do it. To the casual observer, that would appear to work well for you.", "Adam: Okay, nothing about this has \"worked well\" for me. My father is dead. And those pills killed him. So, tell me why victoria has not been charged with murder yet.", "Adam: You have all the evidence that you need to arrest victoria. You have the pills. Nate's tablet with victor's medical information, a toxicology report that confirms the increase in dosage in his bloodstream. So, why? Why is my sister walking around free?", "Michael: Because of a complete lack of motive for victoria to kill victor. She's already acting C.E.O. Of newman enterprises, not to mention she is a loving and devoted daughter. The man could do no wrong in her eyes, just two big saucers of love and affection.", "Adam: There is a thin, thin line when it comes to victor with love and hate, and it has been crossed many times in our family.", "Michael: It sure has.", "Adam: Victoria had the pills that killed him in her desk.", "Michael: In an unlocked drawer. Not exactly the machinations of a criminal mastermind, right?", "Adam: Hmm, well, maybe she is taking lessons from kevin.", "Michael: I appreciate your efforts to persuade me, but it -- it really -- it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, adam. Excuse me.", "Adam: Look, who knows what goes on inside people's heads or why they do things. But you should think about what you're doing, and why. Do I have to remind you what's at stake here? One phone call, and your son goes to jail, where victoria should be! You're the D.A. Make it happen!", "Elena: Hey, you.", "Devon: Hey, baby.", "Elena: Why didn't you wake me up?", "Devon: Because you got home late, and I thought you could use some rest.", "Elena: Thank you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: So, how did it go with the meeting about katherine's will?", "Devon: Oh, well, it was -- it's a long story.", "Elena: I've got time.", "Devon: Uh, well, to start, I was right, that chance is the one who is behind this.", "Elena: Okay.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Elena: Okay, well, did his lawyer explain to you why he didn't try to get in touch with you himself?", "Devon: No, she didn'T.", "Elena: Okay. Well, what did she say?", "Devon: She said that the version of the will that leaves most of the estate to me is fraudulent. Okay. Well, does she have any evidence to back up this claim?", "Devon: She had a crazy story about how katherine's attorney, who is now dead, so we can't confirm if it's true or not, uh, was bribed to alter the will.", "Elena: Well, I hope she's not claiming that you paid off this attorney.", "Devon: Oh, no, she's claiming that my biological father, tucker mccall did.", "Elena: [ Scoffs ] That's ridiculous. If tucker was gonna do something that sleazy, wouldn't he name himself the beneficiary of the will?", "Devon: You sure would think so. It's just another thing that makes this whole situation seem ridiculous to me.", "Elena: And where does this chance guy fit into the story? In this so-called \"authentic\" will, does katherine's money go to him?", "Devon: The attorney amanda claims she's never seen the real pages of the will, but I assume, yeah.", "Elena: Then what is she talking about? What -- what is she trying to achieve by coming here?", "Devon: I have no idea what she's after.", "Elena: You know what this is? This is a ploy. She's trying to rattle you.", "Devon: Well, I'm not rattled, so good luck with that. Quit dodging my calls. We need to talk about this dead wife thing. I can't move forward until I hear from you. Additional sponsorship", "Elena: I really wish I had been there to show that amanda sinclair the door. Do we even know if she's an actual attorney?", "Devon: I mean, her name's on the law firm's website.", "Elena: But how does she know chance? Has he worked with her before?", "Devon: I don't think so because she said that they never even met in person, which makes the whole thing seem even sketchier to me. But what I do know is that when I reread this will, these are my grandmother's words. They sound just like katherine, it feels just like katherine. Let me read to you this -- this is what she said to victor. \"To my dear compatriot and fellow lover of the fine arts, victor newman... I bequeath you my collection of first-edition books with the proviso that you read every one of them. There will be a quiz when you join me up here.\"", "Elena: She certainly has a wit and style about her.", "Devon: You know what I mean?", "Elena: Mm.", "Devon: It's her. She left a skeleton key for kevin, and she says, \"a key to what, you ask? Anything you want, kevin. Here's hoping that no door will ever hold you in, as they have in the past, and that you may finally unlock the secret to your happiness.\"", "Elena: That's really sweet.", "Devon: It is. It was the perfect gift for kevin at the time, just like everything that she bequeathed. They were thoughtful, they were meaningful gifts. She left this music box and that's it for jill, which drove her kind of crazy, but that was even something that katherine would do. She knew I grew up in foster care with no money at all, so when I heard the attorney david sherman say that I'm an inherit -- $2,475,000,000 -- my damn stomach dropped.", "Elena: So did mine. Just now. Hadn't actually heard the number out loud.", "Devon: I mean, it changed my life. It changed my life completely, more than anything else has, and I have no doubt that she wanted me to have that money.", "Elena: Yeah, and look at all the good you've done with it. You know, I think your grandmother would be very proud of you.", "Devon: Well... I really hope so.", "Elena: It's not right, what that lawyer and what chance are doing to katherine. It's like they're undermining her wishes and just destroying her legacy.", "Devon: I know. I agree.", "Elena: And who do they think they are, trying to take everything from you?", "Devon: I don't know the answer to that, but I'm not gonna sit back and let them have their next move. Love you.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I am so worried about connor. I don't want to have to tell him about victor, after everything that little kid has had to deal with.", "Nick: I wish you could hold off telling him. But the story's out there. We can't let him find out another way.", "Chelsea: I know. Adam said the same thing.", "Nick: That's probably the only thing we agree on. I just -- I don't want him to find out from some kid at school, or worse, read about it online.", "Chelsea: You're right. You're right. I will tell him. But if this is true... if adam did this to victor, it is going to level my little boy. He's already lost calvin, and now I'm just supposed to tell him that his father is responsible for his grandfather's death? Do you know what that will do to him?", "Nick: I'd give anything for it not to be this way, but we have to face reality.", "Jack: What makes you think adam is responsible for victor's death?", "Billy: Motive, means, opportunity.", "Jack: No, I know there has been bad blood lately, what, with the custody suit and victor and adam's complicated relationship, but... victor was ill. Why won't you believe that it was natural causes?", "Nikki: There's evidence that suggests otherwise, jack. The police are investigating.", "Jack: Wow. If that were true, though, victor has no shortage of enemies. Adam wouldn't do this! Despite everything, victor was still his father.", "Victoria: Look, jack, I know how close you and adam used to be, but you haven't spent much time with him lately. He's changed.", "Jack: Is it possible, victoria, this is your grief talking, trying to make sense of a tragedy? I mean, that's understandable. This all happened very quickly. In fact, I've barely been able to grasp that victor is gone. It's good to see you, little brother.", "Billy: Yeah. You, too.", "Jack: I'm glad you got some help, right away, as soon as you realized you needed it. Can I ask, was it your hatred for adam that triggered this latest urge to gamble?", "Billy: It was part of it, yeah.", "Jack: I get that. You try to bottle up these kind of emotions, I mean, it's gonna come out some way.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Take it from someone whose life was mired in anger and resentment, who let it take over his whole life. I am proud of you. You got on top of it before it got any worse. My digestive system used to make me feel sluggish", "Billy: What really helped me out was talking to someone while I was away who really understood my situation and reminded me what I have to be grateful for. I just realized that I was wasting too much time on the past and, uh, things that i can't change.", "Jack: God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change.", "Nikki: I've been saying that a lot lately.", "Billy: I'm just glad that i can be here to help nikki and victoria through this awful time.", "Jack: That's exactly why I'm here, and I think we should focus on honoring victor and his legacy. Let the authorities worry about whether someone else is to blame.", "Michael: [ Sighs ] So... how's fenmore doing?", "Lauren: He's settling in, in rehab.", "Michael: Good. How's he feeling?", "Lauren: You know, he's mad at himself for screwing up. And he can't face you because he's so ashamed.", "Michael: I would never judge him for screwing up. Or for getting help.", "Lauren: He knows. He knows, it's just gonna take some time. You know, he's committed to his sobriety and staying on track, and, fortunately, devon said that he could rejoin the tour as soon as he's sober.", "Michael: Mm. In a very backward way, I guess I should be glad that adam let us know what he was up to.", "Lauren: He wanted to send our son to jail. I'm ready to go after that son-of- a-bitch myself.", "Michael: No. No. That is not going to happen. I don't want you anywhere near adam newman.", "Nick: I wish there was a way to prevent connor from finding out what adam did, but if he gets arrested, it's gonna be public knowledge. He has to know.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Connor idolizes adam. How am I supposed to tell him that his father is actually a criminal and responsible for his grandfather's death?", "Nick: It won't be easy, but if connor knows the truth, he'll understand why he can't have a relationship with adam.", "Chelsea: He's a little boy. He's gonna want his father in his life, no matter what.", "Nick: That may not be possible.", "Chelsea: You really think adam's gonna go to jail for killing victor?", "Nick: If I have anything to say about it, he will.", "Chelsea: Okay. As hard as calvin's death was on connor, if he has to say goodbye to his father so soon after getting him back, it is going to be a million times worse.", "Nick: Well, that's why we're gonna do everything we can for connor and shower him with as much love as possible.", "Chelsea: This just makes me want to grab connor and run.", "Nick: Please don't say that. You know it scares me when you talk like that.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not -- I'm not leaving. I told you, that part of my life is over.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Just know that I'm gonna be there for you and connor every step of the way.", "Chelsea: I don't know what we did to deserve you.", "Nick: All right. I hate to leave you, but I need to see my mom and vick and work on my dad's funeral. You gonna be okay?", "Chelsea: I should be the one asking you that. We're fine. Connor and I will be here when you get back, waiting for you.", "Nick: Bye.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Adam: Why haven't you answered my texts?", "Chelsea: I told you why I was reluctant to have connor spend time with you right now.", "Adam: Don't let nick convince you that I'm a danger to connor. You know me. And you know what my father meant to me. You know what it is doing to me. I need to see my son. Look, this isn't my firstrodeo...", "Connor: Thanks for letting me see dad today.", "Chelsea: Of course. Oh, you want to tie your shoelace there? Hey, um, stay here for a second. I'm gonna go talk to your dad.", "Chelsea: Um, I haven't told connor yet about victor. But I will. I will, later today.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] It's time. And I just want you to know that I will help him get through it. If you will let me.", "Chelsea: Okay, let's just take things one step at a time. All right? I agreed to this visit because i want you two to spend time together before he finds out what's happened.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] You make it sound like he's never gonna be happy again.", "Chelsea: He loved his grandfather. This is gonna hit him hard. So just make the most of today, try to give him a good memory of an uncomplicated, fun time with his dad.", "Adam: Yeah, that is my intention. Okay? And I need that just as much as he does.", "Chelsea: Good.", "Adam: Okay, all I want right now is to be with him, with my family, okay? It's the only family that I have left.", "Chelsea: I know it must be hard... watching the newmans all grieve together, shutting you out. It shouldn't be that way.", "Adam: Connor! Hey, buddy. Oh! Did you bring your mitt?", "Elena: Hey.", "Nate: Hey. Is, uh, devon here?", "Elena: Uh, no, you actually just missed him. He went to go take care of some business.", "Nate: Uh, I wanted to see how that meeting with the lawyer went yesterday.", "Elena: Uh, from what i understand, it was weird, but devon's determined to get it resolved quickly. How are you doing? I know victor's passing had to be a huge blow. I'm really sorry.", "Nate: Oh, thank you. Yeah.", "Elena: I knew you worked hard with his family and him on a treatment. Look, if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here. I know what it's like to lose a patient, especially one you're so close with.", "Nate: I appreciate that. Very much. I think I'm still processing it, you know.", "Elena: Well, the newmans know that you gave him the best care possible. And it was the disease to blame, not you. And it doesn't change the fact that you are an excellent and caring doctor.", "Devon: So this amanda lady said that tucker had pages in katherine's will switched.", "Jill: Tucker?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Jill: Well, I assume you've reached out to him.", "Devon: I tried to numerous times, but I can't get ahold of him.", "Jill: Have you spoken to chance?", "Devon: No, I haven'T. Have you?", "Jill: No. He hasn't returned any of my calls. Okay, tell me about this other will.", "Devon: When she wasn't able to produce a copy of it, I just tuned out because the whole thing sounds like a shake-down to me.", "Jill: 100%! And there is no way that chance would be involved in something like this.", "Devon: I mean, from what i know about him and from what everyone else has said, I don't think so, either, but no one's seen him in a long time. I don't think he's done a 180, but maybe somebody's using his name to pull a scam. I will tell you this, though, whoever sent that woman to meet with me is truly messed up.", "Jill: Hold on a minute! What if this lawyer woman -- what's her name, amanda sinclair? What if she's the one behind the whole thing? We call it the mother standard of care. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Devon: So this is gonna sound insane, but I had a really hard time figuring out what to make of amanda sinclair because she looks exactly like hilary.", "Jill: You mean she resembles her a little bit.", "Devon: No, I mean they have the same eyes, nose, mouth -- everything. They're identical.", "Jill: Oh, devon... are you sure that you're just --", "Devon: That I'm seeing what I'm seeing? I promise you, jill, and I can't wait for you to see her, too. And I don't think that it's a coincidence. I think whether it was chance or whoever sent her, they were trying to mess with me.", "Jill: Well, if it's true, it's awful, and I'm really, really sorry. There's just no way that chance would inflict this kind of emotional torment on you.", "Devon: I'm not tormented, pbut I think that was obviously the plan.", "Jill: In my opinion, if this... what's her name? Amanda?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Jill: ...Really is a hilary look-alike, it's all the more likely she's behind it all, if that's even her real name.", "Devon: Oh, it's possible, yeah, that she realized that she resembled hilary and she saw an opportunity.", "Jill: Yeah, and she did a little research, came up with this story, and then just brought chance into it.", "Devon: But then why pick chance, though?", "Jill: Because his name is chancellor. I mean, if she really knew him, she would know how out of character it is for him to do something like this.", "Devon: I know. I intend to find out the truth, but can you please let me know if you hear from chance?", "Jill: Of course.", "Devon: And I assume that you want to honor katherine's wishes, as described in the will, right?", "Jill: Devon, I practically carved up that old biddy's portrait, I was so irritated about that music box search, but now it's come to mean everything to me. Okay? And, financially, you know, I'm fine. I'm not $2.5 billion fine, but I'm okay. So, in answer to your question, yes, I will do everything I can to honor katherine's wishes.", "Devon: I appreciate that, and I'll let you know if I hear anything new.", "Jill: Perfect.", "Devon: All right.", "Jill: I am so sorry you have to go through all this.", "Devon: Oh, don't be sorry. I have the truth on my side. It's fine.", "Jill: [ Chuckles ] Plus, you have a fierce group of people up there looking down on you from heaven.", "Devon: I know, I sure do. I have neil and drew and hilary and victor and katherine, so everybody better watch out.", "Jill: Okay. Take care, sweetie. Bye-bye.", "Devon: You, too. See ya.", "Amanda: I assume you're here to see me?", "Adam: Ooh! Hey, baseball playoffs start next week.", "Connor: I know. Want to watch together?", "Adam: Uh-huh. You bet. I think the first games start on saturday, so, uh, I'll have your mom set aside that day as a father-son day. Oh, it's a pop fly to center field for the final out! He caught it! Newman makes the catch! And the crowd goes wild! And he -- he is definitely the mvp of the game.", "Connor: When I grow up, I'm gonna play in the big leagues.", "Adam: Yeah? Well, I bet if you keep working on your skills that you can make that happen. And I will be there in the front row of all your games, cheering you on, okay?", "Connor: I like that.", "Adam: But I hope you know that if you become a teacher or a doctor or a construction worker that I will be just as proud of you, okay? Whatever you do, whatever happens, you will always be the greatest kid that ever lived, as far as I'm concerned.", "Connor: And you'll always be the greatest dad.", "Adam: [ Chuckles ] Oh, I don't know about that. Your dad's far from perfect, connor.", "Connor: Trust me, dad. I know what I'm talking about.", "Adam: Well, you are a pretty smart guy, so I guess I'll take your word for it. [ Ice cream truck tune plays ] Oh, look!", "Connor: Can we get some?", "Adam: Mm-hmm. All right. Get three ice creams, okay? God, this is -- this is all I wanted.", "Lauren: Adam is a danger to our family. He used your love for your brother to manipulate you to do his bidding.", "Michael: I found a way out of that.", "Lauren: And then he came after our son. He's a man who claims to care about his children. He talks about his family. But that's all it is, it's talk, and I have had enough.", "Michael: All right, all right, I feel the same way. Turns my stomach to think about what I've done for him.", "Lauren: You had to do those things. And now... you and I have to stop this. We have to find a way to make adam pay for what he's done to us.", "Michael: I agree with the sentiment, but it's tricky. He always seems to be ahead of the game. And he doesn't care who he hurts. I will not have you becoming a target.", "Lauren: I'm not afraid of adam newman.", "Michael: Well, maybe you should be. There's no line he won't cross. His last request of me proves it.", "Lauren: And what is he asking you to do now?", "Michael: He wants me to charge victoria with victor's murder.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] I should have known we'd draw attention. Dad's death is big news.", "Victoria: Well, I'm glad that we had a chance to deal with it privately first before this onslaught of attention.", "Nick: Chelsea was dreading telling connor, but she's not gonna have a choice now.", "Victoria: Once he finds out what adam's done, he's gonna be heartbroken.", "Nick: I wish there was a way to shield him from this, but...", "Nikki: Well, adam did a terrible thing to his father and then used it to try to frame his sister.", "Billy: Yeah, but, thankfully, the police see that for what it is, and he'll go to jail for a long time, and he'll be out of our lives for good.", "Nick: Well, I'd be fine with that, but it's easy for us to cut adam out of our lives. It's not that simple for chelsea. Adam is hounding her to see connor.", "Victoria: She's not gonna let him, right?", "Nick: I don't know.", "Nikki: As painful as that may be, connor needs to know who and what his father is.", "Victoria: She needs to focus on keeping her son safe, not perpetuating this idea that adam is a decent guy.", "Nick: Adam is not gonna give up this fight to see connor, just like he's not gonna stop fighting us. This is the war that he promised us was coming. We have to be prepared for anything.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Please tell me you linked that planted evidence to adam.", "Rey: I'm sorry, um, victoria newman, I have a warrant for your arrest.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] I'm leah. And that's me,", "Adam: I am so grateful to have him back in my life. Being a father to him, it... it's everything. I want to be there for connor when he finds out about victor.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure that's what's best.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Look, I know people are saying that I am responsible for victor's death. First, nick claimed it was because all of the, uh, tension that I brought back into dad's life, and then he actually accused me of messing with his meds. He's planting doubt in your mind because that's the narrative he's trying to create. It's me as the evil brother. You know that's not me. I didn't even take the whole thing about the meds seriously until I found out it could be true, that the police think someone actually messed with victor's meds.", "Chelsea: But you're saying it wasn't you.", "Adam: From everything that i heard, all signs point to victoria.", "Chelsea: No. No way, she would never do that to her father.", "Adam: And, what, I would?", "Chelsea: I don't know what to think. It wasn't that long ago you told the police you thought I killed my husband.", "Adam: Okay, I was hurt, and I made a mistake. Could you just give me the benefit of the doubt, please, chelsea?", "Chelsea: Hi!", "Adam: Oh, look at that.", "Chelsea: Looks so good.", "Adam: All right, one for your mom...", "Nick: Rey, what are you doing?", "Rey: My job.", "Billy: This is bogus, man. That evidence was planted.", "Rey: I need you to step back before this gets any worse.", "Victoria: Billy, it's okay.", "Rey: Come on.", "Nikki: This is exactly the kind of incompetence that got your department sued. I don't think you want to make that mistake again.", "Rey: I have no choice.", "Nick: Rey, you know this was adam.", "Rey: All the evidence is pointing to victoria.", "Nikki: [ Scoffs ] That's what you thought the last time you arrested her, and you ended up making a fool of yourself.", "Rey: Look, the court issued the warrant. I can't just ignore it.", "Billy: Oh, and you can't help but make a public spectacle of it instead of honoring her privacy, letting her talk to her children before you haul her down to the station?", "Rey: Look, I'm sorry. I know your family is going --", "Nikki: Save your condolences. We don't want them.", "Victoria: Mom, it's all right, it's all right. Rey's right, he has no choice. He has to do this.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] You have the right to remain silent... if you decide to give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.", "Amanda: I'm guessing you had time to check out the veracity of mr. Chancellor's claim?", "Devon: I don't know how I'm supposed to verify anything when you don't have the proof to back it up.", "Amanda: You haven't spoken to tucker mccall?", "Devon: I've tried to, numerous times, yeah, but he's unreachable, and that seems convenient to me, doesn't it?", "Amanda: Well, you will see all the proof that you need soon enough. You really should consult your own attorney.", "Devon: Is that a tip, or is that a threat?", "Amanda: Mr. Chancellor is not interested in taking legal action against you, provided that you didn't have prior knowledge of mr. Mccall's intention to defraud...", "Devon: You're gonna talk to& me about fraud with a straight face, with that face that you have right now?", "Amanda: Mr. Hamilton, i assure you --", "Devon: No, I don't -- I don't want you to tell me that you don't know you look like my late wife. All right? Just tell me what you're after. Prepare yourself for what's about to cme?", "Amanda: He assumed that you", "Amanda: What I'm after is the truth. That's what my client hired me to do.", "Devon: Where is your client? Why isn't chance here talking to me?", "Amanda: He assumed that you wouldn't be receptive.", "Devon: He's right. I'm usually not receptive to fake claims.", "Amanda: I really think that you need to adjust your thinking. Prepare yourself for what's about to come down the pike.", "Devon: What does that mean? What's coming next? And, more importantly, is chance really the one who hired you? Whose idea was it to send you here?", "Amanda: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.", "Devon: Okay. We're not getting anywhere then. We're not getting anywhere, and I'm just gonna be brief and tell you this, to stay away from me and my friends and my family and anybody else that I work with. Please!", "Amanda: I don't take orders. You'll learn that soon enough.", "Devon: Okay, you know what you're gonna learn? You're gonna learn that I'm not someone you want to mess with. And kudos to whoever the hell hired you, but I can afford to hire a dozen attorneys who are more qualified, more experienced, more expensive than you, okay? Because I have billions of dollars.", "Amanda: Not for long. This is the last message that I'm leaving you. Call me back, the clock is ticking. Nothing happens until I hear from you.", "Michael: Victor's medication was altered. The autopsy indicates that side effects from the increased dosage killed him. That's why adam wanted me to get immunity for the pharmacist.", "Lauren: [ Gasps ] So she could point the finger at victoria.", "Michael: I'm certain that he paid that woman to do it.", "Lauren: Because adam altered the medication. He killed his father and is framing victoria for it.", "Michael: And I'm helping him.", "Lauren: [ Scoffs ] You can't blame yourself. He gave you no other choice.", "Michael: Well, I have a choice now. And I know what I'm going to do.", "Connor: I like doing stuff like this with you.", "Adam: Yeah? Me, too.", "Connor: I know it's only been a few days since we saw each other, but I missed you, dad. Are you okay?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I just, um... [ Sighs ] There's something that I need to tell you [Clears throat] About your grandpa. You know that he was sick, right? Well, he was a lot sicker than we thought, and... something went wrong the other day... and grandpa passed away.", "Connor: What?", "Adam: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: Are you here? Something terrible has happened! It's all gone wrong." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nikki starts to feel the fallout from Jack's involvement with Jabot being made public. David tells her he will do whatever he can to help her and prepares a statement that basically distances Nikki from Jack. Jack, meanwhile, has decided to go ahead with his press conference. Sharon and Noah are proud of him. When the reporters are doubtful that Jack had planned to come clean earlier, Sharon steps in and speaks on his behalf. Traci has also come to town to support Jack and Phyllis calls from prison to say she is proud of him for doing the right thing. Kevin and Gloria gloat about the mess Jack is in but realize they have to be careful, the DVD can't be traced back to them. Gloria, however, can't resist remarking to Jack that he is getting what he deserves. As Jack and Sharon are leaving the Athletic Club, they see Gloria and Victor toasting in celebration. Katherine makes plans to speak with the husband of the woman who died from the tainted cream. Jana calls Kevin to tell him she is sorry that she cut him out of her life and that she was transferred to prison. Kevin immediately goes to see her and vows to do anything he can to help her. Jana is surprised and happy to see Phyllis in prison.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Nikki: Yeah, thanks. Okay, what's next?", "David: Oh, okay. That would be the Aunt Marnie's proposal.", "Nikki: Okay. Aunt Marnie's... \"Gourmet pizza with a twist.\" What's the twist?", "David: You get to help make it.", "Nikki: Isn't the customer expecting Aunt Marnie to make it?", "David: It's the third fastest growing chain in the country, and it's extremely family-friendly.", "Nikki: Okay. I don't know. Does it fit the image we're going for?", "David: I think it does. They use only organic ingredients. They support local farmers, and they even display local artists' work on--", "(Telephone ringing)", "Nikki: Hold that thought. Yeah?", "David: What is it?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Jack.", "[Nikki turns on the TV and Jack is on]", "Man: The question now is will Senator Jack Abbott continue to deny his involvement with Jabot cosmetics and former CEO Ji Min Kim? The sale took place during a team when the senator was legally barred from having any involvement with the company. Let's take a look at the footage.", "Jack: I'm telling you, very soon Jabot and N.V.P. will announce to the world that for the benefit of both endeavors...", "Ji Min: And the good of the Abbott for Senate campaign...", "Jack: The alliance between the two companies will be reestablished and stronger than ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "David: The office must have been bugged.", "Nikki: How much damage can that man do?", "David: I've already prepared a response just in case. Let me go print out some copies.", "(Telephones ringing)", "Nikki: Oh, God, I feel sick.", "David: Well, today is your lucky day. Conflict management happens to be my specialty.", "Nikki: I stood by that man's side while he lied to the public.", "David: And your position is that you had no prior knowledge.", "Nikki: It's guilt by association. Aunt Marnie is not gonna want to come near Clear Springs, and all the other investors--", "David: Are staying. We're gonna figure this out together.", "Nikki: All because my selfish husband had to release that footage.", "David: Mm, or so we think.", "Nikki: Victor has Jack exactly where he wants him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, let me know when the equipment is in place. Thank you.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Victor: Yes? Thank you. Well, especially now that Clear Springs got a green light. You bet. As a matter of fact, this week. I have the environmental impact study right before me.", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Hold on for one second. Come in.", "Neil: Hey, Victor, I-- I can come back.", "Victor: Come in. Uh, let me call you back. All right? I'll call you back. Did you see it?", "Neil: Did I see it? Victor, I can't believe it. Jack is cooked.", "Victor: More like roasted, don't you think? Wish I'd been there when he saw the news. I would have loved to have watched his face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[TV Newscaster]", "Man: Another politician has lied to us. Unfortunately, it's the name of the game, people. And Senator Abbott doesn't play the game very well.", "[Sharon on the phone]", "Sharon: No comment.", "Jack: You know what? Don't even bother.", "Sharon: Well, we have to say something.", "Noah: Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, what's up, Sport?", "Noah: What's gonna happen now?", "Jack: We're gonna stick with the plan. A really great kid in my life taught me it's always best to tell the truth.", "Sharon: Jack, are you sure?", "Jack: Yeah. I'm going ahead with the press conference.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phyllis watching TV at Prison]", "Man: So far, no word from Senator Abbott's camp.", "[Phyllis goes and uses the phone with her phone card]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) out of funds. Out of funds. Damn it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jack always said I'd be the one to tarnish the Abbott name, but look at that. Just glad my dear, sweet John's not here to see his wayward son.", "Kevin: You realize that Michael is gonna flip when he sees this?", "Gloria: So turn off your phone.", "Kevin: Eh, it's taken care of.", "Gloria: Well, with any luck, that cow Joanna will have him running around in circles, waiting on her hand and foot. They won't get near a radio or a TV.", "Kevin: Nice compassion, Mom. The woman just broke her hip.", "Gloria: She's a cow.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: And I do have compassion--for us. Jack treats us like dirt, and now it's come back to bite him in the butt.", "Kevin: Mm, I'd say it was more of a direct blow right to the jimmies.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm, and I am a perfect aim.", "Kevin: Look, I know you want to gloat about this, but its best if you just lay low.", "Gloria: Yeah. I'm not gonna mess this up.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Gloria: There's only one person who can link me to that--", "Kevin: Us.", "Gloria: Us, thank you.", "Kevin: Mm.", "Gloria: And that's Victor Newman, linking us to that tape, but he's not gonna say a word, otherwise he implicates himself. It's all good. It's all very, very good. Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yes, the press conference is gonna go on as scheduled, only I would like to take it up a notch. I want to turn it into a town hall meeting. You think you could help me arrange that? Yeah, that way I can answer any questions my constituents have. Do me a favor and speak with my chief of staff Ben Hollander. The two of you can work out all the details. Thank you very much.", "Sharon: I'm proud of you.", "Jack: It's time to tell the truth. Right, Noah?", "Noah: It made me feel better once.", "Jack: Did it?", "Noah: Yeah. The time I broke Claire Olmsted's video game in the second grade. Remember, Mom?", "Sharon: Oh, I remember. Her mother wasn't very happy with you.", "Noah: No. But remember how nobody saw me, so I could have gotten away with it.", "Sharon: But you felt bad.", "Noah: Yeah. I told her I was sorry, and she forgave me. Can I go play with Fisher now?", "Sharon: Yeah, go ahead.", "Jack: Smart kid.", "Sharon: Well, you know, I just laid the groundwork. Are you really this calm about the footage? Because it coming out now--", "Jack: It couldn't have happened at a worse time. My question is, who the hell was taping my private meetings at Jabot?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Losing his Senate seat is just the beginning. Hopefully, Sharon will realize she can do so much better and file for divorce.", "Kevin: Loses the girl and his power. I like it.", "Gloria: But I want him to lose so much more, Kevin-- I mean, his self respect, if he has any left, integrity he never had, and his fortune. I can see it now --the government fines him for millions and millions and millions of dollars and then sends him off for a nice, long stay at a maximum security prison.", "Kevin: (Laughs)", "Gloria: But you know what I really want to see most?", "Kevin: Um... Jack in his underwear?", "Gloria: Hmm. And all of his fine clothes balled up and thrown into garbage bags and locked outside the Abbott mansion... just like he did to me.", "Kevin: Yeah, with a padlock.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) and then Traci and Ashley can sue him for tarnishing the Abbott name, and he can't use it anymore.", "Kevin: He'll be... just Jack!", "Gloria: He'll be just nobody.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kevin: Hold on. Hello?", "Jana: Hi, Kev. It's me.", "Kevin: Jana? Um, hi. I'm so glad you called.", "Jana: Look, I know how much of a horror I've been to deal with lately.", "Kevin: You? Never. And, uh, I adore the tough love. It's part of your charm.", "Jana: Oh, God, I don't know what I was thinking trying to push you away like that.", "Kevin: Well, it's a good thing I'm stubborn.", "Jana: Can you come visit me?", "Kevin: Yeah, I'll be at the hospital faster than you can say, \"Kevin is the greatest lover in the world.\"", "Jana: Um, I'm actually not at the hospital.", "Kevin: Are you out? Are you at my front door? Because I'm not home right now, and that would just be so unfair. I have this whole scenario where you're standing there in a black trench coat and nothing else--", "Jana: I-I've been transferred to Jackson penitentiary.", "Kevin: What?", "Jana: Look, I'll explain later. Just can you come?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.", "Gloria: So is she--", "Kevin: She's been transferred to the state prison.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Mom, Uncle Jack's gonna totally freak out when he finds out you're here.", "Traci: Yeah, maybe, but as much as he objects, he could use all the support he can get today.", "Colleen: Totally. I mean, he was the one who supported me after Dad kicked me out and made me pay for school. It's the least I could do.", "Traci: Colleen, you know your father had a reason for that.", "Colleen: Right, it was a lesson, blah, blah, blah. And now I moved in with Adrian, so that didn't work out so well.", "Traci: How are things between you two?", "Colleen: Adrian and I are better than ever, and Dad and I... let's not go there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Locking him up and throwing away the key is too good for him.", "David: That's a little harsh.", "Nikki: Oh, I understand dying of hunger is an excruciatingly painful death. I'm not kidding.", "David: No, I know you're not kidding. And this is certainly not funny, but I just love your creativity.", "Nikki: Nothing to do with creativity. This is hatred. I hate him.", "David: Okay, all right. Privately, that's fine, but publicly...", "Nikki: What, you want me to hold back? How can you ask me to do that?", "David: Because you need to appear calm, in control. The last thing we need right now is more negative publicity.", "Nikki: I understand that. I need to condemn him and then get as far away from him as possible.", "David: In theory, I like that approach.", "Nikki: But?", "David: But we need to wait and see how Jack responds first.", "Nikki: You just said that you already have a release that you can send out. Why aren't you doing it? Why are you hesitating? I mean, as time goes on, the longer that people say \"Jack Abbott\" in the same breath as \"Clear Springs,\" it just sounds dirty.", "David: Okay, but it's still to our advantage to take some time to figure out how we want to handle this situation.", "Nikki: David, I invested every dime I have in this project. It's part of why I left Victor. I have to protect it.", "David: I understand, okay? And I'm trying to protect you... if you let me.", "Nikki: (Voice breaking) I know.", "David: Okay. All right?", "Nikki: I know you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know, Victor, it's especially bad for your wife. Jack's name is all over that development.", "Victor: Right. She made her choice. Let her deal with the consequences.", "Neil: She could lose everything.", "Victor: As I said, she made her choice. I'm covered. I fulfilled my responsibility to the shareholders.", "Neil: So you're gonna go ahead with the drilling?", "Victor: You bet I am... to coincide with Jack Abbott's downfall.", "Neil: Well, I have to laud your timing.", "Victor: That's how you do business, Neil. It's all in the timing. You gonna eat both those?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Coordinate all this with Ben Hollander. He's handling damage control from there.", "Kay: Jack?", "Jack: Uh, try the cell number, all right?", "Kay: Jack, we have to talk.", "Jack: So does everyone in the state. Pick a number.", "Kay: Just don't be flippant with me, okay? Now you need to publicly state that I had no knowledge of your owning Jabot.", "Jack: I need?", "Kay: I bailed you out when... (Lowers voice) I bailed you out when you had nowhere else to go. Now return that favor.", "Jack: In case you haven't noticed, I'm planning a major media event here.", "Kay: I don't care if you're planning on saving the earth. You owe me.", "Jack: I owe you nothing. \"You bailed me out\"-- you practically got the company for free. And now you want to dictate what I say and do?", "Kay: Well, you've heard of such a thing as being honorable?", "Jack: As honorable as you were, filming me in the boardroom?", "Kay: I knew nothing about that!", "Jack: Of course you didn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Did you finish all your homework for tomorrow?", "Noah: Yeah, the babysitter helped me.", "Sharon: Now she helped you, or she did it for you?", "Noah: She said the only way I could watch TV is if I did all the work.", "Sharon: Wow. Remind me to hire her again.", "Noah: I... I told her I wanted to watch Jack on TV.", "Sharon: Um, well, isn't your favorite robot show on tonight?", "Noah: I don't care. I'd rather watch Jack. I have to go help make s'mores now, Mom. Bye.", "Sharon: Oh, wait, Sweetie. Be good for the sitter, okay? I love you.", "Brad: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey. Um, this probably isn't a good time.", "Brad: Yeah, I don't live under a rock.", "Sharon: Sometimes I wish I did.", "Brad: So your husband's going in front of the cameras.", "Sharon: Yeah. My son just told me he's going to be watching.", "Brad: Mm-hmm. Jacko's quite the role model.", "Sharon: You should go.", "Brad: I won't get in the way, but I'm not gonna let you go through this alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: $20? That's $10 more than you have on the card. You're making 100% profit. Nice doing business with you. Thank you very much.", "(Dialing)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey, guess who?", "Jack: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Your favorite felon.", "Jack: I guess it takes one to know one, huh?", "Phyllis: Don't say that.", "Jack: Then you've heard.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I heard. TV is real big around here-- TV and weightlifting.", "Jack: Well, I hear, uh, squats strengthen the whole body. You might want to try that. I'm gonna need a bodyguard by the time this whole thing is over.", "Phyllis: Can you wait six years?", "Jack: Probably not. It's nice to hear your voice.", "Phyllis: It's good to hear yours, too. So someone beat you to the punch. Do you know who it was yet?", "Jack: Well, I got a couple of people in mind, but I can't exactly go after that. I'm barely keeping my head above water right now.", "Phyllis: Don't listen to what they're saying about you.", "Jack: Sticks and stones with my razor tongue?", "Phyllis: John Abbott would be very proud that you're taking responsibility for all this.", "Jack: Yeah, I don't know about that.", "Phyllis: I know. (Beep)", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. I'm running out of time. Listen, um, you go out there, just look 'em in the eye and say, \"I am a crook.\"", "Jack: Great advice.", "Phyllis: I'll be watching.", "Jack: I appreciate it.", "(Dial tone)", "Jack: Phyllis? Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: It's so good to see you. Mm. You look great.", "Jana: You, too.", "Kevin: I wasn't even sure if you'd, uh, you know...", "Jana: Gosh, I had to. I couldn't get you out of my head.", "Kevin: See, I told you.", "Jana: Well, I tried. But I just couldn't.", "Kevin: Well, you couldn't because you didn't really want to. Come here.", "Woman: That's enough.", "Kevin: (Lowered voice) what's with the rules here?", "Jana: Well, it's prison. It's not exactly as private as hospital.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, big sister is kind of creeping me out.", "Jana: Ahem. This is my home now.", "Kevin: Did you know that they were gonna move you?", "Jana: There was a hearing a few days ago. The ruling came down this morning.", "Kevin: What was the reason?", "Jana: I was found competent to stand trial.", "Kevin: (Normal voice) so they sent you here? That's unbelievable. You don't belong in jail. Wh-whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?", "Jana: I chose to come here. All the pretrial detention facilities were full, so... it was here... or far away.", "Kevin: Are you okay? Do you have your own cell?", "Jana: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just so glad you came to see me after the way I treated you.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, a couple of government-sanctioned hugs and kisses... I mean, whatever happened to no cruel and unusual punishment?", "Jana: It has to be this way.", "Kevin: What are you talking about?", "Jana: It's for your own protection.", "Kevin: Jana, that's crap. I don't need protection from you.", "Jana: Yes, you do, to avoid from getting too close again.", "Kevin: That's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. You know it is.", "Jana: I know that I deserve to be punished. I deserve to suffer for what I've done to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Unh-unh. That's on me.", "Kay: Oh, it really isn't necessary, Gloria.", "Gloria: I know, but it's one of the perks of being the owner's mother.", "Kay: (Chuckles) thank you.", "Gloria: So I assume you're going to Jack's press conference.", "Kay: You assume wrong.", "Gloria: Really? Aren't you at least a little bit worried about what he might say?", "Kay: My stomach can only take so much in one day.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) yeah, well, nausea is one of the side effects of being around that man. You know, I just can't believe that john Abbott raised him.", "Kay: (Chuckles) well, you know, some parents are blessed with little angels, and some are...", "Gloria: Egotistical monsters.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kay: Uh, excuse me. Yes, Katherine here. I don't want to hear it. I told you, I... I told you I did not want to speak to anyone until after the press conference. Do you understand that? Do I make myself clear? Thank you. (Sighs)", "Gloria: You know, when I feel really stressed, I spend the entire day at the spa.", "Kay: (Chuckles) well, I don't think a Swedish massage is going to give me such relief.", "Gloria: I just feel so badly for you, Katherine.", "Kay: Thank you for your concern.", "Gloria: No, no, no. It's a lot more than concern. I feel like we're, I don't know, kindred spirits. Really. We've both been wronged by the most dishonest man I've ever known. He tried to erase me from my husband's life, and now he's dragging you and Jabot into this scandal.", "Kay: You certainly have a flair, Gloria. But for the moment, could we just get revved up on caffeine?", "Gloria: (Chuckles) yeah, I hear what you're saying. Talking about Jack Abbott is like throwing salt in wounds.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Jack's in trouble, Dad.", "Brad: Yeah? No one forced him to do what he did. It's his own fault he's gonna crash and burn.", "Colleen: He's family. I should be here.", "Brad: The kind of family you don't need.", "Colleen: Okay, he took me in and helped me pay for school after you threw me out.", "Brad: Mm. Send him a thank you note. You should go home.", "Colleen: Is this you not interfering?", "Brad: This is me being a protective father.", "Colleen: Okay, and this is me supporting my uncle. I'm staying.", "Brad: (Chuckles) I raised a saint.", "Colleen: Dad, Jack knows he messed up.", "Brad: Jack's upset about being called out.", "Colleen: It was business. He made a mistake. Who really cares?", "Brad: Oh, I don't know. Well, on second thought, maybe a team of federal prosecutors.", "Colleen: Dad, would you let it go, please? He's taking responsibility, and that counts for something.", "Brad: He was forced to.", "Colleen: Dad!", "Brad: Fine.", "Colleen: No, it's not fine. Have you already forgotten that we're going to the synagogue for Kol Nidre? I mean, what about that whole speech about what it means to you?", "Brad: I meant every word.", "Colleen: Then maybe you should stop being so judgmental.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Are you responsible for this?", "Sharon: Um, oh, we talked.", "Traci: You know, my last name is Abbott, too, big brother.", "Jack: You picked today, of all days, to admit to it?", "Traci: Oh, come on. Can't you just say, \"I'm glad you're here\"?", "Jack: Look, I'm thrilled you're here, but this is my mess.", "Traci: I'm pretty good with a sweeper.", "Jack: Since when?", "Sharon: Jack, we're both here to support you.", "Traci: And Colleen.", "Jack: Yeah, and Ashley called this morning, and I'm a lucky guy, but this is for me to fix.", "Traci: Jack.", "Sharon: What part of \"We're here to support you\" didn't you understand?", "Jack: Offering support is one thing. Enduring humiliation is another.", "Sharon: Well, I can handle it.", "Jack: No.", "Traci: Okay, this may not be the best time to be stubborn.", "Jack: Now listen to me, Sis. Take a page from Ashley's playbook-- distance yourself from me. And you... you've been like my anchor for the last few days. I love you for supporting me at a time no one else would support me, but it's gonna stop now. I am not going to have everyone scrutinize my wife and my family. I am going to that podium by myself.", "Man: Here's Senator Abbott.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phyllis watching Jack's speech on TV at prison]", "Jack: Thank you. I am here tonight to confirm my involvement in Jabot Cosmetics. Using Mr. Kim, Mr. Ji Min Kim as my representative, I purchased Jabot from Chancellor Industries. Mr. Kim and I worked alone. No member of my family had any awareness of my actions-- not my sisters, not my wife. Some time before this purchase, I signed an agreement barring me from any further involvement in Jabot. I signed this agreement in good conscience. When later, an unforeseen situation threatened the very existence of Jabot, I could no longer in good conscience keep my end of that agreement. My father john Abbott founded and built Jabot into a cosmetics titan, a model in the industry. It was a source of great pride for my family, and for me the center of my personal and professional life. When this unforeseen situation occurred, I was forced to make a choice-- to sit by and watch my father's life's work fade away to nothing, or to step in, roll up my sleeves and take action to save that company. After much deliberation, I chose the latter course, knowing full well I would face criticism, and rightly so, for violating the terms of that earlier agreement. I can say with great pride tonight that I returned my father's company to profitability and saved countless jobs.", "Phyllis: Yes, you did.", "Jack: That company is thriving today, flourishing, just as it was when my father gave the company to me. Some would say that my actions were selfish, but I did not profit in any way from any of this. Actually, quite the reverse is true. When Jabot was on solid ground again, I facilitated its sale back to chancellor industries, again acting solely with Ji Min Kim. It is unfortunate that this transaction had to be done in secret. I violated a legally binding agreement, and for that, I am willing to take responsibility. I also hurt and misled some people I care a great deal about, and for that I am deeply sorry. But I make no apologies this evening for what I was able to accomplish. Jabot is thriving today under the Chancellor umbrella, and I have moved on in my role as senator of this great state. I have no problem sleeping at night because I know I did the right thing. When you elected me Senator a few short months ago, I promised to always act in the best interests of the people of my district and the state of Wisconsin. I have not wavered in that commitment, and I thank you tonight for your understanding and your support. Thank you all very much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Camera shutters snapping)", "Jack: I, uh, think we can open this to questions now. Cynthia?", "Cynthia: Are you admitting you committed fraud, Senator?", "Jack: I stand by the statement I just made.", "Man: Can you assure voters you won't do so again?", "Jack: I can assure voters I will stay focused on the issues the care about most, like my bill to expand healthcare for low-income children, which both houses approved and the governor signed into law.", "Man: Senator, you told voters you sold your interests in Clear Springs to avoid a conflict of interest.", "Jack: Yes, that's correct.", "Man: But you're back in business there. Did you lie?", "Jack: No, I did not. I did sell my original interests. When an opportunity-- a second opportunity-- presented itself, I made a business decision and acquired that property. I stand by that decision today.", "Cynthia: Will you resign if the ethics committee investigation results in criminal charges?", "Jack: I will cooperate fully with the ethics committee, but I think it is premature to speculate on their results right now.", "Cynthia: Senator, the question of impeachment has been raised.", "Jack: Not by me, it hasn't. I intend to serve my full term.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Wish I could offer you something stronger.", "Kay: Oh, I wish I could accept it.", "Gloria: I'm so sorry, Katherine. Typical Jack Abbott. He's despicable. Just hope he didn't say anything that will reflect badly on you or Jabot.", "Kay: Yeah, well, me, too. When is Michael due back? I need to speak to him about, uh, a liability I may face from that...", "Gloria: Not really sure.", "Kay: All right. Well, I'll call him.", "Gloria: Mm.", "Kay: And I need to speak to the man whose wife was killed after she used that contaminated cream. That's exactly where this nightmare started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, yes, Darrell, I do understand your concerns, but I'd love to meet with you in person before you make a decision of this magnitude. Right. Yeah, please think about this and then get back to me. All right. Bye-bye. Damn it!", "David: He pulled out?", "Nikki: He doesn't want to be affiliated with, and I quote, \"A corrupt project.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yes, Clear Springs was developed from ideas that I proposed. But since the election, I've had little hands-on involvement in the project. I-I would like to say that the project is in very good hands and appears to be doing better than any of us ever expected.", "Cynthia: Building a multimillion-dollar casino isn't \"Hands-on involvement\"?", "Jack: I am simply one of many investors.", "Man: How did you convince Mrs. Abbott to lie for you?", "Brad: (Quietly) let me get you out of here.", "Jack: I made it very clear to you my wife had no knowledge of my arrangement with Ji Min Kim until very recently. You are out of line to even suggest that she lied. She didn't lie. I had the support of my wife, the support of my stepson... and my greatest regret in all of this is that I disappointed them. I let them down, and I'm going to work very hard and hope they can trust and forgive me again. And they know something that you don't know, that the cynical among you will probably not believe. I scheduled this press conference before the release of this illegally obtained footage and planned to give exactly the same statement I gave today. (Laughter)", "Man: Senator, come on.", "Sharon: Excuse me. Um, it's understandable that you would laugh. Because you face so much hypocrisy and so much cynicism and so many lies in your-- in your daily business. But... what my husband said is true. Jack knew what he had to do before that footage was released. He's an honorable man who isn't perfect, but if you voted for Jack, then you should ask yourself, \"Who is he now?\" And I can tell you that he is a flawed man who is humbled by this mistake. He's generous, and he's really trustworthy. The state Senate and the people of this district and state are fortunate to have a man like him committed to serving them, to serving you. Thank you.", "(Camera shutters snapping)", "Jack: Thank you all. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Guard: Time's up.", "Kevin: I'm coming back here tomorrow.", "Jana: No, I don't think you should.", "Kevin: So she says \"No,\" but she really means \"Yes\"?", "Jana: No, this just isn't a good idea. It won't lead anywhere. It can't.", "Kevin: Yes, it can. I'll be back here until I get you out of this place. You hear me? You're leaving, even if I have to break you out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thank you all for being here to support me.", "Sharon: Well, how could we not be? You did the right thing.", "Traci: I'm so proud of you. Jack, I wouldn't have been anywhere else.", "Colleen: Yeah, me neither. I'd vote for you again, even if you weren't my uncle.", "Jack: Well, let's hope you're all in the majority.", "Gloria: Thank you, and why don't you send that gentleman at the end of the bar a glass, too? My, my, my. Isn't this the pretty little family portrait?", "Jack: Well, it was until you arrived.", "Gloria: Yeah, all of the Abbott women hovering around and supporting the fallen son. All we need is little Miss Ashley to round out the pretty picture.", "Jack: You've done your gloating, Gloria. Now go away.", "Gloria: Hmm. Public place, Jack. You can't make me leave, not this time.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Gloria: You recognize the suit, Jack? You should. I was wearing it the night you threw me and all of my clothes out of the Abbott house, out of my home. Just seemed kind of fitting to wear it here. You know what I mean?", "Sharon: Let's go, Jack. Let's go home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What's this?", "David: I've reworded our statement to make sure it's absolutely clear.", "Nikki: And strong.", "David: You've worked way too hard to let Jack screw this up for you. You're the face of Clear Springs now. We have to cut him loose.", "Nikki: Well, I'm glad you finally agree with me.", "David: No, no, no. I never disagreed. I simply advised caution.", "Nikki: And now you're throwing it to the wind?", "David: Or Jack to the curb-- whichever way you want to look at it.", "Nikki: Release it. And keep your fingers crossed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Sharon was pretty impressive up there.", "Brad: She always is.", "Colleen: Are you two seeing each other again?", "Brad: No. But she deserves a lot better than the other men she's had in her life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Phyllis watching TV]", "Man: Humble pie or political suicide? That remains to be seen as Senator Jack Abbott tonight admits to possible fraudulent activity before a Town Hall meeting in Genoa City and in a live broadcast to the State of Wisconsin.", "Jana: Mrs. Newman? Oh, my God. I can't believe it. Oh, I can't tell you what a relief it is seeing somebody I know. Oh, God!", "[Jana hugs Phyllis]", "Phyllis: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Should we unplug the phone?", "Jack: Yeah, maybe tonight. I think I'm press conferenced out.", "Sharon: You realize if we hadn't delayed it, things might have turned out differently.", "Jack: Maybe. But you know what? Noah needed us. He's always gonna come first. So are you.", "Sharon: Putting us first could end up costing you big time.", "Jack: As long as I have you and Noah, I don't really care.", "Noah: Mom, you looked so cool on TV.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Jack: Wasn't she amazing, Buddy?", "Sharon: Well, I've had a little practice.", "Noah: (Chuckles) so... what happens now? Are they gonna make you stop being a senator?", "Jack: The truth is, I don't know, but you know what? I keep thinking of something my father used to say all the time. It kind of applies here. \"The measure of a man is not what he does with success but what he does with failure.\" It's how you bounce back when you're down that really counts.", "Noah: How do you?", "Jack: You just watch me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: No one can see the surveillance tapes.", "J.T.: I thought it might be kinda cool if the baby gets used to my voice, even if he turns out to be an evil little Bradley.", "Sharon: You think Victor released the first one?", "Jack: I know he released the first one." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor is rushed to the hospital, the doctor shares with Nick, Nikki and Victoria that he is slowly trying to kill himself by starving himself. Heather who is rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with Epstein Barr confronts Victor defending Adam; of course Victor does not want to hear that and orders her out before he presses charges. Nick, Nikki and Victoria insists that he is evaluated by a psychiatrists, he orders Michael to get him out of there pronto. Michael deals with his own family drama as he confronts Jeffrey, who admits that he turned River in. Eden visits River at the jail and Glo also does and finds out about Eden and is outraged. Jack schools Adam on the ways of Victor Newman while they continue their witch hunt in Mexico." ]
[ "Jack: Victor and I have a long and tangled history. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this.", "Adam: Well, I got a few, uh, scars of my own, you know, Jack.", "Adam: Gracias.", "Jack: You know what? Just leave the bottle, thanks. Oh, you ever seen this man? His name's Victor Newman.", "Man: No, señor. (Speaks Spanish)", "Adam: No, there's nothing more in here.", "Jack: Here's to finding the truth.", "Adam: I'll drink to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: So why would Victor go to Bucerias? I mean, there's absolutely nothing there.", "Paul: Well, that's probably exactly why he went there. You know, when-- when half the people on the planet recognize your face and your name, it's not easy to be anonymous.", "Heather: You really think that's all it is?", "Paul: Well, yeah, what else would it be?", "Heather: I don't know.", "Paul: Come on, the D.A.'s office doesn't keep you busy enough these days?", "Heather: They do, it's just for Adam's sake, I'd like to know the truth.", "Paul: Have the Mexican authorities contacted anyone from your office?", "Heather: Not that I know of.", "Paul: Then what are you looking for?", "Heather: I still think Victor's hiding something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Mr. Newman? Can you hear me, Mr. Newman?", "Woman: B.P. 90/40.", "Man: All right, give the patient 1 liter of normal saline bolus, followed by 100 mils per hour. Where'd you find your father?", "Nick: He was collapsed on the floor.", "Man: Okay, check for head trauma. Is there any medical history I need to be aware of? Is he, uh, taking any medication?", "Nick: Phenytoin.", "Man: For seizures. Who prescribed it?", "Nick: Dr. Morse.", "Man: Okay, call Dr. Morse, tell him Mr. Newman is in the E.R. Is he allergic to any medications?", "Nick: Not that I'm aware of, but I'm sure his medical records are here.", "Man: Okay, draw a panel including Creatinine and B.U.N. find Mr. Newman's records in the database, uh, also LFTs.", "Woman: Yes, doctor.", "Nick: Hey, Vick, it's me. I need you to find Mom and get to the hospital as soon as possible. Dad collapsed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I can't believe that Jeffrey turned Lowell in.", "Lauren: All right, Kevin wasn't certain that Jeff was the one that called the authorities.", "Michael: Well, it sounds exactly like something he would do. He had no right.", "Lauren: Maybe... maybe in his mind he thought he was just protecting Gloria", "Michael: I'm gonna look that bastard right in the eye and I'm gonna--", "Eden: Why are you wasting so much time on that slimeball narc? Dad's being extradited to Michigan tomorrow unless you do something about it!", "Michael: There's nothing I can do for Lowell. I don't represent him.", "Eden: Seriously?", "Michael: I offered him money to hire a better attorney, but he likes the one he has.", "Eden: I heard you talking with Lauren. You don't think Dad's lawyer could find his butt with a map and a compass.", "Lauren: Okay, that's not exactly the way Michael put it.", "Eden: The man has locked our father in jail. You're not doing anything about it.", "Michael: I would, Eden, if I could.", "Eden: He needs to be free. He can't even wear shoes for more than a couple of hours. How's he gonna make it behind bars?", "Michael: It's out of my hands! Sorry.", "Lauren: She doesn't understand.", "Eden: I understand just fine!", "Michael: Uh... I have to go make sure that it was Jeffrey who alerted the authorities.", "Lauren: Are you gonna go see River before he goes?", "Michael: After I pay a visit to my dear old stepdad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Where's Dad?", "Nick: He's in the E.R. the doctors are working on him.", "Nikki: How is he?", "Nick: He's not good. I found him alone in Sabrina's gallery. He was totally out of it. Rambling about tying up loose ends. He had movers cleaning out the gallery.", "Victoria: All the art?", "Nick: It's gone-- museums, charity.", "Victoria: Everything that he shared with Sabrina.", "Nick: He begged me not to tell anyone that I saw him. He told me to leave.", "Victoria: Poor Dad.", "Nick: So I went back to check on him and I found him. He was unconscious.", "Nikki: Oh, thank God you found him in time.", "Victoria: I'm gonna call J.T.", "Nikki: All right, Honey.", "Nick: Mom, Dad said something that really scared me.", "Nikki: What?", "Nick: He said he needed to-- to get his life in order. He made it sound like he was either going somewhere, or...", "Nikki: Darling, no, no, he would never hurt himself, ever.", "Nick: He also said he went to Mexico to get some relief, and instead he made thin worse, what do you think he meant by that?", "Nikki: Have no idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You know, the last time Victor disappeared he went to Nepal. This time he went to Mexico.", "Heather: Aren't you curious why?", "Paul: Not really. I haven't given it much thought.", "Heather: I can't stop thinking about it.", "Paul: Are you just trying to get back at Victor for what he did to Adam?", "Heather: No. I just want to know the truth.", "Paul: Well, the truth is, Adam was out of line when Victor was out of town.", "Heather: Okay, you don't know the entire story. You know what Nikki tells you. Are you trying to protect her? I know she's a friend of yours.", "Paul: Protect her from what?", "Heather: I don't know, I don't know. I mean, maybe she found something when she was in Mexico that you don't want me to know about.", "Paul: Oh, come on, Heather. You know, I wasn't even in Mexico when Nikki found Victor. I was with you in the hospital, remember?", "Heather: I don't understand why you're not climbing all over this. Victor drops out of sight, he's presumed drowned, he reappears. That doesn't set off any alarm bells for you?", "Paul: You know, when you've been around as long as I have, sometimes you just accept things the way things are.", "Heather: Look, Victor had Adam arrested for coming to see him. I mean, who acts like that? I mean, what sort of father--", "Paul: Whoa! What's the matter?", "Heather: I don't know. I'm dizzy again.", "Paul: It's all right, I got you. I got you. Just take a deep breath.", "Heather: I think I'm gonna faint.", "Paul: You okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Ugh. Well, I'll tell you my guess, Jack, is that Victor came down here... to get away from his two-faced, backstabbing family.", "Jack: They treated you pretty shabbily, huh?", "Adam: Are you kidding? I never had a chance from the second I got to Genoa City.", "Jack: You were a real threat to Nick and Victoria. You didn't need your old man's money to succeed. And from my outside perspective, Newman Enterprises thrived under your leadership.", "Adam: Yeah? Come--come here. Damn straight it did. Thanks, Man.", "Jack: Now listen, I-I heard it was Nikki that called the board meeting to have you ousted.", "Adam: Nikki, Nikki... oh, I'll tell you, Nikki is the root of all evil in this. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't be in this mess. Skye would be alive.", "Jack: Wait, who's Skye?", "Adam: Someone I loved.", "Jack: Wait, wait, Skye, who was in the papers that David Chow killed?", "Adam: Yes, that's her. She was worth more than all those Newmans put together. I'd like to see them suffer for what they've done.", "Jack: You know what? You just may get that opportunity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Jeffrey. You turned Lowell into the authorities.", "Jeff: Who told you that?", "Michael: Kevin.", "Jeff: He doesn't know what he's talking about.", "Gloria: Yeah. Jeffrey wouldn't do that. He'd never do anything to hurt this family.", "Jeff: Thank you, Darling.", "Gloria: You know Kevin. He sees conspiracies everywhere.", "Michael: Oh, stop lying to protect whatever you're calling this these days. Kevin's actually a very good judge of character, but that would be implying you had one.", "Jeff: I'm hurt, Michael.", "Michael: Somehow, you don't seem quite hurt enough.", "Gloria: Michael... let it go.", "Michael: You look me in the eye and you tell me you did not call the F.B.I.", "Jeff: If I swear to you I didn't do it, you gonna believe me?", "Michael: No.", "Jeff: Then let's not play games. I did it. I called the Feds on River.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Can we see him?", "Man: He's being moved to a private room. He insists he doesn't want visitors.", "Nick: Why'd he collapse?", "Man: It appears Mr. Newman has not been sleeping. He's, uh, malnourished, dehydrated, decreased blood supply to his brain may have caused his confusion. He's lucky you found him before his kidneys failed.", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Victoria: Why would he stop eating and sleeping?", "Man: We haven't found any underlying physical cause.", "Nick: So you're saying he did this to himself?", "Man: It seems that may be the case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Poker was... my after school job for a while. I was pretty good at it, too, but, I'll tell you, Skye-- Skye was even better. She was something else.", "Jack: Sounds like you had a tableful of sharks?", "Adam: Oh, you're looking at one of them. We had this whole system worked out, me and her. I'd do, like, um... like that meant I had a full house. Or, uh... ugh. See, that meant I was holding aces. Oh, Man, poker and a few other dicey schemes pretty much paid my tuition at Harvard.", "Jack: Remind me to never play cards with you.", "Adam: Don't play cards with me.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Man: You want something to eat, Senor?", "Adam: No, I'm fine, thanks.", "Man: My wife is a very good cook.", "Jack: Yeah, tell her the food is very good.", "Man: Yeah, she knows it.", "Jack: So... what I don't get is why didn't Victor pay your tuition?", "Adam: Um... well, I didn't--I didn't even know he was my dad until my mom died.", "Jack: She probably did you a service. To Hope... a great lady.", "Adam: Wait a minute, you--you knew my mom?", "Jack: Oh, yeah, we were friends.", "Adam: Okay, I'm surprised Victor would go for that.", "Jack: Your mom could always stand up to Victor. One of the few women in his life who could. Like the time Victor wanted her to have eye surgery.", "Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, I thought her blindness was inoperable.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, it was very risky surgery, too. But Victor wanted her to be perfect, as if she wasn't good enough as she was.", "Adam: Unreal.", "Jack: I was sorry to see her leave Genoa City. But I think she had to. I think she knew that she couldn't survive a life with Victor Newman.", "Adam: Mom was too good for him.", "Jack: Here, here. I still don't get why he made the two of you suffer finically, though. God knows he could've spared a few bucks.", "Adam: No, you know, Mom, she always said she didn't need his money, didn't want his money.", "Jack: You think maybe that was her pride talking. Believe me, Victor Newman hired the best divorce attorneys that money could buy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Um, my daughter is feeling light-headed and, uh, fatigued.", "Heather: Yeah, I have-- I have no energy.", "Paul: She--she fainted last month.", "Heather: I was in the hospital for, um...", "Paul: They diagnosed her with anemia.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Woman: Okay. Dr. Sakai to emergency.", "Heather: Over there.", "Paul: Thank you.", "Woman: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: What are you reading?", "Eden: A book.", "Lauren: What's it about?", "Eden: You wouldn't be interested.", "Lauren: Try me.", "Eden: Um... in the 1600s, this dude, Fermat, came up with a theory. It's impossible to separate any power higher than the second into two like powers.", "Lauren: I'm not even gonna pretend to know what you're talking about. I had heard that your father was a genius with numbers.", "Eden: Can we go see him now?", "Lauren: I think we should wait for Michael.", "Eden: It's getting late.", "Lauren: I know, but he'll be back in time.", "Eden: What if he isn't?", "(Telephone ringing)", "Lauren: I give you my word.", "Eden: If that's Michael, tell him to hurry.", "Lauren: Okay. Hello? Oh, hi, Mr. Dentner. No, no, he's not home. Okay, yes, I will tell him right away. Thank you. Okay, things have changed. Um... they're moving your father tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Even if you didn't respect Lowell, that man is my father, you vindictive son of a bitch!", "Jeff: You wanna harbor a fugitive and risk being charged with aiding and abetting, that's your choice. I had no intention of letting a potential felony dangle over my head.", "Gloria: What felony?", "Michael: Knowingly not reporting the location of a murder suspect is a crime.", "Jeff: If I hadn't made that call, you or Kevin or my darling wife could've used that against me somewhere down the line.", "Michael: That's ridiculous!", "Jeff: Your father is nothing more than a name on your birth certificate. I did you a favor.", "Gloria: I think maybe you did it because I spent the night with River. I told you nothing happened.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, now nothing ever will.", "Michael: You destroyed a man's life.", "Jeff: Oh, please, he did that to himself years ago.", "Michael: You...", "Gloria: Stop, Michael. I don't like this any better than you do, but fighting with him isn't gonna help.", "Jeff: Listen to your mother, Mikey. She's a smart woman when it comes to matters of self-preservation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: So I have Epstein-Barr?", "Man: It's a member of the herpes virus family.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Man: Spread through saliva.", "Paul: So it's like, uh, mononucleosis, the kissing disease?", "Man: Over 95% of all adults over the age of 35 are infected. In most people it lies dormant all their lives.", "Heather: Hmm, lucky me.", "Paul: Um, so the dizziness, the fatigue--", "Man: Right. Typical symptoms. Have you had a fever or sore throat recently?", "Heather: Yeah, last week I had a sore throat.", "Paul: Oh, how do we cure it?", "Man: There is no cure. Old-fashioned remedies are the best--rest, fluids, reduce your stress levels.", "Heather: So how long should I expect the symptoms to last?", "Man: Uh, fatigue will be most pronounced for the first two to three weeks.", "Heather: Okay.", "Man: Uh, symptoms can last as long as six.", "Heather: Wait, am I gonna have to be in bed for six weeks?", "Man: No, no, no, no, just take it easy. One precaution-- E.B.V. may affect the spleen, so no heavy lifting, no contact sports.", "Heather: Well, the Packers will be disappointed.", "Paul: They can manage without you for a couple weeks.", "(Pager beeping)", "Man: Oh, uh, excuse me.", "Paul: All right, thank you, Doctor. Wow.", "Nick: Oh, excuse me. Sorry, I just brought my coat. Are you okay?", "Heather: Yeah, I'm fine. It's not big deal.", "Paul: What are you doing here?", "Nick: Oh, we just brought Dad in.", "Heather: Victor's here?", "Paul: Is he okay? Is he all right?", "Nick: Well, he, uh, he passed out from dehydration. He's better now. Whether he's all right or not is another question. Mom and Vick are here. We're gonna try and see him.", "Paul: What do you mean, try?", "Nick: You know, I'll let Mom fill you in. I hope you feel better, Heather.", "Heather: Thank you. So, I, uh... wonder if Victor's up for visitors.", "Paul: The doctor said less stress, so don't even think about it.", "Heather: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi, Daddy. How do you feel? The doctor says that you're not sleeping and that you're not eating. You're not getting enough fluids.", "Victor: Just get out, please.", "Nikki: Victor, please don't be this way.", "Victoria: Daddy, we've been so worried about you.", "Nick: Hey, Dad.", "Nikki: Victor, we just wanna help you.", "Victor: You're responsible for the death of my wife and my unborn child. Now why the hell would I want your help?", "Victoria: Daddy, it's not Mom's fault.", "Victor: She might as well have been behind the-- behind the wheel that killed Sabrina.", "Nikki: How can you say that?", "Victor: Please get out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Daddy!", "River: Hey. Hey, Pussycat.", "Man: No touching the prisoner.", "River: It's okay. It's okay. Rules. Why all the tears, huh?", "Eden: They're taking you away from me.", "River: They're shipping the shell to Michigan, that's all. Look... the most important part stays here with you. I have you with me always. You know that. And you've got me, right? Right?", "Eden: Right.", "River: What we have transcends these... these highs and lows.", "Eden: This is the lowest.", "River: Only if you let it, Pussycat. Focus on the good, the positive, huh? You get to know your brother, Lauren and Fen. Wait a minute, Fen makes you an aunt. Aunt Eden. Do you love the sound of that?", "Eden: Yeah.", "River: An isotope loses 15% of its radioactivity over a 20 year period. What's its half-life?", "Eden: I don't know.", "River: Next time you see me, I want the answer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: All right. I'm sorry Jeffrey's the one who turned your father in to the authorities.", "Michael: You sure there's not a little bit of you that's not happy he's getting what he deserves?", "Gloria: I'm not that kind of person, Michael.", "Michael: Gloria, the length of time you can hold a grudge can be measured in eons.", "Gloria: Yeah, it's true. I resented your father for turning his back on us. And after I saw him and talked to him, it was a long time ago, Michael. Your father's not a bad man. No, I don't want him to be hurt.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: Michael.", "Victor: I'm in the hospital.", "Michael: What happened?", "Victor: That isn't important. I want you to get here right away.", "Michael: That was Victor. I have to go.", "Gloria: What about River? Are you gonna see him before they take him away?", "Michael: I'm gonna put this fire out first. He's not being extradited till tomorrow. I have time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I'm taking you away from your work day.", "Paul: Don't worry about it. How are you feeling?", "Heather: I'm feeing better, actually. If you wanna go ahead and find Nikki, you can. I'm fine.", "Paul: If you promise me that you won't call the office the minute I walk outta this room.", "Heather: Mmm. Cross my heart.", "Paul: Perfect.", "Heather: Okay.", "Paul: I'll be right back.", "Heather: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I have never seen your father so despondent.", "Victoria: He's beyond depressed. He didn't even yell at us.", "Nick: It's like all the fight is gone from him.", "Victoria: You know, I always think of Dad like Superman-- strong, able to handle anything. But it's like he's broken now. What if he goes home and behaves the same way?", "Nick: Then there won't be anyone there to call 9-1-1 if he falls again.", "Victoria: Mom, I really think that we need to have him committed to a psychiatric facility.", "Nikki: Do you remember how horrible that was last time? There's gotta be other options. Psych ward is too severe.", "Victoria: Well, what do you think?", "Nick: You're right. Dad needs something, but Mom's right, too. There's no way Dad will ever agree to that.", "Victoria: I really don't see that we have any choice. Dad is a danger to himself. He's not getting any better, he's just getting worse.", "Nikki: Last time, I thought he would never forgive me. I don't know. It--it's never a good idea to make him do something he doesn't wanna do.", "Victoria: Well, you're the tie-breaker.", "Nick: Maybe... but I don't have an answer for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What the hell are you doing here?", "Heather: I wanna see you.", "Victor: You've seen me, now get out.", "Heather: I wanna talk to you about Adam. He's not the sort of man that shows his emotions, but I know he's absolutely heartbroken about what's happened between the two of you.", "Victor: I don't give a damn. Now get out.", "Heather: It wasn't enough to kick Adam out of Newman Enterprises and your life? Why did you have to blackball him from every Fortune 500 company, too?", "Victor: I said get out!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Victor spread the word that I was to be avoided at all costs. Made me sound like some cross between Kenneth Lay and Attila the Hun.", "Jack: And now you can't find a job anywhere?", "Adam: Nope.", "Jack: Believe me, no one knows better than I do what Victor is capable of when he turns on you. So many things that were important in my life Victor either destroyed or stole. He practically put my sister in a mental ward. I don't know how she survived that. He stole Jabot, Nikki. Did you ever know Nikki and I were married?", "Adam: No, Jack, I didn't.", "Jack: He destroyed that, too. He's in such anguish over this embryo that Sabrina was carrying. Didn't bother him at all that he caused Nikki to fall down the stairs when she was pregnant with my child. The baby didn't make it, born premature. Just a few more weeks, we'd have had a son.", "Adam: How does he get away with it?", "Jack: Because he can. Because he can. And if you hear nothing else I'm telling you, as a friend, you're next.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, thank you so much for coming.", "Paul: I was just down the hall. How's Victor?", "Nikki: Terrible.", "Paul: And you?", "Nikki: Terrible. I feel responsible for this whole thing.", "Paul: You're not.", "Nikki: Yeah, I am. Because of David, I am.", "Paul: You are not responsible for David's behavior. You did not put Sabrina in the car that night. It is fate. Out of everyone's hands, including Victor's.", "Nikki: He's really in trouble. I've never seen him like this. Victoria wants to have him committed, and that would be a disaster for everybody.", "Paul: You've done everything you can. Maybe it's time to back off.", "Nikki: Paul! How can I watch him destroy himself and say nothing? Do nothing?", "Paul: I'll tell you what. I'll stop by and see him. Maybe he'll talk to me.", "Nikki: Really? Thank you.", "Paul: I'm worried about you.", "Nikki: No, don't--don't be. I'm fine. I'll be fine.", "Paul: Victor is like a drowning man. Be careful. Don't get pulled down with him.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I did not ask you to come in here. Kindly leave.", "Heather: Why won't you answer me?", "Victor: You accuse me of having killed Ji Min Kim. I didn't. You prosecuted me anyway. Although, you were wrong about that. As you are wrong about my son, Adam.", "Heather: You don't know Adam as well as I know him.", "Victor: Let me tell you something about that. I was very kind, very hospitable, very helpful, very fatherly with that boy when he came into my life. What did he do? He behaved despicably when he thought that I had died. I have nothing but contempt for him, and I have nothing but contempt for you.", "Heather: Your antagonism for Adam started after you returned from Mexico. What happened in Mexico?", "Victor: Get out now. I said get out.", "Paul: Hey, come on, what are you doing here?", "Victor: Kindly get out of here before I press charges.", "Paul: It's done. Let's go.", "Heather: He's hiding something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Here you go.", "Eden: Thank you.", "Lauren: You wanna splash some water on your face?", "Eden: What about Dad?", "Lauren: He'll be here when you get back.", "River: I'm not moving from this spot.", "Lauren: Come on, Sweetie.", "Eden: (Sobbing)", "Lauren: It's time to tell her the truth.", "River: Which truth is that? The cops'? The government's?", "Lauren: River, she doesn't even know that you've been charged with murder.", "River: Why would I burden my little girl with that?", "Lauren: You know, I-- I really understand sugar-coating it when she was younger. But now? Are you kidding me? She could turn on a television, she could look on the internet. She's gonna know that you lied to her. Do you really wanna leave her with that?", "River: I never lied to Eden in my life I didn't murder anyone. I'm innocent.", "Lauren: Michael says he's never met a defendant that admitted his guilt.", "River: You have no idea how much I've given, Lauren. I've been running 40 years. I lost--I lost Gloria, my son.", "Lauren: You abandoned them.", "River: And you don't think that fact has haunted me?", "Lauren: If you are innocent, why did you run?", "River: People forget what it was like back then. It was open season on hippies. I couldn't trust the legal system. You're too young to remember Bobby Seale bound and gagged in a Chicago courtroom. I knew I couldn't get a fair trial. Believe what you want. I know what happened that day. I was there. I'm innocent.", "Gloria: I just came to say good-bye.", "River: You're missing out. Ann Arbor's beautiful this time of year.", "Gloria: Jeffrey's the one who turned you in. I'm sorry, Lowell. I would've stopped him if I'd known.", "River: I understand why he did it. I forgive him.", "Lauren: Gloria, have you heard from Michael? He's not answering his phone.", "Gloria: Some emergency with Victor.", "Lauren: Well, they are transferring River to Michigan tonight.", "Gloria: Tonight?", "Lauren: Yeah, I'm afraid he's not gonna make it on time.", "Eden: He's not coming? That figures.", "Gloria: Who's this?", "River: Gloria, this... this is Eden, my daughter.", "Gloria: You have a daughter?", "River: Glo is Michael's mother.", "Lauren: Um, Eden traveled with River in California. She's staying with us for a couple of days.", "Gloria: You came from California? She's living with you?", "River: Yes, I raised her.", "Gloria: You abandoned your son and me, but you managed to raise this one?", "River: Different time, different circumstances. I learned from my mistake with you and Michael.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: So, no sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils. Definitely no kissing-- at least the next few weeks.", "Heather: Oh, my life is over!", "Doctor: And, uh, here's some information for you to take on E.B.V. If you run a fever, call the doctor immediately.", "Heather: Okay so that's it?", "Doctor: As I said before, take it easy.", "Heather: Right. Got it. No stress.", "Doctor: Yeah.", "Heather: Ok.", "Doctor: The nurse will bring her discharge papers.", "Paul: Thanks again, Doctor.", "Heather: Are you mad at me for seeing Victor?", "Paul: I guess that I'm, um, more disturbed than angry. You know, taking on the more powerful man in Genoa City is not exactly good for your health", "Heather: Oh, come on! It's not like he didn't ready hate me. What did I have to lose?", "Paul: Oh, I don't know, your job, for one thing?", "Heather: Yeah.", "Paul: Is Adam really worth it?", "Heather: It's not just for Adam. I want to know the truth. Honestly, if you were in my shoes and you had these questions gnawing at you, wouldn't you have done the same thing? That's a yes.", "Paul: It's not a yes.", "Heather: See? It's your fault I'm like this. It's genetic.", "Paul: Okay. Look, can you promise me you'll do what the doctor says and take it easy?", "Heather: Well, if I don't, you'll drag me right back to the hospital.", "Paul: I'm sorry, but I worry about you.", "Heather: I know you do.", "Paul: You don't mind?", "Heather: You're my dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: If I learned nothing else in my brief career in publishing, it's that people love a mystery. Let's--let's look at what we have. One-- a picture of a guy that no one can seem to identify who drowned on the same boat that Victor went down in. Two-- we know Victor survived. Three-- we have this notebook fill of nonsensical ruminations from Victor.", "Adam: Four-- we got that name-- Tony Amato.", "Jack: If we can tie all those together, we got ourselves one hell of story to sell. And we could make a pretty penny doing it.", "Adam: Well, what if we can't tie it together? What then?", "Jack: If we can't, we're outta luck. I mean, we can't make this stuff up.", "Adam: Why not? Huh? Why not? Who's to say we can't write this story however we want? Call it creative license, Jack. It's not like Victor can protest. He's holed himself up in that tomb.", "Jack: Okay, so how would we do this?", "Adam: Oh, it would easy. We just gotta get somebody that can, uh, you know, copy his handwriting.", "Jack: So we would be telling Victor's story in his own words?", "Adam: Exactly.", "Jack: This is pretty dicey stuff.", "Adam: Well ... I'm no stranger to dicey. Besides, think about it, you know how lucrative this could be?", "Jack: This really could work.", "Adam: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'd like for you to examine my father. He's, um... , he's cut off all communication with his friends and family. He's stopped eating, he's stopped drinking and --- and sleeping, and he would've died if my brother hadn't found him in time.", "Doctor: You think he's a danger to himself?", "Nikki: Victor's a very proud and strong-willed man. I'm concerned that putting him in a psychiatric ward could cause more harm than good.", "Doctor: I'd like to hear your opinion.", "Nick: Both choices are equally bad. One is just as likely to kill him as the other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: Victor", "Victor: It's about time you showed up. Another five minutes, I would've walked outta here.", "Michael: Well, I wouldn't recommend that.", "Victor: You find a doctor. I wanna be discharged now.", "Michael: Victor, it might not be that easy.", "Victor: Why is that?", "Michael: You may have to be evaluated by a psychiatrist before you're allowed to leave.", "Victor: Who told you that nonsense?", "Michael: I ran into your family.", "Victor: I don't give a damn.", "Michael: They're worried about you.", "Victor: You get me out of here. I'm not gonna be evaluated by some neurotic shrink, you got that? And if you don't get me out of here, I will press charges against this hospital.", "Michael: Victor, you could be involuntarily committed if a doctor deems you to be a danger to yourself or others.", "Victor: I said, Michael Baldwin, get me out of here. I mean it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: Jack, stop lying! Where are you? Who are you with?", "Jack: Anybody here know Tony Amato?", "Adam: Whoa!", "Man: Get out!", "Victoria: Dad never made it to the psych ward.", "Nikki: We don't know where he is!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon calls Nick and tells him to call her about Victor. Sharon also tells Nick to give Victor her love. In Victor's room, Ashley mumbles to herself what had she done. A nurse takes Victor's blood pressure. Dr. Swift tells Adam that they are taking Victor back into the operating room. Ashley blames herself for Victor's condition. Nick asks Ashley what had she done. Ashley tells Nick that she had told Victor that she was leaving him. Nick calls Paul and tells him to call him or have Nikki call him. Lily tells Cane that she had found a pic of herself, Colleen and Sierra. Lily tells Cane that Colleen needs her .Billy brings Colleen's things to the hospital. Traci rubs some lotion on Colleen's arms. Jack and Dr. Novich tells Traci about the C.R.S.R. and it shows no blood flow to the brain. Jack tells Traci to remove Colleen from life support. Adam tries to get Ashley to go home but Ashley refuses. Jack tells Steve and Traci that Colleen is gone. Abby urges Colleen to wake up, but Traci tells Abby that Colleen is gone. Lily arrives at the hospital to see Colleen, but finds out that it is too late. Nikki speaks to Ashley at the hospital. Ashley goes totally ballistic and orders Nikki away from her . Ashley tells Jack that she had hit and killed Nikki. Jack tries to tell Ashley that Nikki is alive, but Ashley doesn't believe him. Nikki join J.T. and Victoria. Sharon questions Nick about Phyllis and does she know about Victor. Ashley agrees to go to the psych hospital. Jack and Ashley meet with Dr. Yang. Sharon has more contractions just as Nick starts to leave. Traci decides to take Colleen off life support. Nikki visits Victor.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Nick, Noah. What happened with Victor, and I'm in shock. I can't believe that Victor took three bullets for Jack. I-- call me, please. Uh, Noah told me that, um, Victor's out of surgery now. But things like this can be touch-and-go, and I really wish I were at the hospital with you. Please give Victor my love. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh, God, what have I done?", "Woman: B.P.'s 65 over 40 and dropping.", "Adam: Where are you taking him?", "Dr. Swift: Back to the O.R.", "Ashley: Oh, God, this is my fault.", "Nick: Why, what'd you do?", "Ashley: I told him I was leaving him.", "Victoria: How could you do that?", "Adam: She is not responsible for this.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: Mom, are-- are you still there?", "Nick: Paul, it's me. Can you, uh, can you call me or have my mom call me as soon as she can? It's urgent.", "(Cell phone closes)", "Victoria: What did Mom say earlier? Where is she? I mean, did she say that she's on her way?", "Nick: (Sighs) No, but she'd better hurry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Sighs) I found a great picture of the three of us-- of Colleen, Sierra and me.", "Cane: Yeah? Does Sierra even know what's going on?", "Lily: I haven't talked to her in years.", "(Sighs)", "[Lily remembering]", "Colleen: When I was young and Mom and I went to New York, my dad gave me this angel for good luck. And after he passed away, it was just a little reminder that he was looking over me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: Hey, hey. Hey, wh-wh-what are you doing?", "Lily: Cane, Colleen needs me.", "Cane: Sweetheart, Colleen is in a coma. She probably won't even know you're in the room.", "Lily: You don't know that. She might.", "Cane: Listen, all right? Come here. Listen. You just had chemo, all right? You can barely stand.", "Lily: Cane, she's my best friend, okay? I need to be there.", "Cane: O-okay. All right, listen. The hospital is full of germs, and your immune system is compromised, and that's the last place you need to be right now.", "Lily: Well, you know what? I will take that risk.", "Cane: Well, I won't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, uh, I hope this is the right stuff.", "Traci: Oh, Sweetie, thank you. Sweetheart, Billy's here. He brought you some things from home.", "Billy: Hey, CeeCee.", "(Lotion cap snaps)", "Traci: Mmm. (Rubs hands together) Mmm. I like your hand lotion. You're gonna have to tell me where you bought it.", "(Rubs lotion on Colleen's hand)", "Steve: Billy.", "Billy: Steve.", "Steve: I brought you something to eat.", "Traci: Oh, thank you, Darling. Maybe later.", "Billy: Hey, C. I was thinking, when you get better, we should take a trip. You keep talking about that museum in Spain-- el, uh, el Prado?", "Jack: (Snaps fingers)", "Billy: Well, wait till I show you the Guggenheim in Bilbao. It's gonna blow your mind.", "Jack: Traci?", "Traci: Mm-hmm?", "Jack: You remember Dr. Novich?", "Traci: Yes. Thank you for coming on such short notice.", "Jack: Dr. Novich and her colleague just ran another C.B.F. on Colleen.", "Traci: And? No, Jack. Don't you tell me. Don't you dare tell me there's no hope. There's always hope.", "Dr. Novich: We also ran a C.R.S.R. It differentiates minimally conscious from a vegetative state.", "Jack: There's no blood flow to the brain. It's irreversible.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Billy: Come on, guys. There's got to be something we can do here.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Steve: What about the other specialist?", "Jack: He concurs.", "Traci: (Sniffles) Well, then, we'll just get another doctor and another doctor after that if we have to.", "Jack: Traci, I've flown in two of the top specialists in the wor--", "Traci: I'm not gonna give up, Jack.", "Dr. Novich: (Sighs) Colleen may only appear to be unconscious, but it's the respirator and feeding tubes that's keeping her alive.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Billy: But wait, wait, Jack. Jack, Victoria was in a coma for months.", "Jack: That was different. She didn't lose all brain function.", "Traci: Miracles happen every day.", "Dr. Novich: I'm very sorry, Mrs. Connelly.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "(Door opens)", "Traci: (Sobs) Oh, my beautiful daughter.", "(Door closes)", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: Traci, Colleen has been unresponsive to any stimulus test.", "Traci: (Sighs heavily)", "Jack: She has no awareness. The doctor says she feels no pain.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: I know this is difficult.", "Traci: (Sobs) No.", "Jack: But the next step is removing her from life support.", "Billy: You can't be serious, Jack.", "Jack: Traci, look at me.", "Traci: (Sobbing)", "Jack: Traci...", "Traci: (Sobbing)", "Jack: You know me. You know me.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: I would not give up. I would move heaven and earth to help Colleen if I could, I can't. None of us can. This is awful, and no one should ever be asked to make the decision you have to make about your own daughter.", "Traci: (Sobs) (Sniffles) H-how can I give permission to end my daughter's life? (Sniffles) Jack, I can't do it. I can't. Never. (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles, sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I said horrible things to Victor. He tried to fight Patty, and he, you know, he saved Jack's life. That's--that means something, right? And now he's fighting for his own.", "Adam: It's not good for you or the baby to get yourself worked up.", "Ashley: Why hasn't the doctor said anything to me? I'm Victor's wife, and I have a right to know something!", "Adam: Listen, I'll find out what I can. I called Victor's driver. He's gonna pick you up and take you home so you can get some rest.", "Ashley: (Sighs) I don't know where my home is, Adam. I don't even know where I want to be anymore.", "Adam: Look, I'll call if there's any news.", "Ashley: No, I'm gonna stay here.", "Adam: Ashley, you--", "Ashley: Look, don't-- just don't push me, okay?", "Adam: Okay. I-I don't mean to. I-I'm just concerned. Look, uh... (Sighs) You're an amazing person. I don't know how you do it. I-I couldn't do what you're doing.", "Ashley: What?", "Adam: Stand by Victor's side after all that he's done to you. I mean, you tell him that you hit Nikki with the car, and he tries to make you think that you're crazy.", "Ashley: (Groaning)", "Adam: And--and yet, here you are, standing by his side when--when he won't even do the same for you.", "Ashley: (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: That's how he developed congestive heart failure and went into v-fib. The muscles in his ventricle just aren't strong enough to pump the blood.", "Nick: What's the latest?", "Ashley: Still waiting to hear.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Dr. Swift?", "Victoria: How is he?", "Dr. Swift: He's stable and being prepped for surgery. We're going to insert an intra-aortic balloon pump. Now that should help with his cardiac output.", "Nick: That'll get his blood flowing again?", "Dr. Swift: Exactly. This is an extra-long procedure, so you need to go home and get some rest.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Adam: The doctor's right. You do need to get some rest.", "Abby: Where's Dad? He wasn't in his room.", "Ashley: Honey, he's-- he's in surgery.", "Victoria: There have been some complications, but the doctors are with him.", "J.T.: Any news on Colleen?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: Uh, Jack flew in a couple of specialists, but I haven't gone to see her yet.", "Victoria: Do you want to wait in my dad's room?", "Nick: I'm gonna check my messages.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Abby: How are you doing?", "Ashley: (Sniffles) Oh, Honey, I'm--I'm okay. I'm fine.", "Adam: No, she's not. You need to tell your mother that she needs to go home and get rest.", "Ashley: Adam, I am staying here until Victor's out of surgery. End of story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Sweetheart, I don't want to stop you, but going to see Colleen right now is just too dangerous.", "Lily: You can't stop me.", "Cane: Listen, I'm doing this for your own good.", "Lily: Okay, now you sound like dad.", "Cane: Are you saying I'm being protective?", "Lily: No, you're being overprotective.", "Cane: Sweetheart, look at you, okay? You should not be behind the wheel of a car right now.", "Lily: Fine. You know, I will call a cab. Cane, if anything happens to her and I'm not there for my best friend, I would never forgive myself.", "Cane: All right, I'll drive you, all right? But I want you to wear a surgical mask to protect yourself, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: All right? We're not gonna stay that long.", "Lily: All right, I won't.", "Cane: Okay. I'll get our coats.", "Lily: Cane? Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: It's only been 48 hours since the accident. People wake up from comas all the time.", "Jack: If there's still brain activity.", "Traci: Who's to say that that won't happen?", "Jack: Three doctors concur, Traci. You can put her in long-term care facilities. Her condition is not going to improve. She's not comatose. She's in a vegetative state.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Jack: Colleen is gone.", "Steve: (Sighs) You don't have to make this decision today.", "(Sniffles)", "Jack: We had to face something like this with Dad, you know?", "Traci: It wasn't the same thing. Daddy had a \"Do not resuscitate\" order.", "Jack: And I had to convince Gloria to go along with it. Do you have any idea how painful that was for me?", "Traci: At least-- at least you knew what Daddy wanted. (Voice breaking) I don't know what Colleen wants. (Sobs) We've never had a conversation about this.", "Steve: (Sighs) Honey, you're gonna do what's right.", "Traci: (Sniffles) And what if I don't know what that is?", "Billy: You will.", "Traci: (Sobs) No. Oh, miracles happen every day!", "(Sobs)", "Jack: Three doctors don't make the same mistake, Honey.", "Traci: (Sobs) (Sniffles) How can you want me to unplug my only daughter? (Voice breaking) Jack, you can't ask me to do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I just got off the phone with P.R. they're getting inundated with calls from people wondering about Dad's condition.", "Victoria: We're gonna have to issue a press release soon.", "J.T.: Well, hopefully, you'll only have good things to say.", "Nick: I also got a message from Sharon. She heard about the shooting. She wants to know what's going on. I don't think that's something she should hear about over the phone.", "Victoria: You're not thinking of going now, are you?", "Nick: Vick, you heard Dr. Swift. The surgery's gonna take a while. And I hate to think of Sharon alone in that hospital thinking the worst. She's been doing better, but...", "Victoria: You don't want her to suffer a setback.", "Nick: You know how much she cares about Dad.", "J.T.: I hope she takes the news okay.", "Nick: So do I.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Traci, I'm only asking you to face reality.", "Traci: This is my daughter lying here. She's alive-- that's real.", "Jack: This is your daughter's body being kept alive by these machines.", "Traci: (Sobbing) How can you be so cruel?", "Jack: Sweetheart, she's-- I've gotten so close to Colleen in the last two years, I know what a special woman she is. I do.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: The person in this bed is not Colleen.", "Abby: They're operating on Dad again. What's going on?", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Billy: CeeCee's not gonna make it.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Abby: No!", "Steve: The doctors are saying that she'll never recover.", "Abby: (Sobs) What about those experts you flew in?", "Jack: They all agree with Dr. Snyder's diagnosis, Sweetheart.", "Abby: (Sobs) What if they're wrong? (Sobs) What about those stories you found on the internet about people that wake up from comas?", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: There's no brain activity. There never will be.", "Traci: Sweetie, I just have to decide whether to take Colleen off life support.", "Abby: (Sobs) No, you can't!", "(Sobbing)", "Traci: Oh, Honey. (Sniffles) Can you guys give us just a minute?", "Abby: (Sobbing) (Sobs) (Sobbing) it's not fair!", "Traci: Oh, Honey, I know.", "Abby: (Sobs)", "Traci: I know it's not fair. It's not fair at all.", "Abby: (Sobbing) They're talking about taking you off life support. (Sobs) You can't let them. (Sobbing) Please, Colleen, wake up! Please!", "Traci: Okay. Oh, it'll be okay.", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Traci: She can't--shh. She can't hear you, Sweetie.", "(Sniffles)", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Traci: I know. (Sniffles) Oh.", "Lily: Billy, hey.", "Billy: What are you doing here? I thought--isn't it dangerous for you to be here like this?", "Cane: I couldn't talk her out of it.", "Lily: I have to see Colleen. How is she doing?", "Billy: I'm sorry, Lily, but her brain stopped functioning.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: Oh, my God.", "Billy: She's on life support, and the doctors are recommending that we take her off.", "Lily: (Sighs) No, there has to be something that we can do.", "Billy: No. They can keep her body alive indefinitely, but she'll never wake up.", "Cane: Do you want me to take you home?", "Lily: No. (Swallows hard) No. I just want to rest for a minute, and then I want to see her.", "Billy: Well, I'll take you there. Come on.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Steve: (Sighs) Its unreal seeing her like this. I mean, she was so full of life. (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Sniffles) Do you know that Carnegie hall was one of the last large buildings in New York that was built completely from masonry? (Sniffles) There's no steel framework.", "(Chuckles)", "Jack: No, I didn't know that.", "Steve: (Sighs) Traci and I took Colleen there when she was 11 for a recital. She was in awe of the architecture. She just spent the whole time walking around. (Chuckles) She barely even noticed there was a concert going on. (Chuckles) I should have noticed then that she'd develop a love for art history. (Sobs) (Sobs) (Voice breaks) I love her like she's my own, Jack.", "(Sobs)", "Jack: I know that.", "Steve: (Sobs) I-I just can't let Traci see me this way, you know?", "(Sniffles)", "Jack: Believe me, Traci would understand.", "Ashley: How many times do I have to say this to you, Adam?", "Adam: Ashley, I am trying to look out for your best interests.", "Jack: Will you excuse me?", "Ashley: But I don't want you to.", "Adam: You need to just learn to--", "Jack: Uh, hey, hey. What's going on here?", "Adam: Why don't you butt out, Jack?", "Ashley: Hey, he-- he's pressuring me into going to the ranch, and I don't want to go.", "Adam: Listen, I am just worried about you, Ashley.", "Jack: You are always welcome at home. As a matter of fact, if you'd like to go there now, I'll take you.", "Adam: That is the last place that she needs to be.", "Jack: Listen, Junior--", "Ashley: Stop it! Please! I can't take any more fighting!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Excuse me. Could you get me a towel? I just got caught in a downpour.", "[Ashley remembering]", "(Tires squealing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi, Ashley.", "Ashley: Oh, my God. No.", "Nikki: Ashley, what's happened?", "Ashley: Stay away from me.", "(Sobs)", "Nikki: Please, tell me--", "Jack: Ashley!", "Nikki: Why is she so upset? What--what--what's going on?", "Jack: Where did you come from?", "Nikki: My God, is it Victor? Is he--", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no. He's still in the operating room. Excuse me. Ash? Hey, I'm sorry Adam upset you.", "Ashley: Jack, I killed her. I hit her with the car. She's dead.", "Jack: Whoa. Wait, you hit who?", "Ashley: I hit Nikki, Jack. I killed her. She's dead.", "Jack: No, Ash, that's not true. I just ran into her in the hall. She--", "Ashley: Jack! I killed her!", "(Yells)", "Jack: Ash, wait!", "Paul: Hey. Did you find the kids yet?", "Nikki: Hey. No. Let's try Victor's room.", "J.T.: Magazine?", "Victoria: Thanks. (Sighs) Actually, I read this one twice. (Drops magazine) (Sniffles) I just wish we would hear something. (Sighs) At least get an update or something.", "J.T.: Look who's here.", "Nikki: Where is he? J.T.!", "J.T.: Hi.", "Victoria: Mom!", "Nikki: Baby.", "Victoria: Mom. I'm so glad you're here. I wasn't sure if you were gonna make it in time.", "Nikki: How is your father?", "Victoria: They're operating on him right now. They're-Mom, they're putting an artificial pump in his heart.", "Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, dear God.", "J.T.: The doctors are, uh, saying Colleen's-- doesn't have any brain activity, so--so they're suggesting that Traci take her off life support.", "Paul: Wow. Boy, that's terrible.", "J.T.: Yeah. It doesn't seem fair, you know? It's... why Colleen? She--she didn't deserve any of this.", "Paul: No, I know.", "J.T.: (Sighs heavily)", "Paul: Oh, poor Traci.", "J.T.: She's having trouble accepting it, you know? I am, too. (Sighs) Anyway, uh, thanks for finding Nikki. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you.", "Paul: That seems to be my lesson with all this. Sometimes, you have to, um, put all your personal feelings aside.", "J.T.: I know what you mean.", "Nikki: He'll make it. He has to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So the surgeon said the pump will help his heart do its job.", "Sharon: Does Phyllis know?", "Nick: No, I haven't... (Sighs) Told her how serious Dad is, because if I do, she'll be on the first flight home. And what's the point of that? I mean, she can't do anything. Summer's doing well in her treatment. They should stay in Switzerland.", "Sharon: The point is, that you will need her here with you if Victor doesn't survive.", "Nick: You know, the night before all this went down, Vick and I talked to Dad about Patty Williams.", "Sharon: Did he admit responsibility for bringing her here?", "Nick: Not in so many words, but it's clear he did. His actions almost killed my daughter. And I spend one minute furious with Dad, and then the next, I'm-- I'm really worried that he could die.", "Sharon: Nick, you must know that he never intentionally meant to harm anyone.", "Nick: Except Jack.", "Sharon: Well, I don't believe he meant for Patty to shoot Jack.", "Nick: Really? Because I'm not so sure.", "Sharon: (Groans, exhales) Ow.", "(Winces)", "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What--what is it?", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Oh, it's Braxton hicks.", "(Sighs)", "Nick: Are you sure that's all it is?", "Sharon: Yeah. (Breathing heavily) I've been having them the last two days. The doctor said that everything's normal.", "(Sighs)", "Nick: Yeah, I remember you having those with Noah.", "Sharon: (Exhales deeply) Yeah, I did. Nick, why did you come here?", "Nick: To tell you about Dad. You sounded very worried on your message.", "Sharon: Yeah, but you could have called.", "Nick: Well, I guess I, uh, also wanted to get out of that hospital.", "Sharon: You can't keep doing this. I can't be the one that you rely on. You need to call Phyllis and tell her to come home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, uh, Lily's here to see Colleen.", "Lily: Hi. Is that okay?", "Traci: Of course. Come in.", "Cane: All right, um, I'm gonna wait outside, okay?", "Lily: All right. I'm sorry, I can't hug anyone.", "(Door closes)", "Traci: We understand. I'm surprised to see you're even here.", "Abby: Uh, I'll go check on my dad.", "Traci: Okay.", "Lily: (Sighs) I just couldn't stay away. I love her so much.", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I explained to you why I haven't called Phyllis.", "Sharon: If you don't tell her what's going on, then you're going to keep turning to me, and that's not fair to either of us.", "Nick: Sharon, we will always be connected. That baby you're carrying is mine.", "Sharon: Which Phyllis doesn't know about, either.", "Nick: You know why I haven't told her that. I explained that.", "Sharon: Well, you have a lot of reasons for not telling things to your wife, but how do you think she is gonna feel when she comes back here and finds out you've been keeping all of this a secret?", "Nick: Wait, I-I don't-- I don't get this. I mean, why--why the grief? You're the one who said don't tell her in the first place.", "Sharon: And let me raise the baby on my own.", "Nick: You know I would never let that happen.", "Sharon: Well, then Phyllis needs to know.", "Nick: Sharon, I've had time to think about this.", "Sharon: We've already talked about it. We're not together. You're with Phyllis. There's nothing left to say.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Breathing heavily) I killed her, Jack.", "Jack: That is not true.", "Ashley: I hit her. I hit her with the car in the rain.", "Jack: Listen to me. Nikki is fine. I spoke to her at the hospital just a little while ago.", "Ashley: No, I thought it was Sabrina, but it was Nikki, Jack. It was Nikki. I saw the blood on the car. It was her. I know it was.", "Jack: Please, listen--", "Ashley: Jack, I murdered her.", "Jack: You didn't hurt anyone. This is all—", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: This is all in your head.", "Ashley: It's not in my head! I know what I did!", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jack: Hold on.", "Ashley: I killed her.", "Jack: How did you get here?", "Adam: Victor's driver. Where's Ashley?", "Ashley: I killed Nikki. Because of me, Victor's gonna die.", "Adam: What happened to her?", "Ashley: (Whimpering)", "Jack: She saw Nikki at the hospital. She thought she saw a ghost. She freaked out.", "Adam: Are you sure she saw Nikki?", "Jack: I talked to Nikki myself. Ashley, listen to me. Ashley.", "Ashley: (Sobbing)", "Jack: Patty shot Victor. You had nothing to do with it.", "Ashley: (Sobbing) This is my fault, Jack. It's all because of me.", "Adam: Ashley, why don't-- why don't you come home? You--you can-- I'll call Dr. Taylor, and he can meet you at the ranch.", "Jack: She does not need an ob-gyn. Look at her.", "Ashley: (Whimpers)", "Adam: Ashley, hey. Why don't you come home with me? Don't you want to come home and be there when Victor gets out of the hospital?", "Jack: Adam, she needs psychiatric care.", "Adam: Listen, if you have her committed, she will hate you for it.", "Jack: This isn't the first time. We have some history here, okay? Ashley? Ashley, let me take you to the hospital, okay?", "Ashley: (Whimpers)", "Jack: Please?", "Ashley: (Breathing shakily) A mental hospital?", "Jack: A place that's safe, a place that can help you.", "Ashley: Jackie, I'm so tired. I just don't want to fight anymore. Will you take me there?", "Jack: A-all right, all right. I'll call Dr. Jameson, the--the psychiatrist that talked to you out at the ranch. I'll call her right now.", "Ashley: Okay. Tell her I killed Nikki.", "(Sniffles)", "(Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Honey, I'm so sorry that I left without any explanation.", "Victoria: Why didn't you call us?", "Nikki: I sent a packet of letters to the ranch for everybody.", "Victoria: Well, we never got them.", "Nikki: I know. Paul told me. I can't imagine what happened to them.", "Victoria: Mom, why did you break it off with Paul the night before the wedding?", "Nikki: I love him. There's no question about that. It's just-- I couldn't give up my entire heart and soul to him. It just--it just wouldn't have been fair.", "Victoria: Well, you picked a very interesting messenger to tell us about the marriage being broken off-- Dad, of all people.", "Nikki: Well, I went to see him that night.", "Victoria: Yeah, so he said.", "Nikki: What else did he say?", "Victoria: You know Dad. He kept it to himself.", "Nikki: You know, I shouldn't even be here. Ashley should be here, not me.", "[Victoria remembering]", "Victor: (Weakly) The night your mother left town, she came by to... tell me that she still loved me.", "Victoria: I've always known that.", "Victor: I went after her to tell her that I felt the same, but she was gone. I want you to tell her... that I feel the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You should stay.", "Nikki: No, this is wrong. I'm--I'm gonna go.", "Victoria: No, Mom, stay. Dad has something to tell you, something really important. I think you're gonna want to hear. Her me,", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: That looks like the charm from Colleen's key chain.", "Lily: Yeah, it's her good luck charm. Brad gave it to her when you two moved to New York.", "Traci: I didn't know that.", "Lily: Yeah. And then she said that right after he died, it was a reminder that he was always looking out for her.", "Traci: And he still is.", "Lily: And then she loaned it to me when I had a bad reaction to the chemo, and... (Sighs) I promised that I would give it back to her, and I just keep thinking, you know, what if she had had it with her when... (Sighs)", "Traci: No.", "Lily: She looks like she's sleeping.", "Traci: I know. (Sniffles) That's what makes it so hard to let her go.", "Lily: You mean taking her off life support?", "Traci: Yeah. I... (Sighs) I have to make that decision, and I-I just want to do what Colleen wants.", "Lily: You know, what's weird is that I had this dream right around the time that she was in the lake. And she just kept trying to cheer me up, you know? And she told me to live in the present.", "Traci: Oh. That sounds very much like my daughter.", "Lily: Yeah. She's so good at accepting whatever life brings her.", "Traci: Lily, what do you think Colleen would want me to do?", "Lily: I don't think that she would want to be hooked up to all of these machines.", "Traci: (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "Lily: No, I can't take that.", "Traci: Please, Lily. Please take it. Colleen isn't going to need it anymore.", "Traci: (Sighs)", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Come on. Why don't you sit here and relax? I'll fill out all the paperwork.", "Adam: I'll stay with Ashley.", "Jack: You'd have made things a lot easier if you never came here with her.", "Adam: I'm not trying to make things easier. I'm trying to do what Dad would want me to do.", "Dr. Yang: Mr. Abbott, I'm Dr. Yang. Dr. Jameson called to let us know that Mrs. Newman was arriving.", "Jack: Where is Dr. Jameson?", "Dr. Yang: Oh, she'll be by later.", "Adam: She shouldn't be here.", "Jack: It's one of the best psychiatric hospitals in the state. She'll get excellent care here.", "Adam: Victor would not approve of this.", "Jack: You don't know what you're talking about, Junior. Even \"The black knight\" knows she needs psychiatric care. Now back off. Stop undermining my sister. Ash, Honey? You need to sign right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Hi, Daddy. I didn't give Mom your message. You can do that yourself, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Jack: I've looked all around the place. This is gonna be perfect.", "Ashley: I should be in jail.", "Jack: Listen to me. You are right where you need to be right now. I'm gonna come and visit you every day.", "Ashley: (Cries)", "Dr. Yang: Let me show you to your room.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Will you come with me?", "Jack: Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course. Come on, this way.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Jack: Thank you.", "(Door closes)", "Adam: Look, Taylor, get down here now, or we are both in trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay, tell Vick I'm on my way. All right. I gotta go. Dad's out of surgery.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, how'd it go?", "Nick: J.T. didn't say. I-I want to finish up our talk about Phyllis and the baby later.", "Sharon: Well, there's nothing left to say.", "Nick: Sharon, I'm not done with this, so we'll do it another time, okay? I gotta go.", "Sharon: Ow.", "(Winces)", "Nick: Sharon?", "Sharon: (Groans)", "Nick: Are you sure you're okay?", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Yes, it's-- it's just more contractions. It's perfectly normal. It's-- it's just the doctor said that this is fine. Go. Victor needs you.", "Nick: Okay. Just take it easy, all right? Take care of yourself.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I'll call you when I know more.", "Sharon: Okay. (Exhales slowly) (Groans) Oh. (Exhales deeply) Easy, girl. You've got time. Easy, Sweetheart.", "(Exhales deeply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: I never thought that I would have to make a decision like this about my own daughter. But I have come to understand and accept that there's no possibility that Colleen will recover. (Sniffles) (Sighs) So I could... (Sniffles) Keep her on life support indefinitely and watch her body waste away, or I could turn off the machines that keep her breathing. (Sobs) Colleen was bright and sparkling and full of life, and that's how I want to remember her. I think that's how she would want all of us to remember her.", "Abby: (Sobs)", "Traci: (Sniffles) Uh, as hard a decision as this is... (Sniffles) Taking Colleen off life support is the right decision. (Sobs) (Voice breaking) She's already gone. (Sobs) She's with Brad now... watching over us all.", "(Sobbing)", "Traci: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I came as soon as I heard what happened. Maybe I shouldn't have.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Don't.", "Victor: (Weakly) Nikki...", "Nikki: Don't-- don't exert yourself.", "Victor: You're here?", "Dr. Swift: Hey. You're awake. That's good. Your father's a very strong man.", "Victoria: Then he's gonna be all right?", "Dr. Swift: Temporarily.", "Nikki: What does that mean? Um, I'm--I'm Nikki Newman. I'm Victor's good friend.", "Dr. Swift: We've inserted a pump into his heart to do the job that the left ventricle normally would. Now unfortunately, that is not a permanent solution.", "Victoria: Well, then what is?", "Dr. Swift: Heart transplant. At this point, it's our only recourse.", "Nikki: When does he have to have this transplant by?", "Dr. Swift: He needs a new heart within the next few days.", "J.T.: Mm.", "Dr. Swift: A week at the most.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: I'm calling Sharpe.", "Jana: Look, you're playing right into his hands.", "Lily: What am I gonna do without you, Colleen?", "Dr. Snyder: On her driver's license, Colleen designated herself as an organ donor.", "Nikki: We will find you a heart." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon and Tucker wake up together and discuss how Sharon is going to make the other Newman children pay for what they have done to her. Nikki tries to call Victor but gets no answer. Abby walks up and overhears that Nikki was talking to Victor. There is an explosion on the docks. Cane talks to Adam on the phone about him and Kevin finally reaching an agreement to merge \"TagNGrab\" with Jabot. Chelsea walks in and is surprised by the news. Kevin enters and says that he and Adam have not reached an agreement. Cane and Jack discuss what will happen when Victor returns to Genoa City. Adam tries to talk some sense into Kevin and threatens to just walk away if they cannot reach an agreement. Sharon thanks Tucker for his friendship and for his support since Victor's disappearance. The wounded begin to be brought into the bar where Genevieve works. Nikki tells Abby that Billy gave her the number to call Victor. Abby and Jack are surprised by the news that Billy told Nikki to call Victor. Abby leaves to go and talk to Sharon about the press conference. Jack instructs the person on the phone to buy up all the Newman stock they can get. Abby blasts Sharon over the press conference and questions her about Victor. Nikki tells Victoria and Nick that Billy gave her the number for Victor. Victoria calls Billy to check on Victor. Genevieve questions an officer about Victor.", "Kevin and Adam finally reach an agreement to merge \"TagNGrab\" with Jabot. Kevin lets it slip to Adam that Victor is in L.A. Abby pays Victoria and Nick a visit to discuss Victor. Before the press conference, Nikki informs Sharon that Victor is coming home. Sharon and the Newmans begin the press conference with them all backing Sharon as CEO. Billy comes in saying that Victor is dead. Everyone is startled by the news. Adam and Chelsea find out the news about Victor's death. Sister Celeste takes Genevieve to see Victor. Victor recognizes Genevieve. Jack goes bankrupt over the news of Victor's death.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: Victor, are you there? (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Nikki: Come on. Come on, Victor. You were just there. Pick up. (Sighs)", "Abby: Were you talking to Dad?", "Nikki: Oh, Abby, yes. Yes, we were cut off. I don't know what happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(People shouting)", "(Footsteps retreating)", "(Sirens wailing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: We should talk again about Jabot joining TagNGrab.", "Cane: Well, nothing's changed over here on, uh, Jabot's end.", "Adam: We can provide a link from TagNGrab to Jabot without reciprocity. Not a problem.", "Cane: What, for you or for Kevin?", "Adam: Kevin and I have resolved our differences. So what do you say about meeting up today?", "Cane: Let's not do it in a bar, though, okay?", "Adam: My house.", "Cane: See you there soon.", "Adam: Sounds good.", "Chelsea: Hey. Is that true? You and Kevin came to an agreement about Jabot and TagNGrab?", "Kevin: Uh, no, we didn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, they're holding a news conference.", "Jack: Who?", "Cane: The Newmans. Word is they're gonna back Sharon as the C.E.O. It'll be on TV later today.", "Jack: Well, that could make for some very interesting television.", "Cane: Yeah? You expecting some fireworks, Jack, or just hoping for them?", "Jack: No, no, quite the contrary. If Nicholas and Victoria can pull this off, they could bring some stability to Newman.", "Cane: Stock could go up, and you, uh, can cash in all that, you know, shares you bought dirt-cheap.", "Jack: No, that's when Victor gets back, and when he does, Newman stock prices are gonna go through the roof. Then I'll collect my fortune, and it may well be every bit as big as \"The Black Knight's.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Sharon remembering]", "Tucker: (Sighs) I've been debating whether to show you something. But now listening to you second-guess all that you've accomplished, I believe I have to. This is what your poor lost husband's been up to.", "Sharon: So my husband is alive and well, and he's living the good life with some stranger. He's not pining over me.", "Tucker: I know it's humiliating, and I'm sorry if it hurt you to see that. But it just proves you were right all along. I couldn't let you have doubts and surrender to Victor's kids without having all the facts.", "Sharon: Surrender? Oh, hell, no. They haven't seen anything yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Hey. Where did you go just now?", "Sharon: Um... I was thinking about the press conference.", "Tucker: Oh. Well... (Sighs) Considering what we were just doing, I'm not sure how to take that.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Well, take it as a compliment. You make me feel... empowered.", "Tucker: That's good. That was the idea.", "Sharon: I just can't wait to get in front of those cameras. I mean, the thought of Nick and Victoria being forced to publicly back me...", "Tucker: Yeah. Well, what if they don't show?", "Sharon: Oh, they will.", "Tucker: Well, I hope they do, but, eh...", "Sharon: But what?", "Tucker: Well, what if instead of supporting you, they, um, they decide to humiliate you?", "Sharon: Oh, they won't. They already tried that when they tried to have me declared incompetent. It blew up in their face, so they won't do it again.", "Tucker: Well, you're pretty confident.", "Sharon: And why not? I have you on my side. Plus, I sent them a deal memo to sign.", "Tucker: What--", "Sharon: If they renege on their agreement to endorse me, they won't have any more say on what goes on in the company. (Chuckles)", "Tucker: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Tucker: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: But that's not the reason why I'm doing it.", "Tucker: I know. You want to get the company back on track.", "Sharon: Yes. And once Nick and Victoria give me their full support, I will. The stock price will start going up. That will be good for everyone.", "Tucker: Absolutely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: A deal memo, as if our word isn't good enough. Honestly, Nick, I don't think I can go through with this.", "Nick: Sis, if we sign this, Sharon will have to hold up her end of the deal.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Like she could run Newman Enterprises without our input. She can't even sort her own mail. Honestly. (Sighs) Fine. I hope she's happy.", "Nick: Sharon is so far from happy right now.", "Victoria: Well, don't expect me to be upset about that.", "Nick: I wouldn't dream of it.", "Victoria: I just want to concentrate on doing as much damage control around here as we can until Dad gets back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Uh, can I get you guys some coffee or some--", "Kevin: No. You're still planning on going ahead with the Jabot deal even though I'm opposed to it.", "Adam: Correct.", "Kevin: Do you even know the meaning of the word \"Partners\"?", "Adam: It means you write code. You design icons. You create neat little things to click on. I do everything else.", "Kevin: (Scoffs, chuckles)", "Chelsea: Okay. Uh, Junior and I are gonna let you guys hash this out. Excuse me.", "Adam: Kevin, I have been putting up with your whining, among other things, for quite a while, but when you start upsetting my pregnant wife--", "Kevin: Hey, it was your idea to meet at your house.", "Adam: To discuss things calmly, rationally.", "Kevin: Well, I'm not giving in to your bullying.", "Adam: We might not see eye to eye on everything--", "Kevin: Or anything.", "Adam: But I believed in your and Chloe's idea. I still do. But there's a part of me that wants to walk away.", "Kevin: Oh, okay. You're just gonna walk away? Screw whatever your legal and moral obligations are to TagNGrab?", "Adam: It's either that, or you can have me assume complete control over all business decisions. It's your call.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: That's right, a deal memo. No, no, no, no. Even if they support her in front of those cameras and the stock rises a little bit, it's just gonna be a momentary blip. Look, I'm telling you, Sof, that company is not solvent with Sharon at the helm, and Wall Street knows it. The investors are gonna sell, and when they do, we move on it.", "Sharon: Tucker, have you seen my earrings?", "Tucker: Uh, I gotta go. Yeah, uh, h-hey. Well, thanks, Sofia. Bye-bye. Sofia says, uh, break a leg at the press conference.", "Sharon: Hmm. Well... oh. There are my earrings.", "Tucker: Oh.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) I think I was, um... aiming for the nightstand.", "Tucker: Mm. You must have had your attention on something else. Give me another one.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Oh. You're gonna have to repaint those pretty lips again.", "Sharon: No problem. It was worth it.", "Tucker: You really do look beautiful.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Tucker: So we ready?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. I just have to stop at my place, get changed.", "Tucker: All right. Let's hit it.", "Sharon: Okay, wait. (Sighs) I want to say something.", "Tucker: What?", "Sharon: Thank you. Thank you again for all of your support.", "Tucker: Well, you needed it. It was easy to give. So you know...", "Sharon: No. No, no, no, no. You didn't have to do anything. God knows no one else did. You've been a good friend. I haven't had one of those in a long time, it seems. Nick and Adam and Victor, they all gave up on me. And Drucilla-- I lost her.", "Tucker: That was Neil's late wife?", "Sharon: Yeah. She was like a sister to me. And when she died...", "Tucker: That must have been rough.", "Sharon: So you can see how much it means to me to have someone I can count on, someone who won't go away.", "Tucker: You've had a lot taken away from you, haven't you? I'm sorry.", "Sharon: Well, that's in the past now. It's not gonna happen again. No one's gonna take anything away from me anymore, I'm gonna see to it, starting today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) He's still not answering.", "Abby: Well, he called you, so that's good.", "Nikki: Actually, I called him.", "Abby: What? Have you been in touch with him this whole time? Where is he?", "Nikki: Uh, Honey, I don't know. I haven't talked to him since he left town. I don't know.", "Abby: Well, then how did you reach him?", "Nikki: Billy gave me the number.", "Abby: Billy? What the hell?", "Nikki: I don't know. I don't know how he got it.", "Abby: Well, I'm gonna find out.", "Nikki: Well, I want to talk to him, too, find out what else he knows.", "Abby: (Sighs) He's not answering.", "Jack: What's going on?", "Nikki: Jack.", "Jack: Nikk, are you all right?", "Nikki: I just got off the phone with Victor.", "Jack: I knew something was going on earlier. What did he say?", "Nikki: I need to talk to Nicholas and Victoria, but Abby will fill you in.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, go.", "Abby: Well, call me if you hear anything.", "Nikki: I will.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Jack: So tell me everything.", "Abby: So when Nikki dialed the number that Billy gave her, Dad answered, said Nikki's name, and they were cut off.", "Jack: I asked Billy to help Nikki not even an hour ago.", "Abby: And then--bam-- he suddenly knew how to reach him? It's weird.", "Jack: Yeah, very.", "Abby: (Sighs) I'm not sure I should be telling you all this.", "Jack: No, wait, wait. I meant what I said. I want Victor back...", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Jack: Whole and healthy and ready to run Newman.", "Abby: Mainly because the price of Newman would skyrocket...", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Abby: Make you one step closer to being as rich and powerful as \"The Mustache\"?", "Jack: Do you really think I'm that mercenary?", "Abby: Oh, please. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew where Dad was all along.", "Jack: Why would you say that?", "Abby: It looks like Billy did.", "Jack: Yeah, I guess it does.", "Abby: (Sighs) I'm gonna go see if my evil stepmommy knows anything.", "Jack: Uh, yeah, Abby, a lot of people I care about care about Victor. I want him home safely for them.", "Jack: Howard, Jack Abbott. Buy every bit of Newman stock you can get your hands on. I don't care. Leverage everything you have to.", "Jack: (Grunts) (Sighs) Tucker.", "Tucker: Hey, Jack. Saw you talking to Abby over there. Looked serious.", "Jack: Yeah, I could say the same thing about you and Sharon.", "Tucker: Well, with Victor being gone, she needs somebody to lean on.", "Jack: Yeah, Abby, too. I told her not to worry, that everything would work out just fine. (Tapping cane)", "Tucker: I told Sharon the same thing.", "Jack: (Taps cane)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You're still holding your stupid little press conference?", "Sharon: Why wouldn't I?", "Abby: I thought maybe you heard from Dad.", "Sharon: Not a peep. You know you should come join us this afternoon, make it a full show of support for me.", "Abby: Oh, I think I'll stay out of the power struggles and the nasty little fights over the Newman fortune and concentrate on, you know, actually finding Dad.", "Sharon: Because you're such a devoted daughter and all, you know, suing daddy for, what, half a billion?", "Abby: You know what? I wasn't going to come to the press conference, but I will be there.", "Sharon: Great!", "Abby: I'll be there for \"Restless Style,\" ready to cover any surprises that might happen.", "Sharon: Oh. What kind of surprises?", "Abby: You know, the surprising kind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You actually heard his voice? You spoke to him?", "Nikki: Oh, it was a very brief conversation.", "Nick: How brief?", "Nikki: He answered the phone. I said, \"Victor, is that you?\" He said my name. That was it.", "Nick: Then he hung up on you?", "Nikki: No, we got cut off. The important thing is we have made contact with him. It changes everything. Now we can cancel this stupid press conference. No. We can use it to announce his return!", "Nick: No, we're not gonna do that. It's not a good idea.", "Nikki: I spoke with your father.", "Victoria: Mom, we want to believe that your phone call with Dad means that he's coming home as much as you do.", "Nick: But until he's actually here, we have to do what is best for this company.", "Nikki: And you think that means supporting Sharon?", "Nick: Yes, I do.", "Nikki: I'm gonna call him again.", "Victoria: How did you get Dad's number, anyway?", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Billy gave it to me.", "Victoria: Billy? Well, how did he know where Dad was?", "Nikki: Honey, I don't know. He didn't say.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: All right, what the hell?", "Victoria: I'm calling him. (Sighs) Damn it. Billy, it's me. (Sighs) Mom just told me that you gave her dad's number. Please call me. I want to hear everything that you know about my father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So a new platform for selling Jabot's product in sales--no risk.", "Cane: Listen, the problem isn't with TagNGrab. We love the concept. The problem is with the dissent between you two.", "Adam: Well, Kevin has something to say on that matter.", "Kevin: We've altered the organizational structure of our business. This is Adam's call. What he says, goes.", "Kevin: But on the tech side, which is still my domain, I have an idea for a new piece of software. It will take the user back to the TagNGrab site when their transaction is complete at the Jabot site.", "Cane: Well, listen, work out the specifics, and we'll consider it, okay?", "Kevin: I will get you a prototype A.S.A.P.", "Adam: So we have a deal?", "Cane: (Sighs) We have a deal.", "Adam: I'll have the papers drawn up, sent over to Jack's office for him to sign.", "Cane: You got it.", "Adam: Well done, Kevin. You were perfect.", "Kevin: Because I did what you wanted.", "Adam: You did what had to be done.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Can you hear how much you sound like your dad right now? I mean, its vintage Victor, forcing someone to act the way you want them to. You know, why don't you stop trying to be him and go out to L.A. and look for him? (Scoffs)", "Adam: What did you just say? How would you know my father's out in L.A.?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) Billy, what's going on? I've called you three times. I need to know what you found out about Dad. Please call me. (Sighs) I love you.", "Nick: I'm sure he's fine.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Abby: Please tell me this press conference has been canceled. You heard, right? Nikki said she was coming to tell you that she spoke to Dad.", "Nick: Yes, but--", "Abby: It's gonna be fabulous. Instead of public support of Sharon, public humiliation like Hester in \"The Scarlet Letter.\" We will make her wear the letter \"B\" for \"Bitch,\" which she deserves just for giving my horses away.", "Victoria: Abby, the press conference is still on.", "Abby: Why would you be going ahead with this phony show of support when we heard from Dad?", "Victoria: One word, literally.", "Abby: Well, I'm sure he'll have a lot more when he hits town.", "Nick: \"When\" being the key word there. We have no idea what Dad's plans are.", "Abby: Well, like we ever do.", "Victoria: Look, if you're not here to join us in standing behind Sharon, then why are you here?", "Abby: I'm here as a member of the press.", "Victoria: Are you sure that you won't change you mind and back Sharon with us?", "Abby: I would rather wear flats with a miniskirt.", "Tucker: Hey, Nikki.", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Nikki: Hello.", "Sharon: Oh, Nikki. You decided to come. I'm so glad. You're gonna put on a little makeup, though, aren't you? You got some bags.", "Tucker: I'll get these guys set up.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Tucker: Hey, everyone, this way.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Sharon: You know what's even better than you and your spoiled children having to show your public support for me? Knowing how much it's killing you.", "Nikki: Nothing will compare to the moment when Victor returns and wipes that smug smile off of your Botoxed face.", "Sharon: Oh, keep dreaming, Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, it's not a dream. I spoke to Victor today. He's alive, he's well, and he's coming home. Enjoy your press conference.", "Sharon: (Sighs) If you think that he's coming home to you, think again. Check this out. Look at this picture I found here. Victor with his latest fling. Of course, um, you know, who knows what the story is now? This was taken weeks ago.", "Nikki: You have known this? You've known this all that time, and you've said nothing?!", "Davis: Sharon, Nikki, we're starting.", "Nick: If I could have your attention, please.", "Nick: My name's Nicholas Newman. I am an executive and a board member at Newman Enterprises. We're here to discuss the facts and rumors about our recent management realignment. The board has recently elected Sharon Newman to be our C.E.O. I speak for myself, my sisters, and my mother, when I say she has our full and unanimous support.", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "Victoria: Sharon's enthusiasm inspires everyone around her to do their best work, including my brother and me. Nick and I intend to do everything that we can to help Sharon run Newman Enterprises until my father returns. Any questions?", "Man: Does the former Mrs. Newman have anything to say?", "Nikki: Oh. Um, what they said. (Chuckles)", "All: (Laugh)", "Nikki: Uh, seriously, uh, I really can't add any more. I agree with everything my children said.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Nikki looks like her head's about to explode.", "Cane: A real media circus, huh?", "Jack: Yeah, it's a bad day for the Newmans. But it is one great day for Jackie boy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: If you have information about where my father is, you should tell me.", "Kevin: I told you everything I know.", "Chelsea: Hey. You're never gonna believe this. (Sighs)", "Sharon: Newman Enterprises is Victor's legacy to his children and his grandchildren, and I'm proud to be the driving force behind carrying on his dream. I think my husband would be proud, too, of all of us. Victor may not physically be here, but he is here in every member of the Newman family, and he always will be.", "(Remote clatters)", "Adam: Pathetic, all of them. A bunch of Victor Newman sycophants running around the place. I'm glad I'm done with that.", "Kevin: Yeah. Good thing you got all that out of your system, and you don't give a damn about Victor.", "Adam: Aren't you supposed to be off writing software somewhere?", "Kevin: Well, somebody's gotta make this Jabot deal work.", "Chelsea: (Sighs) Don't listen to him.", "(Door closes)", "Adam: What? He's right. I don't care about my father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Victor isn't here, but his family is working together to carry out his vision toward a profitable future. Anyone else?", "Abby: I'd like to ask the other Mrs. Newman a question. It's no secret that you and \"Mrs. Newman of five minutes\" don't get along, so why do you have her back?", "Nikki: (Chuckles) Well, um, I spoke to Victor, and I'm doing exactly what I think he would want me to be doing.", "Man: Wait, when did you speak to your husband?", "Nikki: Earlier today, and he sounded just fine.", "Man: Did he say when he'd be back?", "Nikki: I'm confident that Victor will be returning to Genoa City very soon.", "Victoria: What's going on? I've been trying to reach you. What can you tell me about Dad?", "Billy: Look, Vick, um... (Sighs)", "Victoria: What? What's wrong?", "Billy: (Whispers) I'm sorry. Victor's dead.", "Nikki: That's not true.", "Victoria: It can't be.", "Man: Can we get a statement?", "Nick: Billy, what the hell is going on?", "Nikki: Who told you this?", "Billy: I was there.", "Victoria: Where?", "Billy: He's in Los Angeles. There was an explosion at the harbor.", "Nick: What was Dad doing in L.A.?", "Billy: Um, I don't know the details.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Abby: Well, then, maybe you're wrong.", "Victoria: Yeah, you're wrong. You have to be wrong.", "Billy: Honey, I wish I was wrong. Victor's dead.", "Victoria: Stop saying that. Stop.", "Billy: Baby, it's true. I'm sorry. It's true.", "Abby: Oh, God.", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "Nick: Mom.", "Billy: Come here. I'm sorry.", "Tucker: (Whispering) Listen. Listen to me. I know you're upset. But you have to take control here. Everything that belonged to Victor is yours. You need to stake your claim right now.", "Sharon: Um, excuse me, everyone.", "Sharon: This is a very... tragic time for our family. As Victor's wife and C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises, I-I would like to assure you that the company will continue to operate as it always has. We will all carry on Victor's legacy. I will make sure of it. And if you would please give us some time to grieve in private, we would really appreciate it.", "Abby: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Anything I can do to help?", "Adam: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) Make Kevin Fisher disappear.", "Chelsea: I know a guy who knows a guy.", "Adam: He almost blew the Jabot deal--again. Then he tells me he knows where my father is.", "(Knock on door)", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Coming.", "Kevin: Have you heard?", "Adam: Heard what?", "Kevin: I was listening to the simulcast on the radio, and, uh, here, check it out.", "Man: And continuing with our coverage, it's been confirmed by the Newman family-- Victor Newman is dead.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. I-I just thought you'd want to know.", "Chelsea: Is there something I can do?", "Adam: No.", "Kevin: Look, that stuff I said about you being like Victor, I, uh... I wish I hadn't said it.", "Adam: It doesn't matter now.", "Kevin: And regarding TagNGrab, I'll take care of things and, uh, you just come back to work when you're ready.", "Adam: Sure.", "Kevin: I really am sorry.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "(Door closes)", "Chelsea: You want to-- if you want to scream or punch something, you can. Or we can be quiet-- whatever you want.", "Adam: I don't know what I want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: There has got to be something you can do.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Cane: (Sighs) All right, I understand. All right, I'll let him know.", "Cane: Your broker's making a margin call.", "Jack: Howard knows I can't cover that. I leveraged everything to buy that Newman stock.", "Cane: He suggests you sell, Jack.", "Jack: If I unload every share of Newman that I own, it will not cover what I owe.", "Cane: The stock is gonna go down. It's gonna go falling, and it's gonna fall, fall, fall.", "Jack: (Inhales deeply) Fine. Sell. Sell. I don't know how I'm gonna cover the shortfall. You know those vultures are not gonna waste any time in circling after it.", "Cane: I know. I know. When they smell blood--I know.", "Jack: Damn you, Victor. Even dead, you somehow manage to stick it to me. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Buy all the Newman stock you can get your hands on. Do it now.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sniffles)", "Tucker: What?", "Sharon: Victor's body is being shipped back from L.A. and... the coroner needs me to identify it.", "Nikki: You?!", "Sharon: I'm his wife.", "Nikki: You were nothing to him. You were a diversion, a mistake! You're probably the reason why he left.", "Sharon: If you're looking for someone to blame for Victor's death, Nikki, that would be you.", "Nikki: Oh, you--", "Nick: No, no. Come on, Mom. Mom, no, no, no.", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "Victoria: At least pretend like you cared about him.", "Tucker: With all due respect, after everything Victor did to her, you expect her to grieve for him?", "Abby: (Sighs) You are a cold bastard. I will spit on your grave and--", "Nick: Okay, Abby, come on. Come on, come on, come on.", "Abby: I just can't believe he's gone again.", "Nick: I know. I know. I know. Come on. Come on. Come on.", "Tucker: Come on, Sharon. Let's go.", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Billy: Honey, I don't know what to say.", "Victoria: Nothing. There's nothing to say. How did you know where Dad was? When did you find him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sister Celeste: Could you, just, uh, wait here for just a sec?", "Genevieve: Yeah. (Sighs)", "[Genevieve remembering]", "Victor: I don't need your help.", "Genevieve: Christian, please, don't try to do it all alone.", "Victor: Well, who is he?", "Billy: I'm the nice guy trying to help you out.", "Victor: I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you, okay?", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Billy... that was great. That was really clever.", "Billy: Yeah, well...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Whispering) Damn it, Victor, why didn't you listen?", "Sister Celeste: Okay. Okay. You can come in now.", "Genevieve: Oh, my God. (Sighs) Why didn't you tell me?", "Sister Celeste: To save him. The explosion was meant to kill him.", "Genevieve: Oh, you have got to call the police.", "Sister Celeste: I can't. I can't. I-I-I don't know the good guys from the bad anymore.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Hey.", "Victor: (Groans)", "Genevieve: You okay?", "Victor: Oh, please, please don't touch me.", "Genevieve: Oh.", "Sister Celeste: Look, he needs medical attention. I need someone I can trust to give it to him. You're his friend and a nurse.", "Victor: (Breathing heavily) You're not a nurse, are you?", "Victor: You're Genevieve.", "Sister Celeste: (Gasps)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I'm not liquid enough to make my margin call. I need cash fast.", "Victoria: Why didn't you tell me?", "Billy: I was trying to work everything out.", "Man: Mrs. Newman, there's no rush. We can wait for the rest of your family." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack goes to see Adam and tells him that he just saw Chelsea and Connor. Jack asks Adam if he and Chelsea reconciled. Adam tells him definitely not. Traci and Abby seek refuge at Jack's home. At the coffeehouse, Tyler and Noah discuss how Abby is keeping things interesting. Noah tells Tyler that he has a meeting with Victor. Nikki wakes up and finds Paul in the bed beside her. He explains what a bad night he had. Nikki gets a call from Victor to see how her fundraising is going. Nikki lies and tells him that it is going fine. Traci and Abby tell Kyle about the large rats at Abby's and they are going to stay away until they are gone. Courtney and Summer join Tyler and Noah. Courtney asks Noah how his meeting went with Victor. Noah says he hasn't had the meeting yet. Adam lets Jack know that Dylan had a complete meltdown. Adam tells Jack that Chelsea is only staying with him, so he can keep an eye on Connor. Adam reveals that he is having Chelsea tailed, so he will know where she goes. Nikki is quite optimistic over her upcoming visit with Sister Clare and maybe she will find out where her son is. Sister Clare and the priest go to visit Nikki and Paul and reveal to Nikki about Penelope. Traci argues with someone on the phone. Kyle and Summer come in and confront her about the call. Traci lets them know that she was arguing with her husband. Abby tells Traci that she arranged for a massage for them both. Abby texts Tyler to stop by. At the Athletic Club, Jack and Adam join Victor, but Jack asks if they need to be frisked first. Victor only laughs. Tyler sneaks into Jack's and sees someone lying on the table, which he mistakes for Abby. Tyler pays the man to let him give Abby a massage. Tyler begins to massage Traci's feet. Abby comes in and wants to know what Tyler is doing. Traci peeks her head out from under the sheet.", "Victor asks about Connor but Adam tells him that he doesn't need to be concerned about his son. Jack and Adam are anxious to get the meeting started when Noah joins them. Victor pulls Noah aside to talk to him and ask him how Summer is. Summer lets Courtney know that Oliver called her to come to Los Angeles to meet with the people at Forrester Creations. Courtney and Summer point out the good points about L.A. and Genoa City. Kyle steps up to the door and gets the girls' attention. Courtney explains to Kyle what is going on. Kyle encourages Summer to go to Los Angeles. Father Martin visits Nikki and Paul and lets them know that he found her son, but he died when he was 7 years old. Nikki is heartbroken and asks for some time alone when Paul gets a call from the lawyer about the adoption of her child. Victor lets Jack and Adam know that he is stepping down from Newman and they are now in charge.", "" ]
[ "[Knock on door]", "Jack: Hey! Just saw Chelsea and the baby!", "Adam: You met my son.", "Jack: No, I caught a glimpse of them as they were walking away.", "Adam: He's a good-looking kid, huh? You want to get out of here? You ready?", "Jack: Uh, well, I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be for a meeting with the mustache.", "Adam: Let's get it over with.", "Jack: Uh, does all this mean that you've made peace with your ex?", "Adam: Not on your life.", "[Door opens]", "Traci: Okay. Hurry up.", "Abby: Oh! Thank you.", "[Both sigh]", "Kyle: Whoa. What's going on? Is somebody following you?", "Traci: Oh, god, I hope not.", "Abby: Is that even possible?", "Kyle: Okay, well, who scared you? What's going on?", "Abby: We're moving in.", "Kyle: Okay. Sure. Whatever you need. Uh, what are you running from?", "Both: A rat.", "Tyler: \"S.O.S. [Chuckles] World possibly ending. Look out for the rest of the 10 plagues\"?", "Noah: Plagues?", "Tyler: Yeah. Hold up. Hold on. \"I'm being invaded in my own home\"? Oh, \"will definitely need TLC later.\"", "Noah: Are you reading some kind of satirical blog? Who talks like that?", "Tyler: It's from your aunt.", "Noah: Abby! Oh, that makes sense, then. What does she mean?", "Tyler: I don't know, man. Who knows? She's sending me some wild texts like this practically every day.", "Noah: Well, Abby can be a drama queen.", "Tyler: Maybe. But she always keeps things interesting, so...", "Noah: [Chuckles] Well, I wish my day wasn't gonna be so interesting.", "Tyler: What you got going?", "Noah: I got a meeting with my grandfather.", "Tyler: Oh! And when victor Newman calls a meeting --", "Noah: Yeah. Anything can happen.", "Nikki: [Sighs] [Grunts]", "Paul: Hi.", "Nikki: Hi. Weren't you...", "Paul: On the floor? Yeah. I was. Sorry about the move.", "Nikki: Uh, that's okay!", "Paul: Um... and -- and listen. If you happen to mention that we were in bed together to your husband or my wife, would you be so kind as to point out that I was clearly on top of the covers, and you were securely tucked in? Ow.", "Nikki: Sure. But it must've been very uncomfortable for you.", "Paul: I slept like a log. Ow!", "Nikki: Oh! Ohh! Is it bad?", "Paul: Well, I just tweaked my back a little bit when I was trying to sleep in that chair there.", "Nikki: That chai-- that chair is too small!", "Paul: Uh, yeah. And it offers, uh, very little, uh, lower lumbar support, I might add.", "Nikki: Oh, no! And the floor must've been --", "Paul: Well, that was crowded! See, there was a little bug convention or something going on. They tried to make a little home in my hair.", "[Both laugh]", "Paul: Yeah. Kind of awful.", "Nikki: Oh, god! You would never have been on the floor if you hadn't been helping me.", "Paul: I'm mostly glad to help.", "Nikki: Well, that is painfully honest.", "Paul: Well, you know, gallantry only goes so far.", "[Both laugh]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Whoa.", "Nikki: It's mine.", "Paul: Uh...oh, let me guess.", "Nikki: Good morning, victor!", "Victor: Morning, sweetheart! How's your charity trip? Have you gotten lucky?", "Traci: Okay, so, here we are, minding our own business. We're happily making preparations.", "Abby: Planning a barbecue this afternoon.", "Traci: Yes, so we're cleaning the grill.", "Abby: And that's when she heard a noise.", "Traci: Under the grill. So we took a look.", "Abby: A giant rat.", "Kyle: A giant rat!", "Abby: Mm-hmm!", "Kyle: How big? Wow!", "Abby: Yeah! And it blinked it's little, beady eyes at us.", "Traci: Ew, and just, like, scuttled between our feet.", "Abby: [Groans] And that's when she really saw it.", "Kyle: What? What did she see?", "Traci: A whole rat's nest.", "Abby: [Shivers]", "Kyle: Oh, no! Did you try to, uh --", "Abby: Try to what?!", "Traci: Run? Jump? Scream? Yes. Yes, we tried all of it.", "Abby: Yes! We threw things at it, but no. Papa rat was not gonna leave, no matter what.", "Traci: So we did. And I -- honey, I think it was a mama rat, not a papa rat.", "Abby: Well, I was not gonna wait around to find out. I will just get the autopsy report from the exterminator. I am not going back into that place until it is completely rat-free.", "Traci: Ugh, it was just so --", "Abby: Icky and gross and disgusting!", "Kyle: Oh, my god! There's a rat!", "[Both scream]", "Traci: You -- that was uncalled for.", "Abby: And mean.", "Kyle: I'm sorry. I-I'm not sorry. I couldn't resist.", "Abby: How would you feel if a giant rat was chasing you around? You'd probably freak out!", "Kyle: You're probably right. But in all honesty, I'm very happy that you guys decided to stay here, and I think that dad's gonna appreciate it, too.", "Traci: How's jack doing?", "Kyle: He's hanging in there. But with Phyllis and summer gone, the more family around, the better.", "Abby: Well, I am just happy that we have a completely pest-free place to run to.", "[Both laughing]", "Traci: Oh-h-h-h!", "Kyle: All right. Do you two refugees need me to get anything from your place?", "Traci: Oh, the rats can have it. No, I'm picturing them overrunning the whole place.", "Abby: And I just think we're just too tense to even think about that right now.", "Traci: You know, what we need is a hot shower, to breathe, de-stress a little, maybe a cup of Mrs. Martinez's herb tea.", "Kyle: Well, she's not gonna be here for a few hours, but I know where she keeps her stash.", "Abby: And I think I know what will calm our nerves! A big, strong, buff man.", "Tyler: And then this kid -- he comes out of nowhere on a skateboard, sipping a smoothie. He slams right into her!", "Noah: In the lobby!", "Tyler: Yeah! But you know what? It's Abby, though! Wherever she goes, she always manages to attract some kind of minor disaster. I mean, I can laugh about it now, but I swear she would've killed me if she saw me laughing at her while she was laying there, flat on her backside, covered in strawberry slush. [Chuckles] I don't know, man. That girl is so cute.", "Noah: Oh, my -- you're falling for her.", "Tyler: What? We're seeing each other, man.", "Noah: And...?", "Tyler: And...I like her, all right? End of story!", "Noah: Uh-huh. A-am I gonna have to start calling you uncle Tyler soon?", "Tyler: All right. Never...", "Noah: Yeah?", "Tyler: ...Ever gonna happen.", "Noah: Uh-huh. Hey.", "Tyler: Perfect timing.", "Courtney: What'd we miss?", "Noah: Take my seat. Sorry.", "Courtney: Thank you, thank you!", "Noah: Aren't you supposed to be in class?", "Summer: Do you really know Courtney's schedule?", "[All scoff]", "Noah: Not really. I was just guessing.", "Courtney: Don't let her bug you, Noah. I think it's sweet you remembered.", "Noah: And you're dodging my question.", "Courtney: My professor was sick again. I lucked out. So how'd your powwow with your granddad go?", "Noah: Oh, I'm about to find out. Hey, uh, summer, did you get a cryptic call from grandpa.", "Summer: Nope, and, uh, I don't plan on it.", "Noah: What'd you do?", "Courtney: She blew up at him.", "Tyler: Oh? You yelled at victor Newman?", "Summer: Yeah. Uh, he had yet another throwdown with jack right in front of me. And he knows how much I hate it when they fight.", "Courtney: It is kind of suffocating how he keeps doing that to you.", "Summer: Yeah, how they keep doing it.", "Noah: Well, hopefully, he'll be in a better mood when I see him.", "Courtney: Yeah. I wonder what the great and powerful victor Newman wants.", "Victor: So the connections you've made are promising?", "Nikki: Yeah! They're great! Really good!", "[Glass clatters]", "Victor: What was that?", "Nikki: Uh, nothing! Nothing. Don't worry about it.", "Victor: You sure?", "Nikki: Yeah! Actually, um, I've been really lucky...with my charity efforts so far.", "Victor: Everything all right?", "Nikki: Well, I miss you... very much. I hope to be home soon.", "Victor: Well, I-I hope the same, sweetheart.", "Nikki: In fact, I'm optimistic that my business here will be finished today.", "Victor: I'm anticipating a very interesting business day myself.", "Jack: Well, I'm glad you were able to find your son so quickly.", "Adam: Yeah, he could've taken my little boy anywhere.", "Jack: So, was Chelsea on the mark? Her husband had a bit of a meltdown?", "Adam: Was a post-traumatic stress thing. But my little boy's here now, and I'm not taking any more chances.", "Jack: So you're filing for custody?", "Adam: Uh, it's in the works. But in the meantime, I gave Chelsea an ultimatum. She and the boy are staying here with me.", "Jack: Chelsea's staying here...with you?", "Adam: I have no legal ground to stand on, and let's face it. He's a newborn. He needs his mother.", "Jack: Is the baby the only one that wants her here?", "Adam: I'm keeping an eye on my son. I want to be around him. But I'm also keeping an eye on Chelsea.", "Jack: And yet I just saw her walk away from this building!", "Adam: She can walk wherever she wants, jack. I'm having her trailed by a private detective.", "Jack: I see.", "Adam: She lied to me, okay? Plain and simple, I don't trust her. But I can't keep her locked up here, either, so... just want to make sure she doesn't cut and run. [Sighs]", "Jack: [Chuckles]", "Adam: [Chuckles]", "Jack: Well, you are officially a dad.", "Adam: Oh, yeah. You know, I stayed up pretty late last night, just -- just watching him sleep.", "Jack: How'd that make you feel?", "Adam: I felt like I had the strength of 10 men. I felt helpless at the same time.", "Jack: [Chuckles] That would be fatherhood.", "Adam: Well, I haven't had nine months to ratchet up to this. It's all kind of a crash course.", "Jack: Yeah, I know how that feels. I'm not saying our situations are the same, but there are definite similarities.", "Adam: Think I'm overdoing it?", "Jack: No. I think you ought to seize every moment for all it's worth, even if some of those moments are, uh, a little overwhelming.", "Adam: Well, I'm a father now. I have a son... and he's here. And he doesn't have to grow up without me.", "Jack: You know what? You're in new father mode. This isn't well-suited to corporate combat. Let me give victor a call and tell him we will set up this meeting when it's convenient for us.", "Adam: No, no, no, no, no. I'm looking forward to taking on my old man.", "Jack: We are in the catbird seat! He's the one that needs to be running scared!", "Adam: Well, if anything, I might even actually be more determined to hold on to Newman.", "Jack: For revenge?", "Adam: For my legacy. For my son.", "Nikki: Hey, thanks for letting me have first run at the shower.", "Paul: Oh, no problem. Gave me a chance to check up on things in Genoa city.", "Nikki: [Sighs] You mean like the entire police department, chief -- the job you deserted to help me?", "Paul: Well, it's a good thing I can delegate. So, how are you doing? You nervous?", "Nikki: I have chosen to be... optimistic.", "Paul: So, when we visit sister Clare at the church again, you will --", "Nikki: She will be much more lucid today and able to give us just enough information to lead us to my lost son. My son.", "Paul: You still getting used to the idea, huh?", "Nikki: You know, deep down, I-I always felt that it was a boy. I -- I just didn't admit it to myself because it would make it too real, too... painful.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. With any luck at all, we'll get information today that will make it a lot less painful.", "Nikki: Okay. Shall we?", "Paul: Let's do it!", "[Knock on door]", "Nikki: Oh.", "Both: Oh!", "Nikki: Uh, father martin! Sister Clare!", "Paul: Well, we weren't expecting you! Come on in!", "Father martin: [Sighs] Neither were we, but...I took sister Clare to her regular doctor's appointment this morning, and she insisted we come straight here afterwards so she could speak with you.", "Sister Clare: I had an epiphany!", "Traci: Steve, I just said I don't know when that will be! Look, I-I will call you just as soon as I can. That's all I can do. [Sighs] Yes, goodbye. Oh.", "Abby: Aunt Traci, is everything okay?", "Traci: Oh...yes, honey, I'm fine.", "Kyle: Didn't sound like it.", "Traci: [Sighs] S-sorry. Um... how much did you hear?", "Abby: We weren't trying to listen. We just sort of heard.", "Traci: I know, I know, I know. I was yelling. I'm so sorry.", "Abby: Did Steve say something that --", "Traci: No. It was -- it was both of us. We -- we both said some things.", "Abby: Well, I think you need a tension release for more than one rat in your life.", "[Both laugh]", "Traci: Honey, my husband is not a rat. I-it's just that we -- [Sighs] We've reached an impasse. I-I will take you up on that tension relief, though.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Abby: Oh! Right on time.", "Kyle: Whom, exactly, are we expecting?", "Abby: One hunk of a man...and his hands. Fritz, hi! Come on in! You...are a godsend. Aunt Traci, this is fritz, and that is my cousin, Kyle!", "Fritz: Nice to meet you.", "Traci: Thank you. So, you ordered a massage.", "Abby: For both of us. Yes! This gorgeous woman has very tense shoulders.", "Fritz: Not for long.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Fritz: Where should I set up my table?", "Abby: Right here! Let's do this! Massages for everyone.", "Traci: [Laughs]", "Kyle: I think I am gonna pass. I was just own house.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Traci: Honey, this is a brilliant idea, but I'm just gonna run upstairs and grab a quick shower.", "Abby: Okay! I'll go first.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Tyler: Uh...oh, y'all, I'm gonna take off.", "Noah: Oh, boy. What did Abby text now?", "Tyler: An invitation.", "Noah: Mm-hmm. Well, I'll walk out with you, Tyler.", "Tyler: Well, come on. We got to get a move on.", "Noah: Sorry to rush off, ladies, but I got to book it if I'm gonna be on time to meet grandfather.", "Summer: All right. Well, be careful out there. You know how he can get.", "Noah: Don't worry. I'm on it.", "Summer: Well, grandpa has a way of sneaking up on you, so...", "Noah: I'm the one that taught you that, remember? And believe me, I plan on walking into this with my eyes wide open.", "Courtney: Good luck with your meeting. And remember -- whatever the mega-mogul wants, yes is probably gonna be a really good answer.", "Noah: [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Noah...this year?", "Noah: All right, dude! I'm sorry! You always rush off when Abby texts?", "Tyler: Uh, when it's this kind of text, yeah! You better believe it!", "Noah: [Laughs]", "Summer: Why would you give Noah that kind of advice?", "Courtney: 'Cause he wants to work for your granddad? He's actually kind of psyched about it.", "Summer: Yeah, but do you have any idea how tough our grandpa can be to deal with?", "Courtney: I met him that one time. He seemed nice.", "Summer: Okay, you just don't understand how our family works. My family drives me insane.", "Courtney: Okay, so does everybody else's family, summer.", "Summer: Yeah, but I'm kind of considering something huge, and I didn't want to talk about it in front of Noah.", "Courtney: What is it?", "Summer: Something that I also don't want getting back to my grandpa.", "Jack: So, shall we all agree to be frisked for weapons before we sit down?", "Victor: I don't think that'll be necessary.", "Adam: Well, now, let's drop the act. How ugly is this gonna get? Oh. Mm.", "Tyler: Uh-huh. Oh, I haven't even begun to make you moan.", "Abby: Um, Tyler? What's going on here?", "Traci: [Sighs]", "Father martin: Sister Clare is always a little...clearer in the mornings.", "Sister Clare: And after my doctor's appointment.", "Nikki: Oh. Well, that's good to know. Is that why you stopped by?", "Paul: You remembered more about Nikki's son?", "Sister Clare: Oh, yes -- that precious boy that I helped deliver into the world! [Chuckles]", "Nikki: What about the woman who adopted him -- you know, with the kind eyes?", "Sister Clare: I remember her name now. Penelope. [Chuckles] Oh, isn't that a beautiful and, well, one would say, unforgettable name? [Laughter] Unfortunately, I-I don't remember her last name. She was a young single mother. [Sighs] Very sweet, and very loving.", "Nikki: Well, that's encouraging, and very reassuring.", "Paul: So, sister, um... what else can you tell us about her?", "Sister Clare: Penelope attended our church services regularly.", "Paul: So she lived nearby.", "Sister Clare: O-oh, yes, she -- she certainly did!", "Nikki: Well, this is a huge help, sister!", "Paul: Right. That's gonna enable us to track down more details.", "Father martin: I'll do you one better. I can find a record of this parishioner in our files.", "Nikki: You can?", "Father martin: Most assuredly, now that I have a first name to go on. If you can give me a little time --", "Nikki: Oh, father, I-I would so appreciate anything that you can do! I-I feel that we're so close to finding the information I've been searching for!", "Father martin: I'll head back and check the church records now.", "Nikki: Thank you so much, sister Clare... not just for bringing my son into the world then... but possibly bringing him into my world.", "Victor: Relax! Order a drink. This will be quite painless, okay? How's my grandson?", "Adam: You needn't concern yourself with my son.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Jack: You called us to this little meeting. Why don't, uh, we get to the point?", "Adam: Yes. Just make a few empty threats and throw out some blackmail attempts, and then we'll get on our way.", "Victor: Is that what you're anticipating, or what?", "Adam: Well, whatever it is, we have our bases covered.", "Jack: You will lose. And Adam and I will take great pleasure in making sure your downfall is as public and humiliating as possible.", "Victor: Knowing you, I'm sure that is the truth. So, you have... all the bases covered? Every angle? Wow. I may as well give up.", "Adam: I'm sure we all have places to be, so can you just get on with this?", "Victor: Of course I can. I find it remarkable that neither of you seem to be amiable in the least, I mean, considering what an enormous success you're anticipating!", "Jack: Just tell us why we're here, victor.", "Victor: Ah, there's my grandson. Hello, Noah!", "Noah: Hey, grandpa.", "Jack: Hey, Noah! How you doing?", "Noah: Jack. Adam.", "Adam: Noah. We would invite you to sit down, but we're in a little -- little bit of a business meeting here.", "Noah: I see. Uh, I'll just wait at the bar.", "Victor: No, son, wait. I want to talk to you before I finish this business meeting, okay?", "Jack: You can't forestall the inevitable, victor.", "Victor: I wholeheartedly agree, jack. But my grandson comes first, okay? So if you'll excuse me... Noah!", "Noah: What was that about?", "Victor: That was about the future of our family, son.", "Noah: It was that important? You decided to step away and talk to me?", "Victor: How's summer?", "Noah: You know that I've seen her?", "Victor: Yeah, I do. How's that going? I mean, considering...the most recent development.", "Noah: Jack's her biological father, grandpa.", "Victor: No concern to me.", "Noah: Yeah, but it is to summer. She hates that you and jack have been duking it out over her.", "Victor: I know. I know she's upset about that. I understand that.", "Noah: But if it upsets summer...", "Victor: Yeah, but, you see... in that case, she needs to turn to us -- her family. She has been part of the Newmans since she was a-a child, a baby! We love her! And we should all rally around her, don't you think?", "Noah: Absolutely. Yeah. I-I mean, I hate that she's caught in the middle of all this, but...I agree with you. I mean, it's a good thing that she has all of us Newmans loving her and being there for her.", "Victor: Exactly. Just remember one thing. It all begins and ends with family. All right?", "Summer: Okay, so, it all started with this fashion photographer, Oliver. He suggested that I come out to L.A. To meet some people.", "Courtney: Did he offer you a job?", "Summer: No, not...exactly, but he made it sound like I could get work if I wanted to.", "Courtney: Well, everything's in L.A.! I mean, you have TV and movies and Ryan gosling!", "Summer: Yeah. No, I know! That's why I just keep going back and forth, and see if I want to take him up on his offer or not.", "Courtney: You know that I'd be bummed without having you here and everything, but... kind of think you should go!", "Summer: Really?", "Courtney: I mean, yeah. Come on, summer. How long have you been talking about blowing this town and getting to escape all this craziness?", "Summer: I know. I just never really had a plan.", "Courtney: a plan, right?", "Summer: Yeah. Uh, do you think maybe you'd want to come with me? Since I'm ditching both my new family and old family, uh, it'd be nice to have somebody out there that I know!", "Courtney: Yeah, well...", "Summer: I mean, is it gonna interfere with your internship and college?", "Courtney: There's just, um... kind of something else keeping me here?", "Summer: Oh, my god. Noah?!", "Courtney: Well, it's kind of looking like a possibility we might start dating!", "Summer: Oh, my god.", "Courtney: We might be a Nourtney or a Courtoah.", "Summer: You really gave yourselves nicknames?", "[Both chuckle]", "Summer: How serious is this getting?", "Courtney: I don't know! I mean, it could be more serious if we were able to fly out to California and visit and stay with you.", "Summer: I don't know. I'm not sure... about the move, I mean.", "Courtney: Okay, then. Let's break this down. What's good about L.A.?", "Summer: Mm, let's see. Uh, jack and my grandpa wouldn't be able to use me as artillery for their new Abbott versus Newman warfare.", "Courtney: Okay. What's good about here?", "Summer: You're here, and Noah's here, and faith is here, and... Kyle's here.", "Courtney: Kyle?", "Summer: Yeah. I mean, I know that we can't be together like that, but... he's still on my side... even though it breaks my heart every time I'm around him. [Exhales]", "Tyler: Are you kidding me? I was massaging your aunt Traci's feet?!", "Abby: Well, I am just happy that I stopped you before your fingers roamed any further! [Laughs]", "Tyler: Come on. Stop it, all right? I don't want that kind of image in my head.", "Abby: How did this even happen?", "Tyler: You texted me! You told me that I should just walk right in! I thought this was some kind of hot surprise!", "Abby: Oh! Well, it was, wasn't it?", "Tyler: It's not funny, ab.", "Abby: [Laughs] I'm sorry! I told you to come right in because this house is so big that I don't hear the doorbell. And I didn't tell you to come so early! [Laughs]", "Traci: Lucky me!", "Tyler: [Sighs] Traci, I really want to apologize. I --", "Traci: Oh, honey, again?", "Tyler: Yeah, because, again, this was a crazy misunderstanding, I-I --", "Traci: I know. I know it was. And as much as I appreciate my lovely niece's ideas for de-stressing...I think I've found my own alternative. [Chuckles]", "Abby: Oh! Yoga? Meditation? Aromatherapy?", "Traci: Shopping.", "Abby: Ah.", "Traci: I am not going back to your place until it is a certified rodent-free zone, so I am going to need a few things.", "Abby: Well, good luck with the hunt.", "Traci: Mm-hmm. Oh! Um, Tyler! You really do have great hands!", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Tyler: Yeah. Go ahead. Laugh it up all you want.", "Abby: I'm sorry! I will make it up to you.", "Tyler: How?", "Abby: By giving you a sexy massage.", "Nikki: Oh, now I'm getting excited... and a little nervous! I mean, what if I meet my son in a few hours?", "Paul: Well, uh... Nikki, that -- that may not happen... anytime soon, you know. Even if we do find Penelope, your son could be anywhere, even out of the country!", "Nikki: I-I-I know. We need to proceed cautiously.", "Paul: Right.", "Nikki: But -- but he could be so close! He could still live in this town, just a short drive from here! I mean, I could lay eyes on him today!", "[Knock on door]", "Nikki: Oh! Father martin! Please, come in. What did you find out?", "Father martin: I have some news. I found your son.", "Victor: I have a proposition for you. Your aunt Victoria and I... want you to work with us.", "Noah: I didn't even realize that aunt Victoria was back at Newman.", "Victor: Well, not in an official capacity, but you know that's where she belongs. As a matter of fact, she's doing something for Newman as we speak.", "Noah: Does it have something to do with the, uh -- the vendors on the west coast jumping ship?", "Victor: Let's just say that some great things are about to happen, okay?", "Noah: I don't have a lot of business training, but it seems like vendors leaving is a bad thing.", "Victor: Well, now, that's the first lesson I'm gonna teach you. Things aren't always as they seem. Now, if you come work with us, we'll do great things together.", "Noah: I'm guessing these great things have to do with jack and Adam over there?", "Victor: For a start.", "Noah: Did you purposely schedule our meeting so I'd interrupt theirs?", "Victor: [Chuckles] You're a smart boy.", "Adam: Well, I'm done sitting around waiting.", "Jack: Wait, now. This is just victor's attempt at a power play when he has no power!", "Adam: Jack, I'm done. I'm not playing any more games.", "Jack: There are no more games to play. We have all the cards. We have all the leverage. We have a majority of the company. We're going to win. Victor is about to lose what he cares about most. You don't want to miss that, do you?", "Adam: If we have all the leverage... why is he smiling?", "Jack: [Sighs softly]", "Courtney: Summer's trying to make a big decision.", "Summer: Court!", "Kyle: What's going on?", "Courtney: She's thinking about leaving everyone that she knows and loves here and giving California a try.", "Kyle: Is this about a job?", "Courtney: That photographer, Oliver, thinks that she has potential.", "Summer: Yeah, and I might get work, but mostly...", "Kyle: You just want to get away from all the fighting.", "Summer: I don't know what to do, Kyle.", "Kyle: You want my opinion?", "Summer: Of course! Yeah -- I mean...yeah.", "Courtney: Um, I got to bounce.", "Summer: No, you don't! You're just --", "Courtney: Leaving you here with Kyle! He'll help you think! And just so you know, any decision that you make -- I'm cool with it.", "Summer: But...?", "Courtney: But I'm also saying that if the Newmans were my family, I wouldn't go move across the country to get away from them.", "Summer: Well?", "Kyle: You should go.", "Summer: That was... fast. You took like no time to think about that.", "Kyle: I don't want you gone, summer. That's the last thing that I want.", "Summer: Okay, then, why did you say that?", "Kyle: Because this is an amazing opportunity for you, and you'd crush it! You're that good!", "Summer: Do you think so?", "Kyle: Yeah, I do. And I know that you have two families here that love you, but -- [Sighs] I don't think either one of them is doing what's best for you right now.", "Summer: Yeah, well, jack would be bummed, and grandpa would --", "Kyle: And it would start a whole other Abbott-Newman war.", "Summer: Yes, and that's exactly what I don't want!", "Kyle: So take off! It'll be a fun trip.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "Kyle: And, honestly, I don't think you're ever gonna have it all if you stay here.", "Summer: Yeah. You're right. Can't have everything that I want here. Goodbye, Genoa city.", "Father martin: I'm very sorry, Mrs. Newman, but... your son died when he was 7 years old.", "Paul: Y-you -- you found the church records of the woman.", "Father martin: Penelope Wayne. She was a longtime parishioner at our lady of hope. She had an adopted son... named peter. [Sighs] That a child that young should depart the world...", "Paul: How did it happen?", "Father martin: There was an accident in the creek, and the little boy drowned.", "Nikki: Oh, no...", "Father martin: I'm so sorry for your loss. Your son is with god now.", "Nikki: [Exhales] I, uh --", "Paul: Uh, that's -- we appreciate your help, father. Thank you. And -- and thanks for coming by and, uh, delivering this news in person. I'm so sorry.", "Nikki: I had faith for so many years. Questions... possibilities. But I never expected -- this is one thing that I never considered.", "Abby: Mm. We got to get out of the living room. People are always barging in. Normally, it's me, but we could use our privacy.", "Tyler: Uh-huh. So, do you want me to carry you up the stairs?", "Abby: [Chuckles] Carry me up the stairs? I love you.", "Tyler: [Exhales]", "Nikki: [Crying] I wanted to give him a better life! That's why I gave him up! And now to hear that he barely even had a life --", "Paul: Nikki, you did nothing wrong.", "Nikki: I left him here!", "Paul: You did everything you possibly could! You gave him a loving mother! You gave him a-a close-knit community! What happened was a tragic accident, and it was not your fault, not at all!", "Nikki: He's dead. He's gone.", "Paul: I know. B-but here's something that -- that might make you feel better. Your son is in heaven now. And you know who's watching after him? The woman who put you on this journey! There is not a doubt in my mind that -- that Katherine is watching over your son right now.", "Nikki: You know... I just need -- I just need a-a little time, just -- just a little while alone before we head back to Genoa city, okay?", "Paul: Okay.", "Nikki: [Continues crying]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Paul Williams. Oh, yes, I remember! Yeah, you're the attorney that took over Scott Goodwin's adoption practice. Oh, really? I never thought you'd be able to get your hands on those old records. Uh, well, as it turns out, uh, I don't think we're gonna need them anymore. From another source, we found out that, uh -- you know what? On second thought, uh... the more information, the better. I'll tell you what. I'll come by, and I'll -- I'll -- I'll pick up those adoption files. Yes. Uh-huh. Yeah, and hopefully, it'll -- it'll give the mother... some peace.", "Jack: Okay.", "Noah: Looks like they're done twisting in the wind.", "Victor: Yep. You consider my job offer carefully, okay?", "Noah: I will.", "Victor: All right.", "Noah: Thank you, grandpa.", "Victor: Okay.", "Jack: Speak now, or we're leaving.", "Victor: Oh, I'm so sorry, jack, to have kept you waiting!", "Both: No, you're not.", "Victor: Now... I'm sure you've heard this story before, but you know I built this company, Newman enterprises, from the ground up, with my own hands! And so it has become --", "Jack: L-l-let's just stop with all the grandstanding, okay? We've heard it ad nauseam. Tell us what your next move is.", "Victor: You know, jack... impatience has always been one of your great flaws. The importance of my company is the reason for my next move.", "Adam: Which is?", "Victor: I know the two of are holding all the cards. I don't want my company to become a battlefield, now, do I?", "Adam: Dad, you and I will never go to work again.", "Victor: And we will never work again, I assure you. Nor will we work ever again. So...I've thought about this long and hard. I'm gonna step down... step away from the whole thing! Newman enterprises... is yours!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: Well, I can't help you --", "Dylan: Avery! I don't need your help.", "Neil: The reason I'm here... is to apologize. I am sorry for your loss, ann.", "Adam: He put my son in danger.", "Chelsea: Our son, Adam! He is our son!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack calls an emergency board meeting to vote on whether or not to keep Lancelot Shipping. Summer begs Kyle to vote for giving it back to Newman. Jack, Kyle, and another board member vote to give it back. Ashley, Billy, and another board member vote to keep it. The deciding vote is Tracy's and she has asked Lauren to be her proxy. Lauren apologizes to Jack. Tracy votes to keep it. Jack tells Ashley that he won't fight her on it but she should be ready. She has just reignited the feud between the Abbotts and the Newmans. Faith is sad when she visits Sharon. Sharon and Dylan try to make her understand that Sharon is going to be fine and so is Sage and so are the babies. At the coffeehouse, Dylan tries to cheer up Faith and Summer comes to the rescue. Dylan tells Faith that no matter what happens, he's there for her. Stitch tells Nick and Sage that Sage has an infection. They are relieved to learn that Sage and the baby will be fine after taking meds to fight the infection. Sharon tells her therapist that she doesn't think it's fair that some people like Nick have charmed lives while she has to struggle. Victoria overhears her parents talking about Nick eventually becoming the patriarch of the family. Nick apologizes to Victor for blaming him for Sage's health concerns. They hug. Victoria calls Nick a sell-out. He assures her that he is always on her side.", "" ]
[ "Kyle: I'll be there. You can count on me.", "Victor: I should have known you'd show up.", "Billy: Look... I wanted to be here for you. How are Sage and the baby?", "Victoria: Well, we're still waiting for word, but thank you for coming.", "Victor: Sweetheart, why are you thanking him, for heaven's sake? He isn't here because he gives a damn about Sage and the baby. He's here to gloat because jabot managed to take my shipping line away from me.", "Billy: Look, I not going to deny that I'm glad how things turned out, but let me make something clear, jabot stole nothing from you.", "Victor: Do you honestly think I would put that company up for sale? This all happened because of a computer glitch. You're probably behind it. You're thieves!", "Billy: [Chuckles] We're thieves?", "Victor: Listen to me. You're the worst. Now get the hell out of here before I throw you out.", "Victoria: Dad, leave him alone.", "Victor: What the hell has gotten into you?", "Nicholas: So, what are the results?", "Sage: Just give them to us quick.", "Stitch: It's just like I suspected. The problem with your pregnancy isn't psychosomatic.", "Sage: [Sighs] Well, then if it's not in my head, that means something's really wrong with me.", "Nicholas: How bad is it?", "Dylan: Hey.", "Sharon: Oh! Hi, I missed you guys so much. Oh. Babe, can mommy have a hug? Oh! Sweetie, I missed you! Hey, I bet you're having so much fun with Dylan. Did he take you to the park, and you fed the ducks?", "Dylan: Right after school, right?", "Sharon: Baby? What's wrong, honey? You can tell Mommy.", "Faith: Dylan told me.", "Sharon: Told you what?", "Faith: About the baby.", "Summer: Why would they call an emergency board meeting? Wait, did your dad tell you what it was about?", "Kyle: No, but he did not sound happy.", "Summer: Well, it's got to be about the company that jabot just bought. Look, the fallout is starting already.", "Kyle: You might be right.", "Summer: No, I really hope that you guys do the right thing at this meeting.", "Kyle: Like what? Agree to give the company back? That's the right thing?", "Summer: It's only fair.", "Kyle: Summer, your grandfather would have done the exact same thing if the situations were reversed.", "Summer: So that makes it right?", "Kyle: No, I didn't say that. Look, the last thing I want is for this stupid war between the Abbotts and the Newmans to get any worse than it already is. Okay, no company is worth that.", "Summer: No, but when it comes down to it, you're gonna pick loyalty to your family, even if it hurts mine.", "Kyle: [Sighs]", "Billy: No, it's okay, Vick. You don't need to defend me.", "Victoria: No, it's not fair. It's not like you were the one who pushed the button to buy Lancelot.", "Billy: No, it was a company decision.", "Victor: It was you. You're responsible for this larceny, aren't you?", "Billy: Newman enterprises put a major asset in play, and what did you expect to happen, huh? That we would just sit there, let somebody else grab the deal?", "Victor: That company was not for sale! This was all because of paragon, because of a hacker!", "Billy: And that's the world we live in now, Victor.", "Victor: And you're the hacker, aren't you? You're paragon.", "Billy: Oh, no, y-you found me out. I'm a computer wiz. Victor, I need IT. To help me open up my e-mail.", "Victor: You need a hell of a lot more than IT., All right? You hired someone to do your work, didn't you?", "Billy: Bottom line is you guys got taken to the cleaner by some computer nerd and now you're trying to blame it on us.", "Victor: You're not denying it, are you?", "Billy: You know what, Victor? I really don't -- I don't like this animosity between us. You should type up all your complaints about me, put it on paper, put it in boxes -- it's got to be over a ton -- put that on a shipping truck, and... oh, that's right. You don't have a shipping company anymore, do you?", "Victor: You think that's funny?", "Billy: Yeah, I do.", "Victor: You useless punk. Do you think you're gonna get away with this unscathed? Watch me!", "[Cell phone rings]", "Billy: Sorry. Phone call here. Hey, Jack, what's up? Uh, I mean, if it's that important, yeah, I can... okay. I'm on my way. Sorry, I...I got to go.", "Victoria: That's fine. I just wish you wouldn't antagonize my father.", "Billy: I know. I know. I shouldn't. It's just way too much fun. Seriously, though, um... call me if there's any news, all right?", "Victoria: All right. He's the father of my children, dad.", "Victor: How the hell did you reconcile with a useless, obnoxious punk like this when our company is in trouble with this?!", "Nikki: Hey. I came as soon as I got the message. Hi, darling.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nikki: How is Sage? What happened?", "Victoria: Why don't you ask dad? He was there.", "Nikki: Wait! Victoria! What was that about?", "Stitch: It's good news. There's nothing seriously wrong with you.", "Sage: Why have I been feeling this way?", "Stitch: You're suffering from something called Giardia. It's an infection of the intestines, caused by a microscopic parasite.", "Nicholas: How did she get something like that?", "Stitch: It can be transmitted by all sorts of things -- contaminated water supply, food, person-to-person contact. We'll -- we'll probably never know how you got it. The important thing is we can give you medication to clear it up. You should be fine.", "Sharon: What about the baby?", "Dylan: Well, I told faith you're doing what's best for her little brother or sister by being here.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Faith: Dylan said you needed to come here to rest.", "Sharon: That's exactly right.", "Faith: [Sighs] Why can't you rest at home? I won't make too much noise or argue with you when you tell me to go to sleep. I'll be good, mommy. I promise.", "Sharon: Sweetie, you are always good. You haven't done anything wrong. It's just that I need to be here right now at Fairview so the doctors can monitor me and make sure I'm okay.", "Dylan: And she won't be here too long.", "Sharon: No, just long enough for me to feel better and stronger.", "Dylan: And soon, we'll all be home again, getting the place ready for the arrival of your little brother or sister.", "Faith: Sister.", "Dylan: Sister? You think it's gonna be a girl, huh?", "Faith: Yep. And we're gonna name her sprinkle cupcake flower.", "Dylan: Wait, wait. I thought it was charlotte.", "Faith: Well, I changed my mind.", "Dylan: Okay, you can change your mind. I like it. Does that sound good to you, Sharon?", "Sharon: It sounds wonderful.", "Dylan: Well, speaking of the baby, I am gonna put a call in to your O.B. I want to talk to her about what's going on with you.", "Sharon: There's no need for you to call dr. Riggs. She knows I'm here. I've spoken to her a few times.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, I haven't. I just want to see if there's anything else I could be doing for you and the baby.", "Sharon: No, Dylan, you're already doing so much. You're being so loving and supportive and bringing this little cutie pie to see me.", "Faith: Did I help you and the baby?", "Sharon: You really did.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Sharon: Oh, you got a text?", "Dylan: Yeah. It's... it's nick.", "Faith: What does daddy want?", "Sharon: Is everything okay?", "Dylan: Yes. Yeah, it's fine. He -- it looks like he's gonna have a late night, and he just wanted to know if you would stay with me. Putt-putt and pizza, how does that sound?", "Faith: How about bowling and ice cream instead?", "Dylan: Oh, you are a tough negotiator. Deal.", "Faith: Pleasure doing business with you.", "Sharon: Faith, would you mind getting Mommy a cup of water from that cooler over there? I'm really thirsty.", "Faith: Okay, Mommy.", "Sharon: Thank you. What's really going on?", "Dylan: What do you mean?", "Sharon: Why does nick want you to watch faith tonight?", "Dylan: I already told you --", "Sharon: No, I mean the real reason. I know you, Dylan. You're keeping something from me. You don't need to protect me. Whatever it is, I can handle it.", "Nicholas: Dylan's gonna watch faith tonight.", "Stitch: Mac's crazy about your kid. He's crazy about all kids, really. He's gonna make a good dad.", "Nicholas: I don't doubt that.", "Stitch: I'm glad he's finally getting his shot. Nothing like being a parent... which you're gonna find out real soon.", "Sage: I'm so grateful to you.", "Stitch: Okay, I'm gonna go order that medication and get you guys going as soon as possible, all right?", "Nicholas: Thanks, stitch.", "Sage: Thank you. [Sighs]", "Nicholas: Okay.", "Sage: I can finally get a good night's sleep tonight.", "Nicholas: Can you?", "Sage: Yeah. You heard stitch.", "Nicholas: Yeah, I'm just wondering if there's more to it than that.", "Sage: What are you talking about?", "Nicholas: My dad tonight, did he say something to upset you?", "Victor: Sage obviously wasn't in her right mind. I mean, it's a good thing I got there when I did.", "Nikki: What do you mean, not in her right mind?", "Victor: She was just rambling and, you know, going on and...", "Nikki: Such as what?", "Victor: Baby, what does it matter?", "Nikki: Well, I'm curious. I want to know.", "Victor: Well, I don't know. She thought I had designs on her baby.", "Nikki: What?!", "Victor: Yeah. Ridiculous. You know, I mean, she just kept on rambling and rambling and then she was scared out of her mind. I didn't know what to do. I called 911. They finally came over, and then I rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital.", "Nikki: Well, that was nice. It sounds like you took good care of her.", "Victor: Well, that's what I thought. But our son suggested that I had designs on her baby. Is he out of his mind? All because I insisted on making sure that Chelsea couldn't take Connor to Paris. I'll be damned if I don't do everything in my power to keep my family together. I don't care what anyone thinks.", "Nikki: I know that. But, you know, I think it would be good if you started thinking about people's perceptions, because if there's one thing I learned in the program, you can never make people forget what you've done. But you can make amends for how you've hurt them.", "Billy: Why do I feel like I've been summoned to a duel?", "Ashley: Because you're not that far off, Billy. Except Jack is using votes instead of pistols at dawn to drive me out of here.", "Jack: That is patently untrue.", "Ashley: You might not be calling for my resignation, but you don't have any faith at all in my decisions-making, and you know it.", "Jack: If I didn't have faith in your decision-making, I never would have given you the job! You don't understand the repercussions of what you've done because you walked into a situation --", "Ashley: A mess of your making.", "Jack: Hey. Come on in. Nice to see you. Evan.", "Ashley: Hey, Lauren. What are you doing here?", "Lauren: Hi! Traci called me and asked act as her proxy.", "Ashley: Are you aware of what's at stake?", "Lauren: Uh, yes. She told me about the two sides that she got from you and Jack.", "Ashley: And?", "Lauren: You'll know her vote in due time. Although, she did give me latitude to change it if I heard a persuasive argument.", "Ashley: Okay, good to know.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Lauren: Of course.", "Jack: I'm gonna need your help tonight. I need you to vote my way.", "Kyle: Dad, look, I'll do what I can --", "Jack: Yeah, you have to promise . Please, trust me on this.", "Billy: Guys, can we get the ball rolling here?", "Jack: Uh, yeah. I would like to say a few words, if I may, first. Ashley and I asked you all here to discuss a recent purchase of Lancelot shipping from Newman enterprises. At first glance, it looks like a good deal. Once you dig a little deeper, you find that the company was only on the maet as a direct result of a malicious computer hack against Newman -- a hack that could as easily have been directed at us -- and may still be. Grabbing this division from Newman the way we did sets a very dangerous precedent at a time we need them as an ally.", "Ashley: Needing Newman as an ally? There's so much wrong with that statement, I don't even know where to begin. But could I please be clear with all of you, despite what m brother says, this is not just a vote on a single business decision. This is a referendum on the direction of this company... and who will be heading it into the future.", "Sage: It wasn't like that at all. I completely overreacted to your father. I'm so embarrassed. Nick, he was just trying to help me.", "Nicholas: Why do I find that hard to believe?", "Sage: It's true. If Victor hadn't shown up, God knows what would have happened to me and the baby.", "Victor: As the head of our family, it's up to me to make tough decisions. And I think eventually, Nicholas is beginning to realize that.", "Nikki: Well, he hasn't exactly done that yet.", "Victor: Yeah, but he's becoming a father again. I think he's beginning to understand what it takes to keep a family together. The first step was that he rejoin Newman enterprises -- that's good.", "Nikki: And what's the second step?", "Victor: What's the second step? That he'll be the future patriarch of the family, and he will have to make the tough decisions.", "Dylan: Nick is gonna have a late night because Sage is back in the hospital.", "Sharon: Oh, no. Is it the baby? Did she lose the baby?", "Dylan: No! No, the baby's fine. Sage is fine. It's nothing major. She'll probably be out by tomorrow.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, I'm sure she and nick are relieved.", "Faith: The baby's gonna be okay? Really?", "Dylan: Yeah, you know, think of it as, like, a hiccup. You know, they come out of nowhere, and they disappear just as quickly.", "Faith: Sometimes, hiccups last a long time.", "Dylan: Uh, yeah, but that's not the case this time. Is it, Sharon? Nick and Sage are gonna have a happy, healthy baby. Just like we are.", "Ashley: We're all aware of the many great things that Jack Abbott has done for jabot, the many, many years of exceptional leadership. Unfortunately, that leadership has deteriorated of late.", "Kyle: Uh, really? Because I don't think that that's --", "Ashley: The fact remains that Jack has made some bad decisions. You want me to be C.E.O., Then you go behind my back and you hire Gabe Bingham to be the point person to handle the paragon threat.", "Lauren: Is Gabe such a bad choice?", "Ashley: Well, considering all the many lies he's told since he came on the scene, yes.", "Billy: Like claiming he was jack's son.", "Ashley: Right, and Jack didn't refute that immediately. It's obvious to me now that even though Jack made me C.E.O., He thought I was just gonna go along with whatever he decided. And like I said before... he's made some bad decisions. Like how about that disastrous merger with Newman -- a merger that was based on secret meetings that Jack and Victor held that led me to have to doubt the loyalty that my brother had for our company.", "Kyle: Are you kidding me?! No one has been more loyal to this company than my dad!", "Jack: It's all right. I've had my say. Let's let Ashley have hers.", "Ashley: Thank you. And now Jack wants to undo a transaction simply because Newman took a hit and jabot benefited. But I don't understand. Since when have shrewd business tactics equaled unsportsmanlike behavior, Jack? You made the choice to step down, and you made me CEO to make decisions for this company. And I'm asking each and every one of you to please give me that opportunity.", "Jack: A \"yes\" vote is a vote to return Lancelot shipping to Newman enterprises. A vote \"no\"... is to retain that company. Obviously, my vote is \"yes.\" Evan?", "Evan: No.", "Jack: Sylvia?", "Sylvia: Yes.", "Kyle: Yes.", "Billy: Jack, it was the right deal to make. I'm voting \"no.\"", "Ashley: I'm voting \"no.\" That makes it three to three.", "Jack: So, it comes down to Traci. Lauren? What's it gonna be, yes or no?", "Lauren: I'm sorry, Jack. Traci votes \"no.\"", "Dylan: Are you sure that you don't want to go bowling? 'Cause we can turn around, go back.", "Faith: I don't feel like it anymore.", "Dylan: Okay, well, we don't have ice cream here, but we do -- we do have your favorite cookies.", "Faith: No, thanks.", "Summer: Hey, guys. Hey.", "Dylan: Hey.", "Summer: Hey! What's this I hear? You're turning down cookies?", "Dylan: Uh, maybe I can go round up a couple.", "Summer: Okay. Hey, kiddo? What's going on? You got tummy ache?", "Faith: It's not me. It's mommy. She's sick again. Dylan and I just went to see her at the resting hospital. And Sage is sick again, too.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I know. Daddy told me. But Sage and your mommy are gonna be feeling better in no time, and so are the babies. It's okay.", "Faith: I know. That's what Dylan said, too. Only...", "Summer: It's hard when someone that you care about is sick or hurt, huh? But, you know, I felt the exact same way when my mom got in her accident. And for the longest time, I let it get me down... until I realized that my mom wouldn't want me to be sad. She'd want me to do all the things that make me happy. That way, I could tell her about them when she got better.", "Faith: Things like eating chocolate-chip cookies?", "Summer: Yes, things like eating chocolate-chip cookies and sharing them with your big sister -- who thinks that you are so brave and so strong that I'm thinking I have to hand over the title of Supergirl to you. Come here.", "Faith: I love you.", "Summer: Faith, I love you.", "Dr. Allen: So, how was your visit with faith?", "Sharon: Oh, it was good. Yeah, it was nice. Um...I take that back. It... it wasn't so good for faith. She was scared. She was worried about her mommy.", "Dr. Allen: Did you discuss it with her?", "Sharon: Yes, I tried to reassure her, but, you know, she's got to wonder why these things are always happening to me. You know, why trouble always seems to follow certain people around, and then others live these charmed lives -- like faith's father, nick.", "Dr. Allen: Any reason in particular you brought him up?", "Sharon: Yeah, something happened today. Sage had another scare with her baby, but she's okay. It turns out it was just an infection. There's that charmed hand again.", "Dr. Allen: How does that make you feel?", "Sharon: It's good news. It's great.", "Dr. Allen: That's not what I asked.", "Sharon: I'm... I'm happy for him. Nick's got to feel a lot of relief.", "Dr. Allen: You still haven't answered my question.", "Sharon: It's not fair. Okay?! It's not fair that good things happen to other people and never for me!", "Sage: I got myself so worked up about all those stories about your dad, and I just couldn't see the situation clearly.", "Nicholas: Well, those stories are true. My dad is a very powerful man, and he likes things his way.", "Sage: Yes, but I took that and distorted it. I thought of him as some kind of monster. God, I was so bad, nick. I was literally asking him to leave me alone as I was lying on the floor. But he helped me. You know, he called the ambulance. He tried to calm me down. He was very gentle with me. Very kind.", "Nicholas: Well, it's been a while since I've seen that side of him. I was beginning to wonder if it even existed anymore.", "Sage: [Sighs]", "Nicholas: You know what? You're tired. I'm gonna let you and junior get some rest, okay?", "Nikki: I know you have high hopes for Nicholas, now that he's working with you again, but don't count on him following your footsteps -- not yet.", "Nicholas: Hey, mom. Thanks for coming.", "Nikki: Darling, of course. How is Sage? Stitch was called away before we could talk to him.", "Nicholas: I guess she has a minor infection. It'll clear up in a couple weeks. It's no threat to Sage or the baby.", "Nikki: Thank God.", "Victor: Well, that's nice to hear.", "Nikki: Well, can we just peek in, say hi?", "Nicholas: You know, she just started to nod off, so...", "Victor: All right, then you and I should be on our way. You give her our best, okay?", "Nicholas: I will. Dad, uh, wait. I owe you an apology.", "Faith: Can I have some more milk, please?", "Dylan: Sure. Sure you can. Go on and ask Rachel.", "Faith: Okay.", "Dylan: [Sighs] You're -- you're great with her. Thanks for making her feel better. I wasn't having any luck at all. Zero.", "Summer: I think it's just a girl thing. You know, sometimes, you need your big sister to give you some TLC.", "Dylan: Well, whatever you did, it worked. And I could really use your help while Sharon's away and faith is staying here.", "Summer: Yeah, of course. I'd love to.", "Dylan: I'll go check on her.", "Summer: Well, that didn't take long.", "Kyle: Yeah, we decided to keep the bloodshed to a minimum.", "Summer: And? The result? Did you end up toeing the Abbott line -- screwing over my family?", "Kyle: Actually, it turns out dad made my choice easy. He voted to overturn the sale.", "Summer: Are you serious?! Oh, my God, Kyle! That's amazing!", "Kyle: It would be amazing, summer, if the majority had agreed with him.", "Summer: Wait, so... so you lost the vote?", "Kyle: Billy and Traci sided with Ashley, so yeah.", "Summer: Damn it! Do they not understand what this means?", "Kyle: I mean, they're only looking at the short-term gains, not the long-term repercussions.", "Summer: Gosh. Yeah, well, I... I appreciate that you tried to do the right thing.", "Kyle: Yeah. I tell you what, though... it felt good standing by my dad. I mean, I was watching him when he made his speech, thinking how awesome he was, you know? Like, this -- this is the guy that I always looked up to, wanted to be like. Not that, uh...not the one who handed me the keys to his Ferrari. I'm glad that phase is over.", "Summer: I think you should tell him that.", "Billy: I did what I thought was best for the company, Jack. It wasn't personal. And it certainly wasn't a reflection on how I feel about you as a CEO.", "Jack: If this blows up in your face, don't say I didn't warn you.", "Ashley: I'm confident it's gonna take us to the next level.", "Jack: Just what that next level is is what concerns me.", "Billy: Look, Jack, I don't want to rush you out of here, but I've got some things I'd like to run by Ashley.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have at it.", "Ashley: Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone with Jack.", "Billy: Sure. I'll be in my office.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: If you're gonna try to convince me to sanction this...", "Ashley: No. I know that's not possible. So, where do things stand with us?", "Jack: With us? Do I think you made a mistake? Yes. Am I gonna let that come between us as brother and sister? Not if you don't.", "Ashley: So, what's your next move?", "Jack: There is no next move. I made my case before the board. They rejected it. I have to live with that. You also have to live with that. You didn't just acquire a valuable new division. You re-ignited a war with Victor.", "Nicholas: I said some pretty harsh things. It was unfair. I didn't have all the facts. I never should have blamed you for what happened to Sage. I should be thanking you for getting Sage and...and the baby the help they needed. And I'm -- I'm sorry.", "Victor: All right. Don't ever apologize for defending your family -- especially not to me. I know what it takes to protect those you love.", "Nicholas: I appreciate it.", "Victor: I'll see you at the office.", "Nicholas: As long as Sage doesn't need me, I'll be there.", "Victor: Okay, my boy.", "Nikki: Take care, son.", "Nicholas: [Sighs] Hey, Vick, I didn't know you were still here.", "Victoria: Poor nick. Poor put-upon nick. That's all I've heard from you over the years -- how dad's been strangling you and how you didn't want to be his puppet. [Sighs] You know, it's funny -- for somebody who says they don't want anything to do with the family business, you sure have set yourself nicely up to have it all.", "Dylan: So, that dunking contest must have been fun. Huh? You and summer do that all the time? Yeah, well, you'd better get used to it, because she's gonna be spending a lot of time with us while your dad takes care of Sage. Hey. Do you want to tell me what's wrong? Sometimes when you say things out loud, it doesn't seem as big and scary anymore.", "Faith: What's gonna happen to me...if Mommy doesn't get better? Or if... [Sniffles] ...Something happens to daddy?", "Dylan: Come here. Hey, look at me. First of all, nothing's gonna happen to your dad, okay? You got that? And your mom is getting stronger every day. And no matter what, I'm gonna be right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you. Okay, it's okay. It's okay. It's all right.", "Dr. Allen: Sharon, you're in a good relationship with a man you love, your children are healthy, and you have another one on the way. What don't you think is fair?", "Sharon: That nick, you know, he gets the majority of time with faith. And no matter how hard I try, I'm always seen as something less than as a parent.", "Victoria: I heard the whole thing, nick.", "Nicholas: What whole thing? What are you talking about?", "Victoria: Dad! All of the glowing compliments that he was giving you -- what a great family man you are and how proud he is of you. He practically anointed you the next head of the Newmans!", "Nicholas: That's what you took from that?", "Victoria: Yes, didn't you?!", "Nicholas: I was apologizing to him for accusing him of triggering Sage's episode. He was very grateful.", "Victoria: Yeah, he was very grateful. What did you have to do, get down on your knees and kiss his ring?", "Nicholas: I cannot believe you're talking about this!", "Victoria: I can't believe that you sold out like this and that dad has welcomed you back with open arms. All you have done over the years is criticize dad and how he's run his business. And now suddenly you're back at Newman, and everything's forgiven, everything's great. Add to that you have the new heir, and now, suddenly, you're the golden child.", "Nicholas: I have zero interest in being the golden child or running the company or the family!", "Victoria: Well, that's what is so upsetting. Because I am interested in that! I have worked so hard. I have put in so many hours. I have stood behind dad no matter what he has done. I've stood behind him, and what do I have to show for it? I have nothing. Nothing. The COO job becomes open, and who does he give it to? He gives it to Abby, who's been an executive for all of two minutes. It's like he doesn't trust me or my judgment.", "Nicholas: You have to know why that is. It's because of Billy. The longer you're with him, the more he's gonna question you.", "Victoria: Leaving it wide open for you.", "Nicholas: What do you want me to do?! You want me to quit? I will do anything for you. Say the word, and I will quit.", "Victoria: No. No, that's not what I want. I'm sorry. That's not what I want. I just want you to know what dad is capable of, and I don't want you to play into this game. And, I mean, we've been on the same team for so many years. I want that to continue. I want to know that we're in this together.", "Nicholas: Vick, as far as I'm concerned, we are.", "Victoria: Okay, good. That's good.", "Nicholas: Okay.", "[Knock on door]", "Billy: Hey. So, how did it go with Jack? Did...did you guys get into it?", "Ashley: No. Believe it or not, Jack said he's not gonna fight me on this.", "Billy: Wow, he's really serious about letting you run the ship.", "Ashley: Come what may.", "Billy: Are you doubting yourself?", "Ashley: It's just something that Jack said to me, Billy. About this decision re-igniting a war with Victor.", "Billy: Ha. Well, he's probably right about that. I ran into lurch at the hospital, and he wasn't exactly all smiles about the Lancelot move. So if you thought he was out for blood before...", "Ashley: Victor doesn't scare me. Fear never got anybody anywhere.", "Victor: Just the man I was looking for.", "Nikki: Okay, Victor. Hey, Jack, how are you?", "Jack: Nikki?", "Victor: So you're behind the paragon project, aren't you? It was you all along. That's how you got ahold of my shipping line, didn't you? What else are you trying to take from me?", "Jack: For your information, I just went up against my family, called an emergency meeting of the board in the hopes of getting your company back for you so that we could all figure out who's really behind this threat.", "Nikki: Well, now, did you hear that?", "Victor: I don't believe a word you say, Jack. But mark my word, there will be consequences. Serious consequences.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Just give me a divorce.", "Cane: I will. On one condition.", "Neil: I don't want to lead when I'm busy, and I got a lot of stuff that I have to do.", "Lily: Well, maybe you should tell us what's keeping you so busy.", "Dylan: I need actual evidence, and I could really use your help to get it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jill arrives to visit Lily and Lily admits to her that she is worried about Cane and the kids because Mattie is spending her senoir year trying to prove that Lily should get an early release. Mattie gets arrested outside the gates of the prison where Lily is being held because she chained herself to the gate demanding Lily's release. Cane talks to Christine and she doesn't press charges and gives Mattie a strong warning. Lily tells her daughter she appreciates her efforts but she has to let this go and enjoy her senior year becaude they will be together soon. Victor and Jack have drinks together and agree that they don't want to be related to each other. Jack, Victor, Niki and Matt are all nervously awaiting the test results and Nate finally arrives to tell them the news. Traci gets all of Billy's loved ones together for an intervention and Phyllis persudes Billy to stay and listen to everyone but in the end Billy refuses to go to rehab because he thinks Ashley and Kyle planned this to get him out of the CEO chair. Billy tells everyone to leave him alone and storms out of the Abbott house.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Mattie: I want to be a walking reminder protesting the injustice of mom being locked up over an accident.", "Victor: Dr. Hastings is going to take samples from both of our cheeks and submit those samples for a dna test. I only agreed to do this to prove once and for all that you and I are not related at all.", "Phyllis: Vegas did not feel the same way as it did for you. That tournament -- it made you want it more. This is starting to feel pretty dangerous.", "Traci: I believe that we should stage an intervention right away and we should help billy quit gambling.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Billy: Hey.", "Phyllis: Uh-oh! Judging from that face, the stress levels are off the charts. Lucky for you, relief is right at hand, sir.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Yeah. My gosh, you're so tight.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Sports scores? That's why your day is sucking.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: Nothing to do with jabot.", "Billy: It's a temporary pocket of bad luck. I'll recoup everything tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Yeah? How much did this bad luck cost you?", "Billy: I don't have to worry about it, 'cause as long as i have you, I'm always winning.", "Lily: Hi. How did you end up here?", "Jill: How did you end up -- oh, lord. Can I hug you, or are they gonna come rushing in with cattle prods?", "Lily: No, a hug's fine.", "Jill: Ohh.", "Lily: Hi. Sit, please. I was so surprised when the guard told me I had an unscheduled visitor.", "Jill: Yeah. I came straight here from the airport. [ Sighs ] How are you managing in here?", "Lily: It's grueling. You know, you just wait for every day, every hour, every minute to end. So, I've just -- I've been keeping a low profile and thinking about how glad I'll be when I'm home.", "Jill: Ohh. I am so relieved to hear that. I came here hoping to find you alive with no broken bones, but... honey, you sound better than i even thought possible.", "Lily: Thanks. No, I'm more worried about our family. You know, cane and the kids -- they come in here and they put on a good face, but I know they're downplaying how hard this is hitting them.", "Cane: Where's mattie?", "Charlie: I was hoping she was with you. She was supposed to meet me here after school.", "Cane: How could she be late when she knows your mom's expecting us?", "Charlie: I don't know. I tried texting her. She's not responding.", "Cane: Oh, she's not picking up the phone, either.", "Ashley: Oh. Hey.", "Kyle: Did you speak with aunt traci?", "Ashley: About...?", "Kyle: Becoming interim C.E.O. Of jabot once we dethrone billy.", "Ashley: Of course I brought it up when we talked. Things took an unexpected turn.", "Kyle: What did? Are you having her remove the blood abbott clause?", "Ashley: We're gonna go in a different direction now.", "Matt: How 'bout some company?", "Nikki: Matt. Hey. Mmm! So good to see you.", "Matt: You're more beautiful than ever.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm, and you're still as charming as ever. Will you join me?", "Matt: So, I guess you've heard why I'm here.", "Nikki: Yeah. Victor told me everything.", "Matt: If I'd known then what I know now, I would have reached out to victor as soon as I saw alfred's picture on tv.", "Nikki: Well, you know, how often does he have the possibility of a potential new brother, let alone jack abbott?", "Matt: Not very, thank god, for victor's sake. How's he doing, by the way?", "Nikki: He has no desire to even discuss what a potential life-changer this could be.", "Matt: That's pretty much what I expected.", "Nikki: Yeah. Well, I went to the office this morning, and then I came by later to see him -- gone with no word on where.", "Matt: You haven't called him yet?", "Nikki: No. Whatever he's up to, I'm leaving him to it. It's obvious he wants to have some time alone, and, over the years, I have learned that it's best I give him some distance.", "Jack: I see we had the same impulse. Scotch, neat, and whatever the gentleman's drinking.", "Victor: Not necessary. Thank you.", "Jack: It's happy hour.", "Victor: What's happy about this? It's 4:00. We still don't have dna results.", "Jack: Yeah, well, that's when these drinks come in handy. Thank you. As much as I want to know who my biological father is, here's hoping the lab responds with a resounding negative.", "Victor: Now, that I will drink to. Cheers, jacko, boy. Additional sponsorship", "Matt: Even at my age, life's full of surprises. It's best to roll with them when you can, so if jack turns out to be half-brother to victor and me, I'm all for it.", "Nikki: Well, if it is true, it's not like you can change it.", "Matt: And whether that turns in to something negative or positive, that's up to us.", "Nikki: Well, for victor, the possibility that he could be related to jack abbott, his archnemesis, through the father that he's hated his entire life...", "Matt: Is very difficult to spin into something good, yes.", "Nikki: Jack adored john abbott. When he found out he had a different father, it -- it was crushing for him.", "Matt: It's logical that he tried to make sense of his life by looking for the truth. But if this is the answer --", "Nikki: What, that he shares blood with victor, of all people? I don't know. I-I think jack is gonna regret embarking on this whole thing. And, of course, I will mediate any hostilities, as I always do. But I don't think I'm gonna be met with success.", "Matt: Oh, my god. You're dreading these results even more than jack and victor.", "Nikki: If you had been through what I have experienced with those two... you would be preparing for disaster.", "Jack: Since this little genetic twist we are now facing seems to have come straight from hell, a little devil's advocate work seems appropriate, so... what if it's true? What if we are related, beyond scientific doubt?", "Victor: I think we're dealing with astronomically thin odds.", "Jack: That wasn't the question.", "Victor: [ Inhales deeply ] [ Exhales sharply ] Let me put it this way. I've often thought that the universe sometimes has a rather dark and perverse sense of humor. But this joke would be in utterly bad taste.", "Lily: Cane has been unwavering and nothing but strong and positive, encouraging.", "Jill: That's fantastic.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah, well, it's a friend. I know it's killing him to have me in here.", "Jill: You and his family are his entire world. But you know something? He will survive, and he will make sure that his family survives. How are the twins?", "Lily: Um, I think this is hardest for charlie. He blames himself for my being here. So we've all just been trying to tell him not to look at it that way. You know, we all have, but it's not sinking in.", "Jill: Give me a crack at it.", "Lily: [ Chuckles softly ] I would love to, but you're never in town.", "Jill: Yeah, well, I will admit that's been the case. But it doesn't have to be.", "Lily: Yeah. Mattie's kind of thrown herself into her own self-taught law school. She's hell-bent on my early release.", "Jill: Bless her brilliant little heart.", "Lily: I'm so proud of her. But, you know, my chances are slim. And not only is she in for a major letdown, but she will have wasted her senior year on this.", "Jill: Honey, I'm sure she doesn't look at it that way.", "Lily: No, she doesn't, because she's 17 and doesn't realize that she's sacrificing what should be one of the best years of her life... because of me... and my mistakes.", "Charlie: Yeah, no one else has seen mattie. I don't know what else to do.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, that's her. \"Sorry, dad. Everything's cool. I'm just busy with an important project. I'll meet you at the prison.\"", "Charlie: Well, typical matt, always absorbed in some school stuff.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm glad to hear it, 'cause the last thing I need is more stress.", "Kyle: Why would aunt traci say no?", "Ashley: She wants to stage an intervention. She wants to make billy confront his gambling addiction.", "Kyle: Your plan was perfect! Everything was about to fall into place, and now this.", "Ashley: Billy is your uncle, and he needs real help.", "Kyle: I don't mean to sound cold-hearted. It's just the timing, what's at stake for the company.", "Ashley: I know. I was thrown, too, briefly. Then I realized, you know, thinking about it, it's probably the best solution for everybody.", "Billy: Why don't you go lock that door? I'll close these blinds, and we can see how much fun we have without spending a dime. How does that sound?", "Phyllis: Instead... you mentioned risk. Let's talk about that betting syndicate that you joined. Is that why you were scoping out those scores without the big buzz you had?", "Billy: It's a pocket of bad luck, okay? That's all it is.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Billy: It's not a big deal.", "Phyllis: Why don't you sit down? Because I don't see you really enjoying any of this. What I'm seeing is a lot of emotional and financial anxiety. You paid six figures to join that club, and you've been on edge ever since.", "Billy: It's not that. It's the -- it's the pressures of the job.", "Phyllis: Like I said, let's play the stock market, okay? We will look into other companies that are gonna take off, we'll invest smart money, and we'll watch our portfolio grow more and more valuable, okay? We can do that tonight. We can do that right now.", "Billy: All right. All right. All right. Listen, I -- [ Sighs ] I wanted to explain to you how i feel about this kind of thing. I wanted to bring you in on this, this passion of mine, so you can try to understand me a little more, but now I see, clearly, you don't want to do that. You don't want to try and understand me at all, do you?", "Phyllis: Why don't you stop, okay? Because you're twisting all of my words around, okay? Stop. Why don't we talk about what was actually said, what you said to me -- the ultimatum?", "Billy: Which was what?", "Phyllis: Which was that if i didn't go along with what you were doing, I could walk away. And there's a problem, because i am not happy with either choice. So, do you have any ideas how we can resolve this?", "Jill: Oh, what a long-overdue treat to see everyone, even -- even here.", "Cane: So, uh, did you and dad have a good time in australia?", "Jill: Yeah, well, it was quite an adventure. Colin stayed behind to reconnect with some old friends. And I am late, so... please tell your sister that I'll reconnect with her later.", "Charlie: Okay.", "Jill: And you promise me -- promise me - you'll stay strong.", "Lily: I promise.", "Jill: Be careful.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: Bye, sweetie.", "Lily: Thank you for coming.", "Jill: Mwah!", "Cane: I'll call you.", "Jill: Okay.", "Cane: Love you.", "Jill: I love you, too. Okay.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Charlie: I thought she'd be here sooner.", "Lily: So, what project is she working on?", "Cane: Uh, she didn't say.", "Charlie: This is the first I've heard of it.", "Lily: Well, I guess we'll find out soon.", "Cane: Yeah. Mr. Ashby? There's a situation that needs your attention. Your daughter's been arrested.", "Lily: What?!", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Stay here. Just -- I'll be back.", "Kyle: Just curious. Moving forward, if billy does need to take some time out for treatment, someone needs to take his place. Are you saying aunt traci's still an option?", "Ashley: Billy's well-being is our first priority. And once that's dealt with, we'll be in a better place to implement alternative strategies at jabot.", "Kyle: Makes sense. As long as certain people react the way you need them to, you should be able to save billy and the company.", "[ Door opens ]", "Traci: I know. I know. But we can do this if we're in it together. Okay. I'll see you soon. [ Sighs ] Hi. That was jill. It turns out that she's in town, so that says to me that we need to move fast on this.", "Ashley: You mean, like, today?", "Traci: The sooner, the better. Ashley's told you my idea?", "Kyle: Just did.", "Ashley: And we are both 100% behind you.", "Jack: And so the longer we wait, the more philosophical questions I have. Here's one. You think everything you and i have done to each other, everything we've been through, has led to this moment?", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] I refuse to indulge in such mystical nonsense, all right? If albert miller indeed impregnated your mother, dina mergeron, well, then, what are the chances that I end up living in the same place where that happened?", "Jack: Exactly. What are those odds?", "Victor: Astronomically thin, okay? And, by the way, you are very lucky that albert miller abandoned dina mergeron. You know that?", "Jack: Believe me, I know I am blessed to have been raised by john abbott.", "Victor: Yes, exactly. Then why the hell are you pursuing this?", "Jack: If our roles were reversed, you would want answers, too.", "Victor: I guess we'll get them soon enough. Meanwhile, I suggest we drink to the fact that you and I have nothing to do with each other -- we're not related one iota?", "Jack: Hear, hear.", "Victor: Yes, exactly. [ Cellphone chimes ] Are those the dna results or what?", "Jack: No. It's something else.", "Victor: What?", "Jack: I have to go.", "Victor: I'll take care of this.", "Jack: I got it.", "Billy: Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I don't want you to leave, either. And I understand that you don't -- you don't like the gambling.", "Phyllis: You do?", "Billy: Something is gonna have to change, clearly.", "Phyllis: I'm happy you're saying that to me. What ideas do you have?", "Billy: From now on, the gambling is something that i keep to myself. I won't do it in front of you, i won't talk to you about it, and it's probably better that you don't bring it up to me.", "Phyllis: Sweetie... I don't think that's gonna work, 'cause we have to keep things open...", "Billy: We will keep everything open.", "Phyllis: ...With one another.", "Billy: We will. We always do, except just not this. This particular issue, obviously, is a problem for us. It ends up hurting us, so... [ Cellphone rings ] Traci, hey.", "Traci: Honey, I need you to come home now. I'll explain everything when you get here. And, billy, bring phyllis with you, okay?", "Billy: All right. We're on our way. Traci needs us to come to the house.", "Phyllis: Now?", "Billy: Yes.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Billy: I don't know why, but she sounded urgent. Come on.", "Traci: They're coming. That's everyone. Are you two ready for this?", "Ashley: Ready as I'll ever be. By the way, thank you very much for taking the lead on this.", "Traci: Don't thank me yet. We have a long way to go.", "Cane: Hey. My daughter. Are you all right?", "Mattie: You have to know i needed to do this.", "Cane: Okay. What did you do? 'Cause I know they didn't arrest you for a picket sign and a matching t-shirt.", "Mattie: Those are for demanding that the state release mom... after I chained myself to the prison gate.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Mattie.", "Mattie: Prison should be for real criminals, not people like mom who make one terrible mistake and then own up to it.", "Cane: Part of me applauds your passionate activism, but there's another part of me that is really furious with you right now.", "Mattie: So... what's gonna happen to me?", "Cane: I'm gonna have to call christine williams and see if i can fix this.", "Nikki: Well, thank you for so nicely distracting me with pictures of your house and all your animals.", "Matt: You know, just because we're not in touch doesn't mean that I don't think about you and victor... and other people here. How's ashley doing?", "Nikki: Ah. She is embroiled in family dramas of her own. But she's back at jabot, where her heart is.", "Victor: Well...", "Nikki: Oh, there you are! No word, I suppose?", "Victor: I am going back to the office to get on with mine.", "Nikki: Well, I have work waiting, as well. Would you care to come along?", "Matt: I would love that.", "Victor: No, no, no. There's no need to have you, all right?", "Matt: Well, we care about this. We're family, too, right?", "Victor: Good. Then you know where to find me. Okay, my sweetheart.", "Jill: I had no idea. I have been lavishing praise and encouragement on billy ever since he became C.E.O.", "Abby: Well, this is a huge shock to me, too. Uncle jack, did you know about this?", "Jack: Unfortunately, yes. I didn't know the extent of it, though. I thought he was dabbling and still in control of his life.", "Ashley: That's because you've been busy living your own life, jack, and it's more than just the job.", "Jack: I still should have paid more attention.", "Victoria: Even if you had, i doubt you could have stopped billy. I just recently found out about his gambling from phyllis.", "Jill: Phyllis. What the hell is wrong with that woman? If she loves my son as much as she claims to, why is it traci and ashley who have said, \"enough is enough\"?", "Victoria: Well, I was married to him, and I couldn't stop him. Phyllis is upset. She is. She's probably just scared, and she feels in over her head.", "Traci: Victoria, you mentioned you tried to talk to billy about this.", "Victoria: Yes, I did. He instantly got defensive, and he -- he said I wanted to see him fail and that he was gonna prove us all wrong. He was so off base.", "Jill: Well, he was lashing out.", "Ashley: The whole thing is just very unfortunate -- I mean, especially now. Billy has hit a personal milestone, a high point in his career. But I don't think any one of us could get through to him.", "Traci: No, but, as a group, we're a strong, united voice that billy can't ignore. So thank you all for dropping everything to be here for my brother.", "Jack: Here we go, people. Be strong.", "Billy: Mom. What are you doing here? When did you get in?", "Jill: Apparently, not a moment too soon. So... I hear you've been gambling again, billy.", "Billy: That's what this is? I mean, you dragged me here for what -- an intervention? Okay. You've all lost your minds, all right? Phyllis, come on. We're not staying.", "Phyllis: No, we are. We need to. You need to. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. Look. It's over.", "Billy: I-I need you to tell me the truth. Did you know that they were planning this?", "Phyllis: I had no clue. And you still think that I need to indulge this charade by staying here? Because if anybody's gonna support me, I would appreciate it if it was you.", "Phyllis: I got your back more than you know. That's why I think you need to hear them out.", "Billy: I know what's coming. What's the point?", "Phyllis: Because you don't think it's anyone's business but yours. And you need to hear how this affects the key people in your life -- that's why.", "Traci: Honey... we called you here today because everyone is as worried as I was when ashley told me you were gambling again and that it's escalating.", "Billy: Ashley? That's interesting. How did she find out?", "Traci: It really doesn't matter how ashley found out. Now we know, and... we're so scared of losing you to this again. And we want you to join the fight to make sure that doesn't happen.", "Billy: I know that she brought me here out of love, and... I'm sorry that you all came here today, and, traci, I'm sorry you're upset, but there's no reason to ring the alarm bells, all right? There's no emergency. There's no disaster.", "Traci: Good, because we want to address this before it becomes a crisis. Otherwise, then it might be too late. So, billy, just -- w-will you sit down and just listen? Please, honey.", "Billy: Yeah, sure. All right. Let's do this.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Thank you. Look, I-I know that you may think that you have this under control, and -- and maybe for a while you did. But that was an illusion. Billy, once you start gambling, you just can't stop... because you have a disease. And I know that you haven't forgotten all the things that happened the last time you let your addiction take over. None of us have forgotten it, and we never will because we don't want a repeat of those events. I-I know I couldn't bear it. Billy, I love you too much.", "Billy: I know you do. And I love you, too. And there's not gonna be a repeat of the past, okay? I promise you. I promise all of you.", "Victoria: I really want to believe that. But...we've been down this road before, and I know exactly how it ends. We've been to some really dark places, billy, and, somehow, we got out. I don't want either of us or anyone that you care about to ever go back. And if our children were old enough to understand, I think they would feel the exact same way. They need you. So think about them. Think about johnny and katherine. Choose them.", "Billy: That's all I think about all the time, all right? I'm not gonna have it any other way.", "Victoria: I know you want to believe that.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] I mean, is anybody gonna give me a little bit of credit here? Hmm?", "Abby: You've got that. Billy, I have so much faith in you. So does everyone else in this room. You beat this before, and now you are a stronger... more successful person, and you know how to quit, and you will beat this. You just need the specialized treatment to help you get over this -- that's all. And we'll all be your support system.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Billy: Thank you, abby. Uh, I appreciate you letting me know, or reminding me, just how much everybody cares about me, which is why I'm not gonna let you down, okay? I'm not gonna trash myself or my life, and... I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to come here, but you're preaching to the choir.", "Jill: Really? Is that so? Well, then, the choir better stop singing excuses and start taking this seriously, 'cause you've reverted to another dangerous habit of yours, and that is the habit of destroying your life just when it's going too well. Oh, my precious boy, I want everything in life that's good for you, and that includes living up to your enormous potential, which, when you were voted in as C.E.O., I thought you were doing. And now I'm wondering how long it's gonna be before I'm sitting at your bedside in a hospital again, praying that I won't be facing life without my s-son. God. This is bad for my health. [ Sighs ] And I swear to you, if you keep this madness up, it's gonna be bad for yours.", "Billy: See, this is what's driving me crazy right now, okay? 'Cause it's not at all like it was in the past, okay? This is a completely different situation.", "Jack: You're wrong. The situation hasn't changed. Neither have you. It's time to wake up and stop lying to yourself before you lose everything.", "Lily: So, this project that mattie is working on -- that must be why she was arrested.", "Charlie: Mom, this is mattie. How illegal could it have been?", "Lily: If the police didn't think she was breaking the law, this wouldn't be happening.", "Charlie: Dad's gonna handle it, and even grandma jill's in town as backup.", "Lily: Okay. Has mattie been acting weird at all -- I mean, strange in any way?", "Charlie: I've barely seen her, okay? She spends all of her free time researching your case.", "Lily: Right, unless it's a cover for something.", "Charlie: For what?", "[ Door unlocks, opens ]", "Lily: Oh, my god. Thank god. I was so worried. Were you really arrested?", "Cane: Yeah. She was trespassing.", "Lily: What?!", "Cane: Do you want to tell your mom? Do you want to explain?", "Mattie: I was here.", "Lily: At the prison?", "Mattie: Yeah, right outside the gate. I chained myself to a padlock, and I threw the key in the bushes.", "Lily: I'm sorry. For what?", "Mattie: As a protect about your sentence. But the police showed up before the reporters could.", "Lily: Mattie, that is so reckless and not a good idea in any way!", "Cane: I already told her that, but the good news is i spoke to christine williams, and she's not gonna press charges. Instead, she's let her off with a warning.", "Charlie: Yeah. You better take it seriously, too.", "Mattie: I'm not sorry I did it. I had to do something to get you out of this horrible nightmare you're in.", "Billy: You know, jack, even with me running the company and you on the outside, you still had me thinking that we were okay. It was not a week ago that you said that I was nailing it as C.E.O. And that you were proud of me. And I actually bought that. That's gullible, it's sad, but at least now I know.", "Jack: When I said it, I meant it.", "Billy: Yeah? So, now what? What are you doing now? You're just reversing your opinion so you can get in line and attack me with everybody else?", "Jack: I'm not attacking you. It's exactly the opposite. We are all trying to protect you from consequences that scare the hell out of all of us! And that, by the way, includes phyllis.", "Phyllis: I don't blame him for feeling attacked. Anyone would, walking into this. You have asked him to stay and to listen, and I think we should give him that much breathing room.", "Jill: Well, from the mess that I was faced with when i came home today... I'd say that you've given him a little too much. You've kept billy on such a long leash that there's plenty left over for him to hang himself on. Do you know what that's called, phyllis? It's called \"enabling.\"", "Jack: Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. We are not going to put this on hold while we scapegoat phyllis. No. There's only one person responsible for this regressive behavior, and that is the addict. I should know. Pretty exhausting, isn't it, keeping this all balanced day after day, trying to convince yourself that you're on top of this so that you can sell it to everyone else? All the while, you're spiraling out of control, further and further down. You can make a compelling argument for the fact that this time is different than the last time you hit rock bottom. You know what? Any bet, whether it's for 2 bucks or $2 million, horses, cards, brackets -- it doesn't matter. Any bet is one bet too many for someone who's addicted to gambling!", "Traci: And admitting that things are out of control -- it must be so hard, because then it means it's time to stop.", "Jack: When you're in the middle of it, it's hard to imagine stopping. It's unthinkable, isn't it? That's not reality. That's your addiction talking. That is your sickness getting ready for battle. But you know what? Abby's right. You are strong enough to win. You're strong enough, billy, to pull off anything you want. But this time you're not alone. This time you have all of us -- me, everyone in this room -- on your side, trying to fight next to you. Your addiction doesn't stand a chance.", "Billy: Yeah.", "[ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] Yeah, you make it sound like you're on my side.", "Ashley: We all are. I know that since I've returned to jabot, there's been a huge distance between us, billy. I never wanted that, honey. You're my little brother. [ Voice breaking ] You're always gonna be more important to me than any conflict at work could ever be... 'cause I love you. And I hate to see you wrapped up in something so harmful that it can only end one way. I am begging you to please take as much as time as you have to to conquer this one more time. Please, go to rehab and I will do everything in my power -- I will make it my mission on earth -- to fix our relationship. I love you so much. Please say that you'll go to rehab. Before you say anything, though, would you look at all of our faces? Look at us. We shared our hearts with you, billy. We all have one thing in common. We all want this funny [Crying] Gorgeous, hilarious... wonderful guy... to be healthy again.", "Billy: [ Sighs softly ]", "Lily: Mattie, look, I-I want to be clear. I am blown away by your drive and your courage. But you are gonna learn that there are times to act and other times when you should weigh the risks and realize that it's you should just let things go, you know, like this situation right here.", "Mattie: The most messed-up, worst one of my entire life?", "Lily: I know it is. But you don't want this ruining anything else in your life, like your college applications or even what kind of job you can apply for, because if charges had been filed, that would follow you in your life long after I leave here.", "Mattie: [ Voice breaking ] I just hate you being in here like I've never hated anything.", "Lily: I know you do.", "Mattie: It feels more hateful every day they've got you locked up.", "Lily: I know, okay? But that's when you take a step back and you realize that we're one day closer to me being out of here.", "Mattie: But today, right now, this is a nightmare.", "Lily: I know it is -- a nightmare that we are gonna wake up from soon, and this will all be over.", "Mattie: [ Sniffles ] I can't wait. But I will.", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Matt: Don't let me keep you from all the work you keep mentioning. Don't worry about me. I'm just checking my e-mails. I know how this thing works. I've used one before, honest.", "Nikki: I tried being productive. I can't concentrate until the dna tests are back. I can't imagine what's keeping them.", "Victor: Nor have I. Why don't I take both of you out to dinner?", "Nikki: Why, darling, that -- that's lovely, but are you sure you want to be out and about right now?", "Victor: Well, better that than hanging on the ranch, waiting for the damn news.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Nate: The wait is over. I have the test results.", "Phyllis: What are you thinking?", "Billy: That I know what i need to do. And going to rehab isn't it.", "Jill: Excuse me?", "Billy: No, mom, I've listened to your questions.", "Jack: You're making a mistake, billy.", "Billy: Jack, you need to just respect my opinion, okay?", "Victoria: It's everyone's opinion! Were you not listening to us?!", "Billy: I have been listening to you... closer than any of you even think possible, considering what a wreck you've all convinced yourself that I am.", "Traci: Why? Why won't you get the help you need?", "Billy: Why? Because I'm not leaving my job, which is exactly what ashley and kyle want me to do! It's exactly why they planned this circus in the first place, isn't it?", "Kyle: Addicted to gambling. You're paranoid now. Perfect.", "Traci: No, you are misreading this whole thing, I swear!", "Billy: No, listen, you are misreading this. I am not on the verge of a breakdown, and I am not vacating the position that you all voted me into simply because ashley wanted the job.", "Ashley: I meant every word i said! This is about saving your life, billy! Any title or power struggle means nothing next to that!", "Jill: Honey, I believe her.", "Billy: Good for you, mother. I can make up my own mind.", "Abby: And you did that the moment you walked in and saw all of us here, didn't you?", "Phyllis: She's right... isn't she?", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] You know what? Okay. I'm done. You wanted me to sit here and hear you out? Okay. My obligation is fulfilled.", "Victoria: Listen to yourself, billy!", "Billy: I am done. I don't need your help. I don't want your opinions. The only thing I want from every single one of you is to leave me the hell alone!", "Jill: Billy, no! Billy! [ Door slams ] Honey...", "[ Door slams ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Jack takes his mother to the park and has a long talk with her even though she doesn't respond to him and her eyes look vacant as she stares straight ahead at the scenery/ Jack tells Dina he always resented her because of how her leaving had effected him , his father and his sisters. Jack tells Dina that he now realizes that she wanted more out of life than woman could have at that time. Jack tells Dina that he is sorry that he judged her so harshly and that he is proud of all that she accomplished at a time when women weren't allowed to have dreams outside of a home and family and then he tells her he loves her. Dina has a brief lucid moment and looks at Jack and tells him she loves him too and they hug. Jack returns home and tells Traci what happened at the park and tells her he wants to write the story of the Abbott's for the sake of their family and asks Traci to help him. Traci thinks its a great idea and she is thrilled to help Jack with his new project. Billy is upset with Victor and Nikki because the plan went wrong and he wants to stop it now but when Victoria gets out of jail on bail she tells them they must continue with the plan until they have Adam exactly where they want him. Adam is feeling guilty and it is eating him up inside he spends the day reading articles about Victor on his tablet and remembering the times Victor visited him on the farm when he was a little boy. Adam records a long letter to the media on his phone telling them about the real Victor Newman. Adam also wonders if things would have been different if his mom had told him Victor was his father sooner than she did maybe this wouldn't have happened. Adam looks at himself in the mirror and wonders if his mother wanted him to grow up to be a man who killed his own father. Sharon ignores advice from Rey to stay away from Adam because she could end up getting hurt and she arrives at Adam's door because she feels Adam needs her.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Adam: My family has treated me like something you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe. And for that, I want to see my father completely incapacitated.", "Phyllis: Completely?", "Nikki: Victor, please! Please stay with us. Stay with us. We all love you. I made the higher-dosage capsules.", "Paul: Who told you to do this?", "Suzanne: It was his kid. Victoria newman.", "Rey: Victoria newman, I have a warrant for your arrest.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] Something terrible has happened! It's all gone wrong.", "Adam: I miss him. I honestly don't know what my life means without victor in it.", "Adam: \"Medication tampered with... death ruled a homicide... active police investigation.\" [ Sighs ] God. This wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to die. \"After everything he conquered to become a business legend and a household name, it appears that victor newman's extraordinary life was cut short by one of his own children.\"", "[ Sighs ]", "Nikki: This is a nightmare!", "Victor: A child of mine wanted me dead. That's the only thing this article and the police got right.", "Nikki: Adam had to have been planning this from the very beginning. Kill you, and then plant the evidence to frame victoria.", "Victor: Yeah. And he thinks he succeeded doing both. Meanwhile, our daughter is being dragged through the mud, and spends the night in jail.", "Nikki: I just can't believe he was willing to go this far to pursue this ridiculous vendetta.", "Victor: You know, baby... [ Sighs ] I thought I was setting a trap. All I did is put my family in jeopardy. I don't know how I can live with myself.", "Jack: \"Daughter victoria newman was arrested at society\" --", "Traci: What?!", "Jack: \"...The restaurant owned by her sister, abby newman. Police chief paul williams characterized the evidence found implicating the eldest newman child as 'damning and compelling.' An active police investigation is continuing.\"", "Traci: No, no, no, no, no. Victoria? This just cannot be.", "Jack: I can't wrap my head around this, either.", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: She was the apple of victor's eye. She was loyal to a fault.", "Traci: To an extreme sometimes.", "Jack: No matter what that man did, at his very worst -- meddling in her relationships, passing her over at newman, she stood by him.", "Traci: And yet you and i both know that there's a limit to what people can take. Even good people. Like ashley. L-look at how she lashed out at you after years of feeling second-best.", "Jack: We're talking about murder here.", "Traci: She made you believe that your entire life was a lie. [ Exhales loudly ] Look what it did to you. Look what it drove you to.", "Jack: It took me places I never thought I'd go. I won't deny that.", "Traci: And -- and you don't want to believe that victoria's capable of this. I don't, either. But, jack, the police don't just go around arresting people for no good reason, especially not paul.", "Jack: I don't disagree with anything you're saying.", "Traci: But?", "Jack: Somehow, there's got to be more to this.", "Sharon: Rey! Rey. I just heard the news that victoria was arrested.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Do you seriously believe that she could have committed this crime?", "Rey: My job is to follow the evidence wherever it leads me.", "Sharon: Please. Don't do that to me. I need you to be straight with me.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Last time I saw you, you were accusing adam of this.", "Rey: Okay. Come here. We got a tip that victoria purchased the altered medication. And we found a bottle of those pills in her desk at newman, along with dr. Hastings' stolen tablet containing all of victor's medical history. If victoria didn't kill her father, well... all the evidence is there.", "Sharon: You think she was set up.", "Nikki: Darling, please, just try to eat something. Nate gave us very specific instructions.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] I know you're trying to look out for me, and it's very sweet of you. I don't think I could eat a bite right now.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Does somebody want to tell me what the hell happened?", "Nikki: Oh, billy.", "Victor: Well, obviously things didn't go as intended.", "Billy: Oh, you think? You know, when victoria came to me with this plan, I went along with it because I love her, and I will do anything for her, but that means I had to put my faith in you, and now the mother of my children is in jai.", "Nikki: Believe me, we are as shocked as you are.", "Victor: Stop venting. Let's rather think about what we should do now. Additional sponsorship", "Rey: So, what do you think? Could victoria have done this? Could she have taken victor's life?", "Sharon: I know you think it was adam.", "Rey: Is that your answer?", "Sharon: Murder, rey? I mean, do you have any proof?", "Rey: Nothing that'll hold up in court.", "Sharon: That's because he had no motive.", "Rey: That guy has been at odds with his dad most of his life. It's who he is. Who he's always been.", "Sharon: Okay, well, that's not enough to say that he had it in him. Adam wouldn't have crossed the line without a reason.", "Rey: Any day that guy wakes up in the morning is a day he'll be looking to cross a line, sharon.", "Sharon: I'm surprised paul put you anywhere near this case, given your animosity for adam.", "Rey: Yeah, well, sharon, my previous experience investigating adam when I was working for nick is an asset for this case.", "Sharon: I think it's a liability. You could be biased. Do you honestly believe that you can keep your personal feelings against adam out of this case?", "Adam: \"Together with his wife, nikki, victor newman will be remembered in no small part for his remarkable philanthropy. In genoa city alone, the couple donated well over $600 million to various causes, most notably the genoa city arts foundation, genoa city homeless shelter, the abbot-winters foundation, and memorial hospital, where the newman wing, dedicated in 2002, tripled the institution's medical-research capabilities.\"", "[ Scoffs ] [ Sighs ] Well, when in doubt, throw your money around, right, pop? God, whoever wrote that does not know you at all. \"Visionary builder of empires from humble origins.\" [ Scoffs ] That is only half the story. How about \"master manipulator. Cold- blooded tyrant. Abusive control freak who liked to pit his kids against each other. [ Sighs ] The loving father and grandfather who turned on his own son... tried to put him down like a rabid dog. Run down in the road. And why? Why?! Why?", "Billy: You know, I thought the whole point of this charade was to somehow get adam to slip up and confess to attempted murder. But you're having a hard time accepting the fact that your son wanted you dead, victor. You're holding onto this illusion that he is a decent person, and that you alone can save him.", "Victor: My son needs help, desperately.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ]", "Victor: But I don't expect you to feel any compassion for him whatsoever. In fact, I know you have none.", "Nikki: Neither one of us fault you for that, billy. We're just asking you to be patient. Work with us, not against us.", "Billy: Okay, well, let's start here -- adam is not playing the same kind of chess game that you are -- why? Because he is not playing a game.", "Nikki: Okay, this is not helping --", "Billy: No, you think this is what you do, you dance around in circles. But the rules have changed. The game is dangerous. And victoria is stuck in the middle. So if you're not gonna protect her, then I will.", "Jack: I've known victoria since she was a little girl. So has paul. I mean, beneath his professional facade, he's got to be as shocked by this as we are.", "Traci: Okay. [ Sighs ] So, if you don't think it's pent-up resentment, why in the world would she want her beloved father dead?", "Jack: Victor did the right thing. He -- he put her in charge while he dealt with his illness.", "Traci: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: She had everything she wanted.", "Traci: Okay, so, m-maybe there was something going on that nobody else knew about but the two of them.", "Jack: What, like embezzlement?", "Traci: No, no. She's fabulously wealthy.", "Jack: Exactly. [ Traci sighs ] I keep going back to my last conversation with victor. We were at society having a drink, talking about our lives. All very civilized. And given the fact that we spent most of our lives trying to destroy each other, that was momentous.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ] I remember you talking about it.", "Jack: He'd stepped back from newman because of his illness. A company he had created, spent his whole life building. A company that formed who he was. And he seemed at peace with that decision.", "Traci: I wonder if -- if he didn't help inspire this new attitude you have about jabot.", "Jack: I don't know. Maybe. His ego certainly wouldn't have allowed him to admit if he wasn't up to the task. In his mind, he was j-- he was humoring nikki, giving his full attention to his recovery. But I saw the effect this illness had on him -- lack of concentration. That sharp mind was not that sharp. And I can't help but wonder if it was a whole lot worse for victor than he ever let on. When we found out he passed, you know, the suddenness of it all, it -- it made me think --", "Traci: Jack, what?", "Jack: He was always in such control of his life. What if he decided he didn't want to live a life without that control? And it made me think of dina. And all she's going through. And... how every moment is so precious.", "Nikki: Look, we are all on the same page where adam is concerned. But we need to work together to protect victoria, not worry about who is to blame. Now, victor is feeling better now that he's back on the correct dose of medication, but he's not 100% yet. I would imagine that we're all feeling a little fragile after everything that has happened, so let's at least agree to be kind to one another.", "Billy: Look, I'm sorry I went off on you. I know that adam is your son, and this has been a blow to you.", "Victor: You can't begin to imagine.", "Nikki: Victor and I know it hasn't been easy for you, dealing with adam's resurrection.", "Victor: Even I can see that you have been going through hell lately, billy.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Billy: It's victoria.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] Oh!", "Billy: Hey. How are you? What's going on?", "Victoria: I'm fine. I'm just still waiting to be arraigned.", "Billy: Why? Why is it taking so long?", "Victoria: I'm not sure. But my attorney's all over it.", "Billy: I'm here with your mom and dad. We're talking strategy. I'm gonna come down there and --", "Victoria: Put me on speaker.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Mom? Dad?", "Nikki: Yes, we're here, darling.", "Victoria: Hello, sweetheart. I'm so happy to hear your voice.", "Nikki: We're just sick about what you're going through.", "Billy: I'm trying to convince them to abandon the plan, vick.", "Victoria: I want you to listen, all of you -- I should be out soon. Until then, please don't do anything.", "Billy: I need to find out what's going on with vick.", "Victor: Hold your horses, all right? She was very explicit about us not doing anything.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. But I'm not just gonna stand here and wait for more information. I mean, why the delayed arraignment? Why hasn't she been charged yet? Is she gonna get bail?", "Victor: We'll find out soon enough.", "Billy: Has it not occurred to you that adam could be behind the scenes making this all more difficult? I mean, he got michael installed as the new D.A., Which means he's got leverage over him, right?", "Nikki: Billy. Billy, please try to relax. Trust that victoria can handle herself.", "Billy: No, it's adam that I don't trust.", "Adam: Whoever wrote this does not know the meaning of the word \"research.\" Just cobble together a bunch of puff pieces from the business rags. \"Driven.\" \"Admired.\" What -- sounds like a car, not a person. People reading this want to know, who was the real victor newman? And this is what you tell them. \"Competitive.\" Wow! Wow. That is so generic. \"Legend.\" Yeah. Yeah, in your own mind. \"Ruthless.\" Now, that -- that is half true. I mean, that's what you wanted everybody to think, right, dad? All the sheeple who supposedly looked up to you? I mean, fear is the great motivator, after all. But still, you could be ruthless sometimes. But that isn't the whole story. It's not even close. Not even close.", "Young adam: Happy birthday, mr. Newman. How old are you?", "Young victor: Ohh, how old am I?", "[ Laughs ]", "Young adam: Is it time for cake?", "Young victor: Let me explain that to you after you open this.", "Young adam: What is it?", "Young victor: Well, there's only one way to find out -- you open it. Oh, yeah. Now, you don't want someone to hit you, do you? Right. So, the first thing you learn is to defend yourself, okay? So whenever someone throws a punch at your face, you go like this -- bah! Do you understand? So, you throw a punch right now, right here, at my face. Do it. Do it. Bah! Do it again. Bah!", "Young victor: Your mom tells me you know a lot about airplanes. What do you know about this one?", "Young adam: I know what kind of engines it has.", "Young victor: Oh, you do?", "Young adam: Br710, with 14,000 pounds of thrust.", "Young victor: How do you know that? That's impressive. What else do you want to know?", "Young adam: I think i remember meeting you.", "Young victor: Yeah, a long time ago.", "Young adam: You gave me boxing gloves.", "Young victor: You remember that?", "Young adam: And your name. It's victor. Just like mine.", "Young victor: Yeah, just like yours.", "Adam: God, how did it go so wrong?", "Rey: Yeah, paul also wondered if I could be objective where adam's concerned.", "Sharon: Can you?", "Rey: I'm not gonna rehash what happened between you and me, and why. I've accepted it. Whatever feelings I may have... part of being a cop is separating your personal life from the job.", "Sharon: In social work, also. Although I understand how difficult that can be. But I know how much integrity you have, rey. It's one of the things I've always liked about you. Listen, victor and adam have always had a complicated relationship. It's love and resentment and rage all tangled up into one.", "Rey: Well, that sounds pretty volatile.", "Sharon: Well, it has been, at times. But when I looked into adam's eyes and I asked him about victor, he swore to me that this is not what he wanted. And I know him, rey.", "Rey: Y-you want to believe that you can see into his heart. Adam's just a guy with a -- with a conscience and a soul who's just been misunderstood. But adam declared war on the entire newman family, and he's made it very clear that he meant it. The way he went after nick's son put them both through hell. He turns on the people he loves if they don't do his bidding, sharon. He tried to implicate chelsea into calvin's death because she didn't jump at the chance to get back together with him.", "Sharon: Okay, and then he chose to drop that custody case. And now he and chelsea are getting along just fine. Look, I know that adam can sometimes be very emotional or impulsive, but he reigns himself back in when he realizes he's gone too far.", "Rey: The facts still paint a very dark picture of the guy. It's the reason I was worried about you being drawn into adam's orbit again. I didn't want you to end up like victoria. As collateral damage. It's what I've been trying to protect you from all along. I didn't want you to get hurt. I still don'T. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: There you go.", "Dina: Hmm.", "Jack: You a little cold? I have just the thing. There we go. If you like, we can stop at that little pie shop further down, pick up some cider and spice cookies. We can take them back to your room. If you want. Traci and I were talking earlier about victor. Victor newman? I always thought you and he had a lot in common. Both smart, tough, successful in business. Difficult relationship with your families. There was a time I thought i could never forgive what victor had done to me, and to our family. One day I realized, I was nurturing all that anger. Living on it. Feeding from it. Letting it become a part of who I was. I'm telling you, mother, I never felt more liberated than the day I let all that go. You want to go get some cookies? Here. Come with me. Come on. Okay?", "Young adam: I bet you can't read as good as my daddy.", "Young victor: Oh, yeah? You want to bet? I'll try. But you know something? I'm gonna have to put on my glasses. Now, let's see, here.", "Young victor: Now, you stand over there. Right there. This is a soccer ball, right?", "Young adam: Yeah.", "Young victor: So when I roll it to you, you kick it back to me.", "Young adam: Okay.", "Young victor: Okay?", "Young adam: Okay.", "Young victor: Okay. Good. And again. Good. And again. Yeah!", "Young adam: Mr. Newman, your name is the same as mine.", "Young victor: That's right. It is.", "Young adam: I never knew anyone else with my name.", "Hope: And you know what, honey? It's a wonderful name. A wonderful, strong name, just like the kind of man you're gonna grow up to be someday.", "Young adam: Like daddy?", "Hope: Oh! Yes, darling. Just like daddy.", "Adam: Ugh. What if -- what if my mom never made you swear to keep it a secret from me? I mean, what if I knew that you were my dad the whole time growing up? [ Sighs ] When I was going through those years of trying to figure out who I was...", "[ Groans ] [ Sniffles ] Well... maybe none of this would have happened.", "[ Sighs ]", "Sharon: A part of me knows that you could be right. Adam could have felt provoked enough to do something terrible to victor.", "Rey: Adam's made no secret about his intentions to take down every newman in his path. What more proof do you need? You still think you can change him. You can'T.", "Nikki: Oh, darling!", "Victoria: Hi, mom.", "Nikki: I'm so happy to see you. We've been so worried.", "Victoria: Oh!", "Victor: My sweetheart. Oh, my baby.", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: Did they treat you all right, huh?", "Victoria: Like any other guest of the city.", "Billy: I told victoria we have a lot to discuss, like the delayed arraignment. Lawyer said she didn't know why. If she did, she wasn't telling me.", "Victoria: I think she was just being paranoid. She didn't want to answer any questions in the courtroom in case someone overheard us.", "Billy: Vick, it's not paranoia when somebody's trying to pin murder on you.", "Victor: Billy thinks that adam may have manipulated your case.", "Victoria: For what purpose?", "Billy: To shake you up. To show how powerful he thinks he is.", "Victoria: Well, given that dad is alive, I-I am not in any legal jeopardy.", "Billy: But adam doesn't know that.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] That's true.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you may still be in jeopardy.", "Nikki: Adam has crossed the line with both you and your father. To a point that I thought would have been unthinkable. He is much more treacherous than we realized.", "Victor: And, billy, you have been lobbying all morning to end this.", "Billy: It gets victoria off the hook. But it does not mean that adam is gonna stop trying to decimate this family.", "Victoria: No, we're gonna stick to the original plan, and we're gonna see this through. We have too much at stake to pull the plug before we have adam where we want him.", "Jack: We've done a lot of walking today. Let's sit right here, okay? Here. It's okay. There you go. You seem a little warm. I'm gonna take this off, okay? You all right? Hey, you know, I haven't told you about my trip to sedona. I was feeling, I don't know, a little at loose ends, and so I decided to give myself a holiday. Take a little time to reflect. What is it they say? An unexamined life is no life at all. I guess you could say I was, I don't know, searching for myself. And in the process, I learned something important. About you. For a long time, I -- I think I looked at your life in the lens of A... [ Sighs ] I don't know. A broken kid. All I could think of was how your actions affected me and the girls and dad. Well, while I was away, I started looking at things in a very different way. I tried to -- tried to get a bigger picture of you. Who you were. In the context of, you know, the time we lived in. What was expected of you, how few opportunities there were, and... how at odds all that seemed with who you were, what you wanted to be. Here was this young woman with a bright mind who needed more challenges, more responsibilities, and... I don't know. I -- I think you were after things women weren't supposed to go after. Women were told they couldn't go after. But you did. You wanted more. You wanted a bigger, fuller life, and that's what you went after. For a very long time, I looked at that as a flaw instead of what it is. It was an act of true bravery. I know I judged you. I know I told you more than once that I could never forgive what you did. I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know if you even recognize who I am. But I am the one doing the apologizing now. [ Sighs ] I never gave you the credit you deserved for the amazing life that you lived. So many incredible accomplishments. You, dina abbott mergeron, in all your... brash, uncompromising, glass-ceiling-exploding glory. I'm proud of you, mother. I'm proud to be your son. And I love you.", "Dina: Oh. Jackie. Jackie. [ Chuckling ] I love you, too. Yes. Oh. Oh.", "Billy: You know, adam believes that he murdered you. Okay? And any thought of him having remorse is out the window when he incriminated victoria.", "Victor: Yeah, but the evidence he planted is just too neat. That may very well be his undoing.", "Billy: Okay, let's just say you're right. The police figure out that victoria was framed, and they drop the case. Or the jury acquits her because they smell a rat. Fine. It doesn't matter, because adam is not gonna stop. He is gonna continue to come after victoria.", "Victoria: Good. I hope he does. I hope he digs himself a hole so deep that he can never get out of it. I want him to be punished.", "Billy: I'm not gonna let you risk your life to make that happen, vick.", "Victoria: Billy, I feel it in my gut that adam is gonna botch this, big time. We're just gonna have to pretend that dad is dead for a little bit longer.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: All right, then. For now, we keep the masquerade going.", "Victor: I suggest we wait and watch, see what adam does now that victoria's out on bail.", "Victoria: Billy, are you with us?", "Adam: Letter to all media. You have failed dismally in your feeble attempts to capture the life of victor newman. There is no mention of how cruel or controlling he can be. There's no mention how the doting patriarch could viciously turn on the people he claimed to love. There's no mention of what drove him -- how his impoverished mother was forced to choose between her two sons, taking the youngest and putting victor in an orphanage. There's some clickbait for you. A window into the great man. Maybe victor didn't want to choose between his children knowing what that felt like, so he made us compete for his attention, for his love. A place in his empire. But the price of admission was always blind loyalty. And if you challenged him, there were consequences. And I always challenged him. [ Scoffs ] That was my default setting. Got my office moved to the men's room just so dad could make a point. [ Chuckles ] That one -- that one is funny. But most of them weren'T. Um... the slights, the constant put-downs. Never-ending maneuvering to stay one step ahead. And [Sighs] Sometimes we got downright mean. You know, wondering if there was ever a way that we would coexist. But we always managed to. Until... it was just one more move in the game for me. I just -- I wanted the upper hand. I didn't want this. I didn't want you gone. Or did I?", "Jack: You know when you're with mother these days, and you talk about the past or the present or the future, it doesn't matter, she doesn't get it, she's barely there?", "Traci: Yeah, she rarely responds to anything anymore.", "Jack: Okay, well, victor's death made me realize once again how quickly things change. And it inspired me to really talk to mother. I mean really talk to her. I shared with her my epiphany -- how I saw her life in a whole new light. I had to say this to her, traci, while she was still here, even if I got nothing back. But... boy, did I get something back.", "Traci: Really? What?", "Jack: I told her i understood. That I forgave her. That I admired her. That I loved her. And like a miracle, she said that back to me.", "Traci: She did?", "Jack: Not in a parroting way. I mean, with meaning. She looked me in the eye, and she said, [Voice breaking] \"Jackie, I love you, too.\"", "Traci: Oh! Wow.", "Jack: It was so powerful. It would -- and it reminded me what an incredible life she had actually lived. What an amazing, powerful, exceptional woman she was. And it hit me like that. Just hit me. This is an incredible story. Our story. Dad's story. Dina's story. [ Stammers ] The family story. I will be damned if an obituary is the only record of the abbott legacy. I want to write down the story of our family, for our family. And I need your help to write it.", "Traci: [ Exhales ] Yes. Yes, jack. I-I think it's a wonderful idea.", "Jack: Great.", "Victoria: Thank you for not fighting me on this.", "Billy: I got outvoted. So we stay the course, we wait for adam to screw up and expose himself.", "Victoria: You know that he will.", "Billy: Top priority is making him pay for what he did to your father, and for you. He is not gonna get away with it this time, okay? That bastard's number is up.", "Victoria: Maybe this is too much.", "Billy: What do you mean?", "Victoria: Billy, you've been through hell. I'm not sure if you should be around adam.", "Billy: Vick, it's fine.", "Victoria: Listen, you've had this incredible breakthrough, and you need to keep building on that. You need to focus on your own health and your own well- being. And we cannot let adam derail any progress that you've made.", "Billy: He won'T. He won'T. I'm doing everything I need to do to make sure that I am the man that you need, and the father that our children need. And I am not gonna let you fight adam on your own.", "Victoria: You promised.", "Billy: Circumstances changed, okay, when he went after you. He is still very much a threat. Look, you were there for me when I needed you. Now let me be there for you, okay? I can do this for you. I can do this for us. 'Cause we are stronger together.", "Adam: Well? Is this what you wanted? Is this really what you've become now, a man that would kill his own father?", "[ Snorts softly ]", "[ Scoffs ] [ Chuckles ] How can I -- how can I look my own kids in the eye again?", "[ Sighs ] [ Doorbell rings ] Wh-why are you here?", "Sharon: Because you need me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Dru is at home with Devon who has spent the night at the ranch with her. He looks even worse than he did the day before. She gets ready to take Devon to the doctor but he collapses immediately. Dru tries to call Neil but he doesn't answer his phone when he sees she is calling. She gets Devon to the hospital and still Neil watches the display as she calls him repeatedly. Soon Lily's phone is ringing and she answers quickly. \"Devon is sick! I am at Memorial!\" Lily and the others head to the hospital and are surprised to find that Neil was getting the calls from Dru and ignored them. Devon has meningitis and it is serious. They are doing a spinal tap. Sometimes there can be damage to the spine, and Devon could get brain damage. John appears to Jack again in his hotel room. He is furious with Jack and tells him how he is deceiving everyone, including the family. He is upset that Jack has Gloria's money and now Victor's too. Jack gets angry shouting that he has been doing this for the protection of his father's legacy! John becomes furious and smashes a vase on the table. \"Don't you ever say that to me again!\" Sharon comes running out to see what is going on but finds that Jack is alone. Gloria gets a book and finds that it is about Will. Michael does some checking for her and finds out that the man is a billionaire. Katherine tells Jill about Raaz Cosmetics and how they want to buy Jabot. Jill is suspicious. The timing on this offer is very suspicious. They see Michael at a table in the Athletic Club and decide to ask him about this. While they are talking, Will enters the club. Gloria sees him. Devon is going to be fine. The doctor tells that this disease can kill in hours and warns the family of the symptoms. Victor is angry that Nikki won't go on her trip unless Nick stays with him. \"I have epilepsy! I am not an invalid!\" Nikki says that if Victor wants to be alone, he will have to use one of a device that can call someone. He will not do it. After a while he gives in and will let Nick stay with him. Colleen's teacher is doing a class that day on reliquaries and JT tries to sit in but the mean professor will not allow him. Colleen goes to the man later and tells that she feels discriminated against because of her name and privileges. The man denies discriminating. She just wants to learn about art, she says. In that case, the man thinks that she should work for him as his research assistant." ]
[ "Sharon: Mmm, you sure are good at that.", "Jack: I'm good at a lot of things.", "Sharon: So I'm finding out.", "Jack: Still up for snorkeling later?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: My interview should only take about 30 minutes, tops.", "Jack: I just have a couple of phone calls to make. That's it.", "Sharon: I'll reserve some equipment?", "Jack: Now that sounds great.", "Sharon: All right, okay, you know, I think I have everything.", "Jack: I'll say you do. I'll see you later, beautiful?", "Sharon: Oh, I love it when you call me that.", "Jack: That's your name, isn't it?", "Sharon: Well", "Jack: I'll see ya.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Jack: Mr. Nair, right on time.", "Mr. Nair: I waited for your colleague to leave as you requested.", "Jack: Uh, so?", "Mr. Nair: If Raaz Cosmetics were anymore legitimate, it would have a halo.", "Jack: So let's make the call.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So... you agree that we should find another supplier?", "Kay: Well, if they're gonna be that stubborn on price... (Cell phone ringing)", "Kay: Pardon me.", "Jill: Mmm.", "Kay: Yes, hello, Katherine here.", "Mr. Nair: Good morning, Mrs. Chancellor. This is Abhijit Nair of Raaz Cosmetics. We spoke the other day about Jabot Cosmetics?", "Kay: Yes, I remember. You asked, um, that we send you a prospectus.", "Mr. Nair: We received it promptly. Thank you for your courtesy.", "Kay: You're very welcome, Mr. Nair. Now what can I do for you?", "Mr. Nair: After studying the information, we are prepared to move forward.", "Kay: By that, you mean what?", "Mr. Nair: Negotiate a purchase. That is, if Jabot is still for sale.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: New hobby?", "Gloria: Oh, good morning, Michael.", "Michael: Since when do you read anything but fashion magazines?", "Gloria: It's a business book. And I checked it out of the library.", "Michael: I wasn't aware you knew where the library was.", "Gloria: Careful, Michael. Your mother's not a complete illiterate.", "Michael: Not completely. Can I see? Ah, \"That's why I make the big bucks -- a memoir\" by Ross Bardwell. The oil tycoon?", "Gloria: That's him.", "Michael: Just a little light reading over your morning coffee?", "Gloria: Are you always this hard on people who are trying to broaden their knowledge of the world?", "Michael: Only my mother -- whose last know use of a book was to prop up the broken leg of an end table. I believe it was \"Peyton Place.\" A bit saucy for the day, wasn't it?", "Gloria: And haven't we come a long way, Baby?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: Listen, that thing says he never married, had no children and one surviving nephew.", "Michael: So what does that have to do with the price of crude oil futures?", "Gloria: Bardwell? Will Bardwell -- who was out of town taking care of his uncle's estate -- his rich uncle from Texas.", "Michael: Or it could be just a coincidence.", "Gloria: Maybe. But it got me curious enough to locate that library.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Troops.", "Colleen: Hey, why are you so smiley?", "Billy: Well, my favorite class is the morning.", "Daniel: Biz 230? The class I couldn't get into, but you did somehow?", "Billy: Yeah. Sorry about that, Bro.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, Dad!", "Neil: Hey. Well, I see the, uh, usual suspects are gathered.", "Lily: Yeah. All of us, except Devon. I'd actually thought he'd be here by now.", "Neil: You know, Devon left me a voice mail last night. Said he wasn't feeling well, so he's staying out with Dru at the ranch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Morning!", "Devon: Why is it so bright?", "Dru: Baby, you look terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?", "Devon: Not much.", "Dru: Let me see if you still have that fever. Boy, you are burning up. Do you still have that headache?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Dru: All right, you know what? You're gonna stay home.", "Devon: No, no, I'm not staying home. The classes already started. And if I miss 'em, it's gonna be impossible to catch up.", "Dru: Listen, listen, we had an agreement. We had an agreement, right? If you woke up this morning and you were still sick, we were going to the doctor. Now have a seat, Baby.", "Devon: No, no, no, no, no. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go. I'll be fine.", "Devon: And it's --", "Dru: Devon!", "Dru: Devon, Honey, can you hear me?", "Devon: Huh?", "Dru: Okay, Devon, listen, Mama's gonna call and get some help, all right? I'm gonna get an ambulance over here right away. Don't you worry. Don't you worry. Mama's got you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I was up half the night last night, trying to figure out how to avoid taking this trip. Now your father is all for it, but I don't wanna leave him alone.", "Nick: Mom, you want me to keep an eye on him?", "Nikki: Would you? I really need you to. I just don't think he should be on his own right now.", "Victor: I heard what you said. I'm not an invalid, Sweetheart.", "Nick: Well, I'll make sure of it.", "Victor: Excuse me, am I not in this room right now? Or am I hallucinating?", "Nikki: Victor, it's just that sometimes you don't follow instructions.", "Victor: I have epilepsy! That doesn't mean that I am incompetent and don't know how to deal with things! Stop treating me like a child!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Well, don't kill yourself, Chantal. It's curiosity more than anything. Mm-hmm, I'm on my cell. I'm at the club. Okay, yeah. Bye. Hmm. So... my goodness, I wander in for a glass of orange juice, and find out the assistant DA may be a billionaire. Ha.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You've discussed this with your board, I take it?", "Mr. Nair: It's a serious offer, Mrs. Chancellor.", "Kay: Yes, well, I promise you I will give it, uh, serious consideration.", "Mr. Nair: I appreciate that. I look forward to hearing back from you.", "Kay: You will be.", "Mr. Nair: Thank you. Good day, then.", "Kay: To you, the same, Mr. Nair.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'd say we dangled just enough bait, wouldn't you?", "Mr. Nair: I would say so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Sorry that took so long.", "Jill: Oh, that's okay. I got a lot accomplished. So who is this Mr. Nair? I don't think I've ever heard his name before.", "Kay: He represents Raaz Cosmetics. They want to make an offer to buy Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Yeah, very interesting. Well, thank you, Chantal. Bye.", "Gloria: So its true -- Ross Bardwell is Will Bardwell's uncle.", "Michael: Sizing the man up for husband potential, are we?", "Gloria: I'm gonna ignore that mean remark.", "Michael: It was just a joke -- a very perceptive joke apparently, but a joke.", "Gloria: I don't think any grieving widow would find it funny.", "Michael: All right, all right, all right, all right, I'm sorry. Mea culpa. Grovel, grovel, grovel. But what sparked all this interest in the first place? I mean, if I may be so bold to ask without damaging your delicate sensibilities.", "Gloria: Jill -- Jill has become a very good friend. And our Mr. Bardwell is dating Jill and Ashley -- both very wealthy women --", "Michael: Wait a minute --", "Gloria: Especially Ashley, who's just inherited a fortune, including mine.", "Michael: And you're wondering if Will Bardwell -- that is ridiculous!", "Gloria: Men can't marry for money? My brilliant son is that naive?", "Michael: Will Bardwell is one of the most unassuming men I have ever and I'm saying that as someone who doesn't really like him on a daily basis.", "Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, I'm still concerned about it. I read this, put it together in my mind and you confirmed it.", "Michael: Why would a man as rich as he go after a few paltry millions?", "Gloria: I just don't think its right -- him catting around town. You should've seen the way he treated me at the NVP party -- dancing with me, charming with me, right in front of his date Ashley. It was outrageous.", "Michael: I know exactly how much you loathe flirting.", "Gloria: Come on, we're talking about Jill. And if he's toying with her, I think she should know about it, before she gets herself in too deep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Come on!", "Dru: Come on! Come on!", "Daniel: Really?", "Lily: Yeah, it was pretty weird.", "Lily: Hold on. Hey, Mom.", "Dru: Hey, Baby. Listen, I'm at Memorial. I'm with Devon. He's really, really sick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Heck of a nice resort, Jackie. Good choice.", "Jack: Thanks.", "John: So why in this beautiful place with a beautiful woman... are you up to such ugly things?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: If you're ever in New York, it really is worth the trip up to the Cloisters to see this particular piece. It is breathtaking. Slide. Ah, now here we have a fine example of an 11th-century shape reliquary. Now unfortunately, the original was melted down during the reformation, as many were on the grounds that they promoted idolatry. So this is, in fact, a replica from the 17th century. But that doesn't take away from its craftsmanship. Note the exquisite etchings in the gold leaf and the intricate -- yes, Ms. Carlton, you have a question?", "Colleen: Well, you said that it was destroyed during the reformation, but it was actually a lot earlier than that. And the replica was made in the 12th century, not the 17th.", "Professor Korbel: Is that so?", "Colleen: Yes.", "Professor Korbel: Do you have any proof you wish to share with us?", "Colleen: Um... I don't have proof, but I know that I'm right.", "Professor Korbel: Oh. Well, then by all means, since you're such an expert, why don't you come up here and teach?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: I asked you a question, Son.", "Jack: Sharon's waiting for me.", "John: Jackie... we can do it here, or at the beach. Makes no difference to me.", "Jack: Fine, talk.", "John: Why don't you?", "Jack: I know you're upset with me. I know you don't like the lengths I'm going to, to get Jabot back.", "John: Because you know that I'm aware of your blatant dishonesty.", "Jack: Dad, its business. It's done all the time. Your first offer is rebuffed, you come up with a workaround.", "John: Let's see, a dummy corporation buys a legitimate one which is used as a front to buy Jabot? So it begins. The layers and the layers of deception.", "Jack: And just who am I deceiving?", "John: Jackie...", "Jack: What, Katherine? Please.", "John: She is like family. And Jill --", "Jack: Family? Come on. They threw me to the sharks. If that's what family does, you can have 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So this offer pretty much came out of nowhere.", "Kay: Mr. Nair and I have not even discussed numbers yet.", "Jill: But you're going to?", "Kay: I believe so.", "Jill: So you're interested?", "Kay: Intrigued.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'd better get going. Chantal's gonna think I was kidnapped.", "Gloria: Yeah. Oh, my, my, my... guess who's sitting at the bar?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Look, Dad, Mom's just worried. You can't really blame her for that.", "Victor: What are you saying? That I'm overreacting or what?", "Nick: I can't answer that. I have no idea what it's like to be you right now. I mean, you seem like you're feeling fine, but then you're waiting around for this thing to take over you. It's gotta be tough.", "Victor: (Sighs) that damn surgery is supposed to have fixed that.", "Nick: I know.", "Nikki: Okay, before I go, I have something for you.", "Victor: Is this a new brain?", "Nick: It's kinda small for that.", "Victor: Maybe it's the miniature version.", "Nick: Oh, yeah, I've seen those.", "Nikki: Could we be serious for just a moment?", "Victor: What the hell is this?", "Nick: It's definitely not a new brain.", "Nikki: No, it is an electronic medical alert bracelet. And I want you to wear it.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Nikki: If you're alone and you have a problem, you just push the button and help will be on its way.", "Nick: It's a good idea.", "Victor: No, it's not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: How could they not know what's wrong with him?", "Dru: Oh, Baby, they're running tests. You know, your brother's in no condition to explain his symptoms.", "Daniel: You told them, though, right?", "Dru: Of course I did. I tried to remember the best as I could. Neil, you know that boy never complains.", "Neil: Yeah, even when you have him running interference in your marriage, he just hangs right in there, no matter what.", "Dru: You ignored my calls on purpose when I was trying to get in touch with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, if you are alone and you had a seizure and you woke up hurt and you couldn't get to a telephone --", "Victor: Uh, Sweetheart, I think you have some packing to do. So I'm gonna take Zapato for a walk, all right?", "Nick: All right, I'll, uh, I'll go with you. I could use some fresh air.", "Nikki: Hey, wait a minute! Wait a minute! The dog! Zapato seems to be able to sense when a seizure is coming on.", "Nick: That's right. He whines and stuff.", "Nikki: Victor, I want you to promise to keep that dog at your side all the time. And if he starts whining for no apparent reason, just push the button and you can get medical help any time of the day.", "Victor: How long have you been around dogs? You think he starts whining for no apparent reason? They start whining because they're hungry. So you want the paramedics to drive out here because the damn dog is hungry?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I almost cried, I was so upset. Thank you.", "Billy: I wonder if he knows who you are.", "Colleen: What do you mean?", "Billy: Your last name. Your family. He probably thinks you're some spoiled rich kid.", "Colleen: That could be it.", "Billy: Oh, hold on. That's him over there, isn't it?", "Colleen: Unfortunately.", "Billy: If the guy caused you that much grief, you should go ask the jerk what his problem is.", "Colleen: Good idea. I'll be back. Hi.", "Professor Korbel: Yes?", "Colleen: Look, I know that I've said this before, but it's still true. We, uh, kinda got off on the wrong foot, you know? Uh, I think that maybe we should try to get along better.", "Professor Korbel: Come to class, do the work, don't contradict me if you can't back it up, we'll get along just fine. Oh, and no more requests for special favors. They don't sit well with me.", "Colleen: And why is that? Because you think that I expect these favors 'cause of who my family is? 'Cause if so, you couldn't be more wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Oh, great. So now I'm screwed for wanting to protect your legacy?", "John: Protect my legacy? How, Jack? By lying to your sister? By being deliberately cruel to a woman I loved?", "Jack: Don't you want the company that you started to be back in your family's hands?", "John: Not like this.", "Jack: Dad, this is business! Sometimes, you have to play dirty. That's life!", "John: Jack, I don't wanna hear all these speeches about the ends justifying the means. Now I never got what I wanted by stealing from people, cheating, lying.", "Jack: Dad, Billy and Ashley are better off not knowing what I'm planning.", "John: And tell me, is Gloria better off since you started your crusade of hatred?", "Jack: Gloria got what she had coming.", "John: And what about me, Jack? You took advantage of my mental state back in that prison. Did I get what I deserved?", "Jack: Dad, you...", "John: No, you tricked me, Jack. And Gloria believes that I tricked her -- that I went to my grave not loving her enough to take care of her. Jack, no one, absolutely no one, deserves the hell that you have put that woman through.", "Jack: I did what was necessary.", "John: Oh, please! It was beyond despicable! Not worthy of you. But then again, maybe it was. Maybe I never knew you at all.", "Jack: Dad, Dad, no, listen to me --", "John: No, you listen to me, Son. You can lie to yourself and everyone else, but deep down in your heart, you know that this is not what I wanted. So don't pretend that you're doing it for me. And you can spin this from now to eternity, because that's what my watch says now. That's the time scale I'm operating in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Taking off?", "Colleen: Uh, yeah, wouldn't want to be late for the professor from hell.", "Lily: Colleen, why do you keep saying that? Why don't you just take the class another time when you can get a different teacher?", "Colleen: Well, \"A\" -- I wouldn't wanna give him that satisfaction. And \"B\" -- despite his issues, it's actually a fascinating course. He's lecturing on Goldsmithing today.", "Billy: Oh, jewelry. No wonder you're interested.", "Colleen: Well, and other things, too, like reliquaries.", "JT: Yeah?", "Neil: Reliquaries? Um, I've heard that word before. Uh, it's been a long time. What is that?", "Colleen: They're these amazing vessels from the medieval period --", "JT: With pieces of dead saints in them.", "Lily: Ew!", "Colleen: Well, or other religious relics. You know, like, uh, a sliver from the true cross, supposedly.", "JT: And sometimes they're in the shape of body parts.", "Daniel: Ew, grisly.", "Colleen: Well, hey, why don't you come with me, handsome? You might learn a thing or two.", "JT: All right. (Cell phone ringing)", "Lily: Who's that, Dad?", "Neil: Nothing that can't wait.", "Dru: Neil, its Dru! Uh, Devon is very sick. He's collapsed. I've called the ambulance. We're on our way. I'll come quick! It's gonna be okay, Baby. Ok here. Mama's here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Professor, Professor Korbel? This is my friend JT and, uh, he's interested in learning more about the reliquaries that you're gonna be discussing today. Would it be okay if he listened to your lecture?", "Professor Korbel: No, it's not okay.", "Colleen: Well, why? He's not planning on asking questions or being disruptive.", "Professor Korbel: Are you auditing?", "Billy: I thought you were going to C-C's class.", "JT: Yeah, well, forget. Colleen was right, her professor is a jerk!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Mind if I reach for that sweetener?", "Will: No, here, I'll get it for you. Oh.", "Gloria: Good morning, Will, how are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You know, what puzzles me about this is that Raaz Cosmetics is a fairly small player.", "Kay: Or how it's possible they're a player at all?", "Jill: And the price that you're contemplating for Jabot?", "Kay: Oh, believe me, Jill, I find it just as fascinating. For a company that size to have the resources...", "Jill: Not to mention the timing, Katherine. Boy... it kinda makes you wonder.", "Kay: Doesn't it?", "Jill: Do you know something? Michael is sitting right over there. It might not be a bad idea to have him check this out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey! There you are! I thought that we were supposed to meet on the beach. What happened?", "Jack: I'm sorry. I got caught up in something.", "Sharon: Hey, are you okay?", "Jack: One of my phone calls went longer than I planned. I'm all yours now.", "Sharon: Oh, okay! Well, you wanna go have some fun?", "Jack: Yeah, lead the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Campbell: Mr. and Mrs. Winters?", "Dru: Yes?", "Dr. Campbell: I'm Dr. Campbell. I just, uh, examined your son. Do you know if he's been vaccinated for meningitis?", "Dru: Um, I know that he has an appointment scheduled in a few weeks. The doctor's office was really overloaded because of all the kids going back to school. Why?", "Lily: You think that's what he has? What is it exactly?", "Dr. Campbell: Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining around the spinal cord and the brain. In Devon's case, we're not sure if it's viral or bacterial, so we're going to do a lumbar puncture. And I've started him on an aggressive antibiotic.", "Neil: What's involved in a lumbar puncture?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, it's also called a spinal tap. It's where we insert a hollow needle into the base of the spine and extract a sample of spinal fluid.", "Dru: Yeah, I'm familiar with that. It's very painful, right?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, we'll numb that area. He may feel a little pressure during the procedure but there shouldn't be any pain.", "Neil: So, doctor, what are the risks? Is it dangerous?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, it's very rare, but there have been cases of spinal tap leading to injury of the spine, or even brain damage.", "Lily: Yes, Daddy, Daniel and I both got our shots, even though we aren't staying in the dorms.", "Daniel: My mom actually made me show her the slip to prove I got mine, 'cause I had it when I was a baby, so she was really freaked out.", "Dru: I wish the social worker had given me the records sooner. Maybe none of this would've happened.", "Lily: Oh, Mom...", "Dru: Well...", "Dr. Campbell: I'm sorry for the interruption.", "Dru: No.", "Neil: Meningitis -- is it contagious?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, it can be. Anyone who's had close, prolonged or direct contact with Devon should be aware of the symptoms -- headache, sore throat, stiffness in the neck, fever, rash, sensitivity to light -- any of those symptoms would indicate you should seek medical help immediately. Excuse me.", "Dru: Thank you, Doctor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So that was a Lionfish, huh? Have you ever seen anything like that before?", "Jack: Uh, once, off of Maui. Pretty spectacular, huh?", "Sharon: Wow! I'm sorry we have to leave today.", "Jack: So am I.", "Sharon: You know, getting out of town did me some good.", "Jack: Yeah, burnout kinda sneaks up on you, doesn't it?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. I think I'm gonna take a shower.", "Jack: Don't suppose you'd like some company?", "Sharon: I really would.", "Jack: So what are we waiting for?", "Sharon: Okay, last one in is a very rotten egg!", "Jack: Sharon, I, uh, got a call on my cell. Go ahead and start without me!", "Sharon: Okay, hurry up!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: How are you?", "Gloria: I'm coping. Thank you for asking. You know, some days are better than others.", "Will: Yeah, I know the feeling.", "Gloria: That's right. You just lost somebody, too, didn't you?", "Will: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: Well, I don't know how you dealt with it all. I mean, all the paperwork and dealing with the details? I couldn't have done it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I didn't know you were here.", "Jill: Well, we were just over there having breakfast, and Katherine got this phone call -- it was a business proposition. I'd like to tell you about it and get your feedback if possible. Do you have a moment?", "Michael: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: All right, thank you, Doctor.", "Victor: What were you calling the doctor about?", "Nikki: Well, I wanted to ask her about the electronic bracelet. And she agreed with you. She said that wouldn't be of use to you at all. But she did tell me about a medic alert necklace. Which is great, because you wear it under your clothes. Nobody will know you have it. And then if there's an emergency, whoever you contact will already know that you have epilepsy. They will know what medications you are on and know who to contact.", "Victor: You mean, I wear it under the shirt?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victor: Sounds more reasonable.", "Nikki: Good. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with all of my worries. I just...", "Victor: No, don't apologize, all right? I know I've put all of you through hell.", "Nick: Don't worry about that.", "Nikki: Well, then I hope you'll understand why I want Nicholas to stay here with you while I'm gone. What a cool time this is!", "Victor: I don't want my son to baby-sit for me, all right?", "Nikki: Nicholas, would you mind spending a few days with your father?", "Victor: I think you're overreacting. I've had exactly one seizure since the surgery.", "Nikki: Well, that is one too many for me.", "Nick: Dad, I really don't mind staying here for awhile.", "Victor: Son, I don't want you to rearrange your life for me.", "Nick: I wouldn't be. Besides, Phyllis is out of town.", "Victor: Well, temporarily.", "Nikki: If Nicholas cannot stay here with you, I'm just not gonna go. I'll be worried every minute of the day about you. I can't work like that.", "Victor: And if you stay here, you're gonna worry every minute of the day about the NVP.", "Nikki: Look, you are more important to me than NVP so discussion is over.", "Victor: This is blackmail, you know?", "Nikki: Humor me.", "Victor: All right, get your things, Son.", "Nikki: Thank you. I feel better. I'm gonna go finish packing.", "Victor: I love you.", "Nikki: I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Well, thank you for that fascinating dissertation on your extended family tree. Now tell me, uh, why I should care.", "Colleen: You should care because that's the reason why you're discriminating against me.", "Professor Korbel: Discriminating?", "Colleen: You think that I'm some privileged kid who walks around the world expecting people to kiss up to me. And the truth is, you're judging me without even getting to know me. I will work just as hard as everyone else in your class, even harder. But if you're not gonna give me a chance, none of that will matter.", "Professor Korbel: Your pedigree and the size of your bank account don't impress me, Ms. Carlton. Neither has your attitude up till now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I didn't think you wanted to sell Jabot.", "Kay: Oh, not to Jack, no. But, uh, you know, right offer to the right company...", "Michael: And you think this, uh, Raaz Cosmetics could be that?", "Jill: Would you excuse me? There's someone over there I'd like to say hello to.", "Kay: Yes, yes, of course. I'll finish up with Michael.", "Kay: Now, Michael, I am curious about the timing. Could this be something they'd been contemplating independently? Or could it be rumors in the wind about Jabot being in play?", "Michael: Katherine, you tell me what you want me to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: Hi, how are ya?", "Jill: Well, I'm wonderful, thank you very much. It's been a while.", "Will: Indeed it has. And, um, I'd love to stay and chat and catch up, but, uh...", "Gloria: Duty calls?", "Jill: Oh, what rotten timing!", "Will: Oh, well, we'll have to try and fix that.", "Jill: Yes, we will.", "Will: Ladies.", "Gloria: That is a very nice man.", "Jill: I think so.", "Gloria: Are you two still seeing each other?", "Jill: Not as much as I'd like.", "Gloria: You know, you do have competition.", "Jill: You talking about Ashley?", "Gloria: Yeah, he was her date at the NVP opening.", "Jill: We're all free agents, Gloria.", "Gloria: Uh-huh, but I think you'd like it to be a little bit more with Mr. Bardwell, huh?", "Jill: I'm learning patience.", "Gloria: Sometimes patience isn't enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Dad, I-I don't have time for this!", "John: Yes, Jack, you're very busy. Machiavelli would be would be very proud of you.", "Jack: When you're gonna do something, do it right. Isn't that what you always told me?", "John: You don't have an ounce of shame, do you? You named your dummy corporation \"EFO\" After the club you made up when your sisters and you were children. It is a travesty. I mean, to think that I would approve of this con that you're perpetrating? Well, I don't. It just proves you are not the man that I raised you to be.", "Jack: Dad, come on...", "John: No, you -- you are insecure. You're petty. You're vindictive. Jack, you say that you want me to be proud of you. Prove it. Be like me. Son, you will never make it -- not with the way you're acting. You will never be half the man I was. You know that and so will everyone else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: I gave him cold medicine. I thought that he had the flu. How stupid was that?", "Neil: Hey, stop it. It's not your fault. None of this is, Dru. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped on you like I did before. I... this isn't the time or the place.", "Dr. Campbell: Mr. and Mrs. Winters?", "Dru: Yes?", "Dr. Campbell: Now the spinal tap's done. We just sent the specimen to the lab.", "Dru: Did everything go all right?", "Dr. Campbell: Yeah. No problems at all.", "Lily: Good. So now that Devon's here and you're giving him his medicine and stuff.", "Daniel: He's gonna be okay, right?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, it's still too soon to tell. Meningitis is very dangerous. It can kill within a matter of hours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I'm not meaning to have an attitude. It's just that your class was the class that I was most looking forward to. I just wanted to enjoy my experience here. Is that too much to ask?", "Professor Korbel: Why?", "Colleen: Why, what?", "Professor Korbel: Was my class the one you were most looking forward to?", "Colleen: Because I happen to be extremely interested in gothic art... for a lot of reasons but some more personal. The bottom line is, I find it beautiful. I just wanted a chance to... learn more about it, to study it.", "Professor Korbel: Fine. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself.", "Colleen: How?", "Professor Korbel: I'm taking on a research assistant -- an undergraduate from one of my classes. And since you know so much about medieval reliquaries, and I'm preparing an article on the subject, you can help me with my research.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Dad, I can't just... I've made up my mind. Everything's in motion. I can't listen to this anymore.", "John: Oh, you have your own money. You have the money that was meant for Gloria... and Victor's money. Yes, another person you wronged who didn't have the mental capacity to be aware of what you were pulling.", "Jack: After everything that man has done to our family?", "John: Victor has changed. He's not the same man and he trusted you. And you betrayed that trust again and again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Okay... I guess this is everything.", "Victor: Where's the paper, Sweetheart?", "Nikki: Um, right there?", "Victor: No, this is just the sports page and the classifieds.", "Nikki: Oh, um, Zapato made good use of it.", "Victor: What, all of it?", "Nikki: Well, Darling, you don't read those sections of the paper anymore. I didn't think it was a big deal. Do you want me to call the guardhouse and see -- ?", "Victor: No, no, no, you have a plane to catch, all right?", "Nikki: Are you still mad at me?", "Victor: No, I'm not mad at you.", "Nikki: Good. I'll miss you. And Nicholas will be here to keep you company. And I will be back before you know it.", "Victor: I'm gonna miss you, too. You have a safe trip, all right?", "Nikki: Thanks. I love you.", "Victor: I love you, too.", "Nikki: All right... I'd better go.", "Victor: Do you need any help with that?", "Nikki: No, I'm okay.", "Victor: Okay, Sweetheart, have a safe trip.", "Nikki: I will and behave yourself.", "Victor: Of course. You know my son is babysitting.", "Victor: Hello, good morning, this is Victor Newman. Yeah, how are you? Fine, thank you. Would you kindly send me today's business section of today's \"Chronicle.\" Right. And then include issues from the last few days. And then kindly ask them in the future to drop off two copies. That's right. Okay, you have a nice day. Thank you, yep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You can come to me twice a week, every week, for the next five years! I'm still gonna give you the same answer. I am doing what is necessary to protect your legacy!", "John: Don't you dare! Don't you dare ever say that to me again!", "Sharon: Jack?!", "Sharon: Gosh, hey, what happened?", "Jack: Oh, man, I'm such a -- I was on my way in to you and I broke this thing.", "Sharon: Are you okay?", "Jack: Uh... yeah, yeah, I... nothing to worry about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What happened to Genoa City's newest billionaire?", "Gloria: Made a beeline out of here when Jill showed up.", "Michael: Hmm.", "Gloria: I just hope she's not setting herself up for a big disappointment. Now what were you and Katherine huddled about?", "Michael: Katherine had an offer from an Indian cosmetics firm to buy Jabot.", "Gloria: Well, they can make all the offers they want. She's not gonna sell now that Jabot's making a real turnaround, product. Wait a minute, she wouldn't, would she, Michael? She can't do that! She can't sell John's company! Not to outsiders!", "Michael: Welcome to the wonderful world of cha-ching.", "Gloria: Well, then you stop it!", "Michael: Gloria, no, there is no --", "Gloria: Find a way. Find something wrong with this company.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: It's just a company.", "Gloria: This is John's company!", "Ashley: Are you behind this?", "Jack: What, do you think I bought a no-name company as a front or something?", "Victor: Sometimes when I have one of those epileptic seizures, I become unconscious." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jill and Katherine begin to investigate who could have gotten the footage from their security system. Jill is worried about someone seeing the tapes of the times she and Ji Min had sex at the office. Kevin and Gloria barely get out of the office with Kevin's laptop as security is confiscating everyone's computers to track down the hacker. Gloria sees William's brother Jeffrey, who tells her that he thinks that William may have known he was going to die. William had also sent him a package that got lost in the mail and he just received it. He tells her there is face cream in there. Gloria suspects it is the tainted cream and tries to get him to pass it along to her. Sharon and Jack worry about someone spying on them. Jack asks Paul to come over and check out the house but he refuses to help. Jack asks Daniel if he thinks Kevin could have hacked into the security system. Daniel pokes around and tells Jack that he may have done it. Maggie arrives to question Jack. JT jokingly says that he will love the baby even if it's \"evil\", which makes Victoria angry for about a minute.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jill: So you think I'm responsible for the product contamination?", "Kay: Don't be silly.", "Jill: And yet, you went out and had a secret surveillance system installed without letting me know?", "Kay: Oh, Jill, stop with the drama. It's only a surveillance system. You found out when you needed to find out.", "Jill: That is not the point! You're supposed to trust me, Mother!", "Kay: I do. Now what if this information had leaked out to, uh, your fiancé?", "Jill: No. You leave him out of that. This is one in a long list of secrets you've kept from me.", "Kay: Can we survey the list of my failings as a mother at a later date? We need to know who did this. We also need to know what other information they got from us.", "Jill: Yeah, what private conversations we can expect to see on the internet.", "Kay: Ah!", "Jill: What copyrighted work was stolen?", "Kay: And what are we going to do about it?", "Jill: Step one-- we examine the hard drive of every in-house computer.", "Kay: Oh, well, now we're, uh, we're in total agreement.", "Jill: You've already started this without consulting me, haven't you?", "Kay: I only started it an hour ago knowing you would do the very same thing when you got here! For God's sake, are we going to argue about this?", "Jill: Have you shut down the in-house network?", "Kay: Yes.", "Jill: Well, good! With everything shut down for the next few days, I'll enjoy not having my mother spy on me.", "Kay: I shut down the in-house network. I did not shut down the security system.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Jack rehearsing a speech]", "Jack: You can look at my latest press release or watch my latest news conference and see that I have admitted to owning that corporation at one point in time. The larger issue right now is invasion of privacy. Not just mine, but that of hundreds of Americans, hard-working citizens. And it's also intellectual property and copyrighted materials that may have been stolen. In my mind, that's what the press should be focusing on right now. You're welcome. Hard to sound self-righteous when the crime against you--", "Sharon: When the crime against you revealed your crime. Just keep remembering how proud I am that you stood up and took responsibility for everything you did. And... if your sister weren't here right now, I might even say that that was sexy. But I'm just gonna say that... it's a really big deal.", "Jack: I do keep remembering. What you've done, what you've said, the way you've supported me-- I got a few prepositions of my own. If I get through this, it will be for you, and because of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Jana, it's me, just, uh, at work, thinking about you. Um, give me a call whenever the evil prison guards let you, okay?", "Gloria: I need to talk to you now.", "Kevin: Seriously, I, uh... I wanted to say good night before you go to bed. I love you. You look tense. What's up?", "Gloria: They are confiscating all the company computers.", "Kevin: Yeah, that's standard procedure when somebody breaches security.", "Gloria: Did you erase everything on yours they shouldn't see?", "Kevin: Assuming it were that easy, which it's not, there is nothing incriminating on my office computer. I do all of my \"Personal\" work from my laptop.", "Gloria: Which you happened to leave in the car. You're welcome.", "Kevin: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?! Why?!", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: I didn't forget it in the car, Mom! I was taking it to get it fixed because Michael spilled water all over it. I left it there because I knew they were taking computers and remember what I just said about where I do my personal work?", "Gloria: Oh, God!", "Kevin: Michael wrecked it before I could finish scrubbing the drive. Um, we have to hide this. If they try to look at what's on here... um...", "Kevin: All right, here's what we're gonna do.", "Gloria: What, Kevin? What? Oh...", "Kevin: Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, there we go. That looks good. Okay, jacket. All right. How do I look?", "Gloria: (Laughs) like you have a laptop in your pants.", "Kevin: (Whistling)", "Kevin: I'm just gonna wait until the traffic gets a little heavier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Paul? It's Jack Abbott. Give me a call as soon as you can, tonight if possible.", "Sharon: You think he can help you?", "Jack: (Sighs) I think Paul can do things for me that the police can't.", "Sharon: If Kay finds any theft of copyrighted material or company secrets, she will get the police involved.", "Jack: What if she doesn't, though? I mean, what if the hacked into her computer just to get at me? Legal authorities aren't gonna give a damn.", "Sharon: Not enough of a damn to make it a priority. And I have gotta try to keep myself from getting too creeped out or paranoid. This whole hidden camera thing has just got me really self-conscious, you know? And I'm not even a lawbreaker.", "(Rustling sound)", "Sharon: What was that?!", "Jack: Sweetheart, I think that was just the wind.", "Sharon: My gosh, my imagination is just off the charts. Who do you think did this to you?", "Jack: Well, that is the question that's eliminated my need for caffeine in the last hour.", "Sharon: Yeah, and it's made me fear and hate someone I don't even know.", "Jack: Well, unfortunately, this may be someone we know. Kay claims it's not her, I tend to believe her.", "Sharon: Yeah, me, too. She'd have known a long time ago that you owned Jabot.", "Jack: Yeah, Jill-- the same thing. My relationship with Ji Min is what almost killed their affair. If she had that tape, we'd know about it before now.", "Sharon: You think Victor released the first one.", "Jack: I know he did. But why would he feel the need to release a second tape? It doesn't track that he'd wanna hack into Katherine's company. Even he has limits. What am I saying? He doesn't have any limits. But I just think he has far too much respect for her to do that.", "Sharon: Well, it gets weirder as we eliminate people.", "Jack: Why... why wouldn't they... looking into my corporate headquarters?", "Sharon: You know, I thought the same thing. It just seems easier that someone like Nikki or Brad would bug offices in the same building.", "Jack: And why was Gloria at that press conference?", "Sharon: I don't know. Maybe she was there to gloat.", "Jack: No, she works for Jabot. So does Kevin, and he's a computer whiz. God, I wish to hell I had gotten Ji Min to fire those two while I still could.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Jack deserves what he has coming to him, in spite of his last minute confessionals to the press. But Ji Min-- unlike Jack, was coming clean on his own. I mean, he was trying to redeem himself when he died. He was a good man, Katherine. He was a better man than Jack.", "Kay: I know how much you loved him, but he colluded with Jack. Now the police found $750,000 taken from our property connecting your fiancé's hotel room.", "Jill: By a filament and an air duct. It's pretty flimsy evidence.", "Kay: I'm not gonna argue about this! I had them pull a tape of Ji Min's conversation with Jack.", "Jill: I'd like to hear his voice again.", "Kay: Well, there's no sound on my system. And there's no sound on--on the hard drive.", "Jill: Wait, wait, wait, the hacker recorded sound and we didn't? Who would go to that trouble?", "Kay: Well, perhaps Ji Min wanted insurance to-- well, just in case Jack was gonna hang it on him.", "Jill: Who else has it in for Jack?", "Kay: Who doesn't?", "Jill: All right, well, who hates him more than anybody else does?", "Gloria: Katherine, Jill, you have my sympathy and my support. I mean, I know how violated I feel by this hacking into the security cameras. It must be ten times worse for you two. I'm just so sorry.", "Jill: You don't think...", "Kay: I wouldn't put it past her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So, you know, um, I'm going to Clear Springs pretty soon and I may not be back for a while. So I...", "Victoria: Yeah, thanks-- thanks for reminding me.", "J.T.: Yeah, well... I thought this might help.", "Victoria: Oh! Oh, it's... it's, um...", "J.T.: It's a mix tape. I, uh, I wrote a song for the baby. So I thought, you know, if you're lonely or whatever, you could put it next to your stomach and... It's--it's really not that big a deal. It's just...", "Victoria: I love it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh! I-I'm spooked. I'm sorry!", "Jack: Hey, I've doubled the security on the property. Anybody who's at the front door belongs there. Hey!", "Daniel: Hi. It's not too late?", "Jack: No.", "Sharon: No, it's never too late to see a friendly face.", "Daniel: Hi, Sharon. Um, I finished my research and I found out enough scary factoids to know that somebody has a record of me scratching my armpit or blowing my nose caught on tape. 'Cause even if all you do is go out and buy groceries, you know, they've got you. And if you're in a major city, uh, you can be under surveillance up to 100 times a day. You just caught me on camera coming up to the house, right?", "Jack: Yeah, more than once. It's a sign of the times.", "Sharon: I'm starting to hate the world my son will inherit.", "Daniel: Well, here are those other files and the late deliveries.", "Jack: Perfect.", "Daniel: Is there anything else?", "Jack: No, that's it. Uh, yeah, actually, there is. You can do me one personal favor? Uh, your opinion-- do you think your roommate is capable of hacking into a sophisticated security system?", "Daniel: Kevin's pretty good.", "Sharon: Well... Jack and his mother have had a few disagreements.", "Jack: It's perhaps easier to say she hates my guts.", "Daniel: Well, you don't think that he would hack into the system as a favor for his mom?", "Sharon: We don't know.", "Jack: Norman Bates sure helped his mom at Bates' motel in \"Psycho.\"", "Sharon: Okay, okay, this is serious.", "Daniel: You know, Kevin has always had a solution to any computer problem that I've brought him. More than anyone, I'd brought him for that mattered. He is a resident expert over at Jabot. But I haven't heard or seen anything that would, you know, lead me to believe that he did that.", "Jack: Okay, if you have any reason to think otherwise, you let us know?", "Sharon: This is important.", "Daniel: Y-yeah. Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, no! They found out it was me. I knew this day would come.", "Gloria: I told you to be more careful.", "Kevin: Well, you know, ever since I was a little kid, I've been obsessed with two things-- spying and Jabot.", "Gloria: Oh, don't listen to him. He's just joking.", "Kevin: I would never joke about Jabot. I'm obsessed. So at night I go home and I watch videos of the empty rooms. It's fun.", "Kay: Feel free to work elsewhere. You, uh, own a coffee shop, do you not? Maybe you would like to work there full time?", "Kevin: Uh, no, Mrs. Chancellor, I-I-I enjoy my work here and I'm very grateful for the opportunity.", "Gloria: Katherine, humor is just Kevin's way of dealing with stress.", "Kevin: You know, I was thinking that since I know computers in and out, that maybe I could take a crack at the company servers to see what I could find.", "Kay: I'll consider it. Good night.", "Kevin: Good night.", "Gloria: Good night.", "Gloria: She can't really suspect you of anything.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Did you see the way she looked at me? I mean, why not just accuse me outright?", "Kevin: You're overreacting. Mom, just stay cool and nothing is gonna happen.", "Gloria: Do you think they're gonna find something?", "Kevin: Would you stop saying things out loud as if you don't yet realize that anything, anywhere could be recorded?", "Gloria: I'm gonna go ask them if they need my help.", "Kevin: Why?", "Gloria: To show my concern. To show my innocence.", "Kevin: Because that's not an amazingly suspicious thing to do?", "Gloria: Because I have been through enough! Because I was willing to let William take me to jail, but not Katherine, not anybody else.", "Kevin: Shut up! Shut up! Mom, shut up!", "Gloria: All right, I will politely offer my help.", "Kevin: Okay, look, look, look, I'm sorry that all of this stuff has you thinking about William, but--but the best thing for you to do right now is to go home and go to sleep, okay?", "Gloria: I'll be right back.", "Kevin: I'm taking you home, Mm.", "Gloria: I just wanna...", "Kevin: We're going home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Sure you can't spend the night?", "Traci: Oh, I would love to, Jack. But I got a message, they moved my meeting up to first thing tomorrow morning and I have to go.", "Jack: Whatever happens to me, I will not forget that you came to my press conference.", "Traci: Oh... what is family for, Jack?", "Jack: Hey... next time you get caught on tape doing something you're not supposed to be doing, I'm gonna be so there for you.", "Traci: (Laughs) I hope so. Sharon, could you try a little harder to keep him out of trouble?", "Sharon: I'll do my best.", "Traci: Good-bye, you two. I love you, Jack.", "Jack: Bye, Sis!", "Sharon: Well, so far... no other videotapes other than the one that you are one has surfaced.", "Jack: And?", "Sharon: Well, think about it, thousands of hours of videotape, and the only one that has been released was that one.", "Jack: So if I'm the only target... where else are they watching me?", "Sharon: Right. Or us. Jack, if this is an enemy in the legislature, that means that every move I make can be used against you. I mean, I'm afraid to leave the house. And what about Noah? I mean, maybe I should pull him out of school.", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no, we are not gonna become hermits. We're not gonna let them win. We're not gonna let them paralyze us.", "Daniel: Uh, yes, please hold for Senator Abbott. I've got the security firm that specializes in bug sweeps.", "Jack: Hi, this is Senator Abbott. Thanks for taking our call this late. No, I-I want you to scan my office in the morning. I'd like you to check on my residence now. No, tonight. Yeah, my assistant will give you directions. Thanks. (Exhales)", "Sharon: I wish we could live lives without secrets. That's the only way to beat this world we live in where every single word you say or write or every move you make can be monitored-- and it happens all the time! Why do we accept this? I mean, what has happened to us?", "Daniel: They'll be here in a few hours to sweep the house.", "Sharon: And all of a sudden the future is now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: It actually is a cassette tape.", "J.T.: Hey, hey, tapes are classic, all right? They're cool. They're sturdy. And besides, uh, CDs aren't romantic at all.", "Victoria: Um, I don't know if I have a tape player.", "J.T.: Well, it'll be a fun adventure trying to find one.", "Victoria: No, no, I wanna listen to this right now.", "J.T.: I left my, uh, tape player at home. Sorry about that.", "Victoria: Yeah, so did I, in the '90s. I'm sorry. It's very sweet.", "J.T.: Wow.", "Victoria: It's sweet. But it's not gonna make up for your warm body in bed next to me.", "J.T.: Hm. Well, I thought it might be kinda cool if... the baby gets used to my voice while he's in there. Even if he turns out to be an evil little Brad- ling.", "Victoria: Excuse me?", "J.T.: I was just joking.", "Victoria: No. Don't lie to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Jill: What's, uh... your read on Gloria?", "Kay: Well, she acted as surprised as anyone that we even have a surveillance system.", "Jill: Yeah, which is exactly what you'd expect from someone hiding in plain sight.", "Kay: That and to openly express her outrage like she did earlier.", "Kevin: No, Mom!", "Gloria: I am so upset by this whole thing and I just want you to know that Kevin is more than happy to help in any way he can.", "Kevin: They know I'm happy to help. We have to run. We have an appointment.", "Jill: No problem, good night.", "Kay: Kevin, I want to pick your brains.", "Gloria: Absolutely! Absolutely! I actually have an idea. You know, so many people love Perfume on the Glo--", "Jill: We have an appointment, too.", "Gloria: I think they wanna steal my ideas, Katherine.", "Kevin: Good night!", "Jill: Good night!", "Gloria: Good night! We'll talk more!", "Jill: The one I told you about!", "Kay: What appointment?!", "Jill: No one can see the surveillance tapes.", "Kay: They have to.", "Jill: No one. You stop that viewing, or I'll throw the damn tapes out!", "Jill: I need to see the surveillance tapes from March 5th, March 15th, April 30th...", "Kay: Every one?", "Jill: No, no, no, just the ones in this office and in the boardroom.", "Kay: And you need these because?", "Jill: I just have my reasons.", "Kay: Which I will know?", "Jill: Trust me, you have no need to know.", "Kay: Well, trust me, I do.", "Jill: I just remembered that Ji Min and I, um... (Clears throat) made love in here.", "Kay: Oh, dear God.", "Jill: And in the boardroom.", "Kay: Ahem. Uh, all these times?", "Jill: Well, that's all I remember so far.", "Kay: Dear God in heaven.", "Jill: Oh, could we please just put the value judgments on hold?", "Kay: Well, perhaps it was just my admiration.", "Jill: Oh, Mother, God!", "Kay: Maybe I should get all the tapes from the moment he set foot in this building.", "Jill: That isn't funny!", "Kay: Well, give me a start date, and I will hold everything from that point on.", "Jill: Oh, this is not happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Look, I was joking, okay? And I... it was in bad taste and I'm sorry. I take it back.", "Victoria: You can take it back all you want, but I still need to know what you mean when you say, \"Evil little Brad-ling.\"", "J.T.: I-I didn't mean anything by it. I was just—", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(cell phone ringing)", "Paul: Yeah, Paul Williams.", "Jack: Paul, Jack Abbott. Listen, I'm gonna get right to the point. Sharon and I are a little frightened by everything that's going on right now, and I'd love to hire you to look into this taping.", "Paul: The taping? Oh, you mean, the tape that proves you committed fraud?", "Jack: I've already admitted to that. That's old news and beside the point--", "Paul: For me, it's not beside the point. Tell Sharon I'm sorry she's going through all this. I know it's scary to be spied on, but, uh, your being thrown by this doesn't change the fact that your actions caused it.", "Jack: I don't defend what I did, but surely you have had clients that are guilty of a whole lot worse.", "Paul: Now that's beside the point. You see, I choose my clients and you're not one of them. Good luck with the fallout.", "Sharon: He turned you down?", "Jack: Yeah, and managed to insult me at the same time.", "Sharon: Well, there are a lot of other investigators we can hire for this.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll just get out the phone book and look under detectives in the column that says, \"Not so self-righteous.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Oh! There he is again. Oh, Ji Min, I love you so much and I always will. But I can't even enjoy looking at your face because of this nightmare. Oh, my God! Recording people in their most private moments to be watched by strangers! It's so wrong!", "Kay: Well, they haven't leaked so far. For heaven's sakes, now perhaps they never will, Jill.", "Jill: Yeah, and maybe I'll live the rest of my life being afraid that it's gonna show up on some sicko's web site. I just... I feel like throwing up.", "Kay: All right, well, let's just pray the hacker didn't see them or saw them and had no interest in them.", "Jill: Would you just not talk to me right now? Please, just... just not talk to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Would you please put that thing down and enjoy your dinner?", "Kevin: I am enjoying my dinner. I just need to check my e-mail.", "Gloria: E-mail, voice mail-- don't young people worry that real life is passing them by?", "Kevin: Mom, e-mail is part of real life.", "Gloria: Mm. Karma is part of real life, too.", "Kevin: Can you download it?", "Gloria: Put that thing away and listen to me! I mean it. Karma is real and we are living proof.", "Kevin: So what are you saying, you and I are going to jail?", "Gloria: No, I'm saying that you and I are good people and what we're doing is helping to bring down Jack Abbott who is not a good person and his karma is finally catching up with him.", "Kevin: I don't believe it.", "Gloria: Mm. Believe it. It's happening.", "Kevin: Yes, it is. Mom...", "Gloria: I mean, all the terrible things that man did to us are finally coming back to bite him in the butt!", "[Kevin sees Jeff coming in the door of the restaurant]", "Kevin: Uh, speaking of evil deeds catching up... ahem.", "Jeff: Hello, Gloria.", "Gloria: Jeffrey. What a nice surprise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All right, now you've got to take a break. The reporters are here.", "Jill: Holy hell, what reporters?", "Kay: The ones I told you about.", "Jill: You didn't tell me about any!", "Kay: Well, if I didn't, it's because you were so involved in your sex tapes.", "Jill: Don't go there.", "Kay: Well, whatever. Now the reporters are here and I need you with me for this interview.", "Jill: Be a lot faster and a lot clearer if you want my cooperation here.", "Kay: We are going to tell them the truth.", "Jill: Isn't that refreshing?", "Kay: And that we installed the security system for the welfare of our employees after the-- don't say contamination, say, um... product recall. Just follow my lead.", "Jill: Yeah, yeah, following your lead got me in this mess in the first place! Why do we have to do this now?", "Kay: Because I would like us to make tomorrow's news instead of the story spinning against us. Is that okay?", "Jill: Yeah.", "Kay: Are you ready?", "Jill: I'm ready.", "Kay: Well.", "Woman: Keep the questions brief, 'cause of Mrs. Abbott's and Mrs. Chancellor's schedules.", "Woman: Did you know Senator Abbott owned Jabot when you bought it?", "Kay: No.", "Man: Do you spy on all your employees?", "Kay: We do not spy.", "Woman: If you don't record everything said in the building, does that mean you specifically recorded Senator Abbott?", "Kay: We only record, um, answering machines and, uh, voice mail.", "Jill: And whoever hacked into our system added the audio component.", "Man: You spy on employees but don't record their words?", "Jill: We have internal security cameras for the same reason every corporation does. Every corporation including the news organizations where of you work. One of the reasons we have it is for the safety and security of our employees. That is a top priority with us. It's not just a slogan.", "Man: Did you increase security because of your product contamination?", "Kay: After the recall, we acted immediately.", "Woman: Are you worried it could happen again?", "Jill: Our product safety record is the best in the industry.", "Man: But another accident could happen?", "Kay: We do have safeguards.", "Jill: And safeguards on top of safeguards.", "Kay: And we always have. So that's why it's very difficult for me to believe that what just happened is an accident.", "Woman: Was it industrial sabotage?", "Man: Or one of your own employees?", "Kay: We are here to discuss the breach of our security system. Someone hacked into it. Now I guess the hacker will never be found without the help of the public, which you newsworthy people don't seem to be at all interested in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And we thought you, uh, left town after the Memorial party.", "Jeff: Oh, I did. Um, see, my brother sent me a box of his personal items, but, um, they didn't get delivered till after he died.", "Gloria: Personal items?", "Jeff: Yeah, and he used an old address of mine, so it took forever before the package landed at my apartment in Bangkok.", "Gloria: Bangkok?", "Jeff: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: You must've been happy to get them. Did you have them sent here then?", "Jeff: No, no, that's why I left town so quickly. I'm sorry. It must've seemed very rude-- my disappearing like that.", "Gloria: Well, you are a world traveler.", "Kevin: What happened to the package?", "Jeff: Oh, yeah, right. Um, well, I didn't wanna take the chance of having it forwarded to another address, so I flew to Bangkok to pick it up in person.", "Gloria: I hope it was all there safe and sound.", "Jeff: Yep, and well worth the trip.", "Kevin: Uh, what my mom meant to say is, she's dying to know what William sent you.", "Gloria: Kevin! Yes, Jeffrey, it would mean so much to me.", "Gloria: I hope you're not offended that I asked what William sent you.", "Jeff: Oh, no, no. It makes sense you'd be curious.", "Gloria: Why would he send you his things?", "Jeff: Well, I don't think he sent me all his things, just--just a few of them.", "Gloria: Well, maybe if you tell me what he sent you... I might understand why he sent them.", "Jeff: Well, I know why-- he had a premonition about his death.", "Gloria: Premonition? He never said anything like that to me.", "Jeff: Well, he couldn't, could he? I mean, not after the stroke.", "Gloria: He could write.", "Jeff: (Laughs) well, maybe he didn't wanna worry you, but I'm convinced he knew he was dying.", "Gloria: You're giving me the chills.", "Jeff: I'm sorry. I thought you'd wanna know. I didn't mean to upset you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Every joke is--is like a half-truth. You refer to the baby as an \"Evil little Brad-ling.\" You must have a problem.", "J.T.: No. That's--it's not true.", "Victoria: What's not?", "J.T.: That--that every joke is a half-truth. All right, just... let me get this out, okay? It's not that I'm... it's not that I'm jealous. Okay, I'm not jealous. It's just that every once in awhile, I think about... about you and Brad together and it makes me mad and I can't help it.", "Victoria: I'm with you.", "J.T.: I know, but that still doesn't keep me from thinking about the images and... and I'm sorry if it comes out as a bad joke, but I-I can't help it.", "Victoria: That's okay. You don't have to apologize. Actually, I'm kind of relieved.", "J.T.: You are?", "Victoria: You're so... you're so confident all the time. You're so certain. Like I'm perfect and like everything's perfect and like you wouldn't have a problem if you found out that it bothers me when I think about you and Colleen together.", "J.T.: It does?", "Victoria: (Laughs) you are so burned!", "J.T.: Oh... no, no, come on, you said every joke's a half-truth.", "Victoria: Like you could ever make me jealous!", "J.T.: Oh, I take that as a personal challenge.", "Victoria: (Giggles) seriously... (Sighs) there are always problems in relationships. There are always doubts. And when you walk around like everything's perfect, it makes wonder if that's really true. But now, when you're like this, when you tell me that something bothers you, that's when I love you. Because I know it's you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kevin: Oh, I have to take this.", "Jeff: Sure.", "Kevin: Jana, hey! Hey, how's it going? They... okay, so, detained, but not a prisoner. Okay, I got that. Is it... right. No, well, that's--", "Daniel: Dude?", "Kevin: Dude?", "Daniel: Dude.", "Kevin: Okay, listen, uh, I'm gonna have to call you right back, okay? Yeah, no, I really--okay, bye. Dude, I hope I'm not gonna have to hurt you for this.", "Daniel: Did you hack into the Jabot network?", "Kevin: Hey, Man, how's it going? How's Jana? Maybe we can catch a movie sometime.", "Daniel: So... yes?", "Kevin: It's not like... it's not like I get my kicks by hacking into computers and seeing how good my skills are. Jeez, you made me hang up on Jana for that? Come on!", "[Daniel calls Jack on his cell phone]", "Jack: What do you got for me, Buddy?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, I don't think he did it, but, you know, you can never really be too sure with Kevin, so... I'll keep my eye on him.", "Jack: Okay, thanks, appreciate the help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Jack: Uh, I gotta run, okay? Yeah.", "Maggie: Good evening. I-I hope you don't mind, your security people said you were still awake.", "Jack: Yeah, they always cooperate with law enforcement.", "Maggie: Great, can I come in?", "Sharon: Yeah, come on in.", "Maggie: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "J.T.: Well... I should complain for often.", "Victoria: Yeah, you should. 'Cause you really cute when your forehead gets all wrinkled up.", "J.T.: You're just cute all the time.", "Victoria: That was way too easy.", "J.T.: I couldn't resist. It was right there.", "Victoria: You know, sometimes... I get a little nervous about all of this.", "J.T.: Wow, I've never been called \"All this\" before, but I kinda like it.", "Victoria: No. I mean, everything-- you and me and the baby and... it's just all happened so fast. And it's like whirlwind. I haven't really had a chance to let it sink in, you know?", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I know. I get a little worried, too. But the one thing I'm not worried about is the baby.", "Victoria: Why not?", "J.T.: 'Cause it's a baby. And I'm one of those guys-- and, believe me, we're out there-- who loves babies, all kinds, all... ugly babies. I love ugly babies.", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "J.T.: And I'm gonna be good to him. You watch me.", "[Victoria kisses J.T.]", "J.T.: Well, I like that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Thank you.", "Gloria: Jeffrey, what was in the box that William sent you that gave you the impression that he thought he was going to die?", "Jeff: We, um, we had a game when we were kids. If one of us was in trouble, we'd leave our special signal so the other brother would come help out. We used it with, um, babysitters, when we hit from my parents, sometimes at school. Nobody knew about it. I guess it was a twin thing.", "Gloria: And what was the signal?", "Jeff: Matches.", "Gloria: Matches?", "Jeff: Yeah, a book or a box of matches-- probably because we weren't allowed to play with matches. We'd leave it where the other one would be sure to find it.", "Gloria: So there were matches in the box?", "Jeff: Mm-hmm. And within a matter of days, he was dead.", "Gloria: What else did he send you?", "Jeff: Pictures of our parents.", "Gloria: I'd like to see those sometime.", "Jeff: Sure. Oh, a nice photo of you.", "Gloria: You aren't gonna make me cry.", "Jeff: Uh, let's see, um... William's I.D. as district attorney, some keys. I have no idea what those open. What else? Uh, oh, yeah, the weirdest item. Cream.", "Gloria: Cream?", "Jeff: Yeah, um--um, lotion, moisturizer, um... a little white jar about this big.", "Gloria: Hmm. When I first met William, he said that I had a fragrance on that reminded him of his first wife. They don't make that at Jabot anymore. I'd love to have that cream as a remembrance of William.", "Jeff: Well, I'll look for it. Hope I didn't leave it in Bangkok or throw it away.", "Gloria: Wouldn't that be a shame?", "Jeff: By the way, I didn't wanna tell you this before because I didn't wanna embarrass your son, but, um... I love the perfume you're wearing tonight.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Oh! Oh! (Laughs)", "Jack: Detective, happy as we are to get the perspective of professional law enforcement, given your heavy workload, uh, it seems kinda strange that my buying and selling a company--", "Sharon: Jack, wait. Have you read my husband's press release?", "Maggie: Well, yes, I have. Um, but I'm not, uh--", "Sharon: You know that he did not benefit financially from turning that company around.", "Jack: I guess what we're saying here is, there's real crime out there.", "Maggie: People that engage in white collar crime always refer to other crimes as \"Real crimes.\" But, um... your business deal, fraud or no fraud, is really not my concern.", "Sharon: It's not?", "Maggie: It may be some time soon, but for now, all I'm here to do is ask for a simple favor.", "Jack: Sure, anything.", "Maggie: (Sighs) it bothers me that with all the coverage given to the security hacker, the was very little mention of the person who caused the fraud to surface. One man decided to tell the truth. One man went to the press with the news that you scammed Kay Chancellor. And one man died before he had a chance to open his mouth. Now according to the coroner, Mr. Kim died of asphyxia from a crushed trachea. But when he died...", "Sharon: The night before his interview.", "Maggie: Right. Just happened to coincide with his preparing to go public. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe it's not. So just... do me this favor-- please contact me if you learn anything that would lead you to believe that the timing of his death was not a coincidence.", "Maggie: Thank you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Where did Victor get that DVD?", "Sharon: I'm doing this because I want to.", "Brad: You're doing it because Jack told you to.", "Victor: When I met you you had nothing. That's exactly what I'll leave you with." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Victor orders Michael to get him out of the hospital, while Nikki, Nick and Victoria discuss having him committed. Nikki is against it but is forced to concede after Nick talks to Phyllis and comes to the same conclusion: Victor needs to be committed. Eden visits River one last time before he is extradited. She pleads with Michael to help him. Just when she thinks he won't come through, he does. Michael gets the extradition suspended and River stays in Genoa City. Jack and Adam are run out of Mexico after mentioning the name Tony Amato. Sharon and Noah talk about Victor's condition. Sharon suspects Jack is lying about his whereabouts and contacts him only to speak with Ashley. Victor escapes from the hospital." ]
[ "Victoria: My father needs to be hospitalized. You can do that, can't you, Doctor?", "Man: If you're talking about having him committed, there is a certain protocol.", "Nikki: Yeah, we know, unfortunately. We've been down this road before, with Victor's epilepsy. I had hoped we would never be in this situation again.", "Man: Still, if he's a danger to himself or to others...", "Victoria: Well, he is a danger to himself. He stopped eating. He stopped sleeping. If my brother hadn't gotten there in time...", "Nick: He's been going downhill ever since his pregnant wife died in a car accident. We were hoping that he would snap out of it, but he clearly has not.", "Man: I have Dr. Sakai's report on your father's condition when he was brought into, uh, emergency. I'll speak with the patient. And if I determine that he is incapable of taking care of himself, then that is grounds for involuntary commitment.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, we'll be here waiting, Dr. Liebross. Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you very much.", "Victoria: Mom, look, I know you're not in favor of this...", "Nikki: Look, your father and I are divorced. I have no legal say in what happens. I just want you to realize what a huge step this is.", "Victoria: I know. I just want what's best for Daddy.", "Nikki: I know you do, but I want you-- I want both of you to think long and hard about what that is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I will not talk to some damn psychiatrist. The reason I'm here is because I was dehydrated.", "Michael: Victor, you were brought here in an ambulance, unconscious. Why don't just let the doctors do their thing? Make sure this isn't something more serious?", "Victor: Let me ask you something, do you remember how it felt when you thought Lauren was dead?", "Michael: Yes, I do.", "Victor: Now imagine how I feel knowing that Sabrina is dead. You were in a state of denial after that, weren't you? Right? That's what's happening to me. Now I will not be committed against my will. Is that clear?", "Michael: Victor, let me suggest something. Why not cooperate, play the game.", "Victor: I am telling you it is hopeless, stop trying. I want you to get me out of here now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I'm so sorry. I really thought Michael would be here by now.", "River: Emergencies happen. Don't sweat it, Lauren. I'm just glad I got to spend a little more time with you and Eden.", "Man: We need to prepare the prisoner for transport.", "Lauren: Okay. Time for us to go, Sweetie.", "Eden: Now?", "River: How--how long till we go?", "Man: Sometime tonight. That's all they'll tell us for security purposes.", "Eden: Can't we just have a few more minutes, please?", "Lauren: This is her father, and they have never been separated. Can't they at least have their good-byes?", "River: Hey... it's gonna be okay. Michael and Lauren are good people. You can trust them, Sweetheart. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Victor, all I'm saying is that you--", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: I'm sorry. Uh, excuse me, I need to take this, Victor. Lauren?", "Lauren: Michael! What is going on? I've been trying to reach you.", "Michael: I know, I know, I'm sorry. Uh, I'm with Victor. I've got a bit of a crisis going on.", "Lauren: Yeah, well, there is a bit of a crisis going on here, too.", "Michael: What? Did something happen? Was--was Fenmore okay? What happened?", "Lauren: No, it's River. They're extraditing him tonight instead of tomorrow.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: Just do me a favor, hurry up. I think we're running out of time.", "Michael: I'll do what I can, all right? Uh, good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You know, if you're here to needle me some more about my marriage, you can go to hell.", "Phyllis: Victor's in the hospital.", "Sharon: What? Oh, my God, what happened?", "Phyllis: Nick found him in the gallery, screaming out Sabrina's name. He was hallucinating, he collapsed. When they brought him to the hospital he was dehydrated. He obviously hadn't eaten or slept for days.", "Sharon: Oh, no, poor Victor. I knew that he was going through a rough time, but I had no idea that it was this bad.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know, none of us did. So, um, they're talking about it, but they don't know whether or not they wanna commit Victor yet.", "Sharon: Commit him? You know, back when Victor was having those visions and he pulled the gun on Nikki, I mean, there wasn't a choice. He was out of control, but it was so hard on everyone. I'm sorry to know this is happening again.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. Anyway, uh, Nick wanted me to tell you that maybe you should talk to Noah.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah. Yes, of course, of course. Now is there anything else I can do?", "Phyllis: No, no, it's fine. Everything's fine. They're at the hospital. It's a touchy situation. They just don't want a lot of people there.", "Sharon: Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I should call Jack.", "Phyllis: Yeah, good luck with that.", "Sharon: What does that mean?", "Phyllis: Oh. Um... you know what, Sharon? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... I don't think your husband is where you think he is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, it looks like both our flights are on time.", "Adam: Oh, home, sweet home.", "Jack: For you, maybe. I gotta go through New York.", "Adam: New York? Why are you going to New York?", "Jack: Never mind that. Let's talk about this notebook of Victor's notes.", "Adam: Well, there's not much in it. If we wanna, uh, make it look like a diary, screw the guy over, we need more detail. Like that name--Tony Amato. You know anything about him?", "Jack: I don't. I guarantee someone here does. Hola! Anybody know mi amigo, Tony Amato? You know mi amigo?", "Man: Get out. The bar's closed.", "Adam: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Ashley's in Europe? What makes you think that?", "Phyllis: Oh. Well, um, I called Forrester to ask them about the ad that they were running for \"Restless Style\" and they said that Ashley was on the other side of the planet.", "Sharon: Well, maybe you heard wrong.", "Phyllis: I don't think so. \"Ashley's in Europe\" is what she said. That's not hard to understand.", "Sharon: Hmm. Or maybe Ashley is in L.A., only the receptionist who works at Forrester doesn't know it.", "Phyllis: Maybe. Well, I'm sure Jack will work it out with you. I'm sure you'll --you'll uncover the mystery, right? Anyway, uh, thank you for talking to Noah, and, uh, I'll keep you informed about Victor. Bye-bye.", "Sharon: Jack, it's me. Will you call me right away please? Thank you.", "Sharon: Yes, in Los Angeles. I need Forrester Creations. It's a fashion house.", "Noah: Hey, Mom. What's shakin'?", "Sharon: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You seem to have plenty of customers here. Now how could you be closed?", "Man: It's closed for you. Get out.", "Jack: Was it something I said?", "Man: People come here for quiet, privacy. Someone snooping around is bad for business. Even if it's someone we've never heard of.", "Jack: Now why don't I believe that? Why do I think you know this man? And Tony Amato?", "Jack: Here's some help. Anybody know Tony Amato? Victor Newman?", "Jack: Okay, what did that just buy me?", "Man: I won't break any bones when I throw you out.", "Jack: I think we're done here.", "Adam: Yeah. Thanks, Man. Well, I'd say you definitely got a reaction, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, I think we proved your father's got something to hide. We just have to keep digging.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I don't see how this plan of yours is gonna work. We need more time to pull off something like this.", "Victor: Listen to me, you make it work. You make it work now. One other thing, you talk to my head of security. Tell him that no one is to come onto my premises without my permission. Is that clear?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Dr. Liebross: Mr. Newman? I'm Dr. Liebross. How are you feeling?", "Victor: The next person who asks me that will wish they hadn't.", "Dr. Liebross: Good. Then I'm safe. Will you excuse us, please?", "Michael: Certainly.", "Victor: Yes, Doc, what do you want?", "Dr. Liebross: Well, I'm a psychiatrist.", "Victor: Really? I'm deeply impressed.", "Dr. Liebross: I see you've been, um, treated by Dr. Morse for a seizure disorder.", "Victor: I take my medications every day, thank you.", "Dr. Liebross: Glad to hear it. Do you know why you're in here?", "Victor: Do I know why I'm in here? I certainly do. I'm dehydrated. They pumped me full of fluids, and now I'm fine. All right?", "Dr. Liebross: Well, let's talk about why you were dehydrated and malnourished. I understand you've recently suffered a terrible loss.", "Victor: You understand correctly.", "Dr. Liebross: Well, when we are grieving, it's normal not to feel much of an appetite. Still, you must sustain yourself.", "Victor: (Chuckles) You know, you shrinks very often are so damned condescending you always state the obvious, don't you? I'm fine. I want to get the hell out of here, you got it?", "Dr. Liebross: Your family is concerned about you.", "Victor: As well they should be. And, uh, I'm telling you what I told them, I really don't give a damn how concerned they are or how concerned you are. I want to be left alone. You're not getting the message, are you?", "Dr. Liebross: There are still some things we need to talk about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Dinner was great, Mom. Thanks.", "Sharon: You're welcome.", "Noah: Hey, I'm gonna call Jason.", "Sharon: Um, before you do that, I have some news about your grandfather.", "Noah: Is he okay?", "Sharon: He's in the hospital.", "Noah: What? Why--why didn't you tell me?", "Sharon: I wanted to give you a chance to settle down after school and have your dinner.", "Noah: You treat me like I'm 5 years old. I'm sick of it. We're talking about grandpa. Now tell me what's going on.", "Sharon: Okay, it's nothing life-threatening. He just hasn't been taking care of himself as well as he should've since Sabrina died. If it were something serious, I would've told you right away.", "Noah: I'm calling Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, we're waiting for the psychiatrist to evaluate Dad. You're probably gonna have to put Reed to bed without me. Is that okay? Oh, J.T., I have to go. I'll call you.", "Nikki: Did you talk to Victor?", "Dr. Liebross: At some length. Or more accurately, I talked, and he refused to communicate.", "Nick: That sounds about right.", "Dr. Liebross: I then reviewed his medical history and his test results before phoning Dr. Morse and consulting with him.", "Victoria: What does the doctor think about the way my dad's been acting?", "Dr. Liebross: Neither of us believes it's related to his prior neurological problems. I suspect it's an episode of major depression, which isn't uncommon in patients with seizure disorders.", "Nikki: Or in people who have lost what he's lost?", "Dr. Liebross: His wife's death probably triggered it, yes. Now there are a number of antidepressants we can use in tandem with the Phenytoin Mr. Newman's been taking. Uh, the trick is finding the right combination and then fine- tuning in order to minimize side effects.", "Nick: Doesn't sound like a quick process.", "Dr. Liebross: It could take weeks, possibly longer. Now if he were to become an inpatient, which I strongly recommend, that would expedite matters. Particularly, uh, if you believe that he will resist your efforts to make sure that he takes care of himself.", "Victoria: Look, he's surrounded his house with armed guards. He called the police when my mother tried to visit. He's not gonna cooperate. Trust me.", "Dr. Liebross: Well, if he would check himself in for treatment--", "Nikki: No, that will never happen.", "Dr. Liebross: In that case, I'll, uh, I'll contact the court about, uh, involuntary commitment.", "Victoria: I just don't see that we have another choice, Mom.", "Nikki: I disagree.", "Nick: Okay, we're gonna need a little time to, you know, think this through.", "Dr. Liebross: Have one of the nurses page me when you've reached a decision.", "Nick: Will do. Thank you.", "Victoria: Look, you've all seen Dad. He needs help.", "Nikki: Forcing your father to do this against his will is only gonna make him more defiant.", "Phyllis: Uh, a decision, I guess, has not been made, right?", "Nikki: We're still debating.", "Nick: Vick thinks we should have Dad committed and Mom thinks that would be a huge mistake.", "Phyllis: Okay. How do you feel?", "Nick: It's obvious we need to do something, I'm just not sure what that is.", "Victoria: When he was on his own he wasn't eating. He wasn't sleeping. So if you think that we're gonna send him back to his little fortress and he's gonna actually take this medication that Dr. Liebross has prescribed... I don't even know if he'll keep taking his anti-seizure medication, Mom. I mean, you said that he was hallucinating earlier. What if it occurs to him, hey, I can have visions of Sabrina all day if I stop taking this medication.", "Nikki: Oh, dear God, don't give him any ideas!", "Phyllis: Nick, I... I am so sorry I haven't been here for you. I'm so sorry.", "Nick: Oh, no, that's all right. It's all right. I just--I wish I knew how to handle this.", "Phyllis: I... I don't know what to tell you. I mean, this is a horrible situation. It's a horrible decision to have to make. But you said when you found your father, he was alone, right? And he was hallucinating? He wasn't doing well. I mean... I mean, the next time you find him, I'm just afraid you'll be taking him to the morgue instead of the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "River: Why all the tears, huh?", "Eden: They're taking you away from me.", "River: They're shipping the shell to Michigan, that's all. Look... the most important part stays here with you. I have you with me always. You know that. And you've got me, right? Right?", "Eden: Right.", "River: What we have transcends these-- these highs and lows.", "Eden: This is the lowest.", "River: Only if you let it, Pussycat. Focus on the good, the positive, huh? You can get to know your brother, Lauren and Fen. Wait a minute, Fen makes you an aunt-- Aunt Eden. Do you love the sound of that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Do you know that there is maple syrup in my mints. How weird is that? I mean, you can't even taste it.", "Eden: Do you think we should go ask again, maybe?", "Lauren: Oh. The guard only knows what he told us, Honey. Are you hungry? Wanna grab dinner?", "Eden: They promised they'd bring Dad by here when they take him out. I don't wanna miss him.", "Lauren: That could take hours. Look, Fen has been with the babysitter all day, so--", "Eden: Look, you can go if you want. I'm not leaving. I only wish I could've stayed with Dad. I don't understand why they wouldn't let us hang by his cell. Especially if things were gonna take this long!", "Lauren: Because visiting hours are over. The only people that have access 24/7 are lawyers.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Lauren: Oh. Honey.", "Michael: I'm so sorry. Uh, I tried to get here as fast as I could, but Victor...", "Lauren: All right, well, I'm just glad you got here in time.", "Michael: Oh, good. They haven't taken him?", "Lauren: No.", "Michael: Good. Good.", "Eden: They're still hauling him off to Michigan. Isn't there anything you can do about this?", "Michael: I'll say it again, Lowell does not want my help. I'm not his lawyer. My hands are tied.", "Eden: But you're a lawyer. They'll let you talk to him, right?", "Michael: I suppose so.", "Eden: Then tell him to get up and fight this.", "Lauren: You know what? I am so hungry. I saw some vending machines outside. Could you get me something?", "Eden: You mean, can I please leave so you can talk to him alone?", "Lauren: I'm desperate for chocolate.", "Eden: Yeah.", "Lauren: I'll owe you.", "Eden: Uh-huh.", "Michael: Chocolate, huh? It's that bad?", "Lauren: This is killing me. River is the only family she's ever known.", "Michael: Eden has us now.", "Lauren: He says he's innocent.", "Michael: And you're still reeling from that stunning revelation?", "Lauren: No, what's stunning is I believe him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Goes straight to voice mail.", "Sharon: Well, you know, your dad probably turned his cell phone off when he got to the hospital.", "Noah: Okay, so what are we waiting for? Let's get over there.", "Sharon: No, no, we can't. We can't go.", "Noah: What do you mean we can't?", "Sharon: Because they're just getting your grandfather settled in right now, and he can't have any visitors.", "Noah: Because he's dehydrated? He can't drink a glass of water and talk to me?", "Sharon: Well, it's-- it's a bit more complicated than that.", "Noah: I knew you were hiding something.", "Sharon: No, I'm not hiding anything!", "Noah: Just tell me what it is, okay? What are you holding back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Nick, I know how hard this is was for you, but it was-- it was the right decision.", "Nikki: You're gonna regret this.", "Nick: Mom, I hate the idea of having Dad committed, but he needs to be safe. He needs to be in a place where he has a chance to recover.", "Nikki: He has already proven that he can't recover in a place like that.", "Victoria: He's proven that he can't do it at home either. At least this way, he's gonna be monitored around the clock.", "Nikki: Think about the damage it could to do him. Think about the damage it could do to your relationship with him.", "Nick: I don't think it can get any worse. Mom, I really don't like this, but... I think this is the right thing to do.", "Victoria: Let's go find Dr. Liebross.", "Nikki: What the hell did you say to him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I know how this must sound to you.", "Michael: Hmm.", "Lauren: But I looked in River's eyes and something told me that he was telling the truth. He didn't murder that janitor 40 years ago. He never intended for it to happen. Michael, there's more to the story.", "Michael: You know, my head feels like it's about to explode. I am fighting to keep Victor out of a psych ward, and--and now this?", "Lauren: What? What? What about Victor?", "Michael: It's a long story, and I will tell you after I've had a chance to breathe. Suffice it to say, the situation's not good for anybody in that family.", "Lauren: I can't even believe it.", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: Victor has been through so much.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Eden: Chocolate for you.", "Lauren: Ah. Bless your heart.", "Eden: And, um... I got some--some other snacks to--to give my dad for the trip. Uh... Michael--Michael, could you see if I could, um, give them to him? Or do they, like, need to go through the bomb squad first?", "Michael: He is a federal prisoner.", "Man: I thought I'd give you folks a little more time together.", "Eden: Thank you.", "Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for your compassion.", "River: What? You don't like the new bling?", "Eden: That is not funny.", "River: No. No, Baby, no, you're right. It's not a joke. Remember, Eden, this... too, shall pass.", "Eden: Aren't you scared?", "Michael: Uh... I have to go.", "Lauren: What?", "(Knock on door)", "Lauren: Michael? What--what are you doing?", "River: Hey, hey, shh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I've read some stuff about depression. It can get pretty serious.", "Sharon: Yeah, it can.", "Noah: I've tried calling Grandpa a bunch of times. I've left him e-mails, but he never responds. Guess that's why. He's just... been too sad. He doesn't think anyone can help him. You know, maybe now someone finally can.", "Sharon: Let's hope so. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. And if I hear anything else, I will pass it along.", "Noah: Thanks, Mom. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just really love him a lot, you know?", "Sharon: We all do.", "Noah: Okay, well, um, if we're not going to the hospital, I have a paper due Monday.", "Sharon: Okay. Go. Don't let me keep you.", "Sharon: Ashley Abbott, please. I see. Do you know if she has been in L.A. recently? No message, thank you.", "Sharon: Jack, it's me. I'm getting tired of leaving messages for you. Call me back immediately. It's urgent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Dr. Liebross agrees with us, Dad. You need to be treated.", "Victor: Son, what I need is to get out of here.", "Victoria: Daddy? Daddy, you're depressed, all right? And that's understandable after everything that you've been through. But it's more than just grief. It's --it's a physical condition.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Nick: You need to be monitored and take better care of yourself.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. What else?", "Victoria: Dad, listen, um... don't be offended, but... after everything that's happened, we're not sure you're capable of that.", "Victor: Is that your evaluation? I see.", "Nick: Dad, we don't want you to force us to do this, but we will if we have to.", "Victor: Force me to do what?", "Victoria: We want you to sign yourself in for psychiatric treatment.", "Victor: Now you all listen to me very carefully. I will do no such thing, all right? And as far as I'm concerned, um, you've overstayed your welcome in this room.", "Nick: Dad, Cassie died in a car accident, too. You know... I know the kind of pain you're going through. But I didn't get help for it, so I suffered, and so did everyone else around me. And the life I had, it completely fell apart. And I can't go back and change things, but you have a chance here, Dad. You can do things differently. You don't have to suffer like I did.", "Victor: I am telling you, there's nothing anyone can do to help, all right?", "Dr. Liebross: We can get you to a place where things might not seem so hopeless. Where you can begin to feel at little more at peace. There are medications.", "Victor: Are you ready to dispense pills, Doc? You guys are good at that. Ain't gonna fix anything.", "Nick: Look, Dad, you do this, if you sign yourself in, I promise you, it won't be like last time. There's no judges, no court orders. It's just 72 hours of your life. That's it. And you can get up and walk outta here if you want. But the doctors may be able to help you. Just give 'em a chance.", "Victoria: Daddy, if you won't do it for yourself, would you please do it for me? When we thought that you drowned in Mexico... I can't go through that again, Daddy. I can't lose you. And I'm afraid if you keep on like this, I'm gonna lose you.", "Victor: All right, I'll sign the damn papers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So what you're saying, the shoot with Skylar Sacola is on for tomorrow night, right? All right. Right. Thank you, George. Thanks for putting this all together when Nikki and I are going through this family emergency. I really appreciate it. Yeah, me, too. Okay. Bye.", "Nikki: An emergency that you made worse. You shouldn't have interfered, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Nikki, Nick made his choice. I mean, if anything happened to his father, he'd never forgive himself.", "Nikki: That doesn't mean that he and Victoria are doing the right thing for their father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Liebross: We'll be sending him up shortly. I've made all the arrangements. Now someone will be up shortly to escort you to the sign-in desk of the psychiatric unit. Any personal belongings will be transferred for you, so don't worry about that. And when you're settled, we'll meet to discuss your treatment.", "Victor: All right, Doc.", "Nick: Thank you, Doctor.", "Victoria: Daddy, thank you. I know that this wasn't easy for you.", "Nick: Is there anything you want? I can run by the house and get anything you'll need for the next few days.", "Victor: Nothing I can think of.", "Victoria: Some pictures? Books? Maybe your pajamas?", "Victor: Whatever you want, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Man: Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Yep.", "Travis: My name's Travis. I'll be taking you upstairs.", "Victor: All right, Travis.", "Nick: Hey, you hang in there, Dad, all right?", "Victoria: I'll be-- I'll be thinking of you every minute.", "Nick: You're gonna get better real soon. Just give 'em a chance.", "Victor: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Oh! It's about time.", "Jack: You okay? I picked up your messages. You sounded upset.", "Sharon: Jack, where are you?", "Jack: With Ashley. What's going on?", "Sharon: That's what I would like to know. I called Forrester Creations, and guess what? Ashley isn't there. She's in Europe.", "Jack: Uh, Honey, you misunderstood.", "Sharon: Did I?", "Jack: Ashley has been working in Europe, but she has business in New York. That's where I caught up with her.", "Sharon: In New York? Well, then how come when I suggested coming out to L.A. so we could spend a little alone time together, you didn't say anything about not being there?", "Jack: You know, I've been so preoccupied with this stock transaction, honey--", "Sharon: Jack, stop lying! Where are you? Who are you with?", "Jack: Honey, I don't know where this is coming from-- your mistrust to my being with Ashley, but... you know what? If it'll help, I'll give you some proof. Say hi to Sharon.", "Ashley: Hey, Sharon. How are ya?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: I'll tell him. They're here.", "River: Okay.", "Man: The van's waiting outside. Let's go.", "Eden: Daddy!", "Man: No contact with the prisoner, Miss.", "Lauren: Can't you make an exception this one time?", "Man: I'm sorry, there's no exceptions.", "Eden: I love you so much.", "River: I love you, too, Sweetheart. You write me lots of letters.", "Eden: I will. I promise. Every day.", "River: Okay.", "Lauren: We'll take wonderful care of her.", "River: I know you will, Lauren. I don't know how to thank you enough.", "Lauren: I'm so sorry about Michael.", "River: I understand. It's all good. It's all good.", "Eden: I'll come visit you as soon as I can.", "Man: Look, listen up, there's a bunch of reporters out there. They're just waiting. Keep walking, look straight ahead, there's not gonna be any trouble.", "Michael: Whoa! Hello! Agent Warner, is it? Uh, I'm Mr. Baldwin's attorney. I have a judge's order setting aside the waiver of extradition. You're not taking, uh, my client anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wait a second, did you say that Victor's checking himself in right now?", "Nick: Yeah. He is.", "Nikki: How on earth did you get your father to commit himself voluntarily?", "Adam: Commit himself? What, do you mean like an asylum?", "Nick: What are you doing here? Who even told you that Dad was here?", "Adam: Um, Heather. She said that he was admitted to the E.R. just after she was. So what happened, Guys? Victor finally blow a gasket? I guess I'm not the only one who thinks he's nuts.", "Nick: This doesn't concern you.", "Nikki: It certainly does not.", "Adam: Actually, it absolutely does. He's my father, too, and this is a public place.", "Victoria: Come on, Mom, let's go gather Dad's things from his room so they can be transferred.", "Phyllis: Don't give him any... all right? Just don't give him any energy. Just forget about him, okay?", "Nick: All right. So you think Sharon knows what's going on?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, I told her. I told her. Um, I-I don't know how much penetrated, because, uh, she's pretty preoccupied with Jack.", "Nick: Why? What do you mean?", "Phyllis: Uh, I think they're having some problems.", "Nick: Are you serious?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I am. Have I told you recently how glad I am that we're not working with those two?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Have I told you how great you look?", "Jack: Well, yeah, but I could stand to hear it again. So how are things going in Paris?", "Ashley: It's definitely a different world. Abby loves it, and it's so scary how fluent she is in French. I didn't wanna do it, but I had to leave her with the nanny because of school.", "Jack: Yeah, of course.", "Ashley: It was nice to say hi to Sharon. She sounds good.", "Jack: Yeah, it's nice when things time out just right.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jack: Oh. God. I should've turned this thing off.", "Ashley: Um, that's okay. I'll go powder my nose.", "Jack: Oh, miss me already?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I just got back to Genoa City and guess what? Victor's in the hospital. They just carted him off to a rubber room.", "Jack: Victor's in the psych ward? Again? This story gets better and better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: All right, thank you.", "Victoria: It's really hard to believe this is happening again, Mom.", "Nikki: I'm amazed that Victor even agreed to check himself in, especially after his last experience.", "Victoria: It took some doing.", "Man: I am here to transfer Mr. Newman. Is he in the bathroom?", "Victoria: There must be a mistake. Another orderly picked him up just a little while ago.", "Man: Another orderly?", "Victoria: Yeah. He said his name was Travis.", "Man: Then we've got a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thanks again for the update.", "Adam: Oh, you know, I'll keep you posted.", "Jack: Do that.", "Adam: Hang on a second. Uh, something's happening.", "Victoria: Dad never made it to the psych ward.", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Nikki: We--we don't know where he is.", "Phyllis: How-- how could that be?", "Adam: I don't believe it. Victor's M.I.A. again. I gotta go.", "Nick: No, no, no, no, this doesn't make any sense. We were in the room when the orderly came and got him.", "Dr. Liebross: This is the orderly I sent.", "Man: I never heard of any Travis.", "Victoria: Well, then who... oh, my God.", "Nick: We should've known better that Dad would never go along with this. He played us.", "[NEXT_ON]", "River: I need to know you believe I'm innocent.", "Jack: We can pool our family resources and restore Jabot to what it was meant to be.", "Kay: You've been a pain in my ass for years, Jill. Now you're getting what's coming to you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "All the Newmans grieve over the death of Victor Newman. Jack grieves because he has lost millions that he used to buy up Newman stock. At the farm, Nikki relives her past life with Victor. Phyllis comes in to join them. At the Abbott home, Billy tries to comfort Victoria despite the guilt he feels for not telling her where Victor was. Adam and Chelsea deal with Victor's death. Kyle comforts Abby at Jack's home. Celeste and Genevieve spend time with Victor, who is alive but badly shaken up from the explosion. Sharon and Tucker what Victor's death means to both of them. Sharon gets a call from the coroner telling her that she can come and I.D. Victor's body. Tucker offers to go with her, but she tells him that she needs to do this alone. Jack tells Cane that he will have to raise money somehow to cover his losses. Sofia, upon joining Tucker is his office, cannot believe that Victor is dead. Sofia lets Tucker know how many millions he has lost and counting. Tucker tells Sofia that when Sharon steps aside from Newman, that he will take over the reins. Adam tells Chelsea that Victor is a ruthless man. Nick informs Phyllis how Victor died. Nick makes plans to go to L.A, to find out what he can about Victor's death. Victoria asks Billy how he knew where Victor was. Nikki is in the church alone asking \"why\" did this have to happen when Katherine joins her. Genevieve tells Celeste that Victor has a concussion. When the mortician pulls the sheet back, Sharon is taken aback when she sees that the man is not Victor. Sharon asks for some time alone. She talks to herself and wonders what Victor is up to.", "Kyle tells Abby that he knows what she is going through. Nikki tells Katherine that Billy gave her the number to call Victor. Jack comes to see Tucker and offers to sell him Beauty of Nature. Tucker takes him up on his offer. Billy calls Genevieve and asks her to cover for him about Victor and that he knew all along where he was. Jack signs the papers to sell Beauty of Nature to Tucker. Kevin visits Billy and tries to talk him into telling Victoria the truth about Victor. Sharon tells the mortician to cremate Victor's body. Victor begins to ask Genevieve questions about Nikki and why she was calling. Tucker asks Sharon to marry him and she accepts. Adam tells Chelsea that he is going to ask Sharon to sell him his mother's farm. The Newman family finds out that Sharon had Victor cremated. Nikki threatens to kill Sharon. Victor remembers that he is really Victor Newman.", "" ]
