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[ "Gloria pounds on the door and shouts. Jack comes out and tells her that she is evicted. She hasn't any idea what she should do now. He tells her to get a cab and go. Kevin finds his mother pounding on the locked door. When she tells him what has happened, he can hardly believe it. Jack comes out again and tells them they don't live there anymore. Ashley arrives and Gloria seems glad to see her. Ashley isn't surprised by the scene. \"We discussed it and we are not comfortable with you living her anymore.\" Billy goes to see Katherine and Jill and he tells about the second Will and how Gloria wasn't in it at all. Kay rushes over to see the sibs who are enjoying the quiet and tossing out everything in the house that even remotely reminds them of Gloria. Kay has a lot of suspicions about this second Will and Gloria being left out of it. Jack and Ashley suggest that John and Gloria had a fight at the end and that might have caused their father to leave Gloria penniless. Katherine isn't buying. \"He loved her, he told me so!\" Michael decides that his mother and brother will be staying with he and Lauren. Kevin heads to the coffeehouse and asks Billy if he can help his mother out as she has been kicked out of the mansion. He is sure that Billy will be the example of a good Abbot. Billy says that he has no say about what goes on in the mansion. \"Why don't you go and get someone else to help you with your problem?\" Billy says. He then turns and walks off. Kay heads home and tells Jill all that she experienced over at the Abbots. After seeing Jack and Ashley, Kay seriously wonders now what is going to happen to her legacy. Billy arrives at the house and Jill and Katherine talk to him about staying in town and maybe learning the business. He is a Chancellor and an Abbot and they know that he has business in his blood. He was thinking of just heading out traveling but tells that he has an interest in working in the family business. Now that Katherine has left, Ashley is very concerned. Kay is now suspicious of them and the second Will that has shown up. Ashley knows that Michael is going to be after them for years if it takes. She doubts this Will will show to be that of her father's handwriting. Jack plans now on getting Jabot back. Ashley finds that Gloria getting kicked out, the second Will showing up, Victor being friendly to Jack and Jack getting his hands on NVP are all huge coincidences that work in her brother's favor. She asks Jack if he has been causing these coincidences. \"Perhaps I have \"" ]
[ "[Jack throws out a bunch of garbage bags out the front door and locks the door, Gloria comes up to the front door and tries to open the front door and it wont open, she tries her keys and it won't open, so she pounds the door, Jack comes to the door and juggles the keys to the door]", "Gloria: Jack Abbott, you open this door right now! I mean it!", "Jack: Wrong, Gloria, this home now belongs to my brother, my two sisters and me. We are through with unwelcome guests.", "Gloria: That's it? You're just throwing me out?", "Jack: And Kevin.", "Gloria: Without any warning? What the hell do you expect me to do?", "Jack: I expect you to get a cab, to gather your things and get out of here!", "Gloria: No, Jack!", "Gloria: John... John... John...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: The reason you got a ticket is because you were driving too fast, Esther.", "Esther: Just five miles over the limit.", "Kay: Well, they call it a limit for a reason-- five miles over the limit.", "Esther: You're the one that gave Robert the day off. If you don't like my driving--", "Kay: I don't wanna talk about it.", "Jill: Stop it! Please. Where have you two been anyway?", "Esther: The cemetery.", "Jill: Ah.", "Kay: Yes, well, Esther wanted to pick out a nice wreath for John's grave. So I said, \"fine, let's go.\"", "Esther: And here we are squabbling. I'm sorry, Mrs. C.", "Kay: Life goes on, Esther. Life goes on.", "Kay: Billy, Darling, come in! You will join us for dinner tonight, will you not?", "Billy: I don't know what I'm doing yet.", "Jill: Unpacking-- that's what you should be doing. Instead of living out of a duffel bag like an itinerant.", "Billy: Bunch of bossy women around here.", "Esther: I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me.", "Kay: Uh, don't forget...", "Jill: Sweetie, um... have you done any more thinking about what we discussed?", "Billy: Mom, look, I just--", "Jill: Would you please at least consider it?", "Kay: Consider what?", "Billy: Crashing here permanently.", "Kay: I think that's a lovely idea!", "Billy: Except it's not gonna happen. So I don't--", "Jill: Honey, why? Just tell me why you're in this big rush to leave.", "Kay: Yeah.", "Billy: I came because of Dad. I was never planning on staying long. As soon as the will gets figured out, I just wanna get back on the road.", "Kay: Figured out how? Knowing your father, I'm sure he set everything up to make his wishes as clear as possible.", "Billy: Well, that's all out the window now.", "Jill: What are you talking about?", "Billy: Jack called a while ago. There was a probate hearing. I guess Dad wrote a new will when he was in prison. It knocks out the old one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey, um, Lily, it's me. I was, uh, wondering if maybe you could come and meet me at the coffeehouse. If you're free. And if you get this message. Um... and I guess, even if you wanna see me. Okay, uh, well, I hope you're doing well. And I'm gonna shut up now, because I sound like a big idiot. I hope you can come by.", "Daniel: This is the happiest moment of my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: How's your headache?", "Michael: Oh don't know. Why don't you call up Jack and ask him.", "Lauren: You really think he's behind all this?", "Michael: If you had looked into his beady, little reptilian eyes, you wouldn't be asking me that question. This is gonna get vicious in a hurry. Look, I need to start--", "Lauren: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Later.", "Michael: Seriously, let me up.", "Lauren: No.", "Michael: Sweetheart, come on, I need to research.", "Lauren: No, no, right now you're in my courtroom.", "Michael: Oh. All right, your honor, uh, may I approach?", "Lauren: No, you may not. You keep your eyes closed.", "Michael: Well, justice is blind.", "Lauren: You know what, Honey? If you don't chill until this migraine passes, I'm gonna find you in contempt.", "Michael: My apologies, Judge.", "Lauren: Better. Look... I know it's your mother and you want to win...", "Michael: I need... I need to win. If Gloria winds up losing everything, we are so messed up.", "Lauren: It will not be from lack of the skill and determination of her son.", "Michael: I appreciate that.", "Lauren: It isn't making you feel better, is it?", "Michael: Not particularly.", "Lauren: Okay. Okay, sidebar.", "Michael: What? Oh, right, okay. Yes, your honor?", "Lauren: All right, you and I are gonna make a pact, okay? When we are inside these walls, the outside world stays outside, all right? There are no ugly court cases-- nothing. Just... breathe with me. Yes! Peace and Harmony.", "Michael: Mmm. How can I object to that?", "Lauren: Oh, you can't!", "Michael: Okay, agreed. Peace and Harmony.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Michael: Now... if we can only extend that to a certain mansion over on Glenwood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You can't get away with this, Jack! I will stand out here all night and beat the door down!", "Kevin: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, what the hell is going on here?", "Gloria: Those bastards changed the locks!", "Kevin: What?", "Gloria: He's thrown us out, Kevin!", "Kevin: Well, he can't do that!", "Gloria: He didn't have the guts to tell us!", "Kevin: He can't do that! He has no right!", "Jack: I have every right.", "Gloria: The judge has not ruled on your father's will! You have no claim on anything!", "Jack: We sure as hell do.", "Gloria: Ashley, come here! I need to talk to you!", "Jack: Start walking that way.", "Ashley: What?", "Gloria: Do you have any idea what your brother is trying to do to us?!", "Ashley: Jack and I are no longer comfortable with you living here. You and Kevin are gonna have to leave.", "Kevin: How can you do this? It's so wrong!", "Jack: Go. Now. You are trespassing. Vacate the premises or we will call the police.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey.", "Daniel: Hi! Hey. Thanks for coming.", "Lily: Sure.", "Daniel: Sit down.", "Lily: Okay.", "Daniel: If you want to.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Daniel: I hope this wasn't too far out of your way. I figured the coffeehouse was neutral territory.", "Jana: Hey, guys, what can I bring you?", "Daniel: Lily?", "Lily: Um, coffee is fine.", "Jana: Coffee of the day?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Jana: Okay.", "Daniel: Can I just get a double shot of espresso, please?", "Jana: Got it.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Lily: So I take it this is about the other night?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Lily: Daniel, I'm really sorry. I mean, I know it wasn't really fun for you with my parents and all. But I'm glad you came. Helped me celebrate my graduation.", "Daniel: Yeah. Well, when you asked me, there was no way I was gonna turn you down. But, uh, you know, there is something that's been bugging me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Uh, exactly what did Jack tell you, Billy?", "Billy: You might wanna sit down first.", "Kay: What?", "Jill: Why?", "Billy: When Dad and Gloria got married again to make it legal--finally-- Dad's lawyer screwed up. Didn't file the paperwork or something.", "Jill: Are you joking?!", "Kay: You mean the marriage isn't valid?", "Billy: It gets better-- unless you're Gloria. 'Cause there's a new will which is in Dad's handwriting. She doesn't get anything. It all goes to us kids.", "Kay: How can that be possible?", "Billy: Gloria's name was just never mentioned. It was just Jack, Ashley, Traci and me.", "Jill: And to find this all out now?", "Kay: Wait a minute. None of this-- none of this makes any sense.", "Jill: Even if the marriage wasn't legal, for him to cut Gloria out completely-- I mean, that doesn't sound like John. He was crazy about her.", "Billy: I don't make the news. I just report it.", "Jill: Oh, that poor woman. She must be devastated.", "Kay: Unlike Jack, I'm sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Finally! The day we've all been waiting for!", "Ashley: Shh! Shh! Do you hear that?", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: Nothing! Nothing! Absolute silence.", "Jack: Ain't it sweet?", "Ashley: What's with the trashcan?", "Jack: I am wiping out any reminder that Gloria Fisher ever stepped foot in this house.", "Ashley: You know, Jack, I am as happy about this as you are, but maybe you could've given her just a little notice?", "Jack: What? And argue with her for weeks?", "Ashley: You're right about that. That would've happened. It's just so nice to have some peace and quiet around here.", "Jack: Which you would never have had with Gloria around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: That feels so good. Oh, a little to the left. Wait, aren't I supposed to be taking care of you?", "Michael: Yeah, funny how that works, right?", "Lauren: Yeah, yeah, it is. I guess we're probably gonna have to cut this short, huh?", "Michael: Mmm. Well... I do have to figure out this whole will situation. However, I think I can do all that from right here.", "Lauren: What? Do you mean no more office today?", "Michael: No more office today.", "Lauren: No more clients? No more phone calls? No more depositions? Or briefs?", "Michael: Mmm, briefs? Please, you know if I wear anything, I wear boxers. And since I was in court today...", "Lauren: Oh, Baby, are you wearing your lucky boxers?", "Michael: Well, we'll see, huh?", "Michael: Come here. Oh, lifting, lifting, lifting! Yes! That's the way! That's the way I like it! Yes!", "Gloria: Michael!", "Michael: Tell me I'm not hearing that!", "Lauren: You know, with your mother's timing, I can't believe we actually made a baby!", "Lauren: All right, go get the door. Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You got me a present?", "Daniel: Yes. Everyone at dinner the other night brought you something. And I should've brought something, too.", "Lily: It wasn't your fault. I invited you at the last minute.", "Daniel: Still... I felt bad. So... happy graduation.", "Lily: Thank you. Um, can I open it now?", "Daniel: Yeah, you better.", "Lily: Okay. I like the box! I know you had it wrapped. Oh, this is gorgeous! It has my name on it.", "Daniel: Open it up. There's more.", "Lily: Oh, wow! Are these--?", "Daniel: Yeah, just little things I kept from our last year of high school.", "Lily: You saved this?", "Daniel: Yeah. The note that kept us from dying of boredom in English class?", "Lily: What's this? Oh! This is one of our Shakespeare chats.", "Daniel: Yeah. Only way we got to talk while you were at boarding school.", "Daniel: Catchy.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Daniel: Mmm. Date night at the mall.", "Lily: Date night at the mall. I remember this. It was so much fun! But this is one of the worst hair days I've ever had.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, I still thought you looked amazing.", "Lily: I remember wanting to frame this, but I couldn't. We weren't supposed to be seeing each other.", "Daniel: Recognize it?", "Lily: Do I recognize it? How could I forget our wedding? I can't believe you saved this.", "Lily: \"Genoa City High School--Class of '06.\"", "Daniel: Yeah. There's a picture, too.", "Lily: Oh! And I finally got to wear the hat.", "Daniel: And ruin a good hair day.", "Lily: Not your typical senior year, huh?", "Daniel: When have we ever been typical?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Jack and Ashley's way of contributing to the homeless crisis-- create two more.", "Gloria: Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to go home and find all of your clothes in garbage bags outside the front door?", "Michael: Well, if it makes you feel any better, the way Jack has been treating you, the way he's always treated you, that whole pattern of abuse and neglect-- that's not gonna look good to the judge.", "Kevin: Is that even gonna matter?", "Michael: I'm gonna make it matter! I'm gonna use whatever I need to discredit their case!", "Kevin: I know. But I'm saying, in court, if her name isn't written on the will...", "Michael: The will itself is important, you're right. However, and I plan to keep hammering away at this, it was only dated a month before John started acting as though he had dementia.", "Lauren: And what date is that?", "Michael: April 21st.", "Kevin: Yeah, but Mr. Abbott didn't give it to the chaplain until--", "Michael: May!", "Kevin: May.", "Michael: May!", "Gloria: And that's when he started calling me \"Dina.\" Of course, I went home in a panic and told Jack-- who didn't believe me, until he saw it for himself!", "Lauren: I don't understand this. So John was worried enough or angry enough or whatever to pick up a pen and write a new will. And then he held it?", "Michael: Took him a month plus to hand it over for safekeeping.", "Gloria: It's all very bizarre-- this whole sequence of events, Michael.", "Michael: I argued in court today that John Abbott was most likely legally incompetent last April.", "Kevin: If that's when the thing was written.", "Michael: Well, he was confused, overmedicated-- probably long before anyone noticed that he wasn't himself. Add to that the fact he didn't hand it over to the chaplain until May. Even if that handwriting analysis holds, there are so many reasons for it to be suspect.", "Gloria: There is no way that will is real. And there is no way that John would leave me penniless. Because he loved me too much. He married me twice to prove it-- to me and to everybody else. Now we are gonna keep fighting till we find out the truth about where that will came from.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, Billy tells me you have had quite a morning.", "Jack: Then I guess you've heard that Dad drew up a new will while he was in prison?", "Kay: Well, did either of you know it existed?", "Jack: Not until last night when the chaplain brought it by.", "Kay: You certainly must've been stunned.", "Jack: Oh, boy, and then some.", "Kay: Tell me something-- uh, did your father have access to a computer?", "Jack: No, he didn't need to. He wrote it all in longhand. Dated it. Signed it.", "Kay: But why? I mean, I don't understand it.", "Kay: Did Gloria and John have a big fight?", "Ashley: You know... they must have.", "Kay: And you didn't know about it?", "Ashley: Well, Gloria visited Dad on her own. We weren't privy to their conversations.", "Jack: If the two of them fought, Gloria wouldn't have told us.", "Kay: Well, John would have. Now, come on, Jack. For your father to completely disinherit Gloria, what could've made him take such a drastic step?", "Jack: Maybe he started adding up all the lies she told him from the day they met. Starting with the slimy ex-husband-- who actually wasn't an ex-husband, 'cause she never bothered to divorce the creep. The $50,000 hush money she paid him-- Dad's money. Money he thought he was contributing to Michael's wedding. Michael--you remember? The son she never identified for months on end?", "Ashley: If it weren't for Gloria, Dad never would've gone to prison.", "Jack: That is what killed him, Katherine-- the chaos, the mayhem she brought into this house.", "Kay: Wait just a minute. It still seems very odd to me that John didn't say anything.", "Ashley: Why are you so curious about this?", "Kay: Because he loved her. He told me so himself. She made his last years some of the best years he ever lived.", "Jack: Katherine, that may be--", "Kay: And he also told me, young man, that he had provided for Gloria in the will. Now, both of you, can you imagine why I seem so shocked by all of this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I gotta tell you. Of all my graduation presents, this one's my favorite.", "Daniel: Very cool.", "Lily: Oh, there's someone you haven't met! Hey, Billy, come here a second.", "Billy: Lily Winters.", "Lily: Hey!", "Billy: Hey! It's been awhile.", "Lily: I know! Um, Lily Romalotti now.", "Billy: Yeah that's what I heard.", "Lily: Billy Abbott, this is my husband Daniel.", "Billy: Congratulations.", "Daniel: Thanks. Nice meeting you.", "Billy: You, too. Your mom is Phyllis?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah, we worked together back in high school.", "Daniel: Right, that Glow by Jabot thing?", "Billy: I'm surprised anyone still remembers that. Okay, wow! You guys are married?", "Lily: Yeah, yep, it's our five-month anniversary.", "Billy: Nice. Jack said you guys are staying in the hideaway? How come I haven't seen you?", "Daniel: Well... you know, we didn't want to intrude.", "Lily: I'm sorry to hear about your dad, Billy.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, he was a really great guy. And a lot of people in this town are gonna miss him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Here you go, Gloria.", "Gloria: Thanks, Honey.", "Lauren: You should take care of yourself.", "Gloria: I know. I know.", "Kevin: So, about us, uh, showing up like this?", "Michael: Obviously, you can spend the night.", "Lauren: We insist.", "Kevin: Well, what about after tonight?", "Gloria: You know, I guess I just assumed that, uh, you and Lauren would...", "Lauren: You wanna stay here?", "Gloria: At least till this mess is over with.", "Michael: Well, let's look on the bright side. You both still have your jobs. You make quite a decent living on those salaries.", "Gloria: Yeah, unless they've changed the locks at Jabot, too.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Gloria: But even if they haven't, I still feel like I've lost everything. And I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.", "Michael: Unfortunately, we still have to deal with that new will.", "Kevin: No, what's unfortunate is how we keep being jerked around by John's kids. \"Hey, sorry we gave you the wrong time for the funeral!\" \"Sorry you gotta find a new place to live!\"", "Lauren: All right, all right--", "Kevin: Can't wait to see how they top themselves tomorrow.", "Lauren: You can just-- you can stay here. As long as you need to, okay?", "Kevin: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: When did Dad talk to you about his will?", "Kay: I don't exactly know. It was, what, earlier this year?", "Jack: Well, that explains it. He wrote the new will in April.", "Kay: But a falling out so big John decided that she didn't deserve a dime?", "Jack: Well, it turns out, Gloria wasn't actually his wife.", "Kay: But John didn't know that. No, he even gave her his proxy before he went to prison.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, I can't explain it either.", "Jack: You know what? I'll let the document speak for itself.", "Kay: Well, assuming it's legitimate.", "Ashley: It's being checked-- double checked.", "Kay: You know what? I'd like to do some checking myself. I'd like to pinpoint, um, when it was that John mentioned his estate plans to me. I'll be curious to see if it was before or after he wrote that so-called will.", "Jack: Are you accusing us of something, Katherine?", "Kay: No.", "Jack: Good. Ashley and I have a lot to deal with without you questioning our father's final wishes.", "Kay: Ashley, will you see me out?", "Ashley: I can't believe how rude you were to Katherine.", "Jack: I thought I was pretty damn polite, considering that she eviscerated my career not long ago. She has a lot of nerve nosing around in private family business.", "Ashley: She's a sharp lady. And she and Dad were very close. It's natural for her to question this.", "Ashley: There wasn't a single moment when Dad appeared to have changed his mind about Gloria. I bet you can't either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: They claim they knew nothing at all until late last evening.", "Jill: And you don't believe them?", "Kay: I don't know what to believe.", "Jill: I know. That is so strange. But the thing is, if the courts declare that the will is valid, then we have to accept the fact that John did this for his own reasons. And we will never know why.", "Kay: It's horrifying! Absolutely horrifying! The man is barely in the ground and they are-- they're already arguing about his money? It's a good reminder. I should do some serious thinking about my own legacy-- serious thinking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Gloria? Maybe you'll feel better if you unpack a trash bag?", "Gloria: Okay, okay. So where you gonna put us?", "Michael: Oh, well, Kevin on the couch. And the second bedroom's a little tight.", "Gloria: I know, I know, it's the baby's room.", "Lauren: Yes, but we did get permission to sublet till November. It is just a daybed, though.", "Michael: Is that gonna work for you?", "Gloria: It's not the Abbott mansion, but it'll be wonderful. Like when Kevin and I first lived with you.", "Michael: Let's hope not.", "Gloria: Yeah, I guess we did have a few things to work out. But I ended up meeting the man of my dreams, making a life for myself and even got a little respect from my boys.", "Michael: A little.", "Gloria: Oh, come on, Michael, we had a lot of laughs. And now that Lauren's joined the family...", "Lauren: I'll look forward to it.", "Gloria: I'm just so glad I've got you both. A time like this, you just need family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: So you're gonna be a surfer dude? That's awesome.", "Billy: Yeah, I figured I'd head off to Bali first. Uh, and just grab a few lessons. Then head out of town and take it from there.", "Jana: You know, New Zealand's surfing is the best.", "Billy: You've been there?", "Jana: No, I have friends over in Wellington. But I went on holiday there once and just fell in love with the place. You know, the East Coast swell is supposed to be insane.", "Billy: And they moved to New Zealand just for the surfing?", "Jana: Oh, no, no, no. You can do anything there-- white water rafting, bungee jumping, hang gliding... if you're into snowboarding, it's prime season.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, I used to have some friends in Switzerland-- total ski junkies. They'd follow the snow all year round. And they told me that the skiing down under is a rush.", "Billy: Especially after Wisconsin skiing. It's like downhill ice-skating or something.", "Jana: Yes, I've driven past Wilmot. Not much of an adrenaline rush.", "Billy: I'm Billy Abbott.", "Jana: Jana Hawkes, hello.", "Billy: Yeah, it's good to meet you.", "Jana: Likewise.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jana: So would anyone like a refill?", "Lily: Um, yes, I think I would, please.", "Jana: Yeah?", "Daniel: A bottle of water?", "Jana: All right. Billy, what are you having?", "Billy: I don't know. Surprise me.", "Jana: My, you are the adventurous one.", "Lily: I see that look on your face. I see someone is still a flirt.", "Billy: She seems cool.", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what, man? Your trip--it sounds awesome.", "Billy: I wanna see the whole world. Like, I've traveled some. And I've seen some amazing places. And there's so much more to see. You know, I figured that I'd do this after I finish college, before I settled down. But with everything that just happened... I figured that... if there's something that you want, you have to go for it.", "Kevin: Hey, guys.", "Billy: Hey.", "Kevin: Billy, do you have a minute? It's important.", "Billy: What's up, Fisher?", "Kevin: Well, Billy, I'd like to talk to you about the living situation at the Abbotts.", "Billy: Well, I'm staying at the Chancellors, so whatever decisions that Jack and Ashley decide to make in their house, it's their choice.", "Kevin: They threw my mother out on the street.", "Billy: What do you want me to say?", "Kevin: I'd like you to show me that there's at least one Abbott with a shred of common decency.", "Billy: Nothing that I'm gonna say is gonna make them change their minds.", "Kevin: So that's it?", "Billy: This isn't my problem. Why don't you find someone else to help you?", "Kevin: Billy, my mother's a part of your family.", "Billy: No one thinks of her that way anymore, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: All right, all right, we'll just... we'll make this work, you know? We have to.", "Michael: Right after we made our pact.", "Lauren: Our peace and harmony pact.", "Michael: Hardly synonymous with Kevin and Gloria.", "Lauren: Right. So, just, you know... you know, just say, \"it's only temporary.\"", "Michael: It's only temporary.", "Lauren: It's only temporary.", "Michael: It's only temporary.", "Gloria: Oh, no!", "Lauren: Are you okay?", "Gloria: Yes. I thought we could all use a nice pot of tea, but I just knocked over the pretty teapot with the flowers and the gold leaves. It's in a million pieces. I am so sorry.", "Lauren: That's all right. Accidents happen.", "Michael: Mmm. It was just a wedding gift from Joanna. Nothing that can't be replaced.", "Gloria: Ouch. I promise I'll be more careful. Lauren, I'm so sorry.", "Lauren: It's all right. It's fine. You know, considering all the stress you've been under. Just don't worry about it.", "Gloria: It really is too much. It really is too much. If I didn't have you two, I think I'd go crazy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I thought it was clear. Well, then let me make it clear. I won't be signing off unless there's a budget attached.", "Kay: Jill, I hope you're, uh... I just hope you didn't misunderstand what I said before.", "Jill: I just-- I just had no idea that your future was so unsettled, that's all.", "Kay: No, Darling, your inheritance-- that's not an issue. Everything that's going to you has been set up in an irrevocable trust. All your work at Jabot and Chancellor's has been excellent.", "Jill: Then I don't understand what you meant by \"legacy.\"", "Kay: I was thinking of the distant future. When you and I are nothing more than portraits hanging on a boardroom wall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Who knows why Dad did what he did? Does it really matter?", "Ashley: Yes, it matters! If he's not the one who did it!", "Jack: I'm through discussing this.", "Ashley: You're gonna try stonewalling people like Michael Baldwin and Katherine Chancellor-- you're being naive!", "Jack: The judge is going to rule in our favor, Ash!", "Ashley: You're underestimating Michael! He could drag this into court for years, Jack! It happens all the time!", "Jack: Not this time. Dad's new will is the real thing.", "Ashley: Who are you trying to convince? Yourself?", "Jack: Ash, people can wonder all they want. To commit a forgery under these circumstances? I'm good. I'm not that good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You didn't get your refill.", "Lily: No, no, and I really don't feel like riling Kevin up.", "Daniel: Yeah, I know what you're saying. He's pretty freaked out.", "Lily: Plus it's getting late. I should probably go.", "Daniel: Hey, do you wanna... do something tonight? Um... you know, if you're feel like it and...", "Lily: Yes. I'd love to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: You know, I'm surprised you came in at all today.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Jana: Just needed to get out of there, didn't you?", "Kevin: Yeah. You know, my mom's got enough to worry about.", "Jana: Well, it's a good thing you've got me to keep you sane.", "Kevin: Your shift is almost over?", "Jana: Yes. And as soon as I'm finished tidying up here, you're taking me out.", "Kevin: Oh, I am?", "Jana: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Well, where am I taking you?", "Jana: How about anyplace but the water tower? You'd get right up to the top there and be all frustrated that Jack and Ashley weren't there for you to throw off.", "Kevin: You're about as bad I am.", "Jana: Oh, no, Mr. Fisher. I'm far worse. I've just been on my best behavior.", "Kevin: Oh... oh, I see.", "Jana: So... what evil adventure should we take on this evening?", "Kevin: You're in charge. I'm game for just about anything.", "Jana: Oh, you're going to be very sorry that you said that.", "Kevin: Somehow I doubt it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, look at this! Do you believe this? All of my clothes wadded up in garbage bags! I hate him! I'm gonna be ironing for days.", "Lauren: Gloria, you know what? Why don't I just have someone from the store come over, pick everything up, press it and bring it back?", "Gloria: Oh, you're an angel.", "Lauren: It's no problem, really. I'm happy to do it.", "Gloria: Do you think you could have somebody strangle Jack while you're at it?", "Michael: Hired assassin. That's strictly mail order, right?", "Lauren: I believe they're on back order. That could take some time.", "Michael: I guess we'll have to stick with our original plan and have the court go after him instead.", "Gloria: I don't wanna think about it right now. I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go take a hot bath, go to bed early and give you kids some privacy.", "Michael: Mmm, that's the best idea I've heard all night.", "Lauren: You remember where the towels are, right?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Thank you. Thanks again for everything. I mean it. Good night. I'll see you in the morning.", "Michael: Good night, Gloria, sleep well.", "Lauren: Gloria, I, uh, put clean sheets on the bed. And if for some reason it's still light out when you get out of your bath, there is an eye mask in the linen closet.", "Gloria: Thank you.", "Michael: Sorry.", "Lauren: For what?", "Michael: Oh, my family... invading like this.", "Lauren: You know what the funny thing is? They're my family now, too.", "Michael: You're talking all noble now, but wait till you spend a few nights with us all together under the same roof.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah?", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: I'm tough. I can handle it.", "Michael: Till she breaks the rest of our dishes.", "Lauren: Oh, Honey...", "Gloria: Oopsie! Lauren, you wouldn't happen to have a little bit of bubble bath, would you?", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, yeah, it's, uh, bottom left cabinet.", "Gloria: And, Michael, um, I forgot my makeup bag in the trunk downstairs. If you have a minute, could you get it for me?", "Michael: Coming right up! Keys, keys, keys. Anything else?", "Gloria: Well... there was that tea I was going to make.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah, okay! I'm on it!", "Gloria: I apologize, you two. I know I'm a mess right now. But I promise that after a good night's sleep, a long bath, I'll be ready to do whatever I need to, to win this battle, okay? Because Jack and Ashley think they are so superior and they know everything. We're gonna show them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So why'd you call?", "Kay: Um, I asked her to. I wanted to talk to you before you solidified your traveling plans.", "Jill: Your grandmother has been doing a lot of thinking, Billy.", "Billy: About what?", "Kay: Are you at all interested in business?", "Billy: How do you mean?", "Kay: Well, as a career. Um, have you ever considered coming back to Genoa City and working for Jabot?", "Billy: Yeah. I've thought about it, definitely.", "Jill: Because you would be a natural. I mean, it's in your blood.", "Billy: Where is this all coming from?", "Kay: Well, as a Chancellor and an Abbott you will be coming into a great deal of money one-day. And along with that money comes responsibility.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. That's why I intend to learn the family business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Off to the lab?", "Ashley: Yeah, don't wait up.", "Jack: It will be nice to get your mind focused on something else for awhile, huh?", "Ashley: I'm doing it for Dad. You know how much Jabot meant to him.", "Jack: Jabot is John Abbott. Sis, I promise you, not long from now, the company Dad founded is gonna be back on top again.", "Ashley: It must be difficult for you not to be part of the day-to-day.", "Jack: Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. All that's about to change.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah?", "Jack: Yeah, doors are starting to open for me again.", "Ashley: You mean, since you and Victor called a truce?", "Jack: Well, that. Along with my inheritance. All the pieces should be in place for us to have the company back in our family name again.", "Ashley: Well, well, well, things are really turning around for you. I mean, first Victor allows you to buy him out of NVP, Gloria goes bye-bye. And now you're in a position to make a run at Jabot? It's hard to believe it's just a coincidence.", "Jack: Where is all this skepticism coming from?", "Ashley: Is it, Jack?", "Jack: It's giving me a complex.", "Ashley: Is it just a coincidence?", "Jack: I'm a very lucky man, Ash.", "Ashley: Or maybe you know how to make your own luck.", "Jack: You never know, Sis. Maybe I do.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Tell me! Where are you taking me?", "Daniel: Trust me.", "Dru: You know, Sharon, you're not the only one with a secret.", "Jack: I know what I want. I intend to get it.", "Carmen: I admire your passion." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ji Min tries to get Jill to forgive him. After run-ins with Katherine and Jack, Jill asks Ji Min to go public with the Jabot deal, and he agrees. Cane argues with Jack over Jill and warns Ji Min to stay away from her. Phyllis spends time with her family. Heather approaches Amber with an offer to cut a deal. Michael is furious when he hears that she spoke to Amber without him being present. Amber learns that Daniel and Kevin have the money to pay back the government and worries that she will get a stiffer sentence because she isn't able to pay the money back. She approaches Gloria to loan her the money. Gloria refuses and tells her that she is the reason Kevin is in so much trouble. Colleen tells Amber that she sees through her act and doesn't trust her one bit. She thinks that Amber knows where the money is. Amber says that she has thought about it a lot and she thinks it had to have been Ji Min that took the money. Later she approaches him and asks him to change up some money for her – she gives him some twenty dollar bills in exchange for a $100. Jana's surgery is over and she seems to have come out of it okay. Gloria tells her that she may have survived a brain tumor but is she comes after Kevin again, she won't survive her.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jana: Dog! A bloody--bloody dog.", "Kevin: What's happening, Doctor?", "Doctor: That's why we map.", "Jana: A bloody dog.", "Doctor: That's an area we don't wanna touch.", "Kevin: Look, everything's-- Jana, Jana, I'm right here, okay? Just look at me and relax. Look at me and relax.", "Jana: (Speaking incoherently)", "Kevin: Look at me and relax. Good. Just breathe.", "Doctor: Syringe, please.", "Jana: A bloody dog.", "Kevin: I'm right here. Everything's gonna be fine.", "Jana: A bloody dog.", "Kevin: Please... please let everything be okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Poor Kevin. He must be going crazy in there.", "Michael: I think Jana has that covered. Besides, he has a lot of bigger, legal problems to worry about.", "Gloria: You're gonna make that go away, right?", "Michael: I can't just magically make his crimes vanish.", "Gloria: Sure you can, Michael. You'll make this go away.", "Michael: I'll try. Just once I would like to represent someone who's innocent. It would make my job so much easier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: You work here now?", "Amber: Um, yeah, I'm just helping Kevin out. How's your fiancée?", "Ji Min: She's busy. I haven't seen her in a few days.", "Amber: Me either.", "Ji Min: Can I get a cup of coffee when you get a chance? I'll be over here.", "Amber: Okay.", "Heather: Excuse me?", "Amber: Um, hello.", "Heather: Hi.", "Amber: What can I get for you?", "Heather: Well, I think the question is what can I get for you.", "Amber: Okay. Um, what are you offering?", "Heather: A deal you can't refuse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm working to secure funding for school programs not covered by \"No child left behind.\" Music, drama, art-- all enrichments that greatly enhance the lives of our children.", "Man: One more question, Senator.", "Jack: Sure.", "Man: How do you feel about the verdict in the Phyllis Newman case?", "Jack: I don't think anyone is pleased or relieved with that outcome.", "Man: Do you regret being so outspoken with support of Ms. Newman?", "Jack: I regret that so many of our state's prisons are overcrowded with non- violent offenders.", "Man: Are you saying you disagree with the jury's verdict?", "Jack: I am saying, as I have always said, that the punishment should fit the crime.", "Man: And it did not in this case?", "Jack: No, it didn't.", "Man: You think the judge was headline grabbing?", "Jack: You'll have to decide that. I do think six years in prison is excessive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: No, my wife does not have a comment. Although, I have one. My 10-year- old son begged the judge not to send my wife to jail. After hearing that, he then sentenced her to six years. Judge Chong would've fit in very nicely during the Spanish inquisition. Don't call here again.", "Phyllis: If I hear my phone ring one more time...", "(Telephone ringing)", "Phyllis: I won't.", "Nick: Anybody who needs to get a hold of me knows my cell.", "Phyllis: Okay. Hey, it's my last day of freedom. I get to spend it two very handsome men.", "Daniel: Well, one very handsome man.", "Nick: Hey, it's, uh, it's your day. We'll do whatever you want.", "Phyllis: Okay. How about we... build a time machine, and I can do everything over.", "Nick: I'll gas up the DeLorean. You check the flux capacitor.", "Daniel: The de-what?", "Nick: DeLorean. Pop culture, my friend. Who's sexy now?", "Daniel: In the words of your son, you are a total dork.", "Nick: Yes, I am.", "Phyllis: (Giggles) hey, I know who's missing. Oh, this is good. Hey, Noah, it's Phyllis. Do you wanna spend the day with us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: I'll be in touch with any follow-ups.", "Jack: Thank you so much.", "Man: Thank you.", "Jill: Tell me something, Jack. Are there training camps on how to manipulate reporters, or is this just a God-given gift with you?", "Jack: A pleasure as always, Jill.", "Jill: No, I'm really impressed, honestly. Only a few months as a senator, and you're spinning and dodging and equivocating with the best of them.", "Jack: What can I say? I... I have a gift for politics.", "Jill: You have a gift for being a lying, cheating jackass.", "Jack: I'm not sure I can take this much flattery in one sitting.", "Jill: I just wish that reporter had known that you owned Jabot. And I'd like to see you squirm your way out of that.", "Jack: Okay, okay, don't take your frustration with your fiancé out on me.", "Jill: My ex-fiancé.", "Jack: Oh. Well, my condolences. Or should I say congratulations?", "Jill: You arrogant, pompous son of a bitch.", "Jack: Ji Min lied to you. I told you the truth. I would think that you would be thanking me.", "Jill: Oh, would you? Tell me, did you enjoy talking about me behind my back, laughing about me? Talking about how naive I was?", "Jack: No. Never. This was business, Jill.", "Jill: Well, your business has ruined my personal life. I hate Ji Min, and I hate you for bringing him into my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Is there some reason you're tearing Ji Min apart with your eyes?", "Cane: Because he's a self-centered mongrel.", "Kay: Is there a problem with him and your mother?", "Cane: You'll have to ask her.", "Kay: I take it that's a yes.", "Cane: I don't wanna talk about it.", "Kay: Call me if you do. I have an appointment.", "Cane: All right.", "Kay: Bye-bye.", "Cane: I love you.", "Cane: I called you a taxi. It'll take you to the airport in ten minutes.", "Ji Min: I'm sorry, am I going somewhere?", "Cane: Yeah. You should go to jail. But I'll settle for you leaving town.", "Ji Min: Well, I'm sorry, Cane. You're gonna have to learn to live with disappointment.", "Cane: You're not wanted here.", "Ji Min: Cane, whether I stay or go is none of your concern.", "Cane: If you go near my mum again, I'll break your legs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Thanks for waiting.", "Heather: Of course.", "Cane: Excuse me. But if there is anything I can do or anything I can say that will help you put this woman away... please give me a call.", "Heather: Thank you.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Heather: So, uh... doesn't seem like you're too popular around here.", "Amber: With an ex? Is that even possible?", "Heather: Well, it seems like you could use a friend.", "Amber: And a deal.", "Heather: Fortunately, I'm powerful enough to give you both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Nick: So we are gonna have fun today.", "Phyllis: That's right.", "Noah: Cool.", "Daniel: What do you wanna do?", "Phyllis: Uh, let me see. I thought that maybe the four of us could play a basketball game.", "Noah: But you never wanna play with us.", "Phyllis: Well, you know why that is, right? It's because I'm really good and I don't wanna embarrass you guys.", "Daniel: Oh, you could beat us all in your high heels with one arm tied behind your back, right?", "Nick: Hey, that's not gonna happen. She doesn't know how to play.", "Noah: You don't?", "Phyllis: I don't. But I was thinking that maybe you could teach me.", "Daniel: Noah's a great teacher, right behind me.", "Noah: Uh, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Who taught you how to shoot backwards?", "Daniel: Okay, you got me there.", "Nick: You have to teach me that, too.", "Noah: Do they have basketball in jail?", "Phyllis: I-I don't know.", "Noah: Well, 'cause I don't want you to forget everything you learn today.", "Daniel: Oh, she won't.", "Noah: Why do you have to go to jail for so long?", "Nick: She's not gonna be there for very long.", "Phyllis: Yeah, six years is gonna fly by.", "Noah: That's forever. I'll be in high school by then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Doctor: And... done. Kevin, thank you for your assistance, and for not fainting. Nurses, get this patient to recovery.", "Kevin: Was it a success?", "Doctor: Well, I resected as much of the tumor as I could without affecting her speech pathways.", "Kevin: How much was that?", "Doctor: Not here, Kevin.", "Kevin: Well, are you sure there wasn't any damage?", "Doctor: Thank you, everyone.", "Kevin: Doctor? Doctor, you didn't answer my question!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Any word?", "Gloria: Not yet.", "Colleen: I hope Kevin's okay.", "Amber: Hey!", "Michael: Hey.", "Amber: I thought you guys could use some fresh caffeine.", "Michael: Mm.", "Gloria: Not good for my nerves.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Michael: I know Kevin appreciates your helping out at the coffeehouse.", "Amber: Well, it's the least I can do, you know? And I'm a little low on cash, you see. What, with being, like, $250,000 in debt. So how's Jana?", "Colleen: They haven't got out of surgery yet.", "Gloria: They're gonna have to operate on me if Kevin doesn't get out of there soon.", "Amber: They've sure been in there a long time.", "Michael: Hopefully, that's a good sign.", "Amber: Yeah, I mean, something good has to happen today. I've had such a crappy day. I just found out the prosecutor from Phyllis' case-- she is now assigned to mine.", "Colleen: Have fun with that.", "Amber: Yeah, right.", "Colleen: I'm gonna go check in with the nurse.", "Gloria: Don't worry about it, Amber. Michael's on it.", "Amber: Good. Because I really don't wanna hear her talking about any more deals.", "Michael: What deal? How dare she talk to you without me around. Tell me exactly what she said.", "Amber: Well, she said that if I would testify against Kevin and Daniel that she could cut me a deal. She wants to be my all-powerful friend.", "Gloria: Well, please tell me you didn't agree with her.", "Amber: No, no, I didn't say anything. I knew I had to talk to you.", "Michael: Can-- if the police or the prosecutor ever try to talk to you again, if they come within 30 feet of your presence, you--you walk away. You come to me. You understand me?", "Amber: Yeah, yeah.", "Michael: Do you?", "Amber: As long as you're looking out for me, I'm gonna do whatever you say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ms. Stevens? Heather? Uh, dare I ask, how did you do on the bar?", "Heather: Mm, which one? New York-- I passed the first time. Illinois--the same. And, uh, Wisconsin waved me in.", "Michael: Ah. But you seem to have forgotten a great deal about the code of professional responsibility. To wit, if a defendant is represented by counsel, you just can't talk to him-- or her, in this case. Especially when said counsel is away visiting somebody in the hospital.", "Heather: Amber Moore. She talked to you.", "Michael: She's my client. Stay away from her. Or I will be happy to go have a chat with the state bar ethics committee.", "Heather: Well, I wouldn't rush to Madison, Michael. I'm interested in a plea arrangement for her. Possibly, even an immunity deal. The only problem is, the two other defendants are your clients, as well. One of them is your brother. Can you say conflict of interest?", "Michael: Are you questioning my integrity? Is that what you're doing?", "Heather: No.", "Michael: Because if you--", "Heather: No. Simply your knowledge of the ethics rules. I wouldn't wanna put you in a difficult situation.", "Michael: Look, if you have an offer for one of the defendants, make it. Otherwise, any questions, comments or funny stories for my clients go through me.", "Heather: Good luck, Counselor. I have a very good defense attorney referral list if you need it. Correction. If your brother needs it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I read that people forget to hydrate when they're stressed.", "Amber: No stress here. I feel very fortunate having Michael representing me.", "Gloria: Well, you should. After everything you put his brother through.", "Colleen: Well, if anyone can get you off, it's him.", "Amber: He's a great lawyer, but...", "Colleen: He can't work miracles.", "Gloria: Maybe you should start praying, Amber.", "Amber: Yeah, I thought-- I thought for sure that Phyllis would just walk away if she got convicted.", "Colleen: Amber, you can't think like that.", "Gloria: If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go talk to the doctors.", "Colleen: Have you ever heard of the quote by Samuel Johnson? \"The hangman's noose marvelously concentrates the mind.\"", "Amber: If that means all I can do is think about my mistakes, then Sammy sure knew what he was talking about.", "Colleen: Yeah, he did.", "Amber: We are all doubly screwed if we can't find the money to pay back the government.", "Colleen: I thought you knew.", "Amber: What?", "Colleen: The guys have the money to pay back.", "Amber: What? How?", "Colleen: Well, Daniel has his mother.", "Amber: What about Kevin?", "Colleen: Gloria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: We could get a bunch of dry erase boards, you know? Keep 'em everywhere and we could just write messages to each other all the time. Or we could learn sign language. I could sign to you. We could come up with our own signs. It'll be fun. Kinda like-- kinda like our own secret language.", "Jana: Fun.", "Kevin: You can talk?", "Jana: Oh, God! I can talk!", "Kevin: I am so-- you have no--", "Kevin: You remember what happened in there?", "Jana: A little. God, you were so calm. I kept talking that... I kept talking all that nonsense and I couldn't stop myself.", "Kevin: You're okay now. Say my name.", "Jana: Kevin.", "Kevin: Say it again.", "Jana: Kevin.", "Kevin: I've never been happier to hear your voice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Hi, Stranger. You got a minute?", "Cane: Hey. You okay? I've got a meeting with Jack soon.", "Jill: Just don't let him try to fool you into thinking that his business isn't personal.", "Cane: I, um... I ran into Ji Min. I almost took his head off for you.", "Jill: I don't know who I hate more. Ji Min for lying to me, or Jack for orchestrating the whole thing.", "Cane: I don't understand. Why hasn't this gotten out yet? Jack is a senator. He broke the law. This should break him.", "Jill: Yeah. And your grandmother's company.", "Cane: Oh... mm. Good point.", "Jill: You know, Jack just gets away with everything. Nobody should have that kind of luck.", "Cane: Don't worry, Mum. It'll run out eventually.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: No, I don't condone Phyllis' actions. Now I believe, though, we were talking about my education bill.", "Woman: Did you know she was planning to blackmail?", "Jack: No. And if I did, I would've done everything in my power to talk her out of it. Now, you will notice that my education bill provides extra funding for music classes.", "Woman: You spoke on Phyllis' behalf at her sentencing hearing. Do you believe she deserved special treatment?", "Jack: No. I do believe the punishment should fit the crime. And I've spoken with several people in the legal profession who agree that the sentencing is excessive, given her actions.", "Woman: How does your wife feel about your support of Ms. Newman?", "Jack: No comment.", "Woman: Is she angry? Upset?", "Jack: No comment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Whoa!", "Nick: Yeah!", "Phyllis: Lebron James, watch out!", "Noah: Whoa!", "Daniel: Lebron James? Whoa, whoa, you know who that is?", "Noah: Well, duh.", "Phyllis: Of course. We watch sports all the time. All the time.", "Nick: Well, I gotta force her, but .", "Phyllis: So not true.", "Nick: That's true. She actually really likes sports.", "Phyllis: I actually do.", "Noah: All right.", "Nick: Your turn.", "Daniel: All right, all right. Watch out. You ready? Oh, come on! Come on!", "Phyllis: Aw! Good try.", "Noah: That's an \"S\" for \"You stink.\"", "Daniel: Oh, well, you know, we can't all be superstars like you.", "Nick: I got you.", "Daniel: What you got?", "Nick: Here we go.", "Phyllis: I'm having fun, aren't you?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Noah: And you're not bad at basketball, just not as good as us.", "Phyllis: Oh, thanks. Of course not. Of course not. I need some more practice, I guess.", "Noah: I won't get to practice much, though.", "Phyllis: How come?", "Noah: Well, while you're in jail, I'll have to baby-sit, so... okay, you guys, it's my turn!", "Daniel: All right, your shot. Your shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Please go away.", "Ji Min: Do you want me to get down on my hands and knees? Because I'll do it.", "Jill: What do you want?", "Ji Min: I got you something.", "Jill: I don't want that.", "Ji Min: Just open it.", "Jill: Okay, fine.", "Jill: How did-- how did you know that I wanted this?", "Ji Min: I saw you already had an extensive Annan's guide collection and I noticed that your copy of India was missing.", "Jill: These are really difficult to find.", "Ji Min: Well, I always hoped that we would go there together.", "Jill: I can't take that. Look... you can't just make some expensive gesture and expect me to come running back to you.", "Ji Min: That was not my intention, Jill. I saw it, I knew you would love it.", "Jill: Well, from anyone else, I would've treasured it. I can't accept it. I want nothing to do with you. If you don't leave, I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: How did it go? Did they get the tumor?", "Kevin: Um, well, they-- they took out what they could without affecting the speech pathways. But I'm not really sure what that means. I have to talk to the doctor.", "Colleen: How is she?", "Kevin: She's fine. She's awake, but she's tired. I should, uh, probably go back in there.", "Gloria: We'll be here, Sweetie.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Colleen: You know, I'm a little creeped out by all this. I hope it was the tumor that made her all psycho murderer on us.", "Gloria: Yeah. Well, unfortunately, we'll never know, will we?", "Colleen: Excuse me. I'm gonna make a call.", "Amber: I heard you were gonna help Kevin pay back the government.", "Gloria: Hmm. Yeah, he's my son.", "Amber: He's lucky to have a mom like you. You know, if my mom had that kind of money, there's no way she'd give me any of it. Even if it meant keeping me out of prison.", "Gloria: That's too bad, Amber.", "Amber: Yeah. That's--that's why I'm so determined to be successful, you know? I-I try my hardest, but I keep having these setbacks. And I keep thinking that... maybe if somebody would just give me a break, then I could do something good with my life, you know?", "Gloria: Mm. Now that I can understand.", "Amber: That's why I'm hoping maybe you would lend me the money. I-I would totally pay you back as soon as I could. You know, my singing career is totally just about to take off, you know? Um, I was just talking to a friend of mine the other day who has this friend who's a producer and they totally loved my demo tape. They really-- they think I have something. I just--I just need to get out of this legal bind. Then I'm gonna be making tons of money. Like, millions and millions of dollars. And--and I could totally pay you back, you know? That, plus interest, of course.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah? And if that's true, why did you steal the money in the first place and drag my son into it, huh?", "Amber: No, no, no, I didn't drag--", "Gloria: It was your ex-boyfriend's money, but you decided to keep it and not call the police, right?", "Amber: No, no, no, we all agreed to that.", "Gloria: No, no, no, you stop it. You stop it. You have connived your way into a free attorney. And believe me, Michael isn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart.", "Amber: I am grateful to have him for whatever the reason.", "Gloria: He is doing it to keep you in line. Because if you are out there on your own, Amber, you might do something really, really stupid and completely self-serving like testify against my son.", "Amber: I would never testify against Kevin.", "Gloria: That's right, Amber. You won't drag my son into any more of your little schemes. Because you are going to stay very far away from him. You got it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Daniel: For?", "Phyllis: Acting like you're not miserable inside.", "Daniel: Well, acting's in the cards for me.", "Phyllis: You're so good with Noah. Promise me you'll watch out for him while I'm gone, okay?", "Daniel: I promise. As long as I don't wind up right next to you.", "Phyllis: Oh, you can't. That'll devastate him.", "Daniel: He's having a tough time with this whole six year thought.", "Phyllis: You know, a lot... thank you. A lot of things-- thanks a lot. A lot of things will change. You know, he's gonna start... school, going to dances, dating girls, having problems with his math homework.", "Daniel: Yeah, I remember how slow time passed when I was his age. You know, when Dad-- he'd go away for-- for his tours and he'd leave me with a nanny for a week and it just seemed like an eternity.", "Phyllis: I know.", "Daniel: Now time goes by too fast.", "Phyllis: Yeah. It's so weird. All I ever wanted my entire life is a real family. That's all I wanted. Now I have one and I'm losing it.", "Noah: Phyllis is going to jail because she broke the law, right?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Noah: Is Daniel going to jail?", "Nick: Well, his trial's gonna decide that.", "Noah: But if he broke the law, he's going to jail, right?", "Nick: I'm not sure he broke the law.", "Noah: But he is in trouble.", "Nick: Yes.", "Noah: Were Phyllis' parents criminals, too?", "Nick: No.", "Noah: But I mean, how do you know? That--maybe that's the reason Daniel's in trouble.", "Nick: It doesn't work like that, Son.", "Noah: Well, when Summer grows up, will she be a criminal?", "Nick: No.", "Noah: How do you know?", "Nick: Because her big brother will kick her butt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So remember, I was telling you about that guy at the talent agency, right?", "Jana: Mm.", "Kevin: So a guy walks in--", "Gloria: So... how's our patient?", "Jana: Feeling a bit woozy. But I'm good.", "Kevin: She's getting better every second.", "Jana: I'm glad you came by.", "Gloria: Well, it looks like you're going to make a full recovery.", "Jana: I don't know how I'll ever repay you.", "Michael: Let me repeat-- no more talking about this case with anyone... unless I'm present.", "Amber: Got it.", "Michael: All right. Oh, so, uh, how'd the surgery go?", "Colleen: Really well. Kevin said she's recovering.", "Michael: Well, one hurdle down, several more to go.", "Amber: Look, I-I know that your brother and Daniel-- they have a way to pay back the government, but... um... there's no way that I can come up with that kind of money. I mean, is that really bad for me? Is there, like, something I can do to--", "Michael: Listen, just-- I'll check it out. Maybe there's some kind of payment schedule we can work out. I'm gonna go talk with the doctor now, all right? So excuse me.", "Colleen: You are so ridiculous.", "Amber: Excuse me?", "Colleen: I bet you could convince a bunch of suckers to give you their spare change if you stand out front.", "Amber: You know what? It is not an act, okay? I am totally screwed if I don't come up with that money.", "Colleen: I think you know where it is, Amber. And the more you protest, the more I believe it.", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, you know what? You got me. Yeah, yeah. I love to torture myself and to get in trouble with the government. Yeah. Are you kidding me?! I have been looking for weeks!", "Colleen: Right. That's why you're considering testifying against Kevin and Daniel. Why, Amber, why?", "Amber: I didn't know what to do.", "Colleen: You're not stupid. If you can get a lighter sentence, you can dig up the money and keep it for yourself.", "Amber: Okay, one--I would never do that, and two--for the last time, I don't know where it is!", "Colleen: Who else would've taken it?", "Amber: You know what? I don't know. That's what I keep trying to figure out, because Katherine and Jill-- they don't need the money. Esther--she wasn't even in the house that night. Cane was totally asleep.", "Colleen: You're making my case, Amber.", "Amber: No! Okay, the only logical person is Ji Min.", "Colleen: Why would he take it?", "Amber: Because he saw me rebury it, I swear he did. I-I would bet anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: A peace offering.", "Jill: What do you want?", "Kay: Well... I see you're not your usual... tizzy of happiness. What happened?", "Jill: You know, as much as I would love to share girlish confidences with you, I don't really feel like talking.", "Kay: I saw your fiancé earlier.", "Jill: He's not my fiancé anymore. And please spare me your lack of sympathy or your I told you so.", "Kay: I'm truly very sorry.", "Jill: No, you're not. You're truly very happy.", "Kay: Jill, I did not want him to hurt you.", "Jill: Maybe it was my fault. I was so blind.", "Kay: No! It was not-- it was not your fault.", "Jill: Mother, this is the first man in so many years that I really cared about. And he turns out to be a total liar. And it was right there in front of my face.", "Kay: Well, when you love someone, you tend to look around the negative, even though subconsciously you know it's there.", "Jill: I could've lived with Ji Min for the rest of my life. I wish I had never found out what he did.", "Kay: I wish you hadn't either.", "Jill: Stop it. Stop trying to pretend that you're the consoling mother. You wanted me to be unhappy? Well, congratulations, Mom, I'm unhappy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That was good food. Gina outdid herself, right?", "Nick: Yeah, she did.", "Phyllis: Maybe you can sneak some into prison for me.", "Nick: Yeah, I could put a file in some lasagna and turn on that old Newman charm and get it past the prison guards.", "Phyllis: Ooh, yeah, we're in trouble.", "Nick: What? It's never failed me before.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Well, um... I hate to break it to you, but that's what you think.", "Nick: Wow. So why'd you fall in love with me?", "Phyllis: Honestly? Because you're really good in bed.", "Nick: Another one of my many talents.", "Phyllis: Yeah. And it's a good thing you were, uh, because that charm thing? That was kind of a deal-breaker.", "Nick: Mm.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Interesting.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Well, it's no mystery to me why I fell for you.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Nick: Because you're beautiful, sexy, smart.", "Phyllis: That's it?", "Nick: You're also really great in bed.", "Phyllis: Is it enough to last for six years?", "Nick: Six years is nothing in comparison to the rest of our lives.", "Phyllis: Will it feel like forever?", "Nick: You know, in the grand scheme of things, when we're 90 and sneaking down to the stables and still messing around... this is gonna seem like a... just a blip.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: As soon as we deal with the methane problem, we'll get the contractors back up and running on the casino.", "Jack: Well, that's great. I look forward to it.", "Cane: What about screwing my mother over? Did you look forward to that?", "Jack: I don't know what's so hard to understand here. Ji Min lied to your mother. That is not my fault.", "Cane: And you got no pleasure from sharing that little bit of information with her, did you?", "Jack: That's what friends are for. They help each other.", "Cane: You know, Jack, uh, the more I learn about you, the less I like you. You brought that man into her life.", "Jack: I never insisted he go out with her.", "Cane: It doesn't matter.", "Jack: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Your mother is and has always been a master of self-deception. As for deceiving Katherine, you ask your grandmother the next time you're with her how much she paid for Jabot when I had to sell it back to her. She laughed all the way to the bank.", "Cane: (Chuckles) good for her.", "Jack: You wanna do business with your grandmother, you would be wise to learn the difference between what is personal and what is business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: Jill, I never meant to hurt you.", "Jill: Too late.", "Ji Min: I love you. I'll do anything to fix this.", "Jill: Leave me alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Amber remembering]", "Ji Min: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just looking for Jill's purse. She said she left it here.", "Amber: Oh. Um, I was just getting something out of my car.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: I'm sorry, what did you say?", "Amber: Hey.", "Ji Min: Hey.", "Amber: I noticed you were arguing. Is everything...", "Ji Min: It's fine.", "Amber: Yeah. You look like you're having as bad of a day as I am. Why don't I go get you a cup of coffee, hm? On the house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, excuse me. Excuse me, Doctor, um, how did the surgery go?", "Doctor: As well as we could've hoped.", "Gloria: Oh, good. You think you got the whole tumor?", "Doctor: Well, we have to run a series of tests and an MRI, but it looks as though Jana should make a full recovery.", "Gloria: Really? You know, I'm just fascinated. Do you think that tumor is what caused her-- what do they call it? That psychotic behavior? Or might've been the reason she wanted to kill?", "Doctor: Well, brain tumors can affect personality. But in this case, there's no way to be sure. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Now we're divorced and Cane hates me.", "Ji Min: I know the feeling.", "Amber: Mmm. Yeah. Wait, wait, is today the 29th?", "Ji Min: Yeah.", "Amber: Oh! It's my friend Laura's birthday. I wanted to give her a hundred dollar bill as a joke. It's a long story. But I am never gonna make it to the bank on time to cash in my 20s.", "Ji Min: You know what? I-I think I have a $100.", "Amber: Really? Uh, would you be willing to trade me? I mean, you'd be doing me a huge favor.", "Ji Min: Sure, don't worry. We'll call it even for the coffee.", "Amber: Okay! Cool. Well, my purse is right in the office. I'll be right back.", "Jack: Well, if it isn't Genoa City's newest bachelor. So was it bum luck or plain old karma?", "Ji Min: You know, I just don't have anything to say to you.", "Jack: What a surprise. It seems to me you can't keep your mouth shut. Isn't that how you got into trouble in the first place?", "Ji Min: You know, it started way before then. About the time when I made a deal with the devil. Go away.", "Jack: With pleasure.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Ji Min: Ji Min here.", "Jill: I need to see you at the Athletic Club.", "Ji Min: Of course. I'll be there.", "Amber: It's all here.", "Ji Min: Oh, great. I have to go. So thank you.", "Amber: Thank you again. Really, thank you. [Ji Min leaves and Amber looks at the bill0", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey.", "Gloria: You look exhausted, Honey.", "Kevin: I just wanna go home and get this operating room stench off of me.", "Gloria: Why don't you all go get the car and bring it around? I think I wanna go say good-bye to Jana.", "Jana: You came to say good-bye?", "Gloria: Well, it seems that no one will ever know if that brain tumor was the cause of all your crazy behavior.", "Jana: It was. I swear. I would never hurt Kevin.", "Gloria: That's good, Jana. That's good. You survived the surgery. But if you ever come after my son again, you will not survive me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: That was so much fun! That was so much fun. I love spending time with you guys.", "Nick: Well, get a grip, 'cause it's not over yet. How about some ice cream sundaes?", "Phyllis: Yeah! Yeah!", "Daniel: Oh, and Noah can make us his famous gummy bear, marshmallow and caramel sundae? Is that it? Caramel?", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Phyllis: Ooh!", "Nick: What do you think?", "Noah: I guess.", "Phyllis: Hey, you know, uh, Noah, I have a schedule of the prison visiting hours. So we can look at it and see, you know, when you would like to come and visit me.", "Daniel: That's a great idea. We can all go together.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'd love you guys to come, as--as often you want.", "Nick: And we will.", "Noah: I won't. I'm not gonna visit you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: I got here as soon as I could.", "Jill: You said you would do anything to get me back. Did you mean it?", "Ji Min: Of course. You mean everything to me.", "Jill: I want you to go public with everything that happened at Jabot. All of the lies. Everything.", "Ji Min: Are you sure? Your mother could get hurt from this. And Jack, too.", "Jill: I don't care. They have always known that there was a possibility this could get out.", "Ji Min: (Exhales) Jill, I could go to jail for this. Okay, I'll do it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Amber: You are crazy to take on the Assistant DA.", "Daniel: Somebody's gotta. She's got it in for my family.", "Jack: You do not wanna take me on.", "Ji Min: And you have a lot more to lose than I do.", "Phyllis: I don't wanna leave you with a mess.", "Nick: I don't want you to leave me at all." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The reading of the Victor's last will and testament is conducted by Michael at the Ranch; the outcome for Nick and Victoria not promising as it is revealed that Adam has inherited a bulk of Victor's estate and fortune. Michael's dad is MIA. Chloe is a faker and Cane realizes this as she tries to get out of going to the wedding party in their honor; as they settle in Esther shocked addresses Chloe as her long lost daughter Kate. Jana and Kevin return from their honeymoon and are given the news of Victor's death; Jana blames this is on the Ouja board and orders it be burned. Nikki aimlessly wanders the beach of Mexico searching for Victor, lo and behold he is found alive and in all one piece. Heather is now the lady of the ranch thanks to Adam." ]
[ "J.T.: Need some help?", "Victoria: What, did Adam send you in here to make sure that I don't steal anything from his company?", "J.T.: You know, this is the dumbest move he's ever made-- firing you from here.", "Victoria: Well... it felt so good being back. It felt like home.", "J.T.: He's gonna be sorry.", "Victoria: Honestly, I don't think he's gonna be sorry. I think he's just gonna regret all of his opportunities to undermine me. You think he wants this?", "J.T.: No. You might as well take the rest of them, too. Listen, I-I'm really sorry about the way things turned out. I know you were happy being back here at Newman.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I hated the circumstances that brought me back, but... I really loved working for this company. I love the responsibility, and I love the challenges.", "J.T.: It's what you were raised to do.", "Victoria: It's funny that Adam thinks that a Harvard degree is the be-all, end-all.", "J.T.: He's smart, but he is impulsive.", "Victoria: Yeah, and it's gonna cost him. You know, I've done a better job of running this company than Adam ever will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You should've seen the girls coo over fen at the store. He just loved the attention. He's such a flirt. Michael? (Singsong voice) Michael?", "Michael: Oh, sorry. What?", "Lauren: Back at the ashram?", "Michael: Mmm. I'm thinking about Victor.", "Lauren: Oh, right. Um, have you heard anything from Paul?", "Michael: Not since he went down to Mexico to look for Nikki. I should've gone with him. This is the part of my job that I hate. I wish Victor had never made me his executor.", "Lauren: You're the right person. I mean, he trusted you. He respected you. And he knew you would take care of his family.", "Michael: Most of his family. Leave it to Victor to make the reading of a will to hear their fate at the same time. Actually, I'm surprised he didn't tape himself reading it.", "Michael: Yeah. It'll be tough enough on Victoria and Nicholas.", "Lauren: Well, I think it's gonna be a rough day for everyone.", "Michael: Almost everyone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Don't distract me. Dennis has been breathing down my neck. I really need to finish this and get this off.", "Adam: All right, all right, answer me one question.", "Heather: Quickly.", "Adam: What are you doing for dinner tonight?", "Heather: Um, I'm not doing anything. I'm free. What's up?", "Adam: Well, I am flying in a six-course meal from Comme Chez Soi in Brussels.", "Heather: You are not.", "Adam: And I've also selected a very special champagne from the wine cellar.", "Heather: I had the best meal of my life at that restaurant.", "Adam: I remember you telling me.", "Heather: It got three stars-- three, in the Michelin guide.", "Adam: This is my present to you.", "Heather: That's so thoughtful. So extravagant.", "Adam: Get used to it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Actually, I would love to comment on the outrageous accusations made in the \"Restless Style\" article on David Chow, however, I am seriously considering a libel suit against the magazine, and my lawyers advised me not to comment. Well, you can take any inference you want from that.", "Kay: You know, to win a libel suit, one must prove the story is false. One problem, Jill, we both know otherwise.", "Jill: No, we don't, Katherine.", "Kay: Nor will a libel suit against \"Restless Style\" stave off an investigation of Jabot by the S.E.C.", "Jill: Thank you. Thank you so much for your moral support.", "Kay: Well, you've gotta start facing reality sometime, Jill!", "Jill: I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I don't wanna devote one more ounce of my energy on this heinous article. No, we'll talk about something positive. We can talk about Cane and Chloe's wedding reception.", "Kay: Oh, you're going to call that positive?", "Jill: It better be. The reason for the reception is to bolster Cane's corporate image. Let's just hope my conniving little daughter-in-law doesn't do anything to ruin it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Shouldn't you be getting ready?", "Chloe: I don't feel well.", "Cane: What's wrong?", "Chloe: My stomach is doing, like, flip-flops.", "Cane: You're not spotting again, are you?", "Chloe: No, this is-- it's different. It's like, um... I don't know, maybe it's the flu, or, like, a 24-hour bug thing. I'll be okay by tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Did you speak to Michael? No, Ash, Ash, don't worry. It's all covered. Yeah, we're all stunned. Just goes to show you no one's invincible, not even the great Victor Newman. Okay, you get back to work. I will call you as soon as I know anything more about the memorial service. Love you, too, Sis. See ya. Ash wanted me to tell you that she's thinking of you and Noah.", "Sharon: Well, that's nice of her. She flying in?", "Jack: No, she's on business in Europe. She's not gonna be able to make it back in time for the reading of the will. She asked me to be there to represent Abby.", "Sharon: Mmm. Does Abby know about Victor?", "Jack: Talked to her last night--pretty tough call. She's pretty torn up.", "Sharon: Well, I'll call her later.", "Jack: I'm sure she'll appreciate that.", "Sharon: Jack... you know, if you're uncomfortable going over to the Newman's today, I can go in your place, because I need to be there anyway for Noah.", "Jack: Ash asked me specifically to be there. You worried about Nick and me being in the same room?", "Sharon: After this morning?", "Jack: I'll be on my best behavior. In fact, I won't do anything unless Nicholas throws the first punch.", "Sharon: This thing between you and Nick has gone too far. I mean, you two were almost in a fist fight this morning. How am I gonna explain that to Noah?", "Jack: You're right.", "Sharon: Okay. So you need to back off, Jack. Don't provoke Nick.", "Jack: Wow. Taking his side again.", "Sharon: I am not taking any sides. I'm trying to do what's best for everyone here, so don't cause any more trouble, especially on a day like today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, wait, hold on. Dad won this in a boxing tournament.", "J.T.: Yeah, Victor Newman was a fighter, you know?", "Victoria: Yeah, he was. Did I ever tell you how he got his name?", "J.T.: Yeah, he changed it when he left the orphanage, right?", "Victoria: Yeah, his real name was, uh, was Christian Miller, and after his birth parents abandoned him, he ran away from the orphanage in his teens.", "J.T.: I think I read that somewhere.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. And he vowed that he would be a success and that he would never rely on anyone for anything.", "J.T.: Really? Why, uh, why'd he change his name?", "Victoria: Well, um... it was like his declaration to the world that... no matter what path he went down, he would always be the Victor. And Newman for \"New man.\" Starting over, never looking back.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nick: Victor Newman, a force to be reckoned with. You, uh, heard from Paul?", "J.T.: Yeah, I talked to him earlier today. Um, your mom hasn't been back to the bar and the Search & Rescue team haven't found any trace of her or your dad.", "Victoria: I'm worried that she's gonna get depressed and she's gonna start drinking again.", "Phyllis: No, that's not gonna happen. She's gonna pull herself out of it. She knows her family needs her.", "Victoria: Well, then why hasn't she come home?", "Nick: You know why. 'Cause if she does, she's admitting there's no hope.", "Phyllis: She's hoping for a miracle, right?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, she's not the only one. Well... there sure are a lot of memories in this room.", "Nick: Good and bad.", "Victoria: This might be the last time I'm in this office.", "Nick: Might be the last time for all of us.", "J.T.: Adam's making a huge mistake. He's in way over his head. You know, if that guy had any common sense--", "Phyllis: He went to Harvard, right?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, it takes a lot more than hard work to run this company. It takes good relationships with people and people have to be able to trust you.", "Nick: You and Neil have a track record. What the hell does Adam have?", "Victoria: He's got his new C.E.O.--Brad Carlton.", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't know, which one of those guys is slimier?", "Victoria: I could really care less about Adam, but it breaks my heart to think that the company that Dad worked so hard to build is gonna get run into the ground.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Oh, my goodness!", "Jana: Hi!", "Lauren: You look so great!", "Jana: Thank you! It's great to be back.", "Michael: How was the honeymoon?", "Kevin: Amazing.", "Jana: Oh, God, fantastic! The California coast is breathtaking.", "Kevin: The weather was perfect.", "Lauren: Oh, you took lots of pictures, right? Yes?", "Jana: Oh, yes, hundreds.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, we'll bombard you with them. Have lunch with us. We'll show you all these pictures of Jana, me, a busload of Korean tourists, wine tasting in Paso Robles.", "Jana: Oh, my God, and I swear, I do not speak a word of Korean, but after all that wine we understood each other perfectly. It was so funny.", "Lauren: I can imagine. Sounds like fun!", "Kevin: Yeah, so, lunch?", "Michael: I'm sorry, not today.", "Kevin: Why, you in court?", "Michael: No.", "Kevin: Well, then whatever it is, get out of it.", "Michael: Uh, not this.", "Kevin: Oh, come on, what's so important that you can't spend an hour or two with your brother and your new sister-in-law?", "Lauren: Um, you guys didn't read a newspaper, watch television?", "Jana: Oh, no, no, no, no, our honeymoon was media-free, wasn't it?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, we didn't even turn our cell phones on once.", "Jana: Nope, just drove the Dodge Charger all day long and slept under the stars at night.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Lauren: That's very romantic.", "Kevin: It was very painful. From now on, I am all about luxury cars and memory foam mattresses.", "Jana: Oh, shush, shush, don't listen to him. He likes roughing it, don't you?", "Kevin: I do?", "Jana: Yeah! I've got all the photos to prove it.", "Kevin: I bet. So what do you say? Play hooky and have lunch with us.", "Michael: Um, I have to preside over the reading of Victor Newman's will.", "Jana: What?", "Kevin: You're kidding?", "Lauren: No. It's true. Victor's dead. So after the storm they found pieces of the boat washed up on shore.", "Kevin: If they didn't find a body, couldn't Victor still be alive?", "Michael: The Mexican authorities issued a death certificate. They said that nobody could've survived that storm.", "Jana: Oh, God, this is so unbelievably tragic. I mean, what is this, something out of bloody \"Romeo and Juliet\"? Do you think maybe he went out to sea in that storm because he didn't want to live without Sabrina?", "Kevin: You just think of some people as being indestructible.", "Michael: It's hard to believe he's really gone.", "Jana: Kev, do you remember the last time we did the Ouija board?", "Kevin: Yeah. It kept pointing to \"Good-bye.\"", "Jana: What if it was referring to Victor Newman?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, I think I'm going to lie down and rest for a few minutes before the party.", "Jill: Well, we have time.", "Jill: Esther!", "Esther: Oh, could you make it fast? The caterer just arrived.", "Jill: Why aren't the decorations up?", "Esther: Well, don't have a cow. It'll all be ready in time.", "Kay: What's wrong now?", "Esther: I just wish this was a celebration for Cane and Lily, instead of that man-trapping hussy.", "Kay: Well, so do I. Lily is such a lovely girl.", "Esther: They look so right together.", "Jill: I know, I know. But Cane married Chloe, and it's up to us to welcome her into the family, for his sake and the baby's.", "Esther: Well, maybe you can do that, but I'm not sure I can.", "Kay: Yeah. That's the way I feel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: How's your stomach?", "Chloe: Ginger ale's not helping. As much as I love a good party--", "Cane: Look, if this is about a not going to the party--", "Chloe: No, it's about not barfing. When have I ever passed up a party?", "Cane: Well, you've been trying to pass up on this party ever since my mother mentioned it.", "Chloe: Okay, me? I love being the center of attention. I would love to show off this rock, and win some major points with your mom, so I don't think so.", "Cane: If you're not feeling good, I wanna take you to the E.R.", "Chloe: I told you, it's not like the cramping, okay? It's different.", "Cane: Well, it's better to be safe than sorry.", "Chloe: Look, I don't wanna sit in an E.R. room and watch a bunch of-- of accident victims be wheeled past my bed, okay?", "Cane: I don't wanna take a chance with the baby. I'm gonna call the doctor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hello?", "Phyllis: Hey! I guess we're the first to arrive.", "Adam: How did you get in?", "Nick: I have a key.", "Heather: Uh, Nicholas, I'm so sorry to hear about your father.", "Nick: Thank you. Are you Adam's attorney?", "Heather: No, no, I'm--I'm back at the D.A.'s office.", "Phyllis: Oh. Since when does the D.A. hire someone from his staff to come to a reading of a will?", "Adam: Heather lives here now.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Nick: Really?", "Heather: Yes, really. Can I get you something to drink?", "Phyllis: Yeah, why don't you go get me an iced tea?", "Nick: Iced tea will be fine. Thank you.", "Adam: I'll help you.", "Heather: Thanks.", "Phyllis: I can't believe this. The body isn't even cold and she's moved in.", "Nick: It's surreal, huh?", "Phyllis: I guess it's Adam's house. It's Adam's rules.", "Nick: You know, if Dad's will leaves Adam control of Newman, then he controls all the property, too, and that includes the tack house. We're gonna have to find a new place to live.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: I can't believe he's dead.", "Lauren: Hey, why don't you two come over for dinner tonight?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah? Yeah, we have a gift for Fen.", "Lauren: Aw.", "Jana: Oh, yeah. Um, we got him a penguin at the Monterey aquarium. It's made of soy fiber.", "Michael: Well, only in California.", "Lauren: Yeah, really, huh?", "Michael: All right, I'll call you when I get back.", "Lauren: Okay. I love you.", "Michael: Right. See you guys later?", "Kevin: Bye.", "Jana: Bye. Gosh, how sad for the Newman family.", "Lauren: Michael hasn't really talked about it, but I know its hit him hard. Victor was an important person in his life.", "Kevin: Kinda like the dad he never had.", "Lauren: I think so.", "Kevin: How is he dealing with the whole River being his long lost dad thing anyway?", "Lauren: Oh, great. Yeah. It's like those, uh, two days in Malibu never even existed.", "Jana: It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up like that.", "Kevin: Well, I understand why he doesn't wanna deal with it. His dad was a criminal and a flake.", "Lauren: You know, he was obsessed about finding his father before he finally did, and now it's like he could care less.", "Jana: I know River was really happy to see Michael and he was hoping they'd reconnect.", "Lauren: Not if he's waiting for my husband to make the first move.", "Jana: That's a shame.", "Kevin: I can talk to Michael. See if I can get him to open up.", "Lauren: You know, I think I'd like to talk to River. Do you have the number of the ashram?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hello?", "Phyllis: We're in here.", "Nick: Hey, Sis.", "J.T.: Hey, everybody.", "Victoria: Uh, is Michael here?", "Adam: He's on his way.", "Phyllis: Anyone want anything to drink? Heather will get it for you.", "Victoria: What are you drinking, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Iced tea. Oh, it's great.", "J.T.: We'll take some of that.", "Victoria: Yeah, iced tea, that's great.", "Heather: Adam, would you mind helping me?", "Adam: Of course not. Excuse me again.", "Phyllis: Could you get me more ice, please?", "Victoria: What is Heather doing here?", "Nick: Adam asked her to move in.", "Victoria: Oh, I see. So Heather is officially the woman of the house?", "Nick: How long until you think those two start redecorating?", "Victoria: It's strange to think that Dad's not gonna live here anymore.", "Nick: Remember when you said this may be the last time we see Dad's office? Well, you can kiss this place good-bye, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: She's nauseous, but she hasn't thrown up. Do you have any other symptoms?", "Chloe: No, I'm just tired and I have a raging headache.", "Cane: No, she's just tired and has a headache. Do you have a fever?", "Chloe: I looked for a thermometer, but I couldn't find one, so I don't know. I don't think so.", "Cane: She doesn't wanna go to the E.R. You have a cancellation? You can slip us in? That's great. I appreciate it. Okay, thank you. All right, doctor can slip us in.", "Chloe: Oh, joy.", "Cane: Come on, we're going to the doctor and I'm driving. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What are you doing here?", "Jack: Ashley couldn't be here. I'm here representing my niece.", "Nick: You're the last person I would trust to do that.", "Jack: I'm not looking for trouble, Nick. This is not the time or the place.", "Nick: Oh, Jack Abbott concerned about impropriety? Now that is a first.", "Jack: If you want, we can always take this outside.", "Phyllis: No, no.", "Nick: Let's go.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, no. No, we're not, please.", "Sharon: Jack, just stop it, okay? Stop it.", "Michael: Good day. Well, if we're all here, we can get started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: What is that?", "Esther: It says \"Congratulations.\"", "Jill: It says \"Tacky,\" Esther. Take it down.", "Esther: (Sighs) All this fuss to celebrate a shotgun wedding. I've never approved of women who get pregnant to snare a husband.", "Jill: Well, luckily, your approval is not the issue. Your ability to finish the decorations is.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Esther: Chancellor residence. It's a reporter for you.", "Jill: No, I'm not taking any calls from reporters at the house. You tell 'em to call me at work.", "Esther: You'll have to call her at the office. Sorry. No, I don't wanna make extra cash. How much?", "Jill: Esther, hang up the phone.", "Kay: What's the going rate for Chancellor secrets?", "Esther: Let's just say I could be a very wealthy woman.", "Kay: Mm. That's good. Uh, well, you're going to have to answer questions about, uh, David Chow sooner or later, so how are you going to handle it?", "Jill: Don't you mean, how are we gonna handle it?", "Kay: What?", "Jill: No, I've been thinking. You and Nikki are very good friends, and she tells you everything. You knew about David Chow's gambling problem, didn't you? Mmm. There's the look. Katherine, as chairman of the board, it was your obligation to inform me. What, did that slip your mind?", "Kay: I have an obligation to keep Nikki's anonymity.", "Jill: Boy, and you say you can't trust me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, I'm ready. Oh, please, put that away. Looking at it just makes me wanna hurl.", "Cane: Look what I found under the couch.", "Chloe: Well, yeah, I was eating them last night. I guess I left them underneath the couch.", "Cane: No, Chloe, I was looking for my keys this morning and I didn't find these under the couch.", "Chloe: Okay, well, then you didn't see them.", "Cane: You're faking it, okay? And you've been trying to get out of this party ever since my mother mentioned it.", "Chloe: Why would I do that?", "Cane: You know what, Chloe? I don't know, I just really don't care.", "Chloe: Oh, I gotta lay down. I gotta lie down.", "Cane: No, see, I think you need to step up to your responsibilities here, okay, Mrs. Cane Ashby. You're gonna go to the doctor. If he says you don't have to be hospitalized, then you're gonna take your ass to the reception, all right?", "Chloe: Okay, fine. Fine. Let's go have a fun, fabulous time. It's going to be truly a memorable night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: He didn't tell anyone where he was going? All right, um, if he does return, would you call me at this number? Thank you. You're not gonna believe this. River disappeared from the ashram the day after you left.", "Kevin: Well, I bet Leilani knows where he is.", "Lauren: No. They said he didn't tell anyone where he was going.", "Jana: Oh, God, I feel sorry for him. On the run again.", "Kevin: Well, he probably afraid somebody might drop a dime.", "Lauren: Michael promised him that he was not gonna call the police.", "Kevin: Yeah, and River abandoned Michael. Would you wanna risk your freedom on the word of a son who probably hates your guts? I wouldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: \"Last will and testament of Victor Newman. I, Victor Newman, a resident of Genoa City, Wisconsin, hereby make this will and revoke all prior wills and codicils. I leave 1/4 of my estate in trust to be divided between my daughter, Abby Carlton, and my grandchildren, Summer Ann Newman, Reed Hellstrom and Noah Newman. Any future children born to either Victoria or Nicholas, shall be included in said trust.\" And, uh, since Sabrina did not outlive Victor, this next paragraph is no longer relevant, so I will skip that to... all right. \"To my dear friend Ashley Abbott, whose unique sense of intelligence and compassion I treasure, I bequeath my rare book collection. To my son, Nicholas Christian Newman, who always insisted on going his own way, I leave the building at 1350 Union Street, which houses 'Restless Style.' It now belongs to Nicholas free and clear. To my daughter, Victoria Nicole Newman, who has a talent for business, but a passion for art, I leave my private art collection and control of the Newman foundation. To my son, Victor Adam Newman, Jr., I leave the bulk of my estate and Newman Enterprises.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Uh, the cake was just delivered and the sparkling apple juice is on ice.", "Jill: Good, because I want everything to be perfect. I invited a reporter.", "Esther: Is that wise after all the bad press at Jabot?", "Jill: It's all right. This one is just doing a puff piece on Cane. You know, new C.E.O., new wife, baby on the way.", "Kay: Where are Chloe and Cane? I mean, shouldn't they be here by now?", "Jill: Esther, listen, when you meet Chloe for the first time, do not be nasty.", "Esther: Me?", "Kay: Where are they, for heaven's sakes? I'm saying where is Chloe? Where is Cane? Anybody?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Well, according to the F.B.I. web site, the last reported sighting of River Baldwin was in Thailand.", "Lauren: Hmm. You know, I think I'm gonna have Paul try and find him when he gets back from Mexico.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Lauren: Yeah? All right, I'm going.", "Kevin: Bye.", "Lauren: I'll see you tonight, right?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, definitely.", "Lauren: Bye, newlyweds.", "Jana: Bye.", "Lauren: See you later.", "Jana: Bye.", "Kevin: Ah, maybe we can use the Ouija board to find River.", "Jana: I never want to use it again.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Jana: I don't like the way it keeps landing on \"Good-bye\" over and over and over again. I afraid of it.", "Kevin: Baby, it's just a game.", "Jana: No, it's not just a game. It's bad luck.", "Kevin: Oh, is it? What bad luck has it brought us?", "Jana: You remember the night you brought it home from Europe? And Amber and Daniel used it?", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Jana: Yeah, now they're broken up!", "Kevin: Because she slept with Korbel! You can't blame that on the Ouija board!", "Jana: Yeah, but it just keeps reminding me of all the terrible things that have happened since you brought it here.", "Kevin: I paid a lot of money for this thing.", "Jana: I know, thank you, I know. It was a lovely gift, but now it's just symbolic of all the darkness that's surrounding us.", "Kevin: What darkness?", "Jana: See, that's exactly it, isn't it? You don't even realize how it's creeping up on you! You know I threw away all my books on serial killers and the scrapbooks I made on them. And now this-- it has to go, too.", "Kevin: You know, I like Goth girl. She's the one I fell in love with.", "Jana: Will you still love me if I'm not her anymore?", "Kevin: Yes, yes, of course I will. Of course, it's just... you know, I mean, I expect that you are gonna reinvent yourself every couple of years. From Goth girl to Jackie O. retro? I can't wait to see what's next. Talk about keeping things fresh, eh?", "Jana: I just wanna put all our bad luck behind us, okay?", "Kevin: Okay. Well, whatever you wanna do, I support you.", "Jana: I want to burn it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Those are pretty big shoes to fill.", "Adam: Well, I'd like to think that my father had confidence in me for a reason.", "Jack: Well, from one Harvard man to another, if I can be of any help, give me a call.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Michael: You'll receive a formal letter in the next three weeks.", "Sharon: You know, I'm shocked that Victor would treat his own children this way. I always knew he was tough, but I never knew he was unfair.", "Phyllis: So, uh, will you dispute it?", "Victoria: No, I'm pretty sure it was iron-clad.", "Nick: Why? It's what Dad wanted.", "J.T.: You know, I've gotten to know Victor the last few years. I don't believe he'd want Adam running Newman uncontested.", "Victoria: Dad must've been pretty hurt to be so angry.", "Michael: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Uh, Victor charged me with one more thing. Uh, Adam, would you join us, please? Victor left sealed letters to the three of you in his safety deposit box. Victoria.", "Victoria: It's Dad's handwriting.", "Adam: What's in here?", "Michael: I don't know, Victor wrote it himself. He stipulated that it be read in private, after the formal reading of the will.", "Nick: What could Dad say that he didn't already say?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You know, it's--it's not too late for you to take me home.", "Cane: This is what my mother wants, so we will make the best of this, do you understand?", "Chloe: I am really self-conscious around important people like that.", "Cane: Oh, please, give me a break.", "Chloe: Because I can't drink or have, like, six to loosen up.", "Cane: Yeah, well, too bad. You listen to me, the doctor says you were fine and my family's gone out of the way to make you feel welcome, so if you really expect us to play husband and wife, suck it up, smile and play the part, you got that?", "Cane: Did you used to bully Lily like this, huh?", "Cane: What? You wanna go? The next time you see me will be in court. I have the best attorneys money will buy. What do you wanna do?", "Chloe: Fine. We'll do it your way.", "Cane: Yeah. Good. Thank you.", "Chloe: Let the games begin.", "Cane: Hi.", "Jill: Oh, there you are.", "Cane: Hey, Grandma.", "Kay: Hi, Darling.", "Cane: Hey, Mum.", "Jill: Hi, Sweetie.", "Kay: Chloe.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Jill: You're late.", "Cane: Uh, Chloe wasn't feeling well.", "Kay: Oh?", "Jill: Are you all right?", "Chloe: Yeah, just a bit of nausea. Nothing serious.", "Jill: Pregnancy didn't agree with me either. I was sick all the time.", "Cane: Yeah, but you're feeling better now, aren't you, Chloe?", "Chloe: Oh, just peachy.", "Cane: Uh-huh.", "Chloe: I didn't think that we were going to make it, but here we are.", "Kay: Esther, the guests of honor are here. Would you please bring in the champagne?", "Esther: Okay, here we go. Let's see, we have champagne for the groom, and sparkling cider for--", "(Glasses crash)", "Esther: (Gasps) Kate?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I can't believe this.", "Jack: Noah and Abby are set up for the rest of their lives.", "Sharon: No, I'm talking about Adam. I can't believe that Victor left him Newman Enterprises.", "Jack: Nothing the mustache does--did--surprises me.", "Sharon: This is just such a slap in the face to Victoria and Nicholas.", "Jack: Honey, I don't know why you always had a soft spot in your heart for the guy. I always knew he was a son of a bitch.", "Sharon: Jack.", "Jack: What? He just shafted both of his kids for daring to defy him. That's classic Victor Newman.", "Sharon: At least they still have their trusts, thank God.", "Jack: I just wish he hadn't given Nicholas the \"Restless Style\" building.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Uh, I'm gonna go check on Reed.", "Victoria: Okay. I'll be there in a second.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'll walk you out.", "J.T.: Okay.", "Victoria: So he did it. He left the company to Adam.", "Nick: I think we knew that was gonna happen.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know, but just hearing it... I was hoping that maybe he'd have a change of heart.", "Nick: So you think those letters are... you know, one last attempt to make peace or just another clobbering for being worthless and ungrateful?", "Victoria: You know, I don't know, but I just, uh, think I'm gonna need a stiff drink before I read mine.", "Adam: If there's anything from the house you guys wanna take for sentimental reasons, feel free.", "Victoria: Oh, that's so generous of you, Adam. What do you intend to do with Dad's things?", "Adam: Uh, we're gonna do the same thing he did with Sabrina's.", "Heather: We're packing 'em up and giving them to goodwill, so if there's anything you wanna look at before we do that...", "Victoria: No, that's fine. You can give it away. I got what I want.", "Heather: I'll send you the photo albums.", "Nick: So I guess you, uh, you think Vick and I got the short end of the deal, huh?", "Adam: No, are you kidding? I got this whole mutli-billion dollar conglomerate to run. I mean, headache.", "Nick: Yeah, well, you know, that building he gave me, it's a sign of encouragement from my dad that I'm on the right path. He wants \"Restless Style\" to be a success.", "Victoria: Yeah. Just like he knew how passionate I am about art, and he left me his legacy. That means the world to me. You got money, so I hope it makes you happy.", "Adam: It does.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Everything is energy. Energy affects the spirit, good and bad. Negative energy influences the people who draw that energy into their chakras. And when this happens, we must cleanse our life force.", "Kevin: Now?", "Jana: Not yet. In the name of the Goddess Brigid, I bid thee, depart. In the name of the eternal lady, I banish all negativity with fire and air.", "Kevin: Oh, me, too. Now?", "Jana: No, not yet. I call upon the eternal mother to fill this house with love and light and bless this rite of cleansing with the sacred flame.", "Kevin: Now?", "Jana: Now.", "Jana: Stay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor? Victor?!", "Nikki: Victor?", "Nikki: Victor? Victor?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: You mean too much to me, Victor. I am not gonna leave you here!", "Jill: Get an annulment before she gets her hooks any deeper into you.", "Adam: They had everything handed to them their entire lives. I'm not sharing with them." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Daniel takes Lily's advice and continues his relationship with Heather but doesn't tell Phyllis about it. Daniel and Heather have another secret date at her apartment. Jack gives Cane a promotion to head of marketing for Beauty of Nature and asks him to find out if Tucker is buying up Newman Enterprises stock and not reporting it to the SEC. Abby is livid that Sharon donated her horses to charity and won't allow her to set foot on the ranch. Abby decides not to partner with Jack to buy Newman stock, instead she buys up as much stock as she can get her hands on because she wants to be the one to take down her evil stepmother Sharon and Tucker.", "Tim's girlfriend Beth identifies Kevin as the encyclopedia salesman after she sees him at the police station while Michael is questioning him. Ronan looks at Phyllis's rug in the alley, sticks his finger in the red stain and after tasting it tells the policeman it's wine, and asks him to throw the rug back in the Dumpster. Ronan and Phyllis play basketball and he finds a subtle way to let her know that the stain was wine, and he threw the rug back in the Dumpster. Lily bumps into a woman at Crimson Lights and drops her keys, then she picks up her keys and notices a card on the floor with the name Samantha.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply) Answer. Answer, answer, answer, answer, answer. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ronan: So what makes you think this rug has anything to do with the Tim Reid case?", "Brooks: (Scoffs) That.", "Ronan: What, that old stain there?", "Brooks: Yeah.", "Ronan: That's nothing. That's not evidence. Forget about this.", "Heather: Forget about what?", "Ronan: Hi, Heather.", "Heather: Hi.", "Ronan: What are you doing here?", "Heather: I, uh, got a call from Officer Brooks' partner. Said he had some possible evidence in the Tim Reid case. That it?", "Brooks: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Did you just ask me what I know about encyclopedias?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah. That was it.", "Kevin: As in... what are they? Have I ever used one?", "Michael: As in, I was wondering if you'd been selling them door-to-door.", "Kevin: (Breathes deeply) (Sighs) Yes. When I'm not busy running this place or getting our internet project off the ground, I am ringing doorbells, trying to find morons who want to buy a product that hasn't been relevant since the 1980s.", "Michael: Don't mess with me.", "Kevin: How can I mess with you? I don't know what you're talking about.", "Michael: Okay, here's a simple straightforward question-- where were you four nights ago?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Daniel: You okay? Is it bad news? What you got?", "Lily: Um... yeah, I just-- I was supposed to meet Cane, and he's stuck in a meeting with Jack, so... (Clicks tongue) There you go.", "Daniel: How's, uh, how's Charlie and Matty?", "Lily: Uh, they're good. They're good. They're, you know, walking, talking, keeping me going... (Chuckles) 24/7, so... how's Lucy?", "Daniel: Same. (Sighs) I-I love it, you know? (Laughs)", "Lily: Really?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Lily: Aw, it's so good to hear you say that. It's so cute. (Laughs)", "Daniel: It's weird, though, right?", "Lily: It's slower, yep.", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Lily: (Laughs) So how's everything else in your life?", "Daniel: Good. You?", "Lily: It's good. Do you want to...?", "Daniel: Do you wa--", "Lily: Talk?", "Daniel: Talk about it?", "Lily: (Laughing)", "Daniel: (Laughing) Yeah.", "Lily: Okay, good.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Looks good.", "Cane: And, uh, because, you know, trends change so quickly nowadays, I'll review it every, you know, quarter.", "Jack: I'm impressed, with your expertise and your commitment.", "Cane: I like a challenge, Jack.", "Jack: I'm glad to hear that, because I have a proposal for you. How would you like to head up the marketing department for Beauty of Nature?", "Cane: (Exhales sharply) Whoa. Well, you know, that's not a proposal, Jack, that is a huge promotion.", "Jack: I need you, Cane.", "Cane: Why do you need me, Jack? What, to develop marketing strategies, or is it something else?", "Jack: To help me crush the launch of Newman's new cosmetics line.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Have you seen the latest episode of \"Restless Style TV\"?", "Tucker: You mean that garbage Billy's calling a television show? No, I missed it.", "Sharon: Well, for anyone who didn't, they got to see Abby report that I am a gold-digging tramp who slept her way up to the top of Newman Enterprises.", "Tucker: Nah. Nobody pays attention to \"The Brainless Heiress.\"", "Sharon: Maybe not when she was begging for attention on the internet, but now she actually has an audience.", "Tucker: You know, uh, I had to put up with a lot of crap from Abby when I was with her mother, but unless she's behind the wheel of a car, she can't really hurt you.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) She's gonna wish she hadn't tried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: There, are you happy? I parked off the property. Now let us through.", "Man: You can't walk on, either.", "Abby: \"Not to enter under any circumstance\"? Where is your boss? 'Cause Bobby will straighten this out.", "Man: Bobby was let go.", "Abby: By who?", "Man: Same person that put you on this list-- Mrs. Newman.", "Abby: Sharon? She's trying to keep me off my father's ranch. See, she can't do that, because this is my family's home.", "Carmine: Hey, look, we don't want any trouble. We--we just came for some riding. Uh, the lady's got a right to do that.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Okay, fine. If you want to be a jerk, I'll let you deal with my dad when he gets home. I just need to get my horses.", "Man: Pericles and Starfire have been sent to the glue factory.", "Abby: Glue factory? I will kill her!", "Carmine: Whoa, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "Abby: I will rip every bleached hair out of her head, and then I will kill her!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I hope the children enjoy the horses as much as their previous owner did. All right, I'll tell Abby how much you appreciate her generous donation. Bye-bye.", "Tucker: This is good... letting everyone know you're in charge.", "Sharon: Well, letting the family know is one thing, but the stockholders and the public, not so easy.", "Tucker: That's why you have me.", "Sharon: Oh, are you here to help me with my press release?", "Tucker: Well, I got a call from Warren Magruder, a reporter at \"The Chronicle.\" He wanted a quote about what's happening at Newman for an online article he's working on.", "Sharon: And did you say something nice about me?", "Tucker: Eh, I convinced him to do a profile on you.", "Sharon: Well, how do we know he won't slam me the way Abby did?", "Tucker: No, the guy owes me. I told him we'd meet him at Gloworm.", "Sharon: Right now?", "Tucker: Yeah. I'll prep you on the way over.", "Sharon: I--you really believe I can do this?", "Tucker: Yes, I do.", "Sharon: Okay. Then let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: You, uh, you go first.", "Lily: Oh, gosh. Well... just mostly family stuff. Nothing drastic, but enough to drive you crazy", "Daniel: Cane's not hiding stuff from you again, is he?", "Lily: No. No, no, no. No. Just really can't get over his past, though.", "Daniel: \"Mommie Dearest\" causing problems?", "Lily: Well, Genevieve wants to get closer, but Cane is having a hard time letting her in.", "Daniel: Maybe he shouldn't.", "Lily: No, I think he should. I think he should let go of the pain of his past and have a relationship with his mom.", "Daniel: Yeah, I get that.", "Lily: I mean--", "Daniel: Speaking of which...", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Phyllis: Um, can I talk to you for a sec? Please?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Thanks.", "Phyllis: Ha-have you seen Ronan?", "Daniel: I thought maybe that after that piece that Billy did on \"R.S. TV,\" that you'd be steering clear of law enforcement.", "Phyllis: Okay, so, what, the answer is no? Is-- (sighs) No, forget it.", "Daniel: What?", "Phyllis: I'll see you later.", "Daniel: Mom, hey.", "Phyllis: Amazing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Ronan, you could be contaminating evidence. No, no, don't-- ohh, touch that.", "Ronan: It's wine. I'd say it's a cabernet.", "Brooks: What if it would have been blood?", "Ronan: I've done this a few times, Brooks.", "Heather: No, no, you were right to call me. It could have been a real lead.", "Ronan: Honest mistake. Come on, I'll help you fold it up and toss it back in the dumpster.", "Brooks: Yeah. (Exhales quickly) (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)", "Heather: Thank you, Brooks.", "Brooks: Yeah, no problem.", "Heather: I was really hoping that rug had something to do with Tim Reid's homicide.", "Ronan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, we don't know he was murdered. All we know right now is the body was moved after he died.", "Heather: You don't move a corpse unless you have a reason to. We're missing something. Let's get back to the station and figure out what it is.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Uh, well, I can tell you where Kevin was the night that you're talking about.", "Michael: I'd like to hear this from my brother.", "Chloe: Well, it'll be the same, okay? He went to go meet with Phyllis. They were supposed to talk about her joining our internet company, and, uh, he never made it. His car broke down. He didn't get home until late.", "Michael: How late?", "Chloe: Well, I don't know. I was asleep.", "Michael: What was the name of the company that towed your car?", "Kevin: It... wasn't towed. Um, this guy just stopped and offered to help fix it.", "Michael: You pay with a check, cash, credit card?", "Kevin: Well, it turns out that it was just this wire that was loose. Took him two seconds to figure it out, and... he wouldn't take any money from me.", "Michael: Well, it's a nice story. Makes sense, Chloe's backing you up. Trouble is, I don't believe a word of it. I'm gonna have to ask you to come down to my office.", "Chloe: Wait, you're not arresting him, are you?", "Michael: No, no, there's just someone I'd like you to meet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Sharon knew how much those horses meant to me. No, she's messing with me. She's messing with me.", "Carmine: What, by killing your horses? That's pretty messed up.", "Abby: There are no glue factories anymore. If a horse needs to be put down, they just--just put it down.", "Carmine: So, what, she shot 'em?", "Abby: No, she stole them. Hey, security guy, you know what you're gonna want to do? You're gonna want to get Mrs. Newman down here, or I'm gonna go get back in my car and I'm gonna smash it through the gate.", "Man: Excuse me.", "Abby: (Gasps)", "Sharon: Um, Abby, is there a problem?", "Abby: What have you done with Starfire and Pericles?", "Sharon: I donated them to a farm for developmentally disabled children. I mean, you hardly ever rode them, so I knew that you would be happy knowing that they're helping someone less fortunate than you. I had no idea that you would be upset.", "Abby: You're a liar, that's what you are!", "Carmine: Okay, easy.", "Sharon: My goodness. Well, you know, it's for the kids, so no worries, right?", "Abby: (Scoffs) You're not gonna get away with this! When Dad gets back, he's gonna put you in the glue factory, you nasty old hag! You too, \"McCreep\"!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Do you really think that one person can head up both departments?", "Jack: I think you can.", "Cane: Well, with that kind of support, how could I say no?", "Jack: Terrific.", "Cane: All right, well, uh, I will start working on a, uh, marketing plan for Beauty of Nature that will complement Jabot. We will attack Newman on two fronts.", "Jack: And they won't know what hit 'em.", "Cane: Mm. There is another way we could take advantage of Victor's absence. We can get a block of Newman stock. We leverage Jabot and we leverage Beauty of Nature, and we can make a very sizable purchase.", "Jack: Yeah, I thought of that--kind of risky. We don't know if, uh, Sharon's gonna run the company into the ground before Victor gets back, if Victor gets back.", "Cane: All right. Can I ask you something? Why--why are you, uh, having a conversation with me like I'm one of-- of your most valuable employees after what my mother did to you?", "Jack: What happened between Genevieve and me is in the past. I'd just as soon leave it there.", "Cane: I wish I could do the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Well, these hit-and-run charges must be rough on all of you.", "Daniel: Mm. As far as mom's concerned, she's the only one that's affected by any of this.", "Lily: Well, she can be a little, you know, self-absorbed.", "Daniel: (Laughs) By \"A little,\" you mean \"Completely,\" right?", "Lily: Well, behind all that \"Phyllis-ness,\" you know, she just wants you to be happy.", "Daniel: Yeah, I suppose you're right. As long as she has veto power over whoever I'm happy with, right?", "Lily: Well, I thought she'd be glad to see you with anybody but Daisy.", "Daniel: Mm. Apparently, the A.D.A. who's prosecuting her is unacceptable.", "Lily: You and Heather?", "Daniel: Hey. Hey! Hey.", "Lily: What?", "Daniel: Shh. Come on, it's not exactly like we're posting it on FacePlace or anything.", "Lily: Okay, Daniel, she has a point. Really? Really?", "Daniel: Yeah. I don't know. Uh, it--it's messed up, I know. Heather's prosecuting my mom because she tried to kill her dad, but...", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: I really like her. (Laughs)", "Lily: (Laughs) Okay. Well, you know what I say-- just be with her, but then don't tell your mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I, um, wouldn't give up your day job. In fact, maybe you should get back to it.", "Ronan: Really? Well, I'm on break. Thank you.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Ronan: First one in ten days, so I think I'm due.", "Heather: Yeah, we've-- we've all been logging a lot of hours.", "Ronan: Take a shot. Take a shot. Come on, it's good for stress. Helps put things into perspective.", "Heather: Some people know how to do that without blowing off work.", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Heather: Oh, uh, when you decide to check back in, I'll be in my office, doing my job.", "Ronan: Got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: First you tell me that you brought your car in to get fixed at the shop. Then you tell Michael that you had some guy help you on the side of the road.", "Kevin: Right.", "Chloe: Wait, so then, which one is it?", "Kevin: Neither. My car never broke down. That's what I was about to tell you at Crimson Lights when Michael came in.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Michael: Here you go.", "Beth: That's him. That's the guy who said he was selling encyclopedias.", "Michael: Are you sure?", "Beth: Yeah, that's him. That's the encyclopedia assassin.", "Kevin: Wha--okay, I have never sold encyclopedias or ever used one as a lethal weapon.", "Beth: He's lying! That was--you're the one in the hallway the other night. He was selling, you know, \"X\" through \"Z.\" No, you weren't, that was code. \"X\" is for ecstasy and you are a drug dealer, and that's what that means. You weren't selling books. You were selling crack and Tim was on to you, and that's why you killed him. You killed my Timbo!", "Kevin: Oh, my God!", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no! Officer Chung, now, please!", "Beth: You--I saw you! He's the one.", "Michael: Take Mrs. Hortense to one of the visitation rooms and just relax for a minute. Maybe she should lie down. Give her a drink of water.", "Beth: Look at those books you weren't selling. Look up \"Fry City\" and see your destination, Junior, okay?", "Kevin: Wha... (Laughs) Ohh.", "Chloe: Oh.", "Michael: (Chuckles sarcastically) Start talking.", "Kevin: (Laughs) You are not gonna take that nutcase seriously.", "Michael: Well, give me a reason not to.", "Kevin: One, I'm your brother. Two, I would never deal drugs, and three, I would never kill anyone.", "Chloe: Why would you even think that Kevin had something to do with this Tim guy?", "Michael: Tim Reid was Phyllis' former psychologist and just happened to be the key witness in her attempted murder case.", "Chloe: You were supposed to be with Phyllis that night.", "Michael: And Tim Reid turned up dead.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Michael: So if you happen to have moved a corpse recently, now would be the time to come clean.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Ooh. I was, um, just texting you.", "Heather: Ah.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Heather: Oh. Do you want a reply?", "Daniel: (Laughs) I would, um... (Clears throat) I would love a reply. Probably not here, though. We should--we should maybe go someplace.", "Heather: (Sighs) I don't think that's a good idea.", "Daniel: Okay. Do you want to do this? Do you want to-- do you want to be with me?", "Heather: What do you think?", "Daniel: Then let's forget about the rest.", "Heather: (Sighs) We can't.", "Daniel: Why not?", "Heather: Look, there-- there are a lot of things going on with your mom's case.", "Daniel: I'm guessing that \"The charges have been dropped\" is not one of them.", "Heather: There might be more charges.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I've been looking for you.", "Ronan: And you found me.", "Phyllis: Get my messages?", "Ronan: (Sighs) I did.", "Phyllis: What did you do with the rug?", "Ronan: You're a suspect in a case that I'm investigating. You got that? We can't do this.", "Phyllis: What's wrong with a little one-on-one?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) A little one-on-one could be dangerous.", "Phyllis: You like danger.", "Ronan: Oh, I do, but I don't think you realize how high the stakes are.", "Phyllis: I'm willing to risk everything on one shot. If I make it, will you talk to me?", "Ronan: You're on.", "Phyllis: 2 out of 3.", "Ronan: Unh-unh. One shot--that was the deal.", "Phyllis: You like torturing me? You like seeing me sweat?", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Yeah, I do, but not like this.", "Phyllis: Why are you doing this to me?", "Ronan: Let's talk about something else, hmm? Let's talk about-- let's talk about your apartment. You know, I love the way you decorate your apartment.", "Phyllis: You want to talk about interior design?", "Ronan: That rug that you had in the living room-- I love that rug. I thought it brought everything together, really. It's a shame that you ruined it with that wine stain.", "Phyllis: Yeah... but I did the right thing by throwing it out, don't you think?", "Ronan: You did the right thing, yeah.", "Phyllis: Great. I wasn't sure. Now I am. Thank you.", "Ronan: Get out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: What do you mean, \"More charges\"?", "Heather: I can't talk about it.", "Daniel: Fine, then we won't.", "Heather: I know, but I want to. I mean, there's a million things that I want to ask you about your m-- see? This is what happens when we're together.", "Daniel: Oh, look, look, I bet if we tried really hard, we could find something other to talk about than my mom or your job.", "Heather: Okay, fine. Let's give it a shot.", "Daniel: Packers.", "Heather: Oh, Jets.", "Daniel: Ohh, J... oh. (Inhales sharply) (Shudders) Alternative rock.", "Heather: (Inhales sharply) Jazz.", "Daniel: (Groans) Jazz.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Jazz. (Laughs)", "Daniel: \"B\" horror movies.", "Heather: Ugh. Foreign?", "Daniel: (Groans)", "Heather: No?", "Daniel: Don't like reading subtitles. What about art? How do you feel about art?", "Heather: I love it, all kinds.", "Daniel: See? There we go. Great, something we both like.", "Heather: Mm-hmm. Well, I mean, you mean something bes-besides...", "Daniel: Uh, y-yeah, something other than that. (Laughs)", "Heather: I was a little worried.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Howard, Newman stock still trading at a high volume? What do you mean, one buyer? We know who it is? How much have they managed to acquire? I'll-- I'll free up my money as soon as I can. Gotta go. Hi, Sharon. Hey, Tucker.", "Tucker: Hey, Jack. I'll let Warren know we're here.", "Sharon: Thank you. I'll be right there.", "Jack: What's going on there?", "Sharon: I'm being featured in \"The Chronicle,\" \"Newman Enterprises' new C.E.O.\" Tucker set it up.", "Jack: Careful, with the press and Tucker. They can't be trusted.", "Sharon: I can take care of myself, Jack, but thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: If you don't come clean right now, I won't be able to help you.", "Kevin: Who says I need help?", "Michael: Any sane, logical person looking at the situation.", "Chloe: Kevin, will you please just tell Michael the truth?", "Kevin: (Gasps) wow, my brother and my wife both think I'm a liar, yet the whack-job who was cheating with her neighbor and hallucinating about an encyclopedia-selling drug dealer-- she's a credible witness.", "Michael: All right, go! Go. Don't say I didn't give you a chance.", "Kevin: What would I do without you on my side?", "Michael: I guess you're about to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I got the paperwork right here. As soon as you sign it, we can buy some Newman stock.", "Abby: I've changed my mind.", "Jack: Wait, what do you mean? Why?", "Abby: I've got my reasons.", "Jack: Abby, lis--", "Abby: My mind's made up, Uncle Jack.", "Tucker: Oh.", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "Tucker: Good to see you again, Abby.", "Jack: Have a seat, Tucker.", "Tucker: Thanks, Jack.", "Jack: So what is going on with you and Sharon?", "Tucker: What's going on? Hmm, let me see. Well, she's the new C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises. I'm a concerned board member. We have a mutual desire to see Newman do well in Victor's absence.", "Jack: Wow, that was good. I almost believed that. So why did you really set up the press interview for her?", "Tucker: She needs someone in her corner.", "Jack: Like Ashley did?", "Tucker: I didn't mean to hurt Ashley.", "Jack: Yeah, I'd hate to see what would happen to someone if you did.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: (Scoffs)", "Tucker: Nice talk, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, can you get back to Gloworm right away? There's been a little change of plans.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I started out as spokesperson for the company, and I worked my way up. Recently, Victor put me in charge of the new cosmetics line.", "Warren: You and his son Nicholas.", "Sharon: Yes, but I was the primary force in getting that project off the ground.", "Warren: I heard the board wouldn't approve you for the job until Nick said he'd work alongside you.", "Sharon: We all agreed that it would be better if it were a team effort. However, I am the one who secured the Asian markets for us.", "Warren: You wouldn't have been able to do that if Nick hadn't arranged the meeting with Mr. Mitsukoshi.", "Sharon: Nick and I did go to Tokyo together. However, I met privately with Yosuke and closed the deal.", "Warren: You make it sound as if Newman Cosmetics exists because of you.", "Sharon: I have played a major role in launching a new and potentially lucrative cosmetics line for the company, and that's not easy to do in this economy.", "Warren: But does that qualify you to run a multibillion-dollar corporation?", "Sharon: One of the most powerful executives in Japan trusted me enough to go into business with Newman Enterprises. I think that should prove to the stockholders that I am perfectly capable of running the company.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Jack wants me to be the head of marketing for Beauty of Nature now.", "Lily: That's great.", "Cane: I know you're celebrating on the inside, right?", "Lily: (Chuckles) No, I'm--I'm sorry. I-I'm excited. I am.", "Cane: Did something happen? Did you get an e-mail or a note or a gift or something?", "Lily: No. Uh, no, it's just-- just been on my mind.", "Cane: Don't give these people any power, okay? There is nothing that indicates you're in any trouble, and I promise you, I will never let it get to that point, okay?", "Lily: I know.", "Cane: Are you sure? You're okay?", "Lily: I'm fine. (Chuckles)", "Cane: Well, I got to, uh, I gotta go.", "Cane: I love you.", "Lily: Love you, too.", "(Door opens)", "Lily: (Sighs) (Grunts)", "(Keys jingle)", "Lily: Sorry.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: The best-- Chicago has the best museums.", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: And then we can go and we can get some pizza. We could--", "Heather: I can't go all the way to Chicago. I have work.", "Daniel: (Sighs) Well, the museum here is... suitable.", "Heather: Mnh-mnh.", "Daniel: I-I mean, they've got a new exhibit.", "Heather: No, no, no, no, no, no. Somebody would see us. I know someplace that we could go. It's close, uh, private... I happen to live there.", "Daniel: Oh, um...", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Does it have any art?", "Heather: Do posters count?", "Daniel: (Inhales deeply) Today?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm, yeah.", "Heather: Yeah. You want to see me there in, like, ten minutes?", "Daniel: Five.", "Heather: That's even better.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Heather: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I hate this.", "Ronan: Hate this? You need this. Relax. Shoot.", "Michael: This is not relaxing!", "Ronan: Just take a breath, turn, and shoot.", "Michael: Beth Hortense says that Kevin, my brother, was the man in the hallway selling encyclopedias outside of her apartment.", "Ronan: Beth told you that? And you believed her?", "Michael: No. I don't want to.", "Ronan: Well, then don't. Go with your gut. Trust it.", "Michael: What if she's not lying?", "Ronan: Oh, Michael, you have to stop over thinking this. (Sighs) I mean, a guy that's messing around with his neighbor's wife is found dead. Surprise. He has blood pressure medication, sexual stimulants, and booze in his system.", "Michael: Coroner said the body was moved.", "Ronan: Of course. Tim and his lady friend are about to do the deed. They're in their secret rendezvous spot. All of a sudden, his heart... (Groans) He's dead. She takes him back to his own living room, makes it look like he died there-- alone.", "Michael: Maybe.", "Ronan: Michael, we have not one single shred of evidence to implicate Phyllis or Kevin in Tim Reid's death, so I don't know why you're trying to dig some up.", "Michael: Because I want to do what's right.", "Ronan: You're the D.A. You get to decide what that is.", "Michael: (Passes basketball)", "Ronan: (Catches basketball)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Okay, well, will you just please tell me what's going on?", "Kevin: (Sighs) Okay. You trust me?", "Chloe: Of course I trust you. I'm getting the feeling that you don't trust me anymore.", "Kevin: I do, I do. (Rubs hands together) It's just of all the crazy things that have happened to me in my life, this might be the craziest. And coming from a guy who used to rob banks wearing a chipmunk head, that's saying something.", "Chloe: Okay, will you please just tell me? Because not knowing is killing me.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: Oh. Hold on just a sec. Hey, Phyllis, what's up?", "Phyllis: Ronan didn't take the rug as evidence. He left it in the dumpster.", "Kevin: Are you sure?", "Phyllis: He's on our side. Everything's gonna be okay. Just keep your mouth shut.", "Kevin: That's great. Okay, I'm just gonna tell Chloe, then.", "Phyllis: Kevin, just keep your mouth shut. Don't tell anyone, okay? I gotta go.", "Kevin: Great news. She's gonna flip. Talk to you soon. Ahh. Uh, wait till you hear what Phyllis had to say.", "Chloe: No, later. I want to know why that woman in Michael's office said that she saw you in her apartment building.", "Kevin: She's nuts, that's why. Or overwhelmed with grief, I don't know.", "Chloe: So that's what you were gonna confide to me? That this was just all a big misunderstanding?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. So listen to what Phyllis had to say.", "Chloe: No, I don't want to talk about that right now.", "Kevin: How can you say that? We've invested every last dime we have in this.", "Chloe: If TagNGrab's media director and genius programmer are involved in a murder investigation, then we don't have a project anymore! Or a life together or any kind of future at all!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmine: Hey, what's up?", "Abby: Mm. Buy up all the available Newman stock. If you have to liquidate some assets, then do it. Just get your hands on as much of that stock as you can. My goal? (Scoffs) To take down the stepmother from hell and the weasel who is backing her. I want to hit them so fast and so hard, they don't see it coming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Warren: Good. Well...", "Sharon: Well, thank you very much. It was wonderful to meet you.", "Warren: You, too.", "Tucker: Warren, I appreciate your help.", "Warren: Good to see you.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I thought about what you said regarding Newman's stock.", "Cane: You want to acquire some?", "Jack: I want to know what Tucker McCall is up to. If he's acquired more than 5% of the company, he has to file papers with the S.E.C. I want to know if he's done that.", "Cane: And if he hasn't?", "Jack: If he hasn't, I want to know how much Newman stock he has acquired. If he's in violation of S.E.C. regulations, I want to know about it.", "Cane: What do you think he's up to?", "Jack: I would bet my wheelchair he's trying to gain control of Newman Enterprises, using Sharon to do it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Genevieve: I will be the one to find Victor Newman.", "Cane: They've hired somebody who looks like my sister. Who shoves a ghost in someone's face?", "Paul: This friend of Ricky's that we're meeting today, if he's a dead end, they might as well convict me right now." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery arrives at the Coffeehouse to check on Dylan who assures her he is fine. Avery has a surprise for him. At the Newman ranch, Sharon is frantic that Ian has not gotten back in touch with her. Mark tries to calm her down but with no luck. At the police department, Gloria joins Kevin to see how he is doing. They discuss the divorce papers that he just received from Chloe as well as Mariah. Jill and Colin arrive at the park and see that the music box is gone. Jill is surprised. Colin hugs her to comfort her. Jill is taken aback when she sees Michael and overhears him on the phone. She naturally assumes he is having an affair. Sharon gets a call from Ian who gives her instructions if she wants to see Mariah again. Sharon tries to keep him on the phone so the call can be traced. Gloria asks Kevin why he is thinking about leaving town. At the Athletic Club, Jill wonders who the woman is that Michael has been seeing. Jill breaks the news to Lauren who doesn't believe her. Avery asks where Michael is. Jill naturally assumes that Avery is the woman Michael is seeing. Michael arrives and breaks the news that he and Avery are law partners. Jill is ashamed of her actions and apologizes to both Michael and Avery.", "Ian tells Sharon that he wants one million dollars for the return of Mariah. Dylan gets a call from Nick that he needs help. Once at the ranch, Nick fills Avery and Dylan in on what Ian wants. Mariah wakes up and wonders why she is wearing a wedding gown. Ian refuses to tell her anything. Nick comes up with a plan to catch Ian. Clarence arrives and Ian tells Mariah that they are getting married. Avery gets a call from her ex-husband.", "" ]
[ "Avery: Hey. Are you okay?", "Dylan: Yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?", "Avery: I just feel like the day isn't complete unless I've asked you that 20 times. Have you noticed?", "Dylan: I have noticed. But you can stop worrying about me.", "Avery: Well, you have to admit, the last few months I've had good reason to worry about you. But I will stop. After this morning.", "Dylan: What's -- what's this morning?", "Avery: Let me take you to breakfast.", "Dylan: What about this breakfast right here? Do you want a doughnut?", "Avery: No. I want to do this right -- omelets at the athletic club. It's a celebration of sorts.", "Dylan: What could we celebrate with omelets?", "Avery: Well, you're just gonna have to find out when you come with me. Let's go.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Avery: Okay, good. Oh!", "Dylan: Oh, here.", "Avery: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Got it.", "Dylan: What are you up to?", "Nick: Here, drink this.", "Sharon: Ian said he would call.", "Nick: He will.", "Sharon: Why hasn't he called?", "Nick: He will. And when he does, we're gonna get him. Right, Harding?", "Harding: We'll get him.", "Sharon: I still can't believe everything that's happened in the last 24 hours.", "Nick: Let's just focus on getting Mariah back, okay?", "Sharon: Oh, okay, and forget about the fact that she's my daughter? That she's cassie's twin sister?! I'm sorry. I just keep thinking about the night that we were sitting up late and eating that carton of ice cream and everything seemed so familiar. And now I know why.", "Nick: I know what you mean. The other day, we... we high-fived, and as soon as our hands touched, it felt as if it were the same person. And that's what started me thinking.", "Sharon: Nick, if you had not followed your instinct, I would have never known. I have so much that I-I need to say to her. What if I never get the chance?", "Nick: You will.", "Sharon: Ring, damn it!", "Harding: Okay, I understand that you're anxious, but you've got to stay calm, all right? Let's not start yelling at phones. Now, you're gonna need to keep him talking, you understand? We need time to triangulate his position, get a lock on his location.", "Nick: You can do this.", "Sharon: First he needs to call.", "Kevin: Damn it!", "Gloria: Hey, oh, whoa, whoa. Things just going from bad to worse, huh?", "Kevin: They are now.", "Gloria: What's this?", "Kevin: It's part of my space suit for NASA, mom. I'm moonlighting.", "Gloria: Ha, ha. Okay, go ahead, baby. Take your anger and your frustrations out on me. That's what mothers are for. Because I can see how upset you are over getting your divorce papers.", "Kevin: As usual, your mom-dar is about a million miles off. I am not upset because Chloe dumped me.", "Gloria: Really? So why are you destroying police property?", "Kevin: Well, my friend Mariah has been kidnapped and I haven't had any luck tracking her down.", "Gloria: Well, thank God for that. And here I thought you were gonna be so devastated about the divorce that you were gonna leave town. Obviously you've moved on.", "Jill: No! No! Katherine's music box is gone.", "Colin: You didn't really expect it to be here, did you?", "Jill: No, angel. I nearly broke my neck driving over here 'cause I expected to be disappointed.", "Colin: I mean, you can't have something like that, leave it lying around in public, and not have someone lift it. I mean, it could've -- why did you leave it?", "Jill: I don't know. I think I was just caught up in the emotion of the day, that's all. I really, truly thought that I was through with that music box. Then I woke up this morning and I realized that I had made a terrible mistake.", "Colin: Well, I guess you could file a police report. I doubt it'll do you any good, but... I think you're gonna have to face facts that the treasure's gone.", "Jill: No, it's not gone.", "Colin: I can see that you're upset. But, um...well, maybe the music box served its purpose.", "Jill: Are you gonna say because it brought us together?", "Colin: Well it did, didn't it?", "Jill: Katherine despised you.", "Colin: I know that. But she wanted you to be happy.", "Jill: Yeah, she did.", "Colin: So, mission accomplished.", "Jill: Yep.", "Colin: I'm sorry that the music box is gone. But, well, we've got each other.", "Jill: I know we do. And it isn't exactly the way Katherine planned it, but I am so grateful to her.", "Michael: Yeah, I'm so excited. All right, so it's all set. I'll meet you at the club. Yeah. We are going to be together for a long time. No, Lauren doesn't suspect a thing.", "Jill: Oh, my God. That two-timing bastard!", "Colin: Uh, eh...", "Sharon: What if Ian changed his mind and he decided to take Mariah and leave town with her?", "Nick: Sharon, he --", "Sharon: He could be hundreds of miles from here by now.", "Nick: Ian didn't go anywhere. He wants money.", "Sharon: Yes, but --", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Okay, I'm right here.", "Sharon: Hello?", "Ian: Hello, Sharon. Did you sleep well last night?", "Sharon: You know I was awake all night.", "Ian: Well, I may have a cure for your insomnia -- a long-awaited reunion with cassie's twin sister. And all it's going to cost you is $1 million for every year of your newfound daughter's life.", "Sharon: You son of a --", "Ian: I picked a number that would be easy for you to remember.", "Sharon: I-I can't get my hands on that kind of money.", "Ian: Oh, but you know people who can. I'll bet you nick is standing right there beside you right now, huh? Hi, nick.", "Sharon: I need time.", "Ian: I'll make it easy for you, Sharon. $5 million cash now, and you can wire the rest to an offshore account in the Cayman islands.", "Mariah: [Groans]", "Sharon: I-is that Mariah? Is she okay? Let me talk to her.", "Ian: No, I'm sorry. That's not possible.", "Sharon: Why not?", "Ian: Mariah's...indisposed.", "Gloria: What made you decide to move on with your life?", "Kevin: Excuse me.", "Gloria: Ah, your new friend Mariah? You know, I was so afraid that you were gonna pine over Chloe forever. Wouldn't that have been a waste. I mean, the poor girl had a terrible loss, yes. But it would have been terrible to throw your own life away.", "Kevin: Mom -- mom, stop talking. I'm not moving on.", "Gloria: But you just said --", "Kevin: No, no, you just said. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work.", "Gloria: No, no, no. So you are leaving town?", "Kevin: Goodbye, mom.", "Gloria: Why would you want to leave Genoa City? This is your home.", "Kevin: Maybe because it's filled with painful memories and annoying people who keep telling me I have to move past them.", "Gloria: All right. Done. Fine. Over. Forget about me for a minute.", "Kevin: Oh, if only I could.", "Gloria: Ha, ha, ha. What about your brother? What about Lauren? I'm sure you must have at least one friend or two. And your work, your job that is keeping you on the right side of the law for a change.", "Kevin: A little louder, mom. I don't think they heard you down in vice.", "Gloria: Oh, come on, Kevin. I'm just -- what is this? Ooh, another top-secret?", "Kevin: No, no! Mom, tut...tut. Good God, Kevin. What are you up to?", "Jill: All right, who is she? Where is the hussy who's trying to break up my sister's marriage?", "Colin: Jill, look. Let's calm down, here. We really don't know what's happening.", "Jill: You heard Michael.", "Colin: I heard him, but he could've been planning a surprise party for Lauren.", "Jill: Oh, really? And he didn't call her sister, hm?", "Colin: Maybe her sister's not invited. But that doesn't mean you should jump to conclusions.", "Jill: I am not jumping to conclusions. I'm putting together the pieces of a puzzle. And this particular piece fits perfectly with what Lauren told me about the state of her marriage.", "Colin: She and Michael are having problems?", "Jill: Well, let's just say that Michael having an affair would explain a lot, okay?", "Jill: Oh, my God. Lauren is here. I have to warn her before she sees her husband and his lover.", "Colin: Jill -- Jill, look, we don't know --", "Lauren: Okay. Please tell them I need those samples by Tuesday.", "Jill: Lauren...", "Lauren: Thank you. Hi, sis.", "Jill: Oh, my God, how do I tell you this?", "Lauren: Tell me what?", "Jill: Honey, you were right to be worried about your marriage.", "Lauren: What?", "Jill: Colin, how do I break this to her?", "Colin: Don't.", "Jill: Lauren, Michael is having an affair.", "Kevin: It's something that you should not be looking at.", "Gloria: No, no, no, no, no. \"They found his faceless, deth the middle of the searing hot desert, vultures picking away at what was left of his rotting flesh\"? What the hell are you involved in now, Kevin?", "Kevin: Solving crimes, mom. I work at a police station, remember?", "Gloria: Well, it's gruesome.", "Kevin: Yes, most murders are.", "Gloria: And what's with that helmet with the skulls? Do not tell me you are an astronaut.", "Kevin: I can't tell you anything, mom. My work is confidential. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have g get back to --", "Gloria: Fine. I get the hint. When? Angel, please don't leave town.", "Kevin: Unlike everyone else I know, mom, I don't make promises I can't keep.", "Gloria: I know that Chloe hurt you.", "Kevin: I don't want to talk about Chloe. I don't want to talk about my work. I don't want to talk about anything.", "Gloria: All right. You listen to me, young man. Your brother when his wife cheated on him, gorgeous Italian psycho, and I'm going to be here for you now that your crazy wife has dumped you.", "Kevin: You are my rock.", "Lauren: Jill, Michael is not having an affair.", "Colin: See? It's okay. Come on, let's go.", "Jill: hold on! I haven't told her about the phone call yet.", "Lauren: What phone call?", "Jill: Colin and I overheard Michael in the park on the phone, arranging to meet someone here.", "Lauren: [Chuckles] That was me. He's meeting me.", "Colin: See? It's a misunderstanding.", "Jill: How can I misunderstand \"we'll be together forever\" and \"Lauren doesn't suspect a thing\"?", "Lauren: Well, maybe that's what you thought you heard.", "Jill: Colin heard it, too. Tell her, Colin.", "Colin: Oh, uh, wait, wait, wait. Leave me out of this.", "Jill: Oh, please. Lauren, this would explain what's been going on between you and Michael. Or, rather, what hasn't been going on.", "Lauren: Michael and I are just tired. Too tired to be having an affair.", "Jill: Unless that's the reason for his exhaustion.", "Colin: He's exhausted from work, clearly. I mean, when would he have time for an affair?", "Jill: You managed to slip one into your busy schedule last year.", "Lauren: Oh, really? You just said that to my face? I cannot belie that!", "Jill: Sweetheart... sweetheart, listen. It's kind of tit for tat. Think about it. I mean, you can't bruise a man's ego like that and have him about it.", "Lauren: You know, this is really ridiculous. I mean, who the hell would he be having an affair with?", "Jill: I don't know, sweetheart. The paralegal at his law office, the barista at the coffee house, I mean --", "Avery: Hi. Where's Michael?", "Jill: Why do you ask?", "Avery: Oh, I was just wondering.", "Jill: Did you arrange to meet him here?", "Avery: No, I just wanted to say hello.", "Dylan: Our table's ready.", "Avery: Oh, well, maybe we could wait at the bar. Just till Michael gets here.", "Dylan: For what? What's going on?", "Avery: Nothing.", "Dylan: Yes, something is. You've been acting weird all morning.", "Jill: Like she's hiding something?", "Avery: What? No.", "Jill: Oh, my God. You're the one that Michael's having the affair with.", "Michael: Hello.", "Ian: 4-0-0-8. You got that?", "Sharon: Yes, I've got it. Now let me talk to Mariah.", "Ian: You have the name of the bank?", "Sharon: Account number, the bank, the amount, everything. Now, please, put Mariah on the", "Ian: We're not finished yet, Sharon. I want you to put the cash into a black backpack, unmarked bills. Then you go to the southwest corner of chancellor park. Up against the wall, there's a trash can. You put the bag in that trash can by 5:00 this afternoon.", "Sharon: Will Mariah be there?", "Ian: You just worry about the money, all right? I'll take care of Mariah.", "Sharon: You told me that if I give you what you want then you will give me Mariah. You haven't given me anything yet.", "Sharon: Well how do I know she's okay?", "Ian: You're just gonna have to trust me. Now, I suggest you start trying to get your hands on that money. Clock's ticking.", "Sharon: Wait! Let me talk to her.", "Ian: Ah, money first.", "Sharon: But...I don't even know if she's still alive.", "Ian: Oh, Sharon. I would never harm someone that is so precious and valuable to me.", "Sharon: Um... I know how much you care about Mariah. She told me that you were there for her when she had no one.", "Ian: That' I was.", "Sharon: Have you told her that I'm her mother? Have you told Mariah that she's my daughter? Ian? Oh, he hung up.", "Nick: Were you able to trace it? He was using a burner, so we have to collect data about every ping off every tower in the area.", "Harding: It takes time. And he wasn't on long enough to pinpoint a location.", "Sharon: We got nothing? He's still within a 20-mile radius of Genoa City.", "Sharon: And that's it? That's what we already knew.", "Nick: Sharon --", "Sharon: No! No, nick. My daughter's out there. She's out there with this maniac. We have no idea where she is.", "Michael: What's going on?", "Jill: Don't bother denying it.", "Michael: Denying what?", "Jill: That you're having an affair, Michael.", "Michael: An affair?", "Lauren: Jill overheard you on the phone at the park.", "Jill: Yes. And it's very obvious that you've been cheating on your wife with this bleach-blond succubus.", "Dylan: Not Avery.", "Avery: Michael, I think we should come clean.", "Michael: I didn't want to do it this way.", "Avery: Well, they know we're hiding something. There's no point in denying it.", "Dylan: Avery?", "Avery: I promised I wouldn't tell you until Michael had the chance to break the news to Lauren.", "Jill: You see? I told you. I told both of you.", "Colin: I think this is a bad time to gloat.", "Jill: Come on. They practically admitted that they're partners.", "Michael: Yes, we're partners. We're law partners.", "Nick: Sharon, the police are doing everything they can.", "Sharon: That is not enough. We've got to take care of this ourselves. I'm gonna get all the money out of my account, but that won't be enough.", "Nick: Sharon --", "Sharon: How much can you get your hands on? What about Victor?", "Harding: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.", "Sharon: Slow down? Did you not hear Mariah on the phone? She sounded like she was in pain. She could be hurt.", "Harding: She could also be in on this whole thing.", "Sharon: What?", "Harding: I'm just saying that she does have a rap sheet as long as my arm.", "Sharon: Okay, no one knows better than I do what Mariah is capable of. But right now, I know that she's in trouble. I can feel it in my heart. Tell them, nick.", "Nick: Sharon's right. Ian is the lowlife here. We have to do whatever it takes to get Mariah away from him.", "Harding: Sure. Two criminals on the run together, we're just going after one of them.", "Nick: Only one of them called and made ransom demands.", "Harding: Okay. We're gonna run this as a straight kidnapping. For now.", "Sharon: Okay. Nick and I will get the money.", "Harding: No. No, no, no.", "Sharon: But --", "Harding: The chief will never sanction a real money drop.", "Nick: Then what's the plan?", "Harding: I'll see if I can get approval for a decoy drop.", "Sharon: You want me to put fake money in the park?", "Harding: No, not you. A decoy.", "Sharon: No!", "Nick: So, a cop that looks like Sharon.", "Sharon: No, no, no, no, no. That is way too risky.", "Harding: We run these kind of operations all the time.", "Sharon: What if Ian's there and he realizes that's not me? What if he realizes the bills are counterfeit?", "Harding: We will have him in custody before he realizes anything happened.", "Sharon: Okay, and then what?", "Harding: And then we will get him to tell him where Mariah is.", "Sharon: What if he's working with somebody else? What if he takes her away someplace?", "Nick: We're just gonna have to trust the police, Sharon.", "Harding: All I can tell you is that the people who don't work with us end up regretting it.", "Sharon: So we don't have a choice.", "Harding: Let's go. Listen, ward calls back, you keep him talking as long as possible. We're still gonna be monitoring the call from the station.", "Nick: Keep us posted.", "Sharon: Nick, I cannot just sit back and do nothing.", "Nick: I wasn't planning to.", "Lauren: You ordered mimosas?", "Michael: Mm. We were hoping to celebrate our news over breakfast.", "Colin: Yeah, but someone kind of spoiled that, didn't they?", "Jill: You know what, I jumped to the wrong conclusion in the park. You really should be more careful about what you allow people to overhear, Michael.", "Michael: Really? I accept your apology.", "Lauren: I think that's as close as you're gonna get.", "Dylan: Michael's not the only one who deserves an apology.", "Jill: Yes, Avery. I was out of line, okay? And succubus was a little strong. It sounded better in my head.", "Avery: You were looking out for your sister. I understand that.", "Jill: I'm sure you're not even capable of something like that, so I'm sorry.", "Lauren: Oh, my God. An actual apology. Hope somebody got that on tape.", "Jill: Shut up, sis.", "Lauren: You shut up.", "Colin: Oh, but, why don't we leave and let these people have what's left of their celebration?", "Jill: Bye.", "Lauren: Should we sit down?", "Avery: Yes.", "Lauren: All right. So, tell me, how did this all come about, the two of you becoming partners?", "Avery: Business partners.", "Lauren: [Laughs] Right.", "Avery: Yes. Well, Leslie decided to give up being a defense attorney and look into becoming an A.D.A. And that left me with too much office space and too few clients.", "Michael: And I had been thinking recently that I would like to reduce my workload to spend more time with my wife.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: I'm sorry, excuse me. Hey, what's up?", "Nick: Hey, I got a problem. And I need your help.", "Ian: Everything is in motion. No, trust me. It'll all be worth it in the end.", "Mariah: [Groans]", "Ian: I have to go. You get here as soon as you can.", "Mariah: Oh, my head. What happened?", "Ian: Oh, you had a little bit too much to drink, honey. But you'll be fine.", "Mariah: I don't feel fine. This isn't what I was wearing.", "Ian: No, it isn't.", "Mariah: Where are my clothes? Where did I get this dress?", "Ian: The wine must have gone to your head.", "Mariah: Yeah, I guess. What happened to my clothes? Who put me in this dress?", "Ian: It'll all make sense to you very soon, hon.", "Mariah: What do you mean?", "Ian: Just relax.", "Mariah: Wait, this... this isn't a dress. It's a wedding gown.", "Avery: Mariah is cassie's twin and Ian has known all along?", "Dylan: It never ends with this dirtbag.", "Sharon: I can't stand this waiting. I just want my daughter back.", "Dylan: And what can we do?", "Nick: You were able to track down Ian when you found out he was your father. Were you able to find anything that might give us some clue as to where he may have taken Mariah?", "Sharon: The police think they're still in Genoa City.", "Dylan: He didn't have any ties in Wisconsin that we could find.", "Avery: His ex-wife, Willa -- she might have some information that could help.", "Nick: The police already talked to her. If she knows anything, she's not giving it up.", "Sharon: We're never gonna find Mariah.", "Dylan: Wait, wait. What about that guy in Indiana at the path office?", "Avery: Clarence. I can't remember his last name.", "Nick: Wait, who's he?", "Dylan: He worked with Ian, and he seemed pretty close to him.", "Avery: He's close enough that he would lie about knowing Ian. And I will bet you I have his number still in my phone.", "Nick: But my dad got all of those path offices shut down. I bet the number's disconnected.", "Sharon: Maybe detective Harding can use the number to track down this Clarence person.", "Avery: I found it.", "Nick: Okay. All right. I'm gonna call this number. You try Harding.", "Dylan: Hey, you okay?", "Avery: Yeah. They've just been through so much. It makes me wonder...", "Dylan: It makes you wonder what?", "Avery: How much a relationship can survive.", "Dylan: You still talking about nick and Sharon?", "Avery: You know, when I think about how our relationship started, me cheating on Joe...", "Dylan: Avery...", "Avery: You know that I wouldn't do that to you, right?", "Dylan: Is this because of what Jill said?", "Avery: Just tell me that you know that.", "Dylan: I do. I know that. I know that you would never do that.", "Avery: I would never do that.", "Dylan: Okay.", "Avery: Ever. I love you.", "Dylan: I love you too.", "Jill: God, what is wrong with me? Why did I attack Michael that way? Why have I turned into this paranoid, suspicious woman who doesn't trust men?", "Colin: Can't imagine.", "Jill: Oh, darling. A few months ago, I would agree with you. But you've been nothing but open and honest with me lately.", "Lauren: I hate Colin more than I ever have. I didn't even think that was possible.", "Michael: Colin.", "Lauren: Yes. Clearly Jill is projecting her fear about what's gonna happen with that gigolo onto us. I mean, why else would she accuse you of cheating? I mean, you having an affair? How crazy is that?", "Michael: You tell me.", "Lauren: What?", "Michael: You didn't think, even for one minute, that Jill might be right?", "Lauren: Absolutely not.", "Michael: I could understand how you might. I mean, we haven't been exactly close lately. Last night, I didn't even get home until after you were asleep.", "Lauren: Well, you were working.", "Michael: Yes, I was. On the final paperwork for Avery and my new partnership, but I --", "Lauren: Not for one minute did I think that you were unfaithful.", "Michael: What we have is too important to me to ever jeopardize this relationship. And that's why I teamed up with Avery. It'll give us a chance to concentrate on us.", "Lauren: Well, would you like to celebrate by getting a room upstairs?", "Michael: Nah. I have to see a client. But I get home early. Break open a bottle of merlot, say around 6:00?", "Lauren: Mm. Okay. I could strangle you.", "Colin: Look, Lauren, I think that --", "Lauren: Shut up, Colin.", "Colin: Right.", "Jill: Darling, would you mind giving us a moment, please?", "Colin: Yeah, I-I'll be outside checking over the contractor's figures.", "Lauren: Yeah, you do that, would you?", "Jill: Thank you. Go ahead, strangle away. I deserve it.", "Lauren: You just couldn't leave well enough alone, right? I told you Michael wasn't having an affair, but you, you just wouldn't listen.", "Jill: I know. But by the end, we were all laughing. It's fine.", "Lauren: Really? Were we all laughing? Because now Michael believes that I believe the garbage you were spewing about him being unfaithful.", "Jill: Really?", "Lauren: Yes.", "Jill: And are you telling me that not for one second did you believe any of it?", "Lauren: Oh, no. Do not draw me into this at all. It is because of your accusation that you made a very tense situation worse.", "Jill: What tense situation? Are you telling me that you and Michael still haven't --", "Lauren: Oh, my -- that is not the issue.", "Jill: You haven't? Do you know how often Colin and I --", "Lauren: Oh, my God. My eyes are burning at the thought.", "Jill: Listen, even if Michael is not having an affair, if you're not, you know... you got a serious problem, sis.", "Gloria: You know, Jeffrey and I are planning a cruise. Why don't you come with us?", "Kevin: No. I don't do third wheel.", "Gloria: This trip's for singles.", "Kevin: You are Jeffrey are married.", "Gloria: Oh, phooey. We have this little game we like to play -- separate cabins, meet in the bar. I have this little number.", "Kevin: Mom, stop -- stop talking.", "Gloria: Okay. I will spare you the salacious details of my love life. But you know something, Kevin, if you'd spiced up your own, Chloe might have picked you over a straight jacket. Come on, I gave you those pheromone oils, the sexy, erotic ones --", "Kevin: Michael, just in time.", "Michael: For what?", "Kevin: For me to congratulate U. I heard about you and Avery.", "Gloria: You and Avery?", "Michael: Yes, we're going into business together.", "Gloria: [Chuckles] Think that's a good idea?", "Michael: No, I think it's a terrible idea. Of course I think it's a good idea. Why else would I do it?", "Gloria: Can't imagine. It'll cut into your profits.", "Michael: Shockingly, Gloria, sometimes there are more important things in life than billable hours.", "Gloria: If you say so, Mikey. Okay, boys. I'm gonna leave you two to chat. Mwah! Mwah! Talk some sense into your brother.", "Michael: Hm. Gloria, she never changes.", "Kevin: Yeah, thank you for blabbing to her that I was thinking of leaving town. Now she's offering me motherly advice, including tips on my sex life.", "Michael: Well, be grateful for the advice. Sometimes sex lives are a difficult thing to manage.", "Kevin: Yeah, about that. Is everything okay with you and Lauren?", "Harding: Fisher, I got a lead in the Mariah Copeland case. I need you to stop crying on your brother's shoulder and get on it. Now.", "Sharon: Detective Harding's working on finding this Clarence person. He said it would help if we had a last name.", "Avery: Maybe the path website is still up. We might be able to find a name there.", "Nick: Yeah, let's check it out.", "Sharon: It's bad enough that Ian has Mariah. Finding out she's my daughter...", "Dylan: Yeah. I remember those first days and weeks after I found out Nikki was my mom. It was a lot to take in.", "Sharon: Well, it was one thing when Cassie came into my life. At least I knew that she existed. Mariah, I didn't even know she was out there.", "Dylan: It's got to be a big shock. I mean, it was tough for me to find out my parents were my biological parents.", "Sharon: But you've accepted Nikki into your life, and you're getting to know Paul.", "Dylan: Yeah, yeah. It's been a process.", "Sharon: Do you regret knowing the truth?", "Dylan: No. Like I said, it's a lot to take in, but I got a whole new family just when I lost mine, and I'm very, very grateful. And I'm sure when you find Mariah, she's gonna feel the same way.", "Nick: Yeah, the guy's name is Clarence Henderson. Yeah. Let me know what you find out.", "Avery: Cassie's twin. That must have been a shock.", "Nick: Yeah. Finding out that Sharon was Mariah's mother, and then realizing Ian kidnapped her... who has time to be shocked?", "Avery: Listen, if there's anything I can do, nick...", "Nick: Right now I just need to get Mariah home safe and sound. Then I might need some legal help.", "Avery: Yes. Whatever you need.", "Nick: Thanks. Sharon, guy's name is Clarence Henderson. I called Harding. He's got Kevin trying to find him right now.", "Dylan: This might be the piece that leads you to Ian.", "Nick: I'm so sick of Ian hurting my family and getting away with it.", "Dylan: Ian's gonna pay this time. I can promise you that.", "Nick: I just wish they would have kept that monster locked up in jail when they had him last time.", "Sharon: If they had, I would have never found out Mariah was my daughter.", "Colin: I wouldn't worry too much about Lauren. Pretty soon, she'll realize that you're just being an overprotective big sister.", "Jill: I wish it was love and concern that made me accuse Michael of having an affair.", "Colin: But cynicism in a relationship is healthy. I think it's kind of sexy.", "Jill: I'm just very disappointed in myself, that's all. After all that Katherine's trying to teach me with that music box... you know, don't look for hidden agendas. Trust. Believe in love. And I'm gonna do it. Starting right now. I am gonna take your advice. And I hope that whoever took my music box is doing the same thing.", "[Music box plays]", "Kevin: Look, I know you well enough to know that something is off with you and Lauren. I'm not gonna pry into your personal life -- I'll leave that to Gloria -- but you've always been there for me, and if there's anything you want to talk about, you know where to find me.", "Michael: I thought you said you were leaving.", "Kevin: Well, maybe you just gave me a final reason to stick around.", "Michael: Final, huh? Not only?", "Kevin: No. I've got some other stuff going on.", "Gloria: So, I hear Michael's forming a partnership with Avery.", "Lauren: Yes. A law partnership.", "Gloria: I hear that's the way these things get started.", "Lauren: Et tu, Gloria? Really? Michael is your son.", "Gloria: Yeah, and he's also a man.", "Lauren: Oh, I see. So all men on this planet are dogs?", "Gloria: Honey, I am just saying that maybe you ought to steer Michael towards an old geezer with nose hairs, because working all those late nights with a blonde bombshell like Avery, you're asking for trouble.", "Lauren: Well, I'm not worried. Not one little bit.", "Avery: You want to tell me what's going on now?", "Dylan: I closed the joint.", "Avery: Yeah, that much I got.", "Dylan: Oh, you want to know why.", "Avery: I was curious.", "Dylan: 'Cause I want to celebrate.", "Avery: Celebrate what?", "Dylan: I want to celebrate you and your partnership. It's Thursday.", "Avery: Uh-huh.", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Avery: Or is it just an excuse to do this?", "Dylan: Are you gonna object?", "Avery: I have a feeling I would be overruled.", "Dylan: Overruled.", "Avery: Well, in that case, withdrawn.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: Ignore that.", "Avery: Oh, okay. Well, you know, it's my new business line. It was just put in this morning.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Okay.", "[Ringing stops]", "Dylan: Better check it.", "Avery: It went to voicemail. It'll just take me just two minutes.", "Dylan: Is it a crazy new client?", "Avery: No. It's my ex-husband.", "Nick: All right, thanks for letting us know.", "Sharon: What'd he say?", "Nick: Kevin was able to track down Clarence's last-known address.", "Sharon: Did they find him?", "Nick: The landlord said he cleared out a couple of days ago.", "Sharon: That's the same time that Mariah and Ian disappeared. Oh, this just keeps getting worse and worse. Nick, I can't lose my daughter. Not when I just found her.", "Nick: We are not gonna lose her.", "Sharon: How can you say that? We don't know what Ian's up to. And now his friend or disciple or whatever is missing. That can't be a coincidence. What are they doing to my daughter?", "Ian: [Chuckles]", "Mariah: Clarence?", "Ian: Yes, Clarence. You remember our friend, huh?", "Mariah: Of course. He worked at the path.", "Ian: Yes, he presided over special occasions.", "Mariah: Why is he here?", "Ian: He's gonna perform the wedding.", "Mariah: You think I'm marrying someone?", "Ian: No, not someone. I wouldn't expect you to take those sacred vows with a man you didn't have deep feelings for. That would be cruel.", "Mariah: I don't -- I don't understand.", "Ian: You're going to marry a man you love and cherish.", "Mariah: Who?", "Ian: Me.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Stitch: I should have just let you keep walking.", "Abby: Wait.", "Dr. Cutler: She is showing remarkable brain activity.", "Victor: So, when do you think Phyllis will come out of her coma?", "Sharon: Mariah's life is about to turn upside down.", "Ian: I'm your path. You don't want to disappoint me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victor informs everyone involved that Chelsea must decide which company she will stay with by choosing using a blind bid. Chelsea is upset when she finds out she chose Newman's bid. The Abbotts say they will be speaking with their lawyers. Marisa and Sage talk about love and how you know it's real. They also discuss their secret about Gabe Bingham really being Adam Newman. They realize they have no choice but to keep it secret. Summer and Kyle throw a reception for Nick and Sage. Jack offers Ashley the co-CEO position. Sharon tells Mariah that she plans to get pregnant again. Reluctantly, Mariah agrees to keep it to herself.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Hi!", "Abby: Hi!", "Ashley: I was having breakfast downstairs, and I decided since I was here, maybe we could drive to the meeting together, but it looks like you forgot all about it.", "Abby: No, not at all. I have every intention of being there.", "Ashley: Really? Since when are bikinis are the new business suit?", "Abby: Oh. [Chuckles] I just like to have a good swim -- get my adrenaline up before I go into battle.", "Ashley: You think this is gonna be a battle?", "Abby: Well, with both companies feeling so strongly about keeping Chelsea's line, I'm just afraid it's gonna be a bloodbath.", "Ashley: I'm kind of hoping you're gonna be on the right side.", "Abby: And what side is that -- Jabot?", "Ashley: Hi.", "Stitch: Ashley, hi. Come by for a dip?", "Ashley: Uh, no. I have more important things on my mind, like... protecting my family's company.", "Stitch: Everything okay here?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Abby: No. It's my first official day back at Newman, all hell is about to break loose, and now my mother is trying to turn me against my father.", "Victor: Beautiful day, don't you think? About to... be even more beautiful.", "Victoria: You seem very optimistic about the outcome of this meeting.", "Victor: Yeah. Why wouldn't I?", "Victoria: Well, Jabot does have a very strong claim to Chelsea Lawson's design. They did put it on the map.", "Victor: But, sweetheart, you ran the division.", "Victoria: Dad, how far are you willing to go to keep Chelsea here?", "Victor: You'll see. There's far more at stake here than a few dresses, you know.", "Victoria: Yes. You're talking about Connor.", "Victor: He's my grandson.", "Victoria: You can't force Chelsea to stay in Genoa city if she wants to move to Paris with Connor.", "Victor: Just watch me.", "Chelsea: We just want it all wrapped up as quickly as possible. But you won't get the top price.", "Chelsea: That's not important to Mr. Bingham and me. We just want to unload our places so we can move to Paris and not have anything tying us down here. I'll do the best I can.", "Chelsea: Okay. Thank you so much.", "Billy: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Billy: I wondered if you were gonna be here in person for this. Well, hey, buddy. Or maybe I should say, \"bonjour.\"", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Ah, look at him. He's getting so big. Must be all that good French food, huh?", "Chelsea: Yeah. We -- we really love it there.", "Billy: Yeah. So I gathered. You're, uh, really serious about making a life with Gabe, huh?", "Chelsea: He makes me happy. And he's such a good -- he's -- he's so good with Connor.", "Billy: Well, I'll take your word for it. Listen, though -- something I just never understood. You said that you went to Paris to get away from the guy. What changed?", "Jack: I can't help thinking this is a mistake -- you coming back here.", "Adam: A mistake? Jack, Chelsea and I came back here to save your ass.", "Jack: Mine?", "Adam: Well, yours and hers, yeah. We can't have her label ending up over at Newman, can we? She built that company from the ground up, Jack, not to just hand it over to my rapacious father.", "Jack: Okay. I agree.", "Adam: Either way, he should be rotting in prison for what he did to you -- and half this town, for that matter.", "Jack: But he's not, and that's how things have to stand for now.", "Adam: Okay. Well, he certainly doesn't need another Victory under his cap, does he? I'll tell you what -- I'm here to make sure he doesn't get it.", "Jack: And how do you propose to make that happen? As Gabriel Bingham, you have no power to make anything happen. You just have to hope this meeting goes our way and you can get back to France before anyone figures out who you really are.", "Adam: Yeah. I mean, that's the last thing I want.", "Jack: Is it? You're building a real head of steam here, and you would like nothing better than to bring Victor down, and not just as Gabe Bingham -- as Adam Newman.", "Sage: I did not say that!", "Nick: Uh, yeah, you did.", "Sage: No, I didn't!", "Summer: Dad! Sage!", "Noah: What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to take the day off, remember?", "Summer: This was part of our wedding present to you guys -- coming in to set up so you guys didn't have to.", "Kyle: Yeah. This is technically your honeymoon, after all.", "Marisa: Even where I'm from, it's traditional to spend the first 24 hours in bed -- at least.", "Sage: Well, since Nick and I haven't followed any traditions, we figured why start now?", "Summer: I can see that dad did follow one tradition. That necklace is so pretty. Let me see.", "Sage: Thank you. I told Nick not to get me a gift.", "Nick: Yet she still accepted it.", "Sage: Of course I did! [Chuckles] How could I not? I love it. But, honestly, I'm just so happy to be Mrs. Nick Newman.", "Nick: And I'm so happy to be Mr. Sage Warner.", "[Laughter]", "Sage: Well, Mr. Sage Warner, you got to get out of here. I want to keep you here, but you're gonna be late.", "Noah: Late for what? Where are you going?", "Kyle: I bet it's the same place I'm headed -- Abbott versus Newman 2.0.", "Sharon: You didn't have to check on me.", "Mariah: Right. Like I was gonna stay away after you told me you lost the baby.", "Sharon: Shh. Dylan's upstairs.", "Mariah: You need to tell him.", "Sharon: I can't.", "Mariah: But he might be able to help you get through this.", "Sharon: I'll help myself.", "Mariah: I can't even imagine what you must be going through right now -- the pain.", "Sharon: It will be more painful for Dylan.", "Mariah: You don't know that. At the very least, you guys could comfort each other.", "Sharon: No, okay? This is not happening.", "Mariah: He deserves to know. You need to be honest with Dylan.", "Dylan: Be honest with me about what? Additional sponsorship", "Ashley: Abby... I am not trying to make you take sides against your father. I just want you to do the right thing.", "Abby: In your opinion. And why shouldn't Newman retain Chelsea's line?", "Ashley: Because it's Chelsea by Jabot, not Newman. And Victor doesn't give a damn about fashion. He just wants to stick it to us.", "Abby: That's not true. This is about profits.", "Ashley: No, it's about winning for him! You know that!", "Stitch: Maybe you two should just agree to disagree.", "Ashley: If only it were that simple. Do you realize that if you take your father's side on this, it's only going to inflame the Abbott-Newman war? Do you really want to do that?", "Abby: I cannot believe you're putting that on me. I'm not the one who started this feud. You cannot make me feel guilty. Look, I am my own person, not defined by either side.", "Ashley: In a perfect world, maybe that would be possible, Abby, but not in this one.", "Abby: I disagree. I'm coming at this as a businesswoman, and any decision I make will be based on that and that alone. See you later.", "Stitch: [Exhales sharply]", "Ashley: You know, she's just completely naive if she thinks for a second she's gonna be able to remain objective.", "Stitch: It's definitely a challenge with you trying to manipulate her.", "Ashley: You think I'm manipulating her? You just wait till you see Victor in action. He's gonna have her doing his bidding without her even knowing it. At least with me, it's out in the open.", "Stitch: Oh. So, that makes it okay?", "Ashley: I didn't say it made it okay. It's the lesser of two evils.", "Stitch: Well, if you ask me, it sounds like two kids acting up in a sandbox, fighting over a pail and shovel.", "Ashley: Chelsea's line is a hell of a lot more than just a pail and a shovel. There's so much money involved -- very high stakes.", "Stitch: [Scoffs] I'm sorry, but I see high stakes a lot differently. A company making $2 billion instead of $3 billion is nothing compared to one human life. And, you know, I really thought you felt the same, considering you were so compassionate when I couldn't save that vet.", "Ashley: I think you've misunderstood me. I mean, obviously, I don't think money's more important than people. We're talking about my family's company here. It means everything to us.", "Stitch: What about your daughter? What does she mean to you?", "Ashley: Do you really have to ask me that?", "Stitch: Apparently, I do, since you have such little regard for the tough position she's in. I know you want to beat Victor. I know you want to win the war against Newman. But maybe you should ask yourself if using your daughter is the way to do it.", "Victoria: Well, I hate to tell you this, but the Abbotts might have a trick or two up their sleeves, too.", "Victor: Good. Then bring it on.", "Nick: Any room in here for an old married man?", "Victoria: Oh! Get in here, you!", "Nick: Hey.", "Victoria: Congratulations.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victoria: How was the wedding?", "Nick: Well, it went off without a hitch, so, for this family, it is miraculous.", "Victor: Wow! I thought you'd be on some honeymoon by now.", "Nick: We didn't have time to plan one. But we're gonna do that later. I didn't come here to talk about that. I've been thinking a lot about this Chelsea situation. And I really think we should just cede the whole division back to Jabot.", "Victoria: You're not serious?", "Nick: I am. We would take a hit, but I also know we would survive it. And in the end, isn't that better than some long, knock-down, drag-out? It's just not worth the fight.", "Victor: Right. Well, to you, it isn't, but then you're not looking at the whole picture.", "Nick: Well, I know what's in that bigger picture. It's Connor. You want to take over Chelsea's business so you can keep your grandson in town.", "Chelsea: That's not really the case. I don't think I was running from Gabe as much as I was running from myself.", "Billy: From yourself?", "Chelsea: I hated what I did to you when Gabe and I... I had a lot of guilt, and I just -- I needed to escape it. I needed to escape my feelings for him.", "Billy: Okay, see, that's not the impression I got. It seemed to me like you were running away from the actual him, and who could blame you? I mean, there's something so -- there's something off about the guy.", "Chelsea: I know he's not perfect. But he loves me and he's willing to change and make sacrifices for me.", "Billy: Chelsea... is this really what you want... to make a life with -- with Gabe?", "Chelsea: More than anything.", "Billy: Okay. Then I won't press it. But Bingham better damn well take good care of you, for your sake and for Connor's.", "Adam: I'm not gonna deny it. It would be a hell of a rush to bring the old man down, okay? It would. But I'm not here for that, truthfully. I'm here to protect Chelsea's business interests, and that's all.", "Jack: You're talking to me. You're saying given the opportunity, you will be able to resist a chance to one-up Victor?", "Adam: Chelsea asked me the same question. But, yeah. Yeah. I'm going to. Look, I have everything that I've ever wanted right now, okay? I'm not gonna risk all of that just to get a little revenge. It's not worth it.", "Jack: It is one thing to say that. It's another thing to pull it off. What if Victor pushes the wrong button?", "Adam: Look, Jack, I'm just gonna have to take that risk, okay? There's no way in hell I'm letting her walk in to that meeting on her own. It's not happening.", "Dylan: So, what is it? What are you keeping from me?", "Sharon: Well, it's not as though I'm actually keeping anything from you. It's just, uh --", "Dylan: It's just what? Sharon, whatever it is, you can tell me.", "Mariah: You know what? That's what I said, so I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna let you do that.", "Sharon: No. That's not necessary. You know, it's just that I was feeling a bit tired and I felt like I needed to take the day off work.", "Dylan: Oh. Okay. Yeah, of course. It should be no problem at all.", "Mariah: Yeah, you must feel so relieved, getting that off your chest.", "Dylan: Why couldn't you just come out and ask me?", "Sharon: Uh, well, I mean, I just didn't feel comfortable calling attention to it, you know, after I gave you the big \"don't treat me with kid gloves\" speech.", "Dylan: Yeah, but you don't ever have to feel foolish for asking me anything. Whatever you and this baby needs, you've got it.", "Summer: I know that Sage and dad are all about the baby right now, but don't you think they kind of missed out on the whole wedding experience?", "Noah: Yeah, I guess.", "Summer: Seriously. Do you not have one romantic bone in your body?", "Noah: What are we supposed to do about it? The wedding's done and over with.", "Summer: No, not necessarily.", "Sage: Thank you so much for the OJ.", "Marisa: Of course. Got to make sure you and the little one get your nutrients.", "Sage: [Chuckles]You sound just like Nick. He's always making sure I'm taking extra good care of myself.", "Marisa: What a different marriage than the one you had with Adam Newman.", "Sage: How could you say that to me? Are you trying to hold that over my head?", "Victor: Look, you both know all my actions are largely motivated by the l family, okay? I want my grandson to have the best life possible.", "Nick: And what about what Chelsea wants or how 'bout what Connor wants?", "Victor: Don't you think he's a little young to decide what continent he will live on?", "Nick: Okay. H he's old enough, will he have his own vote?", "Victoria: Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit?", "Nick: When our father is involved, no. Let's see, the gift you gave us the other day at the baby shower.", "Victoria: You were totally touched by that toy car.", "Nick: I'm not talking about the car. I'm talking about the shares of stock. Dad, you're grooming the next generation of Newman moguls.", "Victor: What is wrong with giving stocks to my children and grandchildren? You tell me. You don't like it, give them back to me.", "Nick: Look, it was a very generous gift, and we appreciate it, but you put a lo pressure on everyone in the family to follow in your footsteps.", "Victor: Son, I am so sick and tired of hearing that, for heaven's sake. Do you think I've built this empire for -- so my children and grandchildren can turn their back on it?!", "Nick: I just want you to admit it. You -- you have a hard time accepting the fact that certain members of the family might have goals of their own in life.", "Victor: Take you with the underground bar?", "[Telephone rings] Yep. All of them?", "Victoria: Who else is here besides Jack?", "Jack: Good morning, Victor.", "Victor: Hello, Jack. How the hell are you? I see you've brought a whole posse with you.", "Jack: You, as well.", "Victor: A", "Billy: Suddenly, I feel like we're at the O.K. Corral. Are we the Clantons or the Earps? I don't think it ended pretty bad for both sides.", "Ashley: I'm assuming nobody's armed.", "Abby: I hope not. I didn't wear my bulletproof vest. It cuts me in all the wrong places.", "Jack: Hi, honey. I'm glad you could join us.", "Victor: I assume you're talking generally. O one \"us\" Abby is joining.", "Abby: And now all we need is the woman whose talent we're all fighting over. Well, I hate to break it to you, Victor, but you've already lost that fight.", "Sharon: I just don't like taking days off from work, you know? It gives me something to fill my days.", "Dylan: Are you forgetting how soon your days will be filled with diapers and 'round-the-clock feedings?", "Mariah: He is right, Sharon. Anything to add to that?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, is that something you're dreading -- losing your peace and quiet? Because you know there's no sleeping at all for like the first two years. After that, it never really gets any easier.", "Dylan: Hey, bring it on. If I have to stay awake and frazzled just to be a dad, it's worth it. Speaking of being a dad, I have to earn a living, okay? See you later. Please make sure she takes it easy.", "Mariah: Absolutely. Got to keep that baby safe.", "Sharon: Don't... [Door closes] ...Even say it.", "Mariah: I am really worried about you. You can't keep lying like this. It's only gonna get harder.", "Sharon: I'm not gonna keep lying. I have a plan.", "Mariah: A plan?", "Sharon: I'm going to get pregnant again, and then Dylan's never even gonna know I lost the baby.", "Marisa: I didn't mean it like that at all.", "Sage: It sounded like a threat to me.", "Marisa: No threat, Sage. I would never hold that over you -- not for any reason.", "Sage: You never told me how you found out who Gabriel really was.", "Marisa: Look, that's -- that's not important. It was just I shouldn't have even brought up Adam's name. It was my way of saying that you ended up with the right Newman, and I'm so happy for you.", "Sage: You don't look very happy.", "Marisa: [Sighs] Okay. I, um -- I admit it. I'm jealous.", "Sage: Jealous? Of me and Nick?", "Marisa: He's obviously crazy about you.", "Sage: Yes, and Noah's obviously crazy about you.", "Marisa: Maybe. But how do you know when it's really love?", "Noah: Uh, hey, guys. If you don't mind, summer and I are gonna take off for a little bit.", "Summer: Yeah. We have a project we need to put together.", "Sage: It's all right. I think Marisa and I can handle it here.", "Noah: Okay. Thanks for holding down the fort.", "Sage: Sure.", "Noah: All right. Later.", "Marisa: Later.", "Sage: That look in his eyes seemed real to me.", "Abby: Well, we're off to a productive start.", "Victor: What are you still doing here?", "Adam: Me? I don't answer to you.", "Victor: As long as you're in this building, you damn well do.", "Adam: Yeah, well, if I leave, Chelsea goes with me.", "Jack: I'm sure that won't be necessary.", "Victor: Speak for yourself, Jack. This punk tried to frame me for murder and then use that to take control of my company.", "Adam: Is that really what happened?", "Victor: You bet that's what happened.", "Adam: Does anybody else in the room find this the least bit hypocritical at all, considering everything he's done over the years in the name of Newman enterprises? Anyone want to jump in?", "Nick: That's enough, Gabe.", "Adam: You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stir things up. I came here to support Chelsea, so I'll back off.", "Victoria: Still, you're not a part of this negotiation, so we prefer that you leave.", "Chelsea: Well, I prefer him to stay. And since it's my business that you're trying to win over, I think it would be wise to accommodate me.", "Victor: All right. For your sake, I'll make an exception. This is the last time you will set foot in this building.", "Jack: All right. Now that that's settled, can we move on with things?", "Ashley: I second that.", "Chelsea: Good, because we need to get back to Paris as soon as possible. Gabe and I are getting settled in our new home there.", "Victoria: Do you intend to design from there?", "Chelsea: Yes, I do. Is that a problem?", "Victoria: Well, it's not exactly ideal.", "Chelsea: All the more reason for me to stay with the company who put me on the map.", "Ashley: We have no problem if Chelsea's based in France. Actually, it makes perfect sense.", "Abby: Well, I'm sure we can come up with an equally favorable arrangement.", "Adam: Well, even if that's the case, Chelsea feels a strong loyalty to Jabot.", "Jack: And we appreciate her faith in us.", "Victor: So much for loyalty. But, you know, sometimes it is important to move on from the minor leagues to the big leagues.", "Kyle: There's nothing minor about Jabot.", "Victor: You want to compare profit sheets?", "Chelsea: I don't really care who has the bigger bank account. My decision to stay with Jabot is final.", "Victor: I'm afraid it is not.", "Adam: What are you trying to pull, Victor?", "Nick: I said to lay off.", "Adam: And I heard you the first time.", "Chelsea: My name is on this line. I built the brand and the company, which gives me certain rights, one of which is I get to decide who I partner with.", "Victor: It's not that simple.", "Jack: According to our reading of the terms, it is just that simple.", "Billy: There is nothing in the merger dissolution that gives you claim to Chelsea Lawson by Jabot.", "Victor: Billy boy, why am I not surprised that you looked in the wrong place?", "Ashley: What are you talking about?", "Victoria: I'm sure you all recognize this.", "Billy: The original merger contract? Sure.", "Victor: According to the bylaws, if both parties should decide to end their partnership, any disputes regarding any of the divisions will be decided upon by blind bids in sealed envelopes by both parties.", "Victoria: Anonymous bids, which means that Chelsea won't know which company she's chosen until everything's said and done.", "Kyle: This is ridiculous.", "Ashley: But enforceable nonetheless.", "Jack: I cannot believe you are holding me to this contract after everything that's gone on.", "Victor: This is business, Jack.", "Chelsea: Even if it is, I have no intention of hanging around here for weeks while you two figure out your bids.", "Victor: Well, we have already put in our bid.", "Abby: I'm confident you can come up with a bid quickly enough if you put your heads together.", "Kyle: That's asking a lot.", "Billy: Yeah, it is, considering we were just blindsided by this. We need to talk to our number-crunchers.", "Chelsea: I'm not flying back here again. We have to settle this now.", "Adam: Yeah. You heard her. So, what's it gonna be?", "Billy: Okay, guys. I'm sure we can come up with a number that will make Chelsea happy.", "Jack: Okay. Let's get to work.", "Victor: May the best company win.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Stitch: Hey.", "Dylan: Hey. Uh, usual?", "Stitch: Decaf.", "Dylan: Decaf?!", "Stitch: I don't need to be wound up any more than I already am.", "Dylan: What's going on?", "Stitch: I don't want to get into it.", "Dylan: Oh, now you sound like a raron -- I mean the fact that something's bothering her and she doesn't want to talk about it. At first I thought it was the idea of me becoming a cop. Hey, even I was worried about you putting your life on the line every day. All I need is you showing up in my ER.", "Dylan: Well, I didn't join the force, so...", "Stitch: Smartest move you ever made, other than hooking up with Sharon.", "Dylan: Yeah, but something's still", "Stitch: Okay. Are you sure you're not just reading into it? Maybe being hypervigilant.", "Dylan: No. I mean, even Noah mentioned something. He said her mood swings could be a potential sign of a bipolar episode.", "Stitch: Well, best to kept an eye on her, then. You're not just looking out for Sharon now. You're looking out child.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Mariah: No! You can't! This is gonna disaster! So much could go wrong with this plan!", "Sharon: It won't.", "Mariah: Sharon, you just miscarried. Do you know that it's even okay for you to get pregnant again? My O.B. told me I should wait a few weeks, but you know what? I don't have that kind of time.", "Mariah: So, it could be dangerous?", "Sharon: It's a risk I'm willing to take.", "Mariah: What if you get sick or worse?", "Sharon: Let me worry about that, okay?", "Mariah: You have enough to deal with.", "Sharon: One thing I don't have to worry about is you telling anyone my secret.", "Mariah: Who says I would have?", "Chelsea: I can't believe my whole future's come down to this. I don't even care what the money is. I just -- I don't want to wind up working for.", "Adam: Yeah, I understand that completely. Look, there's got to be a way to determine which one is from Newman and which one of these is from Jabot, right? Cre Really. I mean, they seem to be identical, except for the numbers. Yeah. Leave it to Victor to mess with us, right?", "Chelsea: So, do we make an educated guess? Would Victor bid high to win me over, or would he bid low so that I think that bid's coming from a smaller company? T know. He's sneaky, you know? But... I feel like if there's anyone who knows how his brain works, it's me.", "Victoria: Why don't you just put your ear to the door if you want to hear what's going on out there so badly?", "Ashley: [Chuckles] You're only accu because that's something you would do.", "Victoria: You don't need to be standing here.", "Ashley: And you're not the boss of me anymore, so you don't get to tell me what to do.", "Billy: Uh-oh. You crossed the line. T territory now.", "Abby: Not you, too? You made your choice when you went over to the enemy.", "Abby: I made the best choice for my career, and I hope that you and the rest of the family t that and stop freezing me out.", "Billy: Abby, I'm talking to you, aren't I?", "Abby: Yes, but you're guarded. And I hope you're not that way with Victoria. You know, she loves you. She wants things to work out with you.", "Billy: Yeah? I'm not so sure about that. See, we're on opposite sides of this fight, whether we like it or not.", "Nick: Hey, I got a text from she said she wanted to meet up at the club. Do you know what tha", "Kyle: No idea. No.", "Nick: Well, I hope we can wrap this up soon so we can find out.", "Jack: You have some nerve. M me abide by a contract you had my imposter sign?", "Victor: It doesn't make any difference who signed it. It's a fair deal.", "Jack: A fair deal for you.", "Victor: Chelsea is a Newman. She belongs with my company. She ain't an Abbott.", "Jack: You've gone too far now, Victor. You keep pushing Gabriel and Chelsea, and it's not gonna end well.", "Victor: Did I ask you for your opinion?", "Jack: Don't say I didn't warn you.", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: I've...checked the winning bid.", "Sharon: You really won't tell anyone I lost the baby, will you?", "Mariah: I don't want to. But if you're not gonna do it yourself...", "Sharon: Since when has telling the truth become so important to you?", "Mariah: Since the truth always comes out anyway! I'm just trying to save your relationship with Dylan.", "Sharon: No. Telling him the truth will ruin his whole life.", "Mariah: Sharon, that is absolutely --", "Sharon: What, crazy? No. I know it sounds that way, but I'm right about this. Yesterday Dylan -- he just poured his heart out to me, and he said... he couldn't survive losing another baby.", "Mariah: He -- he said that? He said he couldn't survive -- those exact words?", "Sharon: So now you know why I had to keep this from him. And I need you to keep it from him, too.", "Mariah: But what if the plan doesn't work? What if you don't get pregnant right away?", "Sharon: Oh, God. I don't know. Pray that won't happen. Please, Mariah? Please help me keep this secret. Please help me protect Dylan.", "Summer: Well, I'm glad lily was able to rent us a space so last-minute.", "Noah: Yeah. Now all we need is some guests.", "Summer: Especially Marisa, huh?", "Noah: Yeah. She is pretty amazing.", "Summer: Yeah. So, how serious are you two?", "Noah: Where is this coming from? 'Cause I said she was amazing?", "Summer: No. I heard her asking Sage about love -- how you know when it's real.", "Noah: Wow. Really? I didn't even know she was thinking about that kind of thing.", "Summer: Are you?", "Noah: I mean, I care about her. I want to see where this thing goes.", "Summer: But it's -- it's weird after Courtney?", "Noah: I mean, yeah. You know how it is. I mean...I think about her, you know? I miss her.", "Summer: Yeah. I miss Austin, too, but that doesn't mean that I can't love somebody else.", "Noah: Is that how you feel about Kyle?", "Summer: Yeah. And I don't have to question if it's real or not. I just know that it is.", "Noah: I'm happy for you.", "Summer: I want to be just as happy for you, too. And who knows? Maybe Marisa can make that happen.", "Noah: Hmm.", "Marisa: Noah -- he knows how to treat a woman, not like the last guy I was with. But, see, that's the thing. I thought I was in love with him. So, I guess I'm not a very good judge of what that means.", "Sage: Well, I don't know about that. There's no rule that says you have to put a label on what you're feeling. You just go with it, see where it takes you, and maybe you'll be lucky enough to end up with a husband like I have.", "Marisa: You had to go through a lot to get there.", "Sage: Yes, but I should have been honest with him from the start. I didn't know if the baby was his.", "Marisa: Sometimes it's better to keep a secret here and there.", "Sage: Like the one you have.", "Marisa: Me?", "Sage: That Noah's uncle is alive.", "Marisa: Yes. Yeah. I, um -- I guess we share that in common.", "Sage: [Chuckles] Not the best bond to have.", "Marisa: Well, better than Nick or Noah finding out, especially since we've known about Adam for so long.", "Sage: Coming forward isn't gonna do either of us any good.", "Marisa: [Sighs] You're right. So, this stays between us?", "Sage: Yeah. I don't think we have any other choice.", "Ashley: Well?", "Chelsea: No.", "Adam: Come on.", "Chelsea: No. There's no way. I never could have chosen Newman.", "Victoria: Well, you did. Isn't that right, Jack?", "Jack: This is Newman's bid.", "Chelsea: God.", "Victor: You made a very wise choice, Chelsea.", "Billy: Well, we will see what our lawyers have to say about this.", "Victoria: [Sighs] It was a fair fight, Billy.", "Billy: I hope you don't believe that.", "Kyle: Well...I see no reason to hang around.", "Ashley: Neither do I. Jack?", "Jack: This isn't over.", "Victor: Well, now... should we break out the champagne?", "Adam: You'll be toasting alone, because Chelsea's never gonna stand for this.", "Nick: She can speak for herself.", "Abby: Look... I know this isn't the way that you wanted things to turn out, but we'll do our best to make Newman a supportive home for you.", "Victor: Well, on that note, I'd like a word alone with our new designer.", "Nick: You heard him, Gabe.", "Adam: I'm not going anywhere.", "Victor: It's all right, son. Welcome to Newman enterprises.", "Sharon: Hey! Where are all your customers?", "Dylan: Hey. Uh, apparently, it's free doughnut day at java jam, and my customers aren't here.", "Sharon: Good.", "Dylan: \"Good\"? I thought you wanted to take the day off.", "Sharon: I still am. I was hoping you could do it with me.", "Nick: Huh.", "Sage: So, you got the same t to meet here?", "Sage: Yeah. She said to meet her here. I don't see where she is, though. Together:", "[Cheers and applause]", "Sage: [Laughs] What?", "Nick: What is going on?", "Summer: Happy wedding!", "Abby: After today's meeting, hopefully they won't kill each other.", "[Laughter]", "[Cheers and applause]", "Billy: Congratulations!", "Stitch: Whoo!", "Jack: It's a setback, but I think we can deal with it in court. Don't you? Ash?", "Ashley: Hmm?", "Jack: Not important enough for you?", "Ashley: Do you think I'm rigid?", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: Do you think I'm a little set in my ways? You know, am I too obsessed with Jabot?", "Jack: Um... where is this coming from?", "Ashley: Just answer my question.", "Jack: Okay. As far as I'm concerned, you are stuck in all the right ways.", "Ashley: Ugh. Excuse me. Could I get another martini?", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. I meant that as a compliment.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: You have a strong sense of right and wrong, a good sense of judgment, a great integrity about you. You got all these things from dad. And that's helped me make a major decision. I want you to be co-CEO. Of Jabot.", "Adam: You're not gonna get away with this.", "Victor: I already have.", "Adam: Mm. Well, we're gonna figure out a way out of it, okay?", "Victor: Why would you do that? My bid was much higher than Jack's.", "Chelsea: That's not why I picked it.", "Victor: Let me guess why you picked it -- you listened to him, right? You thought that he knew my strategy? But it wasn't successful, now, was it? Maybe he knows me far less than he thinks he does.", "Adam: You have no idea.", "Victor: What's that supposed to mean?", "Chelsea: Nothing. It doesn't mean anything. Stop.", "Adam: Just stand here and let him steal your company?", "Chelsea: It's not gonna happen. I can walk away from the whole thing. I'll leave Victor with nothing, and I'll start my own line in Paris.", "Victor: Ain't gonna happen. You know why? You signed a noncompete clause in the original Jabot contract, which reverted back to me. I own Chelsea Lawson.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: The DNA tests indicate that, in fact, it is Hilary's. You will be extradited. The charge is homicide.", "Victor: I will send half a million dollars into your account and you leave town." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Jack persuades Phyllis to help him beat Brash and Sassy, so that when the company closes down, Billy can get another job, and he won't spend so much time with Victoria. Jack and Phyllis try to persuade Lauren to dump Brash and Sassy from Fenmore's and promote their new acquisition Parker Beauty products but Lauren says no but does agree to give Parker Beauty prime shelf space so that they can see if the new line can compete against Brash and Sassy. Nick sees first hand how much influence Victor has over Faith when after a visit with Victor, Faith agrees to give living with Chelsea a try. Chelsea and Jordan vent to each other about their relationship problems. Chelsea is determined to blend her and Nick's family while Jordan admits that no matter how much he was in love with someone, he wouldn't take on an angry kid. Billy tells Victoria he stole Dina's Jabot password but still can't get into the Jabot computer system. Victoria tells him that the password will only work if he uses a Jabot-issued computer. Victoria tells Billy to use Phyllis' computer to get the information they need. Billy hesitates but agrees to do it. Victoria goes to Jack and asks him to be friendly rivals. Since he is dating Nikki, there is no reason for them to be so cutthroat. Ravi is hurt when Ashley doesn't want to tell him the reason why she is upset with Dina. Ashley assures Ravi that he is the first person she would confide in with a problem, but some things just have to stay between her and her mother. Billy comes home early and after he and Phyllis make love, and she is in the shower, he uses her computer and Dina's password to break into the Jabot mainframe.", "" ]
[ "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Victor: Come in.", "Sharon: You'll be pleased to know I just saw faith. She's back from camp.", "Victor: Oh. How is she?", "Sharon: Oh, you know faith. She's great.", "Victor: I've missed her. Seems a long time she's be gone. So, how did she enjoy camp?", "Sharon: Well, I'm sure she'll fill you in on all that when you two finally connect, which would be happening right now, except that you, being you, threw nicholas out of his house. And now faith has to spend her first few days home from camp nowhere near the ranch. So way to plan ahead, victor.", "Victor: Did I ask you to come in for you to give me a lecture about how to deal with my family? Now, if you'll excuse me...", "Sharon: But it's not just your family, is it? What you do affects me. And now that you have escalated things with nicholas, I don't have access to my daughter on the nights that she's with her father. So, once again, excellent work, victor.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] You owe chelsea an apology for that outburst.", "Faith: Sorry.", "Nick: And we're gonna try it again. This time, we're gonna mean it. [ Sighs ] Okay. Come here. Look, it really hurts me to hear you talk like this, faith, you know? I get it, you know? You haven't gotten settled in here yet, but I promise you, I'm not doing this to try and ruin your life. I was really hoping you were mature enough to understand that. Look, I get it, you know? You come home from camp. It's got to be hard to find out that you live in a new place. I'm just asking you to give it a shot. Can you do that for me? You know, if -- if you have gripes, I want to hear about it. Is it your room? Is it something bigger than that?", "Faith: It's a lot of things.", "Nick: Okay, like what? Tell me.", "Faith: It's hard to put into words.", "Nick: Well, we're not gonna do that. If you have something to say, then just say it.", "Jack: Keep me in the loop. Come in.", "Dina: [ Giggles ] Hello. I just e-mailed you the, uh, figures you asked for.", "Jack: Well, that was fast!", "Dina: Well, I'm anxious to get back to parker and finish up the market analysis.", "Jack: Uh-huh, and what comes after that?", "Dina: Well, then, the report will be complete!", "Jack: Well, I look forward to reading what you have to say.", "Dina: Thank you, darling. I didn't realize how much fun it would be being hands on.", "Jack: For what it's worth, family or no, I wouldn't have you here if I didn't value your expertise.", "Dina: Okay, then. I am a little curious.", "Jack: About?", "Dina: About why it was so important, this sales thing, that I had to drop everything.", "Jack: An informed executive is a money-making executive.", "Dina: Well, that's true, jack, but you only asked me to compare sales of jabot with brash & sassy and only at fenmore'S.", "Jack: And what about that makes you curious?", "Dina: Well, it seemed to be a pretty specific task.", "Jack: I like knowing how the competition's doing.", "Dina: Well, when you say competition, are you talking about brash & sassy, or your brother, billy?", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Billy: Hey. What's going on?", "Phyllis: Hey. Just checking in, seeing how your afternoon is going. I'm thinking of cutting out a little early. I wanted to see if you wanted to join me. And I promise I will make good use of our time.", "Billy: That sounds amazing, but I'm working on something that needs to be done today. I'm not sure how far I'll get.", "Victoria: Hey, billy, I've got the new ad layout, if you want to take a look.", "Billy: Hey, uh, victoria just walked in. There's a few things that we need to go over. Can I call you in a little bit and let you know about later? Hold onto those thoughts, though.", "Phyllis: Will do.", "Victoria: Hope I'm not interrupting.", "Billy: No, no. Not a big deal. You okay? I thought things were supposed to be looking up around here.", "Victoria: \"Up.\" [ Laughs ] That's funny. It's more like realizing how far we have yet to climb. So I am gonna need the biggest, craziest ideas that you can come up with. Can you handle that?", "Billy: Crazy ideas are my specialty.", "Victoria: It's really comforting knowing that I can count on you.", "Billy: Always. Additional sponsorship", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Ravi: Hey.", "Ashley: Hi, I have that tech information I wanted you to go over. Should I just leave it on your desk?", "Ravi: Yeah, sure.", "Ashley: Okay. Thanks.", "Ravi: Thanks. Ashley. You okay?", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] I'm okay. I mean, I just had a conversation with my mother.", "Ravi: Yeah, I know.", "Ashley: What do you mean, you heard us?", "Ravi: Well, it seemed like a private conversation, so I came back here, but... it seemed intense.", "Ashley: Yeah, you could say that.", "Ravi: Even business is personal with you two.", "Ashley: Story of my life, with dina abbott mergeron. I'm sorry, I'm a little edgy.", "Ravi: No, it's -- anything I can do to help? I'm good at being objective.", "Ashley: You are, for sure. Thank you, but, um, I think some things have to stay between dina and me.", "Victor: You have made your displeasure clear to me, so next time, send a text, okay?", "Sharon: You know, for someone who claims to always put family first, you sure don't act that way.", "Victor: Excuse me?", "Sharon: This ranch has always been such a great gift to faith. It's -- it's her playground, and she'll still have it, but not so much.", "Victor: I'm not taking anything away from faith. That is up to nicholas, all right?", "Sharon: I don't think 10-year-olds should have to pay the price for things adults do.", "Victor: Listen to me. As far as I'm concerned, faith should spend far more time here on the ranch.", "Sharon: Having her father thrown off the ranch is a strange way of accomplishing that.", "Victor: Well, I may have a solution that would make both of us happy. Why don't you reopen your custody agreement with nicholas? Maybe get them to change the arrangement. That way, faith could spend far more time here at the ranch.", "Sharon: I'm not gonna let you tell me how to deal with my ex.", "Victor: Oh, but you have no compunction walking in here and telling me how to deal with my son.", "Sharon: I just think you don't realize what you stand to lose by throwing nicholas out of your life, and I'm not just talking about faith. What about christian? Have you thought about that?", "Victor: Let's not go there, okay? Let's not mention christian.", "Sharon: Okay, I'm just saying...", "Victor: There's no way anyone will keep me from seeing my grandson.", "Faith: Why are you putting me on the spot like this?", "Chelsea: Your dad and I are just trying to understand what's bothering you.", "Nick: Look, we can't fix things if we don't know what's wrong.", "Faith: There's only one way things will ever be right again. Take me back to the ranch. That's where my mom is, my grandpa, my pony. The only thing here is a bedroom that isn't mine.", "Nick: Faith, listen to me. You are gonna be able to see them whenever you want.", "Faith: But now I'll need a ride, and if you're busy, i won't be able to go.", "Chelsea: Well, I'll be here, don't forget.", "Faith: I didn'T.", "Nick: Look, it's your first day back. Just give it a chance.", "Faith: You keep saying that.", "Nick: Okay, here's the deal. If there's something you want, then chelsea and I will do whatever we can to make sure you get it. Is that cool?", "Faith: Okay. Take me to the ranch. Like I asked. Right now. I want to see grandpa.", "Nick: That's not gonna happen.", "Faith: I can't see grandpa? Why not?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, we're in the middle of an important discussion. A while back, you said that i ruined your life by moving in with chelsea. You don't start a conversation like that and then abandon it to go visiting, you know? You work it out. You -- you come up with a compromise. That's what grown-ups do, and i think you are the most grown-up 10-year-old I've ever met, so...", "Faith: Please, can we go? I'm upset. Seeing grandpa will make me feel better.", "Chelsea: Okay, you know what, actually, I think maybe it might be a good idea for faith to bring some stuff over here, from her mom's house, you know? Make her room seem more comfortable. Plus, I think it's always a good idea to take a few minutes to walk away from a tense conversation, and she hasn't seen victor in several weeks. It might -- it might help. Right?", "Nick: Yeah, it might not be the worst idea.", "Faith: Yes! Thank you, daddy!", "Nick: Where you going?", "Faith: Upstairs. I made grandpa a present at camp. I need to go get it. Thank you, chelsea.", "Chelsea: You got it. Sorry. I didn't mean to overstep. I know how angry you are at victor, but...", "Nick: You were just trying to help.", "Chelsea: You know, you can't put off going there forever.", "Jack: Mother, I think it's very sweet that you think of billy and me as competing children, but this is just business.", "Dina: Well, let's not pretend that your desire to beat brash & sassy isn't personal.", "Jack: You're entitled to your own opinion.", "Dina: And phyllis is just as much to blame for the affair.", "Jack: Your point?", "Dina: She works here, on the same floor with you, while billy has been effectively banished. And, you know, there's a lot to admire about that man. Look who his mother is, for god's sake. It's a wonder he's turned out as well as he has.", "Jack: Are we talking about the same billy abbott here? The one I'm referring to has proven time and again to be a spoiled, entitled man-child.", "Dina: Mm, that reminds me of you back then.", "Jack: He and I are nothing alike, I assure you.", "Dina: But you both value family.", "Jack: Really? Is that why he slept with his sister-in-law?", "Dina: You know, aside from victor, I never would have taken you as the type of man who would hold a grudge.", "Jack: So, what do you expect me to do? Let bygones be bygones, welcome billy back into the abbott fold?", "Dina: Would it kill you?", "Jack: Mother, first, you disapprove of my relationship with nikki. Now you are shilling for a brother I can't stand. You of all people should not stand in judgment.", "Dina: Well, you put your father on a pedestal, and rightfully so, but you certainly aren't working very hard to emulate him.", "Jack: Do tell.", "Dina: Even after I betrayed john, he was never hell-bent on revenge.", "Jack: He was a better man than I am. I have focused my energies on strengthening his legacy by building the company he started. If that means obliterating the competition and billy in the process, so be it.", "Phyllis: Is this a bad time?", "Dina: It's rarely a good time when you appear, dear.", "Phyllis: Well, she's a delight. Are you having second thoughts about bringing her on board yet?", "Ravi: I apologize for being presumptuous.", "Ashley: No! Not at all, ravi. You are the best sounding board ever. Especially when my mother bugs me, which she's doing right now.", "Ravi: You regretting giving her the job?", "Ashley: You know what, it's gonna be fine. I'm gonna get over this. Just --", "Dina: Oh, ravi -- oh, am I interrupting?", "Ashley: Not at all. I was just leaving. Talk to you later.", "Ravi: What can I do for you, dina?", "Dina: Well, there's an app that can alert me to meetings, but I don't know how to enable it.", "Ravi: I can help you with that.", "Dina: Oh, thank you. Let's open this up here. Let's have a look. Okay, so, we want to go to preferences, and then add-ons, and we want to click the box right by the alarm clock, and then that'll allow you to --", "Dina: Ravi, when I walked in, I was quite aware that I was the topic of conversation. Don't try to deny it, ravi, because you're the last person that I would ever want to put on the spot.", "Victoria: Our U.S. Distributors have laid it out for me pretty bluntly. Reorders are down at all the major chains, including fenmore'S.", "Billy: None of our competitors' sales are exactly stellar right now, including jabot'S.", "Victoria: Well, yes, brick and mortar, but with jabotgo, they've made themselves a very popular online destination.", "Billy: Okay, so we double-down on r&D. We make sure that our product hits market ahead of schedule. I'm confident with neil's bridge loan that we can handle it.", "Victoria: Long-term, maybe, but neil suggested that we look for synergy with the mergeron tech firms that hamilton-winters acquired during the buyout.", "Billy: Is it a long lead time?", "Victoria: Could be a year.", "Billy: That's a lifetime in sales.", "Victoria: Yeah, but it's worth looking into. But right now, short-term, we need something bold. We need it now. What is that?", "Billy: It's nothing.", "Victoria: I know that look. If you have an idea, I need it. I told you, the crazier, the better, remember?", "Billy: Crazy ideas, I don't have a problem with. It's the risky ones that i should keep to myself.", "Victoria: No risk, no reward.", "Victoria: Billy, if you have a good idea, please don't keep it to yourself.", "Billy: I've been working on something, but it's not exactly on the up-and-up.", "Victoria: Well, given the crew upstairs, I would say that's ideal.", "Billy: I went to personally tell jack that the wire transfer for the rent had gone through. I wanted to make it very clear that we weren't intimidated by it.", "Victoria: Well, he wants to take our company down. So I think it's time that we go on the offense. And I don't want to just punch back -- I want a knockout blow. So, what's your shady idea?", "Billy: I've been able to cultivate an interesting relationship with dina.", "Victoria: How interesting.", "Billy: Well, I figure that if I was patient enough, an opportunity would show itself, and it did.", "Victoria: Go on.", "Billy: Because dina works at jabot now, she has a username and a password that gets her into the main server. I was able to get the password, but I still can't get in.", "Victoria: Well, that's because you need a jabot-issued computer to get past their firewall.", "Billy: Right, so, do we steal one?", "Victoria: Why would you steal one when there's one in plain sight?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] You mean phyllis' computer that she brings home every night.", "Jack: Don't let mother get to you. She has always been, as we say, unfiltered.", "Phyllis: That's one word for it.", "Jack: I asked her to look into brash & sassy's market share at fenmore'S. I think we can shrink that number to, say, zero.", "Phyllis: That's a round number. How do you plan on doing that?", "Jack: Lauren is on her way here right now. I have an idea I want to run by her, and I need you to back me up.", "Phyllis: Jack, we have been over this. I steered ben hochman towards victoria, which ended up in a debacle, and I don't want to go there again.", "Jack: When did you become cautious? Victoria's after your man, and you're only gonna take half measures?", "Phyllis: Billy works for brash & sassy. It is his livelihood. Hell, he loves it.", "Jack: Billy has no ownership stake. That company goes down, billy goes and gets another job he likes. In the meantime, you should want all or nothing. Victoria is pulling out all the stops to rope her ex-husband back into her life. That should make her, her business, and everything else she has fair game to you. And if you don't believe that, don't come crying to me when you lose billy.", "Phyllis: It is deeply ironic, you lecturing me about holding onto billy, okay?", "Jack: Does that make me wrong?", "[ Footsteps approaching ]", "Lauren: Well, hello! You wanted to see me?", "Jack: Indeed, I do. Lauren, come on in. I have a proposition I'd like to make.", "Lauren: Oh, really? I'm all ears.", "Chelsea: Sorry for the mess. Faith just got home from camp.", "Jordan: Well, you sounded stressed on the phone. What's going on?", "Chelsea: Oh, you know, just, you know, nick's moving in with the kids, and it's just been a little bit...challenging.", "Jordan: Anything in particular?", "Chelsea: Well, faith, she was all about nick and me dating in the beginning, you know? Then her mom became single, so...", "Jordan: Visions of having her parents back together.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah. And then nick moves in here, and suddenly, I'm the villain who took her daddy away from the ranch.", "Jordan: Oh. Nick wasn't honest with her about victor kicking him out? That's not cool.", "Chelsea: No, it was the right thing to do. It was the right thing to do. He doesn't want to put faith in the middle of his...war with victor.", "Jordan: That doesn't make the situation any easier for you, though.", "Chelsea: [ Scoffs ]", "Jordan: So, do you regret having nick move in?", "Chelsea: No! No, look, it is day 1 with faith, okay? She's upset, but she loves her dad. It's gonna be a bit of an adjustment, but... eventually we're gonna start to feel like a family.", "Faith: Hi, mom!", "Sharon: Faith! Thank goodness you're home!", "Faith: Grandpa!", "Victor: Look who's there! Look who's there.", "Faith: Oh, hi!", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. It's been so long. I've missed you.", "Faith: I missed you, too.", "Victor: Yes.", "Faith: I asked dad to bring me out here so I could give you this!", "Victor: Oh!", "Faith: I made it at camp, especially for you.", "Victor: You did?", "Faith: Mm-hmm. [ Giggles ]", "Victor: We have to find a special place for that. I love it. Tell me all about camp. By the way, did you miss playing chess with your granddad?", "Faith: I tried to teach all my friends, but they weren't as good as you.", "Victor: No, because they aren't as good as we are. It's in our blood, you know.", "Faith: But I want to beat you.", "Victor: You do? [ Laughs ] I'll teach you more lessons, okay? If that's all right with your parents.", "Nick: We'll work something out.", "Victor: All right. You know something... the horses have missed you.", "Faith: Aww! [ Giggles ]", "Victor: Yeah. Would you like to see them?", "Faith: Yeah!", "Victor: We'll go to the stables?", "Faith: Yeah, let's go!", "Victor: Let's go. Here we go.", "Faith: I can't wait to pet patches. Can I give him a carrot?", "Victor: You bet.", "Faith: Yay!", "Sharon: Nick, can we just let them go catch up? There's something I want to talk to you about -- the schedule.", "Nick: You know, I'm not really into faith being alone with victor right now.", "Sharon: Look, if you make this all about you, you're going to alienate our daughter. The last thing you want is to put faith in a position where she has to choose between you and her grandfather. Now, I think I can believe that about you. I better be right.", "Nick: You're right. But someone's not making it very easy. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Chelsea: Honestly, it feels good to be a part of a family. I -- after adam died, I never, ever thought that I would feel like that again, you know?", "Jordan: Back in the day, i didn't think either of us would be family material.", "Chelsea: Yeah, well, I've been a mom for a long time, so i think you're just talking about yourself.", "Jordan: Yeah. I had dinner with lily and the kids last night.", "Chelsea: Wow! Okay. Sounds like she's really making you a part of her life.", "Jordan: Eh, it was just a last-minute invitation from her son. I've really been enjoying hanging out with her and the kids. We've been getting closer since she and cane separated.", "Chelsea: How close?", "Jordan: I can't help thinking about how her opinion of me would change if she found out what I did before my photography career took off. You don't ever worry about that with nick?", "Chelsea: Oh, no. Everybody in this town knows about all of my past and my past mistakes. We all make mistakes, jordan. So it happens, you know? It's what you do in the present that really matters. [ Sighs ] For me, as for now, I have to learn how to -- learn to, you know, deal with this new reality.", "Jordan: What? What happened to the woman who was so confident about this new family that she was forming?", "Dina: I'm sure this task is far below your pay grade, but i do trust you.", "Ravi: I'm happy to help.", "Dina: Thank you. About before, I'm aware that ashley's not happy with me right now, but I certainly hope that you and I can remain professional colleagues no matter what she says.", "Ravi: Absolutely. And whatever it is, I hope you guys are able to work it out.", "Dina: [ Laughs ] Well, it's not that easy to work this out, unless, of course, they invent a time machine. [ Chuckles ] Thanks for your help, dear.", "Jack: We are the in process of integrating parker skincare into our own line of products. It's time to do some test marketing and map out a plan for the future.", "Lauren: Okay, so where does fenmore's come in?", "Jack: I would like to take these new products and put them front and center, do a major promotional campaign. That means giving priority shelf space in all of our stores. That way, we can gauge the public's reaction.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm, I mean, that's an excellent plan. It's very aggressive. But you realize to do that, we're going to have to move something off the shelf.", "Jack: Exactly. And I think brash & sassy is the logical choice.", "Lauren: [ Scoffs ] Jack, it's one of our best sellers.", "Jack: Was one of your best sellers.", "Phyllis: This is, um, an opportunity for fenmore's and jabot to make a splash. The marketing synergy is perfect, and if jabot does an effective job of raising enough buzz on the product line, then fenmore's will most likely not miss what we make selling brash & sassy. And the sales have been down, anyway, at the stores and on the web.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ] You know, I think there are other companies you could make arguments for pulling, but of course billy doesn't work at those. That's not your real target here, right?", "Jack: [ Laughs ] Lauren, how brazen would I have to be to go after the man when his girlfriend's sitting right here? No, this is business.", "Lauren: Honey, would you mind giving me a moment with jack?", "Phyllis: Sure. Yeah. I was on my way out when this came up.", "Lauren: Great. I'll fill you in later.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Okay.", "Jack: So, do we have a deal?", "Lauren: And screw over brash & sassy? [ Laughs ] Hardly.", "Billy: Busting into phyllis' computer when she's right there in the house? I do need to get on the site to have a good look around.", "Victoria: Well, it's strictly your call, but it is for the company's survival.", "Billy: This is war, and every battle counts, right? Let's do it.", "Victoria: Are you sure?", "Billy: Like you said, this isn't personal. This is about brash & sassy and everything we've fought for. Jack is out for blood. I think it's only fair that we fight with the same intensity.", "Victoria: Thank you for going the extra mile for me. And for us.", "Ashley: I will get back to you tomorrow, first thing. Thank you.", "Ravi: Are you leaving? Thought you wanted to go over a few things.", "Ashley: I do, but I just need to get some air. It's been a strange day.", "Ravi: Need some company?", "Ashley: No!", "Ravi: Geez!", "Ashley: I'm sorry. It's not you. It's not you. I didn't mean to make it sound like it was the worst idea ever.", "Ravi: You need to clear your head -- I get it.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Ravi: I'll be around the corner if you need me.", "Ashley: Okay, ravi, just so you know, if I ever need to confide in anybody, you're always my first choice, all right? Some things, I just need to handle on my own. Thanks.", "Victor: Well, I was so happy to see you smile again. Sit down. Oh! But I was a little concerned when you called, you know?", "Faith: Well, I'm really glad you came to camp to tell me things had changed. It helped.", "Victor: I'm glad it helped. So, how do you like the new home?", "Faith: Not very much. I like the ranch way more.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. How about chelsea?", "Faith: She tries too hard.", "Victor: Mm.", "Faith: It's fake. But when I said I wanted to come over here, she took my side.", "Victor: But, you know, I got to tell you about chelsea, that she is a good person. You know? She really is. So, how are things going with your dad?", "Faith: Maybe I was too mean.", "Victor: Will you listen to me when I tell you something now?", "Faith: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: I want you to go apologize to dad.", "Faith: But what if I'm not sorry? I'd rather be here with you.", "Victor: I know, sweetheart, but, you know, he's your dad. You need to respect him. Really. Will you do that? Hmm?", "Nick: You know, I didn't expect this big a challenge on day 1 back from camp.", "Sharon: Well, let's look at things from faith's perspective.", "Nick: Yeah, I know it is a seismic shift. I mean, I am pulling her away from the only home she's ever known and all the things she loves about this place.", "Sharon: Including victor.", "Nick: Including him. I believe her exact words earlier to me were, \"you are ruining my life, dad.\"", "Sharon: Okay, well, it is her first day back from camp, and she's a little off guard. I thought things were going well at crimson lights.", "Nick: So did I, you know? But maybe I'm -- I don't know -- just hearing what I want to hear.", "Sharon: I think we have to really listen to her and not overwhelm her.", "Nick: Agreed.", "Sharon: Which is why I am not planning on telling her about scott and how things have progressed there.", "Nick: Well, at least she's getting a soothing visit from the guy who tossed me out on my butt.", "Sharon: Be honest with yourself. There's enough blame to go around between you and victor. You know, if faith is having a hard time adjusting, maybe she should just stay with me for the first few days, and then we can go back and change the schedule. She'll go with you and chelsea after that.", "Nick: I can't do that. I mean, the way she was acting at chelsea's, if I do, it'll be like I'm rewarding bad behavior.", "Sharon: Okay, well, then, you know, handle it from both directions. Tell faith that's she's gonna have to be mature about this, and then you'll be willing to move on the schedule. You know, just smooth out all the rough edges.", "Nick: Yeah. It's something to think about.", "Sharon: You can do it if you try. Just summon your inner gandhi. You know, everyone goes through unusual times. Even our daughter. Will you do it?", "Lauren: Let's make this short and sweet. I understand your desire to test this new line in the best environment, but I am not removing brash & sassy from our stores or the website. Our customers will go crazy.", "Jack: All that will dissipate when they try parker beauty.", "Lauren: Let me tell you what I will do. I'm gonna put you on the shelves and I'm gonna give you prime real estate. But brash & sassy remains.", "Jack: Lauren, you're making a mistake. This -- this is a big mistake.", "Lauren: No, I'm not. Actually, it's gonna be in your favor because if parker beauty outsells brash & sassy, then you'll know you have a winner. And that is what you want, right, jack? To test the upside potential of this new skincare line?", "[ Sighs ]", "Billy: Hey.", "Phyllis: Hey! Look who came home after work after all. Yes, yes, yes. You trying to surprise me?", "Billy: Yes. I wanted to have a little fun with you.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. I think you succeeded.", "Billy: Mm.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] I'm sorry I didn't go to the store. When I was on my way home from work, I thought you'd be having dinner at your desk again.", "Billy: I'm not hungry.", "Phyllis: No?", "Billy: No.", "Phyllis: Oh.", "Billy: Not for food, anyway.", "Phyllis: Okay. Well, that sounds good. Whoo! Okay. Someone's been working out.", "[ Giggles ]", "Chelsea: Well, thanks for letting me vent. The truth is, I really, really love nick. And faith, she's such a good kid. I just -- I just want this whole thing to work.", "Jordan: I guess that's the difference between you and me.", "Chelsea: What do you mean?", "Jordan: This whole big drama between nick and faith. I don't want to call it a huge headache, but it is a lot to deal with. I don't care how in love I am with someone. I would have to give serious thought into taking in an angry kid. You're someone who's willing to take that leap.", "Chelsea: Leap. [ Clicks tongue ] That's the perfect word for it.", "Nick: Hey! So, uh, why don't you have a seat, faith? Uh, your mom and I have been talking, and I really didn't like the way you were acting at chelsea'S. The tone you were using was unacceptable. But so is forcing you to make all these changes, you know, at once. So, you know, I've been thinking maybe you should, you know, stay with your mom out at the ranch for a few days until you get settled in. How's that sound?", "Faith: I've been thinking, too. I was being a brat before, and I'm really sorry. I know you're not trying to upset me.", "Sharon: So, what are you saying? You don't want to stay with me?", "Faith: I guess. All I wanted to do was to visit grandpa and my pony and see that everything's still the same. Besides, I need to say I'm sorry to chelsea.", "Nick: And did you figure all this out on your own?", "Victor: I never told her what to say, but, sweetheart, whatever you said is very mature. I'm proud of you. Come here. You know, I'll miss very much having you here every day. I'll miss you a lot.", "Faith: I hope I still get to see you, grandpa.", "Victor: You bet. Now, if we lived together all the time, it'd be just normal. Now, when you visit, it's gonna be a special occasion, all right? Come here.", "Victoria: Hi. Got a minute? I just wanted to let you know that brash & sassy's rent has been wired into your account.", "Jack: Billy already stopped by to let me know the funds have been transferred.", "Victoria: Oh. I had no idea. I would call us healthy competitors, wouldn't you?", "Jack: I might say unhealthy.", "Victoria: Do you think it's possible for us to be competitors without constantly being at each other's throats, jack? If you're gonna continue seeing my mother, I think that would be best, right?", "Jack: Where are you going with this, victoria?", "Dina: Oh! Hello, victoria!", "Victoria: Dina! Hello! It's so lovely to see you, as always.", "Dina: Well, thank you. I doubt that my son will enjoy hearing this, but I've always been a huge admirer of brash & sassy. Fantastic product line. And I think you have an excellent partner in billy abbott.", "Victoria: Well, thank you.", "Dina: You're welcome!", "Victoria: Well, you know, before you arrived, jack and i were discussing toning down the nastiness in our competition. Since we're gonna continue being neighbors, it makes sense, don't you think? We should be friendly ones.", "Dina: I think that's an excellent idea.", "Victoria: What do you say, jack?", "Billy: I'll be right there! Save some hot water for me!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Are you determined to keep that little girl away from her grandfather?", "Mattie: He gave you flowers, mom. You just kicked dad out, and you've already got a new boyfriend?", "Mariah: Tessa has information on crystal." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Mariah, Nikki, Abby and Victoria met to plan Sharon's bridal shower. Abby was concerned when Victoria abruptly left, but Nikki assured her that Victoria was just overworked. Abby worried that Victoria was mad at her for going to work for Nick. Nikki caught Victoria sleeping in the middle of the day. Victoria admitted she'd been lying about going to therapy and that she felt like she was losing control and didn't know how to stop it. Nikki assured her that they'd find a way. Ashley was dismayed when Billy and Phyllis moved into the Abbott family home. Phyllis told Kyle that she'd stranded Summer on a week- long cruise on Jaboat. Jack and Ashley faced the reality that Dina's condition had worsened within the last few months. Mariah worried that Tessa didn't want to be with her anymore, but Kyle urged Mariah not to give up on Tessa. Kyle told Ashley about Summer's attraction to Billy and about Billy briefly losing Jaboat in a poker game. Kyle felt that he and Ashley should draw Billy back into gambling so that he'd misappropriate company funds again and they could convince the board to vote him out. Ashley Ashley wasn't comfortable with the idea.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: I think it's time.", "Phyllis: For what?", "Billy: To move out.", "Ashley: So you mean billy provided a fake invoice to accounting, and they cut him a check.", "Kyle: So we nail him for embezzlement.", "Ashley: It's a very good start, but I think we need a little bit more.", "Kyle: I have a feeling there's plenty where that came from.", "Ashley: Whatever's happened this last year, what's been thrown at us, by life, by mother, by each other, I'm really glad that we can still do this.", "Nikki: I told him about your ordeal with J.T.", "Victoria: You did what?", "Nikki: Just calm down and try to understand. You can deny it all you want, but I am your mother, and you are not yourself. Nate is an excellent doctor. He's very discreet.", "Victoria: Mom, you had no right!", "Mariah: Hi, guys. I thought that this would be the perfect place to plan sharon's bridal shower because she's not in right now. So thank you guys for coming.", "Abby: Thanks for having us.", "Mariah: Should we dive in?", "Nikki: What about summer?", "Mariah: I left her a couple of voicemails, but I haven't heard anything back.", "Abby: Well, I say we get started, since we're all taking time from work.", "Mariah: Yes, you are. Which I am -- I am super grateful about. Planning a bridal shower is kind of alien territory for me, so having three event experts on board is a huge relief. Thank you.", "Victoria: How can we help?", "Mariah: Well, I want this to be super special for sharon, so I was thinking something unique and out of the ordinary.", "Abby: Hmm.", "Mariah: Thoughts?", "Victoria: Um, maybe something outdoors? You know, even if it's just outside of her house.", "Nikki: Yes. We could do lunch among the flowers under the trees.", "Abby: Yeah. I mean, there's lots of different themes that could go along with that. Although we will probably need plenty of heaters, 'cause it'll be september.", "Nikki: Yeah. Well, we could do, you know, woodland fairy tale, you know? Lots of twinkling lights, and we could wear floral crowns and have rustic gift wrap.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Nikki: What do you think?", "Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh, sorry. I spaced out. I guess I-I need some coffee.", "Jack: How was your breakfast?", "Dina: Oh, it was delicious. I think I'm going to take the rest of it home for my dog, piper.", "Jack: You let him eat people food?", "Dina: Well, I did last night. We had steak. Only, not the kind I like. It was too rare. But piper, he loved it.", "Jack: He's a lot of fun, isn't he?", "Dina: Oh, yes. He was a wonderful birthday present.", "Jack: You know what? I'll have the waiter wrap up the scraps, here, and then I'll drop you off at home.", "Dina: It's not your home, too?", "Jack: Not anymore.", "Dina: Oh.", "Jack: It was once. And don't worry. I'm finding a new home.", "Kyle: Another day, another dollar.", "Ashley: Yes. Hopefully another step closer to billy ending his term as ceo.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Phyllis: Good morning.", "Ashley: What's going on?", "Billy: We're moving in.", "Mariah: Well, I think that sharon would really love all the ideas that nikki and victoria came up with. But does anybody have any other thoughts?", "Abby: Oh, yeah. Um... I'm all about putting a spin on tradition. Um... okay. Why don't we break into teams and, um... yeah. Nikki with mariah and victoria with me.", "Victoria: You and me? Really?", "Abby: Sure. Why not?", "Victoria: Well, you didn't want to work with me at newman. [ Sighs ] Look, all I can think about is the work that's piling up at my desk. So you guys do whatever you think is best for the shower. You don't need my vote. Now, excuse me.", "Billy: So, what room you thinking?", "Ashley: I'd rather hear what you're thinking.", "Phyllis: It's only temporary, until we find our own place.", "Ashley: I'd like to hear billy say it.", "Billy: Really?", "Ashley: I'll wait.", "Phyllis: Is this necessary?", "Billy: Yeah. You think we're gonna get comfortable and shack up for the long haul?", "Ashley: Well, you got pretty comfortable at summer's, so I'm just going by what I've seen before.", "Phyllis: Okay. I tell you what. Uh, you know, since we -- we don't want to interfere with your daily routine, why don't we just stay --", "Ashley: At the gcac. What a fantastic idea. I'm gonna call devon right now and see if there's anything available. Two singles?", "Billy: Mm. That's cute.", "Phyllis: You know, if you'd let me finish, I was gonna suggest we stay in the pool house.", "Billy: I think that's a great idea. Plenty of privacy, and we don't have to take part in these kind of conversations.", "Kyle: Better get used to them, 'cause the pool house is occupied.", "Billy: Take it there's no wiggle room in this?", "Ashley: I would have told you that if you had bothered to phone first, instead of barging in here and ambushing us.", "Billy: \"Ambush\"?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: This is the abbott home, built by john abbott. I am his son, so I have every right to be here. Whether you two like it or not. Additional sponsorship", "Ashley: Gosh, billy. That comment you made about being dad's son was... unnecessary. I mean, of course you have every right to stay here.", "Billy: Yeah. As you said a few weeks ago, when phyllis and i were on our break. Our very short break. But I am not surprised by your fake hospitality since you've been conspiring against me the whole time.", "Ashley: If I'm such a horrible person, why do you want to live with me in this house?", "Billy: Because this is my house, too. And until we find a more permanent place, why not the old homestead?", "Kyle: So, why decide to leave summer's place all of a sudden?", "Phyllis: Too crowded.", "Ashley: Oh, well, I mean, this house might be bigger, but it's full. And you might want to consider that. You know, for privacy and comfort's sake.", "Billy: We're not fussy. Plus, I can keep an eye on the two of you. It'll make up for the inconvenience. How's the guest room over the garden sound? See you in a little bit.", "Mariah: Iced herbal tea. Iced latte.", "Nikki: Thank you, dear.", "Mariah: All right. So, are we ready to dive back in?", "Abby: One thing before we do. What was up with victoria and her attitude and the whole \"big pile of work\" thing? I mean, is newman still trying to recover from those recent hits?", "Nikki: No. We bounced back from that quite smoothly.", "Abby: Oh, my god. Wait. Well, is J.T. Back? Has he surfaced again? Has he done something?", "Nikki: No! Why on earth would you think that?", "Abby: Well, because I know that would freak out victoria and put her on edge.", "Nikki: Look, there is nothing new regarding J.T. He is gone, and I don't think he is ever coming back. It's much too risky for him. And as far as victoria goes, she's just overworked with newman and with the kids. So, please, don't either of you take that personally.", "Mariah: Okay. Uh... good to know. So, uh, building on the theme --", "Nikki: You know what, forgive me. Abby, you might have a point where victoria's attitude is concerned. I better check in with her and make sure that there's nothing more. Uh, we'll talk soon.", "Mariah: Uh -- you know, I'm not used to this whole shower thing. Is this normally how it goes? Yeah, I didn't think so.", "Phyllis: Billy's unpacking.", "Kyle: And ashley left. So now you can tell me what's really going on. The last thing I heard from summer was that billy canceled his trip to philadelphia and texted her to meet on jaboat.", "Phyllis: Well, you know, desperate times. I am the one who sent that text using billy's account. I decided that summer has earned a week-long private cruise. Very luxurious, with one exception -- no wi-fi, no cell service. And lots of time to think.", "Kyle: Mad skills. What I'd have given to see summer's face when she realized billy wasn't showing up. And the moving out? That was you, too? I mean, why give her all-access hours to your boyfriend?", "Phyllis: It was a mutual decision between billy and me. You know, we had an adult chat about my daughter, got everything out in the open air. And, you know what, we're fully committed, so... my daughter's just gonna have to accept that.", "Kyle: Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, she doesn't give up easily. Takes after her mom.", "Phyllis: Mm. Which means I don't give up, either, without a fight. And now that I've reminded her how things work, I expect no more ill-advised stunts.", "Billy: All unpacked. Your stuff, too. You can tip me later.", "Phyllis: Remind me. Hey. Are you okay with everything? I mean, is it gonna drive you nuts sharing meals and sharing air with people who are trying to undermine you constantly?", "Billy: As long as I'm sharing a big ol' guest bed with you, everything will just be fine.", "[ Door closes ]", "Phyllis: Hi, there. Hiya, dina.", "Jack: Wow. This is a surprise.", "Dina: How do you do?", "Billy: Hi.", "Dina: Uh... who are you here to see?", "Phyllis: We are gonna be, uh, staying here with you.", "Dina: Oh?", "Jack: Well, I'm sure there's a fascinating story behind that.", "Dina: Well, you know, we don't have that many rooms. Are you taking my room? Where -- where are piper and i going to sleep?", "Billy: No, no. We're not gonna take your room. Don't -- don't you worry about that. There'll be plenty of space for you and, um...", "Jack: Piper.", "Dina: My dog.", "Jack: Her dog.", "Billy: Okay.", "Dina: Why are they moving in?", "Billy: Uh, we're -- we're friends of you and -- and your family'S. And don't worry, we won't be staying long.", "Phyllis: It's gonna be fun, spending time together.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] Okey dokey. Just hope you like dogs.", "Jack: You know what, we can tell them all about piper later. Let's get you down for your nap before lunch, okay?", "Dina: Okay. Did you ever eat dog food? I mean, just to try it? I haven't, but sometimes I do wonder.", "Billy: Poor dina.", "Phyllis: Poor jack.", "Abby: If we do decide to go with the whole luau/tiki theme, there's lots of cool options.", "Mariah: Yeah, there are so, so many.", "Abby: And you've got enthusiasm and creativity on your side.", "Mariah: Heh.", "Abby: And you've got me. So it's gonna be totally awesome.", "Mariah: Thank you so much for doing this. To be honest, I didn't think that you would be so into it.", "Abby: Are you kidding me? I love parties.", "Mariah: I know. I just mean that you would be doing it for sharon, you know? I was even more surprised when she asked you to be a bridesmaid, and you accepted.", "Abby: Yes, the whole thing threw me for a loop. But I am happy that we were able to clear the air and work things out. And we are gonna be family again. Look, quite honestly, I'M... I'm really only doing this whole thing for nick. But please don't mention that to sharon.", "Mariah: Yeah. She's not gonna hear it from me. I guess nick's just happy that you're a part of the wedding.", "Abby: And if nick is happy, then so am I. When I think about lily and devon and how their relationship has been torn apart, it makes me value my brother that much more. Wait. Do you think that's why victoria was acting that way today?", "Mariah: Wh-what? Because of you and nick?", "Abby: Well, they've always been so tight. I mean, maybe she resents me for going to work for him. Maybe that's why she was being so defensive.", "Mariah: Seems spot-on to me.", "Abby: Should i reach out to her? Should I -- should I try to fix things? The wedding is still in planning stages.", "Mariah: You know, you know victoria a lot better than I do, but um, I wouldn'T. Not now, especially with the way that she tore out of here.", "Abby: So I should leave her to nikki.", "Mariah: Yeah, so you don't get caught in the cross fire.", "Victoria: I did receive the report, I just didn't have a chance to review it. Uh, let me get back to you. Okay. [ Telephone rings ] Victoria newman. Uh, yes, damien. I pulled the file for you. Can -- can we deal with this later? It's here somewhere. Oh-- okay.", "Nikki: Well, maybe I can find it for you.", "Victoria: No, I-it's here. I'll handle it.", "Nikki: Honey, you have enough to handle right now, and I am here, so delegate.", "Victoria: No. Mom, look. This isn't your area. You wouldn't know what to do. No more than you know what to do when it comes to my personal life.", "Nikki: Victoria --", "Victoria: Mom, look. I have tried to be nice, but you're not listening to me. Please leave me the hell alone.", "Kyle: Hey.", "Mariah: Hey.", "Kyle: What's up?", "Mariah: Nothing much. Just prepping for the next \"gc buzz\" show.", "Kyle: Oh, it's a beautiful day for it.", "Mariah: It is. Clear skies. No snowflakes in the forecast.", "Kyle: Is that a bad thing?", "Mariah: Not in general. But I was looking for summer earlier. Uh, wedding business. Have you seen her?", "Kyle: You know, I am able to function without her.", "Mariah: Okay. Well, not only are you two always up here together \"working,\" but you seem dead set on winning her back, god help you.", "Kyle: That's on hold. Summer... took a last-minute holiday.", "Mariah: She vacations without her cellphone? Please. A call back would have been polite. Not that I can't plan sharon's bridal shower without her.", "Kyle: Look at you, taking this maid-of-honor stuff so seriously.", "Mariah: Yeah. The word is \"honor,\" not \"dishonor.\" See the difference?", "Kyle: It's good. Having a project to focus on.", "Mariah: So I don't get a stomach ulcer over tessa. Who I still have not heard from, by the way.", "Kyle: Keep in mind, my private investigator is top-notch. And the search just started.", "Mariah: I know. And I am beyond grateful for you setting all of that up.", "Kyle: Happy to help.", "Mariah: But what if tessa doesn't want to be found? No, I-I'm serious. Listen.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: What if tessa decided that she is done with genoa city and everyone in it?", "Kyle: Including you? That's ridiculous.", "Mariah: Sharon doesn't seem to think so. Her theory is, tessa decided that she doesn't want to be with me, and is letting her silence do the talking.", "Kyle: I can't believe sharon would speak to her maid of honor that way. Tessa was halfway out of town before she turned around and made her way back to this very rooftop to tell you she thinks you two belong together. Why do that and not mean it? And with your highly sophisticated ability to judge character, had tessa not been sincere, you'd know it.", "Mariah: Have you heard the expression \"love is blind\"? What if blind is too stupid to turn on a light?", "Kyle: Don't amuse me into helping you tear yourself down.", "Mariah: I'm serious. Tessa told me herself that she's not the person that I thought she was.", "Kyle: Maybe she's even better. Until we have proof to the contrary, I don't want to catch you in your car, windows rolled up, singing along to \"total eclipse of the heart.\"", "Mariah: Damn. I had such an amazing \"dumped again\" playlist put together. [ Kyle chuckles ] Celine. Bonnie tyler. A really nice dusty springfield mix.", "Kyle: Ohh. It's okay to worry. You want tessa safe, and on her way back here.", "Mariah: But what if tessa doesn't want me back?", "Kyle: We're not going there. Not even for 10 seconds.", "Mariah: I hate this. This is why I built walls in the first place. Because the more you care, the more agony when people let you down.", "Kyle: That may be right in some cases. But... at least wait until people do. Don't give up on tessa.", "Jack: Okay. Before you start in about how much you resent my conspiring with ashley, I don't have the time or the energy. You two can get yourselves settled in.", "Billy: Jack, just give me a minute here for a second, please. Look, I am still very much bothered that my siblings are sabotaging me behind my back. But put that aside for a second. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about dina.", "Jack: Wait, what about her?", "Phyllis: We're talking about her decline.", "Billy: When I was staying at the house earlier this summer, I didn't see a lot of her. So seeing her now, the way that she is, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you.", "Jack: W-well, I mean, she's deteriorating but... we expected this. It's not as bad as you two are suggesting. Is it? Oh, dear god.", "Phyllis: It's been a few months, but she's not the same person, jack.", "Billy: She's not. To either of us.", "Jack: I've been around her so much, I'D... forgotten how insidious alzheimer's really is. Whether I see it or not, each day that passes is a day closer to losing her. Forever.", "Phyllis: Can I get you some coffee or some iced tea or -- what can I do?", "Jack: No. No, you know what, I -- I got to get out of here.", "Ashley: You left so early this morning. I thought you were going to work.", "Abby: Uh, yeah. I'm headed there now. I had to come here first for a meeting.", "Ashley: Oh.", "Abby: We're planning sharon's bridal shower.", "Ashley: Mm.", "Abby: Yeah. Wait for it. Sharon asked me to be a bridesmaid. Along with faith and mariah and summer and victoria.", "Ashley: How very... inclusive of her.", "Abby: Well, she's gonna regret it long before she walks down the aisle. Mariah has been a dream, but victoria, she was a nervous wreck this morning.", "Ashley: About the shower?", "Abby: No, about something else. I don't know what it was, but she couldn't focus, and she left after 10 minutes. And summer was a no-show.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. Well, I think something's going on with summer.", "Abby: Why?", "Ashley: Because this morning, at the crack of dawn, phyllis and billy moved out of summer's condo and into our house. This happened after you left.", "Abby: Wait, what?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: Well, you'd think they'd feel more comfortable at a hotel. Our place is getting kind of full.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, billy wouldn't hear it. He's trying to get under my skin because he thinks I'm undermining him at jabot.", "Abby: Are you?", "Ashley: He's on a rampage. He's acting like a hyperactive 5-year-old. Every day, I have to anticipate what mess I have to clean up of his.", "Abby: Well, I will keep my ears open at home and see if I overhear anything that might help you out.", "Ashley: I appreciate that, honey. [ Cellphone chimes ] 'Scuse me. Oh. It's your uncle jack. He wants me to meet him at the gcac.", "Abby: He didn't say why?", "Ashley: Just that it's urgent.", "Abby: Oh, well, you better go. I will walk out with you.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: I don't know what you're waiting for, but I don't have time for it.", "Nikki: Look, the sooner we address this, the sooner we can both get back to work.", "Victoria: Address what?", "Nikki: I am very sorry that I told nate about J.T.'S abusive behavior. But you're my daughter, and you're hurting, and I was trying to help you. Unfortunately, I betrayed your confidence, and I regret that so much. How -- how can i make it up to you? What can I do?", "Victoria: Mom, look --", "Nikki: When you are suffering, I --", "Victoria: I am not denying that there is a problem. But I am dealing with it. With my therapist.", "Nikki: Well, I'm all for therapy. But the way you've been acting, I-I don't know. It seems like your sessions with her are not being very productive.", "Victoria: Mom, you can't say that. It's a very long and in-depth process, dredging up these very dark and emotional issues that have to do with abuse, and sometimes it can leave you feeling raw for days. I-I like dr. Mosely, okay? I trust her. And I really don't know how long it's gonna take for me to feel like me again. But you and I, we -- we both just have to be patient, mom.", "Victoria: In fact, you know, I have to be at her office right now.", "Nikki: You have an appointment with her today?", "Victoria: I told you, I'm working on it, and it's a priority. Mom, I'm sorry. I got to go. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was shutting you out. I'll talk to you later.", "Nikki: Bye, sweetie. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Hey. Thanks for coming on such short notice.", "Ashley: Sure.", "Jack: I hope I didn't take you away from anything important.", "Ashley: Besides fighting with billy?", "Jack: Again?", "Ashley: Would you like to hear his latest brainstorm, jack?", "Jack: Uh, let's see. Uh... a jabot theme park.", "Ashley: No. But it does involve a haunted mansion. But the one that dad built. But instead of having ghosts going bump in the night, it will be phyllis and billy, because they moved in this morning.", "Jack: Yeah, they were just finishing unpacking when i brought mother home from breakfast. I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about her.", "Ashley: Why? Is something wrong?", "Jack: No. [ Sighs ] Yeah. Billy and phyllis were shocked at how far downhill mother had gone. I was equally surprised at their reaction. And then I realized they're probably right.", "Ashley: No, I don't know --", "Jack: Maybe you and I are too close to this thing to even see it creeping up on us. Seriously. When was the last time mother gave us any indication she knew where she was anymore, or who we are?", "Ashley: Has it really been that long?", "Jack: It's been weeks, ash. Right now, the dog she got for her birthday during the roosevelt administration is more real to her than anything that's going on now. We're losing her day by day, and we don't even know it.", "Ashley: Maybe we didn't want to know it, jack. I mean, we were aware this day was coming.", "Jack: Today I realized that doesn't make it any easier.", "Ashley: Well, what can we do except make each day count, and make sure that she feels loved and cared for, which is exactly what we've been doing.", "Jack: And I feel this urgent need to make a connection with my real father. If he's alive. Or, if he's not, then his family, if I can find them.", "Ashley: Realistically, what can you do?", "Jack: I put the search on hold while I helped launch dark horse.", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: Maybe it's time to take out that list of country-club members again and try to narrow things down. I also need a roster of the staff from the same period. For all anyone knows, it could be the gardener or the pool man or the busboy.", "Ashley: [ Scoffs ]", "Jack: I mean, really. Your father was the golf pro. Why not?", "Ashley: It's been so long. It's like you're chasing ghosts.", "Jack: Well, it's still something I can do proactively. I was thinking I could submit my dna to one of these ancestry companies. I mean, maybe my genetic profile will provide more clues.", "Ashley: Okay. So then what? You find out that you're 12% northern italian. What good does it do you? You don't even have a photograph to go by, jack. You just have a list of names. I don't want to see you get hurt the way you did with the whole phillip chancellor thing. Maybe it's time for you just to accept that... maybe you're never gonna know the truth, jack.", "Jack: No.", "Ashley: Well... how many more times can you get your hopes up just to have them shattered by another dead end?", "Jack: As many times as it takes.", "Phyllis: Hey. You ready to get changed and go to the office?", "Billy: What's the rush?", "Phyllis: Well, people are expecting us.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I got something more important to do.", "Phyllis: Uh, loo-- I can drive myself.", "Billy: Like talking to you.", "Phyllis: Oh. About?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] When I mentioned moving back in here, you didn't argue, you didn't raise any objections, and now I'm wondering if you're really okay with it.", "Phyllis: Well, why would i say yes, then?", "Billy: Because it was the quickest, simplest way to get out of summer's condo.", "Phyllis: I am fine with housemates in varying degrees of toxicity, so... don't sweat it.", "Billy: You sure? Because there's a bigger issue. And his name is jack.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Kyle: Some morning, huh?", "Ashley: Can you believe the nerve of billy, just barging in without warning, just his luggage? How completely obnoxious.", "Kyle: I'll refrain from piling on, since I kind of did the exact same thing.", "Ashley: No, you did not. You were living in a hotel, looking for a home. And you didn't drag along your girlfriend. Phyllis and billy already had a home, and summer doesn't take much room up, so I'm sure he was just playing mind games with us.", "Kyle: No, there's way more to it. I know why they had to flee summer's apartment. It's related to what I tried to tell you the other day.", "Ashley: I don't want to hear about his --", "Kyle: Now I have the whole story --", "Ashley: I don't want to hear about his personal drama, kyle. I need something major and work-related, okay, to use against him.", "Kyle: Then you'll want to hear this.", "Billy: It's my fault [Sighs] For not thinking this through and, uh, barreling ahead like an insensitive jerk. And I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: No apology necessary.", "Billy: Come on. You haven't been yourself since you walked in the door. And I couldn't help but notice the way you were with jack.", "Phyllis: Oh, what -- what way?", "Billy: Phyllis, this was your house, too.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's strange. It's strange. You know, it's weird. You know, the last time I was here, I was married to jack, you know. So this house is filled with a lot of memories. You know -- good, bad, hideous. Like the day jack threw me out.", "Billy: Because of me.", "Phyllis: Us. Team effort. And being here with you, you know, and with jack living somewhere else... I just -- I can't help but feel a little bit queasy. And him walking in and discovering all that, that... that's the real ambush.", "Billy: Well, you just say the word, and I march upstairs, repack our stuff, and we, uh -- we gun it for the athletic club.", "Phyllis: If it bothered me that much, I would have said something. No. Like we said to ashley, this is only temporary.", "Billy: You reserve the right to change your mind at any point, okay?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I appreciate that.", "Billy: Just be honest with what you're feeling. That's all I ask.", "Phyllis: Yes. Total, uncensored honesty. You can count on that.", "Kyle: So, phyllis arranged for summer to be stuck on jaboat alone, indefinitely, circling the lake with no wi-fi or cellphone coverage.", "Ashley: I don't know why I'm surprised by this. I mean, summer has been fawning over billy since she started at fenmore'S. And god knows phyllis has never had boundaries where men are concerned. So obviously it's genetic.", "Kyle: And that particular man happens to be our ceo.", "Ashley: Do you think it's mutual? Do you think he actually acted on this?", "Kyle: According to summer.", "Ashley: What else is she gonna say? I mean, obviously there can't be proof. I mean, if phyllis thought this actually happened, she wouldn't be sharing a room with billy at our house or anybody else'S.", "Kyle: Billy is a guy who has impulse-control issues. If he is interested, we might be able to catch him making a move. The scandal would finish him. And summer does have her, uh, charms.", "Ashley: Okay. I guess I'll just have to take your word for that. But he's not gonna jeopardize his position here, or his relationship with phyllis, over her. But we do know what tempts billy, and that's playing fast and loose with company funds. He loves the thrill of high-stakes financial fraud.", "Kyle: I have some intel in that area, too. Summer told me billy has a big-time rival at the poker table. A woman named sinead. He lost jaboat to her, and then won enough money to buy it back.", "Ashley: Well, that explains it. The whole \"jaboat needs repairs\" story that he had going. He wanted to get it back before anybody found out it was actually missing.", "Kyle: And the 30 grand he expensed the company for to cover phony repairs was to help him pay sinead for jaboat -- or maybe buy into the poker game where he won enough cash to get it back. That's huge.", "Ashley: But there's no proof. If we try to take this to the board, billy's just gonna talk his way out of this. We only have one shot, kyle. It has to be rock-solid. Because you know that billy's gonna have a story ready and waiting to cover his ass.", "Kyle: Not if it isn't an isolated incident. If billy borrows another chunk of money from jabot, it is a pattern. One the board couldn't dismiss. Billy tried it once, got away with it. Chances are, he'll try it again.", "Ashley: 'Cause he loves the thrill of getting away with things. You might be onto something. This might be the plan that works. We have to wait, monitor the company's finances and any direction that billy takes towards them.", "Kyle: Why wait for him to mess up? We can make it happen.", "Nikki: Sweetheart?", "Victoria: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god!", "Nikki: I'm sorry. It's just me. It's just me. I didn't mean to startle you.", "Victoria: Mom! What are you doing here?", "Nikki: I followed you from newman. I've been outside in my car for almost an hour trying to decide what to do. I finally let myself in with my key.", "Victoria: You have no right to spy on me and intrude like this.", "Nikki: You have been sleeping in the middle of the day again, and you blow up at the slightest provocation, and you lied to me about your therapy. What else are you keeping from me?", "Victoria: I'm not gonna be interrogated in my own bedroom.", "Nikki: All right, then we will call it a conversation, because I am not going anywhere, and neither are you, until you make me understand what's going on. Seeing you melt down is terrifying me.", "Victoria: Okay. [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victoria: Fine.", "Nikki: So, how long has it been since you've seen your therapist?", "Victoria: I don't even know. Months?", "Victoria: I had to stop seeing dr. Mosely. It was just increasing my anxiety and my stress. It wasn't reducing it. All of this non-stop talk about me and J.T., Avoiding any hint that he's dead...", "Nikki: Oh, god. That's enough to rattle anybody's nerves. But bottling everything up like this, that's not working. You've got to find a way to cope with everything you've been through to get you through your days and nights.", "Victoria: Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. How about you?", "Nikki: Well, you seemed to like dr. Mosely. You -- you had a rapport with her. Maybe, if you went back to her and had another chance with her, maybe you can tell her --", "Victoria: What? How our girls' night actually ended? You think I should entrust our freedom and our future to a woman that I've spent maybe 10 hours talking to? Because I don'T.", "Nikki: I understand. You're not wrong. [ Sighs ] God, I wish I had an answer. Because to see you like this, it's tearing you up. It devastates me.", "Victoria: Me too, mom. Me too. I feel very cornered. Very trapped. [ Sighs ] It's just like it was with J.T., Only worse. Now I don't have a monster to get rid of. I'm fighting with my own mind.", "Nikki: Oh, honey.", "Victoria: I'm losing control, mom. I don't know how to make it stop.", "[ Sighs ]", "Nikki: We'll find a way.", "Billy: Just another perk of living here. Not only does mrs. Martinez mix up a ridiculous mimosa, but check this out -- straight out of the oven. Hmm?", "Phyllis: Mmm! I'm feeling better already.", "Billy: Really?", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Tasting food like this reassures me that I am not cut out for cooking. And I'm okay with that.", "Billy: Oh, you cook. It just doesn't involve a stove or ingredients. Still delicious.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] You don't have to clear dishes, either.", "Billy: Mm. Who's got time for that?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: Did you run out of places to make out?", "[ Billy groans ]", "Phyllis: Not yet.", "Billy: No. But we just moved in this morning, so give us a couple days.", "Abby: Oh, I heard. And in case no one's told you, there's no skinny-dipping in the pool.", "Phyllis: Ugh! That's a shame.", "Billy: Maybe ashley's right. Maybe this house is getting smaller by the minute.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: You want to lure billy back into gambling?", "Kyle: Look, it won't take much effort. He won't be able to resist another go at his nemesis, sinead, or pilfering the company's coffers to bankroll him at the poker table.", "Ashley: No. I am not comfortable with this. Dragging billy back into that seamy world is crossing a line. Even jack, as vengeful as he can be, he would never go there.", "Kyle: It's not like we're manipulating someone who's clean to relapse into their addiction. Billy's been back at it for months.", "Ashley: It's sleazy, no matter what you say.", "Kyle: Hey, you're the one who called for extreme measures. Billy thinks he's in control of his gambling. Setting him up for another breach of trust -- or testing him, if you like -- and the potential consequences might be the only way to remind billy, it's the gambling that controls him. And maybe your last chance to save jabot from the reckless, power-mad tear he's been on. Are you willing to do what it takes to reclaim your father's company or not?", "Ashley: Well... what if it gets out of hand and -- and he just spirals down into the abyss again? I couldn't live with myself.", "Kyle: We'll be running the show the whole time. We only need billy to surrender to temptation long enough for us to get what we need on him. Then we end it, rescuing jabot at the same time. If you have a better plan, of course, I'll support it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Devon and Elena have dinner with Nate and Abby at Society to celebrate Christian coming home and Elena's first day as a resident at the hospital. Devon and Elena arrive home and Devon gets a certified letter telling him that a lawyer will contact him the second week of September to discuss discrepancies in Katherine's will. Adam arrives to give Abby the final sale papers for the Grand Phoenix and tells her that as long as she doesn't do anything to hurt him he will leave her and her business alone but if she makes a move against him he will add her to his revenge list. Nick and Chelsea celebrate Christian coming home by eating pizza with Christian and Connor and playing video games with the boys. Once the boys are asleep Nick and Chelsea decide its the right time to make love. Billy breaks in to Adam's penthouse and steals his mother's handkerchief and Adam gets a call from his alarm company and he checks the house and tells them everything is fine. Kevin has a long talk with Chloe about Billy's strange behavior and tells her all about the Delia dreams. Chloe goes to Billy's house and they have a long talk where she advises Billy to make peace with Delia's death and also that he shouldn't let Adam ruin his life. Chloe tells Billy he should get professional help or find some other way to make peace and move on with his life. Billy has another nightmare about Delia where she tells him that if he doesn't stop Adam she won't be at peace. Billy goes to Chloe's place and tells her that he is taking her advice and he knows what to do about Adam gets a text telling him \" I have something that belongs to you come to the curve of route 7\" which the audience knows is where Delia died.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: Delia.", "Bella: Mommy!", "Chloe: Bella?! Billy, what is going on?", "Nick: You're dropping your petition for custody?", "Adam: I don't want to take on just one or two of you. It will be far more gratifying to destroy the myth of the newmans once and for all, and you're never gonna see it coming.", "Adam: That's mom's handkerchief.", "Chelsea: I was saving it to give to connor, you know, when he finds the person he wants to marry, but I thought maybe you could give it to him instead.", "Adam: Uh-oh. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Oh, this is gonna be a good game.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]", "Adam: [ Chuckles ]", "Adam: I have had the best time today.", "Connor: Me, too, dad.", "Adam: Yeah? What was your favorite part?", "Connor: Everything!", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Chelsea: Hi, guys!", "Connor: Mom, hey!", "Chelsea: Hi!", "Adam: Hello, there.", "Chelsea: How's your day been? What have you been up to?", "Adam: Well, we hung out at the park for a bit, until it got too hot. Then we went back to my place, ate a snack, and played some games.", "Chelsea: That sounds like a really good time.", "Connor: It was awesome! Wish I could stay with dad longer.", "Adam: Hey. We'll see each other again soon, okay? But right now I need you to go with your mother. That was the agreement. And you know she misses you when you're not around.", "Chelsea: I sure do.", "Connor: Ugh. Okay.", "Adam: Hey, I think our order's up. Why don't you go check to make sure it's all there? He wanted a brownie with his lemonade, but I thought it was too close to dinnertime, so...", "Chelsea: Mm.", "Adam: ...I bought some for you all for dessert later.", "Chelsea: How thoughtful. Well, thank you for that.", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Chelsea: And thank you for making this so easy.", "Adam: Yeah. I mean, this impromptu visit with our son means a lot. And I know I need to prove to you that you can trust me with him again, so... that's what I'm gonna do. Matters even more after what i gave up today.", "Connor: All there, mom. Let's go!", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Adam: Bye. So long. I will see you soon, okay?", "Connor: Bye, dad.", "Nick: Hey.", "Adam: If you're, uh, looking for chelsea, she just left.", "Nick: Yeah, I saw. I waited 'cause I didn't want to get into this in front of your kid.", "Adam: Get into what?", "Nick: The hearing today --& it's official. I was granted full custody of christian.", "Adam: Look, nick, you got what you wanted. I did what was best for that little boy. And I hope that you can appreciate that. So... let's discuss what comes next.", "Abby: Good to see you.", "Devon: What are we, uh -- what are we celebrating?", "Abby: Well, I have wonderful news. Adam dropped his custody suit. Nick brought his son home today.", "Devon: Nice.", "Elena: That's amazing!", "Devon: Nice. I'm very happy to hear everything worked out for him and christian.", "Nate: Yeah. Your whole family must be ecstatic.", "Abby: Yes. It was what we were all hoping for. It was a huge relief. But now let's congratulate elena -- or should I say dr. Dawson? -- On your brand-new residency.", "Nate: To fresh starts.", "Devon: That's right. Hear, hear.", "Abby: Hear, hear.", "Elena: Thank you. Thank you.", "Abby: And last but certainly not least, the grand phoenix and my pet project, the lobby lounge, where everyone will go to see and be seen.", "Devon: That's right. Everything you said about it so far sounds amazing. I just can't wait for it to open, finally.", "Abby: Neither can I.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nate: And, uh, here we are -- same old, same old, no big new accomplishments to announce.", "Devon: Yeah, that's very true. We'll have to live vicariously through our ladies.", "Elena: Oh, stop it, boys. We both think you're very special.", "Abby: Mm-hmm. And you will feel better soon thanks to a little surprise i have in store.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah. Ohh. Oh, baby, you know how to make me feel so good. Whoo!", "Kevin: Mm.", "Chloe: Ahh.", "Kevin: If I'd known it was this easy...", "Chloe: [ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Chloe: Oh, you are making this heat wave bearable -- almost.", "Kevin: [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: Ohh.", "Kevin: I say we sleep out on the balcony tonight -- see if we can catch a breeze.", "Chloe: Yeah, or we can just go right back inside and crank up the a/C.", "Kevin: [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: Ohh. You know, I just can't believe... that this is our life now... living here... all of us together again, with mom... living this perfectly normal life.", "Kevin: I think mrs. C would approve. She would love for this place to be filled with people again -- the sound of bella laughing and playing.", "Chloe: Yeah. I don't know if she was laughing so much when billy scared the wits out of her. I mean, he was acting really bizarre.", "Kevin: Well, it wasn't the first time. I had a couple of strange run-ins with him before I left to meet up with you and bella.", "Chloe: What happened?", "Kevin: Well, he -- he showed up here under obviously bogus pretenses. But his real motivation seemed to be that he was... preoccupied with memories of delia. More like obsessed. He started to believe that she was trying to contact him from the spirit world.", "Chloe: Are you serious?", "Kevin: Yeah. I told him that it was just his mind playing tricks... the pain of delia's death being dredged up, which makes sense with adam being back.", "Chloe: Well, what did he say to that?", "Kevin: He admitted that he'd been struggling, and I told him that he had to find a good therapist and get some help. I'd hoped he would be doing better, but I hate to think...", "Chloe: That... he might be even worse now? Additional sponsorship", "Abby: So, what do you think about my new signature cocktail?", "Nate: Delicious.", "Elena: And refreshing.", "Devon: This is very nice. It's the perfect kind of drink for a warm night like tonight.", "Abby: I think so, too. My bartender is a genius with inventing new drinks.", "Devon: Yeah? Tell me you're gonna add it to the regular menu.", "Abby: I definitely think i will. Um, if you'll excuse me for a second, I'm gonna let him know.", "Devon: Good idea. Ohh. So, baby...", "Elena: Hmm?", "Devon: ...You ready to jump in to things at work after orientation today?", "Elena: I cannot wait.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Elena: Yeah.", "Devon: Not surprised. What exactly are you gonna be doing?", "Elena: So, today I'm gonna have my first full day of rounds, so I'll be able to meet with the patients and --", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Devon: Hang on one second. One second. Sorry. This is the call I've been waiting for all day. It's for work. Can you hold that thought...", "Elena: Sure.", "Devon: ...Please? Thank you. Sorry. Harry, how you doing?", "Elena: Looks like I really know to clear a table, don't I?", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] Why didn't you tell devon you did more than just orientation? Didn't you want to brag about how much you knew about how to treat that kid's humerus fracture?", "Elena: Oh, I didn't want to bore a non-doctor.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] I get it. I get it. Abby's always willing to hear about my day, but, uh, she's way more into P.R. Than O.R.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "[ Footsteps approach ]", "Chloe: Here.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ]", "Chloe: Poor billy. I feel sick about what you just told me.", "Kevin: Yeah. My heart breaks for the guy, and I hope that, somehow, he can find a way to pull himself together, not just for his own sake, but he can't keep showing up here and freaking out bella.", "Chloe: I'm gonna go talk to him.", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, babe, no, no, no. You have to lay low. You can't be seen yet. Michael got the gag order so that nobody would know you're alive.", "Chloe: Don't worry about it. I'm gonna be careful, but i can't just sit here and not do something. He needs my help now and not a couple weeks from now, when it's more convenient for me.", "Kevin: Oh, you are making me nervous with this. You know that?", "Chloe: Babe, I am worried. Adam has caused so much chaos. He has hurt so many people. He doesn't get to ruin billy's life again -- not if I can help it.", "Nick: What do you expect from me now?", "Adam: I really have to spell it out for you?", "Nick: Yeah. I think you're gonna have to.", "Adam: Okay.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Nick: You gonna get that?", "Adam: No. Whoever it is can wait. This is more important. Okay. Because I dropped the custody suit... I am hoping that you will get rid of the restraining order barring me from seeing christian.", "Nick: Nope. Restraining order stays in place. It's not like I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt when you basically declared war on my entire family -- that is, unless you're willing to drop that, and then we can attempt to live in peace. Is that what you're saying, adam?", "Adam: Look, whatever my issues are with you and the others, christian isn't part of that.", "Nick: Not good enough.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] Nick... please?", "Nick: Are you gonna continue to obey the restraining order?", "Adam: Yes.", "Nick: Good. See ya.", "Adam: [ Sighs ] [ Cellphone rings ] This is adam newman. What? When? Alright. I'm on my way. I'm just a normal person", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Adam: Alright. Well, I will run a test and make sure the system's functioning properly, but everything seems to be working fine. Alright. Thanks for the call.", "Billy: So, I take it the reason why you risked coming over here was to tall about what happened yesterday with bella. Let me just apologize again. I-I didn't mean to frighten her.", "Chloe: I know. I just hope there's not a repeat performance.", "Billy: It won't happen again. I promise you. And it shook me, too. I-I didn't expect anyone to be home, especially not you and your daughter.", "Chloe: I know. I know.", "Billy: So, explain to me again why you're in semi-hiding.", "Chloe: Yeah. Michael just wants me to keep everything quiet until everything is finalized.", "Billy: Which is good when it comes to adam.", "Chloe: Which is why i actually... came to see you. You know, I talked to kevin, and he --", "Billy: Apparently, he told you about my problems.", "Chloe: Well, you know, I was hoping that -- I don't know -- you could tell me a little about it.", "Billy: I don't really want to talk about it.", "Chloe: I'm sure you don'T.", "Billy: Good. So we can leave it at that.", "Chloe: Billy... you know, what you're going through... it's sucking your life dry. And you lose control of your thoughts. You lose control of your actions. You start to hate yourself. You don't know who you are anymore. And it's exhausting... and humiliating... and you just don't know when it's ever gonna end.", "Billy: [ Sighs ]", "Chloe: Nobody knows this better than I do. So if you need some relief to talk about things, I just want you to know that I'm here.", "Nick: Oh, man. That's a pretty big hug right there, buddy. It feels so good to see you where you belong. I've missed being with you so much.", "Christian: I missed you, too, daddy.", "Nick: Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore, do we? I know your aunt victoria and your uncle billy -- they took really good care of you -- but it's got to feel so good to know that you get to be in your own bed tonight, with your own books and your toys. They're all gonna be right there. And I'm gonna be there, too, to kiss you good night and when you wake up in the morning.", "Christian: Good.", "Nick: Good. And you know who else is gonna be there? Chelsea and your cousin connor. Remember how I told you that they're back in town?", "Chelsea: Hey! Who wants dinner?", "Christian: Pizza! Yay!", "Nick: Oh, yay! I was wondering where you guys were.", "Chelsea: I was just telling connor about christian being home.", "Nick: Yep.", "Chelsea: And even though you haven't seen each other in a long time, you still love the same things, like baseball and soccer and video games, especially that car-racing one.", "Christian: You like that game, too?", "Connor: Yeah. I can show you the fastest way to win.", "Nick: Cool! Let's do that -- after dinner. We'll wash up, dig in, and get this party started. What do you say? Yeah! Go wash those hands.", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ]", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nick: [ Sighs ] My son -- he's home. He's finally home.", "Abby: How was everything?", "Elena: Delicious.", "Nate: Yeah. Really, really good.", "Abby: Good.", "Nate: The kitchen just keeps getting better and better.", "Abby: Well, can I tempt anyone with dessert, an after-dinner drink?", "Elena: Actually, I have to pass. I have to be to work early at the hospital.", "Devon: Yeah. But everything was really, really good. It was fantastic, and I'm gonna say thank you for arranging all this, abby.", "Abby: Of course. It was my pleasure. It was so good to see you guys.", "Devon: Of course.", "Abby: Bye.", "Elena: Thank you.", "Abby: Good to see you. Of course. Anytime.", "Nate: Good to see you.", "[ Sighs ]", "Abby: So... how 'bout you?", "Nate: I have the morning off.", "Nick: Yeah! Attaboy, christian! I mean, he's getting better already.", "Chelsea: You're such a good teacher, connor.", "Connor: Thanks.", "Chelsea: Oh. Alright. But it's time to get ready for bed.", "Connor: Do we have to?", "Nick: Yeah. I mean, it's pretty late. Plus it's already past christian's bedtime.", "Christian: Please? Just one more game?", "Connor: Please?", "Chelsea: Boys.", "[ Clicks tongue ]", "Connor: I bet dad would say yes.", "Chelsea: Okay. Um, I'll make you a deal. I'll make you a deal. You can stay up late if you want to throw away all the pizza boxes and you want to clean up all the plates and all the glasses, hmm?", "Connor: Uh, ithink I'm gonna say no to that deal.", "Nick: Good call. You know what? We're gonna have a lot more fun tomorrow. Here's the deal. I'm gonna give you a head start, but I bet you that chelsea and i can still beat you upstairs. You ready? Set...", "Christian: Go, go, go.", "Chelsea: What?!", "Nick: You little cheaters!", "Chelsea: Cheaters!", "Nick: I mean --", "Chelsea: Wha-- I mean, that was pretty slick, though.", "Nick: Yeah. Oh. Oh. Pretty smart.", "[ Laughter ]", "Billy: I talk to victoria. I talk to a therapist.", "Chloe: And it hasn't helped at all?", "Billy: I'm functioning. I go to work. I take care of the kids. [ Exhales sharply ] Inside, I'm a wreck. I have terrible insomnia. I don't remember the last time i slept well. On the odd occasion that I did fall asleep, I woke up in some... random location with no recollection of how I got there.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Billy.", "Billy: At first, I blamed it on sleeping pills, but I haven't taken any since. But it still happens. And the nightmares... very consistent.", "Chloe: What do you see in these nightmares?", "Billy: Delia. She's calling to me. She's crying for me to protect her from adam. And it's dark and it's murky, and I try to go to her, and she's gone...", "Chloe: Okay.", "Billy: ...Every time.", "Chloe: Okay, stop it. Stop. Stop it. Our daughter is not lost or afraid...and frightened. She had a beautiful soul, and she is at peace.", "Billy: I don't mean to upset you, chloe.", "[ Both sigh ]", "Chloe: No, no, no. Please don't apologize. I asked you to open up. I just hate that you are torturing yourself because of him. You know, I know what it's like to see that man, knowing that he is alive and our little girl is gone, but you can't go down that rabbit hole. You cannot change things, and you can't even the score.", "Billy: So, what do you expect me to do?", "Chloe: You need help -- serious help.", "Billy: I just told you that i already saw a therapist.", "Chloe: Okay. Well, then go see some more. Interview a dozen if you have to until you click with someone, and then when you do, you schedule more sessions and you put in some real effort.", "Billy: Effort?", "Chloe: Yeah. You know, where you actually try to make things better. Okay. Fine. If that's not going to work, then you need to find something else. Find religion or yoga... meditation. [ Chuckles ] How 'bout you go back to the 12 steps?", "Billy: I'm not addicted to adam, chloe.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Okay. You don't understand. You need to find something that works.", "Billy: Do you not think that I have tried? Do you not think that I wish i had a magic wand to make this all go away? Do you not think that?", "Chloe: Okay. All I know is that taking your rage out on adam is only going to make things worse for you, not for him. Trust me. Billy, you need to find a way to make peace with him, and I'm not just talking about lip service to forgiving him. I'm talking about really coming to terms with what happened. And I know you can really do it. I know you can because I finally have.", "Billy: I don't believe that for one minute. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nate: I am really digging this drink.", "Abby: I think it's gonna be a hit.", "Nate: Oh, I'm sure of it.", "Abby: Should I make this exclusive to society, or should I add it to the menu at the grand phoenix? I want each space to have its own identity, but if the drink really is that special, why not offer it at both locations? I mean, I ultimately want all of my properties to have some similarities so that way I can build my brand.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ]", "Abby: Okay. What prompted that reaction?", "Nate: Joy. I like listening to you, seeing the way your mind works, watching your passion and excitement.", "Abby: Aren't you sweet?", "Nate: Just being honest.", "Abby: Adam.", "Adam: Evening.", "Abby: What are you doing here?", "Adam: Stand down. I come in peace.", "Abby: I'm sorry. I just -- I-I wasn't expecting to see you, and here you are.", "Adam: Well, once you hear why I dropped by, I think you'll be glad that I did.", "Chelsea: Ah. Perfect timing.", "Nick: I'll say.", "Chelsea: Mm. Cheers.", "[ Glasses clink ]", "Nick: Cheers.", "Chelsea: So happy the boys get along so well. They really bonded over that video game.", "Nick: As a fellow gamer, i have to say I could not have been more proud.", "Chelsea: How was christian when you tucked him in?", "Nick: Threw some jammies on him. He didn't even make it through half a story and he fell asleep. So I just... watched him for a while, took it all in.", "Chelsea: I'm so glad he's back to stay.", "Nick: I just want to thank you again for... all your support. I never could have made it through this without you and the rest of my family having my back.", "Chelsea: Cheers to that.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Chelsea: And, um... I actually have some good news, too, about... connor's visit with adam.", "Nick: Yeah? How'd that go?", "Chelsea: Great. Really great. They had a wonderful day together, and when I went to pick up connor, adam couldn't have been nicer or more respectful.", "Nick: Wow. Hallelujah.", "Chelsea: And what connor said before about adam letting him do whatever he wanted -- adam didn't act like that earlier. In fact, connor asked to extend their visit, and adam said we needed to stick to the plan.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] That is a first.", "Chelsea: Adam said he was determined to earn my trust again where connor is concerned.", "Nick: Yeah. I saw adam earlier, too, and he insisted... that I could trust him with christian, but I shut that down quick 'cause he might be on his best behavior right now, but there's no guarantee it'll last. Adam is a threat to all of us.", "Chelsea: Trust me -- my eyes are wide open. I'm just... thankful for today, is all.", "Nick: Yeah. We have a lot to celebrate. Let's not let adam derail that.", "Chloe: When kevin arranged for me to get away from adam and get back to bella, when I held her in my arms, I realized I was finally through letting adam have power over me. I had no choice. I can't put my future on the line because of rage to him.", "Billy: Well, it's a nice sentiment...except he got away with kidnapping you.", "Chloe: Well, I did try to kill him first. I decided that I am finally choosing to end this vicious cycle, because it's not just about me. I mean, I have to think about bella and kevin and my poor mother and michael. I mean, look at everything that they have -- that they have suffered because of me. And they are putting their faith in me one last time, and i refuse to disappoint them. This is my last chance, and I will be damned... if I let adam take that away from me... because he is not worth it. He has taken so much from me already, and he doesn't get to take any more.", "Billy: Seems like you've really gotten to the other side of this.", "Chloe: And you can, too, billy. I know that you can. You just have to make the decision to stop suffering over this swine and -- and really do something about it.", "Billy: It's that easy, huh?", "Chloe: No. [ Chuckles ] No. Actually, it's not -- it's not easy at all. But it's the only way that you're gonna get your life back. And on that note, I should probably go, because your kids are gonna come home...", "Billy: Yeah, I think that's best.", "[ Clears throat ]", "[ Exhales sharply ]", "Chloe: Well, I hope I got through to you.", "Billy: You gave me a lot to think about. I still wish you aimed a little higher when you pulled the trigger on adam.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles softly ] Dollar for your thoughts.", "Nick: I mean, isn't it supposed to be, like, a penny?", "Chelsea: Well, these thoughts look especially deep. They're more expensive.", "Nick: I know a couple months ago... your family looked a lot different. You had this whole other life in louisiana.", "Chelsea: We lost calvin way too soon.", "Nick: And I hate it, what you and connor went through. But... it's been incredible... having you back in my life again. I absolutely love sharing this night with you. And I hope there are a lot more like it.", "Chelsea: I feel the same way. I know it's been... strange living here together as friends... not knowing what the future holds, and, you know, we had to think about the kids.", "Nick: Yeah. Of course.", "Chelsea: But... I know what I'd like to happen next.", "Nick: Tell me.", "Adam: These are the final contracts for the grand phoenix. Congratulations on your purchase.", "Abby: Thank you, although you do know you could have just had them messengered.", "Adam: Well, the lawyers are happy, I'm happy, so I figured i would conclude our transaction with a personal touch.", "Abby: And why is that?", "Adam: Because I know how eager you are to jump in as the new owner. And I am just as anxious to take your money and be done with the deal. The hotel is the last remaining property of dark horse, so once it's gone, it'll sever my last tie with -- with nick.", "Abby: I see.", "Adam: Yeah. I'm sure that your team will go over the documents again, but they'll find everything as we discussed. There's no secret clauses in the fine print. It is a legit done deal... just like the one nate made when he sold me the penthouse.", "Nate: Under the circumstances, you can see why abby would be cautious.", "Abby: Nate's right. I can't just ignore the threat you made against the family.", "Adam: You're an exception.", "Abby: Why?", "Adam: Well, unlike the others, you haven't done anything to screw with me since my return. So as long as you continue to stay above the fray, I won't mess with you or your business. Should that ever change, I will be happy to add you to my list. So, consider this both a truce and a warning.", "Delia: Poor daddy.", "[ Laughs ]", "[ Laughs ] [ Echoing ] Daddy? Help me, daddy! Help! I need you! Where are you?! Daddy, help me! You have to stop adam now -- please, daddy! -- Or I'll never be free!", "Billy: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Elena: Mm. You are making it impossible for me to get up.", "Devon: [ Chuckles ] Good.", "Elena: Mm. But... I guess it's time to go to bed.", "Devon: Are you tired, honey?", "Elena: No.", "Devon: Oh. [ Doorbell rings ] Ohh. Stay right there, please/", "Elena: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Don't you move. Hurry. Devon hamilton?", "Devon: Yeah. I have an envelope for you. Sign here, please.", "Devon: Okay. There you go. Hang on one second. Hang on. There you go. Thank you.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: Is that about your call earlier? Did they send you something?", "Devon: I wasn't expecting anything tonight.", "Elena: Hmm.", "Devon: What the hell is this?", "Elena: What's the letter say?", "Devon: It's from an attorney. It says that they want to meet with me to discuss discrepancies that have come to light regarding the will of my late grandmother katherine chancellor.", "Elena: What discrepancies?", "Devon: I have no idea. It doesn't anything else. It just says that she's gonna be in town the week of september 16th and her assistant will be in touch with me to arrange a meeting.", "Elena: Huh. That's got to be shocking. Your grandmother died years ago, right?", "Devon: Yeah. It's like six years ago now. I have no idea what this could be about.", "Elena: Hmm.", "Billy: You alone?", "Chloe: Um, everyone is upstairs. What are you doing here?", "Billy: You're right. [ Sighs ] I'm gonna take your advice. You don't have to worry about me. I know how to handle my issues with adam now.", "Chloe: Meaning what, exactly?", "Billy: Good night, chloe.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Adam: [ Sighs ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Malcolm tells a loved one that it is time that she was told the truth. Lily gets her notice to vacate the premises. Ashley decides to rethink putting a friendship on hold. Michael arranges a meeting at the Abbots'. Scott arrives in town but his mother is nowhere to be found. " ]
[ "Tom: You're not gonna invite your dear old dad in?", "Kevin: No way. You're not coming in here. And you sure as hell aren't going to be my roommate.", "Tom: Well, that's not very sociable, son.", "Kevin: No.", "Tom: Oh, boy, I'm gonna like it here. Yeah, I'm gonna like it here just fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hello, Gloria.", "Gloria: Don't you \"hello\" me, Michael. Where have you been?", "Michael: California with Lauren.", "Gloria: I have been trying and trying to reach you.", "Michael: Well, I'm here now. What's the problem?", "Gloria: How dare you? How dare you interfere with my... business relationship with Tom.", "Michael: Your \"business relationship with Tom\"? Now what would that be, a blackmailer and blackmailee?", "Gloria: You had no right.", "Michael: If you're referring to my banning him from living off of your gullibility, I think I'll keep interfering. There is no way that Neanderthal is moving into the athletic club on your dime.", "Gloria: I thought you were going to help me and we were going to put the room on your account.", "Michael: Oh, well, let's see, did I say that? No.", "Gloria: Then where is he supposed to go?", "Michael: To hell for all I care.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: How's your salad?", "John: Excellent as always.", "Ashley: Good.", "John: And what is your schedule for today?", "Ashley: Well, Abby's swim camp is over for the summer. And there's a little awards ceremony this afternoon. It should be very cute.", "John: That's why you're in such a good mood-- all this time you're spending with Abby.", "Ashley: That's right.", "John: All right, come on now. What else is going on?", "Ashley: Oh, I'm just thinking. Um, there was that guy I was seeing. And I kinda gave him the brush off. And I'm wondering maybe-- I don't know maybe I judged him a little too quickly.", "John: You're referring to that Tom fellow?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm.", "John: You're telling me you had a change of heart?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, Mom, I'm ready. Let's hear it.", "Phyllis: All right, I just wanna know what you were thinking. Actually, no I don't. You haven't been out of jail for 24 hours, and we already have Neil and Dru at our throats.", "Daniel: Mom, I had to see her, okay?", "Phyllis: That's fine. I understand. Couldn't you go to the coffeehouse with all the other kids? Or here? You had to sneak off to the shack? When we walked in it looked like you two were... I mean, were you, Daniel?", "Phyllis: Oh... my... God.", "Daniel: If you're wondering if we used protection, Mom--", "Phyllis: No, I wasn't, actually.", "Daniel: I don't know why this is such a big shock to you. You know how I feel about her.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I cannot believe this. I cannot believe you did that. This is huge. This is huge right now.", "Daniel: Well, Mom, this is something huge, but this is also something that we're both ready for, okay? You know, I love her, and she loves me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Get in the house.", "Lily: Look, I'm really sorry for worrying you guys like that, but I did not mean to fall asleep, I swear.", "Dru: Your father and I are fit to be tied. You just do whatever you wanna do. All we do now is worry.", "Neil: All right, listen, you told your mother that you were gonna go see Sierra. You lied to her.", "Lily: No, I didn't lie, I swear. I was gonna see sierra. But I stopped at the park first and then Daniel found me there. And when I saw him-- look, don't you guys understand? Punish me any way you want. Ground me for life, I don't care. All that matters is Daniel's innocent. Now the whole world knows it. He's finally free. don't get me wrong. Tom and I will not be dating.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: But you're thinking about it.", "Ashley: Um, no, I mean, I broke it off because he wanted something more than friendship.", "John: Something more serious.", "Ashley: Yeah. And I don't want that right now. I mean, Brad and I aren't even divorced yet.", "John: Well, honey, of course, I'd understand that you-- you don't wanna get too involved right now.", "Ashley: Right. Plus, I am seeing Paul. And he's so much fun. I like him so much. It's a very simple and uncomplicated relationship.", "John: Which makes you more comfortable?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm, no strings, no expectations.", "John: Believe me, I know from my own experiences, when a marriage ends it takes a very long time for the pain to heal. But a word of advice, my beauty.", "Ashley: What's that?", "John: Don't close off the possibility of falling in love again, whomever it might be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Michael, please, just be reasonable, because I cannot antagonize Tom. Not now.", "Michael: So you're willing to pay the man's way for all the wrong reasons.", "Gloria: What I'm doing is buying some security for me and my husband.", "Michael: I'm sorry, Gloria, but I can't condone extortion.", "Gloria: Honey, listen to me, I know that you're trying to help. But all you're doing is making him angrier than he already is.", "Michael: No, what I'm trying to do is make him disappear.", "Gloria: And he will. So just for now-- please, let me do things my way.", "Michael: But your way is giving the son of a bitch whatever he wants.", "Gloria: Don't you get it?! He could ruin everything between me and John.", "Michael: All right, so your solution is to put tom up at the club, let him run up whatever tab he likes. Gee... you certainly are generous. Hell, I'm sure he'd like a new car. Why don't you just go buy him a Ferrari?", "Gloria: Stop with the sarcasm, okay?", "Michael: Do you really think tom cares about making your life difficult?! No way! He loves it! It's Tom's whole game. If he were an 8-year-old, he'd be tearing wings off flies. I'm sorry, Gloria. You may be under his thumb, but not me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Get the hell out of here, now.", "Tom: You might wanna rethink that attitude, boy.", "Kevin: How did you find me anyway?", "Tom: Oh, I have my ways.", "Kevin: What, did you follow me? Are you a stalker now?", "Tom: I'm here, and I'm moving in with you. And that's all you need to know.", "Kevin: This is the last place you're moving into.", "Tom: Look, I just need a place to crash for awhile, that's all. I don't see what the problem is. You got a ton of room here.", "Kevin: Well, it's not even my apartment. I'm just staying here temporarily.", "Tom: Well, that's all I wanna do-- just temporary, till my circumstances change.", "Kevin: Yeah, you mean until you can bleed enough money out of my mother to buy yourself some nice high-rise condo--", "Tom: Don't you ever talk to me that way.", "Kevin: I'll talk to you however I want to. Besides, Tom, this isn't your kind of place-- no closets for you to lock me up in.", "Tom: Watch it, you little cockroach. I could still squash you like a bug.", "Kevin: Go ahead and try it. Try it!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, Daniel, I know you have strong feelings for Lily--", "Daniel: Mom, they are not \"strong feelings.\" Okay, I love her. I love her. And I don't know what it's gonna take for you to accept that. But if you can't, that's your problem. It's not mine.", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You better watch the way you speak to me. You have already caused a lot of headaches here. Neil and Dru-- they wanted to murder you with their bare hands.", "Daniel: Yeah, and I feel terrible about the position I put Lily in.", "Phyllis: So why don't you just stop seeing her?", "Daniel: No, no, I can't.", "Phyllis: Just for a little while.", "Daniel: Oh, come on, if you're gonna go on some rant about how I'm too young to know what I want, just save it.", "Phyllis: Okay, listen, I know you haven't seen Lily in a long time. I understand that. And I know that the hormones kick in. I get it, all right? But I don't think you're ready for this.", "Daniel: Well, you know what? I beg to disagree. Because these past few months, I've had to grow up pretty quick.", "Phyllis: You have a lot more growing up to do.", "Daniel: There are plenty of guys my age that have girlfriends. It's not that big of a deal.", "Phyllis: It's a very big deal.", "Daniel: Fine. Then I'll talk to her parents.", "Phyllis: And tell them what?", "Daniel: Tell them how much I care for their daughter, and how I would never do anything to hurt her.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) you've already told them, okay? Listen, she has a criminal record because of you. Now if you expect Dru and Neil to be all warm and forgiving towards you, think again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, Lily, you're right about one thing-- punishment doesn't deter you. No matter what we say, your mother and I, you continue to defy us. You don't even seem to care that you're still out on bail.", "Dru: Honey, you don't seem to understand that this is serious.", "Lily: Well, I just figured since Daniel isn't guilty the charges against me would be dropped. If he was never a fugitive, then he isn't guilty, right?", "Neil: No, no, no, no. Sweetheart, it doesn't work that way. They're two entirely different cases.", "Dru: You defied your release by pulling that stunt at the jail.", "Neil: Which added another charge for you to face. That's what makes what you did last night even more frightening. (Telephone rings)", "Neil: Hold on. Yeah. Excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: It's not like they can just erase me from her life. We go to the same school. We'll be able to see each other every day.", "Phyllis: Actually, you won't.", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: I didn't want to tell you this so soon, but you won't be going to Walnut Grove your senior year.", "Daniel: Why not?", "Phyllis: You've been expelled.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: When you came back from California, I asked you if you had had sex with Daniel. Has that changed?", "Lily: (Sighs) Mom, oh, please, we have to talk about this right now?", "Dru: Yes, we have to talk about this right now. Especially after everything that's happened.", "Lily: No, Mom, I swear, it was nothing like that. Okay, it was... I mean, it was everything that I dreamed it could be like.", "Dru: Oh...", "Lily: No, I mean... (Sighs) Daniel was so sweet and gentle with me. You know, and this was really my first time, and it was perfect. Look, you don't have to worry, okay, 'cause we were careful.", "Dru: Careful? You are a 17-year-old child. You are not ready for a sexual relationship.", "Lily: This is my life, okay? If I'm gonna see Daniel, I'll just do it behind your back--", "Dru: You will do no such--", "Neil: That was the headmaster at Walnut Grove.", "Dru: No go, huh?", "Neil: No.", "Lily: What's going on?", "Neil: Lily, we received a letter from your school. You've been expelled.", "Lily: What?", "Neil: Yeah, we tried our best to, uh, get you back in. But it's not gonna happen.", "Dru: It's a daggone shame you're not gonna graduate with your friends.", "Lily: Come on, it's no big deal. I mean, I can just... finish my senior year at G.C. High with Devon. I mean, I'm sure they have a decent honors program. It's not the end of the world because I got kicked out of some snooty private school.", "Neil: Lily, you really don't get it, do you?", "Dru: Do you have any idea how hard your father and I have worked to put you in that school, young lady? Go take a shower right now and change. Go!", "Lily: Fine.", "Dru: What are we gonna do with her, Neil? All she does is obsess over that boy day in-- do you know what she was talking to me about while you were on the phone? Do you know what she was telling me?", "Neil: No.", "Dru: She told me that she was gonna see Daniel whether we liked it or not.", "Neil: Drucilla, hey, hey, come on, don't fall apart on me, all right? We're gonna have to take some very serious action here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I got expelled from Walnut Grove?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. They wrote a letter while you were in jail.", "Daniel: Well, they can't do that.", "Phyllis: Well, they can, and they did. According to the headmaster, your behavior reflects poorly on the school. You're a bad influence for the other kids. Something about, uh, potential for disruption.", "Daniel: The judge said I was not guilty.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. But you were drunk. And, Daniel, you fled the state. You broke the terms of your arraignment. A lot of parents are angry.", "Daniel: I don't believe this.", "Phyllis: Well, believe it. We should've anticipated this. There's gonna be a lot of fallout.", "Daniel: Guess it's like Dad always says, right? \"Actions have consequences.\"", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Which brings us back to what happened with Lily last night.", "Daniel: Can we just please not go there again?", "Phyllis: You know what? There's nothing I would like better than to not go there again, but I don't think you know what you're up against.", "Daniel: So what do you want me to do? You want me to just end it? You want me to cut off all contact with her? Is that what you're asking me to do?", "Phyllis: If I said yes, would you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Man, oh, man, look at you. Like something right out of a John Wayne flick.", "Kevin: Yeah. I don't see you taking me on, though.", "Tom: I don't pick on runts. That's bad karma.", "Kevin: What a load of garbage. You're a coward. You only pick on people who are weaker than you.", "Tom: And here I am picking on poor little you. What does that tell you, huh, Kevvie? That you're a weakling. Always have been, always will be.", "Kevin: You don't even know me. Not anymore. I'm not the same scared little kid you used to beat up on. I'm over that.", "Tom: But you'll never get over being worthless. You should've never even been born. That's what a waste you are.", "Kevin: Then why did you even have me?", "Tom: 'Cause I was stupid. Nobody wants you, boy. Don't you get it?", "(Knock on door)", "Tom: Nobody wants you, boy. Get it through your skull!", "Kevin: That's not true. That's not true. I have my mom. I have Michael. I have friends.", "Tom: No, you don't. I mean, you may think you do.", "Kevin: I'm even going into business with one of them.", "Tom: (Laughs)", "Kevin: What is so funny?", "Tom: Oh, no, I'm just-- I'm just picturing the poor guy's face when he realizes what a mistake he made.", "Kevin: It's not a...", "Tom: It's not a mistake? Sure it is. Or were you about to say something else?", "Kevin: I don't even know why I bother talking to you.", "Tom: Bragging to your daddy about your big, new venture. It's only gonna fail just like everything else you've ever done. Face it, sonny boy, you're nothing but a total failure. I knew you'd never amount to much. Look at you. You're pathetic! You're never gonna amount to a damn thing! When are you gonna wake the hell up and face it? You don't deserve to live. Don't deserve to breathe. You oughta just die. Do us all a favor!", "Kevin: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You don't intimidate me! Shut up!", "Tom: Sure I do. I mean, look at you. You're the same pitiful creature you always been. You didn't learn one single thing I taught you.", "Kevin: You never taught me anything.", "Tom: Well, I tried. But you were too much like your mama-- no spine. Come to think of it, that's how I like it. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna get my luggage, and then I'm gonna go, uh, stretch out in the other room and make myself comfortable. Oh, and, uh, run out and get me some beer, will ya? And none of that cheap stuff, either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Honey, it's just like when you were a little boy. You'll only make things worse when you get Tom riled up.", "Michael: It galls me that you would even give him one penny.", "Gloria: But you gave him checks to get rid of him.", "Michael: And he's still here. Doesn't that tell you something?", "Gloria: I just can't put any pressure on my marriage right now.", "Michael: Why don't you give John a chance? Maybe if he actually knew the whole story, he would, gee, I don't know, be on your side. Have you ever entertained that possibility?", "Gloria: It's just too soon. I can't do it to him.", "Michael: Bottom line, what Tom is doing is wrong. He is forcing you to live in fear.", "Gloria: Yeah, so, please, tell me something I don't know.", "Michael: The point is I have seen what that does to someone.", "Gloria: What does that mean?", "Michael: Suddenly all your decisions are based on terror, on keeping the enemy at bay.", "Gloria: Yeah. So, Michael, please, I'm begging you. Just for now. Just leave it alone.", "Michael: I-- (doorbell rings)", "Michael: Scott, what are you doing here?", "Scott: My mom invited me. Is that a problem?", "Michael: No, no, it's no problem. Come in, come in. Here, let me get that.", "Scott: Okay.", "Michael: No, it's just I didn't expect you so soon. That's all.", "Scott: I thought I'd surprise my mom.", "Michael: Put that right there.", "Gloria: Um?", "Michael: Uh, Scott, this is my mother Gloria Abbott. Gloria, this is Lauren's son Scott Grainger.", "Gloria: Oh, so you're Scott. I have been so looking forward to meeting you. And I'm just crazy about Lauren. She's an absolute doll.", "Scott: Is she here?", "Michael: No, no, she's not.", "Scott: I guess I should've gone by her place.", "Michael: Actually, she's in L.A. on business.", "Scott: Oh. Well, I should've known. I knew she wouldn't want me to just pop in like this with no warning.", "Michael: Oh, please, don't be crazy. She'll be thrilled that you're here. You can stay here till she comes back.", "Scott: Well, thanks, Michael. I appreciate that.", "Gloria: You must be so excited to be back in Genoa City and just dying to visit some of your old stomping grounds.", "Scott: Actually, I haven't been here since I was a little kid.", "Gloria: Really? Well, in that case, Michael, I think we need to show Scott around, and we should start with the athletic club.", "Michael: That sounds like a plan. Unless you're too tired from the trip?", "Scott: No, no, that would be great.", "Michael: Oh, good.", "Kevin: Mikey, Mikey, I need to talk to you. Sorry.", "Gloria: Sweetie, this is Lauren's son Scott. Scott, this is Kevin, my younger son.", "Kevin: Hi.", "Scott: Hi.", "Kevin: I'm sorry, but this can't wait.", "Michael: Okay. Gloria and Scott, why don't you head on to the club? And I will try and catch up with you as soon as I can.", "Gloria: Okay, okay, honey. Come on, Scott, let's go. Leave these two alone for a bit. And, honey, please don't be too long. And don't forget what we talked about.", "Michael: You either.", "Gloria: Scott, come on, let's go to the Genoa City Athletic Club. They have a fabulous pool, a wonderful spa, an even better restaurant. (Door closes)", "Michael: Okay, what's up? What's all the hubbub?", "Kevin: It's Tom. You won't believe what he's done now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Dru, there are several issues to deal with here, you know? First are the charges pending against Lily.", "Dru: You don't think she's really gonna go to trial, do you?", "Neil: Now hold on a minute. Lily's never been in trouble. If we show the judge and the D.A. that we're taking a proactive approach, maybe they'll drop the charges. You know, it's worth a shot. Then there's this so-called... relationship with--with Daniel.", "Dru: Yeah, I need to talk to you about that.", "Neil: What are you talking about? Is she in love with him or what?", "Dru: (Sighs) Neil, this is gonna break your heart. I don't know how to tell you this. They slept together, Neil.", "Neil: How do we prevent them from continuing?", "Dru: Well, sweetie, see, we can't keep her locked up in her room forever. But we sure as hell can send her far away from Daniel.", "Neil: Drucilla, I do not wanna be my daughter's jailer, do you?", "Dru: Of course I don't.", "Neil: She's forced our hand. We don't have any other choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I see you can't answer my question.", "Daniel: Forget it, I'm not dumping Lily.", "Phyllis: I am not asking you to dump Lily. I'm not asking that. Especially after, you know...", "Phyllis: I know it would crush her if you stopped spending time with her. But the reality is, her parents are never gonna let you two see each other, period.", "Daniel: So you think I should just end it, right? Just save myself a bunch of headaches, right?", "Phyllis: It's worth considering. I'm gonna go make a phone call. I want you to think about what I said.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hello.", "Daniel: Hey, beautiful.", "Lily: Daniel. It's so good to hear your voice.", "Daniel: Yeah, same here. How'd it go with your parents?", "Lily: Um, not great. I mean, they were really mad. But what else is new?", "Daniel: Look, I'm sorry. I feel like I'm getting you in trouble all over again.", "Lily: No, don't apologize. Okay, last night was amazing. You know, and whatever happens-- I have no regrets.", "Daniel: Really?", "Lily: Yeah, really. I mean, it was... it was wonderful. I never felt so close to you.", "Daniel: Yeah. It was the best night of my life, too. I just... (Sighs) I hope we'll be able to see each other again.", "Lily: Well, why wouldn't we?", "Daniel: 'Cause maybe it would be better for everyone if we don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Oh, if it involves any sort of misery, I'm sure I will believe it.", "Kevin: Yeah, but this time--", "Michael: Just tell me. What did he do?", "Kevin: He showed up at the loft.", "Michael: What?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I barely unpacked, and there he was at my doorstep with all his stuff, like some disease.", "Michael: What do you mean, with all of his stuff?", "Kevin: He had duffle bags, Michael. He moved in.", "Michael: Okay, just--just calm down. Just take a deep breath, Kevin.", "Kevin: Why? Why, Michael, why? I hate him so much!", "Michael: Calm down! Well, at least he heard me. He's been trying to get Gloria or me to foot the bill at the club. I told him no way it was gonna happen. Then he comes to you. I didn't see that one comin'.", "Kevin: I yelled at him to get out. I got right in his face, Mikey. I even threw his duffle bag out the door. I really stood up to him. You'd have been proud of me. But...", "Michael: But at the end, you couldn't stop him.", "Kevin: Why? Why? Why can't I handle him?", "Michael: Because he pushes every single button you ever had in a way that nobody else can... because he put those buttons there in the first place.", "Kevin: I've worked so hard with my therapist.", "Michael: I know you have. But Tom is a master at manipulating people.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, you know what? It's gonna stop because I can't handle this garbage, and I sure as hell don't want him at the loft with me.", "Michael: You're right. You're right. This has to come to an end. We have to deal with Tom Fisher once and for all.", "Michael: And I think I know exactly how I'm going to do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: You know, Ash, if anyone told me that I would end up with a woman as feisty as Gloria, I would say they're nuts.", "Ashley: I believe it. I mean, the two of you aren't exactly two peas in a pod, are you?", "John: We're complete opposites. You know, sometimes the person that you have the least in common with wins your heart.", "Ashley: Well, I suppose that's true.", "John: Well, speak of the devil.", "Gloria: He's right over...", "Ashley: She's with a really cute guy, too. Is she messing around on you, Daddy?", "John: Very funny.", "Ashley: (Laughs)", "Gloria: Hi, sweetie.", "John: Hiya.", "Gloria: Oh.", "Ashley: Hi there. Who's your date?", "Gloria: Oh, Ashley. John, this is Scott Grainger, Lauren's son. Scott, this is my husband John Abbott and his lovely daughter Ashley.", "Scott: Hi.", "John: Pleasure to meet you, Scott.", "Scott: You, too.", "Ashley: Hi, yeah.", "Scott: Hi. Good to meet you.", "Ashley: You, too.", "John: Your mother tells me you're going to school in Toronto.", "Scott: Yeah, yeah, I am. I'm just here for a visit.", "Ashley: And your mom's wedding, I assume.", "Scott: Mm-hmm. Yeah. This is a nice place.", "John: Can I get you something to drink or eat?", "Scott: Oh, no, thanks.", "Ashley: Well, how about a quick tour of the gym?", "Scott: If it's no trouble.", "Ashley: Of course not. Then I gotta pick up my daughter. Let's go.", "Gloria: Thank you, Ashley. You have fun, Scott, and we'll see you a little bit later.", "Scott: Thanks. All right.", "Gloria: Isn't he a cutie pie?", "John: Yeah, lovely young man.", "Gloria: So did you and Ashley have a nice lunch?", "John: Yeah, very nice. But mostly, we discussed the man in her life.", "Gloria: Someone she's serious about?", "John: Not yet, but, you know, who knows? (Chuckles) he may be the date that she brings to the wedding.", "Gloria: Oh. (Cell phone rings)", "Ashley: Hello.", "Tom: Hey, it's me, your coffee buddy.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah, hi. This is a surprise.", "Tom: Did I catch you at a bad time? You sound a little out of breath.", "Ashley: Well, I'd just forgotten my purse and I was just running to get it. What's up?", "Tom: Well, I just wanted to tell you how nice it was to run into you today. It means a lot to me that you, you know, you still consider me a friend.", "Ashley: Oh, well, I do.", "Tom: Don't suppose you'd consider going out with me again sometime?", "Tom: Hello?", "Ashley: Yeah, um, I'm here. I'm--I'm not sure.", "Tom: Oh, who's ever sure of anything, Ashley?", "Ashley: Well, that's a good point.", "Tom: So does that mean I can give you a call?", "Ashley: Uh, yeah.", "Tom: Great. (Knock on door)", "Tom: Oh, listen, I gotta run. We'll talk soon, okay? Ciao.", "Ashley: Bye. See you soon.", "Tom: You better have brought me the kinda beer I like, boy. Well, look who's here-- Kevin's enforcer.", "Michael: Guess what, Tom. I'm here to call your bluff.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Wait, you don't want to be with me?", "Daniel: Of course I do.", "Lily: Well, then why'd you say it might be best if we don't see each other?", "Daniel: Because, I'm worried about our parents. Your mom and your dad-- they don't want us to be together, and my mom--she's not too hot on the idea, either.", "Lily: Well, who cares about them?", "Daniel: Lily--", "Lily: No, I already told my parents that if they forbid me from seeing you, I am gonna do it anyway.", "Daniel: You're gonna make things worse.", "Lily: No, I don't care. Daniel, it's worth it if I get to be with you. I mean, I'm not gonna lose you because my parents are being jerks. Daniel... I love you.", "Daniel: I love you, too.", "Lily: Well, then please promise me that we'll find a way to make this work.", "Daniel: Yeah. I guess we're gonna have to find a way. Um, look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Let me guess. Lily.", "Daniel: I just wanted to call her and make sure she was fine.", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Daniel, Daniel.", "Daniel: Look, can we please just not get into this again, all right? You already told me how you feel.", "Phyllis: Oh!", "Daniel: Look, Lily and I, we are gonna figure this out. There's gonna be no sneaking around, no lying.", "Phyllis: Okay. I hope you mean that.", "Daniel: I do. I do mean that. I-I learned my lesson.", "Daniel: I can see you don't believe me.", "Phyllis: No, no, I don't believe you. You have to earn back my trust.", "Daniel: Well, I will. I'm a changed man, and I'm gonna make you proud of me.", "Phyllis: I already am proud of you.", "Daniel: Yeah, sure you are.", "Phyllis: I am. I'm very proud of you. I'm proud to be your mother. Don't ever doubt how thrilled I am to have you back home, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Sending Lily away, is that--is that really the only answer?", "Neil: Oh, Drucilla, I don't know. You know, I've gone over and over it in my mind. Um, if we send Lily to boarding school, it'll keep her away from Daniel, which is exactly what we want, right? It'll also show the district attorney that we're very serious about Lily keeping her academics a priority.", "Dru: Do you think Richards' would really go for this?", "Neil: I don't know. I don't know, baby. It's worth a shot, you know? We just have to convince him that this is a decision that we've thought through very carefully and that we're in sync on.", "Dru: I understand.", "Neil: Are we, in sync on this?", "Dru: You know, I... if the district attorney drops the charges, then... yeah. We're gonna have to send Lily to boarding school.", "Neil: All right.", "Neil: I'm gonna go make that call. All right? I love you. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Okay. Here we are again. Ah. Oh!", "Kevin: Hi, guys.", "Gloria: Hey. Well, I'm surprised to see you still here. And your brother never showed up at the club.", "Kevin: He had some business he had to take care of. What did, uh, what did you think of the club, Scott?", "Scott: Terrific, terrific. Really cool place to hang out.", "Gloria: Ohh. Wouldn't that be nice if you two could, uh, hang out there together while Scott's in town?", "Kevin: Yeah, that-- that sounds great.", "Gloria: Because I think it would be wonderful if y'all became friends.", "Scott: Yeah, well, uh, look, if you folks don't mind, I'm gonna take a little walk around the neighborhood, check it out.", "Gloria: Oh, okay. But don't get lost, Scott.", "Scott: Don't worry, Mrs. Abbott. I've got a built-in radar. All right. Take it easy.", "Gloria: Have fun. (Door closes)", "Gloria: Okay, what's wrong? I know that look.", "Kevin: Nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?", "Gloria: No, you just seem a little bit edgy to me, Kevin.", "Kevin: I'm fine, Mom.", "Gloria: No, you don't seem fine. And please tell me this has nothing to do with your father. Okay. Okay, what's Tom done now?", "Kevin: Don't worry about it, okay? All that matters is that Michael is taking care of things.", "Gloria: Michael? Oh, dear God, Kevin. What's happened? What is your brother planning?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: My bluff?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, the bluff, the threat. The threat to tell John Abbott that you and Gloria were never legally divorced, using it against her, holding it over her head, using it blackmail her.", "Tom: Ooh, that is one ugly word.", "Michael: Are you gonna stand there and tell me that that word does not exactly describe what you've been trying to do?", "Tom: I'm not gonna tell you jack. You're probably wearing a wire. Trying to trick me, like that stupid little tape recorder you planted at Gloria's. Oh, talk about pathetic. You didn't get a confession. You didn't get proof. You got nada, Mike. Zip.", "Michael: Mm, mm, mm. Well, this time there will be no recording device. This time we're goin' in live and in person.", "Tom: Come again?", "Michael: You and if are going over to John Abbott's, and we're gonna tell him everything.", "Tom: (Scoffs) yeah, that'll be the day. Never happen. You'd blow Gloria's marriage all to hell. You couldn't live with that.", "Michael: I'm perfectly willing to live with it. Look, maybe you can browbeat Kevin and Gloria. But your little reign of terror is over. John Abbott's gonna know everything, because I'm gonna-- oh, correction-- we are gonna tell him, tonight.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dru: We have something very important to tell you.", "Lily: It's something bad, isn't it?", "Michael: The three of us are gonna sit down and have a nice, long talk with John.", "Malcolm: There's something very important I need to tell you. It's probably gonna shock the hell out of you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Sharon is alone in the living room. She hangs bells on the front door, and thinks about her marriage and how it broke up. Dru comes running into the room. She saw a man in the yard walking around. Sharon isn't concerned. She tells how they have bumped up security. Dru demands to know why. Sharon tells her about the kidnapping and when Dru realizes that Sharon has been suffering alone, Sharon tells her that she had someone to talk to but not anymore. That is when she tells about her connection to Brad. Dru tells Sharon how she slept with Malcolm and Lily isn't Neil's. Jack gets a delivery of flowers and a card from Carmen and he phones her to find that she is alone at the club. He makes a date to meet her there. Neil sees Carmen alone and goes to sit with her. Jack arrives and Neil leaves the area. Jack talks about how he will be getting everything that he wants in life, and very soon. Carmen won't tell what it is that she wants. \"You will just have to see,\" she says smiling at Neil who sits at another table staring at her. Noah has to do a presentation for school. Nick and Phyllis work with him and Noah has a good time. He tells his father he likes Phyllis and that she can come to dinner with them. Sharon is in the Athletic Club when Phyllis walks in babbling with Noah and Nick about the ghost in her apartment. She goes over to see Noah who soon runs off to wash his hands for dinner. \"Well isn't this nice taking your pregnant mistress out with your son \" After she leaves, Nick tells Phyllis that they need to tell Noah about the baby soon. Sharon tells they have more security now. Sharon tells about the kidnapping and her connection to Brad. When Sharon learns Phyllis is the reason Dru's marriage is screwed, the gloves come off. They both indulge in a bitch fest about Phyllis and Carmen. Dru can't even go near Neil now as he thinks she is stalking him. Devon calls and Dru realizes that Neil isn't having dinner with him. Dru heads to the door. Sharon stops her. \"I will come with you, so it looks like two girls having dinner.\" Jack asks Carmen if he can have his dessert in her room but she tells him now. After, she finds a cellphone and when Jack doesn't claim it, she takes it to the basketball court. Neil is there and they shoot hoops. Sharon and Dru arrive and find them on the court. They listen to Neil ask if she had fun. Carmen answers. \"Well, I always have fun on my dates!\" Sharon just manages to get a hand on Dru to stop her from going over there. The go back in, but later Dru sneaks out and watches the two from behind the chain link fence." ]