[ "Jack: There's no time. If I had a couple of weeks-- this is a gargantuan amount of money to try to pull together.", "Cane: Let's just go through the options we have one more time.", "Jack: There are none.", "Cane: What about the Newman stock?", "Jack: If I sold every share of Newman stock that I have, it wouldn't bring a fraction of what I need, and that stock is sinking like its got cement shoes on. Next.", "Cane: Borrow against Beauty of Nature?", "Jack: Already leveraged to the hilt to buy Newman stock.", "Cane: Jabot?", "Jack: I sucked money out of part of that, too. No, it's Beauty of Nature that's at risk. No, that's what they're going to come after when I can't come up with the margin call. Damn! (Exhales slowly)", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Phyllis: Oh, what-- what's wrong?", "Jack: Victor.", "Phyllis: Oh. What did he do now?", "Jack: He died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mom, are you sure you want to be here right now?", "Nikki: I needed to come, just to be close to him.", "Nikki: I thought he would come back... (Voice breaking) I really did. (Sobbing)", "Billy: What can I do?", "Victoria: Hit \"Rewind.\" Find my dad before this all happened and bring him back. . (Sighs) I just can't believe I'm never gonna see my dad again. (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) You know, since Victor left town... I've imagined all kinds of scenarios of his return.", "Tucker: Like what?", "Sharon: That I'd wake up one day, and... he'd just be there, acting as if nothing happened, or he'd burst into one of my board meetings, fire me and take over, you know, without skipping a beat. (Sighs) But I never imagined this.", "Tucker: We're gonna get through this.", "Sharon: Victor Newman is dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sister Celeste: Why did he call you \"Genevieve\"?", "Genevieve: Why did you?", "Victor: I don't know. I don't know.", "Sister Celeste: Why did he say you're not a nurse?", "Genevieve: He's obviously very confused.", "Sister Celeste: Oh, God. I hope bringing Genny here wasn't a mistake. (Sighs) We've got to be able to trust her.", "Genevieve: You can.", "Victor: You can trust her.", "Sister Celeste: Should I? Should I trust her? Men were trying to kill you. They will come back if they find out you're still alive. They'll come back to finish the job.", "(Knock on door)", "Sister Celeste: Um, anything wrong?", "Sully: No, we're gonna, um, we're gonna hold a prayer service for Christian, and, uh...", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "Sully: And everybody who got hurt. And we're-- but we're hoping you'd come.", "Sister Celeste: That--that's just--that's a wonderful idea, but I-I just need a-a few more minutes for myself first. Can you understand that?", "Sully: Absolutely.", "Sister Celeste: But I'll be there.", "Sully: Okay, we'll see you later.", "Sister Celeste: Okay, thanks. Okay.", "Genevieve: Are you dizzy?", "Victor: (Moans) Yes.", "Genevieve: Are you nauseous?", "Victor: Yes.", "Sister Celeste: Do you know your name?", "Victor: I...", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Christian.", "Sister Celeste: Ohh, good.", "Victor: Christian-- Christian Miller.", "Sister Celeste: Oh! That's very good. You never remembered your last name before.", "Victor: That's right.", "Sister Celeste: (Chuckles)", "Victor: That's right.", "Sister Celeste: Uh, Genny...", "Genevieve: Yeah.", "Sister Celeste: How does he seem to you?", "Genevieve: Um, I want to get control of the headache before it gets any worse. I think, um, I think I need some ice.", "Sister Celeste: Sure. That's--that's easy, and I'll--I'll stop by the donation box and get some, uh, clean clothes for him.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Sister Celeste: Great. Good. Okay.", "Victor: (Moans) What are you--", "Genevieve: Hmm?", "Victor: Who are you calling?", "Genevieve: I'm just doing a little quick research on concussions.", "Victor: Ohh.", "Genevieve: Do you know what day it is?", "Victor: No. But I... I know you.", "Genevieve: Yes, you do. You do. Can you remember where from? Hmm?", "Victor: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You'd think that Victor dying would make me less angry at him.", "Tucker: Well, even dead, he's the man who married you, then turned around and abandoned you.", "Sharon: Not only that. Did you know that he pled the fifth on the witness stand, which is why I ended up with a life sentence?", "Tucker: Hmm.", "Sharon: (Sighs) On the other hand, there were times when he was my biggest supporter, my only supporter, and he's been in my life for many years, so I cared about him.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Sharon: Oh, gosh. If this isn't Noah, I really don't want to talk to anybody else. Oh.", "Tucker: Who is it?", "Sharon: It's the coroner's office. Hello, this is Sharon Newman. Okay, thank you. I'll be right there.", "Tucker: Victor's body?", "Sharon: It's arrived at the morgue.", "Tucker: I'll go with you.", "Sharon: I think I need to go by myself.", "Tucker: Oh, Sharon, come on, you're upset. I'll go and I'll just stay outside and, you know... be close in case you need me.", "Sharon: Why don't you just be here for me when I get back?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Newman stock is cratering. Now they're talking about suspending its trading.", "Jack: (Exhales slowly) Thank you for not saying \"I told you so.\"", "Cane: We have to try and fix it, Jack.", "Jack: Well, the only remedy is to raise the money, and I can't do that quickly.", "Cane: If word gets out that you have a debt that you cannot repay, it could ruin Jabot's stock, which will lead to a bigger catastrophe.", "Jack: No, we can't let this domino into something that is damaging to Jabot.", "Cane: Well, I suppose the good news is we haven't merged Jabot and Beauty of Nature yet, so...", "Jack: No, we haven't, have we? There might be a way to fix this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, I remember the very first time I came in this house.", "Nick: You always said it was like walking into a fairy tale.", "Nikki: Well, the life I had before was... very different. It was... just dirty and coarse. And then Victor came along, and... he showed me a world that was more vibrant than a dream. I never, ever thought I would have anything like that... and I never thought this would come, ever.", "(Door opens)", "Nikki: (Sniffles)", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. I-I just heard. I'm--I'm sorry, Nikki.", "Nikki: Thank you. You know, uh, I-I did need to be here, but now I need to go.", "Nick: Where? I'll take you.", "Nikki: Honey, don't worry about me. I'll be in touch.", "Phyllis: If--if you want-- want me to go, I will, but...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Victor is dead?", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Sofia: Tucker, you swore that this wouldn't happen.", "Tucker: Surprised the hell out of me, too.", "Sofia: Oh, my God, with all that stock we bought, we're losing millions by the minute without an end in sight.", "Tucker: I'm telling you, this is about more than the money.", "Sofia: More than the money in what way?", "Tucker: Once I consolidate all the stock we've acquired, I'll have a major position at Newman.", "Sofia: At Newman, which is a dying company.", "Tucker: What if Sharon steps aside and a successful, savvy businessperson steps into that position?", "Sofia: And that successful, savvy businessperson would be...", "Tucker: Me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: My father was ruthless, cruel, sure... but he loved my mother.", "Chelsea: From what I've heard, your mother was so wonderful, Attila the Hun would have loved her.", "Adam: Yeah, but here's the thing-- she loved him, too.", "Chelsea: At the beginning, when she got pregnant with you?", "Adam: Ah, all the way through, to the very end. I got to see it firsthand when, uh, when he was there by her side at the end.", "Chelsea: Redeemed by the love of a good woman?", "Adam: And I guess that's one of the very few things I do have in common with my father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All I know is there was an explosion in L.A.", "Phyllis: What was Victor doing in L.A.?", "Nick: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. As soon as I know my mother and Victoria and my kids are okay, I'm gonna fly out there. I want to know what he did, who he talked to, every single thing that happened out there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know, I-I completely forgot. I never got an answer about how you knew about my dad. I mean, how did you even know where to find him?", "Billy: That, uh... trip to L.A.-- that's the reason why I went. I had a lead on Victor.", "Victoria: Why didn't you tell me?", "Billy: I was, uh... I was trying to work everything out, and by the time I found Victor and I was all set to bring him back... Honey, it was too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sobs) Why? Oh, Katherine!", "Kay: You weren't answering your phone, so I thought it was a good bet that, uh... I'd find you here. Ohh, Nikk.", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "Kay: Nikki, Nikki, Nikki.", "Nikki: (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sister Celeste: Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to take so long.", "Genevieve: No, that's okay. Oh, great, this is perfect.", "Sister Celeste: Here you go.", "Genevieve: Thank you very much.", "Sister Celeste: Here you go.", "Genevieve: I believe that he has a concussion.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs) Do we need to get him to the hospital?", "Victor: No, no, no, no, no, no. That might be dangerous for you.", "Genevieve: He's right. Besides, they're only gonna do the same thing for him that--that we will do for him...", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Genevieve: Which is to watch him, make sure that he doesn't lapse into unconsciousness, to keep him very still, very comfortable, and to keep the ice on his head.", "Sister Celeste: Oh, go ahead.", "Genevieve: Okay, can you please get me some acetaminophen?", "Sister Celeste: Oh, uh, sure, but I'm gonna have to make a stop at the service at the mission first. Otherwise, people are gonna get suspicious, so I-I-I'll be back a-as soon as I possibly can.", "Genevieve: All right.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Its okay, it's okay.", "Victor: (Sighs) Is this the orphanage? Is this the orphanage?", "Genevieve: It's all right. It's okay. It's all right.", "Victor: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "Genevieve: No, it's okay.", "Victor: (Groans loudly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Mrs. Newman, there's no rush. We can wait for the rest of your family.", "Sharon: No one else is coming.", "Man: Um... the body is badly burned.", "Sharon: I understand. I--", "Man: We haven't been able to make a positive I.D., but the height, weight, and physicality are consistent with Mr. Newman.", "Man: Are you sure?", "Sharon: Go ahead. (Gasping)", "Man: W-w-would you like to sit down?", "Sharon: Ohh. No, um... I-I just need a few minutes alone.", "Man: Are you sure?", "Sharon: (Sighs) Damn you, Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: And hey, when you lose someone like this, just quick, with no warning...", "Abby: (Sniffles) Like your mom.", "Kyle: I know what you're going through.", "Abby: When I lost Brad, it helped knowing that I had my other dad... and now they're both gone.", "Kyle: I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I wish it hadn't happened so far away from home, and there are so many things that we're not gonna know.", "Kay: Oh, please, please, I want some answers, as well. Do you know, had any one of us-- had he called any one of us, he would still be alive today.", "Nikki: Billy had a phone number for him.", "Kay: When?", "Nikki: Today. I called it.", "Kay: You spoke-- you spoke to Victor?", "Nikki: (Sniffles) He said...", "Kay: What?", "Nikki: (Sobs) He said my name. He said my name. (Sobbing)", "Kay: Oh, my God.", "Nikki: Oh, Katherine... (Sobs)", "Kay: It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: I could go if you need to speak privately.", "Jack: I would prefer that, thank you.", "Tucker: Uh, hold up, Sof. Is this business, Jack?", "Jack: It is.", "Tucker: Sofia stays.", "Jack: Suit yourself. I bet on Newman stock and lost.", "Tucker: That's too bad.", "Jack: With all of your newly acquired stock, I guess you got hit pretty hard, too.", "Tucker: If so, it was my money to lose. I didn't leverage anything... as I suspect you did.", "Jack: Okay, let's cut right to it. Are you still interested in buying Beauty of Nature?", "Tucker: Maybe.", "Jack: I'm not liquid enough to make my margin call. I need cash fast.", "Tucker: Sofia.", "Sofia: You want me to draft the papers?", "Tucker: A sales agreement, right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: It's not you. (Sighs) What are you doing, Victor? What, did you set this up? (Sighs) Of course you did. The question is, what do you want? You want the world to think you're dead? Why? And what am I supposed to do now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hello?", "Billy: I'm swearing you to secrecy.", "Genevieve: About what?", "Billy: About the two of us being with Victor in L.A.", "Genevieve: Has something else come up?", "Billy: Yeah. My marriage is on the line.", "Genevieve: Still?", "Billy: Now that her dad's dead, I'm not quite sure how she's going to handle it.", "Genevieve: I see.", "Billy: Just say you're gonna cover for me, Genevieve. You know it'll be just as bad for you if anyone finds out that you knew where Victor was and kept it quiet.", "Genevieve: I can't talk about this right now.", "Victor: You made a phone call. Was that... was that a person called Nikki?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Sighs) After everything I went through to get Beauty of Nature... it's gone with the swipe of a pen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Noah, it's your dad. I need you to give me a call, okay? (Exhales slowly)", "Phyllis: Okay, um, I called the school.", "Nick: Are they pulling Summer out of class?", "Phyllis: Yeah, they're gonna keep her in the office. She can't check her phone, you know, or talk to one of her friends and get sideswiped by this, so we should get over there.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Is there anything else I can do for you?", "Nick: You're here. That's something. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What did you do?! Why is Victor dead?!", "Billy: Would you lower your voice, please? Victoria's right upstairs.", "Kevin: Did you tell her that you found her dad when he was still alive?", "Billy: Not yet.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Billy: The plan was to get to L.A., bring Victor back, and then let everybody know that I was holding out on his whereabouts in the middle of the happy family reunion.", "Kevin: Yeah, and what happened?", "Billy: I was too late, and you have to keep quiet about what I knew and when.", "Kevin: (Sighs) How's Victoria?", "Billy: She is torn up and it's killing me, and I'm gonna regret this for the rest of my life.", "Kevin: You could try telling her the truth.", "Billy: Yeah, and cause her more grief. That's a bad idea.", "Kevin: Keeping it from her is not a good idea.", "Billy: Okay... (Chuckles) But before you turn into the friendly neighborhood whistle-blower, will you think about Delia, please, how much she enjoys being a part of this family, how much she loves it? Do you really want to take that away from her?", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Are you threatening me?", "Billy: I'm asking you, for Victoria and Delia's sake, will you just... (Whispering) Keep your mouth shut?", "Victoria: Oh. Hey, Kevin. What's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You don't want to come back home. (Sighs) Fine. Death it is.", "Man: Mrs. Newman, from your reaction, it is obvious, but I have to ask-- is that your husband?", "Sharon: (Voice breaking) Yes.", "Man: We can do a postmortem to confirm.", "Sharon: (Normal voice) Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I-I'd like to have him cremated, per his wishes.", "Man: We can make arrangements with the mortuary. It may take, uh, a day or so.", "Sharon: Oh, no, I-I need it done immediately. I just... (Voice breaking) I can't bear the thought of Victor that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Why did you think that it was Nikki who was calling? Who is Nikki?", "Victor: I just... remember that she called you before.", "[Victor remembering]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) I didn't mean to leave that there.", "Victor: I guess you don't want to talk to that N-Nikki Newman, is that?", "Genevieve: She's a friend. She's kind of an annoying friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I think...", "Genevieve: What is it? What are you remembering?", "Victor: I think she called me, too.", "[Victor remembering]", "Nikki: Victor? Is that you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: When did Nikki call you?", "Victor: I don't know. All the places and... and time and everything is scrambled in my head.", "Genevieve: I think that I might be able to help you figure this out.", "Victor: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: My father and I... We had lots of... issues.", "Chelsea: He enjoyed pushing people around.", "Adam: I don't know, I've been thinking a lot about the legacy that we're building for our son or daughter.", "Chelsea: No ego involved?", "Adam: Major ego involved. I'm very proud of my companies. Sounds a lot like my father, huh? I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.", "Chelsea: Well, my vote is that you are all good, but I... I didn't like your father very much.", "Adam: Me, neither, and he knew that. But there were a few things that he didn't know that-- that I wish I had had a chance to tell him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Feeling disjointed is normal after a head injury.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: That explains why I'm confused now.", "Genevieve: Yeah.", "Victor: I just don't... remember anything from before I got here.", "Genevieve: Yeah, don't try so hard, okay?", "Victor: Mm.", "Genevieve: Just--just relax. Take a-- take a nice deep breath, huh? Come on. (Inhales deeply) Ahh.", "Victor: (Exhales slowly)", "Genevieve: That's good.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Now what's the first thing that pops into your head?", "Victor: I don't know. It would... I'm thinking of a-- a big place, like a... farm or ranch or something.", "Genevieve: Anything else?", "Victor: I remember horse--horses, and then... a blonde woman.", "Genevieve: Can you see her face? Do you know who it is?", "Victor: No. And I'm-- I'm very afraid that I... won't ever get those memories back. I just can't-- I can't make any sense of it.", "Genevieve: It's okay. It's all right.", "Victor: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I just came by to let you know that Chloe and I were thinking about you and to ask you if there was anything that you needed.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: It's your brother. Hey, Michael. I know, I-I've-- I wasn't expecting it, either.", "Victoria: No, I hadn't heard. (Sighs) All right, I'll let Mom and Nick know. Bye.", "Billy: What is it?", "Victoria: My dad's body has arrived and... is at the morgue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Ooh, you're shaking.", "Sharon: I know, I know. I can't stop.", "Tucker: I knew I should have gone with you to identify the body.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Shh. You don't have to be scared. You've got me.", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, thank God for that. Tucker...", "Tucker: What?", "Sharon: What's gonna happen to the company?", "Tucker: I'll tell you what's gonna happen. I will help you, Sharon, and together, we'll make Newman bigger and stronger than ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It's done. I'll have the money for the margin call.", "Cane: It was a smart save, Jack. It's a shame it came down to losing Beauty of Nature.", "Jack: Yeah, it's a real shame. I'll call you later.", "Abby: (Sniffles)", "Jack: Hey.", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Jack: Come here, come here. Hey.", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Jack: Ohh. Ohh. I wish I could make this better for you.", "Abby: (Voice breaking) I wish you could, too. (Sobbing)", "Jack: We all know my relationship with Victor was... complicated, contentious.", "Kyle: Yeah, and that was on a good day.", "Jack: But you know what? For a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the pain it's causing the people I love...", "Abby: (Sobbing)", "Jack: I wish the man hadn't died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Once the dust settles, I think I'm going to approach Sharon.", "Chelsea: About what?", "Adam: About buying my mother's farm in Kansas.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Adam: I assume she'll get it in my father's estate, and I want that farm. I want it for my family.", "Chelsea: If the baby's a boy, do you want to name him Victor? (Gasps) Ohh! Aah!", "Adam: What was that?", "Chelsea: (Laughs) Um, that was your child stretching out an arm or a leg. (Laughs)", "Adam: Maybe it's a sign.", "Chelsea: A sign of what, that he wants to be named Victor? (Laughs)", "Adam: Maybe it's a sign that whatever name we give little \"Stretch\"...", "Chelsea: (Chuckles)", "Adam: That my parents will be there, always, through--through their children and grandchildren.", "Chelsea: Yeah. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nick: Thanks for calling.", "Nikki: I thought you would have brought Phyllis.", "Nick: She had to pick up Summer from school. I was just about to book a flight to L.A., see if I could figure out what happened to Dad.", "Man: Thank you for waiting, but I'm afraid that Mrs. Newman has already identified the body.", "Nikki: Yes, but we'd like to see Victor.", "Man: That's not possible.", "Nikki: These are his children.", "Man: Ma'am, the body is already gone. Mrs. Newman sent it to be cremated.", "Victoria: What?", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Nick: What?", "Nikki: I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: I'll tell you something, Sharon-- working together, we're gonna be able to stabilize the stock.", "Sharon: Yeah, I-I'm sure we can.", "Tucker: I'm gonna help you. I'll tell you what, you know, why don't we make it legal, so nobody can challenge it? Hey. Marry me.", "Sharon: Marry? Really?", "Tucker: I can give you a whole list of reasons why it would be good for both of us.", "Sharon: Well, you don't have to convince me. I can give you a whole list of reasons, too. Yes, I will marry you, and the sooner, the better. (Laughs)", "Tucker: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: You are remembering much more than you did before, so don't give up. Just keep trying.", "Victor: Just let me relax now.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm, you can relax.", "Victor: I'm... kind of dizzy now.", "Genevieve: Okay, but no napping. You need to stay awake.", "Victor: Why?", "Genevieve: Uh, it's not time yet. You need to stay awake.", "Victor: Yes, I want to sleep.", "Genevieve: I know. Stay with me. Stay with me. Come on, Christian. Christian, stay with me.", "Genevieve: Christian?", "Victor: That's not my name. My name is Victor Newman.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: This is going to be a perfect day. I bury one husband and I get a shiny new one.", "Jack: I lost a lot more than I expected.", "Nikki: Her ultimate goal will be to have this all over with so she can forget Victor ever existed." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Chelsea takes Connor home to Adam's and confronts him about having her tailed but that the man was pretty obvious in what he was doing. Billy gets a call from Victoria to let him know that she won't be coming home as planned but that she had purchased some very sexy negligee for when they are together. Adam tells Chelsea that he hired two nannies to take care of Connor. Chelsea lets Adam know that she is perfectly able to care for Connor herself. Dylan lashes out at Avery that he doesn't need her help. At the coffeehouse, Delia tells Chloe about Jordan in the school play. Kevin comes in and Delia jumps up to hug him. Chloe invites Kevin to the school play. Hilary shows Mason the blog on the internet of Cane in bed naked. At the police department, Lily tells Cane that she cannot wait until they can expose Hilary for what she is. Neil and Leslie walk in. Cane and Lily bring them up to date on what was going on and that Hilary is the blogger. Chelsea defends Dylan to Adam when he makes some remarks about Dylan's mental state. Chelsea tells Adam that instead of arguing amongst themselves, they need to fight for Connor. Dylan tells Avery that he is to blame for her and Nick not getting married. Stitch calls Avery to check on Dylan's whereabouts. Avery tells him that Dylan is at the hospital getting help. Cane plays the recording for Leslie and Neil of Hilary, but Neil refuses to press charges against her. Neil tells them that he wants to talk to Hilary alone to try to work things out. Hilary gets a text from Cane or so she thinks. Billy brings Delia a dog to the coffeehouse and she is thrilled. Kevin soon makes his departure. Chelsea lets Adam know that she is glad he is here. Stitch goes to join Dylan at the hospital as does Avery.", "Delia asks Chloe and Billy where Kevin went. Hilary joins Neil in the park. He begins to explain about the night that her mom died in a hotel room all by herself. Dylan meets with the psychiatrist with Stitch and Avery waiting outside. Avery lets Stitch know her wedding to Nick was called off. The doctor tells Chelsea and Adam that Connor will go blind but not because of retinitis pigmentosa. The dog runs away and Delia goes after it. Chloe and Billy follow. Neil tells Cane, Lily, and Leslie about his meeting with Hilary. Kevin shows them the blog that Hilary released on the internet about him being responsible for Rose's death. Mason and Hilary meet in the park. The doctor orders more tests on Connor. Chelsea blames herself for Connor's eye problems for giving birth in a dirty warehouse. Avery lashes out at Chelsea for being the one responsible for Dylan's meltdown.", "" ]
[ "[Cell phone rings]", "Billy: Tell me that your plane landed early and you're waiting at the house for me in that little, blue, slinky, lacy thing.", "Victoria: Um, I'm afraid you're out of luck, sailor.", "Billy: Still in the air?", "Victoria: No...Dallas. Yeah, um, I'm just, you know, tying up a few loose ends.", "Billy: Okay. [Clears throat] So, how late is your plane coming in tonight?", "Victoria: About that...", "Billy: Tomorrow?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Monday.", "Billy: Monday?! That's in an entirely different week!", "Victoria: I'm so sorry. It's just that dad needs me to meet with some more associates. But, uh, the good news is... in my downtime... I did a little lingerie shopping.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? Anything you think I might like?", "Victoria: Well, let's just say that... it will make you forget about that little lacy, blue thing faster than you can say thigh-high or garter belt.", "Billy: [Groans] You're killing me! How am I supposed to get through the week with that image in my head?!", "Victoria: Well... I can think of a few ways.", "Billy: [Murmuring indistinctly] [Hums]", "Adam: You're back.", "Chelsea: Did I have any choice? [Gasps softly]", "Adam: What have you been up to?", "Chelsea: Oh... you know... I could tell you about how I went to the office for a fitting or how I went to that new cafe on maple to eat, and then I stopped to get gas. But you know all of that already, don't you? The guy you have following me isn't very subtle.", "Adam: He's not paid to be subtle. He's paid to keep an eye on my son at all times.", "Chelsea: Why? What do you think I'm gonna do, Adam -- take Connor and just skip town?", "Adam: Yes. I'm not gonna take my chances. I want my son safe. By the way, I've hired Nancy and Vanessa, two nannies that will be working on-call 24 hours a day for this baby. They start tonight.", "Chelsea: I can handle caring for my own son.", "Adam: Can you? 'Cause after that episode with your shell-shocked husband, I have my doubts.", "Avery: What time is your appointment with the psychiatrist?", "Dylan: Uh, it's soon enough.", "Avery: Soon enough like 10 minutes from now, a half an hour from now?", "Dylan: I'm not gonna blow it off, if that's what you're worried about.", "Avery: Do you want me to go with you?", "Dylan: Uh, no. I'm fine.", "Avery: Well, I know you're fine, but it might be nice to have some moral support.", "Dylan: Uh, you -- you can't help me.", "Avery: Well, I can't help you --", "Dylan: Avery! I don't need your help.", "Avery: [Sighs]", "Delia: And Jordan keeps stepping on the lion's tail, and he trips!", "Chloe: Wait, who's Jordan?", "Delia: The tin man.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Delia: It takes them like a year to push him back on his feet.", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Amateurs.", "Delia: Yeah. Amateurs!", "Kevin: [Gasps]", "Delia: Kevin!", "Kevin: Hey! Munchkin! Hi!", "Delia: I'm not a munchkin! I'm the wicked witch of the west.", "Kevin: As if I could forget that. You been practicing what I told you?", "Delia: Always upstage the competition.", "Kevin: That is my girl!", "Chloe: [Laughs] Okay! Hold on a minute! Are you trying to turn her into a diva?", "Kevin: Oh, she doesn't need me to teach her that!", "Chloe: [Gasps softly]", "Kevin: Besides, I just want to make sure she stands out in the show!", "Chloe: Well, of course she's gonna stand out. She's the wicked witch!", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "Chloe: Um, but you're -- you're gonna come, right?", "Kevin: Yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything.", "Hilary: Look at that reaction. The number of comments and shares are through the roof -- not that I'm surprised. Who wouldn't want to see a naked cane Ashby in bed?", "Mason: Have you spoken to cane since we posted the pictures?", "Hilary: I'm waiting for him to contact me. When he does, I will play the mortified assistant who was just caught sleeping with her boss after one too many drinks.", "Mason: [Chuckles] I wonder what his excuse will be.", "Hilary: He'll probably say he wasn't thinking straight, blame it on his problems with lily.", "Mason: Yeah, if only he knew.", "Hilary: That I drugged him and staged the whole thing? By the time he finds out, if he ever does, his marriage will be a distant memory.", "Lily: I cannot wait to see the look on Hilary's face when she finds out we are onto her.", "Cane: Not much longer now.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm sure dad and Leslie will be here any minute.", "Cane: After we confer with them, we can bring the police in on it, but Paul's out of town, so we'll do it with Chavez.", "Lily: That's fine! All I care about is getting justice -- that's it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Cane: Excuse me. Oh, it's another reporter. See you! I was gonna turn it off, but I'm waiting on this phone call about this deal.", "Lily: I can stay here and take care of it if you have to go back to the office.", "Cane: I'm not going anywhere! There's nothing more important than protecting our marriage, making sure Hilary's out of our lives, okay?", "Lily: Okay. Look, I'm really, really sorry that I ever doubted you.", "Cane: You don't have to be sorry. If I saw pictures of you in bed with someone, you know what? I may think you're having an affair, too.", "Lily: Just thank god that you figured out she drugged your champagne!", "Cane: Yes, and I did a pretty good job pretending to drink it, if I do say so myself.", "Lily: [Giggles] Yes, you did. And wait until she realizes you recorded everything that she said.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: Hey, you guys. What's up?", "Both: Hey!", "Leslie: Hey. What's going on? Why the summons to the police station, of all places?", "Neil: Yeah, why couldn't you tell us on the phone? Is everything all right?", "Lily: Oh, it is better than all right.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: We finally have proof that Hilary is the GC buzz blogger.", "Neil: Get out of here.", "Lily: Yep! So this mess is finally over.", "Victoria: I mean, there's really no reason to leave you it were. I mean, what's the use of having an unlimited data plan if you can't stream a half-naked photo of yourself to your sweet, lonely husband?", "Billy: As much as I love seeing you in and out of your unmentionables, now is not the time nor the place! I'm standing in the middle of chancellor park!", "Victoria: So? When did you become such a prude?", "Billy: So since kids play here, including our own! I mean... but maybe you can describe just a little bit.", "Victoria: Well... it's black and sheer... and lacy and short.", "Billy: Oh, my. That is -- oh. Whoa. Okay. Hold on. Time out. Um, we're gonna have to continue this later.", "Victoria: What? Are you kidding me? Why?", "Billy: I wish I was. It's...that surprise that I arranged for Dee Dee. It's here. I'm sorry.", "Victoria: Aw, don't be sorry.", "Billy: Monday can't get here soon enough.", "Victoria: Yeah. Tell me about it.", "Billy: I love you.", "Victoria: Love you! Hey, give the kids a kiss for me, and one for you, okay?", "Chelsea: You have no idea what you're talking about. From the second Dylan found out that I was pregnant, he did everything in his power to be the best possible father for Connor.", "Adam: Of course, which is why he kidnapped him.", "Chelsea: He was confused! He had post-traumatic flashbacks!", "Adam: He put my son in danger.", "Chelsea: Our son, Adam! He is our son! And I-I have a say in his life.", "Adam: Well, that's for the courts to decide, okay? But in the meantime, I think you understand why I want him away from our son.", "Chelsea: Can you show a little bit of compassion? How would you feel if you watched your best friends be blown to bits? How would you feel if a sweet, innocent girl died in your arms? And then you came home, only to lose a child that you thought was yours.", "Adam: Whose fault was that?", "Chelsea: I know. And I am cursing myself every single day. Dylan is going through hell right now because of my lies, because I wanted a good life for Connor.", "Adam: By cutting me out?", "Chelsea: What was I supposed to do, Adam, after the way you treated me? I had had a miscarriage, and what did you do? You left me alone to cry by myself so you could go out and try to win daddy's love. [Sighs] You didn't even mourn your own baby, so why do you think you deserve to raise this one?", "Adam: That is not for you to decide.", "Chelsea: Stop. I'm sorry! This is not right, okay? We said we wouldn't fight -- we wouldn't fight in front of the baby. We need to focus on him, fight for him... especially considering what he's facing.", "Adam: Let's just wait until we go see a specialist before we go all doom and gloom.", "Chelsea: I'm allowed to worry, Adam.", "Adam: They had a cure for me. They will have a cure for my son.", "Chelsea: If there was ever a time... I hoped you were right... it's now.", "Avery: I'm not sure you're in the best position to judge what you need.", "Dylan: It doesn't matter what I need.", "Avery: Of course it does.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Look, I-I know you feel responsible because of our history, but you've already sacrificed too much.", "Avery: What does that mean?", "Dylan: You would be married to nick right now if it wasn't for me!", "Avery: That's not your fault.", "Dylan: Who was talking your ear off when you should've been walking down the aisle?", "Avery: I made the decision to stay! You weren't holding me prisoner.", "Dylan: Pretty much.", "Avery: Will you please let me help you?", "Dylan: I appreciate the offer. But I got to do this on my own.", "Avery: Are you sure that you can?", "Dylan: [Sighs] I'm gonna try.", "Avery: [Sighs] [Sighs]", "[Cell phone rings]", "[Door shuts]", "Avery: Hello?", "Stitch: Avery. It's stitch. Want to let you know I'm here.", "Avery: Here.", "Stitch: Yeah, in Genoa city. I made arrangements to help with the search right after you told me Dylan and the baby went missing.", "Avery: Oh, my gosh. Stitch, I'm so sorry. I should've called you back. Uh, Connor is home! Everything is okay.", "Stitch: I heard, but I can't find Dylan. I stopped by his place, but it was empty.", "Avery: Yeah, he's on his way to memorial hospital right now to see a psychiatrist.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Well, that's a huge step. Good for him.", "Avery: Well, yeah! But he insists on going alone! Uh, he says he doesn't want my help!", "Stitch: Maybe he doesn't, but he sure as hell is gonna need it. Meet me over there?", "Avery: Yeah! As soon as I can get there!", "Stitch: Thanks.", "Hilary: Whoa!", "Stitch: I'm so sorry. Excuse me.", "Hilary: Did you get it?", "Mason: Nice shot from across the alley. You look good.", "Hilary: Oh! Nice shot.", "Mason: Nice skin -- yours, I mean. [Chuckles] The hotel shot in new York was pretty good practice.", "Neil: That voice sounds familiar. Who is that?", "Lily: It's mason wilder.", "Neil: The model?!", "Lily: Right? That's what I said.", "Mason: I think I've seen that look on your face before.", "Hilary: You and I make a great team. [Smooching] Now, I need that picture to go live.", "Mason: It's already on GC buzz.", "Hilary: Love it! Cane will never be able to explain his way out of this one.", "Leslie: Wow!", "Lily: Crazy, right?", "Neil: Hilary Curtis, rose turner's dau-- this is unbelievable!", "Cane: Yeah, she put on a pretty good act.", "Leslie: Yeah, she is cunning, no doubt about it -- taking a job as your assistant just to get access to Neil and his family? She was perfectly positioned to hurt you.", "Lily: Yep. We have to make sure that she can't anymore.", "Leslie: Oh, we can make a case for defamation of character, invasion of privacy, mental anguish.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing that. There's no need. I'm not gonna press charges.", "Lily: Dad, you cannot be serious! She put your personal journal entries online, humiliated and slandered us, and you want to let her just walk away?!", "Neil: Sweetheart, she holds me responsible for her mother's death, all right?! I-I-I understand her anger!", "Lily: What about my anger, and cane's?! She has the whole town thinking that he cheated on me!", "Cane: Not to mention she tried to drug me.", "Neil: She did what?", "Cane: She put something in my drink! She tried to knock me out.", "Lily: Luckily, cane caught on and faked it.", "Cane: Then they took pictures of me in a compromising position.", "Neil: Mason took the photos, right?", "Cane: Yes.", "Leslie: I hope this guy gets what's coming to him.", "Neil: Okay, he's not gonna be a part of the fashion campaign. You can bet on that.", "Lily: Oh, I'm sorry. So mason gets punished, but Hilary gets to go free? Drugging somebody isn't a white-collar crime! She has to do time for that!", "Neil: It's not gonna solve anything.", "Lily: And letting her go will?", "Neil: Going through a trial, throng her in jail -- it's only gonna fuel her resentment, and what's it get us? I have to stop it, and the only way I can do that is to talk to her about what happened that night in Evanston.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh. You're ridiculous.", "Leslie: See, that sounds great in theory, but I'm just not so sure that Hilary -- or Ann is someone you can reason with! I mean, look at me! I went half a lifetime convinced my father killed my mother. Didn't matter how many times he tried to tell me he was innocent. Hell, I wouldn't even believe the forensic evidence they used to exonerate him!", "Neil: I hear what you're saying, but I have to try.", "Cane: Neil, you are making a mistake. If she's gone and done all of this, who knows how far she's prepared to go?", "Neil: Do you understand... that I'm the reason that Ann's mother died in a hotel room alone? I have to find a way to make it right. ...for rose.", "Hilary: \"Katherine chancellor must be turning in her grave with the inappropriate behavior of her C.E.O.\"", "Mason: Well, have you decided what you're gonna do if cane doesn't fall all over himself, apologizing? He could decide to fire you in order to save his marriage.", "Hilary: And open himself up to a sexual harassment suit and even more bad publicity. Yeah. Not a chance.", "Mason: You are awfully sure of yourself.", "Hilary: I know men. They are nothing if not predictable.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Mason: Cane?", "Hilary: He wants me to meet him in the park. Like I said...predictable.", "Delia: Stay out of my way, Dorothy! I'll get you and your little Toto, too! [Cackles]", "Chloe: [Laughs] Bravo!", "Kevin: I'm still shaking. I'm so scared.", "Chloe: I know.", "Delia: I need a real Toto instead of a stuffed one.", "Kevin: What? Well, don't let buddy dog hear you say that! He has been a very good friend to you over the years!", "Chloe: Yeah, and he's not like bobby! You don't need to wake up early and feed him! You don't have to walk him in the middle of a blizzard!", "Delia: I didn't mind that.", "Chloe: Well, I remember Kevin and I always doing it!", "Kevin: Yeah! You know, caring for a dog is a very big responsibility.", "Chloe: You know what? We will discuss it when you get a little bit older, okay? I promise.", "Billy: [Whistling]", "Chloe: She's good, right?", "Kevin: Great. She's --", "Billy: I have a special delivery for one Cordelia Abbott. I believe you requested your very own... Toto.", "Delia: O.M.G.! I love him! You're the best daddy ever!", "Billy: Ah! I love you, too! Look how cute he is! Look how -- [Vocalizes] Like a little monkey. Boop! [Chuckles]", "Delia: [Whines]", "Billy: Oh, yeah. He likes hugs. He likes hugs!", "Chelsea: This is so wrong.", "Adam: What?", "Chelsea: All the... smiling animals, the bright and happy colors. They don't belong here.", "Connor: [Sighs]", "Adam: Would you prefer black crepe and angels of death?", "Chelsea: I'd prefer not to be in a hospital at all. I would prefer to be at home with Dylan and our s-- and Connor... like we were, the way we were supposed to be. But instead, I'm here with you, waiting to see if this sweet, little boy is gonna go blind because he's cursed with your genes.", "Adam: Is this how it's gonna be from now on?", "Chelsea: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm just really scared about what the doctor's gonna tell us, and I-I'm taking it out on you.", "Adam: Yeah, well, you'll have to excuse me if I'm standing over here a bit skeptical of that.", "Chelsea: It's true. I'm glad you're here. I don't think I could handle this alone.", "[Clang]", "Stitch: It'll pass. Just breathe through it. Avery said you might need a friend.", "Dylan: She tell you what happened?", "Stitch: About you taking Connor? Yeah.", "Dylan: Yeah, it was bad. Storm triggered it. Suddenly, I was right back ere, enemies all around, feeling trapped. I didn't even recognize Avery. I tried to attack her.", "Stitch: You didn't hurt her.", "Dylan: I could've. As long as that's the case, I can't -- I can't have her around. I pushed her away, and I ended up hurting her anyway.", "Stitch: Explain that to her.", "Dylan: I would. I'm just not sure she would understand.", "Avery: She already does.", "Billy: Oh, what's with the look? Look, he's so cute! It's gonna be great! She wanted a Toto? She got a Toto! Give me a kiss, Toto. [Smooches]", "Chloe: Ugh. Okay.", "Billy: [Laughs]", "Chloe: I hope that you borrowed that dog for the play.", "Delia: I have to give him back?", "Billy: Now, would I do that to you? Would I break your little heart? Absolutely not. This guy is a keeper! You're a keeper. You're a keeper.", "Chloe: Uh, Billy? Can I talk to you over here for a second?", "Billy: [Whispering] Mom talks -- yay! Hello. [Clears throat]", "Chloe: Um, what were you thinking, buying her a dog without discussing it with me first?", "Billy: What's to discuss? He's a rescue. It's a win-win!", "Chloe: Oh! Oh, okay! So, the dog wins, and Delia wins, and you win best dad ever! What am I winning, Billy?", "Billy: I know that you're winning something -- I just can't think of what it is at the moment.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Billy: But I'm sure it'll come to me. What? She wanted a dog. She got a dog.", "Chloe: Okay, so if she wanted a crocodile, would you buy her that, too? I mean, what -- where is that mutt supposed to live?! When I moved back to Katherine's, I had to send bobby to live with the trainer because my mother doesn't want to deal with the dog hair.", "Billy: What hair? Bobby's all skin.", "Chloe: The dog has hair.", "Billy: Uh-huh.", "Chloe: In places, it has hair. Okay, that is not the point! The point is that my mother doesn't want him in the house.", "Billy: Fine! He can stay with us. Keely needs a playmate, anyway. Oh, come on. Look at her! Look at that smile. You gonna tell me it wasn't all worth it, hmm?", "Delia: Where's Kevin? I want to show him my new dog!", "Kevin: [Groans]", "Lily: It is ridiculous for dad to reach out to Hilary. She doesn't want an apology! She just wants revenge!", "Leslie: Yeah, well, I think the apology is more for Neil's benefit. He's had an incredible amount of guilt over rose.", "Lily: Yeah, for not saving her -- I know.", "Leslie: Yeah, saying I'm sorry -- I guess it'll be cathartic for him.", "Lily: Well, we hope.", "Cane: Well, at least I got that call out of the way.", "Lily: Why couldn't Jill handle that for you?", "Cane: I don't know where she went. She left town -- no explanation where she's going, when she's coming back.", "Lily: Wonder what's going on.", "Kevin: She's probably still upset about getting dissed in Mrs. C's will. You asked!", "Lily: It hasn't been easy for the people who got the bulk of the inheritance, either.", "Kevin: Oh, you mean like your brother? How much did he get, again -- 2 gajillion dollars? Yeah, I can imagine what a burden that must be, trying to decide between the summer house in the cape or in the Hamptons. That'd keep me up at night.", "Lily: You know what? Different kinds of burdens come with having that kind of money, and Devon has been hounded by the press 24/7. He's just trying to lay low and avoid them!", "Cane: Yeah, I wish I could disappear, get the press off my back.", "Leslie: You shouldn't have to go into hiding.", "Lily: Cane, this is Hilary's fault, not yours! She's been trying to ruin our lives for months, and dad might be willing to overlook that, but I am not!", "Hilary: Mr. Winters! Hello.", "Neil: I know I'm not o you were expecting to see. Cane's not gonna be showing up.", "Hilary: Let me guess. You saw the picture of the two of us online, and you are here to tell me to stay away from him.", "Neil: As a matter of fact, I am here to --", "Hilary: Listen, I can't deny that I'm attracted to cane. But I never would've acted on those feelings. He was the one who made the first move.", "Neil: You didn't let me finish. The reason I'm here... is to apologize... for what happened to your mother. I never should've left her alone in that hotel room. I am very sorry for your loss, ann. hurt me, don't th", "Neil: Yeah, that's right. I know who you are. You left behind some clues in London.", "Hilary: Um... [Scoffs]", "Neil: A bit careless for someone hell-bent on trying to hurt me, don't you think? But maybe, on some level, you wanted me to figure it all out. Maybe you wanted me to look you in the eye... and tell you how and why I failed your mother.", "Hilary: My mother... is fine. She's retired. She's living in sun city, California. She plays tennis and bingo every day.", "Neil: Your mother drank herself to death... because she was broken and in pain. And not a single person lifted a finger to help her... including me. And I should've. But, you see, I was broken, too. My wife had just died in a tragic accident. I had fallen off the wagon. I alienated everybody in my family. Somehow, I walked into a bar in Evanston. And I found a drinking partner in a lonely woman named rose turner.", "Hilary: Cue the violins.", "Neil: We drank until we got drunk. And then I walked her back to her hotel room. We tossed back a few more... till she passed out. Fell asleep on the bed. At least, that's what I thought, in the drunken state that I was in. So I left, quietly. You got to understand something -- that I blocked all of this out of my mind until recently. It was only after I did some research that I learned that your mother h-- never woke up. I know an apology won't bring her back, but neither will going after my family.", "Hilary: So, this is a warning.", "Neil: I'm not interested in punishing you. I'm asking you -- I'm begging you. Stop punishing me. If you have any questions... or if you want to know anything more about that night... you know exactly where to find me. You know... sometimes, talking helps.", "Hilary: You're right. Sometimes, talking does help. [Sighs]", "Dr. Bellamy: Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? What brought you here?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Uh, there was an incident. I-I put some people I care about at risk, and I just -- I got to get that under control.", "Dr. Bellamy: Get what under control?", "Dylan: PTSD.", "Dr. Bellamy: Have you been clinically diagnosed?", "Dylan: I don't need a doctor to tell me what I have. A lot of us who've been there -- we have it.", "Dr. Bellamy: There?", "Dylan: Afghanistan. I did two tours.", "Dr. Bellamy: Mm. What happened while you were there?", "Dylan: It was a war zone. What do you think happened?", "Dr. Bellamy: It would help me help you if I had specific details.", "Dylan: My whole squad was wiped out! Is that specific enough?", "Dr. Bellamy: You were the sole survivor?", "Dylan: No. Our medic, stitch -- he was on leave at the time. He and I were the only two who -- who made it back.", "Avery: [Sighs] I hope Dylan's opening up in there. I know it's not easy for him.", "Stitch: Yeah -- even over there, he was pretty closed off. We all knew he had gone through something rough back home, but we never pushed.", "Avery: Well, I'm sorry he and I lost touch during that time. But I was in self-preservation mode, so --", "Stitch: At least you're doing well now! Uh, getting married soon, aren't you?", "Avery: Uh, actually, nick and I -- we -- we called things off.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Man. And here I drag you out to help Dylan when you're going through your own stuff.", "Avery: No, it's okay. It's -- it's good for me to, you know, get my mind off of other things for a while.", "Stitch: Still, um, I don't know. Maybe I should call Chelsea, have her take over for you.", "Avery: Do not do that. She's the last person Dylan needs right now.", "Dr. Lintz: I know you're anxious about a definitive diagnosis for Connor. But let me ask something first. What made you think he had retinitis pigmentosa?", "Adam: That's what his pediatrician said, wasn't it?", "Chelsea: She told us she detected anomalies that would eventually lead to Connor going blind.", "Adam: Was she wrong?", "Dr. Lintz: Well, not about the final result. Unfortunately, his condition is serious. Loss of vision is imminent. Connor will go blind. But he doesn't have retinitis pigmentosa. Toto", "Chloe: Okay. Listen. When you're staying at daddy's house, you're going to take care of the puppy, okay? That means that you're going to walk him. You're going to feed him. You're going to train him.", "Billy: You're gonna play with him!", "Chloe: Billy.", "Billy: What? What's the use of having a dog if you can't have fun with him every once in a while? Honey, want to teach this dog how to fetch, huh? All right. You take the ball. Go over there. Learn how to fetch.", "Chloe: Billy?", "Delia: Oh!", "Chloe: I am trying to teach her about responsibilities, okay? She has to learn. I don't want her to grow up to be like --", "Billy: Me?", "Chloe: I didn't say that.", "Billy: Didn't have to. This is gonna be good for her. And dogs really aren't that big of a deal! They're not that much trouble!", "Delia: Wait! Come back!", "Billy: No, Delia. Delia! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No. Hey. Hey.", "Chloe: Go stop her!", "Billy: Come back! Don't go out there!", "Chloe: Delia!", "Lily: Ugh. This is awful.", "Leslie: I know, right?! What do they put in this stuff?", "Cane: You call this coffee?!", "Kevin: What -- it's cop coffee! If you don't like it, go wait for Neil at crimson lights!", "Neil: That won't be necessary -- I'm already back.", "Leslie: How'd it go?", "Lily: What was her reaction when she realized she'd been busted?", "Cane: Did she admit to it?", "Neil: Okay, hold on with the questions, all right? She didn't say much of anything. She just listened to my explanation, and that was that. I just hope that I got through to her. You've got something good for me?", "Hilary: Yes. You think GC buzz was getting a lot of traffic before? Wait until you hear the story I have about Neil winters.", "Chelsea: I, uh -- I-I lost you. I thought you -- you said that Connor was going blind.", "Dr. Lintz: He is, but it isn't R.P. We need more tests to rule some things out and see what our options are, but our primary concern at the moment are corneal keloids.", "Adam: Keloids are a kind of scarring -- am I right?", "Dr. Lintz: Usually due to a traumatic birth.", "Chelsea: Um, co-Connor was -- my -- my husband delivered him at home.", "Adam: Could that have caused it?", "Dr. Lintz: Yes, I'm afraid so.", "Adam: So, this is not a genetic disease?", "Dr. Lintz: No, and I'd like to know how you jumped to that conclusion, but at the moment, I need to prepare these tests for Connor. Excuse me.", "[Door shuts]", "Chelsea: I didn't have to say a word.", "Adam: What?", "Chelsea: I didn't have to say a word to you. He doesn't have your disease. If I had just kept my mouth shut, you wouldn't be in our lives again. We would be at home, happy -- me and Dylan, raising Connor together.", "Adam: Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?", "Connor: [Grunts softly]", "Adam: You couldn't get him to a hospital? Instead, you gave birth in a dirty warehouse.", "Chelsea: Let me have him. Oh, it's okay. [Sniffles] It's my fault. [Sniffles] It's all my fault! [Sighs] [Crying] And every time I look at this sweet, little boy for the rest of his life, he won't be able to look back at me! And I'll have to know it was all my fault!", "Billy: [Mutters indistinctly]", "Chloe: Listen to me. Listen. You cannot go running out like that!", "Delia: He could've gotten hurt!", "Chloe: Yes, and you could've gotten hurt, too, sweetie! This is what mommy's talking about when I'm talking about rules!", "Billy: Your mom's right. I'm gonna invest $10 in a good leash so you don't have to chase him anymore, and can you give me the number to that trainer your hairless wonder is staying with? Because dash here I think could use some discipline.", "Chloe: Dash?", "Billy: Yeah, it's a good name, don't you think? I mean, it's fitting! What do you think? You like that name -- dash?", "Delia: Dash? It's perfect! I love him!", "Billy: Ooh! Hugs! Big hugs.", "[Both chuckle]", "Mason: I take it things went well with cane?", "Hilary: Oh, it turns out it was a setup. Neil was waiting for me, not cane.", "Mason: Then why do you look so happy?", "Leslie: So I guess there's no changing your mind about pressing charges.", "Neil: No. None.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Well, then, cane and I will take Hilary to court.", "Neil: No. Honey, no. Uh, e-enough of this witch hunt!", "Kevin: Um, you guys? You're gonna want to see this. It's a new GC buzz post.", "Lily: [Sighs]", "Cane: \"Jabot fashion head Neil winters admits drunken bender led to the death of Evanston, Illinois, woman rose turner\"!", "Lily: So...", "Cane: Wow.", "Lily: ...Still think that I'm the one on the witch hunt?", "Dr. Bellamy: It must've been devastating, losing your whole battalion like that.", "Dylan: Squad.", "Dr. Bellamy: Is there a difference?", "Dylan: By about 590 soldiers, yes.", "Dr. Bellamy: Forgive me. I-I'm not familiar with military jargon. I-I know how close you can become fighting in the trenches.", "Dylan: There are no trenches in Afghanistan, doctor. The sand would fill them in a matter of hours. This was a mistake. I'm out of here.", "Dr. Bellamy: Let me help you.", "Dylan: How can you possibly help me when you don't understand a damn thing about war or what I've been through?!", "Stitch: Can I get you something to eat with that coffee?", "Avery: Thanks. I'm not that hungry these days. [Sighs]", "Stitch: It's hard, I know. But it gets better. You'll be okay. Avery, those are all the empty greeting card sayings I have, so I'm gonna shut up now.", "Avery: Sorry. Oh, great.", "Adam: Avery. What are you doing here? You representing Dylan, pursuing some kind of legal action?", "Avery: Adam, this is purely coincidental.", "Chelsea: Hi, stitch.", "Stitch: Chelsea. How's Connor?", "Adam: The boy is fine. Who are you?", "Chelsea: He's Dylan's friend. They served together in Afghanistan. What are you doing here?", "Avery: That's none of your business.", "Chelsea: Is it Dylan? Is he okay?", "Avery: Why do you care?", "Chelsea: I'm concerned, Avery.", "Avery: Really? Now you're concerned?!", "Stitch: Avery --", "Avery: No! No! Where was your concern months ago? 'Cause no, he's not okay! He just lost his son, Chelsea, because of you, because you lied, because you used him.", "Adam: Avery, that's enough.", "Avery: No, no, no. This is all her fault. Because of you, Dylan is broken!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: Please, you just have to hear my side.", "Dylan: The person I need to talk to now is Adam.", "Jack: Just saw this headline. Want to tell me what the hell that means?", "Sharon: Goodbye, Avery!", "Avery: Okay, Sharon. You and I are gonna have it out once and for all." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Summer is surprised to find Austin working a second job at the Athletic club as a lifeguard. Summer and Austin have their first argument when she buys him an expensive tie to wear to Nick and Sharon's wedding. Austin accepts the tie but makes it clear to Summer he doesn't want her to use her money to buy him expensive gifts. When Billy and Chelsea go out on their first date, Jill isn't happy to see them together at the Athletic Club. Dylan feels uncomfortable seeing Billy and Chelsea together at the coffeehouse but tells Chelsea he is glad that she and Billy are happy after having a rough year. Lauren tells Jill that she and Michael had a magical night together.", "Stitch almost tells Victoria the truth about his father's death but his mother interrupts the conversation and later tells Stitch that Victoria loves him and he doesn't have to tell her the truth. Dylan thinks Nikki is having a flare up of her MS when he notices her slurring her speech. Nikki tells Dylan that she thinks her new medication isn't working and promises to go talk to her doctor. Victoria is upset because Billy and Stitch are moving on with their lives, and she starts to wonder if she did the right thing pushing them both away. Christine and Paul have a big argument because she thinks that he is hiding evidence from her in the Ian Ward case. When Paul questions him, Dylan tells him he didn't make a phone call asking about Ian's life insurance. Paul discovers that the jacket found at the quarry had Ian Ward's DNA on it. The keys that were found at the quarry where a match to Ian's car, but no body has been found yet at the river close to the quarry. Detective Harding tells Paul that it's time they change the search from that of a missing person and start looking for Ian Ward's killer.", "" ]
[ "Summer: [Sighs] Ahh.", "Austin: Well, excuse me. Would you like a towel?", "Summer: Austin?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Billy: What just happened that was funny?", "Chelsea: Come on. When was the last time you were on a first date that was so...", "Billy: Romantic? Sexy? Fun?", "Chelsea: ...Weird?", "Billy: So, you think that playing catch in the park and then jumping into bed is weird?", "Chelsea: I normally don't jump into anything on the first date.", "Billy: [Chuckles] So... are you saying I'm the first?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Does that mean there's a second date?", "Chelsea: Mmm... someday.", "Billy: Meaning \"yeah\"?", "Chelsea: What?! [Laughs]", "Billy: How 'bout now?", "Chelsea: [Laughs]", "Victoria: More confessions just mean more secrets. I can't do it anymore, Ben.", "Stitch: Okay, but there's more to the story.", "Victoria: I don't want to hear it.", "Stitch: Okay, but if you'll just trust me --", "Victoria: Trust you? Been there. Done that. Didn't work out so well.", "Stitch: And I'm sorry about that, but this is different.", "Victoria: I don't care!", "Stitch: No, but I do, okay? I care about what you think about me. Look, wh- whether it changes your mind or not, it's important you know.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Okay. Tell me.", "Jill: All right. What if we divide up our own market, you know? Or we could split our target demographic between both boutiques, and, considering the location, we could just load up the second boutique with more youthful designs like Chelsea's.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: Or we could have a totally empty store because I hear that naked is the new dressed.", "Lauren: Well, that sounds good. What?", "Jill: [Laughs] What? [Laughing] I don't know where my head was.", "Jill: I don't know where it was, either, but come on. What's going on? Talk.", "Lauren: Uh... nothing's going on.", "Jill: Oh, you little tramp. You and Michael finally got lucky.", "Lauren: [Giggles]", "Michael: Avery?!", "Avery: In here, Michael!", "Michael: Hey, hey!", "Avery: Hey.", "Michael: Ohh!", "Avery: Ohh! Oh, my.", "Michael: You know, I'm a fan of organization, unless you are not.", "Avery: Oh, don't you worry. I may be a klutz, but I'm a tidy klutz, and I will out-neat-freak you any day of the week.", "Michael: [Laughing] Good. That's the perfect basis for a partnership -- that and the fact that we both like to win.", "Avery: And we will win.", "Michael: Ha ha!", "Christine: Did I hear something about winning cases?", "Michael: Oh! Whoa!", "Avery: Ah! Hey! That's the plan.", "Christine: I brought you an office-warming present.", "Michael: Okay. We now consider ourselves duly warmed.", "Avery: Mm.", "Christine: Those flowers -- they're lovely.", "Avery: Oh. They're from Dylan, wishing me luck... and this.", "Christine: A rock?", "Avery: A reminder. But, yes, a rock. Why don't I get some water? Excuse me.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Christine: So, you're settling in, and I think this is a great situation, easing your workload a bit.", "Michael: Indeed. It already has. And, thankfully, our first case isn't representing my partner's boyfriend. That whole \"Dylan's muddy shoes\" issue turned out to be a non-issue after all, thank God.", "Christine: Muddy shoes? What are you talking about?", "Paul: Okay, thank you. And could you shut the door on the way out, please? All right. So, where were we?", "[Door closes]", "Paul: So, the jacket from the quarry tested positive for ward's DNA. What about the car keys? Did they match the car? And the, uh, call to the insurance company? Yeah, I know whose phone number it is. It's Avery Clark's land line. Yeah, thanks.", "[Receiver hangs up]", "Paul: [Sighs] Oh, God, Dylan. What have you done?", "Dylan: [Exhales sharply] Hey.", "Nikki: Oh. Dylan, hi.", "Dylan: How you doing? You look a little more yourself today.", "Nikki: Yeah. That's why I came by -- to apologize if I seemed a little out of sorts.", "Dylan: Please don't.", "Nikki: No, I want to apologize. It makes me feel better.", "Dylan: No, please don't act like it was nothing and that I shouldn't worry. I know what's up. And I have to admit that it worries me a lot.", "Nikki: Dylan, there's nothing for you to worry about. It was just --", "Dylan: Your -- your hands were shaking, and the things that you were saying...", "Nikki: I-it was one moment, one tiny moment, in a very long day.", "Dylan: I thought that we were at a place where you didn't think you had to lie to me.", "Nikki: I'm not lying.", "Dylan: Your speech was slurred. And knowing your past... it's the M.S. Symptoms again, right?", "Nikki: I had hoped it wasn't that obvious. Apparently, it is. You know, it's this new medication that I'm on.", "Dylan: Well, did you talk to your doctor? Because I can go with you if you need some backup.", "Nikki: Thank you, truly. But you don't have to worry about me. Everything is under control.", "Billy: [Sighs] Well, as second dates go...", "Chelsea: It was excellent.", "Billy: That's good to hear.", "Chelsea: But great sex doesn't keep me from getting hungry. I'm starving.", "Billy: Yeah? Well, I live to serve. What can I get you -- caviar, lobster?", "Chelsea: In my kitchen, um, I think there's Mac and cheese and graham crackers.", "Billy: Okay. Well, here's a crazy idea. How 'bout I take you out?", "Chelsea: Of the bed?", "Billy: No, the apartment. Put some clothes on, get in the car, go out on a date date like people do.", "Chelsea: That's crazy talk.", "Billy: Too crazy?", "Chelsea: Mm...I'm in.", "Billy: Mm.", "Chelsea: First...", "Billy: What happened to -- what happened to starving?", "Chelsea: Oh. Okay, fine.", "Billy: No, no.", "Chelsea: Aah! [Laughs]", "Billy: Mm.", "Summer: You're dressed like a lifeguard.", "Austin: Which is okay, 'cause I am a lifeguard, brushing up on my skills from Summers at the \"Y.\" But do you like? 'Cause I start in 30 minutes, and I kind of want to look the part.", "Summer: It's great, except I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me?", "Austin: It happened last night. I was working at the underground. I ran in to this guy. I said I was looking for a second job, and he said he was leaving his, so...", "Summer: Okay. Well, you could have woken me up last night or this morning. Come on. We could have celebrated. Except I really like this outfit a lot.", "Austin: The swim trunks may be the only perk, 'cause the pool's gonna close for the season soon, so, you know, I figured might as well get an extra paycheck while I can, though.", "Summer: So, if I ask you to rub sunscreen on my shoulders?", "Austin: I'm there.", "Summer: Mm-hmm. And if someone else asks you?", "Austin: Well, then I'm on break. I mean, I only rub sunscreen on my wife.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Austin: I think that's in our vows.", "Summer: Oh, okay.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Victoria: Well, if you want to talk, then talk.", "Stitch: Not here. We need someplace private.", "Victoria: First it's just listen, and now it's \"come with me,\" and...", "Stitch: Once I tell you everything, you'll understand.", "Maureen: Ben! I'm sorry. Oh. Oh, you must be Victoria. I'm Maureen -- Ben's mom. How nice to meet you.", "Victoria: Your mom?", "Stitch: Maureen Russell, Victoria Newman.", "Victoria: Hi. Um, I didn't know you were in town.", "Maureen: [Scoffs] Well, you -- your bump gave you away. That's what they're saying now, isn't it -- bump? I-I've heard so many wonderful things about you.", "Stitch: Mom came for a visit. I caught her up on things.", "Victoria: Oh. Oh, uh, everything?", "Stitch: Mom. Mom. Mom.", "Maureen: My son is just the best man. Oh, I know you know this about him. He'd -- he'd make a wonderful father. Well, in fact, he already is. He's kind and he's loving. He -- he protects the people he loves. There is no man on earth more loyal than my son.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry. I-I should get back to the office. But, um, it was really nice meeting you.", "Stitch: Victoria, we didn't get a chance to finish --", "Maureen: It was nice to meet you, too. Sorry for keeping you.", "Victoria: Oh, no. That's -- that's okay. Bye.", "Maureen: You were gonna tell her, weren't you?", "Dylan: It's not like you have to be embarrassed. You know, a medical condition is just a fact, and if you need new medication or a consultation, there's no shame in that.", "Nikki: I know, and I appreciate your concern. I just [Sighs] I hate being the woman with the condition, you know? I sometimes feel more like a label than a person. But more than that, I feel like a burden.", "Dylan: No, not to me -- or nick or Victoria. Not Victor. Look, if you need any help --", "Nikki: I'll ask you for it. I promise. Thank you.", "Dylan: You're welcome. Let me grab you a tea.", "Nikki: Oh, actually, no. I can't. I'm late. I've got to go. [Gasps]", "Paul: Whoa!", "Nikki: Paul, I'm so sorry!", "Paul: I'm sorry. It was my fault.", "Nikki: Oh, my goodness.", "Paul: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: I got to go. I-I'm late for an appointment.", "Paul: Okay.", "Paul: Hey, there.", "Dylan: Any chance you're here for coffee and a doughnut?", "Paul: No, not today, Dylan. I just have a question.", "Dylan: About the big case?", "Paul: Did you make a phone call to Ian ward's insurance company?", "Dylan: Come -- come on. Are -- are you -- are you serious?", "Paul: Just a \"yes\" or \"no.\"", "Dylan: No. How would I know who his insurance company is, and why would I do that?", "Paul: You told me he put you in his will.", "Dylan: Yeah, but we don't even know if that's true.", "Paul: Well, that's easy enough to find out.", "Dylan: But why would I be making this call?", "Paul: To confirm you're the beneficiary of his life-insurance policy.", "Dylan: Yeah, a policy I didn't even know about.", "Paul: It's not that huge of a leap from being named in the will to life insurance.", "Dylan: I already told you I would never take money from that guy, and I told him that face-to-face.", "Paul: We traced the call to Avery's land line. Any idea how that might have happened?", "Dylan: No. It doesn't make any sense. Man, you really are looking at me for murder, aren't you?", "Paul: As far as we know, Ian ward isn't even dead... unless you know otherwise.", "Jill: How did you and Michael get from 0 to 60?", "Lauren: Oh, please. A lady doesn't discuss such things.", "Jill: Well, luckily, neither one of us is that much of a lady. Come on. You're dying to tell me.", "Lauren: Let's just say that everything between us is fine now.", "Jill: Fine, darling?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: Judging from the glow on your face, it's better than that.", "Lauren: I think we should just get back to business. Come on.", "Jill: Maybe it would help you get started if I kind of told you a story from my bedroom.", "Lauren: You and Colin?", "Jill: Oh, Colin.", "Lauren: No. Absolutely not. And I'm sure I've probably heard those stories. I believe people from three counties over have heard them.", "Jill: Oh, come on. What's wrong with you? I've never known you to be this prudish.", "Lauren: I'm not being a prude. Last night was -- it was magical. And I'm just afraid that if I tell the world about it that that magic will slip away.", "Jill: This is not the world, okay? I'm your sister. If you can't tell your sister, who can you tell?", "Lauren: You're right. I do want to tell you, but, oh, not in front of your son.", "Jill: Oh.", "Lauren: Yeah. Billy's here, and he's not alone.", "Jill: No, he's not.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: It was Dylan's shoes with the mud. Paul had them tested, and the mud didn't match the composite found on Ian's jacket.", "Christine: I wasn't aware of the whole muddy-shoe issue.", "Michael: That they existed or that they were tested?", "Christine: Either.", "Michael: Oh. Well, maybe the department's just waiting for more information before they brief you or your assistant didn't pass on the information.", "Christine: Yeah, maybe. Maybe. I am realizing I'm late for an appointment. I just wanted to come by and say congratulations, okay?", "Michael: Thank you. Come anytime! [Sighs]", "Avery: Oh. Where did Christine go?", "Michael: Oh, I think she's headed back to her office to knock some heads together. Apparently, no one told her about Dylan's muddy shoes and the testing.", "Avery: Dylan's shoes were tested?", "Michael: You're the second person sounding surprised. I've done it again. Excellent.", "Avery: Dylan didn't mention anything to me about being served a search warrant.", "Michael: Well, I don't know anything about that.", "Avery: Well, what do you know, Michael?", "Michael: Look, it's not a big deal. I just happened to overhear one of Genoa City's finest mention that they found Ian's keys and his jacket in a quarry and there was a mention of mud.", "Avery: Right, from you or from Paul! You both saw the shoes at my place!", "Michael: I brought it up to Paul.", "Avery: Why would you do that? What, do you really believe that Dylan killed Ian?", "Michael: It has nothing to do with what I believe. We are officers of the court. We have an obligation.", "Avery: Okay. Okay. So, Paul tested the shoes?", "Michael: Yes, and he said that mud didn't match the mud in the quarry.", "Avery: Of course it didn't match the mud, because Dylan is in no way responsible for Ian's disappearance.", "Michael: I told you it wasn't a big deal.", "Avery: It's not a big deal, and Christine has nothing to be upset about.", "Michael: And neither do you.", "Christine: Hey, Harding, I left you a message.", "Harding: I know. I got it. I just got off the phone with the lab.", "Christine: What did they say?", "Harding: Apparently, they have no record of logging in McAvoy's boots.", "Christine: Well, like Paul said, have them check again.", "Harding: I did. No muddy boots, no test.", "Summer: Mmm. This is not part of the job description, right?", "Austin: No. I used my precious personal time for that.", "Summer: Okay, good. You know, when you said you wanted to get a second job, I was a little bit worried that I didn't get to see you as much, but this is pretty much the best second job ever.", "Austin: Well, it's only temporary. I wouldn't want to be up here in January.", "Summer: Mnh-mnh. Nope. Mnh-mnh.", "Austin: No. But, you know, my next job will be a whole lot better.", "Summer: Yeah, maybe somewhere we can work together, where it doesn't matter that I'm not 21 yet.", "Austin: Or you could get, you know, a job as a personal shopper at Fenmore's, 'cause your résumé looks really impressive.", "Summer: Okay. Okay. I went a little nuts. I'm pretty much done decorating the apartment, and Sharon picked up my bridesmaid's dress for me, so I went and I got some wedding accessories for faith and me.", "Austin: Accessories?", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Austin: Those must be some jumbo bracelets.", "Summer: Okay, don't get jealous. I have something for you.", "Austin: Okay.", "Summer: Open it.", "Austin: All right. Oh, boy.", "Summer: Ohh.", "Austin: All right! Slick! You think it goes with my swim trunks?", "Summer: Yeah, but that's actually for the wedding.", "Austin: Oh.", "Summer: Mm-mm.", "Austin: Better than the one I wore at court? 'Cause, I mean, this one I might actually be able to tie myself.", "Summer: No! Or you can let me do it! You know, I like doing things for you.", "Austin: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. You left a -- I'm sorry. I can't keep this. You have to take this back.", "Jill: You look good.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Jill: Hmm.", "Billy: And now the other shoe drops.", "Jill: Well, no. I'm just thinking it's probably all this world traveling you're doing. Maybe you were on a steam ship, 'cause that's the only explanation I can find for you not calling your mother.", "Billy: Oh, here we go.", "Jill: I am not one to nag, Billy.", "Billy: [Laughs]", "Jill: Have you ever heard of an invention? It's called the phone.", "Billy: Then why don't you call me on this fancy new invention?", "Jill: What, and leave a message? Because when is the last time you picked it up when you saw my name on the display?", "Billy: I've had a lot going on.", "Jill: Yeah, I can see that.", "Billy: Chelsea and I are on a date.", "Jill: A date?", "Billy: Yes. It's an old-fashioned concept. I learned about it on the steam ship.", "Jill: [Laughs] Darlin', if you want to make Victoria jealous, why don't you pick somebody who could inspire jealousy?", "Billy: That's not funny, mom. I'm dating Chelsea because... I like being with her.", "Jill: And since when?", "Billy: Mom, Chelsea is a -- she's a smart, funny, beautiful woman who --", "Jill: Yes, who drugged you and tricked you into getting pregnant and then left you to rot in a foreign prison.", "Billy: And Colin is a mobster who tried to kidnap his own grandkids and puts hits out on people, yet you still married him. Me -- I'm just on a date over here.", "Jill: Mm. [Smooches]", "Billy: Love you, mama.", "Jill: I love you, too.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Well, that looked like fun.", "Billy: Yeah, loads. You want to take this party somewhere else?", "Chelsea: Yes, please.", "Billy: Me, too.", "Victoria: Oh, hi, mom. Are you looking for dad? Or are you looking to get away from him?", "Nikki: No. I'm looking for you. The receptionist said you were in here.", "Victoria: Is anything wrong?", "Nikki: No, not really.", "Victoria: Okay. Now I'm worried.", "Nikki: I need you to be tolerant and open-minded instead, okay? I think that we should throw a bridal shower for Sharon.", "Victoria: That's funny. I forgot that it was April fools' day.", "Nikki: I'm serious.", "Victoria: So am I. Let one of her friends throw her a bridal shower. Oh, that's right -- she doesn't have any friends.", "Nikki: All right. You know that I share your opinion of her, but Nicholas loves her.", "Victoria: Great! Then let's throw him a shower.", "Nikki: Victoria, please.", "Victoria: Why am I the bad guy here? I authorized nick to use the Newman- chancellor private island for his honeymoon.", "Nikki: Well, that was very thoughtful of you.", "Victoria: Either that or I'm just a complete sucker. Do you really, really want to do this?", "Nikki: It'll make Nicholas happy.", "Victoria: All right. I'll start the guest list.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victoria: Aah! Ohh!", "Nikki: Honey, what is it? Is it the baby?", "Victoria: No. My stupid ankle. I twisted it on my power walk.", "Nikki: Have you been to the hospital -- got it x-rayed?", "Victoria: No. Ben said I didn't need to go.", "Nikki: Ben? You saw him?", "Victoria: Yeah. He was in the park when I injured myself. I met his mom. She was with him. I had no idea that she was in town.", "Maureen: Nikki, I'm so sorry for suggesting you have a cocktail.", "Nikki: Well, one drink can't hurt. [Chuckles]", "Maureen: Thatagirl. Cheers.", "Nikki: Cheers.", "Nikki: So, what was she like?", "Victoria: Nice. Very, uh -- very pleasant.", "Nikki: Why does it seem like there's more to that?", "Victoria: I don't know, mom. It was just awkward. I'm almost embarrassed to tell you what she said.", "Summer: I thought that you said that you liked it.", "Austin: I do.", "Summer: Then why should I return it?", "Austin: Because I know this brand, okay? I could probably buy a suit for what this costs or feed a family of four.", "Summer: It wasn't that expensive. It was on sale, I think.", "Austin: Even still, probably a couple hundred dollars.", "Summer: Is that a lot?", "Austin: It's a piece of fabric that dangles from my neck, and I probably won't wear it more than once a year.", "Summer: So, you're saying that I spent too much money?", "Austin: It's your money, okay? And I'm not the guy who's gonna tell you how to spend it. But I don't wear things that cost that much. My car's used. My clothes are cheap.", "Summer: So, you're saying that I can spend my trust-fund money?", "Austin: Yeah, of course.", "Summer: I just can't spend it on you?", "Maureen: You were gonna tell her, weren't you?", "Stitch: She deserves to know.", "Maureen: Know what?", "Stitch: The truth.", "Maureen: The world is a complicated place. There are a million versions of the truth. All we can do is pick the version that causes the least harm. You know that better than anybody!", "Stitch: Okay, but harm to who? Because this version isn't doing me much good right now, and it's tearing Victoria up.", "Maureen: I-I wish there were another way. I am so sorry. But I saw the way she looks at you.", "Stitch: With hurt and anger? Yeah, that's great.", "Maureen: Yeah. She cares for you. And if this baby is yours, that's the only feeling that anyone's gonna care about.", "Stitch: And if it's not?", "Maureen: Don't even think that way.", "Stitch: But it's a possibility. And if it's Billy's, then -- then any last tie I have to Victoria is gone.", "Maureen: I-I know you don't want any more secrets between you and you think that if she knows the truth, then you'll have a better chance of being with her again.", "Stitch: I love her.", "Maureen: And she loves you, whether she knows anything or not. So hang on to that.", "Nikki: So, what could Ben's mother have had to tell you about?", "Victoria: It was a hard sell -- how great he is, what a wonderful father he would be, what a wonderful father he already is. I felt like it was a late- night infomercial and Ben was a mop or something.", "Nikki: So, what did you say?", "Victoria: I didn't know what to say! I mean, I panicked. I told them I was due at the office, and I ran like hell... or hobbled like hell.", "Nikki: Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. Well, at least you don't have to wonder about what kind of mother-in-law she would have been.", "Victoria: Mom!", "Nikki: I'm just saying, in case you are having second thoughts about Ben.", "Victoria: Nope, no second thoughts. No, no, no. And, actually, I'm kind of relieved.", "Nikki: Why?", "Victoria: Ben wanted to talk, and I was willing to listen, but, honestly, mom, I'm so exhausted by all of this.", "Nikki: Well, what did he want to talk about -- getting back together again?", "Victoria: He said that he had another confession to make.", "Nikki: Uh-oh.", "Victoria: He never told me what it was, but it was just probably about somebody else that he's killed.", "Nikki: Oh, Victoria, stop it.", "Victoria: What? Stop what? I mean it. I mean, he killed his father. Maybe he's a serial murderer.", "Nikki: Please! You know he's not!", "Victoria: I don't know anything. I just know that he's capable of murder. And then there's his mom, saying how loving and loyal he is.", "Nikki: Well, obviously, she's forgiven him.", "Victoria: For murdering her husband, mom?", "Nikki: He's her son. I would forgive you or Nicholas or Dylan for everything.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Well, fortunately, you don't have to.", "Nikki: Sometimes people do terrible things that they're ashamed of. Sometimes you hurt people that you don't want to hurt or maybe you do want to hurt, but, in the end, forgiveness is really what holds all families together, honey -- understanding and acceptance.", "Victoria: Which is why I'm throwing the shower for Sharon with you.", "Nikki: Great.", "Victoria: Look, Ben's not family. So, his mom can think whatever she wants to think. It's none of my business anymore.", "Nikki: You are absolutely right. I think it's best to keep Ben and his mother at a distance.", "Victoria: I just wish I could do the same with Billy.", "Nikki: What, is he still trying to get back together with you?", "Victoria: Actually, mom, no. It's just the opposite. [Sighs] I saw him and Chelsea together.", "Nikki: So?", "Chelsea: It's like he forgot everything that she put us through.", "Nikki: Really?", "Victoria: Mom, please. I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say that he's trying to make me jealous, and I just really don't think that that's what this was.", "Nikki: Do you think that he's planning on moving on with her?", "Victoria: I don't know. Maybe. [Sighs] And then I saw Ben with Abby.", "Nikki: Abby?", "Victoria: Yeah, Abby. Look, I know they're working together and I shouldn't be upset.", "Nikki: But you are.", "Victoria: Did I make a mistake, mom? I mean, was I wrong to push away both Billy and Ben?", "Dylan: Hey. Be right with you guys.", "Billy: So, it's not the sun of a rooftop deck, but --", "Chelsea: But there is pie.", "Billy: Right. Right. You're starving.", "Chelsea: Yep, with good reason.", "Dylan: Uh... yeah. Not awkward. So, does this mean you two are, uh --", "Chelsea: It's a date. Yeah. That sounds really awkward, but we're -- we're, uh -- we're -- we're dating.", "Dylan: Coffee?", "Billy: Yeah, and -- and pie.", "Dylan: Got it.", "Chelsea: Is it possible for us to go anywhere without hurting people's feelings?", "Billy: You want to, uh...", "Chelsea: Yeah. Excuse me for one second. Hey, Dylan? I need to talk to you.", "Harding: Uh, you want me to check with some of the officers here? I mean, someone could have screwed up delivering evidence on this end. Some of these guys are real boneheads. Mistakes can happen.", "Christine: Don't -- don't even bother.", "Harding: [Sighs]", "Paul: Hi, sweetheart.", "Christine: Dylan's muddy boots? How is it that you have never mentioned them?", "Paul: Let's take this in my office.", "Christine: Are you concealing evidence from me?", "Nikki: Oh, my angel. I know that loneliness is just painful, especially when you're pregnant. Let me ask you something. Is it just that you want to have someone to lean on, or is it specifically Ben or Billy that you want at your side?", "Victoria: I don't know, mom. I just -- I don't.", "Nikki: Well, personally, I think you did the right thing. Not choosing either one of them and going ahead on your own -- that was the right thing to do. I don't know if my opinion means much to you, but --", "Victoria: Yes. It means everything to me. It does. Thank you.", "Nikki: All right. Well, and also know that you are definitely not in this alone. If you need anybody to lean on, you call me or your father or Nicholas or Abby or any of us because you are not alone. We are all here for you. All right?", "Victoria: All right, mom.", "Nikki: I love you so much.", "Victoria: I love you, too.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nikki: Oh. Um, it's not important.", "Victoria: Uh, it's okay. I've got a conference call in two minutes. Go ahead and take it.", "Nikki: Hello?", "Maureen: Uh, Nikki, hi. Um, thi-- I'm sorry to bother you. This is Maureen Russell. Have you got a moment?", "Nikki: Is there a problem?", "Maureen: Actually, I need a friend. Can we meet for a drink?", "Dylan: Sorry. I had some customers. I'll get that pie.", "Chelsea: But just wait one second, please. That was weird before. You and Billy are friends. Victoria is your sister. I'm your -- [Sighs] I'm someone who really screwed it up when we were together. And I just don't want things to be weird or uncomfortable between us.", "Dylan: It's your life. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. I know Billy's been through the wringer.", "Chelsea: Most of it was his own fault, but...", "Dylan: Yeah, so what? If you guys want to have coffee or dinner or whatever, then that's exactly what you should do.", "Chelsea: You've always been so kind.", "Dylan: Ouch.", "Chelsea: No, no! I didn't mean it like that! It's a good thing. It's a good thing. It's true. I'm just -- I'm just really sorry I hurt you, Dylan.", "Dylan: Yeah. I've done plenty to feel bad about, too.", "Chelsea: I lied to you, and I knew it was wrong?", "Dylan: Do you want to get into a contest? Because I stole Connor.", "Chelsea: Well, you thought Connor was yours for a long time.", "Dylan: Still, it was -- it was wrong.", "Chelsea: Maybe it was wrong, but you didn't know that you were doing anything wrong. You were in pain, and you thought you were protecting him.", "Dylan: I was out of control.", "Chelsea: Maybe you were. But look at you now. You're doing so great. You got the help you needed. I think it's awesome. I guess you're with the right person now, you know, and you can put the past behind you. I'm happy for you, Dylan.", "Christine: I want to know about the boots, the mud, and why Michael knew about them and I didn't.", "Paul: And I'll tell you if you promise you're gonna calm down.", "Christine: And don't patronize me. I don't even have a copy of this file.", "Paul: It's not complete.", "Christine: Dylan called Ian's insurance company to see if he was the beneficiary...", "Paul: He allegedly called.", "Christine: ...From Avery's phone?", "Paul: I am not convinced that's how it went down.", "Christine: And you kept that from me, too?", "Summer: Okay. It's a tie. And, yes, it's a little expensive, but growing up in the house that I did, I did not really think about price tags.", "Austin: That's all I thought about.", "Summer: Great. Then you must think I'm an overprivileged brat.", "Austin: I don't.", "Summer: You know, my mom and dad -- they took me to a lot of fund-raisers to make sure that I knew that there were people that didn't live like we did.", "Austin: Okay. Hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I know you, okay? I know your heart.", "Summer: Then just accept the tie, okay? It's a celebration. My dad's getting remarried. You're my husband, I love you, and I want to do nice things for you.", "Austin: You do.", "Summer: Is this really gonna be our first fight?", "Austin: I don't want to fight, especially not about clothing.", "Summer: Okay, great! Then just accept the gift.", "Austin: Thank you.", "Summer: You're welcome. Oh, you look so handsome.", "Austin: Ohh.", "[Both chuckle]", "Austin: Well, that's my goal. Just -- okay -- don't make a habit out of this. That's all.", "Summer: Out of what -- the kiss or the expensive stuff?", "Austin: The expensive stuff. Keep those kisses coming.", "Summer: I guess I can make it a deal.", "Austin: Okay.", "Nikki: Yes, of course. Uh, I'll be right there. I'm on my way. All right.", "Victoria: Mom, you have to go?", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry -- charity talk.", "Victoria: Well, that's a lot better than bridal-shower talk.", "Nikki: Well, maybe. Take care of that ankle, all right? And it'll heal eventually. Most things do.", "Victoria: Even wounded hearts?", "Nikki: Even wounded hearts. You'll be fine. Bye, sweetie.", "Victoria: Love you.", "Nikki: Love you, too.", "Billy: You know, if you want to lick the plate, I'm fine with that.", "Chelsea: Shut up!", "Billy: No, no. I'm just admiring your pie-killing abilities.", "Chelsea: I'm savoring mine, unlike you, who destroyed yours in like 8.5 seconds.", "Billy: I earned it. [Sighs] Didn't I?", "Chelsea: Yes, you did.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. What now? Looking around to see whose pie you can steal?", "Chelsea: I'm just looking to see who else might know us here.", "Billy: You mean who might walk in and disapprove?", "Chelsea: I mean, we're out in public, Billy, together.", "Billy: Well, alert the authorities.", "Chelsea: Be serious. Everybody in this town knows how we met... all of the -- you know, the details. And now if they see us actually together...", "Billy: So what? Forget them. I mean, seriously, everybody in this town has their details. Let them think about that.", "Chelsea: What about you? Can you look at Johnny and still feel like you... want to be with me?", "Billy: Chels, that kid is a gift. And the fact that he is Connor's biological half-brother is a bonus.", "Chelsea: Is that really how you feel?", "Billy: There are a million reasons why I'm over everything that happened between us, and there are another million reasons why I like being with you. I want to be with you... whatever that means. I want to see it through.", "Chelsea: Me, too.", "Avery: Dylan, it's me. I'm at crimson lights, and you're not. Where are you?", "Paul: You know as well as I do, Chris, when I'm working a case, I don't share every detail with the D.A.'S office, especially at this stage of the investigation, and this case is no different.", "Christine: But this isn't like every other case, and you know it.", "Harding: You want the update on the ward case?", "Christine: Please.", "Paul: Yeah. Come on in and shut the door.", "Harding: Okay. The, uh, team is still dragging the lake. No body so far, no physical evidence at all, no sign of ward on any bus, plane, or train, no hits on the credit card. No one has been nosing around where we found the car. You got that plus the blood in the Newman driveway, I'd say we stop looking for a man evading arrest.", "Christine: So, what are you saying?", "Harding: I'm saying this is no longer a missing-persons case. We should stop treating it like one.", "Paul: And we stop looking for Ian ward?", "Harding: We start looking for his killer.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: Ian ward is now presumed dead.", "Dylan: Are you here to arrest me?", "Neil: I'm in a different place than I was when I asked you to divorce me.", "Devon: When you did what? You never did say where you were heading.", "Phyllis: Genoa City." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Graham admits to Dina that he sent pictures of Jack and Nikki at the Abbot cabin and used her name and if Victor asks she can tell him that she thought he needed to know the information. Once Victor sees the photos, he sends one to Nikki's phone saying that he doesn't care what she does with her life. Nikki later confronts Victor and tells him to stay out of her life. Victor shows Nikki the envelope and proves to her that Dina sent him the pictures since she thought that he hired someone to spy on her. Nikki leaves Victor's office and heads to Jack's office and tell him the news and Jack has an angry discussion with Dina. Ravi is informed by his technology team that there has been an unauthorized download of research and development information that only Jack and Ashley were authorized to download from the main company server. Ashley thinks that Graham was responsible for the security breach and confronts him about it but he denies the allegations. Victoria orders Billy to stop getting information using Dina's password and Phyllis' computer to get anymore information because she fears he will get caught by Phyllis and it could hurt his relationship with her. Billy and Victoria find out that the relaunched Parker Beauty line is going after Brash and Sassy's core market. Victoria and Billy decide to have a teen makeup line as well as their women's and men's lines. Victor overhears that Billy has stolen Jabot secrets and promises to protect Brash and Sassy if Jack comes after the company, because he always protects his family. Ravi begins his search through all the Jabot computers to see who downloaded the confidential Jabot files.", "" ]
[ "Jack: How's breakfast?", "Nikki: It's delicious, but not as good as the one that you made me up at the cabin.", "Jack: You inspire my inner james beard.", "Nikki: Are you saying that I'm your culinary muse?", "Jack: I'm saying you inspire a lot of things in me. We should get up there again soon.", "Nikki: I'd like that. There's just something so wonderful about that place. It makes me feel alive. It's just...unique. I can't explain it. I feel truly like I can be myself, and I haven't felt that way in a long time.", "Jack: Have you told victor?", "Nikki: No, and I'm not going to because then it would become about him instead of us, and that's the last thing I want.", "Dina: Thank you.", "Graham: You sure you don't want any breakfast?", "Dina: Oh, no, no. Coffee's just fine. Did room service bring up the paper?", "Graham: You know, before i bring it over, I need to talk to you.", "Dina: Ooh. Something important, I take it.", "Graham: Well, I know the thought of jack getting involved with nikki again sends you into orbit.", "Dina: Oh, boy, does it.", "Graham: And you've warned him several times about how reckless it is, and he refuses to listen.", "Dina: Well, victor isn't someone to be trifled with, especially when it comes to his wife, and I'm so afraid of what he might do to my son.", "Graham: It's a serious situation.", "Dina: Yes, it is.", "Graham: Which is why I took matters into my own hands to help hasten the demise of that relationship.", "Dina: How?", "[ Door slams ]", "Abby: Well, this is shaping up to be the day from hell.", "[ Sighs ]", "Lauren: [ Sighs ] Do you mind if we order something right away before we look at that schedule? I woke up starving. Ooh! They have that artichoke omelette you love. [ Laughs ] They look cozy.", "Phyllis: They certainly do.", "Lauren: You don't have an objection about them... I mean, they were married. They have history.", "Phyllis: Do you remember what happened last time? Because it always happens. Nikki goes back to victor, and jack gets dumped.", "Lauren: Well, that's between the two of them.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Jack's heart is gonna get handed to him. He knows it, she knows it, and yet, they go through the ritual anyway.", "Lauren: Honey, you're living with billy. You're happy with billy. You got over jack a long time ago. [ Scoffs ] Why is this bothering you?", "Phyllis: Let's just say, i hate paying for a ticket when i know how the show's gonna end.", "Lauren: Okay. Something's bugging you, and unless you tell me, I don't know what it is, but it's sure as hell not jack and nikki.", "Phyllis: You know what, let's order.", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ] All right, then maybe I'll just guess. And if I were to go by what occupies your thoughts most of the time, it's billy and how secure you really feel in that relationship.", "Billy: Like I said, I didn't have time to get thorough with this, but I was able to download a few files off the main server. This right here is a game changer.", "Victoria: Do you know what this means?", "Billy: Yeah. It levels the playing field.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] This is incredible. I could kiss you. [ Sighs ] I hope you were careful. I don't want to create any tension between you and phyllis.", "Billy: We're fine, okay? Phyllis doesn't know that I've been on her computer, okay? We're golden here.", "[ Door slams ]", "Ashley: You're never gonna guess where graham's mother's from originally.", "Ravi: Where?", "Ashley: Here.", "Ravi: What?", "Ashley: The lady that jack spoke to at the senior residence in boca, she volunteered the information. It stands to reason if graham's mother spent time in genoa city, then he probably did, too, right?", "[ Telephone rings ]", "Ravi: Uh, yeah.", "Ashley: I need you to do another search. Could you go online and try to find out whatever you can about graham's childhood? Maybe start with the chronicle's archives. Birth certificates and his scholastic achievement, that kind of thing.", "Ravi: Sure, absolutely. I'm just gonna answer this first.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Ravi: Hey. Hey, jared, what's up? When? And you're absolutely sure? Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll take it from here.", "Ashley: What's going on?", "Ravi: We have a problem. Additional sponsorship", "Ravi: Given the spike in ransomware worldwide and our concerns about graham gaining access to company files, i worked with it to upgrade security on the server. The fix we installed should alert us to any suspicious activity.", "Ashley: So were we hacked?", "Ravi: Not exactly. There was an unauthorized download.", "Ashley: What did they get? Personnel records?", "Ravi: Research and development. Someone got in, made copies of files, files that only you and jack were authorized to download.", "Victoria: Billy, this could be amazing.", "Billy: Perfect payback for jack trying to bury us with lauren. All because he hates me, which i can live with, but the way that he's hurting you in the process, I'm not gonna stand for. In jack's mind, you and everything this company has built is collateral damage in his war against me, okay? Well, I'm not gonna let that happen. Jack made a mistake coming after us. Anything that happens to him from here on out, he brought on himself.", "Victoria: Thank you. Thanks for that, and for trying to protect me, but what you're doing is incredibly dangerous.", "Billy: Phyllis is not gonna find out, okay?", "Phyllis: It's more than that, okay? Corporate espionage is a federal crime. You've gotten away with it twice. I appreciate you taking the risk, but I don't want you to press your luck anymore, billy. Your spying days are over, okay?", "Billy: Okay. Before we make that decision, let's just see what we got.", "Nikki: Busy day today?", "Jack: Yeah, as always, and you just changed the subject.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Okay, jack. No, I am not afraid of victor finding out that you and I are seeing each other.", "Jack: You're not the slightest bit anxious about how he's gonna react.", "Nikki: Let me tell you. The first time we drove up to the cabin, I was so furious with him. That's part of the reason why i wanted to go. I relished flaunting it in his face. I knew that it would get to him so much, and that made me happy. Me going on an overnight getaway with you of all people. But then I thought about it, and I realized that wouldn't be right. It would be using you.", "Jack: Oh, use me. Flaunt me to your heart's content. Let that man know how irrelevant he really is.", "Nikki: Believe me, you don't mean that.", "Jack: Oh, I think I do.", "Nikki: I don't even want to think about the ugliness that he would unleash.", "Jack: Okay. This is your call. We can be as discreet or as open as you decide. And I promise I will respect your decision.", "Nikki: I appreciate that.", "Jack: You know, the real irony here is victor did all this. If his behavior toward you hadn't been so ugly, we never would have had this wonderful time together. Maybe I ought to send him a fruit basket.", "Nikki: Okay. I know you're kidding. Sort of. But baiting the man just to get a rise out of him, that'S... kind of like the manipulation I'm trying to escape.", "Jack: You don't want to stoop to his level. I respect that.", "Nikki: It would diminish what you and I have together. And that would be a shame.", "Graham: I sent photos of nikki and jack at the abbott cabin to victor.", "Dina: Why in the world would you go to that extreme?", "Graham: So victor would know they're spending time together.", "Dina: Mm.", "Graham: You told me to do something.", "Dina: But this?", "Graham: Well, it's hardly the kind of information I could bring to victor. We're barely acquainted. The longer this liaison continues, the worse the fallout will be for jack, and if victor is as volatile as you say, best we give him a heads up now rather to have him find out through, say, \"the hilary hour\" or some other tabloid, don't you think?", "Dina: Oh, god forbid that ever goes public. That would only incite victor further.", "Graham: Not to mention what it would do to your son's reputation.", "Dina: Oh, god...", "Graham: You'd be saving jack from himself by ending this quickly.", "Dina: No, no, no, I'd be saving jack from this woman. She's using him. Now, why can't my son see that?", "Graham: If victor contacts you, tell him you thought he had a right to know.", "Abby: So they are in breach of contract. We do have recourse.", "Victor: [ Exhales sharply ] Sweetheart, we always have recourse, you know?", "Abby: So they can't just renege on the deal because someone else offered them a higher price per share?", "Victor: Not without incurring the kind of loss that would make it unattractive to the next buyer, okay? One call from our legal department will settle the issue.", "Abby: Has any acquisition in the history of the world gone smoothly, or do they all make you want to rip your hair out? Dad?", "Victor: Um, sweetheart, the latter.", "Abby: Okay, what's got you so distracted?", "Victor: I got this envelope from your grandmother. And just as you walked in, I was about to open it. No idea what this is about?", "Abby: None. Go for it. Dad, what is it?", "Abby: Well, I -- I can't believe this. You know, when I walked in on them at the cabin, I --", "Victor: Wait a minute. If you walked in on them in the cabin, that means you knew.", "Abby: Hang on. Look, dad... work was crazy. I drove up there one afternoon to clear my head, and... when I got there, jack was there with nikki, so I didn't stay, but... look, I thought I had stopped whatever was happening from happening. Not that anything was necessarily happening. Dad, before I left, I begged nikki not to do anything to hurt you.", "Victor: To be hurt, I would have to care, okay? I don't give a damn. They're just trying to get under my skin.", "Abby: But jack and nikki didn't send that picture, dina did. The question is -- why?", "Victor: She obviously knew what was going on and didn't want me to be kept in the dark. I don't give a damn if they lie in the gutter.", "Abby: But, dad... I do think you give a damn.", "Jack: Well, as much as I hate for this to end, I have to get to the office. You have a wonderful day.", "Nikki: Oh, you too. And at the risk of repeating myself, what's happening between you and me has nothing to do with getting back at victor. At least not on my part.", "Jack: Not on mine, either.", "Nikki: Bye. [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, my god.", "Lauren: Okay. So... you and billy.", "Phyllis: We're fine.", "Lauren: Mm. So nothing to see here, just move along.", "Phyllis: Do me a favor and stop looking for problems where they don't exist.", "Lauren: So everything's perfect, you're happy, all your challenges are behind you?", "Phyllis: Working for competing companies has been our biggest hurdle to overcome.", "Lauren: Yes, competing companies that just happen to be run by your exes.", "Phyllis: One of whom's pretty damn sneaky.", "Lauren: Mm, I'm gonna say that's a coin toss.", "Phyllis: So... have you reconsidered doing business with brash & sassy, given the sleazy way they have manipulated their numbers?", "Lauren: Here we go.", "Phyllis: If you tell me i need to prove that to you, I'm not going to do it because the numbers aren't gonna lie.", "Lauren: You're right. Brash & sassy had a horrible quarter, but they are bouncing back, which good for them. Let's hope they keep it up.", "Phyllis: Why are you so determined to ignore this situation?", "Lauren: If by \"the situation,\" you mean your wild conspiracy theory...", "Phyllis: \"Wild?\" What are you talking about, lauren? Open your eyes. Victoria's sales last month, they tanked, after all that bad pr, and then out of nowhere, she confronts ashley about an internal marketing plan that only a handful of people knew about. Where did she get wind of that? The parker beauty acquisition had not even been announced, yet she had the information.", "Lauren: Yeah, and what about jack's proposal to me, that i ditch brash & sassy and give parker beauty shelf space -- a plan I said no to -- and that got out, too.", "Phyllis: And then out of nowhere, her company has a huge spike in sales, all roughly for the same dollar amount. How bizarre is that? I mean, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Because if you're not, you need to get your eyes checked.", "Lauren: Okay, uh, go easy, girl.", "Phyllis: Dismal quarter, a perceived threat by some kind of insider info, and then that's followed by an avalanche of increased sales, for the same amount -- $100 purchases. Now, maybe they're trying to prove to us that they're worthy of being on our shelves, I don't know, but my question is -- how does a woman like that get her hands on our proprietary information?", "Lauren: \"A woman like that?\" What about billy? He's her right hand.", "Phyllis: I trust billy implicitly. Her, not so much. I told jack that I think she's the one that planted the mole at jabot. Maybe it was someone at fenmore'S. I don't know!", "Lauren: Fenmore's? No. Nobody knew. Just you and me.", "Phyllis: Then, tell me, how is victoria getting her hands on that confidential information? Clearly, they're not on the up-and-up.", "Lauren: You don't know that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I do know that, and I was upset that you did not agree with me that you should take jack up on his marketing plan.", "Lauren: All right. You know what? Enough. I run the store. Me. Stop second- guessing my decisions. Yes, brash & sassy, their last quarter stunk, but now they are recovering, which is great because all I'm seeing are sales, and that's all I care about, and if jabot has a leak, well, then, I'm sorry. Not my problem. Please don't make it one.", "Phyllis: So the fact that this situation is clearly underhanded and that it's affecting our primary business partner...", "Lauren: How is brash & sassy's turnaround affecting parker beauty, who, by the way, has not even launched yet?", "Phyllis: Will you listen to me?", "Lauren: What did jack say to you to get you on his side against victoria? What, did he promise you that if her company went belly-up that billy would become the stay-at-home boyfriend?", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ]", "Lauren: But you and jack made some sort of truce, and trust me, he does not have your best interests at heart. Especially when it comes to billy. Now, let him and victoria go at it. But don't let him drag you down any further. You need to protect yourself, and you need to protect your relationship, especially if it's solid as you claim it to be.", "Ashley: Ravi, those r&d files represent our entire work product. If they were able to get their hands on line extensions or chemical formulas... and I mean, the very thought that they're stealing my intellectual property and maybe selling it to the highest bidder...", "Ravi: We need to be prepared for the worst possible scenario, but right now, we don't know what files they took. We don't know what they intend to do with them.", "Ashley: Well, nothing good for jabot, that's for sure.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: Are you gonna be able to find out who did it?", "Ravi: That's a work in progress. What I do know is whoever accessed the network used a legitimate password.", "Ashley: I might know exactly who did this.", "Ravi: Before you jump to any conclusions, I need to cross-check the ip addresses on all proprietary jabot computers, a process I haven't even begun yet. So whatever you're thinking, right now, it's purely speculative.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, you handle the tech end, and once you get confirmation... and I'm gonna take it from there.", "Billy: From what I could tell, they have a lot coming up in the pipeline here. Ashley's been busy.", "Victoria: Anything threatening?", "Billy: Nothing that's gonna compete with our mask, if that's what you're asking.", "Victoria: Well, that's a relief, and we need to get ours out there asap before they catch onto what we're doing.", "Billy: And I told you that I'm working on that. The expedited launch is right on track. Look, right here. That's what I wanted to show you.", "Victoria: Jabot junior? That's a blast from the past. It's a teen line that I worked on with ryan and neil when we were starting brash & sassy.", "Billy: They have plans to resurrect it with a major launch.", "Victoria: That's not good.", "Billy: No. \"Restructuring all our old classics along with new ones to capitalize on the current trends.\"", "Victoria: \"With an expanded palette to accommodate younger women of all ethnicities.\" They already have a marketing plan. They have deals with all of the biggest beauty influencers on viewclick.", "Billy: They're going after millennials, generation Z...", "Victoria: Oh, my god, that's just what we were ramping up to do.", "Billy: Only with 10 times our budget.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] When I bought this company, we were going after an older, more sophisticated crowd, and it was going well, but dare -- dare has been a huge surprise for us.", "Billy: Yeah, because our demographic is younger than we expected, which is why we planned on dumping more money into going after that demographic.", "Victoria: Do you think that's wise given what jabot is planning? I mean, maybe we should put our resources somewhere else.", "Billy: I don't think we should make any decisions till we know what we got here.", "Victoria: Oh, gosh, billy. This is such a huge headache. Jabot coming on strong with one of our demographics that we're counting on? I mean, we're not healthy enough to fight back.", "Billy: Okay, hold on. Jabot is much bigger than us, right? They have a longer process from getting products onto the shelves, meanwhile...", "Victoria: We are a small company in dire financial straits.", "Billy: We have less layers, okay? We have less red tape to go through. We need to come up with something dazzling for the younger crowd and beat jabot to the punch.", "Ashley: I hope I didn't come at a bad time.", "Graham: Ashley. Back so soon. Was there a drawer you left unopened or a cupboard you didn't get a chance to search?", "Ashley: I know what you did, and you're not gonna get away with it. I'll take that as an admission.", "Graham: Where are my manners? Would you care for something to drink?", "Ashley: I'd settle for some truth, actually.", "Graham: Speaking of manners, one would think yours would be better given your upbringing as an abbott.", "Ashley: Another thing about us abbotts... we protect our own. Fiercely.", "Graham: You know, I must admit, I have a unique on your family. I only know what your mother's told me. You sure you don't want some iced tea?", "Ravi: Dina! May I speak with you, please?", "Dina: Oh, ravi! Of course. What can I do for you, dear?", "Ravi: Uh... I need to borrow your computer.", "Dina: Oh?", "Ravi: Protocol. I have to check the security settings.", "Dina: Oh, I see. Well, of course. Here you go.", "Ravi: Great. Uh, I will get this back to you asap.", "Dina: Oh, thank you. And I truly mean that, ravi. You've been wonderful helping me with my computer this way. And, you know, your dedication, well, it's very rare these days.", "Ravi: Well, you can never be too careful.", "Dina: Right.", "Ravi: Bye.", "Dina: Bye.", "Abby: Tell patricia to have it on my desk first thing monday morning. Thanks. Oh! Great! Crisis averted.", "Victor: Sweetheart, if you need to get to the office, don't let me keep you, okay?", "Abby: I'll take off in a minute, but, um... dad, can I say something? It's about nikki's benefit concert.", "Victor: What about it?", "Abby: Well, it was such a labor of love for you.", "Victor: Mm.", "Abby: All of the hard work and effort that you put in to honor the woman that you love and, yes, things got ugly afterwards. Nikki's upset with you for punching nick, and some might even say she's less than grateful.", "Victor: Well...", "Abby: But I never doubted that she loves you, and I still believe that she does.", "Victor: Sweetheart, her actions seem to indicate otherwise.", "Abby: You two would have worked things out by now if jack hadn't injected himself. You know, I hate when he acts this way. He's better than that and he knows it.", "Victor: Anyway, if you say so, my love.", "Abby: All right. I love you, dad.", "Victor: I love you, too.", "Abby: I'm gonna take off, but please think about what I said about nikki.", "Victor: You have a nice day, okay?", "Abby: Okay.", "Victor: Bye, sweetheart.", "Abby: Nikki! [ Chuckles ]", "Nikki: Well, hi, abby!", "Abby: Have a good one.", "Nikki: You, too. Thanks for the photo. Nice to have a memento of a lovely evening.", "Victor: What the hell are you doing here? I thought you might like that photo. Reminded you of your exhibitionist tendencies.", "Nikki: The dancing was my choice. And going to the cabin with jack was my choice. Now, I want you to stay out of my life. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nikki: Who do you think you are? Hiring some spy to sneak around taking pictures of jack and me through a window? It's tacky, and it's an invasion of privacy. It's disgusting!", "Victor: Are you finished?", "Nikki: No, I am not. Now, despite your claims that are you thrilled that I am moving on with my life, you are still monitoring me. You're still trying to control me and shame me...", "Victor: How dare you walk in here and give me a lecture!", "Nikki: If your mission in life is to find new ways to hurt me, go right ahead and do it!", "Victor: I have no idea who took these damn pictures!", "Nikki: Is that so?", "Victor: If you don't want to involve jack abbott, then you find out who the hell took this picture. I didn'T.", "Nikki: I know you didn'T. Somebody you hired did it.", "Victor: I don't give a damn who did! Take a look at it! How dare you walk in here! Don't you ever do it again!", "Nikki: Dina?", "Jack: When customers enter the cosmetics department, parker beauty should be the first line they see.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm gonna give it prominent placement.", "Jack: Front and center. Not against the wall somewhere. In all of the stores.", "Lauren: Jack, I am not gonna have my managers rearranging departments for you and ashley, no matter how many tales you want to spin about brash & sassy's impressive sales numbers.", "Jack: Then you told her.", "Lauren: Of course she told me. She works for me, not you. Something you seem to be forgetting lately.", "Jack: Speaking as fenmore's biggest stakeholder...", "Lauren: After me.", "Jack: ...Whose investment kept your company afloat, i expect your help in making sure that my new products are a success.", "Lauren: Oh, don't worry. I plan on making the best, most profitable decisions for us, and that means I'm gonna be carrying both lines. And placement is going to be based on my many years of running a national retail chain. Now, there is no proof that brash & sassy inflated their numbers in a problematic way, only in your fevered imagination. So stop wasting my most valuable employee's time. Got it? We are so done here.", "Phyllis: Okie dokie.", "Ravi: Hey, lauren.", "Lauren: Ravi.", "Ravi: Do you have a sec?", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.", "Ravi: Um, I left a message with your assistant.", "Lauren: Is there something wrong with the virtual dressing room?", "Ravi: No, it -- it has nothing to do with that. Can we speak in private in my office?", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, of course.", "Ravi: Great.", "Graham: Lemon?", "Ashley: It was very clever of you to convince my mother that your input on her report was invaluable.", "Graham: I merely reviewed the documents.", "Ashley: You \"merely reviewed the documents?\"", "Graham: To tell the truth, this is still all an education for me.", "Ashley: Uh-huh, and I bet that flattery convinced her to give you access to her computer and the password into jabot's server.", "Graham: And your point?", "Ashley: We have state-of-the-art cyber security, graham, okay? It's gonna be no time before our it people identify who entered our server and when.", "Graham: What are you accusing me of now?", "Ashley: What did you do with the r&d files that you stole?", "Graham: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.", "Ashley: If you give them to me now, I won't press charges.", "Graham: Let's try this another way. As I have no interest in the inner workings of jabot cosmetics, what motive would I have? Unless dina's new assignment is in r&d, why would I even want to read those files?", "Ashley: You know very well that our competitors would pay a lot of money for that information.", "Graham: And I don't need the money.", "Ashley: Well, you know, i don't want to sound insensitive, but we don't know how much time my mother has left, do we? Could take a long time for you to cash in.", "Graham: If I were the craven opportunist you seem to think i am, the last thing I would do would be to sell your corporate secrets. If I hurt dina's children in any way, she'll disinherit me. Why risk it?", "Ashley: I don't know, because you thought you could get away with it? Because you have so much confidence in your hold over my mother? Because you can never get your hands on enough money? Because there's always surprise expenses, emergencies... what the hell? I imagine that your way of life costs a lot of money to maintain. Am I right? Do you mind if I look at your computer?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know i should breathe, I should keep a clear head, and I should strategize right now.", "Billy: All of those things.", "Victoria: Instead I'm freaking out because you know this is about a lot more than competing for shelf space.", "Billy: You know what this document should be titled? \"A direct target on brash & sassy's core customers, going after the young generation who have not yet established brand loyalty,\" because that is exactly what jack is trying to do.", "Victoria: You see? You see? You're worried, too, aren't you?", "Billy: I am worried, but I'm using my anxiety and trying to get into action.", "Victoria: Okay, well, I'm sorry, I'm not there yet.", "Billy: Well, you will be.", "Victoria: I didn't see this coming, this youth line. Had you heard of it?", "Billy: No, I haven't, and i don't think phyllis heard about it, either.", "Victoria: You think she would tell you if she did?", "Billy: Not directly, but i know her well enough. I feel like I could read it on her.", "Victoria: Well, she knows you well, too, and that's what concerns me. It's a risk going in her computer. If jack finds out about it...", "Billy: It's gonna be trouble. Yes, I heard you the first time. But we're already here, okay? We're not going back. We have bigger problems right now.", "Phyllis: So, have you found victoria's spy?", "Jack: Still investigating.", "Phyllis: Well, you got to make sure you're not talking in your sleep when you spend the night at nikki'S.", "Jack: When nikki and I are together, sales figures are the last thing on my mind.", "Phyllis: What is on your mind, jack? Is this serious? Are you just trying to piss off victor?", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Jack: Come in.", "Nikki: Hi. Oh, hello.", "Phyllis: Nikki. Don't mind me, I was just leaving.", "Jack: Wow. Twice in one day. Can't stand life without me?", "Nikki: I hate to interrupt your work.", "Jack: Nonsense. You're a welcome diversion any time.", "Nikki: Well, you might not think so when I tell you why I'm here.", "[ Computer chimes ]", "Jack: I'm waiting for something. Be right back. Why would victor be e-mailing me?", "Nikki: Oh, wait, before you open that, I --", "Jack: Oh, my... someone's stalking us? Victor. This is just his speed. He can't control you so now he's harassing you.", "Nikki: It's more complicated than that.", "Jack: How did he even know we were at the cabin? Does he have someone following you? Victoria saw us in the elevator. You think she went straight to him with the information?", "Nikki: No. Victoria wouldn't do that. Someone else saw us and that's the person who hired the photographer.", "Jack: Okay, obviously you know something. Don't keep me in suspense. Who was it?", "Graham: That's my personal computer, not jabot'S. So there's no way I could have used it to mine your precious data, even if I wanted to. But go ahead and check. You're not gonna find anything.", "Ashley: No need. I'm sure you did use my mother's computer. I know she brings it home almost every night.", "Graham: Listen to yourself, ashley. What would john abbott say about these baseless accusations?", "Ashley: Why are you bringing up my father?", "Graham: Well, your mother seems to think he was a saint, one of the most ethical businessmen to ever walk the planet.", "Ashley: Yes, he was. Someone like you would never be capable of understanding a man like him.", "Graham: You have no idea what I'm capable of.", "Lauren: When did the breach occur?", "Ravi: Late last night. We upgraded the system, so it's only a matter of time before cyber security tracks down the person responsible.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ] I'm glad to hear it. These data thefts are everywhere. No company is immune. You know, I really need to you to check out fenmore's security and make sure that we are at least as strong as jabot'S.", "Ravi: Okay.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Hey. What's going on?", "Ravi: There was an unauthorized download, secure jabot r&d files. Files that only jack and ashley were cleared to download.", "Phyllis: Which files?", "Ravi: I'm working on that now.", "Phyllis: What?", "Ravi: Yeah, it seemed like...", "Phyllis: What? What's the issue?", "Ravi: Um... I'm actually gonna need to check all employee computers to try and figure out what happened. Since you're here, I'll start with yours.", "Phyllis: Well, you don't suspect me, do you?", "Billy: We take brash & sassy back to the roots, okay? We reposition to be more youth-oriented.", "Victoria: Dare and bare for the teen market -- really?", "Billy: Those names...", "Victoria: It's too adult, but maybe if we broaden the appeal of our new mask...", "Billy: Okay. I like that. We go towards the teens.", "Victoria: Yes, it's a good idea, and using the information that you stole off their server, we know that it's the one product that jabot isn't working on yet.", "Billy: Okay, so we have a teen line, and then we have another one for adults that are living in cities that are prone to pollution, and -- geez, man. You just show up like that? That's a hell of skill set.", "Victor: My skills are of a more material nature. I'm willing to put them at your disposal.", "Billy: Well, we don't need your help, victor, so thank you.", "Victor: I think victoria will think otherwise once you're in prison.", "Billy: I don't know what you think you heard, but...", "Victor: Enough to realize that brash & sassy is in big trouble, which prompted you to take drastic and illegal measures.", "Billy: So, what, you're gonna turn me in now?", "Victoria: Okay, hold on. Everybody take a breath. Dad told me that if I needed a hand with anything, he would be available, and I think that's what he meant.", "Victor: If jack abbott comes after brash & sassy, that is tantamount to coming after you, and I will not allow that. You give me the word, we'll stop him. He'll never do it again.", "Ravi: I am being methodical, phyllis. Given the nature of this intrusion and the way we have set up our security patch, i need to check every jabot company computer.", "Phyllis: Well, that's a lot of machines.", "Ravi: Dozens.", "Lauren: I have one, too.", "Ravi: We'll need to see it.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what, I know that you are gonna get down to the bottom of this, ravi, and whoever helped themselves to those files, they deserve to be fired on the spot.", "Ashley: Look, graham, ravi is conducting a thorough search. If you did this, I'm gonna find out soon enough.", "Graham: You know, I welcome the truth coming out. Then you'll realize that I'm not the bastard in all of this.", "Ashley: Okay, well... we'll see.", "Dina: Jack! You wanted to see me, dear?", "Jack: Close the door behind you. Victor sent this to me today as a gift. Before I sent him a thank-you note, I thought I'd get something straight. This is your doing, isn't it?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Mariah: It's not devon. It's me. I'm attracted to someone else.", "Ravi: I do know whose password unlocked the gate.", "Ashley: Well, whose is it?", "Ravi: Your mother'S.", "Dina: I take full responsibility, but you, jack, are solely to blame for this tawdry mess!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Rey catches Sharon snooping at the police station and she tells him that she is interested in how they work a case. Sharon talks to Victiria and Nikki later at the bachelorette party and Nikki warns her that Rey may be setting a trap so she needs to not let down her gaurd. Sharon is upset with Nick because he bought a big mansion accross town without consulting her and she doesn't want to leave her house. Nikki tells Sharon that she never liked her for Nick because they were too much alike and she encouraes her to spport Nick and help him realize his dreams Sharon tells Nikkki she needs to be honest with Nick and tell him how JT died. Nate tells Victor and Jack that the DNA test shows that they are not brothers and Jack is disappointed that he has hit another dead end. Nick and Matt both tell Jack he should consider it a blessing not to be related to a monster like Albert Miller.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: My obligation is fulfilled.", "Victoria: Listen to yourself, billy!", "Billy: You listen to me. I am done. I don't need your help. I don't want your opinions. The only thing I want from every single one of you is to leave me the hell alone!", "Jack: As much as I want to know who my biological father is, here's hoping the lab responds with a resounding negative.", "Victor: Now, that I will drink to.", "Nate: The wait is over. I have the test results.", "Nick: You've talked about cakes and flowers. These are very fluffy things for you.", "Mariah: I'm trying to own my maid of honor title for sharon, for you.", "Nick: I'm just talking about moving across town, to a new home. What has changed?", "Sharon: You.", "Victoria: If you're working for the police department, then you can keep tabs on rey and his investigation into J.T.'S disappearance. You're gonna have access to computer files and surveillance-video footage, confidential information.", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Rey: I didn't know you were still here.", "Victor: Got the results?", "Nate: Right here.", "Victor: Well, what do they say?", "Matt: Is jack abbott our brother?", "Nate: I don't know. I haven't looked yet.", "Victor: Well, then why don't you? Open the damn thing.", "Nate: Be glad to, once jack gets here.", "Sharon: I was just following up on a few things for this case, and I saw this file on J.T., And I-I shouldn't have kept looking at it. I'm sorry.", "Rey: No, don't -- don't worry about it. You're one of us now.", "Sharon: True. Well, kind of.", "Rey: I think it would be kind of strange if you weren't curious... given how close you were to the situation.", "Sharon: Because of victoria. We've been family for a long time.", "Rey: I know it can also draw you in, looking at the pieces of the puzzle.", "Sharon: Well, I've always been fascinated with police work, and I have a lot of respect for what you do.", "Rey: Yeah. I see how you could find it interesting -- the psychology of it all. Plus you were married to a detective, right?", "Sharon: Paul's son. Of course he would mention that.", "Rey: It's always a challenge, trying to figure out what's going on in someone else's head. It's part science, part intuition. You have to be able to parse together the facts without letting your own biases get in the way. After a while, you start getting a gut feeling about things. And if that doesn't happen, then I know I got to comb through it again and again -- as many times as it takes until a solution jumps out. But it's always there. You just got to work for it. To me, that's -- that's the fun part.", "Sharon: You must be great at what you do if they brought you in just to work on this.", "Rey: Well, somebody up the chain thought I'd be a good fit, or at least a fresh set of eyes.", "Sharon: The fact that you've never met J.T. -- Does that help or hinder you?", "Rey: That's a great question. It helps that paul's been so thorough. The forensics, complete analysis -- gives us a big advantage.", "Sharon: Hair, fingerprints, dna?", "Rey: Mm-hmm. But it goes way beyond that. I'm talking about microscopic fibers, skin cells, the bacteria on someone's shoe, stuff that's undetectable to the human eye. There's no crime in the world that's clean anymore, but, I mean, you know that.", "Sharon: I know that they make it look a lot easier on tv than it really is.", "Rey: Criminals always make some mistake. No matter how small, it can be exploited. Even the best leave something behind that eventually will give them away.", "Sharon: Well, as riveting as this has been, I have a bachelorette party to get to.", "Rey: What, are you kid-- why didn't you say something? I would have not gone on and on.", "Sharon: No, I-I enjoyed it, really.", "Rey: Yeah. Still, it's not something you should be thinking about on a night like this. Go. Have fun. Forget -- forget all about this stuff.", "Sharon: I will. Thanks.", "Victor: I'm sorry, doc, but, I mean, don't just stand there keeping us in suspense, all right?", "Jack: I apologize for the delay. I was held up in a meeting. I got here as quickly as i could.", "Nate: No worries.", "Jack: Do we have the results yet?", "Nate: We were just waiting for you to arrive.", "Victor: Let me have the envelope, okay? I'm just gonna take it and destroy it.", "Nikki: Victor!", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. You can't do that.", "Victor: I've paid far too much attention to a man who doesn't deserve it, all right? I think nothing of the man. And it's all for someone else that I don't have much use for.", "Nikki: Darling, however you feel about jack, he deserves to know the truth about his paternity.", "Matt: It's not just about jack. If you walk out now, what's in that lab result is still gonna be there.", "Victor: So be it.", "Matt: Victor, you've faced tougher stuff than this by far -- even father at the end. Additional sponsorship", "Victor: Just know this. If it happens to be a match, it changes nothing about who we are to each other.", "Jack: Suit yourself. I'm looking for my own answers.", "Nate: It's not a match.", "Jack: That -- that's definite?", "Nate: The results are clear.", "Victor: All right, sweetheart. We're out of here.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Tessa: I come bearing sugar!", "Mariah: Oh, cupcakes! Yay!", "Tessa: There you go.", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Tessa: Well, with those and the bonbons, I think you've got the goodies covered.", "Mariah: [ Sighs ]", "Tessa: Not to mention the alcohol.", "Mariah: Oh, please, do not let me drink too much tonight. I was on margarita duty at victoria's last time, and it ended up being a complete disaster.", "Tessa: Hey, this won't be a repeat. What's going on? You're practically vibrating.", "Mariah: I just want this evening to be perfect.", "Tessa: I'm sure whatever you do, your mom's gonna love it.", "Mariah: No, no. I mean it's important to me. So much has gone wrong for sharon, and she's overcome so many obstacles to get here, and now she's marrying the love of her life -- for keeps this time -- and I don't know. I know it sounds crazy, but i just feel like if she can make this work, then --", "Tessa: Hey. Hey. It's gonna be great. And, remember, nick and sharon are solid. They've got this. Nothing's gonna mess that up -- including you.", "Mariah: Okay.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Hi, ladies.", "Tessa: Hi, nick.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Nick: What's going on?", "Mariah: Uh, we're having a little meet-up, a little party, before the party. Everybody's getting gorgeous together, and, you know...", "Tessa: Chocolate and booze -- that's the \"you know...\" part.", "Nick: Ah, okay. I got it. Yeah.", "Mariah: But it is starting soon, so I'm gonna need you to...", "Nick: Right. I'm gonna get changed, go out, do my own thing before yours starts, so...", "Mariah: Yes. Better be, because I hear it's bad luck.", "Nick: Isn't that the wedding day?", "Mariah: Can't be too careful.", "Nick: Gotcha.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] I got hung up at work. I have so much to do to get ready!", "Mariah: No, no, no, no! No need to lift a finger. I am in charge.", "Sharon: Uh... well, I still have to do my hair and my makeup for the party.", "Tessa: No, mariah's handled that, too.", "Mariah: We are having a pre-party here. Surprise! Before we head out to the party bus, my stylist from \"gc buzz,\" david, is coming by, and he's going to get everyone gorgeous and glam, starting with the bride-to-be, so all you need to worry about is changing into your outfit for tonight.", "Sharon: Well, that's fabulous! Thank you! When is this happening?", "Mariah: David should be here any minute now.", "Tessa: Along with everyone else coming to your bachelorette...thingy.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Sharon: You are amazing. Do you know that?", "Mariah: New job and the start of your wedding countdown -- I decided that you deserve some pampering. So, all you need to worry about tonight is having the time of your life. [ Chuckles ] It's gonna be a fantastic night.", "Summer: Hi! Uh...where is everyone?", "Mariah: They're coming.", "Summer: Oh. Meaning I'm the first one to show?", "Mariah: Well, yes, but, uh, would you like a drink? My bartending skills are a little bit rusty, but I can still make a decent mai tai.", "Summer: Why are you being so nice to me? It's kind of creeping me out.", "Mariah: It's sharon's night. I was hoping we could all get along.", "Sharon: I'll think of it as a wedding gift.", "Tessa: That's getting off cheap.", "Summer: Ooh! I see bubbly. Excuse me.", "Abby: Hello, everyone.", "Tessa: Abby, hi!", "Sharon: Abby! Glad you could make it!", "Abby: Wouldn't miss it. Tessa. Summer.", "Tessa: Who's your friend?", "Abby: Oh, this is michelle. She'll be creating my look for the evening.", "Sharon: You brought a stylist with you?", "Abby: Yes. I do have followers.", "Tessa: About a million less than you, but still.", "Abby: Okay. Um, michelle, do you think you could maybe set up right here -- give us some elbow room?", "Mariah: Abby, would you like a drink?", "Abby: Food! I am starved. I had to cancel my lunch plans because -- well, you don't want to know, but I am so hungry that I could eat a -- a cupcake?", "Sharon: Tessa, could you...?", "Tessa: Yes. You get started on your 'do, and I'll forage in the kitchen.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: All right. So, one sugar-free, gluten-free, plant-based, locally sourced tasty treat coming right up for you.", "Jack: Now what?", "Matt: Consider yourself lucky.", "Jack: What, because my lifelong enemy and I are not related?", "Matt: I'm talking about albert and the dark cloud that the toxic bastard left behind. Ruined lives. Forget about your past with victor for a minute if you can. Think about him as a scared little boy and how hard that child had to work to survive... and the scars that he carries to this day. You would have been a constant reminder to him of what albert miller did to that boy. So, maybe, before you continue your search, you should ask yourself this question -- would it really have been worth it?", "Mariah: Hope you're feeling better now that you've had a little snack.", "Abby: I'm sorry if I was a little bitchy before. I could just feel my blood sugar plummeting, and then I went to the table, and all I saw was refined flour, and I -- I was just expecting more.", "Mariah: Well, no. We're -- we're just prepping before we go to the club. I didn't want to ruin anyone's dinner, so...", "Abby: Oh. So, what are the plans once we get into town?", "Mariah: I reserved the roof deck. It's the last night of the season.", "Abby: It's gonna be freezing up there.", "Mariah: You know what, abby? There are these crazy new inventions called \"heaters.\" I don't know if you've heard of them, um, but I also hired a fantastic deejay.", "Abby: You know, one time i hosted a bachelorette party. It was a masquerade bar hop, only not with costumes. Everyone just got to have a new name and a new persona for the evening. It was such a blast. People are still talking about it. Now, what exactly are we gonna be doing?", "Sharon: Oh, oh! I love this song!", "Summer: Me, too!", "Mariah: Nice save.", "Tessa: I got your back.", "Mariah: Being fake nice is exhausting.", "Tessa: Just pace yourself.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Tessa: Hi.", "Victoria: Oh, wow! Looks like everyone's having so much fun.", "Sharon: Victoria, welcome!", "Victoria: I'm sorry I'm late.", "Sharon: No, it's okay. We're just getting started. Nikki hasn't arrived yet.", "Mariah: Oh, victoria! It's good to see you again. We have champagne and we have cupcakes and chocolate. We got soda, too. There's all kinds of booze.", "Victoria: Yeah. Oh, great! I'll check it out.", "Mariah: Ice -- I didn't see any in the freezer, and I feel like we're gonna need some more.", "Sharon: Oh. Check the freezer in the basement.", "Mariah: Okay. Got it.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Abby: Hey. Doing okay?", "Victoria: No, not really.", "Abby: Has billy always been this stubborn? It's like he's determined to wreck his life. The way he was attacking us? My god, we were just trying to help him.", "Victoria: I know. Just don't take it personally. Whenever billy's gambling, it's always about the next bet or the next big score. He's not taking anything else in.", "Abby: Then how are we gonna get him out of this spiral?", "Victoria: Well, that's up to billy now. He's gonna have to choose to find help for himself. And hopefully that's before he hits rock bottom again. In the meantime, this evening is about sharon, so, um, I'm gonna give my best effort if you will.", "Abby: Deal. Hey, and when michelle's done with me, if you want a touch-up...", "Victoria: I'd love one. Thanks! Um, I'm gonna get a drink. Need anything?", "Abby: I'm good. Thanks.", "Victoria: All right.", "Sharon: Victoria, I'm so glad you were able to join us.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you. And I'm really happy that you're getting on with your life and putting what happened behind you.", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: Nick, hi! I was just telling sharon how happy I am for both of you.", "Nick: Huh. Feels like there's more to it than that.", "Sharon: Victoria and I were just speculating about what jack has in store for your bachelor party.", "Victoria: Oh, a strip club, maybe?", "Mariah: I hear the sugar shack is very fun.", "Nick: Yeah, nah. Not my thing.", "Sharon: I'm sure jack will come up with something much more original -- a memorable last hurrah before we settle down.", "Tessa: Well, since you two have done this before, doesn't that mean you have to top the first two parties in terms of debauchery?", "Nick: Oof. I sure hope not.", "Abby: Last time, everyone ended up in jail.", "Tessa: Wait. The guys from the bachelor party?", "Sharon: No, all of us.", "Tessa: Wait! How did that happen?!", "Mariah: Uh, two words -- \"bar fight.\"", "[ Laughter ]", "Tessa: Okay. Well, I'm sure it wasn't as funny at the time.", "Mariah: Actually, I-it kind of was.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, it makes for a hilarious story now.", "Summer: Hey, what am i missing?!", "Victoria: We'll fill you in later.", "Nick: Nothing tops a scuzzy night in a holding cell. Uh, no. All I'm looking for is a drama-free night with my homies.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry this happened. Too many painful memories.", "Victor: Hmm. I think it's better we left it in the past. I mean, john abbott gave his children all the opportunities in the world -- all the love and, you know, pride in their accomplishments. Why the hell is jack abbott not happy with that? It should be enough for him.", "Nikki: Well, I'm proud of you for allowing him to have his answer.", "Victor: Yeah. Do you have a party to go to?", "Nikki: I can skip it.", "Victor: No, baby. Go to it, okay? I'll be all right.", "Nikki: Yeah?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nikki: Well...", "Victor: Okay? Okay, my sweetheart. [ Smooches ] Okay.", "Nikki: I'll see you later.", "Victor: Thank you.", "[ Breathes deeply ]", "Abby: Victoria, michelle's free now.", "Victoria: Oh, great. I'll -- I'll be right there.", "Nick: That sounds like my cue to mosey along, but before I go, sharon, do you have a second?", "Sharon: Sure. What's up?", "Abby: It's good to see those two looking so happy.", "Summer: Oh, yeah. I mean, they're happy now. They're still in the premarital fun phase.", "Mariah: Cynical much?", "Nick: I know I've said it like six times today, but i cannot wait to marry you.", "Sharon: Because of how enticing I look with my hair in curlers?", "Nick: You would look enticing in a gunnysack.", "Sharon: Aw, you're sweet. But I'm afraid the mystery's pretty much gone. No surprises left.", "Nick: I wouldn't be too sure about that.", "Sharon: Oh, really?", "Nick: Yeah. I may or may not have gotten you a pre-wedding gift.", "Sharon: Nicholas newman, if you have gone and bought me any more jewelry --", "Nick: Oh, this is better than jewelry. Way better. Check this out.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh, it's fabulous! Is that where we're staying on our honeymoon?", "Nick: No, that is across town. That's our new home.", "Sharon: What?", "Nick: Yeah. I know how busy you've been and crazy with the wedding and the graduation and starting a new job, and I just wanted to take all that pressure off of you. So I went and bought this, and the best part is it's gonna be ready for you, me, and the kids to move into right after our wedding. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Abby: Oh, wait a second. Don't do her mascara yet. I need her to see something.", "Victoria: Okay. What is it?", "Abby: Okay. Which earrings -- these...or these?", "Victoria: Uh... I would say the ones on your left. They're your favorite color.", "Both: Sparkly!", "Summer: I just ate half of a cupcake. Red velvet. Delicious.", "Mariah: Great. I'm glad you liked it.", "Summer: You know, I think you were smart to keep this party simple, given the stats of how few marriages actually last.", "Mariah: Watch it, snowflake.", "Summer: Oh, there's the mariah that we all know and love. And, fyi, I was talking about my own unfortunate marital history, but, you know, stuff happens. Right, abby?", "Abby: Wow. What a lovely and tasteful thing to bring up. Nicely done.", "Summer: There was nothing lovely and tasteful about what you did with my husband.", "Victoria: It takes two, summer.", "Summer: Oh. Et tu, aunt vicki?", "Mariah: Okay. Can we please change the subject and get back to celebrating?", "Summer: Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy. What is with this act that you're putting on? You always say that you hate phonies. I thought you'd enjoy getting real for a change.", "Tessa: You want real> We can do that.", "Sharon: Nick, why would you do something like this without involving me?", "Nick: Sharon, I did involve you. We've been house-hunting for weeks. I mean, you told me what you wanted in a home -- what you liked and what you didn't like, which ones you thought were too big or too fancy or too impersonal. This one is perfect. It's in the best part of town. It's the kind of home where we can create that warmth that you want. I pulled the trigger. I did what needed to be done.", "Sharon: It was a huge decision -- the kind that we should have made as a couple.", "Nick: I know. I know. But there were other people that were interested. And the seller really wanted a fast sale. Trust me -- if I didn't take it off the market asap, we were gonna lose it. This is the home for us. And remember we had that long and open and honest talk about all the reasons why you were reluctant to make the move? I'm not doing this to impress my dad or to -- you know, to prove a point. I'm doing this for us, for our future. It's gonna happen in this house.", "Sharon: Well, it -- it's amazing, and the grounds, and it even has a pool.", "Nick: The pictures don't even do it justice. The guy's wife has a degree in landscape design. It's incredible. The conservatory's brand new.", "Sharon: You don't have to sell me, nick.", "Nick: So, does this mean you're gonna be happy... once the shock wears off?", "Sharon: I just never pictured myself living anyplace like this.", "Nick: But, sharon, that's why I did it for you, for us. Our new life is gonna start in this home. I got to go meet jack for some drinks before my bachelor party. You have a great time tonight. We're gonna talk about this more later, okay? Love you.", "Sharon: I love you, too.", "Nick: Hey, mom.", "Nikki: Oh, hi, dear!", "Nick: Bye, mom.", "Nikki: Uh, bye! Have a good time! But not too good of a time!", "Mariah: Okay. As much as i love the curlers in your hair, it's time for your blowout, so let's go.", "Abby: And it is time for some bubbly.", "Sharon: You all look so lovely.", "Abby: Everyone, raise your glass. A toast to nick and sharon and their soon- to-be happily ever after.", "Tessa: Cheers!", "Mariah: Hear, hear!", "Summer: Cheers.", "Abby: It's gonna be the best night.", "[ Laughter ]", "Victoria: You want some truffles?", "Nikki: Oh. Uh, no. Thank you, dear. I thought you were gonna bail.", "Nikki: Well, it's a show of support for nicholas. And I want to keep an eye on the weakest link over there.", "Abby: He really gets me. I feel so comfortable with him. It's like I don't have to be camera-ready every single second of the day.", "Mariah: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's key.", "Abby: Arturo's introduced me to his younger sister, his older brother, and he's practically met everyone in my family on both sides, and he hasn't run away screaming yet, so that says a lot.", "[ Laughs ]", "Summer: It says that he likes rich people, so...", "Abby: What is with you today?", "Summer: Excuse me?", "Abby: I mean, do we have some problem that I don't know about?", "Summer: No. I'm just calling it like I see it. I mean, it's obvious that you're crazy about the guy. It's just how well do you really know him?", "Abby: Well, we haven't been together that long, but, so far, I've liked what I've seen. Arturo is ambitious and he's hardworking, but he has this sensitive side. He's funny and kind and attentive, and he's someone that I can see myself with long-term, not that we're rushing into anything.", "Summer: So, you're saying that he's perfect?", "Abby: No. That's not what I'm saying.", "Tessa: Of course he's not perfect. That's not why you love someone or why you can't imagine your life without them. You sit on the sidelines and you talk smack about love and marriage as if you're over it, but really you just want it so badly, and you can't figure out how to get it or make it last once you do.", "Summer: Nice speech. I assume that it was for mariah's benefit. Too bad that you're wrong about me.", "Abby: You're not wrong.", "Mariah: Look, I know that I've been playing sickeningly nice, but it was very enjoyable watching you take princess down a few pegs.", "Tessa: Well, summer was right about one thing. I was talking about you. I can't imagine my life being without you... loving you. And you don't have to say anything yet. No pressure.", "Mariah: You know, I tried to once before, but you cut me off then, too.", "Tessa: [ Chuckles ]", "Abby: Um, mariah? What's the deal with the party bus? Shouldn't it be here by now?", "Mariah: Uh, you know what? I'm gonna call them and make sure they're on schedule.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Sharon: Thank you, david.", "Victoria: So, how's the new job?", "Sharon: Um...the work itself is fine. It's like it's tailor-made for me. The sneaking around -- that's a different story.", "Nikki: What do you mean, sneaking around?", "Sharon: I found a file on rey's desk -- everything you've ever wanted to know about J.T. Hellstrom but were afraid to ask.", "Victoria: You found the police file on J.T.?", "Sharon: It was sitting right there in plain sight. There was no one around, so i couldn't help looking.", "Nikki: And?", "Sharon: The first few pages were just photos of J.T. And the clothing that he left behind at victoria's house -- nothing we didn't already know. Before I could get any further, rey walked in and caught me.", "Victoria: Oh, my god.", "Nikki: What did you do?", "Sharon: The only thing i could do. I said I was curious and i apologized if I had been looking at something I shouldn't have been. He was surprisingly cool about it. I guess because I work for the department now, it's not a huge deal. But that was the idea behind me taking the job, right -- that i would infiltrate the department and find out where the investigation is going?", "Nikki: Or...maybe this rey... has other ideas, like setting you up... putting some cheese in the trap and hoping that the mouse takes the bait.", "Victoria: Mom's right. It could have been an act.", "Nikki: Which is why you cannot let your guard down for a second. I'm not a total neophyte, okay? I was able to cover it just fine. Rey realizes that I used to be married to a detective and i know a thing or two about policework. But that file was about yea thick, and I am worried about the evidence they've already compiled, and with the forensics tools police have --", "Victoria: I know what they took. I know what's in the house. It's clear of any evidence.", "Sharon: You think it's clean, but according to rey --", "Victoria: You're getting too close to this guy, and you're trusting this guy too much.", "Sharon: I have a feeling rey is very good at his job.", "Victoria: Yes... which is what we should all be scared of.", "Nikki: And that's why you need to be more careful!", "Mariah: All right, you guys. The party bus is parked out front. But before we get this show on the road, I have one little surprise. I had sashes made for all of us -- you know, the bride... bridesmaid... bridesmaid... mother of the groom...", "Victoria: Oh, you've thought of everything, didn't you?", "Mariah: ...Bridesmaid, and my favorite -- plus one. [ Chuckles ] All right!", "Abby: Where are the tiaras? It's very last year.", "Mariah: [ Laughs ] Come on! Let's go! Everybody get your purses. Let's get on the bus!", "Abby: Off to the roof deck we go. Wow. Way to go, mariah.", "[ Laughter ]", "Nikki: Oh. Oh.", "[ Door opens ]", "Nikki: Sharon, what's -- what's taking you so long? The bus is ready to leave. Are you all right?", "Sharon: I'm fine. I'm coming. I was just thinking about things. It's got me a little emotional.", "Nikki: Listen, the others can wait. Talk to me.", "Victor: I'm glad you texted me.", "Matt: I wouldn't leave town without saying goodbye. Let's not lose touch like that again.", "Victor: I agree with you... although I'm not happy about... what brought us together.", "Matt: If that's what comes of it, you and I being connected, I'd say it wasn't all that bad.", "Victor: Yeah, but, you know, it was a painful reminder of my past. I just hope that my children will not view their father the way I view mine.", "Nick: Hey, you're not related to my dad. That is a win.", "Jack: Yeah. The trail's going cold.", "Nick: You gonna keep searching?", "Jack: There is a growing chorus of people urging me to just drop the whole thing.", "Nick: Well, the good news is there's time, right? I mean, this isn't something you have to decide right now.", "Jack: You're right. about celebrating. Tonight is about enjoying a bachelor party.", "Nick: That's not the only thing. We're gonna be neighbors soon.", "Jack: Oh?", "Nick: I bought sharon a new house in town.", "Jack: Wow! Congratulations!", "Nick: Thanks. I just hope she loves it as much as I do.", "Jack: Hope she'll...? Has sharon seen it?", "Nick: Nope. I wanted it to be a surprise, kind of like our first wedding. Remember on the ranch, I fixed up the old foreman's cottage for us?", "Jack: Yeah, I-I remember. Still, it's a pretty bold move.", "Nick: Yeah. I don't know. I just feel like this go-around needs to be different, you know? You only get so many chances in life, and this time I want everything to be just right.", "Sharon: I've tried every way I know how... to make nick understand why i don't want to move, and then he goes and does this. He presents it as a fait accompli.", "Nikki: Well... not to invalidate your feelings, but I-I really don't see this as a big problem.", "Sharon: No?", "Nikki: I mean, this is the kind of thing that victor would do -- you know, the grand, romantic gesture. Although, selfishly, I do enjoy having faith and christian close by.", "Sharon: I hear what you're saying.", "Nikki: And you and I have had our battles, certainly. From the time I laid eyes on you, I didn't trust you. I didn't want you in nicholas' life. Frankly, I took an instant dislike to you, sharon. Have you ever wondered why?", "Sharon: [ Sniffles ] [ Voice breaking ] Only every day for the past 25 years.", "Nikki: It's because you and i are so much alike. We both grew up poor. Everything was a struggle. We had to fight and claw our way out of it to even have the hope for a decent future. As privileged as we have been to marry into this family, our early experiences will never leave us. We will always remember them -- never forget... nor should we.", "Sharon: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger?", "Nikki: Mm. Something like that. I mean, this is a wonderful life to live, especially our families. If we have one thing in common, it's that they mean everything to us. Sometimes I might not like you, I-I might not be fair to you, but... [ Chuckles ] I might just outright dislike you, but I will respect you for that. I always will.", "Sharon: [ Sniffles ] That's probably the most honest thing you've ever said to me and [Sniffles] The most meaningful, as well. Thank you.", "Nikki: You're welcome.", "Sharon: Still think I'm a gold digger?", "Nikki: [ Scoffs ] Uh, sharon, uh... time marches on. Things change... if we're smart.", "Sharon: So, what wise words of advice do you have for me?", "Nikki: Nicholas has finally found his own path, and he's moving very fast now. I see the same spark and drive in him that I saw in his father so long ago. So, sharon, just sit down and strap yourself in and enjoy it. My son is doing all of this for you.", "Sharon: I understand everything you're saying, and i appreciate it.", "Nikki: Are you gonna take my advice?", "Sharon: If I'm going to be the woman by nick's side as he makes his dreams come true, then I need to throw myself into this and really commit, and I accept that.", "Nikki: But?", "Sharon: I just wish I didn't feel like I was losing the parts of nicholas that I fell in love with in the first place. It makes me look at myself and what I'm contributing to this relationship. I know that I need to bring trust and gratitude to these changes, not doubt.", "Nikki: Nicholas is growing. He's maturing. He's coming into his own. And those are all good things. And so are you, by the way. Don't think I haven't noticed.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Thank you...again. This is not a conversation that I thought you and I would be having.", "Nikki: Yeah, me either.", "Sharon: Not in this lifetime, anyway.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Nikki: I just volunteered to come in and see what was keeping you.", "Sharon: Yeah. We... probably should get going, not keep 'em waiting.", "Nikki: Yeah. God knows there's enough booze on that bus to keep them all occupied for a long time, so...", "Sharon: There's one thing that you have opened my eyes to. [ Sighs ] And I know you're not gonna like this, but just hear me out.", "Nikki: Um, I don't know if i like the sound of this.", "Sharon: In order for me to be a good wife to nicholas, I need to do things right. I can't go into another marriage with any secrets or lies between us.", "Nikki: Where are you going with this, sharon?", "Sharon: I need to tell nicholas the truth about J.T.'S death -- all of it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Kevin and Chloe have a romantic celebration at the Grand Phoenix because they finally have the normal life they always wanted and can live their life with their real names. Billy goes to his therapist again and tells her all about his dark side and tells her he is ready to do the work needed to get better because his family needs him. Billy later tells Jill that he went to his therapist to get his gambling under control and she tells him she is proud of him and his father would be proud of him too. Nikki,, Victoria, and Abby meet at the Grand Phoenix to discuss the plan and Victor's condition and Abby says she feels badly keeping the truth from Summer and all the others who don't know Victor is alive. Devon tells Elena that Amanda Sinclaire is a Hilary lookalike and she tells Nate that Devon is imagining things but Nate tells her he saw Amanda Sinclaire while visiting Abby at the hotel and Devon is telling the truth. Jill thinks that Amanda Sinclaire is running a con and she refuses to believe that Chance is involved at all. Jill promises to help Devon fight the challenge to the will because Katherine would want him to look out for him. Sharon goes to Adam's place and offers to be his friend and act as his conscience so he won't go too far in exchange she wants him to help Victoria and clear her name. Adam gets upset with Sharon because she won't admit that she loves him so he tells her to leave the penthouse and never return.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Devon: I guess chance didn't fill you in on everything before he dragged you into all this. He didn't tell you that you look exactly like my late wife.", "Victoria: This person was created to do the things that your conscious mind would not let you do.", "Billy: I know if I got a chance for the future with you and the kids, I got to get to the other side. And I finally feel like I can do that now.", "Nikki: Adam had to have been planning this from the very beginning -- kill you and then plant the evidence to frame victoria.", "Victor: And he thinks he succeeded doing both.", "Victoria: I feel it in my gut that adam is gonna botch this, big time. I'm just gonna have to pretend that dad is dead for a little bit longer.", "Nikki: All right, then. For now, we keep the masquerade going.", "Abby: Hi!", "Nikki: Hi! It's good to see business is picking up.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] We're getting there. Our opening night disaster didn't kill us, but it came awfully close.", "Victoria: Well, I hope that my being here won't create another scandal.", "Abby: Oh, victoria, don't be ridiculous.", "Victoria: An accused murderer on the premises? That can't attract many customers.", "Abby: Well, I don't care. In fact, I will say it as loudly and publicly as possible. I don't believe any of these charges against you.", "Nikki: We should all do that because once adam realizes that his attempt to frame you isn't going to work, he's gonna make another move, do something else...", "Victoria: Well, this time, I'll be ready for it.", "Abby: That's a great plan. Only, if it doesn't work, you're the one who's going to jail.", "Victoria: It will work.", "Abby: I just don't like using you to bait the trap. And I bet billy doesn't like it, either.", "Victoria: He's concerned.", "Abby: And I don't blame him.", "Victoria: But he also realizes how critical it is to have an air-tight case against adam.", "Nikki: Speaking of billy, i thought he was gonna meet us here.", "Victoria: Yeah, he'll be here soon. He just had something that he had to take care of first. It's been a while since our last appointment.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I know, uh... there was a part of me that thought I could handle my problems alone, and another part of me that didn't want to get better at all. So, what brought you back?", "Billy: I guess I realized that every part of me was wrong. I need help, doc. But I'm here. And I want to get healthy. And I'm ready to do the work.", "Devon: Hey, why do you want to cancel your birthday party, though, babe?", "Elena: Abby's father just died. The last thing she needs to do is plan a birthday party.", "Devon: Yeah, but I still want to celebrate the day you were born.", "Elena: And we will. But just nothing big and extreme. Maybe we can do something intimate with a few friends at the house.", "Devon: Okay, that's -- if that's what you want to do...", "Elena: I think it's the best thing.", "Devon: All right.", "Elena: I got to go.", "Devon: All right, hang on. Before you go, there's something that I really need to talk to you about.", "Elena: Okay, what's up?", "Devon: It's about the lawyer, amanda sinclair, that I met with.", "Elena: Yeah? Did you find out that she's trying to scam you about katherine's will?", "Devon: No. No, but there is something that's really weird about her, and it has nothing to do with the will and has everything to do with her face.", "Elena: What do you mean?", "Devon: She... she looks just like hilary.", "Chloe: I still can't believe that they're charging victoria with victor's murder.", "Kevin: There's no way she did it. We saw how shocked and devastated she was when she learned her father was dead.", "Chloe: Adam killed victor. I'd bet my life on it. I just wish there was something we could do to help clear her name.", "Kevin: I agree, but then we'd have to explain why we were with billy and victoria at the boathouse.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] It's a mess. I mean, we did everything we could to keep billy from getting into trouble, and she still takes the fall.", "Kevin: Temporarily. Adam will get his eventually.", "Chloe: From your lips to...", "Kevin: I mean, think about it. Victoria's out on bail, which means michael doesn't think the charges are gonna stick. Otherwise, he would have convinced the judge to keep her in jail.", "Chloe: Have you talked to him?", "Kevin: No, but I know my brother, and he knows adam. He's usually a lot more slick than this.", "Chloe: Yeah, not up to his usual high standards of villainy, huh?", "Kevin: I always thought he would drop the ball sooner or later. And I hope he's made the mistake that will finally bring him down.", "Adam: Thanks for stopping by. Haven't really got a lot of visitors lately.", "Sharon: I wanted to see if you were all right.", "Adam: [ Chuckles ] Um... that would be a hard no. You know, being alone with my thoughts has taken me to some pretty dark places.", "Sharon: There's a way for you to come back from this, adam, to save yourself.", "Adam: How?", "Sharon: Make things right. Clear victoria's name. Additional sponsorship", "Elena: So you're saying this lawyer, amanda, resembles hilary in some way? So what?", "Devon: She doesn't just resemble her. They could be twins.", "Elena: Okay, well, why didn't you tell me this when you first saw her?", "Devon: Because I didn't want you to think that it was just like before, when I couldn't stop seeing my dead wife. This is a very different situation.", "Elena: You're sure they look identical?", "Devon: I -- anybody that knew hilary would think so. And I don't think this is just a coincidence.", "Elena: So you're saying this chance person who hired her knew that?", "Devon: I -- I mean, it's a possibility that they've only spoken over the phone, never seen each other face to face, but I --", "Elena: You don't believe that.", "Devon: No, I don'T. I think that whoever sent her was trying to rattle me, and they've just done the opposite because I'm not gonna be manipulated like this.", "Elena: I'm really sorry. Seeing her must have been really shocking.", "Devon: Yeah, I -- yeah, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, till i realized somebody else was.", "Elena: If this is intentional, that's incredibly cruel. What kind of person would do something like that?", "Devon: It's somebody with an agenda, and I'm gonna find out who it is and ask them that question straight to their face.", "Billy: I went someplace dark and destructive. Confusing... Can you be more specific?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I guess I was so consumed by the anger and grief of my daughter's death that, uh... I did things that I don't remember. I'm -- I told you the last time I was here that I was having trouble sleeping, and there were a few times that I did actually fall asleep, that I would wake up... at someone else's house and have no recollection of how I got there. So you blacked out.", "Billy: I don't know exactly how to explain it. It was like I was two separate people living a parallel life. One of them was me, functioning the world -- barely. And the other?", "Billy: Out of control. Angry and dangerous. The worst part of myself, i guess. Victoria helped me face it, and... it scared the hell out of me. And it still does. So you believe this other side of yourself is still lurking, ready to take over again?", "Billy: It's crazy, I know that. I can imagine how scary this must feel.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] It's just -- I lost myself, and I can't let that happen again. Well, that's why we're here.", "Billy: Look, I know that there's no easy fix, doc, and I, uh... I'm gonna hate facing some of the hard truths about myself, but my life is on the line, and I need to do everything i can to make sure that I save it.", "Victoria: So, how's dad?", "Nikki: Physically, he's holding up, but he's very upset that you got dragged into this.", "Victoria: It's what we signed on for.", "Abby: I just wish dad was on the same page as the rest of us about adam.", "Nikki: It's hard for him to completely give up on his son.", "Abby: Even though he tried to kill him?", "Nikki: Yes. As you both know, no matter how angry victor gets, he never stops loving his children.", "Victoria: Dad is just setting himself up for another disappointment. Adam has been lashing out at his family ever since the moment he remembered he had a family. Why would he stop now?", "Nikki: How am I supposed to clear victoria's name?", "Sharon: I think you know the answer to that.", "Adam: By confessing? [ Scoffs ] Is that why you came here, to join the growing crowd of people who have accused me of trying to kill my father?", "Sharon: Now don't put words in my mouth. I'm asking you to help your sister. Period. You know, victoria's suffering, too. She's grieving the loss of your father. She's trying to support your mother and her kids and run a business. She doesn't need to be worrying about these trumped-up charges at the same time, and you might be the only person who can fix that.", "Adam: Why should I? Why should I? She has led the charge against me. She wouldn't even appreciate my efforts. She would probably spit in my face. What would I get out of that?", "Sharon: Me.", "Adam: So you'd be my grand prize for rescuing victoria... huh, interesting.", "Sharon: Mm, that's not what i meant.", "Adam: Sure sounded like it to me.", "Sharon: How many times have you told me that if I were in your life, you would be a different man? You claimed that I could help you find your way back to being a person that you were meant to be.", "Adam: And, as I recall, you shot me down. You said you didn't want to be responsible for any of my choices. So what changed?", "Sharon: Well, I have to do something. I can't just stand on the sidelines while you push everyone away -- your family, your friends, and anyone who tries to reach out to you...", "Adam: Okay, no, I'd argue they were the ones that pushed me out the door.", "Sharon: No, they were just protecting themselves because you threatened them.", "Adam: No, I returned fire. That's all.", "Sharon: Okay, where has that gotten you?& Alone in the world, pushing away happiness with both hands.", "Adam: Mm, alone. Except for you.", "Sharon: Yeah. Except for me. Because it really breaks my heart to see you like this.", "Adam: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: So if I am what you need to salvage something in your life, to be your friend or your conscience, I will do that for you, but... can you keep up your end of the deal?", "Kevin: Thank you.", "Chloe: Thanks. Look at bella.", "Kevin: Ah! She is so stinkin' cute!", "Chloe: Her streak is unbroken. She has worn a different hairstyle to kindergarten every day this week.", "Kevin: [ Chuckles ] How long do you think she can keep this up?", "Chloe: At least a couple weeks. I mean, she is my daughter. And esther has been getting very creative.", "Kevin: Mm. You know what we sound like, don't you?", "Chloe: What?", "Kevin: A normal family.", "Chloe: [ Gasps ] You're right, we do.", "Kevin: We can finally give our daughter a stable home, great school, a grandmother who dotes on her...", "Chloe: And jill, the unexpected house guest.", "Kevin: She's been okay.", "Chloe: She's been on her best behavior. So far. You know, she was telling bella about her adventures in bali last night. It was -- it was kind of adorable.", "Kevin: [ Laughs ] I bet you never thought you'd use the word \"adorable\" to describe jill.", "Chloe: [ Laughs ] Well, I'm just glad that we cleaned up all the stuff billy wrote on the walls before she got there.", "Kevin: Yeah, that would have been hard to explain.", "Chloe: No kidding.", "Kevin: But I guess she'll never really know what you did to save him.", "Chloe: You know, as long as adam doesn't find out, I'm fine.", "Kevin: Yeah, you're right about that. I guess your heroism is going to have to be our little secret.", "Chloe: [ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: Though, if you ask me, I'd say you deserve a medal.", "Chloe: I don't know, I was hoping that, um... well, my reward would... be a little more...personal?", "Kevin: Oh. [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Hey.", "Abby: Hi.", "Devon: I'm so sorry about victor. Really.", "Abby: Thank you. Thanks.", "Devon: Yeah. He was a real giant in this town, and he was also your father, and I know from personal experience how tough this can be, so if you need anything...", "Abby: No, I'm --", "Devon: Yeah.", "Abby: Thank you, I know, and, um, I love that you and elena are here for me. It's just, um...-it's really hard for me to talk about this right now.", "Devon: I understand.", "Abby: I'm trying to stay strong for victoria and focus on my work because I know that that's what my dad would want me to do, but, um...", "Devon: Yeah.", "Abby: Speaking of, we -- we still need to talk about elena's birthday.", "Devon: Yeah, we do. We need to talk about that because we're not gonna do the party anymore. We just -- we decided to have something intimate at our place with a few friends, which you're obviously included in.", "Abby: No, no, no. Devon, we talked about this.", "Devon: I know we did, but you don't need to be worrying about a party. You got a lot you're dealing with right now.", "Abby: No, but, please. Please, I -- I want to do this. I've been looking forward to it, and I think it'll be great for me to have something positive to focus on.", "Devon: You sure?", "Abby: Please. I really need this now.", "Devon: Okay. All right, fine. The grand phoenix it is.", "Abby: Great. Let's go look at some menus.", "Devon: Let's do it.", "Nikki: How's billy?", "Victoria: Uh, he's doing better.", "Nikki: He didn't stay in rehab very long. Do you think he was ready to come back home?", "Victoria: He's insisted that he's turned a corner.", "Nikki: Well, yes, but he may not be the best judge of that.", "Victoria: Billy also wanted to be there for the kids, and thank god he was. If he hadn't been there for them when I was arrested and they found out why I was gone, i think they would have been traumatized.", "Nikki: I'm glad he's willing to help you get through that. But it still seems like a huge risk. I mean, billy had issues with adam even before he tried --", "Jill: Such terrible news about victor. Oh, my god, you must be devastated.", "[ Sighs ]", "Jill: You know what I can't stop thinking about? Ever since I heard this horrible news, it was your wedding. Your first one. And you were there, too, in that sweet, tiny little bridesmaid look-alike dress. You were cradled in my mother's arms.", "Victoria: I've seen the pictures.", "Jill: Yeah, you wouldn't remember. You were just a baby. Nobody who was there will ever forget that ceremony. It was the most beautiful wedding I'd ever seen. It was glamorous and it was romantic, and there was this handsome, powerful man, victor newman, making sure, so determined that his bride, a former stripper, no less, would be accepted by genoa city's elite. And he made damn sure they accepted you, didn't he?", "Nikki: Victor was one of a kind.", "Jill: Yeah, there will never be another one. And I guess we can take small comfort in the fact that he's with katherine now, you know? [ Chuckles ] They're probably up there gathering thunderbolts, aiming at paul. I mean, how could he be justified in arresting you, victoria? For god's sake, the charges were ridiculous.", "Victoria: Uh, there was planted evidence.", "Jill: Planted -- well, he fell for that, I suppose?", "Nikki: I -- I don't think that paul believes victoria's guilty. He just has to do his job.", "Jill: You know, well, I would have quit the job in protest. I just -- he's known you his whole life. He knows you're not a murderer.", "Nikki: I have faith that everything will work out.", "Jill: The nikki I used to know would not count on faith here. She would be in paul's face like a pit bull, demanding answers, raising hell, and so would victor.", "Nikki: Just stop. It's all we can do to just try to keep going on day by day. So...", "Jill: Yeah, of course. You're still in shock.", "Nikki: This is unlike anything I have ever experienced, so...", "Jill: No, I do understand, and I'm sorry that I exploded before. It's just -- this whole situation makes me so mad. How is billy doing with all this?", "Victoria: Um -- oh! You can ask him yourself.", "Billy: Hi.", "Jill: Oh, darling, how are you?", "Billy: I'm fine.", "Jill: Well, I don't believe you. We have to talk.", "Nikki: Poor billy.", "Chloe: It's really cute.", "Nikki: Oh, god. I -- I cannot bear any more condolences right now.", "Victoria: The ladies' room is over here.", "Nikki: Does it have a lock?", "Victoria: Let's hope so.", "Chloe: Hi. I would like to reserve a room under the name chloe mitchell. Yes, ma'am.", "Chloe: That is m-I-t-c-h-e-double L. Chloe. You got it? I think so.", "Kevin: Okay, don't confuse the woman. Most people who check into hotels in the middle of the day go by the name \"smith.\"", "Chloe: Not this gal. I finally have my real name back. I'm gonna flaunt it. You see, I have been living under an alias for the last several years, wanted by the law. And sometimes I would forget the name that I was using. It can be very stressful when you're living on the run. Yes, of -- of course. We'll need a credit card, ms...", "Chloe: Mitchell. Chloe.", "Kevin: I think she's got it now.", "Chloe: Okay. I'm just gonna --", "Kevin: Oh, no, honey, you can't! That one has your last alias on it.", "Chloe: Oh, right. [ Laughs ]", "Kevin: Here. I got you.", "Chloe: You always do.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Kevin: Thank you.", "Chloe: [ Giggles ]", "Adam: You want one?", "Sharon: Would you stop stalling and answer my question?", "Adam: It's kind of a tough one. I've never had someone offer to be my conscience before. What does that mean, exactly?", "Sharon: What, are you mocking me now?", "Adam: No! No, I am -- I'm serious.", "Sharon: Okay, well, it was originally your idea that i should help you put your life back together.", "Adam: I was proposing marriage at the time. And, somehow, I don't think that's what you had in mind here. That's what I thought. So what is the real story, sharon? What are you really offering to do?", "Sharon: To pull you back from the cliff.", "Adam: And why is that so important to you?", "Sharon: I told you why.", "Adam: Yes. Because you hate to see me this way.", "Sharon: I do.", "Adam: I know, but that could mean anything. It could mean regret, it could mean guilt, pity...", "Sharon: What difference does it make?", "Adam: What -- it makes all the difference, sharon, if it is the one thing, the only thing that I need to hear from you... that you still love me. Is that what you're trying to say? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Billy: I know you're worried, okay? And I'm sorry that I went off the grid like that, but I'm -- I'm getting better, and that's the truth.", "Jill: [ Sighs ] Have you lost weight?", "Billy: It's a stress diet. Works every time.", "Jill: That's not even remotely funny.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Jill: Last time I was in town, you told me how much you were missing delia, but you told me you were handling it.", "Billy: I thought I was.", "Jill: And then I find out that you've entered rehab? Honey, I am so glad that you got therapy... but it hurts me that you didn't think you could confide in me when you were struggling like that. Do you not trust me?", "Billy: I do. Of course I do. But, look, mom, I couldn't tell you about it because I hadn't admitted it to myself. I -- [ Sighs ] I got cocky, okay? I thought I had it beat because I had beaten it once before, right? But this time, it had me by the neck, and it -- it wasn't letting go.", "Jill: I would never have left town, you know that. I would have stayed here and i would have helped you through it.", "Billy: I didn't even tell victoria about it, which was a mistake, and, trust me, I'm never gonna go back to that place, and I'm getting help. I just came from my therapist. I had a really great session. I'm not all the way back, but I'm on my way.", "Jill: I'm so glad.", "Billy: I do have one thing to thank you for.", "Jill: Only one?", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] You were always insistent that victoria and I belong together, and you were right.", "Jill: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: She saved my life. And now that I have her and my family back, I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that it works.", "Jill: See? I knew there was a lot of your father in you.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ]", "Jill: Oh, baby, I am so proud of you.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Chloe: Hi! Yes. I would like a magnum of champagne sent to room 407 under the name mitchell. Yes. Chloe? Chloe mitchell? Yes. Great, you have that, yeah? Mitchell. Okay, great. Thanks.", "Kevin: Everybody in this place is going to know your name by the time we check out.", "Chloe: Yeah! That's the plan!", "Kevin: There is something I'm gonna miss about your secret identity, though.", "Chloe: Our fake credit cards.", "Kevin: Well, the only time i got to use your real name was when we were home, alone, in bed...", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Getting very, very close.", "Chloe: Our version of talking dirty.", "Kevin: Well, that part doesn't have to change.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Kevin: Chloe...", "Chloe: [ Giggles ] Mm, I like it. Although you don't have to whisper it anymore.", "Kevin: That is a good point.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Chloe mitchell! Chloe mitchell! I want you, chloe mitchell.", "Chloe: [ Giggles ]", "Kevin: Get over here, you sexy fool!", "Chloe: Oh, sexy?", "Kevin: Oh, yeah.", "Chloe: [ Giggles ] Say it again, hmm?", "Kevin: Sexy fool...", "Chloe: Louder.", "Kevin: Louder?", "Chloe: Yeah, louder.", "Kevin: You crazy, sexy fool!", "Chloe: Whoo! [ Laughs ]", "[ Knocking on wall ]", "[ Both laugh ] Mmm. [ Giggles ]", "Elena: So how's abby?", "Nate: She's dealing, I guess.", "Elena: You guess?", "Nate: It's hard for her to talk about.", "Elena: I know what that's like. When I lost my mom, I was in a complete fog for months. She's lucky to have you.", "Nate: Mm.", "Elena: Uh, but it's not a two-way street. You're not able to talk to her about what it's like to lose a patient that you cared so much about because that patient happens to be her father.", "Nate: Yeah, it's, uh, rough, but, uh, let's talk about something a little more positive, like you and devon. You guys doing good?", "Elena: Yeah.", "Nate: You seem a little uncertain.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] I don't know, nate. Maybe I'm overreacting. Devon told me something, and it's freaking me out.", "Jill: Devon!", "Devon: Jill, hey. What's up?", "Jill: I was just gonna ask you the same thing. Have you had any more run-ins with this hilary doppleganger? What, uh, amanda sinclair?", "Devon: Yes, I did, actually. I spoke to her.", "Jill: And?", "Devon: I told her that I'm not buying her story about katherine's will, and, if she were smart, she'll leave town.", "Jill: Well, here's hoping she got that message.", "Devon: Oh, I -- I hope she does, too, because I don't want to see that lady's face ever again.", "Nate: So this is the lawyer questioning katherine's will?", "Elena: Yeah, who just happens to be an exact carbon copy of hilary, or so devon says.", "Nate: Wow.", "Elena: Yeah, I know what you're thinking -- probably the same thing I'm thinking, which is that maybe devon is seeing what he wants to see because he's not over hilary.", "Nate: That's not what I'm thinking.", "Elena: Well, you said it wasn't that, but I don't know what else it could be.", "Nate: It's, um, not in devon's head. I saw her, too.", "Elena: You what?", "Nate: Yesterday, at abby's hotel. I didn't know who she was, but... I couldn't stop staring at her.", "Elena: She looks like that much like hilary?", "Nate: They could be twins.", "Elena: [ Sighs ] Why didn't you tell us?", "Nate: I thought it was some fluke, someone passing through town on her way to somewhere else. Plus, I didn't want to dredge up those sad memories for devon. So I kept my mouth shut. But you're telling me she came here specifically to see him? Man, it must have been like seeing hilary's ghost. Someone's playing a very sick game here.", "Jill: I can assume that you haven't heard from tucker yet.", "Devon: I haven't, no. Have you heard from chance?", "Jill: No. He hasn't been responding to my messages. [ Sighs ] I'm starting to get really worried about him.", "Devon: I'm starting to think that he may have something to hide.", "Jill: That is not his style. Okay? And now that we know for sure there's something fishy going on, I'm more convinced than ever that he's not involved in this.", "Devon: But he sent you that e-mail out of nowhere talking about coming into something lucrative, did he not?", "Jill: We don't know what that was about. We don't even know that he sent it. I mean, people are getting their e-mail accounts hacked all the time.", "Devon: Yeah, but, jill, doesn't he have a secure government e-mail address? Right?", "Jill: [ Sighs ] I just can't believe that he would ever send this hilary look- alike to torment you.", "Devon: I mean, I don't know what he would or wouldn't do, but I know that everybody that has to do with this will has disappeared off the face of the earth, and that could be a coincidence, but --", "Jill: You don't believe in coincidences.", "Devon: Well, do you?", "Jill: I believe in my grandson. I believe in chance and his honesty. And I don't believe that he'd ever be involved in this elaborate con. It is just not in his nature.", "Devon: Well, I -- I hope you're right.", "Jill: Well, I'll tell you one thing, I'm really sorry that you have to be going through this on your own.", "Devon: It's -- it's okay. No need to be sorry. I have elena by my side.", "Jill: I hope you know you also have me.", "Devon: I appreciate that, but this is not your responsibility.", "Jill: Oh, but, see, that's where you're wrong because katherine would want me to look out for you, okay? So if this -- what's her name -- amanda gives you any more trouble, you just send her to me. I will find a way to make sure that she never pulls another one of these cons.", "Adam: I think you should go.", "Sharon: Why?", "Adam: I asked you a simple question. Do you love me? You haven't given me an answer, so that tells me everything that I need to know.", "Sharon: Nothing about our relationship has ever been simple, adam. I -- I have loved you, hated you, resented you, and needed you all in the same minute.", "Adam: I don't care about any of that. I care abut right now, in this moment. What do you feel?", "Sharon: I can't put it into words.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Sure you can. Just say what's in your heart.", "Sharon: I... want to help you.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] That is not enough!", "Sharon: Why can't it be?", "Adam: Because... as low as I am, and as desperate as I am... I will not accept this cautious rationing. I mean, I get a fraction of you, and no more. And that's never gonna work. Okay? I love you with my heart and my soul. And I will not accept anything less than that. So if you can't do that... if you cannot offer me all of yourself... then I want you to go. And don't come back.", "Chloe: I haven't felt this relaxed in ages.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] Me neither. Maybe true happiness is just the absence of anxiety and fear.", "Chloe: I think there's more to it than that. I think it's about finding the one person in this world that understands you, even better than you understand yourself.", "Kevin: Your ride-or-die, no matter what.", "Chloe: You have proven to have my back a thousand times over.", "Kevin: I was talking about you. How you never gave up on me, on us. And that's why I love you, chloe mitchell. M-I-t-c-h-e-double L.", "Abby: Hi. [ Sighing ] Oh! I'm so glad to see you. Such a relief to not have to pretend.", "Nate: Yeah, I know what you mean. Elena keeps checking in on me to see how I'm dealing with victor's death.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Devon was here, too. He was so sweet and comforting... I hate lying to him. I hate lying to everyone.", "Nate: Yeah, I'm right there with you.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] I hate when my family keeps secrets from me. But now I kind of wish that they had. But then I would be mourning my father's death, just like summer and everyone else who doesn't know that he's still alive.", "Nate: Sooner or later, the truth's gonna come out. And it's gonna bring its own set of problems.", "Abby: I hate that my family has dragged you into this.", "Nate: Oh, no. No one's dragged me into it. I understood what the consequences might be.", "Abby: I know, but you are a doctor. You could get in a lot of trouble for this.", "Nate: A doctor's first job is to protect their patient. And that's what I did. I protected your father from adam.", "Abby: In my eyes, you are the hero.", "Nate: Mm.", "Victoria: So, the therapy session went well?", "Billy: Turns out, you can get a lot accomplished when you cooperate with your doctor. What?", "Victoria: I'm just so happy to see you healthy and strong again.", "Billy: I want to be your rock, the same way you've been mine.", "Jill: So, nikki, I want to make sure that I'm in town for victor's funeral. Have you set a time and a date yet?", "Nikki: Um, nicholas is taking care of all that.", "Jill: Aww. Look at them. It makes you believe that there's still hope in this crazy world, doesn't it?", "Nikki: Amen to that.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] You're making a mistake.", "Adam: Look, I'm sure that you will find someone else to rescue. Oh, wait! Wait a minute. You already have! Victoria. I mean, that's the reason why you came over here in the first place. It wasn't about me at all.", "Sharon: You know that's not true. You know that I care about you.", "Adam: Not enough.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] You know, you say that you want everything. You want all of me, but that -- that's not it, not really. What you want is for me to give up my life, my family, my home, everything because -- because god knows we can't stay here.", "Adam: We could have each other. Once upon a time, that was enough to make you happy.", "Sharon: No, adam, I think i was clinging to this fantasy that it would be okay for me to be at odds with everyone in my life. I can't do that now.", "Adam: Well, then I guess we are done here.", "Sharon: We wouldn't be done if --", "Adam: If what, I made peace with my family? It's not gonna happen. It is too late, sharon.", "Sharon: I'll never believe that.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] Are we really back to that? If I would just be the man that you want me to be...", "Sharon: You can be. I know you can be.", "Adam: Would you that really change anything? I mean, would you really want a life with me then? I -- don't answer that. Let's just call it a hail mary for old time's sake.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] Can I ask you something?", "Adam: Sure.", "Sharon: Are you really happy in this empty place? Empty life? Or don't you want something more for yourself?", "Adam: [ Chuckles ] Sounds a lot like what you said to me in vegas. That is why I came back here. Because there was a part of me that trusted you and believed you, even before I could remember what we meant to each other. Oh, cancel that -- what you meant to me. Turns out, it was pretty one-sided.", "Sharon: Adam...", "Adam: Goodbye, sharon." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Victor reveals to Ashley how Brad has traded his Jabot stock for Newman ones. She is furious and can't believe that he didn't tell her that he was thinking of doing that. Scott gets an earful when Sheila sees that he is bent on getting the information about his mother's behavior from anyone that will give it to him. Sheila will not let this happen as that could blow her plans wide open. JT doesn't notice when Mackenzie leaves the mansion upset after Brittany barges in asking who wants pizza right before JT and Mackenzie can share a kiss. Nikki comes home and is suspicious of Ashley and Abby being at her home alone with Victor. She hears him telling them that he will call them when he returns from the cruise. Sheila had Scott ready to get on a plane back to Toronto, but one call from Lauren and now he wants to stay again. Sheila vows to prevent Michael and Lauren's wedding, even if it kills her." ]
[ "Michael: If Tom so much as breathed on you, he's a dead man. Now tell me where he is. Now.", "Lauren: This is precisely why I don't even want to talk to you about this. Come with me.", "Michael: All right, look, I'm not being unreasonable, all right? Tom could be dangerous. I'd like to know what happened.", "Lauren: Look, Scott bought his writing partner a gift. I went to deliver it to her motel, and I saw Tom in the hallway. That's it.", "Michael: Name of the motel?", "Lauren: Genoa City Motor Arms. Michael, he followed me there. I ran into him in the hallway.", "Michael: What... what room is he in?", "Lauren: I don't know. I didn't hang out--", "Michael: Answer me, Lauren. Did he threaten you? Look, it's obvious that he frightened you. I need to know why.", "Michael: All right, all right. Um, maybe Scott's friend was unfortunate enough to run into him.", "Lauren: And why would you assume that?", "Michael: It couldn't hurt to ask. Maybe she can help me find him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Why would you think your mother's hiding something from you?", "Scott: It's just a feeling I've had for awhile now. I mean, I didn't want to push it, because, you know, it's my mom's private stuff. Only...", "Sheila: What?", "Scott: My roommate Kevin said something that makes me think he knows what it is. And, I mean, if he knows, how private can it be? Why do I feel like I'm being kept in the dark?", "Sheila: Scott, could we--", "Scott: Look, everyone is giving all these speeches about how we're family now. You know, rah, rah, rah. But they're still keeping secrets from me. Why would they do that? What is so bad that they feel I need to be protected?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I wanted to stop by and tell you to have a wonderful, wonderful time in Greece.", "Nikki: Oh, well, we certainly will. I need this vacation so badly. Just me and Victor together... it'll be very therapeutic.", "Kay: Therapeutic? Oh, come on, you need therapy?", "Nikki: Katherine, don't take me literally. You know what I mean.", "Kay: (Chuckles) well, nobody could blame you. My God, after everything you've experienced, it's a miracle you're still holding yourself together as well as you are. Or is that really what you want people to think?", "Nikki: You're right. I have been going through... some weird thing. I'm sure it's nothing.", "Kay: Uh-huh. What? Go on.", "Nikki: I've just been feeling... anxious, um... uneasy. I'm just not myself lately.", "Kay: I'm really sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?", "Nikki: You know, maybe there is. Katherine, could you give me something to take on my trip? Something from your medicine cabinet?", "Kay: Are you suggesting I give you pills?", "Nikki: Just... something to take the edge off, you know.", "Kay: No, absolutely not! Even if I had something, I wouldn't give it to you, Nikki. I'd no sooner do that than hand you a drink!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Maybe we should offer a small bottle of body lotion with a fragrance purchase.", "Victoria: No, no, everybody does that. We need something bigger. Say, like, some sort of a sampler package.", "Brad: Yeah, with mini versions of all the products.", "Victoria: Right, which we could sell in a very nice cosmetics bag.", "Brad: Or in trios. It's great stocking stuffers. Fragrance trios, hair care trios...", "Victoria: Get people hooked on the whole line all at once.", "Brad: Yep.", "Victoria: It's perfect.", "Brad: Yeah, I love it. Why do you look so serious all of a sudden?", "Victoria: Because this is just too easy. I mean, we're... we're getting a lot done. We're agreeing, we're having fun.", "Brad: Oh, speak for yourself. I'm working very hard.", "Victoria: Well, yeah, so am I. But I mean this just isn't how business is supposed to be. What is it that is making this so easy?", "Victor: Well, whatever it is, I'm happy to see it.", "Victoria: Hello, Dad. We were just going over some ideas for the launch.", "Victor: I trust they're good ones.", "Brad: Oh, are you kidding? We've had nothing but good ideas, right?", "Victor: Well, for your sake, I hope you're right, Bradley. I still have to wonder whether it was a good idea to keep you around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: What? Can I not just read in silence, please?", "Brittany: Jill, this is important. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: What are you doing back here?", "Victor: I came to invite you to dinner.", "Victoria: Oh, tonight?", "Victor: Yes.", "Victoria: Hmm.", "Victor: We're having a little dinner party for your mother before we leave on our cruise.", "Victoria: Oh, that sounds lovely. I'm sure mom would love that.", "Victor: Can I count on you?", "Victoria: I will be there.", "Victor: Good, sweetheart. I will let you get back to work, okay?", "Victor: Bradley... if you feel like coming to dinner tonight, I herewith extend the invitation, all right?", "Brad: Thank you, Victor. I'll be there.", "Victor: All right. See you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You're right, Katherine, of course. I just wasn't thinking.", "Kay: Well, obviously not. I don't think you realize how serious this is, Nikki. Now for someone with your history, for god's sake--", "Nikki: Katherine, yes, I do. I know. I know. Pills are not the answer. I know that.", "Kay: You do? You really do? Because if you are feeling this is all far too much for you--", "Nikki: No, I don't feel that way at all. I agree with everything that you're saying. I don't need pills. I need a vacation. I mean, that'll do me much more good than any kind of tranquilizer or something.", "Kay: Well, that's more like it.", "Nikki: I just cannot wait to get on that plane. Maybe I could convince Victor to leave this afternoon. I'm gonna call the pilot and see if that's possible.", "Kay: Nikki, I wouldn't do that.", "Nikki: Why? Why not?", "Kay: Well, I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but Victor is planning something for you, and--", "Nikki: What? What is he planning?", "Kay: Oh, God. It's a surprise dinner with just your family and a few close friends.", "Nikki: No, no, no, no, no.", "Kay: Well, darling, I thought it would make you happy. You'll be able to say good-bye to everybody.", "Nikki: I don't need a dinner party to say good-bye. I just want to slip out of town without anybody making a big deal over it. I wish Victor had told me.", "Kay: Well, it wouldn't have been a surprise party, then, would it? Oh, now listen to me. I told Victor that I would help him with the plans. Darling, I assure you, this evening is going to be very, very low-key.", "Nikki: No, it isn't. You know that it isn't gonna be low-key!", "Kay: But--", "Nikki: Stop making the arrangements, Katherine! I'm gonna tell him to put this off. Forget it!", "Kay: No! No! No, don't do that. I mean it. Do not do that. This is very important to Victor. My God, he's so looking forward to doing something for you!", "Nikki: I don't need him to do that. I am so tired of people doing things for me and making decisions for me. I don't need it!", "Kay: All right, stop it. Just stop it. What's wrong with you?", "Nikki: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm fine.", "Kay: No, you're not.", "Nikki: I am fine. I'm fine. I just remembered something that I forgot to do before the trip.", "Kay: Wait a minute...", "Nikki: Thank you for coming.", "Kay: Wait, Nikki.", "Nikki: Thank you so much. Now I gotta go...", "Kay: Where in the hell are you going, Nikki?", "Nikki: I know you'll let yourself out. I love you.", "Kay: Nikki. Nikki!", "Nikki: I'll talk to you when I get back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: You can't let this make you crazy, Scott.", "Scott: What, you think I should ignore the fact that my own mother won't confide in me?", "Sheila: Why does this bother you so much? Does your mother know everything there is to know about you?", "Scott: It bothers me because it's been happening my whole life. She shipped me off to boarding school, almost like she was hiding me. What, she doesn't want anyone to know she has a kid?", "Sheila: Why are you thinking that way? Did she make you feel like that?", "Scott: No. I mean, she always seemed proud of me, and I know she loves me, but why didn't we ever live together? And now that I'm back here in the states and things are going so great between us, I can't figure out why it never happened before. What's so terrible about us being together? There's obviously some huge reason, or she would open up to me.", "Sheila: Scott, there are things I wouldn't want my own child to know about me. We all have stuff in our past. You want my advice? Just let it go. If your mother wants you to know, let her tell you in her own time, in her own way. Look, don't... don't force this. Or you're just asking for trouble.", "Scott: You really don't want me to pursue this? Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: There's no way you're dragging Scott's writing partner into this, all right? Just leave her out of it.", "Michael: All right.", "Lauren: That easy?", "Michael: Hmm? Look, the only thing that's important now is that you're okay, all right? Tom Fisher, I'm sure, will be on my doorstep with his hand out sooner or later. Oh, you know, I really should get back to the office, so, uh, want me to drop you off at home?", "Lauren: You really think you can con me? I know exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna drop me off, and then you're going back to that motel. Don't do it, Michael.", "Michael: What am i supposed to do? Let Tom Fisher think that he can intimidate my fiancée any time he wants?!", "Lauren: Do you know something? Do you know how many ways he can hurt you?", "Michael: (Scoffs)", "Lauren: He knows exactly the right buttons to push. What are you gonna do? You're gonna go beat him up? You gonna send him to the hospital, maybe even kill him? And then what? You spend 20 years in prison? There's no way. I will not allow that creep to ruin our future!", "Michael: I would never allow it to happen.", "Lauren: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Now you go sit down. Because I'm not letting you out of my sight until you hear me loud and clear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: I am sorry for the way I treated you earlier. I had a nightmare, and when I woke up, Joshua was gone. I just freaked.", "Jill: I should never have taken him out of the house without asking you. If things were turned around, I'm sure I would have reacted the same way.", "Brittany: No, Jill, it was nice of you to take him for a walk so that I could have a nap.", "Jill: Well, just so you know, it will never happen again. What now?", "Brittany: What is your problem? I have done everything I can to make this situation okay for you, but it's like you want to stay mad at me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: You're really amazing, you know?", "J.T.: I was? When?", "Mac: The way you were there for Brittany when she was so scared. She really depends on you.", "J.T.: Oh, I don't know about that.", "Mac: It doesn't bother me. Just a fact. Must be so wonderful, knowing you can lean on someone that, that no matter what's going on in your life or theirs, you'll always be able to count on each other. It's rare. Takes a lot of time to get to that point.", "J.T.: Yeah, we have that.", "Mac: No, we don't, J.T. I mean, not like you and Brittany do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What a nice surprise. Two of my favorite ladies.", "Ashley: I hope you don't mind us just stopping by like this.", "Victor: Not at all. Please sit down. Your timing is perfect.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah?", "Victor: Nikki and I are flying out tonight. We're gonna take a cruise in the Greek Isles.", "Abby: If it's a cruise, why are you taking an airplane?", "Victor: That's a very good question. You know why? Because the Greek Isles are very far away. So first, we're going to fly there, and then we get onboard ship.", "Abby: Oh, that makes sense.", "Ashley: It sounds like a wonderful trip.", "Victor: Something I think Nikki needed desperately. She's been going through a rough time lately.", "Ashley: Yeah, I heard about that. I hope she's okay. Is she home?", "Victor: No, she's not.", "Ashley: Well, I'm sure you have lots of things to do to get ready. We better get out of your hair.", "Victor: No, no, no, no. Please stay.", "Ashley: Really?", "Victor: She's doing some last minute errands.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Knocks on door)", "Dr. Thompson: Mrs. Newman. I didn't realize you had an appointment.", "Nikki: Oh, actually, I don't.", "Dr. Thompson: Oh, well, what can I do for you?", "Nikki: Ooh, thanks. Let me just shut this door. It's so good to see you.", "Dr. Thompson: You, too.", "Nikki: I was really hoping that you could help me with something.", "Dr. Thompson: I'll do my best.", "Nikki: Well, Victor and I are going on a big trip tonight. We're going to Greece on a cruise.", "Dr. Thompson: Wow. That sounds wonderful.", "Nikki: Yeah, yeah, I'm really hoping that it will be, but I've got this little problem lately. I just--for some reason, I have moments of anxiety and-- I mean, it's nothing terrible. Just, um, I don't know, I'm on edge a lot.", "Dr. Thompson: Have you seen your doctor?", "Nikki: I would, but he's out of town, so... that's why I'm here. I was hoping that you could just give me something, you know, in case I have any rough patches while I'm away.", "Dr. Thompson: Are you asking me to write you a prescription?", "Nikki: If you would. I know I'm putting you on the spot, but it would really help me out.", "Dr. Thompson: I'm afraid the answer is no. I just don't feel comfortable prescribing anti-anxiety medication without a proper evaluation.", "Nikki: I completely understand that. I'm just in a bit of a bind. We're leaving tonight, and I really want to enjoy this trip. But I won't be able to if I'm nervous and having trouble sleeping.", "Dr. Thompson: Look, I, um, I read about what you've been through. And I'm not surprised you're feeling this way. What you're experiencing is probably post- traumatic stress. Maybe it's not such a good idea for you to be going out of town.", "Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, it's--it's a great idea. My husband and i really need this trip. You know, I probably won't even take this medication. It's just for my own brain. You know, to know that there's something there just in case it gets worse.", "Dr. Thompson: And your doctor is unreachable?", "Nikki: I talked to his receptionist this morning. He is out of the country. He won't be back for another week. Look, I promise when I come back, if I'm still having a problem, I will have him check it out.", "Dr. Thompson: All right. But no refills. And if you experience any negative side effects, you're to stop taking this immediately. Is that understood?", "Nikki: Absolutely. You have my word.", "Dr. Thompson: All right.", "Nikki: Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.", "Dr. Thompson: Okay, here you go. Now you're to come and see me as soon as you get back. I want a full report.", "Nikki: Absolutely. Uh, listen, one more thing?", "Dr. Thompson: Yeah?", "Nikki: This is just gonna stay between us, right?", "Dr. Thompson: Well, of course. Nothing we talk about will ever leave this office,", "Nikki: Okay, I know. All right, thank you.", "Dr. Thompson: You have a good trip.", "Nikki: Thanks. Bye-bye. (Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you came by.", "Abby: Really?", "Victor: Well, especially today, you know? Because tonight Nikki and I are leaving. When we come back, what do you think if I give you a call, and then maybe you can ride that horsie again?", "Abby: Well...", "Victor: Well, now this time I'll stay close by the horse, make sure that nothing happens.", "Ashley: It's up to you, sweetie.", "Abby: Can I think about it?", "Victor: Sure, take as long a time as you need.", "Abby: Victor, do you have some paper and crayons?", "Victor: Sweetheart, I don't. I don't know where they would be. But you know who might know-- is Miguel. He's in the kitchen. Why don't you go see him?", "Abby: I'd like to make something for you and Nikki if you would like me to.", "Victor: That's so sweet. I would love you to do that.", "Abby: Can I, Mommy?", "Ashley: Sure, why not?", "Abby: I'll be in the kitchen until I finish it.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: No peeking. You, too, Mommy.", "Victor: Oh, no.", "Ashley: Oh, yes, ma'am.", "Victor: She's adorable.", "Ashley: Isn't she, though? 6 going on 20.", "Victor: Amazing how time flies, isn't it?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Victor: I guess now seems a good time to talk about developments in regard to... to Bradley.", "Ashley: What are you talking about? Has something happened I don't know about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: I'm not a child anymore, Brenda. Whatever this big secret is, I can handle it. My mom should realize that.", "Sheila: First off, you will always be your mother's child. Always. And when she's in her 90s, and you're in your 70s, it's still going to be that way. You may as well face it.", "Scott: And that means she can't talk to me?", "Sheila: She just doesn't want to right now. So why don't you drop it?", "Scott: Oh, bite my head off, why don't you?", "Sheila: Okay, you wanna be treated like an adult? Why don't you act like one? You need to respect your mother's wishes.", "Scott: Why are you getting so fired up?", "Sheila: Because this is a complete waste of time! We've been going on and on like this for how long now? When we could be working. Now you begged, you had for me to follow you here to Genoa City. Here I am, Scott. I'm living out of a suitcase. I'm paying good money for a motel room. I put my entire life on hold in Toronto, because I think you're serious about writing this novel. We're colleagues. We have a job to do. And if you're not ready to roll up your sleeves and focus on something besides your own personal melodrama, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me. Because I don't want to waste any more time and energy on this project.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Tom is just trying to bait you, Michael. You play his game, he wins. The best way to beat someone like that is to show him he can't get to us.", "Michael: Yeah. What you're saying makes sense.", "Lauren: Look, I know you're frustrated. But there has got to be another way to handle him.", "Michael: You're right. You're right. There are always other options. (Sighs) yep. Look, you know what? I really do have to go. You want me to drop you off at home?", "Lauren: No, I'm gonna stick around for a little bit.", "Michael: Okay.", "Lauren: Promise me you're not gonna go to that motel.", "Michael: I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Stop saying that I'm jealous, J.T. I'm not.", "J.T.: Really?", "Mac: Yes, really. Okay, Brittany's married. How insecure would I be?", "J.T.: Hey, hey, I hope you're being straight with me. Because you have absolutely no reason to be insecure or jealous.", "Mac: How about envious?", "J.T.: Of what?", "Mac: Your friendship. I mean, you guys have known each other since, what, kindergarten? You've been through grade school, high school, college... even when you drove each other crazy, you kept that friendship through thick and thin.", "J.T.: Mostly thin.", "Mac: Okay, the point is... you held on to it. Brittany is your best friend. And honestly, it's not the easiest thing in the world to watch. Seeing you two, realizing that... you guys have something that you and I don't. The three of us living here-- it's harder than I thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: How many times do I have to tell you I am not mad at you, Brittany?", "Brittany: Could've fooled me.", "Jill: (Sighs) all right, you wanna know the truth? I'll tell you the truth. I'm upset with myself for getting caught up in this whole situation. It's been a very long time since I've had anything to do with a baby, and I should never have gotten involved.", "Brittany: Well, I'm glad you did.", "Jill: Don't try to snow me, little girl.", "Brittany: No, I mean it, Jill. You have been fantastic with Joshua. You've calmed him down when I couldn't. I've learned a lot from watching you. And Joshua obviously likes you. He really responds to you.", "Jill: Oh. Babies respond to anybody who's holding them.", "Brittany: Not true. You definitely have a way with him-- a real connection.", "Jill: You think so?", "Brittany: I wouldn't say it if I didn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, I think that's pretty much everything for now, Bradley. Oh, except do you have a copy of Drucilla's latest report? I seem to have left mine at home, and I wanna go over that before I leave.", "Brad: Yeah. I have it in my briefcase. I'll get it for you.", "Brad: Something on your mind?", "Victoria: I wasn't sure if you'd accept dad's dinner invitation.", "Brad: Oh?", "Victoria: But I'm glad you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So Brad owns a piece of Newman, and you own a piece of Jabot?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. I thought it was a good compromise.", "Ashley: I never thought I'd see the day when you would let anybody, especially Brad, have a piece of your company.", "Victor: To be honest with you, it's a very small part of it.", "Ashley: I can't believe Brad would do this without letting me know. Well, actually, I can. He knew I'd hit the roof. Hi, honey.", "Victor: Well, look what we have here.", "Abby: It's a going-away card. I drew a picture of a ship since you're going on one.", "Victor: You know, that's a beautiful ship. I didn't know you could draw that well.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Victor: Now let's see what it says inside. \"Have a fun trip. Love, Abby.\" My goodness.", "Abby: Noah told me Cassie used to make cards and pictures a lot.", "Victor: She did that. Mm-hmm. You know what? I'm gonna take it along. Because it'll remind me to give you and your mother a call when we come back from our trip, so that perhaps the two of you can come out to the ranch more often.", "Abby: I'd love that.", "Victor: Good, glad to hear that. It's a beautiful card.", "Nikki: Well, hello, everybody.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Victor: Oh, I didn't hear you come in.", "Nikki: Ashley, that's so sweet of you to make sure that Abby got to see Victor before we leave.", "Ashley: Actually, we didn't know you were leaving. I'm so happy we stopped by today, though.", "Victor: So am I.", "Nikki: Yeah, we are, uh, all very lucky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.", "Scott: No, no, you know what? I should apologize. You have been so generous in so many ways. And I probably haven't shown my appreciation the way that I should. And... oh, well, that reminds me, did you get the gift I sent?", "Sheila: Gift?", "Scott: Yeah, I got you a present. It was no big deal. Just something to say thanks for everything you've done so far. It was supposed to be delivered from Fenmore's boutique.", "Sheila: Oh, gosh. No, I had no idea. But you know what? I stepped out a bit earlier. I must've missed the delivery person. But thank you. That's very sweet of you to get me a gift.", "Scott: I just wanted you to know that I'm not taking you for granted.", "Sheila: I never really felt that way, Scott.", "Scott: Just annoyed with all my procrastination.", "Sheila: I never should've gone off on you like that.", "Scott: You had every right. And you know what? It was kind of a wake-up call.", "Sheila: How so?", "Scott: (Sighs) Maybe I am being too self-indulgent-- all this stuff with my mom.", "Sheila: You probably can't help it. It's like you said before-- you haven't spent a lot of time with your mother. If you're thinking about that, how can you focus on work?", "Scott: So what are you saying?", "Sheila: If you really want to write this book, we need to write it. Let's go back to Toronto where we can really dig in on this. The wedding is weeks away. It's not that long of a flight. You can always come back. In the meantime, I know we could get the entire outline down on paper, maybe even the first four or five chapters written. You know that's enough to go shop for an agent or even a publisher. Wouldn't that be wonderful? You come back for your mother's wedding with that kind of an accomplishment under your belt? That would be a family party. (Cell phone rings)", "Scott: Oh. Hello.", "Lauren: Hi, honey.", "Scott: Mom, hey.", "Lauren: It doesn't sound like you're at a concert.", "Scott: No, I decided not to go.", "Lauren: Oh. I didn't catch you at a bad time, did I?", "Scott: I'm a little busy right now. What's up?", "Lauren: Well, are you too busy to meet me later for dinner?", "Scott: Um, why don't we make it another time, okay? I got a lot to do tonight.", "Lauren: Yeah, sure. I understand.", "Scott: And, Mom, look, as long as I've got you on the phone, I think I'm gonna head back to Toronto until the wedding. So I can really get some momentum going on the novel.", "Lauren: I hate to see you go. I mean, I know how important your work is. But this is a really special time for me-- planning this wedding, and I wanted to share it with you. That's all. You know, we haven't had a chance to spend time together and... you know, forget it, all right? Go if you need to go. We'll-- we'll spend time together when you come back. It's--its okay.", "Scott: No. No, it's not.", "Lauren: Does that mean you'll stay?", "Scott: Yeah.", "Lauren: I mean, as long as it's all right. I don't wanna mess anything up for you.", "Scott: I'm positive.", "Lauren: You've put the biggest smile on my face. Okay, go, you go and work. And we'll talk tomorrow, all right?", "Scott: Sounds good, Mom.", "Scott: Um, Brenda, I'm gonna stay.", "Sheila: You are?", "Scott: It's really important to my mom. Look, I promise. No more excuses, ugh. From now on, we work all day, every day, until you're comfortable enough with what we have to head on home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Maybe I shouldn't have said that.", "J.T.: Why? Mac, I like that you're being honest with me.", "Mac: I want what you and Brittany have. You know, that total trust.", "J.T.: And we'll have it. We will, Mac. I promise.", "Mac: I just wish...", "J.T.: What? What do you wish?", "Mac: I wish that I could know for sure that we would be there for each other no matter what. I mean, I know that's crazy, but that's what I want.", "J.T.: No, no, it's not crazy. It takes time, like you said. But time is something we have plenty of.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Jill, would you mind keeping an eye on him for a little while? I'm starved, and I'm sure he won't be much trouble.", "Jill: No, no, no, no. I'm working. No can do.", "Brittany: Okay, honey bunny, let's go inside. Auntie Esther will watch you.", "Jill: Oh, wait a minute. It's no use asking that dingbat for help as long as I'm right here.", "Brittany: Oh, well, thank you. Okay, Auntie Jill's gonna take care of you for a little while. There you go. I promise I'll make it quick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't care so much about all this.", "J.T.: No, its okay I'd be more worried if you didn't care, especially when it comes to me.", "Brittany: Anyone up for some pizza? There's, um, plenty leftover with sausage and garlic. Your favorite, J.T.", "Mac: Actually, um, I gotta get to the coffeehouse and check on a few things.", "J.T.: It can't wait?", "Mac: Uh, yeah, no. Duty calls.", "Kay: Oh, darling, I am so glad I caught you in time.", "Mac: Grandma, I'm so sorry. I've gotta run. Can we talk later? Thank you.", "Kay: I suppose so.", "Brittany: Well, I'm gonna go nuke some of that pizza. You want some?", "J.T.: Yeah, sure.", "Kay: Uh, Jeffrey Todd?", "J.T.: Yes?", "Kay: Is everything all right with you and Mackenzie?", "J.T.: I gotta believe it will be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I think this is a beautiful picture that she drew.", "Nikki: Yes, very sweet. Thoughtful of Abby.", "Victor: It's so nice of her. Uh, I'm going to finish packing. You coming up?", "Nikki: Yep, I'll be right there.", "Victor: Okay.", "Kay: Yes, hello?", "Nikki: Hi, it's Nikki.", "Kay: Oh, darling, I'm so glad you called. I was so concerned about you. The way you ran off earlier--", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry. I have to apologize for my behavior. I think this whole dinner party just really kind of threw me off guard, you know? And I was so busy with things I had to do before the trip. I'm sorry.", "Kay: Are you sure that's all it was?", "Nikki: Positive. In fact, I've... changed my mind about the dinner party. I think that if Victor wants to do it, it's--it's really a very sweet gesture, so... I don't want to disappoint him.", "Kay: Wonderful. I think you've made the right decision.", "Nikki: I'll see you tonight then, huh?", "Kay: God willing. See you there, dear. Bye-bye.", "Nikki: Damn you, Ashley. Damn you!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: And how did you get in here? Slither under the door?", "Michael: Mmm. A cheery hello to you, too.", "Ashley: What do you want, Michael?", "Michael: I came to see you.", "Ashley: What, to apologize some more? Don't bother.", "Michael: No more apologies. I came here to ask for your help.", "Ashley: You've got to be kidding me! After what you did? How dare you come in here and ask for anything?", "Michael: We have something in common.", "Ashley: I seriously doubt that.", "Michael: Our mutual contempt for Tom Fisher. Look, he has used, abused and manipulated all of us, and he'll continue to do so unless we stop him.", "Ashley: Wait, wait, wait, wait a second, wait, wait, wait. We?", "Michael: We. If you and I work together, we can get rid of the man once and for all. Come on. A little revenge? Sounds pretty good right around now, don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: I'll understand if that doesn't work for you, and you need to head home. But I hope you'll stay, so we can keep collaborating.", "Sheila: Of course, I'm gonna stay. This book is just as important to me as it is to you.", "Scott: Well, I'm gonna head home, write up a few notes for our next session.", "Sheila: You know what? We could use my computer, right? No time like the present.", "Scott: Uh, I'd really like to do it on my own-- kinda clear my head. But I'll be in touch with you real soon, okay?", "Sheila: Okay.", "Sheila: And once again any hope of happiness gone. Because of you, Lauren. It's always because of you. You think I'm gonna sit back and take this? No, no, no, no, no. You take something from me, I'm gonna take something from you. Your precious wedding-- your marriage-- it will never happen. I will die before I see you walk down that aisle with Michael Baldwin.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Tom has to be stopped before he does any real damage.", "Tom: Hello, beautiful.", "Nikki: I can't believe that you would give Brad a part of your company!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Sharon and Jack are upset at a story in the paper that basically insinuates that Sharon is a gold-digger. Jack vows that he will make sure it doesn't happen again. Later Victor warns the reporter that while Jack is fair game, Sharon is off limits. Later at Newman, Sharon is talking to Brad. He flips on the intercom without her knowing, and brings up the fact that she and Nick kissed. In the other office, Jack hears the whole thing! Lauren is angry with Michael for all the trouble that his family is constantly getting into. They have meetings on Clear Springs and do their best to undo the damage that Jack's scandal has caused. Gloria gets a visit from Jeffrey, who shows her the stuff William sent. He insists she wear gloves when touching the letters. The gloves look just like the ones she wore when she poisoned the face cream, leading Gloria to believe that he knows that she is guilty. David suggests to a reporter that there may be more to the story of Ji Min's death. Phyllis is less than impressed when the warden, angry that Phyllis seems to be wanting preferential treatment, gives her a new cellmate - Jana!", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jack: So... how'd you sleep?", "Sharon: Like someone who wasn't worried about being videotaped 24/7 by surveillance cameras. How about you?", "Jack: About the same. I think home here is about the only place we won't find rogue cameras. Certainly that visit from Detective Sullivan didn't make me sleep any better.", "Sharon: Yeah. Especially when asked about the timing of Ji Min's death.", "Jack: Yeah, not exactly the way I wanna end a day.", "Sharon: Well, should we read the newspapers, or should we just let the puppy use them?", "Jack: You know what? After the last few days, no article is gonna make me feel any worse.", "Sharon: Oh, don't underestimate the power of mediocre journalism.", "Jack: Oh, here it is. Front page news.", "Sharon: I will take the life and style section, please.", "Jack: Oh.", "Sharon: What?", "Jack: Some new household gadget catch your eye?", "Sharon: \"Secrets of a senator's wife\"? \"Sharon Abbott, wife of Senator Jack Abbott, stands by her man during his fraud scandal. And why wouldn't she want to protect her investment? Her only real skill seems to be moving from one high profile marriage to another.\"", "Jack: What?", "Sharon: \"The model grew up in poverty and was pregnant in high school. Mrs. Abbott's support of her husband reeks of a desperate woman trying to hang onto the money she married into. While busy securing her fortune, her own daughter, Cassidy, was killed in a car accident after a night of partying.\" Oh, God, Jack!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, is that my beautiful grandson? Oh! Honey, look at those cheeks. Welcome home! Hey, Lauren. How's your mother?", "Lauren: Fine. I'm gonna get Fen all set up.", "Gloria: Your wife's mood has Joanna written all over it.", "Michael: It's not her mother. It's mine. Have you released any, uh, illegal recordings lately?", "Gloria: No.", "Michael: No?", "Gloria: Mnh-mnh.", "Michael: Well, every TV station, newspaper, blog, a little kid with a tin can and some string in a playground is talking about Ji Min and Jack.", "Gloria: Victor released it.", "Michael: That is irrelevant.", "Gloria: Oh, stop with the lawyer-speak.", "Michael: It is common speak! And refers to things utterly and completely irrelevant to the point I am making! Where did Victor get that DVD? From you!", "Gloria: (Laughs) and he promised my name would never be mentioned.", "Michael: That's reassuring. Except now Victor has something on you. He did not keep your name out of it because he finds you charming.", "Gloria: Michael, don't be such a worry wart.", "Michael: You listen to me. I know that man better than you do.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Michael: You sleep with one eye open.", "Gloria: Oh, now you're really being silly. I'm gonna go see my grandson.", "Michael: I wouldn't go in there until Lauren comes out. She's not quite in the mood to socialize. It was a painfully quiet ride home.", "Gloria: What did you do?", "Lauren: He didn't ship you back to Detroit when he had the chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Thank you.", "Victoria: Hi, Dad.", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Oh, you don't mind, do you?", "Victor: As long as it keeps you and my grandson happy. How are you feeling, well?", "Victoria: Well, to tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous.", "Victor: About what?", "Victoria: The live interview we're giving on Clear Springs.", "Victor: You mother's attempt to fix bad publicity?", "Victoria: Well, it's not easy when Jack's screw-ups are a daily occurrence in the news.", "Victor: Nothing I can do about that.", "Victoria: Right. Oh, thank you. Have I ever told you how happy I am that I don't have to go home to someone with the last name Newman?", "Victor: That name can be a burden sometimes, can't it?", "Victoria: Sometimes, yeah.", "Brad: Hey, thought I'd come check on the little one.", "Victoria: Well, how nice. My father and ex-husband have so much in common-- concern for my baby and making Jack Abbott suffer.", "Victor: You have a nice day, my darling.", "Brad: She always did know how to make an exit.", "Victor: Why don't you demonstrate yours?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, my God! This is the most offensive thing I have ever read! Did you see this?", "David: Sharon's article was pretty rough.", "Nikki: The part about Cassie is totally misleading. She should not have been included.", "David: You're right. It was beyond inappropriate.", "Nikki: There are plenty of derogatory things to say about Sharon without including the children.", "David: Especially since her husband is the real problem. Every time someone mentions Jack's name and Clear Springs in the same sentence, it's usually negative.", "Nikki: Oh, listen, I've scheduled a meeting with the principal retail owners. I just wanna reassure them that \"A\"--their investment is safe, and \"B\"--we are going to let the world know that we are not associated with Jack Abbott.", "David: And let us not forget \"C\"--I have the perfect plan to solidify our separation from Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: God, I am so glad that I know somebody in here. I mean, its fate, don't you think? And we're so much alike! I mean, both a little nuts. But, gosh, we're going to be such great friends!", "Phyllis: I'm... I'm--I'm--I'm not nuts.", "Jana: Well, okay, \"Crazy in Love\" a better expression?", "Phyllis: No, not really. Not really. It's a good song, though.", "Jana: It is, isn't it? God, we really have a lot in common.", "Phyllis: Excuse me.", "Jana: What are you gonna do now then?", "Phyllis: Um, look at a magazine I think.", "Jana: Really? I was going to do the same thing! I mean, coincidence? I think not!", "Phyllis: Oh, I think so. I think so.", "Jana: So do they have any current ones?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, sure, I guess. Here, right there.", "Jana: Oh, good, because the last place I was in-- the psych ward-- they didn't always have the newest issues, you know?", "Phyllis: Speaking of issues.", "Jana: So do you think the guards read the mags first? Because the nurses always used to take out the perfume samples. I really don't think that's too fair, do you?", "Phyllis: Oh, no, it's not fair. Listen, um, I'm not looking to, uh, make any friends.", "Jana: Well, that's the beauty of it, you see? I mean, we're practically friends already! I mean, we made it through one of Mrs. Bardwell's dinner parties, and that's like surviving a P.O.W. camp, you know?", "Phyllis: Right, right, right, except the food is better, I'm sure.", "Jana: (Laughs) see? God, we even have the same sense of humor!", "Phyllis: Um, I-I don't think we do.", "Jana: And the greatest part is--we both know what it's like to love a man so much that we would go to extremes for them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Well, that was Nikki. Who wants to meet about Fenmore's in Clear Springs. Remember that project? The one that's going to pay for Fen's college? The one you might have sunk?", "Gloria: I'm sure that your investment is going to be just fine.", "Lauren: Oh, well, thank you for being so reassuring. Let me tell you what I didn't sign up for. When I married Michael, I did not sign up for the Baldwin- Fisher scheme of the month club! I am so sick of it! You--you just don't understand how your actions affect other people! You're just so concentrated on yourself! I should not be the one to have to tell the two of you to grow up!", "Gloria: Listen, our names are never gonna be connected with that evidence, because Victor is the one--", "Lauren: Oh, don't even start with me! Because I wouldn't believe a thing either one of you would say!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victoria will be here soon.", "David: Was she gonna stop by the photo department?", "Nikki: She's gonna call them and have them send them up.", "David: Okay. Well, when is Lauren arriving?", "Nikki: Half an hour.", "David: Great, that should give us plenty of time before the interview.", "Nikki: They're still planning that magazine spread, right?", "David: Oh, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. There's, um, their list of, uh, top resort destinations comes out in November, then they go to the town, shoot some footage for a television special.", "Nikki: Listen, I'm still curious about that plan you were talking about regarding Jack?", "David: Just something I'm working on.", "Nikki: What should I know about it?", "David: All you need to know is that I'm working very hard to help you become very successful.", "Nikki: Really? Remind me to give you a raise.", "David: You know, anybody else would've bailed out of this development a long time ago. But not you! Anything comes your way, you handle it.", "Nikki: With your help.", "David: No, no, I just offer suggestions. You make the final decisions. Someday you're gonna be able to look back at this rejuvenated town and know that your vision remained intact.", "Nikki: None of which I could've done without you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Ben, this is totally unacceptable. No, you pull whatever staff members you have to, put a stop to this! I don't care how many phone calls you have to make, my wife is off limits to the press! Yeah, I have his number in the study. I'll be right back. You still there?", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Hey, this isn't a good time.", "Brad: I didn't think it would be, that's why I'm calling.", "Sharon: What, did you read the paper?", "Brad: It's right in front of me.", "Sharon: Did you learn anything new?", "Brad: Only that I'm going to cancel my \"Chronicle\" subscription.", "Sharon: You know, I feel so violated. Again. Keeping my private life private seems to be impossible. I mean, there's my whole life right there, in black and white.", "Brad: What can I do for you?", "Sharon: Just don't believe everything you read, okay?", "Brad: They didn't write about the Sharon I know.", "Jack: I have the fax right here. Tell me when you're ready.", "Sharon: Your call really helped, but I have to go, okay? Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Lauren? Before you go...", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Gloria: I'd like to apologize.", "Lauren: Why don't we just wait five more minutes? Maybe something else will happen.", "Gloria: You have every right to be angry.", "Lauren: Why, thank you very much, I am.", "Gloria: But you gotta know that I would never intentionally hurt you. 'Cause I adore you.", "Lauren: Well, that's really nice of you to say now. But you see, your actions prove otherwise. You get so caught up in what you want, that's all you focus on! And it is a really hard habit to live with.", "Michael: Bye.", "Gloria: I tried to apologize!", "Michael: And you thought that would work?", "Gloria: I am sorry, Michael!", "Michael: Not for what you did! You're only sorry because Lauren got hurt.", "Gloria: Jack Abbott got what he deserved!", "Michael: Oh, payback is a Gloria? Is that the new expression?!", "Gloria: He has treated my family like dirt! I have no problem letting the world see what a self-centered S.O.B. he is. He has lied and he has lied and he has lied! And that comes back to bite a person.", "Michael: That is what keeps me awake at night worrying. About you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'll put that all in the recycling bin later.", "Sharon: You think maybe the local center could take, oh, a few tons of it?", "Jack: I don't know, why?", "Sharon: Because I have a plan that involves going door to door and collecting every single one of those newspapers or magazine that's slammed me and turning it into pulp.", "Jack: That sounds like a great idea to me.", "Sharon: Let's at least make sure we've cleaned them up from around here. I don't want Noah coming home and reading that garbage.", "Jack: Listen, it's gonna be rough, but he's a tough kid and he knows the real you.", "Sharon: The real us. Sometimes I still wish that he had a force field around him, you know, like... one of his comic strip heroes.", "Jack: I've been reminded lately just how powerful sticking together and telling the truth can be. That's how we'll protect Noah.", "Sharon: He's still gonna end up reading one of those articles.", "Jack: The people that write that crap don't know anything. They don't know you. They don't know how... strong you are, how supportive, how loving you are. We do.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you see me that way, Jack.", "Jack: I meant what I said yesterday. You have been so incredibly supportive. I love you for it. But it's my turn to start looking out for you and Noah. Start building this into the family you both deserve.", "[Sharon remembering]", "Brad: The connection we have is stronger than anything you've ever had with any other man.", "Sharon: You're making me uncomfortable.", "Brad: Now I don't expect you to admit it. Not yet. We're the couple. I don't care who you're with, and I don't care how long you've been with them. You and I are the real couple, not you and Nick, not you and Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Victoria was right about our desire to see Jack fall on his face. The problem is, Sharon's getting hurt and it's his fault.", "Victor: She should've chosen a different husband.", "Brad: Well, what hurts Sharon affects your grandson.", "Victor: I'm touched by your concern.", "Victor: Hello, Ms. Gomez, may I have a word?", "Ms. Gomez: Mr. Newman? I'm honored.", "Victor: I just read your column here.", "Ms. Gomez: Are you a fan of \"Wendy's Way\"?", "Victor: If you mention Sharon Abbott's name one more time in one of your columns, it'll be your last assignment. You get that?", "Ms. Gomez: Yes, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. However, when it comes to her husband, he is not off limits. Whatever you wanna write about his malfeasance or shenanigans, feel free to do so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Well, as long as Jack is part of this project, people are gonna be reluctant to attach their names to it.", "Victoria: Our plan is to present Clear Springs as its own entity. To break away from Jack and his casino.", "Lauren: You know, I had initial reservation about that casino not being part of this project, but now with this Jack thing--", "Nikki: Well, it is still being built, but we're going to make sure that the public is very aware that it's a separate entity from our vision of the town.", "Lauren: I also heard Rothby's pulled out?", "Nikki: That is true, but that just means more profit for your store.", "Victoria: Less competition.", "Lauren: And less businesses to generate foot traffic.", "Victoria: Well, the other retail stores have remained intact.", "Lauren: You know, Victoria, one department store does not a mall make. You need other high end retailers to attract customers.", "Victoria: Not necessarily. Not if your Fenmore's. Renovations are almost complete. It's going to be absolutely exquisite.", "Nikki: It really is. Fenmore's is going to be the main attraction.", "Lauren: It's still risky.", "Victoria: If Fenmore's backs out, it will affect housing sales to second-home buyers looking for a luxury development.", "Nikki: We wanna propose a huge marketing campaign focusing on Fenmore's. I will pay all the expenses.", "Lauren: I'm still not convinced this is gonna work.", "David: You don't have to be. I was just on the phone with the owner of Saxton's. I convinced him that this is a one-of-a-kind opportunity that he cannot afford to pass up. They will be at the forefront of a whole new kind of lifestyle. And he agreed, on one condition.", "Nikki: Which is?", "David: That Fenmore's remains part of the development.", "Lauren: Saxton's in?", "David: As long as you are.", "Lauren: Then I'm still in. Let's hope it gets better from here, huh?", "Victoria: Thank you, Lauren. That was close.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Any other cell block would be better than this one.", "McQueen: Problem with my facility?", "Phyllis: No, it's, uh, another inmate, Jana Hawkes, the murderer? Um... she's freaking me out.", "McQueen: Ms. Hawkes said you two were friends on the other side.", "Phyllis: See--see, therein lies the problem. We're not friends. We saw each other at a couple social events, that's it. She murdered a woman and then tried to blame my best friend's brother.", "McQueen: I'll consider your request, Ms. Newman.", "Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you. Anything you can do would be appreciated. Thank you.", "Phyllis: Hey. How you doing there?", "Jana: Good.", "Phyllis: Anything interesting?", "Jana: Uh, you know, romance novels, self help books, dullsville.", "Phyllis: Well, that's a bad name for a book.", "Jana: (Laughs) no, I meant that the books are duller than dishwater.", "Phyllis: Oh, right, right, right. What kind of books do you like?", "Jana: Oh, well, easy answer there-- biographies.", "Phyllis: Oh, great, biographies.", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Those are kind of dull, aren't they?", "Jana: You ever read the one about Peter Sutcliffe?", "Phyllis: No, who's he?", "Jana: Well, he's the Yorkshire Ripper.", "Phyllis: Oh. The Yorkshire Ripper? What, is that a British term for a nasty politician or something?", "Jana: Hardly. He was a serial killer.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Jana: Mm-hmm. Oh, I've read that one so many times I could recite it from memory.", "Phyllis: That's great. Uh, I have to talk to Charlene about a transaction. Pardon me.", "Jana: Okay. Cheers.", "[Phyllis sits by an inmate and gives her money for a phone card. The warden sees this]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I can't believe you pulled this off. Well, yes, actually, I can. It will be such a relief to tell them about Fenmore's.", "David: All right, yeah, listen, about that-- um, no mention of the other store until the deal is finalized.", "Nikki: How about a teaser? \"We anticipate the announcement of a major addition to the development very soon.\"", "David: Mm. Spoken like a true professional.", "Nikki: Well, I wish I felt like one. I am so nervous.", "David: Come on. You can do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Can I have a glass of water for me?", "Michael: Working off some of that aggression against your wife?", "Victor: You watch your tone.", "Michael: Maybe you're planning on releasing another DVD to finish off the job?", "Victor: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Michael: Not according to Gloria. Look, Victor, we all know you're trying to hurt Nikki, but you're doing it in a way that hurts my wife, and I can't let you do that.", "Victor: This conversation-- all conversations pertaining to the subject matter-- are covered by attorney/client privilege. You got that? Don't you come here and talk to me this way. It is your evidence that forced Ji Min to expose Jack Abbott. You didn't mind my tactics then. When you allowed Jabot to be sold to Kay Chancellor, without my knowledge, you left me no alternative, you got that?", "Michael: Oh, so this is some sort of twisted payback because I couldn't stop that deal?", "Victor: You have shown me no loyalty. I will show you none. Remember one thing, I will not protect your wife's investment, nor will I protect your mother, nor will I protect you. End of conversation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Jeffrey! Well, isn't this unexpected?", "Jeff: You seemed excited to see the items my brother sent to me. The weirdest item-- cream.", "Gloria: Cream?", "Jeff: Yeah, um--um, lotion, moisturizer, um... a little white jar about this big. So I thought if you had a moment, I thought we could, um. Go through it now.", "Gloria: Come on in.", "Jeff: And what else... oh, yeah, his coin collection.", "Gloria: Hmm. I didn't know he was a collector.", "Jeff: Well, not a serious one. Those are from the, uh, year we were born. Uh, pictures of him as a kid.", "Gloria: Oh! Oh, he was so adorable. And this one--is that you?", "Jeff: No, that's William. That's me.", "Gloria: (Laughs) you two look just so much alike.", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Gloria: I don't understand how you know all these things. I mean, you and William were separated when you were so young.", "Jeff: Yeah, uh... William labeled everything.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Jeff: He taped index cards to the back of everything explaining how much it meant to him. I took 'em off before I brought 'em.", "Gloria: Well, let's see what else he sent.", "Jeff: This is what I've been looking forward to sharing with you. William's childhood letters.", "Gloria: Really?", "Jeff: Yeah, some of them are addressed to our father, a few addressed to me. You know, for some reason, they--they were never sent.", "Gloria: Yeah? Well, I can't wait to read what young William's thoughts were.", "Jeff: Oh, no, no, no, no, don't--don't touch 'em yet. I don't want our fingerprints to damage 'em. They've become very special to me since his passing.", "Gloria: Of course they have.", "Jeff: I have what the experts call \"archivally safe\" plastic sleeves on order. Eventually, I'll put 'em in a binder.", "Gloria: Great. Then we'll look at them then.", "Jeff: No, no, hey, you know, if you put these on, you can read 'em now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm gonna need specifics if I'm gonna argue that you should be moved.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, we just had a nice, long conversation about a serial killer.", "Michael: Did she threaten you?", "Phyllis: No, but her fondness for all things death related, it creeps me out.", "Michael: Well, maybe she can give you tips about being crazy while you braid each other's hair.", "Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Michael, listen to me, I am here for extortion, she is here for murder, okay? I already talked to the warden. Can you please call him, too?", "Michael: All right, I'll do what I can. Uh, Lauren's here. I gotta go.", "Phyllis: Tell her hi.", "Michael: Yeah, will do. Stay tough.", "Lauren: (Sighs) thank you.", "Michael: Oh, Phyllis says hi. How'd the meeting go?", "Lauren: Well... Fenmore's is still in Clear Springs. They are putting on a media blitz to try and cover up all the damage your mother tried to create.", "Michael: Uh, well, you didn't happen to, uh, mention--", "Lauren: Oh, tell them that Gloria was the one that gave Victor the incriminating evidence? No, I'm the one that thinks before she acts.", "Michael: I'm sorry. What am I supposed to do? I can barely keep my mother and my brother out of jail.", "Lauren: I wish that weren't true.", "Michael: Yeah, me, too.", "Lauren: We should be able to tell each other anything. If we can't, what kind of marriage do we have?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: We're very excited that you've chosen to feature Clear Springs.", "Woman: The town is about to become the destination hot spot.", "Victoria: Oh, absolutely! And when you think Clear Springs, we want you to think luxurious getaway.", "Woman: Which was most influential to your vision?", "Nikki: Oh, I would say... Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nikki: They take great pride in connecting their past with their city's future. That's the same mindset that we were going for in Clear Springs.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: See, we, um, wanted to renovate and integrate the existing buildings.", "Victoria: Making sure, of course, that the structures stay intact without taking away from the beautiful landscape.", "Woman: Does that include Senator Abbott's casino?", "Nikki: Oh, well, that's just one building. We have a downtown area that has been meticulously renovated. It really takes you back in time.", "Victoria: While having everything you want in the 21st century.", "Woman: Have you encountered any problems because of your association with the senator?", "Nikki: Oh, our development is completely separate from Senator Abbott. Victoria, why don't you tell her about our nature trails?", "Victoria: Well, we have near the lake, uh, three trails, one for hiking, horseback riding, biking.", "Woman: The senator's been accused of fraud. Has it had any effect on the project?", "Nikki: The political problems of Senator Abbott have absolutely nothing to do with the vital renewal of this town.", "Woman: I'm hearing buzz about the spa.", "Nikki: It has several amenities exclusive to N.V.P.", "Woman: Can you tell me about the shopping?", "Nikki: It's going to be fabulous! We have many specialty boutiques, lots of retail stores. You can get a complete list on our web site. And we are very proud and happy to announce that Fenmore's is going to anchor our mall.", "Woman: How about entertainment?", "Nikki: Our performance art center is already booked for several performances. A must see for everybody.", "Woman: I'll be sure to book a weekend.", "Nikki: Well, you better do it soon. We expect to be at full capacity for a very long time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, props to Nikki. She let any questions about me just dissipate. Hey, you ready to go to work?", "Sharon: Not really. I mean, do we have to? I-I don't really wanna face the world.", "Jack: Come on, no hermits in this house.", "Sharon: Do you know anyone in the witness protection program?", "Jack: If it gets really bad, you call me. We'll pick up Noah, we'll go to a video arcade, okay?", "Sharon: Sure.", "Jack: For now, let's face these bastards head on. Let 'em know they did not get to you.", "Sharon: Let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: David, I just really wanna commend you for all of your prep work.", "David: I appreciate that.", "Victoria: Also, on a personal note, I-I wanna thank you for all of your support that you've shown my mom.", "David: Well, she makes it very easy. Your answer about how the political problems had nothing to do with the renewal-- right on the money.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victoria: True.", "Nikki: Thank you. What I really wanted to do was smash that picture of the tranquil lake right over the reporter's head.", "Victoria: Okay, on that note I am gonna go check my messages.", "Nikki: All right, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Good job.", "Nikki: Thank you so much.", "Victoria: All right. I'll see you.", "Nikki: It really did go well didn't it?", "David: Yeah. You made me wanna pack up a bag and move there.", "Nikki: Let's hope lots of other people feel that way, too.", "David: Look, um, I have some unfinished business I have to tend to, okay? And then we can celebrate.", "Nikki: All right. I have to meet the interior designer anyway.", "David: Sounds good. My room at the club? Later, okay? I'll call you when I'm on my way.", "Nikki: I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "McQueen: Pack your personal items. The guard will take you to your new cell in a bit.", "Phyllis: Oh! Thank-- um, thank you, I-I appreciate it. Thank you very much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: \"And last week we went to the courthouse on a field trip. And I sat in the judge's chair. One day, I'm gonna be on the Supreme Court.\" High ambitions for a 12 year old.", "Jeff: (Chuckles) I think the next year he was gonna be president.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah?", "Jeff: Hey, you could've been his first lady.", "Gloria: Ha.", "Fen: (Cries)", "Gloria: Oh, I'm so sorry, Jeffrey. That is my grandson, and the longer I take, the louder he howls, so, um...", "Jeff: Yeah, sure, sure, I can come back another time.", "Gloria: Okay, but this means so much to have seen these. Let me just show you out. Thank you so much for stopping by.", "Jeff: Yeah, sure. Um, whoa, you afraid of leaving fingerprints on your grandson?", "Gloria: I forgot I had 'em on! I always wear these very ones when I clean my jewelry.", "Jeff: (Laughs) yeah.", "Gloria: You take care, Jeffrey. Gotta go.", "Jeff: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hey. I'm glad to see you here.", "Sharon: Not, uh, glad to be here.", "Brad: Then why are you?", "Sharon: Because... Jack thought it was the best thing to do, was to show up to work and act like everything the paper says about us doesn't matter.", "Brad: So... you have to walk the press gauntlet for what Jack did?", "Sharon: Well, you're making it sound worse than it is.", "Brad: Am I? He lied to you. He lied to the public. He committed fraud. How can I make it sound worse than it is? Hey, come on, everybody, give the guy a break. It's not like he ran over a puppy with his car.", "Sharon: Jack's a senator. And we're both in the limelight I have to support him. I need to be seen supporting him.", "Brad: Okay, so he doesn't run over stray dogs, but he's happy to sacrifice his wife. That doesn't seem to bother him in the least.", "Sharon: I'm doing this because I want to.", "Brad: You're doing it because Jack told you to.", "Sharon: Brad, I get enough criticism from the press. I don't need to come to the office and get it from you, too. I'm just trying to do the right thing.", "Brad: And that's exactly why Jack can take advantage of you. Sharon, the man is sucking out your soul and you don't even realize it.", "Brad: You're trying to do the right thing and the press is eating you alive.", "Sharon: I didn't expect they would be that mean.", "Brad: Oh, not mean, vicious, cruel.", "Sharon: Painting me as a money-grubbing, man-hungry, sycophant who's obsessed with my status? It's ridiculous, you're right. That is cruel. But you know what? Jack's gonna stop them.", "Brad: Well, I just hope they don't find out about Nick. No one else knows, do they?", "Sharon: What, about the kiss? No, no, I-I only told you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey! I'm all packed and ready to go.", "McQueen: Your new cell mate should be here soon. I wanted to make sure you were taken care of.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. You're very sweet. I'm honored.", "McQueen: Don't be. This is going to be a reminder, Ms. Newman, that you don't receive special privileges. You aren't any different from the other inmates.", "Phyllis: Uh, okay. What--what do you mean?", "McQueen: Purchasing other inmate calling cards is not allowed. Neither is carrying cash.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh, it's not?", "McQueen: Cards are issued to individuals so we can enforce the number of calls made.", "Phyllis: All right, Warden, Charlene, all right, Charlene doesn't make any phone calls.", "McQueen: Not the point.", "Phyllis: Listen, all right, so I make more calls, some people don't make calls, it all evens out.", "McQueen: I've let you slide on a few occasions, but that ends today.", "Phyllis: Are you taking away my privileges again?", "McQueen: No. I am sending you a very clear message. You don't always get what you want. And here's your new cell mate.", "Jana: Well, isn't this cracking?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And then he pulled out these letters, but he wouldn't let me touch them.", "Michael: What's so unusual about that?", "Gloria: Without putting on latex gloves.", "Lauren: It was just a precaution to preserve the letters, Gloria.", "Gloria: Latex gloves like the ones I wore when I went to Jabot.", "Michael: And played chemist?", "Lauren: This... oh, this cannot be happening today.", "Michael: It's a coincidence.", "Gloria: He knows, Michael. Jeffrey Bardwell knows that I contaminated that cream.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh. Hello.", "Victor: Well, congratulations on your interview.", "Nikki: Thank you. I was happy with it.", "Victor: It won't do your project any good. It'll continue to take hits because of Jack Abbott's bad reputation.", "Nikki: Oh, that's no longer my concern. We're going ahead with our new marketing campaign. The worst is over.", "Victor: Oh, good. Pride cometh before the fall, you know?", "Nikki: I am proud of my accomplishments, and I will not allow you or anyone else to bring me down.", "Victor: Your failure will be my success. When I met you, you had nothing. That's exactly what I'll leave you with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Thank you for coming.", "Carter: I always find our little off the record chats interesting.", "David: (Chuckles) Well, I like to raise questions that you might not think to ask.", "Carter: Such as?", "David: Such as, Senator Abbott's possible involvement in the death of Mr. Kim.", "Carter: No, if he'd been involved somehow, we'd know about it by now.", "David: Would we? Really? Look, I'm not trying to point fingers here, but come on, let's be honest. The man does have local influence. Now I handled several politicians throughout the years that couldn't seem to stay out of trouble, yet I managed to keep their stories from the media.", "Carter: You don't care to share any of those names, do you?", "David: Well, I think we should focus on Jack right now. Don't you find it a bit odd that Mr. Kim was found dead on the very same day he was going to go public with the senator's biggest secret? I would think that alone would warrant a rigorous investigation.", "Carter: So you think I'm the man for the job?", "David: I think you have the tenacity to make sure this story receives all the attention it rightfully deserves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Oh, you were saying you were concerned about security cameras? Were there any in the vault?", "Sharon: You know, I don't know. I hope not. I...", "(Door opens)", "Sharon: So, Noah was trying to talk me into going to comic-con with him next year.", "Brad: Oh, well, he'd have a blast. Hey, Jack, what's up?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Maggie: The coroner's autopsy report on Ji Min raised some questions.", "Brad: You try to isolate me from Sharon, she'll only end up resenting you.", "Jack: Stay away from my wife.", "Jana: I wish I were the one who was dead, and Carmen was the killer." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick blames himself for not seeing that Avery didn't love him enough before she stood him up at the altar. Nick tells Victor that he needs some time without a woman to figure out what to do with his life. Dylan advises Adam to hold Connor in the crook of his arm and sing \"Row Row Row Your Boat\" if he gets fussy. Later Adam takes Dylan's advice and uses it to help him start to bond with Connor. Avery and Sharon have a confrontation in which Avery accuses Sharon of turning Faith against her marriage to Nick on purpose. Sharon tells Avery she never should have agreed to marry Nick if she was still in love with Dylan. Avery tells Sharon that she suspected that she wanted Nick back in her life for a long time now, but she never said anything for Faith's sake. Avery tells Sharon that just because Nick broke up with her doesn't mean that he will return to her, and then Nick walks in the door.", "When Fen returns home for a visit, he and Michael and Lauren have a picnic at Chancellor Park. Fen tells Michael and Lauren he misses them but is scared to come home and face the people he has hurt. Kevin is frustrated because his plan to win back Chloe isn't working. Carmine advises him not to give up which leads to a heated argument between the two men. Carmine is supposed to be transferred to the courthouse jail but later Alex is informed that Carmine escaped en route. Dylan decides to talk to the Veterans' Administration and find a psychiatrist who understands what soldiers go through in battle. Dylan also decides to find a lawyer, so that he can divorce Chelsea. Adam and Jack wonder why Victor is sabotaging Newman Enterprises and telling all his clients to sign contracts with Chancellor Industries. Adam and Jack decide to talk to Victor and try to work things out with him before the situation at the company gets any worse. Victor tells Adam and Jack that Newman Enterprises is theirs now, because he doesn't want it since he is now the owner of Chancellor Industries.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Victor, hold up.", "Victor: What do you want?", "Jack: I can see you've been very busy. Just saw this headline. Want to tell me what the hell that means?", "Victor: \"Is Adam Newman running his father's company into the ground?\" I would say the answer is yes.", "Avery: Because of you, Dylan is broken. What were you thinking, lying to him about the baby, making him fall in love with him, with you? Dylan doesn't -- doesn't deserve that! Neither does Adam!", "Adam: I can speak for myself, Avery.", "Dylan: So can I. I'll take it from here.", "Chelsea: Dylan. Please, you just have to hear my side.", "Dylan: I think we've said all we need to say. The person I need to talk to now is Adam.", "Kevin: A puppy. A puppy, for crying out loud! How am I supposed to compete with that?!", "Alex: A pony? You know, little girls love ponies.", "Kevin: I'm having this really sweet talk with Delia. She's telling me all about \"the wizard of oz,\" and -- bam -- in walks Billy with a real, live Toto. Chloe didn't even notice when I left.", "Alex: That's tough, man.", "Kevin: [Sighs] I'm starting to think this is a lost cause, getting back what we had.", "Alex: Listen, I know you still love her, but if it's a one-way street, my suggestion -- look in another direction.", "Kevin: Maybe you're right. If Chloe's given up on us for good, maybe it's time I just hang it all up, too.", "Carmine: Hmm. You can't love her that much. I mean, if you really love a woman, you never give up.", "Fenmore: I wish I could have been here for Katherine's service. She was a really great lady.", "Lauren: Yeah, she was. And she thought you were awesome.", "Fenmore: [Chuckles] Do you remember that time that she challenged me to beat her at chess?", "Lauren: [Laughing] Oh, yes!", "Michael: You were rocking the chess club that year at school, huh?", "Fenmore: [Chuckles] Yeah. She said that if I beat her, she would sponsor us. And if I lost, she would just sponsor us anyway.", "Lauren: Right. Of course.", "Fenmore: And we ended up with the absolute coolest stuff out of anyone at the whole conference.", "Lauren: She was very, very generous.", "Michael: And a positive thinker.", "Lauren: Yeah.", "Michael: Never down for long. Teachable moment. That's one of the reasons I picked this spot for a picnic.", "Fenmore: I wish I was out for real, not just a day pass.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: Well, hopefully next week, you'll meet with your counselor and she'll see your progress and we'll be bringing you home before you know it.", "Fenmore: Rehab's been a lot tougher than I thought it'd be. I mean, I knew the whole, entire detox process was gonna be tough, but those therapy sessions -- they're harder in their own way. Talking about all that stuff you kind of don't want to remember.", "Michael: Son, it is the hardest thing that anyone could ever do. Face your feelings. Work through them.", "Fenmore: You would know.", "Michael: It is worth it, walking through that pain. Because life is so different when you come through to the other side. It's -- it's lighter. It's -- it's -- it's malleable. It's -- it's beautiful. And it's full of possibilities.", "Fenmore: I'm definitely not there yet. But I'm learning a lot.", "Lauren: And your dad and I are so very proud of you for sticking to this program and getting your life back on track.", "Michael: And when you come back home, we'll all be back on track as a family.", "Faith: Here's the mustard daddy likes.", "Sharon: Oh, thank you, sweetie. You're such a good, little helper. I'm really excited to surprise your daddy. Aren't you? You know, this was such a good idea you had for us to all have lunch together. I'm sure it's gonna cheer your daddy up.", "Faith: Is he still sad because he and Avery didn't get married?", "Sharon: Yeah, a little. But he'll get over it. I'm sure that having you around will make him happier.", "Jack: I don't know why I'm even surprised. This is your normal M.O. -- Going out of your way to hurt people who only want your love and approval.", "Nick: Let me guess. This is about summer again.", "Jack: No, it isn't. It is about someone you would think your father would give a damn about.", "Victor: Jack Abbott and I were discussing Newman business.", "Nick: Oh, well, then it doesn't concern me.", "Jack: Actually, nick, it does.", "Jack: I'm sorry to drag you into this, Nicholas. I know you got a lot going on right now. But this latest stunt of your father's is going to affect your entire family.", "Nick: Now what?", "Jack: Well, in addition to a sudden wave of nasty press, which I wouldn't be surprised to find out your father is behind, suddenly, out of nowhere, major clients at Newman have decided to opt out of their contracts. At the same time, several key suppliers have decided they can't deliver raw materials to Newman anymore.", "Nick: And you're saying my dad orchestrated the whole thing?", "Jack: It was a coordinated assault. And it worked pretty well. Newman is at a standstill. Your father would rather see thousands of people lose their jobs and your entire family's legacy go down the tubes because he doesn't want to work things out with Adam.", "Nick: Is this true, dad?", "Victor: Son, Adam sealed his fate when he lied to me about the secret investor. Yours truly. I know that he and jack Abbott were plotting to yank my company out from under me.", "Jack: You wanted to beat us to it? You'd rather destroy an empire you spent an entire lifetime building, not to mention your good name, for what? What? So -- so we'd all see you are more petty and vindictive than we realized? Not to mention shortsighted.", "Victor: How so, jack?", "Jack: Well, you can lay the blame for all of this at Adam's feet, but the entire business world thinks of Newman as yours. Newman goes down in flames, your reputation goes with his.", "Victor: Have you ever known me to give a damn about my reputation, what other people think about me? Are you finished?", "Jack: Oh, we're finished.", "Victor: Good.", "Jack: For now.", "Victor: Good. I can't stand that S.O.B. Sorry, son. When I realized what your brother Adam was up to, I had no choice but to make a move.", "Nick: I meant what I said. This doesn't concern me. I've got my own stuff to deal with right now.", "Victor: I'm sorry about that. You just work on the heavy bag, or what?", "Nick: Yeah, I had some steam to blow off.", "Victor: I don't blame you, Avery leaving you standing at the altar, waiting for her.", "Nick: I'm mad at me.", "Victor: Why?", "Nick: I did this to myself.", "Dylan: I assume you and Chelsea are here to meet the eye specialist. What did he have to say?", "Adam: It's none of your concern.", "Dylan: I know. You don't have to tell me, Adam, but I'll still be concerned regardless. I just want to share a few things with you, uh, about Connor.", "Adam: Yeah, I'm not sure now's the time.", "Avery: Dylan --", "Dylan: No, it's just -- it's just a few things in the short time that I spent as Connor's... uh, with Connor. He -- he takes a bottle better just like that, when you hold him in the crook of your elbow. And, uh, when he's on his stomach in his cradle, he likes to -- likes to have his back rubbed. And if he ever has a problem going to sleep, he'll settle down if you sing \"row, row, row your boat\" even if you sing it badly. Just like me.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Adam: I think we're gonna take our son home.", "Chelsea: Connor and I, we're -- we're just staying with Adam until... I love you. And I'm sorry.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Stitch: You okay?", "Dylan: Yeah, I will be.", "Avery: How was your therapy session?", "Dylan: Oh, it was great. It was very helpful.", "Avery: Good. Okay. Let's get out of here. Come on. I'll give you a ride back to my place.", "Dylan: No, thanks. I-I appreciate the offer, but I can't go back there.", "Avery: Why not?", "Dylan: Because I have a home. My family's not there, but... I got to go home.", "Michael: We gathered from your e-mails that you might be a little homesick.", "Lauren: I'm sure you'll be happy to be back in your old room.", "Fenmore: I'm definitely psyched about coming home.", "Lauren: But?", "Fenmore: In my therapy group, they say you're not ready to come home until you can accept responsibility for your mistakes.", "Michael: So, um... where do you feel you are in that process?", "Fenmore: I'm a screw-up. [Sighs] Instead of dealing with my issues, I get high or drunk or both. I couldn't accept that you guys are just human beings who make mistakes, too.", "Michael: Yeah. That's who we are. And that's who I am. I love you, son. Your mom and you are the most important things in my life. And I took you both for granted. And that's not gonna happen again.", "Lauren: And when I married your father, I made vows. And I broke my promise to him. And that made me lose my way as a mother, so... I am so very grateful for second chances.", "Michael: All right. So, here we are.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Michael: Three screw-ups. But, you know, maybe that's the way it had to happen. We each had to screw up in our own specific way to realize how lucky we are to have two other screw-ups who we love so very much.", "Fenmore: [Chuckles] [Sighs] That makes sense. Except it wasn't all our fault. Carmine caused a lot of our problems.", "Lauren: Right. And now he's gonna be held responsible.", "Michael: Listen, son, carmine is no longer your problem. His trial starts next week, and he will pay for his crimes.", "Kevin: What are you saying? That you're never giving up on Lauren? Do you seriously think she wants anything to do with you, you sick --", "Alex: That's enough! Stop!", "Carmine: You should really listen to your boss. You shouldn't harass the prisoners. Might wind up behind bars yourself.", "Kevin: Shut up!", "Alex: Okay, okay, okay.", "Carmine: This is who you have working for you? You really ought to speak to H.R. About widening their employment pool.", "Alex: Do what he said. Shut up.", "Carmine: Okay, look, I was just joking. I have a lot of jokes. It's one of the things Lauren loved most about me.", "Kevin: She didn't love anything about you! She never did! He's sick! He's deluded!", "Alex: That's fine! It doesn't matter! He can say whatever he wants! He's not going near your brother's wife ever again. You understand? He's been charged with stalking, kidnapping, attempted rape, breaking and entering, two counts of attempted murder.", "Carmine: Is that all?", "Alex: They got him dead to rights on everything. He's gonna be an old man before he leaves prison.", "Carmine: Hmm.", "Chelsea: We need to talk about what the doctor said.", "Adam: What? Our son has an eye condition that could lead to him potentially going blind? We're waiting for test results.", "Chelsea: You sound resigned.", "Adam: What are we gonna do, Chelsea? What can we do? I mean, I'll push the doctor to make sure we get the test results in sooner than later.", "Chelsea: We need to be prepared, Adam. We need to find out what treatments are out there, if there's a transplant that works, how we can prevent things.", "Adam: Sure, we're gonna do whatever we can, okay? But I don't think there's any use in preparing for the worst-case scenario when we don't know what the parameters are.", "Chelsea: Even in the worst-case scenario, Connor will have a full, very happy life. We will make sure we give him everything that he needs.", "Adam: Except a family.", "Chelsea: I have to make a bottle for him before his nap. Will you watch him, please?", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Chelsea: It's okay, baby. It's okay.", "Connor: [Fusses]", "Adam: Hey. Come here. Ooh. Oh, what a big boy. Hey, you. Hey, peanut. Can you see me? I see you. It's dad. And it's nice to finally meet you. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily [Sniffles] Life is but a dream", "Dylan: [Sighs] Thanks for the ride.", "Stitch: Glad to help.", "Dylan: What are you doing?", "Stitch: What does it look like I'm doing?", "Dylan: Look, I told Avery, and I'm telling you that I don't need a babysitter, okay?", "Stitch: Tough. 'Cause I'm not leaving. And I don't buy that story about how you're miraculously cured after one therapy session.", "Dylan: Well, that one session was my last.", "Stitch: Dylan --", "Dylan: Come on, stitch. The guy -- the guy was a jerk. He didn't even know what we've been through. The only thing he knows about war is what he saw on \"saving private Ryan.\" He had no idea what happened to us and the things we saw over there.", "Stitch: Okay, okay. So then we'll go to the V.A. We'll find someone who does.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Stitch: You have got to stop thinking you can fix this thing on your own. I mean, Avery pulled you back from the edge this time. What happens if you snap again?", "Dylan: I won't. For one thing, I won't be in the same situation again.", "Stitch: This isn't just about what Chelsea did. It's about how you reacted when you found out. Your problems aren't only in the present. They go a long way back. You have got to find someone to talk to.", "Dylan: I did talk to somebody! I talked to my own wife! Turns out the person I could trust the most... was the person I could trust the least.", "Victor: If anyone knows what it feels like to be betrayed, I do.", "Nick: That's just the thing, dad. It wasn't Avery who --", "Victor: What do you mean, it wasn't Avery? She left you standing at your own wedding, waiting for her while she was coming to the aid of some other guy.", "Nick: She thought Dylan was in bad shape and needed immediate attention.", "Victor: Then why the hell didn't she call his wife?", "Nick: Dylan and Chelsea broke up. But that's not the reason things didn't work out for us. I mean, there were always obstacles. There was always something in the way. If I'd stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, I would have realized that when a relationship is right, it should be easy. Shouldn't it?", "Victor: Well, I'm the wrong guy to ask. You know that.", "Nick: Yeah, I guess so.", "Victor: But listen, don't feel sorry for yourself now. Don't beat yourself up about this. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move right ahead. The best revenge for a broken heart is success.", "Nick: Dad, I'm not looking for revenge. I'm just trying to figure out how I got here, you know, the paths that I've chosen, the decisions I've made.", "Victor: Son, you know I support you. But beating yourself up about this is a mistake.", "Faith: Did I put the spoons in the right place, mommy?", "Sharon: Yes. Wow. Everything looks perfect. I think your daddy is going to be very pleased.", "Faith: When do you think he'll be happy again?", "Sharon: Hmm. Today. As soon as he sees our special surprise. And then every day from now on, he's gonna feel a little bit better until he forgets all about being sad.", "Faith: I hate that Avery made him sad.", "Victor: Beating yourself up over past mistakes is not the answer.", "Nick: Well, given my history, I think a little reflection is in order.", "Victor: Are you talking about your breakup with Avery?", "Nick: On paper, Avery and I were perfect for each other. So why didn't it work out for us? I mean, why are relationships such a crapshoot? I mean, look at you and mom. How many times have you guys broken up? And then you get back together, and you turn right around and break up again.", "Victor: And where are we now?", "Nick: Well, you and mom seem to have an endless capacity to forgive each other.", "Victor: But that's the point, son. Love and forgiveness, okay? No matter what your mother and I go through, we always know we love each other.", "Nick: Yeah. I really thought Avery and I...", "Victor: You were talking about obstacles. What obstacles are you talking about?", "Nick: You know, people, history, things that happened, things that didn't happen.", "Victor: What do you think should have happened for the two of you to still be together?", "Nick: That's what I need to figure out. You know, why I didn't want to see what was going on right in front of my eyes.", "Sharon: Hello, Avery.", "Avery: I, uh, made sure nick's car was gone before I came in. I just thought I would get my things. I didn't expect to find you here. But maybe I should have.", "Faith: We're making lunch for daddy. He doesn't need you anymore.", "Sharon: Oh, faith, that's not a very nice thing to say.", "Avery: It's okay. It's okay. Faith. I'm really sorry that you and I couldn't be better friends, because I really think you're a very special little girl, and your dad is a wonderful man. So, will you take good care of him for me?", "Faith: Mommy and I both will.", "Stitch: Look, I won't pretend to know what you're going through. But now is not the time to shut people out.", "Dylan: Who? Like you?", "Stitch: I don't have much insight into the fragile human psyche, but come on. I can listen, dude. So can Avery.", "Dylan: [Sighs] You heard what she said. She said I'm broken. She feels sorry for me.", "Stitch: I'm -- I'm pretty sure it goes deeper than that.", "Dylan: Yeah, she's been a good friend. And I paid her back by screwing up her relationship with nick.", "Stitch: She said they broke up. Sounds like they had their own stuff going on.", "Dylan: Yeah, maybe. But I don't want to drag her into my problems any more than I already have.", "Stitch: Okay. So you're stuck with me, then. 'Cause I'm gonna help you ether you like it or not.", "Dylan: You want to help me?", "Stitch: I got nothing better to do.", "Dylan: Find me a lawyer. I need to divorce my wife.", "Chelsea: Okay. Hi. Okay.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Jack: I assume you've seen the headlines?", "Adam: What are you talking about?", "Jack: A majority of Newman clients have jumped ship! It's a mass exodus!", "Adam: What? How?", "Jack: How? Your old man. That's how. And for extra added fun, a great number of our suppliers have also quit. Most of our people on the west coast, all of our vendors in Texas -- gone. There is a reason that your father was willing to drop out and let you have Newman.", "Adam: So he's unloaded everything out from underneath me.", "Jack: You do know what that means, don't you? For all intents and purposes, Newman is worthless.", "Lauren: Ah. I am so glad that we did this. I just, uh -- I wish we had more time.", "Fenmore: Me too.", "Michael: Well, the next time we pick you up from the treatment center, we'll probably be taking you home with us.", "Lauren: That's right.", "Michael: Too bad it won't be early enough for you to see your mother accept her award.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Fenmore: Wait. You're getting an award?", "Michael: Genoa city businesswoman of the year! Let's hear it, folks!", "Fenmore: I didn't know that. That's amazing.", "Lauren: Thanks, baby. Thanks. It's quite an honor. I just, you know -- I wish it were in a couple weeks so you could be there.", "Fenmore: I've been missing a lot since I've been away. And this whole thought of coming home, it's quite scary. You know, I really got to start thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life, if I want to go to school right away and try and get started or get a job. Then there are those people I'll have to face that know where --", "Michael: Those people? Those people? Listen to me. You will face them, and you'll do it with your head held high, because there's no shame in accepting help when you need it.", "Lauren: You know, your father is right. And there's no reason to, you know, speed up your decision. Take your time and decide what's best for you. Because you have so much to look forward to.", "Michael: We all do. And from now on, the only direction that counts is forward. There will no longer be any looking back over our shoulder at what's behind, right? Now give me a hug. I love you. Mwah. I'm proud of you.", "Fenmore: Thank you. Thanks for coming, guys.", "Alex: The accommodations at the courthouse jail are not as comfy as they are here.", "Carmine: Hmm.", "Alex: And I hear the food stinks.", "Carmine: Hmm. Well, it's been nothing but [Smacks lips] Gourmet here.", "Alex: [Chuckles] Well, don't worry about it. You won't have to deal with it anymore.", "Carmine: Mm-hmm.", "Alex: You'll be convicted and transferred to state pen soon enough.", "Carmine: Great.", "Alex: Officer, you may now take out the trash.", "Carmine: All right. Till next time, Kevy. Regards to the family. Send them my love. [Smooches]", "Alex: Okay. Come here. Come here.", "Kevin: You are scum, Basco! I hope you die in there!", "Alex: He's not worth your energy! Relax!", "Kevin: Chavez, five minutes alone with that guy, I'll wipe that grin right off his face.", "Alex: Listen, he's going to Walworth! He's not gonna have anything to smile about!", "Kevin: He's acting like he's gonna get away with what he did!", "Alex: He won't! Trust me! Not if I have anything to say about it!", "Kevin: [Sighs]", "Jack: So, what is victor's endgame? What does he hope to accomplish?", "Adam: Maybe he's made some sort of deal with some clients. They sever ties with Newman, only to get a big incentive when they return and only if my father is in charge.", "Jack: But what if you refuse to back off?", "Adam: Then we're at a stalemate.", "Jack: Which means the only way out of this is for the two of you to work out some kind of compromise. We need to meet with him sooner than later.", "Adam: I don't know about that. With the baby...", "Chelsea: Connor's asleep. If you need to attend to something, it's fine. One of the nannies will be here soon, and I'm not going anywhere. Even if I did, you would know about it.", "Adam: Let's go.", "Jack: Yeah. Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Bye, jack.", "Adam: These things I've done -- having you move in here, the nannies, the bodyguard -- you may not like them, but they're decisions that I've made in order to keep our son safe. I hope you understand.", "Victor: So, what do you think went wrong?", "Nick: I don't know. Let's, uh -- let's talk about this later. I got to go.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa. When your mother asks me what's going on, what do I tell her?", "Nick: Tell her I'm fine.", "Victor: Nicholas. You'll get over this disappointment with Avery. Trust me. You just move on, all right? And remember, when one door closes, another one opens.", "Nick: I'm not looking for another door, dad.", "Victor: Well, in a little time, you will be. And when that opportunity presents itself, you better seize it, all right?", "Nick: All right. Thanks, dad.", "Victor: You have a good day. [Sighs]", "Sharon: Well, now that lunch is all ready and we're just waiting for daddy, why don't you go upstairs and put on one of your favorite dresses?", "Faith: Okay. It'll be like a party. Goodbye, Avery.", "Sharon: Goodbye, Avery.", "Avery: [Sighs] Okay, Sharon. You and I are gonna have it out once and for all.", "Alex: Kittens? Really?", "Kevin: [Sighs] What? They're cute.", "Alex: You thinking getting Delia a kitten is gonna score you points with her mom?", "Kevin: I don't know. Maybe. Probably not.", "Alex: Mnh-mnh.", "Kevin: Well, it's better than a pony. I don't know what else to try.", "Alex: It's not better than a pony, okay? Cats and dogs don't always get along, right? And if that ends up causing problems for Chloe --", "Kevin: Chavez, I have to do something.", "Alex: I wish I could help, buddy. I really do.", "Kevin: I'm going to lunch. Maybe I'll pick up an iguana while I'm gone.", "Alex: [Laughs] Yeah, a reptile is definitely the way to go.", "[Telephone rings]", "Alex: [Chuckles] Chavez. How the hell did that happen?!", "Avery: When nick and I were planning to get married, I knew you were gonna be part of our lives as faith's mother, and I respected that.", "Sharon: Oh, really?", "Avery: I understood what my role as stepparent would be and wouldn't be, and I tried very hard to get along with you for faith's sake. And so I kept quiet about what I was really feeling.", "Sharon: Which was?", "Avery: Irritation! Anger! Resentment! You knew that faith was having trouble accepting me, and I think you loved it, didn't you? In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you actively encouraged it!", "Sharon: You know what? You have some nerve.", "Avery: Really? All the impromptu visits, all the forgotten toys, the fear of thunder? Oh, you twisting your ankle when I was out of town? Are you serious? Who -- who sprains their ankle walking down the stairs?", "Sharon: That is a very tricky step!", "Avery: Oh, and you -- you played it so innocently, didn't you?", "Sharon: It was. You just couldn't get over your paranoia.", "Avery: Wow. You are, without a doubt, one of the most manipulative people I've ever met and I've known. I've been on to you from the start. I'll bet you are thrilled that the wedding was called off 'cause you've never stopped loving nick!", "Sharon: We both know why the wedding was called off, Avery. Because you never stopped loving Dylan.", "Dylan: I was happily married with a kid. Avery was supposed to get married. And now we're both on our own. No, no, don't -- don't even go there, all right? I'm not gonna lean on her for support, especially when she's going through her own hell. And what kind of friend would I be to her anyway right now?", "Stitch: Once you get the help you need.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Stitch: I'm -- I'm just saying.", "Dylan: You're right. And that episode in the cabin... I was... I was scared. And I wasn't in control. I was holding Connor. I didn't even know it.", "Stitch: Hey. Connor's fine. Everybody made it out of there in great shape.", "Dylan: All right, I'll talk to a V.A. Doc, someone who, you know, understands, like you said.", "Stitch: I'll, uh -- I'll set something up, make some calls.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "Stitch: You're gonna get through this, Mac. You're gonna be okay.", "Dylan: I'm not so worried about myself as much as I am about...", "Stitch: Connor?", "Dylan: He's an amazing kid. Just -- just the way he watches everything, like every object is the most fascinating thing in the world. I could just see him trying to -- trying to figure things out. You know, sometimes when he would look at me... I really thought he, he knew who I was, that... that I was his dad, that I was gonna protect him and give him a good life. I just hope Adam is capable of giving him the love he deserves.", "Jack: Adam, when victor gets here, let me do the talking. This is less personal for me. This is just business.", "Victor: Hello.", "Adam: You hate me so much, you would take down your own company just to spite me?", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, guys, we are reasonable men, all three of us. We can sit down and talk rationally. Shall we?", "Victor: Let's sit down.", "Jack: Okay. [Clears throat] We know what you've done.", "Victor: Do you?", "Jack: It was a very clever plan. Unfortunately, it is not sustainable. Whether I'm involved or not, Adam is still in charge at Newman. Before you go wooing back the clients and suppliers that you convinced to leave --", "Victor: Who says I'm gonna do that?", "Adam: It'd keep the company from tanking.", "Victor: You own the company, son. I backed away. This is your job now.", "Jack: You don't expect us to believe you're willing to watch Newman come crashing down.", "Adam: You'd be willing to lose your life's work just to spite me?", "Victor: [Chuckles] Who says I'm gonna lose anything?", "Michael: I'm sorry. We were delayed. We were in the middle of dropping our son off at his treatment center when we got your message. What?", "Lauren: Why did you want to talk to us? Is it about the trial?", "Alex: Um, carmine Basco was being transferred to courthouse jail pending trial.", "Michael: Hold on. What do you mean was being transported?", "Alex: The truck was en route, and the prisoner escaped.", "Sharon: You want to know something, Avery? I'm really glad that you and nick are through.", "Avery: Well, at least you have the decency to admit it.", "Sharon: Oh, I knew it wasn't gonna last from the start. You're not good enough for him. You never loved him the way he deserved.", "Avery: And you do? 'Cause I got news for you, sister. You may think you've won in this, but just because nick and I are over doesn't mean he's gonna come running back to you!", "[Door opens]", "Stitch: I'm gonna get my things from the motel and bring them over.", "Dylan: Look, I don't need --", "Stitch: A babysitter? Right. I got news for you, Mac. You don't know what you need. I'm gonna be here till you figure it out. I won't be long.", "[Door closes]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Now, where is that teddy bear that Adam... that your father bought you, huh? Where did he put that? Where did he put your teddy bear, huh? Let's see. Okay, little baby. Where's the teddy bear? Where's the...", "Dylan: You are supposed to be taking it easy. You need to let me help you with this kind of stuff.", "Chelsea: Adam, I-I was...", "Adam: No, you're moving on. No point hanging on to the past.", "Adam: So, what's going on, dad?", "Victor: Have you checked your business-transaction feed lately, jack?", "Adam: What'd you do?", "Victor: Why don't you tell him, jack?", "Jack: All the clients who left Newman signed long-term contracts with chancellor industries. This has gone from bad to worse.", "Adam: Means you can't woo anyone back to Newman any time soon.", "Victor: I would not be trying any such thing.", "Adam: This is like the nuclear option, dad. If you can't win, you just blow everything up.", "Victor: Who says I can't win?", "Adam: You've decimated our company.", "Jack: You're gonna sit by and watch Newman crumble while chancellor builds an empire on its ruins?", "Victor: That's exactly what I intend to do, because it's all mine. You see, gentlemen, chancellor industries... is now owned by me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: I already know everything that I'm gonna find out, and there's nothing I can do about it.", "Paul: Actually, there is.", "Sharon: I'm glad you and nick are through. You didn't love him the way that he deserves.", "Avery: And you do?", "Victor: I did not buy chancellor industries. Katherine left it to me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At the park, Nick and Noah throw a few balls around as they have a heart to heart talk. Noah asks Nick if he is nervous about his upcoming marriage to Sharon. Nick, at first, denies being nervous but then he confesses that it is Sharon. At home, Sharon, Summer, and Faith await Mariah's arrival, so they can try on their bridesmaids dresses. In Sweden, Victor calls Dr. Cutler about the DNA clinic that he is visiting and inquires about Phyllis. Dr. Cutler lies to Victor and tells him that there is no change in Phyllis' condition. A truck driver has picked up Phyllis and they are headed back toward Genoa City. At the Athletic Club dining room, Neil tries to persuade Hilary to take Jack's place at a convention in New York. Hilary refuses to leave Neil alone. Devon stands by and listens to their conversation. In his office at the police department, Paul and Christine discuss the case how the case against Dylan will compromise Paul in doing his job since his own son is involved. In the park, Avery tells Mariah that it's time for an annulment in her marriage to Ian Ward. Mariah says that she needs to do what she needs to do. Victor meets with Dr. Jorgenson about the DNA testing and he wants to find out if Faith is really Nick's daughter. The truck driver asks Phyllis what happened to her and where she's headed. Hilary tells Neil that she has some things to do. Neil tells Devon to go after Hilary and make her understand that the trip to New York would be good for her. Nick confides to Noah that he feels that he is pushing Sharon too hard and too fast to get married again. Sharon gives Mariah a present which Mariah calls it a \"bribe\" and refuses to accept it. Summer is surprised by Mariah's actions. Sharon tells Mariah that she will put it away in case she changes her mind.", "Dylan leaves Avery a note, opens up the door, and sees Paul standing there. Paul asks him where he's going. Dylan lets him know that he has some personal business. Dylan also tells Paul that he left Avery a note. Paul says this is now an investigation in the murder of Ian Ward. Dylan asks Paul if he is here to arrest him. Avery overhears Christine on the phone discussing the Ian Ward case. Dylan tells Paul to look into his eyes and he will see that he is no murderer. Dylan urges Paul to let him help find Ian's killer. Hilary changes her mind about going to New York. Neil calls Jack to thank him for letting Hilary go to New York. Victor puts a rush on the DNA test to get the results. Phyllis makes it home to Genoa City.", "" ]
[ "Noah: Starting to relax a little bit?", "Nick: Why? Do I seen tense?", "Noah: Oh, I don't know. The whole wedding thing?", "Nick: Yeah. I mean, not worried about it at all.", "Noah: So you're the first groom in the history of weddings not to have any stress at all? That's pretty good, dad.", "Nick: I'm getting married to your mom again. It's all I ever wanted. I couldn't be happier.", "Noah: So there's nothing bothering you at all? 'Cause you're kind of getting that little thing in your voice that you get.", "Nick: What thing?", "Noah: I don't know. You get kind of defensive, you try to put a different spin on it.", "Nick: I am not. What --", "Noah: All right. You don't want to talk about it, that's cool. But if you do...", "Nick: All right. It -- it's your mom.", "Faith: Can't I try on my dress for the wedding now?", "Sharon: Mariah's not here yet, and I want us to do this all together.", "Summer: know, maybe we shouldn't wait for Mariah.", "Sharon: She'll be here. Everything will be fine. Faith, you don't need to chase away bad luck with your magic wand.", "Faith: I don't?", "Sharon: Why have you been so worried and superstitious?", "Faith: Because I've wanted this day for so long. And you have, too, mommy.", "Victor: Yeah, dr. Cutler. I'm about to meet with dr. Jorgensen, the DNA specialist that you recommended so highly.", "Dr. Cutler: You flew to Stockholm?", "Victor: Yes. I flew to Stockholm. This is a very personal matter to me, okay? I need to find out if faith is indeed my son's daughter.", "Dr. Cutler: Jorgensen's the best there is and totally discreet.", "Victor: I certainly hope so, all right? By the way, what about Phyllis?", "Dr. Cutler: Regarding...?", "Victor: Regarding her condition. Is she speaking yet?", "Dr. Cutler: Nothing's changed since you and I last spoke.", "Victor: I have reason to believe that my son has been deceived by the child's mother. And Phyllis is the only one who can confirm that.", "Dr. Cutler: So will a DNA test.", "Victor: Good. And as soon as I've got the results from this lab, I'm flying directly to your clinic. You got that? I'm gonna check up on Phyllis' condition. Got yourself some sleep, eh? Getting close to the end of the line for me -- Genoa City.", "Phyllis: Genoa City.", "Christine: You didn't tell me about Dylan's muddy boots and you didn't tell me about the phone calls he made to see if he could benefit from Ian's death.", "Paul: You're speculating, Chris. Read the evidence. It's all here in the case file. You had it in your hands not 30 seconds ago.", "Christine: Yeah, I know, and I didn't like what I saw, not one bit of it.", "Paul: Okay, so where does it say that Dylan made the phone call to the insurance company? I'll tell you where -- nowhere. It doesn't exist. We only know the call was made from a landline in Avery's apartment.", "Christine: You heard what Harding said. This is now a murder investigation, so you have to stop thinking like a father and start thinking like a cop.", "Neil: I know you got a lot going on, and, you know, maybe the timing isn't great, but a change of scenery -- it's always a nice thing, isn't it? Hello? Uh, when were you gonna tell me? Hilary, I may be visually impaired here, but, you know, people do still talk to me.", "Devon: Hey, dad.", "Neil: Hey. Devon, this is actually perfect timing. So, I-I heard through the grapevine that Jack offered Hilary the opportunity to represent him at a convention in New York, and you know, my beautiful wife -- she has yet to share that with me. What do you think about that, huh?", "Hilary: Well, that's obviously because I'm not going.", "Neil: What do you mean obviously you're not going? What does that mean?", "Hilary: Well, because --", "Neil: No. Don't say that. This is great -- great for networking, it's good for advancement in the company, best of all, you know, it means that Jack trusts you even more now. Devon, back me up on this, would you, pal? I mean, this is a great opportunity. She should -- honey, you should definitely take this.", "Devon: Yeah, I mean, he has a good point.", "Hilary: They'll be other trips, other opportunities. Nothing dire will happen if I don't go. Someone else will go in my place.", "Neil: Hilary, no. Not other opportunities. It's this one. Jack doesn't want someone else. He wants you to go.", "Hilary: Well, I'm not available.", "Neil: Okay, honey --", "Hilary: Okay, just trust me. Jack will understand.", "Neil: can take a break from being my caretaker. You need that, sweetheart. I need that, also. [Sighs] Devon. Help me out here, would you? I mean, tell her. I can't get through to her. Maybe you can get through to her.", "Paul: I am looking at the same facts you are, Chris. The difference is you're trying to use them to build a case that is circumstantial at best.", "Christine: Oh, whereas you're being objective? Is that why this is the first time I'm hearing about certain pieces of key information?", "Paul: You know, I think I've explained this to you already.", "Christine: I'm not a parent. Okay, so maybe I can't even begin to understand what you're feeling, and I know since you've already gone through this with one son, it has to be so painful. Paul, all I'm demanding of you is the same kind of honesty you would expect from me. Now, getting back to the muddy boots -- in all probability, it's from the same area that the other belongings were found from the victim.", "Paul: Alleged victim.", "Christine: Okay, and now this call to the insurance company from Avery's apartment.", "Paul: Look, you know what? I'll tell you this right now. If Dylan were broke and selling pencils on the street, he would not accept a dime from that sleazebag, alive or dead.", "Christine: Maybe he called to find out if he was the beneficiary because he knew the police would see that as a motive. Or maybe he is telling the truth as he knows it. He has a history of severe post-traumatic stress, so maybe he went into a rage, he went after Ian, and he doesn't remember anything that happened.", "Paul: That's really nice that you'd consider giving him an out.", "Christine: My gosh, that scenario has never even occurred to you? I have also called Avery. Okay, and she is way too good of a lawyer to reveal anything, but I know that she is worried about Dylan, too. Paul, I get it. You're trying to protect your son. I get that, but you are making things worse and possibly compromising your own self at the same time.", "Paul: Okay. I'll handle it.", "Christine: Wait.", "Mariah: Avery. Hi.", "Avery: Mariah. Oh, hi. Uh, do you have a minute?", "Mariah: I'm on my way to Sharon's to try on princess clothes. Bridesmaids' dresses.", "Avery: Oh. Oh, then I won't keep you.", "Mariah: No, no, no. Means I've got an hour at least. What's up?", "Avery: Well, uh, I wanted to talk to you about your wedding, or, to be more precise, the annulment. Can we sit for a second?", "Mariah: Yeah, uh, Michael called me to discuss the grounds, and I was like, \"I was drugged and forced to marry the psycho and I had no idea what I was doing, so...\"", "Avery: Well, legally, the marriage is void. You signed a contract -- the marriage license -- while you were incapacitated. But I think, for your own peace of mind, it is best to secure an annulment -- really underscore the point that you want no connection with that man.", "Mariah: Okay, so where do we stand?", "Avery: A complaint has been filed, but since Ian is on the run and obviously not going to appear, we need to publish a notice in three newspapers.", "Mariah: Great. Do it. Sooner the better.", "Avery: Okay. Mariah, are you okay?", "Mariah: I feel so stuck in this city. I feel so restless.", "Victor: Hello, dr. Jorgensen.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Mr. Newman, how are you?", "Victor: Thank you.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Please sit down.", "Victor: Thank you very much.", "Dr. Jorgensen: I understand you wish to confirm your granddaughter's paternity.", "Victor: Exactly. I need to find out if my son is her father.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Well, we will find you an answer, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: You come highly recommended, not only because of your skill but because of your discretion. The latter I prize highly. How's your head? Just say the word -- I can drop you by the hospital.", "Phyllis: No. No hospital. Well, suit yourself.", "Hilary: This is between you and me, Neil, okay? I don't want to discuss it in front of Devon.", "Neil: He's family, here. I-I don't understand. What is the big deal? Hey, Devon. I want you to be honest with Hilary. Throw some Malcolm honesty at her.", "Devon: It's just a business trip.", "Neil: No. What are you doing? It's not just a business trip here. It's a chance for Hilary to get away, all right? To -- to focus on herself, her work, and her needs.", "Hilary: Okay, I, um -- I'm sorry. Would you excuse me? I just -- I just remembered that I have a business call that I have to make, so...", "Neil: Honey, you okay? Hey, psst. Go after her, all right? Make her understand. Go on.", "Devon: I-I --", "Neil: Go.", "Devon: Okay. I'll see what I can do.", "Devon: Hey.", "Hilary: He insisted, okay? He insisted on having lunch here. [Sighs]", "Devon: Well, I'm glad he did, 'cause I had to see you. I haven't gone two seconds without thinking about you since what happened.", "Hilary: All the more reason that we should avoid each other right now.", "Devon: Well, is that what you really want?", "Nick: Getting married again was my idea. When I brought it up, your mom said no.", "Noah: Why did she do that?", "Nick: I think she was just worried about how things would turn out, and given everything your grandfather put her through, who could blame her?", "Noah: So what changed her mind? Why did she finally say yes?", "Nick: My devastating charm.", "Noah: No, really.", "Nick: I have been so sure for so long that this is the right thing for both of us.", "Noah: Finally wore her down, huh?", "Nick: When I proposed to your mom at crimson lights, she was so happy. But it was just the two of us. It's like we were in this private little bubble. But since then, she's been anxious and not sleeping and emotionally all over the map.", "Noah: All over the map? You think that maybe this is a bipolar thing?", "Nick: I just think maybe I pushed her, that it's too much too soon. Wasn't that long ago your mom was in terrible shape. But after everything that she has been through, she deserves this. She deserves to be happy.", "Noah: What about you, dad? What's best for you?", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Faith: Did Mariah know what time to be here?", "Sharon: Sweetie, I'm sure Mariah's on her way.", "Faith: Send her a text. I can't wait to try on our dresses! Please!", "Sharon: [Sighs] Honey, Mariah will get here when she gets here. I don't want her to feel badgered. In the meantime, do you want to help me put together the wedding favors?", "Faith: Okay.", "Sharon: Okay. They're on the desk. Everything's right here. And what you do is you take a piece of tissue, fold it up, then you put it in the bag like this. And in goes the box. And a card.", "Faith: Great.", "Summer: You know, if you ask me, I think it's incredibly rude of Mariah to keep us waiting.", "Mariah: I'm here.", "Faith: Mariah!", "Mariah: Hey, there, short stuff. How's it going?", "Sharon: Thank you so much for coming. This is gonna be a lot of fun. Oh, faith, let me help you with that.", "Summer: Yeah, you know, it's nice of you to show up.", "Sharon: Mariah, let me show you the dresses I got for the wedding.", "Faith: Mommy, it's so beautiful!", "Summer: Oh, my gosh. That is so gorgeous. You're gonna -- you're gonna look incredible.", "Faith: Can I go up to my room and try it on?", "Sharon: Okay. And let's not forget... a girl needs to accessorize.", "Mariah: What's this?", "Sharon: It's just a little something I picked up. Open it.", "Mariah: No, thank you.", "Sharon: It's a gift.", "Mariah: It's a bribe. I'm not taking it.", "Paul: You going somewhere?", "Dylan: Matter of fact, yes. I was just leaving. I have some personal business.", "Paul: Wh-what kind of personal business?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Are you -- are you here for a reason?", "Paul: I'm a concerned father interested in what's going on with his son.", "Dylan: I've just been having A...really rough time lately. You know, I reached out to the V.A. I'm gonna spend some time there.", "Paul: Well, that's good. I'm sure Avery's in full support of that.", "Dylan: Uh, actually, I just decided to do this.", "Paul: You didn't tell Avery that you're leaving?", "Dylan: I wrote her a letter. It's complicated. [Sighs]", "Paul: The timing of this departure is complicated. Some people would even say it's --", "Dylan: What, it's suspect?", "Paul: On the heels of Ian ward's departure, his disappearance. Not to mention the fact that you didn't tell the woman that you live with --", "Dylan: I asked you point-blank if you thought I killed Ian. I guess I got my answer.", "Paul: The nature of this investigation has changed. Ian ward is now presumed dead. And yeah. Yeah, you're a suspect.", "Dylan: Are you here to arrest me?", "Christine: Yes, there's been some movement in the case. Paul Williams, the chief of police, will be making a statement later today. No, that's really all I can tell you. Sure. Yeah. All right. Bye-bye. Avery.", "Avery: Hello, Christine. A client of mine is being arraigned. I thought since I was in the complex, I'd stop by and see Paul. I couldn't help but overhear. Have the police found Ian?", "Christine: It's an ongoing investigation.", "Avery: I see.", "Christine: Avery, I-I like you, and...I hope you know that I respect you.", "Avery: Yeah, that goes both ways, and I don't mean to put you in an awkward position. It's much damage has been done to so many people we both care about. And I'm relieved that this may all be coming to an end.", "Nick: Look, a life with your mom, putting our family back together -- that makes me very happy.", "Noah: Still, it's only been a little over a year since you and Avery...", "Nick: Yeah. Since she left me at the altar?", "Noah: Look, I'm not saying that this is a rebound with you and mom, but things with Avery ended so badly.", "Nick: Well, you were my best man then, too. I know you took that role very seriously. I also know you were very concerned about your mother after everything with me and Avery fell apart. And I think you're doing that again. You're worrying about your parents when you should be out living your own life.", "Noah: When you're worried, I'm worried.", "Nick: All right. Then let's make a pact. We're not gonna worry or stress about anything. We're just gonna enjoy this time leading up to the wedding.", "Noah: Okay. As long as you're being straight with yourself. Look, if you have any reservations -- where you're at, where mom's at -- you don't have to do this right away. You can take some time, push the date back. Dad, you've known each other a whole lifetime. You've been married before. What's the rush?", "Sharon: The bracelet isn't a bribe, Mariah. It makes me sad that you would even think that.", "Summer: Not everything comes with strings attached.", "Mariah: I don't want you wasting your money on me, especially when I owe you so much already.", "Summer: It's not about owing Sharon. She's the bride. It's tradition to give your attendants gifts.", "Mariah: Well, I wouldn't know about any of that. The only wedding I've been to is mine, against my will.", "Sharon: Well, I'll put the bracelet away, and maybe you'll change your mind. I have something for you and faith, too.", "Summer: Okay. It's lovely. I can't wait to wear it on your special day. Thank you.", "Sharon: Thank you for standing up for me. I'm just gonna go and see how faith's doing getting her dress on.", "Summer: Okay. You know, you already upset Sharon by walking in late. She is your mother, for god's sake. D determined to spoil this for her?", "Mariah: Why is it any of your", "Summer: Sharon tried to do something nice. Why couldn't you just accept her gesture?", "Mariah: And if I'd taken it, you would have called me a money-grubbing opportunist. I can't win with you people, so why even bother?", "Summer: That is so stupid.", "Mariah: Why? Because I'm being honest?", "Summer: You're being mean. You could have just said, \"thank you,\" and not made such a big deal about how expensive it was. It's not about the money, Mariah.", "Mariah: Said the trust-fund brat. It's a power thing. You were born into it. You're so used to it that you don't even see it. You know what? Ask your husband how it feels to be on the receiving end of gifts like these.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "Mariah: But it looks like you two have had that conversation already.", "Faith: Look what mommy gave me!", "Summer: Oh, my god. It's so pretty. Mommy gave us one, too. That was so nice of her. What are you gonna wear for your shoes?", "Faith: I don't know.", "Summer: You don't know? Okay, well, we are gonna figure that out, because it is all about the accessories, girly-girl.", "Faith: What's accessories?", "Mariah: Jewelry and bracelets and earrings. Stuff like that.", "Summer: And that reminds me. Hold on. I am gonna be carrying this.", "Faith: Ooh, pretty. Where did you get it?", "Summer: That was -- it was my mom's. I suppose it's none of my business, but...what happened to you back there? You were out in the middle of nowhere flagging down a ride. What, did you get mugged?", "Phyllis: Does it matter?", "Summer: Mom... What are you -- a nurse or something? You're a hard one to figure. You never did say where you were heading.", "Summer: I love you more than infinity, mom.", "Faith: Okay. Open.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. You all look breathtaking.", "Faith: Me and my sisters. I have two now, just like I always wanted. Don't cry, mommy.", "Sharon: It's okay, sweetie. They're happy tears. You all are so precious to me, and I'm so grateful that you're going to be in my wedding.", "Mariah: I'm gonna go get ready for work. Tell Austin \"hi\" from his fellow poor relation.", "Summer: You know, this is a big adjustment for Mariah. It really is for all of us.", "Summer: I'm just really happy to be a part of it, Sharon, especially after all that you've done for me since my mom's accident. I'm gonna go get changed. Thank you.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Sharon: Where did this come from?", "Faith: Summer brought it. It's her mom's.", "Victor: These are the samples I brought for testing. This is my granddaughter's hairbrush.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Thank you.", "Victor: And this is a glass my son drank from.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Good. These will provide sufficient sample materials. I will be able to get you a definitive answer.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that. A lot of lives and futures depend on the outcome.", "Devon: Hilary, I didn't think that I could love you any more, but I do. And I hated the way that you had to leave that day.", "Hilary: I had to leave because Neil called me.", "Devon: I understand why you had to leave, but you make it sound like you regret being with me.", "Hilary: I'm married to your father. How am I supposed to sit at a table with the two of you and -- and talk about business trips and --", "Devon: As much as I love my father and as much as I don't want to hurt his feelings, I'm not gonna stand here and say that loving you is wrong. I look back, and I wish I would have done things different. I wish I had stopped the wedding when I had a chance, but I didn't. And here I am. Here we are. I can't imagine myself without you.", "Hilary: I feel the same way. But how are we gonna do this? How am I supposed to live like this?", "Neil: Hey, Hilary?", "Hilary: Here, Neil. I'm right here.", "Devon: Me, too, dad.", "Neil: So, did you use the old winters' charm and convince this lovely young lady to go to New York and go to that convention or what?", "Devon: Uh, I tried.", "Neil: What do you say?", "Hilary: I can't do this.", "Neil: So, you can't do what exactly? Fill in for Jack at the convention?", "Hilary: Exactly. I won't leave you, Neil.", "Neil: Sweetheart, it's taken me some time and some real tough love talk from Malcolm, too, to accept what's happened to me, you know, to deal with the reality, face it, and move on with my life. And see, that's what you should be doing, too. You can't put your life on hold for me. Because if you do, it -- it's just holding me back. You get it? Why can't you see that and I can? I know how much you want to protect me, but you don't -- you really don't have to do that. Okay. This is getting a little heavy here. This is just a trip to New York. It's the big apple. I mean, it's not like -- [Chuckles] You know, you're not abandoning me here, are you?", "Hilary: Okay. I'll go...on one condition.", "Paul: You know, Dylan, I wish you'd trust me. I really am on your side. But given the evidence, some of which I haven't even brought forward -- you know, I never wanted to believe that you could be guilty of something like this. I still don't. But you've hidden things from me. You've told me half-truths. And now you're -- you're suddenly disappearing.", "Dylan: Disappearing?", "Paul: Well, what does it look like?", "Dylan: I don't care what it looks like.", "Paul: I care! I have taken you at your word. I have done everything I can to protect you. You make it impossible. I find out you're my son, and I am so afraid I'm gonna lose you.", "Dylan: Paul, I know what you're thinking, and I've already told you. I am not Ricky. Okay? So please stop comparing us.", "Paul: He was my son, I loved him, and I couldn't reach him. [Voice breaking] And, god, yes, I had to be the one to stop him, and I am scared to death that it's about to happen all over again. And the hell of it all -- I think I have a chance with you that I never, ever had a chance with Ricky.", "Dylan: And if you ever want a chance with me... just look into my eyes... really look at me... and see that I didn't murder anybody.", "Avery: Hey, Summer.", "Summer: Hi.", "Avery: Hi. I've been looking all over for Dylan. You haven't seen him, have you?", "Summer: No, I haven't. Is everything okay?", "Avery: Yeah, I just, uh, can't get ahold of him. I guess his phone died again.", "Summer: Oh, tell me about it. Austin's always forgetting to charge his phone. I swear to god I'm gonna pin a note to his shirt one of these days. [Chuckles]", "Avery: You seem more happy than exasperated.", "Summer: Yeah. I am. I mean, if that's the worst thing that he does, and it pretty much is, then...", "Avery: Then you're a lucky wife.", "Summer: Yeah. I think so.", "Avery: It would do your mom's heart some good to see you so content. You still flying down there to see her?", "Summer: Um, no. I decided to postpone the trip a little bit.", "Avery: Oh.", "Summer: Sharon asked me to be a bridesmaid, so there's just a lot to do before the wedding.", "Avery: I remember you were gonna be my maid of honor when I was marrying nick.", "Summer: That seems like so long ago. much has changed. I was so mad at you for standing him up, but...I don't know. Now I can't help but feel like everything happened for a reason. Now if Mariah would stop acting like such a you-know-what -- it feels like she's going out of her way to be cruel to Sharon, her own mother. I mean, she has no idea how lucky she has it.", "Avery: Honey, I know how much you miss Phyllis.", "Summer: Someone ought to pound some gratitude into Mariah. I mean, if she keeps it up, it's gonna wind up being me. She cannot ruin this wedding. Sharon is so overdue for some happiness, and I-I really just want it to be the most blissful day of her life.", "[Door opens]", "Faith: Daddy, look! My bridesmaid's dress.", "Nick: Wow! You look amazing! Look at that.", "Faith: Uh-oh. Is it bad luck for you to see me in my dress before the wedding?", "Nick: Oh, no. No way.", "Sharon: No. That's only for the bride.", "Faith: [Chuckles] Oh.", "Nick: Yep. We're gonna have nothing but good luck from here on out.", "Faith: Yay!", "Sharon: Faith, why don't you get your play clothes back on and hang up your dress.", "Faith: Okay. Thanks again for the new necklace.", "Sharon: Oh, sweetheart, you're so welcome. [Smooches]", "Nick: Whoa! Yo! [Clicks tongue] What about mine? Right here.", "Faith: [Smooches]", "Nick: Thanks.", "Sharon: Nick, you should have seen all the girls lined up in their dresses. They looked so beautiful.", "Nick: Did you get a picture?", "Sharon: You know, I didn't. I was so overwhelmed it didn't even occur to me.", "Nick: Oh, no worries. I'll see them on the big day.", "Sharon: And faith said these were the sisters that she always wanted. I-I just -- I almost burst out crying. It was --", "Mariah: Surreal? I'll say. See you at the bar.", "Nick: Wow. So I'm guessing Mariah wasn't exactly enthusiastic.", "Sharon: Mariah is gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine.", "Nick: You know, this is supposed to be a-a celebration of our love. We're not supposed to be gritting our teeth to get through a certain day. So... you know, this is our wedding, Sharon. We can do whatever we want whenever we want.", "Sharon: What are you saying?", "Nick: I'm you need some more time, because --", "Sharon: No. No, nick. I don't want to wait.", "Hilary: The only way that I'm gonna leave town right now is if you promise that we will talk every night.", "Neil: Hey, twist my arm.", "Hilary: And if you don't use me being away as an excuse to do anything...extreme.", "Neil: Anything extreme? Well, I was thinking about getting behind the wheel of the car and going for a ride. Is that extreme?", "Hilary: I'm serious, Neil.", "Neil: Okay, I know. I-I can -- I hear that. And I want to put your mind at ease that I'm in a different place than I was when I asked you to divorce me.", "Devon: When you did what?", "Neil: When I asked her if she would divorce me. She didn't tell you about that?", "Devon: No. She didn't tell me about that.", "Neil: Well, I was very adamant that, you know, she live her own life and not be saddled with a man who can't see her beautiful face every day.", "Devon: Oh.", "Neil: That's right. I thought we were finished, that we were done. But she didn't give up on me. Matter of fact, she told me that she loves me too much.", "Hilary: Okay. End of story.", "Neil: You know, what I'm asking you to do, Hilary, is not to distance us but to bring us closer together. Come on. It'll be good for you to get away, you know, from everything.", "Hilary: Yeah. I think you're right. I'm gonna go pack, okay?", "Neil: Okay.", "Devon: Yeah, I got to get some work done myself, but let me help you walk back to the table.", "Neil: No, no, no, no. I'm a machine hard-wired for survival. Thanks.", "Devon: Okay.", "Neil: Check in with you later.", "Devon: All right.", "Neil: Hey. Jack, um, listen, I want to thank you for arranging that trip to New York. Yeah. Hilary's packing right now. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm sure about that. Yeah, I told you. It'll do Hilary some real good to get away from me for a while.", "Dylan: You came to arrest me, right?", "Paul: Yes.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Christine: Hi. It's me. I've been managing the press the best I can. This needs to be handled carefully -- the chief of police bringing in his own son.", "Paul: I'm getting a lot of heat for this. I can't protect you any longer. I need to know what happened to Ian ward now, not weeks from now.", "Dylan: Then let me help you.", "Dr. Jorgensen: You can rely on my lab, Mr. Newman. Your family's privacy will be well guarded.", "Victor: I appreciate that. Now, I do need these test results as soon as possible.", "Dr. Jorgensen: Well, the caliber of work that we do takes time.", "Victor: Dr. Jorgensen, if you don't mind my saying so, I don't have the time, okay? That's why I'm paying you a good sum of money for efficient, reliable results. I need to know whether my son is indeed the father of faith.", "Dr. Jorgensen: I understand.", "Victor: I certainly hope so.", "Sharon: Please do not tell me that you want to postpone, because I could not handle that.", "Nick: Uh...well, it's -- you know, you're very emotional today. Why? Is it Mariah's attitude?", "Sharon: No, it isn't that. It's something else. This. Summer brought this over. This is the bag that she intends to carry with her at our wedding.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: It belongs to Phyllis.", "Nick: A-and...?", "Sharon: Nick, something is wrong.", "Avery: How do you think your mom would feel about this wedding?", "Summer: Nick marrying Sharon?", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Summer: I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like it.", "Avery: Yeah. [Laughs] I don't think so.", "Summer: No, I don't.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: If you're gonna tell me that you and Billy are more than just friends, you can save your breath, because I saw you playing together in the park.", "Ashley: If you don't give me what I want, I'm not gonna be around for much longer.", "Phyllis: I'm home." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Phyllis keep Ravi company while he checks the new different computers to find out which one had hacked into Jabot's accounts. Ashley walks up and interrrupts them and asks for a word alone with Ravi. In his office at Jabot, Jack confronts Dina about her sending photos of him and Nikki to VIctor. Dina confesses that she was the one, who had sent the photos. Mariah sees Tessa at the Coffeehouse right before she goes for her recording session. Devon soon joins them and asks Mariah to join them. Mariah tells them that she may jinx Tessa but Devon tries to persuade Mariah that she is not a jinx. In her office at Brash and Sassy, VIctor offers to help Victoria and Billy to come out ahead of Jack but all Billy wants is for him to leave. Victor gets up to leave but VIctoria stops him before he can leave. Victoria explains all to VIctor that Jack had been trying to sabotage her company from the very beginning. VIctor offers to help her by giving her a whole product line of skincare products that will put them way ahead of Jack and Jabot. Billy is reluctant to believe that VIctor would help them without any strings attached. Ravi tells Ashley that he had not leaked any of Jabot's business to Phyllis but that it is Dina's laptop which had been used to leak the information. Jack and Dina continue to argue over the time he spends with Nikki because she is still married to Victor. Mariah visits Kevin at the Chancellor mansion and fills him in on what has been going on in her life but he can tell that she is holding something back. Kevin asks about how things are going between her and Devon but Mariah lets him know that she is attracted to someone else. Victor, Victoria and Billy discuss strategy on how to get ahead of Jabot. Ashley sees the pics of Jack and Nikki kissing on the computer. Ashley defends Dina and her actions. Victoria accepts Victor's help. Mariah tells Kevin that she is attracted to a woman. Tessa records her song. Ashley tells Jack that Jabot had been \"hacked\" into. Jack wants to know from whom. Jack calls for Ravi. Victor and Dina meet on the elevator.", "Dina and Victor discuss the info that she had sent to him. Mariah tells Kevin that she is attracted to Tessa. Victoria and Billy discuss their new product line. Ravi tells Jack that the hacking is an inside job and it is from Phylllis' computer. Graham asks Dina as to who is Ashley's biological father but Dina refuses to divulge any information. Kevin tells Mariah to talk to Tessa about her feelings.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Somewhere in the raging river of code lies the digital fingerprints of a corporate spy.", "Ravi: I wish it were as easy for me to lift as the real thing.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what? There was a day I was pretty darn good at code. I'd jump right in and help you, but I got to tell you, I haven't been paying much attention to my skills.", "Ravi: [ Chuckles ] You migrated to app design, where, by the way, you are a certified genius. Only so many hours in the day.", "Phyllis: Do you see anything?", "Ravi: I doubt I'll find a smoking gun on lauren's computer. Still, got to check them all the same.", "Phyllis: Be as thorough as you want with mine. Got this paranoid phobia that somehow there's a super virus and it'll knock me out right when I have a deadline.", "Ravi: I'd rather combat the ugliest super virus you could throw at me than worry about trusting my coworkers. I mean, the person who's stealing these files, they -- they can be a few feet away from us, interacting with us all day.", "Phyllis: In-house corporate espionage. That's pretty chilly.", "Ashley: Oh, you're chilly? How sad. Maybe you should make yourself a nice, hot cappuccino.", "Phyllis: It's lovely to see you, too, ashley.", "Ashley: I need to speak with ravi. And you shouldn't concern yourself with this, phyllis. I mean, you work for fenmore's, after all.", "Phyllis: Hmm, actually, we have jabot-issued laptops, ashley. And ravi was just saying to me how our corporate files have been migrated into the jabot server. What is it gonna take for you to believe that you and I are on the same side for once?", "Dina: I'm aware that you two have been carrying on, much to my distaste. But am I supposed to be shocked by this?", "Jack: Well, I am.", "Dina: Oh, you are?", "Jack: What were you thinking? It wasn't enough that you ordered surveillance on your own son. You had to top it by sending the results to victor?", "Dina: Don't you blame me for that!", "Jack: Oh, then you didn't hire the sleazeball that took these pictures? Or you didn't have them delivered to the ranch? Which is it?!", "Dina: I take full responsibility for that photo. But you, jack, are solely to blame for this tawdry mess!", "Tessa: [ Trilling ]", "Mariah: Hey, tessa.", "Tessa: [ Trills, stops ]", "Mariah: What was that?", "Tessa: Um, it was a new vocal warm-up.", "Mariah: Okay, well, it was, um, very interesting.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: Maybe I should put it in a song, you know.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "[ Laughs ]", "Devon: Hey, hey, guys.", "Mariah: Hey! How are you doing?", "Devon: Good. No time for chitchat. You're supposed to be warming up.", "Tessa: Oh, it smells so nice.", "Devon: That's peppermint, a little bit of lemon, and organic honey.", "Mariah: Look at you two in training mode. It's like a sports movie, except not awful.", "Tessa: Yeah, well, every moment in the studio counts today.", "Mariah: Okay, well, you two have an amazing time. Uh, I'm gonna run. One of you text me when you're done and let me know how it went.", "Tessa: Wait, you're not gonna be there? Why not?", "Mariah: No huge reason. I just -- I don't want to be a distraction for you.", "Devon: Why would you be?", "Billy: You want me to join you on your crusade to take down my brother?", "Victoria: Billy.", "Billy: No, he just said it, vick.", "Victoria: I doubt that's what dad is suggesting.", "Victor: I'm glad someone is listening. You're obviously missing the point.", "Billy: I don't think I am.", "Victor: I'm here to help my daughter and her company. And don't pretend that there's this long-lost love between you and your brother. We all know better, don't we?", "Billy: So I'm supposed to support your vendetta against him? Victor, that's not gonna happen. Victoria and I don't need your help. Brash & sassy's not making a deal with the devil, so thank you for your time.", "Victor: You're calling the shots? All right. As you wish.", "Victoria: Dad, wait. Additional sponsorship", "Mariah: You know, last time i was at a session, tessa had a nerve attack.", "Devon: Yeah, but those two things aren't connected.", "Tessa: Yeah, like, at all. That's kind of crazy.", "Mariah: So is telling a performer to break their leg, but people still do it. Maybe I'm superstitious.", "Tessa: Wait, are you calling yourself a jinx? Because you know those aren't real, right?", "Devon: Yeah. And you're my new good-luck charm.", "Tessa: Aww.", "Mariah: Oh, that's very sweet. But, you know, if you believe in good-luck charms, you kind of have to believe in jinxes. It's new age physics. No, truthfully, I just have a lot of work to do at \"the hilary hour,\" and you guys don't need me. You're gonna rock, anyway, so just skedaddle and have a great time.", "Devon: Okay.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: You're gonna do awesome.", "Tessa: Thank you so much.", "Mariah: Text me afterwards and, uh, have a good time.", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Devon: See ya. After you.", "Mariah: Bye-byes.", "Devon: See ya.", "Kevin: So, your best friend leaves town, and what? You go out and find new ones? Who does that?", "Mariah: What the hell!", "Kevin: I forgot to e-mail you, but I'm gonna be in genoa city.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh!", "[ Both laugh ]", "Kevin: Hi.", "Mariah: What are you doing here? Please tell me that you got sick of the weather and all the happy people and that you are here to stay.", "Kevin: I'd be lying. Uh, bella needed some grandma time, and I've been neglecting my family and friends.", "Mariah: Hmm. You're right. That does sound more truthful.", "Kevin: I miss you.", "Mariah: So what's the real deal? Did paul bring you in on some top-secret mission?", "Kevin: It is very top-secret.", "Victoria: We knew the rest of this year was gonna be tough. That's why we moved up one of our best new products for an earlier launch.", "Victor: Well, considering how well dare is doing, that should provide you some good sales for the holiday season, right?", "Victoria: Except that jabot is planning a massive sneak attack. They're prepping a reboot of their old teen line, jabot junior. Dare basically saved this company. It brought us -- it brought us to the youth market.", "Billy: And now jabot taketh away.", "Victoria: They're gonna throw a huge amount of money at our strongest and most reliable demographic.", "Victor: You can't compete with that.", "Billy: Tell us something we don't know.", "Victor: Fortunately, I have the solution to your problem.", "Ashley: Oh, phyllis, you're against corporate espionage. How very brave of you. Would you please excuse ravi and me?", "Phyllis: Okay. I will talk to you later.", "Ashley: Please... tell me that you're not sharing confidential information with our friends at fenmore. Tell me I'm being paranoid right now.", "Ravi: You are. We all are.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Ravi: It's okay. I didn't mention the interesting nugget I found.", "Ashley: Which is?", "Ravi: It's not the perp, at least not yet. I need to figure out which computer they used. But I do know whose password unlocked the gate.", "Ashley: Well, whose is it?", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] Your mother'S.", "Jack: Yes, you've made your unsolicited feelings about nikki and me well known. You know what I chalk this up to? This is what mothers do, not that I'm any expert on that. But this...", "Dina: Doesn't nikki's husband have a right to know?", "Jack: After what he put her through, no! What about my rights? My rights to privacy? My right to pursue happiness? I would think you would want that for your son.", "Dina: Well, not when you're being this careless and, frankly, downright stupid!", "Jack: Oh, forgive me for not shaking the actual trees surrounding my private home in the woods. I was prepared for deer ticks and mosquitoes and maybe a bear or two.", "Dina: Oh, I see.", "Jack: But a trespasser with a telephoto lens? No, my radar wasn't up for that or this particular betrayal. I thought we had built some trust between us.", "Dina: We have! I'm just trying to help you, damn it! So stop messing around with this -- this ex-stripper!", "Jack: You are in no position to judge nikki or her character. You never will be.", "Dina: Darling.", "Jack: Don't \"darling\" me! This is not some kind of game! I am done watching victor control the people around his life.", "Dina: Well, maybe you're done, but a man like victor never is. And I fear for you, son. I do.", "Jack: Well, fortunately for me, at a very early age, i learned to take care of myself. If victor and I are going to do battle, it's nice to know whose side you're on. I think we're done here, mother. Just leave.", "Dina: [ Sobs ] Breathe in. Just breathe.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Your little girl has gotten so big!", "Kevin: Yeah, portland's been good for her.", "Mariah: Daddy's doing something right.", "Kevin: For once.", "Mariah: Hey, don't say that.", "Kevin: Yeah, I'm actually pretty good at the dad thing. Bella's great. She really likes it there.", "Mariah: How about you? How's your life?", "Kevin: The only thing missing is you.", "Mariah: Well, maybe you can come home more often now that you've got this super-secret consulting job that you won't talk about.", "Kevin: Tell me about you and the billionaire. How is that going?", "Mariah: It's great.", "Kevin: Really?", "Mariah: Damn it. [ Chuckles ] You can always see right through me.", "Kevin: So, not great?", "Mariah: No, it's not that.", "Kevin: What is it, then?", "Mariah: Complicated.", "Kevin: You didn't the whole \"attempt at dating\" thing like we did, did you?", "Mariah: Ha ha! No. No, not even close.", "Kevin: So what's wrong? Did devon do something?", "Mariah: Besides being the coolest, most terrific guy i have ever dated?", "Kevin: You're losing me here.", "Mariah: It's not devon. It's me. I'm attracted to someone else.", "Billy: I'm getting the devil-deal vibes again. Okay, let me rephrase that. Uh, victor, does your plan involve local or international felonies?", "Victor: Now we have billy abbott, the upstanding citizen? Were you so upstanding when you got ahold of the jabot plans and previewed them?", "Victoria: Okay, excellent points, both of you. Dad, what is your plan?", "Victor: You remember when you were still at newman cosmetics, you were in the preparation to develop a line of a new anti-aging skincare?", "Victoria: Yes, I do. Project azure.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Exactly that one.", "Victoria: What about it?", "Victor: I retained the rights to develop and market it. Meanwhile, it has been fully developed, and it's ready to be marketed.", "Billy: Hold on, so you dropped out I don't know how much money into this thing, the fountain of youth, and you're sitting on it now? Why would you do that?", "Victor: Because I sold the cosmetics division, all right?", "Victoria: Okay, so tell me about these products that you've been developing.", "Victor: Well, that product is a game changer. It's fantastic. I'll hand it over to you.", "Victoria: You will?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: What's the catch?", "Victor: No catch. No strings attached.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ] Okay, let's just say hypothetically the paperwork is done and this product is as remarkable as you say it's gonna be. That's gonna need a major ad campaign with time, money, marketing, branding, all of that.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Billy: And it's the end of september. That gives us one month before the big holiday push, okay? It doesn't matter what we do. It's not gonna hit the shelves in time. It's a long shot.", "Victoria: Yeah, meanwhile, jabot is planning to unleash their new teen line, and they're trying to get early traction, so we're behind the 8 ball. How are we supposed to counter that?", "Victor: With speed and with force. You use the new line to knock pompous jack abbott off his horse. And when he lies stunned in the dust, you step on him. You crush him.", "Billy: That's a metaphor, right?", "Victor: See it any way you want.", "Victoria: Dad, would you level with me? This is all about jack and mom, isn't it?", "Victor: No. Nothing to do with it.", "Ashley: Mother actually admitted to doing this?", "Jack: And defended it.", "Ashley: It's unbelievable.", "Jack: You should have seen her attitude. She acted like she does something like this every week.", "Ashley: Do you think it's possible she's actually that jaded?", "Jack: Except for her moral indignation over the fact that i am dating a woman who is separated from her husband.", "Ashley: I don't think that's it, really. I think she knows victor very well and knows how dangerous he can be.", "Jack: So she didn't send these photos to enrage him?", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] That doesn't make sense, jack. I think she's trying to protect you. Maybe she thinks it's better if everything's out in the open. It gives victor a chance to salvage his marriage and you a chance to actually live.", "Jack: There is nothing to salvage. Nikki is done with him. And I don't need any help with victor. Thank you very much.", "Ashley: Mother was wrong to meddle, but she's not wrong about you going down this bad road. You have to stop having an affair with nikki, jack.", "Jack: You know what is so ironic about this? There is no affair. I have reconnected with nikki, but we are very definitely not sleeping together. We're two adults who've been put through the wringer who want to believe there's still a chance for happiness in trace amounts. And I'm not gonna let you or victor or dina take that away from me!", "Victoria: Dad, I'm sorry that things with you and mom have gotten this bad. I know it can't be easy for you.", "Victor: Your mother's fascination with jack abbott has nothing to do with this, all right? It is what it is. I am here now to help other members of my family, so if you don't mind, I will draw up the papers that will transfer the line to brash & sassy, that is if you accept my gift.", "Victoria: I just need to be very clear with you right now. The products and the formula will be 100% mine to do with as I see fit, no strings, no contingencies now or later, correct?", "Victor: The only condition i want you to comply with is the continued success of brash & sassy. Thank you. Yes, thank you with all my heart. I needed a miracle to push through this year, and you just gave me one. Thank you so much.", "Victor: Makes me happy to see you happy. I want you to smile again. Don't become complacent. Jack abbott will come after the company. You know that. And you and I will defeat him. Okay?", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Kevin: So I can understand the situation better, I'd love to know who we're talking about.", "Mariah: That might help.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: Is it someone I know?", "Mariah: Uh, kind of. I'm not sure. I don'T... I don't exactly think that --", "Kevin: Wait, wait, wait, wait. But you do know him, right? He's a real friend, not somebody you met on the internet? Because those guys can be unpredictable.", "Mariah: Yeah, I've heard that. [ Chuckles ] No. Give me some credit. It's not a stranger. It's actually someone who's in my life a lot.", "Kevin: Well, who wasn't around all the time when I lived here? Oh, um, that photographer? What's his name?", "Mariah: Jordan.", "Kevin: Yeah. That guy?", "Mariah: No. No, it's not him.", "Kevin: Well, this would be going faster if we weren't compiling a list of who it's not. Hey. I'm your best friend, someone who can keep your secrets. And you know I'm not gonna judge you.", "Mariah: I know. That's why I'm not telling anyone else. Only you.", "Kevin: But you're not telling me anything. Why is this so hard? I just want to know the guy's name.", "Mariah: It's not a guy. It's a woman.", "Kevin: Wow. I wasn't expecting that.", "Mariah: [ Sighs ] Neither was I.", "[ Sighs ]", "Kevin: How do you feel about it?", "Mariah: I don't know. It's hard to process.", "Kevin: Yeah, I'm sure. Who is she?", "Mariah: Does it really matter?", "Kevin: Depends on how you both feel about it.", "Mariah: I don't think she's opposed to it.", "Kevin: You don't think? You don't know for sure?", "Mariah: I don'T... I don't know. I'M... I'm not used to talking about this stuff, and all of these things that I'm feeling, I-i can't -- I can't seem to wrap my head around it.", "Kevin: Because you're afraid.", "Mariah: I just... I've never felt like this about anyone before. When I'm around her, I get, um, warm and glowing, and I kind of feel tingly all over. I get really nervous. And... it's the deepest thing I've felt for anyone before, I think, and I don't know how to label it.", "Kevin: Why label it?", "Mariah: So what happened... [ Sniffles ] I don't know what came over me. I certainly don't know why I did it, but I...did something. I kissed her.", "Kevin: [ Gasps ]", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: When I'm at my worst in the harshest light even when it hurts and I want to hide when I feel alone in the darkest night I know you're with me ready for the fight ready, you and I, we try oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I know you're with me oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I know you're with me", "Devon: Yeah! Whoo! That was great. Hey! That's what I'm talking about.", "Tessa: Hey. I was trying for that buildup part that we talked about.", "Devon: Literally the whole song came to life. I loved the take.", "Tessa: Thank you for the great suggestion.", "Devon: Yeah, it was all you. It really was. I think you're tapping into something really exciting. The whole \"girl power\" message, the relying on your friends to get you through rough times, it's very compelling.", "Tessa: Well, I'm glad you feel that way.", "Devon: Yeah. I could tell how personal it is to you.", "Tessa: Well, those lyrics are about as personal as it gets.", "Ashley: Jack, I need to talk to you. I was trying to wait until ravi found out who was responsible.", "Jack: Wait, what are you talking about?", "Ashley: We've been hacked. I mean, it's not a true hack, but I was so sure that graham was responsible for it. I went to the gcac to confront him myself.", "Jack: What the hell is going on around here?", "Ashley: It was an unauthorized download.", "Jack: What did they get?", "Ashley: R&d files and very confidential information.", "Jack: Oh, for --", "Ashley: Ravi's trying very hard to find out who did it.", "Jack: And what's he found out?", "Ashley: Dina's password was used.", "Jack: It was graham. That son of a --", "Ashley: Well, whoever did this logged in as dina, but they used a different jabot computer. It wasn't her laptop.", "Jack: This is felony cyber crime! Get ravi in here now.", "[ Phone slams ]", "Victor: Oh, madame mergeron.", "Dina: Oh, monsieur newman.", "Victor: Are you going down?", "Dina: Haven't we both sunk as low as we can go?", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Victor: Do I surmise you're distressed a little because you shared your photo album with jack?", "Dina: [ Scoffs ] Perceptive as always. But what did you think of it?", "Victor: Oh. I appreciated the information and the name on the envelope.", "Dina: Hmm. Yes, well, it was a bit impulsive of me.", "Victor: You must have some goal in mind.", "Dina: Yes. I want jack to back off before there's real problems. Victor.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Dina: Am I too late?", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] I don't intend to go personally after jack.", "Dina: Oh, good. Well, uh, my condolences on your separation.", "Victor: Not necessary. I enjoy the newfound freedom and independence. And I enjoy having an old friend in town.", "Dina: Oh.", "[ Elevator bell dings ]", "Victor: You have a nice day.", "Dina: Thank you.", "Kevin: You cannot leave me hanging after that! Did this woman respond to the kiss? Did she run out of the room screaming? What?", "Mariah: I think she... didn't dislike it.", "Kevin: You don't know for sure?", "Mariah: No, I-I don't know. We didn't really get a chance to talk about it. Devon came into the room right afterwards and -- and --", "Kevin: What? And he hasn't left your side since? I don't get it. Why wouldn't you tell this woman about how you feel?", "Mariah: Because I care about devon so much. Kevin, this is the best relationship I have been in in my entire life with someone intelligent and sensitive, who likes everything about me. We have so much fun together, and our personalities mesh. And so it's only reasonable that I would consider throwing it all away after one kiss with tessa.", "Kevin: Tessa? Future indie rock superstar tessa? The same tessa who's dating noah -- tessa?", "Mariah: Yes. So clearly you can see why I am so confused. Tessa is with noah. He's crazy about her. And they have a really sweet relationship.", "Kevin: You don't want to mess that up.", "Mariah: I don't know what's best for them, for devon, for anyone, clearly, myself included.", "Kevin: Well, the way you talk about tessa is different from the way I've heard you talk about any guy ever. Sometimes what the heart wants makes no sense. It's why falling in love defies logic. I-I am the perfect example of that. Nobody understood about chloe and me. But I knew that I felt something that I shouldn't ignore. Even though things would have been a hell of a lot easier if i had. Don't go for the easy. The best things are the ones that are hardest to get. Always.", "Mariah: Tessa and noah seem pretty solid.", "Kevin: Then what could it hurt to talk to her?", "Mariah: I don't know what to say.", "Kevin: Tell her how you feel. You'll find the words.", "Victoria: My dad's getting the paperwork for the new products here by the end of the day, right?", "Billy: I don't know the specifics, but he was moving in a hurry, which means we should slow down and think about what we're about to do.", "Victoria: You got to be kidding me. You said so yourself. Jabot might launch their new and improved teen line any day now. We're in the race, billy. We are in the race, and it feels really, really good. Don't you think?", "Billy: No, no, no, it doesn't, actually. I'm sick to my stomach. A couple weeks ago, your father offered to help, and you said no. Remember that? Now you're accepting a gift-wrapped skincare line? Why you doing that?", "Victoria: Because -- because we're desperate, that's why.", "Billy: We're not that desperate to work with him. You don't want to do it. I don't want to do it.", "Victoria: He offered us salvation on a platter.", "Billy: That platter comes with strings attached. You know that just --", "Victoria: Billy, I don't want to be lectured about my father, okay? If it weren't for dad helping us, do you know what we'll be doing this christmas? We will be filing for bankruptcy. That's what we'll be doing.", "Billy: No, we would be pushing through because that is what we do, okay? I do not want to have the feeling that brash & sassy only exists because he helped us. That's terrifying to me. That makes me sick to my stomach.", "Victoria: Okay. [ Sighs ] If he was his old self, I would be worried, too. I would. But -- but he's not. I know what he's doing. This gift isn't to corner us for control.", "Billy: Well, then what is it?", "Victoria: He's reaching out for comfort and support. Because that's how hurt he is seeing jack and mom getting so close.", "Ravi: Jack, I completed deep forensic probes on over 26 jabot computers, all clear, including dina and lauren'S. We should really check yours, as well, just to be thorough, make sure that you haven't been compromised.", "Ashley: Okay, whatever you need to do.", "Ravi: Okay.", "Ashley: Jack, did you hear ravi? He's working very hard to ensure our security.", "Jack: Yeah, it's funny you mention that. I was just remembering a rather enormous requisition I signed recently for a state-of-the-art security update. Did you maybe forget to install that?", "Ravi: I finished it the day accounting made the purchase. But as I stated on the req form, that protects us against outside attacks. This was definitely an inside job.", "Jack: Okay, well, whoever was responsible for this inside job is likely going to sell our most critical information to someone on the outside!", "Ashley: Ravi, please excuse my brother's behavior. He's had a hideous day. That explains his rude and obnoxious behavior towards the one person who's working his buns off to make sure that he can fix this.", "Ravi: It's fine. I'll resume work and alert you guys to anything relevant.", "Jack: Ravi. What ashley said. Forgive me, okay? And give me a name.", "Ravi: Got it.", "[ Door opens ]", "[ Door closes ]", "[ Chatter ]", "Tessa: You're too good to me.", "Mariah: Hey. How's it going?", "Tessa: Oh, we're taking a five. We just wrapped a track.", "Mariah: Wow. You finished a song already? Two?", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Mariah: Two songs. No way. Well, it, uh, it sounds like the perfect session.", "Tessa: Well, now it is.", "Mariah: Your engineer seems really happy.", "Devon: We all are.", "Mariah: Hey, you!", "Devon: Hey. Your girl is killing it.", "Mariah: That's what she said. Two songs in the can.", "Devon: That's right. And if we could only use the first take of each track, we'd release them as-is.", "Mariah: I am so thrilled for the both of you.", "Devon: I can't wait for you to hear them. They're perfect. They're exactly what lp streaming needs. And so are you, tessa. I have to get back to work, though. Am I gonna see you later?", "Mariah: I'm staying.", "Devon: Oh, you're staying for good?", "Mariah: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Nice. Good to hear. I'll see ya.", "Mariah: See ya.", "Tessa: What's wrong? Is this about crystal? Did sharon hear anything, or...?", "Mariah: There's nothing today. I'm sorry.", "Tessa: Okay. I was just afraid it was bad news. At this point, I'll take any news that crystal hasn't fallen off the face of the planet.", "Mariah: I know this must be torture for you. Sharon and I feel the same way.", "Tessa: Well, it's a lot easier with all the support I've been getting from sharon and scott and noah, too. I just wanted to take that fear and anxiety and turn it into a positive for this performance.", "Mariah: Did it work?", "Tessa: I-I opened it all up. And I channeled it into the performance, and I think that it took me to a whole nother level.", "Mariah: Well, those guys seem to agree.", "Tessa: I can't wait for you to hear the tracks. I mean, the first one was the one I showed you at the gym about crystal and all of this.", "Mariah: Yeah, I remember. I loved it.", "Tessa: Well, good, because, uh, it's also about you.", "[ Computer keys clacking ]", "Ravi: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Ravi: Hey.", "Phyllis: You must know by now I had nothing to do with those hideous crimes.", "Ravi: Sorry. What?", "Phyllis: My laptop. You got to be done with it by now. You satisfied that I'm innocent?", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] No one's been brought to justice yet.", "Phyllis: I'll take that as a yes. You look exhausted. Bet they didn't even bring lunch in for you. Why don't we go to zelati's? I'll buy you a few slices, and you can eat them on the way back.", "Ravi: Actually, um, I need to speak with jack.", "Phyllis: Okay. Tell him to buy you a whole pie. You earned it.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Victor: Kevin, come in.", "Kevin: Thanks. Got here as fast as I could. And I wish I had some progress to report, but stealing that much money takes time.", "Victor: I have another job for you, kevin. Just as confidential.", "Kevin: Is it just as illegal?", "Dina: Oh, thank you. You know, I'm just so glad that photo didn't make victor furious enough to go after jack again.", "Graham: I knew it wouldn'T. Victor's too powerful to be bothered with some petty payback. And now the most important man in town owes you. It worked out perfectly.", "Dina: Oh, but jack was so angry with me.", "Graham: He'll get over it. Your children are constantly looking for reasons to be mad with you. It's never-ending.", "Dina: Why? Did something else happen?", "Graham: Ashley stormed up here earlier convinced I had stolen jabot secrets.", "Dina: Oh, good lord.", "Graham: Ridiculous. She was unprofessional and hysterical, and it'd be your fault for having trusted me.", "Dina: Of course, of course.", "Graham: I'm sorry, but she can't keep blaming you because you conceived her with another man. John abbott isn't her father. She needs to accept that and move on.", "Dina: Oh, how I wish she could.", "Graham: Perhaps this paranoia and vindictiveness is inherited from her dad, whoever he is. You never told me, actually. Who is ashley's biological father?", "Victor: So you are clear on what I need you to do?", "Kevin: Yeah. You want access to nikki's cellphone and e-mails. Shouldn't be too hard. But can I ask why?", "Victor: No, you can'T. None of your business, okay? You just should be concerned with preserving the idyllic life that you have created in portland with your beloved chloe. The world thinks she's dead. Although she is still on a lot of people's mind.", "Kevin: Yeah, I-I got that. All right, I'll get right to work on nikki's accounts online, mobile phone -- done. [ Sighs ] Just as long as you're prepared. You may find things out about nikki you'd rather not know.", "Victor: I'm more than prepared for that eventuality.", "Mariah: Me? In a song? Wow. That's -- that's, like, the coolest thing ever.", "Tessa: Well, I mean, I don't use names, but the lyrics are about how you helped me cope with my sister getting into so much trouble. I owe you that and so much more.", "Mariah: I owe you, too, tessa.", "Tessa: You owe me? No way. I mean, you're the one doing all the giving. What could you possibly owe me?", "Mariah: The truth. About how I feel.", "Dina: I'm not sharing the identity of ashley's real father.", "Graham: And that's your decision.", "Dina: It is.", "Graham: No one else'S. I didn't mean to pry.", "Dina: Forgiven.", "Graham: Thank you.", "Dina: Oh, with all the romantic adventures I had back in the day, no one -- no one is going to solve that mystery.", "Graham: You're making it hard to resist trying.", "Dina: Ah, ah, ah.", "Graham: Is he still alive?", "Dina: No more discussion, graham. I've said too much already. Shame.", "Jack: Great. I hope this means you have fresh, new intel.", "Ashley: We are so grateful. What did you find?", "Ravi: I found the computer that accessed the confidential r&d files. It was, uh, [Clears throat] -- It belonged to phyllis.", "Ashley: Get that bitch out of this building! She needs to be fired today!", "Victoria: I don't want to dwell on my dad and his possible motives. I want this company to bounce back better than ever.", "Billy: I want the same thing as that.", "Victoria: Well, good, because with this generous gift, that's exactly what's gonna happen. Unless jack and his new, improved teen line comes and kills us first.", "Billy: That can't happen, okay? Jabot junior cannot hit the shelves. As simple as that.", "Victoria: All right, so what are we gonna do to stop it?", "Billy: We get creative. And I keep monitoring phyllis' computer if something comes up.", "Victoria: Absolutely not!", "Billy: Victoria, listen --", "Victoria: No. No, we agreed that we are not gonna log back on to the scene of the crime. Using phyllis' computer is too risky.", "Billy: Risky's my middle name.", "Victoria: No, it's not your middle name. Your middle name is foster. And you've already taken too many chances. You and your magic password are gonna stay away from phyllis' laptop. Damn it, billy. Tell me you're not gonna do it, okay?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tessa: You're like family to me.", "Mariah: Family?", "Zack: Yes?", "Alice: I've got some news you'll want to hear.", "Scott: Tell me you found something we can use to crack this sex ring and bring it down.", "Jack: They want access to our secrets? Let's give it to them." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sharon and Nick's Bachelor and Bachelorette parties begin and Neil even manages to persude Devon to go to Nick's party he stays for a little while but leaves when Nick starts to talk about the future that he ajd Sharon plan to have together. The guys decide their party is boring and they crash the ladies party. Billy also crashes the party and gets drunk and caiuses a scene.and admits to Jack and Phyllis that he lost big money and used money from the company to pay off the debt so Jack should be happy because Traci will take over the company long enough to get rid of the blood Abbott clause so he can be CEO again. Jack and Phyllis try to persude Billy that he needs treatment for his addiction but he storms off feeling likehurt everyone he loves has betrayed him. Sharon and Nick are determined to start their marrige with no secrets despite everyone they love tellig them that if they tell each other the truth they and other people will be hurt and it is best not to tell the truth.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: You dragged me here for what, an intervention? I don't need your help! I don't want your opinions! The only thing I want from every single one of you is to leave me the hell alone!", "Nick: This will be our secret.", "Phyllis: Never to be spoken of again.", "Sharon: I see it when I close my eyes. I can see it, I can hear it. The shovel in the dirt as victoria began to fill the hole!", "Nikki: Where are you going with this, sharon?", "Sharon: I need to tell nicholas the truth about J.T.'S death.", "Neil: Good to see you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: What's new?", "Devon: Well, charlie just took shauna out for one last birthday celebration.", "Neil: Yeah. Nate told me about the party you threw for her.", "Devon: Yeah, it was cool. It was a lot of fun. It was good to see the kids all together to celebrate a happy occasion, you know?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Devon: The apartment was so quiet, I came to see if you wanted to get a bite to eat, but it looks likes you got someplace to go.", "Neil: I'd like that, but I'm actually headed to nick's stag party.", "Devon: I didn't know that was tonight. I told jack that I didn't want to go. I don't really feel up to it.", "Neil: You know what, it's just a few guys having dinner, you know, hanging out. I'm sure jackie would love to see you, man. It would do you good to get out.", "Devon: Yeah, I don't know.", "Neil: Hilary would want you to start getting back into life. This is a good way to do it, you know, among friends. There's no pressure. Just a positive, upbeat evening. Come on, man. What do you say?", "Devon: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Tonight is about you. This is your bachelor party, and my job as your honorary best man is to see that you have a great time.", "Nick: All right, well, what's on the agenda? Who's coming?", "Jack: It is a small but very select group. We're gonna have some dinner, followed by brandy and cigars.", "Nick: Sounds classy.", "Jack: What my dad -- what john abbott used to call \"a gentleman's evening.\"", "Nick: Well, I'm sure it's gonna be fun.", "Jack: Hey, you said you didn't want any surprises, right?", "Nikki: Here, sharon. Drink this.", "Sharon: What is it?", "Nikki: It's herbal tea to calm you down and bring you back to your senses.", "Sharon: I don't need anything calming. I've made up my mind.", "Nikki: Sharon. You cannot tell nicholas what we did to J.T., You can't!", "Sharon: How am I supposed to go into this marriage expecting honesty from nick when I'm not being honest myself?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: Hey. Am I wrong? I thought you wanted a low-key evening.", "Nick: Low-key is perfect. I've done the crazy bachelor party thing, remember? You were there.", "Jack: Yeah, how could i forget the night I spent in jail?", "Nick: We do not want a repeat of that. Besides, abby is on pr overload dealing with what happened at the dark horse launch.", "Jack: Yeah, well, she's doing a great job, but I think it might be a mistake to push the \"no such thing as bad press\" theory.", "Nick: Not just for professional reasons, but sharon is not happy with a lot of the choices I've been making lately.", "Jack: What, like taking over J.T.'S identity?", "Nick: And the way I went after my father's company.", "Jack: I thought you two talked through that.", "Nick: Yeah, we did, but then when I bought the house, you know, everything kind of came back up again.", "Jack: She didn't like the house?", "Nick: She doesn't like the idea. You know, it's all part of her narrative that I'm slowly turning into my dad.", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sharon, deep down, knows you are the same nick newman she fell in love with all those years ago.", "Nick: Yeah, part of me is, but another part grew up. You know, maybe a brick fell on my head, but I realized that if I was ever gonna get out from my father's influence, I needed to be more like him.", "Jack: Okay, you never heard this from me, but not all of your father's qualities are bad. You used his cunning, his business acumen to beat him at his own game.", "Nick: But if I lost sharon's trust...", "Jack: Sharon knows everything you've done is for your family. She knows you would never do anything to break her trust.", "Sharon: Do you know how many times you've ripped into me for lying to nick?", "Nikki: Why the sudden urge for honesty?", "Sharon: Because lying and keeping secrets always ends in disaster.", "Nikki: Oh, and you don't think the whole world finding out that we killed and buried J.T. Is not a recipe for disaster?", "Sharon: I'm not talking about telling the whole world! Just nick! If we can't trust him...", "Nikki: We can. I just don't want to put him in the position of having to lie!", "Nikki: Oh, but you don't mind putting me in that position.", "Nikki: You took a vow to keep this secret!", "Sharon: I will not risk losing him over this.", "Nikki: Oh, my god, sharon, this is not all about you! If this secret comes out, families will be destroyed, children will lose their mothers, including yours!", "Sharon: Nick will never betray us.", "Nikki: If he doesn't, then he becomes part of the conspiracy. You really want to do that to him? Look what it's done to you! You want to put him through that?", "Sharon: Of course not. No.", "Nikki: Sharon, you got to be strong, honey! Okay? You must do this for your entire family. [ Door opens ] Oh.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Nikki: Hi!", "Mariah: What's going on? We're all waiting.", "Nikki: Oh, I -- I was just helping the bride with her last-minute jitters.", "Mariah: Okay, well, that is what tequila is for.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Come on, we can't have a bachelorette party without the bride.", "Nikki: Well, we're all set. The bride is feeling much better.", "Mariah: Great! Let's go then! Additional sponsorship", "Nick: You know, you still haven't told me who's on the guest list.", "Jack: Gee, I haven't, have I?", "Nick: Oh, no...", "Jack: Don't worry, no strippers. Unless you want them.", "Nick: No.", "Jack: Wait, do you want them?", "Nick: No. I'm just -- you know, you've been spending a lot of time with my dad lately trying to figure out if you guys are brothers are not --", "Jack: Rest assured, victor will not be spoiling any of tonight's festivities.", "Nick: Okay. That is good news.", "Jack: Is it?", "Nick: Yeah, you know, my dad and I can barely stand to be in the same room together, and i just don't want to deal with that drama or tension tonight.", "Jack: But...", "Nick: My dad is one of the few people who understands why i did things the way I did.", "Jack: Nicholas, believe me. Your father is very proud of you, even if he doesn't say so.", "Arturo: Yo, nick! Here we go.", "Nick: Hey!", "Arturo: Last night as a free man.-Nick: [ Laughs ] Dude, it's marriage, not prison.", "Arturo: I'll be flying solo as long as I can.", "Nick: Yeah, talk to me in a few years.", "Arturo: I don't want to talk about the future, man. Tonight, my only job is to make sure your final night as a bachelor is one you will never forget. You got the strippers?", "Nick: [ Laughs ] No.", "Jack: No...", "Arturo: Oh, come on, guys. What's a bachelor party without strippers?", "Nick: The kind where the groom doesn't get in trouble.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Neil: Well, well. Is this where the party is?", "Jack: Hey! Neil! Welcome!", "Neil: Good to see you, jack. How you doing, man?", "Arturo: How you doing, brother?", "Nick: What's up, dude?", "Neil: All right!", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: Hey, look who decided to join us. Jack:Hey! Fantastic. The more, the merrier.", "Nick: Man, thanks for coming.", "Devon: Absolutely. Absolutely. How you doing? I brought a little gift for the groom here.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Very nice. Cognac.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, let me take a look at this. This not just nice cognac. This is a very rare, very special bottle of brandy.", "Arturo: Yeah, man, I bet that one set you back.", "Devon: Actually, I got it when I was in france at an auction, and I've just been saving it for a special occasion, and I can't think of anything more special than this, so more for us.", "Nick: Thanks, man.", "Devon: Yeah. For sure. Let's get it open. Let's toast to the groom.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Devon: Let's get this celebration started.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: All right, ladies! Here we go! Round 1! What should we drink to?", "Summer: Uh, round 2.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: How about we drink to the bride?", "Tessa: I vote that.", "Nikki: To the bride, may her wedding come off without a hitch.", "[ Cheering ]", "[ Laughter ] Mm! These are really good!", "Summer: You know what this party needs?", "Mariah: Oh, god, here we go.", "Summer: Dancing!", "Mariah: No!", "Summer: Tessa, abby. Abby!", "Abby: I'm with you. Let's go, let's go.", "Mariah: Hey, you okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine! I'm fine.", "Mariah: I know I'm the anti-maid-of-honor, but I really tried to make this night special for you.", "Sharon: No, sweetie, it's great! I just -- I have the wedding jitters, that's all. It's like nikki said.", "Mariah: Okay, well, I hate to agree with anything that summer says, but maybe dancing will make you feel better.", "Sharon: Oh, I don't know.", "Mariah: Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Or it'll be embarrassing, and then maybe after a couple of drinks, it'll be both.", "[ Laughter, cheering ]", "Summer: Yes! Yes, sharon! Whoo-hoo! Yes!", "Abby: Hey, I bet the guys are not having this much fun.", "Summer: No, no, we are just getting started. [ Laughter ] Uh, excuse me! Can we get more drinks for the bridal par-tay?", "[ Cheering ]", "Phyllis: Hello, ladies. What exactly is going on?", "Nikki: Well, sharon has found her moral compass and decided to follow it.", "Phyllis: What does that mean?", "Victoria: She wants to tell nick everything, that's what that means.", "Phyllis: Is she out of her mind?", "Nikki: She says that she can't go into this marriage with a secret like that.", "Phyllis: Well, I need to go talk some sense into her.", "Nikki: No, no, no, no.", "Victoria: Phyllis, no.", "Nikki: I have already spoken to sharon.", "Phyllis: And you told her what a stupidly insane idea this was?", "Nikki: I think I got through to her.", "Phyllis: You think?", "Nikki: Yes, I'm pretty sure i did.", "Phyllis: Well, that's not good enough. I need to remind her what's at stake here.", "Nikki: God, is everybody on stupid pills today? Threatening sharon is not gonna do any good. In fact, it could make things a lot worse.", "Victoria: Okay, mom is right. Sharon is dealing with a lot of emotions right now. She wants to make things work with nick. She feels guilty about keeping things from him in the past. She doesn't want to hurt him like that again.", "Phyllis: Well, someone needs to remind her why we all swore to take this secret to our graves.", "Victoria: I'll talk to her.", "Nikki: No, I'll do it.", "Sharon: Let me guess -- you told them.", "Nikki: Yes, I did, and I also told them that we don't need to worry. Am I right?", "Summer: Mom? Mom, hi! Uh, what are you doing here?", "Phyllis: I just thought I'd stop in for a drink.", "Summer: Here. Have -- here, have mine. This one is for aunt vicki. I figured you could loosen up a little bit.", "Victoria: Oh, thanks!", "Summer: Yeah, are you gonna come join the party?", "Victoria: I just need a minute with your mom.", "Summer: Okay, you know what is weird? I think I've seen the two of you hanging out more now that I'm back home than I have in my entire life.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Just trying to get to know my daughter's family!", "Summer: Okay, well, um, I'm gonna go grab another drink because you can never have too many of those.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you can.", "Summer: Relax, I am not driving, and, aunt vicki, next song, it's you, me, and the dance floor.", "Victoria: Bring it!", "Summer: [ Laughs ]", "Phyllis: She should have let me talk to her.", "Victoria: No, mom can handle this.", "Sharon: I know I can't tell nick about J.T., But I hate lying to him.", "Nikki: Just keep reminding yourself that you're doing it out of love.", "Sharon: It feels like betrayal.", "Nikki: J.T. Could have killed victoria that night! I'm not saying what we did was right, but it was justified, and we can't undo it. We just have to make sure that nobody else finds out about what happened.", "Mariah: All right, everybody. It is time to toast the bride. [ Squeals ] Here we go.", "Sharon: I have to go.", "Phyllis: Did you end up getting through to her?", "Nikki: Will you please just not even talk to her? In fact, what are you even doing here?", "[ Scoffs ]", "Mariah: Gather around, everybody. All right. [ Inhales sharply ] Okay, I can do this. [ Laughs ] All right, first of all, thank you all for being here tonight. It might come as a shock to you, but I am not really the \"throwing bachelorette parties\" type of gal. [ Laughter ] So, yay! I pulled it off! Except for the speech, which I'm gonna do right now. When sharon told me she was getting back together with nick, I was less than enthusiastic. I mean, I think my exact words were \"what the --\" [ Laughter ] You get the idea. Yeah. And even though I came around eventually, I was still nervous at the idea of nick and sharon getting married again because they had tried it once before, and it was a major fail. But I think that some things are just meant to be. And it doesn't mean that there's not gonna be challenges because sharon and nick taught me that even if there are problems, which there absolutely, definitely will be, that you can get through anything with honesty, that you have to leave everything on the table, nothing left unsaid. Which can be really, really hard to do, specifically if you're not the type of person who's into sharing or if you've been burned so badly before that you've become cynical and think that \"happily ever after\" isn't gonna happen for you. And sharon is proof that it can happen. And it can be amazing, in spite of all of the incredible odds against you. Mom, I am so happy to be your maid of honor, and I'm so proud of you. So to the once-and- future mrs. Nick newman. Cheers!", "[ Cheering ]", "Sharon: It was such a beautiful speech. Good job.", "Mariah: All right. I survived that. So, does anybody else want to say something good about sharon?", "Jack: Okay, gentlemen, i think it's time for toasts. I will kick us off.", "Devon: All right.", "Nick: Okay.", "Jack: I have known nick newman a long time. He's been my stepson, he's been my friend, and now he's my boss. [ Laughs ] Nick, I have watched you grow from a young man striving to make his way in the world to a confident, competent, successful businessman whose new company i am proud to be a part of. I could not be any happier for you and sharon. You two have been through a lot, and the fact that you found your way back to each other gives us all hope. So, here's to love, the second -- third? Fourth?", "Neil: Oh, no.", "Nick: I lost count.", "Jack: Here's to you and sharon.", "Neil: There it is.", "Jack: The last time around.", "Neil: Cheers, guys.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Neil: Cheers. Cheers.", "Arturo: Mm. Try not to screw it up this time, because something tells me you're out of chances, bro.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm gonna do my best. Got to be honest, though, sometimes marriage isn't easy.", "Jack: Yeah, tell me about it. But, you know what, anyone who knows you, who knows sharon, who's seen the two of you together knows you belong together. So, here's to a lifelong marriage for the two of you.", "Nick: All right.", "Neil: Cheers again.", "Arturo: Cheers to you.", "Devon: Cheers.", "Neil: Hey, nick, I heard you're buying a new house, huh?", "Nick: Yeah, uh, you know, we wanted something new for me and the kids, you know, to start a new life together, celebrate birthdays and holidays, and sharon and I are gonna sit on that porch in our rocking chairs and just think about all the good times we've had together.", "Devon: I envy you.", "Nick: Sorry.", "Devon: No, don't be sorry. Don't apologize at all. Everything you're describing, it's exactly the kind of life that hilary and I wanted to have, you know, a big house and lots of kids, and fighting and making up. It wasn't meant for us, but I'm happy that you and sharon get to have that life, for sure. Just don't take it for granted.", "Nick: I won'T.", "Devon: Yeah. All right, you know what, i think I'm gonna take off so burn ruin party, crash it down.", "Neil: No, come on.", "Nick: No, no, no, no.", "Neil: Stay. Come on.", "Devon: I do need to get home. I really do. But I'm glad that I came, and i wish you and sharon the best. Honestly.", "Nick: Thanks, brother.", "Devon: Of course. Uh, hey, if this is supposed to be a real bachelor party, you guys might want to think of stepping it up a little bit. Just think about it.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Neil: Hey, what did --", "Nick: Yeah, he means you guys better get going here. Let's go.", "Jack: Oh, okay.", "Neil: All right, ready? 1, 2, 3! Step it up.", "[ Laughter ]", "Mariah: All right, who's next? Abby?", "Abby: Oh, wow. Okay.", "Summer: Abby!", "Abby: Um... [ Laughs ] Well, well, what can I say about sharon?", "Sharon: Hmm.", "Abby: You are not the same woman that you used to be, which is a good thing.", "Sharon: That's true.", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: You have worked hard to become a stronger, better version of yourself, one that i can no longer hold a grudge against for giving away my favorite horse.", "Sharon: Oh, you would bring that up!", "[ Laughter ]", "Abby: Well, that was the old sharon, and the new sharon deserves a second chance. So to you and nick and a long, happy life together.", "Sharon: Aww, thank you.", "[ Cheering ]", "Mariah: Victoria!", "Victoria: Yes, of course. Sharon, um, you make my brother very, very happy. [ Laughs ] It's taken me a long time to admit that, but it's true. Nick loves you, and I know that you love him, too, and that you would never hurt him. So, happiness is yours for the taking. Just grab and go for it! Here's to sharon!", "[ Cheering ]", "Sharon: Thanks, victoria.", "Victoria: You're welcome!", "Summer: Okay, well, um, i guess it's my turn. Sharon, I should hate you for making me think that nick wasn't my dad, but I don'T. I don'T. I can't hate someone that my dad loves. And aunt vicki is right. It's clear that my dad loves you, and in your own sharon-like way, you love him, too. So, um, put me on team shick.", "[ Laughter ]", "Sharon: Team shick! Team shick! Yeah!", "Sharon: I'm good with that. Cheers!", "Summer: To sharon.", "Mariah: Hey, uh, phyllis, do you have anything that you want to say to sharon?", "Mariah: Really, phyllis? You're speechless? For the first time in your life, you have not one positive thing to say about sharon?", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't think i have --", "Summer: Uh, no, hey, what about a tip for sharon? I mean, you and dad were happy for a while.", "Phyllis: I just think that sharon is not interested in what I have to say.", "Sharon: No! If you have something to say, please, feel free!", "Phyllis: Of course I want you and nick to be happy. Forever and forever.", "Arturo: Oh! Yes, man! You see, this vibe -- this is way better than what's going on downstairs.", "Neil: There it is.", "Arturo: Just needs a little better music. You know, maybe I can get them to play some.", "Nick: I'd pay money to get jack on the dance floor.", "Jack: I got rhythm.", "Neil: Wait a minute! Now, you should turn that music on because jack and I are gonna bust a move.", "Nick: Boom!", "Mariah: Hey, hey, hey! What are you guys doing?", "Jack: We're, uh, stepping up our game.", "Mariah: What?", "Jack: Things got a little boring downstairs at the bachelor party.", "Arturo: By little, he means a lot...", "Jack: Hey.", "Arturo: ...So we decided to shake things up a bit.", "Mariah: Abby.", "Summer: Shaking things up sounds perfect. Come on.", "Mariah: No! Guys... [ Sighs ] Okay, on a scale of 1 to totally messed up, how is this bachelorette party going?", "Tessa: Look, if everyone's having fun, that's all that matters, right?Olpot was for the men and the women to do their own thing tonight!", "Tessa: Well, it doesn't look like abby minds the change of plans.", "Mariah: That's it. That's it. This party is a total bust.", "Victoria: [ Clears throat ] Do either of you know where sharon went?", "Mariah: No. Not since the guys got here.", "Tessa: Yeah. Me, either.", "Mariah: But I'm sure she's around somewhere. You know what, let's take advantage of this and go get a drink.", "Tessa: All right, follow me.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Phyllis: Sharon is awol. That's great.", "Victoria: Well, at least we know that she's not with nick.", "Mariah: Hey, back up! Back up, boys. You may have crashed our party, but tonight, it's ladies first at the bar all night long.", "Neil: Of course.", "Nick: Got it.", "Tessa: Do not mess with a pissed-off maid of honor.", "Mariah: Don't do it.", "Jack: Wouldn't dream of it.", "Mariah: Don't do it.", "Jack: I'll tell you, coming up here was a great idea.", "Summer: Mariah! Tessa! Come dance! [ Laughs ] Dad! Dad, come on!", "Nick: I guess I'm dancing.", "Jack: Yeah!", "Nick: Let's go!", "Neil: What?", "Jack: Uh, say hello to my sister.", "Neil: What? Oh, uh, sorry.", "Jack: Don't apologize. I'm glad things are going well for you two.", "Neil: [ Clears throat ]", "Jack: I assume they're going well, or you wouldn't have been texting her all night under the table.", "Neil: Yeah, well, you assume correctly, my man.", "Jack: Hey, good for you. And good for her. Ashley's going through a lot right now between my mother's deteriorating condition and billy's gambling...", "Neil: You know, ashley told me that your family tried to do an intervention for him?", "Jack: She tell you how it went?", "Neil: I can talk to billy if you think it would help.", "Jack: Right now, billy's in that stage where everyone's the enemy.", "Neil: Yeah, we've both been there. We made it back.", "Jack: Well, hopefully he will, too.", "Neil: Just like his big brother.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: I think that's you. Go ahead.", "Neil: Yeah, no, I -- I should. It could be work or devon.", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Jack: It could very well. Everything all right?", "Neil: Yeah. You know, this is, uh, just about business, that's all.", "Jack: Anything I can help with?", "Neil: Hey, jack, when do you think this shindig's gonna be over?", "Jack: How about right now?", "Neil: You sure?", "Jack: I'm giving you an out, my friend. Take it.", "Neil: Thanks. Uh, do me a favor and tell nick I said bye.", "Jack: Will do. Hey, have fun.", "Neil: Jazz and a beautiful woman. How could I not? [ Laughs ]", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jack: I'm a little surprised to see you here.", "Phyllis: I just needed a place to recover after billy's intervention. Fail.", "Jack: Have you spoken to him?", "Phyllis: No. I haven't seen him since --", "Billy: Ooh!", "Phyllis: Right now.", "Jack: Invention, part ii, coming right up.", "Phyllis: Jack. I've got this.", "Billy: Sweetheart. You have another knife you want to stab in my back?", "Phyllis: I wasn't trying to hurt you. I am just trying to help you.", "Billy: Oh, do you still?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Great. Why don't you grab me a scotch?", "Phyllis: All right, let's go home, and we will figure this out together. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "[ Laughter ]", "Phyllis: Let's go home. I will drive, okay? I will drive.", "Billy: The only place I'm going is the bar.", "Phyllis: Billy.", "Billy: Hey, man, can I grab a, uh...", "Jack: Coffee. He'd like a coffee.", "Billy: No, I would like a scotch, please, and can I have a double?", "Jack: Billy, you've had enough.", "Billy: Yeah, you're right, jack. I have had enough -- of your help, of your advice...", "Jack: You're only making the situation worse for yourself.", "Billy: Definitely enough of your opinion about my lifestyle choices. You two made it very clear at the ambush earlier.", "Phyllis: Honey, honey, honey. Stop. We love you.", "Jack: We want to help you.", "Billy: You want to help me? Okay. Ashley set me up. That little intervention was nothing more than a ploy to get me out as C.E.O., And you went along with it, jack. What hurts the most is that I'm not surprised. You never wanted me to succeed, you never wanted me as C.E.O. Anyways, and you -- [ Sighs ] I thought I could trust you.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? You can trust me. You can.", "Billy: You're lying.", "Jack: Okay, stop. Now. Stop.", "Billy: Can I get my drink, please? Thank you very much. Pardon me?", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ]", "Jack: Come on. Come on, come on.", "Billy: Exactly.", "Sharon: Would you like to dance?", "Nick: I'd love to.", "Abby: I think we have broken every bachelor/bachelorette party rule.", "Arturo: Every one?", "Abby: [ Giggles ] Did I mention I booked us a room for later?", "Arturo: You didn'T.", "Abby: [ Giggles ] I can't believe they're doing this again.", "Arturo: Yeah, well, according to nick, he and sharon are destined to be together. Looks like it's finally gonna happen.", "Abby: Wait, so you believe in happily-ever-after?", "Arturo: It can happen.", "Summer: I'm so sorry. I can't believe that your family did this to you.", "Billy: No. It's not my family. Not all of them. Traci's heart was in the right place, it always is. The rest of them can -- [ Scoffs ] They can go to hell.", "Summer: Well, yeah, I mean, you have every right to be pissed off, but, billy, you really shouldn't let them see you like this, okay? Why don't you just let me take you home, okay?", "Billy: Are you kidding me? Summer, you came onto me to try and get back at your mother, and you think that I need help?", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] Billy, I'm just trying to --", "Billy: No, no. Hold on a sec. You're pathetic. That makes you worse than them.", "Summer: Okay.", "Billy: Can you just -- stop. Get away from me, please.", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey.", "Billy: Phyllis, I asked you to --", "Phyllis: [ Screams ]", "Jack: Are you all right?", "Phyllis: I'm okay. I'm okay.", "Jack: Okay! You're leaving! Now!", "Billy: Get off me, jack.", "Jack: You want to dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole, knock yourself out. You're not gonna do it here. You're not gonna ruin nicholas and sharon's party.", "Billy: I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm fine, jack.", "Jack: Stop blaming everybody else.", "Billy: Oh, geez. What do you want from me?", "Jack: I want you to grow up. I want you to start owning your mistakes, live up to the abbott name.", "Billy: Ah! Right! Because you can't?", "Jack: I spent an entire lifetime trying to make john abbott proud.", "Billy: And I have done nothing but disgrace his legacy?", "Jack: Your words, not mine.", "Billy: What do you think about this?", "Jack: Don't drag phyllis into this.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Uh, all right. I will admit it. I'm gonna be honest. I've been gambling, big time. [ Sighs ] I lost a lot of money. I dug myself a hole that i couldn't get out of. So I borrowed money to cover those losses. And I lost that. I'm in big trouble. There's no way to get out of it. So that's what you want to hear, right? Once, I crashed and burned, so you -- you've got to be happy about that.", "Jack: No, of course not.", "Billy: Why not, jack? No, ashley's gonna get me out as C.E.O. Traci will step in. She'll get rid of the \"blood abbott\" clause, and you'll be C.E.O. Of the company by tomorrow afternoon. This is exactly what you asked for. Right? You're the big winner, and I'm the loser.", "Phyllis: Billy, stop. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.", "Billy: Can you just leave me alone, please?", "Phyllis: I am trying to help you. I am trying to help you.", "Billy: No, I have -- I have seen your help. No, thank you.", "Phyllis: Stubborn jerk.", "Jack: I'm sorry. He has to want your help. Otherwise, you can't do a damn thing for him.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but men are killing me.", "Jack: He's a lucky man to have you by his side.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, somebody needs to tell him that.", "Jack: I figured it out. He will, too, one day.", "Phyllis: You have a bachelor party to get back to.", "Jack: Yeah. If you need anything, let me know.", "Nick: Hey, uh, how's billy?", "Jack: I'm sorry that messed up the party. I really am. Billy's on a very destructive path. I hate what this is doing to him. I hate what this is doing to phyllis. PNick: I thought she was done with him.", "Jack: Yeah, so did I. So much so that I thought maybe we had a chance -- stupid.", "Nick: Look, uh, you know, you can't tell your heart that. I told myself 100 times I was over sharon. I never really was.", "Jack: I didn't fight hard enough. I let phyllis slip away. One of the biggest regrets of my life. You don't need to hear all this. This is your bachelor party! I'm gonna get you a drink.", "Summer: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Summer: Whatcha -- whatcha thinkin' about?", "Nick: Uh, just, you know, how one decision can change the course of your life, for better or worse.", "Summer: Are you sure about what you're doing? I mean, you marrying sharon?", "Nick: Summer, come on. Don't start.", "Summer: No, I'm -- I'm just worried about you, okay?", "Nick: Well, don'T. If you keep what you know to yourself, then we're all good.", "Summer: I told you that your secret is safe with me, okay? I just want you to be happy.", "Jack: Hey.", "Nick: Oh, thanks, man.", "Sharon: We have to talk. I have to tell nick the truth.", "Victoria: I thought that you told me that she --", "Nikki: Sharon, you agreed that you wouldn't tell nicholas what we did.", "Sharon: I changed my mind.", "Victoria: Well, change it back.", "Sharon: What are you so worried about?", "Sharon: Nick hates J.T. As much as we do. He can help us. He's not gonna turn us in!", "Nikki: You don't know that.", "Sharon: I cannot marry nicholas while I'm keeping a secret like this.", "Nikki: Hey, I've been doing that for six months, and my marriage is stronger than ever.", "Sharon: Well, don't take this the wrong way, nikki, but the last thing I want is a marriage like yours and victor'S.", "Nikki: Oh!", "Victoria: Come on. Rey has already been sniffing around nick. We don't want to give him any more reason to.", "Sharon: I haven't been working with rey that long, and I can already tell that he is going to solve this case. When nicholas finds out, I want him to hear it from me first.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Hey. You okay? I saw what happened with billy.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm okay. I saw you a little bit earlier. You were pretty far away. You sure you want to go through with this?", "Nick: Ugh, I'm getting so sick of that question. Look, I am 100% sure that I want to marry sharon, and do you know how I know that? Because I slept with you, and I still want to be with her.", "Phyllis: Well, all right. I did not mean to --", "Nick: No, but you're right. In fact, I know a way how I can prove it to you and to everyone else that I'm sure.", "Phyllis: What do you mean?", "Nick: I'm telling sharon the truth, that me and you had a one-time thing, and it's done.", "Phyllis: No. No, no, no, no. Nick, do not do that.", "Nick: I'm doing it. I'm doing it tonight, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Nick, you can't do this.", "Nick: Sharon and I agreed. We're gonna be completely honest with each other this time.", "Phyllis: Well, honesty is overrated. We're talking about sharon here, not the most stable human being.", "Nick: She's different now. She can handle it.", "Phyllis: Or alternate scenario -- the new sharon can flip out, the old sharon can show up again.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] No. No. Look, it's gonna be a whole lot worse if she hears about it from somebody else.", "Phyllis: Do you remember what happened when she found out that we were together last time? You lost everything.", "Nick: Well, I refuse to believe that she'll throw everything away just because i made this one small mistake with you.", "Phyllis: What if she does? What if she leaves you?", "Nick: Then I guess we weren't meant to be together.", "Phyllis: Please. Don't do this.", "Nick: I cannot stand up there at that altar and exchange vows with her knowing that I'm lying to her.", "Sharon: I can't start our marriage with a huge lie between us.", "Nikki: You tell nicholas, and then what? You think that he can't testify against you in court because he's your husband?", "Sharon: I don't care! This is the right thing for me and for nick! When he says his vows to me on our wedding day, he won't be keeping anything from me. He deserves the same honesty.", "Nikki: You don't have to make this decision now. Go home and sleep on it, and tomorrow, you might have a different perspective.", "Phyllis: Nick, listen to me.", "Nick: No, I'm done listening! I'm doing this. Tonight.", "Sharon: I don't want to. I want to tell nick right now.", "Nikki: What?", "Victoria: No, sharon!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Tom considers aloud how great it would be if John were to suddenly just die and Gloria got everything. Just as Jack mentions that at least Brad isn't marrying his way to success this time around, he spies Brad and Sharon being entirely too familiar and having contact. Mackenzie will not take ‘no' for an answer when JT tells her of his concerns about going to the Newman party. Nikki feels that the stock trade off that Victor made with Brad is a bad idea. She worries about giving Brad control of Newman through the stock trade. Brad smoothes things over for Sharon when Victoria dislikes her marketing idea, by assuring her that not all ideas get accepted all the time." ]
[ "Ashley: You want me to help you get rid of Tom?", "Michael: Despite what you feel about me, Tom Fisher is a menace.", "Ashley: How could he be a menace if he's been exposed?", "Michael: Ashley, you've underestimated this man by miles. He is a serious threat to your family. Unless we take care of him, there's no telling what he might do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Hello, beautiful.", "Gloria: I thought we agreed we can't be seen together.", "Tom: Hey, relax. I know the old guy's not home.", "Gloria: Please don't you dare tell me that you have gone through all that money I've given you.", "Tom: Oh, come on, baby. You know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. No... hey, I missed you. That's why I came back home.", "Gloria: Home? You're despised in this town.", "Tom: Well, you know, that's not entirely true.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah, that's right. Your friend.", "Tom: Oh you met ... didn't she save your butt from Ashley? (Laughs) speaking of whom... how is that gorgeous stepdaughter of yours, anyway?", "Gloria: The only good thing that's come out of this... Ashley hates you as much as I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, it's all taken care of.", "Nikki: You all packed?", "Victor: Uh-huh. Just got off the phone with Wally. Jet has been fueled up... flight plan filed. He's ready to go when we are.", "Nikki: Good. In that case, let's go now.", "Victor: I would love nothing more, but, sweetheart, we can't go just right now.", "Nikki: I know we can't.", "Victor: What do you mean you know?", "Nikki: I know that you're planning a special farewell dinner tonight. Katherine told me. But don't be mad at her. I forced it out of her.", "Victor: What do you mean you fo-- I wanted this to be a surprise.", "Nikki: Well, darling, I've had enough surprises today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Mac and I are invited to the ranch?", "Kay: Yes, Nikki and Victor are leaving for Greece tonight. And he asked me to arrange a dinner party. He specifically requested you be there.", "J.T.: I don't even know the Newmans that well.", "Kay: Well, J.T., you're doing some work for Victor, and you did help save Nikki's life. Now I think that makes you very important in their book.", "J.T.: Yeah, well...", "Kay: Is there some sort of problem?", "J.T.: No, not for me. I'm just kind of worried about Mac, you know?", "Kay: Is it still up in the air between the two of you?", "J.T.: We're still sorting some things out, yeah.", "Kay: Well, there's... there's no reason it has to be awkward, for heaven's sakes. Even if Mackenzie doesn't go, I think you should be there. And I know the Newmans would love it.", "J.T.: Not Nikki. I'm probably the last person she wants around.", "Kay: Why on earth would you say that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I love my new office. The view is spectacular. Best yet, I don't have to share it with anyone.", "Jill: Well, good. I am really happy you're on board. Your talent, your expertise is a tremendous asset for Jabot.", "Phyllis: And it's nice to be appreciated. Thank you.", "Jill: Not to mention your presence makes Jack very happy. And under the circumstances...", "Phyllis: Hey, you know Jack. Jack is overjoyed at the possibility of buying Brad's stock.", "Jill: Oh, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: What? What? There's obviously something I don't know. What is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Brad, this is amazing news. I was so worried.", "Brad: Worried?", "Sharon: Yeah, that you would be leaving Newman Enterprises.", "Brad: (Chuckles) I'm surprised Victoria didn't tell you about our little exchange.", "Sharon: No, I haven't talked to Victoria all day. Actually, I've been working with Dru.", "Brad: On the line, I hope.", "Sharon: That's actually why I came by. I wanted to show Victoria our new ad ideas and slogans, but I can show you instead.", "Brad: You've really jumped in with both feet, haven't you?", "Sharon: You know what? It's because I believe in this line. I am so thrilled to be part of it, thanks to you, Brad.", "Brad: Well, I'm anxious to see what you have, but we should wait till Victoria gets here.", "Victoria: Well, wait no longer. What's going on?", "Brad: Sharon and Dru came up with some ad concepts and promo ideas.", "Victoria: Oh, great. Let's see what you've got. What makes you think Nikki doesn't want you at that party tonight?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Well...", "Kay: Did the two of you have a falling out?", "J.T.: No, no, I just... haven't forgotten how upset Nikki was, you know, when she found out I was involved with Brittany. She really let me have it.", "Kay: Well, that was before she knew it was all a ruse. You were simply trying to keep Brittany safe. Nikki's not gonna fault you for that, especially since you were instrumental in her rescue.", "Mac: I'm back. Hey, what's going on?", "Kay: Uh, J.T. has something he wants to talk to you about tonight, so I'm gonna leave the two of you alone, and you can discuss it. (Whispering) dress appropriately.", "Mac: What was that all about?", "J.T.: We got invited to a dinner party at the Newman ranch.", "Mac: That sounds like fun. I take it you disagree.", "J.T.: No, I'm just not up for socializing with the boss.", "Mac: Oh, come on, don't be silly. Nikki's like family to my grandmother. Plus Nick and Sharon will probably be there, and I just want to thank then again for selling me and Kevin the coffeehouse. Sorry, looks like you're gonna have to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: By surprises, you mean Ashley and Abby's visit earlier or what?", "Nikki: Well, it did catch me off guard to come home and see them here, but I know that it lifts your spirits to spend time with Abby.", "Victor: Well, it does, especially now, since Cassie's passed away. I've never been more painfully aware of how fleeting time is and how precious our children are.", "Victor: Where'd you go to earlier?", "Nikki: I'm sorry, what did you say?", "Victor: I tried to reach you on your cell phone. You didn't answer.", "Nikki: Oh, my phone died. Um, I was just out running errands, getting all the things I need for the trip.", "Victor: I see.", "Nikki: I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this. This has been a dream of mine for so long. Just you and me getting away from the rest of the world. I can't believe it's actually happening.", "Victor: We haven't done this for a long time, have we? I want nothing more than that.", "Nikki: Are you sure you can do it?", "Victor: Can do what?", "Nikki: Truly get away from business. Or are you gonna be sneaking out, checking in with the office all the time?", "Victor: To be honest with you, I'm not that involved anymore.", "Nikki: Well, I know that's what you say, but... I've seen you and Victoria in some pretty intense conversations lately. What's that about?", "Victor: That has to do with Brad Carlton. As you're aware, he was holding on to his Jabot stock, which my daughter wasn't too happy about.", "Nikki: So what are you saying? He sold the stock?", "Victor: Well, he sold it to me.", "Nikki: (Whispering) what?", "Victor: You know, in exchange for an equal amount of stocks in Newman Enterprises.", "Nikki: What?", "Victor: It was the best solution under the circumstances.", "Nikki: How could you say it was the best solution? My God, you-you-you gave a part of your family's legacy to Brad?", "Victor: Sweetheart...", "Nikki: What are you thinking?", "Victor: Don't you think I know what I'm doing? It's a very small part, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Yeah, well, Ashley may hate me, but at least she knows I had the guts to go to her father, lay it all on the line.", "Gloria: But you didn't do that for Ashley. You did it for yourself.", "Tom: And for you, Glo. I was willing to risk my relationship with the lady to save your marriage to john.", "Gloria: Relationship? You have no relationship with Ashley.", "Tom: Oh, you're wrong about that. We had some real chemistry. Now the least you can do to thank me is to help her see that I am not quite the monster she thinks I am.", "Gloria: Oh, I am so sorry, Tom, but I don't think that's going to work... because you don't understand a woman like Ashley. You cross her once, it's the last time.", "Tom: Yeah, well, I was all set to come clean with her until that self- righteous son of yours, Michael, ruined it for me.", "Gloria: Ashley wouldn't look twice at a man who beats his children!", "Tom: I'm trying to make amends.", "Gloria: Oh, by blackmailing me?", "Tom: Well, hell, it's not my fault this cost of living in this town is so high.", "Gloria: Then be a man and get a job!", "Tom: I worked my whole life, and I got zilch for it. I figure if you could have an easy life, then so can I.", "Gloria: How many times do I have to tell you? I am not a bank. I have what John gives me.", "Tom: Well, I hate to rub it in, darlin', but you wouldn't even have that if it wasn't for me protecting you.", "Gloria: Protecting me? Oh, that's rich. The only thing you're protecting is your insatiable greed.", "Tom: Look, why don't we just agree that we both have an interest in your marriage staying intact? I mean, I wanna see you comfortable when the old guy... kicks. You know, come to think of it, that might be the way to go. Yeah... you and me and your big fat Abbott inheritance?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I fail to see how Tom is a threat when everybody knows who he really is. He's divorced from Gloria. He doesn't have a hold over any of us, Michael.", "Michael: No, trust me! Ashley, I know him a lot better than you do. The man has a knack for making people's lives miserable. Do you have any idea what brought him to town in the first place?", "Ashley: Well, he told me he wanted to make amends with his family, but...", "Michael: That's sweet. Not quite. He found out that I had won the lottery. Only he thought it was Kevin, so he tried to squeeze the money out of him. He knows I won't give him another dime, and now I'm sure he's trying to bilk Gloria out of everything he can.", "Ashley: Are you saying that she's giving him money? My father's money?", "Michael: No. What I'm saying is that Gloria loves John so much that she is willing to sell that weasel her last breath if it meant he would be protected.", "Ashley: Michael, are you telling me that he's threatening my father in some capacity?", "Michael: No, I don't know that, but I wouldn't put anything past him. Cold hard cash is all that man gives a damn about, and he will use anyone or anything to get it. And I'm sure he is working on Gloria in order to squeeze every last cent out of her!", "Ashley: But this is conjecture on your part, isn't it? You don't have any real proof that--", "Michael: I don't need proof! He is in town, which means he's still after something! Look, you cannot turn your back on this man, not for one minute! Especially when your family's involved!", "Ashley: All right, you're-you're scaring me.", "Michael: Well, you should be scared! Look... Tom has to be stopped before he does any real damage. Now how I'm gonna manage to go about doing that, I haven't figured out yet.", "Ashley: I might have an idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So now Victor owns a piece of Jabot?", "Phyllis: I cannot believe this. This is so bad. You know, Jack was sure he was gonna scoop up those shares for Brad.", "Jill: I know.", "Jack: Hey, that's where you've been hiding.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jill: I dropped by Chancellor Industries earlier. You weren't there.", "Jack: Well, I had to get that knife out of my back before I could show my face in public.", "Phyllis: I stopped by Jabot. It's hopping there.", "Jill: We were kicking around some wonderful web site ideas already.", "Jack: On your very first day of work?", "Jill: On her very first day. Look, I'm sorry to cut this short, but for some odd reason, Katherine invited me to this little send-off-- Victor and Nikki before their cruise, you know. I gotta go home and change. We'll see you first thing tomorrow morning.", "Phyllis: Bright and early.", "Jill: Okay.", "Phyllis: So I heard it didn't turn out as planned. I'm sorry.", "Jack: Thanks.", "Phyllis: But this is our night tonight. I'm cooking you dinner, remember?", "Jack: Oh, this is just a setback.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Jack, it's a setback. This is nowhere near the end of the world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, I like this one. \"For all the Seasons of your life.\"", "Brad: Mm-hmm, yeah.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: How do you feel about \"color your winter warm with Seasons\"?", "Victoria: Mmm... close, but no cigar.", "Sharon: Uh, well, we chose that one because we thought it complemented the winter products.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it doesn't really grab me the way a slogan should.", "Brad: But you're on the right track.", "Noah: Hi, Mom.", "Sharon: Hi, Noah, sweetie. How was your soccer practice?", "Noah: Guess what, Mom. Dad's gonna be our assistant coach.", "Sharon: Really? Nick, I had no idea you were considering that.", "Nick: Well, they needed another dad, so I volunteered.", "Victoria: Oh, that's terrific. You know, you grew up playing soccer.", "Nick: Yeah, I remember when Cassie asked me to be her coach, I turned her down.", "Victoria: You were very busy with work at the time.", "Nick: Yeah, well, not this time. My little man takes priority. So sorry if we interrupted anything.", "Sharon: No, no, we were just going over the new ad campaign.", "Nick: Well, we thought we'd come by and take you home. We have to get ready for dad's party soon.", "Sharon: Yeah, um, actually, I have a few more things I need to wrap up here. Is it okay if I just meet you there?", "Nick: Sure. Sis? Yeah, I'll take a lift. I'll see you two at the house.", "Sharon: You're coming?", "Victoria: Dad invited him.", "Nick: See you there.", "Sharon: Okay. Bye, sweetie.", "Noah: Bye, Mom.", "Brad: Later.", "Sharon: Well, that was nice of Victor to include you.", "Brad: Yeah, it was. Surprised me a little.", "Sharon: Well, I know that he's really impressed with the work that you and Victoria have been doing on this. Hey, you know what? I have an idea. Why don't you bring Abby along?", "Brad: Abby?", "Sharon: Yeah, I know that, you know, she and Noah like to play together.", "Brad: Yeah, I don't think so, Sharon. This is really kind of a family...", "Sharon: No, no, right. You're right. It may be a little uncomfortable.", "Brad: Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna get going. I wanna stop by the club, get a workout in before the party.", "Sharon: Sure.", "Brad: Hey. Don't be discouraged if one of your ideas doesn't fly, okay? It happens all the time.", "Sharon: Thanks. Thanks for your support.", "Brad: You're welcome. I'll see you later.", "Sharon: Okay. See you tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Don't you dare talk about John that way.", "Tom: Well, you gotta face it, Glo, the guy's not getting any younger. I mean, even with that new hip of his, one little nasty spill could do a lot of damage. I mean, we're talking permanent damage. It could happen. All kinds of things could happen... accidentally. But who knows? Maybe, jeez, maybe even on purpose.", "Gloria: You listen to me... you slimy bas-- you lay one finger on my husband, and I swear to God--", "Tom: Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you gonna do, huh? You gonna kill me? You'd be much better off if your old boy drops first. You know, the more I think about this, the more I like it. It's quick, it's easy, it's painless. Well, at least for you and me.", "Gloria: Stop it. Stop it.", "Gloria: Here. Here. Take it. Take it. Take all of it. There is nothing left. And get the hell out of my house!", "Tom: Honey, that's hardly enough to keep me in beer for a week.", "Gloria: There is nothing left! Look! It's gone!", "Tom: It's all gone, huh? Well, gee, in that case... you better head to the bank, sweetheart. Otherwise... you're gonna have to start working on that sad, sad eulogy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What do you have in mind?", "Ashley: Well, it wouldn't be that difficult to get friendly again with Tom.", "Michael: No. No! No, he's way too dangerous.", "Ashley: Please, I'm not afraid of him.", "Michael: Well, you should be. Besides, you already dumped him. He's not that stupid. He's gonna be very surprised when, all of a sudden, you wanna be pals again.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, I'll just have to be pretty convincing, then, won't I?", "Michael: It's not a good idea.", "Ashley: You just told me this man is threatening my family, Michael. Obviously, I have to do something about it, okay?", "Michael: Look, I understand I came to you asking for help, but I am not gonna sit here and watch you get in over your head!", "Ashley: Oh, yeah, okay, look. Everybody has a weakness, right? So does Tom. I just have to find out what it is, and then I'll leave it to you to exploit it in some way.", "Michael: Then we can get rid of that parasite for good.", "Ashley: Yeah. Wouldn't that be nice?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Why are you so upset about this?", "Nikki: I can't believe that you would give Brad a part of your company!", "Victor: It was the only way to make him give up stock in Jabot, that's all.", "Nikki: And to get back at Jack. Two birds with one stone, right?", "Victor: It has nothing to do with that. I did this for Victoria's sake. She's a great deal invested in Brad Carlton, that's all.", "Nikki: I hope she wasn't manipulated into this.", "Victor: You know her better than that. She wouldn't allow that.", "Nikki: I don't know anything. I am trying to figure out so many things right now, it seems like I'm the last person in this house to know anything!", "Victor: Sweetheart, what's the matter? This is just a business deal.", "Nikki: I don't believe that. I don't believe that for a second. I think you want something from Brad. Does this have something to do with Abby?", "Victor: It has nothing to do with Abby.", "Nikki: I know that you wanna spend time with her. Maybe you think you can hold this over Brad's head?", "Victor: Once and for all, there is no ulterior motive involved, you got it? Please don't get upset for nothing. This has to do with keeping Brad Carlton on the Newman payroll, that's all. Why are you getting so upset about this?", "Nikki: It just caught me off guard, that's all, okay? That you would make such a gesture to Brad, of all people, just caught me off guard!", "Victor: What's going on? Why are you so upset?", "Nikki: I don't know, I... I'm rushed. I'm not ready. I still have to pack for the trip. I have to get ready for the dinner tonight. I'm sorry, darling.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll be down shortly.", "Victor: This is a business deal, that's all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hello, Esther.", "Esther: Hi. How are you?", "Paul: Fine.", "Esther: They're inside.", "Paul: Oh, thanks. Hello, ladies. All set to go?", "Mac: Just about. Grandma's almost ready, and J.T. isn't here yet.", "Paul: Oh, okay.", "Kay: No, correction, correction, grandmother is ready.", "Mac: You look gorgeous.", "Kay: Thank you, I think so, too. Turn around. So do you.", "Mac: Thank you.", "Kay: All right, now what is this about J.T.?", "Mac: Oh, I just talked to him. He's on his way. (Door opens)", "Paul: Look who's here now.", "Kay: There's the boy. Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my. You just clean up very well, don't you?", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Kay: Don't you think so, Mackenzie? Doesn't he look wonderful?", "Mac: He does.", "Jill: Could we go now?", "Kay: Oh, Jill, of course. Yes, dear, after you.", "Paul: You coming?", "J.T.: Yeah.", "Paul: Hey, what's the deal? Why so tense? It's only a dinner party.", "J.T.: I know.", "Paul: Once you get to know Victor and Nikki, you love 'em like I do. Come on, let's go.", "J.T.: I'm taking my own car in case I decide to leave early.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: And you told the guards at the gate that we're expecting guests?", "Miguel: Yes, sir.", "Victor: They should be arriving any minute now.", "Miguel: I'll warm up the hors d'oeuvres then.", "Noah: We're here! Hi, Victor.", "Victor: Hey, Noah. What's happening, man? You look sharp.", "Nick: He wanted to get dressed up for the occasion.", "Victor: Boy, did he ever. You like my tie? We both have fancy ties on. Hi, sweetheart, you look beautiful.", "Victoria: Hello. Thank you, Dad.", "Victor: Where's Sharon?", "Nick: She had to wrap some things up at the office. But she'll be here soon.", "Victor: Boy, since she has been back at the office, she's really thrown herself into work, hasn't she?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Miguel: Hey, Noah, would you like to help me with the hors d'oeuvres?", "Noah: Sure. Hey, did you make any of those vegetable things?", "Victoria: Dad, this was really a terrific idea-- having this little send-off for Mom.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nick: Is something wrong, Dad?", "Victor: I'm concerned about your mother.", "Victoria: Why?", "Victor: I don't know. Something is wrong. She seems very edgy.", "Victoria: Do you think it's related to the problem she was having after the kidnapping?", "Victor: I hope not. You two haven't noticed anything, have you?", "Victoria: No. No, Mom's--she's seemed fine.", "Nick: She'll snap out of it, Dad. You know how mom likes a good party.", "Victor: Yeah, I hope you're right.", "Noah: Dad, you have to try these. They're so good.", "Nick: What do we got?", "Victoria: Dad, um, did you tell Mom about Brad-- the stock swap?", "Victor: Yes, and she... was quite upset. In fact, she seemed almost paranoid about it.", "Victoria: Well, that's strange. Oh, well, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that once you two are away on your cruise, away from all of the business and all of the stress, I'm sure everything will be just fine.", "Victor: I hope you're right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I am through letting the mustache and his sidekick get to me. I've got a company to run.", "Phyllis: Mmm, from what Jill says, it's just a tiny piece of Jabot.", "Jack: Newman owning a Nickel of Jabot is enough to make me choke...", "Phyllis: Jack, come on. Don't.", "Jack: You know what? It's not worth it. Brad Carlton is now a member of the Newman family. Imagine that. What a fall from grace. From the Abbotts to the Newmans. He didn't even have to marry to pull it off this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Brad, I'm glad I caught you.", "Brad: Sharon, what are you doing here?", "Sharon: Well, I just wanted to get your opinion on these revisions I made based on your and Victoria's suggestions.", "Brad: We don't have to do that now.", "Sharon: No, I know. I just wanted to know if you'd take a look at 'em for me-- tell me if I'm going in the right direction.", "Brad: Okay, sure. Come on. You know what? I'll take that with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Jack, come on. Leave it alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: And this is for cash, right? I'll get back to you. (Hangs up phone)", "Gloria: They never use any of this stuff. They'll never miss it. (Doorbell rings)", "Gloria: What are you doing here?", "Michael: Are we alone?", "Gloria: Michael, you know John said that you were not welcome in our house right now.", "Michael: All right, focus. I'm here to warn you about Tom. He's been spotted. He's definitely back in Genoa City. Or is that not news to you?", "Gloria: Have you come here to give me a hard time again?", "Michael: No. Actually, I'm here to apologize.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Don't worry. I'm not gonna make a scene.", "Tom: Oh, good. That last one kinda stuck with me. I don't really, uh, need a repeat performance.", "Ashley: Neither do I. I'd like to move on.", "Tom: Oh, join the club.", "Ashley: So how you doing?", "Tom: I'm getting by.", "Ashley: You probably feel like you're the town pariah.", "Tom: I know I am.", "Ashley: You know what I keep wondering? I keep wondering how I would've felt about you if I had known who you really were from the very beginning.", "Tom: You would not have given me the time of day.", "Ashley: Maybe. Still, somebody who's willing to confront his past the way you did-- at least you're not a coward, right? I mean, you could've stayed away forever, but you didn't. You came to Genoa City and faced your demons. I guess it says something about you, doesn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, my goodness, welcome. Hello, Esther.", "Esther: Hello, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: How nice to see you.", "Kay: Well, are you happy you're taking off?", "Victor: Yes.", "Jill: Hello, Victor.", "Miguel: Thanks for helping me.", "Esther: Oh, Miguel, it's my pleasure.", "Victor: Welcome.", "Paul: Thanks.", "Victor: How are you? Nice to see you.", "Mac: Thank you for having me.", "Victor: Hello, J.T.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Victor: Glad you could come.", "J.T.: Thanks for the invite, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: Come on in.", "Victoria: Well, my goodness, Katherine, don't you look dazzling?", "Kay: Oh, Victoria, thank you. Well, I'm--it's all the bling.", "Victoria: Yes, it is.", "Jill: When you're traveling with Katherine, you need an armored car.", "Kay: Oh, thanks.", "Victoria: Well, can I offer you something to drink?", "Jill: I'd like one.", "Victoria: All right.", "Jill: Anything?", "Kay: Oh, later.", "Nick: Uh, the bar's open. You guys want a drink?", "Paul: Absolutely.", "Mac: Sure.", "Nick: Let's go.", "Paul: I'll catch up with you.", "Kay: Ah, Victor, where's Nikki?", "Victor: I don't know. I guess she's upstairs getting ready.", "Kay: Uh, listen, you're not upset with me for telling her about the party, right?", "Victor: To be honest with you, I'm a little confused about what's going on with her. I thought she'd be happy about seeing all these people before she went on the cruise. But instead, she seems almost intimidated.", "Kay: But she's so focused on the trip, Victor. Maybe you caught her off guard throwing this party.", "Victor: Is there something going on with Nikki that I don't know about?", "Kay: Oh, God.", "Victor: Hmm?", "Kay: In all honesty, I am concerned about her, too. But I swear to God, she has not confided one word-- not one word in me.", "Victor: I was hoping you could tell me something.", "Kay: (Sighs) this cruise that you have promised her, coming now... it's gonna be a godsend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, are you all right?", "Nikki: I am fine. Why does everybody ask me that?", "J.T.: Mrs. Newman, you're shaking.", "Nikki: I'm not! I'm not shaking!", "Victoria: Hey, guy. What planet are you on?", "J.T.: Sorry, I was, uh, just thinking about something.", "Victoria: Your new job working for my father?", "J.T.: Yeah, what a trip, huh?", "Victoria: Yeah, it's definitely a trip. So, uh, now that you're on the payroll, don't be such a stranger.", "Victor: I'm beginning to wonder where she is.", "Kay: Well, you know your wife. She likes to make her entrance.", "Victor: I don't think it is that. Something is going on.", "Victoria: It was very nice to see you.", "Mac: It's good to see you too, thank you. Thanks for having us.", "Nikki: (Thinking) what the hell is J.T. doing here? Why is Victor bringing in these spies? Does he think there's something wrong with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So I took your advice and I made winter a little more generic. Now it's less about Christmas...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, all right, so what should we eat? You bought me that cookbook of-- of all different cuisines-- French, Italian... Japanese. What should it be? What about scampi? Seafood? You like seafood, right? Jack?", "Jack: Yeah? You know what? Whatever you like, it'd be fine, I'm sure.", "Phyllis: Okay, whatever I like. All right, um... so scampi, that's good. But you--you have to... you have to...", "Brad: See, look, right here. I love that.", "Sharon: Oh, good.", "Brad: Maybe if we invert—", "Phyllis: You just shove it in the oven. You know, it sorta takes care of itself. And you--it cooks a few hours, doesn't it?", "Sharon: Okay. Well, thank you.", "Brad: You did a great job.", "Sharon: Thanks a lot.", "Phyllis: So it's settled-- we're gonna have pot roast, spaghetti, green salad. And something gooey for-- Jack. Jack? You haven't heard a word I said.", "Jack: What do you think is going on between those two?", "Phyllis: Nothing.", "Jack: Look closer.", "Sharon: I better go and change for the party.", "Brad: Well, that makes two of us.", "Phyllis: Hmm. I think you're grasping at straws.", "Jack: Maybe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You want to apologize for something?", "Michael: Yes. I know that I've been on your case a lot lately. And I can understand if you're upset with me.", "Gloria: Michael, I just wish that you would stop trying to run my life. And focus on your own for a change.", "Michael: Well, you'll be happy to know, I've decided to do exactly that. It's good advice, really. From now on, Lauren needs to come first with me.", "Gloria: And you really think you can do that? I mean, concentrate on your wedding... and let me make my own decisions about how to handle Tom?", "Michael: You're a big girl now. If you haven't learned how to take care of yourself...", "Gloria: Thank you. That's very refreshing.", "Michael: I need to stop letting Tom control my life.", "Gloria: Yeah. He brings out the worst in you, Michael-- in all of us. He always has.", "Michael: Well, okay, well, that's why I've decided to wash my hands of him. He can be someone else's problem from now on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Ashley, uh, I'm not sure I wanna hear any more of your opinions about me.", "Ashley: Well, isn't taking responsibility for your mistakes the first part of healing old wounds? I think you told me that, remember--when we first met? You were trying to patch things up with your family?", "Tom: Yeah, not that you believe a word of that now.", "Ashley: Mmm. But I did believe it, back when I thought you were Tom Callahan.", "Tom: Look... for what it's worth--", "Ashley: You were telling me the truth. I know. I felt that you were sincere. That's why I was so angry with you when I found out who you really were.", "Tom: So was I sincere? Or wasn't I? You know, I mean, I'm either lying--", "Ashley: Look, all right, okay, look, it's all out in the open now, right? I'm not as mad as I was. Maybe something positive can come out of this whole thing with your family. Maybe I can help.", "Tom: You'd wanna help me?", "Ashley: (Chuckles) I know, sounds kinda shocking.", "Tom: It sounds very shocking, yeah.", "Ashley: Well, we could discuss it over dinner tonight.", "Tom: You're serious?", "Ashley: Meet me back here at 7:30.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Dad, where's Mom?", "Nick: I'm not sure, bud.", "Victoria: Surely, she can't still be at work. I'll give them a call, see where she is.", "Sharon: Hi, everybody.", "Victoria: Oh, there you are.", "Nick: Hey.", "Noah: Mommy, you're late.", "Sharon: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. I lost track of the time.", "Victoria: You've been working this whole time?", "Sharon: Uh, yeah, I was just, uh, tweaking those ideas I went over with you earlier.", "Victoria: Oh. You didn't happen to see Bradley, did you?", "Sharon: Uh, he's not here yet?", "Victor: Uh, by the way, J.T., did you do the background check?", "J.T.: I will have a full report for you by the time you get back.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that. Now I wonder what's keeping my wife.", "Nikki: Nothing's keeping me. I'm right here.", "Victor: Sweetheart.", "Nikki: I'm sorry I took so long.", "Victor: We've been waiting for awhile.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry.", "Victor: However, you look beautiful.", "Nikki: Thank you. I wanna thank all of you for being here. What a wonderful evening. All because of my amazing husband.", "Victoria: Aw.", "Nick: You're gonna have a great trip.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: Bradley has to understand when you play you pay.", "Dru: Don't tell me you're thinking about quitting your job.", "J.T.: Sir, I need to talk to you. It's important." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Billy can't understand why the family company can't be sold to the family. Katherine explains that Jack can't get it, and Ashley was named in the suit. \"Sell it to me!\" Katherine can't do that. He says that he can raise the money, as that is what banks are for. She knows that if she did that, eventually, Jack would manipulate the situation to get the company back in his hands again and she can't let that happen. Billy gets mad with her, saying that she hasn't been handling this with any sense. Devon seems to be taking a turn for the worse. Neil and Drucilla sit with him and Neil holds his wife as she cries over their son. Kevin is monitoring Jack's computer and sees when he sends an email regarding a company called, EFO. 'Thank you for the prawns. I will take you up on your offer for windsurfing next time.' Kevin runs to Michael's office and asks him if he knows of a company named EFO. He tells how the place is some kind of contact for Jack from his trip. Michael knows nothing of that company. Billy goes to his brother, complaining about the company being sold. He knows that he and his siblings should be running it. Jack tells his brother that it is probably too late for them to do anything about losing the company. Jack hasn't got any information to do anything anyway. \"I can get you everything that you need.\" Jack thinks about that for a minute, smiling but then decides that he doesn't want to get his brother in the middle of this. Billy insists. Jack will think about that and get back to him. Brad is upset with Victoria about not wanting to have a baby with him right now. She wants to have a baby but thinks that this is the wrong time. He just thinks that she is afraid of him. He walks out. She sees him minutes later talking with Sharon in the lunchroom. She goes to the club and shares drinks with JT. Brad finds her and apologizes when they are alone. \" I understand Victoria. It really isn't the right time to be having a baby.\" Jack sends another message while Kevin is in talking to his brother. 'Thank you for the information on Jabot.' Kevin sees that message later. Michael talks to Sharon and is surprised to find that there was a detour and that she went to Belize with Jack. Kevin does a little checking and finds out that EFO was incorporated in Belize, it seems to have a really huge cash flow for a new company. Sharon is out having a drink with Jack when she tells about Michael asking about their trip and where they went" ]
[ "(Monitor emitting continuous tone)", "Dru: No, Devon! Hurry, Neil!", "Woman: Out of the way, please! Excuse me! Excuse me!", "Man: Okay... 1 milligram of epi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Do you gentlemen know each other?", "Jack: Hello, Katherine.", "Mr. Nair: I recognize Mr. Abbott from some photos I ran across while researching Jabot.", "Kay: Oh, I see.", "Mr. Nair: Oh, by the way, I heard about your father's passing. Please accept my condolences.", "Jack: Thank you, that's very kind of you.", "Mr. Nair: Mrs. Chancellor, I hope to hear from you soon.", "Kay: Yes, we'll be in touch.", "Michael: Oh, Jack? What are you even doing here?", "Jack: What, are you Jabot's new hall monitor?", "Michael: The last time I checked, your office was in Newman towers.", "Jack: Not that it's any of your business, I am here picking up paperwork related to the NVP. tie-in.", "Michael: Well, don't you have messengers for that sort of thing?", "Jack: Actually, I'm glad I dropped by. I can say to Katherine right now, you're not seriously thinking of selling Jabot to Raaz Cosmetics? Tell me you're not that foolish.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, hey, Brad, listen, --", "Brad: Not now, Sharon.", "Sharon: Are you okay?", "Victoria: Tell him he has until the close of business Friday to make a decision or we're taking our offer off the table and that's all there is to it. Thank you. Hi. Is there a problem?", "Brad: Would you mind telling me what you're doing with these?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, if you're going to continue this conversation, it is certainly not going to be in the hall. Shall we?", "Jack: Fine. Lead the way. (Cell phone beeping)", "Kay: Michael?", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry, Katherine. Uh, this can't wait. Excuse me.", "Jack: Come on, Billy, you might as well learn something.", "Billy: Cool.", "Jack: Well, you are a real piece of work, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, I take it that is not a compliment.", "Jack: So what's the deal? You're willing to sell Jabot to anyone except me?", "Kay: Jack, calm down. This is not personal. It's business.", "Jack: How is blacklisting me not personal?", "Kay: Billy, I want you to pay close attention to this. This is a perfect example of how emotions can cloud judgment.", "Jack: Let's save the business 101 lectures, okay? This is not about emotion.", "Kay: It isn't?", "Jack: The company you are in talks with is a tadpole compared to Jabot. What makes you think they have the funds to buy a company this size?", "Kay: If they didn't, why would they be wasting my time?", "Jack: Have you even bothered to investigate where Raaz Cosmetics' money comes from? 'Cause chances are, things are gonna fall apart mid-negotiation. Or worse still, they're gonna default on payments as soon as they run out of cash!", "Kay: If they do, I fail to see where that becomes your problem.", "Jack: I am not about to have NVP without product when this cockamamie venture of yours goes belly up. In fact, I'm considering killing all tie-ins with Jabot. Now how's that gonna look to your prospective buyer?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, good, you're here.", "Michael: What?", "Kevin: Well, I found a connection between Jack and Raaz Cosmetics.", "Michael: How do you even know about Raaz Cosmetics?", "Kevin: I can figure things out on my own occasionally. Take a look.", "Michael: Uh... \"In response to your inquiry... I will get back to you soon.\"", "Kevin: Pretty suspicious, huh?", "Michael: Unfortunately, it doesn't prove anything.", "Kevin: What do you mean it doesn't prove anything? It proves that Jack and this dude from Raaz Cosmetics have been exchanging e-mails.", "Michael: They could've been in contact with each other for any number of reasons.", "Kevin: So that's it? You just wanna dismiss this?", "Michael: Well, I know it's a pretty big coincidence, but...", "Kevin: But what?", "Michael: We've taken some huge risks, getting info on Jack. Risks that could land us in prison if anybody finds out.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, and it's finally paying off.", "Michael: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, all right? I'm not about to make a move unless I've got something irrefutable, and that ain't it. .", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, Doc, thank you so much!", "Dr. Campbell: Right now we're working on stabilizing him.", "Dru: Well, what if you can't?", "Dr. Campbell: We're doing everything possible to help your son, Mrs. Winters.", "Dru: Right. I understand that.", "Dr. Campbell: It's a difficult time.", "Neil: What caused Devon to flat line?", "Dr. Campbell: Well, I can't be certain, but I think it's related to the overwhelming infection, septic shock.", "Dru: So it can come back?", "Dr. Campbell: Right now we're supporting his blood pressure and we're gonna be monitoring him as closely as possible. Is there anything else?", "Dru: Uh...", "Neil: Uh, no, nothing. Thank you, Doctor.", "Dru: Thank you, Doctor.", "Neil: I appreciate you taking the time.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Dr. Campbell: I should get back.", "Dru: I'm gonna go in.", "Dru: Son... oh... it's gonna be all right, Honey. I'm here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Where did you get those?", "Brad: I found them in your raincoat. I was looking for a spare set of keys.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Brad, I can explain.", "Brad: It's quite a double standard, wouldn't you say, Victoria? You demand total honesty from me. But you go behind my back and get a prescription for birth control pills?", "Victoria: I just got the prescription filled. I haven't taken any.", "Brad: But you were going to.", "Victoria: Not without talking to you, I wasn't.", "Brad: Really? Isn't that a conversation we should've had before you got the pills?", "Victoria: Why don't you be honest? You can't possibly think that right now is a good time for us to take on the responsibility of a child.", "Brad: Yes, I do.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, but I don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Oh, Jack, you can huff and puff all you want, but... you're not going to scare me into reconsidering selling Jabot to you.", "Jack: You may be sorry, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, if I do sell to another company, and I'm not saying I made that decision one way or another, I'll just take my chances.", "Jack: And forego any tie-in with NVP.", "Kay: If necessary.", "Jack: I think you're making a big mistake.", "Kay: Won't be my first or my last. Uh, but I am curious about something, though.", "Jack: Oh, what's that?", "Kay: How do you know that much about Raaz Cosmetics?", "Jack: They contacted me for background information on Jabot once they thought they were gonna buy it.", "Kay: I see. I see.", "Jack: As soon as I found out they were interested, I found out as much as I could about them.", "Kay: Why?", "Jack: You may not have any interest in protecting my father's legacy, I do. Now I may not be able to control the company, but I can sure as hell protect it.", "Kay: Jack, for the last time, I am telling you, you have no company to protect! Now for your own sanity, let it go. Move on.", "Kay: Well, Billy, what do you think about all this?", "Billy: Um, I'm sorry, Grandma. I agree with Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You don't think if we showed that e-mail to Mrs. Chancellor, it would stop her from --", "Michael: It would stop her from selling to Raaz Cosmetics? I doubt it. And we would risk blowing everything wide open for nothing.", "Kevin: I totally thought we had the bastard.", "Michael: We've gotta be so careful, Kevin. We broke the law. We hacked into the server of a major corporation.", "Kevin: But we had to. We had to find out what Abbott was up to.", "Michael: Somehow I doubt a judge would buy that.", "Kevin: So what are you saying? We just give up? Stop investigating?", "Michael: No, no, we're in way too deep now. To stop would be stupid. And if there is the slightest chance that Jack is behind the Raaz Cosmetics bid to buy Jabot...", "Kevin: You want proof so we can squash the bug.", "Michael: I might've picked another analogy, but yes, I would enjoy that immensely.", "Kevin: All right, so now what?", "Michael: Okay... there's got to be a more tangible connection between Jack and the Raaz Cosmetics offer. All right, you keep digging.", "Kevin: Uh-huh. Wait, where are you going?", "Michael: I'm going to see if I can buy us some time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Mr. Nair: Hello?", "Jack: This is Jack Abbott.", "Mr. Nair: I had a feeling I'd be hearing from you, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: That was a close call at Jabot. I gotta tell you, though, you handled it masterfully.", "Mr. Nair: Thank you.", "Jack: So I want a full report on how your meeting with Katherine Chancellor went.", "Mr. Nair: Mrs. Chancellor's very interested in my offer.", "Jack: But she didn't give you a definite answer.", "Mr. Nair: She claims, uh, she needs more time to mull it over.", "Jack: Meaning I have to sweat it out a little longer.", "Mr. Nair: You want me to put pressure on her? Give her a deadline?", "Jack: No, no, let's see how this one plays out. Talk to you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I hate the thought of some other company taking control of the family business.", "Katherine: If I sell to your brother, I would be violating the Gibson lawsuit settlement?", "Billy: You really think the family of the woman would cause problems?", "Kay: Yes. They were adamant in not wanting Jack to take part in Jabot in any capacity.", "Billy: It was never proven that the skin care even caused the lady's death.", "Kay: Billy, that doesn't matter. Don't you understand? We agreed to the terms. Now heaven only knows how much it would cost me if we decided to go against the court's order.", "Billy: What about Ashley?", "Kay: What about her?", "Billy: She's practically the heart and soul of the company. She formulates the product. Sell Jabot to her.", "Kay: I know, I know. I did consider her but since, um... she was named in the lawsuit. This could come back to bite me.", "Billy: Okay. Then sell it to me.", "Kay: You gotta be kidding.", "Billy: Unh-unh. I can do it, Grandma. I'll surround myself with all the best people in the cosmetic business to help me run Jabot.", "Kay: I wasn't aware that you had a quarter of a billion dollars in your piggy bank.", "Billy: No, but I can raise the money.", "Kay: If you're talking about using Jack's money and you becoming his puppet, my dear, the answer is no.", "Billy: That's not what I meant.", "Kay: Oh, be realistic, Billy, for heaven's sakes. Yes, you did inherit it from your father. But I'm telling you right now, you are certainly not in the same league with bill gates.", "Billy: That's what banks are for.", "Kay: Do you actually think you could expect a bank to loan you that amount of money?", "Billy: It's worth a try. I'm pretty sure the Abbott name means something. And based on what I stand to inherit from you one day...", "Kay: You think you can get a loan on the future?", "Billy: Why not?", "Kay: Why not? Billy, it simply isn't done. I mean, banks are very cautious. And besides, you virtually have no business experience.", "Billy: It's not gonna be like that forever. And like I said, I'm gonna hire all the best help possible.", "Kay: Yeah, well, that's what I'm afraid of.", "Billy: I don't understand.", "Kay: Billy, listen to me, if by some miracle you do find a way to finance Jabot, it all goes back to Jack. And one way or another, he's going to manipulate that situation until he finds a way to take over. And that is what your grandmother is trying to avoid.", "Billy: Why?", "Kay: Why? Because of your best interest. Darling, you are just starting out. I mean, you have your whole life ahead of you. You can be -- you can do anything you want.", "Billy: I want to own Jabot.", "Kay: No, I don't think you do. It would be a terrible mistake. You're getting Jack's dreams mixed up with yours. And I care a hell of a lot more for you future than I do his.", "Billy: So, what? You're just gonna let Jabot go to a bunch of outsiders?", "Kay: I don't know. I haven't made that decision yet.", "Billy: How do you think my father would feel about this?", "Kay: I can tell you for a fact he would understand.", "Billy: What would happen to Ashley and my mom if you did sell to that company?", "Kay: Well, your mother would probably end up running Chancellor Industries. As for your sister, I imagine the new owners would like her to stay for a while. Maybe permanently, given her success with all the formulas.", "Billy: What about me? I was, like, this close to being promoted to senior mail carrier.", "Kay: Oh, my darling, Billy, I do believe we could find a suitable situation for you at Chancellor Industries. But I will stipulate that Gloria and Kevin be, uh, kept on for the transition period.", "Billy: Why do you care about protecting the Fishers? They're not real family.", "Kay: Well, my, my, my, my, my... Jack has really been spreading his poison.", "Billy: No, this has nothing to do with Jack. I don't understand why you feel any loyalty to them. It doesn't make any sense. Nothing about the way that you're handling this deal does.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Michael... I would like your take on the meeting with Raaz Cosmetics.", "Michael: Well, as I said earlier, they're solid enough.", "Kay: What did you think of their offer?", "Michael: I think its fair, considering the hits Jabot has taken.", "Kay: Then you advise me to accept?", "Michael: Well... before you decide, I'd, uh, like to do a little bit more research on the company.", "Kay: Well, you already did. You gave me a dossier.", "Michael: Well, I put it together rather quickly. There might be things I missed.", "Kay: Anything you're looking for specifically?", "Michael: I'd like it a lot better if I knew where their capital was coming from. Indulge me on this, Katherine. A few more days won't hurt.", "Kay: You think Jack is behind the offer, don't you?", "Michael: Don't you?", "Kay: Well, I've considered it. I mean, uh... when another small company makes an offer so soon after I refused to sell to Jack... and then his... outburst of anger earlier. It, um... just somehow... didn't really ring true.", "Michael: Well, I certainly wouldn't put something like that past him.", "Kay: Oh, I wouldn't put anything past him at this time.", "Michael: Well, I rest my case.", "Kay: All right, find out what you can. Do it quickly. I want to make a decision soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know... even when I thought you were Brad Carlton, I didn't know very much about you. Now that I know your real name, I feel like I know even less about you.", "Brad: So you're saying that you still don't trust me?", "Victoria: I'm saying that I'm afraid you're never gonna show me who you really are or what you really feel. Because you're so used to keeping things locked up inside.", "Brad: So, what? You're giving up on me?", "Victoria: No, I'm not. I wanna help you. I wanna help you learn how to open up. Because it's the only way I see us saving our marriage. But until we get to that point --", "Brad: No babies.", "Victoria: You understand where I'm coming from, don't you?", "Brad: I don't think it makes a difference whether I do or I don't. You've obviously already made up your mind.", "Sharon: I'll just... get my snack and I'll be out of your way.", "Brad: Sharon... you don't have to leave. Listen, I'm sorry that I was so short with you earlier.", "Sharon: You seemed pretty upset.", "Brad: Victoria decided she doesn't wanna have children with me.", "Sharon: What? Are you serious?", "Brad: Here I thought we were getting closer.", "Sharon: Well, did she give you an explanation?", "Brad: Yeah. But you wanna know what I really think?", "Sharon: What?", "Brad: She's afraid of me.", "Sharon: Well, you have been involved in some pretty scary stuff lately.", "Brad: You would know that better than anyone, wouldn't you?", "Sharon: Yeah, you know, that stuff that happened at the church will probably give us nightmares for life.", "Brad: I don't know what to do.", "Sharon: I know. But you have to be patient with her. You know, it was a shock for all of us, finding out that everything we thought we knew about you was a lie. And then seeing you with those men...", "Brad: But you're not afraid of me, are you?", "Sharon: How could I be? You saved my life. But you're gonna have to give Victoria some time to adjust.", "Brad: What if she never adjusts?", "Sharon: Well, I think she's in love with you,, or she wouldn't have stuck with you this far. That counts for something, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, have you ever heard of a company named EFO?", "Michael: No, never. Why?", "Kevin: Well, Jack just sent them an e-mail. Something about prawns and windsurfing. I think he was in contact with them when he was in Antigua.", "Michael: And? It probably has something to do with NVP.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah.", "Michael: Here's the plan -- you find out the name of the big corporation that just purchased Raaz Cosmetics and is funding its expansion. Meantime, there is someone I need to see.", "Kevin: Who?", "Michael: The one person with w m Jack may have let his guard down recently.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Devon knows you love him, Lily.", "Lily: Does he?", "Daniel: Of course, he does.", "Lily: I haven't been a good sister to him, Daniel.", "Daniel: That's not true. You've been a wonderful sister to him.", "Lily: No, I haven't. Ever since he came to live with us, I've just been wrapped up in myself.", "Lily: I didn't even tell Devon I was leaving.", "Lily: I wasn't there for him.", "Daniel: Well, yeah, but you never asked to be sent away. Besides, you guys kept in contact with all those letters.", "Lily: When I finally did come home, when run off and get married and then I move out. One drama after another.", "Daniel: You seem to be forgetting all the good times you guys had, huh? Remember that horror movie night?", "Lily: Horror movie night. We'd rent the scariest movie we could find and then try and freak each other out.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm. And what about all that school stuff you guys helped each other out with? I seem to remember him being really sick up in bed one night and you staying up that whole night working on his project for him -- that science fair thing.", "Lily: Yeah, I wish we had more times like that. I wanted to. It just that he was always so down on you. Blaming you for us running off like that. Like I didn't have a mind of my own.", "Daniel: I have to admit, he hasn't always been my biggest fan.", "Lily: No, he hasn't. And I think it was that attitude that made me shut him out like that when he was just trying to help, trying to protect me.", "Daniel: He doesn't hold it against you.", "Lily: I should've tried harder, Daniel. I mean, invited him to the house more. That way he could saw what a great guy you really were.", "Daniel: I could've tried harder, too. And as soon as he gets better, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.", "Lily: If he gets better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Staring at our son like this, fighting for his life... puts everything in perspective.", "Neil: (Sighs) Devon's gonna get through this. He's young and strong.", "Dru: He's so vulnerable, Neil. Look at all these machines he's hooked up to.", "Neil: Yeah. He's had a rough time lately. Worrying about us... and now this.", "Dru: It makes all of our arguing seem so trivial.", "Neil: He must've felt like his family was... falling apart before his eyes. The first solid family he's ever really had.", "Dru: I feel so ashamed.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, it wasn't all you.", "Dru: Yeah, but it was mostly me. I mean, how could I do this, Neil? I'm his mother. How could I be so selfish?", "Neil: Dru...", "Dru: No.", "Neil: Dru...", "Dru: I was so busy worrying about my own stuff, I lost sight of what's really important. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Listen, I'm the first one to admit that my secrets have messed up a lot of people's lives.", "Sharon: That wasn't your fault, Brad. Those people were after you and your mother.", "Brad: You know, even now, when for the first time in a long time I have some semblance of a normal life, I still wake up at night with a sense of panic that it isn't over.", "Sharon: Have you told that to Victoria?", "Brad: It's funny but, um... you're the only one I feel like I can be totally honest with.", "Sharon: Well, you should start feeling that way about your wife. You want your marriage to work out, right?", "Brad: That's almost exactly what Victoria said.", "Sharon: See then? You should take our advice. We're two intelligent women. We can't both be wrong.", "Brad: Hey, uh... my mom's back in town.", "Sharon: Oh, Rebecca? That's great.", "Brad: She's living with us.", "Sharon: Terrific. You two can spend some quality time together now, without all that other stuff hanging over your heads.", "Brad: I would've told you sooner, but you were out of town.", "Sharon: Oh, that was just a couple of days.", "Brad: Where'd you go?", "Sharon: NVP Opened up a new retreat in the Caribbean. And Jack asked me to go along.", "Brad: Jack. So it was business?", "Sharon: Not totally. Um, we're seeing each other. But, um, it's not serious.", "Brad: Does he make you happy?", "Sharon: Yeah. He makes me feel good about myself. And that's something I haven't felt in a long time. Plus, he's just -- he's fun to hang out with,", "Brad: Well, then, uh... I guess I can't complain, can I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi. A white wine, please. Thank you.", "JT: I'd recognize that voice anywhere.", "Victoria: JT!", "JT: Are you by yourself?", "Victoria: Yep, I am. How about you?", "JT: Well, I was supposed to meet with a client, but, uh, he's late. And I'm starting to wonder if he's not gonna show.", "Victoria: You know, I hate people like that. They act like their time is more valuable than yours.", "JT: Well, you just wait till he gets my bill. So what's up? You don't seem like your perky self. You having a bad day?", "Victoria: Yeah, I guess you could say that, yeah.", "JT: Well, maybe I can cheer you up. I'm a pretty funny guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, Sport.", "Billy: Can we talk?", "Jack: Sure, what's up?", "Billy: It really bothers me that Grandma might sell Jabot to that company.", "Jack: Yeah, it doesn't exactly have me doing cartwheels either.", "Billy: What can I do to help you stop her?", "Jack: It's actually a little late for that.", "Billy: You don't have a backup plan?", "Jack: To have a backup plan, you need information. Right now I'm about the last person in the world Katherine's gonna open up to.", "Billy: What do you need to know? I can find it out for you.", "Jack: You would do that for me?", "Billy: Sure.", "Jack: You wouldn't feel guilty spying on your own grandmother?", "Billy: Jabot was my father's company, too, Jack.", "Jack: You definitely got Chancellor in your blood.", "Billy: Tell me what you need me to find out.", "Jack: You know what? I can't put you in the middle of a situation like that.", "Billy: Look, I don't think Grandma's right about this. You, Ashley and I should be running Jabot, not a bunch of outsiders. That's what Dad would want.", "Jack: You think so?", "Billy: Yes. And if it means that we have to be a little sneaky about it... then we'll be a little sneaky. What do you say, Jack? Will you let me help?", "Jack: I'll think about it. But just your offering... means a hell of a lot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know, Dru... I keep think about when Devon first came to live with us.", "Dru: He was so tough --", "Neil: It took me a while to warm up to him, but, man, once I did...", "Dru: He worships you. He loves you.", "Neil: You know, once thing that this has... made me realize?", "Dru: Yeah?", "Neil: Is that... loving your children... it's not about biology, you know? Devon is my son in every way that counts. Just like... Lily's my daughter.", "Dru: That's right. And if Devon gets better...", "Neil: When...", "Dru: Right.", "Neil: When he gets better.", "Dru: When he gets better.", "Neil: When he gets better.", "Dru: Things are gonna change.", "Neil: They have to. Devon may be in college, but he's still our kid. He's our child.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Neil: He deserves a home that makes him feel safe.", "Dru: I just pray that it's not too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Brad? Any idea where I might find Sharon?", "Brad: In the break room.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Michael: Sharon!", "Sharon: Well, Michael Baldwin... what's the matter? They run out of coffee in the courthouse?", "Michael: No, I was doing a little business in the building. But if you're offering...", "Sharon: Well, you sure get around, huh?", "Michael: How have you been?", "Sharon: You know... I've been pretty good. I mean, considering...", "Michael: Thank you. I heard you went to the Caribbean with Jack Abbott of all people. What's up with that?", "Sharon: What? Can you not keep a secret in this town?", "Michael: I make it my business to know everything about everybody. That makes me a better lawyer.", "Sharon: It was no big deal, all right? Jack and I are just having fun, and besides, it was partly business.", "Michael: I'm not here to give you a hard time, please.", "Sharon: Yeah, I just know that you're not a really big fan of his.", "Michael: It's none of my business who you see, but I did wanna ask you about your trip.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah? What about it?", "Michael: Well, Kevin and I are thinking of surprising Gloria with a Caribbean vacation. So we were wondering where you stayed, what you can recommend, hotels, restaurants, where you went besides Antigua.", "Sharon: Let me tell you, we went to two places. We started out in Antigua because that's where the NVP opening was. And then later, we went to Belize.", "Michael: Belize? Oh.", "Sharon: Well, Jack had some business to take care of there. So I did some sightseeing. And both places are really beautiful.", "Michael: I'm sure they are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "JT: All right, oh, no, no, here's another one. Here's another one. The skeleton walks into a bar --", "Victoria: Uh-huh.", "JT: The bartender says, \"What can I get you?\"", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "JT: The skeleton says, \"A beer and a mop.\"", "Victoria: A beer and a mop!", "JT: A beer and a mop.", "Victoria: That's funny.", "JT: That's really all I can remember.", "Brad: JT, Would you excuse us please? I need to speak to my wife -- in private.", "JT: Uh, yeah, sure. I need to head home. I've been stood up.", "Brad: Stood up?", "Victoria: Oh, uh... a client stood him up.", "Brad: Oh.", "Victoria: Brad...", "Brad: No, let me go first.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Brad: I'm sorry about our fight earlier.", "Victoria: You are?", "Brad: Yeah. I've done a lot of thinking since then... and you were right. We've been through so much. And we're just trying to get our lives back to normal. This isn't the best time to get pregnant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, that's fine, Honey. Just tell Sam's mom you have to be home after dinner. Alright you! Bye! Bye.", "Jack: Hiding out?", "Sharon: Uh, no, no, I just popped in here to call my son.", "Jack: No cell phone?", "Sharon: You know, it's a funny thing about cell phones. You have to charge those in order for them to work.", "Jack: You in a hurry to get home?", "Sharon: Uh, no. Noah's having dinner out with a friend.", "Jack: Well, I was wondering if maybe I could talk you into having a drink with me.", "Sharon: I would love that.", "Jack: Great. I don't know about you, but this has been one long day for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Campbell: I actually have some good news.", "Dru: Yes?", "Dr. Campbell: The vital signs are stable and he seems to be improving.", "Dru: Hallelujah.", "Dr. Campbell: Right now he's sedated and intubated. Unfortunately, we won't know for some time whether or not he suffered any brain damage. Excuse me.", "Dru: Sweetie? Baby, the worst is over.", "Neil: That's right. We have to get you well. And get you back to playing ball and going to college.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Lily: If you miss anything, I'll help you, okay?", "Neil: You rest now, my son. We're all gonna be right here when you wake up.", "Dru: That's right, Baby.", "Neil: All right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Katherine remembering]", "Jack: Have you even bothered to investigate where Raaz Cosmetics' money comes from?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Look who's here! Hey, Guys! I guess we all had the same idea.", "Brad: Yeah. Looks that way. So I hear you were in the Caribbean, Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, I almost hated to come home.", "Brad: I'll bet.", "Jack: Well, you have a nice evening.", "Victoria: Oh, well, you, too.", "Sharon: Jeez. It seems like the whole town knows that we went to the Caribbean together.", "Jack: Does that bother you?", "Sharon: No, no, not at all. It's just, um... it's just a little weird. I don't know. Even Michael was asking me about it.", "Jack: Why, what did Michael say?", "Sharon: Um, something about planning a trip for Gloria, so he wanted to know where we were. I told him that Belize was really nice, but that Antigua was amazing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I found out -- oh, hey. I found out something that may or may not be of any use.", "Kevin: What's that?", "Michael: Well, Jack took a side trip to Belize while he was in the Caribbean. Evidently, he, uh, took care of a little business while he was there.", "Kevin: That's interesting. You know what's even more interesting?", "Michael: What?", "Kevin: Jack got an e-mail from EFO International. \"Thanks for the info, re -- Jabot.\"", "Michael: Hmm.", "Kevin: Oh, no, it gets better.", "Kevin: EFO International is a brand-new company, yet their cash flow is huge. And guess what else? They were incorporated in Belize.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dru: It's Mom! We're all here! His eyes are open!", "Neil: Devon?", "Sharon: Jack and I have been seeing each other.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Gloria: What we're doing, we're doing for all of us -- for this family.", "Michael: That doesn't mean I trust you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon notices that Jack is acting strangely. Brad tells her that he will always be there for her. After some hesitation, Jack confronts Sharon about the kiss. She tells him she is sorry and it just happened. She calls Nick to warn him that Jack knows about the kiss. Jana tries to get on Phyllis' good side by making a phone call to Nick for her, since she isn't on the same restrictions as Phyllis. Phyllis is creeped out by Jana and tries to get out of being her cellmate. Meanwhile Jana has ordered a book about murderers and talks about when she killed Carmen. Jana is upset when she sees that there is something about her in the book. Maggie comes to Jabot to tell Jill, Katherine and Cane that they now believe Ji Min was murdered. Maggie asks Cane about the confrontation he had with Ji Min. He admits that they argued and he grabbed him, but that was it." ]
[ "Sharon: Jack, what is it?", "Brad: Earth to Jack.", "Jack: Uh, I was just... reading another political blog. I... I think the way the press is vilifying you for standing by my side is starting to get to me.", "Sharon: Well, you've gotta stop reading that stuff.", "Jack: The problem is, they don't know you like I know you. For them to take shots at your integrity, for them to imply that you're dishonest... I mean, that's just wrong.", "Brad: What's wrong is that she was drawn into this mess in the first place.", "[Jack remembering]", "Brad's voice: Well, I just hope they don't find out about Nick. No one else knows, do they?", "Sharon's voice: What, about the kiss? No, no, I-I only told you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I have a phone call I have to make.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You're so dead.", "Daniel: Oh... you've got a pretty big mouth for a little man.", "Noah: A bigger mouth than you. On your mark, get set. Go!", "Nick: I got ten bucks says Daniel pukes.", "Noah: Hey, Dad!", "Nick: What's up, Dude? Did you take in a lot of air before you started drinking?", "Noah: Just like you taught me. I was totally kickin' butt.", "Nick: What's up?", "Daniel: Mm, yeah, sure you were. Welcome back. Thanks. How was Clear Springs?", "Nick: Oh, you know, big daddy, uh, kicked the tires and put out the fires.", "Noah: That's not how it goes.", "Nick: You're right, it's not. I was just making sure you were paying attention.", "Noah: Heh. Nothing gets by me. (Lowers voice) even if I wish it did.", "Nick: I'm guessing we're not talking about movie quotes anymore?", "Daniel: I'm gonna go with \"Jack quotes.\"", "Noah: (Normal voice) he lied and got busted.", "Nick: Yeah, I read about it online.", "Noah: Dad? There's something you should know. I got into a fight at school... about Jack. I'm out of class for two days.", "Nick: I know about that, too. Your principal called me. I appreciate you owning up to it. We're gonna talk about that later. Not in public.", "Noah: It wouldn't have happened if Jack had told the truth right away.", "Nick: I believe you.", "Noah: It stinks that it's everywhere.", "Nick: Look, Dude, Jack, uh, owned up to what he did and that was cool. It's hard to do the right thing when you know you can take the easy way out and not get in trouble.", "Noah: It said online that lying made him a bad person.", "Nick: Well, that's not really true. I mean, you've lied before, right? I'm sure Daniel has. Even your old man's told one or two.", "Noah: 200 maybe.", "Daniel: Ooh!", "Nick: What, are you looking for leverage for the next time you get into trouble? Look... people make mistakes, but being a man is owning up to them when you do make 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: You seem a little bit nervous.", "Phyllis: No.", "Jana: I can't lie, but I am over the moon about us being bunk mates!", "Phyllis: Yeah. Uh, listen, uh, Jana, uh... it's not like I have buried treasure or anything. You're not gonna gain anything by going after me.", "Jana: Oh, gosh! Like Carmen, I get it. Your sense of humor is so great! Oh, God! We're gonna be such great cell mates!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Let me try to install the drivers manually.", "Jill: If that doesn't work, we can hit it with my shoe.", "Cane: (Laughs)", "Kay: Well, have either of you read Randy McDermott's blog this morning? No, I can see that you haven't. He has put Jabot \"Minutes away from another financial thaw.\" Thank you, Jack Abbott, and your--your hidden camera escapades!", "Jill: I would like to have read it. But my hard drive keeps crashing ever since you checked it for security breaches.", "Kay: Well, you try hitting it with your shoe?", "Cane: How did you know she wanted to hit it with shoe?", "Kay: She has a history.", "Jill: You know what? I'm doing you a favor by jumping in here. Unless you'd rather deal with the fallout on your own?", "Kay: My dear, your being here is a help. Your being a martyr is not.", "Jill: I'm not being a martyr. Just knowing that our every move was taped has me a little spooked, that's all.", "Kay: Well, then breathe easy. Every camera has been removed. Every room has been swept clean of surveillance devices, Jill.", "Jill: Well, could you sweep the rest of the city, please? Because everywhere I go, I'm afraid I'm being watched or listened to.", "Cane: Mom, Mom, you have to relax.", "Jill: And I will relax, Dear, when they figure out who bugged our offices. Now do we know anything more?", "Cane: Well, we're still analyzing the hard drives, but there's no guarantee we'll ever know.", "Kay: Yeah, well, uh, we do know that Jack's fraud just may send Jabot into another tailspin.", "Jill: Great. Meaning all the endless hours Ji Min and I spent putting Jabot back on top were for nothing! And Jack's stupidity may have ruined his father's company oh, I loathe that man!", "(Knock on door)", "Maggie: I'm sorry to interrupt. Uh, the coroner's autopsy report on Ji Min has been completed... and it raised some questions.", "Kay: Really? What kind of questions?", "Maggie: Although it's possible that his death was the result of an accidental fall, it now seems more likely that we're dealing with a crime.", "Jill: I knew it! I knew it!", "Maggie: The coroner found contusions on various parts of Ji Min's body, including abrasions on the knuckles of his right hand. These injuries are consistent with a physical altercation.", "Cane: You think he was in a fight?", "Maggie: The coroner's conclusion is that Ji Min died due to a blow to his throat, which crushed his larynx and the upper portion of his trachea, causing acute asphyxiation. Now while it's possible that this could've happened in a fight, it's also possible that he accidentally fell.", "Kay: Oh, Lord, what a horrible way to die.", "Jill: No, what's horrible is investigated as murder.", "Kay: Do we know who he was in a fight with?", "Maggie: Although a physical altercation is a possibility, that's not the only scenario. We're gonna be, as part of our investigation, re-interviewing everybody that Ji Min spoke to the day that he died. Someone was targeting him. We'll find out.", "Jill: Oh, please! We all know who wanted Ji Min dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Dad? Dad, if ever I needed you... it's now. I put all my faith in one person and I think she's betrayed me. Got any sage advice? I'm all ears.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: That was way too close.", "Brad: I'm sure he didn't hear anything.", "Sharon: How do you know? What if he did? But he probably would've said something, right?", "Brad: I would've.", "Sharon: Yeah, but you're not Jack.", "Brad: Which allows me to sleep well at night.", "Sharon: That's not helping. What was I doing even talking about this kiss in the middle of the office?", "Brad: I'll assume that's a rhetorical question.", "Sharon: Jack knows that Nick was still in love with me after the crash. If he finds out about this kiss... this is going to be bad. And with everything that Jack has going on right now, this is the last thing that he needs.", "Brad: I won't tell if you don't tell.", "Sharon: Well, thanks. Your support means a lot to me.", "Brad: You'll always have my shoulder to cry on, Sharon.", "Sharon: I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life.", "Brad: Oh. You'd find somebody else's shoulder to cry on.", "Sharon: No, I mean it. I mean it. I know that you love me.", "Brad: Of course I will. You'll never have to worry about me abandoning you.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: How are ya?", "Jana: I'm all right, considering. It's not easy for a killer to make new friends.", "Kevin: Even in prison? I wouldn't have thunk it.", "Jana: Seeing you makes everything better, though.", "Kevin: Well, it's nice to know I have that effect on somebody.", "Jana: Oh, good news-- Phyllis is my cell mate. It's nice to see a familiar face, although... I can tell she's not too thrilled about it.", "Kevin: Well, she has nothing to be thrilled about. She's stuck in her for six years. But for you, this-- this is a temporary pit stop. Because as soon as the jury hears about your tumor, you're gonna be home free.", "Jana: And then I can spend the rest of my life making amends for my actions. People can be redeemed, can't they?", "Kevin: Yeah, of course they can. I'm living proof.", "Jana: You know, I'm writing a letter to Carmen's family. I want them to know how truly sorry I am.", "Kevin: That's a really nice gesture. It's gonna look great in court, too.", "Jana: I'm not doing it to improve my case. When I think about what I did, it's horrifying. I mean... it all seemed so normal then, but now, it... it was you who got me through everything.", "Kevin: That's funny. I always say the same exact thing about you.", "Jana: That's because it's true, Kev. Our love is strong enough to survive anything we get thrown at us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Sir, Jana Hawkes is unstable. I don't feel safe around her. Can I please have another cell mate?", "McQueen: I'm through taking your requests, Ms. Newman.", "Phyllis: Are you aware of what she did?", "McQueen: If Ms. Hawkes was mentally unbalanced, she would not have been cleared to stand trial. Forgive me if I go with the opinions of licensed psychiatrists instead of your amateur assessment.", "Phyllis: Just move me away from her. Anywhere.", "McQueen: Ms. Newman--", "Phyllis: Listen, I know it sounds like I'm asking for special treatment, but I'm not. She scares me.", "McQueen: I am aware that Victor Newman has been placing calls to people high up in our state's government. Phyllis I-I didn't know about that.", "McQueen: Yeah, lucky for me I'm already vested in my pension plan. And I'm far too cranky to be influenced by billionaires.", "Phyllis: Well, can I please call my husband and make him aware of what's going on?", "McQueen: Your calling card is empty. As soon as you do enough work to gain more minutes, you can call anyone you'd like. Now if you'll excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Mr. Ashby, can you tell me what kind of relationship you had with Ji Min?", "Jill: You're not seriously gonna question my son again?", "Maggie: Maybe we should do this in private?", "Kay: Maybe you shouldn't talk at all without a lawyer, Cane.", "Cane: Grandma, I'd rather save $300 an hour and answer the lady's questions. I didn't have a relationship with Ji Min, 'cause the man was trying to tear my family apart.", "Jill: This might not be the best time.", "Cane: To what, tell her the truth? I'm pretty certain she knows by talking to people that I had a run-in with him the day he died.", "Maggie: Did you say to him-- well, did you grab him by his arm and say to him, \"This ain't over. I'll be seeing you\"?", "Cane: Yes, something like that, yeah.", "Maggie: And what did you mean by that?", "Cane: Exactly what I said.", "Kay: Um, Detective, uh, that's enough. I think you're done now.", "Cane: No, it's okay. It's okay.", "Maggie: With all due respect, Mrs. Chancellor, I think that's up to Mr. Ashby.", "Cane: I meant I would've knocked him out if I had the opportunity. Unfortunately, I didn't. He walked out of the G.C.A.C., up the stairs, and that is the last time I saw him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey. You wanna get together for lunch?", "Jack: I'm kinda swamped today.", "Sharon: Oh. That's too bad.", "Jack: When I saw you earlier, uh, you seemed... kind of upset with Brad. I mean, everything all right?", "Sharon: Everything's fine. I mean, except everything's not, um, fine, of course. Look, um... you've been going through a lot, and--and Brad was just letting me vent. But he knows how proud I am of you for standing up for everything and how you managed to put Noah first through it all.", "Jack: You do know, busy or not, I'm... I always have time to sit and listen to you vent or talk to me about anything.", "Sharon: I know. That's why I love you.", "Jack: I gotta get back to work, okay?", "Sharon: Okay. I'll talk to you later then.", "Jack: Yeah, get me a number for Jackson penitentiary, please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Seeing Kevin today was like sweet torture. I've tried to cut him out of my life, but I just can't. He keeps coming back. And having him so close, not being able to touch him the way that I'd like...", "Phyllis: Yeah, um... hey, you know, you haven't gone to trial yet. How did you end up here?", "Jana: Well, all the pre-trial detention facilities were full, so it was either one far away or this one. And, um, I chose here 'cause I wanted to be closer to Kevin.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's sweet. That's sweet. Hey, you'd have a much easier time over there.", "Jana: Oh, well, no, I mean, it's not that bad. And they've made special concessions for me since I haven't been convicted yet. So I don't need to take a prison job like the rest of the inmates.", "Phyllis: Really? So I'll be doing your laundry?", "Jana: Well, I could do things for you, too, you know? You could use my calling card to phone Nick!", "Phyllis: No, I can't. I already got in trouble for using somebody else's card.", "Jana: Yeah, but I can phone anybody I like.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, uh, let me know if you see him coming, I'm gonna put some salt in his smoothie.", "Nick: What are you, 10?", "Daniel: Maybe! Besides, he did it to me last week.", "Nick: Nerd. So, uh... you've been spending a lot of time with him lately. How does he really seem?", "Daniel: Well... he's taking it all pretty hard. You know, Jack was the one person in his life... who didn't mind if you put salt in his smoothie.", "Nick: Wow, that save totally sucked. I mean, that was embarrassing. What were you gonna say? Come on, spit it out. I can take it.", "Daniel: Jack's the one person who hasn't let him down in one way or another.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: It's the prison. Phyllis?", "Jana: Um, no, it's Jana.", "Nick: Jana?", "Daniel: Jana, Jana?", "Jana: Jana Hawkes. I'm your wife's new roommate.", "Nick: You're her what?", "Jana: Um... Phyllis, uh, ran out of minutes on her card, so I'm actually phoning for her. She's right here with me right now.", "Nick: Uh, can you put her on?", "Phyllis: Tell-- tell him I miss him.", "Jana: Well, I can't put her on, but she says that she misses you.", "Nick: Uh, yeah, yeah, uh, I miss her, too. Does she need me to put money on her phone card?", "Phyllis: Ask how Summer is? Okay, he's coming, I gotta go. Tell him I love him, kiss the kids.", "Jana: Okay, well, she had to walk away, but she says she loves you and she wants you to give a kiss to the kids.", "Nick: Okay.", "Jana: No love back?", "Nick: Uh, yeah, yeah, I love her. Tell her I love her very much.", "Jana: That's sweet. Bye now.", "Daniel: What was that all about?", "Nick: Jana Hawkes is your mom's new cell mate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I understand that she can't talk right now. All I'm asking is, can you give her the message that I called and ask that she call me back, please? Well, thanks a lot for nothing. You've been no help at all.", "Sharon: Bad time?", "Jack: Theme of the day.", "Sharon: Well, I decided that I'm going to order out and avoid all the stares, so I can order you something--", "Jack: No. Thanks.", "Sharon: Okay. What's wrong?", "Jack: When I gave my last press conference, I put all my secrets, all my lies behind me. At your urging.", "Sharon: Things have been really rough. Are you regretting you did that?", "Jack: No. I'm just not sure I wanna go down that path again... with you. I overheard your conversation earlier with Brad. The intercom was somehow on. I know about Nick. I know about the kiss.", "Sharon: I don't know what to say. I, uh... I feel horrible.", "Jack: That's a pretty good start. So how did this happen?", "Sharon: It was...", "Jack: When did this happen?", "Sharon: When we were on that location scout.", "Jack: And... who kissed whom?", "Sharon: It wasn't like that.", "Jack: It's a simple question, Sharon. Did Nick come on to you or was this your idea?", "Sharon: We were, uh... we were locked in a bank vault. And it just happened and it wasn't planned.", "Jack: Wow, that's a comfort. So you just spontaneously kissed another man.", "Sharon: Jack... I want you to understand--", "Jack: I don't understand! I don't understand any of this! How many times recently have you told me the importance of telling the truth? And there's another thing I don't understand-- when this happened, when this kiss suddenly happened, why did you run to Brad? Of all people?!", "[Sharon remembering]", "Sharon: When I look in your eyes, I can see how much you adore me, and I see that you would do anything for me.", "Brad: I would.", "Sharon: You'd probably even break Nick's neck if I asked you, believe me, I'm tempted.", "Brad: Well, so am I sometimes. And I'm not even married to the man.", "Sharon: Thank you for being there. Thank you so much for being my friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So what else did you and Nick do besides kiss?", "Sharon: Nothing else happened.", "Jack: And I'm supposed to just believe that? How do I know the two of you haven't been sleeping together ever since he came home and forgot he was married to Phyllis?", "Sharon: How could you think I would do something like that to you?", "Jack: I never thought you'd sleep with another man and lie about it, that's how.", "Sharon: Jack... please...", "Jack: Just because you told Brad about this one doesn't mean other kisses.", "Sharon: You know what? You were going through a horrible time in your public life. And I didn't think that you needed the extra stress. And the kiss meant nothing!", "Jack: I didn't care about my senate seat. I always put you and Noah first. You know that!", "Sharon: I only wanted to help you through a horrible time. It was one kiss, Jack. I swear, it was one kiss.", "Jack: Just like you slept with Brad only once. What is it with you? One time and it doesn't count?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Jana Hawkes is Phyllis' new cell mate. Call me as soon as you get this. I'm gonna try Michael's assistant. Maybe she can track him down.", "Daniel: Hey, uh...", "Kevin: Hey.", "Daniel: We need to talk about Jana.", "Kevin: What about her?", "Daniel: Well, as of right now, how crazy is she?", "Kevin: Easy.", "Daniel: Easy, what? She's shacked up with my mom.", "Kevin: So what?", "Daniel: So I'd like to be reassured that my mom doesn't get her skull bashed in.", "Kevin: Jana's cool, all right? It was the tumor that was the problem. But now you got me all worried.", "Daniel: But you just said she was cool.", "Kevin: Oh, Jana's fine. It's Phyllis who's no saint, and she never shuts up. You know, I'm worried that Jana's ears are gonna start bleeding profusely.", "Daniel: Whoa, wait, this is a legitimate concern.", "Kevin: So what the hell do you want me to do about it? It's not like I had anything to do with the room assignments.", "Daniel: No, but you made sure that she got that operation and she got out of the psych ward and now she's in a room with my mom!", "Kevin: Listen to yourself. At these degrees of insanity.", "Daniel: What's insanity is my mom is living with a killer.", "Noah: What are you talking about?", "Daniel: Uh, nothing. Don't worry about it.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Noah: They said that Phyllis is living with a killer. We have to go help her.", "Nick: Uh... no, no, Phyllis is fine. I'm sure you just misunderstood them.", "Daniel: Yeah. Uh, I didn't get to finish what I was saying is that she's got a killer new roommate. Killer, as in, good, you know, awesome.", "Noah: I'm not stupid.", "Kevin: No, seriously, Noah, Phyllis' new roommate is, like, the best.", "Noah: Then why were you guys fighting?", "Daniel: We weren't fighting, we were just messing around.", "Noah: You were yelling.", "Kevin: Yeah, you know, about, uh... how lucky Phyllis is that she's got such a cool new roommate.", "Noah: I wanna go see her to make sure she's okay.", "Nick: Uh, yeah, I know, Buddy, but you can't today. You got computer lab.", "Noah: Come on, I can bail. Just this once?", "Nick: No, you missed last week. And I really don't want you to miss any more. But I'll tell you I'll go up there and make sure things are okay. All right?", "Daniel: And I'll go with him, too.", "Noah: Promise me you'll tell me everything?", "Nick: Son, I will tell you everything you need to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So... now that my son's been grilled, Detective, who's next?", "Cane: Mom, Mom, I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Maggie: There's a method here, Ms. Abbott. Eliminating suspects-- that's part of our process.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Kay: Well...", "Cane: Excuse me, Ladies, I have to take this call. I'll be back in a jiffy, okay? Hang on a second. Hello?", "Kay: Well, does that, uh, eliminate my grandson from your suspect list?", "Maggie: How about I ask the questions?", "Jill: Great, if you'd just start asking questions about the right person.", "Maggie: Meaning who?", "Jill: Meaning Jack Abbott. He had a lot to lose by Ji Min giving that interview.", "Maggie: Well, the same things that he's losing now that the recordings have gone public? He seems to be handling everything quite well.", "Kay: He's a politician.", "Jill: I would not put anything past Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Brad, I'm not gonna tell you again. My wife doesn't need a confidant.", "Brad: Sharon and I have been friends for a long time, Jack. Your marriage doesn't change that.", "Jack: You've already ruined your marriage. I'll be damned if you're gonna ruin mine.", "Brad: Oh, you'll do that all by yourself.", "Jack: Listen, you son of a--", "Brad: If Sharon comes to me for advice, it doesn't concern you.", "Jack: The last thing my wife needs is your advice.", "Brad: Everyone needs a friend to talk to.", "Jack: Not friends like you. Okay?", "Brad: You try to isolate me from Sharon, she'll only end up resenting you.", "Jack: Stay away from my wife. Having a bladder control", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Did you happen to come across any other security footage that would show Senator Abbott and Mr. Kim talking? Anything that would show hostility?", "Kay: If we had, you would already have had it.", "Jill: And don't let Jack's public demeanor fool you. I have seen his temper.", "Maggie: What about threats? Did you see or hear Senator Abbott, or anyone else, threaten Mr. Kim?", "Cane: No, not that I can remember.", "Jill: No.", "Kay: Jack is your best suspect, Detective. He is manipulative. He is deceitful.", "Maggie: I've said the same things about my mother, and yet, she's never killed anyone.", "Cane: Yeah, but the strongest guy can snap.", "Maggie: Actually, the strongest men rein it back in. Whoever fought with Mr. Kim didn't stop. Or couldn't.", "Jill: Oh, my God, the thought of... of him suffering that way, in that kind of pain?", "Cane: Mum, don't do this to yourself,", "Kay: It's really not worth it, Jill.", "Jill: I wanna ask you, what did the coroner say? Was there anything that could've been done to save him?", "Kay: Jill, please, stop it!", "Cane: Mom! Don't hurt yourself like this.", "Jill: I want to know this. Detective, please. Did he die right away?", "Maggie: He estimates death took between four to six minutes.", "Jill: And he just lay there on the floor that whole time? He must've been so scared. You find out who killed him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: It's--it's good to see friendly faces.", "Nick: These are concerned faces.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, I'm fine. You don't need to be concerned. I-I just need a reality check.", "Daniel: Jana weirding you out?", "Phyllis: Um... uh-huh. Sure. I-I don't know how much longer I can take her being in the same cell as I am. You know, it's sort of freaking me out. Can you talk to the warden? I already talked to him, but clearly he has a problem with me.", "Nick: Well, it's not like he and I are gonna be catching any Brewers games anytime soon.", "Phyllis: Can you? I mean, your charm worked on him once.", "Nick: I'm not saying I'm not gonna try, it's just I don't know what I'm gonna be able to tell him that he hasn't already read in her file. Has she threatened you or anything?", "Phyllis: Um, no. No. I mean, she's just... eager. And it's creeping me out. It's really unnerving. You know what I mean? I mean, she's-- she's like a Stepford wife.", "Daniel: You know, those doctors--the surgeons-- they messed around with her brain. Are you sure she's not being real?", "Phyllis: I'm sure she appears to be sweet, caring and helpful. Everything she seemed to be when she killed Carmen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hey.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Brad: I just got, uh, read the riot act by your husband. It looks like he had a go at you, too, huh?", "Sharon: Everything is a mess because of me.", "Brad: Mind if I get in?", "Sharon: I'll get out. I need some air anyway.", "Brad: Listen, I'm really... sorry that Jack overheard our conversation.", "Sharon: I love him. And he's so good with Noah. And I just never meant to hurt him.", "Brad: Well, Jack has to understand that, uh, nobody's perfect. People make mistakes.", "Sharon: It's just that, uh... he's been through this before. And it kills me to know that I've hurt him like this. How could I do this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Can I get you something? Some tea? A fermented potato?", "Jill: Only if you put the potato in the tea.", "Cane: That would make it the long island variety, which I can get you if you really want that.", "Jill: Nah, wouldn't help.", "Cane: Mom... I hate seeing you do this to yourself.", "Jill: Cane... I love that you wanna protect me, okay? But I need to know the truth.", "Cane: What truth?", "Jill: Did you go to Ji Min's room and get into a real fight with him?", "Cane: Are you serious? Are you really asking me this?", "Jill: Yes, I am.", "Cane: I told you I wanted to hit the guy. That's--that's it.", "Jill: I wanted him to give that interview. I asked him to do it.", "Cane: I know. And that's why we just had words. Look, Mom, I was in the G.C.A.C. I grabbed him by the arm. It was in public. And that is the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Make sure that you tell Noah that I'm doing okay.", "Daniel: Will I be lying?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna kick your butt.", "Daniel: Bye.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Jana is dangerous. Do you not have a special section reserved for violent offenders?", "McQueen: Unlike your wife, Ms. Hawkes has not been convicted of a crime. She's a temporary resident here, and, so she's not a prisoner. Mrs. Newman could learn a thing or two from her.", "Nick: Or she could get hurt by her. Look, convicted or not, this woman is dangerous.", "McQueen: This isn't a 5-star resort, Mr. Newman, it's a pay your debt to society prison. Everyone in here poses a danger. Who's to say your wife's next cell mate wouldn't be an even worse threat than Ms. Hawkes?", "Nick: You could, Sir. Look, I'm telling you, if you move Jana, then my wife will be a model prisoner for you. She'll be better than a model prisoner. Hell, she'll be your poster child. And then you won't have to deal with us again.", "McQueen: Oh, so if I don't change your wife's cell mate, your tag team appeals will continue?", "Nick: That's not what I'm saying.", "McQueen: Here's what I'm saying-- any more pressure from the outside world trying to make things easier for a convicted felon inside the walls of my prison is only gonna make that felon's time unbearably harder than it needs to be. Are we clear?", "Nick: Very clear.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Ahem. How was your visit?", "Phyllis: It was-- it was good. Thank you for asking. Dare I ask? Um, what happened to you?", "Jana: Oh, um... the book I ordered has just arrived.", "Phyllis: Oh. And--and that's a bad thing?", "Jana: No. It's just that I'm--I'm in it.", "Phyllis: May I?", "Jana: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Uh, \"The Mindset of a Killer.\" That's--that's... well... that's some light, you know, afternoon reading.", "Jana: You know, I used to read these all the time. I was fascinated by them. I used to look at everybody's photos and try to get into their heads. But now, all I see are the victims. I read about what I did to Carmen, and it was so horrible. God, I wish I could go back in time and erase everything that I did. (Sighs) you know... when I close my eyes, I can still hear the crunch that her skull made when I... when I hit her with that flashlight. God, it was just dreadful. I still get the chills when I think about it.", "Jana: You know, my hand was bruised after the impact it took two weeks to heal. Sometimes, I wish... that I were the one who was dead and Carmen was the killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, I should go.", "Brad: You sure you're gonna be all right?", "Sharon: I can't stay here and talk to you forever.", "Brad: Well, if you need anything, someone to talk to...", "Sharon: I... I need to talk to my husband.", "Brad: Well, I'm here for you 24/7.", "Sharon: Oh, God!", "Brad: What?", "Sharon: Nick! I have to call him before Jack does.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Nick Newman.", "Sharon: Hi, it's me.", "Nick: Hey, me. What's up? Is, uh, everything okay with Noah?", "Sharon: It's Jack. He knows about the kiss.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Remember the location scout I went on with Sharon?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: I kissed her.", "Neil: When Brad Carlton is upbeat, that's your cue to grab a helmet and worry.", "Jack: Actions speak volumes. I'm hearing you loud and clear.", "Sharon: No." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Boo Proofread By Emma']
[ "Young and the Restless celebrated its 10,000 episode with the happy reunion of Victor Newman and his family and friends. Victor hugs Nikki and tells her that he is home and that he loves her. Nikki quickly sends a text message to Victoria, Nick, Abby, and Katherine telling them to go back to the chapel right away. Nikki starts to tell Victor about Sharon and what she has been up to since he has been away, but Victor stops her mid-sentence and tells her he knows all about what Sharon has done and assures Nikki he will take care of it. Nikki tells Victor that Sharon is marrying Tucker right now and takes him to the chapel where Nick and Genevieve are seated watching the wedding. Victor bursts in the door with Nikki, Victoria, Katherine, and Billy before the reverend can say \"I now pronounce you husband and wife.\" Victor tells Sharon they will soon be divorced and that he wants her out of the house before he returns to his home.", "Victor tells his family that the day he married Sharon, they went for a ride. When he went a little ahead of her, his horse got spooked and threw him off, then he hit his head and got amnesia. Victor explains that he didn't know who he was and a truck driver picked him up and took him to the LA harbor district where he worked unloading ships. Victor promises Tucker that he will get even with him for trying to steal his company and keep him away from his family. Victor informs the press that he was away taking some time off and he is glad to be home. His new focus is making things right again with Newman Enterprises. Victor says that he will buy back the depressed shares of common stock at a good price. Jack is sad at first about selling Beauty of Nature to Tucker, but then he discovers he can nullify the sale once all of Tucker's illegal dealing comes out. When Victor throws Sharon off the ranch, she is happy because she thinks that Tucker will take her in, but he also slams his door in her face. Katherine is sad that Tucker could do something so appalling to Victor but decides to concentrate on all the people who love her. Victor doesn't tell Victoria that Billy knew he was alive, so Billy is nervous and wonders when the other shoe will drop. Billy tries to tell Victoria the truth, but she just wants to concentrate on the fact that Victor is alive. Danny and Phyllis argue about what she did to Christine and Paul. Danny clearly takes Christine's side in the matter. As Victor and Nikki share a kiss at the ranch, he tells her that they belong together.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Your brother's an idiot. Jack the invincible, wheeling and dealing. Thought I'd taken into account every possible outcome. Never even crossed my mind Victor might come home in a box.", "Traci: I'm sure you're not alone in feeling that way, Jack.", "Jack: Worked like hell to build a stronger future, and what have I got? A signed sales agreement giving Beauty of Nature to Tucker and a bunch of Newman stock that isn't about to go up anytime soon. Hell, Victor could rise from the dead and ring the opening bell of the New York stock exchange, it wouldn't happen.", "Traci: Jack, you were willing to put a whole bunch on the line to best him, and... (Sighs) I have to wonder... you had two thriving cosmetics companies. You've got a family who loves you, including a relationship with a son you never thought you would have, and my God, Jack, you're walking again. (Exhales sharply) It seems like that should have been enough, so the question I guess you have to ask yourself is, why wasn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: He could be just so pigheaded and stubborn, and then all of a sudden, he would just-- he would surprise you. I mean, I'll never forget the--the Christmas he lured me out to the ranch. Uh, some urgent file he needed me to look at, and I was pretty cynical then about the holidays, you know, because I'd had so many rotten, dysfunctional ones as a kid.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah, we fought about that, remember? Your attitude.", "Michael: Yeah, I know. It totally, totally stunk. (Sighs) But Christine went to Victor, and they hatched this plan. And, uh... (Laughs) I drove out there and, uh, before you know it, I was the guest of honor at the private family celebration. I mean, you were there. You remember, right?", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Michael: And it was just th-the most joyful, incredible evening. (Chuckles)", "Lauren: That night really changed you.", "Michael: Mm, profoundly, profoundly, and it was because of Victor's thoughtfulness.", "Neil: You know, it's strange, um, that you always hear about how ruthless the man was. Um... but he was also capable of showing great kindness at the most unexpected moments.", "Abby: My dad was always coming up with the most beautiful surprises for the people he loved. I'll never forgive Sharon for turning the day of his funeral into a-a joke.", "Lauren: Well, the universe has a way of giving people like Sharon exactly what they deserve.", "Neil: She has alienated everyone who ever cared about her. Well, I have to go. I'm meeting up with Devon and Lily, who send their condolences.", "Abby: They're really lucky to have you.", "Kay: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: It's my little boy or girl in there.", "Chelsea: It sure is.", "Adam: I want so much more for our kid.", "Chelsea: You're going to be a wonderful father, Adam. There isn't a doubt in my mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Look at those big, bright eyes. Who needs a nap, huh? Not us.", "Johnny: (Grunts)", "Billy: It's us wide-awake types the world's gotta look out for.", "Johnny: (Fussing)", "Billy: I know. I know.", "Johnny: (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Victor?", "Nikki: Victor?", "Victor: Come here, my love.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! (Laughs) Oh, it's you! Ohh, thank God. (Laughing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, uh, I didn't know that you were coming back into town.", "Danny: Yeah as soon as my tour finished, I grabbed the first flight out. Look, we need to talk.", "Phyllis: No. Here is not the time, and nor is it the place to have that conversation.", "Danny: Hey, it was the time and place 18 years ago when you tried to kill two innocent people, right?", "Phyllis: Allegedly, a-allegedly, allegedly.", "Daniel: Oh, wow, this is great, the two of you guys back together again. Look at that.", "Danny: Oh, Daniel, hey.", "Daniel: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Well, we're ready when you are, Reverend.", "Sharon: Wait. When you're getting married, don't you need a witness?", "Minister: Um, your guests can serve that purpose.", "Tucker: Guests?", "Genevieve: Don't mind me. Carry on.", "Tucker: Ignore her.", "Sharon: Let's have a wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) It really is you. (Gasps) Oh, your hand. Are--are you okay?", "Victor: I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it, okay?", "Nikki: Oh, there's something that you need to know right away. It's Sharon.", "Victor: I've heard all about the things she did while I was gone. Don't worry about it. Where is she now?", "Nikki: She's marrying Tucker.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Tough day to be alone.", "Kay: Well, you've all certainly made it easier.", "Abby: I should go, too. Are you going to Jack's?", "Kyle: Yeah.", "Abby: Okay, tell him I'll be by later?", "Kyle: All right.", "(Cell phone alerts chiming)", "Kay: Hmm. That's odd.", "Michael: What is?", "Kay: Nikki wants me back at the chapel as soon as possible.", "Abby: Me, too.", "Lauren: Any idea why?", "Kay: She doesn't say.", "Chris: Oh, Danny.", "Kay: What?", "Chris: Uh, e-excuse me.", "Michael: Ohh...", "Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven.", "Michael: All right, you guys better sneak out the side exit. Lauren and I will try and keep a lid on things. Go, go, go, go.", "Kay: Okay.", "Abby: Um...", "Daniel: Nope, this is gonna be fun.", "Paul: Oh, my. Maybe we should go somewhere else.", "Nina: What, are you kidding me? I'm not missing this.", "Lily: Wait, Sharon is marrying Tucker?", "Devon: Victor's barely in the ground.", "Cane: Everyone knows those two have an alliance, but marriage? I mean, that's a farce.", "Lily: Wait, so... (Laughs) When is the big event?", "Neil: Big event is now.", "Cane: Now?", "Lily: What?!", "Devon: Now? (Laughing) My gosh, this... (Chuckles) It's so twisted.", "Neil: This isn't exactly the kind of reaction I thought you would have.", "Devon: Well, you know, Dad, if Tucker wants to marry Sharon, piss off the whole town, that's on him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ah, let me know when the florist arrives. That centerpiece has to be perfect. Ah. (Breathing rhythmically) Hello.", "Kevin: Mom. Are you setting up for a party?", "Gloria: A very important wedding reception. Actually, a wedding dinner for two-- Tucker and Sharon.", "Kevin: Tucker and Sh--", "Gloria: Mm.", "Kevin: Victor just died.", "Gloria: I know, I know, but I wasn't going to say no. The money, the publicity-- but I'm with you... (Whispering) It is pretty tacky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Minister: If anyone here knows of any impediment that would prevent this man and this woman from being lawfully joined together in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. Please repeat your vows, each to the other.", "Tucker: I, Tucker, take you, Sharon, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part.", "Minister: Sharon.", "Sharon: I, Sharon, take you, Tucker, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part.", "Minister: Have you a ring?", "Tucker: Um... actually, we don't.", "Sharon: We don't. Well, you know what? Let's just forget that part.", "Minister: All right, then. Join hands, please.", "Minister: Heavenly father, we ask your blessing on this couple as they go forth united in the bonds of holy matrimony, for we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.", "Sharon: Amen.", "Tucker: Amen.", "Minister: Tucker, Sharon, having declared your commitment to each other before God and these witnesses, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.", "Victor: Like hell you are.", "Victoria: Is it you? Oh, my God.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Sharon. Look at me. You knew, didn't you?", "Victor: Reverend, don't bother signing that marriage certificate. The news reports about my death have obviously been premature. Besides, the bride all dressed in white is still my wife, although that is about to be rectified very soon.", "Abby: Daddy? Ohh!", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Hi, my sweet.", "Abby: Ohh!", "Victor: Oh, my sweetheart.", "Kay: Oh, my God, Victor Newman, as I live and breathe.", "Nick: Dad, where have you been?", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Nick: Where have you been?", "Victoria: We thought--", "Victor: I'll fill you all in, okay? Let me deal with something first. Excuse me.", "Victor: I know what you were up to while I was gone.", "Sharon: You used me to teach Nikki a lesson. You took off on our wedding night, leaving me behind callously, to be abused by everyone else while you were away.", "Victor: I did not take off. The night you and I took a ride, my horse and I galloped ahead of you. He got spooked by something, threw me off. I fell on my head, lost my memory, didn't know who the hell I was or where I was, until a truck driver picked me up as I was staggering in the road. He had a freight to deliver to Los Angeles. That's how I ended up in the L.A. harbor district. Meanwhile, I'm sure you were busy conspiring to take over my company as C.E.O. and you had declared me dead.", "Sharon: The man whose body I identified at the morgue, I thought was you. It was a mistake.", "Victor: Well, you know that's bull. You could hardly wait to throw yourself at Tucker, and I'm sure he tried to seduce you, as well, didn't you, Tucker?", "Tucker: It wasn't like that.", "Victor: Oh, really?", "Sharon: You know what? Who are you to judge, really? I know that you were with another woman when you were away.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Sharon: I saw a photo of you with her in your arms.", "Victor: Well, let me tell you something-- that woman was a wonderful woman, unlike you, a woman who does a lot of things for a lot of people-- she's a sister, a nun. She runs a mission down at the L.A. harbor district. She helps those who are down and out. Without her, I wouldn't have survived. Now let's talk about the damn picture. I know who showed it to you. You did, Tucker, didn't you? You showed her the picture because you were planning to manipulate her so that, eventually, you could take over my company at a huge profit. You knew all along where I was... but someone else knew where I was, someone you paid to track me down and to keep me away from Genoa City as long as it would take you to take over my company... and that other person was Genevieve, right?", "Tucker: Is that what she told you?", "Genevieve: Only because it's the truth... and I never should have agreed to do this thing, no matter how desperate I was financially, but... I did try to make up for it by making sure that Victor got his medication when he needed it and by looking out for him and trying to protect him as best I could, and I did help to bring him home.", "Kay: Too little, too late.", "Nikki: You knew it was wrong. You knew we had to be frantic, but you waited till it suited you to do the right thing.", "Victor: I will decide how to deal with those who prevented me from coming back to town so that they could conduct their dirty business. Meanwhile, I want you to get back to the ranch, pack your suitcase, get out of my house before I return to my home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: I'm trying to remember the last time we were all together like this.", "Phyllis: Wow, it must be really uncomfortable for you, Christine. With the exception of Daniel, I think you've had sex with every man standing here, haven't you? And some more recently than others.", "Chris: (Gasps)", "Daniel: Wow, that was, uh, that was classy, Mom.", "Phyllis: It's the truth.", "Lauren: Well, I've been with them all, too, and I don't feel awkward.", "Nina: (Chuckles)", "Michael: That's great, Honey.", "Phyllis: Well, I appreciate you all droppin' in on us, but, um, Danny, Daniel, and I are trying to have a private family conversation.", "Danny: I don't see why you're in such a hurry to get rid of them. I mean, you looked them all in the face for years and lied to them.", "Phyllis: Yeah, of course you would blindly believe what Christine told you. It doesn't even matter what I have to say to you, right?", "Daniel: Okay, okay, as much as I'm enjoying this, I really would love some alone time with my parents.", "Phyllis: No! No, no, no, he doesn't want to have a conversation with me. He just wants to accuse me and humiliate-- I-I-I'm not up for it.", "Nina: Welcome home, Danny.", "Chris: Yeah.", "Danny: (Chuckles) Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Victor's alive?", "Kyle: No way!", "Traci: How can this be?", "Abby: Dad was in an accident and lost his memory. He's been in L.A. unloading ships, but get this-- Tucker and Genevieve knew where he was and kept it a secret.", "Traci: What?!", "Kyle: Oh, talk about slimy.", "Jack: Yeah, he's slimy, all right. Tucker made sure Newman stock crashed and recovered on his schedule-- very clever. Too bad there will be hell to pay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hey, everyone.", "Neil: Tucker.", "Lily: (Clears throat)", "Tucker: Devon, um, I'd like to talk to you for a minute, if you don't mind.", "Devon: Why aren't you with your new wife?", "Tucker: Well, the marriage isn't happening, and there's something else you need to know.", "Kay: You can save your breath, Tucker. He also knows what you did to Victor.", "Cane: What you and my mother did.", "Kay: You kept Victor, who needed help, from his loved ones, hmm? (Gasps) You let them-- you let them suffer, and you put that almighty dollar above common decency. My God, have you no shame? No shame?", "Tucker: Can we talk in private, please?", "Devon: (Exhales slowly) No, no, thanks. I think I'm gonna stay with my, uh, my grandmother here and my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Something about my father on the news. An old buddy just texted me about a press conference.", "Chelsea: I'll turn on the TV.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, and this one's from Reed. Ohh!", "Nick: And another one from Summer. I mean, she went absolutely crazy when I gave her the news.", "Victor: Very good to be here again, okay?", "Nick: Well, it looks like you've been through a lot.", "Victoria: Yeah, when are you gonna tell us what happened to your hand?", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: Well, I told your father that we agreed to let that go for now until he's ready to tell us the whole story.", "Nick: I assumed you chose to walk away. I'm sorry.", "Victor: You have nothing to apologize for, Son. I know that you kept up the search for me, and I know you did everything in your power to protect the company while I was gone.", "Victoria: Certain people didn't make that very easy.", "Victor: I will explain what--", "(Door opens)", "Man: Mr. Newman, Mr. Newman!", "Woman: Mr. Newman!", "Man: Mr. Newman!", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Avery: Never in my life have I been so happy to get a call.", "Victor: Thank you, thank you.", "Nick: Avery kept up appearances, but the whole time, she was with me and Victoria.", "Victor: I'm glad to hear that, grateful.", "Avery: The press is ready for you.", "Victor: (Breathes deeply) Okay, I'm ready.", "Billy: Okay, I will see you after.", "Victoria: Bye, Honey.", "Billy: Mm-hmm, good-bye. (Clears throat)", "Victor: Billy... thank you for being here.", "Billy: Sure thing.", "Man: Mr. Newman, Mr. Newman!", "Man: Mr. Newman.", "Nikki: (Clears throat)", "Victor: Good afternoon. My name is Victor Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: It's Victor.", "Victor: As should be evident by now...", "Michael: Hey, Victor's on television!", "Victor: Contrary to the news reports, I am very much alive. I took some personal time away. I'm very happy to be home again...", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, Nick.", "Victor: And back with my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: And this is how we find out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Can you believe this? No wonder Tucker and Sharon didn't show up. I guess I better go tell my temperamental chef.", "Billy: And here I wanted to be the one to tell you.", "Kevin: Did Victor tell Victoria that you tracked him down weeks ago?", "Billy: Victor didn't say anything.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Billy: I have no idea, but that makes me even more worried.", "Victor: My wife Sharon will no longer be chief executive officer. Effective immediately, I will be returning to Newman Enterprises as both chairman and C.E.O.", "Esther: Hallelujah!", "Victor: To those of you still holding common stock...", "Kay: That's tellin' 'em, Victor.", "Victor: I want to thank you for your loyalty. The company has agreed to buy back the depressed shares at a healthy premium.", "Jack: And kick off a massive rise in stock price. Well, thanks for that much, anyway.", "Traci: Well, at least your shares are no longer worthless.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Victor: I want to express my profound appreciation to those of you who were loyal to Newman Enterprises while I was gone. It is good to be back in business. I can assure you that I'll be spending a lot of time setting right the wrongs that were done during my absence.", "Lauren: I'm so thrilled for the family.", "Chris: See? Even when things look their bleakest, there's still hope.", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Danny: Hey, uh, do you got some time to talk?", "Daniel: Um... y-yeah. I'm supposed to go pick up Lucy, but I'd--I'd like that, so let me grab us a table.", "Danny: Great. We should talk sometime, too, about what happened all those years ago that night, you know, that set Phyllis off, because I, um, I owe you an apology.", "Paul: You know, Danny, it is--it's really hard for me to get worked up over a kiss, especially since I have committed far greater sins. You go enjoy your son. Take care.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Kyle: What was it like walkin' into that chapel and actually seeing your dad standing there, realizing you had him back?", "Abby: It was... surreal! (Laughs)", "Traci: (Chuckles)", "Kyle: I bet. I-I can't even imagine what that would be like.", "Abby: At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. And then he hugged me, and I knew it was real.", "Jack: Well, I'm thrilled for you, Abby. But I have to say, if Victor had to stage a miraculous comeback, I wish he would have done it yesterday.", "Kyle: Why?", "Jack: Because news of the great man's death caused stock prices to go over a cliff. My brokers made a margin call. I had to sell Beauty of Nature to Tucker to get the cash.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Kyle: After everything you went through to buy it...", "Abby: I bet that jerk loved it, didn't he?", "Traci: Jack, I know this has been a tremendous blow to you.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Traci: For what it's worth, I am so sorry.", "Jack: Well, here's to you, Victor. You won again. You didn't even know you were out to get me, did you?", "Gloria: It is not often I see something on television and literally cannot believe my eyes.", "Kevin: (Sighs) I-I'm so happy for you guys.", "Billy: Thanks, Bud.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victoria: Thanks.", "Nikki: I have to say, every day Victor was gone, I just had this feeling of intense dread in my chest, wondering where he is. Wh-what's he doing? What horrible thing could be happening to him? And... (Sighs)", "Victoria: We were all scared, Mom. We were all trying to stay strong for one another.", "Nikki: Well, I will never forgive Tucker or Genevieve.", "Victoria: Well, don't worry, Mom. Nobody crosses Dad and gets away with it for long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I told you twice that I wanted out, and you wouldn't listen to me, and then you wouldn't return my phone calls.", "Tucker: That was after you'd been working for me for a long, long time, happily taking the money I paid you. You should have told me Victor was alive and had his memory back. Instead, you flew home with the guy painting yourself as some kind of reformed sinner while I got sandbagged!", "Genevieve: And you deserved every minute of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This is the last bag.", "Victor: Good.", "Sharon: Victor! Victor!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Well, your mom and my dad make a hell of a pair, don't they?", "Neil: Yeah, they hurt a lot of people.", "Esther: Poor Mrs. C. you must feel like you have whiplash.", "Lily: You and Tucker were just starting to be okay again, and now this.", "Kay: I don't want a son who's capable of what he did.", "Cane: It doesn't make it any less painful.", "Kay: No. Oh, Cane, don't worry about me. Tucker's the one who has to, uh, spend endless, sleepless nights dealing with the consequences of what he's done. And, frankly, I... I-I don't want to focus on what I've lost. I want to focus on what I have-- each and every one of you, all the people I love...that's what makes me a very, very rich woman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Boy, talk about a roller coaster. (Sighs)", "Michael: You can say that again.", "Nina: We could all see how hard it was on Katherine thinking that she'd lost such a dear friend. I'm really glad for her sake that it turned out the way it did.", "Chris: Would you guys excuse me for a minute?", "Nina: Yeah.", "Paul: Sure.", "Chris: Okay.", "Danny: Come on. Sit down.", "Chris: (Sighs) I'm really glad you're here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I got your message.", "Nick: Did you see any of the press conference?", "Phyllis: Yes. All I can say is wow.", "Nick: Yeah, that pretty well describes it. I mean, me, mom, Vick, we're just like... (Sighs) What happened?", "Phyllis: Huh? No, nothing. I just...", "Nick: Phyllis, what-- what happened?", "Phyllis: Nothing. Danny's back.", "Nick: That couldn't have been an easy conversation.", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. I don't want to talk about that. W-we should just be talking about Victor and that he's alive. I am... I'm so happy for you. I-I... I'm-- I'm--I'm so happy for you. Congratulations.", "Nick: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: No one in your family could even be bothered to pick up a phone? Tell you about Victor personally? That is just hateful. (Scoffs)", "Adam: Dad's alive. That's really all that matters.", "Chelsea: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: You sure you don't want a sandwich?", "Abby: Those leftovers were awesome.", "Jack: What? Oh, uh, no, no. Um, no, I don't need anything. Uh, there's plenty of food in there. Please, help yourselves.", "Kyle: Yeah, we just did.", "Jack: Good. Good.", "Traci: Uh-oh. I know this look, and it usually means trouble.", "Jack: It just occurred to me there may be a way to get Beauty of Nature back.", "Traci: No, Jack, you sold it. It's done.", "Jack: It wasn't even a day ago. The ink isn't even dry yet. And it's about to come out that Tucker was involved in some illegal dealings. I may well get the sale nullified. Anyway, don't count me out, not just yet. (Breathes deeply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Is it true? You knew where Victor was, and you kept him away this whole time?", "Tucker: Did you know the body you I.D.'ed at the morgue wasn't his?", "Sharon: I can explain.", "Tucker: I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here.", "Sharon: What?", "Tucker: If you're looking for a place to stay, sorry, not here.", "Genevieve: You are one cold bastard.", "Tucker: Am I? Then why are you still here? I'll tell you why. Probably because you know you can't go knocking on anyone else's door. Yeah, you may have tried to help Victor toward the end there. People aren't gonna care about that. They're just gonna remember how you played along with me.", "Genevieve: We'll see, won't we?", "Tucker: Yeah. Just don't make the mistake of thinking anybody, especially Victor Newman, will be quick to forgive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I'm sorry. I put everyone through hell.", "Victoria: Billy, you had every reason to believe he was dead.", "Billy: Well, there's a lot you don't know, things I should have told you.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I know everything I need to know, okay? It's over. Dad's back.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Hey, I love you.", "Billy: I love you, too. And I don't want to lose you.", "Victoria: And you never will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Nikki: Hi. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. I-I thought maybe you'd want to be alone.", "Victor: Why would I want to be alone? This is where we belong, you and I together.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Victor.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sighs contentedly)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: What's it say? Was there a match to Sheila's handwriting?", "Kevin: Tell your wife the truth.", "Victoria: He's right, you know. If you have a confession to make, just say it.", "Sharon: Mom." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Michael and Lauren decide to stay at the Athletic Club until the police catch Carmine even though Alex thinks they would be more secure at their apartment. Michael and Lauren are happy when they get a call from Fen's psychiatrist saying that he can come home permanently next week. Carmine sees an article about Lauren getting the businesswoman of the year award tomorrow and plans to go to the gala. Stitch tells Dylan that he finished medical school when he returned home from battle and has gotten a job at the hospital and his wife and kids will arrive later. Dylan and Nick decide to go for a walk to clear their heads, and they both end up at Chancellor Park sitting on benches close to each other. Summer tells Avery she is going to LA for a modeling job, but before she leaves she wants to know why Avery left Nick at the altar. Avery tells Summer that she loves Nick, but deep down she didn't want to face the unresolved issues from her past, so she kept putting them off until they all came to a head the day of the wedding. Summer tells Avery that she wishes she could help Nick, because despite his lies she still loves him.", "Nikki goes to Katherine's grave to tell her that she has finished the search for her son and that he drowned when he was seven years old. Paul gives Nikki the file on her son's adoption. She reads it and decides not to tell Victor about this part of her past, because she thinks it would hurt him too much to know that she gave her son up for adoption in much the same way Victor's mother left him in an orphanage. Jack tells Adam that even though his dream of running Newman Enterprises with Victor didn't come true, he has an opportunity to build a new company that he can leave as a legacy for Connor. Victor shows Nikki the letter that says Katherine left him Chancellor Industries, and he assures her that when Newman Enterprises is totally ruined, he will buy it back again.", "" ]
[ "Michael: Carmine escaped?", "Lauren: How is that possible? You said he was being transported to the courthouse jail. Wouldn't he have been in an armored vehicle?", "Michael: With at least two guards specifically trained for that type of detail?", "Alex: Well, he overpowered them. And, no, I don't know how. He probably had some outside help.", "Lauren: The last time that carmine was free...", "Alex: He tried to gas you into your next life.", "Michael: So, what are you doing about it?", "Alex: We set up a perimeter, put out an A.P.B. We'll find him.", "Michael: Meantime, he could be anywhere.", "Nikki: Thank you for stopping off here with me. I know you're anxious to get home.", "Paul: Oh, no, I know it's important to you. I mean, Katherine sent you on this journey. It seems only right that you tell her what happened.", "Nikki: [Sighs] Katherine, I found my child. It was a boy. I had a son. But it...didn't turn out the way you had hoped. My child died when he was 7 years old in a horrible accident. Peter -- his name was peter -- drowned in a creek. So many years ago, I had no idea. I thought he was alive and well, ving a wonderful life, maybe with a family of his own. But he didn't even make it to the second grade. So, I just wanted you to know that it's all over.", "Paul: Is it, Nikki? Is it all over?", "Jack: Why don't you tell us what's really going on?", "Victor: I think I just did. You're looking at the new owner of chancellor industries.", "Adam: So you cut me out of my own idea to acquire chancellor, and you took business elsewhere, huh?", "Victor: Might you consider that a learning experience.", "Jack: Learning experience, my ass. We were all mourning Katherine chancellor. You were dancing on your dear friend's grave, planning to swoop up her company and destroy her legacy.", "Victor: Again, you're full of bluster, jack. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. I did not buy chancellor industries.", "Adam: If you didn't buy it, then what did you do?", "Victor: Katherine left it to me in her will.", "Stitch: Honey, I'm home. And it looks like I'm just in time. I brought supplies.", "Dylan: Supplies?", "Stitch: Yeah. The always popular six-pack and this.", "Dylan: What is it?", "Stitch: Just what the doctor ordered.", "Sharon: You want to know something? I'm glad you and nick are through.", "Avery: Oh, well, at least you have the decency to admit it.", "Sharon: I knew it wasn't gonna last from the start. You're not good enough for him. You didn't love him the way that he deserves.", "Avery: And you do? 'Cause I got news for you, sister. You may think you've won, but just because nick and I are over, that doesn't mean he's coming running back to you!", "Nick: What's going on?", "Nick: I asked you both a question. What's going on?", "Avery: I can't speak for Sharon, but...I just came by to get my things. And I was just leaving.", "Nick: Avery, um... if I, uh -- if I come across any more of your stuff, I'll, uh -- I'll send it to you.", "Avery: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, uh...excuse me. Goodbye.", "Nick: Bye.", "[Door closes]", "Sharon: I didn't expect to run in to Avery here. I mean, why would I, right? 'Cause you guys aren't living together.", "Nick: What are you doing here?", "Sharon: I brought Faith. She's upstairs. She wanted to surprise you.", "Nick: [Chuckles] Any particular reason?", "Sharon: We know how upset you've been since Avery, and, I mean, since the wedding was canceled, and I know that you have a tendency to neglect yourself when times are tough, so we decided to cook you a nice, healthy meal.", "Nick: You shouldn't have.", "Sharon: No, it was our pleasure.", "Nick: No, I mean, really. You shouldn't have. Sharon, you got to stop doing stuff like this for me.", "Dylan: This is your prescription, doc? You want me to drink a can of paint?", "Stitch: I thought maybe you could channel your inner van Gogh.", "Dylan: That guy cut off his ear after being spurned by a woman. Are you sure that's what you're going for?", "Stitch: You don't need to be a tortured artist for what I had in mind.", "Dylan: Thanks. Which is -- which is what exactly?", "Stitch: I got to thinking that, uh, it's probably not all that healthy to be surrounded by all these reminders of Chelsea.", "Dylan: It's hard not to be, you know. I bought this place for me and the baby, and Chelsea started spending the night, and little by little, we made it...", "Stitch: You made this a home. I know.", "Dylan: ...A home. I mean, I got... I got married right there, you know? I had Connor here, planned for our future. I just can't erase it, you know, just like that.", "Stitch: Hey, no one's telling you you have to. You just don't have to be slammed over the head by it every time you walk in. I don't know. Maybe we can start by erasing this? Couple of coats ought to do the trick.", "Jack: Okay, I've heard enough. If I want fiction, I'll go read Stephen king.", "Victor: Why don't you save yourself the time, all right? Sit down. Read this.", "Jack: \"My dear friend victor, by the time you read this, you will have learned of my passing. I lived a long and colorful life and have no regrets about entering the next phase of my journey, save one. I wanted to ensure the longevity of my beloved chancellor industries. That is why I've decided to name you the sole owner of the company. I hope you will accept this gift in the loving spirit in which it was given. Love, Katherine.\" It looks like her handwriting.", "Victor: If you have any doubts about that, have it tested.", "Jack: This doesn't make any sense. Why would Katherine, who has a large extended family, give the company to you?", "Victor: Do you need a course in remedial reading? Didn't you just read her letter to me? She wanted to make sure that the company's in capable hands after she passed. Those happen to be my hands. Not Tucker's. He's a record producer. Unless you know how to dance to his tune, he is useless.", "Adam: There's Jill or cane.", "Victor: They're already fighting over the C.E.O. Position. Besides, if you had given the company to one over the other, they would kill each other.", "Jack: Yeah, not that you're lethal in business.", "Victor: You bet I am. I know how to succeed, jack Abbott. That's why Katherine asked me to come to this town 33 years ago, because I know how to run a business. She wanted to make sure that the company rises to another level.", "Adam: It appears as though you've come full circle.", "Victor: You bet. She wanted to make sure that the company is in capable hands, and those hands, gentlemen, happen to be mine.", "Nikki: Of course it's over. I followed the clue that was in Katherine's letter, and I learned everything there is to know.", "Paul: And that closes the book?", "Nikki: Well, how can it not? My son is gone.", "Paul: How do you feel about that?", "Nikki: What are you? A shrink now?", "Paul: Well, if I have to be, yeah.", "Nikki: [Sighs] All right, I feel very guilty, okay? I am so guilty. And maybe if I had been older, I would have been able to cope and I could have kept him and -- and protect him and love him and -- and raise him and prevent him from --", "Paul: You don't know that, Nikki.", "Nikki: Don't I? If I hadn't have abandoned my son, he most likely would be alive today. I might as well have --", "Paul: Circumstances killed him. Very sad, very unfortunate circumstances. Not you.", "Nikki: I suppose.", "Paul: All right, tell me this. Did you ever see another path back then other than adoption?", "Nikki: No.", "Paul: And in your heart of hearts, did you feel as though you did the right thing for your child?", "Nikki: Yes, I did.", "Paul: Well, then, that's what you have to hang on to.", "Nikki: I know. I'm trying. I just wish...", "Paul: What?", "Nikki: [Sighs] Nothing. It doesn't matter. I already know everything that I'm gonna find out, and there's nothing more I can do about it.", "Paul: Actually, there is.", "Stitch: This is good, right?", "Dylan: What are you? Tom sawyer?", "Stitch: Just trying to help, man.", "Dylan: It means a lot to me. I know you dropped everything to get here as fast as you can when you found out I was in trouble.", "Stitch: Not exactly. Don't get me wrong. I hurried on down here after I go the call from Avery, but I was head this way anyway.", "Dylan: Wh-- why?", "Stitch: I am going to be working at memorial hospital.", "Dylan: Really? At the hospital?", "Stitch: Yep.", "Dylan: Did you finish medical school?", "Stitch: Got the army to pay for it. I had to go back. After all I've been through over there, I didn't want to just throw it all away, you know? Felt like I'd be doing a disservice, especially to all the guys that didn't make it, so... I owed it to them to try to help as many people as I could.", "Dylan: That's -- that's great, man. Congratulations. Really. How -- how come you kept it a secret? I didn't even realize you re-enrolled.", "Stitch: Yeah, yeah, a few months after I got back. Only Jenna knew about it. I didn't really want to announce it in case I didn't... you know how it is, you know, when you throw yourself into something and things always keep you from moving forward.", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Stitch: Yeah, but, hey, you know, I wasn't even too sure if I could get through it, but I'm just glad I got to stick it out.", "Dylan: And, uh, now here you are -- full-fledged M.D. Dr. Stitch!", "Stitch: That's it. Gonna be the oldest resident on staff.", "Dylan: That's okay. You can boss around all the other rookies.", "Stitch: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: What, uh -- what about Jenna and max? When -- when do they get here?", "Stitch: Right now the plan is just for me to get my feet wet, and they'll join me just as soon as they can.", "Dylan: Then I guess I am stuck with you.", "Stitch: Good thing, too, since you pushed away the only other friend you have in this town.", "Avery: Summer! Oh, my gosh. What are you -- what are you doing here?", "Summer: Waiting for you to get home.", "Avery: Well, why didn't you call or text me? I would have hurried back.", "Summer: Yeah, well, you're here now, so let's do this.", "Avery: Do what?", "Summer: Let's clean up the loose ends before I leave town.", "Avery: Leave town? Where are you going? Are you going to Georgia to see your mom?", "Summer: No, I would head there in a second if dr. Rubenstein thought it would do any good.", "Avery: Then where are you going?", "Summer: To los Angeles. I was offered a job opportunity there that I'm considering.", "Avery: Modeling?", "Summer: Yeah, which would mean me going off on my own, living my own life, and getting away from everyone who's messing up everybody else's lives.", "Avery: You're talking about me.", "Summer: How could you do that? How could you just break my dad's heart the way that you did?", "Nick: I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh.", "Sharon: Oh, okay, so then you're not angry with me?", "Nick: No, of course not. I appreciate your concern.", "Sharon: Okay, 'cause, yeah, that -- that's all it is, nick. I just -- I care about you as a friend and as faith's father. I want to make sure you're okay.", "Nick: I am. I will be. I just got to rely on myself, so I can't really accept what you're offering anymore.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Nick: I just told you.", "Sharon: It's because of her, isn't it? You're pulling away from me because of what Avery said.", "Alex: All's clear. There's no sign of anything out of the ordinary.", "Lauren: I told you. Carmine would know that this place would be crawling with cops. He'd be crazy to come anywhere near here or stay in Genoa city, for that matter.", "Michael: Need I remind you that he is crazy and obsessed and he escaped for one reason and one reason only.", "Alex: Michael's right. Basco's gonna try to find you, okay? Whether he's rational about it or he wants to plan it carefully, it's gonna happen. And you need to be prepared. So do you.", "Michael: Yeah, he'll do whatever it takes to get me out of the way.", "Lauren: And you and your police department needs to make sure that this does not happen.", "Alex: We'll set up a 24-hour watch here. We'll be able to monitor everyone who comes in and out. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go check on the surveillance system they got in here.", "Michael: Yeah. Good. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help you.", "Alex: Yeah, just watch your back, please.", "Michael: Yeah. We're on that.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "Michael: Sweetheart, it's gonna be okay.", "Lauren: Do you really believe that? [Sighs] I don't, either.", "Nikki: I don't understand. What are you saying?", "Paul: Well, the law firm that Katherine contacted about your son, I was able to speak with the attorney that, uh, took over for his colleague that passed away.", "Nikki: Andrew Turk. I remember. What about him?", "Paul: Well, I explained to him the whole situation and how I was looking for a file on an adoption. And he was able to locate them.", "Nikki: He has my baby's records?", "Paul: I have all the pertinent adoptions from that firm during that time period. So it is very possible that we have information on the adoptive mother, Penelope Wayne.", "Nikki: I take it you haven't read the file.", "Paul: No, I haven't. I thought it should be up to you how much you want to know.", "Nikki: So, theoretically, I could talk to Penelope and learn about my son.", "Paul: Theoretically, yes.", "Nick: What did Avery say to you? Do you know something I don't?", "Sharon: No. No. Nothing. Nothing at all. I just thought maybe she said something to you, because I sensed you pulling away from me.", "Nick: Why would you think that?", "Sharon: Because this isn't like you to reject me like this. And I figured it must be something Avery said. I mean, I know she doesn't like me or she doesn't like the idea of me, the ex who always comes around because we share children together.", "Nick: Look, whether or not that's the case, this has nothing to do with Avery. You know what? That -- that's not true. It -- it does have something to do with Avery, but not for the reason you think.", "Sharon: I'm confused.", "Nick: [Scoffs] Yeah, me too. Look, Sharon, it's just -- I have all these thoughts running around in my head. How come my wedding didn't work out? Why didn't I see this coming? Where am I supposed to go from here? I just have a lot of stuff that I need to work through.", "Sharon: I can help you.", "Nick: I know, but I meant what I said. This is something I feel like I need to do alone.", "Summer: The last time I was here, I was helping you get ready for your wedding.", "Avery: I know.", "Summer: I had just gotten back from savannah, and the last thing that I wanted to do was watch my dad get married, because why did he deserve to be happy when my mom is so sick and my entire life is falling apart? But I talked to jack, and jack convinced me that I had promised you to be your maid of honor. And I didn't want to let you down because aunt Avery would never let me down.", "Avery: I am so sorry, so sorry that I hurt you.", "Summer: Hurt me? You -- what about my dad? My dad was just standing at the altar looking at his watch, mortified when he had to tell everybody to go home.", "Avery: I can't tell you how much I regret that.", "Summer: Yeah, and that helps him a lot. [Voice breaking] You know, I thought that you were the one person that I could trust. But it turns out that you were just as big a liar as the rest of the people in my life.", "Avery: No, I never lied.", "Summer: How could you say you never lied?! You sat there and lied to my dad and told him that you loved him, when the whole time you were in love with someone else!", "Avery: [Sighs]] [Sighs]", "Dylan: I thought you understood. I had to push Avery away because --", "Stitch: Because you almost attacked her when you were flashing back.", "Dylan: Yeah. And she's got a lot going on, you know, breaking up with nick. The last thing she needs is me going on about losing Connor.", "Stitch: Look, I know you think it's unfair to put her in that position, but she wants to get you through this. She really cares about you.", "Dylan: I care about her, too.", "Stitch: Just care about her? [Scoffs] It wasn't too long ago you were carrying her picture everywhere you went. Even into battle.", "Dylan: It may seem like a short time to you, but to me, it's -- it's like a lifetime ago. So much has happened -- I met Chelsea, I fell in love, Avery met nick.", "Stitch: And now you're both alone.", "Dylan: What are you suggesting?", "Stitch: I'm not suggesting anything.", "Victor: I think we are finished here. Good luck with your partnership. And enjoy sharing nothing.", "Adam: When exactly did you get that letter from Katherine about your inheritance? Was that before or after I suggested scooping up chancellor?", "Jack: Does it really matter? He got what he wanted in the end.", "Adam: Is that what you wanted? Was there more to it?", "Victor: What else would there be, son?", "Adam: You knew you were getting chancellor all along. You acted like you weren't interested. You insisted on knowing who the secret investor was. And all along, you were luring business away from Newman just to screw me over, huh?", "Victor: Your narcissism knows no bounds, does it?", "Adam: Is that what was happening when I stepped in front of a bullet? 'Cause clearly, at that time, I was only thinking of myself. You, yourself, said that changed things. But apparently this father/son thing that we have -- it's only been a pretense.", "Paul: So, what are you gonna do?", "Nikki: [Sighs] Part of me would love to talk to Penelope, learn more about my son. What did he look like, what kind of a little boy was he. Was he sweet and shy or tough and rambunctious? Did he like sports? Did he like music, animals?", "Paul: [Chuckles] Especially horses?", "Nikki: Oh, wouldn't that be something, if I passed that down to him?", "Paul: Well, if he took after you, Nik, I'm sure he was a fantastic kid. Full of life, full of heart.", "Nikki: I would also want to thank Penelope for adopting him, for loving him. But if I do that, it would just be reminding her of all the pain she went through. [Sighs] And I can't justify that, not just to satisfy my own curiosity. Or maybe...I'm just a coward.", "Paul: You're not a coward. But I do wish you would tell victor everything you're going through.", "Nikki: What would be the point?", "Paul: [Sighs] That's such a big part of you to keep to yourself.", "Nikki: Victor's mother left him at an orphanage and never came back, and that destroyed him. It changed his whole life. I don't know that he would be able to understand that I did a very similar thing with my son. And even if he did understand, he would just worry about how I'm dealing with it. He worries about me enough over my M.S.", "Paul: So, that's it? You're gonna put it behind you?", "Nikki: Yes. It's time for victor and me to focus on our family.", "Victor: You and I entered a partnership with an equal amount of trust.", "Adam: You trusted me as little as I trusted you.", "Victor: You bet. We were both right, weren't we? You pushed the envelope, and you said that you were going to reprivatize Newman enterprises by bringing in an outsider. When I found out that outsider was yours truly jack Abbott, you sealed your fate, son.", "Jack: Which is ironic, given that I did it to help him get closer to you.", "Victor: Bring me a bucket!", "Adam: Don't bother, jack. Thank you. I have nothing more to say to my father.", "Jack: Fantastic. Congratulations. You may think you've just won. Eventually you'll realize just how much you lost.", "Victor: How long does it take you to realize I never lose?", "Jack: [Scoffs]", "Michael: We just can't sit here waiting for something to happen. Let's watch some television. Keep our minds off this.", "Lauren: What do you want to watch?", "Michael: Something to make us laugh. Comedy.", "Lauren: Imagine finding anything funny right now.", "Michael: Well, drama, then.", "Lauren: It's too heavy. Honey, I'm sorry. I -- I can't concentrate.", "Michael: Okay. No television. Can I make you something to eat?", "Lauren: I'm not hungry. I don't think I will be until carmine is back in jail.", "Michael: Unfortunately, my love, we have no idea when that will happen. And we have to live our lives. We can't let him control us.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "[Pound on door]", "Michael: Who is it?", "Alex: Detective Chavez.", "Lauren: Oh, my god.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Alex: Everything checks out. All cameras are functional. We set one up on every door. They're being monitored by an operator. There's no way he's coming inside.", "[Telephone rings]", "Lauren: It's blocked.", "Alex: Answer it.", "Lauren: Hello?", "Stitch: See? A little hard work makes you feel better, right? I think tomorrow you should probably wash and wax my truck. Think about how good that'll make you feel.", "Dylan: What? Did you learn this in medical school, Mr. Miyagi, method of mental health?", "Stitch: No. I just have a dirty truck.", "Dylan: I have to admit that, you know, this...did take my mind off of things. It's much better than that therapist at the hospital.", "Stitch: Hey, he just wasn't the right guy. But I made a call to the V.A. Like I promised and got the name of a therapist I think might be able to help.", "Dylan: This isn't some kind of trick to get me to mow your lawn or do your laundry, right?", "Stitch: [Chuckling] No. No, he's legit. This guy was in combat. He gets it.", "Dylan: I got to be honest. I'm not real comfortable spilling my guts to a stranger.", "Stitch: You're not comfortable spilling to a friend, either.", "Dylan: Are you saying that I should be more in touch with my emotions, stitch?", "Stitch: It wouldn't hurt.", "Dylan: You don't know that. It just might.", "Stitch: I guess that's for you and dr. Bryson to discuss.", "Dylan: [Sighs] All right. [Sighs] Give me his number. I'll give him a call. But right now, I got to -- I got to get some fresh air, man.", "Stitch: Yeah, let's get out of here, man.", "Dylan: Uh, nothing personal, but I've seen enough of your ugly mug for one day.", "Stitch: Mac --", "Dylan: No, listen, I'm not gonna do anything stupid. Okay, there's no thunder or lightning in the forecast to trigger another episode.", "Stitch: I think we both know it's not just about the thunder.", "Dylan: I'll tell you what. If I'm not back in a couple hours, dr. Stitch can head the search party.", "Stitch: Just be careful. Sometimes being alone can put you in the company of your worst enemy.", "Avery: Sweetie, whatever my history with Dylan, it doesn't matter. I really did... I really do love nick.", "Summer: Yeah. If that was true, then you would not have shown up late to your own wedding.", "Avery: Maybe it's because I love him so much that I showed up late.", "Summer: [Scoffs] Right. Yeah, because that makes so much sense. You know, don't try your lawyer tricks on me, because I'm gonna see right through them.", "Avery: I knew on some level that I was using my marriage to resolve my issues. And in the end, I couldn't do that to nick. He deserves a wife who's gonna be there for him, who's gonna be present for him.", "Summer: Yeah, and you were living in the past.", "Avery: I'm not living in the past! I... it's not like that exactly, okay? I thought that I... I thought I moved past this. But I think I just... pushed everything aside for another day. And the problem with that is that you don't get to decide when that other day comes. It decides for you. And if you're ever gonna have a real life, if you're ever gonna really be free, you need to face that stuff head-on.", "Summer: Is that what you're doing now?", "Avery: [Voice breaking] I hope so. I'm trying to.", "Summer: Yeah, well, how does that help my dad?", "Avery: I hate what I put him through. I hate what I put you all through.", "Summer: You know, you were supposed to be the strong one. You were supposed to be the one with all the answers, because that is how you made yourself out to be. You would give me advice on how to handle stuff with my mom, with my dad, with -- with school, with boys, when in reality, you couldn't even handle your own life! You -- you're a fake just like my mom said. And -- and she would definitely be happy that you called off the wedding.", "Avery: She wouldn't be the only one. [Sighs]", "Summer: You know, my mom... she was always jealous of people that were with my dad. [Sniffles] Just hearing about the breakup would probably take her out of her coma. I wish I knew how to make this better for my dad.", "Avery: Honey, I'm -- I'm really glad that you care, that you love him so much after all that he's done.", "Summer: That's part of why I am so messed up, because even after everything and how mad I am at him, I still love him. And I still love you.", "Avery: [Sniffles]", "Summer: Why does everything have to be so complicated?", "Avery: I don't know. Hopefully -- hopefully things are gonna get better for all of us. [Sniffles]", "Sharon: You know, if you need to do this by yourself, then I respect that, you know. And I'll give you all the space you need.", "Nick: Thanks. Just till I figure some things out.", "Sharon: I understand. And I promise -- no hovering.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Sharon: Now, I need you to promise me something. That you will pick up the phone, call me if you want to talk, or just if you want company.", "Nick: [Sighs] Okay. Deal.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad we got that squared away.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Sharon: It's just, um -- it's a shame to waste all this good food. I know faith was really looking forward to it.", "Nick: Well, you and faith can eat. Uh, I actually got to get out of here. I got some -- some stuff I need to think about. So, uh, just tell faith that I'll, uh -- I'll see her later.", "Sharon: Oh, sure. Okay. Uh, take care.", "[Door closes]", "Lauren: Hello? Oh! Hi, dr. Vernon. Oh, that's great! Yes, thank you so much for calling! I will. Bye. That was the psychiatrist from the facility where fen is in rehab. She said if fen stays on track, we can pick him up next week.", "Michael: See? See? That is the best news I've had a long time.", "Lauren: I know.", "Michael: Mwah!", "Lauren: So, how -- how do we tell him about this?", "Alex: Carmine's escape?", "Michael: Let's put that off for now. I don't want anything to set back his recovery. And I fully expect carmine to be back in custody before Fenmore returns, right?", "Alex: You have my word. We'll work our asses off to make it happen.", "Carmine: [Sighs] [Chuckles]", "Michael: No, I'm not sure how long we'll be staying. I think we'd prefer to keep it open-ended. Uh, checking in? We'll be there shortly. Oh, that would be great. Thank you. Goodbye. All right. We're all set up at the club.", "Alex: I still think it's a lot safer for you to stay here. We have security cameras set up.", "Lauren: Did you see what happened to me when the phone rang? I thought my heart was gonna come through my chest. I can't stay here in this constant state of vigilance, just worried if I hear a creak in a floorboard or someone knocks on the door.", "Alex: It's understandable. I'll set someone up at your door at the club, okay? We'll set up a team here. This is where Basco will mostly show up.", "Michael: We appreciate that.", "Alex: Is there anything else I can do for you two before I take off?", "Lauren: [Sighs] Just catch him.", "Alex: We will.", "Michael: Thank you, detective.", "Alex: No problem. Hey, Gordon, I need you up here, please.", "Lauren: You okay with staying at the club?", "[Door closes]", "Lauren: Right?", "Michael: I am okay with whatever makes you most comfortable.", "Lauren: Thank you. Okay, let's go pack.", "Michael: Uh, and, uh, don't forget your dress for the businesswoman of the year awards banquet.", "Lauren: Oh, god, that's tomorrow night.", "Michael: Yep. At least we won't have the hassle of trying to get there, because it will be directly downstairs from our room.", "Lauren: That award is the last thing on my mind right now.", "Carmine: [Sighs] Consider myself invited.", "Paul: Mr. Turk, this is Paul Williams calling. Listen, there's no need to call me back. I just wanted to let you know that, uh, I will be sending back those adoption files. Uh, I really appreciate everything you've done, and, uh, if there's anything I can ever do for you, please let me know. All right. Thanks again. What the hell?", "Nikki: Hmm.", "Victor: I'm so glad you're back.", "Nikki: I missed you so much.", "Victor: So, did you accomplish what you set out to during the charity event?", "Nikki: I did what needed to be done.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Good. Well, I was busy on the weekend, as well, you know.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Want to see?", "Nikki: Yeah!", "Victor: Uh-huh. Take a look.", "Nikki: What? You know-- you own chancellor now? [Gasps] \"Newman is in ruins.\" My god. What happened?", "Jack: How's it going?", "Adam: Well, Chelsea and the baby --", "[Toy jingles]", "Adam: They went to the park. Which is just as well, 'cause I'm in no mood to, uh, talk to her about my father's latest stunt. She'd probably have a lot of fun rubbing it in my face that she was right all along about our relationship.", "Jack: Want a drink?", "Adam: I want a lot of things. Had it all for half a second. Now? No Chelsea, no Newman... and no healthy baby.", "Jack: Adam, you still have enough money to get your son the best eye specialist available. As far as Newman goes, yes, you just lost a chance to run the company with your father. You gained a chance to build a stronger company for your son.", "Nikki: How can you do it? [Sighs] After everything you've invested, victor.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you know that there are certain people who tried to ruin me over and over again. They've always failed. And they've failed again. And Newman will be mine again. You make no mistake about that.", "[Silverware clanging]", "[Clatters]", "Sharon: [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] It was all for nothing.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[Bottle cap clinks]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: If you're here to cuss me out, I'm all ears. If you want to tell me you can forgive me, I'm also here for that, too.", "Dylan: Last thing I wanted was for you and Avery to split up.", "Nick: Right.", "Sharon: Faith wants us to be together! Why does that matter to me and not to nick?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "In Chancellor Park, Lauren offends Jill by telling her the only reason she bought Brash and Sassy was to get Billy and Victoria back together. Michael reads on the internet about the reporter trying to make Jack look as though he had pushed Phyllis down the stairs. Michael tells Hilary and Devon about the article. Lily is at the lab to give her opinion on the new fragrance. Victor has a meeting in his office with Travis.", "At the Athletic Club, Victor offers Travis a position at Newman Enterprises. Billy and Victoria decide to work together but to lead separate lives. At GC Buzz, Devon confronts Howard Green about the articles that his reporters wrote, then he makes a critical decision. Devon calls Lily for her and Hilary to meet him in his office. Devon tells Hilary, Lily and the reporter doing the interview that he just bought the newspaper, and he fires the reporter. The model who worked in the perfume commercial stops by the lab to pick up her paycheck then invites Cane out for a drink but he refuses. Travis refuses Victor's job offer.", "" ]
[ "Lily: I like the way her hair is flowing. It's very sexy.", "Cane: Yeah, and the setting is a, uh, green screen.", "Lily: Green -- yeah.", "Cane: Exactly. So we can change the background if you want, you know, from the bow of a ship to a castle, beach, you know, whatever we want.", "Lily: I love when you talk about work. It's so sexy.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Lily: I wish I was at the shoot so that I could have been very wifely, make sure that model didn't get any ideas.", "Cane: Well, let me tell you one thing, all right? You can come to any shoot you want.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: And when she looks in my eyes, she knows I'm in love with my wife.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. Good answer.", "Cane: So, what do you think about the setting? What do you think we should do?", "Lily: I mean, I think just go for it, you know? Try different backgrounds and don't move on from this setup until you get what you want.", "Cane: Okay.", "Billy: What's going on?", "Cane: I'm just getting a woman's take on the commercial.", "Billy: Well, that's great, but isn't that Victoria's job?", "[Water running]", "Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Oh, listen, do not leave the sink a mess. It's a thing for me. Just fair warning.", "Travis: Do not stand that close to me looking like that. It's a thing for me.", "Victoria: I like you. You're cute. But I'm serious about the sink thing, please.", "Travis: This bathroom's a little tight for a house this big, don't you think?", "Victoria: Uh-huh. Well, it builds togetherness.", "Travis: Hmm?", "Victoria: Uh-huh. Excuse me.", "Travis: Hey, watch it.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victoria: Hmm. Oh, hey, dad.", "Victor: This a bad time?", "Victoria: No, it's fine, actually. I was just on my way to work. Uh, uh -- [Chuckles] What do you need? Oh, uh -- [Chuckles] Okay. [Clears throat]", "Travis: What's up?", "Victoria: He wants to talk to you.", "Lauren: Are you okay, sis?", "Jill: Oh!", "Lauren: Yoga's hard! I know!", "Jill: You didn't even break a sweat.", "Lauren: 'Cause I don't sweat. I just glow.", "Jill: Well, next time, could we glow over cocktails, please, and you can fill me in on fen and Scotty.", "Lauren: Ah, right. And you can tell me all about Colin's get-rich schemes. Fun.", "Jill: Oh! By the way, I had the most brilliant idea for brash & sassy's perfume campaign. I am going to give Fenmore's the exclusive. By that time, we will have hit our stride, people will be demanding the product, and then you can only get it at Fenmore's. Wow. You're speechless. I didn't expect this. But you're welcome.", "Lauren: I love you.", "Jill: As well you should.", "Lauren: Yes. But Fenmore's has thrived because we only invest in strong, grounded companies, not glorified dating services that exist just to get the executives to remarry.", "Michael: So, Jack was being harassed by a reporter, and you tried to stop him by...", "[Computer key clacks]", "Michael: ...Offering him money.", "Devon: Can you believe the guy, though?", "Hilary: His people, they have no morals at all.", "Michael: Strong words. Devon, this was not your fight. It started with Billy and Phyllis. And now you're being dragged into the middle of it. I hope you don't regret that.", "Devon: One of the main reasons I bought this place was to keep vultures like that guy out of here.", "Michael: Oh, rest assured, the buzzards will find new roadkill to swarm, and they will forget you and you can forget about them.", "Hilary: No, I don't think so. Devon and I, we have been the tabloid favorites for too long. They're gonna play this on loop until we hear it in our sleep.", "Devon: She's absolutely right. They're not gonna just stop.", "Hilary: Which is why Devon wants to sue them.", "Devon: We can keep these people tied up in court for years. You want that summer house, Michael? This is gonna be the case to take.", "Michael: Okay, let's break this down. GC Buzz caught you trying to bribe them. Then they reported it because they are a... \"news\" organization. And you want to sue them because they did their job.", "Devon: Listen, I didn't bribe anyone. I was trying to motivate him to do the right thing.", "Michael: With cash. On tape.", "Devon: I was protecting a friend, Michael. The reporter's trying to make out that Jack put Phyllis in the hospital.", "Hilary: Which is ridiculous.", "Devon: And now that story is on TV, it's on their website, and every other form of social media out there.", "Hilary: It's on loop, so everyone can see. It's unfair to a good and decent man like Jack.", "Michael: Oh, and Devon, who tried to motivate a reporter with cash. And now you want to sue them for libel. You'd have to prove they lied on purpose, which they didn't.", "Devon: Okay, I'll give you one. That video was made without my knowledge. No one got my permission, had me sign any release forms. What about that?", "Michael: All that is very true. But also beside the point. Do you really want to pick a fight with these people who would be more than happy to shout to the world \"Billionaire trying to silence freedom of speech\"? Is that how you want to clear your name or jack's?", "Hilary: So these trolls win no matter what? What good is money and power if you can't even fight back?", "Cane: I'll talk to you later. All right, bye. Hey, hey, don't go, don't go. Don't go yet. We're gonna go over the commercial edit, then we'll get some lunch.", "Lily: Thank you. I have to get back to the club. You know, I forgot how fun it is when you two go at it. Never gets old. And by old, I mean it was old about five years ago.", "Billy: Ah, yes, the good, ol' days when Cane lied about being Delia's father.", "Cane: Oh, when you made me think that she was my daughter, right?", "Lily: Okay, I'm -- I'm leaving. You did an amazing job on the commercial.", "Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's mine? I get no love for my contribution?", "Lily: Bye, Billy.", "Billy: That stings.", "Cane: Well, in case you haven't noticed, that's what you get for being a jerk.", "Billy: I have noticed. Thank you for pointing that out. Look, you -- it's fine that she comes here, but you can't get her opinion before Victoria's even seen the cut of the commercial.", "Cane: Oh, so now you're defending Victoria.", "Billy: I'm trying to do the right thing. I woke up this morning determined to not be, as you would say, a jerk. It's not going so well right now, but I'm trying to put the last few months in the rearview mirror.", "Cane: Yeah? And how's that going for you?", "Billy: I said I'm trying.", "Cane: Okay, well, you're failing.", "Billy: Excuse me, Cane?", "Cane: You're failing, Billy. I mean, you said you woke up this morning, you didn't want to be a jerk, and that's exactly what you just were. I mean, I don't understand why you're even here. I mean, it's not pleasant for us, it's not pleasant for you, so go, leave.", "Billy: Because I bought the company, that's why.", "Cane: Okay, now you mean that Jill snaked it from underneath you 'cause you didn't care about the company. So go, Billy. Leave. Move on.", "Billy: You're questioning me? Why are you here? Other than tricking Jill into thinking that you were actually her son, you don't have a résumé. I have no idea how you even ended up with a seat at the table.", "Travis: Okay, yeah. That works for me. Got it. [Whistling]", "Victoria: That's it? You're not gonna tell me what my father said?", "Travis: He wants me to stop by the office for a quick chat.", "Victoria: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? I'm so sorry. [Sighs] My father's his own person who makes his own decisions, some of which really embarrass me, and this is one of them.", "Travis: Honey, it's fine, it's fine. He just wants me to stop by so he can size me up.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah?", "Travis: I'll survive.", "Victoria: Yeah. You will. You will.", "Travis: I will.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Travis: It's not the first time I've been through this.", "Victoria: Oh, not the first time you've had to impress the mogul or impress the father?", "Travis: Hey, I know how to present myself as desirable boyfriend material.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Yeah. Tell me all about it, please.", "Travis: [Chuckles] Keep your father waiting?", "Victoria: Well, you know what I was thinking? Maybe I should go into the office with you. What do you think?", "Travis: No. He made it pretty clear it's not a plus-one invitation. And I got to get in the shower or I'm gonna be late.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. No, of course. Go. Go ahead.", "Travis: But, um, my back.", "Victoria: Your back?", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: What's wrong with your back?", "Travis: Well, it needs soaping.", "Victoria: You have to go meet my father.", "Travis: He can wait.", "Victoria: You're gonna ruin my makeup.", "Travis: You don't need makeup.", "Victoria: Yes, I do.", "Travis: I'll make it worth it.", "Victoria: [Laughs]", "Victor: Anything further on Crawford? Well, it's imperative that I know everything. Keep me updated. Okay. [Sighs]", "Victoria: Please don't interfere in this relationship. I don't want you judging Travis or proclaiming that he doesn't live up to your incredibly high standards.", "Victor: This is what I have to say to you. I don't mind this one.", "Victoria: You don't?", "Victor: No, I don't. I think he really, really likes you and really appreciates you, straight shooter, honest, from what I can tell. Certainly preferable to this useless SOB. That you used to be with.", "Victoria: Okay, all right. I know that you would rather if Billy vanishes from my life. But, you know, he is the father of my children. You do realize that, don't you?", "Victor: And you do realize, of course, that he has made another catastrophe of his life. I don't want that to affect you or my grandchildren.", "Hilary: We have the moral high ground, Michael. Look at how slimy the GC buzz is. And yes, I know that I sunk to that level at one point. But these people, they are getting web hits and advertising money for ignoring people's privacy and humiliating them. And why? So that their readers and their viewers could feel superior?", "Michael: You said so yourself. There's a market for this kind of thing, and it's not going away.", "Hilary: Yes, but it doesn't have to be like this. There are plenty of people in this town that would love to be on the gossip pages. They want to wear the cute clothes for the paparazzi or promote their latest movie, so focus on them. Focus on the people who are in on the joke, not the victims, not the ones who are just trying to live their lives. There's a difference between fun and nasty, isn't there?", "Devon: Basically I can't change their minds?", "Michael: No, I'm afraid you can't. And though I love the idea of buying a summer house, a lawsuit is not the answer.", "Devon: Well, I can't just hide out here all day, either.", "Hilary: Where are you going?", "Devon: I have an idea that I'm gonna look into. I'll fill you in on it later, all right? Thank you, mike.", "Michael: Sure.", "Jill: All right, Lauren, look. Press releases, photos from the commercial shoot, a list of celebrity endorsements, focus groups, projected earnings. [Scoffs] Where do you get off calling my little company a dating service? I break my neck for this company! And we have a damn fine product!", "Lauren: So, why did you buy brash & sassy again? Honestly.", "Jill: Honestly?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: To get Billy and Victoria back together. Everybody knows that.", "Lauren: Right.", "Jill: No, but here's the thing. It's a real company with a real product, and we're gonna make real money.", "Lauren: How can you be so sure? You put three people in charge instead of one.", "Jill: Yep.", "Lauren: Why? To get a divorced couple back together and to have Billy and Cane goad each other into greatness.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Lauren: That's not how adults do business.", "Jill: Well, that's how this adult is doing business, and this adult is gonna make a ton of money.", "Lauren: If Billy and Victoria end up together, fantastic. But if they don't, then what? Fenmore's is on the hook for marketing and shelf space for a company that has no leadership?", "Jill: Excuse me? You're looking at the leadership.", "Lauren: [Sighs] I will say it again. I love you. You are a genius at business. But this company is set up only to micromanage your son's life, and he doesn't need your help!", "Jill: Oh, please. You don't know what you're talking about. Okay! Thank you so much for your condescending advice. It's been swell, sis. FYI -- I hate yoga.", "Billy: Oh, come on. You can't be serious. Come on, Cane.", "Victoria: Now what?", "Cane: That is perfect timing. See, Billy wanted to see what I brought to the table, so I showed him the commercial.", "Billy: Yeah, it's fantastic. He did a great job. It's the exact commercial a bartender from Australia would make.", "Victoria: You watch it about bartenders.", "Billy: Look, it's got to be re-cut.", "Cane: Why don't we let Victoria watch it and decide?", "Billy: Go ahead. Queue it up. Be prepared. She's not gonna \"yes\" you to death like Lily did.", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey. I thought you were done being a jerk for the day, Billy.", "Billy: Hey, um... thank you for last night, letting me hang out with the kids a little bit. I know it wasn't my night, but I needed it.", "Victoria: So we're talking now?", "Billy: Yeah. We talked last night.", "Victoria: I didn't think it would stick, that's all.", "Billy: All right. Go watch the commercial.", "Cane: Okay, so I changed the setting to make it a little fresher.", "Billy: No, you changed the whole visual concept.", "Cane: Oh, God, Billy. It's a green screen. You can change it back. It's not a big deal.", "Billy: Yeah, but we matched the backdrop so it would match, and now it doesn't.", "Cane: Okay, so we'll fix it in post is what you can do.", "Billy: It's a joke, Cane. Come on. Would you please just tell him?", "Victoria: I like it.", "Billy: What?!", "Victoria: Actually, I love it.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] You asked me for my opinion, so I gave it.", "Billy: Can I speak to you for a second, please?", "Victoria: What do you think you're doing?", "Billy: The question is, what are you doing?", "Victor: Glad you could make it, Travis.", "Travis: My pleasure.", "Victor: Please sit down. What did Victoria think about you coming here?", "Travis: Oh, she's okay. Just a little curious. Just like me.", "Victor: Well, then let's get to it, shall we? What do you think about Newman enterprises?", "Travis: Oh, I just know the basics.", "Victor: So, what are the basics?", "Travis: Your strongest divisions withstanding market fluctuations, specifically shipping. Energy has always been a sure bet for you, and now with the scandal dying down, you're back on top, despite the dip in oil prices.", "Victor: That's a little more than the basics.", "Travis: It's just white noise for me, Victor. I hear it, I can repeat it. It's not my life anymore.", "Victor: So let's cut to the chase. What do you really think about Newman enterprises?", "Travis: You want my opinion on Newman enterprises?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Travis: Well, I'm sorry, Victor. I just don't have one.", "Victor: Of course you have one. I did my research, you know. You were known as a hotshot in the business world, right? Known for your incisive analyses of complex business problems. Then what happened? Cashed out, you bought a boat and a bar. Why the hell for?", "Travis: You're gonna tell me.", "Victor: [Laughs] I bet you I know what happened. You hit a ceiling, didn't you? You realized that others reaped the fruits of your hard labor. They got more than they deserved, right?", "Travis: Newman Enterprises hasn't been stable for the last eight quarters, ever since you went public to pay off a $1.5 Billion settlement to your kids. Yeah, you took it private. You've taken one hit after another, including execs going to prison for violent crimes. Meanwhile, management's been bailing water, using capital to restore weak divisions instead of reinvesting into research and development. Now, all these things, they hit your bottom line. If I can see it, so can your competitors. Newman is vulnerable. There's a scent of blood in the air, Victor, and I can hear the hyenas howling.", "Victor: Thank you for having the guts to look me in the eye and telling me the truth.", "Billy: There is no way that you like that crappy commercial.", "Victoria: Except that it's good and I did like it. And surprise -- I can think for myself.", "Billy: You got to stop playing games here.", "Victoria: I like the commercial. That's my honest opinion, and if you didn't like it, then we're either not on the same page or you just feel like giving Cane a hard time.", "Billy: Or third, it's terrible.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Okay, so I guess we're not on the same page. Look, Billy, adults can work together and disagree, and if you can't accept that, that's your problem.", "Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait. That's crazy talk. Nobody told me that.", "Victoria: There you go, trying to make a joke to apologize. Oh, you're so unpredictable, Billy. Except not.", "Billy: It'd be a lot easier if you didn't know me so well, you know.", "Victoria: [Sighing] Yeah, well, it's too late for that. Look, Cane is not the enemy, okay? We can do this. It's a three-way power structure, you know? And we're stronger if we work together. We're possibly unstoppable.", "Billy: You're right. Cane is not the fly in the ointment. [Sighs] It's mommy dearest.", "Cane: You like it?", "Jill: Hmm? Yeah, it's fine.", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait. It's just fine? Hey, hey. Did you hear that?", "Jill: Hmm?", "Cane: I swear I heard Billy and Victoria say \"I love you.\"", "Jill: What?", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, listen, listen. Someone said \"I love you.\" Hey, hey, here, here. Take this. Go and put this over on the door. You might hear them say it. Better yet, you can walk in so if your timing's right and they get married, they may even take you on the honeymoon. Hey, hey, hey. Don't look at me like that. Everybody knows they're your priority, okay? I come in, the security guard says, \"how's the lovebirds doing today?\" But you know what? They're not lovebirds. They're pigeons. So you can stay here with your little cup and spy on the pigeons. Now I'm gonna go and do some work, 'cause you know what? I'm the only person here doing any work. Just don't forget that.", "Jill: Okay, okay.", "Devon: I'm looking for, uh, Howard Green.", "Howard: Hang on. Ah! Next six-pack is on you. I'm Howard. What can I do for you?", "Devon: Hey, how you doing, man? I, uh, I understand that you own the production company that produces GC buzz.", "Howard: And you're Devon Hamilton. [Chuckles] You are walking clickbait on the website, you know? Oh, and, uh, I greatly appreciate the extra footage, you know, you trying to bribe my reporter?", "Devon: Is that what you call him? A reporter?", "Howard: Guy's got to make a living. We can't all inherit a Billion.", "Devon: Yeah, that's -- that's very true. Um, listen, I'm -- I'm really just here 'cause I'd like to try and get you guys to leave Jack Abbott alone, okay?", "Howard: Is that why you came?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Howard: Well, you should have just shot me a text. You wasted a trip. Abbott drama gets eyes on the TV and clicks on the site. And so do the Hamiltons and the Winters. Ratings are spiking, and, ooh, do I love a good spike.", "Devon: I'm sure you do. And believe me, I understand that you guys need the story. Um, I just assume that a man like yourself would be reasonable.", "Howard: Oh, reasonable? Yeah, uh, I work in media. Reasonable is ratings death. Thanks, but, uh, no thanks.", "Howard: Okay, so let's, uh, let's drop the audio on this last clip, and then we'll lay in some horses neighing. The audience will get the joke. [Chuckles]", "Devon: Hey, so, Howard, we're, uh, we're not finished here.", "Howard: Yeah, I got a lot on my plate, okay? It's, uh, it's not all foosball and keg stands. I mean, well, no matter how it looks.", "Devon: I imagine it takes a lot of energy to trash people's lives 24/7, and I bet you're very proud of what you do here, you know? Getting three victims to cry on camera a day.", "Howard: Oh, three, huh? That's what we call a hat trick. I like your instincts. You know, I could make some room for you around here.", "Devon: You realize that you and what you're doing here is the problem with the media today?", "Howard: Oh, you want educational TV, huh? Well, just change the channel. No one's forcing you to watch. Free country, free speech, and, well, almost free money.", "Devon: And is that the only thing you care about is your bank account?", "Howard: Oh, you want to try and bribe me now? Hold on, let me get a camera up and running. Guys?", "Devon: No, I'm -- I'm not, uh, I'm not here to do that at all. I just came to make a rational appeal, but it seems that you're only motivated by one thing, so...", "Howard: Oh, you want rational, huh? I work hard. I should make a good living. You want to show me how to make more money, then we could talk. Until then, I'm gonna go ahead and defend my title. Hey, you, you're up. Let's go. Come on. I got my title to defend here. Ah! Look at that.", "Hilary: Hey, babe. Uh, where did you run off to? I mean, it's fine. Do your thing. Just tell me what's up, okay? I love you.", "Lily: Devon took off? Is it the bribery video? 'Cause I saw it, and I texted him and he never answered.", "Hilary: Devon woke up angrier than he was when he went to sleep. And please, don't call it bribery. It was a monetary incentive.", "Lily: [Chuckles] I'm sure that euphemism is your idea. You probably even put him up to it, didn't you?", "Hilary: [Chuckles] You're right. It was all me. Devon hasn't had a single thought in his head in his whole life. Nice truce. It lasted all of what? 10 minutes?", "Lily: Well, I didn't hear a denial in there.", "Hilary: Devon makes his own decisions, and he decided to stand up for Jack. That makes me love him even more.", "Lily: Of course, it does, because Jack's a priority for you, not Devon's privacy or reputation.", "Hilary: God, you still think that I'm chasing after Jack, don't you? Please. I have Devon. My smart, my sexy, my brave, and loving husband. I'm not even thinking about cheating. That's all in your head, not mine.", "Lily: Well, it's only because you've made a habit of cheating on your husbands.", "Hilary: Oh, and you are just so pure and virginal. And a full-on hypocrite. Have you spoken with Joe Clark lately?", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Lily: Oh, it's Devon. That's funny. Weren't you just calling him? It's strange that he's contacting his sister and not his devoted wife.", "Hilary: Did he tell you where he is?", "Lily: No, he just said to find you and meet him in my office in a bit.", "Victoria: So, this is how you have a conversation? By wandering away in the middle of it?", "Billy: I thought I heard my mother.", "Victoria: Yeah, if she was out there, she'd be barging in here, once again insisting that we belong together. You know she has no concept of reality.", "Billy: That's why we're getting t-shirts made that say \"never getting back together.\"", "Victoria: She doesn't listen. You think she's gonna read? Because I don't.", "Billy: You know, what really gets me is that she's messing with a good thing. Brash & sassy is lucky to have you, okay? As a former owner and employee, I'm lucky to have you, too. And she's gonna make us miserable, which is bad for business.", "Victoria: Yes, well, Jill is annoying. She's also trying to mother you.", "Billy: I'm sorry. What? Did you say mother or smother? Like a pillow over your face? Because that's how it feels. Look, clearly I'm allowed to blow up my personal life, but she doesn't have to try and make it worse.", "Victoria: You did blow up your life.", "Billy: I just said that.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No sarcasm.", "Billy: Thank you. No sarcasm back.", "Victoria: We just have to show Jill that we can work together. No emotion, no drama. Because even a little sign of fighting, she's gonna think that she's gaining ground.", "Billy: [Chuckles] I forget that you know my mother just as well as I do.", "Victoria: So we're agreed? We stick together by not sticking together.", "Billy: Agreed. Should we drink on it?", "Victoria: Yeah. Before she comes back. Want to go to the club?", "Billy: Absolutely.", "Victoria: Okay. Thank you.", "Billy: You're welcome.", "Hilary: So, Devon didn't tell you exactly when he will be here?", "Lily: Funny, the answer's the same the last time you asked me. No. Hey, finally.", "Hilary: What -- what's going on? What's wrong?", "Devon: I just wanted to fill you guys in. I met with the guy who owns the production company that produces GC buzz.", "Lily: Howard? You met with Howard about Jack? I mean, did he listen to you?", "Reporter: Am I in the right place?", "Devon: Hey.", "Lily: Uh, no, you're not.", "Hilary: You must not be very smart to show your face here.", "Devon: It's okay. I asked him to come here.", "Reporter: This where you want me to set up, dude?", "Hilary: \"Dude\"?", "Devon: Just wherever is the best angle.", "Lily: Wait, what is he doing here?", "Devon: I'm doing a follow-up interview.", "Lily: A what?!", "Hilary: Devon.", "Devon: Yes?", "Hilary: Can we just -- can I talk to you for one second?", "Devon: One second.", "Hilary: This is a mistake. You can't get the upper hand with people like that. He's gonna take the footage, he's gonna edit it and make you look even worse than you did before.", "Devon: That's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. I promise you, okay? Trust me.", "Hilary: This is a bad idea.", "Lily: Yeah, finally we agree on something.", "Michael: Mwah! Ooh. I'll take that. And I'll take this. I'm gonna need both after that last meeting.", "Lauren: Are you on your way to the hospital now?", "Michael: Yeah. [Sighs] I was hoping to be there a half hour ago.", "Lauren: Please tell Phyllis that I send my love. I called the hospital to visit her, but they said she was sleeping.", "Michael: I'm sure she'll understand.", "Lauren: Please make sure you tell her, okay?", "Michael: Sure. What's wrong?", "Lauren: I-I don't want her to think that I'm the world's worst friend.", "Michael: She would never think you're the world's worst friend.", "Lauren: Well, my sister thinks I'm the world's worst sister right now, that's for sure.", "Model: Hi. Hi. Is Cane here? He said I can pick up my check.", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no. Come here. I'm just watching a version of the commercial.", "Model: Oh.", "Cane: Hey. Thanks for coming. How you doing? Accounting just dropped off your check.", "Jill: I'll just, uh, get out of your way, huh?", "Cane: Hey, uh, I just need to get you to sign this release.", "Model: Of course.", "Cane: Here you go.", "Model: Was the, uh, boss happy with the commercial? I couldn't tell.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Model: More importantly, were you happy with it? Because if I didn't give you the look you were going for, I can --", "Cane: I was thrilled. Thrilled. So was Victoria. You of looks, and you took direction very well, so thank you.", "Model: Would it be pushy if I asked to see the cut?", "Cane: Sure. Come on. I'll show it to you.", "Model: Great.", "Victor: Brash & sassy was always Victoria's baby.", "Travis: Hmm.", "Victor: I'm glad that she's still involved.", "Travis: Well, I know she enjoys it. Even all the stress it brings.", "Victor: Yeah, well, she seems to handle stress very well. I'm very proud of her.", "Travis: So, does the job offer come before or after coffee?", "Victor: [Laughs]", "Travis: That's the point of all this, right?", "Victor: What? For me to offer you a job?", "Travis: You're Victor Newman. You don't need me to explain to you what's wrong with Newman enterprises. And you don't need me shining a light on your company for you. Now, if I work at your company, it's a way for you to keep an eye on me. It also allows Victoria to feel that we have your approval.", "Victor: All of the above is true. As for shining a light on my company, I respect the fact that you don't mind telling truth to power. Not too many people can do that.", "Travis: So what's the offer?", "Victor: Do you think this will keep my daughter happy?", "Billy: Look at these two getting all cozy.", "Victoria: Yeah, dad wanted to meet with Travis.", "Billy: And you let him go?", "Victoria: I didn't let him do anything. It's an adult thing. You wouldn't understand. Travis can handle his own actions. He can handle my father.", "Billy: No one person can handle your father. Look at him. He's up to something.", "Lauren: The reality is, Fenmore's comes first. My obligation is to every vendor, customer, and employee.", "Michael: Which is admirable.", "Lauren: But I was very blunt with Jill. I said the only reason she bought brash & sassy was to get Billy and Victoria back together. I mean, how do I make a financial commitment based on those circumstances? A business deal that could fold over a romance?", "Michael: Honestly... I think you're underestimating Jill. Now, I know Jill is Jill and currently she is obsessed with her son's love life. But she is always obsessed making a profit.", "Lauren: So you think I screwed up.", "Michael: No, I understand your concerns. But I think Jill can and will fight like the dickens to make brash & sassy a huge success. I don't think she's gonna flake on you.", "Lauren: So I should say yes to keep the peace.", "Michael: [Chuckles] By all means, keep the peace. But most important, make some money. I just lost our summer home today.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: Never mind. Call your sister.", "Lauren: What do you mean, you lost our summer home?", "Michael: Call your sister.", "Lauren: Gonna eat some humble pie.", "Michael: Yum, yum.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Jill: Hello, I'm very busy running my son's life.", "Lauren: You're upset with me. I know.", "Jill: Oh! I'm not upset. I happen to be in tree pose. It's very Zen and very relaxing, and you're interrupting me.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. Jill? Are you there?", "Jill: You're sorry? So?", "Lauren: I was wrong to turn down your proposal. And wrong the way I did it. So, does the exclusive for brash & sassy for Fenmore's still stand?", "Jill: Well, see, that's the thing. I'm not sure that we should do this because you're always off visiting fen or Scotty or being romantic with Michael. And I don't know that I can count on you to focus on business, sis.", "Lauren: I said I was sorry! I should not have said you didn't care about brash & sassy.", "Jill: [Sighs] Well, that's not the first time I've heard that today. There is a chance, a very slim chance, that you may be right.", "Lauren: That's very gracious of you. Thank you.", "Jill: And I still hate yoga!", "Cane: So, what do you think? Do you like it?", "Model: You made me look so good.", "Cane: [Chuckles] Um, no, that was, uh, that was all you.", "Model: Maybe I could buy you a drink to say thank you.", "Cane: I am flattered, but, uh, I'm also married.", "Model: You're a professional. I respect that.", "Cane: Okay. So I will have advertising call you and let you know when the commercial's going to air. Oh, wow. So now you're spying on me. Okay.", "Jill: She's right, you know. You are a professional. And you're good, and I should know 'cause I taught you all those years ago, remember?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jill: You're very good, and I should tell you that more often.", "Cane: That's because I care. This place matters to me, so...", "Jill: I care, too, Cane. I know it doesn't always show. Damn. You have all your father's good qualities and none of his bad.", "Cane: [Laughs]", "Jill: I'm really sorry if I underestimate you sometimes.", "Cane: You know, this is all suspicious, this compliment, so what do you want?", "Jill: I just want you to know it's important to me that you realize I value you, and I'm lucky to have you in my company. And in my life.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Jill: Get back to work.", "Cane: [Chuckles]", "Reporter: Now, Devon, you invited me here to chat. Or, uh, did you want to make another charitable donation?", "Devon: No, I am actually here to set the record straight.", "Reporter: Oh, is this about Jack Abbott's alleged abuse of his wife?", "Devon: It's very clever how you use words like \"alleged\" so you're not held responsible for sick lies like that. Because that's what you guys are about. You -- you keep it ugly and you keep it trashy. Um, but that's gonna stop.", "Reporter: You still don't get it. This is what I get paid for.", "Devon: No, it's not anymore.", "Reporter: What are you talking about?", "Devon: What am I talking about? Well, I met with Howard Green earlier.", "Reporter: Oh, yeah? Is he gonna ax me? I don't think so. Howard would never fire me.", "Devon: You're absolutely right. He wouldn't. But I bought the company today. So... ...I'm firing you. You can get the hell out now.", "Billy: In what world do you think it's a good idea that your father and your new guy get all chummy like that over steak tartare? I mean, come on. He's got to be working him, or worse, your new bartender boyfriend's working your father.", "Victoria: You got to be joking. Do you think that Travis is working my father?", "Billy: Maybe that was the plan all along -- get all close with you and then work his magic on the mustache.", "Victoria: You're jealous my father likes Travis.", "Billy: Yeah, Victoria, I am simmering with envy.", "Victoria: Well, it's either that or you're jealous that I found someone who fits into my life.", "Billy: Can you stop that? You're actually channeling my mother, and it's disturbing.", "Victoria: Look, Travis is trying to get along with my father for my sake.", "Billy: Oh, for your sake?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: 'Cause I would never do that, right? I'm not adult enough. You say it like it's only my fault.", "Victoria: Well, it's partly your fault. I mean, an adult would be able to admit that.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Okay, well, so much for our cooperative get-along spirit.", "Billy: Yeah, thanks for the drink. I'll see you at the office.", "Victoria: Sure.", "Victor: Take your time, Travis. I don't need an answer right now.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Victoria: I thought you two were -- mwah -- meeting at the office. What's this?", "Travis: Oh, uh, Victor made me an offer to join Newman enterprises.", "Victor: I gave Travis some time to think about the offer.", "Travis: Actually, I already have my answer. I appreciate the offer, Victor, but I'm gonna pass. Thank you for lunch. Ready?", "Victoria: Yeah. Bye, Dad.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: What? What happened?", "Mariah: Faith is missing.", "Faith: You're here. I need your help.", "Ashley: You don't even have a prenup! This divorce could drag on for months!", "Phyllis: I don't want Jack's money. I just want my husband back." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley doesn't want to believe that Billy used Phyllis' computer and Dina's password. She tries to tell Tessa how she feels to break into Jabot's main server when Jack tells her his theory but when Ravi agrees with Jack she finally believes it and is hurt that Billy would do such a thing to his family. Jack tells Ravi that he plans to give Brash and Sassy false information. Victoria tells Billy that Jack and Phyllis are working together against them but Billy defends Phyllis and tells Victoria to concentrate on Jack and make sure he doesn't bring down Brash and Sassy. Mariah tries to tell Tessa how she feels about her but when Tessa tells her that she feels like she is part of her family like Crystal. Mariah decides not to say anything to her. Zach tells Natalia that she is one of his special girls and she shouldn't make trouble or else she will be sorry. Alice tells Natalia that Tessa is safe and in a good place. Natalia sends a text to Tessa to tell her what she has discovered about Crystal. Abby tells Zach that Scott is doing a story about sex trafficking unaware that he is the leader of the sex trafficking ring. Jack tells Phyllis that there wasn't a security breech and that she doesn't have anything to worry about because he wants to use Phyllis to give Billy false information about Jabot without her even knowing she is doing it.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Hello? What are you waiting for? Get phyllis in here! Call her out on what she did! And kick her out on her backstabbing adulteress butt!", "Jack: No.", "Ashley: What do you mean, no?", "Jack: Her adultery and backstabbing, loathsome as they are, don't enter into this.", "Ashley: Okay, jack, she downloaded confidential r&d files, okay? It's called cyber theft, remember?", "Ravi: Ashley, I actually --", "Ashley: One second. Excuse me, I'm sorry. Please explain to me why you refuse to treat your ex-wife like you would any other criminal.", "Jack: Because I am certain phyllis is not our spy.", "Ashley: Because you're certain that she's above corporate espionage? I mean, how blind can you be?", "Jack: Quite the contrary. My eyes are wide open. I know who did this to us.", "Victoria: We agreed. We won't log into the scene of the crime using phyllis' work computer. It's too risky.", "Billy: Well, risky's my middle name.", "Victoria: No, it's not. Your middle name is foster. We've taken too many chances already. So you and your magic passcode need to stay far away from her laptop, okay? Promise me you won't do it, billy.", "Phyllis: Won't do what?", "Abby: What are you doing in my father's office?", "Scott: What it looks like. I'm leaving a note. Have you seen victor?", "Abby: I saw him earlier at his place, but, um -- well, I don't think he'll be coming into the office today.", "Scott: Why not?", "Abby: Did you happen to see that status report I sent out on my incubator's profits?", "Scott: I did. I was impressed with your numbers.", "Abby: Hmm. I can't believe it. You actually have the grace to give me a compliment.", "Scott: With some advice.", "Abby: Oh, here we go.", "Scott: The tone wasn't that of an objective report. It read more like self- praise. You may want to pull back on the adjectives next time.", "Abby: Mm. Well, you know, I don't recall asking for a journalism lecture, but thanks anyway.", "Scott: My pleasure.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Paul: They told me I'd find you in here, scott.", "Abby: Are you arresting him?", "Paul: [ Scoffs ] Hello, abby.", "Scott: Can you, uh, give us a moment?", "Abby: Sure. Bye, paul.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Paul: Bye.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Abby: Hi, zack.", "Zack: Hey, gorgeous. Just checking in, as promised.", "Abby: Mm, you've been checking in a lot lately.", "Zack: Following through on my promise to be more considerate. Showing you how important you are to me.", "Abby: And I like it.", "Zack: Then, please, let me show you more. Say, dinner tonight, if you're free?", "Abby: That's doable. Pick me up at work?", "Zack: It's a date. Oh! I got to take that. I'll see you soon.", "Abby: Bye.", "Zack: Yes?", "Alice: Hey, uh, I've got some news you'll want to hear.", "Paul: So, I appreciate you coming to me with that lead about the promoter.", "Scott: You know, when i recognized that prostitute and the guy was calling her his girlfriend at the underground, i just felt like I had to call you.", "Paul: Right, well, you did the right thing, coming to me instead of trying to investigate this again without backup.", "Scott: Just tell you found something we can use to crack this sex ring and bring them down.", "Mariah: I, um... I need to tell you... I don't know why this is so hard to say. Most of the time I can't shut up.", "Tessa: Well, you know, you can say anything to me, right?", "Mariah: It's just -- with feelings, I...", "Tessa: You, uh, get self-conscious?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Tessa: Well, don'T.", "Mariah: I just feel so close to you. You know, close like it's something special.", "Tessa: Yeah, I feel the same way.", "Mariah: You do?", "Tessa: Of course. I mean, without you, my life would be a lot less... well, everything, if you weren't in it.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Tessa: You're like family to me.", "Mariah: Family...", "Tessa: I don't know where i would be without your support. I mean, helping me through the crystal situation, my music career taking off... I mean, so much is happening, my head is spinning.", "Mariah: That's why I, um... I just wanted to tell you that I am behind you 100%, tessa. No matter what.", "Devon: Hey, guys. Break's over. It's time to get back to work.", "Tessa: Yes, sir.", "Devon: Hey. Hey, you all right?", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm fine.", "Devon: You sure? You look like something's going on with you. What's wrong? Additional sponsorship", "Devon: Talk to me.", "Mariah: How much more perfect could my life be with a guy like you in it?", "Devon: [ Scoffs ] I don't know, but when I came in here and you turned around, you looked like you were...", "Mariah: Oh, no, that -- don't worry about that. I was... I was just thinking about work. I still have a lot to do, actually.", "Devon: Oh, okay. Um, well, if you have to take off, I understand, but... if you can stay, that'd be great.", "Mariah: Why? I'm not an essential part of the crew.", "Devon: Well, you are to me, and to tessa. You bring out the best in my artist, so... if you don't mind, can you stay, please?", "Mariah: When you ask like that, how can I say no?", "Dina: [ Sighs ] Would you like to go out or something?", "Graham: You sure you want to? You don't sound very enthusiastic.", "Dina: Well, I'd much rather be working, but as jack is still so furious with me... at least he didn't fire me.", "Graham: Perhaps he's expecting you to walk away. Which you won't do.", "Dina: Certainly not!", "Graham: Of course not. Maybe you can work from your suite, catch up on some reading.", "Dina: Well, I could, if ravi hadn't taken my computer.", "Graham: Why would he do that?", "Dina: Well, he said he needed to check the security settings.", "Graham: Ah, to see if he can prove ashley's absurd claim that I stole jabot secrets.", "Dina: Well, that's a moot point. You didn't, so there's nothing incriminating to be found.", "Graham: Well, then he must be done by now. You could just go by and pick it up.", "Dina: And have another round with jack? No, thank you.", "Graham: Well, then how about I go back and retrieve it and bring it to you?", "Dina: Jack can't stand the sight of you, and ashley's just accused you of corporate theft. Now, why on earth would you volunteer to walk into that lion's den?", "Billy: We were just discussing how I have plans to take the kids to the amusement park before it closes for the season.", "Phyllis: Well, what's wrong with that? They're your kids, too.", "Billy: Yeah, no, of course. It's just, uh... victoria reminded me that the last time that I did this thing, I took them on a bunch of rides, and then ended up... let's just say they got scared.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: And...yeah.", "Victoria: It's just better to wait until next year when they're older.", "Billy: Yes, ma'am.", "Phyllis: Well, that's more fun for you, anyway.", "Billy: I suppose it is, yeah.", "Victoria: So, what brings you by?", "Phyllis: Dinner plans. Uh, are we thinking about hitting that italian restaurant you've been wanting to go to, or are you working late tonight?", "Victoria: No. No, no, no. No overtime necessary. We're good.", "Phyllis: Oh. Well, good. Good. Must be nice to have some free time. It's been a while since you could relax around here.", "Billy: Yeah, that is true, and all the work has paid off because we are heading in the right direction.", "Phyllis: Sounds like. That was a heck of a spike in your sales numbers at fenmore'S.", "Victoria: Yes, um, it was. We're lucky to have such loyal customers.", "Billy: Jack sure has some interesting theories about why those numbers are up. In my opinion, he's overthinking it.", "Phyllis: How do you explain it?", "Billy: Simple. The public knows what they want, and right now, they want brash & sassy, not jabot. He's just gonna have to accept that.", "Jack: Billy is the one who stole that information from us.", "Ashley: Billy would never betray us like that.", "Jack: Billy stole my wife. He's capable of quite a lot, believe me.", "Ashley: Okay, you've got a very skewed perception when it comes to our brother. That's why you came up with this ridiculous conclusion.", "Jack: You're doing the same thing with phyllis, only you're wrong.", "Ashley: Well, then, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree until we get more information about this breach.", "Ravi: I don't think it was phyllis, either.", "Ashley: Why not?", "Ravi: The other day, she mentioned how she thinks victoria has a mole at jabot.", "Ashley: Well, maybe she's just using that as a ploy, you know? A way to put it off of her and get onto everybody else.", "Ravi: It was really bugging her, how victoria could have found out about parker beauty, jack's plan to showcase the new line by pushing brash & sassy out of fenmore'S. At the time, that information hadn't left these walls, or so we thought, so phyllis asked me to investigate. Ashley, why would she do that knowing she'd be implicated as soon as I accessed her computer?", "Jack: I couldn't agree more. If phyllis wanted to play saboteur, she has easy access to any number of jabot computers and the skills to do it undetected. Billy has easy access to one jabot-issued computer -- phyllis' laptop. And we all know that billy and victoria are scrambling to fight their way back to the top.", "Ashley: I just -- I mean, jabot is our father's legacy. How could billy do such a thing?", "Jack: Well, you'll have to ask billy that, but I think the evidence speaks for itself.", "Ashley: You said dina's password was used?", "Ravi: That's correct.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, that straightens up why billy was so eager to befriend dina. You know, I was confused at first, but obviously it was a tactical maneuver. No, he wanted to take advantage of mother, somehow get access to her password, and then... he took advantage of her the same way he did with phyllis.", "Ashley: Do you think it's possible that maybe victoria pushed him into this, like it was some kind of a test?", "Jack: Whoever planned it, billy is the one who acted on it, and then victoria came to me asking for a détente, obviously part of their cover-up. Well, given the latest turn of events...", "Ravi: We'll need a new firewall installed.", "Jack: No. No, don't do that.", "Ravi: Excuse me?", "Jack: They want access to our secrets, let's give it to them.", "Scott: You got nothing from irv west's credit card?", "Paul: Well, we knew it was a long shot at best.", "Scott: Yeah, an item marked \"scuzzy human traffickers\" on his monthly statement would have been handy, though.", "Paul: That would have been nice. Unfortunately, all irv's charges were legit. Hotel, car rental, underground. No strange company names. Nothing suspicious that could lead to this guy's arrest, or whoever he was working with.", "Scott: But he was at the club with natalia, who we know has connections with tessa's sister. Somewhere, there's got to be a link. I mean, any way in that we can follow the money and bust the guys at the top.", "Paul: These guys are way too smart to leave a paper trail.", "Scott: Irv would have paid cash for his, uh, booking of his escort du jour.", "Paul: Well, he could have used digital currency, too. I mean, that's hard to trace.", "Scott: Yeah. Damn. I mean, we know these young women are being exploited, but how do we stop it?", "Paul: We will get it done. This is far from over. Chris' sex trafficking investigation is ongoing, and i told her everything you shared with me about natalia.", "Scott: It's convenient to have the district attorney in the loop.", "Paul: So, scott... can I assume that you will continue to share with me with whatever you dig up?", "Scott: Count on it. Thank you for the update, paul.", "Paul: All right. I appreciate it. Stay in touch.", "Scott: Of course. You, too. Were you lurking out there?", "Abby: No. But why did the chief of police need to see you?", "Scott: It's not your business.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] But, you see, if it has anything to do with newman or something you're working on for newman, then it is my business.", "Alice: So, natalia is getting a lot of requests.", "Zack: We could use 100 girls like her.", "Alice: What about crystal?", "Zack: She needs to be kept away.", "Alice: For how long?", "Zack: Until I say otherwise.", "Alice: All right, but we're missing out on a big moneymaker.", "Zack: If natalia's there, put her on the phone.", "Alice: Yeah. She's here. Hold on a sec. The boss wants to talk to you.", "Natalia: Hello?", "Zack: Natalia. I'm proud of you. I just heard you're my number-one girl.", "Natalia: Get bonus?", "Zack: Sweetheart... you know how it is. That money's for everyone.", "Natalia: But you promise.", "Zack: Yeah, let's not make this a problem, okay? You don't want to join crystal, do you?", "Natalia: No.", "Zack: Good girl. Bye, now.", "Natalia: [ Sighs ]", "Zack: Don't let them think they're entitled to any of this money.", "Alice: [ Sighs ] Understood.", "Ashley: So you're gonna allow victoria and billy to continue to access our system. That's your plan?", "Jack: And it will work as long as they don't know we're onto them.", "Ashley: Right. I think we need to put that firewall in place.", "Jack: Yeah, don't you even move.", "Ashley: Okay, jack, so what information are you gonna allow them to have?", "Jack: All of it. Only I will decide what information brash & sassy gets.", "Ravi: A decoy.", "Jack: Exactly. They will use this information to their detriment, and we will come out on top.", "Ashley: More deceit. More games. Exactly what we need.", "Jack: Do you want to bring brash & sassy down or not?", "Ashley: Just like I would any other company, jack!", "Jack: Fine, then you will be okay with this plan. Ravi, I don't want a word of what was said here to leave this room. I'm telling you that as your C.E.O.", "Ashley: Mr. C.E.O., I'm going on record as saying I don't agree with your plan. It's gonna blow up in your face!", "Jack: Duly noted.", "Ravi: I'm worried, too, jack. Leaving ourselves open to brash & sassy -- allegedly -- that could corrupt our technical infrastructure even further.", "Jack: Whatever happens, you will not be blamed. As a matter of fact, I am offering you a sizeable bonus for your discretion and for discovering this breach in the first place.", "Ravi: It's -- it's not about the money.", "Jack: As upset as I know you are with me right now, I can only imagine you're even sadder about what billy has done to us.", "Ashley: I'm disappointed in both of you, that you've allowed this to escalate to this point, jack. You never should have gone after our brother and the company he works for this viciously!", "Jack: What about how he's come after me, how he's come after us?", "Ashley: Well, obviously he shouldn't have retaliated! I'm well aware of the fact that he's crossed a line!", "Jack: At least now you know where his loyalties lie. And it's not with you, it's not with our father's company, it's not with phyllis. Billy's success alongside victoria is the only thing that matters to him now.", "Victoria: Will you excuse me? I have to make a call.", "Phyllis: I'm very happy you have free time later.", "Billy: Me, too. I'm looking forward to our evening.", "Phyllis: Mm, chianti and caprese.", "Billy: A perfect way to end the work day.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'll see you in a few hours.", "Billy: Okay. Listen, real quick -- earlier, when you brought up the numbers at fenmore's, what's jack thinking about all this? Is he still making noise about them?", "Phyllis: Your brother is always gonna analyze your tactics, you know that.", "Billy: Yeah, but what about in the moment? Right now, what's he thinking?", "Phyllis: [ Laughing ] He cannot prove that you did anything wrong. So he is putting all of his energy into making the parker beauty line a huge success.", "Billy: Well, that's what i would do. If he was a smart guy, he would use his relationship with fenmore's to his advantage.", "Phyllis: Even if I knew all of the specifics about that, i couldn't divulge them.", "Billy: I wouldn't expect you to. But I would hope that you would remind lauren that her bottom line at fenmore's is in good shape because of brash & sassy.", "Phyllis: I don't have influence over lauren, okay? But trust me -- she's a big fan. We both should get back to work, okay?", "Billy: See you in a little bit.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Victoria: Ah. Yeah, let's just do it on a wednesday. Okay, that sounds great.", "[ Sighs ]", "Ashley: You know, I can imagine phyllis or graham doing something like this to our company, but billy?", "Ravi: Yeah, he and jack have been at it for a while.", "Ashley: Oh, they've been feuding off and on forever, but see, they'd always realize that they were doing something stupid by this behavior and they'd end up forgiving each other.", "Ravi: That could still happen.", "Ashley: Yeah, I don't know. I don't think so. Not this time. Oh, I'm sorry, you're trying to work. I'll let you go.", "Ravi: You know what? Done and sent.", "Ashley: What?", "Ravi: Look, I really wish i could make things better.", "Ashley: What do you mean? You do. Is there something you wanted to tell me?", "Ravi: I didn't want to give it to you before because it seemed insensitive when you were upset.", "Ashley: Okay, what is it?", "Ravi: Well, since our security issue is resolved, i wanted to give you the information you asked for about graham's mother.", "Ashley: When will you have it?", "Ravi: I have it right now.", "Ashley: Are you serious?", "Ravi: I did a search in the genoa county birth records, and this came up immediately.", "Ashley: Oh, my god. Her birth certificate.", "Ravi: For one myrna bloodworth, born right here in gc memorial.", "Ashley: No, wait, wait, wait. So bloodworth was her maiden name and graham chose to use it.", "Ravi: You know, it's not that unusual.", "Ashley: Well, then it was quite unusual. I wonder if myrna had, like, a messy divorce, or something.", "Ravi: She could have been a single mother.", "Ashley: Well, except that graham said that his parents were together until his father had left, but of course, he could have been lying. You can't believe a word out of his mouth. What about graham's birth certificate?", "Ravi: Didn't show up on the records.", "Ashley: Surrounding counties?", "Ravi: I was thorough.", "Ashley: Yeah, it's one of your best qualities. Have you noticed, the more answers we get about graham bloodworth, it only leads to many more questions?", "Ravi: Yeah.", "Dina: For you to insist on going back to jabot will only stir up animosity.", "Graham: A quick in-and-out. I'll fetch your computer and leave.", "Dina: Well, what about jack and ashley?", "Graham: They'll get the message that we won't be cowed by their false accusations and suspicions.", "Dina: Oh, I see, a \"quick in-and-out\" will accomplish all of that, hmm?", "Graham: You know, I wish your children were kinder to you.", "Dina: Well, so do I.", "Graham: But it's ashley's behavior that I'm disappointed with the most.", "Dina: Why?", "Graham: Well, she seemed more open than jack. For a while, she gave me the impression that she accepted me in your life, cared that you were happy, and had forgiven you a great deal. But now it's clear that her deep-seeded anger where you're concerned, which stems from her learning that john abbott isn't her father is something...", "Dina: Why do you keep bringing that up?", "Graham: Ashley's paternity?", "Dina: I thought I made myself clear time and time again. I never should have brought it up in the first place.", "Graham: Dina, my dear, you're stressing over nothing. I will never violate your confidence. It's not as if I can reveal who ashley's real father is anyway.", "Dina: Ashley's real father is john abbott, and always will be. I'll see you when you get back.", "[ Door slams ]", "Phyllis: Oh, hey. Did you zero in who downloaded the confidential files?", "Jack: Another emergency averted.", "Phyllis: Good. Ravi tracked them down. And you've filed charges?", "Jack: No, what I meant was it was a false alarm.", "Phyllis: No, I don't buy that for a second.", "Billy: That was a long call.", "Victoria: Well, my call ended a while ago. I've been sitting out there debating something.", "Billy: And I want to hear about that, but come here for a second...", "Victoria: I need to get this out. I told myself that I wasn't going to say anything because i didn't want to be that person, the ex who's always bringing up negative things, and...", "Billy: What did I do now?", "Victoria: You haven't been listening to me, billy.", "Billy: I have been...", "Victoria: And I can't let it slide this time because it's too important. We've got too much at stake right now, and after hearing your conversation with phyllis earlier...", "Billy: Did I say something --", "Victoria: This is about her. Look, I broached this issue with you before, but you wouldn't hear, but now you have to listen. I'm convinced that she's working with jack and against us. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Abby: There's got to be more to paul's visit than some report on some guy's credit card purchases.", "Scott: You won't let this go, will you? Paul and I were discussing research for this series I'm writing about sex trafficking, but I didn't learn anything useful.", "Abby: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Scott: Yeah, it's just frustrating. I can't get any traction on this thing, and it's --", "Abby: That won't last long. Look, I might not be a big fan of your methods, but I know how tenacious you are, and you won't stop until you get what you need for the story --", "Scott: The story's the least of it -- I mean, people's lives are at stake!", "Abby: If you would let me finish... I was gonna say you won't stop until you get what you need for the story, and also to rescue those poor victims that are in that horrific situation.", "Scott: Oh.", "Abby: Don't let the compliment go to your head. I just happen to appreciate your commitment to this particular cause.", "Scott: I'll try and contain myself.", "Abby: Mm. Zack.", "Zack: Hope I'm not interrupting.", "Scott: [ Scoffs ]", "Alice: You were upset by what zack said earlier, weren't you? Hey. Everything will be all right. You like it here, don't you? I mean, it's much better than where you grew up. I like you, natalia. So does zack. That's why we take such good care of you girls. Why we've given you a home.", "Natalia: Still. It's not same without crystal. She was my friend. Is she okay?", "Alice: You bet.", "Natalia: Where is she?", "Alice: Crystal's safe. She's in a nice place, and i hope to see her soon. [ Kitchen timer sounds ] Oh! Food's ready. I'll be back in a jiff.", "Devon: Yeah! Whoo! Hey, hey!", "Tessa: Hi!", "Devon: That song had number-one written all over it.", "Tessa: Aww, thanks. I'm glad it turned out okay.", "Mariah: Okay? You took us along for the ride. Everything you put in that song, we were right there with you. It was amazing.", "Devon: It really was, and we're gonna work on finishing the mix on those and nothing else until they're finished.", "Tessa: Wow, I just can't believe you're moving so fast.", "Devon: Well, yeah, there's no reason not to. I want to get your ep streaming as soon as possible, capitalize on the popularity of your first song, especially since irv's gonna be booking you all over the midwest, you know? I'm really happy he got to come see you last night.", "Tessa: Me, too. He was more helpful than expected.", "Devon: Mm.", "Tessa: Um, excuse me.", "Devon: Yeah, sure.", "Graham: Dina's children. Did you know any of them when brent worked at the country club?", "Myrna: I knew who they were, but the staff and their families were not allowed to mingle with the members. A rule that brent chose to ignore -- repeatedly.", "Graham: Dina mentioned she had multiple affairs while she was married to john.", "Myrna: Understatement! She was the town tramp. Why are you asking?", "Graham: Dina told me ashley is not john abbott's biological child, and it blindsided me. I was surprised you didn't mention it.", "Myrna: This is the first I've heard of such a thing. It's -- are you sure it's true?", "Graham: I have no reason not to believe dina. She made me promise never to reveal it.", "Myrna: Of course she did. That lying, selfish bitch.", "Graham: I intend to get more details.", "Myrna: You do that. And stay focused, graham. Don't let dina or any of the abbotts derail what you've worked so hard to achieve. That woman destroyed our family. We lost everything because of her. It's time to get our payback.", "Graham: We will. I promise you that. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.", "Ravi: You know, maybe graham wasn't born in genoa city, and myrna came back with him when he was a child.", "Ashley: Well, if you discount what graham said about being raised by both his parents, then it would make myrna's comings and goings a lot more logical.", "Ravi: Maybe she gave birth out of wedlock.", "Ashley: That would have been a huge stigma at that time. Hey, what about the --", "Ravi: School records!", "Ashley: Yeah!", "Ravi: I'll check those right now.", "Ashley: I have to get a complete picture when I go back to dina. Because when I told her that graham had been lying about his mother being dead, I mean, she wanted nothing to do with anything negative.", "Ravi: You need more ammunition.", "Ashley: I do. Then hopefully dina will realize that graham bloodworth is not the man she believes him to be.", "Ashley: Oh, no, is that the time? I have a meeting I have to get to and somehow pretend that everything is normal around here.", "Ravi: Wait. Your computer.", "Ashley: Oh! Yeah. I might need that.", "Ravi: Yeah.", "Ashley: Thanks for everything.", "Ravi: Of course.", "Ashley: I'm gonna check in with you a little later, okay? And see what you found out about mr. Bloodworth.", "Ravi: I look forward to it.", "Ashley: Okay. Bye. What are you doing here?", "Graham: I was hoping I'd run into you.", "Ashley: Why?", "Graham: I came to pick up dina's computer, and I assume ravi's confirmed by now it wasn't used for any malevolent purpose. And along with the laptop, I'd appreciate you acknowledging the truth.", "Ashley: Oh! About what?", "Graham: Once again, you thought the worst of me and, once again, you were wrong.", "Jack: I don't know how many ways I can say it. We never got to defcon 1. All is well.", "Phyllis: Ravi was certain that someone managed an unauthorized download. He was so certain that he confiscated all of our computers. Now, how have we moved from code red to chill?", "Jack: When it comes to computers, ravi is as close as we get to a perfect man, but he is not infallible. The good news is he discovered what really happened.", "Phyllis: Which was?", "Jack: Ravi installed a highly sensitive firewall that mistook a legitimate login for an intrusion.", "Phyllis: Okay, so it looked like an attack, it caused panic like an attack, but you're telling me it was not an attack?", "Jack: I believe ravi called it a \"virtual figment.\"", "Phyllis: So that's it? That's the end of it? There's no chance of real intrusion? Because if someone did get into our system and access our private information, that will not be good for fenmore's or jabot.", "Jack: I'm not worried. So you can take it off your mind.", "Victoria: Why won't you listen to me, billy?", "Billy: Because you're out of line, victoria. You and phyllis have personal issues.", "Victoria: Yeah, a mutual dislike and distrust.", "Billy: So you go from that to accusing her of colluding with jack to take down brash & sassy?", "Victoria: Do you know how much she hates how devoted you are to this company? She despises the long hours that we put in together. Her life would be so much happier if this company and your job were dissolved.", "Billy: You know what, maybe that's true, but --", "Victoria: You know what, let's just look at the facts. She pushed benjamin hochman in my direction knowing that he wanted to get his hands on brash & sassy.", "Billy: She set you up on a date, okay? So what?", "Victoria: With a well-known corporate raider! Okay, let's just set that aside. Let's look at some more recent history. Phyllis told you that jack suspected that I had a spy at jabot.", "Billy: I am spying on jabot.", "Victoria: It was a smokescreen! Do you really think she gave you that little tidbit of information because she was concerned, or because she wanted to give you a heads up? She wanted to find out if you knew who the spy was, that's why! Just like when she was up here earlier, phishing around about our great sales numbers at fenmore's and how we managed to pull them off. Is it really that mind-blowing of a surprise that jack was running the same game with me at the club last night?", "Billy: Hold on a second. Did you ever think that maybe she's playing you to get under your skin?", "Victoria: You are the one who's getting played right now. Did you catch how she avoids talking about jabot's plans with fenmore's?", "Billy: Victoria, she --", "Victoria: If you say that this is because of phyllis' high ethical standards, you can save it because she doesn't have any!", "Billy: Time out. You are talking about my girlfriend.", "Victoria: Oh, thank you so much for reminding me. She didn't seem so loyal and loving when you asked her to put in a good word with lauren, did she? I mean, she said that her opinion would hold no weight, and those two are best friends, billy. So of course -- of course lauren could be swayed if phyllis talked up brash & sassy, but she wouldn't do it! Do you want to know why?", "Billy: Why?", "Victoria: Because she wants us to fail! Just like jack.", "Billy: You're wrong.", "Victoria: Look, I understand that you want to believe that phyllis is on your side. But when you put everything together, there's a pattern. Just take a step back and look at it. Be objective. Can you see it now?", "Zack: Sorry to break up your business meeting.", "Scott: You didn'T. You two have fun doing whatever it is you plan on doing.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Zack: What was that for?", "Abby: He can't even say goodbye without sounding condescending. I mean, he always has these barbed comments. You should have heard him earlier. He was criticizing me on this report that I sent out. Granted, what he's working on is a little bit more important in the grand scheme of things, but I wish he would just give me some credit for once.", "Zack: What's he working on?", "Abby: An exposé on sex trafficking. Excuse me. Abby newman.", "Devon: Hey!", "Tessa: Hi.", "Devon: It was a great session!", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Devon: How about I take you ladies out for a celebratory drink?", "Tessa: That's so nice of you, but would it be okay if I stole mariah for a, uh, some girl time?", "Mariah: Yeah, uh, it's been a long day. We have a lot to catch up on.", "Devon: Sure. Sure. Enjoy yourselves. See ya.", "Mariah: What's going on?", "Tessa: A text. It's got to be from natalia.", "Graham: I'm happy to wait as long as you need me to.", "Ashley: Well, you might want to download \"war and peace\" to keep yourself occupied.", "Graham: How long can it possibly take?", "Ashley: Graham, cyber security has not yet released my mother's computer. And if they had, I wouldn't be handing it over to you. You see, you don't work at jabot, my mother does. Oh, and just for the record, I'm not gonna be admitting to any wrongdoing where you're concerned. Ever. [ Cellphone rings ] Ashley. Oh, really? It's done? No, actually, I'm right down the hall. I'll pick it up now. Thanks. See yourself out.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: I still don't see what you see, victoria.", "Victoria: Billy, come on.", "Billy: Listen to me. But I can understand your perspective, okay? I can understand why you might think that phyllis would be working with jack to take us down. When you two are together, you don't exactly get her best side. But for the record, I think that your accusation is out of line.", "Victoria: With everything that I just laid out for you?", "Billy: She wouldn't hurt me like that, okay? You don't know her the way I do. Now, you need to drop this before it comes between us and it slows down everything that we're trying to accomplish here.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'll stop.", "Billy: There's only one person that we need to focus on and for one reason only.", "Victoria: Jack.", "Billy: Yes. Because he is gonna stop at nothing to take us out.", "Victoria: Right. We just need to play this really carefully. I never got your promise that you wouldn't log on to phyllis' computer again.", "Billy: Because I can't make that promise.", "Victoria: Would you stop being so stubborn? If someone upstairs realizes...", "Billy: I'm not gonna get caught. If I do it again. We finally have jabot on the ropes right now, okay? We got the edge on them. And I'm gonna do everything i can to make sure that we hold onto that.", "Phyllis: Well, that's good, and I'm very glad that the computer thing is a much ado about nothing.", "Jack: Yeah. So am I. The thought that someone with a real connection to this company with access to a jabot computer would use it to do real harm to this company... it's a breach of trust.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Unforgivable.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: You and I need to discuss our future tonight.", "Zack: I'm gonna say something crazy. I think we should join them for dinner.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Tessa: I finally have a plan. I don't think you're gonna like it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nick goes to Adam's place and tells him Victor's funeral next week and tells him that if he ever cared about Victor at all he will honor his wishes and come to the funeral. Adam cries for a little while and then decides to leave town and never return because it is best for everyone. Phyllis comes over to tell Adam he should take over Newman Enterprises now while everyone is grieving Victor's death. Adam tells Phyllis he is leaving town for good and Phyllis persuades him to let her stay in his penthouse. Adam says a painful goodbye to Connor who doesn't ` understand why his dad is leaving town. The Newmans meet to discuss the next steps in the plan and Victor hides when Summer comes to check on everyone and tell them how much she misses her grandpa. Once Summer leaves everyone feels terrible about lying to her but it has to be done because they couldn't take the chance she might slip and tell Phyllis the truth. Everyone is also worried about Connor and Christian who are the only other of Victor's grandchildren that didn't know he is really alive. Mariah meets with Theo and tells him she will continue to work with him as long as he stays away from Tessa. Theo later meets with Summer who can't keep her mind on work so Theo takes her up to his room. Summer thinks Theo is insensitive for wanting to have sex and compares him to Kyle which leads to an argument. Summer later apologizes to Theo and asks him to hold her because that is what she needs right now. Lola wonders why Kyle is on the outs with Theo and Kyle says he doesn't trust Theo. Michael tells Kevin that Adam is using Fenmore's relapse with drugs to blackmail him so Kevin persuades Paul to give him his old job back so he can help bring down Adam. Paul tells Kevin he knew the pharmacist was lying so he had her followed and they found her at the airport trying to leave the country. Once they told her that her immunity deal didn't cover perjury she told the truth about who really hired her to change Victor's medication. Adam goes to Newman Enterprises before he leaves town and is shocked to see Victor sitting at his desk.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Theo: Look what I, heh, made you do.", "Kyle: I'll never forget the victor I knew when I was a kid. There's nothing he wouldn't have done for me.", "Summer: I'm happy that you still remember him that way. Kyle, I'm really happy that you stuck around tonight.", "Kyle: Me, too.", "Phyllis: Victor's dead. We should be celebrating that he can't hurt us ever again.", "Adam: Is this really what you've become now? A man that would kill his own father?", "[ Doorbell ringing ]", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Nick. I was wondering where you were. It's been about, uh, 24 hours since you told me what a crap human I am.", "Nick: I'm not taking the bait, adam.", "Adam: Mm. Well, that is disappointing. I was hoping you could be my verbal sparring partner now that dad's gone.", "Nick: I don't want to fight with you.", "Adam: Then why are you here?", "Nick: It's what our father would have wanted.", "Victoria: What is our next move?", "Victor: Nicholas is making it right now.", "Nikki: He went to see adam.", "Victoria: I hope he can keep his cool.", "Victor: I have faith in him. And in our plan.", "Nikki: I just want this to be over. I don't like pretending that you're dead.", "Victor: Well, look at it from a different side, you know -- who gets to attend his own funeral?", "Kyle: Thanks for lunch.", "Lola: Wow. I guess the honeymoon is over.", "Kyle: Sorry. My mind is...somewhere else.", "Lola: Yeah, it has been for a couple days now.", "Kyle: Victor's death hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. He was such a force. I didn't think anything could bring him down.", "Lola: Yeah. Seems like the whole town is in mourning.", "Kyle: And now that he's gone, I -- [ Sighs ] It's just made me think about my own life. Realize what really matters.", "Lola: Well, that's not always easy at times like this.", "Kyle: It is when you don't have to look far.", "Phyllis: Social-media policies for the grand phoenix.", "Theo: What --", "Phyllis: I want you to study them. And by \"study,\" I mean memorize inside and out.", "Theo: Sure, boss. Oh, wait. That's right -- you're not my boss. You lost your stake in this place.", "Phyllis: Mm, yeah. I remember you were a real jerk about it.", "Theo: I'm sorry I wasn't more sensitive.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's too bad you weren'T. 'Cause I'm back.", "Kevin: Ahh. Good morning, mikey.", "Michael: For some people, it is, I suppose.", "Kevin: Ugh. You're acting like somebody died.", "Michael: Somebody did.", "Kevin: [ Gasps ] Right. Victor. Sorry.", "Victor: There was a time i considered that man a very close friend. But now his passing is just a big mess that I have to clean up.", "Kevin: I still can't believe you arrested victoria for his murder. Not that I blame you. Adam is a genius at setting people up.", "Michael: It isn't possible for me to move against him right now. Even though I am certain that he's the one who tampered with victor's medication.", "Kevin: So bust him for it. Chloe's out of jail. He has no more leverage over us.", "Michael: [ Sighs ] You and chloe are free. I'm not.", "Nick: It's gonna be a small service. Just family, some close friends. It's scheduled for next week. I'll shoot you the details.", "Adam: You want me to be there?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] I am honoring dad's wishes.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] What, to -- to bond in our grief? Come on. Try again.", "Nick: Adam, I'm trying to extend an invitation here.", "Adam: Right. To the guy you said was \"the biggest disappointment in dad's life.\"", "Nick: I won't apologize for a damn thing.", "Adam: Well, like father, like son, right?", "Nick: Dad saw something in you that I never could.", "Adam: Maybe he saw himself in me. His true self.", "Nick: You aren't half the man our father was. He had a heart. And a soul.", "Adam: Yeah, and both were dark as night.", "Nk: He never gave up on you despite all the horrible things you've done to this family. He wanted to believe there was some goodness in you. You owe it to him to prove he was right.", "Adam: All right, who died and made you king, nick?", "Nick: Look, we're putting our father in the ground next week. It's your last chance. If there is a shred of decency inside of you, do the right thing. Additional sponsorship", "[ Mugs rattle ]", "Adam: [ Slams mug ]", "[ Crying ]", "[ Breathing heavily ]", "Victoria: What are we gonna do if adam refuses to come?", "Victor: I doubt he will.", "Nikki: I know the casket's gonna be empty but just the thought of it --", "Victoria: I don't even know how I'm gonna get through the eulogy.", "Victor: When he realizes the devastation and grief he has caused, he will be devastated.", "Victoria: His conscience will kick in?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: Well, I'm sorry, he'd have to have one in order for that to happen.", "Nikki: We need to think about what we're going to do if he doesn't admit to switching your pills.", "Victor: I know my son better than any of you. I assure you, he'll be riddled with guilt.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Summer: Thank you, joan. I'll let myself in.", "Summer: Oh, my god. I am so happy that you're out of jail.", "Victoria: Yeah, billy bailed me out.", "Summer: Oh, my god. Thank god. Grandpa being gone, and then you being locked up for his murder, I j-- I just cannot believe that all of this is happening right now.", "Nikki: It's going to be all right, sweetheart.", "Summer: No, it's not, grandma. It's not. Grandpa is gone. Nothing is ever going to be okay again.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] It's hard to believe victor's never gonna be here again. Or...anywhere.", "Lola: It will take everyone a while to get used to that.", "Kyle: I don't know if summer ever will. I tried to comfort her, but I don't know if I was much help.", "Lola: I'm sure you were just the right person she needed to lean on.", "Kyle: We have a lot of history, going way back.", "Lola: I'm really able that you guys were able to get to a place where you can be friends again.", "Kyle: If only she wasn't dating theo. [ Sighs ] I wish that guy would move back to new york.", "Lola: You really don't like the guy.", "Kyle: Worse. I don't trust him. He's a ticking time bomb.", "Adam: [ Snorts softly ]", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "[ Doorbell ringing ]", "Phyllis: I have a time-sensitive matter that i need to discuss with you.", "Adam: Okay, not now. It is not a good time.", "Phyllis: I've been brainstorming, and I have a way for you to -- what's that?", "Adam: Uh, I believe they call that a suitcase.", "Phyllis: Yeah, what's it doing here?", "Adam: It's waiting for me to pick it up and walk out that door.", "Phyllis: No. You're not going on vacation right now, adam. Listen, victoria is worried about the charges against her, and nick and nikki's focus will be on victoria. Now is the time for you to go into the company and take control.", "Adam: Oh, and you act like this was your plan, phyllis.", "Phyllis: I've been your sounding board. And I am advising you to act quickly.", "Adam: Oh. And where would I be without you?", "Phyllis: Honestly, you don't want to know. Trust me. I know it wasn't your plan that your father died, but he's dead. And there are things to deal with -- namely, his will.", "Adam: Oh. I highly doubt he left me anything.", "Phyllis: I'm not talking about that. You know that the probate courts will tie up his estate in legal knots for months to come. You have to take control of newman enterprises before that.", "Adam: So while the rest of the family is grieving, then I'll swoop in and steal the company from them?", "Phyllis: This was your plan all along! What changed?", "Adam: You mean other than the fact of my father actually dying?", "Phyllis: I'm cold and heartless. I don't care. I have been called that before.", "Adam: [ Chuckles softly ] You know, you do always cut through the bull, phyllis. I am going to miss that.", "Phyllis: You son of a bitch. You're leaving for good. I'm not picking it up.", "Theo: Hey. How's my favorite pr exec?", "Mariah: Busy. So let's get to work.", "Theo: That's why I'm here. I ordered you a double espresso.", "Mariah: Did one of your wannabe influencers spike it?", "Theo: [ Sighs ] Look, zoe was a fluke. That innocent look fooled me.", "Mariah: I bet that doesn't happen often.", "Theo: I'm pretty good at picking winners.", "Mariah: I've heard. Mostly from you.", "Theo: Well, I hooked you up with indio and tallulah. They're killing it on social media.", "Mariah: We'll see.", "Theo: Actually, I had some ideas for boosting their profiles. I wanted to get your input.", "Mariah: Really?", "Theo: Yeah. I value your opinion.", "Mariah: It must be exhausting. You know, working this flattery angle all the time.", "Theo: Oh, you know, that's just how I roll. Little give. Little take. Gets the creative juices flowing.", "Mariah: Were your creative juices flowing when you decided to hit on my girlfriend?", "Kevin: I thought fen was touring, focusing on his music.", "Michael: Well, uh, things weren't going as well as he'd hoped. He got frustrated. Started using.", "Kevin: Which led to dealing.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Kevin: And that snake adam found out about his side hustle.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Well, he's got phone records, video footage, witnesses.", "Kevin: It doesn't help that your boy's got a record.", "Michael: Yeah, adam pointed that out, too.", "Kevin: Where is fen now?", "Michael: Lauren was able to convince him to get into rehab.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] How did you stop lauren from going after adam?", "Michael: [ Exclaims ] Well, it wasn't easy.", "Kevin: Well, if she changes her mind, tell her to call me.", "Michael: Oh, good. So I can worry about my brother and my wife going bonnie and clyde on me.", "Kevin: You saved chloe. [ Rapping table ] I'm gonna return the favor.", "Michael: You are going to stay out of this.", "Kevin: No can do, mikey. I am sick of letting adam call all the shots. I'm gonna make sure he goes down.", "Phyllis: Oh, whoa. I never thought I'd see the day where adam newman is running scared.", "Adam: Have you considered the possibility that I'm leaving because I want to?", "Phyllis: No. I think your father's death has affected you. And I think it's guilt that is driving you out of town.", "Adam: No, I never should have come back to genoa city in the first place. It was a mistake.", "Phyllis: Are you telling me that taking over newman enterprises and destroying that company is off the table?", "Adam: Crushing my father's legacy really doesn't have the appeal it once did.", "Phyllis: Oh, my god. I can't believe that you're surrendering.", "Adam: Call it whatever you'd like, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Wow! Even dead, victor is still the victor. You're not gonna do anything stupid, are you?", "Adam: Well, that would depend on what you mean by stupid.", "Summer: I'm trying to hold it together, but I just -- I really can't imagine my life without grandpa.", "Victoria: No, none of us can.", "Summer: He was my biggest champion. He gave me that job in dubai, and then I just left newman.", "Nikki: Oh, no. He understood.", "Summer: No, I let him down.", "Nikki: Never think that.", "Summer: I just wish I could have told him how much he meant to me.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, he knew. And then you get arrested. I mean, it feels like our lives are going from bad to worse. And I know that I should be stronger, but it's just really hard without grandpa, you know? [ Voice breaking ] He was always the one to hold us up. I mean, who's gonna do that now?", "Nick: I am.", "Summer: Dad, how are we gonna get through this?", "Nick: One step at a time. I took a big step today.", "Nikki: How did it go?", "Nick: Well, I gave adam the funeral info. It's up to him to make the next move.", "Summer: Wait, why would you invite adam? After everything that he's done to our family and to grandpa, why?", "Victoria: It's what dad would have wanted. We're just trying to honor his wishes.", "Summer: Okay, well, if he even comes, I mean --", "Nick: It's gonna be okay.", "Summer: Um, I have to meet somebody. But I can stay if you want me to.", "Nikki: Darling, don't worry. Your grandfather would want you to go on with your life.", "Summer: Okay. Just, um, call me if you need anything, okay?", "Nick: We will.", "Summer: Okay.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: I've got to say, I'm really sorry, okay, that I'm putting all of you through this. But it won't be much longer.", "Phyllis: Can I change your mind?", "Adam: Sorry.", "Phyllis: All right. Find yourself. Lose yourself. Whatever you have to do. But just remember... I am here when you realize your life is boring without me.", "Adam: You know, I might actually miss you, phyllis. You were one of the few people that was actually able to make me smile. While I was in genoa city.", "Phyllis: Well, that's worth something. Uh, for that, why don't you give me your penthouse to stay in while you're gone?", "Adam: God, you never quit, do you?", "Phyllis: Yeah, but you do, don't you?", "Adam: [ Snorts ]", "Phyllis: Listen, you're just gonna go? That's it? No farewell party? No nothing?", "Adam: Who would come?", "Phyllis: You want a hug?", "Adam: I'll pass.", "Phyllis: Eh, it's not my thing, either. How 'bout a farewell drink?", "Adam: Knock yourself out. All right? Try not to wreck the place.", "Theo: I was just being friendly. If it came off as something more, it's just because I'm a natural flirt.", "Mariah: So it's just theo being theo.", "Theo: He's not such a bad dude.", "Mariah: He needs some sexual-harassment training.", "Theo: Okay, if you want me to talk to tessa, I --", "Mariah: No. No, I don'T.", "Theo: Okay. Fine. Fine. I'll stay away. But I am willing to bust my butt to make this work.", "Mariah: I guess there are more pros than cons to working with you.", "Theo: My sick talent, my irresistible charm --", "Mariah: Don't push it.", "Theo: ...My modesty.", "Mariah: One step out of line, and I swear --", "Theo: Not a toe. Scout's honor.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ]", "Summer: Hey. Am I, uh -- am I interrupting?", "Mariah: Actually, we were just finishing up. Summer, I'm really sorry about your grandfather.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Mariah: All right. Make sure to send me those names.", "Theo: You got it.", "Mariah: Take care.", "Summer: Bye.", "Theo: Hey. How you doing?", "Summer: Uh, not great.", "Theo: I have the perfect way to make you feel better.", "Michael: You promised me you would stay out of trouble.", "Kevin: That's when I thought we were free of adam.", "Michael: What do you think you can do to stop him?", "Kevin: These days, it is nearly impossible to kill somebody without leaving a digital trail. If anyone can follow it, it's me.", "Michael: Look, I beg of you, leave the detective work to the professionals.", "Kevin: And what if they can't find any proof that adam killed victor?", "Michael: Eventually, one day, adam is gonna screw up. And when he does, I'll nail him.", "Kevin: You do things your way. I'm gonna do them mine.", "Michael: No, you won'T.", "Kevin: Catch ya later!", "Michael: Kevin -- kev--", "Kevin: Hey, paul.", "Paul: Hey, kevin. What's up?", "Kevin: Nothing. I just wanted to say hi. And let you know that I am back in town permanently.", "Paul: Well, I bet you that makes michael very happy.", "Kevin: It is great to be back. Chloe, bella, and I are all settled in, and now i just need a job.", "Paul: Well. Good luck with that.", "Kevin: Well, actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if there was any chance --", "Paul: I would give you your old job back?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Paul: [ Chuckles ]", "Adam: Thanks for coming. I figured this was better than showing up at nick's house.", "Chelsea: It definitely is for connor.", "Adam: How's he doing?", "Chelsea: You mean since you broke the news that his grandfather died?", "Adam: You were the one that said he needed to know.", "Chelsea: I also said that I wanted to be the one to tell him.", "Adam: Look, I'm sorry. Okay? When he started talking about how much he missed me, my emotions took over.", "Chelsea: I could see that.", "Adam: The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him.", "Chelsea: I know how much you love him. He's going through a lot. He's gonna need both of us to be there for him. So I expect you to do your part next time you see him.", "Adam: Well, I am afraid that that won't be possible.", "Chelsea: Why not?", "Adam: Because I'm leaving genoa city. For good.", "Chelsea: What? Why?", "Adam: It -- it doesn't matter.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. Did you actually have something to do with victor's death, and now you want to --", "Adam: No. Okay? No. Stop it. No. I just -- I have to get away.", "Chelsea: From what? The law?", "Adam: From everything.", "Chelsea: Including connor? Wait, you don't -- you don't expect to take him with you? I swear, adam, if you try to --", "Adam: Chelsea, that is not what I'm planning to do.", "Chelsea: Good. Hen how do you plan to stay a part of his life? I'm really confused, adam. Just tell me what's going on.", "Adam: I finally realized what everybody was saying is right -- connor is better off without me. So I'm going. And I'm leaving my son behind. I'm leah. And that's me, \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Paul: So you want me to hire you at the gcpd after you spent the last two years hiding a fugitive?", "Kevin: Allegedly.", "Paul: You expect me to believe you didn't know where chloe was all that time?", "Kevin: Well, if I did hide her, that would be a plus. Knowing how the criminal mind works will keep me two steps ahead of the bad guys.", "Paul: You are one of the bad guys, kevin.", "Kevin: I was. But I'm reformed.", "Paul: [ Sighs ] I've heard that before.", "Kevin: Okay, yes, I've -- I've had some minor run-ins with the law. But -- but you knew that the last time you hired me. Why is it a problem now?", "Paul: I like to think I'm wiser.", "Kevin: Well, then, your brain must be telling you that the tech expert you have now is nowhere near as good as I am.", "Paul: Same salary. And I'll be watching you.", "Kevin: [ Gasps ] I will be a model employee. Thank you so much. As a matter of fact, I have some thoughts on the victor newman case.", "Paul: I'm way ahead of you.", "Summer: So, what are we, uh -- what are we doing here?", "Theo: Well, you know I'm a \"glass half full\" kind of guy, but sometimes life can be brutal.", "Summer: Yeah. Like right now?", "Theo: Yeah. Losing your grandpa, your aunt being arrested, everybody telling you how sorry they are. It's enough to make your head explode.", "Summer: Yeah, well, they mean well.", "Theo: Oh, absolutely. But, you know, you reach a point where you just want to shut out everything and everyone.", "Summer: Huh. Except you, huh?", "Theo: Well, I mean, you needed somebody to keep your mind off the bad stuff.", "Summer: Okay, are -- are you kidding me right now?", "Theo: What? I-I'm trying to help.", "Summer: I am grieving. It's a pretty safe bet that my uncle killed my grandfather and then framed my aunt for it, and you want to have sex?", "Nick: I hate seeing summer in so much pan.", "Nikki: We all do, honey.", "Nick: I'm just so glad i didn't have to lie to noah.", "Victoria: I told reed the truth. I couldn't lie to him after what happened to J.T.", "Nikki: Summer will understand why we had to keep this from her. We just couldn't risk her letting something slip to phyllis. But poor connor and christian.", "Nick: Well, christian has me. But once the truth comes out, connor's dad may be in prison.", "Victor: My heart just breaks for the boy.", "Victoria: We'll all be there for him.", "Victor: I know, sweetheart, but still. Losing a parent so soon after getting him back...", "Victoria: When that parent's adam, I think you're better off.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] Yeah. By the way, how did adam react when you invited him to the funeral?", "Nick: As you'd expect. If anything I said got to adam, he didn't show it.", "Chelsea: You're abandoning connor? What I-- is this one of your games? What, you want me to beg you to stay?", "Adam: Chelsea, there is nothing that you could say that is going to make me change my mind. This is what's best.", "Chelsea: For who?", "Adam: For connor.", "Chelsea: If you gave a damn about what is best for connor, you wouldn't be leaving him.", "Adam: Look, I am doing this for him.", "Chelsea: Adam, you begged me to let you back into our son's life, and now you're just -- you're just walking away? That's not how parenting works!", "Adam: And that proves my point. I am a lousy parent. And connor deserves better than that.", "Chelsea: I honestly thought that you loved him.", "Adam: I do love him. And that is why I am doing this. I am giving him the same gift that I gave to christian --", "Chelsea: Gift? A gift? Deserting your kid is giving him a gift, adam?!", "Adam: Chelsea, I am giving him a chance at a life without all my messed-up crap. Okay? And it took me -- it took me a while to figure out that that is what is right. And in time, you will realize that, too.", "Chelsea: No, I won'T. He lost calvin and victor. Now you're willing to let him lose you, too. How do you expect me to explain that to him?", "Adam: Tell him the truth. That he's better off without me.", "Chelsea: You selfish bastard. No. If you want to crush your own son's heart, you tell him yourself. Tell him to his face that you're leaving. I've always been fascinated by what's next.", "Kyle: I should get to work.", "Lola: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Me, too.", "Kyle: Uh-huh. Oh --", "Kyle: Bye. Oh. What happened?", "Lola: Chopping accident. It's just a hazard of the job.", "Kyle: Aw. [ Smooches ] I'm sorry.", "Lola: It's okay. It happens. No big deal.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Theo: Babe, babe, you got it all wrong. Look, I-I wasn't trying to pressure you. At all.", "Summer: Really? 'Cause it sure feels like it.", "Theo: [ Sighs ] I was just trying to help you forget all the crappy stuff that's going on in your life. Maybe I went about it the wrong way.", "Summer: There is no right or wrong way for dealing with grief. But for me, sex is definitely not the answer.", "Theo: What is? I mean, tell me. I'll do it.", "Summer: I don't know. I don't know. It really helped when kyle just let me talk. He was understanding and really sensitive.", "Theo: We talked. That whole conversation about me losing my dad? I mean, I opened a vein. W-was that not sensitive enough for you?", "Summer: No, that's not what I'm saying.", "Theo: You got a text from kyle and bolted before you could say anything.", "Summer: Kyle and I work together.", "Theo: What, he segued from spreadsheets to sympathy?", "Summer: No, that's not what happened. I -- [ Sighs ] Kyle and I have a history, and he knew my grandfather, so he really understands what a huge loss this is for me.", "Theo: I don't?", "Summer: All I know is, is that kyle doesn't think that getting naked is the solution to everything.", "Theo: Kyle isn't getting naked with you because he's got a wife. Not because he's mr. Sensitive.", "Connor: Dad! Mom didn't tell me you were here.", ">Dam: [ Chuckles, s s s s sohhh. Oh! Hey. I need to talk to you.", "Connor: Did someone else die?", "Adam: No. No. No, no.", "Connor: Something's wrong. I can tell.", "Adam: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: I'll leave you guys to talk.", "Connor: What is it, dad?", "Adam: Listen, let's go sit on the couch, okay? [ Sighs ] I have to l-leave genoa city.", "Connor: For how long?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] I'm not -- I'm not coming back.", "Connor: Ever?", "Adam: Look, I know that -- I know that this is -- I know that this is hard, buddy --", "Connor: [ Crying ] You said you were gonna stay. That you'd be here for me.", "Adam: I know. I know.", "Connor: Then why are you going?", "Adam: Because I have to.", "Connor: Take me with you.", "Adam: I -- I can't, connor.", "Connor: I won't be any trouble, I promise.", "Adam: I know. It's not that, okay?", "Connor: It's because of mom. She won't let me live with you. We'll go to court. Get a judge, and force her to let me spend half my time with you.", "Adam: It's -- it's not that simple, connor.", "Connor: Why not?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Because you deserve better.", "Connor: Better than what?&", "Adam: Better than me, connor. I ju-- I cannot be the dad that you need.", "Connor: That's not true.", "Adam: Listen, you have so much potential, okay? And if I stay, I'm only gonna stop you from being the amazing person that I know you can grow up to be.", "Connor: Why are you doing this? Are you mad at me?", "Adam: No! No, no. Okay? You -- you have done nothing wrong.", "[ Sighs ] [ Stammers, sighs ] You're an awesome kid, okay? You -- [ Sniffles ] You're perfect. You just have a messed-up dad that would only drag you down. And I can't do that. Okay? I won't do that.", "Connor: Stop it! Stop saying all the things about yourself! You're the best dad! You can't leave!", "Chelsea: Connor?", "Adam: Connor --", "Connor: Make him stay, mom!", "Adam: Okay, I'm sorry. And I know that you will take good care of him. And I know nick will be an incredible father to you, just like he is for christian.", "Connor: I don't want nick for a father! I want you!", "Chelsea: Co-- connor --", "Chelsea: I hope you're happy.", "Victor: I was hoping that, on some level, my son would [Sighs] Care about his father and show some remorse for what he has done.", "Nikki: Well, there's still a chance he could prove you right.", "Victor: Come here. [ Sighs ] I couldn't do this without you.", "Nikki: That was never an option.", "Victor: I'm gonna go upstairs for a while, okay?", "Nikki: All right.", "Nick: We're gonna take off.", "Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart.", "Victoria: Bye, daddy.", "Victor: My boy.", "Victoria: It's really heartbreaking, watching him hold on to hope like that.", "Nick: Just once, I wish our jerk brother would put our father first.", "Nikki: As much as I want that, I don't think adam is capable of giving your father the ending he's hoping for.", "Paul: Where is she now? Okay. I'm on my way.", "Michael: What's up?", "Paul: Well, I didn't think we got the straight story from the pharmacist that id'd victoria.", "Michael: Oh. I had my doubts, too.", "Paul: So I had her followed. All the way to jfk's international terminal.", "Michael: She was trying to leave the country.", "Paul: My guys informed her that her immunity from prosecution didn't include perjury.", "Michael: [ Scoffs ] Let me guess -- she had a very different story to tell.", "Paul: Oh, yeah. She sure did. [ Cellphone chimes ] Ok everyone!", "Summer: Thanks. Um... you were right. I should not have compared what I have with kyle to what I share with you.", "Theo: I'm sorry my attempt at sympathy was an epic fail.", "[ Snorts softly ]", "Summer: I appreciate you trying, though.", "Theo: I want to get it right.", "Summer: I mean, could you just...hold me?", "Theo: Uh... yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, I can do that. How's that?", "Summer: It's nice.", "[ Knocking on door ]", "Phyllis: All right. That didn't take long.", "Phyllis: Michael.", "Michael: Phyllis. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: What are you doing here?", "Michael: Is adam home?", "Phyllis: Not at the moment. Can I help you?", "Michael: I hope not.", "Phyllis: You have that look in your eye.", "Michael: I was about to say the same about you.", "Phyllis: What do you know?", "Michael: You first. What are you hiding?", "Adam: Well played, pops. Well played. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Amanda: \"I leave the rest of my fortune, amounting to $2,475,000,000 to...", "Kyle: I'm looking forward to my new position as your right-hand man.", "Jack: I don' think that's going to happen. I'm going to be stepping back from the company.", "Chelsea: I think that you need some time, because you are grieving right now.", "Nick: It's not that.", "Chelsea: How can you be so sure?", "Nick: Because my father's alive.", "Adam: I had to come here and see for myself. And to tell you that i'm leaving town." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Elliot accused Jack of being jealous of him and Jill. Jack refused to urge Jill to pursue Elliot, and warned him not to hurt her. Kay urged Jill to let her guard down and give Elliot a chance. Jill worried something was bothering Kay, who promised to tell her if/when she needed help. Jill spotted Jack with Elliot and vowed to find out what they'd discussed. Sharon admitted to a worried Nick that she'd gone to a strip joint and been intrigued by the idea of performing. Victor watched Nikki at the club, then later - at home - told her how much he loved her, and reflected on how they'd met at The Bayou. She said she'd missed him, they embraced and agreed to a night just about them. Brad devastated Ash by revealing that he hadn't changed his opinion of Victor, and would be out of town, rather than at the ranch for horseback riding with Abby and Victor. Ash realized her happiness had been for nothing and stormed off, while Brad continued to question her feelings for Victor. John and Gloria decided to stop talking about sex, and headed home to actually give the real thing a try. Bobby stunned Frederick and Anita by revealing that he - not JT - was Brittany's fiancee. He told Brittany that he was all she needed, as long as she was doing what she truly wanted by marrying him." ]
[ "Brittany: What are my parents doing here?", "Mac: Looks like they're getting some coffee.", "Brittany: But they never come here. Bobby, come on. Let's go.", "Bobby: Unh-unh. I'm not going anywhere. Listen, this charade of yours has gone on long enough. Your parents are gonna find out that we're engaged, and it might as well be tonight.", "Brittany: Mac, switch places with me.", "Mac: But--", "Brittany: Just do it, okay?", "Anita: Thank you.", "Frederick: Thank you. Do we really have to do this tonight?", "Anita: You already asked me that, and the answer is still yes. Our daughter is getting married Frederick, our only daughter. I mean, don't you wanna help plan the wedding?", "Frederick: Well, of course I do. But it's late, sweetheart. I'm not sure J.T. and Brittany are gonna appreciate us dropping by unannounced.", "Anita: Well, if it makes you feel any better, we can call from the car. Come on. Their apartment is right around the corner. We can just-- look, it's J.T. and Brittany. They're here.", "Frederick: Marsino's with them.", "Anita: Yeah, well, try to control yourself, sweetheart. Sweetheart.", "Brittany: Hi, Mom.", "Anita: J.T, hi.", "J.T.: Hey. How you doing?", "Anita: This is a-- this is a coincidence. We were just on our way over to see you. Hello, Mackenzie. Mr. Marsino, we meet again.", "Bobby: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Gosh, John, did I offend? I sure hope not.", "John: Oh, of course not. I mean, after all, we were talking about sex, the prevalence of teenage sex.", "Gloria: Yeah, but maybe I got a little too specific, asking about sex between... people like us.", "John: Oh, Gloria, listen, you know, sooner or later, when a man and woman have strong feelings for one another and they aren't otherwise attached, things do happen.", "Gloria: So you do have strong feelings?", "John: Maybe.", "Gloria: But then I screwed it up, didn't I? I mean, usually it's the man who says, \"hey, how about it, you and me?\"", "John: No, that's the least of my concerns.", "Gloria: So you do have concerns?", "John: Oh, goodness. All right. Let's start all over again. I have strong feelings for you. I think you're beautiful, full of life and refreshingly direct.", "Gloria: Which means I spend half my life with my foot in my mouth.", "John: No, no. It means you are delightful. Now look, if you want to talk about sex, that's fine. But just know, you can only talk about sex so long, and then there comes a time for action.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, we're a jolly couple, are we not?", "Jill: Oh. I'm sorry. I was just thinking.", "Kay: About...?", "Jill: Mm.", "Kay: Come on, Jill. Share, for heaven's sakes. That's why mothers and daughters dine out together, so they can talk about themselves and their lives.", "Jill: Okay. Okay. It's about Elliot.", "Kay: You know, you haven't said much about our Mr. Hampton. You were out of town a few days. Uh, I assumed it was not on business.", "Jill: No, it wasn't business. We had a... a very romantic getaway.", "Kay: Well, that's very good then.", "Jill: Too good.", "Kay: Oh, how could that be?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elliot: Thank you.", "Elliot: Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Call me Jack.", "Elliot: I appreciate your coming. What'll you have?", "Jack: Why don't you tell me what's on your mind first? I strongly suspect this has to do with Jill, and if you're trying to sell me a picture of yourself as her knight in shining armor, this meeting may not last long enough for a drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Nick, good. I'm glad you're still here. Um, listen... we have to talk. Do you have a minute?", "Nick: Of course. What's up?", "Sharon: Well, um, I know that I'm taking a risk getting into this with you, but we've just gotten into so much trouble in the past, not being honest with each other, so that's what I have to do.", "Nick: Babe, there's nothing we can't talk about. You should know that by now.", "Sharon: I know, I should. Still, it's just not easy sometimes, opening up, especially when I don't really know how to put it into words.", "Nick: All right. Well, why don't you just try? Maybe it's not as hard as you think.", "Sharon: Okay. Remember what I said the other night at the coffeehouse?", "Nick: Uh, you kinda touched on the edges of something.", "Sharon: Because I didn't know what it was. But I'm just feeling...", "Nick: Discontent?", "Sharon: No. That's too strong. I just feel like I'm not satisfied with myself, you know, with my life. I don't know. I just have this really strange need for excitement. And I can't explain it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Angelo, can I have a club soda?", "Angelo: Sure thing. So you're on your own tonight, huh, Nikki?", "Nikki: Yeah, looks like it.", "Angelo: You know, that's the first time Bobby's taken a night off in ages.", "Nikki: What, are you worried? You think I can't handle it?", "Angelo: You kidding me? You're doin' great. Cheers. It takes one hell of a woman to get Bobby to let somebody else run this place.", "Nikki: Hmm. Well, thank you.", "Angelo: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: We're gonna have a great night. I'm gonna check on Christy backstage. Hey. Your table's right-- right over there. Be right there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Are you done yet?", "Brad: Honey, I told you I was gonna be awhile.", "Ashley: You also said you were almost done.", "Brad: I am. Just give me a couple more minutes. Abby's with Frances, right?", "Ashley: Yeah. I just thought on the way home we would stop and get a pizza and watch one of Abby's videos and have a little family night.", "Brad: Well, that'd be great. Nothing I'd rather do than spend time with our little girl.", "Ashley: You're gonna have a chance to do that tomorrow, too.", "Brad: Yeah, about that. We're gonna have to take a rain check on our family day at the ranch. I have a last-minute trip to Cleveland.", "Ashley: Can't you reschedule?", "Brad: No, I'm afraid not.", "Ashley: Brad, you promised Abby. She's looking forward to this.", "Brad: Yeah, we'll do it another time, just not tomorrow.", "Ashley: You gave her your word, Brad. She's gonna be really disappointed. Can't you find some way to reschedule this meeting, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Everything good?", "Man: Hey, Nicole, why don't you come sit on my lap?", "Nikki: Oh, well, my heels are rather high, but I don't need to sit down quite yet. You save that for your wife.", "Man: I don't have a wife.", "Nikki: Keep looking. She's out there waiting for you.", "Audience: (Cheering and applauding)", "Nikki: All right! Okay, now settle down. Our next wonderful dancer is about to come out. So show your appreciation for... our belle of the south. Direct from a sold-out engagement in Tallahassee--Christy.", "Audience: (Cheering and whistling)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I can't say I'm all that surprised.", "Sharon: What do you mean?", "Nick: Well, you've been different lately. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's understandable for a lot of reasons.", "Sharon: It is?", "Nick: For one thing, the kids are growing up. You feel like they don't need you the same way anymore.", "Sharon: I don't know if it's that. It--it's deeper.", "Nick: Babe... what are you telling me? That you're growing bored with our marriage?", "Sharon: No. Of course not. I'm still trying to understand these feelings myself.", "Nick: That doesn't really tell me anything.", "Sharon: Well, I don't know that there really is anything to tell. I mean, I'm going through something, and it's giving me these weird feelings.", "Nick: What kind of feelings?", "Sharon: Well, the other night, I did something that I never thought I would do.", "Sharon: I went to a strip club.", "Nick: You did what?", "Sharon: (Giggles) it was the grand reopening of Marilyn's, that club that used to be called Marsino's.", "Nick: And you went there by yourself?", "Sharon: I know it seems like a strange thing to do, but, Nick, when I got there and I watched the dancers and how they moved and how the people looked at them--especially this one girl Marilyn, the one who the club is named after --she...", "Nick: She what?", "Sharon: You know, you might know her. She's the one that had that accident where she had her face burned there. She comes into the coffeehouse a lot.", "Nick: Yeah, Brittany Hodges.", "Sharon: I... was just so intrigued, watching her dance.", "Nick: You mean watching her take her clothes off.", "Sharon: Well, it was more than just that. It was the power she had over that whole room full of people. It was amazing, and I really felt something.", "Nick: So what are you telling me, that you want to be a stripper in that club? This is the kind of excitement you're looking for?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elliot: (Whistles) telling me I'm not good enough for Jill, that's a pretty aggressive way to start a conversation, don't you think, Jack?", "Jack: Well, Elliot, I thought I'd get all my cards right on the table.", "Elliot: And your cards are what?", "Jack: Aces and kings. Jill and I go way back. What I think carries a lot of weight with her.", "Elliot: Which is exactly why I wanted to talk to you. Jill hasn't said it in so many words, but I get the distinct impression that you've been feeding into the idea that my intentions are questionable.", "Jill: I just, um, I have certain trust issues with Elliot.", "Kay: Trust issues involving chancellor industries?", "Jill: Well yes, that is a big part of it.", "Kay: Well, the company's doing very well under Elliot's guidance.", "Jill: Yeah, as far as you know.", "Kay: Jill, need we look any further, for heaven sakes? I mean, you know the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Questionable intentions. Well, I wasn't aware that that impression needed much feeding. I've looked at the way you've compensated yourself at Chancellor Industries-- the extra perks, the goodies you've afforded yourself. Seems to me the facts speak for themselves.", "Elliot: Jack, I understand the conclusions that you've drawn from the documentation that I provided, but I can't help thinking that you're reaction is about something more than dollars and cents.", "Jack: Like what?", "Elliot: Like maybe your feelings for Jill.", "Jack: If you're asking, do I care a great deal about the lady? The answer is yes. We have a special relationship. Beyond that-- well, beyond that, it's none of your business.", "Elliot: A special relationship that feels threatened when another man comes on the scene?", "Jack: You think I'm jealous of you?", "Elliot: Yeah, I do.", "Jill: It's just that Elliot came on so strong, so fast.", "Kay: How so?", "Jill: Well, you know, there's a certain type of man-- I mean, he has money, and he's maybe a little older, good-looking, savoir faire. You know the kind of female companion they like on their arm.", "Kay: Wait a minute. Now you just wait one minute. If you are talking about not being one of those bouncy, blonde trophy girlfriends...", "Jill: (Snickers)", "Kay: Oh, stop it. Elliot's probably been down that road more than a dozen times. And he found himself bored to tears, I'm sure of it. I mean, my God, you speak his language. You are someone that he could tell himself he would like to spend time with. And that is all that matters at the end of the day all that matters. When I see one of those other men putting up with some chattering bimbo, high hopes that her youth will rub off on him... I feel nothing but--but pity.", "Jill: Thanks, Mother. That was really nice. I don't know that it's changed anything, but it was nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: So I was talking to Eliza Cantrell this morning, and do you remember her daughter Tracy, the one who got married last June?", "Brittany: Mm. Mm-hmm.", "Anita: Your father and I went to the wedding, and it was absolutely spectacular. So I was asking her the name of the wedding planner. She was--", "Brittany: Mom, Mom, this is all great. Really, I appreciate it. But could we do it another time?", "Frederick: Yeah.", "Anita: Honey, you said you wanted to get married in November. You do realize that's right around the corner? We have to get moving on this.", "Brittany: Yeah, I know, and we will. But do we have to do it right this minute?", "Anita: Oh. Maybe Mackenzie and Mr. Marsino have someplace they could go, that way your father and I could continue to talk to you and J.T. alone.", "Brittany: You're being rude, Mother.", "Anita: Oh, I-- I didn't mean to. I-I just was saying--", "Bobby: You were just saying that maybe we should leave.", "Frederick: Sounds good to me.", "Brittany: Daddy.", "Frederick: What? I'm sure Mr. Marsino has better things to do. Don't you, Bobby?", "Bobby: Actually, you know what? My schedule's wide open tonight.", "Frederick: Really?", "Bobby: Mm-hmm.", "Frederick: I kinda thought maybe you'd be down at the university, trolling for some young dancers for your club. That is the age you like 'em, isn't it?", "Brittany: (Sighs) could we please not do this?", "Anita: I agree. I-- we can just get back to talking about the wedding plans. Mackenzie, Bobby, if you would like to stay, that'd be fine. Sweetheart, what do you think about the reception? What about the Ambassador Ballroom at the Genoa City Hotel? You know what? I called. It's available.", "Brittany: Uh, I'm really not sure.", "Anita: Well, do you have something else in mind?", "Brittany: No, it's not that. It--I--", "Anita: What about you, J.T.?", "J.T.: Me?", "Anita: Yeah. I mean, you know, it's your wedding, too. Do you have any preferences or anything?", "J.T.: Um, I--", "Brittany: J.T. doesn't really care about stuff like that.", "J.T.: Don't care about...", "Anita: What about your parents? Do you think they'd want to be involved? What am I saying? Of course they'd want to be involved.", "Bobby: You know what? All right. I can't do this anymore.", "Anita: Excuse me?", "Frederick: Is there a problem, Mr. Marsino?", "Bobby: Yeah, there's a problem. All this marriage talk is a joke.", "Anita: Well, it really doesn't concern you, now does it?", "Bobby: Well, that's where you're wrong, Mrs. Hodges. This concerns me big time.", "Brittany: Bobby, don't.", "Anita: Brittany, wh-- what is he talking about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Ah, here we go. Decaf for two.", "Gloria: Oh, good thinking. Too much caffeine, I might get nervous, and we wouldn't want that.", "John: Oh, I expect you to be nervous.", "Gloria: You do?", "John: Yeah, I don't want to be the only one. I mean, it's been awhile, a long while.", "Gloria: So? It has for me, too.", "John: Well, now I suppose it's like riding a bike.", "Gloria: Oh! Whatever works for you, sport.", "John: Oh, ho, ho, ho, very, very, funny.", "Gloria: You know, I don't know, I'm just guessing, but I'll just bet that the secret is to go slow. Real... slow.", "John: Well, you know, Gloria? Now that you mention it, I have always liked slow. Going real slow.", "Gloria: Nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Man: Yeah!", "Man #2: Shake it!", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Man: The south will rise again!", "Man #2: Whoo!", "Man: All right, Nicole.", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Nikki: All right. Okay. We're gonna have a brief intermission, so just relax, have another drink and, uh, enjoy yourself. Believe me, you don't want to miss this. You don't want to go home to an empty house.", "Men: (Laugh)", "Audience: (Cheering and applauding)", "Man: Nikki!", "Nikki: Okay, all right. We've kept you waiting long enough. She loves to be here, and we love to have her. Mindy, come on out.", "Audience: (Cheering)", "Audience: (Whistling)", "Man: Shake it, Mindy!", "Man #2: There you go!", "Audience: (Cheering)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I just wonder what it would be like, you know, to be up on that stage, just once.", "Nick: (Chuckles) Sharon, you worry me sometimes.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Nick, I know. I know it sounds crazy. But there's just something about that place. You know, something romantic. Your parents met there.", "Nick: That was a long time ago.", "Sharon: So? You can't tell me they haven't had a great romance. Or that the owner renaming the club after one of the dancers isn't like a fantasy come true.", "Nick: Sharon, it's just not real. Those people on that stage are just performers. What's missing? What are you looking for? Because it's gotta be something.", "Sharon: I shouldn't be looking for anything... because I have you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Ash, you know the trouble this company's in. This trip is not negotiable.", "Ashley: The timing is kind of questionable, don't you think?", "Brad: Believe me, I didn't plan it. But if somebody doesn't go talk to our supplier tomorrow--", "Ashley: Somebody. Somebody. Not you.", "Brad: There's no one else who can handle this particular situation.", "Ashley: And there's no one else who can take your place at the ranch tomorrow, Brad.", "Brad: Then we can reschedule. Look, I don't see what the problem is. And I don't think we should be running Jabot according to what's convenient for Victor.", "Ashley: This isn't about Victor, this is about abby, and it's about our family. And these are plans that we made. This is an opportunity to build on the progress we've made, and that's why I'm not gonna reschedule it, Brad.", "Brad: Then you're going to have to go without me.", "Ashley: I'm really sorry to hear that.", "Brad: I'm not. Frankly, it would be more than I could stomach, watching you and Victor bonding with Abby, that little family that's forming there. So I guess you were wrong. There is somebody who can take my place at the ranch tomorrow. Victor. -- when they came out, but how ill prepared for the trip.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: It's about time the both of you knew the truth. Your daughter is not marrying J.T. She's marrying me.", "Frederick: This is some kind of sick joke, right?", "Bobby: It's no joke, Fred.", "Frederick: I'm talking to my daughter. Brittany?", "Brittany: It's true. Bobby and I are getting married.", "Anita: You lied to us? Brittany, how could you?", "Brittany: I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I thought maybe if you got to know Bobby better, you'd see why I love him so much.", "Frederick: Please, come on. Don't give us that garbage.", "Brittany: I do. I love him. Bobby makes me happier than I've ever been.", "Frederick: Happy? The man is scum. He associates with criminals, he uses women, he damn well nearly got you killed.", "Brittany: What happened to me wasn't Bobby's fault.", "Frederick: Oh, the hell it wasn't! He's caused you nothing but trouble since the day you met him. And I hate you for that.", "Bobby: I'm sorry you feel that way, Fred.", "Frederick: No, you're not. You've never been sorry one day in your life, Bobby boy.", "Anita: We should go. We can talk with Brittany another time.", "Frederick: Yeah. And we will. This isn't over.", "Brittany: Why did you do that?", "Bobby: They needed to know.", "Brittany: But I wanted to tell them in my own way.", "Bobby: Yeah, and when were you gonna do that, before or after the invitations went out?", "Mac: Um, I think we'll leave you two alone.", "J.T.: Yeah. Uh, we'll see you back at the house, Britt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, you are so skeptical about poor Elliot.", "Jill: Okay, look, there is no way around this. His wining and dining of me, don't you think that is just a little bit too convenient, considering I've been sticking my nose into Chancellor Industries and checking out his track record and his management style?", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, Jill, you see, we have been through all of that. Now look at me. Elliot is smitten with you, and why are you fighting it so? Because I think you are obviously interested in him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elliot: Let's not beat around the bush. I think you're highly protective of your relationship with Jill. It's convenient, there's no commitment. If you're ever lonely, you need a friend, she's there. You don't want to lose that. And yet, you're not prepared to commit to her.", "Jack: Well, isn't that a curious reading of the facts? Yes, Jill and I are there for each other. We also have other relationships, hell, marriages. Elliot, I would stand up at Jill's wedding to another man. I would help her write love letters to another man. But not to you, not from what I've seen so far, anyway.", "Elliot: Which is another reason I think you're jealous, Jack. I happen to know that you presided over a particularly difficult period in your family company's history. And, uh, quite frankly, you weren't up to it, were you? You just couldn't negotiate the obstacles. And now Jabot Cosmetics is possibly facing the worst crisis in its history. I, on the other hand, am successful and, yes, I'm enjoying the trappings of that success.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Is that what I'm doing? Am I looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth?", "Kay: Yes.", "Jill: Katherine.", "Kay: Yes, what?", "Jill: Something is bothering you.", "Kay: Um... well, if only you could help, but you can't. And, uh, besides, you have enough on your plate. Believe me, I will shout very loudly for your help... when I need it.", "Jill: You promise me?", "Kay: Yes, I promise. Now in the meantime, I suggest you set aside your, uh, distrust. I find Elliot a delightful man. And if he wants to sweep you off your feet, my dear, then my God, let him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I think I'll skip that drink. You and I have said all we need to say to each other.", "Elliot: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: You want me to endorse your candidacy where Jill is concerned. That's not gonna happen. You can rest assured though, Jill has a long history of ignoring my advice. She's a big girl. She can make her own decisions.", "Elliot: That's good to know.", "Jack: Just remember one thing.", "Elliot: Yeah, I know. If I hurt her... I answer to you.", "Jack: Don't take that lightly, my friend. Others have and lived to regret it.", "Elliot: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I see I can't convince you. Perhaps you need a nudge in another direction.", "Jill: I want to trust him, Mother, believe me.", "Kay: Shh. Shh. Shh. As we're speaking, there is a Mr. Jack Abbott and a Mr. Elliot Hampton in conversation at the end of the bar.", "Jill: You're kidding? Have they seen us?", "Kay: No. Wait a minute. Jack's leaving.", "Kay: Psst. Why don't you go over and say hello?", "Jill: No. No. Not now. What were the two of them talking about? I'm gonna find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Closes door quietly)", "Nikki: My God. What are you doing up?", "Victor: Waiting for you.", "Nikki: If you're about to give me another lecture about coming in so late, please don't.", "Victor: Don't worry, I'm not. I'm glad you're home safe and sound.", "Nikki: Oh. You're in kind of a strange mood.", "Victor: I am.", "Nikki: What's going on?", "Victor: It may surprise you to know that I was at the strip joint tonight.", "Nikki: You were?", "Victor: Well, you had invited me.", "Nikki: Yes, but you said that you weren't interested.", "Victor: I meant that at the time.", "Nikki: What changed your mind?", "Victor: Curiosity. And when I saw you interact with those customers, I realized that you were in your element. Transported me back in time.", "Nikki: Transported where?", "Victor: To the same place when it was called the Bayou.", "Nikki: Well, that is where we met.", "Victor: When you were child-like and unsophisticated and adventurous and full of spirit. And when I fell in love with you.", "Nikki: Don't forget, you used to call me your diamond in the rough.", "Victor: Only now you're without the edges.", "Nikki: I can't believe I'm hearing this from you.", "Victor: That was a magical time, wasn't it?", "Nikki: Yes. Oh, don't you ever wish that you could just back to those days? Everything just seemed so easy, so simple.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Gloria, you know what? I don't feel like sitting here any longer.", "Gloria: Isn't that the funniest thing? Neither do I.", "John: Let's go home.", "Gloria: I completely agree.", "John: See what happens.", "Gloria: Yes, I'd like that.", "John: Ready?", "Gloria: Ready.", "John: Now I will, uh, pull the car around front. And I'll see you in 30 seconds.", "Gloria: Always such a gentleman.", "John: Oh, and you're gonna see... a real gentle man.", "Gloria: Oh, I never doubted it for a moment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: Do you want me to take you home?", "Brittany: No.", "Bobby: Do you want to spend the night at my place?", "Brittany: I don't know what I want.", "Bobby: Look, honey, it's gonna be okay.", "Brittany: You don't know that.", "Bobby: Look, I'm gonna be your husband, all right? My job's gonna be to take care of you. So just forget about what your parents think.", "Brittany: But you don't understand, Bobby. They're my parents. I wanted them to be a part of my wedding.", "Bobby: Well, that still could happen.", "Brittany: Yeah, right. Not in this lifetime.", "Bobby: Look, just give it some time. Once they see that we're serious, what we're doing, they may just come around.", "Brittany: What if they don't?", "Bobby: Oh, if they don't, they don't. But you know what? It's still gonna be our special day because it's gonna be about you and me. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I can't believe what I'm hearing.", "Brad: Ash, be honest. You didn't really think this peace with Victor was gonna last forever, did you?", "Ashley: I thought we had turned a corner.", "Brad: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you.", "Ashley: Disappoint me? What about Abby? What about the progress I thought we'd made?", "Brad: I said I was willing to go along with this plan as long as both sides compromised.", "Ashley: And both sides compromised.", "Brad: Then the situation changed. Now a little wrench has been thrown in the plans, we see just how unreal this new era with Victor is.", "Ashley: And what about us? I mean... wasn't our marriage getting back on track?", "Brad: This doesn't change how much I love you, and it doesn't change how much I value our family. But I have to be realistic.", "Ashley: Okay. So obviously, then, your feelings for Victor, they never-- they never changed at all, right? I mean, not even a little bit.", "Brad: Did yours?", "Ashley: That's not fair.", "Brad: For your sake and for Abby's sake, I kept my feelings about Newman in check. But make no mistake, Ash, they never changed.", "Ashley: Then all of this... progress-- I mean, being so happy and everything-- it was just for nothing?", "Ashley: I'll see you at home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Don't you ever wish you could just turn back the clock and go back to a time when our lives were, I don't know, less complicated?", "Victor: I wouldn't have wanted to miss all the experience and history you and I have shared, the good and the bad.", "Nikki: Really? You really mean that?", "Victor: Come here.", "Victor: You and I have shared a life of passion, haven't we? It was never boring.", "Nikki: It's funny you say that, because lately, I feel that you are bored with me.", "Victor: You can't be serious. You wouldn't bore me in a million years.", "Nikki: Well... I don't know about that, but I guess it's understandable that we... drifted apart. I mean, we've both had so much on our mind.", "Victor: Shh. Shh. Shh. Tonight is about you and me, about the life we shared.", "Nikki: You know, sometimes I think about what my life would've been like if I hadn't met you. I was so young, I knew nothing, I didn't know anything about the world. I could never have imagined the life that we have had.", "Victor: And I wouldn't want to miss one moment of it.", "Nikki: I've missed you so much.", "Nikki: Just hold me. Hold me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dru: Does this mean that you've had a change of heart?", "Neil: About bringing Devon back here to live with us?", "Phyllis: I have a feeling you're about to get in trouble.", "Ashley: Am I interrupting something?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Boo Proofread by Emma']
[ "Michael visits Victoria and Nick. Nikki thanks Michael for coming. Nikki tells Michael that friends are always welcome. Victoria tells Victor, \"look who's here.\" Nikki tells Michael that she hopes a heart becomes available in time. Traci sniffles when Dr. Snyder suggests that Traci donate Colleen's organs. Abby questions them if they have to do this now. Sharon tells her little girl to settle down that it is not time. A woman asks Adam to take her with him when he leaves the psych hospital. Dr. Taylor arrives at the psych hospital. Dr. Taylor tells Adam that he is tired of these emergencies. Dr. Taylor finds out that Ashley is here in the psych hospital. Jack tries to relieve Ashley's anxiety by telling her she has a nice set-up. Ashley tells him that she hates it. Ashley questions Jack about Victor. The nurse tells Ashley that her blood pressure is a little elevated and she will check the baby in a few moments. Nikki visits Victor. Dr. Taylor intervenes before the nurse can examine the baby. Billy calls Jack. Billy lets Jack know that they are taking Colleen off life support. Ashley begs for help that her baby is coming. A nurse asks Dr. Taylor for help with Sharon. Jack assures Traci that if she will sign the papers that a part of Colleen will live on forever.", "Ashley blames herself for Victor being in this condition. Dr. Taylor examines Sharon. Sharon's water breaks. Nikki finds out from Abby that Traci is considering donating Colleen's organs. Adam visits Ashley and insists on staying with her. Ashley imagines having a contraction. Adam gets Dr. Taylor to help Ashley. Adam comes up with a plan to solve their problems concerning Ashley's so-called pregnancy. Adam opens an emergency door and helps the woman patient to escape. Nikki asks Billy for Colleen's heart for Victor.", "" ]
[ "Michael: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Michael: Is this a good time?", "Nick: Yeah. Thanks for coming.", "Michael: Thanks for calling. I-I wanted to come, but I figured you didn't need a cast of thousands.", "Nikki: Oh, friends are always welcome.", "Victoria: Daddy, look who's here. It's Michael.", "Victor: Hey. Am I suing someone?", "Michael: (Laughs) Well, would you like to? I've got a 2-for-1 bargain going.", "Victor: Mm.", "Michael: (Sighs) How are you feeling?", "Victor: Mm. Next question.", "Michael: Lauren sends her love.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Michael: What do his doctors say?", "Nikki: We just have to wait and hope that a heart becomes available in time.", "Nick: There must be something we can do. Michael, this is Victor Newman we're talking about.", "Michael: On a transplant list, legally, that's not supposed to matter.", "Victoria: Come on. There must be some big study we can fund or a-a hospital that we could build or something.", "Nick: If there's anyone that can get him higher on the list before it's too late, it's you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sniffles) You want me to...", "Dr. Snyder: I would just like you to consider it.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Traci: Organ donation.", "Dr. Snyder: It's a way for Colleen to give another person the gift of life.", "Traci: Okay.", "Billy: Uh, Sis, look...", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Billy: I-I-I-I realize this is hard...", "Traci: (Sighs)", "Billy: And all our hearts are breaking, but she's gone.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Abby: Do we have to do this now?", "Dr. Snyder: I know how upsetting this is.", "Traci: It... (Sobs)", "Steve: (Sighs) Dr. Snyder has told us that Colleen has designated herself as a donor.", "Traci: Yeah.", "Steve: It's on her driver's license.", "Dr. Snyder: It was signed and witnessed -- any organ.", "Steve: (Sighs) It's what Colleen wanted.", "Traci: No. No, it's not what she wanted. Sweetheart, she wanted to live. She wanted to grow old. (Sobbing) She wanted to get married and have babies and grandchildren. This is just too hard! I can't do it. (Sobs)", "Dr. Snyder: Take all the time you need.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "(Door opens)", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasps) (Groans) (Sighs) Settle down, little girl. It's not time yet. (Sighs) You need to stay put for a while longer.", "(Exhales deeply)", "(Exhales deeply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Woman: Hey. C-can I ask you something?", "Adam: Me? What?", "Woman: When you leave, will you -- will you take me with you?", "Adam: Uh, I don't even know you.", "Woman: I-I promise you, I won't bother you.", "Adam: You're -- you're bothering me right now. Listen, I-I-I just need a second. I'm just waiting for someone. Please excuse me.", "Dr. Taylor: I'm sick and tired of these \"Emergencies,\" Adam.", "Adam: I know. What took you so long?", "Dr. Taylor: You said Ashley's here? How did that happen?", "Adam: Yeah. Her brother Jack talked her into checking herself in.", "Dr. Taylor: She must have had quite a meltdown.", "Adam: Well, it's nothing compared to the meltdown we're gonna have when these people find out that she's not really pregnant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Nice setup.", "Ashley: I hate it.", "Jack: The room?", "Ashley: That I'm back in a place like this again.", "Jack: Temporarily.", "Ashley: We hope.", "Jack: Remember what I told you? You can check yourself out of here anytime you like, though I do hope you stay for a few days. I think you -- you should shake off all this stress you've been carrying around.", "Ashley: (Sighs) I wouldn't be here, Jack, if it wasn't for my little baby girl.", "Jack: What better reason to take some time off from the world, get ready for the joy ahead?", "Ashley: Have you heard anything about Victor?", "Jack: You know what? Once you're checked out, I'll make a phone call, and I'll get back to you about that, okay?", "Ashley: And Traci, Jack -- she's in such agony. I should be there for my little sister.", "Jack: Honey, Traci understands. She's got lots of support. Best thing you can do for Traci and for Victor is to get better. That way, they won't worry about you.", "Woman: All right. Your blood pressure's a bit elevated, but it's coming down.", "Jack: Hey. Good girl.", "Woman: All right, you take a few deep breaths.", "Ashley: (Sniffles)", "Woman: I'm gonna check the baby in a minute.", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sighs) I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for falling apart like that. It's just that I can't even comprehend what they're asking of me. Just look at her. She's so beautiful. She's so peaceful.", "Abby: Like she could wake up any second.", "Traci: I-I know that we can't leave her on all these machines. I get that.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Traci: But just about the time that I can agree to the unthinkable, her doctor shows up, and she wa-wants me at the -- at a time like this to -- to consider some other family's --", "Steve: Uh, Honey, maybe Dr. Snyder can give you something. I --", "Traci: Uh, what? A sedative?", "Billy: Well, it -- it might help you relax.", "Traci: (Laughs) Thank you. Thank you both for trying to make this easier on me, but no. I will not be doped up. This is my darling child's last few moments on earth. (Sobs) And I am going to be completely present for every single second.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'm here.", "Victor: I fell asleep again.", "Nikki: That's okay. You're gonna need all your strength.", "Victor: Where are the children?", "Nikki: They're with Michael doing their best to try to find you a heart. You just need to hang in there and stay strong.", "Victor: (Sighs) Where's Ashley?", "Nikki: I think Jack took her home.", "Victor: Well, that's good. It's not good for her and baby to be here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Taylor: How's my patient settling in?", "Ashley: Dr. Taylor. How did you know I was here?", "Dr. Taylor: Well, Adam phoned me.", "Jack: Of course he did.", "Dr. Taylor: I'm Charles Taylor, uh, Ms. Abbott's obstetrician. I'll take it from here, nurse. Thank you.", "Woman: (Clears throat)", "Dr. Taylor: So how are you feeling?", "(Door opens)", "Ashley: Uh, I'm fine.", "(Door closes)", "Ashley: Uh, the nurse was just about to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Do you want to hear the heartbeat, Jackie?", "Jack: Hey. I'd love that.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Oh. Oh, I-I-I, uh, have to take this. I'll be right back, okay?", "Ashley: Jack --", "Jack: Hey, I promise, I will -- I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right back.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Jack: Hey.", "Billy: (Sighs) Hey. Where are you?", "Jack: Uh, I'm getting Ashley squared away.", "Billy: What does that mean?", "Jack: Yeah, you first. I assume you're still at memorial?", "Billy: Yeah. Jack, it's been rough, man.", "Jack: I'll bet. (Sighs)", "Billy: We're taking CeeCee off the ventilator.", "Jack: Then Traci made the decision.", "Billy: Yeah. She did.", "Jack: (Sighs) How's she doing?", "Billy: She's hanging in there on -- by a thread, you know?", "Jack: Yeah, well, listen, there's some good news. I convinced Ashley to get some help. She's right now agreed to observation in a first-rate facility.", "Billy: Well, thank God for that. (Clears throat)", "Jack: Um, listen, I told Ashley I would ask about Victor.", "Billy: He's still alive. That's all I know or care to know.", "Jack: I'll be there shortly. Don't say a word about Ashley to Traci. She's got enough on her mind right now, okay?", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah. You got it. Um, I'll see you soon.", "Jack: (Sighs) (Exhales deeply)", "Ashley: Dr. Taylor says, uh, you know, everything looks good.", "Jack: Hey, fantastic.", "Ashley: Uh, who called?", "Jack: Oh, it was just Billy just checking on you.", "Ashley: Did you tell him?", "Jack: I told him you were in a first-rate facility and you were getting lots of rest, and he was thrilled. Listen, would you mind terribly if I left for the hospital now?", "Ashley: That's okay. Yeah. Traci needs you.", "Jack: You need me, too.", "Ashley: I'm okay. I'm okay.", "Dr. Taylor: Your sister's in good hands, Mr. Abbott. I'll take good care of her.", "Ashley: Uh, just let me know if you have any word about Colleen and Victor, okay?", "Jack: I promise. I'll be in touch.", "Ashley: Okay. Bye.", "Jack: I love you.", "Ashley: I love you.", "Jack: (Exhales deeply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Yeah. Well, prayers are good right now. Yeah. I love you, too. Bye.", "Jack: Hey.", "Billy: Hey.", "Jack: Mackenzie?", "Billy: Yeah. Kid cried herself to sleep.", "Jack: (Sighs) Listen, difficult as all this is to accept, I --", "Billy: Accept? I'm not gonna accept this. I'm not gonna accept that my niece, a beautiful young woman with her entire life in front of her, had to die in some stupid accident.", "Jack: All I meant was --", "Billy: I know -- Jack, I-I-I know what you meant. And Colleen's gone, and letting her go was the only thing that made sense. But now we have to decide whether to honor her wishes in becoming an organ donor or not, and it's a... (Groans)", "Jack: It's not our call. It's Traci's call.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. I know. I just don't know how much more of this she can take. I mean, Jack, I don't know how much more of this all of us can take.", "Jack: You and I will help her get through this. We have to.", "(Pen tapping on clipboard)", "Traci: (Inhales sharply) I-I need a law degree.", "Steve: What's that?", "Traci: (Sighs) Uh, this -- this paperwork -- the -- the documents the doctor left for me -- I-I can't make any sense of them and --", "Steve: Well, do you want me to take a look?", "Traci: Yes. Thank you. (Sighs) Oh, Jack. (Sobbing) What are we gonna do without her? Oh. (Sobs)", "Jack: (Inhales sharply)", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Jack: We are going to do exactly what Colleen would want us to do. We're gonna live our lives. We're gonna be -- try to be happy.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Billy: That's right.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Steve: How's Ashley? Is she -- everything okay?", "Jack: Ashley's doctor says she's doing fine.", "Traci: Thank you.", "Jack: She's in the very best of care.", "Traci: I really appreciate you taking that -- care of that for us. We were so worried since you left. (Sniffles)", "Jack: Ashley's doing just fine.", "Traci: (Sighs) Good. (Exhales deeply)", "Jack: I wish there was more I could do for you.", "Traci: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: This feels like Mexico all over again, waiting to hear if Dad was dead or alive.", "Nick: You mean, when his boat went down in that storm?", "Victoria: In my head, he was gone. I mean, he had to be. The authorities said there were no survivors. (Sighs) But he was Dad.", "Nick: It's hard to accept sometimes that he's mortal. Imagine how he must feel. I mean, he's always playing God and messing with people's lives.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Things don't backfire on God.", "Nick: (Laughs) Yeah, no kidding.", "Victoria: And Dad, you know, he just -- he never learns. (Sighs) It just frustrates me. He sets something in motion, and then when it goes wrong...", "Nick: He's either oblivious, or it's always someone else's fault, usually Jack's. Have you noticed that Dad still hasn't apologized for the damage that Patty has caused? I mean, not that I'm holding my breath, but still --", "Victoria: (Sighs) He's never gonna learn his lesson, Nick. You and I both know that. (Sighs) And if he gets this new heart... when he gets this new heart, he's gonna have a \"Come to Jesus\" moment, and he's gonna say that he's gonna turn over a new leaf, and I'm sure that he will, but it won't last.", "Nick: So do we just forgive him? Just assume that he's been punished enough already and forget what he's done?", "Victoria: Those things are so fragile right now.", "Nick: (Sighs) You're right. You're right. I mean, unless we want to lose him, we have to accept that Dad is who he is, love him anyway.", "Victoria: Kind of like what he's done for Adam.", "Nick: Ah, yes. The perfect son who's always there for Dad until there's a crisis. Then he disappears.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Yeah. And that was a little while ago. Where the heck is he?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I thought you went home.", "Adam: I couldn't leave here without making sure you were okay.", "Dr. Taylor: Well, that's very thoughtful of you.", "Ashley: Um, yeah. Um, would you two excuse me for a second?", "Adam: Sure. Of course.", "(Door closes)", "Adam: So?", "Dr. Taylor: I thought you were gone, too.", "Adam: Listen, \"Chuckles\" --", "Dr. Taylor: We're still okay. Is that what you're waiting to hear?", "Adam: Okay. Define \"Okay.\"", "Dr. Taylor: I got here just as a nurse was about to check the fetal heartbeat. I stopped her and sent her away.", "Adam: How -- how -- how did you do that?", "Dr. Taylor: How do you think? I pulled rank.", "Adam: Damn. This -- this is too close. How are we gonna keep this secret with Ashley staying in this place?", "Woman: Hey, hey, hey. Listen. I need you to be back in your room by lights out.", "Sharon: Someone, help me! I think my baby's coming! (Sighs)", "Woman: Here.", "Sharon: (Groans and breathes heavily)", "Adam: I haven't sweated blood all these months just to have everything fall apart.", "Dr. Taylor: You may not have a choice.", "Adam: Look, we're not gonna give up, all right?", "Dr. Taylor: How much do you have to put this poor woman through before you're happy? She's in a mental hospital because of you, because of what you've made me do.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: This hysterical pregnancy isn't gonna last forever. What do you think is gonna happen when her nonexistent baby is due?", "Adam: We're just gonna focus on the here and the now.", "Ashley: Sorry about that. Um, you walk in, and I run out on you.", "Adam: Totally not a problem. I'll be here for the duration.", "Ashley: What does that mean?", "Adam: That means that, uh, I'm here for you as always, Ashley. I want to make sure you're okay, you're not alone, so we're gonna work it out that I'm here until, uh, until you leave.", "Ashley: Adam, I appreciate your loyalty, but you don't have to stay.", "Adam: Yeah, I know. But I want to.", "Ashley: My brother's right. What I need right now is quiet and solitude. I'd -- I'd prefer to be alone.", "Woman: Excuse me, Doctor, we have a pregnant patient in distress.", "Dr. Taylor: I'm not on staff. I --", "Woman: (Scoffs) We have psychiatrists here, not obstetricians.", "Ashley: Doctor, couldn't you at least just check on this poor woman, whoever she is?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Uh, I've got good news and bad news.", "Victor: (Sighs) Start with the good news, and don't mince words.", "Michael: All right. Due to your deteriorating condition, you are fairly high up on the waiting list.", "Nikki: Dr. Swift said as much.", "Victoria: What does \"Fairly high up\" mean specifically?", "Michael: That's part of the not-so-good news. There are quite a few people ahead of you on that list, Victor. And given the relatively small number of donor hearts that become available every day, and, uh, not to mention the need for a close match --", "Victor: In other words, the odds of my survival aren't very good.", "Nikki: What if we flew him to another state or another country, uh, somewhere where his odds would be higher?", "Michael: Before I looked into that, I spoke to Victor's doctors. In their opinion, they don't be --", "Victor: They don't think I would survive the trip.", "Michael: I wouldn't have put it that bluntly.", "Victor: Better to face the facts.", "Nick: So are you telling us that all we can do right now is wait? Because, Michael, that is not the answer we are looking for.", "Michael: There is another possibility. It's called designated donation.", "Nikki: Yes. That's where the family of the donor can specify the recipient. Um, I remember being asked that when my son with Jack -- when we realized that he wasn't gonna make it. A very sick little boy received his heart, and he really needed it.", "Michael: And I once donated a kidney to someone I knew af-after they were brutally attacked.", "Victoria: It wasn't just someone -- Danny Romalotti. (Laughs) I remember thinking...", "Michael: Hey, maybe this guy isn't so terrible?", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Nick: Well, there's a big difference between being a living kidney donor than this -- finding someone who's gonna die and convincing their family to give us their heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: The only comfort Nikki and I found was the comfort of knowing that we had saved another family the kind of pain we were suffering, and we knew our child didn't die in vain.", "Traci: You can't tell me it -- it wasn't a difficult decision, though.", "Jack: You know, once we realized we couldn't do anything more to help him...", "Steve: I remember Traci telling me once that you actually met the child who ended up with --", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah. Actually saw him twice. His mother wanted me to know and see with my own eyes the miracle we'd given their family. I remember holding the baby close, feeling my own child's heart beating inside his chest -- pretty amazing.", "Billy: I bet.", "Jack: And Nikki and I both knew then we'd done the best possible thing -- that our child's death, as tragic as it was, had meaning.", "Traci: (Sobs) That's a really beautiful story, Jack. It really is.", "Jack: So talk to me. What's holding you back?", "Traci: It's the finality.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Traci: The minute I sign that document, I will lose my darling girl forever.", "Steve: Traci, we've al --", "Traci: I know. I know.", "Billy: It doesn't make this any less agonizing.", "Jack: You need to decide what's best for you. Whatever that is, we will support you 100%.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Jack: Let me just say one more thing, though.", "Traci: What?", "Jack: If you go along with this... a part of your daughter will go on living.", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Traci: (Sniffles) I know that I'm... (Clears throat) (Sniffles) I'm just being selfish. (Sighs) I'm -- I'm putting my own needs above what's right.", "Jack: \"Right\"? There's no right. There's no wrong.", "Steve: You're just taking your time and making sure of your decision, that's all.", "Billy: Not a thing wrong with that.", "Traci: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) (Sniffles)", "Traci: (Sighs)", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Ashley, I-I-I just want to make sure that you're all right, you know? Why don't I do this -- I'll stay here until Dr. Taylor gets back. Is that okay?", "Ashley: I suppose. I wish Jack would call or something. I feel really helpless not being at the hospital at a time like this.", "Adam: Well, you can always sign yourself out anytime you like.", "Ashley: Well, wouldn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose?", "Adam: Well, then, you know what? You're just gonna have to detach yourself from -- from the whole situation, okay? And you're gonna be up all night worrying about this otherwise. Listen, right now, you and the baby are the very first priority you should have. Otherwise, it's like you said -- what's the point of even being here?", "Ashley: Yeah. When you put it that way, you're right.", "Adam: You need to just calm down, relax as best you can, lay down.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: It's what Victor would want.", "Ashley: Oh, don't. He's in the situation he's in because of me. (Sighs)", "Adam: The man was -- he was shot in the chest. How are you responsible for that?", "Ashley: Adam, I went into I.C.U. where he was fighting for his life, and I told him that our marriage was based on lies. I mean, what was I thinking? I only made things worse.", "Adam: Listen, Victor... (Scoffs) He's suffering congestive heart failure. He -- he went into v-fib because of the damage done to his heart from those bullets. How -- how is that your fault, Ashley?", "Ashley: I don't know. Adam, you're such a good friend to me. (Sighs) You're so sweet to me and my baby. You know that?", "Adam: Ashley, I am... (Sighs) I am truly sorry about... about everything that you've had to go through.", "Ashley: It's okay. (Sighs) I don't know what the future holds for Victor and me, but I just have to believe it's gonna be okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) The poor man can't keep his eyes open.", "Nick: This designated donor thing seems like our best shot at getting Dad a heart.", "Victoria: But how do we do it? I mean, do we stake out emergency rooms?", "Nikki: There's always the internet. Or maybe we could hold a press conference?", "Michael: I'm on it, Nikki.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, anything the donor family needs -- transportation, medical bills paid, whatever.", "Michael: Uh, that goes without saying. I -- excuse me.", "Victoria: We need to --", "Nikki: Of course.", "Nick: Even if we find a family who's willing to help, that's no guarantee the heart's gonna be a match.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: When did the pain start getting worse?", "Sharon: Um, not long ago. Maybe, um, 30 minutes ago.", "Dr. Taylor: And how far apart are they?", "Sharon: (Sighs) About four minutes, maybe five.", "Dr. Taylor: Are you familiar with Braxton hicks contractions?", "Sharon: Yes. Yes, I've been having those for the past few days, but this is different. With my first baby --", "Dr. Taylor: Uh, wait a minute. How far along are you?", "Sharon: Um, I-I'm seven and a half months, give or take.", "Dr. Taylor: Well, if you're in early labor, I can give you something to stop it.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, God. My water just broke. (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: There's no stopping it now. (Sighs) This baby's on its way.", "Sharon: (Groans and sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm so sorry, Sweetie.", "Abby: We're all pretty numb.", "Nikki: My heart goes out to Traci.", "Nick: (Sighs) Losing a child, there's just nothing worse.", "Michael: I know Colleen was an excellent sister to you.", "Abby: The best.", "Michael: Kevin, Lily, Daniel, all her other friends are gonna be devastated.", "Abby: They were here before to say good-bye. It was really sad.", "Victoria: I'm sure it was.", "Abby: The doctor is talking to Aunt Traci about donating Colleen's organs.", "Nikki: Oh, Sweetheart. Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: No, no, no, no, no, no. I -- it's too soon. I cannot have this baby yet.", "Dr. Taylor: Seven and a half months isn't terribly early, you know.", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) You don't understand. I am not having this baby here.", "Dr. Taylor: I have delivered babies in all kinds of settings. I assure you, I'm gonna take good care of both of you.", "Sharon: (Groans) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Despite everything, I know that Victor loves this baby as much as I do. I just feel so torn about our marriage.", "Adam: Uh, you don't have to make any decisions tonight.", "Ashley: Well, yes, I do. I do. Pretty soon, this little one's gonna make an appearance. And even then, I was ready to leave Victor.", "Adam: Well, not without good reason.", "Ashley: I'm not sure if I could ever come to terms with all the things he's done, but do you realize how difficult it is to take two girls away from their father?", "Adam: You feel pretty stuck, huh?", "Ashley: Yeah, you could say that.", "Adam: Hmm. I, uh... (Sighs) I built up so much rage in prison that for a while there, up until not that long ago, all I could think about was -- was revenge. That's all I could think about. But then I'm -- I'm in that hospital room, and I see Dad laying there in that -- that bed, and... (Muttering indistinctly) All those -- those feelings, they just -- they evaporated, you know? He wasn't some larger-than-life monster. It was just -- it was -- it was Victor, a fragile, fallible human being.", "Ashley: Adam, I know how hard Victor's been on you. I know he really loves you, especially the way you've stepped up and you've been so, so sweet to me and our baby. You know, you remind me a lot of your mom. She was the most giving person I had ever known. I see a lot of her in you.", "Adam: Thanks.", "Ashley: Oh!", "Adam: What -- what -- what's wrong? What -- are you okay?", "Ashley: It's a contraction.", "Adam: What?", "Ashley: Oh! That's a big one. It's a big one. I-I think it's time. (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sobs)", "Dr. Snyder: I believe you'll find great comfort in your decision. There's no better way to honor your daughter.", "Traci: (Sobbing)", "Steve: Thank you, Doctor.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Traci: (Sighs and sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Groaning)", "Adam: Come on. Uh, Ashley...", "Ashley: (Groans)", "Adam: A-a-a-a contraction? Uh, you're not -- you're not due for -- for weeks yet.", "Ashley: I know! I know that!", "Adam: Now look, it -- it's just indigestion or -- or gas that's gonna pass --", "Ashley: Adam, shut up! I know what's happening. I've been through this before, remember?", "Adam: Ashley, you are not going into labor.", "Ashley: Well, why don't you tell her that?! Aah! Get a doctor!", "Adam: Okay, y-you know what? Just wait here. I'm gonna go get Dr. Taylor, all right?", "Ashley: (Breathing heavily)", "(Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: My son was born prematurely, too. He was in an incubator. They don't have one of those here, do they? (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: I'll have a nurse call an ambulance. We'll get you to the hospital.", "Sharon: Oh, God. Here comes another one. (Groans)", "Dr. Taylor: Breathe through it. Breathe through it. I'll be back in a minute.", "Sharon: (Breathing heavily) Hurry!", "Adam: Taylor? Thank God. You've got to come quick. Ashley thinks she's going into labor.", "Dr. Taylor: What? Now?", "Adam: Oh, my God.", "Adam: Is that...", "Dr. Taylor: My expectant mother, yes. She's scared to death. Her water broke prematurely, and I've got to get her to a hospital.", "Adam: No. No hospital. You're gonna deliver the baby in the room without anyone else in there.", "Dr. Taylor: What? We can't do that here. Everybody will hear it. Nurses will come running.", "Adam: Hey. Hey. Listen, I'll take care of everything. You just do your part.", "Sharon: Dr. Taylor, what's going on? Is the ambulance coming?", "Adam: (Sighs) Hey. You, uh, you still want to get out of here?", "Woman: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: I know a way.", "Woman: (Sighs)", "Adam: What does that say there?", "Woman: \"Emergency only. Do not open. Alarm will sound.\"", "Adam: Come here. All right, I'm gonna open this door, okay? And when I do, you run like hell. Get as far away from here as you can.", "Woman: Mm-hmm. What about the alarm?", "Adam: Don't worry about that. Just go.", "Woman: Okay.", "(Alarm sounding)", "Woman: Go. Oh. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I've been so worried. (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs) Give me your hand. Mm. There's no need, Sweetheart. I'm taken care of so wonderfully by everyone. You just look after yourself, okay, and after your mom and after your little sister.", "Michael: Did I miss something?", "Abby: My soon-to-be little sister. (Laughs)", "Victoria: We're back.", "Michael: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Victor: Um, Michael, would you take Abby to the cafeteria and get anything she wants, like a milk shake, and get me one, too?", "Abby: What flavor?", "Victor: Chocolate.", "Abby: Okay.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart.", "Michael: All right.", "Victoria: I'm happy to see that you want to eat again.", "Victor: Mm.", "Victoria: That's good.", "Victor: I wanted to talk to the two of you.", "Nick: What about?", "Victor: Just, um, in case... I can't find a heart in time.", "Victoria: We need to stay positive, Dad.", "Victor: Yeah, but realistic.", "Nick: No, Dad.", "Victor: I want you to say anything that's on your heart. I don't want anything left unsaid, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Uh, it's all right, Nikki. Come on in.", "Nikki: Abby just told us the news. I'm so sorry.", "Traci: Thank you.", "Steve: How's Victor?", "Nikki: Well, actually, um, that's why I'm here. I wish I could be more delicate, but there isn't any time.", "Billy: Time for what?", "Nikki: Victor's heart was damaged beyond repair, and he needs a heart transplant, and he won't live long enough to get to the top of the list. The family of an organ donor can specify the recipient, so... if there is any chance, by the grace of God, that Victor and Colleen are a match...", "Nikki: I just wanted to ask if you would consider designating your daughter's heart for Victor.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: We cannot take Colleen's legacy like this, not -- not for Victor Newman.", "Sharon: I need to be in a hospital where they can monitor my baby's heart rate in a sterile environment.", "Ashley: You stay calm, 'cause you're gonna deliver this." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis writes again in her blog about the people in Genoa City taking medication. At the ranch, Adam surprises Sharon with a visit to let her know how he feels about her. Ronan visits Nina at the Chancellors'. At Gloworm, Jeff gives out free drinks to everyone. Gloria fears that he will cause her to go broke. Billy orders Victoria roses with the message: To: Wilma----From Barney. Billy orders Chloe to pick up her phone. Gloria advises Billy to delegate authority at \"Restless Style.\" Chloe takes one look at Kevin and sees that he looks like a carrot. Kevin lets her know that he had a date with a \"spray-tan artist\" and that they hooked up. Chloe tells him \"way to go.\" Daniel checks on Jana. Ronan brings Nina Chance's things from the police department. Jana and Daniel joins Kevin and Chloe. Kevin finds out that Jana is now working at Delia's school. Kevin wonders why Chloe didn't tell him about Jana. Skye joins Jack and Phyllis and tells them that she is going to be in the next issue of \"Restless Style.\" Skye tells Jack, \"Bye, handsome.\" Phyllis asks Jack if he is sleeping with Skye. Jack becomes very evasive, but Phyllis sees through him and knows that he slept with Skye. Phyllis wonders if Adam knows. Jack tells Phyllis that Adam walked in on him and Skye in the bed. Jana informs Kevin that the divorce is final. Kevin is thrilled. Daniel advises Chloe against having a relationship with Kevin. Nina and Ronan talk, but he is against having a relationship with anyone because of his undercover work for the F.B.I.", "Phyllis notices Billy completely beside himself with worry. Phyllis asks him if he wants to sell the magazine. Billy tells her, \"No\" but he is overworked. Phyllis asks him for a job. Billy agrees to make her Editor in Chief. Chloe comes home and finds Ronan with Nina. Chloe blasts Ronan for killing Chance and that she will never forgive him. Nina lets Chloe know that she will never turn her back on Ronan. Chloe tells Ronan that she will never forgive him and when he sees her, he had better walk the other way. Gloria has Kevin check the books at Gloworm. Kevin finds out that Jeff is money laundering through Gloworm. Jeff worries that Kevin will expose him, but they strike up a deal that Kevin will handle the money laundering because he is in need of a lot of money to buy back Crimson Lights. Jana vows to win back Kevin. In the hotel room, Jack checks up on Skye and her investor in the hedge fund. Billy introduces Phyllis to the workers at \"Restless Style.\" Sharon orders Adam away from Faith and out of her house. Sharon reminds Adam that tomorrow is Faith's birthday, and it has been a year since he stole Faith from her.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Hey, Red, was it a slow day in Wisconsin sin city ?", "Phyllis: Oh... (Sighs) You know, when I started this blog, it practically wrote itself. Now... not so much. It's like everyone in this town has taken boring pills. Oh, my. Maybe I spoke too soon. Since when are you so friendly with Skye?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: You got past the guards again.", "Adam: I really need to talk to you right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Ronan: Hi.", "Nina: Ronan.", "Ronan: I, um, I hope its cool, me showing up without calling like this.", "Nina: (Laughs) Absolutely. You are welcome here anytime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Laughs) On the house, Gentlemen.", "Gloria: Hey.", "Jeff: Huh?", "Gloria: What are you doing? Are you trying to run us out of business?", "Jeff: Relax, \"Sweet Cheeks.\" This new venture of ours is makin' money hand over fist.", "Billy: Okay, so here's what I'm thinking-- can I get two dozen roses? And sign the card, \"To Wilma, from Barney. Here's hopin' that Fred never finds out about us.\" Okay, thank you. Bye. (Clears throat)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Billy: Billy Abbott. Uh, yeah, c-can you hold on for just a second? Thank you. Um... hello? Oh, hey, Andrew. Man, how are you? Can--can you hold for just a-- just a second? Okay, thanks. Mr. Watson. (Stammers) (Sighs) Andrew? I'm sorry, Man. It's a new phone. It-- Andrew? Awesome. Lost 'em both.", "Gloria: Just can't get enough of you, huh?", "Billy: Yeah, well, there's just not enough to go around.", "Gloria: Do what I do, Baby, delegate.", "(Knocks on bar top)", "Billy: (Mouthing words) (Clears throat) Chloe, answer your phone. Answer your phone. Answer your phone. And straight to voice mail. Great. So much for delegating. (Groans) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hey, I need a latte. Oh, my God. Why do you look like a carrot?", "Kevin: I spent an hour in the shower this morning trying to tone this thing down. You didn't hear me?", "Chloe: Oh, well, that explains why I didn't have any hot water. Thank you. (Gasps) Oh, my God. Spray tan girl.", "Kevin: We hooked up last night.", "Chloe: Why didn't you tell me?", "Kevin: Well, it wasn't planned. I ran into her at Jimmy's. One shot turned into five. Next thing I know, I'm naked in a tent. No tan line. You want to see?", "Chloe: Yeah, no, no, no. I'll take your word for it. So... did you...", "Kevin: Yep.", "Chloe: Yes! You finally got some. Yes! High five.", "Kevin: Here, let me see if some of this rubs off on you.", "Chloe: No... (Laughs) Stop it. I don't need a tan.", "Kevin: Yes, you do.", "Chloe: You are--no, you're actually right. I do need one.", "Kevin: You can be a little orange like me.", "Chloe: Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.", "Daniel: Hey, Jana, you okay?", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: They, uh, they cleared out Chance's locker today. So I thought that you would, you know, you would want this stuff.", "Nina: Yeah. Thank you for bringing it by.", "Ronan: Yeah. It's no big deal.", "Nina: Come on in.", "Ronan: I, uh, I should probably actually get going, you know.", "Nina: Oh.", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Nina: I was hoping maybe you'd keep me company while I went through the box, but if you're in a rush, it's cool.", "Ronan: I mean, no, I mean, I could... yeah, I can st-- I can stay for a while. Sure.", "Nina: Okay, good. You know, when I heard you were in town, I was hoping I'd see you.", "Ronan: Uh, yeah. Just, uh, I've been really busy with work.", "Nina: I dreamed of the day I would find my son and we could finally get to know one another.", "Ronan: Maybe you shouldn't get your hopes up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: This is gonna be fine. Trust me. Hey, Guys, look. Look who's here.", "Jana: If you want me to leave, I can just--", "Kevin: Its fine, Jana.", "Daniel: (Clears throat) Why do you look like a carrot?", "Chloe: (Giggles) That's what I said. Because he's dating a \"Spray tan artist.\"", "Kevin: Uh... (Clears throat) Can we change the subject, please?", "Jana: So, Chloe, um, are you gonna be bringing in Delia into Tiny Tots?", "Chloe: My mom is bringing her in. Uh, you're gonna be there today?", "Jana: Yes. I've been officially hired there.", "Kevin: You're working at Delia's preschool?", "Jana: Yeah, that's right.", "Kevin: Why am I just now finding out about this?", "Chloe: Because, um, you know, everything was going on with Chance, and I just-- I forgot to tell you.", "Jana: I'll be teaching the children art.", "Daniel: Well, I think that's fantastic, 'cause that's exactly what I need is some competition from rug rats, right?", "Kevin: Am I... (Scoffs) Am I the only one that finds this just a little bit bizarre?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: (Sighs) Mind if I join you?", "Phyllis: Well, yeah. Oh, hey, there you go.", "Jack: Um--", "Skye: You guys have to buy the new issue of \"Restless Style\" when it comes out.", "Phyllis: Why is that, Skye?", "Skye: So you can read the interview I gave Jack's brother. Billy's really excited about it.", "Jack: It's all about the hedge fund?", "Skye: Mm-hmm. I'm hoping it'll result in more investors... (Sighs) And the rich will get richer, right, Jack?", "Jack: That's the plan.", "Skye: Bye, Handsome.", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: \"Bye, handsome\"? You're sleeping with her.", "Jack: Oh, you have an active imagination. You really do.", "Phyllis: Ohh, Jack, are you gonna deny this?", "Jack: You know me too well, okay?", "Phyllis: (Gasps) You're sleeping with her. What if Adam finds out?", "Jack: He already knows. He walked in on us in his suite in his bed.", "Phyllis: In his--what? In his bed? Jack, do I need to remind you that he's an ex-con and a psychopath? I mean, was she really worth having to watch your back 24/7?", "Jack: Just to bug Junior? You bet. You're to blame for this. You're the one that talked me--", "Phyllis: What? I'm to blame for this?", "Billy: Jenny, hey, we are on a deadline. Think of something else. And--and-- and--and just do it.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Billy: Jonas. Jonas, you still there? (Clears throat) Simple. Tell him no. Do either of you want to buy a magazine?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Listen, I... I know that, uh, I brought this all on myself. Okay, I get it. But I have-- I have no one else to turn to, Sharon.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Turn to about what?", "Adam: About Skye. Marrying her was a monumental mistake.", "Sharon: Why is that?", "Adam: For starters, I don't love her.", "Sharon: Then why did you marry her?", "Adam: It was a business arrangement, Sharon. Uh, we run a hedge fund together. She's the brains, and she included me so that she could use the Newman name. I'm--but my priorities have changed. The thing is, hers haven't.", "Sharon: What does that mean?", "Adam: She's just as hungry for money and power as she was when we went to Harvard business school together.", "Sharon: A-and you aren't?", "Adam: Money's fine, but I'm not obsessed with it like I once was. This-- listen, this woman gets me so angry, Sharon, that I actually find myself hating her. You want to know the weird thing? She knows. So she's actually punishing me for it.", "Sharon: I really don't think that I'm the person that you need to be talking to about this.", "Adam: You're exactly the person that I need to be talking to about this. You are the one thing that keeps me going.", "Sharon: Please don't say that. Don't say things to me like that.", "Adam: Sharon, just being near you is comforting to me. My life is a mess, okay? It is an utter mess. Please don't push me away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone buzzes)", "Kevin: So this job at Delia's day care... how did that happen?", "Jana: Um, could-- could I just have a minute in private with Kevin, please?", "Chloe: Yeah. Let's go catch up.", "Daniel: Sure. All right.", "Kevin: You have something to say, Jana? Just say it. (Sighs)", "Jana: I just feel awful about my behavior the past few months, and... well, I had no control over the aneurysm and not being able to feel any emotion for a long time. I... I really hate that I put you through all of that.", "Kevin: If you're suggesting that we try again...", "Jana: I'm not.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jana: (Sighs) We had something really special, didn't we? And I've ruined it. (Chuckles) And don't worry. I'm not gonna humiliate myself and ask for reconciliation again.", "Kevin: That's good.", "Jana: But can we at least be civil?", "Kevin: You know, Jana, the easiest thing for me would be not having to see you. Now you're working at Delia's day care.", "Jana: Oh, well, that is-- that's a coincidence. I didn't know that Chloe's daughter went there when I applied for the job.", "Kevin: If you say so.", "Jana: (Sighs) Trust me, I've... I've moved on, okay?", "Kevin: Well, then why won't you sign the divorce papers?", "Jana: Uh, well, you see, um, that's actually why I'm here. (Sniffles) (Clears throat) I've filed it with the court. (Sighs) It's official. (Sighs) I am no longer your wife. So... there. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So where have you been? I haven't seen you around lately.", "Daniel: I've been busy.", "Chloe: Doing what?", "Daniel: Mostly working on some new pieces for this, uh, little local art show.", "Daniel: You know, I-I did want to tell you that I'm sorry about Chance. I know that you guys broke up and everything, but still...", "Chloe: Yeah. Thank you. It's, uh, it's been hard. I wish that I tried harder to make it work. And he's the only good guy I've ever been with.", "Daniel: Doesn't mean he has to be the last.", "Chloe: Well, I've already fallen into old habits.", "Daniel: What does that mean?", "Chloe: (Laughs)", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: It means that I hooked up with a... with a bad guy.", "Daniel: Kevin or...", "Chloe: Not Kev. No. (Laughs) No, not Kevin. Kevin and--no. No, not like that at all. You know, we're just-- we're buddies. He's my pal.", "Daniel: There's nothing romantic going on between the two of you?", "Chloe: No. Definitely not. No. He broke up with Jana. I broke up with Chance. Misery loves company. You know, I-I like having a-a guy as a pal.", "Daniel: Uh, that's-- yeah, no, that's good. I mean, just as long as the two of you can keep your feelings out of it.", "Chloe: What's that supposed to mean?", "Daniel: I suppose it means that I believe in the \"Harry met Sally\" theory where guys and girls can never just be friends.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: You... if you don't... want a relationship with me, I can't force you to.", "Ronan: No. It's, uh, it's my work. I'm, uh, I'm undercover a lot, and it just makes relationships really hard.", "Nina: I know. You said that before. It's just, I don't... I mean... what's the real reason?", "Ronan: I'm not ready. I'm sorry. I'm just--I need more, um, I need some time.", "Nina: Okay.", "Ronan: Okay.", "Nina: I totally understand. I mean, you hardly know me.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Nina: So...", "Ronan: Judging by the man that Chance... is, I know that you're a wonderful mother.", "Nina: (Chuckles) Listen, I, um... (Sighs) I don't mean to push. I mean... but I most likely lost one son. And not being able to have contact with the other, especially when we live in the same city, for crying out loud, I mean... when you say you need time...", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Nina: That's okay.", "Ronan: Um, I can go.", "Nina: You know, when Chance finally got back from Iraq and joined the force, he was so excited.", "Ronan: Yeah. (Clears throat) (Sniffles) Yeah, he was, uh, he was--he was a good cop.", "Nina: (Chuckles) I wonder what kind of work he's doing now? Probably helping people. That's what he did best. This is a copy of the book I wrote about my search for you. It looks like he's had this for years. All these notes in the margins...", "Ronan: What are they?", "Nina: \"People search\" web addresses. (Sighs) He was trying to find you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Billy, do you really want to sell the magazine?", "Billy: No, I don't want to sell the magazine. I'm just a little overworked right now. (Sighs) Before, I didn't notice, really, but now I have a wife, and I should really be home with her.", "Jack: Well, surely Victoria understands that you have to make a living.", "Billy: She had a miscarriage, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, no. No, I didn't know that. I'm sorry.", "Billy: Its o--it's okay. It happens, you know? Things happen.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it happens, but it doesn't make it less painful.", "Billy: Yeah, that's right. I forgot you two, uh--", "Phyllis: Um, I was told I couldn't conceive, and then I had Summer, so there's hope.", "Billy: Okay. Um, well, as far as \"Restless Style\" is concerned, I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. That's--that's all.", "Phyllis: You should hire me back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You were the only woman who ever loved me unconditionally.", "Sharon: And look what that got me.", "Adam: Yes, I hurt you, Sharon. I know, and I will regret that the rest of my life, but my feelings have not changed for you.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: Sharon, I miss you.", "Sharon: Adam, listen. This is over. Y-you're married, okay? We're never gonna be back together now. This whole fantasy you have going on in your head-- you gotta let it go. And if Skye bothers you that much, divorce her.", "Adam: You don't think I haven't thought about that? She threatened to get me into legal trouble if I even tried.", "Sharon: She has something over your head?", "Adam: No, but she is one hell of a liar. And so now I'm stuck. I am married to a woman that I don't care about, and I am in love with a woman that I cannot have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: We really have been through a lot of ups and downs, haven't we?", "Jana: (Sighs) But when they were good... it was really fantastic, wasn't it?", "Kevin: I really hope you have a great life.", "Jana: Well, I should get back to work. (Sighs)", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Jana: God, I...", "Kevin: I am officially a free man.", "Daniel: It sucks, huh?", "Kevin: I just keep reminding myself that this is for the best.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Speaking of which, I see Billy eyeing me. I should probably go figure out what he wants now. (Sighs) Look, as for you, Buddy, we will hang out later on the couch, all right? We're gonna eat a lot of junk food, and we're gonna drink beer, and we're gonna forget about what's-her-face. Mwah.", "Kevin: No more spray tan jokes.", "Daniel: Hey, you know, I was, um, thinking about you and Chloe, and I was wondering if the name \"Duckie\" meant anything to you.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Yeah, Duckie was a loser. I'm not pining for Chloe. We're friends. Period.", "Daniel: Yeah, but she's hot. (Laughs)", "Kevin: So?", "Daniel: So come on, Man. There's no interest there?", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: (Sighs) Mom, what is it? All ri--okay. All right. All right. I'll be right there. My mom needs me at Gloworm.", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, how's that going? You know, being their little computer boy over there?", "Kevin: Well, money's money.", "Daniel: Hey, Kevin?", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Daniel: Uh, didn't mean to make you feel bad by calling you Duckie.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Well, thanks, but, um, maybe you're right. Maybe I have lost my edge.", "Chloe: First of all, don't yell at me like that, and don't worry. I'm gonna run some errands. I'm on it.", "Billy: I need you to work. (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: Wow. Um, Billy, you know, when Chloe worked for me, she was amazing.", "Billy: Yeah, well, she still is. Just going through a lot. (Clears throat) Besides, she doesn't have the background in publishing like you do.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, that is true.", "Billy: So you'd really work for me, huh?", "Jack: Uh, listen, Kids. Uh, I got a meeting, okay? Hey, I'm sorry what happened, huh? Give Victoria my best.", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Billy: When you sold me the magazine... (Clears throat) You said you were done with the publishing business.", "Phyllis: Uh, well, I was... then. But now I'm single, and my daughter is in school, and I have a lot of free time on my hands.", "Billy: What about your blog?", "Phyllis: Well, it proves that I'm good at sniffing out a good story, doesn't it? And if you hired me, you would be free to do whatever you wanted, and I'm not afraid to take on the Newmans.", "Billy: That's funny. I just married a Newman.", "Phyllis: And I just divorced one.", "Billy: You do know the ropes. And I need the help, so what do you think about editor in chief? Does that work for you?", "Phyllis: Yes, it works for me.", "Billy: Okay, well, then... (Clears throat) (Pops lips) Welcome to crazy town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: It's so strange. I mean, Chance is still alive, and we're...", "Ronan: No, he's not. Don't you ever say that out loud. To the rest of the world, as far as they're concerned, Chance is dead and buried.", "Nina: He might as well be. I can't talk to him. I can't see him. Maybe forever.", "Ronan: Listen. Hey. This is just the way that witness protection works. But at least you know that he's safe.", "Nina: I remember the first time he asked me about death. He was only little. He just couldn't understand why his hamster went to heaven.", "Ronan: And? What'd you tell him?", "Nina: Life is a gift. We shouldn't take it for granted, because no one knows how long we have, and then I talked about how love never dies, and memories last forever, and how we'd see each other in the next life. I was just, you know, preparing him for when I was gone. But I...", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Nina: It never crossed my mind I'd be losing him first.", "Chloe: Hi. What the hell are you doing back?", "Nina: Ronan has been assigned to clean up the police department.", "Chloe: It's bad enough that you're back, but the fact that you are in Chance's house, it makes me sick.", "Ronan: I should go.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Nina: No, please.", "Chloe: I think that you should, because I think that you've put her through enough.", "Nina: Look, Chloe, I appreciate you defending me, but Ronan is my son.", "Chloe: He killed Chance.", "Nina: I won't turn my back on him.", "Chloe: Okay, fine. I-if you can forgive him for pulling that trigger, that is great. I cannot do that. I don't want to have anything to do with you now or ever, so if you see me, you better walk away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Listen up, everybody. You are looking at your new editor in chief, and we're damn lucky to have her back.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Oh, please, come on. Thanks.", "Billy: All right. All right. We're gonna give her a proper welcome when we have time after this issue is put to bed.", "Phyllis: (Clears throat)", "Billy: So chop-chop. You get back to work. We need to finish this. Go. You.", "Phyllis: Yeah?", "Billy: Check this out. (Clears throat) This is our new cover.", "Phyllis: Oh, um, hmm. Nice. Just--", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, the cover story is not as juicy as I'd like it to be. Besides being a gambling addict and, uh--thank you-- being married to a psychopath, there's not a lot of skeletons in her closet. You know what I mean?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, we should mention how she's sleeping with your brother.", "Billy: (Coughs) What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Everything okay?", "Man: Great.", "Man: Great.", "Gloria: Jeffrey?", "Jeff: Hmm?", "Gloria: I'd like to take a look at the books.", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Just because I picked up that tab earlier?", "Gloria: I want to look at the books.", "Jeff: Okay. All right. I got nothing to hide. (Exhales) Oh, hey, how's the hedge fund?", "Skye: Great. You can still get in on the ground floor.", "Jeff: Eh, I'm doing my own investing these days.", "Skye: Mm, your loss.", "Jeff: Ah.", "Jack: All by your lonesome?", "Skye: No, not anymore.", "Jack: So the Newman fund numbers continuing to go upward?", "Skye: Mm-hmm. Check it out.", "Jack: The fund is up 250%? Wow, Lady.", "Skye: I told you I have the Midas touch.", "Jack: To make profits like this, you have to take some pretty gargantuan risks.", "Skye: That's what successful gamblers do.", "Jack: So that's your drug of choice, huh? Risk?", "Skye: (Chuckles) Lucky for you, I'm a genius at playing the market. Don't fret. Your money's safe with me. Once that \"Restless Style\" piece about me comes out, Adam and I will look like the golden couple of the century. Probably shouldn't be flirting with another man in public.", "Jack: Are you suggesting we take this somewhere more private?", "Skye: Twist my arm.", "Jack: Happily.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Love the tan, Baby. You needed the color.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Why did you call me?", "Gloria: I want you to look at the club's books.", "Kevin: I thought you said Jeffrey was handling that himself.", "Gloria: Jeffrey has given away a few too many freebies. I just want to make sure I'm not going bankrupt.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Well, I'm putting this on my time card. I had to leave my shift at Crimson Lights.", "Gloria: Fine. Look at them.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Jeff: Hey, Kevin. How you doin'? (Laughs) You look like a walking slab of cheddar. (Laughs)", "Kevin: I know what you've been up to.", "Jeff: Beg your pardon?", "Kevin: Laundering money out of Gloworm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You said that you can't leave Skye. But maybe we can figure out a way.", "Adam: That would be nice. I appreciate you even considering helping me.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Sharon: Hey, Noah. Um, you're driver's license? Um, hang on. I will check.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Good-bye, Chloe.", "Nina: Hey, um, listen, I want you to have this.", "Ronan: No, I-I-- I couldn't take that.", "Nina: No, it's a reminder that Chance wanted you in his life just as much as I do.", "Ronan: Okay. Um, thank you. Um, you take care.", "Nina: Take care.", "Ronan: Okay.", "Nina: Chance loved that little girl of yours.", "Chloe: Yeah. She loved him, too. I know I'll never find a guy who is as good with her as he was.", "Nina: Hey, uh, where is Delia? I haven't heard a peep out of her this morning.", "Chloe: Oh, um, my mom took her to day care.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Liza: Tommy, let Delia have the toy. We need to learn to share.", "Jana: Hello, Liza.", "Liza: Don't you look pretty today?", "Jana: Thanks.", "Liza: (Gasps) And your hair.", "Jana: Yeah, I just, uh, thought I'd try something... new. (Sighs) Well, hello, little angels. Miss Jana is very happy to be here today. Shall we get our crayons out over there at the table? Go on. Over there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Choking)", "Phyllis: Yeah, okay. You okay?", "Billy: That's--wrong pipe.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you surprised by this?", "Billy: Well, that Jack's having sex with Skye? A little.", "Phyllis: Well, he's not-- listen, your brother, he likes to spread the love. That's your brother, okay?", "Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat)", "Phyllis: And I think that if we mention it in your cover story, it's gonna add some spice.", "Billy: Are you crazy? He would kill us both. Both. Dead.", "Phyllis: No, no, no. This is a chance for him to stick it to Adam. Believe me. He's gonna love it.", "Billy: I don't-- I don't know if that's--", "Phyllis: Oh, just-- just--please.", "Billy: (Sighs) First day. Here we go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: When do you expect Adam back?", "Skye: Does it matter? It's not like he doesn't know what's going on.", "Jack: Spoken like a devoted wife.", "Skye: I told you, it's investors I don't want finding out. They have to believe Adam and I are solid.", "Jack: Well, isn't this kind of dangerous inviting me back to your suite?", "Skye: Be right back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: That's wrong. That's wro-- you underestimate me, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: Really?", "Kevin: I've cooked a book or two in my day.", "Jeff: What do you want from me?", "Kevin: Uh, the truth, or I tell the old lady everything.", "Jeff: No! (Chuckles) (Quietly) No, look, I'm just trying to get this little gambling thing out of the back room to try and bring in some extra cash.", "Kevin: (Quietly) And screwing my mom out of the profits?", "Jeff: (Sighs) Your mother would dice me into little pieces if she finds out.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Mm, that's not my problem.", "Jeff: I'll pay you to keep quiet.", "Chloe: Hi. Excuse me. Can I borrow you for a second? Okay, I need to get to the magazine, but I just had the biggest shock ever. (Sighs) Ronan is back.", "Kevin: What? Why?", "Chloe: I don't know. Some job thing.", "Kevin: You must be freaking out.", "Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. So I think I'm gonna need some cheering up tonight, too.", "Kevin: Junk food, beer, and whatever else.", "Chloe: Okay. Oh, actually, can we watch \"Pretty in Pink\"? Because that always takes my mind off of everything. Thank you.", "Gloria: Cute. Chloe's sidekick.", "Kevin: I am not her sidekick!", "Gloria: Oh, stop it. Don't be embarrassed. I'm just glad you've grown up to be such a good guy.", "Kevin: (Clears throat)", "Gloria: Oh, excuse me. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Books look fine to me.", "Gloria: Really? (Sighs) Well, then shame on me for doubting Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Yeah, poor misunderstood Jeffrey.", "Jeff: So we got a deal?", "Kevin: One condition-- I do the money laundering.", "Jeff: You?", "Kevin: Yeah, me. I know how to keep things lookin' legit. You don't have a clue. Besides, I need money. Lots of it.", "Jeff: Okay, but Gloria can never find out.", "Kevin: Fine. All I care about is getting back Crimson Lights anyway.", "Jeff: You know, I used to think you were kind of a loser. Might be a kick getting rich together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Did you know that I used to be married to your mum's friend?", "Cordelia: Yeah.", "Jana: Kevin?", "Cordelia: Yeah.", "Jana: We're not married anymore. But I'm going to get him back.", "Cordelia: Yeah.", "Jana: Yes. You know, maybe you could help me. Yeah? Yeah.", "Cordelia: I need this one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Didn't your mother teach you not to touch other people's things?", "Jack: You know, I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to see if the numbers you were giving me were legit.", "Skye: And?", "Jack: And you, Lady, have picked some pretty amazing companies that are performing awfully well.", "Skye: (Chuckles) Once my \"Restless Style\" article comes out...", "Jack: The sky is the limit... pun intended.", "Skye: Oh, you know it, Baby.", "Jack: You bet I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah, that's a nice touch. Yep, putting Skye and Adam in the bottom corner. That's good stuff.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Hello, mother. (Sighs) You wanted to see me?", "Phyllis: Ooh, yes. Yes. I'm back working at \"Restless Style.\" Hey.", "Daniel: Yes. Yes. I see that. That explains why you're here. What am I doing here, though?", "Phyllis: Okay, well, um, our next issue goes to print tomorrow morning, and I'm gonna be up all night reworking the lead article.", "Daniel: What do you want from me? Do you want me to go get you coffee or something?", "Phyllis: No, I want you to work your magic!", "Daniel: My magic?", "Phyllis: Come here.", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Okay. See?", "Daniel: What, the little inset picture?", "Phyllis: Yeah, but I want you to work it that there's-- there's a crack going between Skye and \"Creep boy.\"", "Daniel: Yeah, not a problem at all.", "Phyllis: Not a problem. Good. Good. All right.", "Billy: Good.", "Phyllis: So Skye wants the world to believe that, um, she and Adam are this power couple, and I'm gonna have a really fun time blowing that image to smithereens.", "(Computer keys clicking)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, are you sure you left it in the living room? Because I-I don't see it. I-I will look around again.", "Faith: (Fusses)", "Sharon: Okay, well, I'm gonna have to get back to you, though. Okay, Noah. Bye. I think you should leave.", "Adam: Sharon--", "Sharon: Now.", "Adam: The baby was starting to cry. I was trying to help.", "Sharon: Do you even know what tomorrow is?", "Adam: Tomorrow?", "Sharon: It's Faith's 1st birthday. It's been a year since... you stole her from me.", "Adam: I didn't realize.", "Sharon: And when you came to the door, I thought maybe you were here to apologize, but no. As usual, it was all about you and your problems.", "Adam: Sharon. Sharon.", "Sharon: Just shut up! How dare you come near my daughter? I want you to get out of my house right now.", "Adam: Sharon, I--listen--", "Sharon: I don't want-- just stay the hell away from us. Adam, please!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: It's a good thing a wife can't testify against a husband.", "Vance: She can if she wants to.", "Phyllis: I hope she's not packin'.", "Skye: You are not gonna get away with this.", "Abby: (Sighs, clears throat)", "Victoria: Everything looks in order here, so I guess we can go ahead and make it official." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Neil and Katherine advise Devon to talk to the people in the accounting and legal departments before he decides if its best to rent or lease studio space for the record company. Katherine helps Devon realize that Neil wants him to succeed even though he may not agree with his choice to choose music over college. Devon apologizes to Neil for being a jerk and tells him that he understands that he wants to keep him from making mistakes so that he can succeed in life. Billy hides in the closet and overhears Victoria talking to Victor on the phone and telling him that she doesn't know what she would do without Sam. Billy is about to sneak out the door while Victoria is on the phone but Sam arrives so he hides in the closet again. Sam pets the dog and asks Victoria how his darling is doing meaning the dog but since Billy can't see Sam and Victoria as they talk he thinks Sam is calling Victoria darling. Sam tells Victoria that forgetting about Billy won't work and she must make peace with her longing for him. Victoria's dog heads for the closet again and Billy quickly sneaks out while Sam and Victoria are talking and looking for the dog. Victoria takes Sam's advice and writes an e-mail to Billy telling him how much she loves and misses him and wants him to come home.", "The Athletic Club manager calls the police and tells them Diane left a lock box in the hotel safe. Ronan heads to the club with Abby following him since she overheard the conversation and fears Diane may have hidden the DVD with her confession inside the lockbox. Ashley hears a message that Abby left her telling her that she is going to persuade Ronan that Ashley had nothing to do with Diane's murder. Ashley tells Victor to talk to Abby, so he calls Abby and she tells him she followed Ronan to the Athletic Club. Victor tells Abby to stay there and not talk to Ronan. Ronan easily figures out Abby is following him and asks her to come with him to the police station and watch him open the lockbox. Ronan opens the box and finds a diary, which he has checked by Forensics. Abby tells Ronan that if he wants to talk to her, he will have to contact her lawyer. The police also locate Victor's shoes at a Goodwill shop in a nearby town. Tests show that the threads on Victor's shoes match those found at the park the night of Diane's death. Ronan focuses his investigation on Abby and Victor. Abby tells Victor everything that happened with the lock box and worries that the DVD is floating around somewhere, and if Ronan finds it, she will be in trouble. John Abbott's ghost returns to advise both Jack and Billy and help them talk through their problems. John advises Jack that if he wants Jabot, he should go for it all the way not just to be CEO. John's advice leads Jack to tell Tucker that if he wants him to testify for him to overturn the sale of Jabot, then Tucker must promise in writing that he will sell Jabot to him immediately after he gets it back from Katherine. After Tucker agrees to the deal, he and Jack lie to Ashley when she asks them why they were meeting. John advises Billy to stop torturing himself and accept the fact that he and Victoria can't be together, and she is part of his past. John reminds Billy he is doing all this for Delia's sake and she is what is important now. Billy takes his dad's advice and he cries a little as he deletes Victoria's e-mail without reading it.", "" ]