[ "Man: Jack Abbott?", "Jack: Yes.", "Man: Sign here.", "Jack: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Would you like a table?", "Carmen: I think I'm gonna take a seat at the bar, but thanks.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Carmen: Hello?", "Jack: Hi, it's Jack Abbott.", "Carmen: Hello, Jack.", "Jack: Hey, I just got your flowers. They're beautiful.", "Carmen: Good. I thought you might not get them till tomorrow.", "Jack: And your very generous contribution to stroke research in Dad's name was very generous, thanks.", "Carmen: Well, I wanted you to know I was thinking of you and your father. I didn't want to intrude. Can I have one more minute, please?", "Jack: I'm sorry. Did I catch you in the middle of something?", "Carmen: My dinner date-- a stack of NVP press releases.", "Jack: So much for the scintillating conversation.", "Carmen: Well, sometimes I like a date that doesn't talk back.", "Jack: Well, here I was about to offer you my company.", "Carmen: I haven't ordered yet.", "Jack: I could sure use a distraction.", "Carmen: What will I tell the boss tomorrow? Why didn't I get my work done?", "Jack: You let me handle him.", "Carmen: Great. I'm at the club.", "Jack: See you soon.", "Carmen: Excuse me? Change of plans. I'd like a table for two, please.", "Woman: Right over here.", "Carmen: Thanks.", "Carmen: Carmen Mesta.", "[Neil talking on his cell phone]", "Neil: No, I understand, Devon. You wanna dump your boring Dad for a hot date. No, it's cool, man. Don't worry about it. Um, listen, I gotta go. You take care. I'll see you soon, all right? Bye.", "Woman: Would you like a table, Mr. Winters?", "Neil: Uh, yeah, table for one.", "Woman: Okay.", "Neil: Never mind. I actually see a friend right here.", "Woman: Okay.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Carmen: It looks good. I will let you know as soon as they sign off on it. Okay, thanks, bye.", "Neil: Hey. How you doing?", "Carmen: Good.", "Neil: You ever stop working?", "Carmen: When I have good reason.", "Neil: You look great. Have you ordered yet?", "Carmen: Not yet.", "Neil: Perfect. My date ditched me for the night.", "Carmen: Your date?", "Neil: Yeah--Devon. Um, you'll have to sub for him.", "Carmen: Well, I'd love to, Neil, but I'm meeting someone.", "Neil: Meeting someone here? Oh, hey, I'm sorry. I, uh, I shouldn't have presumed.", "Carmen: Well, he won't be here for a while. Don't rush off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Daniel: You look amazing. I mean, hot.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Daniel: I probably shouldn't have said that.", "Lily: Why not?", "Daniel: You know...", "Lily: It's okay.", "Daniel: I'm nervous.", "Lily: Me, too.", "Daniel: It's weird being nervous even though we're married, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I don't feel like we're married. I mean, I do, but I don't. It's like we're going out on a first date again.", "Daniel: Well, we I mean, it's like... we're starting all over again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Dude, look at all this cool stuff I found!", "Noah: Great.", "Nick: And look who said she would help us.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's the basketball champ! Hi.", "Noah: Hi.", "Nick: She's really good at this kinda stuff.", "Phyllis: Yes, I am. What are we due for the presentation when he goes back to school?", "Noah: Yes.", "Phyllis: \"What I Did On My Summer Vacation,\" right? How you get to eat dessert for breakfast. And you don't have to go to school.", "Noah: That's cool.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: But grown-ups do have to go to work.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's right. We have to work. But you know what? School's a lot better than work.", "Nick: All right, so where are we gonna start? What's the one thing you remember most about this summer?", "Noah: You left.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Sharon remembering]", "Sharon: I wish that we hadn't changed. But we both have. We're not the same people that we were a year ago. We've been fighting to hang on to something...", "Nick: Yeah, we have.", "Sharon: And?", "Nick: Maybe we shouldn't anymore.", "Sharon: This is the part where I'm supposed to say, uh... \"We can give it one more try. It's not too late.\"", "Nick: You want to?", "Sharon: Do you?", "Nick: This is the part where I'm supposed to say \"yes.\"", "Sharon: Let's not do this, Nick. It's time to let go. Wouldn't you agree?", "Nick: That's the first time that's happened in a long time.", "Sharon: So, uh... I'll call my lawyer in the morning. Okay?", "Nick: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Sharon? Call the cops right now!", "Sharon: What? What happened?", "Dru: There's a strange man walking around outside. I just saw him! Please!", "Sharon: No, no, hang up! Dru, hang up!", "Dru: What?", "Sharon: It's okay. It's just the extra security guard that Victor hired to watch the house.", "Dru: Why?! And were you crying?", "Sharon: It doesn't matter, all right?!", "Dru: Sharon, tell me what's going on!", "Sharon: I just... I'm overwhelmed. Because just... Noah grew out of all of his clothes this summer. I have had no time to do any back to school shopping.", "Dru: Okay, Sharon, quit it. Why is there an extra security guard on the grounds?", "Sharon: It was Victor's idea.", "Dru: Okay, so Victor just woke up this morning. He had an epiphany let's put another security guard on the grounds. Is that it? For no special reason?", "Sharon: Well, you know Victor.", "Dru: No, I know that there's another security guard here. And you're crying your eyes out. Is Nick threatening you?", "Sharon: No, no, of course not.", "Dru: Is he following you?", "Sharon: No.", "Dru: Okay, okay, something strange is going on here. Because you have been jumpy and miserable ever since you got back into town.", "Sharon: I know, all right?!", "Dru: Sharon, just tell me. I'll listen.", "Sharon: No. Nobody can help me, Dru.", "Dru: Listen to me. I am your friend. Tell me!", "Sharon: Dru, I... I did not go away on vacation.", "Dru: Okay, okay.", "Sharon: I was kidnapped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So, what's the plan? Where are you taking me tonight?", "Daniel: You'll see.", "Lily: The movies? Good. Because, seriously, I haven't seen, like, a million movies. I haven't seen \"Pirates.\"", "Daniel: No, no, no, no sitting in a dark theater staring at the screen. Not tonight.", "Lily: Oh. Dancing?", "Daniel: It's a surprise.", "Lily: Oh, Daniel, come on-- you and your surprises. I need to know. Because if that's what we're doing, then I have the wrong shoes on.", "Daniel: Okay, don't worry about it.", "Lily: Come on! Tell me. Where you taking me?", "Daniel: Lily, just trust me. I'm... you don't have to. I'm sorry. I didn't...", "Lily: It's okay. Really. Whatever you have planned, I trust it'll be great.", "Daniel: Thanks. You ready?", "Lily: Yeah, let's go!", "Daniel: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Right, the music business where they screw you over for millions, not just a paltry $300,000 contract.", "Jack: I see you've already found some company.", "Neil: Hi, Jack. Um, my condolences. I'm very sorry.", "Jack: Thank you. Thank you very much.", "Neil: Hey, your father was a great man.", "Jack: He was the best. Care to join us?", "Neil: Uh, no, no thanks. I'm gonna grab a bite and then go shoot a little hoops. Um, enjoy your dinner.", "Carmen: You, too.", "Neil: Okay.", "Carmen: I'm glad you were able to get away for a while.", "Jack: So am I.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Have you heard that saying, \"The glass is half empty, the glass is half full\"?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: You know what that means?", "Noah: Sort of.", "Nick: It means, we can't always control what happens to us in life. But we can control how we see things.", "Noah: I don't wanna do this stupid project.", "Nick: Are you sure there isn't anything you wanted to share with your friends at school? Hey, what about your baseball tournament this season? You know, the one where you knocked in the winning run? That was very exciting.", "Noah: How am I gonna put that in a book?", "Nick: Well, I videotaped the game on my camcorder. And then I downloaded it into my computer at work.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and I can capture a few frames-- say, when you connected with the ball?", "Nick: Action shots! That's what I'm talking about.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I'll print them out, too. Is that good?", "Noah: I guess, yeah.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Nick: Anything else?", "Noah: Like what?", "Nick: Well, I know you didn't really wanna go to your Aunt Casey's, but I remember going there when I was a kid. We had a blast!", "Noah: The aquarium was neat.", "Phyllis: Oh, I love the aquarium.", "Noah: And we went on a long hike. I saw this huge bald eagle.", "Nick: Very cool.", "Noah: I mean, it was huge, Dad!", "Phyllis: You know what? That gives me an idea. I'll be right back.", "Nick: I bet... if we put our heads together, we are gonna come up with the coolest stuff for your book.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I don't even remember everything. I, uh, I was drugged most of the time.", "Dru: That is so horrible! Do you realize how lucky you are to be alive?", "Sharon: I know, I know. Believe me, I know.", "Dru: This is unbelievable that this happened to you.", "Sharon: Well, um... I'm still a little bit, uh, shaky.", "Dru: No, uh, look, I would be freaking out too. But you should have told me.", "Sharon: No, no, Nick and I decided that we weren't going to tell anyone about this-- except for the family.", "Dru: That's okay, of course, of course.", "Sharon: And then for Noah's sake, I wanna keep this quiet. I don't want him to know what really happened. And it's just hard enough on him already with the divorce.", "Dru: No, don't say a word. I won't say a word. I can't believe you went through this all by yourself. I'm so sorry. And with everything-- with the divorce and now with Nick and Phyllis and the only people that you could've told would be your soon-to-be ex-in-laws.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, I had Brad, but not anymore.", "Dru: Why not?", "Sharon: Um... you know, I... I can't talk to you about this, Dru. I... I wouldn't wanna lose your friendship.", "Dru: What? Why on earth would you say that?", "Sharon: Well, um... I've done some things that I really am not proud of.", "Dru: Okay, uh, Sharon, we all have. Trust me, we all have. Okay? Listen, there is nothing that you could say that would make me not be your friend. I've, um, I've done some things, too. And I am in no position to judge anybody.", "Sharon: Okay. I'll tell you everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Where are you taking me?", "Daniel: Just a little bit further...", "Lily: A little bit further? Daniel, we're in the middle of nowhere already.", "Daniel: That's the idea.", "Lily: Oh, my gosh! Look at this! It's beautiful!", "Daniel: You like?", "Lily: Yes. I love it!", "Daniel: Come on, sit down. I made all your favorites.", "Lily: It looks great! Where'd you get this picnic basket?", "Daniel: The Abbotts. Mrs. Martinez let me borrow it. And... we have a little sparkling cider. Non-alcoholic, of course.", "Lily: This is really amazing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Face it, you wouldn't be as successful as you are if you weren't driven like that, Jack.", "Jack: Dad's death has me doing a lot of re-evaluating.", "Carmen: Are you saying it's time to slow down, appreciate what you have in life?", "Jack: No, I am saying exactly the opposite. I don't wanna quit now. Not while I'm in the middle of the fight. There's too much that I wanna walk away with.", "Carmen: Yeah, I know that feeling-- wanting something you can't have.", "Jack: Can't is no longer a word. I know what I want. I intend to get it.", "Carmen: Well, I admire your passion. That's the first thing I noticed about you.", "Jack: When we were on opposing sides?", "Carmen: We weren't really. We both wanted the same thing. We just had different ideas on how to go about it.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll say.", "Carmen: So what is it you want next? You've piqued my curiosity. What are you fighting for now?", "Jack: Something I should've fought for a long time ago.", "Carmen: That sounds serious.", "Jack: It is. What about you? What do you want?", "Carmen: Nope. Sorry, I don't wanna jinx it. You'll just have to wait and see.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Brad and I were working together. We were confiding in one another. And Nick was pulled away from me. He was angry all the time. It was easy to talk to Brad. And there was an attraction there.", "Dru: Yeah, I remember how affected you were after kissing him in St. Louis.", "Sharon: Well...things got really complicated after that. Um, Brad married Victoria. And I gave up on any idea that we were ever going to be together. But... then there was that one business trip-- that last one. Um, Brad and I ended up staying in the same hotel. And this was not planned, but... God, you must think that I'm a really horrible person.", "Dru: No, no, look, we all make mistakes. I've made my fair share, trust me.", "Sharon: No, this was worse! Victoria is my sister-in-law!", "Dru: Yeah.", "Sharon: They were newlyweds!", "Dru: Okay, okay, how did Brad leave things with you?", "Sharon: He broke it off with me. He said that he's committed to his marriage.", "Dru: All right, well, sometimes you think things are being done to you, but they're being done for you. It's probably for the best, Sharon.", "Sharon: Yeah, I suppose. Brad did the right thing. The hard part is that... I miss him. You know, I miss my best friend. And I really messed up.", "Dru: Hey, listen, listen, you have not lost him. He's still gonna be your friend.", "Sharon: I don't know. My marriage has fallen apart. My son hates my guts. Brad's not talking to me. And Victoria fired me from Newman.", "Dru: She fired you?", "Sharon: Yeah, well, we're saying that it was my idea.", "Dru: Tell me you still have your NVP gig?", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Dru: Good, good.", "Sharon: I wish I could go back and just... undo everything.", "Dru: Well, when you figure that one out, please call me.", "Sharon: You must think that I'm a really horrible person.", "Dru: Sharon, how can I judge you? When I... never mind.", "Sharon: When what?", "Dru: You're not the only one with a secret. You know, uh, you know Neil's brother Malcolm, right? Yeah. Um, well, back in the day, uh, you see... Lily-- Lily isn't Neil's. She's Malcolm's girl.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh!", "Dru: I was-- I was really, like, out of it on a bunch of medication. And, um, I didn't realize it, but I had slept with Malcolm. And I didn't know until the next morning. It was a huge mistake.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh! Well, uh, does Neil know about this?", "Dru: He does now. He just found out recently. Oh, Sharon, you are the first person that I've talked to about this.", "Sharon: Neil must be in shock.", "Dru: Yeah. That's why my family, my marriage, everything is a mess. I don't know if he'll ever forgive me.", "Sharon: Dru, it wasn't your fault. Why didn't you just tell Neil about it when it happened?", "Dru: Because I was so afraid of the way he would react.", "Sharon: Wow, this must've been really hard on you.", "Dru: Oh, Sharon, I was absolutely terrified that Malcolm would tell Neil. And so I just had to tell myself it didn't matter-- that Neil was the biological father of Lily. And no man could be more of a father to Lily, regardless of the paternity. And so I just-- I just had to put it out of my mind.", "Sharon: Well, how did Neil find out?", "Dru: Phyllis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, you know what? Now that was twisted.", "Lily: I love that movie.", "Daniel: Yeah, I know. That's why I rented it.", "Lily: Thanks. Whoo!", "Daniel: What, are you hot?", "Lily: Yeah, aren't you?", "Lily: Oh, Daniel!", "Daniel: Does that help?", "Lily: No, not really.", "Daniel: No? No?", "Lily: Could we go for a swim?", "Daniel: Do you wanna go for a swim?", "Lily: Do you?", "Daniel: If you do.", "Lily: I'll race you!", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, wait up!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: All the proceeds from the first day will be donated.", "Jack: So there will be no ribbon cutting at all?", "Carmen: Think... cocktail reception.", "Jack: Who are we inviting to this thing?", "Carmen: All the usual suspects. Nikki has an excellent mailing list. Just e-mail me if there's anyone you wanna add.", "Jack: Anything you want me to do?", "Carmen: A welcoming speech? Just a few good sound bites for the 10:00 news. Are you sure you wanna go over this right now?", "Jack: No, you know what? The best way to honor my father is by doing things he would be proud of. This is one of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So where does this go?", "Noah: Glue pen!", "Phyllis: Oh, glue pen! This book is gonna be great!", "Noah: You know what else was fun?", "Nick: What?", "Noah: The day Grandpa and I copied our faces. I'll show you how to do it! Come here! It's easy.", "Nick: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: So Phyllis ruined your life, too?", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: You know, I cannot believe that Nick doesn't see this woman for what she really is!", "Dru: I bet she got pregnant on purpose.", "Sharon: Oh, it wouldn't surprise me.", "Dru: And Neil never would've found out about Malcolm if she hadn't opened up her fat trap!", "Sharon: And we have to go to work with this woman and see her every day. It really infuriates me.", "Dru: She cooks my last grit! I can't stand her. I just... I just cannot stand that woman. What are we gonna do? We have a lot in common.", "Sharon: Yeah, I hate Phyllis as much as you do.", "Dru: I doubt it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: I was looking for a change. I got the call from Katherine Chancellor and I thought, \"Perfect timing.\"", "Jack: But, eventually, you're going back to New York?", "Carmen: I can't imagine staying away forever.", "Jack: But, eventually, you're leaving.", "Carmen: Well, the plan is to stick around for awhile-- for now.", "Jack: That's about non-committal as you can get.", "Carmen: That's the way I like it.", "Jack: What do you say we have dessert in your room?", "Carmen: I can't. Not tonight.", "Jack: No such thing as \"can't,\" remember?", "Carmen: You've already distracted me from my work. And I really need to get this finished.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Yeah, well, I used to have to share an office with that cow. And let me tell you, she was scandalous! She was always changing my messages and canceling my appointments.", "Sharon: Jeez. Well, you know what?", "Dru: Hmm?", "Sharon: Phyllis won't stay with Nick.", "Dru: Unh-unh.", "Sharon: No, she'll have his baby. But then she'll move on to the next guy.", "Dru: Right-- switching jobs, switching men, switching men, switching jobs.", "Sharon: Destroying everybody's family.", "Dru: Yeah, well, now there's a clone in town.", "Sharon: Who?", "Dru: Carmen Mesta-- making moves on my man.", "Sharon: What is it with these women? And what are we gonna do about it?!", "Dru: Hire a hit man-- kill two birds with one stone. That was dark, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Sharon: No, no, no, no.", "Dru: You know, Neil is so vulnerable right now. She's playing him like a fiddle.", "Sharon: Just like Phyllis did with Nick.", "Dru: Yeah. Well, at least Nick isn't accusing you of being a stalker.", "Sharon: What? Neil thinks that you're stalking him?", "Dru: Well, I mean, if I'm out alone and we bump into each other, he thinks I'm following him.", "Sharon: Are you?", "Dru: Yeah.", "Sharon: Oh.", "Dru: Yeah, I mean, just a couple of times.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: Just to see. And I was right. He took Carmen to Yves', right? And then he took her back to our home. And then I did something I'm not proud of.", "Sharon: What happened?", "Dru: Well, I called our son Devon. And I told him that I left the oven on. And if he could just race over to the house-- you know, it wasn't true. But I did it so that he'd interrupt the situation.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. That's kinda funny.", "Dru: But it's not.", "Sharon: No, it really isn't.", "Dru: Excuse me. Hello? Hi, Baby. Yeah, well, check in the laundry basket. A lot of stuff is folded in there. Mm-hmm, I thought you were gonna have dinner with Dad? Oh. Oh, okay, well, have fun, Sweetie. Bye. So, um... Neil is having dinner at the club alone. That's where Carmen lives.", "Sharon: Coincidence?", "Dru: What do you think?", "Sharon: Wait, wait, Dru! If you go over there, it's only gonna cause problems. Okay, look, I'll go with you, okay? And then that way, if Neil sees us, it's just two women having dinner together.", "Dru: You'd do that for me?", "Sharon: Of course! What are friends for?", "Dru: Yeah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Hey, Neil.", "Neil: Hey, what's up, Luke? How you doing?", "Luke: You up for a game of one-on-one today?", "Neil: With you? Yeah, come on, sure.", "Luke: Let's go.", "Neil: Take it back. All right, come on.", "Luke: One.", "Neil: Well, see, I know you played some college ball. I can tell, right? So you played this game before.", "Luke: Just a little bit. But I can tell you're gonna make me work for it today.", "Neil: I'm gonna make you work. You ready? Which way am I gonna go? Ah!", "Luke: Two zip.", "Neil: You know, see, I just gave you those points.", "Luke: You gave 'em to me?", "Neil: I gave 'em to you, baby.", "Luke: All right, you're gonna make me work for this one. I thought it was gonna be more of a challenge than this. I'm killing you.", "Neil: Yeah, you are. I probably shouldn't even be out here playing today.", "Luke: Well, whoever she is, tell her thanks.", "Neil: What are you talking about?", "Luke: Your mind's not on the game. It's gotta be a woman.", "Neil: I'm, uh, that transparent?", "Luke: Just a good guess. But, yeah, I've been there before. And it can really throw your game off.", "Neil: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, Bud, one more page. What should we do? How about, um.... horseback riding?", "Noah: I go riding all the time. I know! Cassie's benefit! We could put that in.", "Nick: Good idea.", "Phyllis: What's your screensaver? Nick's screensaver is a picture of you and Jewel. Would that work?", "Noah: And I could write about how kids should never drink.", "Phyllis: That's a good idea.", "Nick: I have a bunch of pictures of Cassie in my office. You can go pick one. You did a real good job at that benefit, man. You worked hard. I was proud of you.", "Noah: I wish I still had a sister.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, I certainly don't wanna be responsible for keeping you up all night.", "Carmen: Thank you for a lovely dinner, Jack.", "Jack: We'll do this again soon, huh?", "Carmen: Definitely. Oh, don't forget your cell phone!", "Jack: Um, that's not mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, good job, Bud. And Cassie's page is awesome.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it really is.", "Nick: So, uh, should we get out of here? Clean up? Are you hungry? 'Cause I'm hungry.", "Noah: I am, a little.", "Phyllis: A little? You ate my whole bag of chips!", "Noah: Can I have lasagna?", "Nick: You can have whatever you want.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, I'm gonna get my stuff. And I'll-- I'll walk out with you.", "Nick: Okay. So, what do you think? Should we invite Phyllis to dinner? You know, to thank her for helping us with the book? But we'll only invite her if it's cool with you.", "Noah: Phyllis can come. She's fun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Good evening, table for two?", "Dru: Uh, no, actually, I'm looking for somebody.", "Carmen: You looking for this? You left it on the table.", "Neil: There it is. Hey, thank you so much. Um, my whole world is in this thing-- all my phone numbers.", "Carmen: One of those things you never thought you needed till you had one. Now you can't live without it.", "Neil: Did you have fun earlier?", "Carmen: Yeah, of course. I always have fun on a date.", "Neil: I'll bet you do.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry, Dru. I'm so sorry.", "Dru: Where does she get off-- flirting with my man?!", "Sharon: Don't do this. Don't hurt yourself with this okay?", "Dru: I'm not the one who's about to get hurt!", "Sharon: No, listen, don't go out there! You don't want Neil to find out that we were standing here spying. Go back inside. Go back!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You know what this reminds me of?", "Daniel: Malibu?", "Lily: Yeah. That first night when we slept on the beach.", "Daniel: Mmm. Yeah, you couldn't believe how cold California was.", "Lily: Yeah. And those sand fleas, remember? Remember, they kept biting us?", "Daniel: Yeah, yeah. No money. No place to stay.", "Lily: We were in so much trouble, Daniel. I wouldn't trade it for the world.", "Daniel: Yeah. That's where I fell in love with you. Don't make me use the whistle.", "Daniel: I missed you so much.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: You know, I just wish he would be honest, okay? How can he look me in the eye, Sharon, and say that nothing's going on? You saw them!", "Sharon: Yeah.", "Dru: Oh, you think?", "Sharon: But I'm saying, that maybe that's all it is.", "Dru: Sharon! Give me a break! I mean, look at these guys! You should see how he looks at her when they're at work. Okay, you heard them talking about their date.", "Sharon: Well, maybe we should go.", "Dru: No, maybe we should not. You know what? Order me a glass of white wine. Better yet, sloe gin fizz.", "Sharon: Wait! Don't go back there!", "Dru: I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to the loo, okay?", "Sharon: Okay.", "Jack: Sharon?", "Sharon: Oh, hey! Another night, another bar.", "Jack: Hey, please, have a seat.", "Sharon: Okay, um, I mean, I don't wanna impose or anything.", "Jack: No, no, no, I could-- I could use the company.", "Sharon: I don't need rescuing this time.", "Jack: Yeah, maybe I do need rescuing this time.", "Sharon: I'm so sorry about John.", "Jack: I guess neither of us is any stranger to loss these days. Can I buy you a drink?", "Phyllis: So I heard this little voice.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Ah, thanks. This squeaky voice going, \"Help me! Help me!\" I thought there was a ghost in the apartment. I think I, you know, I just thought I was going crazy. Thank you.", "Noah: What was it?", "Phyllis: It was Daniel's electronic key chain. It was stuck-- it was stuck under the sofa.", "Jack: Maybe I should buy you a double. I know I could use one.", "Sharon: I can't swing a dead cat without running into Phyllis. Hello.", "Nick: Hello.", "Phyllis: Hi, Sharon.", "Noah: What are you doing here?", "Sharon: Well, I'm doing the same thing that you're doing. I'm having dinner with Dru. Did you have a nice day today with your dad?", "Noah: Dad and Phyllis helped with my book.", "Sharon: Oh, your back to school project?", "Noah: Yep.", "Nick: Noah did an incredible job.", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure he did. Well, I'll see it tomorrow when you come home. Hey, don't forget to wash your hands before you eat your dinner.", "Nick: Your mom's right. Go do it now.", "Noah: Okay.", "Sharon: Well... aren't you a great role model? Taking our son out to dinner with your pregnant mistress.", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "Phyllis: That's okay. Uh, I understand she's angry.", "Nick: Yeah, well, I don't want her to turn Noah against you.", "Phyllis: Listen, kids are smart. He's gonna pick up on how she feels regardless.", "Nick: I think we should tell Noah about the baby. How do you feel about that?", "Phyllis: I feel fine about that. Go ahead. Tell him.", "Nick: I want you to be there, too.", "Phyllis: You do? Uh, shouldn't it just be the two of you?", "Nick: I want us to do it together.", "Phyllis: Okay. I mean, there are a lot of ways to handle things like this.", "Nick: Yeah. I want Noah to share in our happiness.", "Phyllis: Okay. We should tell him he has a little sister coming-- definitely. So when do you wanna do it? Tonight?", "Nick: Let's not tell him here. We should tell him before his mom does. So let's do it tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Go on. All the way! Whoo! I see you've have been practicing without me, grasshopper.", "Carmen: You think?", "Neil: You're a fast learner.", "Carmen: I should go.", "Neil: So, listen, lady, uh, if you and me-- if we're gonna be friends--", "Carmen: If?", "Neil: You're gonna have to let me teach you about the appreciation for the game. Or, should I say, the art of basketball.", "Carmen: I'll make you a deal.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Carmen: You teach me about basketball, I'll show you how to spit tobacco juice into a can from five feet.", "Neil: Get--that's cra-- are you serious? Where'd you learn to do that?", "Carmen: My grandpa when I was a kid. Only I used apple juice.", "Neil: You know, this I'm gonna have to see.", "Neil: You've really improved.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: You act like the judge is automatically gonna rule in our favor. We don't know what's gonna happen in that hearing today, Jack.", "Noah: What's going on? You're starting to freak me out.", "Gloria: Is that the handwriting expert? Tell me! What did he say?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis continues to spend time with her family the night before she has to report to prison. Jack comes to see Phyllis and lets her know that he used his senatorial influence to make sure she is treated fairly in prison. Noah's mood has changed and he is being rude to everyone so Jack takes Noah home with him. He is having a hard time dealing with Phyllis going to jail. Amber shows Daniel the 100 dollar bill she got from Ji Min and tells him why she thinks he took the money. They try to track down where the bill came from. Jack and Katherine worry about what Ji Min will say about the sale of Jabot to the press.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Nick: Hey, can you give me a hand with the door?", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. How's it going out there?", "Nick: Well, you know perfection takes time.", "Daniel: Oh, \"Perfection takes time.\" Grill master, when are we gonna eat? I'm starving.", "Nick: Patience. Five minutes.", "Phyllis: (Softly) five minutes. (Normal voice) hey, why don't you two set the table?", "Daniel: Okay. Hey, kid with the video game, let's go, give me a hand.", "Noah: One more... minute.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Nick: All right, who wants, uh, burgers, and who wants dogs?", "Phyllis: Dogs.", "Daniel: Uh, both.", "Nick: Good choice.", "Noah: I'm not hungry.", "Daniel: More for me.", "Phyllis: And me.", "Daniel: And you.", "Phyllis: Hey, Noah, your dad makes the best burgers in town. Are you sure you want to pass that up?", "Nick: Noah flips a mean burger, too, don't ya, Buddy?", "Phyllis: Hey, why don't we kick the soccer ball around-- you, me and Summer against you two.", "Daniel: I'm gonna have to take off. I got a lot of stuff I gotta take care of. What about next time?", "Phyllis: Next time? Yes, uh, next time... in six years. We will definitely play soccer. (Chuckles) you guys better watch out, because I'm gonna be spending a lot time at the prison gym.", "Nick: All right, Noah, that's enough with the video game. Dude, come on, put it down.", "Noah: Hey, give it back!", "Nick: Just take a little break, all right? Come help me with the grill. You're gonna turn into a video game.", "Daniel: So you are just full of great ideas today, huh? Barbecues, basketball...", "Phyllis: You are being so nice to me.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, I'm contractually obligated to be a good son once a month.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Daniel: I'll set the table.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You really okay with this?", "Sharon: Absolutely. You--you go see Phyllis, say your good-byes.", "Jack: You could come, you know?", "Sharon: Nope. No, I'm good.", "Jack: All right. I won't be long.", "Sharon: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, she's getting sleepy. Getting sleepy! Okay, we're gonna go to bed, right? Give your daddy a kiss.", "Nick: Night, Princess. Night-night. Night-night.", "Phyllis: And your brothers.", "Noah: Good night, Summer.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: Good night, little sis. I'm gonna, uh, take off. I'll see you guys tomorrow.", "Phyllis: Okay. We'll be up early.", "Daniel: Yeah, I know. It's gonna be a first for me.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Daniel: Good night, everybody.", "Phyllis: Good night.", "Nick: Good night, Dude.", "Phyllis: Thanks for coming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Amber: Hello?", "Daniel: (Softly) hey, where are you?", "Amber: Coffeehouse.", "Daniel: You got any plans?", "Amber: Mm, hot date with Orlando.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) dump him.", "Amber: Can't. He promised he'd wear his pirate costume.", "Daniel: (Grunts) you can do that any night.", "Amber: (Chuckles) what's up?", "Daniel: I don't want to go home.", "Amber: Well, that sounds like my idea of a good time. See you when you get here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey. I need your, uh, help with something.", "Noah: For what?", "Nick: It's Phyllis' last night here, so I want you to take it easy on her.", "Noah: I'm still not gonna visit her in jail.", "Nick: Well, I'm not gonna make you if you don't want to, but for tonight, if you're thinking something and it's not very nice, why don't you keep it to yourself, all right?", "Noah: Whatever.", "(Knock on door)", "Victor: Hello?", "Noah: Grandpa!", "Victor: Hey!", "Noah: Hi!", "Victor: What's happening, eh?", "Nick: Hey, Dad.", "Victor: Phyllis here?", "Nick: Uh, she's upstairs putting Summer to sleep.", "Victor: Aha.", "Nick: I did some damage on the grill if you, uh, are hungry.", "Victor: That's very kind. That looks very good, but I have eaten. Now did you know that Starfire's gonna have a colt?", "Noah: Oh, that's awesome.", "Victor: Uh-huh.", "Nick: When's the foaling date?", "Victor: In a few months.", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, an autumn colt.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: That's so great. Isn't it, Noah?", "Noah: Not for you. You'll be in jail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I'm going to fill the position in a couple of weeks, and, um, you will definitely hear from me soon. (Chuckles) thank you. Excuse me.", "Kay: I've been interviewing your replacement.", "Jill: So you'll be somebody else's headache soon.", "Kay: Well, you could come back, unless you still intend on going into business with Ji Min.", "Jill: I haven't decided yet. He said he would do anything he could to make amends.", "Kay: You're seriously thinking of taking him back?", "Jill: He said he'd do anything I asked him to.", "Kay: Well, they all say that when they're contrite.", "Jill: (Clears throat) a word from the wise.", "Kay: Jill, please listen to me. You forgive him, I promise you, he will go right back to his old behavior.", "Jill: Or I could just make the best of a bad situation. See, I've asked Ji Min to go public about Jack and Jabot and about you purchasing the company.", "Kay: You are not looking at this realistically.", "Jill: No, I'm just not looking at it from your point of view. Now Ji Min merely made a mistake in judgment. Why shouldn't I forgive him for that?", "Kay: You--you would not be embarrassed to be with him? Oh, wait a minute. You know, this is not about you and Ji Min. It's about you wanting to get back at me.", "Jill: Don't you ever get tired of singing that old song?", "Kay: I have tried to protect you from the start, Jill!", "Jill: Which is why you fired me from Jabot?", "Ji Min: You told her?", "Kay: Oh, I thought you were a smart businessman, Ji Min. No, uh, I'm usually a better judge of character.", "Ji Min: I spoke to your friend at the network. They're interested.", "Kay: He's going to destroy your career. Think how foolish you're going to look if you go into business with the likes of this man. It will not work. And besides, I'm the one who's going to come off as sympathetic.", "Ji Min: Not if we spin it properly. You see, I went into business with Jack Abbott on good faith. And by the time I found out what was going on, it was too late. I didn't know how to get out of it. But now, because I love Jill and that I want a fresh start, I'm going to come clean. See, everybody loves the remorseful sinner.", "Kay: (Scoffs)", "Jill: Which is a perfect time to launch a new company, don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Don't run in the dark! I don't know why he's acting like that.", "Phyllis: Oh, he's upset. I don't blame him.", "Nick: Still, he didn't even want me to walk him down to the stables.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? That sounds familiar. I remember a certain son of mine at the same age who told me that I was no longer needed as a father, that he could take care of things himself.", "Nick: Except to drive. Kind of needed you and Mom until I got my license.", "Victor: You did, didn't you? That's right. Phyllis, my dear, I brought you some books to read while you're away.", "Phyllis: Ooh, while I'm away. Sounds like I'm taking a vacation, or you're puttin' me down.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: You know? \"Crime and Punishment,\" \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\" and... \"War and Peace.\"", "Phyllis: Do I detect a theme?", "Victor: (Chuckles) it's more about page count.", "Nick: Big books.", "Victor: Anyway, I stopped by to say farewell.", "Phyllis: (Whispers) thanks.", "Victor: You take care of yourself, okay?", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Victor: Okay.", "Summer: (Crying)", "Phyllis: (Normal voice) I'm gonna go check on her. She's been fussy.", "Victor: Pretty awful, isn't it? I'll stop by down at the stables so your son doesn't think you're checking up on him.", "Nick: Thanks for stopping by, Dad. Meant a lot to Phyllis... and me.", "Victor: All right, Son. See you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: So there's Nick flipping burgers on the grill. Too bad most of 'em landed on the ground.", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "Daniel: And I was setting the table, pretending like there was nothing wrong. Guess we're just one big, happy family, huh?", "Amber: Isn't that a good thing?", "Daniel: No. No, it's surreal. My mom is going to prison tomorrow, and no one's talking about it, you know? It's like there's this big, stinky pink elephant in the middle of the room.", "Amber: Hmm. Well, look on the bright side.", "Daniel: When I screw up, there'll be no one there to yell at me?", "Amber: When my butt gets hauled off to prison, I'll have a friend on the inside.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) always thinkin' about yourself.", "Amber: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I want to spend every second alone with you.", "Phyllis: Somebody has to change Summer's diaper.", "Nick: You know, our daughter is really smart. I think she could take care of that herself.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Well, yeah.", "Phyllis: The best thing about going away to prison is gonna be taking this thing off of my ankle.", "Nick: Poor girl.", "(Knock on door)", "Nick: Don't answer it.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but it might be Noah, right?", "Nick: It could be Noah.", "Jack: I assume your lawyer is filing for an appeal.", "Phyllis: Uh, yes, as we speak.", "Jack: Be a nice time for your friend Baldwin to come through for you.", "Nick: I think there's a really good chance she wins on appeal.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I don't really want to get my hopes up, you know, and believe that that can happen, because... you know...", "Jack: I called the warden for you.", "Phyllis: Is that a good thing?", "Jack: I'm guessing he doesn't hear from a state senator every day. Doesn't hurt that he knows that there are people who care about you.", "Nick: It also can't hurt that she's a Newman.", "Phyllis: Do you think that would make me a target?", "Nick: No, but when I was in prison, they didn't give me any special privileges or anything, but they kind of kept an eye on me, 'cause they didn't want anything bad to happen. They didn't want the bad publicity.", "Phyllis: Hmm. Well, I intend to be a model inmate... although if I had gotten this ankle bracelet off earlier, they would have never found me in the first place, right?", "Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey, don't even joke about that.", "Phyllis: What are you talkin' about? This is good for you. One less ex-wife going around ruining your reputation.", "Jack: Yeah, it keeps my current wife on her toes.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) how many do you have? How do you keep 'em all straight?", "Jack: I'm gonna miss you.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm gonna miss, um, fighting with you.", "Phyllis: Nobody pushes your buttons as much as I do, right?", "Noah: Dad, you have to see Starfire. What are you doing here?", "Jack: Uh, I just, uh, popped in to say good-bye to Phyllis.", "Noah: Can I come home with you?", "Jack: Uh, I-I think you're supposed to spend the night here.", "Noah: I've been here all day.", "Nick: Yeah, well, the plan's for you to stay here tonight.", "Noah: What's the difference where I sleep?", "Phyllis: Oh, well, I would really love for you to stay here tonight.", "Noah: Dad said I can think things about you if I don't say them aloud.", "Nick: Noah.", "Noah: What? It's the truth.", "Phyllis: Listen, if you don't want to stay here, its okay. It doesn't matter to me if it's okay with everyone else.", "Jack: Uh... yeah, sure.", "Nick: All right, go get your stuff.", "Phyllis: Next time I see him, he'll have, um, a beard, and he'll be 6 feet tall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: To go, please.", "Woman: Oh, yeah.", "Sharon: Thank you. (Cash register clicking)", "Daniel: Hi, Sharon.", "Sharon: Hey, Daniel.", "Daniel: I, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for what you said at my mom's sentencing.", "Sharon: You know, I did it for you... and for Summer and Noah. You kids deserve so much better.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, you still didn't have to say it, and... I don't know if I would have been able to step up like that.", "Sharon: You underestimate yourself. You know, you have stepped up so many times where my son is concerned. Hey, um, I know that you have people looking out for you, but if you ever need anything, you just call.", "Daniel: Thanks. You know, this doesn't change things between me and Noah. I'll still see you at all the games, and I'm gonna help him with his throwing arm, take him to movies, if that's okay with you.", "Sharon: That's more than okay.", "Amber: That was nice of you.", "Daniel: I hope. I don't know, maybe not.", "Amber: Are you kidding me? I wish someone did that for me when I was a kid.", "Daniel: No, I-I meant what I said. If--if I go to jail, I'm gonna let that poor kid down. I mean, he already feels like everybody's leaving him, and I know what that feels like.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: So I told them that I had knowledge of a government official who had broken the law. And if they need proof, I've got a recorded conversation.", "Jill: So you're gonna go through with this?", "Ji Min: Look, I told you before, I'll do anything to make this right. I just wish you hadn't told Katherine.", "Jill: I know. I couldn't help it. She makes me so mad.", "Ji Min: Listen to me. The last thing we need now is interference.", "Jill: Trust me, that is one thing I will not let happen.", "Ji Min: (Chuckles)", "Jill: What?", "Ji Min: It's your passion. It's one of the things I love most about you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Katherine.", "Kay: (Laughs) Your assistant said I would find you here, my dear.", "Victor: What an unexpected pleasure, really.", "Kay: Aw.", "Victor: Sit down, Sweetheart.", "Kay: Well, it may not be a pleasure when you hear why I've come.", "Victor: Oh?", "Kay: Yep. You do know that Ji Min plans to go public about Jack.", "Victor: Huh. In regard to what?", "Kay: Oh, let's not pretend here. Come on. We both know that Jack used Ji Min to break the agreement to buy Jabot. And--and you knew about that, and you did not protect me.", "Victor: Yeah, well, now why would he go public with that?", "Kay: I-I don't know. To prove to my daughter that he's a good man, and it's her way to humiliate me.", "Victor: Mm.", "Kay: I-I don't think she realizes just how much all of the Clear Spring investors will be hurt.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I suppose they will.", "Kay: You s... Victor, aren't you worried?", "Victor: Well, not particularly at the moment, Katherine, no.", "Kay: Well, what if you have a reason in a couple of hours to be concerned? Victor, come on. I thought we were allies.", "Victor: You and I have always been allies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Thanks for taking Noah tonight.", "Jack: No problem. Happy to have him.", "Phyllis: Thanks for putting a good word in for me with the warden.", "Jack: Yeah, I hope it helps.", "Noah: Bye, Dad.", "Nick: Later, Dude. Why don't you give Phyllis a hug good-bye?", "Noah: Good-bye.", "Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen. Do you really think that I'm gonna let you get out of here without giving me a hug?", "Phyllis: (Quietly) I love you very, very, very much, Noah. I know you think you hate me... but you don't. You're upset with me. I did a bad thing. I let you down, and I understand that. But no matter how you behave-- if you don't want to hug me, don't want to visit me-- I understand. I know that you love me. And you don't have to feel guilty about it, and you don't have to feel bad about it later. The way that you talked to me, I don't want you to feel bad about it. I just know that you love me, just like you know that I love you. Okay?", "Jack: (Whispers) okay, let's go, Buddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: So she tried on, like, every dress in the store, and I'm like, \"Get a clue, Lady. It's not the dress.\" So I hand her this tube top and then tell her it's a skirt, and she loves it.", "Daniel: And I care about this story because?", "Amber: Oh, I'm just trying to distract you.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, it's not working.", "Amber: (Chuckles) oh, great. What's she doing here?", "Heather: Hello, Amber.", "Daniel: Did you leave your broomstick at the door?", "Heather: Given any thought to the deal I offered you?", "Daniel: What deal?", "Amber: It's nothing. No, I'm not gonna talk to you without my lawyer around.", "Heather: Well, you don't have to do everything that he says.", "Amber: We're done.", "Heather: Okay, well, um, you're the one with the most to lose, so...", "Daniel: Wait, what? What, is there no deal for me? I mean, what--what do I get? Lethal injection, maybe? Maybe the chair? I bet that'll give you a good rep, huh?", "Heather: You have a persecution complex.", "Daniel: Yeah, that's \"Prosecution.\"", "Heather: I sit up at night, trying to figure out ways to torture innocent people.", "Daniel: Well, at least you admit it.", "Heather: Your mother was convicted by a jury of her peers.", "Daniel: A jury that you worked over.", "Heather: I did my job. If I were you, I'd reconsider the offer. You know where to reach me. Have a nice night.", "Amber: You are crazy to take on the Assistant D.A.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, somebody's gotta do it, and she's got it in for my family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Did you make a list of the things you want me to send you?", "Phyllis: Oh, you know what? Jackson Prison... Jackson Prison has a web site, and anything they sell in the commissary, you have to buy from them, but, um, I bookmarked the information on the computer for you.", "Nick: Bedtime reading.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Hey, I hope they let me read those books that Victor got for me.", "Nick: Will you stop cleaning?", "Phyllis: I don't want to leave you with a mess.", "Nick: I don't want you to leave me at all.", "Phyllis: Um, the--the closet... in the hall-- the top shelf has, uh, those-- those, um, book covers that Noah wanted-- the superheroes.", "Nick: I looked for some, but they were sold out everywhere, so I got him some horses.", "Phyllis: I found the book covers online, and I was gonna surprise him before school started.", "Nick: Clever.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Nick: I'll make sure he gets 'em and knows that they're from you.", "Phyllis: Take pictures just in case, you know, he doesn't want to come visit.", "Nick: He'll visit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I thought you were spending the night with Dad and Phyllis.", "Noah: I changed my mind.", "Sharon: Oh. What happened?", "Jack: Uh, things got a little tense over there.", "Sharon: I'll bet. Um, hey, did you eat, Sweetie?", "Noah: Yeah. Can I go see Fisher now?", "Sharon: Yeah, go ahead.", "Sharon: What happened?", "Jack: He was really acting out, taking all of his anger out on Phyllis.", "Sharon: Well, it's a good thing that he's home now.", "Jack: Phyllis handled him wonderfully.", "Sharon: But he's so sad.", "Jack: Yeah, he barely talked to me on the way home.", "Sharon: You know, he talks to his dog more than he talks to us. I can't believe that he has to deal with this. He shouldn't have to, and I'm so angry with Phyllis. How does she think my son is supposed to get over his stepmother going to jail?", "Jack: Did you try to get a hold of the therapist?", "Sharon: Yeah, I put in a call.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Sharon: Maybe that's him.", "(Telephone beeps)", "Sharon: Hello?", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. It's me.", "Sharon: Hi, Victor.", "Victor: Is your husband there?", "Sharon: Yeah, just a minute. It's for you.", "Jack: (Mouths words) what, is the sky falling?", "Victor: Well, that depends on where you're standing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, no, no. Don't touch those because I'm gonna scan those, and I'm gonna make copies.", "Nick: Well, you know, I could start that for you.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah? Okay. These two and that one. Uh, no, not that one.", "Nick: Not that one. Okay, these ones. How about these? Oh, one of Mom? You know, Vicki uses this on her dartboard.", "Phyllis: She does?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Really?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: My opinion of Vicki just went up ten points. Look at this picture of Daniel when he was a baby.", "Nick: Cute.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Looks a little like Summer.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I'm gonna miss everything. I'm gonna miss her first steps, first haircut.", "Nick: Well, you know you got to hear her first words.", "Phyllis: Yeah. \"Dada.\" Will you save a lock of her hair for me?", "Nick: Okay. You know, I'm gonna be like a pro filmmaker after all this video camera practice.", "Phyllis: Oh. It's killing me. I-I--I'm gonna be a stranger to my daughter.", "Nick: No. Mnh-mnh. That's not gonna happen. I won't let it. I'll bring her to see you all the time.", "Phyllis: She's gonna think that all kids visit their mothers in prison.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Fisher: (Barking)", "Sharon: Noah, where's Fisher?", "Fisher: (Barking)", "Sharon: Fisher? Come here, Boy. Fisher, where are you?", "Fisher: (Barking)", "Sharon: Oh. Hey, Pumpkin. How'd you get in there, huh? Oh, what a good boy you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, what am I looking for?", "Amber: Anything that makes it special.", "Daniel: What's so special about this one?", "Amber: It is from Ji Min.", "Daniel: Ooh. Ji Min's handing out $100 bills. Where do I sign up?", "Amber: Be serious for a sec. Be serious. The night I reburied the money, he was there.", "Daniel: And you're just telling me this now?", "Amber: Well, I-I just didn't think much of it.", "Daniel: So Ji Min saw you bury the money?", "Amber: No... yes... or I--maybe. Okay, he was there when I went back into the house. He could've followed me.", "Daniel: Do you think that Ji Min took the cash?", "Amber: Wouldn't you if you saw someone burying over half a mil in the backyard, hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jill: (Chuckles) 20 minute intervals-- right on time. Hello, Katherine.", "Kay: I am calling to see if Ji Min is going through with the interview.", "Jill: Why wouldn't he be?", "Kay: Well, he could have a change of heart. You know, Jack and i will not be the only ones affected by this.", "Jill: You're not seriously gonna try to guilt me into stopping him?", "Kay: Oh, Jill, have you given any thought whatsoever how this will affect all the other clear springs investors?", "Jill: Well, that's what they get for going into business with you, Mom. I'm gonna turn off my phone now. Bye-bye. You know... (Clears throat) you are about to cause quite an uproar in this city, Mister.", "Ji Min: Well, whatever it takes.", "Jill: You do know that you're risking your reputation, I mean, your whole career?", "Ji Min: What do you see when you look at me?", "Jill: A man about to jump off a cliff.", "Ji Min: Well, you've done the same thing for me. You broke with your mother. You left your family business. We're like Butch and Sundance getting ready to jump off a cliff.", "Jill: Baby, I hope you can swim.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Has the man lost his mind? If Ji Min goes to the press with this story, he's gonna ruin his reputation. No one will do business with him again.", "Victor: Or he could put a spin on the story and come out the hero.", "Jack: And you're telling me this, what, to gloat?", "Victor: If you have any influence on the man, I would advise you to use it.", "Jack: Gee, and here I am, not worried at all. Sorry to disappoint you, Victor. I saved my father's company. I don't think the press is going to vilify me. In fact, they may applaud me. I don't own Jabot, Katherine does. This will only hurt her.", "Victor: You're not concerned about the effect it may have on clear springs?", "Jack: It's a nonstory, Victor. A blip on the radar.", "Victor: Well, Jack, then why the hell was I worried? I thought you might be concerned that this could cost you a seat in the senate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Honey, come here. Sit down. Hey. How come, um, how come you locked your puppy in the closet?", "Noah: He was bad, so I locked him in jail.", "Sharon: Fisher's not a bad puppy.", "Noah: He nipped at me, and I said \"No,\" but he wouldn't listen.", "Sharon: You know, you have to train him. He just made a mistake.", "Noah: Phyllis made a mistake, and now she's going to jail.", "Sharon: Was it, um, was it hard to be with Phyllis and your dad today?", "Noah: Not really.", "Sharon: A little bit hard?", "Noah: I guess.", "Sharon: You know, if I were Phyllis, I would be really sad if I had to leave my family.", "Noah: She was crying.", "Sharon: Were you crying, too?", "Noah: No.", "Sharon: But... if you wanted to, you know, that would be okay. It's okay to cry.", "Noah: I didn't want to make Phyllis feel bad.", "Sharon: Well, you know, sometimes we feel better when we can cry with other people.", "Noah: Why does she have to go to jail? Can't the judge change his mind?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Summer's journal?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I uploaded the pictures, and, um, I'm writing her a message from Mom. I want you to read it to her when she's a little older.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Promise me you'll keep this up.", "Nick: I am going to document every step, every tooth. You're gonna know more about your daughter being potty trained than you ever imagined.", "Phyllis: Good. I'm counting on it. All right, I'm gonna show you how to do this, how to navigate. First you turn on the computer.", "Nick: Wait. I'm sorry. How do you turn it on?", "Phyllis: Turn on...", "Nick: By pushing the button that says \"on\"?", "Phyllis: Right there. That--that's how you do it.", "Nick: Okay, good.", "Phyllis: And, um, you go over here. You click--you click right here to get the first page of the journal. See?", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: And then to get to the last page, you click right there.", "Nick: Oh, wait a second, wait a second. \"We brought you home from the hospital today. You were so tiny, you fit in the palms of your daddy's hands. I was tired, and we took our first nap at home together. Daddy watched us sleep. Your brothers came to visit. They were excited that you were finally here. Noah wanted to hold you, until you spit up on his favorite shirt. He said you have to save your allowance and buy him a new one. Daniel swore he'd never change a diaper, but guess what?\"", "Phyllis: Yeah, guess what? Look at that. Caught him.", "Nick: Now he's an old pro.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: What do I know about tracking down serial numbers?", "Amber: That's how that agent found us.", "Daniel: Uh, yeah. They're the feds. They know how to do that kind of stuff. Give me the money, and I'll put the number in the search engine.", "Amber: Well, what good will that do?", "Daniel: Give it to me, and I'll show you. You know, I been thinking about what you said, and I don't think that Ji Min would have all that money. I mean, he runs a big company. He doesn't need to steal cash.", "Amber: Well, what about those guys that run the big corporations? Hmm? They steal billions. You think they need to?", "Daniel: Whoa. We got a match. Oh, yeah, a match-- a match to a bicycle. Are you kidding me? Ah, this looks like a bust.", "Amber: What next, college boy?", "Daniel: Maybe we can find some information on how to... trace money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You didn't answer your phone.", "Jill: Apparently, you can't take a hint.", "Ji Min: Come on in. We might as well get it over with.", "Jack: I thought he was your ex-fiancé.", "Ji Min: I am, aren't I?", "Jill: Yet to be determined.", "Jack: Yeah, I-I don't care what kind of sick little thing you two have going. There is not one good reason for you to go public.", "Ji Min: Jill and I are thinking of starting our own company.", "Jack: All the more justification for you not to speak up now.", "Ji Min: Well, we want a clean start.", "Jack: By destroying your credibility? Try to find a lender after that.", "Ji Min: Jack, don't you know everybody loves a reformed sinner?", "Jill: Martha Stewart's stock tripled after she went to jail.", "Jack: What, you think this is some kind of clever business move on your part?", "Ji Min: You know, I'm touched by your concern for me.", "Jack: And what about you? You'd do this to your mother and your family business, not to mention, your children's legacy?", "Jill: Oh, don't be so melodramatic. Chancellor Industries isn't gonna be destroyed by this.", "Jack: You do not want to take me on.", "Ji Min: You know, I don't do well with threats, and you have a lot more to lose than I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Victor, it's Katherine.", "Victor: Yes, Katherine?", "Kay: I, uh, wanted to know if you've given any more thought to the Ji Min situation.", "Victor: I have indeed.", "Kay: Well, what are you doing?", "Victor: Nothing.", "Kay: Come on. You have millions tied up in loans, and you seem so unconcerned. Victor, what is it you're not telling me?", "Victor: Sweetheart, there's nothing to tell.", "Kay: Oh, come on. We've been friends for a long, long time, for heaven sakes, and you never do nothing... unless you're up to something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Did you see the look on Jack's face when he walked out that door? It was classic! Oh, you were great!", "Ji Min: Ditto.", "Jill: We make a good team.", "Ji Min: Just \"Good\"?", "Jill: You know, I wasn't sure that you would go through with it-- going up against Katherine and Jack and... when the mighty Victor gets wind of it...", "Ji Min: Well... I told you before that I'll do anything that it takes to make things right. Whatever you need, I'll do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: One minute, he's--he's depressed. And then the next minute, he's--he's angry, and he's acting out.", "Jack: Noah loves this dog. He would never do anything to hurt him.", "Sharon: I know he wouldn't, but the way he's acting and his attitude... I understand what he's feeling, but I can't let him get away with it, and I feel bad for him.", "Jack: The age-old parent dilemma. We can't save our kids from their feelings.", "Sharon: You know, this is exactly what I was afraid would happen. You know, Phyllis is really good with Noah, and so he's become attached to her, and now she's leaving, and Noah's whole family is falling apart all over again.", "Jack: He has us.", "Sharon: Yeah, but, Jack, it's not the same. You know, he's heartbroken, and there's nothing I can do about it, and it's all because of Phyllis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Photos are done. Journal is done, and, uh, the cleaning is done. What am I forgetting?", "Nick: Me.", "Phyllis: I have you on my list. Right here. I was, um...", "Phyllis: I was saving the best for last.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kay: You are antagonizing far too many people.", "Nikki: Admit your guilt.", "Jack: That ain't gonna happen.", "Carson: We should learn a little more about who this Mr. Kim is, maybe take a little look in his room?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki reads Katherine's letter again and wonders if she should do what she is asking of her. Nikki almost tells Victor everything but is interrupted by Adam. Nikki heads to Crimson Lights to talk to Nick who tells her he is giving Summer space. Nikki overhears Summer telling Courtney that she wants to leave town, so Nikki advises Summer not to push away all the people who love her. Nikki later tells Nick what she overhead and tells him that he can't allow Summer to leave town. Avery shares her worries about Faith and Sharon. Victoria assures her that blended families are hard, but with love everything will be okay. Avery is also worried that she will not be able to find a location or a caterer for the wedding, but Victoria tells her that she will have the wedding of her dreams.", "Courtney interviews with Abby for an internship at Jabot, and thanks to Summer's coaching, she gets the job. Tyler and Abby encourage Noah to ask Courtney out on a date, but Noah is worried that since Courtney is younger, people will think he is taking advantage of her. Tyler manages to get extra tickets to a concert that he and Abby are going to and arranges for Courtney to meet Noah there. Dylan is very happy to be a new dad and shows everyone pictures of the baby. Dylan also calls Chelsea and leaves a message telling her how much he loves her and Conner. Victor tells Adam that he will consider a take over of Chancellor Industries if he divulges the name of the mysterious investor who helped make Newman Industries private again.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Oh, hey. I'm -- I'm so sorry.", "Avery: Oh, that's okay.", "Victoria: Uh, so... [Chuckles] The trends for 2013 are neutral colors with some graphic pops or elegant sophistication -- you know, crystal, gold silverware, that sort of thing. Which it, uh -- it's not exactly you and Nick, but, you know, we can tweak that to fit your sensibilities. Or we can completely buck the trends, which is, frankly, why trends are created -- to be bucked. I'm so sorry. Am I going too fast for you? I just really love this kind of stuff. I planned a couple of weddings for myself, uh, and my friends and my parents, too. Honestly, I should probably have been a wedding planner!", "Avery: Victoria, stop. Stop.", "Victoria: Oh, I know. I'm sorry. I am going too fast. It's just that I haven't done anything this exciting in a long time, and, you know, your wedding is just --", "Avery: It's a pipe dream. And it might not even happen.", "Victoria: Wait. Hold on. Why wouldn't your wedding happen?", "Avery: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: And this one right there -- that's my favorite one. Hey, Nick!", "Nick: What's up?", "Dylan: Thank you for, uh, the gift you and Avery sent. It's pretty cute stuff.", "Nick: Uh, yeah! Yeah. Uh, Avery's got a real eye for cute stuff.", "Dylan: I know Chelsea's probably gonna want to send a photo of the baby with the thank-you notes, but until then...there is the man himself!", "Nick: May I?", "Dylan: Yeah! I even got a new phone because of him. You know you can keep like 1,000 pictures on that thing? It's crazy.", "Nick: And you won't believe how fast you'll fill this up. That's awesome. That's a good-looking boy you got, there, Dylan.", "Dylan: Takes after his mom. They're crashed out right now. I even take pictures of Connor sleeping.", "Nick: Oh, baby sleeping's the best, like when they pass out on your chest. You don't want to go anywhere for like 2 hours. But trust me when I say this -- that goes by quick. One day, you'll blink, and... your baby will be gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: How much did it cost you in bribes and palm-greasing?", "Adam: The alleged victim admitted it was a lie. And now everyone knows.", "Abby: Wow! A crime you didn't actually commit! Well, you may have tortured my mom and Sharon and everyone else in this town, but at least you're not a vicious predator. Good for you, Adam! We should throw a parade in your honor!", "Adam: Let's commemorate the event on this day every year by having everyone in Genoa City tell the truth for 24 hours.", "Abby: You know, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you really think that's a good idea.", "Adam: Does it really matter? Because in 10 seconds, when you walk away, you'll completely forget this conversation ever happened.", "Abby: [Laughs] Probably. Well, I will see you at the next Newman to-do. Try not to get shot at the next one.", "Adam: Don't you worry. I've learned how to bob and weave! Hey. It's me. Give me a call. Uh, by the way, the charges were dropped. This thing we've been working on -- the next step is a bit tricky. It's time to bob and weave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: \"I know you're torn about digging into this, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. And you certainly don't have to carry this alone any longer. You're the one who helped me understand the value of sharing things with loved ones right before my surgery. My dearest Nikki, I cannot impress upon you enough how important I feel this is for you, especially now. My waning days have given me clarity. I see what truly matters in one's life. This matters! Perhaps nothing matters more.\"", "[Door shuts]", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: Hi, Darling.", "Victor: What's the matter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Our first choice for our reception location and the chapel were both booked, and so are our second choices, our third choices, our twelfth choices. I mean, this is insane! You cannot get married without notice! You can't. You have to book things months in advance, right? But we didn't do that, because we were on again. We were off again. There were extenuating circumstances, and now poof! There's not gonna be a wedding.", "Victoria: Okay. Listen to me. Thank you. [Clears throat] We can and we will find a location.", "Avery: [Sighs]", "Victoria: You can and you will say your vows to my brother, all right? We just might have to, um -- we might have to push the date.", "Avery: I'm not pushing the date. No, that is what got us in this mess in the first place. If we don't do it now, it might not happen!", "Victoria: Don't say that! Don't say that the wedding is not gonna happen, okay? I am saying, as your party planner and as the groom's sister, I'm on it!", "Avery: All of it? I mean, you may be able to find us a location, but... [Sighs] Can you get Faith to stop hating me? And can you get Sharon to stop looking at Nick like he's the last tall drink of water in the desert?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Nice hours at Jabot.", "Tyler: Yeah, I know. You're welcome for the job.", "Courtney: Hey! Aren't you usually here earlier, you know, doing all that manly grunting at the gym while some of us are trying to watch our important morning game shows?", "Noah: Late start.", "Courtney: Meaning late evening?", "Tyler: No! He's, uh, been on the sofa alone. Yeah, he's got no excuse to be so slack.", "Courtney: [Scoffs] Noah, come on. I expect a little more out of you. Got to step up that social calendar.", "Tyler: See? It's unanimous.", "Courtney: [Laughs]", "Noah: Thank you.", "[Cell phone buzzes]", "Courtney: Oh. Um, it's your sister. I got to go. Bye.", "Tyler: What is the deal?!", "Noah: What?", "Tyler: That woman wants you! And you just stand there?", "Noah: \"That woman\" is Summer's best friend.", "Tyler: Okay, which means she knows plenty about you, and she still likes you anyway.", "Noah: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Is that what you mean -- baby's gone?", "Nick: Yeah. I don't know what you've heard about my situation, but, um... I pray you never go through something like this. You know, Connor's your son in every way possible. Right now, for me to stay Summer's dad, I have to keep my distance and hope that the rest of her family leave her in peace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It's Katherine. I hear her voice in my head. Of course, I can't talk back to her. Can't ask her for any advice. I can't even have any tea with her. She helped me get through so many things. I don't know how I would've survived without her. She was a shoulder to cry on -- that's for sure -- and a kick in the pants.", "Victor: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: And she said things that needed to be said, whether people wanted to hear it or not.", "Victor: That she did, and she told me many times. And I miss her more than I... care to admit. But, listen. I'm here. You can talk to me, all right? Tell me anything. So talk to me.", "Nikki: All right. I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I can't fight Nick's first love, Sharon. And the thought of hurting his relationship with his little girl? I mean, maybe -- maybe there's just not enough room for me in Nick's life.", "Victoria: Oh, Avery, come on. That is not true, okay? Yes, Sharon was Nick's first love. But she's not the same person that she was at all. Well, my mom would argue that this has always been the real Sharon, but Nick's not interested in Sharon, okay? She's just not a threat.", "Avery: Well, she'd like to be.", "Victoria: But she's not, okay? She lost a long time ago. And as far as Faith goes -- yeah, blended families are tricky. I mean, look at me. I've got Reed and Delia and Johnny and all these other parents involved. It's complicated, but it can work! I mean [Chuckles] I've been a-a mom and a step-mom, and it's not always easy having exes around. But, you know -- [Sighs] If it's what's best for the kids, then it's just what you do.", "Avery: Right, but I don't know that everybody can do that.", "Victoria: No. No, they can't. But you and Nick can. And, honestly, you're not allowed to get cold feet, okay, because Nick has hit the wife jackpot in you, finally, and you're stuck with him, and you're stuck with his crazy family. So can we please just get back to choosing some colors, here?", "Avery: Okay.", "[Laughing]", "Avery: For my parking-lot wedding, complete with pizza and a 12-pack?", "Victoria: No! Don't say that, because Nick would actually like that!", "Avery: I know!", "Victoria: And, besides, I happen to know every caterer in town, so this wedding is full steam ahead.", "Avery: [Laughs]", "[Keyboard clacking]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I don't remember smiling when I was doing the taxes when I owned this place. I doubt Kevin did, either.", "Dylan: Well, Nick, you must not be familiar with IRS form 2554-xyz. It's great. No, it's not really. I'm just trying to get through these quickly so I can get home to Chelsea and Connor. I want to leave work here and just be able to focus on them.", "Nick: Bucking the trend. You have a newborn. You're not supposed to be sleeping right now.", "Dylan: Man, it's, uh -- it's got to be delirium, because I feel good. I mean, I-I feel great, actually. And congratulations with the wedding coming up, right?", "Nick: Yeah! Yeah. Can't get here soon enough.", "Dylan: Yeah. Chelsea and I had a rush job, too, but I wouldn't change a second of it.", "Nick: Well, I'm glad things are working out for you. Makes it easier for everyone.", "Courtney: Hi, Mr. Newman.", "Nick: Hey, Courtney.", "Courtney: Bye.", "Nick: Bye.", "Courtney: Okay. So...last night, you're all, \"I need to leave town, get out of here.\" And then, now, you're here, and your dad -- well, one of your dads is in the other room, and then that S.O.S. message. What is going on with you?", "Summer: You just said what's going on with me. I am the girl with two dads, the girl with two families that hate each other, and I am now the trophy for them to fight over.", "Courtney: Okay, but, Summer, your dad is in the other room. He's not all up in your face.", "Summer: No. He's actually been pretty great... besides lying to me for my entire life. And the fact that my mom's in a coma, and every time I get a call, nothing has changed -- she hasn't woken up, and... I swear I'm about to lose it. And I might have already.", "Courtney: Summer, breathe.", "Summer: [Exhales]", "Courtney: I'm here to talk you down. I know that's why you called me.", "Summer: Actually, I -- I called to say goodbye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: All right, so, Courtney -- she's funny. She's smart. I mean, you think she's cute, right?", "Noah: Oh, man, she's -- she's more than cute. She's got one of those, like, perfect faces. I love how her little nose -- it kind of turns up at the end.", "Tyler: Whoa! What?! This girl is smoking hot from head to toe. You're talking about her damn nose?", "Noah: It's so cute!", "Tyler: That's messed up. All right! Yeah. She's got a perfect face. I don't understand why you can't ask her out.", "Noah: I told you, man. She's my little sister's best friend.", "Tyler: Yeah, but Summer's not your sister.", "Noah: Okay, she isn't, but... she is.", "Tyler: She isn't, but she is. And that's enough to keep you from asking out the girl with that cute, little nose?", "Noah: You don't understand, man.", "Tyler: You're right! I don't understand any of this! That's exactly what I've been saying. I mean, I used to ask out Leslie's friends all the time.", "Noah: No, it's not the same thing. She's older than you are.", "Tyler: You're damn right, and I learned a whole lot from those older girls.", "Noah: [Chuckles] Okay. Look, I just don't want anybody getting the impression that I'm taking advantage of her.", "Tyler: Okay. Noah, look. I've known you for a while now, man. You're a good guy, all right? No one is gonna think that you're trying to take advantage of anybody.", "Noah: [Grunts] Good guy, huh? I got a mean streak, you know. When I used to play hockey, I spent a lot of time in the penalty box.", "Tyler: [Laughs] Okay, tough guy. So that's what it's gonna take, huh? You got to lace up some skates to show a little backbone?", "Noah: I'm just saying, man. I'm not really the naive pushover that a lot of people think that I am, okay? I've made some mistakes, and I don't want Courtney being one of them.", "Tyler: Okay. I get that. But all I'm saying is that if you like the girl and her oh-so-perfect face, there shouldn't be anything standing in your way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: There are so many things to say, and it's so hard.", "Victor: Well, say it!", "Nikki: Oh!", "Adam: Morning.", "Victor: Son, now is not the time.", "Nikki: Good morning! No, uh, I-if Adam is here, it must be important.", "Adam: Nikki's right. This probably shouldn't wait.", "Nikki: And I have a million things to do for Katherine's memorial. I've only been able to check off two items.", "Victor: Are you sure?", "Nikki: Hey, I'm on a mission. You can't stop me.", "Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.", "Nikki: Don't worry about me, okay?", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: I'll be fine.", "Victor: Okay. Go.", "Nikki: Bye-bye.", "Adam: Nikki. So, it's official. The rape charges have been dropped. Melanie officially recanted her entire story on her own, no bribes.", "Victor: How and why?", "Adam: She was prompted by one of my many supporters. But, as Nikki said, we should talk things business -- Chancellor Industries.", "Victor: No, I won't discuss it now.", "Adam: No, no, no, no. You said that before, when the pain was still too fresh.", "Victor: Son, it is still very fresh. We will not discuss it, okay?", "Adam: It's the opportunity of a lifetime, and anyone and everyone can see that, except for you.", "Victor: Who is anyone and everyone? Who else is in on this plan of yours?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Well, hello, there, strong, buff, young men!", "Tyler: What -- I'm too sweaty for a hello kiss?", "Noah: [Groans]", "Abby: Oh, I have seen you sweaty before.", "Noah: Okay! [Stammers] Uh, you're still my aunt! Maybe we could ease up on the public displays of disgusting!", "Abby: Well, luckily for you, Noah, I have to get to work. Otherwise, I would really embarrass you. I have to get all that stuff off my plate for that concert.", "Noah: Who you guys seeing?", "Tyler: Uh, Vampire Weekend.", "Noah: Really?! I'm jealous.", "Abby: So come with us!", "Noah: Be your nephew and a third wheel? I'll pass.", "Tyler: Come on! Uh, bring Courtney!", "Noah: Enough with the Courtney talk!", "Abby: What Courtney talk?", "Tyler: Okay, she is totally into him, and he is painfully single! I mean, like, it's depressing to come home to.", "Noah: Okay. You know what? The place was jumping until you got all \"Am I too sweaty to kiss?\"", "Abby: And that's my fault. Good to know.", "Noah: Well, some of us can't settle down overnight.", "Abby: Oh, no one's...settled down. [Chuckles]", "Tyler: Nah. Look. He doesn't get out much. Don't expect him to understand.", "Noah: Look, I get out enough to know that there is no upside to going on a date with my sister's best friend.", "Abby: Wait, Courtney? Summer's cute friend? You have done a lot worse.", "Noah: Mm.", "Abby: Plenty of times! I'm actually interviewing her today for an internship at Jabot.", "Tyler: Ah! New Jabot intern, new Jabot photographer --", "Noah: Photographer's assistant.", "Tyler: But it still sounds like a match.", "Abby: This is getting good!", "Courtney: Goodbye? No. Mnh-mnh. No. Unacceptable. Can we just go back to me talking about talking you down, and it'll all be okay?", "Summer: Look, I just -- I can't deal with it, okay -- my dads, my families... being around Kyle. I mean, maybe I'll just go stay with Daniel. He's still my brother, and I miss my mom, so... maybe sitting next to her each day will help the both of us.", "Courtney: Okay. Well, I don't mean to make this all about me, but... what about me? Come on! I'd miss you...a lot.", "Summer: Yes. That is why there is FacePlace and texting.", "Courtney: You know, I'm going in for that internship at Jabot today. Exactly. Who would I celebrate with if I got it?", "Summer: You... working.", "Courtney: I know. My parents want me to get serious, and we all know makeup is about as serious as I get.", "Summer: Okay, well, who are you meeting with, 'cause I'm probably related to them now.", "Courtney: Abby.", "Summer: I am double-related to her!", "Courtney: So, then, do you want to come with me?", "Summer: Yeah. That looks really professional.", "Courtney: I know, but... it might be the last time we get to hang out.", "Summer: Yeah. I can do introductions. There's nothing unprofessional about that. My last good deed before I leave town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey, Mom!", "Nikki: Hi, Son! How are you?", "Nick: Good! How are you? Are you, uh, meeting Victoria for some wedding planning?", "Nikki: No, I just had to get out of the house. Adam is over there with your father. They're concocting something to take over the world.", "Nick: Hmm. Well, that never chased you out of your home before. Something else going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: No. Saw blades don't just break. [Scoffs] Well, obviously, I've never used one, but I would assume that they don't! Billy, why couldn't you have just waited for Dylan? Okay! All right. [Stammers] Fine! Talk to you later!", "Avery: That sounded pleasant.", "Victoria: [Sighs] No! You know, now that Billy and I are in a good place, I can go back to being seriously annoyed with him over stuff like the fact that On the Boulevard is completely booked, and they don't even have any wait-staff for an offsite wedding.", "Avery: Okay. Uh, what was that I heard about a saw blade?", "Victoria: Oh, Dylan is supposed to be building us this bookcase.", "Avery: Oh, that's right. Nick mentioned something about that.", "Victoria: Right, right. But, obviously, that's on hold with the new baby and the wedding and all that. But could Billy wait? No! No, he couldn't. So now I'm going to have lumber and tools that he doesn't know how to use in my living room for the next couple of months.", "Avery: Well, I will bet Dylan is having the time of his life with his new boy. That kid... has the perfect dad.", "Victoria: Yeah. Probably. Yeah.", "Avery: What do you mean, probably? You don't think Dylan's gonna be a good father?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I took a poll at the gym -- take over Chancellor, not take over? Don't worry. I made everyone pinky-swear to secrecy.", "Victor: Really? Poll at the gym? That's very reassuring.", "Adam: No. I spoke to some of the top brass at mergers and acquisitions, the ones that know how to be discreet. And they agreed this is the most profitable move that Newman can make right now.", "Victor: At what cost?", "Adam: An appropriate and a respectful amount.", "Victor: And where, pray tell... do you get this appropriate and respectful amount -- from the mysterious investor you never introduced me to?", "Adam: Hey, the investor that helped us get Newman back and take it private -- the move that you approved? 'Cause as I recall, you were willing to tell everyone that you trusted me, and it was based on that trust that I made that move.", "Victor: And now the company is private again. And you and this mysterious investor have some new plans... using the reputation of my company as a shield.", "Adam: Our company's reputation.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Son... a lot of time has passed. I still don't know who the hell this investor is. And I don't know how much money you want to borrow. At what cost?", "Adam: And no good deed goes unpunished... usually by you? This last time you didn't trust me, it ended up in a draw. You pull one on me. I pull one on you. And we have a little by-product called Melanie who almost gets me sent to jail. What's gonna happen the next time you don't trust me? Am I gonna get the chair?", "Victor: [Chuckles] You know, I can promise you something from the bottom of my heart. I trust you. ...As much as you trust me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: [Chuckling] No, I -- no, I think that Dylan will be a great dad!", "Avery: Well, the way you reacted --", "Victoria: I -- Avery, listen. Dylan is a great guy. I mean, he's great. I wish he was at my house right now, building a bookcase.", "Avery: But you --", "Victoria: But, I-I mean, maybe if you saw a reaction -- I don't know -- maybe it's because my mind wandered or something.", "Avery: Where?", "Victoria: [Scoffs] What? I just -- well, you know, Billy... fathered a child with Chelsea, and I'm Johnny's mom. Um, you know the history. So maybe when I said -- maybe when you said that Dylan would be a great dad, I-I -- why are you even asking me this, anyway? Don't you think that Dylan will be a wonderful father?", "Avery: I do, and that's why I said it! You're the one -- you know what? This is ridiculous.", "Victoria: It is ridiculous!", "[Both chuckle]", "Avery: This is --", "Victoria: Yeah, it's ridiculous. So, uh...I'm sure it's just bride-to-be jitters. Getting someone off of death row is awesome, but planning a wedding and blending a family is -- you know, it's nerve-wracking. [Clears throat] You know what? I'm gonna head to the Athletic Club and remind them what amazing members and generous tippers the Newmans are.", "Avery: [Laughs]", "Victoria: Get used to that name opening doors for you. [Laughs]", "[Door shuts]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, I must really look like a mess, because your father asked me the same thing, and I will tell you what I told him. I just lost my best friend, Katherine, all right? [Voice breaking] I had her friendship, her love, for so many years, and I was not ready to lose it yet, and... I'm not quite myself, okay? I think maybe her memorial is too soon. I'm just not ready for it, so I'm sorry.", "Nick: Okay. All right. Can I help, then? I'll do whatever you want. Ca-- I'll buy you some tea. I'll do anything.", "Dylan: What kind of tea? It's on the house.", "Nick: Oh, uh, Dylan, this is, uh -- this is Dylan McAvoy. He owns Crimson Lights. Dylan, this is my mother, Nikki Newman.", "Dylan: Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Newman.", "Nikki: Please, call me Nikki. I-I've heard about you. You're doing a project for Victoria, aren't you?", "Dylan: I'm afraid that's on hold -- uh, a new addition to the family.", "Nikki: Oh! Congratulations.", "Dylan: Thank you. I'll grab that tea.", "Nikki: Thank you!", "Nick: Thank you.", "Nikki: Do you know that Summer's sitting out there?", "Nick: Yes. I am trying to give her her space and...hope that everyone else does, too.", "Nikki: Jack and your father.", "Nick: Or everyone.", "Nikki: Well, that -- that's very sweet of you, Honey.", "Nick: Mom?", "Nikki: Hey. Grandmas are exempt from space.", "Courtney: I really wish you wouldn't leave.", "Nikki: Summer! Hi!", "Summer: Uh, hi, Grandma!", "Nikki: How are you?", "Summer: Hi! Good! I was actually just leaving. I was gonna introduce Courtney to Abby.", "Nikki: Oh! Um, gosh. I was hoping to just have a minute.", "Courtney: Oh! Um...I can totally grab, like, a brownie or something. It's fine.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "Summer: Thanks.", "Nikki: Can I sit?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Nikki: Oh, it's so good to see you. My beautiful Summer. I just want you to know that every morning and every night, I am thinking about you, trying to send you strength...peace. I hate that you have to go through so much all at once.", "Summer: It's just that every second of the day is spent either missing my mom or trying to figure out all of this about my families.", "Nikki: I hear you. But let me tell you this. Your dad and Jack and your grandpa -- they love you more than anything in the world. Now, they are strong and stubborn and opinionated, and, by the way, did I say stubborn? [Laughs] I have been 'round and 'round with them a million times. But it wasn't until I lost my dearest friend Katherine that I realized that you can't... risk life or the people that you love. It's too scary! You have to share yourself with people, you know? You have to reach out and... make friends! Don't push them away! And I know that's scary. It's hard to be vulnerable, and you don't know how things are gonna turn out, so it's scary. But there are so many people in Genoa City who love you. And it is always better to bring people towards you than to push them away from you. Believe me. I know this. And there's a whole lot worse in this world. Okay?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Nikki: I love you so much!", "Summer: I love you, Grandma.", "Nikki: You be a good girl.", "Summer: I will. Thank you.", "Nick: You got a hug.", "Nikki: I think she's gonna leave town. You can't let that happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Hey, there, proud papa!", "Dylan: Hey! Thanks, uh, for the onesie. Connor can't wait to wear it.", "Avery: Oh! Nick and I were happy to send it.", "Dylan: Yeah, except, uh, Nick didn't know about it. But he covered, sort of. Why didn't -- why didn't you tell him?", "Avery: Uh, it just didn't come up!", "Dylan: Right. Well, I got to ask. Am I still causing trouble between you and Nick?", "Avery: Nick and I are fine! Honestly, with all the wedding planning, I guess it just slipped my mind to tell him about the baby gift, that's all.", "Dylan: Good. I don't -- I don't want to mess things up between you two.", "Avery: No.", "Dylan: My life, I just -- [Sighs] I never expected any of this. It's like it happened how it was supposed to. And I'm just relieved because, for the first time in my life, I'm in the right place at the right time.", "Avery: Perfectly at peace. That's how I feel with Nick.", "Dylan: Best feeling in the world, right? I mean, you should see this picture I took of Chelsea and the baby this morning. It's --", "Avery: I would love to see a picture, if you have one.", "Dylan: Are you sure?", "Avery: Yes. Of course. He's perfect.", "Dylan: Yeah. That was from this morning. And, by the way, the lion onesie -- I knew it was from you.", "Avery: [Sighs] Well, you always said you wanted your son to be lionhearted. I remember you bought that stuffed lion when I was... your son is gonna be brave and strong, just like his daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: Abby, this is Courtney! You're going to adore her. Everybody does.", "Tyler: Mm. Is that right?", "Abby: Then I can't wait to get this interview started! Shall we?", "Noah: Dude, stop! Enough! You and Abby were like, \"Oh, no! We're not getting all settled down!\" You can't stop watching her!", "Tyler: Okay, you know what? That's your first clue, all right, because people who are settled down -- they don't bother watching each other in action anymore.", "Noah: In action. She's conducting an interview. He finds Abby's work-related skills hot. Does that sound normal to you?", "Summer: Look, I am not the expert on normal, but I do know you pretty well, and it seems like you have the hots for my best friend.", "Abby: I love how into Jabot you are, but I have to be honest. Most of our interns are already in college, or they have some sort of experience.", "Courtney: My experience is all practical with makeup. For example, um, I can tell that you're wearing Jabot's shimmer BB cream, the First Kiss mineral blush, LBD mascara, and Hot for Teacher lip gloss. The end result is flawless Jabot. Oh, but, F.Y.I. -- I could tell that there was some of your lip gloss on Tyler's cheek, so maybe next time, you just want to do an extra blot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Let me ask you something, Son. Why should I give you complete trust... when you are withholding important information from me?", "Adam: Complete? No, no, no. Let's not get carried away, here, all right? I just need a sliver of trust. That would be novel. Look. This investor's not gonna come banging on the door, making demands. Of that, I can assure you. I give you my word, whatever my word is worth to you. Now, can we move on and talk about Chancellor?", "Victor: Why are you so interested in this deal?", "Adam: 'Cause I like winning! I like making money! Isn't that the point of this game we call business? Speaking of business, this is personal to you. Katherine Chancellor? So that's why I don't understand why you're not doing your damndest to protect her legacy! Who's gonna run that company, Dad? Is it gonna be Ashby or Esther? Murphy? That company could go poof and just disappear, or it could be stronger and more robust with you in charge.", "Victor: Now, if Katherine had wanted me to run the damn company, don't you think she would've told me?", "Adam: Or she could've decided to spend the last few weeks of her life on this earth living it rather than talking about business.", "Victor: Are you able to read minds... and ascribe motives to a...", "Adam: [Sighs]", "Victor: ...Very sick, old woman?", "Adam: The various sub-par execs over there at Chancellor, they're gonna be waging war soon. They're gonna go to war, or we can prevent that -- a preemptive strike. And you can honor Katherine's legacy by doing what you do best.", "Victor: I'll give it some thought, Son.", "Adam: Good.", "Victor: ...On one condition.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Oh, perfect. You're awesome. I just scored you some tickets to the concert tonight. You are going.", "Noah: Don't you have a job that isn't running my life?", "Courtney: You are the best interview coach ever! [Laughs]", "Noah: I take it you got the job?", "Courtney: Thank you so much. I'm gonna be amazing. What? [Laughs] False modesty gets you nowhere.", "[Laughter]", "Abby: We need to get your paperwork done ASAP.", "Noah: Hey, Summer! Can I talk to you for a second?", "Summer: Yeah!", "Tyler: So... you're part of the Jabot team now! That's good to hear. You know, a few of us were going to the Vampire Weekend concert tonight. You should come. Noah doesn't have a date.", "Courtney: He does now.", "Summer: Don't.", "Noah: What?", "Summer: Ask me how I'm doing.", "Noah: Like I have to ask. You're acting like you're fine, because if you don't, people will hover more, which makes you crazy. But all this is pushing you over the edge.", "Summer: Look, I can't be here, Noah. It's just -- it's too hard. I -- and please, do not lecture me about how I need to stay where my family is and whatever else.", "Noah: From the guy who went to France and then New York because being a Newman can be a pain in the ass, not to mention everything that you're going through. I'm not gonna stop you from doing what you need to do, but just give me a hint so I can check up on you, okay? If you leave, let me know where you're going.", "Summer: Yeah, so you could tell Dad and try and stop me?", "Noah: No. So if you go somewhere cool, I can crash on your couch.", "Summer: Really.", "Noah: Okay, fine. Even if it's not cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey! How's the wedding planning going? That bad?", "Avery: Well, uh, we can't seem to find a venue for the reception or the wedding. Uh, Victoria's working her magic, but it doesn't look pretty.", "Nick: Well, there's always my parents' place.", "Avery: Yeah, given the fact that the last wedding ended in an attempted assassination...", "Nick: Mm. So that's a no?", "Avery: That is a definite no.", "Nick: No. Okay. Well, something will come up.", "Avery: Are you being optimistic or delusional?", "Nick: Avery, its reality. We have been through so much to get to this point, the wedding is gonna seem like a piece of cake in comparison.", "Avery: Oh, my God. The cake! That's another thing I forgot! You know... [Sighs] ...Faith's disapproval is seeming like the least of our problems right now!", "Nick: Well, Sharon had a long talk with Faith. And, suddenly, no more tantrums. Look, our family is coming together, and so will this wedding.", "Avery: Well, the wedding may come together. I just don't know where that's gonna be.", "Nick: Well, wherever it happens, it is the beginning for us.", "Dylan: I guess, uh, mother and son are still crashed. That's good. You need the rest. But, Chelsea, if you can hear me... I love you. And, Connor? This is your dad. I love you, too, Buddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Honestly, after all the events we've had here, you'd think they'd be able to fit in one Newman wedding!", "Nikki: Well, now, to be fair, the Newmans get married so often, we can't really expect management to drop everything.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Nikki: There's not another venue available?", "Victoria: Avery thinks they're too far away or not special enough. And while she mentioned beer and pizza in the parking lot, I really don't think that's what she wants for her wedding day.", "Nikki: This is all too much for one person, and I've put it all on your shoulders.", "Victoria: No! Mom, Katherine's service is important, and -- I don't know -- maybe making the arrangements will help to give you closure. Besides, I can handle this. I can find the perfect venue for Avery, and her wedding will be everything that she and Nick want it to be.", "Nikki: There it is -- your takeover smile. Conquering business or parties.", "Victoria: [Scoffs] At least parties make people happy. Working at Newman made me equal parts crazy and fulfilled. You know, I never thought I would feel this way, but... I don't think I need it anymore! I mean, it's fine! Let Adam be Dad's right hand. I don't need it to be happy.", "Nikki: I am thrilled to hear you say that. There's nothing more important than realizing what matters most. Sometimes, though, it's difficult embracing it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: So, you'll trust me again if I jump through hoops for you again. Look, this Chancellor move makes all the sense in the world, but you want me to bleed to let it happen.", "Victor: Bloodshed won't be necessary, son.", "Adam: Dad, I-I don't know. I don't know with you. I don't know what to do! You want me to -- uh, I gave you your office, right? You want me to put on a monkey suit and show up to the next executive board meeting?", "Victor: That might be a hell of an idea! I'll make it simple for you. I will consider a Chancellor takeover... after you tell me... who this mysterious investor is.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kyle: It's starting to seem like you're a little more interested in what you need and less interested in what's best for Summer.", "Dr. Woods: I ran some tests.", "Chelsea: Is there something wrong with our son?", "Jill: Gary Reynolds? What does your ex-husband have to do with \"All that I value\"?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Abbott mansion, Jack carries Kelly's luggage into the house but she stops him and asks him if he wants to postpone her moving in. Jack's cell phone rings and it is from Summer inviting him to lunch. Kelly wonders to herself if Jack intends on telling Summer and Austin that they are moving in together. Jack and Kelly arrive at Summer and Austin's apartment. Summer hugs Jack hello. Austin lets Jack know that Summer wants to take him to visit Phyllis in the hospital. Summer apologizes to Kelly for being so hard on her at the start but that now her mind has changed since Kelly has been so supportive of her and Austin. Summer is surprised when Jack announces that he and Kelly are moving in together. Summer tells Jack that she introduced Austin to Phyllis and asks him if he told Phyllis about him and Kelly. Summer becomes upset over the news and suddenly runs upstairs. Austin follows her. After Jack and Kelly leave, Summer begins to cry again that Jack didn't meant a word of it when he told her that he would not give up on Phyllis. Jack and Kelly return home to the Abbott mansion but he tells Kelly that he wasn't prepared for the look on Summer's face. At the Athletic Club, Ben asks how Victoria and the baby are. Abby lets him know that Billy was there for Victoria and the baby and that everything is fine. When Ben starts to leave, Abby grabs him and kisses him passionately. Ben pushes her away but Abby explains that she only wanted to know why Victoria was so interested in him. Abby sees Tyler in the dining room and he congratulates her on her new boyfriend. Abby reveals to Tyler that she and Ben cannot stand each other. Later on Abby and Ben meet each other at the Coffeehouse and Abby sarcastically tells him that it had taken him long enough to get there.", "Over the phone, Sharon calls Ian sick and not very predictable. Nick reminds her that Clarence is the key to finding Ian and Mariah. At the ranch, Nikki starts to pick up a glass of vodka when Victor comes up behind her. Victor asks her if the ceremony for Katherine was too much for her. Nick and Sharon arrive at the ranch and lets Victor and Nikki know that they don't know anything new about Ian and Mariah. Victor offers his manpower to find Ian and Mariah. Nikki and Victor argue over the fact that Sharon has a secret that could still hurt Nick. Later Nikki goes to an AA meeting and sits and listens to the others recount their lives' stories. At the police station, Paul has Courtney pose as Sharon for the money drop. Mariah and Ian argue over the fact that he drugged her but he explains that he did it for her. Nick and Sharon arrive at the storage unit but not before Ian and Mariah are already married. Nick grabs a crowbar on Clarence. Nikki gets a surprise from Ian Ward. Victor visits the hospital in Georgia where Phyllis is and encourages her to wake up. Phyllis opens her eyes.", "" ]
[ "Kelly: You know, I don't have to move in. I-I mean, y-you could just put it back in the car for me if you want.", "Jack: No, no. You're not going anywhere, if only so I don't have to pick up this box again. No. Come here.", "Kelly: [Chuckles]", "Jack: You are where you belong now.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Kelly: Oh! Well, we might have to work a little harder on making me feel at home. I don't know.", "Jack: Hold that thought.", "Kelly: I was intending to.", "Jack: Hello?", "Summer: Jack, hi. Um, I know it's last-minute, but do you think that you could come over for lunch at our place?", "Jack: Summer, I would love to come to lunch. We have a lot of catching up to do.", "Summer: Okay, great. You can tell Kelly that she's invited, too.", "Jack: We would love to come. We will be there.", "Summer: Okay, great. I will see you soon. Okay. Uh, party for four. Do you think I should do place mats or a tablecloth?", "Austin: Look at you, so excited about lunch. [Laughs]", "Summer: Well, it's a very adult, married couple having guests over for the first time, in a new place, with a free husband. It's not just lunch. It's a miracle.", "Austin: Yeah.", "Summer: Yeah. [Giggles]", "Jack: Summer brought it up. She invited you herself.", "Kelly: Uh, so, I guess you're gonna tell her today, right? At lunch?", "Jack: Well, we moved you and your boxes in. I think she should be the first to know. Or the second, after the movers.", "Kelly: [Laughs] Maybe you should tell her the big news by yourself. You sure you want me there?", "Jack: Sweetheart, she knows I adore you. She also knows how supportive you've been about her and Austin. And your being there will lend a kind of normalcy to it all, maybe make it easier for her to accept the idea.", "Kelly: I don't think there's anything easy about this for her. She is gonna be shocked.", "Jack: Yeah, I know -- and angry. She has a lot of her mother in her. Lot of fire. But once the flame burns down, she will understand and come to accept that we are gonna move on with our lives together -- that nothing is gonna stand in our way now.", "Dr. Cutler: Your family wants you back, Phyllis. Let's find out if you're on your way.", "Sharon: Whatever that man has done with Mariah, with my daughter, he is sick. God knows what he'll do to her.", "Nick: Ian's lackey, Clarence, is the key. You find Clarence, then you'll find Mariah.", "Paul: I'm pushing the judge as hard as I can to get a warrant to search the guy's phone records and computer records.", "Nick: Does the judge not understand what's going on here?", "Paul: There are other things we can do to expedite the process -- other...invested players that might be able to look into Clarence.", "Nick: Got it. In the meantime?", "Paul: Well, in the meantime, the manhunt for ward continues. We are also looking into other followers that might still be involved with him.", "Sharon: The ransom. He wants the money. H-he wants to sell my daughter back to me, like she's some object, like she's some thing.", "Paul: Well, obviously, we'll try and nail him before then. But yes -- the fake money drop is still in the works.", "Sharon: Don't let it get to that point, Paul -- please. Mariah is tough, but that's only because she doesn't trust anyone -- anyone other than Ian. And once she realizes that he doesn't care about her... Mariah's life is about to turn upside down. She's going to be angry, wounded, and terrified. And God knows what he's done to her already.", "Mariah: Marry you? No. Why would you say that? Why would you do this?", "Ian: Mariah, the path has presented itself, and it's our duty to follow it. We've always been family. We -- we shared a past. Now we share a future. Our literal and figurative fortunes are intertwined, and that's as it should be.", "Mariah: Fortunes? Please, please, Ian, I don't... I don't understand.", "Ian: Oh, honey, you don't need to understand. Just trust me.", "Mariah: No, no --", "Ian: It'll all make sense to you in time.", "Mariah: No. No, please. I-I have to get out of here.", "Ian: No, Mariah. You stay. I'm your path. You don't want to disappoint me.", "Victor: What are you doing, baby?", "Austin: Hi! Come on in.", "Kelly: Hello.", "Jack: Hello, there.", "Summer: Hi. Oh, we're so happy you could make it.", "Jack: Oh, we wouldn't have missed this for the world.", "Kelly: Everything looks so pretty.", "Summer: Thank you, Kelly, so much for coming.", "Kelly: Oh, I'm just so glad to be here. Hey, these are for you.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Kelly: Yeah.", "Jack: You're looking good, Austin.", "Austin: Thank you, sir. Summer picked out my clothes.", "Summer: He's joking.", "Kelly: [Laughs]", "Jack: I don't think he is.", "Summer: Okay, he's not. I will admit it.", "Austin: But she didn't dress me. I put on my clothes all by myself, like a big boy.", "Summer: I just wanted -- I just wanted everything to be perfect. You've been so supportive, you know, for us as a couple, I just wanted to do something nice for you. For both of you.", "Jack: This is very kind and very generous, and thank you. We love the idea of spending time with you. In fact, the four of us have lots to talk about.", "Stitch: Hey. Abby, hold up.", "Abby: I'm busy.", "Stitch: I was just wondering how Victoria and the baby are doing.", "Abby: Oh, why don't you go to the hospital yourself and find out? Oh! That's right -- because you've been banned. Too bad.", "Stitch: Thanks for nothing.", "Abby: Um, wait. Although, you did take the high road yesterday when you told Billy about Victoria's condition. Unless you were just using that to your benefit -- a way to get back on Victoria's good side...", "Stitch: [Scoffs] You know, I should've just let you keep walking. Yeah.", "Abby: Wait!", "Nikki: You startled me. I didn't hear you come in.", "Victor: Anything wrong, sweetheart?", "Nikki: Uh, no. Just everything.", "Victor: What do you mean, \"everything\"?", "Nikki: Well, this whole situation with Sharon and Mariah. I mean, that's pretty big, don't you think?", "Victor: I-I thought you'd be gone by now.", "Nikki: This waiting around for news is making me crazy.", "Victor: Did the remembrance ceremony for Katherine, did that upset you? Was that too stressful?", "Nikki: Well, Victor, I miss her every single day. But I am not having an M.S. Flare-up, if that's what you're thinking. Not this time.", "Nick: Dad?", "Victor: Yes, son, we're right in here. Any news about the girl?", "Sharon: No, nothing new. It's just nerve-racking every second she's with that crazy psychopath.", "Nikki: Of course it is. I'm sure the police are doing everything they can.", "Nick: They are, but we need to do more. We need help. So I'm here to ask for your help, dad.", "Mariah: That wasn't just wine that you gave me, was it? You -- you -- you drugged me. What did you give me?", "Ian: Clarence, the water bottle, please. You're just tired. That's all. You have to keep hydrated, honey, all right? The wedding is a -- is a surprise. But so is so much of life.", "Mariah: I need to get out of here. I can't be here. [Stammers] And a wedding? No. You're like my father.", "Ian: I'm not your father, but I am your family -- and your protector.", "Mariah: I loved you, Ian.", "Ian: And I you. And this is just an extension of that.", "Mariah: [Crying] Stop it. You're -- you're acting like a crazy person. You're acting like a lunatic.", "Ian: No, no, no.", "Mariah: It's true -- everything that they said about you. You lied about everything.", "Ian: Sweetheart, faith is ever evolving, all right? You can't see the path all at once. It's too profound, too overwhelming. You only get to see little bits and pieces of it at a time. All right? But every-- everything is going to be fine. You're just at a new level of enlightenment.", "Mariah: What else have you done? Who did you do it to? Nikki Newman is...", "Ian: She's not as strong as you are. She's not the believer that you are. Mariah, this is where we are right now. Come. Take the next step with me.", "Clarence: We should begin.", "Austin: The first thing Summer wanted to do once I was free was introduce me to her mom.", "Jack: You went to the clinic? It's a pretty wild situation to walk in on. I-I think a lot of people would have passed on that.", "Austin: Yeah, but I think we both wanted Phyllis' blessing. And it was weird talking to someone who can't really acknowledge you, but... but then it wasn't. It was actually easy. It was just -- we just talked, you know? I wanted her to know how much I love Summer and that I'll always be there for her -- for the rest of our lives.", "Jack: What every parent wants to hear. Oh, I wish you'd have gotten to know Phyllis before all of this -- the Phyllis that used to be.", "Austin: Yeah, I know. But Summer -- Summer still holds out hope that she'll come back. You know, you hear those stories of people go into comas for however long, and then, out of nowhere, they're back to their regular lives. And Summer prays for that. So now I do, too.", "Jack: I was pretty rough on you, wasn't I?", "Austin: Yeah, well, I can't really blame you for that, sir. I mean, I-I did something very stupid, and I hurt people. And while I can't undo the damage, I can work like hell to repair it.", "Jack: I respect that. You've shown remorse, you've shown great strength of character, and, best of all, you've shown real loyalty to Summer. She needs that. She needs someone to be there for her. She's been through an awful lot in a very short time.", "Austin: I just want to make sure that she never goes through anything else alone.", "Kelly: I am so glad that you had a vase. I can't believe that I forgot that you guys were still setting up house.", "Summer: No, I-I have a ton of vases. I went a little crazy when I was at the store. It's just so much fun when you're moving in together, finding what works for both of you -- stuff that's not too masculine, not too girly.", "Kelly: Living together, it's all about compromise.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Kelly: But you do it when you know that it's right -- for both of you. When a tough day together is better than any day apart.", "Summer: Yeah, that's exactly what it's like.", "Kelly: Thank you so much for involving me, Summer. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me.", "Summer: You're welcome. Kelly, you -- you fought for us, for Austin and me. And Jack would not have been at my wedding if it weren't for you, and I will never forget that. I know sometimes that I don't act like I do, but... I know I can act like a brat.", "Kelly: No.", "Summer: I really shouldn't have made it any harder on you. It's not easy dating a guy that's engaged to someone else. But you guys are both adults. You know, when things get better, when my mom -- I'm just saying that if you can lean on Jack and if Jack can lean on you, then why not enjoy it while it lasts?", "Stitch: Whoa! What the hell was that?", "Abby: It's called a kiss.", "Stitch: Okay, but why me?", "Abby: That's what I wanted to find out -- why my sister was so interested in you.", "Stitch: Or maybe it was to get back at your ex-fiancé.", "Abby: Oh, come on. It's not like you suffered. At kissing, I'm, like, world- class.", "Stitch: Look, don't ever pull something like that on me again, all right?", "Mariah: You put something in the water, didn't you? You drugged me again. Why are you doing this?", "Ian: It's just a little something to help you relax. Embrace the moment.", "Mariah: What moment? None of this is real -- none of it.", "Ian: Oh, it is real, my dear -- as real as anything in this life. Clarence here is vested by the state of Wisconsin to perform legal and binding marriage ceremonies.", "Mariah: I won't. What are you doing? He's -- he's deranged, and you're like his minion.", "Clarence: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?", "Ian: I do.", "Clarence: And do you take this man --", "Mariah: Shut up!", "Ian: What have I taught you, Mariah? You do not diverge from the path. That leads to pain and suffering. So don't diverge. Do not tempt fate.", "Mariah: [Gulps] Okay. I do. I do.", "Clarence: I now pronounce you husband and wife.", "Ian: [Chuckles] You've made me the happiest of men.", "Victor: My team is adding manpower to the search for Clarence. Once they have news, they'll contact you directly, son.", "Nick: Thanks, dad. I mean, the cops are on this, but the more bodies that are on it, the better.", "Sharon: Yes, thank you.", "Victor: When my son needs help, he has it.", "Nikki: I always knew that Ian was sick and twisted, but that he would take your child... I mean, Cassie's sister... I am so sorry, Sharon.", "Sharon: If he hurts my baby, Nikki...", "Nikki: Oh, my God.", "Nick: He's not gonna get the chance. Come on. We got to go. Dad, thank you.", "Victor: Okay, son.", "Nick: We'll keep you posted.", "Nikki: Please do. [Sighs]", "Victor: Felt kind of strange when you hugged Sharon.", "Nikki: Why?", "Victor: There's still a lot of damage she can do to our son.", "Nikki: That woman had her child stolen from her years ago and taken God knows where last night. And that Ian ward is a plague on this family. And now his disease is a part of us. And it will never go away -- not for me, not for Sharon. I mean, how much more can a woman take without breaking into a million pieces and never being whole again?", "Victor: You're talking about yourself or Sharon?", "Nick: Paul said he'd give us a heads-up when the money drop happens. What are they waiting for?", "Sharon: There should be two of them in this photo -- Cassie and Mariah. What if, when grace went to find Cassie that Mariah was there with her? What if they had grown up together? My two girls. You know how you hear about twins and they speak their own private language -- h-how they ache when the other one isn't there? What if they were aching because the other wasn't with them and they didn't know why?", "Nick: Please don't do this. Don't do this.", "Sharon: Cassie wouldn't have gone to the party that night. She wouldn't have tried to drive Daniel home. My daughters, what if they...", "Nick: Sharon, nothing that happens today will change what happened back then. But today, we can get your daughter back.", "Sharon: Ian ward is a leech. And he stole years away from my life and Mariah's, and I want him to suffer. I want my daughter back in my life. I want her safe. And then I want that son of a bitch to suffer!", "Victor: Baby, I'm asking because I'm concerned.", "Nikki: Yes, I know you're concerned about me. And to hell with Sharon, right? I mean, you taunted her with her own child's look-alike, and you went to see her psychiatrist?", "Victor: So what if I talked to her doctor in passing?", "Nikki: You didn't even care about the effect it would have on Nicholas.", "Victor: Sweetheart, he asked me for help. Once he asks for help, everything is forgotten.", "Nikki: You think he asked you because you're his father? That is not the reason why. He asked you because you're Victor Newman and he cares about Sharon and her child.", "Victor: Since when do you give a damn about how Sharon feels?", "Nikki: Well, I do now. When somebody asks for professional help, they are announcing that they are vulnerable, they need help.", "Victor: Look, she has a lot of power to hurt our son.", "Nikki: Oh, that damn secret again. Who cares?", "Victor: What do you mean, \"that damn secret\"? You know that she said that secret could destroy our boy!", "Nikki: How do we even know that she knew what she was talking about? She was off her meds, she was on the brink of a breakdown. You pushed her over the edge, Victor, and you've got to leave her alone.", "Victor: Are you suddenly in favor of our son being with Sharon? What's the matter with you? Have you forgotten what she has done? She burned down this damn ranch!", "Nikki: Victor, I don't want to fight with you. I am in favor of our family coming together -- for once. And we need to do that for each other. We need to help each other.", "Victor: Okay. I'm sorry.", "Nikki: I'm sorry.", "Victor: I'm just tired of always being the bad guy in this family, okay?", "Nikki: No. No, no.", "Victor: I've always helped you. I've helped all of you -- helped my children, my grandchildren, everyone.", "Nikki: I know, baby.", "Victor: Okay? We'll get through this. We'll be the better for it. We always are.", "Nikki: [Inhales deeply] And now, unfortunately, I am late for my appointment. So I have to go. But, um... if you hear any news, you'll please call me?", "Victor: I love you, okay?", "Nikki: I do love you.", "Victor: Okay. You drive carefully.", "Nikki: I will.", "Victor: Okay. [Sighs] Bye, baby.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victor: [Sighs] Hi, Dr. Cutler. I assume you're calling me because there's progress with the patient?", "Dr. Cutler: She's showing remarkable brain activity.", "Victor: Well, that's excellent news. So, when do you think Phyllis will come out of her coma?", "Summer: Look at us. We're all four sitting here, having lunch together. I'm really proud.", "Jack: We've all been through quite a lot. This hasn't been an easy year for any of us.", "Summer: That's an understatement.", "Jack: Well, there were good times. But the bad times were... pretty disastrous.", "Summer: Yeah, well, the good times weren't just good. They were great. I mean, I got a new husband and I got a new dad.", "Jack: And I got a new daughter. And someone in my life that means the world to me.", "Summer: That's why I invited Kelly.", "Jack: What do you mean?", "Summer: Is there something that you're trying to tell me?", "Jack: Actually, there is. Kelly and I have decided to move forward together. I've asked her to move in with me. We thought you should know before anyone else did. I care about your feelings. We both do. And I thought if we could all work through this together...", "Summer: I took Austin to see mom so she could meet my husband. And on your last trip... did you tell mom about Kelly?", "Jack: I --", "Summer: Were you saying goodbye?", "Jack: I was as honest with your mom as perhaps I have ever been. And yes, I had to tell her about everything -- whether she could hear me or not.", "Summer: I think that she heard Austin, and I definitely think that she heard you.", "Jack: I know this isn't easy. For any of us. But if you try and understand, if you try to accept this...", "Summer: You accepted my husband, so, um... I have to.", "Jack: Summer --", "Austin: I got her. I got her.", "Kelly: [Sighs]", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Abby: Hi.", "Tyler: So, I guess congratulations are in order. Good luck with your new boyfriend, the murderer. Hey, look, wait. I'm -- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. What you do with your life, that's -- that's your business.", "Abby: And your life is none of my business, but I'm still gonna ask -- you heard Mariah's missing?", "Tyler: Yeah, chief Williams, he questioned me. He was hoping I'd be able to track her and that scum ward down.", "Abby: Wow. You're really worried about her.", "Tyler: That doesn't mean that I'm in love with her.", "Abby: You know, for the first time, I actually believe that. But, hey, I guess it doesn't matter now, though, right? I mean, bottom line, you and I, we are just not meant for each other, are we?", "Tyler: That stitch guy -- he is?", "Abby: Actually, we can't even really stand each other. But, um, I just kissed him to try and get a rise out of you. And it worked.", "Tyler: [Chuckles]", "Abby: [Laughs]", "Tyler: You and I aren't exactly gonna come out of this best friends, are we?", "Abby: Probably not.", "Tyler: Still, I hope you end up happy. Only this time, pick someone who knows exactly what he's signing up for.", "[Both laugh]", "Melinda: My name is Melinda, and I'm an alcoholic. 10 years sober, and every day is as hard as the first. Without my family, I-I don't think I'd make it. I got my 30-day chip. My five-year chip. But then the glass was in my hand, and... now I never want to let it go.", "Nikki: I'm Nikki. I'm an alcoholic. [Sighs] And I had a drink yesterday. Two drinks, actually. Went from zero to two just like that. Hadn't had any since, um, Christmas Eve 2011. Isn't it funny how you can remember the exact time, the precise moment when the only thing that mattered in the world was that drink? But yesterday was a very stressful day. Today is a new day. As they say, one day at a time. And I didn't drink today. I won't drink today. [Sighs] I came to a meeting instead. And I listened to all of your stories. You listened to mine. One day at a time. I will not drink today.", "Ian: That's right. We have to make it perfectly legal, with the license.", "Mariah: [Groans]", "Ian: I know, my dear. I know. I am happy, too. Hm. Clarence, you stay here with my bride. There's somewhere I need to be.", "Sharon: We should have heard something by now. Have you talked to Paul or detective Harding?", "Nick: Paul said they would call when they have news. That part of the situation is out of our hands now. They're gonna make the drop and then try and grab Ian.", "Sharon: So, what part of the situation is under our control? I-I don't like it when I feel like I don't have control over anything.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: It's dad's security guy. What'd you find out?", "Stitch: Hey. My regular, please.", "Abby: Took you long enough to get here.", "Stitch: How did you know --", "Abby: Oh, you do the same thing every day -- gym, run, caffeine. I learned your routine when I was trying to fix you up with my mom.", "Stitch: Ah. I have a stalker. A world-class stalker. So...", "Abby: Relax. I just have a message for you. Victoria is home from the hospital. She and baby are both okay.", "Stitch: Ohh. Thank God. T-that's -- that's great. And... thank you for relaying her message.", "Abby: Oh, it's not from Victoria. It's from Billy. Consider it a return favor for telling him that Victoria was in the hospital. So now you're even.", "Summer: I'm sorry. That was impolite and immature. Uh, I have strawberries for dessert.", "Jack: Sweetheart, as wonderful as that sounds, I think Kelly and I are gonna give the two of you a little time on your own.", "Kelly: We really appreciate it, though. It sounds lovely. And your home is so beautiful. I can see the love that you both put into it.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Jack: I'll call you soon, okay?", "Austin: Bye.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I have to go out of town on business, so I'll call when I can, okay? I love you. Please take care.", "Melinda: Once you open the cage, it's tough to shove the beast back in. You have a sponsor, kid?", "Nikki: Oh. Uh... I-I used to have a wonderful friend who -- she'd, uh, talk sense into me when I needed it. She's gone now.", "Melinda: Other friends? Family?", "Nikki: Oh, yes. I have wonderful people in my life. But their plates are so full. I don't want to worry them with this slip. It'll just whip them into a frenzy for no good reason. This is -- this was just a one-time thing, you know? I mean, I'm here. I've got a handle on it.", "Paul: All right, here you go. In your head, treat this like real cash. Someone's life could be on the line. In fact, someone's life is on the line. It's okay to be nervous. Like a mother who would do anything to save her kid, right? Not a cop eager to make a bust.", "Courtney: I'm ready, chief. I got this.", "Paul: I know you do. Or I wouldn't be sending you out there.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Paul: Yeah, nick. What's up?", "Nick: I consulted some other resources. There's no word on the whereabouts of Clarence, but we did find out that he has a rented storage unit under his name in town.", "Paul: That means he's renting it for Ian. All right, what's the address of the storage facility?", "Nick: It's on Delancy Street, near the industrial park. Unit 187, according to the records.", "Paul: Okay. Good work. We'll check it out. And we'll keep you posted on the drop, too. All right, Harding. Get some men, check out that storage unit. Have them e-mail you a warrant on the way over there.", "Harding: Good luck, Sloane.", "Paul: And you -- you got to move out. Ian's gonna be ready for the drop.", "Sharon: Where are you going?", "Nick: I'm going to the storage unit. I need to see for myself what's going on.", "Sharon: You can't!", "Nick: I can't just sit here and do nothing. I don't need a warrant.", "Sharon: No, I mean you can't go without me.", "Nick: No, you can't do that. You're supposed to be making the drop. You can't be running around town.", "Sharon: If Ian's at the park waiting for the money, then that means he's not at the storage unit. And if that's where he's hidden my daughter, then that's where I need to be.", "Nick: I don't like it. I don't know what I'm gonna find there.", "Sharon: Well, I don't care if you don't like it! I'm going with you! Come on!", "Nick: All right, come on.", "Sharon: Oh, my baby.", "Clarence: Hey, hey, hey, this is private property. You're trespassing.", "Nick: You want to add assault to that?", "Sharon: Can you hear me? What have you done to my daughter?!", "Clarence: Oh, she's merely... tired.", "Sharon: Mariah, it's gonna be okay.", "Harding: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Newman, put down the crowbar. We got this.", "Nick: Ward's not here.", "Harding: He's gonna be at the park to get his money. We'll get him.", "Clarence: He's gonna hurt me.", "Harding: Put it down!", "Nick: Yeah, where is ward, huh? Where is he?", "[Doorbell rings]", "Ian: Hello, Nicole.", "Summer: Guess it wasn't true. Jack saying that he'd never give up on my mom.", "Austin: Doesn't mean that he gave up.", "Summer: He asked Kelly to move in with him.", "Austin: People fall in love, and they don't plan on it.", "Summer: Whatever he feels for Kelly, it's -- it's not like what he feels for my mom. You didn't -- you didn't know them. You didn't see them together. I remember the way that he looked at her even when it was just \"uncle Jack,\" when they weren't together. He looked at her like she was this crazy, amazing woman that he was just glad to be in the same room with. Jack would not be with Kelly if he thought that my mom could get better. And if he asked Kelly to move in, then he may have given up hope. I'm not going to, though. My mom is going to wake up. She is. And I'm gonna be waiting for her. Whether Jack is or not.", "Jack: I expected her to be upset, angry. But, God, the look on her face. [Slams keys]", "Kelly: Well, listen, it's -- it's hard to let go of a dream. She wanted her parents to be together. I mean, that's what all kids want, right?", "Jack: I let her down. I gave her hope, and I took it away.", "Kelly: Only in part, okay? She has her own hope. She thinks that Phyllis is coming back.", "Jack: But is it right to let her have that? I don't know. I mean, is it okay for her to cling to something that isn't going to happen?", "Kelly: Jack, she has her own hope. All you can do is be there for her. Be her father. Prove to her that you're not going anywhere. No matter what happens between you and I, nothing will change what you and Summer are to each other.", "Victor: [Sighs] My goodness. I haven't looked at you for so long. This is Victor Newman. You're being treated by dr. Cutler. And he has developed a treatment that brings patients out of their comas. The success rate is over 90%. And he's trying it on you. And he told me that there's some brain activity that indicates that you may be coming out of your coma now. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I'm sure I'm not the first one that you would like to see, but... there's something very important that I need to speak to you about. You know about a secret. Only you know about it. And I would like you to talk to me about it. Because it would help a lot of people if we knew what it was. So if you don't mind me, I would like to talk to you. Maybe you'll wake up now. Phyllis?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: I am your mother.", "Dylan: Your ex-husband.", "Avery: Why do you say it like that?", "Dylan: It's kind of weird.", "Avery: Really? I thought it was thoughtful.", "Nikki: What do you want?", "Ian: You and I, we still have unfinished business." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "After Travis tells Victoria that he will stay in Genoa City, they decide to give a serious relationship a try, but Billy acts a little jealous. Phyllis finally tells Billy that Jill knows about their affair and threatened to tell Jack about it if they didn't end the it. Luca is arrested after holding Summer hostage and admitting that he was responsible for the oil spills that damaged Newman Enterprises. Daniel tells Mariah about the night Cassie died and then they have a nice conversation about Kevin. Adam, Chelsea, and Connor are reunited with help from Victor and Nikki, but Dylan is determined to find them.", "" ]
[ "[Door opens]", "Nick: Dad.", "Victor: My goodness. Welcome home, son.", "Joshua Morrow (Nick): Getting this job was life-changing. It's really been a dream come true.", "Victoria: What on earth are you doing here?", "Jack: Well, invite me in and I'll tell you.", "Amelia Heinle (Victoria): I knew that the Newman family was like the biggest family in the soap world.", "Victoria: What are you doing here?", "Nick: Do you really think I was gonna let you go through this alone? You look beautiful.", "Morrow: The thing I love most about playing nick Newman is that he's a character that I would be friends with.", "Nick: Just make sure this company is run exactly the way it should be and you continue to be the amazing mother you always have been.", "Victoria: I think that is the nicest possible way of rejecting my offer.", "Nick: [Chuckles]", "Heinle: I like the relationship that she has with her family. I love the show's family dynamics.", "Victoria: One, two, three. Yay!", "Morrow: I obviously love being a part of the Newman clan. You get to work with Eric and Mel and Amelia. Any chance I get to use my athleticism, I just love doing. My arch rival, matt Clark, and I would have this huge fight in the coffee house.", "Nick: Punk.", "Matt: Nobody calls me that.", "Morrow: I just couldn't wait to do it, and we just went at it. Who says, \"you get to destroy this set. Go ahead\"? We're like, \"all right. Let's go.\" We held nothing back.", "Matt: You want some more, Newman? Come here! Is that enough? Come here, boy!", "Nick: Yeah!", "Heinle: My favorite moment on \"y&r;\" -- [Chuckles] So long ago. I was the art historian. They had me pull down these huge glasses, and my eyes looked, like, this big in it, and somehow, I knew how to put this reliquary -- make an exact replica of it. We have a lot of fun on set, probably way too much fun. Do you want to do an Irish jig?", "[Laughter]", "Victor: How could you fall for a lose like that?!", "Heinle: [Laughs]", "Braeden: [Laughs]", "Both: [Vocalizing]", "Morrow: Oh, you went high. You went really high.", "[Laughter]", "Bergman: They said, \"cut.\"", "Morrow: Oh, oh. I was still in character.", "[Barking]", "Both: [Vocalizing]", "Heinle: 11,000 episodes. Wow. It's amazing. It's great! I love it!", "Morrow: Thank you so much for bringing us into your house every single day.", "Heinle: And being a part of the legacy that it is.", "Morrow: Just, honestly, the greatest thing that ever happened to me.", "Heinle: Thank you for watching.", "Morrow: Now here comes another one.", "Heinle: Enjoy the show! Mwah!", "Chelsea: Until Nikki showed up with this phone, I wasn't sure if... [Sighs] I was so scared. I'm still scared.", "Adam: Well, I will always be okay. And I will always come back for you. Baby, you got to know that by now, right?", "Chelsea: I should know that by now, shouldn't I?", "Adam: How's Connor doing?", "Chelsea: See for yourself.", "Adam: Wow, he's perfect. And soon we'll all be together, okay?", "Chelsea: I just don't understand. I mean, h-how did all of this happen?", "Adam: Plenty of time to explain later. But for now, we just have to follow Victor's instructions.", "Chelsea: Victor?", "Adam: I know it seems risky.", "Chelsea: Oh, Adam, I don't trust him.", "Adam: Yeah, I know. We really don't have a choice, though. Our only chance at a future together is my father keeping his word, so right now we have to trust him.", "Dylan: Sweep the house and the grounds. Don't forget the barns, the maintenance sheds, and any building. Look for any trace of the escape, okay? Thank you. Go.", "Victor: What the hell do you think you're doing? This is harassment. This is an invasion of privacy. What do you think your mother thinks of about all -- this is her home, as well. You have no worries about her feelings?", "Dylan: 10 seconds ago, you were too sick to talk to me, and now you won't stop. So which is it, Victor?", "Victor: Listen to me. I want to ask you which it is. You accused me of putting my son into prison. Then you accuse me of helping him break out. Which is it?", "Chloe: You know, what -- what if Adam shows up here? It could be dangerous. I-I need to get Bella out of here. It's not safe for us.", "Kevin: Dylan said nobody in or out.", "Chloe: Okay, and Adam really cares what Dylan says.", "Kevin: Nothing is gonna happen. Bella is safe, and so are you.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "Nikki: Kevin is right. Adam is long gone. He's not gonna be coming here. You and your baby are safe.", "Kevin: can you be so sure about that?", "[Knock on door]", "Travis: Ignore it.", "Victoria: Ignore what? Oh. Billy has a key.", "Travis: What?", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Take it easy. You don't know anything about Daniel. You don't know anything about the accident that killed Cassie, because that's exactly what it was -- a horrible and tragic accident.", "Daniel: Mom, it's okay. Mariah's right. It's my fault your sister's dead.", "Jack: What did I just walk in on?", "Luca: Oh, nothing. Just a little pre-wedding nerves. That's it. Summer and I just need a chance to talk alone.", "Jack: I want to hear from summer. You okay? I just heard shouting.", "Luca: Oh, come on. Give her a break, Jack. She doesn't need you badgering her, not after that disaster of a party. Look, she has enough of her family already turned against us, all right?", "Summer: They didn't turn against us, Luca. They turned against you.", "Luca: Look, summer, they've gotten into your head again, all right? We've worked through everything else, okay? We can work through this. Please. Let's just go talk alone, all right?", "Summer: Call the police now, Jack.", "Luca: Put down the phone. I don't want to hurt her.", "Adam: Okay, hon, just stay quiet. Move quickly. Everything will be all right.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] There are a million things that could go wrong.", "Adam: They won't.", "Chelsea: Adam, there are cameras all over the street.", "Adam: I know. They'll be turned off.", "Chelsea: Because Victor said so and you actually believe him? That's enough for you?", "Adam: It'll have to be. Chelsea, he apologized to me. He admitted everything that he did. Like I said, I don't know what the hell's going on right now, but right now we don't have a choice but to trust him.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, I-I guess Nikki wouldn't be helping Victor if she thought he was gonna pull the rug out from under us, right? I mean, she's here right now. She's downstairs. She's the person who gave me the phone. Plus I suppose this whole thing puts Victor at risk, too, so...", "Adam: It's really happening. We're gonna be together, okay? If you're having any second thoughts at all...", "Chelsea: No, no. Of course. I'm sure.", "Adam: Okay. Do you need me to go over the directions again for you?", "Chelsea: No, I got it. I actually should go. I've been up here too long. Adam. I love you.", "Adam: I love you, too. I'll see you soon. Goodbye.", "Chelsea: No. No goodbyes. No more goodbyes. I will see you soon. And then no more goodbyes ever, ever again.", "Nikki: Well, I know because Adam is a very clever person, and he thinks ahead. And if he truly does want to be free, I know he has already made arrangements to leave the country. Chelsea? How's everything?", "Chelsea: You know, I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine. I'm terrified. But, um, I'm feeling better.", "Chloe: Yeah, you do seem calmer.", "Chelsea: Oh, well, you know, I was just upstairs. Connor was sleeping, and I was just watching him sleep, and it was really sweet. So it's just, uh, looking at him reminds me that Adam will always be with us, you know? In our hearts, I mean, no matter what.", "Nikki: Of course. All right, um, I'm gonna take off. I will be praying for you and Adam and Connor. You will get through this.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Chloe: Uh, Nikki? Um... your phone. Do you need it? You know, the one that Connor was playing with?", "Victoria: What are you doing here, Billy? Is it the kids?", "Billy: Kids are fine. They're with grandma Jill.", "Travis: So what's the big emergency then? Why you letting yourself in a house you don't live in?", "Billy: I didn't have a choice. I had to come.", "Travis: For what?", "Billy: Well, if you must know, Travis, Johnny forgot his book. It's a new edition of \"bumpy the camel.\" It's a real page-turner. You'd probably love it.", "Victoria: That's why you let yourself in? For a book?", "Billy: Yeah. Whatever Johnny wants, Johnny gets. So, Travis, did you sail all the way from Mexico to Wisconsin? That's got to be tricky.", "Victoria: Oh, my goodness.", "Billy: How long are you here for?", "Victoria: That's none of your business, Billy.", "Billy: No, it is my business if it involves my children. If he's here to convince you to take Johnny and Katie, go out on the open ocean without me knowing about it, that's most definitely my business. Is that why you're here, skipper?", "Travis: Actually, no. I'm back here for good.", "Summer: [Gasps] Don't do this, Luca. Please. Just let me go.", "Luca: Toss me the cell phone, Jack.", "Jack: Let go of summer first. This is between you and me now.", "Luca: No, no, no. Toss me the phone and get away from the door. Summer and I are leaving.", "Jack: You want me to just drop it on the ground? You want me to toss it to you?", "Luca: Come on. Stop stalling.", "Jack: I just want to give you what you want.", "Luca: Just give me the damn phone! [Breathing heavily]", "[Cell phone thuds]", "Jack: Why, Luca? Why? Because you sabotaged the oil tanks?", "Summer: Yes, he admitted it, Jack. He did it. Luca, please, okay, you come from a powerful family. You do not need me. You do not need the Newmans. Just go home, Luca, please.", "Luca: Really? That's it? We're done, huh?! All those promises and all those words of love, and now it's just, \"go home, Luca\"?! [Breathing heavily] God, you're supposed to be loyal to me, damn it. Not them, not your family. [Breathing heavily] Why'd you let them come between us?", "Victor: So, a bunch of incompetent cops lost my son. That's my fault?", "Nick: Dad, be honest with me. Did you take the law into your own hands and help Adam escape?", "Victor: Son, you know damn well that he has eluded the cops before. He has eluded us before.", "Nick: Yeah, well, a plan like this requires a lot of money, lot of connections, some imagination.", "Victor: Think this through. If Adam were to abscond with my grandson, do you think I would allow that?", "Dylan: Hey. What's the update?", "Victor: He has found nothing. There's nothing to find.", "Dylan: You know what? Form a perimeter with the others and put everybody on high alert. Thank you.", "Victor: You found nothing, right? But you know something? Make sure he takes a look under every mound of horse manure. Maybe Adam is hiding there.", "Dylan: You're a pro, Victor. You arranged the phony guards, the prison van, every detail of Adam's escape, just like you took care of all the details to have him framed, and I'm gonna get it all.", "Victor: I'm going up, okay?", "Dylan: I can't let you do that. Can't let you slip away and put", "Victor: What'd you say?", "Dylan: Well, you have two choices. You can stay down here or I can take you down to the station. What's it gonna be?", "Victor: Any good coffee down there?", "Nikki: Oh, no. No, my phone is right here. All right. You give me a call in the morning, let me know if you need anything. I know you're terrified. Stay strong.", "Chelsea: I will. Thank you. Connor and I appreciate everything.", "Nikki: All right. I'll check in on you. Hmm. Everything will be okay.", "Chelsea: Thank you. [Sighs]", "Chloe: You need some tea or food?", "Kevin: I could do a crimson lights run.", "Chelsea: Oh, no, you guys are the best. Um, no, I'm good. I'm pretty beat, so I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and snuggle with Connor and try to get some sleep.", "Chloe: Yeah, works for Bella and me.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I knew you'd understand. I'm really glad you're here. I don't think I realized how much I missed you until you showed up at my door.", "Chloe: Well, I missed you, too. I'm not going anywhere. Let me know if you need anything.", "Chelsea: I will.", "Luca: I said move!", "Jack: Luca, tomorrow was supposed to be your wedding day. Now you're using your bride as a bargaining chip?", "Summer: Luca, I know that you love me, okay? [Voice breaking] Because I did. I loved you. Is this because of your family? The expectations of you? Do you think that because you do something wrong, you can't undo it? That is not true. Luca, I know that deep down inside of you, you are a good, caring person. And that person is real.", "Jack: Summer's right. Look, even if you get out of this building, even if the police don't catch you, Victor is involved. He is no friend of mine, but trust me, you hurt his granddaughter, there is no turning back.", "Summer: Luca, Luca, I know you don't want to hurt me, right? Please. Please.", "Luca: I'm sorry.", "Victoria: You're staying in Genoa city for good?", "Billy: Wow. You didn't know? You two need to work on your communication.", "Victoria: You know what? I'll go get Johnny's book. And you can just wait outside. I'll bring it to you out there if you like.", "Billy: I'm fine here.", "Victoria: Okay, good. I'll be right back.", "Billy: So why the big decision to stay landlocked, Travis? You get seasick? Did you run out of money? Let me guess. You came here for a job or -- or just a sugar mama?", "Travis: [Chuckles] Makes you crazy to see me here, doesn't it, knowing I'm not gonna make the same mistakes you made?", "Billy: Which ones specifically? Because I have them in alphabetical order.", "Travis: Come on, Billy. Why don't you just admit it? You didn't come back here for a book. You came back here for Victoria.", "Phyllis: No. Just because she looks like Cassie does not mean that you are gonna go down this guilt hole again. The accident was not your fault, and I know you know that.", "Daniel: Cassie was just a kid. I-I look at you and...", "Mariah: I'm not Cassie.", "Phyllis: That is obvious. And Cassie would not blame you for her death, so I'm not gonna let her beat you up for something that she does not understand.", "Daniel: She's right. You don't understand. So I'll tell you myself.", "Phyllis: That's not what I meant.", "Mariah: Go on.", "Daniel: Cassie was a good kid. She was smart, she was sweet, but she wanted to be older and cooler, you know?", "Mariah: She had a crush on you, didn't she?", "Daniel: You know, the night that, um, the night that it happened, I was drunk. That was definitely my fault, and Cassie -- Cassie was just being Cassie. She wanted to help me. So she decided to drive me home, only something happened.", "Phyllis: That's why they call it an accident. It was her decision to get behind the wheel.", "Daniel: Yeah, for my sake. And everything that happened after that was my fault.", "Phyllis: No! No, it's not. Do you want to hear the rest? Do you want to hear how guilty this made Daniel feel? How he thought this whole thing was his fault and how it almost destroyed our entire family?", "Daniel: Okay, Mom? Mariah and I, we're -- we're gonna talk privately now.", "Phyllis: You keep your claws in.", "Daniel: [Sighs]", "Mariah: Are you sure that you want to do this? Because your mom is right. I'm not Cassie. If ever there was an evil twin, you're looking at her.", "Billy: Really? You think that's why I came back? To declare myself to Victoria while my mom watches our children?", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: I think maybe you've been swimming with sharks too long. You feel a threat where there isn't one.", "Travis: Oh, I never said you were a threat, Billy.", "Billy: Wow, you're quick, Travis.", "Travis: Thing is, you won't get Victoria back.", "Billy: Because of you?", "Travis: Because of you.", "Victoria: Okay, good. No blood. That's reassuring. I couldn't find the \"bumpy the camel\" book, so just tell Johnny I'm sorry.", "Billy: Not a big deal. Probably time to move on to something new anyways. As you were.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Victoria: I'm really sorry about Billy barging in like that. Old habits, you know. But he's gone. And I'm here and you're here. And I missed you.", "Travis: Victoria. Do you honestly want to give us a shot, or is your ex always gonna find a way back in?", "Victor: You know, Dylan, you and I really aren't that different. You're a father to a boy. One day he'll grow up. He'll make mistakes. And the question is how far will you go to protect your own son out of love, right?", "Dylan: So you admit you helped Adam escape?", "Victor: Do you remember the day that you absconded with Connor, huh? You broke many a law, didn't you, out of love?", "Dylan: So you want to confess without confessing, that's fine. Just tell me where Adam is.", "Victor: You're not listening to me.", "Dylan: No, you and I are not the same for a bunch of reasons. The main one -- I would never put my son in the position you put yours.", "Victor: You think you're that different? Time will tell.", "Chelsea: Oh, where's your arm? [Gasps] There it is! That's my good boy! [Sighs] I'm going to hold you, and I am never gonna let you go. We're gonna go start our new life with daddy, okay? And it's gonna work out this time. It has to. Come here, baby.", "Kevin: Hey, I checked with the guys outside. The perimeter is secure.", "Chloe: Okay, they have cops everywhere? Everywhere?", "Kevin: Nobody can get in. I promise you.", "Chloe: No one can get in.", "Kevin: What?", "Chloe: Never mind. [Sighs] This is the worst. I mean, Chelsea -- she seemed weird to you, right?", "Kevin: Her husband is about to skip the country, and if he's caught, well, it's not the most reassuring scenario.", "Chloe: There's no way that she can sleep through this. I'm gonna go check on her.", "Chloe: Hi, I'm just making sure you guys -- you guys okay? Are you already asleep? Chelsea. Chel--", "Kevin: We keep telling Chloe that Adam's not gonna show up here, but he's not exactly predictable. I --", "Chloe: They're gone! Chelsea and Connor, they're gone! [Sighing]", "Daniel: I'm sorry that you never got a chance to meet your sister. Truth is, if I hadn't put her in a position to drive me that night...", "Mariah: Thank you.", "Daniel: ...The two of you might be together now.", "Mariah: Oh, no. That's definitely not on you. From the second that Cassie and I were born, stuff had happened that you had nothing to do with.", "Daniel: Yeah, I've heard.", "Mariah: It's a messy story, right?", "Daniel: It's kind of par for the course for this place.", "Mariah: [Laughs] That's very true. Very true. But now I live with my mother, my little brother and sister. People tell me that's what's called a family. It's a crazy concept. I'm getting used to it. And every day I learn more about Cassie, how different we are. I'm glad that she had the happiness that she did. I just wish it would have lasted longer.", "Daniel: Yeah, but you have a family and you have friends. In fact, um, you stole my best friend, one Mr. Kevin fisher.", "Mariah: [Chuckles]", "Daniel: He talks about you a lot.", "Mariah: Yeah. Let me guess. Uh, awkward sex and jealous flower theft.", "Daniel: [Laughs] No. [Laughing] No! Wow. Um, no, I did not see that coming. I am definitely gonna have to ask him about that.", "Mariah: Ohhh, my God. That wasn't embarrassing at all. Not at all. Did he also tell you that I say stuff without thinking?", "Daniel: Now, that -- that he did mention. And the truth is, I don't think the guy could function without you on his side.", "Mariah: Oh, he'd survive. Haven't you heard? Chloe is back in town. That's the only person that Kevin needs.", "Nick: What happened? What'd he do?", "Jack: Nick, nick, calm down and listen.", "Summer: Dad, it's not --", "Nick: What'd you do to her, huh?", "Luca: Go ahead. Punch me in the face with a cop standing beside me.", "Summer: Dad, okay, just ignore him. Just let the officers take him out of here.", "Luca: I did love you, summer. That was real.", "Nick: Someone tell me. What did he do? Sweetheart, talk to me. What's going on?", "Summer: [Sobbing] Luca was what you said he was. He finally admitted everything.", "Jack: He admitted he was behind the oil spills. Summer tried to talk him into turning himself in. Once he was backed into a corner, he snapped.", "Nick: Did he hurt you?", "Summer: No, he didn't have a chance to. When Jack came in, Luca backed down.", "Jack: She was so strong, so brave. You would have been so proud.", "Nick: She shouldn't have to be brave!", "Summer: No, so many of you guys tried to warn me. I didn't want to listen. I did this to myself.", "Nick: No, no, no. Hey. This is not your fault. He did this.", "Jack: Summer. I have to call your mom. Phyllis needs to know about this.", "Summer: No, Jack, she's gonna freak out. Please.", "Jack: Oh, believe me. She's gonna want his head on a platter.", "[Pushing button repeatedly]", "Phyllis: Next time I will take the stairs.", "Billy: You do that. Why you working so late?", "Phyllis: I had to clear my work schedule. I have a wedding to attend. Despite the fact that Victoria's sailor boy announced that Luca is indeed a slime, my daughter has decided to stand by her man.", "Billy: Yeah, Travis couldn't save the day. He still got his reward from Victoria. That was a fun moment to walk in on.", "Phyllis: Wow. You got veins popping out of your head. Very jealous. You were so territorial. So I guess when you and I were together, I wasn't the only one cheating.", "[Elevator doors open]", "Daniel: I know all about Kevin and Chloe, but they've been over for a long time. Chloe made that very clear. Can't change the past.", "Mariah: Yeah, but Kevin doesn't have the best instincts when it comes to Chloe.", "Daniel: [Sighs] He'll figure it out. She's not exactly subtle.", "Mariah: I don't know. It's not that I don't want them together.", "Daniel: It's just that you don't want them together?", "Mariah: [Chuckles] Chloe hurt Kevin multiple times, and that makes me mad. Like, \"boot her out of Genoa city\" mad. But I don't know. Now that I'm saying that out loud, it sounds jealous and petty.", "Daniel: Or it sounds like someone that really cares. You know, you could say that you're nothing like Cassie, but I can see the resemblance. And it's not just your face.", "Mariah: Please don't say it's my heart.", "Daniel: Okay, I won't. But only because you just did.", "Billy: What was that?", "Phyllis: Go away.", "Billy: Are you somehow implying that I cheated on Victoria with you, Phyllis? Vicki and I are divorced.", "Phyllis: You know what? A piece of paper is a piece of paper. A divorce means nothing. I risked everything for you. And why did I do that? Why? Because you told me you love me. And I fell for it, like some lovesick teenager, because I needed to rationalize why I did something so crazy and so stupid. \"Because he loved me.\"", "Billy: I meant what I said to you.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on! I was your consolation prize! I was your glorified Bethany. I was nothing more than a distraction from the truth -- that you are still in love with Victoria.", "Victoria: Billy and I have tried, Travis. We have -- over and over again. And we failed. And that's the reality of it, you know? And we have kids and history, and we'll always be connected. But not by love. Not anymore.", "Travis: Would Billy agree with you on that?", "Victoria: Well, I can't really worry about what Billy wants. I'm sure he's just in between women and he just had some extra time on his hands.", "Travis: Yeah, enough time to come in here and look at you like you two belong together, like no one's ever gonna get between that.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, something always came between us. And I'm done. I really am. So, I think it's time for me to say goodbye to something that I know is never really gonna... be a reality. It's never gonna work. And maybe take a chance on something new. I know you're not making me any guarantees, and I'm not giving you any, either, but... I'd really like to try for something real with you. Would you like that, too?", "Travis: I'm not taking any chances.", "[Door bolt locks]", "Victoria: Oh, yes. That's an excellent idea. Uh... oh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Even better.", "Travis: Want to hear my best idea yet?", "Victoria: Yeah. I can't wait. [Laughs]", "Dylan: Martin, thank you. You can report back to your post.", "Victor: Listen to me. This is your mother's home. You treat her like a criminal?", "Nikki: Yes, and it's not really very pleasant.", "Dylan: That's it? That's your only reaction?", "Nikki: I'm sure Victor reacted enough for both of us.", "Victor: Your son is interested in bandying about with accusations, not in finding facts.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Dylan: Yeah. McAvoy. Go ahead. [Sighs] Okay. Uh, put out an APB and -- and an Amber Alert.", "Nikki: What? Something's happened to a child?", "Dylan: Yeah, Chelsea took Connor and ran.", "Nikki: [Gasps]", "Victor: She took my grandson?", "Dylan: Yeah, is this part of the plan? To reunite the family? Because my guy just said that you were at Chelsea's, and now this. Nikki, please tell me that you had nothing to do with this.", "Nikki: My God! I was over there to check on Chelsea!", "Dylan: Did you help Chelsea sneak off?", "Nikki: And how would I do that? There were officers all over her apartment. What'd I do? Spike their coffee?", "Dylan: I wouldn't put anything past either one of you.", "Victor: Watch it, son.", "Nikki: I cannot believe that you are speaking to me this way. Is this really how you feel about me? I want to know.", "Dylan: [Scoffs] Unbelievable. You guys -- you guys are stalling. You kept me here all night so I couldn't look for Adam and Chelsea.", "Victor: Didn't I tell you?", "Dylan: Victor, I'm trying to help your family! I'm trying to get Adam and -- and Chelsea home safely! Why can't you see that?", "Victor: Good night, detective. Good luck finding Adam.", "[Door opens]", "[Door unlocks]", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: Adam.", "Adam: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Adam: How are you guys?", "Chelsea: Oh, my God. Hi.", "Adam: Come here, buddy. Come here. How are you? Look at you. I want to hold you guys.", "Chelsea: Oh, my God.", "Adam: You made it, huh? You made it. And now we're never gonna be apart again, you understand? All right?", "Chelsea: Oh, my God.", "Jack: I still can't get ahold of Phyllis.", "Summer: A good thing. Once she hears what Luca did... I mean, honestly, if I had just listened to her or really any of you guys...", "Nick: Look, all we cared about was keeping you safe, not who's right and who's wrong.", "Summer: Yeah, but I was wrong. I mean, I put the company and I put the family at risk. I gave Luca access to all of it, and I chose him over the family so many times just by being with him.", "Nick: Listen to me. Listen to me. You got to stop beating yourself up. Your mom and I, we will always support you. We will always have your back. And one thing I will never judge you for is being too trusting. Summer, that's who you are. It's your heart and your soul, and it's beautiful. And I pray that nothing ever happens to make you change that.", "Jack: Red, where are you? Summer needs you. Now. Call me.", "Billy: You think you get to call the shots? You decide when we're over. You decide how I feel. You decide what we talk about, when we talk about it.", "Phyllis: Why are you here, Billy? You know, I'm gonna tell you why you're here. Because Victoria's lover is in town, and you want to prove to her and yourself that you're over her. But here's the thing. The fact that you got something to prove means you're not over her!", "Billy: Why are we talking about Victoria, okay? You are the one that left me. You ran back to Jack and said that we were a mistake. You said that you didn't love me anymore. Those are your words. You were the one that says that you're never gonna commit to me.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, she made me say all that.", "Billy: What are you talking about? What is that supposed to mean? Who made you said what?", "Phyllis: You know, why did you follow me in here? Why don't you just leave me alone?", "Billy: Did someone make you walk away from me?", "Phyllis: Just get out!", "Billy: Phyllis, did Victoria make you walk away from me?", "Phyllis: You know what? Your mother did, Billy. She knows about us. Jill is the reason I had to go back to Jack.", "Dylan: How'd Chelsea get out of here with Connor?", "Chloe: Uh, how about you ask your officers instead of sounding like I'm the one responsible?", "Dylan: I already spoke with them. I'm talking to you now.", "Kevin: We don't know. There's only one exit. It's not like she jumped out of a window from up here.", "Dylan: Okay, then how'd they get out?!", "Chelsea: [Sighs] See? It's so much better than facetiming him, isn't it?", "Adam: No idea.", "Chelsea: So what happens now?", "Adam: What happens now? We, um... we wait for a small plane to land at a nearby airfield. It's gonna take us to a private jet, and that private jet will take us to a foreign country that'll be the beginning of our new life. And Victor, uh, already arranged for passports and everything.", "Chelsea: That was fast.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Adam: What's the matter?", "Chelsea: No, I, just, um, our new last name.", "Adam: Rasmus.", "Chelsea: But it's short for Erasmus. It means \"beloved.\" When I was tending bar overseas, there was this hipster expat. His name was Erasmus, and he made sure to let me know that it was short for \"beloved.\"", "Adam: Hmm.", "Chelsea: I guess he thought I'd be impressed. It's interesting that that's the name Victor chose for us. I mean, it must mean that he wants us to know why he did this for us.", "Adam: You sure no one saw you leave the penthouse?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I'm positive. It's not possible. That hidden passageway you built from your old apartment to ours, I mean, I didn't even know it was there. But once I discovered it... oh, my God. Okay, keep walking. We're gonna go see daddy, okay? Isn't that exciting? We're gonna go see daddy. It's all gonna be -- it's all gonna be okay.", "Adam: I know it's weird, but back then, you got to remember I was Gabriel Bingham. I didn't have a wife. I didn't have a son. And I figured that passageway was -- was the only way I'd ever see him, so...", "Chelsea: It turns out you didn't need it anyway. Before no time, we were back together as a family, and that's how we will always be -- together as a family.", "Adam: We have one more night at least, right?", "Chelsea: No, Adam. No. Don't do that. This is gonna work. It has to. Not one more night. We are going to have a lifetime of nights.", "Adam: Well, right now, all I need is this night.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: If Chelsea's on the run with Adam...", "Chloe: Then I'm never gonna see my friend again.", "Dylan: You're both under arrest.", "Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.", "Man: Don't move!", "Adam: What are you doing?", "Adam: Let her go! Dylan!", "Chelsea: Adam!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Mariah finds Tessa in the barn and wonders what is going on with her. Tessa is reluctant to talk. Nikki is visiting Faith at Nick's. Nikki comes downstairs to talk to Nick about Faith. Alice Johnson comes into the Underground and Noah seats her at a table. Hilary visits Cane at the Chancellor mansion and learns that Cane had witnessed Lily, Jordan and the children having dinner. Jordan brings Lily flowers as a thank you for dinner. Mattie walks in and sees them together. Tessa tells Mariah all about Crystal and the man whom she had talked to in the motel room. Mariah urges her to go to the police with this information but Tessa is reluctant. Sharon visits Paul in his office and is upset that he isn't doing more to try to find Crystal. Paul orders Sharon to stay out of this but Sharon is reluctant to follow his orders. Sharon declares that she will help Crystal with or without his help. Nikki and Nick discuss Victor and him using the grandchildren to get back at Nick. Nikki reminds Nick that he is acting just like Victor. Victor and Abby discuss her moving into the tack house and how that he had sent someone over to help her move but Abby tells him that Zach had helped her and they had gotten it done pretty fast. Victor feels something is going on between them but Abby lets him know that they are only friends. Hilary denies knowing anything about Jordan and Lily having dinner but she encourages Cane to do something to save his marriage. Mattie confronts Lily that Cane is just barely out of the house and she has a new boyfriend. Lily is upset by her insinuating that Jordan is her boyfriend. Mariah interrupts Sharon and Paul and tells them what Tessa knows about the men who has Crystal.", "Tessa reveals all to Paul about the man in the hotel room. Chelsea comes home with a bag full of groceries and tells them that she had gotten some things that Faith may like. Nikki is impressed but feels bad for Chelsea that she had gotten involved in this mess. Victor warns Abby to be careful of Zach and getting too involved. Charlie comes home but he is less than happy about football practice. Cane also arrives. Cane asks Charlie to go out and eat but Charlie is reluctant to go but then decides to go with him. Nick sees Alice at the Underground. Nick calls Sharon and lets her know who is in town.", "" ]
[ "Nick: How did faith seem to you?", "Nikki: She told me how much she enjoyed her visit with her grandfather. But I'm sure we missed her more than she missed us.", "Nick: Well, she was adamant that I take her to see him. Which normally wouldn't have been an issue, but dad had just kicked us off the ranch before she got home from camp.", "Nikki: How did you leave things with victor?", "Nick: Well, he expects me to take her to see him whenever she wants.", "Nikki: And will you? Nicholas, are you determined to keep that little girl away from her grandfather?", "Abby: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Hello, sweetheart.", "Abby: Mwah!", "Victor: Hello, baby. So, did you settle into your new home?", "Abby: I did. I love it there. It's the perfect size. The security is amazing on the ranch. And my favorite part is I can drop by and say hello to you whenever I want. Unless you want me to call first.", "Victor: Are you kidding me?", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Mwah!", "Victor: I love it when my daughter walks through the door.", "Abby: Oh, great. Then that means I can give you an update on designdate -- my latest accomplishment.", "Victor: Let's discuss that later. Right now, I want to talk about something else, okay?", "Mariah: [ Knocks ] Hey. What are you doing out here?", "Tessa: Just thinking. I needed the quiet.", "Mariah: Quiet is good. But you could've quietly answered my text messages, and then I wouldn't have bugged you. Hey, you've been weird all day. Is this about crystal?", "Tessa: Can't I just be thinking? I mean, like, maybe I was writing a song or...", "Mariah: Tessa, did something happen?", "Tessa: It's not about crystal, okay?", "Mariah: Please don't lie to me. I know you too well. And I'm not getting off your case until you tell me what happened.", "Tessa: I think I put my sister in more danger.", "Sharon: Paul, I've been trying to get ahold of you for days. Are you avoiding me?", "Paul: No, not at all. I was away on assignment.", "Sharon: For less than a week.", "Paul: Right. And when I got back, I had dozens of phone calls to return, e-mails to answer, and all this paperwork to deal with, sharon.", "Sharon: Okay, well, I need to know what is going --", "Paul: What can I tell you? Christine has passed on all the information you provided about crystal. Her possible involvement in the sex-trafficking ring. We have detectives on it, okay?", "Sharon: Who have done nothing to find crystal or expose these criminals who are exploiting her.", "Paul: [ Sighs ] That's really not --", "Sharon: Do you know scott had to do your job for you? He posed as a john in order to find her.", "Paul: What did he do?", "Noah: Hello. Welcome to the underground. Do you want to sit at the bar, or prefer a table?", "Alice: Um...a table, please.", "Noah: Okay. How's this?", "Alice: It's lovely. Thank you.", "Noah: Uh, I'll be right back with a menu.", "Alice: Okay. Additional sponsorship", "Hilary: So, these are your new digs?", "Cane: Well, it's only temporary, 'cause I don't plan on being here that long.", "Hilary: How do you like living here?", "Cane: Well, you know I'd rather be home with my wife and my kids.", "Hilary: And I'm sure that's part of the reason why you invited me over.", "Cane: I had my doubts when you told me that jordan was gonna move in on lily.", "Hilary: [ Gasps ] Now you believe me.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Hilary: Why?", "Cane: I went over there last night to check in on them and he was there. He was sitting in my chair, with my family, laughing with my kids.", "Hilary: I knew that jordan was seriously into lily. Looks like his feelings have been reciprocated.", "Cane: Yeah. And watching it made me feel like I'd been stabbed in the gut.", "Hilary: Sorry you had to see that, cane.", "Cane: Oh. See, I actually thought that's what you wanted.", "Lily: They're beautiful!", "Jordan: Ah, just a special thanks for dinner last night.", "Lily: No, I should be giving you flowers. You're the one who made that incredible meal. I had no idea you were a talented cook. Well, a man's got to eat, right?", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Lily: It was really fun. And it was the first time I've seen mattie and charlie engaged and happy since...", "Jordan: Since the truth came out about cane?", "Lily: Yeah. It was nice. You managed to take all of our minds off of things for a while.", "Jordan: You make it sound like it was work. It wasn't at all. They're great kids, lily.", "Lily: Thank you. That's sweet of you to say.", "Jordan: I'm just stating a fact. I have photographed hundreds of teenagers over my career, and they're just...nightmares. But charlie and mattie, they're funny, they're interesting, they're smart. You've done a great job raising them.", "Lily: I mean, cane deserves credit, too. You know, after everything he's done, he's always been a good dad.", "Jordan: I travel so much that I don't have time to really see my relatives, so this was the first time that I got to have a family dinner in a while. I really enjoyed it.", "Lily: Yeah, it was fun.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: When that guy let me talk to crystal on the phone, she told me that she was okay. And that I shouldn't worry about her.", "Mariah: But you didn't buy it.", "Tessa: I could see it in her eyes, mariah. Somebody made her lie to me. Made her say that she was all right when she was obviously scared.", "Mariah: And you're sure?", "Tessa: I know that look. She was terrified.", "Mariah: Which is why you backed out of performing at the underground last night.", "Tessa: I was afraid that i would fall apart onstage. And I needed that extra time to think of a way to help her. I just... I don't know what to do.", "Mariah: Well, that's easy. You go to the cops.", "Tessa: I can'T.", "Mariah: You have to. You cannot leave your sister out there alone when she's being forced --", "Tessa: Hey, that guy, he told me that if I told anyone else, he would hurt crystal.", "Mariah: Tessa, that is just a scare tactic.", "Tessa: But what if it's not?", "Mariah: All right. So, you go to the cops, and maybe something bad happens to crystal. You don't go... and that is a definite. Because she's gonna suffer. Mentally, physically. You have to go to the authorities. They have experience handling situations like this. They know how to avoid tipping off a crappy criminal.", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] I don't know.", "Mariah: Why did you tell me about crystal and the trouble she's in?", "Tessa: I knew I could trust you.", "Mariah: Exactly. And you can depend on me to help get you through this, which I am going to do. Starting right now. We're gonna go to the police station, and you're gonna tell them the truth.", "Paul: Scott put himself at risk.", "Sharon: Someone had to do something.", "Paul: Okay, sharon, you need to tell me everything you know.", "Sharon: Scott met with a prostitute. She told him that there's some woman who's looking after crystal and the girls. That's a lot more than the police have learned.", "Paul: [ Sighs ] Do either of you have any idea of the dangerous game you are playing?", "Sharon: This isn't a game to me, and I'm insulted that you would say that. Crystal reached out to me for help. She's alone. She's scared. She's desperate to get out of this situation.", "Paul: These people are dangerous.", "Sharon: Exactly. And they're holding crystal against her will.", "Paul: And as I said, my detectives are working on it.", "Sharon: But they haven't --", "Paul: Look, just because i don't update you all the time doesn't mean that my team and i aren't doing everything we can to find this girl.", "Sharon: And the photo I took? There must be some --", "Paul: Okay. I have the department's photography expert working on it. He's studying that photo from every angle to find any detail that could lead us to crystal's whereabouts. We have got this handled, sharon. Now, I insist you stay out of it.", "Sharon: The hell I will. I will save this girl's life with or without your help.", "Nick: No, I don't want to make a habit of giving in to faith's demands where victor is concerned.", "Nikki: That's not the only thing that's bothering you.", "Nick: You're right. Look, I'm nervous that dad could start using his visits with faith to turn my daughter against me.", "Nikki: I'm sorry you feel that way.", "Nick: But you're not denying it, are you, that dad would ever use that kind of manipulation.", "Nikki: I know that he adores those grandchildren, and his feelings are sincere.", "Nick: Mom, dad loves us all. But it's never stopped him from doing his damndest to control us.", "Nikki: Well, what are you doing, drawing this paranoid line in the sand? You're turning into your father, is what.", "Nick: Is it paranoid that I'm basing my concerns on years of experience with dad?", "Nikki: Do you really think that faith's love for you is so flimsy that your father can make it disappear just by spending time with her? You just want to retaliate. Using your child to punish your father is the same tactic that you're accusing him of doing.", "Nick: I am just protecting my family.", "Nikki: And that's precisely the excuse he would use.", "Nick: Mom, look, the last thing I would ever want is for my kids to see any part of that man in me. For them to think that I would ever kick them out of my life because they disagree with me.", "Nikki: That's why I want you to think long and hard before you deny faith access to her grandfather.", "Nick: Dad thinks I'm gonna cave.", "Nikki: And that's just going to make you lash out even more. You're gonna say, \"well, you know, you can't show me.\" Honey, I have been there a million times over the years. Acting out of anger doesn't work. You just end up feeling small. You're never vindicated.", "Nick: 'Cause dad always strikes back harder.", "Nikki: And when he does, you and I won't be the only ones affected. Everybody we love will be hurt.", "Victor: By the way, I sent buck to help with your move.", "Abby: Yes, which was very considerate of you. But by the time he got there, there wasn't much left to do. You know, I was so excited about moving in, I-I got an early start.", "Victor: You hired someone else, right?", "Abby: Well, zack, yeah.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Does that mean he has become more than a business partner?", "Abby: [ Stammers ] Well, we're both really stoked about designdate.", "Victor: And?", "Abby: And we're just friends.", "Victor: For now.", "Abby: Okay, um... [ Laughs ] Does living here on the ranch, does that mean that I'm gonna be getting a little bit more scrutiny from you in my personal life?", "Victor: Well, what do you think?", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Victor: You bet I'm gonna watch over you. I don't care where you live.", "Abby: Well, dad, you don't have anything to worry about. Zack and I, we just started dating. It's -- it's nothing serious.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? At least, nothing serious now, right? You think that could change in the future?", "Hilary: You really think that I knew that jordan was having dinner with lily and the twins last night?", "Cane: Well, you were taunting me about them, so it made me think that you knew they were going to be there.", "Hilary: I was going off of instincts. I didn't know.", "Cane: It is killing me to think that lily's replaced me so soon. We've only been separated a few days.", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ] I'm sure she just grabbed on to the one guy who was standing around waiting for his shot.", "Cane: Okay. So, this is why you clued me in, 'cause you can't stand to think that jordan is more interested in lily than you. Cheers. That must be a blow to your ego.", "Hilary: It's a blow because i care about him. [ Sighs ] Jordan and I, we were fine. Until you screwed up your marriage and left an opening for him to swoop in. Come on, cane. You had to have known that jordan wanted lily.", "Cane: I picked up on it the first day he started at brash & sassy.", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ] And lily was the one who brought him in.", "Cane: No, that was me. So I have no one to blame but myself.", "Hilary: Well, since we are both not the type of people that sit and wallow in misery, let's get to it. You want lily back.", "Cane: And you want jordan back. And it's not 'cause you love him, but it's 'cause you can't stand the thought that you lost him to my wife.", "Hilary: Who cares what my motives are? We can help each other.", "Cane: Really? How we gonna do that? Lily doesn't believe a word that comes out of your mouth, so you can't persuade her to take me back. And, well, jordan, he doesn't want you, even with all your, uh... your assets.", "Hilary: Fine. So you want to just give up on lily, on your family?", "Cane: No.", "Hilary: So then drop the self-pity and the misplaced anger. It is not attractive. And go and find your wife and remind her why she fell in love with you in the first place. Because lily's not waiting around. And neither is jordan.", "Jordan: I was just telling your mom, I had a blast with you and charlie last night.", "Lily: Yeah. Look what he brought us to say thank you. They're pretty, right? Do you want to find a vase in the kitchen, put them in some water?", "Mattie: Sure.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Jordan: Hey, I should get going.", "Lily: Okay. Yeah. Well, thank you again for dinner and the flowers,.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] My pleasure. Truly.", "Lily: We should do it again sometime.", "Jordan: I'd love that.", "Lily: [ Giggles ] All right. Bye.", "Jordan: All right. See you.", "Lily: You couldn't find the vase?", "Mattie: What's with you and jordan?", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Uh, what's with you and the tone?", "Mattie: I'm just asking a question.", "Lily: Well, you certainly seemed impressed with him last night.", "Mattie: I was being cordial. And he was supposed to be here for charlie, to discuss football and photography.", "Lily: Yeah. Charlie invited him, but --", "Mattie: I just heard you invite him for dinner again. And I saw the way you two looked at each other just now. He gave you flowers, mom. Geez, you just kicked dad out, and you've already got a new boyfriend?", "Lily: [ Exhales sharply ] Okay. Um, I understand that we're all going through a rough time right now --", "Mattie: Answer the question.", "Lily: You know better than to talk to me that way.", "Mattie: Sorry.", "Lily: Jordan is not my boyfriend, okay? He's a colleague and friend who's helping me get through a very rough time with your dad.", "Mattie: Then you're being a hypocrite.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Mattie...", "Mattie: You won't let me see reed, and he's my friend, helping me get through this.", "Lily: I told you to dial things back 'cause of the tension between your dad and victoria. I don't want that bouncing back on you. Do you understand?", "Mattie: I'm going to erin'S. I'm gonna have dinner there. I'll be home before curfew.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Mattie, come on. Mattie!", "Sharon: This is personal for me.", "Paul: [ Scoffs ] Oh, I'd say that's obvious. Which has made you more of a hindrance than a help in this investigation.", "Sharon: That's not true.", "Paul: Sharon, nothing is to be gained by you and scott stumbling in the middle of this, putting your own safety in jeopardy. Right along with this girl.", "Sharon: I promised crystal that I would help her.", "Paul: And I told you that my team and I are doing everything we possibly can so you can keep your promise. These kind of cases take time and patience.", "Sharon: We don't have time!", "[ Knock on door ]", "Paul: Yes? What is it?", "Mariah: Hi. I'm, uh, sorry to interrupt.", "Sharon: What is it? What happened? What's wrong?", "Mariah: Tessa has information on crystal.", "Tessa: He was a big guy. He had a beard, and it was graying at the chin, and short, dark hair.", "Sharon: That's the same guy. That's what he looked like, the man that I saw leaving here with two prostitutes.", "Paul: Okay. So, tessa, you had a video chat with your sister.", "Tessa: Yes.", "Paul: Do you remember anything about the room she was in? Something in the background, or maybe a picture on the wall, or anything at all, really?", "Tessa: No, I didn't see any details. All I could see was my sister and the fear in her eyes. No matter what she said, I know she's being held against her will.", "Paul: Okay, but you don't remember anything else? Like a -- a train or a siren? People talking in the background, or maybe music?", "Tessa: I would've remembered music. But there wasn't anything.", "Paul: Okay. You've done really well. Thank you. And when we find your sister, it's going to be because you had the courage to come forward with this information.", "Tessa: It was actually mariah who pushed me to talk to you.", "Paul: Thank you, mariah.", "Mariah: Yeah, it was a no-brainer. We need help from the pros on this one.", "Paul: Okay. So, I'm gonna go update my detectives. But if anybody has any contact at all with crystal, or anyone else connected with this, you come straight to me. Is that understood?", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Paul: Okay.", "Nikki: Tough shopping trip, huh?", "Chelsea: Uh, a little bit. Thank you.", "Nick: Sure.", "Chelsea: Sort of. I just... I wanted to make sure I got the right snacks, and the food that faith likes, but then I-i didn't get the right flavor, and it -- I -- [ Sighs ] I just want her to be happy here.", "Nikki: Oh, you're going out of your way to make sure faith feels at home. I appreciate that.", "Chelsea: I'm happy to do it.", "Nikki: Um, do you mind if we have a moment alone?", "Nick: Uh...", "Chelsea: Sure.", "Nick: Yeah, no. I'll go check on the kids.", "Chelsea: Okay. So, are you gonna give me tips on faith's likes and dislikes? I could really use them.", "Nikki: Well, actually, I'm worried about you.", "Chelsea: Why? No. No, nick and faith and christian, they're the ones that have been...", "Nikki: Displaced? I mean, forget the fact that you have suddenly inherited my son, a strong-willed 10-year-old, and a toddler as your roommates.", "Chelsea: Oh, it's -- it's fine.", "Nikki: Well, honey, it has to be disruptive.", "Chelsea: Uh, it's been a little challenging, but I'm optimistic.", "Nikki: You don't have to sugarcoat things for me.", "Chelsea: I'm not. I swear.", "Nikki: Blended families are difficult in the best of situations. And I know you're being a very good sport, but... I don't know. I'm just concerned that faith in particular might put some pressure on you and... your relationship.", "Chelsea: I love him.", "Nikki: Oh, honey, I know you do.", "Chelsea: And we're both committed to, you know, um... we're gonna make this work.", "Nikki: You are. I know you are.", "Victor: You're a woman with much love to give. And who wants much love in return, right?", "Abby: So, is that your veiled way of telling me not to rush into anything with zack?", "Victor: I'm telling you to guard your heart, sweetheart. I've lived a little longer than you have. Be careful.", "Abby: [ Smooches ]", "Victor: What's that for?", "Abby: 'Cause it's such a dad thing to say. You're very sweet.", "Victor: What I'm saying to you is, that punk does anything to you...", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, dad, you are way ahead of me, okay?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: I'm not even thinking about anything serious, not this soon after my divorce. Zack is... he's someone to hang out with. We have a lot of the same interests. He's fun and attentive. But I'm definitely not ready to say that he's the one.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Is that gonna change in the future?", "Abby: So you want a definitive answer. Okay, well... I don't know. I don't know if this is gonna lead anywhere. But if it does, I'm not gonna be afraid. I'm excited to see where it might lead.", "Charlie: Oh, hey, mom.", "Lily: Hey.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: So, how did tryouts go?", "Charlie: Uh, coach is sending an e-mail with the final roster tonight.", "Lily: How'd you do?", "Charlie: Who knows? There's a lot of competition to make varsity. Hey, aren't you proud of me? I'm not drinking out of the carton this time.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Thank you.", "Charlie: I'm gonna go take a shower.", "Lily: Okay. Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Uh, what are you doing here?", "Cane: I, uh, came by to see you and the kids. What, you didn't get my text?", "Lily: No, I -- I haven't checked my phone.", "Cane: What's wrong? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: Crystal's your sister.", "Mariah: Here you go.", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Sharon: Why didn't you tell me sooner?", "Tessa: I'm dating your son. Living in your house. I mean, what were you gonna think about me... with a sister who ended up the way she did?", "Mariah: Sharon would never judge you.", "Sharon: There is no judgment. Crystal is a victim, and I admire her. You know, most people who have been through something like that, they don't even have any hope left to ask for help. But crystal does.", "Tessa: Who are you? Caring this much about some prostitute when you live in a big, beautiful house on a ranch?", "Sharon: I'm someone who grew up poor, with a single mom. And when I got pregnant with mariah and her twin sister, i was a teenager.", "Mariah: Do you regret that?", "Sharon: Of course not. I can never regret having you and your sister. But there were other things, choices that I made when I was scared and confused... much like how you and your sister feel right now. But, tessa, don't ever feel ashamed, or afraid to come to me. I'd like to think that I'd be able to help you.", "Tessa: I've never had anybody to count on except for me.", "Mariah: Now you sound like me. Or... used-to-be me. Because sharon changed all that. My mom taught me what it was like to have someone in your life who would always, always have your back.", "Tessa: I've never had that. Nobody ever looked out for me. But... I won't let my sister down.", "Sharon: How about this. Mariah and I, we'll be your family from now on. And we will help you find crystal. Together.", "Chelsea: How's faith?", "Nick: She's good. You know, she's, uh... busy texting all her friends from camp, barely making any eye contact. Kind of like you right now.", "Chelsea: [ Laughs ] I saved you a seat.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. Right here?", "Chelsea: Right here.", "Nick: Okay. Yeah. What did you and my mom talk about?", "Chelsea: She was really sweet. She just had some encouraging words. We're gonna be okay, nick.", "Nick: Hell yeah, we're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be perfect at this penthouse.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Until the day faith starts crushing on some boy.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Nick: I am gonna hate him instantly. You know, she's gonna want to talk to him all the time, and text him. Spend all her time with him. He's probably gonna be on a motorcycle, have, like, a leather jacket and tattoos and piercings.", "Chelsea: I think you're worrying about nothing.", "Nick: Can you promise me that is not gonna happen?", "Chelsea: Oh, no. That's definitely gonna happen. It's just not gonna happen for a long time. In the meantime, faith will be hanging out with her dad and her little brother and connor.", "Nick: And you.", "Chelsea: Let's hope so. I mean, we can't force that.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Ah, it's noah, reminding me I have to be at the underground.", "Chelsea: Oh. Are you closing tonight?", "Nick: No, I'm not going. Noah can handle it.", "Chelsea: Well, don't blow him off. It's fine. I can handle the kids.", "Nick: I am not leaving you tonight. And it's faith's first night back.", "Chelsea: Go. Seriously. The boys are already asleep, and faith and I -- we can hang out. We can watch some tv, we can have some girl bonding time.", "Nick: Are you sure?", "Chelsea: Yeah. It's important that I create my own relationship with your daughter.", "Nick: Well, I know she is gonna fall in love with you as easily as I did.", "Chelsea: At this point, I'd be fine with just a deep like.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Have I told you lately I think you're the most amazing person I've ever met?", "Chelsea: Not really. Could I maybe get a demonstration?", "Nick: All right.", "Chelsea: That was nice.", "Nick: Yeah. I'll go.", "Chelsea: Go. Go.", "Nick: But I'm not gonna be gone long. Just gonna make sure things are running smoothly, and then I'm gonna rush back, okay?", "Chelsea: It's fine. Don't come back on my account. It's gonna be fine.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Just let me know if there's any fires I need to put out.", "Chelsea: I don't plan on starting any.", "Nick: Bye.", "Chelsea: Bye.", "Victor: You forgotten you moved out?", "Nikki: I just saw faith.", "Victor: Yeah? How is she?", "Nikki: Well, you should know. You just saw her.", "Victor: At her insistence. She asked her father to take her out here. I was happy to hear that.", "Nikki: And he wouldn't have done that if he had intended to meddle in your relationship.", "Victor: I don't trust nicholas' intentions.", "Nikki: Talk about ironic.", "Victor: If you're here to give me a lecture on how I lost my family, spare me.", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] You just don't get it. You don't get it. You will never get it. Victor, every-- everybody is just... so sad. Faith is devastated she's lost her home. Chelsea's upset. She can feel that faith doesn't want to live there. Nicholas feels like he's lost his daughter to her grandfather. All because of your pettiness. Help me understand what happened to the man that would never have considered letting his granddaughter be in the middle of a family argument?", "Victor: I'm still that man.", "Nikki: Did you return her new furniture? No, of course you haven'T. 'Cause you love controlling your family so much, you don't care who gets hurt in the process. Not even your son.", "Victor: My son has hurt me many times. And I'm tired of it.", "Nikki: You know what I think? You're still that little boy who grew up in the orphanage, feeling abandoned, betrayed. But now that you're an adult, you should know that taking your anger out on your son is wrong.", "Cane: So, are you gonna tell me what's going on?", "Lily: Um, I have to get dinner ready.", "Cane: Okay. Nice flowers. Who are they from?", "Lily: Uh, jordan. To say thank you for dinner last night.", "Cane: You had dinner with jordan, huh?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: What, here?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Oh, okay.", "Lily: I-it was charlie's idea, so, you know...", "Cane: Yeah. Well, I know he's pretty mad at me and, uh, right now, jordan must look like a pretty cool guy, huh?", "Lily: Listen, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. And, yeah, he's impressed by him because he's photographed all these celebrities.'re his dad. That bond will never be broken.", "Cane: Yeah, well, I don't know if he knows that.", "Charlie: Hey, uh, what's for dinner?", "Cane: Hey.", "Charlie: Hey.", "Cane: Hey, uh, I saw your equipment back there. How did tryouts go?", "Charlie: Okay, I guess.", "Cane: Okay. Do you, uh, have any, maybe, details for me, or...?", "Lily: You know, I have an idea. Why don't, uh, you and your dad get dinner together, and then you can tell him everything?", "Hilary: Oh. Uh... sorry. Uh...", "Jordan: No, uh -- hey. It's okay. Unless you don't want to see me.", "Hilary: Well, I guess [Sighs] We're bound to run into each other eventually, so...", "Jordan: Yeah. Hey, I just don't want things to be awkward between us.", "Hilary: Nothing's wrong with us having a cup of coffee together, right?", "Jordan: Mnh-mnh.", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] Okay.", "Jordan: Does this... does this mean that we can still be cool?", "Hilary: You broke my heart, jordan. I thought that there was a possibility that we could have a future together.", "Jordan: There was.", "Hilary: But my actions caused you to break up with me. I'm sorry about that, jordan. I am. I wish that I could change...", "Jordan: But you can'T.", "Hilary: Wow. Harsh. But true.", "Jordan: I do love your honesty, though.", "Hilary: Yeah? Good. Because you're gonna get a lot more of that honesty. I have a proposition for you.", "Tessa: Your mom really stepped up for me.", "Mariah: Why is that so shocking?", "Tessa: I know she didn't grow up rich like the newmans. But the rest...", "Mariah: Her life hasn't been easy.", "Tessa: The reason I took off from home was to help my sister. I mean, things were rough there, sure, with no money, but...", "Mariah: You didn't expect her to run off, too.", "Tessa: I wish I was sure that the police will find her.", "Mariah: Well, I'm sure.", "Tessa: Oh, well, there's nothing to worry about, then.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ] But you're still worried, and I understand that. I do. So hang on to this. You did the right thing by coming here. This is the one thing that can save crystal, and I am so proud of you for being honest with paul and sharon.", "Tessa: You're the one who gave me the courage. Thank you. There's one more person I have to tell about my sister. Noah.", "Noah: Hope you enjoyed your meal.", "Alice: It was the best burger I've had in ages.", "Noah: Oh, we like to hear that. Come back again soon, okay?", "Alice: Thank you.", "Noah: Thank you.", "Nick: How's it going?", "Noah: Pretty good. Steady. Lots of regulars.", "Nick: Good. Well, that, uh, bodes well for our expansion.", "Noah: Yeah, sure does. Oh, by the way, I think we need to feature our burger on the new clubs we open, because, uh, that customer over there just gave us another rave review.", "Nick: Maybe.", "Charlie: Sorry, dad. But I got to eat here.", "Cane: Okay.", "Lily: Why?", "Charlie: Friends. We...made plans for after.", "Lily: Okay, well, cancel them.", "Cane: No, no, no. He doesn't have to. You know, if he doesn't want to have dinner with his dad, I'm not gonna force him. I mean, 'cause who would want to have pizza when they can have their mom's famous broccoli-and-tofu casserole?", "Lily: Yeah, actually, I'm getting pretty sick of broccoli, so I was thinking maybe lima beans?", "Cane: Mmm! Yum.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: And here I am, I'm gonna be stuck with having a sausage-and-pepperoni pizza straight out of the box. God, I'm pathetic.", "Charlie: You don't think i see what you guys are doing here?", "Cane: Huh?", "Lily: So? [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Huh?", "Charlie: Let's go. [ Sighs ]", "Cane: Thank you.", "Jordan: Here you go.", "Hilary: Thank you.", "Jordan: So. What is your proposition?", "Hilary: I... want us to be friends. Come on. We can at least try. Hm?", "Jordan: I'm cool with that.", "Hilary: Great. So, how about dinner tonight?", "Jordan: Mm.", "Hilary: Hmm?", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Jordan: Mm. Hold on. Excuse me. Oh. Hey.", "Lily: Hey. Um, I know it's short notice, and we said we'd have dinner again soon, but are you free tonight? The kids are doing their own thing, so I'm kind of at loose ends.", "Jordan: Uh...sure. Where?", "Lily: Underground? I mean, listening to music always puts me in a good mood.", "Jordan: All right. See you there.", "Hilary: So?", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] Sorry, something came up. I'll have to take a rain check on that dinner.", "Hilary: That's okay. Okay. No problem. It's fine.", "Jordan: Take care of yourself, all right?", "Hilary: Yeah.", "Victor: I'll send faith's furniture to chelsea.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Victor: But I'll be damned if I allow you to make me feel guilty for how I've treated nicholas. He brought that on himself.", "Nikki: Think about what you're saying, victor.", "Victor: You told our children to shun me. What did you think I was gonna do once they turned their back on me? Just accept it?", "Nikki: I thought you would understand, and try to be a better man.", "Victor: I'm the man you fell in love with. I'm the man you married. I'm the man who's supported you for I don't know how many years.", "Alice: I'm surprised.", "Nick: What?", "Alice: Well, that you would come and see me.", "Nick: I have some questions about cassie. Lately, I've been wondering if I knew her as well as I thought I did. So I guess I was hoping that you could help me, you know, put the whole picture together.", "Alice: [ Exhales sharply ] I hardly think that I'm the right person.", "Nick: Why is that?", "Alice: Because I was a rotten mother, that's why. [ Sighs ] I mean, I was gone all the time. Working crummy jobs, hanging around bars, caught up in my own little dramas with a bunch of no-good men. I mean, my mother was stuck taking care of cassie.", "Nick: How is millie doing?", "Alice: She's fine. She's at a doctor's appointment. A friend drove her. That poor, sweet little kid missed out on so much because of my own stupid selfishness.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Sharon: What's up?", "Nick: You are never gonna believe who came into my bar tonight.", "Sharon: Who?", "Nick: Alice johnson.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jordan: Hilary.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Jordan: We broke up.", "Hilary: I need you to make time, because we have some unfinished business.", "Victor: Tonight, I asked your business partner, zack, to come along.", "Abby: What?!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nikki continues to worry about Victoria who refuses to get help from anyone to manage her sresss and Victir starts to notice Victoiria's change in mood when she gets upset with him and says he doesn't appreciate all the hard work she has done keeping Newman clients from going to Dark Horse. The ladies night group start to wonder why Rey is always around anywhere they are and Nikki and Victoria wonder why he asked Abby about JT's vandetta against the Newman's. Nate and Abby both try to persude Devon to change his harsh statement to the court at Lily's sentencing hearing but he remains determined to get justice for Hilary and the baby. Victor expreses sympathy about Hilary's death and tells Devon that his relationship with Nick has had its ups and downs but he regrets that he pushed Nick away and he doesn't think they can ever fix their relationship.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Devon: Hilary's not there. She's gone. My bed is empty, like my life is, because of you.", "Sharon: Rey, hello.", "Phyllis: You know this guy?", "Rey: You're nikki and victor newman, am I right?", "Victor: And you are?", "Rey: I'm rey.", "Victoria: I feel very cornered, very trapped. I'm losing control, mom. I don't know how to make it stop.", "Nick: I was J.T. Are you shocked?", "Phyllis: Damn right I am.", "Nick: All anybody could see was faithful, loyal, dependable, predictable nick. Everyone but you.", "Sharon: Hi, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hey. Um, can I get a regular coffee, please?", "Sharon: Sure. I'm surprised to see you here this time of day. Thought you'd be home sipping martinis with billy after a long day of work.", "Phyllis: If I thought drinking would get me through the evening, I would be, believe me.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you stopped by. I want to ask you about summer.", "Phyllis: What about her?", "Sharon: Well, I've been trying to get ahold of her for the past few days. I just want to go over some wedding details with her. But she's not answering her phone, she's not responding to any of my messages.", "Phyllis: She took a last-minute vacation.", "Sharon: And she didn't take her phone?", "Phyllis: Nope. She's incommunicado till she gets back.", "Sharon: I was hoping you'd take my suggestion and go on a mother/daughter trip together.", "Phyllis: You know, it turns out that you were only half right about us needing a vacation. Yeah. What we actually needed was just a vacation from each other.", "Victoria: I appreciate your time.", "Rey: Whoa!", "Victoria: Oh!", "Rey: I'm so sorry. I -- I didn't see you there. It would help if i looked where I was going.", "Victoria: No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking.", "Rey: You're victoria newman.", "Victoria: Uh... yeah. Have we met?", "Rey: No. But, uh, anybody with a device and access to the internet knows who you are.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] You have an advantage over me, then.", "Rey: Sorry. I'm -- I'm rey.", "Victoria: Nice to meet you. Um, I have --", "Rey: I met your parents the other day. They're nice people.", "Victoria: Yes. Yes, they -- they are nice people. Um, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get going.", "Rey: Sure.", "Victoria: Nice to meet you.", "Rey: Bye.", "Nate: [ Sighs ] Man, a run might do you some good. Exercise is good for the body and the mind. Come on.", "Devon: I have a lot of work to do, but I appreciate the offer, man.", "Nate: All right. Well, I'm across the hall if you need anything.", "Devon: I'm good. [ Doorbell rings ] Abby.", "Abby: Hi. Um... I'm sorry. I probably should have called. I was wondering if I could talk to you?", "Devon: Is it about lily?", "Abby: Can I come in?", "Devon: Sure you can.", "Abby: Thanks. Oh. I'm sorry. I-I didn't realize that you had company.", "Nate: Oh, no. It's okay. I was -- I was leaving. Uh, call me anytime, devon.", "Devon: Okay.", "Devon: So, is my assumption right? Are you here to pitch me about lily?", "Abby: I saw her the other day.", "Devon: And did she ask you to come and talk to me?", "Abby: No. She doesn't know that I'm here. I'm just worried about her.", "Devon: Well, she has the support of her family, abby. That's more than I can say.", "Abby: They can't affect the outcome of her sentencing. You can.", "Devon: Well, your timing's perfect, 'cause I'm working on my statement for the hearing right now.", "Abby: You know what you're gonna say?", "Devon: No. But I'm speaking for my wife and my child, so it needs to be just right.", "Abby: Does that mean you want lily to be treated fairly or you want her to get the maximum sentence?", "Nikki: I've been looking into how we can use tech advancements to save money for our new building sites, and there are a number of technologies worth considering. I have sent you and victoria information --", "Victor: Wait a minute. Where's victoria, by the way? I don't to go over this twice.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm sure she'll be here. Here she is!", "Victoria: I'm so sorry I'm late. Sorry. What did I miss?", "Nikki: I was just telling your father --", "Victor: Which she wouldn't have to do again if you had been here on time, sweetheart.", "Victoria: I just came from a meeting with greg bond. He was about to pull out of a very lucrative deal that he agreed to before nicholas took a sledgehammer to your company. I talked him out of it. Just as I have convinced about a half a dozen other partners not to sever ties with newman. And it would be nice if you would appreciate my efforts instead of giving me grief for being a few minutes late.", "Victor: Sweetheart...", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh!", "Victor: ...We have all been under a great deal of stress --", "Victoria: And look, here's yet another fire that needs to be put out. I hope that's not too inconvenient for you, dad. Hi, martin. Thank you for getting back to me. I appreciate it.", "Victor: What's going on with her? Additional sponsorship", "Victor: You have no idea what caused this outburst?", "Nikki: I don't think she meant to be rude.", "Victor: Baby, I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about our daughter. What's going on with her?", "Nikki: Well [Sighs] Katie's been having a rough time sleeping. Victoria's been up with her practically every night --", "Victor: But, sweetheart, she's been balancing work and motherhood for years. I mean, that's not -- a few sleepless nights are not cause for this.", "Nikki: I don't think you realize how hard victoria is working to get newman back on its feet.", "Victor: Yeah, but she's like me -- she enjoys a challenge.", "Nikki: And she enjoys your approval.", "Victor: She has my approval, for heaven's sake. I made her chief operating officer. For what? Because I believe in her.", "Nikki: Deep down, she knows that.", "Victor: Okay. Well, maybe I should reiterate it.", "Nikki: I think you should just cut her a little slack, victor.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I don't like her to be in this kind of a mood, okay? I'm gonna fix this.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. All right. Take care.", "Victor: Come here. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be angry.", "Victoria: No, dad. I'm sorry I went off on you like that.", "Victor: [ Sighs ] I want you to know that I really appreciate what you have done. You know, our company's in better shape, much better shape, than it was long before your brother nicholas took a hammer to our company. And you had a lot to do with that. I give you a lot of credit.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Victor: Okay?", "Victoria: Thank you for saying that.", "Victor: Well, now, I want you to know how much I appreciate your work. I want you to not go to the office today. I want you to just have dinner here with us.", "Victoria: Oh, dad, that's so nice of you. A nice quiet dinner sounds nice.", "Victor: Yes, doesn't it?", "Victoria: It does.", "Victor: Just you, me, your mother, and abby.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: How's that?", "Victoria: You want to invite abby?", "Victor: Yes. And I understand why you asked that. I was upset when she left newman enterprises to work for your brother. But she is my daughter. And she is your sister. It's about time that we do some repair to our family.", "Victoria: It's worth a try.", "[ Smooches ]", "Victor: I'll call abby.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: Everything okay with your father?", "Victoria: I assume that you covered for me.", "Nikki: Well, I didn't think that you wanted him asking questions about why you're on edge.", "Victoria: Mom, I can deal with dad without any help from you.", "Nikki: Well, honey, you stopped seeing your therapist. You need to have somebody to talk to you about this stress you're under.", "Victoria: You know, I really wish that I hadn't told you that I stopped going to therapy.", "Nikki: Baby, I just want to help you.", "Victoria: If you really want to help, mom, then, please, just back off.", "Abby: This is what you're gonna say at lily's sentencing?", "Devon: I take it you don't like what I've written.", "Abby: No. I don'T.", "Devon: Well, to be honest, neither do I.", "Abby: You're afraid that you've gone too far?", "Devon: No, just the opposite.", "Abby: What?", "Devon: I'm afraid that it's not strong enough.", "Abby: What, to give lily a life sentence?", "Devon: Abby, someone has to pay for what happened. You understand that?", "Abby: Devon, this isn't you.", "Devon: Maybe it wasn't me before, but a whole lot has changed, hasn't it.", "Abby: I cannot believe what this has brought out in you, this -- this bitterness and revenge. Lily loves you, and I know that you love her, too.", "Devon: And all the love in the world isn't gonna bring back my wife and my child.", "Abby: Well, neither is punishing lily.", "Devon: Okay.", "Abby: Devon, you lost hilary, and I am so, so sorry about that. But if you do this, you could lose lily, too. And possibly the rest of your family. I mean, think about charlie and mattie. If you go into court and you say this...", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Abby: Or worse.", "Devon: Well, think about this -- how am I gonna feel if I don't say it? I'm thinking about my wife and child because no one else is.", "Abby: It might feel that way, but --", "Devon: All right? No. My family would love if i completely forgot about what lily did altogether, and about hilary, and the family that we'll never get to have.", "Abby: Devon, that is not true. They want to help you. But if you do this, you could push them away. And -- and think about it. What if -- what if you want them in your life someday?", "Devon: Abby, do you know what I wish? I wish that everyone would stop telling me how to feel.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Abby: 'Scuse me. [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. It's my dad.", "Devon: It's all right. Take it.", "Abby: Hey, dad.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Abby: Um, can I call you back? I'm kind of in the middle of something.", "Victor: No, you can'T. I would like you to join your sister victoria, me, and nikki for an early dinner at the club.", "Abby: You would?", "Victor: Yes. I know things have been a little tense between us, all right, but I'd very much appreciate it if you could come.", "Abby: Um... yeah. Sure. Okay.", "Victor: Good. I'll see you soon.", "Abby: He wants me to join them for a family dinner.", "Devon: Don't let me hold you up.", "Abby: You know, things haven't been great with me and my dad since I left newman. But he's making an effort. And so am I. Because we're family, and family is important.", "Devon: You don't have to remind me about that.", "Abby: I know you're upset with lily, but she is your family, too.", "Devon: And I know that you came here to try and convince me to change my mind about what I'm gonna say tomorrow at the hearing, but that's not gonna happen.", "Abby: Do you really want to hurt lily that way?", "Devon: I'm not doing this to hurt lily. I'm doing this because it's what hilary and our baby deserve.", "Sharon: So, when do you expect summer home from her vacation? 'Cause the wedding's getting close, and I need to make an appointment for her dress alteration.", "Phyllis: You know, I'm not sure. But, uh, you could leave a message for her on the apartment phone.", "Sharon: Mm. Okay. I will.", "Phyllis: Well, don't leave any there for billy or me. We moved out.", "Sharon: Wow. That's, uh...", "Phyllis: Long overdue? Summer, billy, and I, we are not an ideal combination.", "Sharon: It'll be nice for you and billy to have some privacy.", "Phyllis: Mm, no chance of that at the abbott house.", "Sharon: That's where you're living?", "Phyllis: Billy's idea.", "Sharon: Now I see why you're not in a rush to get home.", "Phyllis: It's kind of weird, living in the same place that i shared with jack, you know. But now that my daughter and i are not butting heads, you know, billy and I can focus on us. Get back to where we were before. We just -- we got thrown off track, you know?", "Sharon: I can relate to that.", "Phyllis: Must take some getting used to, new nick.", "Sharon: I'm still trying to wrap my head around him impersonating J.T.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Heh. When he told me that, I was pretty blown away.", "Sharon: What? Nick told you about that? Because I thought the first time you had heard about it was when victoria told you.", "Phyllis: I don't remember where I heard it first, honestly.", "Sharon: No. No, it makes sense now. That's why you weren't freaked out that day. That's why you defended nick. You had already talked to him about it, hadn't you?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah.", "Sharon: Why would nick confide in you like that?", "Phyllis: You're making a bigger deal about this than it is.", "Sharon: Nick told you something that he wanted kept secret. He could be arrested for what he did.", "Phyllis: And what? You think I'm gonna turn him in?", "Sharon: I have to trust you. We're in this J.T. Thing together. But you could hold it over him.", "Phyllis: He knows I would never do that to him.", "Sharon: Why were you two together, anyway?", "Phyllis: We share a daughter. A troubled daughter who needs our help.", "Sharon: And nick impersonating J.T. Just happened to come up in one of your conversations about summer?", "Phyllis: Look, he knew I was at victoria's the night J.T. Disappeared. He wanted to reassure me that he wasn't out there. Not that I ever really believed it, anyway.", "Sharon: And when did this happen?", "Phyllis: I don't remember. What difference does it make?", "Sharon: I just find it weird that nick shared this secret information with you, and that he never told me he confided in you.", "Phyllis: He probably didn't think it was a big deal, either.", "Sharon: Well, he has had a lot to deal with lately.", "Phyllis: Exactly.", "Sharon: Okay. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion.", "Phyllis: Oh, most definitely. Look, and we have more important things to worry about right now.", "Sharon: What are you talking about?", "Phyllis: Victoria. I don't think she's coping very well with our little secret. I think it's a matter of time before she cracks.", "Victor: I'm so happy you could join us for dinner.", "Abby: Well, um, I was surprised to get the invitation. I know I'm not on any of your \"top 10 favorite people\" lists.", "Victor: Sweetheart, that is nonsense. You are family, and we enjoy spending time with you, okay?", "Abby: Really?", "Victor: Of course.", "Nikki: I think bygones should be bygones. Don't you think so, victoria?", "Victoria: I think that most of the tension, um, between us came from us working together. And now that you're no longer at newman, uh, it shouldn't be a problem.", "Victor: Well, then. Maybe you can just be sisters.", "Victoria: Um... heh...", "Abby: Yeah. I guess we could give it a shot.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: I'm willing to try. I'd like to start by apologizing.", "Abby: To me?", "Victoria: I've just been under a lot of stress at work and at home, and I've taken my frustration out on you. And I'm -- I'm sorry.", "Abby: Well, I was worried that I had done something to upset you.", "Victoria: No, no. It's all me.", "Abby: I don't know what to say, other than, um, I accept your apology.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: Well, now, that calls for celebration, doesn't it?", "Abby: Yeah. [ Laughs ]", "Rey: Abby.", "Abby: Uh, rey. Hi.", "Rey: Hi. I -- I hope I'm not interrupting your family dinner.", "Abby: Um... rey, uh, this is, uh -- this is my father, victor newman, and his wife, nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, no, wait a minute. We've met your friend. Here, in fact, just the other day.", "Victor: Oh, yeah. I remember.", "Abby: No, he's -- he's not my friend.", "Victoria: How do you two know each other?", "Abby: He's arturo's brother.", "Nikki: What? You are arturo's brother?", "Rey: Yeah. You know him?", "Abby: Um, arturo actually remodeled one of nikki's buildings for her nonprofit.", "Rey: Oh. Well, I hope he did a good job for you.", "Victor: It was a quick little project.", "Nikki: Very professional.", "Rey: Well, if I'd known about your connection with my brother, I would have mentioned something the other day.", "Victoria: I'm surprised that you didn't mention that you knew my sister earlier.", "Rey: Well, you were in such a rush, I didn't get a chance to.", "Victor: Excuse me, señor rosales.", "Rey: ¿Sí?", "Victor: What brings you to genoa city?", "Rey: Work.", "Victor: Ah. What do you do?", "Rey: Well, nothing quite as interesting as what you all do. I'm in financial services. But I'm gonna let you get back to your evening. It was good to see you. Enjoy your dinner.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Victor: So, I think this calls for a celebration. Let's get a bottle of champagne.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Victor: Let's get this started.", "[ Nate panting ]", "Devon: Hey, man.", "Nate: Hey. Oh, I thought you weren't in the mood for a run.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I took your advice and, uh, just got some exercise.", "Nate: All right. I figured you'd still be over there talking to abby.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] No. She said what she had to say, and she took off.", "Nate: Oh. Did you listen?", "Devon: Yeah, I did. I did. But she's only interested in one side of the situation, so...", "Nate: Could say the same for you, man.", "Devon: Well, she said her piece. But she's lily's friend.", "Nate: Well, I figured -- I mean, I got the feeling she was your friend, as well. Torn between two people. Can't imagine how hard it was for her to come over here today.", "Devon: She just wanted to help lily. That's all.", "Nate: Maybe she was trying to help both of you.", "Devon: I don't need any help.", "Nate: Yeah. I felt the same way. You couldn't be more wrong, my man.", "Nikki: Victoria has done an excellent job as coo, along with dealing with difficult personal problems.", "Victoria: Mom...", "Victor: No. Your mother is simply pointing out that you've done a stellar job, okay?", "Victoria: You don't have to say that, dad.", "Abby: I'm sure you deserve the praise, victoria. But I do think dad's laying it on thick for my benefit.", "Victor: No, I'm not. I'm merely stating that I'm very appreciative of your efforts.", "Abby: And, as a bonus, if you can make me regret walking away from newman and going to work for nick at the same time.", "Victor: But if you ever want to come back into the fold, you're welcome.", "Abby: I hate to disappoint you, but I am very happy with my new job.", "Victor: Well, I'm so happy to hear that.", "Abby: Yes. Very happy.", "Victor: What about your relationship with that arturo fellow?", "Abby: I am very happy with him, as well.", "Victor: Must be going very well, because he's introducing you to the rest of his family.", "Abby: Oh, it wasn't like that, exactly. I was just with arturo when he and rey ran into each other.", "Victor: Oh.", "Abby: Arturo didn't even know he was in town.", "Victoria: That's weird, that he just showed up.", "Abby: Well, sibling relationships can be complicated. But as for me and arturo, we are taking things slow.", "Victor: Whew! I'm glad to hear that.", "[ Abby laughs ]", "Victoria: Well, I've got to go. I have a lot of work that I need to get done.", "Nikki: Honey, can't it wait till tomorrow?", "Victoria: [ Scoffs ] I have a lot to live up to. All this praise. Dad, thank you so much for dinner. It was nice to see you, abby.", "Abby: Yeah, you too.", "Victoria: Good night, everybody. I love you.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Victor: You're welcome, my sweetheart.", "Victoria: Mwah! Night-night.", "Abby: Bye.", "Nikki: You know, excuse me, I forgot to tell her something. I'll be right back.", "Victor: Oh. Okay.", "Nikki: Victoria.", "Victoria: Mom, I have to go.", "Nikki: Um... are you going to the office?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] No, I-I really can't take those four walls anymore, so I'm gonna go to crimson lights, and I'm gonna get some work done there so that I can go home and give the kids my full attention.", "Nikki: Okay. I'll join you.", "Victoria: No. Mom. Why? Why? So you can keep an eye on me?", "Nikki: You need someone to talk to.", "Victoria: I'm fine.", "Nikki: You're not.", "Victoria: Drop it, mom.", "Nikki: Look, we can't undo what happened to J.T. But you can't deny the effect it's having on you.", "Victoria: I don't know how many different wans I can say this -- I don't want or need your help.", "Nikki: Oh, boy. Those are familiar words. That's exactly what I said every time I was drowning.", "Abby: What's going on with nikki and victoria?", "Victor: I have no idea.", "Sharon: At least your problems with summer give you something else to focus on besides -- you know.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I just wish they were more -- well, less summer-like.", "Sharon: What caused all the trouble between you two, anyway?", "Phyllis: Well, you know, just the usual -- grand theft auto. Her, you know, blowing through her trust fund, and her general \"I could give a rat's rear end\" attitude.", "Sharon: Ah. Sbs.", "Phyllis: What?", "Sharon: Spoiled-brat syndrome.", "Phyllis: Okay. You just wait until faith gets a little older. I want to see if you're still gloating.", "Sharon: Actually, I shouldn't joke. Cassie's rebellious stage had terrible consequences.", "Phyllis: Well, you know what, cassie wanted to grow up too fast. Summer's problem is that she's acting like a child. Wanting what she can't have.", "Sharon: Well, maybe moving out will give you both the time and space you need.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I hope so.", "Sharon: Ahh! There's my hero. I hear your plumbing repairs held up fabulously. I was hoping you could take a look at the a/c? It's acting up.", "Rey: Oh, really?", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Can you check my oil, too? Because it's a little low. You really did a fabulous job fixing my flat. Thank you.", "Rey: Yeah? I think I'm gonna start charging for my services.", "Sharon: Well, I paid. Free coffee, remember?", "Rey: That's true. You think you can put that in a to-go cup?", "Sharon: Sure. Seems like fair compensation after all you've done for us.", "Rey: I'm just a guy helping out some new friends. Besides, I'm sure you and phyllis are more than capable of taking care of yourselves. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Devon: Nate, I'm sure losing carolyn was very rough for you, but this is a different situation, man.", "Nate: We both loved someone, and we lost them. I don't see the difference.", "Devon: I didn't \"lose\" hilary. She was taken from me. That's the difference.", "Nate: You aren't still harboring the belief that lily ran that red light on purpose, are you?", "Devon: Lily is responsible for what happened, and it cost hilary her life. And I don't think I should feel guilty for wanting justice for that.", "Nate: Justice? What is justice, devon? Sending lily to prison for the next 20 years? Will that make you feel better?", "Devon: No. But if no one is held accountable for what happened, I'm gonna feel like I let down my wife and my child. And if lily hadn't been driving that car, if it was anybody else, everyone would be supporting me, encouraging me to go into that courtroom and stand up for my wife.", "Nate: But it is lily.", "Devon: That's not gonna stop me.", "Nate: I wish there was a solution for both of you, because this whole --", "Devon: You're missing the point right there. This isn't about me, man. It's not about me. It's not about lily. It's about hilary and what she deserves.", "Nate: [ Scoffs ] So, what if you go into that courtroom and you get the justice you're seeking for? What if you go in, and you make a statement...", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Nate: ...That sends lily to prison for the next 20 years. How are you going to feel when you have to watch charlie and mattie cry as they put cuffs on their mom? Or neil and cane watch, helpless and wrecked?", "Devon: I'm gonna feel more guilt. Is that what you want to hear me say?", "Nate: I am just trying to paint a picture of how the day is going to look. And the day after that. How are you going to feel then?", "Devon: I really don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead. I've been too focused on getting justice for hilary, because that's the last thing I'm gonna be able to do for her.", "Nate: [ Sighs ] It isn't true what they say. \"The first year is the hardest.\" They're all hard. And they're even harder when you have to face them alone.", "Abby: Well, I'm sorry that nikki had to leave. Actually, that's a lie. I enjoy having you to myself, especially since I haven't seen much of you lately.", "Victor: And I've missed you.", "Abby: Well, you haven't missed me much at newman. Victoria's been rocking it.", "Victor: Well, she just has done a great job, you know. But I didn't want to make you feel guilty.", "Abby: Are you sure you're really okay with me going to work for nick?", "Victor: I had to accept it, okay? But I don't want my issues with nicholas to affect our relationship.", "Abby: This could be good for us. Now you can just be my dad.", "Victor: I love that.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Victor: But don't think for one moment I won't hold you to the same standards. The --", "Abby: The newman standard.", "Victor: The newman standard.", "Abby: Yes.", "Victor: Exactly.", "Abby: I won't let you down.", "Victor: I have all the confidence in the world in you.", "Abby: See? Our relationship's improved already.", "[ Laughs ]", "Victor: I'm so glad you're happy. So, what is it at dark horse that you enjoy so much?", "Abby: It's something very rewarding. But if you think I'm gonna reveal corporate secrets at a casual dinner, you are knocking on the wrong door.", "Victor: Ahh. See? I taught you well, didn't I? Hmm? Which means that if things go south at dark horse, you're always welcome back at newman.", "Abby: You don't give up, do you?", "Victor: Sweetheart, that's not in my vocabulary. I fight to the bitter end.", "[ Abby chuckles ]", "Sharon: You know, I'm serious. If that job in financial services doesn't work out, I will talk to nick. We'll see if there's something for you at dark horse.", "Phyllis: Same goes for me. I can hit up lauren, billy. Ask them for a favor.", "Rey: Oh, please. You two, you don't owe me anything. I'm just -- just a guy that did a couple repairs.", "Sharon: Well, it doesn't seem fair to repay you in coffee.", "Rey: Coffee and friendship. To me, that's a win-win.", "Sharon: If you say so.", "Rey: Ahh. You know, I really should get going. But thank you for the coffee and the company.", "Sharon: Any time.", "Victoria: You know that guy?", "Sharon: Uh, rey?", "Victoria: Yes.", "Sharon: Yeah. We both know him. He's new in town.", "Phyllis: Very helpful. He fixed my flat the other day.", "Sharon: And he fixed my plumbing for me. Thank god nick introduced him to me.", "Victoria: Wait, nick knows him, too?", "Phyllis: I take it you haven't met the hot handyman?", "Victoria: Yeah, earlier today. Since then, he's turned up twice in places that I've been.", "Nikki: For somebody who's new to town, he sure does get around a lot.", "Victoria: He certainly does.", "Victor: Devon! Nice to see you here.", "Devon: Hey, mr. Newman. How you doing? I've been, uh... I've been spending a lot of time alone, and I just needed to get outside, and I know hilary always loved this place, so...", "Victor: I wanted to tell you how deeply sorry I am about what happened to hilary, okay?", "Devon: I appreciate that.", "Victor: She loved this place. I guess she loved all the action.", "Devon: She sure did. Why don't you have a seat? Please. Please.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Devon: You know, I thought that coming up here would -- would, uh, make me feel better. But I just look around, and i see everybody going about their lives and being happy, acting like nothing's wrong. And I-I don't know how to act like nothing has changed in my life.", "Victor: Well, they're gonna change even more.", "Devon: I take it you know about the hearing tomorrow?", "Victor: Yes, I do.", "Devon: Do you know I'm speaking for hilary?", "Victor: Yep.", "Devon: Well, my family thinks that I'm doing it to punish my sister.", "Victor: Are you?", "Devon: No. But if I was, it wouldn't be for the accident. It would be for the way she treated hilary the whole time.", "Victor: [ Inhales deeply ] Hmm. Well, to be honest with you, I think that hilary gave as good as she got.", "Devon: That's very true, but I also know that lily never took the time to really get to know who hilary was, and understand how she grew up and why she did the things she did.", "Victor: But you have to forgive lily, I think, because she was constantly under attack.", "Devon: Lily had every single advantage in the world growing up. She had every advantage. Whereas hilary had to fight for everything she had. If that wasn't enough reason for lily to cut her some slack, I think she could have done it for me. She knew how I felt about her. She could have reached out one time. She never did. And in the end, her pettiness got my wife killed. So how am I supposed to forgive that?", "Victor: All I can say is that I know what it feels like to be betrayed by your own family.", "Devon: Do you think I'm going too far with this?", "Victor: Devon, I can't answer that, really. I mean, I don't know lily all that well. I just have the feeling that she's a good person, you know? She made a tragic mistake. And you have a difficult choice to make.", "Devon: And yet I have to choose.", "Victoria: And he just happened to be here when the pipe broke?", "Sharon: He's here a lot.", "Victoria: Just hanging around?", "Sharon: Well, he's new in town. Crimson lights is a good place to meet people.", "Victoria: What about your tire?", "Phyllis: It was flat. He fixed it.", "Victoria: Seems like a regular good samaritan.", "Sharon: That's what I said. I like him.", "Phyllis: He seems like a nice guy.", "Abby: Victoria. Hey. I-I thought you were going back to the office?", "Victoria: Uh, well, I decided to work here.", "Nikki: We're working on a project together.", "Abby: Mm. Okay, well, I just came here to grab a couple coffees to go. Can I get two iced, decaf lattes to go? Thank you.", "Victoria: We were just talking about your friend rey.", "Abby: Oh. He's not my friend. I mean, I wouldn't even know him if it wasn't for arturo. But I can see why you're interested. He is a good-looking guy. But arturo did tell me that he is seeing someone.", "Sharon: Married, actually.", "Victoria: That's not why I'm asking about him.", "Phyllis: You don't seem to know very much about your boyfriend's brother.", "Abby: Well, I know more than I did. We sat down the other day. He told me about he and arturo's background, what it was like for them growing up, and --", "Victoria: Did rey ask you anything about your life?", "Abby: Well, he asked me what it was like to work for dad, and what I saw in arturo. I mean, it was -- it was actually pretty sweet. He said he was worried about J.T. Coming after me.", "Nikki: He asked you about J.T.?", "Abby: Well, yeah. [ Stammers ] It's not that weird, though. It's all over the news, how J.T. Tried to bring down newman. But I set him straight. I told him that J.T. Wasn't the one who hacked into the newman server.", "Victoria: Why would you tell him that?", "Abby: Don't worry, I didn't out nick. I mean, I-I-I just -- I set him straight, okay? He just asked about J.T. I shut him down. Thank you so much. Have a good night, everyone.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Sharon: Bye.", "Nikki: Good night.", "Victoria: So. [ Sighs ] Rey is curious about J.T. Great.", "Abby: I guessed you were the decaf kind of guy.", "Nate: I am the decaf kind of guy.", "Abby: Does that mean I can come in?", "Nate: Even if you brought caffeine.", "Abby: So gallant. [ Chuckles ] Well, here you go, sir. Or should I call you \"doctor sir\"?", "Nate: \"Sir\" is fine.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Nate: Thank you.", "Abby: It's not a fine chardonnay, but cheers.", "Nate: Cheers. Although there isn't much to celebrate lately.", "Abby: You talked to devon after I left?", "Nate: I tried to. Didn't get any further than you did.", "Abby: Yeah, that's why I came back. Not that I don't enjoy the company. It's just hard to enjoy anything knowing what devon plans to do to lily.", "Nate: Yeah, and he claims he's doing it for hilary.", "Abby: And I think he believes that. But there's got to be someone that can get through to him, someone that he respects that can change his mind.", "Nate: Well, if that person exists, I don't know who it is.", "Devon: You know, I never thought in a million years that I could feel the way I do right now about lily. And it amazes me on how feelings can change so quickly and drastically about somebody that you love.", "Victor: Yeah. If they do something unforgivable. I'll tell you something. I'm having an enormous problem with my son nicholas now, you know.", "Devon: Right.", "Victor: He and I have had our ups and downs, as father and sons do in their relationships. But, um, we always reconciled. This time, he overstepped a line. Dramatically. I don't think we will ever pull back from that.", "Devon: So you don't think what I'm doing is wrong, then, do you?", "Victor: That's your choice. If you think lily did irreparable harm to your relationship with her, then that's what you think. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. If you can't forgive her, that's your choice.", "Devon: OK.", "Victoria: He repaired your plumbing. He fixed your tire. And he bumped into Mom and Dad and me at the Club?", "Sharon: It's not like he was stalking us in a dark alley. We were all in places where we would normally be.", "Victoria: He seems so --", "Phyllis: Helpful? Friendly? What?", "Victoria: Curious.", "Nikki: Honey, I think you're overreacting a bit.", "Victoria: No, Mom --", "Nikki: He's just a guy trying to navigate his waythrough a new city.", "Victoria: Mom, I'm not being paranoid.", "Nikki: I didn't say that you were. I just think we should all relax.", "Victoria: [Scoffs] Relax? Is no one else concerned that this new guy is going around, asking questions about J.T., and has gone out of his way to meet all of us?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Kyle tries to install the new air conditioner at the apartment but he overloads the circuits and the lights go out so Lola decides to invite her mother and Rey over for a Bon Voyage dinner for Celeste so that all the food in the refrigerator will not spoil. The family shares dinner and they tell stories and Kyle is happy to be a part of such a wonderful family. Celeste and Lola encourage Rey to give Sharon a second chance but he tells them that relationship can't be fixed. Lola cries as she says goodbye to her mother and Celeste tells Kyle and Lola to take care of each other. Mariah also talks to Sharon and encourages her to give Rey another chance but Sharon tells her that Rey caught her after she slept with Adam and that is why they can't reconcile. Adam runs goes all over town asking people if they sent him that mysterious text message and Mariah, Kevin, and Victoria all say they didn't do it. Chloe tells Kevin about Billy's latest strange behavior and begs him to stop Billy before he does something dangerous. Billy lies to Victoria and tells her that he is going on a business trip to California about the Jabot merger and he should only be gone a few days. Kevin later talks to Victoria and tells her he knows about Billy's nightmares and she tells him Billy is doing better. Victoria tells Kevin that Billy has gone to California about the Jabot merger and Kevin tells her that he is sure about that so that prompts Victoria to call Jack. Jack tells her that there isn't any business trip which worries Victoria but when Adam talks to her about Billy she says he is fine and away on a business trip to California. Victoria leaves a message for Billy on his phone asking him not to do whatever he has planned because she loves and needs him. Billy sends a text to Adam with a picture of his mother's handkerchief and Adam heads to the curve on route 7. Adam shouts for the mysterious texter to show themselves and Billy starts his car and heads full speed towards a person who he thinks is Adam but he hits someone else with his car.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Adam: That's mom's handkerchief.", "Chelsea: I was saving it to give to connor, you know, but i thought maybe you could give it to him instead.", "Billy: Don't worry about me. Worry about what adam's up to.", "Victoria: Since when do you chew gum?", "Billy: So, explain to me again why you're in semi-hiding.", "Chloe: Michael just wants me to keep everything quiet until everything is finalized.", "Billy: You don't have to worry about me. I know how to handle my issues with adam now.", "Chloe: Meaning what, exactly?", "Lola: I guess that smile means you had some luck?", "Kyle: No, no luck needed, because I've got skills.", "Lola: Oh, is that so?", "Kyle: Mm. Not every man can install a brand-new air-conditioner.", "Lola: No?", "Kyle: Mnh-mnh. No. This took finesse... and brute strength...", "Lola: Mm.", "Kyle: ...And... some physics... and... 1, 2 big guns just happens to be one of my many talents.", "Lola: Wow. You have come a very long way since assembling that bookshelf.", "Kyle: You want to know what's next?", "Lola: You know, I'm really actually afraid to ask.", "Kyle: You should be, 'cause first... I'm gonna heat you up... and then... I'm gonna cool you down... because nothing is going to get you cooler than 10,000 B... T... us. Perfect comfort control with cooling... and dehumidifying.", "Lola: Wow. You know, I really love it when you talk btus.", "Kyle: Mm, and a toe-curling energy-efficiency rating. Oh, yeah. Perfect part? You never even have to get out of bed to turn it on.", "Lola: [ Gasps ] Wow. Really?", "Kyle: No. Remote... control.", "Lola: Mm.", "Kyle: Just press that pretty little button right there and wait for the sweet, cool air to work its magic.", "Lola: Can I press the button? Pretty please?", "Kyle: Mm. Nothing would make me happier.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Kyle: I'm on it!", "Lola: Kyle!", "Kyle: I got this! I got this! I got this! [ Thud ] Ahh! Ahh! I'm fine! Never fear! I can do this! Ow. Ahh.", "[ Door bangs ]", "Kevin: What the -- adam?", "Adam: In the flesh.", "Kevin: What are you doing here?", "Adam: I was just about to ask you the same thing. What, you come back to town and you don't even tell me? You're breaking my heart. I thought we were closer than that, kevin.", "Kevin: How did you even know I was here?", "Adam: Come on. Nothing happens around here without my knowing about it. You know that.", "Kevin: I am the last person you need to be worried about.", "Adam: Oh, don't sell yourself short, kev. You are as big an irritation as the rest of the miscreants. I got to say, though, it takes a lot of nerve to come back to genoa city after everything i did for you and all the personal sacrifices I made so you could fly off into the sunset with chloe and bella. And this is how you thank me?", "Kevin: I don't know what you want.", "Adam: I want your honesty and your trustworthiness, okay? You should have left well enough alone, but now you're here and you're trying to get your revenge. Hmm?", "Kevin: I didn't do anything.", "Adam: Are you trying to mess with my head? Didn't I tell you when you come for me, kevin... you better bring a damn army.", "Kevin: I didn't come for you. What the hell are you even talking about?", "Billy: You're not gonna like this, but I got to go out of town for a minute.", "Victoria: Why?", "Billy: Duty calls. I don't like it any more than you do.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, when do you have to leave?", "Billy: Tonight.", "Victoria: That soon?", "Billy: It can't be helped.", "Victoria: Where are you going?", "Billy: With the jabot merger and the relaunch, jack needs me to help with the branding, and i go where he tells me.", "Victoria: Why you?", "Billy: Who else?", "Victoria: I don't know. Kyle.", "Billy: Kyle just got married. You think I'm gonna send a newlywed on the road?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] You have a non-wife and kids. What about jack? Why not let him handle it? It's not as if he has anyone that needs him at home.", "Billy: I don't think jack would like your saying that.", "Victoria: Well, you know what I mean. You were never for this merger in the first place. Why didn't you just say no?", "Billy: You're right. I could do that. But it's gonna happen anyway, so I got one or two choices. I can either support the company 100%, or I can go look for another job.", "Victoria: Well, I don'T...", "Billy: It doesn't mean that I'm gonna trust ashley after everything she did -- all the tricks that she pulled. She almost single-handedly ruined our family company twice. I'll try to forgive her, but i won't forget.", "Victoria: Well, I've never been able to give ashley the benefit of the doubt.", "Billy: I have to give her a chance [Sighs] For the future of the company.", "Victoria: I know, billy, but it's just the timing.", "Billy: I understand.", "Victoria: With everything that's going on and adam waging war against the newmans, I want you here. You belong with us.", "Kevin: I'm here because esther wanted me here to take care of some stuff and help her out.", "Adam: Oh, poor thing. I hope she's okay.", "Kevin: She is now.", "Adam: I'd love to look in on her, offer my services. I mean, why fly you halfway across the country to lend a hand when she has people here who will gladly do the job? Huh? Esther?!", "Kevin: She isn't here -- not now.", "Adam: I never thought she was.", "Kevin: Look, adam, whatever it is you think I've done, I really don't know wha--", "Adam: This. Are you denying this, kevin?", "Kevin: \"I have something that belongs to you. Meet me at the curve in the road on route 7. You know where I mean.\" I didn't send that.", "Adam: You swear?", "Kevin: Yeah, I swear. Route 7 -- that's where de--", "Adam: You know damn well what happened there, kevin.", "Kevin: So why would I ask you to meet me there?", "Adam: You tell me.", "Kevin: Look, adam... do I hate you for what you did to delia? Absolutely. Do I hate that you held chloe's freedom over my head and forced me into indentured servitude? Yeah, I do. But that is not worth the momentary satisfaction of screwing with you, and I sure as hell wouldn't use my dead stepdaughter's memory to do it!", "Adam: Give me one reason why I should believe you.", "Kevin: Because I have my family back! That's all I ever wanted! I wouldn't jeopardize that to play some mind games with you!", "Adam: What about chloe?", "Kevin: No. There is no way. She knows how close she came to losing everything. She loves bella and our life together, and there is no way she would risk that. We have both done everything you have asked of us, so whoever is playing these games with you, it isn't me, and it's not chloe. So leave us alone. Get out of here.", "Adam: Okay, but if you're lying to me, kevin...", "Kevin: Never.", "Adam: ...I can still make your life very difficult in the blink of an eye. Don't ever cross me.", "Kevin: Chloe, please. I need to hear you say it. Tell me it wasn't you. There's just no easy answers... Additional sponsorship", "Lola: [ Gasps ]", "[ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: All hail the conquering hero. I have given you light. I've called sharon to let her know what happened, but crisis averted.", "Lola: Not quite.", "Kyle: Uh, what now?", "Lola: We need to have a funeral.", "Kyle: What? For who?", "Lola: Our dearly departed fridge.", "Kyle: [ Sighs heavily ] What happened?", "Lola: I don't know. Maybe when the circuit got overloaded, there was a short in the wiring.", "Kyle: All of your food is going to spoil. Why aren't you freaking out at least a little bit?", "Lola: Because I have got a plan.", "Kyle: Oh. You called a legit repairman?", "Lola: Better. I just invited rey and mom over for dinner here.", "Kyle: But the whole idea was that you wouldn't have to cook tonight.", "Lola: But I love cooking, especially for my family, and it just feels right that we have my mom's bon voyage party here.", "Kyle: Well, as long as you're up for it. What's on the menu?", "Lola: Everything that's in the freezer, 'cause tonight we eat like kings.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Lola: Let's go see what's in there.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: No, you have to believe me. I didn't send that text to adam.", "Kevin: I-I hated having to ask, but I needed to know. I-I needed to hear it.", "Chloe: I know, and it is adam and he is dangerous and he keeps his promises, but so do I, and I swore to you that I was never going to hurt adam again.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. I-I believe you. I-I do. It's just he -- he swoops in here out of the blue, making all these accusations. He has got that text. I don't know what to think.", "Chloe: I do. It was billy. Billy sent that text.", "Kevin: No. He would never.", "Chloe: Yes, he did. Think about it.", "Kevin: I-I know he's been a little out of sorts. You told me about the nightmares he was having.", "Chloe: And what happened with bella. I mean, she was pretty freaked out.", "Kevin: Yeah. It freaked us out, too.", "Chloe: And that's why I took the risk to go see him again. And did he tell you that he's been waking up in these strange places and not knowing how he got there?", "Kevin: What else did he say?", "Chloe: Well, he's having these dreams about delia -- that she's lost and afraid and she needs him to protect her. I mean, he is in pain. I could hear it in his voice. I could see it in his walk. He's haunted.", "Kevin: I know he's been struggling.", "Chloe: No. He is falling apart, and I know what that looks like. I mean, that look in his eyes, the thoughts that you can't shake, the feeling there'S... that you just can't make it go away. I hate that I'm even thinking this, but I am afraid that billy is going to do something to really hurt adam.", "Kevin: Well, that would be... unfortunate, but --", "Chloe: We have to help billy. We have to stop him before he does something that he can't take back, and we need to stop him now, before it's too late.", "Kevin: Look, I-I hate that he's going through this, but there's nothing we can do. We have too much to lose.", "Victoria: If you want to get more involved at jabot, I am all-in. I'm right there with you.", "Billy: Thank you.", "Victoria: And I'm very proud of you for having this positive attitude about the merger, because what's good for jabot is ultimately good for you.", "Billy: It's a quick business trip.", "Victoria: No, I know.", "Billy: It's not forever.", "Victoria: No, I know. I know.", "Billy: And if things go... like I'm hoping, it'll change everything.", "Victoria: Yeah. And maybe it would be good for you to get out of town for a while, have a change of scenery and just decompress.", "Billy: Can't hurt.", "Victoria: No, it can'T. I'm just -- I wish I could go with you, and I feel completely mortified that I'm making it sound like --", "Billy: Like you need me?", "Victoria: Yeah, that.", "Billy: I need you, too. But I also know how brave you are, and adam knows how brave you are. Quick trip to cali and I'll be back before you miss me.", "Victoria: It's too late! I already miss you.", "Billy: Don't worry. I have a feeling adam won't be waging war on anyone while I'm gone.", "Kevin: We barely dodged a bullet with adam. He knew that I was in town. If he finds out you're here, too, before michael lines everything up to take care of your legal problems, adam will find out what we're up to and blow it out of the water. Then you go to prison and bella loses her mother. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna let that happen.", "Chloe: When I went back to portland after I was held hostage by adam, I asked billy to look out for you and to make sure that you were safe, and he did that for us. And it only made things harder for him. He is suffering.", "Kevin: Are you willing to sacrifice your freedom for his?", "Chloe: I think that we can help him without getting ourselves into trouble. We have to. Look, I know what he's going through because I deal with that pain and suffering every day, and it is never-ending, an overwhelming battle of trying to keep it under control.", "Kevin: But you found a way through.", "Chloe: Yeah, because of bella and you. But when you are in that dark place... you don't even know how to ask for help. It is impossible to see the light. We have to help him. Think about -- think about johnny... and katie and victoria.", "Kevin: Well, did billy say something -- anything -- that made you think he was gunning for adam?", "Chloe: I told him that any amount of energy he spent on adam was a waste. It wasn't worth it.", "Kevin: And how did he respond?", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] He said that when I pulled the trigger and shot adam, I should have aimed higher.", "Kevin: [ Sighing ] Ay. That's dark, even for billy.", "Chloe: And then he came later, and he told me that I was right, that he had -- he had found a way to deal with his issues with adam.", "Kevin: Well, that's good, right? Maybe he's gonna go get some counseling or try yoga. Maybe he was just venting and he realized he went too far.", "Chloe: No. It scared me... even more because he was calm and detached. It was like he had made a decision that he was already going to do something that would hurt him or someone else. And if adam retaliates, does more damage, if he ruins more people's lives, that is a burden that we are going to have to carry.", "Kevin: What about our lives?", "Chloe: Look, I know that i took a risk going to see him, and I know that if I go back out there and if someone sees me, then all of the work that michael has done -- I mean, it is going to be ruined, and our plans are gonna come crashing down, but we have to help him.", "Kevin: How? Wh-wh-what do you want me to do?", "Chloe: I need you to go out there and prove me wrong. Make sure that billy is safe and that adam isn't going to do anything to hurt him. Please? Will you please do this for me? Do it for delia. It's what she would want.", "Celeste: Oh. That's good.", "Rey: So, you decided to fix the air-conditioning all by yourself, huh, big guy?", "Kyle: Not one of my best ideas.", "Rey: Next time just call the professionals -- or me. I'll give you a hand.", "Kyle: Thanks, man.", "Rey: No problem. And just so you know, now that you put a ring on it, you don't have to try so hard to impress her.", "Kyle: I'm not so sure.", "Lola: Hey, kyle has nothing to prove. He has worked very, very hard.", "Celeste: Mm. Has your father never taught you to build anything or do any household fixes or...?", "Kyle: None of the above, actually, which is why I was so determined to try to repair it myself. I could have called sharon, have her pay someone to fix it. That's how I was raised, how i lived my whole life. But when I look back on the things I've done, the stupid stuff I pulled...", "Rey: Rich, entitled, privileged pipsqueak?", "Lola: Rey, not fair.", "Kyle: No, no, no. He's right. He's right. But... I used to make fun of people who said they were trying to live their life with intention, but that's what I'm trying to do now -- embrace the aspects of life that I used to avoid -- become a well-rounded person. And I know I've got a long way to go before I'm as handy as the rosales crew, but --", "Lola: Why don't you reach a little higher than those two, will you?", "Rey: Excuse me. If it weren't for me, that food truck of yours would have never made it around the block.", "Lola: I fixed it myself.", "Rey: Because I taught you.", "Lola: You know what else rey is really good at?", "Rey: Everything?", "Lola: Rewriting history! Mama?", "Rey: Whoa, whoa. There you go running off to mom. You need to fight your own fights.", "Lola: Oh, okay. You want to go? Let's go.", "Rey: Did I ever tell you i taught her to box?", "Kyle: Yeah.", "Lola: Oh, okay. There he goes again, you know, making up stories. Is it the heat? Don't worry. Don't listen to him, baby. He's hallucinating. Look. Oh, look. A glass of water. Rey, do you need a glass of water?", "Rey: Mom, can you please --", "Celeste: No, no, no. You got to leave me out of this, you two.", "[ Laughter ]", "Lola: Why are you smiling like that? What's wrong?", "Kyle: all. I've just never been part of a family that's so...", "Celeste: Crazy?", "Rey: Loud?", "Lola: Out of control?", "Kyle: ...Full of life and excitement and fun. I'm glad our kids are gonna grow up in a family as big and happy as this one.", "Celeste: Kids? Whoa. Wait. Wha-- do you have some good news you want to share?", "Mariah: Before you came back to genoa city, my mom was happy. So why did you have to take a wrecking ball to her life?", "Adam: Mariah, I have a -- I have a lot on my mind, so, uh,now's not a good time to get on my case about sharon.", "Mariah: You know, I wish you would just do her and everybody else a favor and go back to vegas.", "Adam: Wait a minute. You are not above using the memory of a dead girl to manipulate people. Did you send me that text?", "Mariah: What text? I don't have your number, nor do I want to.", "Adam: Never mind.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Kevin: [ Sighing ] Ah, yeah. [ Exhales sharply ] Okay.", "Kevin: Victoria?", "Victoria: Hey, kevin!", "Kevin: Hey!", "Victoria: I was wondering when I was gonna run in to you again.", "Kevin: Well, I guess tonight is your lucky night.", "Victoria: I guess so! Have a seat.", "Kevin: Oh, thanks.", "Victoria: I heard you were back.", "Kevin: Yeah. I was, uh, just taking care of things for esther.", "Victoria: Oh, well... it's good that she has you.", "Kevin: Well, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my girls.", "Victoria: Yeah. How is bella?", "Kevin: She's a handful.", "Victoria: Yeah?", "Kevin: She is too smart, too funny, too beautiful for words. Makes me wonder who's really in charge -- me or her.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ] I guess she has you wrapped around her little finger.", "Kevin: Mm. She's the love of my life. You know how it is, with katie and johnny.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. It's an adventure every day.", "Kevin: Uh-huh.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Kevin: Well, at least you have billy to balance things out.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Kevin: How's he doing?", "Victoria: Well, between work and the kids, he's very busy.", "Kevin: So, things are going well at jabot? I mean, he's happy?", "Victoria: Why do you ask? I'm phil mickelson.", "Lola: Yeah, no babies.", "Celeste: Ever?", "Lola: Not never, just... not now.", "Celeste: Well, kyle said --", "Kyle: I was only talking about one of our possible futures when we're ready.", "Lola: We're just starting out. I want to enjoy this part of our lives together, being a couple, doing couple things, and sleeping in when we want.", "Kyle: Going out when we can.", "Lola: And there are still so many things that we want to do.", "Rey: That's smart. You both are still so young. There's no need to rush. As long as you know what the other one wants, what you believe in, where you stand, that's a -- that's a good foundation.", "Celeste: Well, I am just happy that you have so much love for each other and that you are gonna start a family.", "Lola: Eventually.", "Celeste: Oh, well, alright. Until then, I will just have to spoil my other grandbaby. Oh. I am sorry.", "Rey: No, please, mom.", "Celeste: I didn't mean to bring that up.", "Rey: No, listen. Listen. This kid is going to be my nephew or niece... the soon-to-be newest member of our loud, crazy, beautiful family. I'm happy for arturo, and I'm gonna welcome this kid with open arms and all the love in my heart.", "Celeste: You are a good son.", "Rey: Don't forget handsome.", "Celeste: You are a handsome son.", "[ Laughter ]", "Rey: All I'm saying is that everything feels like it's finally the way it should be.", "Celeste: Mm-hmm. Well, 'tis a mother's duty to overstep... so I'm gonna take my chance.", "Rey: Oh, boy. Here we go.", "Lola: Ooh! Here comes the lecture.", "Rey: This one's going straight to you.", "Lola: Oh, no, rey. This one is coming straight at you, so duck and cover, because she's gonna read you like a book.", "Sharon: So, after I turned down adam's proposal, he saw me with nick, and he misinterpreted what was just an innocent hug.", "Mariah: I hope he thinks you're having a torrid affair with nick. It serves him right.", "Sharon: I don't know how i messed things up this much.", "Mariah: Mom, this was not you. This was all adam. He had no reason to think that you were into him, much less wanted to marry him. Oh, no.", "Sharon: That's not entirely true. We had this...interlude...", "Mariah: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: ...A few weeks ago. I mean, well, he had gotten into a fight with nick, and he was in no shape to drive, so i just took him back to his place. And then one thing led to another.", "Mariah: No. You didn'T. You didn'T. Please tell me that you did not.", "Sharon: Well, I -- it was, you know, just a moment of weakness. I completely regretted it afterwards.", "Mariah: Thank god. But it's obvious that you're still attracted to him.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] What we had between us was... it was just all about our past, and, you know, but being with him made me realize that the man that I used to love is gone now, so... I told adam that I don't want to be with him.", "Mariah: Well, it's just a shame that you didn't boot him out of your life before he drove away the one guy that was actually good for you -- rey.", "Kevin: I ran in to billy.", "Victoria: Uh, yeah, I heard.", "Kevin: He seemed a little... unhappy, maybe. I was just hoping everything was okay.", "Victoria: Yeah, everything's okay. It's just with adam being back, it stirred up some painful memories for a while.", "Kevin: For a lot of us.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Kevin: Seeing him get a second chance after everything he's done -- adam gets to move on with his life, like nothing has happened, leaving the rest of us to pick up the pieces. It'S... impossible... especially after the death of a child. I can imagine what billy is going through. Not sleeping, distant.", "Victoria: And the nightmares.", "Kevin: About delia? I can't be easy on you, being worried about him all the time.", "Victoria: I-I am. I-I-I was. I mean, he's just doing so much better now.", "Kevin: Oh. Is that so?", "Victoria: Did you hear about the jabot merger?", "Kevin: No.", "Victoria: Ashley left to start her own venture, but now she's back, and she and jack are joining forces again.", "Kevin: So, billy must have a lot on his plate these days.", "Victoria: Yeah, but it's good, you now, to have something meaningful to focus on, something that he can contribute to, and it couldn't have come at a better time.", "Kevin: You think? I mean, you're not concerned he's taking on too much?", "Victoria: No, not at all. In fact, he just left for a business trip.", "Kevin: Oh, good for him. Where to?", "Victoria: California. Why do you want to know where he's going?", "Kevin: I, uh -- you know what? Actually, I have to run, but I'm really glad to hear that he's turned a corner, and it's great to see you, victoria.", "Victoria: You, too. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Celeste: I mean, maybe you're right, rey, that this was the way things were supposed to be with arturo and mia, because i truly believe that there is something better for you. I do. Maybe it just needs time to fall into place. And maybe that's with sharon.", "Rey: Mom, sharon and I are --", "Lola: No. [ Sighs ] I agree. Rey, you know, I have been thinking the same thing, and maybe you should give sharon a second chance", "Rey: I don't know if that's ever gonna happen.", "Lola: Hey, look, we know that things have gotten really messy between the two of you. But she made you happy, rey -- happier than I've ever seen you.", "Rey: Lola, listen --", "Kyle: I'd like to propose a toast.", "Rey: A toast. That's a great idea. What are we -- what are we toasting to, hmm?", "Kyle: To celeste for creating this terrific family.", "Lola: To family.", "Celeste: To family.", "Rey: To us all. Salud.", "Celeste: And even though some of our loved ones are missing from this dinner table tonight, they are always with us in our hearts. So many beautiful memories, so much laughter. [ Laughter ] But, I mean, don't get me wrong. There have been hard times. It hasn't always been easy. We've had obstacles that we've had to overcome, but... we have always been there to help and support each other, and we've been there to celebrate each other's triumphs and to help through all the rest. And you two -- you've grown into adults that other people look up to and love. I just -- I wish I didn't have to go.", "Lola: We're gonna come visit you.", "Celeste: I know you're gonna come visit, and often, but I was really glad that I got a chance to see you blossom here in your new homes and in your new lives. It fills my heart to see, after all these years, the two of you are still taking care of each other. That -- a mother's dream come true.", "[ Chuckles, sniffles ]", "Rey: [ Smooches ]", "Lola: Aww.", "[ Glasses clink ]", "Sharon: Rey and I are through. There's no point dwelling on it.", "Mariah: But the only reason that you guys broke up is because he thought that you had feelings for adam, so maybe if you explain to him that you don't, it could work out?", "Sharon: Mm, that would be a hard sell. Unfortunately, rey knows that i slept with adam. That's why things were so tense between us at kyle and lola's party.", "Mariah: I would like to double down on my earlier apology for engineering that awkward scenario.", "Sharon: Oh, no. Don't feel bad. Rey and I -- we've just, you know, come to terms. We're fine.", "Mariah: That's very zen of you. But be honest. If there was a multiverse in which rey wanted to reconcile with you, would you take him back?", "Sharon: You've been hitting the sci-fi too hard.", "Mariah: Indulge me.", "Sharon: Okay. If I could bend the laws of time and space, I'd take a mulligan on a lot of things. And my relationship with rey would be right at the top of that list.", "Victoria: Jack, hi. It's victoria. I'm great. Thank you. I just had a question about billy's business trip. To california. For jabot. Oh. Um...well, maybe it was ashley's idea. No, it's not a big deal. We probably just got our wires crossed. I'll track her down. No, no. It's nothing serious. It's -- it's fine. We'll talk soon. Okay. Bye.", "Adam: What the hell is going on with billy?", "Victoria: I have no idea what you mean. Billy is just fine.", "Adam: I ran in to him in the park awhile back, and he accused me of planting an old doll of delia's in your bedroom.", "Victoria: Well, who else would do something that twisted?", "Adam: Okay, I would never use her memory that way. Despite what everybody seems to think, I would never do something --", "Victoria: ...That you use your past as an excuse to lash out at innocent people, that you inflict as much damage as possible just for fun?", "Adam: Ouch.", "Victoria: But I know the truth, adam. You love creating chaos so that you can watch the fallout. It is fun for you.", "Adam: Actually, all I have done is try to reunite with my sons once I have moved back.", "Victoria: I am so sick and tired of hearing your pathetic explanations for why you've declared war on the rest of us newmans, but you should just watch out because we're ready for you. You leave billy out of it, though. You've hurt him enough.", "Adam: Billy came to me.", "Victoria: Do you know our lives were so much greater before you came back? All billy wants is to focus on his family and his job. In fact, that's what he's doing right now. He's out of town, working on the jabot merger. So, that is what's going on with billy. You leave him and the rest of us the hell alone. Do you understand?", "Rey: I'll see you down there in a few. Watch out for the rosales waterworks.", "Kyle: Ohh.", "Lola: What waterworks? I'm not going to cry.", "Celeste: Me, neither. This is not goodbye.", "Lola: No. It's a \"see you soon.\" Whenever I find some time off, we will come visit you in miami.", "Celeste: Kyle hasn't met the rest of the rosales clan.", "Kyle: The more, the merrier.", "Celeste: He doesn't know what he's in for, does he?", "Lola: No. Mnh-mnh.", "Celeste: [ Chuckles ] I'm so proud of you, baby. So proud of all that you've accomplished. You have just grown into such a strong, fearless woman.", "Lola: Well, what can I say? I am a rosales. I got it all from you.", "Lola: I wish you didn't have to go.", "Celeste: I know. So do I.", "Lola: And no more fights, okay? Because it killed me not being able to talk to you.", "Celeste: Never again. My daughter... a married woman.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lola: And us married ladies -- we share our opinion no matter what.", "Celeste: Oh, why am I afraid of what might come out of your mouth?", "Lola: Mom, just promise me that you won't fall for dad's empty promises ever again.", "Celeste: I am a charter member of aa -- adrian's anonymous -- so, no, I'm not gonna ever make that mistake again.", "Lola: Great, because I will be checking up on you.", "Lola: Okay. I'm gonna hold you to that. [ Chuckles ] Take care of my girl. She means everything to me.", "Kyle: Always. You have my word.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Celeste: [ Sighs ] [ Chuckles ] I will miss you so much.", "Lola: Mom, I am going to keep you so up to date that you won't even have time to miss me.", "Celeste: I know. Cherish each other. You're gonna have such a blessed life. [ Smooches ] I love you.", "Kyle: You okay? I love you.", "Lola: I love you, too.", "Victoria: Billy... I talked to jack. He doesn't know anything about a trip. [ Sighs ] Listen to me, okay, please? I love you so much, so whatever is going on, whatever you're thinking about doing, don'T.", "Adam: Alright, you wanted me. You got me. Now show your face.", "[ Engine revs ]", "[ Engine revs ]", "[ Tires screeching ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nick meets with an unlikely visitor. Lily begs her ‘uncle' for help. Gloria learns that her secret is on the way out. Ashley has to consider who she wants as her date to the wedding. Kevin brings home a better roommate." ]
[ "Tom: Oh, that was good, Mike. I mean it. You really had me goin'.", "Michael: You think I'm joking?", "Tom: Mm. You and me goin' to John Abbott, messin' up your mama's marriage to the old guy.", "Michael: No. Messing up your pathetic little blackmail scheme, and trust me, that is going to be the outcome, and then it's \"bye-bye, Tom, and good riddance.\" We'll be free of you once and for all, nothing more you can hold over our heads.", "Tom: Listen to you, Mr. Big shot attorney. You people-- you love to put on a show. This ain't some kind of trial in front of a bunch of strangers.", "Michael: You're right, Tom. It's real. It couldn't be more real.", "Tom: Don't forget who you're talkin' to, Mike. I know you. Now you can grandstand all you like, but you're not gonna stop me from gettin' what I want. You might as well get used to that right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Answer me, Kevin. What do you mean, \"Michael will take care of it\"? What is your brother going to do?", "Kevin: Don't worry about it, Mom.", "Gloria: No, I worry about it. Now something is going on, and I wanna know what it is. (Door opens)", "Kevin: Hey, you're back from your walk already.", "Scott: Yeah, I went all around the neighborhood.", "Gloria: Wow. That's great. So, Scott, what would you like to do now? Maybe take in a movie or visit some of Genoa City's museums?", "Scott: You've been great, Mrs. Abbott, but you really don't have to entertain me.", "Gloria: Nonsense. I mean, I have been so looking forward to meeting you. I am delighted to be able to spend some time together. After all, we are going to be family very soon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hello, Brad.", "Brad: Sharon, hi.", "Sharon: Your secretary said you'd be in here.", "Brad: And here I am. What can I do for you? Do you need to talk?", "Sharon: Actually, I'm here because I'm wondering if I still have a job. I'm ready to come back to work.", "Brad: I'm glad to hear you're ready to come back, Sharon. I really am, and of course you have a job. You know that. But are you sure you're ready?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: When do you think we'll hear back from the D.A.?", "Neil: Glenn wanted a little bit more time to review our proposal.", "Dru: Well, was he receptive to our idea about sending Lily to a boarding school? I mean, is he gonna drop the charges or what?", "Neil: Drucilla, I don't know. He's gonna call us after he confers with the judge.", "Dru: Hmm. (Telephone rings)", "Neil: Hello. Speaking. Yes, Glenn, thanks for gettin' back to me so quickly. So what have you decided?", "Neil: Right. No, I understand. First, uh, first my wife and I have to break the news to Lily.", "Lily: Break what news to me?", "Neil: Uh, I'll be in touch. Yeah. Thank you for everything. We're all very appreciative. Okay, Glenn, bye-bye.", "Lily: Um, what's going on?", "Dru: Honey, we have something very important to tell you.", "Lily: It's something bad, isn't it? Oh, my God. Did something happen to Daniel?", "Dru: This has nothing to do with Daniel.", "Lily: Well, then what?", "Neil: Sweetheart, your mother and I have decided that we're sending you away to boarding school for your senior year.", "Lily: No-- you're joking, right?", "Dru: Do we look like we're joking?", "Neil: You're leaving right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I just know that we are all going to be fast friends, especially you and Kevin, because I think you two gentlemen have a lot in common.", "Kevin: Mom--", "Gloria: No, its true, Kevin. You're both young and handsome and single.", "Kevin: Mom, come on. Please.", "Gloria: Oh, come on. Am I embarrassing you? I bet scoot doesn't mind.", "Scott: I don't mind a bit, Mrs. Abbott.", "Gloria: See? Oh, my. Look at the time. Listen, I really do have to get running. Now are you sure that you're gonna be all right all by yourself?", "Scott: Positive.", "Kevin: I'll see you, Mom.", "Gloria: Okay. Bye-bye, baby.", "Scott: It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Abbott.", "Gloria: Oh, believe me, the pleasure was all mine, Scott. You know, your mother is going to be so happy when she sees you here. Oh, you and Kevin and Michael-- three absolutely gorgeous men. This is gonna be the best looking bridal party Genoa City has ever seen. (Giggles) oh, and, Kevin, about that little matter we were discussing, please have your brother call me. I'll try to find him myself, but just in case you see him first, okay? Bye-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Knowledge is power, my friend. Have you ever heard that expression? Because pretty soon, John Abbott is gonna know everything we know-- that his wife, who thought she was legally divorced from you, turned out to be wrong, and that you've used that precious little tidbit of information to extort money from me, from out of Gloria, even out of poor Kevin in the form of rent- free living. And once that cat's out of the bag, game over. There'll be nothing left for you to do but to leave this town with your tail tucked between your legs.", "Tom: Man, you talk and talk and talk, but that's all you are, Mike-- a bunch of hot air.", "Michael: We'll see, won't we?", "Tom: No, I don't think we will, 'cause your mama's biggest fear is losing that old rich man that she managed to latch herself on to. She will never forgive you if you cross her.", "Michael: That's a distinct possibility, one I've worried about for some time now.", "Tom: Yeah.", "Michael: But I'm over it. I don't care anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Sorry about that.", "Scott: Don't be. Your mom's a trip.", "Kevin: Actually, you know, your mom and my mom get on real well.", "Scott: So far everyone I've met in your family seems cool.", "Kevin: Cool and nutty, right?", "Scott: Uh, cool and original.", "Kevin: Aha. I like your choice of words.", "Scott: So what about your dad? Is he the same way?", "Kevin: My dad?", "Scott: Yeah. Is he as outgoing as your mom? Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have asked.", "Kevin: Uh, no, no, it's fine. It's just, uh-- well, my dad hasn't really been part of the family for a long time.", "Scott: So you guys aren't close?", "Kevin: That's a huge understatement.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: So you don't care how your mama reacts. Do you expect me to believe that?", "Michael: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. Try me.", "Tom: Well, you're a lot of things, Mike, but a son of a bitch with no heart isn't one of 'em.", "Michael: Ohh, you'd be surprised...", "Tom: Yeah, I would be.", "Michael: Given that I, uh, grew up with the perfect role model.", "Tom: Oh, listen, I've seen you people in action. You and Gloria and that sniveling brother of yours-- you've made yourselves into this perfect little family, reunited after all these years. You're real proud of that, aren't ya?", "Michael: What's your point?", "Tom: You're not gonna throw all that away. You go to John Abbott and let him know she's kept a whopper of a secret like this from him, he will boot her out so fast, her head will spin, and she will never speak to you again, Mike.", "Michael: If that's the case, let it be so... because eliminating you out of our lives would be the best possible thing I could do for her and Kevin. That's what a real family means, Tom... protecting each other... at all costs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You can't be serious.", "Neil: The district attorney's office will drop the charges on the condition that you further your education in a more controlled setting. We talked about schools that would meet that criterion.", "Lily: What, like a military school?", "Neil: Glenn called an academy he works with in New Hampshire. It's not a military school, and they have an opening.", "Dru: New Hampshire...", "Lily: I can't believe you're sending me away. You know, I know what this is about. You're punishing me for last night.", "Dru: This is not a punishment. This is to protect you!", "Lily: How does this protect me, Mom, how? What if I just refuse to go?", "Dru: Oh, please...", "Neil: If you refuse to go, you're gonna be spending months in juvenile detention. You can finish up your high school there. Is that what you really want? Do you really wanna take that risk?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm not really sure of anything these days, Brad, except that I'm relieved that the trial's over.", "Brad: And the outcome?", "Sharon: I'm still processing that. I mean, obviously, I don't want Daniel to go to prison the rest of his life for something he didn't do, but it's just-- it's complicated.", "Brad: And before, things were pretty black and white.", "Sharon: Then you understand.", "Brad: Sure, I understand, and if I were in your position, I would want someone to blame. The judge made the right decision, I suppose, but he took that away from you.", "Sharon: And you hear those words-- \"not guilty\"--", "Brad: And they don't really matter, at least not for you and Nick. You lost so much.", "Sharon: But I've made a decision, and I'm planning on sticking with it. I want to accept the evidence. You know, I can't live the rest of my life in doubt, and that piece of boot that was Cassie's-- there's no other way that it could've gotten there.", "Brad: That's a difficult reality to accept.", "Sharon: Well, it is reality, and Nick and me and Noah-- we just have to find a way to deal with it.", "Brad: How are things between you and Nick?", "Sharon: Well, we're not dealing with this the same way. We're not dealing with it together, which is kind of frustrating, but I suppose it's natural. I don't know. Maybe it would be weird if we both had the same way of getting through this.", "Brad: You know what? As long as you're giving each other space, permission to work things out and work them out in your own way.", "Sharon: You know, sometimes I feel like I have to give myself permission.", "Brad: What do you mean?", "Sharon: Well, I've been doing a lot of reading, mostly online. I'm just trying to do anything to figure out how I should feel.", "Brad: Whoa, wait a minute, Sharon. How you should feel? Listen, you don't owe anything to anyone, u-unless we're talking about your husband.", "Sharon: Well, I know Nick thinks that I'm getting through this too easily.", "Brad: He said that?", "Sharon: No, but, I don't know, sometimes I wonder myself. You know, in some cultures you are expected to wear black for months and months after a family member dies-- sometimes even years... and I ask myself, \"is it okay for me to smile? Is it okay for me to laugh or do something that I enjoy doing?\" I mean, say that I never, ever smiled again, and people would just look at me and think, \"poor Sharon. It's very sad.\" But they wouldn't think that it was weird, and they would understand.", "Brad: You're concerned that if people do see you smile...", "Sharon: Would it make me seem unfeeling? Or like I'm betraying Cassie?", "Brad: Sharon, you can't start looking at yourself through other people's eyes, all right? That's quicksand.", "Sharon: I know. I won't. At the end of the day, I can't. I'm gonna miss Cassie every moment of every day for the rest of my life, but I can't mourn her forever. I can't build my whole life around missing her. She's gone, and I need something else to focus on besides that.", "Brad: Well, you know what? If you need something else to focus on, you came to the right place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Well, hi, sweetheart.", "Gloria: Oh! Oh, hi, honey. I thought you'd be at the office by now.", "John: Well, I just stopped by to pick up some files...", "Gloria: Well, good.", "John: And I was just leaving momentarily.", "Gloria: Okay.", "John: But before I go...", "Gloria: Uh-huh.", "John: I would like to tell you how beautiful you look.", "Gloria: (Laughs) today? With my hair? I've been running all over town.", "John: Now you know you always look beautiful to me.", "Gloria: Oh, John. Oh, John.", "John: You know, I was so glad that you stopped by the club earlier. It really brightened up my day,", "Gloria: Oh...", "John: And I had a chance to meet Lauren's son.", "Gloria: You know, just having him here has gotten me all excited about the wedding again.", "John: You know, I don't think I've ever met anybody that's so enthusiastic about an event. You really have a flair for that kind of thing.", "Gloria: Oh, you think so, Mr. Abbott? Well, maybe I should take it up as a career, or have my own advice column-- \"Gloria Abbott on weddings.\"", "John: Oh, I think you'd give Emily Post a run for her money.", "Gloria: You know something? I bet I could, but, no. I'll be happy to hang up my hat after Michael and Lauren say their vows, at least until Kevin, someday, I hope, finds the right girl, and then I will. Or will I? Any chance of Ashley tying the knot again?", "John: Oh, goodness. As far as I know, marriage is about the last thing on her mind.", "Gloria: I know, honey, but you did mean what you said about that new friend of her possibly coming to the wedding with her.", "John: Well, I'm sure that's a possibility.", "Gloria: But, honey, are you sure? Because I'm all set to send an invitation to Ashley and Paul Williams, but if this other person is really more important in her life, then maybe he should be the one to escort her. Now what do you think?", "John: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: When Gloria gets wind of what you're up to--", "Michael: Oh, she can't stop me any more than you can.", "Tom: Ahh. It's gotta burn you up, though, huh? Knowin' that me and her are on the same side.", "Michael: Hmm. Are you implying that you have some sort of friendly alliance?", "Tom: No. Let's just call it having common interests.", "Michael: No, let's call it what it really is-- coercion.", "Tom: Sorry, Mike. It's the last one. Mmm. You know, Gloria-- she sure looks good these days, doesn't she? All those fancy clothes, the hair, the nails, drivin' around that big, old sedan of hers-- she's gotten pretty used to the good life. And doesn't it open all kinds of doors in this town, bein' Mrs. John Abbott? Boy, she just eats that up. Money, status-- things she could never have back in Detroit, and now you're gonna take all that away from her, take away her lifeline? Shame on you, Michael.", "Michael: You took her integrity away from her. You took her self-respect... things that are much more important than money or status, and I'll be givin' them back to her.", "Tom: Poor but honest-- my, oh, my. Isn't Gloria lucky to have a son like you?", "Michael: Yeah, she is... but you know why else she's lucky? Because despite all the pain and the heartache she endured, thanks to you, she's finally found love... real love, and deep down she now knows that can't exist where there isn't honesty, and make no mistake. She loves her some John Abbott.", "Tom: Assuming you're right and Gloria loves the man as much as the money-- which I highly doubt-- still the question becomes does Abbott love her the same way? Is that marriage solid enough to take the hit you're about to dish out? Now personally I doubt it, because Gloria doubts it. Otherwise, why would she even give me the time of day, let alone write me all those nice, big checks? Come to think of it, the same way you did, because you're just as scared of blowin' that marriage to smithereens as she is.", "Michael: I told you I've had an epiphany! I'm not afraid anymore! There's only one thing I care about. I care about--", "Tom: Yeah, I know, gettin' rid of me.", "Michael: Well, hallelujah. You've been actually listening.", "Tom: Oh, believe me, brother, I've heard every word. In fact, they're all piled up on the floor like so many cow pies. It's a good thing I got my boots on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: You guys, please don't send me away.", "Dru: Honey, do you think we want to send you away? We have no choice.", "Neil: Lily, it's the only way to get the charges against you dropped, keep you out of juvenile detention.", "Lily: I know. I know. I know I messed up, okay? But, please, I promise to do anything you guys tell me. Just don't make me leave Genoa City, please.", "Neil: See, you don't understand. It's not up to us anymore.", "Dru: It's the district attorney, baby. Our hands are tied. (Knock on door)", "Neil: I'll get it.", "Dru: Sweetheart...", "Neil: Yeah. Hey.", "Lily: (Inhales sharply) ohh, Uncle Malcolm, thank God you're back. Mom and Dad wanna send me away, but please don't let them. Please. Please. Please. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: Hey, it's none of my business. I didn't realize it was a sensitive subject.", "Kevin: Hey, no problem. See my old man wasn't really much of a father to say the least. Which is why I'm so glad that my mother met somebody like Mr. Abbott.", "Scott: Yeah, he seems like a really upstanding man. I met him earlier.", "Kevin: Yeah, he is.", "Scott: And I can totally relate. I mean, your brother seems like a great guy, too.", "Kevin: Yeah, he is. He treats your mom like a princess.", "Scott: Yeah. That's cool. You know, since my dad died, she's dated, but she never got real serious with anyone. At least, not that she told me about. The truth is, there's a lot about her life I don't know. Anyway, I'm just glad she finally found somebody to spend the rest of her life with.", "Kevin: That's nice. Those two are completely in love.", "Scott: I still wonder, though, what things would've been like if she had found somebody years ago, if I'd had a father growing up.", "Kevin: Your dad died when you were a kid, right?", "Scott: Yeah, I was just a baby. Not that I'm complaining, either. I mean, my mom's great. But it would've been nice to have a father looking out for me, you know?", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I can totally relate to that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Man, it's hot.", "Malcolm: Drucilla, what the hell is going on?", "Dru: You heard about Daniel's verdict, right?", "Malcolm: Of course I did. It's all over the radio.", "Dru: Not guilty. Can you believe that mess? And now Lily's wondering why we have to send her away.", "Malcolm: Quite frankly, so am I. Drucilla, this nightmare we've all been living is over. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to give me a pretty damn good reason why I should go along with wanting to send her away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Lily, we didn't make this decision lightly. Enrolling you in a boarding school the D.A. approves of does solve your legal problems. You won't have to stand trial, risk getting convicted, spend your senior year in juvenile detention. And whether you want to believe it or not, that was very likely to happen.", "Lily: You don't know that for sure.", "Neil: Yeah, but are you really willing to take that chance? See if you were thinking clearer, then you wouldn't be behaving like-- Lily, look at me. Look at me.", "Lily: Stop it.", "Neil: You really wanna be locked up? Is that what you want? You wanna have a black mark on your record that would affect you for the rest of your life?", "Lily: No, of course I don't want that, Dad. But be honest and admit there's another reason for sending me away. This is because of Daniel.", "Neil: Okay, yeah, you're right. You're right. Daniel is part of it.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: He's a big part of it. You've been crazy. You've been acting recklessly ever since that boy came into your life. You've made one foolish mistake after the other. And that is why your mother and I are making this decision for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: This looks good. It looks real good.", "Brad: (Chuckles) Sharon, I have been involved in a lot of product launches in my time, and I have never felt this positive. Seasons is going to go down in textbooks-- from concept to development to shelves and into shopping bags in record time.", "Sharon: Well, there's some risk.", "Brad: Oh, you know what? There's risk in going too slow, too. Somebody else zips in there with a concept that's different but that neutralizes the surprise-- the unexpected novelty of Seasons.", "Sharon: You really are in love with this project.", "Brad: I'm excited about it. This is why I play the game-- to be right in the middle of this kind of stuff.", "Sharon: How about I show up first thing tomorrow morning and you can tell me where I will be the most help?", "Brad: Sounds great. Sharon, what we were talking about before-- I understand that you wanna put Cassie's death behind you. You don't wanna carry it around like a heavy weight the rest of your life. But... if you ever do need to talk...", "Sharon: The hardest thing, Brad-- and there will be times, I'm sure where you'll catch me spacing out. You'll have to say, \"Hello, Sharon, we're in a meeting.\"", "Brad: I don't mind.", "Sharon: The one thing that's gonna take a long time to go away-- if it ever does-- is why did I ever let my daughter out of the house that night?", "Brad: You had no way of knowing.", "Sharon: Well, but I did. See, there's the problem. Cassie had been acting out for weeks, and then all of a sudden she was our sweet little girl again, saying that she would be really good if we let her go out this one time. How could I not see that?", "Brad: What about Nick?", "Sharon: Nick didn't see it because he didn't want to. But I knew something was off. My daughter would be alive today if I'd just stuck to my guns.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Oh, let's stop all this speculation about what's gonna happen if I do this. I'm doing it.", "Tom: Yeah, so you keep sayin'.", "Michael: Look, but first, you'll be packing your things. And getting the hell out of here.", "Tom: I will be?", "Michael: Uh-huh. And the reason you'll be leaving here today is because after today you will no longer be able to hold this family hostage. Understand? Because after I speak to John, it's over. Your career as an extortionist-- it's, uh, finished. Which also means that Kevin is no longer obligated to put up with your abuse in order to protect Gloria.", "Tom: Hmm. I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me.", "Michael: (Sighs) what doesn't?", "Tom: Well, you wanna hurt me, cut me off at the knees. So why come here first and warn me? Why not just do it?", "Michael: Believe me, I intend to.", "Tom: No, I don't think you do. 'Cause see, if it was me, and I really meant business, I wouldn't bother to give the other guy a heads up. Why spoil all the fun of blindsiding him? I'd only do that if I was bluffing.", "Michael: Hmm, yeah. The reason I came here is \"a\"--to evict you personally. And \"b\"-- to show you I mean business. I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't kidding.", "Tom: Fine. Do what you threaten. Go see John Abbott.", "Michael: I thought you'd wanna come along. You know, see how it plays out. It should be a real good show. Come on, I'll drive.", "Michael: Let's go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Gloria, sweetheart, I have no idea who Ashley's going to bring to the wedding. Maybe you should ask her.", "Gloria: Can't do that.", "John: Why not?", "Gloria: Because even though your daughter and I are getting along better, she'd probably think I'm just prying into her personal life.", "John: Now that depends how you go about it.", "Gloria: Honey, I'm asking you. Now this new beau-- could it be something serious?", "John: And I have no idea. Look, I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing this fellow around the house. I mean, evidently, uh, he's made quite an impression on Ashley.", "Gloria: And who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll actually introduce me to him before the wedding.", "John: Honey, I haven't met the man yet, either. Now I am sure when Ashley's ready, she will bring him by for my approval.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm, your approval. Certainly not mine. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Kevin and Michael never brought their sweethearts around for my approval, either. Not that I was a very good judge of character. At least until I met you. Mr. Abbott, you are the most amazing man. And our marriage means so much to me. And I only hope you feel the same way.", "John: Hey, why wouldn't I?", "Gloria: I hate to admit it, but I feel...", "John: Oh, don't you tell me-- insecure?", "Gloria: Sometimes.", "John: Now listen to me, you know where I stand. Now that you and I are beyond all secrets, I see nothing but happy years ahead for us. Come on, my girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know, it's kinda funny when you think about it-- your mom marrying my brother-- and suddenly, just like that, we're related.", "Scott: Presto. Instant family.", "Kevin: Yeah. So again, it's good that we can talk, you know? When, uh, when my mom married Mr. Abbott, it didn't go quite as well with his kids.", "Scott: I hope things are better now.", "Kevin: For the moment. But I guess every family has their share of problems, right? But here's to hoping that it's smooth sailing for Lauren and Michael.", "Scott: I'll drink to that.", "Kevin: So, uh, how long are you in town for?", "Scott: Well, my trip's pretty much open-ended.", "Kevin: And where are you crashing?", "Scott: I assume my mom will want me to stay with her.", "Kevin: You know, I think I have a better idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Beautiful. (Doorbell rings)", "Gloria: Well, it is about time.", "Michael: For what?", "Gloria: I have been trying to reach you, Michael. I left you a message. Kevin said that you were--", "Tom: Hello, Gloria. Mind if we come in?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I don't want you to think that I'm blaming Nick for the accident because I don't. I just can't forget there was that one moment where we could've prevented this whole tragedy. And I so wish we could talk about that.", "Brad: You're talking about it now.", "Sharon: Yeah, I suppose I am. And, frankly, it is a relief.", "Brad: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll make you a promise. You start thinking about that when we're in the middle of something, you just tell me, and we'll hit the reset button.", "Sharon: Thanks, Brad. I'd better get going.", "Brad: How does Nick feel about you coming back to work?", "Sharon: Um, honestly, I don't know. But then, I don't know how he feels about a lot of things lately.", "Brad: Well, I will see you in the morning.", "Sharon: Yep, tomorrow morning.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Please, Dad. Please, there has to be some other way, please.", "Neil: I wish there was, Lily. Come on, sit down. Hey, honey, we spent so many years apart, you know, you and me? I am so very grateful to have you back in my life every day. Do you really think... that I would send you halfway across the country if I thought there was another choice? I mean, every day I know I'm gonna miss you but... it's the best thing for you. I remember that morning when I heard that Cassie passed away and... I couldn't stop thinking-- that could've been my little girl. And for you to throw everything in your life away like that--", "Lily: No, Dad, it's never gonna happen again, okay? I promise. Promise.", "Neil: I spent a lot of time with the Newmans. You know, uh, I witnessed their suffering. I heard their regrets about not taking a strong enough stand with Cassie when they felt she was headed in the wrong direction. Baby, I... I don't wanna have any of those regrets.", "Lily: No, look, I will do whatever you and Mom want me to do, okay? Just tell the D.A. that I've changed, and he will listen to you.", "Neil: No, no.", "Lily: He will.", "Neil: No, no, no, baby. I'm not-- I'm not gonna lie for you. You've been making some pretty bad choices lately. You know that. I wish I could believe you. I wish I could believe that you've learned your lesson, but, honey, I-I... I can't make that assumption. Hey... kiddo, think of this as a new beginning, you know? This is a fresh start for you. Do you realize how lucky you are?", "Lily: Oh, yeah, my life is perfect.", "Neil: Lily, that attitude is exactly why you're gonna be getting on a plane and going to New Hampshire today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Do you really think we wanna send her to boarding school?", "Malcolm: Drucilla, do you really think this is what's best for her?", "Dru: Either Lily goes to boarding school, or she goes to juvenile detention. We don't have an option.", "Malcolm: I just gotta wonder if what she really needs is just closer family supervision.", "Dru: What she needs is for me to light up her behind. But her father says, \"We don't do things that way, Dru.\" So, no, we did \"closer family supervision,\" and the district attorney knows that didn't work.", "Malcolm: Okay, okay, will you slow down? Did you even discuss other options with the man?", "Dru: What other options?", "Malcolm: She could go to a very strict school right here in Genoa City. She can do community service. But let boarding school be a backup plan.", "Dru: If she messes up one more--one more time, it's a wrap. Besides, the decision's already been made.", "Malcolm: Okay, look, I understand I've been out of town. But considering my relationship with Lily, I think I should at least get a say in all of this.", "Dru: Oh, don't go there.", "Malcolm: Hey, all I'm saying is I'd like to be heard.", "Dru: I'm sure there's a lot of things you'd like that you're just not gonna get. Now listen to me, and listen to me good, Lily is going to boarding school so I can protect her from that menace Daniel and all his ghetto drama. She already told me she's gonna sneak around and try to find him. It's done. That's how it's gonna go down.", "Neil: You know, sweetheart, I love you very much, right?", "Malcolm: Neil? You mind if I have a conversation with Lily? Alone?", "Lily: I can't believe this is happening.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) it's a big shock, I know.", "Lily: Look, can you please help me? You know, I know you can't be in favor of this.", "Malcolm: Lily, the last thing I want is to see you get sent away.", "Lily: Yeah, I knew it. I knew that's how you would feel.", "Malcolm: I want you to listen to me very carefully. There's something very important I need to tell you. It's probably gonna shock the hell out of you. But you need to hear it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Is anybody home? Come on in.", "Scott: Very cool place.", "Kevin: Yeah, isn't it?", "Scott: You're sure this'll be okay with everyone?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, positive. There's plenty of room here.", "Scott: All right. Well, since I'll be around for awhile and my mom will be moving in with your brother, it's probably not a bad idea to give those two their privacy.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, that's why I moved out. I mean, I'm sure you would've been welcome at Michael's place, but, uh, his life can get a little intense sometimes.", "Scott: Oh, with work, you mean?", "Kevin: Yeah, things just get crazy so, uh, I wouldn't want you to get caught up in that. This is, uh, this is the best solution.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: What are you doing here?", "Tom: I hitched a ride with sonny boy here.", "Michael: Where's John?", "Gloria: John? He's at the office.", "Tom: As if you didn't know that.", "Michael: We'll wait for him.", "Gloria: Michael, what is going on here?", "Michael: What's going on is that the three of us are gonna sit down and have a nice, long talk with John about who this man is and why he's in town.", "Michael: It's time, Gloria. It's time your husband knew the truth.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: I don't know why I agreed to meet with you. I can't imagine that we have anything to say to each other.", "Neil: You seem to have this way of reaching my daughter when no one else can.", "Tom: Your old man finds out you've been hiding something this big from him? Oh, baby, it's all on the line." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Sharon in the house looking fearful and sitting in dark spaces of the room. The Baldwins are awake and Kevin isn't happy having to have slept in the living room. He wants to get his own place. Michael says he can stay as long as he wants. They get the call. John was in fact the one who wrote the Will that was brought to court at the last minute. Gloria is stunned. \"Why would John do this to me?\" Jack and Ashley sit at the table. Jack is happy not to have the stench of Gloria's perfume stinking up the house. Ashley isn't pleased. He seems to think that they are going to win this and she is concerned about that. She finds this morally wrong if Jack had anything to do with it. She is mostly concerned about what this says about her brother if he did in fact have his hand in it as she suspects. The phone rings, and they are given the word. The Will has been tested and it is in the handwriting of John Abbot. Michael's client accepts that John may have written that second Will, but that John wasn't in his right mind at the time. He tells of the prison brawl, the memory lapses, confusing the dates and times He provides documents showing that John thought of Gloria as his wife, married her twice and trusted her in fact so much that he even named her as the person that he trusted the most to carry out his final wish in the DNR document. Sharon is stunned to find Nick and Phyllis with Noah at the main house with Victor. She learns that Nick is going to be telling Noah about the new baby that day. She thinks that she should have been notified about that first. Nick and Phyllis take Noah to the lake and they give him the news. He takes it well and asks if they are going to get married. \"Yes,\" Nick says quickly. Phyllis turns to him surprised. \"There will be a wedding very soon!\" Ashley gives her testimony. \"Gloria is a con artist who's been after my father's money from day one.\" Jack's testimony is just as scathing. \"My father went to this length to keep Gloria from stealing his legacy!\" The judge will make her decision the next day. Lauren goes to Jack and Ashley. \"I hope that you two are happy with yourselves.\" Gloria tells them that their father would be ashamed of them. \"Jack,\" Michael says. \"I have made allowances for your bad behavior There was enough for everyone \"" ]
[ "Jack: Mmm. Smell that.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: The scent of our home without the stench of Gloria's cheap perfume hanging in the air. Pass me the Rolls?", "Jack: You seem a little quiet this morning.", "Ashley: Just thinking.", "Jack: Sounds dangerous.", "Ashley: You act like you don't have a care in the world. Like the judge is automatically gonna rule in our favor. We don't know what's gonna happen in that hearing today, Jack.", "Jack: Ash, have a little faith.", "Ashley: There you go again-- just the picture of confidence. Like you expected this all to happen.", "Jack: Let me ask you a question-- why are you still harping on this? You feel the same way about Gloria as I do.", "Ashley: Because if you did manipulate this somehow, I don't like what it says about you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hey, Sweetie.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Lauren: You want some breakfast?", "Kevin: I'm too tired.", "Lauren: Didn't you sleep?", "Kevin: No, I forgot how uncomfortable this couch is. It's like sleeping on a piece of concrete.", "Lauren: I'm sorry.", "Kevin: Not that I'm ungrateful.", "Lauren: Yeah, but I'm sure your back isn't grateful.", "Kevin: I gotta find my own place.", "Michael: Oh, no rush. Take your time. How about yesterday?", "Kevin: Yeah. Sure, I'll get a room at the club. Or you know what? Make it a suite.", "Lauren: You ready for your hearing?", "Michael: I'm about as ready as I'll ever be. I've got a ton of documentation. Unfortunately, John's lawyer is in the hospital, seriously ill, so I can't call him as a witness to testify that John's intent was to have a second marriage license filed.", "Kevin: So what are Mom's chances?", "Michael: I'm not sure yet.", "Gloria: What? You're not prepared, Michael?", "Michael: I'm prepared.", "Gloria: Well, you don't sound sure.", "Michael: Well, to give unequivocal statement that we will prevail, I can't give you that. You know, probate court has a lot of latitude.", "Lauren: Look, Gloria, you know that Michael will do everything he can to make you get this inheritance.", "Gloria: For starters, by proving that will is a fake, right?", "Michael: No, uh... by making a very strong argument that you're John's punitive wife under Wisconsin law, and therefore, are entitled to your late husband's assets under the community property statutes.", "Gloria: I was asking about the will, Michael.", "Kevin: It's a phony, Mom. Everybody knows that.", "Michael: It's not a phony until the handwriting expert says it's a phony.", "Lauren: And that analysis is pretty accurate, right?", "Michael: It's not infallible. But it's a lot harder to forge somebody else's handwriting than you think.", "Gloria: See? There you go! As soon as the results are in, this thing is over. Jack may be clever, but, Honey, you're gonna expose him for the fraud he is. And I can't wait!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: I've never seen a fish that big in the creek before! Have you?", "Victor: You know, I haven't either.", "Noah: Now I wanna go back and try to catch it.", "Victor: I think that's a hell of an idea", "Victor: Did you have fun with your dad last night?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: \"Kids and blended families-- talking to your children about divorce.\"", "Phyllis: Yeah, there's a lot of stuff on the net.", "Nick: I leave you for one night and you get your Ph.D. in child psyche.", "Phyllis: Well, you can look at it if you want. You don't have to look at it. I just... so, uh... do you still wanna do this?", "Nick: We can't keep putting it off. And I want Noah to have time to get used to the idea of him having a baby sister on the way.", "Phyllis: When do you wanna spring it on him?", "Nick: We'll just see how the day goes. You know, being out at the lake, having a good time-- it might help things.", "Phyllis: How was he this morning?", "Nick: He seemed okay. He stayed at the suite with me last night. And then when Dad picked him up to go riding this morning, he seemed like he was in a good mood.", "Phyllis: Good. Good. Well, he loves spending time with you. But, uh, dealing with the rest of Dad's new life is the part I'm nervous about.", "Nick: You know, when I was Noah's age, I spent my whole childhood getting used to the idea of new people coming in and out of my life things have been pretty stable for Noah. I'm not gonna pretend I know how he's gonna take this. All I can do is be there for him and support him and love him. Make him feel like he's still part of a family even though Sharon and I aren't together anymore.", "Phyllis: Right, I understand that. I mean, going through the wars that I did with, uh, Daniel.", "Nick: I just hope Noah understands just because I'm not in love with his mother anymore, it doesn't diminish my love for him.", "Phyllis: He will. It's just; it's hard for a kid to understand something like that so fast.", "Nick: I know it's not gonna happen overnight, but it will happen, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. It'll happen. So, uh, we should go. Or else Noah will wonder where we are.", "Nick: All right, let's go.", "Phyllis: Let's go. I'll take this.", "Nick: You take the heavy one.", "Nick: Gimme that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So was this a poster or a book?", "Noah: A book.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Noah: The pages were all about what happened to me this summer.", "Victor: Ooh, I bet your dad had a great time working with you on that.", "Noah: Yeah, it was really cool.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Noah: I wish it could be like that all the time.", "Victor: I guess you do. You know, it can.", "Noah: How?", "Victor: Well... let me show you something. You see this here?", "Noah: It's a rock.", "Victor: It's a worry stone. And whoever uses it becomes very calm and very tranquil.", "Noah: Where'd you get it?", "Victor: I got this in India. A monk gave it to me. And I'm gonna pass it along to you. So whenever you're upset or worried about something, you take out the stone, you put it between your fingers and you sort of rub it. It really works. It calms you down.", "Noah: Like magic?", "Victor: Well, something like that. But it really works. I've tried it.", "Noah: Then why would you give it away?", "Victor: Because I have a feeling you need this more than I do. Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Believe me, if I was gonna go to the trouble of faking Dad's will, I'd have given myself a larger piece of his estate.", "Ashley: Why don't I find that amusing, Jack?", "Jack: Ash, experts can see a forgery across a football field. If one of the \"Ts\" isn't crossed just so, Gloria's pit bull of a son is gonna have this thing thrown out of court.", "Ashley: Not even a glimmer of moral outrage?", "Jack: About what?", "Jack: I'm not gonna pretend to be upset when I'm not. Abbott residence. This is he. Yes, please, go ahead. Um, my sister Ashley is here. Would you share those results with her directly?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You know, I didn't want to say this in front of Gloria, but the idea of Jack and Ashley going this far just so your mother doesn't get some money?", "Kevin: It wouldn't surprise me a bit. First off, we're not talking about some money. Half that estate's gotta be worth, what?", "Michael: Millions.", "Kevin: Plus, think of all the times that we've, uh... bent the rules, if you will, to protect one another. Why wouldn't Jack and Ashley do the same thing for their family? Especially considering how much they hate Mom.", "Michael: Yeah? This is he. Oh, over the phone is fine. So what did you conclude? Did John Abbott write that will? You're sure? What about-- I see. Oh, well, thank you for calling. Good-bye.", "Lauren: John wrote it, didn't he?", "Michael: Uh... yes.", "Lauren: Oh, God. So it's not a forgery?", "Gloria: What? Was that the handwriting expert? Well, go on! Go on, tell me! What did he say?", "Michael: I'm sorry.", "Gloria: I just can't believe it. And how could John do this to me? Why did John do this to me?!", "Michael: Even if he did write the will, I still think its suspect.", "Lauren: I just... this doesn't make sense.", "Gloria: I saw John in the hospital before he had his second stroke. He was my same wonderful, loving John, as worried about me as I was about him. His feelings had not changed for me.", "Kevin: Okay, well, don't even start thinking that he didn't love you, Mom. Because he did. So get that idea out of your head.", "Gloria: I know. And I keep going over it-- every time I saw him in prison. Michael, there wasn't one thing that would've caused him to change his will! I'm telling you, Jack and Ashley persuaded him to do it. That is the only--", "Michael: The judge won't wanna hear speculation or theories. I have to convince her the marriage was valid. Then nothing else matters. As John's wife, you would be entitled to a portion of his estate. Not half, but...", "Kevin: Not peanuts either.", "Michael: Definitely not peanuts.", "Lauren: Okay, look, you know, money aside, you and John were husband and wife in every way that counts. And don't you let anyone start making you doubt how much he loved you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you had a good time on your ride? Awesome, man. Guess what? I took the whole day off. We're gonna go to the lake and have a picnic.", "Noah: Cool!", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: School's starting soon. We better get out there while we can.", "Noah: You said the \"s\" word again.", "Victor: Uh-oh! You fine him a quarter.", "Noah: More like 10 bucks.", "Victor: That's a good idea.", "Phyllis: Hey, guys! Are you ready?", "Noah: Oh, I didn't know she was coming.", "Nick: Well, I figured we had such a good time the other day, we should try it again.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Sharon: Um, hey!", "Victor: Hi, Sharon.", "Sharon: Good morning.", "Noah: Hey.", "Sharon: I didn't know you were back already.", "Victor: Well, I picked him up in town. And then we took the horses for a spin.", "Sharon: Oh!", "Victor: Yeah.", "Sharon: That must've been fun.", "Noah: It was.", "Victor: It was, wasn't it?", "Sharon: I, uh, I didn't see your car here.", "Nick: I'm parked out back.", "Phyllis: Yeah, we're borrowing, uh, Miguel's cooler. Uh, it was closer to the kitchen.", "Sharon: Oh, uh, what's going on?", "Nick: We're taking Noah to the lake.", "Sharon: Hey, that sounds like fun.", "Victor: Why don't you and I go look for some trunks? That way, you don't have to go back to the house. Okay, let's go.", "Noah: Okay.", "Victor: We'll be right back.", "Nick: Thanks, Dad.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Sharon: Why wasn't I informed about this?", "Nick: We talked about, uh, my spending more time with Noah.", "Sharon: I'm glad you're following through with that, but it's just-- I'd like to know if it's not going to be just the two of you.", "Nick: There's a reason Phyllis is coming with us.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah, I'm sure.", "Nick: This isn't just some fun day by the water. We're gonna tell Noah about the baby.", "Sharon: So you're telling Noah that-- with her there-- and you haven't even so much as informed me?", "Nick: I didn't want to upset you.", "Sharon: Okay, um, what about Noah? Or are you planning on just dumping this on him and then leaving it for me to deal with later?", "Nick: No, absolutely not. This is my responsibility.", "Phyllis: Yeah, this is difficult for all of us, Sharon. I mean, look at me. I'm showing. He's a smart kid. He's gonna know it's not from eating potato chips or something. Don't you think it's better for him to find out this way than any other way?", "Sharon: Um, well, there's really no way for me to answer that without sounding like the villain.", "Nick: No. There are no villains. This is what it is. I thought it would be a lot better if he heard it from me. You've been under a lot of stress lately. I didn't want to add to it.", "Sharon: Right, yeah, because you care so much about me.", "Phyllis: Well, you may not believe this, but we do actually.", "Sharon: No, I don't. I don't actually believe that. This is all working out just perfectly for you, so you can afford to be magnanimous, can't you?", "Victor: So I think we should be looking for some beach towels as well. Do you know where they are?", "Nick: Dad, we actually have towels, thank you.", "Victor: Oh, you do?", "Nick: Yep.", "Victor: Well, that's nice", "Sharon: All right, Honey, um, you have a good time.", "Victor: Oh, don't you worry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Bouliane: I have here a report from the handwriting examiner, which states that the handwriting in the will compares favorably with known exemplars of John Abbott's handwriting. Do you wish to contest?", "Michael: Uh, no, your honor, I am not contesting that the decedent wrote the will. However, I do claim that the petitioner Gloria Abbott was John Abbott's punitive spouse. And therefore, is entitled to a share of the estate. I would like an evidentiary hearing on that issue. And if my esteemed colleague has no objections, I would like to proceed immediately.", "Judge Bouliane: And your esteemed colleague would be?", "Woman: Jessica Sinclair, Judge. Ms. Blair was called away on an emergency. I've been fully briefed. And to answer Mr. Baldwin's question, we are prepared to counter.", "Judge Bouliane: Wonderful. Let's wade right in.", "Michael: Well, I would like to present for your honor's consideration a vast array of original documents attesting to the validity of the marriage, in spite of the unfortunate snafu of it not having been recorded by the county clerk.", "Judge Bouliane: How many exhibits?", "Michael: Oh, dozens, your honor. Uh, starting with the petition for dissolution from Mrs. Abbott's former husband Thomas Fisher, now deceased. Uh, bank statements, invoices from credit cards showing that John and Gloria had melded their finances into joint accounts.", "Jack: Finances? She came from Detroit with the clothes on her back.", "Michael: The transference of John Abbott's stock options to Gloria Abbott, whom he acknowledges in writing as his wife. Photos of John and Gloria's wedding, as well as newspaper announcements of the same, telling the entire community that John Abbott had officially taken a wife.", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection!", "Judge Bouliane: Strike \"officially.\"", "Michael: The legally filed will that left Gloria half of John's estate. And finally, the complete documentation of the medical problems afflicting John while he was in prison which led to memory loss so severe he called Gloria his ex-wife's name, a woman he had divorced almost 30 years before. John also displayed belligerent tendencies, which led to him starting a brawl, for which he was later denied visitation privileges. And anyone who knew John could tell you that was shockingly uncharacteristic. But... it proves up my argument from the previous hearing that John may have been mentally impaired to the point of forgetting that he had a wife when he wrote that will-- at whatever point last spring.", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection! The prison will predates Mr. Abbott's mental problems by well over a month.", "Michael: It predates the formal diagnosis of those medical problems. The Abbotts had considerable trouble convincing the warden to allow tests to be run by John's personal physician. Days went by as his condition worsened. He became delusional thanks to a mix of prescription medications. We have no idea when the memory lapses began.", "Judge Bouliane: I'll take that into account. Is that everything?", "Michael: No. I would like to submit into evidence the \"do not resuscitate\" order that John Abbott filled out and signed at the hospital before the stroke that led to his death. In it, he appoints Gloria Abbott as his patient advocate-- the person he entrusts with the responsibility of deciding whether or not to sustain life support should the worst happen. Her honor will please note that Mr. Abbott checked the box \"spouse\" when asked to describe his relationship with Gloria.", "Judge Bouliane: Thank you, Mr. Baldwin. Ms. Sinclair? Would you like a recess so that you have an opportunity to examine these documents?", "Ms. Sinclair: We'll stipulate to their authenticity. However, all this paper's a smokescreen, your honor. The documents counsel has submitted to the court don't accurately describe John Abbott's relationship with Gloria Fisher.", "Michael: Her legal name is Gloria Abbott.", "Ms. Sinclair: Pardon me, Gloria Fisher-Abbott. The children of the decedent can offer testimony that speaks to the true nature of that involvement.", "Gloria: Oh, please!", "Judge Bouliane: I'll hear it. Whoever is testifying, raise your right hands.", "Man: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth in the matter now pending before this court?", "Jack and Ashley: I do.", "Ms. Sinclair: Ms. Abbott, please state your name for the record.", "Ashley: Ashley Suzanne Abbott.", "Ms. Sinclair: You are John Abbott's oldest daughter?", "Ashley: Yes, I am.", "Ms. Sinclair: How would you describe your father's relationship with Gloria?", "Ashley: Gloria is a con artist who was after my father's money from the moment she met him.", "Gloria: That is an out and out lie!", "Michael: Objection, your honor. Sit down!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Look at this! Did I pick a great spot or what?", "Noah: Yeah.", "Nick: This is perfect. You got a front row seat to watch the annual father/son belly-flop.", "Phyllis: Great!", "Noah: No fair, you're bigger than me.", "Nick: Well...", "Phyllis: Well, we'll give you a handicap. Do I get to judge?", "Nick: Yeah! You take bribes, right?", "Phyllis: Oh, sure, depends on what they are.", "Nick: They're good, trust me.", "Noah: Can I go swimming, Dad? I've been waiting forever!", "Nick: Yeah, in a minute. Um, there's something I wanna talk to you about first. Uh, your mom-- are you still mad at her?", "Noah: No.", "Nick: Are you sure? It seemed like it when she showed up a little while ago.", "Noah: I just wanna spend the day with you.", "Nick: Well, she wants to spend time with you, too, Bud. She loves you just as much as I do.", "Noah: I know.", "Nick: Okay. And you know you can always tell me what you're feeling, right?", "Noah: Okay.", "Nick: Good. So I'm gonna tell you what I'm feeling. It's not as much fun as, uh, a belly flop, but you need to hear it, okay? There's something I wanna talk to you about. You might have some questions, so I just wanna get it out of the way, okay?", "Noah: I wanna go swimming now.", "Nick: Noah...", "Noah: Last one to the lake's a rotten egg!", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: I guess it's just belly flops for now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hi.", "Victor: You know, the Olympics won't start for another two years.", "Sharon: Yeah, I know. I'm pounding Phyllis' face into the ground. See?", "Victor: Yeah, well... sometimes I wish you wouldn't feel that way.", "Sharon: Oh, Victor... do you have any idea?", "Victor: You bet we do. Don't think for one moment that we aren't aware of what you're going through.", "Sharon: It just... feels like my family isn't my family anymore.", "Victor: Don't feel that way. You've been my daughter-in-law for ten years now. You'll always be part of this family. That'll never change.", "Sharon: Well, it might. You know, let's just cut to the chase. Phyllis has stolen my husband. And now she's doing her damndest to steal my son, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Be careful!", "Phyllis: Noah's a regular little fish out there.", "Nick: Well, he should be. He spends half his life in a pool. We gotta tell him. He deserves to know.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I just want it to be the right time.", "Nick: Well, we'll talk to him when he's ready. But I wanna do it today.", "Phyllis: Here he comes. Here he comes.", "Nick: Looking pretty good out there, Dude.", "Noah: Thanks! How come you didn't come and swim with me?", "Nick: I will in a little bit.", "Noah: I'm hungry. Can we eat now?", "Nick: Um, you know what? First, why don't we have our little talk?", "Noah: Am I in trouble again?", "Nick: No. Wait, did you do anything wrong?", "Noah: No.", "Nick: Okay, good. Phyllis and I have something important to tell you. We think its good news, and we hope you feel the same way. But it will change things for everyone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Bouliane: Next time I have to use this, you're outta here.", "Michael: I am sorry about the outburst, your honor, but my objection stands.", "Judge Bouliane: \"Con artist,\" Ms. Abbott?", "Ashley: If you knew the lies that Gloria told to protect her lavish lifestyle--", "Ms. Sinclair: Tell us about those lies.", "Ashley: There's so many, I don't even know where to begin. I guess it started when Gloria first realized what an important man my father was in Genoa City.", "Ms. Sinclair: So Gloria misrepresented her marital status and let herself be blackmailed by Tom Fisher so he wouldn't go to John and reveal the truth, used John's money to pay that blackmail, allowed you and your young daughter to become friendly with this highly unscrupulous, violent person from her past. And when the truth finally came out, John wound up in prison for killing the man who threatened your family. Am I leaving anything out?", "Ms. Sinclair: Your witness.", "Michael: How is any of this relevant to the question at hand? Which is-- whether Gloria Abbott was John Abbott's wife in name and fact. To wit-- did your father think of her as his wife?", "Ashley: I wasn't privy to my father's thoughts.", "Michael: Okay, we'll do this the long way. Did you ever hear your father refer to her as \"his wife\" in conversation?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Michael: All the time, correct?", "Ashley: I guess.", "Michael: Did he refer to her as \"my mistress,\" \"my concubine,\" \"my anything else?\"", "Ashley: I suppose he thought of her as his wife.", "Michael: Thank you. Did he allow her to change her name legally from Fisher to Abbott?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Michael: Hmm. Did she live in his house? Did she sleep in his bed? Did she pour him his bran flakes? Did she worry about his blood pressure?", "Ashley: She worried about her clothing allowance. I know that for a fact.", "Michael: Judge!", "Judge Bouliane: It's out.", "Michael: Let's talk about your father for a minute. Did you personally witness any of these memory lapses he suffered in prison last spring?", "Ashley: I was there during my father's difficulties.", "Michael: On how many occasions?", "Ashley: I don't remember exactly.", "Michael: Did he remember you?", "Ashley: Yes, always.", "Michael: Did he speak as if it were the mid-1970s and your mother Dina had just left the family? A simple yes or no will suffice.", "Ashley: At times.", "Michael: Did it seem as if his mind vacillated between that decade and the present as evidenced by things he told you directly?", "Ashley: That was the impression I got.", "Michael: His conception of time got a bit fuzzy?", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection, leading.", "Judge Bouliane: I want to hear her answer.", "Ashley: I suppose you could say that.", "Michael: Such that he didn't know if it was May or April or Christmas 1963?", "Ms. Sinclair: Objection, asks for speculation.", "Michael: Withdrawn. Were you surprised that they found a new will?", "Ashley: Very.", "Michael: Why were you surprised, Ms. Abbott? Because you heard your father repeatedly state that he loved his wife Gloria and intended to provide for her? And that all of a sudden he pulled a switcheroo when his mental capacity was suspect?", "Ms. Sinclair: Multiple questions, leading the witness.", "Michael: A person who would've benefited from her father's wife being denied an inheritance-- even she can't believe that he was capable of such a thing.", "Ms. Sinclair: Argumentative!", "Michael: No further questions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Things have been constantly changing for you this summer. And it must be rough. You know, having to adjust and not knowing what's coming next. Does it seem like that?", "Noah: Sometimes.", "Nick: Well, um... there's no right or wrong way to feel about this news we're gonna tell you. The important thing is that you don't keep anything inside. You're my son and I love you. And I wanna know what you're feeling and if you're okay or not okay. You know what I'm saying?", "Phyllis: And I want you to know that, um, even though we don't know each other very well, I care about how you feel. And--and I care about you.", "Noah: Dad, what's going on? You're starting to freak me out.", "Nick: Well, here's our news. Phyllis is expecting a baby. She's gonna have a little girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You're Noah's mother. That will never change.", "Sharon: Yeah, thank heaven for DNA, right?", "Victor: I really am sad that you're in so much pain.", "Sharon: I don't wanna feel this way.", "Victor: Have you ever tried another way to... relieve the pain?", "Sharon: What do you suggest I do?", "Victor: What about meditation?", "Sharon: Um... I don't know if I'm ready for that. And besides, I can't just meditate and forget that Phyllis is having Nick's baby. Well, you know, he... walks around like everything is perfectly normal!", "Victor: I assure you that's not how he feels.", "Sharon: Well, I end up feeling like the bad guy. Besides, its ten years of marriage down the tubes.", "Victor: Weren't you the one who asked for a divorce?", "Sharon: Yes, but that was a very honest move on my part, Victor-- admitting to myself that there was nothing left to salvage.", "Victor: Then you have got to let it be.", "Sharon: Let it be?", "Victor: Yes.", "Sharon: And what? Just let it go? You know, I have let go of so much already-- so much! I don't know what I'm gonna have left!", "Victor: You have yourself left.", "Sharon: You know, I don't really know if I know who I am anymore.", "Victor: Sweetheart, that's a problem for a lot of people who have been married to someone else for a long time who have raised children. They've lost a sense of who they are. This is a chance for you to do that-- to find yourself now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Gloria is a liar, pure and simple. I would think you, of all people, would know that, counselor. You're one of the sons she denied having so that my father wouldn't dump her.", "Michael: I'll ask you the same question I asked your sister.", "Jack: Is it relevant? You're damn right it's relevant. Gloria's mountain of lies was the reason my father saw the light in prison, the reason he took the steps he did to protect his family from the one person responsible for all this damage. It was Gloria's lies that set the stage for my father being in prison. He is gone now. But if he were here, he would tell you what he wrote on that legal pad back in April is what he meant to write. He wanted to protect his family from Gloria Fisher taking even their legacy from them.", "Gloria: Michael, you have to let me testify. I can't sit there and let Jack and Ashley say all those horrible things without telling my side of this.", "Michael: Yeah, and then their lawyer gets a crack at you. As emotional as you are, don't you see the risk you'd be taking?", "Gloria: I want that judge to know that whatever I did, good or bad, I did it out of love for John.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I found that exercise helps.", "Victor: Exercise helps a great deal. But... the difference is in how you feel afterwards. And you feel totally relaxed after boxing. Let me show you.", "Sharon: Oh, yeah?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Sharon: Boxing, huh?", "Victor: Yes.", "Sharon: I'll give it a try.", "Victor: You can get out all of your aggressions.", "Sharon: I'll just pretend that it's Phyllis' face right there.", "Victor: There you go.", "Sharon: A couple of jabs.", "Victor: That's not bad at all.", "Sharon: I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing.", "Victor: That's not bad at all.", "Sharon: Really? You show me. You show me.", "Victor: All right, I'm gonna start slowly. Always start slowly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Kinda surprising, huh?", "Phyllis: I certainly was surprised.", "Noah: When are you gonna have it?", "Phyllis: November.", "Noah: Can I go swimming again?", "Nick: When we're done talking. So, bud, um... I'm the father of the baby. You're gonna have a new little sister.", "Noah: Is that why you're getting divorced?", "Nick: It's a big part of it.", "Noah: So that means Daniel's gonna have a little sister, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth in the matter now pending before this court?", "Gloria: I swear that everything I say here will be the truth and nothing but.", "Michael: Gloria... you acknowledge that you made a few mistakes, maybe more than few mistakes, in your relationship with John?", "Gloria: Yes. But the only real mistake I made was not trusting that John would understand and forgive me-- which he did-- every single time. I wish I could go back and change the way I handled some things. But, you know... life doesn't let you do that.", "Michael: You were a wife to him.", "Gloria: Yes, I was.", "Michael: John married you twice, did he not?", "Gloria: Yes, he did. I had no-- we had no idea that our first marriage wasn't legal.", "Michael: You filed for divorce from Tom in Michigan.", "Gloria: Yes, I did. And I thought that the divorce had been finalized. But when John and I found out that it hadn't been, he surprised me with a wedding. Jack and Ashley were there. My son Kevin was there. Now why would he do that if he didn't wanna be married to me with all of his heart?", "Michael: Why, indeed.", "Gloria: And, uh... this is the ring he gave me.", "Michael: Mrs. Abbott, tell us what that means to you.", "Gloria: Everything. John meant everything to me. And letting him go in the hospital that night, and he gave me the decision, was the hardest thing I've ever done. John Abbott loved me, your honor. And I loved him! It wasn't about the money. I don't care what anybody in this courtroom says. I don't understand where that will came from. But I don't believe for one minute my husband meant to leave me with nothing. Jack and Ashley want you to think I'm greedy. And that all I want-- all I wanted-- was their father's money. But it seems to me, that they're the ones that are determined to keep every penny for themselves. Even though they know in their hearts, in their souls, it wasn't what their father wanted.", "Michael: Your witness.", "Ms. Sinclair: I believe her honor already has a good picture of the sort of person Gloria is.", "Michael: Gloria? Is there anything else you'd like the judge to know?", "Gloria: No. But I would like to say something to Jack and Ashley. This isn't about the money. I got by on my own just fine for a long time before I ever met your father. And I thank God I have two wonderful sons who will stand by me and help me till I get back on my feet again. But I will not-- I cannot-- let anyone deny my marriage to the one man I have truly loved in my life!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey! Victor! Victor! Victor! Hey! Hey! Are you all right? What's going on?", "Victor: I'm so tired.", "Sharon: Well, yeah, it's no wonder.", "Victor: Why am I sweaty?", "Sharon: Because you were working so hard on the bag just now. Don't you remember?", "Victor: Of course, I remember. Of course, I remember. What are you talking about?", "Sharon: I was talking to you. It was like you couldn't even hear me.", "Victor: Oh. What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Bouliane: I'll review the documents and everyone's testimony and give you my ruling tomorrow.", "Man: All rise.", "Gloria: Well?", "Michael: I don't know what to tell you. Jack and Ashley tried to make you look pretty bad. But, uh, I don't see how the judge can go through all those documents and still deny you and John were married.", "Lauren: I hope you're both proud of yourselves.", "Ashley: I did the right thing and so did Jack.", "Kevin: By going after Mom like that? Knowing how your dad felt about her?", "Jack: My father put how he felt about your mother in writing, in his own hand.", "Michael: Jack? I know you've been grieving, so I've made allowances for, let's just call it your rudeness. But you've gone too far John's estate was big enough for you, for his wife, for all of his grandchildren. And you cutting Gloria out-- and don't try and say it was John's doing-- that's just a new low. Even for you.", "Gloria: If your father's watching right now, he's deeply ashamed of both of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: When I first found out about the baby, it was a shock. I mean, a big shock. I was excited, but also, it was a little scary.", "Noah: So does that mean you guys are gonna get married?", "Nick: Yes. As soon as we can, we're gonna have a wedding.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: He was just there. He was just sitting in the chair.", "Ashley: Who?", "Jack: Dad.", "Sharon: How could you tell him that you and Phyllis are getting married without telling me first?!", "Judge Bouliane: Regarding the matter of the estate of John Abbott..." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis continues to prepare for prison. Summer seems to be getting sick so Phyllis refuses to leave while her baby is sick. Michael tries to buy her some time but can't. Phyllis locks herself in a room with the baby so she won't have to go. Nikki worries how Ji Min's tell-all will affect her. David tries to convince Ji Min to reconsider. They try to get Jack to go public first to lessen the blow but he won't do it. Meanwhile Nikki gets a key to David's apartment. Amber tells Carson about Ji Min. He steals the $100 bill from her but she catches him and they decide to try and locate the money together. Ji Min is shown with the money and almost gets caught with it by Jill. Katherine approaches Jill and asks her to get Ji Min to cancel the interview. Jill tells Katherine that she won't but later she does ask him. Amber tells Katherine that she thinks Ji Min is the one who stole the money." ]
[ "Phyllis: The baby's asleep. What do you wanna do with my last hours of freedom?", "[Nick carries Phyllis upstairs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Morning.", "David: Good morning.", "Victor: I'll hold for Nikki.", "David: She isn't with me.", "Victor: Oh. I never see the two of you come to work together. Why is that?", "David: No need to wonder. She and I come to work together all the time.", "Victor: Aren't you lucky?", "David: Yes. Today is an exception because she had a breakfast meeting.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Ji Min has our money, I know it.", "Daniel: Okay, I know you wanna believe that--", "Amber: No, no, no, I know it. I know! I told you before, I saw him in the house that night I buried it. And before that, I just felt like he was watching me. You know when you get that feeling that you--", "Daniel: I gotta go.", "Amber: No, no, no, no, no, look, look, I got this from him and it is one of ours.", "Daniel: Ours? Ours, as in the money that we stole? As in the same money that the court is demanding we return?", "Amber: That's one way of looking at it.", "Daniel: Look, I wanna find that money just as much as you, Okay? But we're not detectives, and on top of that--", "Amber: No, you have to help me.", "Daniel: No, what I have to do is I have to say good-bye to my mom.", "Amber: Oh. Yeah. I forgot. Well, um... just tell her... what do you tell someone who's going to jail?", "Daniel: I'll call you.", "Amber: Hi, may I speak to Mrs. Chancellor, please? It's Amber. No, no, it's really, really important. No, I need to speak to her directly. No, thank you anyway.", "Carson: What's you got there?", "Amber: Oh. My aunt sends really nice birthday cards.", "Carson: Mine gives me socks.", "Amber: Look at the way you turned out.", "Carson: Wanna trade?", "Amber: I don't think I'd look very good in your clothes.", "Carson: Oh, I disagree. I think you'd look great.", "Amber: I'm very picky about what I put on my body.", "Carson: I know. I saw the \"Catwalk\" clip.", "Amber: Was that before or after you disappeared?", "Carson: You noticed. I'm flattered.", "Amber: So you haven't been haunting Genoa City much. Where have you been?", "Carson: Oh, you know, trying to find the perfect birthday gift. Looks like your aunt beat me to it.", "Amber: Yeah. Aren't I lucky?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I, uh, I can't eat. I'm too upset.", "Nikki: Why?", "Kay: I am so angry, I want to--", "Nikki: You wanna not eat. I get that part. What else?", "Kay: Ji Min has-- has a sudden attack of conscience. He's going to go public about Jack's ownership of Jabot.", "Nikki: You own that company.", "Kay: Yes. But I bought it from Ji Min. But in fact, Jack owned it illegally. So Jack's fraud... becomes my problem. And I could lose the whole company.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. This could end Jack's political career. Not to mention, my project!", "Kay: Yes!", "Nikki: Jack's name is so connected to that project! I could lose everything! We cannot let Ji Min do this.", "Nikki: If those homes don't sell, I'm not gonna be able to pay off Victor's loan.", "Kay: What have you presold?", "Nikki: We just reached 30%. All those down payments are gonna have to be reimbursed if this fails. (Sighs) why is Ji Min doing this? Doesn't he understand how many people he's gonna hurt?", "Kay: I don't think he really cares. His official line now is he's just coming clean. But he also knows that I don't want him to marry Jill. And I have cut her out of my will.", "Nikki: Katherine!", "Kay: Oh, come on now, listen, I have the right to do whatever I want with my own estate.", "Nikki: But you love her!", "Kay: That's irrelevant.", "Nikki: Katherine!", "Kay: Yes, I love her enough to want her away from that scum. Now let's just get off-- let's get off the subject of family, please, please.", "Nikki: What can we do to stop him?", "Kay: That's my question.", "Nikki: Have you talked to him?", "Kay: Yes, I've talked to him. And just made him more eager to publicize the fraud and he got a better idea of what it would do to me.", "Nikki: Katherine, I bet everything I have on this project. I even put up my community property.", "Kay: Don't remind me!", "Nikki: Well, I am not going to lose Clear Springs because your daughter fell in love with a jerk!", "Kay: Well, what are you going to do?", "Nikki: I don't know. I have that same question for you and for Jack and, God help me, for Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You remind me of a boy who had a crush on me in kindergarten.", "Carson: He was that handsome, huh? Lucky kid.", "Amber: He used to pick his nose and stare at me during reading time.", "Carson: That's the oldest trick in the book.", "Amber: And he smelled really bad.", "Carson: I'm missing the part where he reminded you of me.", "Amber: (Chuckles) where've you been?", "Carson: All your life? Here and there.", "Amber: Why didn't you send me a postcard?", "Carson: Couldn't afford a stamp. Speaking of, you think I could borrow some money? Say, $100?", "Amber: What do I get?", "Carson: A thank you and a hug?", "Amber: A hug?", "Carson: A really big hug.", "Amber: You know, it's not the size of the hug--", "Carson: Right. It's the strength of the arms, huh?", "Amber: (Giggles) I'll think about it.", "Carson: My arms?", "Amber: The tradeoff. Whether or not it's worth it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Daniel: Hello?", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "Nick: Yo.", "Daniel: Hey, uh... it's a little early for champagne, isn't it?", "Nick: Well, Daniel, now it's a little late.", "Daniel: Don't worry about me. I'm just gonna drop this off and then I'm outta here.", "Nick: No, Dude, it's cool. Your mom's gonna wanna see you. You can make coffee, right? Better than her?", "Daniel: Perhaps.", "Nick: Yeah, you can. Put some on. I'll go get her.", "Phyllis: Hey! Hi, Sweetie.", "Daniel: Hey, um... hey, I just wanted to come and drop off your going away present.", "Phyllis: Oh, is this it?", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Thank you! Oh, this is great! Oh, look at this. I love it! I love this.", "Daniel: The, uh, one on the bottom is a mix CD. I made it for you. You said you could take music with you, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, thank you. Do you wanna know what else I can take?", "Daniel: Sure.", "Phyllis: Uh, Okay, I'll-- I'll go down the list if I can remember-- uh, a guitar or a harmonica, 50 hair curlers, two sets of pajamas, one multicolor, one solid. Um, I do have a problem-- they only allow 2-inch heel shoes, which is very bad for me. I mean, I-I can't bring, you know, my steel-plated, 4-inch heels and my steel stiletto heels.", "Nick: Right. So that means my favorite S&M outfit is still upstairs?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: Okay, you know what? That's just not cool. It's not funny.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: A little-- a little too much information?", "Nick: Uh, what's his deal?", "Phyllis: Well, he doesn't really wanna hear about our sex life.", "Daniel: No, no, I don't wanna hear about your sex life! Thank you! You know what? End of conversation. When--when are you leaving?", "Phyllis: Um, in-- in a few hours. Do you wanna play hearts?", "Daniel: Wait, you don't wanna-- the shirtless? You wanna lose to me for the next couple hours? That's what you're gonna do?", "Phyllis: I'm not gonna lose.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Nick: Hey, where's the, uh, liquid baby aspirin?", "Phyllis: Uh, it's-- its right there. Daniel, can you get it? Is something wrong?", "Nick: She feels a little warm to me.", "Phyllis: Does she have a fever?", "Nick: Maybe a little one. I don't think it's too serious.", "Phyllis: All right, hey, um, bring up the thermometer. It's right next to you, Okay?", "Daniel: Okay!", "[Buzzing]", "Nick: All right, the thermometer's reading just over 100.", "Phyllis: It has to be higher than that. She's burning up.", "Nick: Okay, Daniel, I'm gonna need you to take Phyllis to the prison. I gotta take Summer to the pediatrician.", "Daniel: Yeah, sure, how soon?", "Phyllis: I'm gonna-- I'm gonna go with you.", "Nick: You can't. You have a time you have to report by. It's not negotiable.", "Phyllis: I'm not leaving my daughter when she's sick.", "Daniel: Mom, we can take care of her.", "Phyllis: This is a relapse. I'm not leaving my daughter when she's sick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Thank you. Well, good morning.", "Nikki: Good morning.", "Victor: Is something bothering you or what?", "Nikki: Uh, no, just the clock. There are only 24 hours in the day and I need more.", "Victor: Well, then I won't keep you.", "Nikki: You weren't keeping me. Bye-bye.", "Victor: Come on, Zapato.", "Nikki: My entire career is about to plunge into the abyss.", "David: Why is that?", "Nikki: Well... Ji Min Kim is about to go on national television and announce that Jack Abbott owned Jabot cosmetics in violation of a court order.", "David: Okay, and why is that your problem?", "Nikki: Because everything that he touches now is gonna turn to poison. They're gonna force him to resign from the senate. And look at Clear Springs-- his name is all over it, along with mine. If those people get worried, it's over. This is a big problem.", "David: Okay, there's always a way out.", "Nikki: Short of hiring a hit man, I don't know what that could be. And Katherine says Ji Min has an ax to grind.", "David: Well, doesn't he realize that he's also admitting his own guilt?", "Nikki: Well, he's not gonna do that. He'll say that he didn't know and he's victim.", "David: Well, maybe he just doesn't understand the consequences.", "Nikki: Maybe he just doesn't care. Whoever would've thought that I would care about Jack's welfare. And now I'm tied to him!", "David: All right, Okay, we can spin this. If Jack comes clean, does the whole mea culpa ritual, admits his past sins, and pre-empts this guy.", "Nikki: So he becomes a reformed sinner instead of a corrupted lawmaker.", "David: That's right. He might even be able to hold onto his senate seat. Tell him I'll handle all his P.R.", "Nikki: Can he avoid prison?", "David: I don't see why not. A good lawyer pleads ignorance, establishes plausible deniability. Yeah, I'd bet on it.", "Nikki: I'll try and talk him into it.", "David: Good. And what about Ji Min?", "Nikki: Ji Min is a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I'm still on hold.", "Phyllis: Oh, here. Michael, Michael, its Phyllis. Listen, I-I need you to get an extension for me, Okay?", "Michael: What's that?", "Phyllis: I need an extension, or I don't know the legal term-- a court order, a judge's order, so I don't have to go to prison today.", "Michael: Why?", "Phyllis: I was just about to tell you why. Let me talk, please? Summer is sick.", "Michael: How sick?", "Phyllis: What does it matter how sick?", "Michael: It'll matter to the judge.", "Phyllis: Well, it doesn't matter to me! My daughter is sick and I'm not leaving her like this!", "Michael: This won't be easy. I recommend letting Nick take care of her and you report to the prison while I work on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carson: Thanks. Thank you for breakfast.", "Amber: Doesn't the gentleman pay for the lady?", "Carson: There's a lady here?", "Amber: You did not just say that.", "Carson: You know, I'm trying to move away from gender stereotypes, so sincerely, thank you.", "Amber: Fine, but only because you asked so nicely. Oh!", "Carson: Oh, sorry!", "Amber: Oh, no!", "Carson: All good?", "Amber: Yeah, I guess.", "Carson: Well, look, I gotta run. Uh, busy day, but really, thank you for that. And, uh... have your people call mine.", "Amber: Yeah.", "Carson: We'll do it again soon.", "Amber: Don't be a stranger.", "Carson: And don't forget to send your aunt a thank you note.", "Amber: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Yes? Uh, hold on just a moment. I have another call. Katherine Chancellor, here.", "Amber: Oh, Mrs. Chancellor, um, well, I-I didn't expect to get you. I expected your voice mail. This is--it's Amber.", "Kay: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Dear, you caught me at a very bad time. Just, uh, you know, good-bye.", "Amber: Oh, no, no, no, no. Please don't hang up! It's very, very, very important!", "Kay: Well, for you, it is, I'm sure, but I happen to be on an international phone call.", "Amber: Ji Min stole the money!", "Kay: What did you say?", "Amber: All that stolen money? Ji Min--he--he took it. He stole it. He's the one who has it.", "Kay: How do you know?", "Amber: Because I caught him with one of the bills!", "Kay: You what?", "Amber: Well, I got one from him. I can show it to you.", "Kay: Uh, why are you telling me this?", "Amber: Well, because-- because I-I figured, you know, it was buried in your yard, and I know you don't like him very much.", "Kay: Amber, Amber, I will not help you win back my grandson.", "Amber: I'm just trying to help.", "Kay: Do you have proof?", "Amber: He saw me when I buried it. And--and I saw him sneaking around, and now he's flashing around $100 bills.", "Kay: Well, Amber, this doesn't prove anything. There's nothing I can do. And by the way, do not call this number again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: So how is she?", "Nick: She won't listen to me.", "Lauren: I'm talking about the baby.", "Nick: Oh, she finally fell asleep.", "Lauren: Is this what Phyllis is taking with her?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Lauren: Okay, Daniel, do me a favor and put it in my car?", "Daniel: I'm driving her.", "Lauren: You are?", "Daniel: Yeah.", "Lauren: But I--", "Phyllis: No one-- no one is driving me anywhere!", "Daniel: Mom, you know what? You have to go.", "Phyllis: Don't tell me what I have to do.", "Nick: Phyllis, Logan is on her way over.", "Phyllis: Did the judge grant a delay?", "Lauren: Michael is still working on it, but...", "Phyllis: Good.", "Lauren: He said you have to presume they're gonna turn you down. Honey, you have to go. You don't wanna start this off with the prison officials thinking you have a bad attitude.", "Daniel: Yeah, she's right. Look, we can handle this.", "Phyllis: Listen, did you-- did you bring Fen?", "Lauren: I got a sitter so I could be here with you.", "Phyllis: Exactly! Because you thought Summer was contagious! So you got a sitter.", "Lauren: No, no, no, no.", "Nick: Hang on a second--", "Phyllis: No, no, I understand! I understand! You thought Summer was sick and you thought it was serious and you didn't want Fen to get sick because you were afraid. You see, I am afraid. I'm afraid. I'm not going anywhere. You all understand that? Stop asking me! I'm not gonna repeat myself! The subject is closed!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Why is Ji Min doing this? And why now?", "Nikki: Katherine thinks it's a personal vendetta against her.", "Jack: Which incidentally ruins my career and wrecks our partnership. Katherine can't talk him out of this?", "Nikki: No. I can't let that happen any more than you can. I think we can stop him.", "Jack: Why, what do you have on him?", "Nikki: What does anybody have on him? He's holding all the cards. But what if you went public first?", "Jack: Went public with what?", "Nikki: Admit your guilt.", "Jack: That ain't gonna happen.", "Nikki: Jack, will you please consider it? So many politicians confess their sins and survive. And you'll get to be noble. Don't you wanna be noble for a change?", "Jack: I'll be noble after the fact. I have my lawyers working on it.", "Nikki: You can't spin this after the fact! You have to do it now!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You're about to banish the man who held Jabot together.", "Kay: Yes. Oh, indeed it is a gorgeous morning!", "Jill: Your decision defies reason, Katherine.", "Kay: It makes sense to me. Your Mr. Kim is morally bankrupt.", "Jill: Oh, and you're a paragon of virtue.", "Kay: It is my company and I will do with it as I wish.", "Jill: I really thought you liked making money.", "Kay: Are you sure this isn't about money? Oh, by the way, I haven't noticed your Mr. District attorney in the picture anymore.", "Jill: This is strictly business, Katherine. You would be a fool to let Ji Min go.", "Kay: He can be king of the cottage of Kim for all I care! As long as he is across that international date line.", "Jill: You haven't even considered the possible consequences of your decision. Ji Min had absolutely no idea that anything was illegal about that deal.", "Kay: Well, if that is the case, the man is a fool, and I will not have a fool running my company.", "Jill: Ah, would you rather have someone running it who intentionally deceived their shareholders? Because it could come out that Jack sold you back Jabot.", "Kay: Are you threatening me?", "Jill: No. No, I'm just guarding our corporate assets. 'Cause what if it did leak? Oh, all the lawsuits and all the jurisdictions where we do business, all the progress we've made gone! Is it worth it, Katherine?", "Kay: Casual Friday?", "Jill: Yeah, well, I find, uh, I get a lot more work done when I'm comfortable.", "Kay: I can imagine.", "Jill: Was Ji Min expecting you?", "Kay: Well, he's not been answering my calls, so I thought I would charm him in person.", "Jill: Can I take a message?", "Kay: Make sure that he-- or both of you-- realize this interview will not only hurt Jack--", "Jill: Got it. Got it. \"A lot of people will be hurt.\" I'll give him the message.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Mr. Kim? Hi, I'm David Chow. I'm a friend of Nikki Newman's.", "Ji Min: I know who you are. You're the co-star of the internet kiss that lost an election.", "David: You know, nobody I talk with can understand why you're so hot to blow the whistle on Jack Abbott.", "Ji Min: Well, then tell them to watch the interview. Excuse me.", "David: Do you have a book deal? Is that it?", "Ji Min: No. But thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it.", "David: You do realize that more than Jack's reputation will take a hit?", "Ji Min: The truth hurts.", "David: Yes, but the truth will also hurt a lot of people that had nothing to do with Jack's fraud.", "Ji Min: That's not my problem.", "David: Really? Collateral damage isn't a problem?", "Ji Min: Mr. Chow, people who choose to work with Jack Abbott are not my problem.", "David: Okay, look, maybe we can work something out.", "Ji Min: Mr. Chow, I've known you all of 30 seconds and it's becoming an unpleasant 30 seconds.", "David: Can we at least try to talk about this?", "Ji Min: I will. On camera.", "Kay: Follow me.", "Ji Min: After you.", "Kay: David.", "Kay: That vendetta you have against me and/or Jack has consequences you cannot imagine.", "Ji Min: I'm convinced I thought it all through.", "Kay: What will it take to stop you, Ji Min?", "Ji Min: But I didn't make a threat to start a bidding war. I'm simply exposing Jack for what he is. I'm doing the right thing. You should try it sometime.", "Kay: Uh, you know what? Ignorance can be worse than malice. And you are ignorant or willfully blind. You are antagonizing far too many people.", "Ji Min: Thanks for the warning, Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: It's getting late. You really have to think this through. You've got Daniel and Nick and Michael and I-- we will all take good care of Summer for you.", "Daniel: Yeah, good care.", "Lauren: You have to show up on time. If you don't, you could antagonize the warden, who might be one of those people who's into teaching rich inmates a lesson who think they deserve special privileges.", "Phyllis: I don't want special privileges. I'm not asking for that.", "(Knock on door)", "Phyllis: That's the doctor.", "Lauren: Okay, come on.", "Daniel: Logan's here.", "Phyllis: Oh, good. Hey.", "Nick: Hey, I'm glad you're still in town.", "Logan: Yeah. It's your lucky day. Travel details need to be worked out.", "Phyllis: Okay, good, thanks for coming over so quickly, Dr. Logan.", "Logan: It's no problem. Summer's my favorite house call.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Logan: But, uh, when did you guys notice the fever?", "Phyllis: Nick?", "Nick: About an hour and a half ago.", "Logan: Okay, um, bowel movements normal?", "Nick: Totally normal.", "Logan: Okay, good, good, good. Phyllis, hey, relax. Summer's gonna be fine.", "Phyllis: I'm--I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Nick: Okay, come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Not the most inconspicuous place to hide out.", "Carson: Who's hiding?", "Amber: Mind if I check your pockets?", "Carson: There are so many things I could say to that.", "Amber: You know, I'm gonna take that as a yes.", "Carson: Well, as much as I'm enjoying this, uh, can I ask you a question? Why you got a stolen bill?", "Amber: It is stolen! I knew it!", "Carson: Where's the rest of it?", "Amber: I don't know.", "Carson: See, I'm disappointed. I thought we might work together.", "Amber: We can and we should.", "Carson: But you've already found it.", "Amber: Yeah, but it's the only one I got, and I took it from someone else.", "Carson: So you stole it twice?", "Amber: Oh, it was already stolen in the first place, so I thought it was only fair. I thought the money was untraceable. How'd you know where it came from?", "Kay: May I borrow Amber for just a moment? Thank you. What you were telling me earlier, about Ji Min stealing the money?", "Amber: Yeah, yeah, he did steal it. I just need to find where he's hiding it.", "Kay: Well, if you do that, and you found the money, that would make me very happy.", "Amber: I'm working on it.", "Kay: Good. We never had this conversation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Look, we already know from the sentence this is a tough judge.", "Lauren: Yeah, there is absolutely no reason to antagonize him. We totally have this covered for you.", "Phyllis: Oh, good!", "Logan: I expect her to stabilize with this. Give her one dose every six hours.", "Nick: Okay.", "Logan: And don't give her that other stuff unless she can't sleep, all right? Keep her on her regular diet with plenty of juices and fluids. And, um, keep her room a little on the warm side and only sponge baths, Okay?", "Phyllis: All right, what's--what's wrong? What is it?", "Logan: You never can tell with babies. It could be a relapse. It could just be a bad cold. If she doesn't get any better in the next couple hours, just bring her by Memorial. I'm working the E.R. today.", "Nick: Okay.", "Phyllis: Thank you, Doctor.", "Logan: It's no problem.", "Daniel: Thank you.", "Logan: Summer is a strong little girl, and cute as a button.", "Nick: Thanks for stopping by.", "Logan: Sure.", "Daniel: Okay, you see?", "Nick: Yeah, what I just heard is that Summer's gonna be fine.", "Daniel: Look, I'm gonna get the car keys. We can still be there on time.", "Lauren: I will spend the night.", "Nick: Phyllis!", "Lauren: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: What? My baby is sick! I mean, are you kidding me? What don't you understand about this? Just leave us alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Have them send this one through the embassy, Okay? Thanks.", "Victor: I just had a call from an old friend regarding you.", "Jack: Well, I hope you said good things. Hey, Buddy.", "Victor: Say hello, Zapato.", "Jack: Hey, there.", "Victor: Yeah. She was very thorough, you know? She's the one who produced the interview with Ji Min-- did a whole background check on you, knew all about your history, family's history.", "Jack: No kidding?", "Victor: Did she contact you?", "Jack: Well, I don't know. I gotta check my messages a little more often.", "Victor: Yeah. I asked her not to take a photo of this building, because I didn't want any guilt by association just because you're leasing an office here.", "Jack: Well, if you're worried about visuals, tell her to keep the pictures from my left side. That's my better angle.", "Victor: That's right. She told me that Ji Min claimed that he wanted to bury you.", "Jack: You don't say? Well... she maybe tell you the value of, uh, the guy that wired Ji Min? Have you asked her, or maybe offered to give her a shot of the listening device itself? Or maybe they could restage a scene where you wired Ji Min and get him to do your dirty work. We could go from a 20 minute segment to a whole hour of our story. It is our story. I think you wanna kill it every bit as much as I do.", "Victor: Nice to see you, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Okay. And see if we have any leverage at all at the network, thanks.", "David: No luck with Jack, huh?", "Nikki: No. Did you make any headway?", "David: No. No, I offered Ji Min several opportunities to bargain, but he wasn't interested. Not even in speaking with me. And I didn't get a sense that he was being coy. He seems very determined to destroy Jack.", "Nikki: And you say I'm just collateral damage?", "David: That's right.", "Nikki: All those homes and jobs and retail-- all with best green technology-- collateral damage. Great.", "David: All right, look, it hasn't happened yet.", "Nikki: I really don't wanna fail at this. Maybe Victor was right.", "David: What are you talking about?", "Nikki: Well, maybe I just don't have what it takes to pull off a project of this size.", "David: Hey, wait-- wait a minute. No, no, listen to me. Victor is afraid of your talent. The only reason why he turned his back on you is because his ego can't stand the fact that you don't need him anymore. Of course, he wants you to fail! That lifts up his pride. The fact is this, you have enough talent to develop a dozen clear springs. And still manage to look beautiful and sexy at the same time. Which is more than I can say for him.", "Nikki: You know that room key you keep offering me?", "David: Yeah, the one you keep turning down?", "Nikki: Yeah, that's the one.", "David: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Can I have it?", "David: Sure. Make good use of it.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I was about to call you.", "Jill: Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure and turn my cell phone off.", "Kay: Well, I wanted to tell you that you made your point. Your Ji Min is a powerful prince and the world is in awe of him.", "Jill: What?", "Kay: Jill, I will be happy to reinstate you in my will if you keep him from going public. This is a good deal. Take it.", "Jill: Even if I cared about your will, Katherine--", "Kay: And you do.", "Jill: I don't tell Ji Min, \"Do this and don't do that.\"", "Kay: Don't be coy.", "Jill: I'm not being coy. I don't have absolute power over him.", "Kay: He is crazy in love with you. He gave up the best job in his career to have you. Now that man will do anything you want him to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Where's your boyfriend?", "Nikki: He's not my boyfriend.", "Victor: I'm sure he'll be sorry to hear that.", "Nikki: David is a supportive friend.", "Victor: Always good to have one of those. What do you want from me?", "Nikki: I would like to know how you plan to deal with Jack's problem.", "Victor: Jack's problem? You think he's gonna lose his senate seat and that your project will fail because of his involvement, is that it?", "Nikki: Well? Yes.", "Victor: And... you don't think I want that to happen? When you know how repugnant the notion of protecting him is to me? It can't even get into my brain.", "Nikki: I don't understand you. You have tried to ruin Jack's career for years. And then you support him for state senate--against me! We won't even mention that. You go away for weeks and weeks. You don't contact me at all. But now you are back in this very odd reincarnation, telling me that you really don't care what happens to Jack and you'll just stand on the sidelines and watch as Katherine is hurt, as you have to pay off a jumbo loan! What is going on here? I mean, let's forget the fact that I have something to lose here. What about your interests? I mean, you don't make a business deal that hurts you just 'cause you're mad at me. That doesn't make sense.", "Victor: It doesn't have to make any sense to you. I'll gladly pick up after your mess. After you've failed in Clear Springs, I'll make a profit. You have a nice day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: Just a minute!", "[Ji Min hurries and puts the money sack back into the space where the vent covers it and tights the screws]", "Jill: It's me! You never lock the door from the inside!", "Ji Min: I usually do when I'm alone.", "Jill: Well, what's taking you so long?", "Ji Min: You're supposed to be too polite to make me say that I'm in the bathroom.", "Jill: I'm sorry, Okay. All right, I'll wait.", "Ji Min: Sorry, I wasn't expecting you so soon.", "Jill: Well, I didn't expect to be back so soon. But my mother dropped a bombshell on me. She told me that she put me back in the will if you kept your mouth shut about Jack. Well, come on, this isn't the reaction I was expecting.", "Ji Min: I'm sorry. Are you saying that you want me to cancel the interview?", "Jill: Well, there's a lot at stake here.", "Ji Min: Jill, that's not an answer.", "Jill: It would make life easier for a lot of people, including me.", "Ji Min: I still don't know how you're voting.", "Jill: It's a hell of a deal. But the very fact... that you were willing to do that-- it means everything to me.", "Jill: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: How do you know that money's for real?", "Carson: I checked the numbers.", "Amber: How do you know they're the right ones?", "Carson: They are. Unless you'd stolen the money yourself and recorded the serial numbers.", "Amber: You stole the money?", "Carson: Plum and I were buddies. You know, we did a lot of things together.", "Amber: I-I-I can't believe it! Why didn't you tell me this before?", "Carson: You didn't ask nicely.", "Amber: That's all I have to do is ask nicely and you spill the beans?", "Carson: A little kindness goes a long way.", "Amber: What if I asked you to help me find the rest of the money, huh? I know who took it. His name is Ji Min Kim. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?", "Carson: Well, since you put it that way, I'll see what I can do. We should learn a little more about who this Mr. Kim is. Maybe take a little look in his room?", "Amber: Sounds like a plan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Did the judge grant the delay?", "Michael: No.", "Nick: Why not?", "Michael: Judges don't have to give a reason why not. We gotta get Phyllis--", "Nick: All right, Phyllis, come on. We gotta go.", "Michael: Phyllis!", "Lauren: Phyllis, come on! We will take such good care of Summer!", "Daniel: Mom, you're setting a bad example for me!", "Nick: Phyllis, open up! Okay, so she has locked herself inside.", "Michael: Oh! Do you have a key?", "Nick: There's a deadbolt on the other side.", "Michael: Phyllis! Phyl -- you're making a mistake!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: You are a friend, a partner and a life coach all rolled up into one.", "David: I'd like to be a lot more.", "Lauren: All right, so how serious is it?", "Logan: In Summer's case, it's severely infected.", "Jack: What I've done is gonna hurt an awful lot of people." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the coffeehouse, Phyllis sits at a table in front of a computer, writing in her blog about the real homewreckers of Genoa City. Ashley sits at a table when Lauren comes in to join her. Lauren lets Ashley know what Jill is doing to her concerning Fenmore's. Jill, on the phone, asks the person if they made the changes that she had requested. Nikki walks cautiously into the living room and approaches the liquor on the table. She takes the top off a decanter and takes a whiff of the liquor, then pours herself a drink and swallows it. Nikki wakes up with a start and realizes it is only a dream. Meggie walks in to see if she is all right. Nikki lets her know that she fell asleep on the sofa. Meggie offers to make her a smoothie, but Nikki tells her that she has somewhere to be. As Ashley spends some quiet time in the sauna, Nikki joins her. Ashley wishes Nikki all the best on her wedding to Victor. Phyllis watches Ashley and Nikki as they walk out of the sauna. Lauren walks in to find Jill sitting behind another desk in her office. Jill lets Lauren know that she gets half of everything at Fenmore's. Victoria sits on a exercise mat when Mac comes in to join her. They discuss that she and Billy just bought a house together. Mac thinks it odd that each has moved with the other's ex. Chloe comes in to join them and sees Billy's name on Victoria's back. Chloe finds out that Billy and Victoria bought a house. Victoria becomes upset by the gossip and abruptly leaves, followed by Mac and Chloe. In the coffeehouse, Heather tells Chloe that Chance is in danger. At the spa, Victoria checks her cell phone when Ashley comes in to join her. Victoria lets Ashley know that she and Billy just bought a house.", "At the park, Phyllis warns Sharon not to involve Summer in the love shack. Sharon explains to Phyllis that she stayed with Nick, but now she is living in her own house. Phyllis informs Sharon that Nick was kissing some woman at Jimmy's. Nikki visits Katherine and lets her know about her dream of falling off the wagon. Nikki feels that it has something to do with her doubts about marrying Victor again. Meggie pours herself some coffee and goes into the living room and sits down. She looks at a picture of Victor and refers to him as lover as she takes a sip of the coffee. Abby enjoys some girl time with her mom at the spa. Abby asks Ashley if she is doing this for Tucker .Heather points out Ronan's faults to Chloe. Jill and Lauren join the group at the sauna. Heather warns Chloe about Ronan. Abby tells Ashley that she refuses to be a wife and mother. Phyllis writes again in her blog. Everyone at the sauna finds out about Phyllis' remarks about them in her blog. Phyllis joins everyone at the spa. Everyone there reads the remarks that she made about them and lashes out at her. Katherine reads the blog about her friends. Someone reaches for a pregnancy test. Nikki comes home and asks Meggie to fix her a smoothie.", "" ]
[ "Phyllis: Okay, Kidlings. (Sighs) \"I know I shared with you my genius new blog idea, 'A Woman Scorned,' but I've decided to take a tastier... bite out of the... blogosphere. Why? Because it would be so, so selfish just to make this about me, me, me. Others deserve attention, too. So join me as I pay tribute to... the real home wreckers of Genoa City.\" Bite me, Ladies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Hi.", "Ashley: Hi there.", "Lauren: I heard that Jabot was launching a new nail color today.", "Ashley: Yes, \"Jungle Rouge.\" Don't you love it?", "Lauren: Ooh. You know what? I do. It's stunning.", "Ashley: I know.", "Lauren: And when does Fenmore's get to carry it?", "Ashley: Well, we have a short exclusive at some spas, but then it's all yours.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Lauren: And with our luck, my partner will cancel the order, have a tantrum.", "Ashley: Oh, no.", "Lauren: Yeah, I signed over half of, uh, Fenmore's to my sister Jill.", "Ashley: (Sighs) Well, the bright side-- you know, maybe now that she's gotten what she wants, things will be more peaceful.", "Lauren: (Chuckles) That's a lovely thought. You really believe it?", "Jill: And you made those changes that I requested, yes? Good, good, good, good, good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) (Gasps)", "Meggie: You didn't sleep down here, did you?", "Nikki: No. No, I-I-I wanted to read, and I didn't-- I didn't want to disturb Victor, so... I came down here. I must have dozed off. I did. I dozed off. (Sighs)", "Meggie: How about I get you some tea? Or better yet, how about a smoothie? Banana this time.", "Nikki: (Sighs) You know, that sounds wonderful, but, um, right now, there's someplace I have to be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Oh.", "Ashley: Hi, Nikki.", "Nikki: Hi, Ashley. You look very relaxed.", "Ashley: Mm.", "Nikki: I'm hoping for the same.", "Ashley: Is something wrong?", "Nikki: Oh, no, no. Just, uh, you know, the kids, and planning the wedding, things like that. I'm so sorry. That was insensitive.", "Ashley: Not at all. I'm aware the two of you are planning to remarry. I want nothing but the best for both of you.", "Nikki: Honestly?", "Ashley: Look, I know that Victor and I have gone through some bad times. But you know what? I've owned my part in that. Honestly, the lengths that I would go to have him or even a part of him... after the year I've had, I feel like I'm cured, and I am so grateful.", "Nikki: Well, I don't look at loving Victor as a disease.", "Ashley: Well, for me, it was. The devotion that you have for Victor, I mean, that's something very special. For you to come to me and--and ask me to help him when he was so lost, that takes a, I don't know, a kind of selflessness that not a lot of people are capable of.", "Nikki: Well, he needed help, and I knew that you could help him.", "Ashley: I wasn't very nice to you, even going so far as to withhold information about Victor from you. And when he shut you out after Sabrina died, and then he disappeared, I mean, that must have been so devastating for you. For me to shut you out even more was just... mean. I'm sorry.", "Nikki: Well, thank you, Ashley. I appreciate that. Whew, it is hot in here.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) I know. Actually--", "Nikki: I don't know if, uh, having a sauna was the best idea in August.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, it's almost time for my facial.", "Nikki: (Clears throat) I think I'm done, actually.", "Ashley: Okay, me, too.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Ashley: Hey, Nikki? Uh, I really hope that Victor's changed enough that he can give you happiness. And not just for now, but forever. I mean that.", "Nikki: (Clears throat) Thanks, Ashley.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Howdy, Partner.", "Lauren: W-what did you do?", "Jill: As half owner of Fenmore's, I am entitled to an office, Lauren.", "Lauren: Then I have a great idea. Why don't you go to corporate headquarters? You can get a-a corner office, skyline views, cappuccino machine.", "Jill: As per our father's will, I am entitled to half of everything Fenmore. That means half the company, half the customers, and half of this office-- half.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Hello.", "Victoria: Hi. (Clears throat) So... how's the move going?", "Mac: Um, it's going. I don't have that much stuff, so it's easy. Um... how about for you? J.T. said that you guys got a new house.", "Victoria: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's great. It's, uh, very cool, very retro with lots of, uh, room to run around and all that. (Clears throat) Well, this is kind of weird.", "Mac: What? You moving in with my ex, me moving in with yours? I mean, maybe a little, little.", "Victoria: Yeah, yeah, it's only slightly uncomfortable, as well.", "Chloe: Sweet. It's the Billy Abbott fan club.", "Mac: Good morning, Chloe.", "Chloe: Good morning. You know, I was just thinking today, G.C. was really due for a good old catfight, because I think the last exciting one happened at my wedding. Funny-- your boyfriend, and now your boyfriend. What a coinky-dink.", "Victoria: You know, you could keep your voice down.", "Woman: Shh!", "Chloe: Oh, my... is that Billy's name tattooed on your butt?", "Victoria: That's my lower back.", "Chloe: Yeah, okay. Well, why don't you just get a tramp stamp that says, \"Desperate to hold on to the biggest man-whore of the year\"? Because, you know, he's gonna bail in, like, a half-hour or so and then you're really, really gonna regret that.", "Victoria: (Exhales)", "Mac: From what J.T. told me, Billy got Victoria's name tattooed, as well, and he bought them a big, beautiful house to share.", "Chloe: Really? He got a tattoo and community property... with you? Wow, but you're so...", "Mac: Beautiful, smart.", "Chloe: Boring.", "Mac: Evidently, Billy doesn't think so.", "Victoria: Uh, that's helpful. Thank you.", "Mac: She needs to stop acting like you're some random chick Billy picked up at a bar.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, I am already exhausted just thinking about all the therapy that my daughter is going to need to go through because of all of the future girlfriends that her father's going to have.", "Victoria: Have you seen the cover of \"Restless Style\" with Chloe and Kevin on the cover? It's really cute. And I guess it's really lucky for Kevin that he's not a Chancellor. Otherwise, she would have forced him to propose by now. (Laughs)", "Chloe: (Chuckles) No, I'll just get his name tattooed on my butt.", "Victoria: Lower back.", "Mac: Lower back.", "Woman: Shh! Do you mind?", "Mac: I'm sorry.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Mac: I'm sorry.", "Victoria: I'm leaving.", "Mac: You know what? Me, too.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Well, I guess I'm leaving. What are you looking at?", "Heather: Chloe, wait.", "Chloe: Really not a good idea.", "Heather: I-I-- this will just take a second.", "Chloe: Oh, really? Are--do you want to try to steal my coffee like you did my fiancé?", "Heather: No, I want to ask you for your help. Look, no matter how many times I tell Chance to stay away from this case, that it's too dangerous, that he'll get hurt, he won't listen.", "Chloe: Okay, well, maybe you should try talking to him when you're not naked or horizontal.", "Heather: Chance is in danger, and he'll listen to you.", "Chloe: Really? Okay, well, I tried to tell him not to cheat on me. That didn't work.", "Heather: You're still wearing his ring. That's gotta mean something. You gave Chance back his engagement ring?", "Chloe: I actually slipped it under your door, but I think you guys were too busy to notice.", "Heather: How could you do something so stupid? It was because of Ronan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Rule number one-- no work allowed at the spa. What are you doing?", "Victoria: Actually, uh, this is pure fun. Uh-huh. It is. I have, uh, a-a page here for vintage oil cloth, and, uh... (Chuckles) Playhouses and antique aprons. I suddenly have an urge to buy, like, ten of them. And I should probably also look up how to bake a casserole, although it is Billy's house, too, so he should have some say, shouldn't he?", "Ashley: Does the trailer yard-- it's actually big enough for a playhouse?", "Victoria: Oh, no, no, not the trailer. Billy and I, we, um, we bought a real house. Yeah, I know.", "Ashley: You guys bought a house?", "Victoria: We did. Oh, you should come over and... oh, it's totally furnished.", "Ashley: Wow, I-I can't believe that.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm. I know. I know. I know what you're thinking-- Newmans versus Abbotts, doesn't work, crash and burn, um, all that good stuff, yada yada. I know.", "Ashley: Well, it's a bold move, no matter where the two of you live. Your father's shadow looms large, I know. But guess what? Once you're out from under it, there's a huge sense of accomplishment.", "Victoria: I appreciate your support. I really do, but you know what? This isn't about my dad at all. I have this chance at an incredible future, and I'm not gonna miss out on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: After I pick you up from the sitter's, maybe we can go get some ice cream. What do you think about that?", "Summer: Sharon!", "Sharon: (Gasps) Hey, Summer! Hi! Where's your... mother?", "Phyllis: Hey, Sweetie. You know what I see? A butterfly. Who do you think's faster?", "Summer: Me!", "Phyllis: You? For sure. Make sure you stay there where I can see you.", "Sharon: Is there a problem?", "Phyllis: Listen, Sharon, if you want to play house with my husband, that is fine. Knock yourself out. Honestly, I think it's, um, desperate and pathetic, but I wouldn't expect anything else from you. But please do not include my daughter in your love shack, okay?", "Sharon: Yes, Phyllis, I-I was at the tack house for safety reasons. But Nick wasn't staying with me. He was at the club. Meanwhile, this morning, I moved back into my house at the ranch, once again, without Nick, but I'm sure you'll find some reason to freak out about it anyway.", "Phyllis: Interesting that Nick didn't tell me he was staying at the club.", "Sharon: Maybe that was because it was so difficult to talk to you. I mean, you --you-- you bit his head off, right? Nick is a good man, Phyllis, and he's an excellent father. So maybe you should concentrate on that rather than trying to find reasons to hate him.", "Phyllis: Oh, interesting. Interesting. Well, that good man Nicholas, uh, was sucking the face off of some blonde at Jimmy's the other night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All right, so tell me what is wrong, and don't say \"Nothing,\" because I could hear it when you called.", "Nikki: (Sighs) All right.", "Kay: Uh, sit down. Sit down. Tell me. Now come on. Tell me. What--what is wrong?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Katherine, it... (Sighs) Well, this sounds silly, but it--it was a dream, a horrible, horrible dream, where I walked into the living room, and I had this need, this urge to drink. Oh, Katherine, I could smell it. I could even taste it. (Sighs) The way I wanted it... you have no idea.", "Kay: I think I do.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Well, yes, of course you do. But somehow, I feel... I don't know. I-I feel tainted, like the alcohol is in me.", "Kay: No, no, no, no. No, Darling. No, no, it isn't. Trust me. (Chuckles) Um, I know how hideous a drunk dream can be-- been there, done that. But my God, I've awakened so terrified that--that I'd slipped off the wagon, but it was just a dream. In all reality, you are sober. Remember that.", "Nikki: Oh, yes. Yes, I am. I'm--I'm just afraid that-- that the dream was some sort of message.", "Kay: Telling you what?", "Nikki: Telling me not to remarry Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Cheers, Lover.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hi.", "Abby: Mm. I am jelly. (Sighs) His name is Ivan, and his hands are genius. (Sighs) Don't worry. It was a massage, not my latest video release.", "Ashley: (Chuckles) Thanks for the reassurance.", "Abby: (Sighs) Mm.", "Ashley: I'm here for a full day of beauty, so maybe I'll try Ivan next. Would you like a facial, my treat?", "Abby: Gettin' the works, huh? Why? For Tucker?", "Ashley: No. What if I was? Is that so bad? I mean, don't you ever check your hair before you see Daniel?", "Abby: Uh, no. No, I-I wouldn't cross the street for him or any other guy, ever.", "Ashley: Honey, you can't say that. You don't know.", "Abby: Uh, yeah, I can, because of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Your dream, Nikki, you think it's a sign that you shouldn't remarry, uh, the love of your life?", "Nikki: I don't know. The last time I was drunk was in Mexico. And why? Because Victor had ripped my heart out after Sabrina died and he disappeared.", "Kay: Yes, I know. I will never forget that call.", "Nikki: And then speaking with Ashley earlier made me wonder if maybe that's what this dream was all about. Maybe it's just about fear that deep down, I am worried that he's gonna rip my heart out again.", "Kay: And you will end up with a bottle?", "Nikki: Yes.", "Kay: No.", "Nikki: Katherine, I love him.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: When I'm not with him, I don't feel whole, and I know that's not a P.C. way to feel. Every woman should be complete without a man, but he's not just a man to me. He's a part of my soul. And if it comes down to choosing being with Victor or being sober...", "Kay: You can damn well have Victor and stay off the bottle. Nikki, it's not an option. It's an imperative, and I demand that of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I took off my engagement ring because my ex-fiancé had sex with you, not because of Ronan or anything else.", "Heather: How long were you guys even engaged? A couple months? Yeah, that's, uh, that's--that's real devotion. (Laughs) Face it, Chloe, you and Chance never had a prayer.", "Chloe: Yeah, because you couldn't wait to sink your nails into him.", "Heather: Uh, no, because you're selfish and vindictive, and Chance isn't some unethical thug like your pal Ronan.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Oh, okay, so now you think that Ronan is dirty? Wow, you are such a moron. You know that?", "Heather: (Chuckles) I'm talking about Ronan as a person, not as a cop. And he's a pig, but that doesn't bother you, does it? I mean, you used him to make Chance jealous, and he used you to spy on me and Chance. You guys are perfect for each other.", "Chloe: Well, you know what? At least we didn't pretend to have all these noble intentions just so we could do it. And for your information, Ronan is more trustworthy and decent than you will ever be.", "Heather: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You have feelings for Ronan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: (Sighs) I never should have left here in the first place.", "Lauren: Bess, hi. Yeah, I'm back at the spa. It's just easier to get work done here. Anyway, I'm just confirming that you set up that, uh, company meeting for the management. Cancelled? But I never authorized that. Who would have do--", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Yeah, Daddy made a new friend the other night.", "Summer: I have a friend.", "Phyllis: Yeah, this is a different kind of friend, Sweet Pea. This is a really friendly friend. In fact, Sharon, I thought it was you, but then I saw you at the coffeehouse with Faith.", "Sharon: The night that you told me to call Nick. So you, uh, you wanted me to find out for myself.", "Phyllis: Nick, a friend to all... blondes.", "Sharon: And wasn't that the same night that Summer spent the night?", "Summer: That was fun!", "Phyllis: Oh, yay, super fun!", "Sharon: Well, if Daddy met a woman the same night that Summer slept over, then mommy should have known better than to jump to irrational conclusions.", "Phyllis: Listen, Sweetie. Sweetie. Sweetie. Look. Look at the slide. Look at the slide. No one's on it. Now's your chance! Go for it! Go for it! (Sighs)", "Sharon: How could Nick have been with one woman and then moved in with me the same night?", "Phyllis: That's our Nick-- fall in love, move in, cheat, rinse, repeat. You're not okay with this. You're not as calm as you're pretending to be. But I guess you just think eventually... eventually, he'll come back to you.", "Sharon: I know you're angry, Phyllis. And this isn't exactly where I expected to be in my life at this point, either. But at least I'm grateful for the things I do have.", "Faith: (Babbles)", "Phyllis: (Sarcastically) \"At least I'm grateful for the things I do have.\" (Sighs) (Gags) Pollyanna.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You know something? You are messing with the wrong business and the wrong businesswoman.", "Jill: Oh, bring it on, Sister.", "Lauren: (Gasps)", "Jill: (Laughing loudly)", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Jill: Oh, for God sake.", "Lauren: (Coughing)", "Jill: (Coughing) Oh, my God, how petty can you be?", "Lauren: You're right. Halfsies all the way... Sis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You could keep Chance from getting hurt or killed. H-how could you not at least try to get him to drop the investigation?", "Chloe: Why don't you try? Or are you just not convincing enough?", "Heather: You are such a--", "Chloe: Yeah, you know what? Whatever. 'Cause I cannot find my credit card, and I need to find it. Or should I assume that you--", "Heather: I didn't steal anything from you.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, you just keep on telling yourself that.", "Heather: You know what? You'll probably be much happier with Ronan.", "Chloe: You know what? I probably will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: It was scary for you, wasn't it? What happened to me at the ranch, when I miscarried and everything we went through with Faith. But, Honey, you know, those things happened-- they happened because of Adam, and not because of my relationship with your dad.", "Abby: I'm talking about other stuff-- Paris, L.A., London, Genoa City, all to be with a man or to get away from one. The jobs you took, or the jobs that you gave up... I know that you always thought about me, and I was happy if we were together. But I will never make a decision based on whether some guy loves me or not.", "Ashley: (Clicks tongue) (Inhales sharply) Yeah, I know. I've done some extreme things because of love. But you know what? Some of those things have brought me extreme joy, like you. It sounds like a cliché, but honestly, Abby, when you meet the right man, it's--", "Abby: No, there is-- there is no man that's gonna turn me into \"The Wife\" or \"The Mother\" or even \"The Arm Candy.\" I just don't care how funny he is or smart or--or good in bed. I am not going to be reduced to some mass of hormones cooking dinner and changing diapers.", "Ashley: Well, actually, I think you and I are in very similar places, because I will never, ever, ever let myself be secondary to a man ever again. And I feel confident enough to say that I'm at a place in my life where I feel I can be involved with a man without losing myself.", "Abby: But what if that guy doesn't deserve you? What if he can't be trusted? You could be hurt again.", "Ashley: Abby, whatever happens in my life, I'm strong enough to deal with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Phyllis: Um, I wasn't eavesdropping. I just heard you having sort of an... heated conversation with the assistant district attorney.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah. About how my, uh, engagement got broken off? Yeah. Yeah. (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: Sorry about that.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, you know, I guess it just means that all nice guys can't be trusted.", "Phyllis: So I guess you just go for the guy who's up front about being a jerk, right?", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: (Chuckles) But, you know, if you do that, please, please, please don't whimper and whine about being disappointed, and then pretend like... (Mockingly) Oh, oh, you're being all brave about it. (Normal voice) Please don't do that. I hate women like that.", "Chloe: Okay, what did I say?", "Phyllis: Y--nothing. Nothing. I just--I'm so tired of patsies and Pollyanna's. I mean, put your big girl pants on, and get goin'. Do something about it. That's what I'm doing. (Snaps fingers)", "Chloe: Yeah. It's true. Okay. (Sighs) Hey, Ronan, it's Chloe. Um, give me a call back when you get this message. I want to see you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) Damn it. I chipped a nail. (Sighs) \"Select all contacts.\" (Clears throat) \"Dear all, check out my yummy, fresh new blog.\" (Computer keys clicking)", "Phyllis: \"Send all.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, it can't be denied. You and Victor have had your ugly moments, more than your fair share, I must say. (Sighs) But the two of you got-- you've got more love, more passion, more devotion, than any couple I know.", "Nikki: But this dream was so powerful, Katherine.", "Kay: Now I am certain that Victor is no threat to your sobriety. I'm also certain that you know that, also. Now there's only one reason I asked you to have your wedding in my home. I'm so tired of the two of you jerking each other around. Get married, stay married, and--and find a new hobby, for God sakes, other than, uh, divorce. Now a dream cannot blow your chance of having a good life with Victor.", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Kay: Only you can blow it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: For the first time in your life, you have some real competition, and what do you do? You just fold like a cheap tent.", "Lauren: And is this the real reason you wanted half of Fenmore's? To sabotage me and my father's company?", "Jill: Our father's company. Please don't forget that.", "Abby: Okay, where is my camera when I need it?", "Victoria: Should we maybe say something?", "Abby: Yeah, no, we should be selling tickets.", "Ashley: Maybe we should throw Jill into the whirlpool to cool her off.", "Abby: (Chuckles)", "Mac: Jill's just trying to connect with family.", "Victoria: Yeah, it looks like she's trying to connect with her right hook.", "Heather: (Scoffs) Billy was right. You really are a stalker.", "Chloe: I forgot my credit card. Oh, and look at you. You even got my nail color. Why don't you just get your own life?", "Lauren: I see you went au naturel.", "Jill: Yes, I happen to appreciate the tried and true, unlike you, who insists on following the herd like some demented sheep.", "Lauren: Well, I'd much rather be a sheep than a beady-eyed rat.", "Sharon: Hey, what's going on? I just came here to get a gift certificate for Lily.", "Victoria: Jill's being a brat.", "Mac: Lauren needs to be more understanding.", "Heather: Get out of my face. Just--", "Abby: Hey, Kent, uh, do you happen to have a camera crew that you could send down and--", "Ashley: Oh, would you please stop that?", "Lauren: You want halfsies? How about I rip half the hair out of your head?", "Jill: Oh, obviously, I got all the class in this family.", "(Cell phones rings)", "Lauren: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Phyllis has a blog?", "Chloe: She didn't say a word.", "Sharon: \"The Real Homewreckers of Genoa City\"?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Meggie: Nikki. How are you feeling?", "Nikki: Honestly, I feel wonderful, ready to make some more wedding plans. But first, I'm gonna go down to the stables and have a little ride.", "Meggie: Are you sure you're up to it?", "Nikki: Absolutely. Oh, and, Meggie, um, before I go, would you mind making me another one of those delicious smoothies?", "Meggie: One custom smoothie, coming right up.", "Nikki: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Oh, wow, look at all these hits. (Chuckles) Hey. Um... I chipped a nail. Excuse me.", "Ashley: \"The seedy side of Genoa City has flat ironed hair, a push-up bra, and a hankering for a man. A filthy-rich, brand-name man never clashes with your shoes.\"", "Phyllis: (Mouthing words) Um, Ashley, your hair is curly... sometimes.", "Jill: \"When this broad goes for a 5-finger discount, she steals the whole damn store.\"", "Phyllis: Oh, that's a figure of speech.", "Chloe: \"She lies, she cheats, she scores, and then she hides in the corner like a little patsy.\"", "Sharon: \"Sucking her thumb and waiting for 'Prince Hunka-licious' to kiss the boo-boo all better\"?", "Mac: Or this part-- \"She may play 'Holly Do-gooder'...", "Heather: \"But she's really 'Hussy McTrollop.'\"", "Abby: Okay, \"Girlfriend pretends to like the boys, but her big crush is on herself.\" If you're going to talk about me, please say my name and link it to my site.", "Sharon: Oh, here's my favorite one, everyone-- \"So watch your back, because if you cross one of the real homewreckers of Genoa City, girl will cut you till you bleed Jabot 'Jungle Rouge.'\"", "Phyllis: (Gasps) That sounds better out loud.", "Sharon: Not really. You're shameless.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think this was about you? Oh, I didn't name any names. If you all think this is about yourselves, then I think it's your own guilt talking.", "Chloe: This is on the internet for the entire world to read. Do you understand that?", "Phyllis: I know! I know! Isn't it great?", "(Voices overlapping)", "Victoria: I'm the boss, right?", "(Voices overlapping)", "Abby: We should go now, Mom.", "(Voices overlapping)", "Mac: Oh, my God. Oh, God, it's mean.", "Chloe: And I never, ever liked it.", "Victoria: I know. I think it's pathetic.", "Chloe: You know, those boots are so last season. I hope you know that.", "Victoria: Because she's miserable, that's why. She's just miserable and left out anyway. (Sighs)", "(Vacuum cleaner humming)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: \"Homewreckers of Genoa City.\" (Chuckles) As if Genoa City isn't bitchy enough. \"Let me tell you about this little minx-- brains, looks, and such a good family, but playing with fire, 'missy mayhem' may finally get burned.\"", "[NEXT_ON]", "Woman: Meet our new art teacher, Miss Jana.", "Gloria: Angel, I want this. So will you take the job?", "Heather: What is it you want me to do? Lie? Cheat? Steal?", "Ronan: Spy on Chance." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Noah tells Devon that he is giving up on the record deal to take a job with Jabot and later when Devon tells Tucker Noah has left but he wants to stay Tucker gives Devon twenty four hours to find a new artist or he can forget about his job. Paul and Katherine talk to one of Tuckers former groupies whose nickname was lollipop and she tells then that there was another groupie with the nickname Candy Cane was pregnant with Tucker's child but she doesn't think Tucker knew she was pregnant. Neil and Malcolm play an aggressive game of basketball and Malcolm tells Neil that no matter who the father of the baby is they will no longer be family. Sofia, Malcolm and Neil arrive for the sonogram and Olivia tells them the baby is a boy but everyone is still waiting for the results of the paternity test.", "The marketing director of Jabot leaves the job for health reasons and Katherine hires Jill because she needs someone to keep an eye on jack. Katherine promises Jill that if Jack doesn't meet the expectations of his contract she will become the CEO of Jabot and if Jack does a good job after a year they will discuss a more permanent position with the company. Jack hires Genevieve for the job and shows her where her office is and they are about to make love when Jill arrives and says she is the new head of marketing then the catfight begins which Jack has to referee.", "" ]