[ "Sam: By the way, I should probably mention, she twisted her ankle gettin' down off Blue Smoke.", "Victor: Is she all right?", "Sam: Eh, it's a pretty good sprain, actually. I took her home, had her put some ice on it, though. She should be fine.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad you were there. By the way, how do you like living above the garage?", "Sam: I like it very much.", "Victor: Good.", "Sam: I mean, it's comfortable. I've got everything I need, so thank you for asking.", "Victor: Glad to hear that. I don't like her being alone, although that's certainly preferable to the last situation she was in.", "Sam: I imagine you are referring to Billy, huh?", "Victor: Has she heard from him?", "Sam: You, uh, you'd have to ask her yourself on that one, Sir.", "Victor: Yeah. I will do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey, Fella? What's up with you and the closet? I've never seen you act this way before. Ow! Why did I stand on that? (Scoffs) Ow. Look out. I don't want to get you with my crutches. Keely, come here. Oh, I stepped on my ankle. (Sighs) Oh, come here. Come here.", "[Billy remembering]", "Victor: If I were you, I would forget about Victoria. You're here for Delia. I don't want you to see my daughter again. Is that clear?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Katherine, before we adjourn, I owe you an apology.", "Kay: What on earth for?", "Neil: Well, I was wrong to criticize your decision to give Devon the opportunity that you have. You know, I-I've been a little frustrated with the way he's been handling things lately.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: But that really isn't your concern, and I'm sorry to be dumping my family's problems on-- I-in your lap.", "Kay: Well, uh, don't give it another thought.", "Devon: Mrs. Chancellor? I've just had a seriously good idea about our studio space.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Been to every Goodwill store in Genoa City. No one has Victor Newman's shoes. It's a dead end.", "Ronan: Okay, we found a receipt at Newman's house, right? Okay, so those shoes were donated somewhere widen the search! Check nearby towns. I don't know what you have to do. Find the damn things! Finding those shoes is the only way we can prove that he left those footprints in the mud near Diane's body, okay?", "Man: Yeah.", "Abby: Okay, Mom, do not freak out when you get this message, but I am at Detective Malloy's office. I am gonna make sure he understands you had nothing to do with Diane's murder.", "Man: I got a call from the Athletic Club manager. He just found an abandoned lockbox in the hotel safe. Three guesses who was usin' it before she got killed.", "Ronan: Wait a minute. That's what this key is for. That's what this key is for-- the same key the murderer left in Diane's throat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Jabot's latest top seller. Demands are exceeding expectations. Oh, you know, the company is thriving in large part because of products that I created, and yet, I'm not involved in the company anymore.", "Tucker: I can understand why you'd feel that way.", "Ashley: Remember when you asked me to take over the company after your accident? I told you I wanted focus on you getting well. You're well.", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: (Chuckles) I really want to be involved in Jabot again, and since you're the guy that can make it happen...", "[Tucker remembering]", "Jack: You sign that contract giving me complete control of Jabot, I'll help you get the company back from Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You know, I would put you back on the payroll in a second, but it's out of my hands.", "Ashley: Only till you get Jabot back from Katherine. Tucker, I have such a strong vision for the company. I mean, I really do. I think I need to have a say in it. Don't you think I've earned the right for that?", "Tucker: I do.", "Ashley: Oh, look who that is. That's Caroline. Remember her? Her--she just got married. I'm gonna go say hi.", "Tucker: Yeah.", "Ashley: I'll be right back.", "Tucker: Okay, I'll make a quick call.", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Jack: Jack Abbott.", "Tucker: I filed the lawsuit. Katherine should hear anytime now. Our deal is still on, right? You'll testify for me in court.", "Jack: Provided you make it clear in writing you will not interfere with my decisions as C.E.O.", "Tucker: I'll bring the paperwork by.", "John: Oh, I know that look, Jackie-- the look of a man who's going after what he wants and damn the torpedoes.", "Jack: And as usual, you are here to try to talk me out of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sam told me that you sprained your ankle. Are you all right?", "Victoria: I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine, as long as I don't put any weight on it. I know. I'm being careful. I-I promise. Sam? Yeah. He's--he's the absolute best. He's taking good care of me. I have no idea what I'd do without him. (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Victoria: Oh, well, speak of the devil, there's my hero now. Okay, Daddy. Love you, too. Yep, okay. Yeah, I'll talk to you soon. Okay, bye. (Sighs)", "(Front door opens)", "Victoria: Hey.", "Sam: (Laughs) Hey. How's my Darlin' doing?", "Victoria: \"Your darling\" is very happy to see you. (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Abby remembering]", "Abby: Deacon must have seen me making my confession.", "Victoria: Dad destroyed the footage, all right?", "Abby: No, Diane made a copy. I saw the key to where it was hidden the night she died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I, uh I need to talk to you.", "Ronan: It's gonna have to wait. I have a lead I'm following up on.", "Abby: Yeah, but this is urgent.", "Ronan: So is this.", "Abby: Where are you going? How long are you gonna be gone?", "Ronan: That's none of your business. If you want to, you can wait for me outside out here in the hallway.", "Abby: (Scoffs) But I-I just--", "Ronan: Yes, thank you. All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: So you need a lecture? Is that why I'm here?", "Jack: Dad, my mind is clearer than it has been in years.", "John: And what about your conscience? Is that clear, as well?", "Jack: I'm about to team up with a man I don't respect to take something away from a lifelong friend. Yeah, I may have a few reservations about it, but I'm gonna have to get by those. Does that make you think less of me?", "John: Does it matter what I think?", "Jack: I guess it does, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Tucker: So if everything goes as planned, the judge will overturn the sale.", "Ashley: But, Honey, on what grounds? What's your strategy?", "Tucker: My strategy?", "Ashley: Yes, of course-- your strategy. The judge ruled that you were competent when you signed the agreement to sell Jabot to Katherine, so if he's gonna reverse his decision, you must have something very compelling up your sleeve.", "Tucker: Well, the lawyers are on top of it. I want to let them handle it.", "Ashley: Okay. But once you do get Jabot back, how do you feel about... appointing me C.E.O.?", "Tucker: (Laughs) C.E.O.?", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Tucker: Well, what happens to Jack then?", "Ashley: Oh, I guess if I have to, I'll share the position with him like I did before.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Ashley: What? You don't think Jack's gonna welcome me back?", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Well, Katherine's always been fair to you.", "Jack: Katherine's the boss. Katherine has a final say, which she seems to want to remind me of on a daily basis. It's demeaning. How long did we have Jabot? How much of our blood, sweat, and tears did we pour into it? You know what Jabot is now, Dad? The company you founded is little more than a weapon Katherine and Tucker can use against each other.", "John: And that makes you angry?", "Jack: It makes me furious! And it's gonna stop now.", "John: Well, how can you make that happen without being underhanded with Katherine?", "Jack: I can't. I can't. If that's despicable of me, so be it. I'll have to live with that.", "John: Well, now we've had this discussion very often in the past about you wanting to get Jabot back. But things are different now, Jack. You've changed.", "Jack: I have changed, Dad. This is different. I'm no longer obsessed. You broke that spell. I want Jabot back in our family for one reason-- I realized what I want to accomplish in my own right.", "John: Oh, so that's, uh, why you conjured me up here, huh? For me to give you my blessings. To say it's okay to double-cross Katherine as a means to the greater end because, after all, this is just business. Is that what you were hoping I would say to you?", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I know you're not gonna say it. You have too much integrity.", "John: Well, now don't be so sure.", "Jack: What?", "John: You see, Son, sometimes it is just business. Even Katherine, as dearly as I love her, she's had to fall back on that herself when it's expedient. Look how she's treating her son, claiming that what she's doing is best for his company. Do I approve of that? Hell, no! A part of me is very disappointed in Katherine.", "Jack: But disappointed enough that you're okay with what I'm about to do?", "John: Well, your saintly father, may he rest in peace, wants to remind you of an important truth-- if something's worth doing, and it's worth doing right. Now if you're going to compromise your delicate sense of ethics and risk a long-standing friendship to get Jabot back, don't do it half-assed. I mean, you'll never be happy in the long run. (Laughs) Yes, Jackie, I know you, maybe a little bit better than you know yourself.", "Jack: So you're saying... (Sighs) Never mind. I-I know exactly what you're saying. And you're right, Dad. (Laughs) You are right. What was I thinking? That I would ever be satisfied with-- (Chuckles) Thanks, Dad. Thanks a lot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You were saying?", "Devon: Y-you know what? No, it's fine. You guys are in a meeting. I can-- we can talk about this later.", "Neil: Devon, it's perfectly all right. If you want to speak to Katherine alone, you can.", "Devon: Well, I'm not afraid of your opinion.", "Kay: You know what? Um, start talkin', and, um, you know, sit down, and you, uh, tell us about this \"Seriously good idea\" of yours.", "Devon: (Clears throat) Okay, um, you know how I'm negotiating a lease for studio space in the warehouse district?", "Kay: Mm-hmm, right.", "Devon: It hit me-- why don't we just buy the building?", "Kay: Is it on the market?", "Devon: Well, no, but that-- that area downtown is really hurting. There's \"For sale\" signs all over the place, and it can't be doin' that well for the owners' property value. So I'm betting we can get the place for dirt cheap.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Yeah, Neil? Is--am I goin' too far? Am I getting ahead of myself again?", "Kay: Uh, Devon, I, uh, I love your enthusiasm, but you are speaking about a long-term commitment.", "Devon: Well, the lease is for five years. That's long-term, too.", "Neil: See, the-- the thing is, the two aren't comparable, at least, uh, not from a tax standpoint.", "Devon: Why not?", "Neil: Because if we purchase the property, the cost of the building, not counting and, will be depreciated over 39 years. Have you compared the cost of leasing per annum, which would be fully deductible?", "Devon: No. I, uh, guess I should have gone to grad school and majored in accounting like you wanted. That way, I would know this already and wouldn't be wasting your valuable time", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: You are so beautiful.", "Victoria: Well, flattery will get you everywhere.", "Sam: Yeah? This is from the heart, let me tell you.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. I can tell.", "Sam: So how's the ankle doing?", "Victoria: Uh, you know, it's a little sore, but I'll live... although these crutches are making it a little more challenging to execute complex physical maneuvers.", "Sam: Oh, yeah?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Sam: Such as...", "Victoria: Oh, you know, such as like, um, opening a door, getting a soda out of the fridge. Hint, hint.", "Sam: (Gasps) Ahh. Okay, so ginger ale or diet cola? What would you like?", "Victoria: Whoa, you're actually gonna wait on me.", "Sam: I've been known to make myself useful to a woman from time to time.", "Victoria: Nice.", "Sam: And I'd also gladly help you down off a horse next time we go ridin' if you ask very politely.", "Victoria: Oh, that's not very nice.", "Sam: Ouch.", "Victoria: Hey, where's Keely? He was just her a minute ago.", "Sam: I don't know.", "Victoria: Keely?", "(Chair falls over)", "Sam: That was the dining room. It sounded like a chair. Hey, Buddy, what are you doin' in here?", "Victoria: What was that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Sorry about not remembering this sooner. Usually guests keep their valuables inside their room safe.", "Ronan: Well, obviously Ms. Jenkins was extra concerned with what's in this box. I'm gonna need to take this.", "Man: Keep it as long as you need to, Detective.", "Ronan: I appreciate that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, no one is suggesting that you become a corporate tax expert.", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Kay: No, sit down with our, you know, legal and accounting people. See if it's better to buy a building rather than lease one. And then feel free to come back here and present your case.", "Neil: Absolutely right, Son. See, we live and die on numbers around here. If you're primarily a creative person, which you are, then it may take a little bit of getting used to.", "Devon: Okay. Well, I'll do that.", "Kay: Wonderful. And I will look forward to seeing your proposal.", "Neil: Um, Kay, I need to return a few phone calls.", "Kay: Oh, um, go in the library.", "Neil: All right, thank you. Appreciate that.", "Kay: You, um, you do know your father has your best interests at heart. And he does want to see you succeed.", "Devon: Yeah he told me that, too.", "Kay: I don't know a more honest man. Do you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Jack and I worked very well together as co-CEOs. We were a terrific team.", "Tucker: Yeah, well... (Sighs) He can be very territorial, you know.", "Ashley: I don't think that would be an issue this time around. I mean, based on past experience, he knows I'm not a threat.", "Tucker: I'm sure he does, but still--", "Ashley: You know, I wouldn't be takin anything away from Jack. If anything, I'd be complementing him. And this is about what's good for the company, right?", "Tucker: I have a meeting to get to. I'm sorry.", "Ashley: What?", "Tucker: I-I hate to run. We'll talk about this later?", "Ashley: Um... (Sighs) (Quietly) Okay.", "Abby: Mom, do not freak out when you get this message, but I'm at Detective Malloy's office. I am gonna make sure he understands you had nothing to do with Diane's murder.", "Ashley: (Normal voice) Oh, my God, Abby, what are you trying to do to me?", "Victor: What happened?", "Ashley: I just got a message from Abby. She's trying to convince Detective Malloy to stop investigating me.", "Victor: I told her to stay away from that man.", "Ashley: Well, clearly, she didn't listen to you.", "Victor: I will speak with her.", "Ashley: Please do. She's playing a very dangerous game with my life.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Abby: (Quietly) Hello?", "Victor: Abby?", "Abby: Hey, yeah. Wait. Hold on.", "Abby: Um, I can't talk right now.", "Victor: Didn't I tell you not to insinuate yourself in this investigation? And didn't you and I agree that you would leave that Detective Malloy character to me?", "Abby: (Sighs) Yeah, but, Dad, I could seriously be screwed, okay? Ronan has the box. He's gonna find my confession.", "Victor: What box are you talking about?", "Abby: I can't explain it right now, okay? But Diane said that she was keeping that thing under lock and key, and now Ronan has the lockbox and the key.", "Victor: (Sighs) Where are you now?", "Abby: I'm at the club.", "Victor: You stay there and do not talk to Malloy. Is that clear?", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Ronan: You really thought I wouldn't notice you following me? Why are you so interested in this box, Abby?", "Abby: Be-- uh, because it could have evidence in it, and then you could actually solve this case and leave me and my mother alone.", "Ronan: Then it won't be a problem for you to be there when I open it, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Sighs)", "John: Looking for these?", "Billy: Look, I don't want to hear it, Dad. I'm not in the mood.", "John: I'm sure you don't.", "Billy: I have a right to be upset, okay? All right? I mean, Vicki and her father both told me she'd moved on, and lo and behold, there's my wife in my house with some other man. I mean, they even have a dog.", "John: I understand why you're upset. It was your choice to disappear.", "Billy: Yes, I know. It's my fault. I blew it. I did it again. It's all my fault, okay? I got it. I just, uh, wish I'd never made that deal with Victor.", "John: (Sighs) You did it for Delia. Don't lose sight of that. And you're doing what you have to for your daughter.", "Billy: It was... (Sighs) Torture... Dad, listening to my wife carrying on with some other guy. I wish I could have just seen her face, but I can't let her know that I'm here. Otherwise, Victor's gonna tell her about Myanmar and... (Sighs)", "John: Don't put yourself through this. Really, take a few steps back. Accept the fact that Victoria is part of the past. 'Cause if you don't, this misery is only gonna get worse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: Some fascinating stuff in there, huh?", "Victoria: Well, Keely sure seemed to think so. You should have seen him nosing around. And I could have sworn I heard someone at the door.", "Sam: Well, if that was the case, our vicious attack dog would have been all over it, I assure you.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Yeah. You're probably right about that. I'm just a little jumpy.", "Sam: Figuratively speaking, you mean.", "Victoria: (Laughs) Yes, definitely figuratively speaking.", "Sam: Here you are.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Thank you.", "Sam: You know, I know you've been trying as hard you can to ignore your feelings for Billy. But I just want you to know that that doesn't work. I think that really the best you can hope for is to... to just make friends with your longing, you know?", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Sam: Anyway, I'm gonna be at my place if you need anything, all right?", "Victoria: Yeah, thanks.", "Sam: You're welcome.", "Victoria: (Thinking) \"Dear Billy, it's me again. I don't know if you got my last e-mail, but that stuff I said about moving on... it wasn't true... at all. I was just upset because I miss you so damn much. I love you. I never stopped. There's no other man who could ever mean as much to me as you do.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: The language is straightforward, Jack. Once you testify for me and I win, you'll be given complete control over Jabot's operations.", "Jack: Sorry. Not good enough.", "Tucker: Come again?", "Jack: If I support you, I want an ironclad deal that you'll turn around and sell me Jabot.", "Tucker: That's not at all what we talked about, Jack.", "Jack: You need revenge on Katherine more than you need Jabot. True or false? I am not walking into any courtroom unless you guarantee that you will sell me Jabot the moment it is yours again.", "Tucker: So let me get this straight-- you're going back on what we already agreed on?", "Jack: Think this through, Tucker. I am offering you a lock on this arbitration. You win. See, I'm not just testifying. I'm walking in with a contract that says I will buy Jabot for 50% more than Chancellor paid for it.", "Tucker: No judge could deny the veracity of my claim if there's a sales agreement in place.", "Jack: Without it, I'm out. You have no witness. You have no case. You have no sweet revenge.", "Tucker: Okay, Jack. You win.", "Jack: Wise choice.", "Tucker: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of the whole damn thing. Jabot has been nothin' but trouble since I bought it. Just a small piece on my game board anyway. But this is good. This will teach Katherine that she can't screw me over and get away with it. Sellin' Jabot back to you the second I take it away from her-- oh, that'll really teach her.", "Ashley: Hey, Jack. This is the meeting that you rushed off to? What's going on? What are you guys up to?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So I've been planning the space so we can change things up a bit if we start signing larger bands.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kay: Uh, hold that thought.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Kay: Uh, yes, hello? Katherine here. Oh, it's, uh, it's my lawyer. Excuse me for a moment.", "Devon: Sure", "Kay: I've, uh, got some very important business.", "Devon: Sure, sure, sure.", "Kay: Mitchell, thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Yeah.", "Devon: I'm glad we have a minute. I want to say something.", "Neil: Hey, uh, let me say something first. You--you think I'm stepping on what you're trying to accomplish, and, Son, noting could be further from the truth.", "Devon: I know that. I misjudged you, and I feel really bad about that. You know, you just want to protect me from makin' mistakes, and here I am getting defensive and copping an attitude, 'cause we all know I never make any, right?", "Neil: (Chuckles) Yeah, something that, uh, you know, we have in common.", "Devon: Right. At least we understand each other. But seriously, I-I've been actin' like a jerk, and I'm sorry. I just want this to work so badly.", "Neil: Yeah, I know. I know you do. And I accept your apology.", "Devon: Thank you. Thanks, Man.", "Neil: I love you, Man.", "Devon: I love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hello, Keith.", "Keith: Hello, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: I'm looking for my daughter Abby. Have you seen her?", "Keith: Uh, I'm sorry, Sir. I'm afraid I haven't.", "Victor: All right. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: It appears to be a diary.", "Abby: Hmm. (Clears throat)", "Ronan: Get that down to forensics tonight. I want that processed immediately. I'm gonna walk it down with you, actually. I want you to stay here, 'cause I have some more questions for you.", "Abby: Actually, you can talk to my lawyer.", "Ronan: Your lawyer? Really? Who's that?", "Abby: I'll let you know as soon as I hire one.", "Ronan: Board. So Diane must have had something on her, something that could have made Abby want her dead. We need to find out what that is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What lockbox? Start from the beginning.", "Abby: It was Diane's from when she was staying here. I never told you this, but the night she died, she was taunting me with this little silver key.", "Victor: Is that the silver key they found in her mouth?", "Abby: She said she had my confession hidden away...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Abby: To give to the cops whenever the time was right. You know I can't let them find out that I was the one that hit Tucker with the car, so when I heard that the manager had called the police about a lockbox, I panicked.", "Victor: If that confession had been in that lockbox, you would really be panicking now, wouldn't you?", "Abby: But I'm not celebrating, either. That video is out there floating around waiting to wreck my life whenever I least expect it.", "Victor: Let me tell you something, I think even if that Malloy fellow found the confession, I don't think he would know what to do with it. He and his damn crew haven't done anything, haven't solved a damn thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Go back over everything, only this time, focus on Abby Newman. Go, go, go, go, go! Victor's shoes?", "Man: Found 'em in a Goodwill store over in Racine.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Aw, I--mm. Well, perseverance pays off, my friend.", "Man: I've already compared the treads. The shoes are a match.", "Ronan: Placing Newman at the scene the night of the murder. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So who should I talk to about this tax stuff?", "Neil: Okay, you can talk to Julie Masters in accounting...", "Devon: Okay.", "Neil: Or, uh, Jeff Ryan in legal. They're both very good with real estate.", "Kay: Well, did you two finally get bored with walking on eggshells?", "Devon: (Laughs)", "Neil: Lousy sport.", "Devon: It's overrated.", "Kay: Yeah.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kay: Oh, Dear, not again. (Sighs) Uh, yes, Mitchell. What did you forget? Oh? When did it happen? Oh, yes, I will. I'll call you back as soon as my blood pressure comes down.", "Neil: Kay, what's goin' on?", "Kay: Tucker is suing me to get Jabot back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: I came to talk about the lawsuit with Jack-- information gathering.", "Ashley: But, Jack, you work for Katherine, so why would you help Tucker?", "Jack: Who said I did?", "Tucker: The conversation didn't go the way I anticipated. I was gettin' ready to leave when you came in.", "Ashley: So that's it? That's what this is about?", "Jack: Scout's honor.", "Ashley: Chuckles) You were never a scout. And you-- I know you wouldn't-- you wouldn't keep any secrets from me, right? Because you promised. You gave me your word.", "Tucker: That's right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Thinking) \"I know there aren't any do-over's. But if I could have one, I wouldn't have pushed you away when we lost our daughter. I love you, Billy. It's okay to come home. I wish you would. All my love, Victoria.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You're right, Dad. (Clears throat) I know you're right. I'm gonna have to find a way to pretend that Victoria doesn't exist. Otherwise, I'm gonna drive myself crazy.", "John: Well, Billy, I'm relieved you're not fighting me on this.", "Billy: I guess there's a time to fight and a time to hit reset, right?", "(Computer alert chimes)", "Billy: (Clears throat) Huh. It's from Vicki, the third one she's sent.", "John: I know, Son. I know it's hard.", "Billy: Well, like you said, Dad, I'm gonna have to make some boundaries. I can't keep doin' this to myself.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tucker: I haven't told you everything about the lawsuit.", "Neil: You used to have integrity. What changed?", "Victor: Everyone knows you killed her. This time, I'm going to make sure you pay for it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack and Nick both ask Tucker to sell them Beauty of Nature, but he declines. Later Genevieve tells Jack to prove to the SEC that Tucker manipulated stock so that he can nullify the sale of Beauty of Nature. Sharon's mom asks her to go back home and forget about trying to be someone she isn't, but Sharon wants money from Victor. Chelsea persuades Adam to try and make Victor a part of his life, but Victor isn't at the ranch when Adam arrives to talk to him. Adam returns to his house disappointed and tells Chelsea things are back to normal with his family. Adam decides to forget about his family and concentrate on Chelsea and the baby.", "Kevin advises Billy to tell Victoria the truth before Victor does, but try as he might Billy can't find the words to tell Victoria the truth. Billy is shocked when Victor tells him he doesn't intend to tell Victoria that Billy knew that he was in LA. Victor tells Billy he saw a different side of him when he was in LA, but he was impressed because Sister Celeste told him that he ran into a burning building to save him, and he could have left him there to die after everything that he did to him in the past. Victor tells Billy that Victoria seems happy now and he wants her to remain that way. When Victor offers Victoria a job at Newman Enterprises, she says she will think about it. Billy tells Victoria to take the job if it will make her happy. Lauren is sure that Shelia took Daisy out of Fairview after viewing the hospital security footage. Sharon serves Victor with papers suing him for abandonment. Victor asks Avery to call Michael and have Sharon thrown in jail.", "" ]
[ "Victor: Good morning.", "Nikki: Mm. Good morning. Oh, it wasn't a dream.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Mom!", "Doris: Where are your bags?", "Sharon: Um, I-I just got through unpacking.", "Doris: Well, pack everything up again.", "Sharon: What?", "Doris: It's time to come home, where you belong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hi. Any word on Daisy?", "Lauren: Mm.", "Michael: Nothing.", "Lauren: Or the woman who checked her out, claiming to be Daisy's mother.", "Michael: The woman, we know, is not Sheila, because you killed Sheila. You shot Sheila. Sheila's dead.", "Lauren: I know. I know. So do we have any idea when Dr. Laurents is coming back from the seminar?", "Michael: Today. Meanwhile, I sent that woman's signature to a lab for analysis. I should be hearing from them...", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Michael: Now.", "Paul: What's it say? Was there a match to Sheila's handwriting?", "Michael: (Slams cell phone down) The results were inconclusive.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I noticed there is a deposit missing from my account this week from McCall, Unlimited.", "Tucker: What made you think there would be one?", "Genevieve: I work for you.", "Tucker: Not anymore, you don't.", "Genevieve: I found Victor and I kept his whereabouts secret for weeks.", "Tucker: And then what? Forgot to tell me Victor wasn't killed in that explosion, that you were bringing him back to Genoa City?", "Genevieve: He got his memory back. I couldn't prevent him from coming home.", "Tucker: You could have given me a heads-up, but instead, you decided to make yourself look like a hero.", "Genevieve: I was protecting myself. I don't need Victor as my enemy.", "Tucker: No. Now you got nothing but enemies. That's what happens when you play both sides.", "Jack: Genoa City's own Bonnie and Clyde. They don't rob banks, they steal people's lives. Just when I thought you two couldn't sink any lower.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Still haven't heard from your dad?", "Adam: Didn't expect anyone to let me know that he was alive.", "Chelsea: Doesn't make it hurt any less.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mom didn't come back here last night.", "Nick: Well, I wonder where she could be.", "Victoria: Well, I just hope it's the first night of many that she spends with Dad.", "Nick: All right, you know this doesn't mean they're back together, right?", "Victoria: Well, I'm not gonna think about where things might or might not go with Mom and Dad. Dad's home, and that's all that matters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: (Clears throat)", "Kevin: You still didn't tell her you knew Victor was alive?", "Billy: Not yet.", "Kevin: Suck it up, Dude. Tell your wife the truth.", "Victoria: He's right. You know, if you have a confession to make, just say it. I am in such a good mood, nothing you can say will spoil it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How does it feel to be back?", "Nikki: A little strange, actually. I'm surprised she didn't change everything.", "Victor: Would you like to?", "Nikki: Victor, last night was wonderful... but what's next for us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Inconclusive?", "Paul: You know, there are so many possibilities. Daisy's brother could have set this up.", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, that's what I just said. Ryder could have shown Sheila's signature to a forger. A partial match is not hard to pull off.", "Paul: He's right.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Michael: It's not Sheila.", "Lauren: I... (Sighs) Rationally, I know that. It just-- this is creeping me out.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Michael: Oh, sorry. Oh, great, it's Kevin. I've been trying to get in touch with him. He still doesn't know Daisy's missing, and I've gotta tell him. You gonna be okay?", "Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, you go. I'm--I'm gonna check on Fen.", "Michael: All right.", "Paul: See you.", "Michael: All right. Bye.", "Lauren: Bye.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Paul: Dr. Laurents is back at Fairview.", "Lauren: You're kidding! Well, let's go. Come on.", "Paul: No, no, no, no, no. Let's--let's wait for Michael.", "Lauren: No! No, I want to hear what this guy has to say. Come on, let's go.", "Paul: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Seriously, there is not one thing that you could tell me that would upset me today.", "Billy: Okay, uh... it's about my trip to L.A.", "Victoria: The one you just took?", "Billy: Yeah. Remember, I told you it was very important that I go?", "Victoria: Yes. You said if it all went well, that it could change everything.", "Billy: Well... (Clears throat) It didn't exactly go the way I planned, and, uh... well, now, I've gotta go back there a lot more.", "Victoria: That's the news that you thought I wouldn't forgive you for?", "Billy: Okay, well, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time away from you and the kids, and you hate that.", "Victoria: God, I can't believe that's it. Oh... (Scoffs) Seriously, you--you-- you scared me. I thought that something awful happened in Los Angeles.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, God, no, that-- that--that didn't happen.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Ridiculous. I'm gonna go check on Johnny.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Billy: Okay, give him a kiss from me, please.", "Kevin: Hmm.", "Billy: And, uh... not a word from you. Do not say it. Don't say--", "Kevin: Oh, what, don't say what? Don't say what? That you're an idiot? Because you are. If Victor tells her you knew he was alive before you do, you can say good-bye to your happy little retro life here. You're stupid, Billy.", "Billy: (Muttering sarcastically) Yeah, I'm stupid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Don't look so pensive. Hmm? Where do you want to go from here?", "Nikki: Oh, Victor, when I thought you were dead, I... I thought so much about all the time we had wasted.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: And I don't want to waste any more.", "Victor: Neither do I.", "Nikki: I never should have married Jack.", "Victor: Yeah. We all make mistakes, okay? Mine almost cost me my life. You know, the scariest thing... I didn't know who I was. I always knew I belonged somewhere and I had to get back there, but I didn't know where.", "Nikki: Well, now you are. I could see that in your eyes when you walked into Newman Enterprises, when you walked in here. You're back where you belong.", "Victor: Where I've always belonged. I'm so sorry for all the pain that we have caused each other and that I have caused you. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: It's true. You can walk.", "Jack: I said I would. I keep my word.", "Genevieve: I'm very happy for you.", "Jack: I need to speak with Tucker--alone.", "Genevieve: Well, I'm sure we can finish our discussion later.", "Genevieve: I-it's great to see you getting back to your old self.", "Tucker: I'm busy, Jack.", "Jack: Well, then I won't take too much time. Sell me back Beauty of Nature.", "Tucker: Why would I do that?", "Jack: Because you acquired it under false pretenses.", "Tucker: The purchase was completely aboveboard. I have a contract to prove it.", "Jack: You have known where Victor has been for weeks now.", "Tucker: Even if I did, why would that void our deal?", "Jack: Well, it just seems to me that if the S.E.C. knew that, if they found out that while he was missing, you acquired large quantities of Newman stock... oh, look, I just happen to have the S.E.C. on speed dial.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I know you're used to covering up your feelings with cynicism and sarcasm, but you know you don't have to do that with me.", "Adam: Uh, it was never in the cards for me to be invited to the Newman thanksgiving dinner.", "Chelsea: Doesn't mean you don't want to be a part of their Norman Rockwell painting.", "Adam: Mm, we're Norman Rockwell. They're Picasso.", "Chelsea: My family is way more messed up than yours... but they're still my family. Mm.", "Adam: Let's just... (Sighs) Forget about all of them, okay? (Clears throat)", "Chelsea: You couldn't ignore Victor if you wanted to, and the thing is, I don't think you want to. Your dad can be a real jerk, but yesterday, you thought that he was dead. Now you have a second chance with him. It's up to you what you do with it. All I know is our baby has one more grandparent today than he or she did yesterday.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Don't think that you weren't missed, especially at work.", "Victor: I know Nicholas stepped up.", "Nikki: (Chuckles) Yes, and then Sharon had him fired. Victoria wasn't gonna put up with that, so she and Nicholas challenged Sharon's competency to run the company. They even had her committed to Fairview.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: They were not gonna let her destroy your company.", "Victor: Wow. I knew how Nicholas felt about Newman... but I didn't know that Victoria still had her heart in this company.", "Nikki: Victoria is more like you than any of your children...", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: But she did say that her return to Newman was temporary. She only did it for you.", "Victor: Well, then, now I'm gonna do something for her... although I'm not sure she'll appreciate it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Even changing a dirty diaper cannot bring me down today.", "Billy: Mm.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Oh. Never thought I'd say this again. It's Dad. Hi, Dad. (Sighs) How did you sleep last night? That's great.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Victoria: So what's up? Okay, yeah. See you then.", "Billy: So... what's up with old Vic besides getting lucky?", "Victoria: He's coming by.", "Billy: Did he say why?", "Victoria: Well, he just said that he had something important to discuss.", "Billy: You know what? He's right. There is something that I need to talk to you about, and it's a--", "Johnny: (Crying)", "Victoria: Ugh, again? All right, hold that thought. I'll be right back, okay?", "Billy: (Quietly) But I would like to talk to you about something. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Your offer is really very sweet, Mom, but I have a place to live.", "Doris: Here, on Victor's property?", "Sharon: Well, Victor may own the ranch, but this is my house.", "Doris: Why would you want to live here with the Newman's?", "Sharon: I am a Newman.", "Doris: You're a Collins. You always will be. You can act like you fit in here-- you don't, Sharon.", "Sharon: I have just as much a right to be here as anyone.", "Doris: (Sighs) Why do you want to go on hurting these people? Haven't you caused them enough pain?", "Sharon: (Laughs) Them? Really? What about what they have done to me? Why can't you see that?", "Doris: Maybe I would if you would bother to call me and tell me about your life. All I know is what I hear on the news.", "Sharon: And the reason why I never call is because every time I do, you put me down! I wish, for once, you would just support me.", "Doris: You expect me to support these choices you've made?", "Sharon: I expect you to stand by your daughter.", "Doris: (Sighs) I'm not angry at you, Sharon. I'm upset with myself because I didn't raise you better. I let you down, and that's why you turned out this way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What do you mean, Daisy's missing? Just tell me what's going on.", "Michael: I've been trying to reach you. All right, a woman claiming to be Daisy's mother checked her out of Fairview.", "Kevin: Her mother?!", "Michael: We figure Ryder might have hired somebody.", "Kevin: Wait, so Daisy's out there on her own without any psychiatric support having just tried to kill herself?", "Michael: Wait, no, we have other news about that, too. Daisy admitted that she didn't try and kill herself. She overdosed so she could be transferred to a regular hospital.", "Kevin: And that didn't work, so she had someone spring her from Fairview?", "Michael: Possibly.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) It's not good enough. I need answers.", "Michael: Where are you going?", "Kevin: To Fairview to get 'em.", "Michael: Well, hold on. I'm coming with you. I'm supposed to have an appointment to meet with her doctor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Laurents: My nurse said you had some questions about Daisy Romalotti. I don't feel comfortable discussing a patient.", "Paul: No, I understand. Actually, our questions are about the woman who picked up Daisy.", "Lauren: Is this the woman you released her to?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: It's called \"Stock manipulation,\" Tucker. Keeping Victor away, propping Sharon up as a C.E.O. You knew would tank the company, all the while acquiring the crashing stock.", "Tucker: I'd be concerned if you had any proof.", "Jack: Well, I'm sure if the S.E.C. did a little digging, they'd find a couple of dummy corporations you've set up recently.", "Tucker: I'm not selling Beauty of Nature back to you, Jack.", "Jack: Fine, your funeral.", "Tucker: Not the threat it used to be. Just ask Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you, Mom.", "Doris: I just wish you'd stop trying to be something you're not.", "Sharon: I am Mrs. Victor Newman.", "Doris: On paper. Victor doesn't love you.", "Sharon: He agreed to take care of me, and then the day I married him, he ran straight to Nikki. She rejected him. Then he disappeared. He goes out for a ride, he never comes back, and they all blame me.", "Doris: You set yourself up to be their target.", "Sharon: He walked out on me. Even now, he's back, and Nikki's right back in his bed.", "Doris: Doesn't that tell you something?", "Sharon: Yeah, that I can't let them get away with this.", "Doris: What are you going to do?", "Sharon: Well... (Sighs) Victor doesn't want a public battle, so if I threaten him with one, he'll give me whatever I want.", "Doris: Money-- is that what you're after?", "Sharon: I want to make them pay for what they've done to me.", "Doris: Don't do this, Sharon.", "Sharon: They owe this to me, Mother. Why can't you see that?", "Doris: I see my little girl 5 years old reaching for the stars, thinking if she just jumps high enough, she can touch them. You don't have to reach that high to be happy, Sharon. Come home. Spend more time with Faith and Noah. Forget all of this, hmm?", "Sharon: I don't want to forget it.", "Doris: If you change your mind, there's a room for you at my place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Adam. Come in.", "Nikki: I suppose you heard the news.", "Adam: Kind of hard to miss. I was, uh, I was hoping to get a little time with the-- the not-so-dead man walking.", "Nikki: Oh, well, I'm sorry. He's not here. He's gone over to see Victoria and... um... you can wait if you'd like.", "Adam: He's probably gonna head over to see Nicholas and then Abby.", "Nikki: I could take a message.", "Adam: You know what? I'll just-- I'll just run into him another time.", "(Door opens) (Door closes)", "Adam: Nicholas.", "Nick: He causing you trouble?", "Nikki: No. I think that's the last thing he wants.", "Nick: Well, good. That's the last thing we need today.", "Nikki: Why? What's happened?", "Nick: I just found out that Sharon is still on the ranch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I came to see my daughter.", "Billy: Yeah, she's upstairs. Look, I know you want-- I know what you want to tell her, okay? And--", "Victoria: Hey, Johnny! Look who's here!", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi, Dad.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: How are you?", "Victor: Look at that.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Victor: Hey, my boy.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Victor: There's my grandson.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: How are you?", "Victoria: It's a big day for him...", "Victor: Oh, my goodness.", "Victoria: Witnessing a miracle and all.", "Victor: Well, it's not every day you get to see one of those.", "Victoria: I think we need to be very appreciative for this amazing gift.", "Victor: And how do you suggest we do that?", "Victoria: I think that we should show our gratitude by... making peace with one another, Billy, too. You owe him.", "Billy: All right, whoa, y-you--we don't need to do that. Let's--", "Victoria: Billy, Billy, I want--I want my dad to know what you did.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Okay.", "Victoria: You know, Billy helped find you. He gave Mom your number, and I think that you should give him credit.", "Victor: Well, I'm a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Laurents: I don't think she's the one who left with Daisy.", "Paul: You don't think? You're not sure?", "Dr. Laurents: Well, my glasses were broken that day. Daisy accidentally stepped on them, actually.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. What if that was on purpose?", "(Door opens)", "Michael: The nurse told us you were here.", "Paul: Right, we were showing Dr. Laurents a picture of Phyllis because that's the last person Sheila looked like. But he couldn't I.D. her.", "Lauren: Okay, so what about... this woman? Is she the one that said that she was Daisy's mother?", "Dr. Laurents: I-it's hard to say.", "Paul: Hmm.", "Michael: Listen, uh, Dr. Laurents, my name is Michael Baldwin. This is a court order for the security footage from that day. Would you be able to get that?", "Dr. Laurents: Yeah, I'll have someone come in here and set it up.", "Paul: Thank you.", "Michael: Lauren, it could have been any woman, any woman at all.", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Paul: Right. I'm gonna go see Patty and, um, see if she saw anything, and we can meet back here?", "Kevin: Okay, I'm gonna check in with Chloe.", "(Door closes)", "Lauren: It can't be Sheila, right? I mean, I... I shot her. I... I watched her die.", "Michael: It can't be Sheila. It's impossible.", "Lauren: Then who is it?", "Michael: Well, let's just wait to see the security footage. Lauren, look at me. No, no, you see that? That's the same look you had on your face when you went out and bought an illegal weapon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Toy rattles)", "Victoria: All right.", "Victor: He's so cute.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Okay, so... can we please, please call a truce?", "Billy: You know what, Vick? I need to talk to you, so if we could just go--", "Victor: Uh, Billy, if you don't mind, you have had weeks to talk to your wife. I would like to say a few words to her, okay?", "Billy: Sure.", "Victoria: Listen, if this is gonna be an attack on Billy, can we please just not do that? Because I am feeling so happy and so blessed right now, I don't want anything to change that.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I want you to stay happy. I want you to stay happy. That's what I came to talk about, okay? When I was gone, a lot of people betrayed me, let me down. You remained loyal. You defended me and my company and my legacy. I came here because I want to repay you. I want you to come back to Newman Enterprises.", "Victoria: Dad, I--", "Victor: Sweetheart, I know you were planning to leave once I returned. I want you to reconsider that decision.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I don't know what to say.", "Victor: I want you to write your own contract, you know? Put your own terms in it, okay? The most important thing is I want you by my side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, Nikki. Come, uh, right in.", "Nikki: (Scoffs) You really don't expect me to show you any courtesy, do you?", "Sharon: Considering you're sleeping with my husband, no, it's a little late for that.", "Nikki: Oh, please. You and Victor were never married in the true sense of the word.", "Sharon: More of \"The world according to Nikki.\"", "Nikki: Well, that's the world that most of us live in, Sharon, but since you don't, maybe you could find someplace far away from Genoa City and call that home.", "Sharon: Nope, thanks. I like it here.", "Nikki: Well... well, how much would it take for you to not like it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I really appreciate your offer, but... (Sighs)", "Victor: You want more time to think about it?", "Victoria: Dad, this decision affects everyone in my family. But no matter what I decide, we're glad you're back.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Aren't we?", "Billy: Oh, absolutely.", "Victoria: I love you.", "Victor: I love you, too.", "Victoria: I love you, too.", "Billy: You, too.", "Victor: Bye, little boy.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Billy: What's going on? You had your big chance to ruin my marriage, something you've wanted to do for a very long time, and you passed. What's the plan?", "Victor: No plan, Billy boy.", "Billy: No plan?", "Victor: Mnh-mnh.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah, right. No, no plan. You're gonna torture me with this. You're gonna hang it over my head. Do me a favor-- just tell her now and get it over with. Come on.", "Victor: So you're not going to trust that I am gonna keep your secret?", "Billy: No, I'm not gonna trust anything. You're you.", "(Shuffling upstairs)", "Victor: I saw a different side of you in Los Angeles.", "Billy: Yeah, well, two-way street. Victor Newman giving me compliments-- that's strange.", "Victor: Rest assured, had I known that you were Billy Abbott, when you found me in that dive bomb at the L.A. harbor, it wouldn't have happened. But when the nun sister Celeste told me that you actually ran into a burning warehouse to rescue me, it changed my perspective. I mean, you had chances to turn your back on me several times, but you didn't. I wouldn't have blamed you had you done that, considering our history.", "Billy: So you're really not gonna tell Victoria about this?", "Victor: No. She has gone through hell. I want her to be happy. And right now, she seems to be happy.", "Victor: I don't understand how she can be happy with you, but, you know, sometimes miracles happen.", "Billy: Sometimes they do.", "Victor: You take care of your little boy, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Okay, Sharon, what's it gonna be? $1 million? $2 million?", "Sharon: You can't buy me, Nikki.", "Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, really? Since when?", "Sharon: Victor's shown me a whole new way of life. I'm not about to give it up.", "Nikki: Oh, I see. You don't want my money because you're going after Victor's.", "Sharon: When you met Victor, he was stuffing dollar bills in your panties.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. You are such a bitch. You are a broken record!", "Sharon: What's the matter with you, Nikki? You can dish it out, but you can't take it?!", "Nikki: You're not gonna get away with it. Victor won't let you.", "Sharon: You go tell my husband that I'm not leaving. Oh, and why don't you tell him this, too? He's gonna get a little surprise later on.", "Nikki: (Scoffs)", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Nicholas. You here to deck me? Go ahead.", "Nick: I'm here to give you a chance to make things right.", "Tucker: Oh, well, there's a lot of that going around today. Let me guess, Newman Enterprises wants to take Beauty of Nature off my hands.", "Nick: You owe us that much.", "Tucker: I don't owe you anything.", "Nick: You have no regrets about not telling us where my dad was? He almost died.", "Tucker: Yeah. Well, he didn't. He's alive. He's doing just fine. And you know what? I'm happy about that, because the world is a lot more interesting place with Victor Newman in it. But let me tell you something, Nick-- he ain't gettin' Beauty of Nature back-- ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What do you want?", "Genevieve: To help you get Beauty of Nature back.", "Jack: How?", "Genevieve: I can prove that Tucker committed stock manipulation.", "Jack: You and Tucker have history. You just helped him keep Victor's whereabouts a secret for weeks. Why would you suddenly switch sides?", "Genevieve: He isn't half the man you are, Jack, and because Beauty of Nature should have been yours all along.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Nikki: I could kill that woman. I really could! (Sighs)", "Victor: What happened? Bonnie burn your toast?", "Nikki: Oh, Victor. You know I'm talking about Sharon.", "Victor: I know you are. I don't want you to let her get to you, okay?", "Nikki: Yeah, well, it's a little late for that, like 20 years.", "Victor: What is this?", "Nikki: What? What is it?", "Victor: What?! Are you serious?", "Nikki: What's wrong?", "Victor: Sharon is suing me for abandonment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Dr. Laurents said it was synched up to the woman who said she was Daisy's mother. This is the best shot they have of her.", "Lauren: All right, so play it.", "(Keyboard key clicks)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I haven't seen that before.", "Patty: It's a friend's. I'm cat-sitting for her.", "Paul: That's nice.", "Patty: Yeah.", "Paul: Listen, uh, I wanted to thank you for distracting the doctor the other day so I could get to Daisy.", "Patty: I wanted to help you, Pauly.", "Paul: You did. You know you're better than they think you are.", "Patty: I am. I am better.", "Paul: And, uh, listen, I was wondering if maybe you could, uh, help me again. Daisy got out of Fairview, and I was wondering if you knew who helped Daisy get out.", "Patty: (Whispering) Who helped Daisy? Daisy... (Normal voice) Daisy. (Laughs) Daisy.", "Paul: Daisy.", "Patty: Give me your answer do I'm half-crazy all for the love of you it won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage.", "Paul: I love you.", "Patty: But you'll look sweet upon a seat.", "Both: On a bicycle built for two.", "Patty: (Laughs)", "Paul: See you later.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Patty: (Whispering) I'm not crazy. They'll see. They'll all see. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Any luck?", "Michael: It's not her.", "(Computer key clicks)", "Lauren: Yes. Yes, it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door slams)", "Chelsea: Hey.", "(Keys jingle)", "Chelsea: Did you see your dad?", "Adam: He was visiting Victoria. Nicholas and Nikki, they were at the ranch.", "Adam: Everything is back to normal.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry.", "Adam: Not being a part of that family is... probably the best thing that's ever happened to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You said you had something you wanted to talk to me about earlier.", "Billy: Yeah, well, that doesn't matter. I do have something else to say, though.", "Victoria: Is this about my father's visit?", "Billy: Mm, a little bit.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: If you want to keep working at Newman, I think that's great.", "Victoria: You know that's gonna mean that we're gonna see a lot more of my dad.", "Billy: (Groans) Oh, I know. (Chuckles) I know. But if that makes you happy, then that's all that matters.", "Victoria: (Gasps)", "Billy: (Whispering) Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Growls)", "Victoria: (Squeals)", "Billy: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Leslie. Hi. Were those papers delivered to Victor today? (Chuckles) I wish I could have been there to see the look on his face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Avery, kindly contact Michael Baldwin. I want to press charges against Sharon, okay? I want her in jail.", "Nikki: Well, welcome home.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Woman: We're looking for Sharon Newman.", "Sharon: What's this about?", "Tucker: Her word against mine? I like those odds.", "Jack: This wouldn't be your first run-in with the S.E.C.", "Victor: How did you and I ever get so far off course?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ashley puts Billy in charge of Jabot while she goes to Europe. After Billy has Jabot audited, he and Jack are arrested. Noah doesn't believe Marisa at first about Marco replacing Jack as he was kidnapped, but then he goes to confront Jack and Victor about the secrets they have kept from everyone. Noah still refuses to reconcile with Marisa, because she slept with Marco in order to tie him to the bed, so that Jack and Victor could send him back to jail in Peru. Dylan gets the pilot to admit that someone paid him to fly Hilary back to Genoa City, but the pilot lies and tells Dylan he doesn't know who paid him. The pilot later meets with Neil in the park to tell him what he told Dylan, but they don't know that Gwen is watching them.", "Phyllis suspects \"Fred\" (Ian) could be the person behind the Paragon Project and meets with him to see how he reacts when she mentions the possibility to him. Ian is offended, of course, so Phyllis apologizes and agrees to meet with him later to talk about his book. Summer sees Ian leaving Phyllis's table and tells her that she shouldn't be near him, because he is Ian Ward.", "" ]
[ "Devon: You don't know the whole story, all right?!", "Michael: Devon, quiet. We will speak...", "Devon: I'm not gonna be quiet, Michael! This is the guy you ought to be arresting! Why aren't you doing your damn job?!", "Michael: Devon, listen.", "Paul: Hold on a second. What's going on? Mr. Hamilton decked this guy in the park. Really, it's fine. I don't want to press charges. I just want to go.", "Dylan: No, don't let him go.", "Paul: Dylan, back off.", "Dylan: You can't let him leave. He knows where Hilary is.", "Neil: You know, Hilary, you have no idea how scared I was when I opened my front door and found Devon just standing there. [Exhales sharply] I can't have him coming back here ever again. I mean, he and lily are -- they're totally worried about me. They're always asking questions. And Gwen... ah, Gwen. I'd love to spend some more time with you, but I can't. I have to keep my distance right now. That's why I need to fly under the radar... let people think I'm out of town for the next few days. Yeah. [Sighs] Ah, Hilary. I'm not sure why you're not waking up. But I need you... to wake up so that you can tell everyone what happened on that island -- that I never hurt you, that I helped you and saved you. And that right there is gonna clear my name. So many lies. [Sighs] So much shame and guilt. I just want it all to stop. Hilary, do you hear me? I just want it all to stop. I need you to wake up... and make it stop.", "Noah: You want to tell me everything?", "Marisa: I do.", "Noah: Now? Now, when we're breaking up? Now is when you want to be honest with me?", "Marisa: Noah.", "Noah: I mean, how much more can you be keeping from me? How many more lies can you have? You know what? Forget it. I don't even want to hear it anymore. I'm done.", "Marisa: Noah, please! Listen, I love you. Okay? I want to earn back your trust. I swore I'd keep the secret, but not if it means losing you. Just -- just give me a chance.", "Noah: What is this? What is so important, you had to swear to keep it quiet?", "Marisa: It's about Marco and Victor and jack Abbott.", "Noah: What about them?", "Marisa: I know you won't want to believe the story that I'm about to tell you, but I promise on my soul... every word of it is true.", "Ian: Patience. Patience. Waiting... and waiting for that glorious day when I can send Victor crashing into oblivion and reap my reward. [Chuckles] Ohh. Hello, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I am very impressed with Kyle, that he sided with you on the board vote.", "Jack: Even though sanity didn't prevail?", "Phyllis: Ashley and Billy taking advantage of that computer glitch, scooping up a company that Newman never intended to sell? I mean, Victor is not gonna stand for that.", "Jack: I don't know what my sister Ashley is thinking.", "Summer: I mean, at least you and Kyle tried to convince her to do the right thing.", "Jack: Hey, we did all we could, but Billy, Ashley, and Traci voted against Kyle and me, and...this is a problem, 'cause we have just unleashed the devil. Victor is coming after the Abbott family, and I'd feel a whole lot better if we were a united front.", "Billy: Jack put you in an awkward position. You had to vote with him. I don't hold it against you.", "Kyle: Gee, uh, thanks, Billy. But the thing is I actually wanted to vote with dad. We should have rescinded that deal when we had the chance.", "Billy: And that is why you are not running things.", "Kyle: Well, same goes for you.", "Billy: Actually, I am. See, Ashley put me in charge when she went to take care of those contracts in Europe.", "Kyle: Well, that's insane. You can't run things. I mean, you -- you act too rashly. Sometimes you don't even think at all.", "Billy: That is not true! You're fired!", "Kyle: What?", "Billy: Just kidding.", "Kyle: Look, Billy, think about this for a moment, okay? You in charge -- is that really what's best for this company?", "Billy: Actually, yes. For the time being, it is, Kyle, and if you don't like it, you can follow Abby over to Newman.", "Victor: I want the Abbotts who are in charge of jabot arrested immediately. There will have to be an investigation.", "Victor: You'll have full access to everything you'll need, all right? And -- hello. My daughters Abby and Victoria. They will show you all the pertinent files having to do with the pillaging of my shipping line. Then if it's all right with you, we'll, uh, get started.", "Victor: You go right ahead.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Abby: Hi. Dad, what's going on? Who are those guys?", "Victor: They were from the FBI.", "Victoria: You're trying to have the Abbotts arrested?", "Victor: All of them... including your mother.", "Abby: I know that we all hate that they bought Lancelot out from under us, but the person to blame is whoever is behind the paragon hack.", "Victoria: Abby's right. That's who we should be going after.", "Victor: The Abbott family is behind paragon.", "Devon: Paul better get the truth out of that guy. The damn kidnapper hired him to fly the plane. Does that not count for anything?", "Michael: He might be charged as an accessory.", "Devon: He knows where Hilary is!", "Dylan: Devon, ease up. Let Michael talk. You're running out of time.", "Michael: Thank you. Right now I care more about what's happening to you, Devon. The public already sees you as a murder suspect, and now you go punching some guy in the middle of the park? You're not exactly helping me to build a strong defense for you. You get me? They're ready for your client down in booking.", "Michael: All right. Devon...", "Devon: Yeah, I know -- don't say anything.", "Michael: Don't say any-- make that your mantra.", "Devon: [Speaks indistinctly]", "Michael: Son of A... listen, I warned you and Devon about investigating Hilary's disappearance on your own.", "Dylan: I was trying to help.", "Michael: Well, I guess we'll see soon enough whether you did or not. Meantime, I have to figure out a way to get Devon out of here.", "Paul: So, you're claiming you have no knowledge of the missing woman? I don't know this Hilary person -- never even heard about the case before. I have no clue why those guys think I flew out of virgin Gorda. Suppose the husband's got to be out of his mind, worrying, so he's grabbing at every straw, or he wants to make it look that way.", "Paul: That's very understanding of you. Like I said, chief Williams, I'm not looking to make a stink. But I also don't appreciate being treated like a criminal. So unless you've got some reason to hold me here, I'd like to be on my way.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Neil: Hey. I was just thinking about you.", "Gwen: I don't have much time, but I just wanted to wish you good luck on your job interview.", "Neil: Oh, yeah. Job interview. Thanks. My meeting's not for a few hours, so I'm about to head out of the hotel, maybe stroll through central park, maybe breeze through the met -- you know, see my favorite Rembrandt.", "Gwen: That sounds nice.", "Neil: Sorry I wasn't available for dinner tonight.", "Gwen: Oh, no worries. Even if you would have said yes, I would have wound up canceling. Work just got crazy all of a sudden.", "Neil: Yeah. Um... as soon as our schedules free up, I promise to collect on that rain check, okay?", "Gwen: I look forward to it. Now I really got to go. Okay. You too. [Sighs]", "Billy: Come in.", "Gwen: Am I interrupting?", "Billy: Uh, no. It's...fine, Gwen. What brings you by?", "Gwen: I was hoping to speak with Ashley.", "Billy: She's in Europe. What can I help you with?", "Gwen: I just got a call from the I.R.S. Jabot's being audited.", "Billy: This is clearly all Victor's doing.", "Gwen: How do you want me to respond?", "Billy: Mm...stall and don't give them anything yet.", "Victoria: Billy has nothing to do with paragon, and if jack was behind it, why did he call a special board meeting to fight with Billy and Ashley? He wanted our company sold back to us.", "Abby: Seriously, dad, no one wants another war.", "Victor: Sweetheart, if you believe that, you're naive.", "Victoria: Excuse me?", "Victor: You both know how close that family is. Do you think if one of them was involved in the hacking of our system, the rest of the family didn't know about it? Are you kidding? Your mother, Ashley, tipped her hand by not voiding the purchase of our company for pennies on a dollar. She proves that Abbott is behind paragon.", "Abby: Yeah. That's a stretch.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? She didn't do anything to stop the purchase of the company, did she, knowing full well what a financial blow that will be to us?", "Abby: Seriously, dad, I cannot believe that you're accusing mom of trying to ruin you.", "Victor: Your mother would love to see me go down in flames! I am absolutely certain that the Abbotts are behind paragon. By the way, have you spoken to your mother?", "Abby: Briefly. She called this morning to let me know that she's on her way to Europe for business.", "Victor: Really? How convenient! I left her all kinds of messages, all kinds of text messages -- never got an answer. Now she left for Europe? How convenient. That, to me, proves they are behind this whole paragon project!", "Abby: Dad, no. You are wrong. And I will not let you go after her.", "Noah: So, you're saying that Marco Annicelli looks exactly like jack and my grandfather brought him here to take his place?", "Marisa: Yes.", "Noah: So, all those months jack was being held captive and this stranger was here in town, pretending to be him -- living his life, fooling everybody he knew? No. [Chuckles] No. This is insane.", "Marisa: I know how it sounds.", "Noah: Say what you will about my grandfather, okay? But he's not gonna play god with another man's life that way -- not even jack's. Look... this is crazy, all right? You have to be wrong.", "Marisa: I wish I were, Noah. When I met jack on that boat, I couldn't believe at first that he wasn't Marco. When I heard his story and we escaped that ship together, all I wanted was to help him get home.", "Noah: So, all this time, you've just been keeping what you know quiet?", "Marisa: It wasn't my story to tell. It was jack's.", "Noah: Oh. Well, that's another thing. Why hasn't jack told anybody? I mean, if my grandfather really did this to him, to Phyllis -- I mean, my god. Does Phyllis know?", "Marisa: She does. They decided to keep the secret together.", "Noah: Keep the secret?! Why?!", "Marisa: Victor pointed out that if the truth about how jack got home ever came out, the crimes that were committed, people that were killed, that jack would be arrested. He would be sent overseas to stand trial. Their lives would be ripped to shreds. Jack and Phyllis -- they love each other so much. They spent so much time apart. Nothing was more important to them than -- than staying together.", "Noah: Staying together? I see. Oh. So, we're talking about you and me now. So, if I really love you... I have to find a way to live with this?", "Marisa: I'm praying that you will.", "Jack: Well, Victor's already come out swinging.", "Summer: What happened?", "Jack: \"Jabot is being audited by the I.R.S. Details coming later.\"", "Phyllis: That sounds about right -- \"let's punish the Abbotts instead of focusing on finding the real enemy.\"", "Jack: Oh, no. Victor's decided it's us, no matter how many times I have tried to convince him otherwise.", "Summer: This is exactly what Kyle and I were afraid of -- that our families were gonna turn against each other. I mean, jack, isn't there something that you can do to stop it?", "Kyle: This audit is your fault, Billy -- yours and Ashley's. You should have listened to my dad.", "Billy: You know why we're being audited, Kyle? Because Victor is throwing a tantrum. He called one of his buddies in Washington and had them harass us, and that is all that this is.", "Gwen: Regardless, Billy, it's a serious matter. I can't just stall the I.R.S. I mean, if we don't cooperate, our company will be in serious hot water, and so will I.", "Billy: You work for jabot. You don't work for them.", "Gwen: As V.P. Of accounting, I have to follow the rules set forth by the I.R.S. If I break those rules, I could be charged with a crime -- me personally, Billy. I could go to jail. And that's in addition to whatever they sock the company for noncompliance.", "Billy: Okay. Okay. Relax. It's okay, all right? We're not asking you to take the fall for anything here, so why don't you take the next few days and just -- you know what? Just take the next few days off, all right?", "Gwen: Now?", "Billy: Yeah. Just go hang out on a beach somewhere, and I'll take care of the I.R.S. -- And Victor Newman.", "Victor: People have to be held accountable, all right? Your mother, Ashley Abbott, is C.E.O. Of that company. Therefore, the buck stops with her.", "Abby: What? No. Victoria, you have to tell him that he's wrong, that my mom would never do this.", "Victoria: Look, you want me to vouch for Ashley, and I'm just not sure I can do that.", "Abby: What? Victoria!", "Victoria: When I confronted Ashley and Billy about the sale of this company, she was defiant. She refused to undo it, almost like she was trying to get back at us for taking Chelsea's line.", "Abby: Okay. Okay. So, Billy, who hates dad, gets a free pass, but my mom doesn't?", "Victoria: No one is getting a free pass, Abigail.", "Victor: Please stop bickering now. We can't afford it. I understand your loyalty toward your mother. Your mother does not like me particularly, ever since the merger, and think what she thought of you. She didn't think much of your abilities. I did. I put you in a position of power. You've done very well. That's why you chose to stay at Newman. Now you must fight for Newman. And as for you, I understand how one puts on blinders when it comes to the people one loves.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victor: You make no mistake. I'm perfectly aware that Billy boy Abbott has turned against me completely. I will not stand for it.", "Paul: All right. You're free to go.", "Dylan: What? No, Paul. You can't let him walk out of here.", "Paul: Dylan, this is my call. Do not interfere with this gentleman's departure.", "Dylan: Just hear me out, please.", "Paul: All right. Wait here. You just said I could --", "Paul: Sit! So, what is it?", "Dylan: This guy is the key to finding Hilary.", "Paul: He denied knowing anything about her. I can't arrest him without probable cause.", "Dylan: Yeah, but he's lying.", "Paul: Where's your proof?", "Dylan: Kevin traced him to the flight that brought Hilary back. That's why he set up the meeting.", "Paul: Okay. Dylan, I need more information than the information that Kevin illegally obtained... or how you tried to entrap the man.", "Dylan: Well, I'm not a cop.", "Paul: Precisely.", "Dylan: Look, I'm just trying to help Devon out, okay? He feels like he's running out of time tracking Hilary down.", "Paul: I understand that. But you, too, have to work within the confines of the law.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Paul: You're free to go. I hope we have an understanding.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Yeah, Frank. What is it? All right. Hold on a second. Let me grab the file.", "Michael: I'm trying to get you out of here. I was hoping that judge gates would be sympathetic, but he is not in a lenient mood.", "Dylan: Well, he blocked the extradition.", "Michael: Yeah. True that. But, having done you that favor, he is none too thrilled that you have used your newfound freedom to beat people up.", "Devon: Hey. What happened to the pilot?", "Paul: I released him.", "Devon: Why did you release him? He should have been arrested, Paul!", "Paul: Well, he might have been if you had let Dylan get the information we needed and not punched the guy in the face!", "Michael: Where is Dylan, anyway? Look, I don't care where I go. I just need a seat on the first available flight. Yeah. Put that on hold. I'll pay at the airport. [Sighs]", "Dylan: You're not going anywhere. You can't stop me. The chief of police made that clear.", "Dylan: Oh. Yeah. The chief can't do anything, but the feds can. They're the one heading up the search for Hilary. So, I'll notify them, and they'll pull your passport since you're ready to flee the country. I'm taking a trip, not fleeing.", "Dylan: Why commercial? Is that a crime?", "Dylan: Some reason you want your plane off the grid? It was used without my consent.", "Dylan: Oh, really? Mm. That's probably why you and that Hamilton guy mistakenly ID'd me. Like I said, I didn't fly his wife anywhere.", "Dylan: You flew a woman on a gurney from BVI. To Dallas, and then you took off again. Why do you keep saying that?", "Dylan: You know what? I'm through playing around. I'm gonna call the feds right now, and you know they're gonna ask you a lot of questions. I have one question. If you answer it truthfully, we can go our separate ways. You can fly off to wherever the hell you want. Or you can sit in a federal holding room, being interviewed for hours on end about your involvement in a young woman's disappearance. Yeah, agent Klein, please. It's urgent. All right, all right, all right. What do you want to know?", "Dylan: Where did the plane go after Dallas?", "Noah: You ask me to forgive you for keeping a secret. Marisa, this isn't a secret. This is a conspiracy -- lies on top of lies. When the police asked you what Marco looked like, you gave them a false description.", "Marisa: I was in over my head. I didn't know what else to do. Marco was still out there, and jack and Victor -- they didn't want the truth coming out --", "Noah: I don't care about any of that, okay?! The police were investigating murders. They said that they thought that Marco could be responsible. You even told me yourself that you thought he was responsible. You know what Courtney's death did to me, and even still, you lied to me.", "Marisa: Noah, please, try to understand.", "Noah: Oh, I understand. I understand that you protected that murderer. You protected jack and Victor and yourself. But you still couldn't bring yourself to be honest with me.", "Marisa: I was praying that Marco would leave town, never to be found, so that no one would ever have to find out.", "Noah: You said that you knew for sure that Marco was gone for good. H-how do you know that?", "Marisa: I was th-there when Victor and his men came to take him back to prison.", "Noah: Why were you there?", "Marisa: I figured out where Marco was hiding. I was able to capture him and keep him there until jack and Victor -- they decided how they wanted to handle things.", "Noah: Just you against Marco? You're not strong enough to overpower him. What did you do? Did you drug him, trick him? Marisa? Did you --", "Marisa: [Crying] I did what I had to do...", "Noah: Oh. Oh.", "Marisa: ...To get rid of that bastard forever.", "Jack: I'm sorry you two have had to deal with this whole Newman-Abbott mayhem.", "Kyle: Well, now with Ashley out of town, guess who's in charge -- Billy, who told me that he'll \"handle\" the audit and Victor, whatever that means.", "Summer: Nothing good.", "Kyle: No. And Gwen in accounting is freaking out, and Billy's like, \"what, me, worry?\"", "Phyllis: Maybe you should take Billy's lead.", "Kyle: What, you're joking, right?", "Phyllis: No, I'm not joking. It's a gorgeous day outside. Get out there, forget your worries, and relax. Let jack and me figure out how to deal with this.", "Jack: She's right.", "Kyle: [Sighs]", "Summer: I -- it...does sound kind of nice.", "Kyle: Fine by me. I've had enough for one day.", "Summer: Yeah. Okay.", "Jack: See you.", "Summer: Bye.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Jack: Okay. I know that look. Woe unto anybody that causes pain in Phyllis' backside.", "Phyllis: Okay. It is Victor this time. Look, if he wants a head on a platter, then we have to give him one.", "Jack: You have someone in mind?", "Phyllis: Gabe thinks my new friend is a suspect.", "Jack: Fred?", "Phyllis: Yes. As you pointed out, he slid into my life out of nowhere, and he left just as -- I don't know -- quickly.", "Jack: You think Fred is the mastermind behind paragon?", "Phyllis: Probably not. I don't think he has a malicious bone in his body.", "Jack: Or maybe he just wants you to feel that way.", "Phyllis: Well, he'd be a master manipulator if he could pull that off.", "Jack: Who else could it be? Ashley?", "Phyllis: I always have thought her computer skills are marginal, at best, but she could have hired somebody.", "Jack: You know what? All this speculating is getting us nowhere. Victor has decided it's the Abbotts, and he is not going to give up until he has extracted his pound of flesh. Now, there is only one way to deal with this, and that is to face the man myself.", "Phyllis: Right into the lion's den. Good luck.", "Jack: Thanks.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Phyllis: Hello?", "Ian: I told you I'd be in touch.", "Phyllis: Fred! So nice to hear from you. How's your trip going?", "Ian: Uh, not too well, I'm afraid.", "Phyllis: The fish aren't biting?", "Ian: How did you --", "Phyllis: It's a cure for writer's block, I hear.", "Ian: [Chuckles] Right you are. Well, yes, I'm back here in Genoa city, and I find myself at loose ends. Ah. Would you possibly be free?", "Phyllis: Just say when and where.", "Neil: Gwen, my life has been really messy lately, and you have been such a shining star throughout. I hope I didn't blow anything by, you know, walking out of here without telling you.", "Gwen: You didn't blow anything.", "Neil: This is good, being with you. This is the first good thing in my life in a long time, and I don't want to do anything to ruin it, you know?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Neil: Hey. I'm surprised to hear from you. What's up? I thought you were swamped.", "Gwen: Change in plans. I just got a vacation. So, I was hoping maybe we could keep that dinner date... in new York. I know this amazing steakhouse on 7th avenue, and we could see the sights for a few days after your interview?", "Neil: Um, yeah. Th-that one meeting could turn in to two or three, you know. I don't want you to get bored.", "Gwen: I won't. I promise. I'm very good at entertaining myself.", "Neil: Gwen, look, um, we will plan a weekend away soon, all right? New York isn't gonna work this time.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Neil: Hey. Um, this is the hiring manager on the phone, all right? I'll talk to you a little later.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Neil: I thought I told you never to call me again. Our association is over. We need to meet. It's urgent.", "Billy: Victor is on a rampage against the Abbotts. [Sarcastically] That is a shock.", "Victoria: You know, I wouldn't be so complacent if I were you.", "Billy: Well, I really do appreciate the heads up, guys, but Victor has already made his intentions very clear to us.", "Abby: How?", "Billy: He sicced the I.R.S. On us.", "Abby: The I.R.S.?", "Victoria: He's having you audited?", "Billy: Yeah, not that he's gonna get anywhere with it. I'll see to that myself.", "Victoria: You know, that's not gonna be the end to it, Billy. I hope you know that.", "Abby: Dad brought in the FBI. Yeah. They're investigating now. He's determined to have you, uncle jack, my mom -- all of you -- arrested.", "Jack: Well, good luck with that. Look, he can cry all he wants, but we didn't do anything wrong.", "Victoria: Billy, these are not empty threats. My dad thinks that your family is behind the paragon project, with Ashley leading the charge.", "Billy: Fine. Let your old man take his best shot. But we are not going down just because he can't stand to lose to us.", "Victor: Expiate your sins? You're out of luck. I'm out of mercy.", "Jack: You made a big mistake, calling the feds on us.", "Victor: I doubt that very much.", "Jack: I'm gonna say this one more time. I hope you listen. No one in my family enabled paragon. We are not out to get you. We are not, any of us, interested in going down a path that's going to lead to total annihilation. You are taking retaliation out on the wrong enemy! It's gonna cost you more in the long run. So, call of the dogs. Do it now, before it's too late.", "Victor: The hell I will!", "Summer: Well, that walk in the park was a great idea. Excellent suggestion.", "Kyle: Yeah, well, they've been known to happen.", "Summer: Gosh, it's this stupid war spinning out of control again, and here we are, caught in the middle, feeling like we're forced to choose between our families and each other, and [Sighs] Gosh, I hate it.", "Kyle: I know. Babe, I hate that this upsets you so much.", "Summer: And my grandpa really likes you. That's why he's left us alone so far. But when he gets this fired up about jack, I get scared that that could change.", "Kyle: No. Hey, look... if that happens... summer, we've just got to -- we've just got to keep holding on... remembering how much we love each other. I mean, look at how much we've already overcome. I've got to believe that we can overcome this, too. Yeah?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Ian: Delightful to see you again. Though absent, her voice remained in my soul, and I must, must see her before I grow old.", "Phyllis: Is that from a sonnet?", "Ian: Could be. [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: You know, when I found your note saying that you were gone, I was...pretty upset.", "Ian: Ah.", "Phyllis: I've enjoyed our talks, Fred. It's been a real stressful time for me.", "Ian: I'm sorry to hear that, Phyllis. How so? Where's all the stress coming from?", "Phyllis: Jack's company's in turmoil.", "Ian: Mm.", "Phyllis: He and Victor are mortal enemies, and they are at each other's throat again.", "Ian: Yeah. You mentioned that Victor and your husband made some sort of a bargain.", "Phyllis: What a memory you have.", "Ian: Mm.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, that was true. All of a sudden, though, it has fallen all by the wayside.", "Ian: What happened?", "Phyllis: There has been a cyberattack on Newman enterprises.", "Ian: Ah.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And, of course, the Abbotts are worried that they're being targeted, and Victor's accusing them of being the instigators, so the whole thing is just escalating out of control.", "Ian: Yeah. It sounds like \"turmoil\" is an understatement, huh?", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's just funny how life works, you know?", "Ian: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Full of coincidences, the two of us meeting out in the woods.", "Ian: I thought we were talking about your family's issues.", "Phyllis: Oh, we are. I just -- I can't stop wondering about our timing, you know? Right after the first hack into the Newman system, the cause of all this trouble, you walked into my life.", "Jack: If there is an investigation, it will turn up nothing, because no one at jabot did anything wrong.", "Victor: Except hack my system so you could buy my shipping line for pennies on the dollar!", "Jack: Read my lips -- it...never...happened.", "Victor: Even if you personally weren't involved, and there's only a remote chance that was the case, your sister Ashley allowed the purchase of my company, although she knew fraud was involved. Now she left the country! Do you think she'll come back once all of you have been arrested?", "Jack: What are you doing now?", "Victor: I'm informing the FBI. That you're here. It'll make it easier for them to arrest you.", "Noah: Everything you told me -- I-I just -- I can't...", "Marisa: I know it's hard to comprehend. I know.", "Noah: No. You don't know. You don't know anything about what I'm feeling right now, okay? The lengths that you went through to cover all this up, to get Marco out of our lives...", "Marisa: At least I can promise that he's really gone. Focus on that, Noah -- the good outcome.", "Noah: Yeah. So, the end justifies the means, then, right, and I'm supposed to forget about the rest of it? I'm supposed to forget about the choice that you made to lie to me every single day, to -- to sleep with Marco after we were together?", "Marisa: [Sighs]", "Noah: How am I supposed to forget that? I can't forget that. I can't even look at you right now. And I'm sure as hell not gonna let my grandfather get away with this.", "Marisa: Noah. Noah, stop! Noah, you can't! [Sighs] Ugh!", "Dylan: Hey. Paul.", "Paul: Where have you been?", "Michael: Well, someone's got to know something.", "Dylan: Hey. Paul.", "Paul: Where have you been?", "Dylan: I went after the pilot.", "Paul: Dylan...", "Dylan: Wait till you hear what I found out.", "Devon: Did you get the truth out of him?", "Dylan: He confirmed that the woman on the gurney was Hilary, and he told me where he brought her after the plane left Dallas.", "Devon: I knew Hilary was alive!", "Michael: Well, where is she?", "Dylan: She's right here in Genoa city.", "Neil: All right. I'm not even supposed to be in town. What's the emergency? That McAvoy guy got to me.", "Neil: What?! I warned you to stay away from him. I didn't know who he was at first. He gave me a fake name.", "Neil: Okay. Did -- did you keep your mouth shut? At first, till he threatened to call the feds.", "Neil: What did you tell him? Nothing about you. I swear. I told him I didn't know who hired me -- just got an envelope with cash instructing me to have my plane ready, and an EMT showed up with Hilary on a gurney.", "Neil: Say anything else? [Sighs] McAvoy knows she's in town somewhere.", "Neil: [Sighs]", "Victoria: Are you always this cavalier, or is it just an act?", "Billy: This is not an act. Victor's the one saber-rattling.", "Victoria: What if you're wrong and what if my father does win? What about the thousands of jabot employees whose livelihood depends on your staying in business?", "Billy: Look, I'm not planning --", "[Knock on door]", "Billy: Abby, would you grab that? I'm sure it's somebody here to harass me about the audit.", "Abby: Sure thing...boss. [Sighs] We're looking for William Abbott.", "Billy: Uh, you've found him. What can I do for you, officers? We're acting on behalf of the FBI. We've received orders to place you under arrest.", "Jack: Go ahead. Call the I.R.S. Call the FBI. Hell, call the national guard. I don't care. I'm not running anywhere because I'm innocent, as is everyone else in my family, only you can't see that because you're blinded by hate. What do I have to do, after everything we have been through? I have looked the other way. I have given you the benefit of the doubt. I have made deals with you. I've tried to be a peacemaker, but you always succumb to your chief addiction -- trying to destroy the Abbotts.", "Victor: You and your family always fire the first shot.", "Jack: That is a load, and you know it.", "Victor: Paragon is a perfect example of that.", "Noah: Grandpa! I see. Oh, you're both here, conspiring behind closed doors again.", "Victor: Excuse me, boy. What are you talking about?", "Noah: I know what you did, grandpa. You lied to me. You lied to everybody.", "Ian: I've never lied to you, Phyllis. That's what you're accusing me of, isn't it -- that I've been doing something on my computer besides writing a novel?", "Phyllis: Is that all you've been doing?", "Ian: You know, it hurts that you would think that about me. I thought we were friends. I don't know where this is coming from.", "Phyllis: Well, there's just been a lot of talk, Fred. There's been a lot of pointing of fingers in different directions.", "Ian: Yeah, well, who put the idea in your head -- your husband?", "Phyllis: No. I can't help wondering. There's just a lot of suspicion floating around lately.", "Ian: So why not cast some of it on me? Is that it? Huh?", "Phyllis: Fred, look... you have been nothing but kind to me. I shouldn't have said anything.", "Ian: That's all right. I-I understand. You're under stress. Next time we meet, we'll have forgotten all about it.", "Phyllis: You're leaving so soon?", "Ian: Yeah. You know, I have that, uh, deadline with my book, and I can't afford to leave it alone for too long.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Of course. We'll talk soon, I hope.", "Ian: You have a lovely day, Phyllis.", "Summer: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Mom, Mom. Oh, my god! That man -- what were you doing with him?!", "Phyllis: Fred? He's a friend of mine. Why?", "Summer: Mom, that is Ian ward. That psycho was supposed to be locked up in prison right now.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: [Groans]", "Ian: Told you, Adam -- I don't take orders.", "Lily: What do you mean? He's not in new York?", "Gwen: Lily, he's hiding out here in Genoa city.", "Jack: Who was at that door?", "Victor: They're here to arrest your ass." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Faith asks Chelsea to make her a dress for her birthday party tomorrow. Chelsea agrees to make her the dress as a birthday present. Kevin and Chloe decide to start dating and make their first official date Faith's birthday party. Phyllis moves in with Summer and is determined to fight for Jack even though he wants a divorce. Phyllis tells Michael to tell Jack she doesn't want his money in the divorce; she only wants to keep her job at Jabot. Hilary takes over as host of the GC Buzz TV show and is determined to make it a respectable entertainment show.", "" ]
[ "[Rhythmic knock on door]", "Michael: Hey, there.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles]", "Michael: [Chuckles] Well, look at you, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.", "Phyllis: Yeah, right.", "Michael: [Chuckles] Well, you're conscious. Good for you. And it's nice to see you're feeling well enough to check your messages.", "Phyllis: Yeah, no messages. Just memories.", "Michael: Yeah. I think you should forget about everything and concentrate on feeling better.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, Dr. Rayburn said I am well enough to be released today.", "Michael: That's terrific.", "Phyllis: Okay, so why don't we dispense with the \"rah-rah\" stuff and why don't you tell me why you're really here? Just rip off the bandage, Michael. Just get the agony over with all at once.", "Michael: I received some paperwork from jack's lawyer offering you a substantial settlement.", "Phyllis: I don't want jack's money. I just want my husband back.", "Jack: \"What does every woman want?\" This is wrong in so many ways, I don't know where to start. First of all, our customers are unique individuals. They don't care what anyone else wants. To suggest they buy as part of the herd is the ultimate insult. Clearly I have to talk to marketing. I don't know how this got to my desk for approval.", "Ashley: Jack, I agree with you, but I think we need to just push it aside for a minute.", "Jack: What is more important than the spring launch?", "Ashley: How about the video on GC buzz where they're practically accusing you of throwing your wife down the stairs? We have to do some major damage control.", "Jack: Which is just what I intend to do. By ignoring it.", "Ashley: That is absolutely the worst thing you could do, for yourself and this company.", "Hilary: That hit the spot?", "Devon: Hmm. It sure did.", "Hilary: I guess, um, buying TV shows and firing slimy reporters, it really -- it helps you work up an appetite.", "Devon: Hmm. You smell that?", "Hilary: What?", "Devon: How clean the air is not that GC buzz is gone? There's no more dirty innuendos being thrown around or people getting attacked who don't deserve it.", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Hey. You don't seem that enthusiastic.", "Hilary: No, it's -- it's not that. What you did back at lily's office, it was -- it was sexy as hell. It was. I was so impressed how you put that jerk in his place.", "Devon: But?", "Hilary: But it's a lot to absorb, you buying the GC buzz and closing down the website and the TV show. You're gonna affect a lot of lives, Devon.", "Devon: I know. And I plan on finding jobs for all those employees, except for the horrible reporter. He can get a job digging a ditch for all I care.", "Hilary: Well... I was thinking you wouldn't have to find them any more jobs if the GC buzz stayed on the air.", "Devon: What are you talking about?", "Hilary: You heard me.", "Devon: Yeah, I did hear you, but the whole reason I bought it was to shut it down.", "Hilary: Yeah, and then another show that's just like it or even worse is gonna pop up in its place. So why not take the idea and do it better?", "Devon: You're not thinking what I think you are, are you?", "Hilary: Why not? Come on, Devon. Who knows gossip better than we do? Hmm? Devon, I think we could really do this.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Mariah: Kevin, I need your help.", "Kevin: What? What happened?", "Mariah: Faith is missing.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Are you expecting to hear from that buyer in phoenix?", "Chloe: Uh, busted. Personal text on company time.", "Chelsea: Hmm. I see. Let me guess. Kevin?", "Chloe: [Sighs] I sent him a thank you for last night. Just waiting to hear back.", "Chelsea: Oh, I'm glad you had fun on your date that wasn't a date. I just hope you're not moving too quickly.", "Chloe: I'm not. Trust me. In fact, when I got home, I couldn't even sleep. All I was thinking about was the last time we had a real date and we were really trying to get back together and we didn't because it was the night that I lost Delia. It's just so weird, you know? I'm finally ready to look forward into the future, and again I'm just reminded of the past, the worst night of my entire life.", "Chelsea: It's not weird, Chloe. Every time I look into Connor's adorable face, I feel such joy, and then I see Adam's face, and I'm reminded know, what I've lost.", "[Lift door opens]", "Faith: [Panting] Great. You're here. I need your help.", "Michael: The irony's not lost on me. I am the one who counseled you to be patient and not to give up on your marriage.", "Phyllis: What are you telling me? You telling me to forget about it? Just let it go? No hope? Just -- just let it go?", "Michael: Listen to me. [Sighs] After I received the draft of the divorce documents, I contacted jack's lawyer. She made it very clear that jack is moving forward on this legal action.", "Phyllis: It's no surprise there.", "Michael: As much as I hate to say it, I think you should weigh the offer so I can counter it.", "Phyllis: Listen to me. I don't want to talk about legal strategy. I want to get out of here and I want to go home. Except I have no place to go.", "Summer: Yeah, you do. You can come home with me.", "Phyllis: Honey, last thing you need is a mother for a roommate.", "Summer: Why don't you let me decide that?", "Michael: [Chuckles] I think you should listen to your daughter and let me take care of everything else.", "Summer: I heard enough to know that you were talking about jack and where things stand.", "Phyllis: [Scoffs] Or where they don't stand.", "Summer: Which is why you should come stay with me so you can let things calm down with jack and then he can realize how much you guys love each other.", "Phyllis: Honey, if things were only that simple.", "Summer: Hey, is there any way that you can slow down this divorce so it doesn't happen right away?", "Michael: I'll see what I can do. Look, I'll give you some time.", "Summer: Okay.", "Michael: You. I'll be in touch.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Summer: So, did the doctor say that you can still leave today?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Summer: Okay. That's good. I will get you checked out, see if there's any instructions, and we can go home, get some of your stuff, and then go back to my place, okay?", "Phyllis: Honey, I love you for doing this, but I can move into my old room at the club.", "Summer: Why? Are you trying to say that you don't want my company?", "Phyllis: No, no, no. You have your own life. You don't need your mother imposing on you like this.", "Summer: Mom, it is fine, okay? You are not imposing. After all that drama that happened with Luca, all I want to do right now is focus on my business classes. And I expect you to help me with my assignments. It'll be like having a live-in tutor except with real business savvy.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] Well, this savvy businesswoman has made a real mess of her life. Got myself fired and lost the best man I've ever known.", "Summer: No, you did not lose him yet, okay? So quit talking like you have.", "Faith: My birthday party's tomorrow. I want to wear something amazing, but I don't have anything. There's this one dress that might work, but...", "Chloe: Let me guess. It's too small, right?", "Faith: My mom says I'm growing like a weed.", "[Both laugh]", "Faith: So I don't have anything. Can you help? I love your designs so much!", "Chelsea: Does Sharon know you're here or are you with nick today?", "Faith: They're both busy, so Mariah took me to the park. She stopped to buy ice cream, and all of a sudden I realized I need a new dress. So I ran all the way here. I know you don't do kid stuff, but maybe you have something small lying around that might fit me?", "Chelsea: Maybe.", "Faith: I don't have a lot of money, but I have all my tooth-fairy savings, so I can pay you. How does that sound?", "Chelsea: I think we can help you.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Chelsea: But first things first.", "Kevin: Okay, where were you guys when faith went missing?", "Mariah: We were at the park. Uh, we were hanging out while nick and Sharon plan her party for tomorrow, and she wanted ice cream, so I was at the vendor paying the guy, and when I turned around, she was gone.", "Kevin: Okay, well, it's not like her to just wander off.", "Mariah: What if she was kidnapped?!", "Kevin: She was not kidnapped, not at the park.", "Mariah: A lot of terrible things have happened at that place! Don't look at me like that couldn't be a possibility!", "Kevin: Okay, did you notice anyone strange lurking around?", "Mariah: No, the place was practically empty, but that doesn't mean that somebody wasn't lurking around or watching!", "Kevin: I get that, but I know that Dylan has talked to her about strangers, about being careful in public.", "Mariah: I know! That's why I'm so concerned! You have to put out an amber alert, an APB or something!", "Kevin: Okay.", "Mariah: Please find my sister!", "Kevin: Mariah, we don't have to do that yet because you and I, we're gonna go to the park and we're gonna find her together. Come on.", "Mariah: Okay.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Mariah: Hello?", "Chelsea: Mariah, it's Chelsea. You sound panicked, and I think I know why. But don't worry. Faith is with Chloe and me at the studio.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. She's with Chelsea. Is she okay? What -- what's wrong?", "Chelsea: She's absolutely fine. Well, except for one critical thing.", "Mariah: What? I-I don't understand.", "Chelsea: You will when you get here, but take your time. Faith wants it to be a surprise.", "Chloe: [Chuckles]", "Hilary: Just imagine a GC buzz that is full of juicy tidbits but it's never mean, it's never underhanded, or nasty. Come on, Devon. We both know what it's like to have our personal lives served up on a platter for public amusement. Now we get to turn the tables. No shots below the belt, no kicking people when they're down. I think that, you know, people are actually tired of bad taste and negativity anyways. So this is our chance. We can change the formula. We can reset the bar. Hmm?", "Devon: So, what? It's like -- it's like gossip with a conscience, then?", "Hilary: Wow. Yeah. You're making fun of me.", "Devon: I'm not making fun of you. No, I am not making fun of you. I am actually -- this is what I love about you, is seeing you get like this, seeing you excited and passionate about something and not being afraid to take chances. Take names and kick ass. It's kind of sexy, actually.", "Hilary: Well, that does sound suspiciously like me.", "[Both chuckle]", "Devon: Well, if you really wanted to do this right, we would need to find the right personality to host.", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Somebody that could gain a following and make people want to tune in day to day, right?", "Hilary: Yeah, yeah. I would start putting the word out right away so the show wouldn't even have to go off the air. I could call talent agencies tomorrow.", "Devon: I actually don't think that's even necessary. I know the perfect person.", "Hilary: Really? Who?", "Devon: You.", "Jack: That story on Phyllis and me was a hatchet job. Pure and simple. I'm not going to dignify it by trying to refute it. He took everything I said out of context, twisted all of it, insinuated that I put my wife in the hospital!", "Ashley: I know. And you know how much I love you. You need a reality check. In this marketplace, perception is reality.", "Jack: Oh, ash.", "Ashley: If our customers think for a second that our C.E.O. Is capable of harming his own wife, we're gonna lose business, jack. We're gonna lose it right to brash & sassy. After everything you've been through, do you really want Jill and Billy to profit from this?", "Jack: Of course not.", "Ashley: Okay. Then do yourself a favor. Find a reputable news outlet, give an interview, tell your story your way.", "Jack: [Sighing] No.", "Ashley: Yes, face the issue head on, jack. Let them know this was an accident according to you, Phyllis, and the police, who investigated and dropped it. Explain the whole situation was woefully misrepresented.", "Jack: And make a new and bigger story. Keeps the whole thing alive.", "Ashley: [Sighs]", "Jack: I'm not doing it, ash. I'm done talking about this. It is over.", "Ashley: Jackie, it's not over just because you want it to be! I've got news for you. You don't even have a prenup! This divorce could drag on for months! Phyllis is gonna ask for the moon.", "Jack: I seriously doubt that's gonna happen.", "Ashley: Really?", "Jack: My lawyer has already made a very generous offer.", "Michael: Oh, about that. Excuse me. I'm afraid my client's going to pass.", "Chelsea: What do you think of an asymmetrical hem?", "Chloe: Yeah, I think that could work.", "Faith: I like the sound of that.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] You are gonna look fabulous, girlfriend.", "Chloe: Yes.", "Chelsea: Trust me.", "Chloe: Uh, okay. I'm out of pins.", "Chelsea: Oh, uh, storage closet, bottom left-hand drawer.", "Chloe: I'll be right back.", "Faith: You're both coming to my party, right? And bring Connor and Bella with you, because my dad will be there, too.", "Chelsea: Oh, faith, that is such a sweet offer and invitation. Thank you. But, um, I'm sure your mommy has her own guest list. Let's see.", "Faith: Mom will be fine with it.", "Chelsea: You really think so?", "Faith: Yeah. Ever since sage died, she's been worried about daddy. She thinks he needs to spend time with Connor because of some promise he made.", "Chelsea: Right, well, yeah. Nick made Adam a promise to help take care of Connor and help look after me, so...", "Faith: Then you have to say yes. My mom won't take no for an answer.", "Devon: How are you wrong for the job?", "Hilary: Because it's true. I have no experience.", "Devon: That's not true at all. You have plenty of experience.", "Hilary: Devon, just stop it, okay? I can't do this. We need to find someone else.", "Devon: Honey, why are you being so nervous about this? I've seen you in front of the camera a thousand times.", "Hilary: Yeah, at press conferences talking about business and science.", "Devon: You enjoy being in front of the spotlight no matter what the topic is. I mean, is there really a big difference between entertainment and a press conference?", "Hilary: Yes. Yes, there is.", "Devon: How?", "Hilary: For one thing, you have to be likeable or no one will watch, okay? Credible, yeah. Intelligent, check. But a bubbly persona for a TV gossip show? Come on, Devon. That's not me. That's not my style.", "Devon: Well, you're talking about changing the style. Find something. Get a sexy librarian outfit. You'll make the male viewership go up.", "Hilary: But what about the news part of things? I'm not a journalist. I have no training. Maybe I could do, like, a media event or a ribbon cutting or something, but that doesn't mean that I can do an incisive interview.", "Devon: I absolutely disagree. I think that you have skills that can't be taught. You have an ability to see right through people and see their real motives. No one would be able to hide from you.", "Hilary: Yeah, that's a really nice way of saying that I know how to exploit people's weaknesses. What does that have to do with news?", "Devon: It has everything to do with it!", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Devon: Because unlike that other horrible reporter, you're gonna be tactful but you're gonna be telling people the truth, right? You'll know exactly what to say when there's tragedy or people are hurting. People are gonna fall in love with you and they'll trust you.", "Hilary: You really think that I could do this?", "Devon: No, I don't think. I know.", "Hilary: Okay, fine. You know, I-I could shadow a pro for a bit, maybe do some really small segments.", "Devon: No. I think you're ready to be an anchor today.", "Hilary: Devon.", "Devon: You know everything that you need to know. What were we calling it? It's gossip with a conscience, right? And you know something? I have the perfect story to start with that's gonna make you a star.", "Hilary: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Trust me.", "Hilary: [Chuckles]", "Michael: Phyllis doesn't want a divorce on any terms.", "Ashley: Right. It's a play for more time and more money, and you know it.", "Michael: You can think what you like, but she's not negotiating for more cash. She loves you, jack. And I believe that you love her, too.", "Ashley: So tell me something. Are you here delivering a message as an attorney or as a friend? Which is it?", "Michael: [Sighs] With Phyllis, the line does get blurred, but I came through that door as her lawyer.", "Jack: Fine. You've seen the offer. Get her to take it. And from now on, I want you to communicate with my lawyer.", "Michael: We both know Phyllis. She's not giving up, jack!", "Ashley: If you're really her friend, then do her a favor and tell her this is not a fight she's going to win.", "Summer: Is that where you fell?", "Phyllis: Yeah, this is where jack pulled away, and... really can't blame him. I tried to hold on. You know, maybe I should just take Michael's advice and take the settlement and move on, you know.", "Summer: No, no, don't think that right now, okay? We're just gonna grab a few things you're gonna need for the next few days, and then I can come back and get the rest of it, okay?", "Phyllis: It's okay, sweetie. That's a sweet offer, but I-I should do it. I should things. And that's just -- that's not true. I don't want to pack up my things. I don't want to move out of this home. I don't want my marriage to be over. I just... I don't.", "Summer: It's okay.", "Kevin: Hey. Where's faith?", "Mariah: Is she okay?", "Chloe: [Laughs] She is miles beyond okay.", "Mariah: What do you mean?", "Kevin: Why did she come here?", "Chloe: So many questions. All I have to say is that little girl knows what she wants. She feels at home here. I know the feeling.", "Chelsea: If I may have your attention, please, I would like to introduce my newest, most fabulous model, wearing a dazzling, new creation.", "[Cheering]", "Kevin: Wow! Hey there, gorgeous! What's the occasion?", "Chelsea: Ooh, la, la!", "Faith: My birthday's tomorrow, and I needed a dress.", "[Laughter]", "Chloe: So good.", "Mariah: Okay, okay. Let's, uh, rein it in. Um, I'm glad you're okay and that this is what you were doing the entire time I was frantically looking for you.", "Faith: Oops.", "Mariah: Yeah, it's a big \"oops.\" I had the whole police force out looking for you.", "Faith: The whole force?", "Mariah: Well, I had Kevin. The point is, you cannot run off like that. You have to tell me where you're going.", "Faith: I'm sorry. Do you like my new dress?", "[Laughter]", "Mariah: Yes, yes, I love it. You look amazing.", "Faith: It's an asymmetrical hemline.", "Mariah: Wow. You know, I'm gonna have to take your word for that. But one small question -- how are you going to pay for this?", "Faith: I've saved almost $20 from the tooth fairy.", "Mariah: Oh, 20, uh, 20 bucks for a designer original.", "Kevin: It seems a little low.", "Chloe: I think we can make it work.", "Chelsea: I think so. All right, now that you're all fitted, I can help you change, okay?", "Faith: Okay. Everyone's invited to my party. Promise you'll come?", "Kevin: Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it.", "Chloe: I love me some birthday cake. Count me in.", "Faith: All right!", "Chloe: [Laughs] So cute.", "Kevin: [Sighs] Hey, can I help you with something?", "Chloe: [Chuckles] Thanks.", "Kevin: Uh, I got your text thanking me for last night. You didn't have to do that.", "Chloe: Well, maybe I wanted to. Hey, so there is this nightly ghost walk coming up for Halloween. It's in two weeks, and then it runs to the end of the month, and I was thinking about getting a ticket or...maybe two.", "Kevin: Two weeks, huh? It seems like a far-off time from now.", "Chloe: Well, there is faith's birthday. We can always meet there?", "Kevin: Yeah, maybe.", "Michael: It's not about winning or losing, Ashley. The last thing Phyllis wants is for this to become adversarial.", "Ashley: [Scoffs] Too late for that.", "Ashley: What part of \"no\" are you not hearing?", "Michael: You know, with all due respect, I don't --", "Ashley: I'm speaking for jack, so listen carefully. Phyllis didn't just compromise that marriage. You realize that, right? She took a sledgehammer to it, Michael. There's nothing left. So let's do what's right for all parties concerned. Convince your client to accept the settlement. Let's not inflict any more pain or heartache on jack or Phyllis. Hmm?", "Michael: I know you'd do anything for jack.", "Ashley: You betcha.", "Michael: But why would you care about Phyllis?", "Ashley: I don't really so much. But I know you do. Do you really want to see her dragged through an ugly divorce? I mean, just to be played out in the tabloids endlessly?", "Michael: No, it's the last thing I want to see.", "Ashley: Good. I think it's up to us to make this as painless as possible. Name your price.", "Phyllis: I don't know what I would do if it weren't for you. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.", "Summer: Yes, you do. You'd be putting one foot in front of the other, finding out how to get through this.", "Phyllis: I refuse to feel sorry for myself, you know? There's one person responsible for all of this, and it's the person I see in the mirror every day.", "Summer: Mom, no, it takes two, okay? And I learned that the hard way, and Billy is gonna get his own share of the blame. And look, as much as I love jack, he is no saint. He is gonna wake up one morning when all this comes down and realize that he is human. He's gonna forgive you one day. I'm sure of it. Okay?", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] The mother's supposed to comfort her own kid, not the other way around.", "Summer: Okay, so we'll take turns.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] Deal. I'm gonna go put some things in a suitcase, okay?", "Summer: Okay, I'll give you a hand.", "Phyllis: All right.", "Phyllis: I know you don't want me here. I, uh, just came to gather some of my things.", "Jack: You should have called first.", "Phyllis: I know. Everything happened so quickly. I was released from the hospital earlier than expected.", "Summer: Yeah, mom did a lot better than the doctors thought that she would. Just a mild concussion. They don't think that there's gonna be any lasting effects.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I was born hard-headed, so... you knew that already, though.", "Jack: I'm glad you're better.", "Phyllis: Thank you so m--", "Jack: That way you won't have any reason to drag your feet on the divorce.", "Michael: I envy you, Ashley.", "Ashley: Really?", "Michael: Yeah, really. On an ordinary day, you can mix some chemicals up and come up with a formula that reverses the aging process or makes someone smell like a little bit of heaven. Me, I'm a lawyer. On a really good day, I get to keep the party of the first part from ripping the heart out of the party of the second part. And on a really excellent day, I can convince both sides to settle before even setting foot in front of a judge. But most days, it's about words, words that sting, words that do damage, words that no amount of money can take back. Do you hear what I'm saying?", "Ashley: Oh, yeah. I heard every last word. Here's the thing, though. See, jack wasn't hurt by words, Michael. He was hurt by deeds that were done in secret, behind his back, by his wife and his brother. Yeah. Nothing can undo that. There's no amount of tears or acts of contrition that are ever gonna erase that from jack's memory, so please...tell Phyllis that. Tell her to stop hurting the man that she claims to love. Tell her to let him go so he can get on with his life and start healing.", "Chelsea: All right. I promise to deliver your dress to you by your birthday.", "Faith: I have $5 in my purse. Is that enough for a down payment?", "Chelsea: Sweetheart, I really appreciate that offer, but you keep your money. This is my gift to you.", "Faith: Really? Thank you so much, Chelsea!", "Chelsea: [Laughs] It's my pleasure.", "Chloe: Hey, wait a minute. I held the pincushion, you know.", "[Laughter]", "Mariah: Well, I think that we should let Chelsea and Chloe get back to work. Uh, you coming?", "Kevin: Uh, I think I'm gonna stick around for a bit, but I can walk you guys out.", "Mariah: Oh, no, no. That's totally fine. I owe faith an ice cream cone anyway, and we need to have a little conversation about running off without telling anybody.", "Faith: Okay.", "[Laughter]", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Mariah: Bye.", "Faith: Bye.", "Chelsea: You know, I've dressed celebrities and billionaires, yet making faith happy is, like, the highlight of my career.", "Chloe: I know. So cute, right?", "Chelsea: Yeah. All right, I'm gonna go work on this. If you'll excuse me.", "Chloe: Okay. Are you wishing you went with them?", "Hilary: [Sighs]", "Devon: Hey. How you doing? You look beautiful. I just want you to relax and be yourself, okay?", "Hilary: Really? Really? That's all there is to it?", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, 'cause we're going for hip and casual, you know? Like friends talking over a drink, not a newscast.", "Hilary: What if I totally flub something?", "Devon: If you do, we can fix when we edit it. We're not live.", "Devon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The director should be here soon, and he'll probably have suggestions, but for right now, we can give it a shot. Come on.", "Hilary: Okay.", "Devon: She good?", "Hilary: Thank you. All right. [Sighs] Right here. Right here? [Chuckles] [Exhales deeply] Okay. \"Welcome to GC buzz. I am Hilary Hamilton. Um, today your top story is once again, who else? Those battling Abbotts. You heard it...first. The lawyers are already wracking up the billable hours as feisty Phyllis prepares to take hubby jack for all he's worth and then share the loot with the third member of their triangle, jack's very own brother Billy Abbott\"? Who wrote this crap?", "Devon: What's wrong with it? What's the matter?", "Hilary: The tone, it's all wrong. This is not what we talked about at all. I can't read this.", "Devon: Well, it's gone. Say what you want to say, in your own words.", "Kevin: Uh, to answer your question, no. I'm not wishing I went with Mariah. I'm right where I want to be.", "Chloe: Okay, you know what? Maybe we shouldn't talk about this right now.", "Kevin: Yeah, you're working. Hey, hold on a second, though. I can tell something's bothering you.", "Chloe: I'm just wondering...", "Kevin: What?", "Chloe: I'm starting to have second thoughts.", "Kevin: About us?", "Chloe: Maybe it's not meant to be.", "Kevin: Timeout. Where is this coming from? We had an amazing night over cheeseburgers. And you literally just invited me to that ghost walk thing, which sounds like a blast. There's faith's birthday party tomorrow.", "Chloe: Yeah, and Mariah is her sister, and she's gonna be there watching our every move and feeling crappy about it. I didn't think, and I think I got lost in some little girl's sense of romance, and I'm not considering Mariah's feelings, because she's clearly still into you. So, maybe we should stop, before somebody gets hurt.", "Mariah: So the next time you and I go out, I'm gonna ask Dylan for an extra pair of handcuffs. I'm gonna cuff you to the bench when I go get ice cream.", "Faith: I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing.", "Mariah: It's okay. I know you were just excited about your birthday. You don't need to apologize.", "Faith: I'm not just apologizing about that. I'm sorry about pushing Kevin and Chloe together by inviting them to my party. I could tell it made you jealous.", "Hilary: I can't talk about these people like they're cartoon characters or throw stones at them. Where they are now, we've been there, Devon.", "Devon: I completely understand. However you want to handle this is fine by me.", "Hilary: Really?", "Devon: Yes. Really. I just want you to look in the camera and tell the story that only you can tell 'cause you know jack. You know him personally. You know all the players. Just tell the audience the real story straight from your heart.", "Hilary: Okay. I'll do that.", "Devon: You do that.", "Hilary: All right, let's do this. [Exhales deeply] Welcome to the GC buzz. I am your new host, Hilary Hamilton. Today, our top story -- the supercouple that everyone is talking about but very few people really know -- jack and Phyllis Abbott.", "Summer: I'm just gonna go upstairs so you guys can talk.", "Jack: Summer, I'd rather you stick around in case someone suggests your mother isn't safe in this house with me.", "Phyllis: I would never suggest that I'm not safe.", "Jack: Michael came by the office, said you turned down my offer. I assume that's standard operating procedure for getting a higher settlement.", "Phyllis: As I have tried to make clear, I am not interested in the money.", "Jack: Then it seems we're at an impasse. I'm not interested in making this work any longer.", "Summer: Okay, you guys are breaking my heart. Please, jack, just call the counselor --", "Jack: Summer, I know you mean well. This marriage is beyond repair.", "Phyllis: Okay. I am going to get my things.", "Jack: Don't bother. Mrs. Martinez has already packed your things. I was gonna have them delivered to you. Had you called me, I could have saved you the trip.", "Phyllis: Well, I hope you told her to send it to summer's place, unless you are saying that I can't live there since you still own the condo.", "Jack: What you do and where you go is no longer a concern of mine.", "Summer: Um, come on, Mom.", "Jack: Phyllis. Are you forgetting something? Keep the ring. My house key.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Kevin: Nobody is gonna get hurt.", "Chloe: How are you gonna manage that?", "Kevin: Mariah knows that you and I have history, a lot of it sad but a lot of it pretty darn great. And as my friend -- and that's all she is to me, a friend -- she just wants me to be happy.", "Chloe: No, she wants you, Kevin. And if our [Sighs] Whatever this is, is going to make you have to choose between me and your best friend --", "Kevin: It won't. I promise you. And I don't know what this is, either. But I sure do want to find out. Don't you?", "Chelsea: Oh, my God. Just shut up and kiss her already.", "Kevin: She is the boss.", "Hilary: So, I am Hilary Hamilton, and I hope you join me on this journey. So? How did I do?", "Devon: How did you do? Ladies and gentlemen, I think a star has just been born! That's how I think you did!", "[Applause]", "Devon: You looked fantastic!", "Hilary: Aww. Really?", "Devon: Yes.", "Hilary: I think I can do this. I think I can do this.", "Summer: Why don't you just lay down on the couch and I'll get some sheets to make up your bed?", "Phyllis: No, I don't -- I don't feel tired. I just feel lost.", "Summer: Yeah, I get it. I mean, after the way that jack treated you. He kind of just threw you out on the sidewalk.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah. He doesn't want any reminder of our marriage. I can't blame him. I blew up both of our lives with what I did with Billy. Now I have no marriage, I have no...home, I have no job. I have just...boxes filled with... regret.", "Jack: Boxes are in the garage. Yeah, when will the truck be here? Excellent. Yeah, I'll see you then.", "Ashley: Hey. You okay?", "Jack: I'll be fine, as soon as I get the last shred of Phyllis out of this house.", "Summer: I'm gonna help you get your life back together. I know it may not be the life you had planned on living, but I'm not exactly living the life I had planned, either. But you're not lost anymore, okay? You're home.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Phyllis: It's probably the movers with my stuff.", "Summer: Hey.", "Michael: Hey, kiddo. Mwah.", "Summer: Mom's in there.", "Phyllis: Michael.", "Michael: Hey. I spoke with jack.", "Phyllis: I heard it from my husband's own lips. All he's interested in is my signature for those divorce papers.", "Michael: I know this isn't what you were hoping to hear. But walking away with something is better than nothing. In fact, Ashley seemed so eager to get you out of their family, she said you could name your own price.", "Ashley: I think Michael's gonna be able to talk Phyllis into accepting that settlement, but it's not gonna come cheap. I told him to make a dollar amount and that you'd pay it in exchange for your freedom. You know, um... I was trying to make your life easier. I hope I didn't overstep.", "Jack: No, no, I-I appreciate it. You're always looking out for me. Thanks. I don't care what it costs. As long as it gets Phyllis out of my life for good.", "[Key clanks]", "[Drawer slams]", "Michael: Hey. Did you hear what I asked you? Can I go ahead and negotiate?", "Phyllis: That's fine. Make a counteroffer. Tell jack he can have the divorce and it won't cost him a penny. As long as I can stay at jabot.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: The super couple that everyone is talking about -- jack and Phyllis Abbott.", "Mariah: Kevin is my best friend, and I can't stand sitting back and watching him get used.", "All: Happy birthday to you" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Tessa and Mariah are in a car, heading for Alice's house to see if they can get Alice to tell them where Crystal is. Mariah makes Tessa nervous by asking her if she has a plan. Scott and Sharon discuss the sex trafficking ring over dinner at the Athletic Club. Abby and Zach walk in and Abby is less than happy that Zach mentions joining Scott and Sharon for dinner. Zach explains to Abby as to why he wants to have dinner with them. Scott and Sharon discuss as to how to get more information on the sex ring. Abby and Zach walk up and asks if they can join them for dinner. Mariah wants to call the police about this whole mess but Tessa fears that she will never see Crystal again. Tessa tells Mariah that she has a plan that she may not go along with. Cane and Lily have a talk about the children and them wanting their lives to get back to normal and for Cane to come home. Cane asks Lily as to what she wants. Lily admits that she still loves him no matter what but then she starts to tell him about the things that could happen concerning Juliet's child. Alice gets her \"girls\" ready for their big dates. Hilary is having a drink at the Athletic Club dining room when Devon stops by to talk to her. They begin to discuss Lily and how that Jordan is attracted to her. Devon admits that he will let no one hurt Lily. Lily gets up and opens the door and tells Cane to please go through tears in her eyes. Lily admits that she cannot get past him fathering a child with Juliet. Juliet looks at herself in the mirror and thinks about her conversation with Cane in the hospital where he tells her that he will never let something happen to the baby.", "Devon and Hilary discuss Jordan and how he may be going after Lily if she and Cane doesn't reconcile. Lily and Devon talk about the things that has been happening between her and Cane and how it upsets the children. Cane walks up and tells Hilary that Lily cannot get past him having a child with Juliet. Cane tells Hilary that he will never quit fighting for his family. Sharon talks to Faith on the phone and tells her to have a good time. Scott joins Sharon and she tells him about the phone call. Scott senses that no one is there and that they have the house all to themselves. Scott and Sharon begin to kiss. Mariah has Alice tied up in the Newman barn. When Alice sees Mariah she passes out \"cold.\"", "" ]
[ "[ Door opens ]", "Cane: Hey. I came as soon as I got your message. It's good to see you.", "Lily: Yeah, I thought we should talk.", "Cane: If this about the marriage counselor, you know, if you don't like her style or something, we could always change her.", "Lily: I won't be going to counseling again, no matter who you pick.", "Cane: Why? You don't want to try anymore, or...?", "Lily: I just think that we should talk, just the two of us, because we came into this marriage alone, and that's the way it should be now. So I think that you and I need to discuss our future -- tonight.", "Mariah: This is not good.", "Tessa: Okay, so, we go and find alice, we make her tell us where my sister is, and then we go and find crystal and put the pigs who did this to her in prison.", "Mariah: Then what do we do? Because we need a plan. We need something smart and sneaky. Man, I used to be so good at this.", "Tessa: Really? Because all you're doing is freaking me out and making me nervous!", "Mariah: Look, not to brag, but nobody knew their way around a scam like I did. The more devious, the better. Trust me, I have stories. What I don't have right now is a plan. Do you?", "Tessa: I'm -- I'm driving.", "Mariah: Okay, so what are we gonna do when we get there? We're just gonna go up and knock on the door and be like, \"hey! We were just in the neighborhood, we're looking for crystal porter,\" and then she's gonna say, \"she's not here right now,\" and then you're gonna say what?", "Tessa: If that's your idea of a plan, you should just go back to freaking out.", "Mariah: Then help, damn it!", "Tessa: I don't know what to do, but I'm not giving up! I won't let that woman slam the door in my face, and I will make her tell me where my sister is.", "Scott: I'd hoped for better news from paul, but nothing suspicious showed up on this guy's credit card. No indication of how this music promoter booked his evening with natalia.", "Sharon: Well, I suppose it was always a long shot. No one wants \"services of prostitute\" showing up on their credit card statement. You know, whether it's alice or someone else who's running this operation, they know how to cover their tracks.", "Abby: Seriously?", "Zack: What's wrong?", "Abby: I have to put up with that man all day, every day. The last thing I want to do is be in the same room with him when we're trying to have a romantic evening. You know what, I'm gonna make reservations at top of the tower, or anywhere else.", "Zack: Hold on. I'm gonna say something crazy. Don't have me committed. I think we should join them for dinner. Additional sponsorship", "Abby: You want to have dinner with them? With him? With scott grainger?", "Zack: I remember when I first came to town, sharon insisted that she would never use an app like designdate. She's exactly the kind of person we need to talk to expand our user base.", "Abby: But she's in a relationship. Granted, he is a self-satisfied jerk, but regardless, I don't think she's in the market for a dating app.", "Zack: But if I can talk to them both, see what works, why they chose to come here for dinner, where they hang out, what their shared interests are... that's the kind of info I can use to fine-tune our algorithm.", "Abby: Please, not tonight. Tonight was not supposed to be about work. It was supposed to be about fun.", "Zack: Okay. You're right. I need to get my head out of the job for a while. We're hitting our targets, everything is going well. [ Sighs ] I think I'm on overdrive trying to impress you as the boss and as my date.", "Abby: And you have impressed me a million times over.", "Zack: Well, you're not the only newman that I have something to prove to, but you are the most gorgeous.", "Sharon: Men like this music producer hire a prostitute he can call his girlfriend for the night. He pays a woman to make himself look more important and desirable.", "Scott: I doubt the evening ended for him and natalia at the underground.", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure you're right, and I don't want to think about it.", "Scott: [ Sighs ] I never thought I'd see her again. You know, I got her by calling that ad on the back of the free weekly, but there's no way a honcho like irv west would have hooked up with her in that channel. This is something bigger, more professional. [ Sighs ] The credit card was a dead end, so we got to find another way to follow the money and get to the core of the organization.", "Sharon: Meanwhile, I haven't heard from crystal in ages.", "Scott: Right.", "Sharon: Every time my phone rings, whether it's my cellphone or my home phone, I hope that it's her, and it's not. I mean, she's out there somewhere. I don't know how to help her.", "Abby: Hi.", "Scott: Hi.", "Sharon: Well, hi, you two!", "Abby: Um, zack and I have a a favor to ask. Do you mind if we join you for dinner?", "Tessa: Why so jittery?", "Mariah: Well, from what you told me, these people have bodyguards in there that don't smile much. Maybe there are a dozen or more in there right now, not smiling.", "Tessa: Well, if they are, there's probably women being held prisoner, and if we find crystal, we might be able to help them, too.", "Mariah: Tessa, we should just call the police.", "Tessa: And say what? \"Hi, officer, there might be a sex trafficking ring ground-zero in this nice house in this ritzy neighborhood.\" And then when the cops show up, alice will know we're onto her, and then we might never see crystal again.", "Mariah: Okay, fine, you're right, but we need to think about this from every possible angle. I mean -- is there any chance that natalia would have told alice about your run-in at the underground and that they're waiting for us and this is a trap?", "Tessa: Are you saying that i should give up?", "Mariah: No! I'm just saying that you need to be cautious. For your sake, for crystal's sake.", "Tessa: Well, you're here, too.", "Mariah: I'm -- I'm not really worried about me. I can handle whatever.", "Tessa: You're only worried about me and crystal?", "Mariah: Look... I never got to know my sister, so I'm gonna make damn sure that you spend the rest of your life with yours.", "Cane: We don't need to talk about this now, okay? So there's no pressure. You can take as long as you need.", "Lily: Yeah, mattie and i talked, and she mentioned you coming home.", "Cane: Well, is that because she wants me here or because she thinks I'll change my mind about reed? [ Chuckles ]", "Lily: [ Laughs ] Yeah, you know our daughter. I think it was a little bit of both. But she misses you, and she misses our old life.", "Cane: I know that feeling.", "Lily: Look, the kids -- they're growing up really fast, and, you know, they only really need us now when they want to borrow the car or money...", "Cane: When they need money. Yeah. [ Laughs ]", "Lily: But our family has always been a safe place for them, and that's gone now, and they miss it.", "Cane: So do I. So... do you think they're ready to forgive me, or...?", "Lily: I think that if you, you know, get a job and move back home, they can try and pretend like things are normal, and then after a while, things will probably settle down for real.", "Cane: You know, I've been trying to get a job, but it's harder than I thought.", "Lily: I know, I don't think that's a deal breaker for the kids. I think they would like to just have you here.", "Cane: I know. I know you want what's best for them.", "Lily: Always.", "Cane: And, uh, you know, you sound like you know what the kids need, but, um... what is it that you need?", "Lily: You hurt me. More than I thought I could be hurt. And I was really angry and confused, but... I know that I still love you.", "[ Car approaching ]", "Alice: Sexy, but demure. The older rich guys go bananas for this look. One final touch. Anna. Let me take a look at you. Okay. Perfect. Okay. Limo's here. It's showtime, ladies.", "Mariah: A limo. Classy. Probably for their girls by the hour.", "Tessa: The organization's upgraded since that dive motel where I went to find crystal.", "Mariah: Yeah, they're probably using all that money that they're not paying their workers. Or captives, I should say.", "Tessa: [ Scoffs ]", "Mariah: What? Talk to me.", "Tessa: It's my sister. I mean, she's caught up in all that. I can't sleep at night thinking about it. I mean, growing up, it was us against the world. We didn't have anybody else. Now I have a real live friend, who's actually here, standing by me... god, you must think I'm out of mind and I'm just going through with this with having no idea what I'm doing.", "Mariah: Hey, that's just because I don't want anything bad to happen to you. But I'm not gonna abandon you. And I know that when you feel like you have to do something, you just have to go for it. So the best thing I can do is just ride shotgun and babble at you.", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] I don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you, and I really hope i don't lose you.", "Mariah: Why would you?", "Tessa: Because I finally have a plan, and I don't think you're gonna like it.", "Devon: You drinking alone?", "Hilary: Some might say that I'm enjoying my own company.", "Devon: Are you still upset about jordan?", "Hilary: You are 0 for 2.", "Devon: You know, it's okay to admit that you cared about the guy and that you're bummed that he's moving on. I get it. I know that control is a big thing for you, and not having it is even bigger.", "Hilary: Is this your idea of sympathy? Because I don't need it. My life is full.", "Devon: Oh, yeah? What's it full of?", "Hilary: Well, my dessert commercial is scheduled for heavy rotation, so the residuals will be rolling in, and I am prepping a new episode that will feature some incredible new products from jabot. Oh, and jack, he also wants me to be in some ads for his jabot products. And I'm doing a deal with chelsea, so all of my onscreen wardrobe will be original, and most importantly, free.", "Devon: That all sounds amazing.", "Hilary: It is.", "Devon: It's not gonna be enough for you, though. It never is. You can fool yourself, hilary. You can't fool me.", "Lily: Even after everything that's happened and all the pain that you've caused... I can't just stop loving you.", "Cane: You know, that's how i feel about you. You and I have been through more than most couples have, and we've survived. Because we have that love. You know, you are... you're the most important thing to me in this world.", "Lily: But that's not true.", "Cane: Of course it's true. I love you and I love the kids.", "Lily: Yeah, and your son with juliet.", "Cane: I will be there for him financially.", "Lily: Cane, have you -- have you thought about at all what your life is going to be like soon? Because I have. I mean, what if juliet calls you and says the baby has a fever and is at the hospital? But yet you're on your way to charlie's cross-country meet. Do you ignore your sick child or the son whose trust you're trying to regain?", "Cane: That's what happens when you have kids. We have two kids. We have choices. We've learned this with mattie and charlie.", "Lily: Yeah, we talk, we plan, we divide responsibilities. And now you'll be doing that with juliet, too.", "Cane: But she knows where my priorities lie.", "Lily: Okay, fine, then let's talk about money. What if mattie gets into her dream college, but yet, your youngest is enrolling in walnut grove preschool and you can't afford both tuitions. How do you decide?", "Cane: Juliet got money from the settlement, so this is -- this is ridiculous.", "Lily: I don't think you'll be saying that when a lawyer comes after you for educational support all the way through college, and a judge signs off on it. And don't say that won't happen because no one knows the future. This child, no matter how he was conceived, deserves your love and support just as much as mattie and charlie.", "Cane: I understand this. I do.", "Lily: Do you? Because I don't want get in the way of a love that a child deserves. But I also can't forget the fact that you cheated on me and you lied to me.", "Cane: What do you want me to say to you? I love you. And you love me.", "Lily: That child will be a constant reminder of what you did to this family and what you did to us. And I thought I could get past it, but I don't think I can get past what you did to us.", "Juliet: I'm sorry for interrupting your evening.", "Cane: All right, listen... you don't need to apologize when it comes to our baby. You don't have to do that.", "Juliet: I'm scared.", "Cane: You don't have to be scared. 'Cause I'm here, and I'm not gonna let anything happen to our little baby boy. There has to be something that i can do. There has to be some way that we can get past this.", "Lily: Please, just -- just go.", "[ Sobbing ]", "Devon: Hey, mike... I do give you credit. Last time I brought up you and jordan separating, you made sure to let me know that he was going after lily, and of course, i confronted him like I'm sure you wanted me to do, right?", "Hilary: What's your point, devon? That I'm a manipulator? That I know how to pull your strings? Maybe I do. Maybe that's why you simply can't walk by me on your way from the gym. But if you know all of my tricks, devon, then why even go to jordan?", "Devon: I can walk by you. And I went to jordan because he was going after lily. Just because you got what you wanted doesn't mean it was a bad thing. The guy's a player. He acts like he's your friend, gives you a shoulder to cry on, and then he makes his move. I'm not gonna let anyone do that to my sister right now.", "Hilary: What a hero you are.", "Devon: Thanks. So why would you want to get back with a guy like that?", "Hilary: I never said I did.", "Devon: Well, you don't want him with lily. And is that because he's so cool, or is that because you don't like losing to people? Especially my sister.", "Hilary: You put a lot more thought into this than I did.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Hilary: Yeah. I just -- I don't need a man right now. Okay? I am happy. There's no one trying to change me or making me feel bad because they're threatened by my success.", "Devon: I take it that was directed at me.", "Hilary: Like I said, you put a lot more thought into this than I have.", "Devon: Well, hilary, I just -- I know you. I know you better than most people do, and I know that underneath all that drive and ambition, there's just a vulnerable person, like anyone, that wants to be loved.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Zack: Thank you so much for doing this. I know it can be a little awkward talking to a semi-stranger about where you go on dates.", "Sharon: Well, scott is very devoted to his research, also, so we get it.", "Scott: Mm.", "Abby: Well, it's all for the good of the company. And, you know, zack wants to make sure our clients have the best experience.", "Zack: It's the only way to create brand loyalty and generate word of mouth.", "Sharon: Oh, you know, I saw two women in the coffeehouse creating online profiles for designdate.", "Abby: Oh, wow! That's what I like to hear! And, you know, brash & sassy just came on board as a sponsor.", "Scott: Congrats! That's a smart move on both ends.", "Abby: Mm.", "Zack: It wouldn't have happened without abby's pitch to victoria. She killed it.", "Sharon: Isn't it nice how well you two work together? Since, uh, you know where we like to go for breakfast and dinner, do you mind if I ask how you two balance your business and personal lives?", "Zack: Well, if tonight is any example, I'm blowing it on the personal side.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Not at all. Actually, this is fascinating. And I found out where to get the best eggs benedict in town. But, seriously, it's really not complicated. Zack and I have the same goals, and we think that working hard and playing hard is very important.", "Zack: You must be able to relate.", "Scott: Mm.", "Zack: Sharon mentioned your research, and abby said you're working on a piece about sex trafficking. Must be hard to put that aside and just concentrate on a nice dinner.", "Scott: Yeah, that wasn't public knowledge.", "Abby: Oh, please, it's not like we're going to run out and beat you to a scoop. You should be happy that we even talk about you.", "Zack: When you do think hashtag will publish the series?", "Scott: It's a long-term project. The most important thing is just getting it right.", "Zack: Yeah, I mean, where do you even start? The johns? The girls?", "Scott: Yeah. It'll all be there in hashtag when the time comes, but, uh, I'll promise you this -- the articles will blow your mind.", "Alice: You know how this goes, right, girls? Cash up front. Smile, laugh. Not too often or too loudly. Act as if your dates are the most important men in the room. Because, to us, they are.", "Natalia: We understand.", "Alice: You are such terrific girls. My number one and number two. And that's why you're getting the good clients with the dough to blow. They want premium service, and that's what you two will give them, right? And that's why they come back again and again. [ Sighs ] This is so much nicer than the way things used to be. We're moving on up. [ Doorbell rings ] Okay, so, that's the driver. Scoot. Make me proud. Come on. Let's go. Oh!", "[ Doorbell rings ] All right. What'd you forget? Oh! [ Screams ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Juliet: Hey. I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking. Hey, I wanted to thank you again for coming to the hospital.", "Cane: Look, I'm not really in the mood to talk right now, okay?", "Juliet: Is it about lily? Did you two talk? What'd she say?", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: You told him all of that?", "Lily: Yeah. I wasn't sure what I was gonna say, but then... it all started spilling out, you know? Everything that I have been thinking but didn't say out loud before.", "Devon: About the baby?", "Lily: I just imagine cane at the hospital with juliet while she's giving birth and him coaching her through it and then holding the baby in his arms. Photos on his phone. I mean, is the baby gonna have his last name? It's like -- all of this started because cane cheated on me and then lied about it.", "Devon: Well, it's -- it's not the first time cane's kept the truth from you.", "Lily: So many lies over the years, but this one will never go away.", "Devon: Well, look, if it makes you feel better, I do think that you made the right decision.", "Lily: Yeah, but did I? I mean, mattie and charlie, they were finally ready for him to come back home.", "Devon: But what -- what kind of message does that send? Everything's forgiven and that their father can break your heart without being held accountable? You deserve a lot better than that.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] I didn't even know what I was gonna say when I had him come over. I mean, I really did want to talk things through, but then everything started coming up, you know? Juliet and the baby and... I know the baby is innocent in all of this, but cane isn'T. He made me feel like a fool. And I -- I can't be in limbo anymore. Neither can the kids. It has to be a clean break.", "Devon: Well, have you told them?", "Lily: [ Sighs ] No. It's gonna be so awful. I thought I would feel at peace with my decision, but instead, i just feel hollow, like a part of me has been ripped out.", "Devon: It's because it has. The love doesn't go away just because you realized you can't be with someone.", "Lily: Yeah, but the man i gone. The person that I vowed to be with forever.", "Devon: It's okay. It's all right.", "Sharon: Did you get enough information? Because I think it's about time for us to head out.", "Scott: You're right. I didn't realize how late it was.", "Zack: Yeah, thanks for your help. Sorry for hijacking your night. Let me get this.", "Abby: No! Let newman get it.", "Zack: She's the boss.", "Sharon: Well, thank you both!", "Abby: Thank you for your insight.", "Sharon: Yeah. I wish you all the best with your new app.", "Abby: Thank you. Yeah, it's only gonna get better.", "Scott: I'll see you at the office.", "Abby: Can't wait.", "Zack: [ Sighs ] I learned so much. Thank you. I owe you one.", "Abby: Actually, it was fascinating.", "Zack: You know, scott and sharon, they don't have that much in common, but somehow it works.", "Abby: No, I was -- I was talking about you. It was amazing watching you dig in, ask questions... it was kind of sexy. You have this killer business instinct. I think that's why my dad likes you so much.", "Zack: When I'm interested in something, it's easy for me to dive in. I'm just a tech guy, but this stuff that scott's pursuing, it seems important, the whole sex trafficking thing. That's heavy stuff. I can't imagine getting anywhere near something like that. I like my warm, safe office.", "Abby: Well, it sound like admire scott.", "Zack: I appreciate anyone who hustles for what they believe in.", "Abby: Mm. Please don't tell me you're trying to start a bromance with scott grainger. One dinner was plenty. I get enough of that guy at the office.", "Zack: I promise, from here on, I'll keep you out of it.", "Mariah: This is not a plan. This is a crime, and now I'm an accomplice. I have a record. I don't need to add to it.", "Tessa: You said you were in, okay? I can pull over and let you out. She still hasn't seen me.", "Mariah: I'm not bailing on you now.", "Tessa: I'm giving you permission.", "Mariah: I'm not leaving. Even if you go to prison, I'm gonna be right there beside you.", "Alice: Who are you?! What do you want?!", "Tessa: Just shut up and stop moving!", "Mariah: Whoa! Whoa!", "Tessa: You'll know soon enough! Oh!", "Juliet: You can't even talk to me.", "Cane: Lily said she can't get past the baby.", "Juliet: Meaning what? She's giving up?", "Cane: Meaning she said what she said. And then she asked me to leave.", "Juliet: I'm so sorry.", "Cane: [ Chuckles ]", "Juliet: Maybe she'll change her mind, maybe...", "Cane: Maybe there are no more maybes because she made a decision that was for once and for all except, uh, she made it without me. Yeah.", "Juliet: I've caused so much damage in your life. All because of one night in tokyo. All the pain for everyone, more than we could have ever known... okay. I'm -- I'm gonna let you be.", "Alice: Please! [ Screams ] [ Exhales sharply ] Where are we?! What are you gonna do to me?!", "Tessa: Just don't move!", "Alice: [ Whimpering ] I've got money, if that's what you want. Please! Please!", "Tessa: Ugh! So you're a delicate little flower now, huh?", "Alice: Please don't hurt me! [ Whimpering ] Can I have some water? I'm so thirsty! I'm so thirsty! [ Crying, panting ] I know you.", "Tessa: You know my sister crystal. Yeah, that's right. She's one of your girls, isn't she? One of the young women that you take in off the street because you think no one's looking for them. That no one will care if they fall off the face of the earth. But crystal isn't alone in this world. I'm here. Sucks for you.", "Alice: That's why you came to my house. You asked for a phone.", "Tessa: And you slammed the door in my face. What are you hiding, alice? Who are you hiding? Was my sister in that prison that you call a house? I have the cops on speed dial. You can talk to me or you can talk to them.", "Abby: What was that for?", "Zack: There's a guard gate at your place. 24/7 security, correct?", "Abby: And? Are you some kind of wanted criminal?", "Zack: I assume your dad is apprised of all the comings and goings at the ranch. As in visitors who show up at night and don't leave until the morning.", "Abby: What are you trying to say?", "Zack: The rooms here are nice, and nobody cares who checks out or in.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] That was to tide you over. Because you will be taking me home tonight, and security will indeed notice when you leave. Tonight.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Scott: Next time, no double date. I promise.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I didn't mind. I know some people don't think we make sense as a couple, but i had fun explaining why we're a good fit. You know, zack seems like a decent guy. He seems genuinely interested in your series on sex trafficking.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Mariah: Hi. Hey!", "Scott: Hi.", "Mariah: I didn't hear you guys come in.", "Sharon: Uh, are you drinking that or bathing in it?", "Mariah: What?", "Sharon: That's a lot of water.", "Mariah: Oh. Yeah. Um, it is. Um, it's for tessa and me. We're working on a project, and it's probably gonna take all night, so bye. [ Chuckles ]", "[ Door closes ]", "Lily: You didn't have to stay.", "Devon: Don't be silly.", "Lily: I feel bad. I cried all over you.", "Devon: I'm pretty sure I can afford a dry cleaning bill.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] That's true. You've always been there for me.", "Devon: You've been there for me since just about day 1. You got the better end of the deal, though.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] I'm really glad the twins have each other.", "Devon: They have you, too.", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, I'm doing a great job.", "Devon: You are doing a great job. Hey. You are. You really are. You didn't start this mess, but you're getting them through it. And you have to think about yourself, and the first step in that is being honest about what you can and can't live with. I think leveling with cane, it was a big move for you. Do you know what you're gonna do next?", "Lily: Talking with him was hard, but... the next step is gonna be harder.", "Hilary: Can I help you?", "Cane: I thought you might want to know that lily said she can't get past the fact that I'm fathering a child with juliet. We're through.", "Hilary: I -- I don'T... [ Sighs ] I don't know what to say.", "Cane: Maybe you should keep your opinions and your unwanted advice to yourself because, you see, I took it, and that was my mistake.", "Hilary: Uh, no, your mistake was getting fall-down drunk on a business trip and sleeping with a co-worker, okay? But lily, she still loves you. Okay?", "Cane: Lily still loves me.", "Hilary: You should go focus on your wife and prove to her that you can be a good husband again.", "Cane: She's already made up her mind. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?", "Hilary: That's ridiculous. Lily, she's gonna cry and she's gonna be all dramatic, but listen to me, she will nobly welcome you back into her life.", "Cane: Right.", "Hilary: So you need to be there fighting for her when she's ready.", "Cane: For what? So you can have another shot at jordan? Sweetheart, we're losers. We both lost this time. You get it?", "Hilary: Yeah, speak for yourself. Yeah, you're the one that's giving up on your family.", "Cane: No. I'm not giving up on my family.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you're having fun, but do go to bed at a decent hour, okay, faith? I love you, too.", "Scott: Faith's first night back with you, and she's at a sleepover instead?", "Sharon: She really missed her friends when she was away at camp. But at least we had the day together. You know, when I went through some of my rough patches, the kids felt like they needed to look after me. I was a little needy. So I'm glad faith feels like she can go, have fun, and I'm gonna be perfectly fine. But I guess I am getting a taste of things to come when my baby goes away to college.", "Scott: Well, look at the bright side -- maybe someday she'll be living upstairs like mariah.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: [ Laughs ] Hey, did she seem a little jumpy to you?", "Scott: You know, I didn't notice. I, uh... I was just distracted doing calculations in my head. You know, if mariah and tessa are out all night, then you have an empty house. All alone.", "Sharon: But I'm not alone. You're here with me.", "Scott: My point exactly.", "Alice: [ Coughing, panting ] My throat... so dry. [ Coughing ]", "Mariah: Did she say anything about crystal?", "Tessa: No, she's too busy with her throat drama. She can hardly get a word out.", "Mariah: Okay, well, let's move this along and get some answers.", "Alice: [ Panting ]", "Mariah: Hey. Hi. Here it is. Drink up.", "Alice: [ Panting ] No.", "Mariah: What? It's not poisoned.", "Alice: No! No! No! Cassie?!", "[ Gasps ]", "[ Groans ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Devon: Why do I get the feeling that you don't think mariah and I are okay?", "Cane: I can't just make the baby disappear, can I?", "Hilary: Yeah, you're right, but you can make juliet disappear.", "Lily: I made a decision. I want to file for divorce." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Phyllis stops Nick from telling Sharon the truth by pulling the fire alarm she pulls Nick away and tells him he should keep the past in the past and be happy because telling their secret could only hurt their family. Victoria and Nikki corner Sharon in the elevator and basically give her the same advice once Sharon gets out of the elevator she heads to Crimson Lights to think about things. Rey arrves for coffee and they talk about the things that happened at her party. Sharon offers Rey the apartment above Crimson Lights to rent and he takes her offer because he thinks Sharon is the key to discovering what hppened to JT. Mariah overhearsKyle and Summer talking about Nick and Phyllis' one night stand and can't belive its true until Sumer and Kyle tell her the whole story and then she talks to Tessa and wonders if she should tell Sharon about Nick's one night stand. Billy gets arrested for drunk and disorderly and Rey calls Phyllis to go pick him up. Rey tells Billy that he talked to the bar owner and persuded him not to press charges slo Billy is free to go as long as Phyllis drives Billy home. Phyllis is worried about Billy and asks him why he is so worried and after a long talk Billy admits her stole five hundred thousand dollars from Jabot to pay off gambling debts.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: I am not on the verge of a breakdown.", "Ashley: This is about saving your life, billy.", "Billy: The only thing I want from every single one of you is to leave me the hell alone!", "Kyle: Nick spent the night somewhere other than sharon'S.", "Summer: My mom hooked up with my dad.", "Nick: Maybe this will be enough to persuade you to keep what you know a secret.", "Sharon: I need to tell nicholas the truth about J.T.'S death. All of it.", "Jack: Here's to you and sharon.", "Neil: Here it is.", "Jack: The last time around.", "Mariah: To the once and future mrs. Nick newman.", "Jack: Things got a little boring downstairs at the bachelor party.", "Nick: Sharon and I agreed. We're gonna be completely honest with each other this time.", "Phyllis: Please don't do this.", "Nick: I cannot stand up there at that altar and exchange vows with her knowing that I'm lying to her.", "Sharon: I can't go into this marriage with a huge lie between us.", "Nikki: So, what? You tell nicholas, and then what? You think he can't testify against you in court because he's your husband?", "Victoria: When you helped us get rid of J.T.'S body, you weren't married, so spousal privileges don't apply.", "Sharon: I don't care. This is the right thing to do, for nick and for me. When he says his vows at our wedding, he will not be hiding anything from me. He deserves the same honesty.", "Nikki: Listen, sharon, you don't have to make this decision now. Okay? Go home. Sleep on it. You might wake up tomorrow with a whole new perspective.", "Sharon: I don't want to wait. I want to tell nick now.", "Victoria: Sharon, no!", "Nikki: Sharon, please! Ohh...", "Phyllis: Nick, listen to me.", "Nick: No. There's no more listening. I'm doing this tonight. Hey, uh, I didn't want to tear you away from the festivities, but can we talk?", "Sharon: I wanted some time with you, too.", "Victoria: How do we stop this?", "Nikki: Sharon really plans to go through with it.", "Phyllis: This can't be happening.", "Sharon: I don't know how --", "Nick: The last thing I -- just, you know, talk to me. Whatever it is.", "[ Fire alarm blaring ]", "Sharon: What's happening?!", "Nick: I don't know. We have to get out of here.", "Phyllis: All right. I have to find summer.", "Sharon: Okay. Go. Go. I'll look for mariah.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Nick!", "Nick: Be careful!", "Sharon: I will! Mariah!", "Victoria: I just saw her head downstairs!", "Phyllis: Summer, come on.", "Summer: Thi-this alarm is really fitting, huh? Sets just the right mood.", "Nick: Come on. We have to get you out of here.", "Summer: Aw, you guys are teaming up to save me. That's so sweet.", "Tessa: Everyone! Can I have your attention? It was a false alarm! I repeat, a false alarm, okay? Security said there's no need to leave the building. Seriously, it's all good! Keep partying.", "[ Alarm stops ]", "[ Cheers and applause ]", "Mariah: Hey, look at that. It's like the alarm heard you.", "Tessa: Or I went to security and told them to turn it off. Is your heart racing? Mine's still racing.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Everything's gonna be fine, okay? We're okay.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Summer: Oh, look. We're safe. Now we can get back to the intense revelry.", "Nick: Have you seen sharon?", "Summer: No. I'm guessing she's getting a drink somewhere. Which should be on the house because of the alarm. Or do you think they're gonna make us pay double since that was the only real excitement we've had all evening?", "Phyllis: All right. Just go have some fun, all right? Don't make anybody cry.", "Summer: No promises.", "Phyllis: So, what happened with you and sharon just now, before all hell broke loose?", "Nick: I didn't get a chance to tell her.", "Phyllis: Good. Thank god.", "Nick: She deserves to know.", "Phyllis: You know what, nick? She deserves a wedding without images of you and me in her head. I think this is the universe trying to protect you from yourself. Be grateful.", "Nick: Oh, my god. You pulled that alarm, didn't you?", "Phyllis: You're damn right I did. And I'd do it again. Additional sponsorship", "Mariah: Hi! Look who's here.", "Tessa: I see.", "Mariah: Is the timing suspicious to you at all? Because whatever you heard...", "Tessa: It's not true.", "Mariah: Mnh-mnh.", "Kyle: Heard about what?", "Mariah: Bridesmaids. Hooking up at these events.", "Tessa: That is why you crashed the bachelorette party, isn't it?", "Mariah: Ah, but he says that he is not interested in summer. At all.", "Tessa: But I'm taken, and so are you.", "Mariah: I am extremely taken, which leaves... oh! Summer. Kyle. Is that really how desperate you are?", "Kyle: I have a first date lined up, thank you very much. I came up here for a drink. Nothing else.", "Summer: Mariah, you threw a party so hot that it made the smoke alarm go off.", "Mariah: Wow. That actually sounded like a compliment. Thank you.", "Summer: Well, relax. It's just a little small chitchat so I could segue to, what are you guys talkin' about?", "Tessa: Kyle's new hot romance.", "Kyle: It's a date, not a romance.", "Summer: Oh. Well, have some faith, because with your face and that last name, I'm sure that we will be toasting to you and the bride sometime next year.", "Mariah: Speaking of which, we can't toast the guest of honor if she's not here. So where's the bachelorette?", "Sharon: This is ridiculous. Didn't you hear someone say it was a false alarm?", "Nikki: The danger is real, sharon.", "[ Button clicks ]", "Sharon: How can you know that?", "Victoria: Because it's you. You're the emergency. And it ends now.", "Phyllis: Are you drunk? Are you sentimental? Are you self-sabotaging? Because tell me, why? Why would you tell her about us? Your wedding is tomorrow.", "Nick: It's about going into my marriage without any secrets.", "Phyllis: Nick, everyone has secrets. No one knows the whole truth about anyone, ever.", "Nick: I don't care about \"anyone,\" okay? I just care about me being the man that sharon deserves. It's about me owning up to my mistakes and not covering them up. That is what my dad would do.", "Phyllis: No, no. You don't get to do that. You don't get to blow both of our lives up because of your victor issues.", "Nick: It's not your call.", "Phyllis: It's not yours, either. And we made a pact. We made a deal. And so what are you gonna do, you gonna trash it now? Is this guilt? Because you know what, let me absolve you. This was all because of me. Because of evil, vindictive phyllis. So consider yourself pure and clean, all right? You can wear a white tux to the wedding.", "Nick: I'm not pinning this on you, phyllis.", "Phyllis: You don't get to soothe your conscience without taking me down. I have just as much to lose on this as you do.", "Nick: This is about me telling sharon. It has nothing to do with billy.", "Phyllis: And you think she's gonna be the soul of discretion here? You don't think she's gonna make a peep to anyone? She is one step away from tearing out her guts, from showing the world who she really is. This is gonna send her over the edge.", "Nick: No. That's not who sharon is anymore.", "Phyllis: You're delusional. All right. Forget about her. What about billy? He's going through hell right now. You want the pile this on him? Have you thought about what this is gonna do to him? What he might do to you?", "Nick: If billy wants to come at me, then let him.", "Phyllis: I am not worried about your face. I am worried about billy's life.", "Nick: You do know that he is a grown-up, right? I mean, he is a father. His problems are his own.", "Phyllis: No.", "Nick: Not mine.", "Phyllis: No, all of this -- all of this is our problem.", "Nick: Phyllis, I'm gonna work things out with sharon, and I suggest you and billy do the same.", "Phyllis: Okay, so you and sharon are gonna calmly discuss infidelity with the woman that you left her for? And that's gonna work? I mean, really, all of this dark horse, master-of-the-universe crap, has this just gone to your head? It is going to make sharon explode. It's gonna hit the media. And then you're gonna turn out to be the faithless bastard whose infidelity was revealed on the heels of your arrest.", "Nick: There were no charges.", "Phyllis: Have you lost all reason? Have you thought about summer on this?", "Nick: Yeah, she's had a lot of time to come to terms with this, and a lot of my money.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Which is only gonna make her more cynical and jaded. And if that is not enough to convince you, you think about faith. How many times you gonna rip the rug out from under that kid? And christian. Could you give the kid maybe a mother for, like, five whole minutes?", "Nick: You are assuming the worst is gonna happen.", "Phyllis: You know what, the worst happens. It always does. Please. You have to let this go. I am begging you.", "Summer: Hey. Do you see that? Okay. Enough with the heart-eyed emojis to your new girlfriend.", "Kyle: She's not my -- you know what, I'm not doing this with you. You want me to have a panic attack, some fear of commitment, so I decide to not even see the woman again. But your mean-girl mind tricks won't work on me. So, yeah, I have a date.", "Summer: Okay. Nobody cares. Look at those two. Look at the passion, the intensity. Those two are magnetically drawn to each other.", "Kyle: Yeah, that's not a weird thing to say about your own parents.", "Summer: What, am I wrong?", "Kyle: In general? Eh. I'd say yes.", "Summer: Okay. Right here, right now, that conversation is not about nothing.", "Nick: You know, I'm looking at this from all angles. What you're doing is emotional blackmail.", "Phyllis: Hardball. Not blackmail. You are this close from having the woman you have always wanted. What happened between the two of us, we both know, can never happen again. One slip, one mistake could change your life and mine. You screwed up. So did I. Now we live with that. But nobody else has to suffer.", "Nick: You're making some valid points.", "Phyllis: \"Valid\" as in you're humoring me? You're gonna make a break for it and ruin our lives? Or \"valid\" I'm making some sense?", "Nick: Uh, you're making sense. So I will, uh -- [ Sighs ] I'll keep the past in the past.", "Phyllis: Thank you. You do mean that, don't you?", "Nick: Yeah, I do. Look, I was having a moment, and you talked me down. I think I'm just tired of everyone asking me if this is what I really want. I feel like everyone is just waiting for things to fall apart between sharon and me again.", "Phyllis: You know why? Because that has been in your past. But that's not who you are anymore. And like you say, that's not who sharon is anymore. And if you do want this --", "Nick: I do.", "Phyllis: Okay. ...Then you can make it happen.", "Nick: Thanks. Means a lot. You know, it's funny, as I went down to talk to sharon about this, I got the feeling she had something to tell me, too.", "Phyllis: It's just pre-wedding jitters. You know, it's normal. It'll pass. Just let it go. Why bother bringing it up again?", "Victoria: What were you thinking? Confessing to nick now? The night before your wedding? It's not all about you, sharon.", "Sharon: How long are you planning on keeping me in here? You know, at some point, it becomes kidnapping.", "Nikki: Well, then, remember this feeling -- being locked away from everyone you know and love -- because that's exactly what you're wishing upon the rest of us.", "Victoria: You've been to prison before, sharon. How would you like to go back there again with us in your cellblock? And don't forget about phyllis.", "Sharon: I won't have lies between nick and me.", "Victoria: Oh, since when?", "Nikki: You know, in spite of your delicate sweetness, we know that you have lied to nicholas a number of times.", "Sharon: And every one of those lies tore us apart completely, more times than I can count. We are finally back where we should have been. If I hold onto this lie, it'll tear us apart all over again. But maybe that's what you're both hoping for.", "Victoria: Oh! Do you honestly think this is part of some plan to break up you and my brother? Mom and I are the ones trying to make sure this wedding happens tomorrow. You're the one who's ready to throw it away.", "Nikki: Sharon, listen to me. I say this from the bottom of my heart. I would rather see you and nicholas married for the rest of your lives than to see the mother of his children in prison.", "Phyllis: Well, that was very exciting. My ears are still ringing. Have either of you seen sharon and her entourage?", "Kyle: I just got here when people were starting to bolt.", "Summer: Maybe they called it a night and didn't tell you. I mean, you weren't really invited.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm well aware of that. But we're a blended family, as they say, and she was your once and future stepmother.", "Summer: Okay. Let's call her my dad's latest wife, 'cause I'm a little old for a stepmother.", "Phyllis: I wanted to wish her well. That's it.", "Summer: It is strange that you actually expect me to believe that.", "Phyllis: Well, you're right. I mean, I really wanted to just tell her that she had bags under her eyes, and I really hope her hair looks horrible tomorrow at the wedding. So I'm gonna go do that.", "Summer: Okay, you still think that it's nothing? My dad and her had this big talk, and now she needs to go talk to sharon? Go on! Talk to her. I know that you are mildly entertained by the potential scandal.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Mildly.", "Summer: Well, okay, then.", "Kyle: No sign of her or the others? Maybe sharon and the others were freaked out by the alarm. Let me help you find them.", "Phyllis: Because we're such good friends?", "Kyle: Because I know today probably wasn't easy for you, either. What happened with billy. He didn't want to see that the family only wants the best for him.", "Phyllis: Can't imagine why he'd have a tough time accepting that, considering those relatives have just been waiting for him to fail.", "Kyle: That's not true. No one wanted billy to fall back into gambling.", "Phyllis: But you don't particularly mind, do you? Personally, I mean.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: It fits the narrative you all have. That billy can't get out of his own way. It must have been truly satisfying for you today.", "Kyle: Actually, it makes me think of my dad. When he'd deny anything was wrong. I know you've been there for both of them, so... no matter what, I owe you for the way you've helped my father.", "Phyllis: Wow. You really might have a soul.", "Kyle: On occasion. But, yeah. I worry about my uncle. And you saw my dad, traci, and ashley. This is ripping them up. Billy didn't want to hear what they were saying. But given that he's had a little time... has he admitted that his gambling's gotten out of hand? [ Cellphone rings ] Someone from the bridal party?", "Phyllis: I don't know who it is. Hello? Yeah. Yeah, okay. All right.", "Kyle: Hey, everything all right?", "Victoria: Sharon, you have wanted my brother since the day you met him. Just forget about past relationships and past marriages. You are it for nick. And he's it for you. I know I haven't always approved. I realize that. But... I also realize that my approval doesn't matter. No one's does. This wedding and this marriage is about you and nick. The only one trying to sabotage it is you.", "Sharon: Okay. I need time to think.", "Nikki: Okay, you know what? You've been thinking for months. And it's still the same conversation over and over. You seem to have this need to clear your conscience by laying it all on nicholas. But that would be a mistake for you and for him. Sharon, please. Marry him. Get on with your life. Forget J.T.", "Sharon: Can you forget? Is there a day that goes by when you don't replay that night in your head? And when you're talking to reed, can you honestly say you're not thinking about J.T. The entire time? When you see your fireplace in your bedroom, the tools near it --", "Nikki: That's enough. That's enough. Stop it!", "Sharon: Because you know that I'm right! It's there. It's in all of us. And no matter what happens, we're never going to forget. Or we would be monsters. Maybe we already are.", "[ Button clicks, doors open ]", "Phyllis: Thanks for calling.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] I thought you should hear this from me.", "Summer: The point of chatting with my mom was to get her to talk, not to have her run off.", "Kyle: Not my fault. She got a phone call and bolted without a word.", "Summer: Huh. You know, I bet it has to do with my dad. Maybe one last booty call before the big day.", "Kyle: Do you even hear your-- never mind.", "Summer: What? It's not like they haven't gotten back together before. My dad always bounces from sharon to my mom, and my mom always bounces from my dad to randos. And, honestly, I would not be surprised if my parents' one-night stand was just a little taste, and now they're gonna go for the whole buffet. Yeah, I bet the wedding won't even happen tomorrow.", "Mariah: Wait. You're that girl, aren't you? You're the spoiled little princess who's wishing upon a star for mommy and daddy to get back together. That's embarrassing. Seriously.", "Kyle: Summer's a creative thinker. I'll give her credit for that.", "Mariah: Summer, you are a bridesmaid at nick and sharon's wedding. Seek help with your delusions.", "Summer: It is very real. It happened.", "Kyle: Don't listen to her.", "Summer: Okay, he is just lying to try to cover up the truth. He's trying to be noble. Which he doesn't know how to do, so it doesn't really work.", "Mariah: What is this about? You're trying to start a sick little rumor? Well, you know what? It's not gonna work. In fact, I'm gonna go tell my mom about the game you're playing at.", "Kyle: No. [ Sighs ] You don't want to do that, mariah.", "Mariah: Wait. Are you... are you actually claiming that nick cheated on my mom with phyllis?", "Billy: Hey. Welcome to the after party. I kind of started without you.", "Phyllis: We're not gonna do that. Not right now. What happened?", "Billy: I just wanted another drink. My mistake, and -- and I own it, was kind of sort of starting a fight when they -- when they cut me off.", "Phyllis: You know how lucky you are that the cops found you when they did? Before something else happened?", "Billy: Yeah. I'm a lucky guy. Ahh. Voilà. Just like magic. You know what? We should take this show on the road. What do you say?", "Phyllis: Before you make any more jokes, maybe you should thank the guy who recognized your name when you got hauled in here. Rey spoke to the bar owner. And he called me.", "Rey: No charges. Like it never happened. Except for that hell of a headache you're gonna be feeling tomorrow.", "Billy: Well, thank you. I appreciate it. I, uh... I owe you.", "Rey: We've all been there.", "Phyllis: It's happened to some of us more times than others. Thank you. Truly.", "Rey: You two are free to use the room, take off. As long as you're the one gonna be doing the driving.", "Phyllis: Absolutely.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: You're falling. And I don't know how to stop it. [ Sobs ] Please tell me that this is as bad as it's gonna get.", "Billy: Oh, sweetheart. It's so much worse than you know. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nikki: I mean, the logic of that woman! She thinks I'm trying to ruin her marriage because I'm protecting her from herself?", "Victoria: I feel like i should have made sharon come home with me.", "Nikki: No, no, no, no. She never would have agreed to that.", "Victoria: She said she needs time to think. Well, let's just hope that's all she does tonight, is think.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, even if she's able to keep her mouth shut for one night...", "Victoria: Oh, there's always tomorrow, and then the next day, and the day after that. This is never gonna end.", "Nick: Hey, have either one of you seen sharon?", "Victoria: Uh, I think that maybe she decided to call it a night.", "Nick: Without telling me? That's not like her.", "Nikki: Honey, just let it go, okay? Uh... every bride needs to have some space before the wedding.", "Nick: Yeah, she's gonna have that, as soon as I make sure she's okay.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "[ Knock on door ]", "Sharon: [ Gasps ]", "Rey: I'm so sorry.", "Sharon: Um...", "Rey: Uh, I didn't mean to scare you. I know you're closed.", "Sharon: It's fine.", "Rey: I thought I'd give it a shot and try to get a decent cup of coffee. The station sludge will only get you so far.", "Sharon: Yeah. Heh...", "Rey: Uh... I'm surprised to find you here. What happened to your party?", "Sharon: A fire alarm, my in-laws, and a party-crasher named phyllis.", "Rey: Sounds like you hit the trifecta. That's quite a mix. Was there a pre- wedding showdown?", "Sharon: I managed to get out of there before something got worse.", "Rey: So instead of going home, you decided to come to work?", "Sharon: It seemed like a good idea. I mean, not the work part, but just coming to a quiet place so I could think and clear my head out.", "Rey: I don't want to intrude on that.", "Sharon: No, you're -- you're not an intrusion.", "Rey: No, really. I should get out of your hair.", "Sharon: No, I-I -- I-I wouldn't mind. Um... I could use the distraction. Would you like your usual?", "Rey: If you don't mind.", "Sharon: Not a problem.", "Rey: So, this fire alarm. You sure it wasn't a signal for the fake fireman/male stripper to make an entrance?", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ] No. Thank god. It was not that kind of a party. Especially since nick and some others showed up.", "Rey: Ah, a ladies night turned into a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. Those never end well. That's why they fall into the category of non-traditional.", "Sharon: Well, nick and I have tried traditional, but life always gets in the way.", "Rey: It's worth a shot, though.", "Sharon: I totally agree. I suppose that's why we're moving into our new house with no memories and no history. It's a fresh start.", "Rey: That's great. Congrats. It's kind of hard to beat that old home, though.", "Sharon: Exactly. That house is so wonderful. It's so warm and cozy and personal, and it's been one of the few constants in my life. Leaving it will be a huge change.", "Rey: So is giving your marriage another shot.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You look like you're...", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: What? Like I got drunk and disorderly?", "Phyllis: What's going on? You said it was worse than I know.", "Billy: Not here, okay? Not tonight. I just -- I can'T. No, phyllis.", "Phyllis: No, it has to be here, okay? I have to help you.", "Billy: You don't want to know. Just [Sighs] Trust me, okay?", "Phyllis: No. You trust me. I am right here, always. I swear to you.", "Billy: I'm juggling. I got 12 balls in the air, except they're m-80s, and they're lit, and they're about to rain down on my head. And when they do, it's gonna go boom. You just -- you don't know.", "Phyllis: Honey, you're talking to me. I-I know... what it's like to think everything's gonna be blown to pieces.", "Billy: That was a long time ago for you, and far away. Okay? This is my here and now.", "Phyllis: I know how it feels, and it feels awful. How deep? You said it was deep. You got to tell me. So we can haul you out.", "Mariah: You are loving this. The night before our parents' wedding, and this is how you party, spreading lies and misery?", "Kyle: She's drunk.", "Summer: Uh, I wish.", "Tessa: What's going on?", "Mariah: Oh, daddy-issues here is claiming that nick and phyllis had sex.", "Summer: Okay. Well, you might want to be a little bit more specific, considering I am living proof of that. But when sharon and my dad were on a break, history repeated itself, and he found himself between the sheets with my mom.", "Kyle: Great. Now you're telling even more people.", "Summer: Am I lying?", "Kyle: Why are you still talking?", "Tessa: You didn't answer her. Is she lying?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] They were on a break.", "Mariah: So you're saying that this actually happened? You're backing her up?", "Summer: Oh, no. You should give him more credit than that. He's the one that found my dad's clothes on my mom's floor the next morning.", "Tessa: Hey. Hey, listen to me. Sharon is ready for this wedding.", "Mariah: Yeah, and it's happening, because this -- this is some sick courtship dance between the two of you.", "Kyle: Okay. You want the truth? It was a one-night thing.", "Summer: Or was it?", "Summer: Oh, cupcake. Did you really, of all people, believe the whole one- true-love, romance-and-hearts cliché?", "Mariah: If this thing with nick and phyllis actually happened --", "Summer: It happened.", "Mariah: Look, I know you hate my mother, but this affects other people.", "Summer: Yes, I get that. That's why I didn't tell anyone. And I didn't tell you. You walked into a private conversation.", "Tessa: Yeah, in a public place, where anyone could have heard you. Are you okay?", "Mariah: What are you gonna do with this information?", "Summer: Well, I gave my dad my word that I wouldn't tell anyone, and technically... I didn'T.", "Mariah: Wait, nick asked you to keep quiet about this?", "Summer: Yes. Haven't you been listening?", "Tessa: Well, I guess she agreed. She hasn't broadcast it.", "Kyle: Don't give summer too much credit. Nick has paid for her discretion.", "Mariah: Nick bribed you? He cheated on sharon and paid you hush money?!", "Summer: Here is something that you need to understand. This marriage is doomed. Even if no one wants to admit it.", "Sharon: Refill?", "Rey: No. I'm good. You've done so much already. The -- the coffee, the food, the conversation.", "Sharon: Well, I feel like I'm holding you up, so if you need to go --", "Rey: Oh, absolutely not. I'm -- I'm enjoying this. And I actually want to hear more. One one hand, you seem excited about starting this new adventure. But on the other, you seem a little hesitant. Is it the, uh, change that's holding you back?", "Sharon: No. No, change is... change is good.", "Rey: Are you saying that to convince me or yourself?", "Sharon: I'm serious. Change, you know, provides us with opportunities to grow and break away from the mundane.", "Rey: You read that in one of your textbooks?", "Sharon: I've had to embrace the concept. Nick and I are just so different since the last time we were married.", "Rey: That's a good thing, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be giving it another shot.", "Sharon: Well, I keep saying, we know more now. We know who we are. We know what we really want. I mean, this time, it will be perfect.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Rey: Is that a thing? Perfect? I'm on the fence.", "Sharon: Heh... you're still married.", "Rey: I am.", "Sharon: And yet you're here, and she's not.", "Rey: We needed some time.", "Sharon: Oh. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?", "Rey: We had baggage coming into the marriage.", "Sharon: [ Scoffs ] Well, who doesn't? I mean, some of the things I've done... hmm.", "Rey: Nick's lucky to have you.", "Sharon: So, you were working late at the pd and just needed some caffeine?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Actually, more like avoiding my sublet. There's this smell that --", "Sharon: Um, that's all I need to hear.", "Rey: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: How long are you planning on staying? I know you're working on that case.", "Rey: Yeah. But it's more than that. My brother and sister are here. It'S...complicated, but...", "Sharon: If you need a place to stay that smells better, there's a small apartment upstairs. It's been vacant for a long time, but I did some basic renovations.", "Rey: And you'd rent that out to me? I thought I was on your bad side.", "Sharon: You were. And you just refused to stay there.", "Rey: Ah.", "Nick: Hey. There you are. You weren't answering your cell. Hey, rey.", "Rey: Hey.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. Um, you know what, I had to leave the party. I-I just -- I couldn't take it. It was too much.", "Nick: Yeah, the fire alarm or, uh, something else?", "Sharon: Well, that and just general pre-wedding emotions.", "Rey: And then I showed up looking for a cup of coffee while she was off the clock. But I may have managed to get a new apartment out of it.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. The place upstairs.", "Sharon: It seemed a shame to leave it vacant. And, you know, having a cop upstairs, I think I'm getting the better end of this bargain.", "Nick: Well, don't arrest me this time, and I might throw in some upgrades.", "Rey: I'll do my best. Thank you. For everything. See you, guys.", "Sharon: Night. Good night.", "Nick: Bye.", "Rey: Night.", "Nick: Phew! Not a great night.", "Sharon: Well, not as bad as getting arrested. But still not -- not a great night.", "Nick: Doesn't mean we can't salvage it.", "Sharon: What did you have in mind? Never thought i had a chance", "Nick: Just this. You and me. And no one else. Too busy breakin' rules I tried so hard to be a man but always ended up the fool", "Kyle: You're buying this round since you'll be broke after nick finds out what you did.", "Summer: Oh, my god. You are such a pessimist. Mariah knows how to keep a secret, clearly. And, you know what, for all we know, this wedding will be bright and cheery and gross. Hey, you should come with me as my plus-one. That way we can quietly mock the proceedings.", "Kyle: Hard pass.", "Mariah: It's true, isn't it?", "Tessa: I-I don't think that they're lying.", "Mariah: For nick to betray sharon like that, I... but they were on a break, technically?", "Tessa: It sounds like they were.", "Mariah: Is that any excuse, though? I-I mean, and shouldn't sharon be the one to make that call? And phyllis of all people! It could have been anyone in the world, but it had to be her. Of course it did, because... well, it's not like they haven't done it before, right?", "Tessa: Look, the thing is, everyone makes mistakes. It matters if you want to do better. If you want to try.", "Mariah: Okay. So it was a one-night thing, and that's key. That's all that matters, is that it -- you know, it's not gonna happen again, and it was meaningless.", "Tessa: That seems reasonable.", "Mariah: Okay, but how do i make sure it was one and done?", "Tessa: I mean, even if you talk to nick, how do you know that he's telling the truth? I mean, does he even know himself?", "Mariah: What do I do? Do I stop my mother's wedding?", "[ Music playing ]", "Nick: Hey, when you said you wanted to talk tonight, was it because you're having second thoughts?", "Sharon: No. No, no. Not at all.", "Nick: Okay, then what were you gonna say before the fire alarm went off? 'Cause it seemed like it was gonna be important.", "Sharon: Wait, you were gonna say something, too.", "Nick: Yeah. There's something you need to know before tomorrow.", "Sharon: Nick, whatever it is, just tell me now, please.", "Nick: I love you. So much. And... I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it right this time. So if you're having any second thoughts, and you're afraid to tell me, just --", "Sharon: Stop. I was gonna say the exact same thing to you. That I love you. And this is it for me. You are it. We will have our wedding. We will have our marriage. And we will have our wonderful life together.", "Nick: All right.", "Billy: The money's gone. [ Clears throat ] All the buy-in from the, uh, betting syndicate.", "Phyllis: Already?", "Billy: And there's no way of getting it back.", "Phyllis: Okay. We'll figure this out. You said that the buy-in was for six figures, right?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Phyllis: So what are we talking, $100,000?", "Billy: Uh, try five of those.", "Phyllis: A half a million dollars? You bet a half a million dollars that you got from a loan shark?", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: Oh, my god. Okay. Okay, we're -- we'll -- we'll figure this out. How much time do we have to handle this?", "Billy: It's not like that. No, we're not talking about getting kneecapped here, okay? This is... this is worse. This is... so much worse.", "Phyllis: How could it be worse?", "Billy: 'Cause I didn't borrow the money from a loan shark. I took it from jabot." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nikki told a disappointed Victor that she would not be around for his day with Ash, Brad and Abby. Jack told Jill about his conversation with Elliot and urged her not to see the man. Neil made Lily and Dru happy by revealing that he'd hired Paul to find Devon, then annoyed Dru by saying that didn't change his feelings about being a foster Father. Nikki learned Brad was headed to Cleveland, gave him a massage, and left when Ash showed up. Ash begged Brad to stay home, but he refused and wished her and Abby well on their date with Victor. Kevin and Daniel saw one another, despite Phyllis' order they stay away from each other. Kevin revealed that he'd done something special for Lauren. At the boutique, Lauren found a rain of rose petals from Kevin, and told Michael she had to make Kevin understand they would never be together. Michael and Lauren vowed to stand by one another through the coming difficulties with Kevin. Dru and Diane teamed up to further annoy Phyllis at work. Nikki crashed Victor and Ash's date with Abby, gave the little girl a riding outfit and taunted Ash for having destroyed her plans. To prove his love for Jill, Elliot asked her to marry him." ]
[ "Jill: Aha. There you are.", "Jack: Nobody says \"aha\" anymore, especially not first thing in the morning. Sit down. Have some coffee.", "Jill: I've already had breakfast, thank you. So this is where jack abbott holds court these days?", "Jack: This is where I'm reading my paper right now.", "Jill: This is where you were talking to elliot hampton last night.", "Jack: You're spying on me? Shame on you.", "Jill: No, I was having dinner with my mother.", "Jack: Well, yes, I did have a little chat with mr. Smooth. What's it to you?", "Jill: I want to know what the two of you talked about.", "Jack: You. Why didn't you come over and join us?", "Jill: Bec-- are you being difficult on purpose?", "Jack: I just have a gift.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Look, I've already shared with you my opinion of elliot hampton-- about the sincerity of his feelings for you in particular, about his honesty in general. And yet, you still allow yourself to be snowed, blowed and buffaloed by this shark. I'm not gonna waste my breath anymore.", "Jill: For your information, I have cooled things off with elliot.", "Jack: Oh, playing hard to get?", "Jill: No, jack. Mostly because I keep hearing your voice in my head, telling me that he's a crook, when my heart is telling me that he is this considerate, fantastic, terrific man who thinks I'm terrific, too. Now you tell me right now what the two of you talked about last night.", "Elliot: Jill. Oh, jill, what am I gonna do about you?", "Nikki: Sometimes I think about what my life would've been like if I hadn't met you. I was so young, I knew nothing, I didn't know anything about the world. I could never have imagined the life that we have had.", "Victor: Been a great ride, hasn't it?", "Nikki: Not very many people get to live it.", "Victor: That's right. And I wouldn't have wanted to miss one moment of it.", "Nikki: I've missed you so much.", "Nikki: Just hold me. Hold me.", "Nikki: Morning.", "Victor: You look beautiful.", "Nikki: Thanks. Mmm. You know how good you make me feel? Last night was wonderful.", "Victor: It was beautiful. I'm so happy that we were able to reconnect.", "Nikki: Yeah. We've let too many things get in the way of that lately.", "Victor: I know. So if erere are any problems in the future, you and I will work through them together.", "Nikki: I hope so.", "Victor: Like a cup of coffee?", "Nikki: Oh, I would love to, but I can'T. I've got to go to the office. I have a report. It's already overdue.", "Victor: All right. Um, would you be able to come home a little earlier today? You know, today is the day that abby is visiting.", "Nikki: Yeah, I-I know. I haven't forgotten that.", "V victor: Does that mean you'll come home earlier?", "Nikki: I don't know. Um, I don't think so. I have so much to do.", "Victor: Well, perhaps you could just drop by for awhile.", "Nikki: You know, to be honest, I think it will be much better if I don't come. I mean, ashley is not my favorite person these days, and I'm sure that's mutual.", "Victor: It would mean a great deal to me if you could come by. You know that I'm hoping that abby will become part of both of our lives.", "Nikki: I know, darling. I know you do. I'm just not gonna be able to do it today. I'm sorry.", "Neil: Ah, voilà.", "Dru: See ya!", "Neil: Whoa, whoa,ononey. Wait, wait. Where you going?", "Dru: Work.", "Neil: Come back in. Come here. Don't you want to take a look at the nice family breakfast I made first? Come on in.", "Dru: Yeah, and we would be having that because our family lunch was so successful yesterday?", "Neil: All the more reason for us to sit down this morning and try to find some common ground.", "Dru: Okay, every time I look at the fourth chair that's empty, it just makes me feel worse, okay, neil?", "Neil: Honey.", "Dru: What?", "Neil: Please, do this for me, okay? Just breakfast.", "Dru: Okay.", "Neil: Okay, good. Lily, come on, honey. Chow time. Here, mama.", "Dru: Thanks.", "Neil: Morning, sweetie.", "Dru: Morning, honey.", "Lily: I'm not hungry at all. I really do not feel good.", "Dru: And I bet I know why you feel sick.", "Lily: Is it okay if i stay home from school today?", "Neil: Maybe you're stll feeling the effects of that G.H.B. Drug in your system.", "Lily: No, no, it's-- it's not that. I was tossing and turning all night. All I could think about is devon, worrying about where he is. (Knock on door)", "Kevin: Daniel. Daniel, open up. It's kevin.", "Daniel: How'd you get past the gate?", "Kevin: Snuck in through the woods. I was worried that your mom may have told the guards not to let me in.", "Daniel: Good thinking.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I guess I'm persona non grata around here, huh?", "Daniel: Hmm. So what's up?", "Kevin: Nothing. Nothing. I, uh, I just wanted to make sure we were still cool.", "Daniel: Yeah. Absolutely, dude.", "Kevin: You sure? Because your mom didn't seem too happy with us, you know.", "Daniel: My mother doesn't get to choose who I hang out with.", "Kevin: Well, she could be pretty scary. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side. Well, I guess I already am, but, uh, you know...", "Daniel: Well, you know, just because my mom helped us out withlelex, that doesn't mean she gets to run my life. (Telephone rings)", "Kevin: Okay.", "Daniel: Hang on a second. Hello.", "Phyllis: Hey, daniel.", "Daniel: Mom, hi. Uh... what's up?", "Phyllis: I have a feeling you're about to get in trouble.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I got a feeling. I got a feeling you're gonna be late for school. Did you call a taxi?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah. I was just about to do that.", "Phyllis: Were you really?", "Daniel: You know, you don't have to check up on me every minute. I can get to school by myself.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Did you do your homework?", "Daniel: It's all done except for trig. I'll--I'll just finish it on the way.", "Phyllis: You'll finish it on the way? Wh--listen, I don't want to see any incompletes on your report card.", "Daniel: Mom, would u u stop? You're driving me nuts.", "Phyllis: Whoa. Whoa. Listen to this attitude. You know, I don't really deserve this considering I did so much to get you out of trouble, daniel. You know what I mean? Get to school now.", "Daniel: Okay, okay. So hang up and let me call a cab 'cause, you know, it's kind of hard to do with you hassling me.", "Phyllis: Daniel, um, just a second. I wanted to tell you I'm gonna be at damon's tonight. I'm cooking him dinner. So if he calls, don't tell him that. It's a surprise. And I won't be home till late.", "Daniel: Uh, yeah. Ifif you come home at all.", "Phyllis: That's right.", "Daniel: Good-bye, mother.", "Jack: I'll have my coffee over there.", "Jill: You answer me.", "Jack: Sweetheart, will you get a grip? You are a terrific woman, and you don't need elliot hampton to tell you so.", "Jill: Thank you very much. Now what was said last night?", "Jack: He insisted on having a drink with me, and then he did exactly what I expected he would do.", "Jill: What, he tried to get friendly with you?", "Jack: No, that's what a smart guy would do-- show me what a regular guy he is, how he worships the ground you walk on, how he loves the twinkle in your eyes, loves the wiggle in your walk.", "Jill: Okay. All right. I get it. I get it. What did he say?", "Jack: He kept it mostly to insults.", "Jill: Of?", "Jack: Me. He says I'm jealous of him, not only of his romantic ties to you, but of his success as a businessman. And then he threw jabot's failings in my face.", "Jill: Oh, my god. He didn't?", "Jack: Yeah, he did. He says I'm green with envy over his corporate jet and his bahamian bank accounts. And what do I do to seek my revenge? I thwart his amorous intentions towards you.", "Jill: All right, all right, that is pretty outrageous.", "Jack: Pretty outrage? Try very outrageous. Sweetheart, do you know what he's doing? He's trying to distract attention-- yours and mine-- away from what he's really doing at chancellor industries. That is looting the place for his own personal gain.", "Jill: No, I cannot let myself believe that.", "Jack: I know you don't want to believe that. Nobody wants to believe they're being used. But, honey, you can't stick your head in the sand.", "Jill: I'm not. I'm not sticking my head in the sand. Elliot is the most dynamic man. You don't know how alive he makes me feel. And, yes, it confuses me sometimes, but only when I'm around you.", "Neil: Lily, you simply can't skip school because you're worried about devon.", "Lily: Mom, please. Okay? I really do not feel good.", "Dru: Sweetheart, I understand. But if you're physically able, I can't have you stay home from school as an option.", "Lily: Mom, I thought you would understand, unlike some people.", "Dru: I do understand. I-I do understand. Now I want you to sit down and eat the beautiful breakfast that your father's prepared. I'm gonna eat, too. Please sit.", "Dru: Thank you.", "Neil: Now that's my girl. Besides, how's walnut grove gonna survive without one of its star students for the day, huh?", "Lily: I wonder where devon is right now.", "Dru: Yeah, I wonder, too.", "Brad: I needed this yesterday.", "Nikki: I know. I'm sorry. I took a little longer because I wanted to be thorough.", "Brad: At a glance, you succeeded.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Brad: But that doesn't mean you're off the hook. I still have a bone to pick with you.", "Nikki: What?", "Brad: Do you remember what you said to ash at the harvest dance?", "Nikki: I may have some recollection.", "Brad: Well, let me refresh your memory. You told her she was still in love with victor. Nikki, for god's sake, what were you thinking?", "Nikki: Brad, you have said the same thing.", "Brad: You had no business bringing it up.", "Nikki: Oh, come on. She is not the little misunderstood creature she wants everybody to think she is.", "Brad: Do you understand the position you put me in? That is not a conversation any man wants to have with his wife.", "Nikki: Well, that is what happens when he's married to a woman who continues to be in love with another man.", "Brad: Ash is not in love with victor.", "Nikki: Brad, open your eyes.", "Brad: They're open. Yes, there is an emotional connection bebetween the two of them. Ash has admitted as much. But it isn't love.", "Nikki: Well, then what is it? Look, I know it's not easy to do this. Nobody wants to admit that they're clinging to a failing marriage.", "Brad: My marriage isn't failing. And you better believe I'm going to do whatever I have to to keep my family together.", "Nikki: Brad, how are you gonna do that, by living in denial?", "Brad: I admit that there are problems in my marriage. Butatalking about them doesn't always help.", "Nikki: Well, what are you saying, that it's better to keep it hidden?", "Brad: What am i supposed to do with it?", "Nikki: Face it. Deal with it. But don't run away from it. Look, you and I have had many discussions about the connection between victor and ashley. Why are you so afraid to admit it now?", "Brad: Because this time I think she may be slipping away from me.", "Nikki: Well, I'm sorry that you're upset with me.", "Brad: I'm not. I'momore upset with myself, nikki.", "Nikki: Come sit down. Sit down. You need to relax.", "Nikki: Oh. You are so tense although considering this upcoming family gathering, I don't blame you. I'm not gonna have anything to do with it. Victor is very upset about that.", "Brad: Well, good for him. I'm not gonna be there, either. I have to be out of town on business.", "Nikki: What? You're not gonna be there?", "Brad: It's a last-minute trip. I have no choice. We're having a problem with one of our suppliers.", "Nikki: Brad! You're gonna let your wife and my husband spend time together alone with their child? Are you insane?", "Daniel: Sorry about that. It was, uh, my mom.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I heard. Don't worry about a thing, man, 'cause your trig homework is done.", "Daniel: Really?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Now it's all good for both of us.", "Daniel: What do you mean?", "Kevin: Well, now you're gonna get an \"a,\" because I rock in math.", "Daniel: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: And I am well on my way to winning over lauren.", "Daniel: You still think you got a chance with her, huh?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, totally. See, a woman like lauren needs to btrtreated in a very special way. I dedicated a song to her on the radio. I even wrote her a love poem. See, now what woman wouldn't be impressed by that?", "Daniel: You know what impresses me is how you create your own reality.", "Kevin: Hey, what-- what lauren and I have is real.", "Daniel: I'm not criticizing you.", "Kevin: You should see the bouquet of flowers I got her. It was the biggest one the florist had. It even had balloons on it.", "Daniel: Balloons?", "Kevin: Yeah, balloons.", "Daniel: Sounds real classy, kevin.", "Kevin: Yeah, it was. And what I have planned for her today-- man, I wish I could be there to see the look on her face.", "Lauren: Hmm, spam. Spam. Enlarge my wh-- oh, spam. Hmm. Who sent me an e-card?", "Lauren: \"Hello, beautif.. don't forget to water the flowers.\" (Sighs) \"check out the dressing room and I'll see you soon. Your not-so-secret admirer.\" Kevin. \"Check out the dressing room\"?", "Lauren: (Gasps) ww", "Jack: Look, I'm not saying there are any easy answers. But I do know what elliot was trying to do last night. He was taking all of the issues I have with him and the way he's running your mother's company and trying to turn them into some school yard rivalry, where he, the winner, was going after me, the loser. I'm sure he was hoping I'd bust him in the chops.", "Jill: I don't want you beating elliot up.", "Jack: Did you hear what I just said? That's what he wanted. Only I saw right through it.", "Jill: Of course you did.", "Jack: Hey, if I'm boring you, I was enjoying my newspaper.", "Jill: No, you are enjoying trashing elliot.", "Jack: Sweetheart, he's the one that invited me, toots. He's the one that was doing a number on ol' smilin' jack.", "Jill: I don't want to talk about this anymore. My mother's not worried about the company. I'm not worried about the company. I love being with him. And if you don't stop getting on me about this, I'm gonna start to believe that maybe you are jealous.", "Jack: Okay, that's it. End of conversation. (Chuckles) boy, no good deed goes unpunished. (Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Gee. Wonder who that is.", "Jill: Yes. Oh, hi. I'm in the athletic club dining room. Yeah, I have a meeting later, but sure, I'll wait. (Whispers) okay.", "Jack: You know what? I'm gonna relocate. The idea of watching one of the brightest women I know act like a naive schoolgirl is not entertaining to me. You be careful.", "Neil: All right. Listen to me, uh, I don't need this attitude every time we sit down and eat a family meal here. I know you both blame me, but it's just not right.", "Lily: Oh, come on, dad. If it wasn't for you, devon would be sitting here with us right this minute.", "Dru: Sure would be.", "Neil: How many times do I have to say it? Devon knew what time of day it was right from jump. Right now, all I'm concerned about is finding him.", "Lily: I don't think he wants to be found. He'd rather live on the streets than be shipped off to some group home that's like a prison.", "Neil: Okay, listen. I wasn't gonna say anything about this, but I think that you two should know this information. It'll make you feel better.", "Dru: Uh, what, that weber found a lead?", "Neil: No, this has nothing to do with the police. Yesterday, I hired paul williams to locate devon.", "Dru: You did?", "Neil: I never said I wanted to see him on the streets. Dru, he's a good kid. You know, he deserves better.", "Dru: Well, neil, that's wonderful news, coming from you.", "Lily: Yeah, it is.", "Neil: You feel better?", "Lily: I guess.", "Dru: Um, lily, if you're feeling better, I suppose you should go to school now.", "Lily: Well, no. I mean, shouldn't I hang around here in case mr. Williams calls?", "Dru: No, honey. You should go to school if you're finished. Please.", "Lily: Okay. Fine. Bye, guys.", "Dru: Bye, sweetheart.", "Neil: Lily, come here. I I love you.", "Lily: I love you, too.", "Neil: Have a good day.", "Lily: Bye.", "Dru: Bye, sweet.", "Michael: (Chuckles) well, it looks like everything's coming up roses for you this morning.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, baby june. Kevin's been hard at work. How do you think he got in here?", "Michael: Well, one thing you can always say about my brother-- he's resourceful.", "Lauren: You think I need a locksmith?", "Michael: It's not a bad idea.", "Lauren: Here. Take a look at this.", "Michael: Uh, \"hello, beautiful.\" Uh... wow. If only he'd put this much effort into getting his life in order. This obsession with you is not gonna lead to anything good, you know?", "Lauren: I've done everything humanly possible to discourage him.", "Michael: I know. I know you have.", "Lauren: He's so damn persistent. I mean, he just keeps showing up places and will not take no for an answer.", "Michael: Well, he's deluded himself into thinking that he can win you over.", "Lauren: You said you'd talk to him. What happened?", "Michael: I started. He walked out on me before I could finish.", "Lauren: Michael, I need help here. What am I going to do?", "Brad: Nikki, it really isn't my choice. I have to go there today. There's no way around it.", "Nikki: Well, can you change the day at the ranch?", "Brad: Oh, you think victor's gonna let that happen? Good luck.", "Nikki: Maybe if ashley asked him.", "Brad: She won'T. She insists it happens today.", "Nikki: Well, doesn't she understand that this trip of yours is business related?", "Brad: Ash sees it as a golden opportunity to build on the progress we've made. And we did promise abby.", "Nikki: Maybe you could stop by at the ranch before you leave?", "Brad: Can't do it. I'm leaving straight from the office. I'm on the first flight out to cleveland.", "Nikki: Great.", "Brad: Man, I haven't been back there in forever.", "Nikki: Back to cleveland, huh?", "Brad: Yeah. I spent some time there years ago.", "Nikki: Well, maybe you're lucky this trip came up when it did. You could get a little break.", "Ashley: Am i interrupting something?", "Nikki: Well, that would be my cue to go. Have a good trip, brad.", "Brad: Thank you.", "Ashley: Gee, brad. If I had known you were so hard up for a shoulder rub...", "Brad: Don't even start. I've walked in on you and newman in far more compromising positions.", "Ashley: Really? Well, then I guess I should be grateful I only walked in on a shoulder rub, especially since I brought your daughter here to say good-bye.", "Brad: Where is she?", "Ashley: Your secretary is entertaining her.", "Brad: Is she still excited about her day at the ranch?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. She's been on cloud nine since she woke up. She doesn't want to talk about anything other than horseback riding.", "Brad: I hope it lives up to her expectations.", "Ashley: I wish you could come with us.", "Brad: Just keep an eye on my little girl.", "Ashley: Oh, what? You think I'm gonna be so mesmerized by victor, I'm gonna foetet all about her?", "Brad: I think it's probably a good idea that I'm not gonna be out there today.", "Ashley: I guess we'll never know. I think you're missing out on an important moment in your daughter's life, personally.", "Abby: Daddy, can I come in now?", "Brad: You bet you can. Come over here. Come here. Oh! What do you got there?", "Abby: I drew this for you.", "Brad: What is it?", "Abby: It's me riding starfire.", "Brad: Oh, it's beautiful.", "Abby: I wish you could see me ride him for real.", "Brad: Yeah. I'm sorry I'm not gonna be there today, sweetheart.", "Ashley: Your daddy has an important business trip.", "Brad: And I am gonna miss you a whole lot.", "Abby: But you're only gonna be gone for a day.", "Brad: It doesn't matter. I always miss you when I'm away.", "Abby: Can we go to the ranch some other time?", "Brad: Sure.", "Abby: And visit starfire together?", "Brad: Yeah, one day. I promise.", "Ashley: Come on, honey. Let's go. Give daddy a hug.", "Brad: Mmm-mnh. Love you.", "Abby: Love you, too, daddy.", "Brad: (Chuckles) okay.", "Brad: Have a good afternoon.", "Ashley: Thank you. Have a good trip.", "Brad: Thanks.", "Ashley: Bye. Come on, sweetie.", "Elliot: I'm real. I want to make you happy. I want you to make me happy. We can have a great life together.", "Jill: I can see that. I just... I-I think that I need to take a deep breath here, that's all.", "Elliot: Well, don't let me stop you.", "Jill: No, no, no, alone.", "Elliot: Hmm. Well, I can't promise I'll still be here.", "Jill: Don't do that. Don't threaten me like that. I get it, okay? I get that you have other options, and you're damn well gonna exercise them if I don't fully commit to this relationship with my eyes closed.", "Elliot: You don't let anybody push you around, do you? Well, you take your time and when you open your eyes, you'll like what you see. And we'll take it from there.", "Elliot: Hello.", "Jill: Hello.", "Elliot: You're lookin' pretty lost in thought there.", "Jill: Well, I have good reason. I just talked to jack abbott.", "Elliot: Mm-hmm. And he told you about our conversation last night.", "Jill: Jack is a really close friend of mine, elliot, and his intentions are good. He doesn't deserve to be insulted that way.", "Elliot: Yeah, well, he rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to cause a problem between the two of you.", "Jill: It's okay. Jack and I squabble more than we do anything else. Don't worry about it.", "Elliot: The only thing I care about is what you think of me.", "Jill: I want to dive right into you with my eyes shut. I want to throw caution to the winds.", "Elliot: Why be cautious in the first place?", "Jill: Because I don't want to pay the price for being wrong.", "Elliot: Who does?", "Jill: On the other hand, I cannot stand the thought of...", "Elliot: What, walking away from what we have? Then don'T.", "Jill: Why me?", "Elliot: What?", "Jill: Why me? Of all the women in the world, you decide that you can't get enough of the one woman, the only woman, who's the daughter of the major shareholder in the company you run? I want to believe that's not a coincidence. I want to believe it so bad.", "Dru: Neil.", "Neil: Yep.", "Dru: Since you hired paul williams, does this mean that you've had a change of heart?", "Neil: About bringing devon back here to live with us?", "Dru: Yeah?", "Neil: I'm sorry, dru. I still feel the same way. Lily's running away made me even more certain that his presence is a disruption here.", "Dru: I see. So you just want to find him so you can put him in a group home, is that it? That's great.", "Neil: No, drucilla, I want to find him because I happen to care about the boy. I like him a lot.", "Dru: Do you mean that?", "Neil: What are you doin'? Of course. Why don't you cut me a littlelalack here? Show me a little bit of love, all right? I want to see devon succeed just like you and lily do.", "Dru: Okay. That's not gonna happen while the boy's living on the streets, neil.", "Neil: I know that, dru, and I hate it that because of our mixed signals, that may be exactly what's gonna happen.", "Dru: Honey, I-I believe that we want the same thing, and if you could just open your heart a little for this kid, it would make all the difference.", "Neil: You know what, dru? I wish, just for once, you could see things from my perspective. Listen, let's table this for now, all right? I gotta get to work. I got a long day.", "Dru: Right. Okay.", "Michael: I just can't seem to break through that desperate euphoria of his. Kevin's not listening to me. It's the right words from the wrong person.", "Lauren: Well, he's not listening to me, either.", "Michael: Well, knowing you, you tried to spare his feelings.", "Lauren: Michael, I-I'm tortured about this. I mean, the last time he claimed I broke his heart, he put a gun to his head and threatened to kill himself. I don't want him to hurt like that again.", "Michael: I know, I know, I know, I know. The kid's seen more than his share. And now it's just... well, it's even more delicate because...", "Lauren: Of you and me.", "Michael: Yeah.", "Lauren: I'm just gonna have to tell him in no uncertain terms that I'm not attracted to him, and no matter what he says or does, it's just not gonna change anything.", "Michael: And I'll do my part. I'll try to see him through his disappointment, make sure he doesn't do anything too drastic.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Michael: (Sigh) you know what?", "Lauren: Hmm?", "Michael: You are the best thing that's happened to me in a long, long time. And nothing is gonna get in the way of that, not even kevin.", "Victor: Well, I'm so glad you could make it.", "Abby: Me too, victor. I can't wait to see starfire.", "Victor: You will see starfire in a minute. But first, why don't you go with miguel into the kitchen? Because he has a surprise for you.", "Abby: Really? You do?", "Miguel: I sure do. Why don't you come with me?", "Victor: She makes me happy. Would you like some coffee?", "Ashley: Sure.", "Victor: So where's that husband of yours? I'm surprised he's not here.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, he had an out-of-town business meeting, and considering the conversation we had last night, it's probably a good thing.", "Victor: It's funny. Those are the same words nikki used to explain her absence.", "Ashley: She isn't here, either? Victo n no, she claimed she had too much work to do.", "Ashley: Oh. Well, given all the tension between nikki and me lately, I'm kind of relieved it's just the three of us, you know? Hey, wait a second. I heard nikki tell brad to have a good trip when I saw him just now. He must have told her he was going to cleveland.", "Victor: What does that have to do with anything?", "Ashley: Don't you see? She knows that brad's not gonna be here. Which means she's gonna walk through that door any second...", "Victor: Oh, I don't think so.", "Ashley: Because she's so certain that you and i can't be left alone. (Door opens)", "Victor: I don't think so.", "Ashley: Okay. (Dr r closes)", "Victor: You're back so soon?", "Dru: Anyway, diane, I had this most amazing eaea. I was just laying in bed and it just came to me just like that.", "Diane: Oh, I know. Some of my best thoughts come to me in bed.", "Dru: Neil is gonna be blown away. This is gonna be the best pageant ever. Best ever! Hi, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi, dru. Continue. Don't let me stop you.", "Dru: I'd rather not. Ye, , if you don't mind.", "Phyllis: Oh, what are you waiting for, armageddon?", "Dru: Actually, I'm waiting for you to leave. You know, um, diane and I, we have some strategies to go over, and three's a crowd.", "Phyllis: Oh. Oh, I understand. Well, uh, you see, I'm not leaving. This is my office, too. Besides, I can't imagine what kind of help diane's gonna give you. Being a model during the jurassic period hardly makes her an expert on pageants.", "Dru: Never mind her, diane. Actually, diane and i were professional models. Internationally so. Therefore, we know what the cosmetic companies need.", "Phyllis: Yeah, right. Let me tell you something, y'all are has-beens, okay?", "Dru: (Laughs)", "Diane: (Laughs)", "Phyllis: (Laughs) oh, yeah. Besides, this project requires skill and imagination, um, not--how should I say this? Faded beauty.", "Dru: Okay. Now it's time for you to leave.", "Phyllis: I'm not going anywhere. Can't you see I'm very busy?", "Diane: Look, phyllis, it's two against one.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Diane: You should leave.", "Phyllis: I don't care if it's ten against one. I'm not leaving.", "Dru: Well, um, ha ha, neither am I.", "Phyllis: Um, drucilla...", "Dru: Yes?", "Phyllis: Get your... booty off of my folders.", "Dru: Make me. Good afternoon. It was a standing room only crowd at the funeral of a young edmonton area boy today. Hundreds of mourners came to pay respects. A calgary man has a beef with edmonton hotel, he only stayed a day, but was charged thousands of dollars. And what's in store for edmonton's", "Announcer: Now, edmonton's \"global news\" at 11:00 with j'lyn nye.", "Victor: I'm very glad you came back.", "Nikki: Well, you told me this morning how important you thought it was that I be here when abby's here. I thought about it, and you're right.", "Victor: Glad you changed your mind.", "Nikki: Not only that, I brought her a present.", "Victor: Oh, what did you get her?", "Nikki: Well, why don't you bring her out and we'll see it together?", "Victor: All right. Miguel, would you kindly bring abby out here to the living room for a moment?", "Abby: What is it?", "Ashley: Hi, sweetie. Nikki brought you a present.", "Abby: You did? Another surprise?", "Nikki: Yes, I did, and it's just for you.", "Abby: What is it?", "Nikki: Well, this is something that my own daughter victorianjnjoyed very much when she was your age, and I realized nobody had bothered to get it for you, so you have your very own set or riding clothes and boots. How about that?", "Ashley: Wow. What a gift. What do you say?", "Abby: Thank you, kkkki.", "Nikki: You are very welcome. I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm going to be here every time you come to the ranch.", "Abby: Mommy, can I put these on today?", "Ashley: You bet you can. Right now if you want.", "Victor: Miguel, would you kindly take abby and show her where she can change?", "Miguel: Sure. Come on, abby. Let's go upstairs, shall we? And you can make a grand entrance. Come on.", "Victor: Well, I guess I better saddle the horses.", "Nikki: Okay.", "Victor: Um... are you two gonna be all right?", "Nikki: Of course. We're fine. I'm a gracious hostess. We're fine.", "Ashley: Nice touch with the gift.", "Nikki: I'm glad you liked it, considering it's still early in the day and you've already had quite a big disappointment.", "Ashley: I have? What was that?", "Nikki: Me, when I walked through the door.", "Elliot: Well, jill, sometimes you just have to believe because it's the only option.", "Jill: Sounds good, but...", "Elliot: Look at me. What do you see?", "Jill: A very handsome face.", "Ellt:T: No, somebody who sees you for what you really are-- a beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, adventurous woman.", "Jill: See, elliot, you say all the right things, but...", "Elliot: But you think that I'm going to take advantage of you, that I'm going to exploit chancellor industries and that I'm going to just disappear, that at the end of the day, I'll just be gone. That's your fear.", "Jill: In a nutshell, that's it.", "Elliot: Marry me.", "Jill: What did you just say?", "Elliot: I'm not going anywhere. I want you to marry me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Michael: I don't want to stop seeing you.", "Lauren: Well, I don't want to stop, either.", "Neil: What the hell is going on here?", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Dru: Hey.", "Nikki: How would you feel if I were chasing after your husband like you're chasing after mine?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric']
[ "Nick is still beating himself up over Cassie's death and tells Sharon that he doesn't want to come back to work. Tom agrees to tell Sheila all he knows about poisons. Lauren and Mike, Gloria and John, and Tom and Ashley all have dinner at the same time at the club and John punches Tom. Victoria and Brad share a kiss. Yolanda and her doctors tell Neil that she's having a hard time staying with the program. Mac and JT spend the night in his tent. Gina tells Jennifer that they need to talk" ]
[ "Michael: Ah. Thank you. (Cell phone rings)", "Michael: Michael Baldwin.", "Ashley: Michael, its Ashley. Where are you?", "Michael: In the club. The dining room.", "Ashley: Perfect. When Tom and I arrive, I want you to put on a real show.", "Michael: A show, huh? That sounds like fun. Hello? And good-bye to you.", "Lauren: Hello.", "Michael: Mmm, there you are. I was wondering when you were gonna get here.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. And I was, uh, wondering what kind of mood you were gonna be in.", "Michael: Hey, I'm in a very good mood, thank you very much.", "Lauren: Glad to hear that.", "Gina: Well, excuse me, you two, but your table's ready.", "Lauren: Hmm, okay.", "Michael: Sounds like this is gonna be a very interesting evening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: (Thinking) \"Toxic substances.\" \"Untraceable poisons.\" What did we ever do before the internet, huh?", "Sheila: Don't sneak up on me like that.", "Tom: Oh, well, guess you didn't hear me. You seem kinda wrapped up there.", "Sheila: Is there something you want?", "Tom: You know, I never had much use for computers. They always seemed too complicated to mess with. But nowadays, it's so simple, you press a button, whatever you want to know just pops right up there on the screen. Except sometimes it doesn't work. Like when you don't know somebody's last name. Then you gotta resort to old-fashioned methods. Kind of, you know, maybe... go through their stuff.", "Sheila: So what are you saying, Tom? You trying to dig up information on me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: What a night, huh?", "Mac: Yeah. I know why you didn't want to go to the ranch.", "J.T.: Yeah, uh, I'm really sorry you had to see that.", "Mac: I'm not. I'm glad I stayed. I had a feeling...", "J.T.: That I might need you? Because I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So what did you, uh, what did you think?", "Brad: It was interesting.", "Victoria: You hated it.", "Brad: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Oh, that's okay. I didn't really ask you to stick around tonight because I value your opinions on music anyway.", "Brad: Really? So what, this was just an excuse to get me alone?", "Victoria: Well... what if it is? Would that bother you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I thought you wanted to spend some time together.", "Sharon: I did. But you were up there so long, I thought you went to bed.", "Nick: No, I was just... tucking Noah in. We started talking about the soccer team.", "Sharon: All this time?", "Nick: Well, I am the assistant coach now.", "Sharon: Yeah. Um, you know, Nick, that's a really big time commitment. You might wanna go back to work before the season's over.", "Nick: I think you're becoming too obsessed with Newman Enterprises. Look, I've thought about coming back. And it's just not what I want to do right now. So please stop pushing me, okay? Try to understand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So where did you go after we talked?", "Michael: If you're asking if I went to go see Tom, I didn't. I promised I wouldn't. Haven't I always kept my promises to you?", "Lauren: Hmm, well, I guess in your own way, yes.", "Michael: Zing.", "Lauren: But I know you went to go see someone. So who was it?", "Michael: It's not important. Ooh, look, prime rib.", "Lauren: Tell me, okay? 'Cause this clearly has something to do with Tom.", "Michael: Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom. Can't we talk about something else? You know, what about Scott? How did he handle the news about Sheila?", "Lauren: I didn't have the heart to tell him. He was just so excited about his writing session. And then something came up, and he ran off.", "Michael: There's never gonna be the perfect time to tell him. The right moment for that sort of thing-- it doesn't exist.", "Lauren: I know.", "Michael: Speaking of someone who always manages to show up at the, uh, worst possible moment...", "Lauren: What? Ah.", "Gloria: Hi, kids. Have a lovely evening.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: What, are you gonna stare a hole in me all night?", "Sheila: Answer the question.", "Tom: Oh, what can I say? Inquiring minds want to know.", "Sheila: So you went through my things?", "Tom: Yeah, you wanna know what I found? Nada, zip, nothing-- not even your last name.", "Sheila: You know, one of the reasons that we get along so well, Tom, is because you know how to mind your own business.", "Tom: Well, maybe you have not figured it out by now, but there is nothing you could say or do that could shock me or turn me off. But, Brenda, you are a rather mysterious woman. I can't help being curious.", "Sheila: You know what they said about curiosity and the cat?", "Tom: Yeah, satisfaction brought him back.", "Sheila: I have never heard that one.", "Tom: Oh, I just figured, you know, I don't know, who I'm shacking up with. What are you, a bank robber? Or serial killer?", "Sheila: Maybe I'm both.", "Tom: Hmm. Is that why you were reading up on poisons?", "Sheila: You know anything about them?", "Tom: Yeah, I know a little something. Should I, uh, watch my step next time you bring me a cup of coffee?", "Sheila: Not if you tell me what I need to know.", "Tom: Well, it'll have to be another time, 'cause I gotta be someplace.", "Sheila: Oh, really? Where?", "Tom: I got a hot date.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Yolanda should be back shortly. She went for a walk with one of the nurses.", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, if you don't mind, uh, I'd like to wait. Tell me, doctor, how's she doing?", "Man: I won't lie to you, Mr. Winters. It hasn't been easy. But chemical withdrawal never is.", "Neil: She will get through this.", "Man: Assuming she stays with it, her odds are good. Our biggest concern is that Yolanda will leave before she's finished with the program.", "Neil: You really think she'd do that?", "Man: She threatened to more than once. That's why I'm glad you're here. I'm hoping you can talk to her, convince her to stick around. Hello, Yolanda, you have a visitor. I'll let the two of you have some time alone.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Neil: Hey, Yolanda. It's good to see you.", "Yolanda: Hi.", "Neil: How you doing?", "Yolanda: Look, Mr. Winters, I am trying, believe me, I am. But I don't know how much more of this I can take.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Honey, I wish you could just give Michael a little bit of a break, huh?", "John: Sweetheart, I'm trying, but it's not easy. I mean, every time I think about how he knowingly let Ashley continue to see your ex-husband, my blood boils.", "Lauren: Michael?", "Michael: Hmm?", "Lauren: Are you thinking about making a peace offering?", "Michael: Mmm, not so much. I think I'll just let time take its course. Once John realizes that Tom Fisher is going to be out of our lives for good, he'll start to relax.", "Lauren: You wouldn't feel that way because you have a plan to get rid of Tom, now would you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: So who's the lucky lady?", "Tom: Oh, it doesn't really matter. She's more of a friend than anything else.", "Sheila: Is that your choice or hers?", "Tom: Listen, lady, if you get to keep secrets, then so do I.", "Sheila: Okay, fine. But when you get back, I want you to tell me everything you know about poisons.", "Tom: Deal. Provided you do me a favor-- make yourself scarce tonight. Give me some privacy.", "Sheila: Okay. I'll clear out for a couple of hours. Change the sheets. And you better not be feeding me a line about your expertise. I expect useful information in return.", "Tom: I'll give you whatever I can.", "Sheila: Here's the key. Enjoy.", "Tom: Thanks, baby. See you later.", "Sheila: Jennifer, sweetheart, we're going out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: How am I supposed to understand, Nick? Newman Enterprises used to mean everything to you.", "Nick: I think it meant too much. All that time I spent working-- I could've been with Cassie.", "Sharon: You have got to stop beating yourself up like this.", "Nick: How do you stop?", "Sharon: Look, um, I'm really excited about all the new ideas Dru and I came up with for the new line. You want me to show you?", "Nick: Look, babe, I really wish I was on the same page as you. I do. But I don't feel like looking at marketing strategies an hour before we go to bed.", "Sharon: That's not the way I planned on spending my evening. I wanted to have a glass of wine with my husband. I hoped it could be romantic.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I am not the least bit bothered if you have an ulterior motive.", "Victoria: You don't, uh, you don't think I'm being too pushy?", "Brad: Mnh-mnh. On the contrary. You're beautiful, you're smart, and if you're attracted to me, all the better.", "Victoria: Oh, my goodness.", "Brad: What?", "Victoria: Aren't we arrogant? Who says I'm attracted to you?", "Brad: Uh, wait a minute, what, are you trying to confuse me?", "Victoria: No. No, I'm not. But there could be any number of reasons that I might want to get you alone.", "Brad: Really? Such as?", "Victoria: Such as... I am your boss, after all. Perhaps I want to discuss the latest quarterly statements over a-a glass of brandy.", "Brad: Well, if that's the case, it better be damn good brandy.", "Victoria: Really? Well, how about something rare from my father's private collection.", "Brad: Wow.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: Breaking out the good stuff for me, huh?", "Victoria: Well, I guess stock ownership has its privileges.", "Brad: I'm beginning to find that out.", "Victoria: Actually... that's the real reason I lured you here tonight.", "Brad: What is?", "Victoria: Well, now that you're a member of Genoa City's most exclusive club--", "Brad: Yes?", "Victoria: You've got to undergo the initiation.", "Brad: The initiation, huh?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Brad: I'm gonna need this drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: This has been a tough time for you, J.T. I see that now. I mean, this whole situation with Brittany, and then this thing with Nikki. And the way she came after you--", "J.T.: She begged me not to say anything to Victor. But I had to.", "Mac: You were caught in the middle. I understand. It's a tough place.", "J.T.: Don't worry about me. I'm a big guy. I can handle it.", "Mac: You're worried about Nikki, aren't you?", "J.T.: Watching her tonight-- seeing her try to keep it together--", "Mac: I agree. Victor had a right to know.", "J.T.: Well, Nikki doesn't think that.", "Mac: You did the right thing.", "J.T.: You think?", "Mac: Hey, I support you. The same way that you're in Brittany's corner, I'm in yours. Okay, I wanna be there for you. I know, you don't need anybody.", "J.T.: Did I say that? When I saw you still there tonight... I'm telling you, I was blown away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Have I told you how much I love you?", "Lauren: Michael, I love you, too, but you're not answering my question.", "Michael: All right. All right, I understand why you could think that I might be up to something. You were right. I lost my cool earlier. I'm sorry. And the idea of Tom hurting another person that I care about... I don't dwell on this often but sometimes... you know, late at night when I can't sleep... I think of how horrific it would be if something happened to you. You know, especially after everything you've gone through with Sheila. You should have nothing but peace and happiness. And the thought of... Tom or any other person causing you one iota of pain-- I'm going to protect you. I need to. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.", "Lauren: And there are times that I just wanna knock you to the moon. But you're the best thing that ever happened to me, too.", "Tom: I'm gonna go to the coat check, all right?", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'm sorry if I ruined your plans for the evening.", "Sharon: No, you didn't. You didn't ruin anything. I just wish things could go back to the way they were. I don't want you to come back to Newman Enterprises until you're ready.", "Nick: You think I should've been ready a long time ago. Like you.", "Sharon: I just can't grieve 24 hours a day. And I keep telling myself that it won't be forever. Eventually, you'll come back.", "Nick: What if I tell you I don't wanna come back? What if I say that I'm happy with the way things are? Would that be okay with you?", "Sharon: If it's what you really want.", "Nick: But you think I'm crazy for giving up Newman Enterprises.", "Sharon: I didn't say that.", "Nick: But you're thinking it. I can see it in your eyes. Look, I'm sorry. But you're gonna have to accept me for who I am right now.", "Sharon: Where are you going?", "Nick: I'm gonna go out for awhile.", "Nick: I won't be long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yolanda, I'm not gonna tell you I know exactly what you're going through. See, I do understand how difficult rehab is. I've been there. Right now you need to focus on why you're here. And you're here because of you and your son. Devon needs you. He needs his mother to be clean.", "Yolanda: Yeah. How's my boy doing right now?", "Neil: He's doing okay. He's very proud of you.", "Yolanda: Yeah, he won't be too proud when I let him down.", "Neil: Well, that's not gonna happen, not as long as you stay here.", "Yolanda: Yeah, you make it sound so easy, okay? You got no idea what I'm going through right now. You know, I feel like the walls are closing in on me. I mean, one minute I'm shivering, the next I'm sweating. Then I'm both. It's like I'm losing my mind.", "Neil: Right, right, right. See, you need to give it time.", "Yolanda: No, what I need is another hit, okay? That'll make the pain go away.", "Neil: So you take a hit. Then what? Hmm? Right back where you started. Only this time, it'll be worse than ever.", "Yolanda: Now you sound like the counselors, you know? And I know it makes sense. I do. But my body is telling me something completely different.", "Neil: What about your heart? What's your heart telling you?", "Yolanda: It's telling me that I need to be a good mother. Okay? But how am I gonna do that? How am I gonna do that-- how am I gonna take care of Devon when I can't even take care of myself?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: Table for two?", "Tom: Um...", "Ashley: It's okay. We're here. Yeah.", "Tom: Okay.", "Michael: Must be a cold day in hell.", "Lauren: All right, Michael, just stay calm.", "Gina: I'll send someone right over with the menus.", "Ashley: Thanks, Gina.", "Tom: Thank you, Gina.", "Ashley: You know, I'm really curious about something. If your feelings for me were sincere-- which I seriously doubt-- when were you going to tell me about your true identity?", "Gina: Jennifer, you and i have some unfinished business to talk about. You stay right here until I get back.", "Tom: All right, I admit maybe I was just using you to get the goods on Gloria-- at first. But once I got to know you, I realized that you were a very special woman. This is true. And I started to care about you.", "Ashley: I still think I was a means to an end for you. I don't trust you. I probably never will.", "Tom: Then why did you suggest we have dinner tonight?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What are you doing here? I thought your old man was throwing a big shindig-- a bon voyage for him and your mom.", "Nick: It's over.", "Jack: So how did it go?", "Nick: It was all right.", "Jack: I really dropped the ball, didn't I?", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Jack: I mean, here you are going through the toughest thing a guy can go through-- loss of a child. And where the hell have I been?", "Nick: You don't have to worry about that, Jack.", "Jack: Yeah, I do worry about that.", "Nick: Actually, it's kind of a relief to be around someone who isn't constantly analyzing me, wondering if I'm okay. I feel like I'm under a microscope.", "Jack: Well, that's because everyone cares about you, Nick.", "Nick: Doesn't make it any easier. I want more than anything to just start feeling normal again. Knowing I'm disappointing so many people just makes it worse.", "Jack: Let me guess-- by \"so many people,\" you mean Sharon?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Tonight's been a real eye-opener for me.", "J.T.: It only left me more confused.", "Mac: Hey, you did something noble, okay? You risked a huge career opportunity to do the right thing. I mean, you could've kept your mouth shut-- not said anything to Victor. But you knew Nikki needed help. And you were there for her because that's the kind of guy you are. When someone's in trouble, you have to do something, no matter what the cost is to you. I see that now. And that's why you can count on me. I wanna be there for you.", "J.T.: You do?", "Mac: I know you don't want to admit you need me or anybody.", "J.T.: And did I say that?", "Mac: Only about a thousand times.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I'm not saying it now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: I'll send the waiter right over.", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Gina: So, Jennifer, why did you run out the way you did the other night?", "Sheila: I apologize. After saving the woman from choking, I was a bit unnerved. I really couldn't stay any longer.", "Gina: Okay, I understand. Listen, here's your check. But we have some things that we need to discuss about that evening. And I have to make an important phone call. So will you promise me you'll stay right here until I get back? Please?", "Ashley: I guess I wanted some closure. We left things so up in the air between us.", "Tom: I don't buy that for a second. The way I figure it, either you're here to tell me off again-- which you've already done a pretty good job of-- or else...", "Ashley: What?", "Tom: There's a lot more going on between us than you care to admit.", "Ashley: Well, I've already told you a lot-- that I find you to be a very intriguing person. I mean, you're unlike any other man I've ever dated.", "Tom: You mean, 'cause I'm a lying bastard?", "Ashley: Well, now you're putting me on the spot.", "Tom: Look, you have every right to think the worst of me. But like I told your dad-- I have changed. And that's the god's honest truth.", "Ashley: And I'm supposed to just take your word for that?", "Tom: No. But you could give me a chance.", "Ashley: To what, break my heart?", "Ashley: It's not gonna happen, Tom. Not now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: What the devil?", "Gloria: What's wrong, honey?", "John: Your ex-husband is here.", "Gloria: Tom? Oh, my God, this can't be happening.", "John: Yeah, well, I'm afraid it is. Why on earth is Ashley there? No, I am not gonna stand for this.", "Gloria: John, please, no!", "John: No! No! All right, Fisher, you get the hell away from my daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: So what exactly does this initiation entail?", "Victoria: All sorts of things.", "Brad: Really? You mean, like a... password or secret handshake or something?", "Victoria: Of course.", "Brad: Hmm.", "Victoria: But, ahem, you can never, ever share this with mere mortals.", "Brad: Wow. Okay.", "Victoria: You ready?", "Brad: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: And now for the password.", "Brad: Okay. What is it?", "Victoria: The password is... possibilities.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: You know, they got me going to all these meetings here. They got me --wanting me to... look at all the ways that I messed up.", "Neil: Taking inventory.", "Yolanda: It's got me thinking about how I never really took responsibility for Devon, you know? Like, when he was a baby, my mama took care of him. And when she died? The courts just took my boy away. You know, and I thought, you know what? That's the right thing, you know? That's the best thing for him. But you know what? Really I was just doing it for myself. You know? With him gone, then I don't gotta worry about putting food on the table or makin' sure that there was money for school. And now Devon is practically a man. And, like, what? How am I gonna be a mother to him, you know? Not when I've been making the wrong choices ever since the day he was born.", "Neil: Yolanda, you're right-- Devon is almost a man. But he needs help getting there. I think he'd like to hear you tell him to do his homework or to clean his room-- all the simple stuff that we take for granted.", "Yolanda: He'd hate me even more than he does now.", "Neil: How do you know that? Have you ever asked him?", "Yolanda: How's it even gonna work, you know-- us living together? What, am I gonna do 12-step program while he does his studies?", "Neil: Why not? Devon could join a support group of his own. Something like Alateen, where he could talk to other kids who feel the same way he does.", "Yolanda: What, they really have groups like that?", "Neil: Yes, Yolanda, they do. There's a lot of help out there for both of you. You just have to want it. You know, nobody can do it for you. It doesn't work like that.", "Yolanda: (Sighs) yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I can do this. I can do this.", "Neil: You all right? You wanna call the doctor? Hmm? Hey, you're okay. One day at a time. All right, you hang in there. You're gonna be just fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Mr. Abbott, I swear to you, your daughter is here with me because she wants to be. I'm asking you to respect that.", "John: Really? What did he do, honey? Threaten you?", "Ashley: No, Dad, he's telling the truth. I thought I owed him a chance to explain himself.", "John: Oh, you don't owe this sorry excuse for a man anything! Not a damn thing!", "Ashley: Look, could we talk about this later? Would you just go?", "John: No, I'm not going anywhere.", "Gloria: Tom? What are you doing here?", "Tom: Gloria?", "John: I warned you, Fisher. You just hurt one member of my family and I promise you--", "Michael: I know what you did, Tom! And you are never going near my fiancée ever again!", "Tom: I didn't do a damn thing to your fiancée--", "Michael: You better be careful, Ashley. He threatened Lauren earlier today. Who knows what he'll do to you.", "Ashley: I can take care of myself. Could you please leave? You're making a scene.", "Michael: Not until I teach this jerk a lesson!", "Lauren: Michael, you promised me you wouldn't--", "John: I didn't promise!", "Gloria: Oh, John!", "Gina: Oh, my God! Oh, jeez.", "John: Come on!", "Gina: John, stop it!", "Ashley: Okay, Tom, let's get outta here. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!", "Michael: This isn't over, Fisher!", "Tom: You're damn right it isn't over.", "Gloria: Just calm down.", "Lauren: All right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thank you. So I hear through the grapevine Sharon's become quite the career woman.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm glad she has something going on in her life, something that means a lot to her.", "Jack: Yeah, we all need that. I also hear she's very well liked over there.", "Nick: What's not to like?", "Jack: True. As committed as she is, she's quite an asset, something to be cultivated.", "Nick: How do you mean?", "Jack: You know, for her support, as an ally.", "Nick: Yeah, she'd like me to come back.", "Jack: But is that what you want? Nicholas, the only reason to go back is because it's something you want. You gotta start looking out for yourself, regardless.", "Nick: Regardless of what?", "Jack: You know what I mean. This whole deal Brad worked out to get your dad to give him shares in the family company. I'm sure it was just symbolic-- doesn't mean anything.", "Nick: What the hell are you talking about?", "Jack: Wow, you really are out of the loop. Well, it's a few million dollars in Newman shares. It doesn't mean anything. Can't give him that much power. Well, listen, I, uh, I gotta get out of here, okay?", "Nick: Jack, are you sure about this?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. Listen, if there's anything I can do to help, you let me know, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Possibilities, huh?", "Victoria: Uh-huh. You see, at the moment, yours happen to be limitless-- both professionally and personally.", "Brad: Really? Do tell.", "Victoria: Well, I hope you find that intriguing.", "Brad: I find it fascinating.", "Victoria: Truth be told, I need a little excitement in my life. It's been a little too bland to suit me lately.", "Brad: Yeah, well, it's been quite awhile since I've played it anything but safe.", "Victoria: Well, then, Mr. Carlton, I suggest we do something about that.", "Brad: What did you have in mind?", "Victoria: Maybe it's time to live dangerously.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: The stars are incredible, aren't they?", "J.T.: Incredible.", "Mac: You know, when I was a little girl I tried to count them.", "J.T.: Yeah? How far did you get?", "Mac: Uh, not very.", "J.T.: Yeah, but knowing you-- you probably never quit. You probably never gave up.", "Mac: I never gave up. I don't give up on something I believe in.", "J.T.: How'd I get so lucky?", "Mac: I love you.", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, maybe that's it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You're sure you're okay? You don't need a doctor?", "Tom: No, no, I'm fine. Your dad doesn't hit quite as hard as you do.", "Ashley: Well, he really nailed you. I'm sorry he did that. I've never seen him do anything quite like that before.", "Tom: Well, I suppose I'll see you around sometime, huh?", "Ashley: Sure.", "Tom: What?", "Ashley: Nothing. Never mind, I feel silly.", "Tom: Wait a minute, wait a minute, um... would you like to come in for awhile?", "Ashley: Yeah, why not?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Brad: You are full of surprises, aren't you, Ms. Newman?", "Victoria: When I see something I want, I go after it.", "Kay: Who was that?", "Brittany: Bobby's testifying today.", "Sheila: You don't wanna cross me, understand?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "At Restless Style, Billy wonders what Phyllis is still doing there. Phyllis lets him know that she is clearing up some things on the story. Billy tells Phyllis that it was really good redoing the cover story on Skye/Adam and the hedge fund. Phyllis tells Billy that she had never bought it that Adam and Skye were the golden couple. Jack interrupts them and congratulates Phyllis on her new position at Editor-in-Chief. Skye tells Mrs. Marx that the hedge fund is returning 30%. Mrs. Marx tells Skye that no one is getting close to investing in the hedge fund. Skye assures her that they will when the article comes out in \"Restless Style.\" Victoria signs the papers to sue Victor. Noah visits to see how Victoria is doing. Nick calls Victoria to check on her and to invite her to Faith's birthday party. Abby and Victoria plan to attend the party. Nikki tells Victor that Sharon called and the rocking horse has arrived. Adam asks Vance if they could re-open the case against him. Vance tells Adam that the D.A. is busy with other things right now and they have no time for Adam. Adam asks if Skye can testify against him. Vance assures him that she can. Vance advises Adam to be extra good to Skye. Sharon invites Ashley to the party for Faith, but Ashley hesitates. Skye thanks Mrs. Marx for her time. Jack tells Skye about the article on the internet about her gambling. Skye becomes upset and accuses Jack of leaking the story. Jack lets Skye know that Phyllis is the new Editor-in-Chief of \"Restless Style.\" Sharon and Ashley bump into Adam and Vance. Adam begins to apologize to Sharon and Ashley. Vance advises Adam not to apologize where anyone can hear him. Everyone gathers for the party. Ashley arrives with a special present for Faith. Abby lets Ashley know that she is re-opening the case against Victor and Victoria is joining in the fight. Skye confronts Jack that he had told Phyllis that they were having an affair. Victoria begs Billy not to publish anything in Restless Style about her suing her father. Billy lets Victoria read the article about Adam/Skye/hedge fund. Victoria feels that it is a good article. Skye confronts Phyllis and Billy and vows that they will pay unless that they retract the story. Billy lets her know that it is going to press. Victor promises to cut both Victoria and Abby off from getting anymore money from him.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Hey. Magazine's at the printers. What are you still doing here?", "Phyllis: Uh, I just wanted to tweak a couple things before this went on the web.", "Billy: No staff?", "Phyllis: No, you gave 'em the day off... with pay.", "Billy: I gave them the day off with pay? Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah. At 2:00 in the morning, remember? They were angry.", "Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Okay, well, from now on, all complaints go to the new editor in chief.", "Phyllis: Oh, great. I'll send myself a memo.", "Billy: Yeah. Okay.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Billy: You know, that, uh, that was really worth it redoing that cover story. It's good instincts, I mean, picking up on Jack's and Skye's affair. It was great.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I think it was great, too. I never bought that \"Skye/Adam hedge fund golden couple.\" I never bought it.", "Billy: You know, I really wish I had more time to dig into the story. I wonder what else she's lying about.", "Phyllis: I think she's lying about everything, yeah. And how long do you think it's gonna take her to come in here after she's read it?", "Billy: Oh, given past experience, I'd say maybe an hour. Maybe two.", "Phyllis: Oh, Jack.", "Jack: Congratulations. How's it feel to be back at the magazine?", "Phyllis: It feels really, really great.", "Jack: You made the right move. This girl knows her stuff.", "Phyllis: Yeah, plus, I'm really fun.", "Jack: So what'd you call me for? What are you two cookin' up?", "Billy: Well, Jack, I would like to give you the heads-up on the cover story.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's great. Nothin'--nothin' bad about you. It's all--all good about you.", "Billy: You should really take a look at it before it hits the web.", "Jack: O... kay.", "Phyllis: Yeah, come-- come take a look. (Sighs) Hey.", "Jack: You didn't waste any time getting up to speed, did you?", "Phyllis: I think-- I think he's a little angry.", "Billy: I told you he would be that way.", "Jack: You're not waiting for my approval. You've already sent this to print.", "Billy: (Stammers) Come on. Anything that affects Adam negatively is good, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, and this is gonna hurt the Newman fund's credibility. Don't you want to see Adam fall for once?", "Jack: I just don't like kiss-and-tell.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Jack: What? I don't.", "Billy: \"I don't like kiss-and-tell.\"", "Phyllis: We--we told. You were the one who kissed, right?", "Jack: I don't think Skye's gonna see it that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: In this turbulent market, successful hedge funds are returning somewhere around 30%. Now as you can see, the Newman fund is considerably outperforming market benchmarks.", "Woman: No one is getting close to this-- sounds like financial alchemy.", "Skye: Well, I've invested a considerable amount of my own money into the fund. I'd be foolish not to be quality-conscious. Now if we continue to perform at this rate, and I assure you we will, the management fees will go up. You want in, now is the time. Once my \"Restless Style\" cover story hits the newsstands tomorrow, I expect a flurry of investors begging to get in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I really never dreamed that you were gonna go in on this lawsuit against Dad with me.", "Victoria: Well, I'm tired of making excuses for his disgusting behavior. You should have heard some of the things that he said about Billy after my miscarriage.", "Abby: Was he always this brutal?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Some people mellow with age.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Not Dad.", "Victoria: Okay, um, everything looks in order here.", "Abby: (Sighs, clears throat)", "Victoria: So I guess we can go ahead and make it official. Uh... (Sighs)", "Abby: What, are you having second thoughts? You don't want to do it? You're gonna do this to me now? Please don't do this to me now.", "Victoria: Abby! There's no ink.", "Abby: Oh. Oh, um, there you go. Um...", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Abby: (Sighs) (Clears throat)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Abby: Are you expecting someone?", "Victoria: Uh, no, I'm not.", "Victoria: (Gasps) Noah! Hi!", "Noah: Bonjour, Tante Victoria.", "Victoria: Oh, hello. You're back from Paris! Get in here. Tell us all about it.", "Noah: It was amazing.", "Abby: Hey.", "Noah: Hey, Abbs.", "Abby: Hey. (Clears throat)", "Noah: What's that for?", "Abby: I'm sorry. Are you too busy to stop by since you've been back? Nothing.", "Noah: I texted you to come to Crimson Lights last night. You should have came.", "Abby: With \"Matt the Rat\"? Ew. No, thank you.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Nick: Hey, Vick.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nick: You okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah.", "Nick: You sure?", "Victoria: Really. I'm disappointed, but okay. Hello, Baby girl. How are you? Mwah. So sweet. So what are your plans?", "Noah: Uh... (Sighs) Nothing definite.", "Victoria: Nothing definite. So nothing interests you. You're just gonna...", "Noah: Oh, you know. A little of this, a little of that.", "Victoria: Ahh.", "Nick: Narrows it down, huh?", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Noah: Yeah. Aunt Victoria-- Billy Abbott? Really?", "Victoria: Uh, yeah, really.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Heard Grandpa went berserk.", "Abby: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: Um, we're not gonna talk about that today. And I'm glad you're here-- saves me a phone call. Today is Faith's 1st birthday.", "Abby: (Gasps)", "Victoria: Yay!", "Abby: Oh, my goodness! Happy birthday, Faithy. Happy birthday. (Laughs)", "Nick: Sharon's gonna throw a party for her today at the house.", "Abby: Oh. Is, um, is--is Dad going?", "Nick: I want Faith's family to be around her on her day, okay? I already talked to Vick about this and Dad, so now I'm telling you. I really hope you'll put all your feelings aside and come to the party.", "Abby: Are you going?", "Victoria: Yes, of course.", "Abby: (Clears throat)", "Victoria: I am going. I wouldn't miss it for the world.", "Abby: Okay, well, I will, um, I will definitely try to stop by.", "Noah: Oh, not takin' no for an answer, are we, Faith? I'll drag auntie out there myself if I have to.", "Abby: Okay. Okay.", "Noah: Okay?", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Sharon called. Um, the rocking horse was delivered earlier this morning. Victor?", "Victor: Yeah?", "Nikki: And we-- we don't have to go if you don't want to.", "Victor: Well, I don't want Nicholas and Sharon to feel that they have to apologize every time that Faith's birthday comes around.", "Nikki: Look, you thought she was yours for six months. They would understand.", "Victor: Well, but I said to Nicholas that I would be there, and I promised him I would not argue with his sisters.", "Nikki: Well, then maybe this is fortuitous. Maybe you can use this as a chance to make peace with Victoria.", "Victor: And you didn't think that could be fixed.", "Nikki: Well, I was very upset when I said that. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that things can turn around when they are at their bleakest. I mean, just think about it. Last year, you were in the hospital fighting for your life.", "Victor: And Adam stole Sharon's baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Can the D.A. reopen its case against me?", "Vance: Can they? Yeah. Will they? The D.A.'s office is up to their kishkes trackin' Pomerantz's dope deals. My source claims there's no evidence against you, so no. They got no time for you.", "Adam: I saw Victor and Jack together the other day. Last time they did that, they were conspiring against me to have me brought back from Brazil. I think they're up to something.", "Vance: Nothin' I can't handle.", "Adam: I have seen Heather putting the squeeze on Skye. It's a good thing a wife can't testify against a husband.", "Vance: She can if she wants to. If I were you, Kid, I'd be extra good to the wife. Keep the missus happy, you'll both be happy.", "Adam: What happens when Heather and Victor and Jack all get together?", "Vance: I took care of the witnesses in your last case. I can do it again.", "Adam: Well, they're gonna know what's comin' this time. They're gonna be ready.", "Vance: Nobody's ready for Vance Abrams. That's the beauty of being me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi. I'm sorry I'm late. There was an accident on Fourth. Could I get a tall nonfat latte? Thank you.", "Sharon: I was beginning to think maybe you changed your mind about meeting me.", "Ashley: I almost did. That's for Faith. Could you give this to her? A little birthday present.", "Sharon: Oh, well, you know, I-I was kind of hoping you could give it to her yourself. You know, we're having a party today at the house later this afternoon, and it's just family, but you're welcome to come.", "Ashley: Oh, Sharon, that's so sweet. I don't--I don't know.", "Sharon: You know, Ashley, I've--I've been meaning to tell you how much I appreciate and--and just how grateful I am that you--you loved and cherished Faith as much as you did those first six months of her life. And when she's old enough, I want her to know about that. I want her to know about the special time that you guys spent together, and I know today is a tough day, but I'd like for you to join us.", "Ashley: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.", "Woman: Oh, thank you.", "Ashley: Can I think about it?", "Sharon: Of course.", "Ashley: Okay. I'll give you a call.", "Sharon: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Thank you very much.", "Man: Thank you.", "Skye: Yeah. Thank you so much.", "Woman: Thank you.", "Skye: Thank you for your time, Ms. Marx.", "Ms. Marx: I'll speak to my partners and get back to you.", "Skye: Wonderful.", "Jack: I hope you closed the deal.", "Skye: Mm, I will.", "Jack: Well, don't be so sure. This just popped up on the internet.", "Skye: Billy wrote about my gambling days-- old news.", "Jack: Keep reading.", "Skye: \"But underneath this so-called 'Golden couple's' facade is a man obsessed with his ex-wife Sharon Newman, a man who doesn't give a damn that his current wife and hedge fund partner... is shagging Jack Abbott co-C.E.O. of Jabot.\" (Scoffs) \"If these two are lying to the public about their personal life, what else could they be lying about?\" Th-this isn't the article Billy and I talked about.", "Jack: Gee, Billy lied about his cover story. Imagine that.", "Skye: Do you know what this will do to the hedge fund?", "Jack: I have some idea.", "Skye: You did this. You gave him this story.", "Jack: Phyllis saw the two of us in the coffeehouse. You weren't exactly subtle.", "Skye: What does Phyllis have to do with \"Restless Style\"?", "Jack: Oh, you haven't heard? She's their new editor in chief.", "Skye: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I am back, definitely. Oh, gosh, we should absolutely get together. Yeah, uh, you know, come in any--anytime. Okay, see you. (Sighs) Hi.", "Billy: Word travels fast.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it really does. (Sighs) It feels really great to be back in the game. You know what, Billy? Here is to a very kick-ass collaboration.", "Billy: Yeah, selling Skye down the river.", "Phyllis: Gives me joy, sheer joy. What about you?", "Billy: Yeah... no. Really, I don't have anything against Skye except for maybe her taste in men.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Billy: (Chuckles) You know, the whole point was to take a whack at Adam.", "Phyllis: So what? She stood in front of the target. Big deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Mom, we're home.", "Victoria: Happy birthday! Look at this. It looks so great! It's all decorated up. Wow, this is gonna be some party.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: Whoa.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) Oh, look at all the presents.", "Nick: Yep.", "Victoria: Presents, presents, presents...", "Jana: Knock, knock.", "Victoria: Hi! Hi, Baby. Come here. How was your day at school today?", "Reed: (Giggles) I made this for Faith.", "Victoria: (Gasps) Oh! Wow! Is that--?", "Nick: Wow, that is cool, Man.", "Victoria: Is that your handprint?", "Nick: Very cool, Reed.", "Reed: (Laughs)", "Nick: We can frame that and put it in Faith's room.", "Victoria: You remember your cousin Noah, don't you?", "Noah: Of course he does. Yeah, Buddy. Give me a high five. Bam!", "Victoria: There you go. All right. Thank you so much for bringing him home from school.", "Jana: Oh, yeah, no problem. He's such a good little lad and quite the artist, aren't you?", "Noah: Yeah, he takes after his mom.", "Victoria: Oh, thanks.", "Jana: Oh, welcome home. How was Paris?", "Noah: It was fantastic.", "Jana: Oh.", "Nick: Hey, do you think we should invite Miss Jana to stay for the party?", "Jana: Oh, no, no. I-I don't want to intrude.", "Victoria: Oh, no, you should stay. The kids would love it. Wouldn't you, Kids?", "Reed: Yeah!", "Victoria: Yay!", "Jana: Well, I can't say no to birthday cake. Um, can I do anything to help?", "Nick: Um, not till Sharon gets home. She should, uh, she should be here any minute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: We should go.", "Ashley: Why? Why should we go? We're not the ones that have done anything wrong here.", "Vance: I'd leave them alone. They're obviously upset about something.", "Ashley: Something? You don't have any idea how this man has made us suffer, do you? It was a year ago today that he placed a baby girl in my arms and told her that I was-- I was her mother. And you made Sharon believe that her baby was dead. And you are the lowlife scum that helped him get away with it.", "Adam: I never, ever meant to hurt either one of you.", "Ashley: Oh, shut up.", "Vance: Let's go. Let's go.", "Adam: Please forgive me.", "Vance: That's enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) Sorry I'm late.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Nick: That's all right.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: You okay?", "Sharon: Yes, I just have to get these cupcakes into the kitchen.", "Reed and Summer: Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Cupcakes!", "Nick: Ooh.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Jana: Yes, I'll-- I'll take them.", "Sharon: Oh, thank you, Jana.", "Jana: No touching. Look with your eyes, not with your fingers.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Hi, Baby. Did you miss your mommy?", "Nick: She's havin' a great time with the kids.", "Victoria: Sharon, uh, Noah is so grown-up now.", "Sharon: Yeah. It's been wonderful having him home.", "Nick: First time in a long time we've all been together as a family.", "Sharon: Two things to celebrate.", "Noah: Enjoy it while you can, 'cause you never know what's comin' next with this family.", "Abby: (Sighs) Okay, it's show time. (Exhales)", "Victor: I trust that gift is more thoughtful than the one you served me.", "Abby: Um, hi, Dad.", "Nikki: Hi, Abby. Let's all go in and enjoy the party, shall we?", "Abby: Yeah. Yes.", "Victor: You go ahead. Abby and I will have a minute.", "Nikki: All right.", "Victor: As a businesswoman, you'd better learn not to show your emotions too much. You have to control them. I hope you're aware of the implications of your lawsuit. You will not only lose my trust, but think of what this is doing to your family.", "Abby: I'm sorry. What I'm doing to this family?", "Victor: You bet.", "Ashley: Excuse me. What lawsuit?", "Abby: I have filed another lawsuit against Dad for mismanagement of my trust.", "Ashley: Abby, you told me that you weren't going ahead with that.", "Noah: Hey, Guys, party's in here, okay? Come on.", "Abby: Thanks. (Clears throat) Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: You just said you were worried the D.A. was gonna come after you, so why would you say something out in public that could be used against you?", "Adam: Because what happened to Sharon and Ashley was partially my fault. That's a fact.", "Vance: Do not apologize for something you claim you didn't do. Let's just hope no one else was close enough to hear you say it.", "Adam: So what do I do?", "Vance: (Sighs) Lay low. Get your act together. And you and Skye keep your mouths shut. No unnecessary attention. You hear me? (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Duck and cover.", "Phyllis: I hope she's not packin'.", "Skye: You are not gonna get away with it. You better pull that article now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm so glad you could make it.", "Ashley: Thanks for including me. Hi. Oh, what a special girl. Happy birthday, Faith.", "Victor: Why are you upsetting your mother with this lawsuit nonsense? Hasn't she gone through enough already?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I was sincere, Vance.", "Vance: Pull it together. I've got 50 other cases that need my attention. I don't get paid to be your babysitter.", "Adam: I really screwed things up. I was just... if I could just go back in time and change everything, fix it all, you know?", "Vance: The day we figure out how to do that is the day I'm unemployed.", "Adam: Do you know that Ashley was the only person in that house that was kind to me? And Sharon, Man, she... she faced down her friends, her family, everybody for me. I never meant to hurt those girls. I didn't intend to. It just... it just happened. I was trapped. I had no choice.", "Vance: Well, you've got a choice now. So keep your apologies to yourself, because believe me, given the opportunity, those two women would hang your family jewels around their necks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: The magazine is going to the newsstands as we speak.", "Skye: That wasn't the article we agreed to.", "Billy: Okay, hold on. I told you when you pitched it to me anything that I found was fair game.", "Skye: You and your brother set me up.", "Billy: Ahh, no, no, no. Jack didn't know anything about this till I showed him this morning.", "Skye: (Sighs) If you don't take it off-line and halt distribution, I will sue your ass off.", "Billy: You're gonna sue my ass? She'll sue my ass. Tell you what, why don't you go ahead and call your attorney, okay? Make my day, please, because freedom of press cases, they get a lot of publicity. I mean, last time I went to jail for not naming my source, my readership--it doubled. Go ahead.", "Skye: Every word of that article is a lie.", "Phyllis: Excuse me, Billy. May-- um, Sweetie, uh, can I call you sweet-- actually, it doesn't matter. Um, Jack confirmed your affair. Adam walking in-- priceless.", "Billy: Looks like you're screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Make a wish and blow out the candle. Ready?", "Nikki: (Gasps) Ooh. Yay! (Cheers and applause)", "Sharon: Your first birthday candle. Oh, wow. Are you enjoying your cake? (Laughs)", "Nick: Daddy can have a bite. Daddy have a bite? No?", "All: (Laugh)", "Sharon: Say, \"Cheese!\"", "Nick: All right, say, \"Cheese.\"", "Sharon: Say, \"Frosting.\" (Laughs) Good one.", "Nick: Daddy doesn't get any, right?", "Sharon: Now put your hand right in, Faith.", "Abby: It's good, huh?", "Noah: That was my cupcake.", "Summer: You ate yours.", "Noah: Huh? Oh, you little brat.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Noah: (Laughs)", "Jana: Here, you need help with the paper? Let me start that for you. There you go. Hang on. Let's take it off. (Growls) Just joking. There you go.", "Sharon: Jana, you're so great with kids. Would you mind babysitting Faith sometime?", "Jana: Yeah, absolutely. I'd love that.", "Nick: Okay, so no card?", "Sharon: We're gonna open your presents.", "Victoria: Ooh.", "Sharon: Yeah, oh, that is from Ashley.", "Victoria: Aw.", "Sharon: Let's see here. (Gasps) What is it, Faith? (Gasps) Wow.", "Nick: Ooh.", "Sharon: It's a guardian angel.", "Nikki: Oh, that is lovely, Ashley.", "Ashley: Yeah, it-- there's also a photo album in there, um, with pictures of the first six months of Faith's life.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh.", "Nick: Wow.", "Sharon: Wow. Ashley...", "Nikki: Precious.", "Sharon: Thank you so much.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Ashley: Sure. You're welcome.", "Sharon: It's almost as good as a cupcake.", "Nikki: Are you the princess?", "Sharon: Yeah, the princess.", "Nikki: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.", "Sharon: Where's your balloon?", "Nick: Here you go. Daddy got it.", "Abby: You know, the only person that you should be angry at is Adam. He is the one that is responsible for all the bad stuff that happened to Mom. I kept telling you he's a creep. You should get him out of the house.", "Victor: That's a separate issue, My dear.", "Abby: But I didn't do anything wrong. I deserve my money.", "Victor: It's my money. I put it in your trust fund to give to you when you're old enough to handle it and mature enough. Sadly, you have proven that you're not ready.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Nick: Uh, can you, uh, take the kids outside?", "Sharon: Yeah. Noah, why don't you take Faith? Come on.", "Noah: Hey, come one, \"Summy.\" We're gonna go outside and play with Faith.", "Sharon: Why don't you guys go play ball? All right.", "Victoria: You dangled that money in front of Abby, and then you took it back, just like you've done to all of us, Dad.", "Victor: This is none of your business.", "Victoria: Actually, it is my business. I'm joining Abby in her lawsuit.", "Nikki: Victoria, you can't be serious.", "Victoria: Actually, Mom, I couldn't be more serious. Nick, you ought to get in on this. Did you know that Dad paid his D.O.J. fine using Newman funds without consulting us?", "Nick: Vick, come on.", "Victoria: What? He was ready to throw me in jail when it suited his needs, so I'm just returning the favor.", "Ashley: Abby, why are you doing this? It's not gonna get you what you want.", "Abby: My lawyer thinks it will.", "Victor: Your lawyer does not know what he's up against.", "Sharon: Okay, everyone, look. This is why Nick and I almost didn't even throw a party for Faith. I don't care who's arguing with whom. This is our daughter's birthday.", "Nick: You told me you weren't gonna get into anything with Dad.", "Victoria: I didn't. But you can't expect me to keep my mouth shut.", "Victor: You'd be very wise to consider that.", "Nikki: Sweetheart, this isn't the time or the place.", "Victoria: Mother, the other day, you were just as angry at Dad as I am.", "Nikki: Well, I had hoped that today would be different. It was a chance for the two of you to put aside your differences.", "Victoria: Tell that to him. I'm very sorry, you guys. I apologize.", "Nick: I'm sorry, too.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I think we should leave, Abby. Let's go.", "Abby: Yeah, I'm-- I am really sorry, Sharon.", "Victoria: Just--", "Abby: Yeah.", "Victoria: Let's go.", "Victor: I'm very sorry about what just happened.", "Nick: (Sighs) You know, a year ago today, Sharon and I thought we lost our baby. Faith was brought back into our lives at tremendous sacrifice. We all have so much to be grateful for. I really thought my family wanted to share this day with her. I guess I was wrong.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Um, hello. Who was that? Oh, that was the financial channel. They are running with the story.", "Billy: Nice.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Look at the hits that we're getting on this article. That's it. That's it.", "Phyllis: Nice.", "Billy: (Singsong voice) It is time to celebrate. Time to celebrate.", "Phyllis: Oh, wait, celebrate? It's kind of early, right?", "Billy: Don't moralize with me. (Normal voice) We are celebrating. We are just going to have some mimosas, sans O.J.", "Phyllis: Oh! Oh, that's fine. I'll get the glasses.", "Billy: Do that. (Singsong voice) You do that. We are killing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: You son of a bitch. You told Phyllis we were having an affair.", "Jack: Phyllis was not editor in chief at the time.", "Skye: (Sighs)", "Jack: I thought I was just telling a friend the information.", "Skye: Oh, oh, right. Right. Okay, well, that friend and Billy used it to hurt my credibility. See, my big pitch to investors is that Adam and I are the perfect couple with the magic touch. And now I'm gonna be wasting my time doing damage control because of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs) I had hoped Victoria would set a better example for Abby.", "Nikki: Well, you pushed her too far.", "Victor: (Sighs) I don't even recognize her anymore. Ever since she's been associating with this obnoxious Billy Abbott, she's a different person. I bet you that he convinced her to join Abby's lawsuit.", "Nikki: I'll talk to her when things calm down.", "Victor: There's no reasoning with her. There's no reasoning with either of them.", "Nikki: Well, it's just a shame that your problems with your girls ruined Faith's party.", "Victor: Don't look at me, all right? I didn't start it. Abby started it. Victoria joined in. I was gonna honor Nicholas' request.", "(Front door opens)", "Ashley: I'm so sorry about what happened with Abby.", "Victor: So am I. They certainly should have been more thoughtful with you, considering this is a very, very tough day for you.", "Ashley: Well, it's not just me. You lost a daughter, as well. And you know what? I'm afraid if this does go to court and you don't stop this with Abby, you're gonna lose her, as well.", "Nikki: And Victoria.", "Victor: All right, enough of this. Let's go.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Um, I'm sorry, Miss. I have to warn you that my wife gets crazy jealous.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, who cares?", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: Today totally sucks.", "Billy: Uh-oh. What happened? Let me guess--your daddy...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: The party.", "Victoria: No, Nick is never gonna talk to me again.", "Billy: Okay, I doubt it's that bad.", "Victoria: Yeah, it's that bad. I ruined Faith's birthday.", "Billy: What did you do?", "Victoria: I decided to announce to everyone that I was joining Abby in her lawsuit.", "Billy: Ooh, I bet that went over well.", "Victoria: No, it didn't really go over very well.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: But I couldn't help it. Dad was just making me so mad, and I just... I don't know. I just kinda blurted it out.", "Billy: Oh, well, I know how you feel. You are talking to a serial blurter- outer. Oh, yeah, I have singlehandedly ruined more parties and family gatherings than I can remember.", "Victoria: (Laughs) (Gasps) Oh, God! What am I thinking? Why am I telling you this?", "Billy: I'm your husband?", "Victoria: You are my husband, but you are also at work, and you are the publisher of \"Restless Style.\" I am not here to gossip to the publisher of \"Restless Style.\" Please promise me that you are not going to publish this. Please promise me.", "Phyllis: Hey, Victoria.", "Victoria: Hi, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi, we're celebrating. There's, uh, champagne. Do you want some?", "Victoria: Congratulations on the job and, um, what are we celebrating?", "Billy: Cover story.", "Victoria: Oh, the cover story on Skye.", "Billy: On Skye, Adam, and the Newman fund. Come here. Come here. You are going to like this. Sit right down.", "Victoria: I'm gonna like it?", "Billy: You're gonna like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, where's \"Supergirl\"?", "Nick: She is upstairs showin' Noah her new karate moves.", "Sharon: Oh, well, that was kind of a bust.", "Nick: Yeah, I should have known better than to trust Dad that he wouldn't get into it with anyone. (Sighs)", "Sharon: Well, it wasn't just Victor. I mean, Victoria could have kept quiet.", "Nick: It's pretty shocking that she's joining Abby's suit against Dad.", "Sharon: Well, I should have known that the day was gonna end up this way. It started out bad. I ran into Adam at the coffeehouse when I was picking up the cupcakes.", "Nick: Okay. So that's why you seemed upset when you walked in the door. I mean, today of all days. Can you imagine what our lives would have been like if Adam was never around and didn't take Faith and make us think that she was... dead?", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Nick: Yeah, I know.", "Sharon: Well, I just... I wish that Victor and I had never brought him back from Brazil. You know, and it's worse knowing that Adam is never gonna pay for his crimes. You know, today he had the nerve to apologize to Ashley and me?", "Nick: He'll do anything to get your attention.", "Sharon: Well, it's hard to ignore him. I mean, he's everywhere.", "Nick: (Sighs) You just--you gotta move on, okay? We both do.", "Sharon: Yeah, I know. I shouldn't let him get to me like that.", "Nick: He's finally out of your life and Faith's. Just keep it that way, okay? Don't encourage him.", "Sharon: I won't. I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: (Sighs) This day keeps getting worse and worse. We have a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi.", "Jack: Hey. Hey.", "Ashley: (Sniffles)", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Ashley: How did you know I needed to meet my big brother for a drink?", "Jack: Oh, I had a feeling it was one of those days. Have a seat. I got you a drink already.", "Ashley: Thanks. I just came from Sharon's. She had a birthday party for Faith.", "Jack: How did it go?", "Ashley: It was pretty tough. You should see Faith. She's so gorgeous. She's so big. I know she was only in my life for a short time, but I love that little girl.", "Jack: I know you do.", "Ashley: God. You know, giving her up was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, Jackie.", "Jack: But you know what? You did it. You got through it, and now you're getting on with the rest of your life.", "Ashley: It makes it easier seeing how much Nick and Sharon love her. And they are wonderful parents.", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, they are.", "Ashley: (Sniffles) Anyway, I guess I don't have to worry about Faith, right? I still have to worry about Abby, though.", "Jack: Oh, what's the latest with \"The Naked Heiress\"?", "Ashley: Oh, please don't even joke around about it, Jackie. She has actually refiled her suit against Victor.", "Jack: Well, you know Abby. She changes her mind every five minutes. Another project's gonna come along to take her focus, and she'll change her mind again.", "Ashley: Mnh-mnh, not this time. There's another plaintiff involved.", "Jack: Who?", "Ashley: Victoria. She's joined Abby's suit against Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Signed, sealed, and delivered-- Victoria's in.", "Vance: How did you convince her?", "Abby: Oh, Dad did it all himself. (Sighs) Something happened to Victoria this week, something sad.", "Vance: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Abby: All she really needed was her family's support. Instead of showing up for Vicki, Dad thought he'd seize the moment, try to use it as leverage.", "Vance: Mm-hmm. \"Mr. Sensitivity.\"", "Abby: Victoria was bitter. When I told her that Dad used our money to pay that D.O.J. fine, she wanted in.", "Vance: Mm. Victoria worked for your father for years, didn't she?", "Abby: Uh, until recently, yes.", "Vance: Mm. I bet she knows a few things he'd rather keep private. Bringing Victoria on board just upped your chances of winning big.", "Abby: How big?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: They're not gonna see a dime of that money. I expect that kind of behavior from Abby. She's defiant and obstinate. But now Victoria, too?", "Nikki: Victor, you have said things to her that you can't take back, and your words hurt more than you'll know. They wound her. Your opinion matters a lot more than she lets on.", "Victor: We made a mistake. We made things too easy for them. We gave them too much too early. They're acting like two spoiled brats. I earned every dime I have. Let's see how they'll do without their father's money, and their father's help. Good luck to them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Wow. Well, I think I'll have that champagne now.", "Billy: What'd you think?", "Victoria: You know, I've always liked Jack. I really have. I mean, he--he does have some strange taste in women sometimes.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he does sometimes, yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah, but I think that, uh--", "Phyllis: Present company excluded, right?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, of course. (Chuckles) He came off fine, though, and Adam and Skye look bad. They look really, really bad. I can't wait for this to be on the stands.", "Phyllis: To our success.", "Victoria: Yeah, bravo.", "Billy: Success.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) (Glasses clink)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I told you not to do this \"Restless Style\" article.", "Skye: (Scoffs) That's helpful. What do we do now?", "Adam: Well, you said you could handle it. So handle it.", "Skye: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Where are you two off to?", "Summer: Gonna show Noah the new foals.", "Noah: (Gasps) Race you to the stables.", "Nick: Oh. My money's on Summer, Son.", "Sharon: (Laughs) He just... loves being a big brother.", "Nick: Ah, she idolizes him.", "Sharon: So does this one. Wow, she's wiped out.", "Nick: Turning 1 is hard work.", "Sharon: You know, sometimes I-I wake up in the middle of the night, and I just stare at her. I can't believe she's ours.", "Nick: We mourned the loss of our daughter. That doesn't just go away.", "Sharon: Still, it's really painful to think about.", "Nick: You know, by the time she turns 2, she's gonna have so many new memories. It's gonna get less and less painful every year. Faith is home with us, exactly where she's supposed to be.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: I sure hope that's plain tonic.", "Nikki: Oh, mind your own business.", "Victoria: There's plenty of room on that lawsuit for one more plaintiff, Nick.", "Michael: If we go to court and we lose, Newman Enterprises as we know it may cease to exist." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Tucker tells Ashley the truth about his deal with Jack and explains that he didn't want jabot to come between them anymore so he decided to sell it to Jack when he gets the company back from Katherine. Katherine apologizes to Jack for asserting her authority lately and tells him that she values him very much and thinks of him as more of a son then tucker. Jack promises Ashley that she will be part of Jabot if they win the lawsuit and get the company back from Katherine. Neil tries to reach a settlement of the lawsuit with Sofia before going to court but Sofia refuses to settle the lawsuit. Sofia and Neil both agree that they want the baby to be Malcolm's so that he and Sofia can rebuild their marriage. Neil talks to Katherine about the baby situation and wonders if he slept with Sofia because he was still angry on some level for what happened years ago with Malcolm and Dru. Neil tells Katherine that Malcolm and Dru keeping the secret from him tore his family apart and Katherine remembers Paul telling her that Devon was Tucker's son and that Tucker had a right to know the truth. Katherine is shocked when Jack shows up in court and sits down beside Tucker and Ashley and she is hurt that Jack betrayed her.", "Ronan feels pressure from the DA's office to make progress on Diane's murder investigation, but he gets two important leads in the case. The Goodwill store manager confirms that Victor donated the shoes. Diane's diary is tested and found to be authentic. In it Diane states that if anything happens to her, either Victor or Adam is responsible for her death. Ronan also wonders why the five pages before Diane died are missing from the diary. Ronan calls both Victor and Adam in for questioning at the station, then he leaves them alone in his office to talk. Victor and Adam are unaware that Ronan and Paul are recording them and listening outside Ronan's office. Heather arrives and reminds both Ronan and Paul that the recording would be inadmissible in court, because state law says that one party has to be aware they are being recorded. Victor divulges that Diane told him that Adam was trying to set him up for her murder. Adam figures out that Victor must have seen Diane the night after Adam left her at the park. When he spoke to Diane, she told him that she had not spoken to Victor yet. Ronan and Paul are happy they have confirmation that both Adam and Victor were at the park the night Diane died. Ronan is willing to take his chances in court with the inadmissible recording, because he found out what he needed to know.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Katherine?", "Tucker: What about Katherine?", "Ashley: Is that why you couldn't sleep last night? She's been playing so many games. It would give anybody insomnia, you know.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Katherine I can handle. I'll get you some more.", "Ashley: Well, when the judge rules in your favor, I want to talk to you a little bit more about me coming back to Jabot as C.E.O. You know, with all the fighting about who owns the company, the employees must be so unnerved, so the first thing I want to do is calm the waters.", "Tucker: Ashley, listen, I don't want you to get your hopes up.", "Ashley: Honey, I promise you. I'm just going to sit down with Jack, okay? I'm gonna assure him that I just want to help.", "Tucker: I haven't told you everything about the lawsuit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: \"The Naked Heiress goes to college.\" How unbelievably sick is that?", "Devon: It's crazy, 'cause I didn't even realize that they had a degree in shopping. (Chuckles)", "Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, well, you just wait until I have my master's...", "Devon: Okay. Mm-hmm.", "Abby: In brain surgery or astrophysics, and then we'll see who's laughing.", "Devon: It's still gonna be me. (Laughs)", "Abby: (Laughs)", "Devon: Hey, did, uh, did your mom tell you that Tucker is suing Katherine to get Jabot back? They're starting arbitration, like, today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Neil: How's the baby?", "Sofia: Well, I had a sonogram yesterday. (Sighs) Everything's fine. I'm just takin' it one day at a time.", "Neil: All right, um, Sofia, I called this meeting to see if our two companies could settle this lawsuit out of court.", "Sofia: Well, provided Katherine reversed the sale of Jabot and returned it to McCall.", "Neil: Are you saying that there's no middle ground, Sofia?", "Sofia: Tucker is the offended party here. Why should he compromise?", "Neil: Because Katherine has done everything by the book. He has no case.", "Sofia: We're just gonna have to wait and see, I guess.", "Neil: You used to have integrity. What changed? How can you defend what the man is doing?", "Sofia: Maybe it's because Tucker is the only man who's got my back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So Tucker is suing you.", "Kay: Yes. (Sighs) He claims, um, by selling Jabot, I was acting out of self- interest instead of, uh, doing what was best for McCall, Unlimited.", "Jack: So what happens now?", "Kay: Well, Judge Kelsey has agreed to arbitrate the hearing today. And, um, Tucker and I have agreed to-- to abide by his ruling.", "Jack: And you can live with that?", "Kay: Well, you see, if you would provide your expert opinion as C.E.O., that McCall was lucky to have sold Jabot in this economy for twice the price that it was worth at the time, I don't see any reason why the judge would overturn that ruling. What I'm saying is that Chancellor would still retain ownership, and it'd put an-- put an end to this nonsense.", "Jack: Then you're asking me to testify on your behalf?", "Kay: Yes, Jack. I mean, that's simple enough. Is there anything about it you don't understand?", "Jack: No, I understand perfectly.", "Kay: I certainly didn't mean to sound so condescending.", "Jack: No, you never do, Katherine.", "Kay: I realize I am not shy about asserting my authority lately. And if I haven't made it clear how much I value you, then truly, it's just been a misunderstanding between the two of us.", "Jack: Thank you for making that clear.", "Kay: Now can I count on your help?", "Jack: Much as I would like to say yes, I'm not really sure I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Oh, fantastic. Is this from forensics?", "Paul: Just finished processing. No fingerprints except Diane's, and the handwriting's a match. That's definitely her diary.", "Ronan: Okay. All right. Good, I've been waitin' on this.", "Paul: Well, you're in luck, because the boys downstairs made you a photocopy.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Fantastic. Thank you.", "Paul: Now listen, I'm also gonna follow up with Mark and find out if the store manager remembers anything bout the person who donated these.", "Ronan: All right, do it.", "Ronan: I heard about the Sharon Newman case. One day in trial, and you're already gonna plead her out?", "Heather: I'll take my headlines over yours any day.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Okay, first off, that's crap.", "Heather: It's been almost two months, and you've yet to make an arrest. The Mayor gave Spencer an earful this morning.", "Ronan: See, what I'm doing here is I'm building an airtight case, a case that not even you could screw up.", "Heather: (Scoffs) Clock's ticking, Detective.", "Ronan: There's five pages missing. Five pages right before Diane was murdered.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Idiots.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Adam: (Sighs) Detective Malloy, it's always a pleasure.", "Ronan: I need you to come by my office today. I've got some questions for you.", "Adam: Sorry, I, uh, I'm really not up for a visit.", "Ronan: If you need an escort, I can send you a black-and-white.", "Adam: Fine. I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "(Ring)", "Victor: Victor Newman.", "Ronan: It's Detective Malloy here. I'd appreciate it if you could come down today and clear some inconsistencies I'm finding in your statement. What time can I expect you?", "Victor: Uh, direct all questions to my attorney Michael Baldwin, all right?", "(Cell phone rings)", "(Ring)", "Victor: Listen, harassing me is not going to help your cause.", "Ronan: I had an interesting run-in with your daughter Abby yesterday", "Victor: All right, now you've got my attention.", "Ronan: I'll be expecting you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: \"If something happens to me, you know where to look. Either Adam or Victor is responsible.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: The arbitration is today, and you're just now telling me about the deal you made with Jack? Why--what is going on? Why can't you be straight with me?", "Tucker: It's the same old thing. It's habit. (Sighs) In business and in life, I've always played it close to the vest, you know? I've never been in a relationship like this before. I've never, never made a lifetime commitment to anyone. I've always lived for today. It's always about me, and I'm set in my ways. Now for a man my age who's never been married to say this is new territory... well, that's a pretty big understatement. But, Beauty, I want this to work. I want to step up like I never have before. I want to be the kind of partner I've never been.", "Ashley: What-- what does that mean?", "Tucker: Remember when I wanted Jabot just so I could give it to you as a gift?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Tucker: Well, what I really want to do is be a good husband. That's business. I don't want business coming between us anymore.", "Ashley: So you're saying that you gave up Jabot for me? For us?", "Tucker: I know how important the company is to you.", "Ashley: Well, I mean, I guess if... somebody's running the company that's an Abbott, I guess... I guess that's okay.", "Tucker: Well, I want you to be better than \"Okay.\" I don't want Jabot to get in the way of our happiness, so I realized it was probably better just to let the damn thing go. I know it looks like I'll never change. I know.", "Ashley: Kinda.", "Tucker: Yeah. That I'm not capable of it, but I want to... for you, and I'm gonna try like hell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: What do you mean, you're not sure you can help me?", "Jack: Well, I would be coming between mother and son. I think maybe its best that I decline.", "Kay: Jack, if Tucker wins, you're out of a job. You know that.", "Jack: I guess I'll have to take my chances.", "Kay: I-I really don't understand.", "Jack: I'm sorry to disappoint you, Katherine, but I don't think it's going to be possible.", "Kay: Listen to me, Darling. Your family and I-- you--we've been friends for decades with your father.", "Jack: Believe me, I have thought of all of that, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, then think about it again. This is very important. And know this-- you've been more of a son to me than that deceitful Tucker will ever be. I need you there, Jack, by my side. Please?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey. Read about your plea offer to Sharon. Foldin' the thing kind of early, huh?", "Heather: Spencer's idea, not mine. (Sighs)", "Adam: So how are things going with this, uh, homicide of the century?", "Heather: If you're referring to the Diane Jenkins case...", "Adam: Yeah, Ronan called me in again. Any idea why?", "Heather: You know, I can't discuss that with you.", "Adam: I didn't kill Diane. I might be a bad guy, but I'm no murderer. They're just-- I'm wrongfully accused-- rinse, wash, repeat.", "Heather: (Sighs) \"The world is such an unfair place. Why won't anyone believe how much I've changed?\"", "Adam: Yeah, the least that they could do is just talk to other suspects. That's all I'm saying. I mean, there's gotta be a dozen, right?", "Heather: Nice try, but I didn't stop by to say hi so you could pry me for information.", "Adam: You're right, that was lousy of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm here for one reason only-- to find out what you think you have on my daughter Abby.", "Ronan: Abby? Abby's in the clear-- well, for the moment, at least.", "Victor: Well, then you brought me under false pretenses.", "Ronan: Have a look at these. They're yours. So I know you lied to me about being in the park. Would you care to have a seat?", "Victor: Only to set you straight and have it done with. So... what have you got to tell me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I didn't mean to come off like I was-- I was using you for info. As you're well aware, I can be... quite an ass.", "Heather: We're not friends, Adam.", "Adam: I know. I don't have any. You hate me. I get it. Hell, I would, too. But I just... look, there weren't all bad times. There were good times. Remember when my dad went to Mexico? We had the run of the ranch. We had champagne in the hot tub, and--and we made love in just about every room in the house. That's the... that's the stuff I focus on, the good stuff. That's what I think about. You ever think about those times?", "Heather: Don't you think you should be getting to the station?", "Adam: Heather... for whatever its worth, and I know it's not worth much, I'm sorry... about everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Tucker is a big, nasty bully who gets off on being mean to people.", "Devon: You know, after he fired me, he, uh, came and warned me not to work for Katherine, saying that-- that she was just using me to get back at him.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Devon: But what was he doin' by comin' to me and talking about her like that?", "Abby: Yeah, using you.", "Devon: Thank you. And now here I am, caught in between these two rich, powerful people that I barely know. How crazy is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Did Tucker look out for you when you tried to help Cane protect our family? No. What did he do? He fired you. He threatened to press charges. He refused to even listen to your explanation.", "Sofia: And you convinced him to give me my job back after we slept together. So are you somehow saying that I owe you?", "Neil: This is not personal. This is business. This isn't about you and me.", "Sofia: Oh, it-- it isn't about you and me? (Scoffs) You know what? This meeting was a mistake. I have to go see Malcolm. (Scoffs)", "Neil: (Sighs) Hey, hey, wait a minute. (Sighs) Things would be easier all around if this baby wasn't mine. You know that.", "Sofia: It definitely would be a lot easier, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: You see, the treads on these fine Italian shoes match the footprints left around the victim's body. We tracked these down at a Goodwill just outside of Racine.", "Victor: Where's your chain of evidence linking me to that Goodwill store?", "Ronan: Ahh, right here. See? It's the receipt-- the receipt for the donation identified by the store found in your closet when we conducted the search. You see, these are your shoes. And they were on your feet making prints around the corpse the night of the murder.", "Victor: You and I know damn well that anyone could have taken these shoes and worn them the night of the murder. I told you from the very start that my son Adam was trying to set me up, trying to implicate me.", "(Door opens)", "Paul: Yeah, I need to see you for a sec.", "Ronan: Sit tight. I have some more questions for you.", "Victor: They'd better be good questions, Detective. So far, you're not impressing me.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Thanks.", "Kay: So, uh, Sofia wouldn't budge, huh?", "Neil: No, unfortunately, our little \"Issue\" got in the way of reaching an agreement, which I deeply apologize for.", "Kay: (Scoffs) No need. Uh, you know, Tucker is determined to get the best of me in this, and nothing you could have said would have made any difference. It wouldn't have changed a thing.", "Neil: Wait, wait, hold on. Wait, what about Jack? At least we can count on him, right?", "Kay: I don't know. For some reason, he just wasn't eager to-- to testify. He didn't want to.", "Neil: What? Where the hell is that man's loyalty? You put him in charge again.", "Kay: Well, I think giving him time to think things through, uh... (Clicks tongue) I believe he will be at that hearing on my behalf.", "Neil: Are you sure?", "Kay: Well, I know Jack Abbott. Jabot means everything to him. No. He won't let me down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Singsongy) I know what you're up to, Jackie, and I want in.", "Jack: Then Tucker told you? All of it?", "Ashley: (Normal voice) Yes, he told me all of it. And in spite of the secrecy, I am so happy that Jabot's gonna be back in Abbott hands. And you know what? I've got so many products I want to create. I've got a list, and nothing's gonna stop me.", "Jack: (Stammers) Hold on. Katherine could still win at this arbitration. If she does, no Abbott who's in league with Tucker is ever going to work in that company again.", "Ashley: Now that I know what your strategy is, Jack, I'm gonna put my money on the two of you. And once you get Jabot back, I want to be involved, okay? In a big way.", "Jack: You will. You--you will... if we win. Let's not jinx this, okay?", "Ashley: Since when are you superstitious in any way, shape, or form?", "Jack: Ash, for too long, we have watched the company our father founded kicked around like a soccer ball. I am praying that today is the day that stops... for good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: How's the sound level in my office?", "Paul: It's perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Well, some cop told me to wait in here.", "Victor: You mean you don't wonder why we're here together? Because the cops are finally taking some action against you for trying to frame me for Diane's murder. Everyone knows you killed her. This time, I'm gonna make sure you pay for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: (Sighs) You brought me a present.", "Malcolm: Yeah, it's, uh, it's one of those pregnancy pillows. You know, you mentioned you've been having trouble sleeping, so...", "Sofia: Oh, Malcolm, that was so thoughtful of you. Thank you.", "Malcolm: So... (Sighs) How's the little guy doin'?", "Sofia: Well, why don't you see for yourself? Everything's progressing as it should be. The Rh levels are in safe territory.", "Malcolm: Well... I guess it won't be long now, will it?", "Sofia: (Sighs) You know, I wish you were this pillow. I wish we were living together again, sleeping in the same bed.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Sofia: Malcolm, is there any way that we can maybe make that happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I hope that your trust in Jack isn't misplaced.", "Kay: So do I. Come on. You want to talk about it?", "Neil: (Clears throat) Talk--talk about what?", "Kay: Well, your meeting with Sofia sounded rather difficult.", "Neil: The situation, um...", "Kay: Hmm.", "Neil: Not knowing who the baby's father is-- Kay, it's like, uh, Malcolm and Dru all over again. You know, the secret they kept tore apart my family.", "[Kay remembering]", "Kay: Neil's adopted son?", "Paul: And he's also Tucker's biological son, which means he's your grandson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: (Sighs) Well, this is... it's been very stressful for you, I know.", "Neil: Yeah. And once Sofia has this baby, I am praying that it turns out to be Malcolm's, you know? That their marriage can survive this, may--maybe even grow stronger because of it. You think that's possible?", "Kay: Well, it all depends on the couple.", "Neil: I-I-I really-- I want those two to make it, you know? (Stammers) I mean, if I'm being honest, though, there's a part of me that, um, I don't know I-if on some deeper, unconscious level, when I slept with Sofia, was there more to it than just poor impulse control? Thank you.", "Kay: What do you mean?", "Neil: Did I do it on purpose to get back at my brother? Have I been holding on to that anger all these years?", "Kay: Well, those are very, very heavy questions.", "Neil: And I bet that you're gonna give me some sage advice.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Not this time, I'm afraid, not this time.", "Neil: Oh, okay. So I'm gonna have to just struggle through it myself?", "Kay: There's a part of you that still wishes Sofia's baby turns out to be yours, right?", "Neil: I never could lie to you, could I?", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Laughs)", "Abby: No, I can't. It's so ridiculous. (Laughs)", "Devon: You said it, though.", "Abby: (Laughing) I know! (Sighs) You know, this is a private conversation", "Tucker: Okay, well, Abby, I just wanted to tell you you should give your mother a call.", "Abby: Mm.", "Tucker: She was pretty shaken up by that message you left her.", "Abby: Okay, thank you. Good-bye. (Clears throat)", "Tucker: And, uh, did you take my advice about staying away from Katherine?", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Devon: You know what? No, I didn't.", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Devon: And why would I? She's given me a great opportunity.", "Abby: Yeah, not to mention a contract saying she won't pull the rug right out from under him just because she's having a bad hair day. And actually, while we're on the subject of being a complete jerk to Katherine--", "Tucker: Oh, okay, you heard about the lawsuit.", "Abby: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I did. You realize that that woman sat by your bedside for 20 hours a day when you were in that coma? She dealt with all the doctors. She was running two huge companies. She barely saw her husband. She was just sitting there willing you to get better,-and this is how you repay her? (Scoffs) Please remind me to never do anything nice for you.", "Tucker: I'm reclaiming Jabot for your mother, Abby.", "Abby: (Laughs)", "Tucker: That's right, so she can be back where she belongs running the company alongside your Uncle Jack.", "Abby: Oh, you are so full of it! You don't do anything for anyone unless their name is \"Tucker.\"", "Tucker: People can't change, Abby?", "Abby: (Scoffs) Uh, you know, I-I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and I thought that they could, and then I take one look at you, and I'm not so sure.", "Tucker: All right. You have a good day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: I, um, met with Neil earlier. I-it was strictly business. But we did get to talking about the baby, and...", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Sofia: We both decided it would be best for everyone if this little boy turned out to be yours. And that is what I want more than anything, Malcolm. I realize it'll be a while before we know the paternity. But can we give things another try in the meantime?", "Malcolm: Sofia, I-I-I'm not really ready for anything like that, okay? Not until we know for sure. And even if that baby is mine, we got a long road back to what we used to have.", "Sofia: In my mind, in my heart, you already are my baby's father.", "Malcolm: That's not up to you, Sofia, is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So...", "Kay: Uh-huh.", "Neil: Should we head to the courthouse?", "Kay: No, you go ahead, and, um, I'm going to make a phone call. See you there.", "Neil: All right, see you shortly. Mwah.", "Kay: Mm, thank you, Neil.", "Neil: Thank you, Katherine.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "Jack: This is Jack Abbott. You've reached my voice mail. Please leave a message after the tone. (Beep)", "Kay's voice: Jack, it's me. You know, when we spoke earlier, you seemed very reluctant to get involved in this legal proceeding and, well, 'm about to leave, and I'm asking you one more time to please come and testify. Help me stop tucker from taking Jabot back. This is about protecting our legacy, our future. I need you, Jack. I need you. And I, um, I truly hope to see you there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I didn't set you up. You set yourself up.", "Victor: Now what the hell does that mean?", "Adam: You were runnin' around town screamin' out to anybody who would listen to you that you hated Diane the same night that she ended up facedown in a stream.", "Victor: You had as many reasons to hate her as I did, perhaps even more. You lived with her until before she died. You know she was rather mercurial, to put it mildly.", "Adam: Isn't that why you did her in?", "Victor: You've been trying to set me up for her death from the beginning. She told me so the night she died.", "Heather: What's going on? What are you guys doing?", "Ronan: Shh, shh, shh, shh!", "Adam: You told the police that she came to your ranch to talk to you-- your ranch-- about this supposed plan to frame you.", "Victor: What about it?", "Adam: It's a lie. I was with Diane that night at the park, and she hadn't yet spoken to you. So if she did speak to you, it had to have happened at that footbridge after I left her, so you must have been the last person to see her alive.", "Ronan: I've got you both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: (Clears throat)", "Ashley: Hi.", "Tucker: Hey.", "Tucker: So, um, how'd your talk with Jack go? Will he give you the job you want when he time is right?", "Ashley: You know, he didn't-- he didn't promise me anything specific. He said he didn't want to jinx it. Isn't that weird? Jack's not that kind of person. I don't even think he knows what his astrological sign is, so I don't know.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Psst.", "Kay: Oh, uh, by the way, Dear, the judge isn't here yet. Uh, you still have time to back out.", "Tucker: Not on your life. There you go, Jack. Good to see you. Glad to have you with us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Will one of you please tell me what's going on here?", "Paul: Shh! (Quietly) Ronan put Adam and Victor in the same room to see what would happen. So far, so good.", "Victor: Where the hell is Malloy? (Sighs)", "Adam: Dad?", "Victor: What?", "Adam: You ever wish things were different between us?", "Victor: Uh, Connie, kindly tell Victoria that I've been delayed. I'll be with her momentarily, all right? Thank you.", "Ronan: Okay, that's all we're gonna get.", "Heather: I'd like an explanation. What--what is it that you think you got?", "Ronan: I got a start. I got Victor and Adam finally telling the truth.", "Heather: Whatever you caught on tape could be tossed out as inadmissible. At least one of the parties has to know that he was recorded and consent.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm. Well, you know what? I'm okay with it, because now I know what I need to know.", "Victor: I'm out of here.", "Ronan: And thank you for coming in.", "Adam: Heather, what are you doing here?", "Heather: I-I just needed to talk to Paul.", "Ronan: You can go, Adam.", "Adam: What angle do you have, Ronan? What kind of game are you playing? No questions?", "Ronan: Nope. No game, no angle. Thanks for your time.", "Ronan: What's goin' on with you and \"Prince Charming\" there?", "Heather: Who, Adam? Nothing. (Scoffs)", "Paul: Better be nothing.", "Ronan: I'll let you two talk this out.", "Heather: {Sighs] That's some thought process you got there.", "Ronan: Yep. \"At the... footbridge.\" Times two.", "Heather: That's what you just got?", "Ronan: Yep. See, this isn't the kind of case that's going to solve itself. It's--it's-- it's a giant puzzle, you know, one that you can only understand when you step back and you-- you take the whole thing in. It's coming together. It's coming together. I can feel it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: You win. I'm here. I got your money. Come and get it.", "Ashley: Diane kept a diary? Do you know about this?", "Victoria: And Ronan has it.", "Ronan: \"When my dead body is found someday, it'll be because Adam finally snapped.\"" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the hospital, Abby assures Victoria that they will get through this birth unless she wants to get someone else. Victoria assures her that she doesn't want anyone else. Abby offers if she wants to get Billy or Ben to be her coach but Victoria refuses. At Crimson Lights, Billy and Chelsea have ice cream with Johnny and Connor. Billy reaches over and kisses Chelsea but their attention soon turns to Connor, who has bitten Johnny. Nick asks Sharon if she has a problem with Summer carrying Phyllis' purse at the wedding, but Sharon assures him that she doesn't, but she just doesn't know what is bothering her about it. Phyllis arrives at Jack's and looks around, but she cannot get in until she remembers where he keeps the key. Phyllis walks into the house and says to herself, \"I'm home.\" At Jabot, Jack sets some ground rules for Ashley. Ashley asks Summer if she could have a few moments alone with Jack. Jack tells Ashley that she will have to deliver on the new fragrance. Ashley assures him that she will. Ashley reminds Jack how he wronged her in the past. Victoria is at the hospital when Billy and Chelsea bring Johnny in. Victoria immediately wants to know what happened. Billy explains that Connor bit him. Victoria takes Johnny and tells him that she will not let anyone hurt him. After looking around, Phyllis goes upstairs. Kelly comes home while Phyllis is upstairs. At the Athletic Club dining room, Ashley and Abby meet to discuss the latest town gossip and to discuss Jabot business. Abby tells Ashley that Billy is with Chelsea now. Ben interrupts them and sits down beside Ashley. At the hospital, Chelsea watches Billy with Victoria. At the Underground, Austin and Mariah unload the boxes of liquor that just arrived. Mariah mentions that they should steal a bottle of the liquor and celebrate. Austin refuses to go along with her plan. Kevin watches them. Kelly calls Sharon to let her know that the wedding invitations came in, and she wants to come over to discuss the reception. After Kelly leaves, Phyllis walks to the top of the stairs and looks around. Phyllis calls out for Jack but he's not there.", "Billy takes Johnny to see the doctor while Victoria and Chelsea have a chat. Victoria tells Chelsea that she saw them together in the park. Billy comes back with Johnny and wants to know what's going on between them. Sharon and Nick discuss the reception with Kelly. Sharon asks Kelly when she and Jack will be getting married. Jack and Summer discuss how she wants him to give Austin a job at Jabot. Jack and Summer discuss Phyllis and how she is \"unstoppable.\" Phyllis looks around the house and realizes how things have changed. Phyllis looks at the pics on the mantle and doesn't see one of her. She opens the cabinet and sees a pic of herself that is hidden away. Kevin questions Mariah about her flirting with Austin and reminds her that Austin is a married man. Mariah reminds him that Tyler was hers first too when Abby took him from her. Chelsea lets Billy know that Victoria saw them together in the park. Billy and Chelsea kiss. Victoria comes back from cleaning up Johnny. Chelsea soon makes her exit with Connor. Billy tells Victoria that they need to get some things straight about Chelsea. Billy reminds Victoria that she wanted a divorce and he gave it to her, but Chelsea is in his life now. Ashley, Abby, and Ben discuss the new fragrance. Abby calls Ben a \"murderer\" again. Ben lashes out at her and tells her not to do that again. Ashley defends Ben to Abby. Sharon tries to get Nick to tell her where he is taking her on their honeymoon, but he refuses. Sharon tries to use her new bathing suit to get him to tell her where he is taking her. Phyllis puts her pic back on the mantle. Summer visits Austin at the Underground and lets him know that Jack is granting him an interview concerning a job. Jack comes home and sees Phyllis' pic on the mantle. Someone abducts Nick outside of Sharon's door.", "" ]
[ "Summer: Jack!", "Jack: Hey!", "Summer: Hi!", "Jack: Oh, what a nice surprise! You're here to see me?", "Summer: Yeah. Uh, do you have a minute?", "Jack: Always. Always. What's up?", "Summer: Um, I just wanted to talk to you about something. It's kind of personal.", "Jack: Let's go in my office.", "Summer: Okay.", "Jack: Ash!", "Ashley: Don't look so surprised, Jack. I told you I'd be back.", "Abby: The goal of Lamaze is to increase a mother's confidence in her ability to give birth. Hmm. Confidence, huh? Well, that kid is coming out, no matter how you feel about it. Vicki?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah? What?", "Abby: Are you okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the chore and -- and the delivery room and all that.", "Abby: There's nothing to worry about. I am totally confident, and you will be, too, on d-day. You and I are gonna make an awesome team -- you pushing, me yelling, \"push!\"", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure everything will be fine.", "Abby: Then what's bothering you?", "Victoria: [Sighs] I just -- I don't know. I just can't help wondering how maybe things...could have been different, you know?", "Abby: If you're having second thoughts about me being your coach --", "Victoria: No! I told you I want you to do it! I do!", "Abby: Are you sure?", "Victoria: Yes, I'm sure.", "Abby: Okay. Well, it's -- it's not too late to choose...someone else.", "Victoria: Look... I saw Ben in the park earlier. He was with his mother, and she was just going on and on, defending him, and -- and it just made me realize that that's why we're not together anymore, all right?", "Abby: Well, what about Billy?", "Victoria: Well, I saw Billy in the park earlier, as well -- with Chelsea.", "Abby: Well, Chelsea and Billy work together.", "Victoria: I don't think that their job involves Billy giving Chelsea throwing tips.", "Abby: Throwing tips?", "Victoria: Yeah. I don't know. They were playing baseball.", "Abby: Okay. Well, maybe Billy was just showing Chelsea some pointers for Connor.", "Victoria: No, these instructions were definitely meant for Chelsea.", "Abby: I'm sure you're making more out of it than it actually was.", "Victoria: Clearly, Billy has moved on. And so have I, right?", "Chelsea: So, our four date includes ice cream and this handsome duo.", "Billy: A variation on the traditional double date with, uh, sticky fingers, dribbling, chocolate-covered faces.", "Chelsea: Looks good on you.", "Billy: Yeah. I meant them.", "Chelsea: Mm, don't be so sure. [Laughs]", "Billy: Better?", "Chelsea: Uh-huh! Yeah.", "Billy: You know, you guys are lucky. You can get away with the whole chocolate-covered-faces thing.", "Chelsea: Oh, he's just jealous. Yes.", "Billy: So, this date is off to a better start than our first one.", "Chelsea: That's because you didn't show up in sweats.", "Billy: Yeah, and you weren't wearing a ball gown, ready to attend the social event of the season.", "Chelsea: Okay. So, we're in the proper attire, yet... somehow, I'm still nervous.", "Billy: What about?", "Chelsea: Being here together, where people can see us.", "Billy: Chelsea, we've already gone public with our relationship, and lightning didn't strike and the world didn't come to an end. In fact... it's just beginning.", "[Johnny shouts]", "Nick: Sharon, are you upset that Summer wants to carry Phyllis' purse at the wedding?", "Sharon: No. Of course not.", "Nick: Then what's bothering you?", "Sharon: That's just it. I don't know.", "Nick: Well, whatever it is, it must not be that big of a deal.", "Sharon: Well, then why can't I shake this feeling?", "Nick: I don't think it has anything to do with this all.", "Sharon: What do you think it is?", "Nick: I think it's pre-wedding jitters, and, honestly, if you didn't have them, I would be concerned, especially after everything we've been through. You've got to stop worrying. Everything's gonna be fine.", "Phyllis: I'm home.", "Jack: Of course I am delighted to see you, but if we're to share an office, there are some ground rules, the first of which is no designer heels on the desk.", "Ashley: Oh, Jackie, you and your rules. You're so pedantic in the office. Hi, Summer!", "Summer: Hi.", "Ashley: It's great to see you, honey.", "Summer: It's good to see you, and thank you for the wedding gift, by the way.", "Ashley: My pleasure. Now maybe I'll have a better chance to get to know you and your new husband, huh, now that I'm here?", "Jack: Here? Here as in \"visiting\" or here as in \"you're here to stay\"?", "Ashley: Hmm. Here for as long as it takes.", "Jack: What exactly does that mean?", "Ashley: Do you mind? Could I have the room for a little bit? I need to speak with my brother.", "Jack: You know what? Just give us a couple minutes, all right?", "Summer: Okay.", "Ashley: I want my title back as co-C.E.O.", "Jack: Well, first you have to deliver on your promise to create a product that brings Jabot millions.", "Ashley: Don't worry. I will hold up my end of the bargain.", "Jack: I am a little bit worried. I heard you hired the defrocked doctor as your head chemist.", "Ashley: You know, Ben is more than qualified to give me what I need him to give me.", "Jack: And what exactly is that?", "Ashley: You know, Jackie, you like your rules so much, I'm gonna give you one right here. You don't get to ask me about what I'm working on. I will disperse information as I deem necessary because this is my project.", "Jack: And this is my company.", "Ashley: Unh-unh. It's our company. We have to make an announcement in the next few weeks talking about my new position as co-C.E.O.", "Jack: Okay. Now, why would I go along with your idea?", "Ashley: Because you need it. I mean, your numbers are decent. Like I told you before, what I have is a game-changer.", "Jack: I'm not convinced that I need it. In fact, I don't know what \"it\" is.", "Ashley: But you know me, Jack, and you know that I don't deal in hyperbole. If I tell you I've got something revolutionary, I'm speaking the truth.", "Jack: I don't for a moment question your capabilities, but that is not reason for me to share leadership of this company.", "Ashley: I will give you a reason, then, Jack! You feel damned guilty because what you did to me two years ago was beyond betrayal. You know in your heart that it was wrong, and it's time to make it right.", "Jack: I will free admit that that cost me a few nights of sleep.", "Ashley: Oh, a few nights of sleep?", "Jack: Ash, it was business.", "Ashley: [Laughs] No! It was not business, Jack. It was so personal because I'm your sister. And I know that you've missed me. And I know how much it means to you to have your family close at hand. And let's face it -- things are a lot more fun when I'm around. Well, if you don't give me what I want, I'm not gonna be around for much longer.", "Victoria: Do you know what I could really go for right now? Pancakes with real maple syrup and a side of okra.", "Abby: Um, that sounds disgusting and maybe illegal.", "Victoria: Have you ever tried it?", "Abby: No, and I don't plan on it.", "Victoria: Okay. You don't know what you're missing. How about just plain pancakes, my treat, for being such a wonderful birth coach?", "Abby: Oh, thank you. I would love to, but I have to get to my meeting with, -- my business meeting.", "Victoria: You're meeting Ben to go over that top-secret thing that you guys are cooking up at Jabot, aren't you?", "Abby: I didn't say that.", "Victoria: Yeah, but I know you are.", "Abby: Well, I will see you at our next class. [Smooches] Goodbye.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Chelsea: Excuse me. We're here to see dr. Greer.", "Billy: It's okay, buddy. The door's gonna have a good look at that bite.", "Victoria: Bite? What? What? Did a dog bite him?", "Chelsea: No, nothing like that. The boys were playing, and Connor got a little out of control.", "Victoria: What?! He bit him?", "Billy: Vick, it's okay. Connor's only got a few teeth. It's not that bad. Chelsea just wanted to bring him in and make sure that he's okay.", "Chelsea: I knew you'd be worried.", "Victoria: It's okay, baby. I'm not gonna let anybody hurt U. Where is it?", "Abby: When did you get here? How long are you staying? D have you seen uncle Jack?", "Ashley: Uh, a couple hours ago, I'm not sure, and yes.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Ashley: Now can we please sit down?", "Abby: Yes.", "Ashley: All right. Tell me what the latest is, please, please, please.", "Abby: Oh! Do you want the latest gossip or the latest on our Jabot project?", "Ashley: Both -- first with e gossip and then the Jabot business.", "Abby: Oh, I love a woman who has r priorities in order. Okay, let's see. Where do I start? Well, you saw uncle Jack, so you probably know that his new girlfriend moved in with him.", "Ashley: [Gasps] I didn't know Kelly moved in with him. You're kidding me.", "Abby: Yes. And they're sharing the same room he shared with Phyllis. Ew. Summer married a felon. I guess that's what the kids are doing these days. Two years ago, it was tattoos, and now it's \"assault and battery -- let's get hitched.\"", "Ashley: I actually saw Summer at Jabot, and she seemed like she was doing pretty well.", "Abby: On the outside. And then there's the whole Billy/Victoria/murderer- turned- doctor-turned-chemist saga. That's all pretty much status quo. Mother and baby are fine, and yours truly is the designated delivery coach.", "Ashley: So, there's no progress at all between Billy and Victoria since my last visit?", "Abby: Depends on how you define \"progress.\" The divorce is final, and Billy has something going on with Chelsea Lawson.", "Ashley: Chelsea? Are you kidding me?", "Abby: No, I don't ask questions. Well, actually, I did. I just didn't get any answers -- none that meant anything.", "Ashley: So, what is happening with Ben and Victoria? Where do things stand?", "Abby: Hmm. I don't know. Why don't you ask him yourself?", "Stitch: Hey. Hope I'm not late.", "Both: Right on time.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Billy: Thanks, Doc. Sorry to have wasted your time.", "Victoria: That was hardly a waste of time. You don't know what germs Johnny could have gotten from Connor. He might have needed a booster shot.", "Billy: Yeah, but he didn't. The doctor says he's fine.", "Victoria: Except for the emotional trauma.", "Billy: Vick, does he seem traumatized to you?", "Victoria: No, not now.", "Chelsea: I'm glad he's okay.", "Victoria: Yeah, so am I. It could have been a lot worse.", "Billy: I'm gonna go finish up some paperwork, and then we'll head out.", "Chelsea: Okay. [Sighs] I'm really sorry. I-I don't know what got into Connor.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, he is Adam's son.", "Chelsea: Okay. I understand that you're upset, Victoria, but that doesn't give you a right to attack my son or his father.", "Victoria: I have an idea. Why don't we just keep our distance until Billy gets back with Johnny?", "Chelsea: Fine by me.", "Victoria: Good.", "Chelsea: But you know what? There's something I think you and I need to get straight first.", "Victoria: If you're gonna tell me that you and Billy are more than just friends, you can save your breath, because I saw you playing together in the park.", "Mariah: Married life keeping you up late? I thought you were supposed to get less action when you tie the knot.", "Austin: Oh. You want the details of Summer and my sex life?", "Mariah: Oh, no, thank you.", "Austin: Yeah. Well, if you want to know why I'm tired, it is because I took a second job. I'm working over at the athletic club as a lifeguard.", "Mariah: Oh, saving rich people from drowning -- that's worth minimum wage.", "Austin: It's better than living off my wealthy wife.", "Mariah: Well, when you put it that way.", "Austin: Hey, can you hand me one of those?", "Mariah: Yeah. Here you go.", "Austin: No, no, no. From that box.", "Mariah: What difference does it make?", "Austin: The good stuff goes on the top and then the second-class at the bottom.", "Mariah: Ah, kind of like al life -- people like us looking up at the 1-percenters, except you are one of them now.", "Austin: Hey, just because I married Summer doesn't mean I'm not still the guy from the hoo", "Mariah: Oh, really, Mr. Preppy? Yeah. You would last about two seconds in the hood.", "Austin: [Laughs] Well, maybe so, but even still, we, uh -- we didn't drink this stuff where I grew up.", "Mariah: Where I grew up, people drank out of paper bags. You know, one of these nights, we should confiscate one of these top-shelf fancy liquors and get a taste of the good life.", "Austin: How 'bout now?", "Mariah: Really?", "Austin: No.", "Mariah: Oh, come on. Live dangerously", "Austin: Okay. I've been there, done that. I'm good.", "Mariah: I don't mean real danger. I mean having fun.", "Austin: Well, for me, having a job -- it's fun.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. You need to get out more.", "Austin: Mm. With you?", "Mariah: With anybody. Think about it.", "Austin: All right.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Hey, there. Where have you been? I haven't seen you around in a while.", "Kevin: I've been busy. And, from the looks of it, so have you.", "Mariah: What?", "Kevin: I said, \"from the looks of it, so have you,\" with the guy who shot my boss, who, by the way, is taken.", "Sharon: [Giggling] Nick, we can't make out right now.", "Nick: Why? No one is home.", "Sharon: Because there is so much to do. This is Faith's birthday week. You're supposed to be planning that.", "Nick: Yeah. I know. I got that covered.", "Sharon: Okay. And I'm supposed to be planning a wedding.", "Nick: Yeah, this is helping. This is honeymoon prep.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Oh, you know what? If you really do want to help prep, oh, I know -- we have got to figure out where we're gonna seat your dad at the wedding.", "Nick: Oh, just park him next to your mom. She always keeps him in line.", "Sharon: No, my mom's not coming. She's on a cruise with her friend Marion. She said I didn't give her enough notice. Anyway, I don't want him sitting at my side of the family.", "Nick: He is my family, so...", "Sharon: So, who can we put him next to that can keep him under control when the \"anybody here have an objection\" part?", "Nick: Segundo.", "Sharon: Perfect. Make a note -- one special doggy al for Segundo.", "Nick: Problem solved. Now let's get back to the fun stuff.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Mm.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Don't answer that.", "Sharon: Mm.", "Nick: Don't answer it. Don't. Don't.", "Sharon: Wait. Okay. Hello?", "Nick: You answered it.", "Kelly: Hey, Sharon. It's Kelly.", "Sharon: Oh, Kelly, hi. What's up?", "Kelly: I have really great news. The invitations came back from the printer's, and they look beautiful. I had them hand-delivered.", "Sharon: That's so great. I was afraid that they weren't gonna get out in time for the ceremony Friday.", "Kelly: So, that just leaves the seating assignments for the reception. I could come over now and work on them with you.", "Sharon: Now?!", "Nick: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Unh-unh.", "Sharon: Yeah, yeah. Now's good.", "Nick: Or now.", "Kelly: Great! See you in a few minutes.", "Phyllis: Jack?", "Chelsea: Yes, Billy and I were in the park, playing baseball.", "Victoria: Were you on a date?", "Chelsea: Are you seriously gonna ask me that, Victoria? What Billy and I do is none --", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. You're right. It's none of my business -- unless it affects Johnny.", "Chelsea: I would never do anything to hurt Johnny, and you know Billy wouldn't. He loves that little boy.", "Victoria: Yes, I know he loves him.", "Chelsea: Okay, good. I hope that means you would never try to keep Johnny away from his dad.", "Victoria: Of course I would never do something like that. I know how important a little boy's relationship is to his father.", "Chelsea: It really is. So, in the future, I'd appreciate it if you didn't badmouth Connor's father. Oh, and you might also want to remember that Connor and Johnny have the same mother.", "Victoria: Yeah. I haven't forgotten. And I actually haven't forgotten how that came to be, although it seems that Billy has.", "Chelsea: Oh, no. It seems to me that Billy remembers everything about the time Johnny was conceived.", "Billy: We're all set. This guy charmed the nurses into giving him a lollipop. Everything okay?", "Kelly: Oh, nick! I thought you'd be at work.", "Nick: Uh, no. Don't have to go in till later, so Sharon and I were just hanging out.", "Kelly: Right. Sorry. Uh, I hope I'm not interrupting.", "Sharon: No, no. It's nothing that we can't finish later.", "Kelly: Okay, great. Well, I'll just set up then.", "Nick: Yeah, just --", "Kelly: Okay.", "Sharon: Hey, wait a minute! Where are you going?", "Nick: Uh, you guys got this. I was just gonna go out.", "Sharon: No. This is a job for the bride and the groom, especially with this temperamental group.", "Nick: Yeah. Just put my dad and Segundo at their own table, and then everything else will be cool.", "Sharon: Okay. So, I can put Abby between Austin and Mariah?", "Nick: Maybe not that.", "Sharon: Mm. Okay. Sit. You're helping.", "Nick: Yeah. Let's -- let's do this. Yeah, because grooms -- that's what they do. They -- they help, and then they get rewarded later.", "Sharon: Well, maybe. Maybe.", "Kelly: You guys are so adorable, I can't stand it.", "[Laughter]", "Kelly: I hope it's contagious. We could use more wedding business at the club. Who do you think will be the next to catch wedding fever?", "Sharon: Yeah, I wonder.", "Kelly: What?! [Laughing] Who, me?", "Sharon: You and Jack. Why not?", "Jack: So, seal the deal. Get the signature. And, oh, let's start negotiations with the Italian department stores as soon as we can. Keep me posted. I am sorry about that. Things get crazy around here. Sometimes I feel like l I do is work.", "Summer: I know. Me, too. Well, not me -- Austin. He's working two jobs right now, which means that I never see him.", "Jack: That's what you wanted to discuss with me? Oh. I was worried it was something serious.", "Summer: Well, it is serious. We're newlyweds. We're supposed to be --", "Jack: I know what newlyweds are supposed to be doing.", "Summer: Planning our future?", "Jack: Right. That. Yeah.", "Summer: And instead, Austin's spending every waking hour bartending and lifeguarding.", "Jack: Wait. That's his second job?", "Summer: Yeah. I know. It's crazy. It's such a waste of time. I mean, he's such a talented cameraman, and I'm sure that anyone that he's ever worked with would tell you that.", "Jack: Well, honey, production jobs are not easy to come by, and, uh...given Austin's history, they're harder still.", "Summer: I know. And Austin just needs someone to give him a break, and that's why I came to you. I know that Jabot does video promos and commercials, and I'm sure that you guys could use someone with Austin's talent.", "Jack: Well, I'd have to talk to the advertising department.", "Summer: Would you?", "Jack: Yes, if Austin asks me.", "Summer: But I'm asking you. I know that this is what Austin needs and what he wants.", "Jack: Okay, sit down for a second. Please, sit down. You are so like your mother in so many ways, you wouldn't believe it.", "Summer: Is that a bad thing?", "Jack: No, that's a very good thing. Phyllis was unstoppable, especially when she felt she knew what was best, and that was always. And, frankly, she was usually right and certainly when it came to helping me deal with my pill addiction.", "Summer: Isn't that a good thing?", "Jack: That was a very good thing. But Phyllis pointed me in the right direction. It was up to me to change things. It was my choice to step away from the pills, just as it's Austin's choice to make a change now. I know you don't want to hear this, but if your mother was here -- and I wish she were -- she would tell you the same thing.", "Mariah: I think you have been reading way too much fantasy fiction, my friend.", "Kevin: Maybe, but I know I didn't just imagine what I saw going on between you and tall, dark, and married.", "Mariah: Austin and I were stocking the shelves, and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with that.", "Kevin: Hey, I'm just saying he's married.", "Mariah: Yeah. We'll see how long that lasts.", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa. Why don't we just let Summer's bad decision be her bad decision?", "Mariah: Don't worry. I don't go after other women's guys.", "Kevin: Oh, is that right? 'Cause I could have sworn I heard something about you going after Abby's fiancé.", "Mariah: Oh. Uh, did you also hear that he was my fiancé first?", "Kevin: Oh. So, are you gonna tell me that you and Austin were engaged once, too?", "Mariah: I told you that --", "Kevin: You're not interested in him. I get it. Yeah.", "Mariah: Oh. So you were listening. Thank you.", "Kevin: So, if you're not interested, what are you still doing here? I thought you couldn't wait to get out of town.", "Mariah: I'm gone as soon as I get my marriage annulled. It seems that your brilliant attorney brother couldn't speed up that process for me.", "Kevin: And that's the only reason you're sticking around?", "Mariah: That and the wedding of the century, which Sharon is forcing me to be a part of.", "Kevin: Mm. And I thought my life sucked.", "Mariah: It does.", "Austin: Mariah, customer.", "Mariah: Got to go. Even though you're kind of a jerk, it's nice to know that you care.", "Kevin: [Scoffs]", "Billy: Everything okay?", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah. Victoria and I were just talking.", "Victoria: Oh, look at you. You're all sticky. Come here. You know I try to limit his sweets, especially right before dinner. Do you think maybe once you could support me and be a responsible parent? Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.", "Billy: Okay. I'm gonna guess that didn't have anything to do with me ruining Johnny's appetite.", "Chelsea: She saw us together in the park and realized we were on a date.", "Billy: Ahh. Obviously, that didn't go over too well.", "Chelsea: Well, we didn't pull each other's hair out, even though I'm sure that's what you were hoping.", "Billy: I don't want you and Victoria fighting over me.", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah. I think you kind of do. But I'm not gonna compete with Victoria for your feelings, so if that's what you're looking for...", "Billy: Hey. Hey. The only thing that I'm looking for is for you and I to pick up where we left off at crimson lights.", "Stitch: The security system is almost in place. We're waiting for the new centrifuge that we ordered to be delivered. It's coming from Japan, so it could take a little while to get here.", "Ashley: When do you think the lab's gonna be up and running?", "Stitch: 10 days, 2 weeks at the most.", "Ashley: Honestly, we have to get in there ASAP.", "Stitch: I'll see if we can have the order expedited.", "Ashley: What about throwing some money at 'em so we can get a rush out of this? Or maybe we could start without it.", "Abby: Wait. Why the sudden urgency? Did something happen?", "Ashley: Yeah, actually. Something did. Somebody came to my office in New York looking for a job in R&D.;", "Stitch: A chemist?", "Ashley: Uh-huh, with an amazing résumé -- I mean, a graduate degree in chemistry, tons of experience in the cosmetics industry, and references that you wouldn't believe. It's as if somebody sent in the perfect candidate to work on my product.", "Stitch: Who would do that?", "Ashley: Our competitors. They're trying to figure out what we're up to.", "Stitch: Corporate espionage?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Abby: Doesn't surprise me. Our lead chemist the murderer over here was blabbing our secret project to Victoria.", "Stitch: Okay, that's it. I've had it with you calling me a murderer. I don't want to hear you use that word one more time. You understand?", "Abby: Are you gonna let an employee talk to me like that?", "Ashley: Technically, you're both my employees, Abby, and I think stitch has shown remarkable restraint, considering.", "Abby: For a murderer --", "Ashley: Would you please stop?", "Abby: Why should I?", "Ashley: Because I told you to. We can't be fighting amongst ourselves. There's no time for that. We have to work as a team, or we're not gonna have a fragrance for the competition to steal. We won't have one to produce. And then we'll only have ourselves to blame. Now, please. Okay. So...stitch, I've been working on a variation of the latest formula combination that I sent you, okay? And I think the problem actually is with the bottom notes. I think we need to increase the aldehyde base.", "Stitch: Huh.", "Ashley: And then we'll have that clean scent that men like on a woman. What do you think?", "Stitch: Well, I think it's good. I think it's -- thank you. I think it's good, you know? You give the fragrance some initial, you know, impact. The only thing I'm worried about is that, you know, we have to be careful. It could lose its staying power if we did that.", "Ashley: Yeah. Women really want staying power. [Gasps] [Laughs] Sorry. I didn't mean it that way.", "Stitch: I know what you meant.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Stitch: Okay. Let's see if we can come up with a way to make this fragrance last here. All right. What if we adjusted the middle notes right in here?", "Ashley: You're not afraid that that might throw osmophore off?", "Chelsea: You think one kiss is gonna make me feel better about this terrible day I've had?", "Billy: No, absolutely not. It's gonna take at least two. Okay, three.", "Chelsea: Stop. You can't charm your way out of this.", "Billy: Well, at least let me try.", "Victoria: Is this what you two were doing when Connor bit Johnny?", "Chelsea: Oh, you know what? Let it go, Victoria. I said I was sorry. Johnny's fine. The only one who's still upset is you, and I have a feeling it has nothing to do with Connor and Johnny.", "Victoria: I am concerned about my son.", "Chelsea: All right. You know what? It's time I took my son home. I'll talk to you later.", "Billy: Yeah. I'll call you. [Sighs]", "Victoria: I'm surprised you're not running after her.", "Billy: You and I need to get something straight about Chelsea.", "Kelly: Okay. We got the seating arrangements down, then. Food, flowers, music, invitations. You took care of the dresses.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. And nick has the groom's attire all set up.", "Kelly: Okay. Well, that just leave the honeymoon.", "Nick: Done.", "Kelly: Fantastic! I think we're actually all set. It's a miracle. Congratulations. I'll get out of your hair.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Kelly: I'll take that. Thank you very much.", "Sharon: Well, thank you.", "Kelly: You're welcome.", "Sharon: It was fun.", "[Both kiss]", "Kelly: I can't wait. It's gonna be great.", "Sharon: Yes!", "Kelly: You're gonna be fabulous.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Kelly: [Smooches]", "Nick: And we're done.", "Sharon: Yes.", "Nick: Okay.", "Kelly: See you later!", "Nick: Thanks for coming.", "Kelly: You bet.", "Sharon: Done? Really?", "Nick: Don't ask. It's a surprise.", "Sharon: You cannot surprise someone with a honeymoon.", "Nick: Yeah, you can.", "Sharon: How am I supposed to know what to pack?", "Nick: Pack a bikini.", "Sharon: [Gasps] Whoo-whoo! A bikini? That's it?", "Nick: That's pretty much all you're gonna need.", "Summer: Hi.", "Austin: Hey! What are you doing here?", "Summer: Aren't you happy to see me?", "Austin: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm busy.", "Summer: Too busy to say hi to your wife?", "Kevin: Well, that marriage you didn't think would last sure looks like it's on the rocks to me.", "Mariah: I have a proposition for you, smart guy.", "Austin: Uh, what was that for?", "Summer: I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you working so hard.", "Austin: Well, maybe I should get a third job.", "Summer: No, you don't have to. Um, I just came back from talking with Jack, and I have some really, really good news.", "Victoria: I don't want to get into anything with you right now, Billy.", "Billy: Look, I only have one thing to say.", "Victoria: Well, I have one thing to say, too, all right? I don't think that Johnny and Connor should be playing together until Connor gets over this little biting phase that he's going through.", "Billy: I think that you are overreacting, but for the time being, fine -- no more playdates with Connor.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Billy: And now it's my turn. I know that you saw Chelsea and me in the park.", "Victoria: Oh, look -- I already told Chelsea it's none of my business, all right?", "Billy: No, it's none of your business. You're the one who wanted a divorce, and I gave it to you. Chelsea's a part of my life now. You're just gonna have to get used to that. I'll come by tomorrow to check on Johnny. Hey, buddy. Daddy loves you.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Stitch: The error is definitely quantitative, but we won't know for sure until we do a proper head-space analysis.", "Abby: Well, you know, my head space is obviously useless right now.", "Ashley: Sorry. I wasn't planning on getting into this right now.", "Abby: No, no. I get it. You want to nail down the formula. You just don't need a marketing specialist to do that.", "Ashley: I think maybe we jumped the gun on the marketing.", "Abby: Okay. Well, unless there is anything else I can do...", "Ashley: There isn't, honey, but I'll let you know if there is. Thank you so much.", "Abby: Okay. I'll see you later. And no more cheap shots.", "Stitch: I appreciate that.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Abby: Bye.", "Ashley: So...", "Stitch: Yeah?", "Ashley: ...We're almost there.", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Ashley: Not quite.", "Stitch: But, look -- I can come by the office tomorrow if you like.", "Ashley: Well, how would you feel about working through dinner? I mean, unless you have plans, of course.", "Stitch: No. I'm all yours. All right. Let's see here. All right.", "Kevin: Let's hear it. What's this proposition of yours?", "Mariah: How do you feel about weddings?", "Kevin: Well, you know how superman feels about kryptonite?", "Mariah: Oh, come on. Getting married didn't kill you.", "Kevin: Pretty close. So, if you're asking me to marry you, while I'm flattered, I would rather be torn from limb to limb by a pack of wild hyenas.", "Mariah: And I would rather light myself on fire than tie myself to you for the rest of my life, so we're good. I was just wondering if you would come with me to Sharon and nick's stupid wedding.", "Summer: I know that you said that you don't want any more favors from my family, but look -- if you get this job at Jabot, it's only because of your talent, not because of your connection to me. Are you mad?", "Austin: How can I be mad? You're trying to help me.", "Summer: Okay. So, does that mean you're gonna talk to Jack?", "Austin: I'll talk to Jack.", "Summer: Ooh, yay! Oh, God, I'm so happy! You're not gonna regret this, okay? I know that this is exactly what you need.", "Austin: Well, I'm glad you know. You always seem to have the answer.", "Summer: Oh, God. Jack's right. I really am just like my mom.", "Nick: What's this?", "Sharon: It's a beer.", "Nick: It's a little early to start drinking, don't you think?", "Sharon: Not if I'm gonna loosen you up and get you to talk.", "Nick: Oh. You mean get me to tell you where we're going on our honeymoon?", "Sharon: Oh. Well, we could talk about that.", "Nick: There is no way you're getting that out of me.", "Sharon: Hmm. Time to bring out the heavy artillery.", "Nick: You're not getting me to tell you where we're going.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah?", "Nick: Where you going?", "Sharon: I am gonna go and put that bikini on -- the one you said to bring on the honeymoon -- and then we'll see if you'll talk.", "Jack: Phyllis?", "Nick: You know, you're never getting me to tell you where we're going, even if you're in a skimpy bikini! Well, probably not.", "[Knock on door]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Have we met?", "[Exclaims]", "Sharon: Nick? [Singsong voice] Nick?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Noah confronts Victor with Marisa's story. Victor and Jack are both disappointed to find out Marisa didn't keep their secret. They try to convince Noah that it's best for everyone if they don't know the truth. They are interrupted by federal agents who arrest Jack. Agents go to Jabot to arrest Billy. Victoria and Abby interfere on Billy's behalf, getting themselves arrested also. Summer explains what happened with Ian Ward while Phyllis was in a coma. Phyllis realizes that Ian is behind the Paragon Project. Dylan tells Devon that the pilot admitted it was Hilary that he flew to Dallas and that they flew to Genoa City after that. Neil is frustrated with the pilot for telling Dylan things he was paid to keep secret. Neil realizes that he needs to move Hilary to another place. Gwen shares her concerns about Neil with Lily and Devon. Lily thinks Neil is just stressed out so he told everyone he was going to New York so he could have some time to himself. Gwen thinks it's more and she follows Neil.", "Phyllis convinces Victor that Ian is behind the Paragon Project so he should drop the charges against the Abbotts. Jack and Billy are released but not Victoria and Abby. Summer finds Noah at GCAC and tells him that Ian Ward is back. Noah tells her there are things she doesn't know. He gets a text from Marisa. She has left town for good. Adam tells Ian they are going to shut down the Paragon Project. Ian hits him over the head with a flashlight, knocking him unconscious. When Adam gets up, he calls Ian and tells him they can shut down the Paragon Project or Ian can look over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Victor visits the prison that Ian was supposed to be in and finds that he is still there. At the lake house where Hilary has been kept, Neil arranges to move her to another location. When he turns around, Gwen is there.", "" ]
[ "Devon: So she's alive? Hilary is alive?", "Dylan: And she's here in town.", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Paul: Listen, we don't know that for sure. We don't know anything for sure. But you think the pilot was telling the truth?", "Dylan: No doubt in my mind that he was.", "Devon: If Hilary was on a gurney, then she's injured or sick.", "Michael: Who arranged the flight?", "Dylan: Pilot says he doesn't know. He met with EMTs on the island, got paid in cash.", "Devon: Then where was she taken? Is she at a hospital or a clinic?", "Dylan: The EMTs picked her up at the airport, so she's gotten help. At least it's something.", "Michael: The pilot just went on his way? That's blatant negligence.", "Paul: Well, if that's what happened, I want every word, every detail double- checked.", "Michael: There's another thing to consider. Perhaps Hilary woke up on her own and arranged her own return to Genoa city.", "Devon: She wouldn't have done that without contacting me.", "Michael: Then we need to find out who knew Hilary was from Genoa City and Virgin Gorda and why they would return her home without telling anybody.", "Devon: Because they're trying to keep me away from my wife. And whoever is doing that, when I find them, I'm gonna tear them apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: What did I pay you to do? To fly a plane and keep your mouth shut!", "Pilot: And I told you that McAvoy guy was in my face. Everybody and their brother wants to know where the billionaire's wife is. It's all over the news. They're eyeing the guy for murder charges, and his wife is alive. I'm not going down for any of this.", "Neil: Which is why you need to leave town right now.", "Pilot: And look like I've got something to hide? No way.", "Neil: You do have something to hide. You took the money. You did the job. There was no registered flight plan. So you need to leave town until this thing blows over. Do you hear me?", "Pilot: Or I cut a deal with the cops and cover my backside.", "Neil: Now, that would be a very bad idea. That's right. You're wasting my time and yours. Leave now. People think I'm in new York. If this thing unravels, you're gonna get a slap on the wrist. You know what's gonna happen to me? I'm gonna lose my freedom, and I'm not gonna allow that to happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: This is outrageous. You can't lead him away like a criminal. Where's your warrant?", "Officer: FBI ordered you picked up on federal cyber charges.", "Billy: What do we got? Yadda, yadda, yadda. \"Computer fraud, economic espionage, trespassing against Newman enterprises.\" Of course.", "Abby: Okay, listen, my sister and I are Newman enterprises, and this is ridiculous. Call the FBI and tell them it was a mistake.", "Billy: Guys, this isn't your fault. You got sucked into the Victor Newman vortex of destruction.", "Officer: We're bringing you in.", "Abby: No, stop! This isn't right. I protest. If you take him, you have to take me, too, and you do not want to do that.", "Victor: You're my family. But I will not allow you to call me or anyone else a liar. Do you understand that?", "Noah: As if that's the worst part. Not that you hired a man that looks just like jack to impersonate him, left jack stranded on a damn island. Those aren't bad enough?", "Jack: Wait, wait. Where did you get all this from?", "Noah: You know exactly where I got it from. Same woman who saved you on that freighter.", "Jack: I don't know what Marisa told you.", "Noah: What are you gonna say? You gonna say she made it up, jack?", "Jack: No, there are different perspectives, Noah.", "Noah: That's right. Yeah, I know your perspective. Your perspective is to pretend like nothing happened. But there were two jack Abbotts in this town, and people deserve to know. They need to know that my grandfather is responsible for putting every single person that I care about in danger.", "Phyllis: Fred's a friend. He's a widower.", "Summer: Mom, that guy is not Fred. His name is Ian ward. He is a cult leader.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Summer: It all happened last year when you were -- when you were gone.", "Phyllis: When I was in a coma? Baby, it's okay to say I was in a coma. What happened?", "Summer: I met him here, here in this park.", "Phyllis: Fred?", "Summer: Yes.", "Phyllis: What do you mean, you met him here? Did he try to hurt you?", "Summer: No, no, it wasn't physical. You know how lost I was after your accident. And Ian seemed to have all the answers for me. He was easy to talk to, he was kind, he was understanding, he was supportive.", "Phyllis: He was an instant friend. Oh, my god.", "Summer: Mom, Mom, Ian used to run a cult called the path. He used me by getting close to me so he could blackmail grandma.", "Phyllis: Why? Did he want her money?", "Summer: No, they used to know each other. Grandma was in his cult when she was about my age.", "Phyllis: They have a history?", "Summer: Yes, and not a good one. He came to town so he could pretend to be Dylan's father, and then he tried to drug Mariah and try to get her to marry him!", "Phyllis: What?!", "Summer: It was disgusting, Mom! They finally locked that psycho up! I don't know how he got out! Oh, my God, Grandpa is gonna freak out when he finds out. [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Victor. That's exactly why Ian's here.", "Adam: Hey-ey! Boy, you are really something, you know, just rolling around town like someone who's not supposed to be incarcerated.", "Ian: Indeed I am.", "Adam: Let me tell you something. If you have some sick desire to go back to three hots and a cot a day, be my guest.", "Ian: [Chuckles]", "Adam: But you're not bringing me down with you, okay?", "Ian: Adam, breathe, all right, as I did. I simply went out to get some of that glorious, fresh, autumnal air.", "Adam: Autumnal?", "Ian: Uh-huh.", "Adam: Ah. Okay. You saw Phyllis, didn't you?", "Ian: I thought it would be cruel to abandon her without saying a word. And suspicious, too, don't you think? There's been enough of that going around.", "Adam: Meaning what?", "Ian: Somebody poured poison in her ear. They tipped her off that maybe I was behind paragon. You have any idea who would betray me in such an underhanded manner?", "Neil: Hey, go on. Get out of here. You'll know when it's the right time to come back.", "Pilot: The billionaire's wife better recover, because if she doesn't, I am not going down as an accessory to murder.", "Neil: Hey, hey, hey. You don't say that word. She's not gonna die. I'm not gonna allow that. Now go on. Get out of here. [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Okay, job one. We need to find the pilot before he snakes out of town.", "Dylan: Okay, Paul, I'm sorry. I had a shot, and I took it. At least we know that Hilary was alive when she landed in Genoa city.", "Paul: You know what, Dylan? I hope you're right, but we do not know that. That's just speculation. We need confirmation. We need proof.", "Devon: Well, then get it. 'Cause Dylan has gotten us this far. We know she's here. We know she's alive. We have to find her now.", "Paul: That's really hard to do until we find the pilot.", "Michael: If you'll excuse me. Uh, because of the new information about the pilot, Christine has informed me that the D.A.'S office will not be pressing assault charges.", "Devon: Does that mean I'm free to go look for Hilary?", "Paul: Yeah, go. Get out of here.", "Michael: It does not mean you're free to take the law into your own hands! And he's not listening to me.", "Dylan: What do you expect him to do? Sit around and wait for somebody to find his wife? I couldn't do it. Could either of you?", "Paul: Okay, I'm gonna get an APB out on Hilary right away, very quietly. No radio broadcasts. I don't want to tip anyone off and risk Hilary's life.", "Michael: If Devon finds Hilary, who knows what condition she'll be in. I can just feel this whole thing spiraling out of control as we speak. If we're finished here, excuse me.", "Paul: Michael, you're not going anywhere. We have another crisis we have to deal with now.", "Michael: What?!", "Billy: Abs, thank you. Now please shut up.", "Abby: And just let them haul you in? Never! It's a miscarriage of justice.", "Victoria: Okay, hold on. Listen, it's not the first time that one of us has been arrested. We'll just get in our car and we'll follow Billy down to the station. We'll deal with it there, all right?", "Abby: Why? Why should we just accept the status quo? Justice demands us not to sit idly by.", "Billy: Where is she getting this from?", "Victoria: Her naked heiress days. She spent a lot of time being indignant, as well as a lot of time being naked.", "Officer: Excuse me, ma'am.", "Victoria: Do not touch her!", "Abby: And don't call me ma'am!", "Billy: Hey, hey, how about we all just settle down here, okay?", "Victoria: Take your hands off of her!", "Officer: You can't do that, lady! Now all of you are under arrest.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: Nice. Fantastic.", "Victoria: That's great.", "Jack: Victor went over the line with Marco. No one is questioning this. But it happened to me, Noah. To me. No one else. I get to decide who knows this and who doesn't.", "Noah: You're not the only victim here, jack, so stop pretending like you are, okay? The only reason why you don't want everybody to know is because the things that you did to stay alive could put you in jail, all right?", "Jack: We are talking about extradition. We are talking about totally unreliable foreign court systems. I am not about to subject myself to that.", "Noah: Sure, of course. To hell with accountability, right? Because the lie is always the fallback for both of you.", "Victor: Noah, hold your horses. You do not know the whole story.", "Noah: I know enough. Like when you bribed Marisa to stay away from me, you didn't do that to protect me. You did it to protect you and all these secrets.", "Victor: Listen to me. Marisa should never have told you what she knows. You being involved with Marco Annicelli puts you at risk. That's enough reason for you to not feel any affection or love for that woman.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. There your grandfather and I disagree.", "Victor: Well, we do.", "Jack: Look, I don't like that Marisa told you this, but she's a good woman and she saved my life.", "Noah: There was a crime lord in town, jack, pretending to be summer's stepfather. He was using your face, your name. And you don't have the courage to stand up and let it be known?", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait a minute. I was kept from my wife and my family for months. I'm not doing that again, not for Marco, not for Victor, not for you, not for anyone! This is my call! This happened to me! And keeping it close to the vest keeps us free and everyone else safer. That includes Marisa.", "Noah: Well, unfortunately, that argument doesn't work for me because here's the thing, jack. I don't give a damn about Marisa or anybody else anymore. The only thing that I care about is the truth coming out. And if you're not gonna make that happen, I am.", "Victor: Noah, slow down. You're not going anywhere.", "Adam: What are you asking me? If I gave Phyllis the heads up?", "Ian: Hmm.", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I did. Because you went off script, \"Fred.\" I didn't get you out of prison so you could expand your social circle.", "Ian: Oh. And it was a lovely perk, too. And no thanks to you, I quashed her concerns handily.", "Adam: Hmm. Well, maybe for now. But you know what, Fred? Phyllis is smart. She's smart and she's stubborn.", "Ian: Yes, she is. And full of life and fire.", "Adam: Okay, listen to me. Maybe she doesn't know who you are, all right? But did you ever stop to think, you know, her friends, her family, they know your face, Fred. They know your face, and they hate your guts.", "Ian: That's a toxic emotion, hatred, a prison of the mind.", "Adam: A prison of the mind, yeah. Let's talk about who got you out of actual prison, paid off the right guard, right, got the right inmate to go to your prison hospital bed. Who did that? That was me. I made that happen.", "Ian: Didn't I send a thank-you note? Huh? My bad.", "Adam: Listen to me. Listen. If the wrong person walks into that hospital, you and I get busted, so here's what you're gonna do, all right? You're gonna follow this to the \"T.\" You're gonna go back into that apartment, all right? You're gonna go back into that apartment. You're gonna stay there. And you're not gonna open the door, not even for takeout. Do you understand me?", "Ian: This is my path to justice and vengeance, all right? I am the paragon of retribution.", "Adam: Yeah, we've heard all this before, and I've been listening to it, and I need you to ease up.", "Ian: No, I'm not gonna ease up! I sat in that cell, and the one thing that kept me going was the visions of Victor suffering, all right? I want all those visions made real, and I want to watch.", "Adam: Okay. We're pulling the plug on paragon. That's happening right now.", "Ian: Or we could do something else entirely. [Chuckles]", "Victor: I know all of this is a shock to you, okay? I'm sorry you're to learn all this. But let me tell you something. As head of this family, I'm always concerned about everyone's security. If you share this information that you learned today with anyone, you will cause more damage than has already been done.", "Noah: Damage to who?", "Victor: All of us.", "Noah: This lie protects you and Jack. That's it.", "Jack: Listen to me, Noah. I know how you feel. There were many times I wanted everyone to know. That was my pride and my ego talking. To keep the people safe that we love, we have to keep quiet.", "Noah: Because lying equates to love?", "Jack: No! Because danger still exists. It's contained, yes, but it still exists. We have to stay quiet. Look, your grandfather and I agree on this. That should tell you how important it is.", "[Knock on door]", "Noah: I really hope that that's summer right now, so the both of you can look her in the eye and explain to her exactly why her husband is really dead.", "Victor: This is not summer. It's the authorities. Jack and I may agree on the whole Marco Annicelli situation, but we disagree about almost everything else.", "Jack: Wait a minute. Who is at that door?", "Victor: They're here to arrest your ass.", "Neil: Here we are again. You lay in this bed and me sitting right here begging you to wake up. Hey. Just open your eyes, and this whole nightmare will end. Please. Come on.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Neil: Hello?", "Gwen: Hey. I just wanted to see how your meeting went.", "Neil: Yeah, it was fine. It was productive. I wasn't sure that I would hear from you today, so, I mean, with the time difference between Wisconsin and new York.", "Gwen: Yeah. The time difference.", "Neil: Yeah, I-I have to run. I'll be in touch when I get back to town, all right?", "Gwen: Okay. Sounds good.", "Lily: Hey. What's wrong?", "Gwen: It's Neil. The lies just keep piling up, and now it's about where he is and what he's doing.", "Lily: Where he is? What do you mean? He's not in new York?", "Gwen: Lily, he's hiding out here in Genoa city.", "Ian: Your weakness and capitulation is a shame, Adam. But paragon cannot be contained.", "Adam: Sure it can. Ian, it's a bunch of code. It's numbers on a screen. You hit delete, and the thing is gone.", "Ian: You know, the fear of Victor runs so deep in you. If only you and I had met before that infection took root.", "Adam: I'm not afraid of anyone, let alone Victor Newman.", "Ian: Hmm.", "Adam: I'll find a way to get to him. I'll do it without you.", "Ian: You gonna dissolve our alliance?", "Adam: Let me just put it to you in your speak, if I could, okay? This plan...", "Ian: Yeah?", "Adam: ...Is enabling this rage monster inside of you, this thing that wants to destroy Victor Newman and everyone and everything around him. What we need to do, 'Kay, is breathe. Just go ahead and breathe through that. You know what I mean? So we can adapt and we can transform that rage monster into a beautiful, little butterfly that just flutters in and shuts this thing down, man!", "Ian: Revenge comes at a cost, and deep down, you know that. You got the fear virus got ahold of you, man.", "Adam: Let me tell you something. We're gonna shut down the paragon virus right now.", "Ian: I'm afraid that's not possible. Along with your fear, the paragon has become its own beast. It wiggles and it weaves of its own accord. I couldn't stop it now if I wanted to. And I don't want to. Not one little bit. It's gonna be a hell of a show, folks. [Laughs] A hell of a show.", "Jack: I know you think you're doing your job, but this is Victor Newman yanking this department's chain.", "Billy: Told them. Didn't matter.", "Jack: Victor had you arrested, too?", "Abby: All of us.", "Jack: What the hell is going on here?", "Billy: Well, technically the mustache only had me arrested, but Victoria and Abby decided to tag along for fun.", "Abby: We were defending his honor.", "Jack: And they said chivalry was dead.", "Victoria: It's just all a misunderstanding.", "Jack: Of course it is. Now, we will all walk out of here together the moment the investigator realizes jabot had nothing to do with this paragon virus.", "Billy: Yeah, I wonder where they got the idea of our guilt to begin with.", "Paul: Oh, Victor tipped off the feds. And believe me, if they ordered all these arrests, they have supporting evidence to link the virus to jabot.", "Abby: That can't be.", "Billy: No, no, of course not, because Victor would never plant evidence or bribe someone or manipulate a situation like this. No. Never.", "Dylan: I'm not a lawyer, but you guys should stop talking.", "Michael: I am a lawyer, and I agree entirely.", "Victoria: Michael, can you please get us out of here?", "Michael: It depends on what you did and who you did it to.", "Abby: There's a slight possibility that we may have interfered with an officer making an arrest.", "Michael: All right, please, please stop talking. [Chuckling] You know, for a relatively intelligent family, you're being very dim.", "Billy: They thought they were helping me.", "Abby: And this is the thanks we get.", "Michael: All right, I might be able to help you two, but federal charges are a separate issue.", "Abby: But we're his alibi.", "Victoria: We're his character witnesses.", "Jack: Who is getting me out of here? No one? Oh, this is great.", "Dylan: You guys keep talking like it's a good idea.", "Michael: The paragon virus came from somewhere, and if the FBI has evidence, it points here. This is where they're gonna be --", "Phyllis: You get these cuffs off my husband right now. He is not behind the paragon project. It is all Ian ward.", "Lily: Wait, my dad didn't go out of town? So he really is drinking again, then.", "Gwen: I just saw him in the park with another man, and I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was intense.", "Lily: Yeah, but you didn't talk to him, so maybe there's a reason. Maybe -- maybe someone canceled or he missed his flight.", "Gwen: I just called him. I gave him a chance to come clean, and he pretended to be in new York.", "Lily: Look, I...I told you to move forward with my dad 'cause I thought he could use the support, but maybe he can't handle it. That's why he lied about being in new York.", "Gwen: I don't think this was a little lie to avoid seeing me. And between this and him admitting he's drinking and then secretly working on the lake house?", "Lily: I know. I think he's just been really stressed out since Hilary went missing. And I thought he was handling it, but obviously he's not. I just wish that he would help us --", "Devon: Lily, Hilary is alive, and she's here in town.", "Lily: What?", "Devon: Somebody flew her from virgin Gorda to Dallas to here. She was unconscious, but she's alive.", "Gwen: Where is she?", "Devon: We don't know. She's close by. Somebody brought her home. We just have to find her.", "Gwen: Wait, when was she flown back to Genoa city?", "Devon: It was the same day she went missing. Why? Do you know something?", "Paul: You know what? Ian ward is in prison.", "Summer: He was strolling through the park right now.", "Paul: You saw him?", "Summer: Yes, I just saw him. I promise you I wouldn't forget what he looks like.", "Jack: Ward contacted you?", "Phyllis: Jack --", "Jack: I swear, if he said -- as so much as said your name --", "Phyllis: You were right about Fred. He is not some innocent widower fisherman. It was Ian trying to fake me out.", "Abby: Wait. So he was pretending to be some guy named Fred? How could you not know who he was?", "Summer: Well, my mom was in the coma. We didn't fill her in on what had happened, so she had no idea who she was dealing with.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he was completely friendly, tossing wisdom around like it was manure on rose bushes.", "Dylan: Well, that's his game. How'd he get out of prison?", "Phyllis: Who knows? But let's think about the timing. It's the same night that jack and Billy were hauled in for that paragon virus.", "Dylan: So ward is behind the attack on Victor.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And he's all too happy to see the Abbotts go down for it.", "Paul: You know what? I would throttle the predator myself if I saw him. But I can't release all of you just based on summer's word.", "Michael: Then prepare for me to file brief after brief, because jack and Billy Abbott are now my clients.", "Paul: Michael, hold on to your briefs. I will contact the prison and find out if Ian ward is on the loose. And the rest of you, stay put and try not to rack up any more charges while I make the call.", "Jack: We should have told you. I know. You were gone. It was a dark time.", "Summer: It was embarrassing, and it was awful, and I really thought that we were past all of it.", "Phyllis: Whether I knew about him or not, when am I such a sucker? Actually fell for the poor guy's sob story about his late wife.", "Summer: Well, Ian is an expert at making people trust him. This is not your fault that this happened.", "Jack: He was in our cabin. He's in our town. He's free. And I'm handcuffed and can't get out of here.", "Phyllis: Look, I don't know what else I could do to get you out of these charges, honey. I'm sorry.", "Jack: There's only one person who can make this end sooner rather than later.", "Noah: One minute you two are on the same side, and the next you're having the guy hauled off in handcuffs.", "Victor: What the police do is not under my control.", "Noah: And yet you're probably the reason why jack's behind a cell right now.", "Victor: You have to understand that jack and the Abbotts brought this onto themselves. They introduced a virus into the Newman enterprises' computer system to bring us down.", "Noah: And that's all that matters, isn't it, is just profit and loss. To hell with human lives.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You bet I paid attention to profit and loss when I built this company from the ground up. That's why you were born into the riches you were born into!", "Noah: I need to know what happened. I need to know the story, okay? Please. What happened? Harding confessed to killing Courtney and Austin.", "Victor: And he did.", "Noah: Why? For himself? Or was it because him and Marco were working together?", "Victor: Noah, I'm very sorry about all that you know now about all this. Wish you didn't. Not because it reflects badly on me, but because it puts you in danger. Marco Annicelli is a bad dude. Very, very deeply sorry about what happened to summer's husband and to your fiancée, Courtney. She was a beautiful girl. I wish I could undo it all. But I can't. What's done is done. And I want you to know... that I regret it deeply.", "Adam: We created the virus. We can kill it. Now go get your guy and get it done.", "Ian: You know, it's magical the way computer technology works. Yes, my colleague mapped out all of the ones and the zeroes for the program. But now it's become a living creature with a mind of its own. We cut it in half, and like a worm, the two halves just keep on moving. It's twice the chaos. It's indestructible, really. It's marvelous.", "Adam: Okay, I've heard about enough of this, all right? I'm gonna get my laptop. You're gonna get yours. We're gonna put them together, and we're gonna figure this out. [Grunts]", "Ian: I told you, Adam. I don't take orders. [Chuckles]", "Lily: Look, we don't have answers. What we should be asking is who brought Hilary home and why didn't they tell anyone?", "Devon: I don't know. And it's driving me crazy, though, that she's so close and I can't get to her.", "Gwen: I hope more than anything that she's back home safe with you as soon as possible. My thoughts are with both of you.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "Gwen: I'll let you be alone.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Devon: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe all the time that I've wasted going back and forth to virgin Gorda and sending Cane and accusing the cops down there of not doing enough, and she's been here the whole damn time.", "Lily: Listen to me. The important thing is, is that you didn't lose hope. You said that you would know if she was gone, and you're right. She's not.", "Devon: I've always known she's alive. And she's here, and I'm going to find her.", "Dylan: After what Ian ward did to Nikki and summer...", "Abby: And Mariah, \"here comes the bride.\" No wonder she's such a freak.", "Victoria: Humiliating mom with diaries from when she was young and confused.", "Dylan: And all those claims he was my father.", "Jack: He managed just to get that close to Phyllis after nearly brainwashing summer.", "Michael: He's a menace and conniving enough to execute an elaborate revenge plan, but to get out of prison?", "Jack: Oh, I wouldn't put anything past him. I'm sure he convinced that guard that releasing him was part of his path.", "Billy: And launch a sneak attack on Newman enterprises, conveniently letting us look like the hacker.", "Paul: Okay, whoever summer saw, we can't confirm it was Ian ward.", "Jack: No, if summer said she saw him, that's who she saw.", "Paul: Well, according to the warden, Ian is presently in a prison hospital room being treated for a chronic condition, and he has no computer access.", "Abby: Wait, then who was in the park with Phyllis?", "Paul: Well, I intend to find out. But I think it's safe to assume whoever initiated the virus didn't do it from a prison hospital room.", "Summer: He's back.", "Noah: Marco?", "Summer: No. Ian ward. I just saw him.", "Noah: I thought he was in jail.", "Summer: Yeah, well, he escaped. Noah, that's how much he hates us. He escapes from prison, and instead of running away and laying low, he comes here -- to destroy us and to hurt grandpa.", "Noah: Well, you know what? There's a lot of people that want to hurt grandpa. You know why? Because he doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything.", "Summer: What -- what happened? Why are you so mad right now?", "Victor: So jack Abbott and his punk brother are finally arrested? I'll be damned. And Interpol is doing everything they can to make sure that Ashley comes back to America? Good. So the Abbotts are about to pay for their crimes. Excuse me.", "Phyllis: You need to put the phone down, and you need to hear this.", "Victor: Don't you ever barge into my office and give me orders! Get the hell out of here!", "Phyllis: I have information about paragon. I have information. You need to hear this.", "Victor: Excuse me for a moment. I need to deal with a nuisance here, all right? I'll get back to you later. Yep. Keep me updated on Ashley. What is it?", "Phyllis: Ian ward is behind the paragon project.", "Victor: What do you mean, Ian ward? Ian ward is in prison.", "Phyllis: Ian ward was at chancellor park. My daughter identified him. Your granddaughter, who you adore, swore she saw him. From what I hear about this guy, weaseling out of prison is part of his skill set.", "Victor: She saw Ian ward?", "Phyllis: He is behind the virus, Victor. He is behind the market fluctuations, the shipping company, not the Abbotts. Not jack.", "Victor: Are you serious? This is true?", "Phyllis: It is. And you need to find him. And after what he did to my daughter, however you want to handle him, it works for me.", "Neil: They know you're here, right here in town. Devon and Paul, they have enough resources and manpower to look for you house to house if they want to. Dylan's asking questions. Everybody's asking questions. Everybody -- everybody wants to find you, understandably so. But they can't. They can't find you until you wake up. There's too much, way too much to misinterpret. I have to make a move. I have to make a move. God help us if it's the wrong one.", "Gwen: Emma.", "Emma: Hey.", "Gwen: Hi. Sorry I couldn't ask on the phone.", "Emma: Oh, it's okay, but we do need to talk fast because I'm on break from my shift.", "Gwen: Okay. Do you remember when your hospital badge went missing?", "Emma: Yeah, and we thought Neil did it.", "Gwen: Um, did any supplies go missing? Any drugs or painkillers?", "Emma: Some random stuff -- supplies, some TPN.", "Gwen: What's that?", "Emma: Uh, total parenteral nutrition. It's iv nutrition for when a patient can't eat. But there's no way to get high off that, so if Neil did steal my badge, it was for nothing.", "Victor: And summer is certain this was Ian ward?", "Phyllis: Yep. She was practically shaking after she told me.", "Victor: Wow. Well, he obviously came back into town to wreak havoc. But he's not gonna do damage to me and my family.", "Phyllis: I think that revenge and justice are awesome, but you know what? You need to get jack out of jail first.", "Victor: Well, how will I do that?", "Phyllis: Because you have to drop the charges, Victor. Come on.", "Victor: Phyllis, if Ian ward is indeed roaming the streets, why do I think that he may not be working with the Abbotts? They're not absolved of any crimes.", "Phyllis: You wouldn't know about Ian ward if I hadn't told you. You think it's just a coincidence he's walking around now? No. Victor, you owe me. Let Jack go.", "Adam: [Groans] [Sighs] [Sniffs] Hey, Ian. You got a choice. You can either help me put an end to this paragon virus, I give you a free pass on the cheap shot, or you can be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. But you can't run from me. I'll find you.", "Paul: I've got some good news for you. That was my contact at the FBI. The computer-fraud charges are being dropped.", "Jack: Oh.", "Billy: Finally, somebody gets it right.", "Victoria: What happened? Did they find Ian ward?", "Michael: Victor had jack and Billy arrested. We can assume he had them unarrested, as well.", "Billy: Lurch does not get brownie points for this.", "Jack: Phyllis forced him to do this. Speaking of that, I have to get to Phyllis. Can we get these off of me?", "Michael: You heard the chief. My client can walk.", "Jack: Thank you. Listen, if Ian knows we're on to him, he could panic. I got to get to Phyllis.", "Abby: Okay, great. So us next? [Clears throat] Hello?", "Michael: The federal charges regarding cyber crime have been dropped. What you two tried to pull, that comes under another category. Excuse me.", "Billy: Those two are the trouble makers. I was trying to go peacefully.", "Abby: Seriously? So you're just gonna leave us here after we tried to help you?", "Paul: So Ian ward has an unknown chronic condition that gets him sent to the prison hospital.", "Dylan: That's pretty convenient, huh?", "Paul: Yeah.", "Michael: Lots of things can happen during a prisoner transfer. Papers can be misfiled, ids switched.", "Paul: We have no idea how long Ian has had to, say, brainwash a guard or an orderly. We know that he plays mind games all the time.", "Dylan: And all this going down the same time Hilary is missing. Ian ward preys on women.", "Michael: That's his MO.", "Dylan: Man, I wish I knew he was a possibility when I got the pilot to talk.", "Paul: Hilary is not part of Victor's universe. We all know that Victor is the primary target for Ian ward.", "Dylan: I know this is a stretch, but we learned Hilary is in town the same day we find out Ian ward is here. Coincidence?", "Summer: Look, I get that you're still upset with grandpa about trying to scare off Marisa, but that doesn't mean that he deserves to be attacked.", "Noah: Look, that's not it, okay? It's not all of it.", "Summer: Okay, so then tell me the rest.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Summer: What -- what -- what's wrong?", "Noah: Marisa left town. Said she's not coming back.", "Adam: Hey, listen, uh, it's not really a great time.", "Jack: What's wrong? Are you okay?", "Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I'll be okay.", "Jack: We know who's behind paragon.", "Adam: Who?", "Jack: Fisherman Fred? Turns out he's really Ian ward.", "Adam: Ian ward? The cult leader guy? He's behind bars.", "Jack: Apparently not.", "Adam: He escaped? He went after Victor and Nikki. Of course. That makes sense.", "Jack: We have to find a way to shut him down before this destroys the Newmans and the Abbotts.", "Victor: Warden, I really don't care about your regulations, but you're allowing a known pervert to roam the streets of Genoa City and slip through the cracks. He left your prison to endanger everyone in town, including me and my wife.", "Warden: All due respect, Mr. Newman, you're wrong. I'll prove it myself. Bring him in here.", "Ian: Victor, my friend. To what do I owe the pleasure?", "Neil: I understand that you're not based in Genoa City, but my wife needs medical transport. Her condition requires attention that the doctors here can't give her. Okay, wait a minute. Let me explain something to you. We are private people, all right? We want her moved with discretion, and we will pay you well. Within the hour? Okay. Great. [Sighs] She'll be ready.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: Experience tells me that if this person feels as though they're backed up against the wall, they just might do something even more desperate than they already have.", "Adam: Baby, I made a big mistake." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Alice fainted after mistaking Mariah for her deceased adopted daughter, Cassie. While passed out, Alice remembered her time with Cassie. Tessa interrogated Alice about Crystal and the sex ring. Mariah's sudden arrival forced Sharon and Scott to cut their romantic evening short. Sharon was horrified when Mariah confessed that Alice was tied up in the stables. Mariah asked Sharon for details on Alice's relationship with Cassie. Sharon and \"Cassie\" urged Alice to do the right thing. Alice revealed that Crystal was in New York City with a man named Leon. Sharon untied one of Alice's hands, gave her a phone and told her to have Crystal brought home. Abby assumed that Sharon and Scott had problems since they were so different. Scott informed her that opposites attract. Abby predicted that Sharon and Scott wouldn't last.", "Cane accused Jordan of making plans to move in on Lily. Jordan insisted that Cane was wrong, but Cane didn't believe him. Cane was adamant that his marriage was far from over. Hilary urged Lily to try to salvage her marriage. Lily refused to take Hilary's advice and threw her out. Lily told Michael that although she still loved Cane, she wanted a divorce. Lily did not want to break the news to Cane, so Michael promised to do so on her behalf. Lily sought reassurance from Jordan, who told her that he couldn't tell her what to do. Lily wasn't sure if she was doing what was best. She wondered why this had to happen to her family. Hilary told Cane that he could save his marriage by convincing Juliet to return to Japan. Michael informed Cane that Lily wanted a divorce. Hilary told Juliet that if she stayed in town, Cane would resent her. Juliet refused to leave because she thought she had a chance with Cane. Devon wondered why Kevin seemed uneasy when Devon talked about his romance with Mariah. Devon described his relationship with Mariah as solid. Kevin hinted that this might not be the case. Devon sensed that Kevin wanted Mariah back, and Kevin insisted that he only wanted to be Mariah's friend and that she had no feelings for him.", "" ]