[ "Chloe: I cannot be late on my rent. How am I gonna make money? I'm in a tight spot. Do you have any work for me? I'm doing this on the side, so please don't call Quinn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Bad news-- we lost Glen Torington.", "Kay: Oh, come on now. Y-you're getting rid of him? He did such an outstanding job on--on the--the--the launch.", "Jack: I would not get rid of my best man, Katherine. He resigned with health problems, no notice.", "Kay: Well, can we promote, uh, from within?", "Jack: No, no. I mean, they're all green.", "Kay: Well, I will come up with some names, and, um, in the meantime, you start thinking, uh, out of the box. Even good managers, uh, you know, they can start from the least likely places.", "Jack: Sure.", "Gloria: I have tripled my client list since selling you the McMillan house. You are now my good luck charm.", "Jack: She does have a way of brightening things up, doesn't she?", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Good morning, Jack.", "Jack: Genevieve.", "Gloria: Shall I bring your champagne here?", "Jack: Please join me.", "Gloria: I'll bring an extra glass.", "Jack: You will never guess what my first thought was this morning.", "Genevieve: Why am I in this bed alone?", "Jack: (Chuckles)", "Genevieve: (Laughs) We can fix that.", "Jack: Well, my day just brightened up.", "Genevieve: Mm. Mine, too. Oh, hell. The buzz kill just walked in.", "Genevieve: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, the good doctor. I haven't seen you around.", "Olivia: Oh, you know, I've been traveling on business.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. Still taking care of Sofia?", "Olivia: Yeah, I am, and everything's going well. In fact, today's appointment is really just routine. I'm gonna review the blood test results and, um, do an ultrasound.", "Neil: What time?", "Olivia: You didn't know about this?", "Neil: That Sofia took a blood test a few days ago? Yeah, I-I--but not-- no, not about this.", "Olivia: Neil, can you just forget I said anything?", "Neil: (Quietly) It's bad enough that you had to lie about the due date.", "Olivia: (Quietly) I was trying to protect you and Malcolm.", "Neil: Olivia, this baby could be mine.", "Olivia: Shh. Neil.", "Neil: I have every right to be at that appointment, and you know it.", "Olivia: Look, if Sofia wants you to be there.", "Neil: You know, hearing if I'm going to be a father shouldn't be left up to Sofia.", "Olivia: I'm sure she's gonna tell you when she's ready to tell you what those results are.", "Neil: Yeah? How--after everything you and I have been through, you're gonna-- you're gonna turn your back on me and have an allegiance to Sofia?", "Olivia: Neil, she's my patient.", "Neil: And we are family.", "Olivia: Yes, we're family. You don't think it was killing me lying to you like that? It was.", "Neil: (Sighs) I shouldn't judge you for that. But I'm through with secrets, you know? I'm goin' to the hospital.", "Olivia: Wait, wait, wait.", "Neil: What?", "Olivia: Why are you pushing this? I mean, those test results might not even be definitive.", "Neil: Well, I'm praying that they are, and that we know without a doubt who fathered that child so we can all get on with our lives, Olivia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You thinkin' about your doctor's appointment?", "Sofia: How do you know everything about me?", "Tucker: I know when my executives request time off.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Is it serious?", "Sofia: The paternity-- we could find out for sure today.", "Tucker: Are you ready for that?", "Sofia: Well, I believe the baby is Malcolm's.", "Tucker: So you're thinkin' positively.", "Sofia: (Sighs) With every breath. (Chuckles) Olivia is gonna give us some good news, and then my gorgeous husband is gonna move back home, and we can work on healing and planning baby showers, and decoratin' the nursery and... please, God.", "Tucker: You hold on to those good thoughts. Get outta here.", "Sofia: Tucker, we're not even finished yet.", "Tucker: No, don't worry about it. Believe it or not, I can remember your doctor's appointment, gross versus net receipts, and my own name, all at the same time.", "Sofia: Sounds like the old Tucker.", "Tucker: Well, my life might not be exactly where I want it, but, uh, I think it's gettin' there.", "Sofia: You really feel like you're, uh, back?", "Tucker: I'm back, ready to take on whatever comes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Well, I'm making some tea. Would you like you some?", "Paul: Oh, that would be nice. Thank you.", "Esther: Okay.", "Paul: I have a very big lead.", "Kay: Tell me.", "Paul: We could know by the end of the day the identity of Tucker's son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Sighs) You lookin' for Eden?", "Noah: Uh, yeah. I guess she's not workin' today.", "Hunter: Uh, what do you guys want to order? I'll get it.", "Devon: Well, you know what? We can get coffee at the studio, Noah. Why are we meeting here instead of there?", "Noah: So we can talk.", "Devon: Talk about what? We've put in no recording time this week.", "Hunter: Well, that's because you went to visit your mom, right?", "Noah: Yeah, that and some other stuff.", "Devon: Well, I get all that, but we still need to get our tracks into the label.", "Noah: (Sighs) Look, I'm not gonna be able to finish the record.", "Hunter: Why? Are you sick?", "Noah: No, I... look, I took a job writing some promo music for Jack at Jabot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well, now. You two are beginning to ruin this restaurant for me.", "Genevieve: (Scoffs) You are free to leave.", "Jill: Oh, I plan to, \"Crazy cakes.\" And you...", "Jack: Me? What did I do?", "Jill: You better watch it, because what she has may be catching, Jack.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) You better hope that what I have is catching, Honey, because I've just seen the light.", "Jack: What--is-- is all this about Colin?", "Genevieve: I'm over him. She's not.", "Jill: Ahh, she lies. And it goes way beyond that, Jack.", "Jack: And w-where does it go?", "Jill: She is just a train wreck waitin' to happen.", "Gloria: Oh, Jill!", "Jill: Oh!", "Gloria: (Sighs) Please watch out.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Gloria: If I wanted to dodge a bull, I'd go to Pamplona.", "Jill: What a tremendous wit you have, Gloria.", "Gloria: (Laughs) Thank you, Jill. Here you go, and I am so sorry.", "Jack: Thank you.", "Genevieve: Oh, it's not your fault.", "Gloria: Eh, it's getting so I'm gonna have to hire a bouncer to keep the riffraff out.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) You know, maybe we should start eating a little further away from Fenmore's, sort of avoid Jill.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Jack: Hmm.", "Genevieve: What? Business? Hmm?", "Jack: Yeah. I'm short a marketing director and my workload's about to triple.", "(Activates smart pad)", "Genevieve: Really? Uh, may I?", "Jack: Yeah. I asked an assistant to send me a list of options of promos we could do for the holiday line.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm. And this is what they came up with?", "Jack: Yeah, this is the TV and magazine and print. Why did you say it that way?", "Genevieve: Because it's primitive. You should be utilizing the social networks, the Smartphone apps.", "Jack: You know, with a little more background, you would be the perfect person for this job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: There you go, Paul.", "Paul: Oh, thank you, Esther.", "Esther: You're welcome.", "Kay: Well, I just don't understand it. Tucker and I both have like resources, yet he's been unable to locate the young man?", "Paul: Well, we have not located him yet, either.", "Kay: Maybe he just doesn't want to locate the boy.", "Paul: Well, here. Take a look at this.", "Kay: Mm. Who's the woman?", "Paul: That is that notorious groupie that was in all those old photographs that I told you about. She was in all of those pictures about the time Tucker's son was born.", "Kay: What's her name?", "Paul: Her name is Amy Koslo, but everyone called her \"Lollipop.\"", "Kay: (Stammers)", "Paul: Lollipop. Don't ask. I don't know.", "Kay: But you were able to locate her?", "Paul: Uh, well, she's traveling. She now gets paid to listen to music.", "Kay: Mm. So you'll fly out and meet with her?", "Paul: Actually, she agreed to a layover in Genoa City, so I'm going to meet with her, and, uh, I'm gonna pick her brain about the good ol' days.", "Kay: When?", "Paul: Today, at Gloworm.", "Kay: Ahh, God, Paul. This woman may be the mother of my grandson.", "Paul: Or at the very least, she may know who is. So I'll be in touch, okay?", "Kay: Okay, thank you.", "Paul: Jill, hi. How are you?", "Jill: Hi. Good, thank you.", "Kay: Uh, Jill? Jill? Jill?", "Jill: Oh, Katherine, please, not now.", "Kay: Uh, Jabot is in a very serious bind. Please, come, come, come.", "Jill: So does it have to do with Fenmore's?", "Kay: Well, not directly, but, uh, I believe you're just the solution I need.", "Jill: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Hey. So a-are my test results in yet?", "Olivia: Um, any minute now. Look, um, Sofia, there's something I need to tell you, but--", "Sofia: Can you explain this to me one more time? I mean, if the RH antibodies in my blood have increased, that means...", "Olivia: That Neil is definitely the baby's father.", "Sofia: But if there's no change?", "Olivia: Then the paternity can go either way.", "Sofia: So if things st--stay the same, then Malcolm is definitely the father?", "Olivia: Maybe. Uh, look, Sofia, earlier on today, I bumped--", "Sofia: Look, I have loved that man for so long. And now that we're married and with this ultrasound, I hope he hears the heartbeat and sees those little arms and legs and... (Chuckles) Then maybe he'll remember that it was our love that made this.", "Olivia: Yeah. Um, look, I bumped into Neil earlier, and I accidentally told him about the appointment. I'm--", "Sofia: What? Look, he is not coming here.", "Olivia: I apologize, Sofia, but look, I will not let him come in here and view the ultrasound unless you permit it.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Olivia: Okay, I'm gonna have my nurse keep him outside, okay?", "Sofia: No, just let him in.", "Olivia: You want him here?", "Sofia: No, I don't want both of them here, but what am I gonna do? I wouldn't want to wait for an answer any longer than I've got to. Neil shouldn't have to, either.", "Olivia: And Malcolm?", "Sofia: God, I hate doing this. I know how much it's gonna hurt him seeing Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Okay, that's cool. Guess I'll see you at the ultrasound then.", "Malcolm: Sofia told you about that?", "Neil: No, she didn't. She also didn't tell me about the paternity results that came in. But, Malcolm, I need to be there.", "Malcolm: So, what? What, are you asking my permission now? Is that what you're doing, Neil? 'Cause if you're asking my permission, I'm gonna tell you to go to hell. I'm also telling you to stay far, far away from my woman and from my baby. Then again, might not be my baby. And she might not be my wife, not for much longer.", "Neil: Wait, wait. Hold on. What are you talking about? You're gonna divorce Sofia? Why would you do that?", "Malcolm: Because she slept with you.", "Neil: Yeah, she slept with me when you guys were broken up, right? I know it's gonna take a lot of time-- time to heal this, but if I am the father, I would expect you to be there for this child.", "Malcolm: The only thing I don't want to be a part of is you, Neil.", "Neil: We're family. We're blood. Malcolm, we're brothers.", "Malcolm: Which is exactly what should have kept you from sleeping with my woman.", "Neil: You slept with my wife all those years ago. You know you did that. You did that to me!", "Malcolm: So what are you sayin', Neil? What? What? Are we 10 years old now? What, are we goin' tit-for-tat? Huh? Is that what we're doin'? Tit-for-tat here? I do something to you, you do it back? Is that what this is?", "Neil: No, no, no!", "Malcolm: Huh?", "Neil: I'm not saying that. I'm saying give me a little bit of something, give me a little bit of a pass here.", "Malcolm: Neil, you don't get a pass! You don't get a pass for something that happened back in the day, especially for what happened back in the day, okay? Now--now Sofia and I, we might survive this. But as far as you and me are concerned, you ruined us.", "Neil: Oh, yeah?", "Malcolm: Yeah. Game on. Ball up. Ball up.", "Neil: Come on. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: You couldn't have given me any warning at all?", "Noah: Look, I feel bad. I do. But this project with Resurrection--", "Devon: It's our big break. Yeah.", "Noah: It's not going anywhere, and--and the label's interest has been minimal.", "Devon: Minimal? What are you talking about? They've been giving us space, Noah.", "Noah: And because of that, we've been creatively stymied. (Sighs) Look, Jack can get my music heard on a national level. How could I pass that up?", "Hunter: Noah, what about Devon?", "Noah: I was gonna speak to Jack about bringing you on somehow.", "Devon: Well, gee, thanks, Noah, but I'm, uh, I'm not gonna walk away from a solid record deal. And what are you gonna do about our contract?", "Noah: Jack's taking care of that.", "Devon: Okay.", "Noah: Look, maybe-- maybe I could work on both projects simultaneously.", "Devon: Yeah, they're not gonna go for that.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Noah: That's... that's Faith's sitter. I've gotta do something for her, but I'll be right back. Hunter?", "Hunter: I'm-- I'm gonna stay here. You okay?", "Tucker: Well, there's my protégé record producer.", "Devon: (Inhales sharply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: More champagne?", "Genevieve: Oh, sure. Why not? There's less chance of spillage now.", "Gloria: That woman is a nightmare, isn't she? And she made my poor late husband John's life a living nightmare.", "Genevieve: John?", "Jack: My father.", "Gloria: May he rest in peace.", "Genevieve: I didn't know that you two were married.", "Gloria: Oh, yes. Oh, don't be fooled by all of this. I am so much more than a saloon keeper, a house hawker. Aren't I, Jack? (Chuckles) You and I will have to have lunch someday, and I'll tell you all my secrets.", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) Sounds like fun.", "Jack: A word to the wise-- tread carefully where Gloria is concerned. (Sighs)", "Genevieve: I see there is a story there.", "Jack: Ooh, it's a long and ugly story, but I'm not gonna get into that right now. I want to tap your brain some more.", "Genevieve: I'm just fresh out of ideas.", "Jack: Modesty just doesn't become you, Sweetheart. Talk to me.", "Genevieve: Uh, retro is very big right now.", "Jack: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: How about a campaign that sort of capitalizes on old Hollywood glamour? You know, it's funny, when I channel-surf, I flip through everything, but if I see an old Hollywood musical, I stop.", "Jack: Uh-huh. Keep talking.", "Genevieve: So I don't know. Maybe 30-second spots with a... flashy, romantic dance with a woman with flawless skin and, uh, eye-popping makeup.", "Genevieve: What?", "Jack: Come work for me. Seriously.", "Genevieve: (Scoffs)", "Jack: Katherine just told me to start thinking outside of the box.", "Genevieve: I don't think she meant that far out of the box.", "Jack: Say yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Mrs. C., here's the mail.", "Kay: Oh, thank you, Esther. You off to, uh, the pediatrician?", "Esther: Uh, yeah, I'm gonna meet Chloe there.", "Jill: Is this about Delia's cold?", "Esther: Yeah, we just want to get it checked out.", "Jill: I think it's so odd that Delia would catch a cold at this time of year.", "Esther: Eh, kids pick up all sorts of stuff at day care. I'll be back soon.", "Kay: Uh, Jill, I know your obligation to Fenmore, but I also know that you have a huge soft spot in your heart for Jabot.", "Jill: Yeah, I just don't know why I would take on the headache of running the marketing for Jabot, answering to Jack, when I used to be the C.E.O. there.", "Kay: Uh, because I need you in there more than ever now. You have to understand that Tucker is going to put everything he's got into regaining control of that company.", "Jill: Ahh, and you're afraid that Jack won't be able to hold on to it.", "Kay: Oh, Jack's priority is remaining C.E.O. at all costs, for heaven sakes. Whichever way the wind blows, that's-- that's how he's gonna bend.", "Jill: So fire him.", "Kay: He has a contract.", "Jill: Contingent on what?", "Kay: Certain goals.", "Jill: And has he met them?", "Kay: Exceeded them.", "Jill: Okay, so you just want to get an edge on Jack to keep him in line.", "Kay: I need a spy. That's you.", "Jill: (Laughs) So my sole purpose would be to spy for you? Sorry, I am too busy and too talented.", "Kay: Well, watching, um, watching after Jack is not your sole purpose. For heaven sakes. Look at the successful companies you have run. There's Fenmore's, Jabot, uh, Chancellor. And you would knock those marketing figures right into the stratosphere.", "Jill: Well, thanks. But there has to be more in it for me.", "Kay: All right. We'll, um, negotiate.", "Jill: Great. The minute Jack slips up and you can void his contract...", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: I want to be the C.E.O.", "Kay: (Sighs) Well, I'll consider that.", "Jill: No, no, no. No, I want it in writing.", "Kay: (Stammers)", "Jill: Katherine, we have argued over and over again against promises that you've made to me and you've conveniently forgotten.", "Kay: You have my word.", "Jill: Great, because I will not be strung along. I will not be some kind of rebound person for Jack or anybody else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I find it amusing and flattering that you would want me for this job.", "Jack: Then feel free to giggle and blush while you accept my offer.", "Genevieve: (Sighs) But I don't need a job.", "Jack: You can never have too much money.", "Genevieve: I'm already a very wealthy woman.", "Jack: Who's in the process of dumping her husband.", "Genevieve: Post divorce, wealthier.", "Jack: This is a great chance for you to establish yourself on your own without Colin.", "Genevieve: It's also a great way for me to fall on my face, and I don't like to lose.", "Jack: Neither do I. I also don't take no for an answer very well.", "Genevieve: It's a multibillion-dollar company, Jack.", "Jack: Yes, indeed, it is.", "Genevieve: I think you need someone with experience in that position.", "Jack: I do, and I have, and I will again. This is just a stopgap measure.", "Genevieve: Interesting title, \"Stopgap.\"", "Jack: However, you may find that you like the job, or are, uh, particularly good at it. In that case, I could find something more permanent.", "Genevieve: Uh-huh. I don't want a job.", "Jack: Come to Jabot. I'll show you around. If you say no then, I will back off.", "Genevieve: I already did say no.", "Jack: But I haven't started persuading you yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: What can I get you?", "Amy: White wine.", "Paul: Uh, iced tea is fine, thank you.", "Gloria: Perfect.", "Amy: Paul, it's so good to meet you in person.", "Paul: Yes, thank you for, uh, for making the stop for me.", "Amy: Oh, sure. The timing's perfect. I'm on my way to see a rock band.", "Paul: Oh, really?", "Amy: One we just signed, yeah.", "Paul: That's amazing. So you never lost your love for live music, huh?", "Amy: No, I'm still like a starry-eyed teen. For most of my life, I've been able to hang in with the world's greatest musicians.", "Paul: And one of the biggest, uh, music masterminds, too, huh?", "Amy: Yeah, Tucker McCall. What do you want to know about him?", "Paul: Well, um, I understand you two were very close when Tucker was first getting his start in music.", "Amy: Yes, we were. Those were some really good times.", "Paul: Can you tell me about them?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hunter: (Sighs) (Clears throat)", "Tucker: How's the recording coming, Devon?", "Devon: Oh, it's-- it's coming along. Uh, have--Tucker, have you met Hunter Forlani?", "Tucker: No, I haven't. Hunter Forlani-- that's a pretty name.", "Hunter: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Did you grow up here?", "Hunter: New York.", "Tucker: So your folks still back there?", "Hunter: Um, I-I don't-- I don't really know my parents, so I pretty much just grew up in foster care.", "Tucker: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.", "Hunter: I mean, it's not that bad if you're placed with nice people.", "Devon: Yeah, but when you're not, it's, uh...", "Tucker: Well, it looks like you did all right for yourself.", "Hunter: Yeah.", "Tucker: You have nice friends. So tell me the truth. You like this man's music?", "Devon: Oh, Boy.", "Hunter: I love what I've heard so far.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Hunter: Yeah.", "Tucker: Cool. All right. Listen, Hunter, um, would you give us just a minute?", "Hunter: Yeah, sure.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Tucker: And why aren't you and Noah in the studio today?", "Devon: Well, um, it looks like, uh, Noah has taken another job working for Jabot.", "Tucker: What, music-related?", "Devon: Yes. He's, uh, he's bailing on our project with Resurrection.", "Tucker: Without runnin' it by me?", "Devon: I guess Jack Abbott's people are gonna be handling all the legalities.", "Tucker: (Scoffs)", "Devon: Uh, but I am hoping to stay on. Uh, I'm a good producer, Tucker. And you know that this is my passion.", "Tucker: Well, Devon, I am not in the business of keeping people employed out of charity.", "Devon: Understood, and I'm--I'm not asking you to do that.", "Tucker: Well, the lifestyle that comes with being in the industry can be sweet. Yeah, you like that, right?", "Devon: Yes.", "Tucker: I indulged in it myself when I was younger, but at the end of the day, we're out to make money-- bottom line.", "Devon: I completely get that, and I promise you, I can earn my way. All I'm asking is for you to give me a shot.", "Tucker: I already gave you a shot.", "Devon: Well, Sir, give me one more.", "Tucker: Okay. You bring me a brand-new artist, one with real star power.", "Devon: I can do that. It'll take a little bit of time, but--", "Tucker: No, you have 24 hours.", "Devon: I have one day?", "Tucker: Otherwise, and don't take this personally, you're out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So no matter how these tests turn out, you're done with me. Is that what you're saying? We're not family anymore?", "Malcolm: You've made sure of that.", "Neil: All right. You know something? If I came around, Malcolm...", "Malcolm: (Grunts)", "Neil: If I came around, you can, too.", "Malcolm: Ball up. See, Neil, what you don't understand is that... I'm the black sheep of the family, the troublemaker. Understanding is your job. (Breathing heavily)", "Neil: I'm trying. I'm trying really hard to understand you here.", "Malcolm: You screwed up, Neil. Own it! And even if that baby is mine, this is never gonna go away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: I don't know, Jill. I-I-I just can't guarantee you the C.E.O.", "Jill: Well, then spy this.", "Kay: But it's, uh, it's possible. You know, that is, if Jack doesn't meet his goals, then, uh, you're in.", "Jill: And if he succeeds?", "Kay: Then we will talk about finding you a bigger place in the company.", "Jill: Unh, unh, unh. I want a contract.", "Kay: Um... uh, you will have it in writing.", "Jill: Good. Then I'll talk to Lauren.", "Kay: Good. Then I want you to clear your calendar, and I want to put you in place quickly, keeping your eye on Jack before he does something that makes me want to slap him right upside the head.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: And this... would be your office. Here.", "Genevieve: Thank you.", "Genevieve: Wow. (Sighs) Very impressive.", "Jack: You'd have your own assistant, set your own hours, your own parking space, benefits.", "Genevieve: I've got chills. (Chuckles) And since you've worked so diligently to sell it to me...", "Jack: Your answer is...", "Genevieve: Still no.", "Jack: Wow, am I gonna have to pull out the big guns?", "Genevieve: Right here? Right now?", "Jack: You'd be working very closely with me.", "Genevieve: I like close.", "Jack: Yeah?", "Genevieve: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: Name up here. There are some--", "Sofia: (Sighs) Hi, Malcolm.", "Malcolm: Hey.", "Sofia: So... can we find out if we're gonna have a little boy or girl?", "Olivia: We should be able to determine that, yeah. I'll be right back, okay?", "Sofia: I'm so glad that you could be here for this.", "Malcolm: Um, you know my brother was planning on showing up?", "Sofia: I did not invite Neil.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, maybe you should have. There's a 50/50 chance that this baby might be his.", "Sofia: And there's an equal chance that it's yours. I don't love Neil. I love you, Malcolm, and I want us to raise our baby together.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Listen, um, me being there for this baby if it's mine is one thing. But us being together...", "Sofia: Malcolm. (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amy: I'd forgotten about this. What a phenomenal night. It was at the Troubadour. One of Tucker's bands was playing.", "Paul: (Chuckles) Well--", "Kay: Uh, may I join you?", "Paul: Uh, sure. Amy, this is Katherine Chancellor.", "Amy: Well, nice to meet you. You're Tucker's mom, right?", "Kay: Yes.", "Amy: I read about how he found you. How's he doing?", "Kay: Well, improving, but he has a long way to go.", "Amy: I don't know what help I can offer you. I certainly don't have any dirt to spill on Tucker.", "Kay: Uh, were you, uh, romantically involved?", "Amy: I wish. (Chuckles) No. I had a massive crush on him, but, nah. Tucker? Mnh-mnh.", "Paul: So you-- you didn't even date?", "Amy: No, not so much as a kiss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Sighs) Oh, my gosh, I don't want to blow this, but I mean, damn. It's not like I have the next Lady Gaga on speed dial.", "Hunter: Why don't you look on, like, the internet or something for undiscovered talent?", "Devon: 'Cause, Hunter, I only have 24 hours, you know? And it's-- it can't just be just an amazing voice. They've gotta have some serious talent to back it up.", "Hunter: And Noah is the one-and-only person that you know that has that?", "Devon: Actually, you know what? I think I do know someone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: So did you get a hold of the minutes from that meeting? She what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amy: Tucker had a lot of girlfriends back then, but no one in particular.", "Paul: Did you know any of the girls that Tucker hooked up with personally?", "Amy: Well, there was one. In fact, I think she was at this show. Yes, there she is. You can only see her from behind, but this is her.", "Kay: Mm-hmm. Uh, what is her name?", "Amy: Well, they called her \"Candy Cane.\" All the girls had nicknames back then.", "Paul: Do you know what happened to her?", "Amy: I wish I did. Candy was so in love with Tucker, but I don't think he realized. In fact, when she suddenly disappeared from the scene, there was a rumor going around that he'd gotten her pregnant.", "Paul: Do you think the rumor was true?", "Amy: Well, if she was preggers, Tucker either kept it under wraps, or didn't know about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: (Sighs) How does everything look?", "Olivia: The little guy looks healthy.", "Neil: Little guy?", "Malcolm: Does that mean...", "Sofia: Ohh.", "Olivia: Mm-hmm. It's a beautiful baby boy.", "Sofia: A son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So please call me right when you get this message.", "Noah: So what'd I miss?", "Devon: What did you miss? You missed, uh, me telling Tucker that you took another gig.", "Noah: Well, what did he say?", "Devon: He said find him a new artist within 24 hours, or I can pack up and leave.", "Noah: (Sighs) Harsh.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Hunter: Yeah, it was pretty intense.", "Noah: So what are you gonna do?", "Devon: Well, lucky for me, I, uh, I think I have a potential star in my own family.", "Noah: Ana?", "Hunter: Wait, do you think your sister's gonna agree to do it?", "Devon: Oh, hell, yeah. Absolutely. With that voice, I know I could turn her into the next Beyoncé. I mean, really, it sucks, you know, to lose you, but, you know, this might be the best thing that could happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: A boy.", "Malcolm: Yeah. Pretty amazing.", "Sofia: (Sighs) Where's Olivia?", "Neil: Oh, she went to, uh, check on the test results.", "Malcolm: We still have to find out whose boy you're carrying.", "Olivia: This could determine who the father is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Excuse me, but I have to go meet some new real estate clients, so if you need anything else, the bartender will take care of you, okay? And, Amy, peace.", "Paul: (Chuckles)", "Amy: (Laughs) Oh, nice people in this town, but I better get back to the airport.", "Kay: Well, thank you for your input.", "Amy: I have to ask. What exactly are you trying to find out?", "Kay: Well, we're mainly trying to clean up some of Tucker's affairs, and, uh, there's been issues since his accident.", "Paul: You know, and he's such a-a public figure that it's not easy.", "Kay: Right.", "Amy: Well, next time you see Tucker, would you please tell him hello from Lollipop?", "Kay: Lollipop?", "Amy: Yeah. (Laughs)", "Paul: Uh, I'll walk you out?", "Amy: Okay.", "Paul: We'll be in touch.", "Kay: Yes, yes.", "Tucker: What the hell are you up to now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Ahh, let's see.", "Jack: Yes, it's that simple.", "Genevieve: (Laughs)", "Jack: Yes.", "Genevieve: Yes?", "Jack: Yes, Jack. (Laughs)", "Genevieve: (Gasps)", "Jack: Jill, what are you doing here?", "Jill: Well, I am the new head of marketing, as per Katherine.", "Genevieve: That's funny. I'm the new head of marketing, as per Jack.", "Jill: Not if I toss your ass first.", "Jack: (Grunts)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Colin: You want your mother and I to come back to Australia with you?", "Cane: Well, isn't that what you always wanted?", "Tucker: You started this war, and I'm gonna finish it.", "Kay: Good luck.", "Cane: I wanted to say good-bye.", "Lily: Wait, you're leaving?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ronan meets with Lily to discuss who could be stalking her family. Genevieve and Cane talk about who she was on the internet with. Genevieve questions Cane about the woman who could be impersonating their daughter. Tucker tells Katherine that she is full of questions lately. They discuss his interest in Newman Enterprises. The nun and Christian have a burger together as a way of him thanking her for getting him a job. Eden asks Kyle how his day has gone and where he went when she woke up. Jack arrives at his therapy session, upset over his doctor's appointment. Nikki visits Victoria. Nick lets Sharon know that she cannot fire him. Nick forbids Sharon from walking away from him because they are not through with this conversation. Lily shows Ronan the business card that she found after the woman bumped into her and dropped her keys. Lily gets a call from Cane. Victor has a run in with the man at the bar when he thinks that the man is getting too friendly with the nun. Kyle and Eden discuss their living arrangement but he wants to move out. Eden encourages him to stay. Jack pushes himself to the limit during his therapy. Sarge lets Jack know that he may not get any better but Jack refuses to accept that as an answer. Nikki lets Victoria know about her search for Victor. Sharon insists to Nick that she doesn't know where Victor is. Sharon orders Nick to move his things out of Newman.", "Victor makes sure the nun is all right after he puts the man out of the bar. Victoria and Nikki spend time together. Nikki asks Victoria how Jack is. At home, Jack orders Mrs. Martinez to pack up Nikki's things. Cane arrives at Jimmy's bar. Lily lets Cane know that she hadn't told Ronan everything that was going on. Ronan tells Cane that he should have come to him with this situation before now. Kyle tells Jack about his living arrangement with Eden and that he is moving out. Jack asks Kyle to move in with him. Sharon finds Kyle's license in her purse and places it inside another box. Sharon asks Tucker to come over. Nikki tells Katherine about her fears for Victor. Genevieve finds Victor in the bar in Los Angeles. She asks him if he is all right and he insists that his name is Christian.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Hi. Sorry. I-I know that you're busy.", "Ronan: No, no, it's okay. You said it was important.", "Lily: It is. I'm just--I'm not really sure how to--", "Ronan: Okay, okay. Slow down. Slow down. Would you mind sitting down?", "Lily: Yeah, um...", "Ronan: Here, let's do this-- you start by telling me what's got you so scared, and then we can backtrack from there, okay?", "Lily: (Sighs) My family... is being stalked, and it's tied to Cane's past.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Why are you running away from me?", "Genevieve: I am not running away from you.", "Cane: Well, why are you reading these articles about Victor then?", "Genevieve: Uh, isn't everyone reading about Victor since he disappeared? Really. I mean, can't I even go online without my own son being suspicious of me?", "Cane: I'm suspicious of you because of the way you are acting and trying to hurry out of here.", "Genevieve: Well, that's because I'm leaving town. I'm going back to Los Angeles to continue my job hunt.", "Cane: How long are you going for?", "Genevieve: I don't know. (Sighs) You know, the only reason that I'm sharing my plans with you...", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Is in case that Claude Shirl person makes another move. I don't want you to jump to the erroneous conclusion that I'm the one responsible for it.", "Cane: You know I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, don't you?", "Genevieve: And by the way, if something strange does happen-- some strange message or any glimpse of this woman who's impersonating my daughter, I would like to get a call.", "Cane: Oh, you'll get a call.", "Genevieve: Good-bye, Ethan.", "Cane: You have a nice trip.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You're so full of questions lately.", "Kay: And yet there are no answers.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Tucker: Well, there's not really much to tell. But... (Sighs) I do understand your... finding it strange my sudden interest in all things Newman.", "Kay: You know, actually, I find it more upsetting, Tucker, that you are trying to manipulate people into a very unfortunate situation.", "Tucker: Victor disappeared without a trace. Now maybe you're projecting your suspicions about what he's up to onto me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: So, Christian, thank you for treating me to a delicious meal.", "Victor: Just a burger.", "Woman: Yeah, an excellent one.", "Victor: Glad you liked it. But, you know, you got me a job, so that way, I could afford to take you to fine dining.", "Woman: (Laughs) I heard you did a great job.", "Victor: How the hell do you know that? You hear everything around here, don't you?", "Woman: I try.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Woman: Uh-huh.", "Victor: (Chuckles) So then you must know that I was offered another shift.", "Woman: Mm-hmm. Gonna take it?", "Victor: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna stick around for a while. You bet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: So how was your day?", "Kyle: (Sighs) Distracted. You know, my mind kept wandering to a very late night I had with a very sexy woman.", "Eden: So you enjoyed it?", "Kyle: Couldn't you tell?", "Eden: Well, then why were you gone when I woke up?", "Kyle: I didn't want to be tempted to, uh, be late for work. But I could walk you home.", "Eden: Um, actually, I'll be here for a few more hours. Someone called in sick, so... but we could, you know, meet back at my place later.", "Kyle: Eden, I don't think I'm gonna stay another night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sarge: Wow. What's with you?", "Jack: What's with me? I just saw my doctor, who I thought was going to tell me I'm well on my way to a full recovery.", "Sarge: And he didn't.", "Jack: No, that quack had the audacity to predict that I had already reached my limit, that this was as good as it's gonna get!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi, Mom.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Victoria: Why didn't you tell me that you were flying in tonight?", "Nikki: Didn't your brother tell you? I called him and told him I was coming. Where is he?", "Victoria: Uh, you know, he's probably tied up with his current wife or former wife and their various issues.", "Nikki: Yes, he told me what his nasty little gold-digging ex was up to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You can't fire me.", "Sharon: You're an employee, and I want you gone.", "Nick: So what was the, uh, whole, you know, \"We're such good parents together. There's no reason we can't work well together\"? You said that to me this morning.", "Sharon: Yeah, that was this morning before I read the article.", "Nick: So this is because I said a \"No comment\" to a reporter instead of singing your praises? Because I rehired the Newman security team to locate my missing father?", "Sharon: This is because you undercut me at every turn, and I'm not gonna tolerate it, Nick! Good-bye.", "Nick: Don't you walk away from me. We're not through.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: E-mails, creepy gifts. What's the name you say this person is using?", "Lily: Claude Shirl.", "Ronan: Claude Shirl. Which is a reference to Cane's past?", "Lily: Yes.", "Ronan: Okay, but you said the harassment is coming from more than one person, right?", "Lily: Yeah, whoever this person is, they've hired actors and messengers, and whenever we confront them, they end up just being imposters.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Okay. Okay, well, what happened that you finally decided to call me?", "Lily: Well, because today things got worse. This woman dropped this business card right in front of me.", "Ronan: Did you call either of these numbers?", "Lily: Yeah, and they were both disconnected. But the extremely disturbing thing is that when I told Cane, he said that her description matched his sister.", "Ronan: His sister...", "Lily: Yes.", "Ronan: That was killed?", "Lily: Yes, several years ago.", "Ronan: It was Samantha, right?", "Lily: Yeah. I mean, do you have any idea what that did to Cane?", "Ronan: I can't imagine. Why didn't Cane come to me with this?", "Lily: Well...", "(Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey, where'd you go?", "Lily: I'm with Ronan Malloy.", "Cane: (Sighs) Lily, I asked you, please don't go to the authorities.", "Lily: You know, if you can join us, that would be great. But if not, I will handle this.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Nick's not picking up.", "Nikki: Oh, he'll call when he gets your message. I have missed this one. Mwah.", "Victoria: (Sighs) How was your trip?", "Nikki: Yes. Oh, it was frustrating. (Sighs) Wish I had been able to bring your father back with me, but I didn't know where else to look.", "Victoria: Where did you go after Hope's farm in Kansas?", "Nikki: Well, I went to that beach in Mexico where I found him last. I went to the monastery in France. I even went to an ashram in India that your father visited years ago.", "Victoria: And no one had seen him or heard from him or anything?", "Nikki: No, nothing.", "Victoria: Well, that is pretty scary, isn't it?", "Nikki: Oh, not really. It's pretty typical of your father, I'd say. Clearly, he just wants to be off somewhere new...", "(Toy chimes)", "Nikki: And not be found.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Well, Christian, I'm glad you're gonna be sticking around L.A. for a little while yet.", "Victor: You're a nice lady.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Victor: It's good to have a friend, you know? Even one whose attention is constantly straying.", "Woman: Oh. (Chuckles) Sorry. Occupational hazard. (Sighs)", "Victor: You're worrying about that guy over there?", "Woman: Well, he looks like you did when I first saw you.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Woman: Will you excuse me? Duty calls.", "Victor: Fine. Okay.", "Woman: Hello. You seem to be a little down. I can offer you a friendly ear if you need one.", "Man: Go away.", "Woman: Well, yes, I-- I could do that. But perhaps I could help.", "Man: You're not getting the message.", "Woman: Well, wait, would you--will you let--", "Victor: Get your hands off her.", "Man: Why don't you mind your own business?", "Victor: You owe the lady an apology now.", "Man: Who do you think you are?", "Victor: You don't want to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Indeed, I am very, very concerned about Victor. But that is separate from my misgivings-- how people conduct themselves during his absence.", "Tucker: Let me tell you something, Katherine-- if anyone is guilty of misconduct, it's Victor.", "Kay: (Scoffs)", "Tucker: He split. He left his company, his new wife, and his family high and dry. I'm just trying to help salvage the situation. Speaking of which, I have business to attend to.", "Kay: As do I. Listen, by the way, you have a great evening.", "Tucker: You do the same.", "Kay: (Chuckles)", "Tucker: Say hello to Murphy.", "Kay: Will do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You can't even respect my request to just drop this and leave my house?", "Nick: There's a lot about you I can't respect lately, ever since you started acting like the queen of the universe...", "Sharon: (Scoffs)", "Nick: And trying to run everything and everyone.", "Sharon: You know what? Maybe if I got even one iota of support from you or anyone in this family, I wouldn't have to rely solely on myself.", "Nick: I have been trying to help you.", "Sharon: How? By diminishing me in the press?", "Nick: \"No comment\" is not an insult.", "Sharon: Um, you could have complimented my hard work, the fact that I've put everything I have into this company and the ranch.", "Nick: That's what it is? Ever since my dad disappeared, Sharon, the only thing you're working on is your title as Mrs. Victor Newman.", "Sharon: (Scoffs) That is not true.", "Nick: The way you are acting, it's like you don't even want your husband to ever come home.", "Sharon: I was devastated when Victor disappeared.", "Nick: Then why did you pretend there was no prenup, Sharon? We all know there was one. And why would you ever call off the search for dad?", "Sharon: Well, Victor was the one who took off without a word to me.", "Nick: He took off? That was all him? You didn't help him with that? You're not making sure that he stays gone?", "Sharon: What is that supposed to mean?", "Nick: Did you get rid of him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: So was it the typical \"Single guy freak-out syndrome\" of seeing your stuff at my place, or what?", "Kyle: No. No freaking involved. Really, being with you has been... great. And it would be so easy just to stay, you know, and stay.", "Eden: Okay, so then why not stay?", "Kyle: Well, we had this plan for me to find someplace else. You know, before you get sick of me and burn all my suits.", "Eden: (Sighs) Well, a girl does need her closet space.", "Kyle: So in the interest of suit preservation...", "Eden: Okay. Well, where are you gonna go?", "Kyle: I don't know. I don't know. I'll figure something out, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sarge: All right, Jack. That's enough. Come on. Let's take a break.", "Jack: Not yet.", "Sarge: Punishing your body is not gonna change what the doctor said.", "Jack: (Breathing heavily)", "Sarge: (Sighs) Jack.", "Jack: (Grunts) (Groans)", "Sarge: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: (Groans) Damn it.", "Sarge: I'll get a bandage for that.", "Jack: (Groans) What the hell happened? Where's my, \"You go, Jack! You can do anything you set your mind to\" speech? (Sighs)", "Sarge: I spoke with your doctor.", "Jack: When? Wait, he gave you this ridiculous prognosis before you saw me?", "Sarge: (Sighs) Yep. And it's not ridiculous, Jack. You've hit a plateau in your therapy, and it's possible you may not get any better.", "Jack: I'm the guy they said would never stand, and I have stood.", "Sarge: Yes, you have, for a few minutes at a time.", "Jack: (Grunts) I'm the guy that said-- I'm the guy they said would never feel his legs. I feel them.", "Sarge: Jack, what you have accomplished is incredible. But latching on to some unrealistic hope is foolish at best. You are not a fool, Jack.", "Jack: If I hadn't been unrealistic, I wouldn't be here now.", "Sarge: So what do you do in six weeks when you still can't walk more than a few steps? You still can't run? You still can't climb the stairs? What--", "Jack: I don't expect that to happen.", "Sarge: I think you do, and I think you will be disappointed. It will eat at you. It will stop you, and you will lose every gain you've made.", "Jack: How do you know that? How can you know that?", "Sarge: Years of doing what I do. Jack, you have to make room to learn to live with what you've got left. And if/when it gets better, it's icing on the cake.", "Jack: I came here to work. Let's get started. (Breathing heavily)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I really only checked a handful of places. Your father could be anywhere in the world living off of one of his private accounts, just watching, waiting, planning his grand return.", "Victoria: Well, you know what? If that's what he's doing, I am going to strangle him when he shows up.", "Nikki: No, I have first dibs on that.", "Victoria: What if something's really wrong, though, Mom?", "Nikki: Honey, he has always come back to us. And you know wherever he may be, he knows how to take care of himself.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: You're the one that better back the hell off.", "Victor: You just walk out of here, all right?", "Woman: All right, there's no need for violence. R-really. Look out!", "Man: (Grunts)", "Victor: (Grunts)", "Man: (Grunts)", "Victor: Don't you ever come back here! Ever!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, Nick, you got me. I knocked Victor off his horse. I killed him, and then I dumped his body in Lake Michigan before anyone had a chance to see. Oh, uh, now I forgot the part when I yelled out... (Laughs evilly) \"It's all mine now, all mine.\"", "Nick: Okay, okay, maybe I'm letting all of this get to me.", "Sharon: You think?", "Nick: But I need you to tell me if there's something I should know.", "Sharon: I told you, I don't know where Victor is. I don't know anything about his disappearance because I had nothing to do with it! God, how could you think such a thing?", "Nick: Well, I'm angry. I don't know what to make of you anymore.", "Sharon: Oh, well, I'm still me.", "Nick: Really? 'Cause I don't see anything left of the woman I used to love.", "Sharon: Okay, well, you know what? Think whatever you want... while you're cleaning out your office.", "Nick: You're serious about that?", "Sharon: Yeah, you don't want me anywhere near Newman. I don't want you there anymore, either, after today.", "Nick: Okay. But just know I'm gonna fight you on this, on everything you're doing. And trust me, I'm gonna put an end to it.", "Sharon: Go ahead. Try. What's it like? Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: (Sighs)", "Victor: I'm sorry that man bothered you.", "Woman: (Sighs) I wish he had just backed off. But I-I appreciate your coming to my defense.", "Jake: Glad I didn't have to use this.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Jake: It gets messy.", "Victor: Is your arm all right?", "Woman: Yeah. Oh, yeah.", "Victor: Okay.", "Woman: I-I'm--I'm fine. Um, I gotta get back to the mission.", "Jake: Hold on, Sister. Flick, check the lot and make sure that piece of-- make sure that guy is gone. You want a cup of hot tea or something?", "Woman: Mm, no. Really, I-I'm fine. I really have to get back. I'm anxious.", "Victor: I-I think--I think I'm gonna walk you home.", "Woman: I have a lot of work waiting for--no.", "Victor: I'm gonna walk you home, Sister.", "Woman: No, uh, no, really. Really, it's not necessary. I'm fine.", "Victor: Well, you're about the second person who's going to lose an argument with me tonight.", "Woman: (Laughs) All right.", "Victor: All right?", "Woman: Then I accept graciously.", "Victor: Okay.", "Jake: If you head back this way, there's gonna be a beer waiting for you on the house.", "Victor: Well, I appreciate that. Thank you. I'll be back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, my baby boy is sound asleep and wearing the most blissful smile.", "Nikki: Aw, he's having sweet dreams.", "Victoria: Yes, that's because he got to spend time with his grandmother.", "Nikki: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: You know... (Sighs) Being with you has made me feel a little better, too.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm glad.", "Victoria: And as furious as I am with Dad, you're right. We have every reason to believe that everything is okay.", "Nikki: Absolutely. I gotta go.", "Victoria: Okay. Are you headed to Jack's?", "Nikki: Uh, no, I have one more stop to make first.", "Victoria: Oh. Seems like you're trying to delay seeing your husband.", "Nikki: No, not at all. I'm anxious to see him.", "Victoria: Really? Well, then why didn't you go straight to his place?", "Nikki: Well, I wanted to update you and your brother first. I did call Jack. Uh, he didn't call me back. How has he been since I've been gone?", "Victoria: Well, you know, I haven't seen him personally. But Billy checked in on him, and apparently he sounds fine. But what if he's not?", "Nikki: Well, I'll find out soon enough. Bye, Honey.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Mrs. Martinez?", "Mrs. Martinez: Mm-hmm?", "Jack: Could you please pack up all of Nikki's things? It's time.", "Mrs. Martinez: I understand. I'll take care of it.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Kyle: Hey, Mrs. Martinez. How's it shakin'?", "Mrs. Martinez: Shaking very well. Thank you, Kyle.", "Kyle: All right.", "Jack: What a nice surprise.", "Kyle: Yeah, I had some free time. Thought I'd drop by, check in. What'd you do to your hand?", "Jack: Oh, I kind of overdid it on the physical therapy today.", "Kyle: You make any progress on those couple steps you took the other day?", "Jack: Well, not yet, but I'm not givin' up hope. How about you? How you doin'?", "Kyle: I'm good.", "Jack: Things have gotta be kind of weird at--with Newman, never mind life at the ranch with Sharon.", "Kyle: Yeah, strange, annoying, tense, but I don't have to deal with Sharon on the home front anymore. I moved out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: You're not mad at me, are you?", "Cane: No, I'm not mad at you. I know what happened today was scary for you, okay? So I know why you came to him. It's okay.", "Lily: I didn't tell him anything about your mom's bank account or the damage to her suite.", "Cane: Thank you. Okay.", "Lily: I don't-- I don't want to get her thrown in jail. I just want to find out who's doing this to us.", "Cane: All right, well, maybe he can help us out. Let's go and talk to him. Come on. Hey, man, how you doin'?", "Ronan: How you doin'?", "Cane: Thank you. I appreciate this.", "Ronan: How you been?", "Cane: Good. I'm okay. Thank you.", "Ronan: All right, let's have a seat. So from what it sounds like, you've been dealing with this stalking thing for a while.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: Yeah, too long.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Ronan: Why didn't you come to me sooner?", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Colin could easily be operating from Australia by just hiring someone to do his dirty work here.", "Cane: I just don't think it's him.", "Ronan: Based on what, Cane?", "Cane: Because everything that's happened is cruel and it's malicious. You know, that's my dad's style, but, you know, he's not pointless. You know, there's no upside to torturing Lily and myself like this.", "Ronan: Right. Okay. Then who?", "Lily: Maybe it's someone from Cane's family who worked with them or someone with a personal grudge.", "Cane: Yeah. I mean, like, this is the sort of thing that Caleb would do. You know, and who knows who he was associating with before he got killed?", "Ronan: Maybe whoever he was associating with is now looking for payback.", "Lily: Exactly, which is why we have to figure out who this is before it affects our kids. I mean, too many incidents in Cane's family have ended in violence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Kay: Oh, I am so thrilled to have you back.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Kay: Sit down. So, uh...", "Nikki: It was quite a trip.", "Kay: No luck in, uh, bringing Victor back?", "Nikki: (Sighs) Katherine, I'm frightened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: With Victor gone, I can understand your not wanting to stay at the ranch with Sharon in charge.", "Kyle: You know, my reasons go way beyond the obvious.", "Jack: Well, I know the mess of things she's made at Newman. What else has she done?", "Kyle: She just doesn't care that Victor's gone.", "Jack: I see.", "Kyle: (Chuckles) Things got really bad when I brought Eden over to the house. Sharon went off on her.", "Jack: Why? What's she got against Eden?", "Kyle: I don't know. Who knows what's going on in Sharon's head? I try to avoid her whenever I can, but when I am around her-- weird.", "Jack: What do you mean? Weird how?", "Kyle: I found her in my room.", "Jack: Doing what?", "Kyle: Well, she claims she was looking for me. But then my license went missing. And I'm pretty sure I put it right on my dresser. Then I came back that night. It was gone.", "Jack: Why would Sharon want your driver's license?", "Kyle: I... it probably wasn't her. Uh, maybe I'm wrong about where I left it. My point is, I don't like her. I don't trust her. I can't kick her out of the house, so I left.", "Jack: So you staying at Eden's house?", "Kyle: I stayed with Eden last night, but we're nowhere near ready to make that a full-on thing.", "Jack: So where you staying?", "Kyle: I'm staying with a buddy of mine from work till I find an apartment.", "Jack: What would you think about moving in here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Tucker: Hey, Sharon.", "Sharon: Tucker, I want to see you. There's been a new development.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sorry I missed seein' Mom.", "Victoria: Well, wherever you were, it doesn't look like it went very well.", "Nick: I was just with Sharon.", "Victoria: What did she do now?", "Nick: She fired me.", "Victoria: What? She's insane!", "Nick: Tell me about it.", "Victoria: (Scoffs) Why would she let you go? You are the single best asset that she has at Newman. What is she do-- is she trying to destroy everything?", "Nick: I can't give her that chance. It's time to go after her publicly, legally.", "Victoria: Well, that won't be an easy fight. How far are you willing to take it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Dad, I was not asking to move in just then...", "Jack: No, I know that.", "Kyle: 'Cause-- I mean, that's, like, not even an option really.", "Jack: Yeah, because of Nikki, but listen--", "Kyle: Yeah, yeah, you're not gonna be there for Nikki when she gets back.", "Jack: You think I'm gonna change my mind?", "Kyle: You guys are married. I mean, before you actually see her, how do you know what's gonna happen?", "Jack: My point is, this is your home. I'd love to see you living here. Too much pushing.", "Kyle: No, it's not. (Chuckles) I'm thinking.", "Jack: Which way you leaning?", "Kyle: Well, it's not a half-bad idea.", "Jack: So tell me about the good half.", "Kyle: I mean, I'd be okay with us hanging out, watching games on the mega- screen.", "Jack: With the surround sound?", "Kyle: It's tempting. I mean, come on. This place has some serious amenities. I'd be an idiot to pass it up.", "Jack: Then don't pass it up. Welcome home.", "Kyle: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I told Victoria that I thought her father was out there somewhere and that he was fine and that he would be home soon.", "Kay: Is there, uh, something you'd like to tell me that you couldn't say to your daughter?", "Nikki: Katherine, with every day that I was out there looking, I felt less certain and more scared.", "Kay: Oh, Darling, I don't doubt that, for heaven sakes. You were alone. You were frustrated.", "Nikki: I'm defeated. I just-- I have this terrible feeling inside, Katherine. It's... it's this dread that somehow Victor has gotten himself into serious trouble. And that... (Sighs)", "Kay: Hmm?", "Nikki: (Voice breaks) That he might be dead.", "Kay: No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, now. Stop that. I mean, you're exhausted. Darling, listen to me. You--you left here assuming you were the one person who could locate Victor. And then when you weren't able to, the whole thing just came crushing down on you.", "Nikki: (Sighs) But it feels so real, Katherine.", "Kay: Well, Darling, I-I don't doubt it. You know, sometimes when things get into your head and your heart, it's very, very difficult to shake. Really. Just because it feels real doesn't mean it is.", "Nikki: But what if... what if it's true? Katherine, I-I don't know how I would live without him. (Sighs shakily)", "Kay: Well, I... hope you never have to find out. Stop it.", "Nikki: (Sniffles)", "Kay: Now how many times have I told you, Nikki, you are never, never, ever to give up hope?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Exhales slowly) (Sighs)", "Genevieve: Are you all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I'm gonna contact the Australian authorities and confirm that Colin is still down under.", "Cane: Okay, thank you.", "Ronan: Of course. I'm also going to try to get my hands on some details about Caleb's past. I just want to see what he was into and who he was associating with before he was killed.", "Cane: All right, sounds good.", "Ronan: If anything else changes, if anything else happens, you guys keep me in the loop, okay?", "Cane: All right. All right.", "Lily: Okay, we will. Thank you so much.", "Cane: Hey, thank you, man. I appreciate it.", "Ronan: Of course.", "Lily: I'm sorry. I just felt like I had to get us some help. (Sighs) What was that for?", "Cane: That's me saying that what you did was right, okay? And whatever happens next, we're gonna face it together head-on. All right, come here.", "Lily: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: Hey. I thought you were gonna spend the night apartment-hunting.", "Kyle: Yeah, well, I had a hankering for some coffee... and for you-- mostly for you.", "Eden: Okay, one coffee coming right up.", "Kyle: Hey, hey. Don't you want to know where I'm gonna be living?", "Eden: You rented a place that fast?", "Kyle: I'm movin' in with my dad.", "Eden: Well, I didn't see that coming.", "Kyle: (Chuckles)", "Eden: But, I mean, since you guys have been getting along better, that's really good. Is it really good?", "Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Uh, I think it will be. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Jack? Jack?", "Jack: Look who's back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: It was Avery's suggestion.", "Victoria: Hold on a second. I thought that Avery was Sharon's attorney.", "Nick: First and foremost, she is Dad's attorney, which is why she came to me. Now, Vick, I'm swearing you to secrecy.", "Victoria: Okay. Consider me sworn. What's your idea?", "Nick: To go after Sharon's mental instability.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Wow. That's, um... (Inhales sharply)", "Nick: Yeah, I know.", "Victoria: You gonna do it?", "Nick: I didn't want to, but I may not have a choice. What about you? Would you be willing to take it that far?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yes. One way or another, it's time to end this reign of terror.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I fired Nick.", "Tucker: That's a good move.", "Sharon: Really? You think?", "Tucker: You have to stand up for yourself, Sharon, as painful as that can be at times. And this may just be one of those times. I think Nick might come after you now even harder than before.", "Sharon: Oh, he already warned me that he would, but I'm gonna be ready for him. I'm not gonna give up.", "Tucker: There you go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: You gave me quite a scare.", "Victor: I'm fine now. Thank you. Thank you for your concern, okay? I'm all right. My name is Christian.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: Staging a coup like this is not in Sharon's wheelhouse. She definitely has an advisor.", "Tucker: I'm being summoned to Victoria's house.", "Sharon: Any idea why?", "Tucker: No idea.", "Nikki: Jack, I know you--", "Jack: All of your things are packed and ready to be moved out." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jill tries to unravel the clues in Katherine's letter that will help her fulfill Katherine's wishes. Jill looks at the sketch of Katherine she found and she sees a book. When she finds the book on the shelf, she looks through it and finds something with the initials of Katherine's late husband Gary Reynolds and wonders how he fits in with what Katherine wants her to do. Chloe comes over to the mansion and looks at the sketch and notices Katherine wearing a necklace, which Esther says was a gift from Katherine's late husband Gary Reynolds. Jill later tells Billy she thinks Katherine left her the bulk of her estate, but she won't know for sure until the reading of Katherine's will. Summer continues to feel pressure from both Jack and Victor about being an Abbott or a Newman, so she decides to go to Georgia for a couple of weeks to spend some time with Daniel and be by Phyllis's bedside. Jack offers to drop her off, since he is going to Georgia for the weekend to visit Phyllis. Summer turns the offer down until Kyle tells her that he will make sure that neither Jack, Nick, or Victor will hurt her. Jack is happy that Summer has agreed to let him help her.", "Chelsea and Dylan are worried when Connor's doctor tells them that he may have Retinitis Pigmentosa which is a hereditary eye disease passed on to the child by one of the parents. The doctor tells Chelsea and Dylan they must run more tests, but if Connor does have the disease there is a chance he could go blind. Adam tells Victor that the investors that helped him make Newman Enterprises private again are a group of his college buddies from Harvard. Adam is hurt when Victor doesn't believe him, and tells Victor he is done trying to measure up in his eyes. Victor tells his investigator to put surveillance on Adam and investigate the name of the company Adam gave him, Fishhook Capital. Adam goes to the Athletic Club to get some drinks and calls his investor saying that Victor won't consider a takeover of Chancellor Industries unless he reveals his name. Adam tells the investor that they must meet and discuss the next step in the plan. Jack tells Adam he will be more then happy to meet with him and talk about it.", "" ]
[ "Jill: [Sighs] There! Now everybody can see you! Everybody can feel your presence. Although, how could they not feel your presence when books are dropping off of shelves, and you're leaving all these mysterious letters for everybody? And now this. Look at -- you're just staring at me like I'm gonna steal something! After all these years, you d-- [Voice breaking] You don't trust me, do you? Or you would've told me how sick you were. [Crying] Instead of these mysterious letters... and these cryptic messages! What is it, Katherine? What are you trying to tell me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: That looks like a man on a mission.", "Jack: Yeah, wrapping up a few things before I head to Georgia for the weekend.", "Kyle: Going to see Phyllis.", "Jack: Yeah -- leaving in a few hours!", "Kyle: Any changes?", "Jack: Not yet!", "Kyle: Maybe something will happen while you're down there.", "Jack: Oh, I hope so, if only for Summer's sake.", "Kyle: Yeah, she seems to be closing herself off, uh, more and more.", "Jack: Yeah. Doesn't help that Victor's trying to force her to decide between the Newmans and the Abbotts.", "Kyle: I don't think Victor's the only one to blame for the way Summer's been feeling.", "Jack: What -- you're saying I am?", "Kyle: It's starting to seem like you're a little more interested in what you need and less interested in what's best for Summer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Can you tell me again what the heck I was looking at up there?", "Billy: Okay, I-it wasn't that bad at all.", "Dylan: Uh, well, that depends. How long did that take?", "Billy: It took a while...", "Dylan: Mm.", "Billy: ...Because I wasn't able to use power tools because of the obvious concerns to my munchkins here, okay? But I did it by hand, so it took a while.", "Delia: I helped!", "Dylan: And I bet the straight shelf was you.", "Billy: And you would be right! Hey, Sweetheart, would you set up for our tea party, please? [Smooches] Thank you. Okay, that shelf wasn't all that bad, okay? It's a little -- it's a --", "Dylan: Uh, it's unusable?", "Billy: It's crooked.", "Dylan: Crooked, yeah.", "Billy: I was hoping that you can help un-crooked it.", "Dylan: [Laughs] I probably should just start from scratch.", "Billy: Oh. That -- that's right. I forget you're new to this.", "Dylan: Yeah, if you don't count all the years of construction experience I have.", "Billy: No, I'm talking about parenting. Uh, sit down for just a -- take a load off. You see... she helped make it. Rule number one -- you never, ever, ever, ever throw away anything that your kid made. I don't care if it's a drawing of you that makes you look like the back-end of a horse!", "Dylan: [Chuckles]", "Billy: I don't care if it's the 100th picture frame made out of popsicle sticks! You don't throw it away! Never! You keep all of them -- every last one! And when you hang that bad boy on your fridge... you look at your budding Picasso, and you let them know that it's brilliant! And you look at that ear- to-ear grin he's wearing, because then you're gonna know that there is nothing better than putting a smile on your kid's face. Nothing! Trust me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Look at you! It's already been a week, and you're already nursing like a pro?", "Chelsea: I've got one thing down! Now I just have, uh, another million more to go.", "Chloe: Come on. First-time parents -- they have no idea what they're doing.", "Chelsea: Yeah. It just feels like there's so many things that could go wrong, you know?", "Chloe: And they probably will! But don't worry -- nothing catastrophic.", "Chelsea: Well, just in case, I made a list of questions to ask the pediatrician when we see her later.", "Chloe: You just left the hospital! You're going back to the doctor again?", "Chelsea: Dr. Woods asked us to come in -- it's common. They like to check up on preemies all the time.", "Chloe: Well, I think he is just perfect! And look -- he even has his daddy's dreamy, blue eyes! It's hard to believe there's any part of Adam in him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I've told you repeatedly that this private investor wishes to remain anonymous.", "Victor: Hmm! So he wishes to remain anonymous to me but not to you.", "Adam: You're asking me to betray a confidence, Dad.", "Victor: Son, I'm asking you to take me into your confidence. If you can't do that, then why are we even considering your suggestion that we take over Chancellor Industries?", "Adam: What is this -- a game of corporate chicken? See who flinches first? I don't have any guarantees that you're gonna hold up your end of the bargain.", "Victor: You just got to trust me, Son.", "Adam: Wouldn't that be nice if it were a two-way street?", "Victor: You're getting all this money -- a billion here, a billion there. It's a hell of a lot of cash. I mean, no one does that without expecting something in return. So what kind of promises did you make this anonymous investor?", "Adam: I promised him a return on his investment. That's all. So don't worry -- he's not gonna be planning a coup.", "Victor: How can you be sure of that?", "Adam: 'Cause he's not interested in running the company, Dad. He just wants to sit back and collect dividends.", "Victor: Oh, yeah? [Chuckles] Sit back and collect dividends. Well, if that's the case, then why doesn't he meet me, and we will discuss it face-to-face?", "Adam: Not possible. For all I know, he's out of the country at the moment.", "Victor: You mean the man has a billion dollars, and he can't buy a ticket to come to visit us in Genoa City?", "Adam: What can I say? He travels all over. I can't be quite sure where he is right at this moment.", "Victor: Well, find out. I'll send the Newman jet.", "Adam: And if he refuses?", "Victor: Then, Son, let's forget about this idea of taking over Chancellor Industries, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: If you keep on staring at him like that, you're gonna freak him out.", "Chelsea: I can't help it! He's perfect!", "Chloe: In spite of having Adam's DNA.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Part of me wishes that weren't true.", "Chloe: Part? Last week, you were ready to sell your soul to make sure the baby was Dylan's.", "Chelsea: Well, that was before this little guy got here! Now I can't imagine having any other baby. He's just so...", "Chloe: He's perfect.", "Chelsea: [Laughs] It kind of scares me how much I love him. Like, it scares me.", "Chloe: Well, I would be scared, too, if Adam fathered my baby.", "Chelsea: No matter what I think or what I feel about Adam, I'll always be grateful to him. He gave me Connor.", "Chloe: Is that why you talked the lawyer into dropping the rape charges -- because you feel that you owe Adam something?", "Chelsea: I did it because it was the right thing to do. Adam didn't rape her.", "Chloe: You know, you might be right. But you do realize that by getting him off the hook, it just gives Adam a green light to coming back into your life.", "Chelsea: No, just the opposite! I told Adam, in exchange for helping him, I wanted him to stay out of my life -- mine and my son's.", "Chloe: You know, if he thinks that there's a chance --", "Chelsea: What -- no chance! Adam had his chance. Being accepted by his father was more important to him than being with me. He's moved on. So have I.", "Chloe: I hope you're right.", "Chelsea: I know I'm right! Besides, now we both have exactly what we've always wanted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: My sweet, Little Munchkin, will you please pour my tea and give me two lumps of sugar? Two lumps of sugar? Make it two. Make it two.", "Delia: [Chuckles]", "Billy: Oh, man.", "Dylan: You're a good dad.", "Billy: [Laughing] I'm not sure about that.", "Dylan: I am. I should know. I had one of the best. He was like you. He worked hard. He ran his own business. But he always made time for me -- Little League, Cub Scouts, building stuff.", "Billy: I think I might've missed the boat on that, man.", "Dylan: Well, you know, my pop and I were always working on some kind of project -- tree house, derby stuff, a window box for my mom's flowers. We, uh -- we made some really cool stuff.", "Billy: Stuff that was functional, I imagine.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] Yeah, but it wasn't about the finished product. It was -- it was about the time we got to spend together, and that's what I remember. So will Delia.", "Billy: I want that kind of life for my kids, too -- as best as I can put together. I mean, you know, tea parties, baseball... badly built bookcases.", "Dylan: [Chuckles] I just can't wait to do all this kind of stuff with Connor, you know?", "Billy: Yeah, well, don't rush it. Trust me -- it goes by fast. One minute, they look at you like you're their biggest hero. And then soon after that, they're telling you what's right and wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Just yesterday, you were telling me you wanted to move out so that Summer and I could have more time together.", "Kyle: Right, and then she brought over that Chinese food. We all had dinner together.", "Jack: I didn't pressure her to do that!", "Kyle: Maybe not intentionally, but you could see how stressed she was.", "Jack: She's navigating a very difficult situation, Kyle!", "Kyle: She is, and none of us are making it any easier for her, Dad...including me! That's why I've decided to take a step back and give Summer some breathing room.", "Jack: Same here! That's what I told her the last time I saw her, if that's what she wants!", "Kyle: There is that subtle pressure that I'm talking about.", "Jack: I'm trying to make Summer's life as easy as possible. Victor's the one who's trying to turn this into a Newman/Abbott battle.", "Kyle: Come on, Dad. You're as guilty as he is of that.", "Jack: Whose side are you on, anyway?", "Kyle: Summer's!", "Jack: So am I. All I want is for Summer to be happy.", "Kyle: So you'd be fine if she decided to just completely cut you out of her life?", "Jack: No! I want her in my life!", "Kyle: Do you hear yourself? You want. This has to be about what Summer wants.", "Jack: [Sighs] Well, look who's here. I guess that proves what she wants.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: All right. All right! I will play your ridiculous game! Okay. Let's see what we have here. That book. I know that book. This one. Okay. I have it. I have it. All right. Now what? G.R. Gary Reynolds? What does your ex-husband have to do with \"All that I value\"? Esther?", "Esther: [Sighs] I am busy, Jill.", "Jill: Yeah, I can see that. Do you mind telling me what you're doing?", "Esther: Baking a soufflé. What does it look like?", "Jill: Why are you putting Katherine's belongings in that box?", "Esther: Because it is my job!", "Jill: No! No, your job is to dust and to attempt to make an edible meal.", "Esther: Right now, I am doing this.", "Jill: Well, stop doing that! You cannot move Katherine's things!", "Esther: Why not?", "Jill: Because -- because I say so! Now, if you don't put everything back exactly where it is, I will fire you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Look, I don't want to jinx anything, but why the sudden surge of optimism? I mean, last time we spoke, your \"Adam's gonna find out the truth. Freak-out meter was past 10.", "Chelsea: Well, everything changed when we took Connor to the E.R. the other night.", "Chloe: Because of his cough.", "Chelsea: Before that, the first thing that could possibly happen was the truth about Connor's paternity coming out but then sitting there, waiting for a doctor to come in to let me know if there was something seriously wrong with my baby -- oh, my gosh! I've never been so scared in my entire life!", "Chloe: I know that feeling when Delia was sick, and I was just waiting for t doctors to come back and give me good news.", "Chelsea: So you know the feeling -- the sigh of relief knowing that your baby's gonna be okay.", "Chloe: It's like you can breathe again. There's suddenly air in the room.", "Chelsea: In that moment, I knew that I could survive anything... even if the truth ever came out.", "Chloe: But what about Dylan? Do you think that he can survive it?", "Chelsea: Connor has pulled Dylan out of some dark place that he's been wrapped. I don't know how he would react if he found out he wasn't his son.", "Dylan: Mmm! That's some good tea right there!", "Billy: Mm-h! Mmm, m! Oh, honey what time is it?", "Delia: Mommy time.", "Billy: Yeah. Go upstairs and get your stuff, and don't forget you're the book, okay?", "Delia: Okay", "Billy: Otherwise, it's gonna be \"Mommy's me and daddy time, and I don't like that. [Scoffs]", "Dylan: I don't know. Don't know how you do.", "Billy: That -- the tough daddy thing is easy.", "Dylan: No, \"The away from your kid\" thing.", "Billy: Oh.", "Dylan: I hate leaving Connor even for a few hours. Can't, uh, even imagine sharing custody.", "Billy: Yeah, it's tough but I try to make the most of the time that Delia and I have together, like doing projects, making this... like that completely ugly unusable bookcases.", "Dylan: I don't know if I'm gonna be able to try to actually fix that up for you, but I'm not gonna be able to start till tomorrow. I have to meet Chelsea at the pediatrician's office in a little while.", "Billy: Everything okay?", "Dylan: Yeah, you know, they just wants to keep a close eye on the preemies, which is totally cool, with me, because, uh, the little guy coughed the other day, and Chelsea and I couldn't get him to the E.R. fast enough.", "Billy: Yeah, that's normal. I mean, Chloe and I are the same way with her right after her leukemia, man, if her fever spikes 98.7, we were at the hospital.", "Dylan: I had no idea Delia had been sick, uh, you'd never know by looking at her.", "Billy: She's a tough kid, you know [Chuckles] She's strong. Wish I could handle my gambling problem with as much grace as she had when she was sick. That's for sure.", "Dylan: You got to cut yourself a break. Nobody's perfect. And you're working on getting under control, right?", "Billy: Oh, yes. Haven't placed a bet in two months.", "Dylan: There you go.", "Billy: I want my kids to be proud of me.", "Dylan: I hear you on that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: We we just, uh, talking about you!", "Jack: Yes, just saying that we'd like to see more of you! And you're here!", "Summer: Yeah, came to show Courtney around. Abby hired her as a new intern.", "Jack: Oh, that's fantastic! Congratulations! I think you'll like working around here. It's like, uh, being part of family -- right, Summer?", "Summer: Yeah! Um, should probably get going.", "Jack: Well, Kyle could show Courtney around, give her the tour.", "Courtney: Um, that'd be great, actually.", "Jack: Kyle, you don't mind, do you?", "Kyle: No! No. Of -- of course not.", "Courtney: Um, so, I'll meet you back here, then.", "Summer: Okay.", "Jack: Want to wait in my office?", "Summer: Okay.", "Jack: So, can I get you a water, soda, a coffee?", "Summer: No! Thank you.", "Jack: How you doing? I know Victor upset you the other day the club. I --", "Summer: It wasn't just Grandpa.", "Jack: You're right. It was me, too. I went too far. I -- your grandfather pushes my buttons, and I overreact sometimes. And I don't want it to affect you.", "Summer: Yeah, well, uh... kind of late for that.", "Jack: I'll get better, okay? I told you I'd give you some distance, and I meant what i said. I'll wait as long as it takes for you to want to spend time with me.", "Summer: I just -- I kind of want to be alone right now... you know, away from the Abbotts, away from the Newmans and the fighting. I just need to get far away from Genoa City.", "Jack: Wait. You can't leave!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Did you hear me? If you don't stop packing up Katherine's things, I'm going to be forced to fire you!", "Esther: You can't fire me! I work for Mrs. C, and she wants me to do this! [Sniffles]", "Jill: Oh, well, let me have it, Hon.", "Esther: No, I can't let her down!", "Jill: Esther, Esther, she's gone!", "Esther: Don't say that!", "Jill: Look, I miss her, too, okay? But if we leave all this stuff on the shelves for a little while, it'll help us to remember her.", "Esther: Oh, Jill!", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "Esther: Jill!", "Jill: Oh.", "Chloe: [Chuckling] If Katherine weren't gone, I think that she would keel over right in this very moment.", "Esther: Chloe. Hi, Honey. Um, I didn't hear you come in.", "Chloe: Well, I didn't mean to chase away the warm fuzzies.", "Esther: Oh, Jill was just --", "Jill: I was just asking Esther not to pack up Katherine's things. That's all.", "Chloe: What is all this?", "Esther: Oh, just things for charity. Every month, Mrs. Chancellor would gather up things to auction off, and then the proceeds would go to the women's center downtown... except for the time that somebody stole them. We never did find out what happened there.", "Chloe: Uh, w-- I -- I've never seen this before!", "Jill: Well, it's new. I mean, Katherine just seems to feel the need to have all of us sense her presence, you know, even from the grave.", "Chloe: No, but that necklace -- where is that necklace from?", "Esther: Oh, it was a gift from her late husband.", "Jill: From Philip?", "Esther: Not Mr. Chancellor. Uh, Brock's father, Mr. Reynolds. You know, I-I made some, uh, brownies for Delia. Want to try some?", "Chloe: Sure.", "Esther: Jill?", "Jill: Uh, no. You two, go on. What are you up to, Katherine?! And what does Gary Reynolds have to do with it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Look, I didn't mean that to come out the way it sounded.", "Summer: Well, I wasn't really asking permission.", "Jack: You don't have to. You're an adult. You're your own person, and you decide when you come and go.", "Summer: Yeah. Well, I'm glad that you understand that.", "Jack: I do. It's just, you know, you were talking about college at one point. You were talking about GCU. They start classes pretty soon!", "Summer: Yeah. I, uh -- I deferred until next year.", "Jack: I didn't know that. Seems to me, as your father, I ought to know stuff like that. But as your boss, I have to ask if you're still planning to be our model for Chelsea's new winter line.", "Summer: Um, I told Devon that I'm not ready to go back to work quite yet.", "Jack: I'd heard they weren't gonna start photo sessions for a couple weeks.", "Summer: Yeah, that's what Devon said, so I thought maybe I'd go to Georgia, stay with Daniel, spend some time with Mom.", "Jack: That sounds like a great idea!", "Summer: Really?", "Jack: Well, yeah! I'm headed there this weekend myself! I could give you a ride on the corporate jet.", "Summer: [Sighs] Yeah, so much for not pressuring.", "Jack: It's a plane ride. That's all.", "Summer: Yeah, and then after the plane ride, it's gonna be lunch and then dinner.", "Jack: Well, you have to eat!", "Summer: You know what? You're a lot more like Grandpa than you think.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Sure. I'll give you the name of the investor -- investors, actually.", "Victor: I didn't know there was more than one.", "Adam: Buddies of mine back from business school.", "Victor: Oh. Harvard boys!", "Adam: That's right. Most people would find that a bonus.", "Victor: [Laughs] You know, Son, I made my fortune without finishing high school, so I'm not impressed with Harvard boys!", "Adam: You want to know what's impressive, is their track record on Wall Street. Yes, indeed. These are Wall Street guys. They made a killing, just a fortune, on short-selling everything a few years ago.", "Victor: I'll be damned. Ah. What's the name of this consortium of investors?", "Adam: Fish Hook Capital.", "Victor: Do you mean like...", "Adam: That's right.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Adam: Yeah. We were on a fishing trip, headed to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. You know, a bunch of guys, drinking, fishing, gambling. Somebody comes up with this idea. Everybody thinks it's great. They put me in charge. So I oversee the fund, and I choose our investments.", "Victor: I'll be damned. No strings?", "Adam: Well, they want to make a lot of money, which is exactly why we need to get on Chancellor right now.", "Victor: Uh-huh. Well, why don't you provide a history of their investments to me, and then, uh, I'd like to meet them!", "Adam: All of them.", "Victor: Yeah. You got a problem with that?", "Adam: Not at all. [Chuckles] Hey, you can have at it. I got every single guy's name and number right here on this phone. You're welcome to call them. The names that you're gonna be looking for are Stinky, Flounder, G-man,E-dog, and, of course, the one and only Double-B.", "Victor: Son... do you think I'm amused?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi!", "Billy: Hey! All right. So, I'm gonna see you next time, Munchkin, okay?", "Delia: I'm not a munchkin! I'm a witch!", "Billy: You're a witch?! Who called you a witch? You tell me who called you a witch, and I will set them straight!", "Chloe: No, she's in a play! She's in \"The Wizard of Oz.\" That's what she's talking about.", "Billy: Oh, fantastic! Which one? Are you a good witch or you a bad witch?", "Delia: Bad!", "Billy: That's my girl. I can't wait to see you!", "Chloe: Oh, you -- [Chuckles] I will remind you of the date.", "Billy: Perfect. I will be there, front row, videotaping the whole thing! Hope you're ready for your close-up. [Vocalizing]", "Chloe: I know. But first, we need to focus on our secret project!", "Billy: Oh, we have a secret project, do we? Tell me all about this secret project.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, you're just gonna have to show up at Katherine's memorial to find out, right?", "Billy: Okay. Keeping secrets from daddy. Come here! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast! You give me a hug! [Smooches] I love you. I'll see you later. Hey, Mama.", "Jill: Billy, I didn't hear you come in.", "Billy: [Laughs, stammers] You okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Wow. I'm just like Victor. You know how to hurt a guy.", "Summer: You know, you want me to be an Abbott, Grandpa wants me to stay a Newman, and now you're both trying to bribe me with trips on your private jets.", "Jack: I'm trying to give you a ride to see your mother. That's not the same thing as luring you to a private resort for an indefinite stay.", "Summer: Yeah, well, it feels the same.", "Jack: Victor's trying to buy your love. I want to earn it.", "Summer: Yeah, well, I just want to be away from all of you!", "Jack: How was the tour?", "Courtney: Fantastic! Um, I can't wait to start working here.", "Jack: Wow, I wish everyone that came in wanted to be here as much as you do.", "Courtney: [Chuckles]", "Summer: Yeah, we better get going.", "Courtney: Sure! Um, thanks for the tour, Kyle.", "Kyle: It was my pleasure.", "Jack: Summer? Let me know if you change your mind.", "Kyle: Really nice job backing off, Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: He's gained 5, 6 ounces at least.", "Chelsea: Babies lose weight in the first week.", "Dylan: Uh, not my kid! Not my kid!", "Chelsea: [Laughs] Okay, repeat after mommy! Repeat after mommy -- \"I will not be as competitive as all the men in this entire world,\" hmm? Hi -- Dr. Woods, can you please tell my husband here that it's okay that our son might not be in the top percentile of height, weight, and ability to bench-press, please?", "Dylan: Don't sweat it, Doc. The kid's off the charts. Your exam is gonna prove it.", "Dr. Woods: Actually, I discovered something at Connor's last checkup I was a little concerned about.", "Chelsea: What? You didn't say anything.", "Dr. Woods: I wanted to do a little research first.", "Dylan: What is it?", "Dr. Woods: I ran some tests, sent them to a specialist for his opinion.", "Chelsea: What did he say? Is there something wrong with our son?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So, these are grown men, these friends of yours. Is that what you're saying?", "Adam: This is why I didn't tell you.", "Victor: Son, you didn't tell me because it's a bunch of bull.", "Adam: No, I didn't tell you because I know that you despise an old boys' network -- a bunch of college buddies getting together behind closed doors and doing deals.", "Victor: You bet I despise that.", "Adam: Well, that's how things are done, Dad! Self-made men like you, like me -- we are few and far between. You want to make deals? You need guys like this, and you need deals like this.", "Victor: I need Stinky and Flounder and G-man and Double-B and whatever else their names are? Are you kidding me or what?! Do you think I'm gonna entrust my company to a bunch of over-indulged trust-fund frat boys?", "Adam: No, I'm not asking you to trust these guys! If you had been listening to me, all I've been asking is that you trust me. Just me, Dad! Fine -- we call each other a bunch of stupid names, all right? I give you that. But I'm starting to think that if we call them J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller, you're gonna find little minutia to have excuses to malign my judgment. After all, you know, I was the one who had the idea and the money to finance getting Newman privatized! It was me. Wasn't Nicholas. Wasn't Victoria. Wasn't you! It was me, Dad! I did this for us to get the company that you built from the ground up, okay?! And -- I thought that, a-at the very least -- at the very least, I would've earned your respect, but maybe it would've meant something in your eyes. But you want to know what I realize? I realize that it doesn't matter what I do! It will never be enough to you. It'll never be enough. So I'm done. Okay, Dad? I'm just -- I'm -- I'm done, all right? I'm done trying to measure up in your eyes.", "[Door slams]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Mom, if you are going to inherit Katherine's fortune, you could always just sign the whole shebang over to your favorite son.", "Jill: [Chuckles dryly] Philip will be so thrilled.", "Billy: [Chuckles darkly] That's funny. So, uh... what are you gonna do with this rather large influx of wealth?", "Jill: Billy, I can't even think how I'm gonna spend the money yet. We haven't officially said goodbye to her. But I'll tell you one thing. I would give back every single penny... for one more day with her. One more day with her.", "Billy: Oh, Mama.", "Jill: [Sobbing]", "Billy: I'm sorry, Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kyle: Hey! Summer! [Panting]", "Summer: Kyle, I just saw you at the office. Did you run here?", "Kyle: I wanted to talk to you, and I didn't know where you were going, and I-I didn't know if I had time to go get my car, so... yeah! I ra-- I ran! Did you not hear me yelling your name?", "Summer: Oh, I thought I heard something, but I just thought it was on the radio, or some crazy person shouting their favorite season at passing traffic!", "Kyle: Not a crazy person -- just me!", "Summer: Do you want to sit down so you can tell me what was so important that you had to chase after me?", "Kyle: Yeah. Yeah. Uh... [Exhales] Dad said that you were gonna go to Georgia with him to see Phyllis.", "Summer: Yeah. It was really nice of him to offer.", "Kyle: Don't do it.", "Summer: Why not?", "Kyle: I love my dad. You know that. But this is a tough situation. If you go with Dad, Victor will find out that you were on that plane, and it's gonna cause a whole thing between them. Everybody claims to have your best interests at heart, here, but, really, all these guys are just looking out for themselves.", "Summer: Everyone but you.", "Kyle: I guess. I mean, I'm just trying to protect you. Guess it's the big brother in me.", "Summer: Yeah, well, I appreciate it. I really do. But I'm gonna go to Georgia with Jack. And I don't want it to be the new feud of Abbott versus Newman, but I just really want to see my mom. I miss her so much, and I just want to hold her and talk to her and tell her about all the stuff going on in my life, you know? I'm sure that you can understand that.", "Kyle: Yeah, I can. I'd give anything to talk to my mom again. So much that I want to tell her. Look, I understand that you have to go, uh, no matter who gives you a ride. But I just want you to know that I've got your back, Summer. And I'm not gonna let Victor or Nick or my dad or any of these guys hurt you. Now, are you gonna buy me a cup of coffee, or what? 'Cause I left my wallet at the office, and it is a really long walk back.", "Summer: [Chuckles] Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: I-I don't understand. Connor's healthy.", "Dr. Woods: Of course he is. We'll know more when the tests come back and you see the specialist.", "Dylan: But you just said there's a good chance that he could go blind!", "Dr. Woods: We're going to hope for the best and prepare for the worst, Mr. McAvoy.", "Chelsea: This is all my fault.", "Dylan: No, it's not your fault. Why -- why would you say that? Just because the baby's premature? No. Can you tell her that it's not her fault?", "Dr. Woods: Premature birth -- not at all. The disease is inherited... from a parent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Can you give me another? You can leave the bottle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Thank you. I arranged that meeting you wanted. Is there anything else?", "Victor: Good. Find out everything you can about a company called Fish Hook Capital. I want to know who runs the joint.", "Man: Do you have names for these guys?", "Victor: No, I was given a bunch of bogus names.", "Man: I'll see what I can find. Is that it, Mr. Newman?", "Victor: No. Add some surveillance to my son, Adam. I want you to bug his house, bug his car, bug his office, and find out who he is communicating with and what they're talking about, all right?", "Man: What am I looking for?", "Victor: You're looking for the identity of the investor that he's dealing with.", "Man: Okay.", "Victor: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hey, it's me. My father won't even consider pursuing Chancellor unless I reveal your identity. I want to make my father pay, and I need your help.", "Jack: So let's talk.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Todd: If, uh, anybody would like to come up and speak -- who would like to be first? Victor.", "Jill: I have about a million Katherine stories -- the undying friendship, the love, the laughter, and now the tears." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Adam and Chelsea spend a romantic evening together despite the situation they are in. Chelsea assures him that she will stand by him. Dylan asks Nick why he came to see Chelsea and why he visited Adam in prison. Jack stands by Summer after Luca is arrested. Phyllis tells Billy all about Jill blackmailing her to stay with Jack. Colin asks Jill why she is really back in Genoa City and what she is holding over someone's head.", "" ]
[ "Tognoni: I was on the show, believe it or not, for one month before I had one line. I was in a coma, and then we see Phyllis making her way back to Genoa city. Shortly after the coma, Phyllis has a mission to come to destroy and crash nick and Sharon's wedding. I just remember walking down that aisle and then having to fall.", "Summer: Mom! Mom!", "Tognoni: I just walked away the next day with the nastiest bruise, but it was worth it. It was absolutely worth it.", "Burton: Dylan was a veteran and had a really interesting backstory.", "Dylan: Shh, shh, shh, shh. It's okay. No one's gonna hurt you. Come on.", "Burton: And then over time, Dylan started to learn that he had really important family connections in Genoa city.", "Nikki: Dylan is my son!", "Victor: Who's that?", "Burton: Some of my favorite scenes were after Paul got shot. He needed a liver transplant to live. Dylan was the only match, and Dylan was very insistent that this surgery would take place. So essentially Dylan gave part of his liver to somebody he didn't even know was his father yet.", "Case: My fabulous friend melody Thomas Scott. Love working with her and bickering with her. That's our relationship really on the show, and we love it.", "Sharon: Nikki, I need you.", "Nikki: Sharon, what you need is a good psychiatrist.", "Sharon: I am not crazy.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah? Then what are we doing down here?", "Sharon: Bessie, would you like some hay?", "Nikki: Shut your mouth!", "Sharon: [Screaming] When something's meant to be, nothing can stop it.", "Case: Sharon and nick are Romeo and Juliet together, and the interference from nick's family has been just as much a part of creating nick and Sharon. But Sharon's through line hasn't changed in all the years. She's looking for love.", "Tognoni: 11,000 episodes is something extraordinary.", "Burton: It's just an honor to be a part of the show.", "Case: We all know that we're here because of you.", "Tognoni: And we look forward to keep on doing it.", "Burton: Just keep watching, 'cause it's gonna be good.", "Case: Thank you for celebrating 11,000 episodes with us.", "Burton: Now join us for another episode...", "Tognoni: ...Of \"young and the restless.\"", "Jack: Call me if you see her or hear from her. Thank you.", "Summer: Hey. Is mom on her way?", "Jack: I haven't been able to reach her yet, sweetheart.", "Summer: Where is she?", "Jack: You know, she might be out of range. You know how that works.", "Nick: Are you cold?", "Summer: Yeah, I just can't get warm.", "Nick: You've been through a lot tonight.", "Summer: I just want mom.", "Jack: Look, I left a voicemail for her. I'm sure she's gonna be here as soon as she gets my message.", "Summer: Thank you.", "Nick: Hey, come sit down. Let's, uh, get you down here. And I'll, uh, go get you something warm to drink, okay?", "Summer: Yeah.", "Nick: Where's Phyllis? She needs to be here. Did you try the office?", "Jack: I've tried everywhere.", "Billy: My mother? She's the one that forced you to walk away?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Your mother knows all about us. She knows all about the affair, and she is not happy at all. How long has she known, Phyllis?", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Too long. She has been holding this over my head for weeks.", "Billy: She threatened you?", "Phyllis: She is the reason I broke things off with you. If I didn't, she was gonna go straight to Jack and tell him everything.", "Billy: Why didn't you tell me?", "Phyllis: I couldn't. I couldn't. Every time I got close to you, every time I got within 100 yards of you, she would pop up. She would tell me to go to my husband, fix my marriage.", "Billy: Or else.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I couldn't let her tell Jack that way. I couldn't let him find out from her.", "Billy: All right. Well, don't worry. I'm gonna fix this tonight.", "Phyllis: No, Billy. You can't go to Jill.", "Billy: She cannot do this, okay? She thinks she's the queen of blackmail. I am gonna show her how it's really done.", "Jill: Well, I got Katie and Johnny all tucked in to bed. What is this?", "Colin: This is me wooing my bride. Now, here I have special delicacies I've had prepared and delivered.", "Jill: [Chuckles] Don't tell me. Is this grilled pear with brie?", "Colin: Ah, dripping with honey for my sweet.", "Jill: Oh, darling.", "Colin: Thank you.", "Jill: You did all this for me?", "Colin: You should be pampered.", "Jill: I should be.", "Colin: Mm. You're welcome.", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no. [Chuckles] That was a pity kiss.", "Colin: What?", "Jill: You're slipping, darling. You used to be so much less obvious.", "Dylan: I mean, I had every exit covered. Chelsea couldn't have gotten out of here without somebody's help.", "Kevin: Wait, wait, wait. Neither of us did anything. It was all Chelsea.", "Chloe: Listen, I went upstairs to go check on them, and she did that thing with the pillows, you know, to make it look like they were sleeping. I mean, it's very convincing. I put it back just in case.", "Kevin: Smart and cooperative.", "Dylan: Okay, but where did they go? People don't just disappear.", "Kevin: Well, Chelsea did, and like you, we have no idea how she did it, so back off.", "Dylan: You two stay here. I'm gonna check the bedroom.", "Chloe: Thanks for defending me.", "Kevin: You didn't do anything wrong. Not one thing.", "Chelsea: Connor was a little restless, but he's better now.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I think it's just sleeping in a new bed, you know? Talk to me.", "Adam: [Sighs] I was thinking about, uh, Matthews, that -- that guard that I attacked. He has two daughters.", "Chelsea: Okay, Adam, don't do that. Don't. Please don't go down that road.", "Adam: If he dies, his daughters will never see him again. And here I am hanging out with Connor. How fair is that?", "Chelsea: What happened to that man was a terrible tragedy, but there were extenuating circumstances. Listen to me. You hadn't eaten or slept in days. You were not in your right mind. You truly thought that it was Victor you were attacking. I mean, he was taunting you.", "Adam: That's not really an excuse, sweetheart. I deserve to be punished for that. You and Connor don't.", "Chelsea: Being with you? It's not punishment.", "Adam: No, it's giving up everything you know, everything Connor knows.", "Chelsea: No, it's keeping our family together. It's -- it's not a sacrifice.", "Adam: That's exactly what it is, babe. And if you don't see that, you haven't thought this through.", "Dylan: [Sighs] [Knocks on wall]", "Chelsea: I have thought this through completely. I know what going on the run with you means. I was all for it before -- before your trial, so why wouldn't I be all in now?", "Adam: Just think about everything you'd be giving up.", "Chelsea: Okay, what? Um, my work, my business, my friends, my family, my last name. Who cares? What? Am I forgetting something?", "Adam: It's not that simple, babe. You know that.", "Chelsea: Adam, the alternative is life without you. That is not an acceptable alternative for me.", "Adam: Well, you know, maybe in a year or two, I mean --", "Chelsea: No, no. I'm telling you. The second Nikki gave me that phone, it all became very clear to me -- what I could live without and what I couldn't bear to lose. I didn't need a discussion about it then, and I certainly don't need one now. [Hands tapping]", "Kevin: Hey. Stop letting him freak you out. Dylan can't find anything up there when there's nothing to find.", "Chloe: Okay, do you think that Chelsea may have caught up with Adam, wherever he's going?", "Kevin: It depends. If they planned this together beforehand, yes, but if he contacted her after the fact, who knows?", "Chloe: It doesn't matter, really.", "Kevin: Right. If Chelsea's on the run with Adam...", "Chloe: Then I'm never gonna see my friend again.", "Kevin: Whoa. How did you get outside?", "Dylan: Same way Chelsea did. That's one mystery solved, one big one left to figure out.", "Nick: Better?", "Summer: Yeah. Much. Thank you.", "Nick: Summer, I wish I was here sooner.", "Summer: I'm surprised you even came after all the horrible things I said back at the party.", "Nick: Oh, sweetheart, there's nothing you could ever say or do that will keep me away from you. I understand why you were upset. I mean, we never should have gone to Travis behind your back.", "Summer: No, don't stay that. Okay, you and mom and aunt Vicki -- you guys did nothing wrong. You guys were just trying to help me stay away from Luca. That's it. I was so afraid tonight when you left that -- that you and Luca were gonna run off together.", "Summer: Yeah, that's what Luca wanted to do, but I just... couldn't do it.", "Nick: What stopped you?", "Summer: All the warnings that you gave me, just little things that Luca did or said that just seemed off. I just, you know, stopped letting myself ignore the signs and just finally trusted my gut, you know?", "Nick: Well, I'm proud of you for standing up to him.", "Jack: News alert on the Adam situation.", "Summer: Wait, what situation?", "Nick: He escaped while being transported from the courthouse to federal prison. He disappeared. What's the latest, Jack?", "Jack: Police are searching Victor's ranch.", "Summer: Wait, does it say why they're at grandpa's house?", "Nick: Well, I can answer that. Dylan and I think that dad was behind the escape.", "Jack: Naturally.", "Nick: We both went out there to confront him about it.", "Jack: Let me guess. He denied any involvement at all.", "Nick: I didn't expect him to admit it.", "Summer: Chelsea must be out of her mind right now.", "Nick: Yeah. That's my next stop.", "Summer: Dad, you should go.", "Nick: No. I'm not leaving you.", "Summer: Dad, I'll be fine. Jack's here and mom's probably on her way soon.", "Nick: Summer --", "Summer: No, dad. I will feel better knowing that you're with Chelsea, making sure that she and Connor are okay.", "Nick: It doesn't feel right.", "Jack: She won't be alone. I promise.", "Summer: See? Look, I-I'm covered, okay? I have Jack. I'm gonna feel so much better knowing that you're there.", "Nick: Okay. Uh, you can call me if you need anything, okay?", "Summer: Yeah, yeah. You'll be my first call, I promise.", "Nick: I'm really, really proud of you, Supergirl.", "Summer: Thanks. I'm proud of myself, too.", "Nick: I know today's hard. But you know what? Tomorrow's gonna be better. And the day after that...", "Summer: Even better?", "Nick: Bank on it. Thanks, Jack.", "Jack: You bet.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Phyllis: Jill will not cave.", "Billy: She will once I'm done with her.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] You have not seen how determined she has been to get you and Victoria back together again.", "Billy: Oh, believe me. I am very aware of it. She orchestrated Victoria coming back to brash & sassy!, And from day one, she was trying to push us back together.", "Phyllis: You didn't tell me that.", "Billy: There's nothing to talk about, okay? Every time she tried to light the spark, I threw water on it. And now that I know that you still want to be with me, I'm glad that I did that.", "Phyllis: It does not matter what you and I want. You can't stop Jill. She's gonna go nuclear. She's gonna blow up my marriage.", "Billy: Fine. Let her.", "Jill: You, my angel, are as obvious as you-know-whats on a bull.", "Colin: You cut me to the quick.", "Jill: Mm.", "Colin: I mean, I pull out all the romantic stops. I have all this wonderful food prepared and trucked in. I've even got the preferred bubbles in the bath.", "Jill: You know what? This innocent act of yours [Chuckles] Is really beneath you.", "Colin: [Sighs] I'm afraid you're too much of an adversary for me.", "Jill: So, you're giving up, huh?", "Colin: [Chuckles] You wish. You've got an agenda here in Genoa city, and I'm closing in on it.", "Jill: Nope. Don't have an agenda, don't have a plot, don't have a scheme.", "Colin: Something to do with Billy and Victoria.", "Jill: That's all you got? Listen real closely. You leave this one alone, Colin.", "Colin: Not until I find out what the conductor's conducting.", "Jill: [Sighing] Oh, my God. You're so annoying. I would love to send you on a wild goose chase, but I know how relentless you are. And these...interrogations are gonna be continuous for months.", "Colin: They're also gonna stop us from pursuing the pursuits that are worth pursuing.", "Jill: [Laughs]", "Colin: [Sighs] What's it gonna be, cookie? Warring or loving?", "Jill: Always loving, baby.", "Colin: So, are you gonna tell me what's going on?", "Jill: Oh, shut up.", "Colin: Well, that's not the answer I was looking for. [Laughs]", "Jill: Okay.", "Colin: So, you're gonna tell me the secret, huh?", "Jill: No. I am going to answer one question for you, and I mean one question only. And I swear -- listen to me. I swear that I will not shy away from the answer.", "Colin: Just one question?", "Jill: Make it count.", "Colin: No evasions, no lies?", "Jill: Could we get on with this, please?", "Colin: What are you holding over Billy's head?", "Jill: [Sighs] What am I holding over Billy's head?", "Colin: Mm-hmm.", "Jill: Not a damn thing.", "Colin: [Laughing] Oh, you are so full of it!", "Jill: No, I'm not. That's the truth. It's the whole truth.", "Colin: Backup question.", "Jill: That is not our deal.", "Colin: Come on. It's us. There are no rules. What does it matter?", "Jill: Stop it! I'm getting very tense from all this warring. So, I'm gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna get in my bath, have my oysters, have my chocolate, and then you, my angel, are gonna come up and give me some of that loving you're so proud of. [Smooches]", "Colin: [Stammers]", "Jill: Mnh-mnh-mnh, mnh-mnh-mnh.", "Phyllis: So, you would just let that happen? You would let Jack find out in the worst possible way? It would be so humiliating. That's what you would want?", "Billy: I don't want that. If I didn't care about Jack, I would have told him about us a long time ago.", "Phyllis: It's not just Jack that would get hurt. Think about the collateral damage -- my daughter, your kids -- if we went public.", "Billy: We cannot let my mother do this to us, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: She already has. She's already won.", "Billy: No. She only wins if we let this happen, okay? She has gone low before, but blackmailing you?", "Phyllis: Jill didn't do anything. We did this. We had the affair. These are the consequences.", "Billy: Consequences? Come on. So, we have to be miserable for the rest of our lives? I'm not gonna let that happen, okay? Now that I know who came between us, I just have to do an end run.", "Phyllis: It's not that easy.", "Billy: Yes, it is that easy, because we can still be together, all right? We can still be together as long as we are careful.", "Phyllis: Billy...", "Billy: We can make this happen, Phyllis, okay? She doesn't have to win this way. We can still be together. Do you want to be with me?", "Phyllis: I have so much work to do.", "Billy: Phyllis don't do this. Please just don't ignore me.", "Phyllis: What's -- what's going on? It's an emergency. [Cell phone rings]", "Jack: Finally. I've left so many messages.", "Phyllis: What's going on, Jack?", "Jack: It's summer. Things blew up with Luca. She's asking for you. We're at her apartment right now.", "Phyllis: Okay. I'm on my way.", "Billy: What is it?", "Phyllis: My daughter needs me.", "Billy: Phyllis, please. Phyllis!", "Dylan: I found the secret passageway.", "Kevin: A passageway?", "Dylan: Yeah, it leads straight from the closet to the apartment next door.", "Chloe: Well, Chelsea never said anything to me about it.", "Kevin: Okay. Well, now we know how she got out of here, but how did she get down to the garage?", "Dylan: Well, I mean, if I had to guess, I would say the back stairs because there's no security cameras.", "Kevin: Okay, so a secret passageway to Adam's old apartment. They must have been planning this for a while.", "Dylan: Yeah, you're right. I mean, that setup in the closet -- it's not new. Somebody lived there after Adam.", "Nick: What's going on? I just heard from one of the cops downstairs that Chelsea's missing. Where did she go?", "Dylan: I was just thinking that you could answer that question for me, nick.", "Adam: However difficult you think this is, I want you to take that, and I want you to multiply it by at least 10. And that's not even close to what we're dealing with here, okay? And trust me, I know what I'm talking about.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] You know because you're referring to your time you were posing as Gabe. This is so much different, Adam, because this time, we'll have each other.", "Adam: Yeah, and now it'll be the both of us looking over our shoulders, dodging cops. That's romantic.", "Chelsea: If you think I'm gonna let you go through this alone --", "Adam: I don't, but we got fugitive number three. He's asleep in there, okay?", "Chelsea: Connor's too young to understand what's going on. But he is old enough to understand that he has both his parents here, loving him, doing anything for him. He understands that we are his family, and the only way we can give him that family is by doing what we're doing right now.", "Adam: Someone has to say this out loud so that we know exactly what it is that we're giving Connor.", "Chelsea: Whatever you say is --", "Adam: If Matthews dies, that's murder. That is a lifetime on the run, not just for you and me, for all three of us.", "Chelsea: We're leaving. Early in the morning, right? I just want to make sure we can grab everything quickly.", "Adam: That's your way of telling me that we're not talking about this anymore?", "Chelsea: I'm not wasting tonight, my first night with my husband in a very long time, talking about what-ifs. The truth is, as long as Connor and I are with you, we're free. New names, new places, new everything -- who cares? We'll -- we'll shape our future as we see fit. All that matters is that we will give Connor a life that he loves.", "Adam: Even if it means never telling him the truth. [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Even if.", "Adam: What about --", "Chelsea: Adam --", "Adam: What about when he discovers the internet? He's gonna see my face, articles, stories about these horrible things that I've done. What do we do when he has to come to terms with the fact that his parents have been lying to him his entire life?", "Chelsea: Is that your biggest fear?", "Adam: [Chuckles] My biggest fear. You know, when I was in, um, prison, I had this nightmare. Connor was an adult, and he hated me, said I ruined his life. [Clears throat] And the truth is I've done some horrible things, terrible things, and I own every single one of them. And if Connor grows up and he ends up hating me, that's gonna be horrible, but it's something I'm gonna have to deal with. I'll have to live with that. But, baby, what I can't live with is Connor hating you.", "Nick: How would I know anything about Chelsea disappearing? I just heard about this five minutes ago.", "Dylan: Come on, man. I found the passageway.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Dylan: The one that leads from this place to where you used to live.", "Kevin: You didn't know about it?", "Dylan: You recently visited Adam in prison, right?", "Nick: Yeah. So?", "Dylan: What did you guys talk about?", "Nick: We talked about a lot of stuff.", "Dylan: Oh, come on, nick. If you helped them, now's the time to tell me.", "Nick: Are you seriously asking me this right now?", "Dylan: Just answer the question.", "Dylan: He wanted me to look out for his son. He knows he's facing a life in prison, so he wants to make sure his family's okay. Is that okay with you, Dylan?", "Phyllis: Where's summer?", "Jack: She's in her room. She's okay. Are you okay? I tried to reach you. Why didn't you pick up your phone?", "Phyllis: Jack, please, let's just focus on summer.", "Summer: Mom?", "Phyllis: Come here, baby. Come here.", "Summer: Mom, I'm so sorry.", "Phyllis: No, no. Stop. Stop it with that. I don't need any apologies. Just tell me you're okay.", "Summer: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay now, thanks to Jack.", "Jack: Luca lost it.", "Phyllis: Did he hurt you?", "Summer: I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Phyllis: Where's Luca now?", "Jack: He's in police custody.", "Summer: He confessed. I confronted him, and he admitted that he was behind all of the sabotage, and I tried to get him to turn himself in, but...he got furious, and he...", "Phyllis: Then what? What -- what did he do to you?", "Summer: He tried to grab the phone out of my hand. And that's when Jack walked in. And he panicked and he grabbed me and he tried to escape. But Jack was amazing.", "Phyllis: Thank you. You saved my daughter.", "Jack: Well, I don't get all the credit. Summer was very brave, and she stayed calm and convinced Luca to let her go.", "Summer: I-I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here, Jack. I'm so lucky to have him here.", "Phyllis: Come here.", "Billy: Shouldn't you be planning a bank heist or something?", "Colin: Grab a glass and join me.", "Billy: No, thank you. Where's my mother?", "Colin: Soaking in a bath.", "Billy: Well, hopefully she hid the jewels before she got in.", "Colin: You don't much like having me around, do you?", "Billy: Oh, you're very perceptive, Colin.", "Colin: You know, your animosity is somewhat misplaced. I'm probably the only person who can help you with your problem.", "Billy: Oh, I have a problem?", "Colin: A certain persistent parent. You see, I can probably get her away to Chicago. And -- and I'm sure that would appeal to you.", "Billy: You sound sure about yourself.", "Colin: That's what I do, my boy. A certain philosophy that's served me well. You see, I-I see a need, and then I try to fill it. For a price, of course.", "Phyllis: So, you left the party.", "Jack: And came straight here to check on summer. I knew you were worried about her.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. You were worried I was gonna rush over here and put a beat down on Luca.", "Jack: Yeah, there was that, too.", "Phyllis: Hey. What's on your mind?", "Summer: I should call the minister, let him know that the wedding's off.", "Phyllis: Oh, honey, we can take care of all that.", "Jack: Yeah.", "Summer: No, I kind of want to. It'll give me closure, correcting a mistake. You know, I've made so many mistakes lately, starting with getting involved with Luca in the first place, and then just refusing to listen to anybody when they try to let me see the truth about him. Especially you, mom. I mean, I have had the worst luck with guys. I'm starting to think I should swear them off for a while, maybe for good.", "Phyllis: No. You don't mean that.", "Summer: [Scoffs] I really do. And do not try to sell me on love. Okay, I have been married, cheated on... widowed. I know the pros and the cons all too well. Love -- it just -- it gets your heart racing and just fills your head with hope and desire all just to make you fall for the wrong guy.", "Billy: I'm genuinely curious.", "Colin: About my methods?", "Billy: No. About your offer. [Sighs] You say that you fill a need. What need would that be, Colin?", "Colin: Oh. So, you don't mind answering to your mother. Well, pardon me. I misunderstood.", "Billy: No, I just don't think it's worth being in your debt to take my mother out of the equation. Unless, of course, there's something you're not saying.", "Colin: I can understand your being a little, um, wary, but look upon this a-as a business arrangement. I simply need a little more information to be a more effective partner.", "Billy: [Chuckles] Partner? Or blackmailer? There's nothing to see here, Colin, so why don't you move along?", "Colin: You sure you can get by without my help?", "Jill: So, what are you two talking about?", "Billy: A fishing expedition in a dry lake bed.", "Colin: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Why would Adam ask me to look out for his son if he was planning to run off with him? Does that make sense to you?", "Kevin: He's right.", "Dylan: Yeah, I know he is.", "Nick: Then do you believe me?", "Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, of course I believe you.", "Chloe: [Scoffs] Don't look at me. I didn't know anything about it.", "Dylan: I got to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped all over you. Okay? To be honest, I'm just -- I'm just really frustrated, because I put my job on the line to clear Adam's name, and he took off. And I just -- I look like an idiot.", "Kevin: Okay. How this happened is the last thing that matters right now. There's a statewide dragnet out there. What we're all really worried about is what happens when they find them.", "Chloe: I mean, why did Chelsea do this? She has no idea how much danger she's in.", "Chelsea: It was just a nightmare. You weren't eating, you weren't sleeping, you couldn't bear the thought of not seeing me or Connor ever again. It was just a bad nightmare, but now it's over because I'm here. I'm here, and your son is here with you in the other room.", "Adam: I just feel like I'm doing the same thing to my son that my father did to me.", "Chelsea: No. You could never hurt Connor the way Victor has hurt you.", "Adam: Taking him on the run like that? I mean, that's sort of taking his life away, his freedom, at least, you know? He could grow up to hate me.", "Chelsea: No. He will never grow up to hate you. Because there will not be a little boy more loved on the planet than that little boy in there, okay? He's gonna be loved by both of his parents so much. Listen to me. You ended up in prison because Victor is a vengeful person. He framed you for really ugly reasons, but the decisions we're making for him right now -- those decisions just come from a good place, a place of -- of pure love.", "Adam: You're giving up so much.", "Chelsea: If I get to look across the breakfast table every morning and see you, if the three of us get to have each other's backs unconditionally for the rest of our lives, that's all I've ever wanted. Please don't send me away.", "Adam: You know, sometimes, you make me feel like a fool, because here I thought I couldn't love you any more than I already did, and you know what? I do. I love you.", "Dylan: I'm concerned for Chelsea. I wish I could promise you that she's gonna be safe, but I can't.", "Chloe: She's not a fugitive. Okay, she just wants to be with her husband. I'm gonna go check on Bella.", "Kevin: I'll go with you.", "Dylan: You know, the thing that gets me about this -- if Adam disappears, so does my chance at nailing Victor.", "Nick: Well, maybe what matters more than making my dad pay is giving Adam the life he had back before all this started. Adam's finally got a shot to take back what was stolen from him -- his family, his life -- and you can make that happen.", "Dylan: Yeah, only if he never gets caught.", "Nick: Well, maybe you shouldn't be so set on trying to find him. You can do this, Dylan. All you have to do is look the other way.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Jill: So, you're back, honey.", "Billy: Just here to check on the kids.", "Colin: Um, Billy had something he wanted to discuss with you.", "Jill: Oh, okay. Well, it's probably about brash and sassy! Would you mind giving us the room for a few minutes?", "Billy: There's no need. I'm not gonna stick around.", "Colin: But I-I thought that --", "Billy: Just here to check on the kids.", "Colin: Well, I thought there was a reason --", "Billy: There's no other reason.", "Jill: Oh, my God. What did you do? You grilled him, didn't you? You didn't believe me before.", "Colin: I apologize for not trusting you. If it makes any difference, I'm glad you were telling the truth. [Sighs] At least I know that you weren't holding anything over Billy's head.", "Jill: I told you I wasn't.", "Colin: No, I-I only just realized how carefully worded your earlier denial was. Masterful piece of wordplay.", "Jill: Meaning?", "Colin: Well, now I know you're holding something over someone. I wonder who it is.", "Summer: Do you guys think you could stay the night?", "Jack: Absolutely. Yes.", "Summer: Okay. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that I'm gonna wake up to some friendly faces. Thank you. Love you.", "Jack: Love you.", "Summer: I love you.", "Phyllis: I love you, too, honey.", "Summer: Do you know what dad said to me? He said that somewhere out there, there's a guy waiting to fall in love with me, and if I'm ever as in love as you guys are, I'll know that he's right.", "Phyllis: I am grateful to you that you took such good care of her.", "Jack: Okay. You know where I was. Now, where were you? I must have left a dozen messages for you.", "Phyllis: You know, my phone was on silent. I was so preoccupied with work, I wasn't paying attention to my alerts. [Cell phone rings] I guess it isn't on silent anymore, though.", "Jack: Who is it?", "Phyllis: I've been waiting for this call from Harris in legal. It's about the copyright case.", "Jack: Okay. Well, you take that call. I'll get the spare room ready.", "Phyllis: Thanks. Hey. I can't talk right now.", "Billy: We have unfinished business.", "Phyllis: Not tonight. Summer needs me.", "Billy: Phyllis, we cannot let my mother --", "Phyllis: Not now. It's just gonna have to wait, Billy.", "Adam: Did you hear that?", "Chelsea: Hear what?", "Dylan: Don't move. You're both under arrest.", "Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second.", "Dylan: Don't move!", "Adam: What are you doing? Let her go! Dylan, let her go!", "Chelsea: Adam! [Gasps]", "Adam: Chelsea, you all right?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I'm fine. I-I thought I, uh, heard Connor, but... just go -- go back to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.", "Adam: I love you.", "Chelsea: I love you, too.", "Kevin: Hey. Are you okay?", "Chloe: Sure. Why?", "Kevin: Well, the look on your face when nick told Dylan he should let Adam go -- I thought you were gonna pass out.", "Chloe: Well, I'm worried about my best friend. The way she hugged me before she went upstairs.", "Kevin: It was a goodbye hug.", "Chloe: Yeah, but I didn't know that that's what it was at the time. You know, I get that she went with Adam, but -- I want her to be happy, but is this really good for Chelsea?", "Nick: Any progress?", "Dylan: Don't break out the confetti just yet.", "Nick: Look, Dylan, you can right a serious wrong here. All you have to do is look away.", "Dylan: I'll be the first to admit that Adam got a raw deal. His priority should be coming back here and clearing his name.", "Nick: What would you do if you were him? Right now, his name doesn't mean anything. The only thing that matters is his family and freedom. And his best chance at keeping all those things is you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: We did what you should have done a long time ago.", "Lily: We went to see your mother.", "Kevin: If he is off the grid forever, Chloe and Bella can live their lives.", "Mariah: Here?", "Kevin: Yes, here.", "Sharon: Nick was right. Let them go." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Charlie tells Cane that he wasn't good enough to make the football team and Cane once again asks for his forgiveness for how he has hurt their family. Charlie tells Cane that he misses their dinners together as a family. Cane meets with Hilary to tell her that he had a good dinner with Charlie and she advises him to rebuild his relationship with the twins and Lily will come back to him. Hilary offers Chelsea a job as the wardrobe designer for the Hilary hour but Chelsea knows she is trying to get information from her about Jordan so she can figure out a way to get him back. Chelsea advises Hilary not to interfere in Jordan's life or it will end badly for her. Victor invites Zack to dinner and afterwards tells Abby that he likes him but he better not hurt her or he will have to deal with him Tessa tells Noah about her sister and he is hurt that she told Mariah before she told him. Tessa admits that she was afraid to lose him and he makes her promise she will not keep secrets from him again. Nick and Sharon enjoy catching up with Alice the woman who raised Cassie until she was five years old and when Alice leaves her credit card at the Underground Sharon runs out to try and catch her and notices that she drives away in the same car that Crystal and her friend were taken away in when they left the police station. Sharon tells Nick that she suspects that Alice is involved in the sex ring.", "" ]
[ "Nick: Alice? Alice johnson.", "Alice: Nick newman? I can't believe this.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, me neither. I haven't seen you since, uh...", "Alice: The year cassie died.", "Nick: Yeah. What brings you to genoa city?", "Tessa: [ Sighs ]", "[ Cellphone buzzes ]", "Abby: Wow, a \"welcome to the ranch\" soiree in my honor? How very sweet of you.", "Victor: Isn't that something?", "Abby: When I left earlier, i didn't expect you to call me back.", "Victor: Well, I thought you moving into the tack house is worthy of a celebration.", "Abby: You know, I didn't realize how much I missed it here. But I took a walk earlier, and i was looking at all these places that I played as a kid. So many good memories.", "Victor: I love having you here, okay?", "Abby: Do you love it as much as a great profit-and-loss report? Which I happen to have on my tablet.", "Victor: Well, uh... let's not do that now.", "Abby: Okay.", "Victor: Okay?", "Abby: But you don't want to talk about business? Are you feeling okay?", "Victor: We have plenty of time to do that tomorrow in the office, okay, but now I want to run something by you.", "Abby: Yeah, let's hear it.", "Victor: What do you think about having dinner with me once a week?", "Abby: Yeah. Sign me up.", "Victor: And I mean just the two of us. Except tonight. Tonight, I asked your business partner zack to come along.", "Abby: What? No. Dad, no, no, no. Zack and I, we are far from being at the stage of \"come over and be grilled by my father.\" No, you should never have invited him here behind my back.", "Cane: All right.", "Charlie: It's been a while since I've been here.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Charlie: Before, uh, jill and grandpa colin left on their trip.", "Cane: Yeah. It's a great house, but it's not like our home.", "Charlie: What?", "Cane: What's wrong?", "Charlie: No way...", "Jordan: Here you go.", "Lily: I can't believe you didn't have a hot date.", "Jordan: I had a few offers. But none of them wanted to come here. It's one of my favorites.", "Lily: Yeah, I know. I wanted to change up the scenery from the gcac. Plus, I didn't want to risk running into a certain someone.", "Jordan: Mm. Juliet.", "Lily: Yeah. Every time I see her baby bump, it's just a constant reminder of cane's lies and infidelity. And there was someone else I want to avoid.", "Jordan: Coming in close second -- hilary.", "Lily: Mm-hmm. I cannot deal with her.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] I hear you.", "Lily: You do? Why?", "Jordan: [ Clicks tongue ] We broke up.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I just need those business orders to... hilary. This is a surprise.", "Hilary: Hey. I hope you don't mind me dropping by.", "Chelsea: Uh...", "Hilary: Are you free?", "Chelsea: [ Stammers ] Can I just call you back? Okay. I appreciate it. Uh, no. I'm not really free.", "Hilary: Well, I need you to make time. Because we have some unfinished business. Additional sponsorship", "Lily: So, when did this happen?", "Jordan: Not that long ago.", "Lily: Yesterday. When you said that you had to tell someone something they wouldn't want to hear.", "Jordan: [ Sighs ] We weren't clicking like we used to, so...", "Lily: You had to cut her loose.", "Jordan: [ Scoffs ] That's one way to put it.", "Lily: Well, are you doing okay? I mean, I know ending a relationship isn't easy, even when you know it's the right thing to do.", "Jordan: I appreciate you playing the supportive-friend role. But who are you trying to fool?", "Lily: What?", "Jordan: You know you want to buy a round of drinks for everyone to toast to the breakup. Don't lie. Come on.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] No. But I do feel bad for you. And I will be that friend that you can call day or night to talk.", "Jordan: Noted. Now, can we change the subject? 'Cause I don't want hilary talk to hijack our evening.", "Lily: Yes, that is fine by me.", "Jordan: How did tryouts go for charlie?", "Lily: Uh, I never heard. I don't know. But I do have other news about him.", "Jordan: All right. Lay it on me.", "Lily: He and cane are having some bonding time. They're grabbing pizza together.", "Jordan: That's got to make you happy.", "Lily: I forced the issue. Charlie, you know... he wanted to bail.", "Jordan: You don't think that that's gonna make him resent cane even more?", "Lily: No. No. And, you know, if it all goes well, then hopefully this will help mend cane's relationship with the kids. You know, I don't want my issues affecting his role as a father.", "Jordan: Taking the high road. I got to give you props on that.", "Lily: Well, cane and I have managed to work through every issue we've had. But... this one, I'M... I'm not sure.", "Jordan: Well, isn't that what the separation thing is for? For you to work out everything without pressure?", "Lily: I suppose.", "Jordan: Look, you'll figure it out. You'll do what's best for you, what's best for your family. But, hey, right now, you only have two things that you need to decide on...", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Oh, the pressure.", "Jordan: [ Chuckles ] What you want to eat. And what you want to drink.", "Lily: Okay, see, that, I can handle.", "Jordan: All right.", "Cane: Okay, listen. I'm sorry you didn't make the team.", "Charlie: Mom will be thrilled. I mean, she hates the thought of me playing football. But, uh... sucks for you, though.", "Cane: Why do you say that?", "Charlie: Well, I mean... now you can't brag about your son, the star football player who just made varsity anymore.", "Cane: Ah.", "Charlie: Turns out, I'm not one.", "Cane: I only wanted this for you 'cause you wanted it. And I will support you in everything you're interested in. The same goes for your sister.", "Charlie: I just can't believe I didn't make the cut. That's never happened before.", "Cane: Look, I know this is hard on you. And it's okay if you want to be angry, and you want to blame me.", "Charlie: What do you mean?", "Cane: 'Cause I've caused you all these problems, all right, and you're struggling at home, so it probably affected the way you focused during the tryouts.", "Charlie: No, I was focused. I just wasn't good enough this time.", "Cane: Then...don't worry about it. You've always got next year.", "Charlie: Yeah. Maybe things will be different by then.", "Cane: Charlie, I feel terrible that I let my family down like this, okay?", "Charlie: It's mom you hurt the most.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] It's gonna take her a while before she, uh, trusts me again. But you know what's good is that she has family and she has friends she can lean on. You know, like jordan. Hmm? Listen, it's okay, all right? Mom told me that you invited him over to have dinner last night.", "Charlie: Yeah. I mean, he's -- he's a cool dude.", "Cane: Okay.", "Charlie: He cooked. Told us about the celebs he worked with. But... pizza's getting cold.", "Cane: Hey. Don't do that. What were you gonna say?", "Charlie: I mean, if you were wondering if it was like our family dinners or whatever... it wasn'T.", "Abby: I cannot believe you invited zack here without talking to me about it first. Well, you know what, actually, i can believe it.", "Victor: Why are you upset?", "Abby: Because you're jumping the gun. Zack and I just started dating, and the next thing I know, you're gonna be doing a background check on him.", "Victor: I already did.", "Abby: Dad.", "Victor: And he checks out. Doesn't that make you happy?", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I guess. But you know what, if you already did your digging, then why invite him here and put him under your microscope?", "Victor: Sweetheart, I thought that he was important to you. Both professionally and personally, you know. I mean, this is not gonna be an inquisition.", "Abby: What will it be, then?", "Victor: Well, just a conversation, you know, just to get to know him a little.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "[ Doorbell rings ] Here we go. [ Sighs ]", "Victor: All right.", "Zack: Hey.", "Abby: Hi.", "Zack: You look great.", "Abby: Oh, thanks. No. Uh... dad's waiting. Um... dad, zack's here.", "Victor: Hello, zack.", "Zack: Hello, mr. Newman. For you.", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned. My favorite tequila.", "Zack: Yeah, I thought I heard that somewhere. I was surprised when your assistant called with the invite.", "Abby: Oh, yeah. Dad's full of surprises.", "Victor: Anyway, I'm glad you're here. I'm looking forward to talking with you.", "Nick: I mean, what are the odds? You showing up in my spot and grabbing some food.", "Alice: I had no idea you owned this place.", "Nick: So, what's your story? You gonna stick around town for a while?", "Alice: No, I'm just passing through.", "Noah: Hey, uh, is it all right if I take off?", "Nick: Yeah. Cool.", "Noah: All right. See you later.", "Nick: See you, bud. [ Sighs ] Sharon?", "Sharon: Nick called and told me you were here. I just had to rush over and see you.", "Alice: Oh... aren't you the sweetest. But, shoot, I -- I've got to get going. [ Stammers ] Sorry you made the trip for nothing.", "Sharon: No, no. You can't go yet. It's been forever, and we have so much catching up to do. I want to hear everything that you've been up to.", "Victor: So, my daughter tells me the two of you have a promising partnership.", "Abby: Dad...", "Victor: Professionally, of course.", "Zack: When abby selected designdate for her startup incubator, I was blown away.", "Victor: Ah.", "Zack: When I heard that it was a division of newman enterprises...", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned.", "Zack: I respect and admire you, sir. A self-made man that wound up at the very top. That's what I want.", "Victor: Well, if you continue to exhibit the same kind of drive and ambition and innovation that you have demonstrated so far, the sky's the limit. [ Cellphone rings ] Oops, excuse me. I need to get this. Excuse me.", "Abby: Whew...", "[ Chuckles ]", "Zack: I know that face.", "Abby: Oh...yeah.", "Zack: You're not as excited about this get-together as your dad.", "Abby: It was just, um, a little out of the blue. But, um, I am really excited to see you.", "Zack: Same.", "Abby: A little advice?", "Zack: Sure.", "Abby: You've already scored major brownie points, so maybe, uh, tone it down a little bit. You don't want my dad to think you're a brownnoser.", "[ Laughs ]", "Zack: It's not like that. I was being honest.", "Abby: It's horrifying just watching you being subjected to my dad's third degree.", "Zack: I can handle it. And besides, how cool is it that I'm hanging out in victor newman's lavish estate? And he asked me to come here. [ Abby laughs ] That's got to be a positive sign.", "Abby: Yeah, it is.", "Zack: Your dad's still on his call...", "Abby: So?", "Zack: Means I can finally do this.", "Victor: Hello.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: You must have set a record driving over here.", "Noah: Well, your text message made it sound urgent.", "Tessa: It is. And when you hear the whole story...I hope you'll be able to understand. And that it won't change what you think of me. But I'm afraid it will.", "Alice: It's wild, seeing you two again. Lot of water under the bridge.", "Sharon: You're talking about...cassie. And everything that happened after we discovered you adopted her.", "Alice: For the first five years of her life, I raised her. Well, if I'm being honest, it was mostly ma who did the raising.", "Nick: You know what, we don't need to do that -- you know, rehash the past. Let's, uh, focus on what we're doing right now.", "Alice: When you finally reunited with cassie, I almost wrecked it by suing to get her back. But you convinced me to give up my parental rights. Undo the adoption. I mean, you knew what was best for that little girl.", "Sharon: Because of your willingness to do that, nick and I were able to find our peace with you.", "Alice: Well, I never had any regrets about that decision. I do have a lot of regrets... about my time with cassie. I wasn't there for her the way I should have been.", "Sharon: You know, the reality of motherhood was just too much. You weren't ready for that responsibility. I know. Neither was I. I was a teenager when I had her. That's why I made the decision to give her up.", "Alice: You know, I still think about her. I wonder what she'd be like nowadays. I bet she'd be a special lady.", "Sharon: No doubt. She was an extraordinary girl.", "Alice: And she had a lot of wonderful years with parents who loved her. And I never could have given her the life you did. And you two are still together, even after everything. Now that's something.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Nick: Uh, actually, sharon and I split years ago. Uh, you know, a lot changed... since cassie died.", "Alice: Oh, shoot. I really stepped in it.", "Sharon: No. No, you didn'T. It's, uh... we're actually still very good friends.", "Alice: Impressive. Not a lot of people can be friendly with their exes.", "Nick: [ Laughs ]", "Sharon: Is there a story there?", "Alice: Everybody's got a story. So, you still own that coffeehouse, or...?", "Nick: Yeah, crimson lights. Um, no. We sold it. But it's a local institution. It's had a few different owners over the years. Sharon actually owns it again.", "Alice: Oh. [ Laughs ] Life's funny, isn't it? Always comes back full circle when you least expect it. So, um, when did you open this place?", "Nick: A few years back.", "Alice: Seems popular.", "Nick: Yep.", "Alice: Love the energy. Did you decorate it yourself, or was it like this when you bought it?", "Sharon: You know, um, enough about us. I want to hear everything that you've been up to.", "Nick: Uh, you know what, there's some customers I got to take care of. So, um... you guys, uh, you know... carry on.", "Hilary: I was captivated when jordan brought me the idea.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah. I design all of your wardrobe for \"the hilary hour\" in exchange for promotional mention of my company.", "Hilary: It's genius.", "Chelsea: So, if you thought it was genius, why didn't you contact me sooner?", "Hilary: Well, you know, life got in the way. But I'm here now. So? What do you say?", "Chelsea: I mean, it really could be mutually beneficial for the both of us. You get the status of having a personal designer --", "Hilary: And your creations get the exposure from a larger audience.", "Chelsea: Mm-hmm. I mean, we'd have to hammer out the details, but I think I'd be willing to give it a try.", "Hilary: Excellent! Okay, so, do you think you could give me a sneak peek at what I'll be wearing?", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah. Sure. Come check out my tablet.", "Hilary: Yay!", "Chelsea: Here's, um... actually... some of the things I've started working on. Right about there.", "Hilary: Beautiful.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Hilary: Wow. Did... did jordan snap some of these pics?", "Chelsea: He did, yeah.", "Hilary: I recognize his style. I'm sure he jumped at the chance to help you. Especially since you guys are such old friends.", "Chelsea: Well, I wouldn't really call us old friends. You know, we just met a few years ago at fashion week, so...", "Hilary: [ Scoffs ] You don't have to cover with me.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about?", "Hilary: Well, jordan told me about all of the... less-than-reputable times that you two shared.", "Chelsea: Did he? No, I'm sure he was just joking.", "Hilary: I don't think he was.", "Chelsea: Why are you bringing this up to me now?", "Hilary: No reason.", "Chelsea: Hilary, you always have a reason", "Hilary: Don't be so suspicious. Okay? It's my job as a public figure to recognize achievements. And going from rogue to respectable, that fits the bill. I mean, these -- this is amazing work. This is stuff that you can put on your résumé. Not some of those iffy ventures.", "Chelsea: Okay, you can drop the act now.", "Hilary: Drop what?", "Chelsea: Looking for ammunition to use against jordan. That's the real reason you're here.", "Noah: So, the woman that my mom has been trying to help... the one that was forced into prostitution...crystal... she's your younger sister?", "Tessa: Yes.", "Noah: Wow. I'm so sorry that she got caught up in that.", "Tessa: I should've been there for her.", "Noah: I just thought that you hadn't spoken to her in a while.", "Tessa: It was months. I mean, no calls. No texts. Nothing. I didn't know she was living on the streets. Or she was in this serious of trouble. And when I found out, the first thing I wanted to do was go get her, and get her out of this life that she's stuck in.", "Noah: So that's why you went to the motel last night? Tessa, you -- you should not have gone alone, okay?", "Tessa: I had to. I thought it was crystal who texted me. I had no idea it was a setup to scare me away. But now I know she's alive. It was worth it just to see her with my own eyes.", "Noah: She was in the room?", "Tessa: No, it -- it was a video chat. I have no idea where they're keeping her.", "Noah: Hey, listen. Tessa, you don't have to go through this alone any more, all right? We will get help. Together.", "Tessa: I already went to the cops.", "Noah: So paul knows.", "Tessa: And your mom. Mariah convinced me to come clean.", "Noah: Mariah?", "Tessa: I told her a few days ago.", "Noah: Uh, why wouldn't you just...come to me first?", "Victor: So, zack, you, uh, grew up in chicago?", "Zack: Yes, sir.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. What brought you here?", "Zack: Oh, chi-town's great, but nothing was sparking for me there. So I moved north, met abby, and...sparks.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Victor: Stuff happens.", "Abby: You know what, um... sparks -- yeah, you want to talk about sparks, uh, let's talk about designdate. That is really sparking. Do you want to hear all about it?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Abby: So, we have moved beyond free ad-supported downloads, and revenue is actually coming in from people signing up for our premium subscription level.", "Victor: Well, that's quite an accomplishment.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Victor: But why didn't I see that reflected in the media?", "Abby: Well, you know, we're taking a low-key approach when it comes to the press.", "Victor: Well, I suggest, if you want to rouse more interest, perhaps you should contact scott, and he could write a feature in hashtag, you know?", "Abby: Uh, you know what, we actually -- we don't need scott's help. Um, a very popular blogger wanted to do a story on zack, but he actually turned it down.", "Victor: Zack, why would you shy away from publicity?", "Sharon: So, are you single?", "Alice: No one's put a ring on it yet.", "Sharon: Any prospects?", "Alice: Had a few relationships. Nothing to write home about.", "Sharon: Well, it's never too late.", "Alice: No, i don't need a man. Wasted a lot of years chasing after guys who didn't give a damn about me. Woke up one morning and decided time to stand on my own two feet.", "Sharon: Seems to be paying off.", "Alice: What do you mean?", "Sharon: Well, you just seem so confident. And you look fantastic. Is that...fenmore's?", "Alice: How did you know?", "Sharon: Oh, I -- I just -- I do a little online shopping. I saw it on their website.", "Alice: You've got a good eye.", "Sharon: I also saw the price, too. You must be doing really well. Where do you work? Small company. Sales. Um, you'll have to excuse me for a minute, I -- I've got to send a quick text.", "Zack: The rollout's generating its own buzz. The problem with bloggers is they love to build up and then tear down new ventures. Makes them feel all-knowing.", "Abby: We didn't want to blow our horn too loudly.", "Zack: Setting up expectations we can't live up to. It's important right now that we live under the radar until we're well-established. Protect our intellectual property.", "Victor: I see. I see.", "[ Cellphone buzzes ]", "Zack: Oops. My turn. Excuse me.", "Victor: All right.", "Abby: Business?", "Zack: Software guy checking in. Pardon the interruption.", "Victor: Starting a business means you can never clock out.", "Zack: Hey, if that's what it takes to succeed, I'm there.", "Abby: That's why zack's company was my first acquisition. I was impressed by his drive and determination. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Cane: Well, you destroyed that pizza, huh?", "Charlie: I was starved. [ Yawns ] I should go home.", "Cane: Well, uh, I can drop you off.", "Charlie: No, my, uh, ride's on the way.", "Cane: Okay. Hey, thanks for hanging out.", "Charlie: No problem.", "Cane: You know, come over whenever you want. You can just show up. You don't have to have an invitation.", "Charlie: Cool.", "Cane: Okay. Look... [ Sighs ] I know, okay, that this is gonna be a long road. But there's nothing that means more to me than putting my family back together. Okay?", "Charlie: Yeah, I know, dad. Good night.", "Cane: Good night, man.", "Jordan: We were on this field trip. Thought I'd impress this girl by jumping over this fence. So I go to jump, came up short, got caught on the pole. And there I was, dangling upside down in front of the whole class. And did I mention it was an electric fence? [ Lily laughs ] So every single time that i tried to touch it, it would shock me -- zap-twitch. Zap-twitch. Zap-twitch. I don't even...", "Lily: No, that did not happen.", "Jordan: Yes, it did. I have a lot of embarrassing stories like that. I was definitely a geeky kid.", "[ Laughs ]", "Lily: What? I'm so surprised. I feel like you're so cool and laid-back. I just thought you were always mr. Popular.", "Jordan: Yeah, I didn't get my swagger until after high school. So, if these were the popular kids over here, this one right over here, this is me with my camera, taking pictures for them for the yearbook. I was the outsider looking in.", "Lily: Wow. I finally learned something new about you. Well, I think tonight was a success. I'm really glad that we got together.", "Jordan: Me too.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Chelsea: Hilary, hilary, hilary. You are so transparent.", "Hilary: Okay, I swear, I'm not -- I'm not trying to ruin jordan's career or tarnish his reputation, okay?", "Chelsea: Uh-huh.", "Hilary: After my divorce, jordan, he helped me, okay? He...he made me feel good about myself. I don't -- I don't want to hurt him.", "Chelsea: Okay. Maybe you're trying to get some scoop on him, though, so you can bring it to lily. You know, drive a big ol' wedge between them. I bet you can't stand how close they've gotten.", "Hilary: He is cozying up to lily thinking that he has a chance. [ Scoffs ] But she is still married. Okay? She just wants a shoulder to cry on. Jordan is going to get his head handed to him. And I thought maybe you, as a friend -- don't you think that you should protect him? Come on. Don't you think that what is going on, this thing between him and lily, this is a disaster?", "Chelsea: No, not really. Not necessarily.", "Hilary: Well, I care about him more than lily ever will, and I don't want to lose him.", "Chelsea: You don't want to lose him? Or you don't want to lose him to lily? Or you just maybe don't want to lose face?", "Hilary: All of the above.", "Chelsea: Okay, well, thank you for at least being honest. I mean, hilary, come on. You are gorgeous. You're successful. You're smart. You have all these things going for you. I mean, you could get any man that you want.", "Hilary: Well, I don't want \"any man,\" okay? [ Voice breaks ] I want -- I want jordan. Okay? And you don't know for sure that he won't choose me.", "Chelsea: No, but I'll tell you what I do know for sure -- hatching some scheme, interfering in his life as a way of holding onto him, that's gonna end one way. It's gonna backfire. And it's gonna backfire on you.", "Noah: [ Sighs ] I just thought we were closer than that. You should've come to me sooner.", "Tessa: I didn't want to tell anyone.", "Noah: Why not?", "Tessa: Because I was scared it would put crystal in more danger.", "Noah: But you confided in mariah.", "Tessa: She knew something was off. She kept pushing and pushing until I couldn't hide it anymore. She's my best friend, noah. The only real friend I've ever had.", "Noah: That's not true. Not anymore.", "Tessa: Well, you're... you're more than a friend. And, honestly, I wasn't as scared to tell her as I was you.", "Noah: You're afraid of me?", "Tessa: No. Yeah. It'S... mariah and I, growing up, our lives were the pits. And you're a newman.", "Noah: [ Scoffs ] Listen, we've been through this, okay, I --", "Tessa: Look, I know you say it doesn't matter, but it does. If you knew how screwed up my family was... I was afraid you'd look at me differently. Turn your back on me and -- and walk away.", "Noah: [ Sighs ] Did I ever say or do anything to make you think that?", "Tessa: I know honesty is important to you. And the other women you dated, they kept secrets, and turned out to be different than you thought, just like me. I screwed up by not telling you. Can you forgive me?", "Hilary: Hey.", "Cane: What are you doing here?", "Hilary: You texted me.", "Cane: Yeah, an update, not an invitation. You could've sent me an emoji.", "Hilary: Well, there isn't one to cover this situation. Besides, your text was annoyingly ambiguous. \"Progress made.\" What does that even mean?", "Cane: It means I shared a pizza.", "Hilary: [ Gasps ] With lily? Did you wine her and dine her and get her to drop her defenses and remind her about the big, beautiful love story that you two shared, and how she can't live without you?", "Cane: No, not exactly. But I did see her briefly.", "Hilary: Here. Call jordan.", "Cane: Why am I calling jordan?", "Hilary: So that you can ask him if he needs help moving his things into your house.", "Cane: Oh, well, there's a lot more factors in play here than just jordan. With which, you see, I made progress.", "Jordan: Seeing you kick back, relax, and wolf down that burger, that was awesome.", "Lily: Yeah, it was fun. I have to get out of the house more often.", "Jordan: Well, now that I'm a free agent, that can be arranged.", "Lily: And I was serious -- if you ever want to talk about her, please call me.", "Jordan: I will. Deal.", "[ Both laugh ]", "Lily: I really treasure our friendship. I don't know what I would do without it.", "Jordan: You never have to find out.", "[ Door opens ]", "Jordan: Oh.", "Lily: Hey, sweetie.", "Jordan: Charlie, what's up, my man?", "Charlie: Uh, nothing.", "Jordan: Hey, I was just about to leave. I'll see you later.", "Lily: Okay. Bye.", "Jordan: All right, my man.", "Charlie: All right. You two ate together?", "Lily: Yeah. We went to the underground for beer and burgers.", "Charlie: Guess he didn't want, uh, lima beans and tofu either, huh?", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] How did \"dad time\" go?", "Charlie: Okay.", "Lily: Okay good, or okay bad?", "Zack: Okay, favorite match.", "Victor: Favorite match. I would say one of my all-time favorites was leonard/hearns in 1981 in las vegas.", "Zack: You saw \"the showdown\" in person?", "Victor: Yeah, I was there. Ringside.", "Zack: That must have been amazing.", "Victor: Do you box?", "Zack: [ Laughs ] I made a few pathetic attempts, but, uh, my place is in the stands, not in the ring.", "Victor: [ Laughs ]", "Abby: Are you boys bonding over sports?", "Zack: I didn't mean to ignore you.", "Abby: Uh, no, no. It's totally fine. I would much rather a lively conversation about jabs and uppercuts and tko's over awkward silence, for sure.", "Victor: Zack, let that be a lesson -- she has a hell of a left hook.", "Abby: Hey, he taught me a couple things.", "Zack: Well, I will try not to give her a reason to have to use it. Well, I should get going.", "Victor: All right.", "Zack: I don't want to overstay my welcome.", "Victor: I enjoyed your company.", "Zack: I appreciate it, mr. Newman.", "Victor: And I'm gonna keep an eye on your venture, all right?", "Zack: Thank you.", "Victor: See where it's going.", "Abby: Um, well, I will walk zack out. I'll see you at work tomorrow.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I think zack can show himself out. Would you kindly stay here? I need a word with you.", "Abby: Oh.", "Victor: Nice meeting you, zack.", "Sharon: More coffee?", "Alice: I can'T. I got to hit the road. But it was nice seeing you again.", "Sharon: I just can't get over how incredible it is that our paths crossed.", "Alice: [ Exhales ] Me neither.", "Sharon: Well, take care.", "Alice: Yeah.", "Nick: Alice take off?", "Sharon: Yeah. Gosh, talk about a blast from the past.", "Nick: Yeah. She, uh -- she left her credit card here.", "Sharon: Oh! Well, I'll see if I can catch her.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Alice. Alice, wait!", "Hilary: So... you had dinner with your son.", "Cane: You don't get it, do you?", "Hilary: Enlighten me.", "Cane: Well, before tonight, charlie didn't even want to talk to me, let alone spend time with me. But we connected. Look, I know this is not gonna turn around on a dime, but with lily's help, I'm thinking she may encourage the kids to spend more time with me.", "Hilary: Wait, lily supports that?", "Cane: Yeah, she does. She encourages it.", "Hilary: Change of plans. Maybe you don't need to do a full-court press on wifey, after all. She's not budging, anyways. The best thing for you to do right now -- rebuild your relationship with the twins. You get them on your side, lily will fall into place.", "Lily: Sounds like you and your dad had a lot to talk about.", "Charlie: I mean, I guess.", "Lily: I'm really sorry you didn't make the football team.", "Charlie: It's no big deal.", "Lily: Well, you're taking it really well. I'm sure your dad gave you one of his inspiring pep talks, like he always does.", "Charlie: Just... mom, stop. It'S...", "Lily: What?", "Charlie: I don't know. I mean, I know what you're thinking. It's not like there was some huge breakthrough.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Charlie, I know. But it's a start, right?", "Charlie: Yeah. I mean... but one pizza's not gonna make me forget what dad did. Not by a long shot.", "Abby: Okay. Here we go. Give me all of the reasons why I shouldn't see zack.", "Victor: I have no criticism to offer. I like the guy.", "Abby: You do?", "Victor: Yeah. He's a go-getter. And obviously smitten with you.", "Abby: So he gets the victor newman seal of approval?", "Victor: Well, I didn't say that. That's gonna take a while, before I bestow that honor.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Fair enough. But so far, so good?", "Victor: Yeah. I'd say. I hope, in time, he won't disappoint you...or me.", "Noah: This doesn't change anything between us.", "Tessa: Really?", "Noah: I understand why you didn't say anything.", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] That's a load off.", "Noah: Hey, look, I would never judge you because of how you were raised, all right? That would make me a hypocrite.", "Tessa: [ Laughs ]", "Noah: I mean, talk about a messed-up family, okay? I'm just lucky mine hasn't scared you off.", "Tessa: Yeah, like I'd ditch you.", "Noah: Just do me a favor, okay? From now on, tell me everything.", "Tessa: I promise.", "Noah: Wait, so... since you confronted this guy at the motel, does that make you a target? Can these people go after you?", "Tessa: No. No, look, all they have is my cell number. They don't know where I live. And there's so much security here. I'm safe.", "Noah: What can I do?", "Tessa: Just keep being a sweet and supportive boyfriend.", "Noah: We're gonna find your little sister, okay? I will be with you every step of the way.", "Nick: Hey. Did you catch alice?", "Sharon: She drove away before I could catch her.", "Nick: Oh, okay. Maybe I can get her number from the credit-card company. Sharon?", "Sharon: Her car...", "Nick: What about her car? Did something happen in the parking lot?", "Sharon: It was the same car I saw driving away from the police station last night.", "Nick: You mean the one that the man who bailed out the prostitutes got into?", "Sharon: Yes. And there was a blond woman behind the wheel.", "Nick: Sharon, wha...?", "Sharon: Nick, I know that this is gonna sound... totally out there, but I think alice is working with the sex ring.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Faith: I'm smart enough to know when something's wrong. This isn't right. We shouldn't be here.", "Phyllis: I have so had it with his damn ex-wife.", "Billy: I was able to get into jabot's server. They got plans to smash us to bits." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Kevin and Chloe are keeping a sedated Billy in the Chancellor boat house so he won't hurt himself or try to kill Adam again. Chloe and Kevin talk about how Chloe saved Adam's life by pushing him out of the way before Billy hit him with the car. Kevin knocked Adam and Billy out and then they brought Billy to the boat house and put a splint on his leg. Kevin and Chloe left Adam to wake up on his own alone on route 7. Adam talks to Phyllis later and tells her what happened last night they rule out Kevin, Billy, and Chelsea and settle on Victor as the person that hired someone to kill him. Adam has a emotional confrontation with Victor in which he denies having anything to do with what happened to him . Victor tells Adam that his mother would be ashamed of the man he has become now. Adam tells Victor he loved his mother but he despises him. Michael texts Kevin to tell him the judge agreed to Chloe's plea deal so Kevin and Chloe head to Crimson Lights so that people can find out she is alive. Chelsea sees Chloe first and they also have an emotional discussion about how Chloe's 'death\" affected Chelsea. Chloe cries and apologizes to Chelsea for all the pain she caused her and Chloe also tells Chelsea she hopes they can be friends again someday Phyllis is angry with Abby, Chelsea , Summer and Theo she feels they all betrayed her because they won't let her be a part of the Grand Phoenix after the project was her idea. Adam and Phyllis decide to team up and get revenge on everyone who has wronged them. Adam decides to start with Victor first and wonders if there is a way to use his illness to get revenge on him.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: So, really, the job would be hotel manager, and i don't think you'd be interested in that.", "Chelsea: Are you kidding? I'd love to manage the place.", "Chloe: [ Sobbing ] I did it, okay?! I did it! I blew up that cabin because i needed adam to die!", "Chelsea: [ Crying ] Kevin... chloe's dead.", "[ Hinges creaking ]", "Chloe: [ Echoing ] Kevin, wake up. Kevin. Kevin.", "Chloe: I am afraid that billy is going to do something to really hurt adam. We have to stop him before he does something that he can't take back.", "[ Vehicle approaching ]", "[ Engine revs ]", "[ Tires screech ]", "Chloe: Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?", "Kevin: We can'T. He tried to kill adam and crashed whoever's car that was. We're lucky we got him here without anybody seeing.", "Chloe: Thank god for the chancellor boathouse.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] It'll do as a hideout for now, at least until we find out if adam knows it was billy behind the wheel. That would be bad.", "Chloe: No, adam doesn't respond well to people trying to kill him.", "Kevin: Does he know it was you who pushed him out of the way?", "Chloe: No, I don't -- I don't think so. I-I pushed him from behind.", "Kevin: Well, that doesn't seem fair. After all your attempts to kill him, the one time you save his life, we have to hope he doesn't know.", "Chloe: Well, do you believe me now that my obsession with him is over?", "Kevin: Yes.", "Kevin: Hey. Hey, buddy. You had quite a night. You feeling okay? Hey.", "Billy: Ohh.", "Kevin: Alright. Alright.", "Chloe: Here. Here.", "Kevin: Gimme.", "Chloe: Ohh.", "Kevin: Okay. I'm sorry. This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you.", "[ Grunts ]", "Chloe: [ Exhales sharply ]", "Kevin: [ Sighing ] Hey.", "Adam: What took so long?", "Phyllis: I'm not at your beck and call. I'm not kevin fisher. You look horrible. Did you get drunk last night? I'm not a nursemaid, either.", "Adam: I am not hung over. Someone tried to run me over last night.", "Phyllis: Run you over?", "Adam: Mm-hmm. That's your M.O., Right?", "Phyllis: What are you talking about -- paul and christine? That was forever ago. Please. I've evolved. Get over it, people.", "Adam: That wasn't a denial.", "Phyllis: Are you serious?", "Adam: Phyllis, do I look like I'm joking?", "Summer: Knock, knock.", "Victor: Hi!", "Summer: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Summer: Grandpa.", "Victor: Glad you came by.", "Summer: Hi.", "Victor: Sit down.", "Summer: Alright. How are you? I get so nervous when you tell me that you need to see me. It's not your health, is it?", "Victor: I don't want you to be nervous, okay? And nothing to do with my health.", "Summer: Okay.", "Victor: I'm doing well. I mean, the medication, I think, is working.", "Summer: Okay, good. Good. I'm happy to hear that. Alright. Well, you didn't call me over here to play chess, now, did you?", "Victor: [ Inhales deeply ] [ Exhales sharply ] I called you because, as we speak, someone is playing a very dangerous game. And that is your uncle adam. And you may be the target.", "Abby: Ta-da!", "Chelsea: Ooh!", "Abby: [ Giggles ]", "Chelsea: Ohh. Wow. It's incredible.", "Abby: Watch out, genoa city. The grand phoenix is here to slay! Something great from mr. Clean. Additional sponsorship", "Chloe: Well, there really is a how-to video for everything online. I mean, putting that splint on was easy-peasy.", "Kevin: It looks like we did everything right. But we're not doctors.", "Chloe: In portland, when i had to repair the kitchen tile, it turned out great.", "Kevin: The stakes here are slightly higher. I mean, what if we made a mistake? Maybe we should take him to the E.R.", "Chloe: No, it's too late for that. We've already committed half a dozen crimes, including tampering with a crime scene and harboring a fugitive.", "Kevin: Yeah, you're right. If the police find out what we did, it would ruin the deal michael's getting for you.", "Chloe: And billy could get arrested for attempted murder.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] I guess we had no choice.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ]", "Kevin: You know, his injuries aren't just physical. That splint is not gonna help his mental state.", "Chloe: True, but... I think that I can help him. I mean, I have finally found a way to get past my anger towards adam, and I think I'm the perfect person that could help him do the same, and... I mean, this could be the perfect place to do it. I hate to admit it, but when i was kidnapped and held in that remote location, it -- it helped.", "Kevin: How so?", "Chloe: Well, it gave me time alone... to reflect on how I got there... emotionally and physically, and... it's what really helped me turn the corner.", "Kevin: So, you want to stay here and -- and help billy?", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] We both need to be laying low anyway. It makes sense.", "[ Cellphone chimes ] [ Sighs ] I'm free.", "Kevin: We're free.", "Chloe: I can't believe it.", "[ Laughs ]", "Kevin: [ Chuckles ]", "Chloe: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Geez. Tell me what happened.", "Adam: [ Groans, sighs ] [ Sighs ] Chelsea recently returned one of my mother's handkerchiefs. I got a text from someone last night saying that they had it and they would return it if i met them at... the crash site where... delia died.", "Phyllis: Wow. That's a brutal two-for-one.", "Adam: Yeah. So, I went... and I found myself like a deer in headlights -- literally, a car coming at me full speed. I didn't see who was driving. Someone pushed me out of the way at the last second.", "Phyllis: Who?", "Adam: I don't know. I got knocked out... for a few minutes, and when i woke up, I was alone. And when I came to, I just made my way here and tried to figure out who the hell could have done this.", "Phyllis: Wow. I wish I could take credit for it. But, um, you know, I can'T. Um, listen, adam. Our conflict with each other is in business. I would never exploit your memories of delia or of hope. I wouldn'T...", "Adam: Okay. If it wasn't you, then who do we think would have done something that sick and twisted?", "Phyllis: Well, I mean... billy. [ Sighs ]", "Adam: No.", "Phyllis: He's a burning rage of hate...right now, and... I-I just think it's above kevin's pay scale.", "Adam: I have ruled both of them out, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Then who are your enemies? I mean, it's sort of \"eeny, meeny, miney, moe.\" But chelsea? I mean, maybe chelsea. You said that she was the one who gave you the handkerchief. Does anybody else know?", "Adam: No. But what would her motive be?", "Phyllis: Well, did you leave her any money in your will? Because that seemed to work out in her favor with the last guy who dropped dead in this town. Or maybe it's revenge on nick's behalf.", "Adam: No, I doubt she would do that. But it is no secret that I have waged war on the newmans.", "Phyllis: Ohh. Adam, duh.", "Adam: What?", "Phyllis: It's wannabe king lear.", "Adam: Victor?", "Phyllis: Yes. Yes. You waged war on the newmans. He's not gonna let you take the first shot.", "Adam: Yeah, probably not, but still... I'm his flesh and blood. And using delia's memory?", "Phyllis: He haunted sharon with the ghost of cassie. I would not put this past him.", "Victor: You have to know that adam is out to hurt our family.", "Summer: Yeah. I mean, my dad told me that much, but I... really don't think that adam would single me out over everybody else.", "Victor: I understand why you're saying that, but he knows how close you are to both your dad and to me. So he may use you to cause us pain. Now, if you see anything unusual, let me know, okay?", "Summer: Okay. So, are you -- are you thinking that adam's gonna create a fake profile and try to befriend me or troll me? 'Cause, I mean, I really don't think that that's --", "Victor: To be honest with you, I don't know what he is or is not capable of doing.", "Summer: I'm sorry, grandpa.", "Victor: [ Sighs heavily ] You know how much it pains me... to have to say that I think my son is capable of almost anything?", "Abby: I want this place, this lounge, to not only be for out-of-town guests but a hot spot for locals, like an exclusive club, a place where people can go to work and/or play.", "Chelsea: Oh, my gosh. Abby...", "Abby: Right? I mean, this is the perfec place for a big private party or an elicit rendezvous for two.", "Chelsea: Oh, okay. I remember those.", "Abby: You know, I would be happy to let you and nick try out one of our suites -- for business research, of course.", "Chelsea: Oh. No, that's -- that's okay.", "Abby: I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to overstep. I guess I just assumed you two were...", "Chelsea: Well, we are. We are, but it's still very new, and I'm still trying to re-establish myself here and get up to speed at my new and fabulous job.", "Abby: Ooh! Got it.", "Chelsea: So, I had a few questions, actually, about security. I know we want to keep the lounge as \"a\"-list as possible. So, I don't know if that means we have to...", "Phyllis: Mm, I see you guys kept the name the grand phoenix. I am the phoenix. This was supposed to represent my rise from the ashes. How dare you keep the name of this hotel?", "Chloe: Michael is a miracle worker.", "Kevin: We need to get you reintegrated into genoa city as soon as possible. As soon as people find out you're back and in a good place mentally, the better.", "Chloe: Yeah, I-I think i should stay here with billy. I mean, I should be here when he wakes up.", "Kevin: Oh, he's gonna be out for hours. I knocked him out...good.", "Chloe: I-I'm a little nervous about people seeing me.", "Kevin: Hey, I'm gonna be right by your side. And we need to find out what adam knows. All this newfound freedom could be gone in a flash if the police find out what happened here last night.", "Chloe: Yeah. And even if adam didn't see me or billy, he is still going to have a lot of questions about what happened.", "Kevin: Once he finds out you're back in town, you are gonna be the top of his list of suspects, so we need to just act like we have nothing to hide.", "Chloe: Right. Just make a point being seen around town.", "Kevin: Yes, and talk to esther. If anyone asks, we were at the chancellor house last night.", "Chloe: Okay. I-I don't know. I mean, how are people gonna react? You should have seen billy's face when he saw me.", "Kevin: Hey, we'll get through it together. Nothing could be worse than the way you told me.", "Chloe: I'M...sorry. I -- [ Sighs ] Okay. So, then how are we going to let people know that my... funeral was a huge fakeout?", "Kevin: I...have a plan.", "Adam: You. You have gone... too far this time.", "Victor: Wait a minute. You just walked into my house uninvited.", "Adam: Whatever the hell that was last night...didn't work. I'm alive, and I am well. Did you really... hire someone to kill me?", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Adam: Wow. You don't even have the guts to admit it? At least when I come at you, my intentions are clear and I come at you head-on, while you -- you sit there and you plot and you scheme from behind the scenes. And then you pretend that your hands aren't dirty.", "Victor: What the hell are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about, son! And you claim to be honest and up front? Is that it? Is that how you justify telling christian that you're his father?", "Adam: It's because he deserved to know.", "Victor: Adam, you completely disregarded that boy's well-being for your own selfish reasons. And that's when I realized there's no hope for you. I'm phil mickelson.", "Abby: If you would like to think of yourself as the phoenix who inspired the name of the hotel, sure! Go for it. But I'm not about to change the name because your little feathers are ruffled.", "Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] That's good.", "Phyllis: You have jokes. I see.", "Abby: See, the name could just as easily apply to me or to chelsea. We've both overcome a lot to get where we are.", "Phyllis: Uh, right. The plight of the naked heiress and the black widow.", "Abby: We have work to do, so if you'll excuse us...", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Definitely ignore the creative force behind this project. You broke your word. And you stabbed me in the back, and I will never, ever forget.", "Chelsea: Well, not like we're keeping score, but consider this payback for running me out of genoa city.", "Phyllis: Chelsea, you were a criminal. You fled the scene. More like a jailbird, less like a phoenix.", "Chelsea: I'm gonna go check on those security measures we were discussing earlier. I see clearly now how important they will be.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Abby: No problem. I got this.", "Phyllis: Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!", "Abby: Okay. Wow. Alright. Um, can we act like adults for just one minute here? I made a business decision. Chelsea is a safer bet as a business partner.", "Phyllis: Chelsea left town because she was stealing from a colleague, abby.", "Abby: Mm, and yet she's still preferable to you, so, ooh, what does that say?", "Phyllis: I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this project. You know that. I think it is pathetic -- pathetic -- that you broke our deal because of something your daddy said to you, but I suppose you're just victor's little spoiled rich girl.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] No. See, you -- you -- are the one who's acting entitled. You were an employee of adam's, working on the hotel. Adam sold the hotel to me, so i get to choose who I want to work with, and, oh, news flash -- it's not you!", "Theo: I want you to snap as many pics as possible at the opening and blast them onto every platform.", "Phyllis: Hey, guys. Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but, um... we've been dumped since abby has bought the hotel.", "Abby: Ooh. See, um... there's a little misunderstanding. Yeah. See [Gasps] I fired you, phyllis... not theo. Yeah.", "Adam: You gave up on me the moment you realized I had a mind of my own.", "Victor: That's not true.", "Adam: My amnesia gave you a golden opportunity to mold me into the son that you've always wanted...or have a puppet with you controlling the strings. God. But even when I didn't remember anything, I still wasn't behind everything that you and the psychiatrist were selling. But, hey, once I got my memory back, it all fell apart because I didn't fall in line. All that work that you went through to groom the heir that you have always wanted was for nothing. It was another failure, the same way that you have failed nick and victoria.", "Victor: For your information, right now you're the only one on my bad side.", "Adam: Yeah, and the only reason you and nick are having a warm and fuzzy period is 'cause you're united against me. You take me out of the mix, and it all falls apart, okay?", "Victor: Son, I gave you...", "Adam: It's not gonna be long before you're back at each other's throats because we all let you down always, dad!", "Victor: ...Every chance to reunite with this family!", "Adam: What was my sin -- that I wanted to reunite with my family, too?!", "Victor: You went about it the wrong way, son!", "Adam: So, what did you do?", "Victor: You pissed everyone off! That's what you did!", "Adam: I had to be punished.", "Victor: Okay?!", "Adam: So I had to be punished?", "Victor: I gave you every chance to reunite with this family!", "Adam: So, what, you used the memory of my mother...", "Victor: What the hell?", "Adam: ...To lure me to where delia died?", "Victor: What does your mother have to do with it?! Nothing!", "Adam: You know exactly what I'm talking about. You lured me there, and then you hired someone to run me over? Wow!", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Adam: You say I have no hope. You should look in the mirror.", "Kevin: We're just two people in a coffee shop.", "Chloe: Yeah, right.", "Kevin: Hopefully a friend of a friend will show up soon and they can spread the news. This town is a hotbed of gossip. Where are all the loudmouths when you need them?", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Can we just skip the part where everyone knows?", "Kevin: Maybe sharon will show up for work soon. She'll be sympathetic.", "Chloe: So, your theory is that because she persuaded adam to come back to genoa city, she is a goodwill ambassador for the back-from-the-dead?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] I don't know. I think we should get back to billy. I don't like the idea of him waking up alone and confused.", "Kevin: I set a timer on my phone for when his medication is gonna wear off.", "Chloe: I don't have a good feeling about this.", "Kevin: Let's take one more stab at getting you some attention, okay? How 'bout we order a couple of cappuccinos? I'm sure they're not as good as when we owned the place, but... come on.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] The things you make me do.", "Kevin: I know. You want to buy me a cappuccino?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Kevin: Sandwich, maybe?", "Chloe: Yeah. It's my treat.", "Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Chloe? Y-you're a-alive? How?", "Kevin: Mm, well, it's -- it's complicated, as these things often are, but you look like you're in a hurry, and we were just leaving, so...", "Chloe: Yeah. We really don't need to do this right now.", "Chelsea: No way. You're not going anywhere. We call it the mother standard of care. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: You accepted an offer from abby even though i was the one who hired you?", "Theo: Why wouldn't I? She owns the hotel.", "Phyllis: Loyalty. There's no such thing as loyalty anymore.", "Zoe: Abby, I-I just have to say, I am such a huge fan of you and -- and society, and this lounge is...amazing.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Zoe: You know, if you want, i could bring a group of young amateur photographers to the opening. They could capture the event for you in a kind of behind-the-scenes way.", "Abby: I'm sorry. Who are you?", "Theo: Oh, sorry. This is zoe.", "Abby: Wasn't she your date at the wedding?", "Theo: She just started work with me. She runs a website that posts photos of celebrities from big events but not the regular red-carpet stuff -- candid shots you wouldn't see anywhere else.", "Abby: Hmm. That sounds interesting.", "Phyllis: Yeah, interesting. Interesting. Look at you -- so cute, your whole life ahead of you. Word to the wise -- watch out for these two.", "Abby: [ Groans, laughs ]", "Theo: I'm sorry for how things worked on this particular job, but I'm a freelancer. I work for whoever makes me a good offer.", "Phyllis: Mm, good luck with that.", "Theo: We'll find another project to do together. I'll work with you anywhere, anytime.", "Abby: Ooh, but, see, right now he's working for me, and we have to work on the guest list, so...", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, all the V.I.P.S that I set up.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Abby: Yes! Yes. And you were so helpful and very well compensated, but you know what, phyllis? Now it is -- it is time for you to go.", "Phylis: Yeah, I was leaving. I was leaving. But just know whatever goes around comes around.", "Abby: Oh, I know. I've seen what's happened to you.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Abby: Mm.", "Summer: Mom.", "Phyllis: Summer. What are you doing here?", "Summer: Uh, theo texted me to meet him here.", "Theo: I thought summer could help us promote the opening.", "Phyllis: Seriously? Everyone I know is working on this hotel, my hotel, but me.", "Abby: Yeah, I-I-it's -- it's -- it's my hotel, so, yeah. Bye, phyllis. Bye.", "Summer: Mom? Mom, mom, mom.", "Chelsea: You're -- you're walking a-a-and... talking... breathing.", "Kevin: Yep... as people do, and we would love to catch up, but this is obviously a shock to you, so we're gonna leave you alone to process chloe's return.", "Chelsea: I'm calling the police.", "Kevin: Wh-wh-why?", "Chelsea: Well, even if adam survived, she still tried to kill him!", "Chloe: I-I've actually already been arrested for that.", "Chelsea: Then how are you walking around free?! Oh. Oh, because michael. Michael is the new D.A., So he's letting you get away with attempted murder?", "Chloe: Okay. I understand why you're so upset... and what I did was unforgivable, so let me just walk out of your life right now, okay?", "Chelsea: No. No. You may have been able to dodge the law, but I am nowhere near done with you.", "Victor: Someone lured you out to route 7 and tried to kill you?", "Adam: Oh, please. Just stop, okay?", "Victor: And what does your mother have to do with any of this?", "Adam: I actually thought that you -- you would draw the line with using her against me, but i should have known there is no depth to which you won't sink.", "Victor: What is the matter with you, huh? I would never use your mother or your mother's memory against you or anyone else! She was a good woman! I loved her! She had a huge heart! And she wanted you to carry on her legacy of respect, loyalty, trustworthiness! What the hell happened to you?!", "Adam: I have tried to be the best person I can!", "Victor: You have spat on every value she has given you! You failed!", "Adam: Okay, that is enough. Don't talk to me about my mother!", "Victor: If your mother were alive today, she would be ashamed of the man you have turned into.", "Adam: I love my mother. I did. Not you. God. I despise you.", "Chelsea: You put me through hell. You tried to kill my husband, lied about it, and that was just the beginning.", "Kevin: Chloe wasn't trying to hurt you.", "Chloe: Babe... I appreciate it, but... this is between me and chelsea.", "Chelsea: I have practiced what I would say to you if i ever got the opportunity. But you denied me that chance the day I found out you were responsible for the explosion, and then you hit me over the head and you ran.", "Chloe: I didn't have another way to get out of it. I --", "Chelsea: No, but you -- you found another way, certainly, didn't you? And you inflicted pain on everybody that cared about you!", "Chloe: Chelsea, it wasn't my intention.", "Chelsea: I remember the day i found you... dead...of a pill overdose. [ Voice breaking ] I held your body in my arms, chloe. And even though I felt so betrayed and so angry, I was -- I was devastated over losing you.", "Chloe: [ Voice breaking ] It was the only thing that I could possibly do to not go to prison.", "Chelsea: You let me believe that I may have pushed you to commit suicide. I have had to deal with that every single day. I've had to feel that guilt every single day... except a couple minutes ago, when I realized you were alive when I walked through those doors.", "Chloe: I know. I-I was only thinking about myself that day, and I wasn't thinking how it would impact you.", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Chloe: You're probably not gonna believe me, but I am actually really glad that adam [Sighs] That adam survived the explosion. I don't want to be a murderer. I don'T. I finally realized that trying to kill adam isn't going to bring me any solace, and it's not going to bring back -- back delia. Listen, he doesn't -- he doesn't have to fear me anymore, okay? No one does. I'm not going to hurt anyone, especially you.", "Chelsea: [ Crying ] I thought you were my best friend. I thought that I could trust you more than anyone in the entire world. You -- you pretended to help me grieve over adam. Meanwhile, you knew the whole time that you were responsible for my pain.", "Chloe: Maybe you guys can find your happily-ever-after now that he's back.", "Chelsea: No. No, chloe. It doesn't work like that 'cause you can't wave a magic wand and get everything back. I can'T. Adam was broken and lost after that explosion. Now he's back, and he's reverted to his worst possible self. He -- he lashes out at everybody.", "Chloe: I wish I could change things.", "Chelsea: Yeah. Me, too. But this is the way things are now. And you are responsible.", "Phyllis: Ah. Ah, this is perfect. I'm not sure I want to toss one back with the double-crosser who made me lose my hotel.", "Adam: You know, not so long ago, you said you understood it was just business.", "Phyllis: Yeah. I paid them a visit. This is personal now. All my favorite people just so eager to put salt in the wound... chelsea and abby using all of my ideas, right down to the name of the hotel.", "Adam: Yeah? Somehow you think that's my fault?", "Phyllis: And my daughter sleeping with the enemy, figuratively and literally. I don't get it. I don't get what she sees in that s-- long-haired mercenary. And theo -- he's working on the opening, but, of course, without me. I'm not upset at my daughter... because she got caught up in all of this and I love her, but every time I think about the entire thing, I just want to scream.", "Adam: Please don'T.", "Phyllis: And if they think they're gonna capitalize on all of my hard work, they have another think coming. Believe me, they will not get away with this, because if I let them... they have a second chance to do something even worse.", "Adam: Really? Like attempt to run you over? Because someone tried to kill me... last night!", "Summer: I just hate the way that my mom left. I don't know if I should be involved in this opening at all.", "Theo: Alright. She wasn't mad at you. She was upset about the situation, but that isn't either of our faults.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Zoe: Ohh. I hate to see you and your mom fight. You post about her all the time.", "Summer: Yep. Yeah.", "Zoe: She seems really kick-ass. I'm kind of jealous of your relationship.", "Summer: Mm, thank you?", "Zoe: I just really admire you, and I'd -- I'd love to learn from you.", "Theo: Well, why don't you go take some selfies, uh, around the lounge?", "Zoe: Okay.", "Summer: Geez. Is she always that perky?", "Theo: 'Fraid so. I'm sure you were like that once.", "Summer: Oh, god, no. I hope not. You know, I just find the timing a little interesting, um... all of us showing up here all at once. Were you trying to orchestrate a run-in between my mom and I?", "Theo: Of course not. What do I have to gain from that? I just...wanted to make sure you were on board for the opening.", "Summer: Really? So, are you asking me to work the opening as an influencer, or are you inviting me as your date?", "Theo: My date. If you still see me like that.", "Summer: So, what's with this zoe girl, huh? Is she sticking around G.C. For a while?", "Theo: Uh, she's a sweet girl, and I feel like I owe her.", "Summer: Really? Well, I feel like there's more to it than that. What, are you traipsing her around town so you can make kyle mad again?", "Theo: No.", "Summer: Really? Because you know that he and lola are both showing up to the opening.", "Theo: Are they?", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Theo: Hmm. Should be a night to remember. At pier 1, the color of the moment is energetic ocher.", "Chelsea: It wasn't just adam's life you destroyed. You destroyed mine, too, because I wasn't the same after you \"died.\" I couldn't trust. I stole. I lied. I couldn't believe the promises nick was making to me because how could I feel I deserved to be with him? The difference between you and me is that I have owned my mistakes. You never have.", "Chloe: Look, I really want to do that now. I know I am to blame for so many things.", "Chelsea: Yeah, things, including connor grieving for his father.", "Chloe: [ Voice breaking ] My heart breaks because of that. You know how much I love connor. I-I don't know. All I can say is that losing delia drove me past the point of sanity. I-I-I was pushed over an emotional edge. I hate the damage that I've done -- to connor and especially you. You're my best friend. [ Crying ] I've missed you so much. And I'll do anything to repair our friendship, no matter what you want.", "Chelsea: No, chloe, no. That's -- that's -- that's -- that's not possible. In fact, I-I have to go.", "Charlie: [ Crying ]", "Kevin: She just needs time.", "Chloe: She's right. [ Sniffles ] I mean... I-I've -- I've caused a lot of damage, and now I'm just gonna have to deal with it.", "Victor: Uh, listen carefully. My son adam just barged in here and, uh... was ranting and raving about... his mother, hope... and delia and, um... claims that he was lured out to route 7 and someone was trying to kill him. I want you to find out everything you can about this, alright? Get back to me... asap. Thank you.", "Adam: He told me my mother would... be ashamed of me.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. That is typical victor. Please don't take that to heart. [ Sighing ] Ohh. How are you gonna retaliate? You're not gonna let him get away with what he did to you, are you? We're the same. Adam, we're the same. It's payback time. I told you I'd help you, and I meant it.", "Adam: Look, whatever I do, it needs to be deep and personal and long-lasting.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Of course it does. It's the only way.", "Adam: He tried to kill me last night, and yet he's the invincible one. How many times has he cheated death? And now he's doing it again.", "Phyllis: What does that mean?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] My father is suffering from a life-threatening blood disease. But some experimental treatment seems to be saving him.", "Phyllis: Oh, wow. Well, it's too bad you can't just...let the -- the disease take care of him for you.", "Adam: God, it sure would be nice if we could pull back the curtain and reveal the great and powerful oz... reveal the frail old man behind it. Maybe there is a way to prove to victor... he's not invincible. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Michael: As much as I've enjoyed our working relationship, which is to say not at all, I think it's time it came to an end.", "Jack: I need you to step in for me at jabot.", "Kyle: Step in?", "Jack: I want you to be interim C.E.O.", "Phyllis: You want me to hack in to nate's tablet. Why do you want victr's medical records?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lily can't reach a loved one. Sheila makes her first contact in Genoa City. Tom moves out. Gloria thought she was safe, but the truth will still come out. Kevin asks about a new book in the works." ]
[ "Tom: Personally, I think old Mike's bluffin'. Well, you can think whatever you'd like, but when John gets home we're gonna--", "Tom: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we heard. You're gonna blow me sky-high, and Gloria's marriage, too, while you're at it, which you don't seem to give a damn about.", "Michael: (Scoffs) and you do?", "Gloria: Michael, Michael, please wait. He may be right. I can't risk this, not now.", "Michael: Trust me, Gloria, this is all gonna work out.", "Tom: Now you know he's only doing this to get back at me, not 'cause it helps you. Go ahead, tell him, Glo. We got a nice, little arrangement goin' here. Nobody's gettin' hurt.", "Michael: Oh, please. Every time she perpetuates this lie and pays you to keep it a secret, she gets hurt. She's doing far more damage to her marriage than telling John the truth ever could.", "Gloria: You know, Michael, I never thought about it that way.", "Tom: Yeah, 'cause what your gut's been tellin' you is right. Now your old man finds out you've been hidin' something this big from him, oh, baby, it's all on the line. Now it's up to you. If you think he can handle it, but from what you've told me--", "Gloria: No-- you know what? I was wrong to let you think that... and it was wrong of me to believe that. My marriage to John is stronger than ever...", "Tom: No.", "Gloria: And I now have to have faith that it can withstand anything, including you. Now I'm with you, Michael. You're right. It's time to come clean.", "Michael: (Chuckles) hmm, the lady's spoken. Face it, Tom. You've overplayed your hand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So what do you think?", "Scott: Very cool place, man. Makes my digs in Toronto look like a closet.", "Kevin: Well, feel free to stay here as long as you'd like. Maybe you could even stick around for awhile after your mom's wedding.", "Scott: Well, thanks for the offer, man, but I won't hold you to it. After a few days of living with me, you'll probably change your mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So where are you, Daniel? I should've known you weren't gonna show.", "Sierra: Hey, Cassie's dad's here. You think we should talk to him?", "Devon: Well, what are we gonna say?", "Sierra: I don't know. It just seems like we should go over there.", "Devon: Yeah, I don't think so. He doesn't look too good. We should leave him alone.", "Sierra: God, I feel so bad for him-- all the Newmans, really.", "Devon: Yeah, I know. I know. They're all a real tight family. I mean, I guess that's how it's supposed to be. I never really knew that until I got with the Winters.", "Sierra: You know, you're really fortunate to be a part of that family.", "Devon: I know that, and please tell Lily the same thing, 'cause she's part of that family, too, and she's throwing it all away right now to be with Romalotti. It makes me so mad to think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Yeah, thanks. We appreciate all your help. We will. All right, bye-bye. Honey, we better get a move on. Lily's flight for New Hampshire leaves in a couple of hours.", "Dru: Yeah. Where are all our duffle bags and stuff?", "Neil: In the hall. Hey, baby, it's gonna be all right.", "Dru: Look, I know, it just doesn't make it feel any better with you saying it.", "Neil: It's ironic, you know? Just a few weeks ago, we were desperate to get her back home.", "Dru: I know.", "Neil: Now we're sendin' her to boarding school. Ohh, baby, it's gonna be okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I can't imagine what you could say that would surprise me.", "Lily: Why are you looking at me like that?", "Malcolm: Lily, I understand exactly what you're goin' through. I do.", "Lily: Really?", "Malcolm: I look at you, I see myself at your age. I'd be a hypocrite to come down on you for lovin' the wrong person.", "Lily: No, but Daniel is not the wrong person. You know, why can't they understand that?", "Malcolm: Okay. Listen to me. It's not that easy for adults to remember what it was like when they were kids, havin' that crazy urge to follow your heart, when you know all it's gonna do is get you in trouble.", "Lily: Yeah, that's it. That's exactly what I was doing.", "Malcolm: Because you think you and Daniel are in love.", "Lily: No, we are in love, even if nobody believes it.", "Malcolm: I believe you, Lily.", "Lily: Then I'm glad at least somebody does.", "Lily: You know what I wish?", "Malcolm: What's that?", "Lily: It's just, you understand me so well, you know? And I know it's a really bad thing to say, but... sometimes I wish that you were my dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I should tell you it's not easy for me to be here right now.", "Nick: I'll bet. You haven't looked me in the eye since you got here.", "Daniel: I'm sorry. Listen, the reason I called, I wanted--", "Nick: Before you start, there's something I wanna say. I don't know why I agreed to meet with you. I can't imagine that we have anything to say to each other, and I sincerely hope that you don't expect me to apologize.", "Daniel: Apologize?", "Nick: For not coming forward with the evidence sooner.", "Daniel: No, Mr. Newman, that's not it at all. I came here to thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sierra: Don't get me started on Lily.", "Devon: Hmm. What, you can't believe the way she's actin' either?", "Sierra: I don't know what's wrong with her.", "Devon: I don't know.", "Sierra: I mean, I guess she's just so in love that she can't even focus on anything else.", "Devon: Yeah, come on. There ain't no excuse for the way she's actin'. If--if Mr. and Mrs. Winters loved me as much as they love that girl, I wouldn't do anything to mess it up.", "Sierra: But, Devon, they do.", "Devon: No, they don't. I know that they care about me and stuff like that, but it's not the same thing 'cause I'm not their kid, you know?", "Sierra: Devon--", "Devon: It doesn't upset me. It doesn't upset me. I know it's just how it is. Besides, I got my own mother to worry about right now.", "Sierra: Oh, how is she?", "Devon: She's doin' good, I think. I mean, I hope. Last time I saw her, she had been clean for a couple days.", "Sierra: Devon, that's great.", "Devon: I know. I know, I'm just-- I'm hopin' to God that she has it in her to stay clean, you know? I'm gonna go check on her later on today and make sure she doesn't need anything.", "Sierra: You want some company?", "Devon: Well, thank you, but I don't think that would be a good idea.", "Sierra: Well, why not?", "Devon: Well, I don't think my mom would like it too much. She gets embarrassed.", "Sierra: Look, Devon, I promise I'll be cool. I would love to meet her. I mean, if she means this much to you, she must be pretty special.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: Isaac. Isaac, it's me.", "Isaac: Stay away from me. You're in trouble.", "Yolanda: Look, I'm sorry. I told my son that he shouldn't have called the cops on you, okay? Do you have anything on you? I mean, I could pay you.", "Isaac: You pay, you play.", "Yolanda: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Isaac: Show me the money.", "Yolanda: I got this instead.", "Isaac: Some dude's watch?", "Yolanda: Yeah. It's real expensive, okay? How much do you think you can give me for it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: Do you know how lucky you are to have Neil as your father?", "Lily: No, I know. I know. It's just, you guys are so different.", "Malcolm: Hey, listen to yourself. Everybody on this planet is different. That's what makes life so exciting.", "Lily: Now you're just making fun of me.", "Malcolm: No. No, I'm not. I'm just tryin' to give you a different slant on things.", "Lily: Like what?", "Malcolm: Look, I'm not saying you're right. I'm not saying you're wrong, but lord knows all the bad things I did when I was your age, lily, a lot of it came back to bite me when I got older.", "Lily: You did okay. You ended up being a big-time photographer.", "Malcolm: That's only because I had an older brother who came back into my life and straightened me out. If it wasn't for Neil, I'd probably be living on the street right now, or worse than that, I might even be in jail.", "Lily: Come on, Uncle Malcolm.", "Malcolm: No. No, I'm serious. I'm very serious. Lily, I was an entirely different guy than who's sittin' in front of you right now. I caused all kinds of trouble. I dropped out of school, and I was angry. I was angry at the whole world. I drove away the people who cared about me most... and I'm lookin' at you, and I see that you might even be thinkin' about headin' down that same path, and it scares the hell out of me.", "Lily: No, I never said I wanted to quit school. I just wanna stay in Genoa City and be with Daniel.", "Malcolm: And I really, really wish you could, but you can't. Lily, you know you gotta go to that boarding school. There's no gettin' around it.", "Malcolm: Lily, take a second and look at your life. Don't you see how lucky you are?", "Lily: Lucky? How is that?", "Malcolm: Because you got people who care about you enough to keep you from spending your senior year in juvenile detention. Think about it. Your parents came up with this plan, and given your choices, I don't think it's such a bad one.", "Lily: Not that bad? Boarding school in New Hampshire? I might as well be in Antarctica.", "Malcolm: Lily, you got a choice. You can make it hard on yourself. You can pout. You can kick and scream. You can give your parents a lot of attitude, but I promise you, that's only gonna accomplish one thing, and that's keepin' you away from Genoa City even longer.", "Lily: Or?", "Malcolm: Or you can accept for the time being this is your life. Lily, you go to this school, you get great grades. Why? Because that's what you do. You make a whole bunch of new friends. Why? Because that's what you do, but most importantly, you regain the trust of your mom and your dad.", "Lily: Well, you know, I might be able to do that if it wasn't for Daniel.", "Malcolm: You made a vow to stick by him even if he went to jail. Well, if this is the real thing, then he will stand by you, no matter where you are.", "Lily: But we'll never be able to see each other.", "Malcolm: Lily, there's e-mails. You can write him letters. You know, the last time I checked, they got a new technology called telephones. You ever heard about it? Hey, seriously... if it's meant to be, what you and Daniel have right now will stay strong, no matter how many miles are between you.", "Lily: It's gonna be really hard.", "Malcolm: I know. I can't tell you how to handle this, but I'm giving you the best advice I got. I really hope you make the right decision.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: When the judge said I was guilty, it was like everything stopped. You know, the moment I heard those words, my life was over. I can't even describe what it felt like.", "Nick: I have a pretty good idea.", "Daniel: And I was waiting to hear how many years I was gonna be sent away for, but then you walked in and you handed over the clothes that Cassie was wearing that night. Then the judge reversed his decision. I-I couldn't believe it was really happening, you know? It was like a miracle.", "Nick: That's not what it was.", "Daniel: Maybe not to you, but for you to do what you did, knowing what it would mean for me-- not a lot of people would have done that. You--you saved me. You gave me my life back, and I don't know how I'm ever gonna be able to repay you.", "Nick: I didn't do it for you.", "Daniel: I know that.", "Nick: So why do you think I did it? Why do you think I let you go free?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You've gotta be kidding me, man. No way could you be worse to bunk with than me. According to Michael, I'm the world's biggest slob.", "Scott: You and your brother are the odd couple, huh? Well, I don't know if my mom told you, but I'm a writer, and when I get in my zone, I freak if anyone interrupts me.", "Kevin: You're a writer? Wow.", "Scott: Well, strictly novice. Haven't published yet, but I'm working on a novel with a student I'm tutoring.", "Kevin: Hmm. What's it about?", "Scott: Uh, let's just say it's pretty twisted, based on a true story.", "Kevin: Well, I can't wait to read it.", "Scott: Well, don't hold your breath. It's probably gonna be awhile before I'm ready to show it to anyone.", "Kevin: I will see to it that you get all the peace and quiet that you need.", "Scott: All right, well, don't be surprised if you hear me cussin' out my computer in the middle of the night because I can't find the right words.", "Kevin: Michael says I sleep like I'm one of the dead, so...", "Scott: Just so you're warned, it might not be too long before you wanna kick me out of here.", "Kevin: Oh, that's not gonna happen. Trust me. You're gonna be a huge improvement on the roommate that I have now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Come on, Gloria, don't let him do this. Don't let him bully you into this.", "Gloria: Ohh! You have the nerve to stand there and accuse somebody else of being a bully?", "Tom: Now you go cryin' to your boys about how you're a victim, but we both know, don't we, Glo, how it is when it's just the two of us?", "Gloria: No, I don't know. So why don't you tell me, Tom? What the hell are you talkin' about?", "Tom: Now you may love the Abbott name and the Abbott money, but I think there's a part of you that's glad we're still married, 'cause I'm the only one who's ever turned you on, not that old man you're playin' house with.", "Gloria: Hmm, \"that old man\"? \"That old man,\" as you call him, is worth fifty-- no, he's worth a hundred of you, and I wouldn't have you back in my life for-- for what, Mike? For--for all the tea in china, because you haven't changed one bit since you left me. You were a loser then, Tom Fisher, and you're a loser now.", "Tom: Now wait a minute--", "Gloria: No, you wait a minute! The only thing I don't regret about us is Kevin, but other than him, our marriage was a nightmare, and in case you don't remember, in your drunken stupor, you were a complete flop as a husband and a nightmare as a father.", "Tom: Now if that was true, you would have left me.", "Gloria: Oh, god! We both know why I didn't leave you. Because I was afraid of what you might do to me and my boys. That's the only reason we stuck around, not because we loved you. And I get it. I finally get it after all these years. I really think that is why you are so sadistic. Because deep down you know... that no one could ever love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: (Laughs)", "Sheila: Not bad. Hmm. (British accent) not bad at all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: You talk about bull. You loved me. You used to say it all the time.", "Gloria: Yeah, because I knew that's what you wanted to hear.", "Tom: Because you wanted to make me happy.", "Gloria: No! Because I was terrified, and I wanted to keep you away from Kevin, and I thought that if I did whatever you wanted, you wouldn't beat him, and you wouldn't hurt me.", "Tom: Now don't give me that. I never laid a finger on you.", "Gloria: No! You beat me up in here! And you hurt my baby, and that is unforgivable, and it was sick!", "Tom: Yeah, and you let it go on year after year!", "Gloria: I know!", "Tom: So now who's sick?", "Gloria: I admit it! I admit it! Because I was afraid, and I was in pain, and half the time I thought I was gonna go crazy, because I had no idea what normal was. I just wish to God that I'd had the courage to take my children and leave you when I finally understood what you were, what you still are. It's a-a...", "Michael: Sociopath.", "Gloria: You have no conscience. You have no compassion for anything or anyone. It's like you're not human! It's like the decent part of you got ripped out! And everybody... can tell that there is something wrong with you.", "Tom: You stop it right now.", "Gloria: No! And that's why you've never been able to find anybody since you left me, because what decent woman would have you? And so now here you are, back tormenting me and my boys because you want back into our lives so desperately, you will stop at nothing, but you are nothing!", "Tom: Shut up!", "Gloria: And you wonder... why we want nothing to do with you. If you didn't deserve everything that hell has to offer... I might feel sorry for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I've been asking myself that question. You know, why you decided to turn over the evidence.", "Nick: What'd you come up with?", "Daniel: Well, I guess you did it because you knew it was the right thing to do, and it's what Cassie would have wanted.", "Nick: I'll never understand the hold you had on my daughter.", "Daniel: Neither will I. You know, I was tellin' the truth when I said that we barely knew each other.", "Nick: I know you were, and that's what makes this so hard. If you two were involved, then maybe this would have made some sense.", "Daniel: I wish I knew how she felt about me. I just didn't until it was too late.", "Nick: Nobody did. I didn't realize it until I saw Cassie at the coffeehouse that night after she walked out of the hospital. She was delirious with that fever, but she had to see you.", "Daniel: I remember tellin' her it could wait.", "Nick: When I got there, she put up such a fight. She was so desperate to give you a message. Did you ever find out what my daughter risked her life to tell you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: The last thing I want is to be part of this screwed up family. Why do you think I dumped your sorry butts in the first place? The best move I ever made.", "Michael: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. John should be home anytime soon, and once he's apprised of what a scum you are, we won't ever have to think of you again. Hell, it'll be like you really are dead. Then we'll see what a big man you are-- broke and all alone. Face it, Tom, you're through. Maybe if you ask him nicely, John will buy you a bus ticket out of town.", "Tom: Gloria, you let him do this to me, and I swear, I will make you regret it. Both of you!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: So, come on, man, how much you gonna give me for it? I mean, it's gotta be worth at least a couple of Benjamins.", "Isaac: I'm out of your usual stuff, Yo.", "Yolanda: You know what? I need something, okay? Anything.", "Isaac: Did I say I wasn't gonna fix you up? I got something you're gonna like.", "Yolanda: Yeah?", "Isaac: Take you to a whole different plane of existence. It lasts for hours.", "Yolanda: I'll try anything, you know. As long as you don't cheat me on it, okay? I know I wanna get my money's worth.", "Isaac: Take it easy with this. It's got a real kick.", "Yolanda: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.", "Isaac: Later.", "Yolanda: Yeah.", "Devon: Hey, Mom.", "Yolanda: Devon! Don't sneak up on me like that.", "Devon: I just came down here to see how you were doing. Now tell me, are you staying clean?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Honey, here they come.", "Lily: Mom, Dad, I have something that I wanna say.", "Neil: Okay.", "Dru: We're listening.", "Lily: I don't wanna go to boarding school. And I hate that you made this deal with the D.A.", "Dru: We didn't have any choice, baby.", "Neil: Would you rather we let you go to juvenile detention?", "Lily: No. No. And as much as I don't wanna leave... (sighs) I realize that it's better than being locked up.", "Dru: Oh, I'm so glad. I'm so glad you understand this. Come sit down.", "Lily: And I know I messed up big time. You know, and a lot of parents would've just... given up on a kid who acted the way I did. But you guys came up with this plan because you care about me.", "Dru: Oh, baby, thank God you can see that.", "Lily: You know, I just... I hope someday that you'll come around about Daniel. You know, but after the stunts that I've pulled, there's really no reason for you to give him a chance.", "Neil: Then you do understand.", "Lily: I'm just so sorry, Dad. You know, I'm sorry I let you down. I don't want you to be ashamed of me.", "Neil: Sweetheart, shh. We're never ashamed of you.", "Dru: Never, baby. We love you.", "Lily: I know, I know, and that's why I'm gonna try really hard to make the best of this. You know, I'm gonna go to boarding school and get straight A's and try and prove myself to you and the judge.", "Dru: Good, honey, good.", "Lily: I'm just really gonna miss you.", "Dru: But it's not forever, honey.", "Neil: That's right. There'll be holidays, vacations.", "Dru: That's right, yes.", "Lily: And I know I don't say it, but... I really do appreciate all that you guys have done for me.", "Dru: Baby, we are so grateful that you're not fighting us on this.", "Lily: Will it do any good?", "Neil: Um, actually, I just got a call from the school, honey. We have to leave tonight.", "Lily: So soon?", "Neil: Yeah, I'm afraid so.", "Lily: (Sighs) guess I better go pack.", "Dru: All right, I'll go help you.", "Lily: No, no, it's okay. Stay here. I'm fine.", "Dru: Malcolm, I don't know how to thank you.", "Neil: Wow. How'd you get through to our girl, man?", "Malcolm: I just-- I appreciate you letting me talk to her like that.", "Neil: I don't know, man. You just-- you seem to have this way of reaching my daughter when no one else can. I don't know where it comes from. I appreciate you, and I'm glad the she has the relationship that she does with you.", "Malcolm: Well, that goes both ways. That little lady means more to me than I'll ever be able to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: I didn't realize you were sharing the place with someone else.", "Kevin: He's moving out soon. Thank God.", "Scott: Obviously not a friend.", "Kevin: The guy is a jerk.", "Scott: Well, why are you putting up with someone you don't like?", "Kevin: It's strictly a short-term thi-- (door opens)", "Tom: It's your lucky day, Kev. I'm grabbing my stuff and moving the hell out of this dump.", "Kevin: Good. 'Cause you've already overstayed your welcome.", "Tom: Who are you?", "Kevin: He's your replacement. Don't worry. I'll have the place fumigated after he's gone.", "Scott: No wonder you don't wanna live with him.", "Kevin: Yeah, sorry you had to see that.", "Kevin: Hallelujah! Go, Mikey! Nice!", "Scott: Mike-- you mean your brother? What did he have to do with it?", "Kevin: Oh, it's a long, long, ugly story. But the bastard is gone, and I am in the mood to celebrate so go unpack your stuff, and let's go have some fun.", "Scott: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: I haven't used, all right?", "Devon: Well, I am really proud of you, Mom. I am. Listen, I brought a friend. This is Sierra. Sierra, this is my mom Yolanda.", "Sierra: Hi.", "Yolanda: What, is this your girlfriend?", "Devon: No, I, uh, she's just my friend. Now are you all right today? Do you need anything?", "Yolanda: No, I'm fine. Um, I think that this is-- I'm gonna make it this time.", "Devon: That's great.", "Yolanda: Yeah.", "Devon: That's good, Mom. We're gonna go grab something to eat. How 'bout you come with us?", "Yolanda: No, no, I ate already. I just ate.", "Devon: All right, well, then you know what? How about we sit down and talk?", "Yolanda: No, Devon, I don't-- I don't need you to baby-sit me.", "Devon: I'm not trying to baby-sit you, Mom. I just wanna help you.", "Yolanda: If I'm gonna clean myself up, I'm probably gonna have to do it on my own. I mean, I'm sure that you and your friend here probably have better things to do. (Cell phone rings) (Ring)", "Devon: Hello.", "Dru: Devon, its Dru. Where are you?", "Devon: I'm with Sierra.", "Dru: All right, I want you to come home immediately and bring Sierra with you.", "Devon: What's going on?", "Dru: We're sending Lily to boarding school right away.", "Devon: We'll be right there.", "Sierra: Is everything okay?", "Devon: Uh, no, we need to go. Mom, I, uh, I'm gonna be back soon, okay?", "Yolanda: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Devon, sure.", "Devon: All right, bye-bye.", "Sierra: It was really nice meeting you.", "Yolanda: Yeah, it was nice meeting you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Sighs) God, Daniel, where are you? Hey, it's me, um, why is your phone turned off? Anyway, look, I need to see you, okay? So call me as soon as you get this. My parents are sending me a million miles away, and I'm leaving today. I love you. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Cassie never got a chance to tell me anything. And for the longest time I couldn't figure out what it was that she had to say to me.", "Nick: But you know now, don't you?", "Daniel: Yes, sir. I think I do.", "Nick: I do, too. There's only one thing that could've been that important. Cassie knew she might be dying. As hard as we tried to keep it from her, she knew. And she had to tell you that you weren't driving that night. So now that you know, does it make you feel better?", "Daniel: Yes, sir. Not--not better, but--", "Nick: It's okay. Finish what you were gonna say.", "Daniel: You have no idea what it feels like to think that you've done something so horrible-- taking another person's life.", "Nick: Well, maybe now after all is said and done, you and Cassie can have some peace. Because I don't think I ever will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Honey, it's gonna be okay.", "Dru: I know.", "Lily: So, um, I packed enough for a week. Will you just send me the rest of my stuff later?", "Dru: Of course, baby.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Lily, I want you to know how very proud I am of you.", "Lily: You shouldn't be.", "Malcolm: Well, I am. You think I don't know how hard this is for you?", "Lily: I'm just so scared. You know, 'cause I'm gonna be all alone.", "Malcolm: No, that's not true. You know anytime you feel the need, you can pick up the phone.", "Lily: It's not the same. I'm gonna miss you so much.", "Malcolm: I'm gonna miss the hell out of you, short stuff.", "Lily: I just want you to know that... you're so much more than an uncle to me. You're one of the best friends I have.", "Malcolm: Lily, I love you so much.", "Lily: I love you, too.", "Malcolm: I will always love you. You believe that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I wish I knew what to say to you, Mr. Newman. I know that \"sorry\" just doesn't seem like it's enough. But I am. I am so, so sorry.", "Nick: I believe you are, Daniel.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Daniel: For what?", "Nick: This is the first time I've been able to talk about this stuff. And it's with you, of all people.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: We did it, Michael. You were brilliant. You were... you were really brilliant.", "Michael: I was just following your lead.", "Gloria: We nailed him.", "Michael: But, you... wow. You really cut him to the quick. How'd you know what to say?", "Gloria: I was married to him. I think I know how to push his buttons.", "Michael: Yeah. So what was it like, telling him off like that?", "Gloria: It felt good. It felt really good.", "Michael: It took guts.", "Gloria: Not with you here. It was easy. I just wish Kevin had been here to see.", "Michael: Well, if it means that we never have to deal with that bastard again...", "Gloria: And after today, I think that's a real possibility, Michael... if he fell for it.", "Michael: Fell for what?", "Gloria: You know, uh, about telling John. Because I knew you were bluffing.", "Michael: No, I wasn't. That was for real. As soon as John gets home, we're both gonna tell him the truth about Tom Fisher.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Beer me. Whatever you got is fine. Wait, wait, wait a minute, make it a whiskey. Double.", "Sheila: (British accent) well, it would appear as though someone's having a very difficult day.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: Give me a chance to talk to him.", "Dru: Daniel? Absolutely not!", "Michael: The minute John comes through that door, we are gonna tell him the truth. Tom Fisher will be completely powerless.", "Tom: You must've crossed a few people in your time." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Mac fixes Lily some eggs but Lily tells her that she is not hungry. Cane urges Lily to eat to keep up her strength. Mac notices the tension between Lily and Cane and questions Lily about it . Mac reveals that there is some tension between herself and Billy, too. Jack and Billy meet. Billy tells Jack that he is glad to see Jack alive. Jack asks Billy had he heard about Mary Jane. Jeff, Gloria and Patty arrive at the Abbott cabin, but cannot find the key to the door. Gloria finally remembers where Jack usually left the key. Nick wakes up with a start. Nick apologizes to Sharon for waking her up. Sharon lets Nick know that he isn't the only one, who had been up all night. Nick knows that Phyllis had probably been up all night, too. At the Abbott cabin, Jeff takes a pic of Patty. Nick and Sharon discuss Noah transferring to Walnut Grove. Victor talks to Summer about her trip to Zurich. Phyllis blames Patty for Summer being in this shape. Phyllis senses Victor isn't' at all surprised to hear that Mary Jane is really Patty Williams. Nick insists on helping Sharon with the baby, but Sharon refuses. Phyllis questions Victor as to how Patty and Mary Jane were the same person. Victor lies and tells Phyllis that J.T. had told him. Phyllis reveals that it was Jack, who had told her about Victor's involvement with Mary Jane. Noah comes downstairs and questions Phyllis as to what she is doing here. Phyllis lets him know that she had come to say good-bye. Victor promises Phyllis that he will hunt Mary Jane down.", "Gloria tells Jeff to call Victor, but Jeff insists on calling Jack. Billy finds out that Mary Jane is really Patty and that Victor is behind this. Billy also lets Jack know that he hadn't' signed the divorce papers. Victor finds out from Phyllis that Nick is with Sharon. A woman tells the visitors that the lockdown is over. Nick assures Sharon that he will be back. Billy lets Mac know that he had signed the divorce papers. Mac tells Billy that he needs some alone time to find out what he really wants .Cane notices that Lily is burning up with fever. Jack visits Sharon and finds out that Nick knows the baby is his. Paul visits Victor and demands to know what Victor had done to Patty.", "" ]
[ "Mac: Depends on how good these eggs are.", "Lily: I'm not hungry.", "Cane: Sweetheart, you have to keep up your strength. I don't know what happened. She was so great after the chemo, and then all of a sudden, everything just went--", "Lily: Will you please not talk about me like I'm not here?", "Cane: I'm sorry. Um, do you mind hanging out for a little bit?", "Mac: Not at all, unless you want me to cover your shift at the bar.", "Cane: No, no. I need the cash. And, uh, Lily probably wants to get a break from my mug. Well, you know where to reach me.", "Mac: You could cut that with a knife. Did you two have a fight or something?", "Lily: It's just sometimes it just hits me-- all of the lies that he told. And the worse I feel because of the chemo, the harder it is to just let it go.", "Mac: I get it. It's like you've been betrayed, like you thought you knew him, and then-- and then you found out you didn't. Billy and I are in a funk ourselves lately.", "Lily: What happened?", "Mac: Just something that made me wonder if our happily-ever-after will ever come true.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey.", "Billy: Hey. Glad to see you're still alive.", "Jack: I take it you've heard about Mary Jane.", "Billy: Yeah, it's been all over the news. Did you get any hits on that $2 million reward you offered for her capture?", "Jack: Nope.", "Billy: So she's still out there, huh?", "Jack: Yeah, and that scares the hell outta me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Sighs) Oh, finally.", "Gloria: You know, we would have been here hours ago if you hadn't taken the wrong turn or refused to stop and ask somebody else for the right directions.", "Patty: Hey, where are we?", "Gloria: We are at the Abbott cabin.", "Patty: (Sighs) That makes perfect sense. Jack's gonna meet me here to renew our vows, isn't he?", "Gloria: That's right, Mary Jane-- aah! Patty. We brought you here for your wedding.", "Jeff: Yeah. Uh, give me your phone, sweet cheeks.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm.", "Jeff: And since the bride-to-be always wants a record of every moment leading up to the big event, say, \"Cheese.\"", "Patty: Cheese.", "Jeff: (Whispering) Reward money, here we come.", "(Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Damn! Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.", "Sharon: (Sighs) You're not the only one who's been awake all night.", "Nick: I'm sure Phyllis has been up, too.", "Sharon: Well, sorry.", "Nick: You didn't ask me to come.", "Sharon: No, but I'm glad you did. I mean, out of concern for Noah.", "Nick: So you're okay with him transferring back to Walnut Grove?", "Sharon: Well, how can I say no when I'm pretty much the reason this whole past year's been a nightmare for him?", "Nick: We're both to blame for what's happened with Noah.", "Sharon: Still, no one harassed him because you, uh, got arrested and sent to the psych ward.", "Nick: Well, hopefully, he'll get a fresh start. I'll let him know we're okay with the transfer, if I can ever get out of here. (Grunts) I mean, you'd think if somebody tried to escape, they would have caught them by now.", "Sharon: Yeah. You would think.", "Nick: I'm sure Phyllis and Summer are at the airport.", "Sharon: You know...", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Sharon: Maybe it would be better if you waited until she came back from the trip to tell her about the baby.", "Nick: Phyllis needs to know I'm the father. She deserves that. She needs to hear it from me... today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I know it's early, but, uh, she wanted to see her grandfather before we left, so that's why we're here.", "Victor: I heard you're going on a trip.", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Victor: You know, those doctors in Zurich, they're gonna make you better in no time at all.", "Phyllis: Yeah, that's what we hope.", "Victor: I'm so glad you came by, because I was about to bring you something, see? To keep you company on the plane. Come here. Take a look at this. There. Why don't you go open it, okay?", "Victor: (Sighs) Sit down.", "Victor: How is she doing?", "Phyllis: Well, three years ago, she would have been great.", "Victor: (Sighs) I'm sorry to hear that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it's very difficult.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Um, it's excruciating, actually...", "(Voice breaks)", "Victor: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Seeing, you know, my little girl regress like this, and the big girl she was is completely gone all because of Mary Jane or-- or, I don't know, is it Patty Williams?", "Victor: It breaks my heart to see her like this.", "Phyllis: You don't seem very shocked at me saying Patty Williams. Why is that, Victor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I understand you not wanting to keep this from Phyllis, but it's not like telling her changes anything.", "Nick: Sharon, this changes everything. I'm gonna be a part of that baby's life, and that means being a part of your life, helping you--", "Sharon: No. I-I don't need your help. Nick, we had a chance to raise this baby together. That's gone now.", "Nick: I will not allow my little girl to grow up without a father.", "Sharon: I would never deny you rights to your child.", "Nick: Sharon, you almost did. If I didn't overhear you speaking to your mother--", "Sharon: Okay, okay. I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just thought--", "Nick: That what? That I wouldn't be there?", "Sharon: No.", "Nick: Sharon, I would never, ever walk away from my child.", "Sharon: I know that.", "Nick: Then why would you do this?", "Sharon: Listen, you-- you know, okay? Does it matter? As much as I hated keeping the secret from you, it was almost easier when you didn't know. At least then I had some peace.", "Nick: Okay, so now I'm the bad guy for wanting an active role in my child's life?", "Sharon: You're not going to be playing that role alone. You have a wife and a daughter who are not going to be so eager to share you.", "Nick: It's gonna be hard in the beginning, yes.", "Sharon: But see? That's exactly what I don't want is hard. I-I'm done with all the of drama. I thought it was over with. Now I'm afraid we're right back where we started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'll be waiting. (Sighs) Where were we?", "Phyllis: Uh, well, I think you were about to tell me how it is you know that Patty Williams and Mary Jane Benson are the same person.", "Victor: Oh, well, J.T. told me.", "Phyllis: I-I-I was told that you--you've actually known her, and you're the one who brought her to Genoa City.", "Victor: Are you serious? I haven't laid eyes on that woman for years.", "Phyllis: You wouldn't be responsible for giving a woman a new identity and a new face? You wouldn't do anything like that.", "Victor: What are you talking about?", "Noah: Hey, guys. I thought I heard voices. What are you doing here so early?", "Phyllis: Um, we just wanted to say good-bye before we-- we go to Zurich.", "Noah: Oh, yeah, you're-- you're going to see a specialist.", "Victor: Yeah. Noah, would you kindly take Summer to the playroom?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Noah: Sure.", "Phyllis: I just want to undo all the damage that Mary Jane did to her.", "Noah: Hey, \"Sum-bum.\" What do you got here? Wow, looks like it teaches you how to zip, button and snap.", "Victor: Who told you that lie about me? Was it J.T.?", "Phyllis: It was Jack.", "Victor: Jack. Now you know that Jack wishes me nothing but harm.", "Phyllis: Please look at me and tell me it's not true. You were at the hospital. You were calling in specialists. You were holding my hand. You were at her bedside. Please tell me this isn't true.", "Victor: Do you honestly think that I would do any harm to my family intentionally? Hmm? I put a reward on Mary Jane Benson's head. If they don't find her, I'll hunt her down myself. And I'll get every last confession out of her about the crimes she has committed, you got that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: I thought you said you knew where it was.", "Gloria: You know, John always hid the key right over here.", "Patty: You know, wouldn't it be pretty to put little twinkly lights over the door? It would be so magical.", "Gloria: That's it.", "Jeff: What?", "Gloria: (Sighs) Jack always hid the mansion key above the doorjamb. He probably did the same darn thing here. Okay, come over here. Let me get on your shoulders.", "Patty: You know what, Kitty?", "Jeff: What are you nuts? I'll put my back out.", "Patty: I wish my other kitty was here to see this.", "Gloria: Fine! Then get something for me to stand on.", "Patty: He knows better than anyone how much I wanted this. But you know what? You're here to witness it.", "Jeff: Here you go.", "Gloria: (Groans)", "Patty: It's gonna be wonderful, Kitty. It will.", "Gloria: Well, could you at least stay here in case this stupid thing collapses?", "Jeff: Oh. (Laughs) I feel a little frisky with you in this position.", "Gloria: Stop it! If we don't find that key-- ah, finally. The key! Voilà! Aah!", "Jeff: Oh, jeez!", "Gloria: Oof!", "(Chuckles)", "Jeff: Oh, man, I really am getting ideas.", "(Laughs)", "Gloria: Stop it, lover man. Plenty of time for that later. Patty. Patty, oh, come on in. Honey, welcome home.", "Patty: Kitty! (Giggles) (Gasps) Oh, I remember. (Laughs) Oh, you know what? I bet that, um, there's something in the bedroom that I can make as a gown.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.", "Patty: Okay.", "Gloria: Okay, go on.", "Gloria: All right. What are you waiting for? Call Victor. Tell him we have the nutcase. It's time for him to give us our million.", "Jeff: Jack's offering a whole million more. If I call anybody, it's him.", "Gloria: I don't care if he offers $10 million. I am not gonna give him the satisfaction, and you aren't, either.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So you're telling me that Mary Jane Benson is actually Patty Williams, and that Victor Newman's behind this?", "Jack: He found out she had a score to settle with me, and he gave her the means to do it, only she came to town and wreaked havoc on the lives of everyone around me.", "Billy: You know what? Yeah, first he lets our sister unspool. Now he does this? You know, I-I got something--", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Billy. Billy, don't go off and make accusations against Victor Newman unless you got something to back it up. Believe me, it took him months, maybe longer, to set up this scheme. He covered his tracks.", "Billy: Well, come on, Jack. What are we supposed to do? Just sit here and take it?", "Jack: No. But we've gotta be smart, and the first thing we do is find Patty before he does. I offered $1 million more than Newman. That puts me first in line when Patty is found. Once she's in custody, I'm gonna find out what his connection to her is, and I'll use it as leverage to get our sister out of that hellhole.", "Billy: Well, you know, Jack, that does sound like a good plan, but it also sounds like it's gonna take a lot of time, and I would like our sister out of the hellhole--", "Jack: I've already got Traci working on our behalf. If anyone can get through to Ashley, Traci can.", "Billy: Okay, well, that might work, I mean, she--she does have some major powers of persuasion. You know, actually, I should probably get her to talk to Mac while she's here.", "Jack: Trouble in paradise?", "Billy: She's a little miffed about the mediation.", "Jack: Ooh, let me guess-- Chloe won't sign the papers?", "Billy: Well, a-actually, it was me who didn't sign them...", "Jack: Wait a minute.", "Billy: At first, anyway.", "Jack: I thought you wanted this divorce.", "Billy: Oh, I did. I-I do, okay? It was just-- look, I looked across the table, and I saw Chloe, and I started remembering the good times, and--", "Jack: Given that you were dragged kicking and screaming into this marriage, were there any good times?", "Billy: (Sighs) It wasn't all bad. Anyway, I-I thought about Delia and--and-- and her growing up in a broken home--", "Jack: Yeah, that gets the best of us. I assume you eventually signed it, right?", "Billy: I love Mac. I had a lapse. It's done. It's over. They're signed.", "Jack: Are you sure?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: The one thing that I've been 100% sure about since I've been back is that Billy wanted to be with me... until he didn't sign the divorce papers.", "Lily: Well, if Billy is having second thoughts, then it's only because of Cordelia.", "Mac: It's not like Chloe was keeping her from him, or threatening to keep her from him. If I'm the love of his life, why not jump at the chance to be free?", "Lily: (Sighs) Well, knowing Chloe like I do, I would not be surprised if she pulled some last-minute guilt trip.", "Mac: I wish that I could blame Chloe. But I know Billy. This was his call. I shouldn't be surprised. It's clear that they have a connection that goes beyond Delia. They have the same tastes, the same twisted sense of humor. They just-- the get each other on a level that he and I just don't.", "Lily: Well, that doesn't mean that he wants to be with her.", "Mac: But maybe he does, and he doesn't even know it. I knew that Chloe would be in our lives because of Delia. I accepted that. But knowing Billy's having second thoughts about ending their marriage? That changes everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I need you to tell me. I need you to tell me if you did this.", "Victor: Phyllis, you have to understand, no one knew what that woman was capable of, all right? So don't you worry your pretty head about it anymore.", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Victor: Okay?", "Phyllis: I've just-- I-I've been in pieces since Jack told me about this.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: And I can't talk to Nick about it, because he's in lockdown with Sharon at that psych hospital.", "Victor: He's--he's where?", "Noah: He's what?", "Phyllis: He, um, I-it-- I mean, it's not what you think. He's just--he went to go talk to your mom about you, and then there was a security breach, and no one could get in and out. They locked everything down.", "Victor: How long has it been since you talked to Nicholas?", "Phyllis: Last night, but the-- the connection was really bad.", "(Sighs)", "Victor: He's in a psych ward?", "Phyllis: Yeah, with Sharon.", "Victor: This is insane. Let me see what I can find out.", "Phyllis: Where's Summer?", "Noah: Uh, Abby woke up, and they're playing.", "Phyllis: All right. I should get her.", "Noah: Hey, I know you're freaked out about Mom and Dad being together, and I don't blame you one bit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Okay, yes, I made some mistakes. But I would like to bring this baby into the world with as little turmoil as possible.", "Nick: The last thing I want to do is add any stress to her life or yours. But, Sharon, I cannot gloss over the fact that Phyllis and I have been rebuilding our lives based on the assumption that this baby is not mine.", "Sharon: And you would have carried on with that assumption had you not been eavesdropping.", "Nick: Well, thank God I did, Sharon, because now I know the truth. Look, I'm gonna be there for the remainder of this pregnancy. I don't care if that cramps your style or not. I just don't care.", "Sharon: I never said that.", "Nick: I knew the entire time that that baby was mine. I knew it. And you not only lied to me, you did it on the heels of Summer being in a coma. You knew I was in hell. You knew that-- you knew Summer needed my full attention. Oh, my God. That's why you did it. You knew that Summer needed me, and you didn't want to be in the way of that. I'm right, aren't I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Crowing)", "Gloria: Wake up Jack's not the only one who's lived to screw us over. Or did you forget how Victor left us high and dry in the Caymans?", "Jeff: At least Jack made sure we got home.", "Gloria: On a cattle boat.", "Jeff: (Sighs) Wasn't so bad.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Oh, come on, Jeffry. I just can't stand it when that arrogant upstart gets what he wants.", "Jeff: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This isn't about Jack. It's about his father, the great John Abbott, the only man you've ever truly loved.", "Gloria: What?", "Jeff: I saw your face out there when we got to this place. You were probably remembering how much better your life was with him, and now you're punishing me for not giving you that life by insisting that we do everything your way. Well, if you'd just listen to me and take Jack's $2 mil, I guarantee you you'd never go hungry again!", "Jeff: What'd you do that for?", "Gloria: How dare you stoop so low as to bring the name of, yes, my dear, departed, dead husband into this so you can get what you want?", "Patty: Hey, look at what I found! I could make this into a really lovely veil, huh? I just need a little bit of needle and thread. You stay here, Kitty Kitty. I'll be right back.", "(Giggles)", "Gloria: Call Victor.", "Jeff: Jack.", "Gloria: Victor.", "Jeff: Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Listen, I know your heart is with Mac right now, but is it possible you're still in love with Chloe?", "Billy: Look, I wouldn't call it love, all right? I-- you know what, man? Even at her most \"Stalkerish,\" I wouldn't kick the girl out of bed, you know what I mean? The--I don't know. The girl gets to me.", "Jack: Well, you better figure out why before you commit to Mac. Last thing you need is to be turned on by your ex every time you go to see your daughter.", "Billy: Yeah. So, uh, how's it going for you being separated from the mother of your kid?", "Jack: Uh, even though it is definitely over for Sharon and me, I am absolutely committed to this little girl, being there for her no matter what.", "Billy: And that's enough?", "Jack: You know how much I want this child. Nothing could make me any happier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Lockdown has ended. All visitors are free to leave at this time.", "Nick: I can't believe I didn't see it.", "Sharon: I didn't want you to.", "Nick: No. You wanted me to believe that Jack was the father, because you wanted Summer to have her daddy's full attention. And you didn't want Phyllis to have to go through a mother's worst nightmare alone, like you did.", "Sharon: Nick--", "Nick: You knew how much I regretted it that I wasn't there for you after Cassie died, so you let me go.", "Sharon: I couldn't watch you beat yourself up like that again.", "Nick: And then you watched me and Phyllis get back together. You never said anything, even after you were arrested for stealing that ring, the exact same ring that I gave Phyllis.", "Sharon: Nick, please. (Sighs) None of this matters now, okay?", "Nick: It must have killed you to hear that we renewed our vows knowing you had given up so much. I-I-- you never tried to explain yourself to maybe help your case. You just kept quiet.", "Sharon: Stop it, all right? I-I'm not that noble, not by a long shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Um, okay, I'm not gonna lie to you. I mean, I don't, like, love the idea of your parents in lockdown together, right?", "Noah: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: But, you know, I trust my husband. I made that decision, and that's what I'm gonna keep doing.", "Noah: I didn't mean to stir up trouble.", "Phyllis: You didn't. You didn't. Don't worry about it, really. I mean, after everything that's happened, Noah, I mean, it's natural to be a little freaked out. And--and it's also natural for you to want your parents back together. I think every kid does.", "Noah: I used to, all right? Now I just want everybody to get their acts together so you and Jack and my mom and dad can stop hurting each other.", "Phyllis: Oh, I want that, too. Believe me. I want that, too.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: All right? If I learned anything these last few months, it's I can only control what I do. You know, I can only control my actions and the way I feel. What other people do, it's up to them, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Don't let me off the hook by praising what I did. I not only lied to you and Phyllis, but I lied to Jack. I let him believe that he was gonna be the one thing that he wanted more than anything in this world, and when he found out the truth...", "Nick: Look, I feel sorry for Jack. I really do. But, Sharon, you are not the bad guy that you think you are, and you sure as hell don't belong in here, so I'm gonna do everything I can to get you out of here sooner.", "Sharon: No, don't.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Sharon: I-I need to be here. It--it's just allowed me to really focus on myself without worrying about other people's expectations, and I needed that more than I realized.", "Nick: Sharon, I-- I don't want to leave you here.", "Sharon: Well, that's not up to you. Noah and Faith deserve a strong mother, someone who doesn't need others to hold her up, someone with a level head who puts their needs above her own, and I really think that if I stay here and I see this through, I can be that mother.", "Nick: Look, if someone would have told me you would fight me about getting you out of here, I--", "Sharon: I'm just not ready. And you need to focus on your wife and your child like you have been doing. You know, in a weird way, keeping the paternity from you that day was a gift to you and to me at the same time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Can you really blame someone for hesitating when there's so much at stake?", "Mac: You tell me.", "Lily: No, Cane lying about who he was is completely different than Billy not signing those divorce papers.", "Mac: He lied because he didn't want to lose you.", "Lily: So that just excuses it, and I should just forget about what he did?", "Mac: No, but you could forgive him. He wanted a family, and he never planned on you coming into the picture. Whether he's Phillip Chancellor III or Cane Ashby, you're the love of his life.", "Lily: Well, if that's true, then how could he keep up the lie when Chloe got pregnant, knowing that it would mean losing me?", "Mac: If he hadn't married Chloe, the lie would have come out, and he would have lost you anyway.", "Lily: (Sighs) I guess I never thought of it that way.", "Mac: Yeah, well, you shouldn't be thinking about it at all.", "Lily: Right, because denial is so much healthier.", "Mac: I saw a lot of really sick people in Darfur, and the ones that could see the silver lining despite the hell they were living in always had the best outcome. You're gonna have plenty of time to hold things against Cane after you're done fighting cancer. For now, be grateful that you have a guy who will do anything to put a smile on your face. Don't tell me you had to close because the A.C. went out again.", "Cane: No, it was just, uh, really slow, and I didn't-- I didn't want you to have to pay for two bartenders.", "Mac: And you don't need two people hovering over you. I don't want to give you my germs. Think about what I said.", "Cane: So I'm gonna go wash up, and then, uh, do you want to watch a movie or something?", "Lily: (Sighs) Before we do, I need to clear the air.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How are you feeling? Do you need anything?", "Sharon: No. I'm fine. You should go. I can't imagine the state Phyllis must be in.", "Nick: Yeah, hopefully, I can still catch them. (Sighs) Everything's gonna work out. I can still be a husband to Phyllis and a father to Summer and raise this baby with you.", "Sharon: My head's spinning just thinking about it.", "Nick: You won't have to feel alone anymore. I promise you that.", "Sharon: I haven't been alone. I'm with our little girl.", "Nick: I'll be back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Give me a big hug. There we go. All right, Sweetheart, you have a good trip, okay?", "Adam: I thought I heard voices.", "Victor: That's right. Phyllis and Summer are just leaving.", "Noah: Come on. Come on.", "Victor: There we go.", "Noah: (Growls)", "Summer: (Giggles)", "Noah: You have a good flight.", "Victor: (Chuckles) (Sighs) This nightmare will end. I'll make sure, okay? Let me take you out.", "Phyllis: Okay, let's go.", "Noah: What do you say? Bye.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Victor: How exciting-- an airplane.", "Phyllis: Bye, Victor.", "Victor: My goodness.", "Noah: (Sighs)", "Victor: A jet airplane. Wow. Okay.", "Adam: Noah, are you still there?", "Noah: Yeah, I'm here.", "Adam: So, um, you haven't been around much lately.", "Noah: Well, I've been busy gearing up for school.", "Adam: Mm. You know, I heard about your, uh, about your mom. I'm sorry.", "Noah: Thanks.", "Adam: Yeah, some of those places aren't so bad, though, are they?", "Noah: Well, hers isn't a total snake pit. Later.", "Victor: Now listen, Bardwell. If you want that prize I have for you, you better answer your damn phone next time I call, all right? Now listen carefully again. I want that package you have gone from Genoa City as soon as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: I'm the man in this relationship, and I'll make the decisions.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Yeah, right. (Snaps fingers) You got a coin?", "Jeff: What?", "Gloria: We're gonna flip for it. You got one little itty-bitty coin left, don't you?", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Call it.", "Jeff: Tails. Yes! (Laughs)", "Gloria: Damn.", "Jeff: Now I'll send a picture of \"Bridezilla\" as proof we have her, and Jack'll turn over the $2 mil. Oh, no.", "Gloria: What?", "Jeff: No signal. I'm gonna have to drive down the road to make the call. Once we dump that loon off to the highest bidder, there'll be no more blue plate specials for the Bardwells.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: You said you had news?", "Billy: Yes, I do. I signed the divorce papers. (Clears throat) I'm free.", "Mac: Are you sure you want to be?", "Billy: It was a moment. It passed.", "Mac: Right, but you still had it, and I think that maybe you should figure out why.", "Billy: No, I don't. I love you.", "Mac: I know, but I just-- I can't commit myself to someone who doesn't know what they want.", "Billy: Come on. I want you.", "Mac: Yeah, today. Today, you do. But what about tomorrow? You need to be alone, Billy. You need some serious alone time.", "Billy: (Scoffs)", "Mac: No exes, no hookups, no first loves. Just--just Billy with Billy. It's the only way you're ever gonna know what you want and who you are.", "Billy: I don't want to be alone.", "Mac: Yeah. That's exactly why you need to be.", "Billy: (Stammers) Man.", "(Clears throat)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I know things have been tense lately.", "Cane: Look, if I could go back and undo that marriage to Chloe—", "Lily: You can't.", "Cane: Still, you have every right to be angry.", "Lily: Yeah, but I can't be. Not now. I-I need to focus on staying positive to get through this chemo, and I need you to help me do that.", "Cane: I'm not going anywhere.", "Cane: Lily, you're burning up.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: Come in.", "Jack: Hi. Look, I told you I n-- wasn't gonna stop by, but Patty's on the loose again.", "Sharon: Patty?", "Jack: Oh, gee. God, that's right. You don't even know. Um, Mary Jane isn't Mary Jane at all. The truth is, she's Patty Williams.", "Sharon: Paul's sister?", "Jack: And my ex-wife.", "Sharon: The woman who shot you?", "Jack: Yeah, and when that didn't do the trick, she decided to take out her upset on everyone that was close to me. Look, for the first time, I'm actually glad you are here. This way, I know you and the baby are safe from this psycho stalker, and she can't do to you what she did to Summer.", "Sharon: And what about you?", "Jack: Me? Oh, don't worry about me. I can put up with Mary Jane and everything else. Nothing's gonna stop me from being a father to this baby.", "Sharon: Um, Jack...", "Jack: What? What's wrong?", "Sharon: Nick was here earlier, and he knows that the baby's his.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Phyllis? Phyllis, you home?", "Nick: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, pretty girl. All right, Sweetie. Right there. Oh, good girl. Sit right there. Okay, listen. (Sighs) I think we left Mr. Ears in the car. Yeah, sorry. You can play with this doll, I'll try to get it. It doesn't look like your daddy's gonna make it. It's fine. It's fine. I-I'm gonna set up one of those, um, those computer cameras so he can see your pretty face.", "Summer: May I see Daddy now?", "Phyllis: Um, I-I don't think he's gonna make it, but its fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Finally. (Sighs) What do you mean, \"Service suspended due to delinquent account\"? (Sighs) Aah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Oh, I see you made a veil. You're going to be a beautiful bride.", "Patty: Only there isn't gonna be a wedding, is there? You shouldn't have tricked me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Victor?", "Victor: Yeah, right here.", "Adam: So I heard on the news that, uh, Mary Jane Benson's still at large.", "Victor: Yeah, not for long.", "Adam: I hope not. She clearly has no grip on reality. She's the kind of person who would say or do anything just to slip through the system. I'm just glad that Ashley is here at home where we can keep any eye on her. She's safe. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to her because of that nut job, you know?", "Victor: Yeah, I don't want to discuss Mary Jane Benson anymore, all right?", "Paul: Victor! Victor!", "(Pounding on door)", "Victor: What the hell is this? What--what are you doing?", "Paul: What the hell did you do to my sister?!", "Victor: I beg your pardon.", "Paul: I want to know what the hell you did to my sister!", "(Door closes)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: This is not the way that I wanted Nick to find out. Things are going to change.", "Patty: Aah!", "Gloria: You are hurting me.", "Nick: Before you get on that plane, there's some things you need to know." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "As they move into their new home, Victoria tells Billy that what this home needs is children. Mac gets Reed ready for school, but he reminds her of the special breakfast. Mac agrees to make him French toast with bananas. J.T. offers to help Mac with breakfast. Esther takes a pic of Chloe, Kevin and Delia. Jana interrupts and tells Kevin that he is there to pick up her paycheck .Kevin offers her a job at the coffeehouse until she finds something else, but she refuses. Kevin asks her if she signed the divorce papers, but she feels that it is hard to let go. Philip tells Chance that he doesn't know for sure how long he'll be in town, because he has to clear up some things with Cane. Nina tells Chance to go back to Australia with Philip but Chance refuses and assures her that this drug thing will soon be over. Sid tells Ronan that he has a big scene coming up but the other guys want to meet him first. Heather interrupts them and doesn't buy that they were discussing baseball. Ronan asks for Heather's help, but she reminds him of all the things that he did to her and Chance. Ronan asks Heather to spy on Chance. Jana volunteers for a job at the school in the arts department on the promise that if everything works out, she will be hired permanently. A deal is reached between Jana and the woman. Billy stops by the Chancellors to check on Delia before she goes to school. Billy lets Chloe know that he and Victoria are moving into their new home. Chloe already knows, since Kevin had filled her in. Victoria visits Reed to see if he is ready for his first day of school. Philip assures him that when this all is cleared up, Chance may be able to get back with Chloe. Chance has his doubts about their relationship since she gave him back his ring. Nina lets Chance know that she doesn't like Chloe, but she doesn't want to see Chance hurt. Jill leaves Chance to go and see Delia before her first day of school. Philip, Kay, Nina and Murphy are all gathered at the Chancellor mansion. Murphy tells everyone that he fought some of his hardest battles since he came home. Heather refuses to help Ronan spy on Chance.", "" ]
[ "Billy: Everybody, get out of the way. New homeowners are comin' through!", "Victoria: (sighs) Home, sweet home.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: I can't believe this! This is great.", "Man: This one's not marked. Where do you want it?", "Victoria: Oh, that one? Uh, oh, our room.", "Together: Our room.", "Billy: Our room, our room.", "Victoria: Our room.", "Billy: Our fun room.", "Victoria: Our fun room.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "Billy: I can't believe we're doing this.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know.", "Billy: We got the house, the movers, the white picket fence, the whole nine yards.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: You--", "Victoria: Now that we're here, I don't know, this house seems kind of big, and it seems kind of quiet.", "Billy: Yeah, well, we'll fix that as soon as Delia and Reed get here, right? Right?", "Victoria: Right. You know what this house needs? It needs... it needs kids.", "Billy: It needs kids? Well, Reed's gonna come over after school today.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I can't believe summer's already over. It's the first day of school.", "Billy: Yeah. Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Reed is growing up so fast. I feel like I've missed it all.", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're gonna take care of this little custody problem. It's gonna be fine.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know. I know. Just meanwhile, I wasn't able to get my son ready for school today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Okay, I got snacks, cap, favorite stuffed animal. Am I forgetting anything?", "Reed: Um, my first day of school special breakfast.", "J.T.: Oh, that's right-- French toast with sliced bananas on top.", "Mac: Oh, yum. You know what would be awesome? If you helped me make it. So go get the milk and eggs out of the fridge, okay?", "J.T.: (Chuckles) Oh, wow. Thanks.", "Mac: You haven't tasted my French toast.", "J.T.: (Chuckles) That's true.", "Mac: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Kevin, why don't you get in, and I'll take a picture of the three of you, okay?", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Esther: (Chuckles) Great. Okay, here we go.", "Chloe: It's okay. This one's gonna be fun.", "Esther: Okay, say \"Cheese.\"", "Kevin: Limburger.", "Chloe: Cheese. (Laughs)", "Esther: (Laughs) Limburger. There we go. Ooh, that's good. (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Esther: (Whispering) Should we look at the picture of us?", "Kevin: Hey, Jana.", "Jana: Special occasion?", "Kevin: Um, well, it's, uh, Delia's first day at Tiny Tots.", "Jana: Oh. I'm surprised Billy's not here.", "Kevin: I think he's, uh, gonna meet them there. I'm just fillin' in for now.", "Jana: Oh. That, uh, lovely little day care and preschool, the one on, uh, Hawthorne Street, yeah?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. (Chuckles) I can't tell who's more nervous-- Delia or Chloe. (Chuckles)", "Jana: Well, I won't keep you.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jana: I just came to pick up my last paycheck.", "Kevin: Have, uh, have you found a new job yet?", "Jana: Not yet.", "Kevin: I mean, you can keep working here, uh, un-until you do.", "Jana: Thanks. That's really generous of you, but I think this is for the best.", "Kevin: Um, hey, so have you had a chance to, uh, to sign those divorce papers yet?", "Jana: (Sighs) Uh... well, you see, my hand just refuses to cooperate. (Sighs) It's really hard letting go.", "Kevin: I understand. You know what Chloe always says?", "Jana: (Sighs) That your skirt can never be too short or too tight? (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Uh, no, no. She says, um, she says life is like a closet. You know, there are some things that you can keep forever, and other things that you have to get rid of when they don't fit anymore. Let me grab your check.", "Chloe: Where's his nose?", "Esther: Where's his nose? (Gasps)", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Esther: You're smart.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: Uh, I'm not sure.", "Chance: So, Phillip, how long you back for?", "Phillip: Uh, I'm not sure. I've gotta work some things out with Cane, and I want to make sure that the problems you're having at work are cleared up before I take off.", "Nina: Hey, you know, you should go back to Australia with your dad. You could get to know one another.", "Chance: Mom... (Sighs)", "Nina: You can't blame me for trying. I'm worried about you.", "Chance: Yes, this drug mess'll be cleared up soon.", "Nina: Why? What are you gonna do?", "Chance: Well, all you need to know is that I have found a way to end it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: You talk to your people?", "Sid: Got a big score comin' up. I could use an extra pair of hands. The other guys want to meet you first.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm. You just give me a time and a place, and I'll be there.", "Heather: My two favorite cops.", "Sid: I'll get back to you about the Cubs game. You know, the Mets are in town this weekend.", "Ronan: I'll be waiting to hear from you.", "Sid: Ms. Stevens.", "Heather: You expect me to believe you were talking about baseball?", "Ronan: You want some coffee?", "Heather: I want to know why you called me here.", "Ronan: I need your help.", "Heather: And you figured since you helped me out so much, that I would jump at the chance to return the favor.", "Ronan: And I understand that you're upset right now, but this is bigger--", "Heather: You forced me to lie to Chance. You tricked me into trusting you, and you cost me my job, all in the name of protecting Chance and solving your case, neither of which you've done.", "Ronan: But I'm close now. That's why I need you to do this for me.", "Heather: What is it you want me to do? Lie? Cheat? Steal?", "Ronan: Spy... on Chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Liza: You've certainly led an interesting life.", "Jana: Mm. I love new experiences.", "Liza: You've got plenty in the field of art, more than enough to qualify you for the position.", "Jana: So you'll hire me?", "Liza: This job requires a very special kind of person.", "Jana: Okay, I-I'll tell you what, how about I volunteer for a week, uh, or two? And if everything works out, you hire me.", "Liza: Deal.", "Jana: Great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey! Where's my little girl? There she is. Look at you. Look at you.", "Esther: Hey, daddy.", "Billy: First day of toddler school and all grown up. Look who's growin' up so fast.", "Chloe: Why don't you tell daddy that's what most people do?", "Esther: (Chuckles)", "Billy: (Chuckles) Why don't you tell mommy she's a--", "Esther: Come on, Delia. Let's go show you the fishies.", "Billy: (Chuckles) Hello.", "Esther: Show me the fishies.", "Chloe: I thought you were, uh, were gonna get here early. We were gonna do pictures together.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm sorry. I tried, but we've been moving into our new house.", "Victoria: Yes. (Sighs)", "Chloe: Oh, well, that's okay. Kevin filled in for you.", "Victoria: Delia looks really cute. Her dress is really adorable.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) I know. It's very cute. Thankfully, she has my fashion sense, and unfortunately, she has her father's attention span. You know, one minute, she wants one thing, and the next minute, she just wants a whole another thing. Kids... (Chuckles)", "Billy: It's good to see you.", "Reed: Mommy!", "Victoria: (Gasps) Hi, Baby! Hello. Ooh. Are you ready for your first day of school?", "Reed: Me and Mac made special French toast.", "Victoria: Oh. Well, I am so glad that you didn't have to miss your first day of school special breakfast.", "Billy: Hey, little buddy, um, seeing that its Delia's first day of school, do you mind keeping an eye on her for me? Hmm? Hmm? Thank you.", "Victoria: And after school, you're gonna come over to our new house, and you're gonna run around, and you're gonna play in the backyard, and you are going to be spending a lot of time there. What do you think about that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Promise me you won't do anything dangerous.", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Phillip: Oh, we gotta trust him, Nina.", "Nina: I can't stand to lose you.", "Chance: Mom, and I wouldn't be able to face you or myself if I didn't do this. Do you understand?", "Nina: Yeah, I understand. I just--I don't like it, but I understand.", "Phillip: When things settle, maybe you can get back with Chloe?", "Chance: Yeah, I don't, uh, see that happening. She gave my ring back.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Chance: (Sniffles)", "Nina: I'm sorry.", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "Nina: No, I am. I mean, I don't like Chloe, but I love you, and I hate to see you hurt.", "Jill: Well, I have to run. I promised Billy that I'd be there for Delia's first day at Tiny Tots.", "Chance: Give her a kiss for me?", "Jill: Yeah, I will, Sweetie.", "Chance: Thank you.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Nina: I'll get that.", "Kay: Well, thank you, Nina. (Sighs) Well, I bet you thought, uh, life was going to be nice and peaceful when you got back from Iraq, didn't you?", "Phillip: (Chuckles)", "Murphy: You know, I fought some of my toughest battles after I got back from Korea.", "(Front door closes)", "Murphy: Every one of them made me stronger.", "Paul: So I really don't have much to, uh, to-- oh, I can come back.", "Nina: No, no. Um, come on in. Katherine already knows, and it's about time everyone else did, too. Uh, Paul has been looking for my son, your brother, and we may have a lead that will help us find him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You expect me to spy on Chance? You've lost it completely.", "Ronan: I'm about to bust this case wide-open.", "Heather: Are you listening? We're not on the same team anymore. You got me fired.", "Ronan: You were screwing things up.", "Heather: I would tell you to go to hell, but I think you're already a shoo-in for that.", "Ronan: I'm about to get on the inside of this drug ring. And, Heather, these people are smart and dangerous. One wrong move from here, one stupid jerk sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, and this investigation will be dead, and me along with it.", "Heather: What makes you think I give a damn?", "Ronan: Because I'm good at reading people.", "Heather: Well, you missed by a mile on Chance. He's not stupid or a jerk.", "Ronan: No, you're right. He's just a pain in the ass. Um, he's been suspended, you've been fired, and he still won't let this go.", "Heather: Would you if someone framed you? As much as you bitch and moan, you and Chance are actually a lot alike.", "Ronan: Let's stick to you helping me, okay?", "Heather: That's a short conversation--no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Here you go.", "Gloria: Keep the change.", "Kevin: Mom, in all the years I've owned this place, you've never once paid for a cup of coffee.", "Gloria: Yeah, well, I only take advantage of my children when they can afford it. (Chuckles)", "Kevin: It freaks me out when your maternal instincts kick in. Nonetheless, thanks. Every little bit helps.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. How bad are things around here, Angel? (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Sighs) Scale of 1 to 10? I'd say 20. But they were 30 before Mac stepped in and agreed to be my partner.", "Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jana's the one who should be helping you. She made this mess-- taking a loan out on this place, plus runnin' up your credit cards. (Scoffs)", "Kevin: And--and she feels really bad about that.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah, \"Feels bad\" doesn't pay down the debts.", "Kevin: Well, she doesn't have a job right now. She doesn't have any money.", "Gloria: Maybe she should think about getting a job, unless she's crazy enough to think you're gonna support her. Huh?", "Kevin: Honestly, I don't know what to expect from that girl these days.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Liza: Look who's back! Reed, did you have a nice summer?", "J.T.: Yeah, we had a fantastic summer.", "Liza: That's great. Delia! Are you ready for your first day?", "Esther: Yeah.", "Chloe: Uh, DeeDee and I coming together, and--and the play dates are gonna make the separation a lot easier for the both of us. (Chuckles)", "Liza: Reed, why don't you and Delia come with me and meet the new teacher?", "Victoria: Oh, that's a good idea.", "Chloe: Oh, I don't-- I don't know about that.", "Esther: I-I-I'll go with them. I'll go. Yeah.", "Cordelia: (Babbles)", "Billy: Thanks, Ess. Appreciate it.", "Esther: Okay, let's go with Reed.", "Chloe: (Exhales deeply)", "Billy: Hey. (Clears throat) Are you okay?", "Chloe: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Yes, I'm fine.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Chloe: How are you?", "Billy: I'm fine. I mean, it's a little weird. I mean, she's not a baby anymore, but...", "Liza: Everyone, meet our new art teacher, Miss Jana.", "Jana: Oh, there's your mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Okay, so once I was able to find out that Nina's son's name was Aidan Lansing and that he was raised in Lakeside, I was able to track down people who actually knew him, and, uh, well, the people who bought him on the black market and raised him.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Nina: And one of them gave us a photo of Aidan's grade school football team.", "Paul: I have a friend who's a forensic photographer. I have a call into him. Hopefully, he'll be able to enhance the photo and age-progress Aidan's image for us.", "Chance: You've been talking about my brother a lot lately. I just figured it was because it was his birthday. I didn't actually think you were looking for him.", "Nina: You have been going through so much, you know, with Chloe and the investigation. I didn't--", "Chance: Mom, you know that if you needed me, I would be there.", "Kay: Well, that speaks for Murphy and me, also.", "Murphy: Yeah, absolutely.", "Nina: I'm so glad you don't think I'm crazy for doing this after all these years.", "Kay: Nonsense. You're a mother looking for a lost child.", "Nina: I just can't stop thinking about it.", "Kay: And you never will. One word of advice-- you, uh, may not find him the way you expect.", "Nina: I-I just want to know he's all right, you know? And to tell him that I wanted to keep him.", "Phillip: Yeah, well, a-all he's gotta see is how good you did with this guy here, and he's gonna know that.", "Kay: Of course.", "Nina: If I could go back, I would fight so much harder to keep him, you know?", "Paul: Come on. Don't do that to yourself.", "Kay: No, no, I agree with Paul. Nina, look at me. Sweetheart, you can't go back. No, all you can do is look forward.", "Nina: Hopefully to a-- a f--future with my son, with both my sons. (Chuckles)", "Kay: There you go.", "Chance: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Hey, this isn't me versus Chance.", "Heather: No contest there. You're not half the man Chance is.", "Ronan: (Laughs) Well, that's good. That's great. Chance is a hero, and we can pin a purple heart on him after he gets himself killed.", "Heather: You need new material. This \"Gloom and doom\" stuff? It's getting old.", "Ronan: You know that you prosecutors are all alike? You sit in your offices behind your desks while the real law enforcement officers do the dirty work out here where crimes get solved. Bad things happen. People get killed, and trust me, it never gets old.", "Heather: Why don't you take your FBI badge and your gritty experience and go back to Washington? Or anyplace where I never have to see you again.", "Ronan: Come here. You're gonna help me, whether you want to or not.", "Heather: Don't push me around just because you have an FBI badge and a gigantic ego to go along with it.", "Ronan: Listen to me right now, okay? I have a case to solve, and if you don't step up...", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: A 2-year federal investigation's gonna go down the tubes here.", "Heather: All you care about is your precious case, rounding up the bad guys. \"Oh, oops, sorry, lost a few of the good ones in my wake. Eh, collateral damage.\"", "Ronan: That's right. It happens.", "Heather: I don't want anything to do with it.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Heather: If I'm on anybody's side, it's Chance's. Oh, maybe I should go, uh, fill him in on what you're up to.", "Ronan: I can imagine how he's gonna thank you for that. That only happens once.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: An envelope under the door? That's how we're gonna go ahead and call off our engagement?", "Chloe: Well, when I dropped that off, you were really busy.", "Chance: You heard me and Heather.", "Chloe: I didn't want to spoil the fun. You know, sex is just so much more exciting when you're doing it behind your fiancée's back.", "Chance: Right. Chloe, you have every right to be upset.", "Chloe: Oh, I'm not.", "Chance: Okay, hurt.", "Chloe: No. Nope.", "Chance: You-- Chloe, listen to me. I know that you're not gonna believe this, but... (Sighs) I love you.", "Chloe: Call me a sucker, but I... I know.", "Chance: Then will you take this back?", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Chance: Please.", "Chloe: No. God, no. I'm not that much of a sucker. No. No, if I were to accept anyone's apology, it would--it would be yours. You know, I-I know that you really mean it, but, no.", "Chance: Yeah, I'll never forgive myself for hurting you.", "Chloe: Please, please, please. I cannot handle self-flagellation on my behalf, okay?", "Chance: Chloe, listen to me. You changed my life, everything about it.", "Chloe: I know. It was fun. But you don't owe me for that.", "Chance: I thought this... this right here, I thought this meant forever.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Look, I know I'm... I'm not gonna be your last. But I'm really glad to know that I was your first.", "Chance: Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Quite a shock, huh? Jana working at Reed's school.", "Mac: Yeah, I didn't see that coming.", "J.T.: (Sighs) It makes you wonder where her life is heading.", "Mac: Well, sometimes you don't know, and you just keep moving forward and hope that you're gonna end up where you're supposed to, which sometimes is right where you started.", "J.T.: Come here. (Sighs) I screwed up before. But that's not gonna happen again, all right? I promise.", "Mac: As long as we are 100% open and honest with each other, everything's gonna be fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: The boxes have been recycled. They're all just folded up in nice little tight bundles in our brand-new recycling bin. And now there's just one little thing we need to do before we're officially moved in.", "Victoria: It's not so little, though. It's not so little.", "Billy: Oh, thank you, Baby, I appreciate that.", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "Billy: But no, we can do that after we do this.", "Victoria: Okay. Does it involve the stuffed pig?", "Billy: No.", "Victoria: No?", "Billy: The camera. I want to take pictures.", "Victoria: You want to take pictures?", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: You want to take pictures?", "Billy: Not those type of pictures, you little freak. I want to take pictures of you and me in our house...", "Victoria: Oh.", "Billy: On the very first day, okay?", "Victoria: Oh, okay.", "Billy: Good. Do you have your camera? Is it still in your purse?", "Victoria: Oh, wait, I have-- I'll get it, because, uh--", "Billy: Uh... (Clears throat)", "Billy: (Drops pregnancy test)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: I got a proposition for you. Jeffrey is looking for someone to run the accounting and the computer support department...", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: At Gloworm.", "Kevin: Mom, that's very nice, but you don't have to create a position for me.", "Gloria: I'm not. It's real-- full-time, part-time.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) What does that even mean, \"Full-time, part-time\"?", "Gloria: It means you can take care of this place and still work for us. And if you don't take it...", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Well, actually, I think you better take it. Otherwise...", "Kevin: Otherwise, what, Mom? You're gonna send me to my room?", "Gloria: Angel, I want this. Jeffrey wants this. So will you take the job?", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: I'm sorry I missed Christine. It must have been great to have her back here, huh?", "Nina: Yeah, it was.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Paul: Oh, excuse me. Yeah, Doug, thanks for calling me back.", "Nina: (Sighs)", "Phillip: So, uh, is he treatin' you okay?", "Nina: (Laughs) Yeah, what are you gonna do? Take him out back and beat him up if he's not?", "Phillip: Yeah.", "Nina: (Laughs)", "Phillip: I will... for you.", "Nina: Put away your gloves, \"Sugar Ray.\" He's treating me just fine, thank you.", "Phillip: Good. Good. You deserve that.", "Nina: Thank you.", "Jill: And here's one in front of the school, and--", "Kay: Yeah, move on.", "Nina: Pictures.", "Jill: Oh, here she is in the playroom.", "Kay: Uh-huh, she's sweet. Yeah.", "Jill: Oh, and look. Here's one of the whole family.", "Nina: Oh, my God.", "Phillip: (Laughs)", "Jill: So cute. I know.", "Phillip: Look at Billy. He looks like such a proud dad there.", "Jill: He does, doesn't he? It's just like yesterday that I was walking each of you to preschool. Of course, that's before we knew that we were all Fenmore's.", "Kay: Oh, give it up!", "Phillip: (Chuckles)", "Murphy: You know, that Fenmore trumpet you keep blowin' is makin' me deaf.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Kay: Yeah, well, just think how, uh, Lauren must feel.", "Murphy: Yeah, it's akin to being run over by a truck.", "Jill: My children and grandchildren have a right to know who they are and everything they're entitled to.", "Kay: Did you ever think just having you in the family is quite enough for them?", "Nina: More than enough.", "Paul: That was the forensic photographer I told you about.", "Kay: Oh. What?", "Nina: Can he help us?", "Paul: He thinks so. I e-mailed the photo of him.", "Nina: (Chuckles) I'm gonna get to see what my son looks like?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Listen to me. This little triangle that you guys have going on between you, Chloe and Chance-- it doesn't mean jack to me.", "Heather: Well, why would it? It's just people's feelings at stake.", "Ronan: (Loudly) I'm-- (Normal voice) I'm dealing with people's lives.", "Heather: This isn't a police state. You can't force me to help you.", "Ronan: (Laughs) All right. All right. Yeah. You want to take this attitude? That's fine. When Chance goes down, it's on you.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings, ring)", "(Knock on door)", "Chance: Sorry. I, uh, left my phone.", "Chloe: Why is Teague Harding calling you?", "Chance: Well, Teague's a buddy of mine.", "Chloe: Mm. He's also a reporter at the \"Examiner,\" and we trade tips all the time, so if I want to find out why he's calling, you know I can.", "Chance: (Sighs) Chloe, please, just stay out of this, all right?", "Chloe: Why? What are you up to?", "Chance: (Sighs) Do you... (Sighs) Look, Harding and I are gonna meet in an alley behind Jimmy's.", "Chloe: Why?", "Chance: Remember when I pretended to spill everything to Billy about the drug ring?", "Chloe: I remember how it turned out.", "Chance: Yeah, well, this time, it's gonna be very different.", "Chloe: Different? Worse different?", "Chance: No, different, as in I'm gonna tell Harding everything. I'm gonna tell him about the dirty cops. I'm gonna tell him about Ronan, how the D.A. refuses to make a solid case out of the solid evidence that I brought them.", "Chloe: And what do you think's going to happen if you do that?", "Chance: Pomerantz is gonna get off his butt, and he's gonna start indicting these guys.", "Chloe: You're wrong. You're going to end up in a river, just like Riggs.", "Chance: If Ronan finds out. But I don't have to worry about that, do I?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Please don't do this, okay? At least think about your mother. She's already lost one son. Don't do this.", "Chance: Chloe, I'm doing it.", "Chloe: Ronan doesn't think that you should--", "Chance: I don't care what Ronan thinks.", "Chloe: Look, I know that you don't trust him.", "Chance: And you do. But tonight, we're gonna find out who's right.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "(Door closes)", "Chloe: Oh, no. (Sighs) (Sighs) I need to see you right away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: What's this?", "J.T.: That is a proper welcome.", "Mac: I love presents.", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Mac: Oh, J.T., I love them.", "J.T.: Yeah? Well... welcome.", "Mac: Thank you.", "J.T.: You know, uh, we don't have to pick up Reed for, like, another hour.", "Mac: You could get a lot of work done in an hour.", "J.T.: Yeah, that's right. I could. But I've already finished mine.", "Mac: I have to check in with Kevin.", "J.T.: (Clicks tongue) Okay, all right. Well, check in with Kevin, and meet me in the shower.", "J.T.: (Clears throat) For--", "Mac: Oh. (Laughs) Hi.", "J.T.: Forget Kevin. Forget the shower.", "Mac: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: This--is this a-- are you... when and how?", "Victoria: Uh, yes. Um... I'm not sure. The last few weeks, and, um, you know, the usual way. (Chuckles)", "Billy: When were you gonna tell me?", "Victoria: I was gonna tell you. I just... I didn't want... us to get our hopes up. That's all.", "Billy: Right, yeah. Yeah, right. Up. Yeah, get our hopes up. Right. Yeah. Right.", "Victoria: Right?", "Billy: Right. I mean, there's no sense in waiting, right?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) Oh, my God! You scared me.", "Chance: Sorry.", "Heather: (Sighs) How did you get in here?", "Chance: (Sighs) I still have my spare key. I hope you don't mind.", "Heather: No.", "Chance: Okay.", "Heather: I-I don't mind. I thought it would cool down by now.", "Chance: Yeah, it's been a very long, hot summer.", "Chance: I saw Chloe.", "Heather: How'd that go?", "Chance: She, uh, well, we ended things... officially.", "Heather: Are you okay?", "Chance: Yeah. Yeah. I was honest with her. I-I told her everything.", "Chance: I told her I wasn't gonna give up on-- on busting this drug ring, though, about clearing my name.", "Heather: (Sighs) God, I wish you would.", "Chance: Now tonight, I am finally gonna find out who I'm dealing with.", "Heather: What are you talking about?", "Chance: I told Chloe that I was gonna be meeting up with a friend who could bust this case wide-open.", "Heather: What are you gonna do?", "Chance: Look, the less you know, the better, okay?", "Heather: No, no, no, Chance. Please don't do this. No.", "Chance: Heather, I do have to go now. Heather.", "Heather: I won't let you go.", "Chance: Heather, listen to me. I can't walk away from this case, but I need you on my side. I do. Heather, you are the only person that I trust.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: Okay? Don't worry.", "Heather: Chance... (Gasps)", "Heather: Mm. (Moans) No. No.", "Chance: Okay, I have to go.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: I have to go, all right? You can't trust Malloy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Chloe remembering]", "Ronan: You gotta trust me, Chloe. It's the only way to save Chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Chloe?", "Chloe: Ronan. Hi.", "Ronan: I was surprised to hear from you.", "Chloe: I know that you're busy with work. I didn't mean to bother you.", "Ronan: Is that what this is about?", "Chloe: No. Yeah... sort of. I-I...", "Ronan: Sort of, kind of.", "Chloe: Come--come in--", "Ronan: Okay.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I, um, I wanted to apologize for the way that... I overreacted the other night at my apartment. Um... I was pissed that you were there to spy on Chance and not see me. I don't like being used.", "Ronan: (Sighs) I was staking out Chance. I told you. But I had a really good time with you. And, um, it's been a really long time since I've done that.", "Chloe: Oh. Well, maybe you should try it more often.", "Ronan: Uh...", "Chloe: It might lighten that heavy mood of yours. (Chuckles)", "Ronan: (Chuckles) Uh, no, um, hmm... cops and, uh, relationships aren't, uh... it's a toxic mix.", "Chloe: Is that why you're not in a relationship?", "Ronan: There's enough broken hearts out there.", "Chloe: (Chuckles) So it's all of those women that you've left in your wake that you're so concerned about?", "Ronan: Oh, right. Right.", "Chloe: That's very thoughtful of you. Wow.", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Well, I'm sure there is a woman out there who can handle all of your crap and not get heartbroken.", "Ronan: Um... (Clears throat) Why'd you, um, why'd you want to meet with me?", "Chloe: I-I just told you. I just... I wanted to apologize.", "Ronan: Mm-hmm. Could have done that on the phone. Why did you need to see me? Did you want to talk about something? Did you want to talk about Chance? I trusted you enough to tell you that he was my brother. You can trust me now. What's going on with Chance? What do you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: See you tomorrow, okay?", "J.T.: All right, bye, Jana.", "Jana: Bye.", "Mac: Bye.", "Esther: Hey, how was school? Good? (Chuckles) (Gasps) Hi, Sweetie.", "Jana: Oh. Well, we were expecting Chloe, weren't we?", "Esther: Oh, she's busy.", "Jana: Oh, busy with Uncle Kevin.", "Esther: Oh, you know, I'm not sure.", "Cordelia: Bye-bye. Bye-bye.", "Esther: She just asked me to pick up Delia, so here I am.", "Jana: Okay.", "Esther: Ready, Honey? Oh, such a good girl.", "Jana: There you go.", "Esther: Yeah.", "Jana: Bye, Poppet.", "Esther: Oh, that is so sweet.", "Jana: I'll see you tomorrow, all right?", "Cordelia: Bye-bye.", "Esther: She really likes you. Say bye-bye.", "Jana: I adore her.", "Esther: Bye-bye. Okay, we're going.", "Jana: Bye.", "Esther: We're gonna go home now.", "Cordelia: (Babbles)", "Esther: Did you like school? Was school good?", "Cordelia: Bye-bye.", "(Door closes)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Gloria: You gonna answer that thing?", "Kevin: No. (Sighs) Tell Jeff that I'm in.", "Gloria: You'll take the job?", "Kevin: Yeah, I'll take the job. Meet the new head of... computer support and accounting, or whatever you called it, at Gloworm.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Aw, jeez.", "Heather: Chloe.", "Chloe: Oh! (Sighs) You scared the crap out of me.", "Heather: Look, I-I know Chance told you what he's up to tonight. I need to know where he is.", "Chloe: You know, guys really don't like clingy women. You may want to give him his space.", "Heather: I know you just came from seeing Ronan. Did you tell him what Chance has planned?", "Chloe: Oh, so you're obsessed with me and Chance first, and now me and Ronan, and-- you know, I just think, really, you need to get a life.", "Heather: Chloe, we don't like each other, but we both care about Chance.", "Chloe: So?", "Heather: So he's in trouble. I need you to tell me where he is.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ronan: It's Malloy.", "Heather: It's Heather. I know where Chance is.", "Ronan: I got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sid: He just left. I'm on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Sorry that it took so long. I read the directions twice. We should know in... Billy? Where are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: I'd like a shot of scotch, please. And you can leave the bottle right there. Thanks.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Heather: Is that a threat?", "Chloe: Do you want to try and test it out?", "John: Are you ready to find happiness with someone you love?", "Chance: You want names? I'll give you the names of every dirty cop I've uncovered." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric and Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "The test on the antibodies in Sofia's blood reveals that her baby boy is healthy. Since the antibody level didn't rise, the baby isn't Neil's, so the father could be either Malcolm's or Neil's. They will have to wait until after the baby is born to know the truth, because Sofia doesn't want to risk an amniocentesis test. Lily advises Sofia to stop worrying about who her son's father is and fight to make a good life for her child even if she has to do it alone. Sofia advises Lily not to cut Cane out of the twin's life because they will grow up feeling like their father died.", "Lily is affected when Cane gives her the divorce papers and tells her he is moving back to Australia and makes her promise to be happy. Cane also tells Jill and she is heartbroken by the news. Cane wants Colin and Genevieve to go to Australia with him but they refuse to leave town and Cane says he is leaving anyway. Katherine and jack solve the marketing director problem by hiring both Jill and Genevieve and Jack is left with the task of telling them both the news. Jill and Genevieve both blame Colin for making Cane leave town and their hatred for him grows. Genevieve is also heartbroken by Cane's news and is consoled by Tucker declares war on Katherine and vows to undo everything she did while she was in charge of his company. Paul looks like he has found out the identity of Tucker's son but the scenes are silent just with music in the background. Devon and Olivia try to persuade Malcolm to forgive Neil but Malcolm feels that if this child is Neil's then Neil will have gotten to raise two children that should have been his children. Cane is about to board the plane when Lily arrives at the airport holding the twins.", "" ]
[ "Olivia: There's been no increase in the antibodies in Sofia's blood test.", "Neil: Which means what?", "Malcolm: Which means we don't know a damn thing.", "Olivia: Either one of you could be this baby's father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: It's time to meet Uncle Malcolm, Dad, and Sofia.", "Devon: This ought to be fun.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Lily, can I-- can I speak with you?", "Devon: Hey, no, forget it, Man.", "Cane: Uh, it's important, or I wouldn't bother you.", "Lily: Uh, you know, can you just take the twins back to my place? The sitter's there, and I'll just meet you at the club.", "Cane: You know, I'd like it if they could stay. I'd like to talk with them.", "Devon: No, Lily, I don't--", "Lily: No, I'll be fine.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: There's the divorce papers. I signed them.", "Lily: Oh, um, thank you.", "Cane: And I, um, I wanted to say good-bye.", "Lily: Wait, you're leaving?", "Cane: Yeah. I'm moving back to Australia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Katherine hired me!", "Genevieve: Jack hired me as the head of--", "Jack: Stop! Ladies, stop. This all can be remedied simply and civilly. Jill, you say that Katherine hired you, right?", "Jill: Yes, she did.", "Jack: Fine. You're fired.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Answer me, Katherine.", "Kay: Uh, Tucker, my meeting with that woman had nothing to do with you.", "Tucker: You won't get away with not releasing the minutes from that last board meeting. You know, the one where you stole Jabot from me.", "Kay: Oh, that is what this is all about? Jabot?", "Tucker: If you think you can sneak around behind my back and pull this kind of crap, you're wrong, Lady. Not anymore you can't. You're trying to keep me from findin' out which board members turned against me and sided with you.", "Kay: (Sighs) Tucker, you're beginning to sound a little paranoid. Perhaps that's, you know, a side effect of the head trauma.", "Tucker: I'm back, 100%, and I'm ready to take on anybody, including you.", "Kay: Don't you mean especially me?", "Tucker: You started this war, and I'm gonna finish it. I'm gonna undo everything you did when you were in charge of my company, startin' with gettin' Jabot back.", "Kay: (Laughs) Oh, God. Good luck.", "Tucker: You have no idea what you're up against.", "Kay: Neither do you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting... (Sighs) At Jabot.", "Tucker: Sofia, call me as soon as you get this. We have work to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You can just take your pink slip and shove it, because Katherine hired me.", "Jack: Security, could you please send a couple of people up to the director of marketing's office right away? Thank you.", "Jill: Do you think I'm gonna be intimidated by a couple of wannabe cops?", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) When you grew up in a neighborhood like you grew up in, I'm sure that not much scares you. Oh, except maybe a bad manicure.", "Jill: Wow. At least in my neighborhood, we didn't have to worry about finding a horse's head in our bed.", "Jack: Ladies, as much as I'd love to stand and listen to this all day long, I have a business to run, and Genevieve has a job to prepare for.", "Jill: Oh, that's right, and she needs a lot of preparation, doesn't she? Luckily, I need no preparation for my new role here.", "Jack: You have no role here, Jill.", "Jill: Well, I have a signed contract that says otherwise, Jack. You have one of these, Darlin'? I didn't think so. (Knock on door) Ah, security can show you out.", "Jack: Katherine, please come in.", "Kay: Well, I came to see our new head of marketing.", "Genevieve: You found her.", "Jill: Here she is.", "Kay: What on God's green earth is going on?", "Jack: There's been a little misunderstanding.", "Kay: Oh, I dare say. That woman will never work here, Jack.", "Jack: I just finished saying the same thing to Jill.", "Kay: Oh, arrived just in time. Good, good timing. Escort that lady out, Guards, please.", "Jack: Katherine.", "Kay: Uh, well, Jack--", "Genevieve: Jack, that won't be necessary.", "Jack: I will straighten this out.", "Genevieve: I have no doubt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: No antibodies? Well, that means it's more likely that Malcolm is the father, right?", "Olivia: All it really means is that your body's not attacking the baby.", "Malcolm: I mean, there's gotta be some other test you can run.", "Olivia: Yeah, the amniocentesis.", "Sofia: No. No amnio. I know the risk is small, but I don't want to take it.", "Neil: No, I agree. None of us wants to take any chances with this baby.", "Malcolm: No, we don't.", "Olivia: Well, then we're gonna have to wait till this little guy is born to find out who the dad is.", "Malcolm: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I know the divorce has been hard for you, not seeing the kids...", "Cane: I know you want to move on with your life, and I want you to be able to do that. You know, I would have left weeks ago, but I couldn't with my father being here and doing what he was doing.", "Lily: Yeah, but my family can look out for me.", "Cane: Yeah, I know.", "Lily: Cane, you don't have to leave.", "Cane: Will you, um, will you tell them I love them every day and kiss them for me? You know, I want you to be happy. Will you promise me you'll be happy? I'll always love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Keys rattle in lock)", "(Front door closes)", "Genevieve: Tramp! (Scoffs) Old witch. (Groans) They think they can push me around. They can't. They can't.", "(Knock on door)", "Genevieve: Jack. (Sighs) Ethan.", "Cane: Can I come in?", "Genevieve: Uh, yes, of course.", "Cane: Thank you. (Sighs)", "Genevieve: What can I do for you?", "Cane: Well, my divorce from Lily is final, so I came to tell you, I'm leaving Genoa City. I'm going back to Australia.", "Genevieve: I-I-I traveled halfway around the world to see you, and now you're leaving?", "Cane: Oh, please. You came here to see Dad, be with him, get revenge or something. I don't know what you were doing, but the bottom line is, I got caught up in your game, and people I love got hurt.", "Genevieve: Hmm, so now you're gonna let them run you out of town, even though what you really want is to stay here.", "Cane: Well, I'm prepared to sacrifice what I want.", "Genevieve: How noble, Ethan.", "Cane: So, um, why don't you come with me?", "Genevieve: I haven't been able to get you to spend five minutes with me here, but you want me to go back to Australia with you?", "Cane: No one else wants you here, so why would you stay?", "Genevieve: And by \"No one else,\" would you mean Jill?", "Cane: I mean Jill. I mean Katherine. I mean Colin. I mean Lily. I mean everybody. That's what I mean.", "Genevieve: Lily? Lily? That's what this is really about, isn't it? Now aren't you just the tiniest bit worried about leaving her here alone unprotected?", "Cane: She has her family.", "Genevieve: But she's got me, too. I'll keep a very good--", "Cane: I don't want you anywhere near her.", "Genevieve: No one can contain your father like I can.", "Cane: Let me say that again. I don't want either of you anywhere near her, okay?", "(Knock on door)", "Genevieve: Popular today, hmm? I'll get it, Myrna! Colin. Did someone call a family meeting?", "Colin: Well, if they did, it'll be for the last time-- executed divorce documents. Ours. Fini.", "Genevieve: Well, hmm. I guess today would be a day of endings for the Atkinson family. Ethan's divorce is also final.", "Cane: Well, you know, today could be a day of beginnings if, uh, both of you want to come back to Australia with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So, unfortunately, we, uh, still don't know who the baby's father is.", "Devon: And how's Malcolm handling that?", "Neil: Like Malcolm.", "Devon: Well, no offense, but I do hope the baby is his.", "Neil: I don't think even that will help.", "Lily: You can't let this come between you.", "Devon: Um, just relax.", "Lily: No, I-I can't lose any more people in my life.", "Neil: Hey, Honey, um, what happened with Cane? Devon told me that you met with him.", "Lily: Yeah, he signed the divorce papers, and now he's moving back to Australia.", "Neil: (Sighs) I am so sorry. I'm sorry you're having to go through this.", "Lily: No, we had to break up. We had to. I mean, after what he did, I... listen, Dad, I know that what's happening between you and Malcolm is a huge mess. But you can't let this tear our family apart.", "Neil: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sofia: Malcolm, Honey, wait. The baby is healthy. Aren't you at least happy about that?", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Sofia, I can't just forget about the rest.", "Sofia: I'm not asking you to forget. I'm just asking you to keep an open mind. The odds are that it's yo--", "Malcolm: Odds are nothin', Sofia, okay? Facts are all that matter. You tell me who the father of your child is, and then come talk to me.", "Sofia: This could be your baby no matter what the tests say.", "Olivia: Lookin' for this?", "Malcolm: (Sighs) I'm lookin' for answers, Liv.", "Olivia: I can't tell you if the baby Sofia's carrying is yours, Honey.", "Malcolm: Can you tell me why the hell you didn't just come clean about all this from the jump? Liv, you know what Neil and I went through with Dru. You know.", "Olivia: Yes, I do. I honestly just wanted to do everything in my power to stop this hurt from happening to the both of you.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, your plan sucked.", "Olivia: I really am sorry.", "Malcolm: You're sorry? You're sorry? Sofia's sorry. Neil. A hell of a lot of good that does me, Liv.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Genevieve is a cultured, sophisticated, well-traveled woman with great ideas and a natural sense for how to market Jabot products.", "Jill: And you could tell all that just by sleeping with the woman?", "Kay: You let your emotions rule your head, Jack.", "Jill: And by \"Emotions,\" she means, you know...", "Kay: Jill, would you please take your first official coffee break?", "Jill: Okay, but if you want help at Jabot, fix this.", "Jack: When I took this job, you promised me total autonomy.", "Kay: Read the small print in your contract.", "Jack: I have exceeded every benchmark set for me, launched the most successful Jabot product line that we've ever seen, and you're questioning me about one hire?", "Kay: Young man, you may have turned this company around, but I own it.", "Jack: Wow, you are just like your son, aren't you? A total control freak, determined to interfere in everyone else's life. Uh oh!!", "Kay: You know, ultimately, the success or failure of this company rests directly on my shoulders.", "Jack: Then trust me to do what is best for you and for this company. Haven't I done that so far?", "Kay: All right! We'll compromise. Genevieve works here. So does Jill.", "Jack: (Scoffs) They'd be at each other's throats day and night.", "Kay: Well, work it out, Jack. After all, you're the C.E.O. Problem solved.", "Jill: Hey, Jack, could I be the one to tell \"Crazy Pants\" that her entire career as a cosmetics executive began and ended in one day?", "Jack: No.", "Jill: So when do I start?", "Jack: Tomorrow.", "Jill: (Singsong voice) I'll be here.", "Jack: (Sighs) Well, tomorrow should be an interesting day. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Malcolm: I mean, you say you didn't want to see anybody get hurt, but you had to know the truth was gonna come out, Liv.", "Olivia: Our family has been through so much. I mean, my cancer and Lily's, losing Dru. When Sofia found out that she was pregnant, we were going through Cane's death. I mean, that little baby was like a ray of hope-- not just for you and Sofia, but for the whole family. And I know. I know what I did was wrong. But I just-- I couldn't take it away.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) Yeah, but it was all based on a lie. It was a lie. (Sighs) I just... I just don't know who to trust anymore.", "Olivia: Well, you know you can trust the love that you and Sofia share, 'cause that hasn't changed.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) I-if this baby is mine, Sofia and I... might... (Sighs) Might be able to work through this, but... but if it's Neil's...", "Olivia: Look, I understand that you want to know this baby's paternity before you make any decisions. I get that. But try and understand what Sofia's feeling. She needs you.", "Malcolm: Thanks for this.", "Olivia: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: You want us, your mother and I, to come back to Australia with you?", "Cane: Well, isn't that what you always wanted? For us to be a family?", "Genevieve: What you've been running from for years.", "Colin: (Scoffs) The time has long passed on us being a family. Now my grandchildren and I, however--", "Cane: You go anywhere near Lily or the grandchildren, I'll kill you.", "Colin: From Australia?", "Cane: You, uh, you really don't think that I couldn't have you killed from Australia?", "Colin: Maybe you do have a spot of Atkinson in you.", "Genevieve: And it gives me great pleasure to see him use it on you, Colin. Honey, look at me, Honey. Are you really going to Australia?", "Cane: Yes.", "Genevieve: Damn you. Thanks to you, I have lost the last child that I had left.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hey, congratulations.", "Sofia: Oh, thank you. It's a boy. (Chuckles)", "Lily: Yeah, I heard.", "Sofia: I guess you also heard that we don't know who the father is yet, either.", "Lily: Yeah, I did.", "Sofia: Having two dads is almost like having none.", "Lily: You know, I can actually... (Sighs) Relate to not having a dad for your kids. Cane is moving back to Australia.", "Sofia: Wow, Lily. H-how do you feel about that?", "Lily: You know, I'm just trying not to let what he does affect me anymore, you know? I'm just--I'm focusing on myself and Charlie and Matty. And you have to do the same.", "Sofia: (Scoffs) What do you mean?", "Lily: Well, you're just... (Sighs) You're so worried about who the father is and what it's gonna do to your marriage.", "Sofia: Well, if the baby is Neil's, your father's gonna step up, and that's gonna mean more trouble for Malcolm and me. And I might end up raising this baby all by myself.", "Lily: Well, then you know what? That's exactly what you're gonna do. Because no matter what, Sofia, you are his mom, and that is not gonna change.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Lily: Listen, when I first met you, you were so strong and tough and--and in control. And, you know, you kind of actually reminded me of my mom, and I'm gonna be honest with you. You've lost some of that. You have.", "Sofia: (Sighs)", "Lily: And, Sofia, you have to get it back, not just for your sake, but for your son's.", "Sofia: Wow. I can take that. Can I give you some advice, Lily?", "Lily: (Sighs) Oh, goodness. Um, yeah, fair is fair. Lay it on me. (Sighs)", "Sofia: Honey, you are an amazing mom, but I would think long and hard before cuttin' Cane out of your kids' lives. Look, I'm not saying you have to forgive him, and I know that you will never forget the pain he caused you. But, Lily, I lost my father.", "Lily: I know. This is different.", "Sofia: But it will feel exactly the same to little Charlie and Matty growing up without their dad.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Tucker: (Sighs) Sorry to interrupt. If you need a little more time, I can...", "Lily: No, no, I, um, I have--I have to get the kids, so, um...", "Sofia: We're good.", "Lily: Yeah, that's okay.", "Sofia: Hey, Boss.", "Tucker: Hello, there.", "Sofia: You know, Lil-- Lily said I haven't been myself lately.", "Tucker: Hey, listen, if you've lost some of your Sofia sass, it's only temporary. It has to be, 'cause who else is gonna look out for me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: You want to blame me for Cane leaving?", "Genevieve: (Scoffs) If you had just left him alone to build his new life with his family-- but you couldn't do that. You couldn't put his happiness ahead of your own. You never could.", "Colin: Hey, I was the only one that ever gave a damn about Cane. Caleb, too, for that matter.", "Genevieve: That's not true.", "Colin: (Scoffs) Genevieve, all you ever cared about was Samantha.", "Genevieve: I didn't have a chance with my boys. You were making them into your little soldiers from the time they could walk. And every time I looked at them, I just saw you.", "Colin: So you abandoned them.", "Genevieve: No! I--", "Colin: Yes! You want someone to blame for screwing up your kids? Take a look in the mirror.", "Genevieve: You-- (Gasps)", "(Knock on door)", "Genevieve: (Stammers) Hi. Come in.", "Jack: Bad timing?", "Genevieve: No, perfect timing. Colin's just on his way out. Thank you for dropping off the divorce papers, Colin.", "Colin: My pleasure. She's all yours.", "Jack: So?", "Genevieve: Uh, so, uh, my divorce is final. (Laughs) And, um, Ethan is going to move back to Australia.", "Jack: What can I do?", "Genevieve: This.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: It's so good to see you. What brings you by?", "Cane: I, um, I just saw Colin.", "Jill: (Chuckles) Talk about me?", "Cane: He's a dangerous man, Jill.", "Jill: Darlin', please don't worry about me. He can't hurt me any more than he already has. Besides, you have my back now, don't you? (Sighs)", "Cane: Which is why I'm here, 'cause I want to try and convince you one last time. Please, please stay away from him. He's a bad man. I want to beg you, please stay away from him.", "Jill: What do you mean, one last time? What's goin' on?", "Cane: I'm moving back to Australia.", "Jill: You bastard. I let you back into my heart, and you break it all over again? (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: Peace offering? Do you think you'll ever forgive me for not telling you and Malcolm the truth?", "Neil: I forgave Dru, didn't I? I bet that she'd have somethin' to say about all this.", "Olivia: (Sighs) I bet she would. I'm giving this one to Malcolm.", "Neil: Yeah? Wear protective gear.", "Kay: Olivia. How are you, Dear?", "Olivia: Good to see you.", "Kay: Ahh, oh, wow, oh, wow, oh, wow.", "Neil: Hi, Katherine.", "Kay: What a day. What a day.", "Neil: Yep. (Clears throat) One for the record books, that's for sure.", "Kay: Uh, well, you first. What's going on?", "Neil: Good news or bad news?", "Kay: Um... well, let's--let's start with the--with the good news.", "Neil: Yeah. Good news, um, Sofia's baby is a healthy boy.", "Kay: Bad news is it's yours or it isn't?", "Neil: The test they ran on Sofia was inconclusive. Um, we won't know who the father is until after the baby is born.", "Kay: Well, at least you won't have to wait years to, uh, find out the truth.", "Neil: Katherine, uh, if he is mine--", "Kay: Neil, there's a million reasons why you walk away from a child knowing that it is yours. None of them are good enough. And maybe you won't have to deal with that.", "Neil: That's just it. Part of me, uh, part of me hopes that I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Oh, yeah.", "Malcolm: Nice shot, but you're still shootin' off that back leg, huh?", "Devon: Oh, well, when you gonna stop schoolin' me, huh?", "Malcolm: When you can beat me.", "Devon: When I can beat you?", "Malcolm: Come on.", "Devon: When I can beat you? You want to see the shot? Hey. Oh, right there. (Laughs) I, uh, heard about the, uh, no-call on the father of Sofia's baby.", "Malcolm: Yeah, Man. Yeah, we're gonna have to wait till the final buzzer on that one.", "Devon: Oh, yeah? (Grunts) There we go.", "Malcolm: Nice shot.", "Devon: Thank you. It's tough on me, 'cause there's, like, room for two teams that I really like, you know?", "Malcolm: Hey, D., Look, Man, I don't want you to feel like you have to be caught in the middle of any of this, okay?", "Devon: Well, it's not really me. It's that kid who, uh, stands to get hurt, you know? Hey, wait, you're guardin' me. (Laughs)", "Malcolm: Ooh, nice move. Nice move. Well, man, the hardest thing about all of this is that, um, you know, I just feel like I was cheated out of a chance to-- to be a father to Lily. And now it's like Neil is gonna have the opportunity to raise two kids that should have been mine.", "Devon: Well, Malcolm, growin' up, you know that I had no dad, and this baby has a chance to have two really great ones. So it's really your call how you want to look at it. Right? Who is that? Olivia.", "Malcolm: Hey.", "Devon: Would you like to play? Because Malcolm can use some help.", "Malcolm: (Laughs)", "Devon: Huh?", "Olivia: No, I just wanted to, um, drop this off.", "Malcolm: (Sighs) (Sighs heavily) Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Okay, what do we have for you, Charlie, in here? Oh, rugby ball. Yes? Yes? Oh, yeah, I knew you'd like that one. (Chuckles) I'm gonna have to teach you how to play that silly game now. Not that I even know how to play, but I'll learn, okay? We are gonna be just fine, all right? We're gonna get through this, and by the time we're through, I promise you guys that you will know everything that you need to know, okay? I promise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know, when I came here, I was completely and emotionally shut down, and I liked it that way. You know, I tried not to care. God, I tried not to care. And then I met you.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Cane: And I met Lily, and I-I learned how to love, and I-I-I...", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Cane: You gave me so much love. You gave me everything I've always wanted, and that was a real family. And then Colin turned up.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Cane: I've hurt you. I've caused you so much pain. I'm thinking maybe if I go away, I can take that pain and hurt with me. I want you to understand that.", "Jill: No, 'cause then I'd have to accept that you're going.", "Cane: You are the only woman I've ever considered to be my mom.", "Jill: Don't make this harder than it already is. Don't.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Jill: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "Cane: Oh, thank you.", "Woman: Flight 815 to Sydney?", "Cane: Yeah, am I, uh, too late?", "Woman: Uh, just about to board. Checking just the one bag?", "Cane: Yeah, just one.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chloe: Leave, so everyone who cares about you actually has a shot at forgetting you.", "Neil: What the hell are you thinking? You cannot trust that man again.", "Jill: I doubt that you would recognize a marketing plan if it slapped you in the face." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nick and Victoria come up with a plan to oust Sharon from being CEO of Newman Enterprises. Billy walks in and joins them. Victoria asks him what he dug up that they could use against Sharon. Michael and Ronan discuss what the autopsy will show about Tim Reid's death. Michael insists on re-investigating Phyllis. Kevin listens in on the conversation. In Los Angeles in a bar, Genevieve has a talk with Victor who claims his name is Christian. Genevieve is puzzled. In Victor's office, Sharon talks to a pic of Victor and vows to run Newman so he can be proud of her. Adam, Victoria, Nick and Tucker have a meeting to discuss how to oust Sharon from being CEO. Phyllis puts down a new rug in the living room and asks Summer how she likes it. Summer cautions her not to pour out a glass of wine on this one. Phyllis promises that she won't. At the coffeehouse, Billy asks Kevin to hack into Tucker's computer to see what he is up to. All the board members are in unison against Sharon, including Tucker or so they all think. Michael visits Phyllis and wants to know what exactly is going on. Phyllis refuses to tell him anything. Michael tells Phyllis that he wants her to turn over her computer to him but she also refuses. Michael calls Ronan to get an order from the judge so he can confiscate Phyllis' computer. Nikki cannot believe that Jack is throwing her out and won't listen to an explanation. Genevieve tries to talk to Victor but he acts as though he doesn't know her. Sister Celeste walks in and she and Genevieve become acquainted. Kevin hacks into Tucker's computer. Nick and the entire board confront Sharon about stepping down as CEO. Sharon refuses. Nick promises to keep her on the board and retain her for the new cosmetics line, but he or Victoria will be CEO.", "Celeste questions Victor about Genevieve. Kevin complains to Ronan that this matter with Tim will never be over. Phyllis cannot believe that Michael ordered Ronan to get an order from the judge so he can confiscate Phyllis' computer. Victor asks Genevieve why she is asking him so many questions. Jack will not accept Nikki's explanation concerning her search for Victor. Jack gets up out of his wheelchair and walks away from Nikki. Ronan arrives at Phyllis' without the order. Ronan tells Michael that he was with Phyllis the night that Tim died. Sharon and Tucker kiss until Tucker pulls away and leaves her standing alone in the living room of the ranch. Billy finds Genevieve in the bar in Los Angeles plus he sees Victor!!! Nick and Victoria decide to get a lawyer involved in their quest to get Sharon out from being CEO.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Okay, so you have the address? All right, we'll see you shortly.", "Nick: This better work.", "Victoria: Well, you know, it has to. Now that she's fired you, there's no one to protect Newman from her gross mismanagement. You know, if it was up to your ex, the entire company would be about lipstick.", "(Door opens)", "Victoria: Hey.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: So, um, your exposé on Sharon-- why isn't it online yet?", "Billy: I'm working on it.", "Victoria: (Snapping fingers) Would you hurry up, please? We need dirt and we need hard facts to back it up, and we need it, like, yesterday.", "Nick: Like proof that Sharon burned the prenup and is fraudulently running Newman.", "Victoria: Yeah, something like that would be ideal.", "Billy: Okay, I'll make it a priority. Do we have anything else we can attack with?", "Nick: Vick and I have been talking about that, and we have... (Sighs) We have another approach, but it's kind of a last resort. We don't want to use it.", "Victoria: Unless Sharon forces us to use it.", "Nick: Sharon, and whoever's pulling her strings.", "Billy: (Chuckles) You think someone is?", "Victoria: Staging a coup like this is not in Sharon's wheelhouse. She definitely has an advisor, somebody who is much more savvy at business than she is, and probably has an ax to grind.", "Billy: Like who?", "Nick: It's gotta be Tucker.", "Victoria: Yeah, I think so, too. He's the only friend that she has in the world these days.", "Billy: Okay, can it be anything else?", "Victoria: Tucker denies that it's anything but business, but, I mean, those two seem awfully chummy lately. If anyone knows what Sharon's up to, I'm betting he's a good place to start.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: I gotta say, I'm liking this side of you, Darlin'.", "Sharon: You mean, the side of me that took your advice and fired Nick?", "Tucker: The side that's not afraid to show the world some backbone.", "Sharon: Well, people are soon going to learn that they're either with me or they're fired. The days of dissing me to my face are over.", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Tucker: Excuse me. Huh. I'm being summoned to Victoria's house.", "Sharon: Any idea why?", "Tucker: No idea.", "Sharon: Hmm. Keep me posted.", "Tucker: I'll do that.", "Sharon: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm fresh out of theories, and it's making me insane. I even called the pathologist to see if there could be another explanation for what he observed during the autopsy.", "Ronan: Liver mortis is pretty telltale. Once the blood has pooled and discolored the skin--", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so he reminded me. The M.E. is sticking to his assessment that Reid's body was moved after his death.", "Ronan: So... thank you. Where do we go from here?", "Michael: Reexamine Phyllis' whereabouts that night. My gut's telling me we're missing something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Summer: When did that come?", "Phyllis: Uh, a little while ago. It was their last delivery. What do you think?", "Summer: It's a rug.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Do you like it?", "Summer: It's okay. Hope you won't ruin this one, too.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I hope-- I-I-I'm not gonna do that again. And next time I'm gonna, you know, watch when I'm-- I'm pouring wine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Was your mission successful? Did you find the great man?", "Nikki: No.", "Jack: Too bad.", "Nikki: Jack, I know you weren't--", "Jack: All of your things are packed and ready to be moved out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: You said your name was what again?", "Victor: Christian.", "Genevieve: Christian, um...", "Victor: Yep.", "Genevieve: Okay, if that's what you want to be called, Christian it is.", "Victor: Thank you for your concern. I'm gonna be fine, thank you.", "Genevieve: Whatever had you in pain like that, um, I'm glad you're better.", "Victor: I'm fine, thank you.", "Genevieve: Hey, um, what do you say we go grab a bite to eat? I saw a Japanese place a couple doors down, looked like it might be good. I mean, well, not as good as... (Chuckles) The real thing. I mean, once you've been to Japan've been to Japan, right? Tokyo, perhaps?", "Victor: Lady, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I've been to many places, okay? I'm sorry.", "Genevieve: What about Paris?", "Victor: Will you excuse me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You told me how strong I was, how capable, how you believed in me, and then... you abandoned me. Maybe this is all just some joke to you, so you can watch me fall on my face, or maybe it's a test, like some people have said. Wherever you are, Victor, you better get ready, because I am gonna pass your damn test. I'm gonna run this company better and smarter than it has ever been run before. Anyone who thinks I'm stupid or naive-- they're in for a big surprise. I promise you, they will rue the day they ever underestimated Sharon Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: What's going on?", "Victoria: Well, Nick and I convened the board in secret. We need to find a way to oust Sharon. She needs to be stopped.", "Davis: Wall Street's in a panic because of that woman.", "Bob: With Victor gone, we have no leader.", "Davis: And now she's canned Nick, our last hope to keep things stable.", "Tucker: Sharon fired you? Well, that's a little extreme, isn't it?", "Victoria: We thought so.", "Tucker: Adam, where do you stand?", "Adam: Stock's in a free fall. I think we all know why.", "Nick: We have come up with a plan to get Sharon to step down gracefully, without a big fight. We're all on board with it, and we just need you to make it unanimous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I already looked into that. I can't find any proof that Phyllis moved Tim's body.", "Michael: Well, who else would have had cause to do it?", "Ronan: I'm still looking for leads.", "Michael: Yeah, me, too. I'll see you back at the salt mine.", "Ronan: I'll be there.", "Michael: See you, Kevin.", "Billy: Ooh, Kev, hey, hey, hey. I need to talk to you for a minute, buddy.", "Kevin: Uh, you know what? It's not a good time, Billy. I--", "Billy: I-I got that, but come on, come on, come on.", "Kevin: Listen, what part of \"It's not a good time\" don't you understand?", "Billy: Would you just come here for a minute?", "Kevin: Make it fast.", "Billy: Okay, what do you know about hacking into cell phones?", "Kevin: Why?", "Billy: Just let me know if you can do it.", "Kevin: I can, yes. Will I? No.", "Billy: Look, it's just one phone, just one phone, and it's for a good cause.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Whose phone is it?", "Billy: (Chuckles) Well, it's, um... Tucker McCall.", "Kevin: Are you crazy?", "Billy: Come on, it's not for me, it's for Victoria. She thinks that he might have manipulated Sharon into taking over as C.E.O. of Newman. I don't know what's in this guy's mind, okay? But Nick and my wife just lost their father. We can't let them lose the company, too. Just take this, okay? Thank you.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Is there a sign on my forehead that says \"Ask me to do something illegal\"?", "Billy: Okay, look, I will plug your web site, I will give you free ad space and you know how much that is worth. And as much as it pains me to say this, I will owe you one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Are you with us on this?", "Tucker: Who's gonna talk to Sharon?", "Nick: We all are.", "Victoria: We'll go to her together and we'll present our case.", "Bob: When?", "Nick: Right now.", "Adam: Let's get this over with. I'll meet you all at Newman.", "Victoria: Actually, I've arranged for a limo to take us all together. It's waiting outside. That way, you know, we can discuss any last-minute details. Shall we?", "Nick: Nice touch. If Tucker or anyone else on the board is helping Sharon...", "Victoria: They won't be able to tip her off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Okay, don't-- don't forget to check in with me, and remember your curfew, please.", "Summer: Okay, Mom. See you.", "Phyllis: All right, okay. Be careful. I love you, love you.", "Michael: Oh, hey. Mwah!", "Summer: Michael.", "Michael: Fenmore's all lit up about this concert tonight.", "Summer: Me, too. I'm on my way to pick up the tickets.", "Michael: All right, have fun.", "Summer: Thanks. (Laughs)", "Phyllis: Not too much fun.", "Summer: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Why are you here, or should I even ask?", "Michael: All right, look. Once again, I'm taking a chance even being here, but with this case involving Tim...", "Phyllis: How many times--", "Michael: And the fact that we are close--", "Phyllis: How many times have you told me not to talk to you? How many times have you said, \"Don't talk to me, Phyllis, 'cause anything that you say can be used against you in court\"?", "Michael: Well, you know what? Tonight only, you get a free pass.", "Phyllis: What does that mean?", "Michael: It means I'm here as your friend, not as the D.A. I want you to tell me what happened-- the truth. Don't leave anything out.", "Phyllis: What?", "Michael: Was Tim here that night? I mean, how did he die? Did you help move the body? Is that why the surveillance cameras were shut down?", "Phyllis: Oh, my God.", "Michael: Is that why--you've got to tell me these things.", "Phyllis: If you think I'm gonna talk to you without my lawyer present, you are insane, insane.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, listen to me. The mere fact that we are having this conversation should prove to you how dire your situation is. I can only help you if you're straight with me. If you keep stonewalling, I won't be able to do anything when this all goes to hell, and it's gonna go to hell!", "Phyllis: Okay, you know what? I gotta--no, no, no, I'm gonna tell you this once, just once. I want you to listen to me. I have no knowledge and was not involved in Tim's death.", "Michael: Prove it.", "Phyllis: How, Michael?", "Michael: Well, I want you to give me your computer. I'm gonna have it analyzed to see if you were the one who hacked into this building's security system to disable those cameras, and if you refuse, you're lying to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You're throwing me out without even discussing it?", "Jack: I told you what would happen if you chose to follow Victor.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Jack, I... I truly thought you would understand.", "Jack: I knew what I was getting into in this marriage. I knew about the unbreakable bond you had with Victor. I'd come to live with it. In fact, I advised Sharon to do the same thing, because that's what you get when you're dealing with you two, but you... you walked out right after our wedding to chase your ex halfway across the globe.", "Nikki: Jack, I--", "Jack: I treated you like gold, with love, compassion, respect, and dignity, and who did you put first? The man who hurt you over and over again.", "Nikki: It was a very extreme circumstance.", "Jack: It always is with Victor. If he hadn't disappeared this time, it'd be something else the next time... just so he can manipulate you.", "Nikki: I don't believe he did this on purpose.", "Jack: Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. I don't really care. You dropped everything and ran after him. That's all I need to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Hello there.", "Victor: Hey. (Chuckles) What happened to all the work you had to do?", "Woman: (Laughs) Turns out one of the others had already finished doing most of it, so it gave me a rare free evening.", "Victor: You got lucky.", "Woman: I did.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Woman: So how are you doing?", "Victor: I'm all right.", "Genevieve: You know, um, I think our friend here isn't feeling well.", "Woman: Really? (Scoffs)", "Victor: It was a little-- little discomfort, that's all. I'm all right.", "Woman: Did something happen?", "Victor: No. Everything is fine.", "Woman: You're sure?", "Victor: Yep, positive.", "Woman: Okay.", "Genevieve: (Gasps) Oh, where are my manners? Hey, I'm Genny.", "Sister Celeste: Hello. Sister Celeste.", "Genevieve: S-s-sister-- oh, my, are you--", "Sister Celeste: I am, a nun, yes. I help run a mission here in town.", "Genevieve: (Gasps) Oh, wow. So, um, is that where you two met?", "Sister Celeste: Uh, no, but Christian has been spending a lot of time with us.", "Genevieve: Has he?", "Sister Celeste: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Doing what, may I ask? I find this just fascinating.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Genevieve: (Laughs)", "Victor: Nothing fascinating about that, is there, Sister?", "Sister Celeste: Afraid not. (Chuckles) Excuse me.", "Victor: Sorry to disappoint you, Ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Exhales sharply) There, I'm in.", "Billy: Fantastic. Okay, go to his texts.", "Kevin: There's not very many. I guess he's good at deleting stuff.", "Billy: Okay, there's one from Victoria. That one, I know about. What's this one right here, from Genevieve? \"Operation Gadabout update. Landed in L.A., headed to the Pier Saloon.\" The Pier Saloon, Pier Saloon. Okay, it seems it's near the port of Los Angeles. It's a dockworker hangout. It's kind of a rough area. Why would Genevieve be going there?", "Kevin: How the hell should I know? Maybe she's meeting someone and doesn't want to be seen.", "Billy: Weird. Hmm. Okay, is that all the texts?", "Kevin: Uh... yes. Are we done?", "Billy: Yes, as long as you agree never to tell anyone about any of this. Thank you.", "Kevin: When I collect my I.O.U., it is gonna be huge.", "Billy: Hey, Katherine, it's Billy. Look, I'm chasing a story down in California and I need to get there quick. Can I borrow your jet? (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I already had security put your things in a box. It's at the lobby desk. There's nothing of yours in here.", "Sharon: What is this?", "Nick: I called an emergency board meeting.", "Sharon: Why wasn't I informed?", "Tucker: You were the subject.", "Adam: Even without you, we had a quorum.", "Victoria: The board voted, and it's unanimous. We want you to step down as Newman's C.E.O., effective immediately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hmm. Think I'm gonna trade this in for a glass of water.", "Sister Celeste: That woman seems very interested in you. Do you--do you know her?", "Victor: You know... I don't know anyone anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: You're wasting your time.", "Victoria: You need to step down now, Sharon, voluntarily, and not turn this into an ugly, drawn-out battle so that we have to throw you out.", "Nick: We'll work with you to save face. You can make a statement to the press, tell 'em this was your choice.", "Adam: We'll back you, Sharon. Peaceful transition will be best for everyone.", "Victoria: You can stay and run the cosmetics division. You can keep your seat on the board. We want to be fair with you.", "Bob: Put the company first. You'll come off a hero.", "Nick: Then someone with more business and particularly management experience can step in and lead Newman Enterprises, at least until Dad comes home.", "Sharon: And I suppose that someone will be you.", "Nick: Of the available candidates, I feel I'm the most qualified, but I will certainly leave that decision to the board.", "Sharon: Well, I have a really big problem with you people coming in here and ambushing me like this. You know, you seem to forget that I am the majority shareholder by proxy. See, as Mrs. Victor Newman, I have every right to be the head of this company. I'm not going anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, this thing with Tim--it doesn't seem like it's going away.", "Ronan: It's not. There's too many unanswered questions, and Michael's not gonna let it go. Besides, he still thinks Phyllis is involved somehow.", "Kevin: Yeah, he's been after me, too.", "Ronan: I'm sure he has, encyclopedia salesman. Really? That's the best you could come up with?", "Kevin: You know, I wish I would have just said no to helping Phyllis move a dead body in the first place, but what's done is done.", "Ronan: You should have... because I absolutely hate lying to Michael.", "Kevin: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Since it's our only option at this point, let's just hope it's enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I'm not giving you my computer. Oh, my God, why are you attacking me like this?", "Michael: Because you're lying! You're a liar. You're lying.", "Phyllis: You are accusing me of murder, Michael.", "Michael: Oh, okay, fine, fine, fine. Okay, maybe you didn't help cause Tim's death...", "Phyllis: I didn't. I didn't!", "Michael: Maybe you didn't help move the--then why are you doing everything that says you're guilty? If you didn't have anything to hide, you'd have given me that computer in a heartbeat.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, this is what we've come to, right? My word means nothing to you.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no, do not talk to me like some moron off the street. I know you better than anyone else can. I know what it's like when you're spinning out of control, and I know when you're panicked, you make the world's worst decisions.", "Phyllis: Oh, so I'm spinning out of control? I'm panicked?", "Michael: This is what it looks like when you're scared and your back is against the wall. This is how you behave, like a lunatic. Now... listen to me. You need to tell me what's going on, whatever it is. I know you're hiding something. Tell me, tell me, just tell me so I can help you.", "Phyllis: Come on. We--we are so done. We are so done. I want you to get out of here.", "Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no. I can get a court order, you know. We can just take the laptop and have it examined anyway.", "Phyllis: You know what? You know what? You do that. You knock yourself out.", "Michael: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: It's not like I chose Victor over you. I-I thought he was out there in some terrible trouble. I still do.", "Jack: So instead of letting his wife take the responsibility of finding him, you did.", "Nikki: Well, Sharon wasn't gonna do anything.", "Jack: You hire the police, Nikk. You call the FBI. You hire a private investigator to find him.", "Nikki: I've done that in the past, Jack, and in the end, I'm the only one who can find him, because nobody knows Victor like I do.", "Jack: As long as you go on thinking like that, you and I don't stand a chance as a couple.", "Nikki: You have no idea how sorry I am to hear you say that.", "Jack: I guess we're both learning a lot here. You won't allow yourself to let go, and I will.", "Nikki: Jack... our relationship was real. I wanted to marry you. I love you!", "Jack: I believe that, Nikk, but I'm not the only one you love, and I'm not willing to share you. You walked out on me right after our wedding, without so much as thinking about it. A damn shame, too, 'cause Victor will never love you the way I have.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Leave. What are you waiting for? Get your warrant, Michael.", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, in other words--", "Phyllis: Get your warrant.", "Michael: In other words, I should just leave, and give you a chance to get rid of the evidence. Last chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Ronan: It's your brother. Let's see what he wants. Yeah.", "Michael: It's Michael. I'm going to ask Judge Waddell for a warrant for Phyllis' computer. I need you to pick it up at the judge's chambers and bring it to me at her place.", "Ronan: Is that where you are right now?", "Michael: Yes.", "Ronan: Okay.", "Kevin: What? What now?", "Ronan: We've got trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Ronan's on his way. My next call is to the judge.", "Phyllis: So...", "Michael: (Sighs) Its thirsty work. Aren't you gonna at least offer me a beverage?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You are acting like a spoiled, selfish child.", "Sharon: Oh... my word, Victoria, look who's talking. How old are you? And you still can't accept that your father has his own life and has chosen me to be in it.", "Victoria: Is that why he dumped you the same day that he married you?", "Tucker: (Claps once) All right. Come on, people. Now what the hell are we doing here? I thought we were all here for the same reason-- because we care what happens to this company. Now Victor taking off the way he did put Newman in a precarious situation. The last thing we need to do is make things worse with all this ugly, petty infighting, which, if it gets out to the press, will do more damage. It'll drag the stock price down even further.", "Nick: And what do you suggest, Tucker?", "Tucker: We're all businesspeople here. I suggest we act like it. Accept the fact that Sharon is in the chair for now, give her the benefit of our experience and our advice, which is what a board is supposed to do. Truly, folks, personal feelings aside, I see no reason we can't make this work.", "Bob: The man has a point.", "Victoria: Oh, come on! She has no business being here in the first place.", "Davis: If what I heard about the prenup is true--", "Sharon: It isn't.", "Nick: And you made sure of that by getting rid of all the evidence.", "Bob: That's moot now.", "Adam: Unless someone can produce this document, there is merit in keeping the waters calm.", "Tucker: Well, let's deal with that if the time comes.", "Sharon: Wonderful. Meeting adjourned. Now I'll kindly ask you all to get out of my office.", "Victoria: This isn't over, Sharon.", "Sharon: Guess again, Victoria.", "Victoria: Silly me, for thinking that \"Unanimous\" meant the whole board would stick together.", "Nick: And who broke away first, just like we knew he would?", "Victoria: Were you watching Sharon's face when we all walked into the office?", "Nick: Oh, yeah. She looked right at Tucker. He is definitely up to something.", "Victoria: Yeah. He's very shrewd, very clever. Who can argue with a word that he said?", "Nick: Something's been bugging me for awhile now.", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: The night Dad disappeared, do you think it was a coincidence that Tucker showed up at the ranch?", "Victoria: What do you mean?", "Nick: He claimed that Dad called him over there for some secret meeting, but I looked on Dad's schedule. There was nothing on it.", "Victoria: Isn't that interesting?", "Nick: I can't help wondering, was there a meeting, or has Tucker been working this all along?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: It would have been nice to know that the board was on its way with torches and pitchforks.", "Tucker: I know. (Sighs) I'm sorry about that, Sharon. Nick and Victoria set things up so I couldn't warn you. But you handled it beautifully.", "Sharon: (Inhales quickly) I did, didn't I?", "Tucker: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: Of course, you totally had my back the whole time. Without you there supporting me... (Singsong voice) I don't know what I would have done.", "Tucker: You would have gone through it somehow on your own.", "Sharon: (Normal voice) Yeah, but it wouldn't have been as satisfying. Winning's always so much sweeter when you have someone to share it with.", "Tucker: Is that right?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Anything interesting going on in the world?", "Victor: Not particularly.", "Genevieve: I noticed you haven't even glanced at the business section. Is that for my benefit?", "Victor: Excuse me? Why are you asking all these damn questions?", "Genevieve: (Laughs) Okay, um, what about the Japanese place? What do you say? Want to give it a shot, my treat?", "Victor: Lady, I've got work to do, okay? So... I'm calling it a night.", "Genevieve: What, you mean you're just gonna leave?", "Victor: (Chuckles) Why wouldn't I?", "Genevieve: Because I'm here.", "Victor: You came to the wrong guy, whatever you're after. I ain't got it.", "Genevieve: Okay. Fine. That's how you want to play it, you just stay right here and you can be Christian whoever-the-hell.", "Victor: Excuse me. What do you want from me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: You're angry, I understand that. You n--you need time. I-I can be as patient as you need me to be, just promise me that you're willing to work things out, please?", "Jack: I need to get some work done. Tell Mrs. Martinez where you want your things moved to.", "Nikki: Jack, I don't want to leave things like this!", "Jack: You can do what you want. I'm gonna go.", "Nikki: What are you doing? Jack! Oh, my God. Oh, my God! You can walk! (Sighs)", "Jack: I can...", "Nikki: (Gasps)", "Jack: And I'm walking away from you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Coffee to go.", "Adam: Thanks. Have you seen the latest numbers?", "Kevin: TagNGrab's doing better. Hits in sales are up and climbing.", "Adam: Yeah, Phyllis' notoriety is drawing people in. Hopefully, she stays in the news. There's no such thing as bad publicity, right?", "Kevin: So they say.", "Adam: Maybe she'll commit a few more crimes. Her problems could be good for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You could always change your mind.", "(Knock on door)", "Michael: Whoops. Spoke too soon.", "Michael: Well, you made good time. (Clears throat) Hand over that bad boy warrant.", "Ronan: I didn't get it.", "Michael: Why not?", "Ronan: Because I know why the cameras were disabled in Phyllis' hallway. She does have an alibi.", "Michael: She does? Who was with her?", "Ronan: Me. I was with her. Truth be told, Phyllis and I have been having an affair.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Mm. Mm, okay. Okay, okay, okay.", "Sharon: Why'd you stop?", "Tucker: Uh... (Sighs) Well, it's not because I didn't want you. I do. It's just not the right time. We gotta-- we gotta keep things businesslike, especially in light of what's going on at Newman right now.", "Sharon: Sure, yeah. Um, yeah, I understand.", "Tucker: I gotta get going. (Sighs) (Sighs) Let me tell you something-- from now on, I'm gonna stay one step ahead of whatever Victoria and Nick try next, 'cause we know they're not gonna give up. You get a good night's sleep. I think you're gonna need it.", "Sharon: Hmm? Yeah, okay, sure. You, too.", "Tucker: (Exhales deeply) Okay.", "(Door opens)", "Sharon: (Gasps) Oh! Summer!", "(Door closes)", "Sharon: Gosh, what are you doing here?", "Summer: I came out to go riding... unless you got rid of my horse, too.", "Sharon: Mm. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "(Door closes)", "Victoria: Well, I guess it's time to pull out the big guns and take Avery's suggestion about playing dirty. (Sighs) I know. I realize that you have kids to think about.", "Nick: Ah, someday they'll understand that we did what we had to do.", "Victoria: Right. So are you willing to use the... \"I\" word?", "Nick: Insanity? Instability? Irrational thinking? All the above?", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I wish there was some other way.", "Nick: There isn't any. Let's call the lawyers, get things rolling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I'm leaving. (Chuckles) What do you care? You don't seem to be interested in my company.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Do you know who I am?", "Billy: \"The Pier Saloon.\" This is the right place, but why would Genevieve...", "Victor: Hold on. You know something?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: If you're gonna stick to this story, you have to tell Nick, or I will.", "Sharon: I'm actually starting to enjoy the game.", "Billy: Look what I found." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jack makes Ashley CEO of Jabot, because he wants to spend time with his family, but Ashley thinks that he wants to use her as a smokescreen for his revenge against Victor. Phyllis is also wary of his plans to travel and spend time with her, but Jack tells her that he doesn't want to take his life for granted anymore. The Newmans throw a surprise wedding reception for Nick and Sage. Victor takes the opportunity to offer Marisa money to leave town. Marisa tells Victor she is staying and once again promises not to say a word about what really happened with Marco.", "Newman wins a blind bid for Chelsea's company, and Victor tells Chelsea she can't work from Paris, so Chelsea decides to start another company, but Victor tells her that her contract forbids her to do so. Adam persuades Chelsea to stay in town a few more days and fight for her company. Michael tells Devon that the blood found on Hilary's shoe belongs to her, and he will be taken back to Virgin Gorda to face murder charges. Neil asks Victor to help Devon, so that he won't be sent back to the island.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: Wow. I think this martini just went right to my head. I could have sworn you just offered me the co-CEO position at Jabot.", "Jack: The right person for the right job.", "Ashley: So, after all the games you played to make sure that I wasn't co-CEO, why the change all of a sudden?", "Jack: It isn't all of a sudden.", "Ashley: Really? 'Cause it really seems as well-thought-out as the dissolution of Newman-Abbott -- no planning, no consulting, just sweeping changes without any forethought whatsoever.", "Jack: Gee, and here I expected a \"thanks, jack. I accept. When do I start?\"", "Phyllis: What's with all the consternation over here? It looks very serious.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm not sure. I didn't expect it, either. I just offered her the position we talked about. See, there was some forethought to all this. It didn't come off the top of my head.", "Ashley: I'm not a piece that you can shove around on your chess board.", "Phyllis: Ashley, this isn't a game. It's time jack not carry this all on his shoulders -- this family, this company. We need to unite against the competition.", "Ashley: But you see, for a while there, I couldn't tell the difference between Victor and my brother. So, if that's what you mean when you say \"unity,\" I say, \"thanks but no thanks.\"", "Chelsea: I'll walk away from the company I built and start a new life in Paris.", "Victor: That's not possible, you know. There's a non-compete clause in the original contract you signed with Jabot. That contract has reverted back to me in its entirety. In other words, I own Chelsea Lawson.", "Chelsea: You can't own me. Nobody owns me.", "Adam: It's all right. I'm gonna have a legal team pick that contract apart until it's confetti. Nobody owns Chelsea's intellectual property but her.", "Victor: You know that we, of course, appreciate your vision and your talent and would be more than pleased if you stayed on with your clothing line.", "Adam: You'd be more than pleased? Well, that's good. So, he's, like -- he's doing you favor.", "Victor: We will, of course, expect you to continue working out of your present offices. In other words, a move to Paris would be out of the question.", "Victoria: More sparkling cider.", "Stitch: Oh, my favorite. Congratulations, man.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Summer: Welcome to the family, Sage.", "Nick: Okay, well, this was the exact moment at the baby shower where I took my wife aside just so she wouldn't freak out. So, excuse us.", "Mariah: It's okay to be freaked out by this crowd. It happens to me every day.", "Sage: Please don't make them feel like I'm ungrateful. I'm -- I really love this.", "Nick: You just look a little wobbly. You know, maybe some superstitions are kicking in. Sometimes it's scary to be happy.", "Sage: It's terrifying.", "Nick: That too. Please. You -- you look beautiful. You're healthy. The baby is healthy. People -- they love us. Some folks never get a slice of happiness. Sage, we get the whole pie.", "Lily: Okay. I'm having your bags sent up, so just go and get some rest, okay?", "Devon: I'm not gonna lay in the same bed that Hilary and I share. I need to contact the authorities in virgin Gorda and see if there's any news.", "Michael: Devon, if there were news, we'd know about it.", "Lily: Just get some rest. Thank God Michael was able to convince the authorities to let you leave the island. I don't think you closed your eyes for a second on the plane.", "Devon: Well, lily, every time I do close my eyes, I have a million images going through my head. In all of them, Hilary needs me. I can't get to her. And anyone that thinks that I've hurt Hilary is --", "Neil: Devon, come here. It's so good to see you, Devon. Thank you for bringing him home.", "Michael: Sure.", "Cane: Devon, I'm sorry for your loss.", "Devon: What loss? Hilary's not dead.", "Cane: I'm sorry, mate. I just thought when you said that --", "Devon: Missing is not the same as dead. You know, I'm home not because I gave up but because I'm trying to keep myself out of jail and put together a team to find my wife.", "Neil: Yeah. We understand. Look, you -- you look exhausted. You need a little bit of time.", "Devon: You're the one that told me not to give up on Hilary. If something were to happen to her, I would know it. I'd feel it. My heart's still beating, which means hers is, too. Do you understand that?", "Neil: Yeah. Come here. It's gonna be okay.", "Billy: Well, hello, Mrs. Newman.", "Sage: Oh, wow. That sounds amazing.", "[Both laugh]", "Billy: Yeah, I'll bet it does. It's a hell of a lot better than \"Mrs. Bingham.\" So, how does it feel to be married to somebody that everybody doesn't want to punch in the face when they see him?", "Sage: It's, uh, novel. It's...a relief.", "Marisa: Mariah, give us a hand.", "Mariah: No, I'm good here with my friends.", "Summer: Okay.", "Sage: Wow. Look at this.", "Nick: Wow.", "Summer: [Singsong voice] Okay. Cake time.", "Nikki: Oh, well, what is this? Cake cutting without the mother of the groom? Very poor form, son.", "Nick: Mom. [Smooches]", "Sage: Nikki, I'm so glad that you could come. [Smooches] I hope that you're not upset about the wedding.", "Nikki: Uh, really, upset is not the word. Uh, but then again, it was very short notice. Only offspring invited. Not a mother to be seen.", "Nick: That is not the way I would have phrased it.", "Nikki: Well, this is how I'll phrase it -- I have been to plenty of weddings, many of them my own, and the most important thing is that you got the wedding you wanted.", "Sage: It was perfect.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] I'm just messing with you.", "[Laughter]", "Nick: It was good.", "Kyle: Let's do this, huh?", "Summer: Yay! Come on!", "Victoria: Do you remember --", "Billy: Our first wedding? I mean, not the one in Jamaica. The other first one, where your dad had you arrested before we said, \"I do\"? Yeah, yeah. Vaguely.", "Victoria: Okay, that's not what I was gonna say. You know, it wasn't all horrible memories and bad moments. There was some really great times.", "Billy: Yeah. There were some amazing times. And then your dad would come in and ruin them.", "Victoria: No, Billy. Not always.", "Billy: See, you're doing it. You're blocking out all the crap that your dad pulled. And let's face it -- I mean, stealing Chelsea's line? It was a low blow.", "Victoria: Okay, I'm not gonna get into this with you.", "Billy: Okay. Don't.", "Victoria: You know, he didn't steal Chelsea's line. Chelsea chose Newman in a blind bid. If you want to blame anyone, blame jack for merging with Newman and leaving Jabot's assets vulnerable.", "Billy: Blame jack for leaving the assets vulnerable. You know what? No. I'm gonna blame Victor. He's Godzilla with a mustache. He just crushes everything in his path. And you know what's next? That baby that Sage is carrying that she didn't even think she could have. And when that kid is born, Victor is gonna swoop in and lay claim to him.", "Victoria: It's called family, Billy. You wouldn't understand that.", "Billy: Spoken like a Newman.", "Victoria: Are you trying to offend me?", "Billy: No, I'm not.", "Victoria: Well, I am offended, because you're trying to insult me.", "Billy: No, I'm just trying to make a point.", "Victoria: No, you're being a jerk, and it's old. I'm not interested in it.", "Billy: Way to go, Billy.", "Adam: Let's just slow down for a second. Just so we're all clear, what you're saying is if Chelsea goes to Paris, you're gonna just let her company die? You're gonna intentionally lose money so that you can keep tabs on her and her son? Is that what you're saying?", "Victor: Chelsea and her company are very valuable to us. You are valuable to no one.", "Adam: Mm.", "Victor: So, why don't you go to France and create a new business? Bon voyage.", "Adam: See, that's what he does. You tell someone to leave, you think they're just gonna go? You don't tell me where to go.", "Chelsea: And you don't get to decide if I stay, Victor.", "Victor: You accepted the sealed bid.", "Chelsea: Nowhere in there did it say that you get to dictate where I live or I never would have accepted. Victor, Connor means everything to me. And I truly think it's best for him to be raised outside of Genoa city.", "Victor: Why is that?", "Adam: That's -- that's Victor. He thinks everyone's got a price.", "Chelsea: Well, he's wrong. I'm not for sale.", "Adam: Good for you.", "Victor: Why would a thoughtful, intelligent woman like that sacrifice everything for you?", "Adam: Well, you can ask her, but she already left.", "Victor: Let me rephrase that. Would you give up Chelsea and Connor for everything?", "Jack: And you have history with Victor. You have the brains and the integrity to go toe to toe with him without getting sucked in to it all. That's why I need you as co-C.E.O. I need you. We need you.", "Ashley: Thank you. It's a pity you didn't think of that all the times you made all those decisions for our company without informing me.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: She's talking about Marco, you know, and I do not blame you.", "Jack: That was a misstep on my part. I was too impressed with the money a shell company could bring in. I failed in my due diligence, and I didn't fully realize what I was dealing with in Annicelli.", "Ashley: It was shady to say the least and, frankly, really stupid. You could have destroyed Jabot.", "Phyllis: Look, Ashley's right. From now on, you tell us all what's going on, and nothing that isn't legit.", "Jack: Okay, okay. You have my word.", "Ashley: Good. Then you won't mind if I ask you a few questions, will you?", "Jack: Such as...?", "Ashley: Why are you so sure that Annicelli isn't a threat any longer? And why the hell did you really dissolve the merger?", "Jack: You know as much as I do. Annicelli is out of the country with the feds after him. It would be suicide for him to come back here. As far as the merger goes, ending it was a no-brainer from the minute I was bleeding in the damn park.", "Ashley: Then why didn't you dissolve it then?", "Phyllis: Oh, he was in no condition --", "Ashley: I'm talking to jack.", "Jack: I want to finish this. Excuse me for just a second.", "Ashley: Oh. Okay, jack. See you later.", "Jack: Devon, how you holding up?", "Devon: Oh. They think that I hurt her, jack.", "Jack: That's ridiculous.", "Neil: Yeah. You know what's going on here? Rumors and innuendos. It's nothing but garbage.", "Devon: No one knows where she is.", "Jack: She is a bright, resourceful woman, and more than that, she loves you. That is reason enough for her to fight her way back to you.", "Devon: I appreciate you saying that. Some people think that I'm wasting my time and that I should give up, but I'm not going to. I can't.", "Jack: Don't. Don't.", "Michael: Uh, Devon, a word?", "Neil: No. Wait. Hold on. Whatever you have to tell this man, you're gonna say right here in front of his family.", "Devon: Yes, please. Just tell me, Michael.", "Michael: Uh... the blood that was found on Hilary's shoe -- the DNA tests indicate that, in fact, it is Hilary's. You will be extradited to B.V.I. The charge is homicide.", "Phyllis: Jack has been a very good friend to Devon. He is truly a decent human being.", "Ashley: He is truly exceptional at evading my questions.", "Phyllis: Jack cannot win with you. He gave you what you wanted -- co-C.E.O. -- And you will not take yes for an answer.", "Ashley: You know what? I didn't ask to share a title with somebody who gives information on a need-to-know basis, Phyllis. It doesn't work for me.", "Jack: You know what? Ashley is right. CEO of Jabot is a one-man job, or a one- woman job. You need to run Jabot yourself.", "Abby: So, what part of your past do you think prepared you for my family?", "Stitch: [Chuckles]", "Abby: Was it fighting in a war zone or the pressure cooker of the E.R.?", "Stitch: Is this about your dad? Because he and I have a healthy mutual respect.", "Abby: I'm talking about my mom. She thinks I'm one of dad's brainwashed minions. Abby \"zombie\" Carlton Newman.", "Stitch: Look, Ashley's a businesswoman. You made that very clear when she hobbled into the E.R. Couple thanksgivings ago.", "Abby: Oh, yes. And thank you for reminding me that I tried to get you guys together.", "Stitch: Okay, let me finish, smart aleck. Ashley's a businesswoman, but she's also your mom. So you just got to give her a chance and let the mom part catch up to the business part.", "Nick: Thanks for the swell event.", "Mariah: It was all summer and Noah. I'm just a seat filler.", "Nick: I'm calling bull on that. You okay? Look, is this about my wedding? I mean, you understand why I kept the guest list small, right?", "Mariah: Yeah. It's like I told Kevin. I'm not family. I get it.", "Nick: You are family. I didn't even invite my own parents.", "Mariah: Ah. Lumping me in with Victor. Thank you very much.", "Nick: Look, I'm glad you're at this party. I'm even more glad that you're in Genoa city. Sharon's -- you're good for Sharon, and she's really gonna need you, especially now that she's pregnant. And not in a \"taking you for granted\" kind of way.", "Mariah: It's not that.", "Nick: Then why the face?", "Mariah: It's, uh, it's nothing. [Chuckles] Just I'm bad at this whole \"happy party smiley\" thing, so, um, why don't I just -- I'm gonna stop talking and I'm just gonna give you a hug and say congratulations.", "Nick: Well, you can do better than that. Knock me a kiss right here.", "Mariah: Are you serious?", "Nick: I'm totally serious.", "Mariah: Oh, God.", "Nick: Come on, come on.", "Mariah: [Laughs]", "Victoria: Hi.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Abby: Hi.", "Victor: Sorry I'm late.", "Nikki: Hi, darling. It's all right. Is your delay Chelsea related?", "Victor: Uh, well, yeah, somewhat.", "Nikki: Oh, so then she's thrilled to keep her line at Newman?", "Victor: She knows I have her best interests at heart. Yeah. Well, my goodness. Look at the beautiful bride and the lucky groom. My goodness.", "Sage: We're so glad you could make it.", "Victor: Ah.", "Nick: Dad and Sage are buds now. They have teamed up against me so the baby can have a pony.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "Nikki: Oh, well, let's see if your father can wait until the baby can walk.", "Victor: Well, I'm looking forward to another grandchild. And I am actually rather grateful to you.", "Sage: Me? Wh-- what did I do?", "Victor: Because I think you're largely responsible for convincing my son to come back to Newman enterprises.", "Sage: Oh, I can't take credit for that one.", "Victor: Are you sure?", "Sage: I'm sure.", "Summer: Hi, grandpa.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Summer: Hi. Here.", "Victor: What beautiful flowers.", "Summer: Since you didn't get to throw them at your wedding.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Let it fly.", "Summer: [Chuckles]", "Sage: Well, I don't know 'cause my pitching arm's a little out of practice.", "Nick: Oh, it's simple. It's simple. You just got to be the bouquet.", "Sage: Be the bouquet.", "Nick: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na.", "Kyle: That's, uh, very Zen.", "Nick: Yes, yes.", "Sage: All right. Here we go, girls. Ready? [Clears throat] Three... two... one...", "[Women gasp]", "Lily: Wait. Why should Devon go back to the island? They haven't found Hilary, and they have no proof he had anything to do with her disappearance.", "Devon: They can't convict me for something that I didn't do. So at least if I'm back there, I can hound them until they find her.", "Neil: Wait. No. You know what's gonna happen if you go back there? Some cop or attorney, they're gonna take a look at you and they're gonna feel the need to make an example out of the wealthy foreigner. That would be you. No, no, no. We're gonna fight extradition and we're gonna make sure you never step foot back on that island.", "Michael: Look, we can fight it, but there's no guarantee we'd win. He'd end up going back anyway.", "Neil: Michael, if you think that I'm gonna allow this man to get on a plane, you got another thing coming, okay? That's my son. He's not going anywhere.", "Devon: This is my fault. I feel like this is the universe paying me back for falling in love with my father's wife. I deserve this, but Hilary doesn't deserve any of it.", "Ashley: So, you go over to talk to Devon for two minutes, and you come back with a huge change in the power structure at Jabot?", "Jack: Sometimes the right answer comes in an instant.", "Phyllis: Did something happen over there? Is there any news?", "Jack: Devon is away from the woman he loves. He may never see her again. It reminded me there are not enough hours in the day to hold old grudges.", "Ashley: Phyllis has been out of a coma for quite a while now. I mean, why didn't you just resign then, jack?", "Jack: I should have. I have cared for too long and too much about Victor Newman. You're smarter than that. You can run Jabot without making it you versus Victor. You're smart, you're talented, and you have dad's integrity, and you will lead Jabot where it needs to go.", "Ashley: For just having made that decision, that was a damn fine speech, jack. I can't imagine Jabot without you.", "Jack: Hey, I'll be on the board. I will throw my weight behind whatever you need help with. But in order for this to happen, you have to say yes.", "Ashley: Yeah, um, I still have questions.", "Jack: I understand that.", "Ashley: And suspicions.", "Jack: Okay, I accept that.", "Ashley: I've waited a really long time for this.", "Jack: It's taken far too long, and that's my fault. But now's the time.", "Ashley: I accept.", "Chelsea: Oh, um...sorry. I don't know -- I'm just gonna...", "Adam: Yeah, we were just sort of passing through the -- here you go.", "Sage: No, please. Please stay. Weddings are about starting over, doing things right. And we're all with who we want to be with. A year ago, I didn't even think that was possible. Chelsea, I want you to stay. Celebrate.", "Nick: My wife wants you to stay, and, uh, you know, enjoy the love, the cake at least. Even you, Gabe.", "[Glass clinking]", "Noah: Excuse me. I'd like to make a toast. Um, to my father and Sage. I think you, uh, you know what I'm getting at here. My dad, good man, good father, that sly grin that gets him out of every jam. Wait for it. There it is. And, Sage, for not bolting on the wedding, thank you for that. We all thank you for that. Sorry.", "Nick: Yeah. Suddenly not loving this toast.", "Noah: I have the fortunate pleasure of working with Sage, who is calm, she's logical. Nothing ever rattles her. But the reason why I love you the most -- the way you look at my dad. It's real love. Dad, you hit the jackpot. To Sage and dad.", "Kyle: Hey.", "Victoria: Cheers.", "Nick: Thanks, bud.", "Marisa: That was lovely.", "Chelsea: Victor is insisting I stay in Genoa city.", "Billy: What? He can't do that. You should tell that guy to kiss it. Chelsea, you do whatever you have to do.", "Chelsea: Even if that means running off with Gabe?", "Billy: Let's not get crazy here. Look, I just want you to keep your company and your kid out of snidely's clutches.", "Victor: Hello, Chelsea.", "Billy: It's a party, Victor. She's not on the clock.", "Chelsea: It's okay.", "Victor: Was I talking to you?", "Billy: [Scoffs] I don't care. I'll talk to you later.", "Victor: So, how nice to see you under more cheerful circumstances.", "Chelsea: Sage is definitely glowing. You know, I do this thing with my closet. When I get a new dress, I donate an old one, you know, just to keep it from getting crowded. So maybe you should try it. Maybe now that you have a grandchild on the way, you could stop fighting to keep Connor around you all the time.", "Victor: Connor will always be part of my family. And there was a time when you were very happy to hear that after Adam's death. But I assume Gabriel has done everything in his power to undermine our connection.", "Chelsea: Bottom line -- this is my life, Victor, and Connor is my son.", "Victor: Of course he is. No one is questioning that. But he will always be a Newman. I don't care who you're dating at the moment.", "Adam: Congratulations, you two. You mind if I, uh, have a moment alone with your bride?", "Nick: She doesn't need my permission. She can talk to you as long as she can tolerate it.", "Adam: Thank you.", "Sage: I'm glad you stayed.", "Adam: Thank you. I hate to crash your -- your reception here, but, uh, you know, you've been -- you've been smiling a lot here. I never saw you smile at Constance's house, and that's -- that's all you do now. It's nice, actually.", "Sage: Yeah. I do. It's a miracle baby and a miracle marriage, so... who knew, huh?", "Adam: I'm happy for you.", "Sage: Thank you.", "Adam: But you know, um, Newman miracles, they come with Newman baggage. And it's only a matter of time before my father, he is going to latch on to you and that baby and nick, and he is gonna try to pull you back into that Newman vortex, okay? Now, you are in love and you're about to become a mother, which is wonderful. But you just need to remember, the biggest menace to that kid is named grandpa, okay?", "Sage: Thank you for that.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Sage: That's -- that's good to know.", "Adam: Well...", "Sage: But I have an idea. What if you go and take the love of your life out of here and move to Paris, just stay there... forever?", "Adam: Well, gee whiz, Sage, that was warm and cuddly after the \"share your love\" welcome. What the hell? What happened to the truce? What do you have to worry about? The baby's not mine.", "Sage: But you live a lie, and that lie affects my life. And my life is good. Come on, Adam. You hate everything about this town, so why don't you go and be happy? Let me be happy here.", "Chelsea: This was -- this was a mistake. I think, um, we never should have stayed.", "Adam: Whoa, hold on a second. What happened? Victor corner you?", "Chelsea: It's exhausting. Um, I'm sorry. We're both really happy for you, Sage, and -- and you're glowing. You look beautiful. But we -- we really have to go.", "Adam: No, hold on a second. Hell with that. He doesn't own you, all right? He doesn't own me. He doesn't own this place. Let's go -- let's go throw our faces in the cake.", "Kyle: Okay, you've got to try this. It is so good.", "Summer: Mmm. Wow. That is really, really good.", "Kyle: Right?", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: Yeah. [Chuckles]", "Summer: Okay, so what's got you in such a good mood? Is it the cake, the wine, or is it just me?", "Kyle: [Laughs] No, you know what? Um, I think it is a few things. The merger being nullified, my dad actually acting like my dad, you know, he and Victor aren't pretending to have this bromance but secretly plotting their mutual destruction.", "Summer: Yeah, no, don't worry. They're gonna be back to snarling at each other across the room in no time with us stuck right in the middle.", "Kyle: Oh, yes. Look, hey, at this point, we have survived Harding.", "Summer: Mm-hmm.", "Kyle: We have outlasted Newman-Abbott.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Kyle: I feel like right now nothing can touch us unless we let it. Come here.", "Victor: It's a nice party, isn't it?", "Marisa: Your family is so loving with everyone. Noah has his father's kindness.", "Victor: And my grandson treats you well. I wonder how he would feel if he realized that your former lover was partly responsible for Courtney's death.", "Marisa: No one has to know about Marco. We agreed.", "Victor: We did, indeed. And we had our reasons. But now Marco is gone. So listen carefully. I will send half a million dollars into your account and you leave town.", "Marisa: Noah cares about me. He wants me here.", "Victor: He's simply mourning the death of his ex-fiancée. In a few months, I promise you, he won't even remember your name. Now, just imagine all the things you can buy and do with half a million dollars. And imagine how my grandson will feel when he learns that you lied to him.", "Noah: Hey, grandpa.", "Victor: Hi, Noah.", "Noah: Everything okay?", "Victor: You bet. I'm getting to know your girlfriend, as I promised. She's lovely.", "Ashley: [Gasps]", "Billy: Where you going?", "Ashley: I was looking for you, but this is not the time or the place.", "Billy: When has that ever stopped anybody in this town?", "Ashley: Stopping me.", "Billy: Okay, I'm intrigued. Now you have to tell me.", "Ashley: Jack stepped down as C.E.O. And he put me in charge.", "Billy: You're kidd-- well, that -- that deserves a toast.", "Ashley: Here's the thing, though. I'm not really sure if this is the end of jack's run at Jabot or not or he's just gonna come up with some plan to undermine Victor.", "[Glasses clink]", "Billy: Okay, why would jack step down from the C.E.O. Spot if he's trying to undermine Victor? I mean, he'd need the power of the title, wouldn't he?", "Ashley: I would be the smokescreen maybe? People focus on me while he executes his plan?", "Billy: I don't know, ash. I mean, if jack's playing games like that...", "Ashley: His hands would be clean and I would take the fall. You get that?", "Jack: We can do more of this, out and about during the day. We could do it here. We could do it in Istanbul or Fiji or the south of France.", "Phyllis: You're trying to divert my attention. Let's throw out some exotic locations so she doesn't remember what she's dying to know.", "Jack: Ouch.", "Phyllis: What happened back there, making Ashley sole C.E.O.?", "Jack: She has deserved this for a long time. My ego merely caught up with my brain.", "Phyllis: Or?", "Jack: Or what?", "Phyllis: Or you didn't want her to know about Marco. Or why you and Victor agreed to break up Newman-Abbott. Did you step away from Jabot because you wanted to keep this secret safe? Because we could have kept that secret about Marco safe with you still as CEO.", "Jack: Keeping secrets, keeping track of lies is a lousy way to live. It's also a lousy way to run my father's company. My father deserves better. So does Ashley. Hell, this is her legacy every bit as much as it is mine. She'll do dad proud.", "Phyllis: Are you gonna take up knitting?", "Jack: No, I'm a very important man. I have very important things to do.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Such as?", "Jack: Okay, listen to me. When I was chained up and I thought I might not live another second, I promised myself I was not going to waste another second of my life if I made it out of there. And what did I do? I blew it. I came back to town and started tussling with Victor right away. A mistake. It's a mistake I'm not going to make again.", "Abby: Mom, this is neutral territory. No business talk.", "Ashley: I'm not here for business. I just want to say I'm sorry.", "Abby: Um, okay.", "Ashley: I never should have tried to get you to side against your father. You are an adult, and you are capable of making your own decisions about your life and your career.", "Stitch: Well, that's great to hear. Right, Abby?", "Abby: Yeah, it's terrific. It's out of nowhere. But, um... I don't know. It kind of makes me nervous.", "Ashley: No, no, don't be nervous. Congratulate me. Jack made me CEO of Jabot.", "Stitch: [Laughs]", "Abby: Wow. He finally did it.", "Stitch: You've been waiting for that as long as I've known you. In the lab, sweating over test tubes -- it was all for that title, and now it's yours. Congratulations, Ashley.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Abby: So you are CEO of Jabot. Which makes me the enemy.", "Ashley: No. We are not the first family members to be working for competing companies. It's another reason why jack is stepping aside. Jabot shouldn't exist solely to compete with Newman enterprises. We are completely different entities.", "Abby: You may not see dad as the enemy, but I'm pretty sure he still sees Jabot that way.", "Ashley: Not with me in charge. Very soon, Victor's gonna realize that Jabot and Newman do not have to be at each other's throats. I promise you.", "Noah: Did my grandfather say something to you?", "Marisa: Party small talk. How much he loves his family.", "Noah: You know, I told him that you were here to stay, and I thought he'd be fine with that. Clearly he's not.", "Marisa: Why are we talking about your grandfather when there's cake and champagne? Cake. [Chuckling] Noah, cake. What?", "Noah: You know, sometimes when I look at you, it's, um, it's like I'm seeing you again for the first time. I mean, you were soaking wet and afraid, but tough. It was weird, but I had this feeling like you were gonna change everything. You did.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "Chelsea: You know, it's moments like this I can't believe I didn't recognize you when I first met \"Gabe.\" I would recognize that glare anywhere. I'm surprised nick and Victor haven't gone up in flames by now.", "Adam: Hmm. Sage urged me to go back to Paris.", "Chelsea: So? What? Did you think she was gonna beg you to stay? Besides, we are going back, because you promised. Nobody here is gonna be able to give you what you need, so let's -- let's go get our son and go back to our new home.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "Michael: As soon as I get any more information, I'm gonna get it to you.", "Nikki: My goodness. Devon is home.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. With a very good attorney and a family around him.", "Nikki: Yeah. With Neil's arm around his shoulder.", "Victor: You still concerned about his alibi?", "Nikki: Well, I would just feel a whole lot better if I knew for certain that he was in Canada when he said he was. Has your investigator come back with anything?", "Victor: Not yet, but I'm gonna call him again. Neil.", "Neil: Hi, Victor. Good to see you, Nikki. Um, listen, the other day you offered your help for my son.", "Victor: Right.", "Neil: So I want to take you up on that offer, if it still stands.", "Michael: Okay, I've got an extradition to fight. I'll be in touch.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Michael: All right.", "Devon: There's nothing without Hilary. I can't stop looking for her.", "Lily: Even if you do have to go to virgin Gorda to clear your name, we'll keep looking for Hilary. I mean, dad would be there now if you asked him to go.", "Neil: No proof of any crime, but they already have him convicted.", "Victor: Now, I offered assistance in trying to find Hilary and trying to help you with Devon. Uh, you thought the local authorities would be upset by that?", "Neil: Yeah, well, now we're fighting an extradition. Victor, I'm gonna ask you something from the bottom of my heart, okay? Pull some strings, make some calls, do whatever you have to do. Just keep him off the island.", "Victor: I'll take care of it.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Jack: We beat a coma! We beat a drug lord! We won! This is the prize, not a corporation, not an executive position. Us. You and me.", "Phyllis: Being with me 24/7 is hardly a life plan.", "Jack: Look, we can travel, we can -- we can stay here. We can spoil our children and our grandchildren. If you want to stay in the corporate world, I will hand you your briefcase and kiss you goodbye. I'll pack a lunch for you. Stick little notes in it, saying how beautiful you are, how much I love you.", "Phyllis: You are ridiculous.", "Jack: And you are perfect.", "Phyllis: I don't think so.", "Jack: Oh, we could argue about that. We're pretty good at arguing, too. In fact, everything we do together, we seem to be pretty darn excellent at.", "Phyllis: Okay. You want to prove it to me?", "Jack: How do I do that?", "Phyllis: Take me home. [Laughs]", "Billy: Look at that. We, uh, we all survived.", "Victoria: Yeah. We did.", "Abby: So, what did you say to my mom? Because you did say something, didn't you, after she went off on me?", "Stitch: I know. You don't need me fighting your battles.", "Abby: No. I don't. At all. But I like that you do. Mm-hmm.", "Sage: Your family is adorable.", "Nick: The Newmans are not adorable.", "Sage: Yes, they are.", "Nick: Actually, faith -- she's extremely adorable. The rest of us? Any, uh, superstitions kick in 'cause we didn't do the rice thing?", "Sage: No. I'm actually feeling remarkably not freaked out or nervous.", "Nick: Good.", "Sage: Yeah.", "Nick: Well, there is one tradition I'm keeping in my back pocket just in case.", "Sage: Ohh.", "Nick: And it's time to bust it out.", "Sage: [Laughs] Okay.", "Nick: The bride and groom's first dance.", "[Upbeat music plays]", "Sage: [Laughs] Yes. I like it.", "Nick: Okay, just -- let's actually -- let's slow this down a little bit.", "[Slow music plays]", "Adam: Right over there. That's the first time Gabriel Bingham saw you playing with your little boy, there.", "Chelsea: Except not really. Because you had been watching us through the camera you had planted in his bedroom, remember?", "Adam: Well, you know, minor, little details. Just blow by all the weird stuff. You know, all I ever wanted was to be a family again.", "Chelsea: The good thing is, now we -- we can be, so why don't we grab Connor and we'll take that flight back to France?", "Adam: Probably just, uh... probably just need a few more days here.", "Chelsea: I knew it. I was waiting. I don't care about the clothing line. Victor can have it. I don't care what he does. He can take some -- some burlap sacks and put my name on it. I don't care, Adam.", "Adam: Chelsea, that man has no right to steal your dreams.", "Chelsea: What about our dreams?", "Adam: We'll have everything that we want. We have everything that we want. Our dreams will be fulfilled. I just need a little more time, babe. A little more time.", "Chelsea: Okay, a few days and that's it.", "Adam: Yeah? It's all I need. Thank you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: What are you not telling me? Why are you keeping secrets from me when we agreed we wouldn't do this anymore?", "Victor: You went to great lengths to lie to me about being in Canada. You were in the islands.", "Paul: Devon, you're under arrest." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Michael and Lauren try talking to Scott about his involvement with Sharon but Scott refuses to divulge much information. At the Underground Nick and Sharon discuss Alice Johnson and her involvement with Crystal. Sharon shows him a picture of the car that Crystal had left in. At the offices of Brash and Sassy, Victoria and Neil have shushi and discuss business. VIctoria gives Neil a file on work she had compiled concerning the sales of Brash and Sassy. Billy downloads a file off Phyllis' computer concerning Jabot. Phyllis yells and asks him what is he doing but he lies to her. Ravi lets Ashley smell his cheek where he has just used some of the new moisturizer. Ashley and Ravi come up with a new product line. At the condo, Chelsea paints Faith's fingernails and they share girl talk. Faith then puts a damper on their fun by asking why Nick had moved in here instead of her moving into the ranch. Chelsea doesn't really know how to answer her. Sharon and Nick discuss how that Alice could be the head of the sex ring which has Crystal. Billy lies to Phyllis as to the real reason he was on the computer. He then makes up an excuse so he can go and tell VIctoria what is going on at Jabot. Chelsea lies to Faith as to why NIck really moved in here. Faith lets her know that this will never seem like home to her. NIck comes in and overhears their conversation. Nick tries to explain things to her but Faith still doesn't understand and goes upstairs. Lauren lets Scott know that she is interested in his life with Sharon. Scott gets a text and leaves abruptly. MIchael and Lauren go back to their dancing when there is a knock on the door and it is Phyllis. Phyliis rants and raves about they had a romantic evening planned but Billy suddenly had to go and see VIctoria. Victoria thanks Neil for his help and gives him a hug just as Billy walks in. Billy lets her know that he has something to show her.", "Nick tries to explain to Chelsea that none of this is her fault but Chelsea still feels guilty about it. Al knocks on the door and tells them that he has a delivery from the ranch which is Faith's bedroom furniture. Faith is thrilled when she sees the things that Al had brought over from the ranch. Billy and Victoria discuss the possibililty that PHyllis may be involved in this. Ashley and Ravi discuss the new product line when they are interrupted by Billy and VIctoria. Victoria asks Ashley if Jack is involved in trying to sabotage their company by having Brash and Sassy products removed from the shelves of Fenmore's. Ashley will not divulge any information but Billy asks Ravi and Victoria for a moment alone with his sister. Billy asks Ashley if Jack was involved in this would she tell him. Ashley is reluctant to answer. In the outer office, Ravi lets Victoria know that Benjamin Hochman had a meeting with Jack and Ashley and also had met with Phyllis. Sharon shows Scott the picture of the white car which she feels had taken Crystal.", "" ]