[ "Alice: No... here it is. Drink up.", "[ Alice coughing, gasping ]", "Mariah: Hey. Here it is. Drink up.", "Alice: No... no.", "Mariah: What? It's not poisoned.", "Alice: [ Sobbing ] No! Cassie...", "Mariah: Holy crap. She thinks I'm my sister.", "Tessa: Alice, wake -- wake up. Wake up.", "Mariah: [ Snapping ] Oh, my god. Oh, my god! She is totally out of it!", "Tessa: What are we gonna do?", "Mariah: Uh... did she say anything? Anything? No? While -- while I was getting water, did she admit anything?", "Tessa: No. No, okay? And she's not real talkative passed out, either!", "Mariah: Okay... you know what, we... we can't do this alone. We need backup.", "Tessa: Wait, no! Wait! Mariah, wait! Where are you going? Okay? What am I supposed to do with her?!", "Mariah: Just don't let her get away. Even dead, cassie may be our last hope.", "Scott: [ Chuckles ] Okay...", "[ Sharon giggles ]", "Mariah: Whoops!", "Scott: Oh...", "Sharon: Uh... no, no, that's okay, honey. It's fine. We just -- we got a little carried away.", "Mariah: Um, please don't killed me, but I need to speak with you alone. It's urgent. And, no, it cannot wait.", "Sharon: Is everything okay?", "Scott: I'll, uh... I'll call you later, okay?", "Sharon: Okay. Well... we'll pick this up tomorrow.", "Scott: Count on it. Bye.", "Mariah: Sorry.", "Sharon: Um... okay, we're alone. What?", "Mariah: Alice and cassie. Their relationship, what was it like? [ Stammers ] How much did alice care about her? I need to know everything.", "Sharon: That's what you needed to talk to me about? Wh-what's going on? Why are you asking me about alice?", "Mariah: Because she's kind of tied up in the stables right now. Like literally tied up.", "Hilary: [ Rings doorbell ]", "Lily: What the hell are you doing here?", "Hilary: I know I'm probably the last person that you want to see, but... I had to come.", "Lily: Why?", "Hilary: I just left your husband, and I have never seen him so devastated.", "Jordan: You might want to use gloves. That's a good way to injure your hand. I had to learn that the hard way.", "Cane: You're pretty smug, aren't you?", "Jordan: Excuse me?", "Cane: Counting the days till you can move in on my wife. Additional sponsorship", "Hilary: Cane is a complete wreck. Any glimmer of hope that he had is gone. [ Sighs ] I thought that you guys were going to marriage counseling to deal with your issues. To start to heal.", "Lily: Marriage counseling is not gonna fix our problems.", "Hilary: Are you saying you don't want to fix your marriage?", "Lily: Okay, I'm -- I'm not talking to you about this, so please just leave.", "Hilary: It's about that baby, isn't it?", "Lily: [ Sighs ] There is so much more to it than that, not that I owe you any explanations.", "Hilary: Lily, I understand where you're coming from, okay? It's a lot to accept. And juliet has this misguided notion that cane is gonna be there for her when this child is born.", "Lily: Yeah, I expect him to live up to his responsibilities.", "Hilary: And he can do that with a monthly check.", "Lily: Okay, this is so far beyond none of your business.", "Hilary: Cane has no affection for that woman, lily. He loves you. And only you. But if you don't give him some hope, he is going to fall into a well of despair. He's already utterly devastated as it is. Is that what you want? He's the love of your life. You guys have been through so much together. Just...reconsider counseling. Doesn't this marriage deserve one last shot?", "Jordan: I'm not after lily. We've already discussed this. She's in a rough state right now.", "Cane: What, because of me? Is that what you want to say?", "Jordan: You want to put words in my mouth, go ahead. I'm just telling you how it is. Lily and I, we work together. We're friends.", "Cane: Okay. And the moment you thought you could have a shot at her, you went and dropped hilary like a hot rock, right?", "Jordan: That's not why hilary and I ended things.", "Cane: All right, listen. You've had your eye on lily since the day you came to town, and I was a fool for recommending you to victoria.", "Jordan: You done?", "Cane: Am I done? I don't know. You know what, though? You are dreaming if you think that my wife's gonna be available soon, right.", "Jordan: Well, maybe you should focus on your own problems instead of creating new ones.", "Cane: Oh, I am doing that. See, we're going to marriage counseling together. 'Cause we're committed to making this thing work.", "Jordan: Great.", "Cane: Great.", "Jordan: I wish you all the luck.", "Cane: Yeah, no, you don'T. See, you want us to fail. 'Cause then you think you're gonna, like, swoop in and pick up the pieces. But you can forget about it, 'cause our marriage is far from over. So I'm tell you -- back off.", "Scott: What happened to your date?", "Abby: What happened to yours? I thought you and sharon were having this epic romance, no app needed, yet here you are burning the midnight oil.", "Scott: Sharon had a family thing come up with mariah.", "Abby: Ouch. Sorry you were excluded. Not a great sign.", "Sharon: Mariah, my god! What -- what have you done? This is a serious crime! You know, you could go to jail!", "Mariah: Look, we know it was wrong. We acted in the moment. We only had one chance to grab alice, and we did. We have to save crystal, and alice is our only solid lead.", "Sharon: Okay, what -- what have you found so far?", "Mariah: Well, not a whole lot. She wouldn't talk, at least while she was still conscious.", "Sharon: She's unconscious?! What did you two do to her?!", "Mariah: Sharon, calm down.", "Sharon: It's a little hard to remain calm, considering.", "Mariah: All I did was show her my face. I-I mean, I had no clue that -- look, she thought that she was staring into the eyes of a dead girl grown up. And then she just fainted on the spot.", "Sharon: That's so weird. Alice never even saw cassie as a teenager.", "Mariah: Well, I guess some people, you never forget.", "Alice: Don't you remember? I gave you that doll. We were in this toy store, and you saw all these beautiful toys you wanted. And then you saw cindi. So I bought her for you. Right then. And I didn't have a lot of money, but I knew you had to have that doll. And it means so much to me seeing that you still have her.", "Cassie: She was the only doll I had before I came to live with nick and sharon.", "Alice: You don't remember a whole lot about our time together, do you?", "Cassie: I told you, I just remember that you yelled a lot.", "Alice: Well, you know what? I've changed, cassie. It won't be like that anymore.", "Cassie: And sometimes I had to be quiet 'cause you were sleeping in the daytime.", "Alice: Things are gonna be so much better this time, cassie.", "Cassie: Look, I know you want me to like you, but I don't even know you. I just want to call my mommy.", "Alice: Cassie...", "Sharon: Then I-I was right. Alice is a part of that sex-trafficking ring.", "Mariah: It seems like she spends a lot of time at that house where she keeps the girls.", "Sharon: We need to call paul.", "Mariah: No, no, no! Sharon, sharon, sharon! We can't call paul. If alice feels threatened, she could have crystal killed.", "Sharon: Okay. Okay, um... we have to handle this very carefully. How can I help?", "Mariah: Tell me about cassie. I know that alice treated her like dirt. Is that true, or is there more to the story?", "Sharon: Why are you asking me that? What are you planning to do?", "Mariah: Bring cassie's ghost back.", "Devon: Yo, what's going on, man? I didn't know you were back in town.", "Kevin: Hey, devon. Good to see you, man.", "Devon: Good to see you, too. What brings you back here? Is it business or personal?", "Kevin: Uh, personal, mostly. Bella needed some grandma time, grandma needed some bella time, so I thought I'd bring my daughter back for a few days.", "Devon: That's cool. I'm sure esther's happy about that.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Devon: I know family's a big thing for her.", "Kevin: Right.", "Devon: So what are you working on?", "Kevin: Uh, you know. This, that. Computer stuff.", "Devon: Yeah? Consulting?", "Kevin: Yeah. Consulting.", "Devon: Nice. I, uh, hear portland is an interesting city. I've never been, but how do you like living there?", "Kevin: I'm really enjoying it so far. It's this, uh, really nice blend of arty and tech. And the scenery, I mean... beaches, mountains, forests. Take your pick.", "Devon: Wow. How's, uh -- how's bella adjusting to everything?", "Kevin: Really well. Found a great preschool for her, and, um, there's a lot of moms in the neighborhood that like to have play groups, so she's met a lot of kids her age.", "Devon: That's really cool, dude. Sounds like you made the right choice leaving your past behind, starting a new life with your daughter. I'm very happy for you, man. Have you met anyone?", "Kevin: Huh? No. Um... really just... focused on bella, making that work.", "Devon: Yeah, for sure. I'm sure you're still mourning a bit. And I just want you to know, I hope you one day find someone who is as special to you as chloe was to share your life with. Hope you don't miss out on any opportunities, 'cause you never know what life might throw your way. I didn't think that mariah would come crashing into my life the way she did, and there she was, you know?", "Kevin: That's mariah. One crash landing after the next.", "Devon: Yeah. We, uh -- we have a great relationship, though. We're doing really well. We have a lot of fun together. She's an amazing girl. You're her best friend, so i don't have to tell you that.", "Kevin: Yeah. Sweet. Well, I'm -- I'm glad everything worked out so well for you.", "Devon: Thank you. I know you guys are close. She talks about you all the time. Just got to say, it's really nice to be with someone who is loyal, who you know is not playing games, and you don't have to wonder where they're coming from all the time.", "Kevin: That sounds ideal.", "Devon: Yeah. Is something wrong with you?", "Kevin: No. Why do you ask?", "Devon: I don't know. 'Cause ever since I brought up mariah, you seem a little uneasy.", "Kevin: No, I don'T. Uh... but, you know what, I do, uh, need to get going. Help esther put bella to bed. So...", "Devon: Hold on a sec, kevin. Why do I get the feeling that you don't think mariah and I are okay?", "Alice: Where am I? Was that cassie?", "Tessa: Look, I want to talk about crystal, okay? She's the only girl you should worry about right now. She's been dragged into this sick, twisted --", "Alice: I don't know any crystal. You've got the wrong person.", "Tessa: Do you want me to call the cops? Have them raid that fancy house of yours? The one where you keep the stable of girls locked up until men are ready to pay for them?", "Alice: No, I'm telling you, you're mixing me up with somebody else. I work in medical sales.", "Tessa: Stop lying!", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Alice: Who's that from? No! Who's behind this?!", "Tessa: I suggest that you take this time alone to remember where my sister is. Don't bother screaming. Nobody will hear you.", "Sharon: My god. You're serious? You want to pretend to be cassie again?", "Mariah: Blame alice. She's the one who gave me the idea.", "Sharon: I mean, it just seems like a very bad one.", "Mariah: Well, if you have a better one, now's the time. [ Door opens ] Hey, what's going on with alice?", "Tessa: She woke up.", "Mariah: And?", "Tessa: She's sticking with her story about medical sales.", "Mariah: Crap.", "Tessa: What are we gonna do? I've never ben in a situation like this before.", "Mariah: Okay, stay cool. I have a plan. But, sharon, I'm gonna need your help, so you have to decide now. Are you in or are you out?", "Lily: You are the last person on earth I would ever take marital advice from.", "Hilary: Lily --", "Lily: Okay, I already asked you to leave. What's it gonna take for you to get out of here? Please.", "Michael: Oh. Hello, ladies. Uh, am I interrupting?", "Lily: No, not at all. Come on in. Hilary was just leaving.", "Michael: All right.", "Hilary: Okay, just please think about what I said. Don't give up too soo--", "Lily: I'm really sorry about that. Can I get you something to drink?", "Michael: Uh, only if you're having something.", "Lily: Um, I was thinking about having a tall glass of water to wash down an aspirin, because that woman gives me a headache.", "Michael: Water's fine. Um... but I don't like seeing you under so much stress. What's happened? Besides hilary?", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Um... I made a decision. I want to file for a divorce.", "Lily: Here.", "Michael: Thank you. I'm sorry it's come to this, lily.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah, me too. But it's the only way to move forward.", "Michael: I'm sure you've given this a great deal of thought, but I'm going to advise you to continue with that process.", "Lily: Michael...", "Michael: I'm not just telling you this as an attorney. I'm telling you this as someone who has had... big challenges in his own marriage. Emotions get heated. Things get said in anger.", "Lily: I know. I appreciate your concern. But cane and I have gotten divorced before. Why I remarried him knowing how deceitful he can be, I'll never know.", "Michael: You do seem calm.", "Lily: Yeah. I think going to that marriage-counseling session, it's like all my thoughts and feelings that I've been having for weeks sort of... crystallized. You know, it just gets harder every day to think about the fact that there is this woman across town who is carrying my husband's child. Carrying a painful reminder of the terrible things that he's done.", "Hilary: Cane! Can we talk? One drink. It's important. Okay. I will get right to the point, okay? You cannot give up. There's no doubt in my mind that lily, she still loves you. She just can't get over juliet's baby.", "Cane: Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg, isn't it, because I lied to her, I cheated on her, and I tried to sabotage billy.", "Hilary: Well, you've forgiven each other before, right? None of those things would be insurmountable if juliet wasn't carrying your child...", "Cane: Exactly.", "Lily: ...A soon-to-be living, breathing reminder of all of your mistakes.", "Cane: Exactly. And there's nothing I can do about that, is there, 'cause i can't just make the baby disappear, can I?", "Hilary: Yeah, you're right. You can'T. But you can make juliet disappear.", "Kevin: Hey, devon, it really was great running into you.", "Devon: Hey. Yo. Yo, sit down, man. [ Chuckles ] You didn't answer my question.", "Kevin: Uh, uh... okay. If you say you are mariah are fine, then you're fine. Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. It would not be the first time.", "Devon: Well, kev, I admit that I don't know you that well, but I like to think I can read people. And when I brought mariah up, you seemed like you were just --", "Kevin: What? Okay, you know what, I'm protective of her. What can I say? It's a force of habit.", "Devon: [ Scoffs ] Okay. Well, I mean, I understand that. But, uh, to ease your mind, you know, you don't have to be. I-I respect the hell out of that girl, you know? When we communicate, it's straightforward. It's honest. We really get each other. I think this is probably one of the most stable relationships I've ever been in. And, you know, when it comes to chemistry, not to over share, but I think we're pretty great in that department, too.", "Kevin: But I remember you feeling that way about hilary not too long ago.", "Devon: Well, sure. I mean, that's why I married her.", "Kevin: Yes, and a woman like that, I imagine, would be a tough act to follow.", "Devon: [ Stammers ] Can't really compare the two. I mean, they're very different.", "Kevin: Right.", "Devon: I think I-I get where you're trying to go with this. I know that hilary is very different. She's a very unique woman. And mariah's real and down-to- earth, you know...", "Kevin: No fireworks, huh?", "Devon: Well, I didn't say that.", "Kevin: Different. Right. I got that.", "Devon: Heh... kev, I don't know where this is coming from, uh, 'cause our relationship is very solid. I'm not pining over hilary, or any other girl for that matter, and I think we're gonna be together for a long time.", "Kevin: Still...", "Devon: Still what?", "Kevin: If I've learned anything in the past year, it's that you never know what the future holds.", "Devon: I don't know what -- are you trying to tell me something?", "Kevin: Like what?", "Devon: I don't know. Is it that maybe you want another shot with mariah?", "[ Alice struggling ]", "Alice: Oh! Who's there?! What are you gonna do to me?! Huh?!", "Mariah: Hi, alice. It's me, cassie. I've missed you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Alice: [ Huffs ] Th-this isn't happening. I'm hallucinating.", "Mariah: It's me, alice. It's really me.", "Alice: There was that terrible car accident... I mean, you died a long time ago.", "Mariah: I'm right here. And I want to help you.", "Alice: You want to help me? Untie me. Get me out of here!", "Mariah: I'm afraid I can't do that.", "Alice: Why not?", "Mariah: Because it's not what millie would want.", "Alice: You shut your mouth! I mean it! My mother is gone!", "Mariah: Millie's not gone. She's watching you. Just like I am. She always wanted you to tell the truth. To be a good person. She still wants that for you.", "Alice: I am a good person!", "Mariah: I'm afraid you're not, alice. What you're doing to those girls is horrible. You're exploiting them. It's wrong.", "Alice: No, no! You're the one who's wrong! No, I-I'm looking out for those girls! I'm protecting them! I'm being a mother to them! Which is what I should've been to you.", "Mariah: You know what a real mother is supposed to do. A mother should want what's best for their daughter. That's what millie wanted for you. You still think of me sometimes, right?", "Alice: All the time. [ Sniffles ] My poor little cassidy.", "Mariah: You imagined me. What I'd be like right now. The kind of woman that I'd grow up to be. Right now, I would be the same age as those girls. Those poor girls whose bodies you're selling.", "Alice: No.", "Mariah: What if I was one of them?", "Alice: No. No. No.", "Mariah: Imagine me, sweet, innocent cassie, going off to one of those seedy hotels...", "Alice: No, no, no!", "Mariah: ...With one of those creeps --", "Alice: Just stop it! Please! I would never want that for you.", "Mariah: Then you have no other choice. You have to do the right thing.", "Scott: Still here, I see.", "Abby: You too. Look, I-I hope you didn't take what I said earlier the wrong way.", "Scott: I think I took it the way that you intended.", "Abby: I didn't mean to offend you.", "Scott: Look, it takes a lot more than that, believe me. But mariah wanted to have a conversation with sharon in private, so I took off so they could do that. Is there any other private details of my life that you are dying to know about?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Dating someone with kids, it isn't always easy.", "Scott: Did you pick up on that fascinating insight from your extensive dating- app research?", "Abby: No, actually, I picked it up firsthand from a troubled young boy who was my stepson.", "Scott: I remember, actually, in our interview for victor's book, that you had been married, but I didn't realize there was a kid involved.", "Abby: Yeah, well, it wasn't one of my happiest memories. It actually ended our marriage.", "Scott: Wow. Sorry to hear that. Luckily I don't have any problems with mariah, or noah for that matter, and I don't even know faith yet.", "Abby: Well, good. It's better to keep your problems just between you and sharon.", "Scott: What makes you think, uh, sharon and I have problems?", "Abby: Please. You two are so different. I mean, sharon is all about her kids and keeping the home fires burning, while you are chomping at the bit to save the world with the magic of journalism.", "Scott: Have you been comparing notes with my mother?", "Abby: [ Laughs ] About your love life? Uh, no.", "Scott: Well, she said almost the exact same thing.", "Abby: Well, I must be right then.", "Scott: Or you must not know much about the ultimate principle of romance. Opposites attract.", "Lily: I love cane. And I'm sure a part of me always will.", "Michael: It's not like it's something you can turn on and off like a switch.", "Lily: No. And I'm grateful for our children, and the times that we've shared, but I'm afraid that if I stay [Sighs] Our love will turn into something ugly.", "Michael: Understood.", "Lily: So, I want this divorce to be as amicable as possible for mattie and charlie. I don't want my bitter feelings towards him affecting their relationship.", "Michael: That's noble of you. So, um... does cane have a job yet?", "Lily: Uh, no. He's out there trying.", "Michael: He's a talented executive. I'm sure something will turn up for him soon.", "Lily: I don't want anything from him, if that's what you're asking.", "Michael: No. Assuming that the minor children continue to reside with you, the state is gonna mandate that cane pay child support until they're 18 or graduate from high school, whichever happens later. So in that sense, cane's employment status is material.", "Lily: Okay.", "Michael: Does cane have a lawyer? Does he even know this is happening?", "Lily: Um... I-I haven'T... even said the word divorce out loud, so I'm not looking forward to breaking it to him.", "Michael: Would you like me to do it?", "Lily: [ Sighing ] Yeah. Yeah, I think it might be cleaner that way. Given that everything's been such a mess.", "Cane: Okay. But after everything juliet gave up to move here, why would she just throw that away and go back to japan?", "Hilary: Because things have changed. What does she have here now? She has no job. No family. No real friends. And she was happy. Tokyo was home for a long time.", "Cane: True.", "Hilary: Yeah. And she was all set to head back when she got her settlement from victoria.", "Cane: Mm. And then she found out she was pregnant, and all bets were off.", "Hilary: So bring it up with her again. If juliet was on the other side of the world, lily could let go of her animosity. There wouldn't be this constant reminder of your infidelity walking around pushing a stroller. You know what they say -- out of sight, out of mind. Will you at least try? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.", "Juliet: Hi. Mind if we join you?", "Hilary: You know, we were just talking about you. I was just saying how bored you must be all held up in your suite.", "Juliet: I have plenty on my mind to keep me busy.", "Cane: How are you? Is the baby okay?", "Juliet: We're hanging in there.", "Cane: Mm.", "Hilary: Cane had mentioned all of your success in tokyo. You were a real rising star in international business. He said that it's what put you on his radar in the first place.", "Juliet: That's awfully kind. I wouldn't say I was a star. When I got the call from brash & sassy, I was still trying to find my niche.", "Cane: Come on, don't sell yourself short. You did good work.", "Hilary: You know, I've always been fascinated by the far east. You must really miss it.", "Juliet: At times. But my life is here now.", "Michael: Excuse me, ladies. Uh, cane. May I have a word, please?", "Cane: Excuse me.", "Juliet: Yeah, no problem.", "Hilary: You should really consider moving back to tokyo.", "Juliet: Why should I?", "Hilary: Do I have to point out the obvious yet again? Cane doesn't want you. And if you insist on staying, he's gonna resent you as the impediment that kept him from reconciling with lily.", "Lily: Hey.", "Jordan: Hey.", "Lily: How was the shoot?", "Jordan: Everything went fine. It is nice to have a side gig every once in a while, you know?", "Lily: You have no idea how glad I am that you're back.", "Jordan: Well, you seemed a little stressed. Everything okay?", "Lily: Not really.", "Jordan: All right, well, talk to me. What's going on?", "Lily: Well, while you were gone, I made a really big decision.", "Jordan: What'd you do?", "Lily: I decided to end my marriage. Please tell me that I didn't make a mistake, and that I did the right thing.", "Devon: I know you've been down that road before, so --", "Kevin: Whew! No, no. Never again. We -- we went there once, and it was D.O.A. I mean, crash, burned, disintegrated. [ Mimics explosion ] So, there's nothing to worry about there, no sir. I'm very happy to be mariah's best friend.", "Devon: I hear the words coming out of your mouth, but --", "Kevin: No, no. Believe the words. Believe them. We were an epic fail. And trust me when I tell you, mariah doesn't have any feelings for me.", "Mariah: Help this poor young woman find her sister. Get her out of this terrible life.", "Alice: This can't be real. Why is this happening? Why are you coming to me now?", "Mariah: I want to help you, alice. Someone has to stop you from going too far. Deep down, I know that you want to help crystal. So if you tell me where she is, you can go home. Be at peace with yourself knowing that you did the right thing. Millie will be proud of you, and so will I.", "Alice: [ Sighs ] It's a dream. That's all. No, I'll wake up soon enough. Sharon! [ Sobs ] Sharon, thank god you're here! Something crazy is going on. You have to help me. Tell me I am not losing it. Do you see what I see?", "Sharon: I see cassie came back. She must be here for a very important reason. That's something that we, as her two mothers, can't ignore.", "Abby: Opposites attract only in the short term, which is probably all a guy like you can handle. And, yes, I did learn that in my research for online dating. For a couple to stay together, they have to have similar interests.", "Scott: We're actually on the same page about many things. Sharon's been through a lot, and she's learned from it.", "Abby: Great. That means she won't fall apart when the inevitable happens and the two of you don't work out.", "Alice: I don't understand. Why would you care about me? I wasn't good to you. Not the way I should've been.", "Sharon: Cassie always had the biggest heart, ever. She wouldn't be here if she didn't forgive you, alice. So if she's reaching out to you, how can you reject her again?", "Mariah: Please. Treat these girls better than you treated me. Please.", "Alice: [ Inhales deeply, sighs ] Okay.", "Sharon: Where is crystal?", "Alice: [ Sighs ] She's with a guy named leon. In new york city.", "Sharon: You go call him. And you're gonna bring crystal home.", "Jordan: Here. Come over here. Sit down with me.", "Lily: I'm sorry. [ Sighs ] You must think that I'm losing it. And maybe I am.", "Jordan: Not at all. Lily, listen to me. I understand that you need reassurance that getting this divorce is the right thing to do. But I can't tell you what's right or what's wrong when it comes to your marriage. It's got to be your call.", "Lily: I know. This just changes everything, you know? Especially for the kids. But I have to believe that I'm doing what's best for them. Or am I just being selfish?", "Jordan: No.", "Lily: And I'm trying to justify it to get what I want? It's -- it's like either way, nobody wins. It's like, why did this have to happen to us? It's just so unfair. And not just to me, but... to the kids, and... even to cane.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] Come here. It's gonna be ok.", "Hilary: Cane wants lily. Not you. You're never gonna be the happy family that you're envisioning, juliet. So just go back to tokyo. Okay? Reconnect with your friends. Make a fresh start. It's gonna be the best thing for you and for your baby.", "Juliet: If you're all finished, the answer is no. As much as you would love to bring me down, I believe there's a chance for us. You'll see. Cane cares about this baby, and he cares about me.", "Cane: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. All right. Bye. Uh, sorry about that. It was a prospective employer.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to stop you right there. Actually, I'm here in an official capacity.", "Cane: What do you mean?", "Michael: Lily wanted me to speak to you. As her attorney.", "Cane: Wait, she hired you? Does -- does she want a divorce?", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Groans ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Your dad and I, uh, we're getting a divorce.", "Sharon: Get your hands off of me! What the hell's going on here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lauren devastated Kevin by making it painfully clear that regardless of how hard he tried or what he did, she would never be in love with him, and only ever see him as a friend. John and Gloria enjoyed the time after their lovemaking, shared food with Jack, and agreed they make each other very happy. John asked Jack to help Ash realize Gloria was good for him. Things got physical between Dru and Phyllis. Neil broke up their fight, sent Diane home, then fired Dru and Phyllis for their behaviour. Nikki refused Abby's request that Ash go with her and Victor on her horseback ride. Alone with Ash, Nikki blasted her for her manipulations over the years and for how she'd handled things with Brad and Victor. Before Ash could respond, Victor came in with Abby, unconscious from an accident while riding. They rushed her to the hospital. Jill refused Elliot's proposal, but after a long conversation about his love for her, he asked again and she agreed to marry him. Boarding the same elevator at Newman Enterprises, Dru and Phyllis were horrified when it came to a screeching halt, trapping them inside. Michael and Lauren discussed Kevin and agreed they might have to stop seeing each other so as to not push him over the edge. While Michael cried into Lauren's comforting hands, Kevin entered the club and saw his brother with the woman he loves." ]
[ "Nikki: Admit it, Ashley, you were disappointed when I came through the door just now.", "Ashley: I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Nikki: You were hoping that you could spend the afternoon with Victor, with your child, almost like a real family.", "Ashley: You know, I assumed you'd be here. That was part of the plan, wasn't it?", "Nikki: Yes, it was, until I realized I was swamped at the office.", "Ashley: And why aren't you at the office, Nikki?", "Nikki: I rearranged things. I changed my schedule.", "Ashley: I bet you did. Let me guess when. As soon as you found out that Brad had a meeting out of town. You're so transparent.", "Nikki: Meaning what?", "Ashley: We both know why you're here. It's not because you want to get to know Abby better. It's not because you want to give her a present. It's because you can't stand the thought of Victor and me spending some time with our little girl.", "Nikki: \"Our little girl.\" Wait. I'm confused. Sometimes she's Brad's little girl, sometime she's Victor's little girl.", "Ashley: Oh, please.", "Nikki: Which is it?", "Ashley: You know what I meant.", "Nikki: It's a good thing Brad wasn't around to hear that little slip of the tongue.", "Ashley: Don't turn this around and make it about me.", "Nikki: I don't have to, Ashley. You already have. From the moment you impregnated yourself with Victor's child without his knowledge, it has only been about one person, and I'm looking at her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Okay, um, Phyllis, may we have some time alone, please?", "Phyllis: Um, why don't you use the conference room? I'm busy.", "Diane: Phyllis, it's two against one. You should go.", "Phyllis: I really don't care if it's ten against one, I'm staying put.", "Dru: Well, so am I.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey. Drucilla, get your...", "Dru: Huh?", "Phyllis: Get your butt off of my folders.", "Dru: Oh, make me. Come and get 'em, honey.", "Phyllis: Can you see how very unprofessional you're being right now?", "Dru: Now how unprofessional were you to clutter up our office space?", "Phyllis: Those are important folders, Drucilla, okay? Give 'em to me.", "Dru: Oh, well, um, maybe you shouldn't have put them in my space. This is my real estate, my side of the office.", "Phyllis: There's no \"my side of the office.\" We share the office, Drucilla. Get up off of the folders.", "Dru: You know, I'm so sorry, Diane, that you have to listen to this childish rhetoric.", "Diane: Oh, I'm not surprised, Drucilla. Phyllis has never learned to play nice.", "Dru: No, let's not let her play in our sandbox.", "Diane: Let's not.", "Dru: Anyway, I had this extraordinary idea that dovetailed into the comments that you made...", "Diane: That I made.", "Dru: That I think were so awesome. I have this incredible idea that if we-- ohh! Ohh! Oh. Oh.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, oh, my. Oh, my gosh. May I have my folders, Drucilla? Thank you very much, Phyllis.", "Dru: Ow. Ow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I cannot believe that you just asked me to marry you.", "Elliot: I can't think of a better way to convince you that what I'm feeling is real.", "Jill: Don't you think that method's a little extreme?", "Elliot: No, I don't, because I love you. Don't you realize that?", "Jill: Well, you're certainly acting like you're in love.", "Elliot: No, I'm not acting. But you're not sure about that.", "Jill: I don't know, Elliot. This is so fast, and you keep upping the ante. Every time I have a question or an issue, you just keep raising the stakes to some higher level. And now you're asking me to marry you? You're asking me to believe that you have fallen in love with me in this short a time?", "Elliot: Is that so unlikely?", "Jill: Maybe it's not. Or maybe it's just your way of throwing me off the trail.", "Elliot: Okay. Forget it. I never dreamed that this would be your reaction. We don't have to get married. Okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: (Giggles)", "John: Good morning.", "Gloria: Is it still? It seems like, what, with one thing and another, it should be afternoon by now.", "John: Oh, one thing and another indeed.", "Gloria: What if someone sees us?", "John: So what if they do? I mean, we're not exactly having a clandestine affair.", "Gloria: Good. I wouldn't want to have to go sneaking around.", "John: Oh, no need.", "Gloria: Still, I think there will be some reactions.", "John: Oh, now you listen...", "Gloria: What?", "John: My dear, sweet lovely, I couldn't care less. You know, if anybody gives you the slightest bit of grief, or even looks at you cross-eyed, I will come down in your defense like rolling thunder from as high as Mt. Everest.", "Gloria: Ooh! I want to see that.", "John: Yeah, I can be pretty ferocious if want to be.", "Gloria: That I already know. Now how about some coffee?", "John: Yeah.", "Gloria: I'll go see if Mrs. Martinez is still in the kitchen.", "John: Okay. Oh, wait, wait.", "Gloria: What?", "John: I think she said she's going to see her sister today.", "Gloria: Oh, well, then I'll just make it myself.", "John: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: Hello, Michael. Table for one?", "Michael: Actually, I'm meeting someone.", "Gina: Hmm. I wonder if it's the charming Ms. Fenmore.", "Michael: I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya.", "Gina: (Chuckles) you know, it's funny, I haven't seen Paul and Lauren around lately.", "Michael: Fancy that.", "Gina: Well, you're no fun, counselor. You know, I wonder what Lauren's secret is. She just seems to have all the men flockin' around her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hi. I got your message.", "Lauren: Thank you for coming.", "Kevin: Are you kidding? I couldn't get over here fast enough. So did you, uh, like my surprise I bet it's not every day you get showered with rose petals.", "Lauren: Uh, yeah, that's for sure.", "Kevin: Cool, huh? I got it from, uh, from that movie.", "Lauren: And it was a very interesting idea, but you really shouldn't have done it.", "Kevin: Okay. So I know that I'm going a little overboard lately, but, um, but I just want to show you every day how-- how beautiful and amazing I think you are.", "Lauren: And that's very flattering. But I want you to stop.", "Kevin: Stop...", "Lauren: No more romantic gesture-- no presents, no poems, no flowers.", "Kevin: Aww, you don't want me spending my money.", "Lauren: No. That's not why. Kevin, we have talked about this before. (Sighs) I care about you, and I hope that we're always gonna be friends, but I don't feel the same way that you do.", "Kevin: But--but you just said that you care about me. Isn't that how a great relationship starts?", "Lauren: Not for us. I have no interest in a romantic relationship with you. Do you understand me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Have you lost your natural mind, Phyllis? I could've been hurt.", "Phyllis: The only thing that's hurt is your ego.", "Diane: Are you okay?", "Dru: I think so. I might have to have you arrested, though.", "Phyllis: Oh, wh--arrested? For what?", "Dru: Assault.", "Phyllis: Assault?", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Give me a break.", "Dru: You have gone too far, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I asked you very nicely, \"give me my folders.\" I gave you every chance to do it.", "Dru: You know what? I'm gonna have to kick your butt.", "Diane: Oh, Drucilla! Drucilla, just stop. Don't waste your time.", "Dru: You know what? You're right. I don't wanna break a sweat on her.", "Diane: No. No. And besides, as soon as we win this contest, Phyllis will be back in that little broom closet you told me about.", "Dru: Yeah, we're gonna have all this real estate for us.", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa. Hold the phone. Hold the phone. \"We\"? You're in on this? What makes you think you're gonna win this contest?", "Diane: Oh, Phyllis, please. Come on. You're practically famous for shooting yourself in the foot.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry, but don't you work at Jabot? Don't you have an office there?", "Diane: Yeah, so?", "Phyllis: So why don't you go trot on back to Jabot and annoy the people there?", "Dru: Hey! Whoa.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Dru: Do not talk to my executive assistant that way.", "Phyllis: Executive assis-- oh, boy. Let me tell you something, girls. You couldn't screw in a light bulb if you tried.", "Dru: I'm gonna leave that one alone.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Why don't you use the conference room, okay? Use the conference room. Say I'll owe you one.", "Dru: No, thank you. Why don't you go use the conference room, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I have my executive equipment here.", "Dru: You know, you've crossed me one too many times. I have some very personal business to deal with today.", "Phyllis: Like you have the market cornered on \"heavy personal business,\" Drucilla.", "Dru: I have a crisis to deal with, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: What'd you do, lose your wig?", "Dru: I'm so sick of your mouth. I am sick of you!", "Phyllis: Oh, my-- I'm sick of you! Let me tell you something, girl. Get off of me!", "Neil: Hey!", "Phyllis: Get off!", "Neil: What the hell is going on here?", "Dru: Here, come on, Phyllis. Come on.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey.", "Dru: Hey. Hi, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, look who's sitting around in his robe reading the paper. Dad, you've always been a good influence on me. I'm glad, at long last, I can return the favor.", "John: Well, yes, Jackie, I guess I have taken a page from your book, in a w..", "Jack: Well, it's good to--", "Gloria: John, my sweet, you want French roast-- ooh. Hello, Jack.", "John: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Hi there.", "John: Yes, French roast will be just great. Thank you.", "Gloria: I'll be right back. (Hums)", "Jack: Well, I must say, Gloria looks ravished this morning. Ooh, I mean ravishing. Sorry.", "John: Jack, you say one crude word to that woman and I swear, I will kick your--", "Jack: It's just between us, Dad. Give me a little credit. So you decided to, uh, take the next step, huh?", "John: Oh, goodness. That is not up for discussion.", "Jack: What, your sex life? No, that's just fine with me. I just wanted to say... congratulations.", "John: Thank you.", "Jack: It's been a tough couple of years. You deserve it. Enjoy yourself.", "John: Jackie, you know, I don't need your permission.", "Jack: Yeah, that's true.", "John: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Sure, I understand.", "Lauren: You'll stop asking me out?", "Kevin: If that's what you want.", "Lauren: No gifts. No surprises.", "Kevin: Cross my heart.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Kevin: This is a big adjustment for you-- seeing me in a different light-- and you need time. I get that.", "Lauren: No.", "Kevin: No, Lauren, look, I was a mess when we first met. I don't blame you for wanting to take this slow.", "Lauren: This is not what I've been trying to tell you.", "Kevin: No, no, no, look, but I'm a different man today. And it's all because of you. I mean, I know I still have a ways to go, but I am finally turning into the type of person that I always wanted to be. You know, the type of man that you would want to be with.", "Lauren: All right, Kevin, stop. I do not have romantic feelings for you.", "Kevin: Not yet.", "Lauren: No, not ever. Oh, my God. This is so frustrating. Look, I've tried to be nice to you, all right? I have tried to let you down easily, but you're not hearing me! So I'm just gonna tell you outright, all right? We will never be more than friends. So stop deluding yourself. We will never, ever have a romantic relationship.", "Kevin: Well, tell me how you really feel.", "Lauren: I'm sorry. I didn't want to raise my voice like that.", "Kevin: No, no. You... you say whatever you want. You speak your mind, you know? And that's one of the things I like most about you.", "Lauren: I don't want to be hurtful.", "Kevin: Hurt? Me? You want me to back off, I'll back off. You know, if you say you need more space, I will give you all the space in the world. But I will-- I am never gonna give up hope.", "Lauren: Please, Kevin.", "Kevin: No, no. It was you who taught me to have hope again. You know, when I hit rock bottom, when I thought that I had nothing left to live for, it was you who said to me... that things are gonna get better. You said--you swore, you swore to me, you said things are gonna get better, and I believed you, you know? And you said to me that I had something to offer. And now for the first time in my life, I actually believe that.", "Lauren: Because wh-- what happened at the Rec Center?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. The day that I saved Lily, everything changed, you know? Now it's like I have all this positive energy around me, and people treat me with respect.", "Lauren: I'm glad you feel that things are turning around for you.", "Kevin: (Sighs) you know, there isn't too much that I'm certain of in this world, Lauren. But I am so sure that you are the woman for me. And someday you will realize that I am the man for you. And I don't care how long it takes. I can wait.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. (Sighs) oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elliot: It's all right. I want to marry you, but if it makes you nervous, don't worry about it. Although, there are advantages to being married, besides the obvious.", "Jill: Really? What might those be?", "Elliot: We'd get to share a life together with no ambiguity, no question of commitment. And in case you hadn't noticed, we're pretty fantastic together. It's a big, beautiful world out there. I want to share it with you. Why don't you marry me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh, sweetie, look at you.", "Abby: Check out my boots.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Abby: Do you like 'em?", "Ashley: I love your boots! They're great.", "Nikki: All you need now is a lariat, and you're all set.", "Abby: What's a lariat?", "Nikki: Oh, it's something you use when you're out on the range roping livestock.", "Abby: Like a real cowgirl uses?", "Nikki: That's right.", "Abby: Thanks again for the cool outfit, Nikki.", "Nikki: Honey, you are very welcome. I'm so glad you like it.", "Miguel: Would you like me to have some snacks ready for when Abby gets back from her ride?", "Nikki: Yes, thank you, Miguel. That'd be wonderful.", "Victor: Well, what have we here?", "Abby: I'm a cowgirl!", "Victor: I can see that. Starfire's a very lucky horse to have a well-dressed owner like you.", "Abby: When can we ride Starfire?", "Victor: Right now. Horses are all saddled up.", "Ashley: (Gasps) well, you be careful, okay? And you mind Victor.", "Abby: I will. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you come with us, Mommy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: What the hell is going-- I could hear you three clear down the hallway.", "Diane: Not three. Don't look at me, Neil. I'm just an innocent bystander.", "Neil: Drucilla, what's this all about?", "Dru: Neil, I came in here to have a meeting--", "Phyllis: Listen, she came into this office--", "Dru: Clutter was all over this chair.", "Phyllis: I had all my folders on this chair. She wouldn't get up.", "Dru: She pushed me out.", "Neil: All right! Stop! Stop! One at a time. It's good manners.", "Dru: Exactly. I'd like to explain--", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, I'd love to hear this. I'm just gonna sit down right here.", "Dru: (Clears throat) I came--", "Neil: Diane, since you're not a part of this, I think it's best if you leave.", "Diane: With pleasure. I will call you later, Dru.", "Dru: Okay, Diane.", "Diane: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Sorry.", "Neil: Now then, do either one of you want to take a deep breath and tell me exactly what this argument was about?", "Dru: Okay--", "Neil: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Well, thank you very much, Neil. I'd love to tell you what this argument was about. It is apparent we can't share an office.", "Dru: No kidding, Sherlock.", "Neil: You know what really upsets me about all this? You both-- both of you promised me that you would try to coexist.", "Dru: And I have tried, Neil. I have tried so hard to coexist with that train wreck.", "Phyllis: Oh, train wreck? See? Your wife continues to resort to calling me names, all right? She's like an out-of-control child.", "Dru: I'm an out-of-control child? Neil, if you had any idea what she tried to do to me--", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Names. Name-calling. What do--", "Neil: All right! That's it. I've heard enough. You're both fired.", "Dru: (Mouths) she's fired. She's fired.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Jackie, I'd like you to do me a favor.", "Jack: Sure. Just ask.", "John: Now you know that your sister Ashley is very protective of me.", "Jack: That's putting it nicely.", "John: Now please, without antagonizing her, could you just talk to her and tell her that I do not want her to give Gloria a hard time.", "Jack: That's going to antagonize her, dad. It's gotta come from you. If it comes from--", "Gloria: Okay, we got French roast--ooh-- hot milk and three cups. So, Jack, will you join us?", "Jack: Uh, yeah, yeah, I'd--I'd love to have a quick one.", "Gloria: Good. (Laughs) okay. You first, John.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Mm, I don't think I'm gonna go riding with you, honey.", "Abby: Why not?", "Ashley: Well, because it's just a special activity that you and Victor do together.", "Abby: I'm sure he won't mind. Will you, Victor?", "Victor: No. We do have some extra riding clothes, don't we, Miguel?", "Miguel: Absolutely.", "Victor: All right.", "Abby: So will you come with us, Mommy?", "Ashley: You really want me to?", "Abby: Uh-huh. It'll be fun. We've never been on horses together before.", "Nikki: Miguel, could you please take Abby down to the stables?", "Victor: Darling, we're in the middle of a discussion.", "Nikki: I know, but I really would like her to go now, if you don't mind.", "Miguel: Certainly. Come on, Abby. Let's go see Starfire.", "Ashley: Bye, sweetie.", "Victor: I'll be right down, sweetheart.", "Nikki: What is going on here?", "Ashley: Oh, what is your problem now?", "Nikki: I thought the idea of these visits was for Victor and Abby to spend unsupervised time together. Now you're talking about the three of you going riding. What did I miss?", "Victor: Let me ask you something. Why are you getting so upset? This was obviously Abby's idea. You just heard it.", "Nikki: Why are we letting a 6 year old determine the plan?", "Ashley: I think you're overreacting, Nikki.", "Nikki: I think you are not sticking to our agreement.", "Victor: I don't think this is worthy an argument, all right? I'll go riding with her alone. I'll simply tell her that you won't be up to it.", "Ashley: Fine. Whatever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So I could not have been clearer with him. I told him in no uncertain terms there was absolutely no future for us.", "Michael: Did he fall apart?", "Lauren: Actually, I think there must be concrete in there, because he didn't acknowledge a word I said.", "Michael: I'm not surprised.", "Lauren: And, you know, as frustrating as it was, I actually felt sad for him? He's so filled with false hope. I actually wanted to comfort him, but I didn't want to go there, you know? That's like giving him a positive sign.", "Michael: I know. I know. It's always that way with Kevin, isn't it? One moment, you want to wring his neck, the next, you're giving him a hug.", "Michael: We can't go on this way.", "Lauren: What do you want to do?", "Michael: I don't think we have any more choices.", "Michael: We have to tell Kevin the truth about us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Fired? Are you serious?", "Neil: Drucilla, I am dead serious. You are fired, and so are you, Phyllis.", "Dru: Whoa!", "Neil: I am tired of this constant bickering and name-calling.", "Dru: Oh, Neil.", "Phyllis: Okay. Hey, hey, hey, things just got a little out of control.", "Dru: Yeah, man. We had a mini-meltdown. We're over it.", "Phyllis: Right. Of course. I mean, we have no excuse for acting that way, but now it's over.", "Dru: No. I am--we're sorry.", "Phyllis: Okay, yeah. We're sorry. Exactly. It won't happen again.", "Dru: Never happen again.", "Neil: You're damn right it's not gonna happen again, because you'll both be gone.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on.", "Dru: Neil.", "Phyllis: Listen, listen, Neil, don't be so serious about it. This isn't a big deal.", "Dru: Oh, Neil, please, this is never gonna happen again. We promise. Right, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: That's right. That's right, girlfriend.", "Neil: Save it.", "Dru: Yeah, that's my homey.", "Neil: I'm not impressed. I'll give you ten minutes to get your stuff and get the hell outta this building, otherwise, I'm calling security, and they'll escort you out. Now you can get all your personal objects and your effects--", "Dru: Neil...", "Neil: But please leave all files and materials pertaining to the job here, because they are my property. They belong to Newman Enterprises now. Um...", "Dru: Neil.", "Neil: I'll see you at home.", "Dru: You sounded like an idiot calling me \"girlfriend.\"", "Phyllis: Shut up.", "Dru: Shut up.", "Phyllis: Fired. Fired. Fired.", "Dru: It's your fault. Shut up. Where's my stuff? Where's my bag?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You want to tell Kevin about us?", "Michael: Want to? No. Is it the right thing to do? I think so. Look, I'm always insisting that Kevin be honest with me. I would be a huge hypocrite if I didn't return the favor.", "Lauren: I mean, he's bound to find out anyway, right?", "Michael: Yeah. Sooner or later, yeah. Let's make it sooner. You've been shouldering this burden too long already. It isn't fair to you that you're the only one dealing with this problem. I don't feel good about hiding behind you that way.", "Lauren: Oh, no. You're not doing that.", "Michael: Oh, yes. I've been avoiding the inevitable.", "Lauren: No, you've been looking out for him.", "Michael: Yeah, I know. Making up for all those years I couldn't protect him from my stepfather--we know.", "Lauren: Maybe.", "Michael: Maybe. You know when Kevin pulled through-- you know, when he was beaten so badly-- I swore that I would never fail him again. And in spite of how difficult and infuriating he has been, I have done everything in my power to protect him. And believe me, there are times when I was tempted not to.", "Lauren: So why did you?", "Michael: Oh, guilt is a huge motivator. Well, maybe not totally. I care about Kevin. I care about what happens to him.", "Lauren: But you said yourself, if you keep getting him out of these jams, he's not gonna learn. He's not gonna be able to take responsibility for himself.", "Michael: No. I'm damned if I do, I'm damned if I don't.", "Lauren: Yeah, but I think that it's more about teaching Kevin how to make choices for himself. You know, you can't do it for him, Michael, but you can do it with him.", "Michael: Lauren, that would involve Kevin telling the truth, something I don't see happening anytime soon. He is addicted to lying, to covering up. I mean, no matter what's going on, he comes at me with that, \"oh, Mikey, it's okay. Everything is cool.\"", "Lauren: Yeah, well, he does that stuff with me, too.", "Michael: Yeah, well, when it hits the fan, he's gonna expect us to dig him out.", "Lauren: We're his lifelines. We seem to be the only ones that care about him.", "Michael: You know, in an odd sort of way, Kevin is responsible for us getting together.", "Lauren: Strange how that works.", "Michael: (Laughs) I doubt little brother's gonna see it that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: You didn't care for your salads?", "Michael: No, no, Gina, everything is fine. We just have a lot on our plates, don't we?", "Lauren: No pun intended.", "Gina: Mm-hmm. Are you sure? I mean, I could fix you something else.", "Michael: Unh-unh. It is delicious, Gina. Thank you so much for checking.", "Gina: Okay.", "Michael: Okay.", "Michael: Listen to me, I really don't know if this is the right thing to do. This could push him off the edge, you know? Um, I don't want to be the one who breaks his heart. He may never trust me again, ever. Or worse, we might not be able to pick any of those pieces up again. And, uh, given what he's been through, I-I don't think I can do that.", "Lauren: Well, there is an alternative.", "Michael: Anything. Anything.", "Lauren: We stop seeing each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Are you satisfied?", "Nikki: Yes, actually, I am. What did you think, that I would let you come into my home and completely ignore me?", "Ashley: That's not what I was doing.", "Nikki: You could've fooled me.", "Ashley: My daughter asked me to go riding with her and Victor. It was a simple request. It was not a plot to exclude you.", "Nikki: Well, I didn't notice you inviting me.", "Ashley: You never gave me the chance.", "Nikki: Oh, please.", "Ashley: You know, what am I doing that's so terrible? Please tell me. I know this is a difficult situation for everyone. I'm just trying to make it work so we can do what's best for Abby.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. And if it happens to bring you closer to Victor--", "Ashley: Oh!", "Nikki: Well, then that's just an added bonus.", "Ashley: How many times must I say it? I'm not interested in him.", "Nikki: It doesn't matter how many times you say it. It doesn't make it true.", "Ashley: What happened to you? I mean, really, when did you get so paranoid?", "Nikki: Let me ask you something. How would you feel if I were chasing after your husband like you're chasing after mine? How would you like it if Brad and I just cut you out of our lives completely? Would you like that? You know, on second thought, you probably wouldn't mind. Because you and I both know that Victor is the man you're in love with.", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: (Laughs)", "Jack: (Laughs) that's a good one. I will remember that.", "Gloria: Oh, well, I did clean it up a little.", "Jack: Yeah, I-- I kinda figured.", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "John: Does Gloria tell the best jokes, or what?", "Jack: Yes, she does. Listen, I'm gonna make myself scarce. Gloria, thank you for the coffee. Oh, and, uh, thank you for putting a smile on my dad's face again. It's been a long time. I wasn't sure he remembered.", "Gloria: Well, you're welcome, Jack. It's my pleasure.", "John: Hey.", "Gloria: What?", "John: You know what? That is not the only thing I thought I'd forgotten.", "Gloria: You didn't forget anything. Oh, John... you are such a wonderful man.", "John: Oh.", "Gloria: Thank you, thank you, thank you.", "John: You're adorable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So you want me to just uproot my whole life and go jet-setting around the world with my husband?", "Elliot: Well, we can travel and maintain a presence here. Whatever works for you.", "Jill: But you said you wanted to see the whole world.", "Elliot: I want you to be my world.", "Jill: Do you mean that?", "Elliot: I do.", "Jill: Because you love me?", "Elliot: Because I love you.", "Jill: And it would make traveling a lot easier if we had the same name on our passports, yes? I've kind of already turned you down, though.", "Elliot: Yeah, you did.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Elliot: But you're in luck today. We're having a one-time special-- two proposals for the price of one. All you have to do is say yes. I want you for the rest of my life, Jill Abbott. I want you to be my wife. Just say yes, and I'll cherish you... always.", "Jill: Yes. Yes, Elliot, I will marry you.", "Elliot: You sure?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Ugh. (Clears throat) elevator is taking so long.", "Dru: I know you're not talking to me.", "Phyllis: No, I'm not talking to you.", "Dru: Good.", "Phyllis: Good call. You better take the stairs if you're smart.", "Dru: Why's that, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Because the elevator is not big enough for your head.", "Dru: Whatever.", "Phyllis: Yeah, whatever. Bitch.", "Dru: Oh, thank you. Did you call me a bitch, babe?", "Phyllis: Oh, yes, I did. I said it loud.", "Dru: Babe in total control, honey--that's what that means. Babe in total control, honey.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Dru: Mm-hmm. You happy now?", "Phyllis: Am I happy?", "Dru: Yeah. You picked that stupid fight.", "Phyllis: You started it.", "Dru: Oh, please. Neil is so mad at you.", "Phyllis: He's not that upset. He's not gonna really fire us.", "Dru: Oh, maybe not me, but you're outta luck.", "Phyllis: Why, because you're his wife?", "Dru: Uh-huh. That would give me some leverage, yes, it would.", "Phyllis: He's not that kind of guy.", "Dru: I know my man better than you do, Pippi.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? You know \"your man\" better than I do? Let me tell you something. I know him in business. I been working for him for years. He's not that kind of guy.", "Dru: Well, since you're such a veteran, Phyllis, suppose you tell us what we should do.", "Phyllis: Oh, asking my advice. Well, I say we get in Neil's good graces, or else we'll be standing in the unemployment line.", "Dru: (Laughs) you may be in the unemployment line, but not me, sweetie. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. I don't want to help you, okay?", "Phyllis: Every woman for herself, then.", "Dru: Suits me just fine, Phyllis. I have the home court advantage.", "Phyllis: Well, good for you. You get to face him first. I don't want to be in your shoes.", "Dru: Yeah. What was--what was that?", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh.", "Dru: Oh. Oh.", "Phyllis: We're stopped. (Bangs on keypad)", "Dru: Are we stuck in here?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Oh, man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I am so sick of listening to this garbage.", "Nikki: Oh, well, I am sick of you trying to get your claws into my husband.", "Ashley: What do you want me to do, tell Victor he can't see her anymore? Break off all contact between Victor and Abby? He'll never stand for it. He'll fight me every step of the way. And you know who will suffer? That little girl you care so much about.", "Nikki: I do care about her.", "Ashley: You say you do. I remember you standing in this room just a few months ago, that very touching speech about how we should put our own personal interests aside, do what's best for Abby. The truth is, you have done nothing to make this transition easier, Nikki. In fact, you've just caused problems and made accusations the whole time.", "Nikki: That's because I know that you are trying to take advantage of the situation.", "Ashley: I'm trying to find some peace. I've already admitted I've made some mistakes, and now I'm just trying to make an arrangement that'll work for everyone.", "Nikki: Well, that sounds very well and good, but I don't believe a word of it.", "Ashley: I don't care what you believe. Guess what. Abby's gonna be in Victor's life, and that means I am, too. The sooner you accept that, the easier things will be.", "Nikki: What if I don't? What if I decide to make things difficult?", "Ashley: Well, I think we both know whose side Victor would be on, don't you?", "Nikki: Oh, my God. I feel so sorry for your little girl. That sweet child was only brought into this world to satisfy some sick need of yours to be close to a man that you will never have. That is sad.", "Ashley: Don't you dare stand there and judge me!", "Nikki: I'm just saying the truth.", "Ashley: You know what? You've said enough. Why don't you do us both a favor? Why don't you start acting like the confident woman you keep saying you are? Things would be a lot smoother then, Nikki.", "Ashley: What happened?", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Victor: She had an accident.", "Ashley: Oh, my God. Is she all right?", "Victor: Please get the car ready right now. I'll explain it on the way to the hospital, okay?", "Ashley: Wait a minute, is she--is she conscious?", "Victor: We've got to get to the hospital. Would you open the door?", "Ashley: Abby? Abby, it's gonna be okay. It's all right, sweetie.", "Nikki: Uh, Genoa City Memorial Hospital, please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I don't want to stop seeing you.", "Lauren: Well, I don't want to stop, either. But if you think this is gonna make him go over the edge, then... temporarily.", "Michael: What, until Kevin's in better shape to handle this?", "Lauren: What do you think?", "Michael: I think it could be a long time coming.", "Lauren: He was making progress.", "Michael: Yeah. I thought so, too. But with this Lily Winters thing and his obsession with you, I don't know anymore.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: I need to tell you something.", "Brad: What's wrong?", "Diane: Are you having second thoughts about firing your wife and, uh, Phyllis?", "Dru: Somebody!", "Phyllis: Help!", "Dru: Come on now.", "Lauren: Kevin, what are you doing back here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Billy is home and Jill is ecstatic and so is Cane. Colleen tests for the Face of Jabot and Cane is impressed and hires her unbeknownst to Jill who's not in favor. Lily finally gets mad and tells Colleen her accepting the position will put a strain on their friendship, this does not deter Colleen she accepts the job. Billy goes to Amber's where he gets a place to stay and the goods on Cane and Lily's break-up. Nick is distraught about Victor's disappearance as they embark on their next cover; Nikki blames Phyllis for her family's turmoil but Nick does not believe its her fought. Karen moves in with Neil and shares some of the death of her mom, while Roxanne and Devon let Lily get mad. Nikki pleads with Victor to stop making his kids suffer." ]
[ "Billy: Well, I figured moms like surprises.", "Jill: Let me look at you. You're gonna give me a heart attack, never mind a surprise. You look great.", "Billy: Well, Mom, you're not doing so bad yourself.", "Jill: Oh, Honey, it feels like forever. Please tell me that this is gonna be a long visit.", "Billy: Well, it's a little bit more than a visit.", "Jill: Say that again.", "Billy: Mom, I decided it's time that I moved home to be with my family.", "Jill: Oh, my God. Do you mean that?", "Billy: Uh-huh, and Jabot.", "Jill: Oh, I-I can't believe this.", "Billy: (Chuckles) But I gotta ask, Mom, since you made your other son the C.E.O., do you still have that position in the mail room available for me?", "Jill: Oh, Sweetie. Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: (Sighs) Are you serious?", "Cane: Absolutely. Look, we need a new Fresh Face of Jabot, okay? And, uh, I think you'd be great.", "Colleen: That's crazy.", "Cane: So you're not interested?", "Colleen: Of course I'm interested. Who wouldn't be interested? But, I mean, Cane, why me? I'm no model.", "Cane: Well, that's the point of the whole campaign. We're--you know, we want people who haven't done this sort of work before, people who are real and people who are relatable, like you.", "Colleen: And someone who can keep you up-to-date on Lily, maybe deliver a message or two?", "Cane: (Scoffs) That's not why I'm asking you.", "Colleen: Cane, I know it was hard for Lily to leave you and that job, okay?", "Cane: It wasn't any easier for me.", "Colleen: So you can honestly say that me being a direct link to Lily has nothing to do with the offer?", "Cane: That's right. It's business. Look, Colleen... (Sighs) You have the right look. You are a college student. You are a hometown girl, and you're an Abbott. You are the perfect person to represent the company.", "Colleen: I don't know. I need some time to think about this.", "Cane: Well, just don't take too long, okay? My mom's looking at other people.", "Colleen: (Sighs) Oh, my God.", "Cane: Look, okay, look. Come down to Jabot. We'll do some test shots, no commitment. What do you say?", "[Lily walks in as she's talking on the phone she glances over and sees Cane and goes out to the patio]", "Lily: Hey, Kristen, it's Lily. Hi. Um, in case no one's told you, um, I'm not gonna be shooting the Star Blaze campaign. Yeah, I-I resigned. Well, you know, I'm just gonna focus on school, so... thank you. I'm gonna-- I'm gonna miss you guys, too, and I'm gonna miss it. It was a lot of fun. Okay, bye.", "[Lily remembering]", "Cane: You're gonna be a wonderful spokesperson for us, you know...", "Lily: Aw.", "Cane: 'Cause you have such a beautiful smile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Would you check the fax? And there should be something from Brussels there.", "(Knock on door)", "Neil: Yeah, coming! Um, about four or fives pages in length. Come on in. Would you read through them, and if there's anything different from the proposal that we sent them in those pages, let me know in the office tomorrow, okay?", "Karen: (Exhales)", "Neil: All right, listen, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye-bye.", "Karen: Oh, Honey, you didn't have to do that.", "Neil: Yes, I did.", "Karen: (Scoffs)", "Neil: It's so good to see you. Hey, um, Madam let me show you to your room.", "Karen: (Sighs)", "Neil: Or maybe not. What--what's the matter?", "Karen: Oh, it's just a little déjà vu. We've done this before, you know.", "Neil: Okay, shh, shh, shh. Stop right there. History is not gonna repeat itself this time.", "Karen: You sure?", "Neil: I'm not sure of anything, but I have a good feeling about this, and this time around, we're gonna do it right.", "Karen: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Singsong voice) Awesome.", "Amber: What's awesome?", "Daniel: (Normal voice) Oh, uh, I sold another sketch from the gallery.", "Amber: That surprises you? Your show was fantastic. Which one sold?", "Daniel: Uh, the one of the Dublin staircase.", "Amber: Who bought it?", "Daniel: I don't know. Some guy from Scottsdale?", "Amber: Oh, oh, that was Bart somebody. Yeah, he was eyeing it out, and I just kind of talked it up.", "(Giggles)", "Daniel: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Uh, you went to New York? I-I thought you weren't going.", "Daniel: Mom, you know, don't.", "Amber: Yes, Phyllis, don't.", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "Amber: Unlike you, I was there.", "Phyllis: Excuse me?", "Amber: See, even though we're not together anymore, I still want to support Daniel, which is a lot more than I can say for is own mother.", "Phyllis: Oh, wow.", "Daniel: Amber--", "Phyllis: You know, I really don't need to discuss this with you, but, um, I already talked to my son regarding the reason that I wasn't there. See, I'm trying to keep this magazine afloat, the magazine that you work for, remember?", "Daniel: Mom, Mom--", "Phyllis: Yeah, but, you know, it's funny. Things can change. They change all the time. In fact, in five seconds, I can decide, \"Hey, we don't need a Restless Amber anymore.\"", "Daniel: You shouldn't have done that.", "(Sighs)", "Amber: Me? What about her, huh?", "Daniel: You just like to fuel it.", "Amber: (Sighs) I didn't mean to make things worse.", "Daniel: Yeah, you never do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay. Oh, my gosh. You know, we are so lucky that you found Ruby Aldridge to cover for Skylar Socola when she backed out.", "Nikki: Thank God she was available.", "Phyllis: Yeah, thank goodness. All right, this is our first cover shoot without Jack and Sharon. Sink or swim-- it's up to us now.", "Nikki: We'll show 'em.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we'll definitely show 'em. We're gonna show everyone what \"Restless Style\" is really about, right, Guys?", "Nick: We got what we wanted. I'm gonna go proof the article on St. Laurent's legacy one more time.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: He's been like that all day.", "Nikki: Well, what do you expect when he finds out his father disappeared again?", "Phyllis: Wait a second. I'm--I'm not the one who busted Victor out of the hospital.", "Nikki: Oh, I would say that you aided and abetted by convincing Nicholas to have him committed.", "Phyllis: I-I did not. What, are you dumping this on me?", "Nikki: I'm just saying that's why he ran off, as I predicted. So now Nicholas is upset with his father and himself.", "Phyllis: What, you're blaming me for this? Nick doesn't.", "Nikki: Are you sure about that?", "Phyllis: Listen, I-I-I don't even know what to say. I don't want to get into this conversation with you. We have a cover to shoot.", "Nikki: I think that is a fine idea. You should just focus on the magazine. You know what you're doing there, unlike when it comes to my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: And if you need to run back to Hong Kong, it's a flight away.", "Billy: Yeah, it's a long flight.", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Billy: But I can handle it.", "Jill: Oh, this is like a dream for me.", "Billy: You know... (Sighs) I hope it wasn't too much to assume that I still have a place here.", "Jill: Oh, are you kidding? Your work with House of Kim has been very, very impressive. Of course there's a place for you here. Don't worry about it.", "Billy: That sounds great, Mom, but don't you need to ask Cane first?", "Jill: Sweetie, I know it must have been very disconcerting for you to hear about this brother that you'd never even met rising to the top of the ranks so quickly.", "Billy: Straight to the top of the company. He must be something.", "Jill: No, I needed him to fill in in a crisis.", "Billy: Mom, you don't have to explain this to me. I understand. It's--its fine.", "Jill: Despite the title on Cane's door, I'm the one calling the shots at Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So do you want to give it a shot?", "Colleen: I'm in.", "Cane: Great. All right, well, I'll set things up at the office, okay?", "Colleen: I will be over as soon as I finish my shift.", "Cane: I'll see you there.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Lily: (Sighs) Hey.", "Colleen: Hey. I thought that you'd left.", "Lily: No, I was braving it out on the patio until Cane left. Did he say anything? Nope, you know what? Never mind. No Cane talk, okay? Ban on all things Cane.", "Colleen: Can we take that ban off for a few minutes?", "Lily: Why?", "Colleen: Cane offered me something that I want to run by you.", "Lily: Offered you what?", "Colleen: To test for the new Fresh Face of Jabot.", "Lily: Cane offered you my job? What, like an hour after I quit?", "Colleen: Uh, I-I don't know. I-I guess he needs to find someone A.S.A.P.", "Lily: Wow. Well, I guess he got over my leaving real fast.", "Colleen: Uh, Lily, I doubt it. It's--he didn't promise me anything. He just asked me to test.", "Lily: And what did you say?", "Colleen: I said yes.", "Lily: Well, you know what? I mean, go for it. It's a great job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, Baby.", "Roxanne: Hey.", "Devon: How you doing?", "Roxanne: What you got in those?", "Devon: It's a care package for Ana.", "Roxanne: Oh, how's Ana doing in music school?", "Devon: She's doing okay, having a little bit of a tough time with the transition, but, uh, it's all good. I'm gonna stick in a new song I've been working on, let her know I can't wait for us to perform it together.", "Roxanne: Ana's such a lucky girl. She has a good guy for her big brother.", "Devon: You think so?", "Roxanne: Mm-hmm. Look at all this.", "Devon: (Laughs) I know.", "Roxanne: Oh, my God.", "Devon: I hope she likes it. I hope she does.", "Roxanne: Lingerie?", "Devon: Lingerie? Hey, hey, whoa, now. That is obviously not for Ana. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, Sweetheart.", "Roxanne: You are a wicked man, Devon.", "Devon: \"Wicked\"? I thought you said I was a good man.", "Roxanne: Baby, there's a place and a time...", "Devon: Uh-huh.", "Roxanne: For everything.", "Devon: Really?", "Roxanne: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: Um... hey, do you mind if I interrupt?", "Neil: Hmm? Oh, no, you're not interrupting. Come here.", "Karen: You know, I, um, I found some of Ana's things in the closet when I was putting some clothes away.", "Neil: Yeah, they forgot 'em. Uh, hopefully, Tyra and Ana will be here for Thanksgiving or Christmas, so...", "Karen: Yeah, I hope so, too.", "Neil: Hey, you and Ana really took to one another.", "Karen: (Laughs) Yeah, we did-- me, the non-motherly type.", "Neil: No, no, no, no. We're not going down that road again... even though you were great with Ana. And just for the record, I-I think you would have made a-a terrific mother.", "Karen: I don't know about that.", "Neil: Okay, wait a minute. What am I feeling here? Um, it starts with an \"E.\" There's some emotion here. You're fighting emotion. What is it?", "Karen: Neil, I-- (scoffs) I lost my own mother when I was a little girl.", "Neil: I-I thought that you-- you talked to your mom about our Thanksgiving plans last year. Didn't you? You--", "Karen: No, no. That was-- that was my stepmother. I mean, we're-- we're very close. My father remarried a long time ago, but, um, my real mother died when I was 12.", "Neil: Oh. Karen, um, I am so sorry.", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: I know what it was like for Devon and Lily when they lost their mom, and the younger you are, the--the worse it must be.", "Karen: You know, I guess I just-- I never wanted to run the risk of--of putting my own child through that, you know? No kid should have to suffer through that kind of loss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Plays a few notes)", "Nikki: Oh, that reminds me of the first time I saw Paris, the accordion music wafting out of the windows... it's a perfect touch.", "Nick: Then I have the boss's approval.", "Nikki: Hey, hey, hey. I'm just the interim editor in chief. You're the boss.", "Nick: Thanks to Dad. (Sighs) I was really hoping to share all this with him. Is that stupid?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Not at all.", "Nick: I should have known that he would never get how much this means to me.", "Nikki: Honey, he does. Even if he can't acknowledge it, he does. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given you the money to buy Jack out.", "Nick: So you don't think this was more about him just trying to screw over his number one enemy?", "Nikki: Absolutely not. He did it for you, and despite w he has treated you and your sister lately, he loves you very much.", "Nick: Then why didn't he read that letter I wrote him? And why did he disappear after he left the hospital when he knew how much we wanted him to get treatment?", "Nikki: He's grieving. He--he's mad at the whole world. Try not to take it personally.", "Nick: Vick and I practically begged him to get help, and then he looked us in the eye and swore that he would. So how can I ever trust him again? How can I ever believe anything he ever says, if we ever find him?", "Nikki: You will find him, and when we do, you'll work that out with him, but in the meantime, you just have to do what we talked about and let it go.", "Nick: Do you have any idea on how to do that, Mom? 'Cause I don't have a clue.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Deal with what is right in front of you-- the success of the magazine, Summer, Noah.", "Nick: While Dad is out there wandering around God knows where doing God knows what.", "Nikki: Well, that's his choice to give up his life if he wants to. Don't let him steal your life, too.", "Nick: I gotta go find the photographer.", "Nikki: Honey, I— (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Here we are, a little bit of vino.", "Karen: This one? Thank you.", "Neil: Yes, you're welcome.", "Karen: Fun way to start the evening, huh?", "Neil: Not really. I'm glad you told me about your mom.", "Karen: You know, I actually-- I did--did that on purpose, because I didn't want you to think that you knew everything about me.", "Neil: Say what?", "Karen: You gotta keep the mystery alive, don't you think?", "Neil: Of course. And you know just about everything about me, but I-I could make something up to keep you on your toes.", "Karen: Aw.", "Neil: Aw.", "Karen: Oh, hey, you know what? You got a couple of e-mails while you were in the kitchen.", "Neil: They... can wait.", "Karen: Now where are your priorities, Mr. Winters?", "Neil: My number one priority is right here right now.", "Karen: I'll drink to that.", "Neil: Cheers.", "(Karen giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, we are so excited that you came all the way from New York to do our cover.", "Woman: Oh, thank you. I'm so excited. I love your magazine.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "George: Yeah, the magazine is gonna love you right back.", "Woman: (Giggles) So what do you think? Do I look French enough for you?", "George: You look just like you stepped out of the Place des Vosges.", "Nikki: (Laughs) Wearing that?", "Amber: Hey, Nick, um, I need you to sign this for me.", "Nick: Okay.", "Amber: Oh, wow, what a really cool outfit.", "Woman: Thank you. Phyllis dreamed it up.", "Amber: Hi. I'm Amber.", "Ruby: Ruby.", "Amber: And this is Daniel.", "Ruby: It's Ruby.", "Daniel: That is a great look. Yeah, Ruby, we know. Such a fan.", "Ruby: Aw, thank you.", "Daniel: I can't believe we're working with you.", "Amber: Yeah, we're really, really big fans of yours.", "Ruby: Aw, thanks, Guys.", "Man: Hey, Ruby, I need you for a light check.", "Amber: Um, you know, I actually designed...", "George: Here you go, Amber.", "Amber: Something similar to that, um, when I was work--", "Phyllis: A-Amber, Amber, can you please fax that letter that I asked you?", "Amber: Okay, sure. Um--", "Phyllis: Now. Thank you. Okey-doke. So, Daniel, can you let the staff go? And also please tell Amber that she can't come back in here. Daniel. Daniel.", "Daniel: Yeah, uh, yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You know, I'm wondering about the wardrobe.", "Phyllis: Uh, wondering what about the wardrobe?", "Nikki: I-I-I don't know. Is it too sexy? I mean, I know sex sells, but are we pushing the envelope a little too much here?", "Phyllis: No, no. I don't think so. I think it's something that's gonna make people stop when they walk past a newsstand.", "Nikki: Yeah, but we want it to be on the newsstand, not behind the counter in a brown paper wrapper.", "Phyllis: Right, right. Well... (Giggles) Yeah, I think it's sophisticated and, you know, chic. It's sort of er--erotic vintage meets haute couture.", "Nikki: Well, that's a fine line, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, I think that we should trust our fashion editor.", "Nikki: What do you think, Honey?", "Nick: I'm with Phyllis.", "Nikki: Okay, great. Then let's do it.", "Nick: Thanks, Mom. I knew I could count on you.", "Nikki: Oh, Baby, anytime, anytime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Yeah, so would you just have the courier drop them off at Chancellor's tomorrow morning? Great, thank you. Good night. There. I'm sorry for the interruption.", "Billy: Oh, come on, Mom. I dropped in on you.", "Jill: Oh, do you know how happy I am you did? (Giggles) It's been such a long time. Why don't we have dinner?", "Billy: Oh, can we do it another night?", "Jill: Will you at least stay with us?", "Billy: Well, I would, but, Mom, I already have a place lined up for me to live, so...", "Jill: Oh, Billy, I never wanted you to go away in the first place.", "Billy: Yeah, well, you know, a lot's come down since then, so--", "Cane: Hey, I'm-- I'm glad you're still here. Um, I need to talk to you about the Fresh Faces. I-I'm sorry to barge in, but this is really important. Jill Cane, this is more important. I want you to meet your brother Billy.", "Cane: Oh, I can't believe I'm meeting you. Come here.", "Billy: Oh!", "Jill: (Laughs)", "Cane: Did you know? Did you know?", "Jill: No, he just dropped out of the blue, but he's moving back home.", "Cane: I can't believe I have a brother. This is my brother.", "Jill: I know, and I have both my boys with me.", "Billy: You know, Mom, um, Cane came to talk to you about something important, so you guys should discuss this.", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no. Is it--is it really important?", "Cane: Well, it's about finding a replacement for the Fresh Faces, but--", "Billy: Whoa, hold on. Wait. You're--you're gonna replace Lily Winters?", "Cane: Yeah, she quit.", "Billy: Oh, wow. Well, I-I heard that you guys had dated. Was it just too tough to work together?", "Cane: Yeah, it was something like that, yeah.", "Billy: That's unfortunate. That's--", "Cane: Hey, uh, look, Billy, um, we've got a photo shoot in a couple of days, and I gotta talk to Mom about finding us a replacement uh, for the, uh, for the model. We have this new line coming out, so--", "Billy: Cane, relax, I got it. Don't worry about it. You guys, go. Work, work, work.", "Cane: We'll do this later? We're gonna do it later?", "Billy: Rain check, Man. I got to get settled in, okay--okay?", "Cane: Okay, all right. We can do it soon.", "Billy: You can count on that.", "Jill: Okay. Oh, welcome back.", "Billy: Mom, good to see you.", "Jill: Welcome back.", "Billy: Oh, yeah.", "Jill: Good to see you, Honey.", "Billy: You, too. You know, I gotta tell you, she has no idea how happy I am to be here. I have been away way too long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Woman singing in French)", "Nick: Dad? Dad? Dad.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, Nick. Nick. There's a half-naked model over there.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm gonna let you look. You don't want to waste this opportunity, right?", "Nick: She's--she's great.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Amber: Guess I'll see you tomorrow.", "Daniel: Probably.", "(Cell phone vibrates)", "Amber: (Giggles) No way.", "Daniel: \"No way\" what?", "Amber: Liam-- or, Billy's in town.", "Daniel: Okay, so I just misread that whole situation, huh?", "Amber: \"Gee, I wonder what you're going to do?\" Billy always has something crazy-fun planned, so...", "Daniel: All right, well, have a blast. Maybe Colleen and I will run into you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey.", "Billy: (Sighs) CeeCee, how is my niece this evening?", "Colleen: I'm good. Did you see your mom?", "Billy: Yeah, I saw her. I met Cane, too.", "Colleen: Oh, big family affair, huh?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Colleen: Where are you going?", "Billy: Amber's.", "Colleen: Well, you're really sticking to that favor I asked you, huh?", "Billy: Yeah, well, babysitting Amber and keeping her away from Daniel isn't exactly a hardship. I'm getting something out of it.", "Colleen: Mm-hmm, I bet.", "Billy: Yeah, she is, too.", "Colleen: (Scoffs) Bigger bet.", "Billy: (Chuckles) what are you doing here?", "Colleen: I came for some test shots.", "Billy: Oh, so you're the one who might replace Lily?", "Colleen: Maybe. We' see.", "Billy: Oh, well, good for you. Good luck.", "Colleen: Thanks. Bye.", "Billy: Bye.", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: What do you say to dinner, a movie, both?", "Roxanne: Yes.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Roxanne: Yes. Lily, join us.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: Um, I don't know. (Sighs)", "Devon: What's wrong with you? You've barely said anything since you sat down.", "Lily: Well, I quit my job today.", "Devon: I'm sorry. It's probably the best thing, though, considering what's going on with Cane.", "Lily: Yeah, I know, it just doesn't feel right.", "Roxanne: I bet Cane is bumming, too.", "Lily: Oh, yeah, he's real bummed. He already offered my job to Colleen.", "Devon: What?", "Lily: Yeah, Colleen told me that he asked her to do a test shoot, and she wanted to see if I was okay with it.", "Devon: And are you okay with it?", "Lily: No, of course not.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Roxanne: Well, what did you tell her?", "Lily: I don't know. I said it was fine. (Sighs)", "Devon: Why'd you say that?", "Lily: Because what's the point of getting upset? I can't change anything.", "Roxanne: Sometimes you can.", "Lily: Well, unfortunately, I can't change the fact that Cane had a drunken one-night stand that got Chloe pregnant, and I can't blame him for marrying her and moving into the house that was supposed to be ours. And I can't be jealous that he's trying to fill the position that I abandoned, but what makes me so angry is that he asked my best friend.", "Roxanne: It's ridiculous.", "Lily: I mean, was there honestly nobody else? There were thousands of applicants that wanted to be the Fresh Face when they first announced the contest, and why didn't Colleen turn him down? I mean, why did she come and ask me if it was okay after she already told Cane that she would do it? Its like, why even bother? She didn't bother asking me if she could date Daniel. No, she just went right ahead and did that one.", "Devon: No one could have this much stuff happen to 'em and not be that upset.", "Lily: I'm just tired of always trying to be the bigger person.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: You know? I'm always trying to make everybody else feel better, and enough is enough. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, I think we got some fabulous shots.", "Phyllis: Oh, me, too. Ruby was terrific, by the way.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: She was amazing. Yeah. Hey, Baby, a cover that finally went smoothly.", "Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, it was great.", "Nikki: An omen for the future.", "Phyllis: All right, let's go home. We can celebrate, right?", "Nick: Sure.", "Nikki: Damn you, Victor. (Sighs) Damn you for doing this to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I wasn't sure you were really gonna show up in Genoa City.", "Billy: Well, I'm moving home.", "Amber: That's great.", "Billy: Well, I'm glad you feel that way, because I sure would like to stay here.", "Amber: Not at the Chancellor's?", "Billy: Nobody at the Chancellor's is as pretty as you.", "Amber: Oh, you are good. You are very, very good.", "Billy: Does that mean yes?", "Amber: Sure.", "Billy: Hmm.", "Amber: How long you staying?", "Billy: I don't know. I hope that's not a problem.", "Amber: Not at all. Hey, um, are you hungry? Because my fridge is bare, but we could go out.", "Billy: I don't feel like going out.", "Amber: We could, uh, we could order in.", "Billy: Ahh, to hell with dinner.", "Amber: Are you thirsty?", "Billy: I thirsty?", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: No, I'm not thirsty.", "Amber: (Giggles) Don't you want anything at all?", "Billy: Mm.", "Amber: Huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: That was my brother. That was my brother.", "Jill: He's been gone way too long, but he's back now. I'm so looking forward to us being a family.", "Cane: Oh, me, too. (Sighs) All right, let's just talk business for a minute, okay?", "Jill: Yeah.", "Cane: What'd you think of Colleen?", "Jill: Well, I listened to what you said, and I looked at the test photo she did for us. She's not right, Cane.", "Cane: I think she's great. I think she has the look you want to project, Mom.", "Jill: Yeah, she has the look.", "Cane: Okay, so I thought you'd be all over this. What's the problem? And she's an Abbott.", "Jill: Cane, her father is Bradley Carlton.", "Cane: Mom, the average teenage girl that's gonna buy this line isn't gonna know that Brad Carlton was arrested.", "Jill: That's not it. You're glossing over this issue that could be very serious for us. Now listen, Honey, please. Look at the other models the New York agency suggested.", "Cane: Mom, they're professional models. They're not Fresh Faces.", "Jill: Where has that gotten us? Lily's quit. The others have faded into the woodwork. Cane, we're starting up a new line. We don't have time for a learning curve.", "Cane: Why don't you trust me?", "Jill: Look, I know that you're trying to assert yourself into a new role, and you think I'm being domineering. No, but this disagreement I have-- it's not a power play. It's that I have a lifetime of experience with this company that I'm trying to pass onto you.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jill: Honey, you're trying to do two things. You're trying to build your reputation and help me rebuild Jabot. If you want to be successful at that, I beg you, take my advice. Do not go with Colleen.", "Cane: (Exhales deeply)", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I don't want to get my hopes up, but when I took the test shots, I started to get really excited about the idea. Hi.", "Lily: Hey.", "Daniel: Hey, gang. Do you guys want to join us?", "Devon: Uh, no thanks. We're gonna go see a movie, get something to eat.", "Lily: Actually, you know what? You guys can go ahead.", "Roxanne: Lily, you're not gonna come with us?", "Lily: Well, I'm just-- I'm--I'm not up for a film.", "Roxanne: Okay.", "Devon: All right. Well, we'll call you later.", "Lily: Okay.", "Devon: Take care.", "Colleen: Uh, do you want to have dinner with us? We can go get some Italian or something.", "Lily: Uh, actually, there's something that I want to talk to you about. Look, I know I said that I was okay with you testing to be the Fresh Face of Jabot, but I'm not. I actually would mind a lot, and I just wish I could be happy about it, but I can't.", "Colleen: Well, it's not like I stole your job. I mean, you quit, Lily.", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I'm just being honest about how I feel.", "Colleen: Okay. Well, then I need to be honest, because the more I think about it, the more I want it. I mean, especially since it's for the company my grandfather created.", "Lily: Colleen, I understand that. I'm just saying that if you get the position and you accept, then fine. That's your right, but I don't have to like it.", "Colleen: What does that mean?", "Lily: It means that it's gonna have an effect on our friendship.", "Colleen: I don't know how to handle this. I don't want to lose my best friend.", "Daniel: Well, you know, I can totally understand where Lily's coming from, but if you take that job, I don't think that you're gonna lose her. You know, yeah, your relationship might take a little hit, but you guys will be able to work it out, won't you? I mean, look at all the stuff that we went through, and we're still friends.", "Colleen: I don't know, Daniel. I mean, after everything that's been dumped on her, I think this could just push her over the edge.", "Daniel: So are you rethinking the Jabot job?", "Colleen: I don't know. It's an amazing opportunity, you know? But I guess there are other jobs.", "Daniel: Well, I guess you're just gonna have to decide if it's worth it.", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Neil: Yep. (Whispers) Now who's that? (Normal voice) Oh. Hey.", "Lily: Hey. Oh, are you ready for bed?", "Neil: Y-yeah--well, no. No, I'm not. Come on in.", "Lily: Oh, okay.", "Neil: So what, uh, what brings you here?", "Lily: Well, I just wanted to come and see you, and I brought us dinner.", "Neil: Dinner? Um...", "Lily: Oh, did you, uh, did you already eat?", "Neil: Well, it's not that I--", "Karen: (Laughing) Now that was a shower-- hi, Lily.", "Lily: Oh, hi. So I-I guess that you moved back in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, you know what? Um, I'm gonna talk to that company that we got this concertina from. Maybe I can buy it, take lessons. (Playing badly) You know, the-- huh. Huh, or maybe not, right? (Clears throat) (Sighs) All right, listen, if you're mad at me, please tell me.", "Nick: Mad at you?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, maybe you blame me for talking you into getting your father committed.", "Nick: (Sighs) No, of course not. Everyone was just doing what they felt was best.", "Phyllis: Listen, I-I don't know what to do. I just--I hate that you're feeling this way.", "Nick: Well, I'm sorry. You know, I don't--I don't mean to make you feel like that.", "Phyllis: Well, you don't have to apologize. I just--", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: I want to do something to take the pain away.", "(Rubs hands together)", "Nick: I mean, Mom's advice was to just let it go, you know? Refuse to let Dad get to me, but she didn't see Dad laying on the floor of Sabrina's gallery. It's like the strength had totally gone out of the strongest man I know.", "Phyllis: I know you wanted to save him. I know that.", "Nick: He needs someone's help, and now he's on his own. And the trouble is, what happens the next time he falls? Is there gonna be anybody there to pick him up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor... (Sighs) You'll probably see my name on the phone and hit delete, but in the one-in-a-million chance that--that you listen to this, I have something that I want to say to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: (Sighs) So I'm back for a second try.", "Neil: Yes, you are. We are going to make it work this time. Mm.", "Lily: Well, I'm really happy for you guys.", "Neil: Thanks, Honey. So now what about you? I have a feeling there's more to this visit than worrying that I'd be hungry.", "Lily: Well, I-I quit my job.", "Neil: You quit your jo-- why'd you do that?", "Lily: (Sighs) It was the only way, you know? But the worst part is that Cane offered my job to Colleen, and she wants to do it.", "Neil: Ouch. That hurts.", "Lily: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Karen: You know, Lily, you and Colleen have been friends for a really long time. I'm--I'm sure you guys will patch things up.", "Lily: Yeah, maybe.", "Neil: Hey, Lily, where you going? We're gonna eat, sit around the table, talk some more. Come on.", "Lily: No, you know, actually, it's been a really long day, and I'm really tired, but consider dinner for two my treat. It's a big night for you guys, so good night.", "Neil: Thanks. Good night, Honey.", "Lily: Okay, good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Colleen: Oh, one second. Hello?", "Cane: So the job is yours if you want it.", "Colleen: Really? This fast?", "Cane: But I need to know tonight.", "Colleen: Um, yes. Yes, I'll do it. Thank you. Thank you so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Sighs) Oh, I needed to cool off.", "Billy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was a hell of a homecoming.", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Billy: Thank you. (Chuckles) Oh.", "Amber: You know, you really should have been with your family tonight, but I am glad you came here instead.", "Billy: Good. Well, you know, the way I see it, there's gonna be plenty of time for family reunions.", "Amber: So have you met your brother yet?", "Billy: Yeah, I met him tonight.", "Amber: Hmm. What'd you think?", "Billy: Just like you said, decent guy.", "Amber: Yeah, honorable, loyal and all that good stuff.", "Billy: Yeah, a real white knight. So why did, uh, Cane and Lily break up, huh?", "Amber: (Giggles)", "Billy: Did she dump him?", "Amber: He got some girl pregnant.", "Billy: He did?", "Amber: Yeah.", "Billy: The white knight fell off his horse.", "Amber: Oh, one bad night, one really big mistake, so...", "Billy: So is he still with the, uh, pregnant girl?", "Amber: (Giggles) He married her. Can you believe it? Yeah, but he and Lily-- they're still totally in love. I mean, you can tell it's just killing them not to be together.", "Billy: Huh. That's too bad. I'm, uh, real sorry to hear that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I mean, what happens if-- if he collapses again? Is there gonna be anybody there to--", "Phyllis: Pick him up?", "Nick: (Sighs) I'm so tired of hearing myself. I-I just--", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: You know, we should be celebrating. We should be celebrating this cover shoot.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we should, definitely. Let's celebrate because our cover shoot was phenomenal.", "Nick: Parisian erotica definitely works for me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it works for me, too.", "Nick: Hmm.", "(Clicks tongue)", "Phyllis: It definitely works for me.", "Nick: Whoa. Wow.", "Phyllis: I always wanted to be on one of those postcards, you know? Those Parisian postcards.", "Nick: Really?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Why don't you sit down, pose like Ruby did?", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Nick: Wow, that is, uh...", "(Camera shutter clicking)", "Nick: That's really hot. Do, uh... yeah, do that again. Oh, yeah. All right, give me a, uh, like, a come-hither look.", "(Camera clicks)", "Nick: All right, uh, should I be getting turned on? 'Cause I'm-- I'm turned on right now.", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, I understand why you left and why you don't want us to find you. I know you're in terrible pain, that all you can think about is Sabrina and the baby you lost, but you need to remember that you haven't lost everything. You have other children who love you and want to help you through this. Maybe you didn't realize what your leaving would do to them, but they're suffering, too, Victor. They're suffering so much. They need their father. So take this time to mourn and cry and rant at the world. Do whatever it is you need to do to come to terms with what's happened, and then come home to your family.", "(Hangs up cell phone)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: The ultimate tell-all on one of America's most exclusive billionaires, Victor Newman.", "Colleen: I stole Lily's fiancé because I didn't really like her that much.", "Billy: Yeah, she's my niece, but between me and you, she can't replace you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon wakes up, screaming, in the hospital and demands to know from the nurse where her baby is. Adam celebrates that he and Dr. Taylor had dodged a bullet. Adam tells Dr. Taylor to tell Sharon that her baby had died. Adam visits Ashley and her baby. Nikki checks on Victor to see how he's feeling. Abby also comes in to visit. Traci apologizes to Dr. Snyder that she just cannot concentrate on what Dr. Snyder is trying to tell her about the transplant. Billy interrupts them and tells them that they just cannot do this. Steve insists that Colleen is being tested. Jack tells Abby that Colleen wanted to be an organ donor. Dr. Snyder tells Jack that Ashley and her baby were brought in. The nurse insists that Ashley be examined. Jack tells Abby that Colleen's heart could go to Victor. Dr. Mangino comes in to examine Ashley, but Ashley refuses by telling him that she wants to see Victor. Dr. Taylor tells Sharon that her baby is dead. Adam orders Dr. Taylor to examine Ashley himself of the letter that Skye had written would go straight to the police .Dr. Taylor intervenes and examines Ashley himself. Billy insists to everyone that the transplant will never happen. Jack assures Ashley that Nikki is alive right before he meets Ashley's daughter. Victoria demands to know from Adam as to where he had been. Nick finds out that Sharon had been taken to St. Mary's. Dr. Snyder tells Jack and Traci that Colleen and Victor are a perfect 5-point match. Adam plans a one way trip to Boston. Dr. Taylor reminds Adam about Sharon. Adam promises to take care of that. Nick visits Sharon. Sharon tells him that the baby is dead.", "" ]
[ "[Sharon remembering]", "Sharon: (Groaning)", "(Alarm sounding)", "(Lock beeps)", "Sharon: (Yelling) Aah!", "Nick: You're doing great.", "Sharon: (Groaning)", "Dr. Taylor: Don't stop now. Come on. Push.", "Nick: Come on. You can do it. Push.", "Dr. Taylor: And here we go.", "Nick: I'm right here.", "Dr. Taylor: Good.", "(Baby crying)", "Sharon: My baby. My baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Mm.", "Sharon: Nurse! Nurse? Somebody, help me, please? (Sighs) Oh.", "Woman: Is there a problem?", "Sharon: Um...", "Woman: Are you in pain?", "Sharon: I--um, I'm a little confused.", "Woman: Well, you're in the hospital.", "Sharon: Yes, I-I can see that. Um, I-I don't know how I got here. Last night, I was-- I was in a private facility. I had a baby. Where is she? In the nursery? Why don't you answer me? What happened to my baby?", "Woman: Just lie back. Take it easy. The doctor will be in shortly to answer your questions.", "Sharon: No. No. I-I want to know now. What's going on? Where's my baby? What have you done with my baby?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: (Sighs) (sighs)", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: What are you doing? Celebrating?", "Adam: Well, you should be, too. We dodged a bullet, my friend.", "Dr. Taylor: Don't you ever call me that. I'm not your friend. I don't even want to know you, Adam. You're sick.", "Adam: You call it sick. I call it resourceful.", "Dr. Taylor: You stole that woman's baby right out of--", "Adam: Listen, I didn't steal anybody's baby. That's Ashley's daughter, okay?", "Dr. Taylor: And what am I supposed to say to the real mother--Sharon-- the one they carted away in an ambulance?", "Adam: Just tell her her baby died.", "Dr. Taylor: Her baby died? What, are you crazy? What's going to happen when she wants to see a body?", "Adam: I don't know. That's not my problem. But you're gonna take care of it, okay? 'Cause if you don't, I'm gonna make sure that you see prison time, and I hear that, uh, sex offenders aren't too popular in there.", "Dr. Taylor: (Sighs)", "Adam: Hey. There's the new mama.", "Ashley: (Whispering) She's sleeping.", "(Door closes)", "Adam: Look, uh, now that, um, the lockdown's been lifted, we can take you two to Memorial.", "Ashley: Did you hear that, my baby girl? Your big brother's gonna take good care of you, just like he took perfect care of mommy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: How are you feeling? Any change?", "Victor: (Weakly) I just... feel so damn tired.", "Abby: Morning, Dad.", "Victor: Good morning, Sweetheart.", "Abby: Sorry I'm late.", "(Laughs)", "Victor: That's all right. Where's Adam?", "Abby: I just hitched a ride with Nick. Adam wasn't around.", "Nick: He was here last night, and he--he left. Nobody's seen him since.", "Victor: I wish all my children--children were here.", "Victoria: Well, you'll just have to settle for us, I guess.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nick: Any word from the Abbotts?", "Nikki: No, and I don't want to push.", "Nick: Dad's getting weaker.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Snyder: There are two tests to find out whether or not an organ donor and recipient are compatible. The first is the H.L.A. It evaluates certain genetic markers. Colleen and Mr. Newman would have to match five out of six in order for the transplant to be approved. The second test is the crossmatch, and that would determine whether or not the--", "Traci: I'm sorry. D-doctor, the-- it--it's too much. I-I-I-I'm not being able to take all this in right now.", "Billy: What's going on?", "Jack: Dr. Snyder was just explaining to us the tests they'll run to see if Colleen's heart can go to Victor, which Traci has agreed to with my blessing.", "Billy: Jack, you can't do this. God, I can't believe you're on board for this.", "Mac: Your brother has a right to his opinion, Billy.", "Billy: Yeah, well, so do I. Hey, look, you--you run all the tests that you need to run for somebody else, okay? Just don't let my CeeCee's heart go into that person.", "Steve: (Sighs)", "Traci: Billy, please don't do this.", "Steve: The decision's been made. She's being tested.", "Billy: Tested? Let me ask you guys a question-- does anybody in this room actually care about what Colleen would have wanted?!", "Dr. Snyder: I'll be back in a little bit.", "Billy: It--I--honestly, I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone. All of you people standing around concerned about if Victor Newman's gonna be saved or not-- Victor Newman! There's a reason why he got shot. It's call karma, Jack.", "Mac: Billy, I know you're upset, but this really isn't helping.", "Jack: We all have to put our personal feelings behind us and look at the bigger picture.", "Traci: (Sighs)", "Billy: The bigger picture is Newman doesn't deserve to wake up tomorrow.", "Traci: Stop it. Stop it. Both of you, stop it. I can't stand this bickering.", "Billy: Sis, I--", "Traci: No, it may not even be-- w-whether we give Victor Colleen's heart may not even be an option, and I don't want to hear another word about this until we get the tests back... (Voice breaks) Please.", "Steve: All right.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Jack: I'll talk to him.", "Traci: Okay.", "(Sighs)", "Steve: It's all right.", "(Door opens and closes)", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Steve: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Okay, Dad, no more talk about Newman. Everything is fine there, okay?", "Abby: And at home, so you can just take it easy for once, okay?", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Victor: What's going on?", "Jack: Colleen indicated on her driver's license she wants to be... an organ donor. Traci's honoring her wishes. Right now, they're testing to see if Colleen's heart is a viable option for you.", "Abby: Y-y-you mean Colleen's heart would--", "Jack: Might be a possibility, yeah.", "Nick: Abby, we didn't want to say anything in case Traci changed her mind.", "Nikki: Honey, you've had to go through so much lately.", "Victor: That's... the first time I've heard of this.", "Abby: (Sobs) My poor sister. She just--", "Nick: Wait, Abby. Abby.", "Abby: I just want to be alone, okay? I-I'm fine. I just...", "Victor: Jack, I'm sorry that your family has to make this decision. But I'm glad you did. I'm very glad.", "Jack: Don't. Don't thank us--not yet. If Colleen's heart isn't a match... or even if it is... I'm gonna go check on Abby.", "(Door closes)", "Dr. Snyder: (Clears throat) Mr. Abbott, I was just coming to find you. Your sister Ashley and her infant daughter were just brought in by ambulance.", "Jack: My sister Ashley and her what?", "Woman: Your daughter's doing great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: She's so beautiful. I can't take my eyes off her.", "Woman: Sir, I'm sorry. Family members only.", "Ashley: Adam's my stepson. Not just that, but he delivered my baby. (Laughs) Would you mind helping him with the stool? He can't see very well.", "Adam: Just point me in the general direction. I'll stumble into it anyway. Thanks.", "Woman: The obstetrician on call will be in to examine you.", "Ashley: I'm not even sure if that's necessary. I feel so good, I mean, considering I just had a baby.", "Woman: Hospital policy, Mrs. Newman. I'm sure you and your baby will check out just fine.", "Ashley: Thank you. Hey, Adam, as soon as the doctor's finished with his examination, I want to get an update on Victor, how he's doing after surgery.", "Adam: (Sighs) Yeah, I've been worried, too. Why don't I go check and see what I can find out?", "Ashley: Thank you so much. (Whispering) Hi, Sweetheart. How's my baby girl? Do you know how much I love you?", "Jack: Congratulations.", "Ashley: Would you like to meet your new niece?", "Jack: Hey, there.", "Ashley: (Giggles)", "Jack: Wow! She's so tiny.", "Ashley: Hey, she's perfect. She was just a little early.", "Jack: You couldn't wait to meet all of us, could you?", "Ashley: Isn't that amazing?", "Jack: Amazing.", "Ashley: In the midst of all this tragedy, my daughter came into the world.", "Jack: Yeah, timing's an amazing thing.", "Ashley: How's Traci, Jack?", "Jack: Traci... (Sighs) Agreed to donate Colleen's organs.", "Ashley: Oh, my God. Colleen would have wanted that.", "Jack: Colleen's heart, just so you know, Colleen's heart-- there's a real possibility it could go to Victor.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: The device keeping his heart going is a temporary fix. They're doing tests right now to see if he's a likely candidate for a transplant.", "Ashley: Are you saying if he doesn't get a heart, he could die?", "Jack: I'm saying he will die.", "Ashley: Oh, my God.", "Jack: Yeah. Right now, Victoria and Nicholas and Michael Baldwin are exploring every channel.", "(Door opens)", "Dr. Mangino: Good morning. I'm Dr. Mangino. Ready for your postpartum exam?", "Ashley: Doctor, I don't have time. I don't have time, not now. I have to see-- I have to see my baby's father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I thought I might find you here.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Victoria: You okay?", "J.T.: This is, um... (Sighs) (Scoffs)", "Victoria: I know.", "J.T.: You know, honestly, this--this is... beyond my comprehension right now.", "Victoria: My father's in there. He's dying. And Colleen's already gone. Would you hate me if I prayed for them to be a match?", "J.T.: I don't know. I don't--I don't even know how I feel about any of this right now.", "Victoria: I understand.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Billy: I was looking for Mac. I'll--", "J.T.: I haven't seen her.", "Victoria: Uh, Billy, wait.", "Billy: You know, we really don't have anything to say to each other that--", "Victoria: No, I--we do. I want to tell you how sorry I am about Colleen. You know, I--there was a time that I thought of her as family.", "Billy: Just--just don't. Don't--don't do that. She was just something that you had to put up with because you were married to Brad once. So don't act that you cared or--or--or that, uh, you're all broken up because she's gone. I mean, she's--she's worth more to you people now, right? And you can chop her up and use her for spare parts.", "Victoria: I don't want to do this right here in this chapel where people come to find peace.", "Billy: Peace... well, that's a bit of a tall order for all of us right now, isn't it?", "Victoria: (Scoffs)", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Billy: She pushed my buttons with the family thing, all right?", "J.T.: Hey, we're all suffering here, all right?", "Billy: Yeah, I know. I know. I know. Look, we go way back, right? I mean, me and Mac, you and Colleen.", "J.T.: And?", "Billy: And this is wrong. And I know that you agree with me, so just-- would you just do me a favor? Will you go in there and when you ask them just to-- just talk to them, please, okay? And then-- then I'll talk to Traci again, and --and maybe if we work together, we can prevent this whole mess from happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) so what happens next?", "Dr. Swift: I will be back to discuss our options once we determine if the potential donor is a match.", "Victor: (Clears throat)", "Nikki: Thank you, Doctor.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victor: I can't believe the Abbotts would even consider this.", "Nikki: Thank God they are.", "Nick: They're being very decent about this. It says a lot about forgiveness.", "Nikki: Yes, it certainly does.", "Victor: Well, I... I won't have any false hopes.", "Nikki: Now you listen to me, Mr. Realist. Right now, there's hope that we didn't have before, so I'm gonna hang onto that, if you don't mind.", "Victor: Mm. I wish... Phyllis and Summer were here. I just want to tell them how much I love them.", "Nick: They're gonna be back soon.", "Victor: Maybe not soon enough.", "Nick: No. No, Dad. I don't want to hear that out of you, all right? You're gonna make it through this. I know it. I have faith.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Where is my baby? I want to see my baby now.", "(Door opens)", "Sharon: Now. Oh.", "Dr. Taylor: Sharon.", "Sharon: Doctor. Oh, thank God you're here. Nobody will give me a straight answer.", "Dr. Taylor: I would have been by sooner.", "Sharon: (Sighs) I've been climbing the walls since I woke up. No one will let me see my daughter.", "Dr. Taylor: I wouldn't really advise that right now, Sharon.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Dr. Taylor: Well, there were problems in the delivery.", "Sharon: What kind of problems?", "Dr. Taylor: The fetus encountered serious issues in labor.", "Sharon: She's not-- she's not a fetus. She's my daughter Faith, and I want to see her. I want to see her right now.", "Dr. Taylor: The child was severely malformed. There's no way that she could have survived.", "Sharon: No. No, not my-- my baby was healthy. Of--of course she survived. She --she--she did. The doctors told me that she...", "Dr. Taylor: Sometimes, there are things that just can't be foreseen. It's probably why you went into early labor. Your body sensed that the child wasn't viable.", "Sharon: (Stammering) (Sniffles) I want to see her. (Sniffles) I need to hold my baby. Please, Doctor. Can I--can I please hold her now? Can I see her?", "Dr. Taylor: I think that just might be too upsetting for you.", "Sharon: (Sniffles) Oh, God. Oh, this can't be happening.", "(Sobs)", "Dr. Taylor: You're already in such a fragile state. I've been instructed by your psychiatrist--", "Sharon: No, you know what? I heard her cry. I did. I heard her cry when she was born. She was alive.", "Dr. Taylor: No. You were delirious from the pain.", "Sharon: (Sobs)", "Dr. Taylor: And you were hearing things that weren't happening. Your baby never took a breath. I'm so sorry.", "Sharon: (Sniffles) Oh, God, no. God, no.", "Dr. Taylor: Sharon? Wh-when you feel up to it...", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Dr. Taylor: Th-there are some papers that need to be signed. I know it's terribly difficult for you.", "Sharon: (Sobs) Oh, God. Oh, Faith. Faith. Faith, it's your mommy. Oh, oh, God. Please don't t-- don't tell me she's gone. Oh, please, don't let her be gone. No! Oh, God. Don't let her be gone. Oh! Oh, no!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Taylor, over here.", "Adam: What the hell took you so long?", "Dr. Taylor: You expect me to tell that poor woman that her baby was dead in a matter of minutes?", "Adam: So did Sharon buy it? Well? Are we in the clear?", "Dr. Taylor: Yes.", "Adam: Good, 'cause I need you up in the maternity ward. There's a doctor on staff that's supposed to do an examination on Ashley. Three guesses what happens when they find out that they didn't deliver any baby.", "Dr. Taylor: Adam, you deal with that. I dealt with Sharon. That was supposed to be the end of it.", "Adam: Listen, Taylor, you're gonna fix this, or I'm gonna get that letter that Skye wrote about how you violated her and those other women, and I'm gonna deliver it right to the cops. Listen, I don't even know if my father's alive, all right? Look, just get up there. Don't let anyone touch her. Ashley cannot find out what really happened.", "Dr. Taylor: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Mangino: I can't let you go roaming around this hospital without making certain there were no complications.", "Ashley: Did you hear what I said? My husband could be dying. I have to get to him.", "Jack: Ashley, you can take a few minutes, just find out if you're physically able.", "Ashley: Do I look like I'm not physically able to get onto an elevator, Jack?", "Jack: At least we want a wheelchair. I'll-- I'll take you down there myself.", "(Door opens)", "Ashley: I am fine. I'm telling you--", "Dr. Taylor: Oh, let's see how my patient is doing.", "Ashley: Thank God you're here. Would you please tell this nice doctor that I don't have to have an examination right this very second?", "Dr. Mangino: I apologize, Dr. Taylor. I had no idea she was your patient.", "Dr. Taylor: Not a problem, Doctor. Thanks for your diligence.", "Ashley: Dr. Taylor, Victor's heart is failing. He's in I.C.U. could we please postpone this exam until I see him?", "Jack: Look, I want you to do whatever is best for my sister. Victor is in rough condition...", "Ashley: Jack.", "Jack: But he's not going anywhere in the next half-hour.", "Dr. Taylor: I promise to be quick.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Fine. Okay.", "Jack: Okay. I'll wait outside.", "Dr. Taylor: Baby seems to be doing fine.", "Ashley: Isn't it wonderful that she's here? You okay?", "Dr. Taylor: Oh, yes. Just a little tired. We had quite a night last night, the two of us.", "(Laughs)", "Ashley: You should know that Adam was--was really amazing during the whole delivery. You'd be very proud of him.", "Dr. Taylor: Well, uh, let's see how you're doing, hmm?", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Billy: You know what type of person Victor is. Do you really want Colleen's heart to end up in that?", "J.T.: Okay. Okay. I know this is hard for you to take, Billy. I understand that.", "Billy: \"Hard for me to take\"? Look, I-I'm not gonna take it.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Billy: (Scoffs) I thought you loved her, man.", "J.T.: Of course I-- look, I'm hard--I'm hardly Victor's biggest fan, but he is my son's grandfather.", "Billy: Oh, Reed is--is better off without that guy in his life anyway. Come on.", "J.T.: How many deaths are gonna make this all right for you? This isn't about what Colleen would want. This is about what you want.", "Billy: Do you really think it's a good idea that her heart ends up in somebody that she--she hates? Do you really think that's a good idea?", "J.T.: No. There is nothing good about any of this, Billy.", "Mac: I hate watching you do this to yourself.", "Billy: I'm doing this for Colleen. Look, all right, if--if her heart is a match, I don't care. If the transplant's not gonna happen, I will shut this whole place down. I will shut this whole place down. It's not gonna happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I'm glad Dr. Taylor came here when he did. He's trying to get permission for me to go down to I.C.U... (Sniffles) And see Victor. Jack, how is he? I mean, really, how is he doing?", "Jack: He's getting weaker by the minute.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Jack: When I was in his room earlier, he could barely get out a sentence. Ash, you are not responsible for his condition.", "Ashley: I said some pretty harsh things to him.", "Jack: Listen to me. That did not cause congestive heart failure.", "Ashley: (Sighs) I understand that, Jackie. It's just that, on top of what I keep thinking I did to Nikki.", "Jack: Uh, you didn't do anything to--Nikki's fine. Nikki was away in the Rockies at a retreat. She's back. She came to the hospital last night. You saw her.", "Ashley: Yeah, but was that really her?", "Jack: Listen to me. Nikki is alive and well. She's here at Memorial. She came straight from the airport. I saw her in Victor's room earlier. I mean it. It's true.", "Ashley: So I never-- I never hurt anybody? Oh, my God. I can't believe everything you've done for me. You have no idea what you've done for me.", "Abby: Mom!", "(Laughs)", "Jack: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi, Honey.", "Abby: (Sobs) I heard you were here.", "Ashley: How are you?", "Abby: Not good.", "Jack: Hey. You know what? I have someone here that might be able to cheer you up.", "Abby: (Sobs)", "Ashley: I'd like you to meet your new baby sister.", "Jack: Isn't she beautiful?", "Abby: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Where have you been?", "Adam: Jeez! Victoria, please don't sneak up on me like that.", "Victoria: I asked you a question.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Nick: Yeah. Where have you been? We could lose our father at any moment.", "Adam: \"Lose him\"? What's that supposed to mean? He's sitting up talking right now.", "Nick: Adam, his heart is failing. He needs a transplant. We have days to find a compatible donor whose family is willing to make a designated donation, and at this point, that's a long shot.", "Victoria: The Abbotts have agreed to have Colleen tested to see if she and Dad might be a match.", "Adam: Wow. I had no idea.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: Of course you had no idea, because you don't care. Now where the hell have you been?", "Adam: You know what, Nick? You're a real piece of work. It's none of your business where I've been.", "Victoria: Hmm. That seems to be your answer for everything.", "Nick: You know, I just-- I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Adam: Yeah. Well, I'm not surprised. This is coming from the guy who complains about his daddy who--doing things when he's not even responsible for it. Just because you're—", "(Yelling over each other)", "J.T.: Hey, hey, hey. Come on. Knock it off, guys.", "Adam: Come on. Hit a blind man!", "J.T.: Knock it off. Everything going on, and you guys want to beat the hell out of each other? (Scoffs) Come on.", "Nick: You know what? Leave. I want you out of here. We'll tell Dad you stopped by to check on him.", "Victoria: He can't handle the stress right now, Adam.", "Adam: Consider me gone, all right?", "Victoria: Do you need some help?", "Adam: Thank you. I can get up myself. This is far from over, brother. As a matter of fact, it's only the beginning. You just don't know it yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sighs)", "J.T.: I don't want-- I don't want to argue... or talk or anything. I... (Sighs) I just want to sit here and be with Colleen. Is that all right?", "Traci: (Sighs) Of course. We would love that.", "(Sniffles)", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "J.T.: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Yeah, no, I-I want them all in hundreds--hundreds.", "Mac: This is ridiculous.", "Billy: Can I get--no. No. Excuse--Melissa, will you hold on for a second? This is not ridiculous, okay? Enough cold hard cash in the hands of somebody will stop anything, especially a transplant. Melissa, I said, no, I--", "Mac: Billy, stop. Stop. Don't do this. Don't do this.", "Billy: What part of \"Hundreds\" don't you understand? Don't do what? Don't do what? Victor would do it.", "Mac: Oh, good. And is Victor the person you want to emulate?", "Billy: Ten--Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can't hear--", "Mac: Hi, Melissa? Yeah. Mr. Abbott's not gonna be needing that money anymore. Thank you. Sorry to bother you. Enough!", "Billy: If this pans out... (Sniffles) Every day for the rest of his rotten little life, Colleen's heart's gonna be beating in his chest, and how am I supposed to live with that, okay? Especially when I knew that I could have done something about it?", "Mac: What? What were you gonna do? Bribe someone? 'Cause that really honors Colleen's memory.", "Billy: I was supposed to go up to the cabin, okay? I told Colleen that I would have gone up to the cabin, but instead, I went... I went to the ranch, and I kidnapped Ashley, which made everything worse. If I had just listened to Jack and left it alone, then I would have been up at the cabin like I planned to be.", "Mac: No one knows when Colleen got to the cabin and ran into Patty. You could have driven up there and not been in time. We'll never know.", "Billy: I just need to make this right. If I can stop this travesty from happening, I will listen to everything Jack says for the rest of my life, I promise.", "Mac: I think that you should start listening to him right now, Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: She's incredible.", "Ashley: Just like my first baby girl.", "Abby: (Laughs)", "Ashley: I'm so sorry about Colleen, Honey.", "Abby: (Sighs) Her and Dad. Why does this all have to happen at once? It almost doesn't seem real.", "Ashley: I know I haven't been the kind of mother to you the last few months that... I wanted to be. But things are different now. You and I and... this sweet baby girl, we're gonna get past it all, I promise you.", "Abby: What about Dad?", "Ashley: He's gonna get past it, too.", "Abby: How do you know?", "Ashley: 'Cause we're gonna keep praying and believing in his strength. And we're never, ever gonna give up hope.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'm still on hold.", "Nikki: With who?", "Nick: The place where Sharon's staying. I had a message saying they called.", "Nikki: Mm. Victoria said Adam finally straggled in.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. He did, and he's gone again.", "Nikki: Probably not the worst thing.", "Nick: Yeah. Don't tell Dad about it.", "Nikki: No need to upset him for no reason.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm still here. What's this about? Wait, Sharon was taken where? Okay. Thank you.", "Nikki: What?", "Nick: Sharon was transferred to St. Mary's children's hospital a couple hours ago.", "Nikki: Why? What happened?", "Nick: I don't know. It must be about the baby. Don't say anything about this to Dad until I get back, okay? I'll call you.", "Nikki: Yeah. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: And when we left the house this morning, it was just before dawn... (Sniffles) The whole sky was coral. There was frost on the lawn. It was so cold, I had to grab a jacket. The air's really getting crisp. Any day now, the leaves are gonna start to turn.", "(Door opens)", "Traci: (Sobs) (Sighs) And Venus was out, too. (Sobs) The morning star, Sweetie. (Sniffles) (Voice breaks) Autumn was always your favorite time of year.", "(Sighs)", "Mac: (Whispering) I told Grandma I'd keep her up to date. Call me if you need anything.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Jack: Hey, I have some news.", "Traci: (Laughs)", "Jack: Good news for a change.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Steve: Not sure we'd know what to do with it.", "Traci: (Sighs, laughs)", "Jack: I was just upstairs, on the sixth floor, to be exact. You'll never guess who I met there.", "Billy: Who?", "Dr. Snyder: Excuse me. I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt.", "Traci: Yes, Dr. Snyder?", "Dr. Snyder: I just came from the lab.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "Dr. Snyder: And your daughter and Mr. Newman are a perfect 5-point match. Medically speaking, a transplant is possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You're spoiling me.", "Nikki: Look who's talking. I can't stop thinking about that day... so many years ago when I was shot and not expected to live.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: And you asked me to marry you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: And there I was, lying in this very hospital.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: And you came in with the makeup kit.", "Victor: Mm. Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Your hands were so gentle... putting on blush and powdering my nose. I will never forget that.", "[Ashley opens the door and overhears]", "Victor: Nikk, you didn't even need any makeup. You were so beautiful without it.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victor: You're still the heart and soul of our family. Even when I pushed you away, you never gave up on me, never gave up on our children.", "Nikki: Victor, I never will.", "Victor: I'm so grateful to have known you, to have loved you.", "Victor: There's no... no one like you.", "Victor: I felt no greater love than the love I felt for you.", "[Ashley closes the door and leaves]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: It's a one-way to Boston.", "Dr. Taylor: What's the catch?", "Adam: No catch. I will have Victor's driver take us back to the ranch. I will give you the letter that Skye wrote, and you're free to go.", "Dr. Taylor: Just like that?", "Adam: Hey, the charade is over. Ashley didn't kill anyone. She finally got the baby that she was supposed to have if things hadn't fallen apart back in June. (Inhales sharply) So we can give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done and forget we ever knew each other. Finis.", "Dr. Taylor: You--you are, without a doubt, the most coldhearted snake I have ever met.", "Adam: Charles, you wound me.", "Dr. Taylor: What about that poor woman that I left at St. Mary's sobbing her eyes out because she thinks her baby is dead?", "Adam: I'll take care of that one on my own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon? Are you asleep?", "Nick: I-I-I got a call.", "Nick: The baby-- did something happen?", "Sharon: Faith... she didn't make it. Our little girl didn't make it, Nick.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Something happened to Sharon, and she was taken to St. Mary's hospital, and he's just checking on her.", "Ashley: I'm not gonna call her Hope. I want to name my daughter Faith.", "Traci: I've made my decision, but I need your help.", "Jack: Whatever you want." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam mumbles to himself that Skye makes him so angry and he finds himself hating her. At \"Restless Style\", Sharon finds out that Phyllis is back. Sharon begins to talk about Adam, and Phyllis thinks that Sharon is defending him. Skye confronts Adam about not answering his phone and about not coming home last night. Skye tells him that they need to talk. Adam assures her that they have already talked. Skye complains about the hedge fund investors and the article that Phyllis wrote about it. Skye reminds Adam that they have a meeting with the investors and if they don't present a united front, it will all go down the drain. Jack asks Vance when his meeting with Victoria and Abby is. Michael lets Victor know that when Victoria signed on with Abby, it had made Abby's case stronger. Victor refuses to make a settlement to Victoria and Abby. Victoria tries to get Nick to sign on with them to sue Victor, but Nick flatly refuses to have any part in the lawsuit. Phyllis confronts Sharon about Skye sleeping with two of Sharon's ex's. Sharon returns the sentiment by reminding Phyllis that she is seeing Deacon Sharpe. Jack walks in and lets Phyllis and Sharon know that he hates what they have let \"Restless Style\" become. Skye lets Adam know that she needs him and that he was right about her doing the article at \"Restless Style.\"", "Victoria and Abby meet with Vance. Vance texts Michael and tells him that he and the girls are asking for $3 billion. Victor excuses himself from the meeting with Michael and leaves. Victor appears up on Victoria's doorstep. Victor confronts Victoria and Abby about what they are doing. Skye and Adam meet with investors and act like a happily married couple. Jack invites Phyllis out to Gloworm for a drink, but the plans change and they go back to her place. Nikki, in bar, orders a vodka tonic. Deacon interrupts Nikki and asks if that is just a tonic. Nikki orders him to go away. Deacon keeps on pestering her about what is making her drink. Nikki gets drunk and Deacon refuses to let her drive home. Deacon insists on taking her home. Victor tries to warn the girls about Vance, but they will not listen. Victor orders Vance out. Victor tries to get the girls to drop they lawsuit, but they flatly refuse. Victor declares all out war. Deacon brings Nikki home, but is met at the door by Meggie. Victor returns home and asks about Nikki. Meggie lets Victor know that Nikki is resting. Jack and Phyllis go home to her place and open a bottle of champagne. Jack begins to flirt with her.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Um, \"Skye and Adam, the couple from hell, hardly a shock the marriage is in trouble. What amazes me is how hard they work to keep up the facade of being happy\" (Clears throat)", "[Sharon remembering]", "Adam: Listen, this woman gets me so angry, Sharon, that I actually find myself hating her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Ah, yes. Your triumphant return to \"Restless Style.\" Now instead of a blog, you can funnel all of your bitterness and poor taste through Billy's magazine.", "Phyllis: (Gasps) Sharon, if I didn't know you better, I would think you were defending Adam.", "Sharon: Oh, I couldn't care less about Adam. Actually, I was paying you a compliment.", "Phyllis: By calling me a hack with a chip on my shoulder? Uh-huh.", "Sharon: Well, I guess you've found your niche.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: You're not answering your phone. (Sighs) You didn't come home last night. Please--please call me, okay? We need to talk.", "Adam: We already talked. (Sighs) I'm just gonna get a few things and get the hell out of here.", "Skye: Adam, please, you can't stay mad at me. Our hedge fund's already at risk because of this stupid article.", "Adam: Whose fault is that?", "Skye: (Scoffs) It hit stands this morning. By now, everyone's seen it, including the investors we're supposed to meet with in half an hour.", "Adam: Not my problem.", "Skye: Not your problem? Of course it is. If it looks like our marriage is a put-on, there goes our credibility. We can kiss our future earnings good-bye. Now you need to put on your happy face and play the doting husband. Otherwise, we may as well hang it up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So when are you meeting with the girls about the lawsuit?", "Vance: Soon.", "Jack: I've gotta say, I like your chances, particularly now that Victoria is suing.", "Vance: Normally, I would tell you not to get overconfident.", "Jack: I knew it. You're gonna win. And Victor's gonna lose, and he's gonna lose big-time, and when he does...", "Vance: You stand to gain a lot.", "Jack: Oh, that's the least of it. I get to watch the town bully be brought to his knees. I get the pleasure of watching his entire empire crumble around him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So in essence, once Victoria signed on, Abby's case got a lot stronger.", "Victor: I don't want to hear that. I want to hear how you're gonna stop this nonsense.", "Nikki: You see? That's it right there-- that dismissive attitude that you have had. It started this whole thing.", "Victor: Are you lecturing me, or what?", "Nikki: But you blame Abby and Victoria. Have you ever wondered why they are doing this? Have you ever stopped to think that it's you?", "Michael: I think we're getting off point here.", "Meggie: Do you take m-milk, Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: Uh, no, thank you.", "Meggie: Here you go.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: What are they trying to accomplish by taking me to court?", "Michael: Well, Abby wants money. Victoria wants... what? Uh, respect? Independence? An apology maybe?", "Nikki: All of the above would be good.", "Victor: This is ridiculous. Vance Abrams thinks I'm gonna cave in and offer a settlement? No.", "Michael: But that's my recommendation, Victor.", "Victor: Under no circumstances will I be blackmailed.", "Nikki: If you turn this into a war, one side is gonna lose, and it might be your side. Are you prepared for that?", "Victor: You bet I'm prepared for that.", "Nikki: I don't know if I am prepared for that, Victor!", "Victor: Well, I am prepared for that, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Vick, I hate the way Dad's treating you, but suing him? Come on.", "Victoria: Okay, are you saying that you are all right with the way that he has mismanaged the company funds?", "Nick: No, no, no, no. Look, don't--don't give me that. Just give me the truth.", "Victoria: The truth?", "Nick: Yes. By suing Dad, you're making this about money, and that's not you. That's never been you, so tell me what the hell's going on.", "Victoria: Dad is toxic. I am just cashing in my chips, and I'm gonna do my own thing, because I am tired of him dictating my every move.", "Nick: You need some distance, that's fine. Do it. This is not the way to go about it. Vick, you push Dad hard enough, you could lose everything.", "Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Then I am just gonna have to take that chance. And if you're smart, you'll join us. There's plenty of room on that lawsuit for one more plaintiff, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: It sounds as if I'm the enemy.", "Nikki: Well, yes, Victor, to your daughters, you are, especially to Victoria. You are her adversary.", "Victor: Especially Victoria? I was trying to protect her from this ridiculous liaison with this obnoxious character Billy Abbott. That's all.", "Nikki: And it backfired, as it normally does, when you don't meet them halfway. Michael, will you please try to talk some sense into him?", "Michael: I'm with Nikki. Buy your way out. It is your best option.", "Victor: No. Under no circumstances.", "Michael: Understand this-- if we go to court and we lose, Newman Enterprises as we know it may cease to exist.", "Victor: I will take that chance.", "Nikki: I cannot believe that. Y-you just would devastate the entire family? I-is your pride really that important?", "Victor: You got it.", "Nikki: I can't listen to any more of this. This is absurd.", "Meggie: I'll just make sure she's okay.", "Victor: Thank you, Meggie. Let me make it perfectly clear to you-- under no circumstances will I allow my two daughters to strong-arm me, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know, I was serious before. You ought to think about joining Abby and me.", "Nick: That is not gonna happen.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: This whole idea of you going after Dad for money is ridiculous. It's wrong.", "Victoria: Why? Why is it wrong?", "Nick: Because it's his money, all right? It's not yours. It's not mine. It's his. And Dad has given us everything we have ever wanted our entire lives.", "Victoria: Yes, Nick, okay. I know. He's worked really hard. But so have we, and what have we gotten from that? How many times has he fired us? How many times has he cut us out of his will? Are you willing to-- to risk being cut out again on a whim? Okay, listen, this is about Dad not holding the chips. It's about being able to breathe!", "Nick: Okay, but at what cost?", "Victoria: I have already lost so much because of that man. He had me arrested on my wedding day in front of Reed. He crossed the line. I don't even want to be around him anymore. I don't want Reed around him anymore because of that. (Sighs) At least J.T. was right about that.", "Abby: Listen to her, Nick. I mean, don't forget how Dad hurt Summer by siccing crazy Patty on Jack.", "Victoria: That's right. That's right, and you have two beautiful daughters, plus Noah, plus yourself.", "Nick: Okay, that's enough. I'm not gonna argue about this with you two. What you're doing is wrong, and it's very dangerous, and I want no part of it.", "Victoria: Great. Fine. I can live with that.", "Nick: There are two sides to this war you're creating. I'm on the other one. I hope you can live with that.", "Abby: Wow.", "(Door closes)", "Abby: Nick was intense.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Abby: I've never seen you guys fight like that. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So Skye is sleeping with two of your exes. That must be so weird.", "Sharon: It's not really any weirder than you hooking up with Deacon Sharpe. On second thought, you know what? I take that back. You're both trash.", "Phyllis: (Gasps) Then I should set him up with you. I believe he's, what? The only man you haven't slept with in Genoa City, isn't he?", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, no thanks. I'm really not interested in your leftovers.", "Phyllis: Ahh.", "Jack: Hello, Ladies.", "Phyllis: Oh, Jack, please save us from ourselves.", "Jack: No, not my job anymore. You both fired me. May I?", "Sharon: Yeah, you might have to take a shower afterwards.", "Jack: I've already read the cover story online. I just haven't seen the hard copy.", "Phyllis: It's spectacular, isn't it?", "Jack: If you do say so yourself.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Jack: Oh, I hate what \"Restless Style\" has become.", "Sharon: Oh, really? This coming from the man who was always pushing for hotter and sexier?", "Phyllis: Yeah, Jack, why do you care about your relationship being in the public eye? You never cared about something like that before. What's the story behind the story?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Everything you've been saying all along is true. I-I need you Adam, at least as much as you need me.", "Adam: That's it, Skye? That's all you got?", "Skye: You were right about the article, too. I-I let my head get way too big and got royally screwed for it.", "Adam: It's not the first time, Skye.", "Skye: Right now, we need to contain the damage. Anyone who reads that article is gonna think we're liars.", "Adam: We are liars, Skye. That's what we do for a living.", "Skye: Okay, will you please focus? We need to make it seem like a total smear job.", "Adam: How?", "Skye: Any time we're out together, smile. Act like we're in love. If--if we can do that, the fund will stay alive, but I cannot do it without your help.", "Adam: So you treat me like crap. You treat me like garbage, keep me under your thumb the last few weeks, and you want me to lift, what, a finger for you? Why would I?", "Skye: Then don't do it for me, Adam. Do it for yourself. If you walk out of here now, everything we've worked hard for will fall apart. Now you can let your anger get the best of you, or you can fake being happy with me for a few hours out of the day and help keep us both fabulously wealthy.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Skye: Isn't the trade-off worth it?", "Jack: My love life is not the issue here. I hate what \"Restless Style\" has become--a rag. I'm just trying to protect your integrity.", "Phyllis: Oh, sure you are, Jack.", "Jack: Do I like my name being mentioned in this context? Who would? But you reminded me this is only gonna get under junior's skin in a big way.", "Sharon: Is that why you're seeing Skye? To make Adam jealous? Because if you are, I seriously doubt he'll care.", "Phyllis: And how would you know that, Sharon?", "Jack: Well, you're the one that said he's still hung up on Sharon.", "Sharon: Just be careful, okay? Skye and Adam are twisted and unpredictable people, and I would hate to see this blow up in your face, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: I have a forensic accountant going through the maze of trusts Victor set up. One for you, one for you.", "Victoria: And what's he found so far? Anything?", "Vance: Well, we have plenty of ammunition-- loans Victor made to himself or the company using funds earmarked for one or both of you. The fine he paid to the D.O.J.-- same story.", "Abby: (Scoffs) So, what? Dad's just doing whatever he wants with our money, and we have nothing to say about it?", "Vance: I'm confident I can put a stop to it if both of you stay strong. That is, you let no one sway you, especially now that we've upped the number substantially.", "Victoria: We have?", "Abby: How come? I mean, not that I'm complaining, but...", "Vance: Recruiting your sister as a joint complainant has made your cause much more legitimate. I am recommending... that we sue Victor as trustee of your trusts for the sum of...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: When Jill sued for half of the estate, Lauren thought she was being frivolous, too. She--she dug her heels in, just like you're doing, and look how that turned out. Don't think it can't happen to you, Victor.", "Victor: Presumably, you learned from that experience, so apply what you learned.", "Michael: Victor, there are certain things that even if you and I are working together we cannot control. If they get a sympathetic judge, they can turn your finances inside out. You may have to vacate all sorts of positions where Newman Enterprises is concerned.", "Victor: This is ridiculous. The likelihood of this happening is almost nil.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Michael: It's a text from Vance Abrams. In light of Victoria joining their suit, they're now asking for $3 billion. That's billions with a \"B.\"", "Victor: $3 billion?", "Michael: With a \"B.\"", "Victor: (Sets glass down) I'll be back.", "Michael: Victor, where are you going? Victor? Victor, please! Don't--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Thank you again for meeting with us. Now before we talk business, uh, I would like to clear the air about that story in \"Restless Style.\"", "Adam: \"Story\" is right. It is pure fiction.", "Skye: At least the portion dealing with my personal life. They twisted my words to make the whole thing more salacious than it was, and--", "Adam: No surprise here. Uh, if you've noticed, Billy Abbott has made, uh, attacking the Newmans his stock-in-trade.", "Man: What about the allegation you're in love with your ex-wife? Or that the current Mrs. Newman is sexually involved with another investor?", "Skye: No, it's all lies. I love my husband. We've waited a long time to be together. And I have absolutely no interest in anyone else.", "Adam: Nor do I. I mean, how could you when you've got a woman as beautiful and as brilliant as she is? Come here.", "Skye: Now let's take a look at the portfolio. Here you go.", "Man: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs) Hey, sorry I'm late. Faith was just waking up...", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Nick: When I picked her up from the sitter's.", "Sharon: Hi, Bunny.", "Nick: You've been waiting long?", "Sharon: No, just a few minutes.", "Nick: I see our favorite couple is here hanging all over each other. You know, that's exactly what I want to see while I'm trying to eat.", "Sharon: Hmm. I bet it's strategic.", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Sharon: Well, didn't you read the latest issue of \"Restless Style\"?", "Nick: No, I stopped reading that a long time ago.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) Better off. Trust me. You wouldn't like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nice. Cha-ching!", "Jack: Yeah, you're welcome.", "Phyllis: (Giggles)", "Jack: It should be a total sellout.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sure it will. I'm just waiting for Nick to get in my face about mentioning... (Gasps) \"The-- the mother of my children.\" (Gasps)", "Jack: You know, something tells me you'll probably be able to handle that now...", "Phyllis: Yeah, I--thanks.", "Jack: Now that you're back to your old feisty self, which, my the way, as far as I'm concerned, sure looks good on you.", "Phyllis: It feels really, really good on me. I'm glad to be back in the game and have my life back. I missed it.", "Jack: So what do you say we go to the Gloworm? We can, uh, celebrate your wonderful return with a real cocktail.", "Phyllis: It's really early, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, come on.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Jack: It's 5:00 somewhere.", "Phyllis: I have one better. How about this? We go back to my place. I have a bottle of champagne just dying to be opened.", "Jack: Lead the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Scoffs) $3 billion? (Stammers) That's--that's more than both of our trusts put together.", "Vance: We're not just suing for control of the trusts. We're asking for interest on the loans Victor took out over the years, fines for mismanagement, malfeasance, plus punitive damages for the emotional suffering you've both endured.", "Victoria: Oh. Are you sure that we're not overshooting just a bit?", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Vance: That's the way the game is played, Victoria. You kick the pants off the other side, then work your way back towards a settlement.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: Are you two out of your mind, or what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: What can I get you?", "Nikki: Um... club soda, please.", "Man: Lime?", "Nikki: Sure. Why not?", "Nikki: You know what? I'm sorry. Could we change that order to a vodka tonic?", "Man: You got it.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Man: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Reading the prospectus, I notice the gate provision is more than I expected. Jack Abbott indicated--", "Skye: Jack was one of our first investors, so we agreed to a minimal penalty for withdrawing funds. Nonetheless, our fee is still lower than you'll find in most funds.", "Adam: We believe that the, uh, the more leverage we give our investors, uh, the more comfortable they'll be putting their faith in us.", "Skye: Aw. You said it, My darling. Trust is key.", "Nick: You know, I'm not sure what I find more disturbing-- giving those two this much ink or finding out that Phyllis had a hand in it.", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Nick: Sharon?", "Sharon: Hmm?", "Nick: You know what? Why don't we just grab some burgers and head back to your place? I think we will find we'll both have a better appetite.", "Sharon: Yeah, I think that's a good idea.", "Skye: I came up with most of the algorithms while Adam and I were still at Harvard.", "Man: Hmm. I'm surprised you didn't set up your hedge fund then.", "Skye: (Chuckles) There's this--this little thing called start-up capital... although with Adam's connections on Wall Street, we probably could have raised it sooner than we did. Right, Darling?", "Adam: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. What were you saying?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Mmm. One more, please.", "Deacon: I sure hope that's plain tonic.", "Nikki: Oh, mind your own business.", "Deacon: I'd say that answers that question.", "Nikki: I got a question. What are you doing here? You work nights.", "Deacon: It's payday. Came in to get my check. Why? You trying to avoid me?", "Nikki: Always.", "Deacon: You know, Nikki, I-I get the fact that you don't have much use for me. I mean, that's cool. But I just... I don't know, I just think maybe you need somebody to talk to.", "Nikki: (Chuckles) That'll never be you.", "Deacon: You know, the other day, you didn't take a drink, and today, you did. What--what changed?", "Nikki: (Sighs) God.", "Deacon: You know what Bill W. would say. \"There's nothing so bad that taking a drink won't make it worse.\"", "Nikki: Why don't you take your serenity prayer and stick it? 'Cause I know what I'm doing, and the last thing I need is your well-meaning intervention. Yummy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You are scum. You're a predator. You manipulated these two innocent girls into what they're doing now.", "Victoria: Abby and I are not doing anything that we don't want to be doing.", "Victor: Do you know what this man gets? One-third of whatever he wins in a lawsuit is his. One-third!", "Victoria: (Clears throat)", "Victor: Does that tell you something? Do you think he gives a damn about either one of you?", "Vance: Remember what we discussed. I'll be in touch soon.", "Victor: Get out.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs) It doesn't matter what you say, because we are not gonna back off.", "Victor: Did you hear what I said about him? He is scum! He will do with you as he wants. Do you understand that? This is a private matter. It needs to be dealt with privately between us. You drop this stupid lawsuit, we can work things out.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. That's not possible, because neither one of us trusts you anymore, Dad.", "Abby: And we don't want to be controlled by anyone.", "Victoria: That's right.", "Abby: Taking you to court is the only way to make you listen!", "Victoria: And if you want this to be dealt with in a private way, well, you can do that, Dad. You have the power to do that. You can make it stop. All you have to do is pay us what is owed, and it will all go away.", "Victor: This is not about your independence. This is about unmitigated greed.", "Victor: I'm ashamed of you.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, well.", "Victor: I have spoiled you! Given you everything you ever wanted! And now this? Whatever happens from now on, you remember. Remember it well-- you brought it on yourselves. You want to play hardball with Victor Newman? You'll get it.", "(Front door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So, um, Summer's at a sleepover.", "Jack: Well, we have the place all to ourselves, huh?", "Phyllis: Be right back.", "Phyllis: So... here you go.", "Jack: Oh. Got it. (Glasses clink)", "Phyllis: Will you do the honors, please?", "Jack: Happily.", "Phyllis: I have a new philosophy-- always keep champagne in your refrigerator. Because you never know when you're gonna need it.", "Jack: I think that's a fine, fine philosophy. (Cork pops)", "Phyllis: (Giggles)", "Jack: Here we are. And my toast. To you, Red. To the one woman with whom I would happily be marooned on a desert island. (Glasses clink)", "Phyllis: Thank you. You always say such sweet things to me. You're doing it again.", "Jack: What? What am I doing?", "Phyllis: You know what you're doing.", "Jack: What?", "Phyllis: You're flirting with me.", "Jack: Am I?", "Phyllis: Yes. Yes, you're flirting. I thought we said we weren't gonna do that.", "Jack: I seem to remember we said we weren't, but I can't for the life of me remember why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: How many does that make?", "Nikki: (Slurring words) 50. Why do you care?", "Deacon: I care.", "Nikki: Okay. This is my third. Are you happy?", "Deacon: How many years of sobriety have you had? I mean, is this really worth it? Think about it, Nikki.", "Nikki: See, this is what you don't get. I don't want to think. I want you to let me be.", "Deacon: What made you slip?", "Nikki: God, you just don't give up. You don't give up. Will you please just go away?", "Deacon: No, I mean, what is it? What is it? You got--you got problems at home? You got stress?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Deacon: Maybe if you talk about it, you won't need to finish that drink.", "Nikki: Okay, you want me to bare my soul? How about this? Not too long ago, my daughter Victoria had a wonderful life. She was married to a smart, loyal, hardworking man. They had a son that they both worship. It was picture- perfect. And then you came along. And you seduced Victoria and made her compromise all of her values. Shortly after that, her husband divorced her. He divorced her, and he got custody of their son. I don't know if you realize that. Then she got mixed up with some playboy. Now she's turned her back on her father. She is barely recognizable as the young woman that Victor and I raised. And you dare sit here and ask me why I'm drowning my sorrows in vodka? It's because of you, you idiot. You jerk. So just get outta my face. Go. (Grabs car keys)", "Deacon: Give me those.", "Nikki: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "Deacon: No, listen. Wait--", "Nikki: No, I'm fine. I am fine. I'm going home anyway.", "Deacon: Stop. Stop. You're in no condition to drive, okay? I'll take you.", "Nikki: No, you're not. You are not going near my house.", "Deacon: Well, I guess you should have thought about that-- you should have thought about that before you got loaded.", "Nikki: Will you give me my keys? Give me my keys!", "Deacon: No. I'll give them to you when we get back to the ranch. Let's just-- come on. Let's go. Let's go.", "Nikki: Don't touch me! How--don't touch me like this. You are making a scene!", "Deacon: Walk. Come on. Let's go. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hi. Are you feeling better?", "Abby: Oh, I'm... it's--it's-- it's less scary since we're doing this together. But, um, dealing with Dad face-to-face... it's...", "Victoria: Terrifying. Yes, I know.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Victoria: I want you to listen to me. Vance was right about one thing-- if we are gonna win this, then we have to stick to the plan. It doesn't matter how tough Dad makes things on us, okay? It's gonna be you and me against the rest of the family all the way to the end.", "Abby: I wish that we-- we could see where this is going. What if Dad doesn't settle?", "Victoria: Well, then, it'll go to court.", "Abby: For how long?", "Victoria: Could be a few years before it gets sorted out, Abby.", "Abby: Okay, all right, how many years is a few? Like, we're not gonna be old ladies by the time this is over?", "Victoria: (Chuckles) God, I hope not.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Victoria: But if Dad decides to get stubborn, we better dig in for a long winter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, I'm so glad we decided to eat at home. It's so much more my speed.", "Nick: Hey, the further you and Faith are away from Adam, the better, I feel.", "Sharon: Can we just not talk about Adam? I want to enjoy our lunch.", "Nick: Twist my arm.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Nick: I know I'm always on you about Adam. It's 'cause I don't trust him or like him, all right? But I know that it's hard to...", "Faith: Da-da.", "Nick: Avoid that pull. Phyllis and Adam, they're just all about drama. And I don't need that in my life. Do you? It's probably best if we just...", "Faith: Da-da.", "Nick: Cut 'em off completely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: We're too good of friends. That's why we can't...", "Jack: That's our reason?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You have to help me out. We have too much history.", "Jack: Okay, how's this? I respect you far too much to just throw you on this sofa, kiss you all over, and have my way with you. I just--", "Phyllis: You're supposed to be helping. You're supposed to be helping.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, that's right. Thanks for the reminder.", "Phyllis: We shouldn't do this.", "Jack: Then I should probably go. Yeah. Yeah.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I understand that you have to go.", "Jack: Thanks for the drink.", "Phyllis: Thanks for sharing it with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Five minutes alone with that sleazy lawyer Abrams, and I'll put him in traction.", "Michael: All right, Victor, I know you're fired up here, but you need to understand what's at stake. If we refuse to settle and we do not have a good outcome in court, you may have no other choice but to take Newman public.", "Victor: I will never take my company public. You got that? Never. I will not give in. We will fight them, and we will win. You got that?", "Michael: All right. We'll fight. I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were up against.", "Victor: I hired you because you're damn good. I have faith in your ability. Cheers.", "Michael: (Chuckles) All right, you have those papers you wanted me to look at?", "Victor: In my study.", "Michael: All right.", "Nikki: God, this is so unnecessary.", "Deacon: I got you. Nikki, easy. Easy, easy.", "Nikki: I am home now.", "Deacon: All right. Okay. Okay. Easy.", "Nikki: I'm fine.", "Deacon: Steady.", "Nikki: Shh!", "Deacon: All right, watch these steps. Watch the--", "Nikki: Will you be quiet?", "Deacon: Okay, I'm sorry.", "Nikki: I don't want Victor coming in here. Let me go.", "Deacon: Okay.", "Nikki: Don't.", "Meggie: Nikki, are you okay?", "Deacon: Uh...", "Nikki: Hi.", "Deacon: She, uh, wasn't feeling well. I gave her a ride home.", "Meggie: Something she ate.", "Nikki: (Groans)", "Deacon: Yeah.", "Nikki: (Stammers) It was. I-I don't feel very well at all. I'm--I'm gonna take a nap.", "Meggie: That's a great idea. You want me to help you upstairs?", "Nikki: No, I can manage it. I'm fine.", "Meggie: Thanks for bringing her home.", "Deacon: No, it's no problem. I'm Deacon.", "Meggie: Meggie.", "Deacon: Nice to meet you. Hi.", "Victor: What are you doing here?", "Deacon: Uh, Nikki wasn't feeling well. I gave her a ride back from Gloworm.", "Victor: Where is she now?", "Meggie: She's upstairs resting.", "Victor: Thank you. That's very kind of you. Thank you for helping her.", "Deacon: Pleasure. Keys.", "Victor: All right.", "Michael: If you want to go check on Nikki, I'm in no rush.", "Meggie: Well, its better she gets some shut-eye. I think she said she wanted to be alone.", "Victor: Yes, I will look in on her later on, all right?", "Meggie: That would be best.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Is that your phone?", "Michael: Oh, I must have left in on your desk. That's Abrams' office. I want you to hear this.", "Victor: Okay. Thank you.", "Meggie: (Chuckles quietly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Did you see their faces by the time we left? They're gonna recruit their friends. Our fund is going to explode. I don't care what anyone says. Bigger is better.", "Adam: You know what, Skye? Outside of here, I will be your loving husband. But in here, nothing has changed. You keep your hands to yourself. You got that?", "Adam: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Say, \"Da-da, don't go. Don't go.\"", "Nick: (Sighs) If I didn't have this conference call in London, I... this has been great.", "Sharon: Yeah, it has.", "Nick: I really wish we, uh...", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Nick: Didn't have that French fry-eating contest, though.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Contest? I thought that was a solo event.", "Nick: Well, I did win, so...", "Sharon: (Laughs) Okay, kiss Da-da bye-bye. Kiss.", "Nick: See you, beautiful. Mwah.", "Sharon: (Giggles)", "Nick: Hey, you know, the, uh, harvest festival is going down right now. You want to take the kids?", "Sharon: Yeah, that sounds like fun.", "Nick: Okay, it's a date.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) We've got a date with Da-da. Say, \"Bye, da-da. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.\" Wave bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Jack: Hi.", "Phyllis: Did you forget something?", "Jack: This.", "Phyllis: Oh, God.", "Phyllis: (Grunts)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: That is a lot of dead presidents.", "Jeff: (Laughs) That's just the beginning, partner.", "Adam: Listen to your own heart. You know there is a connection between us.", "Skye: Print a retraction about my sleeping with Jack.", "Jack: Now why would she do that?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ronan finds some major clues in the Diane Jenkins murder investigation, and all the suspects in the murder are getting nervous. A newspaper article implies that Victor, Abby or Adam could have killed Diane. Victor is very upset when he reads the article and heads down to the police station to tell Ronan he is facing a lawsuit if he doesn't get the newspaper to print a retraction. Ronan plays the tape of Victor and Adam's conversation to them and father and son both agree that Ronan did something illegal to try to accuse one of them of the murder. Ronan finds Diane's missing diary pages. One of them says that Diane was afraid that Adam would kill her because he was very mad at her for double crossing him and going to the SEC and telling them that Adam made people think Victor was dead, so Newman Enterprises stock would drop and he could buy it cheaply. Ronan starts to put Adam in a holding cell, but Heather persuades him not to rush to an arrest, because it could affect the case against whoever killed Diane. Ronan lets Adam go and calls someone and asks to meet. Adam later goes to an empty warehouse and asks the person that is setting him up to reveal themselves, but all he finds is a toy monkey playing cymbals.", "Nick gets a note telling him to bring $50,000 to a warehouse or the blackmailer will tell the police about his accidental phone call to Ashley the night Diane was killed. After Nick calls Ashley, she goes over to the tack house where they discuss why Adam would want money for his silence. Nick and Ashley can't understand Adam's motivation, but they still think he is the person blackmailing them. Ronan tells Phyllis that he suspects Nick and Ashley conspired to kill Diane, possibly because he and Ashley were having an affair. Phyllis goes to the tack house and finds Nick and Ashley. Nick decides to trust Phyllis and tells her the whole story. Phyllis goes to the warehouse with Nick hoping to trap the blackmailer, which turns out to be a sting operation by Ronan. He decides to take Nick and Phyllis to the station and hold them for questioning. Abby, Ashley, Victor, and Victoria are all at Victoria's house where Abby is telling everyone that Ronan found Diane's diary in a lock box given to him by the manager of the Athletic club. Ronan calls Abby who tells him who she is with and that she has witnesses. Ronan asks Abby to put him on speaker phone. Ronan tells all the people in the room the information he has on them but doesn't tell them he is holding Nick and Phyllis for questioning. Once Abby and Ashley leave her house, Victoria tells Victor she was at the park the night Diane died, and she saw them together. Ronan brainstorms in his office and has a hunch that the nine pillows that were in Diane's hotel room may hold a clue to her murder Ronan matches the sayings on the pillows with each suspect, but wonders why there are nine pillows and they have ten suspects in the murder Ronan acts on a gut feeling and rips open the pillow that says \"Girls Just Want to Have Fun,\" which he thinks matches Abby, finds a flash drive inside.", "" ]
[ "Mauro: We're makin' progress. Diane's diary and Victor Newman's shoes are good \"Gets.\"", "Ronan: Thank you. (Sighs) I still don't have enough to say, you know, \"There he is. There's my guy.\" And these pillows-- these pillows are driving me nuts.", "Mauro: Well, you still think Diane left them as some kind of clue?", "Ronan: I mean, I don't--I don't know. If she did... (Stammers) It's vague. I can't figure out if they're relevant.", "Mauro: Well, what's your next move?", "Ronan: The next move I go is to do what I do-- rattle some cages and see what I get.", "Man: You gotta see this. (Sighs)", "Ronan: This is one of the missing pages of Diane's diary. Where did you get this?", "Man: That stack of papers at the front desk.", "Mauro: I-it just suddenly appeared?", "Ronan: When did this come in?", "Man: Sorry.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) (Chuckles) Get this down to the lab and get a photocopy immediately. Mauro, ride the lab on that.", "Mauro: And you?", "Ronan: I am going to let someone know about our latest discovery. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Come on, Ashley.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ashley: Hi, Nick.", "Nick: Hey, where are you?", "Ashley: At court-- Katherine and Tucker's arbitration. Why?", "Nick: Can you come to my place right now?", "Ashley: What's going on? I'm on my way.", "Nick: (Tosses telephone) Damn it.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Hey. Dad, your assistant said that you might be here.", "Victor: You all right?", "Abby: Yes. I made a decision about college. I'm definitely going.", "Victoria: What? Wha--that's fantastic, Abby.", "Abby: (Chuckles) Are you happy?", "Victor: That makes me very happy.", "Abby: Oh.", "(Cell phone alerts chime)", "Abby: Wait, that's weird. \"The Naked Heiress goes Studious\" couldn't have hit the blogs that fast.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Um, oh, you are actually a headline. And, uh, so is Dad.", "Abby: We're not killers. At least you and I aren't. Who put this out there?", "Victor: I have a feeling I know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Just who I was hoping to see.", "Phyllis: Oh, what's up, Detective?", "Ronan: I am... (Sighs) I'm changing my tactics. I'm gonna pare down my suspect list.", "Phyllis: Am I still included in that list?", "Ronan: I don't think you're a killer, except in a short skirt.", "Phyllis: I told you not to look at my legs, but thank you. What do you need from me?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) I need, uh, I need your opinion.", "Phyllis: About who killed Diane?", "Ronan: Mm-hmm. Absolutely. You know every one of these suspects.", "Phyllis: Who do you think did it?", "Ronan: Well, right now, I'm leaning towards Nick and Ashley.", "Phyllis: You think... Nick and Ashley pounded Diane's head in together?", "Ronan: Nick and Ashley were in the park that night.", "Phyllis: Well, there are a lot of people strolling in that area, because it is, in fact, a park.", "Ronan: It is, in fact, isn't it? But a lot of people weren't making secret phone calls.", "Phyllis: To whom?", "Ronan: Nick called Ashley from his cell. He won't tell me what they talked about. They won't tell me why they needed to talk. I know they're hiding something. What's your take on this?", "Phyllis: I don't have a take. If Nick called Ashley, I'm sure it's perfectly innocent I-I have an appointment. I-I have to go.", "Ronan: Okay, yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: \"I'll tell the cops about the call to Ashley if you don't hand over 50 grand.\" I'm supposed to deliver it to that warehouse later today.", "Ashley: Why is he doing this to us?", "Nick: \"He\"?", "Ashley: Yeah, we've been over this before. The only person that would ever want to torture us like this is Adam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Good morning. (Sighs)", "Adam: More mind games, Detective?", "Ronan: No, no mind games. I came to you. That's called consideration.", "Adam: Or a crush.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Ooh, um, so we found Diane Jenkins' diary. A lot of intriguing entries in it.", "Adam: I'll bet.", "Ronan: See, none of them, though, made a bigger impression on me than this one right here, dated July 28th.", "Adam: That date is supposed to mean something to me?", "Ronan: It should mean something to you. It was just a couple of days before she was beaten to death.", "Adam: And she wrote about me in her diary?", "Ronan: She did, yeah. It says right there that she knew you were going to kill her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Doesn't sound like Ronan.", "Abby: It's kind of sleazy.", "Victoria: Do you really think he gave this to the papers?", "Victor: I think his investigation has stalled. Neither the mayor nor the district attorney can be too pleased about that.", "Victoria: So he's resorting to sensationalism?", "Victor: It's a good way to convince the public he's getting somewhere.", "Abby: Well, it's working. I'm kind of wiggin' out.", "Victor: Don't you let Malloy intimidate you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: \"Victor and a lot of other people in this town might hate me, but there's no one I need to fear as much as Adam.", "Adam: Ronan... (Sighs) What does that prove?", "Ronan: \"After he was indicted by the grand jury today, he was furious with me. He said I sold him out.\"", "Adam: (Sighs) I was angry with her for lying about it.", "Ronan: Okay. \"He threatened me so many times. I'm terrified he's gonna follow through. I thought I could handle him, but he's a psychopath.\"", "Adam: I never touched her, unlike my father, who threw her out the back of a truck.", "Ronan: Wait, wait, wait. Right here-- \"When my dead body is found someday, it'll be because Adam finally snapped. I know it.\"", "Adam: You're trying to frame me.", "Ronan: See, I don't need to frame someone who's guilty. Now... I can get out the cuffs and, well, you now. Or... you can walk out of here with a smile, and we'll keep talkin' about this at the station.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I knew Adam would never be satisfied with taunting me with that voice mail I left on your phone.", "Ashley: He's escalating things with me, too.", "Nick: How so?", "Ashley: I got another photo. This time, it's me pushing Diane that night in the park.", "Nick: When you had your confrontation and lost your phone.", "Ashley: Uh-huh.", "Nick: What did you do with the pictures?", "Ashley: I ripped 'em up and threw 'em out.", "Nick: Well, you know he's got copies, right?", "Ashley: Well, I know, but I just can't stand to have it around me, you know? I just can't take it-- all this dread.", "Nick: Yeah, I know-- sitting around waiting for another threatening call or a message or picture.", "Ashley: Maybe Adam's trying to force your hand and to see what you'll do.", "Nick: I can't have the police hear that recording. I mean, I was just venting with Diane, but if they hear me yelling that I'm gonna kill her--", "Ashley: I know. They could take it literally. I know.", "Nick: And I'm not caving in to this blackmail.", "Ashley: You can't. It'll never end.", "Nick: Adam's just on some power trip, and I'm gonna stop him.", "Phyllis: Oh, wow, what a shock. What a shock finding you two her together.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: I'm sure Detective Malloy would love to hear what you two were just talking about, but, honestly, not as much as I would.", "Ashley: Malloy was questioning you about us?", "Phyllis: He said that you called Ashley from your cell phone in the park the night that Diane was murdered.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: What's happening? He thinks you're lying. He's also coming up with a bunch of conspiracy theories-- that you two were conspiring to put Diane 6 feet under.", "Nick: He said that?", "Phyllis: Yes. Or that you're havin' an affair.", "Ashley: Okay, that's just ridiculous.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I'm sure it's ridiculous. But, you see, it didn't stop him from putting me under the microscope. So I'm in this now. I'm a part of this. What is going on? Please tell me.", "(Cell phone rings)", "(Ring)", "Ashley: Yeah, Abby? What's goin' on? Honey, slow down. I can't understand you. Okay, I'll be right there. I have to go. My daughter needs me.", "Phyllis: (Scoffs)", "Nick: That's all right. I can handle this.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm sure you can.", "Nick: Phyllis is in on this now. She should know the story. We can trust her.", "Ashley: We don't have a choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: If you wan to make this easier, just confess now.", "Adam: I've got nothing to confess.", "Ronan: Mr. Newman, I'm in the middle of some business with your son.", "Adam: What's this?", "Victor: Our ambitious detective trying to manufacture a case.", "Ronan: Well, this just looks like somebody-- I mean, either from this department or maybe the district attorney--", "Victor: The source of the leak is standing right in front of me.", "Adam: I agree with him there. This guy here is trying to railroad me.", "Victor: I don't care what he's trying to do to you. But you better stop implying that Abby and I are murderers. You have nothing to go on.", "Ronan: I don't agree.", "Victor: Whatever evidence you have is flimsy at best, circumstantial. I told you I was not there the night that Diane Jenkins was killed!", "Adam: And I told him the same thing. The truth doesn't go far in this place.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Weren't there? Weren't there? One second.", "Victor: You've been trying to set me up for her death from the beginning. She told me so the night she died.", "Adam: Yeah, you know, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You told the police that she came to your ranch to talk to you-- your ranch-- about this supposed plan to frame you.", "Victor: What about it?", "Adam: What about it? It's a lie. I was with Diane that night at the park, and she hadn't yet spoken to you. So if she did speak to you, it had to have happened at that footbridge after I left her, so you must have been the last person to see her alive.", "Ronan: (Whistles) Wow. That's good stuff. Do you guys have anything you want to add to that?", "Victor: You arrogant S.O.B. You know what you just did with that? Something very illegal. Neither he nor I consented to being eavesdropped on, did we? You have a lawsuit on your hands-- a big one, boy.", "Ronan: (Stammers) No, not you. Not you, not so fast.", "Adam: No. No, that diary-- it means nothing, and you know it. It's just hearsay.", "Ronan: That diary is enough for me to hold you while I continue my investigation, that's what that diary is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You should have told me this, Nick.", "Nick: Then Ronan would have been after you, too.", "Phyllis: All right, let me get this straight-- so you accidentally called Ashley from your phone when you were in the park with Diane arguing?", "Nick: Yeah, and unintentionally left a voice mail.", "Phyllis: Right, okay, and then she-- she lost her phone in the park when she was going at it with Diane.", "Nick: Yes.", "Phyllis: And somebody has been threatening you for weeks with proof of your incriminating behavior?", "Nick: Yeah, it's Adam.", "Phyllis: And you're sure it's Adam? Why?", "Nick: His D.N.A. links him to the first picture. This is why Ashley was here today.", "Phyllis: That's really creepy. $50,000? What does he want with $50,000?", "Nick: He's just messin' with us.", "Phyllis: He never tires of that, does he?", "Nick: Well, now you know everything.", "Phyllis: Thank you. We're gonna get that S.O.B. -- you and me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: All right, let's get you into a holding cell.", "Heather: Adam, what are you doing here?", "Adam: Ronan is, uh. He's tossing me in jail.", "Heather: Uh, on what grounds?", "Adam: No grounds. Just ignorant speculation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You get the money, and we'll both go to see Adam together.", "Nick: I am not dragging you into this.", "Phyllis: Listen, okay? Listen. Listen I'm either with you, or I'm 30 seconds behind you. You pick.", "Nick: I didn't tell you all of this--", "Phyllis: Of course you didn't. I know. Listen, if my plan works, no more threatening phone calls, no more cryptic messages. It's over.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Nick, or you can continue to suffer.", "Nick: All right, what do you got?", "Phyllis: We go together wherever Adam is, all right? I'll hang back, but you go to him. You lure him out, 'cause, uh, he'll be hiding.", "Nick: Then what?", "Phyllis: I'll document everything with a camera on my phone. What do you think?", "Nick: All right, that may work. I'll call the bank, start gettin' the money together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I've just seen Adam. I'm concerned.", "Ronan: Concerned about how I detained him, or are you concerned for Adam?", "Heather: As a member of the district attorney's office, I don't think you have enough to hold him.", "Ronan: Well, I don't think you know what I've got. I think you know what Adam's told you.", "Heather: Do you have something that will definitely lead to his arrest?", "Ronan: What's goin' on with you? Huh? Earlier you come in here tellin' me this story how the mayor and your boss are pissed off that I haven't made a major move in this case. Now when I make a major move against your ex-fiancé, I hear this--", "Heather: Oh, excuse me. Listen, I am on your side, but unless you have hard evidence--", "Ronan: Heather, the man could be a killer!", "Heather: And what if he's not?", "Ronan: Then he knows something about it!", "Heather: You can't rush into this arrest, Ronan. It'll come back to bite us.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: The money's ready.", "Phyllis: Good. All right, let's go.", "Nick: Actually, there's something I want to do first.", "Phyllis: What do you want to do? Have passionate sex with me so you exhaust me and I forget what I'm doing?", "Nick: That's a hell of an idea, but no. I should have thought of that.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) Let's go.", "Nick: I'm glad that you know everything now. I really hated keeping this from you. You understand me?", "Phyllis: Yeah I would have done the same thing in your position. But now I'm with you all the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: You can go.", "Adam: You saw the light?", "Ronan: Don't push me.", "Adam: Or what? You'll arrest me?", "Heather: Adam, don't you have someplace to be?", "Adam: Anywhere but here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Hey, Mom, I was really afraid you weren't gonna talk to me after the fight we had.", "Ashley: Oh, Honey, I got your message.", "Abby: I'm really sorry.", "Ashley: I know you are. Come here.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Honey, what is this about now? What's happening?", "Abby: You have to see this.", "Ashley: What's going on?", "Victoria: Oh, hi, Ashley. You're here. Did Abby show you the article?", "Ashley: No.", "Abby: Wait, Mom. Listen, okay? \"Could Abby Newman...\"", "Ashley: (Gasps)", "Abby: Her ultra-famous dad, or infamous bro be a killer? Cops have hauled them in more than once in connection to the horrific slaying of Abby's ex-stepmommy Diane Jenkins. 'The Naked Heiress'...\"", "Ashley: Oh, my God.", "Abby: \"May be wearing blood on her hands this season.\"", "Ashley: Baby, this is awful. This is awful. Did Malloy hand them this story?", "Victoria: I don't know.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Victor: Ashley, I'm glad you're here.", "Victoria: Hey, Dad, did you get Ronan to back off?", "Victor: (Sighs) Well, I threatened him with legal ramifications", "Abby: Well, can't we sue him for libel now?", "Victor: Only if we can prove that what he published was untrue.", "Victoria: Okay, well, that's easy. We've got him, because it says right here that you and Abby and Adam were questioned in the last hours, and that's not true, right?", "Victor: I was called down to his office for some stupid reason.", "Victoria: Great. Why didn't you say anything to me?", "Ashley: What aren't you telling us?", "Abby: Okay, yeah, fine. I talked to Ronan, okay?", "Victoria: Talked to him about what?", "Abby: (Stammers) I freaked out, okay? I freaked that he was gonna find my confession that I was the one who hit Tucker and sent him to the hospital.", "Ashley: What, you know about--you know about this?", "Victor: I told her a little while ago.", "Victoria: Listen, its fine. I'm on \"Team protect Abby,\" all right? Go ahead. What were you saying?", "Abby: Okay, there was this key that they found on Diane, and it opened a lockbox at the club, and I was afraid that my confession might be inside. That is why I went with Ronan when he opened it.", "Ashley: You went with him?", "Abby: My confession was not in there.", "Victoria: Well, what was in there?", "Abby: Diane's diary.", "Ashley: Okay, what-- Diane kept a diary? Do you know about this?", "Victoria: And Ronan has it.", "Victor: God only knows what he'll find in that diary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You win. I'm here. I got your money. Come and get it. But I'm not leaving here until I see your face! So show yourself. (Footsteps approach) (Boxes topple)", "(Door opens)", "(Footsteps)", "Ronan: I see you got my note. You have a lot of explaining to do.", "Nick: This is entrapment.", "Ronan: Oh, come on now. I'm just speeding this whole process up. See, this way, I don't have to hear you and Ashley lie to me again about that phone call.", "Nick: By pretending to be a blackmailer.", "Ronan: How about that, huh? You were willing to pay $50,000 to someone to keep quiet what you said on the phone that night. (Chuckles) So come on. I mean, tell me about it, Nick. Hey, what's got you so damn desperate, Man?", "Nick: I think until my lawyer gets here, I will be exercising my right to remain silent.", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Yeah. Do you want to tell me what's going on? Or do you want to end up in lockup with Nick here?", "Phyllis: I think you're posturing.", "Ronan: Posturing? Okay, did I tell you guys I found Diane Jenkins' diary? Hmm? Hmm? No? 'Cause it's been a real eye-opener for this case. It raised a lot of great questions, too. For instance, did Nick here kill Diane 'cause their affair went south? Or did Phyllis do it because she was jealous of that affair?", "Phyllis: Oh, wait a second. You said she isn't a suspect anymore.", "Ronan: Or did Nick and Ashley do it because Nick was sleeping with her, so they conspired together to commit the murder?", "Nick: All right. (Sighs) We're done.", "Ronan: No, we're not. I say when we're done. Why don't you guys get comfortable? 'Cause I'm gonna have some more questions for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: It's on me. Thanks for gettin' me sprung.", "Heather: (Sighs) I didn't do it for personal reasons it was a professional matter.", "Adam: (Sighs) Well, then accept my businesslike gratitude.", "Heather: Just don't expect me to step up for you again if you find yourself in trouble.", "Adam: It's not gonna be necessary. I didn't kill Diane.", "Heather: Ronan has evidence.", "Adam: Yeah, I know. I heard. This diary of Diane's, this supposed page, it's-- it's gotta be a forgery.", "Heather: Well, wouldn't that be poetic justice for someone go after you with a bogus diary entry?", "Adam: I need to see you right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mauro: I was staring at these things earlier.", "Ronan: Can you make any sense of 'em?", "Mauro: (Scoffs) Not even close. (Sighs) It was a nice sting-- the warehouse. Phyllis and Nick didn't even see that coming. (Chuckles) So what's next?", "Ronan: More Newmans.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Well, I was so relived that Ronan didn't score the tape of the confession, I thought it was no biggie that he just found a diary.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Abby: It's Malloy.", "Victor: You don't have to answer that.", "Abby: (Sighs) (Ring)", "Abby: No, but ignoring him now means dealing with him later, and at least-- at least right now, I'm not alone. (Sighs) Hello?", "Ronan: Abby, glad I caught you.", "Abby: You'd better be careful what you say. I've got witnesses.", "Ronan: Who?", "Abby: Um, my dad, Mom, and sister.", "Ronan: That's great-- saves me some phone calls. Why don't you put me on speaker?", "Abby: (Whispering) He wants to talk to all of us.", "Victor: You obviously don't know how to listen, do you?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) On the contrary, Victor, I heard you loud and clear. The newspaper's web site is ready to publish an apology for that malicious article. But first... first, I'm gonna need something in exchange... from Abby.", "Ashley: Leave my daughter alone.", "Ronan: Maybe I'll do that, if she tells me what did Diane have on you, Abby?", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Nothing.", "Ronan: Then why was she so nervous about that key and lockbox?", "Victor: She doesn't have to answer that.", "Ronan: That's very shortsighted of you, Victor. I'm surprised, 'cause, let's be honest, we all know what's best for Abby right now is for her to come clean of her own volition. You Newmans, huh? You love your secrets, don't you? I'm just curious-- have you shared them with each other? I mean, Ashley already confessed to arguing with Diane in the park on the night of the murder. And Victor-- has Victor shared his latest, everybody? The--his shoe prints were discovered at the scene of the crime and then positively ID'd. Oh, and not to mention I've got a recording confirming Victor was in the park that night.", "Abby: (Normal voice) What?", "Ronan: Oh, it gets better. It gets better. Victoria?", "Victoria: Yes?", "Ronan: Well, then that looks like it blows your cover story about hangin' out with dear, old daddy that night. I'm curious- have you told anybody where you were that night? Hmm. Well, you guys got awfully quiet. Guess I hit a nerve... or four. (Chuckles) Its funny, isn't it? Who would have thunk? You know you've been fibbing on each other to me. (Laughs) I don't know. I guess it happens in the best of families, huh? But I just want to throw it out there-- if any of you want to fess up before it's too late, any of you, well, eh, you know where to find me.", "(Phone hangs up)", "Victor: You all know he's just trying to rattle our cages. We all know that we who are in this room... that we're all innocent, right? (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mauro: Why didn't you tell them that we had Nick and Phyllis on ice?", "Ronan: 'Cause I want to let the others stew amongst themselves for a while.", "Mauro: You wanted to rattle some cages. Mission accomplished.", "Ronan: Thank you. You know, these people... these people-- I mean, Diane Jenkins was bludgeoned to death. And instead of helping us catch her killer, these people walk around like they're untouchable, walkin' around here like they're the kings and queens of Genoa City, and I...", "Ronan: Wait a minute. (Chuckles) Wait a minute. Could that be it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You know, um, Malloy should lose his badge for this, the way he treats innocent people. Honestly. Where's Michael?", "Nick: (Sighs) I'm not sure.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Mauro: Detective Malloy wanted me to give you an update.", "Phyllis: Oh, great, thank you. He's letting us go.", "Mauro: You're officially being held for questioning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You're out of control. You're out of your mind tryin' to set me up. That page from the diary Ronan showed me? You wrote it. I know you did. (Singsong voice) Come out, come out, wherever you are.", "(Metal hitting metal rhythmically)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Look, all Malloy has is a bunch of circumstantial evidence that doesn't amount to anything.", "Victor: Exactly. That's why I didn't tell you what I discussed with Malloy that night. It was totally inconsequential. It had nothing to do with what happened to Diane. I just didn't want to worry any of you, okay?", "Abby: All right, I've gotta go. I'm fried.", "Ashley: I'll walk you out. I'm gonna leave, too. Good-bye.", "Victoria: Bye-bye.", "Victor: Nice to see you, Ashley.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victor: You're a little more upset than you're letting on.", "Victoria: Daddy, I've been keeping something from you, and I can't anymore, especially lot with Ronan acting this way.", "Victor: All right, tell me.", "Victoria: Well, I didn't say that I was with you the night that Diane died just because I was being protective.", "Victor: Sweetheart, whatever it is, we'll deal with it.", "Victoria: I was also in the park that night, and I saw you with Diane.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: All right, I'm scared. Okay, Ronan is getting way more aggressive. Maybe I should just tell him everything.", "Ashley: Okay, settle down. You're not gonna do that, all right? You're not.", "Abby: No, well, what if there is something written about me in that diary, mom?", "Ashley: He never mentioned the diary in that phone call, Abby, okay? Now I'm-- I'm getting nervous, too, but I'm not gonna jump to conclusions, okay? And neither should you.", "Abby: Okay. Okay, yeah, no, no, you're right. You're right the confession--it may never come out. I-I shouldn't say anything about it.", "Ashley: That's right. Absolutely, and besides, Malloy only has questions. Clearly, he doesn't have any answers.", "Abby: Oh, God, I hope it stays that way.", "Ashley: It will, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Okay, what if each pillow is a message?", "Mauro: About what?", "Ronan: A-about the suspects. All right, watch this. Watch. \"Why, yes, I am evil.\"", "Mauro: Uh...", "Ronan: No, no, no, no, no, no. Right there.", "Mauro: (Snaps fingers) That's good. That's good.", "Ronan: That's very good. \"It's good to be king.\"", "Mauro: What about Tucker McCall?", "Ronan: Tucker McCall king? No, I've got the king. I've got the king right here. Victor.", "Mauro: That is wild and weird.", "Ronan: Uh-huh", "Mauro: All right, but there are ten pillows, and we only have nine suspects.", "Ronan: Nine suspects. Who are we missing?", "Mauro: All these sayings are--can be about any of the suspects. How sure are you about this?", "Ronan: I'm about to find out. \"Girls just want to have funds.\" What do you want to bet this pillow is about Abby?", "Mauro: No, no, no. What are you doing? What--wait. Are--are you crazy?", "Ronan: I'm going with my gut.", "Mauro: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: (Laughs)", "Mauro: (Chuckles)", "Ronan: I guarantee you, this is what \"the naked heiress\" didn't want me to find.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Avery: You need to bring Lucy to see her mother at the penitentiary today.", "Kay: If Tucker wins, do you really think he will sell you Jabot?", "Victor: You find the real killer instead of harassing my family!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy visits Jack to discuss Victor and Jack's connection with Adam in helping him to take over Newman. Adam looks at the computer screen and reads the article about the downfall of Newman Enterprises. Chloe and Chelsea discuss the problem with Connor's eyes and how she wished that she had kept silent. Chloe offers Chelsea her help. Chelsea wants Chloe to talk to Dylan into reconciling with her. Chelsea lets Chloe know that she and Connor are staying at Adam's. Chloe objects. Cassie consoles Sharon over Nick's attitude by shutting Sharon out . Nick and Dylan are both in the park with a bottle drinking. They discuss Avery and the wedding. Jack denies that Adam stabbed him in the back. Jack assures Billy that he and Adam are friends. Billy doesn't really believe him. Adam, on the phone, asks how long it will be before he gets the lab reports. Chelsea tells Chloe matter of factly that there will be no more lying. Nick and Dylan argue over Avery. Summer goes to visit Jack to talk. Nick accuses Dylan of still being in love with Avery. Sharon and Cassie discuss how Sharon changed the lab results in order to get back together with Nick. Avery visits Phyllis to tell her about her failed marriage to Nick. Nick pushes Dylan which results in Dylan giving Nick a black eye.", "Cassie and Sharon argue over Nick's feelings for her. Chelsea goes home to Adam's with Connor. Adam shows her the article on the internet about the failure of Newman. Jack and Summer start to talk. Billy gets a call from Victoria instructing him to go home and let her know when he is there. Jack tells Summer if she is there to cuss him out, then he will listen. Jack also tells her that if she is here to forgive him, then he is here for that too. Summer lets him know that she is not there for forgiveness. Adam and Chelsea share a tender moment with Connor. Dylan comes to visit. Dylan returns to Chelsea a four-leaf clover that she gave him and says that he cannot do this anymore. After Dylan leaves, Chelsea sits down and begins to cry. Adam watches her. Nick goes home and finds Sharon there. Sharon gets him ice for his eye and something to eat before she leaves. Avery urges Phyllis to wake up. Victoria surprises Billy by being home when he arrives. Phyllis moves her fingers.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Billy! What brings you here?", "Billy: hooks.", "Jack: Excuse me?", "Billy: Business news is, oh, so entertaining today. Newman's tanking, and Victor is now the master of Chancellor's orbit.", "Jack: Well, I'm glad you're entertained.", "Billy: But I looked everywhere, and I couldn't find one article about Fish Hook Capital, A.K.A. you.", "Jack: What makes you think it's me?", "Billy: Well, Jack, I don't know if you know this or not, but I've played a hand or two of cards in my day, and I know that a fish hook is Jack, Jack. I had to bite my tongue when Victoria brought it up to me. And I figured that was you and Adam taunting Victor.", "Jack: Actually, the name was Adam's idea. I told him he was playing with fire.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin your fun -- then.", "Jack: But you're willing to ruin my fun now?", "Billy: Oh, yes, I am. What were you thinking, man? You lost a boatload, and for what? So you can hang out with Adam Newman?", "Jack: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: And it's all my fault -- the lies and then the truth, the truth that I never even had to tell Dylan that eventually sent him over the edge. Oh, if I hadn't just jumped to conclusions about Connor's vision problems --", "Chloe: You could have lied forever? Um, see, I voted for always lying. I took a hard line on that. Whereas you almost told Dylan, like, a million times.", "Chelsea: And now Dylan hates me and Adam's trying to take my child. So do you really think this is the best time for \"I told you so\"s?", "Chloe: Oh, no, no, no, no! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's not what I was trying to do. I-I hate this for you. If there's anything that I can do to help, just tell me.", "Chelsea: Can you talk Dylan out of divorcing me? Can you convince him that we'll get through this? Can you convince him that we could be a family again? Adam wants to own Connor. Dylan just wanted to love him. God, Chloe, I miss him so much. I miss the three of us being a family together in the loft.", "Chloe: Are you staying here at the club?", "Chelsea: Okay, he didn't give me a choice.", "Chloe: Who?", "Chelsea: Adam.", "Chloe: Adam didn't give you a choice about what?", "Chelsea: Connor and I are staying at his place.", "Chloe: No.", "Chelsea: Chloe, there wasn't any --", "Chloe: No!", "Chelsea: It was my only --", "Chloe: No, no, no, no, no. No way, no how. No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: [Sniffles]", "Cassie: Mom, please don't cry. Dad didn't mean it.", "Sharon: Yes, he did. [Sighs] He doesn't want my help. Avery's gone, and there's a hole in his heart that I should fill. Me. But he doesn't want me there. Why won't he let me in?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Nick: If you're here for the wedding, you're late. Of course, so was the bride. You did know we were getting married here, right?", "Dylan: No, I didn't, actually. I...I headed here because I couldn't be inside anymore. The walls were closing in everywhere I'd look.", "Nick: Avery told me about the baby. Dylan, I am very sorry. That must have crushed you. Chelsea came home from the hospital, a guy couldn't get any happier than that. Loving that baby with all your heart and then finding out that she isn't yours.", "Dylan: He wasn't mine. You said \"She.\"", "Nick: I guess I was thinking about something else.", "Dylan: The thought was right. It crushed me.", "Nick: Well, I guess there's a bright side to all this. Avery's free again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Adam did not stab me in the back. We both just overestimated Victor's ability to react like a human being.", "Billy: You do realize Victor passed on his not-so-human gene to Adam?", "Jack: I don't see it that was.", "Billy: Well, do you see that your investment is now worth squat? I mean, its 10 cents to the dollar, Jack.", "Jack: I realize the money I invested in Newman was risky, but at least we know what we're dealing with now. Victor has showed his hand. From now on, we rebuild.", "Billy: All this \"We,\" \"We.\" You and Adam? Really? The wonder twins? Could you freak me out any more?", "Jack: Despite what you think, Adam and I have a great deal in common. And, yes, we are friends.", "Billy: Yeah, sure. You're friends. There was that time that you, uh, forged that fake journal and he did a little time. And let's not forget he tormented Ashley, our sister. Let's bond over that!", "Jack: All true, all ugly, and all in the distant past, yes. Now Adam and I are friends.", "Billy: Jack... [Scoffs] He is Victor's spawn, man.", "Jack: That's not his fault. I invested in Newman because I thought Victor might actually give Adam the respect he deserves. That didn't happen. Now we move on.", "Billy: Okay. None of that answers my original question, which was, \"Why?\"", "Jack: Because Adam is a man who wants to make his father proud. And I relate. And I think you do, too.", "Billy: Yeah, I can relate. [Claps] But John Abbott was one of the greatest. Adam's dad -- he walks in the room, and the plants die.", "Jack: That father/son bond -- it colors a man's entire life. I don't care what kind of man he is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Yeah, I handled the cheek swab, per directions. So, how soon until I can get the paternity results?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam threatened to take Connor away. He said that this is the only way I can stay with my son.", "Chloe: So you caved to a guy who has no legal rights to that baby whatsoever.", "Chelsea: But he will, though. And besides, I want Adam to see up close just how much Connor needs me.", "Chloe: You are in the lion's den, my friend. I mean, you better duct-tape that child to your side, because Adam, he will pounce the first chance that he gets.", "Chelsea: Okay, once again, you're not helping.", "Chloe: I'm sorry, but you -- you're afraid that he's gonna take the baby from you. I mean, that's what you were scared of in the very beginning.", "Chelsea: No, he can't do that. Adam won't break the law when so much is at stake.", "Chloe: So, his legal rights are?", "Chelsea: He's gonna get this paternity test back, Chloe, and we both know what it's going to say. Then Adam goes straight to the courts.", "Chloe: So, Adam will have his rights, and then you will convince him that only a heartless slimeball would cut a child out of their mother's life. But of course he will, because he is a heartless slimeball. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't stop doing it.", "Chelsea: The truth is, Connor does need me, and Adam can't ignore that. Neither can the courts.", "Chloe: Okay, so then you get on the stand and you say that you really truly thought that the baby was Dylan's.", "Chelsea: So continue to lie, this time under oath? No. No. Besides, they would probably subpoena Dylan. He would be forced to talk about all of this again, talk about my confession. I'm not doing that to him. No. [Sighs] No more lying, Chloe. Not to anyone. Not even to myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs] The last thing I wanted was for you and Avery to split up.", "Nick: Now, that's kind of hard to believe considering you gave Avery, like, a million reasons to dump me.", "Dylan: Didn't happen, did it?", "Nick: No, Dylan. Not until our wedding day.", "Dylan: Avery made it clear from the start that she wanted to be with you, Nick. She had a rough couple years. She was finally happy with you, so I made a choice to be happy for her.", "Nick: Right.", "Dylan: You think I wanted Avery to be miserable the way she is right now? Like you? Like me? Losing somebody you love -- it seems like it should get better the older you get, but it's still about the worst thing there is. And right now, we're all in the same situation, so maybe we could just leave it at that.", "Nick: You love Chelsea.", "Dylan: And I came out here not to think about all that.", "Nick: I'm just saying. You -- you lo-- you fell in love with Chelsea because Avery wasn't an option for you anymore.", "Dylan: And what? I didn't get my heart cut out? Okay, Nick. Let's -- let's just go with that. Let's go with what you say. You say that I didn't love Chelsea, that I didn't picture more kids, grandkids, didn't picture a whole lifetime together? Yeah, Nick, you're right! Maybe you should just call a cab and go home.", "Nick: So you loved Chelsea, even though deep down -- well, maybe not so deep -- Avery was it for you. You never got over her.", "Dylan: I said vows to Chelsea. You gonna tell me those were lies?", "Nick: Yeah, well, who'd you run to when things fell apart? And Avery, she just couldn't resist.", "Dylan: I didn't know it was your wedding day! I told Avery! I'm telling you! I feel like dirt like that! If I had known that, I would –", "Nick: You would have gone to someone else? Who else is there?", "Dylan: I don't know. Avery's a friend.", "Nick: A friend you're in love with. You'll always be in love with her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Victor just couldn't accept his son. Adam tried to be the golden boy. Hell, he jumped in front of a bullet. He got Newman back for him. All Victor wanted to do was slap him down again. If there's any good news in this, Adam got the message once and for all.", "Billy: You know... [Chuckles] I'm over here, and I'm just trying to figure out exactly just what the hell is wrong with you. I mean, what do you care if Adam is off in a corner softly weeping, slowly rocking because daddy didn't love him enough?", "Jack: Because I know what it is to screw up my father's legacy.", "Billy: Oh, Jack, come on.", "Jack: Our father wanted me to succeed. Adam's father did everything he could to make sure Adam failed.", "Billy: There it is. John Abbott and Victor Newman -- not in the same category. And that goes for Adam, too. Not even the same planet. Look, you're right. Victor is a jerk. Capital letters. So who cares what he thinks?", "Jack: Your wife, for one. It wasn't that long ago you were trying to get her back into Newman, trying to get her back in her father's good graces.", "Billy: Yeah. That's true. Blew up in my face.", "Jack: Billy, it doesn't matter how old you are. Everyone wants their parents' approval. And if they're any kind of a decent parent...", "[Door opens]", "Jack: ...They want their kid's approval, too.", "Summer: Hello?", "Jack: Summer. Hey, come on in.", "Summer: Um, I was hoping that we could talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: How can your father shut me out like this? The paternity test -- I rigged the results. I made Jack Summer's father.", "Cassie: That's the way that it always should have been. Dad never should have been with Phyllis. His place is with you. I drew that picture of our family for a reason.", "Sharon: Exactly. Exactly. We were meant to be a family. Phyllis was not supposed to be a part of that. [Sighs] I never meant for her to be hurt. I swear. It's just she was so vindictive and she couldn't wait to tell Nick that I-`I rigged the DNA results.", "Cassie: It's not your fault that she fell. You two were fighting over the phone.", "Sharon: It's not like I planned it to happen.", "Cassie: Exactly.", "Sharon: And Avery was the only thing left in my way.", "Cassie: And now she's gone.", "Sharon: No, she isn't. Cassie, I honestly never thought that your father could love anyone but me. Phyllis -- she was more about sex and video games and nothing real. And Avery -- I always thought she was some kind of a rebound, like an anti-Phyllis.", "Cassie: And you were right.", "Sharon: But your father doesn't see it. I'm right here. I'm ready to put his heart back together again, but I can't do it if he won't let me. And everything I've done will be for nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Well, I'll bet you couldn't be happier. It's just like you said. Nick and I crashed and burned. Flames sky high. You could probably see them from your window. How did it happen, you ask? I think you can guess. Dylan showed up. And I was late to my own wedding. You must think that I'm the biggest idiot of all time, and you would be correct. I was late to my own wedding. I begged Nick to marry me anyway, but he turned me down, saying that I was still in love with Dylan, which I'm sure you would agree with. So I was left crying in the rain in my wedding gown. You would have loved it. So why weren't you there? Hmm? You're lying here in this bed when you got everything you wanted. [Sighs] Come on, Phyllis. Wake up and tell me I got everything that I deserved.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So, could you get a room here and tell Adam that you changed your mind?", "Chelsea: Not if I want to stay in Connor's life.", "Chloe: Okay. Well, if Adam even looks at you cross-eyed, you tell me, 'cause he can't hurt me.", "Chelsea: My hero. I will call you. All right, Connor, it's time to go, Baby.", "Chloe: There's just one more thing. Dylan. You know, if this whole disaster could not be so disaster-y, you know, if Adam can stop being a jerk for, like, two minutes and if you guys could both have joint custody and you could move out, do you think that you and Dylan could...", "Chelsea: Could we start over and build a life and a family together? No, I never imagine that. I never imagine that all night long when I can't sleep.", "Chloe: Meaning you could imagine that.", "Chelsea: Yeah, Chloe. I want a family with Dylan. I want Dylan back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Just do me this one thing. Can you deny that you are still in love with Avery?", "Dylan: Can we just drink and forget stuff for one lousy night? You want to blame me for everything that went down, then blame me! I already apologized for holding Avery up on your wedding day, but if you didn't marry her that night, that's on you!", "Nick: You show up to my fiancée's door, and that's on me?", "Dylan: I had a lot of things on my mind! Breaking up your marriage wasn't one of them! But if you get your head out of your -- your ego, you might realize that!", "Nick: I wonder if it ever bothered Chelsea the way you look at Avery when she's around. That moon-eyed, \"My soul is so deep\" look.", "Dylan: I'm done.", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no. You tank my life? You ain't leaving yet. We're still talking.", "Dylan: Don't touch me again.", "Nick: What are you gonna do? You don't get to boss me around, Sergeant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door slams]", "Cassie: You're gonna wake up Faith.", "Sharon: It wasn't supposed to be this way!", "Cassie: Maybe Dad just needs more time.", "Sharon: He turned to Phyllis not long after you...", "Cassie: I know.", "Sharon: I'm sorry, but just... why won't he come to me now that he's losing Summer? Faith deserves a family. She wants us to be together! Why does that matter to me and not to Nick?!", "Cassie: Mom, stop it. You're losing it, okay? You and Dad are the endgame. You're the couple that is meant to be. But if you don't stop freaking out, you'll blow your chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: You want to fight? Is that what you want?", "Nick: No. I didn't come here looking for a fight. Did you?", "Dylan: No.", "[Cap unscrews]", "Nick: Then what are we doing?", "Dylan: I don't know. Things have been messed up for a while.", "Nick: I know a little something about that.", "Dylan: Sitting in a park, drinking, fighting -- it almost seems normal compared to what's been going on.", "Nick: Wears you down. You have no clue what's coming next.", "Dylan: And I keep saying I can't take much more, but it... keeps coming.", "Nick: And it feels like it'll never stop.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: Hey. What's going on?", "Adam: Business news. Read all about it.", "Chelsea: Newman's in trouble?", "Adam: Oh, we passed trouble a ways back. We've rounded the curve to destruction.", "Chelsea: You've been doing so well since you took over.", "Adam: Yeah, but I have been distracted in the last few weeks. To say the least. And that's all it took to let things slip between my fingers.", "Chelsea: But you're the reason Newman was able to go private again.", "Adam: Yeah, but Jack invested capital. And apparently that was the ultimate sin. My father, being from the \"Cut your nose off to spite your face\" school, he's gutting Newman, trying to make me out to look like some kind of a failure. I took a bullet for this guy. I mean, I took an actual [Chuckles] Bullet for this guy. [Sighs] Go ahead, Chelsea. Go ahead. Give it to me. Tell me that I had it coming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm glad you're here. I -- who am I kidding? I'm thrilled you're still willing to talk to me, no matter what you have to say.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Billy: Oh. It's the wife. Excuse me. Hello?", "Victoria: Oh, hi. Well, thank God you answered.", "Billy: What's wrong?", "Victoria: You left me hanging! Did you forget our romantic, slightly smutty phone call from before?", "Billy: [Chuckles] Uh, no, I did not forget, but you were in Dallas, and I was in the park, and now I'm in a worse spot for that sort of activity.", "Victoria: It's too bad. Because I am wearing that new lingerie. I'll send you a picture.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Okay, uh, I definitely don't want to discourage this kind of behavior, but, um, maybe we should wait until we --", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Billy: You just sent that picture, didn't you?", "Victoria: Yeah! But you don't have to look at it. I mean, I'll be home tomorrow, so you can wait, right?", "Billy: I'm going home right now.", "Victoria: Okay. Okay. Just, um, call me back when you get there.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Hi. Um, you two, you need to talk amongst yourselves, so I'm -- I'm gonna get out of your hair.", "Jack: Thanks, Billy.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Summer: Bye.", "Billy: Hmm. Bye.", "[Clears throat]", "[Door opens, closes]", "Jack: Before you say anything, I just want you to know deserve whatever it is. I want you to know that what you overheard between Victor and me, I... I was trying to get him off your back and help a friend at the same time. I know I could have gone about it another way. Look, if you're here to cuss me out, I'm all ears. If you want to tell me you can forgive me, I'm also here for that, too.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Victor is a fool. You've shown him so much loyalty, devotion. You've sacrificed so much and given up so much, so for him to hurt Newman just to hurt you is... [Sighs] I'm sorry.", "Adam: I asked for it. I pretty much laid myself out on the railroad tracks and told him to run right over me.", "Chelsea: No, you didn't. [Sniffs] You gave him a chance to be partner. You just didn't do it the way that he wanted, so he's punishing you in return. I know you love him, and I know this is the worst thing that could happen.", "Adam: The worst thing that could happen is not knowing that I had a son. The very worst thing that could happen is not being a better father to that little guy than Victor was to me.", "Chelsea: It's not that much of a stretch to be a better father than Victor.", "Adam: Touché. 100 times better. A million times better. Come here, Little Peanut.", "Chelsea: Oh!", "Adam: Come here, you. I got him. Hey. Ohh. You're a little cold. You want a blankie? Hey, Peanut.", "Chelsea: Here.", "Adam: Thank you. Get all snuggly.", "Chelsea: I gave this to charity. Yet here it is. You bought it back?", "Adam: That I did. It belonged to our baby... the one who never had a chance. But now we got this little guy right here. But maybe it was his all along.", "[Knock on door]", "Chelsea: Um, I'll get that. Your hands are full. [Sighs] Dylan.", "Dylan: I needed to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey. I know you told me to go, but, um, Faith fell asleep, and I can't carry her back to my house. She's too heavy. But now that you're here, I can...", "Nick: Yeah. I deserved it. Long story.", "Sharon: Or maybe just one word -- Avery. I know. It's none of my business.", "Cassie: Mom, what are you doing? This is your chance, so step up.", "Sharon: Nick. Sit down. I will leave, but not until I get you some ice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Oh, come on, Phyllis. How can you not wake up just to gloat? I'm the only one doing the talking here. That alone should wake you up. Never been able to get a word in edgewise with you. I mean, how could I? You left me when we were kids. And I followed you to Genoa City, and you didn't want anybody to know you had a sister. You pretended I didn't exist. Now here we are again. You've left me again. You know, its one thing to leave me. But you left Summer, too, when she needs you the most. [Sighs] You're so ridiculous, thinking that I was trying to steal her from you. Don't you know no one could take your place in her life? Phyllis, she has two fathers and no mother. She's lost. She's talking about going to California to be a model, away from Nick, away from you. [Stammers] Doesn't it make you crazy? How you gonna hover over her? How are you gonna nag her and -- and judge her boyfriends and -- and keep the crazy guys away? Phyllis, you're losing your edge. The whole world is moving on without you, including your daughter. Your daughter! Doesn't that make you want to scream? Come on! Phyllis, your daughter needs you! What are you gonna do about it?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: No, I'm not here about forgiveness.", "Jack: Already past the point of no return, huh? Listen, I am not gonna give up. Last thing I want to do is create distance between the two of us. But you have to understand, when I'm dealing with Victor --", "Summer: No, no, that's -- that's not what I meant. I -- you don't have to explain anymore. I know that I was furious the other day. I was really hurt. But I know you and Grandpa. You both are all about family. And you two and my dad, you guys are all just looking out for me. And even though you guys have really bizarre ways of doing that, I know that you guys care.", "Jack: Thank you. You're being more mature right now than Victor and I have been in awhile.", "Summer: You think so?", "Jack: Yeah, I do.", "Summer: Um, well, that's kind of what I came here for. I really needed to talk to you about something, see if it was the right fit for me. Um, Oliver called.", "Jack: Oh, Oliver, the photographer from the Jabot shoot?", "Summer: Yeah, he also works with Forrester Creations, and he said that they loved the shots.", "Jack: Well, good. I'd like to give Forrester a run for their money.", "Summer: He also said that I could probably get a lot of modeling work in Los Angeles.", "Jack: Los Angeles?", "Summer: It'd be a really good opportunity.", "Jack: Wait, wait. That's why you're here? To say goodbye? Listen, I know you had to cut your trip to Georgia short, shorter than you wanted. If you need to get away --", "Summer: No, no, that's not what it's about. This could be a career.", "Jack: Honey, I promise you, you have a career at Jabot.", "Summer: I know, and I'm -- I'm really grateful for that. But it's Los Angeles. I love Genoa City, and its great here, but it's not --", "Jack: Yeah. Sunshine and movie stars and driving with the top down.", "Summer: Yeah, all of that.", "Jack: Kind of hard to compete against that. And I imagine kind of hard to say no to that.", "Summer: Kyle thinks I should go.", "Jack: Does he? Does Kyle think you should go because it's best for you or because it would be easier if the two of you weren't around each other so much?", "Summer: I don't know why Kyle wants me to go. I have spent so long trying to figure out what people want me to do and why they want me to do it, and I'm tired of doing that. Most of the time, I don't even know why I want what I want, but I'm pretty sure that I want to go. And now I just want to know what you think. Do you think I should leave Genoa City?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, I'm home. So, uh, lay it on me.", "Victoria: Are you ready for me, Billy?", "Billy: Oh, Honey, the day I've had, I've got so much to tell you, but first, uh, let's see that picture.", "Victoria: Hold on. Hold on. Let's just work up to the visuals.", "Billy: No, no, no, no, no, no. I got a better idea. I got a better idea. First I tell you how I'm gonna take that lacy thing off your body, and then you send me another picture.", "Victoria: [Chuckles] You are bad. Very, very bad.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "[Clears throat]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You still have a shiner, but this will help.", "Nick: Can't look worse than I feel.", "Sharon: You've been drinking.", "Nick: [Sighs] That was mistake number one, but, uh, I took a cab home, so I'm good to go. I can stay with Faith.", "Sharon: And mistake number two was not walking away from Dylan?", "Nick: Mistake number two was provoking Dylan. Mistake number three was not ducking.", "Sharon: Take some aspirin, get some sleep, have something to eat. Dinner is still in the fridge. I'll fix you a plate.", "Nick: You don't have to do that.", "Sharon: Yeah, I do. For Faith. And then I'm out of here. No hovering. You and your black eye can have the rest of the evening alone together.", "Nick: All right. Food sounds great. Thank you.", "Sharon: I'll get it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Not in my house. Not with my son here.", "Dylan: I came to see Chelsea. Just five minutes.", "Chelsea: Adam, please.", "Adam: There's a guard in the hall. I'll be upstairs. I'll have my son in one hand, and I'll have my phone in the other.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: I... I really wanted to talk to you after the cabin. I just wasn't sure... [Sighs] I'm really glad that Avery was there to help you. I-I wish that I had known what to do or what to say.", "Dylan: I can't -- I can't do this carry all this baggage, dwell on things that do me no good.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I-I don't want to dwell on the awfulness, either. There was so much good before.", "Dylan: Here.", "Chelsea: No, that -- that's yours. I gave it to you for luck, for us, for Connor.", "Dylan: All the good it did me. You know, I'm -- I'm holding it, and it occurred to me that maybe the luck you were hoping for was that you would never have to tell me the truth, that you would never have to tell me that you lied when you said I was a father.", "Chelsea: No, but it -- but it's yours.", "Dylan: Give it to Connor.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Dylan: He's gonna need luck, protection, something. I'm done with this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know, as surprises go...", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. On a scale of 1 to 10...", "Billy: Oh, it's a 6,000, easy.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Billy: But, um, can we still take some pictures?", "Victoria: [Chuckles] Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. But you know what? You're kind of slightly overdressed for the occasion.", "Billy: Oh, well, maybe I'm shy, Baby.", "Victoria: Shy?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Yeah? Well, maybe I'll just help you get out of these clothes, then.", "Billy: Okay. Maybe just get me started.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Billy: Just help me get started.", "Victoria: Okay, I can do that.", "Billy: You know I love you, right?", "Victoria: I love you.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: I missed you.", "Billy: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Please. [Voice breaking] Please just keep it.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Chelsea: [Sniffles] [Sobbing] [Crying] [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: That depends. Are you asking me as family or as your boss? Because as your boss, you're asking to walk out of your contract.", "Summer: I know you, Jack. Even before we were officially family. And if an employee wanted to leave and you thought that they would be better off, you'd let them go, just so that they'd be happy and be fulfilled, no matter how tough you're trying to sound right now.", "Jack: And you're calling me out just like your mom always did. Not sure I like that. Okay, I love that.", "Summer: [Chuckles] I know.", "Jack: Listen to me. You have to decide if this is a move forward to a new life that you want and not just walking away from an old life that's hard.", "Summer: It's not just hard. Sometimes it can be impossible.", "Jack: It doesn't have to be. There are people that want to help you. Honey, your mom is such a fighter. You are, too.", "Summer: So you're telling me not to go.", "Jack: No. I'm telling you make peace with this life. If you don't, it doesn't matter where you go, doesn't matter how far. You'll take it with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thanks.", "Sharon: You're welcome.", "Nick: You going?", "Sharon: Um, yeah. You said that you needed time, so I'm gonna leave you alone.", "Nick: Was I too much of a jerk?", "Sharon: Maybe to Dylan.", "Nick: Not \"Maybe.\" For sure.", "Sharon: Well, I know you said that you have some stuff to work through, and I, of all people, can understand that. I know that I-I wouldn't be able to do that alone. But I guess we're different there.", "Nick: I got to do my own work. Thanks for understanding.", "Sharon: Get some rest." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Someone kidnaps Nick from outside of Sharon's. Sharon comes downstairs and yells for Nick but he's gone. Summer, Victoria, Nikki, and Abby arrive to take Sharon to her bachelorette party. In the car, Nick is taken by the men to his bachelor party. The women arrive at their destination for the bachelorette party, but it soon begins to thunder. At the bachelor party, Noah wants Nick to tell everyone how he and Sharon met. When it continues to thunder, Sharon thinks of another place to celebrate. The women find themselves in a bar across town which unnerves Nikki. Victoria is taken aback when she sees Ben there with Ashley. Mariah also notices Tyler at the bar. Sharon is surprised when she is approached for a dance by a male stripper. When Richie offers Summer a drink, Nikki takes it from the bartender and stops Summer from drinking it. Nikki takes the drink to outside the men's bathroom and drinks it herself. At home, Phyllis looks at the picture of Sharon, Nick, and Faith.", "Sharon entices Nick to dance with her. Mariah gets Tyler to dance with her just to get back at Abby. Ashley convinces Ben to join in the party. At Sharon's home, Phyllis sees the traffic citation that Sharon received dated July 22, 2013. Phyllis claps her hand over her mouth. At the party, a man asks Michael if he isn't Michael Baldwin and when Michael tells him that he is, the man hits Michael, and he falls to the ground. This results in the whole bar getting into a brawl. All present are arrested. In jail, everyone makes up and wishes Sharon and Nick happiness. Courtney tells everyone that Richie will not drop the charges. In a few moments, the officer comes back and tells everyone that Billy paid their fine and they are free to go. Everyone goes to their own home. Nick and Sharon go home, but she will not let him stay for the night. When Sharon opens the door, the paper that Phyllis scribbled on falls to the floor.", "" ]
[ "Michael: [Groans]", "Abby: Obviously, this wasn't part of the plan.", "Sharon: Really?", "Abby: Sorry?", "Lily: I mean, they're really gonna arrest a man using a cane?", "Stitch: Come on, man! She's pregnant! Stress isn't good for the baby, man!", "Michael: Neil, the things you get me into.", "Neil: Back at you, counselor.", "Devon: If you could have seen the guy's face.", "Neil: Oh, no, no. I can picture the guy's face just fine.", "Kevin: [Grunts] Harding! Harding! Harding!", "Harding: Hey, fish! You teaching all these first-timers how to behave in prison?", "Kevin: You got to let us out of here, man.", "Harding: No, I don't.", "[All grumbling]", "Harding: Okay. All right! Everybody shush! No one's getting out! No bail hearings till the morning! You're all stuck with each other! Enjoy it!", "[Grumbling continues]", "Noah: What are you smiling about?", "Sharon: Nick! [Singsong voice] Nick!", "[Men shouting]", "Noah: You were so scared, dad! You were so scared! You were scared, right?", "Nick: Well, I actually heard you call me \"dad,\" so -- and it's not like I don't know Devon's voice. What is this?", "Devon: Oh, I was trying to disguise my voice.", "Nick: Yeah. Not a good job. Not good. Not good. What's going on?", "Neil: My man Nick Newman, this is just a friendly get-together. That's all it is.", "Nick: Oh, the kind of friendly get-together where you put a bag over someone's head and then snatch them off the front porch? And do I smell perfume?", "Neil: Yeah. This is a Jabot delivery van -- you know, courtesy of Jack. He got it for the evening.", "Jack: Hey, Nick!", "Nick: Oh, hey. What is wrong with you and Neil? You are grown men.", "Michael: [High-pitched voice] What about me, Nick?! What about me?", "Nick: You're almost a grown man.", "Michael: Oh, I see how it is. That's the way it's gonna be, Newmanator? You're on.", "Nick: What is going on?", "Jack: Nick, welcome to your bachelor party.", "Michael: Whoo-hoo!", "Jack: Hold on!", "[All shouting]", "[Laughter]", "Ashley: Now, here's the thing -- I think we might want to try some of the chemical compounds that were rejected early in product development -- thank you so much -- I mean, before you were on the team, because, you see, those rejections were based on previous testing. But those initial base compounds have been tweaked since then. And it's weird, but we came up with was a strange combination of wet dog and old gym socks, and I personally don't care for that very much.", "Stitch: I'm sorry.", "Ashley: It's okay. I did warn you, though, we might have to work late, and getting this to market is our highest priority, especially if there's some kind of corporate espionage. If we could just figure this out, you know...", "Stitch: We can and we will. It's just this place is a little distracting. You never know who's gonna walk in here.", "Ashley: Okay. Do you want to go to the office or something?", "Stitch: No. We need to think outside the box. We need someplace inspirational. Come on. I know just the place.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh. You will never believe this.", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna tell me how attracted you are to me.", "Lily: Yes, but now.", "Cane: Okay. All right.", "Lily: Housekeeping casually mentioned to me that Devon claimed a room, and, evidently, it wasn't for a business meeting.", "Cane: Doesn't mean anything.", "Lily: Doesn't mean anything? Of course, it does. He needs something to smile about. I just wish I knew who she was.", "Cane: Oh, look. Our sitter just got back to me, and she said the kids are in pajamas, reading books, and they're almost ready for bed.", "Lily: Oh, good. Well, we should be done early enough to tuck them in.", "Cane: Yeah.", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: Nick!", "All: Surprise!", "Abby: Yah! Nice!", "Summer: Um, can I borrow that next Summer, please?", "Sharon: [Laughing] Wait. I-I thought that Nick was -- where is he?", "Victoria: Oh, don't worry about Nick. He's in good hands. Trust me.", "Abby: And you will be in good hands, too. Now why don't you go put on something cute, something that covers a little more?", "Sharon: What is going on?", "Summer: It's your bachelorette party! It's time to get down, Stepmama!", "Sharon: Whoo!", "Summer: Yes! Yes!", "Abby: Go get changed! Go on!", "[Laughter]", "Kevin: Hey!", "[Indistinct conversations]", "Nick: Oh, yes.", "Noah: Well, dad, this is it -- G.C. High school football field, where it all began.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: No, I'm not talking about your career as an all-state outside linebacker, because that never happened. I'm talking about the epic love story of Sharon and Nick. It's right here.", "Nick: Yeah. All right. Stop talking. Somebody throw me a beer. Thank you!", "Noah: Oh, thank you.", "Neil: The smell of this place reminds me of chancellor park -- my wedding day. I'll never forget how gorgeous Hilary looked.", "Devon: She still is.", "Neil: Yeah, but I'm saying that she's just beautiful on the outside, as well as in her soul. I'm a lucky man.", "Kevin: Aw, nice! Somebody brought the good stuff!", "Noah: Oh, compliments of the underground storeroom, gentlemen.", "Nick: Okay. So, I'm paying for the beer at my surprise bachelor party?", "Michael: And we thank you.", "Devon: Great taste, Nick. You are the best.", "Nick: Yes. You're welcome.", "[Can opens]", "Jack: What are you looking at me for? You don't need my blessing. You want a drink, it's fine.", "Austin: A soda's fine, too.", "Kevin: What, are you waiting for permission from your father-in-law?", "[Laughter]", "Neil: Young man, can I please see some ID?", "Austin: ID? Okay. I'll show you an ID.", "Neil: As long as it's in Braille.", "[Laughter]", "Kevin: Here.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Noah: So, I heard that you and mom -- when you first met, you guys were dating other people. But that chemistry, that connection, was so powerful that you guys --", "Austin: That can happen sometimes.", "Michael: Absolutely. Absolutely. There's nothing wrong with true love.", "Neil: This is actually sounding very sappy here. I mean, we're sitting here, talking about the women that we love in our lives. This is supposed to be a man's party, you know, and all I'm smelling here is perfume. Are we men, or are we men?", "Nick: We're men!", "Noah: We're men!", "Neil: We're men! And this man right here -- I'm the only one who's going home to no woman tonight.", "Kevin: No, no, no. There's two of us. I'm not going home to anyone.", "Devon: What were you saying, Nick, about when you met Sharon?", "Kevin: Yeah. Tell that story.", "Nick: Oh, man. Well, you got to understand, back then, I was a serious slice of beefcake.", "Noah: [Groans]", "Nick: [Laughing] I mean, not to put too fine a point on it.", "Michael: Modestly put, my friend.", "Neil: When I said, \"this is a man's party,\" this isn't exactly what I meant.", "Nick: Okay, just -- okay, just picture me coming back from boarding school, totally single.", "Jack: And how much hair gel were you wearing back then?", "[Laughter]", "Nick: So, I run in to this girl. She's the new girl in town -- blond, gorgeous. She just has this glow about her, and, uh, you know, of course, I hit her with the dazzling smile.", "Jack: Well, that explains it.", "[Laughter]", "Noah: Hopeless romantic.", "Nick: So then I look at her, and I say --", "Noah: He said, \"you must be new in town, because I'd remember you.\"", "Jack: Yes!", "Noah: Really.", "[Laughter continues]", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh! Where are we -- is it dinner?", "Lily: Sharon! You made it!", "[Cheers and applause]", "Abby: And she's full dressed!", "Lily: Should I ask?", "Sharon: No. No. Never mind. I'm just -- this is so wonderful. Thank you all, and, Nikki, it's very nice to see you.", "Victoria: Are you kidding me? She wouldn't miss it. It was her idea.", "Sharon: Really? Oh, my gosh! I'm touched!", "Nikki: I merely came up with the idea of a shower. The girls put this whole thing together.", "Lily: You are a VIP guest of the club this evening, and it's gonna be very elegant but fun, which is our specialty.", "Sharon: Thank you, lily. This is lovely.", "Kelly: Would anybody like a drink? I know I would.", "Lily: I do. Yes.", "Kelly: Yeah! Let's do it!", "[Indistinct conversations]", "Nikki: Gosh. It's pretty cloudy out. Did anybody check the weather forecast?", "Mariah: It would really suck if we got rained out -- just tragic.", "Lily: Uh, okay. So, we have some hors d'oeuvres behind you and then some virgin and non-virgin cosmos, so please eat, drink, and enjoy. This one's non- virgin.", "[Thunder rumbles]", "Nikki: Well, now, you guys, it's gonna start raining any minute. We've got to get inside quick.", "Lily: The private dining rooms are booked.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, you know, that's okay. This was a really nice thought anyway. Thank you.", "Summer: We're not giving up, are we? We can't.", "Sharon: We won't. You know what? I have an idea. I know another place. Let's go.", "Cane: Hey! Did I miss anything good?", "Noah: Yes.", "Michael: Just a lot of Nick fawning all over himself.", "Cane: So, I missed my favorite subject.", "Neil: Well, look who showed up. Where you been?", "Cane: GCAC. I had to take care of some of Devon's best interests over there.", "Austin: Well, you did miss the story about how Nick and Sharon met.", "Nick: Yeah. I was just about to get to the part where I had to chase off the competition.", "Michael: Is there really such a thing as competition for the great Nicholas Newman?", "Jack: Actually, Nick has been on a winning streak for quite a while.", "Austin: What were you like back then?", "Neil: What do you mean, \"back then,\" kid? Are you talking about the olden days?", "Kevin: Way, way, way, way back.", "Michael: Way, way, way. Ohhh.", "Nick: I was a lot like you, Austin -- no focus, no passion, except for Sharon.", "Noah: Oh, dad, that's my mom.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Yeah, but you're different, you know? You have work ethic. You have drive.", "Jack: And there might be a place at Jabot for Austin and his camera.", "Austin: Okay. Well, I know Summer -- she came to you about a job, but, listen, I want to prove myself with my work ethic and my ability.", "Devon: It's a good mind-set to want to earn it. I've had my dad try to hand me a job once or twice.", "Neil: Yeah. What are you talking about, rich dude? Katherine -- what did she hand you, $2 billion?", "Jack: You need to earn it, but it helps to get the door open first.", "Nick: Yeah. That's what I mean. You know, you didn't jump at the job. You didn't knee-jerk reject it out of pride. You have smarts.", "Austin: Well, my wife deserves a husband who isn't an idiot, so I try my best.", "Nick: That's what I'm talking about -- integrity. You do your best to instill that in your children, but, ultimately, in the end, it's up to them.", "Michael: Hear, hear.", "Neil: Yeah, that's true enough, but some of us, you know, got very, very lucky in life, and that -- that means you, Devon.", "[Laughter]", "Devon: I know -- I know that.", "Austin: Well, you did a great job with Summer, and, eh, with Noah, not so bad.", "[Laughter]", "Kevin: Hey, it is too soon, new guy, for you to be taking on your brother-in- law.", "Michael: Okay. You're boring me. Back to the man of the hour. Oh, please, Nick, I beg of you, tell us more of you.", "Noah: Oh, oh, I was just a young man with a dream.", "Michael: Say it.", "Noah: I owned a humble little coffee shop called crimson lights.", "Austin: Whoa, whoa. Seriously?", "Neil: The heir was pouring coffee.", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I poured it better. Just sayin'.", "Noah: He did pour it better.", "Nick: With Sharon at my side, where we met and, most recently, got engaged.", "Cane: So, once again, everything goes full circle, which is...excellent.", "Neil: And Victor did his damnedest to get Nick to work at Newman.", "Nick: Hey, I was off and on -- mostly off.", "Michael: Way off. Way off.", "Neil: Yeah. We've all been there.", "Austin: Wait. So, everyone here has worked at Newman?", "Jack: Actually, uh, some of us have owned it.", "Michael: Yeah, and don't forget restless style.", "Austin: That sounds familiar.", "Jack: Yeah. That was a fashion and lifestyle magazine. You probably saw it on the stands. Nick and I got that started with our wives, and then Nick bought me out and ran it with Phyllis.", "Austin: Wait. When you say, \"wives,\" is that when you were married to Phyllis?", "Nick: It was, uh, complicated.", "Jack: Yeah, to say the least. Make sure you show this to the bartender.", "Summer: Okay.", "Kelly: This is awesome! I love it!", "Lily: Uh, we left my beautiful roof deck to come here?", "Kelly: Well, you know, the other options are getting rained on or partying in your office, so I think this is pretty good.", "Lily: Yeah, but why here?", "Abby: This is so much better. We can hover over the jukebox, and we don't have to make chitchat with Sharon.", "Victoria: Okay. Just slap a smile on for one night. It won't kill you. Nice.", "Abby: What's he doing here?", "Kelly: Well, that is some look. You sure you're not over him?", "Victoria: I am.", "Abby: I am. What?", "Victoria: I mean, she -- she is...over Tyler.", "Kelly: Wow. I'm gonna go get myself a big fat drink.", "Abby: Oh, hell, yes.", "Stitch: Hi. Looks like a party.", "Victoria: Much like your party of two. Were you hoping for a bonus or something?", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Tyler: [Sighs] Don't you have people to hang out with?", "Mariah: Oh, you mean my new mom and her posse? I'm sure you heard about all of that. I'm almost a Newman by marriage now. You know, those are exactly the type of homeowners we would have ripped off in the old days -- stupid rich liars.", "Tyler: Come on. Why would you even come with Sharon if you're gonna talk that way?", "Mariah: That's my form of entertainment. By the way, you used to like my smart mouth. You used to like all of me. So, tell me something -- how ticked off is Abby that you are talking to me? Sneak a peek for me? [Chuckles]", "Tyler: [Chuckles] You know what? I'm not part of your little games anymore.", "Mariah: No. You're really not. You're also not an artist who was gonna change the face of the world, but some people change.", "Tyler: Yeah. And I guess some people don't.", "Mariah: And proud of it. Richie, hi!", "Richie: Hey, kid! Hey! Hanging with this group?", "Mariah: Please, please don't ask.", "Richie: Yeah. I'm gonna sell three chardonnays and one cosmo all night. When it's lame like this, I don't make anything in tips.", "Mariah: Maybe I can fix that. I bet you I can get this party started.", "Sharon: Okay, it's not the rooftop bar, but the place has its own ambiance.", "Lily: Oh, you mean like Billy's dive bar? [Laughs]", "Sharon: No. I used to come here with Nick when we were kids. I mean, we were not underage, but -- Nikki.", "Nikki: What? Oh, of course.", "Sharon: You know, this place is nice. You can sort of let your hair down, and you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not.", "Richie: What can I get you ladies -- vodka tonics all around?", "Nikki: I'll have a club soda, please.", "Lily: Um, I'll have a cosmo.", "Kelly: Two.", "Sharon: I'll have a chardonnay.", "Richie: You got it.", "Kelly: Hmm. [Chuckles]", "Stitch: Ashley and I came to talk about work -- that's it.", "Victoria: Great. Well, you don't have to explain that to me, because, honestly, it's really none of my business.", "Stitch: It can be if that's what you want. I can tell Ashley we're done for the night.", "Mariah: Summer. Summer, Summer, Summer. I need 50 bucks.", "Summer: For what?", "Mariah: Now.", "Summer: Well, what makes you think I have $50?", "Mariah: Can you please just give it to me now?", "Summer: [Sighs] Fine. Here.", "Mariah: Thank you. Whoo!", "Sharon: Maybe this was a bad idea coming here. I should have just let everyone off the hook.", "Sharon: No, no! This is fun! Everybody's having a great time, really! Whoo!", "Richie: All right, listen up, everybody! We're taking requests. The first one goes out to Sharon in honor of her big day coming up.", "Sharon: What?", "[Mid-tempo music plays] Sorry, ma'am, but I didn't get you at the door. I need to see some I.D.", "Sharon: Uh, excuse me? No, excuse me.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh!", "[Laughter]", "All: Whoo!", "Lily: Oh, my gosh!", "[Laughter continues]", "[Music continues]", "Kelly: Whoo! Whoo!", "Lily: Yeah!", "Kelly: Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!", "Lily: [Laughs] Oh, yeah!", "Austin: Well, I understand complicated. I mean, the way Summer and I -- well, we were fugitives so... you want to talk about baseball?", "[Laughter]", "Kevin: What? What? Suddenly we're squeamish about divorce, marital problems of the conjugal persuasion?", "Michael: I don't think that means what you think it means.", "Kevin: I-I'm just saying that, you know, life happens.", "Cane: So, how much has he had to drink?", "Neil: Mnh-mnh. That's not the booze talking. That's the pain.", "Kevin: Like, I've had two wives where the cheese has fallen off the cracker, as they say.", "Neil: That's a little bit of the booze talking.", "Kevin: And I -- and I don't know Nick the way you all know Nick. I'm not his son or his stepson or his son-in-law, and we've never shared any ex-wives.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Kevin: But look at him, you know? This isn't his first trip to the altar. He's not young and stupid, and he's not all like, \"oh, marriage -- it's gonna be awesome and perfect!\"", "Michael: Here, brother. I think you should eat a chip.", "Kevin: No, no, no. Listen. Listen. Listen.", "Nick: No, no, no. Let him go. Let him go.", "Kevin: I have a point. Life happens, right? And people get sick and people cheat. Sometimes people fall so far off the deep end that you almost drown trying to bring them back. And sometimes love just dies. But it didn't for Nick and Sharon. That's my point, okay? Constantly surrounded by chaos and upheaval, and they're solid. They're in love. They're together. Do you have any idea how huge that is? To Nick and Sharon.", "Michael: There you go.", "Noah: To Nick and Sharon.", "Michael: All right.", "Cane: To Nick and Sharon.", "Noah: To Nick and Sharon!", "Cane: To Sharon and Nick.", "Jack: There you go!", "[All howl]", "[All cheer]", "Lily: Go, Sharon! Go! [All cheer] Whoa!", "Kelly: That's it!", "[Laughter]", "[Cheers and applause]", "Summer: Yes! Yeah!", "Lily: Take it off! Take it off! All right!", "[Cheers and applause]", "Sharon: Thank you. Thank you.", "[Laughter]", "Kelly: Yeah! Good job!", "Lily: Yay!", "Richie: Ladies...", "Kelly: Ooh!", "Richie: ...This round is on the gentleman at the bar.", "Kelly: Let me see.", "Lily: More -- give me more.", "Kelly: Delicious. Oh, wait.", "Lily: Thank you so much.", "Mariah: You are a hero.", "Tyler: [Chuckles] You really wear me out. You know that, right?", "Mariah: I've heard that before.", "[Both chuckle]", "Richie: Excuse me. One for you?", "Summer: Uh...", "Nikki: Hey, hold it. You see that stamp on her hand? She's underage.", "Richie: Come back when you're legal. We like a little class in this joint.", "Nikki: [Sighs]", "Summer: I wasn't gonna drink it.", "Nikki: No, I'm sure you weren't. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea having you come here.", "Summer: No, I'm -- I'm fine. Are you?", "Nikki: Well, this isn't my kind of event, for obvious reasons, but we have to support Sharon, so I've got to find somebody to take care of this.", "Abby: [Whispering indistinctly]", "Kelly: Cheers one more time!", "All: Cheers!", "[Laughter]", "Kelly: Okay, ladies!", "Lily: Ladies, it is time to shake your booties!", "Both: Come on!", "Stitch: You know, I guess this place isn't very conducive to creative problem- solving. Bad idea.", "Ashley: I think it's a great idea. It's called a brain reset.", "Stitch: Oh, yeah?", "Ashley: Yeah! It's where you try to find a creative solution while being distracted from the problem at hand.", "Stitch: Really?", "Ashley: Hey, Victoria. How are you, sweetie?", "Victoria: Thank you. Uh, I'm fine. I'm not eavesdropping, trying to steal your latest product or anything like that.", "Ashley: Uh-oh. I think maybe Abby spoke with you. She's very protective of our new product.", "Stitch: Yeah, but we're, uh -- we're actually taking a break from work. Uh, you know, maybe a quick dance? Come on. You game?", "Victoria: No, actually. Why don't you guys dance? I-I'm good. I -- you know, I twisted my ankle, remember?", "Ashley: Actually, we're here on just business, Victoria.", "Victoria: Oh. Okay.", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Lily: Come on, Sharon! Shake what your mama gave you!", "Kelly: Up, up, up! Come on! Let's do it!", "Sharon: Okay.", "Kelly: You can do it!", "Sharon: Whoo!", "Abby: It's not like we're asking you to drop it like it's hot. Come on. Drink, drink. Dance, dance. Leave, leave. [Laughs]", "Sharon: Oh, okay. I didn't know that was what the agenda was.", "Kelly: Um, hey, Abby, why don't you come over to the jukebox with me and we'll, um, pick out a new song?", "Abby: Are we friends now? Oh, my God! That is so cute! 'Cause maybe my uncle Jack will marry you and we could throw a party this fun for you! Yay!", "Ashley: We're getting you a soda. We're getting you a soda. We're getting you a soda.", "Abby: Mom, come on. I am of age. I am perfectly entitled to have a drink.", "Ashley: Abby, you've had more than one drink, okay?", "Abby: Okay. Well, I'm not talking about the drink. It's gonna take more than one drink for me to pretend like this isn't a disaster of epic proportions! Yeah!", "Kelly: I think it's a perfectly fun evening.", "Abby: Really? I'm not talking about the night. I am talking about this marriage. How many times have you been married? I'm sorry. Let's see. There was Nick, Adam...", "Ashley: Stop it, Abby. Abby.", "Abby: ...[Laughing] My dad, Nick again. Yeah! Come on!", "Ashley: Knock it off. Stop this right now.", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Ashley: Stop it.", "Nikki: Well, at least Abby isn't a hypocrite hiding her feelings. I would think you'd respect that, Ashley.", "Ashley: Excuse me? Please just stop. I mean, there's hypocrisy, and there's having good manners, okay? Knock it off.", "Nikki: And then there's being in denial. If she says she's miserable and having an awful time, well, then, that's how she feels.", "Victoria: Mom, are you okay?", "Nikki: Honey, I'm fine. I'm just -- I'm a little emotional, you know? My son is getting married.", "Abby: Ooh, and, yes, and he will get divorced again!", "Mariah: Hey, princess, why don't you do us all a favor and shut the hell up? You got dumped! That's what this is about. If you want everybody to whine and complain like you, tough cookies. It's not gonna happen. So, why don't you take your pity party home and let Sharon celebrate however she wants to?", "Abby: You spit venom about Sharon every chance you get. Yeah. You do. You are nothing but a lying, cheating --", "Mariah: You have two options -- shut the hell up or go home.", "[Men cheering and laughing]", "Noah: What?", "Nick: Sharon. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: [Gasps] [Crying]", "Nick: All right. Who planned this -- you?", "Sharon: No! No! No one did. I just made this sudden decision to come here. Did you follow us?", "Nick: No!", "Noah: It's just your deep psychic love connection.", "Michael: Well, it was gonna rain outside. It's dry in here. Good a place as any. Nick!", "Kevin: The beer selection is better in the van.", "Summer: Austin? Hi!", "Austin: Summer!", "Summer: Hi!", "Austin: Hi! [Grunts]", "Summer: Why do you smell like perfume?", "Austin: That's a long story, so... [Chuckles] The Jabot van.", "Lily: I am stealing your bride-to-be! Whoo!", "Nick: All right. All right.", "Sharon: Hey, big fun, bust a move! Whoo!", "Noah: Yeah! Go!", "[Laughter]", "Ashley: Oh.", "Abby: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!", "Ashley: Stitch. Come on. Think outside the box. Let's go.", "Mariah: [Laughs] What, are you wishing that that was you? I have some more singles left over if you want some.", "[Laughter]", "Mariah: Oh, come on. You're being pathetic. Let me throw you a bone, big boy.", "[Indistinct conversations, laughter]", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: Hmm?", "Neil: Everyone dancing, huh?", "Devon: Yep. Yep.", "Neil: Yeah? What'd they do -- they move the tables and the chairs or what?", "Devon: It's a full-on dance party. You want to stick around, or do you want to head out?", "Neil: No, no, no. I'm good. I like to listen to it.", "Devon: That's -- that's nice.", "[All cheering]", "Noah: You're crazy! You're all crazy!", "[Cheers and applause]", "Nick: Cheers.", "Noah: Cheers.", "Nick: I'm gonna go dance with your mother.", "Noah: No.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah.", "Noah: No.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: Oop. There it goes. It's all downhill from here.", "[Mid-tempo music plays]", "Jack: Bizarre, isn't it?", "Nikki: Hmm?", "Jack: Oh, watching all these people drink, get a little loopy, knowing that you and I will never get to do that again.", "Nick: Hey, you, me -- darts. Let's go.", "Jack: Excuse me.", "Mariah: Hey. Another beer. Thank you so much.", "Kevin: [Clears throat] So, are you done doing lap dances with Turk thrust?", "Mariah: His name is Steve.", "Kevin: Well, that figures.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Ohh! Bad result but nice try.", "Jack: I'm just lulling you into a false sense of security. That way I can close in for the kill.", "Nick: Yeah, but now you told me your evil plan. That's not an effective strategy.", "Jack: No strategy, Nick. No lies, no deception -- just the truth. I'm good at this.", "Nick: So, if Sharon throws the bouquet, are you hoping Kelly catches it?", "Jack: Summer has gained a father and lost a mother in the last year. I'm not sure a new stepmother would be in her best interests.", "Nick: Yeah, well, Summer seems pretty happy with Sharon, and, I got to say, I'm impressed with the way she's handled Mariah. She is pretty prickly. And, considering she's basically been lied to her whole life by the man who raised her, it's...", "Jack: Well, maybe that's what Summer and Mariah have in common.", "Nick: Wait. What? Is there something you want to say to me?", "Jack: Yeah. Your turn.", "Michael: Oh, yes!", "Ex con: Hey.", "Michael: Hey. How are ya?", "Ex con: Are you Michael Baldwin?", "Michael: Yes. Have we met?", "[All gasp]", "Jack: Oh, my God!", "Nick: You got a problem, buddy?", "Ex con: This jackass put me in jail when he was DA.", "Neil: Hey! Why you got to be so rude to my friends? Didn't your mama teach you any good manners?", "Ex con: You telling me your wingman's this blind guy? Man, you really are stupid.", "Neil: [Chuckles] Wait. What did you just call me?", "Devon: Dad, come on.", "Ex con: I called you a blind guy.", "Neil: You're a funny dude.", "Ex con: Yeah.", "Neil: I might be blind... [Grunts]", "Devon: All right! Dad! Dad!", "Neil: How's that for you? How's that for aim?", "Ex con: Hey, what are you doing, man?!", "Lily: [Shouts indistinctly]", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!", "Victoria: Duck down, Nick!", "[People scream]", "Sharon: That's my husband!", "[People scream]", "Cane: Hey, Nick! Nick, come here.", "Sharon: That's my husband! Bitch! Bitch, get off me! Bitch!", "Abby: What the hell --", "Mariah: Oh, my God! Don't you --", "Abby: [Shrieking] Bitch!", "Abby: [Shrieking continues]", "[People shouting indistinctly] Everybody just relax! Now come on!", "Noah: What are you smiling about?", "Nick: Ah, it's just with all that chaos and turmoil that is life, we're still together.", "Noah: You guys are so crazy in love, not even jail can snap you out of it.", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Noah: [Scoffs] Look, it's...not what it looks like.", "Courtney: It never is, jailbird. But you all should be thanking the half-naked bouncer at the bar. He refused to rat anyone out.", "Ashley: So, what? Does this mean we can go?", "Courtney: Not quite. Richie, the bartender, is still pressing charges. And your bail hasn't been set yet.", "Noah: Bye.", "Nikki: Nicholas Newman, in front of all these people, the best bachelors parties I've been to, I can't remember, but it will be very hard to forget this one. And I am happy for you.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Neil: Me, too, right? No small thing, making a family, putting all these different people in one place, some born to you, some not. You're just bringing them together. They do right by you, and you do right by them.", "Jack: Sharon is the defining love of your life -- that and your love for your kids, Cassie, Noah, Faith... Summer.", "Nick: Jack --", "Jack: No, wait. You have a great family. And now you and Sharon are gonna make it official again, and I wish you joy -- both of you.", "Nick: Thanks, man.", "Kelly: Well, I know I might be a little new to the group to be piping in on all this, but, uh, boy -- seeing how you guys love each other is just so adorable and powerful and just really clear what you two share, and -- I don't know -- it's just reassuring to know that still exists.", "Mariah: Like unicorns.", "Kevin: That's it. You two are like unicorns.", "[Laughter]", "Summer: You know what? That's true. Y-your love -- it's almost mythical, but it's not. It's -- it's real and it's beautiful, and... we're all really, really happy for you.", "Noah: [Clapping]", "Jack: Oh, yeah.", "Noah: For the unicorns.", "[Applause]", "Neil: Unicorns!", "[Laughter]", "Michael: Whoo! Yeah!", "Harding: You're free to go.", "Nick: Oh! We can really leave?", "Harding: Bill Abbott woke the judge up, paid all your bail.", "Ashley: Ohh. Our brother is so generous.", "Summer: See you at the wedding?", "Mariah: Hey, matching dresses and bracelets -- I'm so excited.", "Summer: Mariah, it might actually be fun.", "Mariah: And it might also be like the black plague. Your husband is waiting.", "Michael: Hey, Neil, you know what?", "Neil: What?", "Michael: You can tell her you were my hero today.", "Neil: [Chuckles] Sure.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Well, you're really fitting in. These are your people now, Mariah.", "Mariah: Not all of them.", "Stitch: I'm gonna get a cab. Let me drop you off.", "Victoria: You know, I should make sure that my mom's okay.", "Stitch: I can drop you both off.", "Victoria: No. You know what? We're gonna be okay on our own.", "Cane: So much for our early night, huh?", "Lily: No more parties, okay?", "Cane: Agreed, baby. Come on. Let's go.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] That was...", "Nick: Amazing, awe-inspiring, reeking of perfume.", "Sharon: We have got to try and get some sleep.", "Nick: Yeah. We will -- you here, me down at the tack house.", "Sharon: What?! No!", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to jinx anything.", "Sharon: All right. I won't argue.", "Nick: Besides, this is just gonna make the wedding night that much hotter.", "Sharon: You should have said that first.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: [Chuckles] Good night.", "Nick: Good night. Oh, you know what? That's not gonna cut it. I need one more for this long walk home.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: There's also the other thing. You like me.", "Mariah: [Chuckling] Oh, do I.", "Victor: I flew all the way to America to find out if my son is my granddaughter Faith's father.", "Avery: I promise you this case will never go to trial.", "Harding: You can't make evidence go away." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Neil tries to explain to Gwen that he has been helping Hilary all this time and that he has developed feelings for her. Gwen says he has been using her, stealing her sister's hospital badge for supplies. Neil begs Gwen not to tell anyone what she saw. He has fallen for her. Gwen doesn't want to be a part of his sick games. She leaves, saying she'll do what she has to do. Neil tells Hilary that it's time for her to go home and he's going to take her to the hospital himself, then leave town. Devon pressures Paul to do more to find Hilary. Paul says he's doing the best he can. After Devon leaves, Paul gets a phone call from Dylan. A Jane Doe was brought to Memorial Hospital matching Hilary's description. Cane, who was at the station, races to tell Devon. Devon and Lily are at the athletic club. Gwen finds them there and tells them there is something they should know about Neil. Cane comes in and tells them the news and Devon rushes out before Gwen can tell him what she learned.", "Ian pretends not to know anything about the Paragon Project or Phyllis. They don't believe him and ask the warden how it was possible for Ian to leave of his own accord. The warden says it's impossible and that Ian was there the whole time. Kevin, Jack, Chelsea, and Adam figure out that Ian must have had an accomplice and Kevin says he will find out who it is. Kevin and Jack go to Newman Enterprises. Victor and Phyllis arrive. Victor says he thinks the accomplices are Ashley and Billy. Jack doesn't believe it. Victor tells Kevin to find out who it is, then. Victor gets a call from the warden. Ian Ward has escaped prison. Adam tells Chelsea he made a big mistake telling her she needed to come back to Genoa City. They should be in Paris now with their son. Kevin arrives and tells them that whoever was working with Ian used an IP address from their building.", "" ]
[ "Cane: You have no news about Hilary's whereabouts?", "Paul: Cane, we are doing everything we possibly can to find her, and we have just received word that she may be here in Genoa city. We are pouring resources into it. But let me tell you, it's not the only case we're working.", "Cane: I understand that, but there is only so long that I can keep Devon from interfering in your investigation.", "Paul: Okay. Well, you tell him that if he assaults anyone else trying to get information, I will lock him up.", "Cane: Paul, he told me he would let you do your job if I keep him posted, so --", "Devon: Hey, Paul, I need to speak to you.", "Cane: much for that.", "Devon: Where have you gotten on Hilary's case?", "Paul: Well, I have a team checking every hospital and every private medical facility in a 50-mile radius to see if anyone matching her description has been checked in. I also have every police officer in seven counties on the lookout for her.", "Devon: But you still haven't found her, or even a clue as to where she might be?", "Lily: Devon.", "Devon: No. You have all this manpower looking for Hilary, but there's no sign of her. That doesn't make any sense to me.", "Cane: Well, it does if she's not in the area.", "Devon: Is that what you think -- that she's been taken someplace else?", "Paul: Anything's possible.", "Devon: What, including that my wife was never here at all and this has just been some big wild goose chase?", "Neil: I understand that you're not based in Genoa city. But my wife needs medical transport, okay? She requires the kind of attention that these doctors can't give her here. We are very private people. I need her moved with discretion, and I'm happy to pay for that -- a lot. Okay? Within the hour? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. That's great. That's good. She'll be ready. All right. Thanks. [Sighs] Gwen.", "Gwen: Hilary's here? With you?", "Neil: Let me explain, okay? I-I-I've been helping her.", "Gwen: God. Has she been here this entire time?", "Neil: Yes, she has, but it's not what you're thinking. W-wait a minute, Gwen. No, please. Come here. Just -- please. Please...let me explain.", "Jack: Between Victor's IT people, you, and Kevin, no one can figure out this virus?", "Adam: Yeah, well, it's not for lack of trying. I'll tell you that much.", "Jack: Ward is determined to wreak havoc on Newman enterprises and -- who knows? -- Maybe right after that, jabot.", "Adam: You know, you never told me how you found out that Ian ward was behind paragon in the first place.", "Jack: Summer saw him talking to Phyllis in the park.", "Adam: I'm trying to wrap my brain around that -- the fact that Phyllis' mysterious fisherman friend was Ian ward.", "Jack: I knew I recognized that voice. I just couldn't place it. Summer knew exactly who he was when she saw him.", "Adam: Poor kid. Must have thrown her for a loop.", "Jack: Yeah, poor kid. Phyllis nearly lost it when summer told her what he put her through.", "Adam: Phyllis didn't have a chance to confront him after this?", "Jack: As soon as Phyllis figured it out, he was gone.", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: Hey. What's going on?", "Kevin: I got here as soon as I could. What's up?", "Jack: We know who launched the cyberattack against Newman enterprises.", "Chelsea: Who?! I have a right to know, Jack. My company's under the Newman umbrella.", "Jack: It was Ian ward.", "Kevin: What?", "Chelsea: What?", "Jack: And we have reason to think he was working with someone else.", "Ian: Why do you look so surprised to see me? I'm the reason you're here, right? Oh, uh, I'd offer you something, Victor, but the accommodations here are abysmal.", "Victor: This is not a social call.", "Ian: Well, then, what brings you by?", "Victor: You know what brings me by. You infected my computer system with a virus.", "Ian: [Scoffs] From here?", "Victor: You've been out and about, haven't you? You ran in to Jack Abbott's wife, didn't you? And you would still be roaming the streets of Genoa city if it weren't for my granddaughter, who saw you in chancellor park.", "Ian: Oh, summer? Oh, I wish our paths had crossed. I've missed that lovely young girl. But I'm afraid I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Victor.", "Victor: Hmm. You're the same slimeball you were when I put you behind walls.", "Ian: I've been locked up here for months. You know, maybe I have a doppelganger in Genoa city.", "Victor: Really?", "Ian: Yeah. I mean, I heard that's not so unusual.", "Victor: Oh, I see. I see. I see. I see. You're really playing games with me, aren't you? So, you deny being behind the paragon project -- is that it?", "Ian: Paragon?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Ian: Doesn't ring a bell.", "Phyllis: What about me? Surely you remember me, don't you, Fred?", "Chelsea: I thought Ian was supposed to be put away for a very long time.", "Jack: God only knows how he got out, but when he did, revenge was the first thing on his mind, starting with Victor.", "Kevin: Well, it's not easy implementing and devising a plan like this. He's clearly been working on it for a very long time.", "Jack: Victor claims the initial threat came first of the year, before Phyllis and I got married.", "Kevin: So, it's possible he's been in Genoa city this whole time? But who's been helping him? If we find that guy --", "Adam: Look, look, look, look, look -- I-I don't know who the hell this Ian ward character is. I don't know anything about him. But he seems pretty crafty -- okay? -- And completely capable of pulling this whole thing off on his own.", "Jack: You don't know what he's capable of.", "Phyllis: What's wrong, Fred? Don't you recognize me in your natural habitat?", "Ian: A beautiful woman like you? I'd recognize you anywhere -- if we'd ever met.", "Victor: Why don't you refresh his memory?", "Phyllis: Sure. I'll help you out. We met in the woods. You were living in a trailer near my husband's cabin. You claimed to be a writer, a widower, and a fisherman.", "Ian: Ah. I'm sorry, my dear. You have me confused with someone else.", "Phyllis: Was it fun, having insight into a perfect stranger? Only I was not a stranger to you. No, you knew exactly who I was -- summer's mother and Jack's wife.", "Ian: Now, miss --", "Phyllis: Mrs. Abbott -- Phyllis Abbott.", "Ian: Now I'm more confused than ever. I thought Jack was involved with beautiful blonde at the athletic club. Remember, don't you, Victor?", "Phyllis: Oh, Ian. You're pressing my buttons. That's what you're trying to do. You know what? You're not gonna get away with any of this, you sick son of a bitch.", "Ian: [Chuckles]", "Devon: So, what are you saying -- that you don't believe the pilot and that Hilary was never here in Genoa city?", "Paul: We haven't been able to corroborate a story.", "Devon: You're not taking this lead seriously, Paul.", "Cane: Devon, Devon, they wouldn't be putting this much manpower in looking for Hilary if they didn't think she was brought from virgin Gorda to here.", "Paul: I am looking at every possible scenario.", "Devon: Even a straightforward kidnapping? 'Cause it's not a secret that I inherited billions from Katherine.", "Lily: If that's what this was, then why wasn't there a ransom?", "Devon: I don't know why. Whatever they want, though, I'll pay it. I don't care the price.", "Cane: Well, what if they don't want money?", "Devon: What is it, then? What does this man want?", "Paul: That's exactly what we're trying to find out. You're gonna have to be patient.", "Devon: I can't be patient, Paul! I'm losing my mind, trying to think like this crazy man that's kidnapped my wife.", "Paul: Well, we're doing the best we can.", "Devon: That's not enough! Do you understand? You have to get inside this person's head and figure out why they're doing what they're doing. That will lead you to Hilary.", "Neil: Okay. Please, just hear me out here, all right?", "Gwen: I want to hear about Hilary first. What's she doing here?", "Neil: She's recovering here.", "Gwen: From what? What happened to her?", "Neil: I really don't know, all right? I found her at the bottom of the cliff in virgin Gorda.", "Gwen: You were there?", "Neil: Yeah. I followed Devon and Hilary on their honeymoon.", "Gwen: Why?", "Neil: That's a good question. Because I had a video that I wanted to show Hilary. I wanted to ruin them.", "Gwen: What kind of video?", "Neil: It was a video of Devon's bachelor party. He was in bed with another woman. It was right before... their wedding.", "Gwen: Devon's completely devoted to Hilary. He would never cheat on her.", "Neil: I paid money to make it look like he did.", "Gwen: And you showed it to Hilary?", "Neil: She was crushed. She ran, upset and crying. I don't know where she went. All of a sudden, I hear a scream. I went to see where the scream was coming from, and then -- and then I looked down. At the bottom of the cliff, on the rocks, there she was. She was in the water. Gwen, I don't know if she jumped. I don't know if -- if she fell. But I do know that the cops are pretty sure that Devon somehow found her and they fought.", "Gwen: You don't believe that.", "Neil: No, not now. But I did then 'cause I was sure that they were gonna blame me. You get that?", "Gwen: And then what did you do?", "Neil: I ran down to the beach. I got her out of the water. She was nearly dead... drowned. I did CPR, I revived her, and then I carried her off the beach. I took her to a doctor, Gwen. The doctor said she was okay to travel. So then I took her to my -- I took her to my private plane. I've been taking care of her ever since.", "Gwen: Taking care of her?", "Neil: Yes. I have been taking care of her. And I know this is not what it looks like here. But I guarantee you, when she wakes up, she's gonna tell everyone that I'm not guilty here and the only crime that I am guilty of is trying to hurt them the way that they hurt me. And she's gonna tell you... what really happened.", "Gwen: What really happened is that you let your son think his wife was kidnapped and hurt and possibly even dead. You made Devon suffer the worst pain imaginable. And you liked it, didn't you?", "Paul: Look, we have a profiler working on the case, but, quite frankly, we don't have much to go on.", "Devon: So, that's your excuse -- that you don't have enough evidence?", "Paul: Look, Devon, go home. Get some rest and let me do my job.", "Lily: Yeah. Come on. I'll take you back to the club.", "Cane: I'll let you know if there's any news.", "Devon: Listen, I'll leave, all right? But I'm not just gonna go sit in my suite and wait for you to call. I'm gonna keep looking for my wife on my own.", "Paul: Do not interfere in the investigation. I will throw you in a holding cell faster than you can say, \"obstruction of justice.\"", "Lily: No. You won't have to do that.", "Paul: I mean it, Devon. You should be behind bars right now, after assaulting that pilot.", "Devon: At least Dylan got him to confess that he brought Hilary here to Genoa city.", "Paul: We need to keep a lid on this. We do not want that kidnapper nervous.", "Devon: Why do you say that? What did that profiler tell you?", "Paul: Experience tells me that if this person feels as though they're backed up against the wall, they just might do something even more desperate than they already have.", "Neil: I've been watching Devon suffer this whole time. He's been accused, been arrested -- all this stuff that's been going on. And then there's Hilary. I mean, I've been -- I've been watching Hilary for this whole -- it's -- this has -- this has been killing me.", "Gwen: You expect me to feel sorry for you?", "Neil: I don't want your sympathy -- yours, anyone's. I would just want to tell you what really happened.", "Gwen: Tell me, Neil. What happened?", "Neil: [Sighs] [Sighs] It was after the plane crash, you know. My mind -- it became consumed with all these dark thoughts of revenge and payback -- payback. That's all I could hear. I couldn't stop it. But I had to get back at Hilary and Devon for what they did to me. You know, I tried my best to suppress it, but, I mean, I just kept seeing them all over town together. They were -- they were happy. They were laughing. They were about to get married. They were making fun of me. I wanted to make them feel the same hurt, the same pain, everything, that they had caused me. Gwen... I swear to you... I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. But now that it has, I can see just how much Devon loves Hilary. And it's brought me -- it's brought me closer to you.", "Gwen: Don't you dare touch me.", "Jack: Okay. Let's assume you're right -- that Ian has been working alone.", "Adam: There you go. See? We have no proof to the contrary, right? I think it's a pretty safe assumption.", "Jack: This whole time, he's been living in that trailer in the woods?", "Adam: That makes perfect sense to me, right? I mean, you know, he's alone. He's hard to find.", "Jack: And he develops this... dangerous computer virus, difficult to identify, impossible to eradicate, from the boondocks?", "Kevin: All he'd need is a computer... and a t1-caliber connection... and a state-of-the-art server... and the password to the Newman system, but that's all.", "Jack: And the technical skills to pull this off!", "Chelsea: I mean, I know the cult he founded was a pretty big operation, but is he capable of engineering something this complicated?", "Jack: He's not exactly the model for a computer genius.", "Adam: Guys, maybe not, but, you know, people in prison are, right? You got computer hackers in there. You got identity thieves.", "Kevin: Well, sure. It wouldn't be hard to find one, but finding one who has the Newman password?", "Jack: Wait, though. If he found one, couldn't we? I mean... couldn't you maybe track down who Ian's partner is?", "Kevin: Well, I don't know, but if I had to bet money on someone who could find this guy, I'd wager on myself. Whoever Ian's partner is, he cannot hide from me.", "Victor: I'm about to find out everything there is to know about the paragon project.", "Ian: There's your problem, Victor. You're always trying to figure out the \"how,\" never the \"why.\"", "Victor: The \"why\" is very simple. You tried to exact revenge because I put you behind these walls.", "Ian: Revenge? No. I've revolved beyond that. You don't understand me at all. I mean, you bought in so easily to the possibility of this impossible plot because of all your misguided assumptions about who I am. And it's a shame, really. You've been duped... 'cause you were so anxious to vilify me that you fell for that story about the catastrophic virus that's cooked up in this jail.", "Phyllis: Except you haven't been in this jail the whole time.", "Ian: That's another fantastical element to this story -- that I can just come and go as I please...", "Victor: You know something?", "Ian: ...And just walk right out of this prison any time the mood strikes me. Come on, Victor. Think about it, now, really. None of it's true.", "Phyllis: He's lying.", "Ian: \"When thine eyes absorb all that is in view, the mind follows quick upon what is true.\" Shakespeare -- \"Richard iii.\"", "Victor: I know... you're behind the paragon project.", "Ian: So, what are you gonna do about it? Gonna have your thugs beat me up again?", "Victor: Just you and me this time.", "Phyllis: Victor. Victor.", "Ian: Guard!", "Phyllis: Victor. Victor.", "Ian: We're finished here.", "Phyllis: Okay. You can pretend all you want that we never met, but I really dislike when someone's messing with my daughter. Feel safe and sound in here because you're locked up. Whatever plan Victor's cooking up for your payback, it'll be a slap on the wrist compared to what I'll do to you.", "Chelsea: If Jack's right, that means the success of Chelsea 2.0 was never because of me or because of Abby's marketing concept. It means everything that's been going on at Newman enterprises lately is all because of this computer virus.", "Adam: It looks like, yeah.", "Chelsea: And if Kevin can't stop the virus from doing its damage, it's just a matter of time before Newman's entire infrastructure collapses.", "Adam: Sweetheart, listen -- I know what you're worried about. You're worried about your company, all right, but you're gonna survive this. Hey. Hey. You're gonna survive this, okay? You don't need Newman behind you to succeed. Your designs speak for themselves.", "Chelsea: That's sweet. You're biased, but it's sweet.", "Adam: Chelsea by jabot never should have been under the Newman umbrella in the first place. You're not going down with the rest of this company, okay?", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, this virus, this whole thing, is aimed at Victor, but he's not the only person that will suffer. Victoria, Abby, nick -- they're all gonna feel this. I don't know. Maybe that was Ian ward's initial goal -- maybe to take down Victor's family, not the business.", "Adam: Well, maybe he'll succeed at getting both.", "Chelsea: Does that... make you happy? Is it still there -- this need to see your father crumble?", "Adam: Is that still there? No, sweetheart. I let go of that when I agreed to move to Paris with you.", "Chelsea: Yeah, no, I know. But then you wanted to come home because you said you wanted closure. What better way to find closure than this, right -- see your father in complete ruin? But at least you don't have the satisfaction of knowing that you're the one who caused it.", "Victor: Warden, would you kindly explain to me how it is possible for Ian ward to come and go from this place as he pleases?", "Warden Davis: Quite simply, he isn't able to do it.", "Phyllis: Either you're lying or you have no idea what's going on around here. For the past few weeks, he has been living near Genoa city.", "Warden Davis: Impossible. All our inmates have been accounted for since ward arrive here.", "Phyllis: Well, he may be accounted for, but it's not his head you were counting. He's been living in the woods outside of Genoa city. I saw him in the park in the city. We have had several hours of discussion about his recently deceased wife and the book that he's writing about their love story.", "Victor: And he has been wreaking havoc on my company.", "Warden Davis: Those are serious accusations you're making.", "Victor: You bet they are. You'll have a lot of trouble coming your way if you don't explain to me very quickly how it is possible for Ian ward to come and go as he pleases from this prison.", "[Camera shutters clicking] Mr. Hamilton, can I get a statement about the assault charges against you? Are they connected to the rumors that your missing wife was brought back to Genoa city?", "Lily: Mr. Hamilton has no comment. Thank you.", "Devon: Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I do. Um, I'm afraid that the rumors were just that, and the search for my wife is continuing in the virgin islands, and as far as the assault in the park, that was a misunderstanding. Between you and a pilot?", "Devon: I've told you everything that I can tell you. I'm sure you guys know how to find your way out.", "Lily: Or should I call security?", "Devon: [Sighs]", "Lily: Hey, I'm really proud of you. I know that couldn't have been easy.", "Devon: I just resisted the urge to rip the guy's head off. That's all.", "Lily: Yeah. I think that was a good choice.", "Devon: I have to keep my emotions under control, 'cause I can't afford another screw-up.", "Lily: Since this entire nightmare started, no one blames you for anything you've done.", "Devon: What about all the things I haven't done?", "Lily: What, like eat and sleep and take care of yourself?", "Devon: No, I -- that's not true. I dozed off for a minute this morning.", "Lily: Oh, what, sitting up in a chair?", "Devon: I... I fell asleep long enough to dream about Hilary. She was standing right in front of me. And I told her how worried I've been, and I asked her where she's been hiding, and you know what she told me?", "Lily: What?", "Devon: She's been home. It didn't make any sense, but I was just so relieved to see her, I didn't care. And then I reached out to touch her, and she was gone.", "Lily: I'm so sorry.", "Devon: Just when she said she had been home this whole time, I just wanted so badly for it to be true.", "Gwen: Are you kidding me? You -- you care for me?", "Neil: Yes. Yes. No, I do. I care for you.", "Gwen: You used me! You stole my sister's I.D. Card for medical supplies, and I never imagined you would be involving me in something this sick.", "Neil: You got me. You're right. I-I was wrong.", "Gwen: The whole thing was just a lie.", "Neil: No. No, it wasn't. Gwen, I swear to you... I didn't plan on falling for you, but once I did...", "Gwen: Don't you dare.", "Neil: ...I started imagining a future for us.", "Gwen: A future?", "Neil: Yeah. That's right. Take a look at this woman.", "Gwen: How could we have a future, Neil?", "Neil: Once -- one she wakes up, I'll be exonerated. She's gonna clear my name, and then there's no reason that you and I can't be together. But here's what I want you to do, okay? Listen closely. I want you to walk out that door and I want you to forget you were here and I want you to forget that you ever saw Hilary.", "Paul: Keep me posted. That was Dylan. He's part of the team checking out the hospitals.", "Cane: You know, I've been thinking about what Devon said about this being a kidnapping.", "Paul: Yeah. So have I.", "Cane: Maybe there hasn't been a ransom note yet 'cause they want Devon to be so devastated that he'll pay any amount of money that they ask for.", "Paul: Yeah, well, I'm afraid it doesn't work that way.", "Cane: Well, you did say you're looking at this from every angle.", "Paul: I am. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be that one.", "Cane: Why?", "Paul: Well, because if Hilary was kidnapped for money and we haven't gotten a call, it only means that something has gone wrong and they don't have anything to bargain with.", "Cane: Like she's dead?", "Paul: Let's hope that's not the case.", "Cane: You think we're gonna find her?", "Paul: Well, uh, if she's been moved from Genoa city... it makes our job quite a bit more difficult. And if Dylan's last call is any indication, it hasn't improved our odds.", "Cane: So, what do we do now?", "Paul: Well, we have to concentrate on the theory that Hilary is nearby... and it's in the best interests of whoever has her to keep her alive.", "Gwen: You want me to walk out of here and pretend I never saw anything?", "Neil: Yeah. That's exactly what I want you to do.", "Gwen: Well, what about you?", "Neil: What about me?", "Gwen: What's gonna happen to Hilary?", "Neil: I'm -- I'm gonna take care of her.", "Gwen: For how long?", "Neil: Until she wakes up.", "Gwen: What if she doesn't?", "Neil: She will, Gwen. She has to. And once she does... she's gonna be able to tell everyone that -- what happened on that island. Devon, the police, everyone -- they're gonna understand, finally, why I did what I did, why I didn't tell anyone that she was alive.", "Gwen: This is wrong. The only way to make this right is for you to come forward, Neil, now.", "Neil: No. No. No. No. I'm not gonna do that. I won't do that. I'm gonna do this my way.", "Gwen: Fine. Then I have to do what I need to do.", "Neil: What do you mean, you have to do -- what -- what are you gonna do?", "Gwen: If you're not gonna end this, Neil, I will.", "Neil: No, you won't! Gwen! D'ah! Yeah, hi. Uh, there's been a little change of plans. Looks like I'm not gonna be needing that ambulance after all.", "Kevin: Again, Victor is not gonna be happy finding you here in his office.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Victor: No, he certainly isn't.", "Kevin: Uh-oh.", "Victor: Excuse me. What are you doing here, Jack?", "Jack: I'm trying to save your company. You're welcome.", "Phyllis: Okay, the two of you, please, no arguing. I already have a migraine.", "Jack: Yeah. Victor has a way of doing that to people. What are you two doing together, anyway?", "Phyllis: We ran in to each other at the state prison hospital. Turns out our friend Ian ward was relocated there.", "Jack: I don't want you going there, sweetheart. I'm not comfortable with you confronting that sleaze. I assume you found an empty bed.", "Phyllis: No. He was there, in all his prison finery.", "Jack: Wait. How is that possible?", "Phyllis: He's claimed that he's been there the whole time. The warden backed him up.", "Jack: They're lying!", "Victor: I am checking in to it.", "Phyllis: He said that we never met. He acted like he didn't even know me.", "Victor: He also said he was not part of the paragon project.", "Jack: Okay. Well, he's being consistent. He's lying across the board.", "Victor: You haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?", "Kevin: Uh, Jack had an idea on how to locate the mastermind behind the virus. I was following up on it.", "Victor: I think Ian ward is involved the cyberattack.", "Jack: Yeah. We're convinced he couldn't have done it alone.", "Kevin: So I'm trying to establish a connection between Ian ward and his partner -- finding an I.P. Address, tracing it to a physical location.", "Jack: With ward back behind bars, it's all the more important we figure out who it is he's been working with. That person is still free and could still do considerable damage to Newman enterprises.", "Victor: He could easily have found someone who wanted to exact revenge against me. I think I know who that is.", "Chelsea: How does it feel... finally getting to see Victor's demise?", "Adam: It feels, uh... not like I'd imagined, actually.", "Chelsea: Why? Not enough theatrics for you?", "Adam: Maybe too much, actually. Way too much. I-I-I don't like the fact that you're involved. And, uh... I don't like that jabot could end up being collateral damage.", "Chelsea: Well, unfortunately, it looks like Ian ward doesn't really care who he hurts. What's wrong?", "Adam: Baby, I made a big mistake.", "Jack: Wait. You know who Ian ward's partner is?", "Victor: Partners.", "Jack: There's more than one?", "Victor: Your siblings Billy boy and Ashley.", "Jack: Oh, God, Victor. You got to stop this. Look, the FBI'S cybercrime division dropped all charges against them.", "Victor: What the hell does that prove? Nothing.", "Jack: Why would I be busting my butt to find out who's working with Ian if I thought they were my siblings?", "Victor: To prove that they're not involved.", "Jack: Oh, and I'd be doing that work from your office?", "Phyllis: Victor, be reasonable. The Abbotts are not in cahoots with Ian.", "Jack: No, we certainly are not, and you have to call off the dogs and help me get Billy out of jail.", "Victor: Oh. I thought the charges against Billy boy were dropped.", "Jack: The espionage and fraud charges were dropped, but there was apparently an altercation when the police tried to arrest him.", "Victor: Well, now, why am I not surprised by that?", "Jack: Well, maybe you will be surprised by this -- Abby and Victoria are also being held with Billy.", "Victor: Kevin, you keep on working. If it isn't one of the Abbotts involved... find out who the hell is.", "Kevin: Copy that.", "[Keyboard clicking]", "Chelsea: This mistake -- does it have anything to do with the work you've been doing for Jack?", "Adam: Well, yeah, it does, but it goes -- it goes back further than that, actually.", "Chelsea: Okay. Tell me.", "Adam: Do you remember when we were in Paris and, uh, I told you that you should come back here and you should -- you should fight to get your company back?", "Chelsea: Of course I do.", "Adam: I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have said that to you. I shouldn't have pressured you to come back here... 'cause now your company is over at Newman and you're caught in the middle of this whole paragon thing, and it's a mess.", "Chelsea: It's okay. It's not your fault.", "Adam: It is my fault. We should be in Paris right now. We should be in Paris with our son, in our new home.", "Chelsea: Listen... my designs are in here. The love I have for you and Connor is in here. Nobody's gonna be able to take that away from me.", "Adam: I hope you're right.", "Chelsea: What do you always tell me?", "Adam: What do I say?", "Chelsea: You say, \"everything's gonna be okay.\" So... everything's gonna be okay.", "Adam: Okay.", "Chelsea: Okay?", "Adam: Okay.", "Chelsea: I'm exhausted. Let's go to bed.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Yeah?", "Adam: I'm gonna take a, uh -- I'm gonna take a moment.", "Chelsea: Okay. Don't be too long.", "Adam: All right.", "Neil: Ah, Hilary. I've done my best to take care of you. I have. Now it's time for you to go home... to your husband... where you belong. I'm gonna take you to the hospital myself. And then I have to leave town for a while. Okay. [Sighs] The police are gonna be here really soon. We're gonna have to go.", "Cane: I understand Devon's frustration, 'cause it is like Hilary's just disappeared into thin air.", "Paul: Right. Look, uh, there's no reason to hang out here anymore tonight. If I hear anything, I will call Devon.", "[Telephone rings]", "Paul: Yeah. Chief Williams. Dylan. Yeah. What's up? At memorial? I'll check it out.", "Devon: You're supposed to be running this place, not babysitting me.", "Lily: Well, I'm a woman that can multitask, and I don't think I'm doing a very good job, anyway.", "Devon: Well, I haven't beat anyone up in the last 12 hours. [Sighs]", "Lily: Devon, you're my brother, and I love you, and I am always here for you.", "Devon: Thank you for not including \"whatever happens.\"", "Lily: Because I know it's gonna happen.", "Devon: You're the only one that believes Hilary's gonna come back.", "Lily: Because she will.", "Gwen: Devon. Thank God. I need to talk to you.", "Lily: What? What's wrong? What happened?", "Gwen: There's something you need to know.", "Devon: Gwen, what is it? Does this have something to do with Neil?", "Gwen: Yes.", "Lily: Is he okay?", "Gwen: Yeah. He's fine. It's --", "Cane: All right, good. You're here. All right. I was in Paul's office, and he just got a phone call about a Jane doe being brought in to G.C. Memorial.", "Devon: It's Hilary!", "Cane: She was unconscious and suffered a head injury, and all I heard is that she's in her late 20s and has dark hair.", "Lily: What?", "Cane: Devon! Devon! It may not be her!", "Lily: Devon, wait!", "Phyllis: Is this totally necessary? It's late. I want to go home.", "Jack: Ashley is not answering her phone. I'm hoping she left a name or a number of a hotel she's staying at in Milan. Nothing.", "Phyllis: She left Billy in charge while she was away. When he finds out that Ian is behind the sabotaging of the Newman computer systems, he will give back the shipping company to them, okay?", "Jack: Have you met my brother?", "Phyllis: Yeah. He is stubborn. He's impetuous and really irresponsible most of the time, but, you know, tonight, I know he's at home with Victoria, enjoying a quiet evening.", "Jack: And that's what you think we should be doing?", "Phyllis: You are as smart as handsome, Jack Abbott. And you are way smarter than I am, because I am 0 for 2 in the \"trusting despicable human\" department -- first Marco, now Ian.", "Jack: Hey, wait a minute! We outsmarted Marco working together, and you figured out Ian all by yourself.", "Phyllis: With the help of my daughter.", "Jack: The point is we have the upper hand now. It won't be long before we put a stop to what that madman started. At least we know he's where he belongs -- behind bars.", "Warden Davis: Mr. Newman, it's warden Davis.", "Victor: Warden Davis. Well, well, well,. Have you figured out how it is possible for Ian ward to go in and out of your prison?", "Warden Davis: I'm calling to warn you that Ian ward's escaped.", "Victor: What?", "Chelsea: Adam? Adam?", "Kevin: Gabe. I was just coming to see you.", "Chelsea: There you are.", "Adam: Hey. I, um, was up on the roof, just getting some fresh air. What -- what are you doing here?", "Kevin: Well, I traced the most recent activity by the person who launched the cyberattack on Newman. It came from an I.P. Address in this building.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Luca: Tell me quickly. I need to see her!", "Noah: You're not going anywhere! You're gonna pay!", "Kevin: So, you heard about Ian ward escaping from prison?", "Adam: Look at me! We're a family!", "Chelsea: Stop it! Stop lying!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack sent all of Phyllis's things over to Summer's apartment, where Phyllis was staying. Nick took Sharon aside and told her Faith said Sharon was playing matchmaker for Nick and Chelsea to get together. Nick was furious with Sharon for using their daughter. Sharon maintained that Chelsea and Nick needed someone to lean on, but Nick told her to stay out of his personal life. Faith overheard everything. After Nick left, she asked if she'd gotten Sharon in trouble. Sharon reassured Faith, and she continued to encourage the idea of Nick being with Chelsea. Faith thought Sage would be happy that Sharon was helping Nick. A mystery person left Faith a gift – a doll that looked like a baby boy. Patty called Sharon and revealed that she sent the present. Billy and Victoria found out Travis accepted Victor's job offer. Billy burst out laughing and predicted that Victor would make Travis's life miserable. Travis told Victoria that he'd gotten bored with the taking things easy, so he took the job. Victoria warned Travis that Victor had an ulterior motive for giving him a job. Travis knew Victor was testing him, and he wasn't concerned. Travis took Victoria to Hank's. Victoria admitted she was worried Victor would break them up. Travis turned on the jukebox and played the song she'd played when they first met. They danced and he promised that he was still the same man, no matter who he worked for. Michael told Jack that Phyllis wouldn't contest the divorce or ask for any money if Jack allowed her to keep her position at Jabot. Phyllis told Summer about the offer she had Michael make to Jack. Summer and Phyllis had a disagreement about whether it was a good idea for Phyllis to remain in Jack's life against his wishes. Jack showed up and told Phyllis he didn't love her anymore. Phyllis threatened to take half of Jabot if Jack wouldn't let her work there. Jack called her vindictive, but Phyllis swore she was trying to remind Jack of what they had.", "Chelsea was troubled by the hug she and Nick shared after Faith's party. She confided in Chelsea that she was afraid she'd given Nick the wrong impression. Chloe wondered if Chelsea felt like hugging Nick was cheating on Adam. Chelsea said she wasn't ready for a new relationship and might not ever be ready. Chelsea wanted to tell Nick they were just friends, but she was worried he'd take it the wrong way and she'd lose his friendship. Nick came by and apologized for overstepping his bounds with the hug. Chelsea was relieved and told him she'd been planning to have the same conversation with him. Ashley asked Billy to convince Phyllis to let Jack go. Billy said it was impossible to make Phyllis change her mind about anything. Billy made a snide comment when he saw Victoria and Travis kissing goodbye at Brash and Sassy. Victoria told Billy to stay out of her personal life, but her temper flared when he lied and said he and Phyllis were getting back together. Billy felt that he'd proved a point, but Victoria argued that her relationship was nothing like Billy and Phyllis's affair. Jack told Ashley that he planned to drive Phyllis to quit. Phyllis showed up at work in a tight dress. Jack set Phyllis up in an office that was dark and filled with boxes. He gave her a ton of work and told her to finish it by morning. Travis and Ashley got trapped in the Jabot elevator. Nick showed up at Summer's and vented about Sharon intruding into his business.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Do you honestly not see what I was seeing -- the way Victor and Nikki were smiling at him?", "Victoria: Oh, yes, it's so horrendous. [Laughs] It's the ultimate reason to dump Travis. He's actually being smiled at by my mother and father.", "Billy: No, the point is victor likes him.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: And when victor likes somebody --", "Victoria: Yeah, maybe because he acts like an adult and made the effort that you never could.", "Billy: Oh, come on. That's really the problem? I didn't make a big enough effort with your father? Maybe it's because my name is Abbott and I actually stood up to him.", "Travis: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi. Are you finished?", "Travis: Yeah. Missed the big moment, though.", "Billy: Uh-oh.", "Victoria: Would you please stop? I'm talking to Travis. What were you saying?", "Travis: I accepted victor's job offer.", "Billy: [Laughs] Of course you did.", "Summer: I can't believe I had to miss faith's birthday party. She was so excited. Ugh. Wow. Jack was not kidding. He really did send over every last bit of your stuff. This feels so final.", "Phyllis: Well, not so final. Jack may have given up on our marriage, but I haven't. I'm just moving on to plan \"B.\"", "Jack: [Exhales sharply]", "Michael: Jack. Ashley. I'm here on Phyllis' behalf.", "Jack: I've already informed your client that any communication regarding the divorce goes through my attorney.", "Michael: Do we really have to be that adversarial?", "Ashley: Apparently.", "Michael: We've all known each other for a very long time.", "Ashley: Michael, don't start playing that card.", "Jack: What are the terms, Michael?", "Michael: One offer, good for today only. Requires a mere \"yes\" or \"no.\"", "Ashley: No.", "Michael: You haven't heard the terms.", "Ashley: Are you actually entertaining this?", "Jack: If it hastens Phyllis' exit from my life, yes.", "Ashley: What does she want?", "Michael: Actually, Phyllis has been very generous. She's willing to give you the divorce free and clear, each of you leaving the marriage with what you brought into it.", "Ashley: No battle over assets?", "Michael: No.", "Jack: Sounds too good.", "Michael: There is one condition.", "Nick: The party wouldn't have been the same without you there. So, thanks.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: Hey.", "Chloe: Hey.", "Chelsea: I thought you'd still be with Kevin, continuing on your second non- date date.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah. We just had a cup of coffee.", "Chelsea: Oh. That sounds nice. Sounds really nice, actually. That sounds safe and friendly and completely normal.", "Chloe: That's as lightly overblown and mildly odd reaction.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? I'm just making a comment. Don't turn it into something it's not.", "Chloe: And if you're saying that something is nothing, then it's definitely something because you're being extra sensitive about it.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? It's nothing.", "Chloe: Seriously something.", "Chelsea: No, it isn't. Really. It's -- okay, fine. It's nick.", "Faith: Dad, somebody left me another present on the porch!", "Nick: Yep. Hey, sorry again I let your balloons fly away.", "Faith: Sure. Mom, look! Another present! Somebody left for it me outside! I want to open it right now.", "Sharon: Wait, no. We can open it with the other ones you have upstairs. Just go change out of your dress first.", "Faith: But...", "Sharon: Well, you don't want to get it dirty.", "Faith: I'll be right back.", "Nick: Wait, wait. Hold up. I need just one more... birthday picture.", "Sharon: [Laughs]", "Nick: Boom.", "Sharon: Perfect.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Sharon: Oh, she's so happy.", "Nick: Yeah. Which is why I wanted to wait to say this. Look, it's not just what you did. It's that you used our daughter to do it.", "Sharon: What is it you think I did?", "Nick: I was just in the car with faith. She said that you were trying to push me and Chelsea together.", "Sharon: Oh, you know how kids can be.", "Nick: Yeah, but we're not gonna put this off on faith. I know she wasn't lying.", "Sharon: Well, I'm not saying that she was lying, just that our daughter has a very vivid imagination.", "Nick: And to even put this in her head? I mean, my promise to my brother, me losing sage and Christian, Chelsea losing Adam and the two of us together would just be so wonderful?", "Sharon: Okay. All I really said was --", "Nick: Look, whatever hints you're dropping and whatever seeds you're trying to plant, it ends now.", "Sharon: Nick, you don't --", "Nick: No. Don't do that to me. Don't \"nick\" me. I'm being serious. Stay out of my personal life.", "Billy: You're gonna work at Newman? That sounds like fun. Well, uh [Laughs] Good luck with that, Travis. Victor's about to make your life extremely miserable. [Chuckles] Could I get a scotch, please?", "Travis: You know, Billy, I'm actually looking forward to working with someone who's so accomplished and so knowledgeable.", "Billy: That's -- that's good. You know, that's my bad. You might have -- you might have better luck with the mustache than I did. You two seem to be on the same wa-- [Laughs] -- Same wavelength.", "Travis: Kind of sounds like an insult, Billy.", "Billy: No. I'm sorry. It's just kind of coming out that way. Sincerely, Travis, good luck, okay? [Chuckles] Oh, man. This is gonna be spectacular. It really is. Thank you for that. [Chuckles] I'm gonna let you two talk. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about.", "Travis: Thanks.", "Billy: [Laughs]", "Travis: You know, for some reason, I doubt that guy's sincerity. What, you're not gonna congratulate me?", "Victoria: No. I need you to explain something to me. [Sighs] You turned my father down. You told him and me that you weren't interested in working with him.", "Travis: I wasn't at the time.", "Victoria: So, what changed?", "Phyllis: So, what do you think?", "Summer: I think that's a really bad idea.", "Phyllis: Well, I think it could work.", "Summer: No, it won't, mom. Jack is hurt, he's angry, he's feeling betrayed, and he has got the press hounding him, which is a constant reminder that you slept with his brother.", "Phyllis: Which is why exactly I have to do this.", "Summer: What, by rubbing your affair in his face?", "Phyllis: The things being said now by the media -- I mean, the way that they're characterizing even his own thoughts -- they're just all lies. They're all distortions of what really happened.", "Summer: But you did really sleep with Billy.", "Phyllis: And I am not denying that, but I cannot let other people define who jack and I are.", "Summer: So, you think that by forcing yourself on him --", "Phyllis: I need to remind jack of the good things we shared, of the difficulties we've overcome, and why we're so good together and why he shouldn't give up on us.", "Summer: And you have had plenty of chances to do that already.", "Phyllis: But he could not hear me.", "Summer: Which is exactly why you need to give him time. Let this happen naturally. And if you guys wind up back together, it just shows that this was meant to be.", "Phyllis: I can't leave this to chance.", "Summer: Okay. So, by pushing yourself and forcing yourself on him --", "Phyllis: I cannot wait for him to come around, summer. You know, he is moving further and further away. He's actively taking steps to close the door on our marriage. And by forcing him to deal with me, I am shutting that distance.", "Summer: You are only going to make this worse.", "Jack: It's not going to happen, Michael.", "Michael: All Phyllis wants is to keep her job here at jabot.", "Jack: I heard you the first time. The answer is no. Goodbye.", "Michael: That's all she wants -- no stock, no money. I think it's an extremely reasonable and generous compromise.", "Ashley: It's a joke. It's not gonna happen. There's no way we're gonna have Phyllis working in here.", "Michael: This is between jack and Phyllis. And, jack, I urge you not to reject this offer.", "Jack: You think I should slow things down?", "Michael: I do, yes.", "Jack: To give the marriage a chance?", "Michael: You owe that to yourself.", "Jack: After months of understanding, cooperating, appeasing, placating my wife, you know what I owe myself? Peace.", "Michael: Think of the financial repercussions. As Phyllis' attorney, I can assure you --", "Jack: I already told Phyllis she can have anything she wants!", "Michael: Good. She wants her job back. Shall I tell her you accept the offer?", "Ashley: Absolutely not. Would you stop doing this to him?", "Michael: Jack... saying no to Phyllis won't make this go away. She'll up the ante.", "Jack: I don't care about that.", "Michael: You're just prolonging the pain.", "Jack: Don't you talk to me about pain. I don't want to see Phyllis, much less work with her every day. She can have any amount of money she wants, Michael. She is not getting an office here.", "Michael: She is negotiating with you from a position of strength.", "Jack: We're done here, Michael. My attorney will be in touch.", "Ashley: Better contact your attorney. Let her know what's coming, Jackie.", "Jack: I got to get out of here for a little while.", "Ashley: Where are you going?", "Jack: I'm gonna handle it.", "Chelsea: I mean, it was a friendly hug. It was a supportive hug.", "Chloe: Grapes?", "Chelsea: I ran out of ice cream.", "Chloe: Hmm. Okay. So, what weirded you out about the hug?", "Chelsea: It was something faith said when I was fitting her for her birthday dress. She was pushing me to go to her party.", "Chloe: Pushing?", "Chelsea: In a sweet way. She was being very...", "Chloe: Sweet?", "Chelsea: Exactly. But she made me feel like Sharon wanted it... and nick would really like it.", "Chloe: Like, like the party?", "Chelsea: No, like me to be at the party. But I don't know. I'm being paranoid, right? No, I'm being worse than paranoid. I'm being arrogant. I mean... there's no way that sweet little girl is trying to...", "Chloe: What, fix you up with her dad?", "Chelsea: No. Exactly. No. She wasn't doing that. I told you before that's not what she was doing.", "Chloe: Okay. Well, if she wasn't doing that, then -- I don't know -- why are you just jumping into this whole attraction thing?", "Chelsea: No, no, no. I did not jump. I was pushed.", "Chloe: By faith.", "Chelsea: No, by Sharon. I think Sharon has put it in faith's head that nick spending time with me and Connor would be a good thing. You see what I'm saying?", "Chloe: Oh, who cares about what Sharon thinks?", "Chelsea: No, I don't care about what Sharon thinks, but I care about what I am doing... with nick.", "Chloe: And you've been doing...?", "Chelsea: Nothing. That's my whole point. I've been doing nothing with nick. Because nick and I are not -- it is -- he -- I'm just concerned that maybe I gave him the wrong impression.", "Chloe: The hug?", "Chelsea: Exactly.", "Chloe: But you said that nick initiated the hug.", "Chelsea: Right.", "Chloe: Okay. So, then, if nick initiated the hug, then what are you... [Sighs] How did you react to the hug?", "Chelsea: It was -- it was a hug. What are you talking about?", "Chloe: How did it feel?", "Chelsea: I don't know. Friendly, cordial.", "Chloe: Nice.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Chloe: All right. Not nice. Because it made you feel like you were cheating on Adam?", "Chelsea: I just lost him. The idea of... being with somebody else is just gross. I -- I'm not there yet, and, truly, I don't think I will ever for the rest of my life be there.", "Chloe: Well... it's called \"moving on,\" Chelsea.", "Chelsea: No. No.", "Chloe: And I'm not saying that you need to do that right now. I'm not saying that at all. Just don't do what I did... and wait so long to move on... you know, from the revenge and the loss. It just -- it gets messy.", "Chelsea: But this is --", "Chloe: Don't overthink it, either. You know, nick is a great guy. He's like the best kind of guy, and he would never cross the line and make you feel uncomfortable.", "Chelsea: You're right.", "Chloe: I'm right? Right about what?", "Chelsea: I need to talk to nick.", "Chloe: About...?", "Chelsea: Boundaries.", "Nick: Why would you even think of trying to push me and Chelsea together?", "Sharon: I just want you to be happy. I-I mean, I want you and Chelsea to be happy. And I know you want to keep your promise to Adam about looking after Connor.", "Nick: Look, you don't need to worry about that. I can deal with my private life and my obligations on my own.", "Sharon: You're right.", "Nick: I'm really annoyed that you brought faith into this. I can only imagine what she may have said to Chelsea.", "Sharon: Is that what you're so upset about? I'm sure whatever Chelsea heard faith say, she thought it was totally innocent.", "Nick: I hope so.", "Sharon: Chelsea's been through a lot lately. She's been pushing people away. I'm sure she's very grateful that you've been showing up. I'm sure she needed it more than she would admit. And if you were honest, you need it, too.", "Nick: I don't need you running interference, all right? I don't need it. Think about how you would feel if I was poking around in your personal life.", "Sharon: What do you mean? What are you saying, nick?", "Nick: Just stop. Just take care of yourself, okay?", "Faith: Mommy... did I get him in trouble?", "Victoria: [Sighs] So, you and my father are texting buddies now?", "Travis: Checking football stats. Victoria, I thought you'd be happy about this.", "Victoria: Well, what I can't figure out is why you're happy about this. I mean, what happened -- everything you told me about your time on wall street -- you told me how much it changed you into somebody that you didn't like, and, I mean, Travis, you poured your heart out to me about all the reasons that you walked away. You were content to open a bar, remember? Sail away on a ship and never wear a tie again? [Sighs] Now, after three sit-downs with my father, you're ready to dive right back into that world.", "Travis: Well, I'm not diving back into the corporate world. I'm taking a job with your father's company.", "Victoria: Agreeing to go work for a man who moves people around like pawns?", "Travis: I'm aware of his reputation, okay? But I make my own judgments about people. I watched him with his grandchildren, and I saw him singing \"happy birthday\" to faith. The man cares about his family.", "Victoria: [Sighs] That's one side of him.", "Travis: I also know how ruthless he can be. Victoria, I'm not one of his kids, and I'm not --", "Victoria: Billy.", "Travis: I was gonna say I'm not unfamiliar with men like him, like victor.", "Victoria: Well, then you should know that going to work for my father... and him offering you this job means that he wants something.", "Travis: I'm fine with that. Hey, I can do this job, and I can do it well. As for his motives... they're not my issue.", "Victoria: You're really excited about this, aren't you?", "Travis: Yeah! I hate to admit it, but the chill life is -- is getting kind of boring. I mean, you should be happy for me. I'm gonna be doing something I'm great at. And I'm finally smart enough to make sure it's not gonna consume me.", "Victoria: He's testing you.", "Travis: I know -- make sure I'm worthy of you.", "Victoria: Okay. I have to get to work.", "Travis: I'll take you.", "Victoria: Oh, no. That's okay.", "Travis: I'll take you after one quick stop.", "Victoria: I don't have time.", "Travis: Trust me.", "Summer: Just in case, you should probably come up with a plan \"c\" or maybe even a \"d\" and \"E.\"", "[Doorbell rings]", "Phyllis: It's probably Michael.", "Summer: All right. Well, don't be too disappointed if jack told him...", "Jack: Is Phyllis...", "Summer: Yeah, jack. Come in.", "Summer: Well... I... have got some studying to do.", "Jack: Michael came to me with your offer.", "Phyllis: It's a good offer.", "Jack: Since you can't possibly think I would be willing to let you keep your job, I'm here to ask what it is you really want.", "Phyllis: I want... our life back. I want our marriage back.", "Jack: Clearly, you're struggling to understand just how much damage you really did. Maybe I can help you make it clearer, make it real.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Jack: Here it is, and listen closely. I don't love you anymore.", "Phyllis: Well, then, what's the problem?", "Sharon: You didn't do anything wrong, faith. You should just focus on all these presents you still have to open.", "Faith: But I heard daddy. Why is he mad? I thought he liked Chelsea.", "Sharon: He does, but he just misses sage sometimes. Why don't I get a pad and paper and you can start opening?", "Faith: I think sage would want daddy to be happy.", "Sharon: I...think you're right about that. But, you know, I'm glad we talked it out. Maybe it will be easier now for nick and Chelsea to be closer.", "Faith: So, that's a good thing? I helped?", "Sharon: Yeah, you did, because you have such a good heart.", "Faith: Thank you, mommy. I bet sage is looking down right now, thanking you for what you're doing.", "[Telephone rings]", "Sharon: Hello? Hello?", "Faith: Who was it?", "Sharon: Well, it was no one. It was probably one of those robocalls.", "Ashley: That woman won't quit, and I mean she literally won't quit.", "Billy: I'm gonna need another syllable to name that woman.", "Ashley: The backstabbing, lying woman that you slept with.", "Billy: Oh. Her.", "Ashley: You got to do something, Billy.", "Billy: Something like...?", "Ashley: Well, Phyllis agreed to give jack a divorce. She's gonna walk away with nothing.", "Billy: Okay. What's the problem with that?", "Ashley: Well, in exchange, she wants her job back.", "Billy: Her job at jabot?", "Ashley: Of course. And I know exactly what she's trying to do, too. She wants to come to jabot every day and throw all that stuff in jack's face.", "Billy: What stuff are you talking about?", "Ashley: You know, that \"oh, look how much you miss me\" stuff, \"you can't live without me\" stuff. Well, it's not gonna happen.", "Billy: You're not gonna let that happen? Good for you, sis. Go get 'em.", "Ashley: No, no, no. You're not gonna let that happen, Billy.", "Billy: Me?", "Ashley: Yeah. You're gonna go to Phyllis. You're gonna talk her out of this. Make sure she just takes a few million and walks away.", "Billy: Oh, I would love to talk to Phyllis, but here's the problem -- Phyllis doesn't listen to me.", "Phyllis: It should make you happy.", "Jack: Happy?", "Phyllis: Yep. I agree to have a quick and easy divorce.", "Jack: There is nothing quick and easy about the prospect of seeing you at work every single day.", "Phyllis: Well, I'd be just another employee.", "Jack: You honestly think the two of us would have a casual conversation about product lines and marketing strategies?", "Phyllis: Well, I've seen you work with a lot of people you don't like. You've managed to be civil, even pleasant.", "Jack: Maybe you can compartmentalize your feelings -- sleep with one man and go home with another. I'm not wired that way.", "Phyllis: It is over with Billy.", "Jack: Every time you walk through that door, I would be reliving your betrayal.", "Phyllis: So would I, and I would think that would be some comfort to you, knowing how guilty I feel, how much regret I have that you don't love me anymore. So that's what I'd be facing every day, and I'm willing to do that because I believe in us still.", "Jack: You get Michael on the phone.", "Phyllis: No.", "Jack: You tell him you are withdrawing your latest offer.", "Phyllis: No.", "Jack: Give him a number! Any amount! You name it! I am not working with you.", "Phyllis: You don't have a choice.", "Jack: The hell I don't.", "Phyllis: You either give me my job back at jabot or I take half of your share in the company.", "Jack: That's not gonna happen.", "Phyllis: I am back at jabot, working with you. Your only choice is whether I take half of your family's company while I'm at it.", "Jack: No judge in his right mind is gonna give you a piece of jabot.", "Phyllis: We never signed a prenup. It's all in play. Now if you will excuse me, I need to find something nice to wear on my first day of work.", "Victoria: I thought that you had, uh --", "Travis: Sold the bar? I did. I got the key from the buddy I sold it to. Can I take your jacket?", "Victoria: [Sighs] What are we doing here, Travis? [Sighs] Now you're gonna tell me what?", "Travis: The first time you walked in there, I was right over here.", "Victoria: Yeah. Then we met, and it was life-changing. I really have to get to work.", "Travis: And then... you walked over here.", "Victoria: Ah. And I couldn't play my song because you were too lazy to change the labels. I'm not angry that you're going to work for my father. I'm not. I'm fine.", "Travis: Liar. E-7.", "Victoria: Look, I know you can take care of yourself, but my father -- he's just -- [Sighs] I just don't want him to break us up. That's all.", "Travis: Whatever the job, whoever I'm working for... Swayin'", "Travis: ...This is who I am. ...With her whole life...", "Victoria: I don't want you to change. I don't want us to change.", "Travis: We won't. This is who we are. Deeply inspires me that's how I want to be someday She is swayin' movin' like a melody with her whole body soft and sweet", "Victoria: I'm sorry. Can't blow off work today.", "Travis: I understand.", "Victoria: I know you do. That's one of the reasons why I can't let you go. ...I want to be", "Victoria: I can't lose you.", "Travis: Yeah, but it's just a job. Come on. You're what's important to me. Dandelion on a summer day wild away hands flowing", "Victoria: Drive me to work?", "Travis: Of course. And after that?", "Victoria: I'll come home.", "Travis: I'll be there. I'm not going anywhere. She's dancin' with mermaid-like tranquility that's how I'm gonna be someday wild away", "Billy: I'm telling you, Phyllis doesn't want anything to do with me.", "Ashley: Billy, it's the least you can do under the circumstances. Think about it.", "Billy: No, okay? She doesn't want to be with me, which I think is surprising just as much as you, especially when she risked her marriage to be with me. And then when she woke up in the hospital and I was the one waiting for her after her fall, no. You know who she was asking for? I'm sure you can guess.", "Ashley: I'm not talking about that, Billy. I'm talking about the fact that Phyllis wants to somehow salvage her relationship with jack. We can't let her hurt him again.", "Billy: I cannot stop her, Ashley.", "Ashley: You were in a relationship with her, weren't you -- sort of, kind of? That must count for something.", "Billy: Well, that's where you're wrong, because with Phyllis, it was never a choice. It was always about jack. Didn't matter how I felt or what I thought about the process. I was irrelevant.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, can you tell me something, maybe, because you do know her? Maybe I can say something that will shut this down?", "Billy: She's determined to get jack back.", "Ashley: I know. That's why we're having this conversation.", "Billy: My point is when she puts her mind to something...", "Ashley: Nothing ever changes it. Such a bitch.", "Phyllis: I need to get this laundry in, so if you want to stick around --", "Jack: Why would you do this to me? Why would you do this to yourself -- go to work where you're surrounded by bad blood and animosity?", "Phyllis: I can deal with it.", "Jack: I don't want to deal with it. I shouldn't have to deal with it.", "Phyllis: Jack...", "Jack: Why are you being so vindictive?", "Phyllis: That's what you think this is -- that I'm just being vindictive?", "Jack: Why don't you tell me what it is?", "Phyllis: I am trying to help you see me again -- what we were together, the future we can still have.", "Jack: Maybe you didn't hear me.", "Phyllis: When we were working together, it was good. We made great things happen at jabot and in the family.", "Jack: You're wasting your time.", "Phyllis: Maybe. But maybe I am saving what is left of my life.", "[Door slams]", "Chelsea: I have to nip this in the bud. I have to talk to nick, which, sadly, is going to destroy our friendship.", "Chloe: You don't know that for sure.", "Chelsea: Come on. How am I supposed to start a conversation with him about how I don't think of him that way without coming across like I think of him that way?", "Chloe: Right -- the \"just friends\" talk.", "Chelsea: It's a minefield. Who wants to bring up the subject of attraction? It's --", "Chloe: Yeah, it's just not really the same. I mean, in theory, it's a great idea.", "Chelsea: What, the \"just friends\" thing? Yeah, but has that ever really worked?", "Chloe: Have you ever had one?", "Chelsea: Well, with Adam, actually, at first... until we fell in love and got married. What about you and Kevin?", "Chloe: Yeah, we fell in love, but then we got divorced, and -- I don't know -- I just think it's a rare find.", "Chelsea: Like what he has with Mariah?", "Chloe: Well, they gave it a shot, but it didn't work out.", "Chelsea: Hmm. How so? How'd that go?", "Chloe: Well, they just -- it didn't, you know? I mean... she's still holding a torch for him, though.", "Chelsea: Wait a second. So that's why she quit.", "Chloe: No, no, no. Let's focus on you and nick.", "Chelsea: It's a bummer. I really enjoyed having nick as a friend, and now, you know, our friendship's doomed.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Chloe: No. Not doomed. Just awkward.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Bad timing?", "Chloe: Couldn't be better.", "Chloe: I, um -- I have to go check on the kids.", "Chelsea: No, you don't.", "Chloe: Oh, yes, I do. That's exactly what I'm going to do.", "Chelsea: Um, I was think--", "Nick: I think we should --", "Chelsea: I just have to get something straight with you.", "Nick: Uh, me, too. I do. Uh...can I go first? Good, 'cause I like to be first.", "Chelsea: [Laughing] Okay.", "Nick: Uh... I owe you an apology.", "Chelsea: For what?", "Nick: For overstepping my bounds, and I definitely did not mean to. Um... I heard that Sharon had said something to faith about [Chuckles] Getting us together, and -- and I guess faith said something, and I just feel really, really bad about that because I can only imagine how you must have felt when I -- you know, when I hugged you earlier, and then... why are you laughing at me?", "Chelsea: [Laughing] No. I'm sorry. 'Cause I was gonna have the same conversation with you, but now I don't have to because you had the conversation and you did the hard work, so thanks.", "Nick: You're welcome.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] Really, thank you. I didn't -- I didn't want to say anything.", "Nick: But you were going to.", "Chelsea: I was, because it had to be said, but now you said it, so...", "Nick: And that's my thing. I just say stuff from time to time, for better or for worse.", "Chelsea: I appreciate that. I really do.", "Nick: Good. So, we're on the same page?", "Chelsea: We are same font, same margins. We are all good.", "Nick: Okay. I feel better.", "Chelsea: Me, too.", "Nick: Uh, cool. I'll see you around.", "Chelsea: Okay. Thanks. [Exhales sharply]", "Faith: [Gasps] I love him!", "Sharon: Cute! Who's he from?", "Faith: Hmm. Uh...", "Sharon: No card?", "Faith: Can't find a card.", "Sharon: Oh. Maybe it fell. We'll figure it out.", "Travis: Gonna work fast today?", "Victoria: Yes, I will. [Laughs] I can't wait to finish the discussion we were having at the bar.", "Billy: Hey. You're here.", "Victoria: Yes, I am.", "Billy: Are you staying to actually work?", "Victoria: [Sighs] I'll see you later.", "Travis: Bye.", "Victoria: Bye.", "Victoria: Well, that was uncalled for.", "Billy: Yeah, your displays of affection at the workplace? I totally agree.", "Victoria: That crack you made about me showing up for work.", "Billy: I just figured that you and the corporate cowboy would want to go celebrate his new job.", "Victoria: I don't want to hear it, okay? You have no right, you have no opinion, about who I'm dating, just like it's none of my business who you're dating.", "Billy: What if I told you that Phyllis and I are getting back together?", "Victoria: You son of a --", "Billy: Look at that! You're back in my business. All I had to do was mention her name.", "Summer: Jack left, huh?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Summer: I'm sorry. I was kind of hoping your plan would work.", "Phyllis: Well, actually, my talk with jack was quite productive.", "Summer: Really? Because I heard yelling, and now jack is gone.", "Phyllis: Well, I will explain everything to you later, but now I need to get ready.", "Summer: You're going out with jack?", "Phyllis: Well, going out? No. It's a weekday, so I'm going to work. I need to make a good impression.", "Ashley: Well?", "Jack: We settled.", "Ashley: What did it cost?", "Jack: A job.", "Ashley: Jack! Wait a minute! I thought you weren't gonna agree to anything like that.", "Jack: Phyllis pointed out we don't have a prenuptial agreement. My option was not only working with her but sharing the business with her.", "Ashley: So, once again, she's taken advantage of the fact that you trusted her.", "Jack: She thinks she is.", "Ashley: What do you mean?", "Jack: Phyllis has it in her mind that a closer proximity will heal our marriage.", "Ashley: But it won't?", "Jack: No, it won't. She won't believe that, of course, until she sees it, so I'm gonna give her a dose of the hell her life is going to be if she works here. What, you don't think I'm gonna do that?", "Ashley: No.", "[Knock on door]", "Jack: Come in!", "Phyllis: Hello. Here I am, ready to work. Thank you for listening to reason.", "Jack: Well, you didn't give me much choice. Follow me. Here is your new office. And I'd like these reconciled by the morning.", "Ashley: [Sighs]", "[Elevator groans]", "Travis: That doesn't sound good. Don't think that's gonna help.", "Ashley: Can you think of a better idea? [Sighs] This day couldn't get any worse.", "Travis: Okay.", "[Banging]", "Victoria: You know, I can't believe you're comparing our relationships. What I have with Travis is real, and it's above board. You were running around with your brother's wife. You know that? You caused irreparable damage, you wrecked a marriage, and now Phyllis can never get back together with jack.", "Billy: Well, we're not getting back together, so what's the difference?", "Victoria: There's a big difference. Phyllis still loves jack, and I feel absolutely nothing for you.", "Summer: Dad.", "Nick: Hey.", "Summer: Hey. What's up?", "Nick: I missed you at faith's party. I just wanted to check in. Is that your mom's stuff?", "Summer: Yeah. Yep. So, what's up? What's going on with you?", "Nick: It's, uh... it's Sharon. Have you seen her lately?", "Summer: Yeah, I mean, a few times. Why?", "Nick: How'd she seem?", "Summer: Good... I mean, for Sharon. She seems happy. Her life is pretty perfect right now.", "Nick: Well, then, why can't she keep herself from meddling in mine?", "[Telephone rings]", "Sharon: Hello? Hello?! Who is there, and why are you harassing me?", "Patty: Hi, Sharon. It's me -- patty.", "Sharon: What do you want?", "Patty: Did you get my gift? The baby doll?", "Sharon: That was from you?", "Patty: I hope little faith enjoys it. It's nothing like having a real baby, though... is it, Sharon?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Billy: Your father is signing your boyfriend's checks. What could possibly go wrong with that?", "Ashley: You were an up-and-comer at Hazelton and...", "Travis: Crestwood, yeah.", "Ashley: What a coincidence!", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: Why are you doing this?", "Patty: You knew this day would come!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Chelsea and Nick debated whether or not Adam was beyond redemption. Chelsea theorized that Nick's grief was what caused him to insist that Adam couldn't change. Nick blurted out that Victor was alive. Nick claimed he'd kept the truth from Chelsea to protect her, but she was furious with him for letting her and Connor think Victor was dead, and she accused him of costing Connor his father. Adam saw Victor and they had a cathartic conversation, in which Adam expressed remorse and revealed that he planned to leave town. Victor made an unsuccessful attempt to convince Adam to stay and work to be a better person. Devon hired Brittany to represent him in the dispute over the will. Devon, Jill and Cane heard Amanda's claim that Katherine had actually left the two billion plus dollars to Cane, not Devon. Nate and Elena discussed Amanda. They were both rattled by her appearance, so they wondered about Devon's claim that he wasn't shaken by it.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Amanda: Portions of katherine's last will and testament did not reflect her true intentions.", "Devon: She looks exactly like hilary. They have the same eyes, nose, mouth, everything. They're identical.", "Victor: I gave you every chance to reunite with this family!", "Adam: I despise you.", "Nikki: I just want this to be over. I don't like pretending that you're dead.", "Adam: I have to l-leave genoa city.", "Connor: For how long?", "Adam: I'm not coming back. Well played, pops.", "Nick: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hey. I'm really glad you're home.", "Nick: What's going on? Is something wrong?", "Chelsea: Just connor's been upset. He's taking victor's death really hard.", "Nick: Yeah. We should try and do something to cheer him up.", "Chelsea: That's really sweet. But I almost feel guilty asking you to help me with him. I mean, you're going through your own grief right now. I know you met with your family to talk about the funeral arrangements. That must have been really difficult.", "Nick: Yeah, it's not the best of days, but I'm okay.", "Chelsea: What did you decide?", "Nick: We're just gonna have a small service. Family, a few close friends. Went to see adam, to invite him.", "Chelsea: He won't be there.", "Nick: How do you know that?", "Chelsea: He asked me to meet him earlier. I thought it was gonna be to discuss how connor's handling everything, but instead he told me that he's leaving town.", "Nick: So he's running. 'Cause he doesn't want to face what he's done.", "Victor: How long have you known that I'm alive?", "Adam: Not long.", "Victor: How'd you find out?", "Adam: Oh, it doesn't matter. But once I knew, I had to come here and see for myself. And to tell you that I'm leaving town.", "Victor: Permanently?", "Adam: Yeah. I already decided to go before I learned the, uh, good news.", "Victor: You know I'm aware that you changed my medication? Let me ask you something. Was the thought of having killed your father too much, or were you planning to kill me?", "Jill: I'm so happy that you found time to spend some time with me while I'm in town.", "Cane: Oh, come on. I've always got time for you.", "Jill: Ohh, smooth.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Uhh, but are you sure you have time?", "Jill: Oh, I'm sorry, darling. Just trying to reach tucker. He's probably off at some silent retreat, or some extreme adventure, living his best life.", "Cane: Yeah? You doing business with tucker?", "Jill: God, I wish it were that easy.", "Jill: You don't know.", "Cane: I don't know what?", "Jill: [ Sighs ] Katherine's will is being contested.", "Devon: Hey.", "Elena: Hey.", "Devon: Are you really in a hurry to get to work?", "Elena: [ Groans ] Too much of a hurry for that.", "Devon: Mm.", "Elena: But, hey, I really am sorry that I'm not gonna be able to make it to your meeting today.", "Devon: Oh, don't be sorry at all. It's fine. I actually hired a lawyer to represent me so I don't have to engage with with amanda sinclair today.", "Elena: That was a great idea, babe.", "Devon: Yeah. This lawyer's name is brittany, and she grew up here in genoa city, and she knew katherine and some of the other chancellors, and I have no doubt that she'll be able to put amanda on notice. 'Cause she can't just keep throwing out empty threats while showing us nothing.", "Elena: Nothing but how low she can go. The fact that she's actually using her face to unnerve you is as despicable as it gets.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I agree with you. And if she can't produce anything today, I'm gonna consider this the end. So hopefully this will be over soon.", "Amanda: [ Sighs ] I thought we'd already been through this. I'm not a ghost. What do you want? When you have pain... Additional sponsorship", "Nate: You're messing with the people I care about. [ Sighs ] Coming after my cousin. I want to know why.", "Amanda: I am just doing my job.", "Nate: I'm sure there are a million cases you could have taken. But you chose this one.", "Amanda: I had no idea that i looked like mr. Hamilton's deceased wife, okay?", "Nate: Someone knew.", "Amanda: If you're implying that my client hired me for reasons other than my impeccable credentials, then you are way off base, and I find it offensive. I was first in my class at yale law school, and I am very, very good at what I do. That is why my client hired me.", "Nate: Mm, yes, the mysteriously missing phillip chancellor iv.", "Amanda: Oh, you can conjure up whatever conspiracy theories fit your narrative, but please just do it on your own time.", "Nate: Is, uh, that what they taught you at yale? Use a man's grief to swindle him out of his inheritance?", "Amanda: I am not swindling anyone. And before you come after my professionalism and my competence, please, look in the mirror.", "Nate: 'Scuse me?", "Amanda: You must know that you're all over the news, right? The doctor who let victor newman die? You gave him an experimental protocol that failed. And then, when he collapsed in front of you, you still couldn't save him?", "Nate: Mm-hmm. That's the kind of deflection someone uses when the questions get a little too close for comfort. It's a little psych 101 for someone who was first in her class at yale.", "[ Snorts ]", "Nick: Adam going on the run? It's just as good as an admission of guilt.", "Chelsea: I asked him. I asked him if he was leaving because he changed victor's meds.", "Nick: And he said no? Chelsea, you cannot believe a word that comes out of his mouth.", "Chelsea: All I know, nick, is my son is confused and hurting. He was devastated over his grandfather's death, and now his father's just leaving? And after he just finally got him back.", "Nick: Well, we're gonna be there for him.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Okay? And I'm right here. Don't be afraid to lean on me.", "Chelsea: I just don't understand why adam would walk out on him like that. It doesn't make any sense. The last time the two of them were together, all the times they've been together, it's been absolutely wonderful. As if adam's been a part of his life the entire time. I know he loves his son. With all his heart. I know it.", "Nick: Yeah. That's why he's running. 'Cause he has such a big, loving heart.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure what you --", "Nick: He wants to stay out of jail. And as much as I would love to see my brother pay for what he's done, I will gladly settle for him being gone and out of our lives for good.", "Adam: God, you went through all this trouble pretending to be dead, hoping that I would be overcome by guilt. And I'd break down, and I'd admit what I'd done.", "[ Snorts ]", "Victor: Sit down, son. I was hoping that you would discover some sliver of humanity inside yourself, you know?", "Adam: Well, I-I -- I'm touched by your concern for spiritual well-being. What about the rest of the family? Were they in on this? Or did you let them mourn for you, too?", "Victor: Your siblings knew about my plan, and they supported me all the way.", "Adam: Why? Why? Were they also concerned about the state of my conscience? Or were they hoping that I'd slip up and get myself thrown in prison?", "Victor: Adam, you committed a crime. For which one usually ends up in prison. You know, I fought myself for having raised the expectation in you that you're above the law no matter what you do when I made sure that the charges against you were dropped, hoping that that would bring you back to genoa city.", "Adam: So you wish I had been locked up this entire time?", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] Would have been far easier on my health, I promise you that.", "Adam: You know, for someone who prides himself on his chess skills, you were not thinking strategically when you encouraged me to get my memory back. What did you think was gonna happen?", "Victor: I knew we would have difficulties. But, from the bottom of my heart, I was wishing that you and I would work through them together.", "Adam: Well, you made them impossible. Like you always do.", "Victor: You declared war on my family. You declared war on me. And I got to admit to you that a part of me relished the battle that was coming up. But you crossed the line.", "Adam: Okay, and so did you. But I'm sure you left that part out when you pitched your little sting operation. That it was you that pushed me into doing what I did. That it was you that exploited the memories of my mother to get me to put myself at risk. That it was you that sent someone to run me down in the road like a dog.", "Victor: Slow down. It might surprise you to know I did not order anyone to kill you.", "Cane: Okay, so, after all this time, someone's contesting katherine's will?", "Jill: I know. Absolute nonsense. And I'm sure it'll be resolved very quickly. But in the meantime, it's quite irritating.", "Cane: Okay. Well, who's doing it, and on what grounds?", "Jill: Oh, there's this attorney named amanda sinclair. She crawled out of the woodwork claiming that [Scoffs] A portion of the original will was forged.", "Cane: By who? What -- what, tucker, or...?", "Jill: David sherman. Katherine's lawyer. But on orders from tucker. Supposedly miss sinclair is gonna produce the real will pages today.", "Cane: That is unbelievable.", "Jill: I know. That's the word for it, all right. We're going over to devon's later and, uh, see what kind of proof she has. But I'm telling you one thing right now -- nobody is gonna malign katherine's memory, okay? Nobody's gonna dishonor her final wishes under my watch. That old lady wanted devon to have half of her estate.", "Cane: I can only imagine what devon's going through.", "Elena: Maybe we should throw a party once that amanda sinclair is out of our lives. Since she showed up at my birthday party with all of her pronouncements and insinuations. Man, I wanted to smack that smug look off of her face. Hmph. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm not going to be at your meeting today.", "Devon: No, maybe you should go and smack her, baby.", "Elena: Oh, stop. I should probably get to the hospital and channel my energy into actually helping people.", "Devon: That is probably a better idea. You need to worry about taking care of your patients. And I'll tell you how the meeting went when you get back. Deal?", "Elena: Deal.", "Devon: Okay.", "Elena: And you know that woman is a grifter, okay, and this whole thing just feels like a scam.", "Devon: I-I agree with you.", "Elena: And the thought of someone actually trying to hurt you just makes me furious.", "Devon: Baby, I can tell. I really can, and I appreciate you having my back.", "Elena: You sure you're gonna be okay?", "Devon: Ye I'm gonna be fine. As messed up as all of this is, I'm not gonna let her or any of it get to me. I promise you.", "Amanda: I just received the overnight deliver of the will's real pages. I do not like surprises.", "Adam: Oh, come on, dad. Maybe you didn't give the order to have me run down, but you made your wishes known without even saying the words. We both know that is a particular skill of yours. And it was -- it was a nice touch, you know, luring me out to the place where I hit delia to twist the knife and wrench the maximum amount of guilt and pain out of me. What? Now you won't confirm or deny? I mean, come on. Throw -- throw me a bone. I have the rare opportunity of questioning a dead man. And it's just the two of us. Did you mean for the driver to kill me, or did you just want him to send me a message and do some damage?", "Victor: I never ordered anyone to run you down.", "Adam: Right. [ Scoffs ] Right. But that's what we do. Isn't it? That's what we've always done. Love. Hate. What's the difference?", "Victor: I don't hate you, son. My blood runs in your veins. And I will never forget that you took a bullet for me. I will never forget that.", "Adam: Yeah, but our good times, they never lasted, dad. It was just a matter of time before things escalated, got ugly again. Look, I will give you this, okay -- you did put on a good show. I really did think that you were dead. Okay? When I thought that I had killed my own father, I was...", "Victor: [ Sighs ] You were what?", "Adam: I knew I had reached my limit. And it was too much. Okay? There is no coming back from this.", "Victor: Wait a minute, son. Where are you going?", "Adam: Why? Why? So you can track me down, and you can exact revenge when i least expect it?", "Victor: You know that's always an option for me. But I'm not interested.", "Adam: You know what? Have at it, old man. There is nothing that you can do to me that will make me feel worse than I already do. Besides, if I tell you where I'm going, it will take all the fun out of it.", "Victor: You're wrong about that.", "Adam: About what? That I can disappear? I've gotten pretty good at it.", "Victor: You don't have to leave town. You can stay here. There's always a way back.", "Jill: You know, as confused as I was when you quit chancellor, I have to admit that I'm very impressed with the work you're doing right now. It seems to be good for you.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah, it is. And, uh, it's kind of gratifying.", "Jill: Mm.", "Cane: You know, who would have known that it would turn out that I would have a knack for ex-cons?", "Jill: [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Hey, I suppose I should thank my dad for one thing, then, huh?", "Jill: Did you have to drag him into our conversation?", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. So, uh...", "Jill: [ Sighs ]", "Cane: How are you? You okay?", "Jill: I'm fine. I mean, it wasn't a painful divorce. Not like yours was. Okay? It's just another chapter reaching its inevitable conclusion.", "Cane: Yeah, I know what you mean.", "Jill: The truth is, I was feeling on top of the world before this whole business with katherine's will came up. And [Sighs] As much as devon is trying to hide it, I'm sure it must be upsetting for him. This attorney is so shady. And I refuse to believe that she's working with chance.", "Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hang on a second. Wait. With -- with chance?", "Jill: Oh, did i leave that part out?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Jill: Miss sinclair claims that she's representing chance because he is the one who found the real will pages.", "Cane: Okay. All right. This -- this is a little unbelievable, okay?", "Jill: That's the word for it.", "Cane: Right.", "Jill: And it's very, very upsetting, because it's dredging all these memories up that i would rather forget.", "Cane: Yeah, I'm sure it is. How would you like me to come with you for moral support? To devon's?", "Jill: Oh, sweetie, that's not necessary.", "Cane: Hey, sometimes it's good if you have someone in your corner. I went with lily when it came to neil's will reading, and I -- I know I'd like to think it helped.", "Jill: I'm sure it did.", "Cane: So, let me be there for you and devon.", "Adam: What -- what kind of game is this?", "Victor: It's not a game, son. It's an offer. For you to start again.", "Adam: Okay, no. I-it is too late for that. It's too late.", "Victor: It's not too late. I'm willing to forgive you.", "Adam: Then what? I mean, then what? What? Even if you give me another chance, the rest of the family won'T.", "Victor: It is up to you to convince them that you have become a different person.", "Adam: Okay, and what if i haven't become a different person? What if I am not capable of becoming a different person?", "Victor: Son, it is in your power to be who you want to be. You're in control of your own behavior.", "Adam: Okay, that is not true! I tried to reintegrate back into the family. But all the old grudges, and the grievances, came rushing back. I mean, god! I told myself that everything would be all right if I just had my sons back. But the way that I went about it was completely wrong. I made it all about me, and about winning. At every turn, I -- I succumbed to my worst impulses.", "Victor: Mm.", "Adam: And as soon as i encountered any pushback, I used it to justify the next thing, and the next thing. I mean, I blurted out I was christian's father. I could see the confusion in his eyes in that moment. I mean, I scared my own son because all I was thinking about was myself, and how I could hurt nick.", "Victor: And you don't think I've been there? You don't think I've done bad things in my life? Let me tell you something -- you ended up doing the right thing for christian.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] What is that, giving him up? Because I am a bad father, and I'm a bad person?", "Victor: I did not mean that.", "Adam: Look, I switched your pills. Okay? I just -- I told myself it was just part of the game.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: And that I didn't really want you dead. When they told me that you were gone, that I had actually killed my own father, okay, I looked into the mirror... and I saw myself for who I really was.", "Chelsea: I didn't think that adam would actually leave once he looked into that little boy's eyes, and heard him pleading for his dad to stay.", "Nick: But he did. I can't say I'm surprised.", "Chelsea: Connor think he's never gonna see his father again. Because adam said that that's what's best for him. But I completely disagree.", "Nick: Well, it might be better than him being in jail. I don't think adam's gonna risk showing his face knowing the consequences he's facing.", "Chelsea: Well, I don't think I could really accept that adam's gone forever. Again. And I certainly know that it's not good for my kid to never see his father again.", "Nick: But you could give connor false hope if you tell him that adam might come back.", "Chelsea: Adam is connor's father. That's never gonna chance. But maybe -- maybe adam will. I mean, maybe he'll put the effort into turning his life around. For his son's sake.", "Nick: You know, I -- I can't believe you'd say that after some of the things he's done.", "Chelsea: I mean, it's not worse than some of the things that victor's done.", "Nick: This isn't about my dad.", "Chelsea: I'm sorry, but you are mourning the loss of someone who did some terrible things to his family. Including you. But you were able to forgive him eventually. It meant so much to both of you that you were able to become close again.", "Nick: It's different.", "Chelsea: It's not different. The father/son bond can never be entirely broken.", "Nick: Well, it can when one of the people is broken. Adam has no remorse. He is beyond redemption.", "Chelsea: Right. Alright, I-I just feel like you're speaking like this because you're angry right now.", "Nick: It's not anger. It's the truth.", "Chelsea: Okay, I think you just need to take some time. Alright? You're grieving. You need to put things in perspective.", "Nick: Adam messed with my father's medication. There is no coming back from that.", "Chelsea: Nicholas, you don't have any proof of that.", "Nick: Him being on the run is all the proof I need.", "Chelsea: Maybe you need to hear his side of the story. Maybe he wants to eventually show some remorse.", "Nick: What, so, adam is supposed to say, like, \"I'm sorry,\" and I'm just gonna forgive him?", "Chelsea: I'm just saying, i think that you need some time because you are grieving.", "Nick: It's not that.", "Chelsea: How can you be so sure?", "Nick: Because my father's alive. Copd makes it hard to breathe. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Chelsea: I don't understand.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Adam doubled the dosage on my father's pills, which could have killed him. So he wanted adam to think he had succeeded. You know, if he thought dad was dead, then maybe he would make a mistake or try and cover his tracks or, even better, admit what he had done.", "Chelsea: But you let me believe that victor was dead. Why? How could you not tell me?", "Nick: Had to be this way.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Oh. Oh, you didn't trust me. You thought that I would tell adam.", "Nick: I-I didn't want to put you in that position. I was trying to protect you.", "Chelsea: Protect me? You were trying to protect me? I let adam tell my son that victor was dead... because I believed he was really gone. You watched connor suffer. You watched us both suffer. And you stayed silent. My son is upstairs in his room going through hell right now. So don't say that you did that to protect us, nick. You did this because of your sick need to exact revenge on your brother.", "Elena: I'm worried. And I'm angry at amanda sinclair.", "Nate: [ Sighs ]", "Elena: I told devon today that I wanted to slap her in the face.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] She better watch out.", "Elena: I mean, I didn't mean it literally, obviously, but if I do see her, I'm gonna tell her how I feel about her.", "Nate: I got that chance this morning.", "Elena: You saw her?", "Nate: At society. If it helps, I told her off for both of us.", "Elena: Yeah? How'd she take it?", "Nate: Nothing really seems to fluster her. It's still so strange to see her face.", "Elena: Yeah, the face of the woman who looks in every way like the love of devon's life.", "Nate: Uh, former love of his life.", "Elena: Well, she's still enshrined in his memory. You know, he's been doing so well until this hilary doppelganger shows up, in the flesh.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nate: Yeah, I am worried about how devon is taking this.", "Elena: Yeah, me too. But he seems fine, and he says all the right things. And if I'm not fine and you're not fine, how can he actually be fine?", "Nate: Well, hopefully, whatever happens at this meeting will put things to bed.", "Elena: Fingers crossed.", "Brittany: There's not a lot we can do until we see the alleged evidence that portions of katherine's will were forged.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Brittany: Can you think of anything that this attorney might use to cast doubt on the will?", "Devon: No, nothing at all.", "Brittany: Then just relax. I feel really good about this. Amanda sinclair's client is refusing to put in an appearance, and she hasn't been able to produce the real will.", "Devon: I know. It makes me wonder, though, why she'd arrange us all to meet if she didn't have any proof to what she was claiming, though.", "Brittany: That's true. We can't take anything for granted. But as soon as we see her cards, we'll pounce.", "Devon: Yeah.", "[ Sighs ]", "Brittany: You okay?", "Devon: Yeah, I am. This just reminds me of when we read neil's will.", "Brittany: Yeah. I'm sorry you have to go through this so soon after losing your father.", "Devon: It's -- it's okay. I know, if he were here, he would tell me to be strong and to stand up for myself, and that's exactly what I intend to do. So...", "Brittany: Yeah.", "Devon: Hmm.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Brittany: Uh, let me.", "Devon: Thank you.", "[ Sighs ]", "Amanda: Amanda sinclair.", "Brittany: Brittany hodges.", "Amanda: Direct eye contact, strong handshake. I gather you were warned about me.", "Brittany: Given the weak case you're trying to bring, I gather you weren'T. (Susan n) leonard was afraid", "[ Knock on door ]", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Hey.", "Jill: Hi, hon.", "Devon: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Devon: What are you doing here?", "Cane: Uh, I came for moral support.", "Devon: Oh. Okay. Thank you. It's not necessary, though. Whatever happens, I'll be fine.", "Cane: Okay.", "Devon: Yeah. Thank you.", "Jill: Mwah.", "Cane: I should stay.", "Devon: Come in.", "Cane: Thanks.", "[ Door closes ]", "Amanda: Take a good look, everyone, so we can all move on.", "Cane: Alright, what's going on here?", "Jill: Is this some kind of a joke?", "Amanda: On the contrary, this is a very serious matter. And I would think that you would want katherine chancellor's will executed the way that she intended, given your long history with her.", "Jill: Would you, now? Well, I knew katherine better than anybody, which is exactly why I'm here today. And since she couldn't be with us, I will tell you what she would think of all of this and of you.", "Adam: You set up a test for me to pass. Maybe the most important test of my life, and I failed. I failed to pass the bar of basic human decency. And I disappointed you yet again, and I saw myself for who I really was -- someone that's supposed to live in exile, in isolation. I mean, after believing I killed you, what other future could i possibly have?", "Victor: Listen to me, my boy. We're not only talking about you. We're talking about your son. We're talking about connor. How can you walk away from him?", "Adam: Same way that you walked away from me when I was a baby.", "Victor: How did we walk away from you? It was your mother's wish to raise you on a farm in kansas. It broke my heart when she decided that. Now chelsea has invited you back into connor's life.", "Adam: How? She -- she's been wary. She didn't want me spending too much time with him. You know, and she's right. She's right. She realized I am a bad influence for him.", "Victor: Then let him inspire you to become a better person.", "Adam: How could I stay and ever look at him in the eye again?", "Victor: Because you're his father, damn it. You don't give up on your boy.", "Adam: No, I don't deserve to have that wonderful boy.", "Victor: [ Inhales deeply ] [ Sighs ] You don't think I've been where you are? I've done some terrible things in my life. I have. And there's always a way back.", "Adam: No. Not this time.", "Victor: Adam, listen to me. I've lived long enough to know, no one is all bad, all good. Your mother's blood is flowing in your veins. She was a wonderful woman. That little boy who played on that farm in kansas is in you somewhere.", "Adam: And so is the man who almost killed you...", "Victor: [ Sighs ]", "Adam: ...And framed his own sister for your murder. I mean, I don't understand why you're trying to get me to stay. Okay? I need to let this place, this life go.", "Jill: This is just ridiculous.", "Cane: This isn't helping. Alright? Just don't --", "Amanda: I am done discussing my appearance. It is completely irrelevant to these proceedings.", "Brittany: A judge might think otherwise. It certainly brings your motives into question and those of your conveniently absent client.", "Amanda: I suggest that we move on. Stalling isn't going to change the truth about your situation, mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: Yeah, you're right.", "Amanda: Okay, well, chance overnighted me the pages of the real will.", "Jill: The real will was read six years ago.", "Cane: Jill.", "Brittany: We've had no time to check the authenticity of the documents. Are we really supposed to take you seriously right now?", "Amanda: They can and they will be authenticated.", "Jill: Oh, I'm so tired of this charade! Katherine intended for him to have half her fortune, okay?!", "Amanda: Devon hamilton's biological father wanted him to.", "Jill: And devon has proved ever since that he is deserving of this. He is not a money-grubbing con artist like you, who would use the fact that you're the spitting image of this poor man's dead wife --", "Amanda: You can focus on my looks to distract yourself from the truth, but it doesn't change the facts.", "Brittany: What facts? There are no facts here.", "Devon: Okay, okay, let's -- let's all knock it off, please. I want to be done with this so i can be done with you. Let's hear what you have to say.", "Amanda: Okay.", "[ Paper rustling ]", "Brittany: Where's our copy?", "Amanda: It will be provided in due time.", "Brittany: Oh, this is ridiculous.", "Devon: No, let's listen to her.", "Amanda: \"To my beloved husband, patrick murphy, who came into my life when I was lost and helped me find my way, I leave my collection of vintage automobiles, a quarter of my estate, the cabin on lake michigan --\"", "Jill: You can skip ahead. We've heard this part.", "Amanda: \"To my other son, brock reynolds, my granddaughter, mackenzie hellstrom, my grandson devon hamilton, as well as phillip chancellor the third, phillip chancellor the fourth, and nina webster -- you are to divide a quarter of my estate evenly between you.\"", "Jill: That is not what katherine wanted.", "Devon: It still leaves half the estate.", "Jill: [ Laughs ] Let me guess. She left the rest to you?", "Amanda: \" I leave the rest of my fortune, amounting to $2,475,000,000, to cane ashby.\"", "Nick: Look, you're right. I'm sorry I... [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I should have told you.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: But it all happened so fast, and you know why we had to do this. Adam is dangerous.", "Chelsea: Because he altered the dosage of victor's medication?", "Nick: Yes.", "Chelsea: But you still don't even know if that would have killed him.", "Nick: My father has a rare blood disease. He's on an experimental drug with unpredictable side effects. Why are you even questioning it?", "Chelsea: 'Cause you are calling adam a murderer. You don't even know if that was his intention.", "Nick: I don't care. He could have killed my father.", "Chelsea: So go to the police. Let them get to the truth.", "Nick: Adam always has a way of getting out of legal trouble. Like framing victoria. Can't rely on the cops.", "Chelsea: It's just an excuse. You decided you had to take care of this yourself because you are fixated on taking down your brother. And you know who had to pay the price for that? My son. Your little charade cost connor his father. So, hope it was worth it.", "Adam: So much of who I am has always been tied up with you. And yet somehow... there's nothing left to say.", "Victor: You know... I mourned you... when I thought I'd lost you in that explosion. And when I found out that you were still alive... I did everything in my power to bring you back home.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] [ Voice breaking ] But I could never be...who -- who you wanted me to be. [ Sniffles ] You know, all that I wanted from you, dad, [Sniffles] Probably more than your love [Sighs] Was for you to respect me. I know that's not an excuse for what I did. But I'm sorry.", "Victor: I know.", "Adam: [ Sobs ]", "Victor: I know.", "Adam: [ Sobs ] I hope that you can forgive me someday... dad.", "Nikki: Victor? Michael's coming. I just saw him making his way from the garden.", "Victor: Oh, yeah." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ... my cholesterol is borderline.']