[ "Michael: [ Sighs ]", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ] [ Gasps, sighs ] Oh, do you hear that?", "Michael: The music of love?", "Lauren: [ Laughs ] No, no. The silence of no phones ringing...", "Michael: Oh, yes.", "Lauren: ...No clacking of computer keys...", "Michael: Yes. Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: ...No scratching of pens across legal pads. Just us. Alone.", "Michael: Mm. Blissful.", "Michael: Yes.", "Lauren: Heaven.", "[ Lock clicks ]", "Michael: Oh.", "Scott: Oh, man. Sorry, guys.", "Lauren: [ Laughs ]", "Scott: Thought I'd stop home and say hi to mom, but my timing is obviously, uh... just pretend I was never here, okay?", "Michael: Works for me.", "Lauren: No, no, no, no, no! Scott! [ Scoffs ] I haven't talked to you since you've moved out. How are you? How's sharon?", "Scott: Do you really want to know?", "Nick: Sharon, why would you think alice johnson is involved in a sex- trafficking ring?", "Sharon: Look at this picture I took.", "Nick: It's a car driving away.", "Sharon: From the police station. I also saw two prostitutes get into that car, along with the man who had just bailed them out. Can you see the driver?", "Nick: Yeah, it looks like a blond woman. That doesn't prove anything.", "Sharon: I just saw alice drive away in the parking lot when I ran out to give her her credit card. Same car. Same blond hair.", "Nick: Sharon, what --", "Sharon: I know. I know it sounds impossible. But, nick, I'd bet anything it's her.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Ashley: Come in.", "Ravi: Hey.", "Ashley: Hey!", "Ravi: How was your walk?", "Ashley: Good.", "Ravi: I was a little concerned. You and dina...seemed tense.", "Ashley: Yeah. I appreciate you giving me the space to clear my head.", "Ravi: If you'd like, I think I know of another technique that might help.", "Ashley: Um... I think I'm just gonna focus on work right now.", "Ravi: Yeah. Okay. Work. No distractions. Got it. Just, uh... stroke my cheek. Yeah.", "Neil: This is some incredible sushi. Thank you.", "Victoria: You're welcome.", "Neil: Mmm!", "Victoria: You know, billy and I have become takeout experts. Working lunches, working dinners... working midnight snacks.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. Well, now that you have some breathing room, you don't have to put in so many brutal hours, do you?", "Victoria: That's true. It's nice to have goals. Oh!", "Neil: Hm?", "Victoria: Speaking of which, I put together a brief. It's a summary of everything that brash & sassy has in the pipeline.", "Neil: Wow. You did this for me?", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, for you and devon. Hamilton-winters. Since you extended us the bridge loan, I just thought you'd want to know how your investment money is being spent.", "Neil: I appreciate that. And I will take this with me and read it later, okay?", "Victoria: All right. By all means.", "Neil: You know, vicki, you don't have to keep us apprised on every move the company makes. Devon and I trust you to run things as you see fit. Okay?", "Victoria: Thank you, neil. That's nice to hear. Sometimes it's kind of tough not knowing who's on your side.", "Phyllis: So, what are you thinking? Takeout or go out? What are you doing? Additional sponsorship", "Ashley: Ravi...", "Ravi: Yes?", "Ashley: Didn't you hear me say I want to focus on work?", "Ravi: Oh, yeah. I heard you. Yeah.", "Ashley: So what are you doing?", "Ravi: Uh, just humor me. Please.", "Ashley: Wow.", "Ravi: Smooth, right?", "Ashley: Is that the parker beauty moisturizer?", "Ravi: Yes, it is.", "Ashley: The one that I've been experimenting on?", "Ravi: Yep. As you know, I like to fully immerse myself in all aspects of the business.", "Ashley: And as you know, I've been focusing on making our latest acquisition into one of jabot's biggest money makers.", "Ravi: At the r&d conference in new york, when you suggested jabot should buy them, I was skeptical.", "Ashley: Oh, really?", "Ravi: As it turns out, your instincts were spot-on.", "Ashley: Well, thank you for the compliment. And thank you for trying the moisturizer. Actually, you just gave me a hell of an idea. What if we marketed at least part of the line as unisex?", "Ravi: That's an amazing idea.", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Ravi: Yeah. Yeah, guys my age are totally into taking care of ourselves.", "Ashley: Right?", "Ravi: Yeah, it all started with sunscreen getting so big. You know, \"who wants their skin to age before it has to?\" That's not a girl/guy thing. That's an everybody thing.", "Ashley: Exactly. So what do you think? A little light anti-aging moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning.", "Ravi: And then a full-on moisturizer at night.", "Ashley: Yes!", "Ravi: Yeah, we use so much product in our hair, why not our face?", "Ashley: [ Laughs ] I think you're gonna turn out to be the real genius around here, you know that?", "Ravi: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: And how do you like the glitter topcoat? It's pretty cool, huh?", "Faith: Mm-hmm. Goes nicely with the pink.", "Chelsea: It sure does. All right. Now [Blows] Just give it 10 minutes to dry.", "Faith: Okay.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I got to tell you, I'm so excited to have another girl in the house. It's gonna be fun. We can, you know, eat ice cream while we read fashion magazines.", "Faith: You have ice cream? What kind?", "Chelsea: Oh, yeah, we have ice cream. Let's see. We've got butter pecan. I mean, that's just house rules. We've got coffee gelato, if your dad hasn't eaten it all already. We've got french vanilla. And then, in the back of the freezer, behind the frozen vegetables, is a secret stash. Sea-salt caramel. But you have to promise me that you won't tell the boys.", "Faith: Oh, they all sound great. We only ate ice pops at camp.", "Chelsea: Well, you're welcome to it any time you want. Except before dinner. [ Sighs ] You know, faith, all of this, it's gonna work out. It will. I promise. And I hope, eventually, you start to feel at home here.", "Faith: That's something i still don't get. [ Sighs ] You and connor could have moved into our old place at the ranch. But you didn'T. Instead, we're all here. What's the real reason dad moved us out?", "Nick: Look, sharon, I'm sorry, I just don't buy that alice, the woman who adopted cassie, is involved in some sex ring.", "Sharon: Nick...", "Nick: And the \"blond woman\" thing -- I mean, you're blond! There's blond women everywhere. And that car is a very popular model. Did you at least, I don't know, take a picture so you can compare the two?", "Sharon: No, I was too focused on chasing after alice so I could give her her credit card back. By the time I realized what i was seeing, it was too late.", "Nick: How about the license plate?", "Sharon: Not even a portion of it, neither time.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Did alice say or do anything that makes you think she's involved in something terrible like that?", "Sharon: I asked her what she did for a living. She said she was working in sales. But, nick, I just have this feeling, this nagging feeling.", "Nick: Okay, look. I think that you are very concerned about crystal. And, uh... I-I don't know. I just don't see any connection here, okay? I really don'T. I think it's just a coincidence.", "Billy: Nothing would load on my phone, and I just wanted to see whether the... internet was working.", "Phyllis: Well, is it?", "Billy: Yeah, no. It seems to be fine. It's just, uh... just means it's my phone.", "Phyllis: Well, just power it down, wait a few minutes, then power it back up. That usually does the trick.", "Billy: Trying that right now.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, I hope you were browsing for menus, because I am so hungry.", "Billy: I was actually looking up something for work.", "Phyllis: That is a four-letter word right now, okay? This time of night...mnh.", "Billy: I got to go back to the office.", "Phyllis: Now? Why?", "Billy: Something came up that I got to talk to victoria about.", "Phyllis: Can it wait? She got her loan. The company's saved. You can't rush back over there for every little crisis.", "Billy: It's important.", "Phyllis: It's always important. It's always a national emergency when it's victoria.", "Billy: It's just business. Okay? I'll be back to you as soon as I can.", "Chelsea: Well, your dad and i thought that this would be the best arrangement for everybody.", "Faith: But why? We had a swimming pool there, and horses.", "Chelsea: True. But here, you know... there are several advantages to living in town, you know? There's a lot of stores. Oh! There's a movie theater right down the street. You can order takeout whenever you want. Um, and it's also really convenient for -- for me and your dad, 'cause it's close to where we work. Oh, and it's close to your school, which means that it's close to your friends, which, by the way, you are allowed to have them over whenever you want.", "Faith: [ Sighs ] But what about my family? Family comes first.", "Chelsea: Well, faith, I'm hoping that eventually we all start to feel like a family. You know, you, your dad and I, the boys --", "Faith: No. My family lives at the ranch. While I'll be stuck here half the time.", "Chelsea: Faith, I know that change can be difficult. I really do. I'm just asking you to give this a chance.", "Faith: Everyone keeps saying that. But I'm smart enough to know when something's wrong. This isn't right. We shouldn't be here.", "Nick: Faith? What's going on? Why are you so upset?", "Chelsea: Um, you know, actually, we got off track. We were having a lot of fun.", "Nick: Well, what happened to change that?", "Faith: It was fun. Until chelsea started talking about this being my home now. It isn'T. It's hers. I tried getting used to it, but this is never gonna feel like home to me.", "Lauren: I wouldn't have asked about your life if I wasn't truly interested.", "Michael: Let's avoid any big discussions about sharon if at all possible, please.", "Lauren: I think I've been very open-minded, considering. I mean, I did invite you guys for dinner.", "Scott: Yeah, that was weeks ago, and you still haven't gotten back to me with a date.", "Michael: Any date but tonight.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: Honey, I'm trying.", "Scott: I know you are, mom. I just wish it didn't require such a conscious effort to appreciate the woman who makes me happy.", "Lauren: Well, if I was making a list of happy, carefree people in genoa city, it certainly --", "Michael: Lauren fenmore baldwin.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Scott: It's my choice to make. And thanks for the wine.", "Lauren: Wha--", "Scott: Yeah, just shoot me a text about dinner, okay?", "Lauren: Yeah. W-wait a minute. Are you upset with me?", "Scott: No, not at all. I just -- I need to go someplace. And, uh, I'll leave you to your romance. Good night.", "Lauren: Good night. We'll talk soon.", "Scott: I'll hold you to that.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ] Well, I guess we're gonna have to go through with that, uh, dinner.", "Michael: Or you can do what gloria and I do, which is ignore the parts of each other's lives that you don't like.", "Lauren: Honey, no offense...", "Michael: I know what you're gonna say. But you have to admit, it keeps the peace. Now. Where were we?", "[ Slow music plays ]", "Lauren: Hmm. Let's see. I believe... I was over here.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: And you...", "Michael: Oh, yes.", "Lauren: ...Were right here.", "Michael: That's good.", "Lauren: And I was about to...", "Michael: Very good.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Lauren: Oh!", "Michael: Do not answer that.", "Lauren: But what if it's important?", "Michael: [ Scoffs ] At this hour? Come on. We're not expecting anybody. [ Doorbell rings ] Please, ignore it!", "Lauren: No, no, no. Let me just get rid of them.", "Michael: Oh, ple-- I wish you wouldn'T.", "Lauren: Come on, honey. It'll be quick. Quick, quick, quick. Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Thank god you're home. Why is it so dark in here? Is the power out?", "Michael: Nope.", "Phyllis: [ Slamming purse ] I have had it. I have so had it with his damn ex- wife.", "Lauren: Oh. I guess we're talking about...", "Phyllis: Billy and I. We have a lovely evening, a perfectly romantic evening, and then all of a sudden, he is off to work to meet her again. So another perfect, romantic evening just completely in shreds!", "Michael: Mm. Somehow, I can relate.", "Neil: Whoa! Look at you! Nothing but net!", "Victoria: That's right! Well, I've had nothing but practice lately.", "Neil: [ Sighs ] We got to get you out of here. Home to your kids, you know.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, with things settling down, I think that might actually be possible. You know what? It feels like a huge weight has been lifted.", "Neil: And if my company is even partly responsible for that, I'm glad.", "Victoria: You're entirely responsible. I just want to thank you so much for alleviating all of this stress for me.", "Neil: Yeah.", "Victoria: And my doctor will be happy about that, too, let me tell you.", "Neil: Go back, go back. What do you mean your doctor? You okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, just things have been a little tense lately. There have been a couple times when I thought I might totally lose it.", "Neil: Wait. Listen to me. If you ever need to talk, or hear from a friend that you're not losing it, I want you to call me, okay? 'Cause you've had a few rough months. And you're not alone. There are people who care.", "Victoria: Thank you. That's nice to hear. I'm in better shape because of you.", "Billy: Hey, you two.", "Neil: Hey, billy.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: What are you doing back here? I thought you went home?", "Billy: Yeah, uh, something came up.", "Victoria: Oh.", "Neil: Well, I'm gonna leave you to it. Thank you so much for dinner. And thank you so much for this.", "Victoria: You're so welcome. Call me if you have any questions.", "Neil: Yeah, I sure will.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: From the bottom of my heart, man, uh... thank you. For the bridge loan for brash & sassy. You and devon saved our bacon.", "Neil: Come on, man. Glad to help.", "Billy: Thanks.", "Neil: Take care.", "Billy: See you.", "Victoria: Okay. So? What's going on?", "Billy: I was able to get into jabot's server. You were right to be worried. They got plans to smash us to bits. And it's all right here.", "Alice: I think you came here to tell me I'm a bad person and a bad mother.", "Sharon: That is not true.", "Alice: [ Scoffs ] But it's how you really feel. You can't stand the thought of me ending up with the kid you dumped. Remember that, sharon. You gave cassie up. I took her in.", "Sharon: Now, you're not being fair, alice. I gave my baby up for adoption because I had no choice.", "Alice: We always have choices.", "Sharon: Well, you know what? I made that choice when cassie was born because I thought it would be the best thing for her. And I was only 16 years old. I had no money. I had no job. I had no husband. I had no way of caring for an infant. So I let her go. I did it because I thought it would give her a chance at a better life than i could provide. And I did it because I loved her. That's what I'm asking of you now, alice. To think about how much you love that little girl. To think about where she'll be happiest and most secure. Where she'll have the best life.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Scott: Hey. What's wrong? What's going on?", "Sharon: I, uh... just got a blast from the past this evening.", "Scott: Something bad?", "Sharon: Maybe worse than before.", "Nick: Look, I moved us here because it is the best thing for our family. All right? You don't have to like it. You don't have to understand it yet. But, sweetheart, I do need you to accept it. And I absolutely need you to respect chelsea, and not go out of your way to hurt her feelings.", "Faith: Dad, I wasn'T. I swear.", "Chelsea: Yeah, I think faith was just confused. For good reason. I think we need to understand that.", "Nick: Well, as long as it was done in a constructive way. Look, I know this wasn't your decision. And we kind of sprung it on you.", "Faith: \"Kind of\"...?", "Nick: I already took you out to the ranch once today, and it was a trip I wasn't planning on making. And now chelsea is here, bending over backwards to try and make you feel welcome. You know, you keep saying you're a big girl, and I think it's time you show us that.", "Faith: Okay.", "Nick: All right. So why don't you, uh, go upstairs and think about all this?", "Faith: Okay.", "[ Sighs ]", "[ Nick and chelsea sigh ]", "Chelsea: This is all my fault, nick. I made everything worse.", "Phyllis: I'm being serious, michael.", "Michael: Oh, believe me, I know. I am merely saying that I can relate to having your romantic plans blow up without warning.", "Phyllis: If it happened once in a while, I -- I could handle that. But it's all the damn time.", "Lauren: Well, so, billy's committed to his job. That's not a bad thing. Sometimes work takes priority, like me during the holidays, michael during a big case.", "Michael: But we also know that it's important to make time [Smooches] For the two of us.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: So do we. Or so I thought. I mean, the night started out perfectly, but it was just... I don't know. It... [ Sighs ] It... billy just seemed off. I mean, I can't put my finger on it, but I know it has to be about victoria.", "Billy: Dina's working on some marketing analysis because jabot is buying parker beauty.", "Victoria: Jabot is buying an outside skin-care line?", "Billy: We did commandeer their lab.", "Victoria: Well, it must be hush-hush, because I haven't read anything about it in the trades.", "Billy: They're just waiting for the sale to go through. And it looks like they're using the entire product line in the mix, and adding more down the road.", "Victoria: Okay, well, good for them. It's quite a coup, but it's not a direct assault on brash & sassy, so why did you rush back here to show me this?", "Billy: Look what I just highlighted.", "Victoria: They want to take brash & sassy products out of fenmore's?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: No, no, no, no. They can't do that.", "Billy: Yeah, they can.", "Victoria: No, they can'T. And I'll tell you why. We have a contract.", "Billy: Fenmore's can break the contract as long as they give us an appropriate notice. And they're under jabot's umbrella right now, so why wouldn't they play up the synergy? Right here, that's the projected launch date.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Unbelievable.", "Billy: Looks like they're set to go public with this.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] And they want to steal our shelf space to do it.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] It's unbelievable how far jack and I have drifted apart, because it's so clear that his hands are all over this.", "Victoria: You actually went through with it. You used dina's password on phyllis' computer to log in to their system.", "Billy: It was the only way i could see what jack was up to.", "Victoria: Thank you for putting your relationship on the line for this company.", "Billy: Well, I didn't feel good about it at first, but now... I got no guilt.", "Victoria: Do you think that phyllis knows about their plan to put us out of business? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nick: Faith is having a hard time. It's not because of anything you're doing.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but i should've known not to use the \"h\" word. What was I thinking?", "Nick: Chelsea, you want her to feel like this is her home.", "Chelsea: Yeah, but it was too soon. And we were having so much fun. I...", "Nick: Please stop beating yourself up, all right? It's my job to help her adjust.", "Chelsea: But I thought we were in this together?", "Nick: Of course we are. You know, the reason this is happening is 'cause sharon and i let her pick where she wanted to live. And she picked my parents. It was a big mistake.", "Chelsea: What, letting her stay with victor and nikki?", "Nick: No, letting her feel like she gets to call the shots. I don't want to feel like I have to be too strict with her, but until this blows over, I may have to.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Chelsea: Hi, there. Can I help you?", "Nick: Al! Hey, man.", "Al: Hey.", "Nick: Come on in. What a nice surprise.", "Chelsea: What am I missing?", "Nick: Uh, this is al. He's worked at the ranch for... I don't know, man. How many years?", "Al: I started around the same time as buck. I'll leave the math to you.", "Nick: [ Laughs ] Al, this is chelsea. Chelsea, al.", "Al: Hi, chelsea. Pleasure.", "Chelsea: So nice to meet you.", "Nick: It's great to see you, man. How are you?", "Al: Ask me again after I've unloaded all of the furniture I've got downstairs.", "Nick: What are you talking about?", "Al: Victor sent me over with girls' bedroom furniture.", "Lauren: You shouldn't let this get to you. Billy chose you. They've moved on. Victoria is no longer a threat.", "Michael: Lauren's right. I spent a lot of time with them during their lawsuit when I was representing brash & sassy, and if anything was going on between those two, I never picked up on it.", "Phyllis: I know billy's not cheating on me. It's her I don't trust.", "Lauren: Why? You don't think she's after him, do you?", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You know what I feel? I feel like, when billy and i moved in together, victoria upped her game to get billy back. And I don't think she's above using her company to do it.", "Billy: Phyllis wouldn't help jack sabotage us, okay? She's not involved in any of this.", "Victoria: Do you know that for a fact?", "Billy: No, I don't know it for a fact. But I believe that, okay, and I hope that it's true.", "Victoria: Phyllis would love it if we were not working these insane hours together. In fact, she would love it if we weren't working together at all. And don't forget, she worked for the department-store chain that would like to put us out of business.", "Billy: She's not involved in this, okay? Because she would warn me.", "Victoria: Well, you give her way more credit than I do, billy.", "Billy: Jack would not trust her with this information, because he would be afraid that she would come to me with it.", "Victoria: Is it possible that you haven't noticed how well those two are getting along lately?", "Billy: Okay. Phyllis is not the enemy here, okay? This is jack. And now we have proof that he is out to decimate us. Which is exactly what will happen if our products get pulled from fenmore's shelves. And every other department store follows suit, we are out of business -- in north america, anyway.", "Victoria: Just when I start to think that everything is gonna be okay, then another shoe drops.", "Billy: We're gonna be okay. Because jack's plan was to blindside us. Now he can't do that. Now we take preemptive measures. Starting now. Come on.", "Ashley: What about packets of moisturizer as well as jars? That way people could throw them into their attaché cases or their travel bags.", "Ravi: Biodegradable?", "Ashley: Of course. What?", "Ravi: How animated you are. When you're creating, in your element. It's fun to watch.", "Ashley: Aw. Remember earlier when I said i needed to be alone?", "Ravi: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Maybe I didn't need to be alone. I think I'm just so used to flying solo that I... I shut people out. It's a very bad habit I have. It's nice to know that there's somebody I can lean on once in a while.", "Ravi: Oh, I'm all yours. Lean away.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Ashley: Come in.", "Billy: Ashley.", "Ashley: It's so late. Is everything okay?", "Victoria: Yes, uh, we'd like to hope so.", "Ashley: What does that mean?", "Victoria: I was up here earlier to see jack, and i talked to him about ending this war between our two companies. Your mother happened to be here, and she was all in favor.", "Ashley: How did jack respond?", "Billy: How do you think?", "Victoria: Look, jack pretended to like the idea, but actions speak louder than words.", "Ashley: Okay, has jack done something?", "Billy: I was hoping you'd be able to tell us that.", "Sharon: Seeing alice again... god! It was almost surreal.", "Scott: How could it not be?", "Sharon: You know, on the surface, we had this pleasant conversation. But all I could think about the whole time was cassie. And how devastating it was to lose her.", "Scott: That must have been so painful. But it's all in the past now. I mean, alice can't hurt you. Not anymore.", "Sharon: That's just it. She may still be trouble.", "Scott: How?", "Sharon: This is gonna sound...out there. Just...when you hear it, don't say that I'm crazy.", "Scott: I would never, ever call you that, sharon.", "Nick: Why would you tell al that we'll accept a delivery from my dad?", "Chelsea: Uh, because the furniture is ours, for one. I mean, we paid for every piece.", "Nick: No, I realize that.", "Chelsea: I mean, who cares why victor changed his mind? All that matters is he did. It's a good thing, right? Why question it?", "Nick: I just know how much time and effort you spent on designing faith's bedroom for her, and I don't want to let victor ruin your gift to her.", "Chelsea: All right, well, we won't let him, then. Can I call faith down?", "Nick: Sure.", "Chelsea: Okay. Hey, faith? Can you come down here, please?", "Faith: Hey. Am I still in trouble?", "Nick: You know what, let's put that on hold for now. you remember when chelsea and I said we had an amazing surprise for you?", "Faith: Something about a new room. But it's not ready yet.", "Nick: Well, that was then.", "Faith: You mean it's here?", "Chelsea: Yeah, I designed a whole new bedroom for you, faith. Furniture, lighting, comforter, everything.", "Nick: We had it all ready to go at our old place, but then we moved here and, um... uh, my dad decided to just store it at the ranch for us. But now that we're officially moved in, it's on its way up.", "Faith: [ Gasps ]", "Chelsea: Are you excited?", "Faith: Yeah, I guess.", "Nick: But no matter how you feel about it when you see it, you are gonna thank chelsea, right?", "Faith: I promise.", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Nick: Here we go.", "Faith: [ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh! I love it! Oh! [ Squeals ]", "Ashley: Well, come on. Let's not play games.", "Ravi: If you're here to accuse jack of something, do it.", "Victoria: I would like to think that jabot wouldn't try to muscle brash & sassy's products off of fenmore's shelves to make room for your new skin-care line.", "Ashley: I don't know what you're talking about. How did you know that?", "Billy: Our re-orders have slowed down, okay, so it occurred to us that jack might try and take advantage of that.", "Ravi: So this is purely a hunch based on no evidence?", "Victoria: It's no secret that my company has had some challenges lately, contributing to our slump in sales, and that was before the recent bad publicity hit.", "Ashley: And, victoria, on that front, I mean, you really do have my sympathy. I tried to warn you at the underground. I've had my own run-ins with hochman. He's an idiot. I'm sorry that your dealings were made so public.", "Ravi: If it's any consolation, I've wanted to knock him out a few times myself.", "Victoria: Thank you. That's very nice of you.", "Ashley: In answer to your question, if jack is up to something nefarious, ravi and I have absolutely no knowledge of it.", "Victoria: I appreciate your candor.", "Billy: Can I speak to my sister alone, please?", "Victoria: Sure. I'll wait outside.", "Ravi: Me too.", "Billy: If jack was up to something, would you tell me?", "Victoria: So, thank you for sharing your feelings about benjamin. I appreciate that.", "Ravi: Oh, I'm sure we're not alone. He's probably insulted people from coast to coast. I met him in new york -- once was enough. And then he has the gall to show up here after ashley told him where to get off.", "Victoria: \"Here\" as in... genoa city?", "Ravi: No, \"here\" as in right here in jack's office.", "Victoria: So, benjamin hochman was originally here to make some kind of deal with jabot?", "Ravi: I'm not sure. Just know he met with jack and ashley behind closed doors. And then later with phyllis.", "Victoria: Hold on a second. Benjamin hochman had a meeting with phyllis?", "Sharon: Same color car. Same make and model. And no, I didn't get a license- plate number. Both times it peeled away so fast.", "Scott: This alice, I take it she wasn't what you'd call a model citizen back in madison?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] She was always broke. She couldn't hold down a job. She neglected cassie so she could hang out in bars all day long, chasing after men. You know, I grew up poor, too. But mom and I worked hard trying to make a better life for ourselves. Alice was the opposite. And then... I run into her this evening and she's all cleaned up, wearing expensive clothes, and driving a much nicer, newer car.", "Scott: Yeah, but you -- you haven't seen her in a long time, right?", "Sharon: Years. So I suppose she could've gotten her life together.", "Scott: Or she could've gotten hooked up with these sleazeballs, and now she's making a fast buck exploiting young, vulnerable women.", "Sharon: Do you really think it's possible? Because nick chalked it off as a fluke.", "Scott: To hell with that. It's a viable theory. Unlike nick, I trust your instincts. And this is worth pursuing. So I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna find out what, if anything, alice is up to.", "Faith: [ Squealing ] My room is so awesome now! How did you know I wanted a vanity like that?", "Nick: Oh, that wasn't me. That was all chelsea.", "Chelsea: When I was your age, I always wanted a vanity like that. But my mom and I, we moved around so much that I could never pick one out. So, now, thanks to you, i finally got to pick one out.", "Faith: Ohh!", "Chelsea: Oh.", "Faith: Thank you so much, chelsea. I love it. It's the greatest surprise you could've ever given me. I'm so sorry I got mad before. Can you forgive me?", "Chelsea: Oh, sweetheart, I already have.", "Faith: Heh. This place feels more like home because now I have a bedroom that's all mine. Hm. Grandpa really knows how to make things right for me. Isn't he the best?", "Nick: Victor hijacks her bedroom, gets the credit?", "Chelsea: Not all of it.", "Nick: He shouldn't get any of it.", "Chelsea: I'm proud of you for not throwing him under the bus. Faith has enough on her plate right now.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: You did what's best for your child.", "Nick: The scary thing is, dad believes he's doing the same.", "Ashley: I give you my word, I have no idea what you and victoria are talking about. And I have absolutely no knowledge of anybody trying to force you out of fenmore'S.", "Billy: I trust you. Jack, not so much. When's he gonna finally bury the hatchet with this? I mean, even your mother thinks it's time to make peace.", "Ashley: That's the second time you've mentioned dina. How chummy are you two getting these days, anyway?", "Billy: [ Scoffs ] \"Chummy.\" I mean, I hardly know her. We had a couple conversations in the elevator. She hates my mother. So I wasn't expecting warm and fuzzy. I was also surprised that she... she wants peace in our lifetime.", "Ashley: Well, if she can help heal the family, more power to her. I just... I'm not very optimistic, billy.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] What were phyllis and benjamin meeting about? You have any idea?", "Ravi: I only overheard them making plans to meet on the roof deck at the athletic club. [ Voice fading ] And since the meeting was out of the office, I don't know what it was about. Phyllis never even mentioned it. It may not have even been about business. [ Normal voice ] Victoria, are you okay?", "Phyllis: You know what, I just -- I feel like sometimes billy feels guilty for being with me instead of victoria. On account of the kids, I suppose.", "Lauren: [ Sighs ]", "Michael: Did he say that? Or are you just speculating?", "Phyllis: Educated guess. So now he's overcompensating by being a workaholic.", "Lauren: Mm-hmm. And you're retaliating by colluding with jack, and trying to convince me to give you their shelf space for jabot's new skin-care line.", "Michael: What?", "Lauren: [ Chuckles ]", "Michael: Is that right?", "Phyllis: [ Huffs ] It was a simple business decision. That's all.", "Lauren: Simple? You?", "Michael: Heh, heh. Ohh. You talk a good game about how secure you are with billy. If only his ex-wife weren't so demanding. But if victoria's company went belly-up, then he'd have all kinds of free time then, wouldn't he?", "Phyllis: Fine. All right. I'm -- I'm really... I'm tired of pretending. I know how important the job is to billy. But I don't give a damn about that company. If it collapsed tomorrow, I would set off fireworks.", "Ravi: [Distorted] Victoria, what's wrong? [ Normal voice ] Hey, can I get you anything? Like water, or...?", "Victoria: No, I-I'm fine, ravi. Actually, I've never been better. Since now I know that I am not the only woman who spent time with benjamin, it's shed a whole new light on things. It's given me a new target to focus my energy on.", "Phyllis: You know, I've been understanding long enough. Something needs to change.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: Mariah, I really am sorry.", "Mariah: Why?", "Hilary: I ruined your date with devon the other night.", "Nikki: Are you planning on destroying my daughter's company?", "Billy: I am not gonna let you or this company become collateral damage.", "Victoria: No matter what the cost?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Devon and Victoria talked about Lily's hearing. Victoria understood why Cane and Lily were afraid to come forward, but Devon said that the truth was always going to find its way out. Tessa told Mariah and Sharon that she set Crystal up with a new identity in Canada. She explained that she dropped out of contact because she was preoccupied with Crystal. Sharon took Tessa to task for failing to let Mariah know she was safe. Tessa said she hoped she could earn back Sharon's trust. Mariah asked Sharon to support her relationship with Tessa. Sharon said she just wanted Mariah to be happy. Tessa confided to Mariah that she owed $20,000 to the dangerous people who helped her smuggle Crystal over the border. Cane took Lily on a date so they could create happy memories before her sentencing. Devon saw them. Cane explained that he was trying to take Lily's mind off of things and that they didn't mean to be insensitive to Devon's situation. Cane invited Devon to join them, but he declined. Rey came to Victoria's office and talked to her about JT and his credit cards. Victoria offered to pay off JT's credit card bill so Rey could go on his way. Rey told her he had to finish his investigation. Rey accused Victoria of knowing more than she admitted. Rey called someone and told them that Victoria bought his story. Sharon warned Victoria that Rey had a gun and might be dangerous. Victoria had a panic attack, and she called Nate. Victoria broke down while talking about her feelings. Nate comforted her, but she pulled back and collected herself. Nate implored her to see a therapist, but she declined. Michael tried to persuade Devon to see Lily in a different light. Mattie encouraged Charlie to talk to Shauna. Shauna and Charlie agreed to help each other through the sentencing, and they kissed. Devon and Shauna talked about Hilary and the sentencing.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lily: We have to prepare. We have to because it's coming.", "Mariah: I'm really worried and confused. If you've changed your mind and you're not coming back, then i deserve to know.", "Victoria: What does this rey person want?", "Sharon: He says he's a debt collector, and he's here because of J.T.'S credit card.", "Victoria: Just get him to talk. But don't tell him anything. We need to stay one step ahead of him.", "Sharon: Rey! You're not going out there!", "Rey: I got the prowler.", "Mariah: Tessa, I -- I don't understand. Why -- why didn't you just knock? Why were you lurking out there like that?", "Rey: You know this person?", "Sharon: Yeah, we know tessa very well. Security called and said we had an intruder. Apparently that was you?", "Rey: I thought... I was mistaken. Sorry, my bad.", "Mariah: Hey, come here.", "Sharon: Do you always carry a gun?", "Rey: Well, a lot of people don't like it when debt collectors show up to their front doorstep, right?", "Sharon: It was a friendly dinner invitation. I find it odd that you brought a saturday night special to my home.", "Rey: Well, my hotel room doesn't have a safe, so I didn't feel comfortable leaving it there. I should get going. Thank you.", "Mariah: Thank god you're okay.", "Lily: So, is this literally my last free evening? Does my sentence start right after the hearing tomorrow?", "Michael: I'm afraid that's how it works.", "Cane: But everything's still on the table, right? I mean, prison isn't a done deal.", "Michael: Correct.", "Lily: So what else do I have to know?", "Michael: I doubt the judge will have any questions, but if he does, answer them sincerely and, dare I say it, briefly.", "Lily: So I shouldn't even try to explain?", "Michael: Let me do the talking.", "Lily: [ Sighs ]", "Michael: [ Sighs ] Lily, listen to me. I believe you deserve leniency, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure you get it.", "Cane: Michael, that's what we're counting on. You know that, right? Hey. Are you okay?", "Lily: No.", "Cane: Okay. Listen. Everything's gonna be easier after the hearing. This cloud of uncertainty will be gone, and, you know, you get your probation. Then we can pick up the pieces of our life and just move on, okay?", "Lily: Cane, I know that you're trying to put a brave face on, but I don't need a pep talk right now. We can't assume that I'll get a light sentence.", "Cane: Well, you just tell me what to do, and I'll do that.", "Lily: I don't know, starting now, you can give me a night that I can remember for the next 20 years if I have to.", "Cane: I think I can do that. Yeah. Come here, love.", "Devon: Hey.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Devon: Hi.", "Victoria: I haven't seen you in a while. How are things going?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Oh. I've been better. But, um, I just ran into your dad upstairs, actually. He gave me some pretty good advice. With all that he's been through, he understands that forgiveness has its limits.", "Victoria: Well, if he helped you, I'm glad. Although, I can think of better sources for that kind of advice.", "Devon: What he said really hit home because, you know, when you forgive people, you give them permission to hurt you again, or worse.", "Victoria: Yeah, I get that. I do. But if we're talking about lily...", "Devon: We are talking about lily. It seems that's all anyone wants to talk about, is her and what's gonna happen to her to after her sentencing. What about hilary, though? Am I supposed to just move on and forget that that future ever even existed?", "Victoria: No, devon, you're not and...", "Devon: I know.", "Victoria: I know that she'll always be a big part of you. We're all really sorry for your loss.", "Devon: Well, I appreciate you saying that, victoria, but all doesn't include lily and her husband because their priority is just keeping her out of trouble.", "Victoria: Self-preservation is a natural instinct, although that doesn't excuse what cane did. But I can understand how they would be scared to come forward. I'm just saying that I can see it from both sides.", "Devon: I can't, and if that makes me less than objective, then so be it. I mean, to start, cane never should have had charlie and shauna keep quiet about lily running that red light. You don't do that to kids. So I blame him for delaying justice. And I'm not talking justice for me, I mean for hilary. I know there's a lot of people in this town who didn't like her, but there's a few of us who loved her. And for those who miss her now, we were never just gonna let that go. The truth was always gonna find its way out.", "Mariah: Hey. Drink this.", "Tessa: Thanks. When I saw that security guard had a gun, my mouth just went dry.", "Sharon: Oh, he's not a guard. He -- he's just a guest. He's new in town.", "Mariah: But he sure sprang into action. Dude was ready to take somebody out.", "Tessa: After everything i went through, to get shot at by mistake, how lame would that have been?", "Mariah: Tessa, what have you been through? What the hell has been going on while you were gone? Additional sponsorship", "Mariah: To canada? Why did you go there?", "Tessa: Crystal needed a fresh start, a complete break with her past. So I got her a job, a new place to live, and a whole new identity.", "Mariah: The last time we spoke on the phone, we got cut off, and I was -- I was terrified that something happened to you.", "Tessa: It was nothing like that.", "Mariah: So what was it?", "Tessa: I needed help to get crystal across the border, and i found some people who said that they could help me, but I never trusted them. And they walked in when I was talking to you, and my instincts told me to get off the phone so that they don't know about you or try to drag you into this.", "Mariah: I'm so damn glad that you're okay. When I didn't hear from you for weeks, I had all these nightmare scenarios in my head.", "Tessa: I'm so sorry. I was just so super focused on getting crystal settled so i could get back to you, like i promised. So...fill me in. What's been going on?", "Mariah: Well, for starters...", "Sharon: Hold on, I still have questions.", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] You startled me.", "Rey: I'm sorry, your receptionist wasn't there.", "Victoria: I don't understand why you're here.", "Rey: I was just at sharon'S. Maybe you knew that.", "Victoria: No, I didn'T. Why would I?", "Rey: She's very curious about what I do for work. I'm not used to people being so interested about the ins and outs of debt collection.", "Victoria: Well, we're not really used to people being evasive about what they do for a living.", "Rey: And I realized that i went about this the wrong way.", "Victoria: Oh, you think?", "Rey: I thought it would put everybody at ease if they didn't know my purpose for being here. Instead, it made everybody jumpy, especially you. You got a lot on your plate already. Long hours at work, company being hacked, two kids to take care of. You split with your ex...", "Victoria: I don't see how that's any of your business.", "Rey: I'm just saying i understand where you're coming from. The last thing you needed was some stranger to show up asking a bunch of probing questions. I'm sorry. If I made you feel uncomfortable, that wasn't my intent.", "Victoria: Well, I would say that it's pretty clear what your intentions were. You're here to put everyone at ease, as you say, so that you can get information out of us. Is that what you're doing here right now? You're not here to apologize, are you? You're on the clock.", "Lily: I just want to remember every detail about this night -- the special dinner you ordered, I want to remember every flavor, every nuance.", "Cane: Well, you wait till you see the menu. It has all your favorites, and there's even a special dessert.", "Lily: Ooh, sounds amazing.", "Cane: I hope so.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Ah, that smile... it's one of the first things i ever noticed about you.", "Cane: So that's why you put up with me for all these years, huh?", "Lily: Oh, stop, you know i love the man in the gorgeous exterior.", "Cane: Yes, I do.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Hey. Um, listen, I don't want to you to misinterpret what you just saw, okay? I don't want you to think we're out celebrating or being insensitive to your pain. It's just, you know, with the sentencing coming up, I'm trying to take her mind off everything, you know?", "Devon: You don't have to explain anything to me. Do what you're doing.", "Cane: Okay. Do you, um... do you want to come and join us?", "Devon: Uh, I don't think so. I don't think that'd be a good idea if you guys are trying to forget what's going on.", "Cane: You know we can't forget what's going on. We'll never be able to forget that. You know that, right?", "Devon: Sure. Sure.", "Cane: Okay. So, um... you gonna use this against lily when you give your statement to the judge tomorrow at her sentencing? I don't want you to, you know, say she was out partying.", "Devon: Yeah, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna talk to the judge about hilary and our child, and I'm gonna tell him how the bottom dropped out of my world when they died, tragically and needlessly. You see how I didn't mention lily at all?", "Cane: I'm so sorry.", "Devon: You enjoy your time with your wife.", "Sharon: Why did you leave your little sister there all alone?", "Tessa: Crystal's safe. I made sure of that.", "Sharon: How?", "Tessa: I can't tell you the details. I hope you understand.", "Sharon: Not really.", "Mariah: I think that her sister is lucky to have her.", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Sharon: In the meantime, you let mariah suffer. Even if you weren't getting her texts or her voicemails, you had to know that she would be worried, and you should have done something to get word to her like, I don't know, buy one of those prepaid phone cards or send a postcard -- something!", "Tessa: You're right. And I'm sorry.", "Mariah: It was really hard not knowing what happened to you. Whether you were blowing me off or you were lying in a gutter bleeding.", "Tessa: I -- I screwed up. I was just so preoccupied with crystal's situation.", "Mariah: And, tessa, I was preoccupied with you.", "Sharon: Not knowing whether you were safe didn't help matters. If you honestly care about my daughter's feelings...", "Tessa: I left my sister and came all the way back from canada just to be with her.", "[ Telephone rings ]", "Sharon: Um, that's probably security calling to ask about our little intruder.", "Mariah: Well, while you deal with them, I'm gonna get tessa something to eat.", "Sharon: This is sharon. Yes, I thought it would be you. Our intruder turned out to be tessa porter. You can stop combing the grounds now, yes. Everything's fine here.", "Victoria: If you genuinely are here to apologize, I accept it.", "Rey: I don't want to leave things like this. Look, if you're worried that i might think you used J.T.'S credit card...", "Victoria: What? That's ridiculous. Why would that thought even cross your mind?", "Rey: Well, because it happens. Angry ex-wife comes across an old card, takes it for a spin.", "Victoria: Well, in case you've forgotten, J.T.'S credit card was used to ship those stolen files right here to this office. And unless you're accusing me of hacking into my own family's company, some machiavellian maneuver or something like that...", "Rey: I am not saying that. I am not saying that. My job is to find out who used the credit card and then didn't pay the bill.", "Victoria: Well, it had to have been J.T. He was on surveillance video footage at one of newman's warehouses. He found his way into the server, he downloaded everything. He had it shipped here and dumped on us to rattle me. There is no fraud, and you can stop pestering us all now.", "Rey: That would tie it up really nicely with a bow. Except I have a source who claims J.T. Wasn't the party who did all that.", "Victoria: You have a source, huh? You're talking about my sister abby. She doesn't work here anymore. She doesn't know J.T. As well as I do, and she has no idea how badly he wanted to hurt me.", "Rey: Then let me ask you something. If you feel this guy's still a threat, out there on the loose, trying to hurt you... what are you doing here late at night when you know anybody could walk in here and find you alone? You got to know that's not safe. [ Cellphone rings ] You want to get that?", "Victoria: No, I'm gonna call them back after you leave.", "Sharon: Victoria, it's me. I'm gonna make this quick. I just found out that rey carries a gun with him. How unnerving is that? I invited him over here, and he brought the thing with him. I'm thinking we should all keep our distance. The man could be dangerous.", "Victoria: I think I have a solution that will make everybody happy. How much did J.T. Owe on the card?", "Rey: Why?", "Victoria: Well, that's what you're here for, to recover the funds for your employer. So why don't I just write a check for the whole amount right now?", "Michael: Warm night.", "Devon: Did you come up here just to tell me that? Or to ask me to go easy on my sister tomorrow, like everybody else is?", "Michael: Mm. I know at least one person who hasn't said that -- lily.", "Devon: Well, why would she when she has you and cane to do it for her?", "Michael: [ Sighs ] Devon, stop. Please. We both know that's not who your sister is. She's not ducking responsibility. She came forward on her own. She pled guilty to very aggressive charges rather than fight them.", "Devon: I know she did, because she has no defense.", "Michael: Excuse me? Have we met? I was more than capable of launching an all- out attack on the appropriateness of those charges had my client authorized me to do so.", "Devon: So it was lily's call.", "Michael: I won't reveal privileged conversations, but... it was obvious that would have led to a protracted legal battle. Been very damaging to your family. Do you really think she's the kind of person that would have let everyone go through that, would have let you go through that while you're in mourning? Look... maybe it would have been better if this hadn't happened quite so fast. I mean, you're still in the process of dealing with this...", "Devon: All right, michael...", "Michael: ...You haven't had time...", "Devon: You're telling me how to mourn? I wouldn't miss hilary any less weeks from now or months from now, all right? She's the love of my life.", "Michael: Well, tomorrow you'll have the chance to tell the court who hilary was and how you two felt about each other and what she would have wanted for you moving forward.", "Devon: \"What she would have wanted.\" Did they teach you how to manipulate people like this in law school, or did you just pick it up along the way? You're gonna tell me next that hilary wouldn't want me to cut myself off from the love and support of my family?", "Michael: Mm. Actually, I never -- I never thought of that. But evidently, you have.", "Cane: What do you want to do now? Do you want to go somewhere and get a night cap, or -- hey! We could go dancing.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, first, I want to know what devon said to you.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] He's just in a lot of pain right now and he can't see past it. That's it.", "Lily: That's what I would expect. Listen, if things turn out the way that we think they might, I don't want the kids blaming him for it. So please make sure that doesn't happen.", "Cane: Okay, we can discuss this later, okay? Right now, all I want to do is enjoy this evening with my beautiful wife. Come on.", "Tessa: Mariah's just putting away the dishes.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Tessa: I know I've thanked you a bunch for helping me get crystal out of the trafficking ring, but I wanted to thank you again, sharon. You are one of the kindest people I've ever met, and it makes me so sad to realize that I've lost your trust, and I hope that I can earn it back.", "Sharon: I hope that you can understand why I'd be wary, under the circumstances.", "Mariah: Hey, tessa. Do you want to go into town and maybe get some coffee or something?", "Sharon: Um, your friend and i are having a conversation. I think we still have more to talk about.", "Mariah: I agree, and we will, but I supported you when you told me that you and nick were getting back together, so, right now, I'd really like you to do the same because tessa means a lot to me. And I don't know where this relationship is going, but i want to find out.", "Sharon: I just want you to be happy, sweetheart. I hope things work out exactly how you want them to.", "Victoria: I need an amount.", "Rey: That's -- that's not how this works.", "Victoria: Oh, no?", "Rey: My job isn't to just recover the money, it's to get answers, and I am as frustrated as you are at how long it's taking.", "Victoria: No doubt.", "Rey: [ Sighs ] One thing is for certain. You know more than you're willing to admit. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so eager to make it all go away.", "Victoria: You know, a minute ago, you -- you said you didn't think I was involved. So is this just more of you trying to put me at ease?", "Rey: No. It's the truth, victoria. My instincts tell me that you're a good person, but you're in way over your head, and it would be a mistake to try to handle this all on your own.", "Victoria: I'm sorry, rey, or whatever your name is. I don't have any information for you. So you're gonna have to solve this mystery without my help.", "Rey: Sure. It's not a problem.", "Victoria: Good. That's excellent. So we're done here.", "Rey: Yeah.", "[ Door closes ]", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Rey: I found victoria in her office. Yeah. She bought it. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: Victoria, it's me. I'm gonna make this quick. I just found out that rey carries a gun with him. How unnerving is that? I invited him over here, and he brought the thing with him. I'm thinking we should all keep our distance. The man could be dangerous. Be careful, okay? Call me if you need to.", "Victoria: [ Panting ] Nate. Hi. Um, it's victoria. Victoria newman. Hi. Uh, I'm at my office, and, um... I'm sorry. Um, I don't know, I think that maybe I'm having some sort of reaction to... something that I ate possibly, and I just -- my heart, it's pounding right now and I can't catch my breath. Yes, please. I'm gonna wait right here for you, so.... could you please hurry, though? Thank you.", "[ Panting continues ]", "Charlie: Oh, my god. How dorky are mom and dad taking pictures of their dinner?", "Mattie: I think it's sweet. They wanted to share their evening with us.", "Charlie: Yeah. Well, dad's gonna be a wreck if mom has to leave.", "Mattie: Yeah, he'll try to hide it, of course, for our sake. Kind of like what you've been doing.", "Charlie: What's that supposed to mean?", "Mattie: I know you miss shauna.", "Charlie: Yeah, but... trying to get back together would just be too much stress that mom doesn't need right now.", "Mattie: She's fine right now. Out on a hot date. And shauna just walked in.", "Cane: You see that plane up there?", "Lily: Mm. Yeah.", "Cane: Yeah? Well, that flight is our flight, we're aboard it.", "Lily: Ah, first class?", "Cane: Of course you're first class.", "Lily: Kids or no kids?", "Cane: Well, that's up to you, isn't it? But, uh, that flight can take you anywhere you want to go. Anywhere the world. So where would you like to go?", "Lily: Guess.", "Cane: Paris it is.", "Nate: Victoria, it's nate. You still with me?", "Victoria: You got here fast.", "Nate: Of course I did. I live up the road. I ran all the way here.", "Victoria: [ Panting ]", "Victoria: You still having trouble breathing?", "Victoria: Yes. It's getting worse.", "Nate: Okay, okay. Sit back, sit back.", "Victoria: I just feel really dizzy. My chest hurts. I can't breathe.", "Nate: Okay.", "Victoria: What's happening? Am I having a heart attack?", "Nate: You did the right thing by calling. I'm here now. Everything's gonna be okay. Breathe. Deep breaths. There you go. Look at me. Look at me right here. Deep breaths. There you go. There we go.", "Nate: Here you go. Here.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Nate: Drink up. There you go. Better? All right. May I?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nate: All right. All right, deep breath for me.", "Victoria: [ Breaths deeply ]", "Nate: There you go. One more. There you go. All right. Heart sounds fine. Looks like you'll be with us for a while yet.", "Victoria: Thank you, nate. I mean it. If you hadn't come when you did, then I...", "Nate: You're welcome. You're welcome.", "Victoria: Um, when I had that reaction or whatever it was, I... I don't know, I felt terrified, actually, because I couldn't breathe, and then I felt like i was suffocating, and I think that maybe... I don't know of any kind of allergies --", "Nate: You had a panic attack. Shortness of breath, chest pains, the sweating, the dizziness, sense of impending doom -- all typical symptoms, most of which you had. And I reached out before because, well, I could sense something was troubling you in a major way.", "Victoria: Well, I'm a single mom with a very demanding job and a family with more drama than most, I think.", "Nate: Yeah.", "Victoria: There's no reason that that would trigger a full-blown panic attack.", "Nate: And not that long ago, you were in an abusive relationship.", "Victoria: But J.T.'S gone. It's over.", "Nate: I know. I know. Hey, I -- I read this study recently about how the brain stores memories. Fearful moments produce a much deeper imprint than happy ones, which leads to a more vivid and detailed recollection. So bad dreams, intrusive memories, it's all part of it.", "Victoria: I just hate that he still controls me even though he's gone. I hate that. I can't get away from it. Sometimes, I can still feel him choking me. I feel panicky and I can't breathe, just like today. Is it ever gonna go away? He shoved me against the wall, and he choked my neck, and i forgave him. How stupid is that? If I would have just thrown him out, then everything would be different. Why did I take him back? Why would I take him back?", "Nate: Come here. Come here.", "Victoria: [ Sobbing ] I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", "Nate: No -- look, victoria, I would never judge --", "Shauna: Look, don't be mad at mattie. It was my idea to show up here.", "Charlie: I just -- I thought you understood why we can't be together now.", "Shauna: No, I -- I do. But we're gonna see each other at the sentencing. And it was gonna be super-weird if we hadn't talked.", "Charlie: Yeah, it's just -- this whole thing is so messed up, and there's nothing we can do about it.", "Shauna: We can at least help each other through it, if you'll let me.", "Charlie: Yeah. That can't be a bad idea.", "Tessa: Thanks for the save back there.", "Mariah: Sharon means well, but I could do without the hovering.", "Tessa: She's not wrong. I should have been in better touch, plus, I completely get why she feels so protective of you. Your mom and I have that in common.", "Mariah: There's more to it than sharon being overprotective. I mean, you have to understand, her whole life, she's had to deal with people who were trying to pull one over on her. And it's made her very good at picking up when somebody isn't giving the whole story.", "Tessa: Somebody meaning me?", "Mariah: You were holding back about what happened in canada, weren't you?", "Tessa: Just some. Okay, okay. A lot, it's just -- in front of your mom...", "Mariah: No, it's okay. It's fine. I understand. But we're alone now, tessa. And I need you to tell me every detail about what happened.", "Victoria: I freshened up.", "Nate: Hey, no problem at all.", "Victoria: Thank you for your time. I'm gonna be sending you a check first thing tomorrow morning.", "Nate: That's not necessary.", "Victoria: Well, it is for me. And I trust the doctor-patient confidentiality applies to this discussion that we had this evening.", "Nate: Absolutely. And listen, I -- it's evident that you don't wish to continue this conversation with me, and that is okay. But for the sake of your health, please see a therapist.", "Victoria: No, that won't be happening.", "Nate: You won't even consider it?", "Victoria: Contrary to popular belief, talking about things doesn't always help. In fact, sometimes, it just makes them much, much worse. I'm sorry to burden you with my problems. It's not gonna happen again. Have a good night.", "Tessa: It didn't end well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal to canada.", "Mariah: What happened?", "Tessa: After all was said and done, it came time to pay them, and they wanted $20,000.", "Mariah: What?!", "Tessa: So they let me come back to genoa city to try and find the cash somehow.", "Mariah: They know that you're here?", "Tessa: Yep.", "Mariah: What happens if you don't come up with the money?", "Tessa: Well, they, uh, come after me, and, uh...", "Mariah: They come after you, and what?", "Tessa: I don't know, and i don't want to know. I mean, that's why I was so freaked out when that rey guy grabbed me.", "Mariah: Oh, my god. What are you gonna do? What -- I mean... we have to figure something out.", "Tessa: Hey. You know what? We will. But not tonight. I'm just so grateful to be back here with you, where I belong.", "Shauna: Hey there.", "Devon: Hey. Hey. How was your day?", "Shauna: Good. Yours?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] It was long. It was really long. I may just head straight to bed, if you don't mind.", "Shauna: Can we talk first? Promise I won't keep you.", "Devon: Yeah, no, of course. What's going on?", "Shauna: I think you should know charlie and I got back together.", "Devon: Was he here? Were you guys here alone together?", "Shauna: No, we know that's against the rules. We were at the coffee house.", "Devon: Okay. Well, that's -- that's nice. As long as you guys were in public, I'm fine with it. Did he ask you about what you're gonna say tomorrow at the hearing?", "Shauna: Didn't come up.", "Devon: Good. That's good. I wouldn't want you to be influenced or given a hard time about what you're gonna say, you know? Just speak from the heart.", "Shauna: I know. It still makes me nervous thinking about it.", "Devon: You know, you don't have to speak at all if you don't want to. It's completely your decision.", "Shauna: No, I want to do it. But what if I say the wrong thing? It feels like I'd be letting hilary down.", "Devon: You don't have to worry about that, but I know how you feel. I've had probably a dozen people come up to me and tell me what i should and shouldn't say. But the only voice that matters tomorrow is hilary's, and we just have to remember that.", "Shauna: No one could do a better job than you. You knew her best.", "Devon: It doesn't make it any easier. She was a complicated person with a lot of levels to her, and, you know, she fought for everything she had in life, and I know she wouldn't want me to get steamrolled by my family. But, at the same time, she had a lot of compassion for people and a lot of heart.", "Shauna: Yeah. I'm proof of that.", "Devon: Yeah, you are.", "Shauna: So, do you know what you're gonna say? How much blame you're gonna lay on charlie's mom?", "Lily: This night has been so perfect. How can I ever thank you?", "Cane: You already have.", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] I tell you what I need, and then you make it happen. It's a great setup.", "Cane: Mm.", "Lily: Well, for me. It's kind of one-sided.", "Cane: Well, if I was to go down the list and tell you how many times you've been my rock, you know, it would take so long I think your feet might get sore.", "Lily: I feel like I'm dancing on clouds.", "Cane: You know, everything I've learned about being a good partner I learned from you. Tomorrow when we go in that courtroom, I have the faith that not only will we survive it, but we will come out the other side stronger. Okay? Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Billy: You're out of control if you think I'm gonna risk all of this to be with you.", "Summer: Risk is what you do, billy.", "Phyllis: Summer thinks that she's phyllis jr., But she has no idea what mommy is capable of.", "Abby: I'm done with you.", "Jack: I'll have to find out who they are and which one of them is my father. In the matter of the state of wisconsin vs. Lily ashby, we're here to determine sentencing." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Paul told Nikki he would do everything he could to locate Charles Cassen - Joshua's brother - so she could confess the shooting. Lynne told Paul she was going to visit relatives in Kansas, and told him not to worry about moving in with Christine & Michael. At Fenmore's, Brittany discovered the thief when a sales girl offered to give her pricey merchandise and pocket the money. JT recorded the exchange, then revealed who he was to the stunned girl. Michael told Lauren he suspects Kevin, and that Gloria is dating John Abbott. Gloria confronted Kevin about his crimes, forgave him, told him to be a good man, and said life had given them both a second chance. Michael told Kevin that he suspects he and Daniel set Lily up, and things got out of hand. Kevin denied the accusation. Phyllis told Damon about Daniel and Alex, and he advised her to be vigilant. He admitted he'd had a son, who had died in his arms, and Phyllis comforted him as he broke down in tears. Neil told Dru he didn't think she'd be a good role model for Devon, since he wasn't even able to trust her. Lily teased Devon about having feelings for her. The press swarmed around Kevin, and Lily, wanting to hear from Genoa City's newest hero." ]
[ "Neil: So were you ever gonna tell me, or were you gonna just wait until I was officially Devon's foster father?", "Dru: Neil, please don't do this.", "Neil: No, I want honesty here. I want some answers.", "Dru: What did Lorena Davis tell you?", "Neil: Lorena Davis told me that she had given you some papers a couple of weeks ago, that she's been waiting for you to return them to her signed. What were you thinking? That I wouldn't notice Devon still around a few months from now? That you could just sneak him into our family?", "Dru: Neil, I just wanted to do what was right by the boy.", "Neil: Let me ask you this, does Devon know what you been cookin' up behind my back? Because if he does, it's gonna hurt ten times as much when we tell him he can't stay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thank you for coming.", "Damon: I was a little worried. When you called, you sounded upset.", "Phyllis: I am. That Drucilla! She pushes every button I have.", "Damon: So I noticed. (Laughs)", "Phyllis: Oh, I don't want to spend my time talking about her, though.", "Damon: Something else on your mind?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah.", "Damon: What has Daniel done now?", "Phyllis: Don't look so smug. I'm really worried about him this time.", "Damon: Why? What's happened?", "Phyllis: You know, I, uh, I-I came home, and I found him with this kid that seemed really dangerous.", "Damon: Doing what?", "Phyllis: I don't know. I mean, that's-- that's the problem. I don't think I want to know.", "Damon: Are you suspecting something? What?", "Phyllis: I don't know. I-I don't know what to do. I mean, my hands are tied. I-I'm not good at this parent thing. This is all new to me. I mean, what do I do? Do I back off and just let him have his freedom, or do--", "Damon: No, no, no! You don't back off. You're worried about your kid. You don't ever back off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Michael, take it easy. You're gonna blow a gasket.", "Michael: I just can't get past this \"Kevin is a hero\" thing.", "Lauren: What's the problem?", "Michael: My brother just happens to be there-- right time, right place-- to rescue his former victim Lily Winters.", "Lauren: And you think that's too coincidental?", "Michael: By far. And when things start not adding up with Kevin, it's just-- it's never a good sign.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mom. I thought you'd be at Mr. Abbott's by now.", "Gloria: Well, I don't want the man to think I'm too eager.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm. Okay, so listen, did you hear my news? Did you hear about what I did to Lily Winters? Mom, I'm a hero.", "Gloria: Kevin, what in the world are you talking about?", "Kevin: Okay, so this jerk was all over Lily at the Rec Center open house, you know? He puts a drug in her drink, drags her into the elevator and attacks her.", "Gloria: Oh, my God. That's terrible. Is she gonna be all right?", "Kevin: Well, she's in the hospital, but I think she's gonna be okay. So anyway, I jump on the guy before he has the chance to hurt her, and I totally kicked his a-- his butt. I totally kicked his butt, Mom. Lily's dad even thanked me. Now people are gonna stop trashing me, Mom. And guess what else. Guess what else.", "Gloria: Okay, Kevin, what else?", "Kevin: I wasn't even afraid. I wasn't. I wasn't even scared. I put Tom and all that bad stuff from when I was a kid behind me, and I fought back. Mom, it was so cool.", "Gloria: Well, that's wonderful, Kevin. I'm proud of you.", "Kevin: Th-that's it? That's all you have to say? Mom, I risked my life and saved a girl from possibly being raped, and all you have to say is, \"that's wonderful, Kevin. I'm proud of you\"?", "Gloria: Well, I'm sorry, but I'm still kinda... blown away by some things that Michael told me.", "Kevin: Wh-what do you-- what does that mean?", "Gloria: I know, Kevin. I know about all the horrible things they say you did. I don't know anything about saving this girl, but the other things... and I just can't believe that a son of mine could do anything that horrific.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Follow me.", "J.T.: You remember everything I told you, right?", "Brittany: Yes, I got it. We've been over this 100 times.", "J.T.: I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous.", "Brittany: Paul just told you to scope this place out.", "J.T.: I know. But how sweet would it be if we found out who was lifting all this stuff, and we nab the perp the first time out?", "Brittany: Easy, Starsky. Let's just take this one step at a time, okay?", "J.T.: Brittany. Ahem.", "Brittany: (Whispers) what?", "J.T.: We're supposed to be a couple. That means \"together.\"", "Brittany: Remind me why I'm doing this again.", "J.T.: Because I promised I'd be your best man.", "Brittany: Talk about making a deal with the devil.", "J.T.: Hey, shut up and act like you adore me, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I don't care what it takes, Paul. Just do it.", "Paul: Nikki, listen to me. I will try and find Charles Cassen. But I'm telling you, it's not gonna be easy.", "Nikki: That's his name, Joshua's younger brother?", "Paul: Yes. Charles Robert Cassen.", "Nikki: Charles. Yeah, I-I do kind of remember that. I need to tell him that I didn't mean to kill anybody.", "Paul: It was a terrible tragedy. You were 5 years old when the gun went off. If what you need is telling the brother, I want you to be able to do that. But I'm not gonna be able to pull the guy out of a hat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I guess I pushed a button.", "Damon: Your son and I might not get along, Phyllis, but I know how important he is to you. And you're so important to me.", "Phyllis: So you don't think I'm overreacting.", "Damon: No. You think he's in danger? No.", "Phyllis: Okay. I just, I... I came here, and he was with this kid--", "Damon: And you didn't like him.", "Phyllis: No, I didn't like him. He was insolent and rude to me. He called me a bitch.", "Damon: You had every right to be angry.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I agree and... I, um... I-I slapped him. Hard.", "Damon: Did he get physical with you?", "Phyllis: No, but I got the feeling he would have. I--the thing that bothers me is I never thought that my own son would be associating with someone like this.", "Damon: So why would you let him? Say no. You're the parent, Phyllis. You have choices. Always remember that. You create your reality. Now you could be hands-on with this kid, or you can sit around worried about his feelings. If you make that choice, you invite in whatever ill will is waiting out there to befall him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I need to do something about this. Finding Charles Cassen is the only thing I can think of that will stop my heart from pounding whenever I think about what happened.", "Paul: Nikki, I still think that you should talk to someone.", "Nikki: Well, I don't know what good that's going to do. It's not gonna change the fact that I killed someone just if I talk to some shrink.", "Lynne: Oh, I'm sorry, Paul. I thought you were alone. Hello, Nikki.", "Nikki: Hi, Lynne. Listen, don't worry. I'm leaving. Get to work.", "Paul: You know, I have had J.T. on this off and on for days now.", "Nikki: J.T.? Paul, with all due respect, I was hoping that you would do this.", "Paul: You know, believe it or not, he's better working the net than I am. Now look, I am moving today. You have my new address, you have my new card. The phone number remains the same. My office will be up and running tomorrow. And I promise you, I promise you, we will leave no stone unturned.", "Nikki: Thank you. Well, Lynne, I guess I'll see you at the new office.", "Lynne: Eventually.", "Paul: Think about what I said.", "Nikki: Yeah. Bye. Thanks.", "Paul: Eventually?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: You know, Michael, I think you are so used to worrying about your brother, and maybe, just maybe, you don't need to do that anymore.", "Michael: Well, I had a little chat with Victor Newman. He's not taking it lightly that this thing happened at his beloved Rec Center on opening day.", "Lauren: Quite frankly, he should be thanking your brother. Kevin kept it from being far worse.", "Michael: Or so it seems. What if it turns out a different way?", "Lauren: I want you to stop this. Your brother finally h a chance to start over. You should be overjoyed.", "Michael: Huh. I'm not. I'm not. I have a bad feeling about this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What did Michael tell you?", "Gloria: He told me... how you had sex with this underage girl... how you burned down that restaurant and how you almost killed John Abbott's granddaughter.", "Kevin: It was a mistake. I wasn't charged with anything.", "Gloria: But, honey, if everyone believed that it was you that certainly explains why John hates you.", "Kevin: And what about you, Mom? Do you hate me now, too?", "Gloria: I... of course not. I just wish that I understood. I mean, Kevin, it might make sense if--if you wanted to try to get revenge on Tom and me, but why those innocent teenage girls?", "Kevin: Because they were smaller than me, okay? They were weaker.", "Gloria: Oh!", "Kevin: Mom, when I was in that closet-- when I was locked in that closet, you know what I would fantasize about? I would fantasize about being the one who had the power.", "Gloria: But, Kevin, there are laws.", "Kevin: Yeah, well, look, you know, whatever happened in the past or didn't happen, the--the first time that I ever really felt powerful was when I was saving Lily from that bastard at the Rec Center.", "Gloria: Oh, Kevin. St--", "Kevin: It was great, Mom. Mom, it was great not being afraid, you know? Not being afraid. Like don't mess with Kevin Fisher, do not mess with him! Because he's gonna mess back.", "Gloria: You're scaring me. You know what? That is exactly the kind of thing that Tom used to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Any luck?", "J.T.: I didn't see anything suspicious. How about you?", "Brittany: No. Nothing.", "J.T.: Well, it's maybe because you're too busy looking at underwear. I mean, what's the deal? You gonna help me out or not?", "Brittany: I can still help you and shop for my honeymoon. I wanna wear something different to bed every night.", "J.T.: Ooh, exciting.", "Brittany: (Giggles) although I don't plan on wearing anything for too long.", "J.T.: Oh, okay, spare me the details, all right?", "Brittany: Am I making you uncomfortable?", "J.T.: I don't need to know what you and Marsino do in the sack.", "Brittany: Do you think Bobby will like me in this?", "J.T.: I'm sure he'll think you look amazing.", "Brittany: Really?", "J.T.: He's marrying you, isn't he? You're his dream girl, Brittany.", "Brittany: Thanks. Remind me I need to go to the gym tonight.", "J.T.: What for?", "Brittany: Well, with a face like mine, your body's gotta be perfect.", "J.T.: Oh, is Marsino already complaining about your figure?", "Brittany: He loves me for who I am.", "J.T.: Well, who wouldn't?", "Brittany: Thanks. I'm gonna go try this stuff on.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: No, he doesn't realize that I've cooked up anything behind--", "Neil: Well, he's hoping, and I'm sure you haven't discouraged that, have you?", "Dru: What's wrong with hope? Why would I discourage it? Have you noticed all of his progress? Neil, now would be a terrible mistake to kick him out.", "Neil: Well, a terrible mistake is not telling your husband the real truth here. What were you gonna do, forge my signature?", "Dru: Of course not. I wanted to afford you an opportunity to spend some more time with him, to realize how much he needs us.", "Neil: And then all of a sudden, I'd want to magically sign the papers?", "Dru: Do you remember where they're gonna send him, Neil?", "Neil: That's not the point. This isn't about helping a disadvantaged kid anymore. It's about you. You're overidentifying with him.", "Dru: And you're not identifying with him enough. Have you ever stopped to think about what Devon is going through, how much he has to learn?", "Neil: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry, baby, but you're not looking at this objectively.", "Dru: And neither are you. You know, you act like he's this big problem, like he's bad for our family. The real question is what do you have against him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: So now, Doc, are you sure that it's okay for her to be out like this? I mean, she shouldn't be at home resting or...", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Olivia: Well, you know, as long as she doesn't over do it, she should be fine. Shouldn't have any residual effects now that that drug's worn off.", "Lily: Right. You see? So don't worry, okay? I'm fine.", "Olivia: You were very lucky.", "Lily: I know.", "Olivia: Now if you feel anything out of the ordinary, I want you to page me, you understand?", "Lily: Okay. I will. I will.", "Olivia: Okay. Okay, you know what? I think my latte should be ready, and then I'm gonna go back to work.", "Lily: Okay.", "Olivia: Devon, I want you to assure me you're gonna take very good care of my precious niece.", "Devon: Sure thing, Doc.", "Olivia: Okay.", "Lily: Bye, Aunt Liv.", "Lily: So you're my protector now?", "Devon: Well, hey, I'm just-- I'm just doing what the lady told me, that's all.", "Lily: Really? Is that right?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: And what were you doing so close to me when I woke up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Well, I guess I'm just far more optimistic about Kevin than you.", "Michael: That's because you don't know him as well as I do.", "Lauren: Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?", "Michael: Well, it helps to have someone to talk to. Especially when it's you.", "Lauren: Thank you.", "Michael: No, thank you.", "Lauren: You're sure there isn't anything I can do?", "Michael: Careful, I might tell you.", "Lauren: I mean in the restaurant, Michael.", "Michael: Well... I suppose you could tell John Abbott to run for his life. I know he won't listen to me.", "Lauren: John Abbott?", "Michael: Yeah, my mother's next victim. Apparently that guy she brought over to my place was just a one-night stand.", "Lauren: No!", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Lauren: (Snickers)", "Michael: Well, apparently he has all the prerequisites-- uh, money and a soft heart. Or perhaps a soft head.", "Lauren: That is not nice.", "Michael: Lauren, he's asked her to move into Abbott mansion.", "Lauren: What? Is he soft in the head? I have never known him to go that quickly and get in that deep.", "Michael: He has no idea what she is about. She's hiding the fact that Kevin and I are her sons. It's really gonna hit the fan when he gets that little news flash.", "Lauren: Okay. Well, let me tell you something. I have known John for years, and the guy is no schmo. I mean, if she is taking him for a ride, believe me, he will figure it out, and quickly. And if the you-know-what hits the fan, well, you know, that's a chance that she took. It's not gonna land on you. It's not. I mean, she's kept you in the dark all this time.", "Michael: I just don't want my relatives messing with any more of the fair citizens of this city. It's bad for my social life.", "Lauren: I thought you were enjoying your social life.", "Michael: I am enjoying my social life, much more than I ever have before.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Don't you tell me that, Mom. Don't you ever say that I sound like Tom.", "Gloria: Well, I'm sorry, but it's true. Now don't you become that, Kevin. It's not you.", "Kevin: How do you know? Huh? Maybe that's who I am. Maybe that's who Tom made me. They say that's how it works. You know, abuse leads to more abuse.", "Gloria: Stop it! You stop it right now! You did a good thing. You saved that girl from harm. That's you, not some tough guy. You fought because you had to. But you're really a sweetheart, I know that. Now, Kevin, don't change.", "Kevin: Do you really believe that, even after everything that Mikey told you?", "Gloria: Well, nobody proved that you did anything. That's good enough for me. You're still my little boy. You're still a good person.", "Kevin: Things are gonna get better for me, Mom. I really believe that.", "Gloria: Well, so do I, honey. Everybody makes mistakes. But you've tried to rise above yours and straighten yourself out.", "Kevin: Yeah. That counts for something, doesn't it?", "Gloria: I think so. It's the same thing I'm doing, trying to make a fresh start. And if your mother can make it to the Abbott mansion and be lucky enough to find a wonderful, decent man like John to care for her, then the sky is the limit for you, too.", "Kevin: Thanks, Mom. I love you.", "Gloria: I love you, too, baby. Oh. No matter what.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Gloria: Now I better scoot. I wanna get over to John's before your brother gets home.", "Kevin: Hey.", "Gloria: What?", "Kevin: Good luck.", "Gloria: You, too, baby.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Damon: Thanks for the tea.", "Phyllis: Yeah, is it helping?", "Damon: Helping with what?", "Phyllis: Well, you seem like you're the one who's upset, and I'm not sure why.", "Damon: I'm sorry, Phyllis. You know, I told you before, just because Daniel and i don't get along doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to him. Do you understand that?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean-- but I'm telling you that's what I'm afraid of. Listen, when Daniel was in Europe, it was different. I mean, I thought about him all the time, but--but now that he's here, he's my responsibility, and I just, I worry all the time, Damon. I watch the news, and I get this--this fear in the pit of my stomach. I mean, he's out there, and I worry about him, and I can't control things. I know it's crazy. I know it's irrational. I mean, chances are, nothing's gonna happen to him, right?", "Damon: It's not irrational at all. Bad things do happen, Phyllis. They happen all the time.", "Phyllis: Right. Right. Is this how a parent feels? I mean, is this normal? Or is it just because I was away from him for so long that I'm just a little more paranoid? I--you're not a parent. You wouldn't know.", "Damon: I've been a parent, all right? I've been--stop saying that. I've been a parent.", "Phyllis: Oh, I didn't-- you didn't-- you never told me that.", "Damon: It's not what we were talking about.", "Phyllis: It is now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: I was just waitin' for my... hey, there you are, baby. What took you so long?", "Brittany: Hi, sweetie. Uh, it just took me awhile to try on all these. But you've been so patient, I promise to model them for you when we get home.", "J.T.: Aw, that'd be nice.", "Brittany: (Giggles)", "J.T.: That'd be great. Okay, I think we're good.", "Brittany: Mm-hmm.", "J.T.: All these women, they're looking at me like I'm some sort of pervert.", "Brittany: I figured you'd be used to that by now. Hold these, will you?", "J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, sure. You're gettin' all this?", "Brittany: I can't make up my mind.", "J.T.: Well, at least I'll get a fashion show when I get home.", "Brittany: Yeah, right. You should be so lucky.", "J.T.: What's the matter? You used to take your clothes off in front of a group of strangers, now you're afraid to let me see you in... what is this?", "Brittany: It's a tap pants and camisole set. Don't you know anything?", "J.T.: I guess not.", "Brittany: This nightgown would be so perfect for my wedding night.", "J.T.: You know, we do have a job to do.", "Brittany: You have a job to do. I need to finish shopping.", "J.T.: Well, I'm not gonna stand here and hold these. I'm gonna put 'em on the counter.", "Woman: Hello.", "Brittany: Hi.", "Woman: Can I help you find a size?", "Brittany: Uh, no. Thanks. I'm just looking.", "Woman: What a stunning diamond.", "Brittany: Oh, thanks.", "Woman: Is that your fiancé?", "Brittany: Uh, y-yes. That's him.", "Woman: I thought so. You're obviously in love.", "Brittany: I'm a very lucky girl.", "Woman: Let me guess, shopping for your honeymoon.", "Brittany: I was thinking about this for my wedding night.", "Woman: It's lovely, isn't it?", "Brittany: I know it's not white, but it's stunning.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Brittany: Whoa.", "Woman: More than you were looking to spend?", "Brittany: Yeah, a little.", "Woman: Maybe we can work something out.", "Brittany: Oh, I can't. I already have a huge pile going.", "Woman: What if I told you there's a way that you can get all of that stuff at a discount?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You're going to Kansas to visit relatives?", "Lynne: It seemed like a good time.", "Paul: It's a terrible time. I'm moving the agency into a suite with Michael Baldwin, and you're not going to be here to help me.", "Lynne: No, you misunderstood. I'm going after you get settled in. I would never leave you to handle a move like this on your own.", "Paul: Oh. Well, scare me half to death why don't you? You know, sometimes I wonder if this is a big mistake. I'm gonna be seeing Michael Baldwin every day of my life.", "Lynne: I think the fact that you'll be seeing Chris, too, that might have affected your decision a little bit.", "Paul: Mm-hmm. And Michael and I have been relatively cordial lately. But what if he reverts back to type? What if it becomes like-- like it was?", "Lynne: We move again.", "Paul: You are so practical.", "Lynne: And that's why you love me.", "Paul: That's why I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Well, look who's home. It's my brother, the backstabber.", "Michael: I beg your pardon?", "Kevin: You just had to go and tell Mom everything, didn't you?", "Michael: Yes, I did.", "Kevin: I can't believe you. What the hell were you thinking? Things are finally looking up for me. Couldn't you have been on my side?", "Michael: Listen, you little ungrate-- look, I have been on your side from the beginning. I have practically put my life on hold to help you.", "Kevin: Fine. Fine. Then why did you have to go and spill your guts to mom?", "Michael: Because when I found out that Gloria was gonna move in and play house with John Abbott, I felt she had the right to know why he hated your guts.", "Kevin: She told you about Mr. Abbott?", "Michael: Please, that's more than I can say for you.", "Kevin: Well, I knew it would upset you.", "Michael: Oh, stop with your lame excuses. You know, look, if you lie to me again, I will kick you out just like I did Gloria.", "Kevin: Fine. I'm sorry, okay?", "Michael: Prove it. This is your chance to come clean. If you're keeping any more secrets from me, now's the time to tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Look, will you drop it, all right? I told you, I was just trying to make sure you were still breathing.", "Lily: Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?", "Devon: Yeah, I'm-- I'm positive, okay? Now just lay off.", "Lily: Oh, come on. You know I'm just kidding.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I don't have to take it, all right?", "Lily: Well, how am I supposed to think of you as a brother if I can't even tease you?", "Devon: You think of me as your brother?", "Lily: Of course. You're living with us. And who knows? Pretty soon, we could be going to the same school.", "Devon: Oh, you mean you're gonna transfer to a public school?", "Lily: No, I mean you would go to Walnut Grove.", "Devon: Yeah, well... please, Lily, you've seen my grades. You know I'm not that smart.", "Lily: Devon, you have got to stop underestimating yourself. You've been working really hard this summer, with all your reading and catching up on everything. I know that you're smart enough to go wherever you want if you really try.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: No, no, no, I am not gonna let you make this about me.", "Dru: Neil, the place is run like a prison. Devon won't get nearly the love and attention that he needs, that we'll be able to provide him here.", "Neil: All right, then fine. Then mentor him. You don't have to lose contact. But I'm not convinced that our house is the right place for him. I don't think we're ready to take on the responsibility of another child full-time. And then --and then there's Lily.", "Dru: What about Lily?", "Neil: Lily is 16 years old. She's gorgeous. I think he likes her. You really want to house a live-in boyfriend here?", "Dru: Boy, you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.", "Neil: What are you talking about?", "Dru: You will think of any excuse just so you can say no.", "Neil: No, I--we talked about this many times. We came up with a decision a long time ago.", "Dru: That was before we realized how things were gonna turn out, Neil. Things are going fabulously. No! I don't want him going to that hellhole.", "Neil: I don't want him going to that hellhole either.", "Dru: Then do something about it! Don't turn your back on the boy.", "Neil: This isn't about Devon. It's about us. It's about you, how you go crazy every time you don't get something you want. I mean, come on, Drucilla. What kind of role model can you possibly be if I can't even trust you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know everything, Mikey. I've got nothin' more to hide.", "Michael: Really? Because if Gloria's gonna make this move to John Abbott's house work, he can never find out who you are.", "Kevin: How would he find out?", "Michael: Well, he's not an idiot. It's bound to surface sooner or later. What then?", "Kevin: Well, Mom knows the truth now, thanks to you, and she still loves me.", "Michael: Yeah, well, consider the source. And there's no reason John Abbott has to be as forgiving.", "Kevin: Maybe you're forgetting what I did for Lily Winters yesterday. I was a hero, mikey. Now people will give me a second chance.", "Michael: That's right. That's right. Yeah. Kevin Fisher--Genoa City's answer to superman-- saves the day.", "Kevin: I did. There are plenty of witnesses, too.", "Michael: Exactly. Rescuing your former victim in front of half the town, that's--that's quite a hit for you, isn't it?", "Kevin: You trying to accuse me of something? If you are, just spit it out.", "Michael: Okay. How come you realized there was something wrong with Lily when her best friends didn't have a clue?", "Kevin: Because I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I saw her go off with that Alex dude. Lucky for her that I did.", "Michael: I wonder if luck had anything to do with it.", "Kevin: What do you mean?", "Michael: Oh, come on, Kevin. You told me over and over again that something was gonna happen, something to make the whole Winters family look at you in a different light.", "Kevin: Yeah, so?", "Michael: And right after that, Lily's attacked by a stranger.", "Kevin: How could I have known that guy was gonna attack Lily?", "Michael: When at the same time you're hanging out with Daniel Romalotti, who just happens to be at the opening to witness your moment of glory.", "Kevin: Wasn't it you who always told me that circumstantial evidence doesn't count for anything?", "Michael: Admit it, Kevin. You and that punk Daniel set up this whole rescue bit to make you look good.", "Kevin: I had nothing to do with Lily getting drugged. She could've died. How could you think I'd be part of something so sickening?", "Michael: Hmm, so--so things got out of hand, but you knew something was going down, didn't you?", "Kevin: You know what? I'm not even gonna argue with you. 'Cause you've already made up your mind.", "Michael: Kevin... you think you're so cagey... but you're forgetting that the Winterses are smart people. Eventually, they're gonna find out what you did. And when that happens, your whole house of cards is gonna collapse. And if you expect me to come to the rescue, you're sadly mistaken.", "Kevin: That isn't gonna happen. I won't need your help.", "Michael: Keep saying it, maybe you'll believe it.", "Kevin: People are finally treating me with respect. There's no way I'm goin' back to what I used to be.", "Michael: That's exactly where you're going if you pull any more moronic stunts like this.", "Kevin: Back off, Mikey. For the first time in my life, I actually feel good about myself. And I'm not gonna let you ruin that for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Thank you for shopping at Fenmore's.", "Woman: So are you interested?", "Brittany: Of course. What do I have to do?", "Woman: Do you have $50?", "Brittany: Yeah.", "Woman: You give me the $50, and I'll let you have the nightgown.", "Brittany: What's the catch?", "Woman: No catch. Consider it a wedding gift.", "Brittany: Won't you get into trouble?", "Woman: Not if you don't tell anyone. It's not like you're stealing. I'm letting you use my employee discount.", "Brittany: This nightgown is $400.", "Woman: Do you want it or not?", "Brittany: Yes, I do. Just let me talk to my fiancé.", "Woman: Why?", "Brittany: I don't have the cash.", "Woman: Maybe this isn't such a good idea.", "Brittany: No, please. I really, really want this nightgown. I just don't have enough money. I've already spent so much on my wedding. My parents aren't helping me at all. My fiancé and I have to pay for everything.", "Woman: All right.", "J.T.: I don't know, Brittany. I think we should get out of here.", "Brittany: (Whispers) I know who the thief is.", "J.T.: You do? Who?", "Brittany: The salesclerk. Don't look.", "J.T.: How do you know it's her?", "Brittany: She offered to give me this $400 nightgown for $50.", "J.T.: What?", "Brittany: As long as I didn't tell anybody. It's the perfect crime.", "J.T.: Yeah, she pockets the 50 bucks.", "Brittany: And if I get caught on the way out, she can say I was shoplifting.", "J.T.: Nice work, Brittany. All right, I'm gonna take it from here.", "Brittany: No way. I am enjoying this way too much. Just follow my lead.", "Brittany: Honey, this is the lady who's gonna help us out.", "J.T.: That's really nice of you.", "Woman: Do you have the $50?", "J.T.: Yeah, um, but let me get this straight. I mean, we give you 50 bucks, and what, you take off the tags and we can walk out of here?", "Woman: Yes, now either let's do it or forget about it.", "J.T.: Okay, but what about the rest of the stuff? Like $200 for that, maybe?", "Woman: Okay. But it's gonna take me a few minutes. Now come on. Give me the money.", "J.T.: Okay. All right. That should be enough. Let me give you my card, too.", "Woman: Paul Williams Investigations?", "Brittany: That's what you call busted.", "Woman: Hey, you know what? I didn't say anything. You are dreaming. It's my word against yours.", "J.T.: Well, um, not exactly. Isn't technology great?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: This is fun.", "Trevor: You're gettin' to be quite the helper, Noah.", "Noah: Now you made me lose count.", "Trevor: I'm sorry, kiddo.", "Daniel: That's him. That's the guy. Kevin Fisher, the guy who saved Lily.", "Reporter: Mr. Fisher, I'm pamela bergin of \"the chronicle.\"", "Kevin: Hi.", "Reporter #2: Jeff Sullivan, \"Stateside Press.\"", "Pamela: We'd like to interview Genoa City's newest hero.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So you-- you have a child.", "Damon: Yes.", "Phyllis: You never told me that.", "Damon: I never tell anyone that.", "Phyllis: I don't understand.", "Damon: Neither do I. I have been all these years trying to understand. I still don't.", "Phyllis: A boy, a girl?", "Damon: A boy. Not unlike yours. Younger... the same, you know?", "Phyllis: Really?", "Damon: Really. But perhaps now you can understand why I get so frustrated-- I get so frustrated with-- with him. 'Cause he's a beautiful boy.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, he's just 16.", "Damon: I know that. I was 16, you were 16. We didn't see risk. We didn't see danger. We--we thought we could survive anything. 16 is different now.", "Phyllis: Yeah, it is different now, isn't it? That's what scares me.", "Damon: It should. It scares me.", "Phyllis: Where's your son now?", "Damon: He died, Phyllis. He died. He's dead. He died with his father, his--his protector, holding him. That--that beautiful...", "Damon: That--that perfect, precious little boy, he died. (Sighs) and me, I was... I was supposed to be on guard for him.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: This is political assassination.", "Nick: Wow.", "Sharon: You look so stressed.", "Daniel: Listen, are you gonna blow this whole thing?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Tom blows things out of the water. Sheila gives to a new friend advice on how to get revenge. Yolanda is found in the bushes. Daniel makes it to the airport on time. John gets a visit from someone that he has only heard of." ]
[ "Lily: Daniel, where are you? Why don't you just call? (Cell phone ringing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: ...The pool, the spa. Hey, man.", "Daniel: Oh, Fisher.", "Kevin: Long time no see.", "Daniel: How you doin'?", "Kevin: Good, good. Hey, uh, this is Scott Grainger. Scott, my buddy Daniel.", "Scott: Hey, good to meet you.", "Daniel: Same here.", "Kevin: I hear big-time congratulations are in order. You're a free man. That's awesome.", "Daniel: Mm-hmm.", "Kevin: Daniel here just went through a few months of hell.", "Scott: Really? What happened? Sorry. Didn't mean to pry.", "Daniel: No, man, it's cool. Um, I got arrested and I did some time in jail.", "Kevin: But, uh, but, he, uh, he was just found not guilty.", "Daniel: Yeah. It still really hasn't sunk in, though. I mean, for awhile there, I thought I was gonna be put away for years.", "Kevin: Well, fortunately, that's not gonna happen, and, uh, your nightmare's over, right?", "Daniel: Yeah, well, it'll never be over completely. Not for me anyway. You know, a girl died. I could never forget that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Sorry, I know I'm rambling, but, Daniel, please, okay, I have to see you. I'm leaving any minute and there isn't much time, all right? Good-bye.", "Dru: Are you tryin' to call that boy? What are you doing?", "Lily: Mom, look, I can't just leave without saying good-bye to him.", "Dru: Yes, you can. We have a flight to catch.", "Lily: We can take the next plane.", "Dru: That's not gonna happen, Lily. Hey.", "Devon: Hey.", "Sierra: Hey.", "Devon: Thank God you're still here.", "Sierra: Devon said you're going away to school today. Is that true?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I learned my lesson, though, man. One stupid mistake, and you could mess up your whole life.", "Kevin: Hey, uh, not to change the subject, but, uh, let's change the subject.", "Daniel: Okay. Scott, where are you from?", "Kevin: He's from Toronto.", "Scott: Yeah, I'm here visiting my mom. She's getting married soon.", "Kevin: Hmm. To--to my brother. This is Lauren's son.", "Daniel: Lauren? Lauren rocks, dude.", "Scott: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Hey, so, uh, Scott here is writing the next great American novel.", "Daniel: Really? What's it all about?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: (British accent) you're having a lot worse than a rough day.", "Tom: Lady, \"rough\" doesn't even begin to describe it. If I don't do something about it pronto, I'm gonna be out in the cold.", "Sheila: Hmm. Then you'd best do something, hadn't you?", "Tom: Excuse me?", "Sheila: Do something about your situation. I've found it's always best to be in control of the outcome rather than to allow other people to pull your strings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Where the hell is John?", "Gloria: Personally, I hope he stays out all night.", "Michael: Oh, well, then you and I will sit here until sunup if need be. We're goin' through with this.", "Gloria: Why, Michael? Why? Tom is gone. He is not a problem anymore.", "Michael: Why wouldn't you wanna be certain that Tom will never be able to extort money from you again? Weren't you the one who told him where to--", "Gloria: Yes! And I meant it. But I thought you were bluffing about telling John.", "Michael: Well, I wasn't. Your husband is going to know exactly what you've been up against.", "Gloria: Why? Why? So you could get your revenge against Tom?", "Michael: No. So I can protect you from being blackmailed into bankruptcy.", "Gloria: I don't need your protection. I need my husband. I need my marriage, which you now seem hell-bent on destroying.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Here, honey.", "Neil: Hey. Thanks.", "Dru: I swear, if she tries to call Daniel one more time... thank God he's not picking up the phone.", "Neil: That's good. That's one relationship I'm not sorry to see end, you know?", "Dru: Hmm. You think it will end?", "Neil: Hmm. Maybe they'll stay in touch for awhile, then he'll just fade away. You know, baby...", "Dru: Hmm?", "Neil: I thought I had a year to get used to the idea before Lily left home.", "Dru: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: It feels like it's way too soon.", "Dru: It is.", "Sierra: So boarding school in New Hampshire, huh?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Sierra: Does Daniel know?", "Lily: Well, I mean, I left him a lot of messages on his cell phone.", "Sierra: Well, maybe he just turned it off. You know, I'm sure he wouldn't just ignore you, Lily.", "Devon: You know, I'm really sad that you're goin', but I'm not sorry you're leavin' that guy.", "Sierra: Do you want me to give him a message? You know, if we see him at the coffeehouse or something.", "Lily: Yeah. Just, um, tell him that, um, I'll e-mail him as soon as I can, and... give him a-- a really big hug for me.", "Sierra: Okay.", "Lily: I'm just gonna miss him so much.", "Sierra: You know, a lot of other people are gonna miss you, too, Lily. I just can't believe I'm not gonna be spending my senior year with my best friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Scott: My novel has a little bit of everything, but, um, the specifics are still being worked out. It's something I just started on so I'm pretty excited about it.", "Daniel: Sounds cool. Maybe you'll get a chance to write while you're here.", "Scott: I hope so. My main priority is just spending time with my mom since I don't get to see her that often. Not as often as I'd like, that's for sure.", "Daniel: Sounds like there's a story there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Sounds like you've had a few \"more than rough\" days yourself.", "Sheila: (Chuckles) a few more than I actually care to count. You know, I-I don't know your story, but I know in my life, I never let anyone take me down, not without a fight.", "Tom: The way you're talkin', you musta crushed a few people in your time.", "Sheila: Believe me, I-I certainly have. But, you know, there wasn't a one of them that didn't deserve a little justice.", "Tom: Maybe I could learn a lesson or two from you.", "Sheila: Who couldn't?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Don't do that. Don't blame me. I'm not responsible for your predicament. I'm tryin' to get you out of it. And you'd realize that if you weren't such a hysteric. (Telephone rings)", "Gloria: Hello.", "John: Hello, gorgeous.", "Gloria: Oh, hello, John. How nice to hear... how nice to hear your voice. Are you--are you still at the office?", "John: I just wanted to tell you that I will be coming home as soon as I'm finished.", "Gloria: Okay. Well, honey... you take all the time you need.", "John: Well, thank you. By the way, have I told you how much I love you today?", "Gloria: I never get tired of hearing it. I love you, too, John Abbott.", "Gloria: And that'll probably be the last time I ever hear him say \"I love you.\"", "Michael: (Sighs) everything but the bloodhounds snapping at your backside. Why are you being so maudlin? You act like telling John the truth is gonna destroy your marriage.", "Gloria: And it very well could because I promised that man-- no more secrets.", "Michael: Well, I'm gonna help you keep that promise before he learns from someone else, and you lose total control of the situation. Look, Gloria, you filed for that dissolution in good faith. You had no idea that Tom was going to be in town, that he was gonna be stalking you, that he was gonna be hitting you up for money. That is not your fault. But you will realize that there is only one way-- only one way-- to take away his leverage. And that is for you to reveal to John yourself what Tom has been holding over your head.", "Gloria: You have no idea how difficult it was to get him to trust me again.", "Michael: And you have been betraying that trust from the moment you promised Tom hush money.", "Gloria: (Whispers) yeah. (Normal voice) so if your brilliant plan backfires, are you and your new bride going to take me in?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sierra: It'll go by fast. You'll see.", "Lily: Yeah. Maybe I can come home for Christmas, you know?", "Sierra: Yeah, well, you better. Good luck, Lily.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Sierra: Hey, uh, Devon, I'll wait for you in the car.", "Devon: Okay.", "Lily: So where are you guys going?", "Devon: To, uh, check on my mom.", "Lily: How's she doing?", "Devon: She's doin' all right. She, uh, she's been clean for awhile now.", "Lily: That's good. You know, just keep me posted and stuff, okay?", "Devon: Of course I will.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Lily: Man, why won't Daniel call?", "Devon: You know, uh, you know it's not gonna be the same at all around here without you.", "Lily: Yeah, I feel guilty. You know, like I'm abandoning you.", "Devon: Oh, yeah? Well, you should feel guilty about that 'cause that's exactly what you're doin'. Who's gonna--who's gonna help me cram all night before a test and make sure I get my butt up and get to school on time? And most importantly, who am I gonna watch all them cheesy horror flicks with?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: You know, I don't wanna do this, so...", "Lily: It's okay.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: It's okay.", "Devon: I just--I just, uh, I feel like I'm losing my best friend.", "Lily: Hey. You're not gonna lose me. Okay? I promise.", "Dru: It's heartbreaking to see our family split up like this.", "Neil: But wherever we are, we're always a family.", "Lily: Yeah. Just, um, promise you'll take good care of Devon.", "Devon: Hey, hey, hey, I'm--I'm almost 18. I don't need lookin' after.", "Lily: Yes, you do. Trust me. You know, even though we don't always get along, you know, these are the two best parents you could ever have.", "Devon: Yeah, I know that.", "Lily: Yeah.", "Devon: Believe me, I do.", "Lily: So... group hug?", "Dru: Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Isaac: There you are. Been looking all over for you.", "Yolanda: You got some more?", "Isaac: You're not lookin' so good. You need to slow down. Pace yourself. That stuff'll blow your mind you take too much.", "Yolanda: Nuh-uh, nuh-uh. I need some, okay? You gotta give me some. I need it. I need it.", "Isaac: I don't gotta give you nothing.", "Yolanda: You ripped me off, didn't you? You ripped me off. That watch I gave you was worth more than what you gave me for it, isn't it? Isn't it? You--you tryin' to cheat me, aren't you? You think I don't know, don't you? You think I don't know. You think I'm stu--", "Isaac: Okay. Okay. You chill out, Yolanda, and I'll give you what you need.", "Yolanda: Okay.", "Isaac: Don't go smoke this all at once. Save some for another day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I got a message.", "Kevin: Mmm. Ahh. Hey, man, do you wanna get some food?", "Scott: Nah. No, thanks.", "Kevin: You sure? My treat.", "Scott: Uh... no, that's okay. I'm good. But the hot tub looks pretty inviting. I think I might have to take a dip.", "Daniel: I gotta get outta here, guys.", "Kevin: What? What's wrong?", "Daniel: That was Lily. She said she needs to see me. Look, I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?", "Kevin: All right. See you, Daniel.", "Daniel: Nice meeting you.", "Scott: See you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Um... I don't know. You know what? The battery in my watch went dead. You know, I still can't find my silver one, by the way.", "Dru: Okay, we need to get a move on.", "Lily: Wait. Can we please just wait a little longer? You know, at least give me a chance to talk to him?", "Dru: Daniel? Absolutely not.", "Neil: Um, the security lines at the airport are gonna be long. You don't wanna miss your flight, honey.", "Dru: Mnh-mnh.", "Devon: Look, I'm gonna go put the bags in the car.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Dru: All right, I have the I.D., my hat, the tickets, cash--", "Neil: Address. Address to the hotel.", "Dru: It's in my purse.", "Neil: All right.", "Devon: Take care of yourself, girl.", "Lily: You, too.", "Lily: Can you ever forgive me, Dad?", "Neil: For what?", "Lily: Well, for... all the pain and trouble I've caused you.", "Neil: Oh, sweetheart... of course. Of course I forgive you. But I want you to promise me something, okay?", "Lily: Anything. Almost anything.", "Neil: Lily, oh, Lily, you have such a bright future ahead of you. I want you to promise me that you'll do your best in school... and that you'll make the most of this experience, okay?", "Lily: I will. I swear. I'm gonna miss you so much.", "Neil: I'm gonna miss you, too. You're such a beautiful, smart young lady. Always remember, don't let anyone take advantage of you. All right?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Neil: Be careful. You watch your back. Your mother and I, we have a lot of faith in you. And we'll always, always be there for you.", "Lily: You always have been.", "Neil: I want you to call me every day. I'll come visit you as much as I can.", "Lily: Will you bring Devon?", "Neil: Of course. Of course I'll bring Devon. Lily... you'll never be far. You'll never be far from my heart.", "Lily: You, too, Daddy.", "Dru: We really need to get a move on. We're not missin' that flight.", "Neil: Lily... I love you.", "Lily: I love you, too.", "Neil: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine, all right? This is a happy--", "Dru: Okay, we really need to go, baby.", "Neil: Come on.", "Dru: All right, I'll call you from the hotel once I get Lily settled. You got your bag, sweet?", "Neil: All right. I'll see you tomorrow, huh?", "Dru: (Makes kissing sound)", "Neil: Okay.", "Dru: Okay.", "Lily: Bye, Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Gloria, I can assure you, you won't end up on the streets.", "Gloria: Oh, I wish I could be as sure of that as you were.", "Michael: If it's money you're worried about, I've got--", "Gloria: It's not money. It's about losing the only man I have ever really cared about. It's about love, Michael, and companionship and the way he treats me. He treats me with respect... and we're best friends. He's tender and he's loving and I love him with all of my heart, and I came this close to losing him once. And I can't bear the thought of losing him again. You and Lauren are getting married. Put yourself in my place. What would you do if all that was threatened? The thought of being alone and without hope and old... can you imagine anything more frightening? Hmm? (Cell phone rings)", "Michael: I gotta... uh, this is a judge. I have to take this.", "Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Michael: Yeah. Yes, hello.", "Gloria: No, you can't imagine it. Oh, but I can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Now you got the kind of confidence I don't see too often.", "Sheila: (Laughs nervously) I think it's important to focus on what you're good at.", "Tom: Yeah, I'll bet you're real good at gettin' what you want.", "Sheila: I learned a long time ago it's best to be relentless.", "Tom: Yeah, that was my plan-- to be relentless, get what I had comin' to me, but somehow I got derailed.", "Sheila: So get back on track. Get to them before they get to you.", "Tom: You mean a preemptive strike?", "Sheila: There's nothing better than the element of surprise.", "Tom: Oh, I like the way you think.", "Sheila: Why, thank you.", "Tom: You know those two?", "Sheila: No.", "Tom: I do. The one in the gray trunks is my son, and the other one's some kid who's staying with him.", "Sheila: You don't seem too thrilled to see him-- your son.", "Tom: No, he and his brother have been major pains in my butt. If they'd just mind their own business and let me do what I came here to do...", "Sheila: So do it.", "Tom: Well, it's not that easy. They're always stickin' their noses in.", "Sheila: Who says anyone has to know?", "Tom: You're right. Who says anyone has to know a damn thing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Daniel: Mr. Winters, uh, hi.", "Neil: Hello, Daniel.", "Daniel: Listen, I got a message from Lily. It sounded urgent. Is she all right?", "Daniel: You're sending her to boarding school? This is all 'cause of me. I mean, if it wasn't for me, then she'd still be here. Your family would be together. Cassie would be alive.", "Neil: Daniel, this is the best thing for everyone. Lily can use this time to pull herself together, refocus her life, and you, young man, you should do the same thing. Let her go, Daniel. Don't try to contact her. I mean it. It'll only make things harder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Thank you. Well, we got here a lot quicker than I thought we would. Want a magazine? All right. I'm gonna get one from the shop, okay? I'll be right back.", "Dru: Lily, sweetheart, everything's gonna be all right.", "Lily: It's just, what if he's not calling me on purpose, you know? Or what if this is his way of not causing more trouble for me?", "Dru: If that's the case, he possesses more maturity than I gave him credit for. He's doin' the right thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sierra: So you see your mom?", "Devon: No, and it's weird, too, 'cause this is usually where she hangs out.", "Sierra: Well, I mean, we've checked the whole park. Do you wanna keep looking?", "Devon: No. No. You know what it is? She probably went back to the shelter.", "Sierra: The one on 9th?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Sierra: Well, you know, that's just a couple blocks from here. We could head down there, check it out, see if she's there.", "Devon: Yeah? You don't mind?", "Sierra: Do I look like I mind?", "Devon: All right, then let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Okay, I'm gonna grab some drinks.", "Kevin: What the hell are you doing here? Can't we get you to leave?", "Tom: Now, Kevin, is that any way to talk to your father? Besides, I like it here too much. It's just somethin' about the people.", "Kevin: Gross. Come on, man, let's get out of here. They'll let anyone in here these days.", "Scott: Well, see you later.", "Scott: Thanks.", "Tom: Hey, listen, I wanna thank you. You have been great company. Look, there's somethin' I gotta do.", "Sheila: May it go your way.", "Tom: Oh, I think it will.", "Sheila: (Laughs nervously)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sniffles)", "Gloria: He said I was beautiful.", "Gloria: (Gasps) John.", "John: Do I know you?", "Gloria: It's me, John. It's Gloria.", "John: So this is what you've become?", "Gloria: Well, after you threw me out, I... I really didn't see any reason to go on living... but I survived... somehow, not that my life means anything", "John: You brought all of this on yourself, with all your secrets and your deceptions.", "Gloria: Oh, John... after all these years... not just a little bit of compassion? You were never like that, not when I--", "John: You were what? My wife? Please. That was the biggest mistake I ever made.", "Gloria: Oh, John... after all these years... I'm begging you... please forgive me. I have no one in my life... and I don't wanna die alone.", "John: You did nothing but lie to me. You tried to deceive me again and again. Ahh...", "Gloria: John, please...", "John: No.", "Gloria: Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me.", "Michael: I'm sorry about that, Gloria. What's wrong? Look, you needn't be so frightened about this. You will survive. That's kind of what you do. You're a survivor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Lily, I'm gonna make some calls to the office, okay? Okay. Be right back.", "Daniel: Lily.", "Lily: Daniel.", "Daniel: Oh, baby, hi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Listen, thanks for coming back here with me. I just wanna look around again, and I promise we can go afterwards, okay?", "Sierra: Devon, it's all right. I can tell you're really worried about your mom.", "Devon: I just thought for sure she'd be at the shelter. I don't know where else she could be.", "Devon: Hey, do you remember me?", "Isaac: Oh, right. Yolanda's kid.", "Devon: Yeah, that's right. I'm lookin' for her right now. Do you have any idea where she is?", "Isaac: She was here a little while ago. The lady was totally out of it.", "Devon: What do you mean, she was out-- did you sell her somethin'?", "Isaac: Maybe. Why are you lookin' at me like that? Why don't you go talk to your mama? She's the one who bought the stuff.", "Devon: With what, man? She didn't have any money. Listen, don't you walk away from me. I ain't done talkin' to you.", "Sierra: Hey, hey, Devon...", "Devon: No. No.", "Sierra: Just let him go.", "Devon: There's no way she could have bought anything. She didn't have any money. Last time you and I saw her-- oh, God. Mom. Mom.", "Sierra: I-I'm calling 9-1-1.", "Devon: Mom, open your eyes.", "Sierra: I'll call 9-1-1.", "Devon: Call Neil, too.", "Sierra: Yeah, yeah, we need an ambulance right away.", "Devon: Mom. Will somebody help us, please? Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Look, I understand you're having a difficult time, but it's not really--", "Gloria: Difficult time, Michael? You are asking me to throw away everything in the world that matters to me. (Telephone ringing)", "Michael: Do you want me to get that?", "Gloria: This is still my home, and I'll get it.", "Gloria: Hello?", "John: Oh, good. You haven't left me yet.", "Gloria: What?", "John: I'm just kidding. Listen, I'm just wrapping up things, and I realized that I have not taken my wife out in a couple of days.", "Gloria: Oh, John.", "John: Well, how about dinner at the club, and then drinks and dancing at Yves'?", "Gloria: Darling, that sounds amazing.", "John: Well, listen, you put on the prettiest dress you can find, and I will be home soon, okay?", "Gloria: That was my... sweet, darling husband who has no idea what he's about to come home to.", "Michael: He'll forgive you.", "Gloria: Guarantee that.", "Michael: The minute John comes through that door, we're gonna tell him the truth, and Tom Fisher will be completely powerless.", "Gloria: What about me? What will I be, Michael?", "Michael: You? You'll be a woman who can live her life openly and honestly and totally without fear. It'll be a new beginning.", "Gloria: No, not for me. It's the beginning of the end.", "Michael: (Sighs) look, Gloria, I'm gonna tell you this one more time. You have no future if you live your life at tom's mercy. It's just a matter of time. It would destroy you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "John: Can I help you?", "Tom: We haven't met yet. I'm Tom, Ashley's friend.", "John: Oh. It's nice to meet you, Tom. Uh, if you're looking for Ashley, she's not here right now.", "Tom: Actually, I'm here to see you.", "John: I'm sorry, but I was just on my way out.", "Tom: This is very important, Mr. Abbott. It concerns... you, me... and your wife Gloria. There are some things that you need to know.", "John: Gloria?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Thank God.", "Lily: How did you know where to find me?", "Daniel: Your dad told me, so I raced right out here.", "Lily: Well, how'd you get through?", "Daniel: I bought a ticket to clear security.", "Lily: I mean, I have been going crazy thinking that maybe you didn't wanna see me.", "Daniel: No. No. Are you kidding me? There's no way I wouldn't come here.", "Lily: Can you believe they're sending me away?", "Daniel: Your dad tells me Mr. Richards dropped the charges, though, so trust me, it's worth it. Nothing's gonna change between us, okay?", "Lily: Yeah. I love you so much. I don't know how I can do this.", "Daniel: Listen to me. You listen to me. It doesn't matter if they send you to china, 'cause nothing's gonna change the way I feel about you. You got that? It's me and you forever, kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman over P.A.: Flight 247 to Manchester, New Hampshire, is now boarding. Since we have a light flight today, we invite all passengers to board at this time.", "Daniel: I love you forever, Lily.", "Lily: My mom's gonna be back. I have to go.", "Daniel: Okay. I'll be here waiting for you.", "Lily: Okay.", "Daniel: Go ahead.", "Dru: Sweetheart, are you all right?", "Lily: It's gonna be okay.", "Dru: That's the spirit.", "Woman over P.A.: This serves as the final boarding call for flight 247. All passengers should make their way to the gate at this time.", "Dru: You ready?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Michael: Gloria and I are waiting for John.", "Gloria: Your brother is determined to ruin my marriage.", "John: What could you possibly have to do with me and Gloria?", "Tom: Everything, sir.", "Devon: What if she doesn't make it? What if my mom dies?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Chloe's identity is revealed she is Esther's long lost daughter Katie Valentine; the Chancellor house is rocked and the wedding party is canceled as she tries to explain the reasons why she hid her identity. Jill urges Cane to get this marriage annulled pronto. Nikki searches aimlessly for Victor in Mexico while the Newman off springs read their letters from their fathers. Victor is finally found as Nikki lies on the beach in utter exhaustion calling his name." ]
[ "Esther: Kate? Oh, my God! It is so wonderful to see you!", "Cane: Uh, Esther, in all due respect, this isn't Kate, this is--", "Esther: My daughter, Kate. Katherine Tina Valentine.", "Jill: Esther, this is Chloe Mitchell, my son's wife.", "Esther: Oh, I know she is married to him, but I know my Katie, and that's Katie!", "Jill: Would you kindly explain to our housekeeper that she is mistaken?", "Kay: Or that she isn't.", "Cane: Chloe? Chloe?", "Chloe: Okay. I am Kate Valentine. She's my mother.", "Cane: So you've lied to me about your name, you lied about who you are and where you're from. What--what haven't you lied to me about?", "Esther: Oh, my precious little girl. I have missed you so, so much!", "Kay: Well, well, well, it's been a very long, long time, hasn't it, Ch-- uh, Kate?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I overnighted the new contracts with the changes I authorized. Okay, well, um, good luck to you, too, Martin, and thank you. Okay, take care.", "J.T.: Last place I thought I'd find you.", "Victoria: I wanted to wrap up the deal in Dubai. Sort of my last hurrah before I go into forced exile.", "J.T.: Look, I, uh, found your dad's letter in your car. I see it's still unopened.", "Victoria: I, um... I really disappointed him, J.T.", "J.T.: Your dad loved you. Give him a chance.", "J.T.: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Adam reading his letter]", "Victor's voice: Your mother always knew better than I how to relate to you. But somehow I think that women have a little easier time when it comes to being a parent. I think nature provides the means and a desire and an instinct for motherhood. At least in my case, no such gifts were provided for me because I grew up without a father. And fatherhood, for me, had to be learned. I admit to you that at times, I guess I was a pretty terrible student of that. I walked out of your life because your mother asked me to. Perhaps I shouldn't have. But of all my children, ironically, you grew up the most like me. And I believe that you will be stronger and better for the things you didn't have. I am counting on it. I am counting on you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor? Victor!", "Nikki: Victor?", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Victor? Victor!", "Nikki: You're real. Oh, my God, it really is you. I knew you were alive. I just knew it!", "Victor: You shouldn't have come here. There's nothing left to say.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Oh, look at you! You are gorgeous! Isn't she gorgeous, Mrs. C.?", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Esther: You've been in town this whole time and you haven't called me once?", "Chloe: Because, Mom, I knew that if I told you, then you would just make a big production. You would try to get me a job, you would put me up in the mansion, and I wanted to prove to myself and to everybody else that I could do it on my own. And I was actually doing very well until Cane fired me.", "Kay: Well, that doesn't explain why you lied to him, Dear.", "Chloe: We had a few drinks and things got out of control and we made a baby. We didn't plan on it. I know that I should've told him who I was when he asked me to marry him, but I just... I was afraid that he was gonna walk away, and then the baby just would've ended up like me. It would've said, \"Who's my daddy?\" I-I don't know.", "Jill: You're not actually buying that garbage?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor's voice: Life is what it is, Adam. I have nothing to offer you except my faith in you and a word of caution. Do not assume that my bequest to you means that you were somehow more important to me than my other children. That is not the case. You, Victoria, Nicholas, Abby-- you all reside deep within my heart.", "Heather: You finish reading the letter?", "Adam: Yeah, yeah, just finished.", "Heather: What'd it say?", "Adam: Oh, you know, the usual. Love you, miss you, wish we spent more time together.", "Heather: Are you serious?", "Adam: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victoria reading her letter]", "Victor's voice: Victoria, my sweetheart, I wish I were sentimental enough to offer some wisdom about the end of life. Reassure you that I'm in a better place. But to do that while I'm still among the living would be disingenuous. I'll say this, though-- death doesn't intimidate me. I'm unimpressed with heaven and doubtful there's a hell. I'm content to turn to dust, and leave without regret, but for one exception. I'll miss you more than words on a page could ever express.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nick reading his letter]", "Victor's voice: I'm afraid that I've been disappointed in you far too often. I wanted a son just like me. I thought if I was tough on you, that you'd get tough. I was much harder on you than I was on Victoria, I have to admit that. And I wasn't always fair. The few times I admitted that to myself--", "Sharon: Nicholas? Hey, um, we didn't mean to startle you.", "Noah: Hey, Dad.", "Nick: Oh, hey. What's up, Dude?", "Sharon: Well, I tried calling your cell, but it just went straight to voice mail. If we're interrupting something, then...", "Nick: No. No. What's going on?", "Noah: Um, I've been thinking. Walnut Grove is great and all, but I wanna go to public school instead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How'd you find me?", "Nikki: They found a body in the water, and the police showed me a picture from the morgue and it was that Walter guy. So when I saw that, I knew that... you must've tracked him all the way to Mexico and killed him to avenge for Sabrina's death.", "Victor: There was a storm and the boat went down and I... survived, that's all.", "Nikki: Did I do this to you? Did my mistakes with David make you commit murder?", "Victor: Did you come here because you're feeling guilty or what?", "Nikki: I came here for you. I came because I care about you. And if you're in trouble...", "Victor: I'm not running-- I am not running from the law.", "Nikki: Well, you must be running from something, or you would've come home. Do you know that the entire world thinks you're dead?", "Victor: Nothing I can do about that.", "Nikki: There are people in a lot of pain right now because they're gonna miss you so much.", "Victor: I put my affairs in order in Genoa City. There's no reason for me to ever come back to that town.", "Nikki: What? Victor, you have-- you have children and grandchildren that are grieving for you right now. If you don't wanna listen to me, I'm gonna go find the nearest phone and I'm gonna call and tell them that you've just crawled into a hole because you're feeling sorry for yourself. And then, I'll charter a jet, I'll bring them all down here so you can tell them in person that you've decided to abandon your family and play dead.", "Victor: Don't you come here and try to make me feel guilty, you got that? Don't you even try.", "Nikki: Victor... I know you've suffered a terrible loss. My heart aches for you. I feel responsible.", "Victor: You are responsible.", "Nikki: I know. And you hate me for it.", "Victor: I feel nothing for you.", "Victor: Get the hell out.", "Nikki: Please don't say that. Please don't say you feel nothing for me. Hatred I can--", "Victor: Don't you come here and try to make me feel guilty. Get the hell out!", "Nikki: I am not trying to make you feel guilty, Victor. Please listen to me.", "Victor: Don't touch me.", "Nikki: Look... you wonder why I came here to find you? I've loved you almost my entire life. I love you now. I'll love you till the day I die. It's simple.", "Victor: Stop that sentimental crap.", "Nikki: And it's very complicated, too. We can yell at each other and hate each other as much as we want, but it's not gonna change... how we feel... in our hearts.", "Victor: I feel nothing but hatred for you right now.", "Nikki: Please... just--I am not asking you-- I'm not asking anything of you, I'm certainly not asking for a promise of love-- anything-- but just please come home with me. Don't deny me giving you the support that you obviously need. Please, you mean too much to me, Victor. I am not gonna leave you here on some Godforsaken strip of beach all by yourself.", "Victor: I told you--", "Nikki: You mean too much to your family for that. Please. Please.", "Victor: You save your breath. It means nothing to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: You okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm fine. He went soft of me. I can't believe it.", "J.T.: Well, that's Victor Newman for you. Always keeping you guessing.", "Victoria: He is so stubborn.", "J.T.: You wanna save it for later?", "Victoria: No. What I really want is to... to go back and change the way that things were between Dad and me after Sabrina died.", "J.T.: Victoria...", "Victoria: I wanna be able to make peace with him. And he never gave me the chance to do that.", "J.T.: Victoria, you know...", "Victoria: I know. I know. No do-overs, right? I know.", "J.T.: I'm gonna go return some phone calls, okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "[Victoria reads her letter]", "Victor's voice: My darling, ever since you were a baby, I have always understood that you were a chip off the old block. Perhaps that's why I love you so much. I've always loved your smile. It was my greatest reward. And I always knew when you denied me that smile that it meant that I'd let you down. You know I never gave a damn what anyone thought of me, I never did... except for you. That was quite a lot of power for such a beautiful little girl, don't you think? I've always loved you. I've adored you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I can't believe you just did that.", "Adam: What? I threw away a piece of paper I didn't need anymore.", "Heather: A piece of paper? It's not a piece of paper. It's the letter that Victor wrote for you personally to read after he died.", "Adam: Honey, I know what it is. Let it go.", "Heather: You grew up not knowing your father. He just left you his entire empire. I think you might kinda treasure his final words.", "Adam: It's a letter, not the \"Magna Carta,\" okay? Will you let it go? Besides, hey, you know me. I'm a man of action, not words.", "Heather: You know, I wanna see it.", "Adam: Hey. Hey, I said let it go and I meant it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Look, of course, Mom was like, no way. But finally, she said I could ask your opinion.", "Nick: Huh. Where's this coming from? I thought you really liked Walnut.", "Noah: I do. You know, it's just the guys I play soccer with at park district? They're all going to Genoa City High. And--and the girls, too. Not that I'm into some girl or anything.", "Sharon: Oh, no, of course not.", "Nick: No. Okay, so is that all this is about then? You missing your soccer buddies? 'Cause I gotta be honest, Son, that's not really a good enough reason to give up a great prep school like Walnut Grove. You know how important it is to get into a good college.", "Noah: Grandpa didn't go to college.", "Sharon: Times were different then.", "Noah: Yeah, I know. But I still wanna be more like him.", "Nick: Why?", "Noah: Look, he always told me, if you work hard and do your best, you can achieve anything.", "Sharon: Well, I agree, but I can tell you from experience that it's a lot easier if you don't have to struggle for every dime along the way.", "Noah: Mom, that's just it. I don't want people to be able to say I had it easy. I wanna be like everyone else.", "Nick: You're not like everybody else, Son. You're Victor Newman's grandson. And that makes you special, whether you want it or not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So what else haven't you told me? What other bombshells are you just waiting to drop on me?", "Chloe: I'm sorry. I'm fresh out.", "Jill: Oh, I doubt that.", "Chloe: So what if I am Kate Valentine? What difference does it make?", "Kay: The difference is, you expecting my great-grandchild. The very idea that Esther's daughter shows up here incognito, and just happens to be impregnated by my grandson.", "Jill: And just happens to trick him into this charade of a marriage!", "Chloe: Okay, okay, so everyone is just upset with me because I am the daughter of a maid. And I was never good enough to live on your estate, so you sent me away. And now I'm not good enough to be carrying a Chancellor heir.", "Esther: Oh, no one's saying that, Sweetie. We believe you.", "Cane: I don't. She's targeted me from the beginning!", "Chloe: That is such a lie!", "Cane: (Scoffs)", "Jill: It makes sense to me.", "Esther: You're both wrong. My Katie would never do that.", "Kay: Stop it! This moment, stop it! Simply not the time.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jill: Ah. That would be our guests.", "Chloe: Let's party.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So just send over the copy for approval. Okay, thanks, Charlie. Sorry about that.", "Noah: Look, Dad, you're wrong, okay? The Newman name may be special, but I'm not special until I prove myself, like Grandpa did. You know, he started with nothing and worked his way up.", "Sharon: That's true, but public school won't--", "Noah: Look, how am I supposed to feel good about anything if it's all given to me? I mean, and come on, Dad, isn't that why you started \"Restless Style\"? To make it on your own?", "Nick: Okay. I'll make you a deal. You look into taking some A.P. courses at the public school, and your mother and I will consider sending you there, okay? You okay with that?", "Sharon: Sure.", "Noah: Yes! I'm gonna call Jason.", "Nick: I, uh, I didn't mean to overrule you.", "Sharon: Oh, no, no, that's okay. I gave you a vote, too, remember?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: Um... maybe it's just because of the--the loss that we're feeling right now, but I just... I want our son to be happy. I want everyone I love to be happy.", "Nick: I feel the same way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that.", "Heather: You're right. You shouldn't have. Don't let it happen again.", "Adam: Look, I've just been, uh... I've just been wound up lately, and, uh...", "Heather: Yeah, a little. Look, I know it's been a rough couple weeks for you. And I think... I know something that might help, if you're up for it.", "Adam: Yeah? Up for what?", "Heather: Skinny dip?", "Adam: A skinny dip?", "Heather: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Now?", "Heather: Yeah. I'll go get my bathing suit on, so you can take it off when I meet you by the pool.", "Adam: I like the sound of that.", "[Heather pretends to go upstairs and she turns around to see Adam going outside and she goes to the trash can and picks up the letter from Victor]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, please.", "Victor: Enough. I'm never going back to that place.", "Nikki: You're alive. I'm not gonna lie to people and say you're not.", "Victor: What the hell do you want? An epic happy ending? It ain't gonna happen, you know that. Not with this man. All my dreams were shattered in that car wreck, you got that? For which you are responsible! This heart that you think you know? It's full of twisted steel and shattered glass. It's full of jagged edges. You come close, I promise you, you will bleed.", "Nikki: Victor, I am not that insensitive. I understand that.", "Victor: You know you're responsible for all this, don't you? Because your hubris, your pride, your arrogance-- because you thought you knew things better.", "Nikki: Do you think you're the only one with a broken heart? When I found out that you were dead, I moved heaven and earth. And shortly after I got to Mexico, they told me you were dead. End of story. Over. You know that little dive bar that you hung out waiting for Walter? Well, their vodka is vile, but it went down real well that night when I thought that you had drowned and it was my fault! So you're not the only one in pain, Victor! I'm in pain. And Victoria and Nicholas and Noah! Everyone loves you!", "Victor: I know exactly what you're trying to do. It won't work.", "Nikki: What does it take to get through to you?! My God! They love you! I love you.", "Victor: It's a sick love. It's a love that deserves to die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: This is not about you marrying beneath you, Darling. It's about whether or not you can trust this person.", "Cane: I know I can't trust her. We both know that, but she's having my child, so it doesn't change it.", "Jill: Fine, fine, calm down. You support them. You give the girl some money. You set them up with a decent place. I'm not saying shirk your responsibilities, just don't tie yourself down to somebody who's capable of this kind of deceit.", "Cane: So what do you want me to do?", "Jill: You get yourself a good lawyer and get an annulment before she gets her hooks any deeper into you.", "Kay: Well, finally, they're all gone. Esther, Dear, would you call the, um, homeless shelter and donate the food, please?", "Esther: Will you be okay for a minute, Honey?", "Chloe: Yes, Mom.", "Kay: It's been a very emotional day, hasn't it?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Kay: You know, Jill can be a pill, but she is--she's not dumb.", "Chloe: I'm just not... a low-life who went after Cane for his money. I explained to everyone what happened.", "Kay: Yes, I know you did. But I also know that you had a very comfortable upbringing, which I gladly subsidized because of my fondness for your mother. I also know that you were, um... well-cared for, and you had a good education. So I hope, Chloe, you will not make me regret my generosity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Mom!", "Sharon: Just a minute, Honey. Hey. Thanks for helping me with him.", "Nick: I give good compromise.", "Sharon: Yeah, you do. Um... about Victor's letter, is there anything in that you wanted to talk to me about?", "Nick: I was just, you know, reading it. I haven't finished it yet. You know, Sharon, Dad, uh... he really loved you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Victoria reading her letter]", "Victor's voice: My sweet Victoria, you know that I always thought nothing else mattered as much as success. I was wrong about that. When your brother turned me in for bribery, I disowned him because I felt betrayed. I still do feel betrayed about that. But then you let me know how disappointed you were. You left Genoa City to get away from me. That saddened me deeply, I have to tell you. I just missed your smile and I needed your love. Even more than that, I think I needed your respect. That's not true of anyone else I know. You always found a way to touch my heart, and I wanna thank you for that.", "Victoria: Daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, please, don't talk this way.", "Victor: Don't touch me. Don't you touch me. Whatever this was-- this so-called love of ours, it ends, you got that? And I wish one of us had the guts to kill the other to put us out of our misery.", "Nikki: Victor? Wait!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Heather reads Victor's letter]", "Victor's voice: And don't shut out your family, Adam. I want you to get along with Victoria and Nicholas. I know that if you reach out to them, they will help steer you in the right direction. And in time, I hope that they will embrace you, and I think they will. But you will have to be the bigger person. There are times when you're gonna have to swallow your anger and your--", "Adam: What do you think you're doing?", "Heather: I'm sorry, I-I couldn't let you throw it away.", "Adam: Seriously, Heather? I mean... wanna know what I took from this? You know what I got out of this letter? That number two son isn't worthy of Victor's love. Not when compared to his other offspring.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Do you think I'm like my dad? Do you think I have his spirit?", "J.T.: Definitely.", "Victoria: Listen to this. \"Nicholas will find his own way, and Adam will put his ambition to good use, but you, my darling, you carry the very spirit and the soul of Victor Newman. And it is through you that I will live forever. The very best parts of me are bled into you. Charity and generosity and forgiveness. And through you, I rest assured that my family will remember me in this way. God bless you, my daughter. Love, Dad.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Look, she signed the marriage license \"Chloe Mitchell.\" That's fraud.", "Cane: So do I have grounds for an annulment? Probably. But I'm not gonna let her disappear with the child.", "Kay: Well, the coast is clear. I made all the proper excuses. Are you all right?", "Cane: No.", "Kay: Jill?", "Jill: That conniving little schemer. I'd sell my soul to get her out of his life.", "Kay: Jill, we're just going to have Cane handle this.", "Esther: Oh! I know that you're mad right now, but we're going to be grandmothers, Jill! Isn't that incredible?! Oh, this is so exciting!", "Chloe: So are you gonna talk to me?", "Cane: What's the point? You got what you wanted, didn't you?", "Chloe: I told you, I didn't know who you were--", "Cane: And I told you, don't you play me!", "Chloe: I didn't.", "Cane: You listen to me, Chloe, Katie, whatever your name is, all right? You better be a really, really good mother to that child that you're carrying, 'cause not only is it my kid, it's a Chancellor heir. And I swear to you, if you mess up, I'll take him from you so fast your head'll spin. Do you understand me?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Adam, Sweetie, Victor wasn't trying to hurt you with what he said, okay? He was just being truthful. Family's important. That's all he was saying. Who knows, maybe if you were a little... more pleasant with Nick and Victoria--", "Adam: No, no, look, they had everything handed to them their entire lives. Now it's my turn, okay? I'm not sharing with them. I'm not sharing with anyone... but you. I'll be out by the pool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Nick reading his letter]", "Victor's voice: As I've said already, I wasn't always a great father to you. I was very, very self-involved, very absorbed with building a business, and often overly demanding. But I've watched you with Cassie, and now with Noah and Summer, and I've seen the sheer joy you derive from their presence, and how much they count on you for love and solace. And so I will close by saying that I apologize for not having been the greatest father to you. But you know something? You are the best dad that Noah and Summer and children in your future could ever hope for. And for that, I am proud of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Victor! Come back! Come back!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: My half-siblings have had a free ride long enough. Let's see if they can make it in the real world on their own.", "Daniel: You're just not over me. It's sweet.", "Nick: My father's alive." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Paul barges in on Victor and accuses him of bringing Patty to Genoa City. Victor urges Paul to keep his voice down since Ashley is right upstairs. Adam walks in and wants to know what is going on. Victor reveals that Mary Jane is really Patty Williams, Paul's sister. Patty accuses Gloria of lying to her and selling her to the highest bidder. Sharon tells Jack that Nick knows about the baby. Nick catches Phyllis and Summer just in time before they leave for Zurich. Mac visits Billy at his trailer. Cane takes Lily's temp and finds out that it is 100.5. Cane questions Lily as to what the doctor had said. Lily tells him that if she gets an infection that she could die. Phyllis tells Nick that Mary Jane had confessed all the things that she had done to Summer to Jack. Phyllis tells Nick that Mary Jane is really Patty Williams, Paul's sister. Victor denies Paul's accusations. Nick tells Phyllis that there are some things that she needs to know. Patty orders Jeff to let her go. Patty sees Gloria with some pills. Patty begs Jeff not to let Gloria poison her. Jeff calls Victor and tries to tell him about Patty, but Victor is otherwise tied up. Jeff tells Jack that he has Patty. Jack reveals to Paul that Patty had been kidnapped. Dean Hunt meets with Adam as his new lawyer. Victor tells Dean to draw up the papers and he will sign them. Adam cannot believe his ears. Victor calls Jeff back and is ready to deal.", "" ]
[ "Victor: You barge in here and lay your sister's problems at my feet?", "Paul: You brought my sister back to Genoa City, didn't you?", "Victor: Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh. Ashley's not well. She's upstairs, okay?", "Paul: You know she's on the run again? She's out there confused and frightened, being hunted down like an animal.", "Victor: And do you think because of that, one should treat her with kid gloves?", "Adam: What has she done? What are you talking about?", "Victor: Mary Jane Benson's real identity is Patty Williams. She's Paul's sister.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Paul: And how would you know that unless you gave her that identity?", "Victor: Because J.T. told me.", "Paul: She's back in town because of you.", "Adam: You make accusations like that, you better have proof to back it up. So come on, let's hear it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: Admit it was a lie. You said Jack would come and we would be married, and that is not true.", "Gloria: Oh, Patty. He's probably off getting your bouquet right now.", "Patty: He is not. He's not. You and your boyfriend are just selling me to the highest bidder.", "Gloria: Now how can you say that? We saved you. You'd be in jail if we weren't your friends. And right now, Jeffrey is off on a mission to secure your future with Jack. Honey, this is all for you and your true love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I know I said I-- that I wasn't gonna tell Nick the truth about the baby, but... it's out now. So no more lies. No more of that awful tension-- knowing this big secret no one else does. Jack... (Sighs) We can breathe again.", "Jack: I could breathe before. I just wanted to be her father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Just stay here and go-- you get to go to sleep. You get to go to sleep. We'll sleep on the plane.", "Summer: Daddy?", "Phyllis: You know what? Daddy isn't gonna be here. But that's fine, because you know what? We're big girls. We're big girls, and big girls hang tough. That's how it goes.", "Summer: Daddy!", "Nick: Hey. Thank God. I thought you were already on the plane. You both feel so good.", "(Makes kissing sound)", "Summer: Mr. Ears! Ears!", "(Giggles)", "Phyllis: I thought we left him in the car.", "Nick: Uh, found him at home. He said he was very lonely without you, but look at him now. He's very happy.", "Phyllis: How did you get here past security? How did you get in here?", "Nick: Oh, I've got, uh, Summer's meds.", "Phyllis: These are old. That's an old prescription.", "Nick: Mm.", "Phyllis: Did you exploit the Newman name to get what you want?", "Nick: I couldn't let you go. I needed to see you face-to-face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Mac: I'm here because you called, Billy. This is a mistake. We agreed. You need to be single right now, as in alone.", "Billy: What? I'm sorry, Mac, I can't hear you. Why don't you come on in? The door's open.", "Mac: (Sighs) This is ridiculous.", "Billy: Hey, you. Welcome to my single guy's man cave.", "(Grunting)", "(Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Thermometer beeps)", "Cane: 100.5. I don't know, is that too high? What'd the doctor say?", "Lily: I don't know. He didn't give me a number. He just said that if I spike a fever that I should get to the E.R. because my body can't fight an infection, and I could--", "Cane: Don't--don't-- don't say that. Don't say that.", "Lily: I could die, Cane, that's what he said, okay? That's the reality of chemo.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: But he didn't say how high was too high, so what if--", "Cane: All right, I'm gonna call the doctor, okay? We will see what we have to do. Just relax. Let me talk to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: No one was ever going to know.", "Sharon: Yeah, I-I really thought that was the best thing. Nick needed to be with Phyllis and with Summer with no distractions. But my mother was here, and you know how she gets to me. I ended up blurting it out, and Nick overheard. He was pretty upset. I lied to him.", "Jack: Yeah, I lied to him, too... not to hurt him.", "Sharon: No, of course not.", "Jack: But still, it was pretty damn selfish.", "Sharon: Jack, this baby would be really lucky to have you as her father. But, you know, anytime someone tried to be sweet and say, \"She has your eyes,\" you would know the truth.", "Jack: Wow. What a rotten thing does it say about me that I could have lived with that? In part because I thought it was what you wanted.", "Sharon: It was. I-I begged you. I know that. And you were kind enough to go along with it, even though you knew I lied to everyone. This is not the way that I wanted Nick to find out, but he knows, and things are going to change.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So did you really get on a plane and fly all the way to China? (Silly voice) Uh-huh. Look at my tag. (Whispering) Let's look at the tag. (Normal voice) Yep, there it is. \"Made in Taiwan.\"", "Summer: (Laughs)", "Nick: (Silly voice) Where are you from? Do you have a tag? (Whispering) Let's look. (Normal voice) Oh, yeah, there it is. \"Made in America.\"", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: Yes, America! Made with lots of love.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Here you go. Snuggle her up. Mm.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: (Whispering) I'm glad you're here. She needed you. I needed you.", "Nick: I needed you, too.", "Phyllis: (Normal voice) Why? Because of Victor? Did he tell you the whole story, or did he just say I interrogated him?", "Nick: Uh, what-- what happened with my dad? Phyllis, what happened?", "Phyllis: (Whispering) Mary Jane-- all the things we thought she did to Summer-- they're all true.", "Nick: Did she confess?", "Phyllis: No, she didn't confess. The police had her cornered. She didn't-- well, she didn't confess to them. She confessed to Jack, and then she escaped, and she's still on the run.", "Nick: (Sighs) Wait, why-- why would she confess to Jack? I mean, what--they were just having a fling, right?", "Phyllis: They weren't just having a fling. They were married. (Chuckles) Married. I mean, remember how Paul and your mom were trying to figure out who Mary Jane was? They didn't really get it, but then it came together. She's Patty Williams. She's Paul's sister. She's Paul's sister. She was married to Jack. She shot him years ago.", "Nick: Are you-- are you kidding me?", "Phyllis: I know. It's insane.", "Nick: This is insane.", "Phyllis: I know. It's crazy. It's crazy. So she came back to get revenge on Jack or make love to him, I-I don't know. But this is the point-- she didn't come here on her own. Someone brought her here. Jack thinks your father did it.", "Nick: No. No. No way.", "Phyllis: You don't think so?", "Nick: After everything she did to us and to Ashley? No way!", "Phyllis: It's just that we're getting on a plane and going to Switzerland for three weeks, and I want to believe that this is gonna work.", "(Voice cracks)", "Nick: It's gonna work.", "Phyllis: I do. I want to believe it's gonna work. I believe in the doctors. I have faith in them, and I have faith in us, and I believe in us again, and I haven't believed in us for a really long time. But if it doesn't work, and the doctors can't help her, it's because of your dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I would shut up if I were you. This is between your father and me.", "Adam: If you have proof, why not just say it?", "Victor: Let Paul say what he has to say. Then he'll leave. You can leave now, as well.", "Adam: If you need me--", "Victor: No, I won't. Thank you.", "Paul: So my sister comes home as Mary Jane Benson and targets Jack from the very beginning. You give my poor, lonely, confused sister a new life, a new face and a trumped-up résumé for one reason and one reason alone-- to get at Jack Abbott. And now she's completely out of control, so every mistake she makes is on your head.", "Victor: Your sister isn't even in custody. You're already preparing her defense. You should pin this on someone else, Paul.", "Paul: Yeah, but that--", "Victor: Someone who's actually involved.", "Paul: That note that J.T. found-- if you want to know anything about V--Mary Jane Benson, ask Victor Newman. He knows everything. And what about the money it-- it--it--it takes to create an alias? My sister doesn't have that kind of money. You do.", "Victor: Is that all the proof you have? My money, my wealth and a note? And because of that, I'm responsible for your sister's crime spree? Is that what you're saying?", "Paul: And one connection-- Jack...", "Victor: What about Jack?", "Paul: And your sick need for vengeance. My sister was so in love with that guy, and she's so mixed up, she was bound to spin out of control, and you knew it. (Voice cracking) You knew it, and you didn't care. All you cared about was getting even with Jack Abbott and making him pay!", "Victor: How has Jack Abbott paid? Your sister has terrorized my family, and I can tell you one thing. If she does it again, you'd better find her before I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: My guardian angel bringing me to Jack. (Scoffs) You and your sleazy man are just out for a quick payoff. You're such disgusting, vicious people.", "Gloria: Vicious? Didn't I bring your sweet little Kitty Kitty along? Didn't I feed him? Find him a nice little place to stay? And look, look, look. I'm gonna feed him again, huh?", "Patty: No, you're not. Don't you dare touch him. Animals sense evil.", "Gloria: Evil? Oh, come on, Patty. Let's calm down, okay? Start all over. I'll get us some nice iced tea, huh? And you're wrong about Jeffrey. He's not sleazy, he's--he's romantic and, uh, you know, he just wants Jack to plan the, you know, the perfect wedding, and-- you know, away from-- away from police and false accusations, and anything that's going to upset you two, and-- aah!", "Patty: (Grunts) Aah!", "Gloria: You are hurting me.", "Patty: I saw you take a pill out. You murderer.", "Gloria: No. Stop it. Stop it.", "Patty: Murderer!", "Gloria: Calm down. It is a sedative, and it is for me, because rescuing you, you know, kind of wrecked my nerves.", "Jeff: What's the problem?", "Patty: (Grunts) You traitor!", "Gloria: Aah!", "Patty: Both of you!", "(Glass shatters)", "Jeff: Hey, what are you doing? Let go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Got soda. Got chips. Hey, you can even pick the game, as long as it starts with \"Base\" and ends with \"Ball.\"", "Mac: You're cute, but we both know that you're not ready for another relationship.", "Billy: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think that all this was about getting back with you?", "Mac: And it's not gonna work.", "Billy: Look. I listened, okay? I heard you. You said I need to be single. Well, here I am. I'm single. It's true. I live for the highlight reels. Elastic waistbands, baby.", "(Elastic snaps)", "Billy: I am a lone wolf. Mm-hmm. For months now, with an almost Zen-like level of \"Monk-dom.\" Oh.", "Mac: You're a monk. That's surreal.", "Billy: Hey, I am nukin' you a meal right now. How much more lone wolf can you get?", "Mac: Okay, quick. What's better, chicken-fried steak or turkey dinner?", "Billy: Salisbury steak.", "Mac: (Laughs) I don't believe you even know what that is. You saw that on TV. Admit it.", "Billy: I admit this-- I love your laugh. Actually, I love all your moods-- shy, quiet, angry, rowdy, mad as hell. But your laugh-- you don't do it enough. I don't know if it was defer or... I hope it's not me. But either way, this is what I want. I want you to realize how great life can be. And, yes, we can still be serious. You can have both. We can have both. (Microwave beeps) (Gasps) Mmm, Salisbury steak.", "(Humming)", "(Claps hands)", "(Rubs hands together)", "Billy: Yeah, baby.", "Mac: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Okay, so that's it? We don't have to come in? (Sighs) Thank you, Doctor.", "Lily: So I'm okay?", "Cane: Uh, he said 100.5 is not great, but we don't have to go to the E.R. he is going to call a prescription in, and I will get the drugstore to deliver it for us.", "Lily: You know, I-I went onto these blog sites and talked to these other chemo patients, and some of them do so well, you know? Like, they--they go and they play tennis, and they--they go to work. It's like, me-- I-I can't go to work. I can't go to dinner. I can't see my friends, not while my immune system is suppressed. I can't get a mani-pedi, because if I get a cut, I could get an infection. Its like, isn't the cancer enough?", "Cane: Hey, hey.", "Lily: My entire life has to change, too?", "Cane: You are doing great. You're a champ.", "Lily: No, I'm not. (Sighs) I'm whining, which I hate. (Sighs) I just wanted to be the person to do chemo better than it's been done before. (Sighs) Oh, my gosh.", "(Sighs)", "Cane: What's the matter? Are you dizzy?", "Lily: No. (Sighs) I'm having a hot flash. Oh, gosh, I read about this. My body's going into menopause-- or \"Chemopause\" as they call it in the blogs.", "Cane: Okay, all right. Calm down. Can I do anything for you?", "Lily: I'm not even in my mid-20s, and I'm having a hot flash. (Sighs) This is ridiculous. This is...", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So you questioned my father. What'd he say?", "Phyllis: What could he say? That he sicced Mary Jane on Jack, but it spilled over into Ashley and Summer and everybody else? I mean, there's nothing you can say. Uh, he s--he said that-- that he's gonna do everything he can to make Mary Jane pay. That's what he said.", "Nick: Okay, so this Mary Jane or Patty...", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "Nick: Or whatever the hell her name is is out there running loose?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: I really hate to see you leave, but at least I know you'll be safe there.", "Phyllis: And your-- your father's taking care of Ashley, and Sharon is in that psych hospital, and she'll be safe. And that lockdown thing, that--that's good, because no one can get in or out, so that's good for security, even though we almost didn't get to say good-bye to each other.", "Nick: Before you get on that plane, there are some things you need to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Hey, you bit me. She bit me!", "Patty: Let me go.", "Gloria: Teeth marks and all.", "Jeff: Aw, suck it up, Peaches. Come on. We got work to do.", "Gloria: (Speaking indistinctly) What did Jack say?", "Jeff: (Sighs)", "Gloria: When do we make the trade-off?", "Jeff: Uh, a little glitch in the plan. Your cell phone service was cut off, so now we don't have a buyer for this slice of crazy.", "Gloria: Oh, yeah?", "Jeff: Yeah.", "Gloria: (Chuckles) Disposable cell phone...", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: With a camera. No caller I.D. to give us away. Just a little something I picked up.", "Jeff: That's my girl.", "Gloria: Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh.", "(Cell phone snaps shut)", "Gloria: We're calling Victor, not Jack, the way I said. Victor's in so deep, he will never rat us out, so it's a good thing we didn't pay the cell phone, because one look at caller I.D. and Jack would nail us to the wall.", "Jeff: Hmm. I didn't think of that.", "Gloria: Mm-hmm. It's all right. I didn't, either.", "Jeff: Mm.", "Gloria: We got a break.", "(Laughs)", "Jeff: Okay, all right. So--so I take a little picture, send it to Victor, the money rolls in, and \"Loony lady\" rolls out.", "Patty: Don't let her poison me.", "Gloria: It was a little nighty-night pill to get her to relax.", "Patty: I won't take it. Kitty Kitty, Mommy needs you.", "Jeff: How about this, girlie?", "Patty: Kitty?", "Jeff: You take your medicine, and I won't send Kitty Kitty out on a mouse hunt in the big, bad woods.", "Patty: Fine. Fine, I'll take it, but don't you dare touch Kitty Kitty.", "Jeff: Oh, look who's almost lucid.", "Patty: You make him promise to keep his word...", "Gloria: (Chuckles)", "Patty: About Kitty Kitty stays safe.", "(Sighs)", "Jeff: Here you go, Missy. Oh, come on. Huh? Oh. There you go.", "Patty: (Whimpers)", "Gloria: Kitty Kitty will be just fine.", "Patty: (Sniffles)", "Gloria: Now would you please go? I don't have the stomach for much more of this.", "Patty: (Whimpers)", "Jeff: I got enough stomach for both of us, Princess. Leave it all to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I forgot I had an O.B. appointment today. You didn't have to wait for me.", "Jack: I wanted to make sure everything went all right. Old habits.", "Sharon: Um, well, everything's fine. I mean, the baby's growth is normal. They did another ultrasound.", "Jack: Could I see?", "Sharon: You sure?", "Jack: Please.", "Jack: She's beautiful. Beautiful. Nick would want to have this.", "Sharon: It just feels like good-bye somehow, and... with the lie gone, the tie between us--", "Jack: Is broken. After all we've been through, all that we had left was a lie.", "Sharon: Well, I mean, we're still friends, right?", "Jack: You take care of yourself. Really. Take good care of yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So we need to talk about the lockdown, the time I had with Sharon.", "Phyllis: No, we don't. No, we don't. We're a family. We're together. We're stronger than ever, and we earned this.", "Nick: Things happen, things that we never saw coming, but we dealt with it and moved on because we're together. You're with me, right? Good. Good, because we're gonna need that now more than ever, because I--", "Summer: Mommy! Daddy!", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Nick: Hey, you. Yeah, Mommy and Daddy are right here, right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: You cannot dodge forever. I will find my sister, and she will tell me everything you did to her. And when she does--", "Victor: You're my friend. I understand that you're upset. But you talk about family? You didn't even recognize your own sister right in front of you, plastic surgery be damned. You know why you're here? Because you failed as an investigator, and you failed as a brother.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Yeah?", "Jeff: Jeffrey Bardwell here. I got something you want-- or should I say \"Someone\"-- if the price is right.", "Victor: I'm busy right now. I'll get back to you, okay?", "Jeff: What, are you yanking my chain?", "Victor: Good-bye.", "Paul: You call me your friend, and you didn't even give my sister the least bit of decency when you sucked her into this plan.", "Victor: I think we're done here.", "Paul: You took her, and you made her a loaded weapon, and you pointed her directly at Jack Abbott. That is sick, my friend. That is sick!", "Victor: We are done here. Now kindly leave and go find your sister, and when you do, don't lose sight of her again, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Whispering) Well? When do we make the trade with Victor?", "Jeff: We don't. You backed the wrong pony, Cupcake. He gave me the brush-off. So now we go with Jackie boy, per the original plan.", "Gloria: Well, what are you waitin' for?", "Jeff: Just keeping you in the loop and making sure this one isn't spitting pea soup.", "Gloria: (Normal voice) Go. But you remember, Jack would throw us to the lions, so don't let him know who you are.", "Jeff: Piece of cake. Give your man some good luck.", "Patty: (Groggily) You guys are mean people.", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "(Laughing)", "Gloria: Don't you worry, Precious. Gloria will take good care of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: All right, you ready for that brew dog?", "(Clears throat)", "Mac: Okay, you made your point. You made me smile. That doesn't mean anything's changed. The big stuff is all still there.", "Billy: What big stuff? Like what? Me waiting an extra half-minute to sign my divorce papers?", "Mac: Yeah.", "Billy: This can't be all about Chloe, especially when... (Sighs) Everything in my life is about you. Every past memory, every vision of my future, everything in between, it's you. It's just you.", "Mac: You're making us sound like some Hollywood-destiny, meant-to-be romantic duo waiting for our happily-ever-after. Okay, but after we collide in a big kiss at the train station, what then? The day-to-day tedium of reality, maybe the realization that we're just two people who can't hack it. What if we end up-- what--what if we end up sitting in some horrible restaurant picking at our chicken parm with nothing to say to each other? What if what we have-- hmm. What if what we have isn't so special after all?", "Billy: (Chuckles) Come on. What we have? Come here. Jeez. (Stammers) Hey! Uh, no, no, no, no. Unh-unh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thanks.", "Paul: Thanks for getting here so quickly.", "Jack: Hey. Any leads on Patty?", "Paul: No, nothing. I gotta find her. She is, uh, well, the state she's in--", "Jack: If there's anything I can do to help, please--", "Paul: Well, you can start by muzzling Victor Newman.", "Jack: My lifelong dream. I take it you confronted him about Patty?", "Paul: He broke my sister in half and couldn't care less. He denied everything, but the truth of it all was in his voice. I know that sound. He did it, Jack.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: What-- oh, unknown number.", "Paul: Well, answer. It could be Patty.", "Jack: Jack Abbott.", "Jeff: I got something you'll want. Does your price still stand?", "Jack: Wait, wh-what-- do you know where Patty-- where Mary Jane Benson is?", "Jeff: I got a guest who'd love to see you.", "Jack: How do I know you're telling me the truth?", "Jeff: Check your inbox, Mr. Abbott.", "Paul: What?", "Jack: Patty did not run. She was kidnapped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Thanks for coming out all this way.", "Victor: Who are you?", "Adam: Uh, Victor, this is my new attorney, Dean Hunt.", "Dean: Adam and I are gonna strategize about getting him off house arrest and that monitor off his ankle.", "Adam: Look, I-I should have canceled, and I-- there's a lot going on around the house. I kno--I know.", "Victor: So you think you can help my son?", "Dean: Well, not me so much as you. The victim is key in a case like this, and a high-profile person like yourself-- well, if you made an appeal on Adam's behalf--", "Adam: Dean. Dean, now is not the time, really.", "Victor: You just draw up your document. I'll sign it.", "Adam: Are you serious?", "Victor: Very serious. Ashley cares a lot about you. Your being free might be able to help her in many more ways, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: And Daddy is so proud of you, and I sure am gonna miss you. But I know you and Mommy are gonna do just great over there, and I don't want you to ever forget that you are both my girls, okay?", "Nick: Here. Want your dolly? Yeah? Okay.", "Phyllis: Watching you with her makes me think we can do this, that we can get her well. And we're gonna come back from Switzerland, and we're gonna be stronger than ever. We're gonna be a stronger family. Am I crazy? Do you feel that, too?", "Nick: You can do anything. I know that in my soul. You have enough strength for all three of us. But you don't need to fight alone. I'm here for you and for Summer, for whatever you need. Getting her healthy is the only thing that matters right now. Whatever else comes up, we'll deal with and move on, okay? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?", "Phyllis: No. Mnh-mnh. (Whispering) Everything is right, because I think you really meant that. And it wasn't long ago where you didn't really mean what you said. And I was alone, but I don't feel alone now. And I think you're gonna protect us, and that makes me feel so good. And you're not gonna let anyone come between us again. (Sighs) And that... is why... I will love you for the rest of my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Here.", "Lily: (Sighs) (Sighs) It's nice with the lights down.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: Thank you. I feel fine. You know, you can go to the bar.", "Cane: Hey, hey, there's no way that I'm going to go to the bar.", "(Water trickling)", "Cane: Not a chance.", "Lily: Why not?", "Cane: Because this whole new bunch of college kids have found the bar, and all they want to do is talk about beer pong and play darts and say, \"Hey, Man. Sweet, Dude. Check out my ride, man.\"", "(Chuckles)", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "Cane: Have you seen how much gel these kids wear in their hair nowadays, huh? How does someone really put that much junk in their hair?", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Yes, the full $2 million for Mary Jane Benson. No cops.", "Jeff: Exactly. Done deal.", "Jack: Where is she?", "(Phone clicks)", "Jeff: I'll be in touch. That--that's my other line.", "Jack: W-w-w-wait. Ho-- he'll be in touch.", "Paul: That jerk has my sister?", "Jack: Trust me, once we get Patty, I will find this guy, whoever he is, and I will tear him apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Hello?", "Victor: Do you have her?", "Jeff: What, are you kidding me? Now you want to deal?", "Victor: You listen carefully, Bardwell. You bring Mary Jane Benson to me, and the money is yours.", "Jeff: Oh, yeah? Well, then, let's deal, my friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: Everything is a joke with you.", "Billy: All right, not this, okay? I get you're scared. Hey, by the way, so am I. (Chuckles) I-I understand the happiness that we have on the line here-- it's huge. But we can do it, because we work. I make you laugh every once in a while.", "Mac: (Chuckles)", "Billy: You make me think, and we're never, I mean never, gonna have nothing to say to each other over chicken parm... well, unless maybe I just get lost in your eyes, and words don't seem to matter.", "Mac: Okay, that's pretty...", "Billy: Yeah, but its not--", "Mac: But it's not enough of a reason--", "Billy: Mm.", "Mac: That's not fair. Because when you do that, I get this flip-flop thing, and it's just-- that's no reason to just--", "Billy: That flip-flop thing? That flip-flop thing? See, that's what's important, because that's magic, and we have it. All this time, and all these years... it's not gonna change, never, ever gonna change.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Gloria: Shh.", "(Mouthing words)", "Gloria: (Whispering) Did you make the deal?", "Jeff: Sweet cheeks, I made all sorts of deals.", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Your mom has made lots of mistakes. I'm so sorry. But you are already loved by two wonderful men, and for that, I'm so grateful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Last night when you were in Sharon's hospital room, you said you had something to tell me.", "Nick: Uh, well, I do have something to say to you. We just don't have much time.", "Woman: Now boarding first-class passengers on flight 209 to Zurich.", "Nick: Um, I have-- I have faith in you and Summer. You can handle anything. You can--", "Woman: Rows 1 through 10, please.", "Phyllis: It-- it doesn't matter. That's us, but go on. What?", "Nick: I love you. Just take that with you. Forget everything else. Know that we're in this together. I'll be here, loving you, missing you. I love you very much.", "Woman: Will all remaining first-class passengers please board now?", "Phyllis: That's us. I love you, too. I love you so much.", "Nick: Be safe. Call me if you get scared or lonely. Come here, you. Daddy loves you so much.", "Phyllis: (Whispering) Okay.", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: All right, pretty girl. You go first, okay? Here you go.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Traci: If you're so sure of your sanity, why are you shaking like a leaf?", "Chloe: You don't know the first thing about me.", "Nina: I was you. You've met your match.", "Lily: The last thing you want to do is run into Victor.", "Colleen: I couldn't think of a better time to see that S.O.B." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "While on the phone with Jack, Victor walks into the Athletic Club, discussing Adam and Skye and their plans for them. Jack sits at a table with Abby and discusses part 2 of their plan to get her inheritance from Victor. Jack lets Abby know that he has a plan. Vance walks up to their table. Abby wants to know what he is doing here. Ashley lets Victor know about Abby's plans to go back to school and to get a part time job but she will need some of her trust fund. Tucker joins Ashley and finds her talking to Victor. Tucker and Victor discuss Beauty of Nature and then Victor leaves. Chance searches around in the alleyway unaware that Sid and Ronan are following him. Heather starts to shut the apartment door when Chloe comes in. Chloe demands to know if Heather was the one who alerted Ronan to Chance's plans. Chloe gives Heather a warning if Chance gets hurt. Victoria calls Billy but cannot get an answer. There is a knock on the door and it's J.T. with Reed. Victoria is surprised to see them. J.T. asks Victoria if she forgot about him bringing Reed by. Victoria tells Reed to go up and check out his new room with all his things from the old house. At Jimmy's, Billy has a drink when Mac walks up and hands him a cup of coffee and asks him if Victoria is pregnant. Billy is reluctant to give Mac an answer. Mac takes Billy by the shoulders and tells him to go home to Victoria. J.T. harasses Victoria about her living with Billy. Victoria orders J.T. to move on with his life and leave her alone. J.T. tells Victoria that that was what he was trying to do since he asked Mac to move in with him. Heather asks Chloe if that is a threat. Chloe just leaves the apartment.", "Sid and Ronan listen (supposedly) to Chance talking to a reporter about the police department. Sid and Ronan raise their guns as they head to where they think Chance is. Sid and Ronan find out that it is only a recording. In the car, Chance takes a picture of Sid and Ronan together in the alley. Sid realizes that Chance is watching them. Sid starts to kill Chance, but Ronan stops him. Ashley and Tucker sit at a table and discuss asking J.T. to join their team. Ashley feels that she can put it in such a way that J.T will accept. J.T. walks up to the table. Abby becomes upset over Jack asking Vance to be her attorney to help her get her inheritance. Jack leaves the table so Abby and Vance can talk. Abby sets some ground rules that Vance will not go after Ashley in the trial. Vance agrees. Vance tells Abby that he drew up some papers and all they need is her signature. Abby signs the papers. Vance lets her know that he will get them processed. Victor walks up to the table. Victor asks Vance what he is doing with Abby. Vance leaves. Victor joins Abby at the table. Victor confronts Abby about what Ashley told him about her going back to school. Victor also asks Abby what she is doing with Vance. Ashley asks J.T. to join Jabot. After a little deliberation, J.T. accepts.", "Victoria plays \"Green light, Red light\" with Reed in the park. Billy watches them. Billy turns around and sees his father, John, sitting on a park bench. John asks Billy if he is trying to run away. Chance pays Chloe a visit and accuses her of tipping Ronan off as to where he was. Chloe denies all accusations. Chloe tells Chance to go and ask Heather and get out of her face. Ronan join Sid and two other drug dealers. Billy and John have a talk about Victoria and Billy's responsibilities toward Victoria. Mackenzie join Victoria at the monkey bars in the park. Mackenzie and Victoria discuss the new house. Mackenzie watches as Victoria tells Reed how much she loves him. Mackenzie takes Reed and leaves. Billy watches as Victoria leaves. John tells Billy to go after Victoria.", "Chance visits Heather. She starts to hug him, but he pushes her away and wants to know if she was the one who tipped Ronan off to his whereabouts. When Heather admits to it, Chance can't believe that she would betray his trust. Heather asks Chance to believe she would never hurt him, but he thinks that without trust they are nothing. Mac sits on the sofa when J.T. comes back from his meeting. Mac asks him how the meeting went. J.T. lets Mac know that he accepted a job offer with Ashley and Tucker. Mac cannot believe her ears. Tucker and Ashley make plans for later when Victor comes in and pulls Ashley away for a talk. Victor lets Ashley know that he saw Abby with Vance. Vance walks up to Victor and serves him with papers. Victor and Ashley have a confrontation over Abby suing Victor and Vance being Abby's lawyer. Sid and a man discuss who will take out Chance. Ronan visits Chloe. They argue as usual over Ronan and his never being able to accept responsibilities. Ronan starts to leave, but he comes back, takes Chloe in his arms and they start to kiss. J.T. lets Mackenzie know his plans for Tucker and Jabot. Billy comes home to Victoria and explains his feelings to her. Billy drops down on one knee and asks Victoria to marry him.", "" ]
[ "Victor: Have you made any progress?", "Jack: Define \"Progress.\"", "Victor: Have you gotten a look inside their fund?", "Jack: You can't rush a perfect plan.", "Victor: But you know we cannot short their fund until we know what stocks they're buying.", "Jack: I'm workin' on it.", "Victor: Do you think Adam Wilson and Skye have grown suspicious of what you and I are up to?", "Jack: Oh, I think they're a little too impressed with themselves right now, a bit too greedy. I think they think they're takin' me for a ride.", "Victor: What beautiful irony. Huh. We're gonna sink them by the very scheme that they have devised to ruin us.", "Jack: Yeah, it is ironic, isn't it? Always a pleasure doing business with you.", "Abby: Okay, getting back to me. (Sighs) What's next? How are we gonna get this trust from my dear, old dad?", "Jack: You ready for phase two?", "Abby: I've been ready. You said you had some legal thingy you had to take care of.", "Jack: Actually, I had to find counsel to help us with that little \"Thingy.\" It's someone you already know. I think he just got here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So I spoke to Abby. She said she wants to enroll in school and get a job and prove that she can be responsible. We'll just see if she actually follows through.", "Tucker: Hey, Victor.", "Victor: Hey, McCall.", "Ashley: Hi. I ordered you a drink.", "Tucker: Thanks.", "Ashley: You're welcome.", "Victor: I understand you're bidding on Maricela Cosmetics.", "Tucker: You're interested?", "Victor: Not a good fit for Beauty of Nature. But just know that I'll protect that division at all costs. Good night.", "Ashley: Bye.", "Tucker: See you.", "Ashley: Here you go.", "Tucker: I think it's time. It's time we ramp up our attack on Newman Enterprises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Hello. I just heard you on the phone. So who was that that you just blabbed to about Chance meeting with the reporter?", "Heather: Don't worry about it.", "Chloe: Oh, I am very worried, because you are putting his life in danger. So was that Ronan you were just talking to?", "Heather: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Chance?", "Ronan: Chance, are you here? It's Ronan. (Crash)", "Sid: Are you friggin' nuts? Put that down.", "Ronan: What are you doing here, Meeks?", "Sid: I thought you might be up to something, so I followed you. Where's Chancellor?", "Ronan: I haven't seen him. I got a tip he's here meeting a reporter.", "Sid: That's not gonna happen.", "Ronan: I'm on it. I've got this covered.", "Sid: No. There's no more backin' off this guy. I'm gonna take care of the Boy Scout myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: That was a really smooth move, Billy, disappearing before we had the pregnancy test results-- really, really classy. Please tell me that something insanely important came up, and you're not just bailing.", "(Knock on door)", "Victoria: Billy?", "Victoria: Hi.", "J.T.: Did you forget I was droppin' Reed off?", "Victoria: No, of course I didn't forget. Come here. Come here. How was your first day of school?", "Reed: Great.", "Victoria: Great? What do you got? Did you draw this for me? Oh, I love it. I love it. Look at all of the colors. Look at those little people. (Chuckles) Do you know what? This is the first official piece of art for the refrigerator in our new home. Mm.", "J.T.: So this is where you and Billy are playin' house now, huh?", "Victoria: I'm not playing.", "J.T.: Where's Billy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: It's her dream house, Man, and it's--it's my nightmare. I mean, it's got one of those pick wick... (Coughs) Those, uh, the pi-- the wooden things that go up and down. They look like prison bars, Man, and I'm in 'em. Two kids --two kids.", "Mac: He's had enough.", "Billy: Oh, hey. Hey, what are you drinkin'? Hmm?", "Mac: Did you just say you're having another baby?", "Mac: Coffee--black. Now answer my question. Is Victoria pregnant?", "Billy: I don't know. You can call her. You know, this could use some-- some of the brown stuff, just--just a little-- a little bit, please?", "Mac: Did she take a pregnancy test?", "Billy: Yeah, I... (Sighs) Yeah, I don't know. I-I... I bailed out of there before we got the results. I don't know. I'm...", "Mac: (Sighs)", "Billy: I don't know. I'm...", "Mac: Okay.", "Billy: Ooh. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey.", "Mac: You've gotta go home and deal with Victoria... (Sighs) Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: I have a really, really, really good idea. Why don't you go upstairs and check out your new room? All of your stuff from the old house is in it.", "Reed: Cool.", "Victoria: Yep, it's cool. (Grunts)", "Reed: Mm.", "J.T.: So... (Sighs) Are things not workin' out with Billy like you expected? Is that why he's not here?", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs) He'll be back.", "J.T.: You know, it was very irresponsible of the two of you to come out and buy this house together just so you could show the court that you got a-a perfect little family. You don't even know where you're headed with Billy.", "Victoria: You know what, J.T.? Why don't you just live your life, and let me live mine? Maybe I don't know where I'm heading right now, but I know what's behind me. I'm not at Newman anymore. I'm not living on the ranch, and I'm not under my father's thumb. You of all people should be happy for me about that. I'm moving on with my life. Can't you move on with yours?", "J.T.: That's exactly why I asked Mac to move in with us.", "Victoria: Then why are you still judging me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I called Ronan to keep an eye on Chance. Happy?", "Chloe: Chance is in this mess because of you. And if anything happens to him because you told Ronan about his meeting, I am coming after you.", "Heather: Is that a threat?", "Chloe: You better damn well hope that he's okay. (Sighs)", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Put your gun away, Meeks. We're not even sure Chancellor's here.", "Sid: Ah, this might be a trap.", "Chance: I'm not talking about a few bad eggs. The G.C.P.D. is riddled with corruption. It goes straight to the top.", "(Safety clicks)", "Chance: Absolutely. I'll get you all the proof you need. You'll have corroboration. Let me worry about that. You write the story.", "Sid: (Whispers) Shh.", "(Safety clicks)", "Chance: You want names? I'll give you the names of every dirty cop I've uncovered.", "Sid: What the-- what the hell?", "Chance: Names, addresses, their badge numbers...", "(Camera shutter clicks)", "Chance: (Chuckles) Gotcha.", "Chance: I'll keep digging till I find--", "(Click)", "Sid: That son of a bitch is watching us. Here's my answer for you, Chancellor!", "Ronan: Are you nuts? You're gonna bring the whole neighborhood down on us.", "Sid: I'm sick and tired of this cat-and-mouse crap.", "Ronan: Oh, yeah? Yeah, well, we have a bigger problem right now. He can identify us.", "Sid: I'm gonna call a meeting. It's time to take care of this Chancellor problem once and for all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: We want the same thing for Beauty of Nature.", "Tucker: Yeah, we want it to be ours.", "Ashley: Exactly, and I think we're overlooking a valuable resource.", "Tucker: What's that?", "Ashley: J.T.", "Tucker: I already tried that.", "Ashley: I know, but he was still married to Victoria then.", "Tucker: Separated.", "Ashley: And hoping for a reconciliation. I asked him to meet us here. I think I can present it in a way that he might more readily accept. Oh.", "Tucker: All right, go for it.", "Ashley: Hey. We were just talking about you. Thanks for coming.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: Uh, uh, you want me to work with this jerk?", "Vance: You don't like me? Take a number.", "Abby: You humiliated my mother on the witness stand.", "Vance: I did my job.", "Abby: Pass. No, you have to find another lawyer.", "Jack: This is the guy to get you your trust. And he's right-- you don't have to like him. But it's your choice. You're doing the hiring. I can't have a paper trail that leads back to me. As far as anyone else is concerned, you're working on your own.", "Abby: Uh, you're not gonna leave me with him?", "Jack: I'll call.", "Abby: (Scoffs) I would like to make this crystal clear. This does not let you off the hook for what you did to my mother, and I will not let you go after her again if we do this.", "Vance: Jack clued me in. She won't be named in the lawsuit.", "Abby: Good.", "Vance: Now I'd like to ask you a question. Are you prepared for the publicity?", "Abby: What publicity?", "Vance: \"Heiress retains country's top attorney Vance Abrams to sue her tycoon father Victor Newman for millions.\" The press will be all over it.", "Abby: (Sighs) They will, won't they?", "Vance: Does this mean you'd like me to take your case?", "Abby: I-I don't know. I don't know.", "Vance: I've taken the liberty of drawing up some documents. Have you seen your portfolio lately?", "Abby: No, why?", "Vance: It's had a considerable loss in value. There's been a flagrant mismanagement of funds. I'm sure the court will agree it's time for you to take over your own investments.", "Abby: (Sighs) Where do I sign?", "Vance: Right... right here. I'll file this immediately. You're gonna get everything you deserve.", "Abby: Mm.", "Victor: What's a shark like you doing with my daughter?", "Vance: Know I know where she gets her charm. Ms. Newman.", "Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs) What are you doing with that shyster?", "Abby: Oh, ew, he was hitting on me. It was gross.", "Victor: Are you serious?", "Abby: Yeah, I-I mean, don't worry about it. I handled it.", "Victor: Your mother tells me you're going back to school.", "Abby: Yeah, I thought that I should take some business classes.", "Victor: I know the semester has already started.", "Abby: Oh, well, I mean, there's still a window of time that I--that I have to sign up. (Clears throat)", "Victor: And you want me to believe that, hmm? Just know whatever you are planning with Vance Abrams, he does not have your best interests at heart.", "Abby: But you do?", "Victor: Just remember one thing-- whatever you plan to do with this Vance Abrams shyster, do not cross me again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Thanks.", "Ashley: So, J.T., we want you to be the head of our intelligence operation. We need to find out where Newman, and more specifically, Beauty of Nature, are most vulnerable.", "J.T.: Are you asking me to hack into their system?", "Tucker: Shh. No, no, no. Nothing like that, nothing illegal.", "Ashley: No, your son is a Newman. So is my daughter. I would never do anything that would harm them. We're just looking for honest and fair competition. Do you know what's happening in Japan right now? We're completely shut out of the market there.", "Tucker: And since we know that Victor was once convicted of commercial bribery...", "Ashley: We want you in there from the start. You'll be a key player when we do acquire Beauty of Nature.", "Tucker: J.T., I know you refused us once...", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Out of allegiance to your wife, and not to get too personal, but you and Victoria have moved on. Now I'd hate to see past loyalties hold you back.", "J.T.: I-I need a guarantee that I'm protected.", "Tucker: You have my word.", "J.T.: No memos, nothing in writing.", "Tucker: No. You report to me or Ashley verbally.", "Ashley: So will you take the job?", "J.T.: If I can do things my way, I'm in.", "Ashley: Definitely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Green light! A red light! Oh! Green light. Red light. I saw you! I saw you!", "Reed: (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Reed: (Giggles)", "Victoria: You were trying to sneak! You were trying to sneak!", "Reed: (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs) You're a sneaker. I'm gonna twirl you around. And you're gonna go up and down. And you're like a plane. You got so big. Whoo! (Imitates plane engine roaring) (Laughs)", "Reed: (Laughs)", "Victoria: I'm gonna tickle you.", "Reed: (Giggles)", "Victoria: And I'm gonna tickle you and tickle you and then I'm gonna put you way up in the air. Oh, my goodness, you're heavy. So now... spin!", "Reed: (Giggles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: You aren't going to run away, are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You want to go on the swings?", "Reed: Yeah.", "Victoria: You do? For sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, if it isn't corporate America's new super-couple. Hi, Guys.", "Tucker: Mm.", "Ashley: You look happy.", "Jack: Well, I'm thrilled to be back at Jabot.", "Tucker: Good to see you're enjoying yourself. Any word on Beauty of Nature?", "Jack: Uh, nothing just yet, but I expect things to be popping quite soon.", "Ashley: Hmm. J.T.'s on board.", "Jack: Great. He's a good guy.", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm gonna go get my briefcase, and I'll be right back. Excuse me.", "Tucker: All right. So did I read that right? Is Abby moving forward with the lawsuit?", "Jack: Abby will be represented by none other than Vance Abrams.", "Tucker: (Exhales) Okay. So how do you think Victor's gonna react to all this?", "Jack: Oh, I guarantee \"The Mustache\" is gonna come down hard on this.", "Tucker: Can Abby handle it?", "Jack: She's a tough girl, just like her old man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Ronan, will you please call me back? I've called you, like, a hundred times. Right away.", "(Knock on door)", "Chloe: Who is it?", "Chance: It's Chance.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried. (Sighs)", "Chance: Yeah, well, you should be... considering you tipped Ronan off.", "Chloe: No, I didn't.", "Chance: Oh, that's right. He must have used his special E.S.P. power to find me, since you were the only one that knew where I even went.", "Chloe: I swear, I didn't tell him.", "Chance: No worries. That was all part of my plan all along.", "Chloe: What was? For me to lie and betray you to Ronan?", "Chance: (Chuckles) And you played your part so well. Thanks to you, I now have the proof to put Ronan and Meeks away.", "Chloe: You know what? I didn't betray you, and I'm actually offended that you think that I did that.", "Chance: Ronan. Ronan. Ronan. Wow. So what did Ronan promise you? Hmm? Was he gonna take care of all your parking tickets? Was he gonna give you a cut of the drug money? Or was it something else? Something a little bit more cozy?", "Chloe: Oh, you know what? You're an ass. You're such an ass. You think that I'm such a vindictive bitch that I actually want you to get killed because you slept with Heather?", "Chance: Who else would have told him, Chloe?", "Chloe: I don't know. Why don't you ask the woman who broke up our engagement? You know what? Get the hell outta my face, and go yell at her instead of getting in my face.", "Chance: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sid: Now that we're all here... the boss isn't too happy about our friend in the alley. Enough is enough. He wants us to take Chancellor out-- the sooner, the better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Hey, Dad. Long time, no see. What are you doin' here?", "John: You tell me.", "Billy: You're here to kick me in the pants and tell me to man up?", "John: Oh, now... (Sighs) I wouldn't want to commit you to something that would make you miserable.", "Billy: I'm in a jam, Dad.", "John: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Yep.", "John: I know. You, uh, love Victoria?", "Billy: We want different things.", "John: And you're sure about that?", "Billy: We got this house. Now she might be pregnant. Can you imagine me and Victoria in the burbs with a bunch of kids?", "John: What's wrong with that?", "Billy: Come on, Dad. This isn't \"Father Knows Best\" where princess finds out she's pregnant, then we all wrap it up in 30 minutes. It's not... (Sighs)", "John: Nothing wrong with \"Father Knows Best.\"", "Billy: That's not real.", "John: (Laughs) You didn't complain when I was raising you. Billy, how do you think I learned to be a father?", "Billy: Robert Young?", "John: (Chuckles) Oh, no, no, no. I put my own spin on it.", "Billy: Dad, I'm not cut out for 2.5 kids and a round of golf on the weekends, okay? I'm gonna disappoint her. I can't give her what she wants.", "John: Well, now maybe you'll disappoint yourself.", "Billy: Oh, well, that is deep. Thank you.", "John: You know, Billy, if all you want out of life is an adrenaline high, this isn't for you. But you will be missing out. When your mother told me she was pregnant with you, I was older, and it scared the pants off me. Just like when Chloe came to you and told you, you were Delia's father. Now would you want to change that now?", "Billy: No, never. I-I love my daughter. But this is... this is a little different. I like challenges, okay? This is settling down.", "John: You know, Son, kids throw stuff at you, you never expect. But I got to cry with my kids, laugh with them, and worry about them when you didn't come home.", "Billy: Sorry about that.", "John: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Yeah.", "John: You know, as much as I loved my work, and I sure did, at the end of the day, nothing compared to coming home and hearing my children say, \"I love you, Daddy.\"", "Billy: (Sighs) Well, what if I screw up?", "John: Well, that's a guarantee.", "Billy: Thanks, Dad. (Chuckles)", "John: Look, Son, we all make mistakes. But you've turned things around since we last spoke. And life with Victoria is the next step. So you have to ask yourself this question-- are you ready to find happiness with someone you love?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reed: When can I stay in my new room?", "Victoria: Your new room? Oh... (Sighs) We're gonna have to make a plan with your dad, okay?", "Mac: Reed, you ready to go?", "Victoria: Uh... (Sighs) Where's J.T.?", "Mac: He had a business meeting.", "Victoria: Oh. (Sighs)", "Mac: I hear the new house is terrific.", "Victoria: Yeah, it is. But J.T.'s not really pleased about it.", "Mac: Yeah, Billy told me. I ran into him. He said he was on his way home.", "Victoria: Oh, thanks. Come here. Oh, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. Mm. We'll have you come to the house and stay in your room real soon, okay? Mwah.", "Mac: Bye.", "Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: What, do you got tar in your shoes? Go on after her.", "Billy: Dad, what am I supposed to say?", "John: Well... (Chuckles) She quit her job. She broke off with her family, and she moved in with you. And you told me that you were very proud of her. Did you mean it?", "Billy: I love her.", "John: Oh. There's your answer.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I thought something happened.", "Chance: Heather, wait. (Sighs) Did you tell Ronan where I was gonna be tonight? Did you find out from Chloe that I was gonna be meeting with a reporter and then tell him?", "Heather: Yes.", "Chance: That was a very stupid thing to do.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Chance: Meeks was in the alley with Ronan.", "Heather: You think Sergeant Meeks is in on the drug ring?", "Chance: I have pictures of the two of them searching for me with their guns drawn. If they had found me, they would have shot me, and they would have killed me. Heather, you were the one person I thought I could trust with all this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey.", "Mac: Hi.", "J.T.: Where's Reed?", "Mac: He pooped out. He fell asleep in his clothes.", "J.T.: Oh. Well... mwah! Sorry it took me so long.", "Mac: That's okay. How was your meeting?", "J.T.: Tucker and Ashley want me to get information for them on Newman.", "Mac: And you told them no. Are you interested?", "J.T.: Could mean a pretty big promotion.", "Mac: So you're thinking about it?", "J.T.: I said yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hey, uh, I got an idea. How about after our meeting...", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Tucker: We go to my place and, uh, order in, hmm?", "Ashley: Okay, yeah, we could catch up on some work.", "Tucker: No. No, no. No work.", "Ashley: No work? Then what?", "Victor: Ashley.", "Ashley: (Gasps)", "Victor: May I talk to you for a moment?", "Ashley: Excuse me.", "Tucker: I'll get a table.", "Ashley: Hey, what's up?", "Victor: (Sighs) I think you should know that I ran into our daughter Abby.", "Ashley: Yeah?", "Victor: Sitting over there with Vance Abrams.", "Ashley: What the hell is he doing in town?", "Victor: Well, good question.", "Ashley: And what does he want with Abby? You don't think that Adam is suing her, too, do you? Could that be?", "Vance: I'm so glad to see you're still here.", "Ashley: What the hell do you want with our daughter?", "Vance: Victor Newman, you're being served with the mismanagement, irresponsibility, and malfeasance in the administration of Abby Newman's trust.", "Victor: She sued me once before, and she lost, you know.", "Vance: I wasn't Abby's lawyer then.", "Victor: (Chuckles)", "Ashley: You're disgusting. Helping a misguided young woman sue her own father. You're the worst kind of attorney there is, you know that?", "Vance: I do a great service.", "Ashley: Oh, really?", "Vance: I help the little people who are being taken advantage of to fight back.", "Victor: I'm not that easy a target, Mr. Abrams.", "Vance: You're not that easy a target. Makes victory all the more sweet.", "Victor: Good luck to you. Would you give us a moment, please?", "Tucker: Yeah. Litvinov is here, when you're done.", "Ashley: Okay. What is Abby thinking?", "Victor: Please don't call her right now. Let her wonder for a while, okay? This is far more of a complicated suit than her last one. But I assure you, if she insists on pursuing this, I will dismantle her trust. This has your brother Jack's name all over the place.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: My parents are gonna go ballistic. Mom is gonna know that I was lying about school, and when Dad gets served... (Scoffs) You feel like sending me to Paris for a few weeks?", "Jack: I would love to see the look on Victor's face when he realizes that Vance Abrams is going to be representing you.", "Abby: What if he retaliates? You know he's very good at that.", "Jack: What's he gonna do? Kick you out of a house you already own?", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Jack: You have every right to control your money.", "Abby: What am I supposed to say to my mom and dad when I see them?", "Jack: Say what your father always says to justify his actions, (Imitating Victor) \"My darling, it's just business.\"", "Abby: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: (Sighs) Who's taking out Chancellor?", "Sid: Boss didn't say.", "Man: Hmm. Can Ronan be trusted?", "Sid: We'll have to find out, won't we?", "Man: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I didn't betray you. Did you ever think that you might just be wrong about Ronan?", "Chance: That's why he had his gun out, ready to shoot me, Heather.", "Heather: Do you-- do you really believe that I would do anything to hurt you? (Sighs) Have faith in me.", "Chance: That's the problem. I don't.", "Heather: You know how much I care about you.", "Chance: Without trust, Heather, we have nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Footsteps approaching)", "Chloe: (Sighs) What do you want?", "Ronan: Well, I could, uh, really use a-a drink.", "Chloe: Yeah. Why don't you go to a bar?", "Ronan: Thanks. I think I will. What's going on with the tears? You okay?", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm great. I am just great. I had a wonderful guy in my life who loved me, and he was great with my kid, and then you showed up, and everything just went to hell.", "Ronan: No, don't put that on me.", "Chloe: Well, Chance would be fine if you would have just told him that you were his brother.", "Ronan: You know... (Groans) Brother. Brother. Brother by blood, okay? Not in any way that matters.", "Chloe: In every way that it matters, except that you're just too damn scared to admit it.", "Ronan: Oh, I'm scared now.", "Chloe: Yeah, you're scared.", "Ronan: Okay. Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: You're scared of opening up, of letting yourself go, of any kind of feeling. I mean, you let it-- you let it rule your life. It controls everything that you do.", "Ronan: Stop it, okay? Stop it. Like you could ever get into my head.", "Chloe: Well, yeah, because you won't let me. You won't let me get into your head.", "Ronan: Don't--", "Chloe: This is what you do, and you cut yourself off from everybody.", "Ronan: This is crap, okay? I don't need this.", "Chloe: You stop from connecting. You do it with your brother. You do it with your mom. You're doing it with me right now.", "Ronan: Well, maybe you just don't matter enough then.", "Chloe: What does matter to you? Aside from your job, what matters? A girlfriend? Don't have one of those. Friends? I don't see any of those, either. What about a dog? A cat, a canary, anything that breathes?", "Ronan: Thanks. I'm outta here.", "Chloe: Yeah, go, go, go. Be a coward, 'cause that's what cowards do. They run. They hide. You can't even face it. You can't even admit it. Come on, admit it. Figures. You can't even do it.", "Ronan: I...", "Chloe: Do it.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Giggles)", "Ronan: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: You signed a document that said that you would never divulge information about Newman, so why would you do this?", "J.T.: Tucker and Ashley offered me autonomy. I told them it was either my way or not at all. I think I can get the information they request and still keep my integrity.", "Mac: (Sighs) Is this about getting back at Victoria?", "J.T.: No, I've moved on.", "Mac: I've always respected you for your honesty, and I just don't want to see you get caught up in something that's gonna compromise your principles.", "J.T.: I won't let it, all right? Come on. Have a little faith in me, okay?", "Mac: I do. But in this, you're on your own.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Billy! Billy! (Sighs) Billy. I'm sorry that it took so long. I read the directions twice. We should know... in... Billy?", "Billy: Hi.", "Billy: Will you say something to me, please?", "Victoria: You smell like a brewery. And now I'm the kind of woman who says, \"You smell like a brewery.\"", "Billy: I'm sorry.", "Victoria: You walked out on me. Where did you go?", "Billy: I had to do some thinking.", "Victoria: Oh. You mean drinking. Did you come back to get your stuff?", "Billy: Just-- just let me say something. The--", "Victoria: No, do you even want to know if I'm pregnant or not because--", "Billy: No, I just want to say something to you. This whole time... I just thought we were, you know, having fun-- jumping on planes, getting tattoos, just seeing where the moment takes us. And I never thought that the moment would take us here. I mean, there's nothing fun about accidentally maybe getting your girl pregnant.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Except for you are my girl, and any child of yours would be amazing. And fun for fun's sake, well, that's overrated. And that's when it hit me. Maybe I'm just an adult enough to know this, but, uh... this is what I want. It always has been. I want this whole thing with you. I want the kid. I want the house. I want this whole life. Now I... I'm a bit arrogant, and I'm kinda lazy. And I'm way over-the-top sarcastic, and I gossip for a living. And I don't know why a woman like you would want a man like me. But if there's any chance at all that you would, then I would have to ask... I love you. Will you be my wife?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chance: There's nothing you can do that's gonna make me leave. Don't you--", "Ronan: Not even the fact that I just slept with your ex?", "Chloe: You're a really great friend.", "Paul: You've fallen for him, haven't you? You're in love with Nina's son." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric and Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Kevin goes out on a date with a girl he met at the coffee house last week. Chloe is hurt when Kevin tells her he can't have lunch with her because he has a date. Chloe is happy that Delia is getting over her cold but is still waiting for some test results from her last doctor visit. Jack tells Katherine that he will give her every last cent he has if she will sell him controlling interest of Jabot. Katherine agrees to think about his offer. Jack tells Jill and Genevieve that if they can't find a way to get along, they are both fired. Colin brings Jill flowers at her office to congratulate her on her new job. He explains that all he wanted was to rebuild his family but all he did was tear his family apart. Colin tells Jill he will never regret coming to Genoa City because he met and fell in love with her. Colin and Jill make love on top of her desk.", "Daniel and Neil both advise Lily not to let Cane back in her life but she tells them the twins need their father and her decision is final. Lily tells Cane that she will revise the divorce papers and allow him to have supervised visitation with the kids. Chloe confronts Ronan about being more respectful to Nina because she is a good mother. Chloe also wonders why Ronan left town so suddenly and Ronan tells her that she has no idea why he left town and why he came back town. Ronan then leaves Chloe in the middle of the basketball court without another word. Chloe follows Ronan to his room wondering what he meant by his words and Ronan grabs Chloe and tells her to be quiet and then the argument stops and Ronan gives Chloe a kiss.", "" ]
[ "Neil: Hi, Katherine.", "Kay: Oh.", "Neil: Did you see the preliminary figures for last month's sales?", "Kay: Mm-hmm, yeah. Jack has sent them over to me with, uh, a reminder of Jabot being on track at its best third quarter ever.", "Neil: Aha. This holiday season could be off the charts.", "Kay: No doubt.", "Neil: (Clears throat) Um, Tucker's gotta be kicking himself that you snaked Jabot out from under him.", "Kay: Well, he's going to be apoplectic when our new marketing team gets started, believe me.", "Neil: You--you hired someone?", "Kay: I hired someone, he hired someone, and we decided to let them work together and see what happens.", "Neil: Really? Who?", "Kay: Jill and Genevieve.", "Neil: Gen-- Genevieve Atkinson?", "Kay: Yes.", "Neil: Sharing a husband, uh, didn't make Jill and Genevieve hate each other enough? Now you've got 'em sharing a job, too, huh?", "Kay: Well, thank God, uh, Jill ousted her husband and, uh, uh, good, healthy competition keeps everyone, um, energized.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Eden: I've got this.", "Colin: I'll take a flat white.", "Kevin: That's Australian for latte. Anything else for you?", "Jack: Add a couple old-fashioned regular coffee and a big box of pastries to this guy's tab.", "Colin: (Chuckles)", "Jack: The least you can do is treat my staff after stickin' me with your lunch bill yesterday.", "Colin: Yeah, it was a hell of a lunch, wasn't it? Uh, I figure that's gotta cover it.", "Kevin: Comin' right up.", "Colin: You know, it's a small price to pay for you taking my soon-to-be ex- wife off my hands.", "Jack: Oh, I don't get the sense that Genevieve gets taken anywhere.", "Colin: Good luck with that one.", "Jack: Well, same to you, if you can manage to worm your way back into Jill's life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You've gotta be kidding me. (Scoffs)", "Genevieve: Morning.", "Jill: You're back.", "Genevieve: Jack runs the company.", "Jill: Katherine owns the company.", "Genevieve: Hello, Jack.", "Jill: Hello, Katherine?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Oh, sorry. I...", "Nina: No, it's okay. Hey, how's Delia?", "Chloe: Um, well, it looks like it was just a really bad virus that she just couldn't kick.", "Nina: She's all right now, though?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Yeah.", "Nina: Good.", "Chloe: Yeah, thank God. And hallelujah for my mom's chicken soup. I can finally breathe again.", "Nina: (Laughs) I know. Kids will do that to you, won't they?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Nina: From the minute they're born, even before, how you are depends on how they are.", "Chloe: Still no word from Chance?", "Nina: No. I got one son out of touch in a war zone 7,000 miles from here...", "Chloe: And the other one is just within walking distance.", "Nina: (Scoffs) Well, Ronan might as well be a million miles away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: I'm off the clock, you guys. Somebody from the D.A.'s office was supposed to pick this up.", "Heather: Somebody from the D.A.'s office is here.", "Ronan: Okay, well, I wasn't expecting to see--", "Heather: You're not the only one who can waltz back into town like nothing ever happened. Of course, uh, at least I was polite enough to say good-bye to my family and friends.", "Ronan: Okay, if you don't have any questions, contain--", "Heather: Have you even attempted to talk to your mother?", "Ronan: If anything comes up, I'll be at the gym.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi. Hi.", "Daniel: Hey, sorry for just popping in like this.", "Lily: Yeah, um, what do you need?", "Daniel: I don't need anything. I just was driving by and thought maybe we'd take the twins to the park or something.", "Lily: Oh, um... (Sighs) That's--that's-- that's nice. I-I can't right now. I mean, they're not dressed, either, so...", "Daniel: Well, there's no rush. I mean, I can wait.", "Lily: Well, I actually also have an appointment later, so I'll ta--I'll call you later.", "Cane: Hey, I put the towels in the washer after the twins' bath.", "Lily: No, Cane did not spend the night, and we are not back together.", "Daniel: So then what's he doing here?", "Lily: I just realized that Charlie and Matty-- they need their father.", "Daniel: They don't need somebody who makes their mother's life miserable.", "Lily: Yeah, but I-I-- regardless of how I feel, you know, I can't keep him away from his children.", "Daniel: Really? Somebody who--who uses you, who lies to you?", "Cane: They are my children.", "Daniel: (Scoffs)", "Cane: Do you want me to go?", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Daniel: You know what? Maybe I should go.", "Lily: No, Daniel, please. Please don't. Please.", "Baby: (Cries)", "Cane: It's Matty. Um... I'll take care of it.", "Daniel: How can you let him back into your life?", "Lily: No, he--he is in town not because of me, but because of the twins. That's why.", "Daniel: You know, the three of you, you're a unit, you know? H-he can't just see the twins on his own. They--they can't just go and see their dad any time they want.", "Lily: People make custody arrangements all the time.", "Daniel: This guy knows where you go and what you do. He knows where they go. All it took was for him to say that he wanted to see them to get his way back into your house.", "Lily: Okay, listen. (Sighs) You are right. You're right. Cane and I, we have things that we have to work out. But please, Daniel, just give us time to do that, okay? Please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So you've emerged. Does that mean Delia's cold was just a cold?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Well, the doctor took some tests, and whatever it was, it just seems to be gone.", "Kevin: That's great.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Eden: And here you go, Chloe.", "Chloe: Oh, thank you, Eden.", "Eden: Sure.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Chloe: Wow. You had my fave ready and waiting.", "Kevin: Well, I, you know, I just saw you through the window. Uh, why didn't you bring Delia by?", "Chloe: Oh, she is all hyped up. She wants to go to the zoo. I bargained her down to a nap, and then maybe she can go to the zoo with Mom.", "Kevin: That is a good compromise. You want a brownie with that?", "Chloe: Um, no, actually, um, I-I've got a thing I've--I've gotta do. Uh, do-- are you around later?", "Kevin: Uh, later-- tonight later? Yeah.", "Chloe: Um, no, like, I don't know, lunch later?", "Kevin: Oh, uh, no. I-I-I gotta--I can't. I have--I have plans.", "Chloe: Secret plans?", "Kevin: No, not secret.", "Chloe: Then why are you doing the deal?", "Kevin: What deal? No deal.", "Chloe: (Laughs) Yeah, right there. There we--back and forth, shuffling your feet avoiding deal.", "Kevin: (Clears throat) Feet firmly planted.", "Chloe: You have a date.", "Kevin: No, I-- I just have a lunch.", "Chloe: No, that's-- that's great. That's really great. I'm glad you're, uh, getting back out there. (Chuckles) That's great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Whitney, can you pass these around? Yeah, I heard you, Katherine. I will handle--", "(Indistinct shouting) (Voices overlapping)", "Jack: Stop! These are the facts. You two are going to have to find a way to work with each other.", "Genevieve: In the same office, Jack?", "Jill: We are nose-to-nose here.", "Jack: You don't have to like it. You don't have to like each other.", "Jill: Oh, my God.", "(Voices overlapping)", "Jack: You both have skills that are valuable.", "Genevieve: Skills?! Are you kidding me?", "Jill: Please! Skills? The extent of her business vocabulary is \"Duh,\" and \"Huh?\"", "Genevieve: And your lack of creativity is monolithic!", "Jill: Oh, my God, I doubt that you would recognize a marketing plan if it slapped you in the face.", "Genevieve: (Laughs) And I don't think you'd recognize a creative new idea if it came up and kicked you in the butt.", "Jill: Really? Well, try me.", "Genevieve: Oh, don't tempt me.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You're back.", "Heather: (Scoffs) You're so observant. So any word on Chance?", "Chloe: Uh, no. The military hasn't confirmed if he's missing or...", "Heather: Or just on some secret assignment.", "Chloe: Yeah. I'm looking for Ronan.", "Heather: Of course you are. (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Scoffs) No, no, no, no. I just--I've decided that I'm ready to get into his face about some things.", "Heather: All right. Sounds like a good idea. You should try the Athletic Club.", "Chloe: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Enough. Enough!", "Jill: Tell her!", "Genevieve: She's the one who started it.", "Jack: No, no, I am telling you both. I have worked too long and too hard to be back in charge of Jabot.", "Jill: She's the one who's ruining everything.", "Genevieve: She's the one with the attitude.", "Jack: I have finally got this company on an upswing. I am not going to let either of you mess with that.", "Jill: Jack, you--", "Jack: Jill, stop. Play nice. Find a way to put the company's best interests ahead of whatever hassles you are dealing with, or I will get rid of you both. There. Make it work.", "Jill: Well, at least I am gonna call building services. I'll tell you that. I'm gonna have these desks pushed as far apart as possible.", "Genevieve: This is how Jack set them up, but if you can't handle it, I certainly understand.", "Jill: Oh, Genevieve, I can handle anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Jill and Genevieve have agreed to put their personal differences aside and work for the good of the company.", "Kay: And how long do you think that will last?", "Jack: (Sighs) Are you still at Gloworm?", "Kay: Well, Neil and I are just finishing up. Why?", "Jack: We need to have a private conversation.", "Kay: Well, come by the house later, hmm? All right, thank you, Jack.", "Neil: Hmm. Katherine, are you sure you don't want to stay for the meeting with the supplier?", "Kay: No, I really want to get home, Neil.", "Neil: Ahh, you want to, uh, wish Murphy a bon voyage?", "Kay: Well, Murphy's always liked his Alaskan fishing trips. I'm gonna miss him. You will e-mail the update afterwards?", "Neil: Absolutely. I'll do that, yes. Um, how did Jack say the Jill/Genevieve thing's going?", "Kay: He thinks they're gonna be great for Jabot.", "Neil: Or a disaster.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Okay, my friend.", "Neil: Thank you, Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Bye.", "Eden: Looks like things are cool between you and Chloe.", "Kevin: Yeah. I guess we just figured out we were better off as friends.", "Eden: You figured?", "Kevin: Yeah. We've moved on. Kinda like you did from Noah.", "Eden: Yeah. That was slick telling her you had a date.", "Kevin: I do have a date.", "Daniel: Hey, you got a sec?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Eden: Oh, you want me to go?", "Daniel: No, um, no. You know, maybe a female perspective would be good on this. Um...", "Kevin: What's goin' on?", "Daniel: I just went to Lily's, and guess who was there?", "Kevin: Not Cane.", "Daniel: Yeah, like he never left. I don't really know what to do here.", "Eden: Well, what do you want to do?", "Daniel: I want her to put the brakes on this, but, I mean, she's not gonna listen to me.", "Kevin: Hmm. I think maybe staying out of it might be best.", "Daniel: No, no. I'm not gonna let that idiot hurt her again.", "Eden: How bad did it get between the two of them?", "Kevin: Really bad. He sent her into the mental hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I can't get over how mobile they are.", "Lily: Yeah, they can move, all right.", "Cane: They've grown so much.", "Lily: Well, things change. That's inevitable.", "Cane: Yeah, but they s-- I think they still remember me.", "Lily: Yeah, they do.", "Cane: You know, I've missed, uh, I've missed the babies. I've missed Humphrey, and I've missed you.", "Lily: Um, do you want some coffee?", "Cane: Um, I would rather you tell me what you're thinking.", "Lily: Well, what I'm thinking is that it just feels weird-- you being in this house, considering the last time you were here, you pretended to be a ghost.", "Cane: Yeah, I know. I know. And I could apologize, but it's not gonna--", "Lily: No, I-I don't-- I don't need that. But I'm not as easy as the kids are.", "Cane: I don't expect this to be easy.", "Lily: I mean, I can't just switch gears from you being dead to you doing laundry and acting like the last seven months haven't even happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: What the--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: Hi, uh, is Kevin around?", "Eden: Uh, is he expecting you?", "Woman: I hope so.", "Eden: Uh, I'm Eden.", "Woman: Nice to meet you.", "Eden: Well, good to meet you, too...", "Jodi: Jodi Wing. Sorry if my palms are sweaty. Its first date nerves.", "Kevin: Hey, Jodi.", "Jodi: Oh, hey.", "Kevin: You look nice.", "Jodi: Oh, so do you.", "Kevin: Thanks. So lunch-- in the mood for anything in particular?", "Jodi: I was thinking about trying the new Mexican place up by the golf course. Have you been?", "Kevin: Mm, no. Let's go there.", "Jodi: Just give me a minute to get ready.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay.", "Jodi: (Chuckles)", "Eden: I owe you an apology.", "Kevin: Yeah, you do. Like I would lie about having a date. Come on now.", "Eden: She's pretty cute. Are you sure she doesn't have a reappearing husband lurking somewhere?", "Kevin: (Sighs) Thinking about Daniel?", "Eden: What's he gonna do about this whole Lily thing?", "Kevin: I don't know. I think keeping his mouth shut is the safest way to go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Adam, I'll have the contracts overnighted. Thank you. I appreciate it. (Clears throat)", "Daniel: Neil. (Clears throat)", "Neil: Yeah, how's it goin', Daniel?", "Daniel: Um, yeah, your assistant said you might be here. I'm really glad I caught you.", "Neil: Everything okay?", "Daniel: I don't think so.", "Neil: Is this to do with Lily?", "Daniel: You know she's gonna hate me if I talk to you about her personal stuff, right?", "Neil: But there's something that you really think I should know, huh?", "Daniel: I just stopped by her house this morning, and Cane was there.", "Neil: I hope you kicked him out.", "Daniel: Oh, I would have loved to, but she invited him over.", "Neil: She-- no, that--this can't be right.", "Daniel: He said that he wanted to see the kids or something. I mean, that would make sense if this was a normal situation.", "Neil: But it's not.", "Daniel: No, it's not. I think that Lily might be letting Cane back into her life, and, Neil, I'm worried about her.", "Neil: I am, too, Daniel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Yeah, well, it turns out I have a really good reason to stay in town now, so I will, uh, see you tonight, okay? Okay. So that was Jimmy's. It turns out they didn't fill the bartending position, so, um, they let me come back.", "Lily: If only it were that easy for you to undo other things you've done.", "Cane: You know I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life making this up to you and the babies.", "Lily: (Sighs) Cane, I meant what I told Daniel-- that I will allow you to be a part of the twins' lives, with boundaries, but not a part of mine.", "Cane: Just tell me what sort of boundaries you need.", "Lily: Well, I still won't share custody with you, but... I will revise the divorce papers and allow you to have supervised visitation.", "Cane: Okay. Okay.", "Lily: Um, I think that you should go now.", "Cane: Can I, uh, call you in a couple of days so I can come and see the kids?", "Lily: I'll-- I'll just text you in a couple days.", "Cane: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Okay, what the hell's wrong with you exactly?", "Chloe: (Chuckles) Oh, what the hell is wrong with me? I'm not the one who's playing head games with Nina.", "Ronan: Oh, okay, so we're gonna have the Nina conversation again. Yeah?", "Chloe: And what's up with you just showing up? You show up for some stupid case, not even realizing how your presence affects anyone in this town.", "Ronan: \"Stupid\" case? Okay, first off, I'm here to do my job, okay?", "Chloe: Yeah, and you amble back in with no--no apologies, no explanations, nothing.", "Ronan: Apologies? Apologies to who exactly, Chloe?", "Chloe: If you can't see what a good person and what a loving mother Nina is, then I'm sorry. That's your loss, you know? I-I can't teach you how to be an adoring son. So why don't you try to be a respectful one? Stop hurting Nina and leave town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: (Typing loudly)", "Genevieve: I guess I'll take a break.", "Jill: Good. Make it a long one. (Continues typing)", "Genevieve: Enjoy the peace. Oh, what beautiful flowers. Someone sent me flowers. Isn't that lovely? How gorgeous. Come in.", "Jill: Why would you assume that the flowers are for you? There are two of us here.", "Genevieve: Yes, but only one of us is dating a romantic. Tell me, where do I sign? Very pretty.", "Man: Sign right here, Ms. Fenmore.", "Jill: (Laughs triumphantly)", "Jill: (Laughs) Didn't you have somewhere to be? \"Ms. Fenmore.\" Thank you. Could you please put these on my desk?", "Man: Sure.", "Jill: Mmm. Mmm.", "Colin: Hope you enjoy them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Well, the place is, uh, is emptier since... Murph went on his fishing trip.", "Nina: Yeah.", "Kay: Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking.", "Nina: No, it's okay. Everything reminds me of Chance. Sending Murphy off to the airport and the blue star flag flying outside. Just--", "Kay: Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.", "Nina: I just wish I could hear from him.", "Kay: Chance--Chance is gonna come back to us.", "Nina: (Sighs) It'd be too unfair otherwise. I've already lost one son more than once.", "Kay: You're speaking of Ronan being stolen from you?", "Nina: I missed his whole life, and I finally found him, and he doesn't want anything to do with me.", "Kay: (Scoffs) The fault is with Ronan, for heaven sakes. I mean, you and Chance saved the boy's life, and he just took off.", "Nina: But he's still my son. And maybe he's this way because I wasn't there for him when he needed me.", "Kay: No one has a pain-free childhood. But at some point, the adult must take responsibility for his own choices, his own actions.", "Nina: (Sighs) Which would make me right and Ronan wrong.", "Kay: I'm afraid so.", "Nina: And me still without my boys.", "Kay: Come on.", "Nina: I'm gonna take a walk, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Trying to find a murderer isn't stupid.", "Chloe: There are so many other cops that can investigate this case.", "Ronan: None better than me.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) You know, you are the one person in this town that can do something that no one else can and that is support your mother, and you won't do it.", "Ronan: Okay, okay, you don't get to tell me how to treat Nina, okay?", "Chloe: You know what? If you can't be a son, then why don't you stand up and be a man? Leave. Leave, so everyone who cares about you actually has a shot at forgetting you.", "Ronan: Do you think the only reason I came back to this town is for work?", "Chloe: Well, that's what it looks like.", "Ronan: (Scoffs)", "Chloe: (Scoffs) You know, that case is the only thing that you care about.", "Ronan: You know what? You have no idea why I came back to this town, and you have no idea why I left.", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Jack, if this is about Jill and Genevieve--", "Jack: No, this is about me, and how I'm hitting the stratosphere with Jabot.", "Kay: As you keep reminding me.", "Jack: Every project I have initiated has not only been a success, it has been a home run. Am I exaggerating?", "Kay: Not yet.", "Jack: Jabot is healthier, stronger, and more successful than it has been ever. Only one thing would make it better.", "Kay: Well, I'm afraid to ask.", "Jack: I'm asking you to sell me controlling interest in Jabot.", "Kay: Go on.", "Jack: You'll still have a huge profit from your shares.", "Kay: As long as the company is making money.", "Jack: As long as I'm running the company, it will. Why not sell it to me? You have no attachment to Jabot.", "Kay: Oh, I beg to differ.", "Jack: You took it to teach Tucker a lesson, and that's fine, but it's over. You won. Why not sell it to me?", "Kay: You propose to offer me something I need more?", "Jack: I will spend every last dime I have to get majority interest in Jabot and control.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colin: I ran into Jack. He told me about, uh, your new job and... your partner. Thought I'd just drop in and say good luck...", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: With both.", "Jill: (Chuckles)", "Colin: (Sighs)", "Jill: Wait. Thank you... for the flowers.", "Colin: It was a pleasure.", "Jill: Colin, I apologize.", "Colin: For what?", "Jill: For slamming the door in your face last night. I was really, really upset because Cane was leaving town, and I blamed you.", "Colin: I'm to blame for-- for the greater part of that.", "Jill: So why did you come? What were you gonna tell me?", "Colin: Nothing that's gonna change your feelings towards me, but I felt I-I owed you an explanation.", "Jill: (Scoffs) Could I have it, please?", "Colin: I so much wanted to rebuild my family. And in the end, I did just the opposite. (Sighs) I shall regret that w-with everything in me.", "Jill: Yeah, you never should have come to Genoa City.", "Colin: I don't regret that. (Sighs) I got to meet you. I fell in love, experienced a joy and a passion I never thought I'd see in my life again. No, I'm not gonna regret you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Thank you. You didn't leave.", "Cane: No.", "Genevieve: Why not?", "Cane: Well, I was leaving because I felt like I was hurting Lily and the kids every time I ran into them.", "Genevieve: But that hasn't changed.", "Cane: No, it hasn't changed, but now she's letting me see them-- Matty and Charlie, that is, so I'm gonna stay.", "Genevieve: That's it?", "Cane: Well, now I can also keep an eye on you and Dad, can't I?", "Genevieve: Oh, my God. You never had any intention of going anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Is Cane still here?", "Lily: No, he's not. (Sighs)", "Neil: Lily, what the hell are you thinking, hmm? You cannot trust that man again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jodi: So who's driving? You or me?", "Kevin: Me, since I asked you out.", "Jodi: And if I asked you out?", "Kevin: I would say yes.", "Jodi: (Quietly) I love that he is so male... and hot. (Chuckles)", "Eden: Have a nice lunch.", "Kevin: After you.", "Daniel: Hey, where's Kev?", "Eden: Oh, you just missed him.", "Daniel: Great.", "Eden: Are you lookin' for more advice?", "Daniel: No, I just wanted to bounce something off of him and see if I did the right thing.", "Eden: Oh, well, what'd you do?", "Daniel: I may have told Neil about Cane. Lily's probably gonna be pretty pissed at me.", "Eden: Probably.", "Daniel: Thanks. You're not making me feel any better here, Eden.", "Eden: But I think you did the right thing... that it was very male.", "Daniel: What is that supposed to mean?", "Eden: Well, to protect Lily, you risked her being angry at you. I mean, that takes guts, plus integrity. Those qualities are kind of rare in a guy. When she gets over being mad, she'll see that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Daniel never should have talked to you about this.", "Neil: He was concerned, with good reason.", "Lily: Okay, well, I'm old enough to take care of myself. I don't need my dad to come intercede for me, thank you very much.", "Neil: Lily, no one is disputing that.", "Lily: You're trying to tell me what to do.", "Neil: No, no, I'm not. I'm trying to remind you that you had excellent reasons to divorce Cane. The man manipulated and lied to us all, didn't he? He drove you to literally question your sanity.", "Lily: Yeah, I-I remember, Dad. I lived it.", "Neil: Then why are you letting him near--a-anywhere near you or your children?", "Lily: Because, you know, I also lived Cane taking care of me when I was puking from chemo, and carrying me when I was too weak to walk for myself.", "Neil: (Sighs)", "Lily: And somehow managing on two hours of sleep when we brought Matty and Charlie home from the hospital because I was sick and recovering, and he wanted me to rest.", "Neil: That doesn't begin to make up for what he's done since.", "Lily: Okay, well, my recent past with Cane doesn't blot out everything that happened before all this. Nor does it blot out everything that's gonna come next.", "Neil: Ne--wait a minute. Are you talking a-about a future with Cane?", "Lily: No, no, I'm talking about Matty and Charlie's future. I can't just keep him from his children so I can punish him. (Stammers) That's unfair. That's selfish. They deserve to have their father's love, just like I did.", "Neil: Oh, Lily, come on. You know what you're doing? You're--you're forgiving something that shouldn't-- you are making a mistake.", "Lily: Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna argue with you about this, so you--", "Neil: I don't want to argue with you, either.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Neil: I-I'm just-- I'm your dad, okay? I'm worried. I'm concerned about you.", "Lily: Right, well, I'm not gonna change my mind, either, so maybe you should just leave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I can't believe I fell for it.", "Cane: You didn't fall for anything.", "Genevieve: You were never going anywhere. It was just a setup to get Lily to ask you to stay.", "Cane: I had a plane ticket. I was at the airport. I didn't expect her to turn up with the twins.", "Genevieve: Yeah, but you were pretty sure she would. Weren't you? I mean, and even if she hadn't, you could always come up with an excuse for having missed the flight. Well played, Ethan.", "Cane: You can believe what you want.", "Genevieve: You are your father's son after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Mm. Stop it. We shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be doing this here or anywhere.", "Colin: Mm, then stop.", "Jill: I can't. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey, there.", "Nina: Hi.", "Paul: Yeah.", "Nina: You're back.", "Paul: I am. I got back this morning.", "Nina: Good trip?", "Paul: Yes, it was.", "Nina: Good.", "Paul: So, uh, what have you been up to?", "Nina: Oh, just thinkin' about Chance and Ronan. I just have so many questions. Did Ronan really use us? Does he feel nothing? I really wish I could let this go, but I-I just--I want answers.", "Paul: I know, and you deserve them.", "Nina: Well, apparently, Ronan doesn't think so.", "Paul: (Sighs) Well, Ronan is not my favorite guy, um...", "Nina: Well, I can understand that after the way he treated Heather.", "Paul: And you. But I could talk to him if you'd like.", "Nina: You think he would open up to you?", "Paul: Well, who knows? But sometimes, people find it easier to come clean to a-a third party. That happens all the time in my work. Listen, um, I have to discuss a little business with Katherine.", "Nina: Oh, yeah, sure.", "Paul: But we can talk about this later.", "Nina: Okay, good. Yeah.", "Jack: You don't have to give me an answer right now, but you'd be wise to take me up on my offer.", "Kay: Well, I will consider that.", "Jack: I'll take that as a good sign.", "Paul: Well, I'll see you later, okay?", "Nina: Okay.", "Paul: Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt. Uh, I need to speak with Katherine privately if-- I-I'll wait in the library.", "Jack: No, no, no, no, no, wait, uh, Katherine's a very popular woman today. Uh, I'll leave you to her. Thank you.", "Kay: Ah, thank you, Jack.", "Paul: All right, Jack.", "Kay: Well, that was a short trip.", "Paul: Yes, it was.", "Kay: Uh, did it pay off?", "Paul: It did.", "Kay: (Claps hands)", "Paul: I have news about Tucker's son.", "Kay: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Yeah? Yeah? Yeah, cool it! Hey, hey, I'm coming. Just calm--", "Chloe: Listen, you don't leave me hanging like that at the basketball court!", "Ronan: Wait--", "Chloe: You tell me what you were talking about. Come on! Come on. Make me understand. Make me understand why you left and why you came back.", "Ronan: Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Devon: I can't believe that you would say to me after one bad break just give up on it. To hell with that.", "Jill: Chloe, where the hell are you? Delia is sick.", "Kay: You know the identity of Tucker's son?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nikki joins Victor in his office and immediately asks him what the private investigator told him about Neil and his alibi. Neil joins Devon, Cane, and Lily at the Athletic Club dining room. Neil tells them that he wants this mess to be all over. Paul walks in and arrests Devon. At the Underground, Mariah remembers Sharon telling her that she lost the baby and was afraid of how Dylan would react. Noah joins her and asks her if Sharon has been taking her medication. Marisa listens to their conversation. Sharon tries to get Dylan back into bed. Dylan is leery of her sudden change of heart and wants to know what is going on. Sharon wants them to have some alone time before the baby comes. Noah is more than a little concerned over the change in Sharon's actions. Mariah tells him to cover for her, because she has something to do and leaves. Paul puts Devon in handcuffs, which unnerves Neil, Lily, and Cane. Cane and Lily cannot believe that Paul would arrest Devon and hold him until the authorities come for him. Victor lies to Nikki and tells her that Neil's alibi checked out. Nikki is relieved. Lily tells Cane that Devon needs help. Cane asks Lily if she thinks Devon is guilty, but he can tell that she is holding something back from him. Lily tells him that something happened at the bachelor party. Cane reminds her that they promised they would not keep any more secrets. Lily informs him that she promised she would not tell anyone. Mariah interrupts Dylan and Sharon on the sofa and asks to speak to her alone. Dylan goes upstairs to get ready for work. Mariah tries to convince Sharon to tell Dylan the truth about her losing the baby, but Sharon refuses by telling her that Dylan has lost too much now. Marisa tells Noah that he is right about his concerns about Sharon. Noah lets Marisa know that Sharon is \"complicated\". Noah tells Marisa that he has fallen in love with her and wants her to move in with him. Neil tells Nikki and Victor that Devon has been arrested. Nikki leaves them alone. Victor tells Neil what the private investigator found out and then asks what part of Canada he visited. Neil stalls.", "Lily tells Cane that Devon may have had sex with a woman at the bachelor party and that Hilary may have found out. Michael talks to Devon at the police department before they take him away. In an interrogation room, Michael apologizes to Devon for not speeding things up, so he will get out of here. Nikki arrives at the police department to talk to Paul and insinuates that he is using this situation for payback for Neil causing the baby's death. Paul denies doing any such thing. Neil shows Victor pictures he took in Canada, but Victor trips him up by asking him about the \"Scarlet Lakes.\" Victor confronts Neil that he didn't go to Canada at all, but instead went to the Virgin Islands. Neil owns up that Victor is right and asks what Victor will do with this information. Victor tells Neil to stay away from Nikki. Mariah confesses to Sharon that Dylan and Noah have been talking. Dylan goes through the nightstand to check if Sharon has been taking her medication and finds three pills gone. Judge Gates arrives at the police department and tells Paul that he has blocked the extradition back to the Virgin Islands. Everyone is relieved. Dylan tells Sharon that he went through her pills to see if she has been taking them. Sharon tells Dylan that she has been keeping something from him. Marisa tells Noah that she is falling in love with him, too, but still is hesitant about moving in with him. Marisa receives an envelope with a check for $500,000 from Victor. Noah wants to know why Victor would be giving Marisa money. Noah tells her that is the reason why she didn't want to move in with him. Marisa tells him that she did not accept the money. Victor walks in and tells her that yes, she did accept the money.", "" ]
[ "Victor: Well, send me your deal points, and I'll give you my opinion. Well, my goodness.", "Nikki: Hi.", "Victor: All dressed up? Don't you look pretty?", "Nikki: Listen. Have you heard from your PI? I was tossing and turning all night about this. Was Neil's alibi correct? Was it solid?", "Victor: Why are you concerned with other people's problems when you have your own to deal with?", "Nikki: Well, Neil isn't just \"other people.\" He's one of our oldest and dearest friends. I am concerned about him. Victor, you should have heard him go on and on with this revenge talk. It was frightening. I mean, he truly wanted Devon and Hilary to suffer. That is not the Neil winters that you and I know.", "Victor: Not the Neil winters who gave a speech at his son's wedding when he talked about forgiveness and wishing them well?", "Nikki: I doubt that he meant one word of that. Now, don't get me wrong -- he's a good man. But right now he is consumed with bitterness. And now that he has stopped drinking, well, I know all too well how easy it is to slide back into destructive behavior.", "Neil: Hey. I got here as soon as I could. What have you heard from Michael about the extradition?", "Devon: He's going through the channels, doing what he can to stop it.", "Neil: Well, I want you to know something, okay? I am working angles, too. You've been through enough. I want this over.", "Devon: I just can't stand the fact that I have to deal with these stupid accusations in the first place. All I care about is finding my wife.", "Cane: Why don't you bring your dad up to speed on the arrangements you made in Virgin Gorda?", "Devon: I hired helicopter crews to assist in the search-and-rescue team. I know Hilary's alive. I refuse to believe anything else.", "Paul: Devon... you're under arrest.", "Mariah: What have you lied to Dylan and me about?", "Sharon: I miscarried. [Crying] The baby's gone. Yesterday Dylan poured his heart out to me, and he said he couldn't survive losing another baby.", "Mariah: He said that? He said he couldn't survive -- those exact words?", "Sharon: So now you know why I had to keep this from him. And I need you to keep it from him, too.", "Mariah: But what if the plan doesn't work? What if you don't get pregnant right away?", "Sharon: Pray that won't happen. Please, Mariah? Please help me keep this secret. Please help me protect Dylan.", "Noah: Hey, Mariah.", "Mariah: Yeah?", "Noah: We need to talk about Mom.", "Mariah: What about her?", "Noah: The way that she's been acting -- it's got Dylan worried. Me, too. Something's going on. You've noticed, too, haven't you?", "Mariah: Uh...n-no. I don't -- I don't --", "Noah: Please, don't do that, okay? Don't pretend like everything is fine. It's obviously not. If you know something, don't you think that Dylan has the right to know?", "Sharon: How 'bout a nice big breakfast to keep your strength up?", "Dylan: Oh, thank you, but I'm gonna get cleaned up, head to work, and I'll probably get something there.", "Sharon: Well, Stacey's opening for you, right?", "Dylan: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: I think she could do without you for one morning, whereas I cannot.", "Dylan: Hold on. We, uh -- we cut out early yesterday, and we spent the whole day in bed, which I'm not complaining about... but what's going on?", "Sharon: I just happen to be in love with this amazing, hot guy. And I want to make the most of our time before the baby comes.", "Mariah: What did Dylan say about Mom?", "Noah: That she's been moody. She's been especially touchy about certain things. I've noticed it, too.", "Mariah: And I suppose you told him that.", "Noah: Look, if Dylan is going to marry Mom, he needs to know what a bipolar episode looks like. Don't you think? Mom getting irrational and anxious -- that could be a sign that it's about to flare.", "Mariah: Geez, Noah. Why did you have to tell him that? Now every time Mom is in a bad mood, he's gonna think it's a symptom.", "Noah: Okay. It's not like Dylan doesn't know about her condition.", "Mariah: How would you feel if people kept warning you about Marisa -- kept dragging up the past that she's trying to put behind her?", "Noah: Look, this is not even the same thing. We're not talking about me, okay? We're talking about Mom, who I happen to be concerned about. Now, she has not been herself. She hasn't. Dylan is looking for a way to help. This isn't gonna change the way he feels about her. I would like to advise him somehow, but I have no idea what's going on, so I'm gonna ask you again, do you?", "Mariah: Do you remember how freaked she was when she was watching the security-cam footage and she thought that Dylan might have been the one who'd been shot? I mean, wouldn't that put you in a mood?", "Noah: Except that Dylan told Mom afterwards that he wasn't gonna join the force because the risk -- that Mom and the baby mean too much to him. So... I mean, she should have been fine after that. Look, things have been finally coming around, you know? Mom -- she's been doing so well. She's finally got the life that she wants. She's marrying a great guy. She's got a baby on the way. It just seems like, all of a sudden, everything feels so fragile.", "Mariah: Um... could you cover for me?", "Noah: What are you talking about -- now? Okay. [Sighs]", "Neil: Hey, Paul, wait a minute! You're putting him in handcuffs. Is that really necessary?", "Paul: He'll be held at county until the extradition order is complete.", "Lily: Michael is petitioning the judge to block it.", "Paul: That is his job as the defense attorney, just like it's my job to execute the arrest order.", "Neil: There is no reason to lock him up while we're sorting through this whole thing.", "Cane: Right. He's not a flight risk.", "Lily: No. He's desperate to find Hilary.", "Paul: Desperation makes him a flight risk.", "Lily: He is doing everything he can to cooperate with the police down there.", "Neil: Yeah. He's even hired private contractors to aid in the search.", "Paul: Right, and the BVI. Authorities are not happy about that at all. They think your men could be compromising the crime scene.", "Neil: That's crazy!", "Devon: The police in Virgin Gorda have given up. They're talking recovery, not rescue.", "Cane: You can't honestly think he had something to do with Hilary's disappearance.", "Paul: There is an investigation under way. I need to follow police protocol. All right?", "Neil: [Clears throat]", "Paul: I'm sorry.", "Lily: Wait. Devon.", "Neil: Devon! Don't you worry! I'm gonna work this out!", "Victor: I talked to my private investigator this morning.", "Nikki: Did Neil's alibi check out?", "Victor: According to him, Neil's credit-card transactions put him in Canada the day Hilary disappeared, as he claimed.", "Nikki: [Sighs] Thank you, God.", "Victor: You don't think he could have been involved, do you?", "Nikki: I think, given the circumstances, anybody is capable of things they may not want to admit. You know, when he started sharing his fantasies about revenge, that's when I really started worrying about him. I mean, if he had carried through with those...", "Victor: It wouldn't have been your fault.", "Nikki: Fortunately... he didn't do it. I mean, I hated even thinking for a minute that he could have done it. [Sighs]", "Lily: Devon must be in hell. I cannot believe this is happening to him.", "Cane: All right, listen -- he has a great lawyer, and he has a father who has connections, and they will come to bat for him, okay? What -- are you worried he's not gonna get a fair trial?", "Cane: You think he's guilty, don't you? You actually think he did something to Hilary.", "Lily: No. No. I do not. At least I don't...want to.", "Cane: All right. Okay. Just what is going on here? What are you not telling me?", "Lily: I swore I wouldn't say anything.", "Cane: About what?", "Lily: [Sighs] Just sit down. At the casino the night of Devon's bachelor party, something happened -- something huge that if Hilary found out, it could have led to a big fight.", "Cane: All right. What happened?", "Lily: I can't tell you. I promised I wouldn't say anything.", "Cane: I was at the casino the night of the bachelor party, and I left early 'cause I was upset about us, and I didn't want to be there when my father turned up with the girls. Okay? So, is that when something happened? Did Devon do something? Lily, what are you not telling me? Why are you keeping secrets from me? We agreed we wouldn't do this anymore.", "Dylan: Nothing's gonna change because you're pregnant. I'm not gonna want you any less, if that's what you're worried about. I promise.", "[Door opens]", "Mariah: Sharon? Uh...", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Mariah: I'm sorry. I should have, um -- I should have knocked.", "Sharon: No, no. That's fine. It's fine.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Mariah: I need to talk to my mom, and I figured that you would be at -- at crimson lights.", "Dylan: Yeah. Well, I should be. I'm gonna go get cleaned up and take off, okay?", "Sharon: Okay.", "Mariah: My timing sucks, right?", "Sharon: Yeah. Pretty much.", "Mariah: So, you're determined to go through with this?", "Sharon: Mariah, we have discussed this. The sooner I get pregnant, the better.", "Mariah: Mom... this is a beautiful dream, but...", "Sharon: But...what?", "Mariah: That's all that it is -- a dream.", "Marisa: If I'm butting in where I don't belong, tell me.", "Noah: You know, usually if you have to start from there, you're where you don't belong.", "Marisa: It's just that -- okay -- I couldn't help overhearing you and Mariah.", "Noah: Mm.", "Marisa: And I think you're right about sharing your concerns about your mother with her and Dylan.", "Noah: You know, Mariah -- she's had it rough growing up. She finds it hard to trust people. So, you know, I'm not surprised that she would assume that Dylan would think the worst of my mom, learning more about her condition, but you know what? If you ask me, Mariah's not giving him enough credit.", "Marisa: So, you don't think he's gonna care?", "Noah: He understands that she's a complicated person, you know? She's had to fight and she's had to struggle and she's made mistakes and she's overcome them. But that's made her the person that she is today -- the woman that he fell in love with... which I can completely understand, because that's, uh -- it's how I feel about you.", "Marisa: You're so sweet.", "Noah: You know, um... summer overheard you asking Sage how you, uh -- how you really know if you love somebody.", "Marisa: She's so clearly in love with nick, and I wanted to understand the secret -- how she knows.", "Noah: How does anybody really know? [Chuckles] You know, I keep on going back to that day a few days ago when you kissed me when you went out to go get some supplies. I-I don't know why, but I just -- I felt like that was the last time I was ever gonna see you again. But, you know, I realized... just how bleak my life would be without you in it. I think that's when I knew... I'm falling in love with you, Marisa.", "Michael: Handcuffs, Paul? Really?", "Devon: Where do things stand?", "Michael: I've been trying to get before a judge, but their dockets are booked solid.", "Paul: Right. Why doesn't that surprise me? Reyes, would you mind escorting Mr. Hamilton to booking?", "Devon: Michael.", "Michael: Don't talk to anyone, try not to worry, and I will keep working to block the extradition. Devo-- why the hell would you arrest him? I mean, besides the very fact that there is no body, there's no way that Devon could have harmed that woman. If there was foul play, it's not because of him.", "Paul: Oh, you know, that's a beautiful argument, Michael, but you're making the case to the wrong person. I can't ignore a warrant.", "Michael: I'm not asking you to ignore anything. I'm asking you to use your legal discretion. Just give me some time to get before a judge.", "Paul: Yeah, well, my legal discretion is not applicable here. You have until tomorrow. Then the BVI. Authorities are coming to pick up Devon and take him back to Virgin Gorda to face charges.", "Nikki: Arrested?! Oh, my God!", "Neil: Yeah, I know, right? I mean, poor kid. It's been a nightmare for him.", "Victor: What did the authorities find out?", "Neil: Well, they found Hilary's room key, and they found her shoe with her blood on it, and, also, a witness saw a man arguing with her on the trail. That man may have matched Devon's description.", "Victor: Well, that doesn't mean that Devon was involved.", "Neil: No. Agreed. But you know how it is. Innocent people go to jail all the time, Victor.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: You have to excuse me. I have an appointment.", "Victor: Want my driver to take you?", "Nikki: Oh, no. No, thank you. I have my car.", "Neil: [Sighs]", "Nikki: Neil, you take it easy. If you need anything, let me know, okay?", "Neil: Yeah. I will. Thanks.", "Nikki: All right.", "Neil: Okay. What happened? I know you have every connection in the world. You said you could make this whole thing go away, Victor.", "Victor: My PI looked in to some issues and gathered some information.", "Neil: Okay, good. That's a start. What kind of intel does he have?", "Victor: He checked out your alibi for when Hilary disappeared. And... where in Canada... did you say you were?", "Noah: Hey. You see, that kiss... and I look in your eyes... that's all I need to know. I think you just have to listen to your heart. That's how you know it's really love.", "Marisa: You don't think it's too fast?", "Noah: No, I don't. I don't. I think it's exactly the right speed. As a matter of fact, um... I want you to move in with me.", "Marisa: [Exhales sharply] Wow. Um... in the loft you lived with Courtney?", "Noah: No, no, no. No. Of course -- we'll get our own place. As a matter of fact, let's do that. Let's go get our own place. We'll start fresh. We'll make it our own. I mean, you got to be tired of living in a hotel by now.", "Marisa: Yeah. Fresh sheets, room service, spa.", "Noah: Yeah. [Chuckles]", "Marisa: I'm sick of it.", "Noah: Okay. Yeah, the hotel does have some nice amenities. It is missing one thing -- me. Sorry. What's wrong? You don't seem...that enthused about this. Look, you can tell me if I'm off the mark.", "Lily: Devon might...have had sex with a hooker.", "Cane: What?", "Lily: He has no memory of it at all. Next thing he knew, he just woke up next to her in bed. So I told him -- I said, \"don't say anything,\" because I figured it would all just blow over and no one would know. But now I'm thinking what if Hilary did find out and it led to this...big fight?", "Cane: Do you realize the police have a witness that saw Hilary fighting with a man on top of the bluff?", "Lily: I know, and ever since she disappeared and Devon became a suspect, I've just had these nagging doubts.", "Cane: How could you not tell me after how badly our trust has been broken?", "Michael: Well, his hands are tied, the clock is ticking. If one of these judges doesn't come through for me, you're gonna be on the plane tomorrow back to Virgin Gorda.", "Devon: Well, what are the chances...?", "Michael: Not good.", "Devon: Great.", "Michael: Devon, I'm sorry I haven't been able to slow things down.", "Devon: I know you're doing everything you can, Michael, and I have faith in you. It's just frustrating.", "Michael: I know.", "Devon: At least while I'm here, I can be making calls, hiring people to search 24/7. If I was in Virgin Gorda, I'd be behind a cell, helpless, alone with my fears.", "Nikki: Oh, Paul! I heard about Devon. Those charges are absurd. Isn't there anything you can do to help him?", "Paul: No, absolutely nothing.", "Nikki: Now, I find that hard to believe.", "Paul: Well, Nikki, you're gonna have to just work really hard.", "Nikki: I know how resourceful you can be. Neil is a dear friend, and he has been through hell. I don't want to see him or his family suffer any more than they already have.", "Paul: Yeah. I fully realize how close you and Neil are.", "Nikki: Well, you're not punishing Devon because of his father's part in Christine's accident?", "Paul: You know, I find that incredibly insulting.", "Nikki: Oh, no! No! I-I didn't mean it like that.", "Paul: No, I hope you don't think that I am going to ignore the law because this whole mess is inconvenient for you and your friends. I do not use my power and my authority to further my personal agenda. That would be your husband.", "Neil: Here's a selfie of me at bow valley. And you know what that is. That's a bighorn sheep on the ledge behind me. Ha ha ha. And then this one here -- this is lake minnewanka. Beautiful place.", "Victor: Hmm.", "Neil: And then lookit there. That's me at the parker ridge trail -- absolutely gorgeous, man. Canadian Rockies -- whoo! Totally pristine, right?", "Victor: Beautiful area, isn't it?", "Neil: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Have you ever been to Banff?", "Victor: Yeah. I went skiing there a couple of times when the kids were young.", "Neil: Mm-hmm. I hear they have just awesome powder -- the snow -- right?", "Victor: Oh, yeah. Uh...did you go to the scarlet lakes area?", "Neil: Yeah. Uh, uh, scarlet lakes? Yeah, I did. I think I visited there the first day. You know, I didn't take any pictures, though, because my battery died on the phone.", "Victor: You know why the lake is called scarlet lake?", "Neil: Uh, because it has -- what is it -- algae formations, something like that?", "Victor: It's actually called vermilion lakes, you know? Beautiful place to watch the sun set. And the water turns scarlet red. But not because of the algae.", "Neil: Right. Yeah. Uh...vermilion lakes. So, I was a little confused because the tour-bus guide said that I actually came at the wrong time of day.", "Victor: You know, Neil, my PI looked in to your activities the day before you left Genoa City, and he, uh, found out that you cashed a check for $9,900... $100 below the $10,000 limit, at which time they would have had to alert the federal authorities. And then he found out that you hired a charter pilot to fly you to the islands... where you hired a limo driver... to take you to the hotel next to where Devon and Hilary were staying. Then you checked in under an assumed name and paid in cash for your room. Want me to go on?", "Neil: Okay. Yeah. I was in Virgin Gorda.", "Victor: Now, we both know that you have all reasons in the world to want tragedy to befall Hilary, considering that she was your ex-wife and started an affair with your son and then got married and now went on a honeymoon. In other words, you went to great lengths to lie to me about being in Canada. You were in the islands.", "Neil: Yeah. Have you gone to the police with this yet?", "Victor: Mnh-mnh.", "Neil: So, let me guess -- you want something in return.", "Victor: You're a smart man.", "Neil: How much is your silence gonna cost me? Now that you've spun off Jabot, you probably need a spy in there, and I'm guessing that spy might be me to make, what, a retaliatory strike?", "Victor: You stay away from my wife.", "Neil: Victor, I don't know how many times I'm going to tell you this. There's nothing going on between me and your wife.", "Victor: I know.", "Neil: Then why are you doing this?", "Victor: You've become a very bad influence on my wife. You were drinking buddies, until, one day, you sat in the car with her and you yanked the wheel, and she accidentally hit Christine, the district attorney, who, in turn, lost her unborn child during that accident. She hasn't gotten over it yet. Now, Nikki's very concerned about your well-being, your state of mind, okay? Very concerned that you might revert back to drinking. If she only knew how deceitful and vengeful you are.", "Neil: By passing judgment on me, what you're really saying is that Nikki has none of her own --", "Victor: None when she's under the influence -- none. But be that as it may... you stay away from her... unless you want me to show the itinerary to your family and to the cops. They'd love to see it.", "Neil: My man. You did your thing again, didn't you? You win, as always. Don't you want to know if I did something to Hilary?", "Victor: Kindly close the door on the way out.", "Sharon: You promised that you would not tell anyone. Now, you can't do this to me.", "Mariah: Whoa! Calm do-- I-I never sa-- I'm trying to help you here.", "Sharon: You can help by just keeping quiet.", "Mariah: While I watch you mess your life up again? 'Cause you know that is exactly what is gonna happen. You need to be honest with Dylan about the miscarriage, or this is all gonna blow up in your face.", "Sharon: It won't.", "Mariah: I really resent you making me the grown-up in this situation. Why are you putting me in this position?", "Sharon: Because Dylan would be crushed, and I won't hurt him like that.", "Mariah: Sharon, please, I'm -- I'm asking you --", "Sharon: Listen. Listen. Dylan has suffered so much pain and so much loss. If he knew that our baby were gone forever -- he's a good man. He doesn't deserve that. We both deserve to be happy, and we will be -- as long as you don't repeat what I told you in the strictest confidence.", "Mariah: Noah and Dylan have been talking about how weird and moody you've been acting lately, and Noah was telling him that it could be a sign that you're about to have a bipolar relapse. And he was grilling me at the underground to see if I knew what was up with you. And, of course, I played dumb, but they are both really worried about you. If Dylan didn't suspect anything before, he certainly will now.", "Dylan: [Sighs] [Exhales sharply]", "Paul: If you'll excuse me, Nikki, I'm very busy.", "Nikki: Paul, I am sorry. I certainly didn't mean to question your integrity.", "Paul: Look, if you're waiting for me to apologize for what I said about Victor, it's not gonna happen.", "Judge Gates: Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh, Ted!", "Judge Gates: How nice to see you.", "Nikki: Oh, my goodness! How are you? How's Caroline?", "Judge Gates: Well, I left her in a sand trap on the 10th hole, so she's been better.", "Nikki: Oh. [Chuckles] Well, tell her that I will call her for lunch soon.", "Judge Gates: I'll do that if she's still speaking to me after today.", "Paul: What can I do for you, judge gates?", "Judge Gates: I'm blocking the extradition of Devon Hamilton back to the British Virgin Islands. I'll hear his petition for bail in my chambers.", "Michael: Well, thank you, Judge. How soon?", "Judge Gates: 20 minutes.", "Michael: Paul?", "Paul: Well, he's not in lockup yet. It shouldn't be an issue.", "Nikki: Thank you so much, ted. This is wonderful news.", "Judge Gates: Of course.", "Nikki: If you'll excuse me, there's somewhere I have to be. Paul?", "Paul: Don't let me keep you. So, well done, counselor. So, if you'll both excuse me, I will go make sure that Devon is not late for his hearing.", "Michael: So... who gets the thank-you card on this one?", "Judge Gates: It worked out for your client. That's all that matters.", "Michael: Well, you know what they say, judge -- if something seems too good to be true, it generally is.", "Sharon: Mariah, trust me. Okay? Please. Let's just do this my way. And if I can't -- if I can't get pregnant again, well, then, you know, the truth will have to come out, and then I'll just deal with things then.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Dylan: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.", "Mariah: It's fine. We're done.", "Sharon: Thank you for coming to me, sweetie. I'm glad you did.", "Mariah: Sure thing. See ya.", "Dylan: Take care.", "Sharon: [Sighs softly]", "Dylan: You sure I didn't chase her away?", "Sharon: I'm positive. [Chuckles] Where were we?", "Dylan: Okay. Hold on. Hold on. We have to discuss something.", "Sharon: Oh?", "Dylan: The one thing that I really appreciate about our relationship is how open and honest we are with each other. And that's really important, because in the end, all you have is trust, right? And without trust, you got nothing.", "Sharon: Absolutely.", "Dylan: With that being said... I have to confess that I went through our pill box on the nightstand to see if you were taking your meds.", "Marisa: Noah, everything you're feeling, everything you've just described, is the same for me. I'm falling in love with you, too.", "Noah: Okay. Good. So, what is it? What's wrong? You don't seem too thrilled about the idea of us living together.", "Marisa: [Sighs] I just don't want you to feel like I'm trying to erase Courtney from your life.", "Noah: You couldn't. You couldn't, okay? Look, I love Courtney, and she will always be a part of my life, and, look, I have asked myself if I'm being disloyal for feeling the way that I do about you so quickly after she died. But I'm done. I'm done questioning, okay? I know that what we have is real. I want to be with you. So... what do you think?", "Marisa: I want this, too -- so much, it scares me. Delivery from Newman Enterprises.", "Noah: Yeah. It's probably for my dad. I can sign for it. It's for a Marisa Sierras.", "Marisa: Yeah. That's me. Thank you.", "Noah: What is my grandfather doing writing you a half-a-million-dollar check?", "Lily: When you found out about my one-night stand with Joe, it almost ended our marriage. And I didn't want that for Devon and Hilary, especially since we don't even know if he even slept with the woman. So, I figured why destroy their marriage over something like that?", "Cane: So, what you're basically saying to me is that if you had it to do over, you would lie to me about what happened with Joe?", "Lily: No. No. I'm glad I told you. It was the right thing to do. And I knew that our relationship could overcome it.", "Cane: This is why we are having problems -- trust and honesty problems -- 'cause you're keeping things like this from me.", "Lily: What, 'cause I was being loyal to my --", "Cane: No, no, no, no, no. You can justify this any way you want, but you know it is the same damn thing, right?", "Lily: What are you -- Devon. You're back. Is it over?", "Devon: Yes.", "Nikki: Hey, Neil, listen to this -- I was just at the police station. Who walks in? Judge Gates. And guess what -- he is going to block Devon's extradition to Virgin Gorda! Can you believe that? You must be so relieved!", "Neil: I'm sure Devon is relieved. Any innocent man would be.", "Nikki: Neil, what is the matter with you?", "Neil: I'll tell you what's the matter. I'm wondering why you think I'd be relieved since you really believe that I took revenge on my ex-wife.", "Lily: How did Michael keep you from being sent back there?", "Devon: It happened so quick, I didn't think to ask him.", "Cane: But it's only temporary, right? You have to go back to BVI and clear things up?", "Devon: We're gonna find Hilary before then.", "Cane: That's what we're all praying for.", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Lily: Ugh. Not now.", "Devon: Is there a problem?", "Lily: Yeah. There's a problem with our new chef. Don't leave. I'll be right back.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Cane: So, what's up with this, uh -- you know, you sleeping with a prostitute at the bachelor party?", "Devon: [Scoffs] I slept with -- yeah. I don't know for sure if we had sex. I -- it's a possibility. I don't remember.", "Cane: So, how can you not remember?", "Devon: I have more important things to think about right now, Cane.", "Cane: Was there someone who could have told Hilary?", "Devon: Can you leave this alone?", "Cane: Did she find out about this and confront you on your honeymoon? Because someone saw her arguing with a man on the top of a cliff. Was it you?", "Nikki: No. I didn't think anything of the kind. Whatever happened to Hilary, I know you had nothing to do with it.", "Neil: Oh, really? You say that now, but you've had your suspicions.", "Nikki: No, I didn't.", "Neil: Oh, \"yes,\" not \"no.\" You heard me talking about getting revenge on Hilary and Devon. You just assumed that I did it, that I arranged for my daughter-in-law to disappear.", "Nikki: That is not true.", "Neil: Don't bother denying it. I can see it in your eyes. Ha. So much for confiding in a friend.", "Nikki: What?", "Neil: Why don't you go home, Nikki? Go home to your husband.", "Marisa: You know Victor hasn't been happy about us seeing each other.", "Noah: Right. Right. Which is why I told him that our relationship is none of his business. So...why the check?", "Marisa: Your grandfather tried to bribe me to leave town.", "Noah: Tried to bribe you? So, is that why you don't want to move in with me -- because you weren't even planning on sticking around? Is that it?", "Marisa: What? No! I'm not going anywhere. Genoa city's my home now.", "Noah: Look, Marisa, I want to believe you, okay? I do. But, I mean, look at me. I'm sitting here. I'm putting my heart out on the line right now. Is all you care about money? Is that it?", "Marisa: That is not true! Victor made me the offer, but I didn't accept it. I didn't even consider it.", "Victor: You most certainly did.", "Dylan: I feel terrible, going behind your back. And all I can say in my own defense is that I was worried.", "Sharon: [Sighs]", "Dylan: Look, I know it's -- it's no excuse... and I'm sorry. I should have just asked you straight out if something was wrong and we could have dealt with it together. But, apparently, my imagination's been working overtime.", "Sharon: No. I can understand why you've been concerned, Dylan, and I'm sorry, too.", "Dylan: Sorry for what? You didn't do anything. You don't have to apologize.", "Sharon: You weren't imagining things. I know that I've been acting strangely, and it's because... I've been keeping something from you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: I made a show of faith by naming you CEO, and this is how you repay me -- by having me investigated?", "Nick: What's wrong?", "Dylan: It's Sharon.", "Victor: You will not prevent me from doing what is best for my family.", "Adam: Well, we'll see about that, won't we?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Nikki visited Victoria, who admitted she wanted Billy back. Victoria blamed Victor for losing Billy. Victoria suspected that Phyllis set her up with Benjamin. Victoria thought Jack and Phyllis were working to bring down Brash and Sassy. Victoria vowed to teach Phyllis what happened when you took on a Newman. Phyllis gave Billy the cold shoulder because he broke their plans last night, and Billy unsuccessfully tried to smooth things over by suggesting they spend the morning together. Phyllis was unhappy when Billy wouldn't confide in her about Brash and Sassy's plans. Billy insisted that he was trying to protect her. Ashley told Jack about her talk with Billy and Victoria. She asked if he was really planning to stop Fenmore from selling Brash and Sassy products. Jack denied it, but Ashley didn't believe him. She made it clear that she didn't want Jack to do anything underhanded. Jack accused Phyllis of telling Billy about the plan to pull Brash and Sassy from Fenmore's shelves. Phyllis was adamant that she wouldn't lift a finger to save that company. Nikki took Victoria's suspicions to Jack. She vowed to sever ties with him if she found out he was undermining Victoria. Billy told Victoria about his troubles with Phyllis. Victoria note that by using Phyllis's computer, Billy put Victoria and Brash and Sassy ahead of Phyllis. She pointed out that this was why Phyllis was upset. Billy said that he wouldn't let Victoria or her company become collateral damage in Jack's crusade. Victoria told Billy that if Phyllis wasn't involved in Jack's plan, she must be aware of it. Billy decided to give Phyllis the benefit of the doubt. Victoria suggested that they fool the public into believing Jabot's new product was shoddily made. Billy didn't want to hurt Ashley's reputation.", "Victoria wondered if the only way to beat Jack was to stoop to his level and do something unethical. Billy assured Victoria that he'd come up with an idea to help the company. Billy privately hired numerous temps whose job was to buy Brash and Sassy from Fenmore. Victoria confronted Victoria in the elevator. Tessa was shocked that Devon wanted her to record more songs, since her first session in the recording studio was shaky. Devon was eager to get Tessa under contract. Scott tracked down Alice's address, and he and Sharon staked out their house. They were questioned by a nosy neighbor, who mentioned that Alice had been visited by a niece. Scott and Sharon never saw any sign of Alice, so they left. Zack asked Tessa about her sister. She told him there were no leads. Zack mentioned that he'd had dinner with Victor. Abby asked Ashley for details about Brent Davis. Ashley said that Brent was not a good person, and the affair did a lot of damage to her family. Hilary let Mariah know she and Devon caught up over drinks on the night that he was supposed to meet Mariah. Mariah was icy toward Devon, and he apologized for standing her up, which Hilary overheard. Devon told Mariah about his talk with Hilary. Mariah accused Devon of being snowed by Hilary. Mariah noted that Devon never said I love you, which she took as proof that he wasn't committed to her. She didn't think he'd ever get over Hilary. Devon offered to say it right now, but Mariah told him that saying it to make her feel better was worse than not saying it at all.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: You don't usually stop by this early. So, what's the occasion?", "Nikki: Do I need one?", "Victoria: Let me guess. It's been a while. You miss me. And you know I make you a mean cup of tea.", "Nikki: [ Laughs ] Correct on all accounts.", "Victoria: You definitely did not stop by to talk about the fool that I made of myself on gc buzz, I'm sure.", "Nikki: I cannot believe that that witch hilary aired that argument with benjamin on her show.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, that makes two of us.", "Nikki: Are you all right?", "Victoria: It was irritating for a day. But what can you do? When you're a newman, there will always be opportunists like hilary curtis waiting in the weeds. Especially if dad enables them.", "Nikki: Well, I know you've been looking for some common ground. But the way he's been acting lately...", "Victoria: Lately? That's very generous. When I think about the damage that dad has done to my life, all in the name of protecting me... you know, mom, he's caused irreparable damage.", "Nikki: You're talking about billy now.", "Victoria: The more time that I spend with him here at the office, the more that I wish... [Sighs] We were back together.", "Phyllis: That's mine.", "Billy: Sorry.", "Phyllis: I'm running late, so I need to go.", "Billy: Hold on a second. Please don't -- don't leave the house like this, okay?", "Phyllis: I said I'm late. Please move.", "Billy: Yes, I know. And you've said two words to me all morning, and the ones that you have have not been very nice. Look, I know you're upset with me because I had to go back to the office last night. We were supposed to spend the evening together, and we didn't because of me.", "Phyllis: We sure didn'T.", "Billy: And I'm sorry, okay? I would like to make it up to you. Can I do that? Starting now?", "Jack: Revised budget approved.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Jack: Was there something else?", "Ashley: Guess who paid me a visit last night? Billy and victoria.", "Jack: Oh? What did they want?", "Ashley: Well, apparently brash & sassy's re-orders are slipping, and victoria's worried that maybe you're gonna try to use your influence to ace her company out at fenmore'S. Take over their shelf space. Make room for our brand-new line.", "Jack: That's quite an accusation.", "Ashley: I know. It is, isn't it?", "Jack: You don't really think I'd pull something like that?", "Ashley: I don't know. Would you?", "Hilary: [ Sighs ] I-I owe you an apology.", "Mariah: What are you talking about?", "Hilary: Seriously?", "Mariah: You know what? I really don't have time for this.", "Hilary: Mariah, I really am sorry.", "Mariah: Why?! Spit it out. What'd you do to me now?", "Hilary: I ruined your date with devon the other night.", "Devon: Good morning!", "Tessa: Uh...hey there.", "Devon: How you doing? Is, uh, mariah home?", "Tessa: Um... she's at work.", "Devon: Oh. Okay. She must have gone in early. I guess I'll, uh, track her down there.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Devon: Hey, actually, since I got you here, I have some news for you. I want to get you back into the recording studio as soon as possible.", "Tessa: You do?", "Scott: Got a surprise for you, beautiful.", "Sharon: This early?", "Scott: Yeah. I promise you'll like it. I was up past 2:00 working on it.", "Sharon: Well, okay. Let's have it.", "Scott: What if I told you i used my brilliant journalistic skills to track down alice johnson's address from her credit card?", "Sharon: You have alice's address?", "Scott: I told you I was a brilliant researcher.", "Sharon: Wait a minute. Is this legal? I mean, to use someone's personal financial information to... forget it. Forget it.", "Scott: We have a built-in excuse now to go to her place and return the card she left at underground. It'll give us a chance to look around and see if your hunch about her is correct.", "Sharon: Okay, hold on a minute, scott. You know, I was tossing and turning all night last night thinking about this. Just the odds that alice is the same blond woman who I saw driving away in that car with those prostitutes, it'S... it's so unlikely. I think that my suspicions have been off-base.", "Scott: Well, I guess I have more, uh, trust in your instincts than you do. Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: The song I recorded, people are actually streaming it?", "Devon: Oh, yeah. Quite a bit more than expected, actually. And the metrics are great for a new artist, which is why I want to get you back in the studio so we can lay down some more tracks and, uh, release a full E.P.", "Tessa: I can't believe it.", "Devon: Well, what can't you believe?", "Tessa: For you to be willing to take this chance on me. After the first time I choked. We were lucky to get one good take.", "Devon: Yeah, well, I mean, it was good enough to get some big attention, right? That's all that matters.", "Tessa: I, uh... I figured I did so bad that you...", "Devon: What? What? You thought that after one shaky session in the studio, that i was gonna drop you? Really?", "Tessa: [ Laughs ] I guess, I, uh... I guess I wasn't sure.", "Devon: Listen, here's the scoop, tessa. I really, really believe in your talent, okay? That's the truth. So you don't have to worry so much anymore. And your first song has gotten the attention of our customers, so let's raise your profile even higher. That's why I wanted to get you under contract -- so we could make money together long-term.", "Tessa: Thank you. Thank you, devon.", "Devon: Of course.", "Tessa: So much.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Tessa: Huh...", "Devon: Absolutely. Thank you. Now, hey, if we -- if we book some studio time soon, are you gonna be ready to go back in? Because I expect your performance to be as good as your last take, if not better.", "Tessa: I will.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Tessa: I promise. I was dealing with a personal issue. That's why I was distracted. Not singing my best.", "Devon: Okay. Is it anything I can help out with?", "Tessa: You know, I-I'm okay now. Thanks.", "Devon: Okay. Um... well, then, I'll be in touch.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Devon: And, in the meantime, try not to worry about anything except for music, will ya?", "Tessa: I'll do my best.", "Devon: Okay.", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Devon: Have a good one.", "Tessa: Thanks. You too.", "Jack: Brash & sassy's sales were abysmal in june, especially at fenmore'S. What, they're gonna blame me for that now?", "Ashley: Do you have any idea what's causing their slump?", "Jack: Oh, uh, gee, let me guess. Bad financial decisions. Bad press. Worse rumors. Pick one.", "Ashley: That's very glib of you.", "Jack: Ash, you know what's going on down there. It's a mess. And thanks to hilary's show, the whole world knows that. Is it any wonder their sales are plummeting?", "Ashley: Okay. But you weren't here last night when billy and victoria confronted me. Their concerns were... very alarming.", "Jack: Such as?", "Ashley: Such as the fact they know we're about to launch a brand-new beauty line, jack. We worked really hard on keeping that under wraps. How the hell did they get their hands on that information? And victoria's very worried that you're gonna try to use their misfortune against them and persuade lauren to give them the boot.", "Jack: Well, victoria has a very active imagination.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] So this is just victoria being, what, paranoid? Because she's such an irrational human being?", "Jack: Well, what do you want me to say? That I personally convinced a million people not to buy their product? God, I wish I had that kind of power.", "Ashley: I got a very, very strange vibe.", "Jack: Oh, come on. Could we not talk vibes, please?", "Ashley: Yeah, okay. Look, let me lay it out for you, all right? Not once has anybody accused you of being behind their plummeting sales, and yet you keep hiding behind that every time I ask you what you're planning. So, where there's smoke, with you, there's usually fire. Do billy and victoria have a reason to be concerned, jack?", "Jack: Did they tell you where they're getting these crazy ideas?", "Ashley: No, they didn'T. But they're convinced you're out to get them. And I know for a fact that you would love to force them into bankruptcy.", "Jack: And so would you.", "Ashley: That's not true.", "Jack: Give me a break.", "Ashley: That's not true. Especially when the fight's not fair. And getting involved with their distribution channels, that's not fair. And here you stand. I've yet to hear you deny that that's the case.", "Jack: Lauren decides what is sold in fenmore's stores and on their website. Now, I suggest you put all of your energy into making our latest acquisition a giant success, and I will handle everything else.", "Ashley: I agree with you this line is gonna be a huge success. It can stand on its own. It does not need your backhanded \"support\" -- the kind that always comes back and bites you in your butt. Are we clear?", "Jack: Ohh... it's me. Where are you? Get to my office now!", "[ Slams desk ]", "Nikki: So tough to have feelings for somebody who doesn't return them.", "Victoria: Well, if it hadn't been for dad, having to lie and cover up for him...", "Nikki: Yeah, I know. I remember the second night you were going out with that benjamin guy, you seemed so excited. And I thought, \"great, she's ready to move on.\"", "Victoria: Well, you know, i thought I'd at least try to go out with him, see what happened. But I guess I felt that there was something off. I guess I knew deep down that he was trying to make a play for brash & sassy.", "Nikki: Well, it's a good thing that you found out what kind of guy he was before he could do anything like that to you.", "Victoria: Unfortunately, mom, my troubles are far from over. Ben didn't target me for my enviable business skills. Someone else gave him a little push in my direction. Someone that we all know.", "Billy: Well, how about this, okay? We -- we go downtown. We can go see a movie. The theater opens up at 11:00. That would be fun. Or we can take our coffee and we can go back to bed.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Billy: I like that idea.", "Phyllis: Oh, you're just giving me the morning? Oh, I-I guess the entire day is not even an option, because victoria can't really function without you.", "Billy: Come on, honey. I'm trying here, okay? Can you meet me halfway?", "Phyllis: Yeah, with a half-day. You know, you'd be distracted with brash & sassy 'cause you're not joined at the hip with your ex. So, no, thank you.", "Billy: When I'm there, I'm working.", "Phyllis: And what were you working on when you rushed back to work last night?", "Billy: Come on. I don't want to talk to you about that kind of stuff.", "Phyllis: Why is that?", "Billy: Because. You know why. Jabot and brash & sassy, we're competing companies, phyllis.", "Phyllis: There was a day that you confided in me about everything. Do you not trust me anymore?", "Billy: I am trying to protect you, okay? I don't want you in the middle of business and jack and everything else. And I'm sure there are secrets that you know about jabot that you are compelled to keep from me.", "Scott: I don't believe your suspicions are baseless, sharon.", "Sharon: You're the one who's always telling me a good investigator needs evidence. What facts do I really have? Other than two blond women driving a similar car?", "Scott: Yeah, one of whom is picking up hookers at the police station.", "Sharon: And alice's only crime is forgetting her credit card after paying for a hamburger. I don't know how in the world I made the leap to she's running a sex-trafficking ring and holding poor crystal against her will. I-I just -- I don't know what's wrong with me, or where I came up with this wild scenario.", "Scott: Exhibit \"a\" -- alice johnson. You remember what you told me about her? That she was a shady, untrustworthy woman.", "Sharon: Well, that was years ago. I mean, nick and I made our peace with her after we adopted cassie.", "Scott: Yeah, but even so, I don't think alice has ever been someone that people said was a quality individual. True or false?", "Sharon: She does look a lot more prosperous now.", "Scott: Yeah, leopards don't change their spots, even when they're making money. Especially then. Take a look at this address. Tell me what it says. Genoa city.", "Scott: When you asked her what she was doing in town, what'd she say to you?", "Sharon: She said that she was just passing through.", "Scott: Implying that she's visiting from someplace else. But, in fact, her home is just right here, just outside of town.", "Sharon: So that was a lie.", "Scott: Apparently so.", "Sharon: Hm. I guess it couldn't hurt to... bring her credit card back to her.", "Scott: Maybe take a look around, see what we can see while we're there.", "Sharon: Let's go!", "Scott: Yeah.", "Tessa: Oh, my god. I'm so glad you're here.", "Sharon: What? What's up? What happened?", "Tessa: [ Sighs ] My phone rang, and all it said was \"unknown caller,\" and I thought for sure it was crystal... but it turned out to be a telemarketer.", "Scott: Shook you up, huh?", "Tessa: Yeah. Can I talk to you for a sec?", "Sharon: Sure. What is it?", "Tessa: Have you heard anything from chief williams? I hate all this waiting. Worrying about crystal.", "Sharon: I'm really sorry, but there's been no word from paul.", "Tessa: I guess I just have to be patient.", "Scott: What was that about?", "Sharon: Um... we should get over to alice's house. I will just fill you in along the way.", "Hilary: Okay, just get back to me as soon as you have more details.", "Mariah: So, can we solve this mystery so I can get some work done?", "Hilary: What mystery? [ Scoffs ] I cannot believe devon didn't tell you. I ran into him, we got to talking, and... well, one thing led to another, and we lost track of time. I hope you weren't too upset with him.", "Mariah: Define \"one thing led to another.\"", "Hilary: Well, you know how it is when you just find that you have so much to talk about. Especially when you shared a life with this person. Such...intense feelings.", "Mariah: So, what did you two share the other night?", "Hilary: Okay, please. We had drinks. That's all. Thought your relationship was rock-solid. That's what you're always telling me.", "Mariah: So is that it? Confession over?", "Hilary: Not quite. After devon finally left, I assumed that he was gonna go and see you. You did get his text that he was gonna be late, didn't you?", "Mariah: Yeah, eventually. But I was with tessa and noah, so I was really hovering over my phone.", "Hilary: Huh.", "Nikki: You think that phyllis asked benjamin to take you out?", "Victoria: Jabot's software engineer, ravi shapur, overheard phyllis arranging to meet the guy at the club the same day that he asked me to dinner. I think that's a little more than coincidental, don't you, mom?", "Nikki: Well, let's say it is. Uh... I mean, what would that do for phyllis, playing matchmaker?", "Victoria: Well, for one thing, if I were spending more time with benjamin, I would be spending less time with billy, which means billy would be getting home from work at a decent hour, which I'm sure phyllis would love.", "Nikki: Okay. I see what you're saying.", "Victoria: Of course, benjamin cozying up to me was just a way for him to get his hands on brash & sassy, which I would've fallen for if I hadn't found out that he tried to hire cane, who would have given away all of our company secrets. So thank you, phyllis. Thank you for encouraging this snake in the grass to come after me and my company.", "Nikki: I can't believe that she would want to hurt billy's employer.", "Victoria: Mom, this is phyllis we're talking about. If my business goes under, she gets billy 24/7.", "Nikki: Have you shared any of this with him?", "Victoria: Just my theory that she is trying to take this company down, which he doesn't believe. But I don't have proof. At least not yet.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm here. So, what is the reason for the foul mood this morning?", "Jack: How are things going with you and billy?", "Phyllis: You called me in here to quiz me about my relationship?", "Jack: Actually, I'm a little more interested in your pillow talk. Kind of things that you've told billy that may have made it to victoria's ear, like our plan to denude fenmore's shelves of any products from her company.", "Phyllis: Of course not. I would never breathe a word --", "Jack: Then how did they find out?!", "Phyllis: They found out? Are you sure?", "Jack: They went to ashley with their suspicions last night.", "Phyllis: [ Stammering ] I did not leak the marketing plan to billy. No, I don't know how they got wind of this.", "Jack: It seems to me it would go a long way towards cementing your relationship with billy if you gave him this tip.", "Phyllis: Are you out of your mind? I wouldn't lift a finger to keep that company from going under. Every day it's in business, it brings him that much closer to victoria.", "Devon: Hey. Still upset with me?", "Mariah: I've been busy.", "Devon: Too busy to return any of my calls? Listen, mariah, I'm very sorry that I didn't make it to the underground.", "Mariah: You know what, it's fine. I, uh... something came up while I was waiting for you, so I didn't notice that you were a no-show.", "Hilary: Wait, you didn't see mariah at all? I had no idea.", "Mariah: Do you feel bad? Poor baby. Because, of course, this is all about you.", "Hilary: I didn't mean for you to stand up mariah. If I had known, I never would have kept you for as long as I did.", "Mariah: Oh, excuse me while i break out my violin.", "Devon: Okay. Hilary, can I talk to mariah alone, please?", "Hilary: Absolutely. I would never want to intrude.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ] So, what was so fascinating about your talk that you decided to blow me off for her?", "Ashley: I'm so happy that you like it at the ranch, honey. And things are working out well with your dad?", "Abby: Yeah. I love living near dad. You know, I never had that growing up.", "Ashley: Must be nice, to be able to spend so much time together. I mean, you guys are getting the opportunity now to get to know each other as people, right?", "Abby: Yeah. I mean, there's a lot I don't know. About both sides of my family. Look, mom, I-I know that you'd prefer not to talk about this --", "Ashley: Let me guess -- you're gonna ask me more questions about dina. The affair she had. And why she left us and moved to europe.", "Abby: I know how painful it is for you --", "Ashley: I really don't think you do.", "Abby: Okay, well, then, help me understand. Brent davis. I mean, dad told me not to even mention his name. That it was poison.", "Ashley: Your father was right.", "Abby: Well, then, what is it with this guy? What's so terrible? What's the big secret with brent davis?", "Victoria: You know, phyllis has forgotten one crucial detail. Billy and I share kids together. So he's always gonna be a part of my life, no matter what happens to brash & sassy.", "Nikki: Well, I know how you feel about billy. Do you think he feels the same way about you?", "Victoria: Mom... [ Sighs ] Ever since I fired cane, billy has really stepped up in some very surprising ways. In fact, just yesterday, he took a risk that helped the company. And it could've gotten him in a lot of trouble. But he did that for me.", "Nikki: Has he shown any signs of wanting to split up with phyllis?", "Victoria: No. And normally I would just let things be, and let the relationship run its course. [ Sighs ] But I have a feeling that phyllis is trying to mess with my life.", "Nikki: So what are you planning?", "Victoria: It depends on who her accomplice is.", "Nikki: Accomplice?", "Victoria: It phyllis' end game is to take down brash & sassy, she's gonna need some help. She's gonna need a partner. Someone who has incredible business skills who wants the same thing as she does. And if he can stick it to billy while he's at it, so much the better.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. You think it's jack.", "Victoria: Jack can move mountains that phyllis can'T.", "Nikki: Jack's not above playing dirty. It's just that this is so extreme...", "Victoria: Well, this is all theoretical. But it does have a ring of truth, don't you think?", "Nikki: [ Sighs ] I don't know. I'm just sorry to hear about all of this.", "Victoria: Oh, I'll put a stop to it. And once again, phyllis is gonna learn the hard way what it means to take on a newman.", "Phyllis: Billy needs to stop running to victoria every time she stubs her toe. Or whenever she has a brilliant idea for a lip gloss.", "Jack: Wait, does she?", "Phyllis: How would I know? Billy doesn't talk shop with me anymore.", "Jack: Any idea why?", "Phyllis: I mean, isn't it obvious? Victoria's brought the hammer down. Says he shouldn't trust me anymore.", "Jack: Wow. That's got to make your blood boil. Her insisting that he put her first and cut you out. No wonder you're mad.", "Phyllis: Oh, I am sure that she considers herself the incumbent and me the other woman, but you know what, I'm not gonna stand for that.", "Jack: And nor should you.", "Phyllis: And I want you to know, just to be clear, I realize your support has nothing to do with billy and me wanting to be happy.", "Jack: Strictly selfish.", "Phyllis: But I'll take it, anyway. And you have my full support in return --", "Jack: I know that. I know. You made that very clear yesterday when you jumped in to my effort to get lauren to take all their products off her shelves.", "Phyllis: How did that go?", "Jack: Not so well. After you left, she was adamant that she would not do that.", "Phyllis: Well, that doesn't surprise me. Lauren is very loyal to her established vendors.", "Jack: She's gonna give us shelf space, but little more. We're gonna have to slug it out for ourselves. No built-in advantage against the competitor.", "Phyllis: Even playing field. Not how you like things.", "Jack: You know what I like? I like to win. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Devon: Hilary was telling me about her commercial shoot in new york, and I'm -- you know, the time just got away from me.", "Mariah: That's it? Her little side hustle was so mesmerizing you forgot about our date?", "Devon: No. We didn't just talk about that. We talked also about getting our friendship back on track.", "Mariah: [ Scoffs ]", "Devon: I told her you wouldn't have a problem with it, because I know you're not the jealous type.", "Mariah: Oh, my god. She has you snowed. She kept you from meeting up with me, and you not only fell for it, you liked it.", "Devon: I don't know where you're getting that from. I'm just trying to apologize to you.", "Mariah: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I be more gracious? Maybe I should go find hilary and thank her for keeping you so thoroughly entertained.", "Devon: Mariah, this has nothing to do with hilary, okay? You know how I feel about you.", "Mariah: Really? I do? Because... I haven't heard you say that you love me back. In fact, ever since I said it, you haven't been around as much.", "Devon: I haven't been around -- I've been trying to get a company off the ground, right?", "Mariah: And when you're not working, you're having cocktails with your ex- wife. Who still loves you, and hates losing you to someone like me.", "Devon: Okay, listen to me. When you told me that you loved me, it really took me by surprise. I'm not gonna lie. But I don't take words like that lightly. And when I said to you that I'm committed to you, I mean it. Nothing has changed between us.", "Zack: New song?", "Tessa: Uh, hi. Yes, uh, as a matter of fact.", "Zack: How are things since we talked last? Any word on your sister? Cops have any leads?", "Tessa: I wish.", "Zack: Nothing. That's too bad.", "Tessa: At least I got to talk to her. It was a video chat. Crystal seemed okay. I mean, she said she was fine.", "Zack: That's got to be a relief. I hope you hear from her again soon.", "Tessa: So do I. But I have no way to get in touch with her.", "Zack: That's got to be rough.", "Tessa: I'm trying to focus on my music. 'Cause if my career takes off, i can sock away some money, and then take care of crystal when we're together again.", "Zack: I always thought you had a good voice.", "Tessa: You did? I didn't think you noticed. You always seemed busy with... other things.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ]", "Scott: Nervous?", "Sharon: A little. You know, maybe I should've told tessa about alice.", "Scott: No, you did the right thing, sharon. She would have insisted on coming with us. And until we have solid proof, it'S...", "Sharon: Yeah, why give her any false hopes.", "Scott: Yeah.", "Sharon: You know, this is a much nicer neighborhood than the one alice used to live in. That sales job she mentioned must pay pretty well.", "Scott: Depends what she's selling.", "Valerie: Can I help you?", "[ Scott and sharon gasp ]", "Billy: Sorry I'm late. It's been a bear of a morning.", "Victoria: Oh, no. Did phyllis find out that you used her computer to log in to jabot?", "Billy: No, thank god. She'd be more upset with me than she already is.", "Victoria: Why? What's going on?", "Billy: She's clearly not happy that I'm spending this much time at the office.", "Victoria: With me, right? That's the issue.", "Billy: She knows there's nothing to be concerned about there.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Listen, billy, I really appreciate what you did last night, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, but I don't want you risking your relationship.", "Billy: You didn't ask me to do anything, okay? It was my decision. I got the password from dina. I got into jabot's main server, and I took what I needed.", "Victoria: By using your girlfriend's company-issued computer without her knowledge and consent.", "Billy: And I would do it again if it meant saving this company.", "Victoria: Which means you put brash & sassy and me ahead of phyllis, and that's what she's upset about.", "Billy: Look, none of this would happen if jack wasn't so hell-bent on getting back at me. But I am not gonna let you or this company become collateral damage.", "Victoria: No matter what the cost?", "Nikki: Oh. Hello, phyllis. He's all yours.", "Nikki: I thought you worked at fenmore's?", "Phyllis: Well, with jack owning 49% of the company, occasionally I do have to meet with him.", "Nikki: Are you busy?", "Jack: Nikki, hi! Come on in.", "Nikki: Well, I would think you would rather meet with lauren about fenmore's business rather than your ex-wife.", "Jack: Well, lauren isn't always available.", "Nikki: [ Gasps ] I see.", "Jack: So, what brings you by? Not that you need an excuse. I'm happy to see you any time I see you.", "Nikki: Oh, I was just downstairs visiting. I thought I'd come up and say hello.", "Jack: How's victoria doing?", "Nikki: Well, how do you think victoria is doing?", "Jack: Well, I know brash & sassy is having a rough time of it. I'm guessing she's struggling a bit.", "Nikki: You can be such a wonderful, kind man. All the times that I've met with you lately, I have had nothing but peace.", "Jack: Well, thank you. I feel the same way about you.", "Nikki: But I also know that there is a dark side to you, where all the world is a competition. Everything is a high-stakes game, and you have to win at all costs.", "Jack: Oh, very dramatic.", "Nikki: Well, business is what you do best. It's your reason for living. And that forces me to ask you, are you planning on destroying my daughter's company?", "Sharon: Alice is an old friend of the family. We were in the area. We thought we'd stop by.", "Scott: Yeah. How long have, uh, you and she been neighbors?", "Valerie: Oh, not long. I've only seen her a couple of times.", "Sharon: Don't suppose you know whether or not she's home?", "Valerie: But you can always ring the doorbell.", "Scott: You know, we tried calling a couple times, but no one answered.", "Sharon: Thought we'd just wait it out a little longer.", "Scott: Yeah. Does alice usually have a lot of guests over?", "Valerie: She had a niece that came to visit.", "Sharon: Oh, yes. That's right. Have you seen her niece around lately?", "Valerie: Sorry.", "Scott: Oh, that's okay. Thanks for your time.", "Valerie: Mm-hmm.", "Zack: So, are you still hanging out with the newmans?", "Tessa: And why do you care about that?", "Zack: Victor invited me to dinner last night at the ranch. I've been spending some time with his daughter abby. She's helping me launch my new business. Newman gets a cut of the profit, so her old man's pretty interested.", "Tessa: Makes sense.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Zack: Uh, hope you don't mind. I've got a few business calls to make. Good luck with everything.", "Tessa: Thanks.", "Zack: Yeah.", "Tessa: You too.", "Abby: I've upset you by bringing up brent davis. I know I shouldn't mention him. I've been told not to. Dina told me not to. My dad told me not to. But... I'm sorry. I-it's just -- it's so bizarre. I mean, how can I not be curious with all the intensity?", "Ashley: Please. Honestly.", "Abby: I don't want to be a pest. I really don'T. Look, you've always been such an open book with me. You've told me everything. So why is this so different?", "Ashley: He was not a very nice man. And the affair he had with my mother... it did a lot of damage to my family, honey. I mean, my father thought of it as the ultimate betrayal. It scarred him. It scarred my family. My father never got over it. Clearly neither have I.", "Abby: I'm -- I'm so sorry.", "Mariah: I want to believe that you're committed to me. But the fact is, you've probably said \"I love you\" to hilary dozens of times. Even when she's made you miserable. I just don't think you're over her, or ever will be.", "Devon: I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I swear to you, I am over her.", "Mariah: Well, if that were true, then... you would say the \"l\" word back to me.", "Devon: Okay. So that's what this is. I can say that to you. I'll say it right now. Mariah, I --", "Mariah: No. No! You're just saying it now to make me feel better. Which honestly is worse than not saying it at all.", "Victoria: You know, even if phyllis isn't directly involved in jack's plan, working at fenmore's, she at least has to be aware of it, right?", "Billy: I'm not privy to everything that goes on up there, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, okay?", "Victoria: Well, now that we know what the play is, we have to circumvent it. We can't afford to lose even one inch of shelf space.", "Billy: Okay. So, what does that mean? You got a plan?", "Victoria: Yeah, the obvious one -- we have to outsell jabot's new line.", "Billy: Gift with purchase?", "Victoria: No, it's not in the budget. And besides, jabot will have their own promotions.", "Billy: What about lily? She's our secret weapon. She pulls a big crowd everywhere she goes.", "Victoria: Yeah, that can be considered. But we need something bigger. Something outrageous. Something that has never been done before.", "Billy: Okay, what about, uh...", "Victoria: I know. When you logged on, did you notice anything about the new product itself? Like any manufacturing flaws, or any subpar ingredients, or --", "Billy: Ashley's not gonna release any shoddy product.", "Victoria: Well, we just have to make people believe that it's shoddy, that's all.", "Billy: Underhanded tactics, vicki. I'm surprised by you.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Look, let's be clear. Ashley is not the problem here, okay? It's jack.", "Victoria: I have been ethical always. And look at where it's gotten me. Maybe the only way to beat jack is to... [Slams table] Stoop to his level.", "Scott: Still no sign of alice. You want to keep waiting, see if she shows up?", "Sharon: [ Sighs ] It could take hours.", "Scott: I'm game.", "Sharon: No. We should go. She has nosy neighbors. If someone calls the police...", "Scott: You're right. Bad idea.", "Sharon: Well, at least we don't leave empty-handed. We did learn something interesting today.", "Scott: Yeah. We did.", "Jack: Businesses compete. That is how they survive. I'm not gonna stand by and watch brash & sassy bury us.", "Nikki: Doesn't answer my question.", "Jack: It's the only way i know to answer your question.", "Nikki: Years ago, newman and jabot went head-to-head. Do you remember that? Who could forget? Victor went too far. Ended up being convicted of commercial bribery. And it destroyed our family. Left us in chaos. And I see that that is happening again, and I hope nothing is about to go down that will make it worse.", "Jack: You have nothing to worry about.", "Nikki: Well, I'm happy to hear that. Because if I ever learn that you are taking steps to undermine my daughter's livelihood, our friendship would be over. Instantly.", "Victoria: I'm sorry to cut things short, but I have a meeting with the accountants. Even with the bridge loan, we have to minimize expenditures.", "Billy: Okay. I'll stick around here and figure out ways to boost our sales.", "Victoria: Billy, listen. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. This -- it's really not about you at all.", "Billy: It's okay. I know it's your frustration talking.", "Victoria: Thank you for understanding.", "Billy: Listen, I got your back, okay? I'm gonna handle this. And when you walk back through that door later on, you know what you're gonna hear from me? \"Problem solved.\" Mona. Hey. It's billy abbott from brash & sassy. How are you? I'm great. Thank you. Listen, I, uh -- yeah, you're a step ahead of me. Except this time I don't need one temp -- I need a whole army of them across the country. No, I want you to bill me personally, not the business, okay? That's simple. Everybody gets a $100 gift card to fenmore's -- buying brash & sassy product only.", "[ Elevator dings ]", "Phyllis: What do you think you're doing?", "Victoria: I'm onto you, bitch.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: My instincts were right in the first place. Alice is part of a sex ring.", "Zack: Who's rainbow girl?", "Alice: One of our most requested. But she's been trouble.", "Jack: You and I are both people who are willing to take risks. I think you can help me with a little plan of mine." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nick had a sexy daydream about Sharon which he convinced her to act on in his office at Crimson Lights. Lily thanked Kevin and posed for reporters pictures of the victim and her hero. Devon was suspicious of Kevin and Daniel. Alex showed up and warned Daniel that he owed him, and that he could make a world of trouble for them. Jack told Jill she was a valuable employee for Jabot, and issued another warning to be careful with Elliot. John, Ash and Brad told Jill they'd decided to cut the Men's Line. She said it was personal, insulted Brad, and stormed out. Neil refused to be a foster parent to Devon. Dru broke down into tears and said it would be his responsibility to shatter Devon's hopes. Neil left, furious. Paul congratulated JT and Brittany on a job well done. Brittany reminded a reluctant JT that he now had to help plan her wedding to Bobby. Damon told Phyllis the story of his son, Elias, who was shot by thugs when he was 8, and died in Damon's arms. He told Phyllis he's a rage-filled monster, barely under control, and that if he ever found the man who'd killed his son, he would destroy him. A concerned officer placed a call to a cop of some kind and said a gang-banger who'd been in custody had finally made parole (talking about someone connected to the death of Damon's son)." ]
[ "Dru: Well, this beats all. Ha! I'm not a good enough role model for Devon, huh?", "Neil: What are you talk-- the way you've been acting, going behind my back, toying with this boy's life-- how is any of that supposed to instill positive values in him?", "Dru: So this is about me now?", "Neil: You know what, Dru? We are husband and wife. What does that mean, traditionally, the left hand always knows what the right hand is doing? I mean, this isn't about, um, your heart being in the right place. It isn't about Devon being a good kid. It's about us, our marriage.", "Dru: You know, the mere fact that you don't trust me says quite a bit about our marriage, Neil.", "Neil: How many times have you gone behind my back since I've known you? Many times.", "Dru: Neil, I'm just trying to give this kid a chance to be a part of a loving family, a chance clearly you don't wanna afford the boy.", "Neil: There you go again, trying to change the subject.", "Dru: I'm not trying to change the subject. Okay, you wanna talk about our marriage? We'll talk about our marriage. But let me ask you this. Why don't you wanna be this kid's foster father? I mean, that says a lot about you more so than our marriage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Having an important meeting with yourself?", "Jill: Oh, that's very funny. What are you doing at Jabot?", "Jack: Oh, I stopped by to check on Jennifer, make sure you heathens are treating my former assistant with the dignity and respect she deserves.", "Jill: Jennifer is just fine.", "Jack: Jennifer is fine. You're not. What's wrong?", "Jill: I was told there was going to be a meeting here. I've been here for ten minutes. No one else has shown up yet.", "Jack: Oh, dear, I hope this isn't cutting into your time with Elliot Hampton.", "Jill: Just be careful. I'm not in the mood for that right now.", "Jack: No, sugar, you're the one that needs to be careful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Hey, Paul. Got a minute?", "Paul: Yeah, come on in. Hey, Brittany. So how'd it go at Fenmore's?", "J.T.: Ah, mystery solved.", "Paul: You caught the person who was stealing the merchandise?", "J.T.: One of the salesclerks, and actually, she had the customers do it, but she was making a nice little profit.", "Paul: You wanna explain that to me?", "J.T.: It's all right here.", "Brittany: J.T. recorded the whole thing.", "Paul: You're kidding.", "J.T.: No, no, listen for yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Nick: Wow.", "Sharon: Poor baby. You look so... stressed.", "Nick: Yeah, I've been at these numbers all day. They're starting to--who cares? You look hot.", "Sharon: Somebody needs to take a break.", "Nick: Yeah, maybe.", "Sharon: Maybe I can help.", "Nick: My wife and your magic fingers.", "Sharon: Better?", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Sharon: Nick, are you okay?", "Nick: I am now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reporter: Can you give us a statement, Mr. Fisher?", "Reporter #2: Did you know the man who attacked Miss Winters?", "Kevin: Wait, how did you even know about what I did?", "Reporter: Somebody called the newspaper.", "Reporter #2: Tipped us off about the fight at the new recreation center.", "Reporter: When we heard about the attack on Lily Winters, we wanted to meet the young man who saved her.", "Daniel: You're famous, Kevin.", "Kevin: It was just pure luck that I happened to be there.", "Reporter #2: You must be grateful to this man, Miss Winters.", "Lily: I am.", "Reporter: Do you have anything to say to him, Lily?", "Lily: Thank you, Kevin. You were really brave.", "Reporter #2: Sit down, Mr. Fisher. I'd like to do a quick bio.", "Kevin: Okay, um...", "Reporter #2: Tell me about yourself.", "Kevin: I grew up in Detroit, and there's no \"c\" in Fisher. It's just F-i-s-h- e-r.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I mean, words-- words probably are meaningless right now, right?", "Damon: No, no, no, they're not.", "Phyllis: I don't know what to say.", "Damon: What's there to say? Dead is dead, right?", "Phyllis: Right. When did he die?", "Damon: A long time ago.", "Phyllis: But not long enough to make the pain go away, right?", "Damon: Yeah, I don't suppose that'll ever happen.", "Phyllis: How old?", "Damon: 8. 8 years old, 8 years ago.", "Phyllis: Oh, so he would have been...", "Damon: 16.", "Phyllis: 16.", "Damon: Yeah. Like Daniel. And I can't tell you how many times that boy will say something or move or sit down and just his body language, his whole persona will just remind me of Elias.", "Phyllis: His name was Elias?", "Damon: Yeah. 'Lias. Elias.", "Phyllis: I'm surprised that you think Elias reminds you of Daniel.", "Damon: Why? Because he and I have issues?", "Phyllis: Uh, mm-hmm.", "Damon: I reckon that's my hang-up. I don't know. Uh... I guess I just think that every 16-year-old boy should be glad to be alive. It's a gift. It's a gift, you know? You're never more aware of that till that gift is taken away.", "Phyllis: How did it happen?", "Damon: He died, Phyllis. He's dead. What does it matter how it happened?", "Phyllis: Okay. I won't ask you any more questions if you don't want me to.", "Damon: I think the thing is I don't--I don't-- I don't know how to...", "Damon: It's so ugly, and it was put away so deep. And you, I know that you have been so patient with me, even while it was hurting you. I love you for that. I do. In fact, you deserve to know what this thing is that I've been carrying around.", "Damon: Or maybe--maybe now I just--I just need you to know.", "Damon: Um... he--we, uh, uh, I had-- I had been driving him home from--we'd been riding, and he had been finding his way around a touchy new horse, and, um, this boy loved horses.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Damon: He loved horses.", "Phyllis: Just like his Dad, right?", "Damon: Yeah, yeah. And he dreamed that he was gonna be an Olympic champion. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine that? Parenting with my hair colour.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: You know something, Dru? You have been trying to change my mind about this since day one.", "Dru: Damn straight I've been trying to get you to change your mind because being a part of a family is critical to this child.", "Neil: That's why it's not fair to dangle the carrot in front of him and then snatch it away. I mean, why would you let that boy think that this arrangement is anything but temporary?", "Dru: Do you think he would have made the progress that he's made if he thought that he was gonna be snatched away from our apartment the next day, Neil?", "Neil: At least that would have been honest.", "Dru: It would have been stupid. He needs to catch a break in his life.", "Neil: We've already done more for him than anyone else ever has.", "Dru: Why would we stop now? No one's gonna take a 16-year-old black boy, and you know it.", "Neil: Okay, what about Lily?! Who's gonna take care of Lily, huh? That's right, Dru. You have been so focused, so caught up in Devon. Devon this, Devon that. It's all about Devon. What about our daughter's needs, especially after what she's been through?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Gotta hand it to you, J.T. That's damn fine work. That's excellent.", "J.T.: Thanks, Paul*.", "Paul: Seriously. Very creative. You two make a very good team. I gotta go over to the new office. But I'm gonna be taking on some new cases very soon. Uh, there might be more work than I can handle alone, and I know you're back in school, but I hope I can count on you for some help.", "J.T.: Yeah, anytime. I'm there.", "Paul: Awesome. Congratulations.", "J.T.: Thank you.", "Paul: Both of you.", "Brittany: Thanks.", "Paul: Check's in the mail.", "J.T.: Oh, great. All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Jack, my angel, don't you think I'm a big enough girl to look after myself?", "Jack: Yes, I do. The question is, will you?", "Jill: Oh, my God. Are you gonna give me some more advice about steering clear of Elliot?", "Jack: No, not steering clear. Steering carefully.", "Jill: I told you, I'm keeping any eye on him, all right? I'm keeping an eye on how he's doing business over at chancellor. But is there a law that says I can't enjoy myself while I'm doing that?", "Jack: So you're definitely gonna see him socially again.", "Jill: Yeah, I'm seeing him for lunch tomorrow. Isn't that scandalous?", "Jack: While you're at it, don't neglect dear old Jabot. I got a lot of shares in this company.", "Jill: Yeah, so do I. Meanwhile, I'm the one standing here, waiting for the meeting to start.", "Jack: Jill, you bring a lot of energy, enthusiasm and professionalism to this place. You're a great asset.", "Jill: Thank you. I don't get told that very often these days.", "Jack: Well, you should. I'm outta here. Tell everyone I said hi.", "Jill: I will.", "Jack: Well, speak of the devil.", "Brad: What are you doing here?", "Jack: Haunting the halls, just haunting the halls. You all have a nice meeting.", "Brad: Haunting the hall.", "Jill: So very nice of you to show up. So what's all the fuss about? Hey, guys, what's up?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reporter #2: So I guess this is the Detroit boy's 15 minutes of fame.", "Kevin: (Laughs) well, I really didn't do anything all that incredible.", "Cassie: Are you kidding?", "Sierra: Yeah, God only knows what that jerk might have done to Lily if you hadn't run him off.", "Kevin: I'm just glad she's okay. That's all that matters.", "Daniel: Well, why don't you guys get a picture of Kevin and Lily together?", "Kevin: Uh, I don't know if that's...", "Sierra: Come on, Kevin. Lily won't mind, will you?", "Photographer: Okay with you, Miss Winters?", "Devon: Hey, Lily, you don't have to do this.", "Lily: No, it's okay. It's fine. Yeah.", "Reporter: Put your arm around her, Kevin.", "Lily: Who would have ever imagined we'd be having our picture taken together? And me thanking you for protecting me?", "Photographer: Big smile, kids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick:You know, I could hold you like this forever.", "Sharon: Well, so could I, but I have to get out there and help Trevor.", "Nick: No, no, no. Trevor's fine. Besides, I need another kiss.", "Sharon: Nick, really, come on.", "Nick: Hey, your kisses are like potato chips. I can't be satisfied with just one.", "Sharon: Uh-huh.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Sharon: I-I know that gleam in your eye. You're looking for more than just another kiss, aren't you?", "Nick: You mean this one?", "Sharon: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Oh, yeah, maybe I am.", "Sharon: I have to go check on Noah.", "Nick: Noah is fine. Cassie and Trevor are both looking after him.", "Sharon: You are a bad boy, Nicholas Newman.", "Nick: Well, maybe I need a spanking.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm, maybe I'm gonna give you one... later.", "Sharon: I love you.", "Nick: Love you, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: You haven't told me about Elias' mom.", "Damon: Adrianne. She's a warm, loving, beautiful woman.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. That's great. Your--your wife or girlfriend or...", "Damon: Wife.", "Phyllis: Your wife. Where is she now?", "Damon: No idea. I haven't spoken to her in years.", "Phyllis: Oh. Are you still married?", "Damon: Divorced.", "Phyllis: You're divorced.", "Damon: She couldn't bear to be around me after Elias' death.", "Phyllis: Wow. And that's when you two need each other the most.", "Damon: Mm, well, I wasn't exactly available then. I was a... pretty cheap excuse for a human being.", "Phyllis: Oh, I-I doubt that.", "Damon: Don't. When Elias was killed, a big piece of me was killed with him. I had no soul. I just wanted... I just wanted revenge, and it took over my entire life. I had nothing to offer a grieving mother. You know, if we had kept him home that day...", "Phyllis: Yeah. Right. I don't--but you still haven't told me what happened.", "Damon: Yeah. We left the stable, and we went to this fast food joint. You know kids and burgers...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm.", "Damon: And we were sitting out eating, talking about horses. You know, he had taken a fall off that skittish mare that day. She threw him. He was airborne. You know, boom. He climbed right back up on her and reined her in. I was very proud of him. And there were some fellas from the street just, uh, giving us a little grief. You know how fellas kinda do. You know, \"why don't you give me a dollar?\" \"Yo, man, where you get that shirt?\" We laughed it off till one of 'em got a little bit too smart, right? I just had to put him straight. It was no big thing, you know? I mean, I never-- I never thought...", "Damon: They're kids, right?", "Damon: So we're driving home, and, uh, I'm talking to him about what happened. I was telling him how some kids don't have things the way that he does. They're always gonna be a little angry, but they're never really angry at him. And he seemed to understand.", "Damon: I hear this sound. It's like a... (Snaps fingers) loud snap. It was, you know, it could've been anything--anything. And he cries out. I look over. There's just a little bit of blood, but he's tearing at his shirt like a--like a-- like a bee stung him or something.", "Phyllis: There was-- there was blood?", "Damon: They had followed us. I'm sure it was meant for me.", "Phyllis: The bullet was meant for you?", "Damon: I pulled the car over. They sped by us, sped away. People rushed to help, callin' an ambulance, callin' the police. And I'm sitting there. I got him in my arms. I'm pressing as hard as I can on this little hole he's got in his chest. I'm telling him I love him. He's, uh, looking around. He looks at me like, \"you got this under control, right?\" And I'm telling him I do, but really, I'm just watching him slip away. And, Phyllis, he knew. He knew that I was as helpless as he was. So he looks at me. He changes the subject. He looks at me... (Sobs)", "Phyllis: I'm sorry.", "Damon: He says... he says, \"I... I got right back up on that horse, didn't I?\"", "Damon: And he was gone.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry.", "Damon: Yeah. Huh. (Sniffles) you know, Phyllis... the world is full of \"I'm sorry's.\" Everybody just seems to be sorry.", "Damon: But all the tears you could cry in a lifetime aren't gonna bring him back, and the moment that reality sunk in, well, that's-- that's when my own little journey to hell began.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Ok, so we'll take the pinks and the whites, and we'll just less, less is more. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I could get used to this.", "Brittany: I hope you remember our agreement.", "J.T.: What are you talking about?", "Brittany: I help you with Fenmore's, you help me with my wedding.", "J.T.: Oh, yeah... that. You know, I was thinking. You really didn't do that much to bust that salesclerk.", "Brittany: What?! I was the one who discovered her little racket.", "J.T.: Only because she blabbed it to you.", "Brittany: So what? I notice she didn't come up to you. She didn't even want you involved. I had to talk her into it.", "J.T.: Yeah, still, though, I don't know--", "Brittany: J.T., don't you dare. We had a deal, and if you think you can back out now, you can just think again.", "J.T.: Hey, easy, easy, easy, princess. Easy. I was just kidding.", "Brittany: So you'll do it? You'll stand up for me?", "J.T.: Apparently I don't have a choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Don't stand there and accuse me of not being a good mother to our daughter, Neil.", "Neil: Well, she hasn't exactly been your number one priority lately, has she?", "Dru: (Sighs)", "Neil: Have you forgotten so quickly our daughter was drugged and practically violated by some stranger? It isn't a time to be bringing in another person into our family permanently, particularly someone who needs as much attention as Devon. It's not fair to Lily.", "Dru: Neil, I think you're looking at this the wrong way. He could be good for our family. You see how fond Lily is of him.", "Neil: Yeah, she's so fond, that's why I walked in on 'em holding hands, right?", "Dru: Oh, not that again. Please don't do that to me. You know, I brought that up to Lily. You know what she said? \"If Daddy thinks anything inappropriate is going on, he's crazy.\" That's what she said.", "Neil: Number one, um, you really gonna believe her? Number two--I know what I saw with my own ey-- honey, it's our responsibility to teach our daughter about healthy relationships. I don't see how we can do that with two teenagers with raging hormones living under one roof.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: All right, the chairman's here. We can get started.", "Jill: By all means, let's.", "John: Sorry to keep you waiting, Jill.", "Jill: That's all right. I'm getting used to a certain amount of disrespect around here.", "John: Jill, please, not today.", "Brad: You're not around enough to catch much flak, Jill.", "Jill: Oh, Bradley, I am here every day almost.", "Brad: \"Almost\" doesn't cut it.", "Ashley: Okay, look, this meeting is not about Jill's attendance record. She's a fine executive. She does a very good job.", "Jill: Thank you. All right, if Bradley's gotten all his digs in, what is the purpose of the meeting? What?", "Ashley: You're not gonna like it, Jill. After careful consideration of the situation, unfortunately, we have to cut the men's line.", "Jill: You mean cut it back.", "Brad: No, we mean drop it, discontinue it.", "Jill: Ashley, for God's sake, we built this line carefully and slowly and over a great many years, and you're just gonna drop it?", "John: The line is simply not pulling its weight.", "Jill: Today, maybe, but this is such short-term thinking. Three months without Jabot's men's line on the shelves, we'll never get it back.", "Brad: Give us a little credit, all right? We need the money we're going to save on the men's line for core Jabot development.", "Jill: Oh, I don't buy that.", "Brad: The way this works, you don't have to.", "Ashley: Hey, come on.", "John: Bradley.", "Ashley: Jill, this is not personal.", "Jill: You really expect me to buy that, huh?", "Brad: You know what, ash? The fact is, for me, there is a personal component to this.", "Jill: All right, who are you? Bradley Carlton, ex-pool boy, who married into money twice? Now you're just swinging your weight around, showing everybody who's got the power. My God, Ashley, you must be so proud to be married to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Would it kill you to show a little enthusiasm?", "J.T.: Well, I'm sorry I'm not excited about being your best man of... of... honor or whatever. You know, can't you find somebody else?", "Brittany: I don't want somebody else. I want you.", "J.T.: Brittany, I don't know anything about planning a wedding.", "Brittany: I didn't ask you to plan it. I just want your help.", "J.T.: I can't help.", "Brittany: Of course you can. It's not that hard.", "J.T.: Oh, yeah, that's easy for you to say. You know, chicks are, like, programmed for that kind of stuff. I don't know anything about picking out flowers and colors and... Brittany, I can't help you. It's gonna be a disaster. I'll ruin your wedding. Is that what you want?", "Brittany: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to scare me into letting you off the hook. Well, forget it. Planning a wedding is a ton of work, and I need someone who I can trust, someone who's gonna give me an honest opinion.", "J.T.: How about Bobby? You know, your fiancé? Why don't you get him to help?", "Brittany: Because he's too busy with the club.", "J.T.: Have you even asked him?", "Brittany: I don't wanna bother him.", "J.T.: It's his wedding, too, Brittany.", "Brittany: He will be fine if I plan all the details.", "J.T.: Are you okay with that?", "Brittany: It's the way things are. Now can I count on you or not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: That was fast.", "Sharon: It's like a zoo out there. There's two reporters, there's a photographer taking photos. It's all good for business, though.", "Nick: What's going on?", "Sharon: Media hoopla, all to do with what happened to Lily Winters at the Rec Center.", "Nick: Oh. Some scary stuff.", "Sharon: Yeah. Well, anyway, I thought you could use a hot caffeine fix.", "Nick: A cold shower would be more appropriate.", "Sharon: You have a one-track mind, Newman.", "Nick: I was, you know, fantasizing about you earlier.", "Sharon: Oh, really? And what did I do in this fantasy of yours?", "Nick: Oh, you were, um, massaging me.", "Sharon: Oh? Like this?", "Nick: Yep. Just like that.", "Sharon: Mm-hmm. And what else?", "Nick: Well, then you, you know, started... moving to the front and a little lower and, uh...", "Sharon: Oh. Mmm. Well, it sounds like we have some unfinished business.", "Nick: We do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Reporter: Well, we better pack up and get back to our computers.", "Reporter #2: Yeah, we've got a great human interest story to write.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "Cassie: Um, I'm gonna check up on my brother. You guys want refills?", "Sierra: Um, I'm good, thanks.", "Daniel: So, pal, how's it feel?", "Kevin: What?", "Daniel: Being a celebrity.", "Kevin: Knock it off.", "Daniel: You're modest, too. You know, if this were me, right now I'd be flexing my muscles all over the place.", "Kevin: Ohh. Hmm. Hey, have you heard anything from you-know-who?", "Daniel: No, thank God, and let's hope that it stays that way.", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Daniel: Guess I spoke a little too soon.", "Devon: Hey, where you going, man?", "Daniel: See a guy about a dog.", "Alex: Hi.", "Daniel: What the hell you think you're doing here?", "Alex: Free country, Danny boy. I have the right to be wherever I want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Now, Jill, I understand you're reacting so emotional to this. You worked on--", "Jill: Emotional hell, John! This is business. The men's line is crucial to Jabot's presence in the marketplace. I-it is a huge percentage of our customer base, for God's sake. And just because he says, \"I don't get up early enough in the morning,\" you're gonna drop it? That is insane.", "John: Oh, for goodness sakes, this is not Brad's idea. Now we approached this as a group, and we made the decision as a group.", "Jill: Oh, you did? And what about including me?", "Brad: We knew what your vote would be.", "Jill: What about my argument, Bradley? Oh, you didn't want to hear that, did you? You didn't want to hear the logic in this situation 'cause you'd already made up all your minds.", "John: That's just enough. Now calm down.", "Jill: I will not calm down. When you threw Jack out of here for a few of Victor Newman's lousy, dirty dollars and split up his responsibilities, I didn't complain, and I'll tell you why. Because of my devotion to the men's line. And now you're dumping the men's line? What, are you gonna dump me next?", "Ashley: You still have the Ashley line to manage, and you're the head of our special projects department.", "Jill: Special projects? What special projects are there gonna be if you can't keep your bread-and-butter lines running?", "John: Oh.", "Jill: John, they have convinced you that this is not a very personal, vindictive act, but I'm telling you, if you think about it, you're gonna realize this is not about Jabot's survival. This is political assassination.", "John: Oh, dear.", "Jill: You know what? I can't think about this right now. I got too many people to talk to. I got all the people who sell our men's line. I got all the people who manufacture the pro-- you know what? I'm sure they all join me in thanking you so very much.", "John: Oh, man, I'll tell you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brittany: Well, are you gonna give me an answer?", "J.T.: Oh, how the hell did I get myself into this?", "Brittany: Is that a yes?", "J.T.: Okay. Yes, I will help you with your wedding.", "Brittany: Thank you. Thank you!", "J.T.: I never should've loaned you that crayon.", "Brittany: What crayon?", "J.T.: You know, back in kindergarten, when I shared my crayons with you? I never woulda guessed us becoming friends would be so hard.", "Brittany: That was eons ago. How the heck do you remember that?", "J.T.: Well, I remember a lot of things.", "Brittany: Stop it, J.T.", "J.T.: All right. All right. I guess we better go. Maybe we can, uh, stop by the video store. After you.", "Brittany: What for?", "J.T.: Well, we'll rent \"The Godfather,\" get some wedding ideas.", "Brittany: Knock it off.", "J.T.: Ow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Dru, I'm not saying anything right now that I haven't said before.", "Dru: No, you're not. So just spill, Neil, say what's on your mind. Stop hiding behind our daughter. You don't want the boy living with us, plain and simple.", "Neil: We are not in a position to be taking on the responsibilities of another child, not now. The timing is all wrong.", "Dru: But the timing's never gonna be right, Neil this is just a convenient way for you to avoid saying something cruel.", "Neil: You knew this was coming.", "Dru: Neil, I never gave up hope that you wouldn't turn the corner, that you wouldn't see the light and realize what a difference we could make in this boy's life. Do you realize that Devon is starting to feel like he matters in somebody's life?", "Neil: You know, honey, if you'd have been honest, we wouldn't be in this predicament.", "Dru: But it was my honesty that got us into this predicament. Neil, when I held him, he felt that, he knew that. No, I will not tell him that he's not welcome in our house. You're gonna have to do that. I want no part of dashing this boy's dreams.", "Neil: What are you talking about? Where are you--", "Dru: No, I won't do it. I don't want any part of this tragedy. Do you understand me? I will not do it, Neil. You do--I gotta get ready for a business trip.", "Neil: So it's like that, huh?", "Neil: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: This all must be pretty weird for you, huh?", "Lily: Feeling like I owe Kevin something? Yeah, just a little.", "Devon: Well, you know, we could go home if you're tired. I mean, you did just get out of the hospital.", "Lily: No, it's okay. I'm fine. You don't have to be so protective.", "Devon: Well, I kinda like watchin' out for you. I mean, that's what family does, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Look, man, why don't you take my advice and get outta he before somebody sees you?", "Alex: You think I'm gonna take advice from a rich pretty boy like you?", "Daniel: Oh, damn it, Alex. You know, you're gonna blow this whole thing?", "Alex: Mm-hmm. Looks like your little friend's a big shot now, huh? Guess we'll have to see about that.", "Daniel: Yeah? What's that supposed to mean?", "Alex: Bitch Mom of yours, you let her slap me like that- you really owe me now.", "Daniel: You know, why don't you just lay off and give me a break?", "Alex: Stay cool, Danny boy. We'll talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So how are you feeling?", "Lily: Okay. So you like all this publicity, huh?", "Kevin: Yeah, it's good. It's good. How long have you been out of the hospital?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Is there... is there anything else you want to tell me?", "Damon: Yeah.", "Damon: After the funeral, I lived for only one reason. I was gonna find my son's killer and make him pay for what he'd done. I spent days, weeks, months dreaming about what I'd do to him when I found him. I wanted it to be painful. I wanted him to feel my agony. I was consumed with the thought of it. I-I let go of everything else in my life. Adrianne--she tried to reach out. I pushed her away. Ultimately, she had to turn her back on the-- the human being, if you want to call it that, that I had become. She--she wouldn't take part in my vendetta, so I didn't have any interest, any time for her. She was just an obstacle in my path.", "Phyllis: Right. I mean, that guy that you're describing doesn't really sound like you.", "Damon: Understand something, Elias' killer was arrested, tried, convicted and jailed. It wasn't enough for me I wanted more.", "Phyllis: Right. But you got over that.", "Damon: That's what I'm trying to tell you. That rage... is still right here. The Damon Porter you know, that man... that man is a facade. All the-- the contemplative lifestyle filled with the study of religions, meditation, therapy, zen-- all of them attempting to teach one to let go of the things that one cannot change-- and I-I do, I do try to live my life that way...", "Damon: But it's not real. Because in my heart, in my soul, I am so angry. I am so angry. I am angry. I am angry at you because you have a son. I'm angry because he's gone and I can't have him back, and I miss him! I miss him! ! I miss him! I miss... I am so angry that there are days I could tear somebody's eyes out. There are days when it takes all the strength that I have just to be civil, just to be congenial, when all I want to do is hate and rage.", "Damon: There are days... when all my practiced control-- you know, my practiced cool-- it slips a little.", "Damon: Days when I'm not so sure I got this monster in his cage. And I don't ever want to let him out. I don't want to be that Damon Porter. I don't want you ever to meet him. You wouldn't like him.", "Damon: Oh, Phyllis...", "Damon: If I ever, ever come across the man who killed my son, God help me, I will tear his heart out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Yeah, Joe, what is it?", "Joe: I wanted to let you know, that gangbanger-- he's coming up for parole again. This time it looks like he may get it.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Does it ever occur to you that everything in my life does not revolve around you?", "Harrison: I'm Harrison Bartlett. I believe you know my stepfather.", "Kay: I do?" ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Chloe is at the coffeehouse when Philip comes in and interrupts her breakfast. Philip tells her that he is there to meet Nina. Chloe inquires of Philip if he had seen Chance on television. J.T. and Colleen meet at the Athletic Club and she tells him of her new job. JT hugs her. Victoria watches them from around the corner. Kay visits Victor at the Newman mansion and inquires of him if he had heard from Nikki. Nina walks into the coffeehouse and sees Chance and Chloe together. Pomerantz reprimands Chance for his actions of the previous day and how Chance had endangered Jack's life. Chloe listens to their conversation. Nina tells Philip that she wished that Chance was seeing someone else but Chloe. J.t. lets Colleen know that his wife and child come first. After J.T. leaves Victoria steps out in front of Colleen. Colleen urges Victoria not to throw J.T. away. Victor remembers his conversation with Nikki when she had told him that he was the only man that she would ever love. Ashley listens from inside as Victor tells Kay about his conversation with Nikki. Ashley relives the last few days and wonders if she hadn't' hit Sabrina then who had she hit.", "Nina watches Chloe with Chance. Chloe tries to assure Chance that what had happened with patty was not his fault. Chloe lets Chance know that she and Billy hadn't' signed the divorce papers. Colleen visits Lily and brings her a gift. Ashley visits with Colleen's mother. Philip gets down on one knee and asks Nina to be his best friend. Nina interrupts Chance and Chloe's conversation to confront Chloe about Chloe's dating Chance. Philip apologizes to Chance for his past actions. Ashley and Colleen's Mom hug.", "" ]
[ "Chloe: Yes, I did see Chance on the news. Did he look hot, or what? Oh, Mom, what is wrong with dating Chance to make Billy jealous? Shh, shh, shh. Who doesn't appreciate a little man candy now and then, right? (Sighs) I'm not going to hurt him. Once Billy realizes what he's lost, I'll find someone perfect for Chance. Yeah, right? (Scoffs) Mom, you're-- um, I-I'll call you back. I gotta go. Okay. Hey, stranger.", "Phillip: Oh, hey, Chloe.", "Chloe: Why don't you pull up a seat, sit down?", "Phillip: I'm meeting Nina here, but I'm-- I guess I'm a few minutes early.", "Chloe: Oh, uh, well, perfect timing, 'cause I'm actually expecting Chance any minute, really.", "Phillip: Then maybe Nina and I should, uh, go someplace else.", "Chloe: No, no. Come on, don't be silly. We're all adults, right? Sit down. Hey, did you see your son on TV, protecting the streets of Genoa City, and that crazy Mary Jane Benson? Weird.", "Phillip: (Chuckles) I saw it all on TV.", "Chloe: You must be really proud.", "Phillip: Very proud.", "Chloe: You know, I think you should tell him. This might just be the perfect opening for the two of you to smooth things out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Thank you so much, Dean Whitman. I hope to hear from you soon. Okay, bye.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Colleen: Hi.", "J.T.: What's got you so happy?", "Colleen: A job-- art history teaching at the university.", "J.T.: You, a teacher?", "Colleen: Well, I passed the interview. They just have to do some last-minute reference checks, so...", "J.T.: Is that right? Wow. Well, I, uh, predict a sudden surge of male interest in art history.", "Colleen: (Chuckles) I am so excited. I can finally put everything Newman- related behind me once and for all.", "J.T.: That's great, Colleen.", "Colleen: Oh.", "J.T.: Congratulations. That's awesome.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Would you like something to eat?", "Lily: No, thanks.", "Cane: Thirsty?", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: Do you want to watch TV?", "Lily: Can you stop pestering me? I just want to lie down here and be left alone.", "Cane: Just let me know if you need anything, okay?", "Lily: (Sighs) I don't mean to bite your head off. It's just this fever won't go away even with the meds. I keep getting hot flashes. I can't leave the house. I can't even see my friends, and I keep telling myself, \"It's just a week. I'll get through it.\" But it's not just one week. It is weeks, months. It's like I don't know how people get through this. I'm just-- (Sighs) I'm not strong enough.", "Cane: I bet you everyone who goes through chemo says the same thing, but I know you're gonna make it. You know why? It's because--", "Lily: Don't say it. Do not say that I am a fighter. I don't want to hear it. I don't know how I'm gonna get through the next 24 hours, let alone the next 24 weeks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Gasps) (Sighs) (Groans)", "Victor: Are you all right, Sweetheart?", "Ashley: Oh. Oh, another nightmare.", "Victor: That's the second one in the last 24 hours. I thought I'd helped you understand that you had nothing to fear from Sabrina.", "Ashley: I know. I believe you, I do. I just don't-- who did I see then? Who was that?", "Victor: But where, in your nightmare?", "Ashley: (Sighs) I'm still half asleep. (Sighs) I'm just confused. I'm gonna go on upstairs for a little bit.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victor: Bardwell, where the hell is my package?", "(Hangs up telephone)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Victor: Katherine.", "Kay: Uh, Victor, we, uh, we need to talk.", "Victor: I don't mean to be impolite, but can we do it out here? 'Cause Ashley is not feeling well at all.", "Kay: Well, sure.", "Victor: Okay.", "Kay: Have you seen Nikki since we last spoke?", "Victor: No, I haven't.", "Kay: No one else has, either.", "Victor: Well, but why are you wondering about that? She wanted to be alone.", "Kay: Well, explain why she hasn't been in touch with her children or me. That's not like Nikki.", "Victor: It isn't, is it? Huh.", "Kay: I have a gut feeling something is wrong. Victor, we need to find her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I swear, if my dad and Devon tell me one more time that I'm a fighter...", "Cane: (Scoffs) Well, in that case, those words will never cross my lips ever again, okay? But I know in my heart that you will get through these next 24 weeks, and you know why? It has nothing to do with how strong you are.", "Lily: Oh, I'm boiling again.", "(Sighs)", "Cane: It has everything to do with the fact...", "Lily: (Sniffles)", "Cane: You have a couple of frozen eggs that are waiting for you, and one day, they're gonna grow up and be your children.", "Lily: (Sighs) Kids. (Sighs) It doesn't even seem possible.", "Cane: But they are, and when you think that you can't get through another day, I want you to think about them.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: I want you to think about your son. I want you to think about your daughter and how beautiful she's going to be and how she's gonna have some overprotective father that won't want her to be a model like her mom, 'cause in the grand scheme of things, you may not believe that you are the strongest woman that I know, but you will be to your kids, 'cause there is no one stronger to a child than their mom.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Well, whoever their father is... (Sighs) He'll be incredible. He'd have to be to love them as much as I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "J.T.: Well, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time.", "Colleen: (Sighs) And, you know, the best part is I'm gonna be working in a Newman-free zone. So unless Noah decides to take art history in a couple of years, I am never gonna have to deal with them again.", "J.T.: (Chuckles)", "Colleen: You know, you should take a page out of my book and make yourself Newman-free.", "J.T.: Yeah, well, that's, uh, kind of difficult when you're married to one.", "Colleen: Right.", "J.T.: But look, I--like I said before, I want my marriage to work. I love my wife. I want to grow old with her. So tell me, h-how does one go about celebrating a new teaching job?", "Colleen: (Chuckles) Well, this someone's gonna go visit Lily, and then I'm just gonna go get out of town for a couple of days. You know, remind myself what it's like to be Colleen Carlton, not Colleen Carlton \"The home wrecker.\"", "J.T.: You're not a home wrecker.", "Colleen: I think Victoria would disagree.", "J.T.: Well, look, uh, I gotta go. I'm working a case.", "Colleen: Well, I'll call you when I get back, I guess.", "J.T.: Enjoy your solitude, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Why are you so worried about Nikki?", "Kay: Well, I've called all of her friends. Victoria spoke to Casey. Even her sister hasn't-- hasn't heard a word from her since the wedding was called off. Now I-I-it just comes right back to when she came here that night. What happened?", "Victor: But we have discussed that before.", "Kay: Look, Darling, we'll have to discuss it again. Damn it, she lost her sobriety in the past over you, and she may be even in more serious trouble.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Kay: Now come on, tell me, what happened?", "Victor: Katherine, all she said was that she was not about to marry Paul. That's it.", "Kay: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Hello.", "Phillip: Hey, uh...", "Chloe: Hi.", "Phillip: It looks like we picked a hot spot. Chloe is meeting Chance right here.", "Chloe: Mm-hmm.", "Nina: Oh, I thought he was working.", "Chloe: Oh, yeah, there-- there he is right now. I'm gonna go-- um, hey, would you mind keeping an eye on her?", "Phillip: Yeah, sure.", "Chloe: Yeah?", "Phillip: Sure.", "Chloe: Thanks.", "Owen: Do you have any idea what a difficult position you've put me in?", "Chance: I am very sorry, Mr. Pomerantz.", "Owen: Look, the D.A.'s office signed off on breaking sanctuary 'cause I thought Jack Abbott was in danger.", "Chance: Yes, Sir.", "Owen: (Sighs) Have you found out anything else about Patty Williams' accomplice?", "Chance: No, Sir, but we are currently working on it.", "Owen: How could your men just let the nuns walk out without checking them?", "Chance: Sir, I am sorry about that. I promise you, it-- it won't happen again.", "Owen: You bet it won't. I don't care who you're related to.", "Chance: (Sighs) (Sighs) Hey, hi.", "Chloe: Hi.", "Nina: Hi.", "Chance: Um, were we supposed to be meeting today?", "Nina: No, no, your father and I are just having coffee.", "Chance: Okay.", "Chloe: Yeah, it's just a coincidence.", "(Laughs sarcastically)", "Nina: I think you did a wonderful job at the church, saving Paul and Jack from getting hurt, absolutely. I saw everything on TV.", "Chance: Thanks. I'm just glad you didn't worry about me.", "Nina: Three tours in Iraq-- no, this is nothing compared to that.", "(Laughs)", "Phillip: I'm-- I'm proud of you, son.", "Chance: Thanks. Would you excuse us for a second?", "Nina: Of course, please.", "Chance: Great, thanks. Do you mind?", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Chance: All right.", "Chloe: Whoops, excuse me. Sorry.", "(Laughs)", "Chance: All right, I'll be back, okay?", "Nina: Yeah.", "Chance: All right, great.", "Nina: I wish he was seeing anyone else but Chloe.", "Phillip: She seems sweet.", "Nina: Yeah, well, she can snowball anybody.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: You just missed J.T.", "Victoria: I know.", "Colleen: Were you spying on us? Because whatever you thought you saw, you're wrong, okay? I just got a job, and J.T. was congratulating me, telling me, again, how much he loves his wife and son.", "Victoria: Now why would that even come up unless you were throwing yourself at my husband?", "Colleen: (Scoffs) Oh, my God. What is your problem? Seriously, you have to pull yourself together, because if you don't, you're gonna lose J.T. believe me, no one knows it better than his ex-girlfriend who used to cheat on him. I didn't realize what I had. Don't be stupid. Don't throw him away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Did she come to any kind of decision?", "Victor: Yeah.", "[Victor remembering]", "Nikki: I called off the wedding. I'm not gonna marry Paul. It wouldn't be fair to him when I still love someone else. It's as simple as that.", "Victor: Are you saying what I think you're saying?", "Nikki: I'm saying only this. I have only loved one man with my entire soul, and that man is you, and it doesn't matter how many other women you may marry or how many children you might bring into this world. I believe that deep down, you know in your heart that you'll never, ever love another woman like me. Victor, no one, no one loves you, could ever love you, the way I have.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: And that is all that I have come here to say tonight, that and to say good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: The night she left Paul, Nikki came here to tell me that she still loved me.", "Kay: What did you say to her? Did you turn her away?", "Victor: (Sighs) Katherine, I have Ashley and the baby to think about, okay?", "Kay: But, Victor, the woman came here. She poured her heart out to you, and you dismissed her?", "Victor: Well, let me ask you something. What would you want me to do, hmm?", "Kay: (Scoffs) Victoria's worried sick about her mother. So am I, and it's not at all like Nikki to just disappear.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Kay: (Sighs) I-I-I'm sorry. I just-- I'd like to think you would be a little bit more concerned, considering it's your anniversary weekend.", "Victor: It is what?", "Kay: Have you forgotten? I can't believe you don't care.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Kay: What's happened to you, my friend, hmm? What's happened to you?", "Victor: Thanks for coming by. Thank you for coming by.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[Victor remembering]", "Nikki: But above all, I will love you forever, and I promise to honor this pledge as long as life and faith...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Endure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: (Breathing heavily) No, Nikki was not here the night of the storm. Victor's wrong. Sabrina was sitting right here. She said my baby was gone, and then I just kept hearing it over and over in my head when I was driving. It was raining really hard. I could barely see through the windshield. (Sniffles) And then I lost control of the car, and then I saw her again. I think I hit her.", "[Ashley remembering]", "Victor: Sabrina didn't fake her death.", "Ashley: How can you be so sure about that? I mean, how do you really know for sure?", "Victor: How do I really know? I was at the hospital after the wreck. Do you understand? I was there when she miscarried. Who do you think told her that she had a miscarriage, that she had lost the baby, my baby? Who do you think told her that? I did. And then she died. I saw her grow weaker and weaker, and then she died, and I held her in my arms, and I felt how she grew cold. Do you understand that? And I saw how she was lowered into a casket, and then the casket was lowered into the ground.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Sabrina's dead. I did not hit Sabrina. Sabrina's dead. Who did I hit?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: Why don't you like Chloe?", "Nina: Well, for one thing, she's obsessed with your little brother.", "Phillip: She and Billy have a kid, so...", "Nina: Well, then she should leave Chance alone. She's gonna break his heart.", "Phillip: Like I did yours?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You ordered your men to cover the church exits, so Mary Jane escaping was not your fault.", "Chance: I was in charge. I made certain mistakes, mistakes that I will learn from, so it won't happen again. Okay, there you go.", "Chloe: Wow, you just wipe the slate clean like that? That's impressive. I could never do that.", "Chance: Basically. What do you mean you couldn't do that? You already have done that. You signed the divorce papers, didn't you?", "Chloe: Yeah, um, about that. I--", "Chance: You did sign the papers, didn't you?", "Chloe: (Sighs) Um, no, I...", "Chance: The other day, you had just told me that-- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume that, uh...", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Chance: Did I ever tell you the story about, uh... (Chuckles) It was my second or third birthday, and I wouldn't stop touching the icing on the cake. Ugh.", "Chloe: No.", "(Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Oh, it--stop. (Laughs) It smells like a dentist's office in here.", "Lily: (Laughs) Sorry, my \"Cancierge\" doesn't let anyone in unless they pass inspection.", "Cane: (Laughs) Well, I'm gonna let you ladies have some, uh, girl time, okay?", "Lily: Okay, thank you.", "Cane: All right.", "Lily: (Chuckles) Hi.", "Colleen: (Sighs) How do you look so gorgeous without hair? It's not fair.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Colleen: Okay, for you!", "Lily: Wow, a present?", "Colleen: Yes.", "Lily: (Gasps) Oh, wow. It's really soft.", "Colleen: Yeah, it's from Fenmore's, if you want to return it, and, uh, Lauren says hi.", "Lily: Aw.", "Colleen: So all you need is a fabulous pair of earrings, and you can go anywhere.", "Lily: (Scoffs) Yeah, if I ever stop feeling like crap. (Sighs) This fever won't go away.", "Colleen: What did the doctor say about it?", "Lily: Um... (Sighs) I'm on antibiotics, but, anyways, enough about me. How are you?", "Colleen: Well, I have some news. I am gonna be teaching art history at G.C.U.!", "Lily: (Gasps) Really?", "Colleen: Yeah. Well, it's not official yet, but, uh, Dean Whitman really wants me to have the job. He's just gotta check my references. Oh, and guess who gave me a glowing referral?", "Lily: Who?", "Colleen: Adrian.", "Lily: Well, that is the least that he could do.", "Colleen: Well, I'm gonna be gone for a few days, but when I get back, we have to celebrate, okay?", "Lily: Okay. We can go wig shopping.", "Colleen: That's perfect. (Laughs) We should get fuchsia wigs, 'cause I've always wanted pink hair.", "Lily: (Sighs) Sorry. I'm so tired.", "Colleen: Okay, when I was young and Mom and I went to New York, my dad gave me this angel for good luck, and after he passed away, it was just a little reminder that he was looking over me. So it's for you.", "Lily: Colleen, I can't take that.", "Colleen: You're right. Cane would want me to disinfect it.", "Lily: (Laughs)", "Colleen: There we go. Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Aw.", "Colleen: And it is on loan. You give it back to me when you go into remission.", "Lily: You mean \"If.\"", "Colleen: Hey, don't argue with me, okay? I've already lost someone this year, and I'm not prepared to lose someone else I love.", "Colleen: And God and I had a little talk, and he knows the score. We have an understanding.", "Lily: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Hello, Victor.", "Victor: Traci, Ashley didn't tell me that you were in town.", "Traci: Well, she doesn't know that I'm here. I understand you're running defense against my brothers.", "Victor: Were you in on their plot to have her committed?", "Traci: Well, considering my sister's history, I thought she should at least be evaluated.", "Victor: Well, thank God our psychiatrist didn't see it that way. You and I know what would have happened to Ashley if she had been committed.", "Traci: Yes, trust me, I think I do. (Sighs) How is she now?", "Victor: She's fine.", "Traci: Well, do you mind if I see for myself?", "Victor: Uh, she's resting right now.", "Traci: I won't take no for an answer.", "Victor: Well, Traci, you will take whatever I give you, okay? But since you're such a nice person and I happen to be in a good mood, come on in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Thank you.", "(Cell phone beeps)", "Colleen: Oh.", "Lily: Is it the job?", "Colleen: No, it's my mom. She's here visiting Ashley. Do you mind?", "Lily: No, go. I have Cane waiting on me hand and foot.", "Colleen: (Chuckles)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Colleen: Oh, this is the job. Hello, Dean Whitman.", "Colleen: But... (Scoffs) What about all my references and the--the letter from Professor Korbel? I d-- listen, if-- if you could just let me explain, okay? That--that really wasn't me. Okay. Okay, thank you for the help anyway. Okay, good-bye.", "Lily: What happened?", "Colleen: The Dean searched my name on three search engines, and guess what showed up at the top of all three?", "Lily: The Genoa City hottie video?", "Colleen: You know, all I wanted to do is get away from the Newmans and start my life over, and because of my freaking godfather, I can't even get a teaching position.", "Lily: Oh, well, you know, it--maybe--it's just a-- it's just a setback, okay?", "Colleen: No. No, this is a setup. No, I'm never gonna live this video down. (Sighs) My mom's at the Newman ranch. I'm gonna go over there.", "Lily: Well, the last thing you want to do is run into Victor.", "Colleen: I couldn't think of a better time to see that S.O.B.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So what are you doing here?", "Traci: Well, I-I came to see my sister.", "Traci: Um, Victor, do you think that we could have just a couple of moments alone, please?", "Victor: All right.", "Ashley: It's okay.", "Victor: I'll wait downstairs.", "Ashley: So you and Jack and Billy wanted to have me locked up.", "Traci: Uh, w-we thought that it would be best to just have you evaluated.", "Ashley: The psychiatrist said I was fine.", "Traci: Ashley, why aren't you taking my calls?", "Ashley: Traci, you're making something out of nothing.", "Traci: (Scoffs) We've been down this road before. New York wasn't \"Nothing.\"", "Ashley: Look, don't talk to me about New York. I lived it, and I know what I was like after Robert, and this is different. I am not crazy, okay? Estella was trying to make me think I was, and there were times when I doubted myself, but I'm fine now. I am perfectly sane, Traci.", "Traci: Honey, look at you.", "Ashley: (Sobs)", "Traci: If you're so sure of your sanity, why are you shaking like a leaf?", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: For years, I felt guilty about what I did to you and Cricket.", "Phillip: We did terrible things to each other, but that's--that's in the past. Hey, uh, I followed your career.", "Nina: You did?", "Phillip: I did. I did. I subscribed to a Hollywood magazine.", "Nina: (Laughs)", "Phillip: And I kept tabs on you.", "Nina: Didn't you ever think about your son?", "Phillip: Every day.", "Nina: Why didn't you come back? I mean, you must have thought about it.", "Phillip: You know, stir up everything? No.", "Nina: Well, I think you missed out. We could have gone clubbing, fought over boyfriends.", "Phillip: Well, I guess it turned out the way that it was supposed to turn out then.", "Nina: Oh, just keep telling yourself that.", "Phillip: Look, the proof is right there. It's right there.", "Nina: He is pretty great, isn't he?", "Phillip: Yeah, so I think everything that happened happened--happened for the best.", "Nina: What are you doing?", "Phillip: Nina Webster-- Nina Webster, will you do me the honor of not being my wife?", "Nina: (Laughs)", "(Laughing)", "Phillip: And instead, will you please be my best friend?", "Nina: Would you get up?", "Phillip: Will you be my best friend?", "Nina: Get up.", "Phillip: Will you be my best friend?", "Nina: Yes, okay, fine, I will.", "Phillip: Great.", "Nina: Just get up, get in your chair, and don't ever do that to me again.", "Phillip: (Laughs) All right. Uh-oh, what's that look? What's that look about? He is too old for you to be playing mama bear.", "Nina: Not when my cub is in danger.", "Phillip: Nina.", "Chance: (Speaking indistinctly)", "Chloe: Whatever, I'm gonna help you out. I'm gonna help you out.", "Chance: I get that a lot.", "Nina: Hi, excuse me. Um, could I talk to Chloe for just a second? It's just business. It's the, um, screenplay.", "Chance: Sure. Um, can I get you a refill?", "Chloe: Yeah, uh, decaf, please.", "Chance: Okay, be right back.", "Chloe: Okay. Uh, what are you talking about? We don't have any business?", "Nina: We do if you're gonna go ahead with this plan to seduce my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Where's Colleen?", "Lily: She left.", "Cane: It makes me so happy to see you smile.", "Lily: Do you believe in angels?", "Cane: Maybe. Do you?", "Lily: I think I have a guardian angel or two.", "Cane: Yeah. You have your mom.", "Lily: And you.", "Cane: (Chuckles) uh, I don't think this is the face of an angel.", "Lily: Well, I think it is.", "Cane: Oh, germs.", "Lily: (Scoffs)", "Cane: (Chuckles) (Clears throat) (Grunts)", "Lily: Do you think that you could find some nicer-smelling sanitizer, please?", "(Chuckles)", "Cane: You got it, anything you want. Anything else?", "Lily: Will you hold me?", "Cane: Come here.", "(Grunts)", "(Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phillip: Chance, I sounded like an idiot back there.", "Chance: I don't know what you mean, Sir.", "Phillip: I've got no right to play the proud dad. Just for the record, I never knew my father. He died before I was born, so what a father sounds like to me is something out of a sitcom. So, uh... okay, let me do this again. Let me just be me, all right? (Sighs) All my life, whenever things have been rough or scary, my instinct has been to run. I saw the assistant D.A. just ream you out, and you didn't run. You didn't back down. You faced it. I was proud when I saw you on TV, but I'm so proud that you can face your life.", "Chance: Hold on a second.", "Chloe: Uh, it's a coffee and a croissant.", "Nina: Chloe, I'm not stupid, all right? You're trying to make Billy jealous with my son.", "Chloe: You don't know the first thing about me.", "Nina: Oh, news flash. I was you, all right? You've met your match.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Thank you.", "J.T.: Hey. Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "J.T.: I didn't expect to see you here.", "Victoria: Are you working?", "J.T.: Yeah, yeah.", "Victoria: Are you looking for Paul's sister?", "J.T.: Let's not talk about that again, okay?", "Victoria: Why, because you think that somehow she's connected to my father?", "J.T.: No, I just don't want to argue. Just wait for me, and we'll grab a bite, all right?", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Kay: Oh, Victoria. Oh, thank God you're here.", "Victoria: Hi, Katherine.", "Kay: All right, now listen, I just came from seeing Victor. I'm afraid your mother's in very serious, serious trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I just feel like my entire family has turned against me, and I don't need you whispering behind my back. I need you to support me.", "Traci: (Sighs) Ashley, I want to, but you keep shutting me out. I mean, why do you think I came all this way? I wanted to see for myself what was going on. I didn't want to just take Jack's word for it, and honestly, Ashley, I am really concerned. Um, whether you were hallucinating or whether you were a victim, you can't deny that living in this house is breaking you. I know you think that Victor and Adam are helping. Okay, but you have to ask yourself, are things getting better, or are they worse? I'm afraid that the next time I see you, my sister won't even exist.", "Ashley: I'm not going anywhere. Stop it. I'm not. I'm stronger because of everything I've gone through in the past. Traci, it's not gonna happen again. I know how to take care of myself now, and what I need is my sister to talk to, to count on, and then I'll be able to do it. Do you understand? I'll be able to come through this. Do you understand that? (Sniffles) I need you to believe that. I need you to believe in me.", "Traci: (Sighs) Ashley, I do, I do, I do, Honey.", "Ashley: (Sobs) What I don't understand is...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: (Groans) (Groans) I'm soaking wet.", "Cane: Yeah. I think your fever broke.", "Lily: (Sighs)", "Cane: The antibiotics have done their magic. It's over.", "Lily: (Sighs) Yeah, for now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Cream cheese, tomatoes and olive sandwiches.", "Phillip: What?", "Chance: On white bread. First time I asked Mom for that, she started crying.", "Phillip: (Laughs) That was my favorite.", "Chance: That's what she said. Maybe I got a few genes from your end of the gene pool.", "Chloe: Uh, you should know that I'm not an amateur, and you're not the first mother from hell I've ever dealt with.", "Nina: Who, Jill? (Chuckles) Jill's a lightweight. You get your hooks out of my son, or you're asking for trouble.", "Chance: Everything cool?", "Chloe: Yeah, your mother and I were just getting to know each other a little better.", "Chance: That's great.", "Chloe: Yeah. Okay, well, you know what? I'm--I'm actually running really late. Um, I have some legal documents I have to deal with. It was really great to see you, and, uh, I'll catch you at home.", "Nina: Excellent.", "Chance: Uh...", "Chloe: Bye.", "Chance: Mom, Phillip.", "Chloe: Can you grab that?", "Chance: Yeah.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Phillip: I know that look. That means trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Your mother poured her heart out to your father, and that's when he turned her away. I--she hasn't been heard from since.", "Victoria: I wish Dad would have told us.", "Kay: Darling, the last time she did that, she called dead drunk from some little bar in Mexico. I'm telling you right now, I-I'm afraid it's even worse.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Kay: Now...", "J.T.: (Sighs) Hi, Katherine. Hey, you okay?", "Victoria: No, I'm not okay. I need you to drop the search for Paul's sister.", "J.T.: Victoria, come on.", "Victoria: Look, finding my mother is more important, okay? And I need you to do that. I have a feeling that something really bad has happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: (Sighs) Lord, if you're listening...", "Victor: I know you know the truth...", "Victor: That deep in my heart, I still love Nikki.", "(Knock on door)", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "Victor: Your mother's upstairs.", "Colleen: My mother can wait. I would like to discuss some unfinished business. May I come in?", "Victor: All right, come in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: All right, no guarantees, but I will talk to Jack and Billy. Oh, I love you, Sis.", "Ashley: I love you, too.", "Traci: Okay. (Sighs) Are you sure that there isn't anything else on your mind?", "Ashley: I'm fine, I really am. I feel--I feel better.", "Traci: Okay. Give my love to Abby.", "Ashley: I definitely will.", "[Ashley remembers hitting Nikki with her car]", "(Glass shatters)", "Traci: Ashley? What happened? Honey, what--", "Ashley: Oh, no. Oh, no, no.", "Traci: (Scoffs) It--it's just a glass of water.", "Ashley: Oh, God, what have I done?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Colleen: But I never thought that you would walk out on me.", "Daniel: I'd be willing to bet there's one thing I could do about it, one thing to keep you from marrying him.", "Amber: What?", "Ashley: I think that the person I hit that night, I think it was Nikki." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Boo Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the ranch, Victor talks on the phone about Abby's trust fund. Nikki walks in. Billy gets down on bended knee and asks Victoria to marry him. Victoria agrees. Ronan regrets having made love to Chloe. When Kevin comes in, Ronan leaves. Billy and Victoria begin to make wedding plans. Victoria realizes that she hasn't even checked to see if she is pregnant or not. Paul visits Heather and brings her some chocolate croissants. Paul notices that she's been crying. Heather tells Paul that she just had a fight with Chance, who was probably the only friend that she had in Genoa City. Heather tells Paul that she feels like telling all to Owen. Chloe pours her heart out to Kevin about her sleeping with Ronan when she is still in love with Chance but she definitely likes Ronan. Kevin begins to point out all of Chloe's good points. Nina sits at a table in the coffeehouse when Ronan joins her and asks her to get Chance to leave town before it is too late. Nina refuses to help Ronan with anything but informs him that she did try to get Chance to leave town, but he definitely refused. Chance walks in and and asks Ronan why he is talking to Nina. Billy has the pregnancy test wrapped in a towel. Victoria is impatient to see the results, but Billy makes her wait, then he begins to sing, \"We're having a baby, we're having a baby.' Nikki tries to get Victor not to alienate another child as he had with Adam and Victoria. As they look at pics of Victoria when she was a child, Nikki warns Victor that he may lose Victoria forever. Victor points out Billy's faults.", "Victoria expresses how happy she is that she is going to have a baby. Billy is also excited. Victoria looks at the directions to the pregnancy test and finds out that it had to be checked within fifteen minutes. Victoria decides to do the test again. Chloe lays her head down in Kevin's lap as she tells him her troubles. Heather tells Paul that she trusts Owen. Paul realizes that Heather loves Chance. Chance orders Nina not to talk to Ronan. Paul on the phone checks on the photo of Nina's son when he was a teenager. Paul asks Heather to reconsider her decision in talking to Owen. Chance visits Chloe and wants to know what Chloe knows about Ronan. Chloe is hesitant to tell Chance, but finally tells him that Ronan is his brother. Billy and Victoria kiss. Nikki finds Victor sitting on the sofa and still looking at photos. At the coffeehouse, Kevin with Delia pick up some of Chloe's favorites. Paul meets with Nina to show her the pic of her son. Sid and Ronan meet with Owen in the alley. Ronan finds out that Owen is the head of the drug ring. Ronan asks Owen to spare Chance's life, but Owen refuses. Owen demands that Ronan kill Chance himself. Nikki and Victor visit Billy and Victoria just as she goes upstairs to take the pregnancy test. Victoria comes downstairs happily, and sees Nikki and Victor.", "" ]