[ "Noah notices that Jack and Sharon are acting strangely. Nick and Jack argue over Nick kissing Sharon, until they are interrupted by Noah. At home, Nick makes a video for Phyllis. Sharon is comforted by Neil when she tells him about her troubles. Sharon tries to be romantic with Jack but he isn't interested. Colleen invites Brad to dinner at her and Adrian's apartment. At the apartment, Brad checks out Adrian's research on the reliquary. Lily is upset to see Cane at the Athletic Club working out with a beautiful woman. Later he tells her that he would like to work out with her and the other woman has nothing on her.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jack: How's the project?", "Sharon: Just okay?", "Noah: I don't think I'm doing it right.", "Jack: Well, I mean, I could always take a look at it if you like.", "Noah: Cool. I wanna show Dad, too.", "Jack: Great.", "Sharon: More carrots?", "Jack: Oh, no, thanks.", "Sharon: Noah? Help your eyesight.", "Noah: You always say that.", "Sharon: Well, I might be right. You know, you don't wear glasses. So... the travel agent called today. She wondered if we might want to rebook our honeymoon.", "Jack: I'll think about it.", "Noah: Why are you guys acting so weird?", "Sharon: Aren't we always?", "Noah: When Sam and I got into the fight, we didn't talk for three days.", "Sharon: Nobody's fighting.", "Jack: Your mom's right. Noah, everything's fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: When are you gonna learn? I totally had you.", "Neil: (Chuckles) you knocked me down once.", "Karen: Once? How's the math? Try twice.", "Neil: Okay.", "Nick: Neil, sounds like the ladies are taking you down, Man.", "Neil: Uh, I-I let her. Hey, come on, let's, uh, dig in. What you got for me?", "Nick: The, uh, Volt-Tech proposal-- I told you about it yesterday. It comes with a promised delivery of March 1st.", "Neil: Yeah? So does Harris, at a considerably lower bid.", "Karen: You know, I plowed through everything the other day and I like Volt- Tech.", "Neil: These production figures are inflated. Let's go to page... 36.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Excuse me. This is Nick.", "Neil: We will be digging ourselves into further debt with these figures.", "Karen: I think we should just wait and see what Nick thinks.", "Nick: Okay, I'm on my way. I got some stuff I gotta wrap up. Let's finish this later.", "Neil: All right.", "Karen: All right.", "Neil: I'll e-mail you all the information that we get through.", "Nick: Okay, cool, see you in the morning.", "Karen: Bye.", "Neil: Yeah, bye. So... we're on our own.", "Karen: We're two very capable-minded people. We can handle it. Let's order some food.", "Neil: Your capable mind goes straight to food?", "Karen: Like you said, priorities.", "Neil: How 'bout we wait?", "Karen: You're kidding, right? I'm starving.", "Neil: No, why don't we grab a snack now, after we finish, we'll go somewhere nice. Dinner. My treat.", "Karen: The snack's on you, too?", "Neil: If that's a yes to dinner.", "Karen: I think that's a yes to dinner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: And can I get that to-go? Thanks, Ryan.", "Brad: Girl who's not afraid to order dessert. I like that.", "Colleen: Uh-huh.", "Brad: How would you like to join me for dinner?", "Colleen: I would. Um, it's just Adrian is cooking me dinner tonight.", "Brad: Ah. Well, in that case, I'll, uh... order something to-go.", "Colleen: Why don't you come have dinner with us?", "Brad: With you and Adrian?", "Colleen: No, with Jake Gyllenhaal and me, because I dumped him for someone younger. That was a joke.", "Brad: That, uh, still doesn't make him age appropriate for you.", "Colleen: Dad.", "Brad: But if you're happy, I'm happy.", "Colleen: Come on. I really want you to. Just let me call Adrian and tell him to make enough for all of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi, um, what's up?", "Cane: Not much. I'm just gonna hit the weights.", "Lily: Oh, cool. Well, don't hit 'em too hard.", "Cane: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Hang on a second. I know what you're doing. You just don't wanna see me eating alone. I really don't mind the peace and quiet.", "Colleen: Dad, I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't really want you there, okay? Now let me make the call.", "Brad: All right, but if it's not a good night...", "Colleen: Dad, it'll be fine. I promise. Adrian, he was going to eat alone.", "[Colleen calls Adrian]", "Adrian: Well, tell him I said bon appetit.", "Colleen: Don't kill me, but, um, I already invited him.", "Adrian: I've got a phone conference with my editor in the morning. I still have hours of prep to do.", "Colleen: Come on, you'll be ready. You always are.", "Adrian: Look, I know you're doing better with your father, but think of this rapprochement as a fine wine, all right? Let it age before you bring him to the place you live with the boyfriend that he can't stand.", "Colleen: Look, this would really help me, okay?", "Adrian: When you do reschedule, I promise to be civil.", "Colleen: Oh, really?", "Adrian: Charming, even.", "Colleen: Baby, you're always charming. You know what? It's fine. Um, we'll just reschedule.", "Adrian: Are you-- are you now trying reverse psychology on me? Is that it?", "Colleen: No, you're too smart for that.", "Adrian: All right, how important is this to you?", "Colleen: Enough that you already know the answer.", "Adrian: Well, since you put it that way, come on over.", "Colleen: Are you sure?", "Adrian: If it makes you happy, yes.", "Colleen: Thank you so much. This means so much to me. Thank you. I love you, okay? Bye.", "Colleen: Adrian said it's a great idea.", "Brad: You're a poor liar. But it's an admirable quality.", "Colleen: It'll be fine. 8:00?", "Brad: 8:00. I'll see you then.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Brad: Love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: My office will handle all the calls. Right. Thanks.", "Jack: You going out?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm--I'm going to the bookstore. Noah wants Phyllis to be able to read the same books he's reading in class.", "Jack: She'll be thrilled.", "Noah: You're going to see Phyllis?", "Sharon: Yeah. Tomorrow morning.", "Noah: Can I come?", "Sharon: No, not this time.", "Noah: Why not?", "Jack: Yeah, why not?", "Sharon: Because... you are suspended from school and you have a lot of homework to catch up on.", "Noah: Come on, Mom, I can do it whenever.", "Sharon: No, you can't. I don't want you falling behind.", "Jack: Noah, your mom's right. You're not on vacation.", "Noah: Oh, fine. Tell her that \"Bud, not Buddy\" is first on the list.", "Sharon: \"Bud, not Buddy.\" I will tell her.", "Sharon: You need anything while I'm out?", "Jack: Can't think of a thing.", "Sharon: Okay, I won't be long.", "Jack: Homework time.", "Noah: Well, I can't. Because if I don't wait an hour for my food to digest, I'll get a cramp.", "Jack: And how do you suggest we deal with that?", "Noah: Video games?", "Jack: Nice try. After everything. Homework time.", "Noah: Okay.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Noah: Hey, Dad! This is a cool surprise.", "Nick: What's up, Dude?", "Noah: Well, Mom's not here right now.", "Nick: Well, that's okay. I'm actually here to see Jack.", "Jack: Oh, that's too bad. I was just about to help Noah with his homework.", "Noah: Dad can help, too. Come on, take a look at it.", "Nick: I'll be up in a minute, Bud. I need to speak with Jack alone.", "Noah: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Oh, thanks. Oh, can you add another one of these to my order? Actually, make that two more? Thank you.", "Lily: Hungry?", "Colleen: My dad's coming to dinner at our place. I had to invite him. He was here ordering for one. And the invitation sort of just, like, flew out of my mouth.", "Lily: Well, make sure you wear your bulletproof vest.", "Colleen: I think it'll be okay this time. And, you know, I know that things haven't gone well between them--", "Lily: Well, that's an understatement.", "Colleen: But, I mean, you know, like, how are things gonna change unless they get to know each other? I really want this to work out.", "Lily: Oh, speaking of working out, did you see Cane going to the gym?", "Colleen: No, did you talk to him?", "Lily: Well, I don't know if I'd go that far. Our conversation consisted of, like, two sentences.", "Colleen: Right.", "Lily: One where he asked me, \"What's up?\"", "Colleen: And the other?", "Lily: And me telling him not to hit the weights too hard. I know.", "Colleen: But that's good, though, because, it's, like, if he wasn't interested, then he wouldn't be thinking about you at all, so... I'm thinking friends.", "Lily: What?", "Colleen: You and Cane. Look, I know you--you can't do anything more than that, so, I mean, hang out. See how it goes.", "Lily: Yeah. I can deal with that. But what if he's still freaked out about my age?", "Colleen: Okay, Adrian is older than me and we started out as friends.", "Lily: You mean, he was your teacher.", "Colleen: You're missing the point. Thank you.", "Lily: Okay. So maybe I have a little-- a little, tiny crush on Cane. Sort of. But I'm so not ready to move on yet. And whatever I feel about him, it doesn't mean anything.", "Colleen: Be his friend. Go from there. Gotta go. Mwah!", "Lily: Bye.", "(Exhales)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I won't be long.", "Jack: Get out of my face, Nick.", "Nick: I wanna apologize to you.", "Jack: For what? Kissing my wife? Apology not accepted. What do you want from me?", "Nick: I want you to understand what happened.", "Jack: Oh, I understand exactly what happened. You planned this whole thing. You set up this location scout so you could be closer to my wife, and then the two of you lied about it.", "Nick: It wasn't anything like that.", "Jack: You'd do anything in the world to get closer to my wife.", "Nick: Are you telling me that you think I locked us in that vault on purpose?", "Jack: You sure took advantage of the situation.", "Nick: Jack, it was one kiss.", "Jack: Well, at least the two of you got your stories straight.", "Nick: No, there's no story. That kiss meant nothing. All right, what do you want from me? You wanna know why it happened?", "Jack: I know why you kissed her. Hell, everybody knows why you kissed her. What I don't get is why she kissed you back. Your son's waiting for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hi, it's Sharon. Can you meet me? I know its short notice, so I'll understand if you can't, but I really need to see you.", "Sharon: Are you sure you can meet me?", "Neil: Definitely. Uh, where are you?", "Sharon: I'm at the Athletic Club. But how about I come to you?", "Neil: I'm at Newman.", "Sharon: Great. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Thanks.", "Neil: No problem, Sharon. See you soon.", "Neil: Hi, Karen, it's me. Um, listen, uh, something very important just came up and I need to postpone our dinner for a little while. I'm really, really sorry. I hope you understand, and I'll give you a call as soon as I can, okay? Thanks. Bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Thanks.", "Cane: You, um... you should do this a little slower. Here, don't jerk your arms so much. Let me show you.", "Lily: Oh, um...", "Cane: It's okay.", "Lily: Yeah, it's-- it's funny because my--my family-- they're very, you know, athletic, and my dad--he's in great shape and my mom--she was a dancer, but me --I'm more cerebral, so, you know, I thought I should get more physical. Um, is this better?", "Cane: That is great form.", "Lily: Thanks. Um, so did you go hear that Robert Cray guy the other night?", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, I just went with a friend.", "Lily: Oh. Did she like it?", "Cane: Uh, the girl next to me liked it. The bloke I went with from Accounting-- it wasn't really his cup of tea.", "Lily: Oh, yeah, you can't take those math geeks anywhere.", "Cane: Tell me about it. Um, next time I'd like to take you, maybe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Where do you keep the good napkins?", "Adrian: Bottom drawer.", "Colleen: Okay.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adrian: Hello. Korbel. Well, what do you mean your internet crashed? Well, go somewhere and upload the files. I need that PDF tonight.", "Colleen: What's going on?", "Adrian: My editor wants backups on everything. Original and translation. That was about an original. In Italian.", "Colleen: Baby, when my dad comes, maybe we shouldn't mention your book.", "Adrian: I wouldn't think of it.", "Colleen: Yes, you would.", "Adrian: Okay, you've got me, but tonight, I won't. Promise.", "Colleen: So we have glasses, napkins and your famous pasta spectacular. Anything else?", "Adrian: Uh, just the guest of dishonor.", "Colleen: Baby!", "Adrian: I will be the model of decorum.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Colleen: Dad!", "Brad: Hey, Sweetheart.", "Colleen: Come on in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, Noah's good to go. He just needed a little help getting started. I don't know how that kid concentrates with the TV and music--", "Jack: If you've finished, you can leave now.", "Nick: Look, I've made a lot of bad choices in my life. Do I regret hurting Phyllis? Hell yeah, I do. The same with you and Sharon. I mean, I had to go to my wife and look her in the eye and tell her I kissed another woman.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's your point here? You hurt your wife? I know that. She deserves better.", "Nick: My love for Sharon is platonic. I made Phyllis understand that.", "Jack: Or so you think.", "Nick: All right, look, all this is on me. Sharon didn't have anything to do with it. I was in control, I made the move. So if you need to take your frustrations out on someone, then you do it with me. I let it go too far. In fact, if I've learned anything from this whole experience, it's that your wife loves you. Very much.", "Jack: Well, I love the chivalry. It did kick in a little late.", "Nick: I'm just telling you how it was.", "Jack: What was the phrase you used? It was all you? No interest on her part?", "Nick: None.", "Jack: None? It was all you. The plan to go on the overnight to Clear Springs?", "Nick: Sharon told me that trip wasn't gonna happen and it didn't.", "Jack: But she thought about it. And she knew exactly what your intentions were.", "Nick: I accept full responsibility for that. Sharon was simply being nice to me at a time I was very confused.", "Jack: It was all you? And what about her reciprocating that kiss? Was that your responsibility, too? Hey, you could own up to global warming and world hunger at the same time.", "Nick: Jack, I'm being straight with you.", "Jack: Give me a little credit. I know you're protecting Sharon.", "Nick: She is devoted to you.", "Jack: And don't you dare analyze my marriage based on your tawdry little rendezvous.", "Nick: We were married. We talked about our life, our children. There is always going to be a part of me that loves her.", "Jack: I'll just bet.", "Nick: That is a past we can't go back to. You two have a future.", "Jack: Wow. You practice that one on the way in? That's a pretty good finish.", "Nick: All right, I guess this is a waste of my time. You've already made up your mind, so I'll tell you what. Why don't you go tear into Sharon for this? See how far it gets you.", "Jack: You listen to me, you self-righteous, sanctimonious--", "Noah: Hey, Jack! Can you help me with my homework, please?", "Jack: Yeah, I'll be right there, Buddy. When I come back downstairs, I want you gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You and Nick? When?", "Sharon: About a month ago. When we were on that scout for the shoot.", "Neil: I told him to back off.", "Sharon: He spoke to you?", "Neil: I spoke. He obviously didn't listen. You know, it really doesn't matter. Um, so, did you guys...", "Sharon: No. We only kissed.", "Neil: How did Jack find out?", "Sharon: He overheard me talking to Brad.", "Neil: Oh, ouch.", "Sharon: I hate myself for letting this happen. I mean, Jack... he was devastated. What kind of a wife does this to her husband?", "Neil: Sharon, Sharon, stop, don't beat yourself up. Okay, you made a mistake. Like we all have. You admitted that you might be falling back in love with Nick.", "Sharon: And you told me not to let that ruin what I have. What's wrong with me?", "Neil: Nothing is wrong with you. You were confused. Nick was acting like the man you--you were married to.", "Sharon: He was acting like the man that I needed him to be when our marriage was falling apart.", "Neil: Yeah, I'm sure. The question now is, how do you feel about him?", "Sharon: Well, when we were locked in that vault, I felt something. I mean, I was overwhelmed by memories, but I couldn't imagine a life with anyone but Nick. And then when the door opened, it was back to reality. Nick and I... we have a past and... that's where that's going to remain. I... I'll always love him, but I guess that's... all there is to it. And now, I've--I've moved on. I'm with Jack. And Jack's my whole life now. And with Nick, I was reaching for something-- for something that... just could never be-- for a marriage... to repair our marriage that... it just never could, because our little...", "Neil: Cassie?", "Sharon: You know, when you lose someone you really love, you'll do almost anything to get them back.", "Neil: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So, it's small, but, um, it's cozy.", "Brad: You like to read.", "Adrian: The curse of an academic.", "Brad: Orwell, Ovid, Amos Oz. Alphabetical.", "Adrian: Well, thank Colleen. She's the organized one.", "Brad: What's this?", "Adrian: Uh, it's just... material for my book. Excuse me, I need a better filing system here.", "Brad: Mind if take a look?", "Colleen: Dad.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Adrian: Oh, um, yeah, here. This is work. Excuse me. Bonsoir, Cecile.", "Colleen: Do you really need to, uh, take a look at those now?", "Brad: A brief overview of the history of Kutna Hora.", "Adrian: Sorry about that. A really tight deadline.", "Colleen: Yeah, so, um, dinner's ready and Adrian just cooked his famous pasta, so let's eat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I thought I was pretty clear with you.", "Nick: I'm not finished.", "Jack: I am.", "Nick: You know, Sharon stood by you when you committed a felony, and you're worried about some little kiss?", "Jack: Some little kiss? You make it sound pretty damn insignificant.", "Nick: Your priority should be Noah. Because your criminal actions are affecting my son. And all you seem to be worried about is yourself and your career.", "Jack: Nothing is more important to me than my family.", "Nick: Yeah, well, your judgments and so-called ethics have only proven that you don't deserve Sharon or my son.", "Jack: Get out of my house. Now. If you're not outta here in five seconds, I'm gonna put you through--", "Noah: Stop it! Stop fighting!", "Nick: No more fighting, Dude. I promise.", "Jack: Nothing for you to worry about, Buddy. We just had a little disagreement. Sometimes it gets a little louder than-- than it really is.", "Noah: Were you guys fighting about me?", "Jack: No, what?", "Nick: No. No.", "Noah: 'Cause I got suspended?", "Jack: No, no.", "Nick: No, we weren't arguing about your suspension.", "Noah: Then what were you yelling about?", "Jack: Clear Springs. Sometimes it's a little hard to tell who's the boss.", "Noah: Why can't you both be the boss?", "Nick: Well, we are, kind of.", "Noah: Then why do you guys have to fight?", "Nick: We don't. And I'm sorry you had to hear it. That's not gonna happen again.", "Noah: Aren't you guys supposed to know better?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You're gonna wanna use the light weights. And, uh, try and do as many reps as you can.", "Lily: Oh, um, how come?", "Cane: 'Cause that way your arms will build tone. If you lift heavier and do fewer reps, they'll just get bigger.", "Lily: How--how do you know all this stuff?", "Cane: I had a mate in Australia who was a trainer. Um, we didn't have clubs like this, though. But for me--I know I like to, uh, hike, climb, ski, you know, that sort of stuff. Then you got the concrete jungle like this. It's a-- it's a whole different animal, I'll tell you that.", "Lily: Yeah, see, me-- I'm more of a city girl, like facials and shopping and that kind of stuff.", "Cane: I would like to take you hiking. I think it'll change you.", "Lily: You know what? So far, you owe me a concert and a hike, so I better be a changed woman.", "Cane: Guaranteed or your money back.", "Lily: So, um, you're not really used to living in the city, are you?", "Cane: When I was 19, I worked on an oil rig. And then I went to Indonesia-- went on walkabout--- that's like hiking, where I learned the portable skill of bartending. From there I went to Sydney, and I had, um... other adventures.", "Lily: Oh. Um, well, you'll have to... tell me about 'em sometime.", "Cane: I'd like that. It would be my pleasure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: This is, um... really great. What else do you cook?", "Adrian: I'm partial to French cuisine. Rais aux capres.", "Brad: Which is?", "Adrian: Skate wing with capers.", "Colleen: It tastes much better than it sounds.", "Adrian: And soup. L'oignon gratinée a la mode lyonnaise. Onion soup as they make it in Lyon.", "Brad: Why don't you just call it French onion soup?", "Adrian: I prefer to call things by their proper name.", "Colleen: Who wants some more iced tea?", "Adrian: Oh, uh, did you happen to catch Colleen's uncle's press conference the other night? I thought senator Abbott was quite convincing.", "Brad: Jack Abbott's moral elasticity appeal to you?", "Adrian: Politicians are by definition morally elastic, Brad. You want purity, rent \"Mr. Smith goes to Washington.\" It's a fairy tale.", "Colleen: Um, Frank Capra. I love that film. Don't you love that film, dad?", "Brad: Does your admiration for felons carry into all aspects of your life?", "Adrian: I've studied history long enough to know that simple judgments are usually the work of simple minds.", "Colleen: I'll get dessert.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Here you go, Sweetie.", "Sharon: Thanks.", "Neil: Sharon, uh... I think... maybe part of you wanted Jack to find out about the kiss.", "Sharon: I don't think so.", "Neil: Come on. On some level?", "Sharon: Never. I knew how much that would hurt him. You're supposed to be being the supportive friend.", "Neil: Yeah, supportive and honest. Dru would've said the exact same thing.", "Sharon: I can just hear her now.", "Neil: It's strange. I can't help thinking about my flirtation with Carmen. Yeah, there was definitely an attraction there, but... I was very angry with my wife. You know, she was so jealous and in my face about it all. And I had-- I had had it with her. And instead of dealing with the problem, I turned to someone else.", "Sharon: Jack and I weren't having problems, though. Not until recently.", "Neil: Sharon... if your marriage was solid before that, do you really think you'd have kissed Nick? Sharon, every marriage goes through their share of problems. What doesn't break you apart makes you stronger.", "Sharon: Did you read that in a book somewhere?", "Neil: Possibly. But listen, you forgave Jack for everything he's done, now he has to forgive you.", "Sharon: He doesn't necessarily have to forgive me.", "Neil: Well, he does if he doesn't wanna lose an amazing woman. And before that happens, Sharon, you have to forgive yourself. That was in the book, too.", "Sharon: I knew it.", "Neil: No marriage is perfect. Look at Dru and me. You know, a lot of people said that we didn't fit well together. Like hell. We fit like a glove. And, yeah, we may have fought a lot, but we never went to bed mad at each other. The point is, we loved each other very much. And I miss her every day.", "Sharon: I can see why she loved you so much. Thank you.", "Neil: Oh, Sharon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: And here is to your physical side.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Cane: Cheers.", "Lily: I'll drink to that.", "Cane: Oh, and tonight, have some milk. The, uh, protein will help your muscles recover.", "Lily: Okay, so hot shower and milk. Got it.", "Cane: But not at the same time.", "Woman: You ready?", "Cane: Hey, um... Lily--this is my friend Lily. Stacey, this is Lily. Stacey is my workout buddy.", "Stacey: More like workout follower. He's been showing me the ropes. I didn't know how to use anything in here.", "Cane: Didn't I pick the wrong profession?", "Lily: Um, I didn't know that you had, like, clients and stuff.", "Cane: Oh, I don't.", "Stacey: He's just helping me so that I don't embarrass myself. Ready?", "Cane: Lead the way.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Lily: Hello?", "Colleen: You were right. My dad and Adrian aren't even speaking at this point.", "Lily: Um, I'm sorry.", "Colleen: Why did I think it was a good idea? Are you home?", "Lily: No, I'm at the gym.", "Colleen: With Cane?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, definitely not with. More in his general vicinity. He's training another girl.", "Colleen: I thought he was gonna do that with you.", "Lily: Yeah, well, guess not.", "Colleen: Is he flirting with her?", "Lily: No. She's flirting. I mean, where he goes, women follow. I mean, I don't care. It's not that I care.", "Colleen: Well, maybe he doesn't want a girl that flirts. You know, it's more refreshing.", "Lily: I'll be, like, his first girl friend friend, as in the no strings attached kind, you know?", "Colleen: I love it.", "Lily: Hey, shouldn't you go make sure that your dad and Adrian are both still alive?", "Colleen: Good point. I'll see you later.", "Lily: Bye.", "Lily: Uh, where's she going?", "Cane: Oh, she got a call from work, had to reschedule.", "Lily: Oh. Well, she seemed nice.", "Cane: Lily... she has nothing on you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, Dude, I'll see you later.", "Noah: Yeah. Bye, Dad.", "Nick: Don't stay up too late playing video games.", "Noah: I won't!", "Jack: Get out.", "Nick: You so worried about this kiss. Don't forget all the things you've done to put Sharon through the wringer. That's what you need to worry about.", "Jack: Unless you're here to pick up Noah, you are no longer welcome in this house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So this wasn't exactly how I wanted it to play out, but thanks for coming.", "Brad: This has certainly proved to you that I would do anything for my baby.", "Adrian: D'accord. Au Revoir. Sorry about that. So this was fun. Thanks for coming, Brad.", "Brad: Adrian.", "Adrian: Take care.", "Colleen: Thanks, Dad. I'll see you later.", "Brad: Good night, Sweetheart.", "Colleen: Good night. So... feel free to say, \"I told you so.\"", "Adrian: No, I need time to think of a suitable punishment. Two hours proofreading, because nobody does it better than you.", "Colleen: Done.", "Adrian: Followed by... a massage. One hour.", "Colleen: A massage isn't punishment.", "Adrian: I'm giving you a massage. And that's not punishment, either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So... this was fun.", "Cane: Just don't forget to stretch.", "Lily: Oh, I-I won't.", "Cane: And if you keep up, you know, the soreness will be gone in about a week. There are some books, you know, you can get.", "Lily: Um, yeah, I'm kind of, uh, inundated with school books, so, uh, I don't need another one right now.", "Cane: Well, why don't you get someone to workout with?", "Lily: Like a trainer?", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: Um, I-I can't afford that.", "Cane: Well, I work out a lot. I mean, you could maybe work out with--with me.", "Lily: Oh, um, yeah, that'd be--that'd be great.", "Cane: Then it's a date? I don't mean like a date-date.", "Lily: No, no, no, no, it's just a hang out, training... thingy.", "Cane: Thingy. Exactly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Better late than--", "Karen: Better late than never, yeah. That's gonna cause some serious sparring, you know?", "Neil: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was giving a friend of mine some advice.", "Karen: Anyone I know?", "Neil: Sharon Abbott. She was my wife's best friend. I-I was so used to hearing Dru give her advice, I wasn't sure that I had the right thing to say.", "Karen: She's a lucky lady. Good friends are hard to come by.", "Neil: My wife was the greatest friend anyone could ask for. I've never met anyone so loyal.", "Karen: I have. You.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nick sits with Summer and makes a video for Phyllis]", "Nick: Hi, Mom. Say, \"Hi, Mommy.\" Summer and I are both here and, uh... well, we miss you and wish you were here with us. Sharon's gonna come up there and see you tomorrow and tell you exactly what I did. It's that I'm in love with two women. One is named Phyllis, and the other Summer. And that's the way it's gonna be forever. There's no one else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm back.", "Jack: Did you get the books?", "Sharon: Yeah, all seven of 'em. France? Oh, well--well, that's funny, because, you know, I was just... at the bookstore and I-I picked up a few things. Um, just some stuff that I thought might help us get in the mood. Um, I got a bottle of French wine, and, um, I got a \"Learn French fast\" CD. I thought maybe we could-- we could just have a drink and--and listen to it. Were you booking new dates for the trip?", "Jack: No, actually, I was, uh... thinking about the night of the, uh, honeymoon treasure hunt.", "Sharon: It was perfect.", "Jack: You came home in such a funk that evening. It was so clear you had something on your mind. I looked at you and I thought, \"God, I love her.\" What can I do to put a smile on that beautiful face? Something wonderful, something... clever and a little silly and... little did I know, you had just kissed your ex-husband. I guess you did have a lot on your mind. Everything about that evening-- the airplane tickets, the--the champagne, the talk of France... the way you closed your eyes when you kissed me... it made me think you truly loved me. But maybe you closed your eyes so you could pretend I was him. Wow.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Are you always this nice?", "Cane: Well, maybe you bring it out in me.", "Victor: You could always sell your casino to me in case you need to cover legal fees.", "Phyllis: So you're hurting Jack to get back at me?", "Sharon: You take care of your marriage, I'll take care of mine." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy is back in town and making the rounds, he meets up with Cane who invites him over to his house to hang. When he runs into Lily he says that he came back for her and that Colleen could never replace her. Colleen tells Lily she's accepting the Faces of Jabot position and Lily is not impressed. Chloe and Colleen exchange harsh words. Jack and Adam go to NY to meet with a big time editor about doing a tell all story about Victor, Adam is having a change of heart though and threatening to back out. Eden cuts school and is invited to a party that Noah begs Nick and Sharon to attend. They agree but Michael and Lauren don't and she sneaks out. Nick and Phyllis celebrate their solo issue of Restless Style in bed. Chloe is shock when Billy shows up at her door." ]
[ "Phyllis: That's our cover right there.", "Nick: That's the cover. Definitely.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You think?", "Nick: Yeah, definitely.", "Phyllis: Okay. Then I'm taking it to the printer, and we can put this baby to bed.", "Nick: Yep. Let's do it.", "Phyllis: Congratulations, Partner.", "Nick: Congratulations.", "Phyllis: Do you have any regrets?", "Nick: No. Absolutely not. This is exactly what I envisioned when I first came up with the idea for this magazine. Maximum fashion.", "Phyllis: Maximum fashion and maximum sex. Without the sleaze--no sleaze. And you know what the best part of this is, is we don't have Jack and Sharon poisoning the well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I love this texture. So what do you think about this for the sofa?", "Martyn: I think it'll be great.", "Sharon: All right, and then what about the floors?", "Martyn: You know, I was thinking bamboo. It's environmentally friendly, and then we could use these rugs, you know, as accents.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Sharon: Yeah, okay. You know what? Can I just say yes to everything?", "Martyn: Of course.", "Sharon: Oh, and I wanna talk to you about getting those wooden beds for the guest rooms.", "Martyn: Oh, great. I was hoping that you'd say that.", "Billy: Surprise.", "Sharon: Billy! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Hong Kong?", "Billy: It's a long story. Is Jack around?", "Sharon: No, he's in New York.", "Billy: I know. I just left New York. I was with him. I thought he'd be back by now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Robert Drake. Ever hear the name?", "Adam: Uh, magazine editor?", "Jack: Exactly. One of the biggest. Listen, he had a meeting fall apart on him and suddenly has a hole in his schedule. He's agreed to meet you and me tonight to hear our pitch.", "Adam: Uh, he's interested in the article?", "Jack: A tell-all on Victor Newman? Trust me, everyone's interested. Look, I booked you on the next flight to New York. I e-mailed you a confirmation.", "Adam: All right, I'm on my way.", "Jack: Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So I just got off the phone with Phyllis. And she and Nick just finished the latest \"Restless Style\" issue and wanna celebrate. So the four of us are going out to dinner tonight.", "Michael: Huh? Oh, um, I-I'm sorry, Sweetie. Uh, I got a ton of paperwork. I got documents to review for Lowell's case.", "Lauren: Honey, this is important to them. It's their super hot, super sex issue.", "Michael: Yeah, well, I gotta try and keep my super cool, groovy daddy from being sentenced to life in prison.", "Lauren: You know what? You have been working nonstop since you agreed to defend him. I think... you should take a break... and clear your mind.", "Michael: I would love nothing more than an hour not thinking about Lowell. Doesn't Amy have that extension course this evening, though?", "Lauren: Oh, that's right. Well, you know, we can always call Gloria. And I mean, we could ask Eden.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Girl: Eden, right?", "Eden: Uh. Yeah.", "Girl: You're in my English class. I sit in the second row over by the window. God, is Mr. Young boring or what?", "Eden: I guess.", "Girl: Hey, cool necklace.", "Eden: Oh. Uh, it's a kundalini chakra. Uh, I made it myself.", "Girl: No way. Would you make one for me?", "Eden: Uh, sure.", "Girl: Thanks. I'm Hannah, by the way.", "Eden: Yeah, I know.", "Hannah: You weren't in class today. Did you cut?", "Eden: Um, what-- what if I did?", "Hannah: It's cool. Oh, so there's, like, this totally awesome party tonight. Everyone is gonna be there. You should go.", "Eden: Uh, where is it?", "Hannah: In that warehouse on the corner of Jefferson and Spring Street. You can't miss it.", "Eden: I wouldn't know anyone there.", "Hannah: Hey, you'll know me. And I'll introduce you to all the really cool kids. Come on, it'll be fun.", "Eden: Okay.", "Hannah: Great. I'll see you there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: Uh, so I'm heading over to Jabot. And I told Cane... I'm gonna take the job.", "Lily: Oh, that's nice.", "Colleen: Is that, \"That's nice. Congratulations, Colleen,\" or \"That's nice. You moved in on my life and I never wanna talk to you again.\"", "Colleen: Look, Lily, I could never take your place, okay?", "Lily: You don't have to say that. I know I'm not irreplaceable. And this would be a great opportunity for you.", "Colleen: But you're still upset.", "Lily: Well, yeah, of course I'm upset. It's hard seeing you do everything I wanted to do.", "Colleen: But you know, I would feel the same way if the situation were reversed.", "Lily: Listen, I know that no one forced me to quit Jabot. And you know, I guess I wouldn't feel right about myself if I told you not to take the job.", "Colleen: So where does that leave us? Still friends?", "Lily: Yeah, of course, but don't expect me to do cartwheels for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So, Billy, what do you think?", "Billy: Well, I think anything that drags Jack into the 21st century is a great idea.", "Sharon: Yeah, he hasn't been all that supportive.", "Billy: Well, change our beloved father's house? Call me surprised.", "Sharon: Ashley isn't really all that into it either.", "Billy: They grew up here, Sharon, and they're very territorial. You know that.", "Sharon: Mmm. Well, that is going to change. All of it, right now. Martyn, let's just go ahead with everything we talked about.", "Martyn: Excellent. I'll call you tomorrow.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Martyn: It was a pleasure to meet you.", "Billy: You, Sir.", "Martyn: So long.", "Sharon: So... well, sit down. Sit down. Um, how long are you staying?", "Billy: Well, I moved back.", "Sharon: You're kidding.", "Billy: Mnh-mnh.", "Sharon: Jack's gonna be so excited. And of course, you can stay with us.", "Billy: Well, I appreciate that, I do, but I've already moved in with a friend, and I don't wanna get between you and Jack and this whole new decorating adventure.", "Sharon: Oh. Yeah. Smart man.", "Billy: Come on. He might yell and scream and pound his chest, but it's--it's all a cover. He's crazy about you, Sharon, and he'll give you anything you want.", "Sharon: I'm crazy about him, too. Even though he drives me crazy half the time.", "Billy: Well, he wouldn't be Jack if he didn't.", "Sharon: That's true.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: So are you working at Jabot?", "Billy: Yeah, yeah, I started this long trip up the Jabot corporate ladder, only to find my new C.E.O. is my long-lost brother.", "Noah: Hey, Mom. Billy!", "Billy: Wow.", "Noah: Hey, when did you get in?", "Billy: Last night, Man. How are you?", "Noah: I'm good.", "Billy: Look how big you are. What is your mom feeding you?", "Sharon: Well, he just shot up over the summertime.", "Billy: So I bet the girls are beating down your door 24/7.", "Noah: Uh, yeah, right.", "Billy: Oh, come on. You're telling me my nephew doesn't have a social agenda? What gives?", "Noah: Well, uh, there is a party tonight. And I'd like to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Thank you. Um... thank you so much for calling. I will discuss this with my husband right away. All right. Thanks. Hmm.", "Michael: Who was that?", "Lauren: Oh, that was one of Eden's teachers. She also happens to be a client of mine at Fenmore's, so she called to see how Eden was feeling.", "Michael: Why?", "Lauren: Because she didn't show up at school today, and Ms. Young assumed that she was sick.", "Michael: Oh, my God. We're raising a teenager.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, I just made reservations at that trendy new restaurant.", "Nick: Cool. What's it called?", "Phyllis: Um, trendy new restaurant.", "Nick: Seriously? Get outta here.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I think it is. I don't know the name. Anyway, it's good. And we have time to kiss our daughter before your mom takes her for the evening.", "Nick: Works for me. I like it. Hey, let me ask you something. Do you think we should include some sort of public comment about Jack and Sharon's exit in this new issue?", "Phyllis: Like an editor's letter?", "Nick: Yeah, you know, we, uh, explain to the readers what happened, kinda give 'em a heads-up on the focus of our new magazine.", "Phyllis: Sure. I think it's a good idea.", "Nick: Okay.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: It's Noah. Hey, Buddy. What's up?", "Noah: Uh, there's this party I wanna go to. This kid, Austin, from school is throwing it. Mom said no, but she said I could speak to you about it.", "Nick: She did, huh? Uh, can this wait till tomorrow?", "Noah: Dad, the party is tonight. I just found out.", "Nick: Well, this is kinda short notice. I mean, I don't even know this kid Austin.", "Noah: Austin is really smart. He gets straight as\" In everything. You'd love him.", "Nick: Well, I'm sure I would.", "Noah: Call his parents. They'll tell you everything's cool.", "Nick: Son, I don't have his number.", "Noah: I do. All right, come on, Dad. Everyone is going. Why am I the one who has to stay at home?", "Nick: Okay, let's do this. I will, uh, I'll meet you at your mom's house. I will call Austin's parents, and then we can all talk about it, okay?", "Noah: Perfect. I'll see you here.", "Nick: Okay. Noah got invited to a party.", "Phyllis: Oh! That's good! That's a great thing for the new kid in school.", "Nick: Yeah, but, uh, we only agreed to let him go to G.C. High if he promised to buckle down.", "Phyllis: So you're gonna go talk to him?", "Nick: Yeah, Sharon, too. I won't be long.", "Phyllis: Okay. I think that the editor's letter is a really good idea, so I'll work on it while you're away.", "Nick: Okay, but, uh, be nice. Don't make them out to be evil incarnate.", "Phyllis: I'm always nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: How did I do?", "Cane: Well, the, uh, test shots are promising. And the, uh, focus group gave you really good marks.", "Colleen: Are you sure you didn't switch my pictures with Gisele Bundchen's?", "Cane: You did fine. We just need to tweak makeup a little bit, and, uh, get you a little more comfortable in front of the camera.", "Colleen: Yeah, my eyes must've twitched, like, 20 times a second.", "Cane: With a little training, a little experience, you'll only get better.", "Colleen: You really think so?", "Cane: I know so. I wouldn't have picked you if I didn't think so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay, thank you. All right, the party is at a family-owned warehouse downtown.", "Sharon: At a warehouse?", "Nick: Yeah, I guess they wanted a lot of open space in case a teenager accidentally broke anything.", "Sharon: And what about parental supervision?", "Nick: Austin's dad is gonna be there, as well as a few other parents. He also said they are only serving soda. There will be no beer or alcohol at all.", "Noah: See? There is no reason I shouldn't be able to go.", "Sharon: We had an agreement.", "Noah: I mean, I do all my homework. I never cut classes. It'd be nice to have a social life before midterms.", "Nick: We did want him to... try and fit in.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Noah: Yes!", "Sharon: Well, hold on. There are some ground rules. First, no drinking.", "Noah: Mr. McNally already told Dad--", "Sharon: I know, but kids will try to sneak in alcohol anyway. And if anybody offers you a pill, and says its aspirin or whatever, don't believe them.", "Nick: And I know this goes without saying, but don't take the pill.", "Noah: I won't.", "Sharon: And don't go someplace else other than the party.", "Nick: Yeah, there needs to be an adult around at all times, all right?", "Sharon: And you still have to be home by curfew.", "Noah: Yes, yes and yes. Thank you, Guys.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: \"Jack brought... a unique vision to the magazine, while his wife Sharon...\" \"While his wife Sharon, whose experience was limited made a career out of agreeing to Jack's manipulative, scrape the bottom of the barrel, never saw mud he wouldn't sling journalistic approach to the magazine. The devil and his vacuous, hair-chewing wife have been driven from the building. 'Restless Style' is well rid of them.\" Ah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, how was your flight?", "Adam: Oh, I barely made it. Do I have time for a drink?", "Jack: Sure. So any news on Victor?", "Adam: No one has heard from him since he disappeared from the hospital.", "Jack: Wow.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Jack: Nicholas and Victoria must be keeping a real lid on the media. World- famous billionaire refuses to eat or drink to the point of collapse, is ordered to undergo psychiatric observation. That is news.", "Adam: I haven't heard it on TV or in the papers.", "Jack: Which is good for us. It means we have the inside scoop on a story this editor is gonna eat with a spoon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Hey, I was just leaving.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Um, you know, Michael and Lauren canceled. They're having teenager problems.", "Nick: Yeah, I know the feeling.", "Phyllis: We can still celebrate. I didn't cancel the reservation.", "Nick: Well, you know, we have the house to ourselves night, so why don't we... pick up where we left off last night and celebrate at home. Actually, more specifically, in the bedroom.", "Phyllis: I like the way you think.", "Nick: All right. Did you finish the editor's letter?", "Phyllis: Uh, almost. Give me five more minutes. Um, and, uh... keep the bed warm.", "Nick: I will.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Phyllis: \"While his wife Sharon brought style and class to all of her endeavors. We wish them well on their future ventures.\"", "(Blows raspberry)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, we appreciate you meeting with us, Robert. We both know how busy your schedule is.", "Robert: I was curious to meet the man behind those \"Restless Style\" exposes. Is it true your partner bought you out?", "Jack: It is true. I sold my shares of \"Restless Style\" for far more than they're worth. Probably the best business move of my life.", "Robert: Well, word on the street is the next issue is very sexy.", "Jack: I think \"Restless Style\" needs more than sex to survive. I'm not sure Nick and Phyllis have what it takes or know what kind of articles are necessary to sell copies.", "Robert: Do you agree with him?", "Adam: Uh, well, Mr. Drake, it's ultimately why we came to you instead of \"Restless Style.\"", "Jack: We have a drop dead proposition for you. The ultimate tell-all on one of America's most exclusive billionaires, Victor Newman. As told by his son. I introduced you to Adam here. I didn't mention to you that he's so Victor Newman, Jr.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Billy?", "Billy: Oh, hey, Lily, how are you?", "Lily: Hey! What are you doing here? I thought you were going back to Hong Kong.", "Billy: I moved back to Genoa City.", "Lily: Oh, why? Did your mom ask you to transfer here?", "Billy: No, just seeing everybody in New York made me homesick.", "Lily: Oh, everyone? Or Amber? I mean, you did buy almost every drawing of her at Daniel's art show, so you must really like her, right?", "Billy: I was doing Daniel a favor. The only drawings I could buy were of Amber. I'm sure as hell not gonna buy a sketch of my naked niece.", "Lily: Yes, that would be weird.", "Billy: It would be a little weird.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Billy: Actually, the real reason that I moved back was because I missed you.", "Lily: Oh, ha ha. I highly doubt that.", "Billy: You know, if I were still a gambler, I would be that you're wrong. And this time, I would actually win. So come on, what are you really doing here? I heard you quit.", "Lily: Yeah, I-I did. Um, I came here to pick up my last paycheck, but unfortunately, it's not ready.", "Billy: Well, good. That means you have to come back.", "Lily: Yeah, I'd rather not, though.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I heard that Colleen is the new face of Jabot.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. You must be very happy for her.", "Billy: Yeah, she's my niece. I have to root for her. But between me and you, she can't replace you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hi, have you seen Lily?", "Chloe: So is the, uh, oh-so-charming \"I'm late for coffee\" look? You know, you really should go a little bit more natural for the camera.", "Colleen: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Chloe: Well, I still have contacts at Jabot. I know that you replaced Lily as their new model.", "Colleen: Not that that's any of your business.", "Chloe: Looks like we'll probably be working with each other.", "Colleen: Well, that almost makes me wish I didn't get the job.", "Chloe: Almost, but not quite, right? Because we know what kind of opportunist you are. So, how does it feel screwing over your best friend?", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Chloe: So let's see. You, uh, you stole her ex, and then you stole her job. So what's next? Convincing Neil to adopt you?", "Colleen: Oh, okay, and you're so perfect? Sleeping with Lily's fiancé so you can get knocked up and marry him?", "Chloe: Uh, I didn't try to get pregnant. It just happened.", "Colleen: It just happened because you were stalking him.", "Chloe: That is so not true. We worked with each other. We saw each other all the time.", "Colleen: You showed up everywhere he went.", "Chloe: Well, if he weren't interested in me, I wouldn't be pregnant.", "Colleen: He was drunk", "Chloe: He wasn't drunk when he proposed and he wasn't drunk when he said I do. So it's not like Lily and I were best friends anyway.", "Colleen: Oh, okay, so that's fine?", "Chloe: And I-I stole Lily's fiancé because I don't really like her that much? Oh, so what's your excuse, Colleen? How do you think she feels knowing that her best friend is living her life?", "Colleen: Not that it's any of your business, but Lily is fine with me taking the job, okay?", "Chloe: Ah, I already know how that went down. St. Lily said, \"Don't worry about it.\" Because she didn't wanna hurt her best friend's feelings, when you know that she is dying inside. And she wants to cry on her best friend's shoulder, but she can't. Because her best friend stabs her in the back.", "Colleen: You know what miserable is, Chloe? Miserable is your boyfriend's stalker manipulating you into marriage, okay? And forcing you to leave the guy that you love and the job that you love. That's miserable, actually.", "Chloe: Why do you think that Cane asked you to be the model of all the models that he could choose in the world? Because you're so beautiful? Or because he knows that by working with you, it's gonna bring him closer to Lily?", "Colleen: For you information, Cane assured me that he did not hire me to get access to Lily, okay?", "Chloe: Okay. Well, you keep on telling yourself that, and maybe you'll believe it.", "Colleen: I do.", "Chloe: Okay. Well, then you're dumber than I thought. Hey, you go knock that, uh, fashion world dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey. So how's it feel being back in the home office? Are you settling in okay?", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah. I've got a lot of catching up to do on the domestic side, which means I'll be reading these files all weekend.", "Cane: Don't worry about it. There's not, like, a test on Monday or anything.", "Billy: Yeah, that's funny. With our mom, there's always a test. You should know that by now.", "Cane: Don't worry. I can handle that. Listen, why don't we take the night off? Come over to my place. We'll hang out. We'll get to know each other.", "Billy: You know what? I'd like to, but I have a conference call with Hong Kong tonight. It's when they're starting their day. I really can't miss it.", "Cane: That's all right. Come over after the call. We're night owls.", "Billy: Okay. Yeah, but can I bring a date?", "Cane: Yeah, for sure. The more the merrier.", "Billy: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: So... how was school today?", "Eden: Uh, you know, school. By definition, boring.", "Michael: It might be more exciting if you actually went to class instead of cut them.", "Lauren: Yeah, um, one of your teachers called.", "Eden: So what?", "Michael: Uh, so what?", "Eden: My dad taught me algebra and chemistry, like, two years ago. And Leilani is this huge literature gee I mean, it's not like I can learn anything in school that I don't know already.", "Michael: All right, look, you know, life is different from the ashram. We get it. But you don't live here any more. This is the real world.", "Eden: It wasn't my choice to leave it.", "Michael: I know. But like it or not, this is the life you have to live now.", "Lauren: Yeah. There are rules and responsibilities that come with it.", "Eden: Oh, you mean like the rule putting my dad in jail?", "Michael: Listen, uh, in, in many ways, I am-- I am envious of you. You... you got to grow up with River, Lowell, River as your father. And at heart, he seems to be a very decent man. I grew up with a stepfather who was... not so decent.", "Eden: And why is that my problem?", "Michael: It's not. The point being, growing up with a person like that left a lot of rage and confusion inside me. And I ended up... acting out in extremely scary ways. I hurt a lot of people.", "Eden: Is that what you think I'm doing? Acting out?", "Michael: You seem to be a smart young woman, you tell me.", "Eden: You've already formed your own ideas about me. Nothing I say is gonna make a difference.", "Lauren: Um, Eden... Michael has done everything possible to get your father out of jail. You see, we need you to pick up your side. We need you to do something simple, like go to school.", "Eden: (Sighs) Okay. I'll go to school, but I won't like it.", "Lauren: I think you're gonna feel differently once you make some friends.", "Eden: Oh, I already did. Uh, this girl invited me to some party tonight.", "Michael: (Laughs) Forget it.", "Eden: Come on, you just said--", "Michael: No, you can't cut class and then expect to be rewarded. Are you out of your mind?", "Lauren: Okay, okay, there will be plenty of other parties. I promise.", "Eden: Okay. You win.", "Lauren: Do you want any dinner? It's in the oven.", "Eden: Uh, no, thanks. I just wanna go to my room.", "Lauren: Are you sure?", "Michael: Have a good night.", "Eden: Yeah.", "Michael: That went well.", "Lauren: Brilliant. It was brilliant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So what do you think?", "Nick: Well, let's see.. I think that somebody else must've written this letter from the editor. Like, somebody who actually likes Jack and Sharon.", "Phyllis: I like Jack and Sharon. I like them very much.", "Nick: Yeah, it shows. It's good.", "Phyllis: I think I did a good job. I-I like fantasy. I'm into fantasy.", "Nick: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: What, uh...", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Nick: What's your fantasy right now?", "Phyllis: Um... my fantasy is that I'm... sitting next to a really handsome man. And he's really sexy. And... he's kissing my neck... like that.", "Nick: Like this?", "Phyllis: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: And he has his hand right... there. No, no, there. There. And... um...", "Nick: Anything else?", "Phyllis: Unh-unh.", "Nick: No?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Robert: No offense, Jack, but my magazine doesn't publish stories based on angry family members looking for revenge. Thank you. We publish news.", "Jack: This is news. This is not innuendo.", "Robert: We fact check everything.", "Adam: It's all true, Robert.", "Robert: Even if is, I-I wish the story had a little more meat to it.", "Jack: Would Victor Newman's handwritten diary be meaty enough for you?", "Robert: You have his diary?", "Adam: We do.", "Jack: Believe me, this is pretty toe-curling stuff. There's enough to write not just an article, but a book that will fly off the shelves.", "Robert: What's in the diary?", "Jack: Well, I can't lay that out for you right here.", "Robert: Jack, if you want me to make an offer, I have to have a sense of what's in it.", "Jack: It's a look inside the brain of one of the richest men in this country, and also, dare I say it, one of the sickest minds.", "Robert: Sick? How so?", "Adam: Listen, after his wife died, my dad disappeared. No one knew where he was. Turns out he went to Mexico, and he let his family believe that he was dead.", "Jack: One of the richest men in the world holes up in a beach shack so he can do exactly what he wants to do, unobserved.", "Robert: Which was what?", "Jack: I guess you'll have to read the article.", "Robert: Jack.", "Jack: Okay, I'll tell you this much, off the record. His family is so concerned that they have committed him for psychiatric evaluation.", "Robert: Hmm. Okay, show me the diary. I wanna see if it's as intriguing as you say it is and as authentic.", "Jack: Believe me, it is.", "Robert: If that's the case, I'll draw up a contract and we'll hire a writer.", "Jack: We already have a writer. Adam.", "Robert: Have you written professionally?", "Adam: Well, I went to Harvard business school. I published several articles in professional journals.", "Jack: He also has the inside perspective of a son long forgotten. Believe me, you'll have one hell of an article.", "Robert: Give me first look at the diary. I'll make it worth your while.", "Jack: You got a deal.", "Robert: It was nice to meet you, Adam. I look forward to doing business with you.", "Adam: Same here.", "Jack: Thank you, Robert.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi, Honey. How was your day?", "Cane: I have some company coming over tonight. It's gonna be late. Are you fine with that?", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm fine with that. I mean, we never get to entertain. Who's coming?", "Cane: My brother and his date.", "Chloe: I thought your brother lived in Hong Kong.", "Cane: Nope. He's moved back to Genoa City. He's working in the home office and he's gonna come over so I can get to know him.", "Chloe: Oh. (Yawns) I, uh, you know what? I'm real tired. You know, let's just-- let's just do it another time.", "Cane: I thought you said you were fine with it.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, that is just the crazy thing about pregnancy. 'Cause one minute I'm just up and perky, and the next minute I feel like I've just been hit with a ton of bricks, and well, the bricks just hit. So I'm sorry.", "Cane: You just can't stay up long enough to say hi and then just go to bed?", "Chloe: You know what? I'm just-- I'm just gonna go to bed now. I-I mean, I can barely keep my eyes open.", "Cane: So you have no interest in meeting my brother, eh?", "Chloe: Of course I wanna meet your brother.", "Cane: Good. 'Cause you're gonna see a lot of him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: She hungry?", "Lauren: Dunno. I knocked on her door a few times, she didn't answer. I hear music. She's probably trying to tune us out", "Michael: Or she's sitting there sticking needles into a Michael voodoo doll.", "Lauren: Stop. She's just, uh... she's a good kid. Her life has been turned upside down.", "Michael: Are you feeling sorry for her?", "Lauren: A little. I mean, life as she knows it is over.", "Michael: Well, uh, I hate to alarm you, but so is ours. Lowell in prison is bad enough, but now we're responsible for a teenager.", "Lauren: Well, Fen's gonna be a teenager one day.", "Michael: Yeah, well, I thought I'd have some time to ease into that situation. You know, get used to the loud music and bad attitude.", "Lauren: Well, maybe we can practice on Eden. Therefore, we won't make as many mistakes with Fen.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. And, uh... what if Lowell is convicted?", "Lauren: He won't be. He won't be. You're an excellent attorney.", "Michael: I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I am not a magician. And I have not found a whole lot of exculpatory evidence in the case files.", "Lauren: All right, if... if he's convicted, how many years are we looking at?", "Michael: I'm guessing we would be responsible for Eden... until we're in the old folks' home.", "Lauren: You were wonderful with her tonight.", "Michael: No, no, please, I was making do. If you want spirit-draining, soul- crushing discipline, come to me.", "Lauren: Mmm. It's called being a parent. It's hard, but... it's what she has to learn to survive in this world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hannah: What took you so long?", "Eden: Oh, uh, I'm crashing with my brother. And, um, I told him about the party and he, like, completely freaked, but, uh, he's clueless, so I snuck out.", "Hannah: Here, have a beer to celebrate your escape.", "Eden: Oh.", "Noah: Guys, which one is Austin's dad? I told my pops that he'd be supervising.", "Boy: There he is.", "Noah: What, that guy? He looks like a football player. What's so funny?", "Boy: Dean is Austin's older brother.", "Boy: Austin told us Dean does a killer impersonation of their dad.", "Boy: Pretty cool, huh?", "Boy: This party is definitely an adult-free zone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I searched Tony Amato's name online. There were thousands of hits, and none of the ones I checked out so far have any obvious link to Dad.", "Jack: Well, you hear Robert. He wants to see the diary. We gotta move on this thing before Victor suddenly reappears.", "Adam: What's our plan B, Jack?", "Jack: We don't have a plan B. We've gotta find a good forger.", "Adam: Yeah, well, you know, I'm not--I'm not so sure I wanna go that way anymore.", "Jack: I thought you weren't afraid to get your hands dirty.", "Adam: Well, that was before Nick and Victoria had the man locked up in a padded cell in a straightjacket. Jack, listen, my father's in a lot of pain right now, obviously. Why make it worse by making all this stuff up about him? It's not right.", "Jack: What was all that talk in Mexico about getting revenge?", "Adam: I guess it was the tequila. Listen, um... if you wanna go through with this forging Victor's diary, you'll have to find somebody else to do it. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Boy: Hey, who's the hottie?", "Boy: She's pretty fine.", "Noah: Yeah, if you like psycho bitches from hell.", "Boy: You know her?", "Noah: Sort of. You know, um... just approach at your own risk.", "Boy: I didn't say I wanted to marry her.", "Noah: Whatever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Ah. All right. You know, uh... I have some fantasies, too.", "Phyllis: You do?", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Why don't you, um, why don't you show me what they are?", "Nick: Mmm.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Nick: Can I get the phone?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Don't answer it.", "Nick: What if it's my mom about Summer? Or information about Dad?", "Phyllis: It's not gonna be about Summer.", "Nick: Just hold on. Let me just make sure. Hello?", "Sharon: Nick, Noah isn't home yet and it's past his curfew.", "Nick: Well, uh... did you try his cell?", "Sharon: Yeah, he's not answering. Did he try to call you?", "Nick: No. Uh, okay, um, I'll--I'll be right over.", "Sharon: No, it's okay. I can handle it.", "Nick: No, we should handle this together. I'll see you soon.", "Phyllis: Is it about Noah?", "Nick: Yes. He hasn't come home yet.", "Phyllis: It's, like, a couple minutes past his curfew.", "Nick: I--that doesn't make it okay.", "Phyllis: Okay, but I-I don't think it's a good idea for you both to pounce on him when he walks through the door. I mean, it's gonna make him defensive.", "Nick: Look...", "Phyllis: Sharon should take care of it. It's fine.", "Nick: No, we have to deal with this tonight. It'll lose its impact tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Are you sure?", "Nick: Yes, I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: Sharon can take care of it.", "Nick: No, she can't. He needs to know he can't just blow off the rules, okay? And I gotta be there to make sure he understands that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey. Didn't you get my texts?", "Lily: Uh, no, I had my phone turned off.", "Colleen: Oh, uh, well, I'm calling Cane tomorrow and uh, telling him that I've changed my mind about the job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Cane: Can you get it? I'm getting dressed! It's probably Billy.", "Chloe: No problem. Oh, my God.", "Billy: Chloe, what the hell are you doing-- you're Cane's wife?", "Chloe: Okay, listen, you do not say a word. You do not know me. You've never seen me before. We are strangers.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Eden: Dance with me. You can have your phone back.", "Chloe: You just think this is so hilarious, don't you?", "Billy: Yeah, you're right. I do.", "Phyllis: I just need a-- a quick word with him.", "Sharon: What part of \"He's busy right now\" are you having trouble understanding?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon tells Nick what happened during the delivery and that the baby hadn't stood a chance. Ashley visits Traci and Billy to see Colleen. Nikki is with Victor when Abby comes to see him. Nikki suggests talking to Traci, but Victor stops her. Nick wants to see the baby, but Sharon tells Nick that she had the baby cremated. Abby tells Nikki, Victoria, and J.T. that Ashley had the baby. Adam lets Victor know Ashley had the baby.. Nikki is overjoyed to see Phyllis back home. Phyllis finds out how dire Victor's condition is, but cannot get it out of her mind what Victor caused to happen to Summer. In talking to Victor, Adam tells him that he cannot lose him, too and vows to be a good son to Victor. Victoria demands that Phyllis stay away from Victor. Sharon tells Nick that the doctor wants her to stay here a little while longer. Nick lets Sharon know about Colleen. Phyllis finds out that Nick is with Sharon. Traci tells Jack that she reached a decision, but she needs Jack's help. Traci tells Jack that she cannot face Victor. Ashley changes her baby's name from Hope to Faith. Jack tells Nikki that Traci reached a decision.", "" ]
[ "Nick: What?", "Sharon: My water broke. The pains started coming in a few minutes apart. I thought I heard the baby cry when she was born. But the doctor said that she never took a breath. She was gone by the time she was born.", "Nick: I'm sorry that you had to deal with that alone. I should have been with you.", "Sharon: There was nothing you could have done. (Sighs) It wasn't meant to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Ashley?", "Traci: Jack told us that you had checked into a psychiatric hospital.", "Ashley: I had the baby.", "Traci: Oh, Ashley. Oh, I'm so happy for you.", "Billy: So am I.", "Abby: Wait till you see her. She looks like a little doll.", "Traci: I bet she does. Everything's okay? Uh, you know, because she was premature. It's all fine?", "Ashley: She's a little underweight, but she's strong, and she's--she's fine.", "Steve: How are you doing? We were concerned.", "Ashley: Oh, thanks. I know. It's been hard. I think a lot of what was going on with me was because of the pregnancy. I'm--I'm feeling more like my old self.", "Jack: You sound a lot better.", "Ashley: I'm not gonna go back to the psychiatric hospital, Jackie.", "Billy: Hey, as long as you're well-- that's what counts.", "Traci: Um, have you seen Victor?", "Ashley: I came here to see Colleen. I'm so sorry. I can't believe she's gone. Jack said that the doctor's running tests to see if her heart is compatible with Victor's.", "Traci: It is. We just got word.", "Abby: That's pretty amazing that they're a match and everything.", "Ashley: Yeah. So have you authorized it?", "Traci: I'm, um, I'm still considering it.", "Abby: Uh, would you excuse me? I'd like to go spend some time with my dad.", "Ashley: Go ahead, Honey. I'll see you a little later, okay?", "Abby: Okay.", "Ashley: Traci, I-I-- I don't-- (sniffles) Do you know what you're gonna do?", "Traci: (Sniffles) I-I wouldn't, um, let myself think about it until I knew for sure if it was even an option. You know, its one thing to decide to donate my daughter's organs. But... to give her heart to Victor?", "Ashley: (Whispers) I know.", "Traci: But... (Sighs shakily, sniffles) I know for sure that my feelings aren't what matter right now. I just want to do what Colleen would want.", "Traci: (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor? Victor? Abby has news.", "Victor: (Weakly) Wh-what do-- what news?", "Abby: Colleen's a match.", "Adam: Oh, that's incredible.", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Victoria: Colleen's a match?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "J.T.: I'm, uh, I'm happy for you. That's--that's great.", "Victor: I didn't think she would be.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victoria: What should we do? Should someone call Dr. Swift?", "Adam: Can they operate on him today?", "Abby: Well, uh, uh, Aunt Traci hasn't really given permission yet.", "Nikki: But she's still considering it?", "Abby: She said she is. I-I can talk to her if you want me to.", "Victor: Abby, my darling, what-- whatever your aunt decides... is all right with me.", "Nikki: The likelihood that Victor and Colleen would be a match is incredible.", "Victoria: (Sighs) I know.", "J.T.: I want to get something to drink. Abby, you want to come with me?", "Abby: Uh, sure. Does anybody want anything?", "Victoria: No, thanks. We're fine, thanks.", "Nikki: No, thank you.", "Abby: Okay.", "Victoria: I should call Nick.", "Nikki: Honey, let's just wait for him to come back. He needs some time alone, and really, nothing has changed. We're still waiting for an answer.", "Victor: Adam, I'm glad you're here.", "Adam: Sorry I've been gone for a while. But with a little luck, uh, maybe you'll get a new heart today.", "Victor: Mm.", "Victoria: I can't imagine what Traci must be going through. If this was happening to Reed, I don't know what I'd do.", "Nikki: Hey, Traci is open enough to allow Colleen to be tested, so she hasn't ruled it out.", "Adam: What are the other options if this doesn't come through?", "Victoria: Michael Baldwin is working on other possible private donors, but it's a long shot.", "Nikki: Yeah. Maybe I should speak to Traci.", "Victor: Please, no pressure on the Abbotts. Traci... has lost her daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: How about that? Colleen and Victor-- a 5-point match.", "Billy: So that's how this screwed-up universe works, huh? Lets this girl be one of a few people on the planet that can help save the guy who killed her. Well, God certainly has a sense of humor.", "Steve: That's enough, Billy.", "Billy: How can you guys do this? How can you save the guy that killed your daughter?", "Traci: Billy.", "(Sobs)", "Traci: (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Why didn't you call me when you went into labor?", "Sharon: Well, the whole facility was on lockdown, and everything happened so fast. Thank God there was an obstetrician there visiting another patient. He delivered the baby. I-- I passed out. I don't even remember being brought here to St. Mary's. I just woke up here.", "Nick: You must have been so scared.", "Sharon: I was-- I was concerned about the baby being premature, but other than that, I had no idea there was anything else wrong. But the doctor said she had severe defects, and she never stood a chance, like the baby that we lost eight years ago.", "Nick: Was that eight years ago?", "Sharon: At the end of this month.", "Nick: I just really thought that you and this baby were totally healthy.", "Sharon: I thought so, too. I mean, other than a little bit of morning sickness, the pregnancy was really problem-free. The baby was active, but the doctor who delivered her said that she just never stood a chance, and that's probably why I went into early labor.", "Nick: Did you get to see her?", "Sharon: No. The doctor said he thought that would be too disturbing. And at first, I was really furious with him, but, you know, now I realize that was probably a blessing, because now I have this picture in my mind of our beautiful little girl.", "Nick: (Sobs) I want to see her. I want to see her.", "Sharon: Nick, I'm so sorry, but I-I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, and I-I already had her cremated.", "Nick: Y-you know, an hour ago, I was-- I was so excited to see... (Sighs) This beautiful little girl we were gonna have. I mean, I was wondering who she would take after. I really hope she looked like you. Now I--", "Sharon: Nick. Nick, we-- we have to accept our fate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What do you say we give Traci and Steve some time alone?", "Traci: No, no. I'll go. I need some air... (Sighs) Or some perspective or something.", "Billy: I'm sorry.", "Traci: Honey, I know this is all cut-and-dried for you, but it isn't for me. This is not just some nameless, faceless person I would be saying no to. This is Victor, Ashley's husband, Abby's father, the father of our new baby niece.", "Ashley: Traci, I trust you'll make the right decision, whatever that is.", "Steve: We all do.", "Traci: There are families out there who have been waiting for months, praying that a heart would get there in time to save their loved one, and... (Sighs) No matter what I decide, someone gets another chance at life, and someone else dies. The decision is all on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Uh, can I go in?", "Nikki: Uh, your father wanted to spend some time alone with Adam.", "Abby: But there's something else I need to tell him... privately.", "Victoria: Well, you think maybe it can wait? 'Cause we don't want Dad too excited right now.", "Abby: He's gonna want to hear this.", "J.T.: Is it good news?", "Abby: Epic. Mom had her baby.", "(Giggles)", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victor: (Weakly) I wanted-- I wanted to speak with you.", "Adam: No. No farewell speeches. You're gonna get a heart.", "Victor: Maybe.", "Adam: I'm not giving up, are you? (Sighs) Besides, I, uh, I have to talk to you about something, and in your weakened condition, you can't stop me, so you're just gonna have to listen for a minute, okay? (Sighs) Uh, you, um, you've seen Ashley, right?", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. No, where is she?", "Adam: Well, I-I thought, uh...", "(Sighs)", "Victor: What? What is it?", "Adam: I thought that you knew that she had a baby.", "Victor: Our daughter Hope?", "Adam: Yeah. She was born last night.", "Victor: How's Ashley?", "Adam: She's fine. She's fine. She's in the maternity ward.", "Victor: While I was in the O.R.?", "Adam: Yeah. Uh, not exactly. See, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Uh... (Sighs) Listen, while-- while you were in the operating room, Ashley, she kind of, uh, she kind of lost it.", "Victor: Nikki told me that Jack took her home.", "Adam: Yeah, he took her. But, uh, he didn't take her home. He saw an opportunity, and he jumped on it. He convinced Ashley to, um, check herself into a psychiatric hospital. And I tried to stop him. I-I-I did. But he rushed out of here so-- so quick, I-I couldn't catch up, so I used your driver, and I followed him. I wanted to make sure he wasn't up to anything.", "Victor: You mean commit her?", "Adam: Exactly. He did. Against her will? No. Uh, but, uh, you know, I was there with Ashley, and I-I made sure that her check-in was good, and I stayed by her side, and she went into labor. It's safe to say that I've never been in a situation like that before. I delivered the baby.", "Victor: I'm glad you were there.", "Adam: I just tried to do what, uh, what you would have wanted me to do.", "Victor: You'll be a good brother. What does she look like?", "Adam: (Sniffles) She's, uh, she's cute, wrinkly, little hairier than-- than I expected. See for yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I wish I could have held her in my arms just once, so I could say good- bye. We never even got a chance to tell her that we loved her.", "Sharon: We still can. I'd like to go to the woods near the cabin where you and I made love and scatter her ashes there. That was where Faith's life began, and I'd like to say good-bye to her there. I'd like you to be with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) In the middle of all of this, Dad has a new baby. Talk about supremely bad timing.", "(Chuckles)", "Nikki: Well, Honey, for your father's sake, I--", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: I think it's a good thing.", "Victoria: Mom, where's Ashley? Why hasn't she come to see him? He doesn't even know about the baby. How could she keep that from him?", "Nikki: I have no idea. I don't know any details.", "Victoria: I wonder what's gonna happen with them?", "Nikki: It's not up to us to speculate.", "Victoria: I saw you talking with Dad earlier.", "Nikki: Just as you said he would.", "Victoria: So? He told you.", "Nikki: That he loved me, and he's always loved me.", "Victoria: Why do you sound like you don't believe him?", "Nikki: It's just a shame that it took him being on his deathbed to realize it.", "Victoria: Mom, listen, the night you left town--", "Nikki: Sweetheart, I don't want to talk about the future, about what might happen or what might not. I--", "Phyllis: Nikki, hey. I-I--Nick told me you had come home.", "Nikki: Oh, my gosh! Oh, Phyllis. Oh, we weren't expecting you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, he--", "Victoria: We would have sent the car.", "Phyllis: Oh, don't worry about it, you know? Um, I didn't tell Nick I was coming home. I didn't think he was being straight with me about Victor's condition.", "Victoria: He probably didn't want you to worry.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure, but I didn't want to stay away knowing what he was going through, so, um, here I am. What's going on?", "Nikki: Well, um, where's Summer?", "Phyllis: She, uh, she's at your house, actually. I-I hope that's okay. She just passed out.", "Victoria: Yeah, of course. That's fine.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Phyllis: All right, so, um, where's Nick?", "Victoria: He stepped out for a while.", "Phyllis: Oh, all right. Well, I'm anxious to see him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: She's just beautiful.", "Ashley: I wasn't sure you'd want to see her.", "Traci: Oh, Ashley. Of course I would want to meet your daughter. In the midst of all this darkness and madness, it's exactly what I did need to see-- this beautiful child who represents hope and possibility.", "Ashley: I feel guilty, Traci.", "Traci: (Chuckles) No, don't. Don't. (Sighs) Sweetie, I would never resent your baby being born-- my God-- especially when I know how much it means to you.", "Ashley: (Sniffles) Thank you so much.", "Traci: (Chuckles) (Sniffles) Oh, little one, your whole future ahead of you. (Sighs shakily) How am I gonna do this? (Voice breaks) Ashley, how am I gonna go on without my daughter? (Sobs) (Sighs) Whether I donate Colleen's heart to Victor or to someone else, it doesn't change the fact that once I do decide, she goes to surgery, and... (Sniffles) (Sobs) My little girl will be gone forever.", "(Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Wow, Nick didn't-- didn't let on that the situation was so dire. What are the chances of him getting", "Nikki: Well, Victor's on the national transplant list, which could take weeks or months. And Dr. Swift says he can only keep Victor alive on that pump for a few days.", "Victoria: We may have found a private donor, though.", "Phyllis: Good. That's good news.", "Victoria: Colleen Carlton's heart is medically compatible...", "Phyllis: Colleen?", "Victoria: With, uh--", "Nikki: Colleen had checked the organ donor box on her driver's license, but it is ultimately Traci's decision.", "Phyllis: I-I-I-- I can't imagine what she's going through. I-I would--I would understand if she said no. I-I-I don't know if I would be that generous.", "Victoria: You know what, Phyllis? If that's the way you feel, then maybe you shouldn't be here right now. My dad needs support.", "Phyllis: I know, and so does my husband, so I'm staying.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Moans) Wait.", "Adam: I thought you were asleep.", "Victor: I was resting.", "Adam: You know what? I can't help thinking about Mom and, uh, how hard it was to just sit there by her side and watch her fade away.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: I can't let that happen to you. I refuse to let that happen. If I lose you, I'll lose everything.", "Victor: My son, loss is part of life.", "Adam: Yeah, but I'm not ready to let you go, and I want to be a good son.", "Victor: You already are. What you have done for Ashley and the baby, I see your mother's goodness in you. I am glad you're my son.", "Adam: So am I, Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I certainly don't want Victor to die, but let's not pretend like everything is okay here. Have you forgotten that my daughter almost lost her life? Have you forgotten that?", "Nikki: Nobody has forgotten what happened, Phyllis. We're all very emotional. Let's not argue about it right now.", "Phyllis: I don't want to argue.", "Victoria: You need to stay away from my father. He doesn't need your negativity.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Look, um...", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Nikki: I understand how you feel. I totally understand. We all do.", "Phyllis: Okay, I-I... (Sighs) It's not the time or the place. You're right. You're right. Where'd you say Nick went? I'm gonna call him.", "Nikki: Um, Phyllis, w-wait. Ju--wait. Just a minute. Just--before you call him, um, if he were here right now, I know he would tell you this. Something happened to Sharon, and she was taken to St. Mary's hospital, and he's just checking on her.", "(Cell phone snaps shut)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What did the doctor say? When can you leave?", "Sharon: He wants me to stay a while and recover. How's Victor?", "Nick: They got him on a, uh, on this pump, and, uh, they can only have it on a couple of days. If he doesn't get a heart transplant, he's gonna die.", "Sharon: What-- is it possible to find a match that quickly?", "Nick: He's on the national registry, but we may have found a private donor. Traci has agreed to let Colleen be tested to see if they're a match.", "Sharon: I knew that she was in the hospital after what happened at the lake, but I--", "Nick: She didn't make it.", "Sharon: Wow. Well, you need to go back to Memorial. You need to be with Victor and your family.", "Nick: My mom will call me if anything happens.", "Sharon: Nick, don't worry about me, okay?", "Nick: How can I not? I feel like I'm drowning. You must feel the same way, Sharon. Wha-- what can I do for you? How can I help?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You know, if you and Colleen had stayed together and gotten married, you'd still be my brother-in-law. It's weird, huh?", "J.T.: (Chuckles) Yeah, but you wouldn't have your nephew Reed.", "Abby: True. The whole family thinks that I'm too young to handle this. You're the only one who's straight with me.", "J.T.: Oh, I-I think they're just trying to be considerate. You know, you're caught in the middle.", "Abby: So are you. You were one of Colleen's best friends.", "J.T.: You know, I have known your sister since she was a freshman at Walnut Grove.", "Abby: There's something fundamentally wrong with the universe-- going from two dads to maybe none. And I have a new sister, but she'll never take Colleen's place.", "J.T.: She's not supposed to. She will be her own person.", "Abby: I know. It's just-- I want my sister back.", "J.T.: I know. But I heard hope in your voice when you said Traci might give Colleen's heart to Victor.", "Abby: I can't lose anyone else. And in some really bizarre way, she'd still be in my life.", "J.T.: Yeah, but you, uh, you need to be prepared if--", "Abby: I know. You don't have to tell me. I've had a front-row seat to the Abbott/Newman feud my entire life. I know exactly how my mom's family feels about my dad.", "J.T.: Well, uh, Victor is complicated, that's for sure.", "Abby: (Chuckles) That's putting it nicely. You should read the things that they say about him on the internet. He's done some pretty uncool things, but he never meant to hurt Colleen. He's got good in him, too. He's my dad, and I just-- I don't want to lose him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Give Victor Newman CeeCee's heart-- where's the justice in that, huh?", "Jack: For years, I wanted Victor Newman to burn in hell. I mean, burn for eternity. Things are different now, Billy.", "Billy: What's different?", "Jack: It isn't just the Abbotts against the Newmans. I do not want to be judge, jury and executioner for Abby's father and Ashley's husband. I don't want the burden.", "Billy: That's fine. You can give it to me.", "Jack: It's not your decision to make. It's Traci's. You can say, \"Do it.\" You can say, \"Don't do it.\" But ultimately, whatever she decides, she's gonna live with that for the rest of her life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sighs) How am I ever going to forgive Victor for what he's done? (Voice breaks) I can't help hating him for dragging my beautiful, innocent daughter into his war against Jack. (Normal voice) Colleen paid with her life, and I shouldn't have to make this decision. What are the chances that Victor and Colleen were a perfect match? (Sighs) Is this a sign? Do you want me to say yes? Or is Billy right? Is this just some cruel twist of fate? (Chuckles sarcastically) Are you testing me? (Sighs) My daughter was always so much better at forgiveness than I am. I will never understand how she could be friends with Kevin after that fire, how she could give her life to try to get help for the woman that was terrorizing her. (Voice breaks) If only Victor had never brought Patty back to Genoa City. Oh, my God. I'm so furious with him. I-I can't even think straight. (Sobs) Oh. Colleen, what should I do? (Sighs) (Normal voice) Should I give your beautiful heart to Victor? Or should it go to someone who is so much more deserving? (Sobs) (Voice breaks) What should I do?", "(Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) So did Nick happen to tell you why he's at St. Mary's with Sharon?", "Nikki: Just that she was rushed there.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Nikki: I assume it had to do with the baby.", "Phyllis: So let me get this straight-- Nick left his father's deathbed to be with Sharon while she had Jack's baby?", "Nikki: Nicholas thought that there was a problem, and he didn't want her to be alone.", "Phyllis: Of course, he didn't. Of course, he didn't want her to be alone. And, of course, she called my husband instead of the baby's father, didn't she?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thank you for checking in on me, but there's nothing here you can do. I want you to go now.", "Nick: I want to help you. Why won't you let me?", "Sharon: I'm not your responsibility anymore. You have a family of your own to look after.", "Nick: That doesn't mean that I will ever stop caring about you.", "Sharon: There's nothing left for us, Nick. Our child is gone. We have to put aside any thought of what might have been.", "Nick: How can you just switch off your feelings like this?", "Sharon: I knew that the dream that I had a few months ago was right, that the child that Cassie predicted would come into your life, it wa--it wasn't this baby. It was Summer, and the rest of it was just fantasy that died with this baby.", "Nick: No. No, I don't accept that.", "Sharon: But you have to. When I'm ready to go to the cabin, I'll let you know. We'll say good-bye to her together. But after that, there's no looking back. You intended to be with Phyllis and Summer, and now your attention won't be divided. So be happy with your wife, Nick. Be a good father to your little girl. Be the husband and father that they deserve to have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Did you know that Ashley had the baby?", "Victoria: Yes, Dad. I-I heard, and I think that's wonderful.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I can't wait to see her. Congratulations.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: You know, I'm thinking it might be a good omen, and you're gonna be around to watch her grow up.", "Victor: I'm realistic.", "Victoria: Well, we haven't heard from Traci either way, so no news is good news, right?", "Victor: Whatever happens, I'm prepared for the worst.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Jack, I've made my decision, but I need your help.", "Jack: Whatever you want. I'm here.", "Traci: I need you to tell Victor. I just can't bring myself to face him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I wish I could promise you that everything was gonna work out with your daddy, little girl-- that he was gonna be here to see you grow up, be a part of your life. I do know that he'll always love you. No matter what happens, you and I and Abby are gonna need each other, so we have to be strong. I have to be strong for you.", "Adam: I, uh, just wanted to check on you and the baby. Hope, uh, now is an okay time.", "Ashley: It's fine. Uh, your--your timing's perfect. There's something I want to talk to you about. I hope you'll understand. Adam, I changed my mind about what I want to name her. This little girl is gonna have to have a lot of faith in her new life, so instead of calling her Hope, I want to call my daughter Faith.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "(Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Mom said you were here.", "Phyllis: I missed you.", "Nick: Why didn't you call and let me know you were coming home?", "Phyllis: I didn't think that you'd want me to come back.", "Phyllis: I'm here, baby. I'm here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: (Sniffles) Baby... (Sniffles) I just hope that I've made the decision that you would want.", "(Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Any word from Traci yet?", "J.T.: No, nothing.", "Nikki: Has she given you any idea of which way she's leaning?", "Billy: I have no idea what she's gonna choose. But if it were up to me, I would just--", "Victoria: We know what you would do.", "Billy: Well, it's what he deserves.", "Abby: Uncle Billy, just-- please, don't.", "Nikki: Jack. Jack?", "Victor: Jack.", "Jack: I have your answer from Traci. You have no idea how she struggled with it. She sent me here to tell you because she couldn't bear the prospect of seeing you and telling you herself.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: Say your good-byes.", "Billy: (Voice breaks) Grandma, I don't know if I can.", "Kay: Sure you can.", "Adam: This is his blood. Victor could die. Don't you think he needs to see his daughter?", "Nick: It wasn't Jack's. It was mine." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Daniel asks Heather to help him get a divorce in absentia from Daisy because he is ready to move on with his life. Jack and Genevieve tell Tucker that Genevieve will testify to his stock manipulation to the SEC but Tucker isn't worried because he doesn't think they will believe Genevieve's testimony. Once Jack leaves, Genevieve tells Tucker that she kept his text messages as proof of his stock manipulation. Jack and Genevieve later have dinner at the Athletic Club and she tells Jack she did love Tucker when they were younger, but they were two very different people then. Jack decides to give Genevieve another chance. He is grateful that she is willing to help him get back Beauty of Nature.", "Noah returns home and tells Sharon that he can't believe the person she has become and the things she has done to the family. When Sharon is arrested, Nick accompanies her to the police station for the sake of the kids. Sharon pleads with Nick to talk to Victor, but he refuses because she needs to pay for the things she has done. Nick also tells Sharon not to worry about Faith and Noah, because they have gotten along without her in the past and they can do it again. Once Nikki's divorce from Jack becomes final, Victor starts the paperwork for an annulment from Sharon. Nikki confides to Katherine that she is glad she and Victor are back together but she wonders if they will have a future together. Ronan tells Phyllis that he loves her and that is why he risked his career for her and he isn't sorry he did it for her. Phyllis tells Ronan she loves Nick and she intends to stay married to him. Ronan gives Phyllis a kiss and tells her that whenever she decides to admit how she really feels, she knows where to find him. Nikki returns to the ranch and tells Victor that they are lucky to still be together after all they have been through and then she goes upstairs. While Victor sits on the couch thinking, he pulls out a little box with an engagement ring in it.", "" ]
[ "Daniel: Hang on. What exactly did Lauren say to you?", "Phyllis: Daisy's gone. Someone got her out of Fairview.", "Daniel: Who?", "Phyllis: The woman who signed the release form signed it \"Sheila Carter.\"", "Daniel: Mom, Sheila's dead.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. Believe me, I know. Michael thinks it's a hoax. He thinks it's someone that Ryder hired.", "Daniel: Yeah, and what?", "Phyllis: That Daisy is roaming the streets again. She's roaming the streets, God knows where.", "Heather: Hey, they didn't have the soup you wanted, so I got the--", "Phyllis: Who was that? Who's there? Where are you?", "Daniel: Um, just, uh, the-- the food, uh, delivery. I-I'm about to have dinner.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Phyllis: Okay, uh, you know what? Someone is here. I-I-I have to go, too.", "Daniel: Okay, um, thank you for calling me and letting me know what's going on.", "Heather: Hey. Everything okay?", "Daniel: That was my mom. You're not gonna believe what she just told me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I just got a call from Lauren. Daisy's been released. I know.", "Ronan: Yeah. To somebody claiming to be her long-dead mother.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, God.", "Ronan: Michael already filled me in.", "Phyllis: I don't need this now. What's wrong? What--what brings you by?", "Ronan: More bad news, I'm afraid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm sorry we couldn't have had more of a celebration for Faith's birthday.", "Nikki: Well, Nicholas is planning a little get-together now that things have settled down a bit. I just didn't want the day to pass without acknowledging it.", "Victor: I'm sure our granddaughter would appreciate that.", "Nikki: Have you talked to Avery? What's the word with Sharon?", "Victor: I will have some word soon, I think... but I'll make sure that woman gets what she has coming to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hi.", "Sharon: It's Faith's birthday, so... I didn't think you'd mind.", "Faith: Mommy!", "Sharon: Hi, Sweetie! Oh, my gosh. Ohh, happy birthday. Mommy's so happy to see you, and look, I brought you a present.", "Faith: (Gasps)", "Sharon: (Gasps)", "Nick: You know, it's getting pretty close to bedtime, so...", "Sharon: Um, yeah, I know. I know what time it is, but, you know, it's her birthday. I didn't think you'd deny me a visit. Right, your big day?", "Noah: Got your text, Mom. Such a progressive way to get the message out about Grandpa's funeral.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Jack. You're wasting your time, man. No, I won't be blackmailed into voiding our agreement. Beauty of Nature is mine now. End of story.", "Jack: Okay, slow down. S--you and I both know you haven't reported your recent Newman stock purchases to the S.E.C.", "Tucker: Prove it.", "Jack: Well, you got me there. I have no proof. What I can prove is that you went to great lengths to manipulate share price.", "Tucker: And how do you plan on doing that?", "Genevieve: Hello, Tucker. I'm done!", "Jack: Genevieve has agreed to accompany me to the S.E.C. to share with them in detail how you hired her to find Victor, to keep him at bay, while you took advantage of Newman's plummeting stock prices.", "Tucker: Is that all you got? You really think you can take me down with some unsubstantiated allegations from a woman who was just stripped of all her assets by-- wait for the punch line-- the S.E.C.? Her word against mine. I like those odds.", "Jack: This wouldn't be your first run-in with the S.E.C. Do you really want to call my bluff?", "Tucker: We're done here, Jack.", "Jack: We better go. Uh... oh, it's not too late. My contact at the commission should still be at his desk.", "Tucker: Hold up, Jack. Give me 48 hours. I need some time to, you know, get some things in order.", "Jack: You got 48 hours.", "Tucker: Genevieve. Could you stay for a minute? I'd--I'd like to talk to you.", "Genevieve: I'll catch up with you later.", "Jack: I'll be at the club.", "Genevieve: Ok.", "Tucker: What are you up to?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Noah, it's nice to see you. I didn't know you were in town.", "Noah: Don't suppose you would.", "Sharon: Um, how did you get that text? I didn't send it to you.", "Noah: Abby forwarded it to me. She felt that I had the right to know what was going on, even if you didn't.", "Sharon: Okay, well, that's not really fair, because that's not the whole story.", "Nick: Hey, Faith, let's, uh, let's go get your jammies on, okay? We'll let mommy talk to Noah.", "Faith: Okay.", "Noah: Fair? Fair? Was it fair that I wasn't invited to my own grandfather's funeral or that I wouldn't have had time to come back, even if I'd known it was happening?", "Sharon: Victor wasn't dead.", "Noah: So that makes what you did okay?", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: What's wrong with you?", "Woman: We're looking for Sharon Newman.", "Noah: Uh, there she is.", "Sharon: Hello, um... (Clears throat) What's this about?", "Woman: You're under arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: What's that?", "Nikki: My final divorce decree from Jack.", "Victor: Well, that was fast.", "Nikki: Jack and I both wanted to-- well, we needed to move on.", "Victor: Never easy, I guess.", "Nikki: No, it isn't.", "Victor: How did you and I ever get so far off course?", "Nikki: By acting impulsively, letting ourselves get sidetracked, hurting other people.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: It's only by the grace of God that you weren't killed in that horrible explosion. I'm so grateful that you're home, safe and sound.", "Victor: And I am, and here you are.", "Nikki: Ye--", "(Doorbell rings)", "Nikki: And your lawyer makes three.", "Victor: Only briefly.", "Nikki: Well, I have to meet Katherine...", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: And I know you and Avery have a lot to talk about, so... I will see you later.", "Victor: Don't stay away long, okay?", "Nikki: Oh, no.", "Nikki: Hello.", "Avery: Hello.", "Nikki: How are you? Come on in. Victor's expecting you.", "Avery: Thank you. Okay.", "Nikki: Have a nice evening.", "Avery: Thank you. You, too.", "Nikki: Uh-huh.", "Victor: Hi, Avery.", "Avery: Hello.", "Victor: So...", "Avery: I just heard from Michael.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: Sharon has been arrested.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Well, and so it begins.", "Avery: Fraud, conspiracy, malfeasance, false statements to the police, and that's just for openers. It should be enough to put Sharon behind bars for a very long time.", "Victor: What about her suit against me for abandonment?", "Avery: Oh, it's laughable. As soon as a doctor verifies that you lost your memory, it'll be dismissed before it could ever go to trial. I will let you know when Sharon is arraigned, okay?", "Victor: All right. One more thing, Avery. I want an annulment. This was never a real marriage. I don't want any record of it, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thanks for coming here with me.", "Nick: I'll stay till you get booked. We'll see if we can get you arraigned tonight.", "Sharon: Nick, you have gotta talk to your dad and convince him what a bad idea this was. I mean, it's--it's just gonna drag everything out, and nobody wants that. In fact, you know what? I will agree to drop the civil suit if he will agree to be reasonable.", "Nick: What civil suit?", "Sharon: Um, well, Leslie filed for abandonment, but--but I-I will agree to rescind it right away...", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Sharon: If he will stop this. Nick, I can't be away from Faith again.", "Nick: Sharon, why do you think I'm here? I'm here for our kids because I care about them. I'm here for them and only them. Don't ask me to go to my dad for you. That's not gonna happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Feeling any better?", "Daniel: Food helped.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Daniel: Doubt I'll sleep much tonight, though.", "Heather: Well, if there's any word on Daisy or who she's with, I'll be notified right away.", "Daniel: Friends in high places, huh?", "Heather: Yeah, it never hurts, although I still can't believe you talked me into seeing you again.", "Daniel: You couldn't resist.", "Heather: You're right.", "Daniel: Hey, um, I didn't know you played. Do--do you play?", "Heather: What, guitar?", "Daniel: Yeah. (Laughs)", "Heather: Um, yeah, sure. I mean, doesn't everyone?", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, sure, everyone, I guess, except for me.", "Heather: Your dad never taught you?", "Daniel: No, dad tried when I was younger. It didn't go all that well.", "Heather: That's kind of amazing.", "Daniel: Mm. Well, not everyone's cut out to be a rock star, but a guitar- playing attorney-- now that, however, is impressive.", "Heather: Yes, I know. Is there no end to my talents? Actually, I'm kidding. I can barely play a \"G\" chord. I bought it because I wanted to learn and... I don't know, and I never did.", "Daniel: Prove it.", "Heather: (Sighs) (Sets glass down) Whatever.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: (Sighs) This could get ugly. (Hums note) (Plays out-of-tune chord)", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "Heather: (Hums note)", "Daniel: Oh, you are terrible! You're right.", "Heather: Thank you. Thank you! I know.", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Is this the kind of news that I should sit down because, possibly... I'll hit my head when I faint?", "Ronan: I've been taken off your case.", "Phyllis: What? Who did this? Ohh, of course, of course. Christine sweeps into town and figures out ways that she could stick it to me. Of course, of course!", "Ronan: No, that--stop it. Ethically, Phyllis, ethically, Christine's right.", "Phyllis: Are you defending her now?", "Ronan: I am not defending her. It's been a little complicated since I became your alibi the night Tim died. I'm still gonna stick to my story, but there's only gonna be so much that I can do from outside the investigation.", "Phyllis: Oh, no, she can't get away with this.", "Ronan: Now stop it, stop it. Give them to me.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Ronan: That doesn't fix anything.", "Phyllis: They can't make anything worse.", "Ronan: No, you don't think so? Why don't you go antagonize Christine and then get back to me on that?", "Phyllis: Your lie has cost us a lot. You know that... and it's dragging you down with me. Oh, my God.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Hey. It's my lie, my decision to lie. It's my consequence to bear.", "Phyllis: Sometimes, I wish you hadn't done it. Was it worth it, really?", "Ronan: For me, yeah, it really is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So how is, uh, Victor planning to deal with Sharon?", "Nikki: Funny you should ask. He's having her arrested.", "Kay: Tonight?", "Nikki: He is determined that she pay for everything she's done to our family.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Hmm. Well, my dear, it's about time.", "Nikki: Well, I can finally say I was right about her. She's nothing but a heartless tramp who's only after money. I knew that from the minute I laid eyes on her.", "Kay: It's a rather, uh, hollow victory, isn't it?", "Nikki: I thought I would get at least a little satisfaction out of it, but all the damage she's done-- and--and what's to come if she does go to jail? It's just sad, you know?", "Kay: And you are worried about the children, hmm?", "Nikki: Victor seems to think it's best if they not be in Sharon's life at all. Maybe he's right. I don't know. But I'm also concerned about Nicholas. I mean, no matter what happens, he's gonna bear the brunt of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Faith needs her mother, Nick. If you care as much as you say you do, then you'll go to your father and get him to stop this.", "Nick: I'll find a way to explain to our daughter why you aren't around anymore, but she's learned to live without you. We all have.", "Sharon: Okay, look, I've made some mistakes. I know that, I admit it, I'm sorry, but why are you being so cruel?", "Nick: Excuse me, \"Cruel\"? Cruel is knowing a man isn't dead but letting his family think he is, by letting them grieve without saying a word.", "Sharon: Okay, well, I didn't--I--", "Nick: You made a joke-- you made a joke of his funeral by showing up in a wedding dress, Sharon. You've given us all the bird, and now you expect forgiveness? It doesn't work like that. You put yourself in this mess. You're gonna have to answer for the things you've done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Is this some kind of scheme to screw Jack over?", "Genevieve: No, it isn't.", "Tucker: Ergo, you're out to get me.", "Genevieve: I hate what you did to Victor and to his family, and I hate the way you treated me! You know, making me grovel for every dime.", "Tucker: That's the real reason. You don't care about Victor. You're mad at me.", "Genevieve: I also would like to see Jack get his company back. He's been an innocent victim in all of this.", "Tucker: (Laughs) What? How is Jack an innocent victim? He was grabbing up shares as fast as he could get his mitts on 'em.", "Genevieve: But he never would have had to face that margin call and lost his company if you hadn't poisoned the entire trading environment.", "Tucker: Come on, get your facts straight, Gen.", "Genevieve: What?!", "Tucker: The bottom fell out for Jack Abbott when the world thought Victor Newman was dead. I had nothing to do with that.", "Genevieve: You had everything to do with that! I saw what you did. Because of your deceit and your callous indifference, Victor was marooned somewhere where he didn't belong and he was deprived of proper medical care, and by the way, those thugs who were trying to kill him-- they would have continued to try to kill him if I hadn't insisted on bringing him home!", "Tucker: Okay. Let's rewind a little bit. Tell me about Jack. Why are you so eager to help your ex?", "Genevieve: Because he is a good man. And you know what? Once upon a time, you used to be like him. You know, you were very ambitious, but you were also kind, and now, I-it-- you're just vengeful and bitter.", "Tucker: That's life.", "Genevieve: By the way, Tucker... it's not just your word against mine. I have your text messages.", "(Door slams)", "(Pens, letter opener clattering)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: (Laughs) Okay, so my dad--he tried to teach me the 3-chord blues to start...", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: And then two of the damn chords stuck, and that's about it. The first one, something like that. Get your fingers up there, yeah.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. Yeah. There?", "Daniel: Boom, boom. Yeah.", "Heather: Okay. Plug your ears. Thank you.", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "Heather: (Chuckles) (Plays tuneful chord) Wait a minute. Wow, that was marginally better.", "Daniel: Magic, right?", "Heather: Yeah.", "Daniel: Okay, so now the second one, um, is these three strings, just like that, yeah.", "Heather: Okay.", "Daniel: I think...", "Heather: Yeah?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Heather: (Plays tuneful chord)", "Daniel: There we go.", "Heather: How was that?", "Daniel: That? Well, I'd say another ten years of practicing that, and you'll be giving Carrie Brownstein a run for her money.", "Heather: Yeah, right.", "Daniel: Well...", "Heather: Maybe I should just stick with my day job, but... thanks.", "Daniel: You're welcome. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Don't do this to me.", "Ronan: Don't do what to you, be honest with you? What I want should come as no shock to you. It wouldn't be too much. It wouldn't even register with you if you didn't feel the same way that I do.", "Phyllis: I love Nick. I'm married to Nick. I want to stay married to him.", "Ronan: You feel it, don't you? Whenever we're together, don't you feel it? Whether there's someone in the room or not, don't you feel it when I touch you... how much I want you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: The fact that a son of mine could do such a thing-- I just--I-I got-- I am so ashamed, Nikki.", "Nikki: Katherine, none of that is your fault. Nobody can blame you for the things Tucker did.", "Kay: Yes, yes, I admit that, but I certainly do feel a certain amount of guilt by association. All right, come on. Enough of that. (Sighs) I want to hear about you and Victor. Now where do things stand?", "Nikki: Well... my divorce from Jack is final. I got the papers a little while ago, and, uh, Victor is filing for an annulment from Sharon.", "Kay: Clearing the way for the two of you.", "Nikki: Yeah, but for what? I mean, what does the future hold for Victor and me? I have no idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Let the guard know when you're ready to make your call.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "(Footsteps approach)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Blackmail is thirsty work, huh?", "Jack: Fix the lady her regular.", "Genevieve: Thank you, Leonard.", "Jack: So what happened with you and Tucker after I left?", "Genevieve: Just settling old scores.", "Jack: What is the story with the two of you? Ashley said she saw an old photo of you with Tucker.", "Genevieve: Well, um, once upon a time, Tucker and I cared about each other very much.", "Jack: This was before Colin?", "Genevieve: Oh, yes, long before.", "Jack: Did you love him?", "Genevieve: Yes, Jack, I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Tucker: Yeah. When? I'll take it from here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm glad you came. I figure, you and I can talk this out calmly, rationally.", "Victor: What's there to talk about? Everyone knows what you did.", "Sharon: What everyone knows is that you disappeared. No one had heard from you, and at first, I was scared, but then I realized that I was doing what you would want me to do-- stop people from walking all over me. I mean, in the end, I realized that's-- it's what you'd wanted.", "Victor: Is that so?", "Sharon: Yeah, I mean, it-- it's my responsibility as your wife to carry on for you at Newman, so...", "Victor: As my wife, you blatantly ignored my wishes by destroying my prenup... and then you had the cold-heartedness to call off the search for me... and then you fired some old and trusted employees of mine. The list goes on and on of the crimes you committed. On top of that, you tried to injure and hurt me, my company, and my family. No one does that and gets away with it.", "Sharon: Victor, would you really condemn me to prison after everything that we've meant to each other? I've been in your life for 20 years. I'm the mother of your grandchildren.", "Victor: I'm through with you. I'm not the only one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Faith: Sit in there.", "Nick: Hey.", "Faith: And then the last one, I'll blow out the candle.", "Noah: Hey, wow. What happened with mom?", "Nick: After she was booked, they took her to her cell for the night.", "(Knock on door)", "Avery: Oh, hi, Noah. Good to see you.", "Noah: I need to get some air. I'll be back.", "Avery: I take it he's upset about his mother.", "Nick: How far is my dad planning to take this?", "Avery: All the way. He won't stop until Sharon's behind bars. Are you gonna be okay with that?", "Nick: It's not gonna be easy... for any of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You know, this just feels so right. You know, we've been sneaking around and having to hide it from everyone. I mean, look how close we've got in spite of all that.", "Heather: Well, we obviously can't go public the way we'd hoped, before we knew about Daisy.", "Heather: You don't think it's a sign, do you? That maybe we shouldn't be together?", "Daniel: No. I don't believe in that stuff. I believe what I see with my eyes, you know? I trust what I see in front of me.", "Heather: What do you see?", "Daniel: (Sighs) I want to divorce Daisy. I want to divorce her in absentia, and... I am gonna need your help.", "Heather: See, you know what? I knew it. I knew it.", "Daniel: What?", "Heather: You are just sleeping with to get free legal advice.", "Daniel: Yeah, I mean, what else did you think it was?", "Heather: I knew it. I--", "Daniel: Yeah?", "Heather: Mm, yeah.", "Daniel: Yeah?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: When Tucker and I were together, um, he had dreams, but he hadn't managed to get anything off the ground yet, and I really wanted money and power and success, and I didn't think that he could give me that life, so I left, and I went out in search of my own fortune.", "Jack: And you wound up with Colin.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) And the rest is history.", "Jack: I don't know, is it?", "Genevieve: I suppose I was young and foolish not to have given Tucker the chance to prove himself, but back then, I just didn't have any idea what really mattered.", "Jack: Did you have any regrets, ever? I mean, walking away from Tucker?", "Genevieve: I think we get to a certain age and we can see all our mistakes very clearly and the decisions that we made that affected our entire lives, but do you still lose sleep over it? No... (Laughs) So yes, Jack, I was in love with him, but it is over. We are not the same people anymore. I needed money... desperately.", "Jack: So you turned to a friend, and he put you to work.", "Genevieve: I'm not proud of the things that I've done, and earning back your trust, I realize that's gonna take some doing. (Laughs) But, um... that is what this is about. I would like to right my wrongs, and I'd like to start with you.", "Jack: To second chances. (Glasses clink)", "Genevieve: And third, and fourth, and fifth...", "Jack: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: I heard Victor had you arrested. I, um, I just want to see how you're doing.", "Sharon: Why?", "Tucker: Because, despite everything, I care-- I care about what happens to you.", "Sharon: And you think I'm just gullible enough to believe that, huh?", "Tucker: If you need any help, um...", "Sharon: Help, really? What kind of help? The way you helped me at Newman, so you could take over the company for yourself? That kind of help? No, thanks. At least now I know who my enemies are-- all of my enemies.", "Tucker: I was never your enemy, Sharon.", "Sharon: Well, you sure as hell weren't my friend, either, Tucker. You think you could come here now and I'd believe a word out of your mouth?", "Tucker: Okay. (Sighs) For what it's worth, I'm really sorry this is happening to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right. Faith, you ready to blow out this candle?", "Avery: Oh, you have to make a wish first.", "Nick: Oh, yeah, can't forget that. All right, make your wish, don't tell anyone. It's gotta be a secret. And on the count of three, we're gonna do this. Ready?", "Avery: (Laughs)", "Nick: One, two... two and a half...", "Faith: (Laughs)", "Nick: Two and three-quarters... all right, three, let it fly!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: It--it-- it can't happen between us.", "Ronan: Why not?", "Phyllis: I told you why.", "Ronan: Why don't you tell me the truth?", "Phyllis: How many times do I have to--? (Sighs) You should go. Don't make me tell you twice. Please.", "Ronan: When you decide to be straight with yourself, let me know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: So did you take care of things with Avery?", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Sharon has been arrested.", "Nikki: I know this is difficult.", "Victor: Yeah, but necessary.", "Nikki: We just have to make sure that Faith and Noah know that we're there for them. I'm gonna run upstairs for just a minute before dinner. I'll be right back.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Wait just one minute. Do you know how lucky we are? That after all this time, all this... bitterness, that you and I are back together in this house?", "Nikki: Oh, yes. It's been a very long road... but I'm glad I'm back. I really can't imagine being anywhere else. Be right back.", "Victor: Okay.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Genevieve: Get out.", "Tucker: I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready.", "Genevieve: I will call security!", "Eden: I've been thinking I should try the hypnosis thing again.", "Paul: You would do that?", "Phyllis: You'll be able to trust me again, right?", "Nick: I don't know." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Noah visits Nick and sees his black eye. He assumes the black eye was from Dylan. Nick asks him to take him to breakfast, but Noah has a meeting with Victor. Chelsea walks into the Athletic Club with Connor in her arms. Victor remarks that Connor is a Newman. Chelsea vows not to let that fact ruin his life. Victor lashes out at her calling her self-centered and unfit as a mother. Nikki meets with Paul in the foyer. They discuss their trip to Chicago and finding out that her son died. Paul gets a text and leaves without telling Nikki. Nikki notices Victor and Chelsea arguing, but Chelsea stands her ground. Cane and Lily visit the park. Cane lets Lily know that he fired Hilary, and she is probably long gone now. Hilary, in her hotel room, is on the phone. Neil visits her to discuss the latest blog. Hilary notes that he deserved it, but Neil tells her that his family didn't. Leslie and Avery discuss the McAvoy case. At the loft, Stitch is ready to go to work, but he will soon be looking for a place to live. Dylan lets him know that this place will soon be available and so will Crimson Lights. Dylan also lets him know that it is time for him to leave town. Pretending to soften a little, Hilary offers Neil a glass of orange juice. Lily concedes that Hilary isn't worth worrying about. They discuss Victor being in charge of Chancellor Industries. Cane doesn't have a problem with that.", "Victor reminds Chelsea that she gave up Johnny. Nikki pleads with Victor to back off of this. Devon tells Chelsea that she can go ahead with her designs for Spring. Chelsea is confused that Devon would agree to this without seeing the designs. Devon agrees that they will meet later. Stitch lets Dylan know that he cannot run from his problems. Nikki defends Chelsea to Victor which confuses Victor. Before they can continue this conversation, Noah joins them as does Nick. At the police department, Paul talks to someone on the phone about Penelope Harrison. Dylan visits his dad's grave and discusses Connor not being his. Chelsea comes to the loft to visit Dylan but sees Stitch instead. Stitch is less than friendly with her. He informs her that Dylan is leaving town. Hilary laces Neil's drink with vodka. Neil takes one sip and spits it out. They argue until Neil leaves. Nikki meets with Stitch at the hospital. Leslie warns Avery about loving two men. Chelsea returns to the loft with Connor to leave Dylan a note. Paul's lead takes him to Pamela, Penelope's sister, who slams the door in his face.", "" ]
[ "Noah: Hello?", "Nick: Yo!", "Noah: I just came by to see how you're doing. That's ugly. What happened?", "Nick: Minor altercation.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Aren't you a little old to be getting into school-ground fights, Dad?", "Nick: Did you come to see how I was doing or just give me a hard time?", "Noah: Well, other than the eye, how you doing?", "Nick: Oh, let's see. In the past few months, I've, uh, lost my fiancée, one of my daughters, and, uh, a fairly go good bartender. And there's no food in this house. Other than that, everything's great.", "Noah: What can I do to help?", "Nick: You could take me out to breakfast.", "Noah: [Chuckles] I, uh -- I kind of have some plans.", "Nick: Plans. Sounds mysterious.", "Noah: I'm just -- I'm meeting Grandpa.", "Nick: Really?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: Why?", "Noah: No reason.", "Nick: Dude, when your grandpa is involved, there's always a reason.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Excuse me. Hey. My goodness. I'd like to see my grandson.", "Chelsea: My son's almost asleep. I'm not gonna let you wake him up so you can anoint him a Newman.", "Victor: Look at that. You are a Newman, aren't you?", "Chelsea: And I'm gonna do everything I can to keep that from ruining his life.", "Victor: Oh, you're now suddenly playing the protective, loving mother? Hmm? You denied the paternity of this boy to serve your own purposes, didn't you? You don't deserve to be his mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Nikki. Hi.", "Nikki: Hi, Paul.", "Paul: How are you doing?", "Nikki: Still trying to process what we learned in Chicago.", "Paul: Yeah, I know it wasn't an easy trip for you.", "Nikki: I don't think it's really sunk in yet that my baby only lived for seven years. I just keep thinking if I hadn't have given him up for adoption --", "Paul: Don't do this to yourself.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Paul: Excuse me. [Sighs]", "Nikki: Everything all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You two are awesome kite flyers.", "Cane: Uh-huh. It's all in the wrist, isn't it? You see that?", "Charlie: Yeah!", "Cane: Yeah. High-five! Oh!", "Lily: Missed it.", "Cane: Oh.", "Lily: [Laughs] Okay, you can go feed the ducks now, all right? Hey, stay close, and do not lean over the fence.", "Mattie: Okay!", "Lily: [Laughs] [Sighs]", "Cane: You know, I needed this, hmm?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Moments like this, you, me, and the kids, makes all the problems in life just disappear.", "Lily: Hmm. Almost.", "Cane: Hilary's out of our lives, okay? I fired her. She is gone.", "Lily: Well, she should be in jail. She tried to drug you, and the only reason why she didn't is because you were on to her.", "Cane: Well, you can't have someone arrested for a crime they almost committed.", "Lily: Well, Dad should have gone after her after all those GC Buzz posts.", "Cane: Yeah, but he thought the best way to deal with it was to reach out to her.", "Lily: Yeah, and then she used his apology to write her nastiest post yet.", "Cane: Well, maybe she now has it out of her system.", "Lily: No. Please. That woman is a vindictive --", "Cane: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. The kids. The kids.", "Lily: Okay, okay. I'm not gonna say it.", "Cane: Shh.", "Lily: I'm not gonna say it. But you know that it's true. She's only gonna keep trying to hurt us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Mason, where are you? We have a lot to celebrate. Don't make me start the party without you. [Sighs]", "[Knock on door]", "Hilary: Finally. Neil.", "Neil: May I come in?", "Hilary: Sure.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Hilary: So, go ahead. Let me have it. That's why you're here, isn't it? To get on my case about posting your confession on GC Buzz?", "Neil: You're right. I wasn't happy about that. That was your point -- make me suffer.", "Hilary: You deserve it.", "Neil: You're right, Hilary. I do deserve it. There was a lot of truth to your post. And I would admit that to anybody.", "Hilary: What do you want from me?", "Neil: I want you to stop hurting the people that I love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Before we just dive in, how are you doing?", "Avery: You mean for somebody who just left an amazing man at the altar?", "Leslie: Have you spoken to Nick?", "Avery: I saw him. We didn't talk that much. What's there to say? I mean, \"I'm sorry\" just feels so inadequate.", "Leslie: Uh, well, you know, maybe getting back to work will help.", "Avery: Yes, I'm ready. What have -- what have you got?", "Leslie: Um, let's start with the case that's going to generate the biggest revenue for us. The Connor McAvoy custody suit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: [Sighs] You know all the other residents are gonna be wearing t-shirts and jeans.", "Stitch: Maybe I should change. I don't want to stand out any more than I'm already gonna.", "Dylan: Yeah, I'm sure nobody will notice the old guy with creases on the front of his pants.", "Stitch: What?", "Dylan: I don't think they do that anymore.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] You know, it's gonna be a lot tougher to bust my chops once I move out of here, which I plan on doing soon.", "Dylan: I know a place that's perfect for you.", "Stitch: Great. When I can see it?", "Dylan: You're looking at it.", "Stitch: This is your place.", "Dylan: Yeah, I'm thinking of selling it and, uh -- and the coffeehouse.", "Stitch: What? Why?", "Dylan: It's time for me to leave Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Look, I'm just going to meet Grandpa for a little breakfast. It's not a big deal.", "Nick: So, it's just the two of you shooting the breeze?", "Noah: I hate that you know me so well. It really cramps my style.", "Nick: What's going on with you and my dad?", "Noah: Grandpa offered me a job.", "Nick: Hmm. Must have something to do with the fact that Katherine left him Chancellor Industries.", "Noah: Well, I think that taking over Chancellor is just the beginning of what Grandpa has planned.", "Nick: Really?", "Noah: The way he was talking, having me come on board to work with him and Aunt Vicki, Grandpa's got something up his sleeve that's gonna rock the corporate world.", "Nick: And you want to be involved?", "Noah: Maybe.", "Nick: [Sighs] I thought you left the Underground because you were serious about photography.", "Noah: Dad, come on. You know me. I'm not serious about anything.", "Nick: Just tell me that you are not considering following in your grandfather's footsteps.", "Noah: I know. You think it's a bad idea.", "Nick: Just be careful, okay?", "Noah: Well, if I do decide to go work for Grandpa, I know what I'm getting into.", "Nick: Yeah. I thought I did, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Paul, what's wrong?", "Paul: Nothing. Just something I need to take care of.", "Nikki: All right. I'll let you go, then. Thank you, again, for helping me find out what happened to my son. I really appreciate it.", "Paul: I know how important it is for you to know the truth.", "Nikki: No matter how heartbreaking it is.", "Paul: You take care.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Chelsea: How dare you judge my ability to raise my son?", "Victor: Look at the boy. You were trying to keep this boy away from his father.", "Chelsea: Oh, give me a break, Victor. You don't trust Adam any more than I do.", "Victor: This has nothing to do with my son Adam. Nothing at all. This has to do with you being an unfit mother, okay?", "Chelsea: You know what? I don't have to listen to this.", "Victor: Yes, you do.", "Chelsea: Its okay, Baby.", "Victor: You're the same two-bit con I hired to seduce Billy boy Abbott. And right now, I know you're involved in some scam with that delusional war vet.", "Nikki: What's going on?", "Victor: I will not allow her to do to my grandson what she did to her other child.", "Chelsea: What? I love my son.", "Victor: Giving up your first son? That's love?", "Chelsea: You know very well I did what was best for Johnny.", "Victor: No, you did what was best for you. You couldn't be bothered. You're not gonna do that to my grandson now, okay?", "Chelsea: If you think that I can't hurt your family, you're wrong. I'm warning you. Stay away from my son.", "Victor: Let me tell you something. No one warns me. Is that clear?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You lost your mother in a tragic, senseless way.", "Hilary: I lost my mother because you went on a bender with her and left her.", "Neil: Okay, wait a minute. Hear me out here. If I had had my wits about me, I would have realized that she was in trouble.", "Hilary: Is that supposed to help?", "Neil: I know. I know that -- that you're angry. You're hurt and very confused. I understand why you'd want to lash out.", "Hilary: You make me sound like a spoiled brat having a temper tantrum.", "Neil: Listen to me. I would never diminish your pain and grief that you are feeling here.", "Hilary: Isn't that what you're trying to do right now by asking me to forgive you?", "Neil: All right, you don't know this, but I have beaten myself up every day since I remembered what happened to your mother. If I could go back in time, I would. I would go back in time and produce a different outcome, save your mother's life. You get that?", "Hilary: Would you like some orange juice?", "Neil: Yeah. Sure. Thank you.", "Hilary: So... what do you want from me?", "[Glass thuds]", "Neil: Nothing. Hilary, I want to bring you some peace. I want to give you a sense of resolution here.", "Hilary: How?", "Neil: A public confession. I'll put it in writing on GC Buzz if that's what you want. Or I can post a video on FacePlace. I can donate my time and money to a rehab facility or other charity to help alcoholics.", "Hilary: That supposed to make me feel better about what happened to my mother?", "Neil: Nothing can do that. All I can do is try to take responsibility for my part in your mother's death, try to make amends for what I -- what I did and didn't do that night. Hilary, I am sorry for what happened to your mother, and I know that's not nearly enough. But if you want to keep on hating me, then hate me. But leave my family out of this. They are innocent. They don't deserve to be punished for what I did.", "Hilary: Well, my mother didn't deserve what happened to her, either.", "Neil: No, she didn't deserve it, and I understand that you want justice for her. I get that. Because family is just as important to me as it is to you.", "Hilary: [Sobs]", "Neil: I'm gonna do whatever I can to protect my family. You hear me? I wasn't trying to upset you.", "Hilary: I know. It's just... hearing you stand up for your family like that, it reminded me of my mom. She would kill to protect her own.", "Neil: Hey, I didn't mean to bring up another painful memory for you.", "Hilary: You didn't. That was actually one of my favorite things about her. Her fierce love for her family. She would do anything for me.", "Neil: I'm sure she would have.", "Hilary: She was my best friend. Even when I went away to college, we'd talk every day, sometimes two or three times. And then one day her name popped up on my phone, and I-I didn't even say hello. I just launched right into \"Oh, my God, Mom, you were so right. I talked to the professor and...\" it was a full minute before I realized that it wasn't her. It was a nurse calling from the hospital, and she said, \"Your mother has expired.\" Like she was a credit card or a carton of milk.", "Neil: I am so sorry.", "Hilary: The next few weeks was a blur. Planning her funeral. [Voice breaking] Burying my mom. Clearing out her things. Just...throwing away pieces of her life like it didn't mean anything. And all the world, the whole world just kept going on like nothing had changed. I needed to go. I left school, the country, bounced around from one foreign city to another, just desperate to forget that the one person I could always count on... was gone.", "Neil: Hey. You know, uh... that night that we met, she talked all about you.", "Hilary: What did she say?", "Neil: I-I-I'd be lying if I -- if I said that I remembered much of what she said that night, you know, but... I think we both agreed that our children were the one good thing that we had in common. You know, it was -- it was very obvious even in the brief conversation that we had, how much she smiled when she talked about you, how much she loved you.", "Hilary: [Sobs]", "Neil: Don't ever forget that.", "Hilary: I haven't forgotten. I never will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Daddy and sexy mommy is gonna be right over there on that bench, all right? Go.", "Lily: Okay. Hey, be careful.", "Cane: Be careful.", "Charlie: Okay!", "Cane: All right.", "Lily: [Sighs]", "Cane: [Sighs] Hmm.", "Lily: You know what? You're right.", "Cane: Of course I'm right.", "Lily: [Laughing]", "Cane: What am I right about?", "Lily: I just -- you're right. I shouldn't be wasting my time thinking about Hilary. I should just be focusing on us and our beautiful kids.", "Cane: Good. Good. 'Cause that's what days like this are for.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: You, me here with the family. We don't talk about work. We don't talk about the office.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Just us.", "Lily: Yeah, I was wondering about that.", "Cane: Yeah? Were you wondering about that?", "Lily: Well, are you skipping out on work to spend time with us, or are you trying to avoid the new owner of chancellor industries?", "Victor: Don't you ever threaten my family.", "Chelsea: Don't threaten mine.", "Victor: You don't even know the meaning of the word \"Family.\" Otherwise you wouldn't have been so ready to hand Johnny over to my daughter as if he were some unwanted pet. Not that he isn't much better off with Victoria.", "Chelsea: I love Johnny.", "Victor: Not enough to keep him.", "Nikki: Victor, stop this. Chelsea was only thinking of Johnny when she gave him to Victoria and Billy. She wasn't being selfish. It's probably the hardest thing she's ever had to do.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nikki: You have a beautiful son. Keep him safe.", "Chelsea: That's what I've been trying to do since the second he was born.", "Nikki: One day you'll know that everything you did for him was out of love.", "Chelsea: I have to go.", "Devon: Yeah, I do apologize for being late. If you need to go and feed the baby or something --", "Chelsea: No, no, he's -- he's fine. He's fine. I'm actually very excited to get to work. Um, I have several designs for you from the spring line, so if you want to just...", "Devon: Uh, you know, that won't even be necessary.", "Chelsea: I'm gonna need some time for the changes you want to make, so if you --", "Devon: I'm -- I'm sure that they're more than fine. I just want you to go ahead with them, all right?", "Chelsea: You don't even want to see what I've done, discuss colors, fabrics, cost?", "Devon: I trust you 100%, so order what you need and we will go into production.", "Chelsea: Okay, what's going on?", "Devon: I'm giving you creative control.", "Chelsea: A few weeks ago, I couldn't order a button without getting your approval. Now I have full carte blanche on the entire spring line? Something's up, Devon. What is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: And that's the last case except Adam's. Can't avoid it any longer.", "Avery: Well, we could if we decided not to represent him.", "Leslie: It's a high-profile case, Avery. That could help us make a name for ourselves.", "Avery: And you know why I'm reluctant to take it.", "Leslie: The man has a legitimate claim against his ex-wife. she tried to keep his child from him.", "Avery: Yes, I know what Chelsea did was wrong, but...", "Leslie: But what?", "Avery: You don't know Adam. This child means everything to him, and he will do anything to gain custody.", "Leslie: And don't you think that whatever action he took would be justified?", "Avery: I just don't want to see anyone caused any undue pain.", "Leslie: And by \"Anyone,\" do you mean Dylan?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: I move into town, and you move out. Is that it?", "Dylan: You know it's nothing personal.", "Stitch: Your leaving may not have anything to do with me, but it's definitely personal.", "Dylan: It's just, uh -- it's just really hard to be here.", "Stitch: Wow, you really know how to hurt a guy.", "Dylan: Come on. We'll keep in touch.", "Stitch: It's not gonna work, Mac. Running away. We both know the memories just go with you. Hell, ours followed us all the way here from the Middle East, and we survived.", "Dylan: Yeah. I'm just really sick of surviving. You know, I want to start living.", "Stitch: I hear you, man, but what about that shrink I hooked you up with at the V.A.?", "Dylan: Uh, you know, once I get settled, I'll, you know, find another one.", "Stitch: Don't give me that, man.", "Dylan: Let me know if you're interested in the place.", "Stitch: Come on, Mac.", "Dylan: I got to run. There's something I need to take care of. I'll catch up with you later. Good luck today.", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You think that I'm skipping out on work to avoid Victor?", "Lily: Well, you can't deny that Katherine leaving Chancellor to him was a surprise.", "Cane: Yeah, but with their history as friends and colleagues, it makes sense, so...", "Lily: So, you're not disappointed that she didn't choose you?", "Cane: I think that Katherine was wise, and I think by not giving it to Jill or me, she knows she won't tear us apart, so she did us a favor, and she protects her legacy.", "Lily: Well, are you worried that you and your new boss will butt heads?", "Cane: No, I respect Victor. I think he's a brilliant businessman. And you know what? I think I'm gonna actually learn a lot from him.", "Lily: Well, I think that he can learn a lot from you, too.", "Cane: And I think I might hold off on giving him any advice.", "Lily: I mean it. I just -- I hope that he appreciates all you have to offer.", "Cane: Thank you. But I don't mind stepping back and letting him take the reins.", "Lily: Really?", "Cane: Yeah. I'm relieved he's in charge.", "Lily: Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I just -- I thought that you creative types like to call the shots.", "Chelsea: Well, we do, but we also like feedback. And to be honest, approval.", "Devon: I just gave you the green light on everything.", "Chelsea: Well, it kind of helps if you look at the designs.", "Devon: I'm sorry, Chelsea. I have been very distracted lately. Um, I just feel like I got a couple billion things on my mind.", "Chelsea: A lot of pressure at work?", "Devon: A lot of pressure in general. But still, that's no reason for me to blow you off. I-I do apologize. I would love to see what you have.", "Chelsea: I'm so sorry. Now he's getting kind of fussy. Maybe I should put him down for a nap. Do you mind if I e-mail you my drawings?", "Devon: Of course. No, no. I understand. And I'll get back to you as soon as I can.", "Chelsea: Yeah, that would be great. I'll see you soon, then.", "Devon: All right.", "Chelsea: Okay. Bye.", "Devon: Bye-bye.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Devon: Uh-huh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: She made a mistake not telling Adam about the paternity of the baby, but that doesn't make her a bad mother.", "Victor: What about what she did to Johnny?", "Nikki: She was only trying to do what's best for him. The same as what she's doing for Connor. And I will not have you disparage her for that!", "Victor: What the hell is the matter with you? Why are you suddenly defending this grifter's non-existent mothering skills? What's the matter with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I've got some questions about the adoption records you sent over. The baby in these records was adopted by Penelope Harrison. Can you tell me if Penelope Harrison was a maiden name? Did she ever go by the name of Penelope Wayne? You're positive? Hmm. See -- [Sighs] -- We were told Penelope Wayne adopted a baby boy that died when he was 7 years old. And I need to know for certain if the adoption Mr. Goodwin arranged was not for Penelope Wayne. You're sure of that?", "Paul: Yeah, I tried reaching Miss Harrison, but the contact information on these documents is out of date. Would you happen to have a, uh, forwarding address or a current phone number? Hmm. Uh, what about emergency-contact information? Yes, it's very important. My friend believes that the child that she gave up for adoption died when he was 7 years old. And if that's not the case, I would like to be able to tell her that. Yeah, sure, I can hold. Yes, yes, I'm here. Oh! That's fabulous. Thank you. Thank you very much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm sorry I raised my voice before. But I wish you wouldn't waste any more energy trying to defend that excuse of a mother.", "Nikki: I'm just saying, she loves her son.", "Victor: Anyone who abandons a child is not a fit mother.", "Noah: Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Hi, Grandma.", "Victor: Noah!", "Nikki: Hi, Honey.", "Victor: Sit down.", "Nikki: Are you hungry? You -- you want to order something?", "Noah: Oh, I'm good. Thank you. I'm a little anxious to talk to Grandpa about why he wanted to see me. Is it about the job you offered me?", "Victor: Well, among other things, yes.", "Noah: I, uh -- I heard about you scoring Chancellor Industries. That's -- that's pretty sweet.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Noah: But when you asked me to come to work for you, I thought that you meant over at Newman.", "Victor: Who said I didn't?", "Noah: I heard that you trashed the company. You left it to Jack and Adam.", "Victor: Well, you shouldn't believe everything you hear, Son, okay? Nicholas.", "Nick: Hey.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. What happened to you?", "Noah: His face had a run-in with a fist.", "Victor: Does this have to do with what happened at the wedding?", "Nick: I'm not here to talk about me right now.", "Nikki: All right, well, um, I'm gonna let you boys talk business. I have a doctor's appointment.", "Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.", "Nick: Is everything all right?", "Nikki: Yeah, yeah. It's just a routine checkup.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: Take care of that.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Sit down, Son.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victor: So... that is almost a black eye, isn't it? I hope you gave as good as you got.", "Nick: Noah told me you offered him a job.", "Victor: I did, indeed. What's wrong with that?", "Nick: Nothing, as long as you're not trying to come between me and my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I got screwed, Pop. Big time. We both did. Terrance Connor McAvoy... is not your grandson. The boy who has your name has no our family. I just... [Voice breaking] I wanted him to be my son so bad, Dad... that I refused to see all the signs that were telling me that he wasn't mine. [Sniffles] And there were a lot of them. But I just... I just focused on the good... in Chelsea. I loved her. I thought she loved me, too, but she was using me. I fooled myself into believing that Chelsea's baby was mine and that we could have a life together. And that I could get back... the life that I lost. But I was wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: Dylan isn't here.", "Chelsea: I really wanted to talk to him.", "[Door closes]", "Stitch: Did a little paint job on the place.", "Chelsea: I see that.", "Stitch: He's trying to move on. Probably a good idea if you do the same.", "Chelsea: I was wrong to lie to Dylan about Connor, but that doesn't mean that I don't love him or that what we had wasn't real.", "Stitch: Well, that's a tough sell. I wouldn't buy it.", "Chelsea: Well, you're not Dylan.", "Stitch: No. But I am his friend. And I don't want to see him hurt any more than he already has been.", "Chelsea: I'm not giving up. I'll come back every single day if I have to until I can convince him that we belong together.", "Stitch: Well, you can come back, but it won't do any good. Dylan's leaving town.", "Chelsea: He said that before.", "Stitch: I think he means it this time. He offered to sell me this place. He's putting the coffeehouse up for sale, too.", "Chelsea: No.", "Stitch: I got the impression he wants to get as far away from here as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So, what I'd like to do is, um, when you're ready, of course, start a memorial in Rose's name or maybe, uh, a scholarship at your alma mater.", "Hilary: She'd like that. And, um... so would I.", "Neil: You know, Hilary -- Ann, I...I wish there was more I could do. I really do.", "Hilary: How about a toast? To a fresh start.", "Neil: Yeah. How about it? To a fresh start.", "[Glasses clink]", "Neil: What are you doing?!", "Hilary: Getting you drunk. Just like you did my mother.", "Neil: You spiked my drink.", "Hilary: I thought you'd like a little vodka in your orange juice.", "Neil: I haven't had a drink in six years!", "Hilary: Neither has my mother, thanks to you.", "Neil: Your mother would be ashamed of you. She never would do anything like this.", "Hilary: How would you know? You spent one drunken night with her and left her to die in a motel room!", "Neil: I told you I didn't know!", "Hilary: You didn't know. You didn't know. I don't want to hear it! You left her! She's dead!", "Neil: So, what? This is payback?", "Hilary: You deserve a lot worse.", "Neil: You know something? You're sick, giving an alcoholic drink to someone in recovery.", "Hilary: And you're a drunk. You wanted that drink that night just as much as you do now! Go ahead, Neil! Have another! Take it straight from the bottle! You know you want it! Do it! Do it!!", "[Door slams]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: And when we go to Australia, I'm gonna get you guys kiwi kumquat kangaroo ice cream.", "Mattie: Ew. That's gross.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm with you, Mattie. [Laughs]", "Cane: Hey, you see that? You see that? Girls don't have a sense of adventure, but my little mate here, he's gonna have some ice cream with me.", "Lily: Mmm.", "Cane: Hmm.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Cane: And then you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna go play rugby and then we're gonna go surfing. And you know what? No girls allowed.", "Lily: Oh, they're just afraid that we're gonna show them up. But you know what? That's okay. We'll go see the ballet.", "Cane: Oh, really?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: And then you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna throw some shrimps on the Barbie.", "Lily: Oh, on the Barbie.", "Cane: On the Barbie.", "Lily: [Laughs] Sounds perfect.", "Cane: And with Victor running the company, we have time for trips like that and more days like this.", "Lily: You sure you're not gonna miss the rush and excitement of the corporate world?", "Cane: I have everything I need... right here.", "Both: Eww!", "Lily: [Laughs]", "Cane: Aww!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, it's very nice to meet you, Dr. Rayburn. Are you just beginning your residency?", "Stitch: I made a little detour through Afghanistan on my way to medical school.", "Nikki: Aha. Ex-military.", "Stitch: Sergeant, U.S. Army.", "Nikki: Well, welcome to Genoa City and Memorial Hospital.", "Stitch: Thanks.", "Dr. Costner: So, Nikki, tell me how you've been feeling.", "Nikki: Actually, I've been a little tired lately, and my fingers are tingling.", "Dr. Costner: More than usual?", "Nikki: Not really. It's nothing serious.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Dr. Costner: Oh, I'm sorry. I have to take care of this.", "Nikki: Oh, don't worry about it. Dr. Rayburn will keep me company.", "Dr. Costner: Well, why don't you throw some questions at him? It'll be good practice.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Well, let's see. Questions. All right. How do you like the city so far?", "Stitch: Well, I haven't seen much of it. I only really know one person here. Uh, an old army buddy of mine. Mac. Uh, Dylan.", "Nikki: Dylan McAvoy?", "Stitch: You know him?", "Nikki: He's married to...", "Stitch: You know Chelsea.", "Nikki: Yeah, actually, her son, Connor, is my grandson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Of course I'm concerned about Dylan.", "Leslie: Okay, concern is what you feel for an elderly next-door neighbor who hasn't been eating properly.", "Avery: I just broke up with Nick.", "Leslie: And why did you break up with him?", "Avery: It's complicated.", "Leslie: Yeah, well, being in love with two men usually is.", "Avery: Dylan came to Genoa City to find me, and when he did, I was with Nick. And I'll never forget the look on his face when he realized that I had really fallen in love with someone else and we weren't gonna be together. He told me that he survived because of me. When his convoy was attacked and all his buddies were killed, thinking of coming home to me is what kept him alive. So, every time I see him, I think about the heartbreak and the disappointment that I've caused him.", "Leslie: You thought he was dead, Avery. You had no idea he would show up back in your life.", "Avery: But he did. And I rejected him. And that's what made him go to Chelsea and get his heart broken all over again.", "Leslie: No, you can't blame yourself.", "Avery: He would have never been with her if I...", "Leslie: What?", "Avery: If I had been honest.", "Leslie: With who?", "Avery: With him, with Nick, with myself.", "Leslie: Then it's true. You are still in love with Dylan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Dad, I was the one that went to Grandpa, and I asked him about the business.", "Nick: And I'm sure he was all too happy to answer your questions.", "Victor: Why wouldn't I be, Son?", "Nick: Dad, I know you. You bring Noah into the family business, you \"Show him the ropes,\" give him a plum position in the company, all with the promise of one day leading the empire.", "Victor: That could have been your legacy, Nicholas. It still can.", "Nick: No, thank you.", "Noah: You know, that's cool and everything, but why don't you let me decide for myself if it's what I want?", "Victor: I think that's a good idea.", "Nick: Son, I am not trying to tell you what to do. I just want to make sure you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.", "Noah: Thank you for the heads-up. Uh, but I need to get to my other job right now, so, um, we'll talk later, Grandpa?", "Victor: Okay, Noah. We'll do that, all right?", "Nick: Don't do this. I'm serious.", "Victor: Are you redirecting the anger you feel about having been left high and dry at the altar at me?", "Nick: This has nothing to do with my personal life.", "Victor: What does it have to do with?", "Nick: I'm just concerned about my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Leslie: Admit it, Avery. You still love Dylan. Dylan.", "Dylan: Am I gonna have to charge you two rent?", "Leslie: Uh, if it's by the hour, then turn the meter off. I -- um, I've -- I've got to run.", "Avery: Leslie.", "Leslie: Got to run. Um, see you later.", "Avery: So, how are you doing?", "Dylan: Uh, you know, good. How's the lock holding up?", "Avery: It's good.", "Dylan: I don't want anyone else breaking in, going through your stuff. I want you to feel safe.", "Avery: I do, thanks to you. Um, I should -- I should get going.", "Dylan: Yeah. Listen, if there's anything else you need, just -- just let me know.", "Avery: I will.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "[Keys jingle]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Stitch: I understand if you don't want me to be a part of your medical team.", "Nikki: I feel just as bad about your friend Dylan as I would anybody in that situation.", "Stitch: Still, it could be kind of weird dealing with me.", "Nikki: Actually, I think it would be kind of nice.", "Stitch: All righty then.", "[Door opens]", "Dr. Costner: Dr. Rayburn answer all your questions?", "Nikki: Yep. We are all good, so if there's nothing more...", "Dr. Costner: Actually, there is. There is something I'm concerned about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: I'm Paul Williams. I'm looking for Pamela Harrison.", "Pamela: That was my maiden name. What's this about?", "Paul: Oh, I'm trying to locate your sister, Penelope, and the son she adopted.", "Pamela: I don't know what you're talking about. Penelope never adopted a child.", "Paul: Well, according to Scott Goodwin's records, she did.", "Pamela: The records are wrong.", "Paul: Please --", "Pamela: I'm sorry. I can't help you.", "[Door closes]", "Paul: [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: We really are back on track in every way, aren't we?", "Billy: Yeah, well, every way but one.", "Paul: What about the boy? Where is he now?", "Gloria: Tonight belongs to Lauren, destined to be a night we will never forget." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Devon storms into the hospital looking for Hilary. He sees Paul coming out of a room and barges in to find that the Jane Doe isn't Hilary. It's Marisa, who was attacked before she could leave town. Devon is devastated and says he will kill whoever is responsible for Hilary's disappearance. After hearing this, Gwen calls Neil and says she needs to see him before he leaves town. The police find Noah's picture on Marisa's phone and call him. He goes to the hospital and asks if Luca was responsible. Marisa tries to tell him that it wasn't Luca but Noah leaves angry. He confronts Luca at GCAC. Luca denies any involvement but he thinks his father might be behind the attack. Dylan and Stitch discuss the Hilary situation and realize that her disappearance happened around the same time medical supplies went missing from Memorial. They bring this information to Paul while Devon, Cane, and Lily are at the station. Paul agrees to put trackers on the supplies so that when someone steals more, they will lead the police right to Hilary.", "Kevin tells Adam and Chelsea that the IP address used to infiltrate Newman Enterprises was traced back to Adam's old apartment across the hall. Chelsea realizes that Adam was the mastermind behind the Paragon Project. When Kevin leaves, Chelsea confronts Adam, who explains that he was backed into a corner by Ian Ward, who threatened to go public with Adam's secret identity. Chelsea doesn't buy it and throws him out. Before he leaves, Adam tells Chelsea that it isn't over. Gwen tells Neil that she wants to help him because if his family found out that Neil was hiding Hilary all this time, they would never forgive him and he would be all alone. Also, she has a way of getting medical supplies- Emma. Kevin and Mariah try to find out who attacked Marisa.", "" ]
[ "Devon: Where is she? The woman that they just brought in?", "Emma: There's a new patient in 216.", "Cane: She a Jane Doe?", "Emma: Yes.", "Devon: That's her! That's my wife!", "Paul: No, no, no, no, no. Devon, you can't go in there.", "Lily: Wait, why not?", "Devon: Oh, God.", "Paul: Listen, take Devon home. There is nothing for him here, okay? Please. Devon!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: You know, I feel for Devon. I mean, this guy refuses to give up hope when there seems to be little left. And Paul's run down what he can, but", "Stitch: Devon's lucky to have you looking into it. This kind of investigation is right up your alley, man.", "Dylan: Yeah, I guess. It's frustrating, all these weird angles and loose ends. And I got a question for you.", "Stitch: Shoot.", "Dylan: If you had an unconscious woman, where would you take her for medical attention without alerting the authorities? Because we checked into the hospitals, we checked into the V.A. Could she be at a private clinic?", "Stitch: You want my opinion? Hilary is not in a healthcare facility and never has been.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I'm gonna have to get you out of here and to the hospital, so I can disappear. Ah. Damn it. I can't move you without making things worse, can I? No, I can't, I can't. You're way too fragile, aren't you? [Sighs] Gwen must've called the police by now. They're gonna be here any minute. I'm going to have to leave, Hilary. I'm leaving. It's the only way. But I don't want you to worry, okay, 'cause the police, they're gonna bring – – they're gonna bring an ambulance. You're gonna get the care that you need. Okay? And I'm sorry. I'm gonna go. I have to get a head start, all right? You take care.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mariah: That's the third glass you broke tonight. You upset about Marisa?", "Noah: I get a text from her earlier. She's on her way out of town. It'll be a relief, not have to deal with her lies anymore.", "Mariah: What a relief. Do you remember what mom said when we visited her? People lie for good reasons?", "Noah: What is this? What are you doing? You can even stand Marisa. So you're defending her now?", "Mariah: When I can't stand about Marisa is how her hair is always flowing and cascading around her beautiful, glowing skin and her nose points up the way that it does. What I can't stand about Marisa is that I actually can't find anything wrong with her.", "Noah: Well, the fact that she's always lying to me isn't the most attractive quality.", "Mariah: That's why I'm defending her. I mean, I know that a lie can turn into another and another and another. And as much as you try to erase your past, it always catches up with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Gabe, I was just coming to see you.", "Chelsea: There you are.", "Adam: Hey, yeah. I was up on the roof getting some – – some air. What are you doing here?", "Kevin: well, I traced the most recent activity of the person who launched the cyber attack on Newman.", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: It came from an IP address in this building.", "Adam: In this building? You sure that's not some kind of mistake?", "Kevin: No, no mistake. And the person worked real hard to make sure they wouldn't get caught. They ran the signal through the Philippines, Johannesburg, Alberta, Calgary, but I found it. It leads right back here to your old apartment.", "Adam: Hmm.", "Kevin: Imagine that. Ian Ward here the whole time, working overtime to bring down Victor, and no one knew it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I tell ya, Ward is one sick puppy. I bet it gave him an extra thrill being this close while he was playing games with your fashion line. Sending the sales up and down like a yo-yo.", "Chelsea: And he wasn't alone.", "Adam: What do you mean?", "Chelsea: Jack said that Ian must've been working with someone.", "Kevin: An operation this complicated? Of course he was. In addition to creating the custom malware, someone had to sneak into Victor's office, hack into his computer, and delete the code.", "Adam: And you're positive that it came from that portal?", "Kevin: Is that a serious question?", "Chelsea: When did this happen?", "Kevin: The night of Katherine's memorial. Remember there were those weird power outages everywhere? Everywhere but Newman Tower. Why is that?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Adam: Sorry, that's me. I, uh I should take this. Jack, yeah. How did that happen? All right, yeah, yeah, thanks. You guys aren't gonna believe this. Ian Ward escaped from prison again.", "Kevin: Wait, so Ian Ward is down the hall and in prison? Is that some sort of weird work release thing?", "Adam: Kevin, I don't know. I know as much as you do.", "Kevin: Well, this makes it even more imperative to find Ward's accomplice because I have a feeling one is going to lead right to the other.", "Adam: Kind of creepy, huh? I feel like we should, uh, beef up security around here, in case – – in case he comes back. Babe? Babe, I didn't mean to scare you. You know, I mean, you have nothing to worry about. I'm here. I can protect you.", "Chelsea: Ian is not the one I'm frightened of. Right before Kevin arrived, I saw you leaving your old apartment, the one Kevin said Ian's been using. What were you doing there, Adam?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mariah: Do you remember when I first came to town? Your grandfather paid me to torment Sharon, and I had my own agenda with Abby. I caused a lot of grief, to say the least. I had my own set of secrets, but look how it all worked out. Here I am, a member of your family.", "Noah: It's different with Marisa.", "Mariah: Why? Because you love her? Isn't that more of a reason to make it work?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Noah: Hello? Yeah, this is Noah Newman. Uh, what can I do for you, officer? What? Oh, my God. Um Yeah. Uh, thank you. Okay, yes.", "Mariah: What's wrong?", "Noah: Uh, Marisa didn't make it out of town. She got mugged.", "Mariah: Oh, my God. Is she okay? Where is she?", "Noah: I don't know. She's – – she's in the hospital. That's the officer that found her. They didn't know who she was, but he found a picture of me in her phone.", "Mariah: What are you waiting for? Go!", "Noah: I don't know. I mean", "Mariah: Do I have to throw you in the car myself and drive you there?", "Noah: We're not together anymore. Have you not been listening?", "Mariah: No, I heard every word. But if you love her, who cares? Go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I'm sorry.", "Paul: Let's go.", "Devon: It wasn't Hilary.", "Lily: I'm sorry, Devon.", "Emma: Hey, Gwen.", "Gwen: Hey.", "Emma: Devon got word that an unidentified woman was brought in and assumed it had to be Hilary.", "Gwen: Wait, you mean it wasn't her?", "Emma: No. Poor guy. Look at him. He's crushed. Are you okay?", "Devon: Hilary is missing, and someone has her! And when I find out who's responsible, I swear to God I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Devon, look, I know that revenge might seem like the answer now. But it's not going to help us find Hilary. Hey. Do you hear me? Devon?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Excuse me. Yeah, this is Williams. What? So he did escape? Where did you hear this? Well, given Ian Ward's history, he just might come back here. I wouldn't put it past him at all. Put the department on high alert. Keep me posted.", "Devon: That's the difference between you and me, Paul. You have a lot of priorities, you know. You have escaped criminals, you have it go on there. I only have one priority, and that's Hilary. I'm gonna find her.", "Lily: [Sighs] Come on.", "Emma: To love someone that much, and then lose them? I don't know if I could handle it. Could you?", "[Door closes]", "Marisa: I, um, I know Devon from the athletic club. Sorry I wasn't who he was hoping to find. Seem to be letting down people wherever I go.", "Paul: Well, right now, I'm more concerned about you. So tell me what happened. Who – – who did this to you?", "Marisa: I – – I don't know.", "Paul: Look, Marisa, you've got a possible concussion. You're damn lucky this isn't worse. So did you see your attacker? Did you hear his voice? Anything at all?", "Marisa: All I can remember is that I was waiting for a car to take me to the airport and suddenly someone jumped me from behind. I screamed, and then I felt a hard blow to the back of my head, and then everything went dark.", "Paul: You're going to have to be very honest with me. Who – – who do you think might have done this to you? Do you have any enemies?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hilary. I am so, so sorry. If I could turn the clock back, you know I would. I hope when I'm gone and you recover, that you and Devon, you can have a beautiful future together. God knows you deserve that. I'm going to wish you and my son a life of happiness together. [Sighs]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Neil: [Sighs] Gwen.", "Gwen: Hey, are you still were left you?", "Neil: I assume that you told everyone and that the police are gonna be here any minute. She needs an ambulance because she needs care. You hear me?", "Gwen: And what about you?", "Neil: Me? I'm gonna disappear before they arrive. Hey, I gotta go.", "Gwen: Wait. Please don't go, not till I've talked to you in person. And this isn't a trick. I haven't told anyone.", "Neil: How do I know I can trust you?", "Gwen: You asked me to trust you when I found you with – – when I found you at your place. Can you please just do the same for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: If Hilary is really hurt, she had to be taken to a hospital.", "Stitch: Okay, that's what I'm saying. Not necessarily. Even if someone had managed to slip her into an ultra-private clinic, her face is all over the news and social media. Plus there's a one million-dollar reward. Can you imagine an orderly or a nurse's aide making minimum wage ignoring that? It'd be all but impossible to keep her hidden.", "Dylan: Yeah, but, Stitch, she was carried off the plane on a gurney. Assuming that she's still alive, she would have to be taken someplace for medical attention.", "Stitch: Look, if she had a fall from a height in rugged terrain, there's no telling what the extent of her injuries might be.", "Dylan: What if she's unconscious?", "Stitch: Still, just to keep someone alive in that state, much less give them treatment, I mean, you'd need", "Dylan: What, what? What are you thinkin'?", "Stitch: When was Hilary flown back to Genoa City? You have a date?", "Dylan: August 21st. Why?", "Stitch: Some medical supplies went missing from the hospital a couple weeks ago. And we still don't know who took 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Even before Kevin found out about Ian Ward being over there, I had a bad feeling about our new neighbors, you know, so I went over there to check it out. The door was ajar.", "Chelsea: So you just – – you just walked in?", "Adam: No. [Chuckles] No, I didn't just walk in. I mean, I called out first, you know? No one was there, so", "Chelsea: No one was there.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Huh. Kind of like the night someone went into Victor's office and planted a virus in his computer.", "Adam: Yeah, uh, well, you know, I mean, that's Kevin's theory, right? We don 't even know if that's where the virus came from.", "Chelsea: That was the night that you decided to skip Katherine's Memorial. That was the same night that you told me you were meeting with the realtor to get the keys to this place, but you never – – you never ended up meeting with her. That's a lot of coincidences, wouldn't you say?", "Adam: I mean, it's a few, but why don't you let me explain?", "Chelsea: I am done letting you explain.", "Adam: What the hell does that mean?", "Chelsea: Kevin said – – Kevin confirmed that – – that Ian, he couldn't have been working alone, that he had an accomplice, and his accomplice was probably someone who hated Victor! Huh?! Wouldn't you say? Does that sound familiar, Adam?!", "Adam: Why don't you calm down?", "Chelsea: It was you, wasn't it?! You were Ian's partner?! You were the mastermind behind Paragon? [Exhales]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Mastermind? No. Sweetheart, I was trapped, all right? Now, here's the truth. Ian Ward found out my – – my true identity, okay, and he threatened to expose me, and I knew that would destroy any chance I had with you, so forgive me, yes, I agreed to help him with this tiny, little thing. I was supposed to plant a bug in Victor's computer. I had no idea how massive this whole thing was going to be.", "Chelsea: Did you notice the power going out all over this town, Adam?", "Adam: Yes, of course I noticed the power going out! I was in the middle of it! But he had the upper hand! I couldn't do anything!", "Chelsea: You don't know the difference between telling the truth and lying anymore. It's really scary.", "Adam: What are you talking about? Of course I do.", "Chelsea: So, you knew about Ian's history with the Newmans, so, what, you played on that to get him involved, to get him to help you?", "Adam: No, what I did – – baby, what I did is I came back from the grave for you. And I came back to Genoa City with a plan, and that was to win your heart and to put my family back together. And honestly, yes, to bring down Victor.", "Chelsea: You thought – – you thought you could start a life with me and Connor by teaming up with that – – that terrible person? He's a bad guy, Adam!", "Adam: Yes the way you're putting it now, yes, I wish I wouldn't have done that, okay? I am sorry, but you want me to apologize for trying to bring down my bastard father?! Have you forgotten what a horrible human being that man is? He manipulated you, all right?! Are you forgetting about that? We should be in Paris right now, you, me, and Connor, living a life, right? No, he manipulated you to come back here! He stole your company! And now he's gonna take Connor, my son, and he's gonna hold him under his thumb.", "Chelsea: At least Victor loves Connor in his own way. But you – – you talk about protecting your son? You let an escaped convict live next door to us!", "Adam: I didn't let anything happen. I love my son. What are you doing? Where you going?", "Chelsea: You think you know about parenting? You think that's what a father would do? I'm doing what I should've done. I'm calling the police.", "Adam: You're not doing any of that.", "Chelsea: I'm calling the police – –", "Adam: Give me the damn phone! You're not doing any of that!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Hey, Paul, um, I'd love to talk to Marisa if she's feeling up to it.", "Paul: All right. So, um, we'll talk some more tomorrow? You get some rest. Noah.", "Marisa: Thank you for coming. I, um, guess the police recognize your photo on my phone. You were the only one they could call. [Sighs]", "Noah: How are you feeling?", "Marisa: Worse than I look.", "Noah: [Sighs] You look beautiful as always.", "Marisa: And you call me a liar?", "Noah: What happened to you, Marisa? Who did this?", "Marisa: I told Paul I was – – I was blindsided. Whoever came at me in the dark meant to scare me, and they did a great job. One more promise broken, right? I still haven't made it out of your life.", "Noah: [Sighs] is Luca responsible for this, Marisa? Are you lying to Paul to protect your husband?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Look, why did you go upstairs and get some rest?", "Devon: That's not gonna do any good. I'm just gonna fail at sleeping until morning, and then nothing will have changed. Hilary's still gonna be missing, and the most that I can hope for is another false lead.", "Lily: Listen to me. I know tonight was a huge disappointment, but with everyone searching for her, it's only a matter of time.", "Devon: She doesn't have more time! Okay? The longer this drags out, the greater the chance she's not gonna be found. And if what Cane said is right, if someone took her someplace else or if, you know", "Cane: Hey, hey. You gotta be strong.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: You want to get mad? You want to hit me again? Is that what you want to do? Okay, you can do that. But don't quit, 'cause quitting is easy, Devon. You gotta fight through this. You have to believe in love and know that Hilary's is gonna come back to you.", "Devon: You're right. I'm just feeling sorry for myself, and that's not going to bring Hilary back. But neither is getting a good night's sleep. What are you guys just standing there for? We have work to do.", "Cane: You heard the man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: So, what kind of supplies were missing from the hospital?", "Stitch: IV nutrition, mostly used for long-term care. You thinking what I'm thinking? What if those supplies were meant for Hilary?", "Dylan: Right, and how hard would it be for someone with no medical training to keep a comatose patient fed that way?", "Stitch: not hard at all. There got to be plenty of videos online demonstrating the process step-by-step.", "Dylan: I'm sure you're right.", "Stitch: Next question – – how do you conduct a search for a missing person when that person could literally be anywhere?", "Dylan: Maybe you don't have to go searching.", "Stitch: Meaning?", "Dylan: If Hilary's in bad shape and she still needs that kind of care, whoever stole those supplies is gonna need more, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gwen: Neil. Damn it. Why didn't he trust me? If I wanted to turn him in, the police would be swarming this place. He just left you here like this, took off? Why would he – – [Gasps]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Marisa: I would never lie to protect Luca.", "Noah: It's not like you haven't lied in the past, Marisa, the very recent past.", "Marisa: Only to protect myself, Noah. I didn't want you to know about the bad choices that I made, choices that would have been more desperate if I hadn't met you.", "Noah: So Luca didn't do this or order it? Are you sure about that?", "Marisa: [Sighs] He can be intense and impulsive, but I don't think that he would ever hurt me physically.", "Noah: Because he loves you.", "Marisa: I don't care how Luca feels. I don't love him.", "Noah: Which wouldn't stop you from protecting him from the authorities. I mean, look how far you want to protect Marco, another man that you claimed you didn't love.", "Marisa: I didn't.", "Noah: You didn't stay silent then. You took Marco to bed in order to give Jack and my grandfather time to figure out what to do with him. Paul was right, okay? You need to get some rest. And I know what I have to do.", "Marisa: Noah, where are you going? No, don't go to Luca. Noah! Please. Ah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gwen: Don't sneak up on me like that.", "Neil: yeah, I'm sorry about that, but I had to stay out of sight, until I knew for sure the police weren't here.", "Gwen: so much for trust.", "Neil: I do trust you. If I didn't, I'd be gone by now, okay? The clock is ticking. You gotta make this quick. Whatever you need to say to me, say it right now.", "Gwen: I I couldn't.", "Neil: You couldn't what, Gwen? You know, I don't have the time for this. If you got something to say, spit it out right – – never mind. Tell Devon where to find his wife, okay? I'll be long gone before anything else happens.", "Gwen: I could let you leave here forever. Once the police find Hilary, you'll never have a moment's peace. Everyone will hate you. And your whole family will feel betrayed.", "Neil: Don't you think I know that? Once Hilary wakes up, it's – –", "Gwen: What if she doesn't? What if she can explain to everyone that you weren't the cause of her fall and that you saved her life? You'll be blamed forever. And Devon will never forgive you. And you'll be alone in the world, and all the people who love you will be changed forever. I mean, I'll never be the same. I had a chance to tell Paul at the hospital, and I couldn't. I still can't. I don't want to lose you, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Luca: Careful. That's the finest Napoleon brandy. It's irreplaceable.", "Noah: So is Marisa. Is that what you trying to do, Luca? Hmm? You trying to teach her a lesson? Is that how you get off? You beat on women? Come back for a nice little after dinner drink?", "Luca: is Marisa hurt? Did something happen?", "Noah: you know exactly what happened. She was on her way out of town. She couldn't get away from you fast enough, but your pride just wouldn't let her go, so now she's lying in a hospital bed after you practically shattered her skull.", "Luca: What hospital? I need to see her! Tell me quickly. I need to see her.", "Noah: Stay away from her. You're gonna pay! You're not gonna get away with what you did to Marisa!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Give me the phone.", "Adam: No. I'm not gonna give you the phone, 'cause you got this whole thing twisted around in your head.", "Chelsea: No, I don't think so.", "Adam: You do. You do. Chelsea, I had no idea that he escaped from prison tonight, and -- and as far as living across the hall, you think that was my plan? That was his plan, his idea, some--some twisted, little joke.", "Chelsea: You know what hurts the most? You insisted -- you insisted that you had let go of this sick obsession of taking your father down.", "Adam: I have.", "Chelsea: No, no. It's all that matters to you. It is all that will ever matter to you. Your son and I, no, you don't really care about us.", "Adam: I don't care about you? How can you say that to me after everything that I've done? You're all that I care about, you and Connor.", "Chelsea: It's like you can't even help it. It's like if you're not lying to me, you're lying to yourself. You will never change, Adam.", "Adam: I already have changed, Chelsea. Now, listen, I am guilty of a lot of things, and there are a lot of things that I wish I could take back. Working with that son of a bitch is one of them. When I realized that, it was too late, okay? So what did I do? I went to Jack, right? And I was working with him, and we were trying to put an end to Paragon.", "Chelsea: Put an end to it? Or protect yourself and your friend Ian?", "Adam: When this whole thing started to spiral out of control, I tried to move away from it as fast as I could.", "Chelsea: I don't believe you.", "Adam: You don't believe me? Chelsea... I was trying to keep my promise to you, okay, the promise that I made to just leave all the past behind and just start over. Look at me! We're a family!", "Chelsea: Stop it! Stop lying!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Chelsea, I'm not lying to you. And I know you have no reason to believe me, but I have been trying every way I know how to get out of that alliance.", "Chelsea: Prove it. Prove it.", "Adam: Prove it how? There's no confession tape this time. I didn't talk to anyone about it. I knew if I'd let on to anyone, especially you, I'd be putting you at risk. That's how dangerous this guy is.", "Chelsea: Dangerous. Yeah. The dangerous guy you brought into our lives.", "Adam: Listen, he's not coming back, okay? Hey. He got everything he wanted, all right? Paragon is working. He probably fled the country, which means any knowledge of any collusion can die right here. Chelsea; No, Adam, it can't, because I know. I know everything now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mariah: Hey, I am actually just closing up and turning off all the lights. This has been a dismal night.", "Kevin: So you heard about Ian Ward escaping from prison. Oh. I just made your dismal night more dismal-er. Sorry.", "Mariah: Uh, wow. Um... used to have nightmares about that guy. Wow. You know what? Ian isn't a part of my life any more. He has no control over it. Period.", "Kevin: So you don't care at all?", "Mariah: I just hate thinking that he's walking around a free man and not in a jail cell. But no, he doesn't scare me. In fact, if he walked through that door right now, I would let him have it.", "Kevin: I totally thought he was just gonna walk through that door.", "Mariah: I know, me, too.", "Kevin: 'Cause that happens around here sometimes. You know, it's like you say something, and boom, it happens.", "Mariah: Well, if that did happen, I would have to put my money where my mouth is and crack a bottle over his head.", "Kevin: I've got your back. You know that, right? If he does show up, he's not going anywhere near you.", "Mariah: I know.", "Kevin: So, why was your night so dismal?", "Mariah: Well, Marisa got clocked in the head, and now she's in the hospital.", "Kevin: What? Who the Hell?", "Mariah: I-- I don't know. We don't know. If only you could use your mad computer genius skills and find out who did it.", "Kevin: Well, maybe I can. Let's start with where was she attacked?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Luca: Want to step outside, trade punches? Sure, we could do that. Maybe one of us will feel better afterward, although I doubt it'll be you.", "Noah: Try me, tough guy.", "Luca: Whatever you think of me, Noah, I would never raise a hand to Marisa. Never.", "Noah: No, no, of course you wouldn't. You'd pay somebody to do that, you coward.", "Luca: Not my style. Not my style. But possibly it could be...", "Noah: No, no, this was you. You did this.", "Luca: You and I have something in common. We're both from rich families used to having their own way. My father's accustomed to giving out orders, but rarely out loud. Sometimes, all it takes is a shrug or a sigh, and someone ends up feeling the pain.", "Noah: What are you trying to say, Luca? You're saying your father could have done this?", "Luca: I'll look into it. Ask Marisa. She'll tell you. It wasn't me. I didn't attack her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Why did you change your mind? Because when you left here, I was sure that you were gonna say --", "Gwen: I went straight to Devon, and I was gonna tell him everything. But when I realized what it might do to him, hearing about everything you've done, I--I couldn't bring myself to turn him against you. And I also realized that you need help with Hilary, a way to resolve all of this with the least amount of suffering. And I want to be that person for you.", "Neil: I don't want your help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Ian Ward is a career criminal. No, he's probably not armed. But he is devious. I'm telling you, don't underestimate him. I want this guy back in prison yesterday. You got that? Hello.", "Devon: Look, Paul, I'm not here to cause any problems. I just want to help find my wife.", "Cane: We all do.", "Lily: Yeah, just put us to work, please.", "Devon: Whatever we can do, whatever it takes, whatever my money can buy as far as resources, just tell me, okay? I understand that you're busy running this department, so we will happily work alongside Dylan, help him wade through all the -- the false leads and dead ends until we find Hilary.", "Paul: Let me stop you right here. Dylan is a private citizen. He is not part of this department. And I tell you honestly, we are doing everything we can.", "Devon: I can't accept that, Paul, all right? We have to do more. There has to be a way.", "Dylan: There is. Thanks to Stitch, we have a lead. And with any luck, it's gonna take us straight to Hilary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You are an incredible woman. You're loving, you're kind, you're beautiful, and smart. The kind of woman any man couldn't help falling in love with.", "Gwen: Neil.", "Neil: And that's why I can't let you help me. Don't you get it? They would call you an accomplice. And I don't want that to happen. The worst case scenario, let's say Hilary doesn't wake up.", "Gwen: Shh. Stop. I want to help you. And you're forgetting I have a resource you don't. Emma.", "Neil: Hmm.", "Gwen: We're gonna get Hilary the treatment she needs to recover.", "Neil: I really don't deserve you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Tell me more about the meds that were taken.", "Stitch: Total parenteral nutrition - TPN for short -- and the equipment needed to administer it -- bags, IVs, catheters.", "Dylan: Yeah, and if somebody stole them to keep Hilary alive, they're bound to run out and need more.", "Cane: So why don't we put the hospital supply room under surveillance?", "Paul: Well, there's a better way.", "Lily: Better than security cameras?", "Stitch: What if the thief works at Memorial? Those supplies are used in-house all the time.", "Paul: Precisely. We put trackers on them, so if anyone takes any TPN supplies out of the hospital or away from the hospital grounds, it sends out a signal, leading us straight to Hilary.", "Dylan: That's perfect. Great plan.", "Paul: Sometimes I get lucky.", "Devon: We're finally getting somewhere. Let's do this. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mariah: You'd think that the cops would make it harder to hack their outdoor surveillance system.", "Kevin: You'd think. They have to lop off the feed at some point, otherwise the digital files get too big. But since the mugging happened last night, might be able to something, or someone. What?", "Mariah: I don't know, it's just, uh, a shame. We're so good at most things together, and we're so bad at certain things.", "Kevin: Are you talking about the sex?", "Mariah: I mean, it's kind of a waste. We're here, the place is locked up, your hands are flying up and down the keyboard.", "Kevin: [Inhales] I think we should focus.", "Mariah: Right. Focus.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Well, you were right about Luca. I mean, I wanted to hit the guy, but something about what he said made me believe that he didn't hurt you.", "Marisa: I'm glad you two didn't fight.", "Noah: Although, he did wonder out loud whether his father was responsible or not.", "Mariah: [Sighs] Luca's family has always been against me. His father's a very powerful man.", "Noah: Would they get violent, though? I mean, what kind of people would take it that far?", "Marisa: We both know someone who offered me half a million dollars to leave town. What kind of people go that far?", "Noah: Yes, my grandfather can be ruthless in business, but he wouldn't hurt you or order someone to do it.", "Marisa: I'm not suggesting that Victor resorted to violence. But what if he wanted someone to shake me up and it went too far? From what I understand, it wouldn't be the first time.", "Noah: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Just tell me what to do, all right? How do we get past this?", "Chelsea: We don't get past this.", "Adam: Chelsea, come on.", "Chelsea: You can make whatever promises you want, Adam. I'm not listening anymore.", "Chelsea: Get out.", "Adam: Baby, come on.", "Chelsea: Now.", "Adam: We're obviously very exhausted. We're both tired. Tomorrow --", "Chelsea: You're not listening. There is no tomorrow, Adam. Not any more. Get out!", "Adam: You're gonna wake up Connor.", "Chelsea: Connor is not your concern any more. You're never gonna see my son again.", "Adam: Your son? That little boy is my son, too.", "Chelsea: That's not the end of it. I'm gonna make sure that you pay for everything that you've done, all of the rotten, rotten things that you've done, starting with Delia. Now go.", "Adam: You are right, by the way. This isn't the end.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Patty: I thought that you were lying about giving Paulie a grandchild, but you weren't.", "Ian: My brother in arms is Adam Newman, as I live and breathe.", "Victoria: We're here now.", "Victor: Too late! My company is being brought down to its knees!" ]
Young and the Restless
[ "Nikki and Abby persude Victor to go to Nick and Sharon's wedding but Victir tells Nikki not to blame him if Nick gets upset that he is at his wedding. Lily gets a visit from Traci and they give eavh other advice about their family problems. Mattie and Charlie visit Lily later and Mattie tells Lily that Charlie was skipping school and he made a deal with Devon to stop skipping school if he went to visit her in jail. Lily tells her children that they have to stick together and she doesn't want them keeping anything from her just because she is in jail. Phyllis persudes Jack to lend Billy the money to put back in the Jabot account but she doesn't tell Jack Billy stole the money from Jabot. Jack agrees to lend Billy the monwy if he goes to rehab and Jack will pay for any rehab center he chooses Billy takes the deal. Billy is unable to deposit the money into the Jabot account because he is denied access to any of the Jabot accounts. Ashley calls a meeting of the board and asks for a no confidence vote but since Billy agreed to go to rehab they just want to temporarily replace Billy as CEO until Kyle and Ashley show the board proof that Billy stole money from the company. The board is stunned when Billy admits that he stole money from the company.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Are you saying that -- that you forgive me?", "Devon: I'm saying there's nothing to forgive. 'Cause I love you.", "Billy: Welcome to the after party. I kind of started without you.", "Jack: Any bet, whether it's for 2 bucks or $2 million, horses, cards, brackets, it doesn't matter. Any bet is one bet too many for someone who's addicted to gambling.", "Ashley: Go to rehab and i will do everything in my power, I will make it my mission on earth to fix our relationship.", "Phyllis: You bet a half a million dollars that you got from a loan shark?", "Billy: This is... so much worse.", "Phyllis: How could it be worse?", "Billy: 'Cause I didn't borrow the money from a loan shark. I took it from jabot.", "Kyle: Right now, Traci's the only one who can replace Billy if he's ousted. Isn't that the real reason you called her?", "Lauren: Okay.", "Gloria: Ah! Da, da, da, da! You can't go in there.", "Lauren: We have a meeting.", "Gloria: I don't care. I showed up early. There was a note on my desk from Billy. He doesn't want to be disturbed for any reason.", "Lauren: Then buzz him and tell him I'm here.", "Gloria: Until I hear differently from the boss man, that door stays closed.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: It's gonna start getting busy out there soon. We need to get into this at some point.", "Billy: I just need a second to think.", "Phyllis: What you need to do is let me help you. Stop pushing me away.", "Billy: I'M... mad at myself right now.", "Phyllis: Well, get in line. I'm furious at you. We can take turns beating you up after we fix this.", "Billy: You really think that's a possibility? You think I'm gonna be able to replace half a million dollars that I borrowed from jabot before anybody realizes that it's gone? Me either. [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: You avoiding me?", "Traci: Ahh. [ Chuckles ] No. Not just you. Myself. [ Sighs ] Since my intervention idea failed abysmally, I've had a headache that just won't quit.", "Ashley: Can I get you something for that?", "Traci: Oh, no. I think getting out of the house may cure me. And there's something that i want to do that just can't wait. So I'll see you later, okay?", "Ashley: Okay. I'll see you later. Mwah!", "Kyle: You think Traci's got a headache now, just wait till she finds out Billy's been embezzling.", "Ashley: Don't start.", "Kyle: Somebody's got to since you didn't step up last night. All you had to do was tell everybody he's stealing from the company, and he'd be out.", "Kyle: Why keep quiet? Unless you have something to gain from keeping that tidbit to yourself.", "Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Victor: Interesting you chose to meet here.", "Nikki: Not really. Sharon is about to become our daughter-in-law -- again.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] We are not here to support a \"family\" business now, are we?", "Nikki: You have always put family first. And there's more than one way to support us. As in escorting me to our son's wedding.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want to go to that damn wedding. I mean, let's first find out what Sharon is brewing in her tea, okay?", "Nikki: Oh, victor. Come on.", "Victor: No, baby. The answer's no. I don't want to go there. But I can use a cup of coffee. Thank you. Additional sponsorship", "Traci: Oh!", "Lily: Hi! [ Both chuckling ] Oh, my god. Thank you for coming.", "Traci: I wish I had been here sooner.", "Lily: It's okay. Reading your letters was almost as good as seeing you. Did you get mine?", "Traci: Uh, not yet.", "Lily: Oh. Okay. Maybe they just take longer screening our mail.", "Traci: Yeah. But I'm here now.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Traci: So fill me in. Lily... how are you holding up?", "Lily: I'm -- I'm good. Heh...", "Traci: I hope you don't feel like you have to hold back with me.", "Lily: Uh... well, I mean, I was expecting claustrophobia and boredom and scary inmates. But... the hardest part has been the guilt. You know, I'm the reason that Hilary died, and, in here, there's nothing to do but think about what I did, and how it's hurt my family.", "Traci: How are things between you and your brother?", "Lily: Um... well, you know, at first, i think he felt like forgiving me was betraying Hilary.", "Traci: And that's changed?", "Lily: Yeah. He, um... he came here, and we talked. And I think we can survive this.", "Traci: Oh! That's so good to hear.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Traci: And, um, what about cane?", "Lily: He's doing great with the kids, with me. Yeah. [ Chuckles ]", "Traci: So, what can i do for you, honey?", "Lily: Um... oh, gosh. Let's talk about anything except me being in here, please.", "Traci: [ Laughs ] Okay. You got it.", "Lily: What are you doing here? I thought you were on a book tour?", "Traci: Ahh. I was. But I had to cut it short and come home. [ Sighs ] A family matter.", "Lily: Oh. Is everything okay?", "Traci: Well, um, I-I thought I knew what I could do to help, but that didn't go the way i hoped, so now I'm just trying to keep from making things worse.", "Ashley: Well, why didn't you bring up the embezzlement?", "Kyle: I'm following your lead. I may not understand your strategy, but I don't doubt you'll make it work.", "Ashley: Fantastic. Let's leave it at that.", "Kyle: But it'd be nice to know why you sat on the most damaging piece of information we have about Billy.", "Ashley: You know what? I'm not trying to destroy my brother. The whole point of the intervention is to give him a wake-up call so he gets the help he needs.", "Kyle: Mm. And a nice byproduct being him resigning from the C.E.O. Office so you can eventually take over. You're looking at me like that's news.", "Ashley: I have my loyalties.", "Kyle: So do I. To you. I've had your back all the way in this. All I'm asking in return is for you to be up front with me.", "Ashley: You know what? I find your callousness towards Billy to be rather disturbing, Kyle.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: I mean, he's not some exec du jour that you're trying to edge out of the corner office. He is your uncle.", "Kyle: There's nothing I want more than for Billy to beat this.", "Ashley: Nothing?", "Kyle: He's a screw-up. But, deep down, a good guy. That intervention proved it. Everybody there loves him and was looking out for him. But I also want what you want -- to protect jabot. And that means removing the guy who's stealing from it.", "Ashley: Okay, well, we go public with this, and the ramifications could be catastrophic for Billy. And I don't need to go there.", "Kyle: How long can you afford to keep quiet on this? Until Billy's gambled away $1 million in assets? $2 million?", "Ashley: I'm not gonna let it go that far.", "Kyle: So how will you stop him? He's an addict. Keeping quiet about the embezzlement might be hurting him more than helping.", "Phyllis: You dodged a bullet. Okay? There were no charges filed, and we managed to keep the arrest quiet.", "Billy: Nothing happened. I mean, I shouldn't have pushed the bartender when he cut me off. Fine. Lesson learned.", "Phyllis: It's not about the damn bartender, Billy. You have to answer to board members who could still fire you.", "Billy: And hire who? I'm the last blood Abbott standing.", "Phyllis: It takes one member to raise a question that could lead someone to look deeper into the books. You need to reimburse the company now.", "Billy: Will you stop telling me what I already know? Phyllis, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: I'm trying to help you.", "Billy: I un-- I know. I just -- I don't see a way out of this, okay? I don't have $500,000 lying around.", "Phyllis: You have investments?", "Billy: Non-liquid assets. They can't be converted in time.", "Phyllis: Okay. I can give you what I have in my savings. It's not gonna be enough. But if we pool what we have together, it could cover half of the 500 grand.", "Billy: Stop. No. I'm not gonna let you do that.", "Phyllis: You can't afford to turn me down.", "Billy: I took money from a company that my father built from the ground up. I am not gonna let you bail me out with your savings account. That's not happening.", "Phyllis: I am your partner. I love you.", "Billy: After everything I've done?", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? We both have done bad things, and we've learned. I'm not turning my back on you right now.", "Billy: So instead, what? You crawl into this hole with me? Thanks. But no way.", "Lauren: Could you at least buzz him and tell him that -- oh, well, finally. Did you forget we had a meeting?", "Billy: I'm sorry. There's just a lot going on this morning. Um, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Can we, uh, use your office?", "Lauren: Yes. Of course.", "Gloria: You need anything?", "Billy: No. Everything's great. Actually, I'll take a coffee, please.", "Gloria: Coffee. And one for Lauren? Smooth over the waters?", "Lauren: Perfect!", "Billy: Thanks.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "[ Elevator bell dings ]", "Phyllis: Hey. What brings you by?", "Jack: I tried to call and text Billy several times since last night. He hasn't responded to any of my communications, and I thought I'd come by, see what's going on, see if I can help.", "Phyllis: There might be something you can do.", "Victor: There are hundreds of reasons why it is a very bad idea for me to attend the wedding.", "Nikki: Name one.", "Victor: It would cause a lot of trouble.", "Nikki: Well, that's where your well-known restraint comes in.", "Victor: It has nothing to do with my restraint.", "Nikki: Do you really think that Nicholas would ruin his own wedding?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Abby: Hi, Dad. Hi, Nikki.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Abby: I'm gonna join you. I'm stealing a chair.", "Nikki: Good, good.", "Victor: Well, now, that's kind of you.", "Abby: Hi. Mwah!", "Nikki: Hi, honey. Mwah!", "Victor: Wait a minute. Did you call for backup or what?", "Nikki: Mnh-mnh.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] I volunteered.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: Had it occurred to either of you that Nicholas would not be very happy if I came to witness his nuptials?", "Abby: That's where you're wrong.", "Victor: How can I be wrong? Did he ask you to invite me or what?", "Abby: Well, I haven't spoken to nick about it, but --", "Victor: So, then, why?", "Abby: Dad.", "Victor: What?", "Abby: In my heart, I know that no matter what our differences are, no matter how strained our relationship is, I would want my dad at my wedding. What if, someday, I was looking at photos of my wedding day, maybe with my kids, and my dad wasn't in those shots? How would I explain that to them? Especially if the reason you stayed away was just business?", "Victor: Well, this goes much deeper than that, okay?", "Nikki: So does the bond between parent and child.", "Traci: Since the intervention was a bust, I've just got to find a way to get Billy the help he needs. So I wanted to ask you, what did you do with Neil and his alcoholism?", "Lily: Oh... um... you know, interventions never really helped my dad, either. But mostly, you know, I just -- I prayed, and I loved him through the times when he wasn't sober.", "Traci: No tough love?", "Lily: Oh, there was plenty of that. Plenty. But... I don't know. I guess I-I hauled out the big guns for when it was obvious that he was hurting himself and others. Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I know everything. I mean... consider the source.", "Traci: I am. I am listening to my friend, lily, who is a wise woman.", "Lily: Oh, yeah. Where was that wise woman when I ran the red light?", "Traci: I hope you're not gonna punish yourself about this the rest of your life.", "Lily: I go in and out. But it's getting better. And talking to Devon really helped me. You know, I have to acknowledge what I did, but not let it consume me. And it's my family. My family is what keeps me going.", "Traci: And if you can't count on your family, you can't count on anyone.", "Kyle: It's simple. We go to Billy and, behind closed doors, we tell him what we know, and give him a say in what happens next. He's smart enough to see that, if he resigns, he'll walk away with some semblance of dignity, lots of sympathy, and get to work on the bigger problem of his gambling by himself.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, I know my brother, and he'll double down and fight us on this.", "Kyle: Not if we --", "Ashley: How is this any different than how he walked out of the intervention? I mean, honestly? Then we'll lose whatever control we have, and then things will spiral out, and maybe Billy will be so damaged, he'll never recover. So I don't have any interest in going there, Kyle, okay? Not when I have other options.", "Kyle: What options?", "Ashley: It wasn't my idea to have this intervention. It was Traci's.", "Kyle: Because she's reluctant to step in at jabot.", "Ashley: Yes. But her tactic didn't work, did it? So I'm going to make her realize that we have to vote Billy out. She has to step in. That that's the only choice we have.", "Kyle: You think she's ready to accept that?", "Ashley: Well, you know, how could she not? She realizes that Billy rejected our attempts to get him help.", "Kyle: Okay. When will you talk to her?", "Ashley: Today. We'll get what we want. And we'll push Billy into getting the help he needs.", "Jack: How deep is he in?", "Phyllis: Billy and i can cover a lot of it. Not all of it. We would need about $250,000.", "Jack: Oh, god. I am aware of Billy's propensity for going down rabbit holes, but this is worse than i imagined.", "Phyllis: Trust me, I -- I can understand the irony of me coming to you on Billy's behalf. And I know that maybe this is --", "Jack: What? Asking too much?", "Phyllis: Just... if you could put our history aside for a moment and look at what will always be true -- that he is your brother.", "Jack: A brother who betrayed me.", "Phyllis: He needs you. Just like you needed help in the past.", "Jack: You're collecting a favor?", "Phyllis: You don't owe me. Or Billy. There's only one reason for you to be doing this, and it's because you care for him. And if I could get the money some other way, if I could ask somebody else, I would. There's no one else, jack.", "Gloria: This isn't a good time.", "Kyle: I agreed I would protect you, but only in exchange for your assistance.", "Gloria: Which I gave you. But I still hate stabbing Billy in the back the way I did.", "Kyle: Don't be so dramatic. The company comes first.", "Gloria: What do you want now?", "Kyle: Just tell me what's going on with Billy this morning.", "Gloria: Nothing. He came in early. He was with Phyllis. They wanted privacy.", "Kyle: That's it?", "Gloria: Yes, that's it!", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Put me through to the finance department.", "Gloria: You have the number. You do it yourself. [ Receiver slams ] Ugh!", "Billy: You okay?", "Gloria: Yeah. It's just, you know, sometimes people can be so frustrating.", "Billy: Okay, well, you never have to put up with that, all right? Anybody ever gives you a hard time, you send them to me.", "Gloria: Billy.", "Billy: Yeah? What's wrong?", "Gloria: I'm sorry.", "Billy: Gloria?", "Gloria: You may not want to go in there.", "Jack: So, if I do this, if I save Billy, am I really helping him?", "Phyllis: Honestly, I don't know. [ Sighs ] I go through the same thing with summer. You know, as her mother, my inclination is to get in there and to fix everything. But sometimes I think it does more harm than good.", "Jack: And this time? With Billy?", "Phyllis: It is different. It's different. He knows he messed up in a big way. He owns it. He admits it. He is never gonna do it again. This is not about teaching him a lesson. This is about containing the damage.", "Jack: If this was the first time that life taught Billy he has no business gambling, I would agree. What -- what guarantee do we have that it's gonna sink in this time?", "Phyllis: None. But ask yourself what john Abbott would do.", "Jack: Don't do that. That doesn't pertain.", "Phyllis: Of course it does. Billy may be john's only biological son, but you have inherited the best traits of that man. And you know that john would help him if he were alive.", "Jack: You make a good case. And I know it couldn't have been easy to come to me, of all people.", "Phyllis: I have no right to ask you this.", "[ Crying ]", "Jack: You had to. You know what? Billy's a lucky man to have someone who will fight this passionately for him.", "Phyllis: And...?", "Jack: And I'll help.", "Phyllis: [ Sobbing ] Thank you! Thank you.", "[ Door opens ]", "Billy: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Heh. There's a really good reason why I'm hugging your brother.", "Billy: Yeah? What's that?", "Jack: Your extensive and expensive gambling debts.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] So you told him everything?", "Jack: Phyllis hasn't told me who you owe the money to, but whether it's a loan shark or a bookie, does it really matter? They want their cash. They want it now.", "Phyllis: Jack's agreed to help.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, what if i don't want his help?", "Phyllis: That's not an option. You know what is at stake. And you cannot resent me for going behind your back to ask jack for help. If I could do it any other way, I would.", "Billy: There's got to be another way.", "Jack: You have a woman in your life who loves you so much she's willing to go to her ex to repay your debts. Don't you dare take that for granted. She's just given you a priceless gift. All that's expected of you is that you be man enough to take it.", "Billy: Well, I know that I'm a jerk. But I also know how lucky I am to be loved by you. And have a brother like you. I'll take all the help I can get.", "Jack: I do require something in return, though.", "Ashley: How's your headache?", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Well, getting out of the house did help a little bit. But because the reason for my headache didn't go away...", "Ashley: So you are worried about Billy.", "Traci: Aren't you?", "Ashley: I'm terrified. And I hate to do this to you, but I don't think we have any choice. We have to revisit the conversation we had earlier.", "Traci: I-I can't --", "Ashley: Before the intervention, when I first brought up Billy's gambling, I was sure the only option we had was to call a board meeting and vote Billy out. Have you step in as C.E.O. Just long enough to get rid of the blood Abbott clause. And I am more convinced than ever that that is our only choice.", "Traci: To protect jabot.", "Ashley: To stop Billy from destroying his life.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Look, I understand why you feel this way. But my answer is still no.", "Ashley: I am trying to help our brother!", "Traci: So am I.", "Ashley: He just missed the intervention, Traci.", "Traci: And that is a huge disappointment. But I have got to hope that he's gonna manage to find some way to turn this around on his own.", "Ashley: Are you insane? That's not possible.", "Traci: Anything is possible. I will not humiliate our brother by displacing him as C.E.O. Just because he's gambling again.", "Ashley: Ejecting him from his job and humiliating him is exactly what's gonna happen if you don't step in as C.E.O. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Lily: [ Chuckling ]", "Charlie: I mean, the surprise, the presents...", "Mattie: Shauna loved it all.", "Lily: Oh, good. I'm glad she had a good time. You know, with Hilary gone, it -- it could have been a sad birthday. Well, now we can start planning Halloween.", "Charlie: Mm-hmm.", "[ Charlie and lily chuckle ]", "Mattie: I hate this. All -- all this smiling and pretending that everything's normal. You're in prison due to an unjust sentence.", "Lily: Well, I, um... I had a visitor today. Traci Abbott. Every time I see her, she reminds me of my best friend, colleen.", "Charlie: She died in college, right?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Mattie: That seemed so old when we were little. And so young now.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Puts things in perspective, right? Listen, you guys, as awful as this is, we are so lucky. We're healthy. We have each other. And we can look at a calendar and know when we'll be under the same roof again.", "Charlie: So I don't get to feel sorry for myself?", "Lily: [ Chuckles ]", "Charlie: That's a bummer.", "Mattie: And I should stop protesting your imprisonment.", "Lily: Yeah, I would really love it if you don't get arrested again.", "Mattie: [ Laughs ]", "Lily: I mean, look at your brother. He's do--", "Charlie: Actually, Mattie's not the only one who messed up. I was skipping school.", "Lily: What?", "Charlie: A lot.", "Lily: Your dad never& said anything --", "Mattie: Dad didn't know. I helped Charlie cover.", "Lily: Why were you skip--", "Charlie: I just couldn't deal.", "Lily: [ Sighs ]", "Charlie: Are you mad?", "Lily: Mmph... [ Sighs ] No. Listen, I -- I know the past few weeks have been rough. I know that. So I get why you would act out. You know, you're overwhelmed. But you don't have that luxury now. It's your senior year. You cannot jeopardize your future.", "Charlie: Yeah, I know. I hear you. You're right. I've stopped skipping.", "Lily: Really?", "Charlie: I swear.", "Mattie: He had incentive.", "Charlie: What are you doing?", "Mattie: Well, you got to tell her the rest.", "Charlie: There's nothing left to tell.", "Lily: Okay, I'll be the judge of that. Tell me.", "Charlie: I --", "Lily: Okay. Would you rather me spend sleepless nights wondering what else you're hiding from me?", "Mattie: Charlie made a deal with uncle Devon.", "Lily: Wait, what kind of -- what kind of deal?", "Mattie: Charlie would start going back to school... if uncle Devon came to visit you.", "Billy: A list of rehab centers?", "Jack: Pick one. Commit to it. I'll pay for it. You get the help you need. That's the price for my doing this.", "Phyllis: Seems like a fair exchange.", "Billy: Okay. I'll do it.", "Jack: You better not be playing me.", "Billy: I've hit bottom, brother. Time to start digging myself out.", "Jack: I'll call my money guy, get the money transferred.", "Phyllis: Thank you, jack.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Phyllis: I know you're angry.", "Traci: So you're really going through with this?", "Ashley: Yep. I don't have a choice.", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Billy: Come on. What -- what's going on here? I've received jack's transfer, but I-it -- this has got to be a software glitch or something. It's not letting me transfer the funds back into the jabot account that I took it from. \"Access to this account denied\"? Come on!", "Phyllis: Billy. Look at this. Look at this.", "Billy: Hold -- hold on a second.", "Gloria: Hey. Ashley's called a board meeting.", "Billy: What's the agenda?", "Phyllis: You.", "Nikki: You know, there's not a lot of time left for you to change your mind.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] All right. Some of the things Abby said had an effect.", "Nikki: Just not enough to get you to come to the wedding?", "Victor: Well, I still don't have an invitation.", "Nikki: Well, I do. And I can bring a plus-one. Problem solved.", "Victor: Oh, baby, that's not the point.", "Nikki: Maybe this is an opportunity.", "Victor: To what end?", "Nikki: To let your son know that you still love him, despite everything. And to let him know that you understand that events like this, gestures like this, they can lead to actual healing. And I really believe that that's what you and Nicholas both would like. No matter how much you don't want to admit it. You only get a certain amount of chance to put things right.", "Jack: Hey. I was barely to the dark horse offices when I got a text that there's a board meeting here. What's going on?", "Billy: It's obvious. Ashley wants me out. It's an ambush.", "Lauren: I've been filled in about Billy's gambling.", "Jack: Okay, you know this might not be happening if you hadn't walked out on that intervention?", "Billy: Well...", "Abby: Uncle jack's probably right.", "Phyllis: Billy has agreed to get help now. He's going to rehab.", "Abby: Really? When did this happen?", "Phyllis: Just now.", "Lauren: You mean after you got the text for this meeting?", "Jack: No. Before that. He told me. And I believe he'll keep to his word.", "Billy: So does that mean i have your vote?", "Jack: You do.", "Abby: I have to see what my mom has to say first, but...", "Lauren: You know, if you agree to seek treatment, that could sway my vote.", "Phyllis: What's the point in all this? Even if Ashley gets all of the votes, Billy cannot be removed unless Traci agrees to step in on a temp basis.", "Jack: And I don't see that happening.", "Traci: Then why put everyone through a board meeting? I told you, I'm not gonna take Billy's job.", "Ashley: I'm hoping that you'll change your mind when you hear what everybody has to say.", "Traci: Well, if that's what you're counting on, you better cancel this right now. I do not want to hurt Billy, and I would like to think you don't want to hurt him, either.", "Kyle: Ashley. What's happening?", "Ashley: Traci refuses to help me.", "Kyle: Then what's the point of a board meeting?", "Billy: You're late for your own meeting. Now we have a quorum, I call this meeting to order. I believe it will be a quick one. I hereby make a motion to suspend usual protocol and get to the issue at hand.", "Lauren: Seconded.", "Billy: I believe my sister has something she would like to say.", "Ashley: We all have a responsibility for the welfare of this company. And I personally find it extremely problematic that our C.E.O. Has a gambling addiction. Billy, I'm not trying to attack you. It is my biggest hope that you will get the help you need. That's why we staged an intervention. And, um, I'd like to think that this meeting is an extension of that. And I hope you all will, too, as you consider your vote of no confidence.", "Phyllis: This is all pointless. Billy has agreed to go to rehab.", "Traci: Wait, you changed your mind?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Somebody helped me see that that is the right choice for me and for the company.", "Phyllis: So, since Billy has agreed to get some help, he doesn't need to be voted out. He just needs a little time out, that's all.", "Kyle: I-it could be months, years until Billy has his addiction under control. Rehab isn't a quick fix. In the meantime, the future of this company is on the line.", "Traci: Oh, no, no, no. If we love Billy, we give him our support. Period.", "Lauren: Look, I'm all for rehab. But who is gonna fill in for Billy while he's gone?", "[ All arguing ]", "Ashley: Listen to me, please. [ Arguing stops ] I suppose I can understand that Billy's addiction isn't enough for some of you to vote no confidence. But it should be. It has to be. Because Billy isn't just a gambler. Billy's a thief.", "Jack: Wha-- a thief? What's that supposed to mean?", "Ashley: He stole half a million dollars from the company to support his habit.", "Jack: Billy?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: All right. I'll go.", "Nikki: Good decision.", "Victor: But only as a favor to you and to Abby, okay, and to see my grandchildren.", "Nikki: And that's it?", "Victor: That's it. Don't you blame me if something goes wrong, all right?", "Nikki: Mnh-mnh.", "Victor: I mean, this is our son, Nicholas, getting married to Sharon, of all people -- again.", "Charlie: Uncle Devon wanted to visit, and he would have eventually, I just --", "Lily: I know. Listen. Listen. You did an amazing and generous thing. Because of you, I didn't have to wait weeks or months to see my brother. But skipping school, that is over, okay?", "Charlie: Yeah, I know. Mattie keeps drilling into me how important this year is.", "Lily: And you.", "Mattie: We'll help keep each other out of trouble. I promise.", "Lily: Listen, we have to be honest with each other, okay? You can't be afraid to share things with me just because I'm in prison.", "Charlie: And when this place starts to get to you, you'll let us know?", "Lily: We're in this together.", "Phyllis: How could you do this to him?", "Traci: I just don't understand. Before, at the club, you never said one word about this.", "Jack: Because it's a lie.", "Ashley: I wouldn't lie about something like this.", "Kyle: As sorry as I am to have to say this, it is true. I invited everyone to examine the general expenditures account.", "Lauren: All right. Why don't you save us a lot of time and tell us what we would see?", "Kyle: Half a million transferred out, a few nights ago, to a bank account in new york. I have the readouts right here.", "Lauren: Let me see that.", "Traci: Is this true, Billy?", "Jack: Answer her. Tell us this is a lie that they cooked up about you, some kind of misunderstanding.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I can't tell you that.", "Abby: What's that supposed to mean?", "Lauren: Do you realize the damage that you have done to this company? And possibly Fenmore's?", "Jack: There's got to be some explanation -- some reason beyond gambling.", "Kyle: ...Gambling with your own money, but jabot's? That's criminal.", "Lauren: Answer us!", "Abby: Please tell me this isn't true.", "Lauren: You have to have some sort of defense.", "Ashley: Point of order. I would like to call for a vote of no confidence in Billy Abbott. Coming up on \"The Young and The Restless\"...", "Traci: I'm so sorry, Billy. I'm willing to serve as C.E.O. of jabot.", "Mariah: Just curious. Any unfinished business with those other significant women?", "Victor: I'm simply saying what everyone is thinking -- Nicholas was stood up by Sharon. The question is, why?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne "Previously on the young and the restless"...', 'provided by ...']