[ "Victor: Listen, Michael, if the press is trying to-- well, contact you in order to get to me. Right. Tell them Abby's lawsuit is a family matter. I'll deal with it as quickly as I can, all right? Anything else? Okay, see you soon. (Sighs heavily)", "Nikki: Hi. I couldn't help but overhear that.", "Victor: Yeah. (Sighs) My daughter has become quite adept at making a nuisance of herself.", "Nikki: Victor, I-I really feel like I have to say this. After all the struggles you've had with Adam and Abby, can you really afford to alienate a third child?", "Victor: You're talking about Victoria?", "Nikki: Yes, I am talking about Victoria. I hate that the two of you aren't speaking just because she chose Billy.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: And, Victor, you're taking such a strong edge to it. It hurts her so much. Couldn't you just meet her halfway? Consider it.", "Victor: (Sighs) Listen to me. I know this means a lot to you, but I will explain to you why this cannot happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Uh, you're killing me here.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. It's just that it-- it's so unexpected and surprising, and it's just-- it's not us at all and--", "Billy: Yeah, that's true.", "Victoria: No, get back down.", "Billy: Okay, I'll--yeah.", "Victoria: Ask me again.", "Billy: (Sighs) Vic will you marry me?", "Victoria: Yes!", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: Yes, I will! I will. Oh. (Sighs) Wow.", "Billy: Is this okay?", "Victoria: It's beautiful. It's, uh, just-- I mean, how did you-- when did you --it's--", "Billy: Magic.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: I'm gonna like calling you Mrs. Abbott again.", "Victoria: I'm gonna love calling you Mr. Newman again.", "Billy: This time, it's permanent.", "Billy: (Grunts)", "Victoria: (Grunts)", "Victoria: (Grunts)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Wow, well, that's an expression that every woman longs to see after she's just had sex with a guy.", "Ronan: We shouldn't have done that.", "Chloe: Wow. It was that good, huh?", "Ronan: (Scoffs) I can't do this, Chloe.", "Chloe: Do what?", "Ronan: Get involved with anyone, not in my line of work. I-I know better. This is reckless. I... what just happened there right now, that was a huge mistake, and it's not gonna happen again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Heather, after all the crap that guy has pulled, all the lousy stunts he's been trying to throw our way, and yet you still turn and run to him. Why?", "Heather: I only told him what you were up to tonight--", "Chance: Because you wanted to protect me, right? Is that it?", "Heather: Yes.", "Chance: God, I am so sick and tired of people telling me that.", "Heather: The thought of something happening to you... I just want you to be safe, okay? That's all I care about. Not the case, not Ronan, nothing-- just you, Chance.", "Chance: If you gave a damn about what I wanted, you would have backed me up instead of selling me out to that jerk.", "(Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You know that I love our daughter more than anything, but how often have I warned her not to get involved with the likes of Billy Abbott? That S.O.B. has humiliated our family, humiliated her by that exposé in his magazine, and me.", "Nikki: I know. I-I know. I-I understand what you're saying, but just humor me for just a second. I-I wanted to show you...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: What I found the other day. Look. You remember that little girl? She was the apple of your eye. And, yes, she may be very willful, and, yes, she may be making the worst mistake of her life...", "Victor: (Scoffs)", "Nikki: But, darling, is that really a reason for you to turn your back on her forever?", "Victoria: Can you imagine us actually... actually planning a wedding?", "Billy: It's a hell of a concept, all right.", "Victoria: (Chuckles) But you know what? If that's too unspontaneous for you, then we can just... we can just go and do what we did last time.", "Billy: Crash somebody else's wedding?", "Victoria: No. No, we can just go to the airport and jump on a plane and pick someplace fabulous and just go there. And we can get married there, and this time, maybe we won't be so sloshed to the gills. We'll actually remember it this time.", "Billy: Yeah, or maybe we could go to the arcade, and people can play pinball as we exchange our vows.", "Victoria: Mm... then maybe not. But--but then maybe we could just go the traditional route, and we could have our wedding in a church, yes?", "Billy: Mm...", "Together: Boring.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: Too boring.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: I still can't get over how sweet it was of you asking me to marry you without even knowing if I was pregnant or not.", "Billy: I forgot to ask. Are you pregnant?", "Victoria: I forgot to check. (Laughs)", "Billy: What?", "Victoria: Yes. I mean, I-I've been so tense about it all day, and then you came home, and you hit the deck on one knee, and I-it just made me forget everything, so...", "Billy: Great. Great. What are we waiting for?", "Victoria: I don't know.", "Billy: All right, you want to go? Want to go? Want to go? Want to go? Want to go?", "Victoria: Let's go. Yes. Go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: Hi.", "Paul: Hi.", "Nina: (Chuckles)", "Paul: Wow. (Chuckles) That's quite a haul.", "Nina: Well, I did okay. So have you heard from your friend the photographer who's aging the picture of my son?", "Paul: Oh, Doug. I just got off the phone with him, as a matter of fact.", "Nina: Yes?", "Paul: And he is hoping that he might have something for us this evening.", "Nina: (Sighs) Oh, my God! All these years of assuming it was hopeless to even try looking for him... I know his name. I know where he grew up. I'm gonna have a picture of him.", "Paul: You know, aging a child, um, with a computer program is anything but an exact science.", "Nina: I really don't care. It's more than I had going into this, which was nothing.", "Paul: Okay, well, I-I just-- I don't want to be negative, but I think you should understand that, uh...", "Nina: I know. Okay. I will--I will keep a lid on my expectations. I promise.", "Paul: Okay. But what I was going to say is that it could all be academic. We may get nothing but a picture from all of this. There is still a better-than- even chance that we may never find Aidan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So, what? You're a \"Scratch the itch and move on\" kind of guy? Is that it?", "Ronan: Don't take it personally.", "Chloe: No, how could I not take it personally? I mean, you and I just... (Sighs) I don't know, I... it wasn't terrible or anything, was it? And, what? Are you never gonna get involved with a girl because you're afraid it's gonna interfere with your job?", "Ronan: I'm not gonna be in this town long enough to get romantically involved with anyone, Chloe.", "Chloe: Why? Where are you going?", "Ronan: I was brought here to investigate this case, and when it's over, I'm outta here.", "Chloe: What? No. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come on. You can't just leave. You've got family here. You've got your mom, and you've got Chance, and even though you don't want to tell them who you are, you really don't want to stick around and protect them?", "(Front door opens)", "Chloe: You really--", "Kevin: Hi. Is this a bad time?", "Ronan: No, I was... I was just leaving, actually.", "Kevin: What was he doing here? Or do I want to know?", "(Sets keys down)", "Chloe: (Voice cracks) I don't know what's wrong with me. What's wrong with me?", "Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey.", "Chloe: I'm such a...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Chocolate croissant-- good for what ails you. Look, I know it's been rough, uh, ever since Owen fired you, but at least you didn't have to move.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Paul: You know, that would have been an upheaval that you didn't... have you been crying?", "Heather: Yeah, it's-- it's--it's only partly about work. I just got into it with Chance.", "Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh... you want to talk about it?", "Heather: Well, um, Chance can't understand why I would ever trust Ronan, which, of course, I can't explain without blowing the guy's cover.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. It's--it's frustrating.", "Heather: It's horrible. I swear, I wish I'd never been told that Ronan's FBI. It cost me my job. I certainly don't feel any safer, and now I've... (Sighs) Lost basically the only friend I have around here. I-I am so tempted to just expose this entire stupid investigation and be done with it.", "Paul: No, Heather, f-forget it. You can't do that. Don't even think that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Here.", "Chloe: Thanks. I'm such an idiot. You know, I jump into bed right after a breakup with the first player that gives me the eye. (Scoffs)", "Kevin: Wait, wait, wait. You and Ronan...", "Chloe: Yeah, did you see how he just ran out of the room so quickly? Did you see that? He bolted.", "Kevin: I'm sorry.", "Chloe: I just thought I finally got a clue. You know, or I don't know, maybe a molecule of self-esteem. But no, no. I can't do that.", "Kevin: Wait, was, um, was this partially to get back at Chance?", "Chloe: Honestly, I really... I have no idea. I have no idea, and I know that getting cheated on sucks, but...", "Kevin: Yeah, tell me about it.", "Chloe: (Sighs) I don't know. Revenge or rebound or, I don't know, maybe I'm really going for the pain trifecta here, and I actually kinda like this guy. I don't know. I just--I know that I finally... I finally gave my heart to Chance, and--and I think that I'm done being that girl, you know? And then there I am. I'm just the same girl. 500 times getting dumped, and look. I'm-- I'm still the same person. (Sniffles)", "Kevin: Look. All right, look. Look at me. I didn't know the old Chloe, and I'm still getting to know the new Chloe, so I will tell you this. I think you're kind of amazing.", "Chloe: (Scoffs)", "Kevin: I think you're kind of funny.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: And I think you are kind of really, really, really beautiful. So if being with Ronan makes you feel anything less than that, then... then you shouldn't waste your time.", "Chloe: Wow. Okay, you can keep on going. I obviously need to hear this.", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: All right, um, well, with regard to what happened today, I say you just chalk it up, you know? Find somebody else to give your heart to, somebody better, somebody who is worthy of you.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Clears throat) Listen, Chance needs to get out of town now for his own protection. You have to convince him--", "Nina: I don't have to do anything.", "Ronan: (Sighs) Listen... I know you hate me, and that's... that's okay. But you need to listen when I say you have to convince him to leave.", "Nina: (Scoffs) I know why you want him gone. It's not because you're looking out for him. It's because you know my son is this close to proving what a scumbag you really are. For your information, I already tried to talk him into leaving.", "Ronan: And what did he say?", "Nina: He's adamant. He's not going anywhere. So you'd better get used to having him around. And know that your own days are numbered.", "Chance: Malloy. What do you think you're doing, huh? Don't talk to my mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.", "Victoria: I know! I-I know. I can't wait. (Laughs)", "Billy: Come on. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous, but we gotta find out one way or the other, okay?", "Victoria: All right.", "Billy: We're gonna have to find out one way or the other.", "Victoria: I know. It's just that either way, it's just, you know, either way, it's just--it's huge.", "Billy: Yeah, I know. It's huge. It's huge. But if you are pregnant, then, you know...", "Victoria: Then there goes the honeymoon, right?", "Billy: Well, okay, fine. But if you're not pregnant...", "Victoria: Then I guess that we dodged a bullet.", "Billy: I don't know. Either way, we've made a commitment. It doesn't matter. If you're pregnant, if we're havin' a kid, that's not why I proposed, okay?", "Victoria: That's good to know.", "Billy: Okay, you ready?", "Victoria: I'm ready.", "Billy: All right.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Billy: Here we go. (Humming fanfare) (Laughs)", "Victoria: Hurry up!", "Billy: (Humming fanfare) No peeking.", "Victoria: What's it say? What does it say? What does it say?", "Billy: (Singsong voice) We're havin' a baby. We're havin' a baby.", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Billy: We're gonna have a baby. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Here she is with Callisto. (Sighs)", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: That was right before she went to boarding school. She hated leaving that horse behind.", "Victor: (Sighs) She won a lot of trophies with that horse, didn't she?", "Nikki: Yes, she did, indeed. Oh, look. Look, her Easter dress.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: (Clicks tongue) Precious.", "Victor: How old was she here?", "Nikki: Mm, let's see... \"Victoria, age 4.\"", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: Just darling.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: She has always been so caring for you, such a dear to you, Victor. I just don't understand how you can shut her out this way.", "Victor: Well... (Sighs heavily) I'd love to be close to her again. But, damn it, every time I think of her playing house with that cretin... somehow, he managed to make her believe that he cares about her.", "Nikki: Maybe he does.", "Victor: Oh, hell, no. He doesn't know what it means to make a commitment to a woman, just like his brother Jack. They're players. He'll make her life miserable, I assure you.", "Nikki: Victor, let me ask you something.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Nikki: Are your feelings about this strictly based on Billy and your worry for Victoria, or simply that Billy is an Abbott?", "Victor: Both. I think the only way I'm gonna win her back is by... using tough love.", "Nikki: Well, I hate to tell you this, but I think Victoria has been happier than she's ever been, and if Billy is the same...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Nikki: I don't know that we're ever gonna get her back.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: (Sighs) We're pregnant.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Yep, we're goin' halves on a rug rat, havin' a kid.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yep.", "Billy: (Purses lips) You would have been disappointed if it came back negative, I could tell.", "Victoria: I'm happy about it.", "Billy: I know that.", "Victoria: I am. I'm happy about it. I'm thrilled! Are you?", "Billy: Oh, well, you know, I'm excited about it. (Laughs)", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Billy: I'm very excited about it. This is good.", "Victoria: Good. Okay. I can't believe how scared I was to find out. I mean, I must have taken that test, like, hours ago.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: I just left it upstairs on the bathroom sink, and I... oh, no.", "Billy: Okay, what? What? What? What? What? What?", "Victoria: Oh, no!", "Billy: What? What?", "Victoria: (Gasps) \"Test results must be read within 15 minutes to avoid an invalid result.\"", "Billy: Invalid, what? What?", "Victoria: Meaning that you can get a false positive reading.", "Billy: (Taps fingers)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I know that you're right. I can't go back to the way that I was. But I also can't erase Ronan Malloy from my brain.", "Kevin: Ronan who? See? It's easy.", "Chloe: No, it's not easy, because I know things about him that no one else knows, which makes it a lot tougher.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: And I also went to bed with him knowing what I know.", "Kevin: Okay, well, that is over and done with, so why beat yourself up about it? You know, it's kind of like my marriage-- over. Divorce papers signed, ring is off-- kaput.", "Chloe: (Sighs) No, I don't know. I kind of feel bad for the guy, you know? I mean, he's not this... I don't know, bad guy that he makes himself out to be. I-I kind of feel bad for him. I think he's lonely, and I guess a part of me wants to fix that.", "Kevin: (Scoffs)", "Chloe: I mean, make him not feel so empty inside.", "Kevin: Isn't that every girl's fantasy? Reforming the bad guy?", "Chloe: Yeah. Didn't you used to be one?", "Kevin: Yeah. Maybe I should go back to that. It seems to be a selling point with the ladies.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Anyway, look. You know what? I... I don't really care about Ronan or Chance or that guy on the fashion channel that you are in lust with. I care about you. I just want to make sure that you are okay.", "Chloe: Thank you. I appreciate it. You're really sweet.", "Kevin: I try.", "Chloe: Oh, my goodness. My--my daughter. I have to go get Delia.", "Kevin: Um, why don't I, uh, come with you? I could get out for a little bit.", "Chloe: Yeah?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Chloe: Okay, um, let me change really quickly.", "Kevin: You got it. (Chuckles)", "Chloe: Okay. Okay, thank you. You're a really great friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Look, this case is much bigger than you and Chance. If you expose the FBI's operation, you're gonna put dozens of lives at risk, a-and the--the--the drug dealers are gonna retaliate, and I'm not just talking about Ronan, but you and Chance, maybe even Christine.", "Heather: Yes, I-- look, I'm not talking about going public. But I don't think it would hurt to tell Owen.", "Paul: If the feds wanted Owen to know, they would have told him by now.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Paul: You need to stay out of this completely.", "Heather: I know Owen. I trust his judgment. I... I'm hoping once he knows what's going on that he'll reinstate me and then maybe try to help keep Chance safe, maybe put some guys on him, so... maybe then, I wouldn't have to have my stomach all tied in knots every day, worrying.", "Paul: You've fallen for him, haven't you? You're in love with Nina's son.", "Heather: Yeah, I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Thank you.", "Chance: (Quietly) I don't want you talking to that guy, Mom.", "Nina: (Scoffs)", "Chance: Hey, I mean it.", "Nina: If you have tangible proof that he's crooked, you should steer clear of him, as well.", "Chance: There are a few things I need to say to him first.", "Nina: Chance, don't. It--it--", "Chance: Excuse me. Excuse me. (Normal voice) You walked right into my trap earlier, just like I knew you would.", "Ronan: Your what?", "Chance: Yeah, I saw you with Meeks, walking down the alley...", "Ronan: Mm-hmm.", "Chance: Frantic to keep me from talking to the press.", "Ronan: Aha.", "Chance: Your guns were drawn, Ronan.", "Ronan: Yeah. Yeah.", "Chance: You both were after me.", "Ronan: Uh-huh.", "Chance: And now I have the proof that shows you're both dirty as hell.", "Ronan: (Scoffs) Proof. (Chuckles) Proof, yeah? Proof my ass. I'm a cop. I got a call that there was something going on behind Jimmy's. Yeah, I was there. I brought backup. So what you got? Huh, Chance? You got nothing.", "Chance: Okay, whatever you say. Whatever you say, Ronan.", "Ronan: You got nothing. Listen to me. You gotta stop playing these games. I'm not gonna be responsible for what happens to you, okay? You should get out of town for a while.", "Chance: I'm staying, and there's nothing you can do that's gonna make me leave.", "Ronan: Come here.", "Chance: Don't you--", "Ronan: Not even the fact that I just slept with your ex?", "Chance: What did you just say to me?", "Ronan: Yeah, I said I just came back from being with Chloe. Let me tell you something, Man, she's over you big-time, and it was really worth the wait.", "Chance: You know what? You stay away from her. You stay away from anyone that means something to me.", "Ronan: Come on. Come on! Come on! Come on! Do it! Do it!", "Nina: Hey, stop! Stop it!", "Chance: You hear me?", "Nina: Chance! Chance! Chance! Listen to me. Stop it! Stop it. Don't do this.", "Ronan: Enjoy your evening.", "Chance: (Breathing heavily)", "Nina: Look, whatever he said, you can't let him get to you.", "Chance: I've gotta go.", "Nina: Chance.", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "Sid: I saw you in there with Chancellor.", "Ronan: Yeah.", "Sid: I can't wait till that fool gets taken out.", "Ronan: No, that's-- listen, Man, I think that's a mistake, okay? That's sloppy, because everybody knows he has a target on his back, and that's gonna come back around to bite us.", "Sid: This is the way it has to go down. I got word from the top.", "Ronan: Yeah? Well, then I think it's time I meet the guy at the top.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Heather: You don't seem surprised.", "Paul: I've seen it coming for a while. I mean, you and Chance spent day in and day out together when he was your bodyguard, and, well, not to mention the guy is--he's great. He's a great guy.", "Heather: Yeah, he is.", "Paul: So as long as you know going into it that, uh...", "Heather: (Sighs) Okay, yes, there's no point in you telling me all the reasons it's not gonna work out, since when he left here, he basically said that we're through... because of Ronan. That's why I'm so eager to just come clean about everything I know.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Heather: I'm sick of all these sacrifices that I have to make.", "Paul: You can't--", "Heather: And I-I-I just... if going to Owen is gonna help me get my life back, then-", "(Cell phone rings)", "Paul: Look, you can't do that. Hold on a second.", "Heather: Okay.", "Paul: Yeah, Doug, what's up? Oh, you did? How'd it turn out? Okay. Uh... (Chuckles) Hey, I owe you one. What can I say? All right. I'll talk to you. Right on. Bye-bye.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Paul: Okay, I gotta run. But before you blow Ronan's cover to Owen Pomerantz, or anyone else, for that matter, I want you to think long and hard about the possible downside. Look, I understand. You are unhappy. And I'm not gonna belabor the point. But as far as I'm concerned, it's not worth the risk. It really isn't.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Paul: Okay.", "Heather: (Groans)", "Paul: Hang in there.", "Heather: Thank you.", "Paul: I'll call you later. Be strong. It doesn't go on forever.", "Heather: Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you. (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Kev, I'm ready.", "Kevin: I'll be right out.", "(Knock on door)", "Chance: Are you nuts? Sleeping with Malloy? What are you trying to do, Chloe, put yourself in a casket?", "Chloe: Wow, I thought I was the enemy, and now suddenly, you give a damn. You are one confused puppy.", "Chance: Chloe, what the hell are you thinking?", "Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Back off. She doesn't need to answer to you.", "Chance: All right. All ri-- look, I'm just trying to get it through Chloe's head the amount of danger and trouble she's playing with right now.", "Kevin: Chance, get outta here.", "Chloe: Kevin, its okay. I should probably talk to him.", "Kevin: All right, I'll pick up Delia.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Chloe: So who told you I slept with Ronan?", "Chance: (Scoffs)", "Chloe: Did he?", "Chance: Who else knows? Chloe, I thought you understood how dangerous a guy he is.", "Chloe: He's not--", "Chance: I mean, a-are you-- are you thinking about Delia? I mean, taking this into consideration? The amount of trouble you're getting into messing around with a thug like Ronan Malloy?", "Chloe: Look... (Sighs) I am not stupid or naive. There are things about him that you don't know.", "Chance: What things, Chloe? Tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, well, thank God I bought a 3-pack.", "Billy: Oh, you did the test again?", "Victoria: Yep. (Sighs) Now we wait. Ten minutes max this time.", "Billy: Ten minutes. Ten minutes.", "Victoria: Yep.", "Billy: Ten minutes. That's nerve-racking.", "Victoria: Yep. Yep. How about that?", "Billy: Yep.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Only this time, I want it to be positive.", "Victoria: You really do want to have a baby with me, don't you?", "Billy: Well, yeah, well, now that I've had a taste of what it might be like to have it happen... (Chuckles) Yeah, I do. I've seen you with Reed. You're a good mom. And I think I'm a pretty good dad. And I can't wait to see what little hellion we create.", "Victoria: And if I'm not...", "Billy: If you're not--", "Victoria: Pregnant.", "Billy: If you're not... if you're not, then we have a wedding to plan, and we can always try it again... and again... and again...", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "Billy: And again.", "Victoria: (Giggles)", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: And again.", "Billy: And again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: My goodness. You haven't moved from that spot.", "Victor: Yep.", "Victor: (Sighs) Looking at these photos, I'm reminded of what I loved most about her.", "Nikki: She hasn't changed. She's the same woman she always was. She just happened to fall in love with a man you don't like.", "Victor: He's gonna ruin her life. Mark my word. (Sighs)", "Nikki: Well, Victor, isn't that reason then to stay even closer so you're there when she needs you? Look... (Sighs) Regardless of what happens in this relationship, nobody can replace the love she has for her father. She adores her father, always will. Please be mindful of that. Don't... don't give her a chance to let go. She's your baby. She's our baby. Please don't let her go, Victor. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Humming) All right, so we are just makin' a pit stop to pick up some of mommy's favorite things, 'cause she's had a tough day. Thank you so much. But we're gonna make her feel better, aren't we? Aren't we? You up for helping me with that? Because she is a very cool lady, and she deserves some chocolate. Thank you. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: What is it you think I don't know about Ronan?", "Chloe: It has nothing to do with the case. It's personal.", "Chance: Chloe, the more I know about the guy, the better off I'll be. Listen, I'm trying to save us both here.", "Chloe: I can't. I...", "Chance: You can't?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chance: Why?", "Chloe: Because I swore that I wouldn't tell you.", "Chance: You know the one thing I hate? Its funerals. I've buried too many soldiers, too many friends of mine. Look, I don't want anything bad to happen to--to you or to Delia. So, Chloe, please. I'm asking you. If there is something you know, if there is information you have about Ronan, I need to know about it. Now is the time to tell me. Lives could possibly depend upon it, Chloe.", "Chloe: He's your brother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: The photo of your son should be in my e-mail box.", "Nina: (Chuckles)", "Paul: In the meantime, why don't you tell me what was going on with Chance?", "Nina: (Sighs) He almost got in a fight with Ronan. Those two just...", "Paul: What was it this time?", "Nina: I'm not really sure. I didn't hear anything, and Chance wouldn't tell me. But if I had to guess...", "Paul: The case.", "Nina: No, Chloe. I think I heard her name. I'm sure it was just Ronan trying to push his buttons. You know, the more I'm around that arrogant jerk, the less I like him. I don't blame Chance for wantin' to pop him one.", "Paul: Well, I'm glad you were able to break it up. The last thing Chance needs now is, uh, an assault charge on top of everything else.", "Nina: (Scoffs) (Sighs)", "Paul: Okay, here it is, the e-mail you've been waiting for. Are you ready?", "Paul: Are you sure?", "Nina: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: (Sighs) Owen, it's Heather. Um, I'm on my way to your office. Could you please meet me there? It's urgent. There's something that you need to know right away. (Sighs) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: We couldn't meet the guy somewhere a little less obvious?", "Sid: You're lucky to even be meeting him at all.", "Owen: Detective Malloy. You're shocked. Good.", "Ronan: (Scoffs)", "Owen: That's the idea. It means I'm doing my job convincing people I'm one of the good guys. I understand you have something you want to say to me.", "Ronan: I do. I think that killing Chancellor is a big mistake. (Sighs)", "Owen: Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that.", "Ronan: You don't trust me.", "Owen: No, you're right. I don't. And this plea to spare his life proves I probably shouldn't.", "Ronan: No, no, no, no. Just hear me out. Killing Chancellor is messy. It's sloppy. Killing somebody who's been so vocal about this case? We don't need that.", "Owen: And that's exactly why he needs to die. It's also the perfect opportunity for you to show me what side you're on-- no serial number, totally untraceable. I don't care how you do it. I don't care where. You have until tomorrow night to shut Chancellor up for good. And if you don't go through with it...", "Ronan: Don't worry. I'll go through with it. That guy doesn't mean anything to me.", "Sid: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Could you, like, hurry up or something? You're driving me crazy. (Silly voice) Crazy. (Normal voice) Crazy.", "(Knock on door)", "Nikki: Hi.", "Billy: Hi, um, well, I-I was-- we--we--we weren't really expecting...", "Nikki: Um, could we just come in?", "Billy: Yeah, sure. Come on. Make yourself at home.", "Nikki: Thanks. I don't know how long we'll be staying.", "Billy: Well, yeah, okay. (Chuckles) Whatever.", "Victor: We came to see our daughter. Is she here?", "Billy: Yes, she is. She is.", "Victoria: Oh, my God! (Laughs) I'm pregnant!", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Wow.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: This is your chance to prove it.", "Ronan: By tomorrow night, my ex-partner will be dead.", "Victoria: I can't wait to become Mrs. Billy Abbott.", "Billy: Mm.", "Jack: Your daughter is on to something that Victor may have mismanaged her trust." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric and Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Sharon tells Dylan that she went off her meds for a few days because of something she read on the Internet that the dugs may be harmful to the baby. In the park, Sage and Nick discuss Victor and the party the night before. At the Underground, Marisa tells Noah that she refused the money that Victor offered her, but Victor walks in and tells them that she accepted it. Marisa calls him a \"liar.\" At the Coffeehouse, Chelsea and Anita discuss how complicated Gabriel is, but Chelsea still loves him. Victoria is on the phone with ITT in Victor's office and tells them to keep a close watch on their firewall. Gabriel walks in and overhears her. Ashley and Billy are talking in the executive office at Jabot when Jack walks in and asks her if this is the way that she repays his kindness by having him investigated. Gabriel lets Victoria know that he wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for Victor trying to take over Chelsea's fashion line. Noah asks Victor if Marisa asked him for money. Marisa and Victor continue to argue that it was all his idea to get her out of town. Marisa tears up the check and tells him that she likes it here. Noah begins to question Marisa's motives. Billy tells Ashley that Jack wasn't involved in the Paragon project but he doesn't know who was. Jack assures them that he would not put them in harm's way. Ashley asks Jack why he's here. Jack tells her that he came to pack up some of his things. Nick assures Sage that Victor is too busy to interfere in their lives. Nick promises to leave Newman if Victor becomes too manipulative. Nick receives a call from Dylan to discuss Sharon. Sharon comes into the Coffeehouse and sees Anita, Chelsea, and Connor. She walks over to talk to them a second. Chelsea congratulates Sharon on her pregnancy. Victoria accuses Gabriel of wanting revenge on Victor and that is why he is doing all this. Victor walks in and listens to Victoria defending him. Victor cautions her not to defend him to the likes of Gabriel. Gabriel informs Victor that he, Chelsea, and Connor are going back to Paris.", "Dylan lets Nick know that Sharon had gone off her meds because of something she read on the internet. Nick reveals some things to Dylan that he had done to Sharon years ago and that is why she may be the way she is. Sharon talks on the phone to Mariah and tells her to corroborate her story she told Dylan about her meds. Marisa and Noah argue over Victor giving her the check. Marisa starts to walk away, but Noah stops her and kisses her. Sage walks in on them. Victor and Victoria discuss Adam's death. Victoria asks Victor if he would take Connor away from Chelsea. Gabriel joins Anita and Chelsea and accidentally calls Connor his and Chelsea's son. Chelsea and Gabriel make plans to go back to Paris, but she is served with papers which will keep her in Genoa City for the time being.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Dylan, you weren't imagining things. I know that I have been acting strangely lately, and it's because... I've been keeping something from you.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Sharon: You feel guilty for going through my pill case... and I feel guilty because... I went off my meds for a few days.", "Dylan: What? Sharon, why would you do that?", "Sage: I keep thinking how perfect our ceremony was. It was just sweet and simple.", "Nick: We did it the right way by keeping it small.", "Sage: Yeah. Your parents were incredibly gracious after not being invited to the wedding, especially Victor.", "Nick: Sometimes my dad can surprise you -- in a good way.", "Sage: Yeah, 'cause I think he and I got off on the right foot -- you know, setting boundaries, making it clear what we want and what we don't want. I think that's the type of attitude that Victor respects.", "Noah: I want to trust you, Marisa, okay? I really do. I mean, look at me. I'm putting my heart on the line. All you care about is money?", "Marisa: That's not true. Victor made me the offer, but I didn't accept it. I didn't even consider it.", "Victor: You most certainly did.", "Marisa: He's lying, Noah. Victor approached me. I wanted nothing to do with his spiteful gesture.", "Chelsea: Victor claims this is about profits -- taking my fashion line to new heights -- when really it's just about control -- controlling me and how and where I raise my son.", "Anita: Honey, do you really want to antagonize the man who could hold the golden ticket for this little guy's future? Mnh-mnh!", "Chelsea: Connor's future is in Paris with Gabe and me.", "Anita: Honey, you built your label from the ground up. You really want to give up a fabulous career as a designer to go with this guy who conned me and ran off with your boy here?", "Chelsea: He didn't go through with it.", "Anita: No, because he had a momentary flash of conscience. Whoop-de-do.", "Chelsea: Okay. He's not perfect. I know that. Gabe is a very complicated man. He's very passionate and intense and --", "Anita: Trouble is what he is, and that's part of the attraction. Believe you me, I get it. But you've already been with a man like this. Do you really want to get back on that carnival ride?", "Chelsea: I've asked myself that question many times. The truth is, mom, I love him. And I know in my heart we only stand a chance if we stay far away from Victor's orbit.", "Victoria: I'd like to check on the security of the firewall -- make sure that nobody hacks in to the Newman mainframe. I understand that'll change. It seems like every other day there's some new threat. Your budget reflects that. Please...update accordingly.", "Adam: I see you're still paranoid someone's out to destroy the old man.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, I guess paranoia is hard-wired into us. That's how our ancestors stayed one step ahead of the saber-toothed tiger... and other predatory creatures.", "Billy: IT. Scoured jack's hard drive, looking for anything related to a paragon project.", "Ashley: How far back did you have them look?", "Billy: Over a year.", "Jack: Wow. I put my trust in you, made a show of faith by naming you C.E.O., And this is how you repay me -- by having me investigated?", "Ashley: What did they find?", "Sharon: I was doing some research online, and I found this website with all this scary information about some of the meds I'm taking and how it could be harmful to an unborn child, so I just stopped taking them.", "Dylan: You just stopped without talking to a doctor? Isn't that dangerous?", "Sharon: Well, it can be, but I wasn't comfortable with the thought that I'd be responsible for maybe something bad happening to our baby.", "Dylan: Okay, Sharon, but you can't just stop.", "Sharon: I know. I know. You know, Mariah realized what was going on, and she called me on it. But she was wonderful and she was understanding, though she didn't let me off the hook. I called my psychiatrist, and after we talked, I realized how foolish I am being and that I just let my fears get the best of me. I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking.", "Dylan: So, you're back on your meds?", "Sharon: It might take me a few days for my mood to stabilize.", "Dylan: Okay. I'm just -- I'm just glad you're all right. And now I know what's been going on.", "Sharon: Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.", "Dylan: So, Mariah stopping by earlier -- she was just making sure you're back on track?", "Sharon: Something like that.", "Dylan: I just wish you felt like you could come to me.", "Sharon: I thought that you'd be disappointed in me.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Come here. Thank you for being honest. And, for the record, you could never disappoint me.", "Sharon: Thank you for being supportive.", "Dylan: And stay off the internet, okay? [Chuckles] Next time --", "Sharon: Next time, I will talk to my doctor first.", "Dylan: Good. Okay.", "Sharon: All right. I'm going to take a shower and head to the coffeehouse.", "Dylan: I'll meet you there. I got a stop to make first, okay?", "Sharon: All right. Let's pick up where we left off later.", "Adam: Predatory? Me? I wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for your father's ham-handed tactics. I'd be in Paris, starting a new life with the woman that I love and her son, who has the misfortune of being a Newman heir, and let's be clear -- the only reason that your father gives a damn about Chelsea's company is because of Connor.", "Victoria: Well, we believe in Chelsea's talent and the potential for the line, apparently more than you do.", "Adam: Victoria... as a mother -- as a mother, I want you to think about the position that your father's putting Chelsea in, okay? Now, she has decided that it's best for her son to be raised outside of all this -- this infighting, okay? And he's forcing her to choose between her son's well-being and a clothing line that she started from the ground up, a clothing line that he doesn't care about.", "Victoria: That's just business, Gabe.", "Adam: Victoria... there's a child involved.", "Victoria: You know, Chelsea signed this contract of her own free will. She knew that there was a noncompete clause -- one that Jabot chose not to enforce. So, what can I say? We're not Jabot. So, Chelsea can sit on the sideline of her career for the next two years, or she can roll up her sleeves and come to work at her parent company's headquarters. It doesn't seem like an unreasonable request, considering the amount of money we intend to invest.", "Adam: You guys worked together. You worked alongside Chelsea. You were neither professional or respectful. You jerked her around to get payback for Billy because of her relationship with me. You made it personal the way your father is making this personal. Him taking over her label -- that's his way of making sure that Connor stays here in Genoa city so that he can start indoctrinating him, right -- making him fall in line, become a clone, just like the rest of you Newmans?", "Noah: Grandpa, are you saying that Marisa came to you for money?", "Marisa: I did not.", "Victor: Just remember who you're dealing with, okay? She cavorted around with a known south American drug lord -- a sociopath who may have been involved in the murder of your fiancée.", "Marisa: I have been completely honest with Noah about my relationship with Marco.", "Victor: And because of the people she consorted with, I thought she was after money, so I offered her some.", "Noah: Why didn't you just talk to me first, grandpa?", "Marisa: Noah, I swear to you -- I swear I didn't agree to anything.", "Victor: Nor did she refuse my offer or add expressions of outrage at the audacity of me offering her money, nor did she have professions of undying love for you, son.", "Marisa: I didn't waste my breath. Why would I? Your grandfather doesn't care how I feel. He decided that I'm not good enough for you and that's that. He sees me as a liability. He wants me gone. Well, here's my answer to that. Keep your damn money. I don't want it.", "Noah: See, grandpa, you know how much respect I have for you, but this is out of line. You can't interfere in my life like this. Okay?", "Victor: Son... I'm protecting you.", "Noah: I'm a grown man! I don't need protecting!", "Victor: I've lived a little longer than you have, okay? So be careful. Don't succumb to a beautiful body and a beautiful face. Very dangerous.", "Marisa: Thank you for believing me.", "Noah: I would hold on to my assumptions if I were you.", "Billy: IT came up empty-handed. Jack doesn't appear to be involved in any paragon project or anything else nefarious as far as --", "Jack: He doesn't appear to be because he isn't! That you two would doubt me on this --", "Billy: Jack, I'm not going to apologize for this -- not after the Jekyll-and- Hyde routine that you've been pulling ever since your honeymoon.", "Ashley: Jackie, he has a very valid point.", "Billy: Look, Jack, Jack... I understand that you would want to put something in motion after Victor shot you, but we talked about ways to get back at him. This paragon thing has got Victor rattled, and you can bet that the old man is gearing up for a war which could come back on all of us.", "Jack: I would never put you in harm's way.", "Ashley: We could not take that on faith, given your recent questionable judgment, Jack, and, frankly... I find your timing suspect.", "Jack: What do you mean, my timing?", "Ashley: Recent sabbatical from business, naming me C.E.O. Out of nowhere.", "Billy: Like maybe you'd like your days freed up for a little side project?", "Ashley: With a convenient scapegoat ready and willing?", "Jack: I have no plans against Victor -- none. And I resent like hell you're assuming that I would lie to you about this.", "Ashley: Then why are you here?", "Jack: I came by to pack a few of my things and to answer any questions you might have. See, I didn't want to just dump everything on you. I wanted to aid in a smooth transition. You really think I would set you up like this?", "Ashley: It wouldn't be the first time you've hurt me, Jack.", "Billy: She's got you there.", "Ashley: First order of business is getting back Chelsea by Jabot. You know, I had my suspicions about that whole sealed-bid nonsense, and guess what -- legal agrees with me.", "Jack: Wait, wait. Where are you going now?", "Ashley: I can take it from here, Jack. Thanks for stopping by.", "Nick: Hopefully dad is too consumed with other things to try and control our lives.", "Sage: Well, you know what they say -- if you want something done, give it to a busy person.", "Nick: Dad wants to keep me at Newman enterprises. He starts interfering, then I'm out. He knows that's the deal.", "Sage: Did you get that in writing?", "Nick: Should have.", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Nick: Are you really that concerned?", "Sage: I'm trying not to be.", "Nick: Look, I know what dad's interfering looks like. I am hyper-attuned to it. If it happens, I'm out.", "Sage: I know you are.", "Nick: I mean, you see where we're at, right? This very spot, this exact spot...", "Sage: Right here.", "Nick: ...Yeah, we said... our vows.", "Sage: Almost two whole days ago.", "Nick: Yeah, but can't you still feel it -- the words... the love behind them? I really think that can get me through anything -- even my father.", "Sage: I love you so much, Nicholas Newman.", "Nick: Back atcha.", "Sage: I can't wait to bring our baby here -- ride the carousel and feed the ducks. You know, I shouldn't let my insecurities about Victor ruin a single moment of our life.", "Nick: You're allowed.", "Sage: I just...feel very blessed.", "Nick: You really are.", "Sage: [Laughs]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nick: Mm.", "Sage: Mm?", "Nick: That's good timing. Hold on. Sorry. Ah, it's Dylan.", "Sage: Oh, it's okay.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Sage: Yeah. Take it.", "Nick: Hey, man. What's up?", "Dylan: Oh, man, I'm glad you picked up.", "Nick: What's wrong?", "Dylan: It's Sharon.", "Anita: He is.", "Chelsea: He was my little baby, right? Yeah. Hey.", "Sharon: Connor is so handsome. I can't believe how big he's getting.", "Anita: Yeah. They grow up quick, don't they?", "Sharon: Yeah, they really do. Oh. Oh, look what I found here on the ground. You don't want to lose this.", "Chelsea: Oh, thank you. This is gonna be you again, Sharon, before you know it.", "Sharon: Yeah. I-I can't wait.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'm really, really happy for you and Dylan. I'm so glad things turned out this way.", "Sharon: That's a nice thing to say. Thank you.", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, I say it in a partly selfish way. I've always felt so terrible, taking Connor from Dylan. But I know how much he wanted a child of his own and to be a father. I know how important that was to him.", "Victoria: You don't know my father. You don't know the man that he is. You just created this persona inside your head of some evil tyrant that carelessly destroys people's lives...", "Adam: There's nothing careless about it.", "Victoria: ...Which gives you the perfect motive for revenge.", "Adam: That's right. It does. Well, congratulations. It's official. You've become a Victor Newman apologist. I want you to think for a second where that's left the rest of the women in his life, including your mother.", "Victoria: You have no right to insult my mother.", "Adam: I have every single right! You sit here and you preach the gospel according to Victor Newman -- how everything he does is for the love of his family. And if there are casualties, well, who cares?", "Victoria: My father does love his family.", "Adam: You keep telling yourself that, and maybe you're okay if he takes control of your kids' lives -- not Connor.", "Victoria: He's a wonderful grandfather to Connor. Chelsea would be the first person to acknowledge that.", "Victor: Sweetheart, don't bother defending me to that man.", "Adam: No, that's a good idea, actually. You should stop doing that, because what you're doing is indefensible. Victor, it's not for love. It's for control, right? But it's okay. You can stop right there, because Chelsea and Connor and I -- we're in Paris right now. We've set up a life for ourselves, and we have no intention of moving back here. It's a battle you can't win, so just let it go.", "Victor: You can do anything you want. Use all of your limited powers. But you will not prevent me from doing what is best for my family.", "Adam: Well, we'll see about that, won't we?", "Dylan: She read this thing online and just went with it, you know -- didn't think it through. She acted on impulse. If Mariah hadn't figured out that she was off her meds --", "Nick: I'm just glad Mariah found it in time and that Sharon was honest with you about it. Sounds like things are gonna work out.", "Dylan: Yeah. You know, because of my own issues, I felt like I understood her probably better than most people. But now I'm not so sure. I know you've been through some things with her in the past, so I just want to make sure I'm handling it right.", "Nick: Sharon wasn't diagnosed with bipolar disorder until a few years ago. We weren't together at the time.", "Dylan: Really? I didn't know that.", "Nick: Yeah. But looking back, you know, it's obvious she's been dealing with it for years. There were some periods of time where she was stealing things, showed some poor impulse control with some other men.", "Dylan: Wow. That couldn't have been easy for you.", "Nick: I know some of my choices contributed to the problem, too.", "Dylan: How? What do you mean?", "Nick: I cheated on her with Phyllis. Then Phyllis and I had summer. That was some pretty killer stress on Sharon, and it went on for years. I don't think that's what pushed her into mental illness, but if the genes and the tendencies were there...", "Dylan: I mean, I haven't done anything.", "Nick: Well, of course you haven't. It doesn't make any sense for Sharon to be acting like this if things are going so well, but if you look at her history, I mean, her dad was never around, Cassie's biological father took off, Sharon and I got together and then I left and we got back together and that went on, and...then you showed up. And now Sharon's pregnant. She's probably feeling vulnerable, wondering if things are gonna last.", "Dylan: And that right there could trigger one of these episodes?", "Sharon: After you read me the riot act, then I agreed to start taking my meds again, and then you stopped by in the morning to make sure I meant it. Got it? I'm sorry, Mariah, but we just need to make sure that we've got our stories straight. That's all. I hate putting you in this position, but you know what? Once I get pregnant again, then it'll all be over with, okay?", "Marisa: I guess I don't need to ask who you believe.", "Noah: Look, obviously, my grandfather crossed some boundaries, okay? But I know that he just wants what's best for me. What I'm a little less clear on right now are your intentions.", "Marisa: As I've told you again and again --", "Noah: Yeah. You claim that you said no, but why would he send you a check, knowing that you wouldn't accept it?!", "Marisa: To make you doubt me!", "Noah: Oh, he was supposed to know that I would be here when you opened the envelope? How'd he know that? There's no way he could have planned for that.", "Marisa: No way? How well do you know your grandfather? You know what? It doesn't matter what Victor was planning or what he thinks of me. I only care what you think of me.", "Noah: I-I don't know, Marisa. Right now I don't know what to think.", "Marisa: I've had money before... but never something like this. What I have with you... you told me you love me, and I know what it meant for you to say those words after losing Courtney. And I feel loved. And that means more to me than any string of zeroes on a piece of paper. But maybe you agree with your grandfather that I'm not good enough for you.", "Noah: Marisa, wait. Marisa, come here. Marisa, wait. Just talk to me.", "Marisa: Let go of me!", "Noah: Marisa, wait. Come -- just come here. Come here.", "Victoria: Just so you know, defending you is a very big part of my job description.", "Victor: Well... I like it when you do it. But I don't give a damn what that punk thinks about me.", "Victoria: I know. But Chelsea is a different story. You know, after Adam died, there was a lot of tension between you two. And then things got better.", "Victor: Right.", "Victoria: She didn't seem to mind having you around Connor. you are, antagonizing the man that she loves, which I don't really think is a good strategy, unless --", "Victor: Unless what?", "Victoria: Dad, are you planning on taking Connor away from Chelsea?", "Victor: No! I would never take that boy away from his mother. That's where he belongs. But I'll be damned if I allow an outsider like Gabriel Bingham to influence her to the point where she moves to Paris... an ocean away from here. You know how I want my family close to me -- my children and grandchildren. I love that! That's what I work for -- spent my whole life working for. I will not give that kind of power to that outsider.", "Victoria: Well, I was on the phone with IT. When Gabriel walked in here.", "Victor: Did he overhear anything sensitive?", "Victoria: No, no, but I was instructing them to keep a secure hold on our firewall. When I got off the phone, he accused me of being paranoid, so I taunted him by saying that he was a predator. I wanted to get a sense if he knew anything about the paragon project.", "Victor: And?", "Victoria: Gabriel didn't take the bait, but he made it very clear that he despises you, dad. Either way, he's a threat that I would not take lightly.", "[Indistinct conversation]", "Adam: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Anita: Gabriel.", "Adam: Anita. How are you? What's up, slugger? How you doing?", "Anita: Chelsea told me about your agreement -- that you're in town for a few days so you can work out the business with Victor and the clothing line and then it's back to glamorous Paris?", "Adam: Right.", "Anita: Yeah. So, I better...", "Connor: [Babbling]", "Anita: ...Spoil this little guy while I can, huh?", "Chelsea: Well, you're -- I mean, it's your prerogative since you're his grandma.", "Anita: As his Anita.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Anita: Geez. Come on, slugger. Let's go get ourselves a big drink, okay?", "Adam: That's nice of you. Ugh.", "Chelsea: You look like you're in a mood.", "Adam: Really? It's that obvious? I had quite a morning, to be honest with you.", "Chelsea: Why? What happened?", "Adam: Well, um... I stopped by to see Victoria -- try to appeal to her as a mother, you know? Thought maybe someone like her could see the position that Victor's putting you in.", "Chelsea: But not too sympathetic, eh?", "Adam: No. She basically just parroted his words back to me like a clone. Really, the only thing that was missing was the mustache.", "Chelsea: Eh. There's a mental image.", "Adam: Seriously, Chelsea, we need allies, you know -- somebody who has influence over Victor, someone who can stop him from -- from just holding you hostage so he can dictate the way that we raise our son.", "Dylan: I fully assured Sharon in every way I know how. I made sure she understands I'm not going anywhere, you know -- I'm committed to the family we're making. She knows how important this child is -- could that be it?", "Nick: What?", "Dylan: Well, if Sharon thinks the reason I proposed to her is because of the baby, maybe...", "Nick: Is it?", "Dylan: No. No, man. I moved in. I mean, the baby wasn't even on the radar, and then we found out, and I'm thrilled, but I-I hope Sharon knows how important she is to me.", "Nick: Look, Dylan, there's so much about Sharon's condition that is out of our control.", "Dylan: I agree. You're right about that.", "Nick: Have you thought about talking to her doctor?", "Dylan: I don't know. I mean, even if I had Sharon's permission, I don't know if I'd feel comfortable with that. I think we just need to work harder on trusting each other.", "Jack: I realize my behavior may have seemed inconsistent.", "Billy: [Chuckles] There's a nice word for it. You and the mustache announce to the world that you're forging a kinder, gentler company, and then the bullets start flying, literally?", "Jack: Mistakes were made, yes. But that's beside the point now.", "Billy: No, that is the point, Jack. Then this other completely out-of- character move, putting Ashley in the big chair -- bet she's already changed the lumbar settings. [Clicks tongue]", "Jack: Is it really so incomprehensible that I would want to spend more time with Phyllis?", "Billy: Jack, look -- you're not newlyweds anymore. And you two have been practically inseparable since the wedding. So, tell me, what -- what is the real reason that you're handing over the reins?", "Jack: I don't want to fight anymore. I'm tired. I-I lost my taste for fighting.", "Billy: Jack, that's hard to believe and... not so hard to believe.", "Jack: I think this change would be better for the family and the company and might go a long way toward rebuilding some trust.", "Billy: Well, I got to be honest with you, brother -- you got your work cut out for you.", "Jack: I can see that.", "Billy: But I'm there for you.", "Jack: [Sighs] [Exhales sharply]", "Ashley: The merger contracts between our two companies -- I had Jabot's attorneys look a little deeper into the sealed-bid clauses, and, sure enough, Chelsea does not have to hand over Chelsea by Jabot and walk away.", "Victor: Well, that's what I told Chelsea after the Abbotts left the meeting. She can keep control of her brand.", "Ashley: Right. So, I assume there's a catch.", "Victoria: Yes. She has to keep her home base here in Genoa city.", "Ashley: Oh. So Billy was right. This is all about Connor. You were willing to throw an entire company into chaos -- all the people that sew and market and ship -- just so you had a bargaining chip?", "Victor: Well, that's your interpretation, isn't it?", "Victoria: The name will be changed, the line will be expanded, and I'm really looking forward to making something of it.", "Victor: Okay, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Bye, dad.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Victor: Something else on your mind?", "Ashley: Yes!", "Victor: What?", "Ashley: Jack has stepped down. I'm the new CEO of Jabot cosmetics, so I guess you'll be dealing with me from now on.", "Victor: I'll be damned. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better.", "[Door opens]", "Dylan: Hey. I thought you were heading to crimson lights. What are you doing back here?", "Sage: [Clears throat] Don't mind me.", "Noah: Um... I'm sorry. Um...", "Sage: That's okay. I will report to our boss that morale is high. Our boss -- my husband. \"Husband\" -- I'm still getting used to saying that.", "Noah: And loving every minute of it.", "Sage: You bet.", "Noah: Good. Um... I'm gonna go get some more brown ale from, uh, uh, downstairs... over here.", "Marisa: [Chuckles]", "Sage: Wow. You and Noah seem to be doing pretty well.", "Marisa: If you had walked in earlier, you would have thought differently.", "Sage: What do you mean?", "Marisa: Victor sent me a check for half a million dollars.", "Sage: Half a million dollars?", "Marisa: Mm-hmm -- a little bribe to get me to leave town. Then Victor showed up.", "Sage: And what happened?", "Marisa: He tried to convince Noah that I accepted the money, which, of course, I hadn't. The worst part is that Noah was starting to buy in to Victor's story.", "Sage: Starting to, meaning he didn't?", "Marisa: By the end, Noah realized I was telling the truth -- told his grandfather he'd gone too far -- but it was so -- god. It was so embarrassing how I had to defend myself like that.", "Sage: I can imagine.", "Marisa: Victor has so much power over his family. As much as nick loves you, don't underestimate the threat his father poses. If Victor decides you're in his way, you could be next.", "Billy: So, neutral territory?", "Victoria: Yeah. It'll do. So, what's the occasion?", "Billy: May you live in interesting times.", "Victoria: You do realize that that's a curse?", "Billy: With me.", "Victoria: Here is to the most unromantic thing that anyone has ever said to me.", "Billy: Well, speaking of curses, how is your dad?", "Victoria: He's good. I had a nice talk with him today about Chelsea and Connor.", "Billy: Mm, and his plans to recruit the kid into the cult of the black knight?", "Victoria: Before you go there, dad has no intention of keeping Chelsea from her son. \"A child should be with his mother\" -- those were his exact words.", "Billy: Thank you for, uh -- for looking after that little boy.", "Victoria: I know how much he means to you.", "Billy: Not that I trust Victor Newman to keep his word.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Adam: Anita, what I meant by that, uh --", "Anita: No, there's no need to explain yourself, Gabe. If you love Connor enough to think of him as your own, that's good enough for me. Then you have my blessings to go to Paris, okay? I know you're gonna take good care of my little grand-- my -- my little slugger!", "Chelsea: We are gonna take good care of him, mom. I promise. We will. Thank you.", "Anita: How much longer are you gonna be here -- I mean, exactly?", "Adam: Not long.", "Chelsea: No. As I told you, we are just here for a few days, and then we are going to cut our losses.", "Adam: You know what? What the heck are we still doing here anyway, right? We came. We tried. Why are we beating our head against the wall? For what?", "Chelsea: What are you saying?", "Adam: I'm saying let's get the heck out of here. Let's get on our next flight to Paris. Let's go home.", "Chelsea: Seriously?", "Adam: Yeah. To hell with Victor Newman and all his petty machinations. Who cares?", "Chelsea: Thank you. You could not have said anything to make me happier. Thank you. Let's get back to our beautiful life.", "Jack: Victor! Well, it's your lucky day. I've got some good news for you -- news you're gonna love.", "Victor: Your sister already delivered the news. Congratulations on your early retirement.", "Jack: I prefer to think of it as a sabbatical, but it's an opportunity Ashley's waited a long time for.", "Victor: You know, this is a rather dangerous time for your sister to take over the reins of your company.", "Jack: Ashley has been looking in to your paragon project. So has Billy. It appears there's so evidence it actually exists, which means your bringing Marco Annicelli into town, making all our lives miserable, was for naught.", "Victor: Mm.", "Jack: So, you can live with the knowledge that you brought a psychopath into town. Good luck sleeping.", "Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You think this is over?", "Sharon: know, I drove all the way there, and then I realized that I forgot my register key, and so I had to turn around and drive all the way back to get it. How's that for being disorganized?", "Dylan: Well, actually, I'm glad that we met here so we can -- we can talk in private.", "Sharon: Yeah. Me, too. I can't stop thinking about what I did, going off my meds. I'm sure it created all kinds of questions in your mind and it planted all kinds of doubts, and I'm ashamed I did that.", "Dylan: Sharon, I thought you understood. We have no secrets. You can trust me with anything.", "Sharon: I want us to have that kind of trust. I love you so much. If this has pushed you away...", "Dylan: I love you. And I'm with you because I've chosen to be. It's not because of the baby. It's because of you.", "Nick: What happened between my dad and Marisa has nothing to do with you and me.", "Sage: How can you say that? Noah clearly loves Marisa. And your father doesn't give a damn. Who's to say he's gonna stop interfering just because she told him where he can stick his bribe?", "Nick: It's their issue. It's unfortunate, but it's not going to affect us.", "Sage: Your father is a powerful man, nick -- a man who gets what he wants. If he wants to push me aside after I produced a Newman heir, I doubt anybody's gonna stop him.", "Victoria: You know, my dad cares about Connor. Why is that so hard for people to accept?", "Billy: Okay. Imagine that you and I wanted to start over. We decided to move far away 'cause it was what was best for us and for the kids. What is to stop your dad from doing the same thing to us -- using his considerable clout to make us come back?", "Victoria: Well, for that to happen, we -- we'd have to be back together. Are we?", "Victor: I have always viewed you as a worthy adversary, Jack. You're as concerned about the safety of your family as I am concerned about the safety of my family. But if you begin to doubt the paragon project, then I think you're either a liar or a fool. I'm almost convinced that an Abbott is behind that project.", "Jack: If you're gonna use this as yet another reason to go after my family, so help me god...", "Victor: If an Abbott is not involved in this, then someone is very interested to make sure that both our companies go down in flames, so you ignore me at your peril.", "Chelsea: You want that guy?", "Adam: You got teeth or something in there, right?", "Chelsea: I know. He's a big boy. That's why. Chelsea Lawson?", "Chelsea: Yeah. You've been served.", "Chelsea: What?! Wh-- what... what is this?", "Adam: Let me see that. Let me see that.", "Chelsea: What does it say?", "Adam: Son of a -- the man doesn't know when to stop.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about?", "Adam: It's Victor. He's filing a petition for visitation. Until this matter's resolved... he's demanding that neither you or Connor leave town.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Neil: It's quite possible we might never get to the bottom of this, Devon.", "Sharon: You're not gonna have to lie anymore.", "Mariah: Why is that?", "Sharon: I'm pregnant.", "Victor: When I win that court case, you will not see that boy again!" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The news ran a story about Chloe faking her death. While talking to Chelsea, Nick expressed empathy for Chloe, because he knew what it was like to lash out after the loss of a daughter. He urged Chelsea to think about whether her friendship with Chloe was worth salvaging. Chloe and Kevin went out, believing that they'd given Billy enough sedatives to keep him asleep while they were gone. Chloe eased Kevin's fears that she'd have a mental relapse if she helped Billy. Victoria learned that Billy had known for a few weeks that Chloe was alive and that Adam was tormenting her and Kevin. She realized his nightmares began around the time of Chloe's first return. Victoria wasn't angry with Chloe, but she was mad at Kevin for not telling her what Billy had been dealing with. Kevin regretted not telling Victoria that Billy was in a bad place. Kevin and Chloe decided to buy time for Chloe to help Billy by sending Victoria and the Abbots a text from Billy's phone saying that he'd checked back into rehab for gambling. Michael tried to sever his relationship with Adam now that Adam didn't have anything to hold over Kevin and Chloe's heads. Adam produced a picture of Fen using and dealing drugs and used it as leverage over Michael. Jack and Lauren talked about his charity's drug treatment plan for musicians. Michael confided in Lauren that Fen was in trouble, and they arranged for her to go get their son into rehab before Adam could turn him in to the police. Lauren said that when she got home, she and Michael were going to take Adam down together.", "Victoria received the text Kevin sent from Billy's phone, and she believed it was really from Billy. She told Nick she was hurt by Billy lying to her and shutting her out, and she began to wonder if they could really have the future they'd dreamed of. She wondered if Billy had actually gone to rehab, or if this was a cover story. Jack and Traci worried about Billy, who they believed was in rehab again. Jack contrasted Billy's decision to leave his kids, to go to rehab, with Dina's decision to abandon her family. Traci thought that Billy and Dina were both desperate people. Jack recalled a childhood memory. John had implored Dina to tell him what she needed to make her happy, but she didn't answer him. Traci thought the people of that era would've found it bizarre if Dina had admitted she wanted to start her own company and travel the world. Jack realized that Dina's life wasn't in the Abbott house, and she'd needed to go find it. Chelsea ran into Chloe having a picnic in the park with Kevin, Esther and Bella. Chloe was overjoyed when Chelsea said she wanted to repair their friendship. Billy woke up in the boathouse with his leg in a splint and no idea where he was.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Kevin: I don't get why you would take such a risk. Not just with your new job, but you're taking on adam.", "Michael: I told him what would happen if he messed with my brother.", "Billy: Quick trip to cali, and I'll be back before you miss me.", "[ Engine revving ]", "Chloe: Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?", "Kevin: We can'T. He tried to kill adam, and crashed whoever's car that was.", "Chelsea: Chloe?! You're al-alive? How?", "Kevin: Well, it's -- it's complicated.", "Chelsea: I thought you were my best friend. I thought that I could trust you more than anyone in the entire world. You pretended to help me grieve over adam. Meanwhile, you knew the whole time that you were responsible for my pain!", "Chelsea: Morning.", "Nick: Morning. 11:54. Just under the wire.", "Chelsea: [ Hisses ] I know. Sorry. I-I didn't mean to sleep so late.", "Nick: No, don't apologize. You've been putting in some serious hours getting ready for your event, and, uh, the boys have been doing an amazing job entertaining themselves.", "Chelsea: Ah, then what's been occupying your time?", "Nick: Uh, just catching up on the news. Prepare yourself. It seems adam is not the only one who's cheated death recently.", "Chelsea: It hit the news already. That didn't take long.", "Nick: You knew about this?", "Chelsea: I bumped into chloe and kevin at the coffeehouse yesterday.", "Nick: [ Scoffs ] How is this not something that would come up?", "Chelsea: I think I was just still in shock. I mean, it's so surreal. Part of me still can't believe it.", "Nick: Well, you weren't hallucinating. Other people have seen her, too.", "Chelsea: That's actually the reason I overslept. I was up all night, tossing and turning, staring up at the ceiling, re-living everything chloe put connor and me through. That woman completely derailed our lives.", "Chloe: Will you stop looking around? You are giving me the willies.", "Kevin: If anyone recognizes you, then --", "Chloe: It was your idea. You said that we needed to be out in public.", "Kevin: Doesn't mean I want to see you get attacked again.", "Chloe: Okay, chelsea had every right to hand it to me. Besides, the whole point is to be out, acting natural, and not freaked out that we kidnapped billy and stashed him in a boathouse and drugged him into a stupor.", "Kevin: He's just catching up on his sleep. We're doing him a favor. He'll heal better from the accident, too.", "Chloe: Okay, are you sure that he's not gonna wake up while we're gone?", "Kevin: How many more times are you gonna ask me that?", "Chloe: [ Kicks ]", "Kevin: Ow! Ha!", "Chloe: Do I need to repeat the question?", "Kevin: The sedative I gave him is going to keep him knocked out for hours, which will give us time to figure out what the hell to do next.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ]", "Kevin: First order of business -- we need to come up with a cover story the abbotts will buy.", "Chloe: Great. The abbotts and victoria -- all very smart, savvy people. How long is one text going to keep them from contacting the police?", "Kevin: It depends on the text. They're gonna think it's from billy, since we grabbed his phone, so that's gonna buy us some time.", "Chloe: [ Groans ] I don't know.", "[ Sighs ]", "Kevin: Come on! Help me. We have one shot at this, and \"I ran off and joined the circus\" ain't gonna cut it.", "Chloe: Fine. Um... [ Kevin sighs ] How about \"I ran away to rehab\"? I mean...they might buy that. It's not perfect, because he hasn't been gambling lately --", "Kevin: It's brilliant. Totally. I say jack, traci, victoria. Keep things simple.", "Chloe: [ Sighing ] Okay.", "Victoria: Chloe? Um... I heard the news, but... still, seeing you like this, it's -- it's so mind-blowing.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Michael: Oh. You wanted to see me?", "Adam: Do you care to explain this?", "Michael: Ah! Love to. Uh, well, while you were fantasizing about all the hoops that you'd make me jump through as district attorney, I was using my new position to see that justice was done.", "Adam: Chloe is only facing charges of arson and destruction of property. Not for any of the multiple attempts trying to kill me. That sounds more like a perversion of justice to me.", "Michael: Mm. Well, to bring further charges, I'd need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. No jury will believe that you were inside the cabin chloe blew up. I mean, there's just -- there's not a scratch on you.", "Adam: Aside from the bullet wound she put in my stomach.", "Michael: Oh, well [Scoffs] I mean, you arranged for some poor schmo from vegas to take the fall for that. Oh, unless you want your lie to come out into the open, because you'd be facing some serious charges yourself in that event.", "Adam: That's very clever, counselor.", "Michael: Just doing my job. You didn't think it through when you suggested I run for district attorney, but I did. That knife you were holding at my throat, I knew, with the power of this office, I could change it into... a feather. And luckily for me, I'm not in the least bit ticklish. Additional sponsorship", "Nick: Look, I get why you're upset. I will never forget, uh, how it felt to find chloe's body. It was gruesome and tragic and something that nobody should ever have to experience. And then, you know, having to deal with the guilt that maybe our determination to find her was too much for her to handle, and that drove her to commit suicide. At least -- at least, we thought.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and I'm -- I'm grateful it wasn't true. I'd hate to think of bella growing up without her mother this whole time. But my son grew up without his father because of what chloe did. Not to mention, what kind of person, after believing they murdered somebody, goes back to the grieving widow and pretends to be her best friend?! It's sick!", "Nick: [ Sighs ] No one could blame chloe for wanting adam dead.", "Chelsea: You feel sorry for her, don't you? I can hear it in your voice.", "Nick: It's just -- it's hard for me to judge her.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Because of cassie.", "Nick: Yeah. When she died, the rage I felt drove me to do some pretty rotten things to people. You know, I lost my only daughter, just like chloe did. The grief was overwhelming. Now, that doesn't excuse some of the things she's done, like completely upend your life. But maybe that was a reaction to having her whole world blown to smithereens by adam. This whole chain of events started with him.", "Michael: So, have I answered all your questions pertaining to chloe? 'Cause I have a big day ahead of me serving the faithful voters of walworth county. They're the only masters i answer to now.", "Adam: Mm. Is that what you think, michael?", "Michael: As much as I've enjoyed our working relationship, which is to say, not at all, I think it's time it came to an end. Since kevin and chloe have nothing to fear from you any longer, that means neither do I.", "Adam: Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've been expecting this from you for some time.", "Michael: Really?", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: Or is this just some attempt to maintain your reputation for being all-powerful, omniscient, blah, blah, blah?", "Adam: [ Sighs ] It is totally corrupt to use the powers of your office to shield a family member from prosecution. But I do find it reassuring that you are willing to bend the rules when necessary. Situational ethics is a positive trait in any secret ally.", "Michael: Maybe I didn't make myself clear to you -- you no longer have any hold over me, adam. And don't bother making any empty threats about exposing whatever sleazy tactics you used to rig the election on my behalf. Because we both know, you'd be in more hot water for that than I would.", "Adam: All right. No more empty threats.", "Michael: Mm-hmm.", "Adam: Tell me, michael, how is your son doing these days?", "Victoria: So, um, where were you living?", "Kevin: Portland.", "Victoria: So that part of the cover story was true. Were -- were you together the whole time?", "Chloe: Pretty much.", "Victoria: Oh. How is it that you managed to stay hidden for so long? And -- and why did you decide that now was the time to come back to genoa city?", "Chloe: Wow. That's a lot of questions.", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I am. I-I don't mean to pry. It's just that --", "Kevin: Well, you know, it's, uh, not every day somebody comes back from the dead.", "Chloe: No, just every other day.", "[ Both chuckle ]", "Kevin: And, well, with regard to the timing, uh, it was getting harder and harder to keep things quiet. You know, bella's getting older, asking more questions. Like why couldn't chloe come with us any time we came to town to visit her grandmother? Stuff like that.", "Victoria: E-esther didn't know?", "Chloe: I know how awful that sounds. And it was. But the plan was crazy and risky, and we just didn't want to drag my mom down with us if the plan went south.", "Kevin: Especially since we needed esther to raise bella if the two of us ended up in prison.", "Victoria: I hope that esther didn't find out from that tabloid story.", "Chloe: No, I came home a month ago. I told her then.", "Victoria: Oh. Which explains why you were here around the same time.", "Kevin: Yeah, I guess so.", "Victoria: You mentioned that you ran into billy on that visit. You know, that's funny. That's right around the time that he was having nightmares, and he started having insomnia. Did you see billy on that trip, too? Does he know that you're alive?", "Chelsea: I don't understand what's happening right now. You were the one who was so determined to prove that chloe was the one that blew up the cabin, and now you just -- you -- you just forgive her?", "Nick: I've almost lost it a few times since adam's come back, so it's easier for me to sympathize with chloe.", "Chelsea: No. Okay? You punched adam. That is not even in the same realm as what chloe did.", "Nick: I know. And how you choose to handle this going forward is completely up to you.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? What makes you think I would want anything to do with that woman ever again?", "Nick: How worked up you are.", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You know, she -- she said how sorry she was, and she... said she's back to her old self, and that she and adam could coexist, and that she just wants to move on with her life.", "Nick: You believe her?", "Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Does it matter? All I keep thinking about is just how different everything would be -- for me. For my son. For all of the newmans. For everybody -- if that cabin didn't explode. If adam didn't lose three years of his life, and come back here just desperate to claw back everything that was taken from him.", "Nick: Adam made his own choices. He was an entitled, manipulative jerk long before he met chloe.", "Chelsea: It doesn't let her off the hook, nick.", "Nick: Well, she's got enough on her conscience. And she doesn't need you to pile on adam's crimes. And, look, this whole thing is not about chloe for me. It's about you. You two were pretty tight. Friendships like that are hard to come by.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Nick: So you got to ask yourself, do you want to get back what you had, or are you beyond caring? You're just ready to move on. If that's the case, you don't owe chloe mitchell a damn thing. But if you can get past this resentment, find a way to forgive, that's a different story. And it might be worth a shot. But only you can answer that question.", "Michael: Did you just make the mistake of threatening my son?", "Adam: Oh, no, not at all. I was merely asking if you'd heard from him lately.", "Michael: I'm going to say that's none of your business.", "Adam: [ Inhales deeply ] So that's a no. You know, it makes sense. 'Cause he's on tour, hanging out with his buddies, having a good old time. Well, hopefully not too good a time, given his history.", "Michael: What are you implying? Just -- just spit it out.", "Adam: That's fen, isn't it? Partying. And apparently dealing. Yep. That is definitely cash in his hand. I know the photo quality's not great. And I know what a stickler you are for \"proof beyond a reasonable doubt.\"", "Michael: You bastard!", "Adam: Ah, ah, ah. No need to get riled. According to my source, he's not in deep. Just makes sure everybody has a good time on tour. [ Sighs ] Got to say, though, it's a big risk with a drug history like that. [ Sighs ] I believe that photo was taken in atlanta. Or maybe it was -- maybe it was tulsa. Did you know the average sentence for drug trafficking in oklahoma is eight years in a state penitentiary?", "Michael: What do you want from me?", "Adam: Nothing at the moment. I just want you to be aware that that little bit of time that the knife wasn't at your throat, it's only because I was sharpening it. Great news!", "Chloe: Please don't be mad at billy. I begged him to keep it secret.", "Victoria: I just assumed that you were worried about adam finding out and coming after you.", "Chloe: He did find out. He was blackmailing kevin and me, threatening to turn me in to the police if kevin didn't follow his orders.", "Victoria: Billy knew about that? Oh, my god. No wonder he was so livid at adam. And the thought of you being tormented, it must have made him feel so powerless.", "Chloe: I didn't mean to make him upset.", "Kevin: Whoa, whoa. Don't feel guilty for something adam did.", "Victoria: You should feel guilty, kevin. The other day, you asked me how billy was doing when you knew better than I did what he's dealing with.", "Kevin: Before I left, billy said he was gonna get help, see a therapist. I-I thought he would be okay.", "Victoria: You are not qualified to make that call.", "Kevin: I was focused on protecting chloe.", "Victoria: At billy's expense.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] I realize that now. And -- and when I saw him again, and saw that he was worse, I-I was concerned.", "Victoria: And yet you didn't reach out to me. [ Sighs ] I really wish that you would have cared enough about billy's well- being to be honest with me.", "Chloe: I am really sorry that all of this happened. I wish I had never gotten billy into this whole mess.", "Victoria: I don't blame you for reaching out. You needed help. And -- I'm just worried about billy, okay?", "Kevin: I think this business trip he's on is the best thing for him. It's time away from adam. Time to just chill out. Say, once he's back, why don't we all get together and just talk this through. When is he coming home?", "Victoria: Uh, he wasn't sure when he was coming back.", "Chloe: Well, you just keep us in the loop, okay?", "Victoria: I will. I will. Thank you very much for your candor. I appreciate it. We'll talk soon. Chloe, it was nice to see you.", "Kevin: [ Sighs ] I feel like a complete heel. Victoria's right. If I had just told her what was going on with billy, she could have stopped him from unraveling and -- and trying to kill adam.", "Chloe: Yeah. And we just lied to her again. We are total jerks.", "Kevin: Maybe we should tell her what he did. She loves him far too much to turn him in.", "Chloe: No, that would mean making her our accomplice. If adam and the cops find out what billy did, I don't want her to be on the hook for it.", "Kevin: Me neither, but we don't have any good options here.", "Chloe: Well, if I can get billy's head on straight, I think that will make up for all of it.", "Kevin: Chloe, I am concerned that you working with billy is going to bring out... your murderous rage.", "Chloe: When I saw billy driving that car, the only thing I could think about was saving adam.", "Kevin: For billy's sake.", "Chloe: And connor'S. I don't want that little boy to grow up without a father. I keep thinking about all of the people that love adam. And that's how I know that I've truly changed.", "Kevin: Okay. You've convinced me. I will make sure you have all the time you need to get through to billy.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Kevin: Let's send that text.", "Chloe: Okay. [ Sighs ]", "Kevin: Okay.", "Jack: There are other addiction-treatment programs out there. Very few of them are evidence-based, and fewer still are designed specifically for performing artists and musicians.", "Lauren: All right, you don't have to go any further. I've definitely heard enough.", "Jack: Then you'll increase your quarterly contribution?", "Lauren: How does another 5% sound?", "Jack: It is music to my ears. Thank you.", "Lauren: It's a cause I am very happy to support. It's close to my heart.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Jack: On account of fen.", "[ Sighs ]", "Lauren: Is everything okay?", "Jack: [ Sighs ] The timing of this. We were just talking about addiction- treatment facilities. This is a text from billy saying he's checked himself into rehab for his gambling again.", "Lauren: Oh, I'm so sorry.", "Jack: You know what? He -- he sent this to traci, too. I-I got to get home and talk to her about this.", "Lauren: Yeah, of course. Go, go. And if there's anything that I can do...", "Jack: Thank you very much. Thank you.", "Lauren: Of course.", "Michael: Hello, jack.", "Jack: Hey, michael. I-I got a family emergency I got to deal with. I'll see you later.", "Lauren: He's worried about billy. He relapsed with gambling. Addiction is such a cruel disease.", "Michael: I need to talk to you.", "Lauren: Oh. Is it about chloe? Is there a legal hang-up in her case?", "Michael: No, it's, uh -- it's a bit closer to home, I'm afraid. It's fenmore. I've always been excited for what's next. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Michael: Have you talked to fenmore lately? Do you know where he is now?", "Lauren: I-I'm not sure. Maybe cleveland. Why?", "Michael: Call lp. Find out his touring schedule. Uh, say you want to send him a care package, whatever. Just don't say you're arranging a visit.", "Lauren: Are we?", "Michael: You are.", "Lauren: Uh, wait a minute. What -- what's going on? I don't understand. Why can't I tell fen that I'm coming?", "Michael: If our son knows you're on your way, I think he'll find a reason not to be there.", "Lauren: No, fen and i are on good terms. He would not avoid me. I know he hasn't wanted to talk to you, lately. You know, when you get that look in your eye, you really scare me. Can you just tell me what's going on?", "Michael: Fenmore is using again.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Billy sent out a text to jack and traci and me. He's not on a business trip, after all.", "Nick: Okay. Where is he?", "Victoria: He said that he felt that he was on the verge of gambling, so he went back to rehab.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Sorry. Are you okay?", "Victoria: No. I'm not okay. I-I don't believe this. I mean, I know that billy has been struggling with some things lately, but gambling? No, the thought never even crossed my mind.", "Nick: All right, well, what can I do? I mean, name it and I'll do it. I owe you, vick, the way you and billy stepped up for me when I lost custody --", "Victoria: That's what family does for each other, nick. You don't owe me for anything.", "Nick: What do you think pushed him to this point?", "Victoria: Billy told me that he was going on a business trip to california, but then, when i found out from jack that that wasn't true, I just assumed that maybe his disappearing act had something to do with adam.", "Nick: Well, maybe it does. I mean, \"spider\" was a professional gambler.", "Victoria: Do you think that billy would go to vegas to try to dig up dirt on adam's past and then get caught up in some underground poker scene?", "Nick: Stranger things have happened.", "Victoria: I suppose so. I-I don't know. I mean, a couple of months ago, at our commitment ceremony, I just felt so close to billy. I felt like I could trust him again, and -- and that... [ Sighs ] I don't know. I started to believe that we would have this future that we always talked about. But now he's lying to me, he's hiding things. He sends me this devastating message by text. I just -- I don't understand. What's happening to him, nick?", "Traci: Oh! Please tell me that you've talked to billy. I've called and called, and he won't pick up.", "Jack: I wish I'd searched harder for him when victoria first told me that he'd left town.", "Traci: Oh, come on, jack. What else could you have done? I mean, you've been so busy at jabot with the merger --", "Jack: Ashley could have handled that. My brother's more important to me than any damn business deal.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] My heart just breaks for him. At least he figured out that he needed some help. I guess there's some comfort in that. But you downplaying work -- is there something more going on with you? Are you having second thoughts about partnering with ashley?", "Jack: No, not at all. No, it's the best thing for the company, best thing for the family. It's just a crisis like this makes your rearrange your priorities rather quickly.", "Kevin: What do you say we get this party started, huh?", "Chloe: Okay!", "Esther: Okay!", "Chloe: Come on.", "Esther: Well, I sweetened the tea with a little lemonade.", "Kevin: Oh! What an incredible idea. Can I get that recipe?", "Bella: It's not hard, daddy.", "Esther: If I could open it. I can open it.", "Kevin: Here, you take this.", "Esther: Here, I got it.", "Chloe: [ Laughing ]", "Kevin: You sure?", "Esther: Yeah.", "Kevin: Did you say it's not hard? Well...", "Chloe: It really isn't that hard. But what about these cookies? Oh, my gosh! Did you do the icing? And this plate is absolutely gorgeous. I bet you picked it out.", "Kevin: Mmm! Well, she's got her mom's flair for decorating. Of course she did.", "Chloe: Well, whatever bella puts her mind to turns out fabulous.", "Esther: [ Sighs ] I can't tell you what it means to be together like this. It's just a dream come true for me.", "Chloe: I'm so sorry, what I put you through, mom.", "Esther: It's all forgotten, honey. Heh.", "Kevin: Mmm! This is really great.", "Esther: Thank you.", "Kevin: Lemonade, you say, in the iced tea?", "Esther: Right.", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "Traci: I think I should call victoria. I'm sure this is very difficult.", "Jack: Maybe he won't be gone that long. The last time he checked himself in, he was back sooner than expected. He finished his program as an outpatient.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Jack... this time, I think he has a little bit more to deal with. Having adam back, it's dredged up all the pain over losing delia. When that kind of grief is triggered, I think it sends you into a spiral. I think we should plan on him being gone for a while.", "Jack: Not gonna be easy for his kids. But then, you and I know what that's like. Not that there's any similarity between what dina did and billy's situation. He's just getting much-needed help. And, frankly, to do that, he'd have to be pretty desperate.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Jack... [ Clears throat ] Our mother, in her own way, was desperate, too.", "Jack: Yeah, desperate for more fun and excitement.", "Traci: No, no. She was unhappy for a long time.", "Jack: I can't for the life of me figure out why.", "Traci: [ Sighs ] Well, maybe she couldn't figure it out, either. She had everything a woman of that era could want -- this beautiful home, a handsome husband, three healthy children who adored her.", "Jack: And yet that wasn't enough.", "Traci: No. For a woman like dina, with that outsized intellect and drive, it wasn't enough.", "Victoria: Turns out that that's not the only secret that billy has been keeping. Chloe just told me that he's known for weeks about her being alive.", "Nick: You're kidding.", "Victoria: I guess he was probably worried about her being caught, but I'm sure that must have added to his -- his stress. [ Sighs ] And he never said a word to me, nicholas. Kevin knew more about what he was dealing with than I did. It hurts.", "Nick: Do you think it's a possibility that billy was just trying not to burden you?", "Victoria: He's my partner. I-I'm his partner. I want him to burden me. I just... there is absolutely nothing billy could have told me that would make me feel worse than I do right now, which is disconnected from the man that I love. And, honestly, I don't even know if he's in rehab. I mean, maybe that's just a cover story.", "Nick: Well, do you have a plan to find out?", "Chloe: Well, you didn't run away, so I'll take that as a good omen. If you want to talk, I am here to listen. Or if you want to chew me out again...", "Chelsea: She's beautiful.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Chelsea: S-so, what's your plan? Are you staying in genoa city?", "Chloe: It feels right. And my mom is really excited to have us back.", "Chelsea: Connor and I are staying, too.", "Chloe: Look... I'll make it a point to keep my distance if that's what you want.", "Chelsea: I men, we're bound to keep running into each other. I don't expect you to avoid going out in public altogether.", "Chloe: [ Sighs ] Well, how do you expect us to navigate that?", "Chelsea: I'm trying to figure that out. I don't want to be a hypocrite, so I can't be mad at you for hitting me over the head and fleeing town, since that's what I did to sharon.", "Chloe: Wait, what?", "Chelsea: It's a long story.", "Chloe: No, I think I'd like to hear it.", "Chelsea: I don't really feel like getting into the details, so...", "Chloe: Yeah. Uh, yeah. Of course. Sorry. N-- what-whatever you want.", "Chelsea: Suffice it to say I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. I've done some really, really bad things. And I wasn't grieving for my child.", "Chloe: Losing delia doesn't excuse what I did to you.", "Chelsea: But there were mitigating circumstances. I understand... why you wanted adam dead.", "Chloe: I didn't need to act on my feelings. And I was selfish, and I let my rage consume me, and I didn't think about you or connor, and i don't deserve your forgiveness.", "Chelsea: No, you don'T. But I didn't deserve to lose my friend, either. And I'd like her back.", "Chloe: Really?", "Chelsea: We're both very flawed women trying to start over. It might be easier if we do it together.", "Chloe: [ Exhales shakily ]", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Do not make me regret this, chloe.", "Chloe: I won'T. [ Chuckles ]", "Lauren: [ Huffs ] He's not picking up.", "Michael: It's just as well. You shouldn't talk to fenmore in your current state of mind. We need to get you on a plane.", "Lauren: No, what I need to do is, I need to talk to our son, because maybe he's not using. Maybe this is just some horrible rumor.", "Michael: [ Inhales deeply ] There are photos.", "Lauren: Photos? How? I mean, who would do that?", "Michael: One of fenmore's new friends. Who evidently sold the photos to adam, who made a point of showing them to me.", "Lauren: Adam knows? There's just no easy answers...", "Jack: What you just said sparked quite a memory for me.", "Traci: Really? Tell me.", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "John: We just got back from a vacation.", "Dina: That was three months ago -- in a cabin.", "John: And the kids, they loved it.", "Dina: The alcorns went to acapulco. Brigitte bardot was staying in the same hotel. Can you even imagine? Glancing across the poolside café at breakfast, and there's a famous movie star just sipping her morning coffee.", "John: So that's why you were hanging on alcorn's every word last night at the club? I was wondering. [ Scoffs ] So was mrs. Alcorn.", "Dina: You always think that I'm flirting.", "John: I can't get away from work now, and the kids are at school. Why don't you hire that decorator everyone's talking about? You might like it better here if you start making some changes --", "Dina: It's not the house!", "John: Well, I know that it's not the kids! 'Cause they try so hard to please you. So that -- it just leaves me.", "Dina: No, john. You haven't done anything wrong.", "John: So then what is it, dina?", "[ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Please. What's missing? What do I have to give you that'll make you happy?", "Dina: [ Sobs ]", "Jack: I was in the dining room, frozen, a half-eaten apple in my hand. And they had no idea I was there.", "Traci: But you heard every single word.", "Jack: I've gone over that scenario thousands of times in my mind. And never once have I been able to imagine what mother's response would have been.", "Traci: Uh... \"I think I'd like to start my own company, dear, and travel the world.\" Can you imagine how bizarre that would have sounded to daddy? Or anyone else from that era?", "Jack: Her life wasn't here. It was out there somewhere, and she had to find it.", "Lauren: Are you telling me that adam is going to exploit this? That he's gonna use our son's addiction as blackmail material?", "Michael: Listen to me. Listen to me. Whatever adam has in mind, it's not gonna work, because you're gonna find our son right now, and you're gonna get him into treatment immediately, and you're gonna make him understand that there is no other option.", "Lauren: Oh, I will go. I will go and I will take care of our son. But when I get back --", "Michael: I get it! I get it. You have every right to be furious. It was arrogant of me to think that I could take adam on on my own.", "Lauren: Yes, it was. And when I get back, we are gonna take down that son of a bitch together. He is gonna be so sorry he messed with the two of us.", "Chloe: Chelsea, this is bella. Bella, this is mommy's good friend chelsea. And I don't think you remember her, 'cause it's been a while.", "Chelsea: It's so nice to see you again, bella.", "Esther: Chelsea, why don't you join us?", "Kevin: We are having a picnic/tea party in honor of labor day.", "Chelsea: Yeah, 'cause why the heck not?", "Chelsea: Well, that sounds like fun.", "Chloe: [ Chuckles ]", "Esther: How about some iced tea?", "Chelsea: Oh, thanks, esther.", "Bella: Care for a cookie?", "Chelsea: Oh! [ Laughs ]", "Kevin: You better take her up on that. She doesn't offer those to just anybody.", "Chelsea: Oh, sure! Thank you. Thanks, bella. Hey, are you starting school this week?", "Bella: Kindergarten!", "Chelsea: That is so neat. You know, I have a little boy who is just a little bit older than you, and he loved kindergarten. You're gonna have so much fun.", "Esther: You know what, bella, grandma would like another cookie, too.", "Kevin: Slow your roll, grandma. Papa wants another one, too.", "Chloe: [ Laughs ]", "Esther: Aw, I'm so glad you like these.", "Chloe: You know, they made these.", "Chelsea: No!", "Chloe: Yes!", "Esther: Yeah, we did!", "Kevin: They're so good.", "Chloe: Bella did the icing.", "Billy: [ Gasps ] Aah! [ Breathing heavily ] Where the hell am I?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Phyllis is still refusing to leave for jail while Summer is still sick. She seems to be getting worse so they take her to the hospital. Michael isn't able to help her and when she refuses to leave the hospital to report to prison, police officers arrive and arrest her. At the jail, she wants to use the phone. The guards aren't sympathetic and Phyllis is strip searched. Meanwhile, Ji Min and Jill are preparing for his interview. Carson and Amber come up with a plan to get her into Ji Min's room while he is out for a little while so she can search it. Jill is still in the room though, so she isn't able to come in. They decide that they will both go back when Ji Min leaves for his interview. Everyone is shown as having a reason to be angry with Ji Min: Jack because the details coming out could cost him his senate seat, Nikki, David, Victor and Katherine because it could be disastrous for their business, Cane because Ji Min is going to hurt Katherine, Amber and Carson because they think he stole the money and Amber may go to jail over it. Victor finds out that Jack was responsible for government contracts with Granville Global being canceled. Jack purchases Ji Min's ancestral land to blackmail him into not giving the interview. Victor tracks him down at the Athletic Club where he says that he took care of it and Ji Min won't be doing the interview. Meanwhile Jill is with the reporter and Ji Min is nowhere to be seen. She goes back to the hotel room and finds Amber in the room, crying. Next to the bed, she sees Ji Min dead on the floor!", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Michael: Well, she wouldn't listen to me.", "Lauren: You want me to try?", "Michael: Go.", "Nick: She's not gonna come out.", "Daniel: You know, I'm a pro at getting on her nerves. Maybe I can annoy her out of there.", "Michael: Well...", "Lauren: Phyllis...", "Daniel: Oh, I am glad to see that the preview of solitary confinement is over.", "Phyllis: I came here to get Summer's medicine.", "Michael: Phyllis, you have to report to prison.", "Phyllis: No.", "Michael: You will only make the situation worse.", "Phyllis: No, I-I need you to get off my back, okay? I'm not going anywhere. Can you, um... check her temperature, please?", "Nick: Okay.", "Lauren: Honey, look, I know you're upset, but Logan said that Summer was gonna be okay when she examined her.", "Phyllis: Well, I'll wait until she is okay. Until then, I'm staying.", "Michael: No, you need to go! You have no choice!", "Phyllis: I'm staying, Michael!", "Daniel: Mom, you know, this isn't the Alamo.", "Phyllis: What?", "Daniel: Barricading themselves didn't work for those guys, it's not gonna work for you.", "Phyllis: I-I--okay, I understand how you feel, but it's not gonna change what I'm doing. I'm staying.", "Daniel: Okay, you remember the Alamo? You know what? Those guys made a stand, and they got wiped out. And then years later, people wrote corny songs about 'em. And now--now there's, like, stupid references made to them. I mean, do you want people making stupid references about you and writing corny songs about you?", "Nick: Summer's fever is still high.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: It is so lame that you spent time writing down serial numbers from stolen money, but you did prove that Ji Min is a thief, so...", "Carson: What, so now you think I'm an irresistible genius?", "Amber: Replace irresistible with repulsive and genius with pain in the butt.", "Carson: See, even that sounds sexy when you say it.", "Amber: Just focus. Focus. I bet he has the money stashed in his room.", "Carson: Wonder if he has some socks that resemble the color of money.", "Amber: He's not gonna leave it somewhere the maid can find it.", "Carson: Now you got me imagining a maid with a sock fetish.", "Amber: Please, like you wouldn't go through someone's drawers if you had the chance, and spare me the lame joke about getting into my drawers because it's never gonna happen. He wouldn't make a deposit that big. It'd raise too many red flags.", "Carson: Safe deposit box?", "Amber: There are a ton of banks.", "Carson: Bet we'd find a statement in his room.", "Amber: And we get that how?", "Carson: Didn't I drop trespassing charges against you?", "Amber: Well, that just proves I'm not an expert. I got caught. Not an option today.", "Carson: I can get us access.", "Amber: And I'll do the searching.", "Carson: I don't think so. You find the money and take off, and I'm left with nada?", "Amber: No, I am under indictment! If I ran with the money, I would have an entire police force on my tail.", "Carson: And a nice place to be.", "Amber: Don't. Don't. Okay, if you took the money and ran, no one would even notice.", "Carson: I'd like to think that I've made some sort of impact on the people in this town. What if you took the money and went to the cops?", "Amber: Do you really think I'm that stupid?", "Carson: Well, there is a dumb blonde joke in there somewhere, Sweetheart, but I'm too much of a gentleman.", "Amber: You're the one who's dumb if you think I'm a real blond.", "Carson: So we're at a stalemate.", "Amber: If I prove that Ji Min stole the money, Kay Chancellor has the honor of discrediting him, while crediting me. It's a win-win.", "Carson: She talks you up to the hubby and you all live happily ever after, huh?", "Amber: Yep.", "Carson: Better hope Ji Min has that money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Well, they're meeting us at 4:00 in the founder's room. Unless you're having second thoughts?", "Ji Min: I'll be ready. Jill, this story's gonna make life miserable for your mother and Jack. Are you sure you want this?", "Jill: It's exactly what I want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: No, that is exactly what I don't wanna have happen. If Ji Min goes public with it-- yes! I'll handle logistics on this and you find out what you can about this reporter and what they know. No, the man would have to have lost his mind to do something this outrageous! Yes, I'm worried. Uh, I gotta-- I gotta go.", "Sharon: How is she?", "Jack: Who?", "Sharon: Phyllis. Isn't that who you were talking to?", "Jack: Uh...", "Sharon: Hey, it's-- its okay. I knew that Phyllis is going to jail today, and, um... that that would make you upset. But... you know, I'm sure she won't be there that long. She'll--she'll get time off for good behavior.", "Jack: Don't be so sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: How does she seem to you? Phyllis?", "Michael: Where are you going?", "Lauren: Phyllis?", "Phyllis: I'm taking her to the hospital.", "Michael: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Daniel, can you get the diaper bag? And, Lauren, get the medication? We can bring it with us.", "Nick: Yeah, go, do it.", "Michael: Phyllis, Nick can take her. You come with me.", "Phyllis: Listen, I don't care if they add more time to my sentence. My daughter needs me.", "Michael: The judge could perceive this as a flight attempt. You know that.", "Phyllis: Then he can meet us at the hospital.", "Lauren: All right, Daniel and I will go with Nick to the hospital.", "Michael: My delay request was denied. If you don't report to prison, they will issue a bench warrant.", "Nick: All right, what can he do to her if she shows up late?", "Michael: Add more time to her sentence. The warden's expecting her. And it won't look good to the other inmates if it's perceived that you are receiving preferential treatment.", "Phyllis: That doesn't matter to me. Don't you understand that? I don't care what happens to me.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: My daughter-- she gets nervous when the pediatrician walks into the room. Imagine how she'll react in the ER.", "Nick: It's okay.", "Phyllis: Me on. I need to be there and tell her its okay. I need to rub her back. She likes that.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: Okay, Baby.", "Summer: (Cries)", "Phyllis: All right, Sweetie.", "Nick: Let's go.", "Phyllis: If it were your son, and someone told you to walk away, what would you do?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: I might as well wear a big target on my chest.", "Jill: (Chuckles) it wouldn't match your eyes. (Telephone ringing)", "Ji Min: Hello?", "Carson: (Australian accent) Mr. Kim?", "Ji Min: Yeah?", "Carson: Peter Joshua here, producer for the show you're guesting on today.", "Ji Min: Yeah?", "Carson: We need to do a preliminary interview. I understand you've spoken with our reporter, but as segment producer, I do have to screen all the interviewees. Liability issues, you see? Uh, could you meet me at Crimson Lights on Hyde Park in, um, say, 20 minutes?", "Ji Min: All right, I'll be there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carson: (Normal voice) he bought it. Hook, line and sinker.", "Amber: I thought you said you could get us in the room.", "Carson: Give me ten minutes with Becky. I'll be in the lobby. The minute he walks in, I'll call your cell.", "Amber: Becky?", "Carson: She works in housekeeping.", "Amber: Oh. (Giggles) I get it. Ten minutes, huh? Poor girl.", "Carson: It gets me close enough to swipe the key card.", "Amber: Is that what you call it?", "Carson: Hey, when we've got all night, I'll show her my idea of room service.", "Amber: Good thing the girl has disinfectant. She's gonna need it after you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: This statement should preempt any damage Ji Min's interview could cause.", "Nikki: Oh... \"I was disheartened to learn of Jack Abbott's fraud. Mr. Abbott and I have put our differences aside. We want only what's best for the people of the state of Wisconsin. I realize now he took over Jabot out of love and respect for his late father, whose company had been under a cloud--\" you want me to support Jack? I don't know if I can do that.", "David: You need to make that statement, Nikki.", "Nikki: I'll make a statement. He is a pompous, arrogant, self-serving jackass. Remind me again why I'm doing this?", "David: You know why. Ji Min's interview is gonna set off a firestorm of controversy all around the senator and Katherine, two key figures in your project. Now the right words from you will exonerate them. It will also set them up as candidates for sainthood. Now I agree, it's an imperfect solution, but it is the solution to prevent a potential disaster.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Katherine? Hey, what a lovely outfit.", "Kay: Save your compliments. I'm looking for Cane.", "Jack: I haven't seen him. What's got you so riled up?", "Kay: Oh, by the way, fair warning, now if that story breaks about your ownership of Jabot, I swear, I'm gonna hold an interview of my own. \"I never, for one moment, knew he owned the company, your honor! I'm a victim of deceit!\"", "Jack: Katherine, Katherine, just calm down. That was just business.", "Kay: The facts are going to speak for me, Jack! Now I bought that company from Ji Min! And he--maybe he handed the money over to you, but that becomes your collusion, certainly not mine.", "Jack: Can we just step into my office so we don't tell the whole building about this?", "Kay: I don't care! I really don't care who hears me anymore.", "Jack: Katherine--", "Kay: I'm sick and tired of dancing around the facts!", "Jack: None of this would be an issue if you hadn't forced me to sign off on any involvement in my family's company.", "Kay: I saved that company!", "Jack: Don't play all holier than thou with me. I'm the guy you robbed when I had to sell Jabot back to you, remember? Now you're not really gonna try to play the \"I don't know' card. There's any number of people, your daughter included, who would call you out on that.", "Kay: Don't-- leave her out of this. Just leave her out of this.", "Jack: If you think you can get away with telling them you don't know, you're more senile than I thought.", "Kay: Don't you ever, ever, ever refer to me in that manner again!", "Cane: Hey, hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?", "Kay: Nothing! Nothing is going on, because there's nothing else to discuss!", "Cane: You're not harassing my grandmother, are you, Jack?", "Jack: You know, this Boy Scout thing is getting a little old. No, your grandmother can take fine care of herself.", "Kay: Well, you better believe it. Now you fix it, young man. Or I swear, I'm gonna sue you right down to your bankruptcy.", "Sharon: What was all that about? Jack... hey, come here. You can tell me anything.", "Jack: You know, when all the campaigning was over, I thought all the bad publicity would be over, too. I was naive enough to think that I would be part of some water cooler talk. You know, I backed the wrong bill, I said the wrong name, I wore the wrong color tie. All the stuff they make jokes about on late night television. But it would be my choices, my big mouth, my bad fashion sense. What I've done is gonna hurt an awful lot of people.", "Sharon: Okay, will you please tell me what's going on?", "Jack: Ji Min is going public with the fact that I owned Jabot. He's doing an exclusive interview later today.", "Sharon: Oh. Um, I see.", "Jack: Disgrace, thy name is Jack Abbott. Unfortunately, that also affects the other Abbotts, you included.", "Sharon: Um, well, hey, don't flatter yourself, okay? I-I was crowned a-a disgrace a long time ago. I even have the tiara and the sash at home to prove it.", "Jack: Ji Min is under this deluded idea that he can prove his love to Jill by coming clean.", "Sharon: All right, how bad is this gonna be?", "Jack: Possible lawsuits. Bad publicity for Clear Springs. And I could be censured and asked to resign from the senate.", "Sharon: Well... you know, um, I understand why you did what you did. And I am going to support you no matter what.", "Jack: You mean that, don't you? You're amazing. I don't deserve you.", "Sharon: Yeah, you did. Everything you did out of love for your father, you know, you had good intentions.", "Jack: I'm afraid when you're in the public eye good intentions don't matt-- don't mean a whole lot.", "Sharon: All right, um, okay, let's think about this logistically. Um, what if you came forward first?", "Jack: It would still come out the same way. The press would twist the story and I'd still be the deceitful, lying senator.", "Sharon: Well, you'll just twist it right back. I mean, you'll--you'll tell them that with Ji Min's help you turned that company around. You made it profitable again. And then you sold it at far less than it was worth, which proves that you were not deceitful for financial reasons. You--you had a goal and--and you reached it.", "Jack: I should just hire you right now as my PR person. You almost make me sound noble.", "Sharon: Jack, you are noble. Okay? We're just gonna make everybody else see that now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So when it's found out that Jack defied court orders--", "Cane: It'll ruin him.", "Kay: Well, not only that, it opens me up to lawsuits. Prosecution if they can prove that I knew about it before I purchased the company.", "Cane: There's no way to stop Ji Min's interview?", "Kay: (Chuckles) oh, short of wrestling the cameraman to the floor?", "Cane: Bet you got a good right hook.", "Kay: (Chuckles) you know, your ex-wife had a very interesting theory.", "Cane: Yeah, what's that?", "Kay: She suggested Ji Min stole the money that was buried on the estate.", "Cane: Well, if we can prove that, then we can put him behind bars, can't we?", "Kay: Well, we'd have to have him booked by this afternoon.", "Cane: I'm good, but I'm not that good. What about Mum? What, she can't talk him out of it?", "Kay: Oh, I highly doubt that. Confessing his sins to the world was your mother's idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carson: J-bird just flew the coop. Proceed to nest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Elevator opens)", "Cane: Hey.", "Jill: Hello.", "Cane: Can I come in?", "Jill: Is this a friendly visit?", "Cane: Mum, we need to talk.", "Amber: Son of a...", "Amber: We're screwed! Jill's in the room!", "Jill: I don't keep tabs on Ji Min's spending habits. What are you talking about?", "Cane: Amber thinks Ji Min stole the cash and if he's buying expensive gifts with that cash, then it proves the point.", "Jill: Amber? You're listening to that lying, not even really ex ex-wife of yours?", "Cane: Grandma believes her, too.", "Jill: Well, that's not helping your case. That harpy would do anything to make Ji Min out to be wrong.", "Cane: Will you look at what this bloke has done? He's almost tearing you and Grandma apart.", "Jill: Katherine is responsible for our estrangement, not Ji Min.", "Cane: And I'm getting stuck in the middle of it. I'm getting sick of it! I can't believe there hasn't been a homicide already.", "Jill: Well, we've come close.", "Cane: You hurt her, so she hurts you, so you hurt her some more, and she hurts you some more. When is it going to end?", "Jill: It's not gonna end, because she won't stay out of my life!", "Cane: And you punish her by putting a whopper of a secret on telly?", "Jill: Cane, she's part of that whopper. She deserves what she gets!", "Cane: Mom--Mom, I didn't think you trusted Ji Min anymore.", "Jill: Well, I was wrong. I believe he really loves me.", "Cane: He proves his love by going after Grandma? The man is a lying scoundrel and I can smell him a mile away!", "Jill: No, I asked-- I asked him to go public! I thought you were an advocate of the truth!", "Cane: I am, but I'm telling you, you are wrong in this case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. Hey, excuse me. Um, my baby needs to see a doctor right away, please.", "Woman: Have you signed in?", "Phyllis: I don't have time to sign in.", "Daniel: Mom, its okay. Calm down.", "Phyllis: It's not okay.", "Woman: A triage nurse will be with you shortly.", "Lauren: Daniel and I will take care of the paperwork", "Michael: The doctor will take care of it. We have to get back to the courthouse. We have to --", "Phyllis: I get it. I get it. I get it, Michael.", "Michael: All right, I'm gonna make some phone calls, all right? Okay.", "Nick: Stall. Do what you can.", "Michael: I got it! I got it!", "Phyllis: Excuse me, my baby is very sick. She's very sick. She saw the doctor. The doctor gave her some medicine, but the fever hasn't broken. She--she--she had a fever and now she's starting to have the sniffles and she has a little cough, too.", "Woman: We have several critical patients. All of our physicians are with them. I'll call you as soon as possible.", "Phyllis: Please! My baby is very sick.", "Lauren: Okay. The paperwork is done.", "Nick: I'll take it.", "Phyllis: What's taking them so long?", "Daniel: I'm sure they're gonna be out as soon as they can.", "Lauren: All right, why don't we just sit down? The calmer you are--", "Phyllis: I don't wanna sit down. I don't wanna sit down. I'm calm. I'm fine.", "Nick: Logan, I'm so glad you're still here.", "Logan: Is the little one still not feeling well?", "Phyllis: Yeah, she got worse since you examined her.", "Logan: Okay, well, what's changed?", "Nick: Well, she's, uh, breathing heavier and coughing now.", "Logan: I need to get this baby in a cubicle!", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Logan: Has she been feeding all right?", "Phyllis: She's not eating at all.", "Logan: All right. Nurse, administer a shot of ceftriaxone and get me a CBC Stat. I'll make sure she's comfortable. Just follow the nurse, she'll take care of Summer.", "Phyllis: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!", "Logan: I've got one more patient, and then I'll be right in, okay?", "Phyllis: Okay. Thank you.", "Michael: She get into see the doctor?", "Lauren: Yeah, Logan was here.", "Daniel: Yeah, she took one look at my little sister and started to bark out orders.", "Nick: Hey, any luck?", "Michael: Not yet. At this point, I don't think we can--", "Nick: Just keep doing everything you can to get an extension.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I've wasted too much time today writing a new statement defending Jack. And I'm gonna waste more time memorizing it.", "David: I'd be happy to make it worth your while.", "Nikki: Oh! Well, suddenly it doesn't seem like such a chore.", "David: I'm also gonna try and track down the reporter who's doing Ji Min's interview.", "Nikki: Why?", "David: I suspect he's gonna wanna hear your take on the story. He might even wanna do an on-air interview.", "Nikki: Really? Well, then I must powder my nose.", "David: Your nose is perfect even when it's shiny.", "Nikki: Mm. No matter what's going on, you always make me smile. Well... I guess I have to go to the office.", "David: You're not moving.", "Nikki: No. Maybe I'll order something to eat first.", "David: I'll take, tactics for avoiding a husband for $1,000, Alex.", "Nikki: (Chuckles) no, Victor's supposed to be having a lunch meeting, so if I stall long enough, maybe he'll be out of the building and we won't have to go ten rounds.", "David: Do you think it might be time that you... make your separation with Victor permanent?", "Nikki: Oh. Oh, where did that come from?", "David: You said yourself, Nikki. He only brings you down. He goes out of his way to make you suffer.", "Nikki: Believe me, it's not anything that I haven't already thought about.", "David: Oh, I don't doubt that. But thinking about and actually doing something-- two very different things.", "Nikki: You know, when I left him this time, I thought we would get back together like we always do. Now it just feels so different this time. I'm not dependent on him.", "David: Well, I'd like to think that I'm at least partially responsible for your new show of confidence.", "Nikki: Believe me, you are. You are a friend, a partner and life coach all rolled up into one.", "David: That's all well and good. I'd like to be a lot more.", "Nikki: So you have made that clear.", "David: Why don't you take a chance? See if that thing actually works? No comment? Great.", "Nikki: Let's just say you've given me a lot to think about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: When it comes to contract negotiations, you might be the last to know where I stand, all right? Thank you.", "Neil: Well, it's not much to go on. Well, I didn't give you much either. Yeah, yeah, same here. You'll be the first to know. Thanks. (Knock on door)", "Karen: Hi, may I interrupt for a moment?", "Victor: Please come in.", "Karen: I was speaking with a political associate of mine. And it appears the state is pulling its multi-million dollar contract with Granville Global.", "Neil: Really?", "Karen: Yeah.", "Neil: Do you know why?", "Karen: No, no, I'm still working on that one.", "Neil: The government doesn't make move like that on a whim.", "Victor: I need to know why that is happening right now. Please find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ji Min: Do me a favor, park my car.", "Carson: Amber? Yeah, he's back. Get out as quick as you can. Come the back way, okay?", "Cane: So here's the miserable bloke that's making life difficult for everybody, huh?", "Ji Min: I'm doing this for your mother.", "Cane: I'm not finished talking to you.", "Ji Min: You're her son, so I'll forget that.", "Cane: This ain't over! I'll be seeing you!", "Carson: Your husband just left. I thought he was gonna yank Ji Min's arm out of the socket.", "Amber: Maybe it would've kept him from going back to his room.", "Carson: So, it's onto plan \"B.\"", "Amber: Do we have a plan \"B?\"", "Carson: No, it's brainstorming time. You wanna go hit the coffee shop? Maybe a little caffeine will jolt the mind?", "Amber: Wait, Ji Min has an interview in one of the conference rooms at 4:00. And where he goes...", "Carson: Jill goes. Cheering on from the sidelines.", "Amber: Meet you upstairs at 4:00?", "Carson: Yeah. Well, hey, since we don't need a lookout, we can go search the room together.", "Amber: How cozy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Did you get to the judge yet?", "Michael: I'm trying to track down another judge who's helped me in the past.", "Daniel: It sounds like it could come in handy. Where can I find one?", "Michael: Let's work on your mother first.", "Lauren: Is there anything else that you can do?", "Michael: A miracle would be nice.", "Lauren: Oh, no.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Daniel: Where's Summer? Why aren't you with her?", "Phyllis: They-- they wouldn't let us stay in there. They--they--they kicked us out. Just, she--she's so-- she looked so scared just looking up at us.", "Lauren: Hey, Sweetie. Come sit down. Right here, all right? This is one of the best hospitals in the country.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Lauren: Okay?", "Phyllis: Okay.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Michael: Do they have any specifics yet?", "Phyllis: No, it's--it's bad. I know it. See, I knew. The doctor came, she examined her, and my baby didn't get better. And--and, you know, all the while, we're sitting here and they're letting all these people who are very healthy go in the front of the line. My--my daughter is suffering. She's getting worse. And I knew it. And no one would listen to me. No one listened to me!", "Phyllis: How--how is she? Can we see her?", "Logan: Soon. We've got her on an I.V. she's a little dehydrated. We also gave her something for the fever.", "Lauren: It could still be the flu, right?", "Logan: Uh, it could be. Um, if you excuse me, I have to get back.", "Lauren: What can I do for you?", "Phyllis: I... nothing--nothing is gonna make me feel better right now.", "Daniel: I could steal you a piece of chocolate cake from someone's tray.", "Phyllis: Michael? Michael, I have to stay. I have to stay here. I can't leave. You have to do something, okay? You--you have to do something.", "Michael: I've been on the phone non-stop. You're gonna have to turn yourself in.", "Phyllis: No! No! No! I can't! I won't! Do you understand me? There is no way!", "Lauren: Can't she just stay until after the test results?", "Nick: She can't leave here without knowing anything.", "Michael: It's my obligation to contact the sheriff's department and to arrange for transportation.", "Daniel: Wait a minute, so what, they're just gonna show up here and drag her off?", "Nick: Wait a little longer.", "Michael: I can't.", "Nick: You won't?", "Daniel: Michael, come on, please.", "Michael: Oh. I'll call the deputy. I'll tell him the situation. Maybe I can buy us some time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Have the governor give me a call as soon as possible. Thank you.", "Neil: Nothing like going straight to the top, right?", "Victor: Yeah. He owes me a favor. What did you find out?", "Neil: Lewis heard rumors about the state canceling the contract, but nothing definitive, though. (Knock on door)", "Karen: Excuse me?", "Victor: Yes?", "Karen: All right, here's the scoop, given to me completely off the record of course. Apparently, although his name is not directly tied to the action itself, Senator Jack Abbott is definitely the prime mover behind the proposed withdrawal of the Granville Global contract.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Anything I can do to make you feel better?", "Jack: You can make Ji Min disappear. (Cell phone ringing)", "Jack: Oh! There it is. Jack Abbott. You're sure? That is great news! You've just made my day!", "Sharon: Who was that?", "Jack: That was my fairy Godmother.", "Sharon: Did she grant your wish?", "Jack: I don't think Ji Min is going to be granting any interviews today.", "Sharon: That's great! Why, what happened?", "Jack: I've been negotiating to buy his family's ancestral land. The deal just went through. If he doesn't back off, they're gonna get an eviction notice.", "Sharon: That's horrible. Jack, don't you think you're going too far?", "Jack: If he wants me to back off, all he has to do is kill the interview. They can stay as long as they like.", "Sharon: Well, there has to be a better way.", "Jack: Not that quickly. Ji Min, this is Jack Abbott. I am on my way over to the athletic club. I wanna meet you in your room. Oh, and it would be in your best interests to hear what I have to say before you start with the, uh, confession is good for the soul routine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Nikki Newman.", "David: Hey, where are you?", "Nikki: I'm at the office, trying to avoid my hostile husband.", "David: All right, look, I need you to meet me at the athletic club right away.", "Nikki: I just left there.", "David: Yeah, I've arranged for a meeting with you and the reporter that's gonna be speaking with Ji Min. You'll be talking to him right after he does.", "Nikki: What does she know?", "David: Well, look, I had to give 'em the gist of the story, so that I can at least slant it in a way that was favorable to you.", "Nikki: You think you should've done that?", "David: Relax, okay? I made it very clear that everything I said to him was off the record, and he couldn't use any of it unless he got independent confirmation.", "Nikki: I just wish this whole thing would go away. I worry that no matter what I say, or how we spin it, the damage to Clear Springs is--is gonna cost me everything. --------------------------------------------------------", "Victor: Where's Jack?", "Sharon: He went to the athletic club to meet with Ji Min. Why? What's wrong?", "Victor: It doesn't concern you. Manipulate any state contracts today?", "Jack: Can't say as I know what you're talking about.", "Victor: Can't or won't?", "Jack: I do remember being surprised that the senator that preceded me awarded so many no-bid contracts to Granville Global.", "Victor: When Ji Min goes public with your misconduct, your senate seat will be a distant memory.", "Jack: I've managed to persuade the agreeable fellow not to give that interview.", "Victor: We'll see about that.", "Jack: I thought you might like to know I have contained the Ji Min problem. You can tell your boss not to release the, uh, preemptive strike she planned to give to the press.", "David: That's great news, Jack. Problem solved.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Think of what the press will do with this-- a sick baby ripped from the arms of its mother. Believe me, I will be the first one in line to describe how your office wouldn't budge an inch. Yes.", "Daniel: I think I was maybe 3 or 4 years old and I had a really bad cold. Mom knew how sick and how miserable I was. So she brought me homemade soup and crackers. Forget how contagious I was, crawled right into bed with me, watched cartoons, fed me that soup spoonful by spoonful. Didn't leave until I went to sleep.", "Nick: Homemade?", "Phyllis: Yeah. I was at home, I opened the can and I made it. I can't believe you remembered that.", "Daniel: It kinda made being sick fun.", "Phyllis: I hope Summer has memories like that.", "Nick: She will.", "Lauren: Well, hopefully, Michael will figure out a way to get you a few extra days.", "Phyllis: Oh, if he does, believe me, I will be so grateful. Summer gets better and--", "Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me. I am Mrs. Newman's attorney.", "Officer: Sir, we have a warrant for Phyllis Newman.", "Michael: All right, as I said to your superiors, the situation is an emergency. I've been on the phone with Judge Chong, with O'Neil, with all the people. The situation has got to--", "Officer: I'm afraid we have to take her in.", "Nick: No, no, no.", "Phyllis: I-I-I'm not going.", "Nick: Our little girl is sick. Please.", "Officer: Phyllis Newman, you're under arrest.", "Phyllis: No!", "Michael: All right, listen--", "Phyllis: No. No, I'm not gonna go. Nick!", "Nick: This isn't--", "Phyllis: Nick!", "Nick: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.", "Phyllis: My baby is sick.", "Nick: It's okay.", "Phyllis: My baby is sick!", "Michael: Phyllis--", "Lauren: Phyllis--", "Phyllis: No!", "Lauren: Phyllis, I promise you we will take great care of Summer.", "Phyllis: No!", "Nick: Take it easy!", "Phyllis: I can't go!", "Michael: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Michael! No! Please!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hey!", "David: Hey. Hi, you haven't seen that reporter yet, have you?", "Nikki: No. And where were you? I was here 15 minutes ago and you weren't here, so I went up to your room.", "David: All right, listen to me. The senator from hell somehow convinced Ji Min not to do the interview. I don't know how he did it, but he seemed very confident.", "Nikki: But you gave the details of the story to the reporter.", "David: I know. I know. I know, but listen, it was very clear that he didn't have a story unless he got confirmation.", "Nikki: Well, you can bet he's gonna try to get confirmation. Maybe I should give my statement?", "David: No! No, absolutely not! No. We wait to see what Ji Min does. In the meantime, we're in stealth mode, okay? Come on, let's go.", "Nikki: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Hello, I'm Jill Abbott.", "Man: Oh.", "Jill: I'm sorry I'm late. I hope you haven't been waiting long?", "Man: We've just arrived. Carter Campbell.", "Jill: Well, nice to meet you. Is Mr. Kim here yet?", "Carter: I haven't seen him.", "Jill: You haven't? That's very odd. We're both usually very punctual. Oh, voice mail.", "Carter: I'm sure he's on his way.", "Jill: I'm sure he is. Why don't I show you the founder's room, you can get set up, and then I'll see if I can find Mr. Kim. After you.", "Carter: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Amber remembering]", "Ji Min: Ahem. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just looking for Jill's purse. She said she left it here.", "Amber: Oh, um, I was just getting something out of my car.", "Ji Min: I'm sorry, what did you say?", "Amber: It's nothing important.", "Ji Min: I don't see it.", "Amber: See what?", "Ji Min: Jill's purse.", "Amber: Right, um, I don't -- I don't see it either.", "Ji Min: She must've left it somewhere else.", "Amber: Well, uh... good night.", "Ji Min: Night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Carson, I am outside the room. It's after 4:00. Where the hell are you? I'm not gonna wait here any longer. You know what? I'm going in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Please, I just wanna make one phone call to the hospital. My baby is sick.", "Officer: All prisoners go through intake before phone privileges are instated.", "Phyllis: Listen, um... she's just a little baby and she's sick.", "Officer: Look, this is a prison, not a luxury hotel. You will follow the rules, or you won't have a pleasant stay. Do as you're told, speak when spoken to.", "Phyllis: Are you a mother? Can you please just bend the rules this one time?", "Officer: You'll have to remove your clothing. I'm gonna have to search you for contraband.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: All right, how's Summer?", "Logan: Preliminary tests indicate Summer has RSV.", "Michael: What's that?", "Logan: Respiratory syncytial virus.", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, English, please.", "Logan: It's an infection of the lower respiratory tract.", "Lauren: All right, so how serious is it?", "Logan: Unfortunately, in Summer's case, it's severely infected.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I'm worried about you. We're all waiting downstairs for you. The media crew is all set up for your interview. Listen, if you don't wanna go through with this, that's fine. I just need to know that you're okay. Please, please, call me.", "[Jill goes into Ji Min's room and finds Amber standing over Ji Min's body on the floor]", "Jill: What are you doing here?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nick: Make this happen. I need to talk to Phyllis.", "Michael: I can't. She's not allowed phone calls.", "Phyllis: The privilege that I'm asking for is to just have five seconds to see if my baby's okay.", "Man: The answer is no.", "Jill: My God, what happened?", "Amber: I found him." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The Great Victor Newman has returned to Genoa City, after catching Adam and Heather in the act he retreats to his study. There he summons his loyal subjects Michael and Neil then Victoria and Nick arrive after receiving the call from Estella (the glorified maid). Neil shares with Lily and Devon that he was fired by Adam from Newman, that is short lived when he arrives at the Ranch and is not only reinstated but also promoted to CEO. Adam enters the study to be ripped a new one by his estranged father, not only is he reprimanded for his actions, he is fired and kicked off the ranch. Chloe's revelation has the Chancellor Mansion in an uproar, Jill has decided to take actions in her own hands but Cane won't allow it. Lily finds out Chloe's Esther's daughter after overhearing their conversation at Crimson Lights, Cane confirms this. Cane and Lily have a heart to heart conversation at Crimson Lights and then his house, where they end up giving in to passion which causes them to share a longing, lustful kiss. Chloe decides to move into the mansion because of Cane's ill treatment towards her." ]
[ "[Victoria daydreaming]", "Victoria: (Sighs) Daddy? Daddy! Oh! I can't believe it! I can't believe it! Mom said you weren't coming back.", "Victor: I couldn't stay away.", "Victoria: Daddy, I wanted to tell you, I'm so sorry about Sabrina. I'm so sorry.", "Victor: I understand. But that's all in the past. It's forgotten now.", "Victoria: I was afraid you hated me.", "Victor: How can I hate you? You're my precious little girl.", "Victoria: Are you okay? What am I saying, how can you be okay? You're mourning your wife and your baby.", "Victor: I'm okay. But while I was in Mexico I had a certain insight.", "Victoria: What's that, Dad?", "Victor: That although you were estranged from Sabrina, you still loved her.", "Victoria: Daddy, I was a terrible friend.", "Victor: And she understood why you were upset. She really understood.", "Victoria: I miss her so much.", "Victor: Well, that is something that you and I have in common. It's a bond that will never break between us. We both miss her.", "Nick: Dad, is that you?", "Victor: Yes, Son, it's me.", "Nick: Man, I never thought I'd see you again.", "Victor: I'm home again. And from now on, things will be different. It's gonna be a new beginning. All right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Decaf soy latte, easy on the foam?", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: You all right? You seem a little spaced out.", "Victoria: No, I'm fine. I'm fine, I was just... I was daydreaming.", "Nick: About what?", "Victoria: I was daydreaming about Dad walking through the door.", "Nick: I'm afraid that's the only place you're gonna see him is in your dreams. You heard Mom. Dad's not coming home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Aah! Dad.", "Heather: Oh, my God.", "Adam: You're-- you're alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Yes, give Fenmore a hug when he wakes up from his nap. Yeah. Oh, hold on just a minute, Lauren.", "Michael: Uh, look, I gotta run. I just got a text from Adam. I'm being summoned to the ranch. Yeah. All right, I'll call you later. Love you, too. Bye. Uh, make that coffee to go, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So Ana forgot her lucky bracelet?", "Devon: I told her that we would mail it to her. So... here we go.", "Lily: Hey, weren't these on Dad's desk at Newman?", "Devon: Yeah. What are they doing here?", "Neil: Oh, I thought I heard the pitter-patter of little feet.", "Devon: You call size 11 little feet, Man?", "Neil: 11? Big foot. No, I'm actually glad you're here because it's been pretty quiet since Ana and Tyra left.", "Lily: Dad, why aren't you at work?", "Neil: I, uh, actually got fired by Adam.", "Devon: What the hell you mean, you got fired?", "Lily: And why didn't you tell us?", "Neil: Honey, I knew you were upset over Cane. I just didn't wanna upset you any more, that's all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I wanna know what my son's rights and legal options are. Yes, and get back to me as soon as possible. Where were you?", "Kay: Charity board meeting, allocating the funds we raised at the gala. Thank God something good came from that terrible evening.", "Jill: I don't see how you can go on about your business as if everything were normal after the bombshell Chloe dropped on us.", "Kay: Your son's wife happens to be Esther's daughter. Now I see no reason to go into seclusion.", "Jill: Katherine, Chloe went after Cane to get her hands on the Chancellor money.", "Kay: The only reason you're upset, Jill, is that you cannot stand Esther.", "Jill: That is not it.", "Kay: Oh, stop.", "Jill: This isn't as if some stranger went after him. This was very, very calculated. That little tramp lied and schemed until she got his ring on her finger.", "Esther: Hey! That is my daughter you're talking about.", "Jill: As if I could forget that.", "Esther: You think you are so much better than everyone else.", "Jill: My son deserves a wife he can trust.", "Esther: He married Kate. Deal with it.", "Kay: All right, all right, all right, all right, stop it, stop it. Now the two of you can argue until you're blue in the face, but the fact remains, how this is going to be handled will be up to Cane and Chloe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: So how long do you plan on ignoring me?", "Cane: As long as humanly possible.", "Chloe: Wait. Here.", "Chloe: It's my rights, as a mother.", "Cane: So why are you giving it to me?", "Chloe: Uh, well, because you threatened me last night and said that if I messed up, then you were gonna take my baby away.", "Cane: And I meant it, Chloe.", "Chloe: Well, you can't really take a baby away from its mother if they don't do anything wrong.", "Cane: Yeah? What about a mother who lies like you?", "Chloe: What lies?", "Cane: Your name for starters.", "Chloe: Uh, no, because I legally changed my name to Chloe Mitchell before I moved here.", "Cane: Well, that doesn't change the fact that you've been lying about who you are for months now, does it?", "Chloe: Well, you didn't exactly tell me the truth about your past either.", "Cane: Yeah, that's 'cause I have nothing to hide.", "Chloe: Whatever. It's irrelevant anyway. You said \"I do,\" because the D.N.A. test showed that you were the father of the baby. And that hasn't changed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Estella: I tried to keep your study just the way you left it, Mr. Newman, but Adam...", "Victor: Thank you, Estella.", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Victor, please, talk to me. Come on, please! Dad?", "Victor: Where's Zapato?", "Estella: Adam banished him to the kennel.", "Victor: Have Zapato brought back to the house immediately.", "Estella: Yes, Sir. Is there anything else?", "Victor: When Michael Baldwin shows up, kindly show him to the study.", "Adam: (Sighs)", "Heather: Any luck with your father?", "Adam: Um, I tried talking to him through the locked door, but he wouldn't answer.", "Heather: Wow. Well, I reserved a room at the Athletic Club, because, uh, well, obviously, I can't stay here.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Estella: Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Newman's expecting you. Isn't it wonderful?", "Michael: It's peachy.", "Michael: All right. Adam, what do you want?", "Adam: I didn't send for you.", "Michael: But I just got a text.", "Estella: Come with me.", "Adam: Oh, he'll see his lawyer, but he won't see his own son?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You know the only reason we are together, Chloe, is because of the baby.", "Chloe: Whoa, what a big news flash. You know, I was going to tell you.", "Cane: Yeah, so why didn't you?", "Chloe: Because I was looking for the right moment.", "Cane: Whatever. I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth, so how about we set down some new rules?", "Chloe: Oh, yay, more new rules.", "Cane: Yeah, but these are you stay on your side, I stay on my side of the rules.", "Chloe: What about when I have doctor appointments?", "Cane: I'll go with you to the doctor. But other than that, if it doesn't concern the baby, you know what? Don't talk to me.", "Chloe: You can't dictate what I do and/or say.", "Cane: You wanna bet?", "Chloe: I won't live like this.", "Cane: Suit yourself.", "Chloe: Fine, I will, but you're not gonna like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: You know, you are not entirely blameless in this.", "Kay: My, what twisted logic brings you to that conclusion?", "Jill: Chloe is your Goddaughter. How could you not have recognized her?", "Kay: The Kate I remember was blonde, wore glasses and had the ugliest braces I've ever seen, and she was 30 pounds overweight.", "Jill: And that's your excuse?", "Kay: I was worrying far too much about what was going on at Jabot to notice the stylist, Dear. I mean, you were in charge of that--that campaign-- the Fresh Face?", "Esther: Wait, wait, I wanna say something.", "Jill: Oh, goodie, the oracle of foothill road is about to speak.", "Esther: My daughter changed her name because she wanted to make it on her own.", "Jill: She wanted to make my son, Esther.", "Esther: Oh, that is not true!", "Kay: Esther, Darling, uh... would you please bake the cookies that we like?", "Esther: Yes, Ma'am.", "Kay: How can you be so hateful?", "Jill: Because Chloe didn't end up pregnant with my son's child by coincidence.", "Kay: Either way, my dear, she is carrying your grandchild.", "Jill: I know, Katherine. I am not going to leave his or her future in the hands of Chloe or that ditzy maid. And if you think anything otherwise, you're as nutty as Esther.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were okay! I knew this could be--", "Victor: Let's discuss business.", "Michael: All right.", "Victor: First things first, I have to have my death certificate rescinded.", "Michael: Yes, yes, and I think you should issue a statement saying the reports of your death are wildly exaggerated.", "Victor: Right.", "Michael: Oh, and, uh, might I make another suggestion?", "Victor: Sure.", "Michael: I think you should, uh, say a few words to the media. That'll ward off all the inevitable conspiracy theories.", "Victor: Later. Let me ask you something, while I was gone, did Neil Winters keep the company on track?", "Michael: Until your will was read.", "Victor: What do you mean by that?", "Michael: As you know, you gave Newman to Adam. His first orders of business were to fire Victoria and Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Kate's not a bad person. Though I don't understand how she could be in town all these months and never once tried to see me.", "Kay: Oh, Esther, Esther, who knows why young people do the crazy things they do?", "Esther: And to keep pretending like she's still in New York?", "Kay: She's here now. That's what's important.", "Esther: I can't believe it. My baby's gonna have a baby of her own.", "Kay: (Chuckles) Did, uh, did she ever mention coming back to Genoa City?", "Esther: No.", "Kay: Well, do you recall her questioning you about Cane?", "Esther: I told her about Jill finding her long lost son, but we never discussed it after that.", "Kay: Good. Well, my dear, I think you need to sit her down and have a heart to heart. No, you deserve answers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Hi, uh, can I have a glass of skim milk, please? Thank you.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Chloe: Hello? I'm at Crimson Lights. No, I can't, Mom. Because I have too much to do. I don't--ugh. Okay, fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Are you alone?", "Cane: Yeah, Chloe stepped out. Come in.", "Jill: Baby. Did you get any sleep last night?", "Cane: No. I, uh... spent most of the night staring up at the ceiling.", "Jill: You realize that you have married a girl you can't trust?", "Cane: Uh, ironically, I realized that when I woke up in the car with her and she said, uh, she slept with me. Yeah, I do.", "Jill: It's all right. I've contacted my lawyer. He's looking into you getting an annulment.", "Cane: Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow this down, okay?", "Jill: No, and then after that you can sign the custody papers.", "Cane: Mom, Mom, Mom, if I want an annulment, and when I want one, all right, I'll take care of it myself and call my own lawyer.", "Jill: Honey, look, if you're trying to do right by her--", "Cane: Listen, I don't care about her. I care about the baby, all right? She can take a flying leap.", "Jill: Because you realize that she set out to trap you. I mean, that baby is a means to an end. A meal ticket. Which is understandable, considering where she came from.", "Cane: What's that supposed to mean?", "Jill: Her mother's a maid.", "Cane: And I was a regular guy and you were a manicurist.", "Jill: A manicurist, right, exactly. That's why I know how attractive our lifestyle must seem to her. Somebody on the outside looking in. Darling, after the baby is born, we will offer Chloe a sum of money she will not be able to refuse, okay? And then we'll use our connections and we'll find her some kind of dream job, hopefully near Bangladesh. It's gonna be all right. I swear to you, it is gonna be all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay.", "Victoria: Was that Mom?", "Nick: Yeah, she and Paul are gonna catch the next flight home.", "Victoria: You know, when I heard that Dad was alive, I was hoping that things would be different. I really can't accept that he's not coming home.", "Nick: You may not have a choice.", "Victoria: No, I do have a choice. Reed deserves to know his grandfather. I think we should start searching for him.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Hello? What? You're kidding me! That's incredible. Yeah, she's right here with me. I'll--I'll tell her. Okay, thanks, bye.", "Victoria: What?", "Nick: That was Estella. Dad is at the ranch right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So Karen quit in protest? That's pretty cool.", "Devon: You know there's no way I'm gonna keep working at that job either.", "Neil: Well, knowing, uh, Adam, he probably has a pink slip with your name written all over it.", "Lily: Dad, you can't let him just get away with this.", "Neil: I'm not going to. I'm gonna fight him on it. But in the meantime, I'm gonna manage Indigo until I can find a replacement for Tyra.", "Lily: Oh, that reminds me. Uh, we actually came here to get Ana's bracelet.", "Neil: Oh, the bracelet. Yeah, I, uh, I actually have it here. I was gonna mail it to her.", "Devon: We'll do it.", "Neil: Yeah?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: You wanna do it?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: All right, here. What do you, um, what do you hear from her?", "Devon: She had a great time the first couple days at the school. She loves it, and she can't wait for us to come and visit.", "Neil: Nice.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: What about her mom?", "Devon: She's saying in a hotel, uh, job hunting.", "Neil: Mmm. I think I'll shoot her an e-mail, see, um, if she needs anything.", "Lily: Yeah, she'd probably appreciate that.", "Neil: So speaking of school, the fall term starts next week, right?", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, it does. I have another meeting set up with the department head to, uh, change my major back to music.", "Neil: Right, to music, okay. And what about you?", "Lily: Well, I mean, I have a pretty full semester. Which is good, because... it'll keep me busy.", "Neil: And modeling at Jabot? What are you gonna do about that?", "Lily: Well, my schedule there is pretty light. And now that Cane is C.E.O., I doubt that we'll run into each other very much.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Neil: Oh, excuse me one second, Guys. Yeah, it's Neil. Hey, Michael. What? You must be kidding me. Uh, I'll, uh, I'll be right there. Yeah, thanks.", "Lily: What was that?", "Neil: That was Michael. Victor's alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: That's right. That's right. You stay right there. What else do you wanna say?", "Michael: Nothing but, uh... the fact that your son Adam appointed Brad Carlton C.E.O.", "Victor: I see.", "Michael: From the moment you were reported missing, Adam's been all about business. While Nicholas and Victoria were coordinating the search, he was making a power play. Oh, and, uh, by the way, he insists on being called Victor Newman now.", "Victor: That will no longer be the case. This is what I want you to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: This... is my lawyer's private number.", "Cane: I don't want it.", "Jill: No, he's expecting a call from you.", "Cane: Mom, I'm gonna handle it myself.", "Jill: Honey, please, listen--", "Cane: I cannot believe that you would push me to take a child from its mother, after everything you and I have gone through.", "Jill: This is not the same thing.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Listen, I love you, and I appreciate what you're doing, but I'm gonna take care of Chloe myself, okay?", "Jill: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Why did he decide to come home after he swore he wouldn't?", "Nick: You heard the question. Answer it.", "Adam: Victor didn't say two words to me. He just locked himself in the study.", "Michael: Hey, Guys.", "Nick: We wanna see him.", "Michael: I'll let him know you're here.", "Victoria: Wait a minute, we need an appointment to see our own father?", "Nick: Come on, Vick.", "Michael: All right, listen, please, let your father handle this his own way, all right?", "Nick: Why didn't you tell us he was back?", "Victoria: Instead we find out from Estella?", "Heather: Look, Adam was stunned by this. He's just as shocked as you guys are.", "Michael: All right, your father's not quite ready to see you yet.", "Nick: What the hell is going on?", "Victoria: I don't understand.", "Michael: Listen, all right? I'm just relaying the message.", "Nick: We are his children, Michael. What--what is this?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Michael: I understand.", "Estella: Mr. Winters is here.", "Neil: Hello, everybody.", "Michael: Neil, Victor would like to see you right away.", "Adam: He called you here? What for?", "Michael: You'll learn soon enough. Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Hi, Honey.", "Chloe: What are you doing wearing that?", "Esther: It's my uniform.", "Chloe: Well, do you have to advertise it to the entire world that you are a servant?", "Esther: I am not embarrassed to be a maid, Kate.", "Chloe: It's Chloe.", "Esther: Well, you'll always be Kate to me.", "Chloe: Okay, what is so urgent that we had to meet?", "Esther: I want the truth. Why are you hiding from me? Why'd you come to Genoa City and not even call?", "Chloe: Because I am trying to be my own person, Mother.", "Esther: You're ashamed of me. At boarding school, you pretended to be from a wealthy family, like the other girls.", "Chloe: No, I was trying to fit in.", "Esther: Is that why you only allowed me to visit when none of your friends or their family members were around?", "Chloe: Oh, so you did know about that?", "Esther: Yes, it hurt my feelings, Kate.", "Chloe: It's Chloe. You know, what is the harm in wanting a better life?", "Esther: Nothing. But it's the way you went about it.", "Chloe: You should be happy, Mother.", "Esther: Happy?", "Chloe: Yes, because you don't have to be a servant anymore. I'm a Chancellor now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Absolutely amazing. Welcome home, old friend.", "Victor: Thanks.", "Neil: I have a million questions for you.", "Victor: Let's discuss business first.", "Neil: Okay.", "Victor: So... I understand Adam fired you?", "Neil: Almost the minute you left.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. I'm reinstating you, and appointing you the head of the company.", "Neil: Victor, thank you.", "Victor: My son, during my absence, screwed up royally. Rest assured, I'm gonna fix that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: This is exactly why I didn't come to you. You always make everything such a big production.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Uh, so I just heard the weirdest thing.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, it's true. Chloe is Esther's daughter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: I like being a maid.", "Chloe: Yeah, I'm sure that cleaning toilets is so fulfilling.", "Esther: I live in a beautiful home. Jill's a pain, but I could never leave Mrs. Chancellor.", "Chloe: Why not?", "Esther: She needs me. And she's been very good to both of us, letting you live there when you were a baby.", "Chloe: And shipping me off to a boarding school?", "Esther: How could you be so ungrateful? That school was outrageously expensive. If it wasn't for Mrs. C., you wouldn't have gotten such an incredible education. Instead of being a stylist, you might've wound up cleaning toilets, too.", "Chloe: Don't you want more, Mom?", "Esther: I'm happy with my life. I like what I do. Might not be glamorous, but--", "Chloe: It's pathetic. And if you wanna live the rest of your life like a loser, then go ahead, but I'm not doing it. I refuse to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Great. Hi, I am going into Chicago to buy some baby clothes, so don't wait up.", "Cane: (Sighs)", "Lily: I swear, every time I think things can't get any more bizarre, they do.", "Cane: You know, I swore to myself that my kids would have a better life than me, you know? That they'd grow up with a real family and they'd have loving parents. It didn't turn out like that, did it?", "Lily: I know the feeling.", "Cane: I'm having a baby with a woman I don't even love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I'll call you later.", "Heather: Okay, sounds good. Bye.", "Victoria: What did he say?", "Neil: He wants to see you, Adam.", "Nick: Just Adam?", "Adam: Uh, listen, Guys, don't feel the need to hang around. This could take a while.", "Neil: All right, well, listen, um, I wish I could stick around for this, but I can't. I need to get to the office.", "Nick: The office?", "Victoria: I like the sound of that.", "Neil: Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Dad?", "Adam: I gotta tell you, it's incredible to have you back. I thought you were... I thought you were dead.", "Victor: Did you get my letter?", "Adam: Uh, yes, Sir, I did.", "Victor: Did you fully understand what it said?", "Adam: I-I think I did the best I could under the circumstances.", "Victor: Under what circumstances?", "Adam: Under-- I lost both my parents in a very short time and a friend. Dad, look, if I-- if I made mistakes, it's only because I've been so overcome with grief and... I thought that I was doing what you'd want me to do.", "Victor: Whatever gave you the idea that I wanted you to fire Neil Winters?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: What is taking so long?", "Nick: I don't know, but I'm getting tired of waiting.", "Michael: Don't, Nicholas. Listen...", "Nick: Look, I'm not in line to see the pope here.", "Michael: Your father has a very specific plan, a timetable you shouldn't interfere with.", "Victoria: A plan and a timetable for what?", "Michael: To right the wrongs of the last few weeks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You could've learned a lot from Neil Winters, you know? And I don't think I've indicated to you that I wanted you to fire him.", "Adam: I understand that, Sir, but I thought you were gone. Now you're a take charge kind of guy, always in control. I was just trying... to be like you.", "Victor: Obviously you have learned very little in the months that you've spent around me.", "Adam: No, I think I learned a lot.", "Victor: You obviously couldn't see beyond my wealth and my power. In fact, you've learned very little about me.", "Adam: (Scoffs) Okay, that's-- that's just not true. I mean, come on, Sir, let's just take a little time to talk this through, think about it.", "Victor: Neil Winters will be reinstated. He will run the company from now on. And you, Adam Wilson, are fired.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Give my little sister a kiss for me, okay? All right, I'll talk to you soon. Yeah, bye-bye.", "Neil: Tyra?", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, she, uh, she found an apartment, but still no job. What, uh, what's going on with Victor? What was that all about?", "Neil: It's a good thing I didn't unpack those boxes over there.", "Devon: Unpack the boxes? So does that mean you got your job back?", "Neil: This brother right here?", "Devon: Yeah?", "Neil: This brother right here--I am the C.E.O. All hail to the chief.", "Devon: C.E.O.? Dude, wow. Wow.", "Neil: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: That's great.", "Neil: And I'm assuming that by tomorrow Victor will be back and it'll be like... Adam's reign of terror never occurred.", "Devon: Huh. Yeah, um... well, while you were gone, I stopped and I, uh... I was mailing Ana's bracelet, I also went by Newman and I quit my job.", "Neil: You quit your job?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: Okay, so... I know that you know a friend of a friend of a friend of the C.E.O., that happens to be me, so don't worry about your job, Kid, come on. What are you talking about?", "Devon: No, but see the thing with that is, I, uh... I don't want my job back. I wanna focus on music.", "Neil: Hmm. Hey, Devon, one thing that I learned from Victor, is that you can't force your kids to follow the path that you think is best for them, so...", "Devon: You're not upset?", "Neil: Upset? No, Man. I'm really happy for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: I'm, uh, I'm sorry to drop in on you like this, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what you said at the coffee house.", "Cane: You know, um, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dumped any of that on you.", "Lily: No, I just... want you to know that... no matter how messed up things are with Chloe, you are gonna be an amazing father.", "Cane: Yeah. I wish I believed that.", "Lily: I know that you haven't had the best role model, but you're a good man, Cane. You know, you're sensitive and loving and you care about other people's feelings. That child is gonna be really lucky.", "Cane: It should've been our baby.", "Lily: Yeah, I, uh, I know.", "Cane: It's kinda crazy, huh? How, um... Chloe turned out to be Esther's daughter, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, just proves even more what a liar she is. I mean, I don't know how, but she--she definitely scammed you that night.", "Cane: I shouldn't have let myself be so vulnerable.", "Lily: I don't blame you for what happened. I blame that manipulative bitch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Cane refused to even consider an annulment.", "Kay: Well, that's his decision.", "Jill: I am so scared for him, Katherine. I just feel like I'm watching him walk off a cliff and I can't stop him.", "Kay: Oh, come on. Your son is a grown man. He doesn't need his mommy to tell him what to do.", "Jill: When has that ever stopped you? You're doing it right now. I even suggested that he offer Chloe money for the baby.", "Kay: And you condemned me for years for offering you money for your baby.", "Jill: That was different. I wanted Phillip's child. Chloe is doing this for the money.", "Kay: Even if she did take advantage--", "Jill: If? If? She is a gold digger.", "Kay: Oh, I know all about gold diggers. They eventually dig their own graves, but this time... I do not intend to lose sight of what that child means to this family. Oh, I've made a lot of mistakes in the past, and none of which I intend to repeat!", "Chloe: They're getting a baby. They should be happy about this... right?", "Jill: Boy, you really don't know me at all if you think I'm like Chloe. Everything I've ever done, I've done for love.", "Kay: You don't think she loves Cane?", "Jill: I think she loves his money.", "Kay: So it's all right to buy a human being, as long as you are the one who is doing it?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Jill: You only wanted my baby because you didn't want me to be happy. I'm trying to protect this baby.", "Esther: What are you doing here?", "Chloe: The clothes in here need to be cleaned and pressed. Your son is being mean to me.", "Jill: Gee, I wonder why.", "Chloe: And stress is not good for the baby. I'm not staying there.", "Jill: Oh, please don't tell me you're thinking of moving in here?", "Kay: Jill.", "Jill: I cannot believe your gall.", "Chloe: I am carrying the next Chancellor heir. And I should be with family. And since Cane is being difficult with me, I think the next best thing would be to be with my mother and my mother-in-law. So who's showing me to my room?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I've missed you.", "Lily: No, Cane, please, don't, okay? It only makes it harder.", "Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", "Cane: Um... thank you... thank you for coming over. It, um... it means a lot to me.", "Lily: I meant every word.", "Cane: You always know what I need, don't you?", "Lily: Wait. We can't do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You can tell a great deal about a man by what he does when no one is watching.", "Adam: Okay, now I-I told you--", "Victor: Did I ask you for your comment? What you did to Nicholas and Victoria and Neil Winters, and even Zapato, in my absence, shows me what you're made of. It shows me things about your character.", "Adam: Victor. Dad, please--", "Victor: I not only want you out of Newman Enterprises, I want you out of this house. Immediately.", "Adam: Dad, don't do this.", "Victor: It's already done.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I'm releasing a statement to the press about your father. Would either of you like to add anything to it?", "Nick: Just that the entire family is pleased to announce his return.", "Michael: Done and done.", "Nick: Adam?", "Victoria: Looks like things didn't go too well for him.", "Nick: What a shame.", "Michael: You're up.", "Victoria: Dad?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: I hope there are no hard feelings.", "Neil: You fired me!", "Victor: There's gonna be a lot of changes in my life and in our business.", "Victoria: Don't do this, please.", "Jeff: As soon as we get control of Jabot, I'm making myself C.E.O." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Colleen visits Victor at the Newman mansion and blasts him for his treatment of her over the video. Upstairs, Tracey visits with Ashlee, who tries to explain to her about what had happened during the night of the thunderstorm. Adam listens from outside the door. At the Abbott cabin, Patty remains tied up. Gloria watches out the window for Jeff to come back. Jeff arrives back and he and Gloria go over the plans for Victor or Jack to come get Patty. Jack tells Paul on the phone that he hadn't heard from anyone about Patty's whereabouts. Billy comes in to talk business with Jack. Kevin visits Ryder in jail and they discuss the two being brothers. At the coffeehouse, Jana offers to help Amber get out of this wedding with Deacon. Daniel arrives at the coffeehouse. Jana refuses to let Daniel leave until he talks to Amber. Ashlee tells Tracey about the accident on the road until Adam interrupts their conversation. As a result of Adam's interruption, Ashlee clams up and refuses to talk about the accident anymore. Daniel refuses to listen to Amber's excuses about Deacon and their getting married. Tracey has a talk with Victor about Ashlee's well-being .", "Daniel tells Amber that he had warned her not to get involved in this . Amber lets Daniel know that Deacon is forcing her to marry him. Patty and Jeff argue. Colleen visits Jack and Billy. Tracey also involves at Jack's and tells him how that Ashlee is slipping away. Ashlee remembers her conversation with Adam about Sabrina and how that Adam had let her believe that Sabrina was still alive. Ashlee and Adam argue over Sabrina. Billy and Colleen go to the coffeehouse for coffee. Billy encourages Colleen to go to the Abbott cabin. Tracey join them. Jana receives a special delivery letter for Kevin. She reads on the outside that it is DNA results. Jeff and Gloria leave the cabin. Patty urges Gloria to leave kitty-kitty with her. Jeff calls Jack and lets him know where to find Patty. Jana takes the DNA test results to the jail to Kevin. Kevin finds out that they are brothers. Daniel asks Amber to marry him. Billy takes Ashlee from the Newman house while Adam looks on. Colleen finds Patty at the Abbott cabin.", "" ]
[ "Ashley: What have I done?", "Traci: What's wrong?", "Ashley: It wasn't a dream.", "Traci: Ashley, talk to me. Please, tell me what happened.", "Ashley: I was driving in the rain. Oh, my God. What if I really did it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You and I have nothing to discuss.", "Colleen: Believe me, I would love to move on, but I can't because of the video you plastered online. Victor, I lost out on a job today, a job that I was perfect for, might I add, because the dean of the G.C.U. typed my name in a search engine, and guess what popped up? Total strangers give me dirty looks on the street. Perverts send me disgusting messages online. I mean, come on.", "Victor: It's a consequence of your own action.", "Colleen: (Scoffs)", "Victor: You want someone to blame, you blame your Uncle Jack, all right?", "(Doorbell rings)", "Victor: Excuse me.", "Victor: Ted, thank you for coming.", "Ted: Our bank is always happy to come to you. What's going on?", "Victor: I need-- I need you to put together a million dollars and bring it to me, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Kiss me. I'm a genius.", "Gloria: Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. You'll wake the kitten.", "Jeff: Why are you carrying the cat around?", "Gloria: 'Cause he likes it. It's soothing.", "Jeff: Well, you can't be wasting your sedatives on the cat. We need 'em for our houseguest.", "Gloria: Yeah, all right, all right, all right. So have the drop-off locations been set?", "Jeff: Yep, both of 'em. I worked it out so we don't have to deal with Victor or Jack face-to-face.", "Gloria: Well, that's probably a good thing, because they're probably mad as hell. It's been hours, and they haven't heard a word from you.", "Jeff: Yeah, well, I say let 'em wait. For once, you and I are holding all the cards.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Paul, I would tell you. No, I haven't heard from anyone. Well, what do the guys at the force tell you? Any--any leads? Yeah, she's probably evaded her kidnappers by now, though at this point, I don't know if that's good news or bad news. Yeah, all right, I will.", "Billy: Hey, Jack. Hey, come on, we gotta finalize this deal today or Kellerman's gonna walk.", "Jack: Let him walk.", "Billy: Let him walk? After all the butt-kissing I did to bring him to the table? Hey, come on, you can't do anything about Patty right now.", "Jack: Or Sharon or Summer or Ashley.", "Billy: And don't add Ashley to that list, okay? We can fight Victor.", "Jack: We have to be careful there.", "Billy: Was he careful when he unleashed that psychopath on our family, on his own wife? And now he's just standing around watching Ashley fall apart. You know what? I'll be damned if I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna go after this guy. Are you gonna come with me, or are you gonna stay here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Okay, so when you're talking to Michael, don't hold anything back. He can only be effective if he knows the whole truth.", "Ryder: Yeah, but he hasn't even agreed to be my lawyer yet.", "Kevin: He's gonna come around. When the D.N.A. results come in and it's confirmed that you and I are brothers...", "Ryder: What if we're not?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Wait. No, don't leave.", "Amber: Nothing good is gonna come out of this.", "Jana: Look, if we all just put our heads together, we can find a way to get you out of this wedding to Deacon, okay? Now sit.", "(Sighs)", "Daniel: Hey.", "Jana: Daniel.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Jana: Daniel, just five minutes, okay?", "Daniel: You are a sneaky one, aren't you?", "Jana: Look, you just need to talk to her. It's very important, and, look, I'm not letting you leave until you do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm gonna ask you to join your mother. I have important business to attend to.", "Colleen: No, where do you get off blaming Uncle Jack for what you did? He's not responsible for that video, okay? He didn't trash my reputation.", "Victor: He put you in a position where you were bound to fail, okay?", "Colleen: I wasn't bound to fail.", "Victor: No one forced you to get drunk and make a spectacle of yourself, did they?", "Colleen: (Scoffs) What? I was blowing off steam.", "Victor: And why were you doing that?", "Colleen: (Groans)", "Victor: Because the job at Newman Enterprises on the board of directors was too stressful for you, wasn't it?", "Colleen: I didn't say that.", "Victor: You didn't have to say that. It was obvious for anyone who was looking at you, and where, by the way, was your Uncle Jack? He lied to you when he told you that he would take care of you, that you'd be fine, that he'd protect you. Did he do that? He used you in order to get back at me. That was more important to him than to protect you and to take care of you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Believe me, nobody understands any better than I do your impulse to go after the jugular with Victor, but it never works out.", "Billy: Yeah? Well, there's a first time for everything, Jack.", "Jack: Well, look what's happened so far. What happened when you busted up the Newman board meeting? What happened when we stormed the castle to take Ashley by force? It only alienated Ashley more. Look, you want to beat Newman, you gotta outsmart him.", "Billy: How, Jack?", "Jack: I already have started it. I doubled his reward, and the kidnappers are talking to me. Once I have Patty, she will tell the police Victor brought her to this town and set her loose.", "Billy: Do we really need Patty? I mean, can't we find another way to prove this?", "Jack: He covers his tracks. This man does not leave a trail.", "Billy: Well, if there's no evidence, how can we be so sure that he's guilty?", "Jack: He's guilty. I have an unerring sense with this man. Believe me, he is guilty, and when Patty talks, Ashley is going to see what a lowlife she is married to and come back. Traci's talking to her right now, mending fences.", "Billy: Yeah, well, you know, I-I-I really hope all-- that your intricate little plans come together, I really do, but in the meantime, my sister's getting sicker, and, Jack, it scares the hell out of me, all right?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Traci: Okay, so y-you were driving in the rain. When was this?", "Ashley: It was a few weeks ago. It was a horrible storm, and... (Sighs) How could I have even gotten behind the wheel of a car?", "Traci: Where were you going?", "Ashley: (Sniffles) To find Victor. I thought he was gonna go back to Sabrina.", "Traci: Sabrina?", "Ashley: It's silly. I just--I have nightmares, and in the morning, I wake up, and they seem really... (Sniffles) Very real. So when I woke up the next day, I thought that driving in the car... (Sniffles) Was a dream.", "Traci: And now you're sure that it wasn't.", "Ashley: (Groans)", "(Knock on door)", "Ashley: (Gasps)", "Adam: Hey, Ash, have you seen my laptop around?", "Ashley: No, no. (Sniffles) It's Adam.", "Adam: Oh, you have company.", "Traci: Hi, I'm--I'm Traci. I'm Ashley's sister.", "Adam: Colleen's mother.", "Traci: That's right.", "Adam: Yeah. (Sighs) It's great that you're visiting. Uh, Ashley's been-- she's been pretty lonely, cooped up in this place. We commiserate.", "Ashley: Could you please give us some privacy, Adam? Just go.", "Adam: You sound upset. Has something happened?", "Traci: No, no, we're just-- we're fine. We're just catching up.", "Adam: Oh, okay. So she must be filling you in on how Jack and Billy tried to have her committed. It's tough when you can't even trust your own family. I guess you should just be careful who you talk to, huh? (Sighs) Well, you know you can trust me, Ash. You can count on me, right?", "Ashley: (Sniffles)", "Traci: Okay, tell me what happened the night of the storm.", "Ashley: It was just a dream.", "Traci: What?", "Ashley: I--", "Traci: You were just so sure.", "Ashley: I know. You know what? I just-- (groans) I just get... (Sighs) I get confused.", "(Sniffles)", "Traci: Okay, Ashley, w-why don't we call your doctor and make an appointment?", "Ashley: No, he's out of town.", "Traci: I'm sure Olivia could recommend someone else.", "Ashley: No, no. Thank you. Um, he's really the only one I-I trust.", "Traci: Ashley, I'm not talking about a psychiatrist. I mean just a checkup.", "Ashley: I'm just tired.", "Traci: Look at you. You're so stressed.", "Ashley: I'm just tired. I'm tired. You know, that's why I get so emotional. I haven't been able to sleep, and that is the only thing that's wrong with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: I don't want to hear her excuses.", "Jana: Look, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel! She really, really, really loves you.", "Daniel: Hard to tell.", "Jana: (Sighs) God, well, if you would just talk to her. Do you even know that everything that she has done has been for your sake?", "Daniel: Including getting engaged to another guy?", "Jana: Why does that bother you so much?", "Daniel: (Scoffs) It's not jealousy. It's disgust, all right?", "Jana: All right, you don't care anymore, but, you know, you did once, and you were together for a very long time, and she made you very happy. So now you can't just give her five minutes? Just five.", "Daniel: Fine.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Jana said you had something to tell me.", "Amber: Um, the wedding's happening soon.", "Daniel: (Clicks tongue) Awesome. Great news. All right, I'm gonna go.", "Amber: No, I don't want to do this, okay? He's forcing me to.", "Daniel: (Scoffs) What do you mean, \"He's forcing you\"?", "Amber: (Sighs) I can't--I can't tell you, but I just want you to know that I love you and no one else.", "Daniel: I don't believe you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: What--why would you ask me that--\"What happens if we're not brothers\"? You've been working pretty hard to convince me that we are.", "Ryder: Look, you showed me a picture. I said it was my father.", "Kevin: Yeah, it's my father, too, so either we're half brothers, or you're lying.", "Ryder: I mean--I mean, you could be, like, adopted.", "Kevin: You don't know how much I used to wish that I was.", "(Sighs)", "Ryder: Sure I do. I did, too.", "Kevin: Well, look, to answer your question, if--if--if we're not brothers and this has all been some sort of sick, twisted game, then I would feel compelled to kick your ass.", "Ryder: No, I'm not lying, Kevin.", "Kevin: Well, we'll know soon enough, won't we?", "Ryder: You already know. It doesn't matter what the D.N.A. test says. I mean, your friends, your family-- they need it to prove it, but you know just from talking to me. We've been through the same hell. We recognize each other.", "Kevin: (Sighs) Look, I would feel this way about any survivor of abuse.", "Ryder: No, no, because we're the only two people that survived Tom Callahan or Fisher, whatever. It's like looking in a mirror.", "Kevin: (Sighs) We'll see.", "Ryder: (Scoffs) What, do you think I made this whole thing up? A-a-and why would I confess to a murder I didn't do? It--why would I even do that? It doesn't make any sense. What's in it for me?", "Kevin: Look, obviously, Ryder, I think there's a chance that we're brothers, okay? I wouldn't have paid for a D.N.A. test otherwise, but I'm not gonna put my faith in anything until I have the results in my hands.", "Ryder: Yeah, and what then?", "Kevin: Well, then either I have a new brother, or you've got a lot of explaining to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Oh, okay, so Jack's the only one with a vendetta. Can you say that with a straight face after the way you attacked my father and me?", "Victor: What I did I did to protect my business, my life's work. What the hell did Jack Abbott do? Who did he protect?", "Colleen: (Scoffs)", "Victor: Certainly not you.", "Traci: What's going on here?", "Colleen: (Sighs) I had a job lined up today, and they rescinded the offer after they saw that video online. Victor paid some guy to buy me drinks and then somebody else to videotape it just so that Ashley could have a seat on the board of directors.", "Victor: Your assumptions are wrong, and Ashley has nothing to do with it. You simply weren't qualified for that position, all right?", "Traci: Colleen, wait for me outside.", "Colleen: Yeah, I'll be at Uncle Jack's.", "Victor: She got her facts wrong. She's very emotional right now. She's as angry with me as she was when her father died.", "Traci: Yes, I remember.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Traci: I remember something else.", "Victor: What's that?", "Traci: Standing next to you...", "Victor: Mm.", "Traci: And her father the day that she was baptized and you swore before God that you would protect my child as your own.", "Victor: Mm.", "Traci: And now you won't even protect your own child and your wife.", "Victor: Excuse me? What are you talking about?", "Traci: Look, I don't-- I don't know what the psychiatrist said, but I do know my sister, and, Victor, she's on the verge of a breakdown. She's suffering, and she's scared to death. Do you not see it? Do you not care?", "Victor: Are you seriously asking me that question? Nothing is more important to me than your sister's well-being. You got that?", "Traci: Then why the hell didn't you have her taken out of this house when that Benson woman and Estella were torturing her? Why did it take Jack to get a court order before she was even seen by a psychiatrist one time?", "Victor: Your sister, for your information, didn't want to see a psychiatrist, nor did she want to leave this house.", "Traci: Since when does Victor Newman take no for an answer?", "Victor: Because I have respect for your sister's opinion.", "Traci: She's terrified, because she knows something's wrong. We need to be strong for her and help her face it, not reinforce her fears.", "Victor: Traci, I've always respected you. You fly in here once, you visit her once in a long, long time, and you think you know what's going on better than I do? I live with your sister.", "Traci: I know that, and that's why you should see what's happening, and I want to know why, why won't you admit it? Is it a matter of pride? Is it because you can't admit that Jack could be right? This insane feud that you have with him, it's cost my family too much. I won't-- (Voice breaks) I won't lose my sister. She needs her family, Victor.", "Victor: Now listen to me. I am her family. I am her husband, and you and your band of brothers better understand that and respect that, okay? Any decisions made pertaining to my wife's well-being will be made by her and by me, not by you, not by your brothers, okay? I have nothing against you. Keep your brothers away from me. They make no decision pertaining to your sister, my wife. Now if you don't mind, I have business to deal with. Um, I think we have discussed it all, okay?", "Traci: Mnh-mnh.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: Okay, we got one product to sell and two buyers who can't find out about each other. So the trickiest part of this is the timing.", "Gloria: The tricky part is staying out of jail.", "Jeff: Who's gonna turn us in? Victor? He's in this deeper than we are.", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Jeff: And Jack doesn't even know it's us he's dealing with.", "Patty: But he will, because I'll tell him. I'll tell everyone. If I'm going down, I'm taking you both with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You don't believe anything I say anymore, do you?", "Daniel: No. No, because there's always more to the story with you. You know, there's always some little detail that you conveniently leave out, and then it winds up turning my world upside down.", "Amber: You know, you have kept secrets from me, too, Daniel.", "Daniel: Like what?", "Amber: The forged painting. Like going into that alley that night to confront the thief on your own.", "Daniel: That was different.", "Amber: Oh, how?", "Daniel: It was different, because I didn't want you getting involved. I was scared that you'd wind up doing something stupid and make things a thousand times worse.", "Amber: Look, that is not different at all.", "Daniel: Oh, yeah, right, because you were, uh, protecting me. That's your excuse, right?", "Amber: This is--this is not what I wanted to talk about.", "Daniel: It doesn't even make any sense. I mean, the charges against me were dropped when, uh, Deacon's buddy confessed.", "Amber: (Sighs) Look, I just want you to know that getting married was not my idea or my choice, and if it were up to me, I would be with you always.", "Daniel: You know what? I-I'm just a little bit confused here. I mean, the way I see it is we got two options-- you can either tell me what the hell is really going on here, or I can go to Deacon, and I can find out for myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Feeling a little feisty after your catnap?", "Patty: Mm. Are you really so stupid you thought I wouldn't I.D. you?", "Jeff: (Clicks tongue) Yeah, I was kind of hoping for a little Stockholm syndrome to kick in.", "Patty: You seriously overestimate your personal charm.", "Gloria: Come here. Why don't we just forget about Jack, make the deal with Victor? He'll figure out how to keep her quiet.", "Jeff: Who cares if she's quiet? She's nuts, and everybody knows it. Her word means nothing, especially since we're gonna take Jack's $2 mil-- a part of it, anyway-- to get out of the country and buy ourselves an airtight alibi.", "Gloria: (Giggles)", "Jeff: Now come on, grab your stuff. Don't leave anything behind. It's time to make the calls.", "Patty: Wait, you're--you're not gonna leave me like this.", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "Jeff: Oh, somebody will be along soon... (Sucks air through teeth) But I hope it's Jack. (Sighs) Victor's none too pleased with you, my dear.", "Patty: No, no, no. Don't take--don't-- don't take Kitty Kitty, please.", "Patty: Thank you.", "Jeff: Hey, come on, let's go. Shake a leg.", "Gloria: Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming.", "Patty: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So...", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "Billy: You let Victor have it, huh?", "Colleen: Not that it did any good.", "Jack: What did I tell you? Will you listen to me now?", "Colleen: No, don't. Listening to Uncle Jack is how I got in this mess in the first place.", "Jack: Wait, you're upset with me, too?", "Colleen: No, I'm angry at myself for ignoring all the warnings, Uncle Jack. Everyone kept telling me that you were using me, and--", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait, \"Everyone\" who, Victor?", "Colleen: No, and Ashley, Nikki, Victoria. They would know, right? They've all been burnt by your feud, and I didn't want to believe them, because I really thought that you had my back.", "Jack: I do have your back.", "Colleen: Are you kidding? I have been kicked off the Newman board. I have disgraced my father's name, and because of that video, I can't even get a job.", "Jack: I will give you a job at Jabot, Sweetheart.", "Colleen: That is not the point. I don't even have a father anymore or a grandfather, and I was really counting on you to be there for me, which is stupid, right? I mean, I was looking at you as a r-replacement father, and to you, I was just a weapon.", "Jack: Honey, that is not true.", "Colleen: Where were you when everything went to hell, Uncle Jack? Billy was there. J.T. was there, and you know what? I know that I've made my own decisions and my own mistakes, but I never thought that you would walk out on me.", "Jack: Honey, I'm sorry. I am.", "Billy: You know, you keep saying that if we're gonna go after Victor, we have to be smart and careful. Is this what you meant? Jack, you sit here, and you put other people in the line of fire, right in harm's way, but you have no skin in the game.", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "Billy: At least when I go after Victor, it's gonna be my butt on the line. Hey, you want to get out of here? Come on, let's go.", "Traci: Honey, are you okay?", "Colleen: Yeah, I'm fine.", "Billy: We're just gonna get a cup of coffee.", "Traci: At Crimson Lights?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Traci: Okay, I'll meet you.", "(Door closes)", "Jack: What, do you want to tear into me, too?", "Traci: Don't you think you deserve it?", "Jack: Okay, look, I should have protected Colleen better. This isn't over yet.", "Traci: Oh, no. Don't you dare use my daughter to hit back at Victor.", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Traci: For God sake, Jack. How--when are you ever going to learn? Colleen will never, ever trust you the same way. You have built a wall between you, just like you did with Ashley, and she needs your help desperately, and she can't come to you.", "Jack: She can come to me.", "Traci: No, she can't, because she knows you will use what she's going through to score points against Victor Newman, and he's just as bad! He won't admit how serious the problem is, at least partly because he won't see you have the satisfaction. You two are like a couple of little boys kicking sand in each other's faces. Meanwhile, Ashley is slipping away. Who's looking out for Ashley?!", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Why would you want to make me think that Sabrina was alive?", "Adam: Excuse me?", "Ashley: I thought you were my friend, Adam. Why would you want to do that to me?", "Adam: (Scoffs) You--you seemed agitated, upset. I was just...", "Ashley: You don't have an answer, do you?", "Adam: No, I--", "Ashley: I didn't think you would.", "Adam: I-I-I have an answer. You just need to let me finish.", "Ashley: I'd like you to go, Adam, please. Go.", "(Sniffles)", "(Knock on door)", "Adam: Ash, can we talk?", "Ashley: Leave me alone, Adam.", "Adam: You've been avoiding me.", "Ashley: And you know why.", "Adam: You think that I tricked you into--into thinking that you hit Sabrina with your car, but that's exactly what you told me happened.", "Ashley: You knew that it couldn't be real.", "Adam: (Sighs) It didn't seem possible, okay? Yes, but you were so sure, and-- and I-I wanted to believe you. I wanted to support you, and I found the--the dent in the fender and the--the bloodstained cloth. Ash, what do you want me to do? You get mad at everybody else for thinking that you're crazy, and then you get mad at me for thinking that you're not.", "Ashley: Adam, I don't know who to trust anymore.", "Adam: Look, ha-have I ever let you down, Ash, huh? (Sighs) I hate that you-- you think I-I would want to hurt you. Look, you're the last friend that I had, Ashley, and as far as I'm concerned, you need a friend, too. Am I wrong?", "Ashley: (Sighs) You're not wrong.", "Adam: So what is going on?", "Ashley: Adam, I'm remembering more things about that night and I was driving in the rain. I think that the person I hit that night, I think it was Nikki.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: It's the weirdest thing meeting someone who finally gets it.", "Kevin: Yeah, I know.", "Ryder: Yeah, but, I mean, you--you have friends, family, people you can talk to.", "Kevin: Well, it's not the same as someone who's been through it.", "Ryder: Well, it's better than what I got, which is nothin'.", "Kevin: Well, it was like that for me, too, for a long time.", "Ryder: Kevin, what-- whatever the results of the test are, even if I never see you again, I have something now that-- that I never thought I'd have-- a chance at a real life, friends, a job... (Chuckles) Maybe even someone like Jana who believes in me. Maybe I'm not too broken.", "Kevin: You're not. I came out on the other side. You will, too.", "Ryder: What makes you so sure?", "Kevin: Well, I'm gonna help you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "Billy: And here we go.", "Colleen: Thank you.", "Billy: Hey, take it easy. Things will get better.", "Colleen: Well, it couldn't get any worse. So I have, uh, tentative plans to get out of town, but I think I'm gonna do it right away.", "Billy: Where do you want to go?", "Colleen: I'm not sure. I have a few places in mind, but...", "Billy: You could go back to New York with your mom.", "Colleen: No. No, it's too busy. I'm tired, you know?", "Billy: Yeah. Ooh, how about the cabin?", "Colleen: The family cabin?", "Billy: Yeah, it's peaceful. It's quiet. This time of year, we still have the wildflowers out.", "Colleen: (Scoffs) Sounds perfect.", "Billy: All right. Well, I'll tell you what, you go now, and, uh, I've got this deal I gotta wrap up, but, uh, I'll see you in a few days. Does that work for you?", "Colleen: Sounds fun.", "Billy: Oh, do you remember that, huh, fun? Whoo-hoo!", "Colleen: No, not really, but it's brilliant.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Traci: What's brilliant?", "Colleen: I'm going to the cabin to bond with nature for a few days. You want to come?", "Traci: Oh, I wish I could. I've got a book signing.", "Colleen: Okay. Well, I will, uh, visit you in New York after, since I don't have a job to come back to.", "Traci: (Sighs) Oh, Sweetie. Oh. I know, it's been a hard day, huh? But I am proud of you.", "Colleen: You don't have to say that.", "Traci: But it's true. I mean, you stood up to Victor and to Jack, and you handled yourself with dignity and grace.", "Billy: Nerves of steel.", "Traci: Yeah. And you know who else would be proud of you? Your dad.", "Colleen: Thanks. I love you.", "Traci: I love you, too.", "Colleen: Well, I am going to get going, so, um, thank you for always being there for me.", "Billy: Always.", "Colleen: And I will see you soon.", "Traci: Okay.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Billy: How's Ashley?", "Traci: Oh, Billy, I'm so worried, and I tried to talk to Victor about it, but he just won't even hear it. I--he basically told me to butt out.", "Billy: (Clicks tongue) Yeah. (Clears throat) Jack won't listen to me, either. He told me I need to bide my time.", "(Drumming fingers on table)", "Traci: The two of 'em, they're so used to getting their own way.", "Billy: You know what? I saw we blow 'em both off, and we end this right here, right now.", "Traci: Count me in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Your mind is playing tricks on you, Ashley.", "Ashley: When I thought that I saw Sabrina, that wasn't real, because Sabrina wasn't here, but Nikki was here.", "Adam: Okay, listen, if you killed Nikki, if you even hurt her, somebody would have found her. We would have found out about this.", "Ashley: But, Adam, something happened to her, because nobody's heard from her, not her kids, not Katherine, not anybody.", "Adam: Okay, okay, I'll-- I'll look into it discretely. Just don't say anything to anybody about this.", "Ashley: I think-- I think I need to tell Victor.", "Adam: No, no.", "Ashley: I think I need to.", "Adam: Listen to me. He is gonna think you have lost your mind. He will send you away, Ashley.", "Ashley: He would not do that to me, Adam. I know he wouldn't.", "Adam: Ashley, listen to me. Please, I am begging you, do not tell Victor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Well, I guess I have my answer.", "Amber: No, no, look, look...", "Daniel: Let go.", "Amber: You cannot go to Deacon, okay? He can't even know that we talked.", "Daniel: Why are you so afraid of Deacon? What, is he hurting you or something?", "Amber: No, it's--", "Daniel: What, are you scared he's gonna hurt me, what?", "Amber: Look, I am just really happy you are out of this mess, and I want it to stay that way.", "(Sighs)", "Man: Hey, uh, you guys know a Kevin Fisher?", "Amber: He's the owner.", "Daniel: Uh, that's his wife over at the counter.", "Man: Thank you. Hi, I have a delivery for Kevin Fisher.", "Jana: Oh, um, I can take that.", "Man: Um, I've been instructed to give this to him only.", "Jana: Oh, um... (Sighs) I'm actually authorized to sign for Kevin.", "Man: Okay.", "Jana: There you go.", "Man: Yep, very well. Thanks, Ma'am.", "Jana: Yeah, sure. Uh, right here?", "Man: Right there's fine.", "Jana: There you go.", "Man: Perfect. Thank you very much.", "Jana: Thank you. Oh, D.N.A. results.", "(Tapping envelope)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: When you get there, if you're alone, I'll call you again and tell you where to put the money.", "Jack: When do I get Patty-- Mary Jane?", "Jeff: Payment is due in full before services are rendered. You'll get a key and an address.", "Jack: How do I know she's really there?", "Jeff: Hey, if you're not interested, I can always go to Victor Newman.", "Jack: I'll be there.", "Jeff: (Laughs) All set.", "Gloria: (Sighs) But if we go to Victor first, he gets to Patty first.", "Jeff: Mm, okay, well, then let's be sporty and give Jack a chance to catch up. He is paying twice as much.", "Gloria: Yeah, 3 million beautiful dollars coming to us in cash right now.", "Jeff: Yeah, we--we gotta stay focused, make sure this goes off without a hitch.", "Gloria: I know, I know.", "(Laughs)", "Jeff: (Laughs) We're gonna have money!", "Gloria: Thank you, Lord!", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Gloria: Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart. I have to go out for a while. Do you want me to get you anything?", "Ashley: No. No, thank you.", "Victor: Did you enjoy your visit with your sister?", "Ashley: I have to be careful, though. I shouldn't confide in her. You know, she just tells Jack everything.", "Victor: Oh. Well, did she say anything to upset you?", "Ashley: No.", "Victor: You can let me know anything, you know.", "Victor: Okay? Okay, um, when I come back, maybe we'll talk.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Victor: Okay? Okay.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs) You got the money? Good. Uh, meet me in ten minutes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Sighs) (Scoffs) You're my brother.", "(Scoffs)", "Ryder: (Scoffs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Daniel: Look, I don't understand why you just can't tell me what the hell Deacon is threatening you with.", "Amber: It doesn't matter. You cannot do anything about it.", "Daniel: Oh, really? I'd be willing to bet there's one thing I could do about it, one thing to keep you from marrying him.", "Amber: (Sighs) What?", "Daniel: Marry me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ted: Please tell me you got a bodyguard.", "Victor: Thank you, Ted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Patty remembering]", "Jack: (Sighs) I just feel like I should have known it was you. I can see it now with your pretty blonde hair.", "Patty: It's okay. You're here now.", "Jack: It's good to see you, Patty.", "Patty: You, too, Jack.", "Jack: Why didn't you tell me it was you from the very beginning?", "Patty: I had to wait until the time was right, until you fell in love with me again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jeff: We are on our way to having beaucoup bucks.", "Gloria: Victor Newman and Jack Abbott are on a collision course.", "Jeff: (Laughs) They'll never see it coming.", "(Laughing)", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: (Groans) (Sighs) Please, p-please help me, please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Did I do that to you, Nikki? Did I hurt you?", "Billy: Ashley! (Bangs on door) Ash. Ash. Okay, come on, all right?", "Ashley: (Cries)", "Billy: I'm getting you the hell out of here. Come on, come with me.", "Ashley: (Cries)", "Billy: Come with me.", "Ashley: (Cries)", "Billy: (Grunts)", "Adam: What the hell's going on in here?", "Billy: Hey, when your daddy asks where Ashley went, you tell him that Billy Abbott said, \"Screw you,\" okay? Come on.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Deacon: All you gotta do is just show up, look gorgeous and say, \"I do.\"", "Amber: When?", "Deacon: Tomorrow.", "Jack: Don't tell me...", "Victor: I guess we both have been had, right?", "Colleen: And I'm willing to make things work if you are." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Boo Proofread By Emma']
[ "Katherine's friends and family gather for her memorial service at the local park. Danny, Gina, Nina, Christine, and Amber arrive from out of town to say goodbye to their friend. Father Todd begins the service by reading a passage from the book of 1st Corinthians in the Bible. Victor, Nikki, Christine, Danny, Devon, Amber, and Jill all share memories of Katherine with clips of the specific memory shown while each of them is speaking. Jill is the last to speak and breaks Katherine's rule of no crying, because she wants this to be a celebration. She cries because she doesn't know how she will get along without Katherine. Cane gets up from his seat to console Jill who sobs on his shoulder. Nina tells Paul she wishes him happiness with Christine, because Katherine sent her a letter encouraging her to let go of old resentments and open her heart to love, so Nina has decided to take Katherine's advice.", "Paul calls Nikki before going to the memorial service and asks her if he wants her to continue his investigation using the information she gave him. Nikki tells Paul she hasn't decided what to do. She just wants to get through today and will talk to him about the investigation later. Nick and Avery arrive at the park on Delaney Lake for the memorial service. She thinks the park is beautiful, so Nick wonders if she wants to have their wedding there. Christine shares her letter from Katherine with those at the memorial service. In it Katherine encourages Christine not to work so hard and take time to enjoy life. Once she finds true happiness, she should never let go of it.", "" ]
[ "Danny: [Sighs] Hey, Marty. Let's, uh, let's run a sound check, okay?", "[Piano plays]", "Danny: I want to make sure it's perfect for you. When the sun and moon fall out of the sky dolphins don't swim or eagles fly", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I hope today makes you smile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Danny: And kids everywhere stop asking why that's when I'll stop loving you when polar bears don't romp in the snow and roses don't need the rain to grow when lovers don't love the afterglow that's when I'll stop loving you when you smile, I love the warmth that radiates from your face I'm so lucky no one living could ever take your place you're a special angel heaven sent down I'm just so glad it's me you found", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Ready, my sweetheart?", "Nikki: You look very handsome. [Gasps]", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: No ties.", "Victor: Why?", "Nikki: It's not a funeral.", "Victor: Oh.", "Nikki: It's a celebration. That's what she wants.", "Victor: All right. If that's what Katherine wants, then that's what she'll have.", "Nikki: Thank you, my darling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Danny: When you smile, I love the warmth that radiates from your face I'm so lucky no one living could ever take your place you're a special angel heaven sent down", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Ana really wanted to be here, but with school starting...", "Lily: Yeah, I know. It's understandable.", "Neil: Do you know if Tucker's coming from Hong Kong?", "Devon: No, he's staying put. I think the idea of celebrating is a bit much for him. Seems like Katherine's death is hitting him harder than he's willing to admit.", "Cane: Yeah, well, everyone grieves their own way. At least he had a chance to say goodbye to her, so...", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: How you holding up, Son?", "Devon: You know, I woke up this morning and it really hit me for the first time -- what it's gonna mean not having my grandmother with us. Today just kind of makes it real.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You haven't heard back from Mac?", "Jill: She's not coming.", "Victoria: What? Did she say why?", "Jill: Brock and I both reached out to her, but she was acting very strangely, like something was going on and she didn't want to talk about it.", "Billy: Like what?", "Jill: I have no idea. The only thing Mackenzie said was that she had personal issues to deal with.", "Billy: Wow.", "Jill: I know.", "Delia: Daddy!", "Billy: Hey, hey! Hey, there, Sweet Stuff! How's my little Picasso doing?", "Delia: Good.", "Victoria: I was very impressed with your artwork for the invitations. It was outstanding.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Delia: Thanks.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Just what Katherine would have wanted. Good work. Proud of you.", "Murphy: I think it's about that time.", "Esther: Robert's pulling the car around.", "Delia: Can I go, too?", "Chloe: No, the sitter's outside, remember? You're going swimming.", "Victoria: Oh, that sounds like fun.", "Esther: Don't stay in the pool too long, Sweetie. You'll turn into a prune!", "Delia: No, I won't, Grandma.", "[Laughter]", "Billy: So, I'm curious. Why a park? Why not just invite everyone here?", "Jill: I don't know. Katherine expressly stipulated she wanted this held at the park at Lake Delaney.", "Murphy: For a very good reason, which you will all find out about when the time is right.", "Victoria: Well, you know Katherine always loved a good surprise.", "Jill: Yes, and since she wanted a party instead of a funeral... let's give the old girl what she asked for, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Danny: Yeah, Marty, I think the levels are good.", "Amber: [Sighs] Hey, Homegirl. [Chuckles] Guess we now know you weren't invincible after all, were you? [Sighs] Why'd it have to take something like this to get me back here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Kevin, you remember my brother, Todd.", "Kevin: Of course. Father Todd.", "Todd: Hi.", "Kevin: Guessing you're in town for Mrs. C.'s shindig.", "Todd: Uh, yeah. I'll be officiating. I was told that she requested me specifically, so I put down everything immediately and came running. One does not want to disappoint Katherine Chancellor.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] Smart move. I'm headed over there in a little while. I just have something I have to take care of here first.", "Paul: Oh, good. Kevin, maybe Todd can hitch a ride with you? 'Cause I want to wait here for Chris.", "Kevin: Yeah, sure thing, Chief.", "Todd: Kevin's a cop now, huh?", "Paul: Well, not exactly. Let's just say that I'm happy to have him working on the right side of the law for a change.", "Kevin: [Chuckles] Miracles never cease, eh, Padre?", "Todd: I'm sure that Katherine was delighted. From what I understand, she was very fond of you.", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "[Kevin remembering]", "Kevin: Thank you for not giving up on me.", "Kay: Well, that's what friends do for each other. And I do consider you a very dear friend, young man. I wouldn't wear a t-shirt like this for just anyone.", "[Both chuckle]", "Kevin: I love you, too.", "Kay: Well, it's been a very long day. I'll see you in the morning, I hope.", "Kevin: Sounds good.", "[Back to present]", "Kevin: The feeling was very, very mutual. Unfortunately, she left on her trip before Paul took a chance on hiring me, so she'll never get to see me in my good-guy hat.", "Todd: Kevin, she's seeing you right now -- from afar. And I am certain that she very, very proud.", "Kevin: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What a perfect place to do this.", "Avery: I forgot this place even exists.", "Nick: I haven't been here since Noah was little. Sharon and I used to bring him here and fly kites.", "Avery: Well, I think it's the perfect spot for Katherine's service.", "Nick: Yeah, it's beautiful. You know what? I think I may have just solved one of our problems.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Nikki: Oh. Paul.", "Paul: Hey, there. I just wanted to check in with you about that request you made. Do you still want me to move forward?", "Nikki: Frankly, I'm more confused than ever about what to do.", "Paul: Well, you know, Nikki, you just gave me a name and a number and told me to find out who it is. Beyond that --", "Nikki: I know. I'm sorry to keep you in the dark like this.", "Paul: You know what? I'm not trying to pry. I'm here if you need the help.", "Nikki: You know, let's just get me through today, 'cause I think it's gonna be pretty emotional.", "Paul: Yeah, you're right. It is. All right. I'll see you there.", "Nikki: Hey, listen. Thank you for being such a good friend. I'll see you soon.", "Victor: Everything all right?", "Nikki: Yep.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: Guess we should being going to the park.", "Victor: Okay, my baby. Um...I'll get the car.", "Nikki: Okay.", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: I'm glad I caught you before the ceremony so we could talk.", "Paul: Is something wrong?", "Nina: Well, I'm -- I'm heartbroken over Katherine, of course. But, no, other than that, my life is good. I hope the same is true for you.", "Paul: Well...", "Nina: Yes!", "Paul: Can't complain.", "Nina: I see. Katherine wrote me a letter before she died. It was a really lovely, personal goodbye.", "Paul: Yeah, I understand she did that for a few people.", "Nina: Well, in it, she urged me to let go of any resentments. To live my life without anger or pain or fear, and I was really moved reading it because I was still upset that you had chosen Cricket over me. And it was keeping me from moving on with my life, and somehow -- we've never talked about it, of course, but she knew all of that. And her letter set me free. I'm ready to move on with an open heart. I want to find love again.", "Paul: That's beautiful. Nothing would make me happier to hear that you had.", "Nina: I just want to say, thanks to our mutual friend, I finally forgive you.", "Paul: Thank you, Nina. It means the world to me. Really. Thank you so much.", "Christine: Oh, gosh. I am so sorry. I'm running beh-- morning.", "Nina: Yeah, hi.", "[Laughing]", "Nina: I'm sorry. I bet you never expected to find me in the arms of your man.", "Christine: How are you?", "Nina: I'm good. Thanks to Katherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well.", "Nick: Oh, there you are. Looking very summery and...", "Nikki: Well, I told him.", "Victor: Are you criticizing what I'm wearing? Katherine would not have recognized me unless I wore a black suit. You know that.", "Nikki: There's Jill. I have to make sure everything's ready.", "Nikki: Jill.", "Jill: Oh, hi, Nikki. Well. What do you think?", "Nikki: The park looks magnificent. You did a wonderful job.", "Jill: Thanks.", "Nikki: I've got to tell you. Your idea to have Delia do the artwork for the invitations was inspired.", "Nikki: Katherine loved that little girl so much. I'm sure she's thrilled about it.", "Jill: Nikki, you okay?", "Nikki: Sure. Why?", "Jill: You just seem a little preoccupied. That's all.", "Nikki: Well... you know, I mean... the world with Katherine Chancellor. Things are never gonna be the same again.", "Jill: Look, Nikki, um... you and I have never been particularly close.", "Nikki: I think that's safe to say.", "Jill: A lot of it is my fault, you know, because Katherine always treated you like a daughter, and at times it nearly killed me. [Sighs]", "Nikki: She loved you, too. Don't ever doubt that.", "Jill: Thank you for saying that. I've been thinking that maybe Katherine put us together in the preparations for this day because she wanted the two of us to get closer.", "Nikki: Maybe. Maybe she was trying to tell us something.", "Jill: Did she tell you anything about my letter?", "Nikki: Did she tell you anything about my letter?", "Danny: So, this is where they're hiding all the beautiful women.", "Nikki: Oh, Danny! So good to see you!", "Danny: Nikki, you too. God, do you ever age?", "Nikki: Oh, look who's talking.", "Danny: Hey, you.", "Jill: [Crying] Oh, Danny. [Sighs]", "Danny: I'm so sorry.", "Jill: You know what? Forgive me.", "Danny: No, no, no. There's nothing to forgive. Listen, I had a quick question about the sound. Can I just borrow you for a moment?", "Jill: You lead the way.", "Danny: Okay.", "Jill: Okay.", "Danny: Excuse us, Nikki.", "Nikki: Yeah, yeah.", "[Indistinct conversation]", "Nick: Still with, uh -- oh, apparently you are.", "[Chloe remembering]", "Kay: Now, have you ever heard of the serenity prayer?", "Chloe: \"I cannot the change the things about myself,\" blah, blah, blah. I hate that prayer.", "[Both laugh]", "Kay: Why does that not surprise me?", "Chloe: I'm sorry. I sort of think it's a cop out.", "Kay: Well, no, it's just the opposite! Now come on. When you realize you cannot fix other people. You turn the focus on yourself. Now, that becomes your greatest challenge.", "[Back to present]", "Kevin: Chloe? You okay?", "Chloe: Yeah. I -- my head just somewhere else.", "Kevin: Um, where's Dee-Dee?", "Chloe: Oh, she's with the sitter.", "Kevin: That's probably for the best. Her invitations were awesome.", "[Both laugh]", "Chloe: I know.", "Kevin: How is she doing?", "Chloe: She's good. She's really good.", "Kevin: Good. I miss her. I miss you.", "Chloe: [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Days like today really make me think of Dad. You realize it's been seven years?", "Billy: Wow. Seven years. You know, I can still see him.", "Jack: Can you?", "Billy: Yeah, you know, in my head. I think about him a lot.", "Jack: Oh, right. Right. He and Katherine were so close. They practically grew up together. You almost expect to see him here today.", "Billy: Maybe he and Katherine are up there right now, swimming in that old quarry, skinny dipping like they did in high school.", "Jack: [Chuckles] You remember those stories they used to tell?", "Jack: I remember every one of them. They make me miss Dad all the more. [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Christine: Well, that was a surprise.", "Paul: Yeah, it was. It was really good to see her, though. Man, I missed you. You got to be tired from your travels.", "Christine: Mm.", "Paul: You don't want to miss the ceremony, though, right?", "Christine: No. Gosh, I -- I feel closer to Katherine now more than ever, which is just ironic. But that letter she wrote...", "Paul: Yeah, I know. It really got to you. Apparently her letters had that affect on a lot of people.", "Christine: You shouldn't be disappointed that she didn't leave one for you.", "Paul: I'm not. I'll just share what's in yours.", "Christine: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Hi, Amber.", "Amber: Hey, Guys.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: I'm sure that Katherine would love to know that you came all the way here from L.A.", "Amber: Nothing could have kept me away. So, you two, uh, you look good.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Amber: And happy.", "Lily: Thanks.", "Cane: Never been better.", "Lily: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I used to think that I had all my bases covered. The street smarts and book smarts. I was always on the lookout for someone to screw me over in business or even carjack me, but now I know that there are a lot worse things out there.", "[Devon remembering]", "Kay: Is there nothing I can do to make things right?", "Devon: You can apologize to Neil. I think my dad deserves that.", "Kay: What about you?", "Devon: I don't want anything from you, Mrs. Chancellor.", "[Back to present]", "Devon: I wasted so much precious time. Instead of just getting over myself and embracing the fact that I had this amazing woman as my grandmother.", "Neil: You know, Devon... when she died, there was a lot of love between you. Things were in a good place, right? Okay? So, then, that's what you need to hold onto, my friend. Today and always.", "Devon: Yeah. Thank you. I'm really glad that you're here.", "Neil: Come on, man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: How nice to see you. How was your flight?", "Gina: Oh, it was delayed. I'm just glad I could make it, because this is one party I wouldn't want to miss.", "Nikki: Well, no tears. Katherine was adamant about that.", "Gina: Well, she can just come down off her cloud and try to make me.", "[Both chuckle]", "Danny: Nina!", "Nina: Ah, he remembers!", "[Both laugh]", "Danny: Come here, you.", "Nina: How are you? It's so good to see you.", "Danny: You too. Too bad it's such a sad occasion, though, huh?", "Nina: No. No sadness. Those are the rules.", "Danny: I only wish I would have made the time to come see Katherine while she was with us.", "Nina: No, no regrets either.", "Danny: No regrets for you?", "Nina: No. None. Well, I don't know. If this thing turns into the party that Katherine wanted, maybe I'll have some regrets in the morning. I don't know.", "Danny: Oh, boy.", "[Both laugh]", "Danny: You do look wonderful.", "Nina: Thank you.", "Todd: If everybody would please gather round, find a seat. It's time to celebrate all that we loved about the great Katherine Chancellor.", "[Applause]", "Todd: Welcome. I'm Father Todd Williams, and I am humbled and thankful to be here today as we honor our beloved mother, grandmother, wife, friend, and longtime pillar of this community. I know that Katherine would be thrilled that we've gathered on this magnificent day in this idyllic setting to celebrate her life and share our memories with one another. Danny.", "Danny: To begin, I'd like to read a passage from the bible that she selected personally. It's from 1 Corinthians.", "[Piano playing softly]", "Danny: \"Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: 'Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?'\" Now, if, uh, anybody would like to come up and speak, who would like to be first? Victor.", "Victor: Very people in positions of power are ever criticized... publicly or privately. Katherine had no such fear. Whenever she felt I needed to be told the truth, she wouldn't hesitate one moment.", "[Victor remembering]", "Kay: Well, are you gonna be a better father this time around?", "Victor: [Chuckles] I forgive you that question.", "Kay: [Chuckles]", "Victor: Because you're an old friend and I love you. But... sometimes I feel that it is the children that have failed me rather than the other way around.", "Kay: No, I mean how are you going to -- to learn from your past mistakes if you refuse to not repeat them in the future?", "Victor: And that, my dear Katherine, from the paragon of motherhood, that's like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?", "Kay: [Laughs]", "[Back to present]", "[Laughter]", "Victor: She always spoke the truth to me, no matter what. And I think I've become the better person for it. I know one thing. I will never... meet the like of her again. She was a remarkable woman. Rest in peace.", "Nikki: I was in Mexico. It was the worst night of my life. I thought Victor was dead, and I was very, very drunk. If it hadn't been for Katherine's strong voice on the other end of that phone, only God knows what would have happened to me.", "[Nikki remembering]", "Kay: I understand how you feel, but feelings are not facts, Nikki.", "Nikki: Slogans! This is a perfect time to talk slogans. And I am ready. Here we go. \"My name is Nikki and I'm an alcoholic, but please, please love me anyway, people.\"", "Kay: Nikki, you are loved and you know that!", "Nikki: \"Let go and let vodka.\" [Laughs]", "Kay: Now, listen to me, Darling. I want you to go back to your hotel, and I want you to go to sleep. And you wake up and Nicholas will be there, and you'll have all your support. And as I understand it -- this is the good news. As I understand it, uh, it's possible that -- that Victor's still out there. He's alive and unhurt. I want you... I want you to cling to that hope.", "Nikki: The only man that I gave all of my heart to is gone. I mean, really gone. Forever, this time. And life just isn't worth living without him.", "[Back to present]", "Nikki: On that very dark night of the soul, and many others, Katherine saved me countless times. No matter what was going on, she would never let me give up hope ever. Always goaded me on to let me know that I could do it. I would be all right. [Sighs] Dear God, what am I gonna do without her? [Sniffles] I'm sorry. No crying, Katherine. I know. I love you.", "Devon: Learning that Katherine was my grandmother changed my whole life. Nothing could have prepared me for that moment. Or this moment here. 'Cause she and I -- we barely got to say hello, and... here we all are. We're saying goodbye to her.", "Lauren: So, there we were in Katherine's living room, asking her to fund our music video. See, Danny was the first rock star she ever met.", "Danny: Lauren used me as a bait.", "Lauren: I did.", "[Laughter]", "Lauren: I did.", "Danny: I'm serious. She really did.", "Jill: Well, that was very shrewd of you, because everybody knows Katherine loved her younger men. Sorry, Murphy.", "Victoria: Oh, you say that like it's a bad thing.", "[Laughter]", "Nikki: Oh, well, now, she wouldn't have thought so.", "Nina: Quite a few of us here can attest to it.", "Esther: Don't ask me. My lips are sealed.", "Jill: Sealed? Really, Esther?", "Lauren: The incredible thing was she did it. She gave us the money and Danny got to do his video.", "Danny: Yep.", "Lauren: And I got a beautiful, treasured, lifelong friend.", "Brock: Imagine the look on the Duchess' face when her -- [Chuckles] Her profligate son, he just comes up out of the blue and he tells her...", "[Brock remembering]", "Brock: Mother, I have found the power of the Lord. And it's turned my whole life around.", "Kay: You and...God? No. You, yes. You and women, yes. But you and...God? It's incredible.", "[Back to present]", "Cane: So, I'm the guy who committed the cardinal sin of letting my family know about Katherine's surgery.", "[Cane remembering]", "Cane: Listen, no one is gonna apologize for loving you, Katherine.", "Kay: Love is fine. Interfering is not.", "Cane: [Sighs] All right. I'm not gonna lie to you. With all these doctors' meetings, I'm the one who's scared, all right? Maybe I'm the one who needs Murphy and Jill here, okay? That's it.", "Kay: You're right.", "Jill: I'm sorry. No, I didn't catch that.", "Kay: I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Cane. This is a lot to put on you, and I'm really sorry.", "Cane: You don't have to be sorry. I'm honored that you treat me like family.", "Jill: He means when you're rude to him.", "Cane: And I want to be here for you. We all do.", "Murphy: [Sighs]", "Cane: So let us.", "[Back to present]", "Cane: And if I had to do it all over again, if I had to defy Katherine's wishes, would I do it? Damn right I would do it. [Voice breaking] No tears today, my friends -- no tears.", "Christine: \"And remember, my darling Christine, no one's tombstone ever read, 'I wish I had spent more time at the office.' You need to start enjoying life more. Live for the moment and in the moment. Let the paperwork wait. Go outside. Take a walk. Feel the sunshine on your face. Only by embracing the new can you find true happiness. And once you do, don't ever let it slip away. Love always, Katherine.\"", "Nina: There was a time when I despised that old woman. She and Jill were so eager to get me out of their lives, that they offered me $50,000 to move to Guam.", "[Laughter]", "Nina: I don't know where they got Guam.", "Jill: Well, the place is crawling with sailors, that's why.", "[Laughter]", "Nina: Nice. Thank you.", "Jill: Hey, we thought we had to protect Phillip from you. We weren't trying to be nice.", "Nina: Well, obviously. You wanted me on the other side of the planet, along with the child I was carrying -- your grandson.", "Jill: Clearly, we were wrong.", "Nina: Well... fortunately it didn't take Katherine as long to admit that. And I'm really grateful that we were able to set aside our hostilities and become really good friends. Bye, Sweetie.", "Amber: Nikki said that Katherine saved her life. Well, she saved mine, too. In more ways than I could possibly count.", "[Amber remembering]", "Kay: Come on. You don't need our forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself. And you've got to stop being down on yourself and messing up, or I guarantee you you're gonna keep messing up again and again if you're like me, and I suspect you are a great deal like me, considering your... [Chuckles] ...Past with men.", "Amber: [Laughs] I can't believe I told you those things.", "Kay: I'm serious, now. Listen to me. You're gonna make so many mistakes, you're gonna stop counting.", "Amber: Yeah, but, I mean, you're so confident, you're successful.", "Kay: Oh, Sweetheart. You can act confident until you feel confident. But the secret to success is be willing to make... [Clicks tongue] ...Mistakes.", "[Back to present]", "Esther: [Crying] I'm so sorry, Mrs. C. I know we're not supposed to cry, but I -- I just can't help it.", "Jill: Yes, you can, Esther. She'd want you to, you know, get on with it. Go ahead.", "Esther: [Sniffles] Fine. You want to know my absolute favorite memory? The day that Mrs. C. showed you that she wasn't gonna take your abuse anymore.", "[Esther remembering]", "Kay: I tried to work this thing out in a more gentle way, but would you have it? No. But there's no turning back now. You want a war, Lady? Then, by God, you've got one.", "Jill: Bring it on, Old Woman.", "Nikki: You don't need this, Katherine. Let's go.", "Jill: What a lucky break for you. Since she's the daughter you always wanted. Much better match. Much better match -- two dried-up, old lushes.", "Murphy: Hey, watch your mouth.", "Jill: Oh, shut up and stay out of it!", "Kay: Forgive me, Chloe!", "[All gasp]", "Esther: Oh, no, no! Stop!", "[All shouting]", "[Back to present]", "Jill: I have about a million Katherine stories. The epic battles and the undying friendship, the love, the laughter. The rage. And now the tears. No tears, Katherine? The hell with that. How could you leave us without any warning? With so much unsaid and undone. How could you do it to us? We're the ones who love you. [Crying] God, what am I gonna do without you? [Sobbing]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Paul: I just read Katherine's letter.", "Christine: What did she say?", "Devon: Murphy, what happens now? Did Katherine have anything else planned?", "Murphy: The reading of her will.", "Todd: We came here to celebrate the life of a woman that we all dearly loved, and that celebration continues." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Ashley pays Jack and Billy a surprise visit at Jabot. In bed, Michael and Lauren lie both looking up toward the ceiling. Lauren offers to fix them something to eat but Michael orders her to stop treating him like a child. Cane and Lily have made love and are snuggling together when there is a knock on the door. At the Coffeehouse, Hilary has just gotten Neil a cup of coffee. She mentions about going to see the therapist, but Neil insists that he doesn't need any help. Devon walks up and upon hearing their conversation, takes Hilary's side. After Neil and Hilary make their exit, Natasha approaches Devon and asks him if he is on the \"market.\" Devon gives her a brush off before Michael joins him with some legal papers for him to sign. Abby and Victoria are having a conversation in her office when Ben comes in and interrupts. Ben and Abby exchange some few choice words. Abby gets a text that Ashley is back in town and leaves her to meet her. Victoria asks what's going on between him and Abby. Ben lets her know that Abby kissed him. Ashley asks Jack and Billy how things are going between them. Jack vows to Ashley that he will get Victoria back. At the bar at the Athletic Club, Colin asks Cane advice about business at Fenmore's. Cane evades his question and instead asks him about his business associate and what is going on there. Lauren and Lily have a business meeting and Lauren notices how happy Lily is and asks how does she do it. Michael notices Natasha and wonders if anything is going on between them, but Devon is not interested. Ashley lets Jack and Billy know about a new cosmetic idea that she has for Jabot. Neil and Hilary interrupt them. Ashley and Neil hug before she offers her congratulations to Neil and Hilary. Ashley leaves Neil and Hilary alone with Jack while she runs into Abby in the outer office. Abby lets her know that Victoria asked her to be her labor coach. Victoria becomes upset with Ben over the things that he has done and the secrets that he kept from her.", "Colin questions Cane about when her worked at Jabot. Colin, once again, asks for Cane's help with finances at Fenmore's. Cane questions Colin about his secret business meetings. When Jack asks him if he is considering quitting, Neil beats around the bush to keep from telling him the truth. Billy joins Ashley and Abby in the outer office. Ashley asks how things are going in there. Billy says that Jack will need her after this. Colin cannot believe that Cane will not let this go about his business meeting. Jack refuses to accept Neil's resignation. Billy interrupts Victoria and Ben which upsets her. Victoria asks him what he wants. Billy shows her the final divorce papers and wonders why she is doing this today since it's the anniversary of the day that he proposed to her. Victoria assures him she'll never forget the day he proposed to her and she would keep it in her heart forever. Ashley breaks the news to Jack and Abby that she has come up with a new fragrance for Jabot but she wants it advertised as a mystery product. Ashley asks Jack to make her co- CEO of Jabot again. Neil gets bad news from his doctor that he may never see again. Hilary starts to cry and Neil has to console her. Michael calls Lauren and breaks his date with her for dinner by telling her that he has a desk full of work, but instead he is sitting at a table drinking coffee.", "" ]
[ "Abby: There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere. I filly figured out how you're gonna give birth. Well, not how. You know how. But the method, the theme, the atmosphere. And you are going to... Victoria?", "Victoria: Huh?", "Abby: What's going on? Are you okay? Is the baby all right?", "Victoria: Yeah, I'm fine. No, I'm good. Everybody's good.", "Abby: Really?", "Victoria: Yeah, really. I was just, um... I was just thinking about Billy.", "Abby: Please tell me that means you're getting back together.", "Jack: The numbers are good, but not great. I think we should consider a new ad campaign, and I want you to work with marketing on... Billy?", "Billy: Hmm?", "Jack: What's going on? Are you all right?", "Ashley: Hey, hey, hey! Ashley Abbott's in the house. And it just might be for good if everything goes right today. Hi!", "Billy: Welcome back! Ah!", "Jack: Hi, you.", "Ashley: Good to see you! [Laughs]", "Lauren: It doesn't matter. I just like being close to you. And spending time with you. [Chuckling] Which, hey, we're gonna have a lot more of, right, now that you and Avery are partners, and she can help with the caseload. I know. Why don't I make us a fabulous celebration dinner tonight? Or we can go out on the town, you know. Anything you want. As long as we're together, everything's all right.", "Michael: Please. Stop talking to me like I'm a child.", "Lily: Wow. Everyone should start their work day like that.", "Cane: Yeah. The world would be a much better place, but no one would get anything done.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "[Pounding on door]", "Colin: Cane! Cane! Open the door! I know you're in there! I got to talk to you, mate! Yeah!", "[Pounding on door]", "Colin: Come on! Whatever you're doing, do it later!", "Hilary: Okay. Here we go. Coffee. 12 o'clock.", "Neil: Thank you.", "Hilary: So, we have that meeting with the social worker soon. I am anxious to hear what kind of tools they might have to help you get around. You know what, after that, maybe we could start counting steps, you know, from the bed to the closet, from the kitchen --", "Neil: No, no, no. Please, that's really not necessary.", "Hilary: But, Neil, these are things that we --", "Neil: Hilary, I don't need how to learn to count steps or walk with a cane or read Braille.", "Hilary: There's nothing wrong with any of those things --", "Neil: For other people. But that's not me. I'm a man who has a job, and I'm gonna get back to it. Today.", "Hilary: I don't think that that's a good idea, okay? Your job is stressful under every-day conditions. You're still recovering from your accident.", "Neil: Stop, please. I can handle this.", "Hilary: You don't know that.", "Devon: Hilary's right, dad.", "Neil: Oh, look who just showed up. Devon, I thought you'd be on my side.", "Hilary: How long have you been standing there?", "Devon: I've been standing here long enough to hear my dad talking crazy. You know, you just got out of the hospital. You need to take it easy.", "Neil: This is taking it easy? Sitting here waiting for my eyesight to come back? I'm going stir crazy. All right. That's it. I am gonna leave for the office right now. Hilary, you can drive me if you want. I'd appreciate that. Or I can catch a cab. Whatever you want me to do.", "Hilary: Of course I will drive you.", "Neil: Hey, Devon.", "Devon: Yeah?", "Neil: Don't you worry about it. I'll be just fine.", "Devon: Sure you will.", "Sasha: Devon? Hi.", "Devon: Hey.", "Sasha: Sasha.", "Devon: Sasha.", "Sasha: I did some modeling for Jabot fashion.", "Devon: Yeah, yeah, that's right. How you doing?", "Sasha: Great. Except for not seeing you at the clubs anymore.", "Devon: Yeah, I've, uh, I've been unavailable.", "Sasha: Does that mean you're off the market?", "Michael: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.", "Lauren: No. No, no. I should be the one apologizing. I was thinking you needed someone coddling you. I... I just didn't want you to worry about what happened, you know? Honey, it's no big deal.", "Michael: Then why do we keep talking about it?", "Lauren: Would it make you feel more comfortable if we didn't?", "Michael: It might not seem like such a problem.", "Lauren: [Sighs] It's no problem. No pressure, right?", "Michael: Makes sense.", "Lauren: It does. It does make sense.", "Michael: Good. I'm glad we're on the same page.", "Lauren: You still want to have dinner tonight?", "Michael: Of course. I wouldn't miss it. Uh, I'm gonna go get dressed.", "Victoria: I know that you've been rooting for Billy and me to get back together, but that's just not gonna happen, okay?", "Abby: What the hell?", "Stitch: Abby, I didn't know you'd be here. Look, I'm -- I'm sorry to barge in.", "Victoria: I don't know how you got past Connie, but I guarantee that will never happen again.", "Stitch: I-I got the message about you being released from the hospital. I wanted to find out how you and the baby were doing. I-I knew you wouldn't take my call, so...", "Victoria: [Chuckles] We're doing fine.", "Abby: Which I already told you.", "Stitch: Yeah, well, it's a little hard for me to remember anything you said since the last time we saw each other.", "Abby: Oh, my gosh! Will you stop looking at me like that? It's not a big deal.", "Stitch: You used me.", "Abby: I'm sorry! It's not like I killed someone.", "Victoria: So, what's going on between you two?", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Abby: Oh, my gosh. My mom's in town. Um, hey, can we talk about the birth plan later?", "Victoria: Uh, yeah. Of course. Sure.", "Abby: All right. I love you.", "Victoria: Yeah. Love you.", "Abby: Mwah. Goodbye.", "Victoria: Bye. What were you and Abby just talking about?", "Stitch: She kissed me.", "Jack: It's good to actually see you since you bailed on us last time.", "Ashley: Sorry for the tease.", "Jack: Is this a tease, too? What do we have to do to convince you to stick around?", "Ashley: Before we get into that, I want to know how the both of you are. How are you both?", "Jack: Actually, things are finally good again. Actually, better than that.", "Ashley: That's fantastic.", "Jack: This is the one you have to worry about.", "Billy: No, I-I'm handling things.", "Jack: Not today. Something is on his mind, and it's not business.", "Ashley: What's going on with you and Victoria?", "Billy: You don't want to know.", "Ashley: I do want to know. That's why I asked. I mean, maybe I can help.", "Billy: You know, there have been so many times that I almost picked up the phone and called you.", "Ashley: Why didn't you?", "Billy: Because I'm a big boy, ash. I don't need to go dumping all my problems on my big sister.", "Ashley: Billy, it's only dumping when the person on the other end of the line doesn't care, and I do care. Have you made any progress with Vicki at all?", "Billy: I thought so.", "Jack: Has something happened to change that?", "Billy: Not if I can help it. I'm gonna get her back somehow.", "Ashley: You know, actually, I do think I can help you. In fact, it's the reason I'm here.", "Jack: Oh?", "Ashley: Yeah. I've been working on something that I think is gonna set the cosmetics industry and the world on fire.", "Cane: I'm glad you finally want to talk about it.", "Colin: It?", "Cane: It. Your mysterious meetings with a so-called park and rec employee.", "Colin: Look, uh, I want to say I'm sorry for dragging you away from lily.", "Cane: Just -- just stop. What were you discussing with him? And don't say you wanted to talk about the flowers for Katherine's remembrance ceremony.", "Colin: What I really need is a little advice now that I'm about to become a partner in the new Fenmore boutique.", "Cane: [Chuckles] You want my advice about a clothing store?", "Colin: Well, it's a little beyond my expertise. So if you wouldn't mind.", "Cane: Just let me ask you. Uh, why are you discussing this with me when you could talk to your wife or your sister-in-law, who just happen to be experts on the subject?", "Lauren: So, sales are up since last month, and, uh, swimsuits, they just flew off the shelves since the pool at the roof deck reopened. Don't even get me started about the lingerie. I mean, that satin lingerie -- oh, my goodness. Went crazy out.", "Lily: I think I, uh, bought a couple pieces for myself, too.", "Lauren: You did? You did? How did that go?", "Lily: Uh, I think I spent more time out of them than in them.", "Lauren: [Laughs] I'm sure you did.", "Lily: I did.", "Lauren: So, what's your secret?", "Sasha: If you change your mind, let me know.", "Michael: Hey.", "Devon: Hey.", "Michael: Um, I hope I didn't chase her away.", "Devon: No. We were done talking.", "Michael: You sure? I know we're supposed to discuss the new 501(c) that you'd like to set up, but, uh, as fascinating as that is, I can have that conversation another day if you care to --", "Devon: It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. I didn't have anything else to say to her, really.", "Michael: She's a beautiful woman. What's holding you back?", "Devon: I'm just not interested, that's all.", "Michael: You're single, young, unattached.", "Devon: Well, I don't feel that way.", "Michael: You seeing somebody?", "Ashley: That would be a yes.", "Billy: Okay, so it's a new product.", "Jack: It's a skin cream that gets rid of all wrinkles.", "Ashley: No, but it does work miracles.", "[Telephone rings]", "Jack: Hold on two seconds. Yeah. Send them in.", "Billy: Wait, I got it. You've discovered the fountain of youth.", "Ashley: Oh, I wish. But it is revolutionary. I'm gonna tell you that much.", "Hilary: Pardon us for the interruption.", "Jack: I would welcome this interruption any day of the week.", "Ashley: I second that.", "Neil: I recognize that voice.", "Ashley: Yeah.", "Neil: None other than Ashley.", "Ashley: Yeah. I'm in town. Just got here. Oh.", "Neil: So good to see you.", "Ashley: Hello, my friend.", "Neil: Hi. Hi.", "Ashley: Jack told me about your accident.", "Neil: Oh, yeah, well, that's the last time I play the role of amateur electrician, right?", "Ashley: How are you?", "Neil: I'm doing great. I'm gonna get my vision back soon enough. Ashley, have you met my -- my wife, Hilary?", "Ashley: At the new year's eve party. I had no idea you were married, though, so congratulations.", "Hilary: Thank you.", "Ashley: Obviously I need to spend more time in Genoa City.", "Jack: Uh-huh.", "Billy: Neil, can I offer you or Hilary something to drink?", "Neil: Thank you, Billy, no, but I'm really not here to socialize. Um, I'm here to -- here to work.", "Jack: Wait. You are?", "Neil: And before you question my decision, Jack, um, I want you to know that I'm very ready and I'm very able.", "Ashley: I think I'm gonna let all of you discuss business, and I'll see you later.", "Jack: Yeah, I'll find you later.", "Neil: Good seeing you, Ashley.", "Ashley: You too.", "Jack: Okay, Neil, let's, uh, talk about this.", "Neil: Yeah. Let's.", "Abby: Mom!", "Ashley: Abby!", "Abby: Hi! Oh! I'm so glad you're here.", "Ashley: I know you went through so much after you canceled your engagement. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you.", "Abby: No, be glad you missed it. There was a lot of ugly crying and wallowing in self-pity and mascara everywhere, but you know what? That's over now, and I am ready to move on.", "Ashley: Well, wait a minute. You don't have to rush things. From my experience having a broken heart, there's really no finite date when it heals.", "Abby: Wow, way to be positive.", "Ashley: Sorry, it was kind of depressing. I'm sorry. I take it back.", "Abby: No, everything's good. Things are looking up now that you're here. And Victoria asked me to be her labor coach.", "Ashley: Not Billy?", "Abby: Right now, Victoria doesn't want anything to do with him or your friend stitch.", "Victoria: So, you and Abby kissed.", "Stitch: \"We\" didn't do anything. She saw Tyler, and before I knew what was happening, she planted one on me.", "Victoria: You have no interest in her?", "Stitch: Are you jealous?", "Victoria: [Scoffs] No! I'm not jealous, all right? And before I knew anything about your past, I told you that I couldn't handle a serious relationship with you, and now I know why. There was always something about you that made me a little hesitant to get too involved.", "Stitch: You don't really mean that, do you?", "Victoria: Actually, yeah, I do.", "Colin: Well, I'm coming to you for advice that I thought would be obvious.", "Cane: Well, it's not obvious to me.", "Colin: Look, when women get together and talk about fashion, they have a-a language that only they seem to understand. Now, I-I thought that you and I'd get together and kick this around, guy to guy, yeah? You used to work for Jabot.", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I started the fashion line, so if I can give you some advice, go and talk to Jill, 'cause I'm pretty certain that she'd be more than happy to lay out the whole thing for you.", "Colin: Look, I can't go to her as some dorky greenhorn. I got to go in there as the guy that knows it all.", "Cane: That's fine. That's fine. You really love this woman, don't you?", "Colin: Like you do lily. Look, [Sniffs] Help me with the distribution and process, okay?", "Cane: I can do that for you.", "Colin: Wonderful.", "Cane: If you tell me about the mysterious meetings that you have been having.", "Jack: I have to admit, Neil, I'm a little caught off guard. I had no idea you were thinking of returning.", "Neil: Well, Jack, I'm not gonna deny that I have some limitations. Just for the time being, of course. I can't look at a clothing line. I-I can't choose a new fashion model. Um, I guess I can't go on a business trip or -- or write e-mails or --", "Jack: We can get you a voice-controlled computer program for that.", "Neil: Yeah, a voice program. Is that gonna help me to decide what the latest dress design is, Jack, or what the -- what the competition is showing this year?", "Jack: Just because your eyes aren't functioning doesn't mean your -- your nose isn't. You could sniff out a great fragrance.", "Neil: Oh, come on. That's putting my -- my MBA from Stanford to good use -- sniffing, testing scents.", "Jack: You said yourself. This is short-term.", "Neil: I made a mistake, Jack. I mean, just talking about it out loud made me realize that I rushed to get back here. I shouldn't be here at all.", "Stitch: Now that I know you and the baby are okay, I'll let you get back to work.", "Victoria: Hey, listen, uh, before you go, I was just wondering if you had heard anything from the state board about your license.", "Stitch: Not yet. But I got to believe that, uh, there's probably no chance in hell of me ever practicing medicine again. I've put some feelers out there for other types of jobs, but with all the publicity out there about me, you know, employers aren't too anxious to take -- take me on, so... looks like the only way I'm gonna find work is to leave town.", "Victoria: Well, if you do end up going, I'll be sure to keep in touch about the baby, obviously.", "Stitch: Thanks. Yeah.", "Victoria: Listen. Despite what I said earlier, I'm sorry about the way things turned out.", "Stitch: What do you have to be sorry about?", "Victoria: Abby might have used you to make Tyler jealous, but I feel like I used you, as well.", "Stitch: You?", "Victoria: I was angry at Billy, and I was lonely, and I just wanted somebody to make me feel better, and it wasn't fair to you.", "Stitch: It may have started out that way, but --", "Victoria: That's how it started, and that's how it ended.", "Stitch: Sounds like you're saying goodbye.", "Jack: What are you saying, Neil? Are you quitting?", "Neil: Maybe I should.", "Hilary: Okay, Neil, you can't make any rash decisions.", "Neil: It's obvious that I can't do my job.", "Jack: I still believe with a few adjustments --", "Neil: No matter how hard Jack tries to -- to make it work.", "Jack: Billy, talk to this man. Maybe he'll listen to you.", "Billy: Jack, I don't know why he would with the mess I've made of my life. Sorry, I'm gonna leave this one to the big boys and girl to -- to hash out. Neil, I wish you all the best in the world, buddy.", "Ashley: Billy, how's it going in there?", "Billy: Well, let's just say that Jack has his hands full.", "Abby: That well, huh?", "Billy: The Abbotts have had better days.", "Ashley: Yet another reason for me to stick around, huh?", "Billy: Well, I hope that you do, 'cause I'm gonna need you, especially after today.", "Colin: Are you serious? You're not gonna let this parks and rec thing go, are you?", "Cane: Until you tell me the truth, no.", "Colin: [Sighs] I guess we've always had a little bit of problem with trust in the past.", "Cane: And for very good reasons.", "Colin: Yeah, well, I thought we'd gotten beyond that now. I mean, you know, you're letting me spend time with the grandkids.", "Cane: Supervised time with the grandkids, dad. Supervised.", "Colin: I can understand your situation. That you're always gonna look at me with a specter of doubt in your mind about this guy. I'll always be that parent that disappointed, that was never around when needed. And you're probably right. If I was in your position, I'd probably be thinking the same thing. The sadness of it is, that I've gotten to a point in my life now where I know what's most important. And it's probably too late. Forget what I just said to you.", "Cane: Dad. Okay.", "Jack: Neil, I refuse to accept your resignation --", "Neil: Jack, I can't do --", "Jack: We can and will work this out.", "Hilary: Thank you, Jack, okay? And, um, if you don't mind sparing your assistant a little while longer, I could be Neil's eyes here, keep him up to date on everything that's happening.", "Jack: Elizabeth can fill in for as long as it takes.", "Neil: I appreciate that, Jack. And I appreciate your support, too. And you know something? You were right. I overestimated myself. I need to step aside.", "Jack: I wish you'd reconsider, Neil.", "Neil: How about this? I'll take a leave of absence until I get my eyesight back.", "Jack: Now, that I can live with. With one caveat, you will be compensated the whole time you're gone.", "Neil: That's very generous of you.", "Jack: Neil, you were there for me when I needed you most, and I will not forget that. And you've given your all to Jabot. It's time Jabot gave you a little back.", "Hilary: Not many companies are that loyal, Jack. We are so lucky to both be working for you.", "Neil: Jack, it means a lot to me. I will be back, sooner rather than later.", "Jack: You take care of yourself.", "Neil: Thank you, Jack.", "Hilary: Come on.", "Jack: [Sighs]", "Ashley: Oh.", "Hilary: Hi again, Ashley.", "Ashley: Hi.", "Hilary: Abby.", "Abby: Hi. Neil, my mom told me you were in uncle Jack's office. When are you coming back to work?", "Neil: Hi, Abby. Um, I decided against it for now.", "Ashley: I'm sure you know what's best. But please, if you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to call.", "Neil: Absolutely. So good to have you back. And I hope you stick around for a while this time.", "Ashley: If things go the way I hope they will, you just might get your wish.", "Neil: Thanks.", "Ashley: Come on, Abby. Let's go make that happen.", "Abby: Bye.", "Hilary: Bye.", "Neil: Bye, ladies.", "Hilary: Okay. I better get you home, hmm?", "Neil: No. Not yet. There's something I have to do first. Somewhere I have to go.", "Victoria: Don't worry. If this baby turns out to be yours, then of course it's not goodbye. You know I would never deny you the right to see your child.", "Stitch: Despite my past?", "Victoria: [Sighs] What is it with everybody walking in here like it's their office?", "Billy: Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. What's his excuse?", "Stitch: Hey, you're the one who left word that Victoria was out of the hospital. You didn't expect me to just sit around and do nothing about it, did you?", "Billy: I don't know what I expected you to do.", "Stitch: Okay, relax. I'm leaving. I'll let you know about my future plans.", "Billy: Must you?", "Victoria: Goodbye, Ben.", "Stitch: So long, Victoria.", "Billy: So, what did he want?", "Victoria: Exactly what he said he wanted. He was checking on me and the baby. What do you want, Billy?", "Billy: Four years ago today, I got down on my knee and I proposed to you. Do you remember that?", "Victoria: Vaguely.", "Billy: Then why did you choose today of all days to send me final divorce papers?", "Ashley: Well, Jack, you absolutely did the right thing. Neil needs to know that we stand behind him no matter what.", "Jack: Good. I'm glad we agree. Now that that is settled, I want to know more about this earth-shattering, new project of yours.", "Abby: Earth-shattering? You didn't tell me that.", "Ashley: Okay, well, I came up with the idea actually awhile ago, but I finally got the opportunity to work on it in earnest this last year.", "Jack: What is it, already?", "Ashley: A new fragrance.", "Jack: An earth-shattering, new perfume?", "Abby: If it's gonna change the world, it better be made of gold and smell like money.", "Ashley: That's child's play compared to this, believe me.", "Jack: Okay, you're not one to over-sell things, so now you have my full attention. What is different about this?", "Ashley: It's something that's never been done before.", "Lauren: Okay, so you should be expecting the shipment by Monday at the latest.", "Lily: Okay. And you'll be sure they'll restock the lingerie, right?", "Lauren: For nothing else, for you.", "Lily: [Laughs]", "Lauren: Uh, you never answered me. So, how do you and cane keep things spicy?", "Lily: Oh, I thought you were joking, uh, I mean, since you and Michael have a pretty spicy marriage yourselves.", "Lauren: Oh, yeah. Yeah. We totally do.", "Lily: [Chuckles]", "Lauren: But, you know, um, you and cane, you just -- just seem to have so much fun. The way you look at each other and smiles. It's like you two know something that the rest of us don't.", "Lily: Oh. Well, I don't know if what works for us would work for everybody else, but I don't know. We just -- we mix things up, you know, whether we have a night here or some sort of spontaneous get-together. I'm sure he would love it if I'd dress up as a French maid, you know, which maybe I will if he dressed up as George Clooney.", "Lauren: Right. Right. You know, I remember this Halloween party where I, uh, I dressed up as this sexy witch, and things got crazy. I mean, in a good way. And afterwards... [Chuckles]", "Lily: Ah. Afterwards. It's the best part, right?", "Lauren: Always.", "Michael: All set. All I need is your signature.", "Devon: Perfect.", "Michael: I think it's very generous of you to set up these charities, although I am beginning to believe that you should spend some of your time in the practice of magic.", "Devon: Magic?", "Michael: I've known you a long time, Devon. You've suddenly developed a very great sleight of hand. Now you see it, now you don't. Or in your case, now you say it, now you don't.", "Devon: I'm not really following you, Michael. What's that mean?", "Michael: I've asked you repeatedly if you're seeing anyone, and yet you have always changed the conversation back to business.", "Devon: Well, that's why we're here, right?", "Michael: Yes, but it stands to reason that if someone has changed the subject as many times as you have and as artistically, that he is either uncomfortable with the subject matter being talked about or trying to hide something.", "Devon: Or he's just not serious about anyone.", "Michael: You said that you weren't dating because you didn't feel available.", "Devon: Yeah, I've dated. I've been dating. I went out on a date with Abby not too long ago, and nothing came of that except me realizing that I was tired of playing the field. I'm tired of people having expectations of me. And I don't want to let anyone down, so I figure that it's easier just to avoid the whole scene altogether, if that makes sense to you.", "Michael: Actually, it does.", "Jack: Hasn't everything already been done?", "Ashley: No. Not this.", "Abby: The suspense is killing me.", "Jack: Yeah, how about just a few details?", "Ashley: No, I have to make a few tweaks yet, okay? Just no.", "Abby: You really are a sadist, you know that? This is like all those Christmases when you would torture me.", "Ashley: Oh, you mean when I actually made you wait until Christmas morning to open your Christmas gifts?", "Abby: Yes, exactly!", "Ashley: Okay, you don't have to wait until Christmas, okay? It's gonna happen soon enough. Meanwhile, we have to come up with a marketing strategy, okay?", "Abby: How can we market a mystery perfume?", "Ashley: Exactly. Exactly. We're gonna market it as a mystery. This is what I see. I see ads, I see billboards with a perfume bottle and a question mark. It's gonna create a buzz. People are gonna start talking about this. And, Jackie, you and I, we have to come up with --", "Jack: Shouldn't you perfect a formula first?", "Ashley: I'm gonna be doing that concurrently. In fact, I've already set up these interviews this afternoon for other chemists, so...", "Abby: Wow, you don't play around.", "Ashley: Not when it comes to something like this. It's gonna be a gold mine for us.", "Abby: A gold mine? Is that a hint?", "Jack: You just said \"us.\" Does that mean you're willing to stop working for yourself and come back to Jabot?", "Ashley: Yes. Because you're going to make me co-C.E.O. Again.", "Jack: I'll tell you what. You have a deal if you bring me something viable.", "Victoria: I had no idea that this was gonna happen.", "Billy: So, these divorce papers just what? Up and walked themselves to my doorstep?", "Victoria: For some reason, Avery's assistant sent them out early. I asked them to wait until after today.", "Billy: You did?", "Victoria: It's hard enough signing divorce papers on an average day. Why would I ask you to do it... on...", "Billy: On what?", "Victoria: On a day that means so much to us.", "Billy: [Sighs] I'm glad that it still does.", "Victoria: It's just that so much has happened.", "Billy: Vick, if you could go back, knowing everything that you know now... would you still have married me?", "Jack: Hey, Devon. Oh, you looking for your dad?", "Devon: I am. Is he here right now?", "Jack: No, I think you'll find him at home.", "Devon: Okay. Is -- is he gonna be starting back work here tomorrow?", "Jack: He changed his mind about that.", "Devon: He was so sure that this was the right move for him.", "Jack: Until he had a chance to look at the specifics. I think he was overwhelmed by all that he can't do. So we decided he's gonna take a leave of absence.", "Devon: Until his eyesight comes back, right?", "Jack: Neil seems convinced that's gonna happen.", "Devon: Yeah. On the surface, he does.", "Jack: Hey, if that's what gets him through the day, I'm not gonna be the one to talk him out of it. Besides, he might be right. No doctor has said he's not gonna regain his full sight again, have they?", "Devon: No, no, they haven't said that at all. But, I mean, I know he's worried. Who wouldn't be? I've been in that situation before. I used to pray every night before I went to sleep that a sound would wake me up in the morning, and every day, it was the same thing. No -- no noise, no cars driving by, no footsteps down a hallway. It was just silence.", "Jack: And yet here you stand able to hear. The same miracle could happen to your father's eyes. And if that doesn't happen, he will cope. He's a stronger man than pretty much any guy I know. And he's got a great support system around him.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Jack: That includes Hilary. I'm very glad he has her in his life.", "Devon: He's a very lucky man.", "Jack: Yes, he is.", "Devon: Although I know it can't be easy for Hilary playing nurse 24/7, not being able to live her life right now.", "Jack: I don't know. She seems up to the job. She seems quite devoted.", "Devon: Yeah, and still Neil asked me to look out for her and make sure she's okay.", "Jack: There is a difference between looking out for her and gazing at her, right?", "Devon: What's that supposed to mean, Jack?", "Jack: I think you know what I mean.", "[Door closes]", "Neil: Thank you, doctor, for fitting me in last minute like you did. Appreciate it.", "Dr. Delano: I'm just sorry I don't have something concrete to tell you. But I'm afraid we can't put a timeframe on this. Your eyesight could return tomorrow or a year from now.", "Hilary: Or it may not come back at all.", "Dr. Delano: I'm sorry. I just don't know. I'll leave you two alone.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Neil: Hilary. I am gonna see again.", "Hilary: Yeah.", "Neil: I don't doubt that for a minute, and neither should you. You hear me?", "Hilary: [Sobs]", "Neil: Oh. I am so sorry that you've had to deal with all of this.", "Hilary: No, no, I'm not crying for me.", "Neil: I don't want you to cry for me, either. I'm gonna get through this. And so will you. We both will. Together.", "Colin: Look, if you plan on some form of interrogation, forget it. And the same goes for a lecture. I don't need it.", "Cane: I'm not gonna lecture you. What's the point? You'll just not listen to me and just do whatever you want with to hell with the consequences, right?", "Colin: That may have been in the past, but now I got too much to lose.", "Cane: All right, listen. You need to know how the company's structured, who reports to who, what the divisions do, who they plan on targeting their marketing towards.", "Colin: [Laughing] Look at you.", "Cane: What?", "Colin: You got that gleam in your eye. I haven't seen that since you started working in this bar.", "Cane: Well, I just happen to like working in this bar.", "Colin: I happen to know that you really wanted that job that Victor offered you over at Newman-chancellor.", "Cane: Oh, you mean the job I couldn't take 'cause it meant I had to expose your complicity with the whole Bonaventure mess? And in doing so, you would have gone to jail here or been deported back to Australia? That job?", "Colin: I never realized how much of a sacrifice you made for me up until now.", "Cane: Hmm.", "Colin: You really miss working for a powerful company. Don't you?", "Michael: Hey, honey. I hate to tell you this, but I have a pile of work on my desk that needs to be done tonight, so that means I'm not gonna be able to make dinner. So much for Avery lessening my workload, huh?", "Lauren: Are you sure it can't wait? I've prepared something very special for you.", "Michael: I wish I could, but I'm really swamped. I'm sorry.", "Lauren: I'm sorry, too. [Sighs]", "Victoria: Billy, you have made so many mistakes over the years. You know what? So have I. But you screw up more times before breakfast than most people do all day.", "Billy: That just shows I'm ambitious. I did all those things for you. I knew you wanted to be with a man who was ambitious. It worked, didn't it?", "Victoria: I guess through all that, I never stopped...", "Billy: Never stopped what?", "Victoria: When you got down on your knee and you put that ring on my finger, it was the most exciting, heart-stopping, meaningful thing that's ever happened to me in my life. And nothing's ever gonna change the way I feel about that. So, yeah, if I had to do it all over again... I would still marry you.", "Billy: Does that mean the divorce is off?", "Ashley: We'll let you know what we decide. Thank you so much.", "Abby: Bye. Was it just me, or was that guy totally wrong for the job?", "Ashley: It was not just you.", "Abby: And I know nothing about chemists. [Laughs]", "Ashley: I'm so glad you tagged along. Gave us more time to spend together.", "Abby: And hopefully we'll be spending a lot more time together if that secret potion of yours gets made.", "Ashley: Well, if I have anything to say about it. Oh, wow. This next candidate, very promising. What a fantastic résumé.", "Abby: Tell me about him.", "Abby: What?! No, no, no, no, no. Don't you know who that is?", "Stitch: Hi. I'm here about the job.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sharon: It's a miracle that you've come home to us.", "Mariah: Don't touch me. Don't come near me.", "Stitch: If what you want is a safe choice instead of someone with talent and drive, then don't hire me.", "Billy: Start fresh. Come on, Vick. What do you say?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At the Athletic Club, Nikki and Victor discuss the extremes that he is going to to keep Chelsea and Connor in Genoa City. Chelsea and Gabriel visit Paul to let him know what Victor is doing to keep them in Genoa City. Paul them if they leave town. Dylan tells Sharon that he likes to see her happy. At the Athletic Club, Devon and Neil are joined by Jill and Colin. Jill feels that it is suspicious that Neil has forgiven Devon and Hilary. Lily and Cane discuss the fact that she kept it from him that Devon may have cheated on Hilary at his bachelor party. Lily admits that she has something else to tell him. Lily owns up that Colin was blackmailing Devon to keep his secret. Cane confronts Colin over him blackmailing Devon. Cane gets a call and leaves. He promises to keep Colin's secret. Nikki tries to explain to Neil why she told Victor about his alibi, but Neil doesn't want to hear it. Nikki apologizes to him for not believing him. Neil gets a call from Gwen and makes plans to meet her for dinner. Upset over Neil's sudden attitude, Nikki leaves in a huff. Gabriel joins Victor in his office to discuss what he is doing to Chelsea and Connor by forcing them to remain in Genoa City. Gabriel asks Victor to take his compromise, but he refuses. Victor tells him that once he wins the lawsuit then Gabriel will never again see Connor. In the hotel room, Chelsea is on the phone and packing at the same time, She tells the person on the phone to get Connor ready that she is picking him up. On the phone, Paul tells Christine that they will have plenty of time to celebrate their anniversary. Paul talks to Michael and Kevin about Katherine writing him a letter for him to ask Christine to marry him.", "Michael tells Kevin to keep a closed heart and he will regret it in the long run. Sharon assures Mariah that she is pregnant and she need not worry about this anymore. Mariah is still uneasy about this situation. At the Coffeehouse, Devon asks Dylan for help in finding Hilary but Dylan refuses. Neil assures Dylan that he may never get to the bottom of Hilary disappearing. Nikki tells Victor about Neil's sudden change of attitude but then realizes that Victor told Neil to stay away from her. Angrily, Nikki leaves. Dylan explains to Sharon why he cannot leave town right now. Cane offers to go to Virgin Gorda to find out where Hilary may have disappeared. Mariah and Kevin plan a date. Neil checks on an IV and tells the person that they may need more of this. Hilary lies unconscious on a bed. Gabriel comes back to the hotel room to find Chelsea packed, ready to leave. In looking for his suitcase, he realizes that she was going to leave without him. He tries to talk her into letting him go, too, but she refuses.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: Do you really think a judge is going to award you weekly visitation with your grandson?", "Victor: Yeah, I do. So does my attorney.", "Nikki: Okay, well, you tried to go after Chelsea's fashion line so she couldn't move to Paris with Connor, and now you're doing this.", "Victor: He is my flesh and blood. I have every right to spend time with my grandson.", "Nikki: And I agree with you on that. I-I just don't know if you should go to such extremes to make that happen.", "Chelsea: Well, I spoke with my lawyer and I've been researching online, and nearly every case when a grandparent demanded visitation rights, the judge almost always sided with the parents.", "Paul: But those grandparents aren't Victor Newman.", "Adam: The man with a thousand judges in his pocket. He's managed to keep Chelsea from leaving the country until this is resolved in court.", "Chelsea: I mean, he can't get away with that, right?", "Paul: Well, it's a civil case. There's nothing I can do about it.", "Adam: If Chelsea and I were to leave the country with Connor, would that -- would that fall under your purview then?", "Paul: If you were to disobey a court order, I would have to arrest both of you.", "Dylan: It's nice to see you like this. Happy and relaxed. I want you to be this way every day.", "Sharon: Me, too. That's why I'm gonna keep my promise not to go off my meds again.", "Dylan: I'm glad to hear that.", "Sharon: You deserve a happy family, Dylan. I'm not gonna let anything stop me from giving you that.", "Neil: Are you sure I can't get you something? Maybe a little coffee, some breakfast, something?", "Devon: I just want my wife back home.", "Neil: I understand. But there's got to be something I can do to help.", "Devon: There's not. There really isn't.", "Colin: Look who's back.", "Devon: Hi.", "Jill: Oh. I am so, so sorry.", "Devon: That's okay. When'd you get back?", "Jill: This morning. I finally got the chancellor office in Hong Kong up and running.", "Devon: Good, in time for Katherine's remembrance.", "Jill: Honey, I came back for you, too. And tucker sends his love. He said if you need anything, he's there for you.", "Devon: Thank you. Thank you.", "Jill: Devon, you're not alone.", "Devon: I know. I know I'm not alone. Lily has been fantastic through all this, and so has Neil. I really don't know how I'd have gotten through all this without you.", "Jill: Wait a minute. After everything that Devon and Hilary did to you...", "Devon: He's forgiven us.", "Jill: Sweetie, I was there on the plane when Neil confronted you about sleeping with his wife. I find it very hard to believe that you've put all that anger behind you.", "Lily: How's your black eye?", "Cane: Oh, it's better. How's Devon's temper?", "Lily: Better. I mean, you can't really blame him, though. You did basically accuse him for being responsible for Hilary's disappearance.", "Cane: Yeah, well, if she found out that Devon hooked up with a prostitute at the bachelor party --", "Lily: May have hooked up. May.", "Cane: Well, if she suspected that Devon cheated on her, it could have led to an argument before she disappeared, so...", "Lily: He wouldn't hurt her, Cane.", "Cane: Oh, the authorities think otherwise, don't they?", "Lily: And what? You do, too? Is that what you're saying?", "Cane: No. I just wish that you would have given me all the facts from the start. That's what I wish.", "Lily: Well, what do you want me to tell you? We weren't really in the best place before his wedding.", "Cane: You know, if this marriage is gonna work, we have to start being honest with each other, right?", "Lily: I agree. That's why there's something else I have to tell you. Someone else knew about Devon and the hooker.", "Cane: It was Colin.", "Lily: Yeah. He was using the information to blackmail Devon.", "Kevin: Double nonfat latte, extra sugar.", "Mariah: This doesn't mean I forgive you for using up all the milk at home and leaving an empty carton in the fridge.", "Kevin: Can I ask you a question?", "Mariah: Yes, it also bugs me that you lose the remote.", "Kevin: How did we go from being friends...", "Mariah: Sort of.", "Kevin: ...To roommates...", "Mariah: Desperation.", "Kevin: ...To an old married couple?", "Mariah: What?", "Kevin: You're complaining about empty milk cartons and remotes, and I haven't even gotten to second base.", "Mariah: Did you really just say that?", "Kevin: You know what I mean.", "Mariah: That you want to put your hand up my shirt?", "Kevin: Can you be serious for like half a second?", "Mariah: Okay. You want more out of this relationship.", "Kevin: I'm just saying, we skipped a couple of steps. The fun ones.", "Mariah: So you want to start this dance over again and get the steps right this time?", "Kevin: That's what normal couples do. They date, they flirt, they kiss. Stuff.", "Mariah: I don't know if I can manage normal in my relationships. I don't know if anybody can. Even the good couples crash and burn.", "Kevin: I don't know if that's true.", "Mariah: Sharon and Nick. I mean, Victoria, Billy, stitch, and Abby just played musical beds. And don't even get me started on whatever is going on with the winters clan. I mean, even your brother and his wife couldn't make it work.", "Kevin: You know what? You're right. Forget I said anything.", "Cane: Have you guys thought that maybe Colin said something to Hilary even though Devon paid him?", "Lily: No. No, no, no. We thought about that. That's why I called you from the islands that day -- to confirm that Colin was actually in Genoa city.", "Cane: Well, maybe he left and came back.", "Lily: No, he's a blackmailing dirtbag, but I don't think he has anything to do with this. And neither does Devon, so we don't want to waste our time or energy on him.", "Cane: Well, you might not, but I'm not gonna let this go so easily.", "Colin: Jill's right. You were absolutely consumed with rage on that plane.", "Neil: Well, I came to see just how much Hilary and Devon love each other. I realized that they would never, ever set out to purposely hurt me.", "Jill: So you forgave them just like that?", "Neil: Wait a minute. Hold on. It wasn't just like that. It took me awhile. But I realized that I had to make peace with the situation if I wanted to move on with my life and if I wanted my son to be part of it.", "Devon: Honestly, I don't know how I would be getting through this without you, dad.", "Colin: You know, you're one lucky guy, Devon, to have a dad as devoted as Neil.", "Michael: Jill! Welcome back!", "Jill: Michael. Thank you. Ohh!", "Michael: Uh, have you seen Lauren?", "Jill: No, but I texted her. She's meeting up with me at Katherine's remembrance. You gonna be there?", "Michael: Unfortunately, no. I'm headed back to the Virgin islands. We got a judge to block Devon's extradition, but we still have a lot of work to do to clear his name.", "Devon: And find Hilary.", "Michael: Yes. If you'll excuse me.", "Jill: Sure, honey.", "Michael: I got your message. What's so urgent?", "Devon: So, Michael, I know you're doing a lot for me right now, and I really appreciate it. But I need something else from you.", "Nikki: Chelsea has never tried to keep you out of Connor's life.", "Victor: Until now.", "Nikki: Victor, she's moving to Paris, not the moon.", "Victor: That's halfway around the world. I want my family close.", "Nikki: And I'm sure she would let you see Connor whenever you want.", "Victor: Don't you understand? Gabriel Bingham is getting into Chelsea's head. He's convincing her to turn a European vacation into a permanent move.", "Nikki: All right, well, for whatever reason, it doesn't mean that your relationship with Chelsea or Connor has to change.", "Victor: Gabriel Bingham wants me to sever my relationship with my grandson. It ain't gonna happen.", "Nikki: Victor, I know that you never had the relationship with Adam that you wanted. So you feel that you let him and hope down.", "Victor: I just want what's best for my grandson.", "Nikki: Because you weren't there for his father.", "Victor: I got to go to the office.", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: Yeah?", "Nikki: I do understand how you feel.", "Victor: [Sighs]", "Nikki: I just worry if you push Chelsea too hard, you may lose Connor forever.", "Chelsea: He can't do this, right? I mean, force me to give him weekly visits with Connor?", "Adam: No. No, he can't.", "David: Well, the court order forbidding you from leaving the country is valid. I suggest you not violate it.", "Chelsea: So what -- what should I do?", "David: Offer him a compromise.", "Adam: No. No, we're not doing that.", "David: You could butt heads with Victor, but I don't think you're gonna like the result.", "Chelsea: All right, um, well, what do you suggest?", "David: Propose bimonthly visits, every other week instead of every week. Show you're not trying to cut the boy's grandfather out of his life. Do that, and the order keeping you in the country will likely be lifted.", "Chelsea: And then we can go back to Paris?", "David: Once you're on French soil, it'll be harder for Victor to enforce the agreement.", "Adam: I like the sound of that.", "David: It's maybe the only chance you have of getting him out of your lives.", "Adam: Yeah, let's -- let's do it.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] Go ahead. Make the proposal.", "David: I am representing Chelsea Newman. I came to discuss your request for visitation with her son.", "Victor: The fact that she hired someone of your caliber proves to me that I need to stay involved with my grandson's life.", "David: Look, Chelsea wants that, Mr. Newman. That's why she's willing to allow you to visit him every other week.", "Victor: Really? Hmm.", "David: We think it's a fair compromise to what you're proposing.", "Victor: You know what I think? Time for you to get the hell out of my office. Now.", "David: [Sighs]", "Adam: Why don't you go back to the club, have somebody come to the room and give you a massage, okay? Try to relax a little bit.", "Chelsea: I can't relax, not until this is settled.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Chelsea: Hello? [Sighs] Okay. Okay. Yeah, okay. Thank you anyway, David.", "Adam: No deal.", "Chelsea: Victor wouldn't budge. You know, this isn't gonna end with once-a- week visits for him. He's not gonna stop until he has complete control of my sweet, little boy.", "Adam: Hey, listen to me. That's not gonna happen, okay? I'm not gonna let that happen.", "Chelsea: I'm scared.", "Adam: I know you're scared, baby. I know, okay? But I got you. Listen. Go back to our room, okay? Get that massage we talked about, please. Let me handle this.", "Chelsea: What are you gonna do?", "Adam: I'm gonna go talk to Victor.", "Nikki: [Gasps] Neil. Neil, please. I've been trying to -- to find you. Did you get my messages?", "Neil: I got them.", "Nikki: Okay, I know you're upset with me, but please hear me out.", "Neil: Why should I?", "Nikki: Because we're friends. And I made a mistake, and I want to apologize. I should never have suggested that you had anything to do with Hilary's disappearance.", "Neil: Nikki, you accused me of hurting Hilary to get revenge.", "Nikki: And I was wrong. I can't believe that I would even think that of you.", "Neil: You did more than think it. You told Victor to find out if I really was in Canada when Hilary went missing. You killed our friendship the second you did that.", "Devon: You know me, and you know I wouldn't hurt my wife.", "Michael: I'm headed down to Virgin Gorda to convince the authorities of that.", "Devon: What I need is to find someone who can dig up information that he can use to prove my innocence.", "Paul: Right, but I thought you hired a professional search and rescue team to do that.", "Devon: I did do that, yes. But they're looking for Hilary. I need someone who can look into the day she disappeared, find out who the hell canceled our guided tour and who this man was that she was arguing with. Now, do you think you can send someone down there for me?", "Paul: [Sighs] Devon, the GCPD has no jurisdiction in the British Virgin islands. And I really doubt the local authorities would appreciate my men becoming involved in their investigation.", "Michael: What if it was someone who wasn't on the force?", "Paul: What? You mean like a private investigator or a retired cop, something like that?", "Michael: Actually, we were thinking of Dylan. You trusted him to be your eyes and ears here at the station when you were on medical leave.", "Paul: Right. That's true. But he turned down my offer to become a full-time member of the police department because of the danger involved, so I really doubt that he'd travel 2,000 miles to search for a missing person with a baby on the way.", "Devon: Maybe if I speak from the heart about how much Hilary means to me, I can get through to him.", "Dylan: I want to thank you.", "Mariah: For what?", "Dylan: For figuring out that Sharon went off her meds. She told me you convinced her to discuss it with a doctor.", "Mariah: Don't give me too much credit.", "Dylan: Well, uh, thanks to you, she went back on her medication.", "Mariah: Sharon makes her own decisions.", "Dylan: Yeah, I just wish I knew what was happening with her.", "Mariah: You know, she's good at keeping things hidden.", "Dylan: Well, uh, I'm working on getting her to open up to me.", "Mariah: I think that's a really good idea, Dylan.", "Dylan: Well, in the meantime, I'm just grateful she has somebody like you to watch out for her and the baby.", "Mariah: Like I said, I didn't do much.", "Dylan: Well, whatever it was, it was enough, so thank you.", "Sharon: Mariah! Uh, I didn't know that you were coming by.", "Mariah: Um, yeah, I just wanted to see how you were doing.", "Dylan: Well, I'll leave you two to talk. I got to get to work. You... and baby... goodbye. Have a good day.", "Sharon: So, I assume you got my message.", "Mariah: The one warning me about you telling Dylan the reason that you were so manic about having sex is because you went off your meds. Yeah, I got that one.", "Sharon: Thank you for not telling him that I've been trying to conceive again.", "Mariah: What's one more lie on top of a lifetime of them?", "Sharon: I know it's been hard keeping my miscarriage a secret, but you're not gonna have to lie anymore.", "Mariah: Why is that?", "Sharon: I'm pregnant.", "Jill: Seems like a lot has been going on since I've been gone. What is this about?", "Cane: Emotions have been running high since Hilary went missing.", "Jill: You know, I never was her biggest fan, but I feel sick about that.", "Lily: Yeah, we all do, especially Devon.", "Jill: I wish I could do something about it.", "Lily: No, he wouldn't want you to worry about that. You're here to remember Katherine.", "Colin: We haven't even had a drink in her honor.", "Jill: [Laughs] It's 10:00 in the morning, honey.", "Colin: Hey, Katherine liked that sort of thing.", "Jill: Let's all go sit down, okay?", "Colin: Yeah.", "Cane: Uh, actually, dad and I got to catch up. We'll be there in a minute.", "Lily: Okay.", "Colin: Uh...", "Cane: [Clears throat]", "Colin: Something on your mind?", "Cane: Blackmail.", "Colin: Ooh. Ugly word.", "Cane: You can stop the phony indignation, dad. I know you're blackmailing Devon.", "Colin: My business arrangement with Devon is over. It's finished. We can forget about it and move on.", "Cane: See, I bet you would like that, you know, 'cause the last thing you would want to do right now is connect yourself to Hilary, considering, you know.", "Colin: The Hilary business is awful. But so is this constant media attention that Devon must be getting. It's got to be a nightmare. Look, imagine just for a minute that if anyone found out about that indiscretion with the hooker, I mean, perhaps even Hilary herself, hmm?", "Cane: You really are a piece of work. You know that?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Cane: I have to take this.", "Colin: Hey, we're cool on this misunderstanding, right?", "Cane: I am going to keep your secret for Devon's sake. But don't think I'm gonna let it go. Okay?", "Colin: I'll have another.", "Neil: You snuck behind my back and told Victor to check out my alibi.", "Nikki: You have to understand, I was scared. I was scared for you. I know how easy it is to go to a dark place when you think everything in your life is just falling down around you. I mean, I've done horrible things when I've been drinking.", "Neil: Just because you couldn't handle your problems and you had to check back into rehab doesn't mean that I have to!", "Nikki: You're not hearing what I'm saying! I was wrong! I was wrong to think that you had anything to do with what happened to Hilary!", "Neil: Oh, just because Victor's spies told you so?", "Nikki: No! I am so sorry that I doubted you, Neil. And I know that's not enough, but please, I mean, there's got to be a way we can fix this.", "Neil: No. We're done. We ain't friends. We ain't program buddies. We're not sponsors. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore.", "Nikki: Don't say that. Your friendship means so much to me, Neil.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Neil: Yeah, sure, means so much to you. Oh, yeah, hi, Gwen. Thanks for calling back. No. You're not interrupting anything. Yeah, I was, uh, was wondering if you -- you have any dinner plans tonight. Really?", "[Knock on door]", "Victor: Come in. I've been expecting you.", "Adam: Really? Becoming that predictable, am I?", "Victor: I assume you talked to that shyster lawyer, David Sherman?", "Adam: Mm-hmm. You should have taken the compromise, Victor.", "Victor: And you shouldn't interfere in my relationship with Chelsea.", "Adam: So that's what this is? This is punishment? You don't like the fact that she wants to go off to Paris with me, so you're gonna punish her?", "Victor: I don't give a damn where you go with her. All I'm concerned about is my grandson.", "Adam: Okay, that tired, old cliché you just keep using, it goes on generation after generation, doesn't it?", "Victor: Family is everything!", "Adam: No, love is everything, Victor! Having a meaningful relationship with someone that you actually care about. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, because you're emotionally bankrupt. You have no idea what it's like to forge a meaningful relationship with anyone! That's the truth you're feeling right there in your chest. It hurts, doesn't it?", "Victor: You better stop now, okay?", "Adam: You got a court order to force your own flesh and blood to come and see you? Congratulations.", "[Applauds]", "Adam: Wonderful work. Let me tell you something -- if this whole thing goes to court, we're probably gonna get a judge that has at least an ounce of self- respect left in her, okay, and when we do, she's gonna see you for the cold- hearted manipulator that you are. And good luck ever seeing your grandson again.", "Victor: Now, you listen to me, you impertinent son of a bitch. When I win that court case, you will not see that boy again!", "Adam: We'll see. We'll see what happens, all right?", "Chelsea: Pack Connor's bag, mom, okay? I know. I know I said you could spend the day with him, but there's been a change of plans. Uh, no, no. Nothing's wrong. I just -- I need to come pick him up. Now.", "Paul: We will have plenty of time to celebrate our anniversary. No, no, I've already made reservations. Okay, I'll meet you at the park, then. [Chuckles] I love you, too. Okay. Got to go. All right, bye. Sorry about that. Here you go. You know the drill.", "Kevin: Do what I have to do. Don't tell you how I did it.", "Paul: Right. Me or anyone else.", "Michael: I didn't hear anything. Oh, but I did hear you mention your anniversary. All the best to you and Christine.", "Paul: Thanks. You know, it's hard to believe it's been two years since I read that letter that, uh, Katherine gave me telling me to ask Chris to marry me. Best advice I ever got.", "Michael: And by advice, you mean direct order.", "Paul: Well, I would have had to been a fool not to listen to her. It's been a wonderful two years.", "Michael: I'm sure you'll have plenty more.", "Paul: Well, not if I don't finish my work so we can celebrate tonight. See you guys later.", "Kevin: Do you really believe that?", "Michael: What?", "Kevin: That Paul and Chris' marriage is gonna last.", "Michael: Why? Because relationships never last?", "Kevin: No one else's has.", "Michael: Look, I know plenty of people who are happily married.", "Kevin: Right. Like you and Lauren. Oh, wait.", "Michael: Things happen in life, Kevin. Unexpected, awful things that tear people apart.", "Kevin: Exactly. So my point is, why bother if you're just gonna end up hurt?", "Michael: I don't know. Maybe because the thought of a lonely, miserable life is not so appealing.", "Kevin: So, who says that being alone has to equal being miserable?", "Michael: It doesn't. If you close your heart, you regret it.", "Kevin: Don't look at me like that.", "Michael: I know how much Chloe hurt you. But that doesn't mean you can't find love again or that it won't last this time. But if you don't try, you'll never know.", "Mariah: You're pregnant?", "Sharon: Well, I mean, I haven't taken a test yet, but Dylan and I have been --", "Mariah: Okay, okay, thank you. I get it. FYI -- you don't make a baby every time you do it.", "Sharon: Well, I've been using an ovulation predictor, and the timing was exactly right. I mean, I had to have conceived.", "Mariah: But you haven't confirmed it.", "Sharon: Not yet.", "Mariah: So this is all just wishful thinking.", "Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Why do you have to be such a pessimist? You can't be positive?", "Mariah: 'Cause I learned that life isn't all sunshine and -- and rainbows. Sometimes it rains, and it rains down bad luck and a lot of other crap.", "Sharon: The way it has always been for you?", "Mariah: We are not talking about me.", "Sharon: Mariah, I know what it's like to feel like you're not getting your fair share of love and happiness and anything good.", "Mariah: Can't miss what you didn't have.", "Sharon: Yeah, you can. Especially when it's in your reach and you're too afraid to go for it.", "Mariah: Look, Sharon, if you want to believe in happy endings and fairytales, that's fine with me. But I'm just not into setting myself up for disappointment.", "Sharon: I've been disappointed before, too. But I'm not gonna give up hope that good things can still happen for me. Without hope, you don't have anything.", "Devon: The authorities in the Virgin islands made it very clear that I will be arrested the second I step off the plane.", "Dylan: Devon, I'd love to help you, but I can't leave town.", "Devon: Well, look, if it has to do with your business, any costs that you might incur --", "Dylan: No, no, it's got nothing to do with that. I just have a lot going on with my family. I just -- I just need to be here. I'm sorry, man.", "Devon: Don't be sorry. I understand. I, uh, I knew it was a long shot.", "Dylan: If you need help with anything here, you let me know.", "Devon: I appreciate that. Thank you.", "Neil: Hey. What's all that about?", "Devon: I just asked Dylan if he would help me find Hilary.", "Neil: Oh. I take it he said no?", "Devon: No, he can't leave town right now.", "Neil: So what's next?", "Devon: Next is I keep looking for someone who can go to the Virgin islands and try to track down who's responsible for what happened to my wife.", "Neil: There's something that you should probably consider.", "Devon: What's that?", "Neil: It's quite possible you might never get to the bottom of this, Devon.", "Devon: I'm not gonna stop until I know the truth and Hilary's back home.", "Nikki: Why did you tell Neil that I asked you to check out his alibi?", "Victor: What makes you think I did?", "Nikki: Well, how else could he have found out?", "Victor: Maybe he talked to his pilot and the pilot told him that someone was asking questions.", "Nikki: He is furious with me. I tried to tell him that I was just concerned about him, but he didn't want to listen to me. He was more interested in trying to make a date with some woman he barely knows than listening to my apology.", "Victor: What does that tell you about your friendship with him?", "Nikki: On the other hand, I guess I did give him a reason to be upset. I mean, I practically accused him of being responsible for whatever happened to Hilary.", "Victor: Well, if he doesn't accept your apology, then perhaps you should devote your energies, you know, to your family, to your recovery.", "Nikki: You told Neil to stay away from me, didn't you?", "Jill: Hong Kong was where Katherine spent her final days. And I wanted to honor the anniversary of her death in my own way. So tucker and I went to this little karaoke bar where she spent her final night, and we sang all the songs we could remember that remind us of Katherine.", "Colin: I hope you sang \"ding, dong, the witch is dead\" in tune.", "Jill: What? You think I want her to haunt me for the next 50 years? No, we kept it very classy. And when we were finished, I knew it was time to come home.", "Colin: I did miss you.", "Jill: There are flights between Genoa city and Hong Kong, you know.", "Colin: Yeah, well, uh, I got kind of busy.", "Jill: Yeah, you know what? I've gathered that.", "Colin: Uh -- w-wait a minute. Now, no -- somebody -- somebody told you I've been running around with another woman -- that is -- that's a lie.", "Jill: [Laughs]", "Colin: You're the only woman in my life.", "Jill: Well, I'm very glad to hear that, but that isn't what I was referring to. You see, our accountant called me, and it seems a very large amount of cash has been deposited into our account. Very, very large. So, how did you get that kind of dough, my darling?", "Colin: [Laughs]", "Jill: Hmm?", "Colin: Um, you're gonna find this kind of funny.", "Jill: Well, I'm not laughing. I want the truth, hmm?", "Colin: Would I lie to you?", "Jill: Are you breathing?", "Colin: Well... while you were away, I went out and did a bit of gambling.", "Jill: Ah.", "Colin: And, um, I won. [Chuckles] Big.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Neil: You know that I would go down to the islands in a heartbeat if I thought it would help, but see, the way I'm looking at it, it might backfire. I'm your dad, and Hilary's my ex-wife.", "Devon: I know. I know. The media would have a field day.", "Neil: Yes, they would. Every lie and innuendo that the print would be more ammo for the cops and the prosecution to burn you with.", "Devon: Let's not give them more of that.", "Neil: I'm sorry, man. I-I'd really like to help you if I could.", "Devon: You just being here for me, it means everything.", "Neil: I know. If there's anything else that I can do, anything, then I'm here.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Sharon: Devon must be out of his mind with worry not knowing what happened to his wife or where she is.", "Dylan: Yeah, if he wasn't certain that he'd be arrested, he'd be down in the Virgin islands looking for her himself.", "Sharon: You know, with all of his money, you think he'd have hired someone to search for her.", "Dylan: Yeah, I mean, he's got a team of investigators, but he was looking for somebody he can trust to be his point person down there.", "Sharon: Did he ask you?", "Dylan: I told him I couldn't go.", "Sharon: Without even thinking about it?", "Dylan: There's nothing really to think about.", "Sharon: That's what you do. You help people who are in trouble.", "Dylan: But I have other obligations now.", "Sharon: You mean me?", "Dylan: Uh, yeah, you. And the baby.", "Sharon: You don't think I can take care of both of us by myself?", "Dylan: Well, I don't want you to have to.", "Sharon: Just be honest, Dylan. You told Devon that you don't want to leave Genoa city 'cause you're afraid that I'm gonna go off my meds if I'm alone.", "[Door opens]", "Adam: What's going on?", "Chelsea: Don't try to talk me out of this, okay?", "Adam: Talk you out of what?", "Chelsea: Leaving. Now. While there's still a chance. I know it seems crazy and impulsive, but I have to get away from Victor. I have to take Connor and go somewhere where he can't find us.", "Adam: That doesn't seem crazy at all, actually.", "Chelsea: I just have to get away. I can't allow Victor to have any more influence on our life, Adam.", "Adam: I know. I understand. Hey, listen, if this is what you want, I'm all for it, okay? Just, uh, let me grab my bag and... you were gonna leave without me, weren't you?", "Mariah: I think we should do it.", "Kevin: \"It\"?", "Mariah: Get your mind out of the gutter, fisher. I-I didn't mean that.", "Kevin: I'm sorry. Is there some other \"it\" I don't know about?", "Mariah: I meant I think we should take the next step in our relationship.", "Kevin: Right.", "Mariah: Did you -- I got the impression -- if you don't want to --", "Kevin: No, I did. I-I got the impression that you didn't, so I --", "Mariah: This could end up really sucking. It could be horrible, but I figure we'll never know unless we try.", "Kevin: What do we have to lose, right?", "Mariah: So now what?", "Kevin: Uh, we could go on a date, say tonight.", "Mariah: Tonight?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Mariah: I thought you were going to the Katherine Chancellor remembrance thing.", "Kevin: Right. I am. So it's us. Did you think I was gonna take you on a normal date?", "Mariah: No, but a tribute to an old dead broad?", "Kevin: Uh, that's probably exactly how she would describe herself, I bet. Look, this is a good opportunity for you to learn about how great Mrs. C was, and then the real date will begin afterwards. So... are we on?", "Mariah: We're on.", "Kevin: [Chuckles]", "Sharon: Admit it, Dylan. You're afraid to leave me alone.", "Dylan: You're right. I am. But not for the reason you think. Okay, I feel bad for Devon, but I can't -- I can't help him right now.", "Sharon: Well, he needs someone to help him find Hilary.", "Dylan: I don't know where his wife is. All I do know is that she is 2,000 miles away from you and our child.", "Sharon: I can take care of both of us.", "Dylan: I know, but I have no idea what's going on down there. A woman disappeared. I could be putting myself in a very dangerous situation.", "Sharon: You've faced plenty of those before.", "Dylan: I have, but there's a lot more to consider now.", "Sharon: I don't want you to feel like you have to give up a part of who you are in order to be with me.", "Dylan: Sharon, this right here, this is the life that I want, okay? So whatever sacrifices I have to make are worth it.", "Sharon: I'm sorry. I jumped to the wrong conclusion before. I'm just so used to people thinking the worst of me.", "Dylan: I am the last person who's gonna judge you, because I know how hard it is. I mean, life is good right now. It's, uh, [Chuckles] It's almost too good, you know? You know, that feeling that one thing could send you spiraling in the wrong direction. I just... I don't know. It's always there. It never goes away.", "Sharon: I am gonna do everything I can to make sure that never happens.", "Dylan: And I'm gonna do the same for you.", "Chelsea: It's just gonna be Connor and me this time.", "Adam: I'm not letting you walk out that door without me, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: You heard Paul. If we defy the court order, we could both be arrested, and what happens then, Adam? You get fingerprinted. You get fingerprinted, and it'll take them two seconds to realize who you are.", "Adam: And that's a risk that I'm willing to take.", "Chelsea: I'm not. No, I would never, ever be able to forgive myself if you were sent to prison because you were helping me and Connor. I have to do this alone, and you have to let me.", "Adam: I just now got you two back. I got my family back. I'm -- I'm not gonna lose you.", "Chelsea: We don't have any other choice.", "Adam: We do have a choice. I'm not letting you leave here without me, Chelsea! It's not happening!", "Nikki: You asked Neil to stay away from me. You threatened him!", "Victor: Why would I do that?", "Nikki: Because you can't stand the thought that I go to him for support! I can't believe you are jealous of him!", "Victor: It has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with the fact that I'm embarrassed that you are seen publicly cavorting with a fellow lush!", "Nikki: You're embarrassed?! How dare you do this to me?! How dare you? If anybody's being ridiculous, it's you!", "Victor: The alcohol made you forget it!", "Nikki: Oh, shut up! That is such a lie!", "Victor: You think about it!", "Lily: You know what? If Dylan can't help you, maybe I can go back there.", "Devon: Lily, no. I can't ask you to go to Virgin Gorda for me.", "Cane: You could ask me.", "[Waves sloshing]", "Neil: [Sighs] We may need to get more of this. Other than that, everything seems normal.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: I'm not letting you walk out that door without me. We stay here together or we leave together.", "Nikki: Did Victor ask you not to see me anymore?", "Neil: I'm not interested in your version of friendship.", "Paul: A letter from our dearly departed friend." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "The entire episode is about Lily and her sentencing hearing Nate tells Devon that Neil had to go be with Sofia because she was admitted to the hospital with complications from her accident last year. Charlie and Mattie make breakfast fr the familyand they all try not to think about the hearing.Lily takes one last look at her houlse before they go to the courhouse. Shauna tells Nate that she doesn't know what she will say to the judge because she feels torn between her loyalty to Hilary and the fact she doesn't want Charlie and Mattie to lose their mom. Nate advises Shauna to just tell the judge what is in her heart because that is what Hilary would want her to do. Nate tells Devon to think about how sending Lily to jail will effect his family. Shauna tells the judge that everyone sufered with this accident but she knows Lily didn't do it on purpose and she dpesn't want Mattie and Charlie to lose their mother. Cane tells the judge that Lily didn't remember running the red light and he asked Charlie not to tell her anything so he is the one to blame for Lily not telling the police the truth.Devon tells the judge Lily must face the consequences for the deaths of Hilyand the baby. Lily tells the judge she is soryfor her actions and she hopes that someday Devon willforgive her.The judge leaves to consider the facts in the case. Cane makes one last plea to Devon to talk to the judge again before its too late. The judge returns and announces that he is ready to give Lily her sentence.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Lily: Devon having a baby with you is the worst idea he's ever had! You have no business being a mother!", "[ Trunk horn blaring ]", "Shauna: You caused it, lily! You're the one who ran through that red light, and hilary is dead because of you.", "Devon: There's not an excuse for making the kids lie like that. If shauna had never spoken up, you weren't gonna say a word.", "Lily: I had a right to know! Cane, I lied to the police!", "Cane: You didn't lie to the police. You told them exactly everything you remembered.", "Michael: If the judge wanted to make an example of lily, she could be looking at up to 20 years in the state penitentiary.", "Devon: You know, you don't have to speak at all if you don't want to. It's completely your decision.", "Shauna: No, I want to do it.", "Cane: Tomorrow, when we go in that courtroom, I have the faith that not only will we survive it, but we'll come out the other side stronger.", "[ Alarm clock chiming ]", "Lily: Once my feet hit the floor, how many steps until I'm out of the house and into the court?", "Cane: Well, it's still early, you know. We have time, and I want to spend it right here with you.", "Lily: I know, but we have so many decisions that we have to make, you know? We have to talk about the kids and the house and bills...", "Cane: We've been doing that for weeks, and you know what, I've been taking notes. This moment's all about us.", "Nate: Good morning.", "Shauna: Hi.", "Nate: How are you?", "Shauna: I'll be ready in a few minutes.", "Nate: Oh, no, that's okay. I was, uh -- I came by to see devon, see how he's doing. It's gonna be a hell of a day. For all of us.", "Shauna: Devon's not here.", "Nate: What?", "Shauna: When I woke up, he'd left me a note saying that he had to go out.", "Nate: To do what?", "Shauna: He didn't say.", "Nate: Have a seat. I'm sure devon will be back soon. How are you feeling?", "Shauna: I'm not sure.", "Nate: Yeah, well, it's okay to feel conflicted. There's a lot of emotions at play today.", "Shauna: I know. But you didn't do anything wrong.", "Nate: None of us did. Not intentionally.", "Shauna: I did.", "Nate: No.", "Shauna: All of this is my fault. If I didn't have charlie over that day and then turned into a total mess and ran off, this never would have happened. Hilary would still be alive. And the baby... I just -- I'm so sorry.", "Nate: No, no, no, no, no. Come here, come here, come here, come here. Come here. No one blames you. And don't blame yourself. There's no use playing that \"what if?\" We can't see the future. And we can't change the past, either. It is what sucks about being human, but it's also what's most beautiful about it. All we can do is accept the things we can't change and move forward the best we can. Okay?", "Shauna: [ Sighs ] I just wish I had some idea how. I'm so scared.", "Nate: I know. I know. Additional sponsorship", "Michael: Ah. No extra points for getting here first. [ Sighs ] The pressure of holding people's fates in our hands. You and I, we're used to it. I have to say, this case... [ Sighs ] It's hitting very close to home.", "Christine: Lily and devon are both great people.", "Michael: Mm-hmm, from a great and very close family that's now in pieces.", "Christine: It's tragic on every level.", "Michael: Does that mean you've possibly re-thought your stance on the penalty in this case?", "Christine: You know I can't do that.", "Michael: Just needed to ask.", "Christine: I'd expect you to, and I'm sure you're gonna fight with every weapon in your arsenal for your client. Lily's lucky to have you.", "Michael: Thank you. I still hope you do miserably today.", "Christine: I'd never assume otherwise.", "Michael: Coming in here with a client pleading guilty, that just fires me up. Makes me more determined than ever to make the judge see lily is someone who deserves mercy.", "Christine: And if that doesn't happen?", "Michael: Let's not kid ourselves. Life as lily knows it ends right here in this room.", "Lily: It still boggles my mind that I might not be sleeping with you in this bed tonight. Or any other night for -- I mean, it could be years.", "Cane: Yeah, but the key word is \"might,\" okay? Because nothing's been decided yet.", "Lily: Cane, we have to be realistic.", "Cane: You know what, I promise you one thing -- I love you. I'll always be by your side, okay? And so will the kids. You can always count on me.", "Lily: That's four things.", "Cane: Really? It was four?", "Lily: Mm.", "Cane: I wish it was more.", "Lily: That's what gives me the strength to get through whatever I have to, because of our family and because of you.", "Cane: Come here. It's gonna be okay.", "Mattie: Wow. You used the juicer.", "Charlie: And the waffle-maker. They're a little gloppy compared to dad's, but I think maple syrup should cover that. I'm also brewing coffee.", "Mattie: Wow. I think it's really nice of you to make breakfast.", "Charlie: It's a little more basic than mom deserves, but... I just want her to see that we're trying, putting forth an effort into being positive.", "Mattie: If I don't eat much, it's not a critique. My stomach has been in knots.", "Charlie: Yeah. I got like 2 hours of sleep the whole night. But it doesn't matter. We got to stay positive for mom and dad.", "Mattie: Yeah, all bracing for the worst.", "Charlie: Look, come on, let's not do this right now.", "Mattie: We have to. Mom pled guilty. The district attorney is gonna try and nail her.", "Charlie: Mr. Baldwin's like a superstar. He's not gonna let that happen.", "Mattie: The judge decides, and he could seriously make this the last breakfast that we all have together for decades. And there's nothing you and i or anyone else can do about it.", "Shauna: I'm supposed to give my victim impact statement, but I'm afraid it'll only cause more damage. Devon and hilary have treated me so well, and I want to do right by them. I owe them that. But hilary's gone. And devon is never gonna get her back. But lily still has her life. And what I say could affect how she gets to live the rest of it.", "Nate: No, no, no, no. The judge is the one that's responsible for her punishment, no one else.", "Shauna: But a lot of it must be based on these victim statements.", "Nate: Maybe, but nothing is going to bring her back. Listen, I meant what I said that no one blames you that she's gone. Okay? You have to do what's good for you, follow your gut.", "Devon: What's going on?", "Nate: I just came to check on you, man.", "Devon: I just needed to go take a walk and clear my head.", "Shauna: I'll be upstairs.", "Devon: So, what's going on here?", "Nate: Listen, I don't want to put any more stress on you today.", "Devon: Then why do I feel like you're about to?", "Nate: Neil got a call at 4:00 this morning.", "Devon: Is everything all right?", "Nate: Sofia was admitted to the hospital last night. Doctors think it's complications from her car accident last year.", "Devon: Oh, geez. So neil left, or what?", "Nate: By 5:00 A.M. He was on the jet headed out.", "Devon: Okay, I should call him then.", "Nate: No, no, no. He wanted me to tell you that he wants you to focus on today. He'll keep me updated on her condition.", "Cane: Wow. What's all this, huh?", "Lily: Oh, my gosh.", "Charlie: Mat and I wanted to start the day off right.", "Lily: Oh! This is amazing.", "Cane: It smells fantastic.", "Lily: Yeah, and I am starved. Thank you. Ooh! Is that fresh-squeezed orange juice?", "Cane: You did that?", "Charlie: Uh, yeah. Mattie was taking care of sam.", "Cane: Oh, thank you, baby girl.", "Mattie: Yeah, I fed him. He's sleeping in now.", "Lily: Well, before we leave, I'll, um... I'll say goodbye.", "Cane: Okay, come on, let's eat these waffles while they're hot, all right? Here, love, you want two?", "Lily: Yeah. Thank you.", "Devon: Nate, I have to ask you about when I walked in here. Were you trying to convince shauna not to give her statement in court today?", "Nate: I wasn't trying to influence her. Not at all.", "Devon: Okay, then what were you trying to do?", "Nate: I was trying to show a young girl some support who's wrecked with anxiety and guilt, who confided in me how she feels under pressure about the consequences of what she might say today.", "Devon: She feels guilt?", "Nate: She thinks she's responsible for hilary's death, and I tried to make her feel better. Just like I did for everyone that's caught up in this nightmare.", "Devon: And I assume that you're gonna try and pitch me to go easy on my sister.", "Nate: A very short time from now, neil's two children are going to go into a courtroom. One of them is fighting for her freedom, and the other is hell-bent on making her pay. You are grief-stricken and furious, and you should be! And anyone would want to lash out, of course. I get it. But have you calmly considered the consequences of your actions if you do? Because this judge today is going to hang on your every word, and he's the one that's going to decide if and for how long your sister is going to go to prison. Your sister! Lily! How do you think she's going to fare in prison with psychopaths and murderers? Are you comfortable with yourself if somebody else's life from this family gets destroyed, and you could have prevented it?", "Devon: I don't need you to talk to me like I don't know what's at stake, nate. This is everything in the world that matters to me.", "Nate: I'm not trying to tell you what to do, man. I just don't want you to walk out of the courtroom with regret.", "Devon: I need to get ready.", "Lily: Listen, I know it's been hard thinking about anything else except for family drama during the summer, but, you know, make sure that you guys find time to do fun stuff, too, you know? Especially with the demands of senior year.", "Cane: Yeah, your mum's right, okay? Minimum of 5 hours of fun each week, all right?", "Lily: Yeah, and whatever that is. That could be school clubs or trips or hanging out with your friends.", "Mattie: Okay.", "Charlie: Well, um, since you brought it up... I just thought I'd let you guys know that I talked things through with shauna, and, um, we're gonna get back together.", "Lily: That's great. You know, look, we know how much you care about her, and if that's what you want, then your dad and I will support you.", "Charlie: Really? I mean, yeah, that's awesome. That's really cool.", "Cane: Yeah, yeah, but this time it'd be nice if you could follow our rules, okay?", "Charlie: For sure. I will. Not a problem.", "Lily: I know. I believe you. And, you know, after what you've been through, you and shauna deserve some happiness. And you, too, mattie, okay? That's all that I want for my kids, is just to be happy.", "Shauna: I just can't believe it. With everything going on, that's the last thing that neil needed.", "Nate: I know. He did the right thing, though. He can't be everywhere at once. Devon understands.", "Shauna: Have you called lily?", "Nate: I'd rather tell her in person.", "Shauna: Makes sense.", "Nate: Yeah.", "Devon: It's time to leave. Let's get this over with.", "Nate: Come on.", "Cane: Bridgette's with sam, so we should get going because parking at the courthouse is gonna be terrible.", "Lily: Yeah, thank you. Hey, mattie. Um, you've been really quiet at breakfast. Why don't you just talk to me, tell me what's going on?", "Mattie: I'm okay. I am. And we don't want to be late.", "Lily: No, we won't be. But you can talk to me.", "Mattie: I'm really, truly fine, so don't worry.", "Cane: Hey. You ready?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: Come on. You guys. You guys, come here. All right, listen. We can do this. Okay? We can do this. I know it. All right? Okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: All right. Come on, let's go. Come on, guys.", "Lily: Uh, I'll actually meet you at the car. Yeah.", "Cane: All right.", "Michael: Mm! How you holding up?", "Lily: Um, all things considered, you know.", "Michael: All right. So, are you both clear on how this hearing will proceed?", "Cane: Yeah, you laid it out for us already.", "Michael: Any other questions I can answer?", "Lily: Not right now. Thank you.", "Michael: All right.", "Cane: Okay.", "Lily: Hey.", "Nate: Lily. Cane.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: I thought my dad was gonna be with you.", "Nate: Yeah, about that...", "Lily: Something wrong?", "Nate: No, no, no. Neil's fine, but sofia was admitted to the hospital last night.", "Lily: Oh, my god.", "Cane: Is she all right? What happened?", "Nate: They think it's some minor residuals from the car accident, but neil was on the jet before the sun came up. But he wants me to let you know that he wanted more than anything in the world to be here with you today.", "Lily: I understand. I would have done the same thing. Poor moses.", "Cane: Yeah, I know.", "Nate: How are you feeling?", "Lily: [ Sighs ] I'm -- I'm ready for this.", "Nate: Good for you. And just know that when you feel those positive waves hit you, they're coming from your dad. And I'll send a few your way, as well, okay?", "Devon: You know, you wait for a day to come and spend so much time thinking about, and when it's finally here, it'S...", "Shauna: I wasn't sure where I'm supposed to sit.", "Christine: Oh, yeah, not the most welcoming space, I know. You and devon will sit right near me. You're still okay about today? Okay, well, I'm happy to hear that. Why don't you take your seats? We're gonna start soon.", "Shauna: I'll be back in a sec.", "Devon: Sure.", "[ Pen clicking ]", "[ Heart beating ]", "[ Beating continues ]", "Michael: Stand up. Good morning, all. Please be seated. In the matter of the state of wisconsin vs. Lily ashby, we're here to determine sentencing.Pre-sentence investigation report that contained the circumstances of the offense and provided background information on the defendant. Now, in this case, there was no recommendation for sentencing. Counselors, have you read this document and found it to be accurate?", "Christine: We have.", "Michael: We have, your honor. Then let's proceed. Ms. Williams, would you please relate the state's position on this sentence?", "Christine: Per the report, mrs. Ashby has pled guilty to two counts of homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle, charges punishable by up to 20 years' imprisonment and a combined fine of $50,000. Mrs. Ashby is responsible for the death of hilary curtis hamilton, as well as her unborn child. Now, the state acknowledges the profound tragedy of this case,n obligation to the people of wisconsin to ensure them that when the law is broken, it needs to be respected, adhered to, and the guilty party must pay the appropriate penalty.Eason, your honor,I ask you to impose the maximum sentencE. Thank you, mswilliams. Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: Your honor. Like district attorney williams, I have a deep and abiding respect for the law. I agree that no crime should go unpunished. However, in this case, the maximum sentence that is demanded by ms. Williams is glaringly disproportionate to the offense committed, especially when you consider the major mitigating circumstances involved. The defendant is a first-time offender with a spotless record. She is an upstanding citizen, businesswoman, wife, and mother of three. Society will not benefit from this defendant's incarceration be it for two years or two decades, and neither will her children. Therefore, we must implore the court to show leniency in this case. [ Sighs ] Probation, community service, and $50,000 in fines. I trust that your honor will concur as to the fairness of this punishment. Given the relevant circumstances, anything harsher would not be in the best service of justice. It would only make an already heartbreaking misfortune that much more agonizing. Thank you, mr. Baldwin. If the defense has nothing further, we'll move on to the victim impact statements.", "Michael: Your honor, we do have something. The defendant's husband cane ashby would like to speak on her behalf, if the court will allow. He has information relevant to the case. I'll allow it. Mr. Ashby?", "Cane: Thank you, your honor. If there's anyone in this case who should be held accountable for any deliberate wrongdoing, it shouldn't be lily, sir, it should be me. At the time of the accident, lily didn't know that she ran a red light, and then the night of the crash, my son charlie, who was sitting in the back of the car, he told me what happened, and I had this information, but I chose not to say anything to anyone, and I told my son to keep quiet about it, as well, and not let anyone know, including lily, which is why when she went to the police the first time, she didn't know that she was at fault. You see, sir, I'm a liar, and i lied to cover up what happened. And if there is anyone here who should be prosecuted, sir, it should be me because, unlike lily, I knew better and I did the wrong thing. And if I could change places with her right now, I would do it, but I can'T. So to punish her for my mistake would be a terrible injustice because she's the most ethical person I know, and I don't deserve her. If I could ask you anything, what she deserves, sir, is for you to give her, please, the lightest sentence possible. Thank you, your honor. That's all I have to say. The court appreciates your candor. Thank you, mr. Ashby.", "Cane: Thank you, sir. Thank you. Ms. Williams, you've submitted two victims wishing to make impact statements -- devon hamilton?", "Christine: Yes, husband of the deceased, brother of the defendant. And shauna nelson.", "Christine: Until her death, mrs. Hamilton was her guardian. And who will we be hearing from first?", "Christine: Ms. Nelson, your honor. Whenever you're ready, ms. Nelson.", "Shauna: Hilary curtis hamilton was my mentor, my role model, and my friend. It took her less than one school year to completely change my life. She didn't just show me a world I never dreamed I'd see. She made me believe that I could be a part of it by making me a part of her family and caring about me in a way that I never thought that anybody would. And then she was gone and never coming back. I never thought that a person could hurt so much and still be alive. But we're all hurting. And no matter how painful and unfair and messed up it is, lily didn't do this on purpose. I don't want my friends charlie and mattie to lose their mom like I lost hilary. She showed me that miracles are real things that actually happen. And if your honor won't come down on lily too hard today, a miracle can happen for her and her family. And I know that they would be just as grateful for it as I still am for mine. That's all. Thank you, ms. Nelson.", "Devon: I'd just like to say thank you for this opportunity to speak, your honor.", "Devon: Your honor, I'd like to start by telling the court about what an exceptional woman hilary curtis hamilton was. She was intelligent, she was successful, she was beautiful, she was vibrant, and she was the love of my life. And I mourn not only her, but the child that we were meant to have. We had just recently gotten back together, and I had been given a second chance at the kind of happiness that most people are never fortunate enough to get, and I never took that for granted. And today, I hear a lot of people in this court asking for my sister to get a second chance so that one tragedy doesn't turn into another one. And I understand why they're doing it, I understand that they're all just fighting for what they believe in and what they think is right and fair, but, sir, I am here today doing the exact same thing. I'm here fighting for what i believe in, and I know that the defense would love for this court to believe that this case is simply about one argument that led to lily running the red light, but, in reality, it's about years and years of anger and hostility and resentment from lily towards my wife and about how she would take every opportunity to criticize hilary and literally say out loud how much she despised her and wished that hilary would be out of my family's life for good, and, your honor, I believe on the day of the accident, lily got her wish. Because she was so focused on attacking my wife's character, the way she so often did, that she completely disregarded the safety of not only everybody in the car with her but everyone she was sharing the road with. And there's a reason why this case is being labeled as a vehicular homicide and not a vehicular accident. There's a reason why this is a felony and it needs to be settled in the court of law. And I understand that a lot of people that I love are hurting and they will continue to hurt, but all of it falls on the shoulders of my sister because of the choices that she made. Now, I'm here today representing my wife and my child, who have no voice, and I say that actions deserve consequences, especially when those actions have resulted in the death of two irreplaceable lives. Your honor, my sister needs to answer for what she has done to the fullest extent of the law. Does the state have anything more, ms. Williams?", "Christine: No, your honor. Mr. Baldwin?", "Michael: Your honor, my client would like to speak. At this time, mrs. Ashby, be advised of your right to allocution. The defendant may make any statement desired to this court before sentence is passed.", "Lily: I would like to express regret for my actions and their consequences and remorse for the pain and sorrow that I have caused my brother and entire family. Nothing can take that away, and I have no excuses. Just my deepest apology for driving while I was so upset, when I know better, and for fighting with hilary that day. I wish that I had been able to accept her as the woman in my brother's life and let go of my resentment and anger from over the years. It was such a waste of precious time. But I would do anything to have hilary back in devon's arms and to welcome their new baby and start over. But all I can do is promise that for the rest of my life, I will make up for it and ask for my brother's forgiveness. Thank you. I will retire to my chambers and determine sentencing in this matter, then return with my decision. Court is in recess.", "Cane: Come here. Come here.", "Cane: I'm proud of you. The judge knows you spoke from your heart. You can hear it, okay?", "Mattie: I'm sorry I missed the beginning of it. I tried so hard not to cry, and when I couldn't stop, I thought it'd be best to step outside.", "Lily: No, you don't have to apologize. You heard the most important part, right?", "Cane: Yeah. I found her on the steps of the courtroom being tough, and then she wanted to come back in.", "Mattie: I didn't want to miss a minute, and I'm fine now. It was just rough hearing uncle devon say those things.", "Charlie: I can't believe after everything he heard in here and before, he's still asking for the maximum punishment. What's wrong with him?", "Mattie: I thought when it came down to it in court that he would realize he couldn't do this to you. Or to us.", "Michael: Well, I think we all thought that.", "Cane: Yeah, will excuse me? Hey. Can I talk to you, please? Look, I know this isn't easy for you to admit it, but it couldn't have been -- it couldn't have been easy for you to listen to your sister beg for forgiveness like that, you know, knowing now she can face 20 years in prison.", "Devon: Well, you know, I -- I did what I thought was right.", "Cane: And what about now? Just be honest with me. Do you regret what you said to the judge? I mean, do you really think that after condemning lily, you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning and you're gonna feel better than you did this morning? Do you think that you're not gonna wonder how she feels behind bars, locked up, with her life falling apart, with my kids' live falling apart? Listen. I know it's not easy for you to accept her apology, but I know, given time, that can change, and I know you can find it in your heart to forgive your sister.", "Devon: I've tried to do that.", "Cane: Really. You managed to forgive your father after he betrayed you and hilary, after your honeymoon. He locked her up in a boathouse on purpose. What lily did was an accident, and what he did was deliberate, and somehow you managed to open your heart and let him back in and the two of you healed. Devon, you can do that again.", "Devon: [ Chuckles ] I wish I could believe that.", "Cane: All you got to do is believe it. This hearing's not over. It's not over. You still have the time to make this right, and that's all I'm asking you to do. Everyone, take your seats. [ Gavel bangs ] Order in the court. On the issue of sentencing in this case, I have reached a decision." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Kyle and Lola decide to start looking four a bigger apartment because their shower broke and Rey came over for a visit. Lola realizes that It hurts Rey every time he sees Sharon when he comes to visit them. Lola tells Kyle that she took a picture with Zoe for her to post on social media and Kyle looks worried that his secret will come out. Zoe asks Phyllis to team up with her to sabotage the opening of the Grand Phoenix because she wants it to go viral so she can become a famous social media influencer. Phyllis turns down the offer because Summer is also working on the opening and she doesn't want to ruin her night. Phyllis warns Zoe not to go through with her plan because she doesn't want to have the Abbotts and the Newman's for enemies. De on talks about his grandmother Katherine with Elena and he tells her he wishes he had more time to spend with her. Devon also tells Elena that he is wondering why the discrepancies in the will didn't appear until now. Sharon tries to explain to Adam why she turned down his marriage proposal but he tells her that no matter how much she tries to deny it she wants to be with him. Sharon asks Nick if Faith can stay with him because she needs to take a trip to think but what she really means is she wants to forget about Adam. Jack and Victor have a long talk over a drink and Jack tells Victor that he feels like there is something missing in his life. Victor tells him that when he felt that way he left town until he found what he needed which was Nikki. Victor tells Jack that he failed Adam that is why Adam has done the terrible things he has done. Victor doesn't think the relationship between he and Adam can be repaired. Jack decides to leave town and asks Kyle to take over as CEO of Jabot while he is away on his trip. Kyle is nervous about it but Jack assures him he will do a great job. Jack gets in his car where the ghost of his father asks him where they are going and Jack says \" I don't know dad I will let you know when we get there.\"", "" ]
[ "Jack: Shocking, isn't it?", "Victor: I'm beginning to get the feeling you're stalking me, ack.", "Jack: Actually, I was just headed to the bar to get a drink. It's been one of those days.", "Victor: Yeah, it certainly has.", "Jack: So, how about a drink?", "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "\"the young and the restless\"...", "Devon: What do you say that we....start...over... wipe the slate clean?", "Katherine: Oh, no, that's too easy. Let's say, um...forgive...but not...forget.", "Devon: It's from an attorney. It says that they want to meet with me to discuss \"discrepancies\" that have come to light regarding the will of my late grandmother katherine chancellor.", "Jack: Jabot is thriving, mother's in good hands...", "Ashley: So?", "Jack: So I should be walking on air, and I'm not. And I don't know why.", "Theo: You remember zoe from new york.", "Kyle: Yeah, she almost died.", "Jack: Victor was not feeling himself, and, uh, I called you so you could tell him he's okay. You know what, I'll give you guys some privacy, all right?", "Victor: Thank you, jack. Thank you.", "Jack: Shocking, isn't it?", "Victor: I'm beginning to get the feeling you're stalking me, jack.", "Jack: Actually, I was just headed to the bar to get a drink. It's been one of those days.", "Victor: Yeah, it certainly has.", "Jack: So, how about a drink? I'm buying.", "Nikki: Watching you tuck christian in just melts my heart.", "Nick: I've tried to make him feel safe, to reassure him that he's home to stay.", "Nikki: And you're doing a wonderful job.", "Nick: Thanks. Connor's been a big help, too.", "Nikki: It's nice that you and chelsea both have your sons with you.", "Nick: Feels good to put the past behind us.", "Nikki: Except for one thing. Um, now that we're alone, i think it's time we talk about it.", "Adam: I was just grabbing a cup of coffee.", "Sharon: Um, I heard about chloe. Are you okay? Because I've been really worried.", "Adam: No, you don't get to do that.", "Sharon: What?", "Adam: Use that sweet caring voice to make me think that you are actually concerned about me.", "Sharon: Wait, don't you walk away from me.", "Adam: Give me a reason. Give me a reason to stick around.", "Sharon: Because you need to hear what I have to say.", "Devon: Hey, honey.", "Elena: Hi.", "Devon: How was your day?", "Elena: [ Sighs ] Exhausting.", "Devon: Hmm?", "Elena: Yeah, how was your day?", "Devon: It was...", "Elena: Did you find out anything else about that letter you were sent?", "Devon: No. I had my lawyer contact the attorney that sent it, and it's somebody named amanda sinclair, who is not returning any calls.", "Elena: That's weird.", "Devon: Yeah. And I still have no idea what the discrepancies in katherine's will are about. It makes me want to ask a lot of questions, but it'S...", "Elena: What?", "Devon: It's just -- this whole thing is bringing up a lot of memories that are... a little difficult to think about.", "Jack: Want to talk about it?", "Victor: I can't imagine what you and I would have to discuss, jack.", "Jack: Oh, come on. Chloe's being back in town has brought up a lot of painful memories for all of us. Nothing has ever been the same in either of our families since we lost delia. Well, I guess the best we can hope for is that chloe will make the best of this second chance that michael's given her.", "Victor: Yeah, one can only hope.", "Lola: Have a good night.", "Zoe: Hi! Lola, right?", "Lola: Yes.", "Zoe: I was at your wedding with theo.", "Lola: Right.", "Zoe: I'm zoe. Hardisty.", "Lola: Nice to meet you, zoe.", "Zoe: [ Exhales sharply ] Can I just say, your wedding was beyond epic.", "Lola: Thank you.", "Zoe: I was just gonna post a shot of my dinner. Would you mind take a selfie with me?", "Lola: Um... sure.", "Zoe: Okay!", "Jack: Oh, I don't disagree with that.", "Phyllis: Wow, you two are having a drink together. Hell froze over. I didn't get the memo.", "Jack: Hello, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi. Well, I'd join you, but I'd rather stick 1,000 needles in my eye. Um -- oh! And, by the way, jack... keep the silverware away from victor. You might end up with a knife in your back.", "Zoe: I'll tag you and society.", "Lola: I appreciate it. Have a good night.", "Zoe: You, too. Hi, phyllis. We met yesterday at the grand phoenix.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah, I suppose.", "Zoe: I'm glad I ran into you.", "Phyllis: Well, you didn't run into me, you just walked over here deliberately. Uninvited.", "Zoe: I don't wait for permission. I go after what I want, just like you.", "Phyllis: No, we're nothing alike.", "Zoe: Maybe not. But we both have the same goal. So you and I should be working together. Additional sponsorship", "Devon: I've never know anybody like my grandma katherine. She was very sweet and very generous but she was super feisty, like...", "Elena: [ Giggles ] Sounds like she was quite an amazing lady.", "Devon: Oh, yeah. Yeah. She would always say, \"I'm gonna live until I die,\" and she did just that because before she passed away, she took herself on this crazy trip around the world, checking things off her bucket list.", "Elena: Oh, like what?", "Devon: Oh, gosh, you name it. She went flamenco dancing, she went skydiving, I think. She went ziplining, and... I know that the last night that she was alive, she was in hong kong with my biological dad, tucker, and... I always wish that I could have been there with her, at least called her.", "Elena: Talked to her one last time?", "Devon: Yeah. I would have done a lot of things different if I could go back, to be honest.", "Elena: Weren't you guys close?", "Devon: We were close towards the end, but... the beginning was... it was rough.", "Elena: I can tell it still really hurts you.", "Devon: I just know I could have treated her a lot better.", "Elena: I don't believe that. But I do want you to feel better. Can you tell me a little more about you and your grandma?", "Nick: There you go. What is the elephant in the room you want to discuss?", "Nikki: Chloe's return.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Well, it wouldn't be a week in gc without somebody returning from the dead.", "Nikki: I remember how devastated you both were when you thought she had committed suicide.", "Nick: Well, we felt responsible.", "Nikki: And I'm sure you're relieved that she's alive, but... a part of you must be very angry that she deceived you.", "Nick: I want to focus on the relief part. I just really hope that chloe can build a nice, happy life with kevin and bella.", "Nikki: Mm. Does chelsea feel the same way?", "Nick: Yeah, but it's harder for her. She and chloe did take, uh, the first step in trying to repair their friendship.", "Nikki: I hope that chloe proves to be worthy of your trust.", "Nick: I do, too. Mostly for chelsea's sake.", "Nikki: You're very protective of her.", "Nick: I don't want to see her get hurt.", "Nikki: Because she's a friend? I mean, that's what you said the other day.", "Nick: Well, the other day, we, uh, we were just friends.", "Nikki: And now?", "Nick: Now, uh... we're more than friends.", "Nikki: Are you sure you're ready for that?", "Nick: 100% positive.", "Jack: Billy tells me victoria's doing amazing things at newman. Any part of you worried she might surpass the master?", "Victor: If anyone should be worried, jack, it should be you. Now that you have joined jabot with ashley's company, it's only a matter of time before one of you, the stronger one, ends up in the C.E.O. Chair.", "Jack: Ashley and I plan to make jabot more profitable than ever.", "Victor: But you always lag behind newman enterprises, don't you?", "Jack: Oh, of course, there's no comparing with your company.", "Victor: That's right. Not even you can deny that.", "Jack: No, I can'T. I -- I do wonder, though.", "Victor: How long I manage to stay on top?", "Jack: No. Do you ever find yourself coming up short?", "Victor: In business? No.", "Jack: How about your personal life?", "Victor: You've known me long enough to know that I don't live with regrets. I never look back.", "Jack: Even where adam's concerned? I know you have been disappointed with him.", "Victor: Justifiably so.", "Jack: I thought somehow his dropping the custody suit would bring the two of you closer together.", "Victor: No, it hasn'T.", "Jack: There is still time.", "Victor: You know, jack, truth be known... [ Sighs ] I've failed adam. That's why he has done so many unforgivable things. And the damage that has been done cannot be undone.", "Sharon: You need to stop acting like I've wrong you somehow.", "Adam: [ Scoffs ] Was ripping out my heart and stomping on it supposed to be a feel-good moment?", "Sharon: It was a reasonable response to an out-of-the-blue crazy marriage proposal. I mean, we're not even a couple.", "Adam: We have a connection, sharon, you know we do. Look me in the eyes and tell me we don'T.", "Sharon: Okay, even if we do have this so-called connection, it doesn't excuse everything that you did when you got back to genoa city.", "Adam: What have I done, other than try to get my life back?", "Sharon: Okay, well, it's the way that you've gone about it. You didn't care if you hurt anyone.", "Adam: That is not true. I would never want to hurt you.", "Sharon: Well, then, if that's true, why did you say that i have some darkness inside of me that you have inside of you? After everything that I've done to put my life back together, you were trying to bring me down to your level to bond with me.", "Adam: No -- yes! I was trying to bond with you. For life. Instead, I got hit with the one-two punch. I lost you, and then I lost christian.", "Sharon: Giving up the fight for custody is the one good thing you've done since you've gotten your memory back.", "Adam: Mm, and what did I get for doing the alleged right thing? There's still a restraining order against me. Okay? Nick has no idea what he's done. I remember putting on a brave face", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Chelsea and I are not rushing into this relationship.", "Nikki: Still, it seems a little soon. I mean, she just lost her husband.", "Nick: I gave her time to grieve, she gave me time to get christian back, and now he's home. With christian and connor, i mean, this place -- it finally feels like a home. And I'm happy.", "Nikki: Then I'm happy for you. But I know someone who won't be.", "Nick: Adam.", "Nikki: He is not going to sit back and watch you take another son from him.", "Nick: Well, he's playing nice right now, but I know my brother. It's not gonna last. He still has a vendetta against the whole family, in particular, me.", "Nikki: All right, well, just remember -- connor loves his father.", "Nick: I have no intention in interfering in adam and connor's relationship. But when it comes to everything else, if adam wants a war, he's got it.", "Sharon: Listen to you. Threatening nicholas...", "Adam: No, that's not what i meant, sharon. I meant what he's doing to christian.", "Sharon: What, he's giving him a loving home and a safe environment?", "Adam: No, he's making sure that I am not a part of that. [ Sighs ] Look, I just want to know him. And I want him to know me. And now that will never happen.", "Sharon: That's because of what you did, and now he's never gonna trust you around the boy, and you have no one to blame but yourself.", "Adam: And how do you think that that will affect christian? That hatred that nick feels for me, it's gonna seep into him, sharon. That is my worst fear coming true, that my son is gonna hate me just as much as I hate my father.", "Victor: I always felt that adam was my chance to raise a son better, to not make the same mistakes I made with nicholas.", "Jack: And you didn't have that chance.", "Victor: Because I bowed to hope's wishes.", "Jack: You thought you were doing the right thing.", "Victor: Yeah, I certainly did, but adam feels I abandoned him.", "Jack: No, that's not true.", "Victor: It leaves very deep scars when one is raised without a father. Although, I don't think you would know about that. John abbott was a nice man. You had your dad for a long, long time.", "Jack: Here's what I do know. You are not the same man that albert miller was.", "Victor: Yeah, well, thank god. I loathed that man with a passion till the day he died, and I'm very afraid that adam feels the same about me.", "Jack: You honestly think there is no hope for the two of you?", "Victor: No. I don't think there is. The only solace in my life is that I feel -- I strongly feel I have the support and love of the rest of my family.", "Jack: Yeah, I know the value of that. Since we got things back on track with ashley, merged the two companies, it's brought the whole abbott family closer together.", "Victor: Who imagined that you and I would ever have this kind of a discussion, huh? So things are good for you?", "Jack: Yeah, on the surface, i have everything a man could want.", "Kyle: [ Exhales deeply ] How was work?", "Lola: It was a blur. We turned the tables three times.", "Kyle: Mm, I'm sure everyone was raving about your cooking.", "Lola: You know, theo's friend was. Zoe?", "Kyle: She was at society?", "Lola: Yeah.", "Kyle: With theo?", "Lola: No, all by herself.", "Kyle: Oh, what'd she want?", "Lola: Well, it's a restaurant, so, baby, I think I'm gonna go with food.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] She didn't give you a hard time?", "Lola: No, she was very sweet, raved about her food, her meal... and then she asked me to pose for a selfie with her.", "Kyle: Did you?", "Lola: Yeah, well, abby's always asking us to promote society on social media, so i thought, why not? It couldn't hurt.", "Kyle: Right. Right. It's all good.", "Phyllis: I don't see how abby and chelsea screwing me over has anything to do with your blog.", "Zoe: I'm gonna be covering the opening. So if anything sordid or scandalous happens, I'll post the photos for the world to see.", "Phyllis: So what?", "Zoe: I mean, doesn't that make abby and chelsea look bad, destroy the reputation of their hotel?", "Phyllis: Well, I mean, it just -- zoe, right? Yeah, that's -- that's a long shot. As much as it pains me to say this... abby and chelsea and theo know what they're doing. They're not gonna let anything go wrong.", "Zoe: Unless we make sure that it does.", "Phyllis: What do you mean, \"we?\"", "Zoe: I mean, you used to work for the hotel.", "Phyllis: Um, no, I -- i didn't work for the hotel. I wasn't an employee. I oversaw its construction, i conceived every aspect of it.", "Zoe: Which means you know exactly how to sabotage it.", "Phyllis: What's in it for you?", "Zoe: Going viral, getting thousands of new followers, becoming an influencer. Like summer.", "Phyllis: Like sum-- ahh. Honey, that's not gonna happen.", "Zoe: [ Scoffs ] Theo sees my potential.", "Phyllis: Mm, okay, well... I don'T. Not as an influencer and definitely not as a co-conspirator. Uh, I don't need you to get revenge, okay?", "Zoe: So you're gonna do something on your own at the party?", "Phyllis: No, I'm not gonna do anything. My daughter's working the party. I don't want to ruin her night.", "Zoe: I understand.", "Phyllis: Um... I hope so. I'm gonna give you a couple words of advice. Um, zoe? Zoe. If you do anything at this party to make it a viral disaster, it will blow up in your face. Chelsea is a former con artist, and she will be three steps ahead of you. Abby is a newman, and you do not want that family as an enemy. Hey. Sweetie, you're out of your league.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] I'm a little ashamed to talk about the way i treated katherine because every time she reached out to me, i shut her down.", "Elena: Yeah, but it had to be difficult, finding out you had this whole new family. Especially since you loved being a winters so much.", "Devon: Yeah, but, I mean... I remember a time where she reached out and offered to help me start my own recording company.", "Elena: Wow.", "Devon: And -- yeah. But instead of saying \"thank you,\" I blew her off and I accused her of using me to get back at tucker. And I remember that it -- it really hurt her.", "Elena: Yeah, but you were dealing with a lot. It's understandable that you would be wary.", "Devon: Well, I also told her that I didn't want to have anything to do with her, whether I was her grandson or not.", "Elena: Oh. How'd she react?", "Devon: She said that she would never stop trying to get me to accept her. And I thank god that she never did stop.", "Lola: Are you sure this new air conditioner's working?", "Kyle: Oh, it feels like the temp's rising in here. Gonna have to crank that baby up!", "Lola: Or we could cool off another way.", "Kyle: What'd your have in mind?", "Lola: Well, showering together worked before.", "Kyle: Yeah. Definitely had the desired effect.", "Lola: Start the shower. I'll be right there.", "Kyle: Hurry. No!", "Lola: Kyle? Kyle, what's going on?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Lola: [ Laughs ] What happened?", "Kyle: Let's just say the shower's no longer an option.", "Lola: [ Laughs ]", "Kyle: You think this is funny? Come here!", "Lola: No, you're soaked! You're soaked!", "Kyle: Whoa, afraid of a little water, huh?", "Lola: Oh, my god, you're drenched!&", "Kyle: Agh, I got ya!", "[ [ Laughs]", "Lola: [ Laughing ] Oh, no! You're getting me all wet!", "Kyle: That's the idea.", "Sharon: I really believe that there is a good man inside of you, adam, if you would just let go of this rage that's --", "Adam: No, you know, I'm not gonna let you do that anymore. Okay? You don't get to stand there and say things that make you feel better, sharon.", "Sharon: I'm trying to help you.", "Adam: Yeah, by asking me to give up everything that I want and become a completely different person, and maybe you will accept me?", "Sharon: You know, if you want people to accept you and care about you, you might have to make a few little adjustments.", "Adam: Well, save your shrink tactics for somebody else, okay? I'm tired of you using them to draw me in, just to shut me down every time we get close.", "Sharon: Uh, that's not what I'm doing.", "Adam: I thought you valued honesty.", "Sharon: I do.", "Adam: If you were really being honest with yourself, you would admit you want me just as much as I want you. What is this? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: You probably think i deserve this.", "Rey: What, to have adam make you feel upset? Never. If you want to talk...", "Sharon: Oh, no. It's not your job to try to make me feel better, especially not where adam's concerned.", "Rey: Yeah. Well, I could always make him feel worse. I could arrest him.", "Sharon: [ Laughs ] Um... you're really sweet to want to help. I should go.", "Rey: Yeah.", "Jack: I don't know why I'm opening up to you.", "Victor: Perhaps it's time to lay off the scotch.", "Jack: I thought you'd want to know my deepest, darkest secrets. Isn't that your specialty, capitalizing on your enemy's weaknesses?", "Victor: [ Chuckling ] Oh! No, I only do that when I feel threatened, jack.", "Jack: Gee, I'm glad we had this talk. It makes me feel so much better.", "Victor: Well, you know, i understand what you're feeling, that inexplicable void within one.", "Jack: I don't know what's missing. I mean, I have everything any man could want, and yet I still don't feel --", "Victor: Not content?", "Jack: What did you do when you felt that way?", "Victor: What did I do? Well, I hightailed out of town, you know, I left everything behind me. Cut every connection to genoa city until I found what i wanted.", "Jack: Did you find what you wanted?", "Victor: After a while, yeah, I did.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Victor: And there she is. Hi, sweetheart.", "Nikki: Victor, I thought you'd be home by now. Is everything all right?", "Victor: Everything is perfectly fine, okay? I'll be home soon.", "Nikki: I'll be waiting.", "Victor: All right, my darling. Bye.", "Jack: Nikki.", "Victor: Yep. You know... she has had a lot to do with helping me when I reach low points in my life. She always pointed me in the right direction. It's good to know that someone is waiting for you at home. And I'm on the way there right now. Jack, it was kind of nice chatting with you. I hope that you will find what you're searching for. I'm sure you will. You be cool, my man.", "Devon: I just don't know why I wasted so much time instead of enjoying it with katherine, you know?", "Elena: Well, I don't think she'd want you to live with regrets.", "Devon: I -- yeah, I know she wouldn't want me to do that. She would probably kick my butt if she was here.", "Elena: Don't think she still can'T.", "Devon: Yeah. I am glad I got to know her, though, and what an amazing woman she was.", "Elena: Yeah, it sounds like she felt the same way about you.", "Devon: Yeah. I tell you, when I found out that she left most of her estate to me, it was a whole lot to deal with at the time. You think about waking up one day and just having anything you want at your disposable, just no limits.", "Elena: God... I can't even imagine how that would feel.", "Devon: Yeah. At first, I wanted to go a little crazy and buy all the things I never had in life, which I did for a little while, but I quickly realized that i needed to take it easy and do right by her legacy.", "Elena: And you did. You started hamilton-winters, started your own family legacy, and all the charity work you've been doing...", "Devon: I know that. And I can always do more, but i just want to make her proud.", "Elena: I can guarantee she's proud.", "Devon: And now I got this letter over here, implying that there's some issues with the will.", "Elena: And you're afraid that someone's trying to take away everything she gave to you. Andrew wanted nothing to do with his volcano demonstration.", "Devon: I'm not really as worried as I am frustrated because I just want answers.", "Elena: Yeah, and the part i don't understand is, why would someone wait this long to challenge her will?", "Devon: I have no idea, and what are they even challenging? Is it her intentions behind it? Are they just going after my money? Or my company? I'm not gonna let anybody take what neil and I have built, I'll tell you that.", "Elena: Look... whatever it is, we'll get through it together.", "Devon: Thank you, baby.", "Elena: Of course. You've always been here for me. And now I want to be here for you.", "Rey: Hey.", "Lola: Rey! Come on in.", "Rey: I hope you don't mind, I let myself up.", "Lola: No, of course not.", "Rey: I was downstairs grabbing some coffee. Thought I should say hi. Am -- am I, uh, interrupting something?", "Kyle: No, just a problem with the shower.", "Lola: It...broke?", "Rey: You should call sharon.", "Lola: No, this was totally our fault.", "Rey: Well, probably just as well. I ran into her downstairs. She's -- she's going through a rough time.", "Lola: Maybe you should help her through it.", "Rey: Mm, I'm not that guy anymore. I'm not even the reason she's hurting.", "Lola: Adam?", "Rey: Losing sharon was bad enough, but losing her to that jerk, it's -- [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I shouldn't -- I shouldn't be dumping this stuff on you.", "Lola: No, of course you should.", "Rey: No, no, no, no. You're newlyweds. You should be doing newlywed stuff.", "Lola: Rey.", "Rey: I'm gonna go down to the station. I got a bunch of paperwork I got to do, and chief gets on us if it's in late.", "Lola: Call me, okay?", "Rey: I will. Bye. Go back to fixing that shower, or whatever it was you were doing.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Lola: Why can't everyone be as happy as we are?", "Sharon: Sorry for dropping by so late.", "Nick: It's okay. What's up?", "Sharon: Um, well, first of all, I want to say how happy i am that christian's home.", "Nick: Yeah. Nearly killed me being apart from him.", "Sharon: He's back where he belongs.", "Nick: I mean, chelsea and connor are here. It's just great having a full house.", "Sharon: How would you feel about it being a little fuller?", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Sharon: I want to take a trip. And I'll probably leave right after the grand phoenix launch party.", "Nick: Why? What's going on?", "Adam: Can I get a scotch, neat? Thank you.", "Phyllis: Put that on my tab, please.", "Adam: Well, somebody is in a good mood.", "Phyllis: I just talked someone out of making a big mistake. I feel like I gave back.", "Adam: [ Chuckles ] How charitable.", "Phyllis: Want to tell me what's going on?", "Adam: Uh, no, I'd rather not, actually.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: Okay. Well, I kind of already know why you're drowning your sorrows, between your issues with your dad and your personal grim reaper returning...", "Adam: Just drop it, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Okay, adam, you might want to clear your head so you can cook up some very sweet payback.", "Adam: Shut up, phyllis! Okay? You don't have any idea what i am dealing with.", "Phyllis: You -- you think I don't understand what you're going through? I understand more than anyone in this town. Okay?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Italian or chinese?", "Lola: How would you feel about moving?", "Kyle: Didn't see that on the takeout menu.", "Lola: You hate the idea.", "Kyle: I didn't say that.", "Lola: When we moved in here, rey and sharon were together, and now they're not. And every time he comes here, he risks running into her.", "Kyle: And being reminded of another bad breakup.", "Lola: This place is like a regular heartbreak hotel for him.", "Kyle: Mm. I was actually thinking a bigger apartment would be nice, but I didn't mention it because i thought you loved this place.", "Lola: I did. I do. [ Sighs ] This is our first home. Maybe it's time we make a new home?", "Kyle: Let's do it.", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Kyle: My dad wants to see me. Now.", "Lola: Why?", "Kyle: I've got no idea.", "Nick: This have something to do with adam?", "Sharon: Um, he's part of the reason I'm leaving town. And before you give me your \"don't run away from your problems\" speech --", "Nick: I wasn't gonna do that.", "Sharon: You weren't?", "Nick: Eh, sometimes getting away and giving yourself a fresh perspective is the best thing you can do for yourself.", "Sharon: And you think this is one of those times?", "Nick: Adam's on a tear right now. He is determined to hurt anyone who he thinks has wronged him. Even if you're not on that list, the last thing I would want is for you to get caught in the cross-fire.", "Sharon: So faith can stay?", "Nick: Of course. For as long as you need.", "Sharon: Thanks. I appreciate the support. I just have a lot to work through.", "Nick: Well, I know you'll be able to do that.", "Sharon: When I come back, it'll be with a clear head and a new purpose, one that has nothing to do with adam.", "Adam: You don't have a clue what I am feeling, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I don't have a clue, do I? I've never experienced anything that's come close to your suffering.", "[ Scoffs ]", "Adam: Good. Now that we've cleared that up --", "Phyllis: Yeah, like when i lost my son in a custody battle and I didn't see him for years? It's completely different from what you're going through with christian, completely!", "Adam: Yeah, it was because you weren't presumed dead, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm, and I've never had my heart shattered in a million pieces and had that same person move on with someone better.", "Adam: Well, touché.", "Phyllis: You know, as far as my family treating me like something that stuck to the bottom of their shoe, I actually don't know. I don't know because I have zero relationship with any member of my family.", "Adam: I doubt you have half the baggage I have with the newmans.", "Phyllis: Right, and as far as victor newman treating me like crap... yeah, I have no idea what that's like. [ Sighs ] Unless you want to count the horror freak show that he put me through that I will never, ever get over. I have no idea what you're going through. Yeah. No clue. You win the \"poor me\" prize. Congratulations. Enjoy your victory.", "Kyle: What, you're leaving tonight?", "Jack: It's last-minute, i know.", "Kyle: Is everything okay?", "Jack: Yeah, I need to get out of here, just set a couple things right.", "Kyle: Dad, like what?", "Jack: Something's missing in my life. I have to figure out what that is and set a new course.", "Kyle: How long will you be gone for?", "Jack: I don't know. Actually, that's why I wanted to talk to you. I need you to step in for me at jabot.", "Kyle: Step in?", "Jack: I want you to be interim C.E.O. While I'm gone.", "Kyle: You want me to take over? The whole company?", "Jack: Kyle, you are ready for this.", "Kyle: But the merger, it's not even --", "Jack: All in place.", "Kyle: I can't believe you trust me with this. Especially after what happened last time I was in charge.", "Jack: You and I have come a long way since then. Not every father and son get a second chance.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: I know you'll make me proud.", "Kyle: I'll do my best.", "Jack: This is a good thing.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ]", "Jack: For both of us.", "Nikki: Where were you? I was worried.", "Victor: I was abby's place, you know, society.", "Nikki: Alone?", "Victor: Yeah. Until I ran into jack.", "Nikki: Uh-oh. How did that go?", "Victor: Kind of interesting.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah?", "Victor: Yeah. Yeah.", "Nikki: And what was that for?", "Victor: I just realized what a lucky man I am, you know?", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Victor: Come here, my baby.", "Nikki: Mm!", "Victor: I love you, my baby.", "Nikki: I love you.", "Victor: Mm.", "John: Where are we headed, jackie?", "Jack: I don't know, dad. I'll let you know when we get there." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Jill sets about arranging for Billy to go to business school. If he is to be in the family business, they the twenty-two year old had better get moving. The phone rings and Katherine gets word from someone about something important. Katherine tells her daughter that Billy apparently hasn't been where they thought all this time. Instead of building houses with Brock, he has been in Miami. Jill is furious. \"What the hell has he been doing in Miami?\" Two girls sit in the lunchroom chatting and giggling as they eat. Victor hears them in there and slowly walks in. He asks the girls if they are laughing and gossiping about him. Jack is in the hallway and he hears the exchange that is going on. The girls look up at the moustache and say they weren't in fact talking about him and are in the lunchroom as it is time for them to have their breaks. \"I don't care what you are doing!\" he shouts at them. \"Go do something constructive and get out of here Now!\" Phyllis and Nikki chat about Jack and how he doesn't work as a team but dictates. Jack tells Victor that he thinks that NVP should purchase Jabot. Victor says that Nikki and Kay will have to agree. Nikki and Kay don't agree. Nikki comes to Victor later and she apologizes for not being able to agree with him on Jack's deal. \"You think that I have bad judgment or something?! You know better than me when I built this business and you have only been looking over my shoulder all these years?\" Billy worked with Brock building houses for 12 weeks. The rest of the time, he was in Miami. He says that he was working as a bartender there and then he came home when the family called. Jill tells him that he will be working fulltime in the mailroom at Jabot while taking courses. He didn't expect to end up in the mailroom but after talking to Jack he reconsiders. Jack explains that they will have the company back soon and that he will be helping by doing as he is told and keeping his eyes and ears open. Billy smiles. Nick and Sharon sign divorce papers. They will have joint custody and she will get the house. Nick is pleased that things went so smoothly but Sharon is still angry with him and heads to the office where Jack finds her upset about everything and having to face Phyllis's pregnant belly everyday. He sees she is upset and he takes her home. She apologizes for not being very talkative while driving home with him in the car. He understands. Seconds later, they are passionately kissing." ]
[ "Lauren: Ah! Oh!", "Lauren: I love her. I love her. I love her! I love her!", "Michael: Mommy...", "Lauren: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I can't wait till she gets a place of her own.", "Michael: Oh, come on, she's had a rough--", "Lauren: I know! I know! I know that she's mourning. I know she's had every setback in probate. And I know that Jack threw her out of the house. But the woman leaves her clothes all over the whole place! And on top of it, she has one of those machines-- it sounds like a typhoon.", "Gloria: Good morning.", "Michael: Good morning.", "Gloria: Have either of you seen a black bangle bracelet around here?", "Lauren: Yes, it's--counter.", "Gloria: Thank you. Oh, God. And I called the dry cleaners. And they're going to come pick that pile of clothes up by the door. And, Lauren, why don't we add those too.", "Lauren: Very nice.", "Gloria: Uh-huh.", "Lauren: where you going?", "Gloria: To work. What did you expect?", "Lauren: Shouldn't you take some time off?", "Michael: What my diplomatic wife is trying to ask you is, \"Have you lost your mind?\"", "Gloria: If you're surprised I'm going to work, then you're confusing me with someone who gives up. I'm not gonna give Jack Abbott the satisfaction of thinking he's gotten rid of me.", "Michael: All joking aside, uh, the Abbotts have cut you out of your inheritance. They claim you were never legally married to John. And yet, you still think they're gonna let you keep your job?", "Gloria: They will. They may not realize it yet, but they will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: All right, so we're competing with business writers in 16 markets, 4 affiliates.", "Nikki: Any broadcast or cable?", "Phyllis: Yeah, 6 o-and-o, 14--", "Jack: Oh, good! Phyllis, I wanna be in synch on all our talking points on this NVP opening. Nikki, as soon as you have a schedule, I wanna review it. I want this opening to be amazing.", "Nikki: Oh, yes, sir.", "Phyllis: I actually forgot to thank him for coming up with the idea for this string of retreats.", "Nikki: Yeah, yeah, and for creating the whole universe. You know, when this whole thing started, I envisioned Victor and me working together, bouncing ideas off each other, just having a wonderful time. As it turns out, I have too little Victor and way too much Jack in my life.", "Phyllis: His luck is gonna run out, Nikki.", "Nikki: Oh? Careful.", "Phyllis: No, seriously, think of this. Statistically speaking, I'm telling you, how many more people can he take advantage of?", "Nikki: Oh, well, if you wanna speak statistically, you are just a hopeless optimist.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Woman: And then he stormed out like a 12-year-old who didn't get his way.", "Woman: I've seen him do that before.", "Woman: Oh, my God!", "Victor: Excuse me? Are you paid to sit around talking like this?", "Woman: We're on a break.", "Victor: And you use that break to talk about me?", "Woman: We weren't talking about you, sir.", "Victor: Don't you lie to me! I heard what you said! And go do something constructive now! How dare you?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I can't tell from Billy's transcripts what courses he took at GCU I'm gonna have to call the registrar.", "Kay: Because?", "Jill: Because he's enrolling in their business school.", "Kay: Is he, or are you?", "Jill: Luckily, there's a lot I can do online.", "Kay: Well, Katherine, sarcasm didn't work. Perhaps you should be direct. Shouldn't Billy handle this himself?", "Jill: Well, of course, he should. The poor kid is so tired from traveling and his father's death. He just needs to see his friends. I wanna make sure that he registers before all the good courses are gone. Oh, shoot! We're already late!", "Kay: Let him handle it himself.", "Jill: Well, he will, Katherine. I'm hardly gonna stand in line and register for him.", "Kay: Does he even know he's going to business school?", "Jill: He wants to work for Jabot. So this is a logical start.", "Kay: Oh, and that is obvious to a 2-year-old?", "Jill: Well, it doesn't matter, Katherine, because that's my precondition for his working there.", "Kay: Still, I really think he should do it, uh, for him--", "Kay: Yes, hello, Katherine Chancellor here. Uh-huh. Yes, yes. Yes, thank you for the call. Mm-hmm. Good-bye. Well... before you continue arranging your son's future, I think you should absorb a few things of his recent past.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: That looks like heavy reading.", "Billy: I think of it as my family album.", "Jana: Really? Quarterly reports is your family album? We should all be so lucky. You know, my album contains a second place ribbon of me winning in a sack race who could put a price on memories, eh?", "Kevin: Oh, look! I'm in one of Jabot's publicity photos.", "Jana: Oh?", "Kevin: You know, that caption should read, \"Worker bee pretends to be hard at work.\"", "Jana: What? You don't object to being exploited as eye candy?", "Kevin: Well, maybe I should call my agent and make them pay.", "Jana: So where was that taken?", "Kevin: Uh, somewhere in the building. I'm not sure where I was.", "Billy: The 12th floor.", "Jana: You've got the building memorized?", "Billy: That's where I want my office.", "Kevin: Are you coming to work there?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jana: So I didn't know you had a background in business. Which end? Finance? Marketing?", "Billy: Inheriting.", "Jana: Ah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, does the air conditioning work better in here or what? Or, I know what it is. You're occupying the only space that Jack Abbott isn't sucking up all the air! And you're... finalizing your divorce settlement. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about talking about myself. I shouldn't-- it's the big day.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Depressing?", "Nick: Well, if you think words like, uh, \"irreconcilable differences\" and, uh, \"joint custody,\" \"the division of marital assets\"-- if you think those are depressing, then, yes.", "Phyllis: Yeah. If you have reservations about this--", "Nick: I don't. I really want this finalized. It's just the concept of final is depressing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: Is that more of Dad's things?", "Sharon: Yeah. Wait, Sweetie! Come here. I want you to be here when I read this.", "Sharon: \"Dear Mom, I'm sorry for all the stuff I did that made you mad. Love, Noah.\" Honey... you don't make me angry.", "Noah: Yes, I do, all the time. But I promise I'll keep my room clean and do my homework without you having to tell me to if you and Dad just don't get a divorce.", "Sharon: Well... those are really nice promises. And I do hope that you keep them, but... that has nothing to do with us getting a divorce.", "Noah: Then what? What did I do that was so bad?!", "Sharon: Nothing, Honey... nothing. It's not your fault. Hey, come here, look at me.", "Sharon: Divorce just isn't one of those fault things. You know, like when it rains, it's nobody's fault. Or, say someone has an allergy to cats. That's not their fault. And when someone gets into an accident, they don't say that that's their fault.", "Noah: If they caused it, it is.", "Sharon: Well, yeah, maybe. So divorce is more like the allergy one. You know, it happens when two adults decide that... they shouldn't be married anymore. And it's not their fault that they decide that. And it's definitely not-- 100% not your fault.", "Noah: You have to say that because you're my mother.", "Sharon: No, I have to say that because it's true. It's not your fault.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I wish I could say something to make you feel better. I mean, something that... could make sense of everything that's happening.", "[Phone ringing]", "Nick: Sharon?", "Sharon: Nick, I'm gonna be late.", "Nick: How late?", "Sharon: I don't know yet.", "Nick: Well, I'm only asking because, you know, I could call my attorney. I could also call yours if you'd like.", "Sharon: Well, just tell them to wait.", "Nick: Is there anything I can do to help?", "Sharon: No. Look, if we have to reschedule, then that's what we'll do. But for now, just tell them to wait, all right?", "Nick: Okay, I got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Some employees never appreciate what they have.", "Victor: What prompts that?", "Jack: I, uh, witnessed the disrespect of those two staffers. Only thing I hate worse than a bad attitude is unmet opportunity. I suspect you and I are alike in that regard. I can't imagine you even as a teenager taking a job without looking at all the opportunities.", "Victor: I always keep my eyes open.", "Jack: Like the opening of these new retreats. This should be the beginning of an extended partnership between NVP and Jabot. The beginning of a-- a marriage made in heaven and with global implications. And, of course, the timing is right. You and Nikki already are invested in Jabot, as am I.", "Victor: And what profound conclusions have you arrived at out of these observations, or am I supposed to guess?", "Jack: It's so clear in my head I thought I'd said it out loud. NVP should purchase Jabot.", "Victor: That would require a huge loan.", "Jack: From your left pocket to your right.", "Victor: Has Katherine Chancellor indicated that she's willing to sell?", "Jack: No, but she recognizes a good deal when it's presented to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Uh, the cleaners returned, uh, this with some other papers they found in Billy's jacket.", "Jill: What would I want with his boarding pass?", "Kay: Well, I was going to throw them out until I... looked at the departure city.", "Jill: Miami? Well, that's odd. You know what? They probably gave him a bad route. Air service in New Orleans is not what it was.", "Kay: Jill, he has been living in Miami for months.", "Jill: How do you know that?", "Kay: Well, after I read those, I, uh, made some calls.", "Jill: Well, I wonder why he didn't tell me. Oh, you know what? They needed him in Florida. There's a lot of hurricane damage there.", "Kay: Jill, he quit his volunteer work! Now he spent less than 12 weeks with Brock's charity group.", "Jill: What's he been doing in Miami all this time?", "Kay: Well, you tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Refill?", "Billy: Coffeed out.", "Jana: Oh. So can that be explained in, say, a way that I might understand?", "Billy: Average revenue for the last 16 quarters, average profit. Average profit factoring out those quarters we had a product poisoning scare.", "Jana: I like the use of \"we.\"", "Billy: Well, that math's a lot less complicated. My grandma owns one company and that company owns my dad's now. Since he died, the company goes to the kids.", "Jana: Oh. So where in the hierarchy of Genoa City royalty does that leave you?", "Billy: I'm figuring that out.", "Billy: Billy here.", "Jill: I need you at home.", "Billy: I had things I was planning to--", "Jill: Now, please.", "Billy: But I can reschedule. I'll take care of it right away. Summoned for a meeting. Probably to select furniture for my executive suite.", "Jana: Can he really be that confident, or is he just playacting?", "Kevin: I don't know what difference it makes when you inherit that kind of money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: There you go.", "Nick: Oh, wow! Hi!", "Sharon: Meet our son, Nicholas.", "Nick: Is everything okay?", "Sharon: What?", "Nick: Your emergency. What kept you?", "Sharon: Uh, no, it's not okay. But that is not the subject of this meeting, is it?", "Nick: I'm okay with all of this. I've already signed.", "Man: Better to review it one more time. If anyone has a problem, flag it as we go, and we'll come back to it. Let's start. Page two, paragraph one...", "Nick: No problem.", "Sharon: Fine.", "Man: Page two, paragraph two...", "Nick: No problem.", "Sharon: Fine.", "Man: Page three, paragraphs one and two?", "Nick: No problem.", "Woman: Is there a problem with your living arrangements?", "Nick: Sharon?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Nick: I thought you wanted to move.", "Sharon: I don't. Not anymore. I do not want to leave the house that my daughter and my son grew up in. And I certainly don't wanna stand by while you raise your brand-new, easy to assemble family there.", "Woman: We should discuss this in private.", "Man: We'll talk outside.", "Man: You can use this room.", "Sharon: Please, leave us alone.", "Man: This is not a good idea.", "Woman: I advise against this.", "Nick: It's all right.", "Sharon: Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: So what exactly are you thinking?", "Nikki: How am I thinking? You wanna know what I think? You know what? I will tell you, for once, exactly what I'm thinking. I think that NVP buying Jabot is a terrible idea! And it's even a worse idea for you to loan Jack the money! NVP was supposed to be ours. It started out yours and mine. A chance for us to work together! Now it's just gonna become another tool for Jack to use in his quest for world domination! Hey, I got an idea! Why don't we help finance Jack buying GM? No, no, no, forget GM, how about Luxembourg? Argh! Darling... you know what? I guess what I'm saying is, if you think buying Jabot is a good idea, why loan Jack the money? Why don't you just buy it yourself?", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: What's up?", "Kevin: You're right. The Abbotts are toxic. I'm gonna quit my job.", "Michael: I've noticed a tendency in my family for conversations to begin with alarming declarations such as, \"I'm gonna kill those people,\" or, \"I'm gonna show those idiots,\" or, \"I'm gonna quit that job.\" And yet-- and yet the logic preceding these decisions is not often forthcoming.", "Kevin: There's no future for me there, Michael.", "Michael: Mm-hmm. And when did you conclude that?", "Kevin: Well, I was listening to Billy Abbott talk about his stake in the family business. No, wait, sorry, make that businesses. And I realized he's starting at a point that I will never reach if I work there for 50 years.", "Michael: Well, by those standards, you wouldn't work anywhere you didn't own stock. But, hey, if you hate it, get out.", "Kevin: You serious?", "Michael: Why go to work every day hating the people you work for? This would be me going back to my work.", "Kevin: And this is me, going to compose an eloquent resignation letter.", "Michael: Well, remember, shorter is better. Like, \"thanks for the opportunity, but I quit.\"", "Michael: I quit. All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So, Gloria, how have you been, my dear?", "Gloria: Feeling pretty shut out, Katherine.", "Kay: Oh?", "Jill: You know... we do not agree with what Jack has done.", "Gloria: Jack and Ashley. But I thank you, because you two have been very supportive. And now I'm going to return the favor.", "Jill: Oh, there's no need for that.", "Gloria: Yes, there is. I have figured out a way to get rid of your public relations problem.", "Kay: Oh? What, uh, public relations problem?", "Gloria: Me. I'm not saying I'm going to disappear, but maybe your problem will.", "Jill: I need coffee.", "Kay: Bring me a cup.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Believe me, I'd like to put as much distance between the Newman family and me as possible. I don't like the idea of running into your relatives on a daily basis. It's why I offered to leave the ranch in the first place. Now I realize that you probably already have plans for the place with a new baby on the way--", "Nick: Sharon, it's--", "Sharon: And I realize that a brand-new baby is a big priority. But I have my priorities, too! And that is Noah. And I am not going to have his life twisted out of shape any more than it already has been. So for Noah's sake, as much as I don't wanna do this, I need to keep that house.", "Nick: It's yours.", "Sharon: And as far as the custody goes--", "Nick: Custody is a settled issue.", "Sharon: No, I am not satisfied--", "Nick: Sharon, custody is settled.", "Sharon: Nick!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Tell me about this public relations problem you think we have, Gloria.", "Gloria: The probate ruling has cut me out of the inheritance John Abbott intended for me. My marriage to John has been attacked in court. And I've been locked out of the home I shared with him. Thank you.", "Jill: Yes, but you see, Jack and Ashley did that, not the company.", "Gloria: The media doesn't make the distinction.", "Jill: How do you know that?", "Gloria: So far, I've had four requests for interviews. Don't worry, Katherine, I'm not going to say anything negative about the company, but you know how they are. They're chomping at the bit. \"Look what they've done to John Abbott's widow.\" The only thing worse that could happen to the Abbott name and the company is if Jack and Ashley set up an armed perimeter outside my office.", "Jill: Gloria, your job is secure.", "Kay: Absolutely.", "Gloria: Thank you. I knew you'd say that. You know, before John died, the chance to contribute something--anything to his company was all I cared about. But since his death and being stripped of everything by the courts, I'm a working widow trying not to be a burden on my sons.", "Kay: You want a raise.", "Gloria: And a promotion.", "Kay: Darling, you have to--", "Kay: Oh, excuse... uh... yes, hello. Victor! Well, this day is full of surprises.", "Victor: All good surprises, I hope.", "Kay: What can I do for you?", "Victor: Katherine, I understand that Jabot has become more burdensome since the product contamination. Katherine, have we become disconnected?", "Kay: No, no, no, no. No, we haven't.", "Victor: What I wanted to let you know is that I don't think the damage is irreversible.", "Kay: Well, I'm reassured.", "Victor: However, it might take some time to undo the damage.", "Kay: And you're willing to take this burden off my hands?", "Victor: Well, more precisely, NVP might.", "Kay: Darling, if-- if my company is such... damaged goods, why would, uh, NVP want to take it off my hands?", "Victor: Because they could speed up the process. And I might lend them the money to do it.", "Kay: I see. So, um, what other favors would you like to do for me, Victor? You want, um-- how about if I turn over my bank account? Better yet, the mortgage on my house.", "Victor: Katherine, I hope I haven't offended you.", "Kay: Not at all. I'm very excited by your call, because it means that NVP's tie-in with Jabot is gonna make it a major player again.", "Victor: It was nice talking to you, Katherine. You have a good day. Be well.", "Kay: You, too. Good to hear your voice.", "Victor: To recap-- my showing interest in having NVP purchase Jabot has convinced Katherine that Jabot is worth keeping.", "Gloria: A promotion would prove to the media that there is no corporate animosity toward the founder's widow. And instead of writing, \"look how they treated that poor woman.\" They'll write, \"look how they've treated that woman!\"", "Kay: We could make you a CEO.", "Gloria: Love it.", "Jill: How about queen?", "Gloria: Even better, Jill.", "Kay: Oh, that's a good point. Good point, Gloria. John would be very proud of you.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: All right, now what could be her new title?", "Jill: New title? New title? New title? Director of special projects. Or, no, no, no, no. Senior director--", "Kay and Jill: Of creative affairs!", "Jill: Yes!", "Kay: Yes.", "Gloria: Vice president of creative affairs.", "Jill: All right, we'll put out a release tomorrow.", "Gloria: Thank you so very much, ladies.", "Kay: Gloria.", "Gloria: Billy.", "Billy: Madame vice president.", "Jill: So... you leave New Orleans and you go to Miami and you don't tell me?", "Billy: Volunteer work in New Orleans gets to you. It got to me. So I went to Florida to clear my head.", "Jill: And stayed there, Billy.", "Billy: I couldn't work out whatever it took to go back. So I got a job-- tending bar. Mostly to impress this girl who was into self-made guys. It didn't work out. At least I found out I can hold a job.", "Kay: A job for whom?", "Billy: Sammy Seagull's Sandpit Bar and Grill. It's \"Seagull,\" not Siegel.", "Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it.", "Billy: But with the combination of New Orleans and Dad's death... I'm ready to focus on my career.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Is it over?", "Nick: No. I left before Sharon could demand full custody. I needed to calm down.", "Phyllis: Well, listen, Nick, she's not gonna do that. She knows what a great father you are.", "Nick: She's gonna try.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey! I wanted to discuss your schedule for the opening. Bad time?", "Sharon: How do you manage to do it, Jack? How do you manage to work here with Nick and Phyllis' pregnant belly practically shoved under your nose at all times?! You know, I tried to be mature about it. But most of the time-- like right now--", "Jack: You're doing terrific.", "Sharon: I just want Nick to feel as hurt as I feel! And I want him to feel as abandoned and mixed-up and confused as his son feels! And I just want-- I want... I want..", "Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey.", "Sharon: Not to worry, that was just a bad start there. I'm fine. I'm fine.", "Jack: Don't apologize, don't.", "Sharon: In all fairness uh, to Nick. He has been pretty reasonable in these proceedings so--", "Jack: Fairness to Nick? Has he been fair with you?", "Sharon: Well, he's Noah's father. So...", "Jack: He's Noah's father who ruined your family. Sharon, hopefully, your lawyer is gonna tell you this. You're in this alone. And not just the divorce-- and not just you-- we all are all the time. Your obligation is to get all you can for you and your son. Anything less is carelessness mistaken for kindness.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I've done everything I can for you except stand in line. There's still time today before the registrar closes.", "Billy: I would love to take business courses. But how is it gonna fit in with a full work schedule?", "Jill: Oh, you just trade hours with some other mailroom employee. That's what they all do.", "Billy: The mailroom? I mean, geez, don't take it easy on me just 'cause I inherited a big chunk of Dad's company.", "Kay: If you want to learn the business that's a very good place to start. Lots of people start in the mailroom.", "Billy: But I already know how to read addresses and push a cart. You let me think about it, okay? I'll talk to you after the registrar.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, I see you took Katherine's rejection pretty hard.", "Jack: She even think about it before she refused to sell?", "Victor: Don't you think she knows her own mind? Do you think perhaps that your reaction is... somewhat colored by your father's death?", "Jack: Perhaps-- perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I lost control of the company--perhaps.", "Victor: And regaining control will, what? What would that do? Avenge your soul? Let me tell you something, Jack. Chasing your father's company as if it is some holy grail, and blaming every decision that goes against you on Gloria, and then lying in wait to draw somebody's blood, is going to kill your soul.", "Jack: Tell me something. If you thought that way in your 20s, you think you'd be where you are today?", "Victor: Well, that's the point. I am no longer in m 20s, nor are you. hopefully, we have become wiser. Nothing matters more than peace of mind.", "Victor: You go ahead and answer that. I have said all I've come to say. Good luck.", "Jack: Yeah?", "Billy: Hey, big bro. They're giving me the shaft over at Jabot.", "Jack: And?", "Billy: I need your advice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon can have the house. She wants to stay there, I agreed. Next issue.", "Woman: Page four, paragraph one.", "Nick: It's the only issue that matters. Tell them what you want.", "Sharon: I want you to be quiet for a minute.", "Nick: Well, we don't always get what we want, do we?", "Man: We can do this tomorrow.", "Nick and Sharon: No.", "Sharon: I want-- I want our son to stop paying for our mistakes. I want him to know that he is the most important thing in my life-- more important than my job, than my anger, or my entire life. And I want it clearly spelled out in that custody agreement. I want it clearly spelled--", "Nick: Forget it.", "Sharon: That he will have his own room wherever you live. And that he will have as many holidays with you as he has with me. And weekends, and summers, and vacations, late nights-- I want an agreement that his father will be present in his life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Say hello to the new vice president of creative affairs at Jabot. And you were worried about my job.", "Michael: Okay. I'll bite. Who promoted you and why? And what exactly does the VP of Creative Affairs do?", "Gloria: Katherine and Jill, because they respect my talent, and I haven't decided yet.", "Michael: Gloria, you are just making yourself a bigger target for Jack and Ashley.", "Gloria: You know something, Michael? I don't care. In fact, I can't wait to see Jack in the hallway for the first time. Now, Michael... what's our favorite champagne?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: A mailroom gig? With my last name?", "Jack: Listen to me, Billy. Be the dutiful grandson. Be the dutiful son. Be polite, respectful. Put on the dress shirt, the nice tie, the smile and get to know everyone. You will be amazed how many opportunities there are to help us get the company back. We're a partnership, little brother. Me on the outside, you on the inside.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Well? Okay.", "Woman: Thank you.", "Nick: I really do want you to be happy.", "Sharon: Yeah. Like I care what you want. Just keep your word for a change.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Hey!", "Kevin: Hey. Hey, Mom just called. She wants me home for some celebration. What's that about?", "Michael: Did you resign?", "Kevin: No, not yet.", "Michael: Don't.", "Kevin: But you told me that I should just--", "Michael: Oh, forget whatever I told you before. Gloria was appointed Jabot's new Vice President of Creative Affairs.", "Kevin: What? When did that happen? What the hell is Vice President of Creative Affairs?", "Michael: It just happened. I haven't got a clue. And you can't quit. She can't be there alone. And I don't wanna seem melodramatic, but you've gotta watch her back.", "Kevin: I'm gonna need a bulletproof vest.", "Michael: Thank you, my little son of a vice president. Okay, I gotta go.", "Kevin: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Joint custody.", "Phyllis: Joint custody? Oh, good! I'm glad.", "Nick: It's over. That part's over. Now we can move on with our lives.", "Phyllis: Okay. So starting with Daniel and his baby sister... with a little duct tape and glue... we can actually put a family together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: You always make great plans for future generations. But, you know, the truth is, what they do is out of your control.", "Jill: John's death has certainly affected your mood.", "Kay: Well, I expect it will affect me for the rest of my life, Jill. I mean, after all, he was a good man. I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh, dear... wouldn't it be wonderful if Billy surprised us and showed us that he inherited John's best qualities?", "Jill: You've registered already?", "Billy: No, I will. I just wanted to tell you face-to-face that... I will take the job in the mailroom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I... hi, it's me. Um... I'm sorry I blew up earlier.", "Victor: I hardly noticed.", "Nikki: It's just because the whole idea of you loaning money to Jack-- it just made me crazy.", "Victor: You think it would've been bad judgment?", "Nikki: I just think it would be the wrong decision.", "Victor: Because of bad judgment?", "Nikki: No, I'm not questioning your judgment.", "Victor: That's not the impression I had. Don't you ever question my judgment in business again! How the hell do you think I became this successful, huh?!", "Nikki: I'-I'm not the enemy.", "Victor: Then act like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Well, thanks for driving me home, Jack.", "Jack: My pleasure.", "Sharon: And, um... thanks for letting me sit there like a mummy all the way home. I just... I was all talked out.", "Jack: I understand I hope your day gets better. I'll see you later.", "Sharon: Um, I took your advice. I, um... I made sure I protected Noah. I made sure that Nick would always be a part of his life, but never again a part of mine. I did what was best.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Lily: You just told me my dad is having an affair.", "Dru: Okay, Daddy is not having an affair. No one is having an affair.", "Will: Something I can do?", "Ashley: You could help me get rid of Gloria Fisher.", "Jill: I think it is outrageous what they did to you.", "Gloria: I will never understand it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis is at the jail getting checked in and is upset that she can't make a phone call to check on Summer. She begs and begs and finally the guard agrees. She can't get Nick so she calls Michael who tells her that Summer has a respiratory infection. Phyllis is beside herself. Later when she is with the wardens he asks to use the phone again but he refuses to let her. When he leaves the room for a minute, she tries to call Nick but gets caught. The warden warns her that she won't get preferential treatment in here. Meanwhile Jill calls an ambulance for Ji Min and attempts CPR. When the ambulance arrives, they try to revive him but tell her it's too late, he is gone. Amber calls Michael who comes right over. Cane comes to comfort Jill. Katherine calls him and he tells her what happened and that she shouldn't come over, Jill doesn't want her there. Of course she comes over anyway. Jill is upset at first but later she lets Katherine help her. Maggie and Heather arrive to question Amber and Jill. Amber tells them that she thinks that Ji Min had the stolen money but they don't find it in the room. Amber and Carson both accuse each other of stealing the money from Ji Min.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Jill: My God! What happened?", "Amber: I don't know. I found him.", "Jill: Ji Min? Just call 9-1-1 now!", "Amber: Okay.", "Jill: Ji Min! Ji Min, its Jill. Talk to me. Oh, my God, there's no heartbeat.", "Amber: I-I need-- I need an ambulance. I need an ambulance to come to, um, Genoa City Athletic Club, um, room number 640. There's a-- there's an unconscious man!", "Jill: No, wake up! Wake up! Don't leave me! Don't leave me, Baby, please! No, Ji Min, no! Breathe!", "Amber: Please, please, hurry!", "Jill: Baby, Baby, wake up. Baby, wake up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Logan: RSV is contagious. Mainly concerning other babies. It can lead to any number of complications.", "Daniel: Like what?", "Logan: Ear infection, pneumonia and possibly respiratory failure.", "Lauren: Summer's okay now, though, right?", "Nick: How serious is the infection?", "Logan: Catching it early is vital. We're gonna have to keep a close eye on her and see how she progresses.", "Michael: What about antibiotics?", "Logan: They won't help. Right now we're going to keep her hydrated and keep her air humidified, and if she needs it, supplement her oxygen.", "Lauren: Poor little Summer.", "Nick: Michael, make this happen. I need to talk to Phyllis.", "Michael: I can't. She's not allowed phone calls.", "Lauren: Even if you called the prison and explained the situation?", "Nick: They have to make an exception.", "Daniel: Yeah, they can't be that heartless. I mean, they're people, right?", "Michael: All right, all right, I'll try.", "Nick: I wanna see my daughter.", "Logan: We have her set up over here. Follow me.", "Michael: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Daniel: Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, I was worried about you. How things went with your mother?", "Daniel: It was horrible.", "Jack: So she didn't go quietly, huh?", "Daniel: No, they had to drag her out of here. Summer's sick right now and she's in the hospital. Mom didn't wanna leave her side. Some deputy showed up and dragged her--ripped her right away from the baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: We're gonna get through this, Sweetheart-- you, me and your mommy. Your mommy loves you very much. She told me to tell you that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Clears throat) excuse me?", "Officer: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Um, I was just wondering, um, if while you're finishing that, I could --I could make a phone call? My--my daughter--", "Officer: I know you're a first-timer, and you seem okay--", "Phyllis: Thank you, thank you very much.", "Officer: But let me give you a little advice. Don't ask for special treatment. Got it?", "Phyllis: I'm--I'm not asking for special treatment. Listen, my daughter is--", "Officer: You will get your phone call after in-processing. We are just getting started. Hi, this is intake three. Yeah, I'll need a lab tech. Mm-hmm, yeah, thanks. No rush.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Clear!", "Jill: (Sobs)", "Man: One more time. Clear!", "Jill: We're gonna take him to the hospital now! I'll go with you. We gotta hurry!", "Man: Ma'am, you need to sit down.", "Jill: No! No, don't you tell me that he's-- don't tell me he's dead!", "Man: I'm sorry, we've done everything we can do.", "Jill: Oh, Baby. Oh, Baby! (Sobbing)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Well, is there anything I can do to speed up the intake process?", "Officer: Stop talking.", "Phyllis: You're really wasting the taxpayer's money on me. I can tell you I'm 100% drug-free.", "Officer: Yeah, you and everybody else around here.", "Phyllis: Listen, um... I-I-I know you-- I know you're working hard, but I-- I am just so worried about my daughter's health.", "Officer: I'm sure she understands.", "Phyllis: No, she actually doesn't understand. She's just a little baby. She's nine months old. And right before I got here, we rushed her to the hospital. And--and I'm just so... incredibly worried. I-I-I know I can't make a phone call, I know that, but maybe you could call for me?", "Officer: I can't. You're just gonna have to wait like everybody else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: How is she?", "Nick: Well, she's, uh, she's feverish, has a little cough. She's pretty contagious to other babies right now.", "Victoria: Oh, am I okay to be here?", "Nick: No, I already-- I already checked. Babies in utero aren't at risk.", "Victoria: Okay. How are you doing?", "Nick: As well as can be expected.", "Victoria: Have you talked to Mom and Dad yet?", "Nick: No.", "Victoria: I can call them, if you want me to.", "Nick: No, Sis, I don't-- I don't want you to. I know Phyllis hurt you, too, but I know you aren't gonna go off on her right now, and say that if Phyllis hadn't done this, she'd be here right now.", "Victoria: No, of course I wouldn't do that. Why would I do that?", "Nick: Well, I can't say the same for Mom.", "Victoria: Yeah, good point.", "Nick: I just can't deal with the arguing and fighting right now. I can't take it.", "Victoria: I hear you.", "Nick: I knew you'd understand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey. How is the little sweet pea?", "Daniel: She's got some sort of respiratory infection.", "Jack: She's gonna be all right, though?", "Daniel: We don't know yet. Nick and Victoria are in there with her right now.", "Lauren: All right, are you sure? Okay, thanks. Well, the sitter says that Fen's okay.", "Michael: Well, I know you're concerned, but he's not showing any symptoms.", "Lauren: Well, not yet. Logan said it's very contagious, and Fen has been with Summer a lot.", "Michael: All right, listen to me, the sitter would've noticed if anything was wrong, right?", "Lauren: Yeah, you know what? I think I would feel better if I saw him myself. I'm gonna go, all right?", "Michael: All right. Give him a kiss for me. I'm gonna head to the prison.", "Lauren: Okay, I'll talk to you later.", "Michael: All right.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: Hello? Amber?", "Amber: Michael! Michael! Michael, you picked up! I am so--I am so glad you picked up. Wait, wait, you've gotta help me!", "Michael: All right, slow down. Slow down. What happened?", "Amber: Ji Min is dead! Okay?", "Michael: What?", "Amber: And I'm freaking out and I don't know what to do!", "Michael: All right, all right, all right, take a deep breath and tell me exactly what happened.", "Amber: I found him and his body was in-- in the room, and then Jill--she showed up and she found me there, and I don't know what to do! And I'm just-- I'm freaking out!", "Michael: All right, all right, all right, uh, I'm on my way over. Don't' say a word to anyone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Mum? What happened? Come here.", "Jill: I don't know. It doesn't make any sense.", "Man: Folks, I'm very sorry. We need to secure the scene until the police arrive.", "Jill: Oh, no, don't put that on him.", "Cane: Shh. Shh.", "Jill: No, don't! Don't! Don't put that on him!", "Cane: You heard what the man said. We have to leave.", "Jill: No, I don't wanna go!", "Cane: Mum, we have to go.", "Jill: No, I don't wanna leave him.", "Cane: We have to go.", "Jill: I don't wanna leave him!", "Cane: It's okay. It's all right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey. Any news?", "Victoria: The doctor said that all we can do is wait.", "Nick: She's tough, like her mama. You're gonna kick this thing's butt till you win, aren't ya?", "Jack: That's right. You're a strong little girl. You were born in an elevator, in the middle of an ice storm. If you can survive that, this is gonna be a piece of cake. These Summers women-- you just can't stop 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Officer: You have somewhere to be?", "Phyllis: Unh-unh. No. Hey, you seem stuck on something. Maybe I can clear it up?", "Officer: I'm doing a program review, choosing the courses you'll be enrolled in.", "Phyllis: Oh! Oh, right, you know, I got that catalog. And, um, I'm really interested in that carpentry class. I watch those home improvement shows and I really enjoy them.", "Officer: I'm talking about correctional program. We're enrolling you in cognitive interventions.", "Phyllis: What is that?", "Officer: It breaks lifelong patterns of criminal thinking.", "Phyllis: Lifelong patterns? I mean... is that necessary?", "Officer: Well, if you want a waiver, you can speak to the staff psychologist, but she won't be in for another hour.", "Phyllis: No, it's fine. That's fine. That sounds great. Sign me up.", "Officer: Just to be safe, I'm enrolling you in anger management, too.", "Phyllis: Great. Whatever you think is best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Oh, thank you for getting here so fast! This is bad! This is really, really bad! What am I gonna do?", "Michael: You're gonna calm down and you're gonna tell me everything, from the number of breaths you took, to the number of seconds you were in Ji Min's room.", "Amber: See, that's the thing, there's nothing to tell. I-I-I don't know. I have no idea. I walked in and I--", "Michael: Shh.", "Amber: Found him that way. And then Jill came in and now everybody knows--", "Michael: Okay, who's everybody?", "Amber: Everybody! Everybody! Jill and the cops. And Detective Sullivan is upstairs right now with her CSI team and they want me to wait down here so they can question me. They wanna question me.", "Michael: All right, all right, okay, we'll go in there and talk to them together, all right?", "Amber: Okay. If my lawyer's here, doesn't that make me look more suspicious, 'cause I got nothing to hide. I mean, I should just maybe waive the whole attorney--", "Michael: Amber, Amber, listen to me, listen to me. Calm. You are facing felony charges. You were found over the corpse. Now is not the time to experiment with a lawyer-free lifestyle, all right? Okay.", "Cane: Mum, have some tea. It'll make you feel better.", "Jill: I can't. It just doesn't make any sense. I was just with him. Just a little while ago I was with him. He was picking out his ties. I didn't know that would be the last time.", "Cane: You know, he was really lucky to have you in his life, you know? I think you two would've worked out the problems.", "Jill: Oh, I know we would've. He was willing to give up everything in his life for me. How many people can you say that about?", "Jill: If I'd just stayed with him. If I'd stayed with him, maybe this wouldn't have happened.", "Cane: Shh. Don't go there. Don't do this.", "Jill: How can I help but go there?", "Cane: Because Ji Min really loves you. Because he wouldn't want you to do this 'cause he cares. That's why.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Jill: It's okay. Answer it.", "Cane: You sure?", "Jill: Yeah.", "Cane: Hey, Grandma. Yeah, we're at the athletic club. Should you come over?", "Jill: (Whispers) no.", "Cane: No, no, I don't think that's a good idea. Yeah. Listen, I'll see you when we come home, okay? All right, I will. Good-bye. Shh. When I heard, I called her and I left a message. I told her.", "Jill: It's okay. It's all right.", "Cane: She called to let you know that she loves you.", "Jill: She loves me? She loves me? Oh, my God, when I think of how she treated Ji Min, that woman is the last person on earth that I wanna see right now.", "Cane: Come here. It's okay. It's okay.", "Jill: I thought you told her not to come.", "Cane: I did.", "Kay: Well, you should certainly know by now that you can't tell me anything.", "Jill: And why did you come? Did you come to gloat?", "Cane: Mom, Mom, don't do that. Don't do that.", "Kay: No, it's all right, Darling. Please, she has every right to question my motives.", "Jill: You're damn right I do. Here's my guess. You came to see if Ji Min has faked his own death as part of some big scam. Well, Mom, guess what? He's upstairs. You can see for yourself.", "Kay: No, I'm gonna stay right here. This is where I should be. (Sighs) I know what it's like to lose a person that you would give up everything for. I also know how much you cared for Ji Min. Even though he didn't deserve you--", "Jill: Stop it!", "Kay: I know you-- no, don't, no, please, just stop that. He didn't deserve to die. Darling, I know just how much pain you have been through all your life. And I was so afraid this relationship would just cause you more. Deep down inside, I... I had so hoped I would be wrong.", "Jill: (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I-I knocked on the door and there was no answer.", "Maggie: How'd you get in?", "Amber: Um... it was--it was open a crack, and so, you know, I-I pushed it open.", "Maggie: Okay. And then what happened?", "Amber: Um, I-I sort of stumbled into the room and, um... and then... he--he was just there, and, um... he was just-- he was sorta lying there, you know, and he wasn't moving.", "Heather: Can you be any more specific?", "Amber: He was dead.", "Maggie: Uh, did you think to call 9-1-1?", "Michael: My client did call 9-1-1, Detective.", "Maggie: Hmm. Not till after Ms. Abbott arrived.", "Amber: No, I-I-I was gonna call. I-I swear. I mean, Jill-- she--she got there, like, 30 seconds after I did.", "Heather: Was Mr. Kim a friend of yours?", "Amber: No. Um... more like an acquaintance.", "Maggie: Why were you visiting him?", "Amber: Um... I thought he might have something to do with the missing $700,000 we've been looking for.", "Heather: What exactly do you mean?", "Amber: Oh, I think he stole the money.", "Michael: Detective, Ms. Stevens, considering my client's involvement in this particular case, I really don't think this is the time or place to get into details.", "Amber: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: My client found Mr. Kim exactly as you did. That's all she knows.", "Amber: You gotta look in Ji Min's room for the money, you know, and see if you can find it. And if you can't, maybe some kind of clue, you know, as to where he put it. Maybe like a-a bank statement or--or something.", "Maggie: Okay, I got it. Anything else?", "Michael: How about we let the detective do the investigating herself?", "Amber: I'm telling you, there's something to be found in there. You know, I mean, I-I'm liable for a third of that money. I wanna find it just as much as anybody else would.", "Michael: All right. (Clears throat) excuse me, Ms. Stevens, Detective, I'd like to take a little break here, consult with my client, if you don't mind?", "Maggie: Take as much time as you need, Counselor.", "Michael: Thank you very much.", "Maggie: Uh-huh.", "Michael: Amber, would you come here for a minute? Look, are you gonna be okay if I leave you here by yourself? No more bossing around the detective? All right, I have to make a few phone calls. Meanwhile, I need you to stay calm. And I don't want you saying anything to anyone while I'm not around. All right? Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Hey. Just finishing that report you wanted.", "Jack: Oh, that can wait.", "Daniel: No, it's cool. It keeps me distracted.", "Jack: At the rate you're going, you're gonna be running your own company here pretty soon.", "Daniel: I hear there's an exec opening at Jabot.", "Jack: Vicious rumors to keep everybody working harder.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, I can't wait to see Ji Min's interview.", "Jack: Well, don't get too excited. That may not happen.", "Lauren: Oh, hey. Have you guys seen Logan?", "Jack: Uh, she's in with Summer. Do you need her?", "Lauren: Uh, well, yeah. I went home to check on Fen and he started sneezing. I think he should be examined to make sure he's okay.", "Jack: Well, I'm sure she'll be right out.", "Lauren: Okay.", "Daniel: I can go get her if you want.", "Lauren: Uh, no. I can wait. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: She feels warm.", "Nick: Yeah. You hurry up and get well, little one. Then we'll go home and read some of those stories that Mommy wrote for you. Maybe we can get your brother to do that one about the frog, 'cause he has that great frog voice. And if you ask real nice, maybe your Aunt Victoria will do the one about the fairy princess.", "Victoria: I'll bet she looks just like you.", "Nick: And we're gonna have so much fun. And we're gonna tell Mommy all about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Printer whirring)", "Officer: Okay, here's your schedule.", "Phyllis: Great! This is great! Can I make a phone call now?", "Officer: No. You can make your calls during social time.", "Phyllis: Please. Please. Please, this is so important. Like I said, we took my daughter to the hospital. She's very, very sick. I just need to know if she will be okay. That's all I need to know. I just need to talk to my husband. Please make this one exception for me. I will never ask again. Please.", "Officer: All right. Just this once. Use the pay phone, collect.", "Phyllis: Great. Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.", "Officer: Go.", "Operator: If you'd like to make a collect call, press 11 now. Name, please.", "Phyllis: Phyllis Newman.", "Operator: Please dial your party.", "Nick's voice: Hey, you've reached the voice mail of Nicholas Newman.", "Phyllis: No!", "Nick's voice: Please leave a message.", "Phyllis: No! No!", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Michael: I'm sorry, excuse me. Oh, excuse me! Hello? Hello?", "Operator: Call from...", "Phyllis' voice: Phyllis Newman.", "Operator: If you accept the charges, please press 1.", "Michael: Yes! Yes! Hello?", "Phyllis: Michael, Michael, are you there?", "Michael: Yes, yes, I'm here.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm so glad you picked up. Listen, I-I've been trying to get a hold of Nick, but--but he hasn't picked up his phone. Can you put him on?", "Michael: I'm not at the hospital anymore.", "Phyllis: How is Summer?", "Michael: Uh, she's been diagnosed with something called R.S.V.", "Phyllis: What is that? What is it? Is it serious?", "Michael: It's a respiratory infection and--and they're keeping her hydrated. They're doing everything they can to break her fever.", "Phyllis: Michael, are you telling me the truth? Is she gonna be okay?", "Michael: Hey, she's your little girl. With genes like that, she could make it through anything. Um, but there hasn't been any change yet.", "Phyllis: I can't believe this is my one call.", "Michael: I-I wish there was more that I could tell you.", "Phyllis: Please, please, can you work on getting me more phone access, please?", "Michael: I'll try. I can't promise you anything.", "Heather: Hi.", "Michael: Hey.", "Heather: The detectives are scouring Ji Min's room right now. No signs of the money.", "Michael: Mm.", "Heather: They're going to look for signs of a confrontation.", "Michael: Do they know a cause of death?", "Heather: It's yet to be determined.", "Cane: Look, it's the Genoa City angel of death.", "Amber: That's not funny.", "Cane: Yeah, especially if you're one of the dead blokes you keep running across, huh?", "Amber: It was really scary and awful to find Ji Min like that.", "Cane: I can only imagine. There you are, up in, what, my mother's fiancé's hotel room minding your own business, right?", "Amber: I went there to talk to him because I think he stole the cash.", "Cane: Oh, the cash. I see we're talking about your favorite subject again. Why don't you go tell someone who cares.", "Amber: Don't do that to me! My nerves are already completely shot!", "Carson: Well, how about a nice, relaxing backrub?", "Amber: How about you show up when you say you will, hm? You were supposed to be there with me. We were supposed to search that room together. Do you not remember, hm? Instead, I end up there alone with a dead guy.", "Carson: So you heard about that? I would've been there earlier, but I misplaced my car keys.", "Amber: You should've called a cab.", "Carson: Both of us in Ji Min's room would've been a little bit difficult to explain.", "Amber: Yeah, and me in there by myself was totally easy.", "Carson: You have nothing to hide. Except of course the $700,000.", "Amber: You think I found the money and smuggled it out of the crime scene? In what, my bra?", "Carson: Well, I certainly have faith in your abilities.", "Amber: Just like I have faith in yours that you didn't sneak into the room before me and steal the whole wad of cash for yourself.", "Carson: Now if I did that, would I really still be here?", "Amber: I don't know, maybe you misplaced your car keys again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Maggie: Um... Ms. Abbott, I-I know how difficult this must be for you, but... if we could speak for a few minutes about what you saw upstairs.", "Kay: Do we really have to do this now?", "Maggie: Yes. Because the freshest impressions are always the most useful.", "Jill: It's all right. It's all right. I wanna help.", "Kay: Fine. Um, could you make it as brief as possible?", "Maggie: Sure. Um, Ms. Abbott, we're gonna have to do this alone. It's procedure.", "Jill: Its okay, Mother. I'll be fine.", "Kay: Fine. Well, I'm gonna step outside.", "Jill: Okay.", "Kay: Call me if you need me.", "Jill: I will.", "Kay: Okay? You're all right?", "Jill: Yeah. What can I tell you?", "Maggie: First, I-- I'd just like to tell you how very sorry I am for what you've been through. We have an excellent grief counselor. If you wanted to... speak with somebody about everything you've been through. It might help.", "Jill: I really appreciate that, but I don't think anything's ever gonna wipe out the image of Ji Min lying on that floor up there.", "Maggie: He was your fiancé?", "Jill: Yeah, he was.", "Maggie: Did he have any medical issues? Um, allergies, heart problems, anything like that that you're aware of?", "Jill: Nothing that I know of.", "Maggie: Okay. And when was the last time you saw him?", "Jill: This afternoon. This afternoon. We, um, we were preparing for him to do a TV interview and he didn't show up, so I went up to his room to look for him.", "Maggie: And that's when you saw your daughter-in-law?", "Jill: My ex-daughter-in-law, yeah. Ji Min was lying on the floor and she was standing over him.", "Maggie: Was she touching him in any way? Uh, did you see her moving things around?", "Jill: No, not that I saw. I mean, God only knows what was happening before I came in. Did you talk to her?", "Maggie: Yes, we have.", "Jill: Well, what did she say? What reason could she possibly have had to be in that room?", "Maggie: Ms. Abbott, I can't talk to you about any of that right now. I'm sure you understand.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Maggie: But I-I can tell you we're doing everything we can to find out what happened.", "Jill: When are you gonna know how he died?", "Maggie: The forensics team is conducting a full investigation right now upstairs.", "Jill: I didn't know what to do. I mean, I-I tried to give him CPR because he wasn't breathing. If I hadn't left him, this wouldn't have happened.", "Maggie: I know. I'm so sorry.", "Jill: What makes this so difficult is I wanna know how this happened. I wanna know why it happened. I have to know why!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carson: Hey. You know, for a small town happy hour, they really have an excellent Pinot Grigio here.", "Amber: I really don't think it's a good idea to be drinking in the middle of a police investigation.", "Carson: Oh, one glass isn't gonna hurt. It'll take the edge off. And trust me, you need it, sweetheart.", "Amber: What I need is a villa in Tuscany with no visitors or cell phone reception. But it's a start.", "Carson: You know, thanks again for, uh, not mentioning me to the cops.", "Amber: What makes you so sure that I didn't?", "Carson: Because if you had, they would be, um... what was the phrase you used? On my tail?", "Amber: Maybe in my follow-up statement I'll just so happen to remember the hot crooked stranger who's in this up to his eyeballs, hm?", "Carson: So you think I'm hot?", "Amber: Oh, don't flatter yourself. Tell me again why I should keep your name out of this.", "Carson: 'Cause if you don't, suddenly there's a conspiracy to get into the dead guy's room.", "Amber: Hello! That is exactly what there was!", "Carson: But it amounted to nothing. So the best thing we can do is to forget about it. Let's see what the cops dig up. Ji Min died, and that's too bad, but you don't have to be the one to go down for it.", "Amber: How do you figure?", "Cane: If the cops find the money, you're off the hook. If we find the money, well, you make a nice little profit. Win-win. Throw in my hotness, and it's a win-win-win.", "Amber: I'm so glad you've thought this through.", "Carson: All you need is a partner you can trust.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: No... I never discussed any of that with Ji Min.", "Heather: Well, your wife seems to think that, uh, he's the one with the stolen money.", "Cane: My ex-wife.", "Heather: Right.", "Cane: And she was also the genius who thought she would steal the 700 Gs from the first dead bloke.", "Heather: Mm. Did you ever spend any time with Ji Min at your grandmother's house?", "Cane: Yeah, I sure did.", "Heather: You ever notice anything that would make you think he knew about the money?", "Jill: You're not seriously buying into these ridiculous theories of Amber's? Ji Min was not involved in her little con job.", "Heather: No one is accusing him of anything. It's just protocol. We have to clarify with a few questions.", "Jill: Well, the only questions you should be asking is what happened to him and who did it. Don't you find it very coincidental that he died right before he did that interview?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: Dr. Logan's listening to your--", "Fen: (Coos)", "Lauren: Yeah, she's listening--it's okay.", "Logan: Well, I wouldn't be concerned with the sniffling. His breathing and temperature is fine.", "Lauren: Yeah, but he's been spending a lot of time with Summer, and you did say it was very contagious.", "Logan: He has a small cold. But I assure you, that's all it is.", "Lauren: You just... you can't be too careful.", "Logan: Yeah, no, I understand completely. You were right to bring him in, but all he needs is plenty of fluids and rest, and he'll be fine.", "Lauren: All right, thank you.", "Logan: Sure.", "Lauren: Well, I'm so relieved.", "Jack: Hey, how's Summer?", "Nick: She's sleeping and Vicki's in there with her. Michael's still not back yet?", "Lauren: No.", "Nick: Phyllis must be going crazy. I hope she gets better phone privileges soon.", "Daniel: There's no way we can get in contact with her, right? Not even if it's an emergency?", "Jack: We could call the warden. I just don't think he'd take too kindly to being used as an answering service.", "Lauren: Yeah, I think you're right. I think it would hurt her more than help her.", "(Cell phone beeps)", "Nick: I missed a call? I hope it wasn't from the prison!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hello.", "McQueen: Hello, Phyllis. I'm Warden McQueen. Your cell's not ready yet. Somebody's release date was entered into our system incorrectly, so we need to find you another cellmate.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. Thanks. Um... (Clears throat) uh, Warden, I was just wondering while I wait, can I just make a phone call?", "McQueen: Phone calls are during social time only.", "Phyllis: Uh, yes, I know that. It's--it's, um, it's just-- I... my daughter is sick. And--and I'm worried about her. I just wanted--", "McQueen: Yeah, Baxter told me she already gave you an extra phone call.", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, she did. She did that. Um, but I couldn't get through to my husband.", "McQueen: Well, whatever it is you're trying to pull, I don't have time for that now. You have to earn your privileges here.", "Phyllis: I'm not trying to pull anything. Nothing. And the privilege that I'm asking for is to just have five seconds to see if my baby's okay.", "McQueen: The answer is no. I don't care what you did or who your family is or how much money you have. In here, you're just like everybody else. That means you follow the rules like everybody else. So get used to it, don't cause trouble and we'll both be a lot happier. Now take a seat and wait for the guard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Detective, if you're finished questioning my client, she'd like to get outta here.", "Maggie: I just have a couple more questions, okay?", "Michael: Yeah.", "Amber: I have a question. Did you guys find the money in Ji Min's room?", "Heather: They haven't come up with anything, Amber.", "Amber: Are you sure? Did you look everywhere? Because...", "Maggie: Oh, our team did a very thorough investigation.", "Michael: So are we done here?", "Maggie: Ms. Moore, did you share your theory with anybody else before this afternoon about Ji Min taking the money?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Have you seen Mum?", "Kay: Uh, yes, bathroom. She's not feeling that well.", "Cane: I'm glad you're taking her home. I think the two of you need to spend some time together.", "Kay: I never thought Ji Min was good enough for my daughter. Never. I have to admit, I didn't want him in our lives, but dear God, nothing... never anything like this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: This is just so frustrating, not being able to talk to Phyllis.", "Lauren: I know. Michael's working on it.", "Nick: I can't believe I missed her call. This is unbelievable!", "Logan: Hey.", "Nick: Any word?", "Daniel: Yeah, how's my little sister?", "Logan: I just ran some more tests on Summer and it looks like she's improving.", "Lauren: Is she gonna be okay?", "Logan: Well, her fever broke, which is the important thing. It means the infection is contained.", "Jack: Thank God.", "Daniel: She may just be stronger than Mom.", "Logan: Well, we'll need to keep her here for observation, but she's definitely on the mend.", "Nick: (Exhales deeply)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Officer: I'll be right there. Someone will escort you to your cell shortly.", "[Phyllis uses the phone]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nick: Hello? Yes, I'll accept. Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, Nick, you picked up! Listen, I don't have a lot of time. How's Summer?", "[Phyllis sees the Warden and hangs up the phone]", "Nick: Phyllis?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: Ji Min doesn't give the interview and your company doesn't go under.", "Jana: Now I'm never, ever getting out of here.", "Jack: If there's anything-- anything at all we can do to help...", "Cane: Yeah, you can get out." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Summer arrives at the Underground with lunch for Austin. She is surprised when Noah joins them and tells her and Austin that Mariah is Sharon's daughter. At home, Sharon tells Faith that she has another sister and it is Mariah. At the hospital, Mariah wakes up and finds Nick there with her. She goes on to tell Nick her dream that she had about Ian and Sharon being her mother but she finds out that it wasn't a dream. Dr. Cutler examines Phyllis but doesn't give Victor much hope. Ashley, Abby, and Ben discuss the new mystery fragrance that Ashley is working on. Ben asks her for the job of the chemist. Abby goes on to tell Ashley all about Ben and his past and that he murdered his own father. Ashley listens but doesn't voice a comment. Billy asks Victoria if she is having second thoughts about the divorce but she refuses to give him another chance and tells him that the divorce will go through as planned. Mariah refuses to go home with Nick to Sharon's. Ben explains everything to Ashley. She makes him of her new chemist much to Abby's disgust. Victoria and Billy continue to relive the past of when they were married the first time. Billy starts to sign the papers but Victoria stops him. Victor tries to talk to Phyllis and even shows her a picture of Sharon but Phyllis still won't utter a word.", "Nick finally brings Mariah home to Sharon's. Faith hugs her but Mariah refuses to let Sharon near her. Mariah reminds Sharon of all the things that she said to her and Sharon apologizes for the remarks but Mariah doesn't accept her apology. When Mariah asks Sharon about her father, she tells her that he is dead. All Mariah wants to hear that her debt to Sharon is paid in full so she can get out of town. Mariah leaves the house in a huff. Austin tries to talk to Summer about Mariah and how Summer is feeling about it but all Summer can feel is jealousy. Ben watches Ashley and Abby talk. After their meeting, Ben rejoins them and Ashley welcomes him to Jabot. Ashley leaves Ben and Abby alone to plan a strategy for the new product. Abby lets Ben know that this is not going to work between him and Victoria. Billy gets a call from Chelsea which unnerves Victoria. Billy insists that nothing is going on between him and Chelsea. Victor shows Phyllis a picture of Summer and tells her that this is her daughter. Nick finds Mariah in the park and talks her into staying in town and working at the Underground. Mariah walks into work and sees Summer sitting in a nearby booth. Phyllis looks at a picture of Summer and says her name. Nick comes home and lets Sharon know the good news about Mariah. At the Athletic Club, Victoria walks in and sees Abby with Ben at the bar.", "" ]
[ "Summer: Hi. I have roast beef on rye in case you didn't get to lunch.", "Austin: Oh, you saved my life, you know, 'cause working in a club that serves food, I definitely would have starved.", "Summer: Okay, you're right. I just needed an excuse to see you.", "Austin: You don't need an excuse. I miss you, too.", "Summer: Noah? You look a little out of it. Is something wrong?", "Noah: Dad wanted to be the one to tell you this. He's got his hands kind of tied right now, so...", "Summer: Tell me what?", "Noah: You better sit down.", "Sharon: What I have to tell you, it's going to come as a big surprise.", "Faith: I like surprises.", "Sharon: I know you do, sweetie, but this one, even I'm having a hard time getting used to. The thing is, faith, you have a sister.", "Faith: Right. Summer.", "Sharon: I mean besides Summer.", "Faith: I do?", "Sharon: It's Mariah. It turns out she's your sister, too.", "Nick: Hey.", "Mariah: Hi.", "Nick: How are you feeling?", "Mariah: My gosh. I had this crazy dream.", "Nick: Oh, yeah?", "Mariah: Yeah, I was in this place, like, full of junk. Ian was there, and... and I was so tired. I was trying to get away. My head felt like it was swimming with molasses. [Chuckles] And I felt like I couldn't speak. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. And you and Sharon were there. It wasn't a dream, was it?", "Nick: It's true. Ian, uh, he drugged you. He's still out there somewhere. But the police are gonna find him. As far as the marriage is concerned, don't worry about that. You were incapacitated. There's no way that's gonna hold up.", "Mariah: And what about the rest? The part about Sharon being my mom?", "Nick: That's true, too. We have proof. Sharon -- she was here with you all night beside you had to go home and spend some time with faith before you up. But the doctor came in and said as soon as you get dressed and you're able, then, uh, you know, I can take you home.", "Mariah: Home? To Sharon? Forget it. I'm not going.", "Victor: She opened her eyes and that's it? I mean, there's no more progress?", "Dr. Cutler: As I warned you when we started, you shouldn't expect too much too soon. Phyllis is responding well to various stimuli. There's measurable brain activity when a familiar name is mentioned. They are all hopeful signs.", "Victor: Doc, hope is not what I need.", "Dr. Cutler: Recovering from a coma of this duration is a lengthy one.", "Victor: Doc, you're not hearing me. I am telling you I need you to do whatever it takes to shock her back into consciousness.", "Dr. Cutler: Shock her? [Scoffs] This isn't a Mary Shelley novel, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: I don't need your sarcasm. I need her to wake up and to speak with me.", "Ashley: So, Ben Russell is Ben Rayburn?", "Abby: I was about to tell you when he walked in.", "Stitch: I am just as surprised as you are, ok I saw the job opening on a scientific website. There was no men Jabot cosmetics.", "Abby: It doesn't matter. My mom is looking for and she's not about to hire a man whose entire lie is a fraud.", "Victoria: I wish you wouldn't put words in my mouth.", "Billy: From what you were saying, it sounded to you were having second thoughts about the divorce. \"If I could still do it all over\"?\"? Isn't that what you told me?", "Victoria: Even if I was, Billy, you're making too much I it.", "Billy: Am I? These papers still aren't signed, Vick. Say it.", "[Shredder whirs]", "Billy: Say the word, and I will shred these and destroy every rotten thing that we ever said or did start fresh. Come on, Vick. What do you say?", "Summer: Mariah is Cassie's twin? I can't believe this.", "Austin: During your mom's pregnancy, she didn't realize...", "Noah: That there were two babies? No. Look, she was really young. She didn't have the best care. And when she went to go give birth, the doctor and the nurse drugged her so she wouldn't remember anything.", "Summer: How are they not in jail?", "Noah: I don't have a lot of information, but dad tracked these people down -- Mariah's adoptive birth mother, the nurse who delivered the babies, and the doctor.", "Summer: [Stammers]", "Noah: It's confusing. I know. It's...", "Faith: So, Mariah grew up and never knew you were her mom?", "Sharon: Isn't that sad? And she never got to know her sister Cassie.", "Faith: So, who was her mommy? I mean, the mom that adopted her.", "Sharon: Mariah was raised by a woman named Helen Copeland and a few other people. She grew up in sort of a group home. But at least now we know the answer to one question.", "Faith: Why Mariah looks so much like Cassie.", "Sharon: Exactly.", "Noah: I never trusted Mariah, not even when mom was desperate to have her a part of the family.", "Summer: Do you think that some part of Sharon knew?", "Noah: I don't know. Maybe. Yeah. But now it looks like we're gonna have to accept her whether we like it or not.", "Sharon: The plan is for Mariah to come and live with us again. Not as a guest, but this time, as a real member of the family.", "Faith: Even though she broke the rules? Remember? You said she was out of chances.", "Summer: I mean, I guess I'm glad for Sharon's sake that she found her long lost child, but it just sucks it has to be someone like her.", "Sharon: One reason Mariah broke the rules was because she didn't know any better. She didn't have a family growing up to teach her. She didn't know that I was her mom or that Noah was her brother, that you were her sister.", "Faith: And daddy was her daddy.", "Sharon: Exactly. But now he will be her daddy, just like he was with Cassie.", "Nick: I realize this is a shock for you.", "Mariah: I am never going back to that house. Sharon hates me. She threw me out.", "Nick: There's a reason for that.", "Mariah: [Laughing] Why? Because I'm such a tramp?", "Nick: You misunderstood my interest in you. Mariah, first off, I love Sharon. And even if I didn't, I could have never felt the way you wanted me to. When I look at you, I see my daughter.", "Mariah: Your adopted daughter.", "Nick: It doesn't matter to me. In my mind, there is no difference. And now that I know you're Cassie's twin...", "Mariah: What? You're gonna read me bedtime stories? You're gonna tie a ribbon in my hair? It's too damn late for that! I'm never going to fit in to your perfect, little world where people are nice and polite and rich! So please just let me find my own way and leave me the hell alone!", "Nick: Sharon left these clothes for you. Take as long as you need. Get changed. I'll wait outside. When you're ready, I'm gonna take you home. Nice or not, it's where you belong.", "[Door closes]", "Ashley: We're representing Jabot here. For you to make any kind of accusations is completely inappropriate.", "Abby: It's only slander if it isn't true.", "Ashley: I'll handle this. So, your résumé says Ben Russell. Obviously I've only known you as Ben Rayburn.", "Abby: Yeah, because he stole a dead man's identity when he got out of prison. For murder. Yeah, what better way to start over than by committing another crime?", "Ashley: Is that true?", "Stitch: Abby is putting her own spin on things, but the facts are public knowledge. Your brother made sure of that.", "Ashley: I did hear some unconfirmed rumors after my last visit, but I wasn't sure what to believe.", "Stitch: Billy made it his mission to dig up my past and wreck my life.", "Abby: No, you did that yourself when you killed your father.", "Ashley: You killed your father?", "Abby: Mm-hmm.", "Stitch: He was very abusive. It couldn't be helped. And it's a terrible thing that I have to live with every day of my life. And that's all I'm gonna say about it.", "Ashley: So, after Billy uncovered that information, what happened? And how did he wreck things for you?", "Stitch: In addition to losing Victoria, I also lost my job at memorial.", "Ashley: So are you telling me that the entire time you were practicing medicine, including when I sprained my ankle and you treated me in the E.R., you were just pretending to be a doctor?", "Stitch: No, my medical degree was authentic. And so was my desire to make something of my life after I paid my debts to society. But to do that, I had to continue to use the same identity I used in the army, medical school, and everywhere else. I couldn't suddenly go back to being Ben Russell when the world knew me as Ben Rayburn. So...I finessed my license.", "Abby: Just like you finessed your way into Victoria's heart. Are you a fake chemist, too?", "Stitch: I worked in a lab to put myself through medical school. By the time I got my degree, I was running the place. Now, if that's not good enough, if what you want is a safe choice instead of someone with talent and drive, then don't hire me.", "Abby: Great. Great! You just made our job a lot easier. Tell him, mom. Give him your answer.", "Ashley: You're hired.", "Stitch: [Clears throat]", "Victoria: I'm not having second thoughts. It's like I said, I'm just upset that you got served papers", "Billy: Well, I'm upset about a lot more than that.", "Victoria: Okay, let's just not prolong the inevitable, all right? Let's just sign these papers and get it done, Billy. Come on.", "Billy: Okay. If that's what you want. But I want you to something, that no matter how this ends, I'm grateful for all the memories that we've shared. And not just the day that I proposed to you and you said... what'd you say again?", "Victoria: [Scoffs] That would be a yes.", "Billy: Yeah. Right. I did say yes. It's all coming back to me now. Our first wedding.", "Victoria: You mean the invalid one?", "Billy: Technically, but it felt real, didn't it? Looking into each other's eyes, exchanging our vows.", "Victoria: And rum shots.", "Billy: Yeah. We.. [Laughs] We were a little drunk, weren't we? But, you know, some of my favorite memories are of the present, though. Like running into you and Johnny in the park and spending the day at the swings. After a little while there, it felt like we were a family again.", "Victoria: Yeah, I remember.", "Billy: Yeah, and then, um...", "Victoria: You know, as unexpected as that kiss was, it was very cool that you busted me out of the hospital to get me to the school orientation.", "Billy: I couldn't let you miss his first day.", "Victoria: I can't believe I cried like a baby.", "Billy: You're beautiful anyway.", "Victoria: I it. I know it was silly, but I'm so proud of him.", "Billy: Me, too. Must have done something right, huh? But who knows, you know, maybe, um... maybe we can do something right again. [Sighs] [Scoffs] This is just gonna get harder, so, um... let's get this over with, right?", "Victoria: Before we do this, there's just something that I want you to know I don't think that you deserve all the blame. I mean, I've made too. I... I guess my point is...", "Billy: That we belong together?", "Victoria: Billy, we've shared a lot of love, and we've had good times. But we've also hurt each other repeatedly. Luckily we've raised this well- adjusted, amazing little boy. So you and I and Johnny will always be a family. Our marriage is over, Billy.", "Billy: So now what?", "[Cell phone rings]", "Victoria: It's Chelsea. I guess you better take it.", "Abby: Give this guy a job after everything he did?", "Stitch: I got to say, I little mystified myself.", "Ashley: Really? So does that mean you' withdrawing your application?", "Stitch: No way.", "Abby: Can you just no here for a second so I can talk to my mom?", "Ashley: Do you mind?", "Stitch: Not at all.", "Abby: Um, have you lost your mind? Give a job to this creep?", "Ashley: He has an amazing résumé. I mean, really amazing.", "Abby: He also has a rap sheet.", "Ashley: You heard what he said about his father.", "Abby: Yes, and I also know what his situation is with their father, and she thought he was a saint. Who knows what's true?", "Abby: Mom, if stitch can lie about that, then what else could he lie about? And I don't want to be around him, much less trust him with corporate secrets. As a doctor, Ben deals with confidential information every day. Besides, if I can keep him busy working, maybe he won't have time to pursue Victoria, and then maybe, who knows, Victoria and Billy can find their way back to each other.", "Abby: Are you really doing this because you're thinking of Billy, or are you still attracted to the guy yourself?", "Ashley: [Sighs]", "Victor: I want you to know that I meant no disrespect. And I certainly don't want you to do anything unethical, anything that you wouldn't do with another patient. And I certainly don't want you to hurt her. But if there's any way to h her recovery, I would appreciate it enormously.", "Dr. Cutler: I am doing everything humanly possible to ensure a successful outcome. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have several urgent phone calls to return.", "Victor: T for your help. [Sighs] My goodness, Phyllis. It breaks my heart like this. I'd like to take her to Genoa City. There are a lot of people who love you dearly... and who would love for me to report that everything's all right. But I can't do that right now. Although I know you're no longer locked in, that the fog is beginning to lift...let me show you something. Maybe this will jar your memory. She's very important to you. She lives in Genoa City.", "[Door opens]", "Faith: Yay! Mariah's home!", "Nick: All right, let's, uh, let's take it easy, okay?", "Faith: You need a sister bracelet like I have, see? Whenever I miss her, I touch it, and I know she's thinking of me. And she does the same.", "Mariah: Well, that's really nice for you and Summer.", "Sharon: Faith, maybe we can find another way to help Mariah feel at home.", "Faith: Okay. But you have to follow the rules this time, 'cause I really, really, really want you to stay.", "Nick: Hey, why don't you run up to Mariah's room and see if she has enough towels and hangers and, you know, stuff like that?", "Faith: Okay! Are you a love child, too?", "Sharon: Faith, what'd I tell you about saying that to people?", "Faith: Oops. Sorry. I forgot.", "Sharon: She's excited. Listen, I don't blame you for not wanting to be here or for doubting us, me in particular. I also know it must be difficult to accept everything you've learned about the day you were born. It's been quite a shock to us, too. But despite all the pain and the questions and the regrets, I truly believe it's a miracle that you've come home to us.", "Mariah: Don't touch me. Don't come near me.", "Mariah: Have you forgotten all of the horrible things that you said to me when you kicked me out? The way that you made me feel like a worthless piece of trash?", "Nick: Mariah, come on. Sharon didn't make you feel anything. That is the reaction you chose to have after she confronted you about your behavior.", "Sharon: No, I haven't forgotten it. Have you? I came home and I found you parading around in lingerie hoping to seduce nick.", "Mariah: You don't need to remind me. Nick already told me what a pathetic loser I am.", "Nick: Now, that is your interpretation.", "Mariah: The point is, I don't need a lecture from either of you.", "Sharon: I wasn't going to lecture you. I was going to tell you that I forgive you. There's no way you could have known.", "Mariah: I don't need your forgiveness or your pity or your -- your soaps or your fluffy towels. We may have the same genes, but that is all that we have in common.", "Sharon: Don't you have any questions? Aren't there things you want to know?", "Mariah: Okay. Yeah. For starters, I would like to know who my father is. That is, if you even know.", "Sharon: His name is frank Barritt. He was my boyfriend in high school, captain of the football team in Madison, very handsome. We were madly in love until, um...", "Mariah: Until you got pregnant, and then bye-bye, Sharon. Where is he now?", "Sharon: Um... frank is dead.", "Mariah: [Sighs] Gee, how convenient. I guess that's one loose end that you don't have to worry about.", "Nick: All right, Mariah, come on. You're not giving Sharon much of a chance.", "Mariah: What kind of chance did she give me? First she didn't want me as a baby, and then just two days ago, she told me to hit the street. Well, guess what? I have been on my own for most of my life, and I did just fine. The only thing I want from Sharon is for her to say that we are square on the money I owe her so I can get the hell out of here.", "Sharon: Mariah, no, please don't go.", "[Door closes]", "Noah: Summer, I'm gonna get home and check on mom, okay?", "Summer: Yeah, okay. I love you.", "Noah: Love you, too. Hey, Austin. Look after her.", "Austin: It's my job. Hey. You know, I could get my shift covered. We can go home and talk.", "Summer: I'm pretty talked out on the subject of Mariah.", "Austin: You shouldn't be alone right now.", "Summer: It's okay. Just go back to work. I'll be fine.", "Austin: Look, you're not fine. You're upset. Are you afraid that Mariah might still hurt someone in your family?", "Summer: And there's something else, too, and it's really dumb, and I'm not proud of it, but... I'm actually really jealous of her.", "Ashley: The only thing that I'm interested in is the future of the amazing, new product that I'm developing. Besides, Ben is the perfect person to assist me in the lab, Abby.", "Abby: Hmm, making sure there's lots of chemistry?", "Ashley: Honey?", "Abby: Yes?", "Ashley: Knock it off.", "Stitch: So, am I still hired, or did Abby talk you out of it?", "Ashley: I make decisions about people.", "Stitch: Great. When do we start? I have to go to New York on business. But once I'm there, I'll make it a point to gather all the necessary data and have it sent to you A.S.A.P. Good.", "Ashley: I'm gonna call human resources before I go and make sure they issue you a security badge and a new set of keys. Welcome to Jabot, Ben.", "Stitch: Thank you. And I promise you won't regret this decision.", "Ashley: I'll hold you to that. In the meantime, I'm gonna leave you in Abby's extremely capable hands, and the two of you can start strategizing. Bye.", "Abby: It's not gonna work, you know.", "Stitch: What won't work?", "Abby: This job might keep you in Genoa City, but it's not gonna give you what you really want.", "Billy: From what little bit I've been ining a lot better. I'll, uh, I'll pass that along. So, uh, how's Connor? Great. Look, I need to bolt, okay? All right, Chels. Take care.", "Victoria: You didn't have to rush off your call.", "Billy: Chels had things to do, too, so...", "Victoria: Hey, listen, if there's something between the two of you --", "Billy: There's nothing going on.", "Victoria: Okay. Okay. Well, I am late for a business meeting.", "Billy: Great. I'll, uh, shoot this over to my lawyer.", "Victoria: Okay, that sounds..", "Billy: Right. You know, the thing about endings... they're what you need for a new beginning.", "[Door opens]", "[Door closes]", "Victor: I thought you would react when you saw this picture. Maybe the memory of her is too painful for you. If that is the case, I'd like to know why. [Sighs] That is your daughter, Summer. She misses you terribly. Do you recognize her?", "Austin: Why are you jealous of Mariah? She has no friends, and she hasn't had the easiest life, to say the least.", "Summer: She has nick. I told you it was really stupid.", "Austin: Don't say that. Your feelings aren't stupid.", "Summer: It's just that nick raised me, okay? I still think of him as my dad. And now he can be even more of a real father to Mariah. I envy her.", "Austin: Nick has known you since you were a baby. And he's not gonna love you any less than someone he practically just met.", "Summer: I know that. And I love Jack. Don't get me wrong. It just... it kills me knowing that he's gonna look at Mariah and see Cassie's face, and he's gonna feel closer to her than he ever will towards me ever again.", "Austin: Summer.", "Summer: I know this is gonna sound really petty and dumb, but in my opinion, Mariah does not deserve to be a Newman. Not when she's still capable of hurting the people that I love.", "Faith: We have a new sister.", "Noah: I know. It's, uh, it's pretty cool, huh?", "Sharon: Were you able to track down Summer?", "Noah: Yeah. I told her what I know. She's with Austin.", "Sharon: How is she?", "Noah: [Chuckles] She's confused, shaken up.", "Faith: How come?", "Noah: Um, you know what? I'm kind of starving right now, so would you mind making me one of your famous PB&Js;?", "Faith: If you're trying to get rid of me, why didn't you say so?", "Noah: 'Cause I really do want a sandwich.", "Faith: Okay, fine.", "Noah: Thank you. She is getting too smart for me.", "Sharon: She is smart, and she is so loving. She wholeheartedly accepted Mariah. She wants her to be part of our lives.", "Noah: Yeah? Is Mariah for that?", "Sharon: I wish. She had barely been home 10 minutes before she ran off. Nick went out to look for her, but who knows if he'll be able to convince her to come back.", "Mariah: I told you to stay away.", "Nick: You have no money, you have nowhere to go. What are you planning to do?", "Mariah: I'll figure it out. Being poor and alone, it's not anything new.", "Nick: Look, I owe you an apology.", "Mariah: For what?", "Nick: There's a reason you thought I was getting close to you. It's because I was, but I guess not for the reason you were hoping. See, I thought if I got to know you better, then I would know Ian better and that would make me able to protect Sharon and my family and my kids from him.", "Mariah: Got it. They're all that mattered, so go back to them.", "Nick: I can't do that, not without you.", "Mariah: For the last time, I don't want to be a part of your damn family. What I wanted I can't have, so screw it!", "Nick: So, what are you gonna do? You gonna run off to Ian? Meet up with him? Oh, wait. You just found out that he's not so fatherly after all. How about Helen, a woman who didn't want anything to do with you? Or you could find another guy like Tyler and use him for a while or someone like my dad who hires someone like you so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. How'd that work out for you?", "Mariah: Go to hell.", "Nick: Is that a yes? Can I take you home now?", "Mariah: If this is the kind of affection you show Noah and faith, I feel sorry for them.", "Nick: You know, we're not in the affection part yet. We're still in the, uh, \"what the hell happened?\" Phase. I'm not saying this is gonna be easy. Maybe it's gonna be a disaster.", "Mariah: Maybe?", "Nick: Mariah, you cannot undo your DNA, and you can't erase the fact that there's someone decent out there who cares about you, someone who thinks of you as family, someone who will love you always, no matter what.", "Mariah: Sharon doesn't deserve you.", "Nick: You don't even know Sharon or my family. You've only seen them from the point of view as an outsider.", "Mariah: I still am.", "Nick: Well, that's your choice. But the room is still yours. Unless you've gotten a better offer.", "Mariah: Fine. I'll stay in town, but I am not a kid, and I am not ready to go home and play house with you people.", "Noah: Mom, faith really does make the best PB&Js.;", "Sharon: I'm sorry, honey. What?", "Noah: Dad's gonna find Mariah. She couldn't have got that far on foot.", "Sharon: Do you think when Victor hired her to impersonate Cassie, that had something to do with the secret that he was trying to pry out of me, that she was mine? Could that be it? But then why would finding out that I have another child hurt nick? That doesn't make any sense.", "Noah: Mom, look, I know this is not what you want to hear. I don't trust Mariah. She hurt you once before. She's gonna do it again.", "Sharon: But once we show her what real love and support is like...", "Noah: Yeah, sure. Maybe she'll change. Maybe she'll become this amazing person. But that's gonna take time. It's one thing for want an instant sister. But you can't expect to be an instant mother, not to somebody like Mariah, not with her problems.", "Ashley: Hey, Billy. Oh, is that the contract for the new chemist?", "Billy: [Scoffs] No. No, it's a, uh, it's a gift from Victoria to me and on the anniversary of the day that I proposed to her, no less. I think it's what they call, um, irony.", "Ashley: Divorce papers? I'm sorry.", "Billy: It's time to face reality, I guess.", "Ashley: Or not.", "Billy: Ash, they're already signed. They're off to the lawyers, so...", "Ashley: Billy, is that what you want?", "Billy: Hell no. Which I basically said to Victoria. But guess what? She didn't bite, so...", "Ashley: Since when did you become a quitter?", "Billy: Ash, come on. It's over, all right? I don't --", "Ashley: It's not over till it's over. So why don't you just shut up and listen?", "Abby: This new fragrance represents a real departure for Jabot. We're targeting buyers in a rarefied air. Think couture, women who wouldn't be caught dead in something they hadn't seen on a European runway. It's a tiny market, but it's highly influential in our upscale demographic.", "Stitch: Uh, excuse me, but aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?", "Abby: No.", "Stitch: The research and development always comes first. I mean, we have to create the fragrance for Ashley before we can start price, packaging, and selling it.", "Abby: Oh, I'm sorry. You've been in this position -- in this industry -- for what? Five minutes, and suddenly you're an expert?", "Stitch: I'm a scientist, Abby. I deal in facts, not speculation.", "Abby: Well, part of this job is selling a product to a certain niche. Yeah, predetermined by people much higher in the food chain than you are. People who sign your paychecks, capisce?", "Stitch: Oh! I see what's hap-- oh, so you're pulling rank.", "Abby: Mm-hmm. And you're dishing out attitude.", "Stitch: Well, I guess that makes two of us.", "Billy: Just save the sisterly advice, all right? There's nothing you can do to stop this divorce. W who said anything about advice? I have a plan.", "Billy: Oh. I'm almost afraid to even ask.", "Ashley: I have to go to go to New York, but I'm gonna be back home soon. And if stitch continues to be a distraction for Victoria, then, um, as your loving sister, I'll just have to make it my job to ct him.", "Abby: You've never worked in a corporate environment before, so maybe you're not familiar with who reports to whom.", "Stitch: [Chuckles] I was a medic in the united states army for two tours, right? I kind of have a little bit of a grasp on that stuff.", "Abby: It's", "Stitch: No, you're right. Uh, you don't...", "Austin: You're out of the hospital?", "Mariah: So?", "Austin: So, are you okay? How you doing?", "Mariah: Would they have released me if I wasn't?", "Austin: Okay. What are you doing?", "Mariah: What does it look like? I am done working for tips and nick Newman's charity.", "Sharon: You couldn't find Mariah?", "Nick: No, I found her at chancellor park. I'm hoping I was able to talk some sense into her.", "Sharon: Where is she now?", "Nick: I'm guessing she's off somewhere thinking. I did get her to promise she wouldn't leave town.", "Sharon: Oh, thank God!", "Nick: She's gonna be fine, all right? She just needs some time to accept the fact that her family is here.", "Sharon: We are her future, nick. Maybe now you and the kids and I, we can all have the life that we were meant to share together.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victor: Doc, I have been away from my family far too long. I need to get back home. Hopefully Phyllis will have a major breakthrough.", "Dr. Cutler: I'll let you know if there are any significant changes.", "Victor: When, okay?", "Dr. Cutler: Have a safe trip.", "Victor: Thank you for your help. Thank you for everything you have done. Thank you. 14 missed calls? What the hell is going on? Ray, have the jet ready as soon as I get to the airport. We need to get back to Genoa City as soon as possible. Apparently there is something important going on, all right? Yep, let's get the hell out of here.", "Phyllis: S...Summer.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Summer: You have no idea how good you've got it.", "Mariah: What's the matter, Summer? Are you jealous?", "Victor: I would have been here had you called me! But no! You turned to Paul Williams!", "Paul: What happened to your hand?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Several Genoa City residents gather for Katherine's memorial and take turns discussing how their lives have changed in the past year. Adam convinces Chelsea to stay in Genoa City. He tells her he's going to get the key to their penthouse back from the realtor, but goes to Victor's office instead. Knowing that Victor is at the memorial, Adam uses Victor's computer. He calls a computer specialist that he knows, who causes a citywide blackout. Phones go crazy and Esther thinks it's Katherine sending a message. Sage dreams that Victor takes her baby. She wakes up in pain and Nick drives her to the hospital. It is revealed that Adam and the computer specialist he called are working with Ian Ward.", "" ]
[ "Esther: No. Over -- over this way more.", "Jill: No. It's fine.", "Esther: Wait, there's --", "Jill: It's fine, Esther.", "Esther: [Chuckles] Okay.", "Jill: [Scoffs]", "Esther: It's just that I can't wait to see what Mrs. C has in store for us this year.", "Jill: Oh, don't be so ridiculous. Even Katherine wouldn't have had the foresight to plan for two years past her death.", "Paul: Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, remember what she said in her sign off last year.", "Lauren: Ah, that's right. \"Until next year.\"", "Esther: Because she had plans.", "Jill: Really? And where is this mysterious message supposed to appear from? Is it gonna drop from the heavens?", "Paul: Well, you know, it's funny you should mention that, Jill, because I just so happen to have... a letter from our dear, departed Katherine.", "Jill: Good grief!", "Esther: Told you.", "Lauren: I wonder what Katherine would think about her friends and family and everything that's gone on in our lives since she's passed on.", "Lauren: I don't have to wonder. I can just hear the old relic now.", "Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven.", "Lily: You would go to virgin Gorda?", "Cane: To help my brother-in-law find his wife? Of course I will.", "Devon: Thank you, man.", "Cane: You got it, man. I'll take out the first flight after Katherine's remembrance, all right?", "Devon: I'll call Michael and let him know you're gonna meet him down there.", "Cane: You got it.", "Nikki: Devon, have you seen Neil?", "Devon: I saw him earlier. I don't know where he is now, though.", "Nikki: What time, exactly? Wh-when? How long ago?", "Victoria: Mom...can I have a moment?", "Nikki: No, Victoria. I can't right now.", "Victoria: No. It's important.", "Nikki: [Sighs] All right. What is so important?", "Victoria: Why are you so anxious to find Neil?", "Nikki: Oh, isn't it obvious? I want to have an affair with him. Mr. Hamilton. You're fighting extradition back to the British virgin islands. Is that a sign of guilt?", "Cane: All right. Get out. This is private property. Or is it a ploy, like you claiming to believe your new wife is still alive?", "Lily: Okay, I'm calling security.", "Cane: Shut the camera down. Shut the camera --", "Devon: Actually, you know what? No, no, no, no. Let them stay. This might be the only way I can help find Hilary. I'll answer your questions.", "Neil: You are gonna have a whole lot of questions when you wake up. Don't you worry. I'm gonna be right here to explain everything.", "Nick: I'm not going to the remembrance and leaving you with a grumpy kid.", "Sage: I don't think she's grumpy. I think she's under the weather.", "Faith: I'm bored.", "Nick: Uh, you want to watch a movie?", "Sage: Hey. Do you want to talk to your little baby brother or sister?", "Faith: Through your belly?", "Sage: Yeah. Well, that's the only way at this point.", "Faith: What should I say?", "Sage: Hmm. What do you think? I think anything you want.", "Faith: hey, baby!", "Nick: I don't think you need to shout.", "Faith: Hey. I'm your big sister. Pleased to meet you. Are you a boy or a girl? Do you have hair yet? Is it blond like mine?", "Sage: [Chuckles]", "Faith: Do you already love me as much as I love you? [Gasps]", "Sage: Oh.", "Faith: What was that?", "Sage: I think someone's trying to answer you. The baby just moved.", "Chelsea: I'm taking my son. We're going alone. I can't let you come with us.", "Adam: And I'm not letting you walk out that door without me. We are a family now, okay? We're a family, which means we stick together. We stay here together or we leave together.", "Chelsea: If you come with us, what if we get caught, we get arrested, and you get fingerprinted? Everyone will know who you are. Your life will be over.", "Adam: No. My life will be over if I lose you and Connor. Besides, running, disappearing -- that's not the answer. You know, my father -- he has a long reach, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: We have money. I will find a place to hide from Victor.", "Adam: I'm not gonna have my son growing up under an assumed name on the run.", "Chelsea: I don't want that either, Adam, but what other choice do we have?", "Adam: We stay here, and we give my father exactly what he wants.", "Jack: I'm here to talk to you about this paragon project.", "Victor: Oh. Really? So, you're here to admit your mistakes and confess your sins? Is that it?", "Jack: Not only am I not behind it, I'm not even certain it actually exists.", "Victor: You doubt me?", "Jack: Always. But in case there is a real threat, I think we should work together on solving it. And before you say no, consider what's really important today and do it in the spirit of a terrific old broad.", "Kevin: She would have liked you.", "Mariah: Oh, I very much doubt that. Rich people don't usually like me. Actually, it doesn't really matter if they're rich or not. Most people do not appreciate my charms.", "Kevin: Mrs. C would have. She would have liked how you always say what's on your mind, whether or not people want to hear it. And she would have appreciated how kind you are.", "Mariah: [Gasps] I am not kind.", "Kevin: You are, too.", "Mariah: Name one time!", "Kevin: With faith.", "Mariah: Okay, well, she's a kid, and she was the first person to be nice to me here.", "Kevin: Mariah, you're kind. Admit it.", "Mariah: I will admit I'm looking forward to our date later.", "Kevin: Good. Me, too.", "Lauren: Hey. I'm so glad you made it.", "Kevin: Hi. I wouldn't miss it. And I wanted to introduce, uh, Murphy to Mariah. He was married to Mrs. C. Where is he?", "Lauren: Unfortunately, he broke his leg.", "Kevin: What?", "Jill: Yes. Just last week in a fishing accident.", "Kevin: Oh. So, he's not coming at all?", "Paul: Well...we're here. And we are all trying to carry on with Katherine's request from the last year -- to -- to do something that would make her proud.", "Jill: Ah. Something that would make her proud. A facelift! She could have another facelift.", "Mariah: Uh, isn't that kind of rude? I mean, she's -- she's dead.", "Jill: And you're with her.", "Kevin: Yeah, um, Mrs. C and -- and Jill would sort of be snipy with each other. It was their thing.", "Esther: Yeah, and Jill still acts like she's being tortured by Mrs. C.", "Jill: For god's sake, we had a complicated relationship, okay?", "[Siren wails]", "[Pounding on door]", "Kay: Anybody hear me?! We're in here! We're in a freakin' bathroom!", "Jill: Yeah, we're in the bathroom! And we can't stand the sight of each other!", "Kay: Just take us out of our misery, please!", "Jill: It's torture! It's cruel and unusual!", "Kay: Yes, she certainly is.", "Jill: Please let me do something! Send in the marines!", "Kay: Oh, for god's sake, it's not a game show, Jill. They're not gonna send in 50 bachelors. What's the matter with you? I think our viewers would like to know a little more about Hilary. What was she like?", "Devon: Well, I tell you what she is like. Because I would really like for your viewers to help me to find her. She is a smart woman, and whoever took her, she would have fought them to get back to me. How did a guy like you fall in love with her?", "Devon: What exactly do you mean by that? Well, you are a billionaire.", "Devon: And my wife is a beautiful woman who could have any man in the world. Including your father.", "Devon: Me loving Hilary is not extraordinary. The fact that that amazing woman loves me as much as she does -- that's remarkable. And the fact that's she chosen me to spend the rest of her life with -- that's a blessing, and I'm not gonna rest until my beautiful wife is back home with me.", "Neil: You know, Hilary, you survived one hell of a fall down that slope, you know? [Chuckles] Another minute in that water, the undertow would have carried you right out to sea. You'd have been fish food if it weren't for me. I saved your life. I didn't let you drown. I ran down that hill and jumped in the water. I dove right in. I pulled you out. And I gave you the breath of life. Strange thing is... no one knows that I saved your life.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Devon: Not knowing where my wife is or if she's safe is killing me. So, I'm asking if anyone out there has information on Hilary, please come forward.", "Chelsea: You'd agree to giving visitation rights to Victor? You hate your father.", "Adam: I'm just saying if we don't put up a huge fight now, we have a better case with the judge. That's what I'm saying.", "Chelsea: Okay, but let me ask you something. What about if Victor just, you know, stops by for a play date with your son? How are we gonna handle that, Adam?", "Adam: We can limit his visitation if we handle things the right way, legally. We can keep Victor from getting his tentacles too deeply into our son. We can do that.", "Chelsea: How are you gonna prevent that from happening? Once he has access to --", "Adam: Chelsea, if we don't start an all-out war with my father right now, he's gonna lose interest, all right? I know the man. He's not gonna see it as a threat, and he'll -- he'll leave us alone. He'll start paying attention to his other grandchildren, the kids who actually need it. [Sighs] Why don't you think this is gonna work?", "Chelsea: Because of you. You are acting very calm and very rational right now, but I know you, Adam. And I know the second you see Victor playing with Connor, you are gonna go right for your father's throat.", "Victor: Are you even in a position to make a deal, considering you're no longer running things at Jabot?", "Jack: Did you really think I was just gonna ride off in the sunset? Ashley is running things at Jabot. I will continue to protect my family's interests. If, indeed, you are right and this paragon project is a real threat, I know I'm not behind it, which could mean that Jabot is also a target. And I want to protect the Abbotts.", "Victor: So, what's your proposition?", "Jack: That you and I continue to work independently to find the source of this threat and share all of our findings. Look, we were able to deal with this Marco Annicelli thing together. I suggest we deal with this threat together.", "Victor: All right. Deal.", "[Telephone rings]", "Victor: Yes? Who is this?", "Nikki: So, I was just kidding about starting an affair with Neil.", "Victoria: Uh, I knew that.", "Nikki: I wish your father were as rational as you are. He is actually jealous of my friendship with Neil, or my former friendship.", "Victoria: What happened between you and Neil?", "Nikki: Oh, he thinks I betrayed his trust, and I-I guess I did, but not to the point where he should cut me out of his life completely. That is your father's part of it.", "Victoria: Well, for dad to go to that extreme, he must have had a good reason.", "Nikki: Well, maybe I did give your father a reason.", "Victoria: Mom, why would you do that?", "Nikki: I -- he just makes me so crazy sometimes. I get so upset, especially this time. There is absolutely no reason for him to be jealous. It's just easier to talk to Neil.", "Victoria: Because he's also an alcoholic.", "Nikki: Maybe. I don't know. But we understand each other. Neil? Did Victor ask you not to see me anymore?", "Neil: I think that's a moot point now, 'cause I'm not interested in your version of friendship. Hey.", "Devon: Hey.", "Neil: You know, I saw that interview. Heartbreaking. Very emotional.", "Devon: And...?", "Neil: And I think it was very smart for you to try know, set the record straight.", "Devon: Well, I don't know if it did any good, but, um, Cane is going to the virgin islands for me.", "Adam: Now that I have you and Connor back in my life, I'm not gonna risk losing you just to get back at my father, all right? I'm not. I will continue to be Gabriel Bingham. Outside these walls, no one has to know. I will continue to do it flawlessly. No one will know that I'm Adam Newman.", "Chelsea: I'm not sure you can pull this off.", "Adam: You're not sure I can pull this off? Why don't you have a little faith in me, baby, okay? I know this isn't the ideal situation, but it's all we have right now. Plus, you know, we'll secretly be getting back at Victor a little bit. I'll be living right under his nose, and he will continue to be clueless.", "[Phone slams]", "Jack: Who was that?", "Victor: Damned if I know.", "Jack: If we're gonna share information, you can't hold back from me.", "Victor: Someone just called on the private line without identifying themselves. Trying to play games with me, I guess.", "Nikki: [Sighs] It's just a difficult day, all the way around, with Katherine's memorial.", "Victoria: You know, we should head over there.", "Nikki: Is your father planning on going?", "Victoria: You know the way he felt about Katherine. He wouldn't miss it. Come on. Let's go.", "Faith: It's so cool! My little brother or sister is already trying to talk me! [Exclaims]", "Nick: Well, I love it that you're excited, know, maybe we should shut this party down.", "Faith: Sage is sleeping?", "Nick: Yeah. Pregnancy takes a lot out of you. She could use the rest. And I know somebody else in this room who's probably up past their bedtime.", "Faith: Ugh.", "Nick: Come on. I'll read you some books.", "[Door opens]", "Victor: Well, my goodness. There's my grandchild.", "Sage: Hello, Victor.", "Victor: Look at that. Healthy and robust -- it's a Newman.", "Sage: It's the most beautiful baby in the world.", "Victor: Oh, he's the brightest and the strongest boy in the world.", "Sage: How did you know it was a boy?", "Victor: I know everything. Now, let me have that boy.", "Sage: You can't take my baby.", "Victor: Now, you say, \"bye-bye\" to your boy.", "[Door closes]", "Sage: [Gasps] [Sighs] Stupid dream. [Groans] [Exhales slowly]", "Adam: Hey.", "Chelsea: Hi.", "Adam: Uh, just got a call from the real-estate agent. She wants to meet me over at the condo.", "Chelsea: Why? What's going on?", "Adam: Somebody made an offer on both the penthouses.", "Chelsea: Aha. Of course they did.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Now that we're staying.", "Adam: You can believe that.", "Chelsea: So, which one should we keep?", "Adam: You know, I was thinking about that. I-I wouldn't mind keeping the original one, you know? We sort of lived there before and...", "Chelsea: We have some great memories there.", "Adam: We do. We do. We can make new memories, right? Want to do that?", "Chelsea: Okay.", "Adam: Okay. I'll go meet her. I'll ask for the key back.", "Chelsea: Okay, bye.", "Adam: Bye.", "Chelsea: Oh, actually, wait. My mom's gonna drop Connor off soon, so why don't you wait, and then we can all go together.", "Adam: That sounds good. I could do that. I could do that. Of course, she, you know -- real-estate agent said she was in a hurry, so I don't want to -- I don't want to miss her.", "Chelsea: Aren't they always in a hurry?", "Adam: They are.", "Chelsea: Okay. Well, go.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Adam: Okay. Bye. Mwah!", "Chelsea: Adam.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: Before you cancel this sale, I have to ask you one more time. Are you really ready to live here in Victor's world again?", "Adam: Baby, it's not his world anymore, okay? It's ours. It's ours for the taking. See you soon.", "[Door closes]", "Esther: You and Mariah make a pretty couple.", "Kevin: Oh, we're not a, uh -- thank you, Esther.", "Esther: I'm just happy that you're happy.", "Kevin: Any word from Chloe?", "Esther: She has said that she's doing much better.", "Kevin: I'm glad. I want her to be happy, too.", "Paul: All right. Welcome, everybody. Good evening. As you know, we are here to celebrate the life of our dear friend Katherine chancellor. And to that end, I just so happen to have a letter from our dearly departed friend. And I have abided by her instructions. I have not opened it. I have not even tried to peek. But as per her request, she said that I should read the letter when we are all gathered, so I will do that now. \"I would like to begin my latest posthumous tribute by having the following read by... Jill foster Fenmore Reynolds chancellor Thurston brooks Abbott sterling Abbott Atkinson.\"", "Colin: Hey.", "Paul: \"Forgive me, Jill, if I've left anyone out or if you've added a husband or three in the short time since my passing.\"", "[Laughter]", "Jill: I don't even recognize some of those names. She made those marriages up.", "Paul: \"And if you still haven't lost your eyesight, hips, or mobility...\"", "Jill: Good lord.", "Paul: \"...Due to your advancing age, would you please stand up and read this letter?\"", "[Laughter]", "Jill: You old bat. You just couldn't resist taking a last shot, even from the grave, could you?", "[Applause]", "Nick: Well, faith thinks you need an earlier bedtime, and I think I agree with her.", "Sage: She's probably right about that.", "Nick: Come on. Let's get you to bed.", "Sage: Okay.", "Nick: There we go.", "Sage: Ohh. Oh, wow.", "Nick: Are you all right?", "Sage: Yeah, I just, uh, felt a little pain a few minutes ago. [Groans]", "Nick: That bad?", "Sage: I don't know. It's not as bad as before, but...", "Nick: Let's just -- let's be safe, and let's go see a doctor.", "Sage: No. I don't -- I don't think it's that big of a deal. I --", "Nick: Can we just make sure? Look, I'm -- I'm calling summer. They're gonna come watch faith, and then I'm taking you to the hospital.", "Jill: \"My darlings, here we are again, at least I hope we are. I'm sure some of you couldn't make it, or maybe one of you has even joined me on this heavenly cloud. But don't grow maudlin. I still want my life celebrated and not cried over. Remember me in the spirit in which I lived, or at least tried to. I'd like you to speak of how you've hopefully improved your lives since last year's little exercise since, unfortunately, I'm not [Chuckling] Around to smack some sense into you in person.\"", "Kay: Oh, Victor, talking to you is like talking to the sky. Not that I mean you're godlike.", "Victor: More like talking to a brick wall, right?", "Kay: [Chuckles] Well, I've tried to appeal to your reasonable side.", "Victor: Well, I've been reasonable with her. She just made a bad choice. That's all.", "Kay: Let's be honest. Real honest. You are treating Nikki like this just to punish her because she has, um, found a man, she's found her independence.", "Victor: That's about the long and the short of it.", "Kay: And you're angry because she left you and, uh, you no longer can tell her what to do.", "Victor: Somebody better tell her what to do. She made a total mess of things. You know that.", "Kay: You know, one day, you're gonna be old and very lonely. And you're gonna find that control is not everything. That time comes, and it's gonna be too late 'cause Nikki has simply moved on.", "Victoria: Where are you going?", "Victor: I'd rather remember Katherine in private.", "Kay: Oh, it's just gorgeous, Nikki. It's beautiful.", "Nikki: Thank you. Well, are you happy for me?", "Kay: Well, and also relieved that you two have found your way back to each other.", "Nikki: But you know, it feels different this time.", "Kay: Mm?", "Nikki: Victor has reassessed where he's been and where he's going. He's making some smart choices about the kind of life he wants to have.", "Kay: Well, I certainly hope he's serious about that. Because I was the one who dispensed that particular advice.", "Nikki: Ah, well, then I am forever indebted to you.", "Kay: Nikki, because I love you so much, I just -- I hope you don't assume these changes are permanent. It's very difficult -- it's hard for a man to reinvent himself. Who knows how it's going with someone as successful and unwavering as one Victor Newman.", "Jill: Well, my life has changed in the last year. For one thing, my marriage is better than ever. [Chuckles] And my finest accomplishment is that I reclaimed Katherine's company. So...I kind of feel like, at long last, I have lived up to Katherine's final challenge for me.", "Victoria: I have a beautiful daughter now, Katherine rose, who I named after her strong, very outspoken godmother.", "Nikki: Well, I rediscovered this wonderful thing called sobriety thanks, in part, to the letter that I wrote Katherine last year and to her continued inspirational influence on my life.", "Paul: It gives me great comfort to know that the daughter my wife, Chris, and I lost this year is in heaven with -- with Katherine.", "Cane: And despite all these obstacles, we have managed to keep our marriage together.", "Lily: Yes, we have had a lot of challenges lately, but we try to remind ourselves of the wedding that Katherine gave us in France and her faith that we would be together forever.", "Colin: Well, I've been making Jill happy and crazy both at the same time, which I think Katherine would approve of. [Chuckling]", "Esther: I still miss my boss and my friend, and I always will.", "[Cell phone beeps]", "Mariah: Um...there's some emergency. I've got to go babysit faith. Can we rain check our date?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. Stuff happens. We'll catch up later.", "Mariah: Okay. Thanks.", "Kevin: I am moving on with my life, and that is a lesson that I learned from Katherine.", "Devon: Last year, when I wrote to Katherine, I began to confess my love for my wife, Hilary. When I think about where I am today, I'm finally able to love her, but she's gone. And, uh, I'm just very grateful that I still have my family. And I owe that to my grandmother, because she taught me how to win back someone's trust.", "Kay: I am simply here to try and find a way to make things right between you and me. I mean, can you understand we're family? That -- that is bottom line.", "Devon: So, I'm lifting this prayer up to you, Katherine, to please watch over Hilary and bring her back to me.", "Lily: Go ahead, dad.", "Neil: What? Oh, no, no, no. I don't Katherine wants to hear anything I have to day.", "Lily: Why not?", "Neil: Well, um, you know, I might have regained my sight this year, but I don't think my life has really improved all that much.", "Jack: Katherine and I had our paths cross many times in business. This last year has had a lot of ups and downs for me. In the end, though, I realize something Katherine knew all along. There are far more valuable things in this life than companies.", "[Keyboard clacking]", "[Keyboard clacking]", "Adam: Yeah, it's me. Uh, listen, we have a limited time frame here while everyone's at the memorial. I am in Victor Newman's office. I'm sitting behind his laptop here. And, uh, right now, I'm behind a firewall, typing in code. Then it's go time. Oh, you messed up. Check that third number.", "Adam: Okay. [Keyboard clacking] There. We are in like Gunga Din.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Victor: What problem at the ranch? And Nicholas drove her to the hospital himself? Why didn't they call an ambulance? No, no, no. It's -- it's all right for you to call. Thank you very much.", "Paul: Katherine had the unique ability to be so... truthful with her faults and share her wisdom. It affected all our lives in such a positive way. And I think it's amazing that, uh, she continues to do this now, even from her heavenly resting place.", "Jill: [Muttering] Or maybe someplace a little hotter.", "Paul: So, if anyone has anything else to say, now -- now is the time.", "[Wind whistles]", "[Thunder crashes]", "Lauren: What's wrong with the phones?", "Kevin: I don't know. Mine's doing the same thing.", "Esther: This is weird.", "Mariah: What the hell?", "Lily: What's going on with the phones?", "Cane: Do you know what that was?", "Kevin: Maybe some kind of electromagnetic signal. I... oh.", "Paul: Oh. What was that?", "Mariah: Shh.", "Kevin: I was worried about you during the blackout.", "Mariah: You were?", "Kevin: Yeah.", "Mariah: Oh. Hey, come here. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.", "Kevin: What's that about?", "Mariah: She tends to wake up every time I move, so... [Chuckles]", "Kevin: Like I said, you're sweet.", "Mariah: Like I said, she's a kid.", "Kevin: All right, well, looks like you have everything here under control.", "Mariah: Yeah, I do.", "Kevin: So, I'm just gonna take off.", "Mariah: Wait, hey. Can you please stay? I'm actually, uh, kind of glad that you came to visit me. Us.", "Kevin: Yeah, me, too.", "Mariah: So much for a hot date.", "[Both chuckle]", "Kevin: We keep doing this. We keep skipping steps.", "Mariah: Yeah, now it seems like we've skipped the next three -- married couple to parents' night in. [Chuckles]", "Sage: It was a miracle I could get pregnant in the first place. What if I can't stay pregnant?", "Nick: Hey. We're not even gonna think like that, okay? Okay? You haven't had any more pains, right?", "Sage: No.", "Nick: And you and faith -- you got to feel the baby tonight.", "Sage: Yeah. I almost forgot how nice that was. [Inhales deeply] Okay. I'm done worrying. Thank you. I feel -- I feel better.", "Nick: Now, you know it's not fair to keep things from your husband. What aren't you telling me?", "Sage: It's just the signs and superstition stuff again. I know I shouldn't even worry about that.", "Nick: What kind of signs?", "Sage: Right before I felt my first pain, I had a nightmare that we lost our child.", "Nick: Oh. Well, that -- that makes sense. I mean, you're worried about miscarrying.", "Sage: No, it wasn't a miscarriage. That's the thing. I had a dream that your father -- Victor took our baby.", "Esther: I think that wind and blackout was Mrs. C sending us a message.", "Colin: To go home?", "Esther: No. She's giving us word that she's still here with us.", "Jill: [Mockingly] Or she's giving us a warning.", "Lily: Are you okay?", "Victoria: Yeah. It's just strange. Up there.", "Lily: What? The light?", "Victoria: It's the only light for miles.", "Lily: There's only one building in the whole town with power.", "Victoria: Newman tower.", "Adam: Looks like practically every light is off in the entire city except here. Did you do that? Temporarily, just to cover us and wipe you from security cams.", "Adam: Listen, just, uh, hurry the along, okay? We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention. Will you just download the damn file already, please? Hey, boss. He wants to light the fire.", "Ian: Do it. [Chuckles]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Sage: Oh!", "Nikki: My god! Are you all right?", "Nick: Is there something that you didn't want to say in front of Sage? Is there some reason I should be concerned about the baby?", "Victoria: Dad, is that you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Tessa defends Mariah against one of Hilary's snarky remarks and Hilary tells Tessa that Mariah was once in a cult and knows how to defend herself. Alice talks to Zack on the phone and sends him a picture of the girls in the sex ring and tells him that Sharon has been asking her a lot of questions about her job but she didn't say a word to her about it because she wants to keep her job. Zack asks Alice about \"Rainbow\" girl aka Crystal and she tells him that she is one of the most requested girls but she has been causing a lot of trouble. Graham offers to finish Dina's Parker beauty report because he knows she won't be able to finish it by today when it is due ad he tells her he will e-mail it to her later. Ravi installs new software in Dina's computer when she gets to work and he and Ashley notice when Graham sends her the e-mail with the Parker Beauty report and Ashley wonders why Dina is letting Graham see confidential Jabot information. Jack persuades Hilary to feature the Parker Beauty line on her show when they are ready to launch the line. Victoria stops the elevator between floors to confront Phyllis and tell her that she knows the she pushed Benjamin Hochman to pursue both her as well as Brash and Sassy. Victoria also tells Phyllis she knows about Jabot's plan to try to get Brash and Sassy out of Fenmore's Victoria tells Billy that she suspects Phyllis is working with Jack to put Brash and Sassy out of business. Victoria tells Billy that she is very grateful for his loyalty to the company and that they can support each other personally. Victoria also tells Billy that she appreciates how much he has matured since they first met and latter married. Victoria gives Billy a passionate kiss and quickly apologizes telling Billy she doesn't want to cause problems in his relationship with Phyllis.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: I know what you're up to.", "Phyllis: Riding the elevator? Or I was, until you stopped it.", "Victoria: You're plotting and you're scheming.", "Phyllis: Ohhh! Okay. You're worried that I'm planning another rendezvous with billy in here? Actually, I do take the elevator to get from floor to floor, and not just to have hot sex with your ex-husband.", "Victoria: You see? Right there. That bitchy dig just proves it. So, what is your goal, phyllis? Are you out to take me down? My company? Or both?", "Sharon: Alice is hiding something at the very least. I mean, she misled me straight to my face, saying that she was just passing through town when clearly she lives so closeby. Then her neighbor mentioning that she saw her niece visiting? Alice doesn't have a niece. Besides her mother, alice doesn't have any family. So this niece must be one of the prostitutes. You see? It all adds up. My instincts were right in the first place. Alice is part of the sex ring.", "Ashley: Oh, god.", "Ravi: I know that look. What's jack done now?", "Ashley: Billy and victoria might be right. I think jack is trying to undermine brash & sassy.", "Ravi: Oh, my god. How?", "Ashley: I'm just trying to piece the whole thing together myself. I mean, the best-case scenario is that it's some petty, underhanded scheme that's completely unnecessary for us to hit our revenue target.", "Ravi: Okay, and worst-case scenario? Something illegal?", "Ashley: I hope not.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] Have you conftoned him?", "Ashley: He didn't deny it. He didn't admit it. He's guilty.", "Ravi: I'm sorry to hear that.", "Ashley: This is typical jack behavior. When things don't go his way or he's nursing a grudge, he's not above playing dirty.", "Ravi: If this is his typical M.O., Why are you so concerned?", "Ashley: Because it's not right. And it could backfire. I mean big time. There could be repercussions that would affect our company. That's why I have to get as much information as I can get.", "Jack: Have a seat.", "Hilary: It has been too long. We have so much catching up to do. I have not had a moment to breathe since I got back from new york. I was shooting a huge commercial. On-camera talent for a national spot.", "Jack: You never let anything get in your way. Always making inroads.", "Hilary: Well, isn't that what a rising star is supposed to do?", "Jack: Not when it comes at the expense of people I care about. Additional sponsorship", "Scott: On reflection, we need to be careful about jumping in with both feet and accusing alice.", "Sharon: But...the evidence.", "Scott: Right now, it's a theory you're trying to support. There could be other explanations for what you observed. I mean, it's possible there is no local sex-trafficking ring for her to be a part of.", "Sharon: What happened to the guy who said he trusted my instincts? And then went home last night and used alice's credit card to get her billing address? I mean, I was trying to talk myself out of this, and you were telling me there was something to it.", "Scott: Could be something to it. I think what I said was that it's worth pursuing. But, you know, it's not a foregone conclusion.", "Sharon: Okay, so, now what? You're playing devil's advocate? 'Cause I-I'm not sure I know where you stand.", "Scott: Because I haven't decided yet. I'm still examining the facts. Let's take it piece by piece.", "Sharon: Okay. Good. Um, alice lied to me about where she lives.", "Scott: Maybe she didn't want you to know that she had relocated here from madison. Not until she knew where things stood. I mean, she had no idea if you or nick still blamed her for what happened to cassie.", "Sharon: I suppose.", "Scott: Yeah. I mean, it's plausible.", "Sharon: But the niece is not plausible.", "Scott: Well, maybe alice had a niece you never knew about. I mean, you hardly knew her.", "Sharon: No, scott. She didn'T.", "Scott: Well, I mean, how can you be so sure?", "Sharon: Because of the custody case. We found out that there were no other relatives that could have cared for cassie. It was just alice and her mother, period.", "Scott: I mean, the girl could be a husband's relative.", "Sharon: She told me that she had no one special in her life.", "Scott: Maybe not now. But you haven't seen each other for years, and a lot can happen in that time. Relationships she doesn't want to discuss. Or she could be an honorary aunt. I mean, maybe a friend's kid uses it as a term of endearment.", "Sharon: No. Nobody would make alice johnson an honorary anything. Will you stop fighting with me about this?", "Alice: Make yourself at home, okay? Okay. I don't need this, zack. Sending girls to my house?", "Zack: It's temporary. You'll live. I want to know why you were late last night.", "Alice: [ Sighs ] I ran into a couple of nosy people from my past, and i couldn't get away from them.", "Zack: Friends?", "Alice: [ Sighs ] Not exactly.", "Zack: Do we need to deal with them?", "Alice: No, I haven't seen them in years. It was more a, \"what you been up to?\" Kind of thing.", "Zack: You didn't tell them anything, right?", "Alice: I'm not stupid. I want to keep my job.", "Zack: Next time, don't let anything keep you. I don't like waiting. I got your text. Everything all right?", "Alice: Yeah. I was, uh, hoping we could talk about the \"premium service\" girls.", "Zack: Who'd you select?", "Alice: Okay, hold on a sec, okay? Okay. I just sent you a link. Take a look. I think you'll find they're all precious.", "Zack: Who's rainbow girl?", "Alice: She's one of our most requested. But...she's been trouble.", "Sharon: That's a nice photo.", "Tessa: Oh, uh...", "Sharon: Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Or to spy.", "Tessa: No, don't worry about it.", "Sharon: Crystal looks so happy there.", "Tessa: We, uh -- we spent the day at the park. We just hung out and... laughed and... we had some good times. Not enough, though.", "Sharon: It's so hard to believe that that's the same young woman who called in to the crisis hotline, scared and feeling alone. Would you send me a copy of that photo? It's just...her smiling, this is the image I want to keep with me until we find her. Uh, if that's not too weird.", "Tessa: No, not at all. I'm happy that my sister has someone like you on her side. I'll -- I'll text it to you.", "Sharon: Do you need anything? A refill?", "Tessa: Uh... no. Just for my sister to be okay.", "Sharon: I'm doing all I can to make that happen.", "Abby: Tessa. Hey.", "Tessa: Oh, hey. Abby.", "Abby: Hey. The world's newest hit-maker.", "Tessa: Oh, I wish.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, I heard your song on devon's new streaming service. It's very catchy.", "Tessa: Oh, thank you. It took us a few times to record it.", "Abby: Well, you nailed it. So, is it as cool to be a singer as I think it is?", "Tessa: Oh, way cooler.", "Abby: [ Laughs ]", "Tessa: I mean, especially when people respond to your music.", "Abby: Do you have fans coming up to you all the time?", "Tessa: Nope, you're the first.", "Abby: Ahh.", "Tessa: I'm not on the radar. Yet.", "Abby: Well, I predict it'll be very soon. You'll be blowing up. And to think that it all started at an open-mike night at the underground.", "Tessa: Crazy, right?", "Abby: Crazy, yeah. [ Laughs ] Well, I will be at your next show. I signed up for your mailing list. So I think it'll be a fun little date night.", "Tessa: Oh, for you and, uh, um, zack, right?", "Abby: Yeah, you know him?", "Tessa: I met him at the benefit concert.", "Abby: That's right. Yeah. Uh, zack's first introduction to the newman family and all of their drama. [ Both laugh ] But her survived. And, miracle of all miracles, he passed my dad's interrogation.", "[ Laughs ]", "Tessa: Wow.", "Dina: Oh, come in. Come in.", "Graham: Ooh. Should I come back later?", "Dina: Well, for you, I have time.", "Graham: [ Chuckles ] Pretty impressive setup you have here.", "Dina: Oh, thank you.", "Graham: Everything you need to succeed at jabot.", "Dina: Well, not quite everything. I can make a run to the office-supply store if you need it.", "Dina: Oh, really? Do they sell time?", "Graham: Oh, you're behind schedule.", "Dina: Well, yeah, a little. I -- I just wanted to get the marketing analysis finished today.", "Graham: Let me help.", "Dina: I don't know.", "Graham: You've trusted me with important projects at mergeron.", "Dina: That's true.", "Graham: So, why don't you head into the office while i finish up the reports? If you're late, jack and ashley will worry. You don't want that, do you?", "Dina: I see your point.", "Graham: [ Sighs ] So you go, and I'll e-mail the materials as soon as they're done. No one will be the wiser.", "Dina: Thank you.", "Jack: Yes, nikki is less-than-pleased with you after the way you attacked members of her family.", "Hilary: Attacked? No, jack. I presented the facts. I aired a video that showed events that occurred in a public place. Both times.", "Jack: Semantics, hilary. In nikki's eyes...", "Hilary: Your friend is welcome to come down to the studio and do a sit-down. We can tell her side of the story.", "Jack: That is not going to happen. She views your program as exploitative.", "Hilary: Well, she is wrong. I've worked very hard to evolve my brand, and my audience sees \"the hilary hour\" as something that is helpful. It's inspiring, educational. Seeing another family's dysfunction, it can start a dialogue.", "Jack: I'll be sure to pass on that little nugget of wisdom.", "Hilary: Jack, I'm sorry that nikki is mad, but I can't stop doing my job just because it upsets someone, no matter how big they are in this town.", "Jack: Speaking of victor newman, seeing his face splashed across the screen, getting nothing but bad press only makes me happy.", "Hilary: Oh, is that why you're seeing nikki again, hmm? To make victor miserable?", "Jack: My relationship with nikki has nothing to do with the mustache.", "Hilary: Uh-huh.", "Jack: We have a long history of looking out for each other. That's exactly what we're doing right now.", "Hilary: I'm not judging. Just want to make sure that you know that you are playing a very dangerous game.", "Jack: You're not the first to say that.", "Hilary: I'm sure I won't be the last.", "Jack: Hilary, you and I are both people who are willing to take risks. That's why I asked you to have coffee with me today. I think you can help me with a little plan of mine.", "Phyllis: Okay, you're not making any sense, so why don't you move so I can get where I'm going?", "Victoria: I know all about you and benjamin hochman.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Victoria: You told him to go out with me. Don't bother denying it.", "Phyllis: Oh, wait a minute, is this junior high? Because if I nudged him in your direction, what's the problem with that? You clearly said yes. In fact, it was more like, \"oh, yes, benjamin! Oh, yes!\"", "Victoria: You must see me as the biggest threat on earth.", "Phyllis: I have wiped the floor with people twice your size, okay?", "Victoria: I know you hate all of the overtime that billy's been putting in. In fact, the word that he used was \"furious.\" Oh, was he not supposed to tell me that? I'm so sorry. Well, he did. One night, late at work, heads together, really close, he took into his confidence and told me how anxious you are about all of the time that he's been spending away from you.", "Phyllis: Okay, you need to get over yourself.", "Victoria: Are you part of this plan of benjamin's to take down brash & sassy? Or was this all your idea to begin with, phyllis?", "Phyllis: Are you always this paranoid? Because, really, there is no... ...start pulling it together. 'Cause the last thing you need is another embarrassing.... ...on \"the hilary hour!\"", "Phyllis: I am not in bed with ben hochman like you were, and I don't know what's going on with you, but you seriously need some help.", "Victoria: I'm not the one that's gonna need help when this is all over with. So whatever you're planning to do next, don'T.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Billy: I was looking for you. I got news.", "Victoria: Okay. Let's hear it.", "Billy: I put something in motion that should help bring our sales numbers up at fenmore'S.", "Victoria: Great. Fill me in.", "Billy: You know what, you got a lot going on, all right? So why don't I handle this part?", "Victoria: Fair enough. I'm not gonna try to talk you out of anything, anyway, given how desperate we are right now.", "Billy: Before I forget, the elevator's stuck again. You want me to handle that, or do you want to call maintenance?", "Victoria: No. Elevator's fine. I was on it. I had it stopped.", "Billy: Why did you have it stopped?", "Victoria: I was having a conversation with somebody, and I didn't want to be disturbed.", "Billy: Someone like who?", "Victoria: Phyllis.", "Billy: Hope that wasn't too awkward.", "Victoria: Not for me, but it definitely was for her.", "Ravi: Are you asking me to spy on jack? 'Cause I'm not comfortable...", "Ashley: Of course not. I would never ask you to do something illegal or unethical.", "Ravi: Okay. Well, if it helps, I haven't seen or heard him trying to do anything underhanded.", "Ashley: Oh, believe me, you wouldn'T. He's very good at covering his tracks.", "Ravi: Okay, then, why are you so concerned?", "Ashley: I grew up with the guy. Next question.", "Dina: Well, hello, you two.", "Ashley: Can I speak with you for a second alone?", "Dina: Okay.", "Ravi: I'll catch up with you later.", "Dina: All right. Well, I see you're still very upset about my talk with abby.", "Ashley: Abby came to me with more questions about your former lover, brent davis.", "Dina: Oh, dear. And what in the world did you tell her?", "Ashley: Nothing that she didn't have to hear. I told her it was painful for me, and I did not want to hear his name mentioned again. And, please, the same goes for you. Please! Don't talk about him! Not to abby. Not to anybody! Nobody needs to know who he was.", "Dina: I promise you, I won't say a word.", "Ashley: Okay, I'm gonna hold you to that. Our family doesn't need a bomb like this to go off. Not when we're finally just starting to heal our relationship, after all these years.", "Dina: You are absolutely right, darling. And I'm so sorry that it ever became an issue.", "Ashley: Okay. Well, onto more pleasant matters, did you finish with that parker beauty marketing analysis by chance?", "Hilary: If this plan of yours antagonizes victor in any way, you can count me out. I know you enjoy being in his crosshairs, but it is not my idea of fun.", "Jack: This has nothing to do with the mustache. This is all business.", "Hilary: Well, why do you need my help? I'm not in the corporate world anymore.", "Jack: As your grows in popularity, you grow in influence. You talk about a product, people listen. You can send sales skyrocketing or plummeting.", "Hilary: Let me guess -- brash & sassy gets a one-way ticket down, and my role will be...", "Jack: To promote jabot's revamp of parker beauty's skincare line on air.", "Hilary: I'm actually familiar with that brand. My makeup artist, she talks about their products. She can't wait for the rollout.", "Jack: I'm telling you, when that rollout happens, it will revolutionize the industry.", "Hilary: And you have data to back this up?", "Jack: Enough to fill a week's worth of shows. I will give you a long list of people who will attest to its incredible results.", "Hilary: We could do some makeover segments as a tie-in. The brand got a makeover, and so will you.", "Jack: I like the way your mind works.", "Hilary: I can't endorse a product unless I've tested it.", "Jack: I will have ashley send over all kinds of samples. Any other concerns?", "Hilary: [ Sighs ] Backlash from victoria. She declared war when I aired the hochman video. A pro-jabot spot -- it might make her lose her mind. She could be trouble, claiming that I'm, you know, playing favorites.", "Jack: After all the free publicity you've given her with brash & sassy products on your show, I'd like to think not. Even so, you're your own show. You're beholden to no one. You're not on an exclusive contract with them. You can show as many cosmetic products on your show as your heart desires, and no one needs to know there are ulterior motives.", "Hilary: Still...", "Jack: I'll sweeten the pot. You do this one favor for me, I will owe you one, and you know I always pay up.", "Hilary: Okay. I'll do it. And, yes, you will owe me one.", "Hilary: It must be kismet, seeing you here in my studio.", "Tessa: Mm, can't wait to hear why.", "Hilary: Well, I have these makeover segments coming up, and if you want a fresh spin on your...unique look, I could guarantee you a spot.", "Tessa: Ooh! You know, here's a better idea. You should do a makeover on your soul. Well, you know, I guess that would be more an exorcism.", "Hilary: Why are you here?", "Tessa: I'm looking for mariah. Do you know where she is?", "Hilary: Yeah, she's probably taking some sad-face selfies in her dressing room.", "Tessa: And why would she be upset?", "Hilary: You know, she just realized that devon never got over me, and that she really was the rebound.", "Tessa: What's your damage? Are you that broken and insecure that you need to make other people feel bad about themselves?", "Hilary: I don't --", "Tessa: Look, devon and mariah's relationship is the real deal. Sorry to fact check, superstar, but whatever you had with him is history. And nobody in their right mind would pick you over mariah.", "Hilary: The real question is -- why have you appointed yourself mariah's guardian and protector?", "Zack: What kind of trouble has this rainbow girl been?", "Alice: Nothing too bad. She's feisty, is all. Had to take her off the roster for a while, but I got her back in line.", "Zack: A little 'tude is not a bad thing. Some of our high-end clients have, uh, unusual tastes. You know, I think this one's gonna make us a ton of money.", "Alice: I like the sound of that.", "Zack: We'll talk more later.", "Scott: You gonna ignore me the rest of the day?", "Sharon: I just don't want any negativity.", "Scott: Technically, I was trying to be realistic. Wait! Wait, wait, wait. I've been researching alice's family tree online.", "Sharon: And?", "Scott: And apparently, you're right about a point in there. I can't find any siblings or husbands that are connected to her family tree, which means...", "Sharon: She doesn't have a niece!", "Scott: There's still a chance that this girl could be a non-blood relation. But it does strengthen your case. Am I out of the doghouse?", "Sharon: Yeah. And I'm gonna give you a special treat later for putting up with me.", "Scott: Well, I'll take the treat, but I don't see it that way. We're in this together, sharon.", "Sharon: It means a lot that you're helping me.", "Scott: I'm a methodical guy. It's an occupational hazard, and I know it can be frustrating to deal with. But I do trust your instincts. It's just that I've been trained to check and recheck all the facts before I react.", "Sharon: That's why you're such a great journalist.", "Scott: One of the reasons. Are you sure you can't just, you know, give this woman the benefit of the doubt and walk away?", "Sharon: You know, if it were anybody else, perhaps. But alice johnson is not above mistreating a child.", "Scott: Your child.", "Sharon: She left cassie alone with her elderly mother, and millie was in no position to be raising a young child. She did her best, but... it's the reason why my daughter was neglected. And then when alice came back to town looking for custody, cassie was terrified. She didn't want to go with her. She didn't want her to be her mother. She told me how sad her life was.", "Scott: Come here.", "Sharon: No child should ever have those feelings. They should be loved and cared for and nurtured.", "Scott: I can see why you're fighting so hard for crystal. I get it. It's the trap of an investigative report to slant the story where they want to see it end. But we have to be careful not to jump to the easy answer when we could be looking past and ignoring the real one.", "Sharon: What is the easy answer here?", "Scott: You want it to be alice because that would get us closer to saving crystal. And maybe you could get some justice against the woman who fought you for your daughter.", "Victoria: What are you doing?", "Billy: Checking for battle scars.", "Victoria: Phyllis and I did not get physical.", "Billy: Well, then, what were you doing in between floors?", "Victoria: Some words were exchanged.", "Billy: I'm sure there were.", "Victoria: Look, you told me that phyllis has a problem with you working so many hours here with me, and it's obvious that she's not gonna get over that anytime soon.", "Billy: Victoria, I have been here a lot, okay? But I also made it very clear to her that I have obligations here, and I plan on sticking by them.", "Victoria: Thank you. I appreciate you stepping up and helping me.", "Billy: It's kind of different, isn't it? You're so used to me stepping in it.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, we have been through a lot, haven't we? But it's nice that we're now in this place where we can rely on each other. You know what, I give you a lot of credit for that. You've changed. You've matured.", "Billy: You should be careful. You're gonna ruin my reputation.", "Victoria: You know, the billy abbott I fell in love with was spontaneous and he was carefree. He was a man-child. But it was exactly what I needed at that time in my life. And it brought out this side of me that was...a side I'd never seen before. It was fun. But then we had some hard times. And I needed you to be strong for me, and I know you tried, but you just couldn't do it. You were impetuous and you were reckless. I never thought you were gonna grow up, billy. So I gave up on you. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have given up on you. Because the man standing in front of me right now has reached his full potential. [ Sighs ] And he's amazing. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Dina: I'll have the report at the end of the day.", "Ashley: If there's any way of getting it to me sooner, I'd really appreciate it. Jack is charging full speed ahead with the parker beauty line despite my reservations about rushing the rebranding process.", "Dina: Have faith. I do.", "Ashley: In the product, you mean?", "Dina: With my children.", "Ashley: I don't follow.", "Dina: Well, when you believe in something, get it out there and share it with the world as soon as possible.", "Ravi: Pardon the interruption.", "Ashley: Hi, not at all. We were just wrapping up.", "Ravi: Great. I see you have your laptop.", "Dina: I do.", "Ravi: If you'd like, I could install the new software you requested.", "Dina: Oh, excellent idea. Thank you, ravi.", "Ashley: Um, that's not gonna delay the marketing analysis, i hope.", "Dina: Don't worry, dear. I won't let you down.", "Tessa: Not that I feel the need to explain myself to you, but the reason I have mariah's back is because she's my friend.", "Mariah: You can save your breath because friendship is a foreign concept to my co-host, as is human decency.", "Hilary: Well, it looks like you're not too devastated to face the day. Fantastic. Maybe we'll actually get some work done.", "Tessa: Oh, which genoa city family are you going to decimate today?", "Mariah: None, if I have anything to say about it.", "Hilary: Well, it's not your show, so it's not your call.", "Tessa: You know, if it was, i wouldn't have to fast-forward through most of it.", "Hilary: There you go again, charging in on your white horse. You know, mariah did grow up in a cult. She can handle herself. Anyways, when you are done with your little friend, come find me. We have a show to put together.", "Mariah: Why do you need a marker?", "Tessa: Oh, uh, she's missing the horns on her head.", "Mariah: No, no, no, no, no. Hey! Hey, hey! You can't do that! She would have you arrested for defacing a national monument, and I don't think she would settle for less than the death penalty.", "Tessa: Not worth it.", "Mariah: But you handled her like a boss.", "Tessa: Hey, I'll always defend you. Especially against nasty lies about you and devon.", "Mariah: Well, the sad thing is, she wasn't wrong about devon and me.", "Victoria: Wait. Stop.", "Billy: Vicki... hey, are you okay?", "Victoria: I'm so sorry. I'm not sure what came over me. I got carried away. That was wrong. You're with phyllis now.", "[ Sighs ]", "Ravi: Hey, phyllis.", "Phyllis: Jack in his office?", "Ravi: Yeah, but he's busy.", "[ Groans ]", "Jack: Phyllis. Gee, I didn't hear you come in.", "Phyllis: Who told the ice princess I pushed hochman to pursue her?", "Jack: Wait. Victoria knows?", "Phyllis: [ Scoffs ]", "Jack: I have no idea how she figured it out. Does she know I'm involved?", "Phyllis: Well, I'm not sure. She didn't say anything.", "Jack: Damn it. This is not good.", "Phyllis: Oh, you think? You think? First, billy in here, suspecting that we're acing them out of fenmore'S. Now she's putting the hochman pieces together. How much more does she know?", "Jack: More important, where is she getting her information?", "Ashley: Hi.", "Ravi: Hey.", "Ashley: Is jack in there?", "Ravi: Uh, yes, but he has a visitor -- phyllis -- and based on the fire in her eyes, they're gonna need a minute.", "Ashley: Okay, well, then I'm just gonna hang out with you for a second. Is that okay?", "Ravi: Yeah, of course. Actually, you should see this.", "Ashley: Wait a second. Why is graham sending dina jabot correspondence?", "Ravi: I don't know. I just thought you should take a look.", "Ashley: Well, that's a good call. What does it say?", "Ravi: I don't know, I didn't read it.", "Ashley: Why not?", "Ravi: It's private correspondence.", "Ashley: It's business correspondence -- jabot business -- and that is a jabot- issued computer. Here, let me see.", "Phyllis: Victoria put me on notice. She put me on notice. I mean, are you kidding me? She's the one who's trying to steal billy back.", "Jack: I suggest both of you give up the battle. The prize is not worth all of the energy.", "Phyllis: You know what, i suggest you focus on your prize. You want to wipe out brash & sassy off the corporate map, that's great. But if victoria keeps catching on...", "Jack: I still say the company is going under.", "Phyllis: And what are you basing this on?", "Jack: Why do you doubt it?", "Phyllis: What victories have you racked up? She has sent hochman packing, she got a big, fat loan from neil, and lauren is insisting on selling her products.", "Jack: Two words -- parker beauty. There is no way brash & sassy can compete.", "Phyllis: So may the best business win. Okay, so that is really your plan to go forward?", "Jack: Sometimes the simplest answer is the best one.", "Phyllis: I don't buy it. You know why? It's too passive, jack. Where's all that bloodlust? You see, I smell that you're giving up. That's because you are. Because nikki got to you.", "Jack: Nikki always gets to me. Like no other woman.", "Phyllis: Oh, oh, oh. So you're gonna let victoria win because you're suddenly worried about nikki's feelings?", "Jack: I am not surrendering! I am not growing complacent!", "Phyllis: Then what's going on? What do you have up your sleeve?", "Tessa: Hilary is living in a twisted fairy tale. One where devon is still in love with her and you two aren't a real couple.", "Mariah: Well, we might not be.", "Tessa: Hey, don't -- don't let her get to you. Devon adores you.", "Mariah: We got in a fight.", "Tessa: About?", "Mariah: About him ditching me so he could hang out with hilary, so they could -- how did he put it? -- \"Get their friendship back on track.\"", "Tessa: Oh.", "Mariah: Yeah. Personally, I don't think that he's over her. And before you tell me that I'm overreacting, trust me, I've seen the signs for a while now.", "Tessa: That sucks.", "Mariah: Yeah. And it gets worse. He tried to throw out a pity \"I love you\" to prove that he's over her.", "Tessa: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: But I didn't let him. I just -- I want him to mean it if he says something like that, and I could just tell by the look in his eyes that...he didn'T.", "Tessa: Hey.", "Sharon: Your fingers are flying across that keyboard.", "Scott: I'm updating my files on alice while it's still fresh in my head.", "Sharon: Maybe you should send a copy over to paul, keep him in the loop.", "Scott: You know, I think we should wait. We don't have enough evidence.", "Sharon: Well, what about the neighbor we spoke to? Valerie.", "Scott: Everything she told us is hearsay, and the internet search didn't give us any conclusive facts.", "Sharon: That's true.", "Scott: Which doesn't mean I'm giving up.", "Sharon: Thank you. I'm gonna go and help a customer.", "Scott: Sure.", "Abby: Hmm, so this is where you've been all day, playing hooky.", "Scott: Clearly you're not camped out at newman tower, either.", "Abby: Fyi, I just got here. I'm meeting a colleague.", "Scott: Oh, and would that be your romantic, not-romantic-slash-dating app partner, by chance? Doesn't sound like much of a heavyweight meeting to me, but I, however, I am working on a major investigative piece.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Oh, please. You giving me a hard time about working with zack while you're doing hard-hitting journalism with sharon? Give me a break.", "Sharon: Um, did I miss something?", "Zack: Is there a problem?", "Abby: You didn't miss anything.", "Scott: Yeah, no problem here, bro.", "Sharon: Looked like something was going on to me.", "Abby: Well, I was just marveling at scott's ability to sniff out a story anytime, anyplace.", "Scott: And I was equally intrigued by abby's choice of venue while conducting business. No offense.", "Abby: Well, if you'll excuse us, my business partner and i are gonna get to work out on the patio, and, um, sharon, is there any way you could get me a coffee? Cream and two sugars. Thanks.", "Sharon: I'm on it.", "Sharon: She bothering you again?", "Scott: Abby likes to stick her nose in everything I do. I'm used to it. Pay no attention.", "Sharon: That's easy to do, especially because my mind is on crystal.", "Scott: I understand. Especially since now we have more questions than answers.", "Sharon: Maybe this will help.", "Scott: Alice's credit card?", "Sharon: Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll come looking for it.", "Abby: Designdate sales have skyrocketed into the stratosphere. I have never seen a new business take off like this. Are you in outer space, too?", "[ Chuckles ]", "Zack: I'm just confused.", "Abby: Uh, by my praise? Well, you shouldn't be. I meant every word.", "Zack: What did you mean when you called me your business partner in front of scott and sharon?", "Abby: Oh, I, um... well, I just --", "Zack: I thought we were more than that to each other.", "Abby: You can blame scott. He's always giving me a hard time. I guess it was just my knee-jerk reaction.", "Zack: So, how do you feel about us?", "Abby: Well, I really enjoy the time that we spend together. And you are more than just a business partner. And if you want me to go tell this whole place, I will. I'll go do it. Okay. Here I go.", "Zack: Stop. No grand gesture needed. I believe you.", "Abby: Well, now that, um, we're clearing things up, i just... well, I want you to know that I'm not seeing anyone else. Are you?", "Zack: Nope.", "Abby: Do you want to be?", "Zack: Nope.", "Abby: I guess that makes us exclusive.", "Zack: I guess so.", "Abby: And do you know what else it makes us?", "Zack: The two luckiest people on the planet?", "Abby: Proof that designdate works. I never would have thought that us testing out our app together would -- well, would lead to this.", "Victoria: I don't know how i could let that happen. [ Sighs ]", "Billy: Look. [ Clears throat ] It's all right, okay? We just -- we got sentimental. It's not a big deal.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, I'm sure that phyllis would disagree -- I mean, you guys are living together. You have a commitment to her, billy.", "Billy: So let's just forget that this happened, okay?", "Victoria: All right, consider it forgotten. I don't want to create any complications between you and phyllis.", "Jack: Would it really be so bad if brash & sassy didn't go under? I mean, billy could hold onto his paycheck. You wouldn't be supporting him.", "Phyllis: Don't you give up on this. Don't you leave me hanging. You want this company to be done with and everything that comes along with it as much as I do. Handle it.", "Jack: Gee, it sounds like you want it a lot more than I do.", "Phyllis: Maybe I do.", "Ashley: An e-mail from graham to dina. \"Here's the parker beauty marketing analysis. Lots of good info in here.\" Why is she letting him read over her work?", "Ravi: I -- I don't want to speculate.", "Ashley: And why the hell is she giving him access to confidential jabot strategy?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: I am a free agent. But probably not for long.", "Devon: She just said that she was happy we got a chance to reconnect.", "Lily: Here we go again.", "Victoria: Today felt like a turning point.", "Phyllis: I don't give a damn what victoria thinks!", "Billy: Yeah, and I told her she was off base, but now I'm not so sure." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Devon changed his statement in court and asked the judge not to imprison Lily. Devon told Lily that he still didn't forgive her. It meant the world to Lily that Devon asked the judge to be lenient, and she accepted that he couldn't forgive her. Devon tried to skip the rest of the sentencing, and Cane wasn't able to convince him to return. Sharon urged Devon to cherish the family he still had left. Devon took her advice and went back to the courthouse. Lily was sentenced to a year in prison, along with a $50,000 fine and a two year suspended license. Mariah tried to talk Sharon out of kicking Tessa out of the cottage. Sharon didn't trust Tessa. Tessa understood Sharon's feelings, so she moved out without complaint. Tessa agreed to Mariah's request that they take their relationship slow. Mariah asked Sharon to talk Nick into giving Tessa an apartment at Rainbow Gardens. Sharon said all the units were full. Mariah convinced Sharon to hire Tessa at Crimson Lights until she got back on her feet.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Mariah: I supported you when you told me that you and nick were getting back together. So right now I'd really like you to do the same. And I don't know where this relationship is going, but I want to find out.", "Lily: Does my sentence start right after the hearing tomorrow?", "Michael: I'm afraid that's how it works.", "Christine: Mrs. Ashby has pled guilty to two counts of homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle. Charges punishable up to 20 years' imprisonment and a combined fine of $50,000.", "Devon: She completely disregarded the safety of not only everybody in the car with her, but everyone she was sharing the road with. My sister needs to answer for what she has done, to the fullest extent of the law. On the issue of sentencing in this case, I have reached a decision. Will the defendant please rise? Having weighed the evidence, the statements made, and the circumstances prior to and after the fatal incident that took the lives of hilary curtis-hamilton and her unborn child, I have reached a decision. The deceased can no longer speak for themselves, so it is the duty, the solemn responsibility of this court to deliver justice for them. Therefore, after careful deliberation... I sentence you to --", "Devon: I can't let this happen.", "Mariah: Why did you want to talk down here?", "Sharon: Because we need to discuss tessa. Nick is due back tomorrow. Obviously she can't stay here.", "Mariah: After everything tessa went through to get her sister out of the country, you just want to kick her out?", "Sharon: I sympathize. But...", "Mariah: Tessa risked everything to make sure crystal was set up with a new life, that she was safe. Tessa has no job. No money. And she lost her apartment. She's basically starting from scratch.", "Sharon: And i appreciate that. But...", "Mariah: She came back to be with me. Me.", "Sharon: Don't say that like you're not worthy. Anyone in their right mind would move mountains to be with you. And don't you forget it.", "Mariah: Do you see the way that you just stood up for me? Where is that understanding and that compassion when it comes to tessa?", "Sharon: You are my daughter. And she's not. You're my priority. And I don't want tessa taking advantage.", "Mariah: Mom, do you want me to be happy?", "Sharon: I do. I really mean it.", "Mariah: Okay, great. She makes me happy. And she risked everything to come back here because... she says that I make her happy, too.", "Sharon: Well, that's wonderful, sweetheart, but -- wait. What do you mean? What did she risk to come back here?", "Mariah: I mean, I just mean the people that she was dealing with that helped get crystal out of the country, that's all.", "Sharon: She said she was done with them. That that's behind her. You see, I don't entirely believe her story about what happened when she was gone.", "Mariah: Okay --", "Sharon: Which makes me reluctant to have her stay here.", "Christine: Your honor, I apologize for mr. Hamilton's outburst. He was overcome. Please forgive the interruption.", "Devon: No, there's more that I need to say. I understand feelings are running high here, but I've reached my ruling.", "Michael: Your honor, with all due respect, since mr. Hamilton is the party most deeply affected by these circumstances, perhaps he -- he should be heard.", "Christine: He was heard. He's obviously upset.", "Devon: I lost the woman that I love, okay? I think that \"upset\" doesn't even begin to cover it.", "Christine: Your honor -- I'll allow it. But please be brief and to the point.", "Devon: I really appreciate this. Um... when I was writing the statement that I gave earlier, it took me a very long time to get through it, because every time I would get to the word \"defendant,\" I would think of my sister as the person I know her to be. And that's a strong girl who befriended a poor kid and gave him a family. And I-I didn't want to think of her like that, so I just pushed through, and... by the time I got to the end of it, the word \"defendant\" just became this faceless person that I was able to blame and hate. And, your honor, that is why I was able to ask for the maximum sentence. And then you said that the deceased don't get to speak for themselves. But I literally can't get my wife's voice out of my head right now. And this is not what she would want. It'S... [ Sighs ] I was so focused on getting justice for her and my child that I completely blinded myself to the person that gave me a family in the first place, and who gave me the dream to even have kids of my own. I was there when her children were born. I saw their first steps. I heard their first words. And I can't imagine them going into adulthood now without their mother by their side, and knowing that I'm the reason for that. She's not a stranger. She's my sister, and I know that the same grief, and the same pain that I feel, she feels it, too. And knowing how deeply she loves, the guilt from this is gonna stay with her for the rest of her life. I have no doubt of that. And I believe -- and I know that hilary would agree -- that that's punishment enough. So I'm asking you to please let that be enough. Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: I'm glad I caught you before work. I-I'm leaving today, and I just wanted to say thank you for letting me crash here. Especially after the way I just showed up and scared you guys.", "Mariah: Hey, you're the one that had a gun pulled on you.", "Sharon: Oh, I want to apologize again for rey's overreaction.", "Tessa: Well, hey, at least he didn't shoot me.", "Mariah: Where are you gonna go?", "Tessa: I'm considering a few different options.", "Mariah: Tessa, you're just doing this because you heard us talking.", "Tessa: Hey, I-I came back to see you. I-I didn't expect to move in.", "Mariah: Why not? At least for a little bit? You need help. I want to help you.", "Tessa: It -- it's not your house. Plus I really don't want to disrupt sharon and nick's lives.", "Mariah: Tessa, you have nowhere else to go.", "Tessa: I'll figure something out.", "Sharon: You're very resourceful.", "Tessa: Look... after everything I've done, I understand why you don't trust me.", "Mariah: I believe in you.", "Tessa: Which makes me very lucky.", "Sharon: You are. You know, it's not often someone gets a second chance to make things right.", "Tessa: Which is why I came back.", "Sharon: I don't want to be late for work, so, um... I'll be at crimson lights if you need me.", "Tessa: Well, I got to get moving, too. I got to find a job and a place to live.", "Mariah: Are you sure about what you said? About coming back to be with me?", "Tessa: 100%.", "Mariah: And you'll stay?", "Tessa: I want to. But I owe a lot of money.", "Mariah: Yeah. I just don't know how you're gonna get that much cash together.", "Tessa: You know, hey, don't worry about it. Somehow, I will find a way. Because I never want to have to be on the run again. And I never want to run away from you again. I want to know why you changed your mind after your earlier statement.", "Devon: I thought about it. Thought? That was your motivation? Or were you pressured in some way by members of your family?", "Devon: No. No, your honor. Not at all. This is 100% on me. So what you're now saying is that everything that you said before was just a waste of this court's time? You do know that I can hold you in contempt?", "Devon: I did not, but... [ Stammers ] Your honor, the -- the problem with grief is that what's true constantly changes. Do I think that lily was wrong to get behind the wheel being so angry? Yes, I do. Do I think that the years leading up played a part in it? Absolutely. But if I'm being honest, it's what hilary and lily always did. They were always going at each other. They were always provoking one another. And if hilary had been driving the car and lily had died... my sister made a fatal mistake. But I think putting her behind bars would just be another wrong done. What are you asking of this court?", "Devon: You know, I-I would -- I would really just like to be free. I would like to be free to mourn my wife and my child. I'd like to be free to honor hilary by leaving the kind of mark in the world that I know she would have if she were still alive. And if I know that I'm part of the reason that my sister goes to jail for 20 years, there will be no freedom for me. In light of mr. Hamilton's revised statement, I'm going to need more time to reconsider. This court is in recess. We'll reconvene within the hour.", "[ Raps gavel ]", "Christine: Did the judge get it right? Did your family pressure you into this?", "Nate: No, devon made it clear that those were his words, and no one else'S.", "Christine: I'm not so sure about that.", "Charlie: This is really good, right?", "Mattie: Maybe he'll rule as you suggested -- community service and a fine?", "Michael: I wouldn't count on it.", "Cane: Well, why not? I mean, what he said must carry some weight.", "Michael: Cane a crime has been committed.", "Lily: You can say it plainer than that. Two people died because of me.", "Cane: Baby, don't --", "Lily: That's what happened.", "Michael: Look, it could help us. It may not. If the judge sticks to the letter of the law...", "Lily: Well, what devon said may not matter to the judge. But to me, it was everything.", "Charlie: Hey. What are you doing over here by yourself?", "Shauna: I-I don't want to bug devon. And your family, you all must be feeling a little bit more hopeful after what devon said.", "Charlie: Uh... yeah. I mean, the judge told us not to go over there until we know my mom isn't going to prison. So this isn't over. Not that it'll ever be over.", "Nate: Hey. What you did... that took courage, man, and a lot of heart.", "Devon: The judge didn't seem very impressed, so who knows if it even made a difference.", "Nate: Hey, it made a difference to this family. Look, I tried not to judge you by what you said in your initial statement, and, uh... I know it was hard to hear. And I know you're going through hell. Both you and lily are suffering. And, uh... everyone in this family wants it to stop.", "Devon: It hasn'T.", "Nate: I know. I know. But, uh, this will start the process.", "Lily: Thank you. For what you said.", "Devon: I don't forgive you for what you did.", "Lily: I understand.", "Devon: Do you really? 'Cause I don't think there's ever gonna be coming back from this for us.", "Lily: I will accept whatever you feel about me. But just know that I will never stop loving you. Or trying to make amends.", "Shauna: Devon?", "Devon: I need to go.", "Shauna: But what about the --", "Devon: Just please get a ride with nate, all right?", "Cane: Hey, where are you going?", "Devon: I can't be here.", "Nate: I'll go after him.", "Cane: No, I'll do it. I'll do it.", "Mattie: But the judge --", "Cane: I'll be back before he returns, all right?", "Tessa: I-I meant every word that I said. I came back here to be with you. But the situation up north... my life is still complicated. And maybe it always will be.", "Mariah: You know, you keep giving me that warning. But whose life isn't complicated?", "Tessa: Just be honest, okay? If being with me is too much, if -- if you just want to take a step back before this goes any further...", "Mariah: Is that what you want?", "Tessa: No. I-I told you what I want. But I'm not the only one in this. This is about you. Okay? If you have any doubts, I-I -- I just want you to listen to them.", "Mariah: Okay. Hm... mm... nope. Nothing. It's typical, really.", "Tessa: [ Chuckles ] I'm serious.", "Mariah: And so am I. I don't have any bursts of instinct or feelings in my gut about this. And when it comes to relationships, I'm kind of floating in the abyss.", "Tessa: That's not true.", "Mariah: I grew up with a man who preached a lot about \"love\" and \"deep connection\" and people opening up their hearts... when all he really wanted was for people to open up their wallets.", "Tessa: There had to be someone you were close to.", "Mariah: Not really. No. My mother -- the woman who I thought was my mother, she could kind of take me or leave me. Which she told me. Often. But... I actually found that refreshing. At least it was honest.", "Tessa: Yeah, but didn't you want...", "Mariah: Love? Yes, of course.", "Tessa: Yeah.", "Mariah: Desperately. Uh... I wanted something real. That was all mine. And I tried to get it. I really tried. Uh... I don't know. I guess I just, uh... was ill-equipped because of my past.", "Tessa: So, uh, you mock it, make a joke out of it...", "Mariah: [ Inhales sharply ] Yeah. Yeah, I guess it's easier to have people laugh at you than find out there's a piece of you that's, um... missing or broken. That's how I've always felt. Like... I couldn't really put my heart out there. Because if I did, then people would really see me. Really, really see me, and then they'd realize, and they would just run in the other direction.", "Tessa: Hey, hey. I ran back, not away. Toward you.", "Mariah: But now you're giving me an out.", "Tessa: Only because I want you to be sure. I want you to want this. Not just tag along and get tangled in my mess.", "Mariah: Fun fact -- when it comes to untangling messes, I'm kind of a professional. [ Chuckles ] I want you. I do. I promise. But...", "Tessa: Tell me.", "Mariah: I just want to take a few steps back. I think I need to go slow.", "Tessa: Then that's what we'll do.", "Mariah: Okay. So, how do we get you... [ Tessa laughs ] ...Settled in town?", "Tessa: Okay. Well, uh, I need to make some money. And, uh... hm. I, uh -- I wonder if... I could get my job back at hamilton-winters?", "Mariah: Yeah... with the way that you left and everything that devon is going through, obviously, I --", "Tessa: Yeah, I was, uh -- I was afraid of that.", "Mariah: The bigger hassle is that you have nowhere to live. No prospects.", "Tessa: Well, I've been there before, and I've survived. But this time I have you.", "Mariah: Yeah. You do. [ Gasps ] I... have an idea.", "Tessa: Okay...", "Mariah: Come on.", "Tessa: All right.", "Shauna: This must be a good sign, that the judge is taking so long.", "Nate: Ah, there's no way to predict.", "Charlie: Yeah. Sure. [ Clears throat ] I got to stretch my legs. Uh... you don't think what my uncle devon said will make a difference?", "Michael: Um, uh, charlie... there are many other factors the judge must consider.", "Charlie: It's kind of weird this one guy gets to decide my mom's life.", "Michael: Well, now, that's why the judge asked to take more time. Review evidence, perhaps research precedents. Precedents are similar cases that might help the judge decide the right thing to do.", "Charlie: It's kind of hard to believe there's anything similar to this.", "Michael: You can ask me anything, charlie.", "Charlie: Did I mess up? By not saying anything, seeing my mom run the red light, I-I -- I feel like I made things worse.", "Michael: Charlie... it's impossible to say.", "Lily: You know, every time i catch myself wishing that this would be over, that the judge would just hurry up... [ Sighs ] But then I realize, if the worst happens, I don't want to wish away my last few minutes with you.", "Mattie: I know it seems that way right now, but these aren't our last few minutes. You heard uncle devon's speech. How could the judge not be swayed by that?", "Lily: I know. Even if it doesn't affect my sentence, I needed to hear those words from devon.", "Mattie: We all did. He reminded us that, through anything, we're a family, and nothing can tear us apart. And the judge will take every detail of his statement into account. I believe that, when he walks through that door, he'll give you a fair ruling.", "Devon: You should be there when the judge gets back, cane.", "Cane: I know that we have a long way to go before we can even get close to repairing the damage that's been done. But whatever happens, we need to be there together when we face this, devon.", "Devon: If you think that i regret speaking up for lily, I don'T.", "Cane: Then why did you leave?", "Devon: Because I don't want to be there if there's good news. I don't need to see everybody happy and hugging each other and carrying on. It's gonna make me feel like we're celebrating.", "Cane: Okay. So, what? You came here to do work or something like that? What are you doing?", "Devon: No. No. I'M... looking at photos of my wife. I'm looking at memories. Our child's sonogram photo. I miss her.", "Cane: We all miss her.", "Devon: Well, I'm sure you can explain to lily.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Devon: What is it?", "Cane: I'm so scared of what this judge is gonna do. He could tear our family apart, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So what I need is for you to be in that room. 'Cause I need your strength or I need your pretense or I need your superstition or I need your prayer, 'cause I have somehow have to let god know he cannot send my wife and the mother of my children to prison for 20 years.", "Devon: Cane, you know that I would do anything in the world for my family, but I can't --", "Cane: I know. And you've already done it. You've already done it. And you have no idea how much i appreciate it. Okay. Okay. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Sharon: Can I get you anything else?", "Devon: No, thank you, sharon. Just needed a place to be, that's all.", "Sharon: Lily's sentencing. That's today, isn't it?", "Devon: It's happening right now.", "Sharon: Right now? As in...?", "Devon: They're waiting for the judge to come back with a decision.", "Sharon: And you testified?", "Devon: I did. Yeah. I gave an impact statement. And then, in the end, I asked for leniency. Which is probably what the judge is gonna go along with. And then my sister will be able to go back home to her husband and her kids.", "Sharon: And you?", "Devon: I mean, hilary will still be gone. My child will still be gone, so...", "Sharon: So you're thinking your family is going to move on, forget.", "Devon: I think they already have. I really do. 'Cause I can't even mourn. They keep pushing me to do what's best for them when I'm the one who's lost my wife and child.", "Sharon: Feel free to tell me to butt out, but if the first place you go is resentment and anger when you think of them, it's not your family who's dishonoring hilary and the baby. It's you. When my daughter cassie died, I can't tell you how many times I wondered why I am still on this planet. Having the car washed. Making the beds. Folding laundry. Even the simplest tasks just made me miss her more. And I didn't dare laugh or smile. Sometimes even just breathing felt like I was betraying her, because... she wasn't here, and I was.", "Devon: And when did that change for you?", "Sharon: When I got pregnant with faith. She gave me a reason to at least act at happy. And then one day I was.", "Devon: So, what are you telling me? I need to start a family?", "Sharon: I'm telling you that you need to cherish the family that you already have while they're still here. What if the judge sends lily to prison?", "Devon: No, he's not gonna do that.", "Sharon: But what if he does and you're not there? What then?", "Devon: Then she'll have cane, and she'll have the kids with her.", "Sharon: Well, if I were lily, and I were sentenced to 20 years in prison, I would first take that moment with my husband and my kids, and then I would be looking for you.", "Devon: Why?", "Sharon: Because you're the only one who's loved lily for that long. You have her her past. And in a future where she won't be able to care for her loved ones, she's gonna need to know that you will.", "Cane: Hey.", "Nate: Still no word from the judge.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: Did you find devon?", "Cane: Yeah. I told him we all want him to be here.", "Lily: He wouldn't come?", "Cane: He can'T. [ Sighs ] Hey. Hey. Listen. All right, he needs some space. Okay? All right?", "Lily: Yeah, but what if --", "Cane: All right, you're not gonna go to prison, all right? And devon is the one who gave us that gift. And that's all we can ask for, okay? It's okay.", "Sharon: What is going on?", "Tessa: I'm wondering the same thing.", "Mariah: I'm trying to set tessa up, and we came to you because you're smart and you're resourceful.", "Sharon: And I am engaged to a man who's part owner of rainbow garden apartments?", "Mariah: Yeah. See? You're -- you're also, you know, a problem solver.", "Sharon: Unfortunately, the space that you were in has been rented. The whole complex is full. There's a long waiting list.", "Mariah: I-isn't there a way to -- to talk to nick, to convince him to --", "Tessa: No, no, no. Nick doesn't owe me a thing, okay? I took off without warning and broke my lease.", "Mariah: Yeah, for good reason. Nick is an understanding guy.", "Sharon: With a limit.", "Mariah: Um... would you give us a minute?", "Mariah: Is there any way to convince nick into giving tessa an apartment?", "Sharon: I repeat -- the whole complex is full. What do you want me to do? Ask him to throw someone else out on the street?", "Mariah: No! God, of course not. It'S... we're family. And family helps each other out, right? That's what you're always saying.", "Sharon: Well, you're not asking me to help you.", "Mariah: No. I am asking you to help someone that I care about more than I have cared about anybody in my entire life. That is helping me.", "Sharon: After everything that she did to you and your brother --", "Mariah: She has made some bad moves, yes. But the only reason that tessa has less than nothing right now is because she decided that saving her sister's life was more important than leaving a good impression.", "Mariah: You have doubts. So do I.", "Sharon: Well, in that case...", "Mariah: No. You know me. Blind trust, it's not my thing. And everything that I feel for tessa, it is scary, and it's amazing all at the same time.", "Sharon: All the more reason for you to think this through.", "Mariah: I'm riding the brakes, I-I promise. And I second-guess myself every other minute. But maybe you're just too good at being a mom. You convinced me that i shouldn't let my fear of love stop me from anything, ever.", "Sharon: So you're saying this is all my fault?", "Mariah: Or maybe it's the most brilliant thing you've ever taught me. Mom. I'm doing this. It would just be nice for you to be standing by me saying, \"yay!\" Instead of, \"you're gonna crash and burn.\"", "Sharon: I don't mean to. I'm just worried.", "Mariah: Well, maybe you could make things easier on me by keeping an eye on things.", "Sharon: How?", "Mariah: You could offer tessa a couple shifts here as a barista.", "Sharon: Oh, mariah --", "Mariah: Just until she makes some money and can set herself up again.", "Sharon: [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: Please?", "Sharon: I'm thinking.", "Mariah: Think faster.", "Sharon: Okay. [ Sighs ]", "Mariah: Great! Yes!", "Sharon: Before you get too excited, don't you think you should find out how tessa feels about this?", "Michael: Thank you. It's time. Take your seats.", "Cane: Hey. You'll be okay. I had carefully weighed this matter -- the tragic repercussions of one moment of inattention by the defendant. A woman's life was lost, as well as that of her unborn child. A young man's life was put at risk due to negligence. My deliberation was further complicated by the fact that the defendant and the victims belong to the same family. Nevertheless, I had reached my decision. And then mr. Hamilton revised his impact statement, and that decision changed.", "Tessa: Are -- are you sure?", "Sharon: I am. If you're willing to make a commitment.", "Tessa: I am. I am. Thank you.", "Sharon: I'll check the schedule and find some time when we can go over the hours and duties and all the rest of it.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: All right. I want you to make me my favorite brew right now.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: And then we can find you a place to live.", "Tessa: Um... just...thank you. Thank you for -- for looking out for me.", "Mariah: Yeah. I am glad to do it, and I am glad that you're here.", "Tessa: I hope I never let you down. What must take precedence in the delivery of this sentence is the acknowledgement of lives lost. Justice must be served for mrs. Hamilton and her unborn child. Please rise. The maximum sentence for homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle is 10 years for each count. However, factoring in all that I've heard today, including mr. Hamilton's moving words, mrs. Ashby, you will be assessed a fine of $50,000. Your driving privileges will be suspended for a period of two years. And I'm sentencing you to 12 months in the walworth state penitentiary. The bailiff will take mrs. Ashby into custody. This court is adjourned.", "Michael: Christine, please. Call off the bailiff just long enough for them to say goodbye.", "Christine: Yeah.", "Michael: Thank you.", "Christine: Lily was lucky to get a short sentence.", "Michael: That's what I told them. But for lily, that's gonna seem like a lifetime.", "[ Lily and mattie crying ]", "Nate: Listen, you know you can count on me. I'll do everything I can to help, okay?", "Lily: Okay.", "Devon: I didn't want this to happen to you. And I'm sorry for everything that I said. I really am.", "Lily: You did more than i could have hoped for. More than I deserved. [ Sobs ]" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Kyle has a productive first day as interim CEO as he and Summer reestablish their working relationship with proper boundaries. Kyle and Summer decide to show everyone what they can do while Jack is on vacation because it will be good for their careers. Victoria tells Victor and Nikki about Billy being in rehab and about the nightmares he is having about Delia. Victor thinks Billy isn't in rehab at all and that Chloe might know more about Billy's situation then what she is telling anyone. Adam asks Nate about Victor's medical condition and when Nate doesn't tell him anything he steals Nate's tablet but Nate figures out that he took his tablet. Adam meets with Phyllis and persuades her to hack into Nate's tablet so he can get Victor's medical records to tweak Victor's medication a little so that Victor thinks he is getting worse not better. Phyllis tells Adam he owes her a big favor which she hasn't thought of yet. Jack calls Traci from his car and tells her he will check in from time to time to let her know how he is doing. Jack doesn't tell Traci where he is going but the audience sees from his car navigation he is headed to the Pine Forrest Inn and Spa.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "[ Engine revving ]", "[ Tires screeching ]", "Victor: I gave you every chance to reunite with this family!", "Adam: You lured me there, and then you hired someone to run me over?", "Victor: If your mother were alive today, she would be ashamed of the man you have turned into.", "Adam: I despise you.", "Chloe: We kidnapped billy and stashed him in a boathouse and drugged him into a stupor.", "Kevin: We need to come up with a cover story the abbotts will buy. They're gonna think it's from billy since we grabbed his phone.", "Chloe: How about \"I ran away to rehab?\"", "Victoria: It turns out that billy isn't really on a business trip.", "Victor: Where is he?", "Victoria: A couple of days ago, he sent out a text saying that he checked himself into a rehab.", "Nikki: Well, had he been gambling again?", "Victoria: No, not that I know of, but, in his text, he said that he felt like he was close, and he wanted to get help before he lost control.", "Nikki: Sounds like he made a wise decision. Although, I wish he had been honest with you before he left.", "Victor: He told you this by text?", "Victoria: It's not the easiest way to get that kind of news. I think he probably felt so ashamed.", "Victor: Oh, my baby.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] We both thought that billy had his gambling addiction under control.", "Nikki: His urge to gamble is just a coping mechanism. It's a distraction from something else that's troubling him. The therapist there will help him get to the bottom of it.", "Victoria: I already know& what's at the root of his struggles. Adam.", "Adam: [ Clears throat ] Well, if it isn't the good doctor nate.", "Nate: Adam.", "Adam: Mind if I join you?", "Nate: Help yourself.", "Adam: Thank you. [ Sighs ] So... what is looking good on the menu today?", "Nate: Everything, as, uh, always.", "Adam: Mm. Well, I'm sure it beats hospital food. If I recall, from my last day, it was bad enough to inspire patients to get well fast.", "Nate: That's the rumor.", "Adam: Mm. Maybe you should hire abby and, uh, lola to revamp your culinary offerings.", "Nate: Any particular reason why you're still fixated on the meals you ate? It's been months since you got shot.", "Adam: Well, I've just been thinking a lot lately about how lucky I am to be alive. And I -- I've never properly thanked you for that, so...", "Nate: I was just doing my job.", "Adam: Well, you're good at it, which is why I'm glad you're looking after victor. How is his, uh, treatment coming along, actually?", "Nate: There it is.", "Adam: What?", "Nate: The real reason you're chatting me up.", "Phyllis: Stop it. You're putting words in my mouth.", "Summer: Okay, fine. Maybe you didn't, you know, say it with your words, but your body language and your tone said it all.", "Phyllis: Give me a break.", "Summer: Mom, please. Come on! I know you.", "Phyllis: Did I say to you once \"bail on the grand phoenix opening?\"", "Summer: No, but I know that you were just dying to say it inside.", "Phyllis: I'm just disappointed, that's all.", "Summer: In me?", "Phyllis: No, not in you, in them. You know, I'm the one who convinced abby to buy the hotel. I brought chelsea in as a partner. The two of them teamed up and they forced me out.", "Summer: I know, it sucks what they did.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs deeply ] This is why I hate people, you know, but I wouldn't expect you, you know, as, say, loyalty to your one and only incredible mother to... take a stand and create a scene at the opening, and storm out in a huff or, god forbid, I would not expect you to boycott the whole thing on social media because that would be wrong. That would be so...very wrong.", "Summer: Yeah. Yeah, no, I mean, clearly these thoughts never crossed your mind, right?", "Phyllis: I really want you to go to the opening. I want you to go. In fact, I insist that you go.", "Summer: Really?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Summer: How big of you, mom.", "Phyllis: I do, because I know it's important to jabot collective, the whole collaboration. I know it's important to jabot, it's important to you, and your happiness means more to me than the satisfaction that I would get knowing that the grand phoenix opening... is a complete flop.", "Summer: Okay. No. No. This is not you. You do not let go of grudges so easily. So what's really going on?", "Traci: [ Gasps ] Oh!", "Kyle: Oh!", "Traci: [ Laughs ] Kyle! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were here.", "Kyle: Sorry about that. I just came to grab some files my dad left.", "Traci: Oh. Yeah. He has been a little distracted lately, hasn't he?", "Kyle: Yeah. Hopefully this trip will help him get his focus back.", "Traci: Trip?", "Kyle: You didn't know he left?", "Traci: No, he didn't say a word to me.", "Kyle: Hmm, he told me he was missing a sense of purpose, was lacking fulfillment, so he's taking a leave of absence from jabot.", "Traci: Oh! Well, good for him.", "Kyle: Kind of thought you'd be a little bit more surprised.", "Traci: No. He has been really unhappy lately. I told him he should try to find a new challenge, the next mountain to climb.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Guess he took your words to heart.", "Traci: Yeah. I didn't expect him to drop everything and leave town.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Traci: Especially now with the merger on the table. [ Sighs ] He's either the smartest man I know, or the craziest. But with billy out of town right now...", "Kyle: I wouldn't worry too much. He thought things through, made arrangements before he left.", "Traci: Really? Who did he leave in charge?", "Kyle: Oh, um... young-ish guy, hungry, dedicated, lots of experience...", "Traci: Anyone I know?", "Kyle: Yeah. Me.", "Traci: [ Laughing ] What? Additional sponsorship", "Traci: This is fantastic! Congratulations.", "Kyle: Thanks.", "Traci: Oh! Jack has left jabot in the very-perfect set of hands.", "Kyle: Temporarily.", "Traci: Well, but it's still a chance for you to get some good experience, you know, should the day ever come when jack decides to step down...", "Kyle: A long, long time from now.", "Traci: Mm. Well, it's not exactly like you've never had a chance to do something like this before.", "Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ] Wasn't exactly my finest hour, trying to take jabot public while my dad was in jail. But I promise, this time will be completely different. I have more experience and a smidge more humility.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ]", "Kyle: And a really great team working with me.", "Traci: And you know what else? You are a married man now.", "Kyle: Oh, that I am.", "Traci: So it's gonna be challenging, you know? A lot of hours, seven days a week, nose to the grindstone.", "Kyle: Lola couldn't be happier for me. She understands what it's like to have a demanding job.", "Traci: Ah. Of course she does.", "Kyle: Besides, it's not permanent. It's just until my father comes back.", "Traci: Oh, honey, you're gonna make jack so very proud.", "Kyle: That's all I ever want.", "Phyllis: There is nothing going on. I realized that I don't need a big elaborate plan to take down abby and chelsea because... they're gonna screw up the grand phoenix all on their own.", "Summer: Okay, well, you had plenty of confidence in abby's ability when you were trying to partner up with her.", "Phyllis: Yes, I did. That was before she took all of my great ideas and threw me overboard. And it's probably her strategy. It's probably what she was thinking all along. That I'll do the impossible, I'll create the magic, and she'll come in and take the glory.", "Summer: You think?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Of course. No one's flocking to society to rub shoulders with the has-been \"naked heiress\"... I mean, they're there because she hitched her wagon to the grand chef in the making lola -- well, lola's not gonna be at the grand phoenix.", "Summer: Mm.", "Phyllis: It's just abby and the grifter.", "Summer: Okay, does chelsea even have any hotel experience, though?", "Phyllis: Sleeping in them. On someone else's dime. I mean, she says that she managed a hotel one time in a dimension far, far away. Who cares? Chelsea has a very tenuous relationship with the truth.", "Summer: Oh, no, according to dad, she's really changed.", "Phyllis: Mm. Your dad is very, very naive.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Please, summer, stay away from chelsea, please.", "Summer: Okay, well, it's a little hard when I'm living under the same roof as her.", "Phyllis: I'll help you move.", "Summer: Okay, mom, if i alienate myself from everybody on your hit list, I would be a complete outcast.", "Phyllis: But you'll still have me!", "Summer: Oh! Isn't that great? [ Cellphone chimes ] All right. I got to go to the office. And, please, mom, for the love of god, do not get into any trouble.", "Phyllis: I love you!", "Adam: No, out of all my father's children, he and I are the most alike. We fight, we quarrel, but, deep down inside, we do forgive each other. Because we understand each other in a way no one else can.", "Nate: Yeah, nothing quite like family.", "Adam: Yeah, there is an intrinsic inevitable bond between father and son. And even though ours is frayed at the moment, I will never stop worrying about the old guy's health.", "Nate: This the same old guy you said who's on your hit list a few days ago?", "Adam: Look, I can be a little passionate about family matters, but, uh... don't use that as an excuse to avoid telling me about his condition, please.", "Nate: I'm pleased with his progress.", "Adam: See? That wasn't so hard.", "Nate: Okay, if you want to know more, I suggest you go straight to the source.", "Adam: Mm. My dad's lucky to have you, nate. [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh! A doctor's work is never done.", "Nate: Excuse me.", "Adam: I'll, um -- I'll just get out of your hair.", "Nate: Dr. Hastings, how many I help you? Yes, yes, yes. Two a day until the bottle's empty. Mm-hmm. And then you'll come in for a check-up, yes.", "Nikki: I can't believe billy knew that chloe was alive and didn't say one word.", "Victor: For how long has he known?", "Victoria: For weeks, I think. Adam knew, too. Chloe reached out to billy for help because adam threatened to have her arrested for blowing up the cabin if kevin didn't do his bidding.", "Nikki: Oh, my god, this is unbelievable.", "Victoria: You know what galls me the most, is adam's behavior. He pretended to be devastated about what he did to delia, begging for forgiveness, and, meanwhile, he's torturing delia's mother.", "Nikki: Billy must have been so enraged.", "Victoria: He's keeping it bottled up. He's having nightmares about delia where she's crying out for help, and he can't save her.", "Victor: Must have been awful, to, you know, have those sleepless nights, worrying about everything.", "Nikki: At least he's getting the help he needs now.", "Victoria: I called the facility that he checked into last time, and they won't confirm or deny if he's there. Privacy laws.", "Victor: Have you asked the investigators at newman to poke around?", "Victoria: They're coming up empty, too.", "Victor: Have you considered the possibility that billy may be in rehab at all?", "Victoria: Yes, I have. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but... I can't help wondering if maybe adam had something to do with billy's disappearance.", "Victor: Just occurs to me, that chloe had everything to do with this. She knows more than she's letting on. She's a sly little girl.", "Nikki: Victor, do you really think so?", "Victor: Yeah. I think she shot adam. There was a picture of delia left on the floor of the tack room so that adam would see it. I bet you chloe had everything to do with that.", "Victoria: Of course she did. And billy knew that. And he was protecting her. And now the burden is killing him.", "Adam: Thank you for coming so quickly. Well, it's not as if you have anything else occupying your time.", "Phyllis: Says the guy who spends every waking hour brooding about his family.", "Adam: Not anymore, okay? Because today I'm taking action. No one is gonna try to run me off the road and get away with it.", "Phyllis: I have been thinking about that. Since chloe has joined the miraculous resurrection club, wouldn't she be your first suspect?", "Adam: Mm, no, chloe's not a threat to me at all.", "Phyllis: Mm. That's interesting. So she wasn't the one who put the bullet into you a few months ago? Because, you know, I never bought that story about the mysterious gunman.", "Adam: Congrats on cracking the case.", "Phyllis: Why'd you let her get away with it?", "Adam: I didn'T. I made sure justice was served. I just didn't get the police involved.", "Phyllis: See, I wondered what you had on michael and kevin to make them bend to your will so easily.", "Adam: I just called it cooperation.", "Phyllis: So you had chloe hostage, figuratively. Maybe literally. But then michael ran his quickie campaign and got her off on lesser charges, and... you don't have any leverage.", "Adam: Well, not entirely, but you are correct, chloe is off the hook.", "Phyllis: But I would think that chloe would be the one to run you over, especially in the spot that delia died.", "Adam: Look, chloe would not mess up her second chance after michael stuck his neck out for her. You were right. It was victor.", "Phyllis: Well, I'll be damned.", "Adam: Mm. And that's why I need your help. I have victor's life right here in my hands.", "Kyle: Thanks so much, ashley. That means everything, coming from you. I couldn't do this without your support. I appreciate the offer, but you have enough to handle in paris. Trust me, if anything happens, I will definitely call you. [ Chuckles ] Okay, we'll talk soon. Au revoir!", "Summer: Hey. I rushed over as quick as i could. What's up?", "Kyle: Why don't we sit?", "Summer: Ooh, it's that serious, huh?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] My dad and billy are taking some time off, like now.", "Summer: Wait, are you kidding? Why?", "Kyle: This stays within these four walls.", "Summer: Yeah, of course. What's going on?", "Kyle: Billy checked himself into rehab.", "Summer: What? Wait, for gambling?", "Kyle: Confidential.", "Summer: Okay, what about jack?", "Kyle: He's been feeling like there's something missing from his life, so he went to find it.", "Summer: So, like, A... mid-life crisis?", "Kyle: Eh, maybe something like that.", "Summer: Wow. So, when does ashley fly in?", "Kyle: She's staying in paris.", "Summer: Okay, then who's gonna take over?", "Kyle: You're looking at him.", "Summer: Wait, you? [ Laughs ] Get out. Wait, are you serious? Oh, my god. W-wait, you're the new C.E.O.?", "Kyle: Until our fearless ruler returns from parts unknown.", "Summer: That's -- that'S... that's a really big responsibility.", "Kyle: And I wanted to talk to you because... I want to know. How do you feel about me being your boss?", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Aren't you busy at the restaurant with the lunch rush?", "Abby: Well, I wanted to see you, of course, and I hope you haven't eaten because...", "Victor: Oh! Look at this.", "Abby: Seafood empanadas.", "Nikki: Oh, you do spoil him.", "Victor: That's so sweet of you.", "Nick: Hope you brought enough for everybody.", "Nikki: Hey!", "Nick: Hey.", "Nikki: Where's our grandson?", "Nick: He's down at the stables with buck saying hi to the ponies.", "Abby: There's actually another reason why I stopped by. Um, I had an interesting conversation with adam when i was finalizing the transfer of the hotel.", "Nick: What happened?", "Abby: Well, he told me that I'm not on his hit list. Apparently, I'm supposed to find that reassuring.", "Victor: Hm.", "Victoria: How charming.", "Abby: So even though things might seem quiet now, he's definitely plotting something.", "Nikki: Oh, well, I don't know if I'd say it's quiet, I mean, after he stormed in and harassed your father the other day.", "Nick: He did what?", "Victoria: Why didn't you tell us?", "Nick: Wait, what did he want?", "Victor: Mm, oh, he was ranting about something, some nonsense.", "Nick: Maybe the fact that chloe's back. It's got him running scared.", "Victoria: Dad thinks that chloe's the one that shot adam.", "Nick: I thought the same thing.", "Nikki: Well, should we be doing something? I mean, it seems like adam is at his most dangerous when he's feeling threatened.", "Victor: I warned summer, okay? And I'm warning all of you now. Adam is plotting something.", "Phyllis: You want me to hack into nate's tablet.", "Adam: Well, an expert like you could do this in her sleep.", "Phyllis: Why do you want victor's medical records?", "Adam: I want to look at his medication. I want to see contraindications, the warnings... ...and the interactions.", "Phyllis: Oh, I get it.", "Adam: Hmm?", "Phyllis: Since you don't have leverage over kevin anymore, you want me to do your dirty work.", "Adam: Come on, since when did you give a damn about victor newman?", "Phyllis: Victor is my daughter's grandfather. I don't want you to put him into the hospital, or worse.", "Adam: I never said anything about killing him. All I'm gonna do, I'm gonna tweak his dose. I'm gonna keep him preoccupied and off-balance with the worsening side effects. The family will rally around him. They'll all get sucked into the newman vortex. Meanwhile, we can do whatever we want.", "Phyllis: Why should I be involved in this dangerous scheme of yours?", "Adam: For the fun of it, of course. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Phyllis: I don't do charity work. Remember when I hacked into dark horse?", "Adam: Yes, and I'm forever in your debt.", "Phyllis: You paid me millions. What's my reward for this?", "Adam: Knowing that you took down a giant. David vs. Goliath. Jack, the mythical boy, not the abbott, and the beanstalk. Hmm?", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, he ended up with a goose who laid the golden eggs, and that's along the line I was thinking.", "Adam: Listen, if you do this job for me, you will have earned my never-ending friendship and gratitude. Because you never know when you need someone like me in your corner, phyllis.", "Phyllis: I will do it. But you should know there is a huge heaping of quid- pro-quo in return for this. Do you understand?", "Adam: Name it.", "Phyllis: I will think of something.", "Adam: So we have a deal?", "Phyllis: Indeed. Okay, let's see what secret nate hastings has about the great victor newman.", "Nick: I'm gonna go check on christian. He gets a little nervous if I'm away from him for too long.", "Nikki: Oh, the poor baby. That custody battle really left him feeling unsettled.", "Nick: I'm hoping it'll pass soon.", "Victoria: Well, I'll come with you. Nothing like a little time with the horses to make everything right in the world.", "Victor: Well...", "Abby: Okay, well, um... now that we're alone...", "Victor: Yes?", "Abby: How are you feeling? And I don't want the usual \"darling, everything is top-notch\" answer, I want the whole truth.", "Victor: Well, I'm actual rather well, considering the circumstances, you know.", "Nikki: It's true. He's been eating well, getting a lot of sleep, and following the doctor's orders down to the last detail.", "Victoria: Nate is a good doctor, you know.", "Nikki: And easy on the eyes, right, abby?", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Yes. He's great, but, um, I don't want to talk about that right now, so let's change the subject.", "Victor: Let's change the subject, and let's talk about jack. What's he doing?", "Abby: Boy, news travels fast in this town.", "Victor: Oh, yeah.", "Nikki: Is something going on with him?", "Abby: Well, my uncle jack went out of town for a while. Kyle told me this morning.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: Well, maybe he's due for a vacation.", "Abby: It's just the timing of it, it's pretty unexpected. Jabot's in the middle of a merger.", "Nikki: Well, you just saw him last night.", "Victor: Yeah, I was thinking about that. He had asked me what I did whenever, you know, things became too stressful, and I told him that I'd leave town and get a new perspective. But I didn't think he would take it that literally.", "Abby: Well, it'll do him good to have some time away.", "Victor: Now, billy's out of town, your mother's in paris. So who's running the ship?", "Abby: Kyle.", "Victor: Huh.", "Summer: You know, I always knew that you were headed straight to the top.", "Kyle: So you're okay with reporting to me...", "Summer: It really doesn't matter how I feel.", "Kyle: It does to me. You're the driving force behind jcv, which is central to jabot's future plans, and it wasn't too long ago that you had my dad reassign me to other projects so I wouldn't be in your face every day.", "Summer: Okay, well, that wasn't the whole reason.", "Kyle: Only 98%.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I don't want you to feel uncomfortable at work.", "Summer: Okay, well, how does lola feel about you being the temporary boss of me?", "Kyle: You scored major points with her, showing up to the wedding all calm, cool, and dignified.", "Summer: Oh, isn't that good to hear...", "Kyle: Mm, so if she's on board, I hope you are, too. I could really use your help. Not just with jcv, but... with everything at jabot.", "Summer: Wow. Okay, kyle, you do know that you have a building full of executives ready to do your bidding for you, so... why me?", "Kyle: We used to be the perfect team. We had great ideas. Our concepts practically saved jabot after kerry took off with all our patents.", "Summer: Okay, yeah, because we used to be married. But now we aren't, so... that would like trying to catch lightning in a bottle.", "Kyle: We were electric once. We can be that again.", "Summer: Okay. How?", "Kyle: By setting boundaries. And sticking to them.", "Summer: Rules, huh? Okay, what did you have in mind?", "Kyle: First and foremost, we never interfere with or even comment on each other's personal lives.", "Summer: Oh, so does this mean no more snarky comments about theo, then?", "Kyle: That's still a thing? ...Is one of the things I would no longer say under any circumstances. This is huge.", "Summer: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: We have a limited amount of time to make our mark, a lasting impression, and this could be great for us career-wise. But, to make that happen... we need to work together. Count on each other. What do you say?", "Summer: [ Sighs ] (Man) I'm craving...", "Summer: Okay, hey, what if we had one of our jewelry designers design a piece to introduce at the grand opening?", "Kyle: Mm. One of those old-school vintage hotel room key tags.", "Summer: Ooh, no, that's good, with the grand phoenix logo on one side, and...", "Kyle: And the jcv logo on the other.", "Summer: Yeah.", "Kyle: It's sexy, nostalgic, something for men and women all ages.", "Summer: They could use it beyond that night. I love it.", "Kyle: And we'll use that theme with the jabot cosmetics we're giving away. Um, uh... \"feather-light\" moisturizer.", "Summer: Okay, um... \"500 degrees fahrenheit\" lipstick, or \"redemption red\" nail polish...", "Kyle: Go crazy with it.", "Summer: Okay, I'm on it.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Kyle: Got to take that?", "Summer: Uh, just one second. All right, nothing important.", "Kyle: Mm. Let's keep going. Got any other ideas?", "Summer: Well, yeah, only a million. [ Laughs ] Okay, look, the grand phoenix opening is going to blow people's minds, and it's going to put the new and improved jabot in the limelight.", "Kyle: Mm, think we'll steal abby's thunder?", "Summer: We won't need to. We'll be bringing our own.", "Victoria: Hey, I'm sorry, everyone. Um, I'm gonna take off. I got to run.", "Victor: Everything all right?", "Victoria: Yeah, I just want to get to the office.", "Nick: Bye.", "Victoria: Bye. Love you. See you soon!", "Victor: Bye, darling.", "Nikki: See ya. Christian, your grandpa and i are so happy that you came to visit us today.", "Victor: Did you have a good time?", "Nick: Are you kidding me? There's trees to climb, there's hills to roll down, horses to ride...", "Christian: I want to come back soon.", "Victor: You bet! You come back any time you want to. All right? But, I tell you what, I have a feeling you love staying in your daddy's house, right? Because that's where you belong.", "Abby: Well, I have to leave. I have to go take care of my new baby.", "Nick: She's talking about her hotel.", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: That's so exciting. It really is.", "Abby: Yep, and that doesn't even scratch the surface.", "Victor: Good for you. I'm proud of you.", "Abby: Thank you, daddy. That means a lot. I'll see you at the opening?", "Victor: Wouldn't miss it for the world.", "Abby: And I know I will see you there.", "Nick: You know it.", "Abby: It'll be your and chelsea's first date as an official couple. Ooh! Nick and chelsea, sittin' in a tree...", "Nick: Who told you that?", "Abby: She did, but it was obvious.", "Victor: You know, I'm very glad that you brought in chelsea as an investor instead of that other woman.", "Abby: That wasn't an easy conversation to have, but... I'm sure it was better than the hell I'd have to endure being partners with phyllis.", "Nikki: That woman is nothing but a menace.", "Victor: I want you to trust your instincts, okay? Anything is better than to work with that...redheaded hellion.", "Adam: What are you doing now?", "Phyllis: Installing malware.", "Adam: Infecting the doctor with a virus. I like the irony in that.", "Phyllis: I'm going to forward you a copy of, uh, dr. Hastings' files.", "Adam: Mm. I'm really glad you're on my side, phyllis.", "Phyllis: You should be.", "Adam: I mean, he doesn't have anything on his phone that could track that tablet down and... you've disengaged all of that, haven't you? Right, yeah. You're the expert, got it.", "Phyllis: All right, a few more minutes.", "Adam: Minute? Wow, you're fast.", "Phyllis: I'm very good. Okay. Yeah. Mission accomplished. I've always been fascinated by what's next.", "Phyllis: All right, it's done. [ Sighs ] So, uh, this contains everything you'd like to know about victor newman. Every prescription, every blood test, every medical record.", "Adam: And what about nate's tablet?", "Phyllis: I erased every footprint, fingerprint. He will never, ever know you were there.", "Adam: I don't know how to thank you.", "Phyllis: You're gonna think of something.", "Adam: Mm.", "Phyllis: Yeah, and when it -- when you do, it's gonna be amazing.", "Adam: I look forward to it, phyllis.", "Phyllis: I'll keep in touch. Ciao for now.", "Abby: Hey!", "Nate: I didn't know you were coming in for lunch.", "Nate: Hey. It was delicious. Mwah! But not as much fun as when you're here.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] I went to go see my dad.", "Nate: Must have done his heart good, better than any medicine I can prescribe.", "Abby: Nick and victoria were there, too.", "Nate: Mm.", "Abby: Well, the whole family, and now I have this headache that won't go away.", "Nate: Did something happen?", "Abby: Well, you know, the usual. A simple family get-together turns into a war counsel on how we are going to lay waste to adam. We analyze everything he says and does to try and figure out his next move, and, honestly, it's enough to drive a person insane, and -- [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm venting.", "Nate: No, no, don't -- don't apologize. You have a lot to deal with. The family matters, brand-new business... handsome and debonair doctor who loves spending time with you.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ] Which you haven't been able to do much because I have been spending all of my time trying to get the grand phoenix ready.", "Nate: Oh, it's okay. I'm, uh, busy renovating my house. Which, in comparison to what you've got going on in your life is...", "Abby: Oh, refreshingly normal. Yeah, I'm hoping some of that will rub off on me, and not the other way around.", "Nate: As soon as your hotel opens up and your father health stabilizes, you'll feel more relaxed.", "Abby: Mm. I'll take your word for it.", "Nate: Guess I got to get back to the hospital.", "Abby: Which means I have to get back to work.", "Nate: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: Is everything okay?", "Nate: My tablet, uh... I don't see it.", "Abby: Maybe you left it at the hospital.", "Nate: No, I had it on me when I --", "Abby: What?", "Nate: Adam was here. He was asking me about victor, and, uh, then I got a phone call. He wouldn't have taken it, would he?", "Nick: Look what grandma hooked up! Oh. Guess that means there's more for us.", "Victor: Yeah. Never underestimate the power of a good nap.", "Nick: Oh, I'm big on naps.", "Victor: [ Chuckles ] You know... it makes me happy that he's living with you again. Another man might not have stuck around, you know? Would have thought it wasn't worth the fight.", "Nick: He's everything to me.", "Victor: Makes me very happy. He is where he belongs, with you.", "Nick: Thanks for everything, you did, you know, the way you stood by me... means a lot.", "Summer: Hey, how do you feel about natalie and margot taking over the jabot social media feed during the grand phoenix opening?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] If you can personally vet their track records, make sure there's nothing shady in their past... online or off.", "Summer: All right, I will use my fine-tooth comb.", "Kyle: Good. It's a big night for me. My first public appearance as jabot's interim C.E.O. I don't want to take any chances.", "Summer: Well, don't worry, okay? I got your back. [ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, all right. Pamela is back from lunch. So I should probably go fill her in on all the changes that we need to make the swag bags.", "Kyle: So we're good?", "Summer: Yeah. We're phenomenal.", "Traci: Hello?", "Jack: Hey! It's me.", "Traci: Oh! Jack. Are you all right?", "Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't pick up your call earlier. I had my hands full with directions and traffic.", "Traci: Oh, well, that kind of sounds exciting.", "Jack: Yeah, nothing like a change of scenery to change your point of view.", "Traci: Yes. Kyle told me about your trip.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't do that myself. I -- it's kind of last-minute.", "Traci: No, no, it's all right. I just wanted to make sure you're okay.", "Jack: Yeah. I'm great. This was a good decision, making this trip.", "Traci: Where you headed?", "Jack: Away from everything and everyone. I need to recharge. I need new air.", "Traci: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I won't pry. Just promise you'll take care of yourself.", "Jack: That's the plan.", "Traci: And check in from time to time, let us know you're okay.", "Jack: I will. I promise.", "Traci: Okay. And, jack... I hope you find what you're looking for.", "Jack: Yeah, so do I." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Tom visits John in his office and reveals that he is Gloria's ex, making excuses about his lying. John is not happy when he guesses that Gloria knew Tom was in town and dating Ashley, but Tom lies that she didn't know. John warns Tom to stay away from his family. Gloria and Michael wait for John at home, but Kevin shows up instead. Michael is determined to tell John the truth about Tom. Kevin tells Michael about his and Mac's business idea. Gloria blames her sons for her problems. Tom phones her to warn her; she waits to see what Michael and John say.", "Jack worries that Victoria is acting like her father. He tells Ashley that Brad and Victoria are stealing their line. Brad and Victoria sell their idea for Seasons to a group of businessmen. Daniel tells Phyllis that he is sad that Neil and Dru sent Lily away. he doesn't want to live with the Abbots anymore Later, Phyllis and Jack share their problems with each other. Neil consoles Devon at the hospital where his mom has been taken after an O.D. Olivia prevents Devon from seeing his mom, who she fears might be violent, but he sneaks in to see her, anyway. Sharon and Nick argue about whether they should be going back to work or not. She wants them both to return, but Nick is not interested, even when she points out that Victoria took his Seasons idea.", "" ]
[ "John: Can I help you?", "Tom: We haven't met yet. I'm Tom, Ashley's friend.", "John: Oh, well, it's nice to meet you. If you're looking for Ashley, unfortunately, she's not here.,", "John: Well, I'm sorry, but I was just on my way out.", "Tom: It's very important, Mr. Abbott. It concerns you, me and your wife Gloria.", "John: Well, what-- what could you possibly have to do with me and Gloria?", "Tom: Everything, sir. I was married to her.", "John: What?", "Tom: My real name is Tom Fisher.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Did it work?", "Gloria: Did what work?", "Michael: Whatever you did upstairs.", "Gloria: No, as a matter of fact, it didn't.", "Michael: Well, that's too bad, because you need to relax.", "Gloria: No, Michael, you need to relax.", "Michael: Look, if you're climbing the walls when John gets here, you're gonna look like the guilty one, not Tom.", "Gloria: Well, according to you, I am the guilty one. And I should've told John all of this weeks ago.", "Michael: Yes, you should've, the moment Tom threatened to blackmail you, but you didn't. Now you're looking at damage control which means you should always be forthright with people, hm?", "Gloria: \"Forthright?\" Are you finished with the lecture, Professor Baldwin?", "Michael: All right, all right, all right, you do agree, do you not, that its better the truth comes from you, as opposed to your vicious ex-husband who has nothing to lose at this point? Unless you totally strip him of all of his levera-- am I getting to you at all, Gloria? Because this just isn't about honesty between a husband and a wife. It's good strategy. I mean, defang the man while you still have a chance or he'll turn right around, and he will bite you right in the--", "Gloria: Shh! (Doorbell rings)", "Gloria: It might be John. He may have forgotten his keys.", "Gloria: Oh, dear God. Kevin, not you, too!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Jack remembering.]", "Victoria: I don't know where you're getting this. I really don't.", "Jack: Let me tell you. Through a series of lies Brad convinced Jill he was coming back to Jabot after he'd signed with you. He got her to open up all about Jabot's plans. Shortly after that meeting-- you won't believe this-- according to my spies, your top secret new line, code-named Seasons, suddenly included a hair care product line. Never part of the original concept, was it? Now if that isn't Bradley using information he weaseled from Jill to unfair advantage, I don't know what is.", "Victoria: Well, it's no wonder Brad was upset about losing out as C.E.O. to Jill. I mean, if the woman is that incredibly loose-lipped...", "Jack: I think you're missing my point, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Oh, am I?", "Jack: Bradley is not bucking for employee of the month because he loves working at Newman. He's trying to get back at me.", "Victoria: Your problem, not mine.", "Jack: You don't care about his motives? You don't care about his ethics?", "Victoria: I have a company to run, Jack. I care about results.", "Jack: Wow. I just got a little chill up my spine. You know why? You sounded just like your father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: So what was so important you had to pull me out of the lab?", "Jack: Look for yourself right over there.", "Ashley: Who are the two suits with Victoria and Brad?", "Jack: Leslie Stanton and Peter Hyler.", "Ashley: Really? The reps from nationwide department stores?", "Jack: That's right, one of the biggest chains in the country. And I don't think they're here to check out the hot tub.", "Ashley: What do you think is going on?", "Jack: What do you think is going on? Bradley is stealing our clients to help Newman's new Seasons line.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Peter: I have to admit, everyone in the industry was surprised when we heard you'd joined Newman Enterprises, Bradley.", "Leslie: Particularly since you had so much success with Jabot.", "Brad: Well, it was time to move on.", "Victoria: So have you had a chance to go over our marketing proposal for Seasons?", "Peter: Yes, and it's quite ambitious.", "Leslie: Only one thing concerns us-- we are not that convinced, given the timing, that you can pull it off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Hey, what's up? How'd you get so dirty?", "Nick: Oh, I've been building a soapbox derby car for Noah in the shed. We're gonna get it in the big race next week. It's been a cool father/son project. I'm having a good time.", "Sharon: I'm glad. As long as the wheels don't come off.", "Nick: Oh, it's gonna make it to the bottom of the hill. I guarantee it. So, uh, what's going on?", "Sharon: Well, I've made a decision. I'm going back to work. I'm starting tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey. What's going on? You sounded upset.", "Daniel: She's gone, Mom.", "Phyllis: Who?", "Daniel: Lily-- she left Genoa City.", "Phyllis: Why?", "Daniel: Because of me. Her parents decided to send her to boarding school in New Hampshire.", "Phyllis: Oh, Daniel.", "Daniel: You were right. Her parents would do anything to keep us apart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Devon. Devon, how's your mom?", "Devon: I don't know. The doctor's haven't said anything to me.", "Neil: Sierra told me that you found her unconscious in the park.", "Devon: She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing.", "Neil: It was an overdose?", "Devon: I don't--I don't know how it could've been, 'cause when I saw her this morning, she was clean.", "Neil: Hey, kid, come on. It's gonna be all right.", "Devon: I just-- I don't know how this could've happened.", "Neil: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: \"Me, too\" what?", "Gloria: Oh, please, Kevin, you were in on all of this, weren't you? That's why you didn't tell me what Michael was up to, because you knew I'd never go along with it.", "Kevin: Look, all I knew was that he had a plan to get Tom to back off. And then he took off, I figured maybe he came here, and I wanted to see how he did it.", "Gloria: How he did what?", "Kevin: Got Tom off my back. Mikey, you shoulda seen it. It was amazing. He storms in madder than hell, grabs all of his stuff, and then boom! He's outta there. It was a beautiful thing.", "Gloria: Would somebody please explain, because I'm very confused right now.", "Kevin: Yeah, I'm confused, too. What, why are you upset?", "Michael: Gloria and I are waiting for John.", "Gloria: Your brother is determined to ruin my marriage.", "Kevin: What?", "Michael: The reason he lit out like that is because I informed him that as of today, he no longer has power over any of us.", "Gloria: Michael wants me to tell John everything now. Tonight.", "Kevin: Whoa.", "Michael: Unless you don't mind him sharing your apartment.", "Kevin: What, are you kidding me?", "Gloria: What do you mean, \"Sharing your apartment?\" Don't tell me that Tom has moved in with you.", "Kevin: Oh, yeah, yeah, he forced his way in. But, uh, like I said, Mikey got rid of him.", "Michael: Because I told him we intend to expose him. Now's the time to finish the job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: So you're Gloria's ex-husband?", "Tom: Yes, sir, I am. And I'm afraid that I haven't been entirely forthcoming with your daughter.", "John: Oh, apparently not. You told my daughter your name was Tom Callahan.", "Tom: And I'm sorry I did that, sir. But I knew if I told her who I really was, she wouldn't have anything to do with me.", "John: You're damn right she wouldn't.", "Tom: I don't know what you've heard about me.", "John: Just stop. I don't want to hear anything about you. The way you treated Gloria-- the pain that you inflicted on your son? What kind of a monster are you?", "Tom: I'm not gonna stand here and tell you that I was a good man. In fact, I deserve every word you just said. There's no excuse for how I treated my family. But that's why I'm here-- to try to make amends.", "John: Well, if that's the case, what the hell are you doing lying to my daughter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Maybe you're being paranoid. Those two over there sell to lots of companies. We're not exclusive.", "Jack: It doesn't bother you at all that Newman's new Seasons line now includes hair care products?", "Ashley: Well, it's not like Brad stole a patent of ours, Jack. Lots of companies have hair care lines.", "Jack: You are being naive, Ash. Wake up. Ever since your ex went over to the dark side, he has been out for blood-- our blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: We have every division connected with Seasons on a fast track.", "Brad: We are well aware that we're rolling out product at the 11th hour.", "Victoria: But we are confident that we can make our deadline.", "Brad: I've never let you down before, have I?", "Victoria: You know, I just cannot say enough about the fantastic marketing plan that Bradley has developed.", "Brad: All based on products that consumers can get hooked on.", "Victoria: They'll enjoy new fragrances, new scents, everything new with each new season of the year.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Peter: Look, Leslie and I agree that what you have is original and exciting. However...", "Leslie: We are maxed out with our commitments right now. Particularly for the holidays.", "Peter: We don't see how we can possibly accommodate a new line of beauty products. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Since when did you decide to go back to work?", "Sharon: I've been thinking about it for awhile now. And I've already talked to Brad.", "Nick: Is Brad running the family company now?", "Sharon: Nick, he's taken the lead on Seasons. It's only logical that I would talk to him. And besides, isn't this what you had in mind for me when you hired me away from Jabot?", "Nick: I'm just a little annoyed that you didn't talk to me about this first.", "Sharon: Well, okay, I admit it was a little spur of the moment.", "Nick: And all of a sudden you're ready.", "Sharon: Well, um, you know, I have to do something to keep me busy. Noah's going back to school now. And I can't just rattle around the house all day. I'd go crazy.", "Nick: I'm not sure jumping back into the rat race is a solution.", "Sharon: Nick, I love you. But going back to Newman will give me something to focus on. It'll give me a reason to wake up in the morning. Maybe it's something you should considering doing, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: So you got to the airport in time.", "Daniel: Yeah, she was getting ready to board the plane.", "Phyllis: You got to say good-bye. That's good.", "Daniel: You know, what if I never get to see her again?", "Phyllis: You're gonna see her again, Daniel. She's just going off to school. Genoa City is her home.", "Daniel: And Mr. Winters-- he decided to tell me that this was best for everyone. You think so, too, don't you?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) I think you and Lily were facing a lot of obstacles, a lot of heartache. You don't need another complication, Daniel. Neither does Lily.", "Daniel: You know, I knew this was gonna be tough, but I thought that Lily and I would work things out. I didn't think that she was gonna get ripped out of my life like this.", "Phyllis: Um... let's go home.", "Daniel: To the Abbotts'?", "Phyllis: Yeah, that's our home.", "Daniel: Mom, it sure doesn't feel like it.", "Phyllis: What--what is this? I thought you liked it there.", "Daniel: I do. I-- I feel like one of those nomads roaming around the desert, Mom. You know, first it was Christine's, then it was Damon's, and the Newmans', now the Abbotts'. I can't even keep track of my own address.", "Phyllis: I didn't know this was bothering you.", "Daniel: I think the Abbotts are great. You know, I really appreciate what they've done for us. It's... they're not family, Mom. They're not our family. And I feel like we don't belong there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Devon, you know how this happened. Your mom's an addict.", "Devon: But she was clean, though. Okay, she hadn't been using for days.", "Neil: Wait, wait, so you know that for a fact?", "Devon: Yes, I do. I was at the park this morning. I saw her.", "Neil: That was this morning. Maybe she got her hands on something this afternoon.", "Devon: She didn't have any money.", "Neil: Addicts are very resourceful. You know, they'll do whatever they can to get their next fix.", "Devon: I don't wanna think about that.", "Neil: Devon, you can't hide from this. Your mom's in serious trouble. She can't beat this thing by herself.", "Devon: When I found her in the park, Neil, I was scared. And I was scared I-- I felt like I was 6 years old again coming home from school and finding her passed out on the couch after she O.D.'d, and I thought she was dead. That's the last time I saw her until... what if she doesn't make it? What if my mom dies? I finally get her back. I can't lose her like this. I can't lose her all over again.", "Neil: You're not gonna lose her. You're not gonna lose her.", "Olivia: Devon?", "Devon: How's my mom doing?", "Olivia: It's definitely an overdose-- crystal methamphetamine.", "Neil: What?", "Devon: Crystal meth-- my mom wasn't taking that.", "Olivia: She did tonight. I mean, she ingested an enormous amount. Her heart stopped in the ambulance. Luckily, the paramedics were able to revive her, but she's still unconscious.", "Devon: All right, I wanna see her.", "Olivia: I'm afraid that's not possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Don't think I'm not grateful to the Abbotts. You know, I know they went out on a limb for us, and most people just wouldn't have.", "Phyllis: But you don't wanna live there anymore, right?", "Daniel: You know what? I'll do whatever. It really doesn't matter.", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Come on, Daniel. It does matter. I want you to be happy, okay?", "Daniel: I would be happy if Lily were still here.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. Come here. I'm sorry, Daniel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Oh, darn. Looks like things aren't working out over there.", "Ashley: Go ahead and gloat. It's certainly not beneath you.", "Jack: Oh, aren't you being generous today? It doesn't bother you at all that junior's now working for the enemy?", "Ashley: Of course it bothers me. And if you're so concerned about the competitive implications, why don't you buy them out? I'm sure Chancellor can afford it.", "Jack: Oh, believe me, I'm giving that serious thought.", "Ashley: Well, I seriously think you should. Now I'm gonna get back to work. All right? Think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Listen, I understand that shelf space is at a premium. So I'm gonna make you a deal.", "Peter: Better be a good one.", "Brad: It is a good one. Now assuming Victoria approves, suppose we throw in our own promotion-- pay for a glitzy launch?", "Victoria: We could, um, we could fly in major celebrities, rock stars, movie people.", "Brad: Mm-hmm. And we foot the bill for personal appearances in your stores.", "Victoria: And we won't won't infringe on any of your existing space.", "Brad: That's right. Seasons is the kind of product line that doesn't have to be displayed in the cosmetics section. It could be placed in accessories. It could be placed virtually anywhere as long as there's a lot of consumer foot traffic.", "Victoria: We view our product as full-service, not just makeup and beauty.", "Brad: It can be a lifestyle. Bringing in the buyer who selects products based on other seasonal purchases.", "Victoria: Yes, such as hand bags, shoes, clothing...", "Brad: This is a very crowded, competitive marketplace. In this day and age, we wanna lead the pack, not follow.", "Peter: What do you think, Leslie?", "Leslie: We can work with that approach.", "Peter: We won't alienate our commitments, yet we'd be introducing something new and unique.", "Victoria: If you agree to have us in your stores, we'll cover any shortfalls if holiday sales don't meet our expectations.", "Leslie: Sounds good to me. How about you, Peter?", "Peter: An offer we can't refuse, right?", "Leslie: You are certain, beyond any doubt, that you can get product to us?", "Brad: Absolutely. All the information is in this folder. We are timed and ready to roll out for an early November release.", "Peter: Good. Draw up the paperwork and send it to our main office A.S.A.P.", "Victoria: We have a deal?", "Peter: And we hope a Merry Christmas for all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: So how did Tom react when you told him what you were doing?", "Michael: Predictably. He ran off like the coward he is.", "Gloria: Yeah, but first, Michael brings him over here so we can all have a nice sit-down with John. Imagine that.", "Michael: He assumed we were bluffing.", "Gloria: So did I.", "Michael: For awhile. And apparently, he got the message that Gloria and I weren't kidding.", "Kevin: Doesn't that kind of put Mom's marriage to the test?", "Gloria: I'm gonna be thrown out on the curb. Because John is going to feel utterly betrayed by me--", "Michael: Oh, Kevin, would you please inform our mother that you agree with me about exposing Tom now before he bleeds you dry.", "Gloria: Oh, would you-- I can't listen to this anymore, Kevin.", "Michael: Where are you going?", "Gloria: I am going to the kitchen to make some herbal tea to try and calm my nerves even though I know damn good and well it won't work.", "Kevin: She's right to be worried, Mikey. Don't you think?", "Michael: Well, the only way that marriage has a snowball's chance is if she levels with John before she gets in any deeper.", "Kevin: I understand why she's so terrified. It's a big gamble.", "Michael: Yeah, well, letting Tom Fisher rule your life is an even worse gamble. You need to realize that.", "Kevin: Uh, hey, you know, Mikey, um, there's actually, uh, a different reason that I tracked you down here.", "Michael: You know what? John's gonna be here any minute--", "Kevin: Okay, okay, I'll make it quick. I'll make it quick. Um, I need my share of the lottery winnings.", "Michael: Okay. Why, may I ask, do you need that money?", "Kevin: Because I have a plan. It's a great plan, actually. See, Mac and I-- we're hoping to buy the coffeehouse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: When I first came to Genoa City, I had the pleasure of meeting your daughter. She is a very beautiful, kind and intelligent woman.", "John: Oh, and you took advantage of that, and I find that despicable.", "Tom: I agree. It is. But I was new here in town, and I'm trying to make a new start for myself--", "John: You know, Fisher, save your breath. There is no one in my family who would have anything to do with you. No, not a man with your crimes.", "Tom: Wait a second now. I may have been a bad father, a bad husband, but I am not a criminal, sir. If I'm guilty of anything, it's not knowing how to control my temper. That's just how my daddy was.", "John: You know, I don't wanna hear excuses.", "Tom: I'm not trying to make any. Look, what I did to my family-- that's a cross I'm gonna have to bear for the rest of my life. But I am not that man anymore. I've worked hard not to be.", "John: And still, you lied to my daughter.", "Tom: Mr. Abbott, I am sure that Ashley has said some good things about me. Can't you judge me by what she said? Just give me a chance? I always treated your daughter with utmost dignity.", "John: Well, you wouldn't have gotten anywhere with her if you didn't. Now the question is, Fisher, why are you here? What in the hell do you want? What is it? Is it money?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, don't even suggest it. I'm not ready to go back to Newman.", "Sharon: Are you sure? I'm not the only one who needs something to focus on.", "Nick: Well, I can find other things to focus on. Like Noah-- if you're gonna go back to work, somebody needs to hang out with him.", "Sharon: Well, it wouldn't be like we're abandoning him. He's in school all day.", "Nick: Well, what about after school? Look... losing Cassie made me realize how important it is to enjoy these moments with Noah now.", "Sharon: Nick, I can't help wondering if maybe there's something more going on with you.", "Nick: You're not hearing me. I have no intention of going back.", "Sharon: Not ever?", "Nick: Not now. I'm not ready. So end of discussion.", "Sharon: Well, I hope that maybe someday you'll be ready to be C.E.O. again.", "Nick: We'll see. Victoria's doing a good job.", "Sharon: She is. But your father gave the job to you. And if you wait too long, you might not be able to get it back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: We'll be in touch.", "Victoria: Thank you so much.", "Leslie: Thank you.", "Brad: We did it! We pulled it off!", "Victoria: You were really on a roll!", "Brad: You weren't too bad yourself, Ms. Newman.", "Victoria: I was sweating it there for awhile. You know, I was afraid if we pushed too hard--", "Brad: Listen, I've known Peter and Leslie a long time. They're savvy buyers. They wouldn't have been suckered by some over-the-top sales pitch. You handled yourself beautifully.", "Victoria: We make an excellent team.", "Brad: Was there ever any doubt?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Jack: Hey. Hey. Hey. Can I buy you a drink?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I could use one. White wine, please.", "Jack: Yeah, white wine and another one of these.", "Jack: So... what's going on?", "Phyllis: I just came from talking to Daniel.", "Jack: Boy, he's gotta be on top of the world since the verdict.", "Phyllis: Actually, he isn't.", "Jack: Really? Why?", "Phyllis: Well, um, the Winters have sent Lily to boarding school.", "Jack: Isn't that exactly what you wanted-- those two apart?", "Phyllis: I hate to see Daniel so miserable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Why can't I see my mother?", "Olivia: Honey, she's unconscious. She's hooked up to a lot of machines. I just would rather you waited till later.", "Neil: Liv, there's something you're not telling.", "Olivia: Crystal meth is extremely dangerous, and Yolanda took a lot of it-- way more than the typical user.", "Neil: She's gonna make it, isn't she?", "Olivia: Her vital signs are dangerously low. I mean, her blood pressure and heartbeat-- they're way off the map. When she wakes up, she could be difficult to control. She might even be violent or aggressive.", "Neil: All right, all right, well, listen, I don't want Devon to see her like that.", "Olivia: No.", "Devon: Hey, guys, I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna use the restroom, all right?", "Neil: Yeah.", "Olivia: I think you should try to get him home. He shouldn't be waiting around here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Well, I can see you just wanna believe the worst about me.", "John: And you don't think that's justified?", "Tom: I'm after only one thing, Mr. Abbott-- that's honesty. Now I know I shoulda come forward sooner.", "John: Well, why didn't you?", "Tom: Well, I was afraid. I was afraid of what Gloria would do when she found out that I was seeing Ashley.", "John: What do you think she would've done? She would've told Ashley the truth.", "Tom: I suppose she would have.", "John: Let me ask you something, Fisher. How long has Gloria known that you're in town?", "Tom: Why do you ask?", "John: Now you tell me the truth. What did Gloria know? Was she aware that you were seeing Ashley? Now damn it, man, you answer me!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon, I'm not worried about the C.E.O. position. Victoria can hold it down until I come back-- whenever that may be.", "Sharon: Nick, she and Brad are meeting with two major reps from national department stores. Victoria is really excited about this Seasons line.", "Nick: Good. I'm glad she found something in Genoa City to feel passionate about.", "Sharon: But you were the one who planned on developing it.", "Nick: That's the way it is in companies sometimes. You start something, other people finish it.", "Sharon: But you were C.E.O. don't you miss it?", "Nick: What's to miss? I mean, there are a few things I'm not happy about-- like Brad working there.", "Sharon: Nick, I don't get this. You know, the whole reason why Victoria left town was because she was passed over for the C.E.O. job. And now you're just handing it to her on a silver platter.", "Nick: The competition thing is overrated. I'm not gonna be pitted against my sister anymore. I'm not gonna sweat it.", "Sharon: That is not like you.", "Nick: Well, maybe I learned something.", "Sharon: No, Nick, you lost something. You've lost your passion for everything. It seems like ever since the trial ended, nothing matters to you anymore.", "Nick: That's not true. I care. I care about Noah. I care about this soapbox derby. Besides, you're gonna be working there all day. You can keep me posted. I'm gonna go out to the shed and sand the body one more time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Buy the coffeehouse? You mean Crimson Lights?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, from Nick and Sharon. If they're willing to sell, that is. See, we came up with this whole business plan. And get this, Mac's grandmother has already agreed to put up her half.", "Michael: Really? Wow, that's impressive.", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, we're really excited.", "Michael: I can see why. I'm excited, too-- seeing you take this kind of initiative.", "Kevin: Well, you know, I can't let the ghost of Terrible Tom keep me down in the muck forever. You know, it's time I make something of myself, Mikey.", "Michael: Yeah, hearing you talk this way-- I'm very proud of you.", "Kevin: Really?", "Michael: Yeah, yeah. This is a big step. It's huge. Congratulations.", "Kevin: Oh, my God, you mean--", "Michael: Yeah, yeah, if you wanna take this money and set yourself up in business, I am all for it.", "Kevin: Oh, thank you, Mikey! Thank you, thank you, thank you!", "Michael: You've very welcome.", "Kevin: You will not be disappointed, I promise you. Mac and I--we are gonna be a huge, huge success. Even if, you know, we never...", "Michael: I know, become anything more than partners?", "Kevin: Hey, you know what? I'm, uh, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that. Whatever will be, will be.", "Michael: All right. That's a good attitude.", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. I just, uh, I just wish things were going better for Mom. She seems so freaked out about talking to Mr. Abbott.", "Michael: Look, it's a done deal, Kevin. John's on his way home as we speak. Speaking of which, he phoned. He should've been home awhile ago.", "Gloria: Okay, you know what? You know what? I finally get it. This whole mess is your fault-- both of you. You both should've come to me the minute that you knew Tom was in town. But, no, you had to keep it a secret. And then this one comes up with this cockamamie idea about having Tom declared legally dead, which he wasn't. But I didn't know that, because you lied to me. And now I am the one who is going to have to pay the price for your deception. Now does that seem fair?", "Kevin: Oh, come on, Mom, no matter what happens, you're not gonna end up out on the street. You can live with me.", "Gloria: Oh, well, thank you very much, sweetheart, but I don't think either of you realize... what I'm losing.", "Michael: Go tell Mac the good news.", "Kevin: Mom--", "Gloria: Please, Kevin, not now.", "Michael: I'll handle things here. Go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Your wife has no idea I'm in town.", "John: Oh, I find that hard to believe.", "Tom: Well, it's true.", "John: So, Mr. Fisher, you're telling me that you came all the way to Genoa City to make amends with your family, but you haven't seen your ex-wife once?", "Tom: That's correct. And Michael and Kevin both knew I was in town. But neither of them has said anything to Gloria.", "John: Why not?", "Tom: Well, I think they were worried about how you would react-- if you would take things out on her.", "John: You and Gloria have been divorced for years.", "Tom: Look, I realized how happy Gloria is with you. I didn't want anything to jeopardize that. And I meant what I said about trying to make amends. I thought that I would start with Kevin and then I would approach Gloria. But once Michael found out that I was seeing Ashley...", "John: Michael knew that?", "Tom: Yeah, that's why I came to you-- to tell you the truth before you heard some ugly version of the story.", "John: Of all the... Michael knew about it, and he never came to me or Ashley?", "Tom: He even tried to buy me out of town, which just reinforced how important it was that I come to you. Now I realize Ashley and I probably won't be seeing each other anymore. But if I stay here in town, I just don't feel good about you not knowing who I am.", "John: Well, I'm sure you know it would've surfaced anyway.", "Tom: Well, I didn't want you finding out from anybody else, especially Michael. You're a good and decent man, and you have been a Godsend to Gloria.", "John: And you, Mr. Fisher, are a man who's abused his family. And anyone who does that is a deviant. Doesn't have a shred of decency and credibility within him. No, Mr. Fisher, I don't believe one word you have just said. Not one.", "Tom: You have every right not to believe me. But I swear to you, I have told you everything. Gloria is not to blame for any of this. She had no idea that I was seeing Ashley, or that I was even in town.", "John: So you say.", "Tom: Mr. Abbott, please, I would never do anything to hurt Gloria again. Lord knows, I did enough of that in the past. She has a wonderful life with you now. And I would not do anything to destroy that.", "John: You know, Fisher, you've got a hell of a lot of nerve to come to this town. But I want to make something crystal clear-- you stay away from my family, and don't you dare to anywhere near them. Now is that clear?", "Tom: I understand. And I thank you for your time.", "Tom: Good luck, Mikey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, now that we have a venue to launch Seasons, we're going to be working some long hours.", "Brad: Don't mind a bit. You know how excited I am about this product line.", "Victoria: Yeah, yeah, but you're used to being home at nights with Abby.", "Brad: Well, that's true. But I've got it covered.", "Victoria: You do?", "Brad: Mm-hmm. Ashley's cut down on her work schedule. So as long as one of us is there to tuck Abby in, I'm okay with it.", "Victoria: If you say so.", "Brad: I say so. There is no way I'd miss out on the opportunity of being on the launch of this line. I worked too hard for a holiday release.", "Victoria: Well, in that case, I'd like to propose a toast.", "Brad: By all means.", "Victoria: To a very long and prosperous working relationship.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Tell you what, I'll give Daniel a little pep talk. See if we can't bring him around.", "Phyllis: It's gonna take a lot more than a pep talk.", "Jack: Like what?", "Phyllis: Well, he needs structure. He needs stability. He needs to know that he's part of a real family.", "Jack: He has that.", "Phyllis: Well, not really, Jack. I just realized, he's never had a real home. Ever. I wanna give him that. I wanna give us that.", "Jack: What are you telling me?", "Phyllis: Well, I think it's time. I think Daniel and I should move out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Oh, Michael, why don't you just go out there and flag down John's car?", "Michael: I can't imagine what's keeping him. (Telephone rings)", "Gloria: Maybe that's him on the phone calling from the car.", "Gloria: Hello, sweetheart.", "Tom: Don't say anything. Just listen. When your husband gets home, admit nothing.", "Michael: Who was that?", "Gloria: It was a wrong number.", "Michael: John's coming down the drive.", "Gloria: Hello, sweetheart, how was your day?", "John: What are you doing here, Baldwin?", "Michael: Actually, Gloria and I have been waiting for you.", "John: Why?", "Michael: My mother and I have something to tell you, and it can't wait another moment.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Tom: To getting everything we want.", "Michael: This time you've made it personal. So the gloves are off.", "Nick: I think you still blame me for Cassie's death." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Jack and Sharon are kissing in her house. Nick comes to the screen door and watches them for a minute. He then knocks loudly. \"You are starting to make this a habit Sharon.\" Jack and Sharon separate but Sharon tells him that the next time that he wants to come over he is to call first. Nick is glad that he has bumped into Jack as he needs something from him anyway. Jack looks for the report while Sharon and Nick haggle over him seeing Nick that day. She would like more notice. Dru is friendly to Daniel when she finds him delivering mail. She does with him pushing the cart telling how she used to do this very job once. Daniel is surprised that she is being so friendly. She tells that she meant what she said before. She will try to be nice. When they return to the hall, she sees Neil and Carmen getting on the elevator, going somewhere. Later Lily knows that something is wrong with her mother but Dru tries to hold it in. Finally, she blurts out; \"Your father is having an affair with Carmen Mesta.\" Lily goes to the lunchroom and is hidden behind the door when she hears her father entering with Carmen. She listens to them talk for a couple of seconds and then she appears from behind the door. Neil and Carmen freeze when they see her. Carmen says hello, but Lily ignores her asking to speak to her father. Carmen leaves. \"Daddy are you having an affair with her?\" Neil is angry and knows this came from Dru. He goes to Dru shouting that if she ever uses the kids again, he will leave her for sure!\" Dru tells Sharon how she connected with Jack. Dru warns that Jack is a ladies man and that she had better be careful. Sharon say that nothing serious is going on and that she is just living her life. \"That gives me an idea,\" Dru says. She goes back to the office and is in the mirror primping her hair when Carmen enters behind her. She threatens to sue the woman if she defames her character again at the workplace. Dru turns to her. \"You can take your PR report, scrunch it up and shove it where the sun don't shine!\" Neil comes to Dru in the hall and see her glamming up in the mirror. He asks who she is getting dolled up for. \"What do you care?\" He grabs her roughly and drags her into an office. He gets in her face about her ideas about Carmen and he asks her to move on. \"Moving on sounds good. I'm gonna get me some of that like you got with Carmen!\" Sharon opens the door and isn't pleased to see Nick again unannounced at her door. \"I want to more time with Noah Phyllis and I are moving into the Tack House.\"" ]
[ "Nick: This is getting to be a habit.", "Phyllis: You sure know your daddy, don't you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Oh, oh, oh, oh, perfect timing, perfect timing! Daniel, just a second. Listen, I have some samples I need delivered right away, so if you have a second, if you could do it right now, I'd so appreciate it. What's wrong?", "Daniel: N-nothing, I--", "Dru: What? I'm not usually this friendly? I know, I know, but listen, I meant what I said at my daughter's dinner, okay? Everyone deserves a second chance. Let's load up. I used to do this, you know? I used to be in a mailroom.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Dru: Yeah!", "Daniel: Okay, good.", "Dru: I can do it.", "[Dru sees Neil and Carmen go in the break room]", "Carmen: Okay, thanks. I'll see you soon. Oh, great. I was hoping I'd catch you.", "Neil: Hey, look at you. Your haircut-- it's absolutely beautiful.", "Carmen: Thank you. So do you have a little free time? I have something I want to show you.", "Neil: Um, now?", "Carmen: Yeah, now. It can't wait.", "Neil: Okay, let's do it. Where we going?", "Carmen: What, and ruin the surprise?", "Neil: I love surprises. It's gonna be great, I'm sure.", "Daniel: What's in these things?", "Dru: Uh...", "Neil: So are you gonna give me a little hint?", "Carmen: No, no hint.", "Neil: Just something?", "Carmen: Yeah, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Oh, hey there.", "Billy: Hey, I was looking for Mom. Is she around?", "Ashley: Well, try Elisa. She'll probably know.", "Billy: Cool.", "Billy: I've got big plans.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah?", "Billy: What about Jack? Is he here?", "Ashley: He's at Newman. Something I can help you with?", "Billy: Thanks. Nothing Jack can't handle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Oh, I had no idea that you'd be coming by.", "Nick: Well, I would have called if I'd thought you had company. Hello, Jack.", "Jack: Nicholas.", "Sharon: Well, from now on, call anyway, huh? This is my house now, remember?", "Nick: Right. Well, it won't take long. Could I, uh, come in?", "Jack: Fine with me. I just have to get something out of one of those files. I think I left it...", "Sharon: Okay. Yeah, um, just make it quick, huh?", "Nick: I will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Here you go, Daniel.", "Daniel: Okay, so just marketing?", "Dru: Hey, guys. Yeah, um, you know, research, focus groups, stuff like that.", "Daniel: Trying to get some consumer reactions?", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Daniel: You okay?", "Dru: Huh? Yeah, why?", "Daniel: Well, you just seem a little tense.", "Dru: No, no, I need you to deliver, you know, do the do, stuff to the people.", "Lily: Ooh, let me help you.", "Daniel: I got it, Babe. Thank you, though. Ooh-whoo-whoo.", "Lily: I didn't know you could juggle.", "Daniel: Yeah, neither did I.", "Lily: What is all that stuff?", "Daniel: Just some samples your mom wants me to pass out.", "Lily: You're going to GCS to register for college today, right?", "Daniel: That's the plan.", "Lily: I was thinking I'd come with you.", "Daniel: Yeah, if you want to go, that'd be cool.", "Lily: And sign myself up.", "Daniel: For college? You mean, you're going for real?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: You can drop this off with Deborah in Human Resources.", "Gloria: And I'd like to see the label designs as soon as possible, something that really jumps off the screen-- stopping power for everyone that's surfing the web.", "Kevin: Got it.", "Ashley: You know the effect I'm going for.", "Kevin: You got it.", "Ashley: Wait, excuse me a second. Jabot's web site isn't your area, Gloria.", "Gloria: And you couldn't be more wrong.", "Ashley: No, you're the \"fashion consultant\" for Jabot.", "Gloria: Yeah, I was, and now I'm Vice President of Creative Affairs.", "Kevin: If I may, I believe the word you're looking for is \"Congratulations.\"", "Ashley: I don't even know what that title means. Did you make it up on your way into work this morning?", "Gloria: No.", "Ashley: Vice president? You're not the vice president of sweeping the floors, let alone anything else around here.", "Kevin: (Laughs) ah, this is gonna be fun.", "Kevin: You're gonna feel pretty stupid in a minute, Ashley.", "Ashley: You know the only thing that's stupid around here?", "Gloria: Kevin, I'll take care of this.", "Ashley: Vice President of Creative Affairs. I've never even heard of such a position, Gloria.", "Gloria: That's right. It was created for me.", "Ashley: By whom?", "Gloria: Jill and Katherine, our bosses. Go on, Ashley. Run in there and have your little tantrum. It won't do you any good, 'cause despite your efforts to sabotage us, Kevin and I aren't going anywhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Don't mind me. As soon as I find this file, I'll be out of your hair.", "Nick: Take your time, Jack.", "Jack: Thanks. I will.", "Sharon: So... why are you here, Nick?", "Nick: Um, Noah left a couple of video games at my suite the other night.", "Sharon: Okay, just, uh, leave them here for him.", "Nick: Well, I'd like to see him myself since I made the trip.", "Sharon: Well, Noah's not here. He won't be home till tonight. So I'll tell him you stopped by, and you can just leave them here for him or give them to him next time you see him.", "Nick: Here you go.", "Sharon: Okay, anything else?", "Nick: No, I'll leave now.", "Jack: Well, I guess it's not here. It must be at the office. I'll walk out with you, Nick.", "Sharon: Thanks for everything, Jack. Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: College? Oh, baby girl, that's the best news a mother could get!", "Lily: Really?", "Dru: Yes, really. My baby girl is moving on with her life, ooh!", "Lily: You know what would make everything better, Mom?", "Dru: Huh, huh?", "Lily: You and Dad making it work.", "Dru: Okay, this is about you. Now tell Mother--what subjects are you gonna register for?", "Lily: You okay, Mom?", "Dru: Yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm--I'm cool. You know, just been a crazy week around here, just crazy.", "Lily: You and Dad had another fight?", "Dru: Lily, come on now. Come on.", "Lily: What? Why don't you ever tell me what's going on?", "Dru: Baby, there's nothing going on, all right? I just don't want you to worry.", "Lily: But I am worried. I don't understand why you and Dad can't just forgive each other.", "Dru: Okay, you know what? I cannot forgive your father when he's having an affair with Carmen Mesta, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, not a whole lot of atmosphere.", "Carmen: It has potential, though, don't you think?", "Neil: Yeah, sure, if you like cobwebs.", "Carmen: (Laughs) come on, look past that. It's a great room.", "Neil: Yeah, well, it used to be a nightclub, huh?", "Carmen: Yep, but not anymore.", "Neil: Why? What's it gonna be now?", "Carmen: A jazz club-- your jazz club.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Dad would never cheat.", "Dru: Look, I'm sorry I even said it, okay? Just forget it.", "Lily: So then why did you say that? Why would you say some--?", "Dru: I'm imagining things, okay? I'm paranoid. Just forget I said it.", "Lily: Forget you said it? How can I do that? You just told me my dad is hav--", "Dru: Okay, daddy is not having an affair. No one is having an affair.", "Neil: Wow, Carmen, my very own nightclub, huh? What a great gift. I'd have been just fine with a brand-new watch, but hey, a giant nightclub will work, too.", "Carmen: Gift, no. I didn't spend a dime. I hacked into your bank account and transferred the down payment.", "Neil: awful as always.", "Carmen: Seriously, I drove by, and I saw the \"for sale\" sign and...", "Neil: And you envisioned my name up there in lights, right?", "Carmen: How many times have you talked about your dream of opening your own jazz club?", "Neil: Nice to know that someone's paying attention.", "Carmen: So you gonna go for it or what?", "Neil: Oh, Carmen, come on. I don't know. I mean, owning my own jazz club, that's something I think about 10:00 late at night while I'm stuck at the office, you know?", "Carmen: Well, why not do both? Think about it.", "Neil: Yeah, I am. I definitely am.", "Dru: Thank you.", "Sharon: Hello.", "Dru: Sharon, listen, Girl, I need me a shopping fix.", "Sharon: Honey, I know the feeling.", "Dru: I'm at Newman.", "Sharon: I'll be right over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Vice President of Creative Affairs?", "Jill: You heard.", "Ashley: Have you completely lost your mind?", "Jill: Gloria is a valued employee, Ashley.", "Ashley: Like hell she is, Jill.", "Jill: What do you want to do, shut her out here, too? How do you sleep nights?", "Ashley: I sleep just fine, thank you.", "Jill: Well, I'll tell you something. Katherine and I have decided the poor woman needs something positive in her life after losing everything.", "Ashley: This is a business decision-- a very bad one.", "Jill: And it's my decision to make, not yours.", "Ashley: You honestly don't see how completely irrational this is?", "Jill: Gloria stays. End of story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: As far as the entertainment goes, I think your mother's planning on a live combo.", "Nick: What kind of game are you playing, Jack?", "Jack: Game? How do you mean? Is there something about the opening event that you don't like?", "Nick: What I don't like is what you're doing to Sharon.", "Nick: Look, Sharon is--", "Jack: Oh, whoa, whoa, wait. You're not gonna tell me Sharon's vulnerable right now. It seems to me Phyllis was pretty vulnerable when we were having problems. Isn't that when you strutted into her life?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Hey, Mom. I got the logo revisions you wanted to see.", "Gloria: Not now.", "Kevin: What happened?", "Gloria: I was just going through the paper to get a feel for the competition's print campaigns, 'cause I want Jill to know how...", "Kevin: What? What is it?", "Gloria: Do you know who Terry Wallis is?", "Kevin: No.", "Gloria: He was in a car accident. He was in a coma for 19 years. The doctors didn't expect him to live more than a few hours, but he did. They said he'd never wake up, but he did three years ago. His mother was in the room when... when out of nowhere, he said, \"Mom.\" And then he started talking. He started talking.", "Kevin: Mom...", "Gloria: He started talking. It was a medical miracle.", "Kevin: Mom, why don't we not do this, okay?", "Gloria: There was hope for John.", "Kevin: The doctors said that there wasn't.", "Gloria: Doctors aren't Gods. They make mistakes. But if we'd been patient, his body could have healed, and John might have come back to us. Jack was wrong. Jack was wrong.", "Jack: Remind me to block this number.", "Gloria: Did you read the paper this morning, Jack?", "Jack: Yeah, part of it. Why?", "Gloria: First section, page 19. Get a copy. Look at it.", "Jack: A bunch of ads.", "Gloria: Yeah, and a follow-up story about Terry Wallis. Read it, Jack. John might have regained consciousness, maybe next year, maybe next week or maybe the day after you convinced me we should let him die.", "Kevin: Mom. Mom, wait up.", "Gloria: Mnh-mnh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: It would have been a sin to drive around on a day like today without the top down.", "Jill: Oh, you rented a convertible?", "Billy: No, I bought one-- a Porsche. It's nice.", "Jill: What?!", "Billy: So anyway, when do you want me to start around here? I can move into my office anytime, unless, you know, you've having it redecorated.", "Jill: Redecorated?", "Billy: Right.", "Jill: You mean, your office in the mailroom? Or maybe you'd like it on the loading dock?", "Billy: Wow, so I get my own choice of plum assignments?", "Jill: Sweetie, we discussed this. All new hires take entry-level positions unless they have an MBA.", "Billy: Master butt-kissing artist?", "Jill: Look, Bradley Carlton drove a forklift and loaded pallets when he was your age, and look where he is now.", "Billy: And not all because of his business smarts. Didn't he marry into most of his bucks?", "Jill: Well, see, there's two things you have in common with him. Both of you started your careers on the bottom rung of the ladder, and both of you made your money the old-fashioned way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Hello.", "Jack: Hey, what are you doing here? What did I do now?", "Ashley: It's not what you did. I can't even say her name without wanting to explode.", "Jack: Does it begin with a \"G,\" by any chance?", "Ashley: Gloria went behind our backs, Jack, and she conned Jill and Katherine into giving her a promotion.", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: Yeah, some ridiculous Creative Affairs position. Apparently they invented it just for her. Gloria Fisher is now Vice President.", "Jack: Well, if it helps at all, you're not her only victim today.", "Ashley: What did she do to you?", "Jack: Oh, she laid a major guilt trip on me.", "Ashley: Oh, that's so typical, and I can't take it. If she's gonna be lording this over me... at least Dad could keep a leash on her.", "Jack: Do you ever regret the decision we made about Dad? I sometimes wonder if I should have just kept my mouth shut.", "Ashley: Jack, you can't do this to yourself.", "Jack: Oh, how can I not second-guess myself?", "Ashley: Does this have anything to do with her trying to make you feel guilty?", "Jack: Oh she did more than try.", "Ashley: What did she say?", "Jack: Three years ago in Arkansas, this guy, Terry Wallis, came out of a coma after 19 years. Doctor said it would never happen. Gloria called me this morning to make sure I choked on a follow-up story in today's paper.", "Ashley: Jackie, listen to me. Dad's situation was completely different. He couldn't breathe on his own. He wasn't responding to stimuli. For Gloria to call you up and be so vicious as to torment you with that, please don't let her get to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Mom...", "Gloria: Just go back to work, Kevin, please. We both need to just go back... I just thought if I could make Jack suffer the way I'm suffering...", "Kevin: It didn't help, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: And maybe we'll even have some classes together, which means that I would get to see her every day, and wouldn't that be cool?", "Phyllis: That would be cool. I'm so glad you two are getting back together and I am happy and...", "Daniel: Yeah, well go and, uh, what's--what's up with the tummy now, huh?", "Phyllis: You should watch how you talk about your little sister.", "Daniel: I'm gonna have a little sister?", "Phyllis: Mm-h.", "Daniel: That is so cool.", "Daniel: Hey, little Sis. You ready to meet all the nice people out here?", "Phyllis: Aw, that's sweet. Oh, by the way, she's kicking. She's definitely ready to meet all the nice people.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Or you could put in a whole new bar, something more retro.", "Neil: Hey, hey, Bebop era, right?", "Carmen: Mm-hmm, \"The Bird\" would be right at home.", "Neil: He sure would, but you know what I was thinking? If we actually put... hey, Lily, kiddo, I didn't see you there.", "Carmen: Hi, Lily.", "Lily: Could I talk to you, please... alone?", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "Carmen: I'll catch up with you later.", "Neil: Okay, real good.", "Neil: Looks kind of serious. What's on your mind?", "Lily: Are you sleeping with Carmen Mesta?", "Neil: Where would you get an idea like... did your mother tell you that?", "Lily: Is it true?", "Neil: No, absolutely not true. Carmen Mesta is a friend of mine, period.", "Lily: Dad, I know Mom has been kind of a mess lately, but seriously, the way you were just now... I even saw you with Carmen.", "Neil: The way I was? Like what? What do you mean?", "Lily: You know, like close, like you guys know each other really, really well.", "Neil: No, we don't know each other really, really well. We work... we happen to work all day together in the same office. We work on a lot of the same projects together.", "Lily: And that's it?", "Neil: Lily, listen closely to me, okay, Sweetheart? Whatever your mother thinks is going on, she misunderstood. I am a married man. I have a family. End of story.", "Daniel: Hey, uh, I'll just wait for you out in the hall by the elevators, okay?", "Lily: No, we should go now. The lines are gonna be long, and I don't want to be late. Bye, Dad.", "Neil: (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: So did you like the Tulip Temptation I sent? I told you the sample was gonna be the bomb. I love it, too. That's right. (Door slams)", "Dru: What was that about?", "Neil: It was bad enough when you used Devon to play go-between without his knowledge, but now you're trying to turn my own daughter against me by telling her I'm having an affair!", "Dru: Wait, Neil, I never meant for her to think that.", "Neil: Well, that's what she thinks, and the poor kid is really upset about it.", "Dru: Okay, I can explain everything--", "Neil: No, you listen to me! The paranoia stops right now. If you ever, ever use our kids against me, I promise you I am gone. Do you hear me? There'll be nothing left to stay!", "Dru: Neil, Neil, please let-- Neil... (Door opens) (Door slams)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, I just told Daniel that he was having a baby sister, and he was so cute. He couldn't stop smiling. (Giggles) yeah.", "Nick: You'd better close the door.", "Phyllis: All right. What's going on?", "Nick: I, um... I just went out to the ranch to see Noah, and he wasn't there. But Sharon was, and she had a visitor.", "Phyllis: Who?", "Nick: Jack.", "Phyllis: And?", "Nick: And they were, uh, kissing.", "Phyllis: Hmm, so, um, Sharon and Jack were kissing?", "Nick: Yep, and not the friendly, you know, kiss-on-the-cheek thing. It was the real deal.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Did they see you?", "Nick: They acted like it was no big thing. They didn't even try and hide it.", "Phyllis: Really? So are they together?", "Nick: I-I didn't, uh... we didn't get into that.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well, um, good thing Noah didn't walk in. Remember how great that was when Daniel walked in on us? Let's just hope Sharon isn't that careless.", "Nick: Right. Look, my son is confused enough as it is. The last thing he needs to see is his mother making out with Jack. I mean, Sharon is all over map these days. First Brad, then Jack.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh. Well, Sharon has to move on at some point.", "Nick: I know, but with Jack?", "Phyllis: I guess welcome to the world of ex-spouses and their choice of sex partners. I don't know.", "Nick: I just don't want my son to have to deal with that. I want him to be able to come over any time.", "Phyllis: Uh-huh, you don't want him to be uncomfortable or whatever.", "Nick: Yeah, Even if everything's fine, and we're all behaving, I want him to see he has both his parents around, and we're working together as a family even though we don't live together.", "Phyllis: How you gonna do that?", "Nick: I don't know. I have to find a way to get closer to my son, 'cause I can't be in town with him out at the ranch.", "Phyllis: I have an answer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: Drucilla told her that here?", "Neil: I couldn't believe that either, except that I could.", "Carmen: Well, what if someone had overheard?", "Neil: She's not thinking very rationally right now, Carmen.", "Carmen: Yeah, I'll say. Poor Lily.", "Neil: Yeah, and Devon. Don't forget that stunt the other night when Drucilla sent him home to turn off the stove that was never on.", "Carmen: She knew I was there.", "Neil: It's no excuse. Dru and I are separated or may as well be, and I just told her we will be for good if she doesn't stop pulling this garbage.", "Carmen: So much of this is my fault.", "Neil: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't you do that.", "Carmen: I knew you were married.", "Neil: (Whispers) Carmen... we have done nothing wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dru: Hey! Oh, that was so much fun!", "Sharon: Listen, why won't you tell me what had you all shaken up earlier?", "Dru: Oh, I don't want to talk about that right now. I'd rather talk about that cute little dress you bought for the gala, but not really for the gala and certainly not for that jerk whose name escapes me. You know what I'm talking about. So who's the lucky guy?", "Sharon: No one.", "Dru: Oh, Sharon, please don't quit your day job. You're a horrible liar.", "Sharon: Okay, can I plead the fifth?", "Dru: Ahem.", "Sharon: Fine, fine, fine. I'll just tell you.", "Dru: Okay.", "Sharon: All right, I, uh... I had just left Nick and his lawyers, and, um...", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: I ran into Jack, and I ended up kind of crying on his shoulder a little bit, and then, well, he ended up kissing me.", "Dru: Jack Abbott?", "Sharon: What?", "Dru: Sharon!", "Sharon: What? Why does it have to be this horrible thing? It was kind of nice, you know?", "Dru: Yeah, well, I told you to, like, move on, but not like, you know, take sloppy seconds. I mean, that's Phyllis's ex, right?", "Sharon: It keeps things interesting.", "Dru: Yeah, well, um, let me tell you about Jack Abbott, okay? I used to live at the Abbott house back in the day when my Aunt Mamie worked for them, and he's, like, sweet all day long, but when he wants something... look, all I'm gonna tell you-- he's a ladies' man.", "Sharon: Ladies' man? Well, I'll consider myself warned.", "Dru: Oh, okay, so in other words, Dru, butt out.", "Sharon: No, I love our friendship. I know you're just trying to help me.", "Dru: Uh-huh.", "Sharon: But listen, I'm not gonna fall for the guy or anything like that or anyone else for that matter. I'm just trying to... I'm just trying to live my life. I'm just trying to move on, you know? You know you've just given me an idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Could you please make that a to-go order?", "Gina: No problem.", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Gina: How you holding up? I just wanted you to know how much I, uh, miss John.", "Ashley: Well, yeah, we all do. Well, you know, I have my good days and my bad days.", "Gina: Well, I'll get this started.", "Ashley: Thanks.", "Will: Ashley.", "Ashley: Oh, hi, Will.", "Will: Hi. It's been a while.", "Ashley: Yeah, it has.", "Will: Ah, my deepest sympathies.", "Ashley: I was gonna call you, but--", "Will: No, no, I understand. I would have touched base with you, but I was out of town at a funeral.", "Ashley: I'm sorry.", "Will: It wasn't unexpected. His health had been failing for a while, not like your father.", "Ashley: Yeah, that was a shock.", "Will: Is there anything I can do?", "Ashley: Well, yeah, actually. You could help me get rid of Gloria Fisher. I'm sorry. It's a long story, but she's just so unbelievable. She actually called my brother this morning and tried to make him feel guilty for taking my father off life support. Sometimes I think she's just evil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: So while Kevin's been working on that, I've been going over the print campaigns for our six biggest competitors in the Midwest market.", "Jill: Gloria, Gloria... slow down. Take a deep breath. Look, you don't have to wow me your first day here. You have the job. You can stop auditioning.", "Gloria: Thank you. I'm a little wound up today.", "Jill: It's understandable.", "Gloria: I read an article in the newspaper this morning, and it just reminded me that John was taken away from us much too soon, Jill, much too soon. And what do they say? Throw yourself into your work. Take your mind off it, right?", "Jill: Nobody here expects you to be all right. I mean, everyone in this whole building is in mourning.", "Gloria: I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you and Katherine for your kindness.", "Jill: There is no need. I told Ashley, and I mean this, you're an asset to this company. Besides which, I know that John loved you with all his heart, and my sympathies will always be with him and with the company he created and not with Jack and Ashley. I think it is outrageous what they did to you.", "Gloria: I will never understand it. How is it possible that John Abbott, one of the most loving, beautiful, fair-minded human beings to ever walk this earth, could father two children who are so evil?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: It is just so surreal to see you working here.", "Jack: Adapt quickly, little brother. It's the first rule of business. Want some?", "Billy: No, thanks. I thought the first rule of business was \"Always make sure the check clears.\"", "Jack: Move that man to the head of the class.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna be busy all right. I have Honors Economics, Applied Statistics, putting mail into little cubbyholes. It doesn't leave much time for beer pong.", "Jack: I thought you put that stuff behind you after the little incident you had in high school.", "Billy: Then I was a bartender for a while. I make one hell of a chocolate martini. But I have my head on straight. Don't worry, Jack. And I have my priorities in order.", "Jack: Good.", "Billy: So what's the deal with Gloria and her being promoted to vice president of whatever the hell sh--", "Jack: You listen to me. You keep an eye on that woman and her son.", "Billy: Kevin?", "Jack: Those two would like nothing better than to see the last of the Abbotts out the door at Jabot.", "Billy: No sweat. I'll make sure they both get their memos late, since all I'm gonna be is a mail room peon.", "Jack: You know what, little brother? I have a funny feeling it ain't gonna be the case for too long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Carmen: If you ever defame my character again in a public place, you'll be hearing from my attorney.", "Dru: So my husband went running to you with our personal, private family business?", "Carmen: You make it my business when your slanderous allegations include me, and you threw privacy out the window when you blurted out what you did in the company break room. Did you even stop to consider the damage you could have done to my professional reputation?", "Dru: The same amount of damage you caused my marriage, Sister.", "Carmen: Oh, for the last time, Dru--", "Dru: You know what? Save it. Nobody's listening to you. Put it in a PR report, scrunch it up and shove it where the sun don't shine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Will: So I took leave from work, and I've been in Dallas dealing with my uncle's estate. It stirred up a lot of memories.", "Ashley: It sounds like the two of you were close.", "Will: Oh, Uncle Ross was like a second father to me.", "Ashley: So when do you think you're gonna go back to work?", "Will: I don't know. I may take two more weeks off, clear my head.", "Ashley: You know, sometimes work can help you take your mind off things and focus elsewhere.", "Will: Mm-hmm, and sometimes it can be even more stress knowing I put your father in prison and he died there...", "Ashley: Oh, wait a second.", "Will: That will haunt me the rest of my life.", "Ashley: Come on now. It's not your fault. You're not the bad guy.", "Gina: Hey, your order's ready.", "Ashley: Oh, thank you so much. Where's the slip for me to sign?", "Gina: There isn't one, not today. I just want you to take real good care of yourself, all right?", "Ashley: Thank you. You, too.", "Gina: Okay, Sweetheart.", "Ashley: That was kind of her, wasn't it?", "Will: Gina's a great lady.", "Ashley: She is. Anyway, I gotta get home to Abby. She's with a sitter.", "Will: Um, maybe we could have dinner sometime.", "Ashley: Oh, that? Yeah, actually, um, NVP is opening its first retreat upstairs tomorrow. Um, it should be a fun party.", "Will: Ah, tofu all around?", "Ashley: Now come on. I don't think so. I think there's gonna be foie gras and champagne for us sinners.", "Will: Ah.", "Ashley: Anyway, it's business for me, but maybe you can come along and remind me that there's more to life than just work.", "Will: I read it on a T-shirt once.", "Ashley: Did you?", "Will: Hmm.", "Ashley: Well, then maybe you could wear that T-shirt under your suit tomorrow night.", "Will: Well, consider it a date.", "Ashley: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: So you got into computer graphics?", "Daniel: Yep, got the last spot.", "Lily: This is gonna be cool, really great. You're gonna be good at it.", "Daniel: Oh, I'm also taking courses, so I could really use an easy-\"A\" course.", "Lily: Good. I got all the classes I wanted. Check it out. I'm in English 120 and Science Fiction for my humanities requirement.", "Daniel: That beats the hell out of Rhetoric.", "Lily: Actually, I have a lot of studying to do. I'm gonna need a quiet place where I can concentrate.", "Daniel: What about your parents' house? Isn't that gonna be quiet? They're gonna be at work all day.", "Lily: Well, I was thinking...", "Lily: Your elevator's here.", "Carmen: There's something I'd like to say to you if you have a moment.", "Lily: Just a moment.", "Carmen: Let's go in here.", "Lily: I'm sure this is about what Dad told you my mom said.", "Carmen: Lily, whatever you may have heard from your mother or anyone else, it isn't true. I don't have any kind of thing going on with your dad, which I'm sure he told you.", "Lily: Yeah. And my mom did, too. She kind of blurted it out, you know? She's a little stressed.", "Carmen: Well, just know whatever issues there are between your parents, I won't stand in the way of their working things out. They need time together. The only time I'll be taking from either one of them will be Newman-related and nothing more.", "Daniel: It sounded like she meant it.", "Lily: Carmen's right about one thing. My parents do need time together, even if they haven't figured it out yet.", "Daniel: If they ever do.", "Lily: They have to. They've done it once, and they... they can't split up, Daniel. I want to be there for them, however I can, even if it means giving them space. That's what I was trying to tell you in the hallway. I was thinking, if it's all right with you, that I'd move back in.", "Daniel: If it's all right with me? Lily...", "Lily: I love you, Daniel, and I want to be with you. I want you to be my husband.", "Daniel: Come here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Well, well, who are you so dolled up for, Dru?", "Dru: I'm surprised you notice. Like you care. What are you do-- Neil, let... let go!", "Neil: I have talked to both Lily and Carmen, tried to undo some of the damage that you caused.", "Dru: Okay, if you had let me get a word in edgewise, I would have told you the whole nine. I would have told you that I took back everything I said. I told Lily that what I said was wrong, that I misspoke, but see, you wouldn't give me an opportunity to give you my side of the story.", "Neil: Drucilla, I am finished with this! I am done. I am done putting up with this!", "Dru: Oh, you're done?", "Neil: Yes, that's right. I'm done.", "Dru: How about I'm done? I'm done at throwing myself at someone who refuses to regain my trust.", "Neil: Your trust?", "Dru: Yeah, you know what? Since you're so cavalier about moving on, think I might have a taste of that myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: And here he is, ladies and gentlemen, NVP's very own Casanova. I bet you're feeling pretty smug right now.", "Jack: Oh, \"smug\" is such an unfriendly word.", "Phyllis: What are you doing, Jack?", "Jack: I don't owe you any explanations. You and Nick have your relationship. Sharon and I have ours.", "Phyllis: That's what it is, a relationship?", "Jack: How about we agree on something right now? Whatever Sharon and I do behind closed doors is none of your business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Now what?", "Nick: We need to talk.", "Sharon: Nick!", "Nick: This isn't about you and Jack. It's about me and Phyllis.", "Sharon: Oh, I can hardly wait.", "Nick: I've made a decision. I need to be closer to my son. Phyllis and I are moving into the tack house.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Brad: I hope you're not suspicious of me again.", "Victor: I still think you're hiding something.", "Neil: So what's your big news?", "Lily: I've decided to move back in with Daniel.", "Kay: I was just quoting Nikki a price for Jabot.", "Jill: What?", "Billy: You're selling Jabot?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Glynis Proofread By Emma']
[ "Jill and Cane are comforting Jill, who refuses to leave the Athletic Club until she knows what happened to Ji Min. She is resistant at first to Katherine but eventually realizes that she is sincere. Cane calls Ji Min's parents to tell them what happened. Nikki and David worry about the reporter that David had contacted with Nikki's side of the story in regards to Ji Min. The news of Ji Min's death gets around town. Maggie informs Jill that Ji Min was strangled. Jill doubts that Amber could have done it in that case. Meanwhile Jana is feeling self-conscious so Colleen helps her to fix herself up a little. She gets upset though and worries that the tumor may come back.", "Last Week's Recaps" ]
[ "Cane: Mum... mum? You okay?", "Jill: He's dead.", "Cane: I know.", "Jill: Ji Min is dead. They took his body away. You know, I went upstairs to his room and I watched them wheel him out on a gurney.", "Cane: And I'm so sorry you had to see that.", "Jill: No, I wanted to see that. I thought maybe... it would make me believe that this was all happening.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Gina?", "David: What happened?", "Gina: Oh, it's terrible. Ji Min Kim was found dead in his room.", "Nikki: (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hello?", "Sharon: Hey.", "Jack: Hey.", "Sharon: How is Summer?", "Jack: Mm. Summer is doing much better, thank God. As for Phyllis...", "Sharon: Yeah, she must be going out of her mind, not knowing what's going on.", "Jack: Oh, boy.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Jack: Let me get that. Jack Abbott. He what? How do you know that? Dear God. Uh--uh, thank you for calling me.", "Sharon: What?", "Jack: That was the reporter who was supposed to interview Ji Min.", "Sharon: \"Was?\"", "Jack: Ji Min's dead. They found his body in his hotel room.", "Sharon: What?! When?", "Jack: I don't know.", "Sharon: Well, I just saw him. How did this happen?", "Jack: I-I-I don't know that, either. Dear Lord.", "Sharon: He's so young. Did he have a heart attack, you think?", "Jack: A heart attack, an aneurysm, a stroke-- or maybe just an accident.", "Sharon: Jack... do you think this is just some kind of a weird prank?", "Jack: Why would anybody do something like that?", "Sharon: I don't know! I don't know, this is just all so out of the blue and bizarre. Do you think-- and I know this sounds ridiculous, too, but, I mean, if he had a heart condition in the first place, do you think that maybe this interview and the stress--", "Jack: No, I don't think one had anything to do with the other. I think... I think this is just one of those horrible things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Oh, stop pacing. I'm gonna have to tie you to the bed!", "Kevin: Um, okay, so, look, uh... no matter what dr. Ryan says, we deal. Right?", "Jana: Well, I mean, I feel all right. I haven't been acting peculiarly, have I?", "Kevin: Uh, well, in the \"You are peculiar\" sense, yes, which is a good thing, but in the \"You're out of your gourd and we live like Heathcliffe and Catherine in the Yorkshire moors\"? No.", "Jana: Right. Also a good thing, then.", "Kevin: Yeah, exactly.", "Jana: Hello, Doctor.", "Kevin: So do you have the results?", "Doctor: I do.", "Jana: All right, then.", "Kevin: Okay. We're ready for the good news.", "Kevin: Jana's ready. Right?", "Doctor: Well, according to your most recent MRI, we excised 99% of your craniopharyngioma.", "Jana: Oh. That's good.", "Doctor: It is.", "Kevin: Yeah. And what about the part that's left?", "Doctor: Uh, let's see... say this is your brain. Your tumor was here, near the frontal lobe. Now it's very difficult to remove tumor tissue from this area without damaging the brain itself. But you're a fortunate young woman. I'm pleased with the result.", "Kevin: Does this mean that she's back to normal?", "Doctor: Well, the observational data-- motor skills, speech, interactional skills-- are all normal.", "Kevin: You hear that? Normal!", "Jana: Um, (clears throat) so, um, what about that part that's left? I mean, could it grow back?", "Doctor: Well, there's a slim chance, yes. But we know what to watch for, and benign tumors like yours are far less likely to recur than malignancies. I think you're good for the foreseeable future.", "Jana: How about forever?", "Doctor: I'll order a follow-up MRI. when you're completely healed. That's it for now.", "Jana: Thank you so much.", "Kevin: Thank you.", "Jana: What? You're not gonna get all mushy on me now, are you?", "Kevin: Please. I was just thinking that I never got to finish telling you that dirty joke.", "Jana: Right. So a bloke walks into a talent agency, and?", "Kevin: This guy walks into the talent agency and, uh... wait, I forget the rest.", "Jana: No, you did not!", "Kevin: Okay, I got it, I got it. A guy walks into a talent agency and he says-- no, wait, I forgot it again. You know, I think this brain thing is contagious.", "Jana: Kevin!", "Kevin: Hey, I don't know, maybe it's something in the water.", "Jana: Oh, well, I'll just have to torture it out of you, won't I?", "Kevin: I'll just torture you back!", "Jana: No! I know your ticklish spots.", "Kevin: Come here.", "Jana: You can't get away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: I shouldn't have left him. I shouldn't have. I should've stayed with him. And when was the last time he had a physical? I don't even know that. I don't know if heart trouble ran in his family.", "Kay: Well, did they say he had a heart attack?", "Cane: No, the C.S.I. team is still up there, but they haven't told us anything.", "Jill: Yeah, but what else could it be? He was perfectly healthy.", "Kay: Well, why the big investigation then?", "Cane: Detective Sullivan said that it's standard operating procedure, that when someone as young as Ji-- when someone dies under these circumstances, they have to do a full police investigation.", "Jill: Well, I'm not going anywhere until I know something.", "Cane: Mom, it could take hours.", "Jill: Well, then I'll wait for hours.", "Kay: We will wait with you, Jill.", "Jill: Why are you so supportive all of a sudden, Mother? You hate Ji Min!", "Kay: Not fond of him, no. No. It's utterly irrelevant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "David: Wow. This is certainly one of those think-about-your-own-mortality moments.", "Nikki: Mm. \"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.\" Nobody ever knows the rest of that. What is that from?", "David: \"Old time is still-a-flying. And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.\"", "Nikki: Wow. The hardened politico knows poetry.", "David: Robert Herrick. 17th century. Does it make me more intriguing?", "Nikki: Well, yes, actually, it does.", "David: Good.", "Nikki: I hate to change the subject, but... I'm worried that you talked to that reporter.", "David: Obviously, it's not a problem now.", "Nikki: No? Ji Min's death is like a huge spotlight on the interview he didn't give.", "David: Relax. There's nothing to worry about. Politics is all about off the record information. And reporting is all about protecting your sources. You don't get to do important interviews by having a big mouth.", "Nikki: Because nobody will trust you again.", "David: Exactly. He has as much to lose as we do.", "Nikki: Not really.", "David: Hyperbole. To rosebuds.", "Nikki: To rosebuds.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Can I get you something? Water?", "Jill: Why would I want water?", "Kay: Gin?", "Jill: Why would I send an alcoholic to get me gin?", "Cane: Mom, she's just trying to help.", "Kay: Jill, rail against the Gods or damn the universe, damn me if you want. Whatever you need. But it is so difficult to watch someone you love and just stand by, do nothing, not able to help.", "Jill: Water would be good, thank you.", "Kay: I'll be right back.", "Jill: There are things I should be doing, you know? But what? His parents? I've gotta tell his parents.", "Cane: I'll do it.", "Jill: They're in Korea. All right, what-- what time is it in Korea? What is the time difference there? I can't think.", "Cane: Mom--Mom, I said I'll do this for you. I'll do it.", "Jill: I don't even know if they speak English.", "Cane: I'll get a translator, okay? I'll take care of it.", "Jill: Oh, my God! Can you imagine getting this kind of news from a translator? Ji Min didn't get along with his father. Did I ever tell you that?", "Cane: No.", "Jill: That man-- that man always made him feel like he wasn't good enough at anything. Oh, and then I was so hard on him, making him prove that he loved me.", "Cane: He loved you. You know he loved you.", "Jill: Yeah, but for me to do that, with his father-- I wanna tell him that his son was good enough.", "Cane: Mom, Mom, don't beat yourself up.", "Jill: He was more than good enough!", "Cane: Don't beat yourself up.", "Jill: Except that the number's at my office and I don't wanna leave.", "Cane: Mom, I said I'll do this, okay? Let me do this for you, all right?", "Jill: Thank you.", "Cane: Okay?", "Jill: Yeah. Thank you.", "Cane: I'll do this for you. All right.", "Jill: Thanks.", "Nikki: Jill? I'm so sorry.", "David: We both are.", "Jill: Thank you, thank you. I'm a grieving widow. But I never married him. I wish I'd married him.", "David: We're both sorry for your loss.", "Jill: You're just saying that because you don't know what else to say.", "Nikki: No, Jill, he means it. So do I.", "Jill: Oh, Nikki, you don't even like Ji Min.", "Nikki: That is not true!", "Jill: And, you-- you tried to get him to back off from this TV interview earlier, didn't you?", "David: Yes, I did, but that was strictly business. It certainly wasn't personal.", "Jill: Funny. It feels really personal now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Thanks, I appreciate it. That was a buddy I have at the precinct house. Apparently, the C.S.I. team is still in Ji Min's room.", "Sharon: C.S.I.?", "Jack: Well, apparently, it's normal procedure. They found a young man's body in a hotel.", "Sharon: Do they know if he was alone?", "Jack: My guess is he was. Imagine that, dying alone in a hotel room.", "Colleen: Who?", "Jack: Oh, hi, kiddo. Um, Ji Min Kim.", "Colleen: The guy that Kevin worked with? That's terrible! What happened?", "Sharon: No one really knows yet.", "Colleen: Well, that sucks.", "Jack: Yeah, yeah, well said.", "Colleen: I'll tell Kevin.", "Jack: Yeah, good idea.", "Colleen: I was gonna move some of my stuff out today. But I can stay over tonight if you want.", "Jack: Um...", "Sharon: Whichever you want. Just let us know.", "Colleen: Okay.", "Sharon: Jack? When you came in you said something about the interview Ji Min was going to do? Did he cancel?", "Jack: I, uh, I actually saw him before I went to the hospital. He had come to the truth on his own that this was gonna hurt him more than it hurt anyone else. Apparently, there's nothing worse for a Korean businessman than public disgrace.", "Sharon: And now-- it doesn't really matter. It's so weird how one minute something can seem like life and death.", "Jack: And that's just what this is--life and death. And everything else pales.", "Sharon: Like you buying his family's land. You weren't really... gonna do that, were you, Jack? Strong-arm into canceling the interview?", "Jack: No. No, never.", "Sharon: Good.", "Jack: Yeah, and let's cancel that meet-and-greet at the museum. Right. Okay, we'll talk soon.", "Colleen: Uncle Jack, I feel awful. I mean, I know how hard it was for you to give up Jabot, but I heard he was doing a really good job.", "Sharon: Yeah, he was an excellent businessman.", "Colleen: Okay, well, um, I'm heading out, so I'll see you soon.", "Sharon: We'll see you.", "Jack: Take care, Colleen.", "Sharon: I remember when I was her age. Death didn't seem to apply to me then.", "Jack: I know. I know. Listen, I, uh... have managed to clear my schedule. I think it would be good for us to pay our condolences to Jill in person.", "Sharon: Do you think that's a good idea?", "Jack: What, you think she hates me?", "Sharon: At the moment, yes.", "Jack: I still think it's important that I'm there.", "Sharon: Is that Senator Abbott speaking?", "Jack: Senator or no, I think it's the decent thing to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Would you check out this ride? Look, \"This gem offers a high-revving- liquid-cooled v-twin of diamond-like precision.\" Oh, no way! Look, you get 'em custom made! I get the black one. You can get the pink one, huh?", "Jana: Excuse me? But if we're going cross country on one of those, mine would definitely be black. Thank you very much. Pink? You think I'd want a pink bike?", "Kevin: Whoa, back up. What's with this \"If?\" What do you mean, \"If?\"", "Jana: Well, I mean, we don't know what's going to happen.", "Kevin: So? Nobody ever knows anything. Doesn't mean you don't make plans, right?", "Jana: You're right.", "Kevin: Exactly. So, we're gonna take this ride cross-country. I am picturing you in these tight, black leather chaps. What do you say?", "Jana: How about in the nude?", "Kevin: Ooh, that's even better. But, yikes, the windburn.", "Jana: It's nice to dream.", "Kevin: And cue the violins! Come on! You just spanked a brain tumor!", "Jana: Yeah, I did, didn't I?", "Kevin: Yeah. So what is it then? The legal system? I mean, compared to your... craino-pharo-whatchamacallit, big frickin' deal.", "Jana: You're right.", "Kevin: Of course I'm right. I'm always right. So what do you say? We're gonna plan our trip across country, we're gonna buy these hogs, and we are gonna get the hell out of dodge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Where's Cane?", "Jill: Thank you. He went to tell Ji Min's parents.", "Kay: Oh, those poor people.", "Jill: I liked it better when you were honest.", "Kay: Oh, please. I am honest. I feel sorry for them. But I'm more sorry for you.", "Jill: Detective? Have you heard anything?", "Maggie: I just spoke to the county coroner's office. We should have a preliminary cause of death soon.", "Kay: How soon, because this is very difficult for her.", "Maggie: I do understand that, Mrs. Chancellor. As soon as I know anything, you'll know something. Excuse me.", "David: I'd like to have a moment of your time. Would you excuse us, please?", "Carter: By all means, Mr. Chow. I was hoping to talk to you, too.", "David: Right. I just wanna remind you that everything I said to you about Ji Min Kim and Mrs. Newman is strictly off the record.", "Carter: So you said.", "David: Yes, I did. And now I'm re-emphasizing it.", "Carter: Got it. It's a shame. It's such an intriguing story.", "David: It may have been an intriguing story, which we both know you won't be telling.", "Victor: What's going on?", "Nikki: Oh, you haven't heard?", "Victor: Haven't heard what?", "Nikki: Ji Min Kim is dead.", "Victor: What do you mean he's dead? A heart attack or what?", "Nikki: I don't know. But we're all waiting to hear.", "Victor: I'll be damned.", "Nikki: The coroner's office was taking him out when I got here. There's an investigation underway.", "Victor: And no sign of a struggle?", "Nikki: Not that I've heard.", "Victor: Huh. Well, then things turned out rather advantageously for you, didn't they? Ji Min doesn't give the interview, and your company doesn't go under.", "Nikki: Have you always been so heartless? It's hard for me to remember.", "Victor: Don't you feel a certain kinship with me now that you've become this tough, independent new woman that doesn't need anyone?", "Nikki: If by \"anyone,\" you mean \"you,\" no.", "Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that. And if you'll excuse me, I'll offer my condolences to Jill.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: \"The wind biting into your flesh, the pungent smell of pine one moment and the perfume of flowers the next.\"", "Colleen: Sex in the great outdoors?", "Kevin: After all day on our hogs. Jana and I are taking a 2-wheeled, open- road, cross-country trek.", "Colleen: So you talked to the surgeon?", "Kevin: Uh-huh. Yeah. My girl kicked butt.", "Colleen: No more tumor?", "Kevin: Well, just as good as.", "Colleen: Well, I'm so happy for you!", "Kevin: Thank you!", "Colleen: I mean, but... there is her whole legal thing.", "Kevin: Yeah, I didn't forget about that.", "Colleen: And yours.", "Kevin: Didn't forget about that either.", "Colleen: I'm not raining on the whole road trip, I swear. But I-I do have some news for you.", "Kevin: Yeah, you're moving in with your boyfriend. You already told me.", "Colleen: No, not about me. Um, some bad news.", "Kevin: What? What happened?", "Colleen: Your boss died.", "Kevin: Mrs. Chancellor?", "Colleen: No, your ex-boss. Mr. Kim.", "Kevin: No way! What happened?", "Colleen: I don't know. I just heard. I think it happened really suddenly.", "Kevin: Oh. Well, I should go into Jabot. They probably want me to put something on the web site. Dead? Jeez!", "Jana: Who's dead?", "Colleen: Um, Mr. Kim.", "Kevin: It happened really suddenly, evidently.", "Jana: I knew him. I mean, not well or anything, but he used to come 'round the coffeehouse. And now he's just dead? Just like that? God, that's just... that's just bloody horrid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'd ask how Jill is doing, but I already know.", "Kay: I never said I wished Ji Min was dead. I said I wanted him out of her life, not out of life.", "Nikki: She knows that.", "Kay: Well, I suppose the two of us should be glad he never had a chance to give that interview.", "Nikki: Well, I-I wouldn't say \"Glad.\"", "Kay: Fine. Relieved. Unburdened.", "Nikki: (Gasps) I cannot believe that man! Jack has the audacity to come here? He couldn't stand Ji Min!", "Kay: Neither could you, my dear.", "Jack: Jill?", "Jill: What are you doing here?", "Sharon: We want to tell you how sorry we are.", "Jill: Thank you, Sharon.", "Jack: Ji Min was a wonderful human being and an amazing businessman.", "Jill: Let me ask you a question. You and Jack got married not very long ago, yes? Ji Min and I were engaged. So, when you wake up in the morning and you look at yourself in the mirror, and you remember that you are married to such a truly loathsome man, how do you deal with it?", "Jack: I know you're upset, Jill. It's perfectly understandable. But I would appreciate it if you didn't take it out on my wife.", "Sharon: Jill, we are--", "Jill: I know that you are here for the photo ops, Senator. I would appreciate it if you would just not speak.", "Jack: Listen...", "Sharon: You misunderstand. Okay, we--we really are very sorry.", "Jill: He has you so fooled, Darlin'.", "Jack: We did not come here to argue.", "Jill: Is that so, Jack?", "Jack: If there's anything-- anything at all we can do to help...", "Cane: Yeah. You can get out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: You and Kevin on an open road. Very \"Easy Rider.\"", "Jana: We rented that movie.", "Colleen: Don't tell me. Kevin said it was...", "Both: \"An American classic.\"", "Jana: Yeah.", "Colleen: He loves that movie.", "Jana: Yeah, with what's-his-name Fonda. Don't tell him, but I much preferred \"Thelma and Louise.\"", "Colleen: Yes! So do I. So, big road trip, huh?", "Jana: Well, after the trial, you mean?", "Colleen: Yeah, I'm not minimizing it. I'm just looking past it. So you see that there is a \"Past it.\"", "Jana: Right.", "Colleen: And you're psyched?", "Jana: Right.", "Colleen: Because you don't sound psyched. I mean, Jana, you had a terrible tumor and now you don't. I mean, I don't know, I would be psyched.", "Jana: All right, stop saying that.", "Colleen: What? Why?", "Jana: Colleen, I've been sick for what feels like forever. And I'm stuck in this bloody nuthouse. You know they won't even let me wash my hair? I can't get the incision wet. Ugh. I feel so disgusting.", "Colleen: Jana, Kevin understands.", "Jana: I don't want him to understand. I want to see that look in his eyes that says I'm pretty and that he wants me. And I know it's all about inner beauty, and I know he thinks I'm beautiful on the inside, and I know it's so shallow and stupid to even be thinking about all this. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this. I should be thinking about all the dreadful things I did when I was sick.", "Colleen: Okay, okay, time out. Take a breath.", "Jana: You're going to say I'm pathetic, aren't you?", "Colleen: Actually, I was going to say you've come to the right place. Mm-hmm. And... since we're on American classics, how about... \"Pretty in Pink\" meets \"Clueless\"?", "Jana: Kevin and I didn't rent those movies.", "Colleen: I know. But you're gonna live 'em with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I reached the family.", "Jill: Good. How were they?", "Cane: Devastated. I was, um, on the phone with a translation service, but it turns out they spoke English.", "Jill: I should've been the one who told them.", "Cane: You know they knew about you?", "Jill: Did they?", "Cane: Yeah. They want you to have their condolences.", "Jill: It should've been me.", "Cane: Oh, Mum, it's all right.", "Jill: No. It's really not.", "Carter: Mrs. Chancellor? Pardon me, uh, have you gotten any word on the cause of death?", "Kay: No, I haven't heard anything yet.", "Carter: Do you know why the investigation upstairs is taking so long?", "Kay: What are you doing here?", "Carter: I'm a reporter. It's my job.", "Kay: Well, I'm a mother. That trumps your job. Now please go away.", "Carter: If I could just tell you--", "Kay: I would love to tell you what you may do with this notebook.", "Maggie: Actually, if you don't mind, I have a few questions for our friend from the fourth estate.", "Kay: He's all yours.", "Carter: Mrs. Chancellor, there's no need to leave.", "Maggie: Um... now you were scheduled to do an interview with Mr. Kim, is that correct?", "Carter: Yes.", "Maggie: Now I'm sure that you and Mr. Kim spoke beforehand about the interview? What did he say?", "Carter: I'm terribly sorry, Detective. I mean, I'd love to be able to help you, but all the information I've used to prepare comes from confidential sources. And I'm sure-- in your profession-- you understand.", "Maggie: I'm sure.", "Nikki: Are you sure he knows that everything you told him is off the record?", "David: The only way I could've made it clearer would've been to tattoo it to his forearm.", "Nikki: You know that statement you prepared for me?", "David: Yep.", "Nikki: Do you still have copies?", "David: Of course not. I shredded them.", "Nikki: What about your hard drive? Oh, my God, you still have it on your hard drive?", "David: Not as of five minutes from now.", "Nikki: Make it two.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: I am so good.", "Jana: All right, so, hot or not? Be brutal.", "Colleen: Okay. Well, on the hot scale, from one to ten? You're smokin'.", "Jana: What, in a dirty hair, zipper across my skull, kind of way?", "Colleen: Well, you could start a trend.", "Jana: Ooh! Now I love that.", "Colleen: Yeah? So what do you have that's cute to wear?", "Jana: Oh, nothing.", "Colleen: Oh, come on. You have the body. Go for it.", "Jana: No, nothing, as in, nothing cute.", "Colleen: As in-- a makeover's not a makeover if it's only from the neck up.", "Jana: You're so right. How about we just tell the guards we're going 'round the clothing shops then?", "Colleen: Well, if you don't kill anyone on the way over.", "Jana: Or the way back.", "Colleen: It could work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I'm surprised to see you here.", "Jack: Then you're easily surprised.", "Victor: What are you working on your image, or what?", "Jack: I won a political office, not a beauty pageant. If we could give that a rest?", "Victor: Uh-huh. I know you better than that, my friend.", "Jack: Yeah, the \"my friend\" thing is getting pretty old, too.", "Victor: Is it?", "Carter: Uh, Mr. Newman? Can I have word?", "Victor: Yes, of course.", "Carter: Uh, how well did you know Mr. Kim?", "Victor: I did not know Mr. Kim at all. Thank you.", "Carter: Um, Senator Abbott, how did you feel about Mr. Kim's death?", "Jack: This is not the appropriate place for an interview. People are mourning.", "Carter: Uh, what was your reaction when you heard--?", "Jack: I just gave you my reaction.", "Carter: But you had business dealings together--", "Jack: I'll say it again. People are mourning.", "Maggie: Got it, thank you.", "Cane: What did they say?", "Maggie: Ms. Abbott? Are you ready for this?", "Jill: Yeah, I'm ready.", "Maggie: Preliminary reports indicate that Mr. Kim's larynx and, um, part of his trachea-- his windpipe-- was crushed.", "Jill: So he couldn't scream?", "Maggie: We don't believe so, no.", "Jill: Or breathe?", "Maggie: No.", "Jill: He suffocated?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Okay. Over here.", "Kevin: I'm having a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey flashback here. Can I just see now?", "Colleen: Okay. Fine. Ready?", "Kevin: Yes. Wow! I mean, wow!", "Jana: Is that a good wow?", "Kevin: It's a wow-wow. I'm speechless.", "Colleen: How rare.", "Kevin: Hey!", "Jana: Colleen's handiwork.", "Colleen: Well, my paint, her beauty.", "Jana: Her shirt.", "Kevin: You're spectacular.", "Jana: It's how you remember me?", "Kevin: It's like this dream that I have. Except in the dream you're not wearing her shirt. In fact, you're not wearing any shirt in the dream.", "Colleen: Okay, too much information.", "Kevin: It's like you're back, you know? The old you.", "Jana: So you're happy?", "Kevin: I am beyond happy.", "Jana: I wanted that so much for you.", "Colleen: Jana, the boy is blessed.", "Kevin: Yeah, and this is about as high as you can get without chemical interference.", "Jana: That's exactly what I wanted. Because I don't know how else I can give it to you.", "Kevin: You're joking, right? Pretty badly. I mean, do you know all the stuff that we're gonna do? I mean, the motorcycle trip-- that's--that's just the beginning. We're going to Europe. We're gonna go to Asia. I mean, Asia would be hot, right?", "Jana: Kevin...", "Kevin: Look, I can get somebody to cover at--at the coffeehouse. That'd be easy.", "Jana: No, I need you to listen.", "Kevin: And I will take a leave of absence at Jabot.", "Jana: Look, I-I need to tell you--", "Kevin: Whatever you want, okay? We'll go wherever you want. Just--just don't say anything.", "Jana: I don't want to. But I need to tell you the truth. And... the truth is... that I'm never, ever gettin' out of here.", "Colleen: What do you mean you're not getting out?", "Kevin: Of course you are.", "Jana: You know, while I've been in here, I've been, um, researching the kind of tumor I had. When you're in the looney bin you have a lot of extra time on your hands. It could grow back.", "Kevin: They got 99% of it.", "Jana: Yeah, that's not 100%.", "Colleen: I didn't know that.", "Kevin: The surgeon said that she would be fine. You're sane now, but what you're saying in crazy.", "Jana: No, you just don't want to hear it. When you told me about Mr. Kim dying, the last time someone I knew died, I killed her.", "Colleen: But that wasn't your fault. It was the tumor, right?", "Jana: Yeah, well, someday it could be the tumor again. I could do it again. Kill someone. I mean, I-I tried to kill you two. Do you know how that makes me feel? I mean, can you imagine that?", "Colleen: No.", "Jana: It's like... it's like there's this monster inside of me and there's still... a tiny speck of it left. And I will never know if that monster will grow again. I mean... no, it's just not a chance I can take.", "Kevin: Um, look, Jana, I know that this must be really hard.", "Jana: You can come visit me if you like. But I won't blame you if you don't. (Sighs) I can't... I can't be the love of your life. Ever. Because... because I live in this world and you live in that one. I wish there was something I could do about it. But I can't. I'm sorry. I have to go. I can't be here any longer. Nurse!", "Kevin: No, no, Jana, Jana, listen to me.", "Jana: No.", "Kevin: Listen, no--", "Jana: No, I'm sorry.", "Kevin: Your surgery was a success. You're just freaked out! This is--", "Colleen: What just happened?", "Kevin: Um, she's, uh, she's scared. She's gonna get over it. It's just-- it's just all really fast, you know, the surgery and everything. She just needs time to adjust.", "Colleen: You can't hate me for saying this, okay? You can't get mad.", "Kevin: Fine. What? Then just say it.", "Colleen: Kevin, what if it's all an act? Okay, what if she's still playing us? Again? Still?", "Kevin: No, no, she isn't.", "Colleen: How can you be sure?", "Kevin: Because, Colleen, what would her game plan be? Huh? To live happily ever after here in--in--in lockdown wacky world?", "Colleen: Maybe! If it meant not living unhappily ever after, doing life without parole.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: How long does it take a person to suffocate?", "Kay: Jill, do you really want to know?", "Jill: Yeah, I do.", "Maggie: My understanding is five to ten minutes. Less if he was panicking.", "Jill: So he suffered?", "Kay: Jill, do not put yourself through this.", "Jill: I'm not the one who went through it. He did.", "Cane: Can a windpipe be crushed accidentally?", "Maggie: It's not common, but it could've-- he could've fallen.", "Kay: I've never heard of such a thing.", "Jill: Could a small person do this to a larger person?", "Kay: What are you talking about?", "Jill: There was someone else in Ji Min's room when I found him. Someone who had accused him of taking a great deal of money. Amber. So, please answer my question. I need to know. Could a small woman have broken the windpipe of a large man?", "Maggie: Theoretically.", "Cane: Amber? Mum--mum--mum, Amber is a lot of things, but she's no murderer.", "Kay: In all likelihood, for heaven's sakes, it was just an accident.", "Jill: Have you ever heard of anyone breaking their own windpipe, Katherine?", "Kay: That is neither here nor there.", "Jill: All right, maybe she didn't do it, maybe she did. Do you remember I told you that Ji Min was gonna do a TV interview today?", "Maggie: I do remember.", "Jill: Just so you know, a lot of people in this room right now wanted that interview stopped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: What if they continue with this investigation?", "David: For all we know, it was a heart attack.", "Nikki: Yeah, but if they do, everything that Ji Min was gonna say in that interview will come out. Too many people know.", "David: And if it does, we'll deal with it.", "Nikki: How? It doesn't take a bloodhound to follow the money.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I saw you talking to the reporter earlier.", "Sharon: Yeah, what an inconvenient time for an interview.", "Jack: I think what you saw was me telling a reporter to take a hike.", "Victor: Is that what you did?", "Jack: Yes, it is.", "Victor: Aha. Did you also tell the reporter about your visit with Ji Min shortly before his death?", "Jack: I didn't tell him anything.", "Victor: Well, then you conveyed that information to Detective Sullivan, I gather?", "Sharon: Um, this isn't news. Jack told me he spoke to Ji Min, and Mr. Kim canceled on his own.", "Victor: Did he?", "Jack: Yes, that's what he told me. He said it was a better option than facing disgrace.", "Victor: Yeah. I know a couple of people for whom Ji Min's death was a better option than his interview. In fact, I'm sure they found it downright convenient.", "Sharon: I wouldn't call it convenient. I would call it, uh, I would call it tragic.", "Victor: Yes, very tragic indeed. Indeed, indeed. Did you, uh... not tell the authorities about your visit with Ji Min before his death?", "Jack: What do you say we let the man lie in peace?", "Victor: What a warm sentiment coming from you. But you know, since you didn't talk to the authorities about your visit with Ji Min before his death, maybe I should.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: I know what you're doing.", "Jack: I am protecting us.", "Nikki: You are protecting yourself.", "Jill: I want you to release the tape of Jack admitting he owned Jabot.", "McQueen: He is banned from this institution indefinitely.", "Phyllis: You can't do that. He's bringing my baby." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "The judge puts Victoria in charge of Newman Enterprises for three days until Sharon goes to Fairview for observation. The judge also gives Sharon 24 hours to decide if she wants to go to Fairview, but if she doesn't go for observation she will lose her position as CEO of Newman Enterprises. Adam advises Sharon to step down as CEO of the company and go spend some time with Noah and Faith, but Sharon reminds him that he once told her that she didn't need a man to think for her. Sharon tells Tucker the court's decision and he advises her to go to Fairview. He wishes he could go for her then they make love. Tucker waits until Sharon is asleep and tells someone on the phone to buy more Newman stock since its price has gone down even more after the court hearing. Billy plays a friendly game of darts with Victor and that proves to him and Genevieve that he has amnesia. Genevieve calls Tucker and tells him that she is sure that Victor has amnesia but doesn't tell him that Billy arrived in LA and is with Victor.", "Billy tries once again to tell Victoria that he found Victor but then Victoria tells him she is so happy to be in charge of the company even if it is just for three days. Billy decides to keep quiet and stay a few more days and see if he can figure out what Tucker plans to do while Victor is away from the company. Cane advises Jack not to get any more credit from the bank to buy more Newman stock because he is putting Jabot and Beauty of Nature in jeopardy Jack ignores Cane's advice and asks him to file the papers for the credit extension. Nikki pleads with Jack to not give up on their marriage, but he tells her to go chase after Victor because he doesn't need her help anymore. Jack calls his lawyer and tells him to file divorce papers. Nikki sneaks onto the ranch to look for clues about Victor's whereabouts but doesn't find anything. Nikki looks up at the stars and pleads for Victor to come home to her. Victor also looks up at the stars and cries.", "" ]
[ "Adam: What you reading?", "Abby: Ew. Personal space. (Sighs)", "Adam: Ew, sibling zone.", "Abby: (Scoffs) Surprised you're not in the Sharon zone down at the courthouse. \"Hey, Sharon, my wacko, klepto, weepy-eyed ex, I'll come save you, because we're both freaks.\"", "Adam: I'm on a low-freak diet. It was going to my hips.", "Abby: (Snorts)", "Adam: So why aren't you playacting like a reporter, fluffing your hair and flubbing your lines, or locking arms with Nicholas and Victoria in a sign of solidarity?", "Abby: No, I'm gonna let them have all the fun, but I will turn my back if you want to scamper down there.", "Adam: Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something?", "Abby: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Phyllis, I gotta go.", "Victoria: Is she on her way?", "Nick: No.", "Victoria: Uh, all right.", "Nick: How you doing? Everything exploded after you found Sharon's stash. I still can't believe she stole Summer's concert tickets.", "Victoria: You know, it's terrible that Noah and Faith's mom is spinning out like this, but it's kind of a relief to have proof that she's in no condition to run Newman.", "Nick: Sharon should have gotten help the first time she stole again. This hearing is what's best for Newman Enterprises and our family, and in the end, it'll be what's best for Sharon, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: It'll all be fair game--your mental history, your voluntary commitment, along with this recent episode of missing items found at the ranch. Sharon, it's not gonna be pretty, and your job is to stay calm, answer questions directly, succinctly, and never, ever lose it. I will handle the rest.", "Sharon: Absolutely.", "Avery: I'll meet you at the courthouse.", "(Knock on door)", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Wow. That chair looks good on you.", "Sharon: (Chuckles) Better than a straitjacket?", "Tucker: Hey, listen. Don't let them psych you out. Nick and Victoria are threatened, okay? That's why they angled for this hearing. It just means you're doing something right, and I'm gonna be right behind you.", "Sharon: I'm not crazy, you know.", "Tucker: I know that, and I am gonna do everything I can to make sure nick and Victoria don't force you out of power.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Billy: Hey, Victoria. You at the courthouse?", "Victoria: Yeah. We'll go in soon. How's the big news lead, huh?", "Billy: Well, um...", "Victor: I'd like a beer.", "Billy: Story is developing. You go land the big one, Tiger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Yes?", "Man: Uh, delivery for Nikki Newman from Jack Abbott.", "Nikki: Oh, um... uh, just put it on the chair here, please.", "Man: There's more.", "Nikki: Yep. I'm sure there is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Come on in. What do you got?", "Cane: Well, I just came from the finance department, and they want you to know that you are now leveraging what little collateral you have.", "Jack: We're fine, Cane.", "Cane: Well, if you saw the looks on their faces when I asked for this paperwork, I don't think you would be saying that, Jack.", "Jack: I'm not concerned about the looks on the employees' faces.", "Cane: If this goes wrong, you are going to lose everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: (Sighs) Jack's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: We are overextending our equity. We have already leveraged beyond a reasonable level, Jack.", "Jack: \"Reasonable\" is such a subjective term. I don't know why you have a problem with this. You're the one that first suggested it.", "Cane: I suggested it before things got this volatile. Let's say we borrow against, uh, Jabot and Beauty of Nature to buy more Newman stock, and then Sharon decides to tank the company, or worse yet, Nick and Victoria go to war against her and Newman falls apart at the seams. Newman becomes insolvent, which means Jabot and Beauty of Nature become insolvent and then--call me crazy-- but I really don't think they're doing bailouts now for cosmetic companies, Jack.", "Jack: I hear you. You're wrong, but I hear you. Everything's going to be fine, Cane.", "Cane: Well, I'm sure there was someone at Lehman Brothers who was saying the same thing before they went down in flames.", "Jack: Submit the papers. Extend our credit. Do it now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge: Okay, Victoria Newman Abbott asserts Sharon Newman is not mentally competent to run Newman Enterprises, and on behalf of the Newman board, request that she be removed as acing C.E.O. That about the gist of it?", "Man: Sharon Newman has a history of mental instability, your honor. You have details in front of you about her arrests and being institutionalized due to her kleptomania.", "Judge: Do you have anything for me regarding her present state?", "Man: If my client may speak.", "Victoria: Your honor, I discovered certain things in my father's home yesterday-- my niece's missing concert tickets, a scarf with the price tag still on, lipstick, things that we think Sharon could have stolen from stores or people. As you know, Sharon has a history of compulsive stealing, so for her to run a publicly traded company at this time isn't safe for the company or for the investors.", "Judge: Clark.", "Avery: This isn't about lipstick, your honor. Victor Newman's whereabouts are unknown, and my client is exercising her legal rights per Kaplan vs. Kaplan to act in her husband's stead.", "Judge: Mrs. Newman, care to speak for yourself?", "Sharon: Yes. My husband, Victor Newman, gave me a division to create and run. I am applying that same business sense to the grand scheme at Newman Enterprises, and I think that my husband would be proud of me.", "Victoria: Oh, really? Would he be proud of you stealing from his granddaughter?", "Sharon: I have no idea where those items came from. They could have come from anywhere. People come and go all the time, or maybe someone put them there to undermine me.", "Judge: Did you see Mrs. Newman take these items?", "Victoria: No, I did not, but I am still convinced that she stole them.", "Judge: Do you have anything else to back up your concerns for her mental health?", "Man: Testimony from someone who knows Sharon Newman intimately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: A hard day of heavy lifting at the docks, Christian?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Genevieve: Think that's a good idea?", "Victor: Well, you know, I'm... I'm very happy that I'm working.", "Genevieve: Yes, but after the episode that you had yesterday... y-you really should have gone to the hospital.", "Victor: Well, but the symptoms went away.", "Genevieve: (Sighs) After you took the anti-rejection meds, thank God, which reminds me, you--you need another pill.", "Victor: Oh, yeah?", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm, you do.", "Victor: Okay.", "Genevieve: Um, not that. This one. Here you go. Feel okay?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Genevieve: Yeah?", "Victor: I feel pretty good. I feel pretty good. You're a good nurse, you know? I appreciate it. I'm gonna go play some darts now.", "Billy: Hi.", "Genevieve: Oh!", "Billy: So what the hell are you doing with Victor in L.A.?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Hit \"Refresh.\"", "Abby: Dude, you have your own phone.", "Adam: Hello, full hands. Hit \"Refresh.\"", "Abby: (Sighs) Empty brain.", "Adam: Good one. Hit \"Refresh.\"", "Abby: No one knows anything new, okay?", "Adam: Yeah, we should probably stay out of it anyway.", "Abby: You couldn't have thought of that three years ago and not turned Sharon into a psycho? Or maybe you could have taken her away for good, so she couldn't gold-dig on my dad, chase him off, and ruin his company.", "Adam: Dad was Sharon's golden God and he married her-- that is, until he left because, uh, Nikki and he are freakin' Liz Taylor and Dick Burton, and they have to blow the world up with their dramatic love.", "Abby: You're just jealous. All the times you tried to ruin Newman, and your old squeeze finally succeeded.", "Adam: Whatever. I'm going down to the courthouse.", "Abby: Not without a chaperone, you're not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Sharon and I were married for many years. We have two children together. The reality is, Sharon has been mentally and emotionally fragile for years now. That is not a judgment call. It is well-documented. Sharon was committed to Fairview because it was either that or jail time for her stealing. It wasn't easy to watch then. It's certainly not easy to watch now. It's been this cycle for awhile-- moments of stability, then the bad decisions, the rough patches. The stealing starts again, and then Sharon spirals downward.", "Man: And when did all this begin?", "Nick: The last few years have been the worst, but you want to know what I think... ever since we lost Cassie.", "Sharon: Don't do it, Nick.", "Nick: We lost a child together. Things were never the same.", "Sharon: No, they weren't the same, because while I was grieving the loss of our child, you cheated on me. You cheated and you left me when I needed you most, and now I don't need you, and this is payback.", "Judge: Get this on track.", "Man: You know Newman Enterprises as well as anyone. You co-C.E.O.'ed with your sister, ran day-to-day operations. What do you think about Mrs. Newman's abilities to lead?", "Nick: Based on Sharon's very limited experience and her mental issues, she is just not fit to be Newman's C.E.O.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: You are buying a huge chunk of Victor Newman's company after your wife-- that's his ex-wife and mother of his children-- has gone to go and look for the man.", "Jack: You're overstepping now.", "Cane: And you are overextending now.", "Jack: Go file the papers, Cane.", "Cane: Yes, Sir.", "(Doorbell rings)", "Nikki: Oh.", "Cane: Hello, Nikki.", "Nikki: Hello.", "Jack: Well, I would have thought my dramatic exit yesterday would have made things crystal clear. We are done.", "Nikki: I think I have a say in that. This was part of that substantial delivery I got today.", "Jack: Well, thank you for rushing it over here. I was worried I might freeze to death.", "Nikki: I know, it--it's just a sweater. I remember I used to throw it on and come down here, make coffee all the time. (Sighs) Jack, we were best friends and--and then lovers and then husband and wife. There's too much history to just wipe it all away.", "Jack: You find anything else in that box, donate it.", "Nikki: Jack...", "Jack: It's amazing what you can live without, Nikk.", "Nikki: Don't--don't do this. Don't--don't send me away, because I won't go. I care about you too much.", "Jack: No, actually, far too little... and way too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Finding Victor was a miracle.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. Like you didn't arrange to meet up here. Is that what you're telling me?", "Genevieve: Why would we do that?", "Billy: Oh, I don't know. You tell me, hmm? I like that one.", "Genevieve: Can I tell you something? You've been peddling smut a little too long. The man was having chest pains when you took that picture.", "Billy: And you came running. Is that what Tucker wanted, for you to buddy up with Victor?", "Genevieve: What are you talking about?", "Billy: Tucker sent you, didn't he?", "Genevieve: (Scoffs) As if I take orders from any man. You really are boring me.", "Billy: Okay, well, maybe this will liven you up. I hit \"Send,\" this image goes to the \"Restless Style\" web site, and the whole world knows that you're chummy with Victor.", "Genevieve: No. (Sighs) Okay. The truth is, I have sunk so low that I now do Tucker's bidding, and I don't make it worse for myself by asking any questions.", "Billy: So what are you doing, preying on a wandering billionaire with amnesia?", "Genevieve: Ohh, so you bought that \"I lost my memory\" routine. Oh, aren't you the sucker.", "Billy: Eh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: What you did in there, dragging our personal lives into this...", "Nick: It's relevant. You left me no choice but to do that.", "Sharon: You know, you love to say that you don't know me anymore. Well, let me tell you something, the Nicholas that I used to know-- he would be disgusted by you, as disgusted as I am, and so would Cassie.", "Avery: (Exhales sharply) The judge is ready.", "Victoria: Hey.", "Abby: Hey.", "Victoria: You came with him?", "Abby: Ew. God, no.", "Adam: Ugh. God, no.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Okay, well, the judge is about to make his ruling, so it'll be over soon.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "Judge: Let's get on with this, shall we? Take your seats.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, you've returned my sweater, I've said thank you. Social protocol would indicate that's your cue to leave, and yet you're still here. Why? Why are you here, Nikki? Do you even know? Your mission to be the one to find Victor, the one who knew him better than anyone else, has stalled, hasn't it? What does that make me, the runner-up?", "Nikki: That's right, just get it out. Its okay, I can take it. Then afterwards, we can find out--", "Jack: We can what, we can what?", "Nikki: How to be...", "Jack: Friends? Besides, Victor's out there. According to you, not of his own volition. Go save him! Please! I don't need your help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So you think Victor's just fine and dandy, no amnesia. He just wants to play darts and pretend that he doesn't know us.", "Genevieve: Victor is capable of anything.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Ask him if he's capable of remembering his address.", "Genevieve: Victor loathes you, Billy, so why do you care if he's here in L.A.?", "Billy: Just watch this. Hey, man. You want to play some darts?", "Victor: Yeah. Let's see what you've got.", "Billy: All right, all right, all right.", "Victor: Right there. I just made some money.", "Billy: Did you?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Billy: Well, you're about to lose it.", "Victor: All right. See what you've got. Uh-oh.", "Billy: All right. (Laughs)", "Victor: That doesn't look too good, does it, huh?", "Billy: No, it doesn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge: The stakes are high for Mrs. Newman, her children, the extended Newman family, and Newman Enterprises, so I don't make this decision lightly. What's clear is I cannot make a judgment regarding Mrs. Newman's mental health on a few subjective statements and limited documentation. As a result, I simply cannot order her removal as C.E.O. Instead, I propose the following.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: You can leave.", "Adam: So can you.", "Abby: Does your wife know that you're so interested in your ex's future?", "Adam: It's not Sharon's future I'm interested in.", "Abby: Isn't it?", "Victoria: Sharon's out, I'm in.", "Abby: Seriously?", "Victoria: Until Sharon commits herself to Fairview for observation, and the doctors judge her mental state.", "Adam: Fairview.", "Abby: Whoa. You must have been convincing.", "Victoria: Well, the judge gets it. There are international repercussions if Newman bottoms out. So we need to tell the other board members.", "Adam: (Pops lips) You saved the global economy today. Rah rah you.", "Victoria: Let's divide up the calls, okay?", "Abby: (Sighs) (Scoffs)", "Avery: As per the judge's orders you have 24 hours to decide what you're gonna do. I'll be I touch.", "Sharon: No balloons? You're not popping champagne corks with your loving siblings?", "Adam: Walk away. Don't go anywhere near Fairview.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Adam: You gotta leave Newman. Just lay low, spend some time with Faith, go see Noah, something, anything.", "Sharon: Just as long as I stay away from Newman Enterprises, right?", "Adam: You don't want this.", "Sharon: Oh, you have no idea what I want!", "Adam: Do you know what you want, or is someone else telling you what you want, someone like Tucker?", "Sharon: You used to say that you were the only one who knew that I didn't need a man to tell me how to think. Stay away from Tucker... and stay the hell away from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Hey.", "Billy: You're a dart hustler. Nice work. All right, here you go.", "Victor: Thanks, brother.", "Billy: Good work. You got it.", "Victor: All right.", "Billy: All right.", "Victor: Who's next?", "Billy: See? There you have it. No darts hanging out of my eyeballs or anywhere else, which means he has no idea who I am or who he is.", "Genevieve: You know, maybe Victor detests you because you're silly enough to underestimate his ability to con you.", "Billy: Lady, you play the class act pretty well, but we both know you're just basically a mob wife without the fake tan, so if you're here with Victor, it means you're after something. And while I might not like the man at all, my wife is attached to him, so I want to know what you're up to.", "Genevieve: Hmm, and you've been cozying up to him so well, I guess I'm wondering why you're here.", "Billy: I'm after a story.", "Genevieve: And nothing else? (Laughs) I'm sorry, but I seem to recall that Victor had his own daughter arrested at your wedding, and then didn't he leave you to rot in a cell in Myanmar? (Chuckles) Does Victoria know that you're here playing darts with Daddy? Ah, she doesn't. You're keeping that one all to yourself, aren't you, with delicious little thoughts of revenge? What, you're gonna come between him and his family the way he came between you and yours? Listen, Billy, if that's the case, no one would blame you. No one at all.", "Billy: Excuse me, I need to make a phone call. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Yeah, I know, I know you're trying, Bobby. Keep me posted.", "Abby: Well, if Dad is somewhere checking the market and he sees how far down Newman closed, someone's gonna get punched.", "Victoria: Mm. You know, listen, we knew the price would drop after the hearing, but once Sharon is found non compos mentis and I am no longer just interim C.E.O., then the prices will stabilize, and then they'll rise.", "Nick: Yeah, good, great.", "Victoria: But you're just thinking about Fairview.", "Nick: Yeah, I am. You know what that place did to Sharon last time?", "Victoria: That was due to Adam, not to Fairview.", "Nick: The judge's decision makes sense. Faith's gonna know her mom's gone for a few days. Noah will understand all of it.", "Abby: Do you regret the hearing?", "Nick: It had to be done.", "Abby: You did the right thing. Dad would say that, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Thank you for getting me into the house, Bonnie. The guard at that gate made it very clear that I'm on the \"Do not admit\" list.", "Bonnie: Mr. Newman would be furious if he knew about that.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, Mr. Newman can come back on his own and take care of it. I will see to it that he does. Now there's gotta be something here that Sharon missed, some sign of where he was going. What is this? She's redecorating? Her husband is missing and she has fired the security team looking for him, and she has time to choose between persimmon and coral?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Pull the trigger now. Buy that Newman stock. Get back to me with the totals.", "Tucker: Sharon.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: You all right?", "Sharon: Nick and Victoria-- they just tore me apart. It was awful.", "Tucker: Well, the judge better not have put up with that.", "Sharon: I have got to submit to 72 hours of psychiatric evaluation or I lose my C.E.O. title, and I have 24 hours to decide.", "Tucker: (Sighs) God. Sharon, I'm so sorry.", "Sharon: (Sighs) I just... (Exhales sharply) I can't go back to that place. Fairview? I mean, you-- you can hear the locks when they shut you in. Anything can happen there.", "Tucker: Come. You listen to me. You want to walk away from this fight, you can.", "Sharon: I'll lose the C.E.O. tile. I'll never get it back.", "Tucker: That's true, and Nick and Victoria will know your buttons. They'll know they can push you around. But when it comes down to it, come on, is it really worth it?", "Sharon: (Sighs) They know they can beat me, though. I... (Inhales slowly) Victoria has been waiting for this day for over a year. Nick, too, and you know they won't stop at the C.E.O. title.", "Tucker: Well, you know Nick better than I do. He gets a little power, how far will he go?", "Sharon: Mm. Yeah, he has taken me to court before, more than once, for Faith.", "Tucker: (Sighs) I wish I could fight this for you.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: I'd go to Fairview for you.", "Sharon: Meaning... you think I should go.", "Tucker: I want you to do what you can live with.", "Sharon: Gosh, I don't know what that is. (Sighs)", "Tucker: It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I got your text.", "Avery: Well, I wasn't sure if you'd be celebrating. Sharon will soon be gone from Newman, and most likely for good.", "Nick: Well, like they say, it had to be done.", "Avery: I saw your face. I know it wasn't easy for you to go after Sharon like that.", "Nick: All of your contact with Sharon has been about murder charges and the woman Phyllis hates and--and now this. I promise you, that is not who Sharon used to be. But we fought and we won, and that's thanks to you.", "Avery: Oh, Nick, I didn't do anything.", "Nick: It was your idea to challenge Sharon's mental status. We owe you. Dad owes you. We're lucky to have you in our corner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Hi. Guess what?", "Billy: Back at you.", "Victoria: The judge gave Sharon 24 hours to turn herself in for psychiatric evaluation or she's done as C.E.O., which means your hot wife is now interim Newman C.E.O.!", "Billy: Well, look at you, Fancy Pants. Uh, something crazy just happened.", "Victoria: Oh, y-you know, I didn't really want to say anything in front of Nick, because, you know, I know he's really worried about Sharon, but, wow, it's like this intense rush, you know, being C.E.O. again. I know it's only for three days, but, wow, being in charge, being Mrs. Fancy Pants head honcho, in charge.", "Billy: Good for you. I can practically hear you smiling.", "Victoria: Oh, sorry. (Chuckles) What was the crazy thing that happened?", "Billy: You know, I, uh, I just miss my wife. Crazy, huh? Who knew? Look, Honey, um, I'll see you in a few days, okay?", "Victoria: Can't wait!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Bad news for you. (Chuckles) Sharon's been removed as C.E.O. of Newman and Victoria's in charge now, so whatever Tucker had cookin' just went up in smoke. Sorry. Ooh, excuse me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Tucker: What's up?", "Genevieve: It's surreal. Victor really does have amnesia.", "Tucker: You're absolutely sure now?", "Genevieve: Very, and I hear that Sharon is out as C.E.O., so now what?", "Tucker: It's true. We're fine. You stay put, keep doing what you're doing.", "Genevieve: You know, I need a little more to go on than that, Tucker.", "(Knock on door)", "Tucker: I gotta go. I'll be in touch.", "Tucker: Adam.", "Adam: Yeah, I don't want to be here, either, but I'm worried about Sharon.", "(Door slams)", "Sharon: You don't have to worry about me, Adam. I'm fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: So all of our available funds are now sunk into Newman Enterprises, Jack.", "Jack: Don't look so cheery, Cane.", "Cane: I'm hoping for the best. See you.", "(Door closes)", "Jack: Yeah, that makes two of us.", "Jack: Hey, its Jack Abbott. I'm ready to start divorce proceedings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: No notes, no little scribbled pieces of paper, no travel receipts, nothing.", "Bonnie: I didn't find anything, either.", "Nikki: (Sighs) Bonnie just give me a-a few minutes, and then I'm gonna have you sneak me back off the property. I know you're angry, Victor, but you didn't have to run off, if that's what happened. Have you forgotten how many times we've counted these stars together? No, you haven't, because if you were gone and couldn't count the stars, I would-- I would feel that... and part of me would die, too. Victor, just stop it! (Voice breaking) Just stop this and come home! Come home to me!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: Tell me about this story you've been tracking down, all the gory details.", "Heather: I totally forgot about this. Well, at least I have something of Ricky's to give my dad.", "Avery: Ricky recorded his murder of Rachel. Help me find this footage." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Abby, Tyler, Courtney, and Noah have drinks after the concert. Noah admits that even though he likes photography, he still doesn't have any clear goals in life and hasn't found anything he loves to do for a living. Courtney and Abby suggest he go to work for Newman Enterprises. Noah says he has no interest in the family business. Adam confronts Victor about bugging his office and having him followed. Adam is disappointed and hurt that Victor still doesn't trust him. Victor is disappointed in Adam, because he got outside investors to take the company private, and he still doesn't understand what it means to be a part of the Newman family. Victor tells Victoria that he is prepared to sever ties with Adam both professionally and personally, but deep down he hopes that won't happen, although he doesn't let it show to Victoria.", "Victoria sees Abby and Noah and tells them that she is worried about Victor and that she thinks Adam and Victor are getting ready to do battle over Newman. If that happens, they could lose the company. Victoria and Abby are both surprised when Noah tells them they can't allow Adam to take the company away from Victor. Adam tells Jack that he is ready to push Victor out of Newman Enterprises sooner than planned. Jack wants to remain a silent partner and not get involved in this battle for the sake of Summer, so he tells Adam to fight this battle alone. Victor's detective tells him that Jack is the secret investor, so Victor goes to Jack's place to tell him he knows what he is doing, and he won't get away with it. Dylan and Chelsea are worried about Connor's possible eye condition and both of them blame themselves, because they think Connor is going to pay for the sins they committed in their past. When Chelsea cries on Anita's shoulder, she assures her that everything will be okay as long as Connor's condition stays between her, Dylan, and the doctor. Adam will never find out that he is Connor's father. Dylan is desperate to talk to someone, so he goes to On The Boulevard to talk to Billy and tells him about Connor's hereditary eye condition. Adam overhears the conversation, because he is sitting at the bar behind Dylan, so he knows that he, and not Dylan, is Connor's father.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Normally, I am wiped out by a gathering like that, but once Jill started her eulogy...", "[Both chuckle]", "Billy: Yeah, if you want inappropriate showstopper at a funeral, just give my mom a call.", "Jack: You know what? I think Katherine would have loved it.", "Billy: Mrs. C. she controlled every aspect of her life right until the end and then beyond.", "Jack: Boy, I wish I knew her secret -- how to control the chaos all around you.", "Billy: Is that why you called me here? You want to talk about chaos and control? Oh, you want to talk about Phyllis and Summer and those things that you can't control.", "Jack: I am never gonna give up hope that Phyllis is gonna get better. I know I can't control that. But I want something to say about how close I am to my daughter.", "Billy: Fine. Good. What's stopping you?", "Jack: Well, for starters, she's in Georgia.", "Billy: Helping out with Phyllis.", "Jack: And avoiding being with me, which makes her grandfather very happy.", "Billy: Ah... Victor. I thought he was suspiciously pleasant at the memorial. What's he up to now?", "Jack: Doing everything in his power to make sure that Summer remains a Newman.", "Billy: Does he not understand simple biology?", "Jack: He needs a brush-up course. I'm telling you, Billy, this is gonna get ugly fast.", "Billy: Man. You called me here to talk about Victor Newman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dad?", "Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Victor: Sit with me.", "Victoria: Where's Mom?", "Victor: Well, she stayed behind at the Katherine Chancellor Park. She was sort of unsettled, I think, by the memorial service.", "Victoria: I know it was hard on her.", "Victor: It was. I must say it affected me, too, quite a bit.", "Victoria: At least it's done now.", "Victor: No, not until the reading of the will. Then it'll be done.", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: Mm-hmm?", "Victoria: You've been a real rock for Mom during this. But I know you suffered a big loss, too. I'm sorry.", "Victor: Mm. It's part of life, my darling.", "Victoria: Yeah, I know, but if you want to talk to me, I'm here.", "Victor: That's very sweet of you. Thank you for being concerned about me. But, no, I'd rather not talk about it, okay?", "Victoria: Okay. So if I show my concern by making you some tea, will you please have some?", "Victor: Well, that's a different story. I would love some tea.", "Victoria: All right.", "Victor: Okay.", "[Door slams]", "Adam: What do you think you're doing?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tyler: Man, that was crazy! The entire arena on their feet, screaming, stomping their feet.", "Courtney: I know. I can't believe you actually knew that roadie.", "Tyler: Hey, wait a minute. I'm the one who got us into the after party, huh? Huh? What's going on? Why you two so quiet?", "Abby: Katherine's memorial was today.", "Noah: Yeah, it's just hard not to think about her. You know, she was so great to our family.", "Tyler: Why didn't you say something? We could have canceled.", "Noah: Actually, Katherine would have insisted we go to the concert.", "Abby: Yeah. [Chuckles] \"Miss Vampire weekend to cry over me?! Ludicrous!\"", "Noah: Mrs. Chancellor was like 16 at heart. She just loved good music and a good time.", "Courtney: Why don't you get back into music?", "Abby: Oh, and out of photography? After those pictures that Noah took at the concert today?", "Tyler: No way. Noah's not quitting fashion. He's got too good of an eye.", "Noah: You guys just want to shut up about what I'm gonna do with my life?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: There's no reason to burst into my home like this. And there's no reason to talk to your father like this. Calm down and tell me what this is all about.", "Adam: I am calm. And I'm being followed.", "Victor: You're being what? You're being paranoid.", "Adam: What's this, Dad?", "Victor: That's a recording device.", "Adam: That's right. This was planted in my office.", "Victor: Planted in your office? I'll be damned.", "Adam: Oh, you're surprised. What were you trying to learn by bugging my office, Dad? What were you trying to learn by having me tailed?", "Victoria: Oh. Has the golden boy fallen out of favor?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: My boy. You're beautiful, Connor. You're perfect, Buddy. It just doesn't make any sense.", "Chelsea: Dylan. You heard what Dr. Woods said. It might be nothing.", "Dylan: If it was nothing, she wouldn't have brought it up.", "Chelsea: She -- she wanted to prepare us just in case.", "Dylan: She wouldn't just bring up a degenerative eye disorder without good reason.", "[Baby fusses]", "Dylan: It's okay. It's okay.", "Chelsea: I just -- I don't think that we should get ourselves worked up until we get the test results back.", "Dylan: I'm not getting worked up. I just want the best for our son.", "[Baby fussing]", "Dylan: It's okay.", "Chelsea: So do I. [Sighs] Which is why I think we could use some good luck while we wait for the test results. I got this for you a while back. It was supposed to be a graduation present for graduating from baby class.", "Dylan: A four-leaf clover.", "Chelsea: It was supposed to bring us some extra good luck during the labor, but then everything happened so quickly, I completely forgot about it.", "Dylan: Thank you. We need this. Because I feel really unlucky right now.", "Chelsea: How can you feel unlucky? You have a wife that loves you so much, and you have a beautiful baby boy.", "Dylan: Who might go blind because of me.", "Chelsea: What? No, Dylan, you didn't do this.", "Dylan: This eye disease is inherited. And you don't know of anyone in your family who has it. So it's got to come from my side. He got this from his father. See. You believe it, too. It had to be me.", "Chelsea: No. No!", "Dylan: I passed on the gene that can make our son lose his sight.", "Chelsea: Dylan, your parents -- we don't necessarily know that they had this disease.", "Dylan: No, I don't know that. But since both my mom and dad... are gone, we got to assume my grandparents. And you know what? I just got to do some research on them and their genetic history.", "Chelsea: It doesn't matter.", "Dylan: It does matter, Chelsea! I did this!", "Chelsea: Would you just stop saying that? This was not you, Dylan. We can't be blaming anybody. We need to focus on Connor and what is good for him, how we can help him.", "Dylan: I just -- I just wish... there's got to be something else that we can do. Maybe we can get to the specialist sooner.", "Chelsea: I know, but there were no openings.", "Dylan: Then we got to do as much research as we can to find out everything about this.", "Chelsea: Okay, what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait for our test results, okay? We're gonna have our meeting, our appointment with the ophthalmologist, and then we just have to wait, Dylan.", "Dylan: I just -- I just don't want him to lose his sight. I want Connor to see you... just, you know, his mother's eyes... her beautiful smile.", "[Knock on door]", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Anita: Where is that gorgeous baby boy?", "Chelsea: We just put him down, Mom.", "Anita: Wake him up if he's sleeping. Tell him his... his Anita is here. What's wrong?", "Dylan: The baby --", "Chelsea: It's nothing. It's nothing.", "Anita: Clearly not nothing. Why won't you tell your own mother what's going on?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: This is between our father and me.", "Victor: Son, this tantrum of yours is rather badly timed, okay? I just lost a very dear friend.", "Adam: I'm aware of that, and I'm sorry about the timing, but I can't help the fact that my office was bugged.", "Victoria: Your office was bugged?", "Adam: This doesn't concern you, Victoria!", "Victoria: Actually, I still own a substantial piece of Newman Enterprises, so if the C.E.O.'s office was bugged, it certainly does concern me.", "Adam: Well, good news for you! Because it wasn't business. It was just personal -- a simple case of a father not trusting his son.", "Victor: Enough, you two.", "Adam: No, no, no, no! You don't get to say \"Enough.\" Okay, Dad? You don't get to call the shot on this one. I know you think you have the final word at Newman, but when you stab me in the back like that -- come on! You got to be kidding me! No, I thought it was a partnership! I thought that's what we had.", "Victor: What, a partnership with a bunch of mysterious Harvard boys?", "Adam: I said you could talk to them any time you wanted.", "Victor: What do you mean, \"Talk to them\"? Who the hell do you think I am? Talk to Fish Hook?", "Adam: I gave you names. I gave you contracts.", "Victor: Are you out of your mind? Are you trying to pull the wool over my eyes? Who the hell do you think I am?", "Adam: I just believed that it could be different this time, Dad, just this one time. Guess what, Victoria. You don't have to be jealous anymore of this...father-son camaraderie. Because it doesn't exist. It never did. It was just a figment of our imaginations. Just another typical, played-out Victor Newman move. You want to know something, Dad? When this is all said and done and all the dust clears, I guarantee you I will be the last man standing.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Victoria: I really want to say something, and I'm trying to show restraint, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can hold it.", "Victor: Well, then kindly say it.", "Victoria: I told you.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. You did. I know you did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: So then Victor offers her, my daughter, a trip to the Bahamas!", "Billy: To a Newman-owned resort, right?", "Jack: Emphasis on the word \"Newman.\"", "Billy: So what'd you do?", "Jack: I confronted him, and much to my regret, Summer saw it and got very upset by it.", "Billy: She must have gotten over it, right? I mean, you did go to Georgia together.", "Jack: About the only thing we shared was the plane trip.", "Billy: You guys didn't talk on the plane?", "Jack: Barely. And then when we got to Georgia, she wanted to spend all her time with Daniel, and it seemed the only time she visited Phyllis was when she knew I was at the hotel.", "Billy: And then she didn't come back with you.", "Jack: Didn't call me, didn't text me.", "Billy: I'm sorry, Jack. I know how much you wanted to bond with your kid.", "Jack: You know, Nick has been telling me I need to back off, I need to give Summer some space. Kyle seems to agree that it's what's best for Summer, and...", "Billy: Really? Even though her mother's so sick? I would think that Summer would want to lean on you.", "Jack: She's a very sensitive girl. She feels torn in two. She needs space. She needs time. She needs to figure out where she wants her future to go.", "Billy: So, what, you're just gonna take a step back?", "Jack: I think I have to. But will Victor?", "Billy: [Laughs] No, I don't think so.", "Jack: I don't want to fight over Summer. But I've already lost so much time with her, and I don't want to risk losing her all over again.", "Billy: Well, what if Victor keeps trying to make her make a choice?", "Jack: My daughter may choose to be with the family she knows over the family she belongs to.", "Billy: That is a predicament. I don't think that there's a chapter in the parenting handbook that covers this one.", "Jack: I don't know how to handle it, Billy.", "Billy: Do it carefully. Starting a war with Victor is dangerous. It's costly. Avoid it.", "Jack: Too late. It seems the war has already begun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: My apologies for being such a jackass earlier.", "Courtney: Yeah, but, no, what I said about you getting back in music -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overstep.", "Abby: No, you were giving him a compliment, and so was I. Noah just lacks the social graces to accept a compliment.", "Tyler: Ah, my roommate's just a little sensitive, you know, when talk turns to career. That's all.", "Abby: But aren't you really into photography?", "Noah: Yeah, I am for now, but I'm not sure it's what I'm meant to do with my life.", "Courtney: What is?", "Noah: See, that's the question. Everybody I know seems to have such clear goals and passions.", "Tyler: No, not everybody.", "Noah: Tyler, you designing ads is Zen-like.", "Abby: Yeah, you do get into a zone.", "Noah: Abby, you're the exact same way. Are you kidding me? You're practically jumping for joy every time you get to go to work at Jabot.", "Abby: But I'm not geeky about it. I just say \"Yay\" every once in a while.", "[Laughter]", "Courtney: I mean, but isn't that kind of a good thing? Isn't work supposed to be fulfilling?", "Noah: Yeah, it is. But, Courtney, even you, just out of high school, already on track, impressing your new boss at Jabot, turning that into a new career for you.", "Abby: And I'm not easily impressed.", "Noah: Apparently, you are.", "Abby: Aw. [Chuckles]", "Courtney: Yeah, but, Noah, you've done things. I mean, in New York, even.", "Noah: Yeah, I bounced around. I've gone from music to my dad's bar to photography. It just gets a little old after a while.", "Abby: But you're not exactly ancient.", "Noah: Yeah, but I'm not that young, either.", "Courtney: You're young enough. I mean, you're still young enough to be out there looking for what you want to do in life. Have you ever worked for Newman?", "Abby: For my dad?!", "Noah: For my grandfather?!", "Tyler: Okay, is there something that the non-Newmans at the table don't know about the great and powerful Victor?", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: If you're looking for advice, I would tell you to not go heads-up with the man. This is your daughter. It could get messy. Just look at all the schemes he's come up with to keep Victoria and me apart.", "Jack: But you've managed to stay together.", "Billy: Yes, we have, but life would be a lot easier if he wasn't always trying to split us up. It's exhausting having to fight this man all the time.", "Jack: But it's worth it, right?", "Billy: It's Victoria, so, yeah, it's worth it, and --Speak of the devil's son.", "Adam: We need to talk, Jack.", "Billy: You need to talk? You couldn't knock on the door before you --", "Adam: This is an urgent matter, and it doesn't concern you, Billy.", "Billy: It's that urgent --", "Jack: Billy, Billy, I got this. Adam, my brother and I were just finishing a conversation.", "Billy: It's fine. Talk to him. I've got to go check on the restaurant anyway.", "Jack: Billy.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Jack: Thank you for dropping by.", "Billy: Absolutely. Just don't go heads-up on this.", "Jack: Okay. What's so urgent?", "Adam: My father -- he's gone into overdrive, wants to know the identity of this person who fronted the rest of the money to privatize Newman.", "Jack: We saw that coming. What's he doing?", "Adam: You know, bugging my office, having me followed, regular stuff.", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. You were followed here?", "Adam: I doubled back. I ended up following them for a while. They don't know where I am, but even if they did, we're friends, so it wouldn't come off as suspicious.", "Jack: Adam, Victor cannot know that I am the secret investor in Newman.", "Adam: He doesn't know, Jack. But he will eventually, and I cannot wait until that happens.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: You were very supportive of Adam when he was facing those charges.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: You'd think that when he was exonerated that he would be even closer to you.", "Victor: Well, let's just say that he prevailed upon me to make a rather...imprudent business move.", "Victoria: Okay, so you disagreed. I'm sure that that's happened before in your partnership. So why did this time drive you apart?", "Victor: It's not important, my sweetheart, okay? Not important.", "Victoria: Daddy...", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: You essentially kept me out of the family business --", "Victor: No, no, no.", "Victoria: Yes, you did.", "Victor: No, I did not. That was your choice, remember? What a short memory we have.", "Victoria: I...", "Victor: Am I right?", "Victoria: ...And the rest of the family still have a stake in Newman. So I would really like to know who is this Fish Hook? What is this, Adam's investors? If things fall apart between you and Adam, they can basically push you out of your own company? And I'm guessing, since you've already considered that, that you have something up your sleeve.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: We don't need anyone who's not 100% supportive in our lives right now, Mom.", "Anita: What do you call this ton of money I spent on these baby presents?", "Chelsea: Unnecessary.", "Anita: Okay, I realize that baby presents don't make up for past sins, but I'm trying, Chelsea. Why don't you open this present? It's a baby gym mat that you put on the floor and spread it out, and you have tummy time and...", "Dylan: You want some coffee?", "Anita: Sure.", "Dylan: She's still your mom.", "Anita: You know, I-I thought of you getting so mad at me at the hospital as -- as postpartum blues and that once you got home with your beautiful family, you'd realize that me wanting to be part of your kid's life was a good thing. I-I can do better with Connor than I did with you. I can.", "Chelsea: [Sighs] We, um, we just got some bad news.", "Dylan: There's something wrong with Connor's eyes.", "Anita: Oh!", "Dylan: He may have a degenerative eye disease.", "Anita: Poor little guy. Aw. Is it the condition like, uh -- likely to get worse?", "Dylan: Uh, well, we've got an appointment with the specialist to find out more.", "Anita: Can we talk?", "Dylan: You know, Anita, I know --", "Chelsea: Actually, yeah. That might be a good idea, actually. My mom and I need to work through some stuff, so better to get it over with now.", "Dylan: Okay. I'll leave you two alone. I hope you can clear things up, because Connor needs all the love he can get. Hey. Hey. You already know how much I love you, don't you, Buddy?", "[Baby fusses]", "Anita: How are you doing?", "Chelsea: This eye disease, Mom, it's hereditary.", "Anita: And he inherited it from his father.", "Chelsea: From Adam. This eye disease -- even the first time I was pregnant, I didn't -- I didn't know Adam and I -- I didn't know -- I didn't know that my -- my child could inherit it.", "Anita: Adam was cured. And Connor will be, too.", "Chelsea: You don't know that, Mom. There are no guarantees, especially with an infant. [Voice breaking] I mean, my son -- my son could lose his eyesight, and then there's Dylan, and Dylan's completely terrified.", "Anita: He doesn't suspect it.", "Chelsea: No, but he's blaming himself. Because we know it doesn't -- we don't have that condition on our side of the family, so he's assuming that he has it on his.", "Anita: You know, even if that were true, it's nobody's fault.", "Chelsea: Yes, it is someone's fault. Mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Thanks for coming, Guys. Hey, Dylan. Would you like a beer?", "Dylan: A coffee.", "Billy: Coffee? Dylan, you own a coffee shop. The Java there has to be much better than it is here.", "Dylan: I just didn't want to see a lot of people and have to answer questions.", "Billy: Oh, yeah? About what? Right. No people. No questions. One coffee coming right up. You look like hell. Baby keep you up all night?", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah, whoever came up with the expression \"Sleeping like a baby\" obviously never had one.", "Dylan: I wonder if the other saying's true.", "Billy: Which one?", "Dylan: The one about the sins of the father being passed down to his son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Adam, you are not going to have the joy of watching your father find out, because he's not going to find out that I am the secret investor in Newman.", "Adam: Not yet.", "Jack: Adam.", "Adam: Not until you and I yank Newman Enterprises out from underneath him.", "Jack: Been there, done that. I don't want to be involved in Newman.", "Adam: Well, you don't have to be involved.", "Jack: And yet you're telling me your father is bugging your phone and following you around town?", "Adam: I have things handled, Jack.", "Jack: Look, when I loaned you the money to buy Newman back, it was with the understanding that you had a genuine interest in building a relationship with your father. That's what you always wanted. Has that changed?", "Adam: Who cares what I want? Why does it even matter? Because it's clear to me that my father doesn't want it.", "Jack: Okay, I can't say as I'm surprised by that, but I'm sorry it didn't work out.", "Adam: Yeah. You know what, Jack? You got to admit your motives weren't completely altruistic. You knew what could happen if things went south. You knew that this arrangement would afford me the opportunity to have the upper hand on my father.", "Jack: I won't deny that I take a certain pleasure in knowing Victor is about to lose something that he really cares about. But I have to be careful where Summer's concerned.", "Adam: Summer doesn't strike me as the type who concerns herself about corporate hostile takeovers.", "Jack: I don't want my daughter feeling any more torn between Victor and me than she already does.", "Adam: At some point, Jack, we are going to have to make a move.", "Jack: I will handle my problems with Victor my way. My name cannot surface as any part of these business issues.", "Adam: You're already involved, Jack. You own a sizable part of the company.", "Jack: Yes, it's my money. But this is your fight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Do me a favor. Don't worry about my situation with Adam, okay?", "Victoria: See? There you go, shutting me out again.", "Victor: No, Sweetheart, I answered your questions.", "Victoria: You did not answer my questions. You side-stepped my questions instead of trusting me, like you should have, when you blindly put your faith in Adam.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I have never put my faith into anyone blindly. I know what my son is capable of, okay?", "Victoria: But when he risked his life for you --", "Victor: When he risked his life for me, I did not eliminate the possibility that he would one day plunge a knife into my back.", "Victoria: [Scoffs] Dad, why are you running Newman Enterprises with him?", "Victor: Because I was hoping that he would turn out to be a different son, that he would be the son that he claimed he wanted to be. And I knew I was going to be disappointed.", "Victoria: All right, so by allowing Adam to be your business equal, you were testing him? It was a test, and Adam's failing. And now you're prepared to sever business ties with him.", "Victor: If necessary.", "Victoria: Okay. What about family ties? Because you know when you lose your business partner...", "Victor: Then I have to be prepared to lose my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: The reason why the idea of Noah working for Newman is so...", "Noah: Crazy-pants insane...", "Abby: Is because no one...", "Noah: Absolutely no one in our family...", "Abby: Has ever...", "Noah: Ever...", "Abby: Ever worked with my father and stayed there.", "Noah: Ever.", "Abby: Yeah.", "Tyler: Okay, well, is that saying something about the kids, the grandkids, or is that saying something about Victor Newman?", "Noah: Either way, there's no way I could go work for the family company.", "Courtney: Well, is that because of what happened to all the other people or... so it's not you. I mean, why not?", "Tyler: Yeah. Why not?", "Noah: Maybe because my dad worked there and he's scarred for life and wants nothing to do with the company.", "Abby: Okay, but Courtney is right. I mean, that was Nick, not you.", "Noah: You know how Grandpa is.", "Abby: Yeah, I know how he is with me and your dad and Victoria.", "Tyler: Which is?", "Abby: Impossible. Yeah. But -- but just because we all turned our back on him doesn't mean that you should. I mean, we all gave it a try.", "Noah: What are you saying? You think I should go work for Granddad?", "Abby: I'm just saying that you should never say never. I mean, you could be really good for my dad, bring some fresh, new energy, I mean, someone that's done something else in this world besides Newman.", "Tyler: You got the right last name.", "Abby: And, plus, there are a lot of different divisions at Newman. You just focus on the one that interests you the most.", "Noah: Forget it, you guys. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in working for Grandpa. You're never gonna catch me behind a desk at Newman. Never.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I can't sacrifice what I never really had. Adam showed me again that he has no real understanding of what it means to be part of the Newman family.", "Victoria: By going outside the family.", "Victor: Well, yeah. Even Summer, with her rather unfortunate bloodline, is more of a Newman than he is. She knows probably damn well that if something happened to her, push came to shove, we would support her. We would be behind her. Adam doesn't comprehend that.", "Victoria: Dad... you know it's okay for you to claim that you distrusted Adam all along. But, you know, I saw a real pride in you when you announced that you and Adam were joining forces, and I'm sorry. I mean, I now -- I just see disappointment. And I see hurt.", "Victor: Mnh-mnh. No, you don't.", "Victoria: I know you don't want to admit it. I know. But I think Adam broke your heart.", "Victor: No, that's not possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: [Sighs] What I regret is letting down my guard with my dad, getting soft for a minute. I don't know what I was looking for.", "Jack: Maybe just a little fatherly advice or someone to play catch with.", "Adam: [Chuckles] Yeah. The boardroom is my father's field of play, and business is his game of choice.", "Jack: Victor always has to win.", "Adam: Yeah. Even when he's playing against his own children.", "Jack: I am sincerely sorry that your relationship didn't turn out like you'd hoped.", "Adam: It's been a running theme lately.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: I brought my baby into this world surrounded by lies. Lies to Dylan, lies to Adam.", "Anita: You had good reasons.", "Chelsea: No matter how justified I thought I was, keeping the truth from Adam -- how is this fair to Connor? To burden a child with a lie that he's going to have to live with for the rest of his life.", "Anita: All right. Calm down.", "Chelsea: How did I ever think that I could get away with this? [Sniffles]", "Anita: You were trying to hold on to something good. You were happy.", "Chelsea: Yeah, and there's a big price to pay for that, and it's not fair that Connor is gonna have to pay that price.", "Anita: All right, Chelsea, you have to stop this right now. You don't know anything for sure.", "Chelsea: I do. I know, Mom.", "Anita: No. No, you don't. And this is not some form of divine punishment. Things happen in life, a-and we get through them. Do you hear me? You are the child's mother, and it's not doing that baby a bit of good, you beating yourself up. Now, come on. You have to pull yourself together.", "Chelsea: You're right. Connor's care and treatment -- that's the most important thing.", "Anita: Exactly.", "Chelsea: Except there is another huge problem.", "Anita: What?", "Chelsea: Adam.", "Anita: Why is he even an issue?", "Chelsea: If Adam finds out that my son has this eye disease, it's not gonna take him very long to figure out that he's my son's father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: You know, normally I would cut a customer off after three, but since your kid's probably gonna keep you up all night, I'll make an exception. So you were talking about, uh, sins of the father.", "Dylan: I'm just trying to work some stuff out. You know, about things I've done. [Sighs] About how maybe my past has caught up to me. Just trying to find answers where there may not be any.", "Billy: Okay. Well, I'm not going to poke my nose in your business any further.", "Dylan: Thank you.", "Billy: So, to change the subject to something happier, how's the kid? How'd the first checkup go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Anita: If Adam finds out about the baby's condition, yes, he'll figure out that he's the father. So we're gonna make sure he doesn't find out. It's not like you or Dylan are gonna go talk to him about it.", "Chelsea: Or you?", "Anita: Or me. Haven't I already proved that I don't tell anybody anything?", "Chelsea: Yes, you have.", "Anita: All right, come on. Let's lock this down.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Anita: Who else knows about the baby's condition?", "Chelsea: Just us and the doctor.", "Anita: Okay, so we're gonna keep it that way.", "Chelsea: And, Mom?", "Anita: Oh, I swear I'm not telling your father.", "Chelsea: Okay, good. But how are we gonna keep this from getting out? I mean, I'm not gonna just keep my baby locked up.", "Anita: No, of course not. No. He's just a little baby. You know, he's going to be medically tested, and we're gonna get the treatment that he needs. And who knows? Maybe he'll be fine before anybody ever knows that there was anything wrong.", "Chelsea: That's a long shot.", "Anita: No, we just have to come up with a good reason to give your husband so he will not go talk to anybody about this.", "Chelsea: What reason would there be?", "Anita: Tell him you're superstitious or something. We'll figure out something, something that he'll buy.", "Chelsea: Another lie.", "Anita: Yeah, but it's just a little one. And, Honey, it's gonna be the last lie that you ever have to tell.", "Chelsea: [Sniffles]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: You can still have it all, with someone other than Chelsea.", "Adam: I'm not too sure I agree with you on that.", "Jack: Adam, I thought I would never find love again, and now... don't turn your back on love altogether.", "Adam: What I need to do is focus on my strengths, what I do well. Right now, my father's sweating me down. He's all over me. So I'm gonna have to push him out of Newman a little sooner than I'd planned.", "Jack: Watch you back.", "Adam: Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing.", "Jack: One other thing --", "Adam: Your name will not be mentioned.", "Jack: Good. Actually, it'd be nice to have Victor focus on something other than keeping me away from my daughter.", "Adam: Everybody wins.", "Jack: Everybody except Victor. He looses everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, I'm a businessman and not a sentimental old fool. All right?", "Victoria: Oh, okay. Right. So then you must have just had something in your eye at Katherine's memorial.", "Victor: [Chuckles] No. I was tearing up. She was a very close friend. But I don't want you to spend another minute worrying about Adam and me. Everything is under control, okay?", "Victoria: Okay, Dad.", "Victor: Okay. Goodbye, Sweetheart.", "Victoria: Bye-bye.", "Victor: What'd you find out? You're sure? Jack Abbott. Thank you. Well, well, well, well, well. Never think Jack Abbott. [Chuckles softly] Oh, yeah. I'll be damned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You guys, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn this into a career-counseling session. Weren't we having fun before?", "Courtney: I was having a great time. I mean, it was really cool. [Chuckles]", "Noah: Have another round. Tyler's buying.", "Abby: Oh.", "Courtney: I'll help carry the cups. So, do you think that Noah really had a good time tonight?", "Tyler: Sure.", "Courtney: And do you think that he likes me?", "Tyler: Why not?", "Courtney: I don't know. Do you know if he's dating anybody else?", "Tyler: Nope.", "Courtney: So do you think that he'll ask me out again?", "Victoria: Oh, hey.", "Noah: Hey.", "Victoria: Oh, you too. I'm glad I ran into you two.", "Noah: What's up?", "Victoria: Um... thanks. Listen, I just came from the ranch, okay. Um, I'm really concerned about Dad.", "Abby: Because of Katherine?", "Victoria: Adam. He's turned out to be exactly the person that we always loathed.", "Abby: What did that snake do to Dad?", "Victoria: [Sighs] They had some major disagreement, and now Adam has the upper hand at Newman.", "Abby: No way.", "Noah: Well, what can we do to help?", "Victoria: I know that we all decided that we weren't gonna support Dad when he teamed up with Adam. But I really think that he's gonna need our help, especially if they decide to sever ties.", "Abby: What kind of help?", "Victoria: I don't know. I'm just here to give you a heads up and to tell you that there's a very good possibility that Dad, along with the rest of us, could lose Newman for good.", "Noah: We can't let that happen.", "Abby: Not interested in the family business, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Doorbell rings]", "Jack: I've got it, Mrs. Martinez! [Sighs] You. Why?", "Victor: You're accusing me of throwing my money around to gain an advantage over you.", "Jack: Because you have.", "Victor: You're a hypocrite, Jack. I know what you're up to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: Anita.", "Anita: Hi, Adam. Just leaving.", "Adam: Wait a second.", "Anita: I'm in a hurry.", "Adam: Yeah. Come here. I just wanted to say congratulations, all right? I saw your grandson the other day. He is something special.", "Anita: I really have to go.", "Adam: You know what? You must be so happy for Chelsea... and Dylan.", "Anita: I am. Because Chelsea has never been happier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Everything is gonna be okay, Connor. And you are gonna be just fine. [Sniffles] Do you know how lucky you are, how lucky we are? Because Dylan loves us, and he is going to take care of us. You have the best daddy in the whole world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: The trip to the pediatrician wasn't so good.", "Billy: What's wrong?", "Dylan: Something came up in Connor's checkup. There's a problem with his vision.", "Billy: Okay. So, what, he's got to wear glasses?", "Dylan: He may have a degenerative eye disorder. He could go blind.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Chelsea: You're gonna wake the baby.", "Adam: My baby.", "Jack: You don't even realize you're headed for the biggest fall of your life.", "Billy: Dylan and Chelsea's baby has an eye disorder.", "Victoria: Oh, my God. It's genetic." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Neil's mother Lucinda passes away after he finishes telling her about his children and grandchildren. Lucinda tells Neil how important it is to hang onto his family and stay sober so that he can spend time with them. Nick believes that Victor is responsible for the explosion; but after seeing the shock on his face, Nick thinks that somebody else wanted Adam dead. Chloe feels guilty about causing the explosion and leaves to tell someone there is something they need to hear. Paul and Dylan arrest Chelsea, and Kevin gets Michael to be her lawyer. Chelsea tells Michael she thinks that Victor caused the explosion. Paul tells Nick that DNA from tissue and blood samples found at the cabin belong to Adam, so he didn't make it out of the cabin. Nick gives the terrible news to Chelsea and holds her while she cries and begins to grieve for Adam.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: What do you mean Adam is dead?", "Victor: He can't be.", "Nick: Don't act like you don't know. That cabin that you arranged for Adam to hide out in? It blew up, and Adam was inside. How can you do it? How can you kill your own son?", "Nikki: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There has to be some kind of a mistake. Nothing has been on the news about this --", "Nick: It's not a mistake, mom. I saw the explosion with my own eyes.", "Victor: How is that possible?", "Nick: Connor was sick. So Chelsea called me because she needed some help. I arranged for a doctor to go and see him.", "Nikki: Is Connor gonna be okay?", "Nick: He's fine, mom. But when we went to pick up Adam at the cabin, the place went up like a fireball. There's no way anyone could have survived.", "Victor: We had a very thought-out plan, you know. I think he made it to the plane.", "Nick: Dad, we went to the airstrip. We talked to the pilot. He hadn't seen Adam. Your plan didn't work. Adam never made it onto that flight.", "Nikki: Nicholas, this is enough. It's not your father's fault.", "Nick: Adam's dead. It is his fault.", "Nikki: Nicholas, you listen to me. I helped your father every step of the way. So if you think he's guilty, then I guess I am, too.", "Chelsea: Adam can't be gone. Chloe, he can't be gone.", "[Knock on door]", "Paul: Come on, Chelsea. Open up.", "Chloe: You have to go. Upstairs. You have to go.", "Kevin: You can't get caught here. Go, go, go.", "Chelsea: See what they know about Adam. See if Victor did this.", "Paul: Last chance!", "Chloe: We'll find out. Go.", "Kevin: Paul. Hey. What's up?", "Paul: Hey, Kevin. Catch you at a bad time? We're looking for Chelsea.", "Dylan: Is she here?", "Chloe: No.", "Paul: You sure?", "Kevin: Yeah, we've been here all night.", "Paul: And Chelsea never came home?", "Chloe: Look, I haven't seen her since the last time she took off, when I reported it to the police. Remember? When I was voluntarily cooperating with you guys? So why would I lie now?", "Dylan: Well, we need answers. That's what we need.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, I need answers, too. Kevin told me that there was an explosion at a cabin. Was Adam in there? Did anyone make it out alive?", "Lily: Hey, Dad. We're just wondering how things are going, so give me a call when get this, okay? Bye. He should be back from visiting his mother by now.", "Cane: Well, the way he was talking about it, I'm surprised he even went.", "Devon: Or maybe he's gone to see her and things didn't go so well.", "Lily: And, what, he's at a bar somewhere drinking? I-I can't even think about that.", "Devon: Well, lily, you're the one that encouraged him to go.", "Lily: So you're blaming me?", "Cane: All right, no one's blaming anybody. Don't start this.", "Lily: I thought this would be good for him.", "Devon: Listen, I'm kicking myself for allowing him to go see his mom alone after so many years without contact, okay?", "Hilary: Okay, guys. You guys are acting like he's a child. He's a grown man.", "Lily: Maybe we should go look for him.", "Cane: Hang on. Wait, wait. You're suggesting the four of us go on a road trip? I don't think so.", "Hilary: Yeah, what could go wrong with that?", "Lily: Well, we have to do something.", "[Cell phones chime]", "Devon: \"Visiting my mother.\"", "Lily: \"All good.\"", "Neil: Hi. I just let my kids know where I am. Oh, boy. They're not gonna believe it, you know, because [Chuckles] I was so hell-bent on not coming here and seeing you.", "Lucinda: Why?", "Neil: Too many unresolved feelings and ideas. You know, too much unresolved altogether.", "Lucinda: Do you regret coming here?", "Neil: No. Today has been one of the most important days of my life. And I'm so glad that we got this time to share together. And I'm serious, you know. I really want to bring the entire family to come and see you. Lily, Devon, grandkids, everybody. Maybe next week. We really ought to get that on the books. It'd be a good thing for you and them. It's just a good thing all around.", "Lucinda: Son... we both know... that's not gonna happen. Ahh. I can feel it. [Gulps] I'm getting weaker. My breath [Chuckles] Is slower. It's like I was holding on... waiting, you know, for -- for something.", "Neil: Waiting...for me?", "Lucinda: Waiting...for you. I'm not gonna meet your family, Neil. Tell me about them.", "Neil: Okay. Well, my family... yeah. My family, they're everything to me. I got this cute little boy, Moses, you know. He's got this smile that lights up the entire galaxy. Always happy, that kid.", "Lucinda: [Chuckles] I know the type.", "Neil: Then there's my oldest, Devon. He's steady. Like a rock.", "Lucinda: Uh-huh.", "Neil: He's got a great head on his shoulders. He's had a lot of curve balls thrown at him recently. Some -- some by me, some by his wife, Hilary, who... she, strangely enough, used to be my wife.", "Lucinda: I see. I told you. Life is complicated. [Chuckles]", "Neil: Yeah. That, you did. Um... he -- he can handle anything that's thrown at him, you know? Like a champ. He's loyal, and he's honest. He's a good man. One of the best I know.", "Lucinda: That's good to hear. And the girl?", "Neil: Oh. [Chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, my girl. Lily. [Sighs] My baby girl has -- has grown into the most amazing woman. And, you know, sometimes, when I look at her... I get tears in my eyes. I am -- I'm in awe of her. She's beautiful. She's tough and strong. And -- and she's, uh -- she's a cancer survivor, you know. Good businesswoman. But one of the most important roles that she plays is she's a mom.", "Lucinda: Huh.", "Neil: She's a good mom.", "Lucinda: Oh, that's good. Amen to that. So, they're good to you. Are you good to them?", "Neil: [Inhales deeply] Yeah, I made, uh... I made a lot of mistakes. Lately. But... yeah, we're getting through it, you know? We're getting through it.", "Lucinda: Hang onto them, Neil. Once you lose your family, it's just too hard to get them back.", "Cane: That's good for Neil.", "Hilary: It is. I wish I could talk to my mom again.", "Cane: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Yeah, me too. You don't realize how much you need them until they're gone.", "Hilary: I would have liked to meet your mom.", "Lily: Yeah. Think I would have been interested to know what your mother was like.", "Hilary: [Scoffs] Just to know what kind of woman could have raised a demon child like me, huh?", "Lily: Hey, you read my mind.", "[Lily and Hilary laugh]", "Lily: No, no, no. But, I'll admit that none of this would be happening if you hadn't saved those letters from Lucinda and given them to me. You set something in motion that was long overdue.", "Hilary: Wait. Lily Ashby, are you actually thanking me for something?", "Lily: What have I done? What did I do?", "Cane: Don't know.", "Lily: I made a huge mistake.", "[Laughter]", "Nikki: I helped your father set up Adam to break out of prison, okay? I helped arranged their rendezvous. I knew all about the private plane that was going to take them to freedom. So if you think that your father is capable of murder, you must think that of me, too.", "Nick: Of course not, Mom. But Dad set this whole thing in motion. So whatever happened to Adam is on him.", "Victor: You think I sabotaged my own son? That I blew up that cabin? You think I killed my son? If that's what you think, get out now.", "Dylan: Well, we think the explosion was just a diversion so Adam could flee with Chelsea and Connor.", "Chloe: Meaning no one was in the cabin when it blew up?", "Paul: CSI is sifting through the ashes.", "Dylan: After we checked out the fire, Paul and I drove to the nearest airstrip.", "Paul: And guess what we found on the ground?", "Dylan: Connor's stuffed animal -- a dinosaur.", "Paul: And in the sky as we rolled up, a plane was taking off. My guess is all three of them were on board. And since there was no sign of Adam in the cabin, we're focusing all our attentions on the plane.", "Chelsea: Adam's not on that plane. He might still be alive out there somewhere. And you have to find him.", "Paul: I'm sorry, Chelsea. You're wrong. The first thing we're going to do is arrest you.", "Paul: Let's have a little conversation.", "Chloe: You can't arrest her.", "Paul: You are complicit in all this. You sneaked by my officers to aid and abet an escaped felon. You are a proven flight risk. You two aren't off the hook, either.", "Chelsea: What? Why? This has nothing to do with them. They didn't even know I was here. I snuck back in with Connor through the secret passageway I used to escape this place. Now, for the love of god, will you stop wasting time and go find my husband?", "Dylan: Hey, Paul. Can we show a little mercy here?", "Paul: Look, I know you're very close with Chelsea. But you need to step away from your personal bias and look at this from all angles. She could be lying about the plane to give Adam more time to escape.", "Dylan: Look, I know Chelsea, okay? This is not a con. She's just scared.", "Paul: You are forgetting something else. By bringing her in for questioning, we could draw out the mastermind behind this whole thing. Someone who might know some information about Adam's whereabouts.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Victor. Chelsea, I'm sorry. We have to take you downtown.", "Chloe: This is ridiculous.", "Chelsea: You know what, actually, it's okay, Chloe. It's okay. I don't mind, because, if anything, I can make sure they put their focus on searching for Adam by the cabin and not the plane. Just watch Connor for me?", "Chloe: Of course. I'll do anything you need.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Paul: All right. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney.", "Chloe: Who are you calling?", "Kevin: The only person who can help Chelsea now. Michael. Dylan and Paul just arrested Chelsea. She's gonna need you.", "Nick: Look, dad, I know... [Sighs] I can tell that you weren't responsible for that explosion. And I'm sorry I ever accused you of that.", "Victor: Thank you, son.", "Nick: But you put him in that spot. And your reaction to this... it all feels like you're responsible. I got to go back to Chelsea's.", "Victor: Wait a minute. She's still here? Doesn't she realize what charges she's facing?", "Nick: Yeah, I told her all that, but she refused to leave without knowing for sure if Adam was gone or not.", "Nikki: My heart breaks for her. And poor Connor! What this is doing to him...", "Victor: I will take care of Chelsea and my grandson.", "Nick: Look, I don't want to fight with you on this. But Adam had very specific instructions on how he wanted his son raised.", "Victor: Nicholas. Come here. You're my only son now.", "Lily: First, I want to make my position perfectly clear here.", "Devon: Oh, you didn't mean to compliment Hilary?", "Hilary: See? I knew that it was too good to be true. All right. Come on. Start hurling accusations. You already think the worst of me, anyway.", "Cane: Hang -- hang on a second. You've given us good reason to question your motives. You know that, right?", "Devon: That's ancient history.", "Cane: Really?", "Hilary: One that never seems to be over.", "Lily: Okay. Uh, excuse me. Can I talk, please? Thank you. No, I-I actually did want to thank you, Hilary, as hard as that may be for you to believe. Because there was no other reason for you to save those letters. I do think that you did it for my dad, and you did it out of the goodness of your teeny, tiny heart.", "Hilary: Well, I am shocked that you are being so generous. Admitting that I-I have a heart.", "Neil: You are so right. I need to hang onto my family. It's weird, but they're at each other's throats a lot of the time. Some of that's my fault. But at the end of the day, we really love each other. We care for each other. And there's a lot of love there. I need them.", "Lucinda: You don't want to be alone.", "Neil: [Mouthing] No. No. I don't want to be alone. I just -- I... I just need to hold -- hold it all together, hold them together.", "Lucinda: I'm not alone.", "Neil: You -- you're not alone. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm... [Sobs] I'm here. Mom. [Sobs] M-Mommy? Mom... [Sobbing] Mommy...", "Paul: Come on, Michael. We are not being heartless.", "Michael: She just lost her husband. You drag her down here in the middle of the night. If that's not heartless, you tell me what heartless is. [Slams briefcase]", "Paul: First of all, we are not certain that Adam is dead.", "Dylan: Hey, we want the truth, Michael. That's what we've been looking for.", "Michael: Where's my client?", "Paul: In my office.", "Michael: Has she been through booking?", "Dylan: Yes, she just got through.", "Michael: I'll need some time with her.", "Paul: All yours.", "Chelsea: Oh, Michael! Thank god! Please tell me the police found Adam.", "Michael: I am afraid there's no news yet.", "Chelsea: Well, when are they gonna know something? I'm -- I'm -- I'm going out of my mind in here.", "Michael: All right. Paul and Dylan have assured me that the investigators are combing the area around the cabin, and they are also tracking the possible destinations of that plane that took off.", "Chelsea: The plane? Why won't they take my word for it? The plane is a dead end.", "Michael: Your word isn't worth very much to the police. Less than usual now, given how you tried to take off on the run with Adam. Listen to me. They're going to want to know what transpired from the minute you left that penthouse.", "Chelsea: The moments we spent, the time we spent in the cabin, before Connor got sick, it was -- it was magical. [Sighs] It had been so many weeks of torture, you know? Forced to be apart. And then suddenly we had our whole lives ahead of us again. We made such wonderful plans, Michael. We were starting new lives under new identities. Yeah, we were gonna be off the grid, for sure, but -- but we'd be together, right? We'd be safe. I finally had my family back. Until Victor ripped it away from us once again.", "Victor: You heard what Nicholas said? That I wanted to teach Adam a lesson? I set all this in motion.", "Nikki: Victor, you --", "Victor: I don't have anyone else to blame but myself. I did this.", "Nikki: You were willing to make such great sacrifices. You were willing to never even see your grandchild again if they could be happy. No father would do that.", "Victor: Where's my grandson now? [Sighs] He's fatherless. You know... I just don't think this explosion happened by itself. I think someone set it. And when I find who that is... [Sighs]", "Nikki: Don't think about revenge, darling.", "Chloe: How much trouble do you think Chelsea's in? Are they using her as bait to get to Victor?", "Kevin: Right now, my main concern is Chelsea, and what happens if Adam really is gone. They were so close to getting away, to starting over. What the hell happened?", "Chloe: Bad luck.", "Kevin: Or maybe no luck at all. Maybe this was intentional.", "[Knock on door]", "Chloe: [Sighs] Who is it?", "Nick: It's nick. Open up!", "Chloe: Hey. It's kind of late.", "Nick: Yeah, I know. Sorry. Where's Chelsea?", "Kevin: Why would you be looking for her here? It's all over the news that she slipped past the cops to go look for Adam.", "Nick: She called and told me what was going on. Where's Chelsea?", "Chloe: She came back, and Dylan and Paul were here, and they arrested her.", "Nick: Wait, the police have already been here?", "Kevin: Yeah. They dragged her down to the station. I called Michael, so she's covered there.", "Nick: Where's Connor?", "Chloe: He's upstairs. He's fine. We're taking care of him.", "Nick: I cannot believe Paul and Dylan are putting Chelsea through this.", "Chloe: Listen, it's the not knowing that's really making her suffer. She needs answers, nick. Starting with your father. Did he really bow up the cabin with Adam in it?", "Nick: That's what I thought at first, so I confronted my dad about it. But seeing the look in his eyes, I mean, there is no way my dad had any part of this. Somebody else wanted Adam dead.", "Neil: [Clears throat]", "Chloe: How can we know that your father is an innocent man? I mean, this is Victor Newman we're talking about. Need I say more?", "Nick: Look, I know my dad. When I told him about this... he was heartbroken.", "Chloe: This is your father. I mean, come on. We know that he's capable of any kind of deception or manipulation.", "Nick: Look, I'm not gonna argue about this with you, all right? I got to see Chelsea.", "Kevin: Head down to the station. I'll walk you out.", "[Explosions]", "Kevin: Hey. Where'd you go just now?", "Chloe: Huh?", "Kevin: You look like you're a million miles away.", "Chloe: Just... I'm just really worried about Chelsea. I don't know how she's gonna survive if she loses Adam for good this time.", "Kevin: It's gonna be difficult. But she has a lot of people she can lean on. Including her best friend in the entire world, who has always been there for her no matter what.", "Chloe: You know what, I -- I think that I should go check on, uh, Connor and Bella.", "Kevin: Yeah. I'll come with you.", "Chloe: No, you know what, it's okay. Um... I think I need some alone time right now.", "Kevin: I thought we decided that it'd be best --", "Chloe: You should sleep in your own bed. I'll sleep in my own. I just don't think that right now is the time for us to spending --", "Kevin: Okay. Say no more. Say no more.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Kevin: I'll talk to you tomorrow.", "Chloe: Okay. Thanks.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Chloe: [Sighs] Monique. Hi. It's Chloe. I'm so sorry, um, it's so late, but it's an emergency. Do you think that you could come over and -- and watch Connor and Bella for me? Get here when you can. Okay, thanks.", "Nikki: Who could have done this to Adam? I mean, who -- who could hate him that much?", "Victor: Neither Billy nor Chloe would have been sophisticated enough to execute that plan. Billy probably would have blown himself up trying.", "Nikki: Really? I don't know. I-I just don't understand who would do this. How is it possible?", "Victor: And no one knew where Adam was. That's the point. No one knew where he was. Sweetheart... [Sighs] Thank you for -- thank you for being here for me, okay? I just need some time by myself now.", "Nikki: I understand.", "Victor: I need to let this all sink in. Okay?", "Nikki: I know, baby. You rest. You'll wake up feeling better. All right? I love you.", "Victor: Love you, too. [Sighs]", "Lily: You know, I'll be honest, you guys. I would like to meet my grandmother.", "Hilary: Yeah, we should all just jump in a car together and just show up.", "Lily: Yeah, why not?", "[Laughter]", "Lily: We're getting along. I'm sure we could tolerate a car ride together.", "Cane: Eh, maybe.", "Hilary: Uh...", "Devon: It's kind of late. I think visiting hours are probably over.", "Lily: I'll call ahead and make arrangements. I mean, I'm sure they'll make an exception. This is a special situation. I just think it would be nice to, like, show some support to dad. We've been talking about how special this is. Why don't we actually go and be a part of it?", "Cane: Sure.", "Devon: Yeah. Make the call. Let's do it.", "Neil: Mm. What'll you have?", "Neil: Do you know what this is? No, I don't.", "Neil: This right here is a 25-year sobriety chip. 25 years. Think about it. That's a lifetime to a young man like you. Lot of dark nights... hard moments went into the creation of this chip. What'll you have, sir?", "Neil: Hm? What's it gonna be?", "Neil: Club soda. With lemon.", "Lucinda: My dearest son...", "Lucinda: I enjoy my life so much more now than when I was caught up in all that turmoil, thinking only about my next drink. But as content as I am now, my heart is heavy that I couldn't be a mother to you because of my addiction. I know I hurt you deeply when I left. And I regret that more than you'll ever know. But I hope you believe me when I say you've never been far from my heart. My time is short. I can't imagine I will see you before I pass. But you need to know I love you. Your mother loves you, son.", "Chelsea: There must be some way you can get me out of here. I mean, I'll go search for Adam myself. I can cover every inch of those woods around the cabin. He could be hurt, Michael.", "Michael: Listen to me. I'm afraid you're not going anywhere at the moment.", "Chelsea: Michael, all I'm asking is if you could just --", "Michael: Dylan and Paul are holding you as an accomplice. Although they're willing to negotiate.", "Chelsea: Okay. I'll negotiate. Anything to get out of here and go find my husband. What do they want?", "Michael: They're after your co-conspirator. The person who orchestrated the escape.", "Chelsea: Ahh. I know who's head they're after. Victor's. Well, they can have it.", "Nick: Chelsea just lost the love of her life, and you lock her up?", "Dylan: Chelsea isn't even sure Adam's dead. How can you be?", "Nick: Well, from the way Kevin and Chloe were talking, it doesn't sound like anybody was gonna survive that explosion.", "Dylan: Okay. I don't blame Chelsea for holding out hope. That's what I'm gonna do. Until we get something more solid.", "Paul: Nick, uh... I hate to have to break this news to you, but, uh, there was blood and tissue found at the cabin. They came back a match for your brother. Adam, uh...didn't make it. I am so sorry.", "Nick: Yeah, me too.", "Dylan: We got to tell Chelsea right away.", "Paul: All right.", "Nick: Dylan, I'll -- I'll do it.", "Victor: Well, thanks for letting me know. Yep.", "Nikki: Was that security?", "Victor: Yeah. Police are leaving. Um... I'm no longer under house arrest.", "Nikki: Good. What else did they say? They have given up the search for Adam. They think he's dead.", "Nikki: Oh, my darling, I'm so, so sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Victor: Sorry, baby, I'm gonna have to... I'm gonna get some fresh air, okay?", "Nikki: Of course.", "Victor: [Sighs] I just have to think about all this.", "Nikki: I know. I love you so much. You do what you have to do.", "[Door closes]", "Chloe: Hello, Victor.", "Victor: You vicious little --", "Chloe: Save it. You're gonna want to hear this.", "Lily: We found you.", "Neil: Heh. Yeah. Yeah, you sure did, didn't you?", "Devon: Did you, uh -- did you have a good visit with Lucinda?", "Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I did. She passed tonight.", "Hilary: We know, Neil.", "Cane: That's why we're here.", "Lily: We're so sorry, dad.", "Neil: Thank you. [Sighs] She wrote me this letter. [Clears throat] I was just reading it. Um... do you mind?", "Lily: No.", "Cane: Please.", "Neil: \"I've watched you, from a distance, become the man that you are. I was filled with pride, and celebrated your success. But I regret I wasn't there to be a part of your family. Learn from me, son. Cherish your family. Hold onto them. Guide them. Let them lift you up when you need it, and you will never be alone, Neil. All my love, your mother.\" [Chokes] Um... you know, she was, uh... she was really afraid of -- of being alone, dying alone.", "Lily: Dad, you are not alone. We're here, okay?", "Michael: I figure I can get Paul to drop the charges if you agree to testify to Victor's involvement -- how he set up his son's jailbreak.", "Chelsea: It would be my pleasure to send that man back to jail. I just hope he stays there this time, because that's what he deserves.", "Michael: I'll make the overtures. Nick.", "Nick: Hey. Uh... I need to talk to Chelsea.", "Michael: Oh, now's not a good time. Really. Just --", "Nick: Michael, I have to.", "Chelsea: What? What is it? What's wrong?", "Nick: Yeah, I wish I had the words to make this... easier, but there just... th-they found, at the cabin, uh... Adam's remains. He didn't make it.", "Chelsea: No.", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: No!", "Nick: I'm sorry.", "Chelsea: No! [Sobbing] No! Oh, my god!", "Nick: Chelsea, I'm so sorry.", "Chelsea: No! No! No!", "Victor: What the hell were you thinking, coming here? Someone could have seen you.", "Chloe: Doesn't matter to me.", "Victor: It matters to me.", "Chloe: Listen. Chelsea's in custody, which means that she's probably down at the station right now telling Paul Williams that you murdered her husband.", "Victor: Now, you know damn well I didn't do that.", "Chloe: How do we know that?", "Victor: Because you did.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Ashley: Okay, so, you and Phyllis are fine. What about Billy and Phyllis?", "Billy: I want you. I need you. I want to be together again.", "Nick: Connor's at home right now without either of his parents. What would you do if that was sully?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At the offices of Brash and Sassy, Victoria tells Nikki that she had set Phyllis straight on a few things. Nikki is thrilled. Hilary confronts Mariah that she is still living at home instead of with Devon and that she is using Tessa to cry on her shoulder over Devon. Lily and Devon discuss Hilary and him having a talk with her instead of meeting Mariah as he had planned. Lily fears here we go again when it comes to Hilary. Ashley is in Jack's office at Jabot when Dina comes in to work. Ashley confronts her about sharing Jabot information with Graham. Victor and Nick have yet another confrontation, as usual, over Nick using Newman money to fund his new business. Victor warns him not to come running to him when his new business venture fails. Nikki tells Victoria that she had a talk with Jack and he had denies any involvement. Billy asks Phyllis as to why she had talked to Benjamin Hochman in the first place. When Phyllis explains to him about her involvement Billy tells her that he doesn't believe her. Phyllis explains all to Billy about her involvement with Benjamin Hochman. Mariah confronts Hilary about her breakup with Jordan. Ashley confronts Dina about Graham getting involved in Jabot business.", "Dina insists to Ashley that Graham would never hurt Jabot. Nikki and Victoria go to the Athletic Club for lunch when they meet up with Nick, who lets them know that he had a run in with Victor in the gym. Victor also joins them. Victoria suggests that they have a family dinner but Nick leaves and so does Nikki. Phyllis pleads her case to Billy over her involvement with Benjamin. Billy tells her that it is not entirely her fault. Billy and Phyllis kiss. Mariah shows Hilary a text from Devon but Hilary still insists that their relationship may have already peaked. Devon explains to Lily how that Mariah had told him that she loved him but he couldn't return the sentiment. Ravi joins Ashley and Dina. Dina soon makes her departure. Ashley tells Ravi to find out all he can about Graham. Victoria asks for Victor's advice concerning business.", "" ]