[ "Jack is still upset with Sharon. She goes to see Phyllis in prison and tries to convince her that the kiss didn't mean anything. Abby visits with Brad. Victor gloats about Jack's problems, Jack reminds him he has problems of his own to worry about. Meanwhile Jack's scandal is causing a lot of problems for Clear Springs. Lily and Colleen try to figure out a way to get Lily closer to Cane. She tells him he has a paper to work on, on life in Australia, and asks for his help. Heather tells Cane that Ji Min may have been murdered.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Sharon: You hungry? 'Cause I could fix you--", "Jack: I kinda lost my appetite, thanks.", "Sharon: Jack... I don't wanna fight with you.", "Jack: Really? Still planning on visiting Phyllis today?", "Sharon: Well, it's a command performance.", "Jack: Gee, now why would she wanna see you so badly?", "Sharon: Now I'm not going there to make things worse.", "Jack: Well, just to be safe, you might wanna bring a bodyguard. Hey, maybe Nick's available.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Rough night? Oh, God, let me look. Oh, Phyllis, you look like death.", "Phyllis: Uh, thank you, Jana.", "Jana: Oh, God, you couldn't have got much sleep. I heard you tossing and turning all night.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, that bed is like a cement slab.", "Jana: You know, I really think I know what's bothering you.", "Phyllis: Um, well, I'm in prison.", "Jana: You know, I saw how upset you were when you got off the phone yesterday.", "Phyllis: Okay, wait a second, that was a private conversation.", "Jana: It's really all right to vent.", "Phyllis: I want you to forget that you heard that.", "Jana: Oh, well, how can I? I mean, you can't. It just much be awful. I mean... knowing that your guy kissed his ex and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Hello? Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to make that today. Can we reschedule? Great. I'll get back to you. Thank you.", "Jack: Who was that?", "Sharon: The event planner for Cassie's benefit. We were supposed to get together this morning.", "Jack: You might wanna run that by Nick, your co-host. I've got his number if you don't know it by heart.", "Sharon: Jack... please...", "Jack: Hey, I thought of a great way for you to raise money at your benefit. Maybe you and Nick could open a kissing booth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Hey!", "Lily: Hey.", "Colleen: So after I called you last night, how'd it go?", "Lily: Uh, well, Cane taught me the right way to use weights. It turns out, I've been doing it all wrong.", "Colleen: You had fun?", "Lily: Yeah. Except for the fact that I can't tell if he wants to kiss me or pat me on the head. And I don't want some big love thing. I just got out of some big love thing. But... I can't stop thinking about Cane.", "Colleen: Lily, he's thinking about you.", "Lily: Uh, maybe. I mean, he was friendly and we laughed.", "Colleen: Well, that's good, right?", "Lily: And he offered to help me train.", "Colleen: See? Even better.", "Lily: Yeah, but you know what? It was casual. It was like, you know, if you're around and I'm around--", "Colleen: Well, maybe he respects you and he doesn't wanna come across like some player.", "Lily: You think?", "Colleen: Don't you?", "Lily: I don't know. That's what's driving me insane.", "Colleen: So let's go to the videotape, right?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Colleen: So there's you. There's Cane. Indigo. The kiss.", "Lily: Ah, the kiss.", "Colleen: See? That was real.", "Lily: Maybe it happened because, you know, he was drinking and it was a party.", "Colleen: Okay, Lily, he could kiss a lot of girls. He would've had to want to kiss you.", "Lily: And remember after the kiss, later on, how he was all concerned about me?", "Colleen: Yes. And if it didn't mean anything, he wouldn't bother, right?", "Lily: And when he looks at me, he looks me straight in the eye.", "Colleen: Because he's trying to see into your soul.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh, shut up! You know, he probably does that to every single girl, I'm sure.", "Colleen: Or just you.", "Lily: And when I was lifting weights, I totally caught him checking me out.", "Colleen: Oh, I love that.", "Lily: But not in a sleazy way.", "Colleen: No, not at all.", "Lily: See, I'm obsessing. And I don't obsess!", "Colleen: No, you're not! You're having fun! It's totally okay.", "Lily: You know what? I need to figure out a way to hang out with him without making it too obvious.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I am impressed. You ate every bite.", "Abby: There are starving children in the world, Daddy.", "Victoria: Hey! What a nice surprise.", "Brad: Hey. Abby's in town visiting for a few days.", "Victoria: Yeah, I see that. Oh, I missed you.", "Abby: Me, too. Guess what?!", "Victoria: What?", "Abby: My mom got engaged!", "Brad: To Ridge Forrester.", "Victoria: Wow. How cool! Well, um... tell her that I said congratulations.", "Abby: I will. And guess what else?", "Abby: My friend Becka's mom is gonna pick me up and she'll take me and Becka to get our nails painted!", "Victoria: Well, that's really exciting! Hey, you know what? I have an idea. Why don't, um... why don't you and I do something together before you leave?", "Abby: Go to the movies?", "Victoria: Yeah, let's-- let's--let's go to the movies.", "Abby: Can I, Daddy?", "Brad: Of course, Sweetheart, sure.", "Abby: Great.", "Victoria: Great.", "Abby: When's the baby coming?", "Victoria: Well, not for a while.", "Abby: I can't wait. Where's his room gonna be when he's at your house, Daddy?", "Brad: We're, uh, we're working on that.", "Abby: Not my room, right? Because when I come visit, it'll still be my room, right?", "Brad: Of course, Sweetheart. Yeah.", "Victoria: Hey, you know, maybe you can help me get his room ready at my place. We--we can go shopping together, you and I.", "Abby: Yeah! You're excited, too, aren't you, Daddy?", "Brad: You bet I am, Sweetie.", "Abby: Look! There's Victor!", "Victoria: Oh, sure enough. Why don't you go say hi?", "Brad: Go ahead, Honey.", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart! Hi, my baby.", "Abby: I saw you come in.", "Victor: How nice to see you. How was California?", "Abby: The beach was fun, but I miss everyone here.", "Victor: Really? Well, everyone missed you, you know? It isn't the same without you.", "Abby: How's Zapato?", "Victor: Oh, Zapato? Well, I talked to Zapato this morning. And he-- well, he sort of was sad. He said, \"I wish Abby would come by and just say hello to me.\"", "Abby: (Laughs) dogs can't talk.", "Victor: What are you talking about? I taught him sign language.", "Abby: You're so silly.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? Give me a hug. My sweetheart, it's so nice to see you. Sit down over here.", "Abby: Okay.", "Victoria: You know, she's gonna have to be told at some point.", "Brad: How do I explain the concept of infidelity to a little girl?", "Victoria: I was never unfaithful to you. Which is more than I can say for you.", "Brad: You're the one who wanted to make the split permanent. If it were up to me, we would've tried to work it out.", "Victoria: Well, you can sit there and blame me all you want, but it's not gonna change anything.", "Brad: You're right about that.", "Victoria: What matters right now is your daughter and the baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I am a genius.", "Lily: Uh, because?", "Colleen: I thought of a way that you can Cane can hang out together. Ready?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Colleen: It's an assignment for school.", "Lily: An assignment for what?", "Colleen: You'll figure out the details, but you make it a really nice, long interview.", "Lily: Huh. That is a really good idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: The cost overruns on the construction are excessive.", "Cane: I promise you, Mrs. Newman, I'm doing everything I can to save you money.", "Nikki: Safely, I hope.", "Cane: Of course, I don't violate building codes.", "Nikki: Well, I know you wouldn't. The last thing we need is a lawsuit.", "Cane: I agree. But quality workmanship and materials are expensive.", "Nikki: I know. It's taking every penny I borrowed to stay afloat.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I hear sales are down.", "Nikki: Yeah, you can thank Jack Abbott for that.", "Cane: How bad is it?", "Nikki: Well, I know Victoria approved the next phase of the condos, but I think we should hold off.", "Cane: Okay. For how long?", "Nikki: Let's see where we are in a few days. I don't wanna get over-extended. I'd like to wait on borrowing any more money for as long as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Jealousy can eat away at you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Sure. Uh, you know, I really don't want to talk about this. Uh, this is personal, private business, Jana.", "Jana: You know, sometimes confiding in a friend can really make you feel better.", "Phyllis: Okay, just because we're in close quarters doesn't mean we have to be close friends.", "Jana: It's just that... I know what you're going through.", "Phyllis: No, you don't. Mnh-mnh.", "Jana: Confidentially, before my surgery, oh, God, I used to drive myself batty about Kevin and Colleen. Did they kiss the way that your Nick and Sharon did?", "Phyllis: Okay, wait, wait, wait just one second. Okay, this is-- this is the thing. You and Kevin? You're dating or living together or I don't know, whatever. Nick and I--we're married. And we have a child together. It's not the same.", "Jana: Right you are. And that's why it must be so horrifying to imagine what they may have done and they're not telling you about.", "Phyllis: Um... listen, Jana, um... this is--this is the deal. This is the deal-- I-I understand that you're-- you're in need of a friend and you're probably lonely here. But I need my own personal, private space, you know? And, um... you're an imaginative girl. Just, let's pretend like I have a big, electric force field around me, okay? Let's do that.", "Woman: Phyllis Newman?", "Phyllis: Uh, yes?", "Woman: You have a visitor. Sharon Abbott.", "Jana: Oh! She actually showed up! Sorry.", "Phyllis: Hm. This should be interesting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: I'm hoping that once Abby gets back to California, she'll be too busy to think about the baby.", "Victoria: You're talking about the little girl who's been pushing dolls around in carriages since she was 2.", "Brad: Yeah, good point. Remember Priscilla?", "Victoria: Yeah, I remember Priscilla. I opened the car door and she fell out that day.", "Brad: We had to do, uh, doll surgery on her, wrap her in bandages. Abby still talks about it.", "Victoria: Your daughter is a born mother.", "Brad: Yeah. I guess she won't forget.", "Victoria: No.", "Brad: But I still don't think she needs to be told that the baby might not be her brother.", "Victoria: I agree. Not until it's necessary.", "Brad: I don't think it ever will be.", "Victoria: I know you want this baby to be yours.", "Brad: Whoever turns out to be the father, I just want the best for you both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, I'm not really sure why I'm here.", "Phyllis: \"A\"--I missed you, \"B\"--you kissed my husband, \"c\"--you kissed my husband.", "Sharon: Um... \"B\" and \"C\"-- I kissed your husband. Um, I'm not--I'm not denying it.", "Phyllis: Oh, why don't you answer a question for me, please? And be honest.", "Sharon: What?", "Phyllis: Is this payback for my affair with Nick?", "Sharon: Absolutely not.", "Phyllis: So you didn't seduce him?", "Sharon: No. No. No, see, um, he... well, he was confused.", "Phyllis: And you just had to take advantage of that. You couldn't resist.", "Sharon: Phyllis, you know, you're working yourself up for nothing, because, um, Nick and I are just friends.", "Phyllis: And friendly kisses--they don't hurt anyone, right?", "Sharon: You know, if I had to give up my friendship with Nick for Jack, I would do that.", "Phyllis: But?", "Sharon: But we share a child together. So, you know, you and me and Jack and Nick are going to have to figure out a way to make this work or the next 50 years are going to be pretty miserable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Trying to avoid me or what?", "Jack: Well, certainly not intentionally, but that's not a bad idea.", "Victor: Interesting piece in \"The Chronicle\" today.", "Jack: I'm glad you're enjoying it. If you'll excuse me...", "Victor: It's an in depth coverage of how you secretly bought and sold Jabot Cosmetics.", "Jack: Well, I'll be sure to frame that and send it to you for Christmas.", "Victor: Wait a minute, here's another one. Look at this-- Wendy's column. \"Abbott probe widens.\" I'll be damned.", "Jack: Yeah, maybe you oughta stick to the comic section, Victor.", "Victor: You know, I gotta tell you, this is far funnier than the comics. Look at this here. I'll be damned, there's a possibility of a run-off election in case the senate ethics committee finds Jack Abbott guilty of fraud. I'll be damned. Now there's an opportunity for you.", "Jack: How do you figure that?", "Victor: Well, you could always sell your casino to me in case you need to cover legal fees.", "Jack: Nice try. I'll hold onto my casino.", "Victor: Then you be prepared to lose it.", "Jack: Boy, you always were full of yourself. This time you're wrong.", "Victor: I haven't enjoyed myself this much since I made my first million.", "Jack: I actually feel sorry for you, Victor. The only joy you'll get is reveling in the misery of others. And while you're wallowing in that joy, you don't even realize you're losing your wife and your children. And for what? Some imaginary sense of victory over me? And the end of the day I go home to a family, a family that loves me. What do you have?", "Victor: That's very good. Are you finished?", "Jack: Actually, I have one piece of advice for you. Get some help for your obsessive-compulsive behavior. And try to figure out what's really important to you in life. You're the one that's gonna end up with nothing in the end.", "Victor: Why would I take advice from you?", "Jack: There's one big difference between you and me. I learn from my mistakes. You've got much too much pride, much too much ego, to ever admit you're wrong.", "Victor: One thing you must always remember, Jack. I don't forget. I just get even.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Bye, Daddy!", "Brad: See you later.", "Colleen: Hey, bye!", "Colleen: Hey.", "Brad: Mm.", "Colleen: So, uh, what's up with you and Vicki now?", "Brad: Thank you. Civility.", "Colleen: Impressive.", "Brad: Probably because we were talking about Abby and the baby.", "Colleen: She told me how excited she was to be having a new baby brother.", "Brad: Yeah, I know, she told me, too. I just don't wanna confuse her with this whole complicated mess.", "Colleen: Can't you just wait until you're sure whose it is?", "Brad: Well, that's what we decided.", "Colleen: What about you?", "Brad: I would love it if the baby was mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Do you think we should put a hold on phase three?", "Nikki: I told Cane to push that off a few days.", "Victoria: Well, that's a good call, because looking at this, we don't have an option.", "Nikki: I'm thinking about going up there myself. I mean, it's great to have the photos, but there's nothing like being there in person, you know?", "Victoria: I think that's a terrific idea.", "Nikki: I just don't know when on earth I can get away to do it.", "Victoria: I-I could go for you.", "Nikki: Oh, Darling, you should not be traveling right now.", "Victoria: Mom, I'm pregnant. I'm not in a body cast. Besides, I'm gonna be heading up there anyway, because J.T. starts work with Chancellor Constructions soon.", "Nikki: Ah, yes, I heard about that.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. So I'll be heading up there anyway.", "Nikki: I don't know if this is the right time. You need to be taking care of yourself.", "Victoria: I will be lying around, pampered by my wonderful boyfriend.", "Nikki: And the rest of the time you'll be running around the town with a clipboard in your hand.", "Victoria: I'll be fine. I've been taking care of myself. I've been taking my vitamins. I've been getting a lot of rest. Dr. Okamura says that if I'm careful--", "Nikki: I don't want you overdoing it. You've waited too long for this baby.", "Victoria: I will be careful. I promise.", "Nikki: Oh, I have a surprise for you!", "Victoria: You do?", "Nikki: I couldn't resist. I had to buy a few little baby things. Look! Look! What?", "Victoria: I don't-- I don't want 'em.", "Nikki: Why not?", "Victoria: You know, I gave-- I gave all the clothes that I bought for the baby away when I miscarried. I gave them away to charity. One woman was very happy to get them, and it was--it was nice. It felt good to be able to give them to her, but... you have no idea what it was like for me.", "Nikki: Oh, Sweetheart. I understand. All right, well... I'll keep them right here until you're ready.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Visit's over in five minutes, Mrs. Abbott.", "Sharon: Look, you don't have to worry about Nick, okay? He loves you.", "Phyllis: I know that. I know he does. I trust Nick. It's Jack I'm worried about.", "Sharon: Oh?", "Phyllis: Do you know how badly you hurt him? I mean... he--he never expected you to go behind his back and do something like this.", "Sharon: Oh, but he did expect it from you, right? You know, if hypocrisy were against the law, Phyllis, you'd be doing a life sentence.", "Phyllis: Okay, so you're hurting Jack to get back at me?", "Sharon: Why on earth would I do that? Just because your affair with Nicholas almost destroyed the man?", "Phyllis: I know how much I hurt him. That's why I don't want him to go through something like that again.", "Sharon: Well, you take care of your marriage, I'll take care of mine.", "Phyllis: You're doing a great job there.", "Sharon: I made a mistake. But unlike you, I take responsibility for my mistakes. And anything else is between Jack and me. He's a wonderful man. And he loves my son very much and my son loves him back. And we are going to work through this, and we're going to have a wonderful, happy life together and grow old together.", "Phyllis: You forgot something.", "Sharon: What?", "Phyllis: You see, this whole marital bliss thing? I'm--I'm not buying it. And the reason I'm not buying it is because not once in this conversation-- not once-- have you said you love Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: G'day, muscles. You working out today?", "Lily: Uh, yeah. Are you?", "Cane: I'm gonna try and fit it in for sure.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Um, I was wondering, um... are you busy, or...", "Cane: No, no, no, not at all, what's up?", "Lily: Well, I have to write a midterm paper for cultural anthropology.", "Cane: And you want me to write it for you?", "Lily: Yes. No, um, I have to compare and contrast the lives of gen \"Y\" in America and Australia. And I need five sources.", "Cane: And I'm source number...", "Lily: One. I mean, two, after the internet, which, I did that already. But, um, I figured that since you've lived in America, you can give me a perspective of differences and stuff.", "Cane: I would love to.", "Lily: Oh. Okay. Great! Uh, now?", "Cane: Sure, I've got a, uh, conference call with, um, my foreman in about half an hour, but let's give it a burl.", "Lily: Oh. Okay.", "Cane: Have a seat.", "Lily: Are you always this nice?", "Cane: No, maybe you bring it out in me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Before you go, um...", "Brad: What's up?", "Colleen: I was thinking... about how much we missed when I was going up because you weren't around. And, uh... now Abby's with Ashley and... it must've been really hard for you. And even when I wanted to kill you, I always knew how much you loved me.", "Brad: Before I ever laid eyes on you. Remember I told you how it was storming the night that you were born? The roads were closed and there was no way to get to a hospital. Your mom was so brave. I mean, she talked me through the whole delivery right there in the living room. And when I finally held you in my hands and I looked at you, that's when I really knew what love was.", "Colleen: I hope Vicki's baby is your son, Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Crying)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: The biggest difference between America and Australia is that in America you seem to live to work. Where in Australia, we--we work to live.", "Lily: That's nice.", "Cane: I was really surprised when I found out that here you only have two weeks vacation. 'Cause we get four.", "Lily: Well, here, if you're young and you want time off, people just call you a slacker. Um, so, uh, what do you-- what do you do with all your free time?", "Cane: I drink beer.", "Lily: Okay, please tell me you're joking.", "Cane: Of course I'm joking.", "Lily: Okay, good.", "Cane: Um, our young-- our gen \"Y\"-- your gen \"Y\"-- like to travel. You know, we go places that, you know, most Americans don't go to, like Southeast Asia, uh, Indonesia, Bali, Thailand. You know, that sort of thing.", "Lily: I'd love to do that.", "Cane: There's a sense of optimism that we have in Australia that you don't really even have here. It's--we don't have that \"You're not cool if you don't wear the expensive jeans\" mentality.", "Lily: Do you miss it?", "Cane: Sometimes. Sometimes. You know what I miss?", "Lily: Hm?", "Cane: I miss... I miss looking at the stars. I miss this-- I miss the Southern Cross.", "Lily: The what?", "Cane: It's a-- it's a constellation. You have, uh, you have the big dipper. You have the hunter in Orion. We have the Southern Cross. I used to lay on my uncle's farm. There was this one hill and at night, you could look at the stars-- there's a blanket of stars above you. And you seen the southern cross just hanging above you. If I close my eyes, I can still see it.", "Lily: That's-- that's beautiful.", "Cane: Well, I guess that doesn't really help you with your paper, does it?", "Lily: Oh, um, yeah... uh, well, people, you know, in their 20s-- they--they, um, they star gaze, you know?", "Cane: So... I would really like to read your paper when it's done.", "Lily: Um, well, I just, um... I get shy about people reading my stuff.", "Cane: I understand. I understand. So what year are you in at school?", "Lily: Um, I'm a sophomore. You know, my stomach is growling. I just realized I haven't eaten in hours. Have you?", "Cane: Um... I'm not really, uh... I've got this-- I have this phone call that I have to make to the foreman.", "Lily: Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. Um, okay, well-- well, thank you for--again-- for your help and everything. Yeah.", "Cane: It was my pleasure.", "Lily: Okay. Um, so I'll-- I'll see you around. Okay, bye.", "Cane: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Noah? Are you home?", "Noah: Aw, Mom, you don't have to yell.", "Sharon: Hey, how's your homework coming?", "Noah: All done.", "Sharon: Really?", "Noah: You can check it if you want.", "Sharon: Well, I always do, but, uh, what were you doing up there?", "Noah: Playing my new video game.", "Sharon: Okay, can you take a break?", "Noah: I just made it to the next level.", "Sharon: Oh, please! Please! Come here. I have this great gift idea for Jack and I need your help.", "Noah: Is it his birthday?", "Sharon: Nope.", "Noah: Then why are you giving him a present?", "Sharon: Well, because, you know how he's been having a really hard time lately?", "Noah: Yeah, with all the reporters and people saying stuff on the internet.", "Sharon: Exactly. So I thought maybe we could put together a little gift and help cheer him up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Whistling)", "Nikki: Jack.", "Jack: What, you're talking to me now?", "Nikki: Only when I have to. What are you in such a good mood about?", "Jack: What makes you think I'm in a good mood?", "Nikki: You shouldn't be, after everything you've done to Clear Springs.", "Jack: Not now, Nikki, okay?", "Nikki: You know, if David hadn't talked Saxton's into being part of the shopping center, we would've lost Fenmore's, too.", "Jack: Which reminds me, thank you so much for all your support in the last few weeks.", "Nikki: Support? This project wouldn't be in the mess it's in if you had bowed out gracefully before confessing all to the public.", "Jack: And why did I have to do that? Because your husband leaked my conversation with Ji Min Kim.", "Nikki: I am not responsible for what he does.", "Jack: No, Victor is the one that cause this train wreck. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one that bugged the Jabot board room. You wanna point fingers? I suggest you aim your middle one at your soon-to-be-ex husband.", "Nikki: Well, that's classy. Nice!", "[News on TV]", "Man: As more negative publicity emerges concerning Senator Jack Abbott, it appears the planned Clear Springs development is slowly turning into a huge white elephant for the investors. Latest reports indicate 10% of the original commercial lease holders have already pulled out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: What do you see when you look at me?", "Colleen: Okay. Uh, smart, cute best friend who just answered a question with a question because you don't wanna go the gym.", "Lily: Do I look like a dumb ass?", "Colleen: Um... no.", "Lily: Okay, 'cause I feel like one.", "Colleen: Cane?", "Lily: Yeah. I took your idea and did the non-existent interview for my non- existent class. Ooh, tell me all about the gen \"Y\" in Australia! Like I was some groupie glomming on Leonardo DiCaprio.", "Colleen: Well, he's not Australian.", "Lily: That's not the point. I mean, I thought it was going really well. Until I said I was hungry-- hint, hint-- and instead of saying, (Australian accent) \"Let's get \"A bite together, Luv,\" (Normal voice) he says, (Australian accent) \"Have a nice meal, little girl.\"", "Colleen: He actually said that?", "Lily: Well, no, not in so many words. You know that book, \"He's just not that into you\"? Yeah, I should read that.", "Colleen: You know what? I should do a middle school questionnaire of, like, \"Do you like Lily?\" Right? \"Check yes or no.\" He would check yes.", "Lily: Really?", "Colleen: Really.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Brad: You've been crying.", "Victoria: Yeah. I know. It's just, you know, these hormones. I-I can't think straight sometimes.", "Brad: I've seen hormones. This is different.", "Victoria: It's nothing.", "Brad: What's going on?", "Victoria: My mom bought me these baby clothes. And... I froze.", "Brad: Why?", "Victoria: I thought that if I--if I keep them, that I'll just... I'll jinx the pregnancy.", "Brad: Well, that's understandable after what happened last time.", "Victoria: You probably don't--you probably don't even remember, do you?", "Brad: Della's baby boutique. We bought that exact outfit before you miscarried.", "Victoria: When I saw it, I just couldn't help... remembering how empty I felt.", "Brad: I know. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I thought I heard someone come in.", "Jack: I thought you were visiting Phyllis.", "Sharon: Oh, I got out of there as fast as I could.", "Jack: Listen, I'm gonna go up and lie down for awhile.", "Sharon: Please... please stay.", "Jack: I've had kind of a rough morning.", "Sharon: I know you're really upset with me, and with everything else you have going on right now, I just can't imagine how you must feel, but... I really do believe that things are gonna get better. For all of us.", "Jack: (Sighs) what's that?", "Sharon: Open it up and find out.", "Jack: It's an mp3 player.", "Sharon: Yeah. Noah helped me download the music. It's... Sinatra for a romantic evening, Vividly for your morning run, and rap to recharge your battery before a big business meeting.", "Jack: And when I'm lonely and disillusioned?", "Sharon: Got you covered. Gospel, Aretha Franklin, a little bit of Elvis.", "Jack: All my favorites. How did--", "Sharon: You remember when we had that conversation when we first started dating, you told me what all your favorite music was.", "Jack: You remembered all that?", "Sharon: I remembered 'cause it was important to you. And you are really important to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: The doctor says everything looks good.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Jana: The whole time he was examining me, all I could think about... was you.", "Phyllis: Well, you don't need to fixate on me, Jana.", "Jana: I'm dying to know what Sharon said.", "Phyllis: Uh, you know, I-I think you should, uh, read one of those romance novels off the bookshelf.", "Jana: Oh, but your life is so much more exciting than mine. Did she give you pathetic excuses?", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Not really. No.", "Jana: Well, what then?", "Phyllis: I don't-- she just, you know, she gave me some--some garbage about, uh, she and Jack growing old together and...", "Jana: What, and--and you think its rubbish because she's still in love with your husband?", "Phyllis: No. No. I don't. Nick and I are solid.", "Jana: But what about Jack and Sharon? You care about him very much, don't you? Oh, you're such a loyal friend. Does she love him? She did say that she loves him, right, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Um... Jana...", "Jana: Oh! Tsk, tsk, tsk. That poor man. Bless his heart.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Jana: God, he really needs you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I know. I know he does. He does.", "Jana: Of course, you're stuck here behind bars.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Why do you look so familiar?", "Cane: Because I am one of America's most wanted.", "Heather: Oh, by whom?", "Cane: Every woman in Genoa City, haven't you heard?", "Heather: I guess I wasn't C.C'd on that e-mail.", "Cane: Oh, you're missing out on my charm then.", "Heather: Oh, really?", "Cane: Oh, really. Why don't I tell you what it's like to build a small community, if you tell me why Ji Min's death is being deemed a homicide.", "Heather: Possible homicide.", "Cane: Possible homicide. Okay. You know, my mother is anxious to find out what happened.", "Heather: How is she doing?", "Cane: How would you expect a woman who's had her fiancé killed to be doing? Do you have any suspects?", "Heather: It's an ongoing investigation.", "Cane: Come on, I won't tell.", "Heather: Charm will not get you anywhere this time.", "Cane: How about a bribe? I'm joking. It was a joke.", "Heather: You really are concerned about this case.", "Cane: Why wouldn't I be?", "Heather: Guilty parties typically have a vested interest in the investigation.", "Cane: And who said every party who asks you a question about the investigation is guilty?", "Heather: The harder they press, the more likely they had some involvement in the crime.", "Cane: Who's pressing you for answers?", "Heather: You.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: My dad invited Cane over.", "Colleen: Really?", "Jill: I think your brother came very close to finding out whoever it was.", "Kevin: Jeff has no idea why William sent him that cream.", "Gloria: I gotta get it away from Jeffrey before he puts it together." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Tucker tries to apologize to Devon because he let him down by keeping Victor away from his family. Tucker tries to explain why he did it and tells Devon it must hurt to have his father disappoint him. Devon tells Tucker that his father Neil has never disappointed him. Cane and Lily also reject Genevieve, so she can't see the twins anymore. Devon and Roxanne leave a lunch with his family early so they can make love. Sarge confides in Jack that his brother died in a car accident a couple of years ago. Harmony is curious how Sarge knew she had been in Pittsburgh. He says that they met at a party on Elm Street when she was calling herself Yolanda, but Harmony doesn't remember meeting him. Sarge is in his apartment and pulls out a card with a note signed Yolanda.", "Sofia advises Tucker to sell Beauty of Nature back to Jack to avoid major problems with the SEC but Tucker hates being forced to do anything. Sofia wonders why Tucker did all this to Victor. Tucker explains to Sofia that he still feels like the guy from the wrong side of the tracks who needs to prove himself. Nick arrives to tell Tucker he is going to make sure he pays for all the pain he causes his family, because nobody messes with the Newmans and gets away with it. Eden goes under hypnosis again but this time it's in what used to be Ricky's hotel room. Eden remembers going to Ricky's room and finding Daisy's wallet and cell phone then texting Kevin and trying to leave because she was afraid Ricky would catch her in the room. Eden remembers opening the door to leave the room and being afraid because Ricky was on the other side of the door. Nick tells Phyllis that he can't trust her, and he isn't sure that they can have a marriage without trust.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: What's wrong? Did you learn something new about Daisy?", "Phyllis: N-no, I-I just-- I-I have a belated, uh, birthday gift for Faith.", "Nick: I can give it to her when I pick her up from preschool.", "Phyllis: Um, can I come in?", "Nick: Sure.", "Phyllis: So...", "Nick: Excuse the mess.", "Phyllis: I miss the mess. I miss it. Everything is so orderly and clean with Faith and Summer gone, and you.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Summer isn't responding to any of my calls or texts.", "Nick: I'm not gonna make her call you. She's gonna have to do that on her own.", "Phyllis: I just-- I wanted to wait until the girls were at school. I just think that we should talk.", "Nick: About what?", "Phyllis: I-I know. I know that you're angry. I-I think that we should get past that.", "Nick: It's not just anger. I mean, it's--its humiliation, disgust... sadness.", "Phyllis: Disgust? Okay. I know I hurt you. It breaks my heart. It kills me that I did that. I know I did... but we're better together than we are apart, Nick. I mean, can't you see that after everything that went on with your father?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: (Gasps)", "Danny: Oh... (Laughs) I was just coming to see if you--", "Chris: If I wanted to go get some coffee?", "Danny: How did you know?", "Chris: I was on my way to your room for the exact same reason.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: (Laughs) I win.", "Kyle: That's--come on. I tried. Just I let you win.", "Eden: Ohh, liar. (Laughs)", "Kyle: Show-off.", "Eden: Oh, really?", "Kyle: Yeah.", "Eden: (Sighs) So, hey, maybe we could, you know, make this, like, a regular thing.", "Kyle: Making out? All right, I'm in.", "Eden: Oh, I'm talking about jogging, you dork.", "Kyle: All right, well, hey, if you like burning calories, then I'm your guy, you know?", "Eden: Oh, get your mind out of the gutter, Abbott. Let's sit down. Come on.", "Kyle: All right, I could use some coffee.", "Eden: Yeah, and since, you know, I get it for free, I guess I'll buy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: How you doin', Honey?", "Paul: I'm doing okay. I mean, there's a hole in my heart where Ricky is concerned, but, uh, I'm not beating myself up anymore.", "Lauren: I'm glad to hear that. I mean, Daisy confirmed that Ricky was homicidal, and... (Sighs) Your instincts were right all along.", "Avery: Well, I was counting on Daisy to be the key to Paul's defense.", "Paul: Ah. Well, it's hard to get Daisy to testify when she's missing.", "Michael: Well, don't give up hope. There's a material witness warrant out for her arrest. The police are looking for her.", "Paul: Any leads?", "Michael: Not yet.", "Lauren: Daisy, like her mother, has a history of disappearing.", "Avery: Well, this time, clearly, she had help.", "Lauren: Yep, somebody claiming to be the late Sheila Carter.", "Paul: Well, whoever the woman is that checked her out of the psych hospital, they're both long gone, and with them, my only chance at an acquittal. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Gasps) What... (Sighs) What are you doing in my room? How did you get in here?", "Tucker: Manager let me in. I pay the bill, remember? You're moving out today. The Tucker McCall gravy train has just come to a screeching halt.", "Genevieve: I don't need you to pay my bills anymore, Tucker. I have my own money.", "Tucker: Oh, the money I gave you?", "Genevieve: The money I earned.", "Tucker: No. I paid you a salary to find Victor Newman--", "Genevieve: And I did, and I kept my eye on him for weeks.", "Tucker: And then you betrayed me... by not letting me know that Victor wasn't killed in that explosion, by siding with Jack when he threatened me with the S.E.C.", "Genevieve: Well, be that as it may, I don't need you to pay my bills anymore.", "Tucker: So how you gonna support yourself?", "Genevieve: Well, when I was in Vegas, I took some of that money that you gave me for my expense account and I gambled with it and I won.", "Tucker: Ah.", "Genevieve: Hmm?", "Tucker: So you got a little nest egg.", "Genevieve: Yep.", "Tucker: Yeah. With your expensive tastes, I doubt that'll last long.", "Genevieve: Well, if I were spending it on designer clothes and handbags, no, but I'm not. I invested it.", "Tucker: Oh. Yeah, because you're so knowledgeable about those things.", "Genevieve: You know what? I don't have to take this from you anymore. Get out.", "Tucker: I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready.", "Genevieve: You'll get out now, or I will call security!", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sarge: So I brought these so you can start your new exercises here at home.", "Jack: Thanks, Sarge.", "Sarge: And to think where you were when you first started therapy.", "Jack: Oh, believe me, I am not taking the small stuff for granted. Just getting out of bed in the morning is enough to put a smile on my face.", "Sarge: Well, at the rate you're going, you probably won't be needing my services much longer.", "Jack: I'll still be sharing my Bulls tickets, though, right?", "Sarge: Uh, yeah. (Laughs)", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Sarge: You better.", "Jack: Hey, listen, I also have a couple of wheelchairs and transfer boards I'd love to donate to somebody who could use 'em.", "Sarge: That's great, Jack. I-I'll, um, I'll take care of that.", "Jack: Thanks. One--one more thing. Because I am recovering, I won't be needing the fancy car anymore, with the special hand controls, and I was thinking... you told me about your brother once.", "Sarge: Wow. That's, uh... that's awfully generous, Jack, but I-I-I can't accept that.", "Jack: You-- you wouldn't have to. Just let me know, I'll contact him myself.", "Sarge: Thank you, but it--it isn't necessary.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hello there, family.", "Neil: Lily, Cane!", "Cane: Hey, hey.", "Neil: I tried calling you to invite you to breakfast.", "Lily: Sure, sure.", "Neil: Hey, good to see you.", "Cane: We were in the gym.", "Lily: No, our cell phones were in our lockers.", "Devon: Would you guys like to join us?", "Cane: Uh, I've got a meeting later, but sure, I've got time.", "Roxanne: How are the twins?", "Lily: Oh, the twins, um...", "Cane: (Groans) This is good.", "Lily: They're good. They're--they're adorable. They're a handful.", "Cane: Into everything.", "Neil: Those little angels. Love 'em.", "Lily: Those little angels. Yeah, this morning, I turned my back for two minutes and they were on the floor, about to eat Humphrey's food.", "Cane: Dog food.", "Lily: Yes, dog food.", "Devon: Let them do it. You'll save money on groceries.", "Lily: Oh, please. (Laughs)", "Kay: Well, now, may we join your party?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: Katherine, family never needs an invitation. Come on, sit down.", "Kay: Slide in there, Darling.", "Cane: Hey.", "Kay: Hello, my baby. How are you?", "Cane: I'm good. You good?", "Neil: Hey.", "Harmony: Hey, yourself.", "Kay: Yes, yes, fine. Feeling better, yeah. And you? How are the children?", "Lily: Good, they're good.", "Harmony: So, uh, I, uh, heard about what Tucker did.", "Devon: Yeah, it's definitely not cool.", "Neil: Harmony. Speak of the devil.", "Kay: Sad, but, uh... not very far from the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, did I say something wrong?", "Sarge: No, why?", "Jack: I don't know. You just got a little weird on me, that's all.", "Sarge: Did I?", "Jack: We're friends, Sarge. Anything you tell me goes straight to the vault.", "Sarge: (Chuckles) Well, I guess I should have said something... when I told you about my brother.", "Jack: What, the two of you don't get along?", "Sarge: No, we were close.", "Jack: \"Were\"?", "Sarge: He died a few years back in a car accident.", "Jack: Oh, God, Sarge. Sarge...", "Sarge: (Sighs)", "Jack: I am sorry. I-I didn't know. I-- oh, God, I feel like an idiot.", "Sarge: There's no way you could have known that, Jack.", "Jack: I-it's not my business to know.", "Sarge: Well, it's just something I don't like talking about.", "Jack: I-I understand that, I do. I... I just hope you know, if you ever need a sympathetic ear, you can always count on me.", "Sarge: Thanks, Jack. That really means a lot to me. And now, if we are... (Sighs) Finished feeling sorry for me, let's get to it.", "Jack: Yes, Sir. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Excuse me.", "Kay: Excuse you? There is no excuse for you.", "Tucker: What did you say to me?", "Kay: You heard me.", "Neil: Maybe you should go, Tucker.", "Tucker: You act like I'm some kind of monster for keeping Victor away from his family, but how are you any better? You deliberately kept my only child a secret from me.", "Kay: But at least he wasn't wandering around a strange city, no memory, and... with his loved ones thinking possibly he was in trouble or dead.", "Devon: You know what? I'd like to talk to Tucker alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: The gang's all here, huh?", "Chris: Oh, yeah, we've got lawyers, the defendant, assorted friends, even the prosecutor.", "Danny: One big happy family.", "Michael: Okay, if you guys are gonna talk defense strategy, I will go outside and make a lot of phone calls. Excuse me. (Sighs)", "Chris: (Sighs) This case has been one mystery after another.", "Avery: Yes, like the knife Ricky was holding when you shot him. How does it just vanish?", "Danny: You think somebody took it to set Paul up?", "Avery: Or someone found it on the street, some random person.", "Paul: Either way, it still looks like I shot an unarmed man.", "Avery: And it doesn't help that you insisted that Ricky killed Daisy.", "Paul: I thought he had. He tried to kill her.", "Avery: I know. Look, I have been praying that Daisy would be found or turn up. She's the only person that saw the video of Ricky drowning his ex. We need that testimony. It's crucial. I need to show that Ricky was a killer. It's the only thing that corroborates Paul's story, and right now, guys, at this minute, I have nothing.", "Eden: There's still me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I hate to go, but Jack's expecting me.", "Lily: It's fine. I'll just fill you in later when we meet for lunch.", "Cane: All right, Baby. Bye.", "Lily: Bye.", "Cane: Bye. (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Ethan, hi.", "Cane: Hello, Mother.", "Genevieve: (Sighs) Is this how it's gonna be, Ethan?", "Cane: What, do you really expect me to act like nothing's changed?", "Genevieve: I suppose that was too much to hope for.", "Cane: It was bad enough that you didn't tell Victor's family that he was alive, but you lied to me again. You chose the chance to make money over our relationship, so, yes, this is exactly how it's going to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Shame this happened now, just when Devon was starting to warm up to Tucker.", "Kay: Well, I think it's safe to say that's, uh, not the case.", "Roxanne: I hope he's okay.", "Neil: If anyone can handle McCall, it's my boy Devon.", "Tucker: I don't expect you to understand, but I had reasons for doing what I did.", "Devon: Oh, Tucker, come on. Just--whatever excuses you have, just save them for someone else.", "Tucker: I know it's tough when your father disappoints you.", "Devon: Well, I don't know what you're talking about, 'cause my father has never disappointed me. In fact, I hope that one day, I'd become a tenth of the man that Neil is. You want to know something else? With all your money and your power, still, you're just not a good person.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: I've been thinking I should try the hypnosis thing again.", "Paul: You would do that?", "Eden: I mean, I just read that your trial's starting soon. I mean, there's not much time left.", "Chris: Are you sure about this, Eden?", "Avery: If you are, it would be fantastic.", "Michael: Ooh, hey. What's fantastic?", "Avery: Eden has agreed to do hypnosis again.", "Michael: What?", "Kyle: Hey, I don't know. You got pretty upset last time.", "Eden: No, I'm gonna be more upset if Paul goes to prison.", "Danny: She's got a point.", "Eden: (Sighs) I mean, I might not remember what happened the night that Ricky died, but I totally believe you saved my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Look at your parents.", "Nick: What about 'em?", "Phyllis: Well, if they can find a way back to each other after everything that they've overcome...", "Nick: (Sighs) Look, I really appreciate your support when I thought my dad was dead, but it doesn't erase all the secrets and lies.", "Phyllis: I know, I know, and I-I... I'm done with all of that.", "Nick: Man, you--I know, you've said it so many times now. You're done. But now, I can't trust anything you say to me, and love without trust isn't enough for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey.", "Lily: You okay?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Harmony: I hope he didn't get to you.", "Devon: No, not at all. The only thing that that man and I share is D.N.A.", "Roxanne: Told you Devon would be fine.", "Devon: That's right.", "Neil: So what did Tucker say?", "Devon: He said that he had reasons for doing what he did and he apologized for disappointing me again, and I told him that it doesn't matter, you know? He doesn't mean anything to me.", "Kay: Honestly, I am... I truly regret not telling you and Tucker about your paternity.", "Devon: Grandma, I forgave you for that a long time ago.", "Kay: Thank you. But I'm not sure Tucker did. Otherwise, how could he really want to hurt anyone else like that?", "Devon: I-I guess it comes down to, you know, what's really in a man... and all I can say is I'm glad that my father has integrity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: (Sighs) I'm afraid we may have a problem, Sof.", "Sofia: What is it?", "Tucker: Jack Abbott is blackmailing me for manipulating Newman stock. He claims if I don't sell him Beauty of Nature back, he'll go to the S.E.C. with Genevieve.", "Sofia: She's agreed to implicate you?", "Tucker: She's happy to do it.", "Sofia: Ohh. I was worried since day one something like this was gonna happen. Stock manipulation is serious, Tucker. There'll be hefty fines, quite possibly prison time.", "Tucker: You think I don't know that?", "Sofia: Okay. Well, what are you gonna do?", "(Knock on door)", "Tucker: Come in.", "Tucker: What do you want, Nick?", "Nick: Sharon's been arrested.", "Tucker: I know that.", "Sofia: What? What--what are the charges?", "Tucker: Fraud, conspiracy, obstructing a police investigation.", "Nick: Yeah, well, we both know you're as guilty as she is.", "Tucker: Sharon made the decisions.", "Nick: But you were right there with her the whole time, whispering in her ear.", "Tucker: Well, I'm surprised you care what happens to Sharon, Nick, after the way she hijacked Newman.", "Nick: I have no problem with Sharon paying for what she's done. But if she goes to jail, then my kids suffer, and that, I have a problem with. And you will pay for that, as well as everything you've put my father and the rest of my family through.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What if I was to tell you I have a plan, and if that plan works, we will have Beauty of Nature back by the end of the week?", "Cane: I think I'd have to say that you're a genius, Jack Abbott. So what is your plan?", "Jack: I told Tucker I would turn him in to the Securities and Exchange Commission if he didn't sell it back to me. He has till tomorrow.", "Cane: So... are you bluffing, or do you actually have some sort of, uh, information that he manipulated the Newman stock?", "Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no, I have proof.", "Cane: What proof do you have?", "Jack: Your mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Lily. Can we chat for a minute?", "Lily: Um, I actually have someplace to be, so...", "Genevieve: Oh, I won't keep you, I promise. It's just that I really miss seeing Matty and Charlie.", "Lily: Yeah, well, you were on the road.", "Genevieve: But I'm back now, and I would really like to see them.", "Lily: Yeah, I don't think so.", "Genevieve: Why not?", "Lily: Because, Genevieve, you know that Cane wouldn't approve, and now you're trying to bypass him by coming to me.", "Genevieve: Well, what my son doesn't know won't hurt him.", "Lily: (Laughs) You see? That's exactly the reason why you're a bad influence on the kids.", "Genevieve: You can't be serious.", "Lily: No, I am. I am. Cane and I discussed it, and we are both on the same page, so please excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: I really want to remember more this time.", "Chris: Anything you can do to facilitate that, Dr. Hoffman...", "Dr. Hoffman: I do have a suggestion that may improve our chances of success, but I don't know if you're gonna like it.", "Michael: All right, I've got the room key.", "Lauren: And you're sure this is a good idea?", "Dr. Hoffman: Having our session where the death occurred might help jog Eden's memory.", "Kyle: It's not too late to back out of this.", "Eden: Back out? It was my idea, remember?", "Kyle: All right, well, I'll be right there with you.", "Dr. Hoffman: I'd prefer to keep the number of people present to a minimum.", "Michael: Yeah, don't want a repeat of what happened last time, but I'm gonna be there, right?", "Dr. Hoffman: Of course, Mr. Baldwin, and as Mr. Williams' attorney, Ms. Clark will want to join us.", "Avery: Absolutely.", "Michael: I'll take care of her, Kyle.", "Eden: I'll call you after.", "Kyle: Please don't forget.", "Eden: As if.", "Michael: All right, follow me. Oh, come here.", "Lauren: (Chuckles)", "Chris: Okay.", "Danny: Well, we might as well grab a-a table and relax, right?", "Lauren: Yeah, right.", "Danny: This could take awhile. What do you think?", "Lauren: Mm-hmm, yeah.", "Chris: Oh. So much for relaxing.", "Phyllis: I really don't need this right now.", "Chris: Neither do we.", "Lauren: You know, I-I need to talk to you about something. Can you just--", "Phyllis: You--you don't have to pull me away.", "Lauren: No, I really do. I have something very important to talk to you about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hi.", "Lily: Hi. So I'm meeting Cane at Jimmy's. Do you guys want to come?", "Devon: Sure.", "Roxanne: Can't. Uh, we have plans.", "Devon: That's right. That's right.", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay, well, next time.", "Roxanne: Mm-hmm. Definitely.", "Lily: All right. Bye, you guys.", "Neil: Drive safe, Baby Girl. Love you.", "Devon: (Clears throat) What is the, uh, what's the plans?", "Roxanne: (Whispering indistinctly)", "Devon: That's right. We need to go.", "Kay: Uh, Devon... just so you know, I think you handled Tucker perfectly.", "Neil: Yes, Sir. That's my boy.", "Devon: Thank you. Thank you. See you, Mom.", "Harmony: Bye, Sweetie.", "Roxanne: Bye.", "Kay: Bye-bye. Take care.", "Neil: Bye, Guys.", "Harmony: Excuse me.", "Kay: (Sighs) You know... as much as this pains me to say this about my son... Devon chose the right father.", "Harmony: Listen, I'm glad I ran into you.", "Sarge: Why?", "Harmony: Because the last time that we saw each other, you said something real strange.", "Sarge: Well, I'm a strange guy.", "Harmony: Seriously, how did you know I was in Pittsburgh?", "Sarge: Because I saw you there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So, um, how did things go at the club after I left?", "Lily: It was fine. Devon put Tucker in his place.", "Cane: Did they break any chandeliers?", "Lily: (Laughs) No, no, it was all very civil.", "Cane: That's a relief.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. I don't know, I'm proud of Devon, you know, not letting himself be defined by his father's mistakes.", "Cane: Good for him. I can tell you it's not easy.", "Lily: I know.", "Cane: Anyway, let's not, uh, talk about bad parents. Let's just enjoy our lunch.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sarge: I knew you seemed familiar, something about your voice, and then when I heard you say your name was... Yolanda, it clicked.", "Harmony: What clicked?", "Sarge: Where we met. It was a little party on Elm Street.", "Harmony: E-e-elm Street? I went to a lot of parties back then, and I don't remember you.", "Sarge: Yeah, I didn't think you would.", "Neil: Everything okay?", "Harmony: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Paul, I know the hell you've been through and, um... just know, if there's anything I can do...", "Paul: Thank you, Katherine. I think I'm-- I'm gonna get some air.", "Kay: Well... (Chuckles)", "Danny: What? (Laughs) Why are you grinning?", "Chris: Okay, I'm thinking the same thing. What--what?", "Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, you know, I'm always thrilled to see either of you one at a time, independently... but you want to know something? In my opinion, you're the perfect couple.", "Chris: Oh.", "Kay: No, no. You always were.", "Chris: (Laughs)", "Danny: (Chuckles)", "Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, well...", "Phyllis: Oh, it's been a horrible, horrible day. I called to see if the spa could get me in for a massage. Clearly, that was a bad idea.", "Lauren: All right, well, I just think that you should keep your distance from Danny and Chris, for all of your sakes.", "Phyllis: Like I haven't heard that before.", "Lauren: Well, Honey, maybe you should listen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Okay, Eden, look at me. I know you're nervous, all right? But I'm here.", "Eden: Okay, I'm ready.", "Dr. Hoffman: Okay.", "Dr. Hoffman: Close your eyes, Eden.", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Dr. Hoffman: Imagine you're in that place again, one that makes you feel peaceful, happy. You're calm, relaxed. Tension is gone out of your body. Your muscles are loose, quiet. The only thing you're aware of is your breathing, in... out. In... out. I'm going to count to ten, and when I'm done, I'd like you to go back to the night Ricky died.", "Eden: That's when I, um, I offered to buy Ricky a drink, so we went to the bar together.", "Dr. Hoffman: Then what?", "Eden: I left. Yeah, I left. I, uh, I made up an excuse so that I could sneak back to his suite. I-I told the housekeeper that, uh, Ricky was my boyfriend and that I left my sunglasses in his room, and she bought it. She let me right in.", "Dr. Hoffman: What did you do when you got inside?", "Eden: Um, I started searching the room again, and then I found them.", "Dr. Hoffman: What?", "Eden: Uh, a cell phone and a wallet, and I opened the wallet, and it was Daisy's. (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Laughs)", "Roxanne: (Laughs)", "Devon: Hey, Baby, when you said we had plans, I did not know you meant this.", "Roxanne: Are you complaining?", "Devon: Am I complaining? Hell, no, I'm not complaining. These are my kind of plans, Honey.", "Roxanne: Well, then how about a little less talk and a little more action?", "Devon: Oh, really?", "Roxanne: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: I like when you're bossy.", "Roxanne: See these lips? Get to work, Winters. (Laughs)", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Look, I can assure you that I did not know that the two of you were here.", "Cane: I know, you just happen to love the smell of stale beer and peanuts.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Yeah. You know, you seem to have forgotten that I have been through some pretty lean times lately, and I can get a burger here for half of what they charge at the Athletic Club, and it's just as good, you know? Just goes to show you that every experience, no matter how negative, teaches you something.", "Cane: Look, I know you're trying to make up for the pain you've caused Victor's family, okay? I know that.", "Genevieve: But it doesn't excuse it, right?", "Cane: No, it doesn't excuse it.", "Genevieve: Okay, look, I-I'm just gonna sit over there and mind my own business.", "Cane: Yeah, that's a good idea, 'cause we're gonna go home and have lunch there anyway. Come on, Sweetheart. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Nick... if you're trying to guilt me into changing my mind and selling Beauty of Nature to Newman, ain't gonna happen.", "Nick: Oh, Tucker, unlike you, my life is not just about business. There are people involved in these games you play-- people with real feelings.", "Tucker: Oh, you mean like Victor, \"Mr. Ruthless\" himself?", "Nick: I meant what I said. Nobody screws with the Newmans and gets away with it.", "Tucker: Is that a threat, Nick?", "Nick: You're damn right it is.", "Sofia: You are going to sell Beauty of Nature back to Jack, right?", "Tucker: You know as well as anyone how I hate being strong-armed into anything.", "Sofia: It's the only thing you can do to save yourself. Tucker, why? Why did you have to mess with Victor and the stock? It's not like you need the money.", "Tucker: Well, you know me, Sof. I guess I'm still just that poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks with something to prove.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Harmony: Well, you sure can clear a room.", "Neil: (Chuckles) I know, right?", "Harmony: Well, I ought to get back to the magazine.", "Neil: Yeah, I-I should get back to work myself. I'd love to play hooky today, but I can't.", "Harmony: Well, you know, if you weren't in that fancy suit, I would challenge you to a rematch on the basketball court.", "Neil: Oh, well, here's the crazy thing-- my gym clothes are right here in this locker room. What do you say?", "Harmony: Oh, okay, you want to put your money where your mouth is?", "Neil: The way you shoot hoops? Ooh, damn straight.", "Harmony: Oh, man, that is cold. Now I'm learning some skills.", "Neil: Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. You--you do-- you do have some skills, skills that are bordering on pathetic. (Laughs)", "Harmony: (Laughs) All right, now that is definitely a challenge.", "Neil: Mm.", "Harmony: What's the bet?", "Neil: The bet is...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I thought you said you were spending the day with Eden.", "Kyle: Yeah, well, I was. Then she saw a headline that Paul's trial is starting soon and decided it'd be a good idea to get hypnotized again.", "Jack: When?", "Kyle: It's happening right now.", "Jack: You seem kind of worried.", "Kyle: Yeah, well, it was pretty sketchy last time.", "Jack: Hey, hey, she's gonna be fine.", "Kyle: I hope so.", "Jack: I'm your old man. I know these things. She's gonna be fine.", "Kyle: (Laughs) Hey, listen, uh... even though Victor's alive, I don't think I'm gonna move back to the ranch with him.", "Jack: Oh?", "Kyle: Yeah, I'd like to stay here with you, if that's okay?", "Jack: You bet its okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You know, um, make it a triple shot, actually. I think I'm gonna need all the energy I can get today. Thanks. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Eden is really brave, being hypnotized again.", "Paul: Yeah, especially after the first time.", "Danny: What happened?", "Paul: Well, she, uh, freaked out a little bit when she was under, and evidently, Kyle was frightened for her and, uh, disrupted the session, so they had to end it.", "Lauren: Eden still wants to help you.", "Paul: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I mean, I realize it's a long shot, but... if ever there was time for a miracle, this it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Hoffman: All right, you found Daisy's cell phone and wallet. What do you do next?", "Eden: (Breathing heavily) I panic... 'cause now I know for sure that Ricky had something to do with Daisy disappearing. (Gasps) I have to get out. No, no, I have to get out. I have to get out now.", "Dr. Hoffman: Eden, you're safe. Nobody can hurt you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Tell me what's happening. What do you see?", "Eden: Um, I'm stuffing Daisy's phone and wallet into my backpack. I've already texted Kevin and I can't wait to tell him what I found, but I'm just really scared that Ricky's gonna come back. So I go and open the door and... (Gasps)", "Dr. Hoffman: What is it, Eden?", "Eden: He caught me. Ohh! (Breathing heavily)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: You are seeing Heather. You said you wouldn't, and you are.", "Eden: He--he's not mad. Actually, Ricky's being really nice.", "Avery: Where is it?", "Paul: It's in there. I saw a reflection." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "In the Abbott family living room, Kelly searches frantically for Nick and Sharon's wedding announcement. Jack walks in and wants to know what she is doing. Kelly asks Jack to accompany her to the wedding, but he doesn't think that he can. In a hotel room somewhere in Genoa City, Phyllis looks at Nick's wedding invitation. Avery asks Joe what he is doing here. At the GCPD, Paul ushers Nikki into the interrogation room to join Dylan. Paul lets Nikki know that Dylan has been arrested for the first degree murder of Ian Ward but it is just a \"hoax\". Paul asks for Nikki's help in luring Ian out of hiding. At the Underground, Summer is surprised to see Fenmore. She introduces him to Mariah and then to Austin. At the Athletic Club dining room, Lauren and Gloria meet for lunch and some girl talk. Michael gets a clean bill of health from his doctor. Lauren asks Gloria where Jeff is, but she seems upset by the question. Watching Summer and Fenmore together, Mariah asks Austin about their connection. Summer tells Fenmore all the latest gossip from Genoa City about Nick and Sharon getting remarried and also about her marriage to Austin. Summer also tells him about Jack and Kelly and that she thought Jack would never give up on Phyllis. Fenmore fills Summer in on his life in Arizona and that he has been dating some.", "Phyllis daydreams about how her life would be with Jack. Jack explains to Kelly about his unceasing anger toward Nick. Kelly tells Jack that she found a picture of Phyllis in the cabinet and wonders if this is what triggered all these feelings. Jack says he found the picture of Phyllis on the mantle and had put it back into the cabinet. Michael arrives from the doctor and Lauren immediately wants to know what he said. Lauren and Gloria begin to argue over the fact that Michael had a doctor's appointment and didn't tell her. Joe and Avery have a long-awaited heart-to-heart talk, and he admits he wasn't the kind of husband that she deserved. Paul and Dylan let Nikki in on their plan to lure Ian out of hiding. Nikki agrees to do what she can to help. Paul instructs Nikki to let Victor know all about their plans. Paul releases a statement to the press about Dylan's arrest. At the Underground, Mariah tells Austin about Dylan's arrest in the murder of Ian Ward. Fenmore tells Summer that he has to go and meet his parents to say good-bye before he leaves town. He issues a warning to Austin not to hurt Summer. Phyllis remembers Jack putting the engagement ring back on her finger while she was comatose. Phyllis mumbles to herself that she remembers as she rocks back and forth on the bed. The doctor puts a rush on Michael's lab tests when he finds something wrong.", "" ]
[ "Jack: What are you looking for?", "Kelly: Oh. [Chuckles] I could have sworn I left nick and Sharon's wedding invitation in here somewhere.", "Jack: No sign of it, huh?", "Kelly: No. Oh, well. It's not like I don't have all the details.", "Jack: I'm sure you have planned a lovely event.", "Kelly: Which reminds me, I have good news. Even though I have to work the reception tomorrow, I got someone to cover for me earlier, so you and I can go to the ceremony together.", "Jack: Actually, I may not be going to the wedding after all.", "Phyllis: There is nothing better than having a man you admire and respect tell you he is falling in love with you.", "Jack: Admire and respect? That's all I get?", "Phyllis: You know it isn't.", "Avery: Joe.", "Joe: Now, I know you didn't expect to see your ex-husband show up on your doorstep.", "Avery: No, I didn't. Uh, come in. What are you doing here, Joe?", "Nikki: Dylan, what are you doing here? Paul, what is going on?", "Paul: He's been arrested for murder.", "Nikki: What?! You said he wasn't in any trouble.", "Dylan: I'm not.", "Nikki: Then why are you here?", "Dylan: It's all a hoax.", "Nikki: A hoax?", "Paul: Right. And we're letting you in on it because we need you to pull it off.", "Summer: Oh, it's so good to see you!", "Fenmore: You, too.", "Summer: What are you doing here?", "Fenmore: I just have a small break from school.", "Summer: Oh, my -- okay, wait. Let me introduce you. Okay, Mariah, this is fen, and this is Mariah. I've known fen basically my entire life.", "Mariah: It is very nice to meet you.", "Fenmore: Wow. You look just like --", "Summer: Yeah. No. It's a really long story. I'll fill you in later. More importantly, this is -- this is my husband, Austin Travers. Austin, this is fen.", "Austin: Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.", "Fenmore: Yeah, I haven't heard enough about you, but it's good to finally meet the guy who stole Summer's heart.", "Gloria: Fen's in town?!", "Lauren: Yes!", "Gloria: So, where's my handsome grandson?", "Lauren: He went to go visit a friend.", "Gloria: Who?", "Lauren: I'm assuming it's probably Summer. But he'll be back.", "Gloria: Okay. Well, I can't wait to see him. What a wonderful surprise -- fen in town for a visit. You and Michael must be ecstatic.", "Lauren: Well, once we got over the shock, definitely.", "Gloria: I thought we'd be celebrating. Where on earth is Michael?", "Michael: Nothing like a urological exam to get the old blood pressure to spike. So, what's the verdict?", "Lauren: A lawyer is a very busy man, and when he can break away, he will join us. So, where's Jeff?", "Gloria: Oh, yeah -- him. When I called to tell him about fen's visit and to get his you-know-what over here, he said he wasn't free -- that he had to see a man about a dog.", "Lauren: I guess we know what that really means.", "Gloria: Yeah -- favorite jock's at his favorite racetrack again. Eh. Never mind. I'm gonna manage just fine without him.", "Lauren: Yes, you are. And I'm glad you could make it, because Michael's really looking forward to some family time.", "Gloria: Yeah, you two better watch out. No empty nest. You're gonna have to take it easy tonight.", "Lauren: Excuse me?", "Gloria: Oh, Lauren, you just have that wonderful glow about you. Clearly, you are a very satisfied woman. And I guess I owe you an apology.", "Lauren: I can't wait. For what?", "Gloria: For making that smart remark about it being trouble -- you know, Michael partnering with bombshell Avery. It's just that he's always had a thing for blond attorneys.", "Lauren: Well, the good thing is he got over that long ago, 'cause, believe me, he is very satisfied with what's going on at home -- very.", "Dr. Botnik: Everything looks good, pending the lab results.", "Michael: So, there's no medical excuse for me to bow out of our golf game?", "Dr. Botnik: Are you kidding? Only chance I'll get to win that money back.", "Michael: [Laughs] Good luck with that.", "Dr. Botnik: Oh, and, listen, regarding the medication you sampled, there's no reason you shouldn't keep taking it. If you like, I'll write you a script.", "Michael: No. You know what? Uh...I've changed my mind, ed. Believe it or not, I don't think that's not gonna be necessary. As great as those little blue pills work, I truly believe now that stress was the major cause of my problem, and I have been handling that much better lately, so I-I don't think I'm gonna need any extra help in the bedroom, all right?", "Avery: When we talked on the phone last month, you didn't say a word about wanting to see me. [Sighs] It's been years, Joe, since the divorce", "Joe: I'm in town on business. I figured I'd look you up. The phone call went well -- certainly a lot less awkward than I expected -- so I figured you wouldn't mind me stopping by. The place looks...warm... inviting.", "Avery: You just happened to have business in Genoa City, of all places?", "Joe: Yeah. The firm I used to be with when we were married went belly up. I'm in commercial real estate now, looking at some properties -- Milwaukee, St. Louis, Chicago, and, of all places, Genoa City, where my ex-wife happens to live. I didn't expect you to be here, either.", "Avery: A case brought me here. And I stayed because this is where my sister was living.", "Joe: Phyllis -- the one I never met.", "Avery: We weren't exactly close then.", "Joe: I take it that's changed?", "Avery: Uh, it was rough between us for a very long time, but we -- we got to a better place. And thank God for that, because a year ago, Phyllis was in an accident. She's been in a coma ever since.", "Joe: Wow. I'm sorry for that. At least you two got to have that time.", "Avery: Well, I'm holding out hope that we'll have even more time.", "Joe: Well, it looks like you've made a great life for yourself -- the new firm, the relationship.", "Avery: Things are good.", "Joe: Well, I have to admit, when I heard that Dylan was still alive and you two got back together, it kind of threw me.", "Avery: I can imagine.", "Joe: What's important to me, Avery, is that you're happy. Now that I'm in Genoa City, I think it's time that I finally meet him.", "Nikki: So, you haven't committed any crime?", "Dylan: All the evidence points to me, but I swore to Paul that I didn't do anything wrong.", "Paul: I believe that he's innocent. And it seems as though I'm the only one on the force that believes he didn't.", "Nikki: Thank you for standing by our son.", "Dylan: No one's more grateful than I am. Trust me.", "Nikki: Okay. Tell me what you've come up with. Where do I fit in?", "Paul: Well, it became increasingly clear that Dylan was being set up to look like a murderer. Some very damning evidence had been planted, so we put our heads together to devise a plan to prove that he had been framed.", "Dylan: Yeah. Everything that we're doing is to lure Ian back and capture him.", "Nikki: You think he's still alive?", "Paul: We do. And we'd like you to help us to bring him to justice. Now, if you don't want any part of it or you're not feeling up to it, we can --", "Nikki: No. Of course I will do it. I'm glad that you asked me. What do I need to do?", "Gloria: Well, let's face it -- men have their needs.", "Lauren: And we don't?", "Gloria: No, no, no, no. I never said that. It's just that if we're going to have a mutually satisfying marriage to somebody who's handsome and viral and worldly and --", "Michael: Hey, hey!", "Gloria: Like my son.", "Lauren: Oh, hi! I'm so happy you're here, 'cause we were talking and talking and waiting for you and fen to come back.", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. The doctor's appointment took longer than I expected.", "Gloria: Lauren didn't tell me you were at the doctor. What's wrong?", "Mariah: [Sighs] So, what's the deal with them?", "Austin: You heard Summer. They're old friends. I mean, she's known him practically since they were born.", "Mariah: That explains why the two are so cozy -- two peas in a pod.", "Summer: And that's the story of Mariah.", "Fenmore: That is unreal.", "Summer: I know. Moving on, I want to hear about you. I feel like it's been a really long time since I got an e-mail or anything.", "Fenmore: I'm really sorry about that. I've just been crazy busy.", "Summer: Studying?", "Fenmore: A little of that. [Chuckles] I'm actually taking some classes I actually like, so I'm pulling \"A's\" so far.", "Summer: Oh, okay. Of course you are. What else are you doing?", "Fenmore: I am dating a little.", "Summer: Oh!", "Fenmore: I'm pledging a frat.", "Summer: Nice.", "Fenmore: Arizona's fantastic. You should come visit.", "Summer: Yeah. We'd love to.", "Fenmore: You're a \"we\" now. Wow. It is... it's wild that you're married -- all settled down and everything.", "Summer: [Laughing] I know. Look at me -- somebody's wife.", "Fenmore: Yeah. When you called and told me, I was pretty blown away.", "Summer: Yeah. Being married to Austin has been -- it's been the greatest thing ever. He treats me like a queen.", "Fenmore: He'd better.", "Summer: Well, you're gonna love him once you get to know him.", "Fenmore: Okay. Well, I won't get a chance this time. I'm actually only in town overnight.", "Summer: You are? So, you're not gonna get to come to nick and Sharon's wedding?", "Fenmore: How are you feeling about those two getting married again?", "Summer: Surprisingly, I'm okay with it.", "Fenmore: Really?", "Summer: Yeah. You know, what's weirder for me is seeing Jack moving on from my mom.", "Fenmore: How do you mean?", "Summer: Geez, it really has been a long time. Jack has a new woman in his life, and her name's Kelly. They're living together and everything.", "Fenmore: That was fast.", "Summer: Yeah. That's what I thought at first. I mean, I still kind of do. But Kelly's nice, and she makes Jack happy, and she's been really supportive of Austin and me, so I'm just trying to accept it.", "Fenmore: Yeah, but it's got to be rough. I mean, I know it's been a while since Phyllis' accident, but... but it doesn't really feel that long.", "Summer: I just thought that Jack believed what I believed -- you know, that my mom would come back to us one day, but --", "Fenmore: Look, if it's any consolation, I totally think she will. I doubt anything could keep Phyllis away from her Supergirl forever.", "Jack: Welcome home.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: I considered carrying you over the threshold, but I thought maybe that was a bit much.", "Phyllis: Yeah, considering your back and -- oh, yeah -- we're not married.", "Jack: We can move your things in tomorrow or today. I've spoken to Mrs. Martinez, told her what your favorite foods are. She'll stock up --", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. She does not have to go to any bother for me.", "Jack: Of course she does. You're the lady of the house now.", "Phyllis: I'm so glad you convinced me to move in with you.", "Jack: You should always listen to me.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] Sure. I'm listening.", "Jack: I am so happy you are back in my life.", "Phyllis: Me, too.", "Kelly: I thought you'd gotten over resenting nick.", "Jack: Because of his actions, I was robbed of a chance to raise my daughter. Much as I'd like to be the bigger man here, I'm afraid \"forgive and forget\" is not an option.", "Kelly: Well, I guess, then, I have been reading you all wrong.", "Jack: Most of the time, I can be civil with him, for Summer's sake. I mean, she's been through so much, the least I can do is show a little effort, but... last night, a lot of the negative history between nick and me came out.", "Kelly: I don't know, Jack. I thought it all ended on a very decent note.", "Jack: It's not that I don't wish him well -- I do. I have a certain affection for nick. But this anger is still inside of me. And after all the ugliness at the bachelor party, I'm not sure I want to show up at the church.", "Kelly: Jack, I understand that this is a very strange circumstance, but I'm kind of worried that if you don't go, you'll wind up regretting it.", "Jack: Why?", "Kelly: Because there are other people there whose feelings matter to you -- Sharon, for instance. I saw how happy you were when she told you about the wedding. And it'll be really important for Summer for you to be there. It's meant so much for her to see you and nick get past everything that's gone on between you. I'm sure Phyllis would want you to go for those reasons alone.", "Jack: Phyllis would want nothing to do with this wedding. She wouldn't want to hear about her ex-husband remarrying his first wife. What? No, wait. W-- hey. What's wrong?", "Kelly: Nothing. I didn't want to say anything. Look, I found a picture of Phyllis in that cabinet, and I couldn't help but wonder if you had been looking at it... wonder if this situation with nick stirred up your feelings about Phyllis. Look, I want you to feel like you can talk to me about Phyllis. It makes sense that this wedding would bring up some stuff between the two of you and nick and everything that happened.", "Jack: That is not what this is about.", "Kelly: Okay.", "Jack: I found that picture on the mantel yesterday.", "Kelly: What was it doing there?", "Jack: I don't know. Mrs. Martinez found it and left it there, but, yes, I admit it threw me. I put it in the cabinet. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, and, of course, I screwed that up because that's exactly how you feel right now.", "Kelly: Well, just momentarily.", "Jack: Okay. Be that as it may, I promise you Phyllis has nothing to do with my reservations about going to this wedding.", "Kelly: Okay. But I'd you to go.", "Jack: Kelly --", "Kelly: No, please. It'd be a wonderful gesture for so many people, including me.", "Jack: This means a lot to you, doesn't it?", "Kelly: Yes. I used to be so trapped by the past, and you have shown me how -- how good it feels to accept everything that you can't change and to work to build a better future. I have come to believe that if you put positive energy out there into the universe, then that's what you'll get back.", "Jack: I can't argue with a damn thing you just said.", "Kelly: Well, excellent. Then you'll go with me to the ceremony?", "Jack: On one condition -- as busy as you are at that reception, I want you to make time for one dance with me -- one long, slow dance.", "Kelly: Twist my arm.", "Michael: It was a regular appointment, Gloria -- no big deal.", "Gloria: Well, if that's true, why did she lie about it?", "Lauren: Excuse me? I didn't lie.", "Gloria: A lie of omission is still a lie.", "Lauren: Don't you think my husband has the right to a little privacy?", "Gloria: All right. You call it \"privacy.\" I call it \"omission.\"", "Michael: Hey, hey, hey! It was a standard checkup. I'm healthy as a horse -- nothing of interest to report.", "Lauren: That sounds wonderfully boring.", "Michael: Thankfully, it was. Ah. I hope this is caffeinated.", "Lauren: [Chuckles]", "Avery: Dylan's tied up, so it won't be possible for you to meet him now, but even if he were free, I don't think that's a very good idea.", "Joe: There's no need for that. I'm not looking to pick a fight.", "Avery: I wouldn't be comfortable with that, Joe.", "Joe: Because he was the man that you had an affair with while we were married? Look, for the longest time, I was hurt by that. I've done a lot of soul searching, Avery, and realize that I'm the one to blame for what happened. I wasn't the husband that you deserve. I was married to my job. I didn't even have time to cross paths with the man that was in our home, who you eventually turned to because I wasn't there.", "Avery: Joe, we both made mistakes.", "Joe: Look, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone but me. I'm over it. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.", "Avery: Tell me about your life. Have you remarried?", "Joe: No. Busy working. Relationships here and there but nothing serious.", "Avery: Well, I really hope that you -- you find someone special.", "Joe: [Chuckles] That makes two of us. I should go. I've got some meetings tomorrow morning, and I catch the first flight out.", "Avery: Oh, okay. So... [Chuckles] I guess this is it.", "Joe: Yeah, I guess so. Well, it was so lovely to see you, Avery. Keep in touch. Yeah.", "Avery: Bye, Joe.", "Dylan: As much as that bastard wanted money, when he had the opportunity to get it and go, Ian's obsession with you brought him back. You were the last person he went to see before he disappeared.", "Paul: So, we want to place an ad in the newspaper, a personal ad, ostensibly from you -- enough to intrigue him to come out of hiding, to lure him to a meeting.", "Nikki: So, you want to use me as bait?", "Paul: Well, yes, but you're never going to be in danger because you're never gonna go to the meeting.", "Dylan: You'll be safe and protected at all times.", "Paul: Look, Nikki, if you're at all uncomfortable with having your name associated with this, if it's too stressful, your health is more of a concern than anything else.", "Nikki: No. Paul, not at all. I can handle this.", "Paul: You sure?", "Nikki: Absolutely. I'm in.", "Dylan: Okay. That's great.", "Paul: All right. Until this gets into motion, this all has to be very confidential. The three of us are in on it, Avery, and so is Chris.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Anybody else? Any police officers?", "Paul: No. But I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position with your husband. So, we know that Victor can be discreet. I think he should be informed.", "Nikki: So, what's next?", "Paul: All right. The first step is to release the information that we believe Ian ward to be dead and Dylan is charged with his murder. Now, the rumors are already swirling around, and the press expects me to make a statement. They're probably swarming the building now.", "Dylan: Yeah, no doubt about that.", "Paul: So, we wait for the word to circulate, and then we place the ad.", "Nikki: What about Summer? What about Mariah?", "Paul: They will have to be protected, just in case Ian ward wants to check up on his other victims when he slithers back into town.", "Nikki: Well, it seems like you've got everything covered.", "Paul: Thanks, Nik, for agreeing to help. I'll give you guys a moment while I make my official statement to the media.", "Nikki: I just hate that everybody's gonna think you're a murderer.", "Dylan: I mean, in the short run, it's worth it. Isn't that why you're helping us?", "Nikki: That man terrorized me. I'm willing to do anything I can to make sure he suffers for what he's done.", "Paul: Mr. McAvoy was arrested without incident this morning. The arraignment is scheduled for later this afternoon, and the charge will be first-degree homicide. Are there any questions? Chief, how did it feel to arrest your own son?", "Paul: I did what I had to do.", "Austin: Hey, what's wrong?", "Mariah: Breaking news -- Dylan McAvoy's been arrested for murdering Ian.", "Austin: Whoa. Are you okay?", "Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It means I don't have to get that stupid annulment now, do I? Pisses me off, though. If he's really dead, like the cops are saying, it means I won't get to tell him off for what he did to me.", "Austin: Wait. Look, I know the guy turned out to be a total creep, but he was like a father to you.", "Austin: Yeah. He was the only real family I had, and... until the end, he never treated me badly -- just the opposite. But everyone will be happy that he's dead and gone.", "Austin: I'm sorry.", "Fenmore: Yeah. Your mom can be intense.", "Summer: [Chuckling] Yeah.", "Fenmore: Yeah, but when things got crazy in your family or my family, she was always looking out for you, making sure you were happy.", "Summer: Yeah, especially around the holidays. She would sweat over every single detail.", "Fenmore: I know, right? You wouldn't think someone like Phyllis would be a sucker for Christmas, but she totally was.", "Summer: Big-time, yes.", "Fenmore: God. Do you remember that pageant she had us do?", "Summer: I barely had any lines, and she was so proud of me.", "Fenmore: Aww.", "Summer: Do you remember she used to get so happy when we would pick out each other's gifts for the holidays?", "Fenmore: She knew that we'd always be friends, and we will, even if I am just a couple thousand miles away. Anyway, um... I got to go, but it was -- it was really great to see you.", "Summer: You're leaving, like, right now?", "Fenmore: Yeah. My folks are waiting for me.", "Summer: Oh. Well, I'm really happy that you found me and came by.", "Fenmore: Me, too.", "Summer: Um, hey, guys. Fen's leaving.", "Austin: Oh. Well, you're gonna have to come over and see our place next time you're in town. We can hang out.", "Summer: Yeah. Sure.", "Fenmore: That sounds good.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Fenmore: You'd better not hurt her.", "Kelly: Ohh. Ohh, you would not believe my to-do list today.", "Jack: Yeah? A little bit like mine.", "Kelly: Maybe we should do the responsible thing and --", "Jack: Hell, no. I love you, Kelly.", "Kelly: I love you, too. Ohh.", "Jack: That makes it official. You are gonna be the most beautiful bride. I can just see you in your lovely dress... walking down the aisle. This ring is my pledge to you. I will wait here... as long as it takes. I'll wait for you. I promise.", "Phyllis: [Breathing shakily] I heard you, Jack. [Sighs]", "Michael: Oh, I'm so glad you're here.", "Gloria: My turn! My turn! My turn! Oh, I am so glad. Look at you -- my big, grown-up college man. Ooh, I bet the ladies are loving you out there in new Mexico.", "Fenmore: Uh, it's Arizona.", "Gloria: [Laughs] See? That's how charming you ar -- my grandson taking over the entire southwest.", "Fenmore: Yeah, I do okay.", "Gloria: I bet you do. Oh, I just wish Jeffrey were here. He'd be as proud of you as I am.", "Fenmore: Would you tell him hi for me?", "Gloria: You bet I will. Let me see. Is it my imagination, or have you gotten taller since you've been gone.", "Lauren: I'm so glad you finally went to the doctor. I'm sure you were tired of hearing me ask.", "Michael: Just like I know you were tired of asking.", "Lauren: I know everything's been so great between us, but I'm concerned. I mean, was everything okay, or was that just for Gloria?", "Michael: According to Dr. Botnik, I am in tip-top shape.", "Lauren: Botnik?", "Michael: Yeah. I told you about him. He's part of my regular foursome. And, luckily for me, he's also a urologist.", "Lauren: Oh.", "Michael: Not an expertise that I've ever sought out before and hopefully will never again.", "Lauren: Oh, poor baby. It's really awful?", "Michael: Horrendous but probably no worse than that you ladies go through.", "Lauren: Aww. You truly, truly are okay?", "Michael: Yeah, well, judge for yourself.", "Lauren: Mm.", "Fenmore: Guys, can you get a room, please?", "Lauren: Yeah!", "Michael: That's a good idea.", "Lauren: Honey! [Laughs]", "Michael: [Growls]", "Mariah: Hey! Hey! Would you mind? Your glass. Do you see what I'm doing here? O I'm working. I know that's a totally alien concept to you, but --", "Summer: Geez! Gosh! There!", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Summer: What is wrong? Why are you in such a crap mood, anyways?", "Mariah: Ian's dead. Dylan's in jail. It doesn't exactly make me smile.", "Summer: Dylan's in jail? Oh, my gosh. My poor aunt Avery.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh! Poor them! Why don't you say it?", "Summer: Say what?", "Mariah: You are glad that the only person who ever gave a damn about me growing up is dead.", "Summer: I wanted him caught and out of our lives, Mariah. I do not go around wishing people dead.", "Austin: Okay. Can we just chill, you know? I'm trying to keep things peaceful around here.", "Mariah: Yeah. I'll make it easy for you.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Word officially out now?", "Paul: Well, just so you know, I didn't have to fake being upset at the press conference.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sure not.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Yeah? Come on in.", "Avery: Hi. Sorry that took so long. I have the law book that I went home to get.", "Paul: I was just filling in Nikki. She's on board.", "Avery: Thank you.", "Nikki: I'm glad we'll be working together on this. Seems only right, considering how it began.", "Dylan: That's one way to look at it.", "Nikki: This is a tremendous sacrifice you're making, and I know it's going to be difficult for you. At the same time, I'm grateful that you won't be out on the streets when it happens, but that way you won't be tempted to make matters into your own hands and go after him yourself.", "Paul: Nikki, if you don't mind, before we leave, I would like a word with you in private.", "Nikki: Sure.", "Paul: And you two don't have much time. We have to get Dylan back in his cell to await for arraignment. That's later this afternoon.", "Nikki: Is there anything I can do for you? What about your business? Is there somebody I can contact for you?", "Avery: I already spoke to the assistant manager, and he's taking over for now.", "Dylan: Well, thanks for handling that.", "Avery: Of course.", "Nikki: If there's anything else that I can help with, please let me know.", "Dylan: No. You're doing enough, Nikki.", "Nikki: [Sighs] I just hate leaving you here like this.", "Dylan: Trust me -- I'd much rather be at nick and Sharon's wedding tomorrow.", "Nikki: Well, you'll be missed, but it can't be helped.", "Dylan: Avery, you can -- you can still go to the wedding without me if that's what you want.", "Avery: Well, uh, you know, to be honest, I have a million things going on in my head right now, so I really don't know what my plans will be at this point.", "Nikki: Well, you're certainly welcome, but if you can't, we'll understand.", "Avery: Thank you for being so gracious.", "Paul: Okay. Shall we?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: What? Why are you looking at me like that?", "Dylan: Look, I know something's going on with you. So, what's up?", "Nikki: Is there a problem?", "Paul: Before we move ahead on this, I want to make sure we're on the same page.", "Nikki: Of course.", "Paul: Make no mistake -- you will not be involved beyond letting us use your name in the personal ad. And you will be nowhere in the vicinity of that madman when he is apprehended. We need to do this exactly as planned. Is that understood?", "Nikki: I understand perfectly, Paul. You don't need to worry.", "Paul: Well, I --", "[Telephone rings]", "Paul: Yeah. Williams. All right. What time? What time is that gonna happen?", "Dylan: You didn't answer me.", "Avery: What's going on with me? The man I love is in jail. I'm worried.", "Dylan: I'm gonna be all right. I promise. And it won't be long before this is all over... and then we can just get back to our lives.", "Nikki: [Sighs] I really wish you had answered so I could have heard your real voice instead of a recording for once. Frankly, I thought you would have been home by now. Since I don't know when that will be or I don't even know where you are, just please call me. I miss you. I really need my husband.", "Nikki: Excuse me. Could I have a lemonade, please?", "Michael: Okay. You know how to take a picture with this thing, Gloria?", "Gloria: Yes.", "Michael: All right. Make sure all three of us are in frame, and then you tap our faces to focus.", "Gloria: Tap, tap!", "Michael: Okay. That's very, very funny. Here.", "Lauren: Tap the screen, Gloria.", "Michael: Take the damn picture, all right? Just please!", "Fenmore: Are you getting sentimental in your old age, dad?", "Lauren: Aw, he's not old. He's just well seasoned.", "Michael: You know what? You can tease me all you want, but I'll never forget what this family's been through -- how we just sat around and hoped for a day when everything will be fine, and that day has come and I'm overjoyed, and if that makes me sentimental, then so be it. Just take the picture. Smile, everyone!", "Gloria: I love you all.", "Dr. Botnik: Hey, Carl, it's ed. Yeah, listen -- do me a favor, would you? Put a rush on the remaining lab results for Michael Baldwin. I don't like some of these levels I'm seeing here.", "Austin: You didn't say anything wrong.", "Summer: Then why did Mariah blow up like that?", "Austin: She's just in a sensitive place right now, and you and I both know what it's like to lose someone we care about.", "Summer: \"So have a little compassion, Summer.\" Fine, but does she have to be so nasty?", "Austin: It looked like you and fen had a good visit.", "Summer: Yeah. Yeah, we did. We got to talking about all the good times that we had with my mom. You know, she and fen's parents are best friends, so as kids, we were practically part of each other's families.", "Austin: It sounds like you two have a lot of history.", "Summer: We do. You and I will have some, too, someday.", "Austin: Yeah. Yeah.", "Summer: Okay?", "Kelly: [Laughs] Please tell me we don't have to move for the rest of the day.", "Jack: No, no. You'll get no argument from me. Besides, we have to create as many memories in this old bed as we can. Once you start redecorating, starting with this room, well, in no time, this place will be yours.", "Kelly: Thank you... for making me feel... so at home.", "Jack: Anything for you.", "Phyllis: How much can I get for this?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: You haven't forgotten what today is?", "Mariah: Sharon and nick's wedding is about to start. If you don't get here in time to tell nick the truth, I will.", "Sharon: How do I look?", "Phyllis: Perfect." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Sharon's doctor runs a pregnancy test on her and tells Patty that Sharon is pregnant and isn't lying to anyone. When Patty gives her the news, Sharon is thrilled that she is pregnant again. The doctor tells Sharon that the blood work she did on her revealed that she is in the middle of a bipolar episode, so she gives her stronger medication that makes her sleepy. Patty sneaks into Sharon's room while she is asleep and leaves baby booties. Sharon's doctor arrives and wonders what Patty is doing in Sharon's room. Chelsea tells Adam that their relationship never had a future, and she is going to tell everyone his true identity, so that he can pay for all the awful things he has done.", "Kyle, Jack, and Victoria try to persuade Billy to stop buying up pieces of Newman Enterprises that are being sold, because of the Paragon virus, but Billy is determined to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Adam tries to tell Ian to put an end to the computer virus, but instead Ian tells Phyllis that Adam is alive and that he was his partner in the Paragon Project. Paul arrests Ian at the park and takes him back to prison. Phyllis goes to Victor's office and tells him and Jack everything Ian told her about Adam. Chelsea goes to Billy's office and tells him and Victoria that Adam is alive and has been pretending to be Gabriel Bingham.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: There she is.", "Jack: Where? Oh.", "Phyllis: Summer?", "Summer: Yeah? Hey, what's wrong? Mom, did you see Ian again?", "Phyllis: She doesn't know.", "Summer: I don't know what?", "Jack: Ian managed to sneak back into the prison after you saw him with your mom.", "Phyllis: I went to confront him.", "Summer: Mom, why would you do that?", "Phyllis: Because I didn't want him to get away with what he did. Your grandfather beat me to it, by the way. And this Fred or Ian, whatever he's calling himself, acted like he didn't know me.", "Summer: Well, he's back in prison, so that's a relief, right?", "Phyllis: Not anymore. We just got the call. He is back out.", "Summer: [Scoffs] Great, so we're back where we started.", "Jack: No, the difference is this time we know he's out. So does the warden. Ian's taking a big risk here. This is a man making his final move.", "Phyllis: Ian could be anywhere doing anything.", "Ian: [Humming \"Waltz of the Flowers\"] They grow up so fast my precious paragon you were just a glimmer in your daddy's eye a dream, a dream so long ago and look at you now", "[Laughs] Ah, chewing a hole in Newman Enterprises from the inside out, my little, sweet paragon. Oh, wait till they get a load of what you can really do. [Laughs] [Gasps] Just wait. [Laughs]", "Kyle: Please tell me you're not.", "Billy: Not what? Buying up Newman's assets at well below market value? Okay, I won't tell you that.", "Kyle: Billy, those assets aren't actually for sale. It's the damn paragon virus making them available. Okay, don't you see it's like buying stolen car parts from some back-alley chop shop?", "Billy: Now, see, somebody with limited vision... might see it that way, but I have this whole alternate theory. Follow along. Newman enterprises is actually in the toilet and they're having this fire sale to generate capital, but Victor's too embarrassed to admit that, so they cooked up the whole paragon thing as a ruse, a cover-up. At least if any cop or fed comes asking me about it, that's what I'll tell them.", "Kyle: Shut it down, Billy.", "Billy: Shut it down. No, you know, I think I'm good, and you don't need to worry, nephew, because your hands are clean.", "Kyle: Billy, I'm not worried about me. I'm just looking out for you, uncle, because Victor's gonna have your head.", "Billy: And just when I thought this day couldn't get any better. Let him try.", "Victor: You find a way, damn it! I want this virus stopped before these vultures pick off every last bit of my company!", "[Telephone slams]", "Victoria: How is this happening? If this is a virus, then there must be a code to shut it down, dad.", "Abby: Until then, what can we do to help?", "Victor: What can you do to help? After you two were arrested protecting my enemy?", "Victoria: Dad! We're here now.", "Victor: Too late! My company is being brought down to its knees!", "Paul: So you made this yourself?", "Patty: Yeah.", "Paul: It's really pretty. It is. So, you've been eating and taking your meds, right?", "Patty: Yep, I'm looking after myself, I promise, while you're looking after an entire city.", "[Both laugh]", "Paul: Yeah.", "Patty: I am so proud of you! Are you proud of me?", "Paul: Oh, yeah, I'm very proud of you, Pattycakes. Always. I mean, look at you. You're doing well. Wasn't that long ago when we couldn't even have a conversation like this.", "Patty: Yeah.", "Paul: Right?", "Patty: Yeah. It's just so --", "Paul: That makes me happy.", "Patty: I know, but it just -- it's hard work.", "Paul: Okay, it's worth it.", "Patty: I want to be good, make the doctors see how hard I'm trying, but it's so unfair.", "Paul: What is?", "Patty: Well, when they can't see that another patient is lying through her teeth. How come they let her get away with it?", "Dr. Anderson: Just another second. You okay?", "Sharon: [Winces] What kind of tests will you run?", "Dr. Anderson: Oh, just standard blood panels. Want to make sure your system is absorbing the medication, make sure your levels are consistent during your pregnancy. All done. You can relax now. No more needles.", "Chelsea: And that's not the end of it. I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done, all the rotten, rotten things you've done, starting with Delia. [Gasps]", "Adam: You are right about one thing. This isn't the end.", "Chelsea: Go away.", "Adam: Chelsea.", "Chelsea: I'll call the police. I will. I swear.", "Adam: You do whatever you want. That's my son in there.", "Chelsea: Your son? Your son?", "Adam: That's right. Stop. You want to hate me, Chelsea? Hate me. That's fine. You can't cut me out of my son's life. You understand?", "Chelsea: You cut yourself out of your son's life. You got a new face and a new name and a new life, remember? Gabriel Bingham doesn't have a son. He has no rights to Connor Newman. So walk away, Adam. Unless you're willing to tell the whole world who you really are.", "Victor: This paragon virus is out of control. There's nothing my IT. People can do to stop it. Meanwhile, Billy Abbott is cackling and whooping it up, telling the world that he beat me.", "Victoria: That's not true, dad. We all know that Ian ward is behind this. The Abbotts had nothing to do with it.", "Victor: That punk is buying up every subsidiary, every asset with Ashley Abbott -- your mother's knowledge, by the way.", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Victor: Telling the world he beat me. I should have had your mother's ass hauled back by Interpol when I had a chance.", "Abby: I haven't spoken to mom yet, but I'm sure she wouldn't be thrilled that Billy has gone rogue.", "Victor: Are you serious? She's the head of jabot, for heaven's sake. She's the C.E.O. She knows everything that goes on! She turned a blind eye when Billy boy Abbott bought our shipping line!", "Abby: Okay, what if I spoke to uncle Billy and made him see that this is a mistake?", "Victor: You think that'll help?!", "Victoria: Dad, we're all here to stand behind you and make --", "Victor: Wait a minute. You two were arrested helping that man. This is how he thanks you.", "Victoria: The real enemy here is Ian ward.", "Victor: How naive can you be? You think the real enemy is only Ian ward? It's the Abbotts, as well! They'll be treated as such!", "Billy: Victor might want my head. He might even dream at night about hanging it over his mantel. But here it is still firmly affixed to the rest of me.", "Kyle: Billy, this is Newman enterprises we're talking about here. Do you really think that Victor won't come after you for taking advantage of what's basically stolen property?!", "Billy: Contrary to Victor's ego, he doesn't control everything. And if something is for sale for dirt cheap, I'm buying it. Which, by the way, is exactly what he would do with jabot if he had the chance.", "Kyle: So the fact that he got you and my father out of jail means nothing to you?", "Billy: Kyle, he's the one who had us arrested in the first place!", "Kyle: Okay, does Ashley know that you're spending jabot's money on assets that shouldn't even be up for sale?", "Billy: All right, look, nephew, if this has to do with summer, then buy her some flowers, take her to dinner, and tell her that I'm the big meanie and that you had nothing to do with this dirty business. But don't sit here and tell me how to run my father's company.", "Kyle: Your father. You know, from everything that I've heard about john Abbott, he would never approve of any of this. So you know what, Billy? Yeah, go ahead and you use his name if that's what makes you feel better. But you and I both know that you're dragging his company through the mud.", "[Door opens]", "[Door slams]", "Jack: Now that we know where you are, I have arranged a guard for you. You will have protection when you go home tonight, when you go to class tomorrow, anywhere you go.", "Phyllis: We don't want you scared, baby. Just aware. You live your life.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Jack: Yeah, we will take care of the rest. Oh, sorry, I have to take this. Hey, Kyle, what's up?", "Kyle: You need to get back to the office, dad. Now.", "Jack: Why? What happened?", "Kyle: Billy's buying up more Newman assets, and he doesn't even care that it's just fallout from the paragon virus. I mean, you know and I know how Victor is gonna react to this. I mean, he may as well have drawn a target on his forehead and on all of jabot.", "Jack: All right, I'm on my way.", "Phyllis: What's going on?", "Jack: More of the paragon plague. Um, I have to get to jabot. Listen, both of you, I am not gonna let Ian ward get anywhere near either of you. I promise you that.", "Summer: Thank you, jack.", "Phyllis: Go. I'll see you soon.", "Summer: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Are you okay, honey? I mean, jack can double security.", "Summer: No, it's fine. I already spotted my new bodyguard.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Summer: Yep. I got pretty good at spotting them after grandpa put some guards on everybody.", "Phyllis: Well, it might not make you feel any better, but it gives me some relief.", "Summer: Mom, it's you that I'm worried about. You're the one that Ian's been stalking.", "Phyllis: We just all have to be cautious, that's all.", "Summer: Mom, what is it? Mom, if you want me to protect myself, I need to know what I'm up against.", "Phyllis: What we're up against is a guy who loves to play head games, evidently.", "Summer: Did he -- did he say something that I should know?", "Phyllis: The pig just -- he lit up when he heard your name. And he mentioned he'd like to see you.", "Summer: Good.", "Phyllis: \"Good\"?", "Summer: Yeah, good that you told me, because I can handle this. I'm not a kid anymore.", "Phyllis: No. You're not a kid anymore. But you're my kid, so tough luck, baby. That's not gonna change.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Summer: What is it? More news?", "Phyllis: No, no, it's nothing to worry about.", "Summer: Okay, if it's Ian or paragon, you should tell me.", "Phyllis: Well, amazingly, I have other fish to fry. Listen, I want you to stick by el sluggo over there, okay? Do not go anywhere without him. You hear me?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Okay. I love you.", "Summer: Love you.", "Adam: You want me to suffer? You want to punish me? You find another way to do it, 'cause you can't keep me from my son.", "Chelsea: So now you're the victim here?", "Adam: He loves me. You understand? He loves me, and I love him. Now you tell me right now that I can see Connor, and you and I will work this out, okay?", "Chelsea: Who gets to see Connor? Uncle Gabe, mommy's boyfriend?", "Adam: He deserves to know that he's got a father that loves him, Chelsea!", "Chelsea: So you really want to tell him the truth and let him live in that lie forever?", "Adam: Am I going -- that's what we agreed to, right? You and I, we agreed that we were gonna tell him who I was when the timing was right! Do you remember that?", "Chelsea: God, we really make some great decisions together as parents, don't we? I was deluding myself, thinking that we could have a life together.", "Adam: We can!", "Chelsea: Be a family. It's all lies.", "Adam: What is a lie, exactly? What's a lie?", "Chelsea: You're the lie. Everything about you. You talk this talk about love, but really every fiber of you is consumed in hate, hating Victor, destroying Newman. I can't have my son around that. You are not a good role model for him. He can't be around you when you just have all this hatred pouring out of you. Connor needs to grow up knowing that there are kind people in the world, that there are loving people like Delia and the gift that she --", "Adam: Just forget about Delia, will you please?", "Chelsea: \"Forget Delia\"? You are disgusting!", "Adam: Hold on!", "Chelsea: Get off me!", "Adam: That is not what I meant.", "Chelsea: A child died. Billy will never be the same! Chloe is broken! You say \"forget Delia\"?!", "Adam: That is not what I meant, okay?! Listen, you think I don't have regret?! You think every day of my life I don't wake up with regret?! I am riddled with regret every day!", "Chelsea: What do you do with that regret? Do you try to be a better person? Do you try to be a better man?", "Adam: Yeah, I do.", "Chelsea: No. You're just focused on revenge and hate and lying. It's who you are, Adam, and you are never gonna change, and I see that now. You are never gonna change, because the truth is, inside -- inside your soul, you are the one who's dead.", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: Dr. Anderson?", "Paul: Oh, no, it's just me. Are you up for a visitor?", "Sharon: Paul, yeah, of course. Come on in.", "Paul: Okay. Thanks. I was just checking up on my sister, so, uh, I thought I'd stop in. I hope you don't mind.", "Sharon: No, that's sweet of you to think of me.", "Paul: Oh, Sharon, you're part of the family now. Both of you. So I thought I'd check in and make sure that you and that little hitchhiker are doing fine.", "Sharon: Well, um...", "Paul: Thanks.", "Sharon: I'm feeling pretty good these days.", "Paul: That's good news.", "Sharon: Yeah. Uh, how's Dylan? Have you seen him?", "Paul: I have. I've been keeping him pretty busy, I'm afraid, but, uh, you and the baby are his priority. Dylan knows what matters in life. And he's gonna make a great father.", "Sharon: Well, I miss him and the kids.", "Paul: I bet.", "Sharon: This place has been restful, and it was what I needed. Um, I've seen Patty a few times. She seems better.", "Paul: Yeah, I think so. I hope so.", "Sharon: You don't know?", "Paul: Patty has her moments of being very lucid, and I think, \"wow, you know, she's on her way back.\" And then in a [Snaps fingers] Blink of an eye, it's like I can see I'm totally wrong. I just wish I knew how her mind works, you know, how her thought patterns flow. I mean, just now, for instance, um, I could see that there was something she wanted to tell me, and the words just didn't come out.", "Sharon: Well, maybe next time. You know, if you're patient, maybe she'll eventually open up.", "Patty: Dr. Anderson? I need some reassurance and advice.", "Dr. Anderson: Of course, Patty.", "Patty: My brother Paulie was here, and I didn't tell him what I heard about Sharon not being pregnant. But it's his son's baby, Paulie's grandchild. Yes, I know I learned the information by eavesdropping, and I know that was wrong, but telling my brother would be right, wouldn't it?", "Dr. Anderson: Patty, I don't --", "Patty: Okay, wait. There's another part of my question. Um... if I do tell him the truth, he may think I'm fibbing or worse. Mentally unwell or paranoid. And I'm not. Am I? I heard what I heard.", "Dr. Anderson: Patty, I'm gonna share some information with you. I'm taking a risk here, but I think you need to understand the situation so that you can work through this issue with confidence and clarity.", "Patty: What's the information?", "Dr. Anderson: I had a pregnancy test run on Sharon.", "Adam: We got through the worst of this, right? You know who I am. This time, you know, we can get through this.", "Chelsea: Who you are is a compulsive liar. You chose attacking your father over being with your son. You're an awful son, Adam, and now an awful father.", "Adam: I really wish you wouldn't have said that.", "Chelsea: And apparently a really bad human being. I mean, \"forget Delia\"?", "Adam: Baby, I didn't -- that's not --", "Chelsea: I'm so sick of your words and your lies and your excuses. You have to leave me alone, or I swear I will be the one to take Connor and run somewhere, and you won't be able to find us.", "Adam: I'm gonna -- I'm gonna go and I'm gonna shut down paragon, okay? I'm gonna find a way. I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna come back here, and we're gonna talk. Listen to me. Hey. We're gonna talk, and we're gonna work this out, okay?", "Chelsea: The virus is unstoppable. You said so yourself.", "Adam: I don't care what I said, Chelsea. I'm gonna go fix it. And then I'm gonna come back here and I'm gonna show you that we deserve this chance. We can work this out, okay? Okay?", "Chelsea: We never had a chance, Adam. Never. There was always something in our way because you put it there. Victor, Sharon, Delia, the lies. So many lies. We never had a chance. I see that now. And I... I accept it.", "Adam: What are you doing?", "Chelsea: I don't want this anymore.", "Adam: What are you doing?", "Chelsea: [Sobs]", "Ian: I'm so glad you could make it. Please. Join me?", "Patty: Sharon!", "Sharon: [Gasps]", "Patty: Oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I should have knocked, right? That's appropriate behavior. Next time, I promise.", "Sharon: Um, you just missed Paul. If you hurry, you can find him.", "Patty: Oh, no. Uh, we need to talk. I did something bad, and it was wrong. But now I'm right, and so are you.", "Sharon: I don't understand.", "Patty: I thought that you were lying about giving Paulie a grandchild. But you weren't. You're having a little one after all.", "Sharon: W-- I --", "Patty: The blood test, the blood test. It -- it's a secret, but families don't keep secrets. And we're family, and the tests proved that you were pregnant.", "Sharon: How did you -- no, never mind. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters.", "Patty: You -- you're not mad at me, are you?", "Sharon: Mad? Patty, no! We're family!", "Patty: [Laughs]", "Sharon: Dylan and I are gonna have a baby!", "Patty: Yay! [Laughs]", "Billy: Eh. Of course you're here.", "Jack: What's wrong, Billy? You don't want any witnesses?", "Billy: Nice of Kyle to rat me out to daddy. Look, it's like I told him. His vote doesn't count. Newman assets went up for sale. I bought them. End of story. You abdicated the throne, so...", "Jack: And I'm still on the board, and I will always protect this family.", "Billy: Protect this family from what, jack? From me? Certainly not the enemy, right? Look, I'm the hero tonight.", "Jack: You're making knee-jerk decisions 'cause it's fun to antagonize Victor. That's not leadership. That's carelessness.", "Billy: Thanks, jack.", "Jack: I know you think it feels good. It might even feel good right now. It's a cheap fix. It won't last. Billy, I know you've had a tough couple of years.", "Billy: No, no, no. No. You don't do that. You don't use Delia to try and slap me down. Look, I made good financial decisions. This is exactly what Victor would do if the tables were turned.", "Jack: That's where this is wrong. See, any time you can say \"that's what Victor would do,\" do the opposite. We're better than he is.", "Billy: Yes! Yes, we are! We are better than Victor, which is why we're gonna take him down and make sure he doesn't get back up.", "Victoria: Right now, stopping the virus is a priority for all of us, dad.", "Abby: Granted, I'm no tech geek, but what if we shut down the server? All the laptops, computers?", "Victor: Sweetheart, with all due respect, the virus has deeply penetrated the system, okay? It can't just be turned on and off. It's in remote servers that have already stolen the necessary data from all the memory banks.", "Abby: Okay, okay. That's -- that's very complicated. So while we wait for the new experts, what if we distract the media with an announcement or a publicity stunt?", "Victoria: A stunt? Oh, that's a great idea. What are you gonna do? Ride around on your horsey naked while the rest of the world focuses on that and not a multi-national freefall?", "Abby: Well, Victoria, it's called brainstorming.", "Victor: Please stop all the babble right now! Damn it! Don't have time for this!", "Abby: Sorry. I'm sorry. You need me to be more practical and logical.", "Victor: Will you stop it, sweetheart? You were the first victim of that virus. You thought the uptick in Chelsea's sales had to do with your genius? Are you kidding me or what?", "Abby: Are you saying this is my fault?", "Victor: Stop it! I don't want to deal with your moods or your hurt feelings!", "Abby: There's the answer. [Scoffs] Thanks.", "Victor: Someone is ruining my company! Damn it! You want to follow her, too?!", "Victoria: What do you need me to do, dad?", "Ian: Phyllis, please. Sit down.", "Phyllis: You know me now. That's lovely. Awhile ago, you lied right to my face.", "Ian: My deception pained you, that I would deny our friendship. You know, it touched me that our connection means so much to you.", "Phyllis: Yeah, do you have anything that you want to say to me before I call the cops and have you hauled off to prison?", "Ian: Our connection means a lot to me, too, Phyllis. I loved our talks and the time that we spent together. Believe me, in another universe, I might have taught you how to make trout almondine.", "Phyllis: I don't understand how I didn't notice you're completely off your rocker.", "Ian: Wait. Wait. If my deception wounded you, this next bit of news is going to break your heart.", "Phyllis: You open your mouth and garbage spews right out of it. All that time and attention to weasel information out of me about my husband and the paragon project.", "Ian: No, no, no. Not at all. It was a sincere effort to know you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Victor's my enemy. And he's jack's enemy, too. Especially after the way he took jack away from you.", "Phyllis: What is it you think you know?", "Ian: Oh, I know a lot of marvelous things. I'd love to share them all with you.", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: Come in!", "[Door opens]", "Dr. Anderson: You look much better than earlier, Sharon.", "Sharon: Yes, you know, I feel better. Actually, I feel wonderful.", "Dr. Anderson: Am I correct that you've had a mood shift from earlier? I sensed a tense anxiety before, but you seem almost ebullient now.", "Sharon: Oh, just needles kind of, you know, scare me a little. But, um, makes me nervous. I really do feel wonderful right now, though, dr. Anderson, and I think my time here has done exactly what I needed it to do, and I'm ready to sign out and go home.", "Dr. Anderson: I understand your feeling, but we can't make that sort of decision based solely on your mood at any given moment. That would be irresponsible.", "Sharon: Oh, okay. No, I get it.", "Dr. Anderson: My bigger concern is that your blood work indicates it's too soon to leave.", "Sharon: But I just said --", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon, look, you deserve to fully understand your condition and your treatment. I'm afraid you're in the middle of a bipolar episode.", "Victor: I want every member of the legal team to negate any sales instigated by this virus.", "Victoria: No, listen, our internal security is handling the issue, and Newman enterprises will work as quickly as we can to resolve this issue. Yes, your business is...", "Victor: Do it now!", "Victoria: ...As safe as it ever has been. You have my word. Thank you.", "Victor: What the hell are you doing here? Security didn't let you in.", "Jack: Calm down.", "Victor: Well, that way, I can throw you out.", "Jack: Calm down. I didn't want your damn shipping company, and I don't want any of your other subsidiaries, not --", "Victoria: Well, then, who is buying them?", "Jack: You know exactly who is hitting the buy button. Look, Billy isn't listening to me. I'm counting on you to talk him down.", "Victor: Look, your punk brother's getting his kicks buying up my companies. You honestly think Victoria can stop him?", "Victoria: I have to try, dad.", "Victor: Don't waste your breath.", "Victoria: Let me try. I'll keep you posted.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Victor: Did I ask you to stay?", "Jack: I'm waiting for you to say thank you. I just did you a favor.", "Adam: Where the hell are you, Ian? Kill the virus. Do it now.", "Phyllis: You got a secret that's worth my time, lay it on me. Or I can call chief Williams.", "Ian: Paul? Oh, gosh. Say hi to him for me, would you?", "Phyllis: If you really annoy me, I can call Victor instead.", "Ian: Victor? Why would you rat me out to that cretin? Why? After what he did to you?", "Phyllis: You don't ask questions. That's not how this game works. Therefore, you lose.", "Ian: All right. I didn't work on the paragon project alone. I had a partner.", "Phyllis: Who were you working with?", "Ian: Someone who hates Victor as much as I do, as much as you should, maybe more.", "Phyllis: Well, that narrows it down to a few thousand people. Victor has lots of enemies.", "Ian: Well, how about this? Let's narrow it down to Victor's dead enemies.", "Phyllis: I told you, I am not playing your game.", "Ian: Oh, but you will, 'cause it's so good. Go ahead and make a guess. Who do you think it is?", "Phyllis: Ian, I'm not playing. Tell me who your partner is.", "Ian: My brother-in-arms is none other than Victor's not-so-dearly-departed son Adam Newman, as I live and breathe.", "Sharon: I honestly feel happy and healthy, but if I'm having an episode...", "Dr. Anderson: This is why you checked into Fairview. Given the surge of pregnancy hormones and the fact that you were off your medications for a while, there were bound to be some issues.", "Sharon: But is happiness a bad thing?", "Dr. Anderson: It's neither good nor bad. I was already concerned because your blood work indicated your levels are not where they need to be.", "Sharon: I didn't realize.", "Dr. Anderson: It's nothing we can't handle.", "Sharon: Do you think we could treat me as an outpatient? Because I'd really like to get home to Dylan and our life.", "Dr. Anderson: Sharon, you feel checking into Fairview helped, right?", "Sharon: Yes, so much.", "Dr. Anderson: Well, then staying a little while longer just in case can't hurt.", "Sharon: You're right, you're right. Um... I have to be healthy for the sake of the baby.", "Dr. Anderson: Exactly. Now, look, I want you to get some rest. I have a new protocol that should help with your symptoms.", "Sharon: Um, is this safe for the baby?", "Dr. Anderson: Oh, absolutely. No risk whatsoever. We just want to keep your levels even.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Dr. Anderson: You still scared of needles?", "Sharon: Um, no, I'll be fine. No, I just want to do whatever's best for the baby.", "Dr. Anderson: There we go. You're a good mother, Sharon. Now, look, I want you to get some rest. This medication works quickly, so you're gonna feel it soon.", "Sharon: Oh. I do feel it.", "Dr. Anderson: That's good. That's good. Well, that's progress. Come here. Let's get you down. There you go. Just rest, okay, Sharon? Just rest.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Victor: What? Are you gonna wait for me to say thank you? Ain't gonna happen.", "Jack: Well, maybe an apology is in order. Paragon was Ian's little project, not mine, not the Abbotts, this looming threat that you had to fight right away by leaving me to die on an island while you replaced me with Marco. You were wrong, Victor. Completely, totally, dead wrong. And I paid a terrible price for it.", "Victor: And now you want to watch my company fail. Is that it?", "Jack: No! I want to stop this virus! Hell, I want to end all this insanity for the sake of us, for the sake of our families, our companies, our children, our grandchildren. Enough, already!", "Victor: There will never be peace between us. Never! Because it's not only Ian ward who is involved in this, but someone close to your family or close to you! I feel it in my gut!", "Adam: Come on, come on.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Ian: Hello, my friend.", "Adam: Ian, where the hell are you? I told you this virus dies tonight. Now, I don't care how you do it. You make it happen. You understand?", "Ian: Apologies for being so unreachable earlier. I just had a lovely tête-à- tête with a redhead.", "Adam: Ian, you listen to me. I swear to god, if you hurt Phyllis...", "Ian: Relax. I wouldn't dream of doing that. No, we had a very open and frank discussion. I didn't cause any injuries... to Phyllis.", "Billy: Oh, wow. They really sent in the cavalry, didn't they? Go ahead. Take your best shot. Show me the error of my ways.", "Victoria: I don't have to, Billy. You know this is wrong. Newman enterprises is being attacked from inside its own computer system.", "Billy: Vicki, somebody's going to buy what Newman is selling. It might as well be me instead of some stranger.", "Victoria: This is not like the shipping company! You can't plead ignorance! Look, these deals are not legit, and you know it.", "Billy: Actually, our legal team disagrees with you. They think that if Victor sued us that we'd win, and that's good enough for me.", "Victoria: Really? You know what? I see that glow in your eye like when you're gambling. You get a high off of this, off of beating my father, but it makes you no better than that slimeball Ian ward. You're an accessory to his crime, Billy!", "Billy: Okay, okay. So let's just say this is happening to jabot. And Victor goes on a buying spree. What then?", "Victoria: I would tell him to stop! I would tell him it was wrong, is what I would do.", "Billy: You would?", "Victoria: Yeah, I would.", "Billy: You know what I think? I think you'd come up with a million explanations and reasons. You'd say Victor's Victor and he does what he does. Well, guess what? I'm me. And I do what I do.", "Chelsea: I have to talk to Billy.", "Victoria: Chelsea, now is not the time. Please.", "Chelsea: It is the time. This can't wait. It's about Adam.", "Patty: Sharon. Little mother-to-be. Did the baby make you tired? Okay, you need your rest.", "Sharon: Medicine...", "Patty: Doc broke out the hard stuff? Well, look what I made you. I made you booties for your baby. Have you thought about any names? Paulie and I have \"p\" names, and I was thinking maybe Penelope or Patrick, piper.", "[Door opens]", "Dr. Anderson: Patty! What are you doing in here?", "[Door closes]", "Adam: What did you do to Phyllis?", "Ian: Oh, she is a hell of a woman. I would never do anything to hurt her. As for you, my friend...", "Adam: Me? You threatening me?", "Ian: [Chuckles] It's too late for that, I'm afraid.", "Adam: Put paragon out of commission, and do it now.", "Ian: You have some sort of resistance to reality, don't you? I've told you a million times paragon can't be stopped. Them's the breaks, bud, right? So goodbye, Gabriel Bingham. Rest in peace. [Chuckles] You are punctual and efficient, Paul. You certainly changed since your misspent youth. [Chuckles] Can we move this along, please? It's pasta night at the prison hospital.", "Paul: Well, Ian ward, I have the pleasure to inform you that due to your obvious good health, you've been released from the prison hospital. Not to worry. We have a cell in maximum security for you. Get him out of here.", "Ian: Does this mean no pasta?", "Victoria: Okay, what is there to say about Adam? We don't really have time to deal with this. We're handling a crisis right now.", "Billy: Disagree there's a crisis. Agree not talking about Adam.", "Chelsea: This is something you need to hear, Billy. Please.", "Victoria: Did you not hear me? We don't have time for this. Go. Now.", "Chelsea: Adam's alive. He didn't die in that car crash.", "Billy: Is -- is this some kind of sick joke or something, Chelsea?", "Chelsea: He's alive. And in town. And calling himself Gabriel Bingham.", "Jack: That's right, Victor. Keep finding enemies everywhere you look. The whole world's against you.", "Phyllis: There are enemies everywhere he looks.", "Jack: Hey. What are you doing here? Is it summer?", "Phyllis: This has been a very big puzzle, and I think I have the last piece. Things that didn't make sense are starting to.", "Victor: What the hell are you talking about?", "Phyllis: I wish that there was another way I could say this to you.", "Victor: Spit it out or get out.", "Phyllis: Adam isn't dead, Victor.", "Victor: What do you mean, Adam isn't dead? That's absurd.", "Phyllis: I know how it sounds. It sounds impossible. But your son is alive.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Tell me you didn't know that Adam was alive.", "Phyllis: You've not only been lying to me. What about your brother?", "Billy: You know what, Adam?", "Victor: Enough!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Billy pleads with the board not to take his job by saying he will go to rehab and accept any other conditions they want to place on him but in the end the board votes hime out by a vote of 6 to 2 and he lashes out at them all by telling them he feels betrayed by everyone. Traci assurs Ashley that she will not get attatched to her new job because she will be glad to step down as soon as the board gets rid of the blood Abbott clause. Billy is worried that Jack and Phyllis have formed an alliance and Jack couod use that as an excuse to want a romanic relationship withPhyllis. Phyllis assures Billy that isn't the case and she will be with him every step of the way through his rehab and their relationship will be stronger then ever. Lola manages tol persude Arturo to help Rey move into his apartment although Arturo is worried that Rey is staying in GC. Kyle and Lola plan their next date as sparks continue to fly between them. Summer tells Mariah to kep her mouth shut about Nick and Phyllis to Sharon because she should let them handle their own problems.. Mariahtalks to Faith who is worried that her parents will once again get divorced because they have never been able to be happy together. Mariah tells Sharon about Nick and Phyllis sleeping together a few weeks ago and Sharon is shocked at the news. Mariah tells Sharon she didn't want to hurt her but she didn't want Faith to get hurt again if her marriage to Nick didn't work out.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lola: Would you have come if you knew rey would be joining us?", "Arturo: No. But at least then you would have showed me the same respect I showed you when I let you make your own choice.", "Lola: We have to start somewhere.", "Arturo: No, we don'T.", "Mariah: Nick cheated on my mom with phyllis. What do I do? Do I stop my mother's wedding?", "Ashley: You can't be C.E.O. Unless you are a relative of dad's, a true abbott.", "Traci: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.", "Billy: I am not on the verge of a breakdown, and I am not vacating the position that you all voted me into simply because ashley wanted the job.", "Ashley: Billy's a thief. He stole half a million dollars from the company to support his habit. I would like to call for a vote of no confidence in billy abbott.", "Lauren: I'll read the votes.", "Billy: Just wait a second. Please. I'm just asking the board to take a step back for a second and -- and [Sighs] Just think this through. Look, I made an error in protocol and in judgment, and I realize that, which is why I had a solid plan to remedy my mistake before this meeting was even called. So censure me, fine me, call for more oversight. That's fine. I accept all that. But removing me as C.E.O. Is... it's irrational. There are only two people that are eligible to do this job. Two adult descendants of john abbott. That is traci and me. And my sister made it very clear that she is going to support me.", "Traci: [ Clears throat ] I'm so sorry, billy. [ Sighs ] I'm willing to serve as C.E.O. Of jabot.", "Faith: I love my new shoes.", "Sharon: Yay! Well, I couldn't have one of my bridesmaids walking down the aisle in the size she just outgrew.", "Faith: [ Giggles ]", "Nick: Is this kid's feet still growing?", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ]", "Faith: Hi, dad!", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: What are you doing here?", "Nick: Well, I stayed the night at the athletic club, giving tradition its due. I realized I forgot something here, so I came home, and I found this waiting at the door for us. It's from neil.", "Sharon: Oh! \"Sharon and nick, my apologies for having to miss the wedding. Best wishes, neil.\"", "Faith: Aww.", "Sharon: That was nice of him.", "Nick: You want to do the honors?", "Sharon: Yeah, sweetie.", "Faith: You mean open it?", "Sharon: Why not?", "Faith: It seems like we should wait. Till after the wedding.", "Nick: All right, little miss etiquette.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, run up and start getting ready. I'll be there to help in a minute.", "Faith: Okay.", "Sharon: She still doesn't trust this.", "Nick: What, the wedding?", "Sharon: Well, it's been ongoing since the engagement. She wants to be happy and hopeful...", "Nick: But she can't let herself.", "Sharon: We've disappointed her too many times.", "Nick: Well, not this time. She is gonna be there with us and everyone else, and they're all gonna see just how real it is this time.", "Summer: [ Sighs ] Before you say anything, yes, I will be at sharon's on time. I just needed a caffeine boost. I thought you'd be prepping her by now.", "Mariah: You thought wrong.", "Summer: Did you tell her my dad slept with phyllis? Is the wedding off?", "Mariah: Faith's shoes were too small, so they went to fenmore's to get another pair.", "Summer: They could have used my employee discount.", "Mariah: Why don't you make up for it by dialing the drama down? And I mean way down. I didn't tell sharon about phyllis and nick.", "Summer: Good luck with that. It's still early. And this nasty little secret's burning a hole right through you.", "Rey: You want me to grab one of those boxes?", "Lola: I got this. But if you want to move into your new apartment [Laughing] By the end of the day, less chat and more work.", "Rey: Oh, wow. You know, that sounds exactly like mom.", "Lola: Ooh! If my hands weren't full, they'd be slapping you.", "Rey: Well, like I said.", "Lola: [ Sighs ]", "Arturo: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: Better re-think that. He's a cop.", "Arturo: My bad.", "Lola: [Laughing] Arturo!", "Arturo: What's up with all these boxes?", "Rey: Lola's helping me move in.", "Arturo: To the coffeehouse?", "Rey: Apartment upstairs. I just signed a lease.", "Arturo: Mm. That sounds... permanent.", "Rey: Yeah. Kind of does, huh?", "Sharon: One pair of cufflinks.", "Nick: All right. Guess I'm out of excuses for hanging around.", "Sharon: Mm. I could give you one.", "Nick: I cannot wait to be your husband again. I mean, how can this feel like a miracle, yet so easy and natural at the same time?", "Sharon: Because we belong together. And we always have. Additional sponsorship", "Summer: Aunt victoria's off the hook. Sharon, too.", "Mariah: What?", "Summer: If sharon decides to pitch a last-minute full-blown hissy fit, one less pair of eyes to witness it. You're welcome.", "Mariah: I never said that i was gonna spill the beans to sharon about phyllis. It's probably wishful thinking on your part. You know what? I think you dragged me into this on purpose.", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] Paranoid much? Why would I?", "Mariah: So that I would be the one to bust up the wedding. And you could keep the bribe nick paid to keep your scheming yap shut.", "Summer: I'm not the one who cheated on your mom.", "Mariah: Oh, who dropped that poison nugget about your mom and nick so that I could hear it?", "Summer: You were eavesdropping.", "Mariah: You know what? I am too busy, and I'm too mature for this.", "Summer: So foil my wicked plan and keep quiet.", "Mariah: You know what? As much as you hate my mom, and -- and think that this marriage is doomed, that's fine. But this is still your family. There are broken hearts and devastated children and total misery. How can you be so flip and unfeeling? Is there no human sympathy in there?", "Summer: You didn't grow up with these people. If I lost it every time my parents botched up romantically, I'd be in fairview.", "Mariah: So, what, you just emotionally shut down?", "Summer: My emotions are not shut down.", "Mariah: Yeah, sure.", "Summer: I've come to realize that my parents' problems are just that -- theirs. And you can see things that way, too. It's your call. But make one soon. The wedding's today.", "Nick: We're running out of prep time.", "Sharon: Well, it's not my fault you're irresistible.", "Faith: Come on! [ Giggles ]", "Nick: There he is.", "Faith: Nap time's over. He keeps asking about the rings.", "Sharon: Mariah volunteered to keep him entertained. She'll be here.", "Nick: Well, I can fill in until then. Come on, big boy.", "Sharon: Okay. Well, come on, faith. Let's glam it into overdrive.", "Faith: Whoo! [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Did you hide those rings? Where are those rings? Are they in here? You got 'em in your pocket? Huh?", "Billy: So you're blindsiding me, traci? Just like that?", "Traci: No, I-I was blindsided, too. I knew how serious this was, that's why I staged the intervention. But I had no idea how deep your addiction ran. Stealing from jabot?! This is not the billy I know and love. You need to get professional help.", "Phyllis: He's agreed to go to rehab. Can't we all just support that?", "Traci: Right. Billy's health is the most important thing here. So just let us manage the office.", "Billy: Right, with ashley as \"manager\" in charge.", "Traci: Don't even worry about who's in charge of what. Please just take this time and start your recovery.", "Billy: So that's how she got you to get on board, right? \"Give billy the boot because it's for his own good.\"", "Ashley: It is for your own good. But none of us is happy about it.", "Billy: Your little spiel here worked to snow traci, but it's not gonna work on me. You understand? But I have to say, congratulations. You wanted this for a very long time. Ever since I was very clear that I wasn't gonna be your pet C.E.O., You decided that you need somebody in charge that's more compliant. Well, congratulations, everybody. Traci abbott.", "Traci: No, it wasn't like that at all --", "Billy: Oh, no, you weren't here when I took over. Phyllis was. Am I lying, phyllis?", "Phyllis: There was a definite shift in ashley's attitude.", "Billy: And when I hired her as C.O.O., It just kept shifting.", "Traci: So what are you suggesting? Insubordination?", "Billy: Oh, no. Way beyond that. She actively tried to sabotage every single one of my ideas. She even brought jack on board, raising the rents on the chain of boutiques. I'm assuming that didn't come up during ashley's sob session about my downward spiral.", "Lauren: None of this is relevant to today's vote.", "Kyle: Agreed. Face it -- embezzling that money was not your smartest move. It was supposed to be a quick fix. And I tried to put the money back, but the accounts were locked, thanks to ashley.", "Ashley: I did no such thing.", "Billy: Really? You wouldn't allow me to make it right, because then you would lose your weapon that you used on me today.", "Abby: Oh, stop it, billy. You're being delusional. My mom has been worried sick. She's not out to get you. None of us are.", "Ashley: But I'll keep saying it until you believe me.", "Billy: Your actions speak louder than words. When -- when you found out that I was in trouble, who did you go to? Not me. Not phyllis. Not victoria. Not even jack. You went to the one person that could put you back in charge. That's kind of telling.", "Jack: Focus on your addiction, billy, and beating it.", "Billy: Yeah, you're right, jack. I have a problem. And I got a lot of work to do on that. But I would still rather be me than you. At least I have a heart. Now, I may be on the wagon, but feel free to make a bet on this one -- I would never do anything, ever, to sell out my own family for a job.", "Ashley: Wait. Phyllis, we still have a vote. We have to approve traci as C.E.O.", "Phyllis: Here's mine -- no.", "Rey: So you didn't race out the door as soon as I turned my back? Now you want to talk to me?", "Arturo: Yeah. I was wondering, you know, with this lease you're signing, does that mean you accepted a permanent gig with the gcpd? What about, uh... what about mia? You gonna give up your place in miami?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] Everything's still up in the air. But now I got lots to do with very little time.", "Arturo: So I should just take my questions and stick them?", "Rey: No, you can ask me whatever you want. While you help me unpack the rest of my car.", "Arturo: You do know what this means, right? Rey's just gonna try and manipulate us again. That's what he does.", "Lola: Okay, he is big on handing out advice --", "Arturo: I told you!", "Lola: Arturo, relax. It's different. Okay? Now I just tell him, \"I'm a grown- up. Back off!\" Try it yourself while you help us carry his crap.", "Arturo: Yeah, maybe I'm busy.", "Lola: [ Sucks teeth ] Okay. I mean, you could use the workout. I mean, for real, what is this? Too much abby and not enough free weights?", "Arturo: Mm!", "[ Scoffs ]", "Lola: Come on. You can grab this one on the way back.", "Arturo: That -- that's crazy. Look who's manipulating now.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Hey, I'll tell you what -- as soon as you're done with this, we're gonna head over to jack's and put on our monkey suits, okay? Sound good? You know what? Daddy is so proud and excited for the new life that sharon and I are gonna give this family. You are not gonna believe the new house you're gonna get. It is so big and amazing. It's got this huge yard. You're gonna love it. And if your uncle adam could see us, he would love it, too. You know why? Because he'd know that you have this happy and amazing life that he always wanted for you. You know what? Daddy wants it, too. It's all I've ever wanted for my family. That's why I'm doing so many big things. That's why I'm working so hard, staying so busy. Everything is gonna be perfect, bud, as long as we're together. I love you so much. Come here. Oh! I love you so much.", "Lauren: With votes of 6 to 2, traci abbott is hereby elected interim C.E.O. Of jabot cosmetics.", "[ Applause ]", "Traci: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: Board meeting adjourned. Thank you, everybody.", "Jack: Traci, anything you want to say?", "Traci: Yes. Two things. Firstly, this measure is temporary. Very, very temporary. Also, as difficult as it is, I think we did the right thing today. Billy will agree eventually.", "Abby: Bye, aunt traci.", "Traci: Bye, sweetheart. Thank you.", "Lauren: Fenmore's appreciates you.", "Traci: Thank you.", "Jack: [ Sighs ] I gave billy the bulk of the money to repay jabot. I thought I was helping him with a bookie or a loan shark. He and phyllis didn't clarify. But, honestly, embezzling from the company never crossed my mind for a second.", "Kyle: Quite a wad of cash to throw around on faith.", "Jack: If billy gets well, it will be worth it.", "Traci: Oh, I hope he keeps his word.", "Jack: Oh, I will see to it he does.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] All right. I'm confused about one thing. Why did you wait until today to tell us that billy was taking money from the company? Why didn't you bring this up at the intervention?", "Ashley: I was hoping it wouldn't have to be made public. But then, when billy walked out of the intervention, I realized how high the stakes were. For the sake of the company, I had no other choice. But now billy's never gonna forgive me.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] All right. I need a cup of tea. Or five. Anybody?", "Ashley: No, thanks.", "Traci: Okay.", "Kyle: That could not have gone better.", "Ashley: I'd probably feel the same way... if I had ice water running through my veins like you.", "Abby: I get that billy has an addiction, but those shots that he threw at my mom...", "Lauren: All right. But he's not in a position to accept real responsibility. I mean, I feel for him. I feel worse for phyllis. [ Sighs ] You know, your uncle has a lot of admirable qualities. But consistency? Not one of them. Now, I asked you to coffee to remind you of something. Like john abbott with jabot, my father leftme a legacy. And that's fenmore'S. And I'm hoping that I can count on you, the board's undisputed queen of shopping... [ Abby chuckles ] ...To help phyllis and me emphasize what a key asset my brand is.", "Abby: Well, I'm -- I'm more concerned about billy at the moment, but, um... okay. Yeah, I-I agree.", "Lauren: Thank you. All right. Give nick and sharon my best tonight.", "Abby: I will. Bye, lauren.", "Lauren: Bye.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: Hey, uh, thank you. For all the heavy lifting.", "Lola: I know, right?", "Abby: Lola. Hi.", "Lola: It's like one of those hidden-camera nature shows. \"In a rare moment, never seen before, the rosales brothers are civil to each other.\"", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] I-I don't want to disturb them.", "Lola: I will. Look who's here, guys!", "Mariah: Hey. Sorry I'm late.", "Nick: Oh, no worries. We're all a little behind schedule today. Christian's just gonna run upstairs and get a toy to take over to jack'S. All right, dude. Go pick one out. There you go. I've been so busy with dark horse, I haven't had much time to do anything else. But I got a few minutes to talk to you.", "Mariah: If you think we need one. I know you're stretched really thin.", "Nick: I just want to thank you for everything you've done for the wedding.", "Mariah: Yeah, I know a lot of people haven't been shy about their lack of support for you and sharon.", "Nick: Yeah. I can't say I blame them. You know, I can understand all their doubt about my past, and sharon'S. You know, all the back and forth, the together and not.", "Mariah: Yeah. You guys fall in love a lot.", "Nick: I've been in a lot of relationships. I learned something from all of them. And with all this wisdom, i think I can finally say, I'm going to be the partner that I wish I'd been from the very beginning.", "Mariah: Wow. That's really... well-put. You should put that in your vows.", "Nick: I might do that.", "Mariah: So, just curious. Any, uh, unfinished business with those other significant women?", "Nick: Wha-- what? No way! I'm 100%. Why would you ask that?", "Mariah: I just know you and sharon have been through so much together.", "Nick: Uh, yeah. But, mariah, you have nothing to worry about. I'm all-in. And this time, it's forever. I'm just gonna run upstairs and make sure christian's not trying to drag down his whole toy box.", "Mariah: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: Want to fill me in on your plans for next quarter?", "Ashley: Yeah, I'm still stuck on the lack of concern you have for your uncle.", "Kyle: I think people are cutting him way too much slack. Including you. He has the nerve to call you power-hungry after what he's pulled? Why shouldn't you want the top slot at jabot? You have five times the experience and 10 times the skill.", "Ashley: Thank you so much for the peer review. And thank you more for not bringing it up at the board meeting.", "Kyle: I wouldn't kick the guy while he's down. And on his way out. But admit it. You're just as satisfied with the outcome of that meeting as I am.", "Ashley: You know, kyle, my brother has a horrible gambling addiction. It's so bad that he actually stole from his own family. So, see, actually, i am sick about it.", "Kyle: If you want to sideline work and make family your prime focus, you're allowed. But not if you want to sit there. If aunt traci's rein goes as planned, jabot is about to become a meritocracy again. And anybody who wants to sit in that chair will have to fight for it.", "Abby: So, you and your brother are spending time together. Not so common.", "Arturo: Mm...", "Abby: Did you and rey have some sort of breakthrough?", "Arturo: I wouldn't go that far. I just wanted some answers about his plans in genoa city. He was pretty laid-back about it. Tight-lipped, as usual. How was your board meeting?", "Abby: Hellish. Family battles are exhausting.", "Arturo: Hmm. No kidding.", "Abby: You know, sometimes i wish I could just go live on my own private island.", "Arturo: Mnh-mnh. You can't do that, because you'd miss me too much.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, I would take you along. It wouldn't be that private.", "Arturo: Private enough for, uh, no bathing suits on the beach?", "Abby: Mm. What do you think? You know, we have a wedding to get to.", "Arturo: My schedule's clear.", "Abby: I'm actually looking forward to it more than I thought I would.", "Arturo: How come?", "Abby: For the optimism, and the pure romance of it.", "Arturo: Mm.", "Abby: And two hours on the dance floor with an exciting, gorgeous man.", "Arturo: Huh. I see. Do I know him?", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Billy: [ Sighs ] You didn't have to come.", "Phyllis: Well, in case you're still fuzzy on it, I will always have your back.", "Billy: I am completely un-fuzzy.", "Phyllis: Good. First thing tomorrow, I will reimburse jabot with the money from jack.", "Billy: Yeah, now that ashley pulled off her coup, I'm sure she'll unlock the accounts. Unless she wants to really go for it and send me to prison.", "Phyllis: That would be bad for the brand.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, and so am I. I'm sure they'll demand a name change. Which is fine by me after everything I've been through. I want nothing to do with anything abbott.", "Jack: Too bad. You are part of this family, and we will always look out for you.", "Billy: Like you did today?", "Jack: Yes, actually. And every day for as long as you need it. Deal with it. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Rey: For you. Thank you for helping me. And for getting arturito to pitch in.", "Lola: I was just happy to see you and arturo together. Like normal brothers. It doesn't have to be a one-time thing, though.", "Rey: Yeah. We'll see.", "Lola: Should we unpack? Set up your new place?", "Rey: No. You've helped enough. I'll handle the rest. I'll see you soon. Mwah! Thank you.", "Lola: Bye, rey.", "Kyle: Hello.", "Lola: Hi.", "Kyle: This day just keeps getting better.", "Lola: Better than you know. I have cupcakes. Want one?", "Kyle: Of course.", "Lola: Tell me about your day.", "Kyle: Thanks. Well, a long-term project of mine came together at work exactly as I hoped. There may even be a promotion in it for me.", "Lola: Heh. It's your family's company. They'd be rude not to.", "Kyle: Rude and crazy. How's your day been?", "Lola: [ Clicks tongue ] Sort of amazing. Something happened that I've been hoping would for, like, years.", "Kyle: Congratulations. Let's celebrate, then. Uh, tonight.", "Lola: I can'T. Already have plans.", "Kyle: Oh. Okay.", "Lola: What's with the face? You just assumed that I would be free?", "Kyle: I'd never assume an--", "Lola: Good, because I have friends and a family and a pretty full social life. And that truck? Not a hobby. A business. A very demanding one. Sometimes I work 16 hours straight. With no interns.", "Kyle: I didn't mean to imply that you --", "Lola: If you say so. Look, I don't want to fight about it, okay? I am free tomorrow night.", "Kyle: Tomorrow?", "Lola: Where we'll be 24 hours from now?", "Kyle: I'm familiar with it. I'M...just busy. That's when I go to the no-kill shelter and shampoo the cats.", "Jack: Thanks. Put it on my tab, please.", "Billy: Don't do that, please, jack.", "Jack: It's already done. Unless you want to put it on your tab with me. Right under the $250k I loaned you when I thought your life was in jeopardy. You two could have been a little more forthcoming with the facts.", "Phyllis: Jack, we wanted to keep the awful reality a secret. The point of your generous loan was to undo the jabot situation before anyone found out. Our intentions were good.", "Jack: Taking advantage of john abbott's legacy and getting away with it. Yes, that was noble and inspirational.", "Billy: Look, jack gets to say whatever he wants. Anyone loaning me a quarter of a million dollars gets to pull the filter off and rip me any way they want.", "Jack: That is not what I am after.", "Billy: Well, I hope you're not looking for a repayment program just yet.", "Jack: All I am looking for is a commitment on your part that you will keep your promise and get the help you need in treatment.", "Billy: Yes, sir. Whatever you say.", "Jack: I'm gonna need your help to make this happen.", "Phyllis: Absolutely. You can count on me.", "Jack: Good. Billy, your family loves you, and we will do everything we can to help you quit this again.", "Billy: Okay. Thank you. Thank you for getting jack off my butt.", "Phyllis: That's not why I said it. Jack's right. You need to be in a treatment facility.", "Phyllis: If you tell me you're going to rehab tomorrow, then I believe you.", "Billy: Well, that's nice. I guess I should be grateful that you don't think I'm stringing everyone along.", "Phyllis: I just don't understand all this anger that you have, and why it's directed at me.", "Billy: It's not. Not completely. I don't like what I see happening between you and jack.", "Phyllis: Which would be?", "Jack: Well, this morning, you ask him for a loan. And then he comes by today, making sure that you follow through with me going to rehab. It's like you're forming an alliance.", "Phyllis: I think it's about how much we both love you.", "Billy: You might be thinking that, but jack could be reading something differently.", "Phyllis: I doubt that.", "Billy: Really? I saw the look he gave you. You didn't see it?", "Phyllis: You're right. Because of the history jack has with his addiction. I played a very large role in getting him off opioids. So there was a look. But it was saying that he trusts me to get you past this. The question is, do you?", "Billy: How do you ask me that? Every morning, I wake up, and I'm amazed that you're still there. After the mess that I've made.", "Phyllis: I'm not going anywhere. Not when you get back from rehab or when you go back to jabot. I'm gonna be here for you.", "Billy: [ Scoffs ] There's positive thinking and then there's just delusional, okay? There's no way that kyle, ashley, and traci are gonna let me continue working at jabot.", "Phyllis: Yes, they will. Take away the gambling and you still are the most brilliant chief executive. You think ashley is gonna be completely focused on brainstorms, out-of-the-box thinking? No. She's gonna be too busy trying to keep kyle from staging a coup against her. You wait and see.", "Billy: If that little miracle happens, I'm gonna hire you as vp of sales and marketing. 'Cause you are one hot, persuasive woman.", "Phyllis: Well, then, I'm going to give something a shot. Convincing you to be my plus-one to nick and sharon's wedding tonight?", "Nick: All right. Monkey-suit time. Let's roll.", "Faith: Here you go.", "Nick: Here we go.", "Sharon: All right. See you guys later.", "Nick: See you there.", "Faith: See ya!", "Mariah: Bye, guys. See ya.", "Faith: Bye!", "Nick: See you soon!", "Sharon: Okay. [ Sighs ] Um... well, I have to finish my makeup.", "Mariah: Okay. Do you need help?", "Sharon: Stay down here, relax. I won't be long.", "Faith: Okay.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Hey. You excited about the wedding?", "Faith: Yeah. Totally super-excited.", "Mariah: You know, it's okay if you're not. 'Cause I myself am not the biggest fan of waiting and waiting for the ceremony, and then having to shriek and go nuts when the bride throws the bouquet while avoiding being trampled by desperate, tipsy ladies. Yeah, I could skip that part.", "Faith: [ Laughs ] No, I love weddings. I guess I'm just a bit nervous.", "Mariah: Why?", "Faith: Mom and dad aren't very good at being married. To other people, or even each other. But don't tell them I said that.", "Mariah: No, no. Take it to the grave. And if there's anything that you want to talk about, I'm here, okay?", "Faith: It's just, mom and dad seem so happy now. And I want it to stay that way. But I can't get my hopes too high.", "Mariah: Why not, sweetie?", "Faith: Because I have before. And it makes it even worse when something bad happens and they, you know...", "Mariah: Break up.", "Faith: I just feel like people should be sure before they get married. Like, really, extra, totally super-sure. Don't you think?", "Mariah: Yeah. I completely agree.", "Traci: [ Inhales deeply ]", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Sighs ] [ Knock on door ] Come in! Please!", "Ashley: [ Laughs ] Oh, hi.", "Traci: Hi.", "Ashley: Oh. Little different perspective sitting in that chair.", "Traci: Oh, my gosh. I should say, I think I'm gonna have to use this in my next novel. [ Chuckles ] How different it is, sitting on one side of the desk versus sitting on the other. [ Sighs ] But I won't be working on that while I'm here. Don't worry.", "Ashley: Hey, if it helps you relax, I say go for it.", "Traci: Oh. I won't be feeling like that. Not until I am replaced by somebody who is more enthusiastic and much more qualified for this job.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, if we follow the plan and corporate protocol, that should happen soon enough. In the meantime... contracts. Just some start-up paperwork and some pending projects that i guess billy couldn't get to 'cause his focus was elsewhere. But we'd like to get it handled. So, as you can see, if you just signature right there where the little sticky tabs are. Right there and there.", "Traci: Okay.", "Ashley: Do you need a pen? I think we got some pens here.", "Traci: Uh, no, no. I should probably read these, right? Maybe I'll take them home and look them over tonight. As temporary as this all is, i mean, I'm -- I'm still...", "Ashley: Of course. Sure.", "Traci: ...Signing this.", "Ashley: Of course. Yeah. I can help you after dinner. Okay?", "Traci: Okay. And kyle will be there to help me, too, so...", "Ashley: Yeah, well, I think I have just a little bit more knowledge of how this company should be run than kyle. He's basically just staring out, after all.", "Traci: Well, ashley, no one was suggesting otherwise.", "Ashley: Well, actually, somebody was...kind of \"warning\" you that maybe I'm trying to manipulate you.", "Traci: Well, if you mean billy...", "Ashley: Mm.", "Traci: ...He was just feeling bitter and hurt. And, frankly, it was just as insulting to me. I mean, come on. I am no one's puppet.", "Ashley: Well, if it seems like I'm trying to turn you into one, just understand that the last time I trusted somebody here, during a crisis very similar to this one, with somebody who said they were putting jabot first, I ended up being completely shut out. And we landed in this mess that we were trying to clean up today.", "Traci: Okay, ashley.", "Ashley: You know...", "Traci: I know that we voted for billy to be interim C.E.O. When jack was in trouble a few months ago. But this is me. [ Scoffs ] I will be out of this chair just as quickly as the board will allow. Don't worry that you're gona have a repeat of that situation.", "Ashley: Oh. Well, who knows, right? I mean, you sit in that chair, and this job has so much power. It can be very intoxicating. Some people would even call it [Raps desk] Addictive.", "Phyllis: You are probably thinking, the last thing you want to do today is subject yourself to nick at the reception. Right? Watching him gloat over any perceived failures. But you showing up, having a blast, tells everyone that you have not been crushed, that you are still here. You're making healthy choices to demolish those demons. And when you get back to town, you are gonna be stronger than before.", "Billy: Have you ever considered a career in faith-healing?", "Phyllis: Once or twice.", "Billy: And reason number two?", "Phyllis: I'd be miserable without you.", "Billy: That's all you needed to say.", "Jack: I am so, so sorry. Unavoidable family emergency.", "Nick: Oh, no worries. Everything okay?", "Jack: They will be.", "Nick: All right. Well, you're here now, so we're golden. Although I was concerned I was gonna have the first ring-bearer/best man in history.", "Jack: Are you kidding me? Crisis or no crisis, I was not going to miss this. You and sharon have taken something broken and made it beautiful again. I don't think I've ever seen you this happy.", "Nick: I guarantee you, you haven'T.", "Sharon: There is a bottle of jabot's finest nail polish all over my bedroom floor, but my lightning-fast reflexes whisked the dress away from the splatter zone in, like, one second to spare. Can you imagine anything so horrible?", "Mariah: Mom...", "Sharon: Honey, what is it?", "Mariah: [ Sighs ] I don't know where to begin. I-I don'T... I don't even know what to say. It's so hard.", "Sharon: Did someone do something to you? Is it tessa? Did she...?", "Mariah: No, no. It'S... [ Sighs ] I didn't want to do this to you. Not today, of -- of all days. And I still don'T. But I heard something. [ Sighs ] And...I don't know how to handle it. And I've been going back and forth and back and forth. And, um... after talking with faith...", "Sharon: Is this about her? Because... I realize she's the one who has the real prenuptial jitters, but nick and I are gonna make sure she's okay.", "Mariah: She's just been through so much. [ Voice breaking ] So many broken promises and broken homes.", "Sharon: I know. It's so sweet of you to think about her and her feelings. You know what, you need to add amazing big sister to amazing daughter and amazing talk-show host.", "Mariah: [ Sighs ] This thing that I heard... it's about nick. And phyllis.", "Sharon: Well... okay. I -- I don't understand. What about them?", "Mariah: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, mom. I -- I didn't want to do this to you, and -- they slept together. A few weeks ago." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Billy tells Jack about what his alter ego almost did to Adam but he tells him he is in therapy now and determined to get better for himself and his family. Jack tells Billy and Kyle he wants them both to run Jabot and he will stay on in an advisory capacity and only way in on major decisions. Jack explains that he wants to tell the story of John and Dina and the Abbott family so that the family will know the true story. Paul makes it clear to Victor and Nikki that he won't make any more deals with them or do them any more favors because he has to deal with the Mayor and the city who is upset with him for helping them. Sharon and Rey have a good talk and she tells him that she hopes Adam never returns for both their sakes. Victor and Nick have to repair their relationship with Summer who isn't sure she can forgive either of them for making her feel like an outsider because they didn't tell her about the plan. Connor is also upset because he feels everyone lied to him about Victor and he also thinks Chelsea knows where Adam is but won't let him talk to his dad. Nick also has to fix his relationship with Chelsea who doesn't know if she can trust him anymore. Mariah encourages Sharon to get her relationship with Rey back on track now that Adam is gone but Sharon isn't sure that Rey wants her back in his life. Nikki starts arranging a family dinner so that everyone can share their feelings and begin to heal.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Michael: The charges against victoria newman have been dropped because there was no murder.", "[ Camera shutters clicking ]", "Summer: Grandpa?", "Victor: As you can see, I'm very much alive. The threat to my life was real. That's why I and my family had to come up with the story that I had died.", "Sharon: I was the only one who really understood adam. Something in me needed to believe that I could restore his soul.", "Rey: Has that changed?", "Sharon: Yeah. Now I know I can't help him.", "Jack: Something's missing in my life. I have to figure out what that is and set a new course.", "Billy: All that stuff with adam is behind me. I'm not gonna let him or my feelings control me anymore.", "Kyle: The merger with ashley's company is complete. Everything is going smoothly.", "Billy: So far.", "Kyle: I know you were against it. But it was a good move.", "Billy: We'll see.", "Kyle: Two-to-one odds we'll double our profits by next quarter. Not that I'd actually bet on it.", "Billy: Okay, you two can relax, all right? Using gambling terminology is not gonna get me running to my bookie.", "Summer: Well, we just want to make everything as easy as possible for you to come back to work, is all.", "Billy: Thank you. I appreciate that. But I am stronger than ever, and I am, uh, committed to being here.", "Jack: I'm glad to hear that.", "Billy: Hey. Uh... summer and kyle were just, uh, bringing me up to speed.", "Jack: Oh. Good to see you all working well together.", "Summer: Yep. Some families aren't so lucky.", "Jack: Yeah, I heard about victor's latest version of \"the end justifies the means.\"", "Summer: I don't know why anything he does surprises me anymore.", "Jack: Well, the mustache isn't the only one capable of pulling of a surprise.", "Victor: There's just so much garbage on the internet.", "Nikki: I know. I wish you'd stop looking at it.", "Victor: One article is worse than the other.", "Nikki: Well, victoria is handling the media.", "Victor: Yeah, but they want to know from me what really happened, what the threat to my life was all about, to justify what I did.", "Nikki: Hey, if you hadn't have let adam believe you were dead, you probably would have ended up dead.", "Victor: Yeah, but they don't care about that, okay? I need to explain to them exactly what happened. Otherwise they're gonna speculate that newman enterprises is struggling because of what happened.", "Nikki: Darling, tomorrow there will be a new scandal in the headlines, and nobody will be talking about this.", "Victor: I guess the one good thing in all of this is that adam is no longer a threat to our lives.", "Nikki: Well, I'm glad he's gone. But you are still facing a very real threat that hasn't left genoa city.", "Paul: Rey.", "Rey: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.", "Paul: I assume this is about victor.", "Rey: You blew me off at the station.", "Paul: I said everything I'm gonna say on the matter.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] You owe me more than that.", "Paul: I don'T. I think you need to remember the chain of command, here, detective.", "Rey: You ripped into me when I bent the rules in the hellstrom case. Now here you are doing the same thing. What's up with that, chief?", "Chelsea: I thought you left.", "Nick: I was hoping we could talk. How you doing?", "Chelsea: Not great. I wish you would have given me a head's up that victor was about to announce to the world that he's alive and well.", "Nick: Yeah. It was a surprise to me, too.", "Chelsea: It's sheer luck that connor didn't see it. And now I have to come up with a way to explain to that little boy that his grandpa actually isn't dead.", "Nick: Let me help you with that.", "Chelsea: How?", "Nick: I'll tell him the truth. That we did this to save his grandfather's life. And together, we can -- we can make him understand that.", "Chelsea: Why should i convince him to believe anything you say when I have zero trust in you? Additional sponsorship", "Paul: I may have bent the rules. But as the boss, that's my prerogative.", "Rey: As the boss, you're supposed to set an example for the rest of us. We look up to you. We expect you to do the right thing.", "Paul: I did what I thought was best under the circumstances.", "Rey: When I bent the rules on the hellstrom case, you told me going rogue was not gonna be tolerated.", "Paul: This was essentially an undercover operation. I don't have to explain my actions to you, detective. But I will point out that going along with victor's plan doesn't even compare to putting the lives of three women in danger.", "Rey: Oh, so you don't think anybody got hurt by what you did? Sharon's daughter -- tons of people mourned victor's death.", "Paul: I weighed all the pros and cons. And pretending victor was dead was our best shot at nailing adam.", "Rey: Yeah, well, your plan failed. At least when I crossed the line, we busted J.T.", "Paul: We don't have an arrest yet. But adam is gone, and victor's life is no longer in danger.", "Rey: I don't believe for one second that that dirtbag's gonna stay away. And I don't think you do, either.", "Nikki: Here, darling. Now that you're taking the correct dosage of your medication, you're not suffering with those horrible side effects anymore. But that doesn't mean that the disease is not a threat to your health.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] I feel fine, my darling.", "Nikki: But, darling, it doesn't mean that you're cured.", "Victor: Yeah, but I'm taking my meds, I'm on a diet, and exercising.", "Nikki: And that's all great. But your well-being is very important, also. So please stop reading all that nonsense about the family.", "Victor: Well, I can't ignore what what may potentially happen to newman enterprises.", "Nikki: Victoria's got everything under control.", "Victor: She has a lot on her plate, sweetheart.", "Nikki: You wouldn't have put her in charge if you didn't have faith in her.", "Victor: I know.", "Nikki: Well, then, let her do her job.", "Victor: Yeah, but I'm not gonna turn my back on newman enterprises, sweetheart.", "Nikki: I have a feeling you're not just concerned about the business. I think you're worried about what this has done to the family.", "Victor: I certainly am. I haven't heard from summer.", "Nikki: She's very upset that we let her grieve unnecessarily.", "Victor: And no one is sorrier about that than I am, I promise you. Somehow I'm gonna have to get through to her.", "Billy: Okay, jack. What's the surprise?", "Jack: All in good time.", "Kyle: Ohh, way to mess with us, dad.", "Jack: Oh, I just need to get a few things ironed out before i reveal anything.", "Billy: Well, I hope it's nothing like victor's surprise.", "Jack: Torturing my family has never been my stock-in-trade.", "Billy: He has made a career out of it.", "Summer: Okay, hey, um, can we just...change the subject?", "Jack: Summer, I'm sorry.", "Kyle: If we're done here, summer and I have some work to take care of. We need to go over the latest social-media metrics.", "Summer: Oh, okay. Yeah.", "Billy: I guess I'll head back to my office, as well.", "Jack: Before you go anywhere, I want to know -- how are you doing? Really?", "Summer: Hey, uh, do you want to work in my office or yours?", "Kyle: Those metrics can wait. You need to get your feelings about victor faking his death off your chest.", "Summer: I'm fine.", "Kyle: Really?", "Summer: Yep.", "Kyle: Because if someone in my family did that to me, I'd want to kill them for real.", "Sharon: I'll see you in a few days, baby. Love you, too. Bye-bye.", "Mariah: It's supposed to cheer you up.", "Sharon: I don't think anything could do that.", "Mariah: How's faith?", "Sharon: Faith said she's glad to be away at boarding school. It just breaks my heart that she's happy to be away from home.", "Mariah: She basically said the same thing to me.", "Sharon: I don't know what makes me angrier -- that faith was lied to, or that noah was forced to be a part of the lie.", "Mariah: Oh, my gosh. He's so over any of the crap that comes with being a newman.", "Sharon: I wondered why he stayed away for so long. And then I realized, the drama that surrounds that family literally drives people away.", "Mariah: Well, sometimes people who are driven away keep coming back.", "Billy: I'm good.", "Jack: Yeah? I imagine seeing adam get away with trying to kill victor must have brought up a few things.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. It did.", "Jack: Was the urge to gamble among them?", "Billy: That's not on the list.", "Jack: You sure? Look, if you need time before you come back, I get it. If you need to go back to rehab --", "Billy: No, I'm good there. I'm okay.", "Jack: I know what it's like to struggle with addiction. You know you can talk to me.", "Billy: I can't do this anymore.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Jack: Do what?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I didn't go out of town because I was gambling. I didn't check in to rehab. I was dealing with something much more destructive.", "Jack: Does this have something to do with the dreams you kept having about delia?", "Billy: Yeah, but it went far beyond nightmares and hidden messages. I had a break with reality.", "Jack: I'm not sure what that means.", "Billy: Well, to be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. [ Sighs ] Look, there was a lot of pain and -- and, uh, rage inside of me, and I think, over time, it created this alter ego, I guess. And this person was wanting to do things that I would never do. Some pretty bad things, jack.", "Jack: What kind of things?", "Billy: I almost killed adam.", "Summer: Well, I got to be honest. You probably know me too well.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Summer: On the inside of this cool exterior, I feel like a complete mess right now. All thanks to my grandfather's miraculous resurrection.", "Kyle: You've done a great job holding it together. Coming to work, posting on social media, not dodging the press.", "Summer: Mm.", "Kyle: I'm impressed.", "Summer: I don't think I could have gotten through this whole experience without you. I mean, you were there for me when I thought that my grandfather was dead, and you're here for me now, to help me navigate through these weird mixture of emotions. Of feeling angry and glad that he's alive.", "Kyle: That's what friends do.", "Summer: You're the only one that I can really& count on right now.", "Kyle: What about theo? [ Sighs ] I thought you guys were close.", "Summer: Yeah, he just doesn't know my grandpa or my family. Not the way that you do. I mean, don't get me wrong, he -- he did what he could.", "Kyle: Why do I get the feeling that wasn't enough?", "Mariah: I hope you're not avoiding talking to rey because I'm here.", "Sharon: Last time we spoke, you encourage me to stay away from him.", "Mariah: That's because when you got back from your trip, you were determined not to be defined by your relationships, and I was being supportive. Or did you and rey have another falling out?", "Sharon: No. Actually, things have been really good between us.", "Mariah: Then what's the problem? Please, please don't tell me that you're still hung up on adam.", "Sharon: I was never \"hung up\" on him. I just wanted to help him be the person that I thought he could be. But rey helped me realize that was a losing battle.", "Mariah: Great. Now that the embodiment of evil is out of your system, and your handsome, wholesome ex is standing 10 feet away, it seems like this is the perfect time for a fresh start.", "Sharon: That's exactly what i told rey.", "Mariah: Then what's stopping you?", "Sharon: I meant for myself, not the two of us.", "Mariah: Why can't it be both? Rey!", "[ Mouthing ]", "[ Clicks tongue ]", "Sharon: I can't believe you just did that.", "Rey: Hi.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Nick: The last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt you.", "Chelsea: You know, I used to run cons, so I can handle being on the other end of one. What I will never understand is how you could do this to connor.", "Nick: I was hoping adam would step forward before we had to tell him.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, but when he didn't, you let this charade continue. And what is worse is, you actually encouraged me to tell connor that victor had died. How could you do that?", "Nick: I don't know what else to say. I can't take back what I did.", "Chelsea: Would you if you could?", "Nick: Adam was guilty. He confessed to dad before he left town.", "Chelsea: Mm. And that's how you justify this?", "Nick: I wasn't gonna let him get away with trying to kill our father.", "Chelsea: But he did. After everything you put your children through, adam still just walked away. And now connor has to deal with that, too.", "Nick: I screwed up. But adam did try to kill my dad. And adam's the one who walked out on connor. I am right here, chelsea, willing to do whatever it takes to make things right.", "Chelsea: I know how much you care about connor.", "Nick: As much as one of my own kids.", "Chelsea: But you can't be the one to help him through this, because he's gonna be devastated when he finds out that you lied to him about his grandpa being dead.", "Nick: I was trying to protect him, along with summer and faith.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'm sure they're really hurt and disappointed, just like connor's gonna be.", "Nick: Well, I'm gonna find a way to make it up to them. And I'm willing to step up for connor if you'll let me.", "Chelsea: It's not about what I want. It's about what's best for my son.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Chelsea, come on. We have been -- we have been through so much. We can get through this. I know it.", "Chelsea: I'm not so sure.", "Nick: This is what we wanted. To be together. To raise our boys together. To be a family. And we're so close to making that happen. Please don't give up on us.", "Chelsea: I'm not. But I need to do this alone.", "Nick: Chelsea --", "Chelsea: Nick, please. You should go. You should go to new hope. You have a new building opening soon.", "Nick: Okay.", "Chelsea: Mnh-mnh.", "Nick: I'll see you later.", "Jack: I had no idea things had gotten this bad.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, to be honest, I wasn't sure what was happening, either. This, um, person inside of me got control of my life. And it was a part of me. You know, the worst part of me. But it just kept getting stronger and stronger, and at a certain point, I lost all control.", "Jack: And you tried to kill adam?", "Billy: Fortunately, something stopped me, and adam doesn't know what I did.", "Jack: Thank god for that.", "Billy: Definitely had some angels looking out for me. Including victoria.", "Jack: Wait, victoria knows about this?", "Billy: Oh, yeah. She's the one that saved me. She got me out of that dark place.", "Jack: This had to be terrifying for you.", "Billy: It was. But that part's over.", "Jack: You're sure?", "Billy: Yeah. You know, it was a hard battle, but in therapy -- for real this time -- and I feel good.", "Jack: And all of that rage that you felt for adam?", "Billy: I got a lot to live for, jack. And I'm not gonna let him take anything else from me.", "Jack: Well, the fact that he's out of town is probably gonna make things a bit easier for you.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah. But it wouldn't matter if he was still here. Look, I know that I got to deal with all the pain and anger that I shoved deep down, and I know that I'm never gonna stop missing dee. But like I said, I'm getting better, and I feel better than i have in a long time. So... [ Clears throat ]", "Jack: You're right. Something has changed. It's like the old billy's back.", "Billy: I wasn't sure he'd make it.", "Jack: I'm glad he did.", "Billy: Me too. Thanks, brother.", "Mariah: I'm gonna leave you two alone, because I have a meeting. So, I'm gonna talk to you later. Uh... bye, rey.", "Rey: Bye.", "Sharon: She is not very subtle.", "Rey: No.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] So, how are you?", "Rey: Well, I'm not so thrilled that my boss had me investigating a bogus case, or that most of the newman family knew what was going on and I didn'T.", "Sharon: You must be upset that adam left town.", "Rey: That S.O.B. Almost killed victor. And instead of turning him in, he lets him walk away. Once again, adam newman gets away, suffering no consequences for his criminal behavior. This is when you tell me that I'm being too hard on him. What a tough life adam's had and all that.", "Sharon: You have every right to be angry.", "Rey: That bastard should be in a jail cell. Instead, he's probably living it up on a tropical island.", "Sharon: You're right.", "Rey: Do you know where he is?", "Sharon: No. No, I believe adam deserves to be punished.", "Rey: You're not gonna defend him?", "Sharon: I can'T. Especially when I'm partially to blame that he took thing so far.", "Chelsea: I need to talk to you.", "Connor: It's more bad news. I can tell. You have that serious look on your face.", "Chelsea: No. No, sweetheart. It's not bad news. It's actually great news. Um... but it might be a little bit confusing.", "Connor: Just say it.", "Chelsea: It's about your grandpa. He didn't die.", "Connor: What?", "Chelsea: He's alive.", "Connor: That's not possible.", "Chelsea: It's true. It's true. Look. Here you go. Look.", "Connor: When can I see him?", "Chelsea: Uh, soon. I promise. I'll go with you. Ho-hold on. Connor, wait. Sweetheart... this is a lot to take it. Um... but isn't it just a wonderful gift, you know, having your grandpa back?", "Connor: We have to tell dad. Let him know he can come back.", "Chelsea: What?", "Connor: I know he said he was leaving because he wasn't a good enough dad, but it wasn't true.", "Chelsea: Connor, it's complicated --", "Connor: He's a great dad, and I know he loves me.", "Chelsea: Of course he loves you.", "Connor: The day he came here to say goodbye, I could see how sad he was. It was because he thought his dad had died.", "Chelsea: Sweetheart, I-I wish that were true --", "Connor: It is! This place reminded him too much of grandpa. That's why he left. I have to call him. No, I want to see him. I'll tell him in person grandpa's alive and he can come home. You have to take me to him.", "Chelsea: Honey, I can'T.", "Connor: Why not?", "Chelsea: I don't know where he is. I-I -- I wouldn't even know where to begin to look.", "Connor: I don't believe you.", "Chelsea: Connor, if I found him, it wouldn't matter.", "Connor: How can you say that?", "Chelsea: Because he knew that victor was alive, and he left anyway.", "Connor: You're lying.", "Chelsea: I'm not lying. I swear.", "Connor: Yes, you are! Why won't everyone stop lying to me?!", "Chelsea: Co-- [ Sighs ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Victor: Summer, my darling, this is your grandfather again. I know you're upset with me, but I wish you would call me back. All right?", "Nikki: Give her a little more time.", "Victor: I'm not a patient man, my sweetheart. But I'm not gonna give up. I know she will call me back.", "Nikki: What about adam? Are you giving up on him?", "Victor: He and I have said all we have to say to each other.", "Nikki: Does that mean you won't be reaching out to him? Because I'm sure you could track him down if you wanted to.", "Victor: He made his choice.", "Nikki: He's still your son.", "Victor: I know, I know, I know. But I think his leaving genoa city is good for all of us. I just hope that he makes a good life for himself somewhere else.", "Nikki: I don't know if he deserves it.", "Victor: Well, despite everything, I think the decisions I've made have paid off.", "Paul: I disagree, victor. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Victor: What's the problem?", "Paul: Other than the integrity of my entire police force being compromised?", "Victor: Wait a minute. You agreed to go along with my plan.", "Paul: That's because you assured me it would result in adam confessing to everything he did.", "Victor: He did.", "Paul: He did?", "Victor: Yes.", "Paul: And you let him go? The whole point of this scheme was to build an air- tight case against adam. I staked my entire reputation on your word. Now what do I get? I get an entire city and a mayor who are on my back for helping you perpetrate a lie.", "Victor: Okay --", "Paul: And, as an added bonus, the gcpd has one more false arrest to its record.", "Victor: All right, now. Victoria being arrested was not part of the plan.", "Paul: And neither was letting adam walk away scot-free.", "Victor: What was done is done.", "Paul: I'm just saying -- no more deals, no more favors.", "Nikki: We understand.", "Paul: I'll show myself out.", "Victor: Do that.", "Paul: One more thing. I am truly glad you are still with us.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Chelsea: Connor, I'm not lying.", "Connor: Then help me find dad and convince him to come home.", "Chelsea: If he wanted to be here, he would be.", "Connor: Give me your phone. I'll call him myself.", "Chelsea: Uh... no. I-I don't think that that's a good idea.", "Connor: Why not?", "Chelsea: Because I'm afraid you'll get hurt.", "Connor: You don't care about my feelings!", "Chelsea: Connor, th-- connor!", "Summer: I don't have to guess what that was about.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] It's just all too much for him. I mean, he doesn't even know half the story.", "Summer: Yeah, welcome to the club.", "Chelsea: I'm gonna go talk to him.", "Summer: Hey, why don't -- why don't you let me try, okay?", "Rey: You're not responsible for adam's actions.", "Sharon: You're right.-He is. But he hasn't been held accountable, not the way he should have been.", "Rey: That's not your fault.", "Sharon: Well, I made excuses for him that allowed him to justify doing cruel and hurtful things. Me defending him only gave him permission to bully and torment the newmans, and maybe even poison his own father.", "Rey: That's on him. Not you.", "Sharon: Well, now that I've taken a step back, I can see the real adam. I know that he'll cross any line and push any limit to get what he wants, no matter the cost.", "Rey: I was afraid his hold on you was so tight, you'd never be able to see him for who he really was.", "Sharon: I just don't like to give up on people. But, you know, I think it's good that adam's gone.", "Rey: Hopefully it stays that way.", "Sharon: For both our sakes.", "Rey: I know this hasn't been easy for you.", "Sharon: Well, it's helped a lot that I have you to talk to.", "Rey: I'm glad.", "Sharon: I feel like I owe you something.", "Nick: Hey, sharon. Glad I caught you. Can we talk?", "[ Knock on door ]", "Jack: Come in.", "Jack: Oh, good. Both of you. Come on in. Close the door. Have a seat.", "Billy: What's going on?", "Jack: I want to discuss the management situation at jabot.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] All right. Well, I knew it was only a matter of time. So, what's ashley want? C.E.O.? C.O.O.?", "Jack: Ashley is very happy running our european operations in paris. Has no plans to take over or take over anyone's job.", "Kyle: Then what's wrong with the setup we have now? Company's doing great.", "Jack: Kyle, I'm very, very happy with the work you did billy and I had to step away.", "Kyle: I was happy to. And I'm looking forward to my new position as your right-hand man.", "Jack: I don't think that's gonna happen.", "Kyle: Hmm. I don't understand.", "Jack: I see you in a different role now. But I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first. I'm going to be stepping back from the company.", "Sharon: Rey and I were just in the middle of something.", "Nick: It's about faith.", "Rey: You go ahead.", "Sharon: Okay. Thanks. Um, why don't we go on the patio?", "Nick: Thanks.", "Sharon: So, what about faith?", "Nick: First, let me start -- I owe you an apology.", "Sharon: The person you should really be apologizing to is our daughter.", "Nick: She has no interest in talking to me right now.", "Sharon: And I'm sure you understand why.", "Nick: How is faith?", "Sharon: Well, fortunately or unfortunately, she has learned to develop her coping mechanisms.", "Nick: [ Snorts softly ] She's a strong kid.", "Sharon: I'm gonna see her this week, so maybe I can get a good read on things.", "Nick: She's lucky to have you.", "Sharon: You're a good dad, nick. You just screwed up.", "Nick: I know. I -- [ Sighs ] I just couldn't stand the idea of adam getting away with -- not gonna do that. Uh, I messed up. You're right. And I'm trying to focus on the good here, and that is, my dad is still alive, and adam is gone.", "Sharon: Victor survived. But what you did could leave scars that might never go away.", "Billy: You all right? Did something happen?", "Jack: No, I'm fine. Better than I've been in a long time.", "Kyle: If you and the company are both in a great ace, why step down now?", "Jack: I didn't say step down. I said step back a little.", "Kyle: What does that mean?", "Jack: I will no longer be involved in the day-to-day operations of jabot. I will stay on in an advisory capacity, and weigh in on the big decisions.", "Kyle: But you won't be running the company?", "Jack: No, I won'T.", "Billy: I mean, I don't understand. It seems a little bit of an odd timing- wise. You just brought ashley back into the fold.", "Jack: I'm terribly proud of where jabot is right now. I'm even more proud of this family and where we are. I think dad would be, too.", "Billy: And I agree. But why not continue that legacy?", "Jack: I want to. Just in a slightly different way.", "Billy: How?", "Jack: I want to immortalize john and dina's life. Not just for posterity. For the abbott family. And traci's gonna help me. I want to tell the story of john and dina from the beginning to the end. The good, the bad. The triumphs, the disasters. Everything that led up to jabot and the beginnings of the abbott family.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] That's a big undertaking.", "Jack: It is. That's why I want to step back from jabot and give this my full attention.", "Billy: I mean, jack, if this is what you want to do, we support you 100%.", "Kyle: Absolutely. You don't have to worry about things here.", "Jack: Well, it's clear I'm leaving the company in good hands.", "Kyle: No worries there.", "Billy: Yeah. Rest easy.", "Jack: This is just the spirit of cooperation I was hoping for. Because I want you both to run jabot -- together.", "Nikki: Have you heard back from summer?", "Victor: No, sweetheart. I haven'T.", "Nikki: I know this isn't how you wanted things to turn out.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] I think, on the whole, things turned out well, but I have now created a rift between those in our family who were in on the plan and those who were kept in the dark.", "Nikki: We'll get past it. Our family is not going to fall apart. Because now I have a plan.", "Chelsea: What did connor say? Did you get him to open up?", "Summer: Um, I don't think he's feeling super talkative today.", "Chelsea: Did he say anything?", "Summer: Uh, well, we bonded. I mean, I don't know. I think it helped him to feel better that he wasn't the only one that was lied to.", "Chelsea: This hasn't been easy on you, either.", "Summer: Connor and I agree that it really sucks being jerked around by the people that supposedly love you.", "Chelsea: How do I help him?", "Summer: Respect his feelings. Let him be angry. He's entitled to.", "Nick: So are you.", "Summer: [ Sighs ] Yeah, you're right. I-I really am.", "Nick: Summer, just wait. I didn't get a chance to apologize to you yesterday.", "Summer: An apology is not going to fix this.", "Nick: What would?", "Summer: I don't know if anything can.", "Nick: Look, I'm so sorry you're hurt, but please try and understand. Adam was a real threat to your grandfather -- to everyone in this entire family.", "Summer: Yeah, including me. I should have known what was going on.", "Nick: I made a judgment call.", "Summer: To tell abby and victoria and even noah, but not me.", "Nick: It wasn't like that.", "Summer: [ Exclaims ] You treated me like I was a child. You know, actually, even worse -- you treated me like i was an outsider. And I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive that.", "Nick: Please tell me that i haven't wrecked everything.", "Billy: But you want us to work together?", "Jack: You think you can manage that?", "Kyle: Yeah, absolutely.", "Billy: Yeah. For sure.", "Jack: Good. It's time for the next generation of abbotts to move jabot forward. I hope you're up to the challenge.", "Kyle: I am.", "Billy: Uh, yeah. Jack, look, I know that it's been a rough couple of months for me, but I am here, and I am committed.", "Jack: You both bring a wealth of experience, as well as great new ideas on product development and marketing. You are the face of jabot now. And the only way this is gonna work is if you cooperate.", "Billy: I agree. And I'm confident that we can be competitive and productive.", "Kyle: I'm down.", "Jack: Well, I'm obviously leaving the company in the right set of hands. Thank you, guys.", "Billy: So, who gets the office?", "Sharon: Your dad told me he's been trying to get ahold of you. Well, just call him as soon as you feel ready. Okay. I'll see you soon, faith.", "Mariah: Hey. How did it go with rey?", "Sharon: It was going fine. And then nick showed up.", "Mariah: Ugh! Do all the newman men want you to be unhappy?", "Adam: Seems that way sometimes.", "Mariah: Don't let them do that to you. Get in there and finish where you left off.", "Sharon: I don't know. Maybe nick showing up was the universe's way of telling me that I missed my chance with rey.", "Mariah: The universe can bite me.", "Sharon: [ Laughs ]", "Mariah: I'm serious. Get in there and fight for your happiness. Go!", "Nick: Your silence speaks volumes about where I stand. With you and everyone.", "Chelsea: What did you expect, nick? You played with people's emotions. You -- you made your children grieve unnecessarily.", "Nick: I hated hurting them. But adam needed to be exposed, to show everyone what he's capable of. At least now he's gone, away from our children. Far away. That's got to be some consolation.", "Chelsea: Not to a little boy who doesn't know who to trust anymore.", "Nick: He can trust me. And so can you. So, please, just don't shut me out. Give me a chance.", "Chelsea: Even though that's what you did to me? Shut me out?", "Nick: Please, chelsea. Come on.", "Chelsea: Nick, I just -- [ Sighs ] I know you're trying to fix this, but I need some time alone. So please respect that. Summer was right. This sucks.", "Victor: I think a family get-together is a great idea.", "Nikki: It'll give the kids and the grandkids the chance to say what's on their mind. Get everything out in the open so we can start to heal. PVictor: And move on.", "Nikki: Yeah. It's time to do that.", "Victor: You know, I think this will remind everyone that a family that is united is stronger.", "Nikki: Good. I'll start making calls.", "Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart. Oh, baby...", "Nikki: Hmm?", "Victor: Before you do. [ Sighs ] I just want to remind you how much I love you. And I couldn't have done this without you, you know. You've been a rock to me. And to the family.", "Nikki: Darling, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Because you are the love of my life." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sharon instigates when she leads Nick to believe that Victoria was the one to come up with the idea to give away Newman stock to an outsider. She watches as Nick orders his sister over the phone to come and meet him immediately. Brad has to take a sudden business trip to Chicago to push 'Seasons'. He told Victoria that they have to fly out on the jet that day, but she can't make it. She tells him to go alone. When Brad tells Sharon later that he has to take the trip alone, she gives him every reason why she should be the one to take Victoria's place. Brad makes the arrangements for them. Nick tries to make Victoria see sense, by warning her that she will regret having handed Brad the keys to the kingdom. Nick believes that Victoria is doing what is best for herself and not what is best for the company. Victoria responds by telling Nick that she will not be second-guessed by anyone. Ashley gets Gloria to admit that Tom has been threatening her, and has been talking about her father suddenly dying. Gloria has nothing to worry about as Ashley has promised her that she will not tell her secret. Michael laughs in Tom's face when he talks of having a chance with Ashley after all. Michael knows that by refusing to believe that Ashley would ever be with a man like him, Tom will try his best to make it happen with Ashley. That is just what Michael wants him to think." ]
[ "Tom: Brenda, let me explain something to you.", "Sheila: No, you know what? I don't want you to explain anything to me, Tom. I expect you to keep your side of the bargain.", "Tom: I already told you everything I know about poisons. That's was our arrangement.", "Sheila: No, our arrangement was I scratch your back, you scratch mine.", "Tom: I'm not asking the guy that sells me a little weed to get me some kinda poison that kills somebody. He's strictly small-time. He doesn't have access to that kinda stuff.", "Sheila: So find someone else. You're smart. I'm sure you know how to get what you want.", "Tom: And so do you. Yeah.", "Sheila: You're refusing to help me.", "Tom: Well, sorry, sweetheart, but I gotta draw the line on this one. Oh, you're a resourceful lady. You really wanna do that kinda number on somebody, I'm quite sure you'll be able to get your hands on whatever it is you want.", "Sheila: Resourceful, Tom? You have no idea.", "Sheila: It's a good thing I'm a nurse. Right, Lauren? Oh, I think I'm gonna whip up a prescription that is just for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, I like this. (Gasps) back already? How was your session?", "John: Oh, gets easier every week. You know, it feels like I never had a hip replacement? The fact is, my therapist said I am practically as good as new.", "Gloria: Now that's my husband--stronger than any man half his age.", "John: Oh, ho, ho, easy.", "Gloria: No, I mean it, John, especially after the way you punched Tom Fisher last night. I was very impressed.", "John: Oh.", "Gloria: You're in excellent shape, Mr. Abbott.", "John: Thank you.", "Gloria: Mm.", "John: That reminds me-- I need to talk to Ashley. Where is she?", "Gloria: She's already left for work.", "John: Honey, I asked you to tell her not to go anywhere.", "Gloria: I know, and I'm sorry, John, but I had an early morning appointment with Lauren about the wedding. And by the time I got back, she was gone.", "John: I don't know what to make of this. I mean, why on earth would Ashley go to dinner with a man like Tom Fisher? Especially after all she's been told about your ex-husband.", "Gloria: I don't know. But I agree. It's gotta be stopped.", "John: Now I think it's time that I have a little chat with Mr. Fisher, man- to-man.", "Gloria: John, you can't do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Are you sure this is worth it? I mean, this is really risky.", "Michael: You have a better idea?", "Ashley: No, I don't. It's just hard to believe that a man like Tom Fisher, with all the terrible things he's done--there isn't something else we can nail him with.", "Michael: But Tom has covered his tracks extremely well. The only person who can bust him is Gloria.", "Ashley: Oh, she has far too much to lose.", "Michael: And so do we if we don't take action. Look, we have to show Tom that if he wants to play dirty, we can play dirtier. So what's it gonna be? Are you in or are you out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: What's up, dude? What are you writin'?", "Scott: Uh, is this a bad time? You want me to leave you alone?", "Kevin: No.", "Scott: Good. So what's going on?", "Kevin: That's what I'm wondering. Thought you were mad at me.", "Scott: (Sighs) yeah, I was, but I had a talk with my mom, realized I need to lighten up about my past. Sorry for, you know, being such a jerk.", "Kevin: So we're cool?", "Scott: Far as I'm concerned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Bet I know what put that smile on your face.", "Sharon: Noah get to school okay?", "Nick: Yeah. He's gonna go over to Aidan's house in the afternoon, and then his mom's gonna bring him home after dinner.", "Sharon: Great.", "Nick: So I wanted to apologize for walking out on you last night.", "Sharon: Oh, there's no need to apologize, Nick. Once again, we were on different pages. Let's just forget about it and move on.", "Sharon: Where were you last night, anyway?", "Nick: I was just driving around, and I stopped by the Athletic Club, and I ran into Jack. He said something to me that I just can't stop thinking about.", "Sharon: Yeah? What's that?", "Nick: He said that Brad Carlton now owns shares in Newman Enterprises. Did you know about that?", "Sharon: Yes, I did.", "Nick: So I'm the last person in the family to find out.", "Sharon: Does that bother you, Nick?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: \"Chemistry... chemistry.\" All right. Yes. Now for a little refresher course.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: So what are you up to?", "Kevin: Um, I wanna update the jukebox at the coffeehouse, so I downloaded a bunch of songs, but I'm not really finding much that I like.", "Scott: Oh, you should check out some Toronto bands. There's some awesome music going on up there.", "Kevin: Yeah? Could you give me some names?", "Scott: Yeah, I'll e-mail 'em to you.", "Kevin: Thanks. That'd be a big help.", "Scott: Are you nervous about taking over Crimson Lights?", "Kevin: Uh, a little, but mostly, I'm excited. The grand re-opening is gonna be amazing.", "Scott: Hmm. I'll have to check it out.", "Kevin: You know, I just never thought my life could go this well. I mean, I'm a business owner, I'm getting along great with my family, got a cool roommate. All I need now is a girlfriend, and things will be just about perfect.", "Scott: Maybe you'll meet someone at the coffeehouse.", "Kevin: Well, the way things are going, I just might.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Why can't I go see Tom Fisher?", "Gloria: Well, for starters, you don't know where he's staying.", "John: Oh, wouldn't be very difficult to find him.", "Gloria: Probably... but, honey, are you sure you want to tangle with him again? You humiliated him, and I'm just worried that he might get violent.", "John: Ohh, violent.", "Gloria: Don't you forget, I've seen tom at his worst. He's a monster, and you don't want to antagonize him.", "John: Sweetheart, I can handle Tom Fisher... but you may be right, especially if it puts you and Ashley in any kind of danger. Well, perhaps I could get a restraining order.", "Gloria: How? He hasn't hurt Ashley. She's choosing to spend time with him, and like it or not, that is her right.", "John: Damn, I don't know what Ashley was thinking! I mean, she was so angry when she found out that Fisher deceived her. She would never give a child abuser a second chance, never! Particularly having her own child.", "Gloria: It's very strange.", "John: Well, maybe there's more to this than meets the eye.", "Gloria: Well, if there is, you won't get any answers out of Tom. Honey, what I think is best-- just go to your daughter and talk to her and convince her to stay as far away from that man as possible.", "John: Yeah, maybe. Maybe you're right. All right, I will go to the office and I'll talk to her, but I promise you this-- Tom Fisher will never hurt you again. Never.", "Gloria: I know... because you'll protect me.", "Gloria: Ashley, what the hell kind of game are you playing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Well?", "Ashley: It's not that simple. I want to get rid of Tom as much as you do, but this is not a sure thing. There's a chance it won't work.", "Michael: Oh, it will work. Tom Fisher never met a bad habit he didn't like.", "Ashley: If we get caught, this would be really, really bad.", "Michael: This is our one chance at getting something on the man.", "Ashley: Those words don't exactly inspire confidence, Michael.", "Michael: That's because you're coming at this like an Abbott.", "Ashley: What does that mean?", "Michael: It means you're used to taking the moral high ground, trusting the system, and that fails miserably when your opponent is not playing by the rules.", "Ashley: Look, I'm not gonna pull any punches, okay? Nobody threatens my family. I just hope you're right. I hope this gets tom Fisher out of our lives.", "Michael: Ashley, if we play this smart, once we're done with him, Tom Fisher will never bother us again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Ohh...", "Sheila: Oh, yeah, this is gonna do the trick nicely. Mm-hmm. That's just what I need, Lauren... to take good care of you. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door shuts)", "Gloria: Well, there you go, sneaking out again, just like you did this morning.", "Ashley: I didn't sneak out.", "Gloria: Uh-huh, well, it's pretty obvious you don't want to answer any questions about why you were with Tom Fisher last night.", "Ashley: Well, you are right. I don't wanna talk about it.", "Gloria: You know, if you want to keep it a secret, Ashley, you shouldn't have gone to the club.", "Ashley: Gloria, I don't owe you an explanation.", "Gloria: No, you're right. I suppose you don't, but your father's not gonna be that easy to shake off because he's bound and determined to find out what's going on with you two.", "Ashley: Nothing's going on. I'm a competent adult. I should be able to have dinner with someone without being faced with an inquisition by my father or anyone else, for that matter.", "Gloria: Ashley, I know how charming Tom can be, even when you think you know better.", "Ashley: I can take care of myself, Gloria. Actually, Tom and I would have had a lovely evening last night if half the town hadn't intervened. As as matter of fact, we ended up having a wonderful chat at his place. You might know it. You know, he's staying at the same motel that your friend Jennifer was. Isn't that the weirdest coincidence?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: The only reason I have a smile on my face is because of my enthusiasm for the new line. Why? Is there some other reason I should be in a good mood?", "Brad: You didn't read my e-mail?", "Victoria: No, I didn't. Why?", "Brad: I pulled off one hell of a coup, that's why.", "Victoria: Really? Well, tell me more.", "Brad: I've arranged for us to meet with three prominent beauty and fashion magazine editors who happen to be in Chicago for a symposium. They're gonna preview Seasons and the rest of the new line.", "Victoria: Wow.", "Brad: Yeah, \"wow\" is right. You know what kind of an opportunity this is, to generate buzz before the official rollout?", "Victoria: Well, this is great, Bradley. So I guess we'll be going to Chicago, then?", "Brad: You up for it?", "Victoria: Are you kidding me? You and me together, dazzling the magazine mavens and then celebrating afterwards? Yeah, that's my idea of a good time.", "Brad: Okay, then get on the phone and get the corporate jet gassed up. We gotta be there this afternoon.", "Victoria: Today? Why? What's the rush?", "Brad: The symposium ends tomorrow. We've got a very small window of opportunity.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, then I'm afraid we have a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I wish someone had told me that Brad Carlton now owned a chunk of Newman Enterprises. I am a part of this family.", "Sharon: Well, I tried to tell you last night, but you shut me down.", "Nick: Yeah, and I'm not blaming you for anything. If anyone should have told me about this, it's my father.", "Sharon: You know, I'm surprised he hasn't.", "Nick: I'm not. He probably assumed that I'd be against it.", "Sharon: Are you?", "Nick: You're damn right I am. Newman Enterprises has always been a family company. The last thing we need is Brad Carlton coming in here and telling us how to do things.", "Sharon: Well, I should probably tell you this wasn't Brad's idea.", "Nick: Whose was it, my dad's?", "Sharon: No. It was Victoria's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Thinking) Tom is a cancer-- the insidious kind that destroys people before they even realize what hit 'em. He's gotta be stopped... permanently.", "Kevin: Even if means you go down, too?", "Kevin: Hey, don't jump! You're gonna get your suit wet. What's goin' on, smiley?", "Michael: What have you been drinking?", "Kevin: Nothin', nothin'. Hey, I just, uh, ran into Scott. We had this great talk. He's not mad at me anymore, which is a huge load off my mind.", "Michael: That's great.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, you know, I don't have too many friends that I can talk to, you know, about guy stuff.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Yeah, anyway, now everything's cool. I can introduce him to a bunch of people at the grand re-opening, you know? You are coming, right?", "Michael: Uh, to what?", "Kevin: Duh, the coffeehouse. Grand re-opening--it's gonna be be here before you know it. I am hoping you'll be there.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no. I wouldn't miss it.", "Kevin: Excellent, cool. Mac and I have been workin' really hard, you know? We got a bunch of great stuff planned that...", "Michael: That's great.", "Kevin: Just hope nothing goes wrong. Just... hey. Hey, am I boring you?", "Michael: Huh?", "Kevin: Michael, you haven't heard a single word I said.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, Kevin. There's just a lot on my mind.", "Kevin: All right, I get it. You know, the wedding, wow. It's gonna be here in three weeks. Can't even believe it, you know?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah.", "Tom: ...My invitation must have got lost in the mail.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: What do you mean, there's a problem?", "Victoria: Ohh, I can't go jetting off to Chicago-- the big industrial products division meeting.", "Brad: Ohh, that's right. That's today, isn't it?", "Victoria: Unfortunately, yes.", "Brad: Well, you know what? Don't worry about it. I can take Dru with me. We have to discuss our search for someone to represent the new line anyway, so we can do it on the plane.", "Victoria: It's a shame, though.", "Brad: What is?", "Victoria: That I can't go with you... not that Dru won't do a great job, it's just that you and I, we really do make an unbelievable team.", "Brad: Yeah, we sure do, boss lady.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So Victoria is the reason that Brad now owns a piece of Newman Enterprises?", "Sharon: She was desperate to keep him from leaving.", "Nick: I don't get it. Why is it so important to hang on to this guy, and why would my father go along with it?", "Sharon: Well, I don't understand all the details, but from what I know, when Victoria asked Brad to dump his stock in Jabot, he said no.", "Nick: Okay, well, then, why didn't she just fire him like she told me she was going to?", "Sharon: Because she feels that he's too valuable, so Victoria went to Brad with the idea of this stock swap-- equal shares of Jabot for Newman shares.", "Nick: This is ridiculous.", "Sharon: If you want to know more about it, why don't you call your sister?", "Nick: Oh, I will, believe me.", "Sharon: Okay. (Telephone rings)", "Victoria: This is Victoria.", "Nick: Hey, it's me. I need to see you.", "Victoria: I'm a little busy right now.", "Nick: It's important. Can you come to my place?", "Victoria: Is everything okay?", "Nick: Just get out here. I'll be waiting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I can't believe you actually have the nerve to show your face around here after last night.", "Kevin: Why? What happened last night?", "Tom: I was assaulted downstairs.", "Michael: (Laughs) he walked in with Ashley Abbott, and John Abbott decided to rearrange his face.", "Kevin: Ha! Way to go, Mr. Abbott.", "Tom: Look, I'm glad you're both here 'cause I wanna talk to you.", "Michael: About what?", "Tom: Well, last night was a pretty big wake-up call for me. Things are really getting out of hand here.", "Michael: Yeah, well, so leave town.", "Tom: Well, that's not gonna solve problem.", "Kevin: Well, it will for us.", "Tom: I'm not leavin' Genoa City. I like it here. Also happens to be where my family lives... and I want to make amends with you boys.", "Kevin: (Laughs) since when?", "Tom: Well, like I said, gettin' clobbered in a restaurant kinda makes you think, you know?", "Kevin: About what? All the people that you've hurt, starting with me, with us?", "Tom: Exactly.", "Kevin: Oh, okay, so somebody hits you, right, someone humiliates you, and you --you suddenly understand how I feel, is that it?", "Tom: I do understand, yeah.", "Kevin: Good, no, this is good, it's great, actually, 'cause I have a closet with your name on it. Come on, let's go right now. I'll show you what pain is all about.", "Tom: Look, Kevin, I don't expect you to believe me, not yet, but I am telling you the truth. I want to... I want to start makin' up for all the terrible things I did to you while you were growing up.", "Kevin: What about the terrible thing you're doing to Mom right now?", "Tom: We're not talking about your mother. We're talking about you two. It feels pretty bad when your own stepson won't invite you to his wedding.", "Michael: Yeah, I know. I get all teary, too, but, uh, I really don't want you around my wedding, but, uh, if you are here to talk peace, I'll hear you out.", "Kevin: What?! Michael, how could you even give him the time of day?", "Michael: You know what? It's all right. I want to talk to him. Just go.", "Kevin: No! No, no, no. You tell him to go. He doesn't want to make peace. He's after something! You're after something!", "Michael: It's all right.", "Kevin: No, no!", "Michael: I want to talk to him alone, all right?", "Tom: Well, thanks for givin' me a chance.", "Michael: Ohh, let's cut the bull. You don't give a damn about Kevin or me. This is all about Ashley Abbott. Is it possible you actually believe that you can get her to fall for you? (Laughs) oh, my God. You really, truly believe you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Yes, that is quite a coincidence, them staying at the same place. But I think the more important question is, why on earth, under any circumstances would you go to that man's room?", "Ashley: Well, we had to go somewhere, didn't we? We couldn't very well stay and finish dinner at the club.", "Gloria: He's a dangerous man.", "Ashley: Oh, correction-- he was a dangerous man.", "Gloria: Was?", "Ashley: Yes, that was a long time ago, decades. He swears he's changed.", "Gloria: Ashley, don't believe it. He's as awful as ever.", "Ashley: And how do you know that? I thought last night was the first and only time you've seen him in years.", "Gloria: It was. But I know him. And I saw it in his eyes...", "Ashley: Gloria, Gloria...", "Gloria: He has not changed.", "Ashley: Look, I need you to level with me, okay? And I promise you this will stay strictly between us. Has Tom threatened you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Sorry I'm so late.", "Sheila: No problem.", "Scott: I've been doing a little brainstorming about our story structure. Got some ideas here I'd like to go over with you.", "Sheila: Well, before that, how are things going with your mother?", "Scott: Why do you ask?", "Sheila: Well, last time you were here, that phone call you had with her, things just seemed a little tense.", "Scott: Uh, no, not really. I just realized after talking with her, that I was being a little hard on her. That's why I decided to stay.", "Sheila: Does this mean that you're giving up on trying to find out whatever it is you think she might be hiding from you?", "Scott: I'm sure it's about my past, and, yeah, I'd still like to know. But I was overreacting and getting all uptight over ancient history, so, you know, I figured what's important is now, focusing on the present, getting to know my family, working on the book together.", "Sheila: Yes. Yes. That's great. It seems like you're getting your priorities straight.", "Scott: Well, trying, anyway.", "Sheila: Good for you.", "Scott: I know my mom's happy that I'm staying.", "Sheila: I'm sure she is.", "Scott: Yeah, that's why I decided to buy her a present, show her how much she means to me.", "Sheila: I can't believe you'd do that.", "Scott: Why?", "Sheila: Well, look, I'm really excited that you're not wasting your energies on trying to find out what happened in your past, your childhood, but your mother--she certainly hasn't done anything to warrant any kind of a reward.", "Scott: She's my mom, Brenda. Why... this doesn't make any sense. Before you were all about cutting her a break, so why are you trying to talk me out of it now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Got here as soon as I could. What's going on?", "Nick: I heard that you gave Newman shares to Brad Carlton.", "Victoria: That's why you wanted to see me? I thought something was wrong.", "Nick: Something is wrong. That was a very stupid thing to do.", "Victoria: Well, I disagree. This way, Brad stays on the Newman payroll and we own a stake in one of our major competitors. It's a win-win.", "Nick: Since when is hanging on to Brad Carlton worth surrendering control over our company?", "Victoria: My goodness. I think you're overreacting. We're not speaking about some vast amount of shares here.", "Nick: That is not the point, sis. Newman Enterprises has always been a family company. We agreed we keep ownership within the family. That's the way it's always been.", "Victoria: Well, I needed to stop Brad from jumping ship.", "Nick: Why? Anyone can do his job.", "Victoria: That's not true. In the few months that Bradley has been here, he's become a vital part of the cosmetics division. He is spearheading our new product launch, and we cannot afford to lose him at a time like this.", "Nick: How much do you really know about this guy?", "Victoria: What are you talking about? We have known Bradley forever.", "Nick: I'm beginning to wonder if you can really trust him.", "Victoria: (Sighs) oh, Nick.", "Nick: Look, I gotta say it. You have put an awful lot of faith in Brad Carlton. And I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to meddle. You wanna let your mother off the hook, that's good. Good for you. I-I just--I hope she appreciates how lucky she is to have a son like you.", "Scott: I hope she likes what I got her. It's kind of tough buying a gift for someone who owns a chain of department stores.", "Sheila: Yeah. You want me to take a look?", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sheila: \"Embrace life.\" That's really lovely. I'm sure she'll never take it off.", "Scott: You think?", "Sheila: Yeah. Yeah. I think any mother would be grateful to receive something like this from her son.", "Scott: Thanks, Brenda. That makes me feel a lot better.", "Sheila: I'm glad you guys are getting along, really. But, hey, let's get back to work, shall we?", "Scott: All right. You're on. Where'd we leave off?", "Sheila: You wanted to run some structure ideas by me.", "Scott: Right. They're just... (Knock on door)", "Sheila: Who is it?", "Man: Delivery.", "Sheila: Hi. Oh. Thank you. Do you need me to sign anything?", "Man: Yes, right here.", "Sheila: Okay. There you go. Just a second. I'll get you some--", "Scott: No, I got it, okay?", "Sheila: Thanks. Thank you.", "Scott: Yeah. Here you go.", "Man: Thanks.", "Scott: Finally. About time it got here.", "Sheila: Is this the gift that you were talking about?", "Scott: Yep.", "Sheila: And it's for me? You bought this for me?", "Scott: Well, come on. Crack it open. See what you think.", "Sheila: Okay. (Grunts) oh, my God. Oh, this is leather. This... it is beautiful. It's... I love it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Gosh. Nobody's ever done anything this nice for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I'm not saying that we don't need to keep an eye on Brad. Yes, yes, he needs to be held accountable, but that is true for all of our employees.", "Nick: Well, I'm glad you brought up the other employees, because how do you think they're gonna react when they find out that Brad owns a piece of our company? Don't you think they're gonna wanna buy in, too? And what happens when you have to tell them no?", "Victoria: Well, I can't really control that.", "Nick: The hell you can't. You are the acting C.E.O., Sis. It's your job to make sure that place is running smoothly.", "Victoria: Thank you very much, Nicholas, but I don't need my little brother telling me how to do my job. I appreciate your perspective, but I've made my decision and I feel confident with it.", "Nick: You know, I have been in your shoes.", "Victoria: I know, and so has Dad, and he supported this compromise. In fact, he's the one who originally suggested it.", "Nick: I thought that...", "Victoria: No, I proposed it to Brad, but it was dad's idea.", "Nick: Dad must be trying to stick it to Jack in some way.", "Victoria: Well, frankly, I don't really care what our father's motives are. The fact is, Newman Enterprises needs Brad.", "Nick: Newman Enterprises does, or you do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Dru, Dru, Dru, its--its okay. Listen, I wish you could be there, but I certainly understand. All right. I'll talk to you soon. (Sighs) great.", "Sharon: Problem?", "Brad: Sort of. I scheduled an important meeting with some beauty magazine editors in Chicago, and unfortunately, Victoria can't go, and neither can Dru.", "Sharon: You don't think you can handle that on your own?", "Brad: Oh, I can certainly make the presentation, but I think it'd be more effective coming from someone who's actually used the products.", "Sharon: Well, you don't think they'll believe you when you tell them that our lipstick is the best you've ever worn?", "Brad: (Chuckles) I don't know. They might.", "Sharon: Hey, uh, I might have a solution for ya.", "Brad: Hmm?", "Sharon: Why don't you bring me to Chicago?", "Brad: Sharon, I appreciate the offer. I really do. But you just came back to work. You've got a ton to catch up on. You shouldn't be going on a business trip right now.", "Sharon: Translation-- you don't think I have enough experience to be representing Newman in a big meeting like this, which is fine. You can just say that.", "Brad: I... (Chuckles) I think you're doing a great job around here, but this is your first product launch, and the fact is, there's no time to prepare.", "Sharon: Well, how much time do I need? I've been living and breathing this line ever since I came back to work. Before that, even, when you gave me those materials to go over. I helped Dru come up with the marketing plan, and you know, besides her, I probably know this line better than anybody else, and that includes Victoria. Now it's true I don't have any pre-launch press experience, but I do have some experience with the media and with our department store buyers. And I can honestly say that our lipsticks are the best I've ever worn.", "Brad: Well, that was quite a pitch. What about Noah? We'd have to be there this afternoon. Can you leave town on such short notice?", "Sharon: Um, Noah has plans after school, and Nick should be there when he gets home, so... I don't see any reason why you can't bring me with you... unless, of course, you don't want to, and if so, I understand.", "Brad: You sold me. Windy city, here we come.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I hope you're not suggesting that I kept Brad at the company for personal reasons.", "Nick: People are gonna wonder about that.", "Victoria: Oh, people like you.", "Nick: Are you telling me that I'm off-base?", "Victoria: Completely. The reason I want Bradley here is because he's extremely good at what he does, period.", "Nick: So that's it? There's no talking you out of this?", "Victoria: Sorry, no. My decision is final, and this conversation is over. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the office.", "Nick: This is a mistake. Someday you're gonna regret giving Brad the keys to the kingdom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: You're gonna have to forgive me.", "Scott: For what?", "Sheila: Getting emotional. It's just that it's been a long time since... since anyone has got me a gift, and it really means so much.", "Scott: It's cool. I understand.", "Sheila: You do?", "Scott: I can only imagine how hard it's been for you, you know, being apart from everyone you care about.", "Sheila: I've accepted it.", "Scott: Still, you're not made of stone.", "Sheila: No, no, I'm not. This leather day planner-- God, I just love it.", "Scott: I'm glad you like it.", "Sheila: More than you know.", "Scott: Well, I wanted to say thanks. Setting aside your whole life back in Toronto to come here with me--it's a big sacrifice.", "Sheila: I know that I said that, Scott, but it's not true. Writing this book-- it means everything. It's my life story, my darkest days, and being here together with you, working on it, it's been very cathartic for me.", "Scott: I'll try my best to do it justice.", "Sheila: Yes. After all these years, justice will finally be done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: What happens between me and Tom is none of your business.", "Ashley: Gloria... for better or worse, we're family. What happens to one of us affects all of us.", "Ashley: Now I need to know, is Tom threatening you? Damn it, Gloria! Tell me, is he threatening you?!", "Gloria: Yes. And not just me.", "Ashley: He's threatening my father? What did he say?", "Gloria: He made it very clear that John's an old man and that he could get hurt and have a horrible accident.", "Ashley: Oh, my God.", "Gloria: Now do you understand? Tom is evil. He only knows how to hurt somebody. But I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm not going to let anything happen to John.", "Ashley: Oh, believe me, I won't let anything happen to my father--", "Gloria: No, Ashley, just stay out of this.", "Ashley: I can handle this.", "Gloria: Tom is--", "Ashley: Tom isn't gonna know what hit him. I need you to stay away from him, all right? And I promise you that Tom's never gonna have anything to do with you or my father ever again.", "Gloria: Ashley, wait.", "Ashley: What?", "Gloria: Thank you. And please be careful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Look, I won't deny it. I do want Ashley. I can have a shot at something really special with her.", "Michael: Yeah, her bank account.", "Tom: I know the whole town's gonna be against us, but I've never been with a woman like her. She's smart, she's classy.", "Michael: A few more reasons why you're gonna strike out.", "Tom: You know, I'll bet people said the same thing when you first started seeing Lauren Fenmore. Now look at you.", "Michael: That comparison is not only inaccurate, it's insulting.", "Tom: Mike, I didn't mean it as a slam. I think it's very inspiring. I mean, it shows that if a man tries hard enough, he can win the heart of a woman who's way out of his league.", "Michael: Listen to me. Lauren and I love each other deeply. You, on the other hand, have never loved anyone in your life.", "Tom: Believe what you want.", "Michael: What I find hard believing is Ashley ever agreeing to go out with you in the first place, but if you wanna make a fool of yourself chasing after her, I am all for it. It will be entertaining.", "Tom: Well, I can understand why you would think it's impossible.", "Michael: Well, it is impossible.", "Tom: I know I have a mountain to climb with her, but I'm gonna climb it. And I cannot wait to see the look on your face when I prove you wrong.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Abby: You're Victoria.", "Victoria: Yes, I am.", "Abby: We're sisters.", "Tom: I hear you're the new owner of this place.", "Brittany: Yes, this is Brittany Marsino. Oh, my God! Is he hurt?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Amanda Proofread By Emma']
[ "Gloria has been hearing rumors about the company being sold. She comes to Kevin but he thinks that is just a rumor. Meanwhile, in the boardroom. Katherine and Michael make the deal and Jabot is sold to The House of Kim. Gloria comes in soon after. When she is told about the sale, she realizes that she and Kevin are out of a job and that she has lost the last connection she had to John. Michael goes to Jack and tells him about the sale. He even takes things a little further telling of how he knew all along about EFO International and Raaz Cosmetics Jack's mouth drops. \"Yeah that's right. How does it feel Jack? Yeah, chew on that for a while \" Gloria rushes to Kevin to tell him what has happened. Michael comes right after and he is happy as a clam. To him the bright side is that Jack really got his, and he feels that his mother should be happy as she isn't under the thumb of Jack Abbot anymore. Katherine tells Ashley the news, and she takes it well. Katherine managed to get a clause put in assuring that the jobs of the upper management will be protected for at least one year. Ashley understands the decision that Katherine has made. Billy is furious about the sale. He goes to find his brother. Jack is with Sharon who has just heard the news. She is sorry about the sale since that makes Jack sad. She tells him that she understands his connection to John. It is much like the connection that she has to Cassie. Billy marvels at his brother's ability to handle such news so gracefully. Jack says that he has a good thing at NVP and will put all his energies into that from now on. Devon doesn't like it when the family suggests that he give up the semester to learn sign language. Daniel tries to help by getting friends to agree to take some of Devon's classes so they can take notes for him. When Devon sees all the trouble that everyone is going to, he decides soon after that he will give up the semester to learn sign-language after all. Ashley arrives home. She finds her brother sad and brooding in a chair. \"I think that it is time that I change my focus anyway,\" Jack says to her. She feels that is best. Not long after, Ashley comes down to her brother pouring bubbly. He hands her a glass and pours one for himself, slowly starting to smile. \"You are just in time Ashley. I want to propose a toast to the new owner and CEO of Jabot Cosmetics And you're looking at him.\"" ]
[ "Sharon: Oh, hey, there's handsome naked men over here giving away trips to the Caribbean--", "Dru: Where? Where?", "Sharon: I'm just kidding. I knew that would get your attention.", "Dru: Oh, it did and then some.", "Sharon: Hey, I didn't know you were coming in today.", "Dru: Oh, well, look at me. I just came by to get some work and take it home.", "Sharon: How's Devon?", "Dru: Sharon, he's in so much pain it's not even funny.", "Sharon: All right, you can't blame yourself for this.", "Dru: Yeah, but if I'd have been more present, if I weren't so preoccupied with Neil and Carmen-- I just feel like a bad mother.", "Sharon: You are not a bad mother. You had no idea that this would happen.", "Dru: Sharon, I am so scared for my son.", "Sharon: What did the doctor say about his hearing?", "Dru: That his deafness may be permanent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Sorry about that, folks.", "Lily: Let's tell Devon about the lights.", "Daniel: Mmm, I'll show him.", "Lily: Okay, um, oh... \"This is a sensor so when someone knocks or pushes the button.\"", "Lily: Um, and then the phone one?", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Okay. \"This light is for when the phone rings.\"", "Neil: Isn't it amazing how advanced technology has become?", "Lily: I know.", "Daniel: You know what? I wish I had one of these at my place. The thing could tell me when I need to do my homework, when I need to take a shower.", "Lily: Yeah, especially that.", "Neil: That's what rents are for.", "Devon: What if all these go off at the same time? It would be like my own little disco in here. Too bad I won't hear the music.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Gosh, poor Devon. I mean, one day he's fine and the next day, he's in a hospital room with maybe only hours to live.", "Billy: It freaked me right out. I went and got my meningitis vaccine right after I heard what happened.", "Colleen: Did you? I got mine before I started at NYU my dad wouldn't let me set foot on campus without it.", "Billy: Devon's gonna be okay, though, right?", "Colleen: I don't know, Billy. I mean, I don't even know if his hearing loss is permanent. But what's important is that he's surrounded by friends and family instead of being, like, stranded in some big city like Manhattan.", "Billy: Do you miss New York?", "Colleen: Sometimes, yeah. But I'm just-- I'm really happy to be with my family. I don't have any regrets about that. Well, there's one.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? What's that? Ending up with your high school boyfriend?", "Colleen: You know what? JT and I are happy, Billy. We don't need to play the field like you do.", "Billy: So what's your one regret?", "Colleen: Taking medieval art with Professor Korbel. He's driving me crazy and there's not exactly a vaccination for that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, Sharon, I'm gonna head back over to the ranch in a little bit to get my stuff.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah. Oh, you and Neil are-- are getting back together?", "Dru: Yeah, not exactly. Not exactly. It's just that, um... I need to get back home and help with my son.", "Sharon: Yeah, you know, it'll be great for Devon to have his family together again.", "Dru: Right. Listen, um, thank you, Sharon, thank you so much for letting me stay with you these few weeks. I don't know what I would've done without you.", "Sharon: Oh, gosh, it has been so great, seriously, having each other to count on and I'm just... I'm gonna miss you. You've just-- you've helped me through so much these past few weeks. But you know what?", "Dru: What?", "Sharon: The door's always open. Keep the key.", "Dru: Listen, I'd better get back. I'm sure my son is wondering where I am. Thank you.", "Jack: Hey, Dru, I am so sorry to hear about Devon.", "Dru: Oh, thank you. Thank you.", "Jack: Oh, Man. Please tell him he is in my prayers. If there's anything I can do, I wanna help. You know where to find me.", "Dru: Okay, all right, thank you, Jack. All right, I'll leave you two alone. Bye, Sweet.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Jack: Boy, I can't tell you how nice it is to finally see a friendly face.", "Sharon: Uh-oh. Sounds like you had a rough morning. Where you been?", "Jack: Jabot. The family company has now become enemy territory.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Is it true?", "Kevin: Is what true?", "Gloria: Rumor has it that Katherine is selling Jabot.", "Kevin: Mom, if you believe every rumor you hear, you'll give yourself a heart attack.", "Gloria: Honey, we could lose our jobs, not to mention, John's company. Why aren't you worried?", "Kevin: Because it's just a rumor. They generally aren't true. You went to high school once.", "Gloria: This ain't high school. Katherine is locked in her office. Michael's not returning my calls. This is a sign.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: All right, these are the bills of sale. I am the assistant secretary, so I can testify to the fact that Mrs. Chancellor is indeed the acting CEO of Chancellor Industries.", "Mr. Kim: This is Ms. Lee. She'll be my attester.", "Michael: How do you do?", "Ms. Lee: Nice to meet you both.", "Kay: Uh, welcome. Uh, oh, by the way, Michael, now you do have the shares there?", "Michael: Yes, yes, uh, here they are. All you have to do is sign them over to Mr. Kim and assign them to his corporation.", "Mr. Kim: Well, I don't wanna take up too much of your time. I can just fill in my name wherever appropriate.", "Kay: No, no, no, no, thank you, I'll do it. I wanna make sure that you, and you only, can get these shares.", "Michael: I'll affix the corporate seal to the documents and make sure that they're delivered to you as soon as possible. Um, all right... let's see, Mr. Kim, would you please sign here. Ms. Lee, right there. Thank you. All right, it's official.", "Kay: Congratulations. House of Kim now is the new owner of Jabot cosmetics.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I know what enemy territory is like. Let me guess, Gloria?", "Jack: I can't stand that woman. And Katherine just loves her.", "Sharon: You think she's a lifer at Jabot?", "Jack: It's hard to say. Katherine almost sold Jabot today.", "Sharon: Really? Who was the interested buyer?", "Jack: Oh, thank you, a, uh, small company out of India.", "Sharon: I didn't know they were looking to sell.", "Jack: Yeah, neither did I. This was a real wake-up call. I never allowed for the possibility Katherine would sell the company, given her long history with Dad. I felt like it was still in the family.", "Sharon: Of course.", "Jack: Since I was a little boy, I used to visit Jabot and watch my dad work. He put his heart and soul into that company. It meant everything to him. To not be part of it now... I'm just glad Katherine still owns Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I will call. Thank you again.", "Kay: Well, by the look on your face, you seem upset about the sale.", "Michael: That's a good guess.", "Kay: It was a business decision, Michael.", "Michael: And it was a good one. I don't blame you for making it. (Knock on door)", "Gloria: I can't take this anymore.", "Kay: Gloria, what's the matter?", "Gloria: You tell me. Did you sell Jabot? You did.", "Kay: Gloria, you're going to be in good hands. Jabot will be run the way it always has been. I added a clause in the agreement with House of Kim just to protect upper management.", "Gloria: Well, thank you for that. It's good to know that I'll still be working at my husband's company.", "Michael: Gloria, you're not upper management.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So why don't you just drop the medieval arts class if the professor's such a jerk?", "Colleen: Because I'm actually interested. Plus, I never let a guy win. You know that.", "Billy: Yeah, well, we only let girls think they've won. It's all part of the plan.", "Colleen: Oh, so, uh, are you speaking on behalf of all guys now?", "Billy: Maybe not this one. Isn't it better that you cut your losses this time? Get out while you can?", "Colleen: No. You see, he's waiting for me to blow this position-- this, uh, research assistant position that I go.", "Billy: When did you get that?", "Colleen: Well, the other day. You know, well, of course, after he embarrassed me in front of everyone. He really thinks I'm gonna mess up. Billy, I think that I could do a good job.", "Billy: Working for this loser?", "Colleen: Well, I'll prove him wrong. And you know what? It's actually--it's kinda fun. We're learning about, um, Romanesque and gothic sculptures. Actually, I have two regrets. 'Cause, see, the Met in New York-- it has an amazing collection. It's huge. And I just wish that I would've gone more and studied it when I lived there, you know? What? What?", "Billy: Nothing.", "Colleen: Billy, I'm actually really fascinated by this.", "Billy: Since when? The only thing you've ever been fascinated with is JT and designer purses.", "Colleen: I met a very informative woman who got me into it. She's dealt with some of this art firsthand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Lord have mercy!", "Lily: Oh, Mom's home!", "Dru: Your mother's landed!", "Daniel: I got ya.", "Dru: Thank you, Daniel. I got gifts for everybody! Devon?! Devon, Sweet?", "Neil: Hey, Devon, Buddy, your mom's home.", "Dru: Baby, it's so good to see you.", "Devon: Hey, I'm glad you're home.", "Dru: Yeah, it's good to be home!", "Lily: Mom, guess what?", "Dru: Huh?", "Lily: Daniel and I found these really cool web sites online that are gonna teach the whole family how to sign, right, Dad?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Dru: Oh, well, that's fabulous, baby girl. Come here, sit next to Mama.", "Lily: All right.", "Devon: What are you guys talking about?", "Neil: Signing-- signing is a complex language. It's gonna take him awhile to learn, weeks, if not months.", "Dru: Um, if he could just concentrate on his signing, um, that would be great.", "Devon: Is anybody listening to me?", "Neil: I agree. I think so. Devon? Go to the computer. Go to the computer. \"We think that you should take the semester off and learn how to sign.\"", "Devon: No, no, no, no, no. Guys, stop planning my life for me. All right, I'm going back to school, no matter what anybody says.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: So, uh... no job for me or for Kevin. So I guess we'll both be out on the street tomorrow. It's gotten to be a new hobby of ours.", "Michael: You're not gonna be out on the street. You're staying with me, remember?", "Kay: Oh, come on, there's not gonna be any major change in the next few months.", "Gloria: Who offered to buy the company?", "Kay: Mr. Kim of House of Kim. They're based out of Japan.", "Gloria: I just can't believe I could lose my job.", "Kay: Oh, for heaven's sakes. Mr. Kim is going to evaluate his team. He's going to determine where the strengths and the weaknesses are.", "Michael: I'm sure you're gonna be one of their strengths.", "Gloria: Thank you for all the encouragement, Michael. I just hope this mister...", "Kay: Kim.", "Gloria: Kim... agrees with you. I just feel like I lost the last piece of John I had.", "Kay: Oh, stop it! You have his memories, his love and his respect. John would want you to focus on the future.", "Gloria: You're right, he would, Katherine. That future doesn't look real bright though right now.", "Kay: Well, I'm sorry your mother's so upset.", "Michael: Were you expecting a different reaction? There's going to be a lot of that today.", "Kay: Everyone deserves to hear the news from me.", "Michael: That's very admirable.", "Kay: Well, that's the way John would've wanted it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: My father was an entrepreneur. He set the standard in the business.", "Sharon: Maybe. Maybe not. But you are still a very hard worker.", "Jack: I always dreamed I'd get the company back before he died--things right, make him proud that company was part of him. I just can't give it up.", "Sharon: Well, I can understand you feeling that way.", "Jack: Really?", "Sharon: Yeah. It was so hard for me to let go of anything that had to do with Cassie. Jabot is a connection to John.", "Jack: I'm not ready to donate his clothes. Giving up a pair of his shoes, I feel like I'm giving up a piece of my heart. Giving up a company he created... I feel like I was turning my back on him. Does that sound crazy?", "Sharon: Not at all. You know, it doesn't matter what other people think. You need to do what's right for you.", "Jack: And I will. And I'm confident things will turn out like they're supposed to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You know... Baby, he is so determined.", "Neil: Yeah, he sure is. That's good, though. It's gonna help him get through this ordeal.", "Dru: Mm-hmm. I don't think-- I don't think he realizes the enormity of the situation, though.", "Neil: Well, come on, he's just trying to focus on getting through his every day normal routine.", "Dru: Honey, how can he get back to his every day normal routine when he can't even hear the professor giving the lectures or the kids asking all the questions? It ain't gonna be easy, you know?", "Neil: You're right. None of this is easy. But I'm sure he'll figure it out. What are we here for? We're here to support him, that's all.", "Dru: Okay, but I'm also worried about his safety. He can't hear the cars coming, you know?", "Neil: Why are you worrying about hypotheticals? Dru, stop. Come on, let's go get the rest of your things.", "Lily: You know what? I think I have an idea.", "Daniel: Oh, you know, the last time I heard you say that, I think I wound up in a banana costume.", "Lily: That was your idea.", "Daniel: That's debatable. What have you got?", "Lily: Well, I don't know, maybe I could take notes in all of Devon's classes for him until he gets his hearing back.", "Daniel: Lily, you know, the doctor said that Devon has sensorineural hearing loss. And that's serious. You know, and he doesn't think that his chance of recovery is very good.", "Lily: Well, then what do you think? Because I have to do something.", "Daniel: I have an idea. Why don't you come with me?", "Lily: Where?", "Daniel: You'll see. Come on, let's go.", "Lily: Actually, you go. I don't wanna leave Devon here alone.", "Daniel: Okay, suit yourself. I'll be right back, okay?", "Lily: Okay, bye.", "Daniel: Bye.", "Lily: Love you.", "Daniel: Love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Mother, what is so urgent? I was on a conference call to Europe.", "Kay: I have some news for you.", "Jill: You're scaring me.", "Kay: Well, I just sold my controlling interest in Jabot cosmetics.", "Jill: Wow.", "Jill: I-I knew that you were considering selling. I just had no idea it would happen this fast.", "Kay: Well, there's no reason for me to hang onto it any longer.", "Jill: I just wish things could've worked out differently.", "Kay: Jill, you did a magnificent job as CEO. But the company was simply too damaged to turn around. And your worked proved while you were there that you can handle anything. Now, Darling, sincerely, I want you to work at one of Chancellor's companies. That is, if, uh, you decide to leave Jabot.", "Jill: Oh, you mean, I have the option to stay?", "Kay: Well, yes, of course, it is an agreement with Mr. Kim. Your job is protected for a year.", "Jill: Thank you, I appreciate that.", "Kay: You did the best you could, Jill. Honey, the company just didn't have any legs to stand on. Are you all right?", "Jill: Yeah. No, Katherine. John's gone... and now Jabot's gone. It's the end of an era. Lord, I can't even imagine how the Abbotts are gonna feel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I'm sure it's great to have the house back to yourself.", "Sharon: Mmm, actually, I liked having Dru there. You know, and we both really needed a friend.", "Jack: Hey, I'm a friend. I could move in.", "Sharon: Nice try.", "Jack: No, I have all the qualifications-- life's in crisis, friend in need, family problems.", "Sharon: Well, you also need to like shoes.", "Jack: Well, three out of four ought to get me something.", "Sharon: How about, um... an occasional visit?", "Jack: How about that? That would be nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ah! Howdy, howdy.", "Jack: Phyllis isn't back yet.", "Michael: That's nice. I need to talk to you.", "Jack: Can't you see I'm busy?", "Michael: Yes, the break room is where I go for all my stressful business as well.", "Jack: Okay, you got five minutes. Talk.", "Michael: Not here.", "Jack: Excuse me for a second. Don't go anywhere. I'm coming right back.", "Jack: All right, the clock's ticking.", "Michael: This won't take long. Maybe to set in, but not to say.", "Jack: Spit it out, Baldwin.", "Michael: Well, looks like you're out of luck. Katherine sold Jabot to House of Kim.", "Jack: When?", "Michael: Today.", "Jack: Why?", "Michael: Because she's a businesswoman.", "Jack: I can't believe that she betrayed me like this.", "Michael: Well, you betrayed her first.", "Jack: How do you figure that?", "Michael: Stop being so obtuse. It's irritating. You have a modicum of intelligence, but we were aware of EFO International and Raaz Cosmetics from the very start. You might as well have put up a billboard we knew you were behind it. How does it feel having something so important to you taken away before you can say goodbye? You chew on that for awhile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I'm gonna help you get through this.", "Lily: \"Remember the time when I was up late studying for that algebra test?\"", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: \"I wanted to give up.\" \"But you helped me study and pass.\" \"You were there for me then. And I will be here for you now.\"", "Devon: Thank you.", "Lily: Oh, and, \"even if there's something you don't want anyone else to know. I'll keep your secrets.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Um...", "Neil: Dru?", "Dru: Yeah, I can't go back in there.", "Neil: What are you talking about, you can't go back in there? Why not?", "Dru: Neil, if I hadn't have moved out in the first place, maybe--maybe Devon wouldn't be in this predicament. And I would've been more on point about getting him his meningitis vaccination.", "Neil: Hey, hey, listen to me. It's not your fault.", "Dru: Well...", "Neil: Are we gonna stand out here and beat ourselves up, or are we gonna go in there and help that kid? Together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So who's this art lady that you know?", "Colleen: Well, I don't know her personally. She's just somebody that came to class as a guest.", "Daniel: Hey, Guys, thank you for meeting me here.", "Billy: Yeah, can you make it quick? My mom called. I need to head over to Jabot.", "Colleen: Is everything okay?", "Daniel: Yeah, I just need your help. Lily wants to take notes for Devon at school, but she'll have to change her whole schedule.", "Daniel: Exactly. And that's why I need you guys.", "Billy: Yeah, sure, Man, I'm free Tuesdays, Thursdays before 2:00.", "Daniel: Cool, you can take his Tuesday/Thursday class at noon. And he's got one today at 1:45.", "Colleen: 1:45? Hey, I can take that 'cause my TA Session doesn't even start until 4:00.", "Daniel: Awesome. All right, well, I gotta get outta here, guys. Thank you.", "Billy: I gotta jet, too. I'll talk to you later, CC.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, I'm glad I ran into you.", "Colleen: Why, so you can take my coffee again?", "Professor Korbel: Very funny. Uh, I need you to join me for a conference call in a half-hour. We'll be discussing new approaches to medieval monumental sculpture.", "Colleen: I can't.", "Professor Korbel: It'll tie in nicely with what we're already talking about. The professor from Berkeley is organizing it and I need you to take notes.", "Colleen: I can't. There's something else that I have to do.", "Professor Korbel: Did I say this was optional? Because it isn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Where have you been?", "Kevin: You know, I'm gonna start locking my door.", "Gloria: Honey, you don't have a door anymore.", "Kevin: Did you go to another one of those \"ladies who lunch\" get-togethers? I heard they frequent the wine bars.", "Gloria: Stop with the jokes, Kevin. Katherine sold Jabot. So you may as well start packing this place up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Grandma did what?", "Jill: Yeah, she did. She sold all her shares Jabot.", "Billy: Naw. Really? A done deal?", "Jill: Yes. Yes, she sold to House of Kim. It's a company based in Tokyo, Japan.", "Billy: Zannen desu.", "Jill: What?", "Billy: It means \"too bad\" in Japanese.", "Jill: That's it, Billy?", "Billy: Yeah, if it makes Grandma happy, I guess that's what really matters. I feel bad for Jack and Ash, though.", "Jill: It's gonna be so tough on them. There is no doubt about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, how's it going?", "Ashley: Hi. Great. Just finishing up some final tests on the last of the upcoming spring line.", "Kay: Um, well, Ashley, I came down to, uh, tell you something. I have some good news and I have bad news.", "Ashley: Bad news first.", "Kay: I sold Jabot.", "Ashley: What's the good news?", "Kay: Well, your job is secure for another year, along with other senior management.", "Ashley: A year? A year?", "Kay: Oh, well, I was assured by House of Kim that they have the same commitment to quality as did your father.", "Ashley: Does Jack know?", "Kay: I'm sure he do. Michael's probably talking to him right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey, hey, hey, hey!(Humming)", "Sharon: Jack?", "Jack: Go away.", "Sharon: Hey... oh, my gosh, what happened?", "Jack: I am now officially a failure. Katherine sold Jabot. My father is rolling over in his grave.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, Baby, where'd you go?", "Daniel: Actually, I'd like to tell your parents, too. Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Winters?", "Dru: Hey.", "Neil: Yeah? What is it, Daniel?", "Daniel: Well, Lily being the selfless person that she is, offered to take notes in all of Devon's classes for him. (No audio)", "Daniel: I came up with the perfect solution. Colleen, Billy and I have offered to cover some of Devon's classes as well. That way no one has to drop any classes or rearrange their schedule.", "Lily: You did that for him?", "Daniel: And for you.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Lily: He's waiting for me to tell him what's going on. All right... \"Daniel set it up so that Colleen, Billy, Daniel or I will take notes in all of your classes.\"", "Devon: I don't want anybody messing up their schedules just for me.", "Lily: It won't change our schedules, right?", "Daniel: Mnh-mnh.", "Lily: \"This won't change any of our schedules.\"", "Daniel: Listen, uh, guys, I talked to one of Devon's professors and they said he's not gonna be able to take music theory because he's not gonna be able to listen to the music.", "Neil: Well, there's gotta be another way.", "Dru: Yeah.", "Lily: Nothing? \"One catch-- you have to change your major.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So what if I don't show up today?", "Professor Korbel: Don't bother showing up ever again.", "Colleen: Are you kidding me? Look, my best friend's brother just had meningitis. He almost died.", "Professor Korbel: Who?", "Colleen: Devon Hamilton. But why does that matter? The guy is deaf because of an illness. I was going to take notes so he wouldn't have to drop out of college. Come on. But you know what? Fine, if you wanna fire me, go ahead. Because I wouldn't wanna work for somebody so insensitive anyway. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Ashley, the company has a lot to offer. It has a long, credible history of being in control of their difficulties. It was their long-term vision for the company that convinced me to make the final sale.", "Kay: Well, they have very big plans for Jabot. And they want the company to full potential.", "Kay: Ashley, believe me, this--Darling, this was a business decision. John was my dearest, dearest friend and I value your friendship every bit as much as I did his.", "Kay: Of course you do. We all do. But understand, this was the very best thing for Jabot. I made it perfectly clear House of Kim that they would be doing themselves a big disservice if they did not come to value you as one of their colleagues.", "Ashley: Thank you. You know, I understand why you sold Jabot. And I'm sure my father is looking down on us and smiling. I just hope I can do him proud.", "Kay: I really appreciate that. I just... wish everyone else felt the same way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: It's not the end of the world.", "Gloria: It is to me, Kevin. 'Cause this was the last thing I had left.", "Kevin: Okay, what you had with John you can't measure with a job. And if you're worried about finding something else, you said yourself Katherine would be willing to give you a position at Chancellor.", "Michael: (Humming) what?", "Gloria: How could you let this happen?", "Michael: Oh, listen, I am Katherine's attorney. I'm there to advise, not to dictate. Ok, she would've made this decision with or without me well, come on, there were a few good things about today's sale.", "Gloria: Please, tell me one!", "Michael: Well, number one-- confronting Jack on his scams. Oh, and number two --seeing the look on his weasely little face when I told him she sold the company to House of Kim. That was nice. He's done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Can I get you anything?", "Jack: How about a vodka on the rocks?", "Sharon: Yeah, you know what? I'll--I'll cancel my meeting. We'll get out of here. We'll go eat.", "Jack: You know what? You know what? I'll be fine, thanks. Thanks.", "Billy: The receptionist said you were in here.", "Jack: Hey, Billy.", "Billy: Dude, I just heard the news. I never thought Grandma would actually do it.", "Jack: Look, I'm just trying to focus on the positive. NVP is starting to take off now. Reports from last week have surpassed even our highest expectations.", "Sharon: Um, well, speaking of work, let me know if you need anything.", "Jack: Yeah, I will, thank.", "Sharon: Bye, Billy.", "Billy: I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted the company back in the family.", "Jack: In business, in life, you play the hand that fate deals you. I'm not ready to fold just yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Billy, hey, where are you? Um, I need to know if you can cover Devon's class in 15 minutes.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, that won't be necessary.", "Colleen: Excuse me?", "Professor Korbel: Well, if you hadn't stormed off earlier, I was gonna tell you that by law GCU is required to provide note takers to any student with a hearing disability. I just got off the phone with the director of learning assistance. They'll be sending someone to Mr. Hamilton's next class. I had a similar situation with a student of mine last semester.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Professor Korbel: Don't mention it. I don't make the rules.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I'm not in the mood.", "Lily: I'm gonna go check on him.", "Neil: Wait, Lily, Lily, wait. I think he needs some time alone.", "Dru: Come on.", "Lily: This is very hard. He loves music. He loves to sing and dance. He can't do that without his hearing, Dad.", "Dru: I wish I could take his place.", "Lily: I feel so helpless.", "Daniel: Hey... you've already done so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Although, it was a meager attempt, you have to give him credit for trying.", "Gloria: I love that Jack Abbott finally got what he deserved... which is nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Jackie...", "Jack: Hey, Sis. They told me the news.", "Jack: I never thought this day would come.", "Ashley: Look, Katherine had to make a business decision.", "Ashley: Jack... you're not a failure.", "Jack: Well, I appreciate you saying that. But saying that doesn't change what happened.", "Ashley: I'm sorry.", "Jack: But you know what?", "Ashley: Hmm?", "Jack: Maybe you're right. Maybe it's time I focused on a new venture in my life.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Professor Korbel: Uh... I'm really sorry that I yelled at you.", "Professor Korbel: Uh, well... meet me in my office in time for the conference call?", "Colleen: Okay.", "Professor Korbel: Oh, uh, Colleen?", "Colleen: Yeah?", "Professor Korbel: Next time the coffee's are on me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Thank you. Have a great day. Okay. Hey, guys, uh, we got the Teletype here.", "Dru: Man, that was fast!", "Daniel: I can hook that up for you.", "Devon: I have made a decision. I have dropped my music theory class to American Sign Language. What is that?", "Lily: It's the TTY for the phone.", "Devon: Oh, well, cool, let's hook it up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Oh, Kevin, I couldn't have done it without you.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, we're a team.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Michael: I wonder how he is doing now.", "Gloria: Jack is probably wallowing in self-pity right now. And I love it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, Sis, I was about to call you to join me for a drink.", "Ashley: In your frame of mind, l'd say no to alcohol, Jackie.", "Jack: Au contraire, Sis. I'm about to propose a toast.", "Ashley: What for?", "Jack: To House of Kim and to the new owner of Jabot Cosmetics. You're looking at him, Sis.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Mmm.", "Lauren: Hi!", "Kay: I think it was the best move for Chancellor Industries and Jabot.", "Jill: I bet Jack doesn't feel that way.", "Victor: You must be devastated.", "Jack: Well, you know what they say--life goes on." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily worries that Cane won't date her because of their age difference. The Winters family has dinner together, along with Cane and Karen. Sharon tries to get back on Jack's good side with a romantic dinner. It works and they make love. Brad places a call to a tabloid about Nick and Sharon to try and sabotage her marriage. Gloria schemes to steal the face cream from Jeffrey. Meanwhile he finds out that William was investigating a tainted cream case and when Gloria calls him to ask if she can have the cream as a memento of William. She says she has something for him too (a book that she claims was William's but was actually Michael's). He gets suspicious and gets another bottle identical to the one William gave him. Before he meets with her he gets a call from his lawyer letting him know he has no claim to William's estate. When he meets with Gloria he gives her the fake bottle.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Colleen: Cane is checking you out.", "Lily: He is not.", "Colleen: I'm not making it up.", "Lily: Listen, I don't care if he is. And shut up about it!", "Colleen: No, no, no-- okay, you missed it.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: God, he's so cute when he does that, um...", "Lily: Listen, did you not hear me when I told you he said I was too young for him?", "Colleen: I'm talking aesthetically. I'm just asking you to admire one example of human anatomy.", "Lily: No, I am not interested, okay? What's the point of even making more of a fool of myself? It's not my thing.", "Colleen: Okay, I agree. I mean, I'm just lucky that Adrian didn't have any hang-ups about the differences in our ages.", "Lily: Yeah, you know what? You are lucky. And Adrian, yes, he is the exception. And you know what? If cane thinks that age and maturity are the same thing, then that's his problem, not mine, okay? I mean, why want someone that doesn't want me?", "Colleen: Because there are too many fish in the sea, right?", "Lily: Exactly.", "Colleen: He's totally checking you out right now.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh! Okay, I'm ready. Are you finished?", "Colleen: Yeah, let's go.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Colleen: Hi.", "Cane: Hi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey, what happened to the lights?", "Sharon: Voila!", "Jack: Look, this is-- this is all very nice. I-I'm just not in the mood.", "Sharon: It's okay. I'll get you in the mood.", "Jack: You know what? I-I just have too much on my mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Pour me some of that scotch, too.", "Kevin: Mom, you don't drink scotch.", "Gloria: I know, but I need to calm down and this wine is not working.", "Kevin: What's the problem?", "Gloria: Everybody's talking about Jack Abbott's difficulties.", "Kevin: Yeah. And that's a bad thing because?", "Gloria: Because it's reminding everybody of a little something that happened at the company he's not supposed to own.", "Kevin: Right, and a certain product contamination scare that had nothing to do with anyone in this house, especially not you.", "Gloria: Don't be mean, Kevin. Before William died, he sent his brother a jar of face cream.", "Kevin: Tell me it was not from Jabot Cosmetics.", "Gloria: I don't know. I haven't seen it.", "Kevin: Why would he do that?", "Gloria: Maybe his sense of justice wanted the crime solved even if he wasn't gonna be around to see it.", "Kevin: But--but William solved the crime.", "Gloria: Yeah. He knew I was guilty. But I never paid for my crime. I never paid my debt to society. I was never convicted. I hate scotch.", "Kevin: No, no, no, Mom, William loved you. He wouldn't want you to suffer. Mnh-mnh.", "Gloria: Not the William who loved me. But what about the William who loved the law and justice? And that's what's been keeping me awake at night. But you know something? I've been thinking too much, Kevin. I mean, Jeffrey doesn't know why William sent him that cream.", "Kevin: That's good.", "Gloria: And when you get right down to it, neither do I.", "Kevin: That's true.", "Gloria: I have been letting paranoia get the best of me.", "Kevin: I like your new way of thinking, mom. Sleep well.", "Gloria: So I'm going to stop worrying about the cream and figure out a way to get it away from Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Wait, what?", "Gloria: We have to get that jar of face cream away from Jeffrey.", "Kevin: Okay, wait, if you're gonna put this stuff out of your mind, then there's no need to get it away from Jeffrey. And why are you suddenly using the word \"We\" when we're talking about you, not \"We\" as in you and me, but just you alone. No, no, no, Mom.", "Gloria: Honey... yes, we. 'Cause I need you to steal the cream for me.", "Kevin: Oh, holy hell, no! No! Mnh-mnh.", "Gloria: You have to do it... for my sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Okay, so I'm having second thoughts about giving this to him.", "Colleen: Okay, I get it, but if you do, you should do it now, on our way out, because then you don't need an excuse to talk to him, you can just be like, hi and then bye.", "Lily: Well, what if he makes too big a deal of it? Or he thinks that I'm trying too hard or something lame like that?", "Colleen: I don't think he will. Go. Go.", "Lily: Don't push me. Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi, um, I know at the party we were talking about our favorite CDs and stuff.", "Cane: We were? I'm--I'm just messing-- I'm just messing with you. Of course, I remember.", "Lily: Oh. Okay. Um, anyway, this is the one that I was, uh, telling you about. So, um... let me know what you think.", "Cane: Will do.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colleen: What did he say?", "Lily: He said, \"I will do.\"", "Colleen: That's it?", "Lily: No, he said let's get married and have babies.", "Colleen: You are so immature.", "Lily: Okay, you're immature. See, me--I'm actually capable of acting like an adult, unlike a childish teenager I know.", "Colleen: Okay, you're so immature.", "Neil: Hey, hey, don't forget. You're responsible for dinner tonight!", "Lily: Okay, does the whole world feel like they have to tell me what to do every minute of every day?", "Colleen: It's because she's immature.", "Neil: And two...", "Cane: Hundred.", "Neil: Three...", "Cane: Hundred.", "Neil: Four...", "Cane: Hundred.", "Neil: Liar. You know, you never challenge your superior, Son, because our experience and craftiness will destroy your youth every time.", "Cane: Yes, sir, Mr. Winters, Sir, yes, Sir. Understood, Sir.", "Neil: That's right. You better say that.", "Cane: Hey, murwillumbah. How you doing?", "Karen: Murwillumbah, yes! I still can't say it!", "Neil: What are you talking about?", "Karen: You know what? You should maybe join us tonight.", "Cane: I'd love to. What for?", "Karen: Oh! I guess I should've run that by you first.", "Neil: No, no, no, it's cool. It's a great idea. Yeah.", "Karen: Okay, yeah. We're actually going over some, um, Clear Springs stuff.", "Neil: Yeah, it'll save me time tomorrow.", "Cane: Okay, when and where?", "Neil: My apartment. How about 45 minutes?", "Cane: Okay. I'll bring takeout.", "Neil: No, no, no, don't bring anything. Just bring yourself. We'll see you there, all right?", "Cane: All right, got it.", "Karen: See ya.", "Cane: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know, Mom, when a son hears his mother say, \"I need you to steal something for me,\" he has what they call in the psychiatric field, \"Issues.\" Okay? Now... you don't want me to have issues, do you?", "Gloria: Don't be so sarcastic, okay? It's one little favor. I have a drink with Jeffrey at the bar, you go to his room, you find the cream.", "Kevin: You see, now you say, \"You go to his room and find the cream,\" but what I hear is, \"Breaking and entering.\" And \"Stealing something that doesn't belong to you.\" You know what you need? You need a thief. That's what you need. You should hire one.", "Gloria: Mm. I'll look in the phone book.", "Kevin: Hey, I'm cool with that.", "Gloria: No third parties.", "Kevin: I'm a third party.", "Gloria: You... are family.", "Kevin: I'm not stealing anything for you, okay? I'm not gonna even consider stealing anything for you.", "Gloria: You want me to go to jail?", "Kevin: You want me to go to jail?", "Gloria: Of course not.", "Kevin: These guys, Mom, they were strangers all their lives, okay? And Jeff has no idea why William sent him that cream.", "Gloria: Okay, but all the reports about Jack Abbott mention the contaminated cream. I gotta get it away from Jeffrey before he puts it together, if he hasn't already.", "Kevin: Well, then best of luck to you in all of your endeavors. I'm outta here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Ah, Ms. Abbott?", "Jill: Yes? Oh! God, you startled me, Jeff.", "Jeff: I'm sorry.", "Jill: No, no, that's all right. It's not you. It's just, you know, your face, your whole appearance.", "Jeff: Yeah, I get that from everybody who knew my brother.", "Jill: You know, I had a lot of respect for your brother. You have my sympathy.", "Jeff: Thank you. You have mine, as well. I read about your fiancé.", "Jill: Thanks.", "Jeff: Um, my brother was investigating your company when he died, wasn't he?", "Jill: No, not the company, a crime against the company. It was product contamination incident we had.", "Jeff: Ah, well, I'm just trying to connect the dots on that and whatever else he was working on.", "Jill: Why?", "Jeff: He was family, unfinished business-- you want a cup of coffee?", "Jill: If you stop calling me \"Ms. Abbott\" and you start calling me Jill, yes, I'd love a cup of coffee.", "Jeff: You got it, Jill.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Sorry about that.", "Sharon: It's okay. I understand.", "Jack: No, it's not okay. After all that work, for me to walk out was rude. And I'm sorry. I'm just so disillusioned.", "Sharon: Like I said, I understand.", "Jack: Hey...", "Jack: My disillusionment has nothing to do with you. Nothing. I think I just let the rest of the world get to me.", "Sharon: Well, I wanted to take your mind off the rest of the world and show you there's more to life than just being attacked in the media.", "Jack: I know--I know that. And you did a wonderful job. And I'm sorry and I thank you.", "Sharon: Were you surprised?", "Jack: Very.", "Sharon: Well, at least I accomplished that much of it.", "Jack: So, um... where's Noah?", "Sharon: He is spending the night at Sam's. It was all part of my plan.", "Jack: Then we could still light the candles.", "Sharon: Oh, well, we don't have to do that.", "Jack: No, no, we do. And let's turn the music back on. We can still eat, right?", "Sharon: Well, I-I got all this fancy stuff. You know, I got... manchego cheese and imported olives. I bought this fancy smoked wild salmon. And I just-- I wanted it to be romantic.", "Jack: It can still be romantic.", "Sharon: When... really, I was kind of in the mood for pizza.", "Jack: Did you say pizza?", "Sharon: Do you mind?", "Jack: Do I mind? Do you know anyone that likes pizza more than I do?", "Sharon: Okay, I'll put away the good china.", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no, no, pizza tastes best on good china. Yes, I'd like a delivery, please. That's right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Takeout?", "Lily: Yes, takeout is allowed.", "Devon: You know, last time, when I was in charge of the food, we had homemade things. It was fresh.", "Lily: Oh, my God, nobody forced you, okay?", "Devon: Stop that.", "Neil: Hey, Guys! We're home.", "Karen: Hi.", "Neil: Come on in, Karen.", "Lily: Hey!", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: Hi.", "Devon: Dad, Lily got takeout.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh! I've been busy and you said takeout was allowed, because the important thing is that we're together.", "Neil: The important thing is we get together each week, not what we eat.", "Lily: Thank you. Are you satisfied?", "Devon: I'm just saying, it's the last time I'm cooking, okay?", "Lily: Well, then don't cook anymore.", "Karen: All right, so what are we having?", "Lily: We're having Thai.", "Devon: It's takeout Thai.", "Cane: Hello?", "Neil: Yeah, the door's open. Come on in.", "Cane: Hey, hey.", "Neil: Hey, Buddy.", "Cane: Thanks for having me over, Man.", "Neil: Absolutely.", "Lily: Oh, um, I didn't know that you were gonna be here.", "Cane: Everybody's here.", "Neil: Yeah, I asked Cane to join us.", "Devon: How you doing, Cane?", "Cane: Hey. Are you sure you have enough food? I don't think Lily was expecting me.", "Lily: Uh, I wasn't, but...", "Neil: It's fine. It's fine.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: We have plenty of food.", "Karen: Yeah, there's-- there's actually a ton of food. Yeah, we're good.", "Neil: All right, listen, I'm starving. Why don't we all sit down at the table, take our places. Cane, why don't you sit there? Um, Karen, how about here?", "Karen: Good.", "Neil: Here, let me get that seat for you.", "Karen: Thank you. Oh, it smells great.", "Neil: Now if you don't mind, a family tradition. We all join hands and say grace. Lily, would you like to lead us in prayer?", "Lily: Uh, sure. Um... God bless this food and bless our guests, amen.", "Karen: Amen.", "Devon: That's it? That was right up there with, \"Good food, good meat, good Lord, let's eat.\"", "Karen: (Giggles)", "Neil: Okay, very funny, wise guy. Why don't we take a moment and pray for those who are no longer with us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Don't trust your brother-in-law.", "Gloria: Don't worry, I don't.", "Michael: No, I mean, don't trust him more than you already don't trust him.", "Gloria: All right, I won't. Why?", "Michael: He hired an expert in estate law to see if he can find grounds to challenge your inheritance.", "Gloria: Damn that bastard! I knew it! You just tell me he has no way to get at my money.", "Michael: I make it a policy never to say never, but in my opinion, I think his position legally is hopeless.", "Gloria: Good, there's justice in the world.", "Michael: I only mentioned this so that you can be extra careful when you deal with him.", "Gloria: I'm glad you told me, Honey. I thought I was being paranoid about him, but now I know I've gotta keep an eye on him.", "Michael: No, no, no, no, I don't like the sound of that. You stay away from him.", "Gloria: That is not the way you keep an eye on someone.", "Michael: Great, great, now I have to be paranoid.", "Gloria: You're the one who told me not to trust him.", "Michael: I mean I have to be paranoid about what you might do despite my filial and legal suggestion to stay away from him!", "Gloria: You worry too much, Michael.", "Michael: Right. You think?", "Gloria: I know. Jeffrey Bardwell, please.", "Michael: Hm. I wonder where I got that from?", "Gloria: Shh! Well, would you please just tell him that Gloria called? No, that's okay. He has the number. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: A customer used one of our skincare products and died. We settled with the family, but the personal liability lawyer and the public wanted a scapegoat. So Jack Abbott was forced to resign.", "Jeff: That's the state senator I've been hearing so much about?", "Jill: Yeah.", "Jeff: He signed an agreement not to have anything to do with the company, right?", "Jill: Yes, but Jabot Cosmetics nearly went under because of the incident.", "Jeff: Ah. Was it a quality control problem?", "Jill: It was a deliberate contamination.", "Jeff: Sabotage?", "Jill: Yes.", "Jeff: By a competitor?", "Jill: We never found that out. We think it was in-house. The lab recovered the DNA of whoever did it, but your brother never found that person.", "Jeff: What was the product?", "Jill: It was face cream. We scrapped it after the scandal.", "Jeff: That explains a lot.", "Jill: What?", "Jeff: I mean, that explains why it had to be discontinued.", "Jill: I think your brother came very close to finding out whoever it was before his stroke.", "Jeff: Why do you think that?", "Jill: Just hearsay from the D.A.'s office and the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What is it about eating salty, greasy food that changes your outlook on the world?", "Sharon: And all of a sudden, there's a brighter tomorrow.", "Jack: And peace on earth.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Sharon: Mm. I better get that in case it's Noah.", "Jack: Okay. Wait.", "Sharon: Hello?", "Brad: Hey, it's me. Have you seen the Chicago papers?", "Sharon: Uh, we're right in the middle of dinner.", "Brad: Don't bother reading them. It's more of the same. How are you feeling?", "Sharon: I really can't talk right now. Okay, bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I can't come over right now. I have a study session in a few minutes.", "Lily: You can't bail just this one time?", "Colleen: No, I can't.", "Lily: Listen, I have a major emergency. My dad invited cane over.", "Colleen: What? Really?", "Lily: Yes, really. Can you focus?", "Colleen: I can't come over right now, okay? I mean, you have other people there, right? Your dad and Devon?", "Lily: Listen, I can't talk to them like I talk to you.", "Colleen: Lily, you know I would if I could. I mean, I'll try and get through this as fast as I can. But until then, just relax and be irresistible.", "Lily: Oh, shut up.", "Colleen: Yeah, just like that.", "Lily: Listen, just call me if you finish early.", "Colleen: Okay, I will. You'll be fine.", "Lily: No, I won't, 'cause I'm already not.", "Karen: You know, I think it's great that you guys actually take the time to eat together every week.", "Neil: Yeah, we used to do it when my wife was alive. If we hadn't, I never would've seen these two.", "Devon: Come on now, Dad.", "Lily: Yeah, can you spell exaggeration?", "Neil: No, Sweetheart, it's not an exaggeration. It's true-- always at the office.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Devon: I guess it is an exaggeration. Excuse me, I have a phone call.", "Neil: Always on the cell phone. Hey, new rule-- no cell phones at the dinner table. Seriously, no cell phones. Hey, um, you know, I wanted to show you some photographs. Wanna come see 'em real quick?", "Karen: Oh, sure, yeah. Excuse me.", "Neil: Cane, stay right there. Enjoy yourself. We'll be right back.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Um, there's more food, if you want some.", "Cane: No, I'm good. Thank you. I like your family.", "Lily: Thanks. Did you like the CD?", "Cane: Oh, I haven't listened to it yet.", "Lily: Oh, you don't have to.", "Cane: No, I'm gonna listen to it. I was gonna listen on the way over, but I... I'll listen to it when I'm-- I'm going to the coffee shop later tonight.", "Lily: Oh. Well, if you need caffeine this late, I could just make you some.", "Cane: No, thanks. Uh, I'm meeting Heather there.", "Lily: Oh. Like, Heather, Assistant D.A. Heather?", "Cane: Yeah, that's her.", "Lily: Oh, she's nice. I like her.", "Cane: No, she's nice, she's nice. Um, I don't really know her that well, but she seems nice.", "Lily: Yeah, she is.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Cane: It's good food.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Where's you get it?", "Lily: Um, that place on 7th, near the used bookstore.", "Cane: Yeah, I know it. I thought I recognized the satay sauce.", "Lily: Yeah. Listen, I--", "Cane: Listen, I--", "Lily: Sorry, just go ahead.", "Cane: No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. No, you go ahead.", "Lily: No, please, go first.", "Cane: Please, please--", "Lily: Please...", "Cane: I was... I was gonna say that I... I find you really attractive and if I was younger...", "Lily: I know, I know. And if I were older, I... you told me. It's...", "Cane: But we shouldn't feel self-conscious about this when we see each other. You know what I mean?", "Lily: Well, I don't feel self-conscious.", "Cane: I'm not saying-- I'm not saying-- no, I'm not saying you're self- conscious, I'm just saying we shouldn't... be self-conscious.", "Lily: Are you self-conscious?", "Cane: Am I self-conscious? No, no. Me? No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: I hope we have a chance to spend time on topics more pleasant than homicide one of these days.", "Jill: Well, I hope so, too. And I hope you learn what you need to know.", "Jeff: Well, it's all just idle curiosity.", "Jill: You're asking questions about a crime that your brother came close to solving and you're calling it idle curiosity?", "Jeff: (Laughs) well, maybe I don't care about that at all. Maybe I just wanted the excuse to spend time with a beautiful woman.", "Jill: Two lies in one night, Jeff. Shame on you.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Gloria: Hello, Jeffrey. How nice of you to call. How are you?", "Jeff: Fine. You?", "Gloria: Fine. Jeffrey, listen, I have a little something that I'd like to give you, if you're not too busy.", "Jeff: Well, uh--", "Gloria: It's--it's just a memento from your brother. And I'd like you to have it. So, um... could you tell me what room you're in?", "Jeff: Um, let's meet at the bar instead. I'll see you in a bit.", "Gloria: Uh, Jeffrey, before you go, um, do you remember me telling you about that scent that William loved so much?", "Jeff: Oh, yeah, what was the perfume?", "Gloria: Well, it's not exactly a perfume. It's that, um... it's that little jar of cream he sent you.", "Jeff: Really?", "Gloria: And I was wondering if I could have it as a memento. It would mean so much to me.", "Jeff: You know, I may have thrown it away.", "Gloria: Well, if you don't have it anymore, uh...", "Jeff: You don't wanna come over?", "Gloria: Of course I do, Jeffrey.", "Jeff: All right, I'll see if I can find it before you get here.", "Gloria: Thank you. I'll see you in a bit.", "Michael: Exactly what memento did you want Jeffrey to have?", "Gloria: I don't know, but I gotta think of something before I go over there.", "Michael: You lied.", "Gloria: Yeah! I need an excuse to see him, so I gotta think of something to take him. Now come on, give me a suggestion.", "Michael: My suggestion... is stay away from him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, that's great. Oh, wait a minute! I'm supposed to be making you feel better.", "Jack: Oh, this does make me feel better.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. Mm. But I'm the one getting all the pleasure.", "Jack: Oh, not all the pleasure. Hearing you moan has its own rewards.", "Sharon: Oh! Well, if that's all it takes to make you happy... mm. Ooh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Sharon, I know your phone's off, but I wanted to leave you this message. I know this is a rough time for you. Jack's created an untenable situation. And it's forced you to have to compromise yourself. Anyway, I just want you to know that if you need anything at all, I'm here for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You want some more tea?", "Karen: Yeah, please.", "Neil: Okay, cool, I'll be right back. Hey, sweetie.", "Lily: Yeah?", "Neil: Maybe when we finish up here, we'll play some cards or something.", "Lily: Uh, I have stuff to do.", "Neil: Okay.", "Devon: Why are you in such a bad mood?", "Lily: I'm not.", "Devon: Yes, you are.", "Lily: Well, it's supposed to be our family, not our family and strangers.", "Devon: Cane and Karen aren't strangers.", "Lily: Whatever.", "Devon: Whatever, as in, I'm right?", "Lily: Just leave me alone. Please.", "Devon: It's 'cause Cane's here?", "Lily: No, it's because anybody's here.", "Devon: But it's because of Cane, though, right?", "Lily: Oh, that's right, I forgot. You know everything, so...", "Devon: Did he hit on you?", "Lily: No. He would-- he doesn't see me that way.", "Devon: He said that?", "Lily: I didn't say he did.", "Devon: But he obviously did. Why?", "Lily: Listen, you don't know everything.", "Devon: Really? Why?", "Lily: I don't know. Because Colleen had this stupid idea that we should go out.", "Devon: You and Colleen?", "Lily: No, me and Cane. And however the subject came up, he said that he was too old for me.", "Devon: Uh-huh. 'Cause he is.", "Lily: No, he's not. It doesn't matter anyway, 'cause I wouldn't wanna go out with him. Listen, stop staring at me and just finish cleaning!", "Devon: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Is that some kind of shell game?", "Jeff: These look alike to you?", "Woman: Identical.", "Jeff: Good.", "Gloria: And no, thank you, I see him right over there. Thank you! Hello, there.", "Jeff: Hi.", "Woman: What can I get you?", "Gloria: Uh... dry white wine, please. (Cell phone ringing)", "Jeff: Um, I have to take this. I'm sorry.", "Gloria: Okay, go, go ahead.", "Jeff: Hello? Mm, no, no, if it's bad news, let me hear it now. Whoa, wait a minute-- you mean I have no legal standing at all even though I'm his brother? So that-- so Gloria gets every dime? Yeah, I'm sorry, too.", "Gloria: Bad news?", "Jeff: What?", "Gloria: You look like you just got bad news.", "Jeff: Mm.", "Gloria: Well, I know something that might cheer us both up. A toast to your brother. To my beloved William, a good man with a kind heart and a generous spirit.", "Jeff: Yeah, maybe too generous. To my brother William.", "Jeff: Shakespeare.", "Gloria: Mm. \"So are you to my thoughts as food to life, or as sweet-seasoned showers are to the ground.\" William loved the sonnets.", "Jeff: Mm. Yet another thing I didn't know about my brother.", "Gloria: But one thing you did know was how much he loved a certain scent.", "Jeff: Sorry? Oh, right.", "Gloria: And how much it would mean to me to have that jar of cream he sent you.", "[Gloria remembering]", "Will: Tell the truth, Gloria. Admit it. You tainted that cream.", "Gloria: Yes, I did. I never meant for anyone to use that contaminated cream. Just me.", "Gloria: William... because... I just wanted to get back at Jack and Ashley. Because they never gave me any respect. Oh, God! That cream was never supposed to be distributed.", "Will: But it was.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You're sure you don't mind giving it up?", "Jeff: I'm very sure.", "Gloria: Thank you, I shall cherish this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I so needed this. Thank you.", "Sharon: Mm. You're welcome.", "Jack: You just lose perspective sometimes. Thanks to you, I got my perspective back. We can talk about something else, like... like vacationing with you, like beating Noah at just one of his video games.", "Sharon: (Laughs) forget about Noah.", "Jack: What?", "Sharon: Forget about Noah.", "Jack: Not forever.", "Sharon: Mm. No.", "Jack: For a while. Like for tonight?", "Sharon: Now you're catching on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Karen: You know what?", "Neil: What?", "Karen: I think I like seeing you in this setting.", "Neil: At home?", "Karen: Yeah, at home with the kids, clearing dishes, making sure they mind their manners. You know, it's... it kinda humanizes you a little. I like it.", "Neil: Whoa, wait a minute, it scares me to think what that means. I'm--I'm not --I'm not human at the office?", "Karen: No, no, no, no, you're--you're human at the office, but you're kind of this business guy. You know, this \"Mr. Business\" \"Mr. I need that report yesterday\" kind of--you know. And here, you're another kind of guy. And I'm just saying, I-I like this guy.", "Neil: Another kind of guy? But--but not \"Mr. Business.\"", "Karen: You know what? You're hopeless. I pay you a compliment and what do you do? You dig around for more.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, hold on, no, wait a minute. Um, it's very easy to see that you--you think that dads are hot. And I'm down with that.", "Karen: I didn't say hot.", "Neil: You didn't say hot?", "Karen: No.", "Neil: Oh.", "Karen: See if I ever pay you another compliment.", "Neil: I was kidding. I was just kidding.", "Karen: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: Hey.", "Devon: Sorry to interrupt, but I need to take off. So it was good to see you, Karen.", "Karen: Yeah, I'll see you at the office.", "Neil: Hey, wait a minute, let me ask you a question, Son.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Neil: Am I-- am I a different person at the office?", "Karen: Oh, come on! Your dad is showing me a side of himself-- a needy side-- that I have never seen before.", "Neil: No, no, no, no, no, I'm being serious. I'm serious now. Do you think that-- that I am nicer or-- you used the word human-- human--more human at home?", "Karen: Needy, needy, needy.", "Devon: You know what?", "Neil: I'm not needy.", "Devon: You are awesome all the time, Dad, okay?", "Neil: Thank you.", "Karen: Good answer.", "Neil: That was right.", "Devon: Okay? See you guys.", "Neil: Okay, son, be good.", "Lily: (Clears throat)", "Devon: All right, Guys, I'm out.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: Night.", "Devon: \"Okay,\" \"Night,\" buh, hm, syllables? You guys get any more articulate, I'm gonna need a dictionary to understand you.", "Lily: That's not funny.", "Devon: Tell me about it. See ya.", "Cane: So thanks for having me over.", "Lily: It wasn't me, I...", "Cane: Oh. I-I know, I mean, um... thank you for your hospitality.", "Lily: Right.", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: Yeah, I-I didn't mean that...", "Cane: No, I know, I know, I know, I know what you mean. I enjoyed it.", "Lily: Good.", "Cane: The food was good.", "Lily: Yeah, it was great.", "Cane: It was great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Have you seen my book of sonnets anywhere?", "Gloria: Your sonnets?", "Michael: Well, Shakespeare's sonnets, my book. Where is it?", "Gloria: Honey, I didn't know you liked poetry.", "Michael: Where is it?", "Gloria: I loaned it to a friend.", "Michael: Don't lend my books out without my permission.", "Gloria: Oh, be quiet. I'll buy you a new one. Now just look at this! And congratulate me. Mummy got the poisoned cream from Jeffrey.", "Michael: He just up and gave it to you?", "Gloria: I guess I can be very persuasive.", "Michael: How do you know it's the same cream?", "Gloria: 'Cause I'd recognize this jar anyplace. And I know the smell of this stuff. I'm gonna sleep well tonight, Michael. No tossing, no turning, no nightmares.", "Michael: You better destroy the jar, too.", "Gloria: I knew I kept you around for a reason.", "(Exhales)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Where's the other one?", "Jeff: I gave it away.", "Woman: So that's the end of your shell game?", "Jeff: No, it's the beginning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Your paper's run a series of articles on the scandal surrounding senator Abbott. I think you should know there's more fallout from the senator's lying. Nick Newman has been pursuing Senator Abbott's wife during this very difficult time. Yes, you should put me through to your editor.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Daniel: Cane?", "Amber: He has a date with Heather.", "J.T.: I really wanna-- I wanna be the best person I can be for you.", "Victoria: You already are.", "Victor: Don't you ever flaunt that man in front of me! Not in my house!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ronan watches Abby's taped confession and promises to try to make a deal with the DA for her since he thinks that Diane was blackmailing her. Ronan accuses Victor, Abby and Ashley of conspiring to kill Diane, then he releases them but keeps them under surveillance to see what they do. The DA isn't happy that Ronan didn't arrest Abby, so they go to Crimson Lights and arrest Abby for the attempted murder of Tucker. Daisy forces Phyllis to sign an agreement that she will bring Lucy to see her every week and bring a little money to her once in a while. Phyllis refuses to pay Avery to be Daisy's lawyer. Nick thinks Avery is helping Daisy just to make Phyllis angry. Daniel meets Avery but has no idea she is his aunt. He accidentally tells her that Lucy never had chicken pox. Nick and Daniel both warn Avery that Daisy won't be a good influence on Lucy.", "Devon thinks Tucker isn't a good person because he is suing his own mother over a company. He is present along with Neil at the arbitration hearing to support Katherine. The judge overturns the sale of Jabot once Jack testifies that he would have paid a higher price for the company had he been given the chance to buy it. Katherine is deeply hurt by Jack's betrayal and warns him that Tucker won't sell the company back to him because he only used him to get revenge against her. Jack fears that Katherine may be right when Tucker says they will talk about the sale of Jabot later. Katherine has a few choice words for Tucker, Jack, Ashley, and Sofia. She gets so upset that she passes out. Ashley calls an ambulance.", "" ]
[ "Neil: I'm really happy you're here today.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Jack: So you still think there's a good chance we can walk away with the grand prize?", "Tucker: Well, the minute the judge sees that sales agreement, game over. For Katherine, that is.", "Sofia: You keep asking me what Jack is doing here, and I keep telling you I don't know.", "Neil: Would you tell me if you did? Absolutely unbelievable that Jack could support Tucker after everything Katherine has done for him.", "Sofia: Well, I guess we all have to decide who we're gonna be loyal to in this lifetime, don't we?", "Devon: I don't even know all the issues. But for a guy as rich as Tucker McCall to sue his mother over a business deal is...", "Neil: Yeah, I agree with you, Son-- very disappointing.", "Sofia: Isn't it?", "Kay: What are you doing backing Tucker when it's clear he wants you out as C.E.O.?", "Tucker: Well, Jack's finally seen the light about the shoddy way you do business.", "Kay: I'm not talking to you.", "Jack: I'm doing what I have to do, Katherine.", "Mitchell: Are you being coerced in any way?", "Tucker: He's not.", "Kay: What do you plan to do to make a living... when Tucker loses?", "Judge Kelsey: Let's all take our seats and get started, please.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Judge Kelsey: As a reminder, my ruling today is final and binding. That's what you all agreed to up front.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Mm.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Abby: Thanks.", "Ashley: (Sighs) I'm waiting to get a text from Tucker. He's gonna let me know when the arbitration is under way. The judge, I guess, wants to take each side separately, you know, so he can lay down the ground rules.", "Abby: Yeah, I kind of remember how it goes. You want me to go with you?", "Ashley: That's sweet. Thanks. Sure, I guess.", "Abby: It'll keep my mind off of Ronan coming after me. I mean, not that he has anything. 'Cause if my confession... (Sighs) Hasn't surfaced yet, it's probably not going to, right?", "Ashley: Yeah. Definitely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Whatever Diane had on Abby that she was afraid of is probably on this flash drive.", "Abby: Welcome to an especially revealing edition of \"The Naked Heiress.\" My longtime fans know that I am all about having the guts to bare it all, but right now, I want to expose myself to you in a completely different way. What's naked about the heiress tonight is the truth, the naked truth. I ran over Tucker McCall. I might have tried to kill him. I don't know. But my mother had nothing to do with it. She was covering.", "Ronan: Okay. That's not what I was expecting at all.", "Mauro: How does it tie in with the Jenkins murder?", "Ronan: (Sighs) Little thing called motive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: A whole day of my life I can't get back.", "Daniel: What'd Michael say?", "Phyllis: Keep my mouth shut unless he's here, and if someone comes to question me. (Sighs) Thank you for checking on Lucy.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm. It wasn't a problem at all. The nanny fed her and put her down for a nap. She didn't even fuss.", "Phyllis: I know. She is such a good baby.", "Man: You're free to go.", "Phyllis: Ahh, thank you very much, Sir. Thank you. It's been fun.", "Daniel: (Sighs) Um, well, I am going to hit the head and I'll meet you by the elevator.", "Phyllis: I can't wait to get out.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Avery: Daniel?", "Daniel: Hmm?", "Avery: Hello, uh, we haven't been introduced. I'm Avery Bailey Clark.", "Daniel: Uh, Sharon's lawyer.", "Avery: Yes, right, um, it's good to meet you, finally. Oh, your mother has probably told you some terrible things about me.", "Daniel: Uh, uh, no. Actually, Mom's never said a word about-- I'm sorry, I don't really know you. I've seen you on TV a few times, but...", "Avery: Oh, well, I'm much taller in person, right? I get that a lot. (Chuckles)", "Daniel: Yeah. Um, I'm--I'm sorry. Why would my mom be saying terrible things about you?", "Avery: Oh, we just have butted heads a few times. Um, you know, before I forget, how's Lucy? Is she feeling better?", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Avery: Well, I heard the baby was ill. I just thought I'd ask.", "Daniel: Well, I just came from her. She's fine, perfectly healthy.", "Avery: Good. Oh, that's great. That's great.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Avery: Well, nice to meet you...", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Avery: Nephew.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, Ronan detains me and Phyllis for questioning and keeps us here all day. I have kids. I've got a business to run.", "Victor: Did you hear what he said? I want this harassment to stop.", "Michael: Well, they have enough evidence to hold you for 24 hours. They're following procedure. My hands are tied.", "Victor: Slandering my family on the front page of \"The Chronicle\"? Is that procedure, as well?", "Michael: \"Mr. Brilliant\" lied to the police, which is illegal. Not only that, it makes him look as guilty as hell. If Phyllis and he don't like being here, it's their own fault.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Sorry, Abby. This is just gonna take a second. Since I haven't gotten a text from Tucker, I'm just gonna run in here for a minute, okay?", "Abby: That's okay. I ran over Tucker McCall.", "Ashley: Is somebody in here?", "Abby: I might have tried to kill him. Turn it off. Turn it off right now. I don't know. But my mother had nothing--", "Ronan: Sorry for the intrusion. The building manager let me in since I'm here on police business.", "Ashley: That video is completely false. Abby was trying to protect me.", "Ronan: I really don't care who ran over your husband. The D.A. can deal with it. I want to know why Diane Jenkins had that video and what she was planning on doing with it, something I'm sure we can talk about down at the station.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Uh, it's okay. I know her... unfortunately.", "Phyllis: Why aren't you at the big house with all the other killers?", "Sharon: Because my trial starts soon. What's your excuse?", "Phyllis: Oh, I was just leaving, which is more than I can say for you, and by the way, thank you so much for hooking Avery up with Daisy. Now that crazy lunatic has visiting rights to Lucy whenever she wants.", "Sharon: Oh, don't mention it. It's no problem, and good for her.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's right, you don't care, do you? You don't care about what's best for an innocent child, do you?", "Avery: What's best is what the law says is best. And, my darling sister, you do not have the law on your side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So I'm just supposed to waste a whole day here, while the cops play their little head games trying to make me sweat?", "Michael: All right, listen. You're an innocent man. You want Ronan off your back? Tell him everything. Tell him about the photo and the phone message. Tell him about the envelope with Adam's D.N.A.", "Victor: What is he talking about?", "Nick: I haven't had a chance to tell you about that yet.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Victor: Hold on a second. I'm getting a text.", "Victor: It's from Ashley. Damn it. Malloy has taken Abby down to the station again.", "Michael: Oh, what now? What?", "Victor: I'm gonna go find out. Meanwhile, you try to get Nicholas out of here, and then you find us, okay?", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: (Sighs heavily) When will it ever end?", "Michael: Tell Ronan the truth. Let him sort it all out, or I guarantee, he will just keep comin' after you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Katherine Chancellor manipulated the court and me to steal Jabot, a company I never would have sold, especially not in the middle of a major product launch. I'm not greedy, your honor. I just want what's mine returned to me.", "Judge Kelsey: Thank you, Mr. McCall. Mrs. Chancellor?", "Kay: Your honor, Tucker is not suing me out of greed. He is suing me out of spite, and he claims that I stole his company, and that is nothing but rubbish. I paid premium, and McCall made a bundle out of that transaction. Now Neil Winters here can testify to the veracity of the numbers used in, uh, in calculating the market value.", "Judge Kelsey: I have his report. Go on.", "Kay: He also claims that I conned him while he was competent. Wait, no, uh, no. He--he wasn't. Uh, yes, yes, yes. Yes, he was.", "Tucker: (Scoffs)", "Kay: You can't have it both ways, Son. If you regret the decision made, then for God sake, you know, uh, learn from your mistake, and just, uh, move on.", "Woman: Your honor, is this a scolding or an arbitration hearing? Mrs. Chancellor seems to have the two confused.", "Judge Kelsey: Direct your arguments to me.", "Kay: I, uh, apologize. Your honor. Now Tucker admitted that he signed that bill of sale which you ruled him competent to do. Now that transaction was and is valid. And his--his company never suffered any damage whatsoever. In fact, his board was ecstatic that Jabot sold at double what the analysts said it was worth. And there's no way, there's just absolutely no way he could have gotten a higher price on an open market.", "Tucker: She's wrong, and I can prove it.", "Kay: (Scoffs)", "Judge Kelsey: How?", "Jack: Because I would have paid a higher price.", "Kay: Jack is not a party to this lawsuit, your honor.", "Judge Kelsey: What is your interest in this proceeding?", "Tucker: He's here to verify what I've been saying, your honor.", "Jack: I-if I may introduce myself, your honor, my name is Jack Abbott, and Jabot is not simply another asset to me. It is the company my late father John Abbott founded. It served as the family business for decades. Had Katherine put Jabot on the open market, it would have been the ultimate test of whether this sale was beneficial to McCall, Unlimited, and I would have paid a higher price.", "Kay: A pittance, perhaps, your honor, but certainly not what this case merits.", "Jack: If I had been given the option, I would have raised enough capital to outbid you.", "Judge Kelsey: Mrs. Chancellor?", "Mitchell: Your honor, Katherine discussed her plan to buy this company with Jack at the time. There's no way that it was a secret to him.", "Jack: It was presented as a fait accompli I did not have an opportunity to participate.", "Kay: You couldn't afford it then, Jack, and you cannot afford it now. Oh, it's easy enough to say what you could have done now that you--you've-- there's not a chance that you could actually write a check.", "Jack: Your honor, this sales agreement states that I will purchase Jabot outright in the event that Mr. McCall prevails in this arbitration. You will notice that the sale price is three times the market value on the date that Katherine tricked Tucker into selling it to her.", "Tucker: That's 50% more than she paid for it, Judge. That's proof that I'm out millions because of her self-dealing.", "Judge Kelsey: And this is a contract you're willing to honor and fully execute?", "Tucker: Yes, it is, your honor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I just got off the phone with child protective services. I told them I have it on good authority that Lucy is healthy, and she has been for the past week-- no chicken pox. Now I didn't use the word \"Liar,\" but they did agree with me that you need to bring Lucy to see her mother at the penitentiary A.S.A.P. That means today, and before you ask, I had a chat with Daniel.", "Phyllis: You met Daniel?", "Avery: Oh, don't worry. Your secret is safe. He doesn't know I'm his aunt. But he did tell me Lucy is fine.", "Sharon: Win-win for everyone.", "Avery: If you don't bring Daisy's daughter to the state prison by 6:00 P.M., she'll file a petition for a change of custody, and I would love to expedite that paperwork.", "Phyllis: You're happy? That freak is the worst possible influence on Lucy. She is. And you don't care, do you? The only person you care about is yourself. That's why you let your entire family and your children think you were dead while you had some fling with some guy.", "Avery: Oh, what a hypocrite. You want to call her selfish?", "Phyllis: You want to hurt me? You want to hurt me? This isn't doing it. This does nothing to me. The only person you're hurting is an innocent child.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: So here's what this video says to me. You were being blackmailed.", "Ashley: That's ridiculous.", "Ronan: After you thought better of putting it online, Diane threatened to help you get the word out. That's plenty of motive for you to want the woman dead.", "Abby: Okay, fine. She was torturing me with it, okay?", "Ashley: Abby, stop!", "Ronan: What? With the video? When?", "Abby: Yeah, w-we were arguing about it, okay? But I didn't kill her. I didn't.", "Ronan: You argued in the park the night Diane was murdered?", "Abby: Yes. But she was--", "Ashley: Abby, you've said enough!", "Abby: She was threatening to take it to the police, okay? I-I saw that there was nothing that I could do, so I left, and she was fine. I-I swear, she was fine.", "Ronan: Okay. Okay. If you fill in the details, I'm sure the district attorney will take it into consideration when he decides what to do with your confession, okay? I will try to get him on the phone right now and see if we can make a deal.", "Ashley: Hold on a second here. You want to talk to Spencer? That's fine. But Abby's attorney is gonna have to approve any deal.", "Ronan: Let me see if I can find him. Don't go anywhere.", "Abby: I'm sorry, Mom. I couldn't just let him keep saying these things.", "Ashley: Are you kidding? What are you doing?", "Abby: Dad.", "Victor: What happened?", "Ashley: (Sighs) Victor.", "Victor: What?", "Ashley: Ronan has her confession.", "Victor: How did he get--", "Abby: (Voice breaking) I don't know. I don't know. It just--the whole thing is just a disaster. They... (Sobbing) They're gonna lock me up, Dad.", "Victor: That is not going to happen, all right? Not as long as I'm here. It's not gonna happen.", "Abby: Mom, I'm so sorry. All of this bad stuff that has happened has all been my fault. I started with ruining your wedding and--and then that stupid confession. I'm so stupid.", "Ashley: Okay, Honey, okay, let that go. Shh. Calm down, okay? I know you did everything out of love, all right? You just wanted to make sure that I didn't get convicted of a crime I didn't commit, okay? I know. It's all right. I love you, okay? Your--your dad's here, and Michael's here, and it's all gonna be all right, okay? So calm down.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Michael: Look, if Abby cooperates, the D.A. does not pursue the confession. It's not a bad strategy.", "Victor: I have a better one.", "Ronan: I wasn't able to reach Spencer, so Abby's gonna have to stay here until I do and he agrees to the deal.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "Victor: You will do no such thing. Her confession was meaningless. She simply did that to save her mother from going to prison. She was offering the same kind of confession to the district attorney. He dismissed it out of hand.", "Michael: He won't prosecute now, either. Diane is dead. He has no witness.", "Ronan: Exactly my point. The only witness to this accident, the only person who could corroborate Abby's confession was brutally murdered. Now I-I don't believe in coincidences, and at the very least, this is all awfully convenient.", "Victor: You're beginning to infuriate me. Do you honestly think this... innocent-looking child is capable of bludgeoning another woman to death with a rock? You do your job, Detective. You find the real killer, instead of harassing my family.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you never really told me what happened with you and Diane in the park that night.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'll-- I'll tell you... someday. Not now. I'll tell you.", "Nick: You know, if Avery knew Daisy the way we did, she would never force you to take Lucy to see her.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's not true. She would do anything to watch me go through hell. Aw, Daniel. Daniel, look at this.", "Nick: What's up, Dude? Hi.", "Phyllis: Thank you for picking her up for me.", "Daniel: Yeah. Well, it sucks that you have to deal with this.", "Phyllis: Hey, I heard you had a run-in with that, um, blonde attorney.", "Daniel: Oh, yeah, that Avery girl, yeah. She's an oddball. Did she tell you that we met?", "Phyllis: Uh, she has decided to champion the poor, downtrodden Daisy against your evil mother.", "Daniel: What are you talkin' about?", "Phyllis: She used the information that you told her about Lucy's health to get child services to order the visit.", "Daniel: Oh, great.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: Look, I'm-- I'm sorry. I thought that you guys knew each other better.", "Phyllis: Yeah, don't worry about it. It's--it's not your fault. L-let me tell you something. Um, Daniel?", "Daniel: Yeah?", "Phyllis: She's really, really bad news. Please stay away from her. I'm going to deal with her in my own way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Katherine, it was my job to anticipate something like this.", "Mitchell: Yes, yes, and it was mine, too.", "Neil: I am so sorry that we let you down.", "Kay: Oh, thank you, Sweetheart. Well, I just, uh, I should have known that something was up when I saw Jack walk in. I just never dreamed that... a lifelong friend, a colleague, could turn on me like this. I...", "Sofia: Is Ashley coming back?", "Tucker: I hope so. I want her to be here to see us win.", "Sofia: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Look at her. You can't be that heartless and calculating and always get away with it.", "Devon: It's all about revenge with you, isn't it?", "Tucker: I think the word is \"Justice,\" Devon. And if you really knew what went on, I'm sure you'd agree.", "Kay: Well, I... I hardly know what to say.", "Jack: This was a business decision, Katherine, to protect my father's legacy and my own.", "Kay: Friends be damned. Is that it?", "Jack: Believe me, I take no pleasure in hurting you.", "Kay: If Tucker wins, do you really think he will sell you Jabot? No, my darling friend. He's gonna screw you over just like always. Only this time, this time, I won't be there to help you.", "Jack: I guess I'll have to take my chances.", "Judge Kelsey: If everyone will take their places, I'm ready to make my ruling.", "Mitchell: (Clears throat)", "Tucker: (Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Well, we got a lot accomplished. Let's take a break.", "Sharon: Avery, before you go, you had assured me that your relationship with Phyllis wouldn't interfere with my case. But watching the two of you go at it--", "Avery: If anything, her nasty attitude towards you makes me even more determined to win.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Wish I could be your mommy all the time, Lucy. Only I can't. 'Cause, Phyllis, she lied about getting me out of here. (Sighs) She wants you all to herself. Mommy might have no other choice but to call child services and find you a better home.", "Phyllis: Do you-- do you realize how happy Lucy is with me? Obviously not. Do you not get how traumatic it would be for her to be pulled out of yet another home and--and given to strangers? Daisy?", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Oh. Isn't Phyllis funny? She didn't care when they snatched you away from Billy and Victoria. (Sighs) No matter how hard she cries, we aren't listenin', are we? (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Hey, what do you want from me?", "Daisy: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. Here.", "Phyllis: What is this?", "Daisy: It's a list of demands. Either you bring me my daughter every week to visit, some money once in a while, and do everything in your power to support Avery getting me out of here, or say bye-bye to Lucy. You can sign at the bottom across from where I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: That video doesn't just give Abby motive to commit murder. The two of you would have done anything to protect your daughter.", "Michael: You're speculating again.", "Ronan: They were all in the park that night, and now I've established common motive. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.", "Ashley: (Scoffs) You can't be serious.", "Abby: (Sighs) Would you just decide something, please?", "Michael: It's okay.", "Ronan: I'm not gonna arrest you--yet. That's up to Spencer. So you're all free to go.", "Victor: Now that's a very wise choice. Right, Detective Malloy?", "Woman: You're just letting the Newmans walk?", "Ronan: I am releasing the Newmans back into the wild to see what they do. Keep them all under surveillance, especially Abby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Kelsey: The sale of Jabot was not conducted to maximize revenue for McCall, Unlimited. Mr. Abbott's testimony and sales document prove that. Instead, the deal was done under a shroud of secrecy that casts doubt on Mrs. Chancellor's true motives. I'm going to overturn my prior ruling and declare the sale of Jabot to Chancellor Industries null and void. McCall will refund all monies paid by Chancellor and ownership of Jabot will revert to McCall. In addition, I order Chancellor Industries to pay all legal fees and expenses.", "Kay: Your honor--", "Judge Kelsey: Consider yourself lucky I didn't award damages. We're adjourned.", "Kay: Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell, go.", "Jack: Congratulations.", "Tucker: I never had a doubt.", "Jack: So when can we sign that contract? I'm looking forward to owning Jabot again.", "Tucker: We'll do it soon, Jack.", "Jack: Well, how soon?", "Tucker: We'll talk.", "Kay: Oh, you may think you're honoring your father's memory, but to treat one of his dearest friends this way? It's as if you're spitting in your father's face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Spencer, I've been trying to get a hold of you. Did you get my messages?", "Spencer: I want to see this confession of Abby's, uh, then have her brought in from holding so I can talk to her.", "Ronan: Well, yeah, the video's right here. But Abby's not here. I let her go.", "Spencer: You what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: I just hope my mom doesn't mind that I skipped the arbitration. It just... (Groans) My brain is on overload. (Sighs)", "Michael: It has been a stressful time for all of us, but here we are, cocktails in hand, so...", "Abby: Mm. (Sighs)", "Michael: What shall we drink to?", "Abby: Mm, to my dad letting us pretend its 5:00. (Chuckles)", "Michael: Yes.", "Abby: Oh, wait, wait, wait. To making it through another 24 hours without having to wear that God-awful orange jumpsuit.", "Michael: (Laughs)", "Abby: 'Cause you know, the orange with my skin tone? It's not okay. It makes me look blotchy, and don't even get me started on the jumpsuit part.", "(Glasses clink)", "Abby: It's not okay. Oh, Dad.", "Michael: Oh, Victor.", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm glad you were released. Do you realize within the past 24 hours, every member of my family was dragged down to that police station or set up by Ronan Malloy?", "Abby: They didn't get to the grandkids or Nikki.", "Michael: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Don't even joke about that, okay?", "Abby: I'm sorry. Sorry, Dad.", "Victor: (Sighs) I can't stand that arrogant son of a bitch. I'm gonna wipe that smug smile off his face. I'm not gonna allow him to... create any more havoc with any one of my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Hey. This is becoming a habit.", "Daniel: Yeah. You know, I really don't appreciate being lied to.", "Avery: I don't know too many people who do. I'm all about truth, and while we're on the subject--", "Daniel: You know, they say that you devote your life to helping the innocent. If that's the case, then you're making a huge mistake with Daisy. She deserves to be locked up for good. She shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Lucy. As far as I'm concerned, she gave up that right the day that she ditched that kid and left town to save her own ass.", "Nick: You know, if you put that woman back in our lives, you're putting innocent people in harm's way.", "Avery: Okay, I know all about Daisy's past. She was a victim, too, Nick. Sheila and Sarah?", "Nick: I don't think you're doing this for some noble reason. I think you're doin' it to piss off Phyllis.", "Avery: The law is the law. Promises were made and then reneged on, and I'm sorry if my sister is unhappy about this, but these people are exactly who I am committed to helping-- people that have been trampled on and used, sometimes for their entire lives.", "Nick: (Chuckles) You talk a big game, Avery. But everything in me tells me that this is personal for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You're telling me if I don't sign this, you'll take it out on Lucy?", "Daisy: That's your spin.", "Phyllis: Here. Take it. Thank you. Hey, Baby girl. Baby girl, come on. (Sighs)", "Daisy: Oh, Avery wanted me to give you this.", "Phyllis: It's a bill.", "Daisy: Well, you promised to cover my legal fees, and you fired Leslie, so... hey, I'll see you next week. Uh oh!!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings) (Ring) (Ring)", "Sharon: Hello?", "Daisy: Sharon, hey. It's Daisy. Is Avery there? I thought she might be visiting you.", "Sharon: Hi, Daisy. No, you just missed her. She went to get a coffee. I'll tell her you called.", "Daisy: Thanks. Hey, while I have you on the line, um, thank you again for introducing us. Things are going really well. Avery's been a big help, and I even got to see my little girl today.", "Sharon: That's great.", "Daisy: Well, good luck with your trial. I'll be following it. And maybe one day, we'll see each other again. I mean, on the outside.", "Sharon: I'll look forward to that.", "Daisy: Me, too. Take care. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: It's amazing the way you defend her. She has a good friend in you.", "Phyllis: Wow, look at this. Yeah, I do have a good friend in him, a very good friend. And he's my friend-- my friend, not yours.", "Avery: (Scoffs)", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Let me tell you something, I will bring Lucy to a prison every week to visit Daisy. I will do all the things that I promised Daisy that I would do for her. I will endure all of these things for that kid so that kid has a great life. But I will not pay you one... dime! Oh, go to hell, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Thanks. Look, I doubt the D.A. will come after you. Not with this big murder case to solve.", "Abby: Mm, that's true.", "Spencer: Hello, everyone.", "Michael: (Scoffs)", "Spencer: Sorry to interrupt.", "Michael: Spencer, what is it now?", "Ronan: Abby, would you please stand up?", "Abby: Why?", "Victor: Excuse me. What do you want with her?", "Ronan: Abby Newman, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Tucker McCall.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Michael: Oh, for crying out loud.", "Victor: Detective Malloy, this is outrageous.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Michael--", "Michael: No, you know, not a word. Just not one word.", "Ronan: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Michael: It's okay.", "Ronan: You have the right to an attorney.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: How'd it go?", "Tucker: You're lookin' at the winner.", "Ashley: Yes!", "Tucker: (Chuckles)", "Jack: I'm about to get Jabot back, Katherine. You of all people know how profound that is. How could you think for even one minute that my father wouldn't want this?", "Kay: Oh, he would have never stabbed his dearest friend in the back the way you just did. He had integrity, and if you live to be 100 years old, Jack, you will never reach the level of his character!", "Jack: Oh, chara-- we're gonna talk about character now, after the way you've behaved the last few months?", "Ashley: You tried to take advantage of your own son when he was struggling with health issues. Who does that?", "Sofia: A bitter, hateful woman who ought to be ashamed of herself.", "Kay: Oh, stop it. This does not concern either one of you.", "Tucker: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen.", "Neil: This is not--not--", "Tucker: You want to yell at someone, Katherine? Yell at me. I'm responsible for this. Jack was just using us to get what he wanted.", "Kay: Well, at least he can pretend to be respecting his father, which is a hell of a lot more than you do or you could ever do. My God, you've punished me for decades of--of--of-- of what I'm not guilty of!", "Neil: Katherine, Kath-- calm down.", "Kay: No, I will not, Neil! I've barely begun to tell this jackass exactly what I think of him.", "Neil: I-I know.", "Tucker: Go on. Go on. Say what's on your mind. You won't hurt my feelings.", "Kay: Oh, and you don't have any feelings, 'cause you're hardly a human being. You are-- you're not my s... (Groans)", "Ashley: (Gasps)", "Neil: Katherine! Kath--Kath-- somebody get a chair. Get a chair.", "Sofia: Call 9-1-1!", "Neil: She passed out. She's unconscious. Here we go.", "Ashley: Yes, it's-- its Ashley Abbott we're at the courthouse, and, uh, Katherine Chancellor has just collapsed. We need an ambulance right away.", "Neil: Check her pulse. Here, I'll hold her head. I'll hold her head. Got it.", "Ashley: Yeah, I-I believe she's still conscious.", "Kay: (Moans)", "Ashley: I don't know. Yes, okay.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: I want you to put the resentment you have of Tucker behind you. I want it to end now.", "Doctor: Have you two discussed end of life issues? Does Katherine have a signed D.N.R.?", "Victor: What the hell are you doing here?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin and Chloe learn that Daniel and Heather are secretly dating. After Daniel and Heather ask them to keep it a secret, all four form a secrecy pact. Phyllis admits to Danny that she saw him and Christine kissing all those years ago. Christine overhears and knows that is the motive Phyllis had for the hit- and-run accident. Christine can't stop thinking about what Phyllis said and later heads to Danny's hotel room crying. Danny comforts her with a kiss. Eden continues hypnosis but can only remember that Ricky wasn't mad when he caught her searching his room. He smiled and said this would be a great night. Eden talks to Kyle, and she remembers that Paul told Ricky, \"This ends here.\"", "Paul stands on the street underneath the window to Ricky's hotel room and cries again as he remembers the events of the night he shot his son. Paul walks along the street and suddenly notices a shiny object that looks like a knife inside a drainage ditch on the street. Paul tells Avery, Michael, and Ronan who get the knife out of the ditch and rush it to the lab to look for fingerprints. Ronan later informs Paul that the knife has been wiped clean and has no fingerprints on it. Everyone wonders who could have wiped the fingerprints off the knife.", "" ]
[ "Daniel: You might want to take it easy there, Slugger.", "Phyllis: It's either this, or I break the windows.", "Daniel: Okay, well, as Kevin's friend, I'm gonna say go ahead and keep stirring then.", "Phyllis: You know what? You are an amazing man-- loving, supportive, loyal. I want you to know that. And it's nice, because Nick isn't even talking to me. And then Danny-- running into Danny with that chirpy, chirpy little Christine bug, who loves to be confused lately.", "Daniel: Okay, no, no, no, no, no, we're not gonna do this. We're not gonna talk. We're not gonna talk about Dad. We're not gonna talk about Christine. Let's--", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Let's talk about coffee and, um, we'll talk about--", "(Door opens)", "Daniel: Your coffee is decaf, right? I mean...", "Phyllis: Oh, my God. You said you wouldn't, and you are.", "Daniel: I'm--I'm what? What am I doing?", "Phyllis: You-- you are seeing Heather.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Could I get a half-caf latte, no foam?", "Kevin: You know, it's been so long since I've taken your order, I almost forgot what it was. You're not getting your coffee elsewhere these days, are you?", "Heather: No, no, no, no, no. Don't you make me the \"Leaver.\" You're the one who's too busy to hang because of your fancy new web site.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Heather: Honestly, I'm surprised you even remember what I look like.", "Kevin: Are you kidding me? I could never forget that face. But if I did, I could always just take a look at the security footage. Yeah, I've got a camera here in the main room.", "Heather: Oh.", "Kevin: There's one out on the patio, and there is the one in the hallway, outside the bathrooms.", "Heather: Hallway outs--", "Kevin: Outside the bathrooms, yeah.", "Heather: (Exhales quickly) Oh, God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: I'm so sorry. I was on with my editor. Any news?", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Chris: Eden wants to remember so badly what happened with Ricky, but no, no word yet.", "Nina: Are you okay?", "Paul: Yeah, I'm just ready to get word that Eden remembers something, and I'm ready for this whole thing to be over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: So I had Daisy's wallet and phone. But then Ricky walked in. He's so tall. I forgot how tall he is.", "(Door closes)", "Michael: Shh.", "Dr. Hoffman: Were you frightened?", "Eden: I-I can't quite tell.", "Dr. Hoffman: Did Ricky get angry, say anything to scare you?", "Eden: (Sighs) He--he's not mad. Actually, Ricky's being really nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: She's going to prosecute me to the full extent of the law. Yes, yes. She wants to see me have misery and pain and be away from you and Summer. What do you find irresistible about her? I-I can't even believe this. This is so good for me. My son is dating the A.D.A. This is fantastic. She wants to see me rot in a jail cell.", "Daniel: Okay, okay. Look, what's going on with you? I look at the girl, and-- and now I'm sleeping with her? Come on. I really think you need to lay off those triple shots, that's what I think. I'm telling you, nothing's going on between me and Heather, all right?", "Phyllis: Oh... my... gosh.", "Daniel: Oh, you want to have a staring contest? Okay.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'll do that with you. You know why? Because a mother can always see the truth in their child's eyes.", "Daniel: Well, I want you to look long and deep, because nothing's going on between me and Heather.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Phyllis: Wait. Ohh. Nice.", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on with your face? Is that a twitch, or is that a smile? I'm not sure.", "Phyllis: I--they're just, uh, fitting me in for a massage at the club.", "Daniel: Oh, fitting you in for a massage--nice. Well, who's abandoning who now? Huh?", "Phyllis: I don't have to go. I can stay here with you.", "Daniel: (Laughs) No, no, no, no. You should go. Trust me, for the love of God, go, relax, enjoy.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hey. Yeah, I know. I'll have my TagNGrab post up by midnight, okay? Boss.", "Chloe: Super.", "(Door closes)", "Chloe: (Clears throat)", "Daniel: Yes? What?", "Chloe: Liar, liar, hipster jeans on fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Okay, I think you're thinking of one moment in particular, and it's funny. I mean, like, I could see how it would look. Daniel and me entering the bathroom... together. (Laughs) I mean, who does that, right? You know, unless they're gonna... but see, the thing is, my zipper and his... he wears those bracelets, and... (Laughs) It was--it was so crazy. It was really crazy. Just swear on your ugly dog's life you won't say a word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: We're-- we're drinking beers and--and hanging out like--like we're trying to be friends.", "Dr. Hoffman: What did you two talk about?", "Eden: I can't remember.", "Dr. Hoffman: But you can see Ricky?", "Eden: Yes, he's on the couch. He's smiling at me.", "Avery: Ask her if she knows what Ricky did with the items she found.", "Dr. Hoffman: Eden, the-- Daisy's cell phone and wallet, do you recall what Ricky did with them?", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Dr. Hoffman: It's okay.", "Eden: This is turning out to be a great night.", "Dr. Hoffman: What do you mean, Eden?", "Eden: Ricky-- that's what he said, \"This is turning out to be a great night.\" (Inhales sharply) I-I don't know what he wants. I don't know what he wants, and I don't know what to do.", "Dr. Hoffman: It's time to end this.", "Michael: Yes, yes, please.", "Dr. Hoffman: Eden, you're gonna wake up in a few moments. You'll remember everything we talked about and welcome additional memories at one. Three, two, one.", "Eden: (Sighs) I didn't help Paul at all, did I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I just hope this whole experience isn't too difficult for Eden, because if they push her, I would hate to be--", "Lauren: Honey, Michael will make sure his sister's okay.", "Chris: And Avery's being very conscientious.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Nina: Why don't you go home, all right? We'll call you the second we hear anything.", "Lauren: Yeah, I mean, honestly, we don't know how long it's gonna take up there, so it's okay. Go.", "Paul: (Inhales deeply) I don't know. Maybe a walk.", "Nina: Yeah, good. Do you want me to come with you?", "Paul: No, I'll be fine. Why don't you stay here? And, uh, do me a favor and talk about something that isn't, uh, that isn't about me.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Paul: And if anything happens, well, uh, you know where I am, right? Okay.", "Nina: Okay.", "Danny: See you.", "Nina: Bye. Mm. Seeing him like this is just... it's agony. I mean, waiting to know if one young girl's memory can save him or not. I mean, I wouldn't write this. I'd feel guilty toward my characters. I mean, drama is one thing, but mystery is just quite another. (Sighs) Is anyone up for a mind-numbing conversation about iced tea at the bar?", "Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah.", "Nina: Okay.", "Lauren: Come on, Honey.", "Nina: Thanks.", "Lauren: Can I get you guys anything?", "Chris: No, thanks.", "Danny: Oh, no, we're good.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Danny: (Sighs) Hey.", "Chris: (Sighs)", "Danny: I know it's hard, but you're doing great.", "Chris: (Scoffs) I'm not doing anything, and I hate it.", "Danny: I know. That's what I mean. You're not rushing upstairs, busting down the door, doing anything and everything to fix this for Paul. You're doing exactly what he asked you to do-- be his friend.", "Chris: Yeah, well, Paul didn't deserve to have a son like Ricky. (Sighs) He doesn't deserve any of the awful things that have happened to him.", "Danny: Hey. Come here. It's okay. You're doing good.", "Danny: You don't want to do this, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Why not? I was just walking through, getting a massage. You know, they fit me in.", "Chris: All right, hurry. You don't want to miss it.", "Phyllis: Can I talk to you?", "Danny: Uh, I really don't, uh, want to.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, you don't want to? Really? Um, too bad. You had your say, a long, extensive say. It's my turn now. Hey, um, Christine, if I politely asked you to beat it, would you?", "Chris: (Laughs) I might faint at the \"Polite\" part.", "Danny: Look, whatever you have to say, Chris has a right to hear it.", "Chris: You know what? Forget about it. Just--it's okay. Have your conversation.", "Danny: All right.", "Chris: It's all right. I, uh, I won't be long.", "Phyllis: It's my turn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You got so much further than you did the last time.", "Eden: Ricky smiled at me on the sofa. It was like he was relaxed. That's-- that's useless for Paul.", "Michael: (Chuckles) No, no, no, no, no, no. Uh, I don't want to hear any of that. Listen to me. Not so long ago, something... something traumatic happened to you in this room, something so horrible, that you were-- you were injured. Y-you were very frightened, and yet, you decided to come back here to help by trying to remember the events that led up to Ricky's death. That makes you one of the toughest people I know. It also makes you one of the most generous people I know. And when I was your age, I was not so big on generosity. So... you took a huge chance, and you didn't have to take it. I'm damn proud of you. These people are proud of you. We're all proud of you. Best sister ever, ever. (Chuckles)", "Avery: Come on. Let's get you out of here.", "Michael: (Groans) Mwah!", "(Door closes)", "Ronan: (Exhales slowly)", "Michael: What happened? What the hell happened?", "Ronan: I don't know. (Scoffs) I do not know. \"This is going to be a great night,\" and smiling. How do we turn that into a homicidal maniac?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Exhales slowly)", "(Glass shattering)", "Paul: (Inhales shakily)", "[Paul remembering]", "Ricky: You were never a father to me!", "Paul: (Sobs quietly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I'm sorry. Did you not just hear me talking to my mom? I'm not seeing Heather.", "Chloe: Liar. Unless by \"Not seeing her,\" you mean that you've been doing it in the dark with your eyes closed, and, God, I hope you're not that lame.", "Daniel: Um, okay, look, it... (Sighs) Heather and I were, um, it's... my mom let it go. Can't you just take her lead?", "Chloe: Oh, my God. Trust me, your mother would have called you out for being the lying liar that you are, but since being with a woman who wants to put Phyllis in jail would break your mother's heart, she's just in willful denial.", "Daniel: You're killing me.", "Chloe: I'm okay with that. Tell me.", "Daniel: There's nothing to tell.", "Chloe: You like Heather.", "Daniel: I like a lot of people.", "Chloe: I will cut your ponytail off in your sleep.", "Daniel: I-- I might like Heather.", "Chloe: Ew, you admit it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Look, Daniel, is like my vaguely messiah-looking brother. I love the guy.", "Heather: No.", "Kevin: But there is a lot of baggage there, you know.", "Heather: As--as opposed to who? The string of winners in my past? Adam? Oh, hey, have you talked to Rafe lately? (Gasps) Or how about Ronan? Yeah, he is stellar. Copped half a liver from his brother and then split town. Oh, oh, and he's trying to put my dad in prison. Look, I'm single. This is a single face. I would like to have a good guy in my life, hmm? So would you say that Daniel is a good guy or not?", "Kevin: Of course I'd say he's good guy, but--", "Heather: But you're concerned about his \"Baggage?", "Kevin: Oh, come on. I'm on the stand now? Really?", "Heather: Would you or would you not agree that his decency outweighs his baggage? I withdraw the question because I know how I feel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Yeah, because none of this is personal on your part, right? I mean, you don't hate Heather for... (Breathes deeply) I don't know, maybe sleeping with Chance?", "Chloe: My fiancé? And then eventually Ronan, his brother?", "Daniel: Yes, who you als--", "Chloe: Not the point.", "Daniel: (Laughs) You're right, it's not. Because Heather I-I-- she's smart. She doesn't drag me into stupid messes like Amber and Abby did, and--and who was the other one? Eden. Yeah, Eden. She was sweet, wasn't she? But let's face it, that was never gonna get serious.", "Chloe: So you are implying that it's serious with Heather?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Nothing shocks Daniel, but I don't know, he's not cynical or jaded.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Heather is funny. She's not flighty. She's not flaky.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Being around him, I don't--I get this smile. And after days at the office or at the courthouse, yeah, yeah, I could use the smile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I know we're nothing alike, but I...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: We complement each other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: And Lucy really likes hanging out with Heather.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: That sweet little girl, watching Daniel dote on her, I didn't have that as a kid, not like that. And seeing them together, it just--", "Kevin: Okay, I get it. You have beaten me down, Counselor. Go for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I still think you're an idiot.", "Daniel: I will take that as your blessing. Um, yeah, there's just one other thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Just one thing-- you can't tell anyone about us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You can't tell anyone about us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ricky... Ricky. Ricky had the cell, and he had the wallet.", "Ronan: We already knew that. It was in the surveillance footage. He smiled at Eden. He--he smiled at her. What in the hell-- what in the hell does that mean?", "Michael: Luring her in before he snapped?", "Ronan: Speculation-- does nothing for us. You know that. (Sighs) Real evidence-- we need real evidence to prove that Ricky was an imminent threat.", "Michael: You know what? We can say \"Real evidence\" as many times as we want. It hasn't worked for us so far.", "Ronan: (Sniffs)", "Michael: My friend, I'm afraid we may be screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: So while she did have flashes of memory, she didn't recall any real moments of menace or threat from Ricky.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Nina: That doesn't mean that Ricky didn't turn on her at some point. I mean, something awful must have happened, or Paul would never have had to shoot.", "Lauren: Right, right, too awful for Eden to deal with. I mean, my God, I can't even imagine how vicious Ricky must have been for her to shut down like this.", "Nina: Ricky is still torturing her and Paul, even from the grave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: You're not smiling. Is it because it went bad? Is it because it--", "Eden: It's because I came up absolutely nothing to help Paul.", "Kyle: Did any memories come back?", "Eden: Yeah, but they were all pointless, nothing that actually mattered.", "Kyle: Look, I know you're trying. You're the toughest kid to ever come off an ashram. But, Kid, I mean, you gotta think there's a reason that your brain won't let you remember this stuff. I mean, you believe Paul about what happened that night, right? Ricky wasn't just throwing a tea party.", "Eden: Well, yeah, I ended up unconscious somehow, so yeah, I don't think it was cucumber sandwiches and earl grey tea.", "Kyle: So maybe you're just not ready then.", "Eden: Well, I need to be ready, and it needs to be now. I mean, a man might go to jail for saving my life. H-how do I-- how do I just let that happen?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[Paul remembering]", "Paul: This stops here, Ricky.", "(Gunshot)", "(Glass shattering)", "(Thud)", "Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs) What the...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: We've all moved on. We've moved on, Danny...", "Danny: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: All of us, except Christine. She hates me. It's like this obsession that we can't pry out of her claws.", "Danny: Your obsession-- yours. So don't you start telling me that Chris is the villain here, okay?", "Phyllis: She's going after me like an attack dog.", "Danny: You tried to kill her. Yeah, she has a right to seek justice.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, are you believing this? Seriously? You think I tried to kill her? Because Christine said that. Because Cricket said it, so it must be true, right?", "Danny: One thing nagging me, Phyllis...", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Danny: The timing. Yeah, see, Chris was with Paul. They were getting married. You and I, we were together. But you ran her down.", "Phyllis: You know what? You're right about one thing-- we were together. You and I were together.", "Danny: You hated her.", "Phyllis: I didn't give her a second thought, Danny.", "Danny: You were jealous, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Jealous?", "Danny: You were.", "Phyllis: What, of Christine? Please!", "Danny: I agree-- nothing to be jealous of. It was just you and me, not Christine. Chris was marrying Paul. They were supposed to have a good life. That had nothing to do with you or me.", "Phyllis: You pretend like you're so noble, both of you, so noble and pure. I saw you kissing Christine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Oh, come on. You have to protect your secret love?", "Heather: Mm. Who said it was love? And I'm prosecuting his mother. How many times have I screwed up my career stability in the last few years?", "Kevin: That I know of? A lot.", "Heather: Exactly. Not eager to get shamed out of another job. And God only knows how Phyllis would take it out on Daniel, your friend. But you admit he's a good guy, and that baggage he has, a lot of that has Phyllis' monogram on it. She hates me, loathes me, detests me. If she thought Daniel and I were--", "Kevin: Sneaking off into the Crimson Lights bathroom to do unspeakable things?", "Heather: She'd hang his head from her rearview mirror. Can we spare Daniel, your friend, that misery?", "Kevin: (Sighs) You know, she's not that bad.", "Heather: Ohh. (Laughing)", "Kevin: What? Look, a lot of the things that people are saying about Phyllis, they are not true. Okay, I won't tell Phyllis.", "Heather: No, no, actually, you won't tell anyone.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) Not even my wife?", "Heather: Oh, God, no. Especially not Chloe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: How about I keep the secret and you ditch the black hole with red hair? And I'm talking about your \"Chickie\" with red hair, not your mother, although that is a really awkward coincidence. You know, I would think that you'd swear off redheads after Daisy.", "Daniel: Would you shut up already? Please. And remember, you can't tell anyone, not even Kevin.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: (Sighs)", "Kyle: Ooh. Ouch! (Chuckles) Ugh.", "Eden: Okay, give it here. Give it back.", "Kyle: No, no, no, no, denied.", "Eden: Uhh! I was robbed.", "Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you were.", "Eden: You don't have to humor me.", "Kyle: Look, I was halfway around the world when my mom died. There was nothing I could do to help her. There was nothing I could do to change things. I never felt more helpless in my entire life.", "Eden: When you were a kid, did you ever... did you ever think if you wished something hard enough that it would come true?", "Kyle: Hey, it still might for you. You might remember something to help Paul.", "Eden: You know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your mom, and--and I'm sorry for dragging up all these painful things for you.", "Kyle: Hey, hey, hey, all that stuff just makes me more qualified to mentor you here. I have loads of education to impart to you.", "Eden: (Laughs) What, like teaching me to wish harder?", "Kyle: Wish smarter. Uh, wish for something that can actually happen, like remembering. One thing I learned not to wish for... (Sighs) Is for people to come back. I mean, it worked for Victor, but it just doesn't happen that way for other mere mortals.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: I knew it. It was that kiss.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Chris: And you couldn't have just acted like an adult and said something. You had to go rent a car and try and kill me.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, please. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, Christine, I saw you kiss Danny right before you married Paul. Uh, see how that holds up in a court of law. You were consumed with one man before you were about to marry another...", "Chris: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: And that somehow makes me a killer. Good luck with that.", "Danny: Phyllis, do you actually believe your stories and excuses? I mean, do you think other people do?", "Phyllis: You're calling me a liar.", "Chris: Because you are.", "Phyllis: Um, you know, this was supposed to be a personal, private conversation where I was going to tell you about Christine's vendetta toward me.", "Chris: It's true. Yes, I have one. I-I want to see you locked up. I want to hear a jury declare you guilty because you are.", "Phyllis: See? See? See? Do you see this? (Scoffs)", "Chris: That gives me motive beyond your insane fixation of Danny and your hatred of me-- specific motive for a specific day.", "Phyllis: All right, um, get over yourself. Get over yourself, okay? I've grown in the last 20 years. I have been deeply in love. I have children. I have an actual life. Christine, what do you have? You just run to Danny and whimper about... (Whiny voice) How mean Phyllis is to you. Phyllis is so mean. (Normal voice) I mean, grow up, okay? Grow up and get a life, all right?", "Lauren: Okay, Phyllis. Phyllis. Yeah, don't do it. Okay, okay, you're all done here. Come on.", "Phyllis: Let go of me!", "Lauren: Hey, stop it. Sit down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Ronan. I found it. I found the knife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Chloe: So I talked to Phyllis, and she said that she's gonna have her pics up by midnight tonight.", "Kevin: Great. That's great.", "Chloe: Well...", "Kevin: And my mom called. Uh, she wants us to go by for dinner.", "Chloe: Great. Uh, did she invited the dog, too?", "Kevin: (Chuckles) How Angelo of you.", "Chloe: Well, Bobby is way cuter than Vig. Okay, I can't. I can't do it. I have the biggest mouth.", "Kevin: Oh, God. Okay, I know. You had said to me \"No more secrets.\" You said \"No more secrets.\"", "Chloe: Well, I don't really. I just can't keep secrets from you. Okay, Daniel is--", "Kevin: Seeing Heather. Thank God you know. (Sighs)", "Chloe: How do you know? Who told you?", "Kevin: Heather. You?", "Chloe: Daniel.", "Kevin: My best friend told you before me?", "Chloe: The woman I loathe is confiding in you? Oh, well, look who it is. Uh, your girlfriend ratted you out to Kevin. You know, you guys really suck at this whole secret romance thing.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Oh, yeah, and you're just the soul of discretion, aren't you? Fine, you both know. You happy? Happy? Hmm?", "Heather: Mm-hmm. But it stays between us?", "Kevin: Yeah, agreed.", "Chloe: Fine, but only because Daniel asked nicely.", "Daniel: You know what? This might not be that bad after all. This might actually be kind of great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Nice one back there. Really, really great. Perfect person to provoke, as you're moving toward trial. I tried to steer you away from Christine once today. D-did you not get that message?", "Phyllis: I'm not trying to provoke Christine.", "Lauren: No, no. She asked you to come over there, insisted that you insult her, and talk about the case.", "Phyllis: You know, I have every right to talk to Danny. What, am I supposed to walk away because she's there?", "Lauren: Seriously?", "Phyllis: Okay, in hindsight, it's not a good idea. I just-- when I see them together, Danny and Christine, I want to explode. I want to explode!", "Lauren: But you love Nick.", "Phyllis: Of course I love Nick. It's not about that. And Nick hasn't completely rejected me, by the way. He'll hardly talk to me right now. That's not really helping me right now. (Sighs) And Danny, when he walks around, it's like it--like the-- like this-- this neon sign of failure. \"I don't love you as much as you love me.\" I mean, it's just making me crazy. And then I see the two of them together, and she's trying to put me in prison while she just puts her little head on Danny's shoulder. It makes me sick!", "Lauren: All right. Okay, okay, okay, so just stop. Stop, stop. I'm not sure I'm someone you should be telling this to.", "Chris: She lies right to our faces, like I'm this horrible person trying to ruin her life. It was a misunderstanding. She's innocent. I mean, God, she is delusional. An attempt was made on my life. Paul suffered terribly. It was after she saw us kiss, and Phyllis is the victim? (Scoffs)", "Danny: Hey, no one thinks that, Chris.", "Chris: Well, they better not. That kiss was motive. Couple that with the credit card statements and whatever reason she had for bribing Tim to stay away.", "Nina: You know, I am with you 100% on this. But if you want this case to have the best shot possible, maybe, you know, having it out with Phyllis in public isn't the best idea.", "Chris: Oh, my God, this is insane. We're talking about the person who is having an affair with your son while she's awaiting trial.", "Nina: What did you just say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Okay.", "Eden: Okay, this one is so you.", "Kyle: No, no, sorry, no. I much prefer the sweet melody of boy band unison. I mean, who doesn't like a girl who flips her hair? (Laughs)", "Eden: Well, I'll keep that in mind. (Clears throat)", "Kyle: (Laughs)", "Eden: I just remembered something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Where is it?", "Paul: I-it's in there. I saw a reflection.", "Ronan: All right, hang on a second. Here.", "Paul: It--its way back in that--", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Paul: See it?", "Ronan: I just saw it.", "Avery: Okay, careful. Paul said the blade is substantial.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Ronan: I got something. I got it.", "Paul: I'll be... that's it. That's the knife.", "Avery: Oh, my God. It's true.", "Michael: How did your team miss that? How?", "Ronan: My team didn't miss this. We searched every inch of this crime scene.", "Paul: I-I wouldn't have seen it unless it was for the angle I was at.", "Michael: All right, you know, let's just get it back to the lab and check it for fingerprints, all right?", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Paul: Oh, my God.", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Paul: I can't believe this nightmare is over.", "Avery: (Chuckles) Yeah. (Laughs)", "Paul: Ohh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Gosh, this is fun. Me and you and you...", "Heather: Hmm.", "Chloe: Just hangin' out. You know, I woke up this morning, and I said to myself, \"Self, let's experience something that's fun, new, and different today.\" You know, something that you would never experience in a million years on purpose. And look, look at us. Here we are.", "Heather: Mm.", "Chloe: God, I should really stop listening to myself.", "Kevin: I'm back.", "Heather: Thank God.", "Kevin: What'd I miss?", "Daniel: We have a code of silence, a secret pact.", "Heather: Oh, mm-hmm.", "Chloe: A secret pact of secrecy? You'd better work on a better name.", "Daniel: (Clears throat) I have been brainstorming.", "Chloe: Okay, well, then just please get it out, because I'm only sitting here because I like a good scheme. Go on.", "Daniel: See, what I'm thinking is maybe the two of you can help Heather and I have a little alone time. Maybe we can hide right in plain sight. You know, using you guys as a buffer. Hmm? Hmm? (Laughs) Great idea, right?", "Heather: Oh, I think Chloe is eager to help me, very.", "Chloe: Hey, \"Poindexter,\" you don't speak for me, okay? I happen to be a true romantic, a sucker for all things pink and heart-shaped. And Daniel likes you, and I like Daniel. That means that I can tolerate you for the sake of schemes and romance, so I will.", "Kevin: So it's a great big collective secret. Sounds healthy...", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: And safe and good for my marriage.", "Chloe: Babe, listen, there are good secrets, and then there are evil marriage- destroying secrets, and this is the good kind.", "Kevin: So I'm in?", "Chloe: Yes, you're in, and you're very excited about it.", "Kevin: I'm very excited about it.", "Daniel: Awesome.", "Chloe: Fun!", "Heather: Thank you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: No, I'm sorry. What do you mean, don't tell you this?", "Lauren: Look, I love you. You're my best friend, and you and I have been through the ugliest of wars together, and we have come out alive. But I'm not just your friend here. I am the D.A.'s wife, and for you to tell me 20 years later it makes your blood boil to see Danny and Christine together is not cool.", "Phyllis: It makes me furious. It makes me furious. And I could-- I could put that up on a billboard anywhere in town, and it shouldn't matter. Christine wants to ruin my life because she doesn't have one.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Phyllis, after seeing your credit card statement with the rental car bill, it's not unreasonable for Chris to suggest that maybe you seeing the kiss was motive enough for you to act out.", "Phyllis: Yes, we have been through the war, and now you're siding with the enemy, aren't you? This is lovely.", "Lauren: No. No, no.", "Phyllis: Whoa, this is rich.", "Lauren: Phyllis, please, just stop it.", "Phyllis: Just perfect.", "Nina: Are you having an affair with my son?", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Danny: Coming!", "Danny: Hey. Come on in.", "Chris: I knew it. You know, I knew it was that kiss, but... to hear her admit it... I mean, I ju--I just remember seeing those headlights, you know? I... I-I-I just saw white light, and then the--the sound of that engine. And if Paul hadn't been-- been there...", "Danny: Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry.", "Chris: No, it's not your fault. It wasn't your fault.", "Danny: It just makes me crazy when I see you upset like this.", "Chris: (Sighs)", "Danny: It always has.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What just happened over there? What did you remember? Did you see Ricky do something?", "Eden: No, I-I didn't see, but I heard. It was Paul. He said--he said, \"This ends here, Ricky.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Preliminary reports are in, Paul. The handle of the knife's been wiped clean.", "Avery: Wha...", "Paul: How can that be possible? Ricky had it in his hands when he fell.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Paul: If it slid into the drain, there has to be something on it.", "Ronan: Paul, we know. We checked, more than once. And Ricky's prints are not on it.", "Paul: That knife is my alibi. It's my proof. If there are no prints on it... how can this be happening?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approach)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chris: I can't not, until I know if this means the same thing to you as it does to me.", "Kyle: What if his shooting Ricky didn't go down the way you want to think it did?", "Phyllis: You drove his own father to fake his own death and the other one hardly--oh!", "Lauren: Oh!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Gloria apologizes to everyone gathered for the video that was mistakenly shown. Lauren takes over the microphone and cancels the rest of the festivities. Gloria urges Kevin and Chloe to try to talk Lauren into not ending the evening but with no luck. Kevin warns them where Carmine could be now. Michael finds Fen upstairs, squatted down in front of a hotel room door. Michael tries to talk to him, but Fen doesn't want to hear any of it. Fen gets up and leaves. Jack visits Adam to find out what Victor is up to next. Adam realizes that Victor will never be a real father to him. Adam lets Jack know that Victor is coming over to probably rub it in how they failed. Victor arrives at the door with a proposition for them. Sharon catches up with Nick at the coffeehouse. Nick shows her a collage of pics that Faith made. Nick lets Sharon know that they will never be more than just friends. At the loft, Dylan reads the note from Chelsea in which she tells him that she still loves him. Lauren blasts Alex for letting it happen that Carmine could be able to get this close to them. In the alley, Carmine pulls out a pistol. Victor offers Jack and Adam a very generous offer for Newman. Victor hands Jack the check and leaves. Victor sees Chelsea in the corridor. Chelsea wants to know what he is doing there. Victor lets her know that he is taking back what is his.", "Michael stops Lauren from going after Fenmore. In the alley, Fen takes out his frustration on some garbage cans. Carmine watches him. Jack tries to calm Adam down by telling him to let this go and start over. Chelsea comes in to join them. Adam tells Jack that he will let it go. Avery calls Dylan to let him know that she found his medal and would like to bring it by. Dylan tries to get her not to come but changes his mind and agrees. In the park, Nick and Avery both throw slurs at each other over whose fault it really is that they aren't married. Avery informs Nick that Dylan is leaving town. Chelsea goes downstairs with Connor in her arms. She tells Adam that Connor is running a high temp. Carmine calls Michael to rub it in that he and Lauren made love over and over. Michael finds Lauren standing in the alley over Carmine's body and asks if she killed Carmine.", "" ]
[ "Chelsea: Dylan, my love, these words come so hard for me, knowing how much pain I've caused you. [Sighs] Oh, Connor. Mommy's really screwed up this time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: The committee has put together a short video featuring some of Fenmore's greatest triumphs over the past 12 months. So without further ado, I present you with Miss Lauren Fenmore, Genoa City's businesswoman of the year.", "[Applause]", "[Camera shutter clicking]", "Michael: Stop it! Turn it off!", "Fenmore: Carmine did this! It had to be him!", "Michael: Turn it off! Turn it off!", "Kevin: Listen --", "Michael: Fenmore! Fenmore!", "Gloria: Ladies and gentlemen, if you would just take your seats for a moment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Remind me why we're meeting again today.", "Jack: To discuss the future of Newman Enterprises.", "Adam: Future, huh?", "Jack: Adam, since when are you the cynic?", "Adam: I'm a realist. Let's look at the facts. Dad got his inheritance from Katherine Chancellor. He's lured away our business partners, our clients, vendors. We have no real productive way to manufacture goods and no one to sell them to.", "Jack: We are not sunk, Adam.", "Adam: Take a look at that. I had finance put together some projections. Newman is just a shell of its former self.", "Jack: So we rebuild. Adam, it is a formidable task. No question about it. I'm not gonna give up. Are you? Somebody kicks you in the teeth, you fight back even harder.", "Adam: And when that someone is your father? Look, that old fool just killed the company out of pure spite.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Adam: Speaking of the old fool...", "Jack: Take it.", "Adam: What do you want?", "Victor: I need to see you immediately.", "Adam: Why?", "Victor: Where are you?", "Adam: At home.", "Victor: I'm coming right over. Make sure Jack Abbott is there, as well. Time to settle some old debts.", "Adam: Blah, blah, blah. Guess the other shoe is gonna drop.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for the obvious technical difficulties. May we please roll the real video --?", "Lauren: That will not be necessary. I'm sorry, but what we all experienced is a cruel joke from a very sick person. I am deeply sorry. I thank you all for coming here to honor me. But in light of what's happened, I think it's best if we call an end to the festivities. So I wish you a good night, and, again, I am deeply sorry.", "Gloria: Lauren, listen to me. You cannot do this.", "Lauren: I just did.", "Gloria: No, no. You are letting him win. You realize this. Kevin, Chloe, please make her realize that it would be a mistake to quit. Sex tapes are a dime a dozen. Nobody really cares anymore!", "Chloe: I think that Lauren handled that in the classiest way possible.", "Gloria: Yes, well, if it were me, I would --", "Kevin: Mom!", "Lauren: I need to find Michael and Fenmore.", "Kevin: Lauren, I don't think that's a good idea.", "Lauren: Why?", "Kevin: Because if Carmine is behind this, he's figured out a way how to get past the police. He could be waiting for you, trying to get you by yourself.", "Chloe: He's right. I think that we should just stay here with you until they all come back.", "Gloria: Yes, you're right. Because this is such a nightmare.", "Lauren: That refuses to end. [Sighs]", "Michael: Hey, Sport. Look, you can't take this to heart. This was a cheap attempt to embarrass your mother. It was painful to watch. But it's over and done. Do not give that animal the satisfaction of knowing that he got to us.", "Fenmore: He already has gotten to us. And he's never gonna stop. Even jail couldn't hold him.", "Michael: Let's go in the room and talk, not sit in the hallway.", "Fenmore: There's nothing you can say that's gonna make this feel any better. Carmine wants to make sure we never forget what he's done to us. Now the entire town has seen it, Dad, and Mom has been absolutely humiliated.", "Michael: This was the despicable act of a desperate man who has no future. This was him acting out. It is more important than ever that we stick together as a family. We have to support your mom. Now get up. We're gonna go into this room, and we're gonna present a united front. Your mother deserves that much from us. Fen-- Fenmore! Come back! Fenmore!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What do you think Victor meant by settling past debts? I mean, is there more? He's already made Newman worthless. What else is there?", "Adam: He's probably just on his way over to pour some salt in the wound.", "Jack: Yeah, that is what Victor likes to do -- clip the wings off of those nearest and dearest to him.", "Adam: He got his little trust-fund-baby inheritance from Katherine Chancellor. That's how he was able to do this to me. I'm just sorry I dragged you into this, Jack. I was a fool for thinking that this time could be different. Instead, you lost so much.", "Jack: No, don't worry about me. It's just money. I have made and lost more fortunes than anyone you will ever know. No, this is about family. And unfortunately, this time, your family did what your family does. You got the wind kicked out of you.", "Adam: I prided myself on always being savvy, being able to read people. I just hate that I've had to come to grips with the fact that Victor can never be -- will never be a real father. That's my fault for letting it get that far. I've allowed it to be a weakness of mine.", "Jack: Adam, maybe it's a good thing that this happened.", "Adam: 'Cause I didn't meet my monthly pain quota?", "Jack: Sometimes we don't get it until we learn it the hard way. One thing you know absolutely for sure now is that you don't measure up in Victor's eyes. You never will. And you're not alone. None of his children do. It's time to start your life over again... now that you have a son.", "Adam: Tearing away from that old-timer is one thing, but... I don't know. Somehow it doesn't feel like a favor. Look, he's on his way over now. He stuck the knife in. And I'll bet you a dollar that he's coming over to give it a little twist.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Jack: Well, I guess we're gonna see. I got it.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad you're both here. This will be short but not painless. Time to make a deal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: What you got there? Oh, boy.", "Nick: Yeah. I hope you're not encouraging this.", "Sharon: Nick, I already told you --", "Nick: I know. Talked to Faith a few times about how things are and how they're going to be, but then I come home and find this on my coffee table.", "Sharon: Well, can you really blame her? She wants her mommy and daddy together. Any child her age would want that.", "Nick: I think Faith needs another reality check.", "Sharon: Maybe she's just confused because of you and Avery breaking up.", "Nick: Regardless... we're not doing our daughter any favors if she thinks there's some opportunity here. She needs to understand, Sharon, that we're friends and, you know, that's all we're gonna be.", "Sharon: Um, I...I'll sit her down again and try to explain things to her as clearly as I can.", "Nick: You want me to be there with you when you do?", "Sharon: No, that's okay. I can handle it.", "Nick: All right.", "Sharon: Wait, Nick. You've had your say. And now it's time I had mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I tore your world apart, along with my own. You'll never know how sorry I am for that. I knew I would never find a better man or a better father for my baby. So, yes, I lied to you and Adam. And the lie snowballed as I fell deeply in love with you. I was so scared Connor and I would lose you. And now that we have, I feel lost without you, Dylan. I'm kicking myself because it didn't have to be this way. I want you in my life again and in Connor's. You have every right to be furious with me. I just hope once that anger passes, you'll let yourself remember how happy we were. Biology doesn't have to be destiny. I know we could get back to what we had, and I want that so much more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I love you, Dylan. I'll never stop. Chelsea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: How could you let this happen?! You were supposed to protect us!", "Alex: Look, I've got a team of my men sweeping the building. If Basco's here --", "Lauren: Are you kidding me? He's the only one who could be behind this.", "Alex: Calm down, okay? We're gonna get him.", "Lauren: If you don't, I sure as hell will.", "Alex: Lauren! Do not put yourself in danger. You let the police handle this. You understand?", "Lauren: Oh, like you've been handling it so far? You let him escape while he was being transferred! Now he is on the loose, and God knows what he's gonna do next.", "Michael: Has there been any word?", "Lauren: No. No. Where's Fen?", "Michael: He got away. I couldn't stop him.", "Lauren: Michael...", "Michael: He's not handling this well.", "Lauren: God.", "Alex: Listen to me, both of you. We're gonna get this guy. I promise. He's not gonna get away from me this time.", "Carmine: Yeah, what did, uh, what did the chief say? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay.", "[Gun cocks]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What is it, Sharon?", "Sharon: It's nothing I haven't told you before. I just really want you to listen to me this time.", "Nick: All right. Let's have it.", "Sharon: It's about how closed off you are. You go around telling people you're not in pain, but it's obvious you are.", "Nick: Look, Sharon, I --", "Sharon: I know I'm the last person that you want to hear this from and you've clearly told me you don't want me to intrude. But, Nick, you need to talk to someone. I know you're hurting, and I'm hurting for you. You feel like you've lost everyone, and who wouldn't, after what you've been through? So maybe now's the time to reevaluate things, try to figure out why so much is going wrong in your life.", "Nick: That is what I'm doing. And I need you to hear me, Sharon. I really, really appreciate your concern, but this is something I need to deal with on my own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: The company I built from nothing is worth nothing again... because of your poor management.", "Adam: Naturally, that had nothing to do with your acts of sabotage at all.", "Victor: I want to buy Newman from you and Jack Abbott... for less than it should be worth but for more than it's worth now.", "Adam: [Chuckles] How very generous of you. The man with a plan.", "Victor: Son, my plan was to run this company with you as father and son, as a team that could trust each other. When you brought this man into the deal, you screwed it up. You stabbed me in the back. Now I have to do what I am doing to save my own reputation.", "Jack: More revisionist history.", "Victor: I have avoided any taint of association with you for years! When he exposed me to it, he dug his own grave.", "Adam: Look, Old Man, I'm sick and tired of doing this dance with you and going 'round and 'round, so let's be very clear. I got the company. I brought it back to the family. And now I'm the one who's getting hammered for it.", "Victor: You ran the company to the ground, Son.", "Adam: That was you, Victor Newman. You did that. I got the company in phenomenal shape, and then you turned the clients against us.", "Victor: The offer I made is generous. Should take it. Should be grateful I'm willing to pay --", "Adam: I'm sorry. Did you say \"Grateful\"? You want me to show you a little bit of my gratitude?", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Adam, we're gonna talk about this when he's not here, okay? We'll let you know.", "Victor: Good.", "Jack: Good.", "Victor: You do that.", "Jack: We will.", "Adam: Show yourself out.", "Victor: Well...", "Chelsea: What are you doing here?", "Victor: Taking back what belongs to me. And I always do. Well, look at that. Hey, little boy. I'll be damned. You're my grandson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: He'll be okay.", "Lauren: Okay. I'm gonna go look for Fen.", "Michael: No, Lauren. No, you can't.", "Lauren: He's all alone, and Carmine is out there.", "Michael: Which means it isn't safe for you either. Kevin, please take her up to our suite. Wait for me there.", "Lauren: No. What am I supposed to do, just sit there and wait for something terrible to happen?", "Michael: I will find our son. Please. Kevin.", "Lauren: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Adam, I am as upset about this as you are. We have to face the facts as they are. Forget about Victor.", "Adam: You know, my father... was introduced to me as my father. My mom was sick. She was dying. Grown adult, I'm just finally meeting him. I wish she had never done that. You know, I wish -- things would be so different if I had never --", "Jack: Listen to me. I know I have been telling you to this point we need to rebuild. I was wrong.", "Adam: What changed your mind?", "Jack: Running Newman, resurrecting it from the ashes is only going to be a constant reminder of what Victor just did, just how brutal he was. You need to start over, start fresh, build something of your own, something Victor can't touch. The way Nicholas did. You'll be better off for it and, I promise you, a hell of a lot happier.", "[Door opens]", "Jack: Do it for your son, Adam.", "[Door closes]", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Jack: Hi, Chelsea.", "Adam: How's the little guy?", "Chelsea: He's actually been fussy all evening.", "Adam: Seems fine now.", "Chelsea: Well, he finally drifted off to sleep. Which is a good thing 'cause he didn't have to see Victor's looming face.", "Adam: You saw my father?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I bumped into him outside by the elevator, and he wouldn't tell me what he was doing here.", "Adam: Doing what he always does -- spreading joy and happiness and rainbows.", "Jack: I'll let you two decide your next move.", "Adam: No, Chelsea has nothing to do with this.", "Jack: Adam, the child that you and Chelsea share has everything to do with this. You've just finished telling me everything that is wrong in your life has something to do with Victor or Newman Enterprises.", "Chelsea: Does this have to do with your clients taking away their business?", "Jack: Think about it.", "Adam: Jack? You were right. You are right. That's it. It's over. I have to let it go.", "Jack: Good move. It's the right move. I promise you, you will come out okay.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: Hey, there.", "Avery: Hi. Where are you? Are you home?", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Avery: You gonna be there a while?", "Dylan: Why?", "Avery: Uh, I found your St. Christopher medal at my house. I know how much it means to you. It belonged to your dad. So if you'd like, I could drop it off.", "Dylan: It's a good way to check up on me, too, isn't it?", "Avery: I thought you'd be pleased I found it.", "Dylan: I am. I'm very pleased. But you don't have to race over here. I'm not... I'm not falling apart. I'm, uh, coping. It's not easy, but, you know, I've dealt with worse things.", "Avery: Dylan, I'm not trying to hover. If you're not anxious to get it back --", "Dylan: No, it's fine. Come on by if you want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: [Sighs]", "[Nick remembering]", "Sharon: Maybe now's the time to reevaluate things, try to figure out why so much is going wrong in your life.", "[Back to present]", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Avery: Hi.", "Nick: Hey.", "Avery: What happened to your eye?", "Nick: [Sighs] Got in a fight with a door. The door won. No big deal.", "Avery: I'm sorry you feel like you have to lie to me about that. Did you and Dylan get in a fight? Things have really gone to hell for all of us, haven't they?", "Nick: Seems that way.", "Avery: I'm sick inside. I really am, the way that everything fell apart.", "Nick: Didn't have to be like this. You could have chosen me instead of Dylan. You could have shown up at our wedding instead of bailing. And if you had done that, we'd be married right now, on our honeymoon.", "Avery: Well, it's easy to put all the blame on me. But you could've fought harder for what we had. So why didn't you?", "Nick: When Dylan first came to town... I fought like hell to keep us together. This time around, I got the impression that you didn't want me to do that. I mean, isn't that what our big, mature break-up conversation was all about?", "Avery: Or was that just an excuse? Maybe you were as afraid to make this commitment as I was. You know, I'm fine taking half the blame in this. I deserve it. But have you looked at your own track record? Your relationships don't last. In fact, they've all fallen apart. So maybe you're the one who's afraid of commitment, and that's why you didn't put much effort into this one.", "Nick: Well, you were married, too, Avery. And that didn't work out because you weren't able to honor your vows, either. So, you know, if we're being honest with each other --", "Avery: I don't have a right to judge your past any more than you have a right to judge mine.", "Nick: Then why are we even having this conversation?", "Avery: Nick, I want you to stop hurting.", "Nick: And you think a slap in the face is the way to do that, reminding me of all the ways that I failed in life? You know what? You don't have to answer that. What are you doing here? Did you come here looking for my blessing to get back with Dylan? Is that what this is?", "Avery: No. No, it isn't that at all. And even if you wanted to do that, it's too late. Dylan is leaving town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Adam?!", "Adam: What is it?", "Chelsea: Something's wrong with Connor. He's burning up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Congratulations, Victor! You may have won what is left of Newman. As a father, you're still a disaster.", "Victor: Spoken like the loser you are, Jack Abbott. Come in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: [Sighs] I'm so concerned for Fen. I mean, he's so fragile. What if Carmine gets to him?", "Kevin: Okay, I'll go with Michael to look for him, okay?", "Lauren: Will you?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Lauren: Okay. You be careful, all right?", "Kevin: I will.", "Lauren: Okay. Why did Fen even come? He's just -- he's been doing so well in rehab.", "Gloria: That boy is stronger than you think he is. He has a family that loves and cares about him. He loves you. He is not going to slip up.", "Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for the reassurance.", "Chloe: Don't worry. Fen is gonna settle down. The cops are gonna find Carmine. And everything is going to be okay.", "Lauren: This is making me feel like the times with Sheila.", "[Cell phone buzzes]", "Lauren: Please be good news. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So, I'm the loser, huh? I just watched you destroy your legacy to punish your son.", "Victor: Here you are, blowing your horn on Adam's behalf. Knowing your history, that's almost funny. Sit down.", "Jack: So, all of the, uh, bluster, all the pontificating about family, how nothing is more important, is that more than just talk? If it is, why do you keep putting your kids through these tests? Why do you keep making them jump through hoops?", "Victor: Because unlike you, Jack Abbott, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Okay, I wasn't given a car at the age of 16. I wasn't sent to Harvard. I grew up in an orphanage... with nothing. No one gave me a break. Why the hell would I give a break to an ingrate like Adam?", "Jack: Oh, I don't know. Because he's your son. Because love's more important than business.", "Victor: You bet love is more important than business.", "Jack: Then why all the one-upmanship with Adam? Why can't you just accept him as your son and love him?", "Victor: You don't know enough about the history of Adam and this town, do you? Ever since he has set foot in Genoa City, he has been nothing but trouble. I've given him many a break. He has stabbed me and his siblings in the back. By forming an alliance with you, he sealed his fate. He stabbed me in the back once again. And yet I love him.", "Jack: So this is just a game. Keep knocking him down, see if he'll get up, see if he'll become the man you want him to be.", "Victor: Oh, you know better than anyone. Nothing I do is a game, ever. If you've come here to give me a lecture on fatherhood, I suggest you get the hell out of here.", "Jack: You know what? I'm here for another reason. Adam and I will accept a reasonable offer for Newman. You won it, Victor. You got your precious company back. In the end, it may be all you have left.", "Victor: We shall see, shan't we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Thanks.", "Avery: You're welcome.", "Dylan: I lost it before I was with Chelsea. Guess I need a new chain or clasp or something.", "Avery: Yeah.", "Dylan: So, how do I seem? Pretty together, huh? Guess you didn't have to check on me. But thank you. I'm gonna be okay.", "Avery: So when are you planning on leaving town? And how is this gonna affect your therapy?", "Dylan: I'm having second thoughts about leaving town.", "Avery: Really? What changed your mind?", "Dylan: I'm tired of running. Where would I go? Got this place, the coffeehouse. And I'm looking forward to spend some time with Stitch. He moved to town.", "Avery: He did?", "Dylan: Job at the hospital, but I know it's partly to give me moral support, too, so... I'll be staying put for a while.", "Avery: Well, Chelsea isn't going anywhere either. It seems like you were so in love before you found out the truth about the baby. So maybe there's hope that the two of you could get back together.", "Dylan: There isn't. Trust me. So, what's going on with you? What's happening with you and Nick?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Did somebody find my grandson?", "Chloe: Who is it?", "Lauren: No. It's just someone from work. Gloria, would you mind getting me a glass of water from the bathroom?", "Gloria: Sure, Honey. Sure.", "Lauren: Thank you. Chloe, I think there's aspirin in the mini bar. Would you mind?", "Chloe: No. Of course not.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "[Door opens]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Detective. Detective! Is there any sign? Carmine? Fenmore?", "Alex: Negative. I'm thinking Carmine set up the video, stuck around long enough to see the reaction, and took off.", "Michael: I wish I could believe that.", "Kevin: What, you still think he's here in the club?", "Michael: I think --", "[Cell phone rings]", "Michael: Excuse me. Michael.", "Carmine: Did you get off while watching your wife with another man?", "Michael: You psychotic freak. You're not gonna get away with this. The police are gonna find you, and they're gonna lock you up for good. Where's Lauren? You're supposed to stay with her.", "Chloe: She gave us the slip.", "Michael: Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch!", "Carmine: Whew! She was so insatiable that day. And night. [Chuckles] We must have made love a dozen times. You know, I watch that tape whenever I need a reminder of how hot we were. No! No! Don't do it! Don't! Please! Please no!", "[Gunshot]", "Michael: [Grunts]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You're gonna die an unhappy man, Victor, and you'll have no one but yourself to blame. Pushed Nicholas away. Now Adam. I guess Summer is next. Nikki's gonna figure you out for who you are. She'll leave you, too. Don't pretend to relish this victory. It's a hollow victory, and you and I both know it.", "Victor: Why don't you go back to Jabot? Take Adam with you. You'd make great partners. Make sure you don't run your father's legacy into the ground. Because when you do, I'll swoop in and buy your company for cents on the dollar. Okay? You and Adam make it almost too easy for me.", "Jack: Adam is more of a man than you will ever be. And certainly more of a father.", "Victor: Aren't you premature with that judgment? Now get out, Jack.", "Jack: Gladly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Our son has a fever. Something may be wrong.", "Chelsea: Please, you have to help him.", "Doctor: Okay, let's take a look. Okay.", "[Baby coos]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: We're not getting back together. Not after everything that's happened. I should go.", "Dylan: Yeah. Thanks for, uh, bringing the medal.", "Avery: St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.", "Dylan: And me staying put. Story of my life.", "Avery: Well, I'll see you.", "Dylan: Avery? Thanks again. For everything.", "Avery: Good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Oh.", "Sharon: Hope I didn't startle you.", "Nick: [Chuckles] No. What are you doing here?", "Sharon: Just wanted to tell you I talked to Faith, and I think I got through to her this time. She promised to stop with the matchmaking.", "Nick: Thank you. I'm really sorry if I seemed too abrupt before.", "Sharon: No, it's okay. You have a lot on your mind.", "Nick: You okay?", "Sharon: I'm fine. It's just... I'm tired, and it's hard letting Faith down again and again. And now I have to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Lauren? Lauren! Lauren?! \"I have Fen. Come to the alley outside the club. Tell no one, not even Alex.\"", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: You had a doctor's appointment. Did he say something to you that I should know about? Is everything all right?", "Devon: You and I are gonna talk, and we're gonna end all this. All right?", "Michael: You have to tell me right now, did you kill Carmine?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the bottom of the stairs, Faith yells for Sharon and Mariah to get up. Sharon and Mariah come rushing downstairs to see what is all the commotion. Faith tells her that she didn't want them to miss the wedding. The alarm clock goes off and awakens Jack and Kelly. Phyllis is already up when her alarm clock goes off. At the Athletic Club dining room, Cane and Lily go over the final details for the reception. At the church, Summer helps Austin with his tie. They walk down the aisle as Austin and Summer remember their own wedding day. Summer calls Dr. Burnett to check on Phyllis, but she once again gets the run around about her condition. Victor comes in and wants to know where Phyllis is. Nick and Avery meet at the Coffeehouse and discuss Dylan's arrest. Nick invites Avery to his wedding, but she is hesitant about accepting. Lauren and Michael join them. Avery lets Nick know that Joe paid her a visit. Nick wonders where all this was coming from. Nick starts to leave for the church and then remembers his tie. Avery volunteers to pick him up a tie while he goes on to the church. Victor asks Dr. Burnett again where Phyllis is. Dr. Burnett says they're searching for her. He didn't know the effects that the drug he had been giving Phyllis would have on her. Phyllis tears up Nick's wedding invitation. Sharon, Faith, and Mariah get ready for the wedding. Abby arrives for the wedding and meets Nick right off. Abby apologizes to Nick for his remarks to Sharon the night before.", "Mariah shows up, but Abby states that she will not apologize to her. Nick warns Mariah not to ruin this day for Sharon. Mariah talks to Victor on the phone and tells him that if he doesn't arrive soon then she will spill the beans about Sharon and her little secret. Victor orders Mariah to stay quiet until he gets there. Kevin comments on Mariah's dress just as Lauren and Michael arrive. The necessary introductions are made amongst the group. Kevin tells Michael and Lauren that he is Mariah's only friend. Courtney and Summer discuss Phyllis and Summer's uneasiness concerning Phyllis. Phyllis gets ready for the wedding. Summer tells Courtney that she wants to see Phyllis for herself. When Nikki and Victoria arrive, she asks him where his tie is. They discuss Victor and his whereabouts. Abby comes in and wants to know where Victor is. Nikki, Victoria, Summer, and Faith all give their traditional wedding gifts to Sharon such as something borrowed, something blue, something old, and something new.", "" ]