[ "Victor: [ Breathing heavily ]", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Victor: So you're paying your own gym dues? Glad to see that.", "Nick: Yeah, it turns out there's some benefits to having your own account.", "Victor: Is this a sudden growth spurt in maturity and responsibility, or what?", "Nick: No, actually, they asked me on the rules committee, so, uh, why don't you make sure you wipe off the equipment when you're done with it?", "Victor: You gonna fine me if I don't?", "Nick: I think I'll let you off with a warning this time, considering you did the right thing the other day. I mean, life is just full of surprises.", "Nikki: Couldn't resist.", "Victoria: I thought you left!", "Nikki: Well, I did. I almost made it to the lobby, but then I decided to come up here and see how you were doing after our talk earlier.", "Victoria: I am awesome. Actually, I am fantastic.", "Nikki: Really? Why?", "Victoria: I got phyllis alone, and I set her straight, and it was fun.", "[ Door unlocks ]", "Phyllis: I've been waiting for you.", "Billy: Sorry, I didn't know you were -- sorry, go ahead.", "Phyllis: You just left victoria.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I know she told you. We fought about it in the elevator when we got stuck in there, and I have been going over everything, and I've been trying to figure out how to explain it to you, what I should say, and I... told benjamin hochman to look up victoria because I thought, \"hey, you know, they're single. Maybe they would enjoy each other, you know?\" But knowing victoria, she probably made an innocent set-up date sound like some evil, vindictive plan, so... what did she tell you?", "Billy: She didn't tell me anything. Not a word. This is the first I'm hearing that.", "Hilary: It's about time that your indie pal left. Next time you need a shoulder to cry on, why don't you take it out to the patio? Because we reserve this space for our actual work.", "Mariah: Oh, hilary, how you love to spin. See, I don't cry on shoulders. I make mean little girls run home to their mamas.", "Hilary: If that's directed at me, my mother's dead.", "Hilary: Come on. Mariah, I know you what's going on between you and tessa. You're heartbroken because things aren't working out between you and devon, and your little friend, she's trying to make things all better.", "Mariah: You really don't know what you're talking about.", "Hilary: Okay. Well, I hate to make things worse for you, but hey, why not? I was gonna tell you this before, but devon interrupted us.", "Mariah: Do you need a map to get to your point?", "Hilary: Jordan and i broke up. So I am a free agent. But probably not for long.", "Devon: Hilary and jordan are done?", "Lily: Yep. She ruined that relationship in record time.", "Devon: When did this happen?", "Lily: A few days ago.", "Devon: We were just here a few days ago. We had drinks together.", "Lily: And she didn't tell you?", "Devon: No. I mean, now that I think about it, she kind of avoided any questions that I asked about jordan...", "Lily: Well, yeah, of course she did. You're her ex-husband. She doesn't want to seem guy-less to you. Did she hit on you?", "Devon: No. No. She just said that she was happy we got a chance to reconnect.", "Lily: [ Scoffs ] Here we go again.", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Dina: Oh, good! I see you have the report.", "Ashley: Yes, I was just going over it.", "Dina: Well, I know how important this line is to you, so I made a thorough analysis.", "Ashley: Yes, it is very thorough.", "Dina: Good.", "Ashley: All sorts of untapped avenues that we can exploit as we move forward with our marketing strategy.", "Dina: Mm-hmm.", "Ashley: Lots of good info.", "Dina: Well, I'm awfully glad that you and jack appreciate my expertise.", "Ashley: We'll have to make sure and guard this from the competition.", "Dina: Oh, well, that goes without saying, dear.", "Ashley: I thought it did, too. But you've given somebody who does not work at this company complete access to every single word in this report. Graham, mother. Why would you share this information with graham before jack and I have even had a chance to look at it? Please explain that to me. Additional sponsorship", "Victor: I guess you're referring to faith's furniture that I had sent to your place?", "Nick: Have you done anything else right by me lately?", "Victor: You honestly think i sent that furniture to please you? I don't give a damn about what you think, son. I sent that for faith's sake, okay?", "Nick: Unlike me.", "Victor: That's right, unlike you, who failed to inform faith that you'd moved to your girlfriend's house until after she came home from camp. What kind of a father does that?", "Nick: You're gonna talk to me about being a good father?", "Victor: Your negligence will not only hurt faith but also my grandson and your son noah.", "Nick: Really? I'm looking forward to hearing this.", "Victor: I understand that you moved your accounts away from our financial advisor.", "Nick: Yeah, I did. I figured you'd hear about that sooner or later.", "Victor: That's right. What, was that an attempt at trying to be independent, or what?", "Nick: Just trying to expand a successful business. What do you have against that?", "Victor: You're doing it on your own instead of tapping into a resource -- a true and tried resource that's made a lot of money for our family. You're winging it, son.", "Nick: Maybe you're just frustrated that dean can't spy on me for you anymore.", "Victor: The hell -- he's not a spy. You damn well know that. He's one of the greatest wall street whizzes around. Made a lot of money for us.", "Nick: Yeah. You're telling me this 'cause you're concerned for me?", "Victor: I don't give a damn what you do. I'm concerned for your family and for noah and faith.", "Nick: You know, dad, I've run successful businesses before. I even ran yours.", "Victor: Really?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Victor: Should I count the failures?", "Nick: You don't think I can succeed without you.", "Victor: Don't come running to me when you go broke.", "Nick: I think I'm gonna be just fine. In fact, why don't you, uh, pick yourself up some mineral waters and put them on my account?", "Victor: You sure you can afford it?", "Nick: I got you.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Do you know how long I have been waiting to put phyllis in her place?", "Nikki: Quite a while, I would imagine. How did she react?", "Victoria: How do you think?", "Nikki: Uh... she denied it, evaded it, and then blamed the whole thing on you.", "Victoria: Wow, mom, it's as if you were there. [ Laughs ]", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Victoria: You know what? I put phyllis on notice that I'm onto her, and she better watch her back.", "Nikki: Good for you.", "Victoria: I'm sure you did just as well, didn't you?", "Nikki: What are you talking about? All right, I did have a talk with jack about the way he's been treating you and your company.", "Victoria: You didn't have to do that, mom.", "Nikki: I'm your mother. I can do anything I want. And even though you did get the satisfaction of telling phyllis off, she is still in the picture where billy is concerned, so... I don't know what to tell you about that.", "Victoria: Well... [ Sighs ]", "Nikki: What? Is there something more?", "Victoria: You know, going after phyllis wasn't even the best part of my day. That happened afterwards, right here in this office, when I was alone with billy.", "Nikki: What?", "Victoria: [ Laughing ] No, mom, it's not what you're thinking.", "Nikki: [ Laughing ] I'm not thinking anything!", "Victoria: There was just a moment when I knew that if I'm careful and if I'm patient, i think billy's gonna come around.", "Nikki: Really? You sure you're not misreading anything?", "Victoria: I was married to him, mom. I know him. And I'm finally starting to feel really good about things for a change, after all of the stress with the company and not feeling like myself.", "Nikki: I know. You've said you've been feeling off.", "Victoria: It's just very freeing to have something positive to focus on for a change.", "Nikki: Well, don't get too far ahead of yourself because phyllis, after all, still is phyllis.", "Victoria: Well, I know that, but today felt like a turning point.", "Nikki: Well, good. Let's celebrate. I'll take you out to dinner.", "Victoria: Okay! You don't have to twist my arm!", "Billy: What part of connecting victoria and hochman together did you think was a good idea?", "Phyllis: Look, I just --", "Billy: The guy's a user, phyllis, you know that. So why would you do such a thing?", "Phyllis: Okay, you are upset.", "Billy: Yeah, I'm upset right now.", "Phyllis: I was just playing matchmaker, that's all.", "Billy: So you thought you were doing victoria a favor?", "Phyllis: It was on a whim. It was a conversation I had that I forgot two seconds after i walked way.", "Billy: You had to know something like this was gonna happen.", "Phyllis: If you remember, i went out of town on my business trip. Things heated up between the two of them when I was away!", "Billy: Sounds oddly convenient.", "Phyllis: You know what, it sound like it's very suspicious to you. You don't believe me!", "Billy: I'm not sure if i believe you. Okay? Hochman took advantage of victoria personally, and everything blew up with them on television, okay? That's not a good thing. And do you know the damage that could have happened to the company if she would have followed through with the loan from him?", "Phyllis: You think I want to hurt the company?", "Billy: Well, victoria does!", "Phyllis: Well, I don't give a damn what victoria thinks!", "Billy: Yeah, and I told her she was off base, but now I'm not so sure. Was she?", "Phyllis: I admit, I screwed up. Benjamin hochman is no prize. Some people would even call him a sleaze.", "Billy: Then why would you do this?", "Phyllis: Because when i suggested that hochman look her up, I cared about one thing, and that is that -- you know what? Maybe they would get along. Maybe victoria would have some semblance of a social life, and you wouldn't be so guilt-ridden.", "Billy: I don't even know what that means, phyllis. What are you trying to --", "Phyllis: When you and I got back together... victoria was left alone. She wanted you back. And whether you admit it or not, you didn't want to hurt her. So you overcompensated. You became the best co-worker ever, you put in killer hours, and you were on-call to whatever, whenever.", "Billy: So you did this to protect me from being overworked? Is that what this is?", "Phyllis: Did you ever tell me that victoria needed money to keep the company afloat?", "Billy: No.", "Phyllis: Okay, then how would I have known that she was gonna hit him up for a loan? Or end up on tv giving the guy holy hell? What I knew for sure is that I was losing my lover to a needy boss. And I wanted you back.", "Devon: It was just a run-in, okay? She was coming from the gym, i was leaving the office.", "Lily: Oh, please, she planned it.", "Devon: We're divorced for a reason, okay? She wasn't looking to see me any more than I was looking to see her.", "Lily: Okay, do you or do you not leave the office at the same time every day?", "Devon: Yes. On most days, I do.", "Lily: Okay, then it's not a coincidence. And you've said hilary was evasive about jordan.", "Devon: Well, I mean... like you told me, they just broke up, so maybe she was sad that, you know, they're not gonna end up together.", "Lily: Aww, leave it to my sweet brother to come up with the most generous interpretation possible.", "Devon: I could be right about that.", "Lily: Yeah, if it wasn't hilary! Don't forget why you guys broke up -- all the lies and manipulation. Don't let her suck you back into her vortex.", "Devon: Nobody's getting sucked in. I -- we had drinks. That's it.", "Lily: Let me guess -- after the first round, she said something like, \"oh, this is so much fun, let's have another.\" See? I knew it. Too bad you didn't have plans with mariah. Then you could have used that as an excuse.", "Devon: Well, actually, I did have plans with mariah that night.", "Lily: You canceled on your girlfriend?", "Devon: We got to talking and time got away from me.", "Lily: Devon, why would you do that? Mariah adores you. Don't let hilary ruin that.", "Devon: I know. I might be doing that all on my own.", "Hilary: That's good. Put that in, take that out.", "Mariah: So, this breakup between you and jordan -- did that happen in the last hour or so?", "Hilary: I don't know, mariah. Have you seen him around here lately?", "Mariah: No, I haven't, which means that you chose precisely the right moment to spring this news on me. Hoping, obviously, for maximum impact. But I'm sorry to say, hilary, it's a hit and a miss because i just don't care.", "Hilary: Really? You're not even a little concerned about where things stand between you and devon?", "Mariah: Because of your sudden availability? Um, no. I don'T. Because the thing is, devon had you, he divorced you. And so as far as he's concerned, you're just...history.", "Hilary: \"History.\" That's an interesting word. Especially since I'm the one with the long, charged, intense, committed relationship with the man, and you two, well... you guys are just such great pals.", "Ashley: Graham e-mailed this report to you with a note that said -- \"lots of good info in here.\"", "Dina: Graham is a trusted confidant. I wanted his take on things. What's wrong with that?", "Ashley: He doesn't work here!", "Dina: That doesn't make a shred of difference.", "Ashley: I know that your faith in graham knows no bounds. You made him your heir.", "Dina: He is an invaluable asset, both personally and at mergeron.", "Ashley: Where he was employed, mother.", "Dina: Yes.", "Ashley: Okay, if the situation was reversed, and i did something like this with one of mergeron's subsidiaries, you never would stand for it! Because we don't share sensitive business documents with people outside of the company, no matter who they are!", "Dina: But in this instance, it's different, and you should be thanking me.", "Ashley: For leaking sensitive business documents?", "Dina: For reaping the benefits of graham's talent and ingenuity, for free.", "Ashley: Okay, you have made him privy to our analytics, our projections, our budgets -- everything! And all he has to do is take this information and share it with the highest bidder, and it would do serious and irreparable damage to our company. All thanks to you!", "Dina: Graham would never hurt this company because that would mean hurting me, and you know, ashley, I really resent what you're implying about my judgment.", "Ashley: What judgment? That's the whole point. You haven't shown any.", "Dina: Then why am I working here if you mistrust me so damn much?", "Ashley: Mother, you and i both know that a company excels or implodes based on how well they keep their secrets. You banked on that very premise when you tried to make your own move for jabot years ago.", "Dina: [ Chuckles ] And i nearly pulled it off, didn't I?", "Ashley: I need to know what other information you let graham review? Was it just part of the confidential data that was entrusted to you, or all of it?", "Dina: I can't believe that you would think that he would try a clandestine takeover of jabot. Even if you had a legitimate complaint, you undermined it completely with that supposition.", "Ashley: Could you please just answer the question?", "Dina: You know, maybe we weren't close when you were growing up, but you have my blood. I would have thought you were smarter than that.", "Nick: Hey, ladies.", "Victoria: Oh, hi. Mwah!", "Nikki: Hey! This is unexpected.", "Nick: Yeah. You guys, uh, having dinner?", "Nikki: Yeah.", "Victoria: We sure are. Would you like to join us?", "Nick: Eh, I don't know. I mean, I'd like to, but I just ran into dad downstairs in the gym.", "Nikki: You mean, I may have to actually see victor?", "Nick: That's funny, mom.", "Nikki: Well, thanks for the heads up. Listen, did you get an unexpected delivery at chelsea's?", "Nick: Yes. Did you talk to dad about having faith's bedroom set sent over?", "Nikki: Well, I tried to talk some sense into him. I don't know if I was successful.", "Nick: You were.", "Victoria: Oh! Well, did you thank dad?", "Nick: What are you, the manners police?", "Victoria: No, I'm just hoping for a lessening in hostilities, you know? He made a generous gesture, you show your appreciation, and over time, maybe there will be a tentative truce.", "Nick: Well this time, it led to some not-so-subtle probings into my business dealings with noah.", "Victoria: What did he want to know?", "Nick: He just wants me to fail so he can prove he's right about everything.", "Victor: I am right about everything, except you refuse to listen.", "Victoria: Hey, you know, it's been a while since the four of us have sat down together for dinner.", "Nick: You're not suggesting...", "Victoria: Well, I mean, we are a family. We can at least be civil with one another for the length of a meal. I am serious.", "Nick: Well, I will nominate you for the president of the optimists club. I'm out. Good night, mom.", "Nikki: Good night, honey.", "Nick: Bye, vick.", "Victor: Well, I'm not averse to breaking bread with you and your mother.", "Nikki: Look, I know what you're trying to do, and it's just too soon in my opinion. Tonight, anyway. Good night.", "Victor: Well. And then there were just the two of us.", "Phyllis: Victoria's supposed to be a great businesswoman, but maybe if she wouldn't let the stresses from her work get to her so much, she would have written hochman off as a creep right away.", "Billy: Phyllis, that's not a great excuse for this.", "Phyllis: I admit that I am guilty of putting benjamin into her orbit, but beyond that, i mean, shouldn't she take some responsibility for how things went? For getting into an argument at a hotel corridor and getting caught on tape, in the middle of a screaming fit?", "Billy: You know she's the mother of my children, right?", "Phyllis: And your boss in your up-and-coming business, and I am the woman in your life that you are in love with, who shares your home. Don't you think that you should hold your ex-wife a little bit accountable for what's going on in hers?", "Billy: You messed up. I know you didn't mean to. It's not entirely your fault. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Mariah: Devon kissing me on the golden gate bridge, chinatown, fisherman's wharf...", "Hilary: What is this supposed to prove?", "Mariah: \"Pals.\" That's the word that you used to describe us. Well, I don't know about you, but I think we look like a hell of a lot more than that in these photos. Especially this one. Oh, my gosh, that's one my -- that's my favorite.", "Hilary: You should have been there when devon and I had drinks the other night. See, we didn't need an artificial event to paint the picture of a happy couple. Even the air between us was electric.", "Mariah: For you. But for me and devon, you're nothing but hot air. Excuse me. I have someplace to be.", "Hilary: One more thing before you go. When devon blew you off to have drinks with me, he didn't call you, did he? No. He texted. So he didn't see the need for you to hear his voice. Maybe reassure you that he wouldn't be long. Nah. He just let his thumbs do the talking. Yeah, so, um, you just go ahead believing that you have something special with devon.", "Devon: So, when mariah found out why I didn't show up to the underground that night, we kind of had a little fight.", "Lily: You said you were with hilary.", "Devon: Well, I told her I was talking to hilary, and there was nothing to hide, you know? But she saw it the way you do and thinks that hilary was trying to keep me here on purpose, away from her.", "Lily: That's bad.", "Devon: Yeah. And it gets worse. 'Cause while we were talking about everything, she brought up the fact that I haven't said \"I love you\" yet to her, even though she said it to me.", "Lily: That's not really a way to endear yourself to a woman.", "Devon: Yeah, well, she was so upset during the conversation and things got so intense that i kind of started to...", "Lily: No, don't tell me you told her in the middle of a fight.", "Devon: Yeah, I -- I tried, and she wasn't having it.", "Lily: Good! Good for her.", "Devon: The truth is, though, lily, I've -- I've been in love before, you know? And when I get that feeling about mariah, that I love her, I'll be the first one to tell anybody -- tell the world. You know? I'm that guy.", "Lily: Do you think that will ever come?", "Devon: Yeah. I mean... you know... I don't know, maybe there is a reason why I haven't gotten there yet.", "Ashley: I'm sorry if I upset you, mother, but this isn't about you or me or the past. Jabot is at stake here, and this relationship with graham that you have is something that i don't understand.", "Dina: No, you don't understand it.", "Ashley: I've been trying for a long time!", "Dina: Well, think about it, ashley. If graham were as untrustworthy as you keep implying, wouldn't he be trying to get closer faster to my inheritance? Or perhaps maybe he would put a soupçon of arsenic into my tea every night!", "Ashley: So, what, then, he helps you?", "Dina: Graham's input makes me even more valuable to you and jack.", "Ashley: Well, that's one way of looking at it, or, uh, you could say that it's possessive.", "Dina: Oh, that's absurd.", "Ashley: Is it? He has to know where you are every second of the day, mother.", "Dina: He cares about me, ashley. That's all. He cares.", "Ashley: So you're asking me to risk jabot based on what this man claims to feel for you?", "Dina: You know, I'm sorry that you don't have someone in your life to care about you that way.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Dina: And you have no idea how comforting it is to know that you're not alone. [ Scoffs ] Well, I'm calling it a night. Unless you have something else for which to reprimand me.", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Ravi: Hey! Oh! Uh, sorry to interrupt.", "Ashley: Not at all.", "Ravi: We can talk later.", "Ashley: No. We're done here.", "Lily: Look, don't worry about not being able to say the \"l\" word right now, you know? That time will come. What's the rush, anyway?", "Devon: Well, nothing, unless mariah gets tired of waiting for me.", "Lily: Well, hopefully she's too smart for that and realizes that she's lucky to have someone who won't lie to her.", "Devon: Like cane did to you.", "Lily: Yeah. To have a partner who respects you and themselves enough to be honest with you. That's everything.", "Devon: Yeah. Well, I sure didn't have that with hilary.", "Lily: I thought I had that with cane, and look how that turned out.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mariah: I am through listening to you tear down what I've got with devon.", "Hilary: Come on. Your relationship with devon is about as special as a bag of steamed carrots. You seem closer to your friend little miss alternative than you do to him.", "Mariah: Save your fantasies for somebody else who doesn't know you better. I'm going home.", "Hilary: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Home? Not devon's place? Ah, that's right. [ Laughing ] You still live at home with your mom, instead of with your supposedly serious boyfriend. Come on, mariah. Just be honest with yourself. Isn't it possible that the two of you have just peaked?", "Nick: I'm surprised you didn't stay to eat with dad and vick.", "Nikki: Look, I have no problem being civil to the man, but that doesn't mean I have to socialize with him. Anyway, he had somebody to join him. You didn'T.", "Nick: I hate making you choose.", "Nikki: He is always going to be in our lives, and right now, for me, the best thing is to keep our interaction to a minimum. It's the recipe for inner peace.", "Nick: You sound like a zen master.", "Nikki: Namaste, the newman way.", "Nick: [ Laughs ]", "Victor: It isn't lost on me that you were willing to share a table with me tonight, unlike your mother and your brother. I also wish that our last meeting would have been a bit friendlier.", "Victoria: You know, dad, I --", "Victor: What?", "Victoria: I overreacted when you offered me the loan for brash & sassy.", "Victor: That's nice of you to say.", "Victoria: But I don't think it was right of you to kick nick off the ranch.", "Victor: It was necessary, my darling.", "Victoria: I don't think so. But as long as nick is okay with it, then I suppose I am, too.", "Victor: Let's not discuss this, okay? I'm just happy that you got the loan you needed for your business. I do know that neil lent you the money, and I'm very happy about that rather than getting the money from that shyster who intended to do you harm.", "Victoria: Oh, my gosh, can we please not discuss benjamin hochman and my unfortunate appearance on \"the hilary hour?\"", "Victor: What, I can't say to you that I'm happy that you got the money from neil? What's wrong with that?", "Victoria: Nothing.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Thank you, dad. I appreciate it. And now I have to ask you for some advice.", "Victor: Personal or business?", "Victoria: Business.", "Victor: Okay. Ask.", "Billy: This ongoing war with jack, it's eating me up. And I know that it's not gonna end anytime soon. On top of that, this whole thing with ben hochman, it -- I'm sorry, okay? I said things that I shouldn't have.", "Phyllis: So am I.", "Billy: Phyllis, I wish i could tell you that I'm not gonna work as much, that I'm gonna spend more time with you. I just can't do that right now, okay? Vicki and I, we don't have time to slow down right now. With everything we know, what jack is trying to pull off here, there's just as much that we don't know.", "Phyllis: Maybe you're making this more complicated than it needs to be, you know? You got the loan. You could build the company up, and jack, you know, he's just probably being competitive. You know, that's his defining trait.", "Billy: Jack is competitive with every company that does what he does. This is different with us, okay? He wants to destroy us. This is an act of war.", "Phyllis: I don't know about that.", "Billy: Phyllis, he wants us decimated.", "Phyllis: Is this about the fenmore's thing?", "Billy: What do you know about that?", "Phyllis: Just rumblings. All right? That you and victoria came to jabot and you were throwing around accusations that jabot wanted to take your products off of lauren's shelves. How did you suspect that in the first place?", "Billy: I mean, it wasn't that hard. We noticed that our reorders were down, so vicki smelled a rat.", "Phyllis: You know, if jack went there, it doesn't matter. Lauren wants to keep selling brash & sassy. She's got your back. She has the final word.", "Billy: Thank you. She's not the only one.", "Ashley: My mother didn't budge not one inch. She sees nothing wrong with sharing company secrets with graham. Because she likes his input. Because she trusts him.", "Ravi: Okay. You can't relate to that?", "Ashley: Well, I'm sure my mother doesn't think I can, but obviously I can because I trust you, right? But you deserve it because you've earned it. Graham, on the other hand...", "Ravi: Yeah, you've always been suspicious of him.", "Ashley: You know, she said something that really struck me when she was talking about his inheritance. She said that if he was really that untrustworthy, then why wouldn't he try to speed up the inheritance process?", "Ravi: Yeah, I'm sure she was overstating to make a point.", "Ashley: Yeah, a silly notion. Or is it?", "Ravi: Wait, you think -- you seriously think graham wants dina to die?", "Ashley: You know what, it would serve his interests, wouldn't it? I mean, he would get his money a hell of a lot faster. He wouldn't have to worry about any of her annoying children ever again.", "Ravi: Ashley, that's, uh...", "Ashley: Mercenary, I know, but it's possible.", "Ravi: [ Sighs ] We don't know much about the guy.", "Ashley: No, we don'T. There's so many years unaccounted for in his background.", "Ravi: If there was anything criminal, it would have come up in my search.", "Ashley: Look, I don't care what my mother says. I don't trust graham. I haven't since the first time he came into genoa city. I've always had it in for him.", "Ravi: Why'd you back off?", "Ashley: Because I thought he made her happy. But you know what, underneath that smarmy, confident smile, there's somebody that we know far too little about. I want to know where he's been, who he knows, what he's after. All of it.", "Graham: Sending you that e-mail referencing the report was sloppy. I should have been more discreet.", "Dina: Oh, no, it's fine. All that ashley knows is that you provided a take on my work.", "Graham: We've had this conversation before.", "Dina: I know.", "Graham: Jack and ashley have given you a position of responsibility, and yet, they burden you.", "Dina: Well, it'll all blow over, don't worry.", "Graham: Just call jack and let him know it's not working out. Then you and I can return to paris.", "Dina: No, no, no. I have made a commitment, and i intend to keep it. Work is -- is good for me. The challenge of it. And it's no burden at all.", "Graham: Well, it's up to you, of course. As for me, I have no choice. I must return to paris and deal with an issue regarding my apartment.", "Dina: What?", "Graham: It happened this afternoon. It's nothing that I can't deal with, but it needs to be in person.", "Dina: [ Scoffs ] Can it wait?", "Graham: I have to start packing, so if there's nothing else...", "Dina: [ Sighs ] Well, uh... good luck. Um... graham! I'll see you when you return.", "Graham: The trip will be as quick as I can make it.", "Dina: Oh, my god. Oh! What am I gonna do? [ Sighs ]", "Victoria: So, the loan is in place, but we've got to get out of this slump that we're in. And we have a mountain to climb. And I'm talking mount everest.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Well, then you've come to the right person for advice.", "Nikki: I've been there if you want my take...", "Nick: I could use it.", "Nikki: You're trying to make your father less of a presence in your life, and that's not working.", "Victor: Sweetheart, you need to change how people perceive your message -- both the buyers and the general public.", "Victoria: But with all of the bad pr...", "Victor: To hell with it. Change the message.", "Victoria: The negative press is already out there. How?", "Victor: Forget the negative press. Become proactive.", "Nikki: Look, continuing to fight with victor on his terms is only gonna force you to deal with him more.", "Nick: It's unavoidable.", "Nikki: If all you do is react to him...", "Nick: ...Then I'm still being controlled by him.", "Nikki: All right, maybe I'm biased here because it's working for me, but just be proactive. Live your life.", "Victor: Then you will define your own narrative.", "Victoria: It's counterintuitive, but you're right. I have been trying to redefine a lot of things lately.", "Victor: It's about time. And whenever you're ready to not follow your mother's and your brother's lead, you and I can maybe put all this tension behind us.", "Billy: I still feel bad about some of the things that I said to you.", "Phyllis: Yeah. If I hadn't gone to benjamin hochman and let all of my insecurities play out... I'm sorry for what I did, billy.", "Billy: How do we fix this?", "Phyllis: I don't know. I wish I could spend as much time with you as victoria does.", "Billy: Phyllis...", "Phyllis: I know that you're not attracted to her, and I know that it is over. And that's all that matters.", "Billy: You know how much i love you. Only you.", "Phyllis: I'm not used to seeing you look so intense.", "Billy: I just want you to know.", "Phyllis: Done and done.", "Billy: Not quite yet.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Hilary: How's it going? You winning, or are you losing?", "Billy: I think there's something we should talk about.", "Victoria: It's fine.", "Billy: You don't know what I'm gonna say.", "Victoria: The kiss.", "Billy: Okay, you do know.", "Sharon: You have no idea how glad I am to see you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Lily cries as she looks at pictures of her family her first day in prison while Cane tries to keep things normal at home for Mattie and Charlie. Cane is missing Lily teribly but he keeps that to himself when he is in his bedroom. Devon feels like he shouod have done more to keep Lily from going to prison but both Mariah and Nate tell him he did everything possible and Mariah adds that maybe she will get early release for good behavior. Mariah helps Tessa learn how to do her job at the coffeehouse and then when she fels like Tessa can hand le things she goes home to work on the show. Tessa sees Devon later aand asks him for the money she needs to pay off the people she owes. Devon refuses to help because he says he has given her more then enough chances and she has wasted them. Devon goes to talk to Mariah who tells him Tessa needs the money to help her sister. Summer returns from her cruise more determined then ever to get Billy and she and Phyllis argue about it at the Abbott house. Ky;le takes Summer to Crimson Lights so that Dina can watch her movie in peace. Phyllis tis freaked out because she can't find Dina anywhere in the house but thanks to Kyle putting a tracker on Dina he is able to find her in the garden .Phyllis isn't sure that she can live in the Abbott house with Billly and handle Dina's iillness.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Phyllis: What did I do to cause this animosity in you?", "Summer: Not everything is about you.", "Phyllis: You are making an all-out play for the man I love!", "Kyle: The last thing I heard from summer was that billy canceled his trip to philadelphia and texted her to meet on jaboat.", "Phyllis: I am the one who sent that text using billy's account. I decided that summer has earned a week-long private cruise.", "Tessa: It didn't end well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal into canada. It came time to pay them, and they wanted $20,000.", "Mariah: What?! You could offer tessa a couple shifts here.", "Devon: The guilt from this is going to stay with her for the rest of her life. I believe that that's punishment enough. So I'm asking you to please let that be enough. I'm sentencing you to 12 months in the walworth state penitentiary.", "Mattie: You can't just leave your alarm going for an hour.", "Charlie: Oh, my god, will you relax? It was barely on for like a minute!", "Mattie: Then try turning down the volume. The whole neighborhood doesn't need to hear that ridiculous chime.", "Charlie: Why are you even complaining? It's not like you were asleep.", "Mattie: No, I was trying to get ready in peace and quiet, like any responsible student.", "Charlie: Okay, well, do me a favor, go ahead and do that and shut up!", "Mariah: Devon.", "Devon: Hey. How you doing?", "Mariah: Hi. You're working from the office today.", "Devon: Yeah. There's only so much work I can get done at home, you know?", "Mariah: Look, I don't want to overstep, and I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but...", "Devon: You want to know how lily's sentencing went?", "Mariah: Yeah. I haven't heard anything.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Well, the judge was about to hand out his ruling, and then I stopped him.", "Mariah: You interrupted a judge?", "Devon: I had more to say.", "Mariah: Oh.", "Devon: Knowing that my sister could spend 20 years in jail for an accident wasn't something that I could live with.", "Mariah: So you spoke out on lily's behalf.", "Devon: I did. I don't forgive her for anything, but I didn't want to tear my family apart anymore.", "Mariah: Did the judge agree with that?", "Devon: I don't know what his original ruling was gonna be, but I'm trying to convince myself that it was a whole lot worse than the 12 months that he gave her.", "Mariah: Wow. When does she start?", "Devon: She's already started. She's there right now. They took her into custody in the courthouse.", "Mariah: Lily's there. Wow, um...", "Devon: She shouldn't be there, either. I don't know if I could have said more or if I could have appealed harder to the judge or...", "Mariah: Look, devon -- look at what you've already done. You said she was facing 20 years, two decades, and, because of you, she only got 12 months, and if you count good behavior, I mean, she's gonna be out before you know it. You saved her years of misery, and I know that she's always gonna be grateful that you came to her defense.", "Devon: I needed to hear that, so thank you for saying it, but it's still gonna take me some time to process this, you know?", "Mariah: Of course. I can work from home today or from the studio, if you want.", "Devon: Would you mind?", "Mariah: No. No, of course not.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Mariah: And if you need anything or you just want to talk, I'm just a phone call away.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Mariah: Okay.", "Summer: Round 1 to you, mom, but round 2 is gonna knock you on your ass! What, did you think you could keep me on the boat forever? \"Welcome home. Billy and I moved out. You're on your own. Lucky you. Mom.\"", "Phyllis: Well, I am so glad you've got that adrenaline going. You're gonna need it. You're gonna have to duck and cover at the office today. You know a storm is moving.", "Kyle: Ah.", "Phyllis: A summer storm.", "Kyle: So land-ho for summer. Surprised you let her come back already.", "Phyllis: Well, I was concerned about the yacht staff. You know she put them through a lot of abuse. Hazard pay, extremely expensive.", "Kyle: Or maybe summer was her charming self and saved up a week of snark and screaming just for you.", "Phyllis: Well, that is one possibility, but I prefer to think that my beloved child has thought long and hard about the error of her ways.", "Kyle: Yeah. I'm going with snark. Serious revenge fantasies.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Well, she can bring it. Summer thinks that she's phyllis jr., But she has no idea what mommy's capable of. Additional sponsorship", "Tessa: Um, okay. So that was two lattes and a decaf mocha. [ Machine whistling, hissing ] Oh, uh, you know, it's fine. It does that sometimes.", "Mariah: It does. It does. Um, you know, it's just making its happy little singing noise, and we're gonna get all of your orders right out to you in a second.", "Tessa: Thank you.", "Mattie: What are you doing?", "Cane: What do you mean, what am I doing, huh? It's your first day back to school. You know what that means? Dad's back-to-school waffles, all right? So batter up. Come here, baby.", "Charlie: Today?", "Mattie: Thank you.", "Cane: Of course today, okay? Hey, it's your first day back at school, all right? It's the last year before you go to college.", "Mattie: You didn't have to do this, dad.", "Cane: Uh, yeah, I did have to do this. Look, was I living her last year? No. Did that change anything? No. So it's back-to-school waffles as usual, all right? Look, guys, what'd your mum say, all right? We're still a family, right? That's not gonna change.", "Charlie: Last year was different. This is just...", "Cane: All right, listen, okay, guys? I know it's different, all right? But I guarantee you right now, your mum's sitting there and she's thinking about us, and she's wondering \"did dad make the batter too thick? Is he gonna pour too much into the waffle iron?\" You know.", "Mattie: So it squeezes out the sides? You always do that.", "Cane: So I'll probably do it again, right? Okay, so... there's the batter. I got that done. All right. I got the strawberries, I've got the powdered sugar. I need the whipped cream. Where's the whipped cream? [ Sighs ] We don't have any whipped cream.", "Mattie: Mom usually buys it.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Sorry i missed tropical storm summer blowing into jabot, but today I'm working from home.", "Phyllis: Oh, you're a coward! Or is this your way to, uh, get your little huddle time with ashley and your father so you can stick it to billy some more?", "Kyle: Ahh. It is true. You and billy really do share everything, including paranoia and conspiracy theories. But, no, I work from home one day a week to enjoy a matinee.", "Phyllis: Oh, that's productive. Does your boss know about this?", "Kyle: Trust me. It was her idea.", "Phyllis: Did you just call billy a \"her?\"", "Dina: [ Humming ] Well, I'm ready for our film. [ Giggles ] Would you like some popcorn?", "[ Sighs ]", "Kyle: What'd you pick for today?", "Dina: Oh! \"I could have been a contender!\" \"On the waterfront.\" Marlon brando's so dreamy.", "Phyllis: You know, why don't we pick out something else today? We just saw that yesterday.", "Dina: Ugh, stop that! What do you think you're doing? I haven't seen it before. It's marlon brando! I haven't seen one of his films in ages.", "Kyle: Of course we're watching it.", "Dina: Good.", "Kyle: Phyllis is just confused. You see, you a I have our own little movie club. No one else understands how we do things.", "Dina: Our club, huh?", "[ Giggles ]", "Phyllis: I am sorry. I was just trying to help.", "Kyle: You may think I'm an idiot in general, but I know what I'm doing with dina. So just let me handle things with her. Please? This is her life. These are her days. It's all about the repetition and the familiar.", "Phyllis: Okay, that woman used to run a multi-million-dollar business.", "Kyle: Which means she's earned the right to some peace.", "Phyllis: Peace? This isn't peace. This is suffering.", "Kyle: How is that your call? You don't get to judge her life.", "Phyllis: She has no idea who I am. Or she doesn't even ask why I'm in this house.", "Kyle: So? Who cares? It's not about you.", "Phyllis: I'm not saying it is.", "Kyle: We can't change what dina's going through, and it's gonna be like this until it isn'T. Until it gets worse, 'cause it sure as hell isn't gonna get better. So if snacks and movies and marlon brando make her happy, then that's what she's gonna get. Besides, forgetting means dina doesn't get upset about the past. She's made a new past. One she can live with.", "Dina: Where is it?", "Phyllis: Where's what?", "Dina: Where is it?", "Kyle: I got you covered, dina.", "Dina: Oh! You are a charmer. Thank you.", "Kyle: That's what they say.", "Dina: [ Giggles ]", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] What?", "Phyllis: You're like a piranha with good hair, always wanting to eat billy up like a snack, and yet there's this, you and dina.", "Kyle: She's my grandmother.", "Phyllis: Well, he is your uncle.", "Kyle: He can handle himself.", "Phyllis: You are doting over a woman who has no idea who you are.", "Kyle: And that's pathetic to you.", "Phyllis: Actually, it's kind of beautiful.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Kyle: Don't you look sun-kissed?", "Summer: You think you could hide from me forever?", "Phyllis: Well, who's hiding? I'm right here, and I think kyle has a point, you know? Sunscreen is your best friend. There was plenty of it on the boat. You should have used more.", "Dina: What's going on over there?", "Summer: My mother is a kidnapper, but, you know, hey, there was sunscreen, so it's totally fine.", "Phyllis: Actually, my daughter pushed her luck. She's fortunate she got off as easy as she did.", "[ Knocks on door ]", "Nate: Got a sec?", "Devon: I'm just trying to get through my work. It's not that easy, though.", "Nate: That's why I stopped by, man, to see how you were doing.", "Devon: I'm, uh... I'm trying not to blame myself. That's how I'm doing.", "Nate: You shouldn'T. I'm serious, man. I was in that courtroom. I saw how you spoke up for lily.", "Devon: After I tore her apart and told the judge that she should get the maximum sentence.", "Nate: But then you said no, that's not what you wanted. He gave her 12 months. Yes, yes, the fantasy was probation or house arrest, but, listen, maybe that was never realistic. 12 months, though -- you made that happen.", "Devon: I also made her confess to the whole thing. I pushed her to do that.", "Nate: No, no, no, no, no. That was lily's decision. In order to get right with you and herself.", "Devon: So you don't think any of it's my fault?", "Nate: You were brave enough for a second time to go in that courtroom and fight for lily. You were the brother and the man that I know you are. You should feel nothing but pride about that. I mean, even thinking about it now... what about visiting her? Have you given that any thought?", "Devon: I have so much work to get through. I just don't know how I'm ever gonna do it. I'm beyond backed up.", "Nate: There's a form you have to fill out in advance. I mean, you have to file that before anything can happen. The rules are pretty straightforward, you just -- you are planning on visiting her, right?", "Cane: You know what they say, right? Whipped cream and waffles is good, but ice cream is better.", "Mattie: We should have thought of this a long time ago.", "Cane: True. All right, so, first day back at school. You guys ready? You got your books, supplies?", "Mattie: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: All right. You got schedules, right? You good?", "Mattie: Mm-hmm.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Charlie: Didn't get any sleep last night with sam crying.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Mattie: He knows mom's not here. I tried to walk him around the way she does.", "Cane: You did a great job, sweetheart. I got him down a couple of hours ago, and bridgette's in there with him now, so...", "Cane: Can I just stay home today and hang out with him? Keep him company. Nothing happens the first day back anyway.", "Cane: Okay. All right. What's going on? Did your classmates say something about your mom? Did you hear something on social media? What's happening here?", "Charlie: Nobody said anything. I just don't see the point of sitting in a classroom when mom is... look, I just don't see the point.", "Cane: Okay, well, I kind of see the point here, you know? Listen, charlie, mate, you got to keep moving here, all right? Listen, we wake up, we have our meals. We go to school, we go to work. We come home, we go to bed, and we do it again, all right? Just -- you got to keep moving forward here, just put one foot in front of the other.", "Mattie: That's what mom wants.", "Cane: Right. Listen, um, good news -- I arranged a visit with mom. We're gonna go tomorrow, okay? So she's gonna see you, all right? She'll know you're okay. You'll see her and know she's okay. I know this is scary, but, hey. Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay, all right?", "Charlie: Yeah. Look, I got to go get my stuff.", "Cane: [ Exhales sharply ] Listen. I know this is hard on you. It's gonna be hard on him.", "Mattie: I'll look after him.", "Cane: Oh, baby, I don't want to put that on you.", "Mattie: I love you, dad, and you're a great father, but this is a twin thing.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] All right, listen, guys, if you need me, you call me on my cellphone. If you can't get me, you call my assistant, and she will track me down, okay?", "Mattie: Okay.", "Cane: Okay.", "[ Sam crying ]", "Cane: That's sam. Listen, keep moving forward, okay?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Cane: All right.", "Mattie: All righty, let's go. I'll even let you pick the music on the ride there. No, it's fine. You can take the car. The guys are gonna pick me up.", "Mattie: Oh, all right. I'll see you later then.", "Charlie: See ya.", "Dina: Ahh! Eva marie saint. What a beauty. You think maybe I should change my hair?", "Kyle: Don't change a thing. My heart couldn't take it.", "Dina: Oh, you. [ Giggles ]", "Kyle: Take it outside, ladies. The pool, town, boxing ring. Anywhere but here.", "Phyllis: He's right.", "Summer: Oh, no way. No. You are gonna drop me off by the side of the road somewhere, and I'm gonna have to hike back to civilization. No way. We are doing this here and now.", "Dina: Well, if you two must quarrel, at least speak loudly so I don't have to strain to listen.", "Summer: What, did you think i just wouldn't come back? Were you hoping I'd fall overboard and get sunstroke and die, maybe?", "Phyllis: You were on a yacht, summer, with staff, food, and air conditioning. I am sure that you suffered deeply.", "Summer: All right, and what about billy? What, did you lock him in a basement somewhere?", "Phyllis: No, he's at work right now. Before that, he was in our bedroom. In our bed.", "Dina: Ooh! How risqué! I adore risqué. [ Giggles ]", "Summer: What'd you tell him?", "Phyllis: About what?", "Summer: \"About what?\" About me!", "Phyllis: Oh! Yes. About you. Um, I told him about your ticket to philadelphia and how you were planning to meet him, surprise him in his room and how you lied to my face about that ridiculous yoga trip. See, I don't know how I raised you to be so pathetic, wasting your time on someone who is clearly in a relationship.", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] All right, you keep telling yourself that.", "Phyllis: Did you think that there were gonna be no consequences?", "Summer: [ Scoffs ] All right, you know what, let's go there. Let's talk about being pathetic and about being nasty and definitely about consequences.", "Kyle: Okay, this was fun. Time for you to go to the office. Catch up on work, show off that suntan.", "Summer: You had your fun running to billy, telling him all about me when he doesn't even know who the real you is yet. \"Oh, summer -- she's so awful. She doesn't care about monogamy.\" Yeah, well, like mother, like daughter, and you just keep proving it.", "Mariah: And sometimes when it gets super slammed in here, sharon will cut up a piece of the brownie. She'll set it out as a sample. People don't mind waiting in line when they're chewing on chocolate.", "Tessa: Right. Right. Okay, I just need to figure out the timing, you know? When the rush is coming. It's just all happening so fast.", "Mariah: Exactly. Don't worry about it. So now, while no one is screaming for caffeine, you want to make sure that the iced coffee is icing, that the almond milk is topped off, and that everything is just set up for the next rush.", "Tessa: Okay.", "Mariah: Here.", "Tessa: Oh.", "Mariah: So, how is crystal? Have you talked to her?", "Tessa: Uh, yeah. Yeah. I talked to her last night. She's okay.", "Mariah: And the guys that helped her across the border? Any word on how long they're willing to wait for the money? Because I have savings, you know.", "Tessa: No. No, mariah. That money is yours. And, honestly, it probably won't be enough.", "Mariah: Yeah, but it'd be something, and we'll get the rest.", "Tessa: No, I won't -- I won't let this be your problem.", "Mariah: Tessa. You're my person, and she's your sister, so I want to help in whatever way I can.", "Tessa: Look, I'll figure something out. I have some options.", "Mariah: What options? Hi! What can I do for you?", "Tessa: You know, I think i got this one.", "Mariah: Are you sure?", "Tessa: Yeah. Can you get some more stevia?", "Mariah: Okay. On it.", "Tessa: Hi. What can I get for you?", "Charlie: One iced vanilla latte.", "Tessa: All right. Sugar rush before school. That was always my go-to. You sure you won't be late?", "Charlie: No school. Teacher conferences.", "Tessa: I, uh, thought it was your first day back. Well, look at you. Do teachers normally do conferences this early in the year?", "Phyllis: Are you gonna scamper right out of here? Spill everything to billy? Break your word to your father? You hate me that much?", "Summer: Yeah, it's a tough one because I really do love dad and I love the checks that he writes me.", "Phyllis: Oh, okay. You know what, why don't you call billy right now? Why don't you tell him everything? Get it off your chest. Go ahead.", "Summer: Be careful what you wish for, mom.", "Phyllis: You know what my bet is? My bet is billy and I are gonna survive this, but your dad and sharon, she's gonna have him booted out by the end of the day, and your little sister is not gonna appreciate that. And nick -- you go ahead, you break his heart and his family, but you will be left with no parents and no money, but, hey, you showed me who was boss, right?", "Summer: You know what, maybe I will tell billy about you and dad. Maybe I will. Or maybe I'll just remind him how crazy it made him being in the same room as me. Because, you know, he hung onto every word I said and every move I made, and I'm still here.", "Phyllis: How are you being this stupid? Really. Seriously. You're my kid. You should be much smarter than this. I told billy that I sent you out to sea. He didn't rush to rescue you. He is not interested in a relationship with you, and i don't know why I can't get you to see that.", "Summer: You are such a hypocrite. You don't think that I know how you got daniel's dad to marry you? Really? Oh, yeah, mom, he was really into you.", "Phyllis: Okay, all right. You know what, little girl, you are not strong enough, you are not smart enough to play this game with me, and you've already proven that, clearly. You stay away from billy. You hate me, have at it. Quite frankly, I don't even care at this point. But, you know what, this hate that's burning inside of you, it is making you one nasty little piece of work, and you are gonna lose everything and everyone if you are not careful.", "Summer: I could say the exact same thing to you.", "Phyllis: Oh, is that so?", "Summer: You have just as much as me to lose.", "Dina: Stop it! Please, make them stop.", "Kyle: Okay, that's it. Come on.", "Summer: I'm not done.", "Kyle: Yes, you are. Madeleine cookies, peppermint tea, and the movie. Please. Her nurse will be here in a couple of hours. Just keep an eye on her.", "Phyllis: We're fine. We will be fine.", "Summer: You think that this is over, mom?", "Phyllis: Oh, I know it's not over!", "Dina: [ Whimpering ] \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nate: You didn't say when you were going to visit her.", "Devon: You know what, I am not in a mood right now to get into anything with you. I'm really not.", "Nate: I understand what you lost. Believe me, I do. And you won't be yourself for a while, if ever. You can't lose something like that and be the same, man. But you are lily's brother, and she needs you. Just one visit.", "Devon: Nate. Nate. I am not going to sit across from her in that place.", "Nate: I don't understand. You spoke up for her. Are you saying you regret that now?", "Devon: I don't regret it. I don't regret any word that i said. I meant every single word i said, both times. Lily is the reason that hilary is gone, but I also don't want her life destroyed, either. It doesn't mean that we're gonna have some big moment of forgiveness and happiness and everything's just gonna be cool. I don't forgive her for anything.", "Nate: That's how you feel now, okay? But later --", "Devon: Later, I'm still gonna wake up in the morning wondering where my wife and my child are, and lily will still be the reason that all that went away. So time is not gonna fix this. And as far as brother and sister, lily and I are done. What in god's name -- what are you trying to do? Take your hands off him. Keep them off him!", "Dina: He's doing it! He's doing it! He's -- he's walking! He's all beaten and bloody. Do you think he's gonna fall? Oh, god, I just -- I couldn't bear it if he fell. He made it. [ Sighs ] Oh, thank goodness. He made it. Well, shall we watch it again, hmm?", "Phyllis: You know what, why don't we do something else? Why don't we do a puzzle? Or we could walk outside.", "Dina: Oh, all right. I always enjoyed a good stroll around the grounds.", "Phyllis: Good. Do you do that with kyle or your nurse?", "Dina: Don't be silly. I'm not a child and I don't need a babysitter.", "Phyllis: No. Of course not. But you know what?", "Dina: What?", "Phyllis: I would like to go outside. I would love some fresh air.", "Dina: Oh, well, suit yourself. [ Cellphone rings ] Ugh! God! I just hate cellphones. They're so intrusive!", "Phyllis: I know.", "Dina: There's no peace around here.", "Phyllis: Believe me, I know. It's horrible. Hey, lauren. Hi. I'm in the middle of something, but I will explain. Uh, yeah. No, I know. I know, I hear you. I hear you, I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Yeah, no, I should have given you a heads up that I was gonna be late today, but, you know what, summer is probably gonna be there any minute. And that's a longer story, but... dina, why don't have a seat outside at the table, okay? And I'll be right out there. Don't leave without me.", "Dina: Oh. Of course not!", "[ Giggles ]", "Phyllis: Hey. Hi. [ Laughs ] It has been a thing. You have no idea.", "Summer: She should be quaking. My mom should be terrified of what I can do to her life. I am the one with the power. I'm the one that can take her down once and for all.", "Kyle: I don't know. That was a pretty baller move, her shipping you off on jaboat. What was it like, you slinking on the yacht for your sexy rendezvous with billy? How long before you figured out you got played?", "Summer: It was the most boring week of my life. There was no cell service, no social media. There were two magazines, and I can recite them by heart.", "Kyle: So, no time for soul-searching, I take it.", "Summer: I had plenty of time to think.", "Kyle: Lots of mayhem and destruction?", "Summer: You know, for a second, I was actually impressed. Turns out that phyllis still has some game in her after all. I just never saw it coming.", "Kyle: It's important for kids to admire their parents. What's the next move for you with billy? You finally admitting defeat?", "Phyllis: Hey, lauren. Yeah, I will pull up the contacts and shoot them right to you, all right? Yeah. Yeah, once dina's nurse gets here. Okay, yeah, but I'm reachable, okay? All right. Bye. Okay, dina, honey. Let's smell some roses! Dina? Dina! Where are you? Dina! Dina!", "Kyle: So, is this the end of your heroic journey? A sad whimper from the once- proud princess of prowl. I mean, phyllis knows. Billy knows phyllis knows, and your charms are...not totally charming right now. So it looks like you don't have a snowflake's chance in hell at landing the big one.", "Tessa: Hi.", "Summer: Oh, my god. You're back.", "Tessa: Yeah. Me standing here means I'm back.", "Summer: And you are working for mariah's mom. I mean, I thought you skipped town for good, but mariah must be over the moon.", "Tessa: Hey.", "Summer: Oh, here she is.", "Mariah: Hi. What?", "Kyle: See this? This magic? It was all me. I made this happen.", "Mariah: Kinda not.", "Kyle: Kinda did. Totally.", "Tessa: All right, you've earned your wings, cupid.", "Kyle: See? Her, you have to believe.", "Summer: Okay, wait, wait. So this -- this is a thing?", "Mariah: All right, change of subject. Summer! Where have you been? Off jet- setting on daddy's dime?", "Kyle: Close. Summer decided to book herself an end-of-the-season cruise.", "Mariah: Oh, yeah, that makes sense because you've been back at work for what, like, three months? You know, you obviously need some r&R.", "Tessa: Well, that sounds fun. Did you go with anyone?", "Summer: Nope. No one. Just needed some \"me\" time.", "Kyle: Summer gives and gives until it hurts. And then she needs alone time to recharge.", "Mariah: Well, that's great because some of us can only take coffee breaks. I got to get some work done.", "Tessa: Me, too.", "Mariah: All right. I'll see you later.", "Tessa: Absolutely.", "Summer: Okay, we get it. You guys are cute. Bye.", "Tessa: Devon.", "Devon: Tessa.", "Tessa: Hi, um...", "Devon: Hi. I didn't know you were back.", "Tessa: I -- I heard about hilary, and I'm so sorry for your loss.", "Devon: Thanks.", "Tessa: It's just awful, everything that you've gone through.", "Devon: I appreciate it.", "Tessa: And, you know, I think about hilary and the things that I said to her, and I feel a lot of shame about that. And the way that I left hamilton-winters after everything you have done for me, I am just so, so sorry. About everything.", "Devon: Well, tessa, what exactly do you want?", "Nate: Sorry to show up so unannounced, man.", "Cane: No, come on, man. You know you're always welcome.", "Nate: Yeah. How are the kids? Thanks.", "Cane: You got it. Uh, sam knows something's up. He was up and down all night wondering where lily was and not understanding why she wouldn't come in and hold him. Mattie's good. She's helping.", "Nate: Yeah, this is a lot for the twins. How are they doing?", "Cane: They're putting on a brave front, but charlie's making all this noise about not going to school.", "Nate: What about you?", "Cane: No, I'm managing. I, uh, was on the phone all morning, trying to pull every string I could so I could go and see lily, but, you see, they have this rule that she can't have any visitors for the first 48 hours, so now I'm kind ofow I'm kind of wondering if devon can call someone and maybe help.", "Nate: No, devon's not in any frame of mind to help anyone right now.", "Cane: What do you mean? I mean, he wanted leniency. I mean, he doesn't want his sister locked up in a cell.", "Nate: The pain is still too deep for him. I don't know if he'll ever be able to stop hurting.", "Phyllis: Dina! Dina! Please answer me!", "[ Sighs ]", "Kyle: I got to take off, but you still haven't told me what the plan is for billy. On the one hand, it's clearly hopeless and you have to give up. On the other hand, your delusions are entertaining, so give me a hint, at least.", "Summer: You'll know what i want you to know when I want you to know.", "Kyle: I'm sure the build-up will be worth it.", "Tessa: The people I got involved with that helped crystal get across the border, they need to be paid $20,000, which I obviously don't have, and I'm terrified about what they'll do if they don't get their money. I'm mortified to come to you like this, but if I think about it too much, I'll lose my nerve because I'm gonna do whatever i have to.", "Devon: All right. Um... I can appreciate that, tessa, but I gave you a second chance after you stole those lyrics, and you blew that. So, I'm sorry, but I think you're gonna have to find someone who doesn't know you as well as I do.", "Phyllis: Dina! Kyle, thank god. Look, you didn't get my message? I don't know what happened. I turned my head for 2 seconds.", "Kyle: I know.", "Phyllis: All right, let's call 911. She couldn't have gotten that far, all right?", "Kyle: Stop. Hang up. She's in the den.", "Phyllis: Is she okay?", "Kyle: She's in one piece and quite pleased with herself. She took a turn at the orchard.", "Phyllis: How did you find her?", "Kyle: Honestly? A tracker.", "Phyllis: Your grandmother?", "Kyle: In her purse. She never makes a move without it, kind of like the queen of england.", "Phyllis: You seem so calm.", "Kyle: It's happened before, which is the reason for the tracker.", "Phyllis: Honestly, I thought, you know, whatever. It's a piece of cake looking after someone, you know? How hard could it be? And then she was gone all of a sudden. I mean, anything could have happened, I was terrified. You know, I haven't felt this way since... you know, it's been years.", "Kyle: It'll take some practice. You live here now, so you'll get used to it. You won't have a choice. It's the new normal.", "Dina: Oh, there you are! It's time for our matinee. Marlon brando is so dreamy!", "[ Giggles ]", "Phyllis: He is...amazing. Every time.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Devon: Hey.", "Mariah: Hey. Um, did you want me to work in the office after all, or...?", "Devon: No. No, no, no, no. It's, uh, better if we speak here. Can I come in?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Mariah: So, what's up?", "Devon: Um... do you know why tessa came back to town?", "Mariah: She came back to be with me. Why -- why are you asking?", "Devon: Well, because I ran into her earlier, and she asked me for a lot of money.", "Mariah: Oh.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Mariah: Yeah, um, I'm sorry. I -- I didn't know she was gonna do that. But did she explain why, what it was for? I mean, it's for her own protection.", "Devon: I mean, yeah, that's what she said.", "Mariah: Why do you say it like that?", "Devon: Well, because I don't know if I buy it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Michael is banned from the Abbot house. Gloria is genuinely shocked at who visited her husband at the office. Sheila gets repayment for her assistance. Tom makes a toast, \"Here's to getting everything that we want in life \" Jack feels like he is being pushed to the sidelines." ]
[ "John: I am not the least bit interested in anything you have to say.", "Michael: Now, John, why are you so upset?", "John: Did you hear me? I do not want to talk to you. Will you please leave?", "Michael: You really do need to talk to me.", "John: No, I want to talk to my wife.", "Michael: Look, what I need to discuss with you is .", "John: Now I want you out of here now, Michael.", "Michael: Just hear me out. That's all.", "Gloria: Michael. Michael! Please. Just go. This will wait.", "Michael: Not forever, it won't.", "John: (Sighs)", "Gloria: Sweetheart, what's going on?", "John: I have something very important to tell you, and I have no idea how to break the news.", "Gloria: Just say it.", "John: Tom, your ex-husband, visited me. He's here in Genoa City.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Pour me a glass of your finest bourbon, please, straight up.", "Sheila: Ooh. Must have gone splendidly.", "Tom: Oh, baby, your advice worked like a charm.", "Sheila: Well, that makes me very glad.", "Tom: Can I buy you something a little stronger than that to say thank you?", "Sheila: Yes, thank you. I think I'll have what you're having.", "Tom: All right.", "Sheila: Thank you.", "Tom: To getting everything... everything we want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Wait, you want to move out? Why?", "Phyllis: Daniel and I need a place of our own.", "Jack: Is someone in my family making you feel less than welcome?", "Phyllis: No. Actually, your family has been really wonderful.", "Jack: Then what's going on here?", "Phyllis: Jack, listen, Daniel has gone from tour bus to boarding school to... God forbid, juvenile detention. And since he's been with me, I've dragged him from one place to the other. I mean, he's never had a place he can truly call home.", "Jack: I wonder.", "Phyllis: What?", "Jack: Is this really about Daniel, or is this another way for you to try to pull away from me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: So the campus tour went well then?", "Dru: Yes, honey, the campus tour went really well, but this heat is knockin' me down. The more I think about it, we did the right thing by putting Lily in that school. It's not gonna be easy, though.", "Neil: For any of us.", "Dru: How are things there?", "Neil: Um, not so good.", "Dru: Why? What happened?", "Neil: It's Devon's mother. She O.D.'d.", "Dru: What?!", "Neil: Yolanda's in the hospital. Devon and I are here with her.", "Dru: Well, is she gonna make it or what?", "Neil: I really don't know, honey. She's in rough shape. Olivia said she's lucky to be alive. She's also lucky that Devon and Sierra found her when they did and called for an ambulance.", "Dru: Wait a minute. Poor Devon found her?", "Neil: Yeah, he's not taking it very well.", "Dru: Well, how can he? How much pain is that woman gonna put him through? Can I talk to him?", "Neil: Yeah, sure. He's right over... you know, honey, he went to the men's room. I guess he'll be right back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, Mom? It's Devon. I don't know if you can hear me, but, uh... I just, uh, I'm so sorry that I left you in the park this morning. I thought that you were gonna stay clean. That's what you told me. That you weren't gonna do any more of those damn drugs!", "Devon: I know that you can do it, though. I know that you can stop. Maybe that's why this happened-- so you can get what you need, because there are plenty of doctors and nurses here that just want to help you. You just need to open your eyes for me, okay? You just gotta wake up. Just do it for me. Please, Mom, just open your eyes for me, okay? Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Okay, sorry. So what did you two want to talk to us about?", "Mac: Uh, well, if you remember when I called, I said that we had a proposition for you.", "Nick: Okay.", "Mac: I'm sure you know we are both huge fans of Crimson Lights. We spend a big chunk of time there almost every day.", "Sharon: Well, we're pretty fond of the place ourselves.", "Mac: Of course you are. But--and I hope that you don't think we're overstepping our bounds here-- Kevin and I know that you're dealing with a lot, and maybe the coffeehouse isn't your first priority.", "Nick: I'll admit that we haven't been paying a lot of attention to it.", "Mac: Well, that's where we come in. We'd like to buy it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Listen, Jack, you're way off base. My getting an apartment has nothing to do with you. It's about Daniel. He has to be my first priority. He has to be.", "Jack: You have been there for that kid in ways many parents can never be.", "Phyllis: He has to know he's the single most important person in my life right now. I'm sure he knows that.", "Phyllis: I just want him to have what you and I had, right? I want him to know his home is a sanctuary, right? Just that he has his own bedroom, and you can't see the floor for all the dirty clothes around. I want him to know that he can paint the walls black or purple, yellow, I don't know, whatever color he wants. Do you understand what I'm saying just a little?", "Jack: Yeah. And you're not wrong.", "Phyllis: Thank you.", "Jack: I just don't like the idea of us not living together anymore.", "Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna be far. It's no big deal. You're an important person in my life. You're an important part of it. I don't want that to change.", "Jack: I like the sound of that.", "Phyllis: Good. So I'm going to check out a new apartment right now... across town. You want to come? You can come with me if you'd like. It'll be fun.", "Jack: Okay, okay. I'll come.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: Hey, Liv, you seen Devon? He should be back by now. I'm starting to get a little worried about him, you know?", "Devon: Mom, as soon as you wake up, everything's gonna be so much better, okay? You're gonna get clean for good, and I'm gonna help you do it. I promise you.", "Olivia: (Whispering) Devon, you shouldn't be in here.", "Devon: (Whispering) guys, I want to be with my mother.", "Neil: Hey, man, come on. Come on outside with us.", "Devon: I'm not gonna go, okay? Look at her. She's suffering. She needs me here.", "Olivia: She needs her rest. You can see her later.", "Neil: Come on. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You talked to Tom?", "John: This must come as a terrible shock to you, him being here.", "Tom: Don't say anything. Just listen. When your husband gets home, admit nothing.", "Gloria: So where did you see him? How did you know who he was?", "John: Well, now that's what's so bizarre. He just showed up at Jabot, just as I was leaving.", "Gloria: He came to your office?", "John: Yeah. He gave me a song and dance how he's reformed, and he came here to make amends with his family.", "Gloria: Oh, dear God.", "John: Now you know nothing about this?", "Gloria: Did he say I did?", "John: He claims you had no idea, but that does not make any sense to me, that he wouldn't have contacted you.", "Gloria: John, I... I never thought I'd hear the man's name again, and if you want to know the truth, I was hoping he was dead.", "John: You know, I find this whole thing rather disturbing. Not that I believe a word he said, but I am convinced he wants something. Now do you have any idea what he wants, Gloria?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: It was quite an interesting toast. So what exactly is it that you want?", "Tom: Hey, only what I deserve.", "Sheila: Someone like you, I'm sure he deserves quite wonderful things. It's a shame you have people getting in your way.", "Tom: Oh, I think I took care of that. What about you?", "Sheila: What? What about me?", "Tom: A smart, beautiful woman like yourself must have quite a few things she'd like to have.", "Sheila: Oh, yes. Rest assured I'll be getting every single one of them.", "Tom: Know something, lady? I like your style.", "Michael: Thank goodness. Scotch straight, please.", "Tom: What are you looking at, sport?", "Michael: Uh, pardon the intrusion, Miss, but do you have any idea who you're talking to?", "Sheila: I don't see it's any of your business, quite honestly.", "Michael: Well, I feel it's a moral obligation to tell you that the man you're drinking with is absolute scum.", "Sheila: You know this gentleman?", "Tom: Unfortunately we're related.", "Sheila: Oh. Well, I truly do appreciate the warning, but I'm quite capable of taking care of myself, thank you.", "Tom: Would you excuse us for a moment?", "Sheila: Of course.", "Tom: So tell me, Mike, how'd your big talk with John Abbott go? I thought it would have lasted a lot longer.", "Michael: I haven't had a chance to talk to John about you yet, but I will first thing tomorrow.", "Tom: Oh. In that case, you might as well sleep in.", "Michael: And what is that supposed to mean?", "Tom: I went to old man Abbott myself, told him everything. So much for your brilliant plan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mac: See, some of the nights were really slow, so we were thinking that we could have some special events-- you know, open Mikes, poetry readings, discount nights, you know, things to bring in the G.C.U. crowd.", "Sharon: Well, obviously you've done a lot of work on this, but the coffeehouse isn't for sale.", "Mac: No, we realize that. We were just hoping that if we showed you our plan, that maybe you'd consider it.", "Nick: Tell me something. What makes you two think you can handle this?", "Mac: Well, I have a pretty good idea of how things run from working there with you guys in high school, and Kevin is a whiz with numbers and accounting. So between the two of us...", "Kevin: We think we can make the place even more profitable.", "Sharon: Well, you know, even if we were thinking of selling, I have a few concerns, particularly with you, Kevin, because, you know, this town doesn't forget things that easily.", "Kevin: Um, I understand where you're coming from, and it's a risk. But some of the things that you think are negatives may actually be positives.", "Nick: How do you figure?", "Kevin: Well, running Crimson Lights, you know, actually owning the place, will give me a chance to prove myself and show people in this town that I'm worthy of their respect. I'm gonna give 150%. We both are. And with that kind of commitment, how can you say no?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: I don't understand why I couldn't stay in there with my mom. She needs to know that there's someone here who loves her. I'm all she's got.", "Neil: Devon, take it easy, all right?", "Devon: No. Why couldn't I just stay in there and sit with her? Okay, I could have held her hand and talked to her. Maybe she could've heard me. It would've helped her fight.", "Olivia: Honey, I know how much you love your mom. But trust me, she's getting the best possible care. You just have to let us do our jobs.", "Woman: Dr. Winters? Miss Hamilton's starting to stabilize.", "Olivia: Thank you.", "Woman: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: So that means she's doing better, yeah?", "Olivia: Well, it's good news. She could be regaining consciousness soon.", "Devon: All right. Then you have to let me go in there, please, okay? Aunt Olivia, I have to be in there when my mom wakes up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: I can't imagine what Tom hopes to accomplish by coming here. My boys and I would never give him the time of day.", "John: It was all I could do to keep from strangling that bastard. There is nothing lower than a man that abuses his child. Nothing.", "Gloria: Oh, John, I am so sorry.", "John: For what?", "Gloria: Because I promised you that my past would never cause us problems again. And now this happens. I feel sick.", "John: Why? You had nothing to do with him being here, right?", "Gloria: But still, if it weren't for me, you would never have had to deal with that lowlife.", "John: He's your ex-husband. You can't control where he goes.", "Gloria: That's for sure.", "John: Gloria, I promise you he won't go anywhere near you. I just wish that I knew that he was here sooner. I could have protected the rest of my family.", "Gloria: What do you mean?", "John: Well, apparently, he's been lying about his identity, telling people his name is Tom Callahan. He is the man that Ashley's been seeing all this time.", "Gloria: Oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Well, there's a lot of closet space, high ceilings, so...", "Jack: Yeah, what about the leaky shower?", "Man: I'll fix it.", "Phyllis: He's not moving in with me. It's just me and my son.", "Man: He your boyfriend?", "Phyllis: He's a friend. So, all right, uh, I like--", "Man: I don't care who lives here as long as the rent comes in on time. So you want to take it?", "Phyllis: Um...", "Phyllis: Can you give me a few minutes?", "Man: Sure thing. Pull the door closed behind you if your friend here talks you out of it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Olivia: I wish I could let you see your mother. But overdoses are unpredictable. We have no idea what kind of condition she's gonna be in when she comes out of it. She could be disoriented, upset, even violent. She might not even remember who you are or what happened to her.", "Devon: I don't care about any of that, okay? I've seen my mom high before. If I could handle it when I was a little kid, I can handle it now.", "Neil: This time is different.", "Devon: I know that she hasn't been there for me. But I'm not gonna turn my back on her right now. You and Mrs. Winters taught me to stand by the people you love even when they mess up. Now I'm old enough to make this decision. So please, guys, let me be in there with her.", "Olivia: Okay.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Neil: Hey, one condition-- I want to be in there with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You talked to John yourself?", "Tom: Yep. Saved Glo's marriage.", "Michael: What the hell did you do?", "Tom: I told Abbott I was a reformed sinner, making amends to all the people I hurt.", "Michael: Amends? Oh, don't make me laugh.", "Tom: Well, I wanted Ashley's father to know that I was trying my best to someday be worthy of her.", "Michael: Give me a break. John's not an idiot.", "Tom: Of course, I left out a few details for your mama's sake, like, oh, the money she donated to me out of the goodness of her heart, the fact that technically we're still married, that she knew I was in town.", "Michael: You can't possibly think you're getting away with this.", "Tom: Seems to me I already have.", "Michael: Can you really be so stupid? Do you think Gloria and I won't tell him the truth?", "Tom: I can't imagine she'd want to. I just handed her a get-out-of-jail-free card. Only thing that flipped the old guy out was me dating his daughter.", "Michael: Yeah, he must've loved that part.", "Tom: But you know what really got him mad? When I told him that you knew about it for months and never even said a word to Ashley.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Tom Fisher is the man that Ashley's thinking about bringing to my son's wedding?", "John: Oh, yes. And can you imagine the audacity of that man, lying to Ashley about himself?", "Gloria: So he has been after her the whole time to get information about me.", "John: That makes my blood boil just thinking about it. I mean, thank goodness Ashley had the good sense to break off this relationship before it got serious. But what really worries me--", "Gloria: Yeah, now you're afraid that he is. He's reeling her back in.", "John: Exactly. Just the other day she told me, oh, she didn't give him a fair shake. She should only know!", "Gloria: Oh, but Tom can be oh, so charming when he's after something.", "John: Yeah, Ashley's money.", "Gloria: Yeah. I wouldn't put it past him.", "John: But what is so bizarre about all of this, that the man would come to me and reveal himself. Why?", "Gloria: Who knows how his mind works? Because, John, he has always been so twisted and so full of schemes.", "John: Well, this is one scheme that's not gonna work for him.", "Gloria: Because you're going to go to Ashley.", "John: Oh, the minute she comes through the door.", "Gloria: John, I should have known it!", "John: What, that Ashley's Tom is your ex? How in the world are you supposed to know that?", "Gloria: Because when she was describing him to me, there was something familiar about him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But believe me, if I had known--", "John: And that's what upsets me. There were people that knew, and they chose to say nothing!", "Gloria: Who knew?", "John: Some more bad news for you. He contacted your sons.", "Gloria: Tom has? Oh, poor Kevin.", "John: Oh, yes. And he says that they didn't tell you because they didn't want to worry you. Now I can understand Kevin. He might've been traumatized by seeing his father.", "Gloria: Yeah, but I would've known.", "John: But the person I cannot forgive is Michael! He knew that they were seeing each other. He'd seen Tom and Ashley together. And he never uttered a word of warning about what a monster she was involved with!", "Gloria: Michael knew and didn't tell? No. No, I can't believe that.", "John: Well, you better believe it. His behavior was disgusting. And I know he's your son, but when I walked in here and saw him, I was livid. And what did he want to talk to me about anyway?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Don't do it. It's a mistake. You don't want to live here.", "Phyllis: Yes, I do. I think the only reason you agreed to come with me is to talk me out of this.", "Jack: I just think you could do better than this. You've only started your search. What about those great buildings on Ashland? Come on, we could find you a vacancy there.", "Phyllis: I like this building, thank you. It's a very nice building. I like the neighborhood. Besides, those buildings on Ashland, they're pricey. I haven't worked in months. I've burned through most of my savings.", "Jack: Why didn't you say that? I can help you there.", "Phyllis: You've already helped me too much, Jack.", "Jack: You know what? Stay at the house. You could work at Jabot for awhile, pad the savings account and find a great place Daniel will be comfortable in.", "Phyllis: I can't believe you. No! No, I want to move before Daniel starts school, okay? It's already gonna be difficult enough for him to spend his senior year at a new school. I don't want to be moving on top of that.", "Jack: Are you sure this isn't your ego talking?", "Phyllis: My ego? Because I want to take care of my son?", "Jack: I just don't think you've thought this through. I can't let you do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, you two definitely have the passion for this, and your business plan is pretty sharp.", "Sharon: But the fact remains that neither one of us have ever thought about selling, so let's not make any hasty decisions.", "Mac: Believe me, that's the last thing that we want. We'll leave you with a copy of the business plan and just get back to us.", "Nick: We'll be in touch.", "Kevin: Thank you, Mr. And Mrs. Newman, for giving us the opportunity. Oh, and just so you know, we plan on keeping the entire staff the same, so you don't have to worry about anyone being out of a job.", "Nick: Okay.", "Kevin: Okay, thanks.", "Kevin: So?", "Mac: I don't know. Um, I think it went okay, but they didn't... I don't think they're gonna sell.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Mac: I picked up on a weird vibe between Nick and Sharon.", "Kevin: Yeah, they seemed, like, kind of tense or something.", "Mac: We definitely caught them off guard, but... I just--I hope that's all it is.", "Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, me too, because, Mac, I want this so bad that I can taste it.", "Nick: Well, that came out of nowhere.", "Sharon: Boy, didn't it?", "Nick: I think it's a good idea. We should do it.", "Sharon: What? Nick, how could you even consider selling the coffeehouse? Doesn't that place mean anything to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You spun this so I look like the bad guy.", "Tom: I believe that's what they call irony.", "Michael: That's why he threw me out of his house.", "Tom: Abbott did? Aw, I'm real sorry about that. You know the great part about all this? I didn't even have to lie. You really didn't give a damn about Ashley.", "Michael: I knew she would see through you eventually, and I knew she would dump you on her own, which is exactly what happened.", "Tom: Well, believe it or not, I was on the verge of winning her back.", "Michael: (Chuckles) dream on.", "Tom: Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice her when I came clean with her daddy. But all in all, I'd say not bad for a guy with no power who's too dumb to come up with a plan. You need to face facts, Mike. This game's over. I win. You lose.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: Michael and I wanted to talk to you... about the wedding.", "John: What about it?", "Gloria: We'd hoped that you'd let us have it here, but I guess that's out of the question.", "John: How in the world could you ask me that now? Now get something clear. No, Michael Baldwin is not allowed in this home any longer.", "Gloria: John, he's my son.", "John: Oh, I don't care who he is. He allowed my daughter to get involved in a relationship with an abusive man. Now what if he had hurt her, or even worse-- Abby? Tom Fisher is a dangerous man. Now you should be furious with your sons.", "Gloria: They were trying to protect me.", "John: They were trying to keep you in the dark. What if Tom came here first? What if he barged through that door and just ambushed you?", "Gloria: You're right. I would have been terrified. And I would have been angry with my boys at first. But then I would've understood.", "John: Understood what? That they were completely irresponsible? Gloria, I have tried very hard to give both Michael and Kevin a chance for your sake. But no, no more. I'm done.", "Gloria: John, John, I don't know if this will make any sense to you, because you've never been a victim the way we have. It changes you... for life. And I guess that man still has quite a hold over my boys. I can tell you for a fact if he walked in here right now, I have no idea what I'd do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Hey, Mom. I'm back. I'm back. I'm sorry I left. I just had to take care of something, okay? You just need to open your eyes now for me. That's what you need to do. And then you can start your new life and... it'll be great. It'll be great. The doctors here are gonna help you get clean, and I'm gonna help you find a place to live, find a job. And then we can be together. We'll be like best buds, just you and me. We'll make up for all the time lost.", "Devon: She's waking up, guys. There you go. There you go, Mom.", "Neil: Hey, why don't you ease off, you know, let your mother get her bearings?", "Olivia: Yolanda? Yolanda, I'm Dr. Winters. Can you talk? Can you say something?", "Devon: Do you know who I am?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Babe, of course I care about the coffeehouse. But with you starting to go back to work and everything that's going on with us, I think we're spread a little thin.", "Sharon: Not that thin. Not with you on semi permanent leave from Newman. You know, I'd think you'd have plenty of time now for the coffeehouse. Instead, you're talking about selling it. I don't understand.", "Nick: Do you remember when we first bought the place, how excited we were?", "Sharon: Yeah, of course I do.", "Nick: Well, I saw that same excitement in those two kids' eyes. Maybe it's time we passed the baton.", "Sharon: Oh, right, like you passed the baton to Victoria at Newman, too.", "Nick: That's not fair.", "Sharon: Well, maybe not, Nick, but all I know is Cassie loved that place, and her friends still do. You know, if we sell the coffeehouse, we're getting rid of one of the last remaining connections to our daughter. Please don't ask me to do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: This is my decision. I don't need your permission.", "Jack: I'm not gonna stand by while you make an impulsive decision that I know you will live to regret.", "Phyllis: Impulsive? Because I'm giving my son what he needs?", "Jack: What about what you need? Listen to me. You keep making sacrifices for Daniel, you will grow to resent him.", "Phyllis: Have you been reading parenting books?", "Man: I got someone coming by for a look-see in a few minutes. Yes or no?", "Phyllis: I'll take it.", "Man: I'll need a deposit-- first and last month's rent.", "Phyllis: Okay. I have it right here. Here you go. All right.", "Phyllis: Here you go. Thank you. I'll drop off a lease for you first thing in the morning.", "Phyllis: Great, thanks.", "Phyllis: Hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Babe, I'm not talking about trashing Cassie's memory. I'm just saying we should let go of one of the things on our plate.", "Sharon: I can't believe you actually think of the coffeehouse as some sort of a chore after everything it's meant to us, everything it's meant to our whole family.", "Nick: You want to know what I think about when I'm there? I think about the last time that I saw Cassie there, when she snuck out of the hospital to see Daniel. I don't want to keep reliving that.", "Sharon: Well, no one would. But what about all the happy, wonderful memories we have there? You proposed to me there, Nick. We began our lives together in that place. So don't ask me to sell it. Don't ask me to give up all that, okay? I need those memories. I need to feel close to Cassie. I need to feel close to that part of my life. Don't take that away from me.", "Nick: You mean, like I took away our daughter?", "Sharon: What? What did you just say?", "Nick: Nothing. Forget it.", "Sharon: No, no. I think we need to talk about this.", "Nick: We don't need to talk about it.", "Sharon: Yeah, we do, because you're keeping secrets from me, and I need to know what's on your mind.", "Nick: Sometimes I think you still blame me for Cassie's death.", "Sharon: What? No. No, I don't.", "Nick: Are you sure? Because I'm not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Yolanda: Hi, baby.", "Devon: Hi, Mama.", "Olivia: Yolanda?", "Yolanda: Where am I?", "Olivia: Memorial Hospital.", "Yolanda: Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't like hospitals.", "Devon: Mom, everybody's here to help you, Mom.", "Olivia: Just stay calm.", "Yolanda: No, no way. You can't make me stay here.", "Neil: You need to relax, all right?", "Yolanda: No, no, no. You're in on this, too, aren't you?", "Neil: I'm not. I am your friend.", "Olivia: Okay, calm down!", "Yolanda: I can't trust nobody. You're all in this together.", "Olivia: Just relax. No, you can't pull those out.", "Devon: We can help you.", "Yolanda: Don't touch me! Don't you touch me!", "Neil: I got her legs!", "Devon: Don't you hurt her!", "Neil: You should leave, man.", "Yolanda: No! Don't touch me! Let me go! Let me go!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "John: Well, there is one thing you don't have to worry about, and that's confronting Tom Fisher. I made it crystal clear to him that he's not to come near you or Ashley.", "Gloria: Oh, John, thank you. Thank you. It's so wonderful knowing you can protect me. Oh, I love you so much.", "John: I love you, too.", "John: You know, I, uh, I did promise to take you to dinner.", "Gloria: Not tonight. We'll do it another time. You must be exhausted. Why don't you go upstairs and get out of these work clothes and get comfortable and maybe take a little walk or even a swim? And just clear your head.", "John: Not a bad idea.", "John: I'm, uh, I'm gonna go upstairs. I won't be long, okay?", "Gloria: You didn't destroy my marriage, Tom. You saved it. You saved me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Go ahead and gloat. But you're wrong. It's not over. No way.", "Tom: Well, maybe you're just a sore loser.", "Michael: You haven't covered your tracks nearly as well as you think you have.", "Tom: Are you sure about that?", "Michael: Oh, well, let's think. For starters, there's Gloria and the money she gave you. Not to mention that too many people know the truth already.", "Tom: Like who? Kevin? Even if anybody would believe that little cockroach, he'd never sell out his mother.", "Michael: Lauren. She and John have been very good friends for a long time now.", "Tom: I'll take my chances. You know what, Mike? I feel like, I don't know, like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. No more hiding in the shadows. No more aliases. I'm finally free.", "Michael: Up till now I've just been trying to protect Gloria, but this time you've made it personal. So the gloves are off, pal.", "Tom: Hmm, I'm shaking in my boots.", "Michael: You should. You should be scared to death. Oh, there are parts of me that I've kept under wraps for years now. And I guarantee, when I let 'em loose, you won't know what hit you.", "Sheila: You don't have the appearance of a man who just pulled off a major coup.", "Tom: I think my stepson just declared war.", "Sheila: Not to worry. You've got an ally. And my dollars? They're on us." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by _ Emma_']
[ "Jack comes to visit Ashley and finds her lying on the sofa in the dark. Ashley says that Abby is suing Victor over her trust fund. Abby and Vance meet to discuss her case against Victor. Victor and Nikki visit Billy and Victoria and find out that Victoria is pregnant and that Billy and Victoria are getting married. Victor is dead set against that idea. Owen orders Ronan to kill Chance or else. Ronan agrees that he will kill Chance with no questions asked. Chance and Chloe argue over Ronan being his brother and why he is really in town. Ronan breaks into Owen's office. There is a knock on the door and Ronan quickly hides behind the door. Heather yells and tells Owen that it is she. Heather opens the door and finds the office dark. Ronan clasps an arm across Heather's mouth. Heather declares to Ronan that she is telling Owen everything. Ashley lashes out at Jack for working with Abby against her. Billy realizes that there is a glitch in their wedding plans and they cannot be married in one day because they have to wait 5 days after they get the marriage license. Victor becomes angry and storms out. Nikki asks Billy and Victoria to \"chill out\" for tonight. Billy suggests that they go to Vegas to get married. They kiss. Nikki calls Victoria to see how she is doing and suggests that they get married in a week or two, but Victoria does not agree.", "Nikki calls Marie for a favor. Heather sees Owen and Sid outside his office and refuses to tell them anything. Chance meets with Ronan in the hallway. Chance calls Ronan \"brother.' When Chance demands answers. Ronan agrees to tell him everything. Nina looks at a pic of her son when Heather joins them. Heather tells Paul that she was going to tell Owen everything, but Ronan had talked her out of it. Ronan explains everything to Chance. Chloe comes to visit Ronan. Ronan thanks Chloe for being a big mouth in divulging his secret. Chance defends Chloe for telling the truth. Victor tells Ashley and Jack about Billy and Victoria getting married and expecting a child. Nikki calls Victoria and tells her that she arranged it that she and Billy can be married in one day. Victoria tells Billy that she wants to get married in their new home. Victoria begins to panic over making the wedding plans. Victor lashes out at Nikki for helping Billy and Victoria with their wedding plans. Victor makes a call to stop Victoria's wedding. Nina finds out that Chris vouched for Ronan. Chance tells Chloe his plans for the meeting for the next night. Ronan calls Owen and tells him all systems go for the meeting.", "" ]
[ "Jack: Sis, you okay?", "Ashley: I have a horrible headache, Jack.", "Jack: You want me to turn the light back out?", "Ashley: No, the dark wasn't really helping.", "Jack: Can I get you anything?", "Ashley: The truth would be nice. Abby is suing Victor again, this time for mismanaging her trust, although, I suspect you already knew that.", "Jack: Now why do you say it that way?", "Ashley: Because I was with Victor when he was served, and he's convinced that you're pulling the strings.", "Jack: Since when are you buying what that man's selling?", "Ashley: Jack, did you have anything to do with it?", "Jack: I knew Abby was speaking to Vance Abrams, yes. But until this moment, I had no idea what she intended to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: (Clears throat)", "Vance: Heard from your father yet?", "Abby: No. Why?", "Vance: Lawsuit's a go. Handed him the papers myself earlier this evening.", "Abby: How'd he react?", "Vance: I think it's safe to say that Victor is not a happy man right now.", "Abby: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You're pregnant?", "Victoria: Yes, um... (Laughs) We literally found out just a few minutes ago, and, um, we weren't really planning on telling anyone yet.", "Nikki: And obviously, you're happy about this.", "Victoria: Yes, we are happy.", "Billy: I'm very, very, very, very, happy.", "Victoria: (Giggles) Uh, and see? Billy made it official. He proposed. Just a few minutes ago, he proposed.", "Nikki: Well, Darling, if this is truly what you want, I'm happy, too.", "Billy: Well... three out of four ain't bad, right, Grandpa?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: I can't believe it. My son. I'm actually looking at my son.", "Paul: Or how he might appear all grown-up.", "Nina: Yeah, I know you told me not to expect too much since these computer- generated things aren't always very accurate, but somehow deep down, I was hoping, even though I've never seen him before, that I would recognize him, you know? I know it sounds silly, but...", "Paul: Oh, not to me it doesn't.", "Nina: I keep on looking for a-a resemblance to Chance or to me, and I don't... I don't see one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Ronan is my what?", "Chloe: You two are brothers.", "Chance: Did Ronan tell you to tell me this? You guys trying to mess with my head?", "Chloe: (Sighs) If you would just listen to what I'm trying to tell you, I can explain everything.", "Chance: No, Chloe, this is not possible, all right? These are more of his lies, okay? These are lies.", "Chloe: I found out on my own, okay? And he wasn't too happy about it.", "Chance: This doesn't make any sense, Chloe.", "Chloe: Look, I saw Ronan's driver's license, and he had the same exact birth date as Nina's lost son. So I did a little research online. And it turns out that he lied where he went to high school.", "Chance: How do you know?", "Chloe: Well, the people who would have gone to school with him had never heard of Ronan Malloy. So I started to put the pieces together. And then I confronted him about it, and he denied it. And then I threatened to go to \"Restless Style\" with the information that I knew. He admitted that you guys were brothers, and then he swore me to secrecy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Owen: No serial number. Completely untraceable. I don't care how you do it. I don't care where. But you have until midnight tomorrow night to shut Chancellor up for good. And if you don't go through with it...", "Ronan: Don't worry. I'll go through with it. Guy doesn't mean anything to me. One thing, though-- this deadline.", "Owen: Yeah, what about it?", "Ronan: Killing a cop, it's gonna be complicated. And I need time to set it up so no one's suspicious.", "Sid: No, it has to be done within 24 hours. We got a big score comin' in. We can't have anybody around who'll mess that up.", "Owen: Look, you don't want to do it, other arrangements can be made.", "Ronan: I didn't say that I didn't want to do it. I'm just trying to tell you it has to be done right.", "Owen: Look, you said I can trust you. This is your chance to prove it.", "Ronan: I understand. And by tomorrow night, my ex-partner will be dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Is the pregnancy the reason you're wearing this ring?", "Victoria: No.", "Billy: If you, uh, noticed, she was wearing the ring before we got the results.", "Victor: You know why he's doing this, don't you? He's getting back at me.", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Nikki: I think that we all just need to take a moment and let it sink in and not make any rash decisions.", "Victor: Look, he has already conned you into one phony marriage which wasn't legal, thank God.", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: Are you falling for it again?", "Billy: No, she's marrying me because we love each other.", "Victor: Really?", "Nikki: I think we should all just take one big collective breath. (Inhales deeply)", "Billy: You know what, Sir? Um, you have inspired me. Why wait? You know? I-I want to get married right away, like tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. Is that okay with you? Is that okay?", "Victoria: (Laughs) Yes.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: Yes, that sounds fabulous. I can't wait to become Mrs. Billy Abbott, actually.", "Billy: Ooh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Here you go. (Sighs)", "Nina: I know this is supposed to be a step forward, you know, having some idea of what my son might look like, but I have no idea what to do next. How is this gonna help us?", "Paul: Well, you can look at it this way--", "Nina: You have warned me so many times that we might never find him, and I-I just keep doing this to myself. I keep allowing myself to hope. Why?", "Paul: It's more than we had before. And I know you've been wanting this a very, very long time, but you--you-- you still have to be patient. Look, this is, uh... (Sighs) It's a marathon, okay? It's not a sprint. And I promise you, we will do everything we possibly can until somewhere someday we find your son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) All right, well, Kevin is gonna take Delia over to my mom's now, so if you want to talk more about this, we can.", "Chance: How do you know this isn't some sort of ruse? Maybe he read my mom's book. He knew exactly what to say when you confronted him. Maybe that's why Heather trusts him, too, because he threw the same line of bull towards her.", "Chloe: Stop. He didn't want anyone to know, okay? He did not tell a soul.", "Chance: Is that why he's back in Genoa City? Because he wants to get even with Mom and me?", "Chloe: He said that he didn't even have anything to do with it. He had no idea that you guys were gonna be on the force when he got into town.", "Chance: Yeah, right. My long-lost brother just happens to come back into town out of nowhere and it's all just a giant coincidence. You expect me to believe that? Chloe, the guy targeted me. But no more. Whatever the hell his game is, whatever he's up to, it all ends now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Owen, are you in there?", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Owen?", "Ronan: (Quietly) Shh!", "Heather: (Grunts)", "Ronan: It's Ronan. It's Ronan. Shh. Don't make any loud noises, okay? Stop. Shh!", "Heather: (Quietly) What the hell are you doing here?", "Ronan: You first.", "Heather: (Sighs) I've had it-- all the secrets and lies and frame-ups. (Stammers) I won't be a part of it anymore. I lost my job because I withheld information from my boss.", "Ronan: That is still no explanation about what you are doing here right now.", "Heather: I called Owen. I asked him to meet me here. I'm gonna tell him everything.", "Ronan: Everything? What do you... not that I'm undercover.", "Heather: Once Owen knows, it'll change everything. It feels like he's the only one I can trust. (Sighs)", "Ronan: We don't know who we can trust. If you go and spill your guts to Owen right now, he could go tell someone. What--Heather, what if it's the wrong someone? What if there's another bomb in your car?", "Heather: What I want is for this to be over. I can't live like this anymore.", "Ronan: I know, and we're close. We're this close to blowing this case wide open.", "Heather: Has there been a break?", "Ronan: Listen to me. For your own safety, I cannot share that information with you right now.", "Heather: Oh, my God, really? Really? You expect me to just take your word for it? I'm sorry. No, not good enough.", "Ronan: Look at me. Look at me. You have to trust me. I need you to go home and not say a word about this case. My life depends on it, Heather.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Ronan: Give me 24 hours, and this will all be over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: For what it's worth, I'm glad that you finally know the truth. I hated keeping a secret from you.", "Chance: Don't tell anyone else about this, especially not my mom.", "Chloe: What, are you kidding me? It's Nina's son. She's gonna freak out if she finds out that you kept the truth from her.", "Chance: Until I can find out who Ronan really is and what he's up to and the game that he's playing, I don't want him talkin' to her.", "Chloe: Fine. I won't say a word.", "Chance: Good.", "Chloe: Where are you going?", "Chance: A family reunion.", "(Door slams shut)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Abby: What happens now that my dad's been served?", "Vance: Well, by hiring me, you sent Victor a message. You're not playing around this time. We're accusing him of gross mismanagement, an accusation I feel confident we can prove.", "Abby: (Sighs) Well, um, I-I'm not trying to get my dad in trouble. I just want him to acknowledge that I'm an adult and treat me like one.", "Vance: The thing is, Abby, I don't see how you can have one without the other.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: I can't believe that you would actually encourage her to talk to Vance Abrams about this. Go to him for this, Jack?!", "Jack: Wha--hold on. Hold on. Time out, okay? In case you haven't noticed it, your daughter has a brain of her own, and she isn't in the habit of asking you or me for permission before she acts.", "Ashley: You know what's ironic about this? Abby came to me and said that she was thinking about behaving more responsibly in exchange for some of her trust, so I actually talked to Victor, and he was gonna consider it. And then she pulls this, and now she's in danger of losing her trust entirely.", "Jack: Losing her trust? That is not going to happen.", "Ashley: He's threatening to dismantle her holdings, Jack.", "Jack: Dismantle her holdings?", "Ashley: Yes.", "Jack: Would he actually do that?", "Ashley: You think he wouldn't? That's why you should have stopped her, at least had me stop her.", "Jack: Has it ever occurred to you that your daughter is onto something? That Victor may have mismanaged her trust?", "Ashley: The fact that you're saying that tells me a lot.", "Jack: W-well, you said it yourself. Vance Abrams is a shark. He has built a hell of a reputation by taking on cases he knows he can win.", "Ashley: Oh, God, I can't take it!", "Jack: No, wait, wait. Now listen. If he thinks Abby has a legitimate complaint, maybe she does.", "Ashley: This family is in such a mess all the time. I just can't stand it. My daughter should not be at war with her father, Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: If you want someone to blame for this, you should just-- you should blame yourself.", "Victor: The only reason you're going ahead with this is to rebel against your father, isn't it?", "Victoria: (Scoffs) You know, we wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you. If you weren't so pigheaded and so stubborn. Why can't you be open-minded like Mom? She's open-minded.", "Billy: Honey, uh, tomorrow's not gonna work.", "Victoria: What? Why not?", "Billy: Well, because according to the county clerk's web site, we have to have a marriage certificate for, like, five days in advance before-- that puts us right in the middle of next--yeah.", "Victoria: The middle of next week.", "Victor: Well, that's good news. Gives you another week to come to your senses.", "Nikki: Well, now, Victor, let's try to remember the reason we came here to begin with was to try to make peace. This is our daughter. We're going to have another grandchild.", "Victor: I am not a hypocrite.", "Nikki: We need to bring the family together.", "Victor: I will not stand by here and watch this farce unfold! You got it?", "Billy: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: Wow, well, thanks for stopping by, Dad. It's always a pleasure to see you.", "Nikki: Look, um... (Sighs) You have to understand that you've just hit him with a very big shock, not to mention me, too.", "Victor: Come on! Let's go!", "Nikki: I'll be right there. Uh, and no disrespect, but Billy has given us plenty of reason for concern. So I think we all just need to chill out for tonight, okay?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Nikki: You take it easy.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Billy: These are your examples of... (Clears throat) You okay?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm okay. What do you think?", "Billy: I think that I want to remember this day forever. Not only did we find out that we are gonna have a baby, you also agreed to put up with me for the rest... of... our... lives. (Growls)", "Victoria: (Laughs) Yeah.", "Billy: Yeah. And you know what? I want to do this. I want to do this right now. I want to make it permanent. That's why tomorrow, we are going to head out.", "Victoria: What?", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Where are we going?", "Billy: (Whispers) We are gonna go to... (Makes kissing sound) (Singsong voice) Vegas.", "Victoria: Yes!", "Billy: Yes, you like that?", "Victoria: Yes.", "Billy: Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I know where you stand, and I know why, but this isn't about us. It's about Victoria and Billy and the child they're expecting.", "Victor: Sweetheart, there's no need to compound one mistake with another. She doesn't have to marry Billy Abbott for the child to be okay. The child will be all right.", "Nikki: Victor, can't you look at this with a little more empathy? I mean, this is our daughter. Please.", "Victor: Right now-- right now I have to deal with the mess that my other daughter has created, okay?", "Nikki: All right, well, in the meantime, will you please just think about what it would take for you to accept this marriage, for me?", "Victor: I will never--", "Nikki: Can you do it for me?", "Victor: I will never accept it. End of story. You and I are living proof that the Newmans and the Abbotts should never marry each other. Now you help our daughter see the light before she jumps headlong into another disaster.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: We have two early tickets to Sin City.", "Victoria: Yay, us!", "Billy: (Chuckles) Yes! Yay, us.", "Victoria: Yay, us.", "Billy: Yay, us.", "(Telephone rings)", "Victoria: Oh, I'll get it. Hello?", "Nikki: Hi, Honey. It's--it's me.", "Victoria: Oh, hey, Mom. What's up?", "Nikki: Nothing. I-I just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope you're not too upset.", "Victoria: You know, Mom, nothing could upset me now, not even Dad. You know, Billy's online. He's booking us some plane tickets.", "Nikki: Plane tickets?", "Victoria: Yep. I'm following in your footsteps. We're gonna go and we're gonna elope in Vegas, just like you and Jack did.", "Billy: You tell your mama we're gettin' married tomorrow come hell or high water.", "Victoria: (Laughs) Did you hear that, Mom?", "Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. I-I heard that. I... I can tell how excited you both are.", "Victoria: Well, you know, I wanted to have another baby more than anything, and... (Sighs) I know we're not doing this the most conventional way, but it just feels right. Do you know what I mean, Mom?", "Nikki: If anyone does, I do.", "Victoria: And I gotta tell you, Billy is so sweet. He wants to be there for all of it. He wants to be there to hear the first heartbeat and see the sonogram and everything that he didn't get to do with Delia.", "Nikki: Yeah, you tell your fiancé he's got a good attitude.", "Victoria: (Whispers) My mother approves.", "Nikki: I know your father won't approve of this, but I'm quite willing to help you get everything arranged so that we could have you married in a week or two.", "Victoria: (Normal voice) S... so my mom wants, uh, to help us plan something here if maybe we would consider sticking around?", "Billy: Tell her thanks, but I-I mean, I-I-I don't-- I don't think we want to wait. I mean, I-I don't want to wait.", "Victoria: No, no, no, n-neither do I. No.", "Nikki: I-I-I understand. I just... wish that I could be a part of your big day, that's all.", "Victoria: I know, Mom. I'm sorry. I do, too. But, uh, wish me luck, and, oh, please, do me a favor and don't tell Dad, because he's just gonna freak out, and no one needs that right now, all right? And I'll call you when I get back, and I love you.", "Nikki: I love you, too, Baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Marie, hi. It's Nikki Newman. I'm so sorry to be calling so late, but I really need a favor mother to mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Owen: Oh, Heather. Good. I was afraid I missed you. What did you want to tell me?", "Heather: Sir, I'm, uh... I'm ashamed to admit this, but when I called you, I had had a few drinks. I was feeling sorry for myself about losing my job, and I thought perhaps if we talked, I could explain things, but it... it was a mistake. Uh, I-I shouldn't have bothered you.", "Heather: (Sighs)", "Sid: (Scoffs) Think she was on the level?", "Owen: Well, I hope so... for her sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: Hello... Brother. Are you my brother? Ronan, answer me. Are you my brother?", "Ronan: According to a D.N.A. test, yeah, I am. Listen to me. That has nothing to do with why I'm here or what I'm doing.", "Chance: You son of a...", "Ronan: Chance!", "Chance: You set me up!", "Ronan: Chance, listen to me.", "Chance: (Grunting)", "Ronan: (Grunts) No!", "Chance: I am gonna get the truth out of you if I have to beat it out of you!", "Ronan: All right! All right. All right. All right. I'll tell you everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: I don't want you giving up hope, Nina. Look, these days, there are so many more tools to find people.", "Nina: You mean, like the internet and stuff like that?", "Paul: Exactly, and now that we have a picture of him, it's a very good place to start.", "Nina: What about TV? Is that going too far?", "(Door opens)", "Paul: No, in fact, I was gonna suggest--", "Nina: Heather?", "Heather: Oh, hi. I'm so glad that you're here. I... I just saw Ronan.", "Paul: What happened?", "Heather: (Sighs) I-I had a plan. I was carrying it out. Then I saw Ronan. He made me question everything that I thought was right. Now I-I don't know who to trust anymore.", "Paul: Okay s-slow down. What was your plan, and--and what did Ronan do to confuse you?", "Heather: I don't-- just--sometimes he's so intense, you know? I... (Sighs) I know Chance thinks he's one of the bad guys.", "Nina: Well, I would trust my son. If you're gonna believe anyone, believe him.", "Paul: Uh, listen, why don't you, uh, help Heather get some tea?", "Nina: Yeah, sure. Chamomile works wonders.", "Heather: Mm.", "Nina: And if Ronan shows up, we can pour it over his head.", "Heather: (Chuckles)", "Paul: Yeah, Chris, it's me. I'm fine. Listen, um, do you have a minute? Okay. Things are getting pretty messed up here. How much do you really know about Ronan Malloy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: I wouldn't expect any response from Victor until his lawyer's had a chance to go over everything.", "Abby: How long will that take?", "Vance: A couple of days, couple of weeks. Couldn't tell you.", "Abby: And then we'll go to court?", "Vance: Not necessarily. There's a few ways this could go. The could countersue.", "Abby: My dad could sue me? For what?", "Vance: Defamation, harassment. My guess? They'll offer to settle.", "Abby: A settlement. I could live with that. (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Jack and I were just talking about Abby's lawsuit.", "Victor: I'm not gonna discuss that in front of him, all right?", "Jack: Why, because you think I'm behind it?", "Victor: I know you're behind it.", "Jack: You believe what you want. It doesn't really make any difference.", "Victor: Hmm, just for your information, her lawsuit is not gonna amount to much. Michael Baldwin and I will see to that. But she will suffer the consequences for a long time.", "Ashley: Victor, we need to sit down and talk to her. Please.", "Victor: I think this is beyond the talking stage.", "Ashley: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chance: (Sighs)", "Ronan: That's it. That's everything. Whole story. Now you know as much as I do.", "(Knock on door)", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Ronan: You just couldn't keep your big mouth shut, could you?", "Chance: Hey, at least she's telling the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Both of my daughters will have to suffer the consequences of their actions, which is the reason why I came here.", "Victor: (Sighs) Nikki and I came back from visiting both your brother Billy and Victoria. They're engaged, and she's pregnant.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: You're joking.", "Victor: I wish I were joking.", "Jack: Oh, my...", "Ashley: Aw, a baby and another wedding.", "Victor: Are you kidding me? Not if I can help it.", "Jack: As sick as it makes me to say these words, I agree with you. Our brother has no business marrying his daughter.", "Victor: Well, Jack, you and I agree for once.", "Ashley: Hold off on this. I mean, they're not teenagers. It's their business. Let it be.", "Jack: Oh, they're doing this to rile you.", "Victor: From what they told us, they plan to have the ceremony tomorrow.", "Jack: Oh, great. They're doin' this to stick it to you.", "Victor: But the law is against them. Apparently, they can't get married until a week from now, which gives us time to stop them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone rings)", "Nikki: Hello? Yes, Marie. (Sighs) Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I will never forget this. Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Hi, it's me again.", "Victoria: Oh, hey, what's up?", "Nikki: I wanted you to know that I got a hold of Judge Anderson. You remember her? We've been on charity boards together.", "Victoria: Yeah? You got a hold of her? Why?", "Nikki: Well, she called in a few favors, and got the waiting period waived for you and Billy.", "Victoria: Oh, that means that...", "Nikki: I mean that you don't have to fly all the way to Las Vegas. You can go to the clerk's office in the morning and get your marriage certificate and get married tomorrow right here at home. And that way, I can be there. I can be at the ceremony, and anybody else that you want to invite.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Mom. Thank you. (Sighs) You have no idea what this means to me.", "Nikki: Just the sound of your voice is thanks enough. Now you call me first thing, okay?", "Victoria: Okay, Mom. I totally will. I love you. I can't wait to tell Billy. Thank you.", "Billy: Tell Billy what?", "Victoria: (Sighs) My mom just gave me the best news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Vance: I'll be in touch as soon as I hear from Michael.", "Abby: Sounds good. (Sighs)", "Vance: There's something you need to think about in the meantime. If Victor refuses to settle, which he may, you need to allow me to go for the jugular or drop the suit.", "Abby: All or nothing?", "Vance: That's right.", "Abby: What exactly does \"Go for the jugular\" mean to you?", "Vance: You need to give me carte blanche to handle this case any way I see fit. Otherwise, we're just spinning our wheels. (Taps on table)", "Abby: Didn't exactly answer my question.", "Vance: Bottom line, Abby. You either trust me, or you don't. I've told you what I need in order to win this case. Now you need to decide how far you're willing to go if they don't make an offer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, the mustache just left, and your headache is worse. What is wrong with this story?", "Ashley: Oh, if only you were funny, Jack.", "Jack: Can I get you an aspirin or a cold compress?", "Ashley: I am so sick to death of all this fighting. Why can't we ever have any peace in our family?", "Jack: What fun would that be?", "Ashley: Have you seen what this stupid feud has done to Abby? Is it really how you want Billy's kids to grow up? With all this tension constantly surrounding them?", "Jack: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Thank you.", "Victoria: Okay. What did the airline say?", "Billy: They said that our tickets are canceled. No problem at all. They even waived the, uh, cancellation fee...", "Victoria: That's...", "Billy: After they heard the reason why.", "Victoria: Great. Good. This is our lucky night, I think.", "Billy: Yeah, I think we owe your mom big-time.", "Victoria: Mm, yeah, it's nice to have someone supporting us.", "Billy: Yeah. I keep waiting for it to sink in, you know? (Singsong voice) I mean, we're getting married in the morning. You're gonna be my wife.", "Victoria: (Laughs) Oh, my God. There's so much to do. Look at this list.", "Billy: (Normal voice) All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Don't make yourself crazy. You know, we could just-- we could just grab Reed and Delia, go to city hall. It's the marriage that counts, not the wedding.", "Victoria: I know. But...", "Billy: But? But what? (Impersonates Elvis Presley) You have your heart set on Elvis? Uh-huh? Uh-huh?", "Victoria: No, it's not-- not Elvis. Maybe not Elvis. But definitely not... not city hall.", "Billy: (Normal voice) Okay, well, what do you want? I'll make it happen. Tell me what you want.", "Victoria: I want to get married here in our new home, and I want our family and our kids and I want our friends to be around us.", "Billy: Well, that's perfect. Why didn't I think of that? Hmm?", "Victoria: Okay, so I'm gonna call my mom, and I'm gonna have her start making the arrangements because I...", "Billy: Okay. That sounds great, but hold on. Ooh. Ooh. Oops. That goes over here, because I would like to, uh, practice for the honeymoon just--just a little bit. Just a little. Mm.", "Victoria: That's a really good plan. Yeah.", "Billy: You like that? Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Why in the world would you help Victoria ruin her own life by encouraging her to go through with this ridiculous marriage?", "Nikki: Victor, they were going to do it anyway. By the time I got them on the phone, they had already booked airplane tickets.", "Victor: Yeah, but--", "Nikki: Look, before you light into me, I refuse to apologize for wanting to be present at my daughter's wedding.", "Victor: This marriage is a farce! Even Jack Abbott thinks so.", "Nikki: Oh, even Jack thinks-- okay, fine, then the two of you can commiserate together. I'm gonna go make some calls upstairs, because Victoria's gonna need a lot of help putting a wedding together overnight, and as her mother...", "Victor: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Nikki: I don't mind doing that.", "Victor: All right, I get it. I get it. (Sighs)", "Victor: (Sighs) This is Victor Newman. I hate to do this to my own daughter, but, um, it's for her own good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Nina is waiting for her coffee.", "Paul: Oh, good, that'll give us a chance to talk. Here, sit down. Are you feeling any better?", "Heather: I will eventually.", "Paul: Um... I noticed you didn't answer my question before. Wh-what was your plan, and how did it interfere with Ronan?", "Heather: Uh, I-I went to see Owen. I was gonna tell him everything.", "Paul: Heather!", "Heather: I--", "Paul: I thought I made it clear that was a bad idea.", "Heather: Well, I didn't go through with it.", "Paul: Well, what stopped you?", "Heather: (Sighs) There I was, looking my mentor in the eye, and hearing Ronan's voice telling me that I better keep my mouth shut, or I would be endangering his life.", "Paul: How'd you get out of it?", "Heather: I made up some excuse. I got the hell out of there, and I've been second-guessing myself ever since.", "Paul: (Sighs) Well, if it makes you feel any better, I called Christine, and she vouched for Ronan 110%.", "Nina: What? Why would she do that?", "Paul: Um, well, I called Christine to see if she hand any information on Ronan. And, uh... well, I also-- I also told her that, uh, we got a computer- enhanced photograph of, um, your son, and she said to shoot her a copy. So we'll do that, and, uh, she said she'll do whatever she can to help us find him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: You had no right to out me to anyone.", "Chloe: Yeah, well, some of us happen to think that the truth matters.", "Chance: Chloe, don't even waste your breath. Let's just get out of here, okay?", "Ronan: Yes, do.", "Chloe: Well, now do you believe me?", "Chance: Look, it's not important.", "Chloe: How can you say that? He's your brother.", "Chance: Great. The guy's my brother. He's also involved in a drug ring up to his neck, Chloe.", "Chloe: That's just more speculation.", "Chance: Ronan admitted to me that there's a big meeting going on tomorrow night, some sort of get-together. I'm planning on being there. That's when I'm gonna make my move.", "Chloe: How do you know he's just not setting you up again?", "Chance: I don't. But I don't exactly have a choice. Tomorrow night, all this ends-- good, bad, or otherwise.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: Yeah. I set it up. Yeah, Chance'll be at the warehouse tomorrow.", "Owen: How much does he know?", "Ronan: Nothing. He has no idea he's walkin' into a trap.", "Owen: It's done.", "Sid: Think he's being straight with you?", "Owen: Well, we'll find out tomorrow night. If not, you'll kill them both.", "[NEXT_ON]", "J.T.: So you and Billy are gettin' married now?", "Nick: My relationship with Sharon's gonna be a lot easier for her to understand than you running around town with some sleazy ex-con.", "Nikki: How can you do this to your own family?", "Victor: Just watch me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric and Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Thee DA decides to allow Heather to handle Sharon's pre-trial hearing, because he noticed that she has lost more cases against women lawyers. Avery and Heather are evenly matched as Avery wins a motion not to have Sharon's escape mentioned during trial and Heather wins a motion to allow a recording of an argument between Sharon and Skye to be part of prosecution evidence. Phyllis wants Kevin to be part of Lucy's life and tells him he has to visit her often. Phyllis considers allowing Lucy to call her Mommy. Jack thinks that is a wonderful idea because she should give Lucy all the love in the world.", "Chloe feels guilty because she wasn't there when Delia first got sick. She takes her anger out on Ronan who arrives at the hospital to support her. Chloe tells Ronan to leave because it is his fault that she wasn't there for Delia and that Chance can't be there with his family during this crisis. Nina tells Ronan to stay away from both Chloe and Heather, because she thinks he only wants to be with them because they were involved with Chance. Kevin Jack, Phyllis, Jill, Esther, and Victoria arrive to give Chloe moral support as she worries and cries over Delia's condition. The doctor tells the family and friends gathered that the tests show that Delia has leukemia and will need a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible. Victoria decides that it's time she look for Billy so that he can be there for Delia during this crisis.", "" ]
[ "Avery: All right, we'll get you changed and then head on over to the courthouse.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Right.", "Avery: No pressure. Simple pretrial hearing. We're just setting up some basic guidelines.", "Sharon: Yeah, well, you know how some people are about hospitals? I'm that way with courtrooms.", "Avery: Well, who can blame you? But I promise, it's not gonna hurt a bit.", "Sharon: Did you happen to mention to Nick or Noah this is happening?", "Avery: Uh, I did. I haven't heard back from them, but I'm sure one or both of them will be there today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: No, Jack. I totally get it. Kyle's first day back at school will be rough because everyone's gonna be looking at him because they've all heard what happened to his mom, and nobody's gonna know what to say.", "Jack: I just want to be there when he gets home just in case he needs to talk. I will be thinking of you and your mom, though.", "Noah: Thanks.", "Jack: Uh, listen, have you talked to Devon?", "Noah: Yeah, yeah. I told him about your offer and that I accepted, which means getting out of that deal with Tucker.", "Jack: And how did he react?", "Noah: (Scoffs) Well, not so good at first, but eventually, he understood. I just hope it's not too big of a headache you getting me out of that contract.", "Jack: Don't worry about me. I'm just glad we get a chance to work together.", "Noah: Me, too. Uh, I gotta get goin'.", "Jack: Okay, give your mom my best, okay?", "Noah: Mm, I will. See ya. Jack can't make it to the hearing.", "Nick: Uh, I figured. Kyle's gotta be his priority right now. Your mom's gonna really appreciate you being there. And if I haven't told you yet, Son, I'm very proud of you for standing by your mother.", "Noah: (Chuckles) Well, hopefully, \"Being there\" won't always entail a courtroom or prison. You think there's any way this, um, this trial could end differently? That she'll be acquitted?", "Nick: I wish I knew.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Oh, thank you.", "Sam: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Um, you kind of look like you're gonna tell me I have, like, six months to live or something.", "Sam: Well, not you, but, uh, your hot water heater, and quite frankly, I wouldn't give it six days.", "Victoria: (Gasps) Oh, really?", "Sam: It's not something you want to mess with, either. A bad heater can leak carbon monoxide, so...", "Victoria: Oh, no, I-- I don't want that. That's enough said. I'll--I'll definitely call somebody right away.", "Sam: (Chuckles) You don't have to do that. I can--I can replace it.", "Victoria: Oh. You know how?", "Sam: It's a hot water heater. I can--I can replace it.", "Victoria: All right, well, that's great. Um, well, you know, just 'cause Billy and I, we weren't really very handy. He, um, tried to replace a doorknob once and... uh, it was just a little slow-going.", "Sam: Well, they can be tricky sometimes.", "Victoria: Anyway, thank you. That's good. It's good that we can just get this taken care of right away.", "Sam: Well, it's the least I can do for you givin' me a place to stay. I'll tell you what, uh, I'm gonna head out. I want to get to the courthouse before Sharon's hearing, so, uh, take care.", "Victoria: Great. Great. Oh.", "Noah: Aunt Vicki.", "Sam: Hey, how are ya?", "Nick: Hey, Sam, how are ya? Good.", "Victoria: I guess you guys are, uh, heading to the courthouse, as well.", "Nick: Um, yeah, I didn't know you were coming.", "Victoria: Oh, well Sam is. That's the only reason I knew about it. But please tell your mom that I'm in her corner.", "Noah: Well, if you want to come tell her yourself, the more support, the better.", "Victoria: Uh, well, Dad will be there, won't he? Um, and it is his and Mom's anniversary. So I've been meaning to say something, and...", "Nick: Yeah, I would have forgotten.", "Sam: I thought your parents were divorced.", "Victoria: Well, they are, but it really doesn't matter. They kind of have their own special connection.", "Sam: (Chuckles) Right.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, I'm happy you got the flowers, Sweetheart. What else would I send? They're your favorite. I love you. Listen, I'll keep you posted, all right? I'll call you after the hearing. Bye.", "Victor: You showed up early.", "Heather: (Sighs) I wanted to go over the briefs.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: I'm still familiarizing myself with the case.", "Victor: I'm amazed you left Michael Baldwin's employment. He was about to make you partner.", "Heather: Mm. And as much as I appreciated that opportunity, I've always wanted to be a prosecutor.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. Ironic your first case is against Sharon. Have you seen Adam?", "Heather: Adam? Um, briefly.", "Victor: Did you authorize him leaving town, or what?", "Heather: That was the D.A.'s call.", "Victor: But you didn't object too strenuously now, did you?", "Heather: Adam is having surgery.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Heather: He's coming right back.", "Victor: Let me understand this. Um, you, his ex-fiancée, arranged for him to get out of town? In the meantime, you're prosecuting his ex-wife. He made it easy for you by destroying very pertinent evidence. That evidence would have cleared Sharon. It would have blown your case against her to smithereens.", "Heather: That may be how it looks to you.", "Victor: You better hope it doesn't look that way to the judge. Otherwise, your career will be very short-lived the second time around.", "Spencer: All right, new plan. I'm taking second chair at this hearing. You're gonna be going toe-to-toe against Avery Bailey Clark.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Hey, are you guys gonna do story time at the library today?", "Woman: I think Lucy looks happy right where she is.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) I don't want to let her go. She's so sweet.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Phyllis: You know, Summer felt the same way. Summer wanted to put Lucy in her backpack and show her off to the entire class.", "Woman: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: Refill?", "Phyllis: Yeah, sure. Thanks. Hey, Lucy, say hi to your Uncle Kevin.", "Kevin: (Chuckles) Hi.", "Phyllis: That's okay, right?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I-I wasn't sure how cool you'd be with it.", "Phyllis: You know, I-I fought for custody of Lucy so she could spend time with her real family. That was the purpose, and that includes you. I-I don't want to exclude you.", "Kevin: Thank you.", "Phyllis: But it comes with responsibility, you know. You have to come around, visit. You have to go to her school plays...", "Lucy: (Babbles)", "Phyllis: And cheer her on. (Chuckles) Yeah, you have a fan club already, Lucy. I'm the president. That's right. I'm gonna be there for all your milestones, big and little, every single one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Gasps) Where's--where's Delia? Where--", "Jill: They're running some tests.", "Chloe: (Gasps) Where? Where is she?", "Jill: I'm not sure, Honey. Your mother's with her.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, my God. What hap--what happened? Just tell me. I mean--", "Jill: Well, her fever spiked, and we don't know why, which I explained to you in the many, many messages I left. Where were you, Chloe?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Spencer: I'm tryin' to test out a theory of mine.", "Heather: What theory?", "Spencer: I've been reviewing Avery's cases. Statistically, she's more likely to lose when going up against a female prosecutor. Now I don't know why that would be.", "Heather: That--that's probably just coincidence.", "Spencer: Or maybe she has some kind of hang-up. Let's find out what we're dealing with before she goes to trial.", "Avery: (Sighs) I broke my shoe heel. Can you believe? On the first day of court. (Grunts) (Sighs)", "Avery: Yeah, that works. Okay. (Sighs)", "Heather: I can do this.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Noah: Hi.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Hey, you came.", "Noah: Of course we came.", "Sharon: Oh, my. Thank you. (Chuckles)", "Nick: I didn't think we should bring Faith.", "Sharon: Oh, um, no. No, probably not.", "Nick: But she wishes you luck and blew you a kiss.", "Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, she's so cute! Look at that. (Laughs)", "Sam: Hey, you all right?", "Sharon: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Uh, Faith blew me a kiss.", "Nick: Here.", "Sharon: It's so cute.", "Victoria: Oh, she is cute.", "Sam: She's a cutie.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victor: You look beautiful.", "Sharon: Thank you. Thank you for the dress and for Avery.", "Victor: Seeing you home with your children is thanks enough.", "Sharon: Well, here we go.", "Victoria: Uh, Mom e-mailed me a picture of the flowers that you sent her-- very pretty.", "Victor: Wish I'd been able to deliver them in person.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Nick: She seems like she's doin' pretty well in rehab.", "Victor: Yeah.", "Nick: I sure hope she gets home soon.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Sam: You know what? I think I'm gonna head in.", "Victoria: Oh, me, too.", "Victor: Seems like a nice guy. I thought they might get along.", "Nick: Yeah, he does seem like a nice guy.", "Victor: Hopefully someone she can depend on.", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Avery: No sweat.", "Man: All rise. The Honorable Judge Henry P. Morrison presiding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nina: You want something to drink?", "Ronan: Um, no, thanks. I'm good. Is Chloe here by chance?", "Nina: Oh, you heard she was looking for you?", "Ronan: Yeah, she found me.", "Nina: She did?", "Ronan: Yeah, and, um, the conversation didn't go so well, so I'm here to... I'm here to apologize.", "Nina: To Chloe? You want to apologize?", "Ronan: Yes.", "Nina: She went to talk to you about making thing right with me, and you apparently weren't up for that, but now you want to make things right with her?", "Ronan: Um... (Sighs) Is she here?", "Nina: Are you interested in Chloe?", "Ronan: (Scoffs) I don't really see how that-- any of that's your business.", "Nina: Oh, my God, you are. What is the matter with you?", "Ronan: What? Excuse me?", "Nina: What is this? Belated sibling rivalry? Because she was involved with your brother at one time, a-all of a sudden, she's irresistible?", "Ronan: Okay, first off, I don't see how that's really fair to Chloe. And by--", "Nina: No, it's not fair to Chloe. And what about Heather?", "Ronan: Heather... Heather has, um, learned her lesson when it comes to me.", "Nina: Well, it seems Chloe has, too, or you wouldn't be here to grovel, would you? Why don't you just leave these poor girls alone?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: She left there? Okay, well, when is she coming back? Because we've been waiting for the last-- (Sighs) She's here. Thank--thank you. Hi, Sweetie Pie. Hi. Mwah. I heard you don't feel very good, huh? Oh, my God, Mom, she's burning up. She's absolutely burning up.", "Esther: Oh, Dr. Larson, this is my daughter Chloe, Delia's mother.", "Chloe: Oh, hi. Hi, Doctor. What's going on?", "Dr. Larson: Hello. I don't have a definitive answer for you yet.", "Jill: But have you narrowed it down?", "Dr. Larson: The blood test you did at the pediatrician's office showed some immature cells in the bloodstream which might indicate a problem with the bone marrow.", "Chloe: What--what is that? An infection?", "Dr. Larson: We'll need to do a bone marrow test to be sure.", "Jill: Another test?", "Dr. Larson: I'll send someone in with some forms for you to sign.", "Chloe: Okay, thank you. This is really serious. This has to be serious. Mom, what if something's wrong with her? What if something's wrong?", "Esther: It--it's gonna be all right, Honey. It's gonna be okay.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Hi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You know, I was worried about her being able to adjust to a new home and everything, but, uh, you guys look like you're doin' great.", "Phyllis: We are doing great. We have fun together.", "Kevin: Do you, um, do you ever hear from Daisy?", "Phyllis: Uh, yeah. Sometimes she writes. You know, she asks about Lucy.", "Kevin: Do you tell her?", "Phyllis: You know, I-I don't-- I don't get into detail. I don't think that's really wise. I mean, I-I just-- I just said that I would help her with her defense, and that's what I'm doing.", "Kevin: Right. So it's not like you're trying to form any sort of bond between her and Lucy.", "Phyllis: No, I'm definitely not doing that.", "Kevin: Okay.", "Phyllis: You know, really, its better this way. I don't--I don't want her to get her hands on Lucy.", "Kevin: Right. Right. I mean, it is sad, though. She's never gonna have anybody that she can call mommy.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Kevin: Excuse me. Hey, Esther. The hospital? What? Is it Mrs. C.? Delia? Wh- what happened?", "Phyllis: (Whispers) What?", "Kevin: Okay, I'm on my way.", "Phyllis: (Normal voice) What--what's wrong? Is Delia--", "Kevin: It's Delia. She's sick. She's really sick. I, um, I gotta--I gotta-- I gotta go.", "Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. No, go, go. Go. Go.", "Kevin: I'll be back, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Kevin'll be here soon.", "Jill: Billy's the one we have to get in touch with.", "Chloe: Well, that's not happening, Jill, and he made sure of it.", "Jill: And we know why that is, don't we, Chloe?", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Because he's an irresponsible jerk.", "Esther: Shh! Not in front of Delia.", "Chloe: She's asleep, Mom. She's okay.", "Jill: If you would have let him have access to his daughter, he never would have left the country.", "Chloe: Excuse me, but he was out of control, and he's not going anywhere near my daughter, and I cannot believe that you are actually attacking me right now.", "Esther: Okay, stop, both of you, right now.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "(Door opens)", "Chloe: Hi. Oh, are you ready to take her?", "Dr. Larson: We won't be long.", "Chloe: Okay. Okay. Hi, Baby. Hi. Hi. You have to wake up for a little bit, okay? Okay, come on. Get out of bed. Oh, easy. Careful. Come here. Good girl. Slowly. There you go. Okay? Okay, come here. Mwah. I'll see you in a little bit, okay? Be good. Okay. I love you.", "Chloe: (Voice breaking) I have forgiven Billy for so many things, but not this, not for abandoning our daughter.", "Esther: Oh, Chloe.", "Chloe: (Sobs)", "Esther: Oh, it's okay. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.", "Chloe: (Sniffles) (Sobs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: As you're no doubt aware, in the first trial, the D.A. brazenly flouted the judge's rulings, repeatedly bringing up Mrs. Newman's previous criminal conduct and personal behavior in front of a jury. Objections were sustained, of course, but the damage was done, and I'm astonished that a mistrial wasn't demanded on the spot. I would appreciate any assurance your honor can give me that there will be no further prosecutorial misconduct.", "Judge Morrison: Ms. Stevens, Mr. Walsh, consider yourselves forewarned.", "Heather: Your honor, Mrs. Newman took the stand and put her own credibility at issue.", "Judge Morrison: Inadmissible is inadmissible, Ms. Stevens.", "Avery: For the same reasons, we ask that you not allow any references to Mrs. Newman's escape.", "Heather: (Scoffs) She fled this very courtroom moments after she was convicted. You can't argue that's not relevant.", "Avery: It has no bearing on anything to do with the night Skye Lockhart died. If the state wants to try Mrs. Newman for escape, they can do so, but that has nothing to do with this trial.", "Judge Morrison: I'm going to grant your request.", "Heather: Your honor, I--", "Judge Morrison: Let me finish. You'll have the option to raise the subject again, but you must first seek my permission outside the jury's hearing. Any violation of this ruling will be grounds for immediate mistrial, and you better have your checkbook handy, because I'll be citing you for contempt. Is that clear?", "Heather: Yes, Sir.", "Sharon: (Whispers) It's going really well.", "Avery: (Quietly) You ain't seen nothin' yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: What are they doing to study?", "Esther: They're doing another test on her now.", "Jill: (Sighs) Her bone marrow.", "Kevin: Bone marrow?", "Jill: Yeah, only don't ask them what that might mean, because they won't say.", "Esther: Let me take you to Chloe.", "Jack: Hey, do they know anything more?", "Jill: I'm telling you, the only blessing in all this is that Delia is so out of it, she is not as scared as the rest of us are.", "Jack: Oh, Billy is gonna kick himself for not being here.", "Jill: (Sighs) Well, he'll have to take a number. (Sighs) And do yourself a favor-- don't bring him up to Chloe unless you want your head bitten off.", "Jack: This is an awful lot for her to handle alone.", "Jill: You know, to hear her lately, she doesn't need Billy, and nobody can tell her any differently. Well, I'll bet she's rethinking that now. (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Sighs) Can you believe this?", "Kevin: No.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) God, my eye. Oh, my eye is twitching. You know how it does that stupid thing whenever I'm stressing out?", "Kevin: Well, there's lots of doctors around here. We can get you something for it.", "Chloe: No, I'll be fine once they fix Delia.", "Kevin: I thought you said she was feeling better.", "Chloe: She was. She was. She was--she was fine. I mean, I never would have left her if she wasn't, and then my mom was taking her to the zoo. And she just-- she wasn't up for it. (Scoffs)", "Kevin: Not up for the zoo? Jeez.", "Chloe: No, I mean, her-- I guess her fever just kept on getting worse and worse. I got here, and she was burning up.", "Kevin: What, you didn't-- you didn't bring her here?", "Chloe: Uh... (Sighs) No, I--my phone was turned off, and they couldn't get in touch with me.", "Kevin: Why didn't they just call you at work?", "Chloe: Because I wasn't there. (Sighs)", "Kevin: Well, where, um, what's--what's goin' on? You can tell me. I'm not gonna judge you.", "Chloe: You will. And you should. (Scoffs) (Scoffs) I was with Ronan.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Well, that's okay. That's okay. Beating yourself up about it is not gonna help Delia.", "Chloe: No, because she needed me. What was I doing?", "Kevin: Well, you're here now, okay?", "Chloe: (Sobs)", "Kevin: You're here now, and she still needs you, so you gotta keep it together, all right?", "Chloe: (Sobs)", "Kevin: Come here. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: (Chuckles)", "Nina: I certainly hope you're not laughing at me.", "Ronan: No, I'm not. But, uh, it is a little funny, though, isn't it? This whole mother hen thing for Chloe? You haven't exactly been her biggest fan.", "Nina: She wasn't right for Chance. But the breakup was hard on her, and she still feels it. I know she does. And I think you know it, too, and you're planning to take advantage.", "Ronan: Is that what you think of me?", "Nina: Well, you took advantage of me and Chance and our goodwill to get what you want. Why not Chloe?", "Ronan: Okay, now I, uh, I don't expect you to understand why I've had to do the things I've had--", "Nina: How can I understand it when you won't tell me?!", "Ronan: You could give me the benefit of the doubt.", "Nina: You're kidding, right? (Scoffs) I promised myself I wouldn't do this. I don't want to fight with you, but you are the most exasperating human being I've ever met!", "Ronan: Yeah, not the first time I've heard that.", "Nina: You won't tell me where you went, why you left, how you could do what you did, and I'm sorry. You're disappointed in me because I don't trust you?", "Ronan: So I guess I can't expect any different, right?", "Nina: No, you can't.", "Ronan: Okay, right. Is Chloe here?", "Nina: No.", "Ronan: No?", "Nina: She's not. She's at the hospital. She--Delia is very sick. Don't be bothering her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You shared your concerns with the D.A. already?", "Victor: I pointed out Heather's obvious conflict of interest. And I can see they didn't take my objection too seriously. He put her in charge.", "Avery: Thank you for bringing this to my attention.", "Victor: You bet.", "Avery: Victor was just bringing me up to speed on your romantic history with Adam Newman.", "Heather: That is completely irrelevant to what we're doing here.", "Avery: I couldn't agree more. I won't be bringing it up to the judge. If you were worried, don't be. (Scoffs) Damn shoe. (Sighs)", "Spencer: Don't let her rile you.", "Heather: (Scoffs)", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Oh, excuse me. Hello?", "Kevin: Victoria, hi. It's Kevin. I need to find Billy right away.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, uh, good luck with that. Why?", "Kevin: Uh, Delia is in the hospital. They don't know what's wrong yet. They're running all kinds of tests.", "Victoria: What? Um, okay, um, I'm coming. I'll--I'll be right there. Delia's in the hospital.", "Sam: That's your stepdaughter, right? Well, I'm sorry to hear that.", "Victoria: I'll keep you posted, okay? Damn it, Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: I'm gonna go get you that coffee.", "Chloe: Okay, thanks.", "Jack: So how's my girl? Feel a little tired? Well, that's your body fightin' off germs, givin' 'em all karate chops. It's okay. Close your eyes. You can rest now.", "Jack: How's her mom doin'?", "Chloe: (Sobs) I'm losing it. I think I'm gonna have to make some really big decisions, Jack, and I'm just not prepared for it.", "Jack: Chloe, you're a wonderful mom.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Jack: You have been since the day she was born. I know firsthand, remember? You lived with me. You've already made some very tough choices, some difficult decisions where she's concerned. If you ask me, she's in the very best of hands.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Nina: You guys have been waiting here all this time and no answers?", "Jill: Yeah. (Sighs) It's pretty excruciating when your child's life is in danger, as you know.", "Nina: Yeah, I do.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Nina: Hi.", "Victoria: I just heard.", "Jill: It was really nice of you to come.", "Victoria: Where's Chloe?", "Jill: Waiting there where Jack's coming out.", "Victoria: Thanks.", "Jack: Hey. What are you doing here?", "Phyllis: I thought maybe Chloe could use a friend. It looks like you can, too.", "Victoria: Kevin called me. I--did he not tell you? I...", "Chloe: No, no.", "Victoria: Well, I-I think that he wanted me to help track down Billy, but I'm really sorry. I have no idea where--", "Chloe: You know what? Can you just not bring up his name right now? 'Cause it just makes me a little crazy.", "Victoria: Yeah, I hear you. She's so beautiful. Hey, Delia.", "Chloe: Hey.", "Victoria: You know what? You're gonna have to hurry up and get better, 'cause the next time Reed's in town, I know he's gonna want to hang out with you, and I know we're gonna have to do something really fun, like go play miniature golf or something.", "Chloe: Mm.", "Delia: Daddy, too?", "Victoria: Um...", "Delia: I want Daddy.", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, I know that he misses you, too, and he wishes he was here, because he loves you so much.", "Chloe: You know what? I'm gonna be right back, okay? Be right back. Excuse me.", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Sighs shakily) (Sighs) (Sniffles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Judge Morrison: The court is in receipt of the defense motion to exclude the audio file from evidence.", "Heather: Uh, that audio was already ruled admissible in the first trial.", "Judge Morrison: This is not the first trial, and I am not the same judge.", "Avery: Neither Mrs. Newman nor Ms. Lockhart consented to that recording. It was made by a hiker on Kilauea Mountain and later sold for a considerable profit. The Wisconsin statute against eavesdropping bars its use as evidence.", "Heather: Uh, that statute in question was intended to restrain law enforcement from improper wire taps.", "Avery: It was intended to protect private conversations, and if I may say so, this seems to me a clear case where the prosecutor's judgment has been impacted by her personal bias against the defendant.", "Heather: That is untrue, and I resent the implication.", "Judge Morrison: You better be able to back that up, Counselor.", "Avery: Perhaps your honor is unaware that Miss Stevens was once engaged to Adam Newman who shortly thereafter married Mrs. Newman, the defendant.", "Judge Morrison: I'm obliged to remind you that any ethical violations in these proceedings will be referred to the state bar for review.", "Heather: It won't be an issue.", "Judge Morrison: As to the matter of the audio recording, I've read the brief, and I'm inclined to agree with Ms. Clark.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: What the hell are you doing here?", "Ronan: I heard about Delia. Is she okay?", "Chloe: No. No, actually she's not okay. Something is seriously wrong.", "Ronan: I'm so sorry.", "Chloe: Wait. Please. Spare yourself. Don't act like you're actually broken up about this.", "Ronan: What? Chloe, I really am.", "Chloe: You don't even know my daughter, okay? We would have Chance here right now. She would have Chance if it weren't for you. You made us all think that he was dead. But thanks to you and your stupid case, we don't have him here, so thank you.", "Ronan: So, Chloe, you're-- you're upset with me because, uh--", "Chloe: Because I was with you today when my daughter needed me, okay? That's why. And I made the same stupid mistake that I made last time. I'm such an idiot. (Scoffs)", "Ronan: Okay, hey. Here's what we're gonna do-- we're gonna find the doctor first, and we're gonna find out what's wrong with Delia, and we can talk about us later. We can talk--", "Chloe: Okay, no, you know what? You--no, thank you. You need to leave me alone, and I don't need to deal with you at all, okay?", "Ronan: Chloe, I don't-- I just want to help you.", "Chloe: No, just leave me alone. Leave. Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I was out of my mind-- out of my mind when Summer was sick and I thought I was going to lose her. I mean, you feel so powerless. My heart goes out to Chloe.", "Jack: At least you had Nick with you. Chloe's doin' this on her own.", "Phyllis: What-- what is going on? Can we find Billy? I mean--", "Jack: I've gotta find him somehow, if only for Delia. I mean, at least she's got her mother. That's the important thing.", "Phyllis: Do you think it would be crazy if I let Lucy call me \"Mommy\"?", "Jack: Where is that coming from?", "Phyllis: Well, it's just com--you know, it-- she's never gonna know Daisy ever. And she hears Summer calling me \"Mommy\" all the time. I mean, I don't want her to feel left out.", "Jack: How do you think Daniel would feel about that?", "Phyllis: Oh, Daniel's out of it, Jack. He's not even in the picture. He doesn't even care. I don't--I don't know if that's ever gonna change. This is crazy. It's nutty, isn't it? Its nuts.", "Jack: No, no, no, no. I--listen, I think it's beautiful. I'm never going to approve of the way you got Lucy, but as long as you have her, treat her with love and understanding and compassion.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Um, the test results are ready, and I just--I don't want to do it in front of Delia, so we can do it here, okay?", "Dr. Larson: Why don't we go to my office where it's more private? We can sit and talk about what's going on.", "Chloe: No, no, no, um, that means that its bad news, and you don't want me to get upset in front of everyone. It's fine. You just tell me what's wrong with my little girl right now.", "Dr. Larson: Delia has acute myelogenous leukemia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Your honor, the probative value of that recording far outweighs any concerns the court may have about how it was obtained. The eavesdropping statute does not apply. The hiker unintentionally captured the argument between the defendant and Ms. Lockhart.", "Avery: Is your honor willing to open a loophole that wide?", "Heather: Furthermore, the time to have raised this issue would have been before the filing deadline to challenge the state's exhibits had already passed.", "Judge Morrison: A salient point, Ms. Clark.", "Avery: Um, uh, your honor could allow the motion on an emergency basis.", "Heather: How many more \"Emergencies\" does the defense have planned? We may never get to trial.", "Judge Morrison: Motion is denied.", "(Bangs gavel)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Are you, um, you--you can cure that, right? (Stammers) You can cure it, right?", "Dr. Larson: Delia will need a bone marrow transplant. It's a difficult procedure. We have to eliminate the existing bone marrow and then replace it.", "Chloe: Okay, well, but then after that, she's gonna be okay, right?", "Dr. Larson: There's every reason to believe she'll grow up to lead a normal, healthy life.", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Voice breaking) Okay, um...", "Esther: That's good.", "Chloe: But what-- what do we do first?", "Dr. Larson: Find a donor.", "Chloe: Okay, well, I can do that. That's me. I-I can do that.", "Dr. Larson: We'll test to see if you're a match. You might not be.", "Chloe: Um, I do that at the lab, right?", "Dr. Larson: It's just a matter of swabbing your cheek. They're backed up right now. I'd wait a few minutes.", "Chloe: Okay. (Sniffles) Um, I-I need to go see Delia.", "Esther: Uh-huh. I'll go, Honey.", "(Pager beeps)", "Dr. Larson: I'll be back to answer your questions.", "Kevin: She's got more than she can handle right now. You can't be here.", "Chloe: (Sobs) (Sniffles) (Voice breaking) You are gonna be okay. (Sighs) You're gonna be okay. (Sniffles) You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. (Sobs) (Sniffles) You're gonna be okay.", "Phyllis: Wow, this is absolutely awful.", "Kevin: Of all the people for this to happen to.", "Nina: I wish I could tell Chance. I know he'd want to get tested, too.", "Victoria: We have to find Billy.", "Jack: Yeah, the question is, how?", "Victoria: I don't know. I don't care what I have to do, but... I'm gonna bring him back to his little girl.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: After that performance, I have complete faith in you.", "Avery: I wish I could say the same about you.", "Michael: Do you really think you'll be able to avoid each other forever?", "Phyllis: Yes, I do.", "Chloe: What if I fail?", "Kay: When it comes to our children--not an option." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Tucker persuades Sharon to go into Fairview by telling her of a woman he knew before he met Ashley that had to go into a place like Fairview and came out stronger from the experience. Nick and Victoria decide to stabilize Newman Enterprises as much as they can in the three days they were given by the court. Genevieve becomes a double agent when she takes money from Billy to become Victor's shadow and let him know as soon as he remembers something about his family. Billy returns home to Victoria and feels conflicted because he is hiding the fact that Victor is in LA and has amnesia. Billy also wants to get payback because Victor kept him prisoner in Myanmar.", "Avery and Paul try to find the video of Ricky killing his girlfriend Rachel to prove that Ricky was a threat to him and Eden so Paul had to shoot him in self-defense. Paul is angry with Heather because she got rid of Ricky's things without giving him a choice, but Heather tells Paul she wanted to keep him from suffering anymore. \"Christian\" admits to Sister Celeste that he can't remember his life, but he feels that he is an orphan, but there is someone who loves him very much. Sharon is shocked when she is put in a holding room at Fairview while they process her papers, and Daisy is in the same room with her.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Well, you know, technically, it hasn't been a full 24 hours, so Sharon doesn't have to admit herself to the hospital right this second.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it's coming up fast. Sharon either reports to Fairview to be psychologically evaluated or she gets removed as C.E.O. at Newman. And if Sharon's as messed up as we think she is, the judge could decide she's unfit and remove her permanently.", "Victoria: Whether or not she's lost her mind, she's lost her dignity and she's lost her decency, so if she loses her job or anything else because of this, it's all her doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Good morning.", "Sharon: Morning.", "Tucker: How you feelin'?", "Sharon: Well, last night certainly made things more interesting, except for the part where Adam showed up.", "Tucker: Well, maybe I should have closed the door before he got a chance to see you.", "Sharon: Adam is married now, and I have my own life.", "Tucker: Not that that life is all rose petals and sunshine, though, huh?", "Sharon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: You want to talk about your decision or, um, you want some coffee first?", "Sharon: Coffee's not gonna help me decide. Either walk away from Newman without a fight, or walk into Fairview. It's like walking into hell.", "Tucker: And I think you have to do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Voice mail isn't going to cut it, Tucker. We need to talk about me staying put. Me residing at the mission to keep an eye on Victor is wreaking havoc on my back and on my skin. I'll call you back.", "Billy: Genny, Genny, Genny. How you doin'? You have time to talk for a bit?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: If Ricky recorded his murder of Rachel and that recording still exists, it will help you.", "Paul: Look, this video is proof... that Ricky was not just a killer. He was sick enough to keep the footage and offer to show it to somebody else. I wish to god the recording didn't exist.", "Avery: Well, I am glad the recording exists, because we need that video. Look... Ricky-- he was who he was, he did what he did, and there's nothing that we can do to change that now. What we can do is keep you out of jail, and that's what I plan on doing. I just--I need a starting place, so help me--help me find this footage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Hi.", "Daniel: Hi.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: What?", "Victoria: You're brooding. Are you tied up in knots about Fairview because of Faith and--and Noah, or is it because of Sharon?", "Nick: It's for the kids. I pushed for this competency hearing. Once you found the stash of items that Sharon's been stealing, I knew that was the answer to get Sharon out of Newman, but honestly, I didn't see this coming. Sharon back at Fairview-- I thought the judge was just gonna remove her as C.E.O., not have her committed.", "Victoria: It's 72 hours' observation. She's not being institutionalized, and honestly, Nick, she married our father, she called off the search for him, she fired his security team, and she stole from your daughter. Now those are all things that scream \"Unstable\" to me.", "Nick: You'd think Sharon choosing to be with Adam would be the most bizarre choice she ever made for her life, but once he was out of the picture, I thought we were home free...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Nick: And now Adam's married and playing the doting husband. Sharon's the one who's taking advantage and taking things way too far.", "Victoria: Well, consider this her wake-up call.", "Nick: Vick, there is no way Noah and Faith are not gonna be impacted by this. They're gonna hear stuff. They're gonna see stuff. Noah already has.", "Victoria: Nick, your kids are gonna be okay because they have you. They have one reliable, sane parent who loves them, who's always gonna be there for them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Would you like some juice or a bagel?", "Sharon: You really think I should give in? You think I should go to Fairview?", "Tucker: You know... (Sighs) I've been thinking about what you told me last night, about Nick and Victoria wanting to beat you... and even though I don't hold any stock in what they say, I know you do. You need to show that you're not incompetent, that you're not crazy, and just because it comes out of their mouths doesn't make it true.", "Sharon: No, it certainly doesn't, but being there, in that place-- Faith was born there, and I thought she died there. Faith was a promise that Cassie made to Nick and me, and losing her meant losing that last little part of Cassie. It was months of agony and grief, and even though I have Faith back, it doesn't just go away. I mean, what if some of those feelings come back when I'm there? What if I get angry or upset or depressed? What are the doctors gonna think, that I'm crazy? How do I go there and come out the same person?", "Tucker: You do it like other people have, and don't say it's not possible. It is. I know that for a fact.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sister Celeste: I suspect you're working too hard.", "Victor: Is there such a thing?", "Sister Celeste: (Chuckles) Yes, if it takes medication to get you through your day. You're gonna have to be a little kinder to your heart. (Laughs) We haven't even started on your mind and spirit.", "Victor: Well, maybe there's a pill for that, too.", "Sister Celeste: Christian, you know that I want to hear more about you, and I know you've--you're not, uh, much of a talker. I usually respect those boundaries, but in your case, I really think I'm gonna have to push a little, so, um, Christian, are you sure that you are okay? And--and don't just say \"Of course.\" I want you to think about that for a moment, because you do trust me, right? You have to believe that you can trust me. Are you okay?", "Victor: No, I'm not.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "Victor: I'm afraid. I don't know where I am, who I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So it's time for me to head back to the missus and the gang.", "Genevieve: Hmm. Bringing a gift for the baby? \"Daddy went to Los Angeles and all he brought me back was this lousy shot glass.\"", "Billy: (Laughs sarcastically) No, but I need someone to keep an eye on Victor. Congratulations, you're hired.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Well, a computer obviously makes the most sense for where the footage might be.", "Paul: Right. Ricky had a laptop, but I'll bet you anything that once Bryce tipped him off that he was being investigated, he would have wiped it off the hard drive.", "Avery: Oh, come on. You and I both know that nothing is really deleted off a computer, ever. Get fired up, Paul. We still have a shot.", "Heather: Mm.", "Avery: Photo album, knapsack, Phyllis' patient file from Tim Reid, uh, various knickknacks.", "Paul: Boy, no laptop, computer, nothing?", "Avery: Mnh-mnh.", "Paul: Wow. Who knows? Maybe Ricky ditched the whole thing.", "Avery: Okay, this is not the time to give up.", "Paul: I'm not. Maybe we should take a look at some of those other items. They'll lead us in a different direction. His things are still at the station?", "Avery: Uh... it says it's delivered to Ricky's next of kin, Heather.", "Paul: Oh. Chris told me that it was delivered to Heather. I forgot. Wow. So this has been on Heather's mind this whole time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Oh, it's, uh, really rude of me to show up here unannounced.", "Heather: It's true. You know, I'm a stickler for manners. You should probably get some.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) Oh, no. Oh, we didn't break it, did we?", "Heather: Let me see, let me see. Nope, it's still perfect, but we can try to break a lamp next time, if you want, 'cause I'd kind of be into that.", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "(Cell phone alert chimes)", "Daniel: Oh. Ohh, daddy alert.", "Heather: Is Lucy okay?", "Daniel: Yeah, she's fine, but, uh, sitter's got an emergency, needs me to go pick her up right away.", "Heather: Or, if you-- if you want, you could have the babysitter bring Lucy here.", "Daniel: I'll call her right now.", "Heather: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Tucker, are you talking about Ashley? Because I know that you were getting to know her when I found out about Faith.", "Tucker: (Sighs) (Clears throat) No. Someone else. Maybe that's why, uh, none of that scared me off about Ashley... because of another woman, a long time ago. She was a lot like you, actually. She was beautiful, strong, smart, back in those days. You know, she didn't start out with much, but she was determined to keep moving. She was always going forward.", "Sharon: And how did she end up in a place like Fairview?", "Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Life got messy. She was overwhelmed, other people thought they knew best what to do with her, so she went in. I visited her every single day. I tried to make her laugh when she needed it. Sometimes I just let her cry. She hated feeling so isolated, you know? Different, forgotten.", "Sharon: Yeah. What ended up happening?", "Tucker: One day, she walked out of there stronger than ever, and that's the way it's gonna be for you. You'll show that judge, the lawyers, the Newmans, but most importantly, you'll show yourself. That's what really matters here. I believe you can do it. The question is, do you believe it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs) When you say you're lost, what--", "Victor: Well, I... I don't know. I can tell you about the buses I've been on or the meals I've paid for, but anything that happened before a few weeks ago-- I just don't remember.", "Sister Celeste: Christian, you could have a-a-a wife, a family, people who miss you.", "Victor: I feel that there is someone somewhere... but I don't know who.", "Sister Celeste: How lonely you must be.", "Victor: I-I-I just... I somehow feel that I... lost everyone... years ago.", "Sister Celeste: Lost how?", "Victor: I just get this strange feeling that... there's no one. I'm an orphan, you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: I'm hired. How flattering, but I didn't apply, so go flatter somebody else.", "Billy: Oh, oh, wait, hold on. I do believe-- yes, I do have in my possession a picture of you and Victor looking rather naughty.", "Genevieve: (Laughing)", "Billy: That can still go viral.", "Genevieve: Oh, come on. You think that weak blackmail is gonna get me to call you \"Boss\"? I think not.", "Billy: Come on now, it's not that weak, and besides, I'm perfectly willing to sweeten the pot. You said you work for Tucker, I'm assuming not for free.", "Genevieve: Continue your train of thought before I respond.", "Billy: I have money, and I'm highly motivated to compensate you handsomely, unless of course Tucker is your sole employer.", "Genevieve: Uh, I am my sole employer, but talk is cheap.", "Billy: Oh, right, talk is cheap.", "Genevieve: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Oops, looking rather thin.", "Billy: Oops, it's all hundreds, and there's plenty more waiting where that came from after your first employee assessment.", "Genevieve: Nice.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Genevieve: Okay, Billy... tell me what it is that you would like me to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So... if Sharon does admit herself--", "Nick: Then we'll have exactly three days to stabilize Newman as much as possible.", "Victoria: Yes, we'll have to calm the stockholders and the board members. Speaking of which, we still have a wild card in that mix.", "Nick: Tucker. There's gotta be some reason he was hanging out with Sharon so much.", "Victoria: Well, at least at Fairview, she won't be able to see him. That's something. We're gonna have to keep our eye on him.", "Nick: Nah, I'll cover that, since you'll be dazzling the board as C.E.O.", "Victoria: Which you're-- you're cool with that, right? I mean, you know, I'm, like, the prodigal daughter that quit, and you stayed...", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Victoria: And you worked at Newman. I mean, is there a little tiny bit of annoyance that I'm stepping in as C.E.O.?", "Nick: I was fired from Newman officially, like, five minutes ago, but don't worry. I'll be dealing with the board, angling behind the scenes. They want you as C.E.O., but not as much as I do.", "Victoria: Well, good. Good, good, good. So then it's okay that I am completely excited and psyched, but I've just been stuffing it down because I didn't want you to hate me.", "Nick: (Chuckles) Have at it. Seriously, fix what you can so that when Dad gets back, Newman is alive and kicking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Look, I don't have proof of anything. It's just what I'm, you know, what I feel in my gut.", "Sister Celeste: Now look, l-let me ask around, maybe find a-a neurologist, make some sense out of this memory loss.", "Victor: Yeah. But, you know, that woman there, she's a nurse. She--she's very helpful.", "Sister Celeste: Mm-hmm. Do you trust her?", "Victor: Yeah. You don't?", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs) I can only tell you what I feel in my gut. There's something... uh, off, about her. I meet a lot of people. There's--there's nothing about human nature that surprises me anymore, but there are some people that just like to take advantage, and she--she strikes me as that type, and I-I can't have that infecting the people and the things that matter to me.", "Victor: Yeah, but she--", "Sister Celeste: No, I mean, things like... you know, the mission, people like you.", "Victor: Yeah, but she-- she brought me all the medication. She helped me.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "Billy: In exchange for a respectable fee, you will become Victor's personal stalker. Every move he makes, every breath he takes...", "Genevieve: I'll be watching him? Uh, I don't think that's possible.", "Billy: Oh, it's very possible. You're resourceful. Get a job near his. Get a job here, I don't care, but if he remembers anything, you send up a flare, and the more I know, the more money you get.", "Genevieve: Wow, you are sitting on a heap of seething resentment, to keep your wife's father away from his own family.", "Billy: Victor's safe. No harm in keeping him on ice for awhile. Besides, you're here. You're gonna make sure he stays... (Deep voice) Strong like bull.", "Genevieve: What's your plan after that, Billy?", "Billy: (Inhales sharply) (Normal voice) Well, that is on a need-to-know. Right now, I'm headed back to Genoa City. Do we have a deal?", "Genevieve: As long as you keep paying, yeah, we do.", "Billy: Good. Hey, guys.", "Sister Celeste: Oh.", "Victor: Hi.", "Billy: So it's time for me to head back home. It was a pleasure meeting you, pleasure playing darts with you.", "Victor: Yeah, you, too. It was--it was fun. It was fun.", "Billy: You know, you're a good guy, Christian.", "Genevieve: (Coughs)", "Billy: I think our paths will cross again.", "Victor: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Lucy, I love your hair. I think you should do mine sometime. You don't want to do it now? She wants to do her nails first? I think its nails first.", "Daniel: Look at you go.", "Heather: Yeah, I'm a mild-mannered A.D.A. by day and a nail maven by night. Both jobs actually pay about the same, in all seriousness. I've done the research.", "Daniel: (Laughs)", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Hey.", "Paul: Hi, Sweetheart. How are you? Everything okay?", "Heather: Hey. Uh-huh.", "Paul: Good. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company.", "Heather: No, no, no, um...", "Daniel: Yeah, um, we're not, uh, really company, guests.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Daniel: Um, we, uh, came over here to see Kevin, and he wasn't around.", "Heather: Yeah, and I happened to be in the hall, and Lucy needed a change, so...", "Daniel: Yeah, but we got sidetracked by nail polish...", "Heather: Yes.", "Daniel: So we should probably--oh, I know-- go and change that stinky diaper. Come on, stinky pants.", "Heather: It's been quite a day.", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Heather: What's up?", "Paul: Well, I, um, I came to pick up that box of Ricky's things. I never should have let them dump that on you this whole time, so I'll--I'll take it off your hands.", "Heather: I got rid of it.", "Paul: Heather, you-- you got rid of Ricky's things?", "Heather: Yeah.", "Paul: There might have been evidence in there, or--or...", "Heather: Mnh-mnh.", "Paul: Something for me to remember Ricky by.", "Heather: Look, I know, I do, and I-I went back and forth. It's just that you had so much guilt about Ricky, I just--I thought that box would be misery for you, and I didn't want you to go through that.", "Paul: He's my son. It should have been my choice.", "Heather: I'm so sorry.", "Paul: It's all right. Look, uh... in the box, was there a DVD or a recording, something that the G.C.P.D. might have overlooked?", "Heather: Mnh-mnh, no.", "Paul: A-a flash drive, a memory card, anything like that?", "Heather: No, there was nothing like that. Why?", "Paul: We found out that Ricky made a recording, something we need.", "Heather: A recording of what?", "Paul: (Sighs) Of Rachel's death, when he killed her.", "Heather: (Exhales slowly) He... he killed his girlfriend and... you know what? Its pr-- I'm sorry, but it's proof of what he was, and that you had no choice.", "Paul: There was no computer in the police inventory.", "Heather: Mnh-mnh, no, they never found his laptop, and neither did I.", "Paul: Okay, so I guess we keep looking. Listen, uh, I better get going.", "Heather: Look... I was scared of what it would be like for you to have Ricky's things. I'm--I'm sorry. I was--I was trying to help.", "Paul: I know.", "Heather: (Exhales sharply)", "Daniel: Hey.", "Heather: Hmm?", "Daniel: You okay?", "Heather: I messed up really bad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: (Gasps) Hey!", "Faith: Mommy!", "Sharon: Oh, Baby! (Laughs) You know what? I was just wishing that something good would happen today, and then you came into my arms! (Laughs) (Gasps) Oh, wow, I love it. Not as much as I love you, though. Mwah. (Laughs) Baby, mommy has to talk to you. Come here, let's sit down. So... mommy has to go away for a few days, but I'm gonna miss you the whole time, and I'm gonna think about you every second, and then when I come back, everything is gonna be better than ever.", "Nick: I guess you made your decision.", "Sharon: Just like you made yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Hello.", "Tucker: Hey, Victoria, it's Tucker. I was wondering whether you heard from Sharon or not, if she's gonna check herself in.", "Victoria: That's funny, I thought you'd be the first to know, since you two have been so chummy.", "Tucker: Oh, listen, I'm just doing what I do best-- protecting the bottom line, putting up a united front for the sake of Newman, but the reality is, the entire board knows we won't survive with Sharon driving this bus. So once she's off the bus, what's the plan?", "Victoria: Well... (Sighs) My brother and I have handled things before when my father's been gone, so it won't be an issue, and when he gets back, it'll be his call.", "Tucker: Well, you sound pretty confident that Victor's just around the corner. Did you get a new lead on his whereabouts?", "Victoria: No, not yet, but we will, and then he'll be back in charge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hey. Have you seen the bartender? I was thinking about asking him if he needed any extra help.", "Victor: You want to work here?", "Genevieve: Well, I need a job, and you know, you take what you can get. (Chuckles)", "Victor: But you're a nurse.", "Genevieve: You know, life and death can be pretty exhausting. I think that pouring drinks is gonna be kind of a relief.", "Victor: What are you really after?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I wasn't sure you'd accept the judge's conditions.", "Sharon: Well, the choice was to leave Newman or jump through your hoops, which is fine. I'll just suck it up, three days at Fairview, and I'll be back to work, so your sister shouldn't get too comfortable in my chair.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Avery: I filed the papers.", "Sharon: (Sighs) How soon do I have to go?", "Avery: An hour.", "Sharon: Ohh. Baby... mommy has to take that trip now, but it's only gonna be three days, and then when I come back, we'll have such a celebration. I love you, my Faith, and I will see you so soon. Bye, Baby.", "Faith: Bye, Mommy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Just my dad came here looking for, you know, answers about Ricky. You know, just... memories, and he left with nothing because I just tossed it all out. I mean, even you said that your dad would want all of your belongings. I don't know, I was just so sure that I knew better.", "Daniel: Oh, hey, how'd you get this? Don't play with this.", "Heather: Oh, my goodness, Lucy! Thank you. (Gasps) Thank you, thank you. I totally forgot about this. Oh, at least I have something of Ricky's to give my dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: You know, I've lived a lot of places, and each place kind of has its own challenges. I think what I want right now is just to hang out... (Chuckles) Someplace where I'm welcome, you know? We're not so different. At least, that's what my instincts tell me.", "Victor: All right. Excuse me.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Genevieve: Finally, he calls back.", "Tucker: What? You're doing fine. You're in tight with Victor. You just stay put and keep him away from Genoa City and Newman for a little while longer. Don't you remember, thrill of the upper hand?", "Genevieve: Yeah, that's kind of losing its luster.", "Tucker: Listen, I went fishing with Victoria. The Newmans still don't have any idea where Victor is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Wow, okay, so she'd really rather go to Fairview than to walk away from the C.E.O. job? (Scoffs) Honestly, I don't know whether to be horrified or impressed. Yeah, we've got to kick ass in the next 72 hours, don't we? Okay, we'll do it. Talk to you later, Nick. Bye.", "(Keys jingle)", "Victoria: Oh, hi.", "Billy: Hi. Look at you, all fired up.", "Victoria: Yeah. You're back.", "Billy: I am.", "Victoria: Talk to me.", "Billy: (Laughs)", "Victoria: Tell me about this story you've been tracking down. I want to hear all the gory details.", "Billy: Mm.", "Victoria: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Can you imagine if Jack knew that Victor had amnesia?", "Tucker: Well, Jack won't know, and neither will anyone else.", "Genevieve: I gotta go.", "Victor: Why are you so nervous? You're jumpy.", "Genevieve: Uh... talking to an ex. Yeah, you know how it is.", "Victor: Well, why don't you talk to him in person?", "Genevieve: (Laughs) (Scoffs) What, are you trying to get rid of me?", "Victor: You know, Sister Celeste doesn't... she doesn't trust you, and she's a very good woman, you know. She's helped a lot of people who are down and out on their luck, so just stay away from her, all right?", "Genevieve: Why?", "Victor: I'm going to work now, but I don't want you to bother Sister Celeste or bother anyone in the mission. They do very good work. You stay away from 'em.", "Genevieve: (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: So... good times at, uh, good times at Heather's, huh? Want some of this?", "Lucy: (Crying)", "Daniel: Oh, okay. Not so good times. Well... I know you miss mommy, and I know she loved you a lot, and you were probably the best thing that ever happened to her. And Heather's cool, hmm? There you go. And she likes us, so... I just want to make sure that if we're gonna spend some more time with her, hang out with her some more, you're gonna be okay with that. Of course, I think it'd be pretty great, hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Paul.", "Paul: Hi.", "Heather: Um, here. This was Ricky's. I forgot that I kept it. It just--it seemed like a-an alternate universe, you know, a place where Ricky was happy.", "Paul: Right. Niagara Falls. Bryce said, um, Ricky took Rachel there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: Sharon is now doing the crazy walk again, and you are the big Kahuna?", "Victoria: Yeah. Well, you know, at least until Dad gets back, which I hope is soon.", "Billy: Yeah, that'd be great, so things can go back to normal. He'll shove you aside, try to break us up. Yeah, sounds like fun, fun had by all. Can't wait.", "Victoria: Why are you getting so mad?", "Billy: You know, when you were a little kid, I bet all the other little girls wanted to play little puffy pink princess, but you--you probably had a little power suit, little briefcase...", "Victoria: Oh.", "Billy: Pushing around a little stroller.", "Victoria: Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Well, look at you now. You've got all that. Plus, you get a bonus-- you get me. And if it were up to Victor, you wouldn't have any of it, and I'm not gonna forget that just because he's pulled his little disappearing act.", "Victoria: Well, neither have I.", "Billy: You haven't forgotten, but you're gonna forgive him, just like you always do.", "Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, I'm capable of forgiveness, which is why we're still married after all the crappy things you've done, too. So I don't know, maybe we should put that in my \"Plus\" column. I'm gonna go check on our son.", "Billy: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: There you go.", "Nick: Sharon should be in Fairview right now.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. 72 hours to prove she's sane.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: You'll wait in there until your paperwork is processed. Then you'll be escorted to your room. Any family or friends you want to say good-bye to before you go in?", "Sharon: No, I'm alone.", "Daisy: Sharon?", "Daisy: It's me, Daisy.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: If you want what's best for Newman, prove it.", "Daisy: Sharon, tell him who I am!", "Avery: We need to put all of our focus on finding this video of Ricky killing Rachel. It may be your only hope." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Phyllis and Billy have a talk about their relationship. She voices her doubts about it but he doesn't want it to end. They are interrupted by Jill. Billy quickly hides Phyllis in the office while he goes out to talk to Jill. Jill asks who he was talking to. Billy doesn't have an answer. At the GCPD, Chelsea doesn't want to believe that Adam is really gone, but then Nick tells her that they found Adam's DNA in the cabin. Chelsea breaks down and cries hysterically. Chloe and Victor have a talk. Chloe denies killing Adam and puts the blame all on him for burning down the cabin. Jill tells Billy that he, Victoria, and Cane are going out of town for a business meeting, so he needs to go home and get some rest. Billy doesn't want to leave town and leave Phyllis. Paul and Dylan have a chat about Chelsea making a statement against Victor and blaming him for Adam's death. Chelsea and Nick discuss how Victor could have had the cabin blown up.", "Victor denies that Adam would kill himself. Chloe tells Victor that she didn't killed Adam either. Victor threatens Chloe that if he finds out that she had killed Adam, then only God could help her. Jill visits Victoria to tell her about the meeting out of town and meets Travis. Victoria gets a text from Dylan that he needs to see her. Victoria leaves Jill alone with Travis. Jill tells Travis to tell her all about himself. After Jill leaves, Billy comes in from the kitchen. Travis is surprised that Billy lets himself in whenever he wants to. Billy encourages Travis to go on this business trip with Victoria. Jack, Ashley, and Phyllis find out about Adam's death. Michael tells Victor about it. Victor begins to cry. Dylan fills Victoria in on Adam's death. Nick encourages Dylan and Paul to let Chelsea go home to her son. They reluctantly agree. Chloe comforts Chelsea once she is home. Both Nick and Chloe listen as Chelsea talks to Connor. Victoria comforts Victor. Paul decides to drop the investigation to find out if Adam's death was a homicide. Dylan wants to pursue it further.", "" ]
[ "Nick: I wish I had the words to make this easier. There just aren't any. At the cabin, the -- the police found... Adam's remains. He didn't make it. I'm so sorry.", "Chelsea: No. No! [Crying] No! No, no, no! No! No, no! I don't believe you. I don't believe you. No. Adam is alive. No. This isn't real. This isn't -- this isn't real. Because he said that -- he said that he would come back for me. He promised us. That's what he said. That's what he said. This isn't real.", "Michael: I want you to know you have my deepest sympathies, and...", "Chelsea: No. No, this isn't real. This isn't real.", "Michael: Look, I'll -- I'll give you two some time.", "Nick: I'm so sorry.", "Chelsea: No.", "Michael: Nick says that forensics has determined that Adam died in the explosion?", "Paul: The evidence is conclusive, I'm afraid.", "Michael: This explosion, was it planned?", "Paul: That, we don't know yet.", "Dylan: We have a team working on that. And if we find out somebody blew up that cabin, we'll know. And we're gonna find them.", "Victor: You killed my son. The thought of Adam going free drove you nuts. Drove you to the edge, didn't it? You tried shooting him. Didn't work. You tried running him over with your car. It didn't work. And now you know he's free. You found out where he was, so you took revenge. You will pay for that.", "Chloe: I'm not gonna pay for anything. I'm not scared of you, and I'm not scared of the cops.", "Victor: [Sighs] That's a huge mistake you're making.", "Chloe: I'm not scared because I'm not guilty. I didn't kill Adam. And I can prove it.", "Travis: Well, this is not what I expected from tonight.", "Victoria: No. No, I didn't expect it, either. But I'm glad to have you back here. And I mean Genoa city, not just back in bed.", "Travis: [Scoffs] Well, thanks for clearing that up.", "Victoria: Do you feel the same way?", "Travis: About being back in your bed? Yeah, very glad.", "Victoria: What about Genoa city?", "Travis: Why wouldn't I be glad to be back here?", "Victoria: Oh, I don't know. Because I introduced you to the crazy chaos that is my family. My niece's disastrous engagement, my brother and his wife are on the run from the law. And I just -- I mean, it's a little more complicated than life on a boat, right?", "Travis: You're not gonna scare me away.", "Victoria: I'm not trying to.", "Travis: Just tell me what you need me to do to help you right now. This is where I want to be. Maybe you want me to take off so you can be with your family. I can --", "Victoria: No, no. Hold on. I don't want that. All we can do right now is wait for news. And until we hear something, there's just one thing I want, and that's to be right here with you right now.", "Ashley: How'd I know I'd find you here?", "Jack: Been trying to get some work done while I was waiting for news on Adam and Chelsea. What'd you want to see me about?", "Ashley: I need your signature on this, Jackie.", "Jack: You could sign this.", "Ashley: Oh, you're right. I could've, huh? I guess I didn't need to bother you, after all.", "Jack: Okay. What is this really about?", "Ashley: That dinner that we had earlier with Phyllis and Billy. Didn't you think it was kind of odd?", "Jack: Odd?", "Ashley: Yeah, odd. And then the look on your face when you came back from making the call... is everything okay? I mean, you know you can talk to me.", "Jack: About my relationship? Yeah, I know. I have talked to you. It's fine.", "Ashley: So you keep saying.", "Jack: Because you keep asking.", "Ashley: Okay. So you and Phyllis are fine. What about, um... what about Billy and Phyllis?", "Phyllis: [Sighs]", "Billy: [Sighs] My god, you are gorgeous. Not that I ever forget. But sometimes you walk into a room, and I remember all over again.", "Phyllis: What was that ridiculous family dinner? Do you enjoy watching me squirm?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Phyllis: Oh, come on. Holding my hand underneath the table? I mean, what if jack and Ashley saw that?", "Billy: You know exactly why I did it, Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Because you're a maniac.", "Billy: I don't think so. I feel like you know me pretty well. I want you. I need you. I want to be together again. Tell me it'll happen. Additional sponsorship", "Billy: How many times were we in my bed? Not enough. It'll never be enough. Yet every morning, I wake up, and my first thought is, \"she's not here.\" I miss you, Phyllis. And I know that you can't say that you don't miss me, too.", "Phyllis: You're right. I can't say that because I miss you every second of the day.", "Billy: And the only reason why you pushed me away is because my mother blackmailed you. Now that I know that, there's no reason for us not to be together.", "Phyllis: There is a reason. It's the same reason. People are gonna get hurt. It's too much of a risk.", "Billy: The risk is in saying no. The risk is in staying apart. That can't happen. This, right here... being together, this is the answer. I can't go through my day thinking that I might never be with you again. My head can't handle that. So if I know that, at some point, some time, some place, we'll be together again, that'll give me hope. Hope that one day I'll get what I want most in this world. That's you. So be with me. We can make this work.", "Jill: Billy?", "Phyllis: [Gasps]", "Billy: Hi.", "Jill: Hi. Who were you just talking to?", "Ashley: Billy and Phyllis have a very complicated dynamic. You know that. Are you maybe a little worried they're spending too much time together?", "Jack: Why would I be worried about that?", "Ashley: Because of the affect that Billy has on her. He's the one that egged her on about Victor, getting revenge against him.", "Jack: No doubt about it, they fed off each other's anger for a while, there.", "Ashley: And you said it took a toll on your marriage.", "Jack: And they pulled themselves back from the ledge. No more secrets. No more furtive meetings.", "Ashley: Well, that you know of.", "Jack: I know. I'm sure. Look, when Billy and Phyllis had their heads together those months ago, it was because Phyllis wasn't getting something she needed from me. Validation. A sounding board. Support. She has every right to hate Victor. And I have no right to take it away from her. And Billy certainly has good reasons to resent Victor.", "Ashley: You have lots of good reasons to resent Victor, too, jack. You spent most of your adult life hating that man. I have to say that, apparently, now you don't have that obsession, do you?", "Jack: I'm just not interested. The mustache is no longer that big a part of my life. And hopefully, in time, he won't be that big a part of Phyllis', either.", "Ashley: Well, what if he still is?", "Jack: Then I will try to help her get there. But I can't force it. This is her pain. Her recovery. All I can do is be a loving husband, be there for her, let her know I love her, that I won't ever not be there for her.", "Ashley: Okay, Jackie. All right. So, everything's good for you guys, huh? No problems?", "Jack: No problems.", "Victor: Let me hear this proof of your innocence.", "Chloe: When Adam was at the cabin, I was at Chelsea's. With Kevin and Bella. I even had a guard right there in my face. Then, later on, I was at the precinct, and I was being grilled because Dylan, he was sure that I had sneaked Chelsea out of the building underneath my coat or something, which I -- which I didn't.", "Victor: You know that I have ways to find out whether you're telling the truth. And if you're lying...", "Chloe: Yes. I am very familiar with your methods, Victor.", "Victor: And I'm very familiar with your resentment of my son Adam. You claim that he killed Delia. He didn't. You know that he didn't. But you hate him for it. You want him to suffer, don't you?", "Chloe: Yeah, I want him to suffer. That's why I went along with your plan to throw him into jail.", "Victor: Okay. And now you're upset that he'll go free. Spend no time in prison. Spend a full, happy life with his wife and his son, Connor. That just drives you crazy, doesn't it? And you wanted to stop him, didn't you? Didn't you?", "Chelsea: Wait. Wait. Wait a second. Wait a second. This evidence -- maybe it's wrong. May-maybe it just wasn't handled properly.", "Nick: They found Adam's DNA.", "Chelsea: Well, of course they found the DNA in the cabin. He was in the cabin. He was in the cabin from the time of the escape until the -- [Sighs] So it really doesn't mean anything. I mean, if they look, my DNA will be in the cabin, too. And, look, I'm here. I'm alive. I'm fine.", "Nick: Chelsea, they, um... they found his blood and tissue.", "Chelsea: Oh, my god. [Crying] Oh, my god. Adam... oh, god.", "Billy: You're late. Can I get you a coffee? It's old and repulsive. But you're married to Colin.", "Jill: [Scoffs] Who were you just talking to in there?", "Billy: The computer, mother. It was acting up, so I was sweet-talking to it a little bit. You know when you -- when you lose a file or something really important to you, like a document, and you feel like it just vanishes away, but then all of a sudden it comes back --", "Jill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Billy. Billy. Billy! I need you to go home and get some rest, because tomorrow you are on a plane to handle some business out of town.", "Billy: And let me guess -- Victoria's going?", "Jill: Well, of course she's going.", "Billy: Do you need help? Like an intervention or a 12-step program for matchmakers anonymous or something?", "Jill: [Laughs] This is business. It's not romance.", "Billy: [Stammers]", "Jill: If your mind drifts in that direction, it's not my problem. Anyway, cane's going, too. This is a full-court press in Seattle to launch the new pacific northwest campaign.", "Billy: And you need all three of the heavy hitters there at the same time? Everybody away from the office?", "Jill: It's the rollout of the first campaign since I acquired brash & sassy. It's your job, Billy.", "Billy: And it's a little short notice. With Victoria and me both gone, the kids are with the nanny.", "Jill: Which is exactly why you have a nanny. Okay, darling, I'm gonna have my assistant handle all the arrangements.", "Billy: Okay. Yeah, that's fine.", "Jill: Okay, good. And you do me proud, okay?", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jill: All right.", "Phyllis: You should go pack.", "Billy: I don't want to go on the trip. I want to be here with you. Besides my kids, you're the only thing I want right now.", "Phyllis: You get on that plane, Billy. There's nothing to keep you here.", "Dylan: If I just would have gotten the proof earlier to clear Adam of murder before he lost it and went off on that guard...", "Michael: Dylan, this was not your fault. There were a million moments that led up to this horror, most of them arranged by Victor. Chelsea holds him responsible for Adam's death. He let Adam and Chelsea imagine they would have their happy ending, and he took it away in the most vicious way possible. Not you.", "Paul: Okay, Michael. Will Chelsea give a statement to that effect?", "Michael: She was about to make a deal when Nicholas walked in. You drop the charges against her and she'll explain how Victor arranged the escape.", "Dylan: And if she was willing to turn Victor in before, now, with what happened to Adam...", "Michael: Chelsea will want Victor to pay for Adam's death. You can be sure of it.", "Chelsea: Victor just couldn't let Adam go. How do you kill your own son?", "Nick: Chelsea, listen to me. My dad did not blow up that cabin.", "Chelsea: What are you talking about? We discussed this, nick. We both know Victor did it.", "Nick: I was wrong. I talked to him. He didn't do it. I talked to him right after the explosion.", "Chelsea: Well, then he lied and twisted his words around like he always does.", "Nick: It wasn't just the words. It was -- it was the look, it was the expression. I recognized it. It was -- it was the same as right after I found out I lost Christian. It's the shock. You're just hoping there's another explanation. But my dad didn't want this.", "Chelsea: He has tried to hurt my husband so many times.", "Nick: Yeah, but he loved Adam. And that love was bigger than anything. And I promise you, I wouldn't protect my dad at the expense of Adam. He didn't do it. And if you really think about it, you'll realize it, too.", "Chelsea: They want to arrest me, you know. For aiding and abetting. They said they would drop the charges if I -- if I gave them Victor for helping to arrange Adam's escape. Maybe he didn't kill Adam, but we both know he's not innocent.", "Nick: Okay, please, please don't do that. Don't help them send him back to Walworth. Not after he tried to give you and Adam and Connor a chance to be a family again. Because my family can't handle losing anyone else.", "Chloe: I don't forgive Adam for taking Delia from me. But somewhere along the line, being happy with Bella and with Chelsea and with Connor, that mattered more than Adam. And I know that we don't like each other, okay, but we both do care about Connor and Chelsea. And when I heard that they were at the cabin... when I heard, I was so worried that maybe that explosion had taken them, too. And I love Connor. I love that little boy. When I look at him, I see my daughter looking back at me. I would never -- I would never want to hurt him. I would never want to take him away from his father.", "Victor: And I would?", "Chloe: You think that I did it, and I think that you did it. But I know that you didn't get him out of that jail... I know that you didn't kill him.", "Victor: Then who blew up the cabin?", "Chloe: Maybe... [Sighs] Maybe the person who created the fire was Adam.", "Chloe: It's not like Adam's never played dead before.", "Victor: Now, wait a minute. He came back for Chelsea and Connor. He wouldn't leave them again.", "Chloe: Yeah, but maybe he thought that he was getting cornered, and he was just trying to push Chelsea further away. Or maybe he was trying to spare her a life on the run. I mean, look, I'm not trying to pretend like I know how the guy's mind works or anything --", "Victor: No. Listen. He almost had the kind of life that he has dreamt of with Chelsea and Connor, okay, and then...", "Chloe: So, according to you, Adam didn't get out. Well, if you want to think he's dead, well, then that's your choice.", "Victor: I don't want to think that.", "Chloe: But that's how you're talking. I think that he's alive, because I know that I didn't kill him. And if you're saying that you didn't kill him, well... [Sighs] I got to get out of here before someone sees us. But this is it, Victor. No more talks.", "Victor: Listen to me very carefully. This is my son we are talking about. If I find out that you killed him, god protect you.", "[Car door slams]", "Nick: [Sighs]", "Dylan: I'd ask how Chelsea's doing, but I think we all know.", "Nick: Yeah, it's bad. You know, I think it's pretty damn ridiculous that she's still in there and not at home with her son. Let her go home.", "Paul: It's not that simple, nick.", "Nick: How is it not that simple? Woman just found out she lost her husband. You want to keep hammering her with questions?", "Paul: I understand you're upset.", "Nick: Look, I just held a woman as she broke into a thousand pieces. I know you brought Chelsea in here because you thought she was gonna lead you to Adam. Well, Adam is gone. So she can't lead you anywhere.", "Dylan: Nobody's here to torture Chelsea. I mean, least of all me. But if we're gonna prove that Victor set up the escape, we need her cooperation.", "Nick: She's not gonna give that to you.", "Michael: I spoke with her about this issue. She holds your father responsible for Adam's death. And, frankly, I think she's right, nick.", "Nick: She doesn't think my dad did it. And neither do I. So no matter what you think my father's capable of, he did not murder his own son.", "Paul: Nick, Victor set this whole thing in motion. We all know that. Adam would be alive today if it weren't for Victor.", "Nick: Look, you want to build a case against a man who just lost his son, well, that's on you. But right now there's a woman in there who's trying to come to grips with the fact that she has a little boy at home without a father.", "Paul: We need a statement, nick. We just are asking for the truth.", "Nick: Since when do you care more about a case than a woman who's in pain? Let her go home. Dylan, Connor's at home right now without either of his parents. What would you do if that was sully?", "Paul: She's free to go.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Please take me home now.", "Dylan: Chelsea... I'm sorry.", "Michael: If there's anything else I can do for you...", "Paul: The press is going to want a confirmation, so I'll hold off on making any statements until, uh, the rest of Adam's relatives are notified.", "Dylan: I could reach out to people, take that off your plate, nick.", "Nick: Yeah, I appreciate that. Come on. Let's go.", "Victoria: Jill. What are you doing here?", "Jill: Oh, my. Who's your friend?", "Victoria: Uh, Travis, this is my former mother-in-law and current boss, Jill Atkinson. This is Travis Crawford.", "Travis: Hi.", "Jill: Hi. And what is he, exactly?", "Victoria: He's my boyfriend.", "Jill: Really?", "Victoria: Kind of late, isn't it, Jill?", "Jill: Yeah, it is. You know what? You forgot one of your buttons.", "Travis: Mm.", "Victoria: This couldn't wait until tomorrow?", "Jill: No, because tomorrow you'll be on a plane wit Billy and cane, honey. Going to Seattle for the pacific northwest rollout of cane's marketing campaign.", "Victoria: Ah. I see. All three of us, huh?", "Jill: Mm. Charm and strength and capability. You don't have a problem with that, do you?", "Victoria: [Sighs] No, it should be fine. But I have to check with the nanny first.", "Jill: Excellent. Okay. Now that we have the business out of the way, tell me, why haven't I seen you around town, Travis?", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Victoria: Uh, excuse me. Oh...Dylan is texting me. He must want to see me about Adam.", "Jill: It's very late.", "Victoria: Yeah. Imagine that. I should go. This shouldn't take long. Shall we?", "Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no. I wouldn't think of leaving your guest alone.", "Victoria: Oh, no, no. Of course not. I'll be right back.", "Jill: [Sighs] Well, look at us. Free to get to know each other.", "Travis: Yeah, Victoria's told me a little bit about you.", "Jill: [Scoffs] I'm almost afraid to ask. Just kidding. I'm not really afraid of anything. Listen, why don't you come over here and sit down and tell me all about yourself, Travis.", "Phyllis: Hey. Is he on a business call? I'd like to shut down the day and go home.", "Ashley: Why? Is something wrong?", "Phyllis: No. No, I'm just tired. That's all.", "Ashley: Oh. I'm sure jack's looking forward to spending the evening with you, just the two of you.", "Jack: What?! N-no. No, no, that -- that ca-- oh, god. N-no. I know you've got to go. Thanks, Paul. Thank-- th-thanks for calling me.", "Phyllis: Jack?", "Jack: It's Adam.", "[Knock on door]", "Michael: There was no one at reception.", "Victor: It's quite late. What are you doing here?", "Michael: I have some news about Adam. I thought you might prefer to hear in person rather than over the phone.", "Victor: I know about the explosion. I didn't do it.", "Michael: They found DNA evidence at the explosion site. The test results are in. The DNA is confirmed to be Adam's.", "Victor: [Sighs shakily] So my son is dead?", "Jill: So, a bar and a boat. You're very multifaceted. Now you're back.", "Travis: For Victoria, yeah.", "Jill: So, when Victoria rushed out of town that time...", "Travis: She came to Mexico to see me.", "Jill: Ahh, yes. Of course. In spite of work and family obligations.", "Travis: It was a family obligation. She was there regarding a Newman family issue.", "Jill: You don't say.", "Travis: Yeah.", "Jill: But I'll be that's not all you talked about.", "Travis: No, it wasn't. Look, I know that you want Victoria and Billy to be back together.", "Jill: What I want is for my son and my grandchildren to be happy.", "Travis: Well, I can assure you that Victoria's happiness is my priority. Her and her kids.", "Jill: Okay. Well, time's a-wasting. I have somewhere I need to be.", "Travis: Okay.", "Jill: But it was really, really lovely meeting you.", "Travis: You too, Mrs. Atkinson. Let me get that door for you.", "Jill: Well, thank you very much. You're a nice boy.", "Travis: Nice meeting you.", "Jill: Thank you.", "Travis: Just letting yourself in again, huh?", "Billy: Still have keys. My kids live here.", "Travis: Came in through the back door. Did -- did you see your mom's car and then hide out in the kitchen to hear our conversation?", "Billy: I'm surprised she didn't hit on you.", "Travis: Yeah, I'm spoken for. Victoria had to head out. I guess there was an update on Adam.", "Billy: Well, the guy's not on my Christmas list, but I hope for Chelsea that he's okay.", "Travis: So, you here about the big Seattle trip your mom planned for you and Victoria?", "Billy: Yeah. Good old mom. She has a way of getting what she wants.", "Dylan: Chelsea and Connor are safe. Nick just took her home.", "Victoria: Well, what about Adam? I'm assuming that he's back in prison.", "Dylan: Uh... this isn't easy to say or -- or to hear.", "Victoria: Well, just say it, then.", "Dylan: Adam was hiding in a cabin and, uh, there was an explosion. And he didn't make it.", "Victoria: Adam is dead?", "Dylan: I'm sorry.", "Victoria: Was it an accident? I mean, did somebody mean to do it, or -- I don't un-- I don't understand.", "Dylan: That's, uh -- that's what we're trying to find out right now.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Things were different this time. Adam was different. How are Chelsea and Connor and... does my dad know?", "Dylan: Uh, Michael went to tell him personally.", "Victoria: I-I have to be there when it happens.", "Dylan: Victoria --", "Michael: Chelsea was at the station when the confirmation of Adam's death came in. She should be home with Connor by now.", "Victor: What was Chelsea doing at the station?", "Michael: Well, there was the little matter of aiding and abetting Adam's escape. And your involvement, of course. Nick talked her out of providing a statement against you, and Paul and Dylan were kind enough to release her from custody. The look on her face... it must have been hard enough for her to lose Adam once. But to lose him again... and to know this time it's forever...", "Victor: Thank you for coming by, Michael.", "Nick: Chelsea, can I get you anything?", "Chelsea: Connor... he's gonna wake up, and I'm gonna -- I'm gonna have to tell him. I'm gonna have -- I'm gonna have to tell him.", "Chloe: You're out. My god. This is the best news ever.", "Nick: When we got home, the nanny was here. Chloe, where'd you go? This family really needs you right now.", "Chloe: I, um... I had to get some air. So, Dylan and Paul, they dropped the aiding and abetting charges?", "Nick: It's not an issue anymore.", "Chloe: Why do you say it like that?", "Chelsea: Because they found proof in the cabin. [Inhales deeply] They found DNA in the cabin. Adam's dead.", "Chloe: Oh, I'm so sorry.", "[Chelsea sobs]", "Chloe: I am so -- I'm so sorry.", "Travis: You know, Victoria's career is important to her.", "Billy: Really? I didn't know that.", "Travis: Look, it's not a \"who knows her better?\" Contest, Billy, okay? You win. Hands down. I don't have a problem with you going on a business trip with her.", "Billy: Because she's never gonna be with me again because I'm me. Yes, we had this conversation. Can we move on, Travis? I'm here to tell Victoria that I'm not interested in going out of town right now.", "Travis: Hm. Your mom's gonna be disappointed.", "Billy: Which makes staying behind that much more fun. And speaking of fun... I think you should go.", "Travis: What's that mean?", "Billy: I think you should go to Seattle with Victoria. Mix business with pleasure. Show her a good time.", "Jill: Cane, it's Jill. Stop packing. I need you to stay in town. Victoria and Billy can handle this trip on their own.", "Jack: No, Adam is gone. There's proof.", "Ashley: I'm sorry. I know how much you cared about him.", "Jack: Victor did this. This is all part of his vicious plan to set his own son up for murder, to teach him a lesson.", "Phyllis: [Sighs] Victor is evil. If we didn't know that already --", "Jack: I told Victor tonight -- tonight I told him this escape was a bad idea. Too many things could go wrong. Too many lives were at risk. Oh, god, Chelsea. And Connor. That little boy is gonna know what he lost this time.", "Ashley: And you're gonna be there for both Chelsea and Connor, jack, just like always.", "Jack: I have to be. Chelsea and Connor deserve all the love and support they can get. [Sighs]", "Chloe: I really don't know what to say. [Sighs] All I can come up with right now is that I love you, and, I guess, you know, I-I will do whatever I can to help you get through this.", "Chloe: [Sighs] Chloe, how am I -- how am I supposed to get through this?", "Chloe: I don't know. I don't know. We're gonna figure it out together. Okay? And Paul and Dylan, they get it now? Are they gonna leave Chelsea alone?", "Nick: Yeah, they will.", "Chloe: What about Victor? Are they gonna keep on asking about him? What's going on with the investigation? Is it done?", "Nick: Well, without a statement from Chelsea, they don't have any proof that my dad did anything wrong. So for now it's over.", "Chelsea: I need to see my son.", "Victor: [Thinking] I did this. Prison and the punishment and then the escape. My boy, it was my gift to you. I wanted you and your family to get far away from here and be together as a family, safe and sound. And now this. How could this happen?", "Victoria: Dad.", "Victor: What, sweetheart? [Sighs]", "Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", "Travis: So now I have your approval? Just gonna send me off with Victoria?", "Billy: I don't want the ticket to go to waste.", "Travis: I think there's something else going on. Do you have something better to do with your time than go on a business trip?", "Billy: Yes. Yes, I do.", "Ashley: I have to find Abby and tell her about Adam. I know how much he meant to you, jack. He knew it, too.", "Jack: If I just could have gotten through to Victor, I...", "Phyllis: There's nothing more you could have done. Adam would not want you punishing yourself. Ashley was right. He knew how much you loved him. And you in his corner, someone he could count on, that meant the world to him.", "Dylan: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What -- what are you doing?", "Paul: I just got word from forensics. The explosion was accidental, not arson. The propane tank blew. There were leaks under the floorboard. This was not a homicide.", "Dylan: [Slams desk] We do know Victor arranged the escape and set this whole thing into motion, right? We know that.", "Paul: Right, but we don't have any proof. And Chelsea's not gonna roll over on Victor. So you know what? Given the amount of grief this family has already gone through, I'm not going to put them through any more.", "Dylan: You're just gonna close the case?", "Paul: You know, Dylan, sometimes it's better just to let things go.", "Dylan: Yeah, what if I can't?", "Victor: Thank you for being here. You know... his death is my fault.", "Victoria: No, it's not. Don't say that, dad. It's not your fault.", "Victor: Yes, sweetheart. Adam's death is my fault.", "Victoria: No, it's not.", "Victor: [Sighs] Don't you leave me.", "Victoria: I'm not leaving you. I love you. I know, dad. It's okay. It's gonna be okay.", "Chloe: Thanks.", "Chelsea: Oh, my sweet, sweet boy. [Sighs] I am so lucky to have you. And w-we were so lucky to have such a wonderful time with daddy, weren't we? Fishing and playing. You made your daddy the happiest person in the whole wide world. I need you to remember that, and -- and all of the other memories that we have of daddy, okay? [Sobs] We ca-- we can't ever let those memories go, all right, my sweet boy? Because... oh, Connor. [Crying] Daddy's not coming home. [Sobbing]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: What a beautiful way to honor Adam's memory.", "Jack: I'm going to this memorial service, and I will go to Victor, and I will acknowledge his loss.", "Victor: If you want to start a new life with Connor somewhere else, I will not stand in your way." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Billy and Victoria talk about the kiss and assure each other that it will never happen again and they agree to continue to be coworkers and friends. Victoria doesn't want Billy to keep looking for information about Jabot on Phyllis's computer but he says he will only do it if Phyllis leaves her computer open because he thinks its for a good cause. Billy and Victoria agree to go shopping for Kindergarten clothes and school supplies for Johnny since he is starting kindergarten tomorrow. Phyllis sees Billy and Victoria having lunch and Victoria apologizes to Phyllis for their argument in the elevator ad Phyllis feels like the odd woman out when Billy and Victoria talk about Johnny and how big he is getting and how much they will miss him when he goes to school tomorrow. Reed and Mattie continue to be upset with their parents for not letting them see each other anymore. Cane and Juliet find out that Cane doesn't have the genetic marker for Cystic Fibrosis that means the baby probably will not have the condition. The doctor also tells then the tests revealed the sex of the baby and since Cane wants to find out the doctor tells them the baby is a boy. Hilary warns Lily that she could lose Cane if she keeps stringing him along because he could get tired of waiting on her decision about their relationship. Hilary tells Lily that Juliet is just waiting for her chance to be with Cane so that she and their baby can be a family. Nick agrees with Scott that because of her past history with Alice, she is seeing trouble where there isn't any, but Sharon's hunch about Alice is strong and she won't stop until she finds out the truth. Sharon tries to find out more about Alice's job but Alice only tells her she is in medical sales and reacts strangely when she sees Zack talking to Noah and Tessa. Alice gets her credit card and leaves but Sharon tells Nick she will be back soon and shows him the spark plugs she took out of Alice's car.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Are you sure i can't drop you off at school and give you a great big hug and cry as you run off to class?", "Reed: Honestly, I think it's a great idea. If you're trying to get me to go live with dad in poland.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ] Nice try, but you couldn't afford a bus ticket to genoa city, so I doubt that you can afford a plane ticket to poland. And besides that, I'm really glad that you came to live with me, and you know that.", "Reed: Even though I broke 1,000 rules to get here?", "Victoria: Oh, boy, I feel a lesson coming on.", "Reed: Mom, here I am. In genoa city. Doing well in school. I even signed up for that creative writing class you suggested to help me with my lyrics.", "Victoria: Yes, I know. All of which I'm very proud of.", "Reed: Part of that's due to mattie. She's what you adults like to call a good influence, yet, you still say I'm not allowed to see her.", "Victoria: It's not about mattie, okay? It's everything else. I just don't want you caught up in an uncomfortable situation.", "Reed: Mom! You realize this is coming from the woman who works with her ex- husband, whose current girlfriend is right upstairs? I mean, uncomfortable is the norm around here.", "Billy: You ready for something hot?", "Phyllis: You're just a walking double entendre today.", "Billy: That's what you love about me.", "Phyllis: What I love are nights like last night. I want more of those.", "Billy: Then you shall have them.", "Phyllis: Mm. Hmm.", "Billy: What?", "Phyllis: Well, the jabot server wants me to sign back in.", "Billy: Is that weird?", "Phyllis: Yeah, because i never signed out.", "Alice: Nick.", "Nick: Hey, look who's back!", "Alice: Did I leave my credit card here?", "Nick: You sure did. Sharon tried to catch you, but you had already taken off.", "Alice: [ Sighs ] Thank goodness. So, you got it?", "Nick: Actually, sharon has it, I think. Just hang on a second.", "[ Cellphone rings ]", "Sharon: What's up, nick?", "Nick: Hey, alice is here at the bar looking for her credit card. Do you still have it?", "Sharon: Yes. Um, I'm on my way. Don't let her out of your sight.", "Hilary: Oh, juliet. You poor thing. You don't look too hot.", "Juliet: I haven't been getting much sleep. It's nerves. And heartburn, but mostly nerves.", "Hilary: Why, what's wrong? Is is the baby?", "Juliet: We're waiting on the results of a genetic test.", "Hilary: For?", "Juliet: Cystic fibrosis. It's excruciating. I lie awake all night just staring at the ceiling, worried about the results and the future.", "Hilary: When do you find out?", "Juliet: I find out today.", "Hilary: Are you going alone?", "Juliet: Cane's meeting me there, of course.", "Hilary: We're at of course now. Wow, well, that's new.", "Juliet: Cane is as concerned as I am. He's completely supportive.", "Hilary: Okay, let's keep things in context. Cane is worried about the baby. He doesn't care about you.", "Juliet: You know what, hilary, screw you.", "Cane: All right, we got batter mix, strawberries, and whipped cream -- everything we need to make aussie waffles. Hey, uh... thanks for letting me come.", "Lily: Yeah, of course. I mean, it's the first day of school, which means waffles. It's a family tradition.", "Cane: Yeah, well, you didn't have to make it happen this year, so... thank you.", "Lily: Yeah. I did. Allergies with nasal congestion?", "Billy: Well, maybe it's a new security thing. You got to log back in.", "Phyllis: Yeah, probably. I mean, jack's on a cyber security kick ever since the high-profile corporate breaches.", "Billy: Far be it from me to give my brother any credit, but he's right about this one. Is my lady hungry? Can I get you something to eat?", "Phyllis: When you talk like that, I'm not quite sure what you're offering me.", "Billy: Whatever you want.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Billy: Tell me.", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] What's gotten into you this morning? Not that I mind.", "Billy: You. Me. You ever think about how lucky we are to have each other?", "Phyllis: Think about? I never forget. And I'm not gonna let you forget, either.", "Billy: Mm.", "Cane: Do you remember walking the kids to kindergarten on their first day?", "Lily: Yes, and we had to explain why they couldn't be in the same classroom.", "Cane: God, they would fight like cats and dogs, but they couldn't stand to be away from each other, could they?", "Lily: Well, it was a big change for them.", "Cane: Seems like it was yesterday, huh?", "Lily: Yeah. Like yesterday, but also a lifetime ago. I remember every second.", "Cane: Me, too.", "Charlie: Hey, has anyone seen my charger?", "Mattie: That's his way of saying I took it. Dad.", "Cane: Hey.", "Charlie: What's going on?", "Lily: Waffles are going on.", "Cane: Yeah, waffle before school -- first day. We're not gonna ditch a family tradition.", "Mattie: We haven't exactly been a big happy family lately.", "Charlie: Yeah, we were just planning on grabbing something on the way to school.", "Cane: Uh, no. No.", "Lily: No. No, no, no, no. You're gonna sit down, you're gonna have a real breakfast...", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Listen, we're still a family, and we do family things, okay? We only have a couple more years with you guys. So please just pity us and... have some waffles.", "Mattie: I don't want any whipped cream.", "Cane: Whoa. Hang on a second. No whipped cream? What are you talking about? What is going on in the world?", "Lily: [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: Come on, sit down. We got waffles coming up.", "Lily: Set the table, please.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Juliet: I am here worried about my baby's health, and you just want to make sure that you get a dig in, remind me that cane doesn't give a damn about me.", "Hilary: I didn't mean it like that, okay? I wasn't trying to be insensitive.", "Juliet: Oh, no, no, it just comes naturally.", "Hilary: I am sorry, okay? What I meant was that you need to protect your heart. I spoke to cane. Nothing has changed for him. He's still all about winning lily back. And, frankly, that is the best thing for that family.", "Juliet: Like you give a crap what happens to the ashbys. You loved it when I filed sexual harassment changes. You were recommending lawyers, egging me on. Any chance you got, you rubbed it in lily's face. I see you, hilary. What's going on inside that fevered mind of yours. Now that cane and lily are apart, you're worried jordan will try to get with her.", "Hilary: Who could blame you for lashing out when you're worried about such a serious medical issue?", "Juliet: I may be scared, but I'm not stupid. And I know what I see.", "Noah: Hey. Thinking about crystal? Yeah. You want to talk about her? I mean, not, you know, this nightmare that she's going through, but... what's she like? What makes her unique?", "Tessa: No one's ever asked me that.", "Noah: Look, I just don't want you to think that with everything going on that I'm not focused on getting her help. You know? I want to know about her.", "Tessa: I don't know where to start.", "Noah: Just tell me anything. What do you love about crystal? There's just so much I don't know about her, or you.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] I didn't expect to see you again so soon.", "Alice: Yeah, well, you know how it is. Can't live without the plastic.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Nick: Isn't that the truth? Sharon tells me you're in sales. What kind of sales?", "Alice: Uh, medical supplies.", "Nick: Mm.", "Sharon: Alice. Wow, you have no idea how glad I am to see you.", "Lily: Oh, um, I forgot to send you the kids' schedule. Sorry, I spaced out.", "Cane: It's okay. So, uh, did you get all those A.P. Classes you wanted?", "Mattie: Yep.", "Cane: That's gonna be a big workload for you.", "Mattie: I can handle it.", "Cane: No doubt. No doubt. You know -- you know, if you keep this up, soon you'll have all your college credits under your belt.", "Mattie: That's the plan.", "Cane: Yeah. What about you, mate? There any, uh, classes you're looking forward to?", "Charlie: Probably photography.", "Cane: There's a good elective. You know, you got a supermodel living in the house, too, huh?", "Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm sure you'll find a more interesting subject to shoot than your mom. Although I can't wait to frame your photos like I did when you were little.", "Charlie: You're killing me here.", "Cane: Hey! We loved those little, uh, turkey handprint things, right?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Cane: You know, your mum and I were just talking about your first day in kindergarten.", "Mattie: That was a long time ago. We're juniors now.", "Cane: Yes, I know, okay? And soon we'll be filling out college applications, and your mum and I will be dropping you off in the dorm room.", "Mattie: If we can afford college.", "Charlie: Seriously? We had to go there?", "Mattie: Sorry, I just -- never mind. We should probably go.", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Lily: Wait, you guys, you didn't finish your fruit.", "Charlie: I got to look for my charger.", "Mattie: Can you please stop implying that I took it?", "Lily: Stop. Charlie, I'll help you find it.", "Cane: All right, you don't have to do that, okay?", "Mattie: You guys cooked, i can clear.", "Cane: Just come here. Sit down, will you? Please. I know you're mad at me 'cause i don't approve of the boy that you like.", "Mattie: His name is reed, and it's not just that. Nothing's changed. You still cheated on mom and juliet is still pregnant.", "Cane: I know this is hard on you, all right? But I'm not gonna run and hide because my family's my responsibility. And you have a big year coming up, and I just don't want -- I don't want a boy like reed hellstrom...", "Mattie: Can we just not, for once, okay?", "Lily: Hey, everything okay?", "Cane: Yeah. Yeah. We're fine. We're fine.", "Mattie: Where was it? Under your smelly laundry?", "Charlie: Maybe.", "Mattie: Can we just go now, please?", "Charlie: Yeah, come on.", "Lily: Okay, well, wait. Give me a hug, please. Hug. Thank you. Have a good day.", "Mattie: Love you.", "Lily: I love you, guys.", "Charlie: Bye, mom. Love you.", "Lily: Bye. Love you.", "Cane: Wow. There we go.", "Lily: I know. I hoped it would go better, too.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Reed: So you like mattie?", "Victoria: She's lovely.", "Reed: But I'm still not allowed to see her? Mom, you disapprove of her because of who her dad is. That's something she has no control over.", "Victoria: All right, just think of it this way -- all this teenage suffering is gonna make your powerful lyrics even more powerful.", "Reed: This is my life we're talking about, and you think it's a joke.", "Victoria: [ Sighs ]", "Reed: Thank you.", "Billy: There he is.", "Reed: Hey!", "Billy: The high school junior. How are you? You ready to be the upperclassmen and boss around those freshmen and sophomores?", "Reed: Yeah, I feel drunk with power.", "Victoria: Well, that's all you're gonna be drunk on, at least for the next two years, especially when you're driving my car.", "Reed: Okay, okay.", "Victoria: Not so fast!", "Billy: Brace yourself. Here it comes.", "Victoria: I love you. [ Sighs ] Come here. Mm!", "Reed: We done here?", "Victoria: I want a full report by the end of today, okay?", "Reed: All right.", "Billy: Go! Be smart!", "Reed: Will do. See ya.", "Billy: Later. [ Exhales sharply ] First it's reed, and then it'S...", "Victoria: Johnny, and then katherine. At least she's not gonna roll her eyes at me every time I try to give her a hug.", "[ Both laugh ]", "Billy: Listen, before we hunker down here, I think there's something we should talk about.", "Victoria: It's fine.", "Billy: You don't know what I'm gonna say.", "Victoria: The kiss.", "Billy: Okay, you do know.", "Victoria: It's never gonna happen again, okay?", "Billy: In case there was any confusion.", "Victoria: No, no confusion. None at all. You're with phyllis, and it's completely forgotten. Now, can we please talk about work?", "Billy: No, there's actually one other thing we need to talk about. Something, uh, phyllis told me.", "Hilary: Well, hello.", "Phyllis: Hilary! Hello. I haven't seen you in a while. What's the occasion?", "Hilary: Well, I'm just following up with jack on promoting parker beauty on my show.", "Phyllis: Oh, well, jack's not here right now, but feel free to wait. I love a good beauty segment.", "Hilary: Women empowerment at its best.", "Phyllis: Yes, I heard about the promo. About time you helped jabot, with all the attention you gave dare.", "Hilary: Well, I don't think we need to worry about dare appearing on the hilary hour anytime soon.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Victoria made quite a splash with that benjamin hochman scream- fest.", "Hilary: Tell me you didn't love it.", "Phyllis: Hilary, job well done.", "Hilary: [ Laughs ] All I did was turn on my camera, point it, and victoria did the rest, but she still hates me, of course.", "Phyllis: Join the club. Be glad you're not number one on her hit list. That position's all mine.", "Hilary: That's what you get when you steal someone's man.", "Phyllis: I did not steal anybody. He decided he wanted to be with a woman who appreciates him. I'm not waiting for him to be someone other than exactly who he is, and victoria can't handle that.", "Hilary: Well, the newman ego just can't accept defeat. She fighting to get him back?", "Phyllis: What do you think?", "Hilary: [ Chuckles ] So, how's it going? You winning, or are you losing?", "Phyllis: I'd say it's complicated.", "Hilary: Naturally. How bad is it?", "Cane: I told myself not to have expectations for this morning, you know?", "Lily: Well, that's tough to do, you know? I know how much you love the kids, and they know it, too. That's why they're hard on you. They know that you won't walk away.", "Cane: Have you told them that?", "Lily: Well, I have to give them space to feel what they feel, but just keep trying.", "Cane: Thank you for giving me room, you know, to do this. I, uh...I appreciate your support.", "Lily: Yeah. Just let the kids come back to you on their own, you know? I do have to put their needs first. So, how's the job hunt going?", "Cane: Uh, nothing yet, but I'm, you know, still looking. Full steam ahead. You know, I hate that you're carrying the financial responsibility of the family.", "Lily: It's fine now that I'm working again. I actually have to go in later.", "Cane: Oh, you have a photo shoot, huh?", "Lily: Yeah, it's the first one since the dare campaign is back on track.", "Cane: Is it with jordan?", "Lily: Mm-hmm. We're really lucky that another brand didn't take him. So...", "Cane: Anyway, I, uh... I have somewhere I have to be.", "Lily: Do you have an interview?", "Cane: No, um, those genetic tests for the baby have come back, and I have to, uh... I have to go and meet juliet.", "Lily: Oh, okay. Um, well, good thoughts to both of you.", "Cane: Thank you.", "Lily: Let me know what happens.", "Cane: Of course. All right.", "Phyllis: Billy and I are fine. He makes that more than clear on a regular basis.", "Hilary: Uh-huh.", "Phyllis: Okay, fine. Do I think that he and victoria have chemistry? Yes. Of course. They will always have chemistry. I think that's true of any couple that has ever been in love at one time. Past tense.", "Hilary: Well, sometimes, you find out that there isn't anything left, but other times you find out that there was a reason to worry.", "Phyllis: I think that he's trying to be a good soldier, and he tends to overcompensate. I mean, victoria martyrs herself on a daily basis.", "Hilary: But you two feel solid.", "Phyllis: What I see is victoria manipulating billy. He knows all the angles. It's part of what makes him so sexy, but... when it comes to his ex-wife, he's just -- he's not seeing it. He's not seeing that she's playing him.", "Hilary: Men are blind.", "Phyllis: This is true. Hey, I am sorry. You didn't come here to hear me vent.", "Hilary: No, no. I -- I love it. I mean, I don't love that you have to deal with such a phony, but I do love speaking to a woman who just tells it as it is.", "Phyllis: Yeah, well... hey, this was all off the record, right?", "Hilary: Yes. [ Laughs ] But, you know, it doesn't hurt to check.", "Phyllis: Okay, well, listen, I need to get back to work, but I'm sure jack wouldn't mind you hanging out here. If he doesn't get back soon, just write him a note.", "Hilary: Yeah. Got it. Uh, phyllis... no matter how tight you think you and billy are, don't give victoria an inch.", "Phyllis: Oh, believe me, I'm not about to.", "Billy: Phyllis told me that she pointed hochman in your direction. She also said that you called her out on it, and you didn't tell me anything about it.", "Victoria: Look, I'm not proud that I went off on phyllis, but I said what needed to be said, and now it's in the past.", "Billy: Is it?", "Victoria: You know, phyllis could have shoved a million different guys in my direction. It's how I handled it that's my responsibility, billy.", "Billy: Whoa, hold on. Let's be clear. Nothing about what happened was your fault.", "Victoria: I don't want to talk about that sleaze anymore. We have much more important things to talk about. I had dinner with my father last night.", "Billy: Whoa. How'd that go?", "Victoria: It went pretty well. He said something that hit home.", "Billy: Yeah?", "Victoria: We need to change brash & sassy's narrative. People see us an embattled. We need to change that perception to resilient and triumphant.", "Billy: And how do we do that, exactly?", "Victoria: With a new product. Something groundbreaking in the industry. And for that, we need to be financially stable. We need to outperform ashley's parker beauty line -- you know, the one that they're planning to launch as their own?", "Billy: I am not worried about that. We got this one.", "Victoria: Okay, good. I like confidence. I want to stop by fenmore's today. I want to check out our shelf space and make sure it's front and center, not shoved in the corner, out of the way of traffic so that jabot's products are in front.", "Billy: First of all -- field trip? Totally into that. Second of all, I need to tell you that phyllis said lauren is going to do right by us. She is not gonna be playing favorites.", "Victoria: Well, that's easy to say, but I want to confirm it.", "Billy: Yeah. Trust and verify.", "Victoria: You got it.", "Billy: Let me tell you this, okay? Our numbers at fenmore's, they are going to go up.", "Victoria: That is great, but our numbers are only half the story. Jabot's numbers are the other half. It's not enough just for us to climb, jabot --", "Billy: They need to dive.", "Victoria: Off a cliff.", "Billy: Okay, so, we compare our sales figures, and we adjust accordingly. The only problem is -- jabot's not gonna hand over those numbers.", "Victoria: I know. We need to stay ahead of jack on this one. Look, I don't want to ask you to do anything compromising.", "Billy: Compromise what? My integrity? That's funny. And you didn't ask me to do anything.", "Victoria: Fair enough.", "Billy: So... when they launch their new skincare line, if there happens to be a computer laying around, I will get into jabot's main server, and I will let my fingers do the walking, and i will slowly back out.", "Victoria: We know whose computer you're talking about.", "Billy: Yes, we do.", "Victoria: Are you sure about this, billy?", "Billy: I'm not gonna make a habit of it. But we need to do this. This is for a good cause.", "Tessa: Pizza, chicken tenders -- I mean, crystal eats like a first grader. What else? Um... oh, she doesn't sing at all. Except for the shower and the car.", "Noah: Oh, so you're the artsy one.", "Tessa: No. Crystal draws. She can create these whole worlds. She also has the math and science gift. Which I definitely do not.", "Noah: Zack. How you doing? Tessa, you remember zack, right?", "Tessa: Sure. Oh, I saw abby yesterday. She mentioned you.", "Zack: I'm hoping good things.", "Noah: How's designdate going?", "Zack: Taking off. We're hitting our groove. That's the only reason I was able to leave the office. Thought I'd get a sweat in while I still can. I'll let you two get back to whatever it is you were talking about.", "Sharon: I'm sure it's here. I wouldn't have taken it out. I don't think. So, are you, um... are you just passing through town again, or did you come here just for the card?", "Alice: I can't do a whole lot without it. [ Chuckles ]", "Sharon: Um... so you're in medical sales. That's what I heard you tell nick.", "Alice: Are you sure you didn't leave the card at your place?", "Sharon: No. No. It's here somewhere. I'm sure you're always on the go.", "Alice: Yeah. Hospitals, doctor's offices. I mean, that's my thing.", "Sharon: Mm. Small company?", "Alice: Nothing you've heard of. Look, I'll just cancel the card and get a new one. It's --", "Sharon: Oh, no, that could take a couple of days. You know what, just give me a couple of... oh! [ Chuckles ] Look. Here it is. See? I knew it was in here.", "Alice: Great. Thanks. Well, look, I got to scoot.", "Nick: Okay.", "Sharon: Um, nick, did you see the résumé of those two baristas I told you might be looking for extra work -- josie and crystal? Alice? Something wrong?", "Alice: [ Sighs ] Look at me. Rushing off and forgetting my manners. I never said how good it was to see you two again.", "Sharon: You sure you can't stay a while longer? I mean, who knows when we'll see you again?", "Alice: I got a long drive ahead of me.", "Sharon: Back to madison? You still there?", "Alice: Same place. But, um, thanks for the card, and you two take care.", "Nick: Bye. Seriously?", "Sharon: Don't start.", "Nick: Could you have taken any longer to look through your purse? Sharon, do you really think alice is working with sex traffickers?", "Sharon: Did you see her freeze when I said the name?", "Nick: She had a reasonable explanation for that.", "Sharon: There is nothing reasonable about what she's doing to those poor girls.", "Nick: Okay, look, I -- I get it. You are concerned about crystal, okay? But I think you're seeing what you want to see.", "Sharon: Mm. Scott said the same thing to me.", "Nick: Well, for once, scott and I agree on something.", "Sharon: But he didn't tell me that I should ignore my instincts. In fact, he's helping me pursue this.", "Nick: And we're back to disagreeing again.", "Sharon: Some poor, vulnerable girl is being exploited, and you know, it's not just any girl. It's tessa's sister.", "Nick: What?", "Sharon: You heard me. Crystal is tessa's sister, and tessa didn't want to say anything before because she didn't want to put the girl in any danger, and she also didn't want to be judged.", "Nick: All this time. I mean...", "Sharon: Yeah. Crystal was here. She was in this very bar. She was safe for a few moments, and then she was gone. We could have helped her, but instead, we didn't do enough, and I'm not going to fail her again. So if you're telling me that you have a problem with that --", "Nick: Stop putting words in my mouth, okay?", "Sharon: Okay, then you stop talking and listen to me. Please. Just hear me out.", "Tessa: Eh, I was never really cut out for school. Music was all that mattered. But crystal, I had plans for her. She was gonna go to college and get a real education, make something of her life. But now... even when I find her and save her, how is she supposed to get past what these monsters have done to her?", "Noah: You can't think like that, all right? There's always a way to heal. I've seen it. As for college, my mom's going right now. It's never too late, so... we save crystal, and then, like you said, give her time to heal. And then she can live a life that she wants, and I'm willing to bet it's gonna look a lot like a life that you want for her.", "Tessa: You're the most optimistic person I've ever met. But sometimes it doesn't work out the way a person wants.", "Noah: You just have to believe that it's possible, okay? You have to have hope. Everything good that's ever happened in this world started with hope.", "Juliet: I was worried you'd be late. I was imagining you couldn't make it, and I would get the news all by myself. Sorry, my brain works overtime on everything now.", "Cane: Okay, listen, i wouldn't let you go through this alone, okay? It's too much.", "Juliet: It is too much. Have you thought about it? If it's not good?", "Cane: All right, listen. Listen, worrying about something you can't control like this does nothing but keep you up at night, all right? Now you just need to get enough sleep for two people.", "Juliet: For two.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Juliet: Mm. This my life now. This is what it means to be a parent, I guess. [ Sighs ] You know, even before you meet your child, you pray. Pray that they'll be healthy. Pray that you'll always be there to protect them. I just want everything to be okay.", "Cane: So do I. Listen... [ Sighs ] Whatever happens, okay, I just want you to know that we're gonna go through this together. Okay? When you have allergies,", "Sharon: I do have pieces of information that start to create a picture. It's just a hunch that alice was the same woman who drove those prostitutes away from the police station. But I have caught her in a lie. She just got through telling both of us that she lives in madison, and that's not true. She lives right outside genoa city.", "Nick: How do you know that?", "Sharon: Scott tracked down her address from her credit card, and we went and saw the house for ourselves, and we confirmed with a neighbor that alice lives there along with a niece who comes to visit. You and both know from the custody battle that alice doesn't have any family. And that house was way too nice for someone who's working in medical sales for a small company.", "Nick: Okay, so, this is somebody who has come up a little bit in life, and maybe she's being a little guarded about her privacy from two people who used to be her adversaries. Well, yeah, then she must be making money off of prostitutes.", "Sharon: Did you happen to notice that alice avoids all mention of her current life? Any time you ask her a question, she changes the subject or she starts talking about the past.", "Nick: Well, that is true.", "Sharon: See, there's something really off about that woman. She is hiding something. Are you starting to see what I'm seeing?", "Victoria: Okay, we got his backpack, pencil box...", "Billy: We got a superhero lunch box over here, which is great.", "Victoria: Are you sure we didn't leave anything at the store?", "Billy: We bought the whole store 'cause we were celebrating because fenmore's has brash & sassy front and center, and it's johnny's first day of kindergarten, okay? That only happens once!", "Victoria: I know. He's a big boy now. No more baby stuff.", "Billy: Yep. There's not gonna be any storage in my phone after the amount of photos I take of him tomorrow.", "Victoria: You know we're gonna be the parents that they invite to leave because we hang around too long.", "Billy: We're gonna be brave, okay?", "Victoria: I know, but I'll miss him.", "Billy: Maybe not too brave.", "[ Footsteps approaching ]", "Victoria: Phyllis.", "Phyllis: Hi.", "Billy: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Billy: Hi.", "Phyllis: Hi. Looks like someone went shopping.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Victoria: I'm actually glad you're here. I wanted to apologize for what happened on the elevator the other day. I take full responsibility. And I'd like to move forward.", "Phyllis: Apology accepted. I'm glad you said something. I feel the same way.", "Billy: Wow, look at us -- all on the same page.", "Victoria: Would you like to join us?", "Phyllis: Well, thank you. I'd like that very much.", "Dr. Alcott: I won't drag this out. The test came back negative.", "Cane: [ Sighs ]", "Dr. Alcott: The genetic marker for cystic fibrosis that showed up in the initial test for the baby did not turn up when we ran cane's blood, which means your child will carry the gene but will not develop the disease. The test revealed some other information -- the baby's sex. Would you like to know?", "Juliet: I hadn't even thought.", "Cane: Neither did I.", "Juliet: I'm just so relieved. I'm fine being surprised.", "Cane: Actually, I would kind of like to know, and it's not a planning thing. I just want to know if I'm gonna say he or she, you know, if I'm having a son or a daughter.", "Juliet: Go for it, dr. Alcott -- pink or blue?", "Dr. Alcott: Blue.", "Cane: Wow. Wow, it's a boy.", "Juliet: A son.", "Lily: Well, aren't you getting out?", "Hilary: So much for manners.", "Lily: Don't you have lives to ruin on your show?", "Hilary: I assume that you're on your way to brash & sassy.", "Lily: Yeah, I am. I have a photo shoot with jordan. You must be so bummed that he dumped you. A great guy like him, just not that into you.", "Hilary: You should spend less time gloating and more time thinking about what you're doing to your husband and your kids. [ Scoffs ] You say that you're all about your family. You're just a big, fat hypocrite.", "Lily: It amazes me how anyone falls for your garbage. You are so transparent. You can't stand that jordan and I are friends.", "Hilary: One has nothing to do with the other. See, jordan, he's just sucked in by your whole damsel-in-distress act, and you're torturing your husband for kicks. Two different issues.", "Lily: I'm torturing cane? You are ridiculous.", "Hilary: I spoke with cane. He would do anything to make things up to you. He would cut off an arm to make you happy, but look at you -- you're running around like you got a brand-new boyfriend. Inviting him to have dinner with cane's kids?", "Lily: Cane would never say that, especially to you.", "Hilary: It's amazing, isn't it? What someone would tell you when they're lonely and neglected... and good job with mattie and charlie, by the way. Inviting a new man into their life as if their father doesn't even exist.", "Lily: Jordan is a friend, not that that's a concept that you would ever understand.", "Hilary: You think you can see through me, lily? Well, it goes both ways. Because I can see through you. You want to keep hubby on a string while you lean on your dear friend jordan. Well, you push cane hard enough, that string will snap, and juliet will be more than happy to catch him.", "Cane: So... it's good news. The baby's gonna be okay.", "Juliet: He's okay. A son. Oh, I have no idea how to raise a little boy.", "Cane: Well, it's not as tough as you might think. You'll get the hang of it. I think now you just need to focus on being relieved that -- that your baby's healthy.", "Juliet: Our son will be fine. He's going to be okay. I love him so much already. I love him.", "[ Cries ]", "Billy: So, after we checked out fenmore's, we, uh, did a little shopping for johnny. Just a little bit.", "Victoria: [ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: I assume you'll both be taking him to his first day of kindergarten together.", "Billy: Check this out -- I mean, come on. He's gonna love this.", "Victoria: Are you sure we shouldn't have gone for the paisley?", "Billy: What are you talking about? He loves cars. Look at the colors in this thing!", "Phyllis: It's super cool. I think he'll love it. Victori he is so excited about being a big kid. He says it all the time.", "Billy: He was, uh, standing on the couch a couple day ago, banging his chest. I'm a big kid now. [ Laughter ] It was so adorable.", "Victoria: Yeah. It was cute. I guess you had to be there.", "Tessa: I just realized -- you don't even know what crystal looks like.", "Noah: Mm. Aww, she looks so happy here.", "Tessa: She was.", "Noah: She will be again. Just like this. Can't wait to meet her.", "Nick: I respect your instincts, you know I do, but I just think I'm gonna need more factual proof before I can buy into this theory of yours. But I'll admit, it's worth checking into.", "Sharon: Well, I'm glad you feel that way because alice is going to be back soon.", "Nick: How do you know that?", "Sharon: Her car won't make it far.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jordan: If Lily wants to talk to someone, that's up to her. Not you.", "Lily: Even if your dad gets the perfect job, I don't know if I'll ever be ready for him to move back home." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley and Phyllis clashed over Phyllis losing Dina and over Billy running Jabot. Nick and Sharon reunited when he returned from his trip. Abby was disappointed when Arturo extended his business trip, and she assumed it was because he was avoiding Rey. Abby demanded that Rey tell her what caused the rift between him and his brother. Rey told her to ask Arturo. Sharon told Nick that she was hesitant to move because she didn't like the underhanded things he did while launching Dark Horse, and she was concerned that he only wanted to move because he wanted to make a statement to Victor. Nick told Sharon all that was in the past. Sharon revealed that Rey had come to investigate the credit card charges made on JT's account when Nick was impersonating him. Summer made a move on Billy, but he shut her down and insinuated that he'd fire her if she tried that on company time again. Billy paid Sinead to get him into a poker tournament, then he secretly booked a ticket to Vegas. Billy came clean to Phyllis and told her the truth about the tournament he entered. He promised that he wouldn't get sucked into an abyss this time. Sinead told Kyle that Billy took the bait. Kyle instructed Sinead to keep Billy gambling.", "Jack spent time with Kyle. Jack considered moving back into the Abbott house, for Dina's sake. Jack got upset when Dina recounted a whitewashed version of their family history. Ashley thought it was a blessing that Dina had created good memories instead of remembering the painful truth. Summer conceded that she lost the bet to bed Billy by the end of the month, and she agreed to sleep with Kyle. Kyle said he wanted to savor their night together, and they agreed to settle up later.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Kyle: I need billy abbott to lose so badly, he can't cover the loss and goes into debt.", "Sinead: The tournament? Featuring the crème de la crme of players? Wait. Mm. It's for the best of the best. Never mind.", "Jack: Forgotten how insidious alzheimer's really is. Each day that passes is a day closer to losing her.", "Phyllis: Dina! Where are you?", "Rey: I had to become man of the house at a very young age.", "Abby: Is that why you and arturo don't get along?", "Rey: Arturo didn't like his older brother playing papi.", "Nick: I don't want to begin our married life living on my folks' property. I bookmarked a bunch of places I think would be very cool for us. While I'm out of town with arturo, you could swing by and check them out.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Sharon? Faith? Mariah? Anyone?", "Sharon: Did you think I forgot you were coming back today? Welcome home.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: We're so lucky that kyle had a way to locate dina. And that she wasn't hurt.", "Phyllis: You're making it sound like I committed elder abuse.", "Ashley: Well, you lost my mother.", "Phyllis: She's fine.", "Ashley: No thanks to you.", "Abby: Guess what today is? Arturo is back from his trip with nick, and I missed him more than I ever thought I could.", "Phyllis: New love. It's so nice. Everything's so exciting and intense.", "Ashley: Especially when you're cheating. Where is billy, anyway?", "Phyllis: He's at the office. He left early. Probably to get away from this.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Summer: Fenmore's holiday event schedule. Lauren wanted to make sure that none of those dates step on anything that jabot is planning.", "Billy: Thank you. Tell lauren I'll get back to her when I can.", "Summer: You seem a bit disoriented.", "Billy: [ Clears throat ]", "Summer: Wait, did you think that I came here to discuss all the trouble that you're going through to avoid me?", "Jack: [ Sighs ] Well, I -- look, I'm glad you told me this.", "Kyle: Phyllis felt terrible.", "Jack: Of course she did. She had no idea what she was taking on when she offered to look after dina.", "Kyle: She didn't exactly offer. I sort of foisted it on her.", "Jack: Wait, what does that mean?", "Kyle: It was only for a couple hours, until dina's nurse arrived. I should have known phyllis might not be prepared.", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "Kyle: Look, I'm sorry, dad.", "Jack: Ah, n-- you know what, I -- I don't blame you, son. No. No one's been more devoted to dina than you.", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I've got to say, dina was pretty cute when I found her, acting like she'd given her nurse the slip.", "Jack: [ Laughs ] Well, no harm this time. But next time --", "Kyle: Got it. Dina's too far gone to take any chances. I see that.", "Jack: Look, even I didn't realize how far she'd declined. And we're losing her. And at a time this family is in so much turmoil.", "Kyle: I'm grateful for the time I had with dina before the disease really took hold. Got to experience that sharp mind of hers, that fierce wit. So hard to see her this way.", "Jack: You're going through a lot yourself, trying to find your place in this messy bunch. How's that going?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] It's a work in progress. Like you said, it's pretty messy. Have to choose sides.", "Jack: Well, however things shake out with ashley and billy, try not to get caught in the cross fire. And remember this -- you always have me. Always. That's a promise.", "Abby: Is dina still sleeping?", "Ashley: Yes. Hopefully when she wakes up, she won't remember how frightened she was. She was wandering around the grounds all by herself.", "Phyllis: Oh, for pete's sake.", "Abby: Mom, phyllis didn't understand how complicated dina's situation is. But now that she does, I'm sure nothing like that will ever happen again.", "Phyllis: Have a good one.", "Abby: You too. Bye, mom.", "Ashley: Bye, honey. Love you.", "Abby: Love you.", "Ashley: You know, abby's right, phyllis. That's never gonna happen again. I'm gonna make sure of it.", "Phyllis: How many times do i have to apologize? I told you that I'm sorry. I thought I was doing a good thing by looking after dina, partly just to make up for the disruption that billy and I made with moving in.", "Ashley: Of course. By causing more disruption.", "Phyllis: You know, to be fair, this is his family's estate.", "Ashley: [ Gasps ] Oh, I see. So you're implying that we're squatters. As far as I know, there is no blood-abbott clause that prevents me from living in the house I actually grew up in.", "Phyllis: Okay, so it really does get under your skin, doesn't it, that billy is the ceo instead of you.", "Ashley: Well, let's see. The only reason I'm not sitting in that chair is because jack amended the company bylaws to protect jabot from people like you. [ Gasps ] Oh, wait, no. Not people like. You. So billy is actually ceo by default. He didn't earn it.", "Phyllis: If you want to keep telling yourself that, that's fine. You go ahead and do that. But billy is in charge. The end. And he has raised the profile of the company, and he's just getting started.", "Ashley: Not if I can help it.", "Phyllis: The man is not going anywhere. Get used to it. Additional sponsorship provided by...", "Billy: I have not been avoiding you.", "Summer: Okay. Then what would you call it?", "Billy: Thank you for the file. Please tell lauren I'll get back to her as soon as I can.", "Summer: You can't just dismiss me.", "Billy: Pretty sure I just did.", "Summer: Okay. You can keep pretending --", "Billy: What the hell are you thinking? Honestly? Booking that ticket to philadelphia? You're crossing the line once again. Even if you did come to philadelphia, nothing was going to happen.", "Summer: Who are you trying to convince here?", "Billy: I was very clear. I have no intention of cheating on phyllis. But you just keep pushing the issue. You keep crossing the line.", "Summer: Because you keep moving the line. You knew that I was attracted to you, and instead of telling my mom about it, you hid it from her, which tells me everything that I need to know.", "Billy: Oh, my god. Seriously, you just -- I mean, you think throwing yourself at me is gonna turn me on? You just have so much to learn.", "Summer: Oh, no. You wanted me. I could feel it.", "Billy: Wow. You have a rich fantasy life, girl.", "Summer: Oh, so now I'm just fantasizing? Really? Okay. So all the trouble that my mom went through to keep me out of your bed, you really think that she agrees with that? Let's just ask her.", "Billy: I mean [Scoffs] You're out of control if you think I'm gonna risk all of this to be with you.", "Summer: Risk is what you do, billy. It makes you feel alive. You like strong, confident women who know what they want.", "Billy: You're describing your mother. The woman that I'm in love with. Which is really what this is all about, isn't it? You're using me to hurt her. And that just shows how immature you are. And, frankly, it's sad. Desperation has a stench, and you reek of it. [ Cellphone chimes ] We're done. Now get back to work. And do not bring this crap to me ever again on company time. And if you do, trust me, I will show you that you are not as valuable as you think you are.", "Summer: A veiled threat. Too bad that's all it is.", "Sharon: Wow. Door-to-door service. How lucky am I?", "Nick: Luck has nothing to do with it. Are you really done with all of your finals?", "Sharon: They have already posted our grades. I got two b's and an A. And summer school was it for me. I'm done. It's on to graduation.", "Nick: I am so proud of you.", "Sharon: Thanks. I'm kind of proud of me, too.", "Nick: You know what? We should have our own private party once the, uh, dark horse launch is over. You know, just the two of us. And I would love to do it in our new home. Have you checked out any of the houses I picked online?", "Sharon: Well, between work and finals and faith starting school, getting ready for the wedding, who's had time?", "Nick: Look, I know how attached you are to your home. But I need this. I need something new. Something that reflects who I am now.", "Sharon: Your actions make more of a statement than any piece of real estate ever could.", "Nick: I know. But there, I still feel like I'm in my father's orbit. And it's a past I need to break free of.", "Sharon: You're ready for a change.", "Nick: You're damn right I am. So I'm gonna call the realtor, see if we can check out some of those places after work. Okay? I'll be in touch.", "Abby: Hey, stranger. Welcome back.", "Nick: Hey, thanks. Glad I ran into you. How are the plans for the launch event coming?", "Abby: We are in great shape, but I will fill you in later. Right now, I want to hear about arturo. Did he do a great job for you in madison?", "Nick: You know, he totally crushed it.", "Abby: That's fabulous. I'm -- I'm glad to hear that.", "Nick: But you're upset he didn't come home at the same time as I did.", "Abby: Shows, huh? Ah. He called me when I was pulling out of the garage. I'm pretty bummed out.", "Nick: Abby, sorry. That's on me. We're totally swamped up there, and arturo volunteered to stay behind to finish things up, and I jumped at his offer.", "Abby: Hmm. I'm wondering if that's the only reason he didn't hurry back.", "Nick: Hey, rey. What's going on?", "Rey: Hey. Can't complain. You?", "Abby: Wait, you two know each other?", "Jack: Listen, before you start in on phyllis, she was in over her head. It is not a crime. Go easy on her, okay?", "Ashley: Mother could have gotten into some serious trouble with the condition that she's in. You know that.", "Jack: Luckily, nothing bad happened.", "Ashley: Not this time.", "Jack: If there's one saving grace from this god-awful disease, mother won't remember a thing.", "Ashley: Well, jack, you know, even though she doesn't know who I am, I still like to bring her some kind of comfort.", "Jack: Yeah, I know. And I feel the same way.", "Dina: Oh, my goodness.", "Jack: Dina! How you doing today?", "Dina: Not so good. I can't find piper. I've -- I've searched for him everywhere.", "Ashley: I-I don't know where he is, either, but I'm happy to help you look.", "Dina: What have you done with my doggie?", "Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Reddish-tan terrier, about yea big?", "Dina: Yes, yes.", "Jack: Brown leather collar?", "Dina: Yes, that's him! That's my champion norfolk.", "Jack: I just saw him outside chasing squirrels. He's happy as can be.", "Dina: Oh, goody! He loves that. That's his favorite thing. [ Chuckles ] Well, I've got some letters to write. If you'll excuse me.", "Ashley: She responds well to you, jack. Even now.", "Jack: Yeah. If she's better off with me around, maybe i ought to move back in here.", "Ashley: When you left, you were adamant that you didn't belong here. You said it didn't feel like home anymore.", "Jack: Yeah, part of me still feels that way. Of course, you are in the unique position to actually understand that. But I got to make dina a priority. I got to get beyond myself and focus on her.", "Ashley: That's very admirable. But things have gotten just a little complicated around here.", "Jack: If you're talking about billy and phyllis, I know. I can handle it.", "Ashley: So you're gonna be passing rolls to your ex-wife, who is sharing a bedroom with your brother, and you don't have a problem with that?", "Jack: Phyllis wants billy. That's it. Look, I've managed to handle things to this point. I can continue to do so. Even if all of us are calling the same place home.", "Phyllis: Hey! Where are you off to in such a hurry?", "Billy: I'm, uh, actually late for a meeting thanks to your daughter. But we were able to have a quick little chat.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? About what?", "Billy: Yes. I told her that I am done with her garbage. No more using me to stick it to you. I told her there are boundaries, and she's reached them. Frankly, she's passed them.", "Phyllis: You said that?", "Billy: In similar words, yes. But I did not pull any punches. The other way wasn't working. But I'm pretty clear she heard me this time.", "Phyllis: Thank you. [ Sighs ] Sounds like you did what needed to be done.", "Billy: Well, you can only send a kid on so many fake cruises, right?", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: Uh, hang on. Is that me or you?", "Billy: It's me.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Could it be summer, testing her new boundaries?", "Billy: I don't know, and I don't care. But I'm late for my meeting, okay? I'll catch up with you in a bit.", "Nick: So then rey proceeded to explain that I was watching football -- you know, the real deal, not the fake american kind.", "Rey: I just don't understand how you can call it football when --", "Nick: When they're carrying the ball with their hands?", "Rey: Yeah. Let's -- let's think about that, right?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ]", "Rey: You know what, that reminds me, I happened to get a couple to the chicago fire game. They're playing in bridgeview on the 16th.", "Nick: Yeah? Who they playing?", "Rey: Orlando city.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Oh, man. I've been meaning to go down there and check out a game. It's just things have been crazy right now.", "Rey: Come on, man. You got to take a break from work sometime, right?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] You know what, let me, uh -- let me take a look at my calendar. I'll shoot you a text. I might take you up on that offer.", "Sharon: What offer is that?", "Abby: Rey wants to treat nick to a soccer match in chicago. A little male bonding.", "Sharon: Where's my ticket? I did cook dinner for you, in case you'd forgotten.", "Abby: Dinner? At your place? How did that come about?", "Sharon: Rey saved me from having to call a plumber, so I figured the least I could do was feed him. Mariah joined us. I made my world-famous meatloaf.", "Rey: Aptly named. Thank you again.", "Nick: That was so nice of you. I mean, the guy's new in town.", "Abby: Rey's hardly a stranger to genoa city. He's arturo's brother.", "Nick: Wait, seriously?", "Rey: [ Chuckles ]", "Nick: You realize he works for me, right?", "Rey: Yeah, not when we met. It's a small world, right?", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] Man, I'll say. [ Cellphone chimes ] 'Scuse me. Oh, yes. My meeting has been postponed. So that means we can go check out those homes right now.", "Sharon: Uh... let's do it.", "Nick: All right. Let's do it. I will let you know about those tickets.", "Rey: Great. Good luck with your search.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Abby: Wait. I'm not finished with you.", "Ashley: When are you thinking about moving back?", "Jack: Oh, as soon as possible, I guess. Hotel life isn't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe tomorrow.", "Dina: Listen, would you like to see my wonderful family?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Ashley: Yes, I would love to.", "Dina: Oh, goody. Well, thi-- this is john, my husband, on our wedding day. Gosh, he was a handsome devil, wasn't he? And, uh, he's very successful. He owns his own company. And... and these are my handsome, handsome children. Yes, ashley, jack, and -- a-and the youngest one. And they're all so brilliant and accomplished, and I'm so very proud of them.", "Jack: I can see why.", "Dina: Can you imagine, john and I have been married for over 50 years.", "Ashley: Wow. That's quite an accomplishment.", "Dina: Yes. And -- and this may sound silly, but we're still crazy in love. Wonder how many women are lucky enough to see that, have that?", "Ashley: Not too many.", "Dina: No. I have a perfect life. Just perfect. Perfect family, and -- and, uh...perfect, uh... [ Photo album thuds ] Oh...", "Jack: [ Sighs ] [ Slams album ] She doesn't remember anything. Not walking out on us. Not destroying this family. Breaking dad's heart. Your father. My father.", "Ashley: You really want her to re-live that pain, jack? I mean, it's better if she's just imagining that she's --", "Jack: A life that none of us lived. A fantasy.", "Ashley: If it makes her happy... maybe it's a blessing.", "Jack: Yeah, maybe for her.", "Sinead: Can't take no for an answer.", "Billy: Well, I told you --", "Sinead: I told you, it's too late to get in.", "Billy: I have faith in you, sinead. You have a way with people. If anybody's gonna get them to make an exception for a last-minute entry, well...", "Sinead: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, you can try to work me all day long. But this isn't some little back-room game. It's a major tournament.", "Billy: And you know the higher-ups. You know how to get it done. And I'm gonna trust in your connections and your expertise.", "Sinead: Mm. I thought you were out.", "Billy: Well, I want in.", "Sinead: Why?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Look, I'm asking you for a teensy favor.", "Sinead: I mean, there must be a reason why you said no in the first place. Maybe it's not in your best interest.", "Billy: Right. Like you've ever been \"friends don't let friends get back to the table.\"", "Sinead: [ Laughs ] I'm not your mother.", "Billy: And we're not friends. Not by a long shot.", "Sinead: True.", "Billy: So as one of your bitterest rivals, what would happen if word got out that you tried to block me from getting in?", "Sinead: I'm not doing that.", "Billy: Well, if you had the opportunity to pull some strings and you chose not to, isn't that the same thing as keeping me out? Some fresh red meat for all the pros to gnaw on, you would be depriving them of that opportunity because why? You're afraid of the competition?", "Sinead: [ Scoffs ] Me, scared of you? That's funny.", "Billy: I'm just thinking the way they would be thinking. What would it look like if they knew? It would look like weakness. You would be sitting opposite them, fully exposed, a big, gaping hole where your pride used to be.", "Sinead: [ Exhales sharply ] You sure talk a good game. Too bad I can't help.", "Billy: Then let this do the talking. Call it goodwill money. For talking to the powers that be and getting me into the tournament at this late date.", "Sinead: I guess you don't hear so good.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Look we both know you're gonna do it, or you wouldn't be sitting here. Hmm. No promises. And I keep this. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Abby: I find it fascinating how eager you were to get to know me at first. Now, not so much. Why is that, rey? Were you trying to take advantage of the fact that I knew nothing about you?", "Rey: Are you finished?", "Abby: Seems like a pattern with you, this -- this whole helpful, friendly, all-around nice guy.", "Rey: I think you got the wrong impression about me.", "Abby: I don'T. You said you wanted me to help you get things right with arturo. That whole, \"you tell me something about you, I'll tell you something about me.\" The only thing is, is that you didn't tell me a damn thing about yourself. Nothing about why arturo wants to leave the room the second you walk into it. And now, instead of coming home to me, he's taken on extra work outside of town. Why is that? Maybe because he's hoping that by the time he gets back, you'll be gone.", "Rey: [ Chuckles ] First of all, I don't have a pattern. I don't -- I don't know where you would get an idea like that.", "Abby: Because I have eyes, and I've seen the way that you've dealt with people in this town.", "Rey: Like who?", "Abby: Like your brother, for one. A guy that I care about. He wants zero to do with you.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "Abby: And I'm not really buying it's because of this whole sibling-rivalry thing, so why don't you tell me what's really going on?", "Billy: Hey. Perfect timing.", "Phyllis: Hey. How was the meeting?", "Billy: It was fantastic. Yeah. I feel good about it.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Excellent! I am not surprised. I know how persuasive you can be.", "Billy: Ooh. On occasion.", "Phyllis: Um, once I deliver these files, I am knocking off, so any interest at, uh, the little happy-hour club on the roof? What do you say? After the day I've had, I really need a little end-of-the-day sunshine.", "Billy: That sounds perfect. Let me leave a little note for gloria.", "[ Cellphone chimes ]", "Phyllis: Everything okay?", "Billy: Yeah. Uh... just a little construction problem with one of the jaboutique stores in arizona. Looks like I'm gonna have to go there and rattle some cages. 'Cause we are going to open up on schedule if I have to sleep in the parking lot.", "Phyllis: All right. There's no reason you have to do that alone, or sleep in anything big and cozy without me.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Oooh. You want to come with me?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, why not? You'll work. I'll spa, maybe do a little shopping. We'll make a little weekend of it. What do you say?", "Billy: I love that idea. But I'm gonna be working the whole time, putting out fires and running around all crazy, which means I'm not gonna have time to do anything else, which puts you in the hotel room ordering room service and watching tv, which is very, very boring. Not a pretty place for you. So let me go take care of this, okay, and then I will come back, and I will do something special for you. And because gloria is mia, I got to go deal with travel plans.", "Kyle: You don't look happy.", "Sinead: I don't do happy. Or perky. The things you probably go for.", "Kyle: Not even close.", "Sinead: Billy went for it.", "Kyle: How much convincing did it take?", "Sinead: Are you serious? I played him beautifully. He convinced me. Showed up with an envelope full of benjamins to persuade me to vouch for him with the organizers.", "Kyle: You made him work for it. Nice going.", "Sinead: I told him the entry deadline had passed. Lucky for me, he didn't even check.", "Kyle: Hm.", "Sinead: Although it could have been true. There's going to be a lot of top- drawer talent there.", "Kyle: Something tells me you were the real draw. You bring out the competitor in him. Long as you understand, this tournament, it's only the first step. You need to keep billy coming back, shelling out the big bucks until I say otherwise.", "Sinead: And then you'll pay off my marker with lerman. The whole thing. That's our deal, right?", "Kyle: Provided none of this leaks out. No one can know about our arrangement. Ever.", "Nick: I mean, the 12-foot windows overlooking the lake, the covered deck on that giant screen porch. And the fire pit! I mean, just think about the summer barbecues that take place down there. And, you know, it's zoned for horses. Faith could move her pony over there. We could get christian a few horses as he gets older. What'd you think of the place?", "Sharon: I thought it was impressive. How many bedrooms did it have? Eight?", "Nick: Nine if you count the pool house.", "Sharon: Oh, well, it's only six more than we need.", "Nick: Well, then we will just have six more kids.", "Sharon: Cute.", "Nick: Did you think I was kidding?", "Sharon: [ Laughs ] You better be. No, I think I just found the place a little intimidating.", "Nick: I think the word you were looking for is \"gracious.\"", "Sharon: Mm... \"cold\" and \"impersonal\" were the words that went through my mind. The place echoed, nick.", "Nick: It's just 'cause it's empty. Fill it with furniture and rugs and all the kids running around and a bunch of dogs.", "Sharon: Dogs? Plural?", "Nick: Yeah. Eight of them. One for each kid. You love dogs. You know, not too long ago, you were willing to move to san diego with me. I mean, leave everything behind, the last 25 years of your life. I'm just talking about moving across town to a new home. I mean, what are you struggling with? What has changed?", "Sharon: You.", "Sinead: I get that it's none of my business, but you sure seem to be going to a lot of trouble to get billy seriously on the hook. Care to share why?", "Kyle: No. Just know it's all for a good cause. Got to go. I'll be in touch. Hey.", "Summer: Ah. Well, aren't you johnny-on-the-spot.", "Kyle: Excuse me?", "Summer: I'm sure that you've been dying for me to get back so that you can claim your prize now that you've won.", "Kyle: So you're conceding?", "Summer: I bet that I could get billy into bed before the month was out. And I failed. I pay my debts, and I'm ready to pay this one, so... where we gonna go to hook up?", "Billy: Let me leave the return open-ended. Great. Thanks, pammy. [ Knock on door ] Appreciate it.", "Phyllis: How's it going in here? You get everything booked for your trip?", "Billy: The jabot jet is in new york, so I'm flying commercial. But I got hotel and car all booked, so... I'm good to go.", "Phyllis: That sounds like you probably worked up a thirst. What about those drinks we were talking about earlier? Spend a little time together before arizona?", "Billy: I should get home, throw some clothes in my bag. My flight's just after midnight, so...", "Phyllis: Eh, you don't have to explain. I get it.", "Billy: Thank you for understanding.", "Phyllis: Pack your bathing suit. Take a dip first thing. Keeps you sharp. Can I drive you, please, to the airport?", "Billy: I can't do this.", "Phyllis: Can't do what?", "Billy: I'm not going to phoenix. I lied to you.", "Sharon: San diego was different. It was before dark horse. Before all the things you did to get even with victor. All of which you kept from me.", "Nick: To protect you.", "Sharon: You know, you talk about this new company you're starting as being something different. Family-oriented. Not like the empire that victor built. But the way that it got started, I can't help but think that dark horse is going to become exactly that. And then this quest for a new house... I mean, you say that you want it to represent a fresh beginning. But I think that you need to ask yourself, is this about you or about victor? You know, I want to support you, nick. I-I really do. What I don't want to do is pull up stakes and disrupt all of our lives just to make another statement to your father -- one that he is just going to dismiss anyway. You know what, we'll have given up our cozy home on this beautiful ranch for what? What was that for?", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Just... thanking you for your honesty. It's what I wanted to hear. It's what I need to hear.", "Sharon: But will you listen?", "Nick: I'm listening now. And I meant what I said about where I want us to go from here. I know I did some shady things getting dark horse off the ground. And, yeah, I enjoyed showing up my dad. But that's over.", "Sharon: Your new friend rey, I didn't invite him over here for dinner just as a friendly gesture. I...was trying to find out how much he knew.", "Nick: About what?", "Sharon: He says that he's some kind of debt collector investigating J.T. The unpaid expenditures on his credit card, several of which were made when you were pretending to be him. So, no, nick, it's not over.", "Rey: You may be involved with arturo, buy my private family issues are -- are not your business.", "Abby: When the man I'm seeing extends his trip to avoid someone, and doesn't come home on time, then it damn well is my business.", "Rey: I'm not gonna say anything more on this subject. You're gonna think I'm putting my slant on things, trying to influence you. Frankly, I think these are questions you should be asking your boyfriend. And I think it's quite telling that he hasn't offered you anything.", "Abby: Not that you would try to influence me.", "Rey: You're making a lot of assumptions without any information.", "Abby: Mm. Such as?", "Rey: Well, for starters, why arturo hasn't come back from his trip. Could it be because he still has work to wrap up? You're thinking with your heart instead of your head. Which means you could get hurt. And I would hate to see that happen.", "Kyle: You're giving up on billy?", "Summer: The man's a saint. Who knew? Maybe he learned from his mistakes, or else my mom has a very short leash on him. But either way, he is being a very good boy these days. Which means that you win. So. Let's get this out of the way, shall we?", "Kyle: My car versus a quickie? [ Sighs ] Doesn't work with me. If we're gonna do this, let's do it right.", "Summer: So, what are you saying?", "Kyle: I don't want to rush it. I deserve to savor my victory.", "Summer: Fine. We will make a night of it. To the victor goes the spoils. And I promise that you are going to enjoy every moment.", "Phyllis: Vegas. Wow. How come?", "Billy: I'm playing in a big-time invitational poker tournament. At the golden diamond. A lot of ranking professionals, some talented amateurs, including yours truly. This is my chance to prove that I can compete with the best of the best.", "Phyllis: Why are you telling me this now? I mean, you could have lied to me again. Maybe even gotten away with it.", "Billy: Because I don't want to do that to you anymore. I'm done with that. It's eating me alive.", "Phyllis: Lies have a way of doing that.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] I play cards. I bet on horses. And it doesn't matter if I win or lose, I have to keep it secret from everybody 'cause they're gonna judge me, and tell me that I don't have any willpower. Which means I have to live with that guilt and shame, and for what reason? Because somebody else said that I'm an addict? No more. To hell with that, okay? I want it all out in the open. 100%. Phyllis, it is a rush to me that I even got into this game in the first place. Sitting at the table with this caliber of players, knowing what is at stake, that is intense. That is living life on the edge. Experiencing the big win, that is when I feel most alive. And we're not talking about roulette or slots. This is poker. Okay? This is skill. And it's not just mathematics and strategy. This is intuition. This is knowing when someone is bluffing. Knowing when to ride a ridiculously bad hand and go all-in, or fold them to conserve my energy, to wait for the other guy to fold. There's only a few players in the world that can play at that level. Now, I'm good. But I need to know if I'm that good. I need to know if I am one of those people. It's in me, okay? That's it. It's who I am. It's in my dna. We went to new orleans, and we had that crazy weekend. We had fun. It was exciting. And nothing awful happened. I can go to this tournament, and I might just be the king of the world for a few days. And I can come back here, and I can continue my life. I am not gonna get sucked in to some abyss. I'm not gonna go down some downward spiral and never come out. I love you. And I know you love me. And I know you'll trust me if i tell you that I need to do this. And I am taking a risk telling you this. But I told you that I am gonna be honest with you about everything. And that's what I'm doing. So can you go on this ride with me? Will you?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Harrison told Kay that Arthur had murdered his Mother, squandered her fortune, and now wanted Kay's. He spotted Kay's engagement ring, said it had belonged to his dead Mother, and told her to consider herself warned that Arthur would kill her. Phyllis questioned Daniel about Alex and told him if he walked out of their home, he'd never be allowed back in. Lauren once again devastated a newly respected Kevin by refusing another dinner invite. Christine played referee for Paul and Michael, and took a case that would keep her out of town for a few days. Michael asked Paul to give Lauren his blessing to see other people, so that Michael could pursue her. Victor comforted a distraught Nikki, and begged her not to seek out Joshua's older brother, fearing the fallout if the man refused to forgive Nikki for the shooting. Jill confided in Elliot that Jabot had scrapped the Men's Line. Elliot told her he lived life to the fullest and wanted someone like her next to him to enjoy the special moments. Christine guessed Phyllis was having problems with Daniel when she requested his contact number. Phyllis warned her to keep her distance from Daniel. Daniel and Kevin discussed Alex's demands, while Daniel was disgusted to realize that Kevin had done everything for Lauren Fenmore, a woman old enough to tuck him into bed at night." ]
[ "Kay: You say I'm in danger.", "Harrison: I'm afraid so.", "Kay: From Arthur?", "Harrison: Yes.", "Kay: Oh, that's ridiculous.", "Harrison: Listen, y-you don't know him.", "Kay: I do know that the two of you had a falling out. And that does happen in the best of families, believe me, I know. But for you to come here trying to frighten me, trying to--to ruin any happiness that I have found with your father--", "Harrison: He's not my f-- he's not my father!", "Kay: All right, all-- please, please, just-- just lower your voice. Now if you would like to come back when Arthur is here and air your grievances with him, you are most welcome to do so. But I don't really appreciate this dramatic nonsense of yours, trying to tell me I'm in danger from a sweet and lovely man like Arthur Hendricks.", "Harrison: Mrs. Chancellor, I didn't come all this way to lie to you.", "Kay: Oh, please. I don't know you from a bar of soap. Now, you know, please, please. Arthur is going to be back later, and I-- oh, by the--better yet, why don't you leave your phone number?", "Harrison: He killed her.", "Kay: What?", "Harrison: He killed my mother. And that's the reason why I'm here. 'Cause if he has a chance, he's gonna kill you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: How's your schoolwork coming? Do you need some help from your mom?", "Daniel: How long am I supposed to be grounded for?", "Phyllis: Depends.", "Daniel: Yeah? What's that mean?", "Phyllis: Tell me where you met that kid Alex.", "Daniel: Why? What's the big deal?", "Phyllis: I wanna know how you got mixed up with him in the first place.", "Daniel: Okay, look, I'm sorry. Can't I get some kind of \"get out of jail free\" card?", "Phyllis: (Sighs) \"sorry\" doesn't cut it, sweetie.", "Daniel: Figures.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Look at you. You're so smug. You been going to school with rich kids with good families. That boy Alex comes from a whole different world.", "Daniel: Yeah, well, I can handle it.", "Phyllis: Yeah? You think so? You don't \"handle\" a kid like Alex. You walk away. Or else you get in a whole lot of trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Trevor: What's up, Kev?", "Kevin: Hey. Hey, guys.", "Man: Hey, what's up, man?", "Kevin: The lovely Ms. Fenmore, I presume.", "Lauren: Well, hey. I didn't see you come in here.", "Kevin: What you doin'?", "Lauren: I'm going over last month's sales report. And you?", "Kevin: Yeah, so listen, do you notice anything different about me?", "Lauren: Like, okay, what? I'm not seeing anything.", "Kevin: Well, look around.", "Lauren: Uh, all right.Wh-what am I looking for?", "Kevin: Well, that's just it. Nothing. Don't you get it?", "Lauren: Okay, I am seriously not following you here.", "Kevin: Okay, well, it used to be that I couldn't come in here without being treated like the plague. And suddenly, last night, people are practically worshipping me. Man, I wish you could've been here to see it.", "Lauren: What are you talking about?", "Kevin: Um, I'm talking about being a hero for saving Lily. There were reporters here interviewing me. Yeah, yeah, I'm being treated like a normal person for once in my life.", "Lauren: I'm really glad for you.", "Kevin: Yeah? Prove it.", "Lauren: What?", "Kevin: Have dinner with me, tonight, The Colonnade Room.", "Lauren: Oh, wow. That's awfully fancy and expensive.", "Kevin: Well, you're worth it to me, every penny.", "Lauren: It's so flattering. It is. I-I just--", "Kevin: Listen, a woman like you only comes along once in a guy's life, so, uh, don't you say no now. Not when everyone else is finally accepting me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door closes)", "Chris: Christine Blair reporting for duty.", "Michael: So you remembered how to find the place.", "Chris: It hasn't been that long.", "Michael: So tell me, how is it? Your first day back in your old stomping grounds.", "Chris: Wonderful. Though my office leaves a little something to be desired.", "Michael: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was using it as a storage room while you were gone.", "Chris: Oh, so much for keeping it the shrine.", "Michael: No, I was hoping that maintenance had it cleared out, but they're impossible. I can--", "Chris: Michael, its okay. Today I'll use the conference room.", "Michael: All right.", "Chris: So where do we start? Do you have some juicy case with my name on it in here?", "Michael: It is gonna be so great having you back. It's gonna feel just like old memes again-- you and me working together, side by side.", "Chris: Aren't you forgetting someone?", "Michael: Hmm. Are you referring to our new in-house private detective?", "Chris: Yes.", "Michael: Mm. Tell me I'm not gonna regret agreeing to this.", "Chris: You won't. We're all adults. There is no reason why the three of us can't work together, as long as you and Paul show each other a little bit of respect.", "Michael: I will if--", "Paul: Baldwin! I need to talk to you. Oh, hi, Chris.", "Chris: Hi.", "Michael: Problem?", "Paul: Yes, there is a problem. Why isn't my name on the lobby directory downstairs?", "Michael: Well, if you'd--", "Paul: I have a lot of important clients. They need to be able to find me. If you have a problem with that, you know, maybe we should rethink this whole thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: So I did it. I killed him.", "Victor: My sweetheart, it was an accident. You were just a child then.", "Nikki: So was Joshua. I grew up, and he didn't.", "Victor: Are you sure that what you're remembering is real?", "Nikki: The gun went off in my hands.", "Victor: And then what happened?", "Nikki: And then my father woke up, drunk as usual. He was so upset. He was yelling at me. He said, \"If you tell anybody what happened...\" he said that somebody would come and take me away. I was so scared.", "Victor: Oh, sweetheart. Oh, baby. What happened to the body?", "Nikki: He-- he scooped him up and took him away. I never knew what happened to him.", "Victor: Until they found the child's skeleton behind the Rec Center.", "Nikki: I know that it's him. I know it.", "Victor: (Sighs) that's a horrendous story. Are you sure your memory isn't playing tricks with you?", "Nikki: Victor, I'm not crazy.", "Nikki: This boy is dead. I didn't make that up. I know--I know what I'm remembering is real. I just have to find a way to deal with it.", "Victor: I'm sorry, my baby. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Thank you.", "Elliot: Mm-hmm. You all right?", "Jill: No. Mnh-mnh.", "Elliot: Anything I can do to help?", "Jill: Not a thing. Thank you for asking.", "Jill: They axed it.", "Elliot: What?", "Jill: Those idiots that I work with-- the board of defectives-- they cut the men's line. Can you believe it? Not cut it back, cut it out. Gone. Not there. After years of creating a suite of viable products that people know and love... it was an utterly senseless act.", "Elliot: What's their reasoning?", "Jill: Oh, they have no reasoning. It was vindictive. It was an act of personal animosity.", "Elliot: It's gonna be okay. We'll take a break from that, okay? Have a nice lunch. You like crab cakes? They're the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: All right, let's compromise. Buy me another cup of coffee.", "Kevin: No, no, no. That's not enough. I want to do something special for you, for us.", "Lauren: Hey, friends can share a cup of coffee and, uh, you can still express whatever it is you're feeling.", "Kevin: Ugh. Don't. Don't do that. Don't brush this off. A cup of coffee doesn't come close to saying what I mean.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Kevin, I know that this is a really special time for you right now. But I think that your money would be far better spent if you take out your new friends, not me.", "Kevin: But that's not what I want. I want to take you out.", "Lauren: It'll give them a chance to get to know you better, the real you.", "Kevin: Right. They never gave a damn before.", "Lauren: Well, maybe they will now.", "Kevin: Yeah, but not like you. Come on, Lauren, put me out of my misery. Say yes to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: Paul, relax. We will get your name on the directory.", "Paul: When? I have meetings this afternoon. What am I supposed to do, stand in the lobby and usher my clients into the elevator?", "Michael: I've already talked to the building manager. Getting your name in the directory is no problem. Maintenance is on its way. However, there is one other little problem.", "Paul: What?", "Michael: The build-out to your office, it's not quite finished.", "Chris: Oh, God.", "Michael: I take it you haven't seen it yet.", "Paul: You are kidding me.", "Michael: All right.", "Paul: Michael, you promised I'd be up and running this afternoon.", "Michael: It is the contractor. I'm sorry. I had no idea this was gonna happen.", "Paul: Oh, great. Well, I completely understand. I will just issue my clients little hard hats as they step into my office.", "Michael: Please!", "Paul: This is a bad idea.", "Chris: You know, just please don't give up so quickly. We'll share an office until your office is ready. It won't take long, right?", "Michael: I truly apologize.", "Paul: Says who?", "Michael: I know this is a big transition for you. You're used to flying solo, and now you have to deal with two office mates.", "Paul: All right, I signed on for this. I will make it work.", "Chris: And so will we, won't we, Michael?", "Michael: You bet. Hallelujah.", "Chris: Okay. So back to my first case...", "Michael: Oh, oh, I hope you're ready to jump in with both feet, because it's a doozy.", "Chris: What is it?", "Michael: Well, you both know who Dexter Communications is?", "Chris: Yeah, they've been all over the news.", "Paul: They went belly-up earlier this year, didn't they?", "Michael: Yes, because management played fast and loose with the accounting and padded the profit margins. Now some of the former employees are suing to get their pension back. And they're looking for legal representation.", "Chris: This could be huge.", "Michael: Could be. We don't know yet. First things first. We have to start taking depositions, get the lay of the land. I'm swamped, which is why I'm hoping you don't mind going to Milwaukee by yourself.", "Chris: Oh, I don't mind at all.", "Michael: It might take a few days to talk to everyone involved.", "Chris: That's all right. That's okay. I'll leave right away.", "Michael: I thought you'd say that, which is why I took the liberty of booking your hotel room. Now all the information is in this folder.", "Chris: Okay.", "Michael: Okay.", "Chris: I will take it from here. Thanks.", "Michael: Excellent.", "Paul: Oh, swell. You're deserting me on my first day in the office.", "Chris: Oh, I think you'll survive without me.", "Michael: I'm not sure I will.", "Paul: I heard that.", "Michael: Oh, please. Your hearing works.", "Chris: Wait, stop. You both have my cell phone. I'm gonna go to Milwaukee and wrap this up as soon as I can. In the meantime, please, please do me a favor. Play nice.", "Chris: Play nice. Good-bye.", "Michael: Bye. Find out tonight", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Mom, I am 16. I can handle myself, and I didn't even invite Alex over here. He just showed up.", "Phyllis: He just showed up? Really? Hmm, he's very dangerous.", "Daniel: Yeah, you're right, so the less you know, the better. So can we please just drop it?", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I can't ignore it.", "Daniel: Look, I promise. I won't have anything more to do with him.", "Phyllis: I'm glad you see it my way. Why are you giving him the time of day?", "Daniel: Well, you know, it's not exactly like I have a whole lot of friends here in Genoa City. And we just started hanging out, so what's the big deal?", "Phyllis: Wow, that's a red flag.", "Daniel: A red flag for what?", "Phyllis: Um, drugs.", "Daniel: You think I'm taking drugs?", "Phyllis: Are you?", "Daniel: No, I wouldn't be that stupid. You believe me, right?", "Phyllis: Well, I didn't say that. I remember how I tried to snow my parents when I was your age.", "Daniel: Why would I want to snow you? Is that what Mr. Personality told you, that I'm taking drugs?", "Phyllis: You know what? Let's leave Mr. Personality out of this.", "Daniel: Well, I don't know. Can we leave him out of it? What's his deal, anyway?", "Phyllis: We're getting sidetracked here. You know what, Daniel? You're smart, you're really good-looking, and I bet you conned all of your friends at the boarding school with that gorgeous smile of yours. But when it comes to conniving, I'm better.", "Daniel: You know, I don't believe--", "Phyllis: No, no, no. Listen to me. If you're trying to pull the wool over my eyes, it's not gonna take me a long time to figure it out.", "Daniel: You don't trust me at all, do you? You know, if I wanted to leave right now, you couldn't stop me.", "Phyllis: You leave, and I'll lock that door behind you, and you're gone for good.", "Daniel: I don't believe it.", "Phyllis: Try me. (Telephone rings) (Ring) Phyllis Hey. Hi, I thought it was you. I know. I do, too. Okay, I'll see you in an hour. All right, sounds great. Bye. I'm going out. Um, I'm going into town. You're still grounded. That means no friends over, no phone calls, no exceptions, as we said earlier. Remember, I have eyes in the back of my head.", "Daniel: Yeah?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Daniel: How can you see with all that hair?", "Phyllis: (Giggles) hey, let's have dinner together. Later.", "Daniel: Later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Joshua: Is it real?", "Nikki: I think so. It's heavy.", "Joshua: Can I see?", "Nikki: No.", "Joshua: Come on, I want to hold it, too.", "Nikki: No, I found it. You can't touch it.", "Joshua: Be careful.", "Nikki: Stick 'em up!", "Joshua: I want to be a robber.", "Nikki: I said, \"stick 'em up.\"", "Joshua: I want to try it.", "Nikki: No, it's mine! (Gun fires)", "Nikki: No, Josh, no! (Screams)", "Nicholas: Shut up! Shut up! You little idiot, look what you've done. Look what you've done. You can never tell anyone about this. Do you understand me, Nikki? Never tell anyone, ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: It's all right, my baby.", "Nikki: We were such best friends in kindergarten, and then I just forgot about him. How could I do that?", "Victor: Well, do you think perhaps your mind was just trying to protect itself?", "Nikki: I know, but to block it out so completely for all these years?", "Victor: It was because your father threatened you. You blocked it out of your mind. You just erased it.", "Nikki: Yes, I did, and now I have this blood on my hands.", "Victor: Let me ask you something. Do you think it's possible your father is at fault?", "Nikki: He was a horrible bastard-- I know that-- but he didn't pull the trigger. I did.", "Victor: Yeah, but what I'm trying to say is he might as well have pulled the trigger. He left a loaded gun in a house full of children. I think he's the one to blame.", "Nikki: I wish I could believe that, but I can't, I just can't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Are you completely insane?", "Harrison: I wish that was the case. I wish what Hendricks did to my mother and did to me, I wish it was just a bad dream.", "Kay: Oh, well, you are a bad dream, so just go away.", "Harrison: Okay, okay, I know you think I'm some kind of a crackpot, I'm some disgruntled stepson who's just out for revenge. Now you can decide that, but first listen to what I have to say.", "Kay: I've already made my mind up. You are a crackpot, and obviously you know nothing about Arthur Hendricks.", "Harrison: Yes, I do, but not by the facade that he puts on. I know him by his deeds.", "Kay: Oh, your interpretation of his deeds.", "Harrison: Just hear me out.", "Kay: As I've told you, no, thank you. Now you can come back with Arthur when he's here, and he can make you out toe e the liar you are.", "Harrison: Yeah, of course! He's gonna say I'm full of poison, I'm just angry, okay? But if you just listen to me for one second here--", "Kay: No, no.", "Harrison: Listen, she was perfectly healthy! She shouldn't have died. Arthur, he never loved her. He just wanted her money, so he killed her. Then he squandered it all on fast living, and that's what he's doing now to you again, to you!", "Kay: Oh, fast living? You have the wrong man. Arthur Hendricks, fast living?", "Harrison: No, listen, I'll prove it. I will prove it to you. Just let me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I'm sorry. I cannot accept your dinner invitation.", "Kevin: Why not?", "Lauren: Do I really need to spell this out?", "Kevin: I just want to show you how much you mean to me.", "Lauren: I know. I have eyes.", "Kevin: Then say you'll go out with me. What harm could one tiny, small, measly, little date do?", "Lauren: You know I don't see you that way.", "Kevin: Okay, fine, fine. Then we won't call it a date. Like you said, just two friends, only we'll be having dinner instead of coffee.", "Lauren: You're gonna have to be satisfied with coffee for now, but thank you very much for the sweet and generous offer.", "Kevin: Lauren, I'm not giving up. A woman like you is worth fighting for.", "Lauren: And you know what? I would really love to see you put this energy into winning something far more valuable.", "Kevin: What prize could ever compare to you?", "Lauren: When you figure that one out, my friend, you will start solving all your problems.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Well, I certainly hope this construction doesn't take too long.", "Michael: Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul, just a minute, please, please. Uh, I'm just curious about something. How are things going with you and Lauren?", "Paul: Lauren? Why do you care?", "Michael: I just don't want to see things get awkward for you.", "Paul: Awkward how?", "Michael: With all these women that you're juggling. I mean, you're gonna be working with Christine. You two share a lot of history, and then there's Lauren. Lord knows you two have had your share of ups and downs. I think that you're just asking for trouble.", "Paul: Oh, and you would like to take Lauren off my hands, is that it?", "Michael: Well, I didn't say that, did I?", "Paul: Oh, give it a rest, Baldwin. You've got feelings for Lauren, and you know it.", "Michael: Lauren has been a lifeline for me and my brother. You can understand why I don't want to see her get hurt.", "Paul: I would never hurt Lauren.", "Michael: Well, not intentionally, but if you and Christine do happen to get back together, then it might happen anyway.", "Paul: Now where is that coming from?", "Michael: I'm just saying that if you do, then Lauren would become fair game, right?", "Paul: If I... yes, I suppose that it would work out that way.", "Michael: Unless, of course, you're willing to set her free right now.", "Paul: Oh, I get it. So then she would be free to pursue other options.", "Michael: Would you have a problem with that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Elliot: We're going to share an order of crab cakes, a large greek salad, two glasses of chardonnay, please.", "Waiter: Thank you, sir.", "Jill: Yes, thank you, sir, for taking charge.", "Elliot: I'm saving the big calories for that little place I told you about.", "Jill: The one out of town?", "Elliot: That one.", "Jill: Elliot, um...", "Elliot: It doesn't have to be anytime soon, just, you know, whenever you feel you can trust me.", "Jill: It's not that I don't feel I can trust you.", "Elliot: No, it's just that you think that I might be plundering your mother's company and lining my pockets while I'm twisting my mustache.", "Jill: You don't have a mustache.", "Elliot: And I'm not plundering your mother's company, either. Jill, I like to live well, but I'm not looking for a free ride. I work hard.", "Jill: And you like to play hard.", "Elliot: I do, and I'd like you to play with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Trevor: Thank you.", "Phyllis: Hey, what's the little blonde counselor doing? Plotting up new ways to break up loving families?", "Chris: Did I ask you to join me?", "Phyllis: No, I decided to sit here all by myself.", "Chris: Why don't you go sit someplace else, like over there? I'm busy.", "Phyllis: I don't think so. I like this table. Busy at work, I see.", "Chris: Oh, my God. I was just coming in here for a peaceful cup of coffee before going out of town on business.", "Phyllis: Well, like I said, this table appealed to me.", "Chris: Oh, don't tell me you're suddenly enjoying my company.", "Phyllis: Well, who knows? Maybe I could learn something.", "Chris: Give me a break. The only thing you would learn from me is how to mind your own business.", "Phyllis: You must really hate it, Christine, don't you? That's why you're in such a foul mood.", "Chris: Hate it?", "Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, knowing that what you tried to do years ago-- rip my son away from me-- failed miserably. You failed, because my son is back where he belongs-- with his mother. That must drive you crazy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Coast clear?", "Daniel: Come on, you can only stay for a couple minutes. I don't know how long my mom's gonna be gone.", "Kevin: So she actually grounded you, said you couldn't have any visitors?", "Daniel: Yeah. Pretty lame, huh?", "Kevin: Yeah. I can't believe you're actually putting up with it. You seem like such a rebel.", "Daniel: I'm just humoring her. If I wanted to leave, I could.", "Kevin: Yeah?", "Daniel: How about you?", "Kevin: How about me?", "Daniel: Still loving that thrill of being a hero?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, still loving it.", "Daniel: Maybe I should get your autograph. I could sell it on eBay.", "Kevin: (Laughs) seriously, dude, I never would have been able to come up with a plan that brilliant.", "Daniel: Yeah, it's a gift.", "Kevin: So what's the story? How come your mom's got you in leg irons?", "Daniel: 'Cause I won't tell her about Alex.", "Kevin: Man, I hope that guy's out of our lives for good.", "Daniel: I wouldn't count on it, Kev. He could turn out to be our worst nightmare.", "Kevin: But you said at the coffeehouse that you hadn't heard from him again.", "Daniel: Yeah, and then five seconds later, he was in my face.", "Kevin: Alex was there last night?", "Daniel: He wants to remind us again about how we need to keep up our end of the bargain.", "Kevin: Okay. You know, I've been thinking about that. His threats to tell everyone that the thing with Lily was a setup--", "Daniel: No, no, they're not just threats.", "Kevin: Yeah, but he'd have to be crazy to turn us in.", "Daniel: Well, he just might be crazy. I mean, look at the risk he took last night showing up at the coffeehouse.", "Kevin: It's a good thing Lily and her friends didn't see him.", "Daniel: Oh, I think he likes to live on the edge.", "Kevin: Okay, so what? He wants access to the Rec Center, right?", "Daniel: And his friends.", "Kevin: Probably a bunch of losers, too.", "Daniel: No. They're definitely dangerous.", "Kevin: I still think you're worrying about nothing.", "Daniel: No, you didn't talk to this creep. You know, him and his friends, they make us look like a bunch of little boy scouts.", "Kevin: Yeah, but we didn't break any laws, Daniel. Alex is the one who drugged Lily, almost killed her, and unless he wants to deal with the police, he'd be crazy to rat us out.", "Daniel: Let's just hope you're right.", "Kevin: Seriously, our scam worked out better than I ever thought it would. Only one thing still bums me out, though.", "Daniel: What's that?", "Kevin: Lauren. After everything I did to impress her, I still can't score a date.", "Daniel: You're kidding me right now, right?", "Kevin: Huh?", "Daniel: You're worried about a chick? We've got all these problems with Alex, we don't know how this stuff's gonna turn out. You need to get your freakin' priorities straight, man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Sweetheart, if this was an accident, then you mustn't blame yourself.", "Nikki: I have to take responsibility for this. I've been hiding from the truth all these years.", "Victor: Think about it for a minute. Responsibility for what? For the fact that there was a loaded gun in the house? You didn't put bullets into it. You didn't put it in a place where kids had access to it. You didn't dispose of the body.", "Nikki: I know, I know. I know everything you're saying is true, but it doesn't take any of the guilt away.", "Victor: Listen to me carefully. Feeling guilty doesn't accomplish a damn thing.", "Nikki: That's why I have to find Joshua's brother. I have to bring this full circle. He deserves to know what happened to his brother, how his life changed forever because of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Mr. Bartlett, if you can prove that Arthur killed your mother how many years ago...", "Harrison: I know what you're gonna say.", "Kay: Then why didn't you call the police? I mean, why isn't Arthur behind bars as we speak?", "Harrison: It's a little complicated.", "Kay: Yes, yes, I bet it is. Now I want you... I want you to leave.", "Harrison: No, no, not yet!", "Kay: Yes, I want you to leave, and if you don't, I will call the police myself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Would I have a problem with you getting together with Lauren? Would it matter if I said yes?", "Michael: Well, we are associates now. We've managed to work through a lot of our issues. I'd hate to see things get tense again.", "Paul: You know, regardless of my personal situation with Lauren, frankly I can't see her finding any interest in someone like you at all. But, you know, she's a grown woman. I can't hold her back.", "Michael: That's mighty big of you.", "Paul: I think I'm gonna go sit in my unfinished office. Oh, Michael, colleagues or not, if you give Lauren any grief, you're gonna have to answer to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Lauren is my priority. What do you think this whole thing has been about?", "Daniel: Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I thought it was about, you know, getting the Winters family on your side.", "Kevin: Well, sure, that's part of it, and it worked. You know, they may not love me, but at least they stopped giving me the evil eye, won't cut me off at the knees if I try and find work around here.", "Daniel: Good, so be grateful and stop worrying about Lauren Fenmore.", "Kevin: I can't, all right? I can't. I'm a hero, Daniel. I'm a celebrity, and I can't get her to have dinner with me. You know what? And that hurts.", "Daniel: Well, man, you just need to forget her. There's plenty of beautiful women out there.", "Kevin: Yeah, but not like Lauren, you know? It's like we're meant to be together.", "Daniel: Okay, now, now you're weirding me out. And she's way too old for you anyway, so what's up with that?", "Kevin: Older women dig younger men. Look at Demi and Ashton.", "Daniel: Are you serious right now?", "Kevin: You know, the timing's perfect, you know? It's like the whole town likes me now, and I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong, you know?", "Daniel: Maybe, maybe she could tell you that you're from another planet. Maybe that's your problem.", "Kevin: That's nice. That's nice, you know. I thought you were my friend. I thought that maybe I can come to you for pointers or help.", "Daniel: Whoa, whoa, wait, you want pointers on how to get chicks right now? No way. Until we see how this whole thing's gonna blow over with Alex, the last thing you need to be doing is obsessing over some lady who's old enough to be tucking you into bed and reading you a bedtime story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chris: If you're finished spreading your daily dose of sunshine, maybe you'd like to go sharpen your fangs on someone else.", "Phyllis: Am I really bothering you?", "Chris: Not enough to waste my time getting into a verbal sparring match with you.", "Phyllis: Since you're so good with words, I'm sure you'd win.", "Chris: Well, you said it. I didn't.", "Phyllis: Christine, Christine, I don't want to fight with you, okay? I'm just here to ask a favor.", "Chris: A favor from me? You're kidding.", "Phyllis: I want Danny's contact number.", "Chris: I'm surprised he didn't give it to you.", "Phyllis: I've been leaving him messages, and he hasn't gotten back to me.", "Chris: Do you blame him, given Daniel's attitude toward him when he left?", "Phyllis: Was he upset? Has he gone sulking?", "Chris: No, he's just decided to go lose himself in his music for awhile.", "Phyllis: Oh, is he writing nasty songs about me?", "Chris: Why is it so important that you reach him?", "Phyllis: It's none of your business.", "Chris: It has to do with your son, doesn't it?", "Phyllis: Like I said, it's really none of your business.", "Chris: It's got to be something serious if you're trying to find his father to help you.", "Phyllis: No, no, no, give me a break. There are no problems here, okay? Even if there were, and there aren't, I have everything under control.", "Chris: Really?", "Phyllis: Yes, the minute my son and I were reunited, everything made perfect sense. We're getting along famously. If you don't believe me, ask my son.", "Chris: Maybe I will.", "Phyllis: I don't-- you stay away from him. Do you hear me? Go muck up somebody else's life.", "Chris: Wow, given your reaction, I think I will have a conversation with Daniel and soon.", "Phyllis: Oh, really? Oh, really? I thought you were leaving town.", "Chris: Unfortunately for you, I won't be gone long.", "Phyllis: You know what? It was a mistake to try to have a civil conversation with you.", "Chris: I've got to run. You have a lovely day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: So when you say you like to play hard, by that you mean that you like money?", "Elliot: Oh, yes, I do. And anybody who says that they don't is just kidding themselves, covering up for their failure to get rich.", "Jill: Wow, that's pretty categorical.", "Elliot: Well, that's what I believe. It doesn't mean there aren't pleasures that money can't buy.", "Jill: Well, now, see, I'm glad you said that, because otherwise I would have thought you were merely shallow, materialistic and greedy.", "Elliot: Oh, but I am all of those things, except shallow, I hope.", "Jill: I just... I can't get a fix on you.", "Elliot: I'm really not very complicated, Jill. I bring a lot to the table. I take a lot away from the table. I like to live life to the fullest. When it's my time to go, I want to be able to look at life and all that it has to offer and say, \"I've been there. I've done that.\"", "Jill: That means you're gonna be a very busy boy.", "Elliot: I already am. I'd just like to have somebody to share it all with, someone to laugh with. And laughter is something that's best done when you're not alone. Don't you think?", "Jill: I think that you were right about the crab cakes. They're wonderful.", "Elliot: Hmm. Cheers.", "Jill: Cheers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Victor, I'm not asking for you to understand. I just need to do this.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I don't think you've considered all the ramifications of letting this man know the truth.", "Nikki: My conscience is telling me I have to do this. I've already called Paul to ask if he could try to locate him.", "Victor: Why bring someone else into all this now? It'll just cause greater confusion. Just let it be for awhile. Don't complicate matters.", "Nikki: Well, what do you suggest I do?", "Victor: Give yourself time to heal.", "Nikki: No. I have to go to his brother. I have to tell him the truth. He may have spent his entire life trying to figure out what happened to his brother.", "Victor: But have you considered what happens if he doesn't forgive you? Then what?", "Nikki: Well, I'll just have to take that risk. I need to find peace.", "Victor: But, sweetheart, by trying to find peace, you may create the very opposite. He may not forgive you, and then what? You open a pandora's box. Let it be for awhile. Let me help you through this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Harrison: Okay, don't call the police. I'll go, I'll go, but just listen to me for a second.", "Kay: Yeah, I've heard. I've heard everything you have to say, but I also know that Arthur Hendricks would never harm a fly.", "Harrison: A fly doesn't have immense wealth that he could latch onto.", "Kay: Mr. Bartlett, would you please...", "Harrison: Okay, do me a favor. Just check it out, look into it.", "Kay: What do you mean \"look into it\"?", "Harrison: Well, it's easy. It was in all the Seattle papers. The great and noble Judge Hendricks, you know, how he put the bad guys away, but he managed to slither out of town without paying for his own crime. Yeah, what's it gonna cost you, a little time? It might save you some money, sleepless nights, not to mention your life.", "Kay: This is ludicrous, for heaven's sakes. Now I told you to get out of here. If you want to talk to Arthur, then you may do so.", "Harrison: I don't want to see him.", "Kay: What?", "Harrison: Did he give this to you?", "Kay: Yes, yes, he did.", "Harrison: It was my mother's ring. He gave it to her. You're warned. You're warned!", "[NEXT_ON]", "\"The Young and the Restless\"...", "Phyllis: Oh, no. Are you looking for Damon?", "Man: Tell him Ben called. It's about Elias and the guy in prison.", "Esther: Judge Hendricks, a murderer? It's more than ridiculous.", "Michael: Sooner or later somebody's gonna find out what really happened." ]
Young and the Restless
['By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Gloria sees some redeeming quality in her ex. Ashley resorts to violence. Michael is warned that he could lose it all if he doesn't get control of his emotions. Tom becomes frightened when warned that he might let a monster loose. Sheila reveals her true self." ]
[ "Ashley: Oh, good morning.", "Gloria: Oh, good morning, Ashley. I'm glad I caught you.", "Ashley: Yeah, here I am.", "Gloria: Uh... Ashley, there's something you need to know, and it's something found out by your father and I wanted to wait up for you, but, you know, it just got kind of late.", "Ashley: Yeah, well, just come out and tell me.", "Gloria: All right. It's about the man you're dating.", "Ashley: Paul?", "Gloria: No. Tom. He paid a visit to your father.", "Ashley: Why would Tom go to see my father?", "Gloria: To tell him the truth.", "Ashley: The truth about what?", "Gloria: That Tom Callahan doesn't exist. And the man you've been dating on and off is my ex-husband Tom Fisher.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Jeez, Mikey.", "Michael: You better have coffee.", "Kevin: Yeah, I have coffee. I thought you might need some. Guess I was right.", "Michael: What I need is a good hit man.", "Kevin: Were you up all night? What happened at Mom's after I left?", "Michael: Uh, Tom got the upper hand.", "Kevin: What? How?", "Michael: Preemptive strike. While I was with Gloria, waiting for John to come home, so we could expose that snake, Tom was at Jabot, doing our job for us, filling that old man's mind with lies and half-truths.", "Kevin: You're kidding. He outed himself?", "Michael: Well, long story short, he neutralized me, or so he believes. He forfeits Ashley, but keeps his meal ticket. He told John his real name and that he was Gloria's ex. He even copped to being a real son of a bitch in a former life. Although, now, of course, he's nominated for sainthood.", "Kevin: Oh, God.", "Michael: He failed to mention any of the blackmail money Gloria was paying him, as well as their unfortunate lack of a legal divorce. But, still, you know, Gloria comes out smelling like a rose, and you know why? Get this-- because she had no idea Tom was even in town.", "Kevin: What?", "Michael: But I did. I knew. And I kept the information from her and Ashley, so now I'm the bad guy, along with you, I imagine.", "Kevin: But... okay, wait, wait. I mean, it works out-- it works out, okay, though, for Mom anyway, right?", "Michael: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No. No, it's not okay, because Gloria is still being victimized even though she doesn't realize it yet. She's gonna have to keep paying Tom. And lying to John, and digging herself in deeper and deeper every day.", "Kevin: Fine, but for her, it's gonna have to be the lesser of two evils. Let's just leave it alone for now.", "Michael: No. I'm not gonna leave it alone. I'm tempted to go over to that house right now and tell the Abbotts the rest of the story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Mind if I join you?", "Tom: How could I turn down a beautiful lady like you? Please, have a seat.", "Sheila: I wasn't quite sure you'd be wanting any company.", "Tom: Oh, yeah? Why is that?", "Sheila: I thought you might still be upset about the incident I witnessed last night. Was it between you and... ?", "Tom: Michael Baldwin, my stepson.", "Sheila: Yes. He seems to be a problem for you.", "Tom: You don't know the half of it.", "Sheila: So? Why don't you tell me? I've got nothing but time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: There you are. You blew out of the house before I could catch you.", "Daniel: Yeah. I left you a note.", "Phyllis: I know. That's how I found you.", "Daniel: So what's up?", "Phyllis: I want you to take a ride with me.", "Daniel: Where?", "Phyllis: To our new apartment.", "Daniel: Our what?", "Phyllis: Our new apartment. As of today, you and I officially have our own place.", "Daniel: Wait a minute. Is this because of what I said the other day? Look, Mom, we don't need to move, okay? I'm fine staying at the Abbotts.", "Phyllis: I'm not. I'm not fine staying there. So come on. Get up. We got things to do, we got people to see, we've got places to go. Come on.", "Daniel: You're serious?", "Phyllis: We have to go to our new home.", "Daniel: (Chuckles) home.", "Phyllis: I like the sound of that. I like that. How about you?", "Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. I like that, too.", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So I just thought you'd like an update. All of the latest and greatest happenings at Newman Enterprises.", "Nick: Well, since you're obviously dying to tell me.", "Victoria: I am. It's wonderful news, Nick. Is Sharon here, though? She should really hear this, too.", "Nick: No, she left pretty early this morning. I don't think she's very happy with me right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cassie: Mom?", "Sharon: Oh, my God. Cassie?", "Cassie: Is something wrong, Mom?", "Sharon: No. No, honey. Now that you're here, everything is...", "Sharon: It's just so good to see you.", "Cassie: Do you remember what today is?", "Sharon: Hmm, let's see... our annual \"back to school\" shopping spree?", "Cassie: Look out, Fenmore's. Here we come.", "Sharon: We would hit all your favorite stores. And then we'd come back here, loaded down with bags.", "Cassie: And my favorite part was coming back here, getting a smoothie.", "Sharon: Banana mango.", "Cassie: And hanging out with you, talking about the next year and what it was gonna be like.", "Sharon: You were gonna be a sophomore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: Tom Fisher?", "Gloria: I'm afraid so.", "Ashley: You're telling me that the Tom I know is the same man that did all those horrible things to you?", "Gloria: To me, my sons, especially Kevin. The violent, abusive man that I lived with for--", "Ashley: I befriended him?", "Gloria: More than likely, he befriended you. And your father and I are just so grateful that you stopped seeing him before anything happened to you or to Abby.", "Ashley: Oh, my God--Abby. I can't believe this.", "Gloria: I couldn't, either. When your father told me this last night, Ashley, I thought--", "Ashley: Wait a second. Last night?", "Gloria: That is when Tom went to see John.", "Ashley: And that would be the first time you heard of it? You didn't know about it before?", "Gloria: Ashley, I almost fell over when your father told me--", "Ashley: Daddy. How is this possible?", "John: Honey, I don't have the answer for that. All I know is I am livid with that despicable excuse for a man, worming his way into your life.", "Gloria: He's the master manipulator, Ashley.", "John: And Michael-- I could almost kill him! He knew that Tom Fisher was in this town all that time and said nothing.", "Ashley: Oh, my God, Michael was here that night!", "John: What are you talking about, what night?", "Ashley: A couple of months ago, Michael came over when Tom was here. And they just stood there staring at each other! I knew something strange was going on. I knew it! Michael told Tom that they'd met before, and Tom denied it, but Michael didn't argue with him. He didn't say a word! Now why is that, Gloria?!", "Gloria: You're asking me?", "Ashley: I'm asking you!", "Gloria: Well, I'm sorry--", "Ashley: He's your son!", "Gloria: I can't speak for him! Listen, you, I don't know what to say to you. But I can understand why you find this so upsetting!", "John: Look, one good thing is we know he's here, and we can all be on guard.", "Ashley: This doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense, dad! Why did he seek you out? Was he threatening you?", "John: Oh, he wouldn't dare do that. No, he came to me to say that he cares for you too much to hide the truth anymore.", "Ashley: Oh, please, that's so ridiculous.", "John: And then he tries to convince me that he's changed. Now I warned him very strongly to stay away from the two of you.", "Ashley: Well, thanks for looking out for me, Dad.", "Gloria: Ashley, I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do?", "Ashley: No. No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.", "Gloria: Are you sure?", "Ashley: Mm-hmm. I'm sure. I would never let an idiot like Tom Fisher get the best of me.", "John: Ashley, Ashley, honey, let's just talk about this.", "Ashley: I don't need to talk about it, Dad. You know what I need? I need some fresh air. Excuse me. (Door slams)", "Gloria: Where will it end, John?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Michael, she just dodged a major bullet. If you go over there now and make a stink, you're gonna mess everything up for her. Is that what you want?", "Michael: Of course not. But there she is, still letting Tom jerk her around. Kevin, don't you know where this is gonna lead? Tom's just gonna keep coming back, making more and more demands. Gloria is just avoiding the inevitable, when she could be taking her lumps now, while there's still time to salvage her marriage because, make no mistake, even though Gloria doesn't see it yet, we have not heard the last of Tom!", "Kevin: Okay, first of all, you don't know that. Second of all, for him to go over to Mr. Abbott that way, that's huge. It means you pushed him against a wall.", "Michael: No, it means that he found a loophole, nothing more.", "Kevin: No. No, I don't buy that.", "Michael: I don't care what you buy. I'm telling you the facts!", "Kevin: Well, can't you just leave it alone for now and see what happens?", "Michael: I know exactly what Tom is gonna do. It makes me sick knowing that we've given him this kind of power over us. That man held us in the palm of his hand for years, making us feel... trapped and small and helpless. And that bastard loved every second of it. Oh, he--he loved having that kind of power. Now Tom thinks that nothing's changed. That he can abuse us and we just have to take it. But he's wrong! I won't allow it! Not ever again!", "Kevin: Okay. Okay, just calm down. You're--you're scaring me.", "Michael: I meant every word I said.", "Kevin: All right. I get it. You mean it. But don't do anything crazy. Do I hate Tom? Yes. Yes. But I can handle it. So can Mom. We're okay, Michael. You're the only one who isn't.", "Michael: If you believe that, you're just as naive as Gloria.", "Kevin: I'm starting to think this is about getting revenge for you, settling old scores. In which case, Michael, let it go before it eats you alive and you mess up everything for our mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: Well, clearly, there's no love lost between you and your stepson.", "Tom: Oh, well, it goes back a long way. You know, when he was still a punk kid.", "Sheila: Thank you very much. What, was he unruly?", "Tom: Oh, a real pain. Always looking down his nose at me.", "Sheila: Hmm. And why do you suppose he behaved in such a manner?", "Tom: Well, I can't say I was the greatest father in the world back then.", "Sheila: And now?", "Tom: And now I am a different man. Yeah, that's why I came to town. To look my family up, apologize to 'em. Show 'em how much I changed. And ask 'em for a little help now that I'm going through a rough patch.", "Sheila: Hmm. You don't seem to have been too lucky.", "Tom: No, they just want me gone. Keep punishing me for a past that's long since over and done with.", "Sheila: This Michael-- he, uh, he's the one standing in your way?", "Tom: So you overheard our conversation, did you?", "Sheila: (Laughs) I-I couldn't help. I'm sorry.", "Tom: You couldn't help? Oh, I see. So what'd you think?", "Sheila: About?", "Tom: About what you heard.", "Sheila: Well, it seems to me as though he blames you for all of his problems.", "Tom: Yeah. As if he's never made any mistakes of his own. (Scoffs)", "Sheila: You know--Michael-- he mentioned somebody. Oh, what was he named... Kevin?", "Tom: Yeah, my son. That wimp I pointed out to you when we first met, remember?", "Sheila: Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right. And was it, um, Laurie?", "Tom: No--Lauren, Mike's witch of a fiancée. Woman treats me like a bug under her shoe, and she does not even know me. I'd like to see that broad take me on, man. (Scoffs) teach her a lesson or two.", "Sheila: I'm sure you would.", "Tom: I'd like to take the whole lot of 'em, wrap 'em up in a bag and dump 'em in a lake like a sack of kittens.", "Sheila: You're very bitter.", "Tom: (Scoffs) I just get a little riled up when I start thinking about all this. It's not like I'd really do anything.", "Sheila: No, you know, you don't need to apologize to me. I understand completely.", "Tom: You do?", "Sheila: Yes, I do. I mean, there are those out there that make it their goal in life to simply... ruin yours. But you can't sit back, and you can't let that happen. No, you've got to show them that there's nothing--nothing that will come between you and what's rightfully yours.", "Tom: Yeah, and how exactly do you do that?", "Sheila: Truly only one way. If somebody hurts you, you hurt them back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: All right, so we'll just pick up the rest of our things from the Abbotts' later, okay?", "Daniel: You know you're crazy, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah, I do.", "Daniel: You know, most people--when they decide to get a place-- they don't move in the next day.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but I like to think that I just get things done.", "Daniel: Well, you definitely do.", "Phyllis: All right, so don't expect this to be like the Abbott estate. All right, that's then, this is now. It's, um, well, you know, it needs furniture and paint, but it has potential.", "Daniel: Mom, you're talking to a kid who just spent weeks in an 8 1/2x10 cell. I'm sure it's gonna be fine.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so I have, um, air mattresses for us and a card table and--", "Daniel: Can I just--", "Phyllis: Yeah, okay, go.", "Daniel: Okay.", "Daniel: Mom, this is really cool. You really had me going.", "Phyllis: Uh, I don't get it. I had nothing to do with this.", "Jack: I had the manager let me in. I hope you don't mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: So Mackenzie and Kevin come to us with this really well thought out plan to buy the coffeehouse. And I started thinking, with everything that's happened, maybe it would be a good idea to inject some new blood into the place. Sharon was totally against it.", "Victoria: So you fought about it?", "Nick: She got mad at me for even hearing them out.", "Victoria: Well, to tell you the truth, that doesn't exactly surprise me, Nick. I mean, I'm sort of shocked that you'd even consider selling the place. After all, it's the coffeehouse. It's where you stood up to dad for the first time.", "Nick: Yeah. Man, I remember how much he hated it that I was buying that place.", "Victoria: Remember what he used to say? \"Nobody ever made any money off of coffee.\"", "Nick: Hey, tell that to all those people in Seattle.", "Victoria: Yeah, really. Seriously, though, I hate that you and Sharon are fighting over this. I mean, it's not like you don't have enough to deal with.", "Nick: It just seems like nothing's coming easy for us these days. That's all right, we'll-- we'll work it out.", "Victoria: Yeah, you'll work it out. Yeah, it's just gonna take some time.", "Nick: Right. So what's up? You said you had some news for me.", "Victoria: Yes, I do. It's about Seasons. It's gonna be in-store in time for the holidays with hair care products, thank you very much.", "Nick: Get outta town.", "Victoria: I kid you not.", "Nick: I can't believe that. I didn't think that was possible.", "Victoria: Well, you know me, little brother. Never say never. Although, I can't take all of the credit. I don't think any of this would've been possible without my new favorite employee-- one Bradley Carlton.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Well, if it isn't Newman cosmetics' own spokesperson.", "Sharon: Hey, Brad, good to see you, too.", "Brad: You mind if I join you?", "Sharon: Uh, please.", "Brad: I'm glad I ran into you. Big news on the work front.", "Sharon: Really? Lay it on me.", "Brad: Victoria and I just closed a major deal for Seasons. We're gonna be on store shelves by mid-November.", "Sharon: Wow, that is incredible. Congratulations.", "Brad: Thank you. And it means you're gonna have to be running around getting the word out the moment you come through that door. That is, if you're ready to come back to work.", "Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, I am. Definitely. I need this job now more than ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: I get the feeling you and me got a lot in common.", "Sheila: A lot more than you could possibly even know.", "Tom: Oh, boy, here we go. I'll be right back. Ashley, I was wondering when when you'd come and see-- oh!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: This is incredible. I-I just--I can't believe this. You thought of everything.", "Jack: We aim to please.", "Phyllis: I don't deserve you.", "Jack: Now who am I to argue with that?", "Daniel: Okay, my room? Is awesome. I have a pillowtop bed.", "Jack: Yeah, I knew you liked the one at home.", "Daniel: Oh! Whoa!", "Phyllis: Jack, you didn't have to do this.", "Jack: Well, you know, I came here last night. It lacked a certain charm. And I figured I'd probably be spending a good bit of time here. At least I think I will.", "Phyllis: I hope so.", "Jack: So I thought I'd bring it up to snuff. You still haven't seen your room yet.", "Phyllis: I can imagine. I'll go tell you what I think. Okay?", "Daniel: Jack, this is amazing. I mean, especially, because, you know, I'm pretty sure you're probably upset that Mom moved out.", "Jack: Well, yeah, I got used to having both of you around.", "Daniel: Well, look, I think she did it all for my sake. So if you are upset, blame me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: You've hardly touched your food.", "John: I guess I wasn't very hungry.", "Gloria: I'm so sorry, John.", "John: No need for you to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.", "Gloria: Yeah, but I know you're still upset. And, John, I truly believe that if Michael thought Ashley was ever in any real danger...", "John: Honey, honey, please, let's not talk about it.", "Gloria: He would have spoken up. I know he would have. The important thing is that Ashley is okay. And she knows to stay 10 miles away from that horrible man.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ashley: What else haven't you told me, Tom?", "Tom: Man, lady, you pack quite a wallop.", "Ashley: Was this all part of your sick game from the first day you met me at the hospital, when you found out that Gloria was married to my father?", "Tom: No, Ashley, this was never a game.", "Ashley: You know, I always wondered why you were so curious about my stepmother. Well, you were pumping me for information. So what is it that you want from me, Tom?", "Tom: I never wanted to cause any trouble.", "Ashley: I'm sure you didn't.", "Tom: I was just worried about Gloria. I wanted to know how her marriage was going.", "Ashley: You know, you're nothing but a liar. And I don't believe one word out of your mouth.", "Tom: Look, I knew when I went to your father there would be fallout.", "Ashley: Did you figure that out all by yourself? You must be a genius.", "Tom: I also knew that sooner or later the truth would come out. And I wanted him to know that I didn't mean any harm to you or Gloria.", "Ashley: Oh, right, you think I believe that, Tom? Do you really care about me?", "Tom: Look, I know that you heard horror stories about my past.", "Ashley: Yeah, I have. You're a child abuser, Tom, aren't you? You abuse small children, right?", "Tom: All right, I was not a nice man then.", "Ashley: That's an understatement.", "Tom: Please, answer me this honestly. In all the time you have know me, have you seen even a glimpse of that Tom, that monster?", "Ashley: Yeah, yeah, I have. Remember that cell phone incident at the gym? Remember that? I saw a glimpse.", "Tom: I apologized for that. Now whether you believe me or not, I am trying to make a fresh start, to be a better person and make amends for the terrible things I've done. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to show that to you but... until then... I just wanna say thank you. You've been a good friend to me.", "Ashley: I hope you cherish those memories because this is the last conversation that you and I will ever have.", "Tom: We'll see about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Tom is a cancer-- the insidious kind that destroys people before they even realize what hit 'em. He's gotta be stopped, permanently.", "Kevin: Even if it means you go down, too? You told me that you could be in a ton of trouble if anyone finds out what you tried to do-- have Mom declare him legally dead.", "Michael: So?", "Kevin: So? So if you mess with Tom, he will blow the whistle on you.", "Michael: No. He can't. I covered my tracks. He'll never be able to trace it back.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, you hope. But what if you're wrong? Huh? Tom saw the notice, Michael. What if he figured out that you were behind it, and he has just been waiting for this chance to call you out on it? It's fraud. You can lose your license again. Lose your career, your reputation, everything you've worked so hard for in this town. I couldn't stand to see that happen. I know that Mom and Lauren couldn't either. So you tell me--tell me, is getting back at Tom worth losing everything that you've worked so hard for", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Listen, what you said earlier, I, uh, I'm not upset at all.", "Daniel: So you're really okay with us moving out?", "Jack: Yeah, I'm more than okay. You and your mother have been through hell lately. I think this'll be great for the two of you to have some time together.", "Daniel: Yeah, you know, it might actually be nice to talk about things like homework or what's for dinner instead of defense strategies.", "Jack: Yeah, that might be nice.", "Daniel: She still didn't have to do this, though. I mean--", "Jack: Well, that's the whole point. She wanted to do this. She thought it was important for you. And truth is, whether you're willing to admit it right now or not, you think it's important, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Brad: Here you go.", "Sharon: Thank you.", "Brad: You're welcome. You sure you're okay?", "Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I really need something solid to focus on every day. I feel like... I'm starting to lose my grip on things that I never thought I would have to worry about.", "Brad: Like?", "Sharon: Well, like this coffeehouse, for one. Nick and I got an offer to buy it. And while I thought the obvious answer was, \"no way,\" Nick's actually considering it. How could he do that? How could he do that to us?", "Brad: I-I don't know, Sharon. But if you feel that strongly about it, you need to express it to him.", "Sharon: Well, I have. But it just-- it hurts me that I would even have to say that to him. Nick proposed to me here. And, honestly, it's one of my most cherished memories. So for him to just wanna get rid of the place-- it's just-- it's like he's forgotten.", "Brad: I doubt that.", "Sharon: Well, it sure feels like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: It was incredible, Nick. I mean, to get those people to sign off on a deal that they were dead set against from the beginning of the meeting? It just--it blows my mind.", "Nick: Sounds like one for the record books.", "Victoria: Yeah. And Brad and I, we were just riffing off one another. You know, it's like we were reading each other's minds. And neither one of us was gonna walk away from that table until we had a deal with those reps.", "Nick: I'm sure none of those people knew what they were getting themselves into. Frankly, I'm not surprised you got what you wanted. Your middle name's \"tenacious.\"", "Victoria: Oh, that's true. I don't give up easily. Although, I do have to give Brad his due. He's the one who fought to fast-track Seasons. And he's the one who decided to work with me to make it happen. And that's the kind of person that I want by my side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: You don't have anything to say to that?", "Michael: You're a very good brother, trying to look out for me.", "Kevin: I'm only doing what you've done for me about a million times. You know, why don't you just forget about Tom for awhile? You're getting married. Life is good.", "Michael: Mmm, forget about Tom?", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, totally. Focus on Lauren, all the good stuff you have going on.", "Michael: Sounds wonderful. I'm afraid I can't do that. Not until that animal gets what he deserves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sheila: No, no, I'm not joking. I was truly impressed. I don't know if I could've behaved had it been me in your position.", "Tom: Well, the lady had a right to be mad. Besides, that's one bridge I'm not willing to burn yet.", "Sheila: Well, you know, from what I saw, from what I heard, I don't see much of a future there.", "Tom: Well, sometimes you gotta be patient. You know, think long term.", "Sheila: Couldn't agree with you more, which is why I think it would be good for you to-- I don't know, maybe spend your energies elsewhere.", "Tom: Hmm, just, uh, what do you mean by that?", "Sheila: I'll show you. Here now, why don't you come along with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I've unpacked my bags in my incredible, incredible bedroom. Jack, your taste-- it's amazing.", "Jack: Well, sure, just look at the company I keep.", "Phyllis: No, seriously, this-- this was such a sweet thing to do.", "Daniel: Hey, guys, um, I think I'm gonna head over to Crimson Lights. So I will see you later.", "Phyllis: Oh, hey, hang on. You forgot something. You'll need that.", "Daniel: Spare key. Good idea. (Sighs) thank you, Mom. Thank you for this. Thank you.", "Phyllis: You don't have to thank me.", "Daniel: Jack, thank you. This is amazing.", "Jack: You're welcome. And we'll christen that new kitchen one of these nights.", "Daniel: You're on.", "Phyllis: This is... this is an incredible gesture.", "Jack: My pleasure. I'm glad to do something for you and Daniel.", "Phyllis: Well, you have. I really don't know how I'm gonna repay you for this.", "Jack: Take me to dinner some night.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I could take you to dinner, I guess. I could do that.", "Jack: Or you could buy me a bottle of my favorite scotch.", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I could do that. But for some reason, I don't think it's nearly enough.", "Jack: Really?", "Phyllis: Unh-unh.", "Jack: What did you have in mind?", "Phyllis: Well, let me see. Um... oh... I was thinking... that maybe you could help me settle in to my new apartment. What do you think?", "Jack: Wow. That's exactly what I had in mind.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, I have to admit, I wasn't too enthusiastic about Brad coming on board but... it looks like it's one of the best decisions you've made.", "Victoria: Um, I'm glad you see it that way.", "Nick: I'm proud of you. You deserve this success.", "Victoria: Thank you, Nicholas. That means a lot to me. But if I'm gonna make these production deadlines, I better get back to the office.", "Nick: Right.", "Victoria: I've got a lot of work to do. I'll see you later, little brother.", "Nick: Hey, knock 'em dead. And tell Brad I said congratulations, too.", "Victoria: I'll do that. You know, I always expected that he would bring a lot of know-how to the table. But I had no idea we would make such a fabulous team. I can't wait to see what we do together next. I'll see you later.", "Nick: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: It's not just Nicholas and me that have memories here. Noah loves this place. And Cassie loved it, too. It was theirs. It was part of their family. But Nick doesn't see it that way. For him, the bad outweighs the good. You know, he's still traumatized by seeing Cassie here the night she left the hospital.", "Brad: Well, I can understand what that would do to him. He's reminded of her every time he walks in here.", "Sharon: But I see her, too, every time I come in here. And for me, it's not painful. It's like, for a brief moment, I get to be with my daughter again. And there's no place, other than my home, that I feel so close to Cassie's spirit. And I just can't lose that connection.", "Brad: And you won't. No matter what happens, Cassie will always be with you. You have to know that, Sharon.", "Sharon: She'll always be with me in my heart. But... I just feel so alone sometimes.", "Brad: You're not alone.", "Dylan: Excuse me, Sharon? Do you know where the extra P.O.'s are?", "Sharon: Uh, yeah, they're, uh, they're in the desk drawer. Do you need me to get them for you?", "Dylan: Yeah, thank you.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Brad: Duty calls.", "Sharon: Yeah. Thanks for listening.", "Brad: Anytime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: It's a beautiful morning out there, huh? Why don't you take the day off? We could spend it together, put all these worries out of your head for awhile. The weather's gonna start changing pretty soon. We could go for a walk, take a drive out in the country and go for a picnic, or just sit by the pool and relax. What do you say, darling? Any of this sound good to you?", "John: It does sound tempting.", "Gloria: Wonderful. Then let's consider it done. (Cell phone rings)", "Gloria: Oh! Oh, honey, get me some juice. And I'll just be two minutes.", "John: Okay.", "Gloria: And you hold that thought.", "Gloria: Michael, this is not a good time.", "Michael: You can't avoid me, Gloria. Do you understand? Not as long as you have Tom calling all the shots.", "Gloria: I'm telling you for the last time, back off! (Slams phone down)", "Kevin: Mikey, I really think its best if--", "Michael: I didn't ask-- I didn't ask you for what would be best. I know what's best.", "Kevin: Why won't you listen to me? If you push Tom, he will come after you. And he will hurt you.", "Michael: Oh, let him try. Tom is an amateur. There's nothing he can throw at me I can't handle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tom: Oh, I think I know why you brought me here.", "Sheila: Oh? Why?", "Tom: Just to maybe, uh, get a little better acquainted.", "Sheila: You're right.", "Tom: Whoa. I sure didn't see that coming.", "Sheila: (Normal voice) you know, I sense you're a man with secrets. I have secrets, too. I think you and I could be very useful to one another.", "Tom: Not so fast, lady.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: I just got off the phone with Nick.", "Mac: Have he and Sharon agreed to sell?", "Jill: What are you doing here? I thought I told you I wanted you gone.", "Jack: You think maybe there's a chance we could make this work for us?", "Tom: You sound like a dangerous lady.", "Sheila: If I'm provoked." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread by Emma']