[ "[Alarm ringing]", "Faith: Everybody wake up! Come downstairs! Now!", "Sharon: Faith, what is wrong?", "Mariah: What the heck is going on?", "Faith: Nothing. I just didn't want you to miss the biggest day ever.", "Mariah: No chance of that.", "Sharon: None at all. I promise -- nothing could make me miss my wedding day.", "[Alarm ringing]", "Kelly: [Groaning] Oh, no.", "Jack: [Sighs] You're awake, sleeping beauty. We have a wedding to get ready for. But first...", "[Alarm beeping]", "[Beeping stops]", "[Door opens, closes]", "Victoria: Mom?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victoria: Oh, hey.", "Nikki: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey, you're not dressed.", "Nikki: No, I overslept.", "Victoria: Are you all right?", "Nikki: Of course, I'm trying to get some aspirin out of my purse. I have a headache.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, um, you don't really have very much time to get ready. You haven't forgotten what today is?", "Nikki: Of course not. How could I forget my son's wedding?", "Nick: Hey.", "Avery: Hi. Big day. You must be excited.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Long wedding, even longer reception, lots of pictures -- what's not to be excited about?", "Avery: [Chuckles] Well, I know one person who's sorry he won't be there.", "Nick: Yeah, I heard Dylan was arrested for Ian's murder. How's he holding up?", "Avery: As well as can be expected for someone wrongly accused. But he wouldn't want us worrying about that. I know he's sorry he's gonna miss the wedding.", "Nick: Yeah, I'm sorry, too.", "Avery: He wanted me to go and represent us both, but... I told him it's probably best that I stay away, given our wedding history. I know you only invited me because I'm seeing your brother.", "Nick: No, I invited you because I want you there. So please say you'll come.", "Austin: You know what I was thinking about?", "Summer: Mm, the usual?", "Austin: Mm, yeah, but no. I was thinking about our wedding, you know, when we were in this church. And when you were walking down the aisle, I thought, \"there is the most beautiful woman in the world, and she's gonna be my wife. And I hope I don't faint.\"", "Summer: [Laughs] And I was thinking, \"oh, my God. He's gonna faint.\"", "[Both laugh]", "Austin: Well, I willed myself not to. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of your whole family.", "Summer: Almost my whole family.", "Austin: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you.", "Summer: No. No, no, no. It's okay. Um... I'm just missing my mom a lot right now.", "Austin: Why don't you call the clinic, you know, see if there's any news?", "Sharon: Yeah. I'm gonna do that.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Dr. Cutler: Phyllis Newman's room.", "Summer: Hi, uh, this is Summer Travers, Phyllis' daughter. Who is this?", "Dr. Cutler: This is Dr. Penn. I'm filling in for Dr. Burnett. We spoke the other day.", "Summer: Right.", "Dr. Cutler: I'm glad you took my advice and decided not to come and see your mother.", "Summer: Well, why? Is she getting worse?", "Dr. Cutler: No. She's the same.", "Summer: If you wouldn't mind, I would like to hear that from Dr. Burnett. I'm sure that he's back from vacation by now.", "Dr. Cutler: He just got back. He's busy catching up with his patients.", "Summer: Okay, um, can I talk to nurse Hathaway, then?", "Dr. Cutler: I'm afraid that isn't possible.", "Summer: And why not?", "Dr. Cutler: She's not working today.", "Summer: Look, Dr. Penn, my grandfather Victor Newman -- he donated a lot of money to your hospital, and he is not gonna be happy to hear that you're giving me the runaround, so I suggest that you let me talk to someone else, or you're gonna have to deal with him.", "Dr. Cutler: I understand how you feel, ms. Travers --", "[Door opens]", "Victor: Where the hell is she?", "Lily: Okay, so the place cards are out. The musicians will be here about an hour before the reception starts. I really hope I'm not forgetting anything.", "Cane: I thought, uh, Kelly was helping you with this.", "Lily: No, she is, but she was here late last night, so I told her to sleep in this morning.", "Cane: Okay.", "Lily: Hey. Did you ever find out who Devon shared that suite with last night?", "Cane: All right, listen, this really isn't any of our business.", "Lily: Uh, he's my brother. Of course it's my business.", "Cane: Okay, here he comes. Let's just drop it.", "Lily: Hey, guys.", "Devon: Hey.", "Lily: Hi, dad.", "Neil: Hey. Hi.", "Lily: How are you?", "Neil: Oh, I'm good. Good to see you.", "Devon: We interrupting something?", "Cane: No, no. Just getting ready for nick and Sharon's reception.", "Lily: Yeah, so, Devon, are you bringing a date to the wedding?", "Devon: No, I'm going solo.", "Neil: Well, exactly what am I, son?", "Devon: You know what I mean. Sorry. I'm going with you.", "[All chuckling]", "Neil: I'm just kidding. I'm sure he'd much rather be going to this wonderful event with a beautiful lady on his arm, wouldn't you?", "Lily: Oh, is that true?", "Devon: No, I'm more than happy to be going with you, dad.", "Lily: So, no special lady in your life?", "Devon: No, there's not.", "Michael: Look who survived his bachelor party.", "[All chuckling]", "Nick: Yeah, I'm good. I got my suit, my coffee -- good to go.", "Lauren: I am very impressed, 'cause most grooms would be a nervous wreck this close to the ceremony.", "Avery: That's what I said.", "Nick: You know, I'm not nervous at all. With everything Sharon and I have been through, getting married again feels like the right thing.", "Lauren: I think that's wonderful -- when two people who love each other overcome their problems.", "Michael: Well, if this man's gonna overcome his problems, we'd better let him get to his wedding.", "Lauren: [Laughs]", "Michael: And Avery, don't worry about Dylan's case. We'll talk about it soon. We'll clear him. All right.", "Nick: See you at the wedding.", "Lauren: Yep.", "Michael: All right.", "Avery: You should let you go, too. I don't want to make you late for your own wedding.", "Nick: Hey, you heard him. With the two of you defending Dylan, there is no chance he's going to prison.", "Avery: I know.", "Nick: Okay. Good. Then please come to my wedding. It would mean a lot to me.", "Avery: [Sighs] Okay. Okay. I hope things work out for you and Sharon.", "Nick: What?", "Avery: Joe showed up yesterday.", "Nick: Wow. I haven't heard you talk about him in a long time.", "Avery: Well, I haven't thought about him. He' on business, and he decided to look me up.", "Nick: Wait, he's here in town?", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Wow. That must have been --", "Avery: Actually, it was okay, I think. Uh, we made peace, finally, with -- with how our marriage ended.", "Nick: Mm. Is Dylan cool with this?", "Avery: Um, you know, Joe's just passing through town. And, uh, I didn't see the point in mentioning it to Dylan. I mean, he has many more important things to think about. You know, why are we talking about my ex-husband? This is your wedding day. Let's focus on that.", "Nick: All right. Well, everything's under control.", "Avery: Even your nerves?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm solid. Got the ring, I got my suit, going to the church now. And damn it.", "Avery: What?", "Nick: I forgot my tie. I'm supposed to pick up a new tie at Fenmore's. I swore to Sharon I would not forget that.", "Avery: You forgot that.", "Nick: I totally forgot that. And I'm supposed to meet the minister before the ceremony. I'm not gonna have time to go back and forth across town.", "Avery: Okay. You go meet the minister. I'll pick up your new tie and bring it to the church.", "Nick: Are you sure about that?", "Avery: That's what exes are for. Go. I'll meet you at the church.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Avery: Yeah.", "Summer: Dr. Penn, I would like to speak to someone who knows more information about my mom, please.", "Dr. Cutler: I'm sorry. There's an emergency I have to take care of. If there's any change in your mother's condition, I'll let you know.", "Summer: He hung up.", "Victor: Where's Phyllis?", "Dr. Cutler: I told you on the phone -- I don't know.", "Victor: I don't give a damn what you told me on the phone. How do you lose a patient?", "Dr. Cutler: The last time I checked on ms. Newman, she didn't appear strong enough to leave the hospital, certainly not on her own.", "Victor: Obviously you were wrong, weren't you, doctor?", "Dr. Cutler: Our security staff is looking for her.", "Victor: Do you honestly think I'll leave the search for Phyllis in the incompetent hands of your security staff? My investigators will handle this.", "Dr. Cutler: Well, the sooner we locate her, the better.", "Victor: No kidding. Did she say anything that might give us a clue as to her whereabouts?", "Dr. Cutler: Just the few words I told you about on the phone. Most of them were unintelligible.", "Victor: You told me she was improving, doctor.", "Dr. Cutler: I also told you that my treatment was experimental and that I had no idea how the drug therapy would affect her brain.", "Kelly: I am gonna be really late.", "Jack: Oh, it was worth it.", "Kelly: So worth it. But I have to get to work.", "Jack: Wait, I thought you were off this morning.", "Kelly: I was, but I, uh -- I promised lily that I would show up for her and just check in. But once the wedding starts, I'm all yours.", "Jack: I know you have to work this reception, but don't forget -- you promised me a dance.", "Kelly: I won't forget. Dancing's my favorite part of weddings. Dancing and cake. And, well, the toasts and when the bride throws the bouquet. [Chuckles] I guess I just love weddings. They're so magical.", "Jack: I spent the better part of my life trying to avoid marriage. And now, just the idea of two people committing themselves to each other forever -- it inspires me.", "Kelly: I, uh -- I should get showered.", "Victoria: Oh, hey. You look so much better. How are you feeling?", "Nikki: Oh, my headache's gone.", "Victoria: Good. Uh, do you want me to have bonnie make you some breakfast?", "Nikki: Oh, no, honey. I couldn't eat anything.", "Victoria: Okay. Have you heard from dad?", "Nikki: No. Not since he left for his business trip.", "Victoria: I thought that's what was bothering you -- you know, him not being here for nick's wedding.", "Nikki: No. I-I had a headache. That's all.", "Victoria: Yeah, but you were upset at the bachelorette party the other night, too. And I didn't know what it was then, but I think I do now. [Sighs] You're worried about Dylan because you've known for a while that he was gonna be arrested. Is that what's going on?", "Nikki: Well, yes, of course I'm worried about him. He's my son. I hate that my involvement with Ian has gotten him in all this trouble.", "Victoria: Well, mom, he knows that you never meant to hurt him.", "Nikki: But I have. I've hurt all of you.", "Victoria: Listen to me. I think you're just feeling a little bit vulnerable because dad's out of town, but he's gonna be back soon. In the meantime, you have me. I know today's not gonna be an easy day for you.", "Nikki: I have tried to accept this marriage for Nicholas' sake. But honestly, the thought of Sharon joining our family again is almost more than I can take.", "Sharon: Well, it's time for the bride to start getting ready.", "Faith: Are you excited, mommy?", "Sharon: I am.", "Faith: Do you think daddy's excited?", "Sharon: Mm, I know he doesn't like to have to wear a suit.", "Faith: [Chuckles] I think he looks handsome in it.", "Sharon: So do I.", "Faith: I'm lucky. Daddy's handsome and funny.", "Sharon: You are lucky. You have the best daddy in the whole world.", "Faith: What's wrong, Mariah? You look mad.", "Mariah: Yeah, well, that's what having a parent lie to you for your whole life does.", "Faith: Mommy and daddy never lie to me.", "Mariah: [Scoffs] Well, I --", "Sharon: No, that's right. We haven't, and we never would.", "Mariah: Really?", "Sharon: Yes, really.", "Mariah: I've heard that before.", "[Door closes]", "Abby: Hey. And I thought this was a formal affair.", "Nick: Oh, the tie's on the way.", "Abby: Well, you look dashing, even without the tie, and surprisingly calm.", "Nick: Why is everyone so surprised by that?", "Abby: You are marrying Sharon.", "Nick: Abby, come on.", "Abby: You're right. I'm sorry. No Sharon bashing. It is your wedding day. In fact, I wanted to apologize.", "Nick: For what?", "Abby: For offending your bride at the bachelor/bachelorette party-turned-jail- sleepover. I said some less than complimentary things, and I'm sorry. I am not sorry, however, about anything I said about Cassie's evil twin.", "Mariah: Oh, no, no. Don't mess with me, not --", "Nick: No, no, no, no, either one of you. We're not doing this today.", "Abby: Only someone with a complete lack of breeding would start a fight at a wedding.", "Mariah: Oh, go to hell.", "Nick: Hey! Hey.", "Abby: You know what? I am gonna go talk to some guests that are more civilized.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Mariah: For not ripping out your sister's hair?", "Nick: No, for not doing anything today to cause any trouble.", "Mariah: There's still time.", "Nick: Please don't do anything to ruin this day for your mother.", "Mariah: [Scoffs] My mother. You know, you don't know her as well as you think you do.", "Nick: Mariah, I'm serious.", "Summer: Hi.", "Nick: Hi.", "Summer: Wow. Wait, where's your tie?", "Nick: Uh, Avery's bringing it. And as soon as she gets here, we're gonna get this show on the road.", "Summer: Are you nervous?", "Nick: Not even a little bit.", "Summer: Not even the tiniest bit?", "Nick: No! What could possibly go wrong today?", "Victor: What do you want?", "Mariah: Did you get proof Sharon's lying about Faith's paternity?", "Victor: I'm dealing with another emergency right now, okay?", "Mariah: Well, you better rearrange your priorities.", "Victor: Why? What happened?", "Mariah: Sharon and nick's wedding is about to start, and I am not going to let him marry that lying hypocrite. I don't care if she's my mom.", "Victor: What are you planning to do?", "Mariah: If you don't get here in time to tell nick the truth, I will.", "Kelly: Okay, where are they?", "Lily: Oh, right here. One box of wedding bouquets.", "Kelly: Why did they deliver them here instead of the church?!", "Lily: It's fine. It's a wedding. Things always happen.", "Kelly: [Growls] This better be it. I don't want anything to ruin this day for nick and Sharon.", "Lily: Your heart is really in this wedding. Which, speaking of which, what's going on with you and Jack? 'Cause I know you guys moved in together, but...where do you stand?", "Kelly: Well, that's so funny you should ask. I thought I knew, and then, uh, this morning...", "Lily: What happened this morning?", "Kelly: Well... we were in bed.", "Lily: Yes...", "Kelly: Talking, and the subject of weddings came up. And it was all very general, but then suddenly, things got kind of serious. I know. I don't know where it came from. It's not like I've been dreaming about white dresses and rice.", "Lily: Well, are you sure?", "Kelly: Please. My marriage to dean ended so badly, and I know Jack has had more than his share of painful divorces. But when he...", "Lily: Wait, what? When he what? [Chuckles]", "Kelly: When he said that he thought weddings were inspiring -- I don't know. I thought for a minute maybe... [Laughing] Oh, it's nothing! It's so silly. We're nowhere near ready to get married.", "Lily: Well, maybe not now, but what about in the future? You never know.", "Kelly: Well, maybe. Who knows? [Chuckles] Anyway, I better get these to the church. I'm gonna find somebody to help me carry them, okay? I'll see you there.", "Lily: Okay.", "Kelly: Okay.", "Lily: Oh, wait, Kelly. Think fast.", "Kelly: Oh!", "Lily: Look at that. Good catch -- practice for later.", "Jack: Nick, could I have a word with you?", "Nick: Well, I was just about to look for the minister, so --", "Jack: This won't take long.", "Mariah: I mean it, Victor. I will tell nick what I know.", "Victor: You don't know a damn thing.", "Mariah: Sharon's been lying to nick about him being Faith's father.", "Victor: All you know about is the incoherent mumblings of Sharon while she was asleep. There's no other evidence.", "Mariah: I thought you wanted to stop this wedding.", "Victor: Listen very carefully. I can't do that until I know exactly what Sharon has been hiding from my son Nicholas. You got it? So you keep your mouth shut until I get there.", "Mariah: Fine. But just remember when this goes south -- I offered to help.", "Victor: I do not need your help. Got it?", "Kevin: Well, well. If it isn't my not-really-a-date date. You look nice.", "Mariah: Shut up. The dress wasn't my choice.", "Kevin: No, no. It's -- it's nice. It's just, uh -- you know, it's different. Something I'm not used to seeing you in.", "Mariah: Maybe because I'm not an uptight debutante.", "Kevin: You got something against debutantes?", "Mariah: Yes. They wear ugly-ass dresses that old ladies would wear. I've got to find a way to make this hotter.", "Kevin: Well, if that way exists, you will find it.", "Mariah: Do you have a problem with that?", "Kevin: With you looking hot? No. Not at all.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: Hi, Kev.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Michael: Hey.", "Kevin: Uh -- hi.", "Lauren: Hi, honey.", "Kevin: Lauren, I don't know if you know my date, Mariah Copeland.", "Lauren: Uh, no, but I've certainly heard all about you. I'm Lauren Fenmore Baldwin. I'm Michael's wife and Kevin's sister-in-law.", "Mariah: Mariah. I am Ian ward's wife and Kevin's date.", "Lauren: Well, very nice to meet you.", "Mariah: I doubt it. Um, I have got some stuff to take care of. Uh, but I will catch you after the ceremony. Do you want to ride to the reception together?", "Kevin: Well, yeah. That's how a date works, right?", "Mariah: I really hope you brought your Harley, because I need to have some fun.", "Michael: Date?", "Kevin: Don't read too much into it.", "Lauren: Ha! She obviously isn't.", "Kevin: Well, she -- she's gone through a lot. She needs a friend. I'm just trying to be one.", "Michael: That sounds familiar.", "Kevin: This is nothing like Chloe.", "Michael: Well, I hope not. I'd hate to see you get hurt again.", "Kevin: Well, for that to happen, I would have to be in a real relationship in the real world, you know?", "Lauren: And you're not?", "Kevin: No. Not since I've discovered that living in a fantasy world is so much better.", "Courtney: First off, you look amazing -- way better than when I saw you in the police station the other night.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Courtney: And secondly, what's wrong? And don't try to say \"nothing,\" 'cause I can tell when something's seriously wrong.", "Summer: I'm trying not to, but I'm kind of freaking out about my mom right now.", "Courtney: Why?", "Summer: I called the clinic to find out how she's doing, and something weird is going on.", "Jack: I just wanted to clear up what happened between us at your bachelor party.", "Nick: You have every right to feel the way you do. I cheated you out of a hell of a lot.", "Jack: Well, it seems to me you've lost something, too.", "Nick: Look, Jack, it killed me not being Summer's biological father. But I know I hurt a lot of people by not getting that second paternity test done.", "Jack: Well, you have a chance to rectify at least part of that today -- you, Sharon, your family all reuniting.", "Nick: Well, I'm just sorry that you and Phyllis and Summer don't get a chance to do that.", "Jack: Yeah, so am I. But don't let that keep you from being happy.", "Nick: Well, I know Phyllis would want you happy, too.", "Jack: I only want the best for you, really.", "Nick: Thanks, Jack.", "Kelly: Hey. You okay?", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.", "Courtney: I doubt this new doctor's blowing you off. He probably just doesn't know that much about your mom's case.", "Summer: I don't know. It's just -- something seems really off, court. You know, I think I'm gonna head down there today, after the wedding's over. I just -- see my mom for myself and make sure that she's doing okay.", "Courtney: If it makes you feel any better, I think you should.", "Summer: Thanks. Well, I better take these to the bride's room.", "[Both chuckle]", "Courtney: [Sighs]", "Noah: You ready to head in?", "Courtney: [Chuckles] Not really.", "Noah: What's wrong?", "Courtney: I arrested almost everyone in there the other night. I don't think they're gonna be happy to see me.", "Noah: Oh, you were just doing your job. Besides, it's not like you brought your handcuffs with you today, did you?", "Courtney: [Chuckles] Let's go.", "Devon: Hey, Noah. Courtney.", "Courtney: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Neil: It's the town sheriff. Yeah, did they give you a shiny new medal for arresting all the millionaires of Genoa City at one time?", "Lily: Okay, leave her alone.", "Neil: Come on, babe. I'm messing with her. Matter of fact, I am very grateful that you didn't put me in a cell all by myself because I'm blind. No special treatment here.", "Courtney: Well, I'm glad to see there's no hard feelings.", "Noah: I told you there wouldn't be. Come on. Let's check out the church. I know how much she loves this romantic stuff.", "Courtney: You do, too. You just won't admit it.", "Lily: Aww. It's definitely contagious.", "Cane: What?", "Lily: Just weddings. They put everyone in a romantic mood.", "Cane: [Chuckles]", "Devon: Excuse me, guys.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Lily: Okay, what is wrong with him?", "Neil: What do you mean? Okay, okay. I can hear that loud and clear. What -- what's going on with Devon? Tell me.", "Lily: No, I-I --", "Cane: Nothing.", "Lily: I mean, I don't know. It's just -- obviously he's seeing someone, but he won't talk about her. I don't get why he's being so secretive.", "Neil: Well, maybe -- maybe he's waiting for the right time to introduce us to her, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, but why should there be a right time? Must be something wrong with her, whoever she is.", "Neil: If she's special to Devon, I'm sure he'll let us know who she is when the time is right.", "Nikki: What are you doing out here?", "Nick: Oh, hey. Uh, Avery is bringing me my tie. Long story. Don't ask.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Victoria: For somebody without a tie, you don't look very, um...", "Nick: Why would I be nervous at all? I'm getting married to Sharon again. It makes me very happy.", "Nikki: And we're happy for you.", "Victoria: You've waited a long time.", "Nick: Yes. And to think it almost didn't happen thanks to that random drunk.", "Nikki: Random drunk?", "Nick: Yeah, the guy in the bar who punched Michael?", "Nikki: Somebody punched Michael?!", "Victoria: Yeah, mom. That's what started the fight and landed us all in jail. Remember?", "Nikki: I'm just teasing you.", "[All chuckling]", "Victoria: Mom, are you okay? You've been acting kind of strange this morning.", "Nikki: Honey, I am just fine. It's just, um, a very big day.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah. [Chuckles]", "Nick: I'm sure it doesn't help -- Dad not being here.", "Abby: Where is he?", "Nikki: Oh, well, he had to go out of town on business. He said he would be back in time for this, but...I don't know. I'm starting to think he's not gonna make it.", "Abby: He's not gonna see his son get married? Look, I know none of us are crazy about Sharon, but... what?", "Nick: I'm pretty sure dad's urgent business was finding a way to stop my wedding. But it looks like he couldn't do that.", "Victor: Doctor, you should have alerted me the moment she disappeared.", "Dr. Cutler: I was sure she'd be found on the grounds.", "Victor: You were protecting your ass. You knew the moment she disappeared that there would be a problem, don't you?", "Dr. Cutler: I think we should focus on finding ms. Newman.", "Victor: Really? If anything happens to her --", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: What is it? What have you got? You sure it's Phyllis? Where is she now?", "Sharon: Wow. I was afraid these wouldn't make it in time.", "Summer: Yeah, Kelly asked me to bring them back so you could see them.", "Sharon: How's it look out there?", "Summer: Good. Um, everyone's here, except grandpa.", "Faith: Why isn't grandpa here?", "[Knock on door]", "Sharon: Come in!", "Summer: Uh, what happened to your dress?", "Mariah: I turned it into something someone under 80 would wear.", "Faith: But now you don't look like Summer.", "Mariah: Exactly.", "Sharon: Um, Summer, would you mind helping Faith find the basket of rose petals?", "Summer: Sure. Faith, um, come here.", "Mariah: Save it.", "Sharon: What?", "Mariah: The advice or lecture, whatever you call it.", "Sharon: We call it caring.", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Well, I'm still not interested. I don't want or need you to care about me.", "Sharon: Everyone needs someone to care about them, Mariah.", "Mariah: Well, not me.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Mariah: \"Okay\" -- that's it?", "Sharon: You need time and space to work through what you went through with Ian.", "Mariah: Oh, you mean the kidnapping, forced-marriage thing?", "Sharon: I mean everything he did to you from the moment he stole you from me. You trusted him, he betrayed you, and now you're pushing everyone away.", "Mariah: Oh, so you, uh -- you have a psych degree now?", "Sharon: You're tough, Mariah. You're a survivor. But no one can survive in this world on their own. Eventually, you're going to need someone. And I'm going to be there.", "Mariah: Gee, thanks, mom.", "Sharon: Trust me. I know mother/daughter relationships are tricky. Just ask my mom, who you might notice is not here.", "Mariah: Is this the part where you're gonna tell me how much alike we are?", "Sharon: You're not gonna get me to walk away. Not by changing your dress and throwing nasty barbs at me. You're my flesh and my blood. You're my daughter, Mariah. I messed up when you were born. I let you slip out of my life. I'm not gonna let that happen again.", "[Door opens]", "Sharon: Oh! Nikki, Victoria!", "Nikki: We come bearing gifts for the bride.", "Faith: Is it time for something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Yes, it is. And, um, grandma's gonna start. Mom and I have something old for you.", "Nikki: Yes. This was Nicholas' great-grandmother's. It's been in our family a very long time. We hope that you will be, too.", "Sharon: Oh. It's beautiful. Thank you.", "Faith: My turn. It's something new. See how shiny it is? It goes in your shoe for good luck.", "Sharon: Oh! Thank you! It's perfect.", "Summer: Okay, it's my turn. Here. Um... I didn't have anything personally that I could give to you that would work for tonight, so...I dug these up.", "Sharon: They're Phyllis'.", "Summer: Something borrowed.", "Sharon: Of course. I'm sure they'll come a time where Phyllis will have a special day like this. She'll wear these again.", "Dr. Cutler: Is ms. Newman in some sort of trouble?", "Victor: Yeah, apparently she was involved in some sort of altercation, doctor. So not only were you wrong about her condition -- she was able to leave this facility on her own -- but she obviously was strong enough to assault someone.", "Dr. Cutler: At this point, we have no idea of knowing what she's capable of.", "Victor: Listen to me, doc. You better hope she's not hurting herself or someone else.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Well, um, I hope it brings you and nick better luck then it did Billy and me.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Summer: Only one thing missing. Something blue.", "Mariah: Why are you looking at me?", "Summer: You were supposed to bring something blue.", "Mariah: You were serious about that?", "Summer: Yes, I was serious. Mariah, this is a wedding, and you are a bridesmaid. Uh, I-I showed up and I agreed to wear this. You didn't think I'd be part of some dumb tradition, did you?", "Sharon: Uh, Summer. Summer, you know what? It's -- it's okay. I-I have my girls here with me. That's all the wedding gift I need.", "Nikki: Well, we should let you get ready.", "Victoria: Yeah. We'll see you at the ceremony.", "Sharon: Thank you so much for the brooch. I love it. It's -- it means a lot.", "Nikki: I'm glad.", "Summer: You know what? Come on, Faith. Let's go get your mom's stuff.", "Mariah: Here.", "Sharon: What's this?", "Mariah: Something blue.", "Sharon: It's beautiful.", "Mariah: I got it from some flea market. The lady said that the stone was angelite. It's supposed to bring balance into your life.", "Sharon: It's working.", "Mariah: It's an anklet, so if you don't like it, it's hidden.", "Sharon: I love it. Thank you.", "Faith: Summer, look! Mariah did remember to get something blue.", "Summer: Well, look at that.", "Mariah: Well, you know, we got to get this bride dressed or there isn't gonna be a wedding to celebrate. [Chuckles]", "Sharon: How do I look?", "Phyllis: Perfect.", "Victoria: Any word from dad?", "Nikki: No.", "Noah: It's time to go, man.", "Nick: Might have to go out there without a tie.", "Noah: Oh, no, no. That's not gonna work. Here. You're gonna use mine.", "Nick: No, no. You keep that thing on.", "Noah: Dad, I'm your best man. I'm supposed to have your back, or your neck, or whatever else you need covering.", "Nick: Yeah. That tie's killing you, isn't it?", "Noah: So much. You can have it.", "Nick: [Chuckles] No. You're wearing it.", "Avery: Nick. Your tie.", "Nick: Oh, there we go! Appreciate the offer, bud. I'm good to go.", "Noah: Great. I'll meet you at the altar.", "Nick: Okay. Thanks. I didn't, uh, think you were gonna make it.", "Avery: Not this time.", "Nick: Well, I was prepared to go out there without a tie, but... I'm glad you showed up. Now everything's gonna be just right.", "Avery: Yes, it will be.", "Nick: So, how do I look?", "Avery: You look perfect.", "Nick: Thanks to you. [Sighs]", "[Organ music plays]", "Nick: Let's do this.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: Can I help you?", "Officer: You can put your hands where I can see them. You're under arrest.", "Sharon: There's something else that I need to say first." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "While trapped in the Jabot elevator, Ashley recognized Travis from a party they'd both attended when they lived in NY. She was surprised he left Wall Street, and he told her why he walked away. Ashley mentioned that she was Billy's sister. Paul told Michael that Phyllis's fall had been ruled accidental, so Jack wouldn't be charged. Patty called Sharon and revealed that she sent Faith the doll. Sharon got alarmed and hung up after Patty made veiled references to Sully. The landline rang again and Sharon unplugged it. At the station, Dylan ran a background search on Chloe. When Dylan got home and saw that Sully was awake, he assumed another hang-up call woke him up. Dylan wanted to change the number or put a trace on it. Sharon told him Sully had a bad dream. Dylan spent time with Sharon and Sully and wished he'd been there for Sully's birth. Patty was shaken after having a flashback to arguing with Dr. Anderson about Sully and to killing the doctor. Patty called Sharon's cellphone. Patty said she was lonely and felt that Sharon should help, since they were family now. Sharon snapped at Patty and said she couldn't help, so Patty threatened to tell everyone that Sully wasn't Sharon's. Sharon began to scream at Patty to leave her alone. Dylan grabbed the phone and demanded to know who it was. Patty hung up without speaking. Dylan told Sharon he was going to find out who was harassing her. Phyllis told Jack she was willing to work in the unpleasant environment he'd put her in, but she said she and Jack would have to work together, for the sake of Jabot. Jack refused to work with Phyllis, as he felt it was in his, and Jabot's, best interests never to trust her again.", "Victoria and Billy had a disagreement about whether or not it was a good idea for Travis to work for Victor. While defending her position, Victoria blurted out that she loved Travis. Billy was surprised, and he talked about his own relationship with Victoria and the difference between hot and heavy and real and lasting. Victoria wasn't sure which she and Billy had, since they'd had two divorces. Billy contended that they'd had good times, until he let her down. He warned her that Travis might disappoint her too. Victoria said she was certain about what she wanted and suggested that Billy might not be because he'd been with Phyllis, who wasn't sure what she wanted until it was too late. Victoria ran into Travis and Ashley and found out they'd met before. At home, Travis told Victoria that he didn't remember meeting Ashley in NY. Victoria realized she didn't know much about Travis's past, and she asked him how many women he'd been in love with. He said he'd loved one other woman, but now he wasn't sure if it had really been love. Travis was sure that what he and Victoria had was real, and he said he was in love with her. Victoria said she loved him too and they kissed. Billy went to Jabot to visit Phyllis and got a frosty reception. She told him that they pretended they had something real, but Billy insisted that they really did have something real. Billy told Phyllis that her plan to reconnect with Jack would fail. Ashley was concerned that Phyllis would eventually win Jack over, but Jack was adamant that it wouldn't happen. Billy arrived, and Jack told him that he and Phyllis were free to be together now. Billy said Phyllis only wanted Jack. Ashley told Billy about the time she spent with Travis. Billy felt that Travis appeared to be nice, but there was a lot Travis wasn't mentioning. Michael saw Phyllis's working conditions and told her she could sue for constructive discharge. Phyllis didn't care about that; she was just glad to be around Jack, so she'd have a chance to prove to Jack that she loved him and he still loved her. Jack climbed into bed alone. He took his wedding ring off and put it in a drawer.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: I think this thing is cursed. It's been breaking down ever since Brash & Sassy! moved in the building. Maybe it needs an exorcist.", "Travis: Or we might just need, you know, a mechanic.", "Ashley: [Chuckles] You're Victoria's friend, right?", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: I saw the two of you at the club together. But you seemed familiar to me even then.", "Travis: Oh, please don't tell me I have one of those faces. I never know how to take that. Travis Crawford.", "Ashley: Ashley.", "Travis: Nice to meet you.", "Ashley: The Hamptons. You were an up-and-comer at Hazelton and...", "Travis: Crestwood, yeah.", "Ashley: What a coincidence!", "Travis: Mm-hmm. Yeah. What are the chances?", "Ashley: Wow! I would have thought by now you would have been a partner. But instead you're here?", "Travis: Even trapped in an elevator, I think I prefer it here.", "Ashley: Really? What happened to turn you so off of new York?", "Travis: Oh, all of it -- everything. I just realized I need something new. And I found it here.", "Billy: Why are you picking a fight with me? I mean, you made your point. You don't care about me anymore. I get it.", "Victoria: Oh, Billy.", "Billy: No, no, no. It's fine. I mean, all we have is history with a couple kids and three weddings.", "Victoria: I'm not trying to be hurtful, all right? I'm just trying to be honest. Yes, we have kids. Yes, we have history. But the romance is totally gone.", "Billy: Right. And what you have with Travis is much more real than what I had with Phyllis.", "Victoria: What I have with Travis is a relationship. It's not a fling. It's not an affair. We're not sneaking around behind people's backs, lying. We're being trustworthy and honest. It's two people making decisions -- decisions not to ruin people's marriages and not to hurt people, not to break their hearts.", "Billy: So, that's what it is? It's righteous? And one of you just happened to end up with a new job -- with Victor Newman, by the way?", "Victoria: [Sighs] Dad came after Travis, okay? Not the other way around. And he said no at first.", "Billy: Vick, your father is signing your boyfriend's checks. What could possibly go wrong with that?", "Phyllis: Oh. Was this your plan -- to dump a bunch of files on my desk and just call it a day?", "Jack: I'm sorry. Is it too much? I thought you said you could handle it.", "Paul: Well, it is official. As of this evening, there will be no domestic- assault charges filed against jack. Phyllis' fall was accidental.", "Michael: Hmm. I imagine Christine is relieved that case won't be crossing her desk.", "Paul: Yeah, she is. We both are. I mean, considering what jack and Phyllis survived these past few years... I don't know. Maybe it was just too much. The straw that broke the camel's back, you know?", "Michael: Well, I'm not excusing Phyllis, and I'm not blaming jack. Relationships are complicated. But Phyllis had what anyone would call a terrible year, and then she made a terrible mistake, and now she's paying for it.", "Paul: Is it gonna be a messy divorce?", "Michael: [Chuckles] Phyllis insists on not fighting it because she intends on winning jack back.", "Paul: [Chuckles] Anyone who takes on Victor Newman and lives to tell the tale I wouldn't bet against.", "Michael: Hmm.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Paul: Ought to -- what are you still doing here? Your shift ended hours ago. You should be home, spending time with the wife and the...", "Sharon: Patty? You shouldn't have gotten a gift for faith.", "Patty: [Laughing] I did. She's my nephew's stepdaughter. We're family now. The gift is for you, too. The dolly is so sweet, it's almost like the real thing.", "Sharon: Faith didn't know who to thank. She took the doll straight upstairs to bed.", "Patty: Oh, good. Knowing that Mr. Dolly has a home is thanks enough. I know you feel the same way. Every baby needs a home and love.", "Sharon: Patty... why are you doing this?", "Patty: Sharon! [Laughs] You knew this day would come. Oh, my goodness. You didn't think I would forget, did you?", "Sully: [Crying]", "Dylan: I was just, uh, doing a little extra research to, uh, help Kevin. It's a case we're working on.", "Paul: Oh. What case?", "Michael: What, my brother's slacking off so you have to man the computers for him?", "Dylan: Well, you know, Kevin does the heavy lifting. I can run a routine search to move things along.", "Michael: Mm. Well, I suppose he's spending less overtime here and more time with Chloe and Bella. He's really grown attached to that little girl.", "Dylan: Yeah, which is why I don't mind doing the extra work.", "Paul: Right. Right. What case are we talking about?", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Paul, I know what you're -- I know what you're thinking, and this case does not involve Victor Newman.", "Paul: Ah. That's good to hear.", "Dylan: Yeah. I can top that. I actually saw Victor today at faith's birthday party, and, uh, we shook hands.", "Paul: That's even better to hear. That's a gift to my ears. As far as work goes, though, go home. Spend some time with your wife and my grandchild. That's a direct order.", "Dylan: Yes, sir. See you guys later.", "Michael: Good night, Dylan.", "Dylan: Good night.", "Michael: And yet somehow, with all that good cheer and reassurance, he never did mention what case he was working on.", "Paul: Yeah, you noticed that, did you? So did I. Dylan is very good at what he does. And sometimes it's very difficult for me to draw the line between being his boss and being his father.", "Sharon: All right, little man. Must have been a bad dream if it woke you up. You know, mommy has bad dreams sometimes, too. But mommy can fix your bad dreams for you. You know what I have here? Mmm! Milk! Yeah! [Chuckles] There you go. Your sister is so tired out from her big party. That'll be you one day, too. Hmm. When you turn 1 year old, such a special day. But they're all special with you.", "[Telephone rings]", "Sharon: [Sighs] Just -- just stop it. Stop it. [Sighs]", "Sully: [Babbles]", "Sharon: Okay. I'm sorry, little guy. No one's gonna bother us anymore.", "Phyllis: Okay. So, if you want to stuff me into a windowless, airless office where I don't have any room to turn around, that is not a problem. I can do that. And if you want to dump 6 pounds of work onto my desk when everybody else has gone home and you want that done by tomorrow morning, you've got it. Will do. But what you can't do is just walk away -- not if you want all of this done right. We need to work together. It's in jabot's best interest.", "Jack: Well, you appear to have misunderstood your job description. We are not teaming up. This isn't the buddy system. I run this place. You have your job, per your request. That was our agreement. But work together? No. We have to end this joke of a marriage. We're not going to work together -- ever. You see, it's in jabot's best interests -- and mine -- never to trust you again.", "Ashley: Now, as I recall, we were doubles partners against our hosts. You seemed really happy... even though we were losing love-40. No, seriously, I thought you fit in really beautifully -- the whole lifestyle, you know? Unless, of course, that was just an act to impress your boss.", "Travis: [Exhales sharply] Not at first. It's pretty heady stuff, wall street -- the custom suits and the fat bonuses.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Travis: I was living the dream.", "Ashley: And then?", "Travis: I just realized it wasn't my dream. None of it really matters -- not in the grand scheme of things. So I had to find something that did.", "Ashley: And you ended up in Genoa city. How'd that happen?", "Travis: I bought a bar...", "Ashley: [Chuckles]", "Travis: ...At first. And then, like you mentioned, Victoria. I came back for her.", "Ashley: Yeah. My former sister-in-law.", "Travis: You're Billy Abbott's sister?", "Ashley: Yep -- Ashley...Abbott.", "Travis: Hmm.", "Ashley: Very small world.", "Travis: Yep.", "Victoria: My father hired Travis because he's his own man. He already walked away from Wall Street. You know what? Nobody controls Travis or pulls his strings.", "Billy: Oh, no. But now he just happened to be in town, working for a little mom-and-pop operation called Newman Enterprises. He's a real maverick, Vick.", "Victoria: He did not come back from Mexico for a job. He came back for me.", "Billy: I'm sure he came back for you. And he just happened to get a corner office and lunch with the mustache as a bonus.", "Victoria: And?", "Billy: And you don't see the red flags in that? Come on.", "Victoria: It's a job. That's it. Travis will be very good at it. He's not gonna suddenly become one of my fathers minions. He doesn't want or need anything.", "Billy: I know -- just a paycheck and a new job title.", "Victoria: None of that matters to him. He knows who he is and what he wants. That's one of the reasons why I love him.", "Billy: What? Okay, what? Hold on a second. Did you just -- was that, uh... heat of the moment, or -- or, uh... did you mean to announce that you love this guy?", "Dylan: Hey. I thought at least one of you would be asleep after, uh, faith's big party today.", "Sharon: Yeah. Sully woke up. But that's okay. It's more time together.", "Dylan: Really? He's usually down for the count unless he's a cutting tooth. Is that it? Don't tell me there was another hang-up. That's what woke him up? Sharon, I know you say these calls mean nothing, but this is ridiculous. You don't have to put up with it. We can change the number. If you don't want to change the number, we're gonna put a trace on it.", "Sharon: Sully didn't wake up because of a phone call. It was a bad dream. Right, little guy? Anyway, I bet you're glad you're up now, 'cause you got to see daddy!", "Dylan: Give me this little guy right here.", "Sharon: [Chuckles] How was work?", "Dylan: Work. It's over for the day. Now I just want to crash right here with my crew. Daddy's gonna make those monsters go away.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dylan: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: Daddy can protect everyone.", "Dylan: Can we do that? Huh? Let's make those bad dreams go away, buddy. [Smooches] Let's go.", "Victoria: Now I'm headed home. You can feel free to stay and turn out the lights.", "Billy: So, it was a mistake? Is that what you're saying? You didn't mean to say that you love him?", "Victoria: Billy... why is this so important to you?", "Billy: Because. Because we know what love is. We know the difference between \"hot and heavy\" and \"real and lasting.\"", "Victoria: Really? Which one did we have -- real and lasting? Because after two divorces, I'm really not so sure anymore.", "Billy: Okay, Vick. I screwed up. I've admitted that, and we can go over the ways. We can list 'em. We can start in alphabetical order, or we can go by the date. But we were up against it from the get-go because of your father, because my last name is Abbott and your last name is Newman. I mean, if we compare it to Romeo and Juliet, hey, we're still alive.", "Victoria: Yeah. That's really a ringing endorsement.", "Billy: Come on. We had good days. Green beer and ring tattoos. And in the end, I let you down. Travis might do the same thing.", "Victoria: That's true. He might. But I'm not gonna hide away from the world and never fall --", "Billy: Never fall in love again? There you go, not using the \"l\" word.", "Victoria: Billy, I invited Travis to move in to the home that I share with our children. This is important to me. It means something to me, and I know exactly what I want. Maybe you don't know what certainty looks like anymore... because of Phyllis. She didn't know what she wanted until it was too late.", "Travis: Sometimes the right combination of buttons can bypass a bad switch, sometimes just some brute force.", "Ashley: Yeah. Hmm. Is it my imagination, or are you a little anxious? It's certainly not because you're trapped in an elevator with an Abbott.", "Travis: Why? You want to deck me on behalf of your brother Billy?", "Ashley: [Laughs] No. I have learned the hard way. I stay out of my brother's love life. I leave that to his mother. But, honestly, this thing, this elevator -- it's crazy. I think it's reacting to all the bad vibes in the building. I've got my little brother and his ex, I've got my older brother and now his ex.", "Travis: I have noticed that everyone seems to be obsessed with love lives in this town.", "Ashley: Really? I think that's human nature. Don't you? I am not obsessed with people's love lives in general, I promise you.", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: I do have to wonder, though. I mean, eventually, I think the wrong two people are gonna get trapped in this thing, at some point.", "Travis: You mean Victoria and Billy?", "Ashley: I think it'd be fine.", "Travis: Again, novel idea -- mechanic might help.", "Ashley: Oh, I don't think a mechanic can help when it comes to fate.", "Travis: I don't believe in fate.", "Ashley: Really?", "Travis: Mnh-mnh.", "Ashley: What do you believe in?", "Travis: Hard work. Honestly. And Victoria and me.", "Ashley: [Gasps]", "Travis: How 'bout that?", "Ashley: Yeah, look at that. Well, it seems like you had the right words. Maybe this elevator's a romantic after all. Or maybe it was just your brute force.", "Travis: Hey!", "Ashley: Hi!", "Victoria: Hi! Travis, I thought you left already.", "Travis: I did, but the elevator conspired to bring me back to you.", "Ashley: [Chuckles]", "Jack: Far be it from me to tell you how to do your job, but if you want this finished by morning, you might want to get back to work.", "Phyllis: Okay. I get it. You doubt my commitment.", "Jack: Oh, now, why would I do that?", "Phyllis: Okay. I understand your tone. I have earned it. But what I'm talking about is my commitment to this company, and if you do not trust working with me, well, then, you're tying my hands and you're not using my abilities to their fullest.", "Jack: I don't give a flying fig about your abilities. I truly don't. I did not bring you back to jabot because we couldn't do without you. You made our divorce agreement contingent on your having a job, a paycheck -- with benefits. Well, you have that now. That doesn't mean I want you back, it doesn't mean I appreciate your contributions, and it doesn't mean I forgive you.", "Phyllis: If you could just look at me like a real person and not a collection of mistakes, maybe we could sit down and discuss some of these projects.", "Jack: What exactly is it you see the two of us sitting down, looking at these files, and I'm just dazzled by your intellect, reminded of your focus and fire? We'll get punchy drinking old coffee at midnight and laugh at dumb jokes? That is not going to happen. All of that died. You can't erase the past, no matter how much you try.", "Phyllis: Our love is part of the past, jack. You can't just erase that.", "Travis: Ashley and I were stuck between the floors. I guess it's not the first time this beast has done that.", "Ashley: No. Travis doesn't think that the elevator's reacting to the bad vibes in the building or fate or curses, right? But, honestly, there's only so many times I want to wonder how much oxygen is actually left on that thing.", "Victoria: That's terrifying. How long were you stuck?", "Travis: A few minutes. And the elevator's not airtight, so I think we would have survived.", "Ashley: I'm being a little overdramatic, clearly. All right. Well, anyway, it was nice to get reacquainted with you.", "Travis: Yeah.", "Victoria: Oh. You two know each other?", "Travis: Yeah. Long story.", "Ashley: Lots of fun being trapped with you, but, um, you know, let's not let it happen again anytime soon.", "Travis: [Chuckles]", "Ashley: See you both later.", "Travis: All right. See you.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Travis: Well, Ashley seems like a really nice person with a solid sense of humor. But she's an Abbott, so I guess I'm supposed to hate her, right?", "Victoria: Oh, why? Because you have to kiss up to my father?", "Travis: Your father pays my salary, but there's only one Newman I care to kiss.", "Phyllis: What are you doing here?", "Billy: I heard you got a new gig, and I wanted to see it for myself.", "Phyllis: Yes. I am back, and I could not be happier.", "Billy: It looks that way. That's a hell of a dress.", "Phyllis: What about the dress?", "Billy: It just doesn't look like you're here to crunch numbers. That's all.", "Phyllis: You know, here's a hint -- do not comment on a woman's appearance at the office, all right? If you'll excuse me, I need to get my work done.", "Billy: Right now? The place is a ghost town.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. That's the way I prefer it -- no distractions, usually.", "Billy: Oh. I'm a distraction now?", "Phyllis: Billy, I don't want to say things that are gonna hurt you.", "Billy: Oh, go ahead. It wouldn't be the first time today.", "Phyllis: I need to get this done.", "Billy: Don't pretend with me. You didn't pretend before. Why start now?", "Phyllis: Really? See, I think that's all we did, was pretend. I was pretending to be at a business trip while I was at your house. We pretended that we did not have other obligations and commitments. We pretended that we had something real.", "Billy: No, that was real.", "Phyllis: Billy --", "Billy: No, I know. You don't want to hurt my feelings, even though what we had wasn't real. Okay. Let me ask you a question. Is this real -- you here, working for jack, in his offices again? Or are you just hoping it's gonna magically put you two back together? Or maybe I'm wrong, Phyllis. Maybe you are pretending.", "Dylan: And this little piggy had none, and this little piggy ordered a triple- decker sundae with cherries on top and whipped cream...", "Sharon: [Laughs]", "Dylan: ...And then brushed and flossed, and that's only because mom's listening. Shh.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Dylan: Can you believe this? He's almost 1. It's been a whole year. I'm just sorry I missed the beginning. And, you know, the night you showed up, buddy, it was just you and your mom against the world, and I should have been there to protect both of you.", "Sully: [Babbles]", "Sharon: Sully knows his daddy loves him. And I know you love me.", "Sully: [Babbling continues]", "Sharon: This is all we need.", "Patty: Hello, Dr. Anderson.", "Dr. Anderson: [Sighs] You can't just barge in, patty.", "Patty: Well, I just did, so I guess I can.", "Dr. Anderson: Please leave.", "Patty: Not until we have a chitty-chat about a wee little baby. Sharon wanted a baby, and you helped. You took sage and nick's baby. I have to tell them the truth. I do, doc. I'm gonna tell them.", "Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry, patty, but you won't be telling anyone.", "Patty: No, Doctor.", "Dr. Anderson: [Gasps] No! Don't! Don't! Don't! Ugh!", "Patty: [Gasps] [Crying]", "Dylan: We are so blessed to have each other. I can't help thinking about what nick's lost and, you know, Chelsea having to raise Connor without Adam. I know -- okay. I'm sorry. No more talk, all right? No more bad dreams. It's just us. We're gonna focus on us -- this little family that we have together. [Smooches] Nobody's gonna take anything from us. Nobody.", "Travis: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Travis: Kids down for the night?", "Victoria: Yes. Peaceful and sprawled out in every direction.", "Travis: All right. Well, I could use a drink.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Travis: We'll need a bartender in the house. Oh, that's me.", "Victoria: That's funny.", "Travis: What's it gonna be, Tori -- a white wine, regular?", "Victoria: Uh, no. How 'bout something new to celebrate your new job?", "Travis: All right.", "Victoria: So, what did you guys talk about?", "Travis: Your father?", "Victoria: No. You and Ashley. I mean, you were stuck in the elevator. I'm sure she was happy to talk to you about Billy and... how he can be his own worst enemy and --", "Travis: Billy wasn't really a topic of conversation, and the fact that you two work together.", "Victoria: Oh. So, then you just...caught up, talked about old times and stuff like that?", "Travis: It's okay to ask, you know.", "Victoria: What? Ask what?", "Travis: What you want to know. How do I know Ashley Abbott?", "Ashley: Hey.", "Jack: Hey.", "Ashley: I'm glad you texted me. I was gonna track you down sometime tonight.", "Jack: To tell me what a jerk I am for letting Phyllis back in the door?", "Ashley: How you decide to handle her outrageous demands is your business.", "Jack: Oh. Then what you meant to say back at the office was you trust my judgment?", "Ashley: What I meant to say is I want to throw her out on her butt, but instead, I left you in her clutches. I am sorry.", "Jack: I'm not in anyone's clutches. Look, I'm trying to handle this divorce in the most expedient way possible. She wants a job? She's got a job. I want to keep my company, our company, the Abbotts'. She's not an Abbott anymore.", "Ashley: Jack, it's not gonna be that simple or easy. You know that. It's a ploy on Phyllis' part. She's gonna work her way back into your life...", "Jack: I know that. It's not gonna work.", "Ashley: ...Piece by piece, day by day.", "Jack: It's not there anymore.", "Ashley: You've already admitted that you hate it.", "Jack: Yes, as an irritation, as a bother.", "Ashley: Can you see how maybe that will grow into an attraction?", "Jack: Please give me a little bit of credit here. I am not naive about Phyllis' agenda. Give me her best shot. It's gonna fail. She's gonna fail. She already has, if she's willing to admit it to herself.", "Phyllis: I don't mean to be rude, but I...need to get some work done.", "Billy: How's this gonna work, Phyllis? You and jack face to face, working in the same offices? It's gonna get old for the both of you -- real quick.", "Phyllis: Well, I don't go into a corner and hide.", "Billy: Right, but you're not gonna give him his space, either.", "Phyllis: Jack has an office, and I have my closet -- with a desk.", "Billy: [Chuckles] See? You crack a joke like that, dressed like that, and it's just hard for me to not... but that's not gonna work on jack. He's not gonna be amused by that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, he has made that clear.", "Billy: So, why are you fighting a fight that you can't win?", "Phyllis: Well, who says I can't win?", "Billy: Rational thought.", "Phyllis: We're not acquainted.", "Billy: Well, don't expect me to wish you good luck, okay? I'm the definition of a sore loser, and I lost you.", "Phyllis: I don't need luck. I need to do what I came here to do. So, please, let me get to work.", "Sharon: Here we go. Night-night, daddy.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Sharon: Leave me alone, patty. Leave all of us alone. No more calls, gifts, or threats.", "Patty: But I would never -- we're family, Sharon. You know what it's like to be locked up, away from the people you care about. I'm just lonely here. And of all people, I thought you would understand and want to help me.", "Sharon: I cannot help you, patty. You are at Stonevale for a reason, and it won't go away. You need specialized care.", "Patty: And why is that? Because I did something naughty? Dr. Sandy isn't going to tattle on you. You're welcome. You think because I'm in here, I can't tell anyone? One ringy-dingy is all it takes, Sharon.", "Sharon: Okay, patty. I should not have raised my voice at you. But there's just nothing to tell. Patty, whatever you think you know, well, medications can make people feel very confused. I know. I've been through it.", "Patty: Hey. I know what I know. And there was no bun in the oven. You weren't on the nest, you didn't hatch any eggs, and that baby you took wasn't yours. It isn't yours, Sharon, and it never will be yours.", "Sharon: Stop it! Just leave me alone!", "Dylan: Is it him again? Hey! Who the hell are you, and what do you want with my wife?", "[Knock on door]", "Michael: Hi. There you are.", "Phyllis: Welcome to my domain.", "Michael: Ooh. Wow. Uh... I had a mutt once -- ginger. Her crate was bigger than this.", "Phyllis: Oh, maybe that's what this space needs -- an office dog. Make it a little more cozy.", "Michael: If I were any more cozy, I'd be on your lap.", "Phyllis: Ahh. I can work anywhere.", "Michael: Hmm. This is an insult... to you and your abilities.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. I'm paying my dues, Michael.", "Michael: Now, look... we could sue for constructive discharge and collect damages.", "Phyllis: No. No, no, no. Jack thinks he is going to just scare me off, but I am not gonna run.", "Michael: Listen to me. You agreed to a settlement that gives you nothing more but a paycheck and a glorified closet. Let me tell the judge we need more time to file. We can do better.", "Phyllis: [Chuckles] Better than this? Michael... the work sucks. The workspace sucks even more. And I'm swimming in humiliation. But I'm here, where jack spends his days, and I bot a chance to prove to him how much I love him and how much he still loves me. Now, that's all I need... to get what I want, okay?", "Jack: Time to head home. You, too.", "Ashley: Jackie, an empty house is not the easiest place to be.", "Jack: It's a whole lot easier than living a lie.", "Ashley: I agree with that, but the purveyor of that lie is gonna be in the office tomorrow morning.", "Jack: Oh, no, no, no. She's probably at the office right now, trying to prove how invaluable she is to all of us, how we can't live without her.", "Ashley: Not us, jack -- you.", "Jack: Yet here I am, living just fine without her. Good ni-- well, if it isn't my devoted brother, Billy. We were just talking about your paramour. She's back at jabot.", "Billy: Yeah. I just saw her.", "Jack: I guess you did. two are free to carry on, but that probably goes without saying. You know, nothing's standing in your way, not that anything ever did.", "Billy: She doesn't want me, jack. She wants you. You know that. I know that. He's a terrible listener.", "Ashley: Why don't you try listening to him for a change?", "Billy: Because I've had enough self-righteous indignation. It all starts to sound like, \"wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.\"", "Ashley: Would you just shut up? Seriously. What you're hearing is the sound of people caring about you.", "Billy: No. That is an annoying sound that people make when they want me to do what they want me to do... [Sighs] ...Like you and jack and my mother pushing me to be with Victoria. It's all the same sound.", "Ashley: Oh, well, Victoria -- I think that ship has sailed. Yeah. I got a closer look at your competition today.", "Billy: And what does that mean?", "Ashley: Well, you know... I was trapped in an elevator earlier with, uh, Travis.", "Billy: And let me guess -- you're a big fan, right, just like Victor and Victoria? Everybody loves this guy.", "Travis: Turns out Ashley and I met one weekend in the Hamptons, and we played tennis, evidently.", "Victoria: You're not sure?", "Travis: [Sighs] A lot of those weekends came after 80-hour weeks, you know? Dinners, tennis matches -- it all kind of runs together. But, yeah, your former sister-in-law and I played mixed doubles.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Travis: Not that exciting, huh?", "Victoria: That's really not that dramatic, no.", "Travis: Okay. What's with the look?", "Victoria: I don't know. I just find it interesting that I don't know that much about your life before I met you.", "Travis: Sometimes... I'm not sure I had much of a life before you met.", "Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Stop. I'm not saying that we have to know every sordid detail. I just -- you know, we're adults. We're have pasts. Honestly, I'm just a little curious about... how many women --", "Travis: How many women I've been with?", "Victoria: How many women you've loved. I don't know. Maybe that's too personal.", "Travis: No. Hey, we live together. You trust me with your kids. I'm working for your father's company. I don't think there's anything that's too personal at this point.", "Victoria: So?", "Travis: So... how many women have I loved before? Just one.", "Victoria: I don't mean to corner you into intimate confessions.", "Travis: It's not that I don't talk about because it's something deep and private. I just don't think about it that much.", "Victoria: Yeah, but if you were in love...", "Travis: I'm not even sure if that's what it was. Maybe it's just something I told myself. Then it was over. And then I just drifted. More weekends, more parties, but it never really meant anything, you know? But then... it was Genoa city and a woman named Tori. And I know something now. This is real. This is what they mean. You walk in the room, and... I can't look away. I zip up your dress before dinner, and I unzip it when we get home, and I know how lucky I am. And I don't want that to ever go away.", "Victoria: So, I guess you're attracted to me, huh?", "Travis: Yeah. You could say that. But it's more than that. I'm in love with you. And I never want to stop saying that.", "Victoria: Even if I don't say it back?", "Travis: You let me in your home. You let me in your family. I'm not greedy. I don't need the words.", "Victoria: Yeah, but words matter, too. I love you, Travis. I love you.", "Ashley: Hold on a second, Billy. What makes you think that Victor's a fan?", "Billy: Oh, you didn't hear? Oh, yeah. Travis is the newest employee at Newman enterprises, recruited by the man himself. So, you were in an elevator this whole time, and you didn't -- you didn't know that?", "Ashley: Well, I mean, the fact that Victor wants to keep his eye on Travis isn't that surprising. It's a little shocking that Travis would agree to that. No, he didn't mention that to me, Billy.", "Billy: Let me guess -- he was so friendly and casual and likable? Yeah. He comes across as a straight shooter, but let me tell you, there's a lot that he's not mentioning. Yeah.", "Phyllis: I don't want any changes to the settlement. If you have to contact the judge, it is just to speed this along. I want to give jack everything he wants.", "Michael: Which is a divorce from you, the woman who loves him enough that she's gonna plan to dissolve the marriage? Just saying it sounds absurd.", "Phyllis: You know what? This is not the first time we've been to divorce court. Okay? We survived it. That made us stronger. It bonded us. We felt like we were more in love.", "Michael: Phyllis, you don't think this time might be different?", "Phyllis: Well, you know... I understand. Jack wants to wipe that slate clean. I get it. But what connected us at one point -- one day, he's gonna look at me, and he's gonna see all of the love right there. That's never gonna go away. I know what you're thinking.", "Michael: [Chuckles]", "Phyllis: You're thinking I'm delusional, that I'm kidding myself. And I've heard it before, my friend.", "Michael: [Laughing] You're something else. [Laughs] All right. [Clears throat] Nobody knows jack better than you, and nobody is as stubborn as you. So, maybe, between those two things, you might just pull it off.", "Dylan: I want to know who you are and why you're harassing my wife. What do you want? Oh, now you're not gonna talk? Well, I'm a cop, and this is your only warning. Don't ever bother my wife again, or I'm gonna -- he's gone.", "Sharon: Ohh. Well, bullies always back down when they're up against authority, so that should be the end of it.", "Dylan: Well, first it's the land line, and now it's the cell phone. This is not just a prank, Sharon. This is harassment. And I'm not gonna let the person just walk away, okay? I'm gonna find out who's calling you and why. Come on. Let's go.", "Sharon: Um, I'll be up in a minute. Be right there.", "Dylan: Okay.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Abby: Maybe you should close the door.", "Dylan: I'll get the warrant from Judge Ramsey, and I'll be right there to see what you got.", "Paul: This sounds like something that you should fill me in on.", "Patty: I was wondering when you'd get here. I just knew it wouldn't take you very long." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Dina barges into Jack's office and demands to know where her laptop is. Jack informs her that Ravi still has and will return it when he is through with it. Dina feels that Jack is still angry with her over the fact that she had sent Victor pics of Jack and Nikki kissing. Sharon and Alice are in the car, driving, Sharon is taking Alice home to get her things so she can leave this town before the henchmen catch up with her. Mariah and Tessa bring Crystal home to Sharon's. Crystal is relieved to be away from the sex trafficking ring. Alice worries that Sharon will turn her in to the police but Sharon denies that she will turn her in to the police. Victor gives Abby a chance to handle a new client. Victor asks as to how her and Zach are doing. Abby lies and tells him that they are fine. Abby starts to leave but then turns around and tells him that she was lying about her and Zach. Abby goes on to tell Victor how that Zach had been acting. Victor gives Abby helpful advice on dealing with Zach. Abby asks about him and Nikki and if they will ever get back together. Kevin and Gloria have a visit but she is still upset that he lives so far away. Kevin refuses to give her a straight answer as to why he is anxious to get back to Portland. Kevin asks Gloria about her and Jack. Gloria tells him that Jack had thrown her over for Nikki but she had met a new man named Graham. Nick walks into the Athletic Club and is on the phone with the bank as he is trying to find out as to what had happened to his money. Nikki notices that he is worried and wants to know what is wrong but Nick refuses to tell what is wrong. When Nikki questions him as to what is going on, he stalls in giving her an answer. Dina warns Jack that Victor may try to win Nikki back. Dina tries to tell Jack how much she loves him but Jack tells her that he wishes that he could believe her. Nick finds out that his account is drained of all his money. Tessa tells Crystal that she is safe now. The henchman talks to Zach on the phone and they make plans to get rid of Alice. Sharon reminds Alice of the good deed she had done in letting Crystal go.Sharon also reminds Alice of the dangers that she is still in unless she gets out of town.", "Nick sees Kevin at the Athletic Club and they discuss Chloe but Kevin still will not forgive Nick for what he had done to Chloe which supposedly resulted in her death. Sharon comes home to Mariah, Tessa and Crystal. Paul is called to help. Paul arrives and takes Crystal into protective custody until they can find the rest of the sex trafficking ring. Alice is in her car, counting her money when one of the henchmen jumps into the car beside her. She jumps out but right into the path of another car. The money goes in every direction.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Did you need something?", "Dina: My laptop.", "Jack: Ravi's in charge of those. I believe he's gone for the night.", "Dina: Well, I know you're still very upset because of those pictures of you and nikki I gave victor. But don't worry.", "Jack: Oh? Why not?", "Dina: Because victor assured me he's not plotting any revenge against you.", "Jack: If you believe that, mother, you are a fool.", "Nick: Yeah, hi. This is nick newman. My account was emptied. Um, I need to know if this was a bank error or if it was hacked or something. I know it's after hours, but can you please, please look into this and call me back A.S.A.P.? All right, thank you so much.", "Nikki: What's wrong?", "Victor: These are impressive numbers, you know. This is excellent work, sweetheart.", "Abby: Really? Uh, thank you. [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: So I'm gonna put you in charge of the bancroft deal, okay?", "Abby: Are you kidding me?", "Victor: No.", "Abby: Uh, well, I'm -- I'm honored that you have so much confidence in me.", "Victor: You bet. You deserve it, my darling. And by the way, your designdate app is a certified success. I'm very impressed. How are things with you and zack?", "Abby: Well, um, you know, i enjoy spending time with zack, work related or not.", "Victor: You have a good time tonight, okay?", "Abby: Thank you, dad. Mwah.", "Victor: Bye, sweetheart.", "Abby: I love you.", "Victor: Very good work. I'm very proud of you.", "Abby: Thank you. Dad, wait. Um... I'm sorry. Everything I just said... it was a lie.", "Sharon: Thank you for bringing crystal back to her sister.", "Alice: Sorry. My head's still spinning from being kidnapped to learning about cassie's twin and standing up to that creep leon. I mean, it'S... [ Sighs ] It's a lot to take in all at once.", "Sharon: You did the right thing.", "Alice: Well, now I'm worried about explaining things to my boss.", "Sharon: That's the last thing you should be concerned about.", "Alice: Why? Have you changed your mind? Are you gonna have me arrested after all?", "Tessa: Hey, it's okay.", "Mariah: Well, I, uh, bet we could all use something to eat.", "Tessa: Oh, I mean, I'm starved. I mean, I'm sure you are, too.", "Crystal: We can't stay. We have to leave town, like, now. Additional sponsorship", "Abby: I was just so proud that you asked me to supervise the bancroft deal that I didn't want you to think that there was anything wrong.", "Victor: Well, did you inflate the incubator numbers?", "Abby: No, no, the numbers are accurate. Designdate is a winner. It's zack and me.", "Victor: Huh. Well, is there a problem?", "Abby: Well, he says that he cares about me, and, well, he's a terrific boyfriend sometimes.", "Victor: And the other times?", "Abby: Other times he's distracted, like his mind is somewhere far away and he's shutting me out. It's like he's keeping something from me.", "Victor: Something pertaining to business or his personal life?", "Abby: Both. If that even makes sense.", "Victor: Let me give you a little warning. It's not always a good idea to mix business with romance. It muddies the waters, you know.", "Abby: I know that, and that's why I am hedging my bets and i am taking things slow with him. But I don't want to stop seeing him.", "Victor: Well, you're smart being cautious. But one thing I can tell you, my sweet baby. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're very wealthy.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: If it doesn't work out with zack, hundreds are waiting in the wings to sweep you up.", "Abby: Thank you, dad.", "Victor: Yes.", "Abby: Thank you. So... what about you?", "Victor: What about me?", "Abby: Is there any chance that you and nikki will get back together?", "Victor: Doubtful.", "Abby: But you miss her, though.", "Victor: Not really.", "Abby: Okay, dad, I know that you try to act like you're made of steel, but one thing I know about you -- this family, we are your kryptonite.", "Victor: How do you mean that?", "Abby: That you're hurting and you're lonely.", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] Are you a shrink now?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] No. I just -- I understand that feeling of loneliness and the need for companionship, even if it is just a sparring partner. And as sad as it is to say this out loud, maybe it's time to move on, find someone else.", "Kevin: So I hear you and bella had quite the afternoon doll shopping at fenmore'S.", "Gloria: And then we had matching manicures at the gcac spa. Bella picked the color. Thoughts?", "Kevin: Very subtle. Hey, I'm glad you didn't let esther hog all the grandma time.", "Gloria: Yeah, well, could have a lot more if you two weren't leaving for portland tomorrow.", "Kevin: Mom, I have one of the best tech jobs in town. They gave me a few days off, but I can't push it.", "Gloria: Any other reason you're so anxious to get back there? Maybe some special someone you can't bear to be apart from?", "Kevin: I-I hate to burst your bubble, mom, but no. It's -- it's -- it's too soon.", "Gloria: Uh-huh.", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: You just have that peaceful, inner glow. A mother knows these things, even if her son doesn't want to share a joyous, new romance.", "Kevin: My romance is with portland. Bella and I love it there. So, what about you? Don't tell me you spent the whole summer single.", "Gloria: It's complicated.", "Kevin: Are -- are you and jack still doing...whatever it is you two were doing?", "Gloria: No need for labels. He dumped me for nikki.", "Kevin: Aww, mom, I'm sorry. His loss.", "Gloria: I did meet a charming man named graham.", "Kevin: And?", "Gloria: I thought it had potential. But he prefers to dangle friendship. Not much else.", "[ Laughs ]", "Kevin: I mean...", "Gloria: And now I can't even be a beautiful grandmother. Fen's gone to college, and bella's immersed in portland preschool.", "Kevin: Come on, mom.", "Gloria: Maybe I'll start knitting sweaters for you to wear in those cold, dreary, raining months.", "Kevin: Why don't you start with a scarf?", "Gloria: Maybe I'll get a cat, knit him some booties.", "Kevin: Don't do that, all right? Self-pity never looked good on you.", "Gloria: Yeah, I've been known to wear it pretty well, thank you very much.", "[ Sighs ]", "Kevin: Look, mom, you are smart, funny.", "Gloria: Attractive. Striking on a good day.", "Kevin: Let's not forget modest.", "Gloria: [ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: You will find someone who appreciates you.", "Gloria: Oh, my angel. Why do you and your angel have to live so far away?", "Kevin: We'll come back soon, mom. I promise.", "Gloria: Well, you better. 'Cause I'm gonna miss you both. Every day. Hmm?", "Kevin: Yeah, I miss you, too.", "Nikki: All right, you keep looking at your phone like you're mad at it for not ringing.", "Nick: I already told you it's just some bank mistake. It's annoying. It's not a big deal.", "Nikki: No, it's your father, isn't it?", "Nick: Well, now that noah and I are back in town, dad has picked up right where he left off.", "Nikki: What now?", "Nick: He just keeps finding ways to insert himself into my life, which he knows I hate. And now he's doing it to noah.", "Nikki: He's doing it to me, too.", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Nikki: Oh, he had no problem letting jack and me be aware that he knows about our relationship. And now he's not alone, because jack's mother has decided to thrust herself into our business.", "Dina: No, no, you're the fool by antagonizing victor by dating his wife, when all along she's trying to make victor jealous. How many times do I have to tell you that?", "Jack: Oh, I see. So in your vivid imagination, victor's just biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to pull out all the stops and win nikki back. How is he gonna do that, mother? Gonna buy her first-class tickets for a trip around the world? Is he gonna buy her jewelry? Nikki has changed. You've been gone a long time. If anyone can see through victor's designs, it is nikki.", "Dina: Well, I know you want to believe that, son. But I dread the day that nikki goes back to victor and leaves my shattered son behind.", "Jack: Oh, so all of this is concern about me being hurt? Where was this concern before?", "Dina: You may be convinced about nikki. But maybe I've changed, too. I mean, all the times that we have spent together. I care. And I want you to know how much I love you.", "Jack: I almost believe that, mother. Until you hired a private investigator to follow us.", "Jack: Of course you didn't personally call the private detective yourself. Graham was all too eager to handle that for you. You know, I don't think anything would make graham happier than coming between you and your children. Anything, that is, aside from inheriting your estate.", "Dina: Graham does not tell me what to do.", "Jack: Oh, then you made this interfering, tacky move all on your own?", "Nikki: Who'd have ever thought your father and dina mergeron, new best pals?", "Nick: I'm sorry, mom. You know I'm always here for you, right?", "Nikki: I know you are. And you get extra points for supporting my relationship with jack, 'cause he's my only other best thing going on right now.", "Nick: I feel the same way about you and chelsea. [ Cellphone rings ] Sorry. Excuse me. This is nick newman. Yeah, thanks for calling me back. Did you, uh, figure this out? So you have no idea how this happened? [ Chuckles ] Uh, okay. Can you just keep working on it and call me if you find anything? Okay, thanks.", "Nikki: Okay, what is going on?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] My checking account was completely wiped out.", "Nikki: What?!", "Nick: Yeah, they don't know why or how.", "Nikki: Oh, my god! All right, I'm -- I'm staying with you until you learn more. I-I'm gonna call jack and cancel.", "Nick: No, mom, mom, don't -- don't do that, all right? Don't cancel your date. In fact, I have my own date with the heavy bag down in the gym.", "Nikki: Are you sure you're all right?", "Nick: Yeah. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. It's all good.", "Nikki: All right, well, don't hesitate to call me if you need me, all right?", "Nick: Okay.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Nick: Love you, too.", "Tessa: Crys, you can relax now. It's over.", "Crystal: You don't understand. They're not just gonna let me go. They'll try to find me.", "Tessa: Hey, hey, crys, look at me. Hey. They're not gonna come looking for you. You're safe. You got away.", "Crystal: You don't understand. These people that held me, they're evil.", "Leon: Boss, I know I screwed up, but alice swore you signed off on crystal coming back here. I should have checked in with you first, though.", "Zack: Alice played us both, but right now we don't have time for regrets. Lucky for us, I put together a contingency plan.", "Leon: Want me to take care of what we discussed?", "Zack: Start putting things in motion. I'll meet you there.", "Sharon: You know how I know that you're a really good person deep down inside where it counts? Because you had the chance to turn on us earlier, and you didn'T. You kept your promise. You brought crystal back to her sister.", "Alice: I did it for cassie.", "Sharon: Cassie's our touchstone. You and me. I know she still means a lot to you, and she would be proud of the decision you made today.", "Alice: You're so lucky to have mariah. Cassie's twin.", "Sharon: I know. I'm grateful every day that she's in this world and in my life.", "Alice: Cassie would have liked her. She's a real firecracker, too.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Well, believe me, mariah -- she's her own person. I'll always be sad that the twins never got to meet, but... mostly I feel lucky that I got a second chance to raise another beautiful, brilliant daughter.", "Alice: That must be the best feeling ever.", "Sharon: You know, I want you to have a second chance, too. That's why I haven't called the cops yet. I'm giving you a head start.", "Alice: Where am I going?", "Sharon: It's up to you. I don't know. Out of town, out of state. Just away. As far as possible, I would think. You can change your name, start over clean.", "Alice: I'm getting a little too old for fresh starts. It's hard.", "Sharon: Yeah, well, so is prison. So are the people you're working for. Keep that in mind.", "Alice: What am I supposed to do? I...", "Sharon: You're smart. You're resourceful. You just need to channel your skills in a healthier direction. You know, get a job, something legit.", "Alice: I just invested so much in my girls.", "Sharon: Hey! This is a wake-up call. Your girls are victims of ruthless and dangerous people who place you only about one small notch above the product they're peddling. They wouldn't think twice before harming you. You really want to risk your freedom and your life to continue down this path?", "Nick: Hey. I didn't know you were back in town.", "Kevin: I'm not. Um, just a quick visit. I'm leaving again in the morning.", "Nick: Well, I'm glad to see you. I feel like there's something we should talk about. You know, I, uh, I still feel pretty bad about showing up to chloe's funeral.", "Kevin: Yeah, we don't -- we don't need to discuss that.", "Nick: You're upset, you know -- I get it -- about what went down, the way things were handled. If I could go back and do things differently, I would.", "Kevin: Wait, I'm sorry. I'm not sure that I'm following. Are you just apologizing for showing up at chloe's funeral? Because you should feel a hell of a lot worse for driving her to commit suicide, hunting her down after she fled the wedding we didn't get to finish. But you don't give a damn about that, do you?", "Nick: Look, I just wanted to apologize, all right? I didn't want to set you off. This was a bad idea.", "Kevin: Whoa, wait. No. Now we're not done. This is just like you, you know. You just walk away, never accept the consequences of your actions when things get real. Do you have any regrets that actually mean anything, or should I break out into some grateful tears because you just cop to showing up at a funeral to keep up appearances?", "Nick: You can do whatever you want, all right? 'Cause we are done now.", "Dina: You hear something you don't like, and you automatically blame graham.", "Jack: He fits the bill.", "Dina: Oh, come on, jack.", "Jack: It wasn't graham that got you to sell your company, to change your will, and leave everything to him?", "[ Knock on door ]", "Dina: This is over.", "Gloria: Nikki's here. And I'd love to show her in.", "Dina: By all means. I was just leaving.", "Nikki: Oh, no, please don'T. I haven't had a chance to thank you for the lovely photos of jack and me. In fact, I'm thinking of using them as christmas cards.", "Dina: Really?", "Nikki: Jack?", "Jack: Sounds lovely.", "Dina: Well, you two may joke about something like this, but you're gonna be very sad when you see how it ends.", "Nikki: Well, I have no plans of ending it, so I think maybe you better just get used to it.", "Dina: Nikki, is your marriage worth so little that you'd openly cheat on victor?", "Nikki: Not at all. In fact, a marriage to a man like victor has many advantages.", "Dina: Oh?", "Nikki: For one, I have learned how to punish people who try to interfere and control my life.", "Dina: Are you threatening me?", "Nikki: [ Chuckling ] No, dina, that's not a threat. It's a promise.", "Jack: I'm with nikki on this 100%.", "Alice: Keys. Keys.", "[ Keys jingle ]", "[ Cellphone rings ] [ Sighs ] Zack, I am so sorry. I know you've been trying to reach me, and I know that this is gonna sound crazy, but I was kidnapped, kept in a barn, and held hostage. And then they made me call leon at gunpoint to get him and crystal to genoa city. I-I got away.", "Zack: Kidnapped? Wow. I had no idea. I thought maybe you stabbed us in the back.", "Alice: [ Scoffs ] Never. I mean, how stupid would that be? And even if they tricked me into handing over crystal, you have my word. She won't reveal anything about our operation to anyone.", "Zack: That's okay. Let her talk. It doesn't matter. As you can see, I've already moved the girls to another location.", "Alice: Yeah, I saw the things were packed up. Wait. How did you know I was here?", "Zack: Look in the living room above the bookcase.", "Alice: How long has that been there?", "Zack: As long as I needed it to be. Looks like you're packing up, as well.", "Alice: What?", "Zack: The suitcase.", "Alice: Oh. Yeah, right. Um, I just wanted to, you know, be ready for what's next.", "Zack: That's smart thinking. The girls are settling into their new place. Clients are on the waiting list. We're golden. Business as usual.", "Alice: That's, uh, very good. Uh, look, with, um, everything going on, I was hoping I could take a few days off, you know, get my head together, if that's okay.", "Zack: After what you've been through? Of course. Sure. I mean, let's face it. The girls adore you. And on a personal standpoint, you're invaluable.", "Alice: Yeah, I, um, I do what I can.", "Zack: We left something for you outside. Consider this a paid vacation.", "Alice: Yeah, um, just a few days. I'll be back. Promise. The girls are my life.", "Zack: That's good to know. I'll see you soon.", "Sharon: You got here fast.", "Paul: It sounded urgent.", "Sharon: Yeah, that address i gave you, where I think the girls are being kept?", "Paul: Yeah, I have a team headed over there now.", "Sharon: Thank god.", "Paul: So where's crystal?", "Sharon: She's taking a shower.", "[ Silverware clatters ]", "Mariah: Hi. Sharon, can I, um, speak to you for a second?", "Sharon: Sure.", "Mariah: Why did you call him?", "Sharon: Because this is a police matter. He's here to help crystal and the other girls who are still trapped and being sold every single day.", "Mariah: And they need to get out of there. I know that. But I'm just a little bit worried about crystal walking in and seeing a stranger, especially of the male variety.", "Sharon: That's a good point, but too late now.", "Tessa: Hey, hey. Hey. Come here. Paul's a good friend. He's also our police chief. He's not here to hassle you, okay?", "Paul: Crystal. Paul williams. I can't tell you what a relief it is to see you. Listen, I-I came here with one goal in mind, and I think you might have the same one.", "Crystal: Which is?", "Paul: To arrest certain people, try them for their crimes, and send them away to prison for good so they won't be able to hurt any girls ever again. But I'd like to work together as a team, so I'm gonna need your help. Can you tell me who's in charge of the sex ring? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Crystal: [ Sighs ] Uh, I only met the boss once briefly, but I didn't get his name. Sorry.", "Paul: That's okay. You've got nothing to be sorry for. I'll find that out along with everything else about the guy. Now, can you tell me how many young women are still working there?", "Crystal: Uh, not sure. Um, I would run into the same people here and there, but there was one girl that I spent a lot of time with. Natalia. She and I became friends.", "Tessa: I met her with sharon and mariah.", "Paul: Really?", "Tessa: She helped us find crystal.", "Paul: How?", "Sharon: Natalia told us about a woman whose job it is to look after the girls, keep morale up.", "Paul: Okay, do you have a name? Is she based at the same address you gave me tonight?", "Sharon: You know her. Alice johnson. You remember?", "Paul: Alice johnson? The same woman that adopted cassie?", "Sharon: Afraid so.", "Paul: So cassie's unfit adopted mother is now chaperone to a bunch of trafficked women? What else do you know about her?", "Sharon: She was the same woman I saw driving that silver sedan.", "Paul: Okay. So we weren't able to get a license plate number on that. It should be easy to identify now that we know it's hers. I'll call in an apb. Listen, crystal, I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through, so I just want you to know that I'm -- I'm here to help, and you can trust me, okay?", "Crystal: Okay.", "Paul: Which makes what I'm about to say even more difficult.", "Jack: Well, you must be thirsty after executing so beautiful a takedown of my mother.", "Nikki: I hope I wasn't too harsh.", "Jack: Ah, she's a tough old girl. She can take it. I'd forgotten how difficult she can be when she's made up her mind about something.", "Nikki: Clearly she has made up her mind about us.", "Jack: I can't believe she thinks for one second our relationship is any of her business.", "Nikki: Get used to it, jack. That's what mothers do. Mothers worried about their kids even when they have been absent for way too long.", "Jack: You almost sound like you're defending her.", "Nikki: No. I'm just trying to understand her. And the more I do, the more i pity her. I mean, this is a woman who traded watching her children grow up just to pursue her own happiness.", "Jack: Something she never really achieved. And here she is in genoa city trying to retrieve what she lost.", "Nikki: Or threw away. And that's the sad part about it. I mean, no matter what I have been through with victor, I have still managed to maintain my children's love and support.", "Jack: And mine, as well.", "Nikki: Yes. And that makes me very happy.", "Jack: I promise you, whatever hell victor is going to rain down on you for having me in your life, I will protect you.", "Nikki: Don'T.", "[ Punches landing on heavy bag ]", "Victor: Congratulations on your successful trip to michigan.", "Nick: Hey, thanks. And thanks for not offering noah's sweetheart deal on your place in st. Louis.", "Victor: I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't want to tick you off.", "Nick: I appreciate that.", "Victor: So, you seem rather relaxed considering what you have all on your plate.", "Nick: Everything's good, you know, across the board. There's nothing to stress about.", "Victor: Glad to hear that. Hope you can keep it up. This is multiple clubs, different states, each state having its own regulatory demands. You better pay attention to detail.", "Nick: Yeah, I got it, you know. No advice needed.", "Victor: None given. Whether you succeed or whether you fail, it's all on your shoulders, son. But then you wouldn't admit to failure. You're too stubborn for regrets, regardless of how costly.", "Nick: What'd you say?", "Victor: You heard me. This is a risky business you're embarking upon. If I were you, I'd watch it very carefully. If only the smallest things fall through the cracks, you stand to lose everything.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Remember that woman you were married to all those years ago?", "Jack: Indeed I do, very well.", "Nikki: Well, she was a mess. Vulnerable, weak, addicted to alcohol, painkillers.", "Jack: Whoa, we don't have to dredge all that up.", "Nikki: No, no, no, it's okay, because I'm not that person anymore. And granted, I have had some setbacks since then, but i always come out of them stronger.", "Jack: You're telling me you don't want my protection from victor?", "Nikki: No. I'm telling you I don't need it.", "Jack: You know what that means, don't you? I think you've officially gotten your mojo back.", "Nikki: [ Chuckling ] Oh, yeah. I guess I have. In large part because of you.", "Jack: Oh, if I made any contribution to us being back in each other's lives, I need no thanks. A strong, confident nikki I do love.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm begging you, please don't say \"but.\"", "Jack: [ Mouthing ] But... [ Audible ] Victor is going to want revenge. And strong and confident and sure as you feel, you are going to need to be prepared. So am I.", "Kevin: I didn't want to send anything that sensitive over the internet. Nikki's password, giving you access to her cellphone, e-mail accounts as requested.", "Victor: Thank you. Now, you've had access to nicholas' checking account. What about his other accounts?", "Kevin: I'm working on it. I won't stop until you have back the entire $500 million.", "Victor: And you can do this from portland?", "Kevin: I could do it from timbuktu if I had any desire to go there. Uh, but if that's all, bella and I have an early flight in the morning.", "Victor: All right.", "Kevin: This has actually been fun, so you have any other work, keep me in mind.", "Victor: I certainly will. Good working with you.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Paul: I know how scared you are. But you are a witness in an ongoing investigation, and you're going to testify. You're going to need police protection.", "Sharon: How long do you think she'll be gone?", "Paul: Well, it's impossible to judge. It may be awhile if we're not able to immediately locate the leaders of the sex ring.", "Tessa: You're asking too much of her.", "Mariah: Paul, is there any alternative? There's got to be another way, right?", "Paul: No. I'm sorry. This is necessary in order to keep crystal safe.", "Crystal: And I don't want my sister to be in danger. Or her friends. I think it's best if I go.", "Tessa: Then I'll go with you.", "Mariah: No!", "Crystal: You have too many amazing opportunities going on here. I'd feel way too guilty if you put all that on hold for me. I'm serious, tess. I'll be okay. And I'll see you as soon as i can.", "Tessa: If that's what you want. Okay, well, I'm not letting you go without a few outfit changes. Okay, let's get some of my clothes packed up for you, okay?", "Mariah: I'll help.", "Paul: I know it's all too familiar, huh? You're thinking about dylan.", "Sharon: Trying not to.", "Paul: I know. I'm sorry.", "Jack: I made a reservation at a restaurant I read about just out of town.", "Nikki: Really? We're not going to the athletic club? I love it already.", "Jack: [ Chuckles ] I'd prefer not to run into victor myself.", "Nikki: Yeah, you'd think he didn't have that huge gym at the ranch.", "Jack: I think he can easily stir his various pots when he's in town. Me, I just want an enchanting evening with you.", "Nikki: Well, no more talk of victor, and you're halfway there.", "Jack: Victor who?", "Nikki: I don't know. I mean, it's not like I want to harm him. But nothing would make me happier if he just moved on.", "Gloria: Some champagne, please. Anything french.", "Victor: Put that on my tab, please.", "Gloria: Oh! Victor. You sure now how to brighten a lady's lousy night.", "Victor: What's the problem?", "Gloria: I had to say goodbye to kevin again. I'm just gonna miss him and bella so much now.", "Victor: Yeah. You know, when our children leave home to forge their own paths, tough, isn't it?", "Gloria: Hmm. Ran into nikki at jabot earlier.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Gloria: She and, uh, jack are sure determined to twist their two paths into one.", "[ Both laugh ]", "Victor: They deserve each other, you know. And by the way, you should work for someone else other than that arrogant jack abbott.", "Gloria: Gal likes to eat.", "Victor: Well, someone with your charms and your talents, my god, you should be able to find a job anywhere.", "Gloria: Why, mr. Newman, are you trying to employ me?", "Victor: A double tequila, please.", "Gloria: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Yeah, this is nick newman. Uh, you can stop trying to find who hacked my account. I figured out who it was.", "[ Glasses clink ]", "Tessa: Hey. Take care of yourself. Better care this time.", "[ Chuckles tearfully, sniffles ]", "Crystal: I promise.", "Tessa: Hey, when this is all over, I'm gonna give you that life we talked about, okay?", "Crystal: [ Sighs ] I don't have the words to thank you for what you've done for me. All of you. But I'll find them, 'cause i want you to know how much this means to me.", "Mariah: We know.", "Sharon: You're in good hands.", "Tessa: Come on.", "Crystal: [ Sniffles ]", "Tessa: I love you.", "Crystal: I love you, too.", "[ Car door closes ]", "Alice: What the -- [ Car door opens ] Oh!", "[ Brakes squeal ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dina: The question is, is your mother alive?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna go put this in my locker.", "Billy: I'll take this. You don't have time to put this in your locker. You go ahead.", "Ravi: Dina's password was used to log on to the server.", "Jack: Billy abbott strikes again." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Victoria tells Nikki she is worried about Newman Enterprises because ever since the news that Victor faked his death meetings that were scheduled to get new business have been canceled. Nikki tells Victoria she is sure she will find a way to turn things around and makes it clear that she will take care of Victor while Victoria will protect the company. Billy stops by Victoria's office later and takes her for a picnic in the park so they can both relax and forget their problems for a while. Connor is still angry with Chelsea because she won't let him call Adam so he can return to Genoa City. Connor is also angry that she didn't tell him Victor was alive even though Chelsea told him that she didn't know about Victor until a few hours before the news was on television. Connor wishes that they had never moved to Genoa City and that he still thought Adam was dead. Chelsea gives Chloe a job as head of marketing at the Grand Phoenix and she asks Kevin to help her launder Calvin's dirty money and she will give him ten percent of the money for his trouble. Kevin tells Chloe and once she gives him the okay to help Chelsea he accepts the deal. Devon advises Nick to show Chelsea he is sorry about lying to her and later Nick takes his advice and gives Chelsea flowers and tries to give her a message but Chelsea tells Nick she isn't ready to make love yet. Chelsea tells Nick it will take a lot more than that to get their relationship back on track. Summer accepts Phyllis'' invitation for a girls night instead of going to the Newman family dinner. Devon takes the advice Nick gave him earlier to not allow Amanda Sinclaire to get to him and calls her to set up a meeting at the Grand Phoenix. Phyllis leaves a message for Adam to return her call because they need to talk.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Anita: While calvin's business dealings were legit, there were some that weren'T. Calvin thought it would be more prudent to keep those particular transactions off the books and the proceeds in a storage unit rather than a bank.", "Devon: You need to really think long and hard before you decide to pursue this any further.", "Amanda: Are you threatening me?", "Devon: You're attacking the legitimacy of my inheritance, and you're accusing a man of tucker's stature of forgery and fraud.", "Victor: As you can see, I'm very much alive. The threat to my life was real. That's why my family had to come up with a story that I died.", "Chelsea: You played with people's emotions. You made your children grieve unnecessarily. I know you're trying to fix this, but I need some time alone, so please respect that.", "Victoria: Yes. Yes, I understand your concerns, but we have a firm handle on the situation. Robert -- robert, thank you so much for calling me back. Um, yes, I realize that the optics are bad, but this is just a temporary setback. Why don't we get a meeting on the books, and then we can sit down and -- he hung up on me. Well, at least he returned my call. Some people haven't even done that.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I knew victor's reappearance would cause problems with the company. I didn't realize it would be this bad.", "Victoria: Mom, I expected a little fallout, but this is a complete avalanche. I just don't see us being able to dig out of this anytime soon.", "Nick: How's connor?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] He barely said two words to me when I made him his breakfast.", "Nick: Just give him time.", "Chelsea: Time doesn't heal everything, nick. That little boy's already been through so much in his life.", "Nick: I was thinking maybe i could take him to see his grandpa today.", "Chelsea: No. No, it's -- it's too soon for that.", "Nick: Look, chelsea, uh... you told me to back off and to give you space, and I -- I don't want to pressure you. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us, so just -- tell me what I can do.", "Chelsea: I can't go there right now. I have to get connor to school, but maybe we can talk tonight.", "Nick: I wish we could, but my, uh -- my parents are having a family get- together tonight. You're certainly invited.", "Chelsea: No. No, thanks. I'm not really in the mood for a newman family gathering right now. [ Exhales sharply ] I got to go check on connor. I don't want him to be late.", "Phyllis: How are you really doing? Because your texts are vague.", "Summer: I mean, I'm obviously very happy that grandpa is alive, but... I don't know, I mean, it hurts that the newmans just think of me as an afterthought. Literally everyone was trusted with this deep, dark secret except me. What did they think I was gonna do if I knew?", "Phyllis: Well, tell me, I'm sure.", "Summer: Okay, but why would i do that?", "Phyllis: Summer. Oh, come on. Listen, that's how that family is. It doesn't matter how loyal you are to them, it doesn't matter how much you stand beside them, they shut you out. That's how they are. Did you talk to your dad about it?", "Summer: Yeah, dad's apologized. He's trying. But an apology is not gonna fix what he did.", "Phyllis: Mm. I see. Well, it's gonna be a real long time before you accept an apology from your dad.", "Summer: Okay, no. No, stop. Stop. You don't get to do that. I know what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work.", "Kevin: To not-so-fond farewells.", "Chloe: To peace and harmony in our fair land.", "Kevin: Nice! I like that.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Kevin: To not letting the door slam you in the ass on the way out of town.", "Chloe: Goodbye, adam.", "Kevin: And good riddance.", "Chloe: Mmm!", "Kevin: Mm.", "Chloe: Wait, so he's definitely, positively gone?", "Kevin: That's what michael said.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Where to?", "Kevin: Hell would be my first choice. Michael didn't know. But as long as he's nowhere near here, I'm happy.", "Chloe: I will drink to that.", "Kevin: [ Laughs ]", "Chelsea: All right. Got everything, bud? Okay, um... just remember what we talked about last night, okay? Some kids at school may be saying some things about your grandpa.", "Connor: I don't care.", "Chelsea: Right. They might ask some questions, that's all I'm saying.", "Connor: Doesn't matter. I don't have any answers, so what difference does it make? They can say whatever they want.", "Chelsea: Connor, I know that this is tough on you. You got hit with two big changes in a row. What happened with your grandpa came so soon after your dad left.", "Connor: I'm glad he's gone. I wish I had never seen him again in the first place.", "Chelsea: Connor... you know you don't mean that.", "Connor: Yes, I do. Everything got so messed up when we moved here. I wish we'd never come back.", "Chelsea: I know you feel that way now, but we're gonna get through this. We always do, right? Together.", "Nick: Hey.", "Devon: Hey. All right. We got a lot to, uh, go over before the opening of this apartment building tomorrow.", "Nick: You want to talk about it?", "Devon: There's nothing really talk to about, is there?", "Nick: You are angry that i kept you in the dark about my father.", "Devon: I'm probably not the only person left out of the loop.", "Nick: Nope. A lot of people are upset with me. They all made valid points. So let's hear it.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Uh... I don't really know what you want me to say. I felt pretty foolish, offered my condolences to you and the rest of your family, for mourning a man that I've known since I was in high school, when victor was very much alive. But that's not really what's bothering me. When you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. That's why we're offering seven things every medicare supplement should have. It's yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you choose the plan that's right for you. The call is free, and there's no obligation. You see, medicare covers only about 80 percent of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. That's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans, like those offered by humana. 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And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. The call is free and there's no obligation. You know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! And see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. (Sharon) smoking caused my throat cancer. Additional sponsorship", "Kevin: [ Laughs ] What? What?", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Chloe: Hey. How's it going?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Uh... I've been better.", "Kevin: Yeah, we know adam left.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I think everybody knows that now. Adam left, victor's alive. Welcome to life in genoa city.", "Chloe: How's connor handling it?", "Chelsea: He's angry. He's too young to process all of this...madness, and he shouldn't have to.", "Kevin: Look, chelsea, we're not gonna pretend to be upset that adam is gone. He did everything he could to make our lives miserable, but, as parents, we've been there. There is nothing worse than seeing your kid suffering and not being able to fix it. So if you need anything...", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Chloe: We mean it, chelsea. And I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands, so if there's anything that I can do to help you out, you just say the word.", "Chelsea: Um, actually, [ Laughs ] Before all hell broke loose, i was supposed to hire a marketing director here at the grand phoenix. How'd you like the job?", "Chloe: Uh...what?", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, you have the experience, and we've worked so well together in the past...", "Chloe: Yes! Yes! I mean, that would be a dream gig for me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well... I mean, I'd have to run it by abby, but I'm sure she'll sign off on it, no problem.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. And after everything that we've been through... we've worked together before. Our friendship, being friends again, it just means so much to me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well, if I've learned one thing, it's that you need to surround yourself with people who have your back. So... [ Sighs ] I'm gonna need that now more than ever.", "Victoria: We've got deals that were already in place being canceled, meetings for new businesses postponed.", "Nikki: Well, it'll all blow over in time.", "Victoria: I don't know, mom. With dad's return from the dead and my being arrested for a murder that didn't take place for the second time this year, that's a pretty deadly one-two punch. I keep hearing words being tossed around like \"erratic\" and \"unstable.\" And, not to mention, people are not 100% sure that this threat against dad's life is over. I'm -- [ Sighs ] I'm very concerned that this company is in big trouble.", "Nikki: Honey, you will find a way out of it, you always do. I have complete confidence in you.", "Victoria: Thank you, mom.", "Nikki: Your father and i are so proud of you.", "Victoria: How is he?", "Nikki: Um, well, he's upset, of course, over the reaction of his reappearance... but, otherwise, he's all right.", "Victoria: You sound a little worried.", "Nikki: Well, darling, your father is still a very sick man, and, uh, now that this problem with adam is gone, he needs to rest and regain his strength. Of course, he doesn't see things that way.", "Victoria: Well, of course not. He wants to prove to everyone that he is the indomitable victor newman.", "Nikki: Well, our job now has to be that he doesn't try to take on the world before he's ready. So I'll make a deal with you. I'll take care of things on the home front, and you continue to protect the company. Sound like a plan?", "Victoria: [ Laughs ] That's a very good plan.", "Summer: I am not going to let you use this situation with grandpa as an excuse to just gloss over all of our problems.", "Phyllis: Why do you always accuse me of having an ulterior motive?", "Summer: Because you usually do.", "Phyllis: Not in this case. Not -- not when it comes to protecting you. Is it okay for me to be mad at your father? Is that okay?", "Summer: Well, yeah. Yeah, okay? I am, too. But it's not like I don't have other people to talk to about this. I -- I have kyle. He's been great. I have theo.", "Phyllis: Ugh! Really?", "Summer: Yeah, really. He's been a really good friend to me.", "Phyllis: I am happy that so many people love you and want to support you. But I am your mother. I'm your mother, and we have a special bond. Listen, I know what it feels like to be betrayed by people that you thought loved you and to be hurt by them. I empathize, okay?", "Summer: I appreciate that, and I -- I am really happy that I can lean on you.", "Phyllis: You can always lean on me, honey. Always. I'll do whatever I can to help you, okay? In fact... I kind of have a great idea, something that will make you feel better. At pier 1, the color of the moment is elegant indigo.", "Summer: Hmm, an idea, huh? I'm almost afraid to ask.", "Phyllis: Afraid to ask?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Well... you know, before we found out about victor's astonishing resurrection, we were talking about doing something fun together, you know, like a girls' night. Remember?", "Summer: Yeah, I remember.", "Phyllis: Okay. Well, how about tonight? I'm free all night. How about you?", "Summer: Grandma and grandpa asked the family to come over.", "Phyllis: Okay. I see.", "Summer: Not that I have any intention of going. I mean, I feel like the last thing I need is a group apology or another bunch of excuses.", "Phyllis: Mm. Well, I can guarantee that the time I show you tonight will be way more fun than what's going on with the newmans, for sure. And you can say anything you want about them. I'm the best audience for that. [ Chuckles ] Or not. Or not. We'll just have fun together. What do you say?", "Summer: Sounds good to me.", "Phyllis: Yeah. You in?", "Summer: It's a date.", "Phyllis: It's a date! Okay.", "Nikki: I admire the way you've been handling this. Our plan took its biggest toll on you, being arrested, having to spend the night in jail.", "Victoria: That was adam's fault, not yours.", "Nikki: Well, and now you have to repair the damage to the company.", "Victoria: Believe me, mom, it -- it's well worth it to have adam out of our lives. Of course, I did think that he would wind up behind bars for longer than I was.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] Your father thought he was doing the right thing when he let adam go, and we have to respect his decision.", "Victoria: I do. I do, but I don't agree with it.", "Nikki: Well, we all have to come together as a family. That's why we're having everybody over tonight. You'll be there, right?", "Victoria: Billy and I will be there.", "Nikki: Good. It'll be a fresh start for all of us.", "Victoria: Mom, you do realize that it's not as simple as that. One newman gathering isn't gonna fix this.", "Nikki: Well, it's a beginning. If we can't get over these hurt feelings, than adam's plan to destroy our family will have succeeded. And I cannot allow that.", "Devon: When I found out that victor had passed away, I was sad. I was real sad. I was -- for you, and I was sad for your whole family. But then I started to imagine both of our dads being up there together, with katherine, with hilary, just everybody that I've loved and lost in my life. And it gave me some comfort. It gave me a positive place to go to mentally when I was missing them. And then to find out that just none of it's real... you're getting your dad back made me jealous for a bit because I'm not getting anybody back. It just made me feel like I'm losing them all over again.", "Nick: Look, um, devon, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to hurt anyone. It's just -- there was a very credible threat against my father, and adam was behind it.", "Devon: I mean, I -- I knew that there was bad blood between him and your family, but i didn't know it had gotten out of control.", "Nick: Yeah. He's left town, so we don't have to worry about him anymore.", "Devon: So, I mean, it seemed like the plan worked, then. I'm glad to hear that.", "Nick: But it's caused some real stress in my household. Chelsea will barely look at me, and summer won't even talk to me, and connor -- I mean, that poor little kid... I practically begged chelsea to just tell me what I could do, anything I could do to fix this, and... she practically ran out of the house.", "Devon: Well, maybe that's the problem. Maybe you don't need to ask her what to do. You need to take action and show her how you feel.", "Chloe: So, you know what i need?", "Kevin: Besides me?", "Chloe: Clothes. For my new exciting, very impressive job. So, who wants to go shopping with me?", "Kevin: Well, as fun as that sounds, I'm gonna pass.", "Chloe: Chelsea...", "Chelsea: I would actually love to, but some other time. Um, I need to talk to kevin about something. Something I need help with.", "Chloe: Okay. Well, you know that we are here for you, no matter what you need, and thank you, thank you, thank you.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Thank you so much. And get used to hearing that because I'm gonna be saying it a lot.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: Bye.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Kevin: Bye. That was a really nice thing you did for chloe.", "Chelsea: It wasn't charity. She's a natural for the job. I should have thought of it sooner, actually. That brings me back to you. Um... what I'm about to tell you, it has to stay between us.", "Kevin: Well, whatever it is, I'm gonna tell chloe. That's how we roll these days, no secrets.", "Chelsea: Okay, fine, um, but then it has to stay between just the two of you. Nick doesn't even know about this. Um... when my husband calvin died, he left me A... sizeable inheritance, approximately $10 million.", "Kevin: Holy sh-- lucky you. No. No, I meant -- you know what I meant.", "Chelsea: Yeah, um... well, I invested $5 million of it here in the grand phoenix, and I also gave my mother a sizeable portion, but I still have a couple suitcases of cash that I can't touch.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Chelsea: Uh, well, let's just say calvin was involved in some questionable business dealings, but I didn't know about any of that until after he passed away.", "Kevin: Well, he's probably trying to protect you from being charged as an accessory, in case he got busted.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well I can't fathom what his motives were. What I do know is that money can't go anywhere until it gets a good wash. You're the only person I trust to handle it properly. So... will you do it for me? Ok everyone!", "Kevin: I have to admit, I'm surprised.", "Chelsea: That I'd ask you to launder money?", "Kevin: No, that you wouldn't do it yourself. No offense, chelsea, but conning people out of money used to be your game. You were good at it.", "Chelsea: Yeah. But laundering millions of dollars is kind of out of my league.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] You know what you're asking here, don't you? Chloe and I finally have a chance at a normal life. I just got my job back at the police station. I have a hell of a lot to lose if this goes bad.", "Chelsea: Well, I'm counting on you to make sure it doesn't go bad. Okay, look, I know that this is a big ask. And I'll totally understand if you turn me down. It's just -- I can't do this on my own, and I really need this money to provide security for connor and me.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] You don't want to be beholden to anyone. Not naming names.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, this isn't just about nick. This is about everything. This is about what adam did to victor, uh, nick and the newmans telling all of these lies... adam just leaving town. It's just a reminder that nothing is certain in life. Everything can just be ripped out from under you in a heartbeat. [ Sighs ] That's why I'm asking you to do this, kevin. I really thought that you, of all people, would understand.", "Kevin: I do. I do, especially the part about wanting to provide for your kid. We want that for bella, too.", "Chelsea: I'll give you 10% of everything you move. That'll make things a little easier for your family.", "Kevin: Okay. I'll do it. I will -- invest the money for you.", "Chelsea: Thank you. And can you do it quickly?", "Kevin: Well, you don't want to move that kind of cash around too fast. It'll raise a bunch of red flags.", "Chelsea: Right, but as soon as possible.", "Kevin: I will do it at a speed that is safe for both of us.", "Chelsea: Great. I will be in touch about the arrangements. I really appreciate you doing this for me. And I'm never gonna forget it.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Nick: So you're saying actions speak louder than words.", "Devon: In my experience, yeah.", "Nick: You're a wise man.", "Devon: Well, it's -- it's a whole lot easier to tell people what to do with their lives than to figure it out on my own.", "Nick: You talking about katherine's will?", "Devon: Yeah, among other things. Uh, the attorney that showed up to town, amanda sinclair... is claiming that the part of the will that has to do with my inheritance was forged.", "Nick: What?", "Devon: Yeah, I don't believe it, uh, but cane right now is looking into who's -- who's behind all of this. So we'll see how it goes.", "Nick: Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.", "Devon: I really do appreciate that. I just want this whole thing to be over with as soon as possible, and I don't want to see that amanda's face ever again.", "Nick: Sounds like she really got under your skin.", "Devon: She looks exactly like hilary, and, I mean, exactly -- exactly like hilary. And whenever I'm around her, it kind of messes with my head. I know that it's not a coincidence. I think whoever is behind hiring her knew that it would unnerve me.", "Nick: Well, uh... don't let it, you know? She's not hilary. She's just trying to get the best of you.", "Devon: Pretty wise yourself, nick.", "Nick: Yeah, it comes and goes.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Devon: Well, we should get down to business and make sure everyone's ready for the opening of this building tomorrow.", "Nick: Yeah, uh, everything seems like it's pretty buttoned-up. The publicity's been handed. You did a great job on the guest list. It's very impressive.", "Devon: Thank you very much. Uh, when I looked over the most recent status report, though, i didn't see anything about the final building inspection. I assume that you took care of that.", "Nick: [ Groans ] I mean, with everything that's been going on...", "Devon: It just fell through the cracks, I understand, but without that inspection, we're not gonna be able to get the permit necessary to open the doors.", "Nick: No worries. I got this.", "Victoria: What are you doing here?", "Billy: I just came by to check up on the enemy.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Seriously.", "Billy: I, uh, wanted to see the beautiful woman that I am so lucky to be with.", "Victoria: Well, I'm flattered, really, but, uh, with jack stepping away from the C.E.O. Position, I'd think you'd be at jabot, totally swamped.", "Billy: Well, jabot will be there in an hour or so when i get back. Just like newman will be here when you get back.", "Victoria: What? You expect me to leave? Now?", "Billy: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, vick. So come on, grab your stuff. Let's get out of here. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nick: Oh, awesome. Rich, thanks, man. You're a champ. I mean, not on the golf course, but -- you know what I mean. [ Sighs ] Okay. Give my love to betsy. Thanks. Done. They're gonna do the inspection later today, we'll have the permit before the sun goes down.", "Devon: Really? Good job, man.", "Nick: Yeah, rich is a good guy, I've known him a long time. We started working in the coffeehouse together when i owned crimson lights, and then also in the underground.", "Devon: Wow. Still, it's not normal that you get something like that taken care of with just a phone call.", "Nick: Well, when you've lived in the same town pretty much your whole life, you know, you form a lot of relationships, whether it's over pouring coffee or brokering deals.", "Devon: So you're a newman and an everyman. That sounds like a political slogan, and you can thank me for it when you run for office one day.", "Nick: [ Laughs ] No. No, no. Not this guy. Not for me.", "Devon: No? Okay.", "Nick: No.", "Devon: Well, we'll forget about your political future and just try and get you through the week. I will handle business here, and you take care of business at home.", "Nick: Sounds good to me.", "Devon: Yeah? You have a plan?", "Nick: Uh...yeah. I do. I just hope it works.", "Chloe: It is a good thing you texted me. I was spending way too much money on the latest fall fashion.", "Kevin: [ Laughs ] Uh, so I -- I just ordered you a double caramel latte.", "Chloe: Oh. Must be serious.", "Kevin: It is. So, the -- the thing that chelsea wanted to talk to me about was A... a pretty big favor. And I agreed to do it.", "Chloe: Well, I'm glad. She gave me an amazing job. I told her, we owe her big- time.", "Kevin: Well, you may not feel that way after you hear what it is I've signed on for.", "Phyllis: Hey, chelsea! Hey. I want to talk to you. Summer and I were just talking about doing another jabot collective collab.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: And, um, I was thinking, since, you know, those phoenix-inspired jewelry pieces were so popular, you know, the ones that summer commissioned, i think we should just expand that promotion, maybe make some designs of our own.", "Chelsea: Sounds good.", "Summer: Um, I can make a proposal and send it to your team, and then take it back to jabot to review it.", "Phyllis: Okay. Um, well, another piece of business. There's some potentially ground-breaking security software out there. It protects against ransomware, and... I think it's pretty extraordinary. It's definitely better than what we have now. And...once the bugs get ironed out, I'd like to lock down a price and move on it.", "Chelsea: We'll see.", "Phyllis: And then I was thinking about putting a bowling alley on the seventh floor. Maybe a zoo, I don't know. Earth to chelsea. Are you listening?", "Chelsea: So? What are you saying?", "Phyllis: I'm sorry, get your head in the game. A lot is riding on the success of this hotel.", "Chelsea: I have just as much at stake here as you do, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Then act like it.", "Chelsea: I am! I will. There's a lot going on, if you haven't noticed.", "Phyllis: I didn't mean to be insensitive, I'm sorry. Summer is also a victim of the newman family values.", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] It sucks, right?", "Phyllis: Summer was born into it. Sorry. I mean, the difference is, you chose it -- living with nick, working with abby... ...believing victor is a grandfather who just wants what's best for his grandkids. You went all-in, and i understand that, but what do you get in return? I mean, if you don't fit into the plan, they just throw you under the bus, and you become collateral damage.", "Abby: Who are you to pass judgment on anyone, phyllis?", "Phyllis: And you are proving my point right now.", "Abby: [ Scoffs ] I am truly sorry that you are hurt, but we did what we felt like we had to do. My father could have died. But he's still with us, and now adam is gone, hopefully for good, and that's a win in my book.", "Chelsea: Okay. PI got to get out of here.", "Summer: Yeah, I'm just gonna walk out with you.", "Chelsea: Great. Oh, um, I hired chloe for the marketing position.", "Abby: Fine.", "Chelsea: Great.", "Summer: Let's go.", "Phyllis: My goodness, well, way to clear a room, girl. Your hypocrisy is off the charts, that you really believe you're a good guy. Really? Don't answer that. Don't answer that. I don't want to hear your delusional answer, okay?", "Abby: Wait. I'm not finished with you yet.", "Victoria: You tricked me.", "Billy: I sure did.", "Victoria: Some emergency this turned out to be.", "Billy: I didn't say it was an emergency. I said it was very important. And it is. Are you complaining?", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: Good. Because I think you need this. You didn't get home till after midnight last night. You left before the sun came up this morning.", "Victoria: I know, it's just that there's so much to do. It's just -- [ Sighs ] So many fires to put out.", "Billy: And everything will get done. In the meantime, we'll just... enjoy this, enjoy each other for a little while.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. That sounds good.", "Billy: Truth is, I need this just as badly as you do. Maybe even more.", "Abby: How is adam these days?", "Phyllis: I don't know. How would I know that?", "Abby: Just because he disappeared doesn't mean he cut all ties. Have you been in touch with him?", "Phyllis: Um... not that I owe you any answers, but I have not spoken to adam since he left. You can believe that or not.", "Abby: Hmm. Even if he hasn't contacted you, do you expect to hear from him?", "Phyllis: Why would I?", "Abby: You were the closest thing that he had to a friend in this town, and it wouldn't surprise me if you were helping him plot some strategic return, just when everyone starts to accept that he's gone for good.", "Phyllis: Wow. That's quite a theory, abby. I have no agenda to bring adam back into town. Okay? And, even if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to tell you. Excuse me.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Kevin: So... what do you think?", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kevin: Just like that?", "Chloe: We promised chelsea we would help her, and I understand why she's doing this. She's been through hell. And with all of that money... it gives her options in the future. But, most importantly, I trust you.", "Kevin: Well, that was almost too easy.", "Chloe: How much money are we talking?", "Kevin: Millions.", "Chloe: And we get 10%?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Okay. Okay, so... with my new job and your new job and this giant windfall, our family gets out ahead, too. It's a win-win.", "Kevin: Well, yeah, when you put it like that...", "Chloe: I feel bad for chelsea, though. Here she was, having this new life with nick and the kids, and he kept that huge secret from her. And now she's not telling him what she's doing with the money.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I'm starting to have some doubts about their relationship.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Well, if they love each other enough, they can make it work. And if it doesn't work out, then chelsea has some serious getaway money.", "Kevin: [ Scoffs ]", "Chelsea: Nick? Nick, I got your message! Why didn't you need me to come home?", "Nick: I hated, uh, the way we left things this morning. This distance between us is killing me. And I know it's all my fault. And I'm not expecting to be forgiven anytime soon. But I will do anything to get back to where we were because I love you. And I'm really hoping you'll give me another chance.", "Chloe: [ Laughs ] Yes, we're good.", "Phyllis: Hey, guys! [ Clears throat ] I hear congratulations are in order. You are now the director of marketing at the grand phoenix. Congratulations. Welcome to the team.", "Chloe: Thank you. I'm really excited, and I'm gonna do a fantastic job.", "Phyllis: I know you are because you did a great job at restless style, when you worked for me. Kevin, I have a question for you. When you worked for adam --", "Kevin: Uh, correction, when he was blackmailing me into doing his dirty work.", "Phyllis: Okay. Um, did he happen to mention to you what he might do if he left genoa city again?", "Kevin: No. He never said a word. Why?", "Phyllis: I'm just curious. That's all. We became friends of a sort, and... we did.", "Kevin: Mm.", "Phyllis: And I'm just interested in what's become of him.", "Kevin: Adam doesn't have friends. He just uses people.", "Phyllis: No one uses me.", "Kevin: Look, if I were you, i wouldn't spend any more time thinking about adam because I'm sure he's not thinking about you. You ready?", "Chloe: Mm. Let's go.", "Devon: Amanda, hello. This is devon hamilton. Yeah, I was just wondering if, uh, we'd be able to meet later on. How about the grand phoenix? You know what, I'll explain when I see you in person. All right. See you then.", "Billy: It's nice to be in the sun again.& It feels new after being in that dark hole for the last few weeks. But you saved me, you got me out of there. And being in therapy and doing the work, it feels good.", "Victoria: I know this hasn't been easy for you, but I want you to know how proud I am of you.", "Billy: I want you to know how much I regret not being there for you and the kids while i was...", "Victoria: No, listen. That's over with now. We made it to the other side, and you and me and the kids, we're all together now, and that's all that matters.", "Chelsea: Thank you for the flowers. I'm just -- I'm just not sure what to say.", "Nick: You don't have to say anything or do anything. Let's just be here in this moment. I wish there was some way i could remove all of this stress that you have.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure that's possible.", "Nick: Well, I was thinking about that incredible massage you gave me a couple weeks ago. I mean, you pretty much saved my life.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: So... I could return the favor, if you want.", "Chelsea: That does sound appealing.", "Nick: Well, if you don't mind...", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Mm. I'm not -- I'm not ready for that.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nick: Oh, sorry, I -- I didn't mean to push.", "Chelsea: I shouldn't have gotten caught up in the moment because that's -- that's all it was. It was -- it was just a moment. [ Sighs ] It's not gonna be that easy, nick.", "Phyllis: Hello, adam. It's me. Didn't expect you to pick up. Boy, you have a lot of people up in arms over your leaving. But you expected that, didn't you? Wherever you are, you need to call me back because we need to talk." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Amber is now working for Kevin and isn't happy to see Cane and Heather there together. Lily talks to Colleen about Cane. David lets Nikki know that Victor is behind the drilling at Clear Springs and it was always his intention to make sure she failed. Nikki and Victor argue and decide to divorce. Nikki goes to David and says that Victor just doesn't care, but after putting up a brave front, Victor is shown alone, crying. JT and Victoria head to Clear Springs, where he proposes to her." ]
[ "Lily: Ahem. I can really cook. I mean, if my dad invites you over again.", "Cane: Are you-- are you a good cook?", "Lily: Um, I like to think so. Like, my Aunt Mamie-- she's a great cook. And my mom was like a gourmet chef. How about you?", "Cane: I make a really good vegemite sandwich.", "Lily: Vegemite? As in, fried worms and dirt?", "Cane: There's some yeast in there somewhere, but it's-- it's--its good stuff. It's okay.", "Lily: Blech. Okay. Um, are you sure you don't wanna stay for coffee?", "Cane: Oh, I have to go to the coffee shop and see Heather.", "Lily: Oh, yeah, that's right. I forgot. I mean, it's fine 'cause I'm meeting up with someone later, too, so...", "Cane: That's good. That's good. I'm glad. You should--you should go on a lot of dates.", "Lily: That's what I'm doing.", "Lily: Um, enjoy your coffee.", "Cane: And I'll listen to that music.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Cool. Uh, great to see you again. \"Enjoy your coffee\"? \"Great to see you again\"? Oh, my gosh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Decaf soy vanilla latte and spiced masala chai. Wait, wait, wait, no. That's... there you go.", "Daniel: I'm gonna go check out this new band over at the Bad Kitty.", "Amber: Have fun!", "Daniel: You in?", "Amber: No.", "Daniel: I don't wanna go back to the apartment.", "Amber: Then don't go.", "Daniel: I wanna do something.", "Amber: Who's stopping you?", "Daniel: I need a friend.", "Amber: Rent one.", "Daniel: Okay, how about, um, there's the new scary movie-- it's over at the mall.", "Amber: Why am I wearing this apron, hm?", "Daniel: Fashion statement.", "Amber: I am working. Okay, working-- helps me keep my mind off of Cane.", "Daniel: You know, you really need to stop obsessing about him. It's gonna drive you crazy.", "Amber: I have come to terms with the fact that we're not gonna be together,", "Daniel: (Laughs) yes, and I'm over my divorce.", "Amber: (Giggles) funny.", "Daniel: Okay, fine, look, if you change your mind or you want a distraction, you need a distraction, call me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Chateaubriand for two, medium rare. Um, potatoes au gratin, asparagus. And do you guys have sauerkraut? Yeah, yeah, she's got some interesting cravings. Uh, I also ordered candles and flowers. Yeah, would you? And anything else you can think of would be great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: What a nice surprise. I'll ask Miguel to set another place for dinner.", "Victoria: Uh, no, Dad, I can't. I just came by to drop off the contracts so you can sign them and fax them to the lawyer.", "Victor: Sit down, Sweetheart. You don't have to rush off.", "Victoria: I'm headed to Clear Springs for the weekend.", "Victor: You think that's a good idea? Flying with the baby?", "Victoria: No, I'm not flying. I'm taking the train. I booked a private car so I can sit down, put my feet up, get some work done. It'll be nice to have some peace and quiet for a change.", "Victor: The baby will be here sooner than you think.", "Victoria: Well, I'm telling you, I cannot wait. Because I feel like I've been pregnant forever.", "Victor: You deserve it, my sweetheart. I know how much you want a child. I'm happy for you.", "Victoria: Yeah, Dad... thank you. I want him more than anything. You know, it almost doesn't seem real. I can't wait to hold him.", "Victor: Children can really bring a family together, you know that?", "Victoria: Even ours?", "Victor: (Sighs) sadly enough, your mother and I don't seem to agree on a lot of things these days.", "Victoria: Well, it doesn't have to be that way.", "Victor: You talk to her about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: It's the first I'm hearing of it. I want you to fax it to me right away. Do you know the number to the conference room? I'll be waiting. (Scoffs) you're not gonna believe this.", "Nikki: What?", "David: Your husband, he's been laughing at us this whole time.", "Nikki: What do you mean?", "David: (Chuckles) guess who's behind the drilling outside city limits?", "Nikki: Oh, my God, he can't be!", "David: He owns the drilling and mineral rights to Clear Springs-- the town and the development.", "Nikki: What if we lose it all?", "David: That's the worst part! He still stands to make a fortune! He has no vested interest in seeing you succeed whatsoever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: See you later.", "(Cell phone beeps)", "Colleen: Hey! Just finished my study session. So how was the date with the hottie from down under?", "Lily: Awful. I was so lame.", "Colleen: You are way too hard on yourself.", "Lily: No, you should've seen me. I was so self-conscious. And I couldn't stop talking about the most random stuff.", "Colleen: Okay, well, your randomness is cute.", "Lily: Yeah, exactly, cute. That's all I am to Cane. I'm not--I'm not hot, I'm not sexy, I'm... cute.", "Colleen: Well, once he gets to know you better, he'll realize age isn't important.", "Lily: You know, I think this whole age thing is just an excuse. 'Cause he's not into me. He has a date tonight.", "Colleen: With who?", "Lily: That Heather girl.", "Colleen: Well, you can come meet me.", "Lily: Well, where are you?", "Colleen: I am at the coffeehouse.", "Lily: Ugh, that's where Cane's meeting you know who. Meet me at the club?", "Colleen: Okay. I'll see you soon. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: What do you think?", "Kevin: About what?", "Amber: The shower curtain.", "Kevin: It's too pink.", "Amber: It's on sale.", "Kevin: What's wrong with the one that we have?", "Amber: Okay, for starters, there is a big huge hole right in the middle of it.", "Kevin: It's a... it's a steam vent.", "Amber: Ugh.", "Kevin: Ex alert.", "Amber: Whose?", "Kevin: Yours. Mine's behind bars, remember? If she walked through the door, there'd be sirens and men in uniform.", "Amber: Wait, wait, is he coming this way? Is he coming, like...?", "Kevin: No, no, he's out on the patio. You're clear.", "Amber: What is he doing with her?", "Kevin: Maybe its work related.", "Amber: Well, it doesn't look work related. (Sighs) you know, can't he just go somewhere else?", "Kevin: \"Of all the gin joints in all the world...\"", "Amber: You know what? He's only doing this to upset me. That's it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: When were you going to tell me about your plan for Clear Springs?", "Victor: What plan?", "Nikki: I am so sick of you playing the \"Who, me?\" Game.", "Victor: Then be more specific.", "Nikki: I wondered why you weren't very upset about the methane problem and the additional costs. You're not one to lose without a fight. Now I know why.", "Victor: Where'd you get this?", "Nikki: You don't care if this project fails or succeeds, because you're gonna win either way. You've been playing me.", "Victor: A good player hedges his bets.", "Nikki: What, are we all just pieces on a chess board? I'm your wife.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Nikki: I have put everything I have into this project and I could lose it all! You don't care! You don't care as long as you come out on top! And the sick thing is, you get some kind of perverse pleasure out of watching me fail.", "Victor: Are you finished? Buying the mineral rights to Clear Springs was good business.", "Nikki: You think its good business to destroy my company?", "Victor: I frankly don't care what happens to your company.", "Nikki: Yes, I know that. Victor, you have more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime. And when we started this company, together, I might add, you were the only person that I knew I could count on.", "Victor: Until you ignored my advice.", "Nikki: No, you weren't giving advice. You were issuing edicts. Forget about me for a minute, Clear Springs means everything to your daughter, but you don't care. You had to take control, like you do everything else. So what if we suffer?", "Victor: Always the martyr, aren't you? Always the martyr! You didn't give a damn what I thought about your decision to go into business, about your decision to run for office, or what you thought about our marriage.", "Nikki: Oh, yes, I know. I broke the 11th commandment-- \"Do not disobey Victor Newman.\" How dare you condemn me for what you have always done-- put business and your interests first.", "Victor: How dare you come in here and complain now-- now that you're playing in the big leagues. In the big leagues it gets down and dirty. You aren't ready for the competition, Sweetheart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I hate watching them.", "Kevin: Uh, then don't.", "Amber: Can't you just get someone else to switch shifts with me?", "Heather: I almost didn't make it either. I completely lost track of time.", "Cane: Am I that forgettable?", "Heather: No, no, we're just swamped at work.", "Cane: Is it, uh, Ji Min's homicide?", "Heather: Lots of theories to chase down there.", "Cane: So are there any prevailing thoughts since I last asked?", "Heather: You'll know just as soon as everyone else does. By the way, did you know that they have the worst coffee at the courthouse? It's unbelievable.", "Cane: Okay, well, how about I get you a cup of Genoa City's best? What's your pleasure?", "Heather: Do you mind ordering from your ex?", "Cane: I don't even notice her, but if she makes you uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else.", "Heather: Oh, no, it doesn't matter to me.", "Cane: I'll tell you what. Why don't I take you to the club? And I'll buy you a drink. They make a mean Irish coffee.", "Kevin: All right, thanks, Dude. I'll see you in a little while. The new kid needs money and he's gonna come in.", "Amber: Oh! I could so \"Ooh\" you!", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Amber: Daniel, it's me. Hey, you still want some company? Yeah, what are best friends for? Hey, I'll buy you dinner at the club.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, wow! It's beautiful. You know, if you're trying to sell me on Clear Springs, I'm sort of already sold.", "J.T.: That's the furthest thing from my mind.", "Victoria: You ought to be in charge of management, not working construction undercover.", "J.T.: I was actually gonna bring in a-a dart board and a pool table, but, um... this is the best management could do.", "Victoria: This'll do, I think. This is wonderful.", "J.T.: Hold on one second. The pièce de résistance.", "Victoria: What is this?", "J.T.: Open it up and find out.", "Victoria: Oh! It's my favorite perfume. I-I never wear it because it's not Newman's.", "J.T.: Ah, be a rebel. Wear it tonight.", "Victoria: I think I will. Thank you.", "J.T.: Yeah. Let me smell that.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Victoria: Oh, um, I...", "J.T.: No, no, no, no, no, don't--don't get it. Don't get it. Don't get it.", "Victoria: But it might be work.", "J.T.: No work tonight. Promise me... promise me something. No shop talk. All right? No talk about your crazy, crazy family. Just you and me, enjoying every little minute together.", "Victoria: I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You have been unsupportive and disapproving every step of the way.", "Victor: I wanted to offer you my help, you made it clear you didn't want it.", "Nikki: No, you weren't offering help, you were offering control. That's not what I needed. You treated me like I was an inept person, destined to fail.", "Victor: And?", "Nikki: Look, Clear Springs has gone through a rough patch, but we're gonna turn it around. It's going to succeed, just like N.V.P. did.", "Victor: Don't fool yourself! The reason for that turnaround is because I helped you get off the damn ground! That's why!", "Nikki: I always used to think that somewhere in there you respected me, that you held me in your esteem. I was obviously wrong!", "Victor: Why the hell would I respect you? I respected you as long as you deserved my respect!", "Nikki: Yeah, right.", "Victor: You don't deserve it now!", "Nikki: Right.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Hello?", "David: Hi. I was calling to see how your conversation went with Victor, but I can hear it in your voice.", "Nikki: I'm with him now.", "Victor: Is that the pipsqueak you're talking to?", "David: He sounds angry. I want you to get out of there.", "Nikki: Don't worry, he won't lay a hand on me. Victor!", "Victor: Don't you ever flaunt that man in front of me! Not in my house!", "Nikki: So now it's your house?", "Victor: It certainly is not yours.", "Nikki: This has been my home for over 20 years.", "Victor: It didn't make it any harder for you to leave it, did it?", "Nikki: It was the hardest thing I've ever done.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Nikki: Remember the first time I came here? Mm. I had never seen a house like this in my life. It was like... out of a fantasy. Beautiful paintings... and furniture and gardens like I had never seen. (Sighs) I never, in a million years, thought that I could live in a house like this. Remember when I thought you were the butler?", "Victor: (Grunts)", "Nikki: Of course, that was before I knew you were the great Victor Newman.", "Victor: In other words, it wouldn't have made a difference to you if you had found out that I'd just been the butler.", "Nikki: Victor, it was never about the money. It was about you. I fell in love with you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you from the moment I met you because... quite simply... you were the best man I'd ever known.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You know, you were right. I needed a distraction.", "Daniel: Cane?", "Amber: He has a date with Heather.", "Daniel: Mm. Heather, as in, our scary heather from the D.A.'s office.", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, yeah, they came into the coffeehouse today. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm just... I'm not ready to see him with another woman.", "Daniel: You know you're not getting back together, though, right?", "Amber: Why do you keep saying that?", "Daniel: Because you'd better get used to hearing it.", "Amber: Why? Hm?", "Daniel: Ooh. We got a Cane and Heather sighting at 2:00.", "Amber: No!", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Amber: What are they doing here? Oh, my God!", "Heather: Do you think she followed us?", "Cane: It looks like it.", "Heather: I thought she was working.", "Cane: So did I.", "Heather: Well, we could go somewhere else.", "Cane: What, and play musical chairs all night? Don't worry about it. Just ignore her.", "Heather: Okay.", "Cane: That way I can spend more time focusing on you.", "Heather: Well, I can't argue with that logic.", "Cane: Here is to forgetting about our past.", "Heather: Forgetting about the past.", "Cane: Cheers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Mm.", "J.T.: You know what? I can order you more.", "Victoria: I'm good.", "J.T.: Well, I was kinda hoping for the bad Victoria tonight.", "Victoria: Well, she's in here, too, so... don't worry.", "(Cell phone beeping)", "Victoria: Is that-- is that mine?", "J.T.: It isn't mine. Now, now, no--no, you made a promise. No cell phones.", "Victoria: It's--", "J.T.: No, no, no.", "Victoria: It's just a text message.", "J.T.: No texts, no phone calls. Dessert?", "Victoria: Yeah, yeah, maybe later. You know... this is perfect.", "J.T.: You didn't think I had it in me, did you?", "Victoria: Just when I think I know everything about you... you do something to surprise me.", "J.T.: That's because you inspire me.", "Victoria: Well, now there's a line.", "J.T.: I'm serious. You know, I... I always hated those movies where guys said stuff like, \"You complete me\" or \"You make me wanna be a better man.\" But now I get it. I never felt that way until now, but... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really wanna-- I wanna be the best person I can be for you.", "Victoria: You already are.", "J.T.: I mean, yeah, we have fun together, but... there's so much more between us than that. I've--I've never felt this way until now. Hell, you--you get me and my sense of humor, and let me tell you something, that's an accomplishment.", "Victoria: (Laughs) well, you're easy to be with. That's for sure.", "[J.T. sends Victoria a text message when she's not looking with his cell phone]", "(Cell phone beeps)", "Victoria: Um... I really should get that. It--it could be very important.", "J.T.: More important than me? Yeah. Are you finished?", "Victoria: Yes, thank you. I'm finished.", "J.T.: All right. Don't wanna burn the place down.", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "[Victoria gets her cell phone and reads the message when J.T. goes in the hallway]", "Victoria: Did... did you?", "J.T.: Well, it better not be from anybody else.", "[The text message]", "J.T.: I love you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Say yes. Marry me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You-- you wanna get married?", "J.T.: As soon as possible.", "Victoria: (Exhales) well, we've never even... talked about it.", "J.T.: Is that a no?", "Victoria: No! No, I-I just--that... what's the rush? I mean... why not wait until the baby comes?", "J.T.: It won't make a difference to me if the baby's not mine.", "Victoria: I'm stunned. I... I mean, this sort of came out of nowhere.", "J.T.: Hey, hey, hey, come here, come here, sit down. I never... I never thought about getting married before. Well, that's not true. I never thought I would get married. You know, I, uh... never wanted to commit to anybody that way. Maybe it's because my past relationships have been so complicated. I mean, everything was always a challenge. But it never felt that way with you. You know, even from day one, everything has been effortless. You know, when we... when we don't agree, we don't argue. Who knew it could be that easy?", "Victoria: You know... after everything I've been through... it's hard to believe that this is possible.", "J.T.: You know, people may look at us and think we don't fit. You're pregnant. The baby may not be mine. And you're a Newman. I'm--I'm from a whole different world. But when we're together, none of that matters. We're happy and it works. Why not spend the rest of our lives that way?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: So I should've told Adrian first, you know, but I didn't even think about it, and I couldn't uninvite my dad to dinner.", "Lily: Well, did they get any better after you called me?", "Colleen: Not really. At least they both tried.", "Lily: Yeah, your dad can be a little bit overbearing, but he loves you.", "Colleen: A little?", "Lily: Okay, a lot.", "Colleen: Turn around right now and walk out. He won't even know we were here.", "Lily: No, no, it's too late. We're committed, so just keep walking.", "Cane: Yeah, but see if-- see if that happens--", "Lily: Hi.", "Heather: Hi.", "Cane: You again.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm... I'm everywhere.", "Cane: Uh, you remember Heather, right?", "Heather: We've met.", "Lily: Yes, hello.", "Heather: Do you wanna pull up a chair? Have a drink with us?", "Colleen: Oh, we--", "Lily: Another time. Thanks. Uh, we have to do this thing for, uh, Colleen's dad.", "Colleen: It's an art thing.", "Lily: Yeah, and we have to study. But, um, it was nice seeing you again, so... bye.", "Colleen: Bye.", "Cane: Don't hit the books too hard.", "Amber: Your ex has a thing for my ex.", "Daniel: Well, he can have her.", "Amber: No, he can't.", "Daniel: Okay, listen, he never should've given you up. But he's not worth your time.", "Amber: Cane's a great guy.", "Daniel: Who's moving on. So, you know, you should do-- why don't we take a little time out here? Why don't you take a little break and do something for yourself? What happened to that music thing you were doing?", "Amber: I'm gonna do it. I swear.", "Lily: \"Nice seeing you again\"? What is wrong with me? I sound like an old woman!", "Colleen: Well, maybe he'll forget about your age if you keep that up.", "Lily: And I made it sound like I was meeting up with a guy here. Oh, my gosh, just shoot me, please.", "Colleen: It's no big deal.", "Lily: You know what? None of this matters. Because the only thing I should be focusing on right now is school.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh!", "Victor: I thought I heard him scratching on the door.", "Nikki: Oh, Zapato! How are you, Baby? Are you taking good care of Daddy? Are you?", "Victor: Yep. Been without an incident for a year.", "Nikki: It's been a whole year? I'm happy to hear that. Yes, even when I was furious with you, I was worried.", "Nikki: You have no idea how scared I was of losing you when we didn't know what was wrong.", "Victor: It was one the most frightening moments of my life.", "Nikki: It's the only time I think that I saw you vulnerable. After the surgery, you really were a new man-- a kinder, gentler husband. Somebody who really wanted to make their family their priority.", "Victor: I remember you asked me to give everything up and go--go away with you somewhere.", "Nikki: You had promised me that for the longest time.", "Victor: And what use would it have been? You decided to start a new business. You decided to run for office.", "Nikki: You were too busy going after Jack.", "Victor: Who would've thought that things would end up this way?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Why aren't you eating your food?", "Amber: I'm not hungry.", "Daniel: Okay, well... box it up and I'll eat it later. Mm! Hey... you know... Cane is watching and he can see you. So maybe you should try and pretend like you're having a good time so it doesn't look like you're pining away for him.", "Amber: He never sees me with anybody but you.", "Daniel: What's that supposed to mean?", "Amber: Shut up!", "Daniel: See? That's what I'm talking about. A little laugh, a little giggle. Look, you are gonna have fun tonight if it kills you.", "Amber: Yep!", "Daniel: Yep. Uh-huh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You know, it's weird watching Karen with my dad.", "Colleen: Well, does he like her, like her?", "Lily: I think so.", "Colleen: Do you?", "Lily: I mean, she's nice. So... do you think they're a couple yet?", "Colleen: How would I know? Ask your dad.", "Lily: No, I meant... Amber and Daniel.", "Colleen: Oh. Um, well, they're always together, but that doesn't mean anything.", "Lily: No, it has to be more than that. But I knew this would happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: So I skipped a grade and naturally was the youngest senior in my graduating class, and then the youngest freshman in my university class. Yeah.", "Cane: Attention, I am sitting with a brainiac over here.", "Heather: Well, at least until my junior year.", "Cane: And then what happened?", "Heather: I discovered boys. I had a serious crush, and I don't know, suddenly school wasn't so important anymore. What about you?", "Cane: I discovered girls in the 5th grade.", "Heather: I meant school.", "Cane: I discovered girls in the 5th grade. No, my uncle and I did a lot of traveling in the outback. I wasn't really one for books. I wouldn't mind doing some business classes now.", "Heather: Oh, you should.", "Cane: Yeah, but with my schedule, it might be a little hard.", "Heather: Well, what about online classes?", "Cane: That's not a bad idea.", "Heather: God, I can't imagine what Lily and Daniel went through. Being married and divorced so young?", "Cane: Divorce is tough at any age. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.", "Heather: You survived.", "Cane: And I lived to tell the tale.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You know... getting married isn't something that you just wanna do impulsively.", "J.T.: When's the last time you did anything impulsively?", "Victoria: Um, I bought a lottery ticket.", "J.T.: Really?", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: Wow.", "Victoria: I won $10.", "J.T.: See? Good things come out of it. I got an idea. Let's make a list. Positives and negatives. Starting with the positives-- number one--", "Victoria: Number one...", "J.T.: Number one--", "Victoria: Well... we both love each other.", "J.T.: That was top of my list, too.", "Victoria: Number two-- whenever I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is... look at you and, um... everything bad goes away. It disappears. Oh, and you make me laugh a lot.", "J.T.: Well, that's gotta count for two. All right, number, um, number four-- your sexy feet.", "Victoria: What?", "J.T.: Oh, yeah. Oh, no, wait, this--this is your list, not my list. All right, number four--", "Victoria: Number--", "J.T.: Number four-- we, uh, we always tell each other the truth, and we're always comfortable doing it.", "Victoria: And there's no blame.", "J.T.: I mean, how many people can say they have that?", "Victoria: None. Number five--um... put down great kisser.", "J.T.: Great kisser? Is that your list or mine?", "Victoria: Mine.", "J.T.: Both. Both. All right, let's get to the really important stuff here.", "Victoria: All right.", "J.T.: Toothpaste cap?", "Victoria: No problem.", "J.T.: Yeah? Toilet seat?", "Victoria: You always remember.", "J.T.: Clothes hamper?", "Victoria: Well... two for three's not bad.", "J.T.: I put my clothes in the hamper.", "Victoria: Don't even try.", "J.T.: Yeah. Sometimes you drink the last soda out of the fridge. Just for the record.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, I do, only when they're decaffeinated. I always leave the caffeinated ones for you. Always.", "J.T.: All right, you're exonerated. Any negatives you wanna put down on this little list of ours?", "Victoria: No, I can't think of one.", "J.T.: Me either.", "Victoria: That's crazy.", "J.T.: I know. See, that's how it should be. That's how it should be. All right... one more for the positive side.", "Victoria: Oh! J.T., it's beautiful.", "J.T.: It's a garnet.", "Victoria: How did you pick this stone?", "J.T.: It'll be the baby's birthstone.", "Victoria: Listen, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I'm a little superstitious when it comes to anything to do with the baby. Um... you know, it's--it's... it's an amazing ring. And I love it. And... I'm gonna put it on as soon as the baby's born.", "J.T.: Is that a yes?", "Victoria: Yes. Yes, I'll marry you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I'm sorry I have to end this early, but construction starts at sunrise. And I've still got some paperwork I have to do at home.", "Heather: I have to head back to the office. I've still got more work, too, so it's okay.", "Cane: I'd like to do this again.", "Heather: I'd like that.", "Cane: I'll walk you to your car.", "Heather: Okay.", "Cane: After you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Remember... when we remarried, remember the fear I had?", "Victor: You were afraid you'd lose your independence if you were married to me.", "Nikki: I hoped with everything in me that we would find a way to work that out.", "Victor: So did I.", "Nikki: You were my knight in shining armor. Swept me off my feet. Like a fairy tale. But I don't need that anymore. I don't need somebody to save me. I need somebody to accept who I am.", "Victor: I can't accept you because I don't know the person that I'm looking at anymore. You're not the woman I married.", "Nikki: Then I guess... it's over.", "Victor: I'll have the attorney draw up the divorce papers.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: If I ever forgot why I dislike you so much, you sure make it easy for me to remember.", "Jack: I'm not answering anymore questions until I have my attorney present.", "Victor: I would keep the news of our divorce quiet once they know, the gloves come off." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki comes downstairs and notices the bar with the liquor. Going into the living room, she sits down on the sofa. Meggie join her and asks how she is feeling. Meggie asks Nikki if she had food poisoning. Meggie wants to call restaurant, but Nikki refuses. Victor and Katherine discuss some ponies for the girls. At the Harvest Festival, Jack, Phyllis and Summer go for cotton candy. Everyone is gathered to have fun at the festival. Skye and Adam meet up with Sharon, Nick, Phyllis and Jack. Skye gets into Phyllis' face and takes a pic of her and Jack with her cell phone camera. Sharon watches every move that Adam and Skye make. Skye orders Phyllis to print a retraction about her and Jack, but Phyllis refuses. Katherine spends time with Murphy at his booth. Adam makes an announcement then gives Murphy a hefty donation for the veterans. Skye teases Adam about his hefty donation and his inability to stop staring at his ex-wife. Adam clasps his hand around the back of Skye's neck and issues her an ultimatum of his own -- he wants her to stop pushing him or he will snap. Cane and J.T. meet to talk about the CD and its contents and what danger his family could be in. Nikki and Victor talk about what is bothering her. Victor lets Nikki know that he feels that she is pulling away from him. Nikki begins to cry as Victor holds her in his arms.", "Meggie starts to deliver a check from Victor to Murphy. Murphy turns around and Meggie recognizes him. Meggie runs out while Murphy yells for her to stop. Nick and Sharon spend quality time with Faith at the festival. Nick tries to comfort Phyllis over Adam's presence. Nick asks Phyllis if Summer can spend the night with him. Phyllis is all for the idea. Sharon and Phyllis meet face to face. Phyllis advises Sharon to stop staring at Adam so much when she sees him. Phyllis picks up a pie to throw at Sharon, but Jack stops her and takes the pie from her. Nikki tells Victor that he is the love of her life. Nikki reminds Victor that she stood by him in Belgium when he was so sick, and she watched him grow stronger. Nikki, as she cries, tells Victor that everything is gone. At the Athletic Club, Katherine confronts Tucker about who is behind Abby and Victoria suing Victor. Katherine issues Tucker a warning that if she finds out that he is behind this, there will be dire consequences. Murphy tries to call Victor about Meggie. Meggie jumps into the car with him and grabs the phone from him. Meggie lets him know that he is not warning anyone.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: (Exhales slowly) (Whispers) Oh, my God.", "Meggie: It's a killer, isn't it? Food poisoning? How you feeling?", "Nikki: Um, I-I'm a little better, thank you.", "Meggie: Was it shellfish? I had a friend once who ate one bad oyster. That's all it took.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Meggie: Oh, we should call the restaurant.", "Nikki: No, no. We don't need to do that. That's not necessary. I just really need some tea.", "Meggie: Hey, hey, it's okay. I-it's no shame in getting sick, if that's what's got you down. Is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So the horses are used to Summer and Reed, okay?", "Kay: Ah.", "Victor: The handlers are saddling them right now.", "Kay: Well, the kids can't wait.", "Murphy: Oh, yeah, pony rides really rake in the dough for the veterans' association.", "Victor: By the way, talking about dough--I've got something for you, okay? But my assistant will bring it to you. I did not bring anything with me I don't think. (Laughs)", "Kay: What? Oh, sure. (Laughs) Very convenient. Very convenient.", "Murphy: Oh, listen, I love-- I love all checks, big and small. Don't worry. Uh, uh, oh, got somebody else on the line.", "Victor: You rake it in, Murphy.", "Murphy: I will.", "Kay: Okay. (Laughs)", "Victor: All right. Nice to see you.", "Kay: I'm glad I, uh, have a few seconds with you. Um, I truly am worried about you and Nikki.", "Victor: I don't want you to worry about it. Everything is fine.", "Kay: Oh, I'm sure it is. I mean, all the family chaos with Abby and Victoria-- it's not at all unsettling, is it?", "Victor: You know everything, don't you? Hmm?", "Kay: (Chuckles) Sort of.", "Victor: The lawsuit was not Abby's idea. I promise you. I bet you anything Jack Abbott is behind it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Daddy, we got cotton candy!", "Nick: Hey, all right.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh, it's the best, isn't it?", "Jack: You okay?", "Phyllis: Uh, what? Nick and Sharon? I'm fine. Please. As long as they don't steal all the caramel apples, I am good.", "Jack: You are good.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Jack: Mm.", "Adam: Ooh, ouch. That's gotta hurt. Your bed buddy sleeping with his bed buddy?", "Skye: Yeah, the only thing that hurts is the damage those two did to the Newman fund with that \"Restless Style\" article.", "Nick: Hey, what do you say we go do some face painting?", "Phyllis: Hey, fun, fun, fun. Right, Honey?", "Jack: Good day for throwin' darts.", "Skye: Ahh, rigged games are always such fun. I just want to bottle this day and save it always.", "Phyllis: Please get that out of my face.", "Skye: You don't like that? You don't like that?", "Adam: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.", "Nick: Adam, get your hands off her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: All right, listen. The--the label said \"Aussie prime pride,\" okay? So y-you have to have some form of record who--who paid for the shipment. I'll call you back. Hey, where are you guys going?", "Lily: Uh, to the harvest festival. You want to win your babies a prize?", "Cane: Uh... I don't know. Maybe you should stay in. It looks a little cold outside, you know?", "Lily: (Scoffs) It's gorgeous out. Listen, they need fresh air, okay? And so do you, unless there's a reason that you don't want us to go out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Are you sure about this?", "J.T.: What? I thought you were up for me working for the G.C.P.D.", "Mac: I am, but it is a big step, so if you're having second thoughts...", "J.T.: Not a one.", "Mac: Okay, then have at it. I'll be waiting.", "J.T.: Okay.", "J.T.: Hey, Tucker. You got a second?", "Tucker: Well, um, actually, I have a lunch meeting. Can we do it after?", "J.T.: Actually, this will only take a second. Um, I sent an update to your assistant on the, uh, the piracy issue. I also sent some suggestions for a new information protection facility.", "Tucker: Well, that's good to know. I get the feeling that's not why you're here, though.", "J.T.: No. No. This is my resignation. I'm leaving McCall, Unlimited.", "Tucker: Does this have something to do with me, uh, asking you to look into Newman's dealings in Japan?", "J.T.: Honestly, yeah, it does. Look, this is your company, Tucker. You can ask people to do whatever the hell you want them to do, but--", "Tucker: But you have the right to say no and walk away. And go where?", "J.T.: Genoa City police department as a consultant.", "Tucker: Really? Well, they got a bad rap right now, don't they?", "J.T.: Yeah, well, I'm gonna see what I can do to fix that.", "Tucker: Glad to hear it. They could use good people like you-- brains, heart. You know, J.T., you made McCall's relocation here a lot easier than anticipated. I won't forget that.", "J.T.: I appreciate that. We could talk about how much notice you'd like.", "Tucker: Oh, no, no. Don't sweat it. I'll put Cane on some of your projects until I can find someone to fill your shoes. Anyway, the sooner you're working with the force, the safer Genoa City'll be. It's a win-win all around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: It's, uh, it's-- it's not that I don't want us to go out.", "Lily: Well, then what is it?", "Cane: I don't know. Maybe it's \"New dad\" paranoia. You know, in here, I can keep an eye on them, but out there, I, uh, I just can't do that.", "Lily: Okay, well, we can't stay in the house until they're 30.", "Cane: How about till they're 18?", "Lily: Oh, okay.", "Cane: (Chuckles) You know what we need? We need family time. Why don't we, uh, load the kids up in the car and go rent a cottage or something?", "Lily: (Sighs) Honey, I would-- I would love to, but I just-- I can't, you know? Not today. You know, I have to call Traci. I have to check in with Billy.", "Cane: Oh, Colleen. I-I'm--I forgot about it.", "Lily: I know. It seems so much longer than a year, and then so much shorter.", "Cane: It does, doesn't it? Well, listen, the kids are asleep, right?", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Make your calls. I'll go get some food.", "Lily: Okay. I know it isn't the same as a vacation.", "Cane: It doesn't matter. As long as the four of us are together, that's all that matters, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: I love you, Baby.", "Lily: I love you.", "Cane: I'll be back.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: (Sighs) Hey, J.T., It's, uh, it's Cane. I really need your help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: You're probably dehydrated.", "Nikki: Oh, that's not gonna fix anything.", "Meggie: What do you mean?", "Nikki: This just, you know... everything that's goin' on. All the stress, you know... (Sighs) Kind of makes me second-guess myself. I don't know if I... (Sighs) I wonder if I'm looking at things right, you know? Am I... am I putting too much significance on something? Or not putting enough? I don't know.", "Meggie: Abby and Victoria are pretty tough cookies butting heads with their dad. And you're the mama bear, so it drives you nuts.", "Nikki: Yeah. No, it's just... it's more.", "Meggie: (Laughs) Honey, there's always more. But I've seen enough to know that you are the glue that holds this family together. You need to take a break, look after yourself for a change. Really, you're no good to Victor or the kids if you're not in one piece.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Here we go, Sweetheart.", "Kay: Ah, thank you. Uh, you know what? (Sighs)", "Victor: What?", "Kay: I still think you're wrong about Jack.", "Victor: Ha.", "Kay: No, no, after-- well, now come on. After what happened to Colleen, I just can't believe that he would use another one of his nieces just to get to you.", "Victor: He will do that until he runs out of relatives...", "Kay: Oh, come on, Victor.", "Victor: I promise you. Jack Abbott? Are you kidding me?", "Kay: Mm.", "Victor: And after Tucker offered him that co-C.E.O. job at Jabot...", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: He became even more arrogant. And right afterwards, Abby filed her lawsuit. And coincidentally, Victoria joined in after she married Billy Abbott. Is that coincidence? I don't think so.", "Kay: Well, all--all right. All right, the timing is suspect, but still, it's no proof of a conspiracy, for God sake.", "Victor: Well...", "Kay: I've gotta be honest with you.", "Victor: Mm.", "Kay: I think your two daughters may simply want their independence.", "Victor: For Abby, it's a tantrum. For Victoria, it's revenge. And this plays right into the hands of Jack Abbott. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: The kids are here to have a good time.", "Jack: Summer, let's go find another game to play. Come on.", "Nick: I suggest you and your wife go in the opposite direction.", "Skye: Oh, what a good idea. We can see what they line the chicken coop with. Issues of \"Restless Style,\" I assume. You know, that article you wrote is libelous.", "Phyllis: Mm, I'm only libel if it's untrue. And it was true. Listen, you tried to use my issue of \"Restless Style\" to hype your little freak show hedge fund. You got played. Sorry. That's how it goes. Move on. Suck it up. Have a good day.", "Sharon: Um, listen, it's a big enough fair. I think that we could probably work it out so we don't run into each other.", "Nick: That's a good idea. We're gonna go this direction. Maybe you could go check out the 4-h section.", "Skye: Oh, with all the manure. Lovely.", "Adam: Yeah, why don't you just go scamper off then, Nick?", "Nick: (Chuckles) You think I'm running from you? Dude, you're a joke. Thanks to that little article in \"Restless Style,\" it won't be long before you hit rock bottom with your wife and get run out of town, so I don't need to run from you, 'cause you're nothing. You don't exist. Enjoy the hogs.", "Skye: You really are pathetic.", "Adam: Yeah? What was that little stunt you pulled with the camera in Phyllis' face?", "Skye: I got a picture of Jack and Phyllis looking all cuddly. I can post it online and site an anonymous source saying they're a couple. It'll discredit that article linking Jack and me, and make it very clear \"Restless Style\" was doing a smear job on our marriage.", "Adam: Who's gonna care, Skye?", "Skye: Oh, people who want to invest with us and are suddenly having second thoughts. Look at us. We're the happy couple with the successful hedge fund. Is that why you dragged me to this cow-patty party? Or was it to moon over Sharon?", "Adam: You know what? You want to polish up our image? Why don't you let me take care of that?", "Skye: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: So that's it? A surveillance DVD and a shipment of steaks?", "Cane: Yeah, I dealt with these guys back in Australia, but I thought they would have lost interest once I moved to G.C.", "J.T.: Well, they wanted you to know they could get to your family. It's an aggressive move.", "Cane: Which is why I need your help.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Cane: Just the thought of these guys getting close to Lily makes me want to--", "J.T.: I know. It makes you want to go for their throats, but, look, they haven't done anything illegal yet.", "Cane: Listen, clearly this is a threat.", "J.T.: No, I agree, but the system's not gonna see it like that.", "Cane: So the system wants to wait till they get hurt. Is that what it wants to do?", "J.T.: No, nobody wants that, Cane. Nobody wants that. This is where private security comes in, and I happen to know some of the best guys.", "Cane: (Sighs) So what do you want me to do? Just say, \"Hey, Lily, I hired some armed male nannies for you\"? Is that what I should do?", "J.T.: Wait, you-- you haven't told Lily yet?", "Cane: No.", "J.T.: Cane, come on, Man. You gotta tell her everything now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: And then I take these naps that are, like, two hours long, longer than I did with the twins, and I'm thinking, shouldn't I be half as tired with one baby?", "Lily: (Laughs) Well, you are glowing just as much.", "Mac: (Chuckles) Now you're just being nice.", "Lily: No.", "Mac: So tell me what's going on with you.", "Lily: Uh, you know... (Sighs) Just dealing with an overprotective dad. It's like Cane can hardly even stand to have us walk outside. But the weird thing is...", "Mac: What?", "Lily: Well, I don't know. It's just one minute, you know, he's saying that we shouldn't leave the house, and the next minute, he's saying that we should go rent a cottage. I don't know. I just get the feeling there's something else going on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: Oh, well, thank you. Why don't you check out the horses and give 'em some apples? They love 'em. (Chuckles) (Sighs)", "Kay: (Laughs)", "Murphy: (Laughs) Oh, well, there you are.", "Kay: (Sighs) Here I am.", "Murphy: Um, listen, uh, you want me to wrestle Victor, just say the word, because I think that guy's got his eye on you.", "Kay: Oh, poor Victor. He's got so much on his plate. Mm. You really dig all of this, don't you? The mingling and, um, all the fish stories and... taking donations.", "Murphy: Well, yeah. I mean, here, in my--my wading boots, uh, our bedroom-- my happy places. Oh, oh, oh, oh, you gotta take off, right?", "Kay: Well, I'm just, uh, you know, concerned about, uh, Victor and Nikki. It just...", "Murphy: Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. But you come back.", "Kay: Why?", "Murphy: My happy place.", "Kay: And your wading boots?", "Murphy: Mm-hmm. Our bedroom. Will you pencil me in?", "Kay: (Chuckles) I will ink it in.", "Murphy: Mm.", "Kay: Be right back, okay? Bye!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, Kiddo. We're 2 for 2. There you are.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Nick: Hey, Supergirl!", "Jack: Hey.", "Nick: Oh. Hey, uh, thanks a lot for gettin' this one away from the drama with Adam.", "Jack: Well, grown-ups can be awfully boring sometimes.", "Nick: Well, that article in \"Restless Style\" certainly wasn't boring. You've been a busy guy, Jack, very busy.", "Jack: What can I say? We all love cotton candy.", "Nick: It might be a little more than a sweet tooth.", "Jack: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hi. Um, so unless you guys are talkin' about Ferris wheels and tractor pulls, stop.", "Jack: Tractor pu-- I didn't know there was a tractor pull here.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Jack: Where do we get tickets?", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Sharon: I've got someone who can't chew a funnel cake, but who's hungry.", "Nick: You need some, uh, applesauce or a bottle?", "Adam: May I have your attention, folks? My name is Adam Newman, and I have an announcement to make. I love Genoa City as if it were my own hometown. The kindness, the warmth, the sense of solid values-- Mr. Patrick Murphy, Sir, could I have a moment? I'm very proud of your work, my wife and I, and so, uh, the Newman Fund would like to present this to the Veterans' Fund.", "Murphy: (Chuckles) Whoa! Holy mackerel. Boy, this is gonna buy yourself one heck of a pony ride.", "Phyllis: Okay, Baby girl, let's go. Let's go get some kettle corn.", "Skye: Open your wallets, people. Best feeling in the world-- to make a difference.", "Sharon: Oh, I know you're hungry, Sweetie. This'll be over with soon, okay?", "Skye: You cut a check, wave to the crowd, but still can't stop staring at your ex. We're leaving.", "Adam: Mm, as I recall, I told you, Skye, not to give me orders anymore.", "Skye: (Sighs) That article was as much about Jack and me as it was about you and Sharon. Now the public sees you making cow eyes at her. You look like a moron who can't handle his life, never mind people's money.", "Adam: (Sighs) You like this? Playing this game? Pushing me? Remember, I said if you push me too hard, I might just snap, Skye. And then you would never be able to push anybody ever again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: They back to sleep?", "Lily: Yep, not a care in the world. Of course, they don't have to deal with a husband who says one thing one minute and then something else the next. (Chuckles)", "Mac: Well, you said that he said that he wanted to leave today, right? So... maybe the idea popped in his head because he was thinking about Colleen and he thought that you would handle the anniversary better if you were in nice calm surroundings.", "Lily: Yeah, I... maybe.", "Mac: He's your husband, and you know him better than anybody else. So if you feel like something's wrong, you're probably right. And if you go away with no distractions, no interruptions...", "Lily: Well, of course, other than the twins.", "Mac: You will be able to talk, and you can figure out if something's wrong.", "Lily: I don't know. It was just a feeling. You know, I mean, it's probably nothing.", "Mac: Then you will enjoy peace and quiet and calm and nature, and it will mean great things for your little family unit.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You can't keep this from Lily, not after lying about who you are and who your family is.", "Cane: What do I do? I say, \"Hey, you're being watched. You're being recorded\"?", "J.T.: If you want her protected, I can do that.", "Cane: I can protect her.", "J.T.: What about when you're at work?", "Cane: She's my only priority, her and the kids.", "J.T.: What about when she finds out that you've been keeping this from her?", "Cane: I'll deal with that then. Just--just-- just don't say anything.", "J.T.: Well, you better tell her soon. She deserves to know everything you're dealing with right now.", "Cane: I already said it. I'll handle it, all right? Please just don't say anything. I just--I just want her to enjoy some of the health that she's having and the babies, just for a little while.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Meggie, would you kindly take this to Katherine at the harvest festival? She is in the veterans' booth, all right?", "Meggie: Anything for the troops.", "Victor: All right.", "Meggie: Remember, broth and crackers.", "Victor: How can I forget?", "Meggie: See you later.", "Victor: Bye-bye.", "Nikki: Bye.", "Victor: How are you feeling?", "Nikki: (Sighs) I'm better, thanks. I'm sorry if I worried you.", "Victor: You did, you know. (Sighs) Especially when you asked me to sleep alone.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry. (Groans)", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: Oh, I-I shouldn't have come downstairs. I'm a little more light-headed than I thought. I better go back--", "Victor: Sweetheart, you and I need to talk about this. There's been no peace in our family lately, no peace in our house. It worries me. But what really worries me is that I feel you're pulling away from me.", "Nikki: Victor, I'm just... I'm just lost. I fe-- I feel like everything is falling apart, and I can't stop it.", "Victor: What's the matter, Baby?", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Victor: Baby, what's the matter?", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: I have a check for Mrs. Chancellor from Victor Newman.", "Murphy: Oh, hey, that's great. Uh, I'm her husband. Just leave it with me.", "Meggie: Sure I can trust you?", "Murphy: (Chuckles)", "Murphy: Hey! Come back here!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Mmm, I know that bottle you just had doesn't even compare to these pies. But don't worry, 'cause next year, you're gonna have pie. Just a bite.", "Jack: I was always an apple crumble man myself.", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Jack: How you holdin' up?", "Sharon: Uh, well, I'll tell you one thing-- I sure am glad that Faith is too young to understand much, because some of the things said-- speaking of which, you and Phyllis?", "Jack: Yep.", "Sharon: Okay. So what was all of that with Skye?", "Jack: Things happen. And you and Nick?", "Sharon: Oh, well-- well, we're here with Faith.", "Jack: It's like a time warp-- you and Nick, me and Phyllis. It's like somebody woke up in a shower, and the last few years never happened.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, believe me, the last few years happened all right. (Chuckles)", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Sharon: But I know what you mean. It is a little strange.", "Jack: You know what the four of us ought to do? We should buy a magazine.", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Sharon: Ahh, good idea.", "Jack: (Laughs)", "Sharon: (Laughs)", "Nick: You posting Adam's generosity on the \"Restless Style\" web site?", "Phyllis: No. I'm not giving that weasel press. I'm just texting Billy that he just threatened Skye that he might snap.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it's not the first time he's talked tough.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: He basically said the exact same thing to her the other day.", "Phyllis: She's a con artist, but he's crazy. It's not like he isn't capable of... who knows what?", "Nick: If he loses control...", "Phyllis: Yeah, there's gonna be collateral damage, definitely. The question is, who?", "Nick: And how bad. What?", "Phyllis: Nothing.", "Nick: Things almost seemed normal between us. Maybe it's a sign we're through the bad stuff.", "Phyllis: Are we that enlightened?", "Nick: That's us.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Um, so you're okay with me having Summer tonight?", "Phyllis: Did you think I was gonna keep her from you to punish you for being here with Sharon?", "Nick: I know it is awkward.", "Phyllis: Awkward, yeah, but not shocking to me. So, uh, I'm gonna get your daughter and win her a prize.", "Nick: She's all yours.", "Phyllis: This harvest festival is really big this year. Last year, it was tiny.", "Sharon: I know it's awkward.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Faith: Blankie.", "Phyllis: You and Nick share a brain. Wow.", "Sharon: You know, you and I are actually on the same side in one way. We have a common enemy.", "Phyllis: Adam? Really? (Quietly) Listen, a word to the wise-- if Adam is really your enemy, you should stop staring at him every time you see him.", "Sharon: You know, how is it that if you hate me so much, you spend so much time obsessing about my every move? But you know what? You've-- you've actually changed some, I have to admit. You--you've learned to share. Yeah, I mean, here you are with Jack who's sleeping with Adam's wife. I mean, I guess that's-- that's some sort of emotional growth.", "Faith: (Fusses)", "Sharon: Right? Sort of?", "Jack: Oh, oh, great idea.", "Phyllis: What?", "Jack: Let's buy some pies.", "Phyllis: Oh, I wasn't gonna throw the pie at her. She's carrying a baby. My gosh.", "Jack: We'd like to take one of these home with us, please.", "Phyllis: You're just trying to distract me.", "Jack: A pie is a terrible, terrible thing to waste.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Jack: Thank you very much.", "Phyllis: Hey, Summer, come here, Baby girl. Listen. Do you want to do a sleepover at daddy's house tonight?", "Summer: Yes.", "Phyllis: Yes! Okay. Let's go. He's gonna be excited. We're all gonna have fun tonight. Let's go, Baby girl.", "Jack: Here we go.", "Phyllis: My goodness, look at all of your prizes. Look at your prizes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, I love you.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: You are the greatest love of my life. I don't want to shut you out... especially after everything we've gone through to get where we are. That's why I went with you to that clinic in Belgium to hold your hand, watch you get stronger, watch your new heart beating in you and...", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: Making you strong and happy. Your heart was open to us then, to me and the children, but...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Victor...", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: It seems like now you're just back to your old grudges and vendettas...", "Victor: Oh.", "Nikki: And... where does that leave me? I mean, does that mean that-- that I lose ground, too?", "Victor: Sweetheart--", "Nikki: I mean, I don't know what to do to stop this.", "Victor: Sweetheart.", "Nikki: I mean, how--", "Victor: Baby.", "Nikki: How--how do I get--", "Victor: We have each other, okay? We have each other. Stop it now.", "Nikki: No. (Sobs) Everything is different. Everything is gone.", "Victor: I promise you, whatever happened, I can fix it, and I will fix it.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Victor: But I don't want to lose you, okay?", "Nikki: I don't want to lose you, either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: (Sighs) Oh.", "Kay: No, sit down. (Sighs) Well, Victor's daughters threatened to decimate his company in court.", "Tucker: So I heard. (Sighs)", "Kay: Are you behind it?", "Tucker: I have my own company and half of yours.", "Kay: Still doesn't answer my question.", "Tucker: (Sighs) Well, it's no secret that I want Beauty of Nature. But Victoria and Abby are adults. They make their own decisions. They don't come to me for advice.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. I see. Well, you see, Victor suspects Jack is pulling the strings, and since Jack is back at Jabot and Jack is part of your company, your team--", "Tucker: I'm my own team.", "Kay: (Sighs) Don't be a smartass, Tucker. You enjoy all of this far too much not to have a finger in it. And if you do, you are pitting child against parent, and that's a rotten way to do business-- breaking hearts for a few dollars.", "Tucker: This is more than a few dollars, and it's not my family.", "Kay: Oh, so who gives a damn? Is that it? Trust me. This involves your family very, very much. And if I find out you really are involved, I will back Victor, not you. And, Son, I can tell you, it's going to get very, very ugly for our family and our company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: She got away. Damn it. I-I gotta warn Victor.", "Victor: Hello?", "Murphy: Hey, Victor, it's Murphy. I gotta talk to you. Listen, there's something--", "Murphy: Keep away.", "Meggie: No way, Old man. You're not gonna warn anybody.", "Murphy: I'm not gonna let it happen... not again.", "Meggie: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: So how was it-- cop work instead of blocking corporate espionage?", "J.T.: (Sighs) Frustrating, you know? I wish I could do more. But still, it's-- it's better than not having a job. You know, when I think back to where I was a year ago, working for Tucker...", "Mac: You lost Colleen.", "J.T.: (Scoffs) Yeah. Things were fallin' apart with Victoria. You know, that-- that job with Tucker was supposed to-- was supposed to make me a new man, you know? Give me my sense of independence. What a waste of time.", "Mac: It wasn't a waste of time. It's always a journey. One step leads to another, and those steps led you here.", "J.T.: To you.", "Mac: To us. And we're glad that you're here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: What are you doing?", "Lily: I am packing... (Sighs) So you can take us to that cottage.", "Cane: Oh, so you changed your mind, huh?", "Lily: Well, you know, you're right. We need time. Just us, no distractions.", "Cane: Well, you're gonna love it, all right? We'll get out of here. We'll just get away from everything. So I will go and pack the babies' things.", "Lily: Well, for that, we're gonna need a cargo truck.", "Cane: Hey, don't worry about that. I'll haul it up on my back if I have to, all right? All right? Yeah.", "Lily: Oh, okay.", "Cane: Whatever it takes.", "Lily: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What? Did Murphy hang up on you?", "Victor: Mm, got disconnected. It's probably about the check. (Sighs) I don't want to talk about that, though. I want you to know that it breaks my heart when I fight with our children. But I'll fix it, okay? You and I have been to hell and back. We really have. We've always come back, and we will again. You believe me, don't you?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I know you bought that pie to mock me.", "Jack: You were pretty worked up.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm still worked up.", "Jack: Lucky for me.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Skye: Oh, it's insipid the way Nick and Sharon play the perfect family. That's what you want? Puppies and unicorns? Or power and wealth and people kissing your feet no matter what you've done? Because that's what we can have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Yay!", "Summer: Daddy!", "Sharon: He's the best, isn't he?", "Nick: Oh, yeah. All right, that's two prizes for two ladies. Let's go with the dog and the frog.", "Sharon: Frog.", "Nick: Here we go.", "Sharon: The puppy?", "Nick: There you go, beautiful.", "Sharon: (Laughs) Ribbit.", "Nick: Ribbit. Faith loves frogs.", "Sharon: Yeah, I'll keep it for her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Has anyone seen Murphy? I cannot find that man anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: I'm gonna tell Victor and Nikki who their assistant really is.", "Meggie: Oh, no, you aren't.", "Murphy: Let go of me! Let go!", "Meggie: The hell you are.", "Murphy: Let go of me!", "Meggie: No!", "Murphy: (Grunts) Oh! (Moans) (Groans) (Breathing heavily) (Groans) Oh. Oh, my pi-- (Breathing heavily) Oh, my--", "Meggie: (Laughs)", "Murphy: My pills. Give me my... (Moans) Please. My pills. (Groans) (Breathing heavily)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: What is this? Where did this come from?", "Mac: What?", "J.T.: Something doesn't seem right about this.", "Abby: You obviously don't give a damn about what happened a year ago. You can both go to hell." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Dylan is on the phone with Kevin trying to get him to agree to help him to find out the identity of Sharon's stalker, but Kevin is reluctant to help him. Kevin is interrupted by Paul, who asks if he is talking to Dylan. Sharon comes downstairs and finds out that Dylan has involved the men at the GCPD. Sharon tries to convince him to let this go but he refuses. Summer is in Victor's office at Newman Enterprises and looks over some articles which involve Travis. Summer doesn't trust Travis and tells Abby so. Abby gets a call from Ben, who reminds her that she has a doctor's appointment, but Abby tells him that she is far too busy and will have to reschedule. Summer hears her and asks her if she is trying to save her marriage that way. Mariah comes downstairs and asks Sharon and Dylan what is going on. Sharon lets her know that Dylan is involving the men at the police department in order to find her stalker. Dylan goes to the police department thus leaving Sharon and Mariah alone. Sharon tells Mariah that she knows who is stalking her. Chelsea and Nick spend time with Connor in the park, but Nick is taken aback over the truck of Connor's that he cannot fix. Chelsea assures him that Connor has plenty more trucks. Paul demands answers from Kevin as to what he is working on. Kevin is reluctant to tell him.", "At Crimson Lights, Chelsea and Connor spend time with Nick and Summer. At the police station, Kevin tries to find out where the phone calls are coming from of the person who is harassing Sharon. Mariah cringes with worry that Dylan will find out that it is Patty who has been calling Sharon. Sharon visits Patty in the psych hospital and finds out from her that she intends on telling Dylan everything when he finds out the phone calls are coming from her.", "" ]
[ "Dylan: Come on, are you telling me a blocked caller ID's gonna stop you, Kevin? I need to know who's calling my house and harassing my wife.", "Kevin: Yeah, I get that, Dylan, but I am slammed. Hold on.", "Dylan: Kevin, don't put me on hol--", "Sharon: Are you getting Kevin involved in this?", "Dylan: Yeah, he's the best. He's gonna help.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Kevin: Sorry about that. I'm very popular this morning. But like I was saying, I'm buried with work.", "Dylan: Are you kidding me? We're talking about my family.", "Kevin: I get that, but --", "Dylan: Kevin, please. I'll owe you.", "Kevin: Maybe, and this is a big blinking neon \"maybe,\" I can spare a few hours later today.", "Dylan: Great. Great. You get started. I'll get the warrant from judge Ramsey, and I'll be right there to see what you got. Thanks.", "Paul: So, was that Dylan?", "Kevin: Yeah, looking for a favor. So I'll just add it to the quadrillion other things I'm juggling.", "Paul: Right. Um, Kevin, this sounds like something that, uh, you should fill me in on.", "Dylan: All right, I'm going in early.", "Sharon: Wait! Not until we talk about this. I know you're worried, but getting people involved at the station?", "Dylan: Stalking is a police matter, Sharon.", "Sharon: A couple of phone calls doesn't constitute stalking. I think you're blowing this way out of proportion, honey.", "Dylan: You were terrified after that call last night.", "Sharon: Well, that was last night. But since then I've had a chance to think about it, and maybe it's not so strange that someone called our home phone first and then my cell phone. You know, both of those numbers are listed on my business card. That caller may have no more connection to me than a piece of paper I dropped somewhere by accident.", "Dylan: I hate to break it to you, but that's, like, a one in a million chance. Okay, if this is a stalker --", "Sharon: And it might not be.", "Dylan: Okay, things could escalate.", "Sharon: Or it won't.", "Dylan: And it's not gonna happen. I don't want my wife feeling unsafe in her own home. That's it.", "Sharon: I don't feel unsafe. You make me feel perfectly safe.", "Dylan: Well --", "Mariah: What's going on?", "Sharon: Nothing!", "Dylan: Your mom has a stalker.", "Mariah: What?! Well, what are you doing just standing here? You got to go find that guy and take him down!", "Abby: When you're done flagging those sections, that should be it for this morning. You know, if you want to go to campus and check in with your professor, you totally can. What's so interesting?", "Summer: It's just this distribution list that Curtis fielding sent us. Travis Crawford's name has been added and...added and... added.", "Abby: Okay, well, that's no surprise. We knew he was starting today.", "Summer: I'm glad I'm just here getting college credits. If I was counting on this place for job security, I would be worried.", "Abby: Because of Travis?", "Summer: He will be reporting to grandpa directly. That puts him on the fastest track possible.", "Abby: You don't like him?", "Summer: I don't know. I just haven't decided yet. You?", "Abby: Well, Victoria likes him, so that sells it for me.", "Summer: Yeah, he'll be getting aunt Vicki's old office. It's just, I don't know, so...", "[Cell phone rings]", "Abby: Ben, hey.", "Stitch: Hey, where are you?", "Abby: Work. Why?", "Stitch: Did you forget we have an appointment with the fertility doctor today?", "Abby: I'm sorry. Yeah. Things have been insane here at work. I mean, I don't even think I'll be able to squeeze in lunch.", "Stitch: Abby, this is important. If you leave now, you could probably still make it.", "Abby: No, no, that won't work. I should probably just cancel. I mean, I'm right in the middle of something. It's a big project and, um... I really -- I can't make it.", "Stitch: Then we'll reschedule. Fine.", "Abby: Ben.", "Stitch: I thought we agreed it's urgent we make sure there's no underlying issues with us trying to get pregnant again.", "Abby: We did. Um, I will handle it. I will call the doctor and work it out. I'll talk to you later. [Sighs]", "Summer: So, that's how you're fixing problems with your husband. By lying to him?", "Nick: Don't worry, dude. I'm gonna fix this up for you and it'll be rolling in no time.", "Chelsea: You know, you don't have to worry about fixing the truck. Connor's got plenty of toys.", "Nick: Promise is a promise.", "Chelsea: Thanks for coming with us to the park. It's beautiful, isn't it? And Connor really loves it here. Adam and I, we used to bring him all the time, so I feel like he thinks -- nick? Hey, what is it? Tell me what's wrong.", "Nick: I'm -- I'm fine.", "Chelsea: You're fine? That's it? You're not gonna tell me what that was about? You're upset, nick.", "Nick: We were just, you know, we're near the playground. I guess I got a little sand in my eye or something.", "Chelsea: That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.", "Nick: That's the lamest excuse you've ever heard? I mean --", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Nick: You haven't heard anything yet. I can come up with 50 that are better than that. That commercial where the kids grow up too fast -- I mean, that gets me every time. The one with the dogs? It's a crusher.", "Chelsea: Okay, you know what? What happened to, um, straight-talking nick? The guy that just says how he feels? Is that not you?", "Nick: [Sighs] I guess not always, no.", "Chelsea: You know, if you're gonna be there for Connor like you promised Adam and you're gonna be a friend to me, we have to be able to talk.", "Nick: You're right.", "Chelsea: Okay, so... want to tell me what's going on?", "Nick: Honestly, it's this truck. [Chuckles] Noah had one a lot like this when he was about his age. And I guess it just reminded me how much I was looking forward to having another son when Christian was born. I made a lot of mistakes with Noah, and I was determined not to make them again. I guess it just...reminds me how much I miss Christian. You think I'm crazy, don't you?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I think you're totally out of your mind. No! What are you talking about? Are you kidding? It happens to me all the time. The strangest moments.", "Nick: Just random?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Like this morning when I was getting coffee. I went to my cupboard, I pulled two mugs out. I almost went to pour the second one.", "Nick: Adam's cup.", "Chelsea: And I just froze.", "Nick: Yeah, I know. Those feelings come back of pain and missing him. It's like brand new.", "Chelsea: God, it just hurts. It's like a physical ache inside. Everything's normal for a while, and then bam, you're back in that moment when you lost him. You relive the pain and the -- the terror and...", "Nick: And the loss. [Sighs] I didn't want to tell you what was bothering me 'cause... I was embarrassed.", "Chelsea: Really?", "Nick: Yeah. Uh, you know, I've been going through this a lot longer than you have. Christian died a year ago. Sage was six months. And I guess I just don't feel like I should be getting torn up about this in front of you.", "Chelsea: That's ridiculous. I'm glad you got over that because if we're gonna make this work and, you know, you're gonna be there for Connor, we really do have to be able to talk. As far as I'm concerned, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, except for the fact that it's taken you 20 minutes and you still haven't fixed that truck. [Chuckles] Give it. Give it to me. Let a pro do it.", "Nick: You got a better chance.", "Chelsea: Let me show you how it's done.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Abby: I keep guessing wrong. I think that he wants to break up, and he wants to have a baby. I think that we should work on our marriage before we're parents, and he schedules me an appointment with a fertility specialist. What do I do?", "Summer: Talk to your husband.", "Abby: I've tried. He doesn't listen.", "Summer: Try again.", "Abby: [Sighs] But...", "Summer: Abby, talk to stitch and do not stop talking and listening until you guys figure out what you're doing and if you're doing it together or alone.", "Kevin: Whatever you need researched, programmed, or detected, no can do.", "Paul: Even for your boss?", "Kevin: Oh. Chief, I'm sorry. I --", "Paul: Look, Kevin, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. Um, I heard rumblings last night that you and Dylan were involved in, uh, something together. Is that true?", "Kevin: Last night? But --", "Paul: And the fact that you didn't really answer my question about, uh, the phone call you had with Dylan.", "Kevin: Well, that's only because --", "Paul: Begs the question, does this...thing you're working on together have anything to do with Victor?", "Kevin: Victor?", "Dylan: Yeah. Victor Newman. I'm sure you're familiar with his work.", "Kevin: I am.", "Paul: Ironically, it's the same Victor Newman that filed a restraining order against Dylan. So if Dylan is involved in anything that has --", "Kevin: He's not. I can absolutely swear to you that that phone call from Dylan just now had nothing to do with Victor at all.", "Paul: I'm glad to see that my trust in Dylan is justified.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: I'm gonna have to take this, so whatever Dylan needs, make sure he gets it. Thank you.", "Kevin: But I -- [Sighs]", "Dylan: Hey. Is sully okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, he's fine. I just put him down for his nap.", "Mariah: Dylan updated me on the whole situation. A stalker? That's insane. Do you know who'd do something like this to you?", "Sharon: I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. The caller hung up the minute Dylan got on the phone last night.", "Mariah: And you told him you're a cop, right?", "Dylan: I did, yes.", "Sharon: Which should take care of that. If I were him, I would go and find someone else who doesn't have a detective in the house.", "Mariah: You are being way too mellow about this. I'm with Dylan. Stay on the case until the creep is locked up, and I'll do anything I can to help.", "Dylan: I'm glad somebody in the family has the right attitude, unlike my wife here, who should be a little more concerned.", "Sharon: Well, you worry too much.", "Dylan: Yeah, maybe. I'm gonna head to the station, see what Kevin can dig up. You guys make sure the doors and all the windows are locked.", "Sharon: Yes, sir.", "Mariah: Who would do this to you?", "Sharon: I know who it is.", "Mariah: What? Who?", "Sharon: It's patty, and it's a disaster.", "[Laughter]", "Chelsea: Can you get it? Ooh! Oh, right in your lap! You want to throw it back?", "Nick: You do it. Throw it here. Vroooom!", "Chelsea: Whoa! Whoa! Look at the truck coming! Turn him around, turn him around, turn him around. Whoo! Oh, my goodness. I don't get it. How does he keep going?", "Nick: It's called being a toddler.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] True. You know... if being around him is too much for you...", "Nick: No. No, actually, it helps. [Sighs] I guess I'd like to think that somewhere in heaven, Adam's up there taking care of my little boy. So it's kind of like we switched places.", "Chelsea: That's really sweet.", "Nick: You know, Christian would be about a year now. Who knows? Maybe we would have even had his first birthday here. You and Connor would have been here, sully. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can see Christian. We're playing catch in the yard, you know, with the baseball, hitting them grounders, flyballs. My son would have loved baseball.", "Sharon: First there was the gift to faith -- a baby doll without a note. That was a little strange. And then there were the hang-up calls to the house. And if that wasn't bad enough, then they started on my cell phone. And that's when patty revealed herself.", "Mariah: And then she tells you she was the one who sent the doll. You should have known that she would never just drop it.", "Sharon: Well, I hoped. But she wouldn't stop calling and she's taunting me, Mariah, and she... [Sighs]", "Mariah: What? What did she do?", "Sharon: She reminded me that she knows I was never pregnant. And that's when Dylan picked up the phone.", "Mariah: But she didn't say anything to him.", "Sharon: No. All Dylan heard was some breathing.", "Mariah: And that's how he came to the conclusion that there's some guy making harassing calls.", "Sharon: But now he's not going to quit until he finds out where these calls are coming from.", "Mariah: Patty's always been a ticking time bomb. But the good thing is, she's certifiably nuts, so nobody's gonna believe --", "Sharon: That's the thing that's really scaring me, Mariah. She sounded really lucid this time.", "Mariah: Well, to you, but that's 'cause you know that sully is actually nick's son. But to anybody else...", "Sharon: I can't just ignore this. I can't just hope that patty goes away and that her accusations are dismissed. As soon as Dylan finds out that these calls came from where patty's at, all bets are off! I can't just let this go! I have to be proactive! I have to head this off!", "Mariah: There's no way for you to do that.", "Sharon: Well, you can.", "Mariah: Me?!", "Sharon: Yes. You have a best friend who works down at the station.", "Mariah: You want me to pump Kevin for information?", "Sharon: No, not exactly. Just -- just hang out with him, see what you can find out.", "Mariah: [Sighs] That's not gonna work. Kevin and I --", "Sharon: You have the perfect reason. You're worried about me. Just go down to the station. You'll know what Kevin finds out the minute he finds it, and then you can text me and let me know if Dylan's getting close.", "Mariah: And what are you gonna do in the meantime?", "Sharon: I don't know. I have really nothing to go on except two phone calls from patty. Hi, Paul. It's Sharon. You know, I was thinking you haven't spent any quality time with your grandson lately. Can we get together?", "Kevin: Ah. I know that smell.", "Dylan: Yeah. Doughnuts from your favorite place. Personally, trendy doughnuts aren't my thing.", "Kevin: These are the best doughnuts in the world.", "Dylan: Okay, then give me something that I can use and they're yours.", "Kevin: Well, I haven't had much to go on with that number being blocked, but I did have a breakthrough right before you got here and found that the calls to your house are originating from a cell phone.", "Dylan: What's the num-- what's the number?", "Kevin: I don't have it.", "Dylan: It's a dead end?", "Kevin: No, I just need some time.", "Dylan: Well, how much time?", "Kevin: I don't know how much time!", "Dylan: Okay, one. One. You can have the rest when you give me something.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Stitch: Hey. You made it. Hey, baby, it's not too late for the doctor to fill you in. He's a friend of mine, so I'll just --", "Abby: Ben, um, wait. Uh... can we talk first?", "Stitch: Sure. What is it?", "Abby: Maybe you should close the door.", "Dylan: You're getting closer?", "Kevin: Sort of. I breached the cell info trying to triangulate a signal.", "Dylan: Okay, I have no idea what that means.", "Kevin: It's just numbers and coordinates, Dylan. Each of these hits still has to be cross-checked, and I got other work to do.", "Dylan: What are you talking about? You -- you can't stop. Not if this guy's going after my wife, Kevin.", "Mariah: What he said.", "Dylan: Hey, Mariah. What are you doing here? Did Sharon get another call?", "Mariah: No, no, Sharon's fine. I was just hoping that I could stick around and see if you guys make any progress.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, Kevin made some headway. We found out the caller's using a cell phone.", "Mariah: Well, that's a start.", "Dylan: Yeah, it's a good start. But, you know, it's -- it's bad enough that I'm the one looking over Kevin's shoulder, so maybe...", "Mariah: No, no, no. I promise that I-I won't interrupt. I won't be a distraction. It's just knowing that somebody's out there watching Sharon, it's really scary.", "Kevin: She can stay. I'm used to Mariah hanging around while I'm working. She won't be that much of a distraction. Plus she's worried about her mom.", "Dylan: Okay. Grab a seat. I'll get us some coffee.", "Mariah: Okay. Uh, that was pretty decent of you. I thought you'd still be mad at me after what I said about Chloe at faith's party.", "Kevin: I can't recall. What did you say?", "Mariah: The thing ab-- [Sighs] I'm not falling for that. You know what I said.", "Kevin: Something about her being a liar even though you have no idea what she's lying about.", "Mariah: Yeah, that rings a bell. But can we please focus on the stalker thing? For the record, I'm still mad at you, but this is more important.", "Kevin: I don't know if we're dealing with some harmless loser or someone who might actually be dangerous, but I think the stakes could be pretty high.", "Mariah: The stakes are definitely high.", "Chelsea: You sure you have time for a coffee?", "Nick: Yeah, let's do it.", "Chelsea: Well, look who it is. Our matchmaker.", "Nick: Yeah, I already told her it was inappropriate, so...", "Chelsea: Okay, well, now it's my turn.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Chelsea.", "Chelsea: Just so we're clear, let me reiterate what nick already told you. Suggesting to faith that she try to get us together was wrong on so many levels.", "Sharon: I totally overstepped.", "Chelsea: Yeah, you did.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. You have to know that my heart was in the right place. It was. What can I do to make this right?", "Nick: I think a promise that you won't do it again will be cool with me. How about you?", "Chelsea: Fine.", "Nick: There we go.", "Sharon: You got it! No more matchmaking. And I will tell faith that was wrong and it was unfair to both of you.", "Nick: All right, we're good. Can I, uh, hold him?", "Sharon: Um...", "Nick: What's up?! What's going on, dude? Oh, yeah! Come here! Oh, man! You got to stop getting so big. Look at this guy. He's a tank.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Nick: What's up? Man, it's crazy. He reminds me so much of Noah when he was this age.", "Sharon: There are some similarities.", "Nick: Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba!", "Sharon: Um, so anyway, um, I hear you loud and clear, and I apologize until the end of days, but, um, I just need to know, Chelsea, do I still have a job?", "Chelsea: As long as I can trust you.", "Sharon: Okay. You can.", "Nick: All right, well, here you go.", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Nick: See you, dude! See you, bud!", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Nick: You got to let it go.", "Chelsea: I know, I know. It just still bothers me. I feel like Sharon doesn't recognize that we're still grieving Adam and sage. It's like now that she has Dylan...", "Nick: Actually, I think Dylan is the reason why she's trying to push us together.", "Chelsea: Say what?", "Nick: Yeah. Look at how things have turned around for her, you know? All the problems she's had. Her life's pretty good right now. She's got a grown daughter that's a huge part of her life. She's got a solid marriage with Dylan. I mean, she's got faith, who's the greatest thing in the world. And then sully's an awesome little boy.", "Chelsea: So you're saying that now that she's happy and carefree...", "Nick: Maybe she's just trying to spread the joy.", "Chelsea: Huh. Look at you. I never thought of you as a \"glass half full\" type of guy.", "Nick: Eh, well, sometimes. Just, you know, trying to cut her some slack. I think Sharon just wants everyone to be as happy as she is.", "Paul: Oh, I know! You're just a smiley little person!", "Sharon: Sully is at such a fun age. We're having so much fun with him right now.", "Paul: Oh, he's adorable.", "Sharon: [Chuckles]", "Paul: Understandable. Yes.", "Sharon: You know, he's walking and crawling. He's very speedy, and -- and Dylan is just -- he's overjoyed. You know, everything that sully does Dylan thinks he walked on the moon.", "Paul: Well, that's 'cause it's like that.", "Sharon: [Laughs] Well, I don't want to keep bragging about myself. I want to hear about you, you and Christine.", "Paul: Oh, uh, well, she just won a big embezzlement case. I don't know if you heard, but...", "Sharon: Yeah, that was with the guy who stole $2 million from an insurance company?", "Paul: Yeah, just about $2 million. And there was evidence to go through. Really labor intensive.", "Sharon: I bet you she's wiped out.", "Paul: Oh, yeah. She is. We made a pact, actually, that, uh, maybe after the first snow we'll fly on out of here to a beach somewhere, maybe sooner if she needs it.", "Sharon: You know, I feel bad asking, but how is patty?", "Paul: Oh, don't feel badly. No, I-I appreciate your concern. She, um... [Sighs] She's doing as well as could be expected. Most of the time she's in her own world, you know?", "Sharon: Hmm. Well, that must be tough on you and your family now that she's been transferred to that high-security facility.", "Paul: It's as it should be. Patty's a danger to herself and -- and to, uh, other people, as well. There's no getting around that. And who knows? Maybe one day she'll be declared competent. But then she'd have to stand trial for the murder of Dr. Anderson, and, well, we're not exactly wishing for that, either.", "Sharon: Understandably. Um, have you seen her?", "Paul: No, not for a while. The doctors told me that I was more of a distraction than a help, and they're trying a new therapy with her. It's called art therapy, and they're hoping that she's able to express herself more through painting. But she's pretty unresponsive. I think, I don't know, it's like she's willed herself out of this world.", "Sharon: How sad.", "Paul: There's really no telling where her mind goes, what she's feeling, what she's thinking.", "[Door opens] Patty, just came to see if you need some more supplies. I can bring you more paints. I'll be back to check on you.", "[Door closes]", "Abby: I need to apologize to you. We're husband and wife, and at the very least, we owe each other honesty.", "Stitch: [Scoffs] You think I haven't been honest with you?", "[Door opens]", "Abby: I'm the one who needs to apologize. Ben, I keep acting like things are getting better between us when they're not.", "Stitch: That's what you think?", "Abby: You must be feeling it, too. Deep down, I mean, aren't you?", "Stitch: Abby, things aren't perfect, but I'm --", "Abby: All of this supposed work that we've been doing on our marriage, it's all superficial. We can't keep pretending like our marriage is getting better when it's not.", "Stitch: All right. You know, we'll address that later, all right? We'll work it out. I promise. In the meantime, we have an appointment to go to.", "Abby: Ben, no, stop. We need to do this now.", "Stitch: I was able to get this appointment as a favor to me, all right? I'm not gonna leave him --", "Abby: I don't need to see a fertility doctor. There are no issues.", "Stitch: How would you know that?", "Abby: Because I'm still taking my birth control.", "Abby: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just blurted it out like that, but I've been trying to tell you.", "Stitch: Hey, we're trying to have a conversation here.", "Abby: Maybe you should apologize.", "Stitch: Later.", "Abby: You're angry. I understand. You have every right to be. It was wrong for me to mislead you that way.", "Stitch: So why did you?", "Abby: You were so intent on believing that now is the right time for us to try to have another baby.", "Stitch: Because I thought that's what you wanted. If you didn't, why didn't you just say so?", "Abby: Because I was scared. I didn't want to lead us in a wrong direction.", "Stitch: And lying to me isn't the wrong direction?", "Abby: I didn't have the courage to do the right thing.", "Stitch: The right thing being tell me that you're not sure about us.", "Abby: I am sure about one thing.", "[Lock clicks]", "Stitch: What's the one thing you're sure about?", "Abby: That I love you and that I always will. I-I just... I don't know if that love is enough.", "Stitch: Enough?", "Abby: Enough to -- to get us past everything that we've been through, everything that's still holding us back.", "Stitch: Things like max?", "Abby: We never talk about him. We never have real, deep conversations. We never talk about the baby that we lost.", "Stitch: We talk. We talk all the time.", "Abby: No, we pretend. We pretend like we're healing. We pretend and we pretend and we pretend, and... [Sighs] Look where it's gotten us. I have an appointment with a fertility specialist that I don't even need. The denial -- it has to stop for both of us. So I'm asking you... can it?", "Summer: Hey! I'm glad I ran into you. Hey. Hey, Connor! Hey! What's up, buddy? What have you guys been up to today? Just hanging out?", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Summer: I don't know. Just going to the park or something like that?", "Connor: I went to park.", "Summer: You want to go to the park? What? Is this about Sharon trying to hook you guys up?", "Chelsea: Wait, she tried to get you in on that plan, too?", "Nick: No, I clued summer in. Uh, why aren't you at the office? Did dad say you didn't have to come in because it's so nice outside?", "Summer: No, I actually have to run to campus and then back to the office, but I'm not gonna slam on Sharon 'cause I've been trying to hook some people up together myself lately.", "Nick: Who?", "Chelsea: Jack and Phyllis, right?", "Summer: Yep, but they have not been biting yet.", "Nick: Yeah, don't get your hopes up. I can't imagine jack taking Phyllis back after everything that went down.", "Chelsea: [Gasps] I have an idea. Put Sharon on the case. She might not be successful.", "Summer: Uh, yeah, then she'll forget about you and my dad, so...", "Chelsea: Exactly.", "Summer: Why is she in your guys' business anyways?", "Chelsea: Well, let's see. Your father thinks it's because she wants to spread love and happiness and joy in the world.", "Sharon: You're defending Sharon?", "Nick: It's not crazy.", "Summer: Yeah, it kind of is.", "Chelsea: It really kind of is.", "Nick: No, no, look, I've seen a definite change in Sharon. I think it's a good thing.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure I'm buying that.", "Summer: Why is she trying to hook you guys up anyways?", "Chelsea: I don't know. I'm trying to figure that out.", "Summer: What? You think there's got to be more to it than just peace and goodwill?", "Chelsea: Knowing Sharon, yes. But soon enough we'll figure out what it's really all about.", "Dylan: You guys find anything?", "Mariah: Not yet.", "Kevin: Ooh, but this caffeine's gonna go perfect with my sugar high from that doughnut.", "Dylan: So, uh, Mariah, did Sharon mention anything about going out today?", "Mariah: Uh, I don't... maybe. Uh, what do you mean?", "Dylan: Well, I was looking for Paul, and the sergeant said that he went out to meet his daughter-in-law and I don't know why she didn't really mention that to me.", "Mariah: Oh, you know, I think she actually did mention something about that the other day. They probably set it up awhile ago. I'm sure it's national spend the morning with your grandson day. That's a thing, right?", "Dylan: No, that's not a thing. And it still doesn't really explain --", "Mariah: You know, Dylan, with all the commotion this morning and this whole stalker thing, I think Sharon just forgot to update you on her schedule. Not a big deal.", "Dylan: Yeah, I guess you're right. What do you got?", "Kevin: Do you want this done fast or you want it done right?", "Dylan: Both.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Dylan: Go deeper into the files. Hack, whatever it takes.", "[Computer keys clacking]", "Kevin: Whoa! I think I got something.", "[Door closes]", "Sharon: Hello, patty.", "Patty: I was wondering when you'd get here. I just knew it wouldn't take you very long.", "Stitch: I can't do it, Abby.", "Abby: You can't forgive me?", "Stitch: [Scoffs] Wow, we really are lousy at understanding each other. I'm saying I can't be angry with you about what you did. I mean, sure, I wish you'd been up front with me, but you called it. I haven't been honest, either. Not even with myself. I wanted to believe we were doing better than we really were.", "Abby: So what do we do now?", "Stitch: Let's stop pretending. Maybe we were afraid to do the work, but a real relationship is all about the work. Loving someone isn't always easy. But I know one thing for sure.", "Abby: That you love me?", "Stitch: [Scoffs] I do, but that's not what I was gonna say.", "Abby: [Chuckles] Damn it. I never know what you're thinking. You never know what I'm thinking. I mean, maybe we really are incompatible.", "Stitch: What I know for sure is that it's worth trying. With you, it is so worth it. I do love you, Abby. I love you more and more each day, baby. Just -- just please tell me that it''s not -- it's not too late.", "Abby: Honestly... it's not too late.", "[Both sigh]", "Stitch: [Sighs]", "Abby: [Sighs]", "Nick: All right, bud. I'm gonna see you real soon, okay? Blow it up. Boom!", "Chelsea: Thank you for everything.", "Nick: No, thank you. Today was, uh, it was great.", "Chelsea: You ready? Bye.", "Summer: Bye.", "Chelsea: Let's go.", "Summer: You know, it's really nice that you're stepping up for Connor with Adam gone.", "Nick: Well, he makes it easy. He's a great kid.", "Summer: And he's changing all the time. That must be the best part about being a parent, getting to watch it all happen. You know, from baby to toddler, boy, teenager, a man. Can you almost picture what he's gonna be like?", "Nick: [Chuckles] Yeah. I can picture it. And you're right. It is the best part of being a parent.", "Dylan: All right, talk to me, Kevin. What do you got?", "Kevin: All right, it's coming. It's comi-i-i-ng. There.", "Dylan: Is that the phone number?", "Kevin: It took hacking into every cell tower in a 50-mile radius of your house, but there it is.", "Mariah: Does that mean you know where the phone is?", "Kevin: If the phone is on, I'm gonna be able to track it.", "Dylan: So if it's not a burner and you have the number, you can get the name, right?", "Kevin: Easy.", "Dylan: All right. Text me when you get it.", "Kevin: Whoa. Hold on. If you wait a minute, I can just --", "Dylan: No, I got to get gas. I don't want to waste a second tracking this guy.", "Kevin: Okay, I'm on it.", "Dylan: And do me a favor. Pull up the phone bills. I want to see who else this piece of scum is calling.", "Kevin: Yeah, will do.", "Dylan: All right, enjoy the doughnuts.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Mariah: I want to help. What can I do?", "Kevin: Uh, stay put. I need to cross-reference these coordinates so I can pinpoint the phone's location.", "Sharon: Hi. This is Sharon. Leave me a message, and have a great day. I know you have a cell phone. Did you steal it?", "Patty: That would be naughty.", "Sharon: How did you get it?", "Patty: Does it matter?", "Sharon: Not anymore. But one word from me to the people who run this place and they will confiscate that cell phone. That will be the end of this lunacy.", "Patty: Oh, oh. But if you end the...lunacy here at the home of dangerous lunatics, what happens? Do we just cease to exist? Do we go \"poof\" and disappear?", "Sharon: That's not what I meant. I just -- I want the phone calls to end, patty.", "Patty: Sharon, we have a lot more to talk about than a silly phone. And, uh, not enough time, either.", "Sharon: What do you mean by that?", "Patty: Well... my nephew, Paul's son, after last night, he must be anxious to look into those phone calls.", "Sharon: You leave Dylan out of this.", "Patty: He seemed pretty upset when he got on the line. [Deep voice] Strong voice, a very strong voice. \"Who is this?!\"", "Sharon: Dylan's very protective.", "Patty: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And how long do you think it's gonna take him to track the phone here? Oh, I know that, uh, you hope he never does. But I, um... I kind of hope he gets here soon. To end this lunacy.", "Sharon: Patty. You don't need to say anything.", "Patty: But I have a lot to tell Dylan when he gets here. Mostly about a boy he thinks is his son... but isn't.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: This is a family company. You're not family anymore. You really don't belong here.", "Mariah: Dylan is on his way. We need to do something, Sharon. Call me back.", "Patty: An eye for an eye. Isn't that what they say?", "Sharon: I'm not gonna listen to any more of this.", "Patty: Yeah, well, someone will want to listen to it, and I'm sure he'll be riveted." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Billy and Victoria fall into Jack's trap with the false information about the Jabot Jr line and they decide to expand the mens line and not put anymore money into their teen line just like Jack thought they would do. Dina asks Graham if his mother is still alive and he tells her that the woman at the assisted living facility is his Aunt not his mother. Ashley asks Ravi to find out if Graham was using a diffrent last name while he went to school in Geneoa City becaiuse she is determined to find out more about Graham's past . Nick tells Chelsea that he is very sure that his dad hired Kevin to hack into his bank account and take all of his money. Nick tells Chelsea that he has a plan that Victor won't ever see comming and he won't suspect.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Hold the door.", "Jack: Good morning.", "Victoria: Good morning. Thanks for waiting.", "Jack: I may be a competitor. I'm still a gentleman. Busy day ahead?", "Victoria: Always.", "Jack: But more so now.", "Victoria: Okay, I'll bite. Why?", "Jack: Well, you know, the talk we had the other day at the club when I hinted at jabot's next big thing, your interest certainly seemed piqued. I'm guessing you're developing a fight-back strategy.", "Victoria: Well, I hate to disappoint you, but your company is the last thing on my mind.", "Jack: It won't be once we implement phase two of our next big thing.", "Victoria: And he's still talking.", "Jack: Jabot recently had an internal audit, and it turns out we're flush with cash, actually, and I decided it's a perfect time to make our wildest dreams for jabot come true. So we confabbed over the weekend, and we've come up with a pretty amazing plan.", "Victoria: Well, good. Brag all you want. But hear this. I have a strategy in place for brash & sassy that is gonna take us to all new heights.", "Jack: I'm sure you are all fired up to rebuild your brand now that you don't have to worry about bankruptcy, thanks to the hamilton-winters bridge loan.", "Victoria: Not to mention our renewed up in sales at fenmore's adding to our bottom line.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, that, too. Well, can't wait to see what happens. I should warn you -- you're in for one hell of a fight.", "Victoria: Well, I'm looking forward to it. And may the best company win.", "Jack: I'm counting on that.", "Phyllis: I tell you, I am not in the mood to work out. I say we have a little race to that sauna and break the tie.", "Billy: Hmm. That sounds tempting.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I thought it might be.", "Billy: What are you doing?", "Phyllis: Exactly what you think I'm doing.", "Billy: You don't have time for this.", "Phyllis: I don't?", "Billy: No, you don'T.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]", "Billy: I couldn't help but notice you, uh, seemed a little stressed last night during your little rant.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I guess I was a little stressed out.", "Billy: Yeah. Well, I booked you a massage in the spa this morning.", "Phyllis: What?", "Billy: Yes.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you. You are the best. [ Cellphone rings ] Hold on. Hold on a second. Hey, vick, what's up?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] My blood pressure.", "Billy: Why?", "Victoria: Guess.", "Billy: Jack?", "Victoria: There's a phase two for the jabot junior rollout. He hatched it with ashley over the weekend. I need you to come in early so we can review our strategy.", "Billy: I'm already on it.", "Victoria: What does that mean?", "Billy: I'll have a report for you later.", "Victoria: Where are you?", "Billy: I'm with phyllis.", "Victoria: And her laptop?", "Billy: We have plans this morning that I'm not gonna break, so I'll be in later on.", "Victoria: Wait, billy! Billy, if you plan on logging on to phyllis' laptop to spy on jabot, don'T. And that's not me saying one thing and sending a subliminal message to do another, okay? No more of this cloak and dagger nonsense.", "Billy: Got to run.", "Victoria: Billy! Billy!", "[ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: Wait, I'm confused. What kind of a delay are we looking at here? Okay, and there's no way we can expedite it? Um, no, I mean, it should be okay. What if we just divided it into two shipments? Can we do that? All right, you know what? No worries. No cause for concern. Yeah, we're already ahead of schedule, so it's no big deal. Okay, let me know if anything changes? Thank you so much. Okay, bye-bye. [ Sighs ] Goodness. Hey, there, you sexy, sweaty man. How was your run?", "Nick: Hey. It was good. Everything, uh, all right?", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Yeah, just a couple glitches with work. No big deal. Hi.", "Nick: Hmm. So just a kiss? You don't want a -- you don't want a hug? I mean, I know you want some of this.", "Chelsea: Well -- oh, well, you know -- maybe -- maybe I'll give you a big hug, you know, after your shower. Or maybe, actually, during your shower.", "Nick: Oh, really?", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Just not before.", "Nick: Okay, that's fair.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] So how was everything this morning? Did the boys give you any trouble?", "Nick: Uh, no. Had them up and ready to go before monique even rang the bell.", "Chelsea: Great. I felt kind of guilty about oversleeping.", "Nick: Why? You had to work late. I was up early. You know, my mind was racing.", "Chelsea: Oh, right, 'cause of that whole mistake with your checking account?", "Nick: Oh, that wasn't a mistake. That was my dad's doing.", "Ashley: I'm trying to put this together. He has a mother who's very much alive after he told us all she was dead. The way that he set it up for him to meet you at that party in monte carlo.", "Dina: You're twisting facts.", "Ashley: You know what I see? I see a man who has inserted himself into every aspect of your life, who has ingratiated himself to the point where you are leaving him the bulk of your estate!", "Dina: You know, all this talk about graham's agenda. Why don't we focus on yours?", "Ashley: I don't have an agenda except I'm trying to look out for you.", "Dina: Oh, by sowing doubt and mistrust?", "Ashley: That is what graham's doing. Can't you see that? He's trying to turn you against your own children.", "Dina: You know, with all your foolishness, ashley... that might just work.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Dina: Oh, hello. Your turn to admonish me, i assume?", "Ashley: No. Jack and I don't take shifts, mother.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] It seems so. Jack in the evening and you first thing in the morning.", "Ashley: Well, I have to ask you, what were you thinking? Why would you send provocative photos of jack and nikki to victor? I mean, maybe we don't agree with his choice, but we should respect his privacy.", "Dina: Oh, I see. You're not a fan of nikki's, either, are you, dear?", "Ashley: You know what? That's beside the point. Why would you sabotage him?", "Dina: Well, you know, I do whatever's necessary to help my son realize the mistake that he is making and get him to walk away from that woman before he gets hurt. And now I've explained myself, so you, missy, can show yourself out.", "Ashley: Not quite yet. I have something to say, and I'm not leaving until I say it. Additional sponsorship", "Ashley: Mother, I did not come here to fight with you. I came to apologize. Here is your computer. Ravi released it.", "Dina: Oh! Meaning that I am not the spy in your midst, hmm?", "Ashley: Okay, the whole thing was a false alarm. And I made a mistake by accusing graham of cyber theft, and I'm very sorry if I subjected you to undue stress.", "Dina: Well, you certainly did.", "Ashley: Again, I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?", "Dina: Apologize to graham.", "Ashley: Oh, my god. I had to ask?", "Dina: Ashley, you have been horrid, treating someone that i care about as though he's a common criminal.", "Ashley: Just because he didn't steal anything does not mean he hasn't been lying to you.", "Dina: According to you!", "Ashley: Did you ask him? Did you ask him about his dead mother that I spoke to on the phone a few days ago?", "Dina: Oh, no. You have no evidence to support that -- that ridiculous allegation, and I would not want to insult him.", "Ashley: Maybe you don't want to face the truth that this man has been deceiving you for years.", "[ Door opens ]", "Dina: [ Sighs ] Perfect timing.", "Graham: That's not the vibe I'm getting.", "Dina: Uh, ashley just very kindly brought back my jabot laptop.", "Graham: And?", "Dina: Ashley?", "Ashley: It turns out that there were no confidential files stolen from jabot.", "Graham: Excellent. But you seem almost disappointed. Why is that? Oh, yes, right. Because you were gonna pin it all on me. Well, I told you you were wrong.", "Ashley: In this case, maybe.", "Graham: I accept your mea culpa, such as it is. And to show there's no hard feelings, I forgive you.", "Ashley: You seem awfully smug this morning. More than usual, actually.", "Graham: No more than you are. We may be more alike than you realize.", "Ashley: Oh, I don't think so. No, see, I happen to be honest and trustworthy, two things you're definitely not.", "Dina: Enough! Now stop it! Ashley, I think it's time for you to leave.", "Jack: Ravi, a word.", "Ravi: Blockchain.", "Jack: Excuse me?", "Ravi: You asked for a word.", "Jack: I wasn't being literal.", "Ravi: Sorry. Just trying to be funny.", "Jack: My office.", "Ravi: It's -- it's the public ledger for an online payment system. My -- my word. You know what?", "Jack: I'm actually more interested in your recon. Any more unauthorized downloads?", "Ravi: Not since billy took phyllis' laptop and dina's password to access the server.", "Jack: You do remember you are to contact me the second it happens again.", "Ravi: You're confident it will?", "Jack: Oh, count on it. Mark my words. Billy will not be able to resist going back for more.", "Phyllis: You know, I got to say, I'm very proud of you. You told victoria to back off. You've been putting a lot of extra hours at work. And, you know, you need your personal time, so way to go, abbott.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Aw, shucks.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Okay, uh, I'm gonna go put this in my locker.", "Billy: I'll take this. You don't have time to put this in your locker. You go ahead. Go to your massage. Enjoy yourself. See you when you get out, okay?", "Phyllis: All right. Have a good workout.", "Billy: Thank you.", "[ Computer keys clacking ]", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Victoria: Hey, you hung up on me.", "Billy: I had to, but I'm free now.", "Victoria: Yeah, which means that phyllis isn't pouting in the corner somewhere because you're on the phone with me.", "Billy: Victoria, don't go there right now, okay? Listen, I have phyllis' computer on me. I wasn't able to get my hands on it the last few days, but I have an opportunity to now.", "Victoria: Billy, it's too risky.", "Billy: Using every bit of leverage at our disposable is not risky. It's smart. Last time I was on the main server, I was able to download one file -- one. There is a treasure trove of information that we need to use to our advantage.", "Victoria: We have enough.", "Billy: Oh, so you're not interested in the phase two part of this conversation? That's what I thought. Jack has no idea that we have the file for jabot junior. And phyllis -- she doesn't suspect anything.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, we've been lucky so far, but everybody's luck runs out sometimes. I mean, think about it. Think about the price that you're gonna pay, that we're gonna pay, if you get caught.", "Chelsea: Are you sure it was victor?", "Nick: Who else would have the gumption to empty out one of my bank accounts? I mean, do you really find it that surprising?", "Chelsea: Well, before you thought that it was the bank, that it was just some error.", "Nick: Yeah, that was then.", "Chelsea: Or -- or didn't you think, um, you know, somebody just hacked it or something?", "Nick: Oh, I was for sure hacked. But it wasn't random. I mean, this has kevin fisher's name written all over it.", "Chelsea: Wait. What? Kevin fisher?", "Nick: Yeah, I ran into him at the club.", "Chelsea: What is he doing back in town? Is bella with him?", "Nick: Well, we didn't spend any time catching up. You know, I just -- just tried to apologize for us crashing chloe's funeral. Um, he really didn't want to talk about it. He's still carrying a pretty healthy grudge about that and us tracking down chloe in louisiana.", "Chelsea: And that's why you think he decided to steal all your money?", "Nick: Well, I can't be certain that it was kevin.", "Chelsea: Wait, I'm so confused. A second ago you were just jumping all over kevin.", "Nick: Yeah, it was some of the things he was saying that raised some red flags. I mean, this is in his wheelhouse. And whether dad was at the keyboard or not, he's calling the shots. That I'm 100% sure about.", "Chelsea: Okay. I get that you and your father have not been getting along lately, but do you really think that he would mess with your entire livelihood like this?", "Nick: Would and did.", "Chelsea: Oh, he admitted it? He copped to it?", "Nick: Well, not directly. It was kind of there, between the lines. He just kept saying how, I don't know, I had too much pride and i was starting this incredibly risky venture and that if i didn't pay attention to every little detail that I could lose everything. My dad wanted me to know that he did this, and he loved rubbing it in my face that he got away with it. You don't believe me?", "Chelsea: No, I believe you. I believe you, and I'm so sorry.", "[ Sighs ]", "Graham: Vindicated at last. Maybe now ashley will drop her never-ending crusade to tarnish my character. It's a futile mission since I've never done any of the things she's accused me of. You know, I imagine when you're alone with her she whispers in your ear like iago. But you never let the lies she spews poison your mind, do you?", "Dina: You know, graham, I've always defended you and disputed every word ashley has ever said. But...", "Graham: But what? What is it?", "Dina: Well, ashley told me something that I have been hesitant to broach with you. But now I feel I must.", "Graham: She's upset you.", "Dina: Yes.", "Graham: She's spouting yet another baseless claim, so come on. Let's just get it out in the open.", "Dina: Ashley claims that your mother is still alive.", "Graham: She what? Why on earth would she think that?", "Dina: That's not the question, graham. The question is, is your mother alive?", "Ashley: Graham walked in at the worst possible time. I was pushing dina into asking graham why he lied about his mother. Thank you. I don't think she will, though.", "Jack: Or what kind of tale he's gonna tell if she does.", "Ashley: Why doesn't she understand that we're asking these questions about him because we care about her?", "Jack: And we're trying to protect her.", "Ashley: Exactly. But instead you know what she does? She ignores us. She takes his side. It makes me want to scream. She has never made anything easy.", "Jack: No, she never has.", "Ashley: Doesn't it seem like everything having to do with our family is just a big struggle these days? I still can't wrap my brain around billy's betrayal.", "Jack: Well, I'm old hat there. If he can sleep with my wife, he can certainly stab us in the back by stealing from jabot.", "Ashley: His violation horrifies me.", "Jack: As well it should.", "Ashley: I don't like your plan to get back at him, though, jack. You're planting false information hoping billy's gonna read it so that he'll adjust brash & sassy's game plan to combat it. It's very sleazy of you.", "Jack: I would call it brilliant. In fact, you want to see my memo?", "Ashley: No, I'll pass.", "Jack: You want to see this. This is pretty brilliant.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] So tell me, is your arm hurting from patting yourself on the back so much?", "Jack: \"To ashley abbott, jabot cosmetics, per our conversation, production of the men's line will be reduced significantly effective immediately. Funds from the above mentioned division will be diverted to rebrand the relaunch of the jabot junior line,\" blah, blah, blah. \"We'll find a place for displaced employees,\" blah, blah, blah. \"A company-wide announcement will be made soon.\"", "Ashley: Okay.", "Jack: What did I tell you? Spun gold.", "Ashley: You realize that if anybody sees this from jabot, it's gonna cause a panic.", "Jack: No. Not to worry about that. Ravi's already taken care of that.", "Ashley: You're sure you've covered all the bases?", "Jack: You know, I just can't wait to see the look on billy and victoria's face when they realize that jabot has actually doubled the budget on the men's line. In their particular financial straits, they cannot compete.", "Ashley: Did you have to go after the dare consumers? That's billy's pride and joy.", "Jack: I had to use the right catnip to lure the tomcat from downstairs up to sniff around a bit.", "Ashley: You know, what you should have done is blocked his access to our server. That's what you should have done. And then you would have defused the war instead of intensifying it.", "Jack: I can't quit, ashley. Billy's not going to.", "Ashley: You can't just give him the benefit of the doubt one time? Maybe he's gonna realize he's made a huge mistake! Maybe he's gonna see that he's crossed the line this time and he's gonna stop himself from doing it again! And then your ridiculous plan will just be a complete wasted effort.", "Victoria: Billy, thank you. Thank you so much for stepping up for me and this company. I know I've said it before.", "Billy: Victoria, you've told me that before.", "Victoria: I just wish that there was some other way that we could have accessed jabot's server instead of using phyllis' computer.", "Billy: Victoria, it's all good.", "Victoria: It is not all good, because she's not gonna be okay with this when she finds out.", "Billy: She's not gonna find out. Nobody's gonna find out, okay? And one day very soon, jack's gonna wake up and he's gonna realize that he's in last place.", "Jack: I hate to break it to you, sis. There are no unicorns. There are no fairies. There is no pretend world where our brother will always do the right thing.", "Ashley: It's called having faith.", "Jack: Prepare to be disappointed. No amount of faith in billy is going to give him a conscience.", "Ashley: Will it help you grow one?", "Jack: Hey, don't do that. I'm not the bad guy here. I didn't start this battle.", "Ashley: But you seem to be doing everything you can to keep it going.", "Jack: No, I am defending our legacy.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Ravi: Dina's password was used to log on to the server.", "Jack: When?", "Ravi: Uh, a few minutes ago.", "Jack: Billy abbott strikes again. Game on.", "Phyllis: Hey, you, hey, you.", "Billy: Hey.", "Phyllis: You did not work out.", "Billy: No, I didn'T. I, uh, got caught up with some work stuff.", "Phyllis: That massage was heaven! Thank you for spoiling me.", "Billy: Hey, you deserve it and so much more.", "Phyllis: Okay, now it's your turn. Any special requests?", "Billy: Surprise me.", "Phyllis: Ooh, now that I can do. Thank you, sir.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Ashley: Maybe it's not billy. I gave mother back her computer. She could have logged on.", "Jack: Ravi, can you ascertain which device the, uh, operative used to log in? Yes or no?", "Ravi: Yes.", "Jack: Was it dina's?", "Ravi: No.", "Jack: What did they download?", "Ravi: The updated jabot junior file.", "Jack: I'll say it again. Billy abbott strikes.", "Ashley: Well, don't expect me to pop a cork, jack.", "Ravi: I'm sorry about billy.", "Ashley: It's okay. It's not your fault. I appreciate your sensitivity.", "Jack: Look, I know I could -- should back down on the gloating. It's not what you want to hear right now.", "Ashley: I just don't understand billy. I mean, why couldn't he stop himself?", "Jack: Because he has to prove himself to the world that he's as good or better at business than I am. And keep in mind, victoria needs a win to prove herself.", "Ashley: I know. And she loves her company as much as victor loves newman.", "Jack: Which means she's not going to give up. She's not gonna let that company die. They are gonna keep coming after us.", "Ashley: I hate this so much!", "Jack: I know. You want to do the right thing. You want to be there for both of your brothers. You want to take neutral ground. Now is the time to stand up for our company, for dad's company. Ash? You with me?", "Nick: My dad emptied out one of my accounts and broke the law to send a message. Everything I have is because of him. He probably feels like it's poetic justice.", "Chelsea: Why?", "Nick: He's just taking back what we sued him for years ago. He always resented that we took him to court.", "Chelsea: Well -- well, what about abby? He doesn't seem to be mad at abby. Hell, he gave abby your house!", "Nick: She's the golden child. This month, anyway.", "Chelsea: Well, why? 'Cause she's the only one that's still working at newman?", "Nick: Mm-hmm. And she hangs on his every word.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] What about victoria?", "Nick: Dad's doing everything he can to get vick back into his orbit. It'll probably happen. If it does, he'll do anything he can not to mess it up.", "Chelsea: But you're not gonna back down, are you? You're not gonna apologize for how you feel about him?", "Nick: Hell no, I'm not doing that. Dad expects me to just forget everything he's done to this family, to forgive him for what he's put my mother through. I know he can't stand it that I'm willing to turn my back on him.", "Chelsea: Right. And that's why he got that liquor license for your new club in michigan and dangled the property in st. Louis. He was trying to make it seem like he was just trying to get closer to noah, but really he's just trying to show you that -- that you can't be successful without him.", "Nick: Still pulling my strings. And in a way, I'm partly to blame.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? Why are you partly to blame?", "Nick: Because I never break the vicious cycle. I mean, that's the way it's been my whole life. You know, years of incredible closeness followed by angry alienation and forgiveness and acceptance. And in the end, my dad always gets what he wants. He feels that he was in the right. He makes us feel bad about standing up to him or rejecting him. He wants us to feel grateful that he's accepted us back into his good graces. But, chelsea, I promise you, this time this story will end differently.", "Chelsea: Okay. But how much more damage will be done before this story ends? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Graham: I'm not following. Ashley told you that my mother is alive?", "Dina: That's right.", "Graham: Well, she must be desperate to conjure such a twisted tale.", "Dina: Hmm. Well, apparently there is a, uh, retirement community in florida where a certain mrs. Bloodworth resides. Can you explain that?", "Graham: Uh, there is a logical explanation.", "Dina: Well, I'm waiting.", "Graham: The woman your daughter's referring to does share my last name, and she does live at the boca pointe active living residence in florida.", "Dina: Then you've been lying to me all along.", "Graham: She's not my mother. She's my aunt.", "Dina: Your aunt?", "Graham: Yes. My last living relative since my mother passed away. We're not very close. She's very independent. But I do check in on her from time to time, help with expenses.", "Dina: And anything else?", "Graham: That's all there is to tell. Once again, ashley's assumed the worst.", "Dina: Well, if that's all it is, why haven't you mentioned this to me before?", "Jack: Ash? You have to decide. Are you with me?", "Ashley: I don't really have a choice, do I? I mean, billy can't be trusted. I'm not gonna fight you on this, jack. I'll do whatever I can for jabot.", "Jack: Thank you. With you by my side, billy and victoria don't stand a chance. [ Knock on door ] Yeah, come in!", "Phyllis: We had a meeting scheduled?", "Jack: Uh, yeah, to discuss the new jabot fenmore's cross promotion for the holiday season.", "Phyllis: That's right. If this is not a good time, i can come back later.", "Ashley: That's okay. Um, ravi and I were just leaving.", "Ravi: We were?", "Ashley: Ravi.", "Ravi: Yeah, we were leaving.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Ravi: All finished.", "Phyllis: Something I said?", "Victoria: Please tell me for once in your life you listened to me. Billy.", "Billy: Look, your words and my own personal guilt rattled around my brain a little bit.", "Victoria: But none of that stopped you?", "Billy: It's just too important right now, okay? Nobody's been hurt.", "Victoria: You just thrive on this! The danger and the adrenaline! But guess what? I don't!", "Billy: That is not the tune you were singing the first time around.", "Victoria: Well, that was then. And the fact is, I'm still in charge, as much as I rely on you.", "Billy: Yes, I haven't forgotten that. But before you issue me any edicts, will you take a look at this, please?", "Victoria: No, close the document. Hand me the flash drive. We have work to do.", "Billy: Vicki, look.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Jack's pulling back on the men's line?", "Billy: Yes. That's the best news ever.", "Victoria: Hold on. Slow down.", "Billy: They are radically spending less money on their men's division, which means that is an opening for us.", "Victoria: As alluring as this idea is, nothing comes this easy. This could be a trap.", "Ashley: Spy games aren't exactly your forte, are they?", "Ravi: What gave me away? When phyllis walked in and i started to sweat profusely?", "Ashley: [ Chuckles ] Listen, I understand why it's difficult for you, ravi. You're a very honest and ethical person. All of a sudden you're drawn into this world where not everything is black and white. It's not easy.", "Ravi: It would be one thing if jack asked me to install a backdoor in brash & sassy so he could attack them. I-I couldn't do that. He has me building a firewall. I'm protecting jabot. That'S...that's honorable work in my book.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. I think you're right. Well, thank you for your friendship and your support. You've really been my rock.", "Ravi: I'll help you with jabot, with graham, whatever you need.", "Ashley: I can tell you've been very busy. I.T. By day and P.I. By night.", "Ravi: I had my sherlock hat on this morning.", "Ashley: Really?", "Ravi: Yes.", "Ashley: You had a chance to look at graham's school records?", "Ravi: Checked all searchable databases. There was no record of him in the genoa city public school records.", "Ashley: Another dead end.", "Ravi: What about private schools?", "Ashley: Well, according to graham, he was dirt poor when he was growing up, so if he was telling the truth, they couldn't have afforded tuition.", "Ravi: Homeschooled?", "Ashley: More common now than it was then.", "Ravi: There is one other possibility.", "Ashley: He went by a different last name back then.", "Dina: And why would you keep this from me?", "Graham: I didn't do it on purpose.", "Dina: Then why didn't you tell me about your aunt?", "Graham: Because I didn't think it mattered. It has nothing to do with us.", "Dina: Of course it matters. She's your family.", "Graham: She's a relative. You are my only real family now. You know that.", "Dina: Yeah, I do.", "Graham: Are we okay?", "Dina: I think so.", "Graham: Wonderful. Do you want to go downstairs, get some breakfast?", "Dina: No, no, no. I-I'm not finished yet discussing your aunt.", "Graham: Dina.", "Dina: You know, I think i know the real reason why you are reluctant to talk about her.", "Graham: You do?", "Dina: Hmm. You don't take credit for your good deeds. And you really should, you know. She's your family.", "Graham: She helped my mother and me when we were struggling. I wanted to return the favor.", "Dina: I see. You do have a big heart.", "Graham: I do it to honor my late mother.", "Dina: Well, I certainly wish my children could see you the way I do. They're so full of resentment. I mean, even ashley couldn't give you a proper apology.", "Graham: She can think whatever she wants. She can treat me however she wants. The truth will always come out in the end.", "Jack: Wow. Lauren did a bang-up job on these promos.", "Phyllis: It was a team effort. \"Phyllis, you did a bang-up job, too.\" Nothing? Do kind words still get stuck in your throat? Moving on. Look, there are some more fenmore issues we need to discuss.", "Jack: I have nothing on my itinerary.", "Phyllis: Well, this would be off the record.", "Jack: Oh, brash & sassy's sudden sales bonanza.", "Phyllis: I did some digging.", "Jack: And?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm trying to confirm that b&s has been manipulating their numbers.", "Jack: And what'd you find out?", "Phyllis: Nothing. And it's been incredibly frustrating, especially when you know something is not right. But I am not going to stop, not until I nail victoria's butt to the wall.", "Jack: Well, I commend your enthusiasm.", "Phyllis: See? Was that so hard?", "Jack: But you can stop your investigating.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about? You seem pretty determined to expose them.", "Jack: I've decided to take things in a different direction.", "Phyllis: Okay. Please tell me. I'm more than willing to help you in any way I can.", "Jack: I don't need your help.", "Billy: A trap?", "Victoria: Yes, a financial one.", "Billy: How so?", "Victoria: Look, dare is just getting back on its feet. It would take more money that i have allocated to give it a proper push in the marketplace. If we put all of our energy and our cash flow into this and it's a bust, then we're done, billy.", "Billy: But I'm not saying that we drop our other products, vicki.", "Victoria: Okay, then what are you proposing?", "Billy: I'm saying we do the exact opposite. Look. Okay, we already know that we're gonna lose a chunk to the youth market when jabot junior hits the shelves, right? That's a given. We don't dump more money into that demographic. Instead we focus on what we do have -- that's two women lines in production that we can extend with minimal cost.", "Victoria: Extend? How? Where?", "Billy: We repurpose. We take the masks and we take the anti-aging skincare line that your father gave us and we repurpose that into a men's line. We alter the scent. We come up with new branding. We target the men that are already dare customers, of course, never leaving behind the women that buy products for their men. His-and-her campaign on the shelves side by side. It is perfect, and it'll work. But we have to do it now before somebody else sees that jack left a huge hole in the men's market.", "Victoria: We have the products, but we don't have the cash flow for this fast and furious expansion with a promotional campaign that you're envisioning. I mean, it's gonna cost us a fortune.", "Billy: That's okay, you know? It's gonna pay off, and it's a risk worth taking. Look, with jabot out of the picture, this is brash & sassy's chance at redemption, vick. We can't walk away from this.", "Nick: You look concerned. All right, look. My dad is not gonna put you or his grandkids in his crosshairs. I'm the one he's after. He wants everyone to see how much power he has over me.", "Chelsea: We don't know what he's planning.", "Nick: My guess is this emptying of my account was the start of something much bigger. You know, it's all meant to undermine me and make me look incompetent. Chelsea, I don't want you to worry about it.", "Chelsea: This is victor we're talking about. Of course I'm gonna worry about it.", "Nick: I'm not letting my dad get away with this. I know what I have to do, and he's never gonna see it coming.", "Ashley: Maybe graham used his father's surname when he was living in genoa city before.", "Ravi: Then why would he use his mother's maiden name now?", "Ashley: Because he hated the man that abandoned him and his mother.", "Ravi: Perhaps. Maybe he wanted to honor his mother.", "Ashley: Well, bloodworth is a very catchy stage name, that's for sure.", "Ravi: It's very, um, unique.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. Or maybe his motives are darker and they tie in somehow with his obsession with my mother. I've been wondering how far back it goes.", "Ravi: What's the plan?", "Ashley: I'm thinking, you know, graham's childhood, it's still such a question mark. Maybe we should stay focused on his mother.", "Ravi: Where do you want me to start?", "Ashley: Is there any way you can find out where myrna bloodworth worked? Maybe that'll point us in the right direction. We have to keep searching and find out the truth about graham's past and why his old life in genoa city is such a mystery.", "Phyllis: Jack, I have proven to be a valuable ally to jabot. I've been more than willing to expose our competition over and over again.", "Jack: And all of this to protect my company. That kind of altruism is rare.", "Phyllis: Okay, okay. Do I want billy out of victoria's orbit? Yes, I do. But I am an effective resource.", "Jack: Your allegiance is noted. This is not about you or your personal agenda, though.", "Phyllis: Okay, then what is it about?", "Jack: I just came to realize that in the grand scheme of things, this little stunt of theirs at fenmore's was nothing more than a sorry, little maneuver. No, victoria's company is sinking, and they are not inflating the life rafts. They're treading water.", "Phyllis: So what are you gonna do? You gonna sit back and hope they go under? 'Cause that does not sound like you, and you know they are gonna fight you till the end.", "Jack: Let them. We have superior products. We have more customers. Our coffers are full. If I simply do my job, the results will take care of themselves.", "Phyllis: You sound awfully confident.", "Jack: I have good reason to be. I know how billy and victoria operate. I know their strengths and their weaknesses. They cannot possibly win this race. They just don't realize it yet.", "Billy: I'm not hearing you say no. Does that mean I dazzled you with my presentation?", "Victoria: It's a persuasive argument. And if it worked...", "Billy: It will work. Expanding our own men's line to fill the void that jack is leaving behind is a game changer for us.", "Victoria: I just don't know if it's the best way to spend our resources and the money that neil gave us. I mean, this loan was supposed to stabilize brash & sassy.", "Billy: Stabilize and rebuild. And we do that by capturing a huge chunk of the men's market.", "Victoria: Maybe.", "Billy: No. Look, vick, when the profits start rolling in, we pay neil back. We do so well that we have enough to keep everything else in production. That's not a problem, okay? Right now is not the time to be conservative. Jack is not gonna stop. He's gonna keep coming for us. He wants us out of the building. He wants us out of the business. We do not roll over and let him win, not now.", "Victoria: It would absolutely kill jack if his loss was our gain.", "Billy: That sounds like a yes.", "Victoria: Let's do it. [ Both sigh ] Thank you, billy.", "[ Computer keys clacking ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Myrna: Don't get soft, graham, not when we're so close to paying that bitch dina back for what she did to us.", "Billy: After everything we've done to beat jack, it could be all for nothing.", "Jack: Your name and dad's are linked together with this honor forever." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Sharon and Rey have a long talk over drinks at Society and Sharon tells Rey she is glad Adam left town and she hopes he never returns this makes Rey happy and he walks Sharon to her car. Summer goes to girls night at Adam's penthouse with Phyllis. Summer and Phyllis argue because Summer wonders how Phyllis could house sit for the man who almost killed Victor and has done so many other horrible things. Summer heads to Society where Lola offers to listen to her problems or she offers to let Summer eat her feelings so Summer decides to eat her feelings because she doesn't feel like talking. Cane asks Nick, Nate and Rey where Adam could be and Rey tells him that he could talk to Riza Thompson in Vegas but she doesn't like to talk much to anyone. Devon meets Amanda Sinclaire at the Grand Phoenix to tells her the kind of person Hilary was and advises her not to be caught up in a scheme by a con artist who only wants money. Amanda tells him to face reality that he has been living off money that belongs to someone else. The Newman family dinner gives Nick Victoria, Nate, and Billy a chance to tell Victor how upset they are that his plan ruined their lives and Adam wasn't put in jail. Abby is the only one who defends Victor by saying that he was only protecting his child. Phyllis gets a text message and heads to Society where she is surprised that Michael has Victor's phone. Michael explains that Adam sent him the phone by courier along with the access code. Michael tells Phyllis Adam wiped the phone clean of all the incriminating evidence and leverage he had accumulated since he came to town. Phyllis overhears Cane borrowing the Chancellor jet to go to Las Vegas.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Sharon: I think it's good adam's gone.", "Rey: I know this hasn't been easy for you.", "Sharon: Well, it's helped a lot that I have you to talk to.", "Devon: So, cane? He's the one who was meant to get my share of katherine's estate?", "Amanda: Mr. Chancellor wanted the truth to come to light so that katherine chancellor's actual wishes would be realized. And to expose the fact that mr. Mccall altered her will to benefit you.", "Devon: Your client has a lot of explaining to do.", "Cane: Where was his last known location?", "Devon: He was in vegas with adam.", "Victor: I think, on the whole, things turned out well. But I have now created a rift between those in our family who were in on the plan and those who were kept in the dark.", "Michael: Nikki, you look fantastic!", "Nikki: Oh, well, thank you so much.", "Michael: Hey! Are you and victor going out tonight?", "Nikki: No, no. We're staying in. Just a little family get-together.", "Victor: Instead of the funeral we had planned.", "Michael: Well, if I ever had the choice between being feted by my family or eulogized at my own funeral, I would pick the party any day.", "Nikki: Heh. It'll be nice to just relax and enjoy each other without all of the pressure we've been under.", "Michael: Yeah. I'm sorry I added to that sense of doom by issuing that arrest warrant for victoria. But, uh, I didn't think I had a choice after the evidence showed up in her office.", "Nikki: Well, michael, it didn't \"show up.\" It was planted.", "Victor: I know we put you in a difficult position.", "Nikki: Thanks to adam.", "Michael: Well... any second thoughts about letting him go?", "Victor: Absolutely not.", "Michael: I hope you're at least keeping tabs on his whereabouts in case he decides to launch another attack against your family?", "Victor: I'll handle this my way, michael.", "Lola: What can I get my favorite detective?", "Rey: Honesty. Justice for all, no matter how much money you have in your bank account.", "Lola: Hmm. You know, I was thinking more along the lines of a seafood stew, a flan...", "Rey: Yeah. Sorry.", "Lola: Don't be. I know the situation with victor newman must be driving you crazy.", "Rey: You know, it's the secret and lies that really bother me, especially since they came from my boss, who gave me so much grief about the way that I handled the J.T. Case, and not being so forthcoming about mia attacking you. Although he allows the entire police department to get roped into this newman murder-mystery dinner theater. A-and look. There goes one of the stars of the show now, basking in the spotlight. I guess helping fake someone's death really increases your fan base.", "Lola: Rey... [ Sighs ] Summer is as much of a victim as anyone else. You know, all she knew was that her grandfather was dead, and that her aunt got arrested for it. I mean, if you're angry that your boss misled you, think about how she feels. Her family lied to her day after day.", "Rey: Fine. Whatever.", "Lola: Oh. Sit up straight. Show me -- show me those pearly whites.", "Rey: Why?", "Lola: Go say hi.", "Rey: She's got her phone out, she's scrolling through her messages. She's probably expecting someone.", "Lola: Okay, so you can deduce all that from all the way over here?", "Lola: Come on! Go test your theory, detective rosales. She's smiling. That's a good thing.", "Rey: Maybe she's smiling at you.", "Lola: Oh, come on. No one smiles at me like that. Unless I've served them food. But just get over there. Go. Come on.", "Rey: Shhh! Be cool.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Elena: I just hate the fact that you have to cancel all of your appointments to meet with this amanda sinclair.", "Devon: Oh, you and me both, honey.", "Elena: I mean, it's clear she's involved in a scam. The only question is if she's in on it. I mean, she showed up to your last meeting with photocopies of bogus will pages and terrible excuses as to why chance can't be there. When you have bigger, more important things to deal with. I think you should just blow it off.", "Devon: You're really riled up about this, huh?", "Elena: If it affects you, it affects me.", "Devon: Baby.", "Elena: You know what you should do?", "Devon: What should I do?", "Elena: You should hire a team of lawyers to talk to this amanda sinclair and show her what she stands to lose if she keeps up with this scam. Show her who she's dealing with.", "Devon: I think that you missed your calling, and you should have been a lawyer yourself. That's what I think.", "Elena: [ Chuckles ] No, I just come from the school of, \"if you don't start any problems, there won't be any problems.\"", "Devon: Oh.", "Elena: And right now, we just need to fix the problem.", "Devon: I know. I agree with you. But we need some answers right now. And, unfortunately, I think amanda sinclair might be the only one who has them.", "Elena: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: I can't decide whether I like you better in scrubs or out of them.", "Nate: You're leaving me speechless.", "Abby: Well, it's all part of my plan. I have been waiting for this all day.", "Nate: Where would you like to go tonight? The world is your oyster.", "Abby: Well, if you're up for it, we've been invited to a house party.", "Nate: A house party?", "Abby: My father's house. I-it's nikki's party. They invited us over to the ranch for some drinks. I thought we could stay there for a while, and then we can do whatever you want.", "Nate: How long is \"a while\"?", "Abby: I thought that you would want to go. Gives you a chance to check up on your patient.", "Nate: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Hey, have you guys seen summer? I thought she might be here with phyllis.", "Abby: Uh, she was earlier. Did you try jabot?", "Nick: I tried. No luck.", "Abby: Don't worry. She'll come around. She always does.", "Nick: I hope you're right. Are you two heading to the ranch?", "Nate: Uh... we'll be there.", "Nick: All right. I'll see you there.", "Abby: You won't regret it.", "Nate: I'm sure.", "Cane: Hey, nick.", "Nick: Hey, cane. What's up?", "Cane: Hey. Um... have you heard about this lawyer that looks like hilary's double who's claiming that katherine's will has been forged?", "Nick: Yeah. Devon said you two were trying to figure out what's going on. Have you learned anything?", "Cane: She's claiming she was hired by chance, which is making me think there might be, like, a link between chance and adam.", "Nick: Yeah, it's worth investigating.", "Cane: Yeah, it's just that devon said that adam has left town. So I'm kind of thinking, you know, he may be trying to reconnect with his old friend. You know, and if I could find adam, you know, it might lead me to chance.", "Nick: Yeah, I wish I could help. But adam's the last person i want to talk about right now. But good luck. Additional sponsorship", "Lola: Uh, hey, summer.", "Summer: Yeah?", "Lola: How are you doing?", "Summer: Um... I don't know. You know how us newmans are. There's always somebody coming back from the dead. I don't know. I guess I should be used to it by now. But it's just the lying that really guts me.", "Lola: I'm so sorry.", "Summer: Thanks. [ Cellphone rings ] And now I have to deal with everybody pestering me to try to make it better, so...", "Lola: Well, if you want to talk or scream or eat your feelings...", "Summer: Thank you. Hey. Hi, dad.", "Mariah: Your best table for two, please.", "Lola: Oh, you can't be here.", "Mariah: What? Why?", "Lola: Well, 'cause your mom's here.", "Mariah: I know.", "Lola: Yeah, but -- but rey is here, too.", "Mariah: And?", "Lola: Well, if you bail, then sharon is free to hang out with rey.", "Mariah: I can't flake on her.", "Lola: Well, it's not flaking if I kick you out. And I have the right to refuse service to anyone, and today I choose you.", "Mariah: I'm honored.", "Lola: Go.", "Mariah: Uh...", "Lola: Oh, wait! No, no, no, no, no!", "Mariah: What?", "Lola: You can't go through there. We'll have to go through the kitchen so nobody sees you.", "Mariah: What -- are -- you're gonna owe me big time. [ Cellphone chimes ] Wait. She knows.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Mariah: Work your magic.", "Cane: Ms. Sinclair. Hey. Um, listen, in case I didn't make myself clear to you the other day, I'm not really on board with whatever you're trying to pull. You know, and whoever's trying to make me look like a money-hungry fraud is just gonna destroy your reputation in the process. So if I were you, okay --", "Amanda: With all due respect, mr. Ashby, I don't need to take advice from you or anyone else.", "Devon: What's going on here?", "Cane: Nothing. No, I'm just, uh, telling ms. Sinclair here that it's probably in everyone's best interests if she drops the case.", "Devon: Okay. Well, I'm sure you made your point. So if you'll excuse us.", "Cane: All right. 'Scuse me.", "Devon: Yeah. I'm sorry about that.", "Amanda: What, the ambush?", "Devon: I didn't have anything to do with him coming to talk to you. If I have something I want to say to you, I have no problem saying it myself. All right? Are we cool?", "Amanda: Well, that remains to be seen.", "Devon: Well, let me try and make things cool, then. All right? 'Cause I'm -- I'm well aware that it's mostly my fault that we started off on the wrong foot. It's just you, coming into my apartment, looking like hilary, talking about my grandmother's will, it was a lot for me. And, you know, those were two parts of my life that I thought were dead and buried.", "Amanda: I can see how that would be difficult.", "Devon: Right. And assuming that you're out to scam me may have been unfair.", "Amanda: \"May have been\"?", "Devon: Yeah. I-I -- I just -- I need some more proof before i believe that this claim is legit. But I am willing to consider the possibility that you're working on good faith.", "Amanda: Wow. Well, that is mighty big of you, mr. Hamilton.", "Devon: Listen, I have a lot of questions about how this whole thing went down, and I'm sure you do, too. And I think the best way for us to get any answers is to work together.", "Michael: I was just telling your folks how glad I was that, uh, paul was able to exonerate you as quickly as he did.", "Victoria: Well, thank god he didn't stop digging until he got to the truth.", "Billy: I'm sure your workload's a lot lighter now that adam's out of the picture. You know, no blackmail, no frame-ups.", "Victoria: It feels good to be free, doesn't it, michael?", "Billy: You can be your own man again. Maybe even uphold the law.", "Victoria: By the way, how are kevin and chloe?", "Michael: Oh, great. Great. Uh...bella's in kindergarten, and kevin is working for the gcpd again.", "Victoria: Oh, I'm so glad that it all worked out.", "Michael: [ Inhales ] Well, I should be going.", "Nikki: Oh, no. Michael, can't you stay? We'd love to have you.", "Michael: Oh, you know I'd love to be here, but -- mwah! -- Lauren, work, promises to keep.", "Nikki: Ohh.", "Michael: Victor.", "Victor: Thank you for coming, michael.", "Nikki: Thank you for everything.", "Michael: Well. All right.", "Victoria: Goodbye.", "Michael: Bye.", "Victor: Thank you, michael.", "Billy: Before I forget, congratulations on the brilliant plan to bring adam to his knees. How'd that work out for you?", "Victor: Some things take time to resolve themselves, you know.", "Billy: Yeah. Well, with adam out of town, god knows where, I would watch your back if I was you.", "Victor: You know, in retrospect, I wish I'd been able to seek your sage advice, billy boy. You're trying to put your own life together, aren't you? I mean, how did that go?", "Billy: It's going well, actually. Thanks for asking.", "Victor: Really? Wow. Keep up the good work. Hope nothing happens to shatter your illusion.", "Lola: Uh... hello? What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?", "Rey: [ Sighs ] Has anybody ever told you that you are a pest?", "Lola: Wow. Rey, you know, you will thank me later when the two of you are back together.", "Cane: Hey, uh, detective rosales. Hey. We haven't formally met. I'm cane ashby.", "Rey: Oh. How can I help you?", "Cane: Hey, uh, I'm trying to see if there's a connection between chance chancellor and adam newman. I know you were investigating adam when you worked for nick.", "Rey: Yeah. That was a long time ago. That trail went cold.", "Cane: Okay. Well, do you have any idea where, maybe, I could start looking for him, or who I could talk to, or...?", "Rey: They had a mutual friend in vegas, riza thompson.", "Cane: Riza thompson.", "Rey: Yeah. But I wouldn't expect much. When I spoke to her, she wasn't very forthcoming. But good luck. Excuse me.", "Cane: Okay. Thanks.", "Rey: Hi.", "Sharon: Hi.", "Rey: I saw you when you came in. Looked like you were waiting for somebody.", "Sharon: Would you believe it? I got stood up.", "Rey: Their loss. You mind if I join you?", "Sharon: I think you should. We wouldn't want to disappoint the chef, since she's been cooking this up all night.", "Abby: Hi. You look gorgeous.", "Nikki: Hi, sweetheart. Thank you. You, too.", "Abby: Hi, daddy.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Victor: Now, wait a minute. There is not a bottle of tequila in that bag, by any chance?", "Nate: Uh, afraid not.", "Victor: Well, wait a minute. This is a social occasion. This is not a check- up, is it?", "Nate: I was promised a chance to examine my patient, so I'm gonna hold you to it.", "Victor: Hmm! You're gonna take me away from my own party?", "Nikki: I think we can survive a few minute without you.", "Victor: Well, if you insist.", "Abby: Mwah! I promise, we will be here when you get back.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Billy: Can I get you a drink? You want champagne or something?", "Nick: I'll take a beer. Thanks. Hey, what'd you do to nate? He looks like he's going to a funeral.", "Abby: Well, it's not what I did. It's what we all did. He hates that we went to such extremes to protect dad from adam.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Join the club.", "Abby: See, that's the thing. It's not his club. It's ours. We're used to the rules and the games and a certain amount of drama.", "Nick: Not sure that's a good thing.", "Summer: So, how long have you been living here?", "Phyllis: Um, since adam went out of town.", "Summer: Does he know?", "Phyllis: Yeah, he gave me the keys.", "Summer: Why?", "Phyllis: 'Cause he trusts me.", "Summer: That's a little creepy.", "Phyllis: [ Stammers ] [ Sighs ] We're not gonna talk about that. We're not gonna get into that. Hey, we are going to drink expensive wine and pig out on junk food -- like the junkiest of junk. And we're gonna watch the trashiest of tv shows. And maybe we can call somebody over, and they can give us facials and foot massages. I have a new app for that.", "Summer: Uh, yeah. I don't know.", "Phyllis: Oh, well. I'm sure that's exactly what the newmans are doing right now at their party.", "Summer: I'd pay money to see that.", "Phyllis: Thank you for choosing to be with me tonight. Thank you. I'm sure they put a lot of pressure on you to be with them.", "Summer: Oh, they're just trying to make it up to me after what happened.", "Phyllis: Oh, what happened? You mean shattering your heart in a million pieces and telling you that your grandfather died when he hadn't? Oh, wow. All of this is just their brainwashing plan to keep you in line. [ Sighs ] They lie, and they twist the truth, and they devastate you. But it's all for the good of the family, and it's for a good cause. And then they give a party, so they're gonna wipe away all those hard feelings. \"Caviar darling? Oh, you don't like caviar?\" \"How about a car? Because everybody likes cars.\"", "Summer: Okay, mom, that's not fair.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? They're fair? They make up their own rules, and then they break them.", "Summer: Okay, I didn't come here for this.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. Okay? Listen... [ Sigh]I'm sorry. I don't want to do this to you. I just -- I want to validate you on you standing up for yourself, and you taking a stand, and you calling them out on what they do. I want to validate you for that.", "Summer: I should go.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm gonna be good. I'm not gonna talk about them anymore, I promise.", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] It's not just the topic of conversation, mom. It's being in adam's lair, where he plotted to take christian away from my dad, where he plotted to try to murder his own father, and who knows what else? I mean, do you know what else, mom?", "Phyllis: How would I know anything?", "Summer: You praise me for taking a strong moral stand, but you're sitting here house-sitting for a criminal. What are you thinking?", "Amanda: I have to say, this is a much nicer way of doing business than how we started.", "Devon: I thought you were enjoying trying to put me in my place.", "Amanda: Well, it -- it did have its moments. But I didn't appreciate the automatic suspicion or the ugly accusations. I had no intention of manipulating you.", "Devon: Well, I'm sure it hasn't been easy walking into rooms and having people look at you like you're a ghost.", "Amanda: It's clear that hilary... was a very special person. A lot of people cared about her.", "Devon: They really did. And I know you said you watched a few episodes of the \"gc buzz,\" but that's just the tip of the iceberg, and... if you want, I would be more than happy to tell you a little more about her.", "Amanda: I would like that. Very much.", "Phyllis: I mean, look at this place. First-class amenities. That gorgeous view. I mean, how could I say no?", "Summer: Uh, it's pretty easy. It's, uh, one syllable. It's two letters.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. It's not that big a deal. It doesn't mean anything.", "Summer: To you, maybe.", "Phyllis: Listen, after what adam did to me, he owes me. I mean, I'm the one taking advantage of him, really.", "Summer: Oh, my god. Does it not bother you at all that he tried to kill my grandfather?", "Phyllis: There's no proof of that.", "Summer: You're defending him now?", "Phyllis: Victor didn't die. He didn't even come close. It was a hoax.", "Summer: Oh, my god. [ Huffs ] Adam has done horrible, unforgivable things, and you're making excuses for him just like abby and dad make excuses for grandpa.", "Phyllis: [ Crunching ]", "Summer: Everybody is living in this weird gray area where there's no right from wrong. There's just what they can get away with.", "Phyllis: Mmm. What they can get away with. You dipped your toe in the gray area, too, didn't you, summer? No judgment.", "Summer: Wow.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What?", "Summer: You're even making excuses for me now.", "Phyllis: That's what we do. I am a mother. I make excuses for my children.", "Summer: Well, maybe, if your expectations and your standards had been just a little higher, I would have been a better person.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Oh, wow. It's my fault. That is rich. [ Knock on door ] I have to get that.", "Summer: Yeah. I'm sure that you do.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. We're not done talking about this. We're gonna finish this as soon as I get rid of this person.", "Cane: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey, cane.", "Cane: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey, it's not a great time right now.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I just need a couple of minutes. I just want to talk to you about adam.", "Summer: Well, you know what, you guys have fun. I'll see you later.", "Phyllis: Uh, summer -- summer. Summer! Come back here!", "Cane: Looks like your schedule just cleared up.", "[ Snickers ]", "Billy: I was even able to convince victoria to take an hour off of work this afternoon.", "Nikki: Good. She needs to get out of that office.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: My mother and i agreed not to speak about that tonight. It's being handled. And there is no reason for my father to worry.", "Billy: Or get involved.", "Victoria: Exactly.", "Victor: Well, I just got a clean bill of health.", "Nikki: Wonderful news! Have you heard back from summer?", "Nick: Yeah. She's spending the evening with phyllis.", "Nikki: Will chelsea be joining us?", "Nick: She didn't want to leave connor. He's still pretty messed up 'cause his dad left town.", "Victor: Well, to be honest with you, I disagree with that. I mean, that boy should know that he's surrounded by a big, loving family right here.", "Nick: I am sure chelsea will accept your invitation at some point.", "Victor: Please encourage her to do that, okay? Because otherwise connor will never see the ranch.", "Nick: It's chelsea's call to make.", "Abby: If chelsea has a problem with dad, she should take it up with him. Not use her son to make a point.", "Nick: Well, I didn't ask for your opinion, abby.", "Victor: I think your sister is right. If chelsea has something to say to me, she should say it to my face. That, by the way, goes for all of you. I know you have something on your mind in regard to me, and just say it. All right? Let's clear the air. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Cane: Hey, when was the last time you heard from adam?", "Phyllis: Uh, since he gave me the keys to this place.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Okay. Did he, uh, mention where he was going?", "Phyllis: Why are you interested?", "Cane: Uh, I'm just trying to find someone. You know, I'm kind of thinking he might be able to kind of point me in the right direction.", "Phyllis: I wish I could help you.", "Cane: Did he leave anything, you know, laying around? Like a -- I don't know. Like a computer or some phone bills or...?", "Phyllis: Secret messages written in code?", "Cane: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah. That's funny. Um...", "Phyllis: Uh, listen, if you told me what you were after, maybe I could help.", "Cane: Um... do me a favor. If you hear from him, let me know, okay? Um... I don't want to take up any more of your time. Thanks for the offer for the snacks, though.", "Sharon: Well, I'm really glad you're back on the force. That's where you belong.", "Rey: [ Inhales deeply ] Yeah. But it's not the same without you. You ever think about taking another job besides running crimson lights?", "Sharon: Eh, it crosses my mind. But I really like having all my free time. You know, I can travel at a moment's notice.", "Rey: Ah, you thinking about taking a trip to see the fall foliage? You know, there's a couple places up north that are hitting their peak colors soon.", "Sharon: Listen to you. Last year, you were a novice, and now...", "Rey: Yeah, well, I had a good teacher. I figure if nature's gonna go through all that trouble to put on this spectacular show, who am I to miss it?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Rey: You know, seeing the leaves change brings back some memories. Makes me think of you.", "Sharon: Is that a good thing?", "Rey: It's the best.", "Victoria: Do you want the truth?", "Victor: Nothing but the truth.", "Victoria: I am completely frustrated by the situation. I know that you are so relieved because adam somehow grew a conscience and begged for forgiveness, but there are consequences, dad. I was arrested, and I was put in jail for what he did.", "Victor: Yeah, but you were cleared.", "Victoria: Not in the court of public opinion, I wasn'T.", "Victor: Who gives a damn about public opinion?", "Victoria: I care about that. I had to pick the kids up from school today, and another mother congratulated me on getting out of jail again.", "Billy: You didn't say anything about that to me.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] I'm used to people's assumptions about the newmans -- that we're corrupt, that we use our money as a get-out-of-jail-free card, that we get away with things that others don'T.", "Victor: Sweetheart, let me tell you something. Ever since I've run this company and been in this town, there have always been people who said bad things about us, about our family, about me. Okay? Who gives a damn what they think?", "Victoria: What am I supposed to tell my children about our family's reputation?", "Nick: I don't have an answer for that. I mean, faith is coping, mostly 'cause she's away at boarding school, but summer is hurt and angry. And connor is confused and heartbroken.", "Victor: Okay. I understand that completely. But let me ask you -- would connor be better off if his father were in prison now?", "Nick: That's not the point.", "Victor: Well, then, what is?", "Billy: The point is, your clever little scheme hurt everyone who didn't deserve it. Everyone but adam.", "Victor: Well, you couldn't be more wrong, billy boy.", "Devon: And -- and that's -- that's the kind of woman that hilary was. You know, she -- she touched a lot of people's lives, and she achieved a whole lot in a very short amount of time.", "Amanda: Well. A force.", "Devon: Yeah. And I thought it was important for you to know more about her so you can see how vicious it would be for somebody to exploit somebody like that.", "Amanda: I can't imagine mr. Chancellor doing something so insidious.", "Devon: Well, how well do you know mr. Chancellor?", "Amanda: He has a sterling record -- a soldier, a public servant.", "Devon: Right. Which makes me wonder if the person you're really working for is chance.", "Amanda: You are grasping at straws, mr. Hamilton. Trying to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth.", "Devon: Well, you think maybe you're avoiding the fact that you might be getting played?", "Amanda: Sooner or later, you're gonna have to face the truth, and the fact that you are living off of the fortune that belongs to someone else. Have a good night.", "Victor: Thank you all for your honest opinions. But I've got to tell you that I am adam's father, okay. As far as I'm concerned, he has paid more of a price than any of you. He's been humiliated, cut off from his family, and he'll probably never see us again. Who knows?", "Nick: Well, that's what happens when a criminal goes on the run. Don't try and twist this into a noble sacrifice.", "Abby: Look, no one forced us to make the choices that we made.", "Victoria: No one wanted adam to get away with attempted murder.", "Abby: I believe wholeheartedly that adam should be behind bars. But dad did what any of you would do -- he protected his child. And what matters is that we saved dad's life, and we should feel good about the decision that we made together.", "Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.", "Nikki: You wanted their honest opinion.", "Victor: Yes. And I'm very glad that you all spoke up. It's always good to clear the air.", "Nick: All right. Uh... I'm gonna go. I want to check on christian and see how chelsea's doing.", "Nikki: Oh, darling, already?", "Nick: Yeah. Sorry, mom. I got to go. I love you. I'll call you in the morning.", "Nikki: Oh...", "Nick: See you, dad.", "Victor: Goodbye, son.", "Billy: We should probably go relieve hannah.", "Nikki: Oh, no. Can't you stay for dinner?", "Victoria: Mom, some other time. Mwah!", "Nikki: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I love you.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Victoria: Bye, daddy.", "Victor: Bye, sweetheart.", "Abby: Dinner?", "Nate: I'm gonna need to take a rain check. [ Sighs ] Call me if anything comes up.", "Victor: I shall do that. Thank you for coming, nate.", "Nikki: Nate, you have been a lifesaver.", "Nate: Comes with the job. Take care.", "Victor: Thank you. I shall.", "Nate: You ready?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Bye, daddy. I love you.", "Victor: I appreciate what you said, okay?", "Abby: Bye, nikki.", "Nikki: Bye, darling.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You want to tell me what you're doing with adam's phone?", "Michael: After you tell me why you're calling it. You want to find out what happens when you aid and abet a fugitive?", "Sharon: I could have paid for mine.", "Rey: Well, I'm old-fashioned. Gentleman pays for the date.", "Sharon: Is this a date?", "Rey: That's for you to judge.", "Sharon: Well, I guess it depends.", "Rey: Can I walk you to your car?", "Sharon: I thought you'd never ask.", "Nikki: Don't be discouraged. Adam did a lot of damage. But he's gone now. And we will recover. It's just gonna take some time, you know?", "Victor: I wish I could be as optimistic.", "Nikki: Darling, you've seen how far your children are willing to go for you. And they would do anything to protect you from adam.", "Victor: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: But how are they supposed to feel knowing that everything you did was for adam's sake?", "Victor: I'm adam's father, and, you know, he never lived down the fact that I didn't raise him. He's bitter about that. And I -- I'm trying to understand that. So he deserves more of me than my other children do. I've been there for them since they were babies. Not for him. You know?", "Nikki: Well, I think the one thing we did learn is that all of your children need you very much.", "Victor: Thank you, my sweetheart. What would I do without you, hm? My baby.", "Nikki: [ Sighs happily ] Oh, I don't know", "Victor: Come here.", "Lola: Tonight's special is a shrimp mojo criollo. It is a citrus marinade with garlic and oregano. You will love it.", "Michael: Are you gonna tell me why you were trying to reach adam, or should I just assume the worst?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Oh, come on, michael. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.", "Michael: Heh.", "Phyllis: I am house-sitting for adam, and, um... I can't figure out his kitchen appliances. That espresso machine. It talks to you.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Well, the refrigerator, you have to have a phd to understand it, it's so smart.", "Michael: I'm sure you'll make do.", "Phyllis: Why do you have adam's phone?", "Michael: Oh, he, uh, sent it to me by courier, along with the access code.", "Phyllis: Why would he do that?", "Michael: This was his arsenal. Every incriminating photo, text. All the leverage he accumulated since the day he arrived.", "Phyllis: Did he have dirt on you or someone you love?", "Michael: Not anymore.", "Phyllis: What was on it?", "Michael: He wiped it clean. Was there anything in particular you were hoping to find?", "Phyllis: Well, it could have been a veritable treasure trove of dirty secrets, right?", "Nate: Why do you need to know if I'm still victor's physician?", "Cane: Uh, I'm just kind of curious to know if, uh -- you know, did he mention where adam might have flown off to, or...?", "Nate: Okay. I'm done. Whatever you're up to, keep me out of it.", "Cane: All right. Listen, I'm sorry. I-I don't want to make --", "Nate: You need to know about victor, go to the source. 'Scuse me.", "Nate: Hey. [ Sighs ] Tell me something. What would you prescribe for a case of chronic cold shoulder?", "Elena: [ Sighs ] You lied to me about victor.", "Nate: I'm sorry.", "Elena: [ Snorts softly ] You did for victor what you wouldn't have done for any other person in this world.", "Nate: Yeah, I wish I could say it was the first time.", "Elena: What is it about this family? Is it the money? Is it the name? Is it the girl?", "Nate: I wanted to help. Victor is a very persuasive man. He was in danger.", "Elena: But what about you and your reputation? Don't you matter just as much?", "Nate: I'm an honest person. I don't dishonor the promises i made when I became a doctor. But... that family, they have a way of making everything life or death. And after that, a million different ways to rationalize it. [ Sighs ] And I hate it.", "Phyllis: Give my love to lauren.", "Michael: Sure.", "Cane: Trent. Hey, mate. It's, uh, cane ashby. Yeah. It has been a while. Um... listen, I'm doing this research project for, uh, jill, and, uh, I'm kind of on this deadline. So I was kind of wondering, can you fuel up the company jet and fly me out to vegas? Uh-huh. Yeah, that's right. Tonight. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Phyllis: We'll play with chips, but we're not playing for money.", "Devon: Your ego and your ambition have become serious liabilities. You're no longer employed by any division of hamilton-winters in any capacity.", "Victoria: You're not getting away with it this time, dad." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "JT agreed to make himself scarce so Brittany and Bobby could meet with Reverend Palmer at the loft. He later told Anita to let Brittany make her own mistakes, then let it slip that the minister meeting was going on. The Reverend agreed to marry Bobby and Brittany, but before he could leave Anita stormed in and insisted he'd wasted his time and there would be no wedding. Phyllis agreed to release Daniel from his grounding and told him she was lucky to have him in her life. Neil told Dru about Devon's prostitution run-in. They argued, and refused to tell Lily what had happened. Lily stormed out. At the rec center, Dru and Lorena Davis blamed one another for Devon's predicament, but both became silent when a broken looking Devon was escorted in. Damon brought Phyllis a picture of Elias, and the notice from the parole board about Dominic Hughes' upcoming hearing. Damon said he wanted to go and testify against him. Phyllis asked if he was prepared for any possible outcome. Victor agreed to back off on his interference in the search for Charles Cassen. Nikki explained that she had to do all she could to find him and tell him what she'd done to Joshua when they were five. Victor insisted that he'd failed Nick, Victoria and Abby... all his children. Nikki said he was a good Father, but he disagreed with her assessment." ]
[ "Neil: I was damn serious.", "Dru: Neil, Phyllis and I got into a squabble, okay? We got over it.", "Neil: Drucilla, right now we have something far more important to talk about than your job.", "Dru: What?", "Neil: I would have told you last night, but you were obviously pretty lit up after your elevator adventure.", "Dru: Okay, okay, okay. Don't rub it in, okay? What is it?", "Neil: I received a visit last night from Paul and Christine. Devon's been found.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey.", "Brittany: Morning.", "J.T.: What time did you get home last night?", "Brittany: I didn't look at a clock. Around 11:00 maybe?", "J.T.: Hmm. Where did you go after you stormed out of the Athletic Club?", "Brittany: I didn't storm out of the Athletic Club. I was tired of you ragging on Bobby.", "J.T.: Which doesn't answer my question.", "Brittany: What do you care where I was?", "J.T.: Well, you could have called us, told us you'd be late.", "Brittany: Well, 11:00 isn't that late. Besides, since when am I accountable to you?", "J.T.: Why, somebody's in a mood.", "Brittany: Will you please not talk to me right now? I'm trying to clean this place up. And why don't you keep your junk in your room?", "J.T.: Leave that stuff. I'll clean it up later.", "Brittany: The minister's gonna be here any minute.", "J.T.: Why aren't you and Bobby meeting him at the church?", "Brittany: Because Reverend Palmer has another appointment on this side of town, and it works better for him. Any more questions?", "J.T.: Yeah, just one. Um, what am I supposed to do while he's here?", "Brittany: I don't care, as long as you're not here.", "Brittany: What are you doing?", "J.T.: What's it look like? I'm sitting.", "Brittany: Get up.", "J.T.: No.", "Brittany: Get up. I don't have time for this.", "J.T.: Hey, you know what? This is my apartment, too. You can't boss me around. Besides, there's a few things I want to say to this reverend dude, and as your best man, I think I should, I don't know, give some input.", "Brittany: Why are you being so difficult?", "J.T.: Why are you being such a you-know-what?", "Brittany: Okay, you win. I'm asking you nicely, would you please give Bobby and me some time alone with the minister?", "J.T.: Fine.", "Brittany: Thank you.", "J.T.: I have an early meeting with Paul anyway. That's too bad, though. I would love to see the look on that minister's face when he finds out what Bobby does for a living. He doesn't know, does he?", "Brittany: Not yet.", "J.T.: I bet he's gonna love--", "Brittany: Hey, whatever you're gonna say, save it, because everything's gonna be fine.", "J.T.: Well, I hope you're right.", "J.T.: Well, speak of the devil. Hey, I was just on my way out, Bob, but hope you said your prayers. You're gonna need them.", "Bobby: Good morning.", "Brittany: Good morning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Breakfast!", "Daniel: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: Mom, are you okay?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah, fine.", "Daniel: You know, you, uh, didn't look too fine when you came home last night. I thought you were gonna stay over at Damon's.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Uh, something came up. Uh, my plans changed.", "Daniel: Yeah, I noticed you took a taxi home last night, which is a pretty good idea, by the way.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: So what happened?", "Phyllis: Um... I had a very difficult evening last night.", "Daniel: Is that why you were hitting the bottle?", "Phyllis: Don't remind me, please.", "Daniel: Does this have anything to do with Damon?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You're quiet this morning.", "Victor: I have a lot on my mind.", "Nikki: So do I. I'm going to see Paul today.", "Victor: Pursuing this idea of looking for Joshua Cassen's brother? I mean, do you think it's necessary to do that?", "Nikki: Well, it is if I want to find him, yeah.", "Victor: The question is, should you wanna find him? How do you know how he's gonna react?", "Nikki: Well, if it were my brother, I would wanna know.", "Victor: But you don't know what kind of life that man has led. He may not wanna hear anything about this.", "Nikki: Victor, it's just something that I have to do. It's--it's not all about me. I mean, we're talking about a man who has spent his entire life wondering what happened to his brother. I'm the only one who has the answer, and I need to tell him-- not just for my sake, but for his, too.", "Phyllis: Oh, Damon, Damon. I gotta call Damon.", "Daniel: You know, I don't get that guy.", "Phyllis: I know you don't get that guy. You tell me all the time, all right? He's going through something, Daniel.", "Daniel: Do you even know how lame that sounds? I don't care what he's \"going through,\" he's weird. And you've been using that same excuse for months now.", "Phyllis: Well, it still holds true, all right? Cut him some slack. Cut me some slack.", "Daniel: You still haven't answered my question. Is this because of him?", "Phyllis: What?", "Daniel: This hangover that you have.", "Phyllis: No, no, it's not because of him.", "Daniel: Okay, so if Damon didn't rile you to drink then who did?", "Phyllis: If you must know, I was stuck in an elevator for three hours last night with Drucilla Winters.", "Daniel: You were stuck in an elevator for three hours? I so would have freaked out-- totally claustrophobic.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, it's a good thing I had the tequila, believe me. I was on my way to make margaritas for Damon. Believe me, if I didn't have the tequila, one of us wouldn't have made it out alive.", "Daniel: Wait a minute. You were drinking with Lily Winters' mom?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: You didn't talk about me and the Rec Center, did you?", "Phyllis: Of course not.", "Daniel: Are you sure?", "Phyllis: Yeah, as--as sure as I can remember.", "Daniel: You know what? That's--that's great, Mom. You can't remember. You know, this is just what I need.", "Phyllis: What you need? No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, it's not all about you. What about what I need? I was stuck in an elevator all night with a woman I can't stand, okay? Give me some sympathy here. And you know what? This may shock you, but-- your name didn't even come up, all right? As much as I can remember. And by the way, I'm not sure if keeping what you did a secret was the wisest choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Chicago? What was he doing in Chicago, Neil?", "Neil: He's being brought back to Genoa City.", "Dru: When?", "Neil: This morning. He's being delivered to Lorena Davis down at the Rec Center.", "Dru: What in the devil was he doing in Chicago? I've been worried about that boy.", "Neil: He was picked up in a police raid on a house where a bunch of teenagers were living.", "Dru: Oh, don't tell me it was a crack house.", "Neil: Suspicion of prostitution.", "Dru: Prostitution? I gotta sit down. Let me sit down.", "Neil: I guess it's not all that uncommon. Kids living on the street homeless and broke, you know? If they want to survive, there's not a lot of choices.", "Dru: No, no, no, no, no. I'm sick about it. I don't wanna hear it. I don't wanna hear it.", "Neil: So am I.", "Dru: Are you really?", "Neil: Why do you think I've been trying so damn hard to find him?", "Dru: What do you think is gonna happen to him now, Neil?", "Neil: I don't know. You're gonna have to ask Lorena Davis.", "Dru: I will, but I already know what's gonna happen. He's gonna be deemed delinquent and be put in one of these group homes, and you know what? Its all--", "Neil: Go ahead, say it. It's all my fault.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Bobby: So what time is this priest getting here?", "Brittany: He's not a priest, he's a minister, and he should be here any second. How do I look?", "Bobby: You look good enough to marry.", "Brittany: You don't think my skirt's too short?", "Bobby: No, it's not too short, but then again, I prefer you naked, so...", "Brittany: Bobby, stop it.", "Bobby: What did I do?", "Brittany: You can't say things like that when Reverend Palmer is here.", "Bobby: I'm not going to. God. Do you think I'm that clueless?", "Brittany: No, I don't. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just nervous.", "Bobby: Well, don't be. Listen, everything's gonna go real smooth. Once the minister sees how much in love we are, he's gonna want to marry us right now.", "Brittany: Thanks again for being here.", "Bobby: Well, this is important to you, so it's important to me. So how long you known this guy?", "Brittany: Only my whole life.", "Bobby: Yeah, I guess he's in for a little bit of a surprise, huh?", "Brittany: When he finds out I'm not marrying J.T.? Yeah. (Knock on door)", "Brittany: Well, that must be him. Are you ready?", "Bobby: As ready as I'm ever gonna be.", "Reverend Palmer: Hello, Brittany.", "Brittany: Hi, Reverend Palmer.", "Reverend Palmer: It's so good to see you again.", "Brittany: It's nice to see you, too.", "Brittany: Please come in.", "Reverend Palmer: Thank you. Oh, hello, I'm Reverend Palmer.", "Bobby: Bobby Marsino. Nice to meet you.", "Brittany: Why don't we all sit down?", "Reverend Palmer: Okay.", "Brittany: Can I get you something to drink?", "Reverend Palmer: No, thank you. I'm--I'm fine. Um... Brittany?", "Brittany: Yes, Reverend.", "Reverend Palmer: Well, when I spoke to your mother on the phone, I believe she said your fiancé would be joining us. Or did I misunderstand?", "Brittany: No, you didn't. This is him. Bobby is my fiancé.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gina: Good morning, J.T. Looking for someone?", "J.T.: Yeah. I'm supposed to meet Paul here. Have you seen him?", "Gina: Not yet. Listen, would you like to sit at the bar or a table while you're waiting?", "J.T.: Actually, I think I'll hang out by the fire.", "Gina: Coffee? Orange juice?", "J.T.: Juice would be great. Thanks, Gina.", "Gina: You got it.", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Anita: Hello, J.T.", "J.T.: Mrs. Hodges.", "Anita: Look, you mind if I sit down?", "J.T.: Actually, I was waiting for somebody.", "Anita: Yeah, I know-- Paul Williams. I called his office looking for you. They said both of you would be here.", "J.T.: Look, if this is about Brittany--", "Anita: Of course it is. I want an explanation. How could you do it? How could you lie about being engaged to my daughter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, I know that you feel responsible, but how often must I say it? What happened to that child wasn't your fault.", "Nikki: The gun went off in my hands. How much more at fault can I be?", "Victor: But, sweetheart, you were a child yourself. It was an accident.", "Nikki: You know, I would think that you of all people would understand what it's like to go through life without knowing what happened to your brother, why he disappeared, why he never came back.", "Victor: This happened decades ago. Do you think anyone is honestly interested in an answer?", "Nikki: Yes, his brother is. He deserves a chance to put this to rest.", "Victor: You don't even know where he is.", "Nikki: No, and why do you think that is? You wouldn't have anything to do with it, would you? Did you go to Paul again and try to coerce him into not telling me his location?", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: So I don't suppose there's any point in me asking.", "Phyllis: Asking what?", "Daniel: Look, I know this may not be the best time, but I was wondering if maybe I could be ungrounded.", "Phyllis: Oh, you're right. It's not a good time, but you make good coffee. (Chuckles)", "Daniel: Would you consider it, please? I mean, I've--I've really learned my lesson. I promise I'm gonna behave, Mom. And aren't I your favorite son?", "Phyllis: You're my only son.", "Daniel: What's wrong?", "Phyllis: I was just thinking about somebody else's son.", "Phyllis: I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky to have you, Daniel. I'm so lucky, you know that?", "Daniel: Well, Mom, we're both lucky.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we're both lucky. Ooh, okay, you convinced me. You're ungrounded.", "Daniel: Really?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: I'm free?", "Phyllis: Yeah, you're free. You're free, but, hey, hey, I'm keeping you on a short leash, okay? You call me after school.", "Daniel: Yes--yes, ma'am.", "Phyllis: You're coming home for dinner...", "Daniel: Whatever you say.", "Phyllis: And if you as much as sneeze, it's over.", "Daniel: Mom, Mom, I promise I will be so good you won't even recognize me.", "Phyllis: All right. Are you gonna be late for school?", "Daniel: No. I already called a taxi. I'm on it.", "Phyllis: Okay. (Horn honks)", "Daniel: You know what, Mom?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.", "Daniel: You're pretty cool.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Have a good day.", "Daniel: You too.", "Phyllis: Oh, thanks. (Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring) (Ring) (Ring)", "Damon: Yeah, it's Porter.", "Phyllis: Hey, Damon, it's me.", "Damon: Phyllis, I can't--", "Phyllis: Listen to me. Listen. I can't even begin to know what you're going through, but please, please don't shut me out of your life.", "Damon: Baby, I'm fighting my own little battle right now. Do you understand?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I do, and I wanna help you.", "Damon: I know.", "Phyllis: Listen, listen. Remember what I said the other day? Remember what I said? Did you listen?", "Damon: Yeah, I listened.", "Phyllis: Good. So what are you gonna do?", "Damon: I gotta go.", "Phyllis: Damon, Damon, please talk to me. Damon...", "Damon: Huh? I-I can't.", "Phyllis: What's that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "\"The Young and the Restless\" will continue.", "Neil: You know what, Dru? I don't need to hear this right now because I feel bad enough about this as it is.", "Dru: Oh, Neil, ain't nobody trying to blame you.", "Neil: Are you sure about that?", "Dru: Yes, I'm sure about that. There's no sense in slinging mud. You know, I have made my mistakes, and so has Devon. The point is is to right our wrongs.", "Neil: Unfortunately, it may be too late.", "Dru: It's not too late, Neil. Don't buy into that.", "Neil: All I know is it's pretty much in the hands of Lorena Davis and social services.", "Dru: Is he in legal trouble?", "Neil: From what I understand, no charges have been filed yet.", "Dru: You know, listen, even if he did do something as desperate as the police suspect, hey, he was trying to survive. Where's the crime in that? If anything, he needs us now more than ever before. He needs compassion and understanding and--", "Neil: Drucilla, there's not much we can do until the authorities sort through all of this.", "Dru: Yes, there is. Yes, there is. What's the alternative, Neil, just turn our backs on him?", "Lily: What's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reverend Palmer: I'm sorry. Did you just say that this gentleman is your fiancé?", "Brittany: Yes. Bobby and I are engaged", "Reverend Palmer: I'm-- I'm confused. When I talked to your mother, she told me you were marrying a young man named J.T. Hultstrom, was it?", "Brittany: Hellstrom. Yeah, that was a miscommunication. It's a long story. J.T. And I are just friends. This is the man I love.", "Reverend Palmer: Oh, I see.", "Brittany: Is that gonna be a problem?", "Reverend Palmer: Not if it isn't a problem for you.", "Brittany: Well, definitely not. Bobby and I can't wait to get married.", "Reverend Palmer: All right. Well, let's get started then.", "Bobby: This isn't gonna hurt, is it?", "Reverend Palmer: It'll be completely painless, I promise you. Now I have a series of questions here that I'd like you both to answer. It's my way of getting to know you both individually and as a couple, seeing how compatible you are.", "Brittany: No worries there. Bobby and I are perfect for each other.", "Reverend Palmer: Well, it's obvious you're very much in love, but marriage is about more than, uh, chemistry. It's about wanting the same things out of life, knowing where you're going, and taking that journey together.", "Bobby: That's pretty deep.", "Reverend Palmer: Yes, it is, which is why marriage is the most important commitment that two people can make. Shall we begin?", "Bobby: Let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I really think you should talk to Brittany about this.", "Anita: Oh, believe me, I will, but first I'd like to hear your side. Why on earth would you and Brittany say you were getting married? Did you think you could keep my husband and me in the dark forever?", "J.T.: No, no, of course not. But it's like Brittany said, you know, she wasn't ready for you to know. I told her it was a bad idea.", "Anita: But you went along with it anyway.", "J.T.: It wasn't one of my smartest moves.", "Anita: Well, I can tell you one thing-- I will not condone this marriage, and that goes double for her father. What?", "J.T.: Nothing.", "Anita: No, please, if you have something to say, please say it.", "J.T.: Okay. I don't like Marsino any more than you do. I think the guy's a sleaze, but this is what Brittany wants.", "Anita: She is too young to know what she wants.", "J.T.: Hey, weren't you about her age when you married Mr. Hodges?", "Anita: That is not the point. Bobby Marsino is nothing but trouble. He runs that awful gentlemen's club, he associates with criminals--", "J.T.: And he loves your daughter.", "Anita: Don't make me laugh.", "J.T.: Hey, I don't buy it any more than you do, but Brittany sure does, and this is her life, and if she wants to mess it up by marrying Marsino, there's nothing we can do to stop it.", "Anita: I can't believe what you're saying. You and Brittany have known each other almost your entire lives. You practically grew up together.", "J.T.: That doesn't mean she's gonna let me tell her what to do.", "Anita: Well, have you tried? Have you told her how insane you think this marriage is?", "J.T.: Yes, I have, about a million times, but it doesn't do any good. Her mind's made up.", "Anita: Well, you know, I won't accept it, and either should you.", "J.T.: Look, I don't know what else to try.", "Anita: This marriage does not have to happen, and if you don't do something about it, I will.", "J.T.: Well, you better hurry up. Bobby and Brittany are meeting with the minister as we speak.", "Anita: Reverend Palmer?", "J.T.: Yeah. She said you set up the meeting.", "Anita: That's right. I almost for-- do you know where they are?", "J.T.: Back at the loft.", "Anita: I have to go.", "J.T.: Oh, wait, wait. Mrs. Hodges, that...", "J.T.: Well, this ought to be good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I think if Paul hasn't found anything, it's because there's nothing to find. And if he did, I don't think any good would come of it.", "Nikki: Does that mean you're gonna keep standing in my way?", "Victor: No, I won't. (Sighs) I'm much too preoccupied.", "Nikki: Yes, I know, with Abby.", "Victor: Yeah. I can't begin to tell you how badly I feel that she got injured because of my actions.", "Nikki: She's going to be fine. I don't know why you're so upset.", "Victor: I don't know. Sometimes I feel that I've failed all my children. Victoria won't even talk to me.", "Nikki: Victor, stop it.", "Victor: Well, it's true, unless she has called you or sent you e-mails or talked to you. Has she?", "Nikki: Don't you think I would have told you if she had?", "Victor: I just can't get over the feeling that as a parent, I failed both Victoria and Nicholas. And now that I have a second chance with Abby, I don't want to lose it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: What are you guys talking about?", "Neil: It's nothing important.", "Dru: You know, honey, why don't you get yourself some breakfast?", "Lily: No, I don't care about breakfast. I want to know what you were arguing about.", "Neil: We really weren't arguing.", "Dru: We were just having a discussion.", "Lily: I know the difference between a discussion and an argument.", "Dru: Honey, then you know that my voice carries sometimes.", "Lily: It's about Devon, isn't it? You heard something. Well, please, tell me, okay? I really want to know.", "Neil: Lily, we really don't want to discuss this.", "Lily: Oh, my God. Something's happened, hasn't it?", "Dru: No.", "Lily: Is he hurt? Is he okay?", "Dru: No, honey, it's nothing like that.", "Lily: Well, you're hiding something from me. I can tell.", "Neil: All right, look, um, some information has come to our attention.", "Lily: About Devon?", "Dru: Yes.", "Lily: What information?", "Neil: We'd rather not get into it until we know more and check it out.", "Lily: Mom, will you please tell me?", "Dru: Absolutely not. You have to trust our judgment on this, Lily, please.", "Lily: You know what? Fine, whatever. I don't care.", "Dru: Honey! Lily! Neil, you know, maybe we should have told her.", "Neil: If she finds out what Devon's been through, she'll feel worse.", "Dru: I'm not talking about telling her all the sordid details, but she's been worried about Devon since the get-go. You know, if--", "Neil: Drucilla, are you kidding me? We are talking about prostitution here. I refuse to tell her about the accusations that are facing Devon. Besides, she'll blame me even more than she does now.", "Dru: Exactly. Neil, I hope that you look long and hard at what you know you can do for this kid. You coming?", "Neil: Coming where?", "Dru: I'm gonna go down to the Rec Center to meet Lorena Davis when Devon is brought back from Chicago.", "Neil: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: \"Dear Neil, I felt it best to wait until cooler heads prevailed.\"", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no.", "Phyllis: \"Dear Neil, I'd like to apologize for\"... Drucilla's bad behavior! (Sighs) ring, Damon, ring! (Knock on door)", "Phyllis: Daniel? Daniel? Damon. Damon.", "Damon: I hope you don't mind my coming by.", "Phyllis: No, please, come in.", "Damon: I would have called you, but I thought I owed you more than that. I wanted to apologize.", "Phyllis: You don't have to apologize. You don't have to do that. It's good to see you. How you doing, really?", "Damon: Um, I brought something to show you.", "Phyllis: Okay. What do you want to show me?", "Damon: You asked before if I had any pictures of Elias, and you remember, I wasn't-- I wasn't ready. And, uh, would you like to see one now?", "Phyllis: Wow. Look at him.", "Phyllis: Look at that smile. That smile could light up the universe there.", "Damon: It certainly did that.", "Phyllis: Look at that sparkle in his eyes. Seeing this picture makes it all more real to me.", "Damon: I thought it might. I wasn't sure if I should do that to you.", "Phyllis: I'm glad you did. It means a lot to me that you're sharing this with me.", "Damon: It's such a terrible thing to share.", "Phyllis: Listen, I know that, but maybe with the two of us, it won't be so unbearable.", "Damon: This came today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lorena: Devon will probably be sent temporarily to juvenile detention until we can get him placed in a group facility.", "Dru: Well, is there someone in charge, Ms. Davis, that my husband and I can talk to? We feel largely responsible for Devon running away in the first place.", "Lorena: You are speaking with someone in charge, Mrs. Winters.", "Dru: Yes, of course. What was I thinking? Ms. Davis, can you give Devon another chance?", "Lorena: I'm sorry. It doesn't work that way. Devon Hamilton is now officially back in the system.", "Neil: So you're telling us there's nothing we can do?", "Lorena: We can't change the rules, Mr. Winters. I'm sorry.", "Dru: Are you? Are you sorry, Ms. Davis? Is Devon gonna be another teenager that you throw into a group home, 'cause you don't give a damn?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sometimes I wonder what kind of father I really am.", "Nikki: You are a good father.", "Victor: (Chortles) I think the evidence shows otherwise. You should have seen how Abby clung to Brad Carlton yesterday in the emergency room.", "Nikki: I don't say this to hurt you, but he is the only father she's ever known. Of course she's gonna cling to him.", "Victor: Nicholas said the same thing to me.", "Nikki: Well?", "Victor: Where does that leave me? You know, she fell off the damn horse while I was there.", "Nikki: She is a very tough little girl, okay? She's not gonna let that affect how she feels about you or the horse. Trust me, she will be back riding in no time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reverend Palmer: Now as far as the ceremony, did you have any thoughts?", "Brittany: I think we both want something traditional.", "Bobby: Yeah, definitely traditional, but nothing too stuffy.", "Reverend Palmer: All right. And what about the vows? Anything special in mind?", "Brittany: Well...", "Bobby: What?", "Brittany: Well, I know you and I haven't talked about this, but I thought it would be so romantic if we wrote our own vows.", "Bobby: Oh, I don't know about that.", "Brittany: Yeah, we could work on it together. It doesn't have to be anything real formal. We could just tell each other how we feel.", "Bobby: I'm not real good with words.", "Brittany: But that doesn't matter. Whatever you say will be beautiful, because it'll come from your heart.", "Reverend Palmer: Let's do this. I brought copies of wedding vows I've used in the past. There's a wide assortment here, so why don't you look them over and see if there's anything you can work with?", "Brittany: All right. Thank you.", "Reverend Palmer: My pleasure. And I actually have another appointment, so I really should be leaving right now.", "Brittany: Well, thank you so much for coming.", "Reverend Palmer: Well, it's my pleasure, and we'll be in touch in the next few weeks.", "Brittany: Oh, my gosh. I can't believe our wedding is less than a month away. (Knock on door)", "Reverend Palmer: Oh, it'll be here before you know it.", "Brittany: I'll go get that.", "Bobby: Listen, thanks a lot for coming down. It was a pleasure to meet you.", "Reverend Palmer: Sure. Great to meet you.", "Brittany: Mom!", "Anita: Reverend Palmer.", "Reverend Palmer: Hello, Anita.", "Anita: I'm glad you're still here. I need to have a few words with you.", "Reverend Palmer: Is anything the matter?", "Anita: Yes, there is. I'm sorry you wasted your time coming over here this morning, but this wedding is never going to happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lorena: They can leave a message on my voice mail. I won't be back in the office until later on today. All right, very good. Thank you.", "Dru: Ms. Davis, perhaps I shouldn't have said what I said earlier.", "Lorena: You're right. You shouldn't have.", "Dru: Yeah, I bet you have dozens and dozens of cases, and I'm sure you care about Devon's welfare.", "Lorena: I care about all these kids, and I agree, the system isn't flawless.", "Neil: Well, isn't there, um, a way around it, a loophole of some sort?", "Lorena: I don't make policy, Mr. Winters. I just enforce it, and unfortunately, at the moment, my hands are tied.", "Dru: Well, who makes the silly policies, Ms. Davis, just out of curiosity?", "Lorena: Seems to me, Mrs. Winters, that you are the last person who should be criticizing the way Devon's case is being managed.", "Dru: And what do you mean by that?", "Lorena: The way you handled your desire to foster the boy.", "Dru: Oh, I have done nothing but reach out to this kid, shower him with encouragement and love. This is the most attention he's ever had in his entire life.", "Lorena: Maybe so, but it was your dishonesty with your husband and with me that led to Devon's disillusionment.", "Dru: Um, I fail to see it that way, Ms. Davis.", "Lorena: The boy wouldn't have run away if he hadn't felt betrayed.", "Neil: I think my wife meant well.", "Lorena: So do I, but if she hadn't lied to me, told me that you two were in agreement about becoming foster parents--", "Dru: Ms. Davis, I wanted what was best for Devon.", "Lorena: I'm sure that's true, but you still lied.", "Dru: You see, this is what I was trying to avoid-- this very situation. I was trying to keep Devon out of trouble, okay?", "Neil: Honey--", "Dru: Trying to protect him.", "Lorena: It's the way that you handled it that concerns me.", "Dru: Oh, and you and children's services handled it so well?", "Neil: Easy, Dru, come on now.", "Dru: Yeah, well--", "Lorena: He's a troubled young man.", "Dru: He's not a troubled young man. Do you know he was eager to improve himself when he was living in our house, Ms. Davis?", "Lora: The point is, whatever your good intentions, the end result is Devon is considerably worse off than he was before.", "Policeman: Ms. Davis, here is the young man you were looking for.", "Dru: Devon...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: \"The State of Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles.\" May I read it? Okay. \"Dear Mr. Porter, this letter is to formally notify you that Mr. Dominic Hughes, convicted and sentenced in the fatal shooting of Elias Porter, has petitioned the State of Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles for pardon from his sentence and immediate parole. You and witnesses you may choose to call who have relevant knowledge of the facts and circumstances of this matter are entitled to appear and present circumstances of this matter, are entitled to appear and present testimony at the hearing, which will take place in the visitor's conference room at the state penitentiary.\"", "Damon: They might let him go free.", "Phyllis: That's not gonna happen.", "Damon: You don't know that.", "Phyllis: You're right. Yore right. I don't know that. Are you gonna go?", "Damon: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Yeah? You're going? It's the best thing to do, Damon. You know that. To work within the law-- it's the best thing to do.", "Damon: I'm gonna go down there, and I'm gonna testify for one reason, and that is to make sure that that creature, that horror show, stays behind bars.", "Phyllis: Okay, and are you prepared if that doesn't happen?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: You've never talked about your past. Why is that?", "Anita: Believe me, Reverend, once you hear what I have to say, you're gonna think twice about being part of this wedding.", "Damon: Sometimes I think the only way to achieve justice is to make it yourself." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Boo Proofread by Emma']
[ "Chloe and Chance are at Jimmy's bar drinking when Chloe spots Mac and asks her why Billy hasn't checked on Delia for the night. Mac lets her know that the Abbotts had had a rough 24 hours. A man tells Billy that he can have his deposit for him today. Noah arrives at Jack's home to check on Abby. Jack lets him know that Abby is still asleep. When Jack inquires about Victor, Noah tells him that he is still in surgery. Billy walks in and asks Jack if he needs to call anyone else for Colleen's funeral. Sharon calls Noah to ask him if he has plans for the next day. Phyllis offers Nick some coffee, but he refuses. Neil questions Nikki about Colleen and Victor. Ashley inquires about Victor. Chance advises Chloe to go and check on Billy herself when he walks into the bar. Chloe comforts him and suggests talking, but Billy says he will talk to her later, so she rejoins Chance at their table. Nick tells Victoria that Sharon lost the baby. Noah and Jack check on Sharon in her room at the Athletics' Club. Sharon tells Noah that she lost the baby. Jack lets Sharon know that Ashley named her baby Faith. Ashley shows Neil the baby. Billy finds out that a shipment of Jabot is stuck at deGaulle Airport. Sharon offers to talk to Traci. Jack advises Sharon to tell Noah the truth about the baby. Nick visits Ashley and the baby. Chance tells Chloe that he is taking her to the fall festival. Billy decides to resign from Jabot. Sharon tells Noah that the baby was Nick's instead of Jack's. Victor comes out of surgery alive.", "" ]
[ "Chloe: Okay, last one to the table buys the next round.", "Chance: What? What are you doing? You're already at the tab--", "Chloe: No, no, no.", "Chance: What?", "Chloe: (Laughs) Now what?", "Chloe: Score!", "Chance: Whatever. The only reason why you're sitting in that chair right now is because I'm a gentleman, and I let you sit first.", "Chloe: Well, yeah. I was banking on that.", "Chance: I'm sure you were.", "Chloe: Um, hold my seat, okay? Hey, Mac?", "Mac: Hey.", "Chloe: Hi. Um, so Billy usually calls for a baby update at the end of the day, and I haven't heard from him yet. So either they reversed the ruling for using cell phones in the hospital, or Colleen's taken a turn for the worse.", "Mac: It's been a rough 24 hours for the Abbott family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Yes, Sir, I can get the deposit to you today. Okay, uh, that'll do it. Thank you.", "Noah: (Sighs) I'm really sorry.", "Jack: How are you doing?", "Noah: I'm okay. Actually, I came to check on Abby. She was so upset last time I talked to her.", "Jack: Yeah, Abby's still asleep. We were all so messed up when we got home last night.", "Noah: Yeah, my dad and Aunt Victoria pulled a couple of all-nighters themselves.", "Jack: Any word on Victor?", "Noah: He was still being operated on when I left.", "Billy: Is there anybody else I need to call regarding the funeral?", "Jack: No, I'll make the rest of the calls. Thanks.", "Billy: Okay, I'm outta here.", "Noah: Guess I don't need to ask how he feels about Grandpa getting Colleen's heart.", "Jack: Oh, don't worry about Billy.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Noah: (Sighs) Hello?", "Sharon: Hi, Honey. It's me.", "Noah: Hey, Mom. What's up?", "Sharon: Um, do you have any plans for tomorrow?", "Noah: I was actually gonna come up to the hospital for a visit.", "Sharon: Oh, well, I-I'm glad I caught you, then, because I'm--I'm actually back at my room at the club.", "Noah: Weren't you supposed to be there for a full 30 days?", "Sharon: Can we just talk about this in person?", "Noah: Sure, but are you oka--", "(Dial tone)", "Noah: Something's wrong with Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: It's been too long. What's going on in there?", "J.T.: I'll see what I can find out.", "Victoria: (Whispers) Thank you.", "Phyllis: Want some coffee, baby?", "Nick: I don't need caffeine, but thanks.", "Neil: Nikki. Nikki. Hi.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Neil: I just got back into town. Lily told me what happened with Colleen and Victor. How is he?", "Nikki: Uh, we--we don't know. We're waiting to hear.", "Neil: So when did you get back?", "Nikki: Right after Victor was shot.", "Neil: Where's Ashley?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Could you please check and see if you can get some information on Victor Newman's surgery for me? Thank you so much. Hi, Sweetheart. Hi, Sweetheart. Hi. God, please. He has to make it. After everything my sister's been through and for the sake of my little girls, he has to be okay. Doesn't he, baby girl? Doesn't he, baby girl?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Colleen and I were not close, and I'm pretty sure that she hated me for breaking up Lily and Cane. But... (Sighs) You know, she was really tight with Billy. I'm sure he's a mess.", "Chance: Yeah. You could go see for yourself.", "Billy: Hey.", "Chloe: I'll be right back. (Clears throat) Hi.", "Billy: Hey.", "Chloe: Um, can I--", "Billy: Yeah.", "Chloe: Hi. I heard about Colleen. Are you okay?", "Billy: Eh, what do you think?", "Chloe: I just-- I don't know. I can't believe that Traci gave Colleen's heart to Victor of all people.", "Billy: Yeah. Don't get me started, okay? Just to think that the guy who's responsible for Colleen's death is gonna end up with the best part of her, it, um...", "Chloe: Yeah, I know.", "Billy: It turns my stomach, you know?", "Chloe: I-I understand.", "Billy: What's weird is, um, I don't know. Now that it's happening, I guess this part of me wants it to work, you know? That way, she's not completely gone.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, it would be torture, you know, after deciding to give up her heart, and then if it couldn't work for someone and help save someone else's life? Yeah, even if it's Victor's.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Chloe: For what?", "Billy: I don't know. For getting it.", "Chloe: Do you want to have a cup of coffee? Talk?", "Billy: Can I-- can I just call you later or something?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Billy: All right. Hey, thank you.", "Chloe: Bye.", "Billy: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Just give him a kiss and tell him that I miss him, too. Okay, bye.", "(Sighs heavily)", "Nick: You know, Vick, if-- if you need to go--", "Victoria: No, I don't. Uh, Reed is just a little fussy. He hasn't seen much of me or J.T. lately. At least you don't have to worry about it. Your baby hasn't been born yet and doesn't know the difference. Nick? Is something wrong?", "Nick: (Sighs) Sharon went into labor, and we lost the baby.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, my God. Nick, I'm so sorry. You... (Sighs) You should have said something.", "Nick: With what Dad's going through, I didn't-- I didn't want to talk about it. Besides, she's gone. Faith is gone. There's nothing that we can do about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thank you, Michael. Yeah, I'll call you as soon as I know anything. Bye.", "Phyllis: How are you holding up?", "Nikki: Phyllis. Well, I was thinking the last time I was in this hospital, it was Summer. I don't think I had ever prayed so hard.", "Phyllis: Well, I just want you to know I'm praying for Victor, too, despite what he did.", "Nikki: Well, thank you. That can't be easy.", "Phyllis: Well, it is if I chose to do it for Nick, and I am. So, um, I'm sure you know he suffered a lot of loss recently.", "Nikki: So you know.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I mean, you are talking about Sharon's baby, and the fact that my husband's the father, right?", "Nikki: I'm so sorry. I know how difficult that must have been to hear.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Nikki, Nick is hurting, and I would do anything to bring that baby back, just at least so he could say good-bye. He didn't get that chance. He never will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "(Knock on door)", "Noah: Mom, are you there?", "Sharon: Hi. You didn't have to come. Jack, what are you doing here?", "Jack: Noah said you sounded upset on the phone.", "Noah: I could tell you were crying.", "Jack: Did something happen at the psych hospital? W-- wait a minute. You're not pregnant. Did you have the baby?", "Sharon: She didn't make it.", "Noah: Why? What happened?", "Sharon: Uh, there were some complications, and sh-she just-- she never took a breath.", "Noah: Oh, Mom. I'm sorry. I know how much that little girl meant to you. (Sighs) She was your baby, too.", "Sharon: Uh, um...", "Jack: Uh--", "Sharon: I'm sorry I-- I didn't let you know sooner. It's just with everything going on, and then the judge let me leave before the 30 days were up after everything I went through.", "Noah: I'm sure you guys want to talk. I'm gonna go call Dad, see if there's any word from Grandpa.", "Jack: Why didn't you tell him I wasn't the father?", "Sharon: Because I-I just didn't see the point. The--the baby's gone.", "Jack: He could still find out, Sharon.", "Sharon: He's not gonna find out!", "Jack: You don't know that.", "Sharon: Jack, I can't, okay?", "Jack: Why not?", "Sharon: Because I don't want him to hate me. I've already lost Cassíe. I've lost this baby. I don't want to lose him, too. He's all I have left.", "Jack: Noah could never hate you.", "Sharon: Well, he tried to get his emancipation from me. I can only imagine how he is going to feel when he finds out that I not only lied to you, I di--I-I didn't tell Nick that he was the baby's father. I know this is a lot to ask, but please, please, just let me do this my way. I-I promise I will tell him, just not today.", "Jack: Fine, as long as you tell him. Sit down. Sit down. I assume Nick knows about everything?", "Sharon: Unfortunately, he found out after the fact, and he was devastated, especially since neither of us were able to hold her.", "Jack: Wait. How come?", "Sharon: The doctor said that she was just in really bad shape, and he thought that it would be better off that we not see her. Only now I-- I just keep picturing her in my mind, you know? My little Faith.", "Jack: Did you just say \"Faith\"?", "Sharon: Yeah. That's the name I gave her before she was born. Why?", "Jack: That's what Ashley named her baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Faith, I would like you to meet our dear friend.", "Neil: Hello there. Hi. Though I'm not sure your daddy considers me a dear friend since I started working for the competition.", "Ashley: Oh, deep down inside, he knows he never gave you a choice.", "Neil: Mm.", "Ashley: Isn't she perfect?", "Neil: Yes, you are. Yes, you're perfect.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Neil: Oh, my goodness, you know something?", "Ashley: What?", "Neil: She reminds me a lot of Lily when Lily was an infant.", "Ashley: Oh, sweet Lily.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Ashley: I've been thinking so much about her lately with the cancer, losing her best friend. She must be going through hell.", "Neil: (Sighs) Yeah, well, Ashley, yeah. She's been through a real rough time.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Neil: But she's also shown incredible strength, you know? She's taught me a lesson or two about how to get through rough times with grace.", "Ashley: Well, maybe I should have a talk with her about Abby. She's gonna go through some rough times once the dust settles.", "Neil: Want to know my opinion?", "Ashley: Sure.", "Neil: Abby will be absolutely fine. She's got you, all right? And once Victor is on the mend, you'll be able to face things together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You know, Nick barely had the chance to digest the fact that this baby was his before he had a chance to grieve it.", "Nikki: Well, I'm sure whatever the reason was for Sharon not wanting to tell him, it had to be a difficult decision.", "Phyllis: Okay. But that doesn't change the fact that she kept this important information from him. (Sighs) And then to tell him that it was destined to be this way, I just--that's crazy.", "Nikki: And yet you're still not angry at him for not telling you?", "Phyllis: Listen, I haven't forgotten about Nick and Sharon's history. I haven't forgotten about that. But this time, it's different. You know, he wasn't torn, like all the times before. What he did, he did for his family.", "Nikki: It sounds like you two are in a good place.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we are.", "Nikki: There's J.T.", "Victoria: What did you find out?", "J.T.: Uh, I just spoke to a nurse who confirmed Victor's still in surgery, but she wouldn't give me any information beyond that.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: I think I'm gonna go see my new little sister.", "Phyllis: Are you sure you're up for that?", "Nick: Maybe when I see her, I'll know that one thing went right in the world last night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: So I was thinking for our next date, we could go more of a traditional venue, maybe like a, uh, small-town feel, perhaps.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Talk about lame.", "Chance: Or not. We can--", "Chloe: Hey, you know what? I write Billy off for good, right? And then he walks in here looking like a beat-up puppy dog, and says that I \"Get him,\" and then, poof! \"Florence Nightingale\" walks in, and he just forgets all about me.", "Chance: It's unbelievable.", "Chloe: I know. Tell me about it.", "Chance: I mean, do you even hear me right now? I mean, you seem to be getting all bent out of shape about a guy who's not even your husband anymore.", "Chloe: Well, that's not exactly true.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone chimes)", "Billy: (Groans) Great.", "Mac: What? What?", "Billy: (Sighs) A shipment of Jabot's retro line is stuck in de Gaulle.", "Mac: Well, isn't there someone below you who can handle it?", "Billy: Well, Honey, when you are stuck at the bottom rung, the only thing beneath you is the floor.", "Mac: Come on, Billy.", "Billy: Oh, no, I'm serious. I've spent my entire adult life pretty much working for this company, and the only thing I've been able to become is a glorified shipping clerk, which-- there. Maybe they can get that-- doesn't surprise me, seeing how I don't carry a single ounce of weight with this family in business or family matters. If I did, hey, maybe I would have a-a say in how my niece leaves this world. What do you think about that? Huh?", "Mac: I think this is a really hard time for everyone.", "Billy: Yeah, well, I don't know. Maybe this is just what I need so I can... (Clears throat) Face what my life really is. What do you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So what can I do to make things any better?", "Sharon: I'm not your responsibility anymore, remember? Besides, you have a whole handful of grieving people you need to look after, especially Traci.", "Jack: Sometimes I wonder how she even keeps moving.", "Sharon: If she stops, she'll never get up again. I know that. You think it would help if I talked to her?", "Jack: Yeah, it might. That'd be nice.", "Sharon: What about you? Who's taking care of you?", "Jack: I'm fine.", "Sharon: Traci gave her daughter's heart to your worst enemy, and you're okay with it?", "Jack: I will be okay with it. If Victor has Colleen's heart, a part of her will live on. Hey, I-I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't-- I wasn't thinking. I--", "Sharon: (Sighs) You're right. Life does move on, and I need to remember that... (Sighs) Especially now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Is this a bad time?", "Ashley: No, of course not. You want to meet your baby sister? Come on in.", "Nick: My God, Ashley, she's beautiful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Even though you and Billy are living separate lives and clearly seeing different people, you're technically his wife?", "Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, that's right.", "Chance: Man. What is--I mean, what's taking so long with the divorce? Why?", "Chloe: Well, there has seemed to be a little, uh, glitch in the proceedings.", "Chance: What kind of a glitch are we talking about?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Like one of those red tape kind of thingies.", "Chance: (Sighs) So... it doesn't bother Billy or Mac that--that technically, you guys are still married? It's not a problem? Everything's fine?", "Chloe: I guess so. I mean, neither one of them have said anything to me about the divorce not being finalized, so, yeah, I guess it doesn't bother them.", "Chance: Yeah, but does it bother you? I mean, come on, aren't you tired of going through all this crap?", "Chloe: Yeah, yeah, I am tired tired of it, and I'm going--", "Chance: So what are you gonna do about it?", "Chloe: I'm gonna deal with it right away.", "Chance: When?", "Chloe: Tomorrow.", "Chance: Tomorrow?", "Chloe: Tomorrow.", "Chance: You're gonna do it tomorrow?", "Chloe: So what are you gonna do? Where are you taking me out?", "Chance: (Laughs) You don't want to talk about that. Okay. All right, fine. Um, I didn't. I didn't say. It's a surprise.", "Chloe: Ooh, are you gonna take me to that new club across town where you have to, like, wear all white? One of those white parties?", "Chance: No, this is more of one of those \"Come as you are\" kind of surprises.", "Chloe: Mm, come as you-- (Gasps) No, you didn't. Did you?", "Chance: Did what?", "Chloe: You convinced Katherine.", "Chance: To?", "Chloe: To get the company jet and fly me to New York for a night?", "Chance: (Chuckles) Uh, no, I did not. I think this is actually a better surprise than that.", "Chloe: What? Noth--nothing is better than autumn in New York, nothing.", "Chance: (Inhales deeply) The harvest festival right here in Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Go ahead. Tell me that I'm nuts, that I've got a good thing going with Jabot, and that I can't leave--thank you-- because, I don't know, the family is depending on me.", "Mac: Hello. Hi. I gave up the corporate ladder to serve beer at a dive bar and soup at a shelter. I'm the last person to encourage you to stay in the family business.", "Billy: You mean that?", "Mac: You need to be somewhere that you are fulfilled and appreciated and happy.", "Billy: Well, you know what?", "Mac: Hmm?", "Billy: I feel that right here with you...", "Mac: Mm.", "Billy: Right now. Mm.", "Mac: Mm.", "Billy: You know what?", "Mac: What?", "Billy: I love you.", "Mac: (Laughs) I love you, too.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) I can't stand this. I can't stand this!", "J.T.: (Sighs) You want me to see if I can find out some more information?", "Victoria: I don't see how it's gonna be any different. You asked them before. I-I doubt anything's changed. (Sighs) I'm sorry.", "J.T.: It's okay.", "Phyllis: Any word?", "Victoria: No. He's still alive, as far as we know.", "Phyllis: Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about before. You were right. It wasn't the time or the place to bring up my issues with your father, and despite everything that happened with Summer, Victoria, you have to know that I want him to live. I want him to make it through, and I'm praying for that.", "Victoria: I know.", "Phyllis: Uh, I'm gonna call the sitter and check on Summer.", "J.T.: That's a first.", "Victoria: Excuse me?", "J.T.: Phyllis apologizing.", "Victoria: I understand why she would be upset. I mean, she trusted my father, and he-- he betrayed her.", "J.T.: You know, um, between Colleen and your dad, we really haven't had a chance to talk about stuff. You know, I'm not happy with the way things are right now. I understand you got a little upset when you saw that picture of me and Colleen. But what I don't understand is why you didn't come and talk to me before you did what you did. I mean, I-I would never, never do that to you. And I didn't think you-- you could do that to me, either.", "Victoria: I'm sorry, okay? J.T., Please. I know that we need to talk about this, but I just can't do it right now. Can we please just wait? Let's just wait until we know what's going on with my dad, okay? Please.", "J.T.: Fine.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "J.T.: We'll deal with this later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Wow, when I look at her, all I feel is peace. (Sighs) Is that strange?", "Ashley: No, it's not strange. Traci felt the same thing when she saw her. Maybe it's because there's been so much sadness surrounding Colleen and your dad, Nick. And a new life is what we all needed.", "Nick: Yeah. If we could just hear that my dad's okay, then--", "Ashley: Yeah, any word on him?", "Nick: No, nothing yet.", "Ashley: You know things aren't so great between us right now.", "Nick: I know you can be angry with him. Hell, he's the reason that Summer has regressed the way she has. But if my dad makes it through this, I really hope that you won't keep her from him. There's nothing worse than not being able to be with your child.", "Ashley: Nick, I would never do that. I mean, whatever problems Victor and I have, he's still her father, and nothing's ever gonna change that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh, no, don't go. Don't go.", "Neil: (Sighs) I have spent way too much time in this chapel over the years.", "Nikki: Yeah, you and me both.", "(Sighs)", "Neil: You know, the last time I was here, I prayed that my daughter wouldn't have cancer.", "Nikki: I'm so sorry.", "Neil: No. Nikki, don't be. A lot of blessings came out of that diagnosis, the biggest being that our family has started to heal. Over the past year, it's been very rough. I have a feeling the same thing will happen with Victor.", "Nikki: I pray you're right.", "Neil: Well, if there's one thing I've learned over the past month, the man upstairs, he really does have a plan.", "Nikki: Hey, Colleen's heart was a 5-point match. It can't get any better than that. But it's still no guarantee that it'll take. I mean, what if that's part of God's plan? That after all the pain that Tracie went through to give us this gift that-- what if it doesn't make it--", "Neil: Nikki-- Nikki, come on. Who we talking about here, huh? We're talking about Victor Newman.", "Nikki: But I've never seen him like this. Neil, he's so-- he's so tired and weak, and I-it's almost like the guilt that he feels for what he's done has taken away his will to live. (Sighs) I mean, you know, all these years, he's presented this bigger-than-life image. And maybe this is finally his way of proving he is only human, and it scares me to death.", "Neil: I know. Come here. Its okay, baby.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "Neil: It's all right. It's all right.", "Nikki: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Noah: (Sighs) I couldn't reach Dad, but I got a hold of Phyllis. She said Grandpa's still in surgery.", "Jack: Well, I'd better be going. Let me know if I can help in any way. I--", "Sharon: You just take care of yourself, okay?", "Noah: Ma, are you okay?", "Sharon: I will be.", "Noah: Are you hungry? I can order us something from room service.", "Sharon: Do you know how lucky I am to have you?", "Noah: I'm not going anywhere. And I promise, from now on, I'm gonna take care of you.", "Sharon: No, you're not. The last thing I want is you sacrificing your life for mine.", "Noah: But I love you.", "Sharon: I know you do.", "Noah: I'm sorry if I ever made you think I didn't. You're my mom, and I'm always gonna be here for you.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: It is hard to believe that Noah...", "Ashley: Hey, Sweetie.", "Nick: Was ever this small.", "(Chuckles)", "Ashley: What?", "Nick: Wow. (Chuckles) Noah used to have the strongest grip ever. When I would put my finger in there, I'd swear-- I'd swear it was gonna fall off, he'd be gripping it so tight.", "Ashley: I know. It's funny, 'cause it's just like this little one. I mean, the first time it happened, it really took me off guard, because Abby was such a gentle baby.", "(Chuckles)", "Nick: That's the Newman in you.", "Ashley: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Wow. She has a stronger grip than Noah. But we'd better not tell Noah that.", "Ashley: Do you want to hold her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. What are you doing here?", "Jack: Shouldn't you be in Switzerland?", "Phyllis: Uh, I decided to come back. I--Summer was doing great. And, um, I got the feeling that Nick needed me. I had no idea how bad it was.", "Jack: Yeah. It's been pretty excruciating.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I'm sorry about Colleen. I know how close you two were.", "Jack: Right now, I'm worried about Traci. I don't know how you make sense of losing your only child in such a senseless way.", "Phyllis: Are you okay?", "Jack: Yeah, I'm fine.", "Phyllis: What are you doing in this depressing place?", "Jack: I came to see Ash and the baby.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I heard they brought her in last night at the maternity ward. It's on a different floor.", "Jack: I also wanted to see if my sister's sacrifice was worth it-- if Colleen's heart was still beating.", "Phyllis: I don't know. I haven't heard anything. I wish I could tell you.", "Jack: (Cries) (Sniffles) It is so unfair, \"Red.\" It's just not fair.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: We're gonna go bobbing for apples, and then we're gonna go over to the pancake-eating contest, which is a lot of fun-- filling, but fun. Followed by the 4-H stables, which is where they're gonna have all the blue-ribbon winners for the day.", "Chloe: Okay, shh.", "Chance: What?", "Chloe: Shh. Shh. Hold it right there. Listen, buddy, the only festivals I attend are in Cannes, Rome...", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: And maybe Utah, and there is no way that I am risking my Manolos by walking through manure from those dirty little beasts.", "Chance: (Chuckles) They're not dirty little beasts. These are prize-winning pigs we're talking about here.", "Chloe: Okay, but what about prize-winning movies?", "Chance: What about them?", "Chloe: And--and appletinis?", "Chance: (Sighs) They're good. They're fine. They're fantastic, all right? I've had fun, but we've been doing everything you wanted to do. And I'm just saying that maybe we should do something that, you know, I want to do.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: Come on.", "Chloe: Okay, so hanging out with Murphy and his cronies who wear funny hats and velvet robes is your scene? That's it?", "Chance: I-I--you know what? Just give it a chance. You might actually-- you might-- you might actually like it.", "Chloe: (Sighs) All right, but I am not wearing gingham. I'm not doing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: So are you really gonna do it?", "Billy: Well, I think, uh, after Colleen's funeral, I'm gonna hand Jack my letter of resignation. And then...", "Mac: Mm-hmm?", "Billy: You and I can talk about our future. Hmm?", "Mac: Okay.", "Billy: Okay. (Chuckles) Mm-hmm. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: The best-laid plans, huh? I was grooming Colleen to take over the world... or V-Victor's world. I started this, Red.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on.", "Jack: I'm the one that got this--", "Phyllis: Jack, don't do that. Don't blame yourself.", "Jack: I called it all wrong-- with Colleen, with Sharon.", "Phyllis: How is Sharon?", "Jack: The baby--", "Phyllis: Didn't make it, I know. It must be difficult for you to go through this, especially since you're not the father.", "Jack: You know.", "Phyllis: Nick told me.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Why didn't you? Why didn't you tell me? Remember, I asked you to tell me the truth? If Nick was the father, and you said no. You looked me in the eye, and you said no. Why?", "Jack: I promised Sharon I wouldn't tell you.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) That just makes no sense to me.", "Jack: It made sense to her.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) How could it make sense to her? I wasn't with Nick when she took the paternity test. I--she could have had him free and clear. I mean it-- none of it makes sense.", "Jack: He wasn't free. Summer was in a bad way. Nobody knew if she was gonna live or die. Sharon understood that Summer would need her father's undivided attention if she was gonna make it.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Jack: That his focus could not be split.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Lovely. So what you're saying is she gave up the chance to be with the love of her life.", "Jack: So that Nick could be there for Summer... and for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I, uh, ordered you fries, extra crispy, just how you like them with your favorite buttermilk dressing on the side and extra lemons for your water.", "Sharon: You didn't have to do that.", "Noah: I said I was gonna take care of you, didn't I?", "Sharon: I might not deserve it.", "Noah: Don't say that.", "Sharon: It's true. I, um, I have done things that you don't know about.", "Noah: If this is about that ring you took--", "Sharon: No, it's not that. Come and sit.", "Noah: Mom, what's going on?", "Sharon: Okay, I, um, I had my reasons for not saying anything to you, and I will explain all of them to you. My only hope is that you will forgive me.", "Noah: For what? What didn't you tell me?", "Sharon: The baby--Faith-- she wasn't Jack's child. She was your father's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You are definitely gonna melt your daddy's heart.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Nick: What'd you name her, Ashley?", "Ashley: Faith. I named her Faith.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Dr. Swift, how is he?", "Victoria: He's all right, isn't he?", "Dr. Swift: At the moment, he is being prepped for recovery.", "Nikki: So he made it.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: He made it.", "J.T.: Doctor, you didn't anticipate it taking this long. What happened?", "Dr. Swift: The scar tissue from the gunshot wounds made mobilizing the donated heart difficult.", "Neil: So could it cause complications in the future?", "Dr. Swift: No. No, actually, it shouldn't.", "Nikki: What now?", "Dr. Swift: We wait to see if his body assimilates the new tissue.", "(Pager beeps)", "Dr. Swift: I'm sorry. Excuse me.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. That's not about Victor, is it?", "Dr. Swift: No, no, but I do have to take care of this. Um, I will check in with you later.", "Nikki: Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much.", "Victoria: Thank you so much.", "Dr. Swift: You're welcome.", "(Door closes)", "Nikki: There he is.", "Victoria: Daddy, hi. I knew you'd make it. You're my hero. You always will be my hero.", "Nikki: We're all here for you. We're all here.", "Jack: Way to go, kid. Way to go.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: Amber was just trying on her wedding gift.", "Sharon: There's nothing tying Nick to me anymore, so the odds just got better for you.", "Chloe: I don't know. I-I like hanging out with you. I feel like I can be myself.", "Chance: Well, that's-- that's good." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']