[ "Jack gets a call from Jeff who asks him if he has the two million. Jack accuses Jeff of jerking him around. Jeff assures him that he will get further instructions when the time is right. Gloria and Jeff meet up with Victor, who takes a pic of Victor. In the Abbott cabin, Patty begs Colleen for help. Patty tells Colleen that she had been kidnapped, tricked and drugged. Patty urges Colleen to check on the kitty in the basket. In the jail, Kevin reads the DNA results and finds out that Ryder is his brother. Kevin vows to get Ryder out of jail. Amber cant' believe that Daniel is proposing now of all times. Jana arrives at the coffeehouse and tells Lauren and Michael about the DNA results and how ecstatic that Kevin is over the DNA results. Deacon arrives at the coffeehouse and hears Daniel and Amber talking. Deacon urges Amber to let Daniel down easy. Michael and Lauren go to visit Ryder and Kevin in jail. Jeff and Gloria give Victor his instructions on where to leave the money. Patty ties Colleen up. Michael refuses to get Ryder out on bail. Victor and Jack reach the Abbott cabin and realize that they have been had. Victor vows to find Patty. Patty and Colleen are in the car, going who knows where. Colleen's cell phone goes off. Patty accuses Colleen of using her just like all the others. Jeff and Gloria look at the money, but realizes that it is booby trapped. Patty orders Colleen out of the car.", "" ]
[ "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Jack Abbott.", "Jeff: You got the $2 million?", "Jack: Yeah. Wait, don't tell me we're making the exchange here.", "Jeff: This isn't the final drop. We needed to make sure you wouldn't get cute and try to set a trap.", "Jack: Look, I don't know who you are. If you're jerking me around--", "Jeff: You'll be given all the pertinent information-- where to leave the money and find Mary Jane Benson safe and unharmed.", "Jack: When?", "Jeff: When I decide the time is right.", "Gloria: Told him, didn't ya? (Chuckles)", "Jeff: (Chuckles) You're really loving this, aren't you, Sweet Cheeks?", "Gloria: Yes. When I think of all the times Jack Abbott's gone out of his way to humiliate me...", "Jeff: (Sighs) Payback's a beautiful thing.", "Gloria: Look. The monitor.", "Jeff: Hello.", "Gloria: Victor Newman...", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: With a briefcase.", "Jeff: Mm.", "Gloria: Gee, I guess that can only mean one thing, huh?", "Jeff: No, it could mean a million things, Buttercup, on top of Jacks 2 mil, all in cash.", "Gloria: Mm.", "Jeff: That ought to keep us in porterhouse steaks a good, long while.", "Gloria: Well, come on. Tell Victor Newman what he's gotta do next.", "Jeff: Eh, what's the rush? Let him stew a while. He'll get his precious Patty soon enough. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: (Breathing rapidly) Please help me. Please?", "Colleen: Oh, my God. What--who--who are you? What happened?", "Patty: They kidnapped me, and they--they--they tricked me.", "Colleen: Who--who did?", "Patty: I don't know. And they gave me pills.", "Colleen: They drugged you?", "Patty: Uh-huh, they're-- they're gonna ransom me off to the highest bidder. Oh, can--can you-- can you check my little kitty in that basket?", "Colleen: Uh, what-- what do you mean?", "Patty: Right there in the inside.", "Colleen: Yeah, he seems fine.", "Patty: Okay.", "Colleen: Can you just please, please hold still, okay?", "Patty: Okay.", "Colleen: These knots, they're--they're insane. Just wait. There you go. Okay.", "Patty: (Sighs)", "Patty: How can I ever repay you for your kindness?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Kevin: I have a kid brother.", "Jana: Um...", "Kevin: I have a kid brother. (Laughs)", "Jana: May I see this-- the results? Thanks.", "Kevin: Uh, yeah. You should post 'em up on a billboard. That's what you should do.", "Ryder: I just--", "Kevin: Here.", "Ryder: I can't believe it.", "Kevin: Look, I had my doubts at first, but seeing it here in--in black and white, this--", "Ryder: Look, I-I'll take your word for it.", "Kevin: Here, look. Here, Jana. Show--show Ryder. Look. Right there on the bottom.", "Ryder: I mean, I-- I knew it already, but--", "Kevin: Look, I am gonna be the best big brother to you. I promise. The kind of brother that Michael has been to me.", "Ryder: It almost makes being in jail worthwhile.", "Kevin: Oh, hell, no. We are gonna get you sprung now.", "Jana: (Clears throat) Um, you know, I-I wouldn't get your hopes up.", "Kevin: What, are you kidding? With Michael as his lawyer, he's as good as free, and we are gonna get him to change his mind about taking this case. I'm so glad you were here for this. Mm.", "Ryder: It's incredible, isn't it?", "Jana: Oh, yeah. That's the right word for it. Incredible. Almost impossible to believe, actually.", "Ryder: Look, I know you have your questions. But I just-- I can't stop thinking about what just happened, you know? I woke up this morning, and I-I didn't have anyone-- no family, nobody who cared about me. And now I have a brother, and I have a sister-in-law. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: You're proposing now? When the whole world is caving in?", "Daniel: Yeah. Right now. I need you to decide right now, too.", "Amber: Is this, like, a-a noble rescue mission, or are you saying that you want to marry me for real and-- and be with me forever the way I want to be with you?", "Daniel: Amber, for once in your life, can you just not talk so much and just say, \"Yes\"? We can go. We can do this tonight. We'll find a justice of the peace. We'll make it nice and legal, all right?", "Amber: (Sighs)", "Daniel: We'll take care of everything.", "Deacon: I tell you what. Why don't you let the poor guy down easy, Sweetie? Rejection can be a killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Michael: Over here.", "Lauren: What?", "Jana: Oh, thank God you're both here.", "Michael: Hey.", "Lauren: You all right?", "Jana: Um, I don't know. I just... (Sighs) I feel like I'm betraying Kevin. But he's just so over the moon about these lab results.", "Michael: Hmm. I take it you don't share in his euphoria.", "Jana: Something's just not right. I-- (scoffs) I've had my fair share of cons in my time, I know that, but--", "Lauren: Is that what you think this is?", "Jana: (Sighs) I'm just not buying-- I don't buy that this is all just a coincidence, that this young man just \"Happens\" to hear this chipmunk speech.", "Lauren: Right, and then seeks out Kevin who just happens to be his half brother. Yeah, I hear you.", "Jana: Yeah.", "Michael: Well, fortunately, I'm married to one of the, uh, shrewdest judges of character on the planet.", "Lauren: Thanks.", "Michael: No one's gonna put anything over on us.", "Jana: Michael, I hope that you can figure out what's really going on here before Kevin winds up getting really hurt.", "Michael: We are gonna make sure that doesn't happen.", "Jana: All right.", "Michael: Let's go. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: And the guy says, \"But I don't drive.\"", "Ryder: (Laughs)", "Michael: Thank you.", "Kevin: Oh, good, you're here. That was so quick.", "Michael: Uh, hello, Ryder.", "Ryder: Hi, Mr. Baldwin.", "Kevin: (Laughs)", "Ryder: Thanks for coming.", "Kevin: \"Mr. Baldwin,\" this guy. Come on, this is Michael. Mi hermano es su hermano, right?", "Michael: (Clears throat)", "Kevin: And this beautiful lady, who also happens to be one of my favorite people in the world, is Michael's wife. Lauren Fenmore, this is my brother Ryder.", "Lauren: Hi, how are you?", "Ryder: Fantastic. So nice to meet you.", "Kevin: (Clears throat)", "Michael: Well, these are the, uh--", "Kevin: These are the D.N.A. results, that's right, which change everything, so can we please get my brother out of this rat hole?", "Michael: Mm, just hang on. Uh, unless you can convince me otherwise, I have no intention of taking this case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Did you follow me?", "Daniel: Forget him. He doesn't exist. Marry me tonight.", "Deacon: Well, my bride-to-be seems to get it even if you don't, Danny.", "Amber: Would you just stop and leave us alone?", "Daniel: Ryder confessed. I am free. There's no reason that you should be trapped, too.", "Amber: But I am.", "Deacon: Oh, actually, you both are.", "Daniel: What the hell is that?", "Deacon: That's-- that's a letter addressed to Agent Grimes and the state's attorney general, and, uh, it's gonna be delivered if you force my hand. Uh, Ryder Callahan has written and signed a confession recanting his story about shooting Ray Elkins.", "Daniel: So what? This doesn't matter. Ryder already confessed. That's still gonna be admissible at trial. I don't know why you think you can hold this over hour heads and force Amber to marry you.", "Deacon: Well, that's-- that's simple. Because, you see, Ryder has an airtight alibi for the time of the murder.", "Daniel: What are you talking about?", "Deacon: Yeah, come--come on. (Laughs) My--my young compadre didn't kill anyone. He was nowhere near that alley. But wait. You were. You-- you were in that alley all alone with a gun in your hand near the dead guy. Danny, you're gonna be the sole suspect this time, and now you're gonna be looking at hard time for murder.", "Daniel: Why would Ryder confess if he didn't do it?", "Deacon: (Scoffs) I don't know. He--he kind of does whatever I ask him-- you know, retract, uh, confess, do the \"Hokey pokey.\" What--whatever I ask him to do, he just-- he seems happy to oblige. It's strange. I suggest that the two of you say good-bye to each other, especially since you didn't seem to have the guts to reach out and grab what you wanted when you had the chance. Now, Honey, come on. We've got a wedding to plan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victor: Yes?", "Jeff: Very good. You're on time. I like that.", "Victor: Now let's get on with it.", "Jeff: Easy, Cowboy. We need proof that you're not about to screw us over yet again.", "Victor: What are you talking about? What kind of proof?", "Gloria: Smile, Victor. You're on \"Candid Camera.\"", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Well, I'll be damned.", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Oh, very good. You catch on quickly.", "Victor: Now what?", "Jeff: Uh, open that snazzy briefcase. Show us what you got inside.", "Gloria: Isn't green a pretty color?", "Jeff: Yeah. Even in black and white.", "Victor: Yeah, what now?", "Jeff: Okay, put the briefcase in locker 17. Deposit four quarters, open the door and remove the key.", "Victor: Where the hell is locker 17?", "Gloria: Oh, come on, Victor. You can scrounge up one more dollar, can't you?", "Jeff: Very good. Now put the money inside and remove the key.", "Victor: Now what?", "Gloria: Go to locker 162.", "Jeff: You'll be happy to know this one's a freebie.", "Gloria: Open the locker, take out the contents and put the key to locker 17 inside.", "Victor: Okay. Now what?", "Jeff: Head north on Route 12. We'll call you with Mary Jane Benson's precise location.", "Victor: Wait a minute. That was not part of our deal.", "Gloria: (Whispers) Aw, isn't that sweet? Victor's so anxious...", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: To see his little friend again.", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: You know why I tied you up, don't you? It's the way you looked at me, like I was some evil, monstrous criminal.", "Colleen: (Gasps)", "(Grunts)", "Patty: You don't even know me.", "Colleen: My name is Colleen Carlton. Jack Abbott is my uncle. He must really care about you, because he offered this giant reward for you, okay?", "Patty: You're related to Jack? (Stammers) Why else would you have the key to this place? (Sighs) Oh, you know what? You don't even know who I am, do you?", "Colleen: Mary Jane Benson.", "Patty: No, no, no. She's gone. She's dead and buried.", "Colleen: Then who are you?!", "Patty: (Laughs) Oh, I'm someone you're terrified of, remember? (Sighs) My real name is Patty. Patty Williams. (Sighs) Oh, God. I have known your Uncle Jack for years and years.", "Colleen: Oh, my God. You guys were married. I saw the pictures. You looked really different back-- I mean, you were really beautiful and everything, it's --that's not what I meant. It's--", "Patty: Now are you sorry for being mean to me?", "Colleen: If I had known, I would never have been afraid. I swear to you, okay?", "Colleen: Patty, please. Just let me call my Uncle Jack, please.", "Patty: I don't ever want to hear his name again. I don't. He was supposed to save me, and he lied to me. He lied, you know? And now I have to save myself. (Sighs)", "Colleen: What are you looking for?", "Patty: Something I wish I'd had before those idiots left me here and had me tied up. (Sighs) (Sighs) (Laughs) It's perfect.", "Colleen: Patty. Patty, you don't need a gun, okay? You don't--", "Patty: Okay, shut up! Just shut up. You don't give the orders around here. I do. (Sighs) Oh, look, and there's bullets. (Laughs) That makes things easier. (Sighs) Okay.", "Colleen: Aah!", "Patty: Enough. And it was nice of you to bring the getaway car, you know? (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Okay, $2 million in cash. Happy?", "Jeff: Ecstatic.", "Jack: Which locker?", "Jeff: 18.", "Jack: I gotta put money into this thing now?", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Why is it the richest are always the cheapest?", "Jack: Okay, what now?", "Jeff: Take the key to locker 163 and put it inside.", "Jack: It's open.", "Jeff: Lucky you. Open the envelope. Inside you'll find the location of the party you're looking for. Nice doing business with you.", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: Ooh, the Jack Abbott death stare. Run for your life!", "Jeff: (Chuckles) Ain't irony grand? Jackie boy just realized his prize is at his very own cabin. (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Kevin, it's not that I don't sympathize.", "Kevin: Michael, you're my brother. He's my brother. We're family. Lauren, please help me out with this. This is important.", "Lauren: It's up to Michael whether he takes Ryder's case.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Lauren: But quite frankly, after listening to this, um...", "Ryder: Look, what-- what do you want to know? Ask me anything.", "Lauren: (Sighs) Look, we know what it was like for you growing up with Tom. But what about your mom? Where is she?", "Ryder: Came downstairs one morning, and she was gone-- no note, nothing.", "Michael: So she left you alone.", "Ryder: (Scoffs) Yeah, I-I wish she had. Growing up with Tom was, uh...", "Kevin: They know.", "Ryder: I hated her for it, but I could hardly blame her. Tom used to beat her up, too.", "Kevin: He was the same with my mom. You know, Gloria wanted to protect me, but she wouldn't dare cross Tom. Michael, you know how that was. (Sighs)", "Ryder: What else?", "Lauren: You know, I guess my biggest question is why did you seek out Kevin? I mean, I know you heard him on the radio.", "Ryder: I don't know. Luck, maybe. Or fate, if you believe in that kind of thing.", "Lauren: And Tom never talked about another family at all, not even a hint that you had a brother?", "Ryder: No. No. Sorry I-I can't remember him saying anything. And I-I know you're only asking because you're trying to look out for Kevin. I admire that. I mean, I wish I had somebody looking out for me. I don't know how this happened, but I'm just grateful that we found each other.", "Lauren: Well, I guess that's it. I don't have any further questions.", "Kevin: Great. Great, Lauren's satisfied. How about you? Can we please get my brother out on bail now?", "Michael: (Sighs) Sorry, Kevin. I can't give you what you want.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: Fine, let's go.", "Daniel: No, no, no, no. Don't do this. Don't let him win.", "Amber: He already has.", "Daniel: I refuse to believe that.", "Amber: The second you asked me to marry you, that is a moment I will treasure until the day I die, because for two seconds, I had the most amazing future. But it's over now. I'm not gonna risk your life being ruined.", "Daniel: I'll risk it if you will.", "Amber: No. No, Daniel. Deacon messed up your life because of me, and now I'm gonna end it the only way I can. At least I'll have the comfort of knowing you'll be free to move on with your life.", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "Daniel: (Clears throat)", "Deacon: She's a keeper, isn't she?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: All right, hold on. Hold on. Did--did I miss something? Did you not just hear what he said?", "Michael: I heard every word. I'm still not taking his case.", "Kevin: He answered every single one of your questions. What do you want from the guy? Blood?", "Lauren: Kevin.", "Kevin: No! No. He's my brother. We're family. If--if you won't do it for him, will you do it for me, your own brother? Or does that not work for you either?", "Michael: That's a cheap shot.", "Kevin: It's like you're persecuting him, Michael. Why? That really hurts me.", "Michael: I didn't say never.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Michael: I said let me check him out. Let me find out everything about him. Then maybe, maybe I'll decide to represent him.", "Kevin: And you're okay with this?", "Lauren: Kevin, he doesn't tell me how to run my business.", "Michael: (Sighs) And I'm sorry this upsets you.", "Kevin: No. No, you're not. I see it in your face. You're just sorry that you're being dragged into something that you don't want to be a part of. (Sighs)", "Jana: (Sighs) I know. I didn't want to believe it either, but the D.N.A. matched.", "Daniel: I don't care. Michael can't be the guy's lawyer. It's a scam.", "Jana: What is?", "Daniel: Deacon was just here. According to him, Ryder does whatever he's told, and the only reason he admitted to shooting Elkins was to let Deacon have an axe to hold over my head.", "Jana: How?", "Daniel: Well, I'm off the hook for murder right now because Amber agreed to marry Deacon. And if she decides to back out, well, then Ryder comes forward with a solid alibi, takes back his confession, and with no other evidence to convict him, well, guess who's back in trouble all over again.", "Jana: Oh, my God. We've been bloody right about these two all along. Unless Deacon is lying about this whole thing.", "Daniel: You know what? It's all a giant head trip with that guy. I don't know what's right, what's wrong, what's truth, what's fiction. I even tried to give Amber a way out of it, and--and she wouldn't take it.", "Jana: Well, she can't. Not if she wants to protect the man that she loves.", "Daniel: You know, screw anyone trying to protect me. I'm gonna get myself out of this mess. I'll get us all out. You watch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cork pops)", "Gloria: Ooh! (Laughs)", "Jeff: (Laughs)", "Gloria: We are millionaires again.", "Jeff: Okay, as soon as the, uh, 9:00 bus from Des Moines gets in, there'll be enough commotion to cover us, and we can get our cameras back.", "Gloria: Yeah.", "Jeff: There you go.", "Gloria: And pick up all that beautiful, beautiful cash.", "Jeff: Um, triple what we would have gotten from Victor alone.", "Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Why didn't we put a camera in the cabin? That way, we could have seen Jack and Victor's face when they both realized.", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Where the hell is she?", "Jack: Don't tell me.", "Victor: I guess we both have been had, right?", "Jack: You paid the ransom money you promised, too. Double-crossing son of a-- leads me up to my cabin on this wild-goose cha-- whoever this is is having a pretty good laugh right now.", "Victor: Well, they ain't gonna laugh much longer, Jack. I'm gonna find Mary Jane Benson.", "Jack: There is no Mary Jane Benson. It's a fictional character that you created. The person you victimized is Patty Williams.", "Victor: I've heard of your slander and innuendo.", "Jack: You took an emotionally disturbed woman and turned her into a criminal targeted at me. Kind of backfired, didn't it?", "Victor: You stand here and talk, what you do best. I'm gonna find this woman.", "Jack: \"This woman\" or Patty Williams?", "Victor: Whoever the hell she is, she's gonna pay. ~~", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "Colleen: Why have we stopped?", "Patty: (Sighs) Are you okay, precious? Huh? You okay?", "Colleen: (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "Patty: Here you go. I bet you wish that we were someplace safe, huh? Just the two of us, nice and cozy place, none of this bad stuff happening.", "Colleen: What's his name?", "Patty: It's, um, it's Kitty Kitty. I found him in the, um, I found him in the church. (Sighs) He, uh, came right up to me.", "Colleen: Like he knew you needed him.", "Patty: (Sobs) He was my little miracle, you know that?", "Colleen: When I was a little girl, I wanted a kitten more than anything. But we lived in New York, and my mom said it was impractical. Plus we were away all the time, so he would have been really lonely.", "Patty: Being lonely is one of the worst things in the world. I'd know that.", "Colleen: Aunt Patty? I can call you that, right? Since you were married to Jack and he was my uncle?", "Patty: I don't--I don't-- I don't want to hear his name again. I told you that. (Sighs)", "Colleen: (Sobs) He must have hurt you really badly.", "Patty: We, um... (Sighs) We were gonna get married at the church the other night, but I could see in his eyes that, um, he really didn't want to.", "Colleen: You must have been heartbroken. Listen, I told people that I was gonna call once I got to the cabin to tell them I was okay, and once I don't, they're gonna be really worried about me. And they're gonna start looking for me, and I would-- I would hate for them to misunderstand.", "Patty: Misunderstand what?", "Colleen: You seem like a really sweet and sensitive person who wouldn't intentionally want to hurt anyone.", "Patty: (Sighs) And the point is?", "Colleen: The point is, I would be happy to explain if we just drive back to Genoa City right now. I'm sure that there are some things that you regret...", "Patty: (Sighs)", "Colleen: And once you tell people that--", "Patty: No, no, no, Colleen. I... there are no happy endings for people like me.", "Colleen: I can see how sad you are, but there are people that love you, that want the best for you, and I'm willing to make things work if you are. I'll try, okay?", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You should put your own judgment in question, Jack. If Mary Jane Benson was your ex-wife, then how the hell didn't your recognize her after taking her to bed over and over again? Are you kidding me? Who are you trying to convince of that?", "Jack: The truth will eventually come out, Victor. The truth. And when it does, I wouldn't want to be you. Every one of her crimes is on your head. And for once, it won't be me or anyone else who's to blame for your undoing. No, you will destroy your world all by yourself.", "Victor: You want to know about destruction? If you keep pushing, you'll experience destruction unlike anything you've ever dreamt of.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: (Sighs)", "Patty: If I thought for a second that you were right... (Sighs) You know what? No. No, I can't. It's too risky. I can't go back there.", "Colleen: Please. Patty, please.", "Patty: Oh, no. I've already lost too much. What will be will be.", "Colleen: I know you're not a bad person, but I'm really scared. Please don't hold me hostage. Please take me home. We can make this right. I know we can.", "Patty: (Sighs)", "Colleen: No!", "Patty: Damn you! No! (Sobs) You tricked me.", "Colleen: No.", "Patty: You are no better than any of the others. You know, you Abbotts--", "Colleen: (Screams) No!", "Patty: You Abbotts are so selfish and deceitful.", "Colleen: No!", "Patty: Deceitful. Deceitful. You little-- (laughs) I'm so-- you get people to trust you, and then you just walk all over them, huh? No. No more.", "Colleen: (Sobs)", "Patty: No more. I-I-I know how to handle your kind now.", "(Chuckles)", "Colleen: Please, no. Please!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Amber: I hate you so much right now.", "Deacon: I know, but you gotta admit, we're a great match, which is why I've wanted you all these years. And as a special pre-wedding gift, I have freed you from all the obligations-- all the stuff like, uh, you know, flowers, venue, justice of the peace. All you gotta do is just show up, look gorgeous, which shouldn't be hard, and say, \"I do.\"", "Amber: When?", "Deacon: Tomorrow. It's exciting, isn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Give me your phone. Quick.", "Jana: Wh--why?", "Daniel: I think I figured out a way that I can get Ryder to spill his guts, and Deacon's whole plan's gonna fall apart.", "Jana: Ryder's not gonna talk to you.", "Daniel: Do you want to make a bet?", "Jana: Daniel.", "Daniel: Give me your phone. 9-1-1.", "Jana: You rang the police?!", "Daniel: No, you just did. You're gonna report a loud, obnoxious drunk who won't leave.", "Jana: No, you di--you can't! They're gonna put you back in jail.", "Daniel: Jana, I know. That's the point.", "Jana: (Gasps)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lauren: I know you don't like disappointing Kevin.", "Michael: After seeing the expression on your face while you were speaking with Ryder, I'm not so eager to have him back on the streets any time soon.", "Lauren: And I normally don't make snap judgments either, but there's something wrong with that young man. There was something in his eyes that made my blood run cold. I've seen that look before.", "Michael: Where?", "Lauren: Look, Michael, I need you to promise me that you are just gonna let this lie while I am in Toronto with Fen. Michael, promise me. I will cancel my trip if you're gonna get sucked into this.", "Michael: All right. All right. I'm not gonna take Ryder's case. But I do need to dig into his background for Kevin's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: (Sighs)", "Kevin: (Clears throat) Look, Dude, this isn't over, okay? We're gonna find you another lawyer.", "Ryder: And pay him with what? Our good looks?", "Kevin: (Sighs) I don't know. We'll figure something out. There's gotta be some way to get our hands on some money.", "Ryder: You know what really burns me?", "Kevin: What?", "Ryder: That Tom's probably laughin' at us from his grave right now.", "Kevin: Yeah, no joke. Why bring up his name?", "Ryder: You know, he used to talk about this painting. He said it was worth megabucks-- so he claimed. He used to taunt me with it.", "Kevin: How?", "Ryder: Well, he'd say stuff like, \"Wait till I fence this puppy, you know? I'll be set for life. Leave you in my dust, kid.\" Like he was going to abandon me and never look back, which wouldn't have been so bad, you know, but still.", "Kevin: What? You were just a kid. I'm sure that was scary as hell. So whatever happened to the painting? Was he able to sell it?", "Ryder: I doubt it. I mean, he talked a big game, but I don't think he knew anyone who he could actually sell it to. I searched the house for it before I left, but I didn't find anything that would have led to a big stash of money or the Terroni.", "Kevin: What? Did you say Terroni?", "Ryder: Yeah, that was the artist who painted it.", "Kevin: All right, Ray Elkins hired my buddy Daniel to forge a Terroni. That's how this whole mess got started. You're just saying that's some kind of coincidence?", "Ryder: Well, no. I mean, y-you know, Dad was in prison with Ray. Tom might have mentioned something about the painting to him. That's where he got the idea to--to get his hands on it.", "Kevin: Okay. You know what I just thought of? I got a--I got a box of Tom's stuff when he died. Most of the stuff I just pitched, but--but there was a key to a safe deposit box.", "Ryder: Where was the bank?", "Kevin: Um, it was the, uh, the Erie Federal Bank in-- in Detroit. I had a P.I. buddy of mine look it up a couple years ago. I was gonna go and get the stuff, but then I thought, I don't want to know Tom. I don't want any of his stuff.", "Ryder: Do you still have the key?", "Kevin: Um, yeah. Yeah, somewhere. You think the painting could be in the safe deposit box?", "Ryder: Just waiting for us to find it. Do you know that thing's gotta be worth millions?", "Kevin: Well, then this could be the answer we've been looking for.", "Ryder: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Is that the kidnapper?", "Victor: Yes? Uh, kindly tell Mr. Scherholz that I'll call him back, all right?", "Jack: Ted Scherholz, your banker. Well, you better have him on call. It goes without saying the kidnappers will make another ransom demand.", "Victor: Possible.", "Jack: A few million between the two of us. Boy, this is gonna add up to big money soon.", "Victor: I wasn't about to be taken advantage of, Jack.", "Jack: What, you think I'm a dummy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Gloria: (Breathing rapidly)", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: (Sighs)", "Jeff: So, ready for the big moment?", "Gloria: I just can't believe we've waited so long.", "Jeff: Yeah.", "Gloria: (Inhales deeply)", "Jeff: (Exhales)", "Gloria: On the count of three?", "Jeff: Yeah, one for each million.", "Gloria: Okay. (Chuckles) One... two...", "Jeff: Three. Oh, ho ho.", "Gloria: (Laughs)", "Jeff: Oh. Oh, wow.", "Gloria: Oh, I think I'm gonna cry.", "Jeff: Oh, it's been a long, hard road, but we made it. (Sighs)", "Gloria: (Southern accent) As God as my witness, we shall never go hungry again. (Laughs)", "Jeff: (Laughs) Oh, Honey bunny, you don't--you don't eat it, you spend it.", "Gloria: (Normal voice) Oh, Honey, I wanna roll around naked in it if I want to.", "Jeff: Mm.", "Gloria: Mm. (Chuckles)", "Jeff: (Chuckles)", "Gloria: You know something, Jeffrey? I just want to touch it.", "(Bang)", "Jeff: (Sighs) Booby-trapped!", "(Breathing heavily)", "Gloria: Damn Victor. Damn Jack. Damn them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: Please don't shoot me. It was an accident. My phone must have fallen out of my pocket. Please!", "Patty: And dialed itself, huh?", "Colleen: (Sobs) If the keypad isn't locked-- (Sobs)", "Patty: Okay, just quiet for now. Just quiet, all right? I am so sick of being lied to and manipulated. Now we are gonna get out of this car right now.", "Colleen: We're in the middle of nowhere. Please, no.", "Patty: I'm supposed to care?", "Colleen: If we just drive to Genoa City, you can drop me anywhere. Take the car. Take the car. I swear I won't tell a soul that we saw each other. I swear. I swear to you!", "Patty: Okay, do you hear me? Did you hear me?! Huh? Huh?", "Colleen: (Sobs)", "Patty: I said we're getting out!", "Colleen: Aah! (Sobs)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Traci: I didn't betray you. I thought he--no!", "Ashley: You keep saying how Victor's controlling me, but you're all controlling me!", "Daniel: Who told you Tom had the painting? Who told you Tom had the painting? Answer me!", "Ryder: Help!", "Billy: I'm sorry.", "Jack: You should be sorry. Because of you, we may have just lost our sister for good." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Avery tells Sharon's family and Sam that she missed the deadline for stopping the recording of Sharon and Skye's argument to be admitted into evidence on purpose because she hopes to find the rest of the recording because she thinks the recording might help Sharon's case. Avery also tells everyone that she only pretended to be distracted and be wildered so that the prosecution thinks that they have the upper hand on her. Victor tells Avery that he will testify on Sharon's behalf and tell the court everything this time. Phyllis sees Nick talking to Sharon at the jail and stroking her face later Nick goes to the coffee house to explain to Phyllis that what she saw didn't mean anything and he wants to be with her not Sharon. Nick and Phyllis kiss and Avery walks in and sees them and then walks right out of the coffee house.", "Everyone in town comes together to be tested to see if they are a bone marrow match for Delia. . Jack even asks Victor to help search for Billy and since Ashley can't get tested she asks Traci to get tested and Traci says she will get tested as soon as possible. Victor tells Sam that Billy is a piece of garbage who has really hurt Victoria and it would be better if he weren't around at all. Sam tells Victoria that maybe Billy left for her sake since he felt that there was nothing he could do to fix his mistakes. Ashley decides to ask Tucker to help find Billy and Victoria is determined to find Billy because Delia needs her daddy to tell her everything is going to be all right.", "" ]
[ "Michael: No. I'm gonna be late tonight. I'm sorry. I love you, too. Bye. Must be some story.", "Phyllis: Oh, hey, I just came from the hospital.", "Michael: The hospital? What? What's wrong?", "Phyllis: It's Delia. She has leukemia.", "Michael: Oh. Oh, my. Oh, my God. Um, what can I do?", "Phyllis: I don't know. They're looking for possible bone marrow donors.", "Michael: I'll get down to the hospital as soon as I can.", "Phyllis: I'm sure Chloe appreciates all of us being tested, but, you know, having been in her position when Summer was sick and fighting for her life, I-I'm sure there's very little we can do to make her feel better.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: How can this be happening? Leukemia?", "Esther: Honey, you heard the doctor. Delia can be cured.", "Chloe: Yeah, if they find a donor.", "Jill: They will find a donor.", "Chloe: Hi. Hey. Oh, hi. Hi. Good morning.", "Delia: I don't like it here.", "Chloe: I know. Oh, I know, Baby. You know what? I don't like it here, either. But we have to sit here a little bit longer, okay? Just a little bit longer, because the doctors need to make sure that you're gonna get better, okay? A little bit.", "Chloe: Mm.", "Kay: She had the sniffles. We thought it was a simple cold.", "Ashley: Can we see her?", "Jack: Dr. Larson?", "Dr. Larson: Where's Chloe?", "Kevin: I'll get her. I'll get her.", "Kay: Um, Doctor, um, Katherine Chancellor. Um, if Delia needs anything, I will make it happen.", "Jack: Yeah, same goes for me--specialists, private nurses, anything.", "Dr. Larson: I'll let you know.", "Kay: Thank you.", "Chloe: Dr. Larson, are you ready to find out if I'm a match for Delia?", "Dr. Larson: There are some things you should know first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Avery, what the hell happened?", "Avery: What do you mean?", "Sharon: You missed the deadline to challenge any of the prosecution's evidence.", "Avery: Mm-hmm. Well, lots to keep track of in a trial like this. Things get overlooked.", "Noah: That's it? You make a huge mistake in the case, and all you have to say is, \"Oops, sorry\"?", "Nick: If Walsh plays that recording to the jury, they're gonna hear Sharon threaten Skye.", "Avery: Yeah, that would suck.", "Sam: Avery, come on. What are you doin' here? I think you owe us an explanation, not this \"Who gives a crap?\" attitude.", "Victor: How could someone as clever as you miss a simple deadline that could blow the whole case?", "Avery: I missed it on purpose.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: (Sighs) It's hard, you know? You're going along with your life, and then, bam! Your kid is sick.", "Michael: Or a sister no one knew existed suddenly shows up.", "Phyllis: Why are you bringing that up? I thought I told you we're never gonna talk about that again.", "Michael: Oh, for God sakes, Phyllis. If anything should make you want to reconnect with your sister, it's what's going on with Delia.", "Phyllis: I feel bad about Delia, yes, but it has nothing to do with me and Avery.", "Michael: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. What was that name again?", "Phyllis: Oh, come on, now. Don't do that to me. That's not funny.", "Michael: You think? You know what a Venn diagram is. Maybe I could draw one to illustrate the overlap.", "Phyllis: Okay, life is short. Blah, blah, blah. I know.", "Michael: Did anyone ever tell you that you're cynical?", "Phyllis: It's an endearing quality.", "Michael: Listen, I know what I'm talking about. I wasted a great deal of time keeping my distance from Kevin.", "Phyllis: Okay, this-- listen, this situation is not--is not the same. Kevin is...", "Michael: Normal?", "Phyllis: Kevin and Avery...", "Michael: Pardon?", "Phyllis: She has no place in my life.", "Michael: Because you won't let her.", "Phyllis: Believe me, neither of us wants it.", "Michael: How do you know?", "Phyllis: I know because we had a conversation.", "Michael: Did you listen to her?", "Phyllis: Yes, I did.", "Michael: No, I mean without the filters up. Did you really hear her side of the story?", "Phyllis: Okay, listen. This is not unusual. I'm a big sister. I left. I mean, that happens all the time, you know? A sibling goes away. They go off to college. They leave the family.", "Michael: Well, you know, the way I hear it, you know, sometimes, I hear tell, folks stay in touch. You know, they contact the folks at home. They let 'em know how they are, where they are.", "Phyllis: Okay, all right, all right, this isn't-- she's--she's not gonna be a part of my life. That's it. That's it, okay? That's how it is. That's the best thing. I'm done with this conversation.", "Michael: Sharon's new trial starts today. Avery is her attorney. You're a journalist. Do you really think you'll be able to avoid each other forever?", "Phyllis: Yes, I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: You missed the filing deadline on purpose?", "Avery: Yep.", "Nick: You wanted to lose the argument over whether or not the D.A. could use the audio in court?", "Sharon: It makes me sound like I'm guilty.", "Avery: That piece of the recording does, but if we can find the rest of it... there were a lot of people on that hike.", "Victor: One of whom quite possibly has a copy of the entire conversation between Sharon and Skye.", "Avery: And the prosecution just opened the door for it to be allowed into evidence.", "Victor: With your help.", "Avery: I may have turned the key.", "Sam: So the D.A. and his assistant think you're off your game.", "Avery: That's the idea, Doc.", "Victor: Well played, Ms. Clark.", "Avery: First inning. Stick around. It's gonna be a hell of a game.", "Sam: Oh, you all right?", "Avery: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You said there's no guarantee that I'll be a match.", "Dr. Larson: A full sibling would have the best odds-- 25% for a match. With parents, it's only 5%.", "Jack: And even less for the rest of us.", "Dr. Larson: 30% of donors are family members. 70% actually come from the national registry.", "Jill: You know what? These are all statistics. We just need all of us to go get tested.", "Dr. Larson: I've notified the lab you're coming in, if you want to start.", "Chloe: Yes, yes, I'm ready right now.", "Kevin: I'm gonna come with you.", "Ashley: We're gonna find a donor.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Billy should be here.", "Jill: Billy would be here if he knew that Delia were sick.", "Jack: Yeah, how do we get the word to him when everything we've tried has turned up nothing?", "Victoria: So we just try harder, and we don't give up. Did you talk to the American consulate in Hong Kong? Okay, well, try again, and let me know if you hear anything. Listen, I'm thinking I'm gonna run by Billy's trailer and see if I can find anything that might tell us where he is.", "Jack: You know, I have an idea. I'm gonna get tested first and I'm gonna check it out.", "Victoria: Okay, because, I mean, come on. Billy can't have just fallen off the face of the earth.", "Ashley: He could have, but he always comes back. This time, I just hope it's sooner rather than later.", "Jack: Yeah, you and me.", "Kay: How'd it go?", "Ashley: Hi.", "Chloe: We just have to wait and see.", "Kevin: The lab is ready for you guys.", "Ashley: Uh, Jack, I don't think they're gonna want to test me because of the breast cancer, but I'll go with you and make sure, okay?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Kevin: How is Delia?", "Jill: She's sleeping. She's just exhausted, the poor little baby.", "Esther: Yeah, no wonder. There I was, dragging her to the zoo when she was so sick. What was I thinking?", "Jill: I thought it was the flu. Can you imagine? The flu.", "Kay: Stop it. Stop it. (Scoffs) Stop blaming yourselves. I mean, it's not going to do Delia or Chloe or anybody any good. Now focus on what you can do rather than what you should have done. Go and get your bone marrows tested.", "Esther: Chloe might need me.", "Kay: (Scoffs) Go. Go.", "Esther: My poor girl.", "Jill: Oh, please, Esther, listen to Katherine.", "Kevin: You are one tough cookie.", "Kay: Well, someone has to be.", "Kevin: (Sighs)", "Chloe: I can't do this, Katherine.", "Kay: Oh, yes, you can. You're my namesake. You can.", "Chloe: (Sniffles) I'm not as strong as you.", "Kay: Well, you know, uh, no one ever really knows how strong they are until they're put to the test, and you're being put to the test, Darling.", "Chloe: What if I fail?", "Kay: Psst. You won't. When it comes to our children... not an option.", "Chloe: (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Cell phone rings)", "Phyllis: (Scoffs) Oh, go away.", "Michael: Who?", "Phyllis: The G.C.P.D., specifically, Ronan Malloy. He's a pain in--", "Michael: Look, regardless, you should answer his calls.", "Phyllis: I have, ad nauseam. He's crushing on me.", "Michael: Oh, come on. Give me that.", "Phyllis: No!", "Michael: Yes, hello? Phyllis Newman's phone. Mm-hmm. Oh, well, no problem. No problem. She will drop by the station later on today.", "Phyllis: No, I won't.", "Michael: Uh, thank you. Thank you very much.", "Phyllis: Why are you thanking him?", "Michael: Why are you freakin' out?", "Phyllis: I'm not. I'm tired of being hassled. What did they want?", "Michael: Your signature. You forgot to sign your statement about the night of Diane's murder.", "Phyllis: Oh. That's all they want me to do?", "Michael: Unless you've got something to add.", "Phyllis: No.", "Michael: Good. All right. Well, I'll go with you.", "Phyllis: Um, you know what? I have to do something first.", "Michael: What?", "Phyllis: I-I have to check on Summer and Lucy, you know?", "Michael: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Think about what I said about your sister.", "Phyllis: (Humming quietly)", "Michael: (Groans)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: That was a pretty cool trick you pulled in there.", "Avery: Oh, well, I like to think of it as a strategic move.", "Noah: Mm, guerrilla lawyering--sweet.", "Avery: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Well, whatever you call it, it sure gave Sharon a boost.", "Noah: Yeah, just keep ambushing the prosecution. There's no way you won't get her off.", "Avery: I am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.", "Nick: Including making yourself look like a bad lawyer?", "Avery: Hey, it worked, didn't it?", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Avery: Plus, if we need to, not filing that brief could be grounds for an appeal, which we won't need. So I always say, \"Good to cover your butt... unless you're on a nude beach.\" (Chuckles)", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Noah: (Chuckles)", "Nick: You sure are, uh--", "Avery: Brilliant? Yes, I know. But I have to give you two some credit for showing up, visiting Sharon in prison, bringing Faith, showing up today. It all helped.", "Noah: Of course. Yeah, we're here for her.", "Avery: Well, I knew you would be. She's your mom. You, I wasn't so sure about.", "Noah: Ohh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Thanks for coming today.", "Sam: What, you doubted I would?", "Sharon: No, I just wish you wouldn't spend so much of your time worrying about me. You need to do something else with your days... and your nights.", "Sam: Well, I got the job at Victor's, and I'm volunteering at the county animal shelter, so...", "Sharon: Yeah, I was thinking about something more involving humans.", "Sam: Well, I'm doing some work around the house at Victoria's, if that counts.", "Sharon: Well, I think that, um, you two would be good for each other. I-I heard she's going through a hard time.", "Sam: Yeah, I heard something about that.", "Sharon: Well, I know what it's like to be separated from your kids, and for Billy to have walked out on her... (Sighs) I'm glad you're there for her, not that you needed someone else's problems on your shoulders.", "Sam: I don't have any regrets.", "Woman: Time to go.", "Sam: I'll see you tomorrow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I was beginning to have my doubts about you. You fooled me.", "Avery: Now that's saying something.", "Victor: After that performance, I have complete faith in you.", "Avery: I wish I could say the same about you.", "Victor: Meaning what?", "Avery: Oh, you were a less-than-stellar witness in Sharon's first trial.", "Victor: Mm-hmm. And you don't approve of my testimony. Is that it?", "Avery: You could have saved her. Instead, you did major damage to her case. It doesn't make sense.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: You're a good man. I know that because of the huge donation you made to the innocence foundation. It's clear how much you care about Sharon, but you were the one person who could have refuted that audio tape the state introduced, and you chose not to.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Avery: Why?", "Victor: When you've built the empire I have, you do it with grit and determination and incredibly hard work. And then you protect it by all means.", "Avery: Well, I understand.", "Victor: I don't regret a damn thing I did on or off the stand. I only regret having hurt Sharon.", "Avery: So now what?", "Victor: For your information, I tried to warn Sharon, but she's a very headstrong woman. She makes decisions with her heart. She got herself into this mess. You know that.", "Avery: Will you help get her out?", "Victor: You bet.", "Avery: I'll see you in court.", "Victor: Okay.", "Michael: Ms. Clark.", "Avery: Mr. Baldwin.", "Michael: How'd things go today?", "Victor: Is that my trusted lawyer?", "Michael: Yes.", "Victor: Depends on... from whose perspective you're seeing things.", "Michael: Uh-huh. Meaning?", "Victor: I'm gonna testify on Sharon's behalf.", "Michael: Okay. You'll plead the fifth...", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: On any incriminating questions, just like before.", "Victor: I'm gonna tell the whole story, Michael Baldwin. I'm gonna say everything I know about why Skye was in Hawaii and what happened to her there.", "Michael: You absolutely cannot do that.", "Victor: Oh, I absolutely can, and I will.", "Michael: No, listen to me, Victor. If you admit you tried to frame Adam for Skye's murder, I-I'm not sure I can get you out of that.", "Victor: Mm-hmm.", "Michael: What the hell is Avery thinking asking you to do this?", "Victor: Thinking the same thing I am. I'll do everything in my power to get Sharon off, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey.", "Sharon: Hey. I thought you left.", "Nick: We wanted to make sure you were okay.", "Sharon: I had my doubts about Avery, but after today...", "Nick: Yeah, she's, um...", "Sharon: Unpredictable, unorthodox, and kooky?", "Nick: All of the above.", "Noah: Uh, but in a good way.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: Yeah. She's definitely full of surprises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Hey, where did everybody go?", "Kevin: They're getting tested, and, uh, Chloe and Mrs. C. are in with Delia. What do you got?", "Victoria: Uh, this is Billy's laptop and his cell phone. I thought that maybe you could go through these things. Maybe you could find something to help us locate Billy?", "Kevin: Well, Billy can fall off a junk in the middle of the Hong Kong harbor for all I care. I'm only doing this for Delia.", "Victoria: Ahh, did you get tested?", "Jack: Yeah.", "Ashley: Jack did. They wouldn't let me. I hate not being able to do anything. It reminds me of when Colleen was here. You know what? I should call Traci. She's gonna want to know what's going on.", "Jack: Yeah, she's also gonna want to be tested. Uh, listen, I've gotta go. I'm gonna check into this thing we talked about earlier.", "Ashley: Okay, I'm gonna walk you out, 'cause I haven't seen Abby, and I gotta find her. I'm gonna stop by her house. See you guys later.", "Kevin: Bye.", "Jack: Tell Chloe to hang in there.", "Victoria: (Sighs) All the Abbotts are rallying around Delia, but not Billy.", "Kevin: He's not here. But you are. Go on.", "Victoria: (Sighs) Okay.", "(Door squeaks)", "Victoria: Hi. Uh, can I come in?", "Chloe: Yeah, sure.", "Kay: I'm gonna run and get some tea.", "Chloe: Okay.", "Victoria: Are you okay?", "Chloe: You know, when I cut Billy out of her life, I... I thought I... I wanted to give him the time that I thought that he needed to be the dad that I knew that he could be, you know? I never expected any of this to happen, and so I just feel--", "Victoria: None of us did. None of us did.", "Chloe: Where is he, Victoria? Where is he?", "Victoria: We're gonna find him. And when we do, he's gonna be right back here with you and with Delia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: No, Murphy, I do not want you to cut your trip short. I just thought you should know, and-- but you don't have to if-- all right. All right. (Sighs)", "Kevin: You knew he'd drop that fishing pole and jump on the next flight.", "Kay: It is not necessary.", "Kevin: But you're glad he's coming.", "Kay: Uh, Kevin, would you just play with your toy there? (Sighs)", "Michael: Hey, Katherine.", "Kay: Mm.", "Michael: Kevin, um...", "Kevin: Hey.", "Michael: I ran into Phyllis. She told me about what happened to Delia.", "Kevin: Yeah, it's terrible, terrible.", "Michael: Well, I'm, uh, here to get my bone marrow checked.", "Kevin: Thank you. I know Chloe's really gonna appreciate that.", "Kay: And I'll show you where, okay?", "Michael: Okay. Okay. Oh.", "Kay: Well, are you...", "Esther: (Sighs)", "Kay: Finally pulling yourself together?", "Esther: Yep, for Katie and Delia.", "Kay: Good.", "Michael: I'm so sorry. Um, I haven't told Lauren yet. I didn't want to do it over the phone.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Michael: I'll let her know as soon as I get home.", "Jill: Thank you, Michael.", "Kay: Now come on. We should go. I mean, after all, the more people that are tested, the better chance they have of finding a donor.", "Michael: Okay.", "Kay: All right? We'll talk to you.", "Michael: Uh, is there a needle involved or anything like that?", "Kevin: Damn it!", "Esther: Kevin, what's wrong?", "Kevin: Victoria gave me Billy's computer. She thought that I could hack into his files and maybe get some sort of clue as to where he might be, and I have tried every password that I can think of, and nothing is working.", "Jill: Kevin, you should take a break.", "Kevin: (Groans) Okay. Maybe I could do some more good in there. I don't know.", "Jill: Yeah.", "Chloe: Hi. Kevin, come on in.", "Kevin: Hey, look at you kickin' back. You look just like a princess.", "Chloe: (Chuckles)", "Kevin: I wanted to ask you a question. Um, have they been bringing you ice cream every hour on the hour?", "Chloe: Mnh-mnh.", "Kevin: Oh. Chocolate chip peanut butter-- that's your favorite, right? And Pinkerton's? Because I was thinking that maybe I could sneak some in here for you, okay? But you can't tell Dr. Larson. She's got this whole thing about rules.", "Chloe: Aw. (Sighs) I know.", "Kevin: Tired, huh? All right, well, you rest, and I'll be back later... (Whispers) And I will bring some ice cream. Shh.", "Chloe: Thank you.", "Kevin: Mm-hmm.", "Chloe: Close your eyes. Close your eyes. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Dad? Dad, are you home? (Sighs) Dad?", "Sam: Sorry. Just me.", "Victoria: Oh, uh, my dad's not here?", "Sam: I was lookin' for him, too, actually. I came to check out the new foal. I just wanted to give him an update.", "Victoria: Hmm, he must have gone by the office after court.", "Sam: Yeah.", "Victoria: Uh, how did that go, by the way?", "Sam: Uh, well, interesting, to say the least.", "Victoria: Oh, that doesn't sound very good.", "Sam: No, it's just, uh, well, Avery Clark-- that girl is a bit of a mystery to me.", "Victoria: Do you think she'll be able to get Sharon off?", "Sam: Well, I think if anybody can do it, it might be her. How's Billy's little girl?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Not very good.", "Sam: She's gettin' top-notch medical care, though, right?", "Victoria: Yeah. But what she needs right now is her daddy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I'm there right now. I haven't seen him.", "Victor: Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying, okay?", "Jack: Look, I don't want to be here any more than you want to see me here.", "Victor: What's this about?", "Jack: It's about my niece Delia. She's just been diagnosed with leukemia.", "Victor: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?", "Jack: There is something you can do. I have resources. I have used all of them. I'm asking you to do the same. We need to find Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Well, I gotta go. I promised the babysitter that I wouldn't be late for the first time. (Chuckles)", "Sharon: You, um, putting in long hours at the magazine?", "Nick: I really forgot what it was like to have a deadline all the time.", "Sharon: You love it, though.", "Noah: Hey, I could watch Faith for a while.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Noah: Yeah, yeah, totally. It'll give us some bonding time.", "Nick: Well, she could definitely use it right now.", "Noah: Cool. See you at home...", "Nick: Okay, Bud.", "Noah: And you in court.", "Sharon: (Laughs) See you in court.", "Noah: I love you.", "Sharon: Love you. (Sighs) Faith is so lucky to have such a sweet big brother like him.", "Nick: Yeah, especially now.", "Sharon: Yeah. This has to be hard on her, losing her mommy.", "Nick: Yeah, I really thought it would do Faith some good to come and see you.", "Sharon: And it didn't? Nick, tell me.", "Nick: Ever since I brought her to see you, she hasn't really slept through the night. She keeps waking up and calling for you.", "Sharon: (Sighs) Nick, don't bring her again.", "Nick: No, Sharon, that's not what I'm try--", "Sharon: No, I mean it. Look, if I have to go away to prison for the rest of my life, it's better for her right now that she forgets about me.", "Nick: It's not for you.", "Sharon: Well, I have to think about her. She doesn't deserve to be hurt this way.", "Nick: Neither do you.", "Avery: I have to speak to Sharon.", "Nick: Yeah, I have to go anyway. I'll, uh, I'll see you.", "Sharon: Thanks for being here.", "Nick: Sure.", "Avery: I have good news.", "Sharon: Good. I need it.", "Avery: Victor's agreed to testify.", "Sharon: He did at my last trial.", "Avery: This time, he's gonna tell everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: You must think I'm such a hypocrite.", "Kevin: Why would I think that?", "Chloe: Coming down on Billy like that for being such a lousy parent and then telling the judge that he's not responsible enough to be taking care of her. Where was I when she needed me? I was off with Ronan, and I should have been here. I mean, I'm really--I'm really no better than Billy when it comes down to it.", "Kevin: No, that's not true. You're here now. Where is Billy?", "Chloe: What was he thinking leaving like that? What was he thinking?", "Kevin: He's Billy. He wasn't thinking.", "(Door opens)", "Kevin: Hi.", "Kay: Hi.", "Esther: Okay.", "Chloe: Thanks.", "Jill: So what can we do?", "Chloe: Oh, nothing, Guys. Go home. Go home. She--she's gonna be asleep for a while, I'm sure.", "Esther: Oh, Honey, I-I think--", "Kay: Uh, good idea. You know, uh, Delia does need her rest.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Jill: Okay.", "Esther: Are you sure?", "Chloe: Yes, Mom, I am sure.", "Esther: Okay. I love you, Honey.", "Chloe: I love you, too.", "Jill: Bye-bye.", "Kay: Uh, I would say call if you need anything, but there are people lined up around the block waiting to get into Delia's room.", "Chloe: Everybody... everybody but Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Kevin's going through Billy's cell phone and his computer. Um, I contacted the American embassy in Hong Kong. I think we need to contact the Chinese embassy here, and I'm thinking Macau. I'm thinking there's a lot of gambling that takes place there.", "Victor: Sweetheart, slow down, please.", "Victoria: I can't slow down, Dad. I can't, because Delia's sick.", "Victor: Darling, she's getting the best medical care available, and whatever I can do, I will, all right?", "Victoria: She needs a donor match, that's what she needs, and it might be Billy. And...", "Victor: (Sighs)", "Victoria: If it isn't-- if it isn't Billy, then she needs her daddy, at least. Look, you remember the time that I fell off my horse and I broke my arm, and you were out of town on business?", "Victor: Yeah.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, when you walked through the hospital doors, I knew that everything was gonna be okay, and that's what Delia needs right now.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Victoria: Steve, hi. What did you find out? Anything? Okay, did you get that picture that I sent you? Good. Good, good, good, good. Okay, um, look, they know that we need to locate him immediately, right? Because it's really important...", "Sam: Not real fond of your son-in-law, huh?", "Victor: That's putting it mildly. He is a piece of garbage who has done nothing but damage to my daughter. I wonder if it isn't...Cordelia wouldn't be better off without him. Hey!", "Victor: Excuse me. Can I have a minute with her please? Thank you. (Sighs)", "Sharon: Victor, I'm so glad you're here. Avery told me that you're going to testify, and that this time, you're going to tell them everything.", "Victor: I've always known you were innocent from the beginning. I just thought in time that idiot Walsh would figure that out himself, but obviously, he has not, has he?", "Sharon: I don't know how to thank you for this.", "Victor: It's not necessary, okay?", "Sharon: Well, once again, you've given me hope.", "Victor: Well, you hold on to that. Now I'll be gone for a while, but I'll be back.", "Sharon: Is everything okay?", "Victor: It will be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Phyllis. (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Uh, hold your breath. I know how this goes. \"Uh, Phyllis, you misunderstood what you saw. I was just being Sharon's friend.\" And you're really good at that, by the way. Uh, and the next thing is, \"It didn't mean anything,\" and it never does. I know. And the next one is-- wait for it-- \"She's the mother of my children,\" which she is.", "Nick: Yes.", "Phyllis: Yeah. So I misunderstood what I saw. It didn't mean anything, the mother of my children-- I think I have it-- all of 'em, don't I?", "Nick: Looks that way.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Yeah, good. So we're good, right? I'm gonna get some more milk in my coffee.", "Nick: Then you are not threatened or, uh, mad? Jealous? Nothing like that?", "Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Nope. How could I be? We're colleagues. We're exes. We're friends.", "Nick: You're a liar.", "Phyllis: I'm not jealous.", "Nick: We're not friends.", "Phyllis: Okay, we're not friends.", "Nick: We're more than that, and you know it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: Phillip hasn't heard from Billy, but he's gonna make some phone calls and, uh, see what he can find out.", "Esther: It's so nice how everyone's coming together for Cordelia.", "Kay: Yes, it's strange how a tragedy always pulls a family together.", "Jill: Yeah, or tears it apart.", "Ashley: You were right. Traci's being tested tomorrow. She wanted to fly out here, but I told her to hold off. Now look at that. She's willing to drop everything to be here for Delia, and where the hell is Billy?", "Jack: I got people lookin' for him all over the place. I even went to Victor to ask for help.", "Ashley: I'm gonna ask Tucker to use his connections, too.", "Jack: I thought Billy had changed. I thought maybe he'd grown up. Then he pulls something like this.", "Ashley: Just wait till he finally gets here. I swear, I'm just gonna--", "Jack: Whoa, Dear, you're gonna have to wait till I'm through with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Sorry about that. (Sighs)", "Sam: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Where did my dad go?", "Sam: Uh, he said he had some things to take care of. Did you have any luck tracking Billy down?", "Victoria: (Sighs) No. (Sighs) Such a stupid idiot. I mean, how could he take off like this and not tell anyone where he's going? He has a child! He has a child. How could he be so irresponsible?", "Sam: Well, he didn't-- he didn't know Delia was gonna get sick.", "Victoria: Well, you know what? None of us did, but here we are. We left our emergency numbers. We didn't just take off. But Billy did. He didn't give a damn about Delia or anybody else, for that matter. (Sighs)", "Sam: Well, you know, I don't know Billy. I don't, but I know what it's like to want to run. My marriage was fallin' apart. It seemed like there was nothin' I could do to make it better. I mean, things got so twisted out of shape, I didn't know if the pain I was causin'-- where it started, where it ended.", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Sam: Sometimes I'd think the best thing I could have done is just to disappear. And I really felt that way.", "Victoria: Well, did you?", "Sam: Well, no, I didn't. But I wanted to.", "Victoria: Well, you see, that's where you and Billy are very different.", "Sam: Look, all I'm saying is, maybe he didn't do it to you. Maybe he did it for you, you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Delia: Mommy!", "Chloe: Oh, yeah, hi. Hi, Baby, I'm right here. Right here. Mommy's right here. Here, you know what? How about I get in bed with you? You want that? We'll sleep together. It's okay. Close your eyes. Shh. Close your eyes. Shh.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Phyllis: This is me meeting you halfway.", "Avery: Sorry, Sis, but now I'm too busy for you.", "Neil: Why are you jumping into the music industry? Why are you taking Devon with you?", "Ashley: Billy has to come home. When he finds out his little girl went through all of this without him...", "Tucker: He'll never forgive himself." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Billy advises Chelsea to go live in Paris with Connor by herself because she is more than capable of taking care of him without Gabe. When Gabe arrives, he argues with Billy, but Chelsea stops them, because she doesn't want them to argue in front of Connor. Esther accuses Colin of making passes at her while Jill was in Hong Kong. Of course, Colin denies the accusations. Jill takes Colin's side and doesn't believe Esther so she quits her job and leaves the Chancellor Mansion promising to make Katherine very proud of her. Adam plants a worm in Victor's computer. Ian Ward is happy that his plan for revenge on Victor is working like a charm, but Adam is worried that he will be the one to get caught and go to jail instead of Ian.", "Adam barely has time to leave Victor's office when a suspicious Victoria arrives worried that there was a breech to Victor's computer. When she calls security, they tell her that they don't know why Victor's office was the only one that had lights on during a power outage. Sage has a pain and Nick takes her to the hospital. Sage's doctor recommends bed rest and tells Nick she needs to see a therapist to handle her stress, because she could lose the baby.", "" ]
[ "Jill: Whoa.", "Esther: Whoa.", "Colin: Huh.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Colin: Okay, so what happened there?", "Jill: I don't know. [Chuckles] Maybe it's Katherine flashing the lights to let us know the party's over and it's time to go home already.", "Esther: Mrs. C wants us to know that she sees everything. Some people could use a reminder.", "Jill: We've had enough drama for tonight, okay? Listen, I was thinking -- since it would be a little disrespectful for us to booze it up here at Katherine's memorial, why don't we just go home and do it?", "Colin: Yeah.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Esther: You two go ahead and enjoy yourselves. I want to stay here and be closer to Mrs. C a little while longer, in peace.", "Colin: [Clears throat] Um, uh, Esther, uh, Katherine wouldn't want you, uh, messing up your handkerchief, you know?", "Esther: Don't you dare!", "Colin: That went well.", "Chelsea: What happened to the power? From the window, it looked like the lights were out all over the city.", "Billy: Yeah, I don't know. I pulled up. The street lights were on. And then, poof, all gone. And then I get this weird flashing tech message on my phone.", "Chelsea: Oh. [Chuckles] Oh, thank god.", "Billy: Just like magic. Can I take credit for the lights coming back on? You know what? I think I'm going to, 'cause that's the kind of power I wield. You...don't seem impressed at all.", "Chelsea: It's just strange, you know? There was thunder before, but there hasn't been rain or -- or any winds, nothing.", "Billy: You know, I'm sure it's fine. Somebody probably just nodded off at the power company.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I guess it's just a little nerve-wracking, you know? You realize how much you take for granted, how -- how quickly it can be taken away.", "Adam: So, how in the hell is this blackout supposed to cover our tracks if the power is back on already? This virus is taking forever to download.", "Ian: Is this how you handle tension? Because it's not healthy. I can hear it in your voice. I'm concerned.", "Adam: Spare me the guru act, okay? Let's not forget I'm the only one sitting here at this desk, all right? So, if I get caught, I go down, not us, not a group of people -- me. Me alone, so you can just...take your concern and shove it. Success.", "Ian: Ah. All right. The virus is loaded, so log out and make sure you erase any record of being on that computer.", "Adam: Yeah, I know the drill.", "Ian: [Laughs]", "[Footsteps approaching]", "Sage: Right before I felt my first pain, I had a nightmare that we lost our baby.", "Nick: Well, that makes sense. You're worried about miscarrying.", "Sage: That's the thing. It wasn't a miscarriage. I dreamed that your father -- Victor took our baby.", "Nick: I'm so sorry. That's my fault.", "Sage: What?", "Nick: I spent a lot of time telling you how controlling my father is. I just -- I got to let that go. I can't keep dumping that on you, because then it sneaks into your dreams. But that's all it was. It was a dream. No one is taking our baby away from us -- not my father, not anyone.", "Victor: I'm glad you're here. I hope I didn't scare you too much with the message.", "Nikki: Well, Sage is pregnant and now she's in the hospital, so of course I'm concerned. Is there any news?", "Victor: Well, if damn doctor isn't here any minute, I'm gonna find her myself and drag her in here.", "Abby: Dad, Nikki.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Abby: Why are you here? Did someone get hurt in the blackout?", "Victor: No. Are you hurt? Why are you here?", "Abby: I'm feeding stitch. Otherwise, he eats vending-machine food, which is like chewing on cardboard. But wait. If -- if everyone's okay, then why are you two here?", "Nikki: There are some concerns about Sage and Nicholas' baby.", "Sage: Faith was so excited when she felt the baby move. What if -- what if I was wrong?", "Nick: Well, then we'll deal with it.", "Sage: Maybe the lights going out was a sign that I was right. A baby was too much to hope for.", "Nick: No, no. Hey. The lights came back on, right? That's the real sign. Look, we are here. And we're together, and it's gonna be okay. Okay?", "Sage: Okay.", "Nick: Okay.", "Stitch: This is Mr. and Mrs. Newman, the patient's in-laws.", "Dr. Greene: Nice to meet you.", "Victor: We understand that the lady inside is in distress. Where have you been?", "Dr. Greene: I had a delivery to handle just as the lights went out.", "Victor: And are those test results for Sage? What do they say?", "Dr. Greene: I'll leave dr. Rayburn to explain our hipaa laws to you, and I'll go meet with my patient.", "Victor: How about teaching her some bedside manners?", "Stitch: Don't worry, Mr. Newman. Sage and the baby couldn't be in better hands.", "Dr. Greene: Sorry for the delay, but I do have your test results.", "Sage: I can't listen to this.", "Dr. Greene: You need to hear this. The baby is developing normally. Vital signs are excellent. Everything is working the way it should.", "Nick: What about the dizziness and the pains?", "Dr. Greene: Pregnancy is different for every woman -- the way the body handles physical and hormonal changes. So, Sage, I'm keeping you overnight for observation. And when we release you, I'm putting you on bed rest.", "Sage: Oh, no. I have a job. I-I can't --", "Nick: Aww, well, you're fired.", "Sage: [Chuckles] Are you sure that's what's best for the baby?", "Dr. Greene: It is -- for you and the baby. If you have a moment, we can go over some of my recommendations for the patient here.", "Nick: Uh, yeah. Let's do it.", "Dr. Greene: Now, relax. It's time to take it easy.", "Nick: See?", "Sage: Bed rest?", "Nick: Hey. It's all right. It's all good. I told you -- everything's gonna be just fine.", "Chelsea: Like this poor kid hasn't had enough disruption lately. I mean, we go to Paris. We come back. Now we're living in a hotel suite. The lights are turning on and off. [Chuckles]", "Billy: Oh, wait a minute. What -- what is this? You know, I think an elf parked this car in my pocket for Johnny, and I think that the \"j\" man would be happy for you to take it for a spin.", "Chelsea: What do we say? That's awesome. Huh? We're gonna have to thank Johnny for that.", "Billy: [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: And now do you want to thank -- um... [Chuckles] Suddenly, I don't -- I don't know what Connor should call you. I'm sorry.", "Billy: Yeah, I guess \"daddy's\" probably out, huh? How about...awesome?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Billy: You can call me awesome. Or...whatever you want to call me, as long as we're buddies, right? And that goes for you, too. So, what are you even doing here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be across the pond by now? I thought the plan was like the wind from lurch and his outstretched arms.", "Chelsea: We were too late. When the jabot legal team said that I didn't have to hand my fashion line over to Newman enterprises, Victor went and sued for visitation rights to Connor.", "Billy: Have I mentioned how much I like him? Geez, Chelsea. Screw his demands. Just take Connor and get as far away from Victor as possible.", "Ian: It's remarkable, really, how life ebbs and flows and then just turns on a dime. Not long ago, I was all alone, caged like some dangerous animal. Then along came Gabriel Bingham. And we are a perfect match, Gabe and me. We both detest Victor Newman. Provincial, close-minded, cowardly, resentful of my... connection with the lovely Nicole. Sweet, sweet Nikki. Hey. You've done your job well, young man. Our revenge is definitely being served cold. Here's your just dessert, Victor. Choke on it!", "[Both laugh]", "Victoria: Security, this is Victoria Newman. I'm in my father's office. I saw a light on from the park, and I wanted to check. Yes, I know there was a power outage. That's why I just climbed a million stairs. So, why was my father's office the only part of the building with power? Well, then please send someone up here to check it out.", "Jill: There she is. Go.", "Colin: [Sighs]", "Jill: Hi.", "Esther: Oh, no. I only came here because I thought you two went home.", "Jill: Listen, I don't know why you're being so prickly, but you are mourning, Esther, and we're mourning. So, why don't we mourn together, huh?", "Esther: That blackout was a symbol. The world is a much darker place without Mrs. C in it. It's not witty or clever or gritty or brave or -- or even loving or warm as it used to be.", "Colin: Nicely put.", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Colin: Uh...look, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you earlier. I'm -- I, uh -- let me get a refill for you.", "Jill: Mm-hmm. See? Do you see how nice he's being?", "Esther: Yeah. Or he could poison my coffee.", "Jill: All right. That's it. That's it. You have been so weird around Colin ever since I got back from Hong Kong. What happened when I was gone? Did he insult your kale smoothies or something?", "Esther: He made inappropriate advances on me, Jill.", "Jill: [Chuckles] He hit on you?", "Esther: Yes. Me.", "Jill: No, Colin would never do that.", "Colin: Colin wouldn't do what?", "Jill: [Chuckles] Aww.", "Nikki: How is Sage doing?", "Nick: Uh, both Sage and the baby are doing fine. The doctor wants to keep her here. She's recommending bed rest. It's just a precaution.", "Stitch: How about you, me, and Abby get a coffee before dr. Greene comes back to talk?", "Nick: Yeah. Let's do that.", "Abby: Can we get you guys anything?", "Victor: No, thank you, sweetheart.", "Nikki: Oh, we'll just wait here for you, sweetie.", "Victor: Okay.", "Sage: I can feel you moving. Keep swimming, baby. I'm gonna rest up and get strong, and you'll be happy and healthy, okay? I'm never gonna let anyone come between us.", "Victor: Hi.", "Victoria: So, my father wasn't in here? Not this evening.", "Victoria: Well, someone was in this office. I saw the light from the park. Must have been a backup power source since he's the boss.", "Victoria: Once I climbed up all the stairs, I heard something in this office. There doesn't seem to be anything missing, so maybe we should take a look at the surveillance video. But --", "Victoria: There was a power outage. There wouldn't be any surveillance video. I'll get my team to look around.", "Victoria: No. Never mind. Whoever it was is probably gone anyway. The cameras are back up and running? Mm.", "Victoria: Okay, good. Well, just keep an eye on those. Thank you.", "Chelsea: Trust me. I had no intention of staying in town once jabot's legal team said I could leave. My bags were already packed.", "Billy: Yeah. I'm sure you had Connor under your arm like a football, ready to make a dash for the airport.", "Chelsea: Exactly. But I wasn't gonna take him back to Paris. I can't. I mean, Victor -- he'd have his guys waiting for me the second I got off the airplane. [Sighs] No, I guess my plan was just [Chuckles]", "Billy: So, why didn't you? And don't say it was because of --", "Chelsea: Gabe.", "Billy: Ugh, I told you not to say it.", "Chelsea: [Chuckles] He made a good point. I can't spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. I mean, what? Am I gonna change my name? Change Connor's name? And Gabe did make a good point. The truth is Victor would end up finding us anyway.", "Billy: Golly, he's a smart one, that Bingham. Well, lucky for him, he gets to stay in town and finish what he started with Victor.", "Chelsea: No. Gabe says he really plans to just let all that go.", "Billy: Mm-hmm. [Chuckles]", "Chelsea: He is.", "Billy: That's, uh -- that's funny. I've seen the way that he looks at Victor. He's not letting anything go. Look, I know that you say that you think you're happy. And --", "Chelsea: I am happy. With Gabe. Can't you just be happy for me?", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Chelsea: Be happy for Connor. This kid has not had a lot of consistency in his life, huh? [Smooches] That changes now.", "Billy: Let me just say this -- if you stay in Genoa City, the only consistency that Connor's going to have is Victor hovering and Gabe sneering. Look, but if you leave town, he's going to have everything that he's ever had, and that's you. What more does the kid need?", "Connor: Adam.", "Billy: He did not just say that.", "Chelsea: You know, I-I tell Connor stories about his dad. I try to use Adam's name a lot. I want to make sure he knows that his father will always love him and, um, yeah. I'm not gonna let my son grow up and not know anything about his dad, so...", "Billy: I guess the only silver lining in all of this is it must drive Gabe nuts listening to Connor talk about his father.", "Adam: No. No, actually, I'm, uh -- I'm not you, Billy. I'm evolved enough to appreciate Connor's parentage.", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Adam: You were always trying to deny who he really was. I-I'm just curious to know how you would have reacted when he grew up to look and act just like his father.", "Billy: You see, no, no. Connor's an innocent. And he's -- he's happy and he's funny and he's cute and he's nothing like Adam, not by a long shot.", "Chelsea: Okay, um, are we really gonna do this in front of Connor?", "Adam: Well, sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but we have to do this right now in front of Connor, because the only thing that matters to you, Billy, is that chip that resides on your shoulder. Now, you might have spent a little time with him, but that doesn't mean you're his father. He had a father. He had a father that loved him very much. I'm gonna make sure that he knows that. Right, buddy?", "Billy: You know, I don't get you, Gabe. What -- what is this cosmic connection that you have to Adam Newman, the biggest waste of space to ever make his way through Genoa city? Or maybe that's it. Maybe that's the connection. You're two of a kind.", "Chelsea: Okay. You know what? Let's go play with some cars, huh? 'Cause I'm sure you don't want to hear this, do you, Connor? Come on. Let's go play.", "Adam: Billy, from what I understand, Adam left a taped confession, and, from what I gather, it seems like he -- he wishes he would have come forward sooner than he did.", "Billy: But he didn't, did he? No. There's only one decent thing that Adam ever did, and that's that he died. That way, I don't ever have to see his face again. But the trouble is I don't ever get to see Delia's face again. But you wouldn't understand that 'cause you're not a father. And latching on to somebody else's kid isn't gonna make you one.", "Nikki: Sage, we are so relieved. Nicholas told us that you and the baby are fine.", "Sage: Yes. Thank goodness. The doctor put me on bed rest.", "Nikki: Oh, well, I know that sounds daunting, but it'll be worth it.", "Victor: That's a very small price to pay for another Newman.", "Nikki: Now, don't worry about anything. We will take care of whatever you and the baby need.", "Victor: Everything, all right?", "Sage: Oh!", "Victor: What?", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Are you all right?", "Victor: Should I get a doctor?", "Sage: No, no. God, the baby just kicked me really hard.", "Nikki: Oh, well, that's wonderful. [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Oh, hey. Hi. My phone glitched during the blackout. I didn't get your message. How are Sage and the baby?", "Nick: Uh, Sage and the baby are both fine. Just a scare.", "Victoria: Oh, mom and dad are here. That's good.", "Sage: We've just had a very exciting day. I-I just think we both need a little rest.", "Nikki: Oh, yes. Of course you do. We'll get out of your hair. And you let us know if you need anything.", "Victor: All right? We mean that.", "[Door closes]", "Colin: I hit on you? In your dreams.", "Esther: [Chuckles] I don't even want to know what's in your dreams, buster.", "Jill: Oh, back up here. You really are trying to tell me that you think Colin hit on you?", "Esther: He is brazen and insulting and relentless.", "Jill: And that's how badly my husband wanted you?", "Colin: All right, look, I may have a playful manner of speech.", "Esther: Oh, you are a disgusting leech.", "Jill: Hey. You really want to stick with this story?", "Esther: Okay. Fine. You want the gory details? It all started about a week after you went to Hong Kong.", "Colin: Oh, Esther. Watching you gives me a real appetite, baby. You know, you're all that a bag of chips. Come here. Give me a tickle.", "Jill: \"Give me a tickle?\" That's a new one.", "Colin: That's -- that's rubbish.", "Esther: That's the truth.", "Colin: You want to hear the truth? Here it comes.", "Colin: Oh, hello, my dear. Look, uh, I've got a bit of an appetite. Maybe a sandwich, a bag of chips on the side, and, um, give me a pickle with that, will you?", "Esther: You're a louse and a liar!", "Colin: Well, yeah. But not this time.", "Jill: [Chuckles]", "Colin: You know my type.", "Jill: Oh, darling. I know your type. Me.", "Colin: Good answer.", "Jill: Mm.", "Colin: So, who are you gonna believe, loving hubby...", "Jill: Mm-hmm.", "Colin: ...Or partial-wit here? Well?", "Jill: I'm thinking. I'm thinking.", "Jill: I don't doubt for a moment that this man said something stupid and/or offensive, okay?", "Esther: So there.", "Jill: But I do not think that he made a proposal that was illicit. Okay, it was just a misunderstanding.", "Esther: You don't think I would know when a man is having gutter thoughts about me? You bet your bippy I do. Like last week when I was straightening the sofa.", "Colin: Uh. [Chuckles] I've always said there's nothing quite like a good pillow fluffing. How about me next?", "Colin: Well, that's not the story. She left out the best part.", "Jill: Oh, share it with the class, darling.", "Colin: Mm.", "Colin: Ah. Hey, me next. It's called chopping. It's a -- it's a thing. It gives the pillow, well, a bit of texture. What do you think?", "Esther: Chopping? That's your cover story?", "Colin: You'd been away so long I was reduced to watching home shows.", "Jill: [Laughs] You're right. I was gone way too long. You two were bound to drive each other insane.", "Colin: Yeah, this one's made half the journey already.", "Esther: I can't believe you're gonna believe his bull... patties.", "Jill: Well, listen. Let's just be straight here. The last time a man came on to you, it was roger Wilkes, and your desperation nearly got you killed.", "Esther: You had Colin deported and then you took him back. Talk about desperate.", "Jill: Esther, you're very lonely. You miss Katherine. You are imagining things, like my husband having designs on your derriere.", "Esther: Which he pats every time he passes by, pretending it's an accident. Baloney.", "Jill: This is so stupid. The bottom line here is that no matter how lonely he was, you're the last person on earth he would ever make a play for.", "Esther: Maybe your charms aren't the same anymore, Jill.", "Jill: Watch it.", "Esther: I will not stay one more day in that house with that animal.", "Colin: Esther, look. I promise you -- your virtue around me is 100% safe.", "Jill: Why are you coddling this fool? [Scoffs] She's not going anywhere.", "Esther: I have a right to work and live in peace and safety.", "Jill: When was the last time you worked, darling? You just wait every month for Katherine's money, and you do squat.", "Esther: [Voice breaking] I'm excellent at my job. I will not be subjected to this oppression! Either Colin goes or I do.", "Jill: Oh. Well, let me just think about this. Bye-bye. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.", "Esther: Mrs. C would be so ashamed of you.", "Chelsea: I'm so glad that you're both so worried about Connor, who is right here and can hear you.", "Adam: [Clears throat]", "Chelsea: Adam is his father, and Connor will always know that. So, can you both just stop it, please?", "Billy: Yes.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Billy: Yes. I'm sorry. Look, I -- Chelsea, he's a really good kid, and you're a great mom. I just hope that you believe that you are all that Connor needs.", "Adam: That's really -- that's really, really good. Can we leave?", "Chelsea: Yes, please. Can we give Billy back his car?", "Billy: No, hey, keep -- keep it. Keep it. I'll get Johnny another one.", "Chelsea: Thank you. Okay. Come on. Okey-dokey. All right. I gotcha.", "Billy: And, uh, Gabe...", "Adam: Can't wait for this. [Chuckles]", "Billy: Chelsea is Connor's mom, and he's always going to love her. But who the hell are you?", "Chelsea: Don't listen to him.", "Adam: Listen to him? I'll tell you what. I think he might be right.", "Victor: We'll have your belongings moved to the main house, and you and Sage can move in. And then we'll hire nurses -- around-the-clock care.", "Nick: The doctor said the bed rest is just a precaution. And we don't need nurses. We are gonna go home.", "Victoria: Well, bed rest can be exhausting, nick. For both of you. I mean, you have no idea how much effort it will take to just do nothing. I think you'd be better off at the main house. You should take dad up on his offer.", "Nick: I do appreciate it, dad, but...we're gonna go home. We'll be just fine.", "Victor: If you change your mind, the house is open to both you and Sage, all right?", "Nick: Thank you.", "Nikki: We'll let you have your space, but let us know if you change your mind.", "Nick: Thanks for coming. It means a lot. [Smooches]", "Victor: Keep us posted.", "Victoria: I'll walk you to the elevator, dad.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Dr. Greene: Nick, let's go over those details now.", "Stitch: You want some privacy or a backup set of ears? It's up to you.", "Nick: No, I think, uh, you should stay. Doctor's just gonna tell me about that bed rest, right? Unless -- is there something that you didn't want to say in front of Sage? Is there some reason I should be concerned about the baby?", "Dr. Greene: I suspect that the dizziness and pain she experienced was a psychological response to the emotional and physical stress of the pregnancy. She's frightened and nervous about the whole process, correct?", "Nick: She has a lot of superstitions. She worries all the time.", "Dr. Greene: Which is why I'd like to refer her to a therapist.", "Nick: Do you think she has psychological problems?", "Dr. Greene: Not at all. Sage is a first-time mom. She just needs someone to talk to. The lower the stress level, the easier the pregnancy will be.", "Nick: I'm doing everything I can to keep her calm.", "Dr. Greene: But as her husband, you're too close for the situation. Here's the number of the doctor. She specializes in birthing issues. Encourage Sage to make an appointment and talk through some of her concerns. I'll see you both at her next exam.", "Nick: Thank you. What is she saying? If Sage worries too much, she could lose the baby?", "Stitch: Maybe Sage's symptoms are psychosomatic. Maybe there's a medical reason for what she's experiencing. Can't hurt to double-check.", "Nick: Thanks. I better get back to my wife.", "Sage: Hey. Can we go home now?", "Nick: No. You heard the doctor. Overnight for observation.", "Sage: What else did she say to you?", "Nick: Nothing.", "Sage: You're covering. What did she say behind my back?", "Victoria: Hi. How quickly can I get one of those?", "Billy: Pretty quick. So, did you enjoy the blackout?", "Victoria: Yeah. It's always a real treat having the world suddenly go dark around you.", "Billy: Everything okay?", "Victoria: Yeah, Sage had a little scare with the baby.", "Billy: You're kidding me. Is she all right?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "Billy: Good. I swear, if anything happened to that baby... practically the first thing I learned about her when we met was how badly she wanted to have kids but she couldn't. It's, um -- it's kind of how we bonded.", "Victoria: Yeah. I know. Because you understood. It was similar to what you and I went through.", "Billy: Yeah. But the magic happened for us. We got Katie, the wonder kid.", "Victoria: Yes, we did. Well, fingers crossed that Sage stays as lucky as I was. You don't want to think about the bad stuff. It's like inviting terrible things to happen.", "Billy: She still in the hospital now?", "Victoria: Yeah, overnight, for observation. Saw Ben and Abby there.", "Billy: Mm.", "Victoria: And mom and dad were there, too, of course.", "Billy: Of course.", "Victoria: Oh, come on, Billy. You know, as controlling as you think my father is, he really does love his grandchildren.", "Billy: Well, fortify yourself some more, because I'm not going to say anything bad about your dad tonight.", "Chelsea: So, can you explain to me why Billy is right? I'm trying to understand what you meant by that.", "Adam: What I meant by that? Look at me. I'm Gabriel Bingham, your boyfriend. [Chuckles] I'm your boyfriend. What, we hold hands? You know? We, what -- we make out in the back seat? That kind of thing? Lord...", "Chelsea: Sounds like fun.", "Adam: Well, I'm not your husband. And I'm certainly not Connor's father. I'm a guy you spend time with. I've got no credibility, no real connection...", "Chelsea: That is not true. Everyone knows we would be in Paris together right now. I would be starting a whole new life with you if it weren't for Victor.", "Adam: Mm-hmm. But we're not in Paris, are we. And we can't go to Paris.", "Chelsea: No, we can't, because we got arrested and if you got fingerprinted...", "Adam: I know. Prison cell somewhere. But you know what? At least I'd be Adam Newman again. I'd be me. Be your husband, Connor's father.", "Chelsea: There is no upside to you being Adam Newman right now. You would go to prison, and I need you here, with me and our son, as a family.", "Adam: It's not enough. For me, Chelsea, inside these walls, between you and me... I can't just be some guy you hang out with, okay? I want to be your husband.", "Chelsea: Is that a proposal?", "Jill: Just call an agency tomorrow and hire a new housekeeper. That's all. What a relief that will be to have a professional around the house for once.", "Colin: Methinks you protesteth too much.", "Jill: Not at all. That...thing has been useless for decades.", "Colin: Oh, come on. Admit it -- you didn't think she'd quit, much less move out. I mean, who you gonna fight with now?", "Jill: You, my love. Always you.", "Esther: You were the best friend I ever had. I stayed here just to be close to you, but now it's time for me to leave. Go out on my own, leave this house, this job... that monthly check. But don't worry. I saved for a rainy day. Can't have rainbows without the rain, right? Wish me luck, Mrs. C. I am gonna make you so proud of me. You'll see. I love you, Mrs. C.", "Nikki: You know, this evening was all about reminders -- Katherine, our family, how grateful we should all be for every moment we're on this earth. And it reminded me how much you love your family.", "Victor: More than anything. Because I didn't have one when I grew up.", "Nikki: I know. Sometimes you can be so tender, so sweet... just the way you looked at Sage, the way you offered help to Nicholas...", "Victor: [Breathes deeply] It's up to you and me to keep this whole family together, you know?", "Nikki: And you know that that thing with Neil is ridiculous. It was never anything romantic.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: God help me. You will be the only man for me, always.", "Victor: I love you.", "Victoria: If you're saying you're gonna ease up on my father, then I've definitely had too much to drink.", "Billy: No, no, I'm not saying that. The guy's -- the guy's a menace. He's controlling, rude, heartless...", "Victoria: Yeah, you really do sound like you're gonna stop talking about my father.", "Billy: No, I -- I am. For now. This thing with Chelsea -- you know, it may drive me crazy, but it's none of my business. It really isn't. And me ranting about how this all affects her -- you know, it just keeps a wall up between us, and I don't want that.", "Victoria: You don't?", "Billy: No. I don't. Because if there's a wall between us... I can't do this.", "Victoria: You know, you never answered my question before... about if you and I were... um, back together. Is that because you didn't know or didn't want to hurt my feelings?", "Nick: The doctor thinks your symptoms are due to stress, so she suggested a therapist for you to talk to.", "Sage: Why? Does she think it's in my head? Because I didn't just make it up.", "Nick: No one is saying that.", "Sage: She just said that.", "Nick: She says stress can trigger physical reactions -- real physical reactions. And she wants to treat the stress with bed rest and a therapist for you to talk to.", "Sage: What if it's not just stress?", "Nick: That's also a possibility. But stitch is gonna look into it. Trust me -- you are in very good hands, and we are gonna do everything possible to keep you and this baby safe. I promise you. Do you believe me?", "Sage: Yeah.", "Nick: So you're gonna stay here tonight, okay? Get some sleep. And when you wake up in the morning, I'm gonna take you home, and I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot just like the way you always want me to.", "Sage: I love you.", "Nick: I love you, too. Now close 'em.", "Adam: Sadly, as a man who's legally dead, I'm not sure a proposal would mean much at this point.", "Chelsea: Oh, forget rings and ceremonies. All that matters to me is that when we're here, inside these walls, you're my husband, and I'm your wife, body and soul. Who cares what anybody else thinks?", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: But when you're out there...", "Adam: Gabriel Bingham. Gabriel Bingham, through and through. Keep up that charade. I understand that's the way it's got to be. Got it.", "Connor: Mommy?", "Chelsea: Coming, baby! Oh, and one more thing.", "Adam: Yeah.", "Chelsea: Hotel rooms are lovely for a few romantic nights and all, but if we're gonna stay in Genoa City, Connor needs his home. We both do.", "Adam: All right. Well, I got the keys back from the realtor, so if you'd like, we can move back in tomorrow. How's that sound?", "Chelsea: That sounds good.", "Adam: Yeah?", "Chelsea: See? It's our little family.", "Adam: I love you.", "Chelsea: Me too.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Adam: Yes?", "Ian: The digital worm is burrowing like a champion. And Victor will never know who unleashed the beast. This is what we wanted, so feel free to be pleased.", "Adam: I am. I am pleased. You're right. It's exactly what we wanted.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Cane: You know something? I saw what happened. The best thing you can do for your client is to convince him to come back here and admit his guilt.", "Jack: I made a deal with the devil.", "Ashley: Please don't tell me that the devil's name is Victor." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Jack and Phyllis have an argument because he thinks she should put her feelings for Victor aside and go to Adam's memorial service for Chelsea and Connor's sake. Phyllis tells Jack she feels badly about Chelsea and Connor's loss but she can't forget what Victor did to both of them. Phyllis thinks that Jack doesn't understand her; so when she gets a text from Billy, she goes to the Abbott cabin to be with him. Adam's memorial service begins and everyone shares memories of him. Victor gets up and tells everyone that there is something everyone has to know about who caused Adam's death. Victoria is surprised when Travis tells her that Billy isn't going on the business trip to Seattle and that he offered Travis his ticket so that he could go with Victoria on the trip.", "" ]
[ "Sharon: Hey, what you did for Chelsea -- that was -- it was really lovely. I know that she'll be grateful.", "Nick: I made a promise to Adam to look out for his son. Chelsea's part of that package.", "Nikki: Oh. What a beautiful way to honor Adam's memory. Hi. Mm. Sharon, I didn't know I would see you today.", "Sharon: Well, I used to be married to Adam.", "Nikki: Oh, yes.", "Nick: Where's dad?", "Nikki: Well, he just is checking on Chelsea.", "Nick: Why would he do that?", "Nikki: He's concerned about his grandson.", "Nick: It's not a good idea. Not today of all days.", "Chloe: Look at you. Don't you look spiffy.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Chloe: I'll get it! All right, you just stay here. Hold you kitty cat.", "Connor: Stay here.", "Chloe: Yeah, stay there. What are you doing here?", "Victor: Hey, my boy. What have you got there? Look at that kitty cat. Oh, boy. Come here. Up! There we go. Oh, look at that. Look at those whiskers, huh? Isn't that sweet? I know this is a very hard day for you, but I just want you to know that your grandpa will always protect you, will always be here for you, okay?", "Victoria: Come on.", "Travis: Let me help.", "Victoria: [Sighs] I'm just all thumbs.", "Travis: That's 'cause you tossed and turned all night.", "Victoria: [Sighs] How could he be gone? Adam and I, we butted heads, but he loved Chelsea and he loved Connor.", "Travis: Heart as big as his ego? Sounds like someone else in your family.", "Victoria: Yeah, that's true. My dad and Adam, they would shed blood for each other, literally. [Sighs] When they weren't trying to destroy each other. And now he's gone, and my dad blames himself.", "Travis: Well, is he to blame?", "Victoria: When my dad was in prison, he felt like we betrayed him and he wanted to punish us all. What he had planned for Adam went beyond anything that I think he imagined, and I just don't know. I don't know the details, but I know that my family will never be the same, and my dad will never be the same. What is this?", "Travis: It's your ticket and itinerary for the Seattle trip. It came last night once you finally fell asleep.", "Victoria: Well, cane and Billy can handle it. I'm not leaving my family.", "Travis: Oh, Billy's not going. He thinks you and I should go together.", "Billy: Look, I know you're avoiding my calls, Phyllis, but can you return this one, please? Good morning, sunshine.", "Cane: So, it's my marketing plan, but Jill's gonna send you and Victoria to Seattle to launch it, huh?", "Billy: I never said it wasn't your plan, and what happened to working as a team?", "Cane: Oh, but we're not a team, 'cause Jill called me last night and made it very clear that I'm now on the bench, and it's the Billy and Victoria show.", "Billy: Well, Jill said that you're going.", "Cane: Well, Jill lied.", "Billy: My mother lied? How unsettling. So, go. You're hot for Seattle, go ahead. I never intended on going in the first place.", "Cane: So why are you packed?", "Jack: You're a good mother, Ashley. Setting aside your feelings for Adam to make sure that Abby has the support system she needs around her today.", "Ashley: Well, you and I don't share the same opinion about Adam, but we do agree that family comes first. I would do anything for my daughter.", "Phyllis: Hey. You feeling any better since you left the house this morning?", "Jack: I can't stop thinking about Chelsea and Connor waking up to the unspeakable. Adam's gone.", "Phyllis: They are surrounded by love, and that is gonna help them. Good morning.", "Ashley: Hi. Is that what you're wearing to the memorial?", "Abby: Uncle jack.", "Jack: Hey.", "Abby: I'm so sorry. I know how close you and Adam were.", "Jack: How you doing?", "Abby: I'm dealing. But my father, on the other hand... I saw him last night. He's decimated. I know that he and Adam had their problems, but they loved each other. To see him this broken...", "Phyllis: So you're feeling sorry for Victor. Are you kidding me?", "Abby: My father is devastated.", "Phyllis: I bet he is. His plan backfired. He hates it when he cannot control the outcome of every situation.", "Abby: His son is dead. That's why he's mourning.", "Phyllis: Why is Adam dead, Abby? Because of Victor.", "Ashley: Okay, Phyllis, that's enough.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. Can I not have emotions? Can I not express how I feel? My heart goes out to Chelsea and to Connor. But to Victor? He set the fuse. Quite literally, he set Adam up to punish him because that's what Victor does. Adam is dead because of Victor. No one else. And he is going to walk around today as a picture of grief, and he is gonna milk it for every tear he can, and you all are gonna line up and you're gonna comfort him and you're gonna validate the hypocrisy, and tell me how that is not a mockery to Adam's death! I don't get it.", "Abby: There must be a stone where your heart should be.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Abby: I can't believe you.", "Ashley: Let's get some air. Come on.", "Jack: That's what you wanted, right? That way, I go to the memorial service alone.", "Travis: I would have told you Billy stopped by when you got back last night, but it didn't seem like the time.", "Victoria: You know, it's unbelievable that Jill threw cane into the mix so she can prove that this trip is purely business. Meanwhile, it's the same old motive. She's just trying to push Billy and me together.", "Travis: I think I convinced her that you're otherwise occupied.", "Victoria: Was that before or after you buttoned your shirt? I saw the way that she was looking at you -- like a snack.", "[Both laugh]", "Travis: Look, we both agree. We just want everyone to be happy.", "Victoria: Somehow, I think that Jill's version of \"happy\" is different from ours. That's why there's this bogus business trip. I mean, it's no wonder that Billy bailed.", "Travis: I got to say, I don't think that's why he did. Yeah, I felt like he just -- I don't know -- wanted to be somewhere else.", "Billy: What do you care where I'm going if it's not Seattle? So go, cane. Go with Victoria. Kick some ass. Take all the credit you want.", "Cane: And what do I tell Jill? 'Cause she was explicitly clear. She wants you going and not me.", "Billy: Jill wants me and Victoria on top of a wedding cake. That's all this is about.", "Cane: Exactly, so what do you think she's gonna say when I go instead of you?", "Billy: I don't know. She's gonna freak out, she's gonna shriek. She's probably gonna throw something. It's probably gonna be at you. So just don't tell her you're going.", "Cane: Billy. I have to tell her. She's gonna find out. What are you talking about?", "Billy: Don't tell her till you get back, okay? My mother and your father are too busy inspecting every room in this place to notice what's going on. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? Come on.", "Cane: You know what? No. No, no, no. You're up to something. Even if you're not admitting it. No. We don't have a deal.", "Nick: A few hours ago, Chelsea was convinced dad blew up that cabin with Adam in it.", "Sharon: The last thing she needs is a face-to-face with that man.", "Nikki: Look, she spoke to Victor. She knows that he had nothing to do with it.", "Nick: Yeah, but Adam was in the cabin in the first place because dad framed him. I don't think Chelsea's forgotten that.", "Nikki: Well, that means that they do indeed have quite a bit to talk about, Nicholas. Your father's very remorseful. All he wants to do is the right thing.", "Nick: Sharon, could you give us a second?", "Sharon: Yeah, of course.", "Nick: Thank you. You do know that dad stripped Adam of his life and convinced himself it was okay? So why defend him? Why keep any of his secrets, mom? Why do any of that?", "Victor: You're gonna take care of your mom, aren't you? I know you are. I know you are.", "Chelsea: Connor needs to finish getting ready.", "Chloe: Okay, I will take him upstairs.", "Victor: [Chuckles] Yes. I love you, my boy.", "Connor: A kitty.", "Victor: Yes, I know.", "Chloe: Come on, buddy. Let's go upstairs.", "Victor: There you go.", "Chloe: Take kitty. Oh!", "Victor: Oh!", "Chloe: Oh! What?", "Victor: How are you doing?", "Chelsea: My husband is dead.", "Victor: You don't think that I --", "Chelsea: What, had anything to do with the explosion? No. But you started all this. You had to show Adam your power, show him the consequences of crossing you, and now my son is growing up without his father.", "Victor: But I'm here for your son. I want to do what's best for him.", "Chelsea: What is best for him is none of your business.", "Victor: I'm his grandfather.", "Michael: [Sighs] All he wanted was justice and a life with his family.", "Sharon: Adam was a complicated soul.", "Michael: He was that.", "Sharon: Where's Lauren?", "Michael: Uh, she's out of town -- work. She couldn't make it back in time.", "Sharon: Well, I'm afraid you're here pretty early. Services won't get started for a while.", "Michael: Yeah, well, part of me thought early would be good. Slip in, say my goodbyes, leave before everybody arrives.", "Sharon: Why?", "Michael: I might have an inappropriate amount of anger about how all this went down. And then there's the blame factor.", "Sharon: Victor.", "Michael: Top of the list. But I'm on it, too.", "Sharon: You did everything you could to help Adam.", "Michael: I should have worked harder, dug deeper. [Sighs] Just -- I can't help but think that there was something I could have done, something that would have stopped the insanity before it got to this.", "Nikki: Nicholas, your father has changed. Remember when he was shot protecting me in the courthouse?", "Nick: Yeah. When Ian took you hostage.", "Nikki: And what did he do? Did he just say, \"Oh, well, I'll let somebody else save Nikki?\" No, he didn't. He got out of his hospital bed, he looked down the barrel of Ian's guy, and he saved Phyllis and me. Even though he was very upset that we testified against him, there was a lot of love there.", "Nick: Look, I'll always be grateful, what he did for you and Phyllis, but while he was doing that, he was manipulating Adam's life. It's the same old dad.", "Nikki: Well, he was so consumed with anger with Adam all those years, he didn't realize that he had gone so far, and when he did, he just wanted to give Adam the life he deserved.", "Nick: It was too late, wasn't it?", "Nikki: Yes, it was, and he is devastated. I have seen his agony. He is sobbing in my arms, Nicholas. He hasn't slept. I mean, this thing has brought him to his knees. He's not just grieving. He is searching.", "Nick: For what?", "Nikki: Redemption. [Sighs] Nothing brought Adam more joy than you and Connor. I mean, I just saw him light up whenever he talked about you. And I wanted very much for him to live in that light. Away from that terrible prison, away from me, away from our poisonous relationship. You know, I was not responsible for that explosion. But it was my fault. I made a promise to Adam -- a promise a father makes to his son. For you, and that is very hard for me. With Connor somewhere else, I will support that. I will not stand in your way. That's all I came to say. And one more thing -- I'm very sorry. I'm deeply sorry. So harsh with you. It seems like when it comes to Victor, she just can't control herself.", "Abby: I probably overreacted.", "Ashley: No, you didn't. Not at all.", "Abby: It's just -- it's seeing dad that devastated. He just lost his son, and she couldn't show him any compassion? I mean, does she just block it out? [Sighs]", "Ashley: Honey, are you talking about your miscarriage now?", "Abby: It brought me there. All over again. The way that stitch couldn't deal with it. He just shut me out. He shut down.", "Ashley: Well, I don't think anybody has ever accused Phyllis of shutting down.", "Abby: But seeing her that angry, it made me think that could be me. I could have let all of the anger and the hurt consume me. And I know what happened to Phyllis because of dad is beyond horrible, but maybe if she could just let go of some of that pain, she'd start to heal. Gonna tell me that we should forget what Victor did to us, that we should go to the memorial and just forget that he blew our lives to hell?", "Jack: Do I want you by my side when I say goodbye to Adam? Yes. Would I ever insist that you go? No. Not after what Victor put you through.", "Phyllis: Put me -- how about put us through? I don't know how you do it, because you nearly died. Kelly did die. Our marriage was brutalized. We can't even talk about what happened, and yet, you seem to want to put this in a neat box and you want to label it \"the past\" and you think we should just move on.", "Jack: I would never minimize the devastation that Victor brought to our lives.", "Phyllis: No, but you want me to play nice. You want me to rise above and you want me to be the bigger person, but I don't want to be the bigger person. I want him to feel the pain we felt. I want him to get hurt the way we got hurt. But for some reason, I am the wrong one because you think that Victor deserves a pass, a free pass!", "Jack: I never said those words.", "Phyllis: Okay, you know what? You're gonna comfort him today. That's what you're gonna do.", "Jack: No, I am going to pay my respects to Adam! Not Victor!", "Phyllis: Victor is gonna make it all about Victor.", "Jack: Chelsea woke up a widow! Connor woke up fatherless! Nicholas, Victoria, Abby all lost one of their own. And yes, a father lost his son. So, yes, I'm going to this memorial service, and I will go to Victor, father to father, and I will acknowledge his loss.", "Phyllis: Then I guess that makes you a better person than me.", "Billy: I'm on the level, cane.", "Cane: Or the suitcase is empty, and you want me to go so you can pull a power play, and when I come back, I get my butt handed to me.", "Billy: [Laughs] You know, that sound like music to my ears. I'm going away for some \"me\" time. Look and see. Satisfied? Now, if you want, stay home and worry about what I'm doing behind your back, or you can go to Seattle and make brash & sassy! The biggest thing that ever hit the pacific northwest. You can get rid of me at the same time.", "Cane: If you're lying to me, Billy, I'll make you regret this, okay?", "Billy: The only person I'm lying to is my mother, and now you're lying to her, too. And this is making me feel all weird and brotherly and stuff. Come on. What do you say? Come on. All right.", "Cane: I say, \"hello, Seattle.\" That's what I say.", "Billy: Okay. Have fun.", "Cane: Don't make me regret it.", "Phyllis: I am sorry that Adam is gone. I feel like he was finding his way, you know? My heart goes out to Chelsea, to Connor, to everybody who has ever loved him and who has now lost him. And to you, the man who was more of a father to him than Victor ever could be. But why I am angry is because you want me to share that loss with that hypocrite.", "Jack: Adam died. Adam died. Today is for Adam and Chelsea and Connor, and they deserve our prayers and our love and our support. All the help they can get! And if to do that, I have to stand in the same room as Victor and acknowledge his pain, that's what I'm gonna do.", "Phyllis: Because you're fundamentally decent, and I am not.", "Jack: No. You are a passionate woman who is deeply loyal, fiercely protective of her family. And I couldn't ask for a more decent woman to share my life with.", "Phyllis: I love you for saying that. But that's not how I feel.", "Cane: Hey, I'm leaving for the office right now. Well, of course I'd rather be in Seattle shepherding my project, okay, but you're the boss. You remember that, right? Yeah, well, I just hope that Billy and Victoria knock it out of the park and everybody wins. Okay. All right, bye.", "Sharon: You're crazy if you feel guilty for what happened to Adam. You put your heart and soul into that case. You fought for his freedom when there was really no hope left, and you never stopped.", "Michael: And now I'm at his memorial service.", "Sharon: Well, not because of anything you did. Everyone knows you did your best for Adam.", "Michael: Not everyone.", "Nikki: Did you see Connor? How's Chelsea doing?", "Victor: She's strong. She will get Connor through this.", "Nick: We're gonna help each other. We're Newmans. If we stay together, we're gonna be just fine.", "Chloe: Here. Drink this. It'll help. Actually, I don't even know why people say that. Um, well, Connor is upstairs and he's all ready to go. He thought that his coat and his tie needed a little pizzazz, so he picked out his cool sneakers that his daddy bought him. Then we took a selfie and we sent it to my mom and Bella.", "Chelsea: Thank you for helping us.", "Chloe: Connor's being so brave. So are you.", "Chelsea: No, this isn't brave. This is putting one foot in front of the other. For Connor. 'Cause I'll tell you what, if it was just me, I would...", "Chloe: I hope Victor didn't upset you too much. After everything that he's done to you and Adam, it's understandable why you wouldn't want him around.", "Chelsea: No, actually, Victor was -- I was ready to throw him out, but he was different. When he started talking about Adam, it was almost as if -- if he could make this better for me, if he could give me some peace, some form of closure, he would.", "Victoria: Okay, Katie and Johnny have been kissed. Hannah has her orders to spoil them rotten. [Sighs] It's gonna be a hard day for me, but at least they'll have some fun. [Sighs] I can do this.", "Travis: I'm right here.", "Victoria: Thank you. You know, it's really weird how, um... how Billy is pushing you to go on this trip with cane and me. It's like he wants us to be together, or something.", "Travis: You sound disappointed.", "Victoria: No, I'm not -- what, that Billy isn't jealous? No, not at all. I'm not disappointed. It's just -- I just want to know what his angle is, as Billy always has some angle. You know what? Old habit. That ends today. I do not care what Billy's angle is. He can have 1 million angles for all I care. I'm just gonna live my life and not take one minute of it for granted.", "Travis: We both already made that mistake once.", "Victoria: Yeah, we did. But we fixed it.", "Travis: Ready?", "Victoria: Yeah. Thank you.", "Abby: It's summer. She's sad she couldn't be here, but she wanted me to give dad an extra hug.", "Ashley: Oh, I'm sorry.", "Abby: I love you, Dad.", "Victor: I love you, too, my darling.", "Abby: If there's anything I can do...", "Victor: Your love is all I need. Excuse me for a moment.", "Ashley: Where's Ben?", "Abby: He texted me earlier. There was an emergency at the hospital.", "Ashley: Oh, that's too bad. I thought he was gonna be here to support you, honey.", "Nick: Hi. Hey, little man. I love the kicks. Good shoes.", "Chelsea: Are we late?", "Nick: No, no, no. You're right on time.", "Chelsea: This looks lovely. Thank you for putting this together.", "Nick: Yeah, sure. You guys want to go to your seats?", "Chelsea: Where's Connor?", "Billy: Come on, Phyllis.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Jack: Hey, Connor. You miss your daddy, don't you? I do, too. A lot. That's why we're here today. To give him a proper goodbye. To talk about how much we loved him. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I'm very, very sad. I know you're gonna be, too, and I thought maybe the two of us could get through this together. What do you say? Hmm?", "Nikki: Hey. You remember what I said to you the night I came over to your apartment? That your son's soul were to always be with Adam, no matter where Adam was. That he would be close by. Always remember that, okay?", "Nick: Chelsea, if this is too difficult for you, we can -- we can postpone it, or if you'd rather wait for your mom, we can do that, too.", "Chelsea: No, no. I want to do this. I have to do this now. [Sniffles] For Connor. [Sighs] Thank you for organizing all of this. You're a good brother, nick, and a good friend. [Sighs]", "Nick: You ready?", "Chelsea: Yeah.", "Chloe: Little man. I'm gonna be right over there if you need anything, okay? And I mean anything 'cause my purse is like an emergency kit. I've got lipstick and tissues and chocolate.", "Chelsea: I'm fine.", "Chloe: I know you are 'cause you're a strong, powerful woman. But even strong and powerful women need --", "Chelsea: Her best friend?", "Chloe: Mm, I was gonna say chocolate, but you got both. I'll be right over there.", "Jack: I'm sorry for your loss.", "Victor: I appreciate you saying that. Thank you.", "Nick: Thank you all for coming. Sometimes I feel like we get together for these things way too often. Maybe the best way to start is with a prayer. So we'll take a moment of silence.", "[Door opens]", "Nick: Amen.", "All: Amen.", "Nick: So, there's no real plan for this. You know, it's kind of informal. If anyone has a story or a memory, a special moment with Adam you'd like to come up and share, then just come on up. All right, well, if nobody minds, then I guess I'll go first. It's no real surprise that Adam and I were on the opposite sides of pretty much everything. I didn't understand a lot of the choices he made, and I thought the worst of him way too many times. You know, after he was accused of murder, he came to me asking for my help. And I refused. I'm very sorry for that. I feel like if I'd been there, you know, if I'd been a better brother, then maybe we wouldn't be standing here today. You know, the past few weeks, I've come to know Adam as a man who loves his family. More than anything, he was willing to do whatever it took, take any risk to have the life he wanted with you and Connor. And I'm honored to call this man my brother. Whatever mistakes Adam made... you know, he was a man who had heart. He was brave. And I really feel like was just starting to show us the man that he -- that he really was. And now we'll never get to see it. But... I'm sure we would have been amazed.", "Billy: Drink?", "Phyllis: You know where I was when you texted me?", "Billy: Planning your escape. And now you're here.", "Phyllis: I was listening to jack and Ashley and Abby feeling sorry for Victor. I had to hear all about his grief and his broken heart.", "Billy: Yeah, Adam's memorial. Ashley told me.", "Phyllis: Do you think I should be there to offer my condolences? Tell him how sorry I am for his loss?", "Billy: Is that a trick question? Because if it is, that's --", "Phyllis: Hypocritical.", "Billy: Victor's the last person in the world that deserves your sympathy.", "Phyllis: Thank you. You get it. You get me.", "Billy: And my brother doesn't, or he never would have expected you to go.", "Phyllis: I don't want to talk about jack. It just reminds me of the kind of person I really am.", "Billy: What kind of person are you?", "Nick: Dad.", "Victor: This is not a place that any parent should have to be -- to say goodbye to their child. Not a place any father should have to be -- to say farewell to his son. Not a person in this room who doesn't question my relationship with my son, who doesn't think that I should have been a better father to Adam. I agree with you. I should have been. Adam was driven and very ambitious, and these are qualities that I admired, that I encouraged. He sometimes employed means I disagreed with. But his heart was always in the right place. Chelsea, I've got to tell you, my son changed after he fell in love with you. Your marriage to him is what made him a better man. And when you had that beautiful boy -- Connor, my grandson, of whom I'm so proud -- his life was almost complete. He began new hopes and dreams and aspirations for the future. And I think of the life you might have had with Adam. A wonderful life you might have shared. But it was all cut short far too soon. There are certain things none of you here know that I need to talk about, that need to be explained.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victor: If you all wonder who's to blame...", "Nikki: Victor. Don't do this.", "Victor: No.", "Jack: We can't control the people we love." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Tessa is at the gym working out. Mariah stands there watching her. Tessa notices her and wonders what is wrong. Mariah tells her that she is just watching her form. At the Underground, Sharon and Nick discuss Alice and if she is the one responsible for the sex trafficking ring. Nick tries to calm her down but Sharon insists on finding out what Alice is up to. At Brash and Sassy, Lily models a new dress while she is waiting for Jordan to start the photoshoot. Hilary joins Cane at the Athletic Club and they discuss as to what had happened between him and Lily and the children. They also discuss Juliet and her place in all this. Jordan begins to take pics of Lily but she suddenly stops with her mind on Cane and the way he had worked with her. Hilary tells Cane that she had bumped into Lily on the elevator and she was headed to a photoshoot with Jordan. Sharon tells Nick that she needs a plan to find out what Alice is up to. Sharon inquires if he still has the tracking device that he had used on Chloe's car, but before he can answer, Alice interrupts them by telling them that she has a flat tire. She offers to call Triple AAA but Nick volunteers to change the flat for her. Cane tells Hilary that he had forbidden Mattie to see Reed and she doesn't like it too good. Mattie meets Reed at the Coffeehouse and they have a pleasant talk. They hold hands under the table. Mariah notices Tessa's diary and asks if she can read it.", "Sharon asks Alice about her job as a sales representative before they are interrupted by Nick, who has changed Alice's tire. Alice offers to pay but Nick refuses. After Alice leaves, Nick lets Sharon know that he had planted the tracking device under Alice's car. Nick and Sharon begin to track Alice. Mattie and Reed kiss good bye but Hilary watches them. After Reed departs, Hilary confronts Mattie about Reed but in the end Hilary promises Mattie that she will keep her secret. Sharon calls Tessa to meet her and Nick. At the Coffeehouse, Sharon and Nick fill Mariah and Tessa in on what they are doing to find Crystal. Crystal is reunited with Alice and could not be happier to be at home again.", "" ]
[ "Mariah: Hi. Uh, hey. I was just, um... admiring your technique. You have great form. You look really, uh... really zen.", "Tessa: You look hot.", "Nick: Sharon, you took an ice pick to alice's tire? Why?", "Sharon: Desperate times.", "Nick: What do you gain by stranding her and her car downtown? I'm going to figure out if that's the same car I saw transporting bailed-out prostitutes from the police station.", "Nick: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Same car that drove crystal away. And, more importantly, I'm going to find out if alice was the one driving it.", "Nick: How exactly are you gonna do that?", "Lily: Our campaign is back on and better than ever. Today is the day when dare graduates to extremely daring.", "Jordan: [ Chuckles ] It's funny -- seeing you dressed like that, I-I feel the same way.", "Lily: All right. You ready to do this?", "Hilary: Hi.", "Cane: Hey.", "Hilary: So, how did things go with juliet and the baby?", "Cane: How did you know we were getting test results?", "Hilary: I ran into juliet earlier.", "Cane: Well, since you asked, the, uh, test for cystic fibrosis came back negative, which is a relief for her, and -- well, for both of us, actually, yeah.", "Hilary: That's fantastic. I'm glad that everything worked out so well.", "Cane: Look, I know you're not here just to talk about the baby's health. So what is it?", "Hilary: Cane, I'm obviously happy that the results came out favorably. I'm not gonna apologize for looking at the bigger picture.", "Cane: What does that mean?", "Hilary: You can't tell me that juliet didn't enjoy bonding with \"supportive baby daddy\" during this crisis... you holding her hand.", "Cane: It was a serious medical issue.", "Hilary: Yeah, I know. And you tackled it like a champ. You were caring. Oh! What a guy. Quite the switch from the lying cheater that lily kicked out of the house. These things aren't lost on a woman, cane. Especially one that has plenty of reasons to leave her marriage. Additional sponsorship", "[ Camera shutter clicks ]", "Jordan: I am more than ready to do this.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] It's weirder than I thought, being back here. It just reminds me of how great it was to work with cane. It all went by so fast.", "Jordan: Hey. The good days aren't over yet. A few days ago, you and i thought that we were unemployed, right?", "Lily: Yeah, but think about what his lies did to this company. If he'd just been honest about what happened in tokyo, then everything would be different.", "Jordan: Look, good people can tell lies and honestly feel like they're protecting the folks that they care about.", "Lily: Well, that's what i thought about cane. But he just kept making more mistakes and telling more lies to cover up lies, and... I just -- I thought I knew him. You know, it's like, when did he become this -- this person? And how could I not see it happening right in front of my eyes? Great. Now I'm gonna have to go back to makeup. Good job, lily.", "Jordan: Hold on, hold on. I got you. Here you go.", "Lily: Thank you.", "Jordan: You know, if you don't feel up to it today, we can reschedule to later this week.", "Lily: No, no, no. We are doing this.", "Jordan: Okay. I was just saying that it's totally up to you.", "Lily: No. I don't have a lot I can count on in my life right now. I'm not blowing this. I know billy and victoria are counting on us. Plus, I'm lucky to work with someone who brings out the best in me.", "Jordan: Well, you do the same for me.", "Lily: So, I'm not gonna let a few tears -- or almost tears -- get in my way.", "Hilary: So, I ran in to lily in the elevator at jabot. She's on her way to do a photo shoot. With jordan.", "Cane: Well, at least I didn't cost her a job that she loves.", "Hilary: No, what I mean is that this is the first time that lily and jordan are working together since the two of you are separated.", "Cane: Okay.", "Hilary: Hello. [ Sighs ] How much sleep have you had? An artist and his muse working together, both unattached, working in harmony, taking hundreds of sexy photos? Everyone knows where this classic story ends. I, for one, should have seen it coming.", "Cane: You know, I, uh, actually thought that you and jordan had a falling out. But from the way you're talking, it sounds more now like he dumped you.", "Hilary: I wouldn't put it that way.", "Cane: Well, it doesn't matter, 'cause it's really none of my business, is it?", "Hilary: Correction. It is. Because if jordan and lily end up together, then you and i both lose. I am doing my part. I am playing nice with jordan. I am trying to be his friend. You are supposed to be focusing on your kids -- the ones with lily -- so that you could remind her how much she will lose in a divorce.", "Cane: Please, don't pretend like you give a damn about my marriage.", "Hilary: The question is, do you? Because you and I are supposed to both be working towards this mutual goal.", "Cane: Don't question my commitment to lily, all right? I will do anything to put my family back together, and i don't care how long it takes. And you know what? As a matter of fact, I was over at the house this morning making back- to-school waffles for lily and the kids.", "Hilary: That is great.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: That proves that lily, she wants to forgive you. And she sees the four of you as a family still. And if mattie and charlie were sitting down eating those waffles, they're coming around. Hm? Hm?", "Cane: Yeah, well, they were just going through the motions, 'cause they couldn't wait to bolt out of there. You know, it's kind of like when I had pizza with charlie the other night. You know, for me, I thought it was a big step up. But for him, eh... no, he was just doing it 'cause lily pushed him into it.", "Hilary: Cane, we both knew that it would take time. That's why it's important that you don't get distracted.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Hilary: So... how's mattie?", "Cane: [ Scoffs ] I barely see her. And when I do, there's this look in her eyes of disillusion and hurt and... I have to know I caused it.", "Hilary: It must be particularly hard for her to see her hero father... having a baby with another woman.", "Cane: [ Sighs ] Actually, it's, uh... it's a lot more than that.", "Sharon: I admit it would be better if I had a plan to deal with alice, but I don'T. So I saw my shot with her car, and I took it.", "Nick: Okay, I know how much you want to help crystal, all right? And the idea of a young girl being taken advantage of, it resonates with you on a very personal level. You have a huge heart, sharon. That's who you are. And I'll admit that... that alice was lying about living in madison, that's a little fishy.", "Sharon: And there's more. Remember I told you that scott and I spoke to alice's neighbor? The one who said that alice's niece was visiting?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sharon: Okay, it turns out that alice doesn't have any siblings, so there's no way she could have a niece.", "Nick: One that we know about.", "Sharon: Are you saying you don't believe me?", "Nick: I'm just saying -- I mean... [ Scoffs ] Look how you're acting.", "Sharon: [ Huffs ] I'm following my instincts. You know, that's what scott does when he's chasing down a story. He thinks that I'm doing the right thing.", "Nick: Well, scott needs to remember that you are a mother, and you have people who are counting on you. You shouldn't be getting yourself involved in these risky situations.", "Sharon: Isn't it kind of similar to what you did to chloe on the night before her wedding? You wanted to trip her up a little bit, and I helped you.", "Nick: I will admit my part in that, yes.", "Sharon: So then you can also admit that that was a little risky. But wait a minute. That tracking device, the one that you used to follow chloe...", "Nick: What about it?", "Sharon: Is that still here? Do you have it?", "Alice: [ Sighs ]", "Nick: Alice! Look who's back.", "Alice: I never left. I started pulling out of the parking lot and realized one of my tires was completely flat. [ Sighs ] Can you believe it?", "Nick: Phew... wow.", "Cane: So, after I catch them making out on the sofa, I, uh -- I tell mattie she can't see reed anymore, and now she won't speak to me. She's furious.", "Hilary: Wait, reed? Victoria newman's son?", "Cane: It's so messy.", "Hilary: [ Sighs ]", "Cane: You know, I'm just worried that he's gonna take advantage of her emotional state and pressure her into doing something she otherwise wouldn't do. I mean, what could have happened if I didn't walk in when I did?", "Hilary: Oh, that is every father's worst nightmare. Ugh.", "Cane: You know what? You know, mattie and charlie and I, we had this relationship where we could talk about anything. You know, real, honest, open conversation, without judgment, but that's gone. She won't even talk to me now, 'cause I'm the bad guy.", "Hilary: Well, how does lily feel about reed?", "Cane: Well, at least we're on the same page. But she's not the one that threw him out, so she's the good cop.", "Hilary: And her spending so much time with jordan, I'm sure it's tough for her to tell mattie that she can't have a boyfriend. Even though jordan and lily are not in that place at all. [ Sighs ] Yet. But I will handle that. You need to focus on winning back the kids and lily. Okay? I know how much you love them.", "Cane: I love them more than anything in this world.", "Hilary: And no matter how difficult these times are, i know that, deep down, they love you, too.", "Cane: Yeah, well, let's hope that's true.", "Hilary: Ugh. Mattie. And reed.", "Cane: I know. It is a total nightmare.", "Mattie: Hi. Is this seat taken?", "Reed: Oh, no. Please. Be my guest. Feel free. You know, I don't know if I've seen you around. What's your name? Are you new in town?", "Mattie: [ Chuckles ] You were right. This, uh, sneaking around stuff is fun.", "Reed: Yeah, I don't know how sneaky we're being meeting in broad daylight at a busy coffeehouse, but I'm glad you're here.", "Mattie: I figured my parents needed a cover story, so I told them that I joined drama club. Good for my résumé.", "Reed: Yeah, nice.", "Mattie: [ Chuckles ]", "Reed: Until the fall play roles around and you don't make your grand entrance.", "Mattie: Way ahead of you. Some people are too shy to act or stage manage, so I'm posing as a dramaturge.", "Reed: What's that?", "Mattie: Dramaturge. It's like the resident know-it-all on social, political, and economic milieu of a play, character psychology, author's themes, and metaphors.", "Reed: Huh. That -- that's a real job?", "Mattie: Yeah. It's perfect for me. I can already picture my parents zoning out as I describe it. Kind of like you just did.", "[ Both laugh ]", "Reed: Well, I am super stoked to see you in person. Texting and video-chatting just makes me miss you more.", "Mattie: I missed you, too.", "Mariah: Yeah, that's me. Hot, sweaty, uh, miserable, and exhausted after 50 minutes of being ordered around by a sadist in a headset to the strains of the loudest edm music legally allowed in daylight. Can you imagine anything in the world more enjoyable?", "Tessa: You know, I think I'll stick to yoga. Thanks.", "Mariah: Ohh. What is this? Where you keep your innermost secret thoughts?", "Tessa: Yeah, in, uh, song-lyric form. Actually, I started writing one about my sister.", "Mariah: Wow. Uh, can I read it? If -- if you don't mind, that is.", "Tessa: Sure. Yeah. Go ahead.", "Mariah: All right. Wow. This is amazing, tessa. I mean, I... I can't say that I'm surprised, obviously, but I just, um... I had no idea. Wow.", "Tessa: Thanks. I had this great talk with noah. And it just started pouring out.", "Mariah: Well, props to noah. [ Chuckles ] It's really cool.", "Tessa: Yeah. He was the first person to ask me what crystal was like as a person. Instead of just some tragic victim. He's the only one, in fact.", "Sharon: Did you call anyone?", "Alice: Yeah, well, the auto club said it could take an hour before they rescue me. Do you mind if I wait here?", "Sharon: Oh, of course.", "Nick: You know what, why don't you just call and cancel? I mean, you got a spare, right? I'll change it for you.", "Alice: You would? Oh, wow. [ Exclaims ] That would be a miracle. I-I hate to put you out, though.", "Nick: Ah, no worries. Won't take long at all.", "Alice: Great. You are a lifesaver, nick. I've got a meeting soon. Now I won't be late. I-I really appreciate it.", "Nick: It's all good. I'll be back. Just gonna swing by the office and grab my phone.", "Sharon: Okay.", "Alice: [ Sighs ]", "Sharon: Um... would you like some more coffee?", "Alice: Oh, uh... how about something stronger to calm my nerves?", "Sharon: Hey, it's happy hour somewhere. Why not?", "Alice: Vodka rocks.", "Sharon: Coming right up.", "Alice: Okay.", "Sharon: Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.", "Alice: Thanks. I'll call the auto club. Yeah, sure. I'll hold.", "Alice: You and nick turned this into my lucky day.", "Sharon: Oh, it's no problem at all. I'm just glad you didn't miss your meeting.", "Alice: Mm.", "Sharon: So, tell me how this works, selling medical supplies? Do you cover a certain territory? Because you're a long way from madison. Where you live.", "Alice: Well, we're always trying to expand. I mean, they've got me calling on doctor's offices and hospitals all over the place.", "Sharon: Wow. That's a lot of responsibility. You've come a long way.", "Alice: Yeah. Well, when cassie passed away, it hit me -- I need to clean up my act. So I decided to be the kind of person who actually could raise a child. Not that I'd ever be allowed to adopt again.", "Sharon: Do you like it? Your job, I mean.", "Alice: It's very satisfying. People have all different kinds of stories and needs, and... I do my small part to help them out.", "Nick: Well, you and your car are good to go.", "Alice: Oh! Music to my ears. How much do I owe you? For the tire change and the drink?", "Nick: Oh, nothing. It's all good. I insist. It's on the house.", "Alice: Again, thank you. Both of you. Look, I know it must have been awkward for you two, running into me again. I mean, it sure was for me. But now I feel relieved knowing that we've all put the past behind us. And I'm sorry losing cassie broke up your marriage, but anyone can see you two still care about each other, which is very sweet.", "Sharon: We really do. Thank you for saying that.", "Alice: I think about cassie. All the time. Sometimes I dream about her. And she always tells me the right things to do. [ Sighs ] Anyway, um... I'm glad I wandered into this place.", "Sharon: Well, you know what they say -- there are no coincidences.", "Alice: Yeah, right. Um... it was, um, great seeing you guys again.", "Nick: Bye. I still had the tracker. It's on her car right now.", "Sharon: Oh, you are the best!", "Nick: Well, let's see if it still works.", "Sharon: [ Gasps ] Yes!", "Nick: All right. [ Sighs ] Let's see if your instincts were right.", "Reed: I have no problem hiding what I need to from my mom. But I just want to make sure that you're okay with us... going stealth.", "Mattie: [ Chuckles ]", "Reed: I don't want you doing anything that you're not comfortable with.", "Mattie: No, I'm fine. My parents are being totally unfair. And I'm not just talking about my dad.", "Reed: What's up with you mom?", "Mattie: This guy jordan she works with --", "Reed: The photographer guy, right?", "Mattie: Yeah. It's not just work anymore. They're hanging out.", "Reed: Hm.", "Mattie: My mom said that he's just a friend that she can talk to, and I said, \"that's reed for me, and I'm just supposed to cut him out of my life?\" And then I called her a hypocrite.", "Reed: Wow. Look at you. Full-blown renegade.", "[ Laughs ]", "Mattie: They don't even know you, and that's their loss. It's not going to be mine. So, what have you been up to?", "Reed: Oh, you know. Playing music. [ Sighs ] Trying to get my head back into school. Playing more music. [ Mattie giggles ] I think I'm actually playing another gig at the underground soon, so maybe we could figure out a way for you to come.", "Mattie: Maybe you could play just for me sometime.", "Reed: I'd like that. A lot.", "Mattie: I should probably get going. How much dramaturging can a girl accomplish, really?", "Reed: You're asking the wrong person.", "Tessa: Hey. Are you okay? I was kidding about the cardio-nausea thing, but you -- you seem kind of queasy.", "Mariah: It's not about spin class. Actually, it's about what you said. About crystal...and noah. I feel like I have been incredibly insensitive, and I feel like a terrible friend.", "Tessa: Wait, what?", "Mariah: Now that I've read those lyrics, and I know how close you are to your sister... for you to think that I didn't care enough to see her as a real person... I mean, that kills me. And... I feel terrible, and I feel like I need to explain myself. It never seemed like you wanted to talk about your life before you moved here. And so that's why I never asked you more about her.", "Tessa: Mariah --", "Mariah: And I just felt like it was never a place that you wanted to go to. I thought I was respecting your privacy, but instead --", "Tessa: No, instead nothing. Mariah, I didn't say any of those things to slam you or make you feel like a terrible friend. I mean, how -- how could I think that? Everything good in my life right now is because of you.", "Mariah: You really believe that?", "Tessa: It's the truth. Your intuition was spot-on. I didn't want talk to anyone about crystal. 'Cause I didn't think I could. But then noah asked, so I did. And right after, I -- I felt so much better. Another gift from you.", "Mariah: What do you mean?", "Tessa: Oh, come on. Like you don't know. Your brother. I mean, the whole time you've had noah's back and mine, telling me he was a good-hearted guy, and that I could trust him. And you were right.", "Mariah: I'm just, uh... [ Chuckles ] I'm so glad that you have someone like that in your life. I'm thrilled, actually. It's -- it's really, um... it's great. You know, I'm feeling kind of [Laughs] Gross and sweaty, so I am gonna go take a quick shower.", "Tessa: Okay. All right, well, I'll talk to you later?", "Mariah: Yeah. See you later. Bye.", "Tessa: Okay. [ Cellphone rings ] Hey, sharon. What's going on?", "Sharon: I'm not exactly sure. But I thought you'd want to be kept in the loop.", "Tessa: Is this about crystal?", "Sharon: Let's meet at crimson lights. You shouldn't get your hopes up, though.", "Tessa: I'll be right there. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nick: How much did you even know about alice?", "Mariah: Well, I knew that cassie was originally adopted by some trashy woman. But I never would've believed that she'd end up back in our lives somehow.", "Tessa: So, you think this alice is the blond woman who's, like, the hooker den-mother, and may have crystal with her?", "Sharon: Well, we haven't seen her in years. But yeah, I do.", "Nick: We don't know anything for certain.", "Sharon: I'll tell you this much -- her fancy clothes are not fooling anyone. She is still the same woman. And, yes, she is capable of exploiting young girls.", "Nick: Or she could be selling titanium hip replacements to the nearest hospital.", "Tessa: What is it?", "Nick: She stopped driving.", "Sharon: Well, where is she?", "Nick: It's not a hospital.", "Charlie: Hey, mom.", "Lily: Hey. You survived your first day back at school. Tell me everything.", "Charlie: Uh, well, it seemed like a short day, not having football practice. Still feels weird not being on the team.", "Lily: Mm.", "Charlie: Look, it's okay. You don't have to pretend you're not happy about that.", "Lily: No, I know it's a big deal to you. And I hate seeing you disappointed.", "Charlie: There are other sports. I got a couple friends in cross-country that want me to try out, so...", "Lily: Well, what do you want?", "Charlie: Running's all right. I could definitely crack top five. But, uh, I'm also kind of leaning towards crew.", "Lily: That could be great.", "Charlie: Yeah. Maybe I'll ask dad, see what he thinks.", "Lily: Yeah, I think you should. I think he would give you some good advice.", "Charlie: Cool.", "Cane: [ Breathing hard ]", "Jordan: You need a spot?", "Cane: [ Panting ] I don't need your help.", "Jordan: Okay.", "Cane: And you know what? Neither does my family.", "Jordan: Excuse me?", "Cane: Excuse you? Why? For taking advantage of this temporary situation? Huh? No, there's no excuse for that.", "Jordan: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Nobody's trying to take advantage. I'm just being a friend. That's all.", "Cane: Oh, really? So that's what you call it, huh? No, see, there's another word for what you're doing.", "Jordan: Look, I know you're out of the loop at brash & sassy. But here's a bulletin -- lily and I still work there together, and very well.", "Cane: Oh, yeah. Well, good for her. If that makes her happy, I'm all for that.", "Jordan: Yeah, we just wrapped this photo shoot where she brought it like she always does. Maybe even stronger.", "Cane: Yeah, you see, that's 'cause she's fulfilling her dreams. You see what just happened there? See, that's me supporting her, 'cause that's what married people do. We support each other.", "Jordan: Except now you're separated. So if lily wants to talk to someone with a fresh perspective, that's up to her. Not you.", "Nick: Yeah, alice's car stopped in a residential area not far from here. It's a pretty upscale neighborhood.", "Tessa: So she lied about going to the hospital. But she's not staying at some scuzzy motel, or somewhere you would associate with sex trafficking.", "Nick: Well, she could have stopped at a doctor's house. If she does have a sales job, she doesn't owe us any details about it. For all we know, she could have stopped at a friend's house.", "Tessa: Speculating's pointless. We should just go there and confront this woman.", "Alice: [ Sighs ] See, you made a mistake when you tried to leave. You were sent away to think about what you did wrong. But now we can have a do-over. If you behave, I can keep taking care of you. I like being good to you. All you have to do is promise to be good in return.", "Crystal: I promise. I'm so glad to be back here... with you. I don't want to go away again.", "Alice: Honey, me neither. I missed you. We all did. We're so happy you're back. Especially me. Welcome home.", "Lily: So, could there be a couple classes you might actually like?", "Charlie: Uh...american lit. I looked at all the novels we're reading this year. Most of them got turned into movies you can stream online.", "Lily: [ Laughs ] You have to be careful with that, 'cause they take huge chunks out when they adapt it for film.", "Charlie: Yeah, you mean they make them better? Hey, how was your first day back at brash & sassy?", "Lily: It was good. Thank you for asking. We just spent hours shooting new photos for the dare campaign. You go, mom. Hey, uh, did jordan take the photos?", "Lily: Yeah.", "Charlie: Okay. 'Cause, um, we just got our first photography assignment, so I was hoping I could ask him a couple of questions.", "Lily: Yeah, I'm sure he would love to help you. You still have his e-mail, right?", "Charlie: Mm-hmm.", "Lily: Hey, did you see mattie today? She must still be at school.", "Charlie: Yeah, she's at one of her nerdy after-school-club events. Business as usual for mattie.", "Lily: Can you please stop calling her a nerd?", "Charlie: Hey, she calls herself one.", "Lily: Okay, well, which club specifically?", "Charlie: Uh...drama.", "Lily: Oh. Okay. Wait, she's in drama club?", "Charlie: I guess so.", "Lily: Is she gonna be in the school play?", "Charlie: No, she's doing something else with them.", "Lily: Oh, like what? Painting scenery?", "Charlie: No, she's gonna be, A...\"dramaturgh.\"", "Lily: I'm sorry, what?", "Charlie: Mom, you got to ask her. Apparently she's doing a bunch of research on the play, making sure the advisor and the other kids don't mess up.", "Lily: Okay. That sounds like a mattie thing.", "Mattie: I really should get going now.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Reed: Yeah, I-I -- I have to, too. Um, how -- how about a ride?", "Mattie: I would say yes. I really would. But I can't risk it.", "Reed: What, getting caught, or me trying to drive with you in the car?", "Mattie: [ Giggles ] I'll just take the bus.", "Reed: Fair enough. [ Sighs ] See you soon?", "Mattie: I hope so.", "Hilary: Hi, mattie.", "Mattie: Hi.", "Hilary: So, was that your boyfriend?", "Mattie: Oh, heh, I don't have a boyfriend.", "Hilary: Do you normally kiss random cute guys? It must suck that your parents are trying to control your personal life just because your dad hates victoria.", "Mattie: Not to be rude, but how do you know all of that?", "Hilary: That's a fair question. Your father told me.", "Mattie: He did?", "Hilary: Mattie, I can see how much you like reed. And he seems like a really sweet guy. The timing's just unfortunate because your dad and victoria, how they feel about each other -- unh-uh.", "Mattie: Tell me about it.", "Hilary: But I can tell you from personal experience, you do not want to cross victoria newman. She is stubborn and unforgiving. But you are smart, keeping this romance a secret.", "Mattie: Yeah, I -- I just don't see how it's really any concern of yours.", "Hilary: Mattie, we were family once. I still care about you.", "Mattie: So, does this mean you won't tell my parents?", "Hilary: Correct. So your secret? Safe with me.", "Charlie: Well, now I know why you came home from work all happy and energized.", "Lily: Hmm. Why is that?", "Charlie: Well, 'cause you love working at brash & sassy. Sounds like they'll be using you a lot.", "Lily: Mm-hmm.", "Charlie: Do you think dad will find another job?", "Lily: Yeah. Why?", "Charlie: I don't know. It just... seems to be taking a while.", "Lily: Well, I mean, when you get to his level, positions are harder to come by. But I don't want you to worry about us having enough money. We're gonna be fine, okay?", "Charlie: I see dad trying to make it not a big deal that he's unemployed, but... I can see that it is. It hangs over everything. It's over him.", "Lily: Listen, he would tell you not to worry. And he'd be right. But I do appreciate that you care.", "Charlie: Even this morning at breakfast. That was seriously off. Everyone was trying really hard to act like a family, and it's just... maybe if dad had a job, things would just be more like they used to. You know, we wouldn't have to force it.", "Lily: [ Sighs ] Listen, I think that you're mature enough to hear how I'm feeling. And I don't want you to have unrealistic expectations that could disappoint you later.", "Charlie: I can handle your honesty.", "Lily: Charlie, the truth is that, even if your dad gets the perfect job... I don't know when or if I'll ever be ready for him to move back home.", "Cane: I know you're spending plenty of time with lily outside of work, okay? And I know you came over to my house the other night and had dinner with her and the kids.", "Jordan: It was a spontaneous thing. Lily didn't invite me. Charlie did.", "Cane: Ah.", "Jordan: He and mattie, they're great kids.", "Cane: Don't tell me I have great kids. And don't tell me how incredible my wife is, okay? So let me tell you this, though -- lily and I may have issues, but we're still married. Don't get comfortable in my house. Don't come and sit at my table, in my chair, where I made breakfast this morning for my kids. 'Cause that's what we are. We're a family. And we'll always be a family. And I'm a protective person when it comes to my family. I'm fiercely protective when it comes to my family.", "Nick: The bottom line is, we have nothing concrete to confront alice with.", "Tessa: She lied about living in madison.", "Sharon: When you were out in the parking lot, I was asking the mildest, most casual questions, so why did she get so strange and evasive?", "Mariah: Because I think she's hiding more than her address. And especially given your history with her, I mean, you and nick are the last people that she would want to tip off.", "Crystal: I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused. I'll never do it again. I promise. [ Sighs ] Thank god I'm back with you now. It's all I wanted. You're the nicest person I know, alice.", "Alice: It just about killed me when they told me they had to take you away. You know how I feel about you and the other girls. You're like family to me.", "Tessa: Why can't we just go there and find out what's really up?", "Nick: Look, if we rush in there without anything to back up our suspicions, then it'll tip alice off, and we'll have nothing.", "Sharon: So what do we do, nick?", "Nick: We just keep doing what we're doing. We'll monitor her every move. If we see anything weird or out of the ordinary, then we'll bring in the police.", "Mariah: And what if that doesn't work and we come up empty?", "Nick: Well, then I think we just all need to accept the fact that we are invading an innocent woman's privacy.", "Alice: So, I've got some really good news. The boss saw your photo. He told me, \"that girl is something special. She's a cut above.\"", "Crystal: He said that?", "Alice: He can't wait to meet you. [ Sighs ] This could be the beginning of something big. For both of us.", "Sharon: I just can't shake this feeling that alice is involved in this somehow. And one way or another, I am going to find out.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Mariah: We are gonna find your sister.", "Tessa: How?", "Mariah: We will find a way.", "Scott: Seems like the genius behind your dating app is, uh, blowing you off.", "Zack: Hello, crystal. You've had a lot of people concerned about you." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Jack moved back to the Abbott house. Ashley told Jack that she and Neil were dating. Jack suspected that his father might be one of the other men in the picture from Dina's safe deposit box. Ashley and Abby agreed to help Jack in his search. Billy and Phyllis traveled to Vegas for the poker tournament and Billy won the first round. Phyllis met Sinead and told Billy that she didn't trust her. Phyllis seemed concerned when Billy decided to enter the second round of the tournament. Cane and the twins visited Lily in prison. Lily painted a rosy picture of prison life for the twins, but when they left the room, she told Cane that she was scared, lonely, and had been harassed by the other prisoners. Lily admitted that spending time in prison wasn't helping her forgive herself for what happened. Charlie saw Lily crying.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Billy: I'm playing in a big-time invitational poker tournament at the golden diamond.", "Kyle: You need to keep billy coming back, shelling out the big bucks, until I say otherwise.", "Sinead: And then you'll pay off my marker with lerman. That's our deal, right? I'm sentencing you to 12 months in the walworth state penitentiary.", "Devon: I didn't want this to happen to you. And I'm sorry for everything that I said. I really am.", "Dina: I've had multiple affairs. Jack is not john's son.", "Kyle: It's one thing to leave jabot. But to leave our family's home...", "Jack: Well, I hate to be the one to point this out, but I'm no longer family. Never was. I feel this urgent need to make a connection with my real father.", "Ashley: Maybe you're never gonna know the truth, jack.", "Jack: I got to make dina a priority. And if she's better off with me around, maybe I ought to move back in here.", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Abby: Coming! [ Sighs ] Oh! Uncle jack! You're home!", "Jack: That, I am.", "Abby: Here, let me help you with some of that.", "Jack: No, no. I got it. Thanks. Thanks. Where -- where is everybody?", "Abby: Uh, well, mom went to work early. Phyllis and billy are out of town. And it's just me and dina here. Dina's upstairs napping.", "Jack: Well, you can't say i don't know how to clear a room.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] I'm so happy that you're back. You know, some of us think you never should have left.", "Jack: Well, at the time, it seemed like the right thing. With hindsight, maybe I was a little, uh --", "Abby: Impulsive. Selfish. Stupid.", "Jack: Thank god I always have you to tell it like it is.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, in that spirit...", "Jack: Uh-oh.", "Abby: How do you feel about sharing this house with phyllis again?", "Jack: You mean phyllis and billy.", "Abby: It's got to be kind of weird, right?", "Jack: To be honest, yeah, it's a little weird. But this is where I belong. This is home.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] \"Welcome to the golden diamond hotel and casino. We are proud to be hosting the 10th annual gold standard poker tournament. Please find dates, times, and locations of the card games on the printout on the desk.\"", "Phyllis: Is that my free-drink voucher? Better be for more than one, considering what we're paying for this place.", "Billy: Worth every penny, darlin'.", "Phyllis: Well, it is pretty incredible.", "Billy: Thought you were gonna go check it out?", "Phyllis: Uh, I did. Little too rich for my blood. $200 for a 25-minute massage.", "Billy: Oh, no, no, no. See, you don't have to worry about anything, okay? This weekend is on me. The cabana, the spas, the -- the shopping sprees, all of it. You book it. It's on me.", "Phyllis: Ah, you're gonna regret saying that.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] It's the least I could do to thank you.", "Phyllis: Well, I haven't done anything yet.", "Billy: Oh, you are here, and that is everything.", "Phyllis: I know that this is an important part of your life, okay? And I want to share it with you.", "Billy: Mm.", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Billy: I can feel the energy of the tournament way up here.", "Phyllis: And we're on the 23rd floor.", "Billy: That's how powerful it is, baby. I'll be playing against some of the best players in the world. My palms are sweating. My heart is beating. I got that feeling.", "Phyllis: What, sheer fright?", "Billy: That the sky's the limit. Do you understand how much money I have the potential to win in this tournament?", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm. As much as you can lose.", "Billy: Oh, no, no. Okay. Here it is, the first rule of poker -- do not sit down at that table unless you have absolute, killer confidence.", "Phyllis: Yeah, but if you're overconfident --", "Billy: I've got this, baby.", "Phyllis: No, I know. I know. But you're just making it sound so easy.", "Billy: Mm. See, that's the thing. This is not easy. If this was easy, anybody could do it. No, you have to have skill. You have to learn. And once you do, then you can walk the tightrope with no net. That's what's exciting about it. That's what I'm talking about.", "Phyllis: Okay. Then I will remember that...", "Billy: I'm so...", "Phyllis: ...When you are all-in with the biggest pot of the night.", "Billy: ...Glad you are here.", "Phyllis: Well... I wouldn't be anywhere else.", "Billy: Hmm. Mm. I got to finish unpacking. I got to be sitting at the table by the time they deal the first hand, or I lose my seat.", "Phyllis: You know what, before I forget, uh, I did a little reconnaissance for you on the flight.", "Billy: What do you mean?", "Phyllis: Well, I thought maybe you would want to know who your competition is. I made a spreadsheet of the top players in this tournament.", "Billy: [ Chuckles ] Well, you didn't have to do that.", "Phyllis: Well, I know. But it helps me. You know, the more I know, the more I can be a part of this, you know, and understand.", "Billy: What'd you learn?", "Phyllis: Well... [ Sighs ] Win-loss records. Winnings in the past year. I mean, hopefully you're gonna get an idea of what you're up against. I e-mailed it to you.", "Billy: Wow. Some of these guys on the circuit are killing it. I mean, a few of them made more money playing poker than I have as ceo of jabot.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Is that concern I hear in your voice?", "Billy: No. Just means it's more of a challenge. Which I'm totally up for.", "Phyllis: Well, I am here for you, okay, no mater what. So if you want to drop out of this tournament, you know, I totally support you. Additional sponsorship provided by...", "Cane: All right, I cleared for you guys to miss class today, all right?", "Charlie: You talked to someone from the attendance office?", "Cane: No, I left a message. I said you had a personal thing.", "Charlie: The whole school knows mom is in prison.", "Mattie: But thank you for being discreet.", "Cane: Guys, I know this isn't easy for you.", "Mattie: We're just worried about mom.", "Cane: I know.", "Mattie: Right, charlie?", "Charlie: Obviously.", "Cane: Listen, and I'm sure she appreciates that. But, guys, listen, I'm worried about you.", "Mattie: We're okay.", "Cane: Yeah?", "Mattie: Yeah. I also did some research --", "Charlie: Shocker.", "Mattie: We want to know what we can and can't do while we're visiting mom. We don't want to bring her something we're not supposed to.", "Charlie: Yeah, like a file baked inside of a cake?", "Mattie: You know, somebody actually did that once.", "Charlie: Yeah, and now thanks to that idiot, we can't even take mom any decent food.", "Cane: Okay. We'll make her favorite meal the moment she comes home. All right?", "Mattie: I'm marking the days on my calendar. And don't say anything, because I know you are, too.", "Cane: Let's get going, all right? I don't want to waste a minute of visiting time. Okay? All right?", "Mattie: All right. Uh... can you give me two minutes?", "Cane: Sure. Hey. You okay?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Cane: You want to talk to me? What's going on?", "Charlie: [ Clears throat ] I just... I don't know. I'm not good with words like mattie. I don't want to say the wrong thing to mom.", "Cane: Okay. You don't have to say anything, mate. She's just gonna be happy to see you.", "Charlie: [ Sighs ] I just don't want to make things harder for her.", "Cane: You're not gonna make things harder, all right? This is gonna make her feel better. And it's gonna be better for all of us, all right? I promise you that. Okay?", "Charlie: Yeah.", "Cane: Come on. Go get ready. Come on. Let's go.", "Abby: To your homecoming.", "Jack: Thank you. So tell me what's going on with you.", "Abby: Mm.", "Jack: Other than your new job.", "Abby: Which I love.", "Jack: Well, anything's better than working with the mustache.", "Abby: I think me leaving newman has been good for us. Now we can just be father and daughter.", "Jack: He never gave you the respect you were due at newman. Uh -- we'll make that another conversation. How are things going with you and arturo?", "Abby: It was going great.", "Jack: Oh? Something happen?", "Abby: Well, he left on that business trip with nick.", "Jack: Oh, to madison, to check out those new buildings that nick's talking about buying.", "Abby: Mm-hmm. And nick came back, and arturo stayed behind to, uh, \"finish up a few things.\"", "Jack: You think he's avoiding you?", "Abby: No, not me. His brother. Rey. He showed up in town right before arturo left.", "Jack: And there's bad blood there?", "Abby: Let's just say there's not a whole lot of brotherly love.", "Jack: Ugh. Any idea why?", "Abby: Well, rey said it was because he had to parent arturo and his little sister when they were growing up, but... I don't know. It seems like there's more to it than that.", "Jack: Well, I don't know, but I can tell you from experience that relationships between brothers can get pretty complex.", "Phyllis: I put your things in those two drawers.", "Billy: That's fine.", "Phyllis: Are you mad?", "Billy: I'm curious.", "Phyllis: Why I gave you those two drawers?", "Billy: Why you came to vegas with me.", "Phyllis: I told you. I support you.", "Billy: No, I know. You said that. But I'm getting the distinct impression that you don't want me to actually play in the tournament.", "Phyllis: If you're committed, I'm committed.", "Billy: You sure?", "Phyllis: Yes. You trusted me with the truth, and I want you to know that i trust you.", "Billy: Then I'm already a winner.", "Phyllis: Look, it's not just about the gambling. I never should have suggested that you were interested in summer. That was stupid.", "Billy: I've given you plenty of reasons not to trust me.", "Phyllis: Okay, I-I am not perfect myself.", "Billy: Who says?", "Phyllis: But the way that i used, you know, your computer to lure summer to the yacht, and -- and then accusing you of leading her on, I mean, that was more my insecurities, okay, than anything you ever did.", "Billy: All right. We have both done things that we are going to live to regret, right? But no more. No more sneaking around. No more lies. None of that. All cards are on the table from now on.", "Abby: I'm sorry, uncle jack. I shouldn't dump my problems on you.", "Jack: Hey, that's what favorite uncles are for, right?", "Abby: Mm. I'm sure you'd much rather talk about dina.", "Jack: I saw her yesterday.", "Abby: She's gotten a lot worse lately.", "Jack: She's a big part of the reason why I moved back home. Moments where she recognizes me are fewer and fewer, and I don't want to miss any of them.", "Abby: That's crazy. I mean, she was so different when she first came back to town. I mean, she'd already had a diagnosis for over a year, but she was still so on top of things. And now, to see how she's changed, I can't imagine how hard it is for you and my mom and aunt traci to watch her beautiful mind deteriorate.", "Jack: Boy, she had her faults. She was always fiercely independent. Smart as a whip. A real force to be reckoned with. And beautiful. So beautiful. I want to be angry with her for so many reasons, not the least of which is this whole paternity mess, but... every time I see her now, I'm sad. I'm sad for her. Sad -- sad for me, because she'll never be able to tell me who my real father is.", "Abby: I'm so sorry, uncle jack. I mean, if I hadn't made that film about dina's life, none of this ever would have --", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no. I don't blame you for what happened at that screening. No, that honor belongs to your father.", "Abby: [ Sighs ] Look, I know that you believe that my dad is responsible for inserting that footage into the film but, uncle jack, I got to tell you, I just -- I don't think it was him.", "Jack: Whoever did it obviously had the idea that john abbott was not my father. Maybe they know who is.", "Abby: Well, one thing dina's always been consistent about is that she met the man at the country club.", "Jack: I have gone through the country-club ledgers, the employees, the members. It's just a bunch of names. None of them mean anything to me.", "Abby: The other detail that she said over and over again is the stardust inn.", "Jack: The place she and phillip met for their affair.", "Abby: Well, just because that wasn't true doesn't mean she didn't hook up with your real dad there. And presuming they did, his name could still be in the records.", "Jack: You mean the motel register? So if I cross-check the motel register against ledgers of country-club members and employees and we found a match...", "Abby: That could be the man dina actually had an affair with.", "Jack: You are not just a pretty face. That is brilliant. You may have done it, abby. You may have helped me find my father.", "Abby: Mm!", "Phyllis: All-in.", "Billy: Are you bluffing?", "Phyllis: [ Giggles ] Only one way to find out.", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Let me see what you got.", "Phyllis: Read 'em and weep.", "Billy: Yeah. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna be the one who's crying.", "Phyllis: What?! The last card? You won with the last card?", "Billy: That's how the cookie crumbles, darlin'.", "Phyllis: Yeah, you could have lost just as easily.", "Billy: And that is why it's called gambling.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] And I don't like it. I hate it. All right? I like being in control.", "Billy: Oh, I've noticed.", "Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You, on the other hand, you love to be out of control. To push it as far as you can. You love the risk. The danger. That is your high. Living on the edge.", "Billy: That is the old me. Getting in over his head. Not knowing when to stop. Taking too big of risks. Risks that cost more than I'm willing to lose. See, the new me knows when to draw the line.", "Phyllis: Well, I don't want to lose all of the old you. You know, sometimes risk-taking can be...", "Billy: Worth it?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You know, I mean, we had pretty good payoff in the elevator. And there are 23 floors between here and the casino.", "Billy: You don't have to worry about anything. I'm not gonna lose my edge. I'm just not gonna push it too far. 'Cause I'm not gonna do anything that jeopardizes our relationship again. And I've got you here to make sure that I don'T.", "Phyllis: Does that make me \"good cop\" or \"bad cop\"?", "Billy: [ Sighs ] Doesn't matter, as long as you wear a sexy outfit. Like that little sailor captain one that you wore when I got the boat.", "Phyllis: Mm. Mm-hmm.", "Billy: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Billy: Mm.", "Phyllis: If you're not careful, you're gonna miss the start of your tournament.", "Billy: Only you... could put me at risk of doing that.", "Phyllis: [ Laughs ] You said it, not me. But I did bring a sexy dealer's outfit. Want me to put that on so you can take it right back off?", "[ Knock on door ]", "Billy: Oh. What doesn't happen in vegas is killing me.", "Sinead: Hey, bill.", "Billy: Sinead. What's up?", "Sinead: Thought you'd be downstairs checking out the action.", "Billy: Just getting ready to do so. But first I would like to introduce you to my much, much better half. Phyllis, this is sinead. She's one of the competitors.", "Phyllis: Nice. You play high-stakes poker?", "Sinead: Mm-hmm. And I'm good enough to win your boyfriend's boat away from him.", "Phyllis: Wow. That was you.", "Sinead: [ Chuckles ] I was captain of the ship. Till bill got lucky at a table and won enough to buy her back from me.", "Billy: She's still a little bitter.", "Sinead: You've lost way more to me than I have to you.", "Billy: Oh, is that why you got me into the tournament? You thin you're gonna outplay me?", "Sinead: Hmm. I'd lay money on it.", "Phyllis: Wait a minute. You're responsible for billy playing in this tournament.", "Billy: Well, she told me about it, and she got me a seat at the table, yeah.", "Phyllis: Hmm.", "Billy: \"Hmm\" always means something.", "Phyllis: I'm just curious. Why do you want billy to play in this tournament? What's in it for you?", "Sinead: Nice digs.", "Billy: Perfect for celebrating my victories, right?", "Sinead: Now, this is the big time, bill. Not those shady back-room games you're used to.", "Billy: Hey, you thought I was good enough to pull some strings and get me in under the wire.", "Phyllis: Which brings me to my original question -- why are you so eager to help billy?", "Sinead: Ohhh. You think I'm after your man.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Phyllis: Are you?", "Billy: Phyllis. She's a poker buddy.", "Phyllis: Well, then, why did your \"poker buddy\" go out of her way to get you in this tournament?", "Billy: I wouldn't say she went out of her way.", "Phyllis: Well, she pulled some strings. And you still haven't said why.", "Sinead: Busted. Wasn't out of the goodness of my heart.", "Phyllis: So?", "Sinead: I'm still pissed at myself for selling your boat back to you. Figured a little of high-stakes action would put you in the mood to put the boat back on the table for our next game.", "Billy: See, that's not gonna happen. I've learned my lesson. And jaboat is way past my limits.", "Sinead: Mm. Going soft on me.", "Billy: I prefer smart.", "Sinead: Your influence?", "Phyllis: Billy makes his own decisions. I'm just here to cheer him on.", "Sinead: Mm. I dated gamblers. Never works out. Finally realized I'd rather beat 'em than bed 'em.", "Phyllis: Sure it isn't \"bill\" you just want to beat?", "Sinead: I won't lie. I do like taking his money. But I put my rep on the line to get you into this thing. So don't make me look bad.", "Billy: I'm here to win.", "Sinead: Shame you'll have to settle for second place.", "Billy: We'll see. See you downstairs. Nice meetin' ya, phyl.", "Phyllis: Phyllis. It's phyllis.", "Billy: I know I said I was gonna, you know, take it slow at the tables, but in this current environment, I think it's go big or go home.", "Phyllis: And I'm guessing we're not going home.", "Billy: You'll be there to watch me the whole time, okay? We're gonna be good.", "Phyllis: Oh, I'm gonna watch you. And sinead.", "Billy: Sinead? Why -- why sinead?", "Phyllis: Something about that woman. Something I don't trust.", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hey.", "Cane: Hey, baby. Hey, baby.", "Lily: Hi. Hi. Hey. Come here, guys. Mm!", "Mattie: Mom!", "Lily: No, I'm okay. I am. I'm good. Here, let's sit down. Come on. You guys, it's okay. Relax. I'm fine. All right? Look at me. [ Chuckles ]", "Cane: You look good.", "Lily: I am. I promise. [ Sighs ] So, tell me what's going on. How's -- how's sam?", "Cane: Uh, you know, he misses you, but he's good. We're all pitching in, so...", "Lily: I'm sure you are. And how's work? How's everything at chancellor?", "Cane: Well, you know, it practically runs itself, you remember?", "Lily: I remember. What about you guys? How's school?", "Mattie: It's -- it's cool being a senior. Kind of scary. Um, I'm taking three ap classes. And... oh, yeah. I got elected president of the debate team.", "Lily: You did? Congratulations!", "Mattie: Thank you.", "Lily: Ohh. And what about you? How was your first day?", "Charlie: Um, you know, it was nothing special.", "Lily: What? You've been excited to be a senior since you were a sophomore.", "Charlie: A lot of hype. No big deal.", "Lily: Okay. Well, try and enjoy it, all right? It goes by fast.", "Charlie: Sure.", "Lily: Hmm. Oh, I had, um -- I had an idea. Can you make a film while I'm in here?", "Charlie: Mom, no --", "Lily: Yeah, a documentary of our family. Then that way, when I get out, i can watch it and see everything that I missed.", "Charlie: Mom, I'm not good enough to do something like that --", "Lily: Yes, you are. Please, charlie? For me?", "Jack: [ Sighs ]", "Ashley: I'm very glad you called. Yes, I've been thinking a lot about you, too. [ Laughs ] Really? I haven't eaten there in ages. You'd better keep me posted. Okay. And I'll see you when you get back, neil. Okay. Bye.", "Jack: Did I hear right? That was neil?", "Ashley: Uh, yeah. He's, uh -- he's doing well. Sofia is in the hospital, but she's stable.", "Jack: Oh, boy. Can't be easy for him. Especially the lily part. Nice that he has you, though.", "Ashley: Yeah, he's a good friend.", "Jack: Care to elaborate on that?", "Ashley: What do you mean?", "Jack: Oh, I saw the smile on your face.", "Ashley: Oh, okay. So you were eavesdropping.", "Jack: No, no. I just happened to walk into the room and overhear the last part of what sounded like a very pleasant conversation.", "Ashley: Hmm. Interesting. I think I'll go check on mother.", "Jack: And evade my question altogether.", "Ashley: [ Sighs ] Okay. Neil and I have gotten closer.", "Jack: Closer as in dating?", "Ashley: Jack, if you want to put a label on it, yes.", "Jack: Is this common knowledge or am I the first to hear about it?", "Ashley: It's not a secret, but we're not broadcasting it, 'cause we're just taking it slow.", "Jack: I hope it works. Really. I think you both deserve some happiness, and it would be cool if you found it together.", "Ashley: Thank you. Excuse me.", "Jack: There is one other thing I want to discuss with you. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jack: Once again, I felt like I was close to an answer and -- bang! -- I hit a brick wall.", "Abby: Hey, mom.", "Ashley: Hi, honey.", "Jack: Get my message?", "Abby: I did, yeah.", "Jack: So, I was just telling your mother about the talk we had earlier. Abby was gonna help me find better ways to track down my biological father. It was a great idea.", "Abby: Well, I am so sorry that nothing came of it. But I would still love to help any way that I can.", "Jack: Right now, I think i just need some fresh perspective. I have come at this from every angle I know. And I was hoping if maybe the three of us put our heads together, we could come up with something I haven't even considered.", "Abby: All right. Yeah. Yeah, let's do it.", "Ashley: Jackie --", "Jack: I know you want me to just give up.", "Ashley: I don't want you to get hurt again.", "Jack: I have to follow this thing to the end.", "Ashley: Even if it's not a happy ending?", "Jack: I need to know the truth. No matter what it is.", "Ashley: Okay. If that's how you feel, we'll do whatever we can to help.", "Mattie: Have you checked your commissary account? Dad and I put money in it, so it should be available.", "Lily: Uh, I don't know. I'll check after you guys leave.", "Mattie: Okay. If it's not there, let us know, okay?", "Lily: I'm sure it will be there. Everything runs really smoothly here.", "Mattie: What about the infirmary? Have -- have you seen it? Is it clean? Well- staffed? You're entitled to good healthcare, so if you're not provided with it --", "Lily: Mattie. Mattie. Mattie.", "Cane: Shhh.", "Lily: It's fine. Okay?", "Mattie: Okay.", "Lily: I'm comfortable here. The facilities are safe and clean. It's all good.", "Charlie: Is it? Really?", "Lily: Yes.", "Cane: Charlie.", "Charlie: Well, you're acting like this place is some sort of chill spa. We know that's not true.", "Cane: Hey. Come on, charlie. Charlie.", "Lily: Cane, it's fine. No, it's not a chill spa. But, I mean, it's not a cable show, either. You know, there's a library, there's a tv room, there's an exercise yard, there's a chapel. So I'm keeping myself busy. And, you know, I met some of the other inmates. They recognized me from my modeling days. And I didn't know how it would go, but they were really nice. You know, they even wanted some hair-and-makeup tips.", "Mattie: Really? That's really sweet.", "Lily: Yeah. So it's fine. I'm good. You know, I'm -- I'm really holding my own in here.", "Cane: Um, hey, guys, I think I saw a vending machine outside. Do you want to go and get yourself a snack or something?", "Mattie: Yeah. That means they want to be alone.", "Cane: Yeah. All right. I'll see you guys outside.", "Mattie: Okay.", "Lily: I love you.", "Mattie: I love you, too. Bye, mom.", "Lily: Bye.", "Charlie: Bye, mom.", "Lily: All right. Bye.", "Charlie: Love you.", "Lily: Try not to worry, okay?", "Cane: Hey. They're gone. How are you really doing, sweetheart?", "Lily: Uh... it's, um... taking some getting used to.", "Cane: It's awful, I know. I, uh -- I've spent some time in a cell, you know, once or twice myself.", "Lily: Yeah. And... I'm trying to stay strong, but... [ Sighs ] I don't know how I'm gonna get through this.", "Cane: What can I do to make things easier for you?", "Lily: I just miss you guys so much. I miss our life. And it's nice seeing you, but... it's not the same.", "Cane: I know.", "Lily: I just lay in my bed at night, and I hear the guards walking up and down the corridors, and they're jangling their keys, and there's prisoners yelling, and... it's scary. And during the day, it's worse. You know, I have no one to talk to. I'm surrounded by inmates, but I feel so alone.", "Cane: What about the women that you said knew who you were? I mean, aren't they being nice to you?", "Lily: No. No, I lied. For the kids' sake. They recognized me, but they gave me a hard time. You know, a spoiled rich girl is an easy target. It's just wearing on me. I can't sleep. I can't eat. You know, and I thought six months would go by fast, but now it seems like forever. Oh, god! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just -- I need to rest. I need a good night's sleep.", "[ Sniffles ]", "Cane: What time do they turn out the lights?", "Lily: Um... 10:00, I think. Why?", "Cane: At 10:00 sharp, I'm gonna turn out my lights, and I'm gonna lay there, and I'm gonna think about you. And you're gonna think about me. And we'll go to sleep every night, then, at the same time, and we'll do it every night until you get out of here. And then, when you get home, we don't have to pretend anymore, 'cause you'll be back in my arms.", "[ Zipper unzips ]", "Billy: Whooo!", "Phyllis: [ Screams ]", "[ Laughing ]", "Billy: Whoa! Whoa! Can you feel that?", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Billy: That energy?", "Phyllis: Yes.", "Billy: That is winning, baby.", "Phyllis: Yes, I know. I know. And I can't believe it. I mean, the excitement. And, I mean, being out of control, and I was just watching.", "Billy: You see? That's why I don't want to give this up.", "Phyllis: Just watching. No, I am starting to see.", "Billy: Anybody that says gambling is a vice doesn't know this feeling. This is one of the best feelings in the world. Well, second only to...", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah?", "Billy: ...You.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "[ Billy groaning ]", "Jack: Abby and I were so sure it was gonna work.", "Abby: Unfortunately, the stardust inn's records don't go back that far.", "Ashley: So where does that leave you?", "Jack: Basically where i started -- with mother's journals, the country-club ledger, and this. Hey, you've read mother's journals. Did you maybe see a clue anywhere in there?", "Ashley: Not that I recall.", "Jack: I texted traci, asking if she remembers anything. She hasn't gotten back to me. In the meantime, I'm culling over what I have.", "Ashley: What can I do?", "Jack: Actually, the next time you speak to neil, I want you to ask him about this new server farm they hired.", "Ashley: You mean digi-real.", "Jack: I'm hopeful that maybe they ran across some personal stuff of dina's when they were uploading all those mergeron files. I know it's a long shot, but I'm desperate.", "Ashley: Yeah. I'll check.", "Jack: Oh, thanks.", "Ashley: Uncle jack, can I have another look at that?", "Jack: Sure.", "Abby: Thanks. I still think it's strange that dina felt the need to keep this in her bank vault.", "Ashley: Well, yeah. Especially since we know she didn't have an affair with phillip chancellor.", "Jack: Oh, my god. That's it.", "Ashley: What?", "Jack: You may have just helped me solve the mystery. [ Knock on door ] Tell me what else I can do, then.", "Lily: Well, going to sleep at the same time every night is more than I deserve.", "Cane: Don't say that.", "Lily: No, devon was right to want justice.", "Cane: Don't let what he said in the courtroom get in your head, baby. He took it back. He retraced it.", "Lily: Well, maybe he shouldn't have.", "Cane: Okay, no. He did the right thing.", "Lily: You know what, i thought being sentenced to prison would help me deal with my guilt. [ Sniffles ] And help me forgive myself. But it's just made things worse. I don't know if these feelings will ever go away.", "[ Crying ]", "Billy: Go on and guess how much money I won.", "Phyllis: Enough for a full spa treatment?", "Billy: Enough for 20 full spa treatments, and the cabana, and the shopping spree.", "Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, cowboy.", "Billy: Okay. Yes. I know that. I get it. It's a new me. Enjoy the ride but keep my seat belt on.", "[ Knock on door ]", "Phyllis: Okay. I hope you did not order the entire room-service menu.", "Sinead: Bill, it's me. Sinead.", "Billy: Ooh. Look who's here. Sinead! Come on in. You here to, uh, borrow some money?", "Sinead: Don't need it.", "Billy: Really? Things turn around after I left?", "Sinead: It's cool.", "Billy: \"It's cool\"? How much did you lose?", "Sinead: Heh. Weekend's young. I'll catch you at the next round.", "Phyllis: You assume billy's playing at the next round.", "Sinead: Code of honor. You don't quit in the middle of a tournament, especially when you're ahead. Poor form.", "Phyllis: So why do you really want billy to keep playing? Is it because he made an amateur out of you, and you want to come to return the favor?", "Sinead: Hm. I'm not the one who looks bad if bill walks early.", "Phyllis: It's a shame that's not your call.", "Billy: No, she's right. It's mine. And I'm staying. Today I played some of the best players in the world, and I held my own. Better than that. I won. Big. And I know tournaments like this don't come around every day, so I'm gonna hold onto this feeling. 'Cause I also know this tournament is gonna be over before I know it. Until then, I'm all-in.", "Sinead: Don't forget -- stakes are double in the next round.", "Billy: Not a problem.", "Jack: Oh, come on, ash. I'm not making this up. Look at how those men are all drawn to our mother.", "Abby: Well, yeah. She was stunning.", "Ashley: Look at her. She just loved the attention.", "Jack: Look at the way they're eyeing her.", "Abby: It's like every last one of them's under her spell. Including phillip chancellor.", "Ashley: I still don't understand. How did I help solve your problem?", "Jack: Once phillip rejected dina, she turned to one of these men.", "Ashley: But, jack, we don't even know who they are.", "Jack: Well, I'll have to find out who they are. And which one of them is my father. Next week on \"the young and the restless\"...", "Mariah: I am here with nick newman, the ceo and founder of dark horse, at the launch of his new company.", "Lily: Are you saying that -- that you forgive me?", "Summer: Okay. Enough foreplay. Kick off your shoes. It's time to settle this bet.", "Jack: I have reason to think my father is in this picture.", "Lauren: My father is in this picture. That's a young neil fenmore.", "Rey: I'm making my move. Tomorrow." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Phyllis asks Avery not to tell anyone they are sisters. She explains that when she came to Genoa City, she invented a new past for herself. Phyllis agrees but in exchange for her silence, she will testify that she knew there was information on the memory card that could clear Sharon although she didn't see or hear what was on the memory card. Nick arrives at the courthouse and overhears Phyllis yelling at Avery to keep her mouth shut about them being sisters. Tucker gets his investigative team searching for Billy at Ashley's request. Later he and Devon both go get tested as possible donors for Delia and discover they have the same rare blood type AB negative. Due to their rare blood type, they decide to donate for the blood drive as well.", "Ronan tries to get tested as a possible donor, but he can't because of his medical condition. He decides to stay so Chloe can have someone to vent her anger with, but he turns out to be very supportive and encouraging to Chloe. The doctor tells Chloe that a mach for Delia has not been found in the national registry nor among the people who have been tested. Ashley tells Tucker that today he showed he was the man she still loves. They kiss and make up. Katherine puts Devon in her will. Jill overhears Katherine talking to her lawyer and wonders why she is suddenly putting Devon in her will. Victoria has a tough day on her wedding anniversary; she remembers Billy. When Sam brings a stray dog to Victoria's house, she decides to keep him. While Victoria is remembering Billy, we see him lying on a bed tied up with a gag in his mouth.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: I know I have a ton of messages, but I plan on returning them at lunchtime when no one is in their office to pick up. Yep, okay, I'll talk to you later. (Exhales) (Sighs)", "(Doorbell rings)", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Victoria: Hi, uh... yeah, come in. What's going on? Is something wrong with Delia? Has anything changed?", "Jill: No, no, no, no. There's no change in her, and Chloe has not left her side. Sometimes I just think we need some extra support.", "Victoria: Uh, yeah. Uh, so what are you saying? Are you saying that I should be back at the hospital?", "Jill: No, no, no. I'm saying I'm here for you, because I know this must be a tough day for you. A year ago today, you married Billy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Where are you going?", "Nick: Um...", "Phyllis: (Laughs)", "Nick: I was, uh, I was just gonna sneak out, actually.", "Phyllis: You were gonna sneak out? That's lovely. That's so flattering. Thank you.", "Nick: Not because I was gonna skip out on you. I wanted to get you coffee and Danish.", "Phyllis: You did? What kind? Cheese? Apricot? Both?", "Nick: Maybe.", "Phyllis: Yeah? The girls are gonna wake up soon.", "Nick: Yeah, Noah's probably got his hands full with Faith.", "Phyllis: Well, yeah.", "Nick: So I'm guessing the proper good morning's not gonna happen.", "Phyllis: Ooh. What is the proper good morning?", "Nick: You know...", "Phyllis: I don't think it's gonna happen. You know it would be weird if you were here and Summer would think it was how it used to be at the tack house. It would be confusing.", "Nick: Maybe she should know.", "Phyllis: Maybe. (Clears throat) I'll consider that. It's not the worst thing that could happen, as long as we don't screw it up. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Computer keys clicking)", "Avery: (Sighs)", "Avery: Nicholas Newman, its Avery Clark. I'd like to meet this morning. Give me a call. Let me know what works for you.", "Sam: Avery, has Nick got something that can, uh, help Sharon's case?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Chloe needs a change of clothes, but she won't leave Delia.", "Kay: And you won't leave Chloe. I'll be there shortly and check on all of you.", "Esther: Thank you.", "Neil: Whoa. Hey, Esther.", "Esther: Oh--oh, hi, Neil.", "Devon: Hi.", "Esther: Um, excuse me. Sorry.", "Neil: Sure.", "Devon: All right. Hello.", "Neil: Hi.", "Kay: Wow.", "Devon: Hope you don't mind. I brought a \"Plus one\" to the meeting. You know what? Shoot. I, uh, I have videos on my phone that I wanted to show you. I left it in my car. I'll be right back. Excuse me.", "Kay: All right, Devon.", "Neil: Yeah, um, Devon gave me the news about the new Chancellor music label, and I came to get some information.", "Kay: Such as?", "Neil: Such as why are you jumping into the music industry, and why are you taking Devon with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hey.", "Ashley: I need your help.", "Tucker: Sure. Anything.", "Ashley: Find Billy. Please, for Delia's sake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Larson: The nurses said you didn't go home.", "Chloe: (Sighs) This is when you're supposed to tell me that the lab screwed up and she just has a cold.", "Dr. Larson: We caught the A.M.L. relatively early, Chloe. There's a protocol in place, and we're moving forward.", "Chloe: Right. (Sighs) The remission...", "Dr. Larson: Remission induction therapy.", "Chloe: Okay, so, um, she just needs some new bone marrow, and that will make her all better. You know, she--she has so much extended family. I'm sure that someone's a match.", "Dr. Larson: I'm gonna take a look at Cordelia. Why don't you stretch your legs? Or better yet, get some breakfast.", "Chloe: Uh, maybe I'll just-- I'll call my mom.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) What are you doing here?", "Ronan: Don't--", "Chloe: What are you-- I thought I told you to leave.", "Ronan: I--", "Chloe: Isn't that what you do? You leave. Leaving is your specialty, so why don't you just leave and stay gone?", "Ronan: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Okay, Sof, you know the teams I want on this to locate Billy, right? Yeah. Make sure they have enough cash to grease the right palms. Keep me posted. Right.", "Ashley: Delia's hardly more than a baby. She can't make sense of this.", "Tucker: It doesn't make much sense to anyone.", "Ashley: Billy has to come home. When he finds out that his little girl went through all of this without him...", "Tucker: He'll never forgive himself. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Have you seen the figures on the McCall music division?", "Neil: Yeah, yeah, I have. Impressive. Very impressive.", "Kay: Mm-hmm.", "Neil: But, uh, Tucker has years of experience invested in that industry. You-- you have my son and-- and--and not much else.", "Kay: Well, no small thing, Devon's talent.", "(Front door closes)", "Neil: Then this is a business decision? It has nothing-- nothing to do with Tucker?", "Devon: I have those videos I'd like you to see.", "Kay: (Stammers) Oh, by the way, Darling. Um, uh, Devon, we're gonna have to, um, cancel-- postpone for a while that meeting. I've, um, got to get to the hospital and check on Delia.", "Neil: Delia? What's wrong?", "Kay: Well, you haven't heard?", "Neil: No.", "Kay: Well, she has some form of leukemia. They need a, uh, a bone marrow transplant, so they're searching for a donor.", "Neil: Oh, no.", "Devon: I can get tested.", "Neil: Yeah, we both can.", "Kay: Do you want to know something? I've known your father to be such a fine man all his life. But you constantly surprise me.", "Devon: (Chuckles)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ronan: This isn't why I came. I didn't come to make things harder on you.", "Chloe: Then why? Why? So I could hate myself even more for wasting my time on you?", "Woman: I'm sorry, Mr. Malloy. I checked again. You cannot take the test.", "Ronan: Thank you.", "Chloe: What test? What's wrong with you? What, did you ruin Chance's liver already?", "Ronan: I came to be tested as a donor. They said no because of my condition and because of the transplant I've had.", "Chloe: Why didn't you just say that? You could have said that in the first place.", "Ronan: Maybe I just came so you'd have someone to yell at.", "Chloe: Everyone cares. Everyone wants to help. Everyone loves Delia and her smile and the way that she carries that stupid Pinkerton around with her. But it's not gonna fix it, and I can't fix her. I can't even fix her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'm not a paperless office, obviously.", "Sam: So what are you thinking with Nick?", "Avery: Well, I'm prepping for the voir dire, and I'm just touching base with potential witnesses.", "Sam: So he may be on the stand, huh? I'm figuring Sharon would like to see him in the gallery and her son. It would probably mean a lot to her, you know? And, of course, I'll-- I'll be there.", "Avery: Good. I'm glad to hear it. Friends and family makes all the difference.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: You know, if you're that worried about Summer knowing I was here, I could just say I was here for breakfast.", "Phyllis: No, it's not that.", "Nick: Then what is it? Is it Delia? A little too close to home with what we went through with Summer?", "Phyllis: It's kind of Delia, yeah. Yeah. But now Summer is good, and she dreams of... pancakes with too much maple syrup.", "Nick: Delia is gonna be home soon, right? But you're right. There is a lot going on right now. Sharon's new trial starts today. And pretty soon, Faith is gonna realize that her mom's in jail, and that drives me nuts. So far, Avery has talked a big game. It's time she steps up. Sharon is innocent, and we need Avery to deliver.", "Phyllis: I need to tell you something about Avery.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jill: It really was a beautiful wedding.", "Victoria: Yeah, it was... something. (Sighs) It was really beautiful, till the police dragged me off, and, you know, the fact that nobody thought that Billy and I would make it as a couple, and that kind of, you know, dampened the mood a--", "Jill: Yeah--but come on.", "Victoria: A little bit.", "Jill: You know that it wasn't about you. It was about Billy. Everybody knows that Billy-- he runs when he thinks he's in over his head. And he's done it again, and at the worst possible time.", "Victoria: Um, you know, Jill, I really do have a meeting that I need to get to.", "Jill: Look, Victoria, I--see, the thing is...", "Victoria: (Sighs)", "Jill: I thought that today he would look at the calendar and he would, you know, he would call you or send you flowers or show up or-- all right, I admit it. I thought I would come to the door, and there he'd be. I know he doesn't know about Delia. But he must know that we need him. And if he doesn't show up for your anniversary, when is he gonna show up?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Jill, just stop, okay? Just please. I-I really-- I can't do this today. I just don't want to do this today.", "Jill: God, I am so sorry. I do this. See, I just wanted to help, and then I do this. You know what, Victoria? You're still my family, and, Honey, I want you to be happy. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Esther: Hi, Honey.", "Chloe: Hi, Mom.", "Esther: Hi, Ronan. I didn't even forget your lotion.", "Chloe: Thanks. Thank you.", "Chloe: Is--is that-- is that Delia's? Is that from the lab?", "Dr. Larson: The national registry didn't turn up a match.", "Esther: Well, what about family and friends?", "Dr. Larson: No match there yet, either, though one test is still pending, evidently. This delay is unacceptable. I have to check with the lab.", "Chloe: So there could still be a match. Who?", "Dr. Larson: You, Chloe.", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Avery is not who you think she is.", "Nick: Who is she? Phyllis?", "Phyllis: Um... I don't think that, um, she's... \"Lady Justice\" or the savior or... I mean, I hear that she's brilliant and amazing, but I don't... know. I mean, if she-- she can't deliver a not-guilty verdict, I don't want you and Noah to get your hopes up. Do you know what I'm-- I don't know what I'm saying.", "Nick: I know what you're saying.", "Phyllis: You do?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Sort of. I mean, you don't want the kids hurt, and I appreciate that.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: I'm gonna take a shower so I can give Noah a break with Faith. And, uh, I'll see you around.", "Phyllis: You'll see me around?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: (Laughs) Thank you.", "Nick: Otherwise, I'd stay and make you pancakes, but I don't want to.", "Phyllis: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone rings]", "Phyllis: Hi, it's Phyllis.", "Avery: I'm sorry. It was my understanding we're not related and therefore, have no reason to have contact.", "Phyllis: We have a lot to talk about, and we're gonna do that now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Ronan: (Quietly) Listen to me, okay? Just because there's no match on the registry, that doesn't mean that there's no match.", "Chloe: (Sighs) No, there--there's a delay on my test, because they're checking it twice. They're checking it twice, like Santa's list, because I'm gonna be the match, and I am going to be... I'm gonna save my daughter's life.", "Esther: Chloe's test isn't back? You know, I can be very bossy. If I have to go to that lab myself--", "Dr. Larson: Let's go to my office and see if we can get some movement on that test.", "Ashley: Oh, it's okay. I'll make sure somebody's here if Chloe needs anything.", "Esther: Thank you.", "Ashley: (Sighs) This place--I've got so many horrible memories. I can't help but think about Colleen being wheeled away and the look in Traci's eyes.", "Tucker: Well, it's the same place where people get well. Little girls beat cancer. Same place where my wife said \"I do.\"", "Ashley: Yeah, nobody can make Delia smile like Billy.", "Tucker: Listen, I got damn good people out there lookin' for him, and they know better than to come back empty-handed. I know you're upset you can't be tested, but I can be, and I will. She's my niece, too.", "Ashley: Thank you.", "Kay: Ashley, any news?", "Ashley: Only that they still need a match.", "Devon: Well, we're here to get tested.", "Ashley: Thank you, both of you. Thank you so much.", "Devon: Yeah. All right.", "Neil: Whatever we can do to help. Come on. Excuse us.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Kay: Neil, thank you. (Sighs) Well, I don't generally get all angry, you know, about getting older, but to become ineligible to be a donor because of my age? I-I--my God, it's infuriating. I suppose your medical history rules you out, too.", "Ashley: Yeah, \"Infuriating\" is a very good word for it.", "Kay: Uh, well, I'll leave the two of you alone, and, um--", "Ashley: Actually, Katherine, um, would you mind grabbing a cup of coffee with me? I just want to talk to you for a little bit.", "Kay: Um, sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Doorbell rings)", "Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I know what today is, and, yes, I'm perfectly fine with it. Today is my-- oh, hi. (Sighs)", "Sam: Excuse me.", "Victoria: Um, sorry. It's just-- it's kind of a bad time. I'm--I'm working, actually.", "Sam: Uh, thi--this--this'll just take a second. I mean, I just better get it out of the way, you know? Tenant to landlord that, uh...", "Victoria: Oh, well, if it's tenant to landlord-- oh, my God! Ha! Look at, it's a-- it's a dog. Aw. Oh, he's cute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: \"Nick-- at the courthouse. Please come meet A.S.A.P.\"", "Phyllis: Hello.", "Avery: Hello?", "Phyllis: Thank you for meeting with me.", "Avery: Well, I didn't meet you. I told you I was at the courthouse, and you showed up uninvited.", "Phyllis: Okay, you wanted to talk. You wanted to talk to me. This is me meeting you halfway.", "Avery: Yeah, sorry, Sis, but now I'm too busy for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: We, uh, could have done this at the hospital.", "Ashley: Oh, you're right, but I didn't want to bother Chloe with all of this drama.", "Kay: Uh, Ashley, exactly what is this all about?", "Ashley: Okay, I'm trying to understand. I've known you my whole life, Katherine. And I've always admired you and respected you for your sense of decency, but I have to tell you, when it comes to the way you deal with Tucker, you're--you're like a different person.", "Kay: My son. My son, Tucker.", "Ashley: Yes.", "Kay: Yes. Well, that, uh, is really none of your concern.", "Ashley: He's a big part of my life, Kay. What affects him affects me. Come on.", "Kay: My interaction with him is solely business.", "Ashley: It's never solely business. And besides, this isn't just about Tucker. I mean, how you tried to inject Jill into Jabot without Jack's consent-- what was the point of that? I-I don't understand any of this.", "Kay: Ahh, that's what this is all about, isn't it? You've come to fight your brother's battles.", "Ashley: That's not true, but you know what? I did warn him about you. I told him that if you were willing to steal Jabot from your own son, God only knows what you could do to him.", "Kay: Ashley, please do not waste my time like this at--", "Ashley: You know what? I still don't get it. How does having your son back in your life make you so mean? And--and you're so-- you're so selfish and cruel. Is it because he doesn't need you the way you want him to? What is it?", "Kay: You have no idea what I want.", "Ashley: (Sighs) You're right about that. And I bet if you told me, I still would have no idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: (Sighs)", "Tucker: Well, it's a good thing, you and your dad gettin' tested.", "Devon: Yeah, you know, you put down roots in a town, and everyone becomes family.", "Tucker: So I'm the new-guy intruder, huh?", "Devon: Well, I didn't say that. You have family here.", "Tucker: That's true. I have family, and I have business. And you understand what happened with your contract. That was just business.", "Devon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, trust me, I-I get what you did. Nobody ever gave you a break, and you didn't give one to me. But see, to you, it's a break, whereas to someone else, it may just be good business to work with someone they know can deliver.", "Tucker: Oh. Sounds like you already got yourself another deal. Who with?", "Woman: I have two techs ready to test you.", "Devon: All right. I've been lucky lately. Maybe this test will tell me I'm the one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sam: You know, I've been puttin' in a lot of hours at the county animal shelter, and they brought this little dude in-- no tags, no chips, no nothin'.", "Victoria: Mm. You just decided to bring him home, huh?", "Sam: Well, they're overwhelmed there. You know, same as the foster homes. It's overcrowded.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, um, Sam, he's kind of big, and your apartment's kind of small.", "Sam: Yeah, I mean, I-- that's--that's--that's true.", "Victoria: So it's settled.", "Sam: Yeah, yeah. No, I-I understand. That's all right.", "Victoria: He'll stay with me, right? We have plenty of room here.", "Sam: Yeah?", "Victoria: And there's no stairs to the yard here. You can just go right out. It'll be much better.", "Sam: Well, it doesn't look like you'll get any argument from him, huh?", "Victoria: No. (Laughs)", "Sam: Maybe you should give him a name.", "Victoria: Yeah, he needs a name. Um, how about Keely, huh? It means \"Handsome,\" and you are. Look at you. You're handsome. Yes, you are.", "Sam: You know you gotta test that out, right? I mean, you gotta see if it fits.", "Victoria: Uh...", "Sam: And to do that, you gotta stick your head outside, you gotta yell for him. You do. For example, you gotta say, \"Yo, Bubkes, come in time. It's time for supper.\"", "Victoria: Okay, um, fine. I'll--I'll try it. (Laughs) Yo, Kee--hi.", "Nick: Whoa. Hey. What's up?", "Victoria: Uh, sorry. That was just, um--", "Sam: (Laughs)", "Nick: Hey, Sam.", "Sam: How are you, Nick?", "Victoria: Yeah, hey.", "Nick: That's a dog. You have a dog? Or is that yours?", "Victoria: Well, um, he, uh--", "Nick: Who is this? Who are you? Who's a good boy?", "Victoria: Keely is just gonna be staying here temporarily. What's going on with you?", "Nick: Nothing. Just came to check in.", "Victoria: Oh, well, other than needing a few biscuits for the dog, we're pretty good. How you doin'?", "Nick: Well, you know, after hearing about Delia, it's just awful, and Sharon's new trial is about to start. I mean, compared to that, I've got it pretty good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I'm trying to keep a woman from a life sentence, so unless you can top that, good-bye.", "Phyllis: This is about the trial. It pissed me off when you summoned me into that deposition.", "Avery: So you threw my client under the bus?", "Phyllis: I did not throw her under the bus. I did not. I misspoke. It is my understanding that there's information on that memory card that can prove her innocence. So if you put me on the stand, I will make that clear about Sharon.", "Avery: Suddenly noble. What's in it for you?", "Phyllis: If I testify, you won't tell anybody that we're sisters.", "Avery: Michael Baldwin already knows. Anyone who reads your deposition will know.", "Phyllis: Nobody reads depositions for fun, so not everyone will know, unless you force the issue.", "Avery: The ugly little secret of who you really are? Exactly who are you so ashamed of? Me? Or yourself?", "Phyllis: I'm not ashamed of myself.", "Avery: Oh. So it is all about you. I'm stunned.", "Phyllis: Oh, my God, are you kidding me? I left. Big deal. I left. I wasn't gonna stay there, Avery. I wasn't gonna be that Phyllis anymore. I wasn't gonna do it. Give me a break. I mean, the last thing I'm gonna do is come here and tell everybody about that place.", "Avery: You lied to everyone.", "Phyllis: Yeah, I lied.", "Avery: Your kids-- they never asked if they had a grandma or a grandpa? Your husbands never asked about their in-laws?", "Phyllis: Yeah, they did. (Stammers) Everybody asked, and I lied about my entire past, okay? Please. Come on, please. If people find out about you, it will change everything for me.", "Avery: You're not worried about people. You're worried about Nick finding out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Was this dog your idea, Sam?", "Sam: Well, it's good for blood pressure, stress, pickin' up bacon you drop at breakfast time.", "Nick: (Chuckles) All right, well, I better get out of here. I got a lot to do.", "Victoria: Hey, um, you want to tell me what has you almost happy? Or...", "Nick: Well, you almost look happy, too.", "Victoria: Yeah, well, blame the dog.", "Nick: Yeah, I might do that. I'll see you later.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Sam: Take care.", "Nick: See you, Sam.", "Victoria: (Squeals)", "Sam: So...", "Victoria: (Laughs)", "Sam: You think you can handle hangin' out here with her? Huh?", "Victoria: Oh, yeah, I think we'll be just fine, won't we? I think we'll be just fine. I can't believe it-- to be abandoned like that? And no one to care for you...", "Sam: Yeah.", "Victoria: Or take care of you and love you? It's just not fair at all.", "Sam: Well, he probably had it pretty rough, but look at that face now. Anything about that look lonely to you?", "Victoria: Not at all. And you're gonna have so many fun play dates with your cousin Segundo. Yes, you are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Well, that seems kind of anticlimactic-- just gettin' a cheek swab and waitin' around for the next step.", "Woman: Both you guys are A/B-negative, which is pretty rare. Can I talk you into donating at the blood drive?", "Devon: You, too, huh?", "Tucker: Guess we're a rare breed.", "Devon: Hmm.", "Tucker: Want to do this now?", "Woman: Yes, I'll take you first.", "Kay: Any luck with the donor match?", "Devon: Uh, we just have to wait for the cheek swab to come back.", "Kay: Uh, Devon, um, I'm going to have to postpone our little meeting because, um, it's nothing dire. Just--I have some important details to go over with my attorney.", "Devon: Okay, whatever it takes. You call me when you're ready, okay?", "Kay: Thank you.", "Devon: Mm-hmm.", "Kay: How are you doing, my friend?", "Esther: (Sighs) You know, it-- it's such a crazy love, a grandchild. It's like loving your baby all over again, but hopefully this time, you don't make the same mistakes and do everything right.", "Kay: Believe me, you're doing everything right. See you at the house.", "Esther: Okay.", "Jill: (Sighs)", "Esther: Jill, you can't have that face again. You can't be angry here. It creates destructive energy.", "Jill: Esther, what do we have to do to get a donor match? Because Phillip went to his doctor in Australia, and no luck there. How is Chloe taking this?", "Esther: Well, I-I-- I think she'll be all right. Nobody's feistier than my little girl. (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: No one believed I had it in me. I mean, I was the party girl who lied about everything. But look at this kid. I mean... I mean, what's not to love, right?", "Ronan: You know, she has your smile.", "Chloe: This kid is perfect. She's pure. She--she is not gonna screw up like I did.", "Ronan: Hey, come on now. You turned out just fine.", "Chloe: She's gonna be amazing.", "(Door opens)", "Dr. Larson: Chloe.", "Chloe: Hi. Hi. You got my results? No, it's--it's okay. Just--just--just please tell me. Just...", "Dr. Larson: I'm sorry.", "Chloe: (Voice breaking) Well, you-- but I'm her mom. You know what I mean? I'm her mom. I have to be.", "Ronan: Okay, okay. There's--there's Billy, right? There's gotta be somebody else.", "Chloe: There's--no. I'm sorry. Can you-- could we please just have a moment? Please. Can you please go?", "Chloe: (Sighs)", "Chloe: (Normal voice) Hey, \"Stinks.\"", "Delia: Mama, can we go home?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Neil: I like the way you handled yourself with Tucker-- calm and controlled.", "Devon: Well, thank you. I'm just glad that I'm done with him. The guy is very cold. You know, the really nice thing that I like about Katherine Chancellor is that you know that her cards are all on the table.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: All I need is to add an additional heir to, uh, the will. Uh, equal shares in my estate. Uh, Devon Hamilton.", "Mitchell: A full share, Katherine? What's this about?", "Kay: Um, just add the heir, would you please, Mitchell? And don't ask any questions.", "(Front door closes)", "Jill: Ahh, is this true? You're putting Devon Hamilton in your will?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: You're back.", "Ashley: Yeah. May I come in?", "Tucker: (Sighs) You can come in. It's still your home.", "Ashley: Oh, yeah.", "Tucker: What's up?", "Ashley: Well, um...", "Ashley: I haven't forgotten-- I mean, how could I-- everything that's happened. Today was kind of a big day for me, because I... I just saw that... you're the man that I thought you were. You're the man that I love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Nick is not an issue.", "Avery: Wow. Wow, that really is your go-to thing, isn't it? Lying.", "Phyllis: Okay, fine, I don't want Nick to know. I don't want anyone to know. What do you want from me?", "Avery: No, you came to me. You're the one that wants something. Just say it already.", "Phyllis: Keep your mouth shut! I said it. Keep your mouth shut to Nick and everybody else about us being sisters.", "Nick: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: I know. I know, Baby. I mean, I don't-- I don't want to be here any longer, either. But we have to stay just a little bit longer until you're better, okay? You know what we haven't done in so long? I think we should sing a lullaby. Would you like that? Yeah? Okay. Which one's your favorite?", "Chloe: Husha-bye don't you cry go to sleep my little baby when you wake you shall have all the pretty little horses blacks and bays dapples and grays go to sleep my little baby.", "(Acoustic guitar playing \"All the Pretty Little Horses\")", "[NEXT_ON]", "Adam: I came here because this wouldn't feel real until I told you.", "Tucker: I'm gonna get Jabot back from Katherine, and you're gonna help me, Jack.", "Jill: Is Devon Tucker's son?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "At the Underground, Mariah and Summer exchange a few choice words about Nick being Summer's father. At the Abbott home, Jack dreams that a woman runs her hand along his shoulder, and when he wakes up he sees Phyllis lying next to him. Jack wakes up with a start thus awakening Kelly. Kelly asks him what is wrong. Paul in his office at the police department when Avery and Dylan arrive to ask him about Ian's whereabouts. Paul lets them know what he knows about the case. Nikki contemplates taking a drink when Victor comes home. Nikki lets him know what has been going on with Ian Ward paying her a visit. Victor becomes upset and wants to know what Ian wanted. They begin to argue over Mariah and what Ian did to her by holding her captive and making her marry him. Victor makes Nikki angry when she feels that he thinks Mariah deserved what she got. Kelly questions Jack about his dream. Paul assures Dylan that they will find Ian Ward. Summer continues to lash out at Mariah when Abby walks in and Summer fills her in on Mariah being Cassie's twin sister. Mariah leaves to go and pack up her locker thus leaving Abby and Summer to talk. Victor refuses to let Nikki know where he has been. The nurse tells Dr. Cutler that Phyllis was making progress, but he doesn't seem to think so. Nikki and Victor continue to argue over Ian Ward. Paul notices the bandage on Dylan's hand and wonders how did this.", "Kelly asks for proof that she is welcome here. Jack lets her know that Phyllis is not coming home. Summer explains to Abby about Ian kidnapping Mariah at birth. Austin checks on Mariah and tries to talk to her, but she lashes out at him and doesn't want to be his friend. Avery wants to take Dylan to the ER for a tetanus shot, but he refuses. Dylan begins to open up to Avery about the night that he confronted Ian at Nikki's. Summer and Abby both lash out at Mariah. Summer offers her sympathy but Mariah sees through it and thinks that Austin told them what she told him. Mariah leaves the Underground in a huff. Kelly tells Jack that she wants to go shopping to get them something for supper. Jack is taken aback by thoughts of Phyllis ordering them takeout from a Chinese restaurant. Abby warns Summer to watch out for Austin falling for Mariah's line. Nikki visits a bar and makes a new friend.", "" ]
[ "Mariah: What are you staring at?", "Summer: I just can't believe it.", "Mariah: So you heard the news? I'm a bona fide member of the family.", "Summer: Cassie's twin.", "Mariah: It's kind of like that Lindsay Lohan movie -- twins separated at birth. Except no British accent.", "Summer: Yeah, or the happy ending.", "Mariah: So no sister bonding? We wouldn't have actually had that anyway, because nick isn't your real dad.", "Summer: Yeah, yours either. The only difference is that nick actually raised me and still considers me his daughter.", "Mariah: Unfortunately, he wants to play the doting dad with me, too. Like I would ever want that.", "Summer: You would be so lucky to have nick as a father.", "Mariah: You're the lucky one. I'm still hoping to find out this is all a lie, like you did.", "Kelly: Jack?", "Jack: [Breathing heavily]", "Kelly: What's wrong?", "Paul: All right, the mug shots I sent you are recent, but Ward may have changed his appearance. Okay. Well, let me know the second you have any new information. All right. It's appreciated. Hi. Come on in.", "Dylan: Sorry, didn't mean to bother you. Just wanted to know if there was any word on Ian.", "Avery: Has anyone reported seeing him? Any leads on where he might be headed?", "Paul: Well, actually, I just got off the phone with the royal Canadian mounted police.", "Dylan: What'd they say?", "Paul: It's possible Ian was sighted near the border. The Canadian authorities are gonna check out the tip.", "Dylan: You think it's credible?", "Paul: Obviously Ian wants to avoid prosecution for kidnapping Mariah.", "Avery: Well, surely he knows he can be extradited from Canada.", "Paul: Well, if it is him. I'm sure it's just a jumping-off point.", "Dylan: What if it's not him?", "Paul: We keep looking.", "Avery: Well, I don't think you're gonna have to look far. I think he'll come back to Genoa City. Think about it -- he didn't get the ransom he wanted, and there's still a lot of people that he could go after for it.", "Paul: Okay, Dylan. I know what you're thinking. But I give you my word, I will do everything I possibly can to keep Nikki safe.", "[Door closes]", "Victor: Baby? I'm home. There you are. Thank God.", "Nikki: Yeah. Here I am.", "Victor: You all right? I mean, I saw police outside. What's going on?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Well, Paul had them come over. For me. Just in case.", "Victor: In case of what?", "Nikki: In case Ian came back.", "Victor: What do you mean in case Ian came back? How the hell did he get through security?", "Nikki: Well, I guess that's a question for your security team.", "Victor: Did he hurt you?", "Nikki: No, he didn't hurt me, thanks to Dylan.", "Victor: What do you mean \"Thanks to Dylan\"?", "Nikki: Dylan ran him off.", "Victor: What did Ian Ward want?", "Nikki: I suspect he wanted a big payoff before leaving town. But it turned into some sick walk down memory lane.", "Victor: What did that SOB want? What did he say?", "Nikki: He said that he had chosen me to build his dynasty. If only I could have seen the path correctly, then he wouldn't have had to go after Mariah to build up his legacy.", "Victor: Why didn't you let me know about all this?", "Nikki: I left you a lot of messages, Victor.", "Victor: Wait a minute. You left me messages saying that everything was fine.", "Nikki: Well, everything was fine by then. By then it was fine. There was no reason to upset you when you had missed the worst of it. And why did you miss the worst of it, Victor? Where were you?", "Kelly: Well, I'm here for a day and you're already having bad dreams.", "Jack: No, no. It -- it wasn't a bad dream.", "Kelly: Oh, yeah? What woke you up with such a start, then?", "Jack: I thought I overslept. You know, I'm not used to sleeping in the middle of the day.", "Kelly: Yeah. Or maybe you just feel guilty being here with me.", "Jack: Why would I feel guilty?", "Kelly: Because you have so much going on at work. With Neil on medical leave?", "Jack: Oh, yeah. Yeah.", "Kelly: So if you want to go back to the office, I understand.", "Jack: No, I don't. I don't.", "Kelly: You sure?", "Jack: One of the great things about being the boss is I have the power to delegate... which frees me up to spend my afternoon... making sure you feel welcome in your new home.", "Kelly: Oh.", "Jack: Welcome.", "Paul: No. There is a CSI team on its way now. I want you to stay there. And if Ward shows up, you're gonna be ready for him. Right. Okay, I'm gonna check in with you later. No sign of Ian.", "Dylan: How long you plan on keeping your guys at the ranch?", "Paul: As long as necessary. I told you I'm gonna keep Nikki safe.", "Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, you, me, Victor -- we all promised to keep that monster away from Nikki, but somehow he managed to get to her.", "Paul: Right. Dylan, when you chased Ian out of Nikki's house, you said he disappeared into the woods?", "Dylan: Paul, we already went over this. He disappeared.", "Paul: Dylan, we will find him and we will prosecute.", "Dylan: Yeah, we've been down that road before.", "Paul: This time it's different. There you go. We have testimony of a young girl who was drugged and married against her will. That is very compelling.", "Avery: Now all we have to do is catch him.", "Paul: We will, and you can take that to the bank.", "Summer: You ungrateful little --", "Mariah: Ah-ah. You're the good fake daughter, remember?", "Summer: And you are a horrible human. For months you almost drove Sharon crazy by posing as Cassie.", "Mariah: Not that it's any of your business, but I apologized to Sharon for that and she accepted it.", "Summer: Then where is your gratitude? Sharon asked my dad to give you a job, and then she asked you to move in with her, all before she found out that you were her daughter.", "Mariah: Excuse me if I don't bow down and kiss her feet.", "Summer: Well, maybe you should. You have no idea how good you've got it.", "Mariah: What's the matter, Summer? Are you jealous?", "Summer: You don't get it, do you?", "Mariah: This whole stupid family thing? No, I really, really don't.", "Summer: Then let me clue you in. Nick and Sharon want you to be a part of their family because they care about you, not because they feel obligated or because they want to use you like that jerk Ian.", "Mariah: You don't know the first thing about my life or what I have been through.", "Summer: Look, Mariah, you're not the only one who's had it rough, okay?", "Mariah: [Scoffs] Please. The biggest problem you've ever had to face is whether to get a Mercedes or a BMW.", "Austin: Hey, you don't know any more about her life than she does about yours.", "Mariah: I know that she traded in one rich daddy for another.", "Austin: She also lost her mother.", "Mariah: Well, Sharon is dying for a daughter. You should hit her up.", "Austin: You can't just switch one mom for another.", "Mariah: Apparently these rich snobs can. They want me to move into their big- ass estate and accept that Sharon is my mom. Well, they can take their swimming pools and their horses and shove 'em. I'm not interested. I don't fit into their world any more than you do.", "Austin: I fit just fine with Summer.", "Mariah: For now. But trust me, it's gonna get really old pretending to be something that you're not. I'm gonna go clean out my locker, and then I'm out of here.", "Abby: [Sighs] If Sharon wanted to take in a stray, why didn't she just adopt a puppy instead of bringing home that skanky witch?", "Summer: Yeah, no kidding. I'd much rather have something fluffy and cuddly join our family.", "Abby: Well, fortunately for us, Mariah will never really be a part of our family.", "Summer: You haven't heard?", "Abby: Heard what?", "Summer: The reason why Mariah looks so much like Cassie is because she's -- she's her twin.", "Victor: Here.", "Nikki: Thank you. So you didn't answer my question. Where were you?", "Victor: Well, you're in a mood. It was an important business trip.", "Nikki: More important than your family?", "Victor: What do you mean more important than family? Family is priority to me, you know that.", "Nikki: Then how could you possibly leave knowing that Nicholas and Sharon are going out of their minds with worry not knowing where Mariah is?", "Victor: I very responsibly told Nicholas he could avail himself of my security team and of the private investigators I have on retainer.", "Nikki: So that's enough?", "Victor: What do you mean, \"that's enough\"? Of course it's enough. He's a big boy.", "Nikki: How can you say that after everything that you put Sharon through? Especially Mariah.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Don't you make me out the bad guy in this case. Are you kidding? Even Nicholas wasn't sure if Mariah didn't go along willingly with that Ian Ward bastard.", "Nikki: Well, apparently you were both wrong, because she was found locked up in a warehouse, drugged, and Ian had forced her to marry him.", "Victor: Listen, you sound as if you're blaming me for that.", "Nikki: Well, who should I blame? Mariah certainly didn't ask for any of the abuse that Ian gave her any more than I did.", "Victor: The hell she didn't.", "Nikki: Oh, how dare you say that?", "Jack: Thank you. We'll see you then.", "Kelly: Delegating?", "Jack: That was the movers. They are coming in one hour to pick up all of Phyllis' things and put them in the storage facility.", "Kelly: [Chuckling] Jack, there's no rush.", "Jack: We can't have you living out of a suitcase.", "Kelly: I hardly have enough things to fill your closet.", "Jack: Our closet.", "Kelly: You don't have to keep saying that.", "Jack: Why would I not say it?", "Kelly: I just moved in here. And you just let go of Phyllis, okay? That's a lot of change in one moment in time.", "Jack: Listen to me. Sit down.", "Kelly: Uh --", "Jack: That change has been a long time coming.", "Kelly: I understand that. But if you're having any second thoughts --", "Jack: I am not. Why, are you?", "Kelly: No, I'm not having any second thoughts. I just don't want you to feel like you have to keep proving to me that you're okay.", "Jack: Is this about what just happened upstairs? That wasn't what I was trying to do.", "Kelly: No, it's not what was happening upstairs. It's about these boxes. I know how difficult it's been for you to put all of Phyllis' things in these boxes. It was the same for me when my dad died. Oh, God, Jack, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. No, it's not the same. It's not the same at all, obviously. Phyllis is still alive.", "Jack: Yes, she is. But she's not coming back.", "Nurse Hathaway: Have you told her family how much progress she's made?", "Dr. Cutler: Not yet.", "Nurse Hathaway: Well, we have to call them.", "Dr. Cutler: I think we should wait.", "Nurse Hathaway: But Phyllis' daughter and fiancé have been waiting for over a year for news like this.", "Dr. Cutler: We have no way of knowing if ms. Newman is going to remain awake. And if she does, what her level of cognitive function will be.", "Nurse Hathaway: And you don't want her loved ones to get their hopes up and then have them disappointed again.", "Dr. Cutler: Exactly. So until we know for sure we have some good news, it's best we not say anything to anyone.", "Nurse Hathaway: All right, doctor.", "Nikki: Don't you dare try to say that Mariah got what she deserved.", "Victor: Wait a minute. Ian Ward would not have been able to kidnap her, nor been able to force her into marriage, had she cut her ties with the man once she found out what a bastard he is.", "Nikki: Oh, my God. No, you don't get this. I can't talk to you about this at all.", "Victor: She trusted that loathsome bastard.", "Nikki: Yes, and so did I, once.", "Victor: You were young and naive.", "Nikki: Well, so was she, Victor. My God, she was conditioned from a baby to believe that he was a wonderful man. How do you expect her to suddenly believe \"oh, he's a predator, he's horrible\"?", "Victor: She didn't want to see the truth.", "Nikki: Oh, God. I-I'm not gonna argue with you about this. This is unbelievable.", "Victor: Good.", "Nikki: Once Paul finds this guy, we can stop playing Ian's little games that he insists on playing. It'll be over.", "Victor: I won't rely on Paul Williams to protect you.", "Nikki: What are you doing?", "Victor: I'm taking matters into my own hands, okay? Yes, I want you to double security around the ranch, and I want a full detail to accompany Mrs. Newman wherever she goes.", "Nikki: You can't keep me in a bubble, Victor.", "Victor: I can do everything in my power to make sure that you're safe until that Ian Ward bastard is caught.", "Nikki: Where were you yesterday when I needed you?", "Victor: How can you say that? I would have been here had you called me, had you told me what was going on. But no. You turned to Paul Williams. Again.", "Paul: All right. Let me know if there's any other news.", "Officer: You got it, chief.", "Paul: Thanks, coats.", "Avery: It wasn't Ian trying to cross the border.", "Paul: Fingerprints and photos weren't a match.", "Avery: All right. Well, keep us posted.", "Paul: All right. And if Ian tries to get ahold of either one of you, you let me know.", "Avery: We will.", "Paul: So, um... what happened to your hand?", "Dylan: Uh, nothing. Just cut myself.", "Paul: You ought to have it looked into. It might get infected. How did you do it, anyway?", "Dylan: Just, uh, repairing something at the coffeehouse.", "Paul: Seems like something is always breaking there.", "Dylan: And only one guy to fix it.", "Kelly: Okay. I just completely take back what I said. If you want to go on proving to me that you want me here, you go right ahead. [Laughs]", "Jack: I don't have anything to prove. I have made peace with the fact that Phyllis is not coming back. I wish Summer could accept that.", "Kelly: It's hard watching your child suffer, I know. But I think Summer seems to be smiling a lot more lately.", "Jack: Thanks to Austin.", "Kelly: Yes. He makes her happy.", "Jack: I'm glad. Just wish I didn't make her so miserable all the time.", "Kelly: Well, you don't intentionally.", "Jack: You know what? I let her down. I promised her I would never give up on Phyllis and that's exactly what I did.", "Kelly: That doesn't make you a bad person. Or a bad father.", "Jack: In Summer's eyes, I am a person who betrays the people he loves.", "Kelly: You are not that person. You showed up at her wedding, you walked her down the aisle.", "Jack: Yeah, I'm not sure Summer sees things that way.", "Kelly: Listen to me. One day, Summer is going to wake up and realize how incredibly lucky she is to have you in her life. Just like I have.", "Abby: Ian kidnapped Mariah at birth?", "Summer: Dad found the doctor that delivered her and Cassie and he confirmed everything.", "Abby: Well, how's nick doing with all this?", "Summer: I have no idea. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him. He and Sharon spent the night at the hospital to make sure that Mariah was doing okay.", "Abby: Yeah, that sounds like my brother.", "Summer: I know that you and I are both no fan of Mariah's, but it must have been really terrifying for her when Ian was holding her hostage.", "Abby: Yeah. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Even her.", "Summer: After all that she's been through, you'd think she'd realize how lucky she is to have Sharon in her life. I would give anything to have my mom back.", "Austin: You okay?", "Mariah: Why do you care?", "Austin: Thought you could use a friend. My mistake.", "Mariah: [Scoffs] Friend? Wifey would love that.", "Austin: Summer wouldn't mind.", "Mariah: Yeah, sure. I can see it now, the three of us hanging out and knocking back a few beers.", "Austin: She doesn't drink.", "Mariah: Oh, that's right. Child-bride. I almost forgot. Well, maybe we can double date -- you and Summer, and me and my criminal husband. You guys can trade notes.", "Austin: You're married?", "Mariah: Actually, I don't know. Does it count if you're drugged and out of it when you say your vows?", "Austin: What?", "Mariah: Ian wanted to make sure I wouldn't object to marrying the man that I considered to be my father most of my life, so he gave me something that would make me a little bit more agreeable.", "Austin: I'm so sorry.", "Mariah: Yeah. Me too, that I have such crap judgment. Turns out my stand-in daddy is a liar and a perv.", "Nikki: If you had been here, I wouldn't have had to call Paul. Ian would never have gotten near me.", "Victor: I put a full security detail at your disposal.", "Nikki: And they were out all over town looking. They didn't think that he would be here. He broke into the house. He had a hypodermic needle he threatened me with. What was I supposed to do?", "Victor: Then you should have called 911 instead of turning to Paul Williams.", "Nikki: I tried to call -- what do you mean instead of turning to Paul? What does that mean?", "Victor: As you always do. Do I need to remind you, when the contents of your journal leaked to the press, who'd you turn to? Paul Williams.", "Nikki: Yes, because he had a right to know that his name was about to be dragged through the mud, too.", "Victor: I had a right to know that someone broke into the house and threatened your life with a hypodermic needle!", "Nikki: Well, you were too busy with this family business.", "Victor: That's a lame excuse to keep me very far away from anything that happened in your past life.", "Nikki: That is utterly ridiculous, Victor.", "Victor: Really? What's the first thing you did when you were looking for your long-lost son? You turned to Paul Williams. Before you knew that he was Dylan's father.", "Nikki: I told you many times that I didn't want to burden you unnecessarily.", "Victor: You should have been honest with me.", "Nikki: Well, you should have been available for me during your family emergency today.", "Victor: That's nonsense, what you're saying. If you had told me what was going on, I would have been here.", "Nikki: Why weren't you? Because of all this \"family's first, family's first.\" I think you have it on a loop. That's what you always say. But it's not true, because if you had been here where I needed you...", "Victor: Let me tell you something --", "Nikki: ...I wouldn't have to call Paul. Because Paul is here. I can count on him when I need him. Not like you.", "Victor: Where are you going?", "Nikki: I'll think of something. Someplace that's good for me.", "Victor: Well, you have a good time.", "Nikki: Yep.", "[Door slams]", "Avery: I wish you'd have your hand looked at.", "Dylan: Well, I looked at it before I put the new bandages --", "Avery: No, I mean a doctor. You could call stitch.", "Dylan: Nah, he's got too much going on in his life.", "Avery: Okay, well, then let me take you to the E.R. You might need a tetanus shot.", "Dylan: Avery, I had part of my liver removed. They're not gonna do a major surgery like that without making sure I'm up to date with my immunizations.", "Avery: Dylan, how did you cut your hand? When I walked in here yesterday, you had so much blood on your shirt you had to throw it away.", "Dylan: It must have happened after I spoke to Nikki on the phone. I knew something was off with her, and my only focus was getting out to the ranch and helping her.", "Abby: Oh, is the she-devil finished cleaning out her locker yet?", "Austin: She's working on it.", "Abby: Mm. Well, make sure to disinfect it when she's done. Or you could hire someone to come do a cleansing. Get rid of all the evil spirits.", "Austin: You might want to cut her some slack. She's pretty upset.", "Abby: She's upset?", "Austin: Yeah. Look, Mariah's made mistakes, but we all have.", "Summer: She pretended to be Sharon's dead daughter.", "Abby: Yeah. And once she was done doing her \"sixth sense\" impression, she made sure to try to break up my fiancé and me, which she ultimately has succeeded in doing. So don't ask me to be nice to her.", "Summer: Yeah, why are you defending her?", "Austin: 'Cause she could use a friend right now. She just found out that who she thought was her mother isn't and someone else is. And I feel like you more than anyone would understand what that feels like.", "Nurse Hathaway: Blood pressure's holding steady. That's good. And those beautiful eyes of yours are still open. You know, if you keep improving, you'll be back home with your family before you know it. They've all been to visit -- your son, your daughter, and your sister. And your handsome fiancé. Jack sat by your bed for hours holding your hand, just waiting for you to wake up. He loves you so much, Phyllis. You need to keep improving so I can call him and give him the good news. Okay? I took this for safe keeping. Maybe this will help.", "Jack: I hate to spend our first day together in this house arguing, but I have to take issue with something you said. I am the lucky one here.", "Kelly: [Laughs] I thought you were gonna say something -- okay. In the interest of peaceful cohabitation, I shalt not argue. But... I do have to ask you, why are you so lucky?", "Jack: Oh, let me count the ways. Let's see, let's start with the obvious. You are beautiful.", "Kelly: Oh. Well, you're not so bad looking yourself.", "Jack: You're smart.", "Kelly: Ditto.", "Jack: You're sexy.", "Kelly: I think you got that covered, sir.", "Jack: And despite incredible loss and heartache, you still managed to open your heart up to me.", "Kelly: Well, so did you. So we're even.", "Jack: No, no. Here, you are still a mile ahead. Summer blamed you for my giving up on Phyllis. I know she took most of her hurt and anguish out on you. And so what did you do? You helped me salvage my relationship with my daughter. After all the heartache you went through, all the misery of losing your father and losing Sam... it didn't destroy you. It made you treasure life all the more. It helped you understand that it's a terrible thing to waste the time we have. I know that lesson came at an incredible cost, and I'm sorry. But I am incredibly lucky that you share that gift with me.", "Kelly: Not a day goes by where I don't think about the things that I could have done with my son. And I just don't want you to miss out on a single moment with Summer.", "Jack: I already have missed so much -- first steps, first words. Lot of the firsts, I wasn't around for.", "Kelly: You know what? I bet Phyllis has some pictures and videos and, well, little handprints, maybe, all hidden away in these boxes. You know, things that commemorate the moments that you missed out on. I mean, you could take them out, you could put them around the house. I mean, why don't we do that? Look, I'll help you look.", "Jack: Listen -- listen to me. I don't need anything of Phyllis'.", "Kelly: But it's okay to have things that remind you of the daughter that you share together.", "Jack: I have the best reminder of all -- I have Summer.", "Jack: So, what do you think we should do with the rest of our day?", "Kelly: Well, I was just thinking, how about one last fling of the Summer?", "Jack: Ooh, I like the way you think.", "Kelly: Okay, good. I will be right...back.", "Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I assumed I would have something to do with this fling.", "Kelly: Oh, of course you do.", "Jack: So where you going?", "Kelly: I'm going shopping for food to make us a meal. I thought it would be wonderful, we can sit outside on the patio one more time before it gets cold.", "Jack: Nice as all that sounds, you don't have to worry about food. We have Mrs. Martinez. She can look after us.", "Kelly: Thought you wanted me to feel at home?", "Jack: And cooking would make you feel more at home?", "Kelly: Mm-hmm. Is that allowed? I don't want to break any rules.", "Jack: No, there are no rules. No, you want to make dinner, by all means, make dinner. I'm sure Mrs. Martinez would love the night off.", "Kelly: Excellent. I know just what I'm gonna make for you. [Squeals] Tell Mrs. Martinez I promise I won't burn down the house.", "[Door opens, closes]", "Phyllis: Mmm! My God. Beijing bistro makes the best kung pao chicken I've ever tasted.", "Jack: I wouldn't know.", "Phyllis: Sorry.", "Jack: It's all right. I had fun watching you eat it. Okay, out of curiosity...", "Phyllis: Mm-hmm?", "Jack: ...Couldn't we have gone straight to the takeout without skipping over to the trying to cook dinner for us? I mean, it would have saved the fire department a big trip.", "Phyllis: Oh, but those firemen were just so cute.", "Jack: So that was the reason?", "Phyllis: No. That was just an added bonus. I was trying to do something special for you.", "Jack: Well, you succeeded. It isn't every day somebody almost burns my house down trying to boil a pot of water.", "Phyllis: Oh, that was a little smoke.", "Jack: A little smoke?", "Phyllis: Yeah. You open up the windows and the kitchen airs out in no time.", "Jack: You and I will not get into that room for another month. Thank God Kyle's in New York and Summer's off with her father or we'd have had two more mouths to feed.", "Phyllis: Well, fortunately, I am an expert in ordering in. I have every takeout restaurant on my speed dial.", "Jack: Does that mean you're gonna stay out of the kitchen?", "Phyllis: No, you can tell Mrs. Martinez that she will never be seeing me in there again. Besides, it's never really been my favorite room.", "Mariah: Tell nick I returned his cheesy t-shirt.", "Abby: What aren't you returning?", "Mariah: I'd let you search me, but you'd probably plant something on me again. Like that time you made it look like I was stealing.", "Abby: [Chuckles]", "Summer: Okay, we don't want to search you, Mariah. We know how tough things have been for you.", "Mariah: Why are you suddenly lying... you told them what I said.", "Austin: I didn't say a word.", "Mariah: Liar. You couldn't wait to tell them how stupid and pathetic I am. Did you all have a good laugh at my expense?", "Austin: No one thinks this is funny.", "Mariah: Please. I know what you're all saying behind my back, that I got what I deserved.", "Austin: Look, we're sorry about --", "Mariah: Take your phony concern and go to hell.", "Summer: What did she tell you?", "Austin: It's kind of private. I don't feel like I should be discussing her personal business. I have to get back to work.", "Abby: You better watch out.", "Summer: What do you mean?", "Abby: Tyler fell for Mariah's whole \"poor me\" act, too, and... look where that got us.", "Victor: What do you mean my wife left the property on her own? GCPD stopped her personal security for questioning. She must have slipped out or something.", "Victor: You find her. Make sure that she's all right. Yes, sir.", "Victor: And once you've located her, you inform me. Right away.", "[Telephone rings]", "Paul: Williams.", "Victor: Do me a favor and keep your cops away from my property, all right?", "Paul: Well, Victor, I can't do that. Not as long as ward's at large. Besides, my officers are still gathering evidence.", "Victor: What do you mean gathering evidence? They're in the way, that's what they are.", "Paul: Well, I am sorry. I will not take that chance on Nikki's safety.", "Victor: You do not worry about Nikki. I worry about Nikki. You worry about finding Ian Ward. Is that clear?", "Paul: I can do that and protect her.", "Victor: No, you will not, Paul. I protect Nikki.", "[Phone clatters]", "Nikki: Vodka rocks, please.", "Maureen: Whoa. Never expected to see you here.", "Dylan: What?", "Avery: You just seem...calm.", "Dylan: As opposed to my usual, rowdy, outgoing self?", "Avery: I would imagine you'd be more upset about Ian being on the loose.", "Dylan: Are you afraid of what I might do?", "Avery: No. Maybe.", "Dylan: You don't need to worry. I learned my lesson when I went after Austin. You go off half-cocked, people get hurt.", "Avery: So you're gonna leave finding Ian to Paul?", "Dylan: Yeah. But I have a feeling we're never gonna see Ian Ward again.", "Officer: Chief.", "Paul: Yeah, coats. What do you got?", "Officer: Forensic file from the Newman ranch.", "Paul: So there was blood found on the driveway?", "Officer: And two sets of footprints leading away from the house. Everything's being analyzed now.", "Paul: Okay. Let me know if you get a DNA match on the blood.", "Officer: You got it.", "Maureen: So, what's another classy lady doing in a dive like this in the middle of the day?", "Nikki: My car broke down. Can you believe that? In the middle of nowhere, waiting for the tow truck. [Sighs] What about you?", "Maureen: Uh...stalling. Looking for some liquid courage.", "Nikki: Oh.", "Maureen: I have to meet some people later that I haven't seen for a while, and I don't know how that reunion's gonna go. I'm hoping this will calm my nerves.", "Nikki: Oh, well, that'll do it. Mm-hmm.", "Maureen: Hey, do you know of a place called, um, Genoa City athletic club?", "Nikki: I do indeed. It's on the other side of town.", "Maureen: I didn't expect to find an upscale place like that in these parts.", "Nikki: Oh, you're not from around here, are you?", "Maureen: No. First time to Genoa City.", "Nikki: In that case, to new adventures.", "Maureen: Skull.", "[Both laugh]", "Victor: Hi, doc. I was calling to see if there's been any progress with Phyllis. Has she spoken yet?", "Dr. Cutler: Not since you called earlier today.", "Victor: Not since?", "Dr. Cutler: Ms. Newman opening her eyes after a year in a coma is a major success.", "Victor: Success will be achieved when Phyllis tells me what's on her mind.", "Dr. Cutler: Well, that may take some time.", "Victor: Can't you speed up the process?", "Dr. Cutler: How do you expect me to do that?", "Victor: I don't know, doc. That's your business. Maybe you give an extra dose of anti-coma juice. I don't know.", "Dr. Cutler: That's not how it works.", "Victor: Doc, let me ask you something. How would you feel if the Swiss medical board of directors found out that you suddenly found an opening for Phyllis in your treatment program after I gave you a sizeable contribution to your foundation?", "Dr. Cutler: There was no connection between the two incidents.", "Victor: Some people may not think that. You wouldn't want to interrupt or discontinue your research program, would you?", "Dr. Cutler: You know I wouldn't.", "Victor: Then get results.", "Jack: Thank you.", "[Telephone rings]", "Jack: Jack Abbott. Hello?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Victoria: What exactly is going on between you and my sister?", "Stitch: Why do you care?", "Dr. Cutler: Phyllis' regular nurse attempted to alert Mr. Abbott to the patient's progress.", "Victor: Under no circumstances must Jack Abbott know about this.", "Traci: What are you thinking about?", "Jack: Going to see Phyllis again." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Ashley and Phyllis are both angry at Jack for teaming up with Victor again to find out who is behind the paragon project, but Jack tells them both that he will do what he has to do to protect his family. Phyllis suspects that Joe could be involved in the paragon project to get revenge on Victor for costing him money on the redevelopment project. Ashley uses her charm to question Joe about why he is still in town and he tells her he still has business. Cane and Michael are in Virgin Gorda to search for Hilary and a witness comes forward after Devon offers a million dollar reward for information leading to Hilary's safe return. The witness tells Cane that he saw a man who looked like the picture they have been showing on the TV of Hilary's husband carrying her off the mountain. Michael tells Cane to keep the information quiet until they can investigate further, but Michael fears that Devon is starting to look guilty of Hilary's murder.", "Neil continues to hide Hilary in an unknown location while he continues to play the supportive father to Devon who feels guilty about what happened to Hilary after Neil tells him Hilary was afraid of heights. Devon feels like Hilary only went on the helicopter ride and agreed to go on the hike because she loved him. The Virgin Gorda police tell Michael to encourage Devon to come back to the island and face the charges against him, because they intend to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. Cane calls Lily and tells her what the eyewitness told him about seeing a man resembling Devon carrying Hilary off the mountain. Neil visits Hilary again and, upon checking on her IV, finds it almost empty. He checks her pulse and tells her not to die on him.", "" ]
[ "[Computer keys clacking]", "Ashley: Ah!", "Jack: You thought the job was gonna be easy?", "Ashley: [Sighs] Well, it would be if I had internet service.", "Jack: Oh? Computers are down?", "Ashley: Yep, the entire system since last night's power outage.", "Jack: Wow. How do you think that happened?", "Ashley: Nothing official yet, but I'm assuming it's from the storm.", "Jack: Well, maybe you should call I.T.", "Ashley: Gee, thanks, jack. I hadn't thought about that.", "Jack: I'm just trying to help.", "Ashley: I got your note. It was very sweet. Thank you. I've got everything handled.", "Jack: I'm not here to check up on you, sis.", "Ashley: Then why are you here?", "Jack: I'm here to tell you I made a deal with the devil.", "Ashley: Please don't tell me that the devil's name is Victor.", "Joe: Phyllis, I'm glad we ran into each other.", "Phyllis: That makes one of us.", "Joe: You know, I was just curious how Avery's doing. I haven't heard from her since she left town.", "Phyllis: Well, you're gonna have to get used to it 'cause you're not gonna hear about her from me, either.", "Joe: Well, I was just wondering how she's doing.", "Phyllis: I'm not discussing my sister with you. But I do have one question. Why are you still here?", "Joe: Glutton for punishment.", "Phyllis: In Genoa city. You followed Avery here. She's gone. Why aren't you?", "Cane: And you're sure the team you put together is good, right? They've conducted searches like this all over the world and had great success.", "Cane: Yeah? Well, not in this case. We've scoured every inch of this island. There is no sign of Mrs. Hamilton. Other than the shoe the police recovered, nothing else has turned up.", "Cane: Yeah, and I read your report. Nothing in the water, nothing washed up on the beach, and there's no sign that she left the island by either air or sea. It's like she vanished into thin air.", "Cane: Well, that's impossible, so she has to be here somewhere. Do you want us to continue looking?", "Cane: I promised my brother-in-law that I would find his wife and that I would clear his name. And I will not leave this island until I do that. What next, then?", "Cane: Okay. All right, I've already put this up on some social-media sites. What I need you to do is take these and canvass the island with them, okay? It doesn't say how much the reward is.", "Cane: We're still working on that.", "Michael: Offering a reward could motivate an honest person to come forward.", "Devon: So what's the problem?", "Michael: The amount. It could draw out a lot of less-than-honest people.", "Devon: I don't care.", "Michael: False leads could send your investigators in all the wrong directions. If you offered less, Devon...", "Devon: The reward is $1 million, Michael.", "Michael: Devon --", "Devon: If that doesn't work, I'll push it to $10 million or $100 million. I don't care. I will give every penny that I have to anyone that has information about where Hilary is.", "Neil: You've been sleeping peacefully? I know that I have. Yeah. For the first time in months, I've been able to sleep without waking up to all the pain and hurt that you and Devon caused me. [Sighs] Payback is a powerful medicine, Hilary.", "Devon: The reporter that I spoke to the other day asked if I had any more pictures of Hilary, 'cause all we've been using is the ones from the, uh, the reward poster, and they thought if they had more shots that it'd make it easier for people to recognize her.", "Lily: Yeah, I have, uh, wedding pics on my laptop. I can forward them to you.", "Devon: Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Lily: We're gonna find her.", "Devon: I know. Wherever she is or whatever's happened to her, I know that she knows how much I love her and how hard I'm working to bring her home, just like I know that she's doing everything she can to get back to me.", "Neil: Yeah, Hilary. I always tried to take care of you like a good husband. I showered you with all the love that I could. I tried to make all your wishes come true. That wasn't enough for you. Nothing was never enough for you. Not because you fell in love with Devon. No, no, no. No. It wasn't ever about love. It was about you. Who you are. Huh. Who you've always been. The person to inflict pain on other people. That's why you came to Genoa city. Because you wanted to get revenge on me. You wanted to hurt me and my family for what you thought I did to your mother. I never clearly understood that deep obsessive impulse to pay somebody back. I-I wanted -- I wanted to teach you that love has the power to heal. Instead, you ended up teaching me that it has the power to destroy.", "Phyllis: What? You got no lie on the tip of your tongue? You're usually so good at that. Like the one about you not following Avery to Genoa city.", "Joe: I came here for business, and now it's my home.", "Phyllis: Oh, is your hotel room here your home?", "Joe: I have friends here, and I've established Genoa city as a base of operations for my business. And bonus -- I don't have any more restraining orders against me, so whether you like it or not, I'm staying here. I was just asking about Avery.", "Phyllis: Why, Joe? Why do you want to know?", "Joe: Because I care about her.", "Phyllis: You care about your ex-wife who accused you of being a rapist?", "Joe: People make mistakes. That was hers.", "Phyllis: Avery's biggest mistake was marrying you.", "Joe: You know, I loved her.", "Phyllis: No, you abused her. You controlled and manipulated her long after the divorce. See, you followed her to Genoa city and you destroyed her relationship with Dylan, and you forced her to have one with you. You pushed her over the edge, and I saw that for myself. So you may not be the one who attacked her, but she would have never been in that alley if it weren't for you.", "Joe: You know what? Don't put that on me.", "Phyllis: I am blaming the monster who assaulted her. It was your fault that she left town. I lost my sister because of you.", "Joe: You know, I may have been a lousy husband, but I'm not to blame for all of Avery's problems, and I'm sure as hell not responsible for why you lost your sister. That's on you.", "Ashley: I'm right. You made a deal with Victor.", "Jack: It is not like before.", "Ashley: What are you up to?", "Jack: We have merely agreed to coordinate our efforts.", "Ashley: For what?", "Jack: To find out more about this paragon project and who's behind it.", "Ashley: We don't even know if that's a real thing.", "Jack: Victor believes it's a real threat, and more and more, I think there's a possibility that someone's after his company and mine.", "Ashley: You mean mine.", "Jack: There will be nothing left of our family company if Victor and I don't outsmart our common enemy.", "Ashley: Wow. It took you one entire day.", "Jack: What?", "Ashley: You leave me a really sweet note telling me how supportive you are of me, and then you go behind my back and make a deal with Victor.", "Jack: Wait a minute. I have been totally up front with you.", "Ashley: You made me C.E.O. Let me run the damn company.", "Jack: Ash, this is not a power play. This is a real threat against the Newmans and the Abbotts.", "Ashley: What did Victor propose?", "Jack: I proposed that each of us work individually to ferret out what information we can about this mystery project and share what we've learned.", "Ashley: Very nice. In theory. Except what if Victor makes a deal whoever's the mastermind of paragon and then they bring down jabot together?", "Jack: I guess I'll have to figure out who it is first.", "Ashley: I don't like the sound of this at all.", "Jack: What? Me besting Victor? Me finally coming out on top?", "Ashley: You want to square off with him again -- have at it, okay? I've got a business to run.", "Jack: This is not a game, sis.", "Ashley: Whatever it is, jack, you got lots of time to do it, don't you? [Sighs] Thank heavens. I can finally get some work done!", "Jack: Oh. Good. Transaction incomplete. What's that?", "Ashley: Jack.", "Jack: I'm just asking.", "Ashley: [Sighs] It's a purchase order for packaging materials that was automatically scheduled for last night.", "Jack: During the blackout. Wow. I guess you'll have to submit it again.", "Ashley: \"Wow\" is right. I placed this order, but then I got another bid from another company for 30% less. And since this transaction was canceled, I've saved the company about $2 million.", "Jack: You managed to turn the blackout to your advantage.", "Ashley: Yeah, I told you I'd be good at this.", "Jack: I never doubted that.", "Ashley: Thank you. I've got to get going. I've got a meeting at the club with a potential buyer, I hope, the biggest department store in Finland.", "Jack: Ash? Good luck.", "Ashley: Good luck to you, too. Call me if you need anything.", "Jack: Keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who might have an ax to grind with the Abbotts.", "Phyllis: Get lost, Joe. Water, please.", "Joe: What's the matter, Phyllis? Can't handle the truth?", "Phyllis: Like you would know what that is.", "Joe: Well, I know you just up and left your kid sister with your crappy parents, and that was well before I got in the picture.", "Phyllis: Avery and I worked through all that. She understood why I had to leave home and why I couldn't take her with me.", "Joe: Well, I'm sure that's what she told you. But she was singing a different tune when she confided in me. The pain that you caused her, Phyllis, was deep and lasting. You didn't lose your sister because of me. You lost Avery because you suck at being a sister.", "Phyllis: Okay, I want you to listen to me, you arrogant piece of slime. The days of Avery confiding in you are over. She confides in me now. And if she tells me you try to contact her at all by phone or you try to text her or you send her a message by carrier pigeon, I will make your life a living hell. You got it?", "Lily: What's going on?", "Joe: Oh, I was just asking Phyllis about her sister, and I seemed to have, uh, ruffled her feathers a bit.", "Lily: Well, no offense, but I think that Joe has as much right as anybody to know how Avery's doing.", "Phyllis: I cannot believe that you're defending him. And I bet your husband would be just as appalled as I am.", "Cane: $1 million is a lot of money, Michael. Calls will start pouring in.", "Michael: I told Devon that offering such a large sum could end up slowing down our search. We'll waste a lot of time chasing down bad leads.", "Cane: Well, all we can do is follow the believable ones and, uh, hope for the best.", "Michael: One could think offering such a huge reward could help us prove Devon's innocence.", "Cane: How?", "Michael: Well, he's practically begging witnesses to come forward, and he's not hiding it. Those are not the actions of a guilty man.", "Cane: I find it hard to believe the authorities are accusing him with so little evidence.", "Michael: It's not like it's never happened.", "Cane: What? You think they know something they're not saying?", "Michael: Well, I'm on my way to visit the prosecutor now. I'll let you know what he says.", "Cane: All right, well, I'll keep on my search, okay?", "Michael: I will meet you back here. Gentlemen.", "Cane: You look worried. I've been on many cases where someone is missing, whether it's because of an accident or they got lost or just took themselves off the grid. In time, they turn up. But when there's foul play, the person responsible makes sure they never turn up. They hide the body somewhere no one will ever find it.", "Neil: You okay?", "Devon: I don't know how much longer I can just sit in Genoa city and not do anything.", "Neil: You know if you go to virgin Gorda, they're gonna arrest you, right?", "Devon: I do know that. That's the only thing stopping me from going there and burning the whole island down.", "Neil: What you got there?", "Devon: I'm just -- I'm looking for new pictures of Hilary to release to the press 'cause the reporter that I spoke to the other day said that it might help with finding Hilary, so I'm trying to pick the best one.", "Neil: Hmm. Let me see that. [Clears throat] Yeah, yeah, that's -- that's a good one. Where was that?", "Devon: That was at the empire state building. That was during the trip we were in new York together.", "Neil: It's okay. I already told you, uh, it's all in the past, right? [Sighs] Mm-hmm. I think you really should use that picture. It's a very clear shot of her. She's smiling.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Neil: It's kind of surprising, though. She's 1,200 feet up in the air and she's deathly afraid of heights.", "Devon: What do you mean, she's afraid of heights?", "Neil: Well, ever since she was a kid. She got stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel. You know, totally freaked her out. She's been terrified of heights ever since. Yeah, that's why I was kind of shocked you were able to convince her to take a helicopter ride and then a hike up the hill.", "Devon: I should be arrested.", "Neil: Why?", "Devon: I'll tell you why -- 'cause [Scoffs] I'm guilty. Everything that happened to her in virgin Gorda I'm responsible for.", "Michael: Thanks for meeting with me.", "Mr. Donovan: Well, I should warn you, I have more than enough evidence to prosecute Mr. Hamilton.", "Michael: All circumstantial. You have no body. You have no proof that my client's wife is even dead.", "Mr. Donovan: I have won many cases on far less evidence than I have in this one.", "Michael: [Sighs] I've done my homework, Mr. Donovan. Your laws here regarding disclosure are the same as we have in the states, so... please disclose.", "Mr. Donovan: Well, we know that Mr. Hamilton sent his wife on a hike and that someone canceled her scheduled tour guide, which created an opportunity for him to be alone with her on the summit where a witness saw them arguing.", "Michael: You have no proof that Devon made that phone call, and the witness saw someone who looks like Devon.", "Mr. Donovan: We're confident a positive I.D. Will be made once we have your client in a lineup.", "Michael: Even if you could prove your theoretical scenario, you have no motive.", "Mr. Donovan: I've done my homework, too, Mr. Baldwin. I discovered that the accused and the victim --", "Michael: Alleged victim.", "Mr. Donovan: ...Cheated on her previous husband, Mr. Hamilton's father. It's possible she cheated on her new husband, too.", "Michael: [Chuckles] That is a complete work of fiction. You have no proof.", "Mr. Donovan: I know that the former Hilary Curtis is really Ann turner and that she came to Wisconsin to exact revenge on Mr. Hamilton's whole family. Perhaps she wasn't done.", "Michael: All right, that's it. Wait. That's it. That's your case? You have nothing. Pure speculation.", "Mr. Donovan: The shoe with Mrs. Hamilton's blood on it is a fact. You're right. A body would make this an open-and-shut case. But not having one isn't going to stop me from trying and convicting your client.", "Michael: You'd have to get him back here first.", "Mr. Donovan: Ah, he can't fight extradition forever.", "Michael: A couple million dollars says he can.", "Mr. Donovan: The best thing you can do for your client is to convince him to come back here and admit his guilt.", "Devon: I'm guilty, man!", "Neil: Hey, hey. Shh, shh, shh, shh. No, no, no, don't you say that in a public place. You hear me?", "Devon: Why not say it? 'Cause it's the truth. I convinced Hilary to go on that trail where she disappeared. She probably didn't want to go. She did it for me.", "Neil: Okay.", "Devon: How could I not know my wife is afraid of heights?", "Neil: Shh. Calm down. It's not your fault.", "Devon: I'm her husband. I'm supposed to know those things.", "Neil: Maybe it's over now. You know, obviously she's been working on it because she went to the top of the empire state building and she took a ride in a helicopter, right?", "Devon: Yeah, which she probably just did for me, too. This is just a lot of stuff that I didn't know about her. And I thought that I had a lifetime to learn it.", "Neil: You don't know that you won't.", "Devon: I was willing to sacrifice everything to be with her -- my relationship with lily, my relationship with you. [Sighs]", "Neil: Hey, listen. It's all in the past, all right? I've forgiven you. I'm here now.", "Devon: I know you are. I know. And I honestly don't know how I would be getting through any of this without you here.", "Neil: I know. I know how much she means to you. I do.", "Devon: I'd give away every penny to have her back. Everything. Just the thought of her being out there and suffering, I don't...", "Neil: Hey. Got to stay strong.", "Devon: I'm trying to stay strong. But the more time goes by, the harder that is. If I lose her...", "Neil: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. Come here. No.", "Joe: Well, it's hard to believe that those two are actually sisters. I mean, she's complete opposite of Avery, right? Truth, goodness. Well, she was right about one thing. Cane probably wouldn't appreciate you coming to my defense.", "Lily: No, he probably would not.", "Joe: You know, I'm sorry for causing so much trouble between you two.", "Lily: It's fine, it's fine. We're working through it.", "Joe: You two really seem to love each other.", "Lily: Yeah. We do. I think we've learned that if love is gonna last, then you have to have trust. So don't worry about me coming to your defense or anything. It's not gonna cause any problems for Cane and me.", "Joe: Well, it's probably just a waste of your breath. I mean, it's no secret Phyllis hates me, and after, uh, alienating Cane, you're about the only one in this town that's decent to me.", "Lily: Well, believe it or not, I think you're a decent guy.", "Joe: Well, Avery, I'm sure would disagree.", "Lily: Hey, we've all made mistakes in the name of love, right? I mean, who hasn't?", "Joe: And I wonder why you still see me that way.", "Lily: Well, maybe because I'm a good judge of character.", "Ashley: Phyllis!", "Phyllis: Ash, hi.", "Ashley: I'm so glad to see you. I want to talk to you.", "Phyllis: As long as it's not too stressful. I just had an amazing massage.", "Ashley: Good for you. It's about the paragon project. You've heard of it, right?", "Phyllis: Yeah. Crazy, imaginary plot to destroy the Newmans, yeah.", "Ashley: Well, now Victor has jack believing in it now.", "Phyllis: Jack? Jack, my husband, who's supposed to be taking a break from business?", "Ashley: Yeah, that lasted about five minutes. Now he's determined to find out who's behind this paragon. He thinks it's somebody that's close to both families and possibly has a vendetta against jack or Victor. You're not listening to me.", "Phyllis: I'm sorry. I just had a little run-in with my sister's ex earlier. He actually had the audacity to ask for information about her. He is so disgusting. You know, in a perfect world, he would be gone and Avery wouldn't be. Anyway, um, I'm not quite sure why he is still in town. You're friends with Joe, aren't you?", "Ashley: Well, we spent a little time together in new York. That's all.", "Phyllis: How well do you know him?", "Ashley: Not that well. Why?", "Phyllis: Well, it's just strange that he's still here in town. It seems like he's got a hidden agenda.", "Ashley: Well, if he did, why does that matter to you?", "Phyllis: Could his hidden agenda be the paragon project?", "Ashley: Why do you think Joe would have a problem with the Newmans and the Abbotts?", "Phyllis: That warehouse redevelopment plan was very huge for him. He lost a lot of money when Victor backed out of that.", "Ashley: Yeah. What about jack? I mean, what would be his beef with jack?", "Phyllis: Me. Going after my husband would be a good way of getting back at me for turning Avery against him.", "Ashley: I think that's a reach.", "Phyllis: But the timing is right for all of this. He has enough resources to pull something like this off.", "Ashley: I can look into it.", "Phyllis: Good.", "Ashley: You know, or better yet, we could have Victor and jack look into it since they're reprising their roles as the dynamic duo.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Ashley: [Sighs] They've made a deal, Phyllis. They're gonna start working together. Can you bel-- Phyllis. Hey, uh, yeah, it's Ashley Abbott. I have a meeting with Mr. Aderling. Do you think we could postpone it just for an hour? Great. Yeah. Something's come up. Thanks so much.", "Devon: I just have to keep it together. I have to focus and believe that Michael and Cane and the search and rescue team, they will -- they will find Hilary and they will bring her back home.", "Neil: There you go. I like this. You can't lose hope.", "Devon: I'm not gonna lose hope. If they could just find the man that she was arguing with.", "Neil: Yeah. Well, that -- that could be anybody. Um, have you thought about what you're gonna do if something did happen to Hilary?", "Devon: Well, my priority would become making whoever's responsible pay.", "Michael: There is no way Devon is going to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit.", "Mr. Donovan: I'm not asking him to.", "Michael: Mr. Hamilton loved his wife. There's no way he would hurt her. They just got married, for God sakes.", "Mr. Donovan: It wouldn't be the first time a bride was murdered on her honeymoon.", "Michael: You don't know these two. They fought enormous obstacles to be together. Their relationship has withstood every challenge they faced. Their wedding was one of the most romantic things I've ever witnessed. There's no reason for Devon to be angry at Hilary. In fact, there was...", "Mr. Donovan: There's a reason for her to be angry with him? Hmm. Why would Mrs. Hamilton have been angry with her husband?", "Michael: I didn't say she was. Devon is a good and decent man. He wouldn't hurt a fly, much less the woman he loves.", "Mr. Donovan: Very moving, Mr. Baldwin. Just remember juries may be moved by lovely words, but they'll be convinced by the evidence. Good day.", "[Door opens]", "Jimmy: You're the man looking for a missing woman?", "Cane: Yeah, that's me.", "Jimmy: I've been calling your hotline. I can't get through.", "Cane: You know something?", "Jimmy: I saw what happened.", "Devon: Thank you.", "Lily: Hey. Did you get the pictures I sent?", "Devon: Yeah, I did. Thank you.", "Lily: Any news?", "Devon: Yeah. My wife's afraid of heights.", "Lily: What?", "Devon: Dad just told me that.", "Lily: If she was afraid of heights, why did she go hiking up a mountain?", "Devon: Because I'm an idiot and I suggested that she go by herself even when she wanted to stay at the hotel with me. She was trying to tell me she didn't want to go.", "Lily: Come on, Devon. You couldn't have known that. You wouldn't have arranged it if she hadn't said that she wanted to go.", "Devon: Well... why would she keep a fear like that from me?", "Lily: Maybe she was embarrassed.", "Devon: I'm the one that should be embarrassed. I made her go on the helicopter, and then I got sick. She could have told me then. She told Neil about it.", "Lily: Is that what this is about? The fact that dad knew something about her you didn't?", "Devon: No. I'm just -- I'm not thinking straight. I guess I've had too much caffeine and not enough sleep.", "Lily: Look, I'm sure dad didn't mean to upset you about Hilary's phobia.", "Devon: I know he didn't. Just -- I just forget sometimes how close they were before I came into the picture.", "Lily: If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were jealous.", "Cane: And you are sure that is what you saw?", "Jimmy: Not the type of thing you forget. Do I get the reward now?", "Cane: Why don't you write your name and your number on the back of this, please? Thanks. I'll be in touch. Don't speak to anybody till you hear from me, you understand? All right. Thanks.", "Michael: What was all that about?", "Cane: It looks like we may have found ourselves a credible witness.", "Michael: What did he say?", "Cane: He said he saw a man on the rocks below the hiking trail where Hilary went missing.", "Michael: That's all?", "Cane: The man picked her up and carried her off. And he looked a lot like the husband they've been showing on television.", "Michael: Oh, and he just happened to conveniently remember this hours after Devon offers $1 million for any information leading to Hilary's whereabouts? Really?", "Cane: He said the reason that he didn't report it earlier is he thought she was drunk, and, uh, you know, then he saw the flier, he went and checked on the news, so he came and saw me, so...", "Michael: [Sighs] Still sounds very convenient.", "Cane: Michael, he was very sincere.", "Michael: Whether or not he's telling the truth, this is exactly the kind of information the prosecutor is looking for, someone placing Devon at the scene of the crime and conveniently coincidentally carrying off a body.", "Cane: I understand that, but the head of the search team said if Hilary was killed, the murderer would most likely dispose of the body.", "Michael: Is that why he thinks we can't find her?", "Cane: He thinks it's very possible, yeah.", "Michael: Well, it's looking more and more like he might be right.", "Cane: What do you want to do?", "Michael: For starters, make sure nobody hears about this for now.", "Phyllis: How could you?", "Jack: How could -- you talked to Ashley. I was going to tell you when the time was right.", "Phyllis: Really? When is the right time to tell me you made a deal with Victor?", "Jack: I know you're upset.", "Phyllis: Oh, I am a million miles past upset.", "Jack: Could I please explain?", "Phyllis: You came this close to telling the police that you were kidnapped by Victor and replaced by a murdering drug lord!", "Jack: That's right. And you convinced me not to.", "Phyllis: Because I didn't want to lose you. Not because I was trying to protect Victor. The man shot you. Have you forgotten all of that?", "Jack: I have not forgotten a single thing that man did. To me or you.", "Phyllis: So, what? You're teaming up with him?", "Jack: No. I was kept away from my family for months. I couldn't do a thing to change what was happening in Genoa city. I couldn't do a damn thing to protect the people I love!", "Phyllis: None of that was your fault!", "Jack: No one is going to threaten my family again.", "Phyllis: Okay, the only threat here is Victor.", "Jack: No, you're wrong. This paragon project is a real thing.", "Phyllis: Because Victor said so?", "Jack: No. Because of the lengths Victor went to with Marco, risking going to jail himself. It had to have been a credible threat.", "Phyllis: So you're gonna team up with Victor to destroy a common enemy.", "Jack: Yes. That's the plan.", "Phyllis: What if in the process you lose everything you're trying to protect?", "Ashley: Hi. Do you mind if I join you?", "Joe: Well, I'm surprised you'd want to after speaking with Phyllis. I'm sure she gave you an unbiased opinion of me.", "Ashley: Well, she's not your biggest fan. But he did say that you've got pretty eyes. No, really. Don't take my sister-in-law too seriously. She can be very...", "Joe: Screaming banshee?", "Ashley: No. Judgmental.", "Joe: Well, I can handle that. I've been the town's punching bag since I got here.", "Ashley: Aww. Why are you still here?", "Joe: You know, Phyllis asked me that same question.", "Ashley: Really? Well, it is a legitimate question. You don't have any family here. No ties to the community. You said yourself you got a lot of haters, so... why stick around?", "Joe: Well, I still have business here.", "Jack: I know you have good reason not to believe that I can protect you. I'm asking you to trust me.", "Phyllis: I do.", "Jack: Then trust me when I tell you no one in my family is gonna get hurt again.", "Phyllis: When Victor is involved, somebody always gets hurts.", "Jack: No one knows better than I do what Victor's schemes cost innocent people. I lost months with you. I'll never get them back. I'm not going to lose another minute. That's why I took a sabbatical from jabot.", "Phyllis: Step away from it all, jack. I am begging you.", "Jack: I'm sorry. I can't do that. Not as long as someone is plotting to ruin our happiness.", "Phyllis: There is not some phantom enemy out there getting in the way of our happiness. It is Victor. He is the one coming between us.", "Ashley: What kind of business is keeping you in town? Another real estate deal?", "Joe: Amongst other things. You know, I still head up the better days foundation.", "Ashley: Oh, I know. I just got your latest newsletter. You're doing such a great job. But I peeked at the financials. You're not pulling a salary.", "Joe: No, strictly pro bono.", "Ashley: Oh. Admirable. Kind of hard to pay the bills, though, right?", "Joe: Yeah, well, I get by.", "Ashley: [Laughs] I'm sorry. I mean, it's hard for me to figure out who would be doing business with you. I mean, you said yourself you've got issues with half the town, right? Dylan, Phyllis, Victor. I mean, when that development deal fell through, that was pretty harsh.", "Joe: Ah. Water under the bridge.", "Ashley: Come on, Joe. You got burned when Victor backed out. You know you did.", "Joe: Yeah, but I made out all right.", "Ashley: Yeah? So you're working on another job? I mean, project? Come on. What is it?", "Joe: Well, I don't want to bore you with the details.", "Ashley: No, no, no, you're not boring me. Come on.", "Joe: Maybe later. I got to run. Always good to see you, ash.", "Cane: I'm not gonna say anything. You know that. But what about this guy who gave us the tip?", "Michael: Well, if he wants the reward money, he's probably not going to go shooting off his mouth.", "Cane: Yeah? Well, I guess we'll have to hope he keeps his mouth shut. Hey. You don't think that, um...", "Michael: What? That he was telling the truth? That Devon was carrying Hilary's dead body? No, I don't. I can't believe that.", "Cane: You know we have to know for sure, right?", "Michael: Well, say if Devon were guilty, if we asked him, he's not gonna tell us the truth.", "Cane: Which means we need someone who can help us. Here.", "Devon: Why would I be jealous of Neil? She left him to marry me. She's my wife.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Lily: Ooh, it's Cane. Hi.", "Cane: Hey. Um, is Devon there with you?", "Lily: Yeah, he's right here. You want to talk to him?", "Cane: No! No, no. Don't tell him anything I'm gonna say to you, okay?", "Lily: Uh, yeah, that should be fine.", "Cane: All right, now, if he's looking at you, just you got to stay cool.", "Lily: Um, yeah, I-I can hear you.", "Devon: What'd he say? Is there any news?", "Cane: We have a witness that may have seen Hilary after she fell.", "Lily: Okay.", "Cane: And the woman he saw was unconscious. And she was carried off by a man who matches Devon's description.", "Neil: Ooh. Devon is really worried about you. It's killing him not knowing where you are. He really loves you. I don't know. I-I really shouldn't feel bad for him. I loved you, too. I really did. You broke my heart. You made me do this. You really did. Devon is blaming himself. And he really should because he's partly responsible for putting you right here in this bed hooked up to this... this is empty. No. No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't you die on me. Hilary!", "[NEXT_ON]", "Devon: I don't know how I'm supposed to convince a jury of my innocence when my sister and my own damn lawyer think that I'm a murderer.", "Chelsea: Your father used my son to blackmail Gabe and me into staying in town.", "Ashley: If the paragon project exists, I have an idea of who's behind it." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "At Adam's memorial, Victor took responsibility for Adam's death. As Victor geared up to make a full confession, Nikki urged him to stop. Jack interrupted Victor's speech. Jack assured Victor that Adam would forgive him and that Adam's death was an accident. Victor was touched and he thanked Jack. Chelsea's eulogy to Adam was directed at Connor. Chelsea told Connor what a wonderful and brave Adam had been. Chelsea also said that Victor made mistakes, but he came through when she, Adam, and Connor needed him the most. Billy and Phyllis met at the Abbott Cabin and resumed their affair. Phyllis proposed that she and Billy continue live a double life so they could be together without hurting their families. Billy wanted to come clean and openly date Phyllis. Chloe approached Victor to ask why he didn't go through with the confession. Victor said he didn't confess because it would've taken down Nikki, too. Victor warned Chloe that he'd make her pay if she killed Adam. Jill was dismayed when Victoria told her that Billy decided not to go on the trip, and that at Billy's suggestion, Victoria was taking Travis along instead. Victoria and Travis went back to her place.", "Jack remembered encouraging Adam to be a better man. Ashley was annoyed that Phyllis didn't put her pain aside and come to the service to support Jack. Jack was okay with Phyllis's choice, and his only requirement was that he and Phyllis be honest with each other. Jill and Ashley talked, and neither of them approved of the way Phyllis treated Jack. Ashley thought that Phyllis was more sympathetic to Billy than Jack. Abby admitted to Ashley that she was almost glad Ben didn't attend the memorial. Abby said that if he'd been there, she would have had to pretend. Jill left Billy a voicemail scolding him about skipping the business trip and giving his seat on the plane to Travis. Jack left Phyllis a voicemail apologizing for fighting, and he asked her to meet him at Top of the Tower, where the memorial had been. Billy and Phyllis went to the restaurant together. Phyllis told Jack and Jill that she'd been with Billy. Chelsea thought about her and Adam's private vow renewal. Nick assured Chelsea that he'd always be there for her and Connor. Kevin, Chloe, Michael and Sharon went for coffee after the service. Chloe made up an excuse and ran off when Kevin mentioned that he saw her talking to Victor. Kevin said he wanted to be with Chloe, but he didn't understand why she put her walls up whenever they seemed to be making progress. Chloe went to Delia's roadside memorial and said that Adam had finally paid. Victor went to his office because he felt close to Adam there. He asked Nikki to give him some time alone. Nikki reminded him that he had a family who loved him. Victor thought about the last moments he'd spent with Adam. A gloved hand picked up a wedding band identical to Adam's and placed it in a drawer.", "" ]
[ "Victor: There are some things you don't know about Adam and what happened to him. Things that need to be said. Some people think that he and I were enemies. And in some ways, that is true. And I think it was mostly due to the fact that he was very much like me -- full of ambition, drive, sometimes ruthlessness. But he had a big heart when it came to his family. He'd do anything to fight for you and for Connor. In that, he was like me. Some people believe in destiny. I don't, really. Life has taught me to write my own story. A man writes his own story, really, based on his experiences. And someone like me and someone like Adam, we believe that we determined our future, the course of our life. I believed in that. Until this happened. Until his life was cut short. I had such plans for you, for your boy, for Adam. I wanted you to be happy. With all my resources, all my money, all my planning, all my scheming to give you and Adam and your boy a happy life. Fate stepped in, cut short his life. And I wasn't there when it counted most. If you all wonder who's to blame for Adam's death... you're looking at him.", "Victor: I wanted to control Adam's life. I wanted to make sure that all the pieces fit perfectly and that he would then become a part of the Newman family.", "Kevin: Sorry.", "Victor: And the Newman family business.", "Kevin: I think Victor's about to confess.", "Victor: That's the tragedy of this. My attempt to control, my attempt to make sure that he did things on my timetable, not his. That's the mistake I made. I should have been patient. Instead --", "Nikki: Victor. Don't do this.", "Victor: No. I was too late.", "Jack: Victor. If Adam were here right now, do you know what he would say? \"I understand and I forgive you.\" I believe that because I've had to accept the same hard-learned lesson as you. We can't control the people we love. In fact, the more we love them, the more we have to be willing to let them go.", "Billy: You realize this is the first time we've been together since Jill caught onto us.", "Phyllis: The hell with Jill. The hell with her. You're here, I'm here. That's all that matters.", "Victor: I appreciate your words, but the stark truth is that Adam would be alive --", "Jack: If you weren't you, if Adam weren't Adam, if somehow the stars were aligned differently that night? Victor, what happened at that cabin was an accident. A terrible, tragic accident. No one can bring your son back. No one can make up for those lost opportunities. But I want to comment on something you said earlier. A man does write his own story. Adam would be the first to tell you that it's not too late for you, or anyone else he loved, to write their own. Whatever happens tomorrow, whatever mistakes we make, and we are bound to make our share, today's about Adam. You lost a son, and I'm terribly sorry. I will miss him a great deal.", "Victor: Thank you.", "Chelsea: I think I want to say something.", "Nick: Are you sure?", "Chelsea: Yeah. Connor deserves to know how important his father was to the people in this room, all the people that loved him, flaws and all, and I was one of those people.", "Nick: Okay. I mean, nobody expects you to if you're not okay --", "Chelsea: Adam would. Adam would expect me to, and he'd be right. I owe that to him and to my son. [Sighs] I'm gonna tell you about the best man I've ever known. I'm gonna tell you about your dad. The first thing I need you to know, maybe the only thing I need you to know is that we're gonna be okay. It's gonna be you and me against the world, and there is no one else I would rather have on my team, okay? [Sighs] But I'm really gonna miss your dad. And you're gonna miss him, too. And I want you to know that it's okay if you're sad or angry or frustrated because I'm feeling those things right now, too. I really am. It's never easy to lose somebody that you love. Especially somebody as amazing as your dad. He wasn't perfect, and he made his fair share of mistakes, but he loved us with his whole heart. We were his heart. And he's ours. [Sniffles] And he's gonna be smiling down on you all the time. And he's gonna be telling you to keep going when you think you can't keep going. He's gonna be teaching you to be kind and to be respectful and to find the joys in life wherever you can because it's the only life we got, right? So Daddy wants us to live it to the fullest, and that's what we're gonna do. Daddy fought so hard to be with us, he did. He kept coming back for us. He kept coming back. [Sighs] And it would have been easier for him to just disappear, but no, he faced the consequences and he earned forgiveness and he picked up the pieces. It didn't happen overnight, and a lot of people didn't think that he could change. [Sighs] But he proved himself. There was one person in particular he always wanted to prove himself to, and that was your grandpa. Your grandpa's made mistakes, too, but I want you to remember something, Connor. When we needed him the most, your grandpa came through for us. I don't want you to ever forget that because I never will. The last time we were all together, your daddy said some really beautiful things to you. He said that he's always gonna be there for you, and he's always gonna teach you all of life's lessons. And I'm so sorry that he's not gonna be here to teach you those lessons. But I'm gonna be here for those moments, those special moments, and all of the people in this room are gonna be here because they love you so much. And I just want you to remember that last day with Daddy when he taught you how to fish. What did he say? He said the trick was to, um... [Sighs] Just to cast it out as high and as far as you can and to be brave, right? Isn't that what he said? So that's what we're gonna do, okay? We're gonna be brave. Just like daddy. I love you so much. Hey, sweet boy. Hi.", "Billy: This feels good. It feels like Genoa City with all its people and all its problems are far, far away.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Sooner or late, though, we're gonna have to go back. Jack's gonna wonder where I've been, and he's gonna want to tell me all about Adam's memorial.", "Billy: I don't want to think about any of that right now. I just want to focus on you. And this. Especially these.", "Phyllis: Billy. We have to think about this. We have to make a choice. And there's only one option that I see, now that Jill knows.", "Billy: Don't say that this is the last time.", "Phyllis: I'm not saying that.", "Billy: What are you saying? We should come forward and tell jack?", "Phyllis: I'm saying that we have to live two lives -- one in public, for the whole world to see, and one in secret, just for us.", "Nick: You should be so proud of your mommy, bud. I know your daddy would be.", "Sharon: That was so brave.", "Chelsea: Thanks, Sharon.", "Sharon: I don't know if I could have done that.", "Nick: How you doing?", "Chelsea: Not great. I'm tired. Actually, would you mind dropping us off?", "Nick: Uh, yeah, sure.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nick: Come on, bud.", "Chelsea: [Sighs]", "Jack: Nick. Thank you for stepping up today for Adam. Given your history, I know that wasn't easy.", "Nick: Well, couldn't have been any easier, you reaching out to my dad. It means a lot, jack. More than you know.", "Jack: Like I said, today's about Adam. You have my phone number. Any time you need anything. Anywhere. Call me.", "Chelsea: Thank you, jack. Come on, baby.", "Kevin: We should probably give Chelsea and Connor some time to get settled at home.", "Michael: All right. You know what I'm thinking? Maybe coffee, something sweet at crimson lights?", "Kevin: You read my mind.", "Michael: Excellent.", "Sharon: Sounds good.", "Michael: All right, let's go.", "Chloe: You know what? Why don't you go without me and save me a doughnut or something?", "Kevin: Okay.", "Michael: Yeah, come on.", "Chloe: So, what stopped you? Well, you were obviously going to confess what you did to Adam, and then.... I mean, you didn't -- you're clearly punishing yourself. There was an added bonus. You could have taken me down with you.", "Victor: I would have taken down Nikki, as well. And I can't do that. And as for you, everyone believes that you're innocent.", "Chloe: That's because I am.", "Victor: I really hope that's the truth.", "Chloe: Well, it is.", "Victor: Because if it isn't, I promise you, you'll wish you lived on another planet.", "Jill: Oh, Victoria.", "Victoria: [Sighs] Hi.", "Jill: That was pretty rough, huh?", "Victoria: Uh, yeah. I've had better days.", "Jill: Yeah. Bet it's a relief that you're gonna hop on a plane and go to Seattle, though.", "Victoria: Actually, we're really looking forward to it.", "Jill: Excuse me? We?", "Victoria: Oh, Billy didn't tell you. Well, he's the one that suggested that we go together.", "Jill: Really? [Chuckles] Why?", "Victoria: I don't know. I mean, he said something about some other priority. You know Billy. He's always very vague.", "Jill: Mm. Yes. I know Billy.", "Victoria: Cane and I are capable of representing the company without him, I think. And with Travis there, we'll really be able to enjoy the city. There's apparently this seafood restaurant that has the most amazing dungeness crab and wild salmon...", "Travis: And the best pinot noir in the pacific northwest.", "Jill: Crab and pinot noir. Great. Thank you. Fine.", "Victoria: Yeah, it's the perfect way to celebrate brash & sassy's success, don't you think?", "Jill: Yes. Yes, good luck.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Jill: Good luck. Damn.", "Adam: I told you everything 'cause I wanted you to know the truth, jack. And what else? Jack, I wanted you to be happy that I was back.", "Jack: Okay. I'll help you.", "Adam: That's a good choice.", "Jack: Under one condition. You look me in the eye and you swear to me the old Adam is dead. All the old grudges, all the dissatisfaction, all the excuses, all the anger -- gone! If you really feel remorse about Delia's death --", "Adam: Of course I do, jack.", "Jack: Then be better. Do better. Be the man Adam Newman never had a chance to be.", "Adam: I swear to you, jack. I swear.", "Ashley: You're really gonna miss him, aren't you, jack?", "Jack: You have no idea.", "Ashley: Jackie, where's your wife? I thought she'd want to be here for you.", "Jack: There is no way Phyllis is gonna be here today.", "Ashley: Did you ask her to come? Not that you should have to.", "Jack: By asking her, I would be telling her to set her feelings aside, to suppress the anger she feels for Victor because it's inconvenient for me. I have to learn my own lesson. Otherwise, all those things I said to Victor today -- just words.", "Ashley: And what about you? What about your feelings and your needs? I would love it if Phyllis, just for a second, could get past her own pain and put you first.", "Billy: You, who's afraid of nothing and no one, is proposing that we go on living a lie?", "Phyllis: It's the only way we can stay together without hurting jack.", "Billy: You think jack would prefer that? Phyllis, I love my brother. But I don't think we'd do him any favors by sneaking around. I think we got to come clean. Just deal with it like adults.", "Phyllis: I got my kids, you know? I got summer. She shouldn't have to deal with any more heartache. Your mother finds out, she's gonna go for blood.", "Billy: Okay, your daughter is a very strong person. She's gonna land on her feet like she always does. I mean, what's the worst my mother's gonna do -- she's gonna fire me from brash & sassy? That's fine. We'll start something bigger and better than anything else out there.", "Phyllis: Victoria?", "Billy: We're over.", "Phyllis: She still gets to you, and that's all right. I can deal with that. But you get to her. She cares about you still, very much, Billy.", "Billy: So?", "Phyllis: So, if she finds out about us, she could go crazy. She could scream bloody murder, she could try to alter your custody with your children. I mean, are you ready to lose your kids over this?", "Billy: Victoria wouldn't do that.", "Phyllis: Love makes people do crazy things, Billy. Just look at the two of us.", "Travis: You must be spent.", "Victoria: Can't stop picturing my father's face [Sighs] When he talked about Adam and... poor Chelsea. Poor Connor. [Sighs] It feels like it's all falling apart.", "Travis: How can I help?", "Victoria: You could pack a bag while I talk to Hannah about staying with the kids for a couple of days. You could join me on the flight to Seattle.", "Travis: Hey, Jill doesn't want me to go. She's your boss. I know how much brash & sassy means to you. I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize your position.", "Victoria: Come on, look. Jill is the one who created a problem by playing matchmaker. She should have listen to jack and what he said about giving up control. You know we're proof that it works, right?", "Travis: We are?", "Victoria: Yeah. Look. I left you in Mexico. I let you sail off. And you decided to come back.", "Travis: To you.", "Victoria: To me.", "Travis: Well, you're making it awfully hard to say no.", "Victoria: Well, there's a solution to that. Just say yes.", "Adam: Chelsea Lawson Newman. Will you please marry me again?", "Chelsea: Yes.", "Adam: Yes! Yes! Yes! See, that's so great! I mean, we have no, you know, bridesmaids, we have no guests, we have no maid of honor, we have no cake, we don't have a deejay -- we got nothin'.", "Chelsea: You and me. That's all we need.", "Nick: Connor insisted he didn't need a nap.", "Chelsea: But then he was probably out before his head hit the pillow, right?", "Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. That's how the little man works. I'm learning. You know, you could follow Connor's lead. Maybe go get some rest.", "Chelsea: No. If I sleep, I'll just dream. About Adam and the life we were supposed to have, and then waking up will be like reliving this nightmare all over again.", "Nick: Well, you're gonna have to sleep at some point.", "Chelsea: Not yet.", "Nick: You know, Chelsea, what you did today -- the way you kept it together, the way you -- the way you talked about Connor's dad...", "Chelsea: How could he leave us? How could he leave us? How could he leave us?", "Sharon: You, Mariah, and I are going to have to hold down the fort for Chelsea until she's ready to get back to work.", "Kevin: I can't believe how strong she was today. Even Victor came close to losing it, and that never happens.", "Sharon: Yeah, he was definitely off his game.", "Kevin: Do you think he was about to confess to framing Adam?", "Michael: It's the closest he's come.", "Kevin: Why do you think he didn't?", "Chloe: You're asking me, like I know?", "Kevin: No, I -- well, I saw you walk up to him as we were leaving. I wondered if he said anything.", "Chloe: Well, he didn't. I'm, uh -- I'm gonna get out of here. I should go check on Bella.", "Kevin: Okay. I'll go with you.", "Chloe: No, it's okay. I'm good, thanks. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.", "Victor: Sweetheart, if you don't mind, I need some time by myself, okay?", "Nikki: I understand. This is where you feel closest to Adam.", "Victor: This is where we had some of our most bitter encounters. You know, I was hoping that, in time, we would get past all the animosity, work side by side as father and son.", "Nikki: Well, you still have a son. And two amazing daughters. And grandchildren who think that you personally hung the moon and the stars.", "Victor: Mm.", "Nikki: Not to mention a wife who adores you. So you hang on to that. See you later.", "Victor: Thank you, baby. Thank you.", "Jack: Sis, I know you mean well, but Phyllis is and has always been a complicated, passionate, and yes, at times, volatile woman. I wouldn't have it any other way.", "Ashley: But don't you --", "Jack: If she couldn't be here today or wouldn't be here today, I'm all right with that. As long as we're honest with each other.", "Ashley: Okay.", "Jack: Okay.", "Jill: It is just me, or does honesty seem to be a one-way street when it comes to jack and Phyllis?", "Ashley: It's not just you. It really annoys me. He's always defending Phyllis. Saying how this whole thing is so much harder on her and how she's entitled to her anger... I get it. She is. What Victor did to both of them was unconscionable, but doesn't she need to get over it just a little bit, if not just for herself, but for jack? Her husband took a big hit today.", "Jill: I know. He really thought of Adam as his son.", "Ashley: I know, and she should have been here for him. I understand that she hates Victor, but I would love it if she would just love my brother more. Sometimes I think that if it was Billy --", "Jill: No, what about Billy?", "Ashley: Nothing. Never mind.", "Jill: No, no, no. I really want to know.", "Ashley: Jill, when it comes to Billy, if he's ever going through some kind of trouble or pain, Phyllis has tons of sympathy for him. I would just like it if she shared that sympathy with my brother. That's all.", "Jill: Yep.", "Ashley: Excuse me.", "Billy: This whole thing has been insane since we started.", "Phyllis: You think?", "Billy: And it's gonna get even crazier if we start to compartmentalize all our feelings.", "Phyllis: We can do it.", "Billy: I don't want to do that. I don't want to find little dark corners with you. I want to have you all the time. All of you.", "Phyllis: We don't always get what we want.", "Billy: But we can. We can have what we want. That's the point. You just have to say yes.", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Billy: It's my mother.", "Phyllis: Surprise.", "Billy: \"Where are you? Call me.\"", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Billy: Don't tell me she texted you, too.", "Phyllis: No, it's jack. \"Sorry we fought. We need to talk.\"", "[Cell phone rings]", "Billy: [Sighs]", "Jill: Hello, Billy. It's your mother. Good job avoiding me, son. I assume it's because of the fact you gave your seat away on the plane away to that cowboy bartender Travis. That is absolutely unacceptable, Billy. This is a business trip. It is not some sightseeing tour. So get over yourself and get to the airport now.", "Jack: Hey, I left you a text. It seemed, I don't know, impersonal. What I need to say, I-I'd like to say in person. I'm still at top of the tower. Most everyone's left now, but maybe you could meet me here if you get this.", "Ashley: Looks like we're gonna have to rally around jack and support him 'cause God knows Phyllis won't be doing it.", "Phyllis: We need to get back to town.", "Billy: And then what? We keep living a lie? Or do we tell the truth and deal with the consequences?", "Phyllis: The last thing I want to do is hurt him, Billy.", "Billy: The thing is, Phyllis, we already have.", "Abby: Of course I would love to help cheer up uncle jack, but right now, dad needs me, too.", "Ashley: Honey, you're always toeing that Newman-Abbott line just like a champ, aren't you?", "Abby: I just -- I feel like I should be with him, especially since nick and Victoria have drifted away from the company. What?", "Ashley: They didn't exactly drift away, honey. From what I understand, Victor pretty much shoved them out the door. Don't get me wrong, I understand he's going through a lot and I feel for him, but I also know that Victor's gonna be back to his old tricks probably pretty soon. So why don't you take some of my advice and let your father and your uncle look for support elsewhere. Why don't you go focus on your husband?", "Abby: This is gonna sound awful, but... I'm almost relieved that he didn't come to the service. I just -- I feel like on a day like today, it's almost easier to go through this alone rather than having to pretend. I'm so tired of pretending.", "Victoria: Well, while cane and I are on the 30th floor giving our presentation, you'll be free to go sailing on Puget sound, you can go hike the cascades. You can relax in one of those little microbreweries if you want. Does that sound like fun? I know -- I know it's not as romantic as sailing around the world... but we have to start our adventure somewhere, right?", "Travis: Seattle's as good a place as any.", "Victoria: So, are you in?", "Travis: I'm in.", "Victoria: [Laughs] Great. All right. So, come on. We have things to do. We have to make a list. I have to make a list for the nanny, I have to kiss the kids, again, um...", "Travis: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: We have to order the car to the airport...", "Travis: Slow down, slow down. Take a breath, okay? First things first.", "Kevin: I should have driven Chloe back to Chelsea's. She may not realize it, but today's an emotional day for her, too.", "Michael: She is lucky to have you. The depth of your understanding is a huge gift.", "Kevin: That's what friends do.", "Michael: Oh, more than friends. I see how her guard goes down around you. You two seem closer than ever.", "Sharon: I thought that was what you wanted. I mean, not that Mariah and I sit around discussing you.", "Kevin: But you do, actually, sit around discussing me.", "Sharon: I just thought that was your goal, to get back together with Chloe.", "Kevin: It is. In the biggest way. Just when I think I'm making progress, when she, Bella, and I feel like a real family, she puts her walls back up. I just wish I knew why.", "Chloe: I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I told you I'd be back.", "Jill: Have you heard from Phyllis?", "Jack: No. Has Billy been in touch?", "Jill: No, I haven't been able to reach him. Until now.", "Jack: Where were you?", "Phyllis: I was with Billy.", "Chloe: I brought you something. I kept my promise, Dee-Dee. I told you Adam would pay. And now he has. So you can rest easy, baby. Justice has finally been done.", "Victor: Connor deserves to grow up with his father and mother loving him and protecting him.", "Adam: So you're doing this for me?", "Victor: Doing this for your son. But when you make up your mind, you'll have to say goodbye to everything and everyone you know. There's no turning back.", "Adam: Dad.", "Victor: [Sighs] You know, son... you and I have hurt each other a lot. But I've hurt you more. This is for family.", "Chelsea: Maybe you were right about that nap. I'm exhausted.", "Nick: I think it's a good idea. You know, I can wait around down here just in case Connor wakes up.", "Chelsea: No, thank you. You've done enough. I don't think we could have gotten through the day without you.", "Nick: You're tougher than you think. You and Connor are gonna make it through this. You know, if things ever seem tougher than usual, I'm here for you, Chelsea. I'm just a phone call away.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Adam: Knowing that you trust me when I don't trust myself, you love me, always. Knowing that you are... the best partner anyone could ever ask for. In every sense of the word. I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. Now and forever.", "Chelsea: I don't love you despite your soul, Adam. I love you because of it. There's a reason I've always supported you. There's a reason I've never been able to walk out that door, even though I've threatened to. You are a good person. You are... everything I've ever wanted and everything I-I didn't even know I wanted. [Chuckles, sighs] I love you, Adam Newman... today... tomorrow... now and forever.", "Adam: Look at us, huh?", "Chelsea: [Chuckles]", "Adam: Yeah? Almost like we never had them off. Beautiful, right?", "Chelsea: And we never will again. [Sighs softly] [Sighs]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Dylan: Stitch, I need your help. It needs to be off the record.", "Luca: I loved you, summer, and I know you loved me.", "Billy: What do you think I was doing today?", "Jill: You were sneaking around with Phyllis." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Zack visited Crystal and made it clear that something bad would happen if she tried to escape or contact Tessa or anyone else. Zack ordered Alice to take Crystal somewhere else. Nick and Sharon monitored Alice's movements with a phone app connected to a tracking device. Sharon thanked Nick for his help, and he pledged his full support. Sharon wanted to visit Alice's home again, but Nick argued that it was too dangerous. Sharon brought up Scott, and Nick said that he wasn't willing to let Sharon risk her safety, no matter what Scott said. Sharon and Nick talked about the ups and downs of their relationship over the years. Nick praised Sharon's growth, and noted that they were in a good place. Nick urged Sharon to be careful with the investigation, because he couldn't bear it if something happened to her. Chelsea saw Nick and Sharon hug. Nick comforted Chelsea as she grieved over the anniversary of Adam's death. Nick told Chelsea that seeing Alice had reopened old wounds. Chelsea thought Sharon's suspicions about Alice were far-fetched. Nick said he knew Sharon and he couldn't ignore her instincts. Tessa and Mariah discussed the possibility that Alice was holding Crystal against her will. Mariah confided in Tessa about her own past and Cassie's past. Mariah grew emotional over missing out on the chance to know her twin. Tessa divulged details of the horrific home life she and Crystal endured, filled with abuse and neglect. Sharon brought Scott up to speed on Alice. Scott suggested that he and Sharon go investigate, but Sharon said she'd promised Nick that she wouldn't, due to the danger. Scott agreed with Nick. Mariah borrowed Sharon's phone and secretly looked up Alice's location on the app. She and Tessa then went to Alice's house. Over Mariah's objections, Tessa approached the house alone.", "Sensing something was wrong, Hilary struck up a conversation with Devon. Devon admitted he'd had a rough day at work. They discussed the effect of Cane's lies on his children, and Hilary noted that she and Devon had avoided that issue. Hilary thought Devon would've made a good parent, and Devon felt the same way about Hilary. Devon brought up Hilary's break up. Hilary warned Devon that Jordan was an opportunist who was poised to take advantage of Lily. Devon was grateful for what he assumed was Hilary's genuine concern. Devon confronted Jordan, accusing him of pursuing relationships with Hilary and Lily when they were at their most vulnerable. Jordan denied that he took advantage of women. He vowed to support Lily if she chose to reunite with Cane. Jordan added that there was nothing Devon or Cane could do if Lily decided to date Jordan. Devon went to Hilary and told her she was right about Jordan. Hilary urged Devon to help Lily see the light. Cane visited Lily and congratulated her on her first day back at work. Lily assured Cane that, deep down, he was a good man. Lily learned that Juliet was having a healthy baby boy. Cane was happy the baby wouldn't have Cystic Fibrosis, but he stated that Lily and the twins were his family. Mattie agreed to have dinner with Cane, even though she was still upset that he forbid her from seeing Reed. Cane told Lily that Reed wasn't right for Mattie. Abby and Scott traded barbs about each others personalities and love lives. Zack apologized to Abby for being so late, but it didn't placate Abby, who blasted him for being inconsiderate. Zack's temper flared when Abby began to leave, and he ordered her not to walk away from him. Zack calmed and said he cared about Abby, but she left anyway.", "" ]
[ "Scott: Hey. You want to work in?", "Abby: No. I came here to get away from the office and you. Would you mind coming back later?", "Scott: Oh, of course. Whatever you want. Yeah, sure.", "Abby: Really?", "Scott: No. [ Scoffs ]", "Devon: [ Breathing hard ]", "Hilary: Want to talk about it?", "[ Doorbell rings ]", "Cane: Hey.", "Lily: Hi.", "Cane: I thought I'd ring the doorbell instead of using my key.", "Lily: [ Stammers ] Uh, yeah. I wasn't expecting you.", "Cane: I, uh, probably should've called.", "Lily: Uh, that's fine. Come on in.", "Cane: Thanks.", "Lily: So, I assume that you're here to talk about the kids' first day at school?", "Cane: Um... that's not the only reason.", "Tessa: Well, I'm glad that sharon and nick told us what they know about alice johnson. I mean, she might have crystal.", "Mariah: Might.", "Tessa: Mariah.", "Mariah: I have your back. And I hear what you're saying. But we also have to listen to what nick said. We don't know anything for sure.", "Tessa: It won't stop me from thinking that she might be running a sex- trafficking ring that's holding my sister against her will. What kind of woman would do that?", "Alice: [ Sighs ] I bet I know why you're here.", "Zack: Rainbow girl. Our hot new talent. Who's unfortunately been causing us trouble.", "Alice: No, her attitude is much better now.", "Zack: I'll be the judge of that.", "Alice: Crystal? Would you come in here, please?", "Zack: Hello, crystal. You've had a lot of people concerned about you.", "Sharon: Alice has been at the same place for a while now.", "Nick: Well, her car has, anyway.", "Sharon: I know it's a bizarre situation. I can't tell you how grateful i am for your help.", "Nick: Well, seeing alice after all these years... you know, it brought up some feelings for me, too. So I get why you're so committed to this, and I will support you any way I can.", "Sharon: That really means a lot to me.", "Nick: Well, maybe she's in for the night.", "Sharon: I'm going over there. I'm going to investigate for myself.", "Nick: No. Sharon, no. I'm not letting you do that. Additional sponsorship", "Scott: Thank you. Hey!", "Abby: Did you think that was funny?", "Scott: Tell me, do you talk to everyone you work with as rudely as you do me, or am I a special case?", "Abby: Ohh, you're special, all right.", "Scott: You know, what's funny is that your claim to fame is investing in a dating app. And usually it helps that you can be, uh, nice to people when you're trying to attract them.", "Abby: [ Laughs ] Don't be embarrassed, scott. I'll see what I can do about getting you a discount.", "Scott: Thanks, but it's not really my thing. And, uh, besides which, I'm taken.", "Abby: Oh, yeah, yeah. You know, as hard of a time as we give each other, I wouldn't wish sharon on anyone. Not even you.", "Scott: Wow. That's some attitude. Why do you have an issue with her?", "Abby: Because you weren't around. You didn't have to live through the pain and the heartache that sharon caused nick, my dad, her own children. Pretty much everyone with the newman name.", "Scott: People are capable of changing, abby. I mean, do you see yourself as the same person who proclaimed herself as the naked heiress? I mean, how would you like it if people defined you by the most cringe-worthy period of your life?", "Abby: If that comparison makes you feel better about glomming onto the first person who showed any interests...", "Scott: Who do you keep hoping to have reach out to you here? Is this your new boyfriend?", "Abby: As a matter of fact, yes. Zack and I made plans for tonight.", "Scott: And yet it seems like the genius behind your dating app is, uh, blowing you off.", "Zack: I'd like to talk to crystal. Alone.", "Alice: Of course.", "Zack: So, how do you like this place? You comfortable?", "Crystal: Yes, very.", "Zack: Sit down. Relax. No, closer. We take good care of you, right?", "Crystal: Alice has been great. I'm happy here.", "Zack: So [Sighs] Imagine my disappointment when I heard how you've been showing your gratitude. Running away? Was that really necessary?", "Crystal: I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I told them that I would it....", "Zack: It's just you and me now, crystal. I'm good at reading people. I know when they're being honest with me.", "Crystal: You don't trust me?", "Zack: I want to. I hope I can.", "Crystal: I didn't mean to worry you or alice. I just... needed to see someone.", "Zack: Your sister. Tessa.", "Crystal: How do -- how do you know...?", "Zack: I told you. I know when people are telling the truth... and I just want to help you.", "Mariah: Alice sounds like the type of woman who would adopt a kid and then decide that she had better things to do. Not that I [Scoffs] Am in any place to criticize. I pretended to be cassie's ghost. I cannot believe that i disrespected my sister's memory that way. That I actually went along with victor's plan to torment sharon.", "Tessa: Hey. You didn't know at the time that she was your mom. Or that cassie was your sister. Don't do that to yourself. What are you thinking?", "Mariah: I was just imagining cassie and... and me when we were little. The hell that each of us was going through while not knowing the other existed. And cassie dealing with a mom that basically ignored her, and me being raised in a cult by a guy with a messiah complex. But we survived. We made it out. And we both made our way back to sharon. It just wasn't at the same time.", "Tessa: I'm sorry you never got to know your sister.", "Mariah: Yeah. Me too.", "Sharon: I wasn't gonna go barreling over there and ring the bell. I'll be discreet.", "Nick: Sharon, the houses in that kind of neighborhood for sure have security systems. You can't go sneaking around at night or peering in windows. 'Cause if you do, what's gonna happen? You're gonna get caught. And then what?", "Sharon: I wasn't planning to do anything stupid.", "Nick: Especially if you're right and this house is some heavy-duty sex- trafficking ring. Which means -- I can't believe that alice would get involved in something like this.", "Sharon: With her past? She was hanging around some sketchy people.", "Nick: It's a pretty big leap to go from an irresponsible young woman who can't take care of a child to someone who is involved in an operation that forces young people into prostitution.", "Sharon: Well, I can't just ignore my instincts. And scott says --", "Nick: Well, scott was wrong. Scott may be willing to let you put your life in jeopardy, but I'm not.", "Scott: [ Grunts ]", "Abby: You know, zack created that concept. He made it unique. It was making money on the very first day. It's not like he went to some digital-media shop and had my dad buy him whatever flavor he wanted. Zack is working hard for his success.", "Scott: I'm sure zack is a paragon of virtue, and would never think of standing you up. But he can't piss off daddy's little princess -- then he might not get invited over to dine at the big house again.", "Abby: How'd you know about that?", "Scott: Victor mentioned it. Nothing like glomming on to the first person who showed any, uh, interest.", "Abby: As a matter of fact, I've had to turn down plenty of dates.", "Scott: Well, then, it shouldn't bother you if zack turns you down tonight. Right? Look, I got to get going. As much as I'd like to continue this conversation, I've got to hit the showers before I meet sharon. Oh, have a good one.", "Hilary: Whenever you are working out this hard, I know there is something weighing on your mind.", "Devon: [ Sighs ] It's just I had a rough day. That's all.", "Hilary: Problems with the business?", "Devon: [ Sighs ] Well, it's -- you know, it's a lot of headaches taking over a company like mergeron.", "Hilary: I bet.", "Devon: I do enjoy the music side of it, though. I'm building my own roster of talent.", "Hilary: I know. I am so happy for you. Just following your passion.", "Devon: Yeah. Thank you.", "Hilary: So, is mattie still interning with you guys?", "Devon: No, she, uh... she started back at school.", "Hilary: Well, it was nice of you and neil to do that for her. Man, I feel for those kids.", "Devon: Yeah. I know. They worshipped their dad, and he broke their hearts.", "Hilary: Kids. Now that's one complication that we avoided.", "Devon: Yeah.", "Hilary: You would've been a great dad. Me, uh...", "Devon: Oh, I think youyou would've risen to the occasion. Been a good mom.", "Hilary: I hope that I get a chance one day.", "Devon: Well, I know you're not in the best of places right now, but I believe everything's gonna work out for you.", "Hilary: What is that supposed to mean?", "Devon: Well, last time we spoke, you didn't mention that jordan broke up with you.", "Hilary: Oh...", "Devon: I know it was fresh, so I thought maybe you were embarrassed or something.", "Hilary: Don'T. Don't, devon. Don't feel sorry for me. The person that you should be worried about is lily.", "Lily: Sorry. I had to check something in the crock-pot.", "Cane: No problem.", "Lily: So, you were telling me why you came by?", "Cane: I wanted to, uh, congratulate you on your photo shoot today. I know it was your first one back at brash & sassy. And I heard you looked exceptionally beautiful. Which, you know, is no surprise.", "Lily: Where did you hear that?", "Cane: I saw jordan at the gym. So, uh, how was it? Being back in front of the camera?", "Lily: Uh, at first, I was nervous. Then it felt strange not having you there. It just made me think of the time that we spent together, and the plans we made.", "Cane: Yeah, I miss that. You know, waking up with you and going to work, and seeing you throughout the day and having lunch, then coming home at night. You know, a lot of people would say, \"whoa, that's a lot of closeness together,\" you know, but, uh... it never really felt like that, huh?", "Lily: No, it didn'T.", "Cane: You know, I've been thinking about the last few months, you know, and how things were going so well between us.", "Lily: I know. Victoria was always singing your praises.", "Cane: She's not taking this out on you, is she?", "Lily: No. She's been very understanding.", "Cane: 'Cause you didn't do anything wrong. I'm the bad guy.", "Lily: Look, I want to let you know that... I don't see you that way. You know, I hate the lies, and...", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: ...What's happened between us. But I know that, deep down, you're a good man.", "Cane: I'm gonna make things right, okay? I'm gonna take responsibility for my actions. Look, I want to tell you that i got the results back for those genetic tests.", "Lily: Oh. And?", "Cane: They're negative.", "Lily: That's great.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: That's great.", "Cane: Yeah.", "Lily: I'm sure juliet's relieved about the baby.", "Cane: Yeah. So, uh... he's not gonna have the disease.", "Lily: You said \"he\"?", "Cane: Yeah. The doctor asked, uh, if we wanted to know.", "Lily: It's a boy. Wow. Congratulations.", "Cane: Yeah. Thanks.", "Nick: I'm not asking you to ignore this. But you have to be smart.", "Sharon: I know. I am. I-I will be.", "Nick: There's a lot of people who care about your safety and well-being.", "Sharon: I appreciate that. I know it took a lot to convinces you that this wasn't some hysterical overreaction on my part.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, I respect your instincts. With what we learned about alice, she bears watching, whatever this turns out to be.", "Sharon: You know, a year ago, I wasn't sure you would ever speak to me again.", "Nick: Well, you've come a long way. Sharon, you have turned your life around. It's inspiring.", "Sharon: I run a coffee shop, and I take a few college courses. It's hardly inspiring.", "Nick: Don't do that, all right? Don't diminish what you have accomplished. You have taught your kids by example. Showed them that they can make mistakes and come back from it. That no matter what life throws at them, they can overcome it.", "Sharon: Seeing alice again brought up all those old, terrible feelings. What losing cassie did to us. How it destroyed our marriage.", "Nick: Yeah, but despite that, I mean, look at us now. We got the co-parenting thing down. We've been through some rough stuff with faith. Got through it. And look at you. I mean, you work at a crisis hotline. You're helping people like crystal. You're giving something back. And I admire that. Makes me want to help, too.", "Sharon: You have. Putting that tracker device on alice's car.", "Nick: It gives us an edge. But I want to be smart about it, all right? We can track her movements so we can go to paul if there's anything he should know about. But you have to promise me that you are not gonna go charging over there in the middle of the night. I couldn't handle it if anything happened to you.", "Sharon: I promise.", "Nick: All right.", "Nick: Hey. Uh, sorry I haven't been home. I got caught up with some stuff here. I lost track of time.", "Chelsea: Sure. Is there a problem?", "Nick: I was just helping sharon with something she's got going on.", "Sharon: Um, thanks again for all your help. Chelsea, nice to see you.", "Chelsea: You too.", "Nick: I'm sorry I left you to deal with bath and bedtime on your own.", "Chelsea: Oh, it's fine. Monique's with the boys now. Frankly, I'm glad I got some alone time with them. Especially connor.", "Nick: Oh, was that today?", "Chelsea: Yeah. One year since adam's death. I... I've just been thinking a lot about it.", "Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. So many painful memories. They can come up out of nowhere and blindside you.", "Chelsea: Like whatever sharon's dealing with?", "Nick: Yeah, um... somebody that we hadn't seen in a long time showed up out of the blue. Somebody from a very difficult and complicated time in our past. Kind of brought up some stuff.", "Chelsea: Apparently not just for sharon.", "Mariah: I'm sorry I... got so emotional.", "Tessa: No, don't apologize.", "Mariah: I have so much to be grateful for. I have an amazing family. A wonderful sister. Great brother. But I can't help but think what it would've been like to have cassie in my life. What was it like for you and crystal?", "Tessa: Um... we were close. Not because we were sisters, but because we had to be. We were -- we were both born in chicago. Not the pretty part. Heh... gangs. Drugs. My dad was in it. Low-level. But, uh... people were, uh, coming in and out at all hours of the day and night. My mom got hooked. She would disappear for days at a time. Sometimes weeks. So from the second that crystal was born, I looked after her. I taught her how to walk. How to act. When to shut her mouth and hide. Like when my dad would come after my mom. Or me. Especially then. He was a mean drunk. And then one day these guys were coming in a-and looking at me different. Like they wanted something from me. And it got to the point where I couldn't count on my dad to protect me. I couldn't count on anyone. So that's why I had to leave. I told crystal that when I got set up, I would get her out. I promised.", "Mariah: We are gonna find your sister.", "Tessa: How?", "Mariah: We will find a way. Trust me.", "Crystal: I can't believe you know tessa.", "Zack: We met a long time ago in chicago. You've tried to get in touch with her. I know you two spoke.", "Crystal: How?", "Zack: She told me. [ Sighs ] Your sister is trying to turn things around for herself. And you could ruin that. Is that what you want?", "Crystal: No.", "Zack: If you try to contact tessa again... or anyone else... I don't know how I can help you avoid the consequences.", "Crystal: I understand.", "Alice: Is everything all right?", "Zack: Crystal, would you go back to your room, please? I would like to talk to alice now.", "Crystal: Okay.", "Zack: Get her out of this house.", "Alice: Why? She just got back.", "Zack: Don't ask questions. Find a place. I want her gone. Tonight.", "Devon: Hey. Hang on a second. Hang on a second. You can't just say something like that and leave it hanging out there, all right? Why should I be worried about lily?", "Hilary: I just thought that you should know what's going on with her and jordan.", "Devon: There's nothing going on. They're just friends.", "Hilary: Yeah. That's what I thought at first, too. Jordan comes off as this wonderful guy with all of the best intentions. But I've gotten a glimpse of the real man.", "Devon: Okay, and? What?", "Hilary: He's an opportunist, devon, and lily is susceptible now. He's had dinner with lily and the kids at least once that I've known of, and, as I understand it, cane's seat at the table, it suits him just fine.", "Devon: Really? And what the hell's he doing crashing family dinners with them?", "Hilary: Isn't it obvious? Now that the two of them are separated, jordan didn't waste any time going after the woman he really wanted. There is no love lost between lily and me. But I don't wish her any harm. And I know what is happening with that family, and this is the last thing that they need.", "Devon: Well, yeah. Especially not someone taking advantage of their situation.", "Hilary: Yeah. And I feel for those kids. They are going through so much turmoil, and they have a little sister or brother on the way.", "Devon: And jordan's using that to get close to lily, and capitalizing on their pain.", "Hilary: I just thought that you should know.", "Devon: Well, I'm glad that you told me. Yo.", "Jordan: What's up?", "Devon: Well, why don't you tell me? You're the one playing all the angles, right? \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Jordan: Angles? What angles? I don't know what you talking about, man.", "Devon: I'm talking about you moving in on my ex-wife before the ink was even dry on the divorce papers, when she's good and vulnerable.", "Jordan: She's a big girl. She can take care of herself.", "Devon: Don't do that, man. Don't act like she doesn't have feelings, and like you didn't hurt her. Okay? Don't insult the woman.", "Jordan: You divorced her. I give you credit for making it last that long.", "Devon: And, what, you couldn't dump her fast enough? 'Cause when you found out that lily was having trouble with her marriage, you dropped her so you could put the moves on my sister when she's good and vulnerable, right?", "Jordan: It's not like that.", "Devon: That's exactly what it's like, actually.", "Cane: I'm glad that juliet's baby's healthy, but this is my family. You are my wife. These are my kids, here in this home. This is our home. So, where are the kids? Are they home?", "Lily: Um, charlie's in his room, and then mattie, I think, is doing drama club. So I hope she doesn't overload herself on top of all her A.P. Classes.", "Cane: Yeah, well, you know, those colleges she's applying to are competitive. But that's what she does. She competes. You know, and, uh, she's proven she can keep up. And now at least she has her priorities straight, so...", "Lily: You mean since she doesn't have time for reed?", "Cane: Yeah.", "[ Door opens ]", "Cane: Hey. Hey.", "Mattie: Hi.", "Cane: Come here.", "Lily: How was school?", "Mattie: Fine.", "Cane: Come here. So, your mom said you were at drama club, right? Were you enjoying that? Is it good?", "Mattie: Uh, it was our first day back.", "Lily: He's really interested, mattie.", "Cane: Mattie, I really am, okay? 'Cause I love you, sweetheart. Look, I'd like to have dinner with you. Just like I did with charlie. You and me. We can talk. We can catch up and chat. You know, see how life is in school, out of school. What do you say?", "Lily: Mattie?", "Mattie: Look, I'm -- I'm sorry, I just -- I can't pretend that everything's normal.Al. That I like it when you forbid me from seeing my own friends.", "Cane: All right, listen. Backing off from reed, that was for your own good.", "Mattie: Doesn't mean I'm happy about it. But okay. I'll have dinner with you, dad.", "Cane: Well, that was a small victory. But, uh...I'll take it.", "Zack: I am so sorry. I cannot believe how late I am. Something came up. I had to deal with it. Please forgive me. It was important. Very. There's no place I'd rather have been than here with you.", "Abby: Hands. Let me see your hands. I mean... your thumbs don't look broken. So tell me what required so much time and attention that you couldn't take a few seconds to text me.", "Tessa: Hey. Has there been any more word?", "Sharon: So, he set up the app so that I could track her whereabouts, too. She hasn't moved. She's still at the same house.", "Mariah: Is that good or bad?", "Sharon: Well, it's neither, really. It's just information. So we're going to track alice's whereabouts, and if she does anything suspicious, then we're going to bring it to the police. But we're not going to run in and do anything risky that could tip her off. Like nick said, she could just be visiting a friend.", "Mariah: Do you mind if i see the phone? I'd love to know how the app works.", "Sharon: Oh, sure.", "Tessa: So, when scott posed as a john, he said that the girl said that there was a woman who was nice to them, and looked after the other girls?Ter the other girls? Does that sound like something alice would do, or...?", "Sharon: I've been asking myself that same question.", "Tessa: From the way you described her, alice didn't sound like a cruel person. know, careless. Maybe a little self-centered. Do you think she'S...capable of something like this?", "Sharon: It's been so many years since I've even thought about this woman. Who knows what could have happened between then and now, and how desperate she may have become for money...", "Mariah: Do you have a photo of her? I'm kind of wondering what she looks like.", "Sharon: Alice?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Sharon: Uh, yeah, actually. Here. I took this earlier at the underground when nick was changing her tire. She didn't know I did it.", "Sharon: Oh, scott's here.", "Mariah: Okay. Uh, go ahead.", "Tessa: I don't want to wait. You know, I just want to go to where she's parked and find out what's going on.", "Mariah: I just memorized the address, and now we know what she looks like.", "Tessa: What are we waiting for? Let's go.", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Devon: You know, lily is a little too damn trusting when it comes to you, and she's not in a position right now to be making the best decisions, and you're taking advantage of that.", "Jordan: Think what you want, man. But this is what it is -- if lily comes to me tomorrow and tells me that she wants to be with cane, I'll be supportive of that. Will you?", "Devon: I'm not talking about me.", "Jordan: Well, that's where I'm at. And that's what friends do for each other.", "Devon: Yeah, you know, you keep throwing that \"friend\" word around.", "Jordan: Lily and I, we've known each other for a long time. Way before this brash & sassy gig. So I will not apologize for being someone that she can lean on, someone that she can trust. But if it develops into something more, there's not a thing that you or cane can do about it.", "Nick: You know, when I found out she was back in genoa city, it just didn't seem real. Alice johnson was a name I never thought I would hear again.", "Chelsea: She's the woman that adopted cassie.", "Nick: Yeah, but she didn't stick around to raise her.", "Chelsea: She abandoned cassie?", "Nick: Technically, no. Uh, they did share an address. But alice was too busy bar-hopping and playing musical chairs with different boyfriends. She just was too busy to be tied down with an infant, so she left cassie to be raised by her elderly mother. Uh... her name was millie. She had good intentions, but she was pretty old, and had some health issues, and... I guess raising a girl at that age was too much of a burden for her. When sharon gave up cassie for adoption, she wanted cassie to have a better life. But she wound up with someone who couldn't cope with her own life and responsibility, and... cassie kind of became an afterthought. Seeing alice, I mean... you know, it brought back some feelings I thought I'd dealt with. Sitting at cassie's bedside in the I.C.U., You know, watching my 14-year-old daughter slip away, it just... you know, hearing her try and comfort me and sharon by saying we were gonna have another little girl someday... which we did. But we had... we had already suffered. Our marriage fell apart. And it was my fault, you know? I shut sharon out instead of trying to share the grief. [ Sighs ] But seeing alice walk into my bar, I mean, it was like... she didn't know this place was mine. But hearing her voice, seeing her face... she had on different clothes -- you know, a different look, but...", "Chelsea: But still the same woman.", "Nick: Well, if sharon's right... much worse.", "Scott: You actually punched a hole in this woman's tire?", "Sharon: I know. It's terrible, right?", "Scott: Normally, yes. But in this circumstance, hell no. I'd call it being resourceful. Well done.", "Sharon: And it paid off, too, because of nick. He offered to change her tire. So while alice and I were inside talking, I managed to snap a photo of her, while nick slapped a gps tracker on her car.", "Scott: As little use as i have for your ex, that's pretty solid teamwork. So, where is she now?", "Sharon: Okay. So, she's in an upscale neighborhood in genoa city. It's not the same address that we found she was living at, but nearby. She drove straight there from the underground, and she's been parked at that house this whole time.", "Scott: Well, based on my research about these sex rings, this could be a safe house. Or one of several, depending on the size of the organization. It's a nice neighborhood. Not much trouble there, so residents tend to keep to themselves.", "Sharon: So you think it fits?", "Scott: To a \"T.\" You ready to go check this place out?", "Sharon: Um...I promised nick I wouldn'T.", "Scott: Why would he make you do that?", "Sharon: Because it could be dangerous.", "Scott: It's already dangerous for those girls. That's why we're trying to break this thing up, and bring these people to justice.", "Zack: I never meant to hurt you.", "Abby: Well, you know what, zack, you did. You did hurt me. I tried to reach you repeatedly. Were you on your way? Did I get the wrong time? The wrong place? You could have text me something, anything -- like a smiley face. But no. You know what I got instead? Nothing. I don't ask for much. Just a little respect and consideration. My time is valuable. And instead of working on something, I had to sit here waiting and wondering if you ever --", "Zack: You're right.", "Abby: \"You're right\"? That's all you got? Wow. Okay.", "[ Scribbling ]", "[ Slams pen, check book ]", "Zack: Don't walk away from me!", "Zack: Give me a chance to explain. Please, abby. [ Sighs ] I care about you.", "Abby: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, well, you have one hell of a way of showing it.", "Devon: Hey. So [Sighs] You were right. About jordan. And I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for how he treated you. 'Cause the guy is careless, and he's arrogant, and I really wanted to knock him out.", "Hilary: Well, I'm glad you didn'T. He's not worth it.", "Devon: He just acts like it's no big deal that he's hitting on lily while she's married. It doesn't bother his conscience at all.", "Hilary: Believe me, I know. But it's not gonna matter. Unless someone can make lily see it.", "Cane: Despite all things, I think that went pretty well.", "Lily: Yeah, I can tell you're feeling pretty good about it.", "Cane: I'm trying to make up ground with my kids, but it doesn't mean that I can stop being a parent. I'm just hoping that once mattie gets back in the swing of things of school, she'll get over her infatuation with victoria's slacker son.", "Lily: That's a little harsh, don't you think?", "Cane: Maybe, but... look, he's just not the sort of guy I want dating my daughter. End of story.", "Nick: Alice lied to sharon about where she was living. There could be a simple explanation for that.", "Chelsea: Listen, you and sharon obviously both have a real history with this alice person. That's probably what's driving sharon. She's letting her emotions get the best of her. I mean, this... sex-ring scenario is kind of a reach.", "Nick: I mean, I know sharon. And despite our past, or maybe because of it... I can't ignore this feeling she's got. You understand that, don't you?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I do.", "Sharon: Nick made me realize some things I hadn't thought of. You know, I got so caught up in helping crystal, I forgot about my kids. The people who need me most. It would be irresponsible to go running over there and -- and take any kind of risk.", "Scott: He's right. I'm so used to operating on my own, going into bad situations... I'd never want to put you in any danger.", "Sharon: I know you don'T. Believe me, this isn't easy. But we have the advantage now. We can track alice wherever she goes. And this is the right way to handle it.", "Tessa: Well, that's the car that sharon described. Alice must still be inside.", "Mariah: I still cannot get over this neighborhood.", "Tessa: It's pretty fancy.", "Mariah: Seriously. Do you know how much a house like that costs? I mean, who would buy a house like that and run a sex ring? In the middle of a neighborhood like this?", "Tessa: Business must be good.", "Mariah: Or maybe it's part of their cover. If sharon knew we were here, she would kill us.", "Tessa: I can't think about that. I need to get a look inside.", "Mariah: How?", "Tessa: I don't know. Go up to the door. Make up some story.", "Mariah: Wait, what if they don't buy it?", "Tessa: Why wouldn't they? Alice has never seen me before.", "Mariah: Look [Stammers] I don't know how I feel about you going up there alone.", "Tessa: You can't come with me.", "Mariah: Why not?", "Tessa: You're the identical twin of the kid she adopted.", "Mariah: I know, but when's the last time she saw cassie? When she was like 7? 8? I mean, she would-- she wouldn't recognize me now.", "Tessa: Well, what if she's looked up pictures of her growing up? We can't risk this. I can do this.", "Mariah: Tessa, wai--", "[ Car door slams ]", "[ Sighs ]", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jack: He has access to her computer and her password. We have to handle this. Right now.", "Billy: This body spray's a babe magnet.", "Victoria: Depends on who you spray it on.", "Tessa: Gonna be late and get fired. Could I use your phone? Mine died." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "Nick dreads the idea of losing Restless Style, when he finally comes to the terms with handing it over to Jack and Sharon; Michael comes to the rescue. Victor has come through with the money to enable Restless Style to stay under Newman control, thanks to Sharon. Victoria decides to take the job offer Neil proposed at Newman with Nick's blessing. Jack is out for Victor's blood and confronts Nikki and Adam in hopes of getting information or forming an alliance. Adam of course bites because he's been tossed aside by dear old dad like garbage. Phyllis and Nick disagree about the direction of Restless Style and Michael becomes Victor's proxy." ]
[ "Victor: Now you have a list of people who live on the grounds. They can come and go as they please. I just don't want anyone to come near the main house, all right?", "Man: You got it, Mr. Newman.", "Victor: If there's someone I wanna talk to, I'll alert you. Any questions?", "Man: No, Sir. You will receive expert service.", "Victor: Someone broke in here last night. I don't ever want that to happen again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: I'm here. Those damned guards weren't gonna let me in the gate, can you believe that? I just moved out yesterday. I need a visitor's pass to visit my daughter?", "Victoria: I know, Mom. I'm sorry. It's--it's crazy. Um, I'm sorry to drag you all the way out here.", "Nikki: Oh, Honey, no, uh, you said you needed some advice, so what's going on?", "Victoria: Yeah, I... Neil offered me a job at Newman.", "Nikki: Sweetheart! Does your father know about this?", "Victoria: Yeah, well, according to Neil, it was Dad's idea. I know, it's bizarre, because... he told me to my face that he has no use for me, and then he makes a point of having Neil bring me back to the fold. It makes no sense whatsoever.", "Nikki: Well, I gave up trying to figure out what's in your father's mind long ago. I came out here last night, he said I was trespassing and called the police.", "Victoria: What? Are you serious?", "Nikki: Anyway, if you want my advice, I would take Neil up on that job offer and assume you have your father's blessing. Unless... you don't want the job for some reason?", "Victoria: No. I'd love it.", "Nikki: Well, then take it. What's stopping you?", "Victoria: Nicholas. I just don't want to feel like I'm taking something that... that's rightfully his, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (Sighs)", "Phyllis: Hey. Here you go.", "Nick: Good morning.", "Phyllis: Good morning. I'm not gonna ask how you slept.", "Nick: Every time I'd close my eyes, I'd see Jack handing me a check for our half of the magazine, just sneering at me.", "Phyllis: Yeah. No sneer back?", "Nick: No.", "Phyllis: No. You know, the way I look at this is, I-I think it's a good thing, you know? This is seed money so we can create our own business. That's exciting. I mean, it's a lot of money. I think that we're getting the better end of the deal.", "Nick: How do you figure that?", "Phyllis: Well, we don't have to get up in the morning looking at his smug face, right? No more battles. No more fighting. No more... no more Sharon standing behind him when she knows he's doing the wrong thing.", "Nick: Look, this isn't Sharon's fault, all right? She's caught in the middle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: I guess we're gonna have to start looking for office space, now that Nick owns the building. He's gonna yank the lease as soon as it's up.", "Sharon: You're so convinced that he's not gonna buy us out?", "Jack: Honey, at the exorbitant price we asked? He'd have to be a real sap. Victor's not gonna bite, that's for sure, after he just announced to the whole world that he's cutting off his family with a rusty knife?", "[Sharon remembering]", "Sharon: Nick and Jack are at each other's throats and... I don't know what to do. We are trying the shield Noah from the hostility, I feel that it's going to blow, so could you... I mean, would you...", "Victor: Help Nicholas?", "Sharon: Maybe offer him his old job back at Newman? I don't know that he's even gonna take it, but he won't let Jack buy them out. I don't see any other solution. The family's really suffering.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Hey?", "Sharon: Hmm?", "Jack: You still there? Where'd you go?", "Sharon: Jack, this is gonna be a difficult day for Nicholas. So I want you to give me your word that... you're not gonna gloat when he sells you his half.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: I cannot believe that you are defending your ex-wife once again.", "Nick: Jack is her husband.", "Phyllis: So anything that Jack does that's unethical, that's exempt from Sharon's criticism? Is that how it goes? He has been sabotaging this magazine from the beginning and... you know, if you did that, I would check you on it. But all that Sharon does is just smile and--and offer people tea. That's-- that's all she does.", "Nick: Look, we don't know what Sharon is saying to her in private. She could be tearing him a new one. We just don't know.", "Phyllis: Oh, yeah. You just wanna keep on defending her. I-I just-- I don't understand this.", "Nick: Please, don't-- don't make this about Sharon. This isn't her fault. It's Jack's fault. And none of this matters anyway. It looks like we're gonna have to take Jack's offer for a buyout.", "Michael: Hey!", "Phyllis: Hey.", "Michael: Too early?", "Phyllis: No. No. We're just talking.", "Nick: Morning, Michael.", "Michael: This is for you.", "Nick: Am I being served?", "Michael: I've not the first clue as to what is in that envelope, but your father ordered me to get it to you right away.", "Nick: Okay, thank you.", "Michael: Yeah, you got it. Have a good one.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: I didn't realize I'd have to go through Checkpoint Charlie to see my client.", "Man: Standard procedure, Mr. Baldwin. Go ahead. Mr. Newman's expecting you.", "Michael: You wouldn't know it.", "Michael: What's with the whole Fort Knox ambiance?", "Victor: After last night, I'm not taking any chances.", "Michael: What happened last night?", "Victor: Um... did you deliver that envelope to Nicholas?", "Michael: Yes, I did.", "Victor: All right, from now on, uh, you are my conduit, okay? If my children wanna speak with me, they can speak through you.", "Michael: Uh, Victor, when you say children, are you including Adam?", "Victor: No, that boy has become persona non grata.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: You've got a knot the size of a golf ball under your shoulder blade.", "Adam: You think that I should put that on my résumé?", "Heather: What?", "Adam: I said, you think I should put it on my résumé?", "Heather: Like you should be worrying about your credentials? Come on, a man like you? Master of the universe?", "Adam: I hear Mars Cheese Castle is hiring. You think I'm overqualified?", "Heather: Well, that depends. How, uh, how good at you are making pepperjack corn?", "Adam: (Laughs) Oh. I got downsized by my own father.", "Heather: Look, Adam... you grew up without your father. You know, you didn't need him to get educated. You didn't need him to get that amazing job on Wall Street. And if you never talk to him again, you're still gonna be the same person.", "Adam: Maybe I should just do it. I should just pack my things, go to New York.", "Heather: Um... you know, last night, I... I, uh, it--it seemed-- I thought we had decided we were staying together.", "Adam: Well, yeah, Heather, but I had a chance to sleep on it, you know? And you're right. I mean, it's not like Genoa City's exactly teeming with career opportunities. I just know I'll find something back east, and I'll be a hell of a lot happier there.", "Heather: Oh. Well, if that's what you want, fine. Yeah, just, uh, don't expect me to sit here and wait for you, Adam, because long distance relationships never work. Ever.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Look, you want the job. You're a perfect candidate for it. Neil needs you desperately. J.T. is behind you on this. I can see why this is really an agonizing decision.", "Victoria: I know. I know Nick's a big boy, and you probably think that I'm over thinking this.", "Nikki: I'm very proud of your sensitivity to your brother. Makes me feel like I did something right.", "Victoria: Maybe even a couple of things right. Know what really impressed me?", "Victoria: What?", "Nikki: When I heard that you were in Dubai a couple of weeks ago, spearheading some huge deal.", "Victoria: I have to say, I was really good, and I had their respect. I could feel it. I know I can do a spectacular job, Mom. It's just that I know how I would feel if... if Nick took an opportunity like this without considering how I felt. I don't want him to feel left out. Oh, but it's gonna just kill me to turn it down. It really is, Mom.", "Nikki: Well, I have a suggestion.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Is it ticking?", "Nick: That's the first thing I checked.", "Phyllis: Yeah, right? I know, after your dad practically threw you and Victoria out of the house...", "Nick: Maybe it's a restraining order?", "Phyllis: Maybe. Only one way to find out.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Phyllis: I think you should open it.", "(Telephone ringing)", "Phyllis: Hello? Hi. Yeah, yeah, we're-- we're doing okay. We're on our 12th cup of coffee. Yeah, he is, just a sec. Um, its Victoria. She wants to talk to you. What--what is it?", "Nick: Hey, Vick.", "Victoria: Hi, uh, I hope you're sitting down. Um... yeah, uh... Neil offered a-a job.", "Nick: At--at Newman?", "Victoria: Yeah. Apparently, Dad, uh, okayed it.", "Nick: You took it, right?", "Victoria: No, not yet. Not without talking to you first. If...", "Nick: No, Vick, I want you to do it, okay?", "Victoria: Nick, are you sure?", "Nick: Absolutely. Hang up this phone and call and take that job right now, and then open up a bottle of champagne and toast yourself. Brother's orders.", "Victoria: Only the best brother in the whole world.", "Nick: I'm hanging up now. I love you. Do your thing.", "Phyllis: Victoria got hired back at Newman?", "Nick: (Chuckles) A miracle every minute.", "Phyllis: What does this mean?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: You misunderstood.", "Heather: You know, I don't think that I did.", "Adam: Heather, I wasn't suggesting that we live a thousand miles apart.", "Heather: Then... what were you suggesting?", "Adam: That you come with me.", "Heather: I have a job here, Adam, an important job, which for some reason, you keep forgetting. You know, I... I-I can't just hop on planes every weekend to come visit you. Let's just face it, if you leave town, it's over.", "Adam: I have one reason, one reason and one reason alone, to stay here and that's you.", "Heather: But apparently, I'm not enough. Look, why don't you just talk to Victor again, see if he'll give you a second chance?", "Adam: Oh, Babe, look, if you'd have seen his fangs up close the way I did... no, I don't think it's gonna happen.", "Heather: I don't know. It's been a few days. He could be regretting his decision. I mean, it's worth a shot, right? What do you have to lose?", "Adam: For you?", "Heather: For us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: You have no obligation to Adam Wilson whatever. Not after what he pulled when I was gone.", "Michael: Understood.", "Victor: You and I will have very little contact. If I need to speak with you, I'll get in touch.", "Michael: Wow. You make it sound like you're going somewhere.", "Victor: No. I'm gonna stay right here, behind closed doors. Blessedly undisturbed.", "Victor: Show yourself out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Jack, you still have not promised me not to gloat.", "Jack: Would I do that? Hey, hey... try to remember, I have a lot more history with Nick than just quarrels in this office. We go way back. I care a great deal about Nick, always have, always will.", "Nick: Well, that's nice to hear, Jack.", "Jack: Hey. Well, you sound pretty chipper.", "Nick: Yeah, how about that?", "Jack: Can I take that to mean you've accepted our generous offer and are ready to move on?", "Nick: Oh, actually, um... yeah, I'm here to give you a check.", "Phyllis: Yeah. Um, we're buying you out.", "Nick: You may wanna count all the zeroes, make sure they're there.", "Jack: Is this gonna bounce like a fat man on a trampoline?", "Nick: Uh, well, maybe this letter will clear things up for you.", "Sharon: What's in the letter?", "Phyllis: It's a guaranteed line of credit, which means it will cover any check that Nick writes. Any check.", "Jack: From Daddy Victor. Ain't that sweet?", "Jack: Well, congratulations, Nick, you beat me.", "Nick: Thanks, Jack. I'm glad to see you're taking this so well.", "Jack: I'm surprised Victor didn't squawk at the price. That must've taken some convincing.", "Nick: I never told him the price. In fact, I never even really spoke to him. I'm as surprised by this as you are.", "Jack: Well, if you didn't go begging your old man, I'm sure somebody went to bat for you.", "Phyllis: Uh, don't look at me. I haven't seen Victor in weeks.", "Sharon: He has a way of knowing what's going on.", "Nick: Well, whatever happened, it happened. We got a deal, right?", "Jack: We'll be out by tonight. That good enough?", "Nick: You don't have to do that. Take your time.", "Noah: Hey, Dad.", "Nick: Hey, Bud. I, uh, just bought \"Restless Style\" from Jack. What do you think about that?", "Noah: Sweet.", "Nick: See ya, Bud.", "Noah: Bye.", "Phyllis: Bye.", "Noah: I thought you liked working here. How come you sold my dad your share?", "Jack: Your grandfather didn't give me much choice. Excuse me. I have someplace I have to be.", "Noah: What did he mean by that?", "Sharon: Um... Jack's upset because your grandpa helped your dad get the better of him.", "Noah: You and Grandpa had that private talk in his study. Did you ask him to help Dad? Whoa, whoa, is that why Jack lost the magazine?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Yeah, start date is fine. Title is fine, of course. Salary's fine. Me, too. I can't wait. Thank you, Neil. Thank you so much. Okay, bye.", "Nikki: I take it he was pleased?", "Victoria: Yes! Very!", "Nikki: Oh, Honey! I'm so thrilled for you!", "Victoria: Thank you! Me, too!", "Nikki: And it's great to know that your father still has somewhat of a heart beating inside that chest of his. There is hope.", "Victoria: Yeah. I'm gonna hold onto that hope, Mom.", "Nikki: Yeah. Me, too.", "(Cell phone ringing)", "Nikki: Oh. Oh, I have to take this.", "Victoria: Okay.", "J.T.: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi! How are you? How was your day?", "J.T.: Wow. Uh, better now. What--what did I do to deserve that?", "Victoria: It's not what you did, it's what you're gonna do tomorrow morning when you drive us both to work at Newman Tower.", "J.T.: You took the job?", "Victoria: Yeah, Nick okayed it, so I took it.", "J.T.: That's great! Oh, congratulations!", "Victoria: Thank you!", "J.T.: Congratulations.", "Nikki: Uh, something's come up, Kids. I gotta go.", "J.T.: All right, we'll see you later?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm.", "Victoria: Thanks, Mom, for everything.", "Nikki: I'm so proud of you.", "Victoria: Thanks so much.", "Nikki: Okay, I'll talk to you later.", "Victoria: Okay.", "Nikki: Bye-bye.", "J.T.: What is it?", "Victoria: Hmm?", "J.T.: What's the matter?", "Victoria: I know he's in a terrible state, but my father just did something really remarkable for me, so I know that he loves me and that means everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Since he's been back, he's been treating Adam like something stuck to the bottom of his shoe.", "Paul: Yeah. Kinda like the way Adam treated Nick and Victoria, huh?", "Heather: Yeah, but that's the weird part, because he's frozen them out, too.", "Paul: Well...", "Heather: I don't know, maybe he's going through a breakdown or something? What happened in Mexico?", "Paul: Um... beats me. I was pretty focused on finding Nikki and making sure she was okay.", "Heather: Well, something changed the man. I don't know, and I convinced Adam to go ask him for a second chance. And I'm thinking that might not be such a good idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Adam?", "Adam: Why don't you go ahead and shoot me? I could use the money.", "Michael: You can't come in.", "Adam: This is my father's house, Michael.", "Michael: Your father left very strict parameters.", "Adam: Who is this guy to tell me I can't come in?", "Michael: Let him in. He's Victor Newman's son. I'll take full responsibility.", "Adam: See? Thank you.", "Adam: Where is he? Why is it so dark in here? It's like a damn crypt.", "Michael: You let me handle this. Victor? It's Adam. He'd like to have a word with you.", "Adam: All right, Michael, come on. Dad, come on, it's me. Will you talk to me, please? Dad, come on, this is ridiculous. Don't you think I at least... deserve a chance to explain myself? Dad? Please, give me one more chance. Just one more chance! Come on! I know--I know I can prove-- I was just trying to make you proud! Dad, I have no job. I have no place to go. If you won't hear me out, I have no choice, I gotta go back to New York. We're never gonna see each other again. Is that what you want? Dad, come out here! Come on, you gonna give me the silent treatment? I deserve better than that!", "Man: You're outta here.", "Adam: All right, get your hands off of me! You know what? To hell with both of you.", "Victor: Michael?", "Michael: Yes, Victor?", "Victor: Don't ever let that boy come to the house again.", "Michael: Yes, I understand. Sorry about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I'm sorry, I'm leaving, too. I'll miss you, George. Take care. Bye- bye.", "Noah: So... did you talk to Grandpa about Dad?", "Sharon: Yes. But this wasn't part of some plan of mine to take the magazine away from Jack. He's my husband. I love him. I wouldn't do that to him.", "Noah: I know that.", "Sharon: Okay, good, because that's absolutely true.", "Noah: So... okay, you ask Grandpa to do Dad a favor and it backfired?", "Sharon: I asked Grandpa if he would consider offering Dad his job back at Newman, and apparently, he decided, all on his own, to just give Nick the money instead. Which allowed him to take Jack up on his offer to buy the magazine from him, and it took us all by surprise.", "Noah: Hey, it's cool. You helped Dad. Don't worry, I won't tell Jack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: Victor, I'm leaving now. When is the next time you wanna see me?", "Victor: I'll contact you.", "Michael: Victor, I know it's none of my business, but, uh, your family is bound to ask questions. Is there anyone you're planning to stay close to? Uh, Nicholas? Victoria? The grandkids, maybe? I'm only asking because I wanna know how to respond when they come to me. Victor, can you hear me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Why would Victor have buried all his things next to Sabrina's grave and then disappeared the way he did? You know, and why Mexico? I mean, who does he know down there? Why would he let all those people believe he was dead?", "Paul: Boy, you've given this a lot of thought.", "Heather: You know, actually, I'm, uh, I'm a little surprised the Mexican authorities haven't contacted us here, asking questions. That is, unless Victor paid them off.", "Paul: Now that's a lot of conjecture.", "Heather: Yeah, but something's not right here. I'm gonna make a phone call. I'm gonna see if the Mexican police have contacted anyone here at the D.A.'s office.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nikki: Well, usually when you want something from me, you have my favorite tea sitting here waiting.", "Jack: What makes you think I want something? Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I contacted you out of concern?", "Nikki: That's true. I recognize your sincere face that you have on this morning. All right, go ahead. What are you concerned about?", "Jack: Victor.", "Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was a punch line. Go ahead.", "Jack: A man in Victor's position cannot be too careful. There are vultures everywhere, waiting for him to fall once, and they will swoop in and pick him clean. He has to protect himself.", "Nikki: Well, if anybody can do that, it's Victor.", "Jack: Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but any grifter who saw that recent television interview is gonna know Victor is not himself these days.", "Nikki: Really?", "Jack: If he is not of sound mind, somebody has to look out for him, Nik. I know you two have had your problems lately. I also know you love him.", "Nikki: Oh, for the love of God!", "Jack: Don't--don't-- don't deny it. We're talking about a potentially serious situation. If Victor is losing it, he is going to--", "Nikki: He's not losing it.", "Jack: Okay, if I'm politically correct, will you listen to me? If Victor's faculties are not what they should be, someone has to step in, freeze his assets, and put him under psychiatric care. That way, no one can prey on him when he's incapacitated.", "Nikki: I see now what you're talking about. Yeah, that could be a problem.", "Jack: Oh, thank God. I was worried I wouldn't get through to you.", "Nikki: If only someone had thought to freeze those assets before Victor gave Nicholas that line of credit, then you wouldn't have gotten screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: So I'm glad Nick called, told me about the magazine. That's just great. And Mom seems really good, doesn't she?", "J.T.: Yeah, she does.", "Victoria: Yeah.", "J.T.: I know you were really worried about that.", "Victoria: I really don't think she's gonna take another drink now that Dad's home and he's safe. And... whatever he's going through, it's not gonna last forever. So we're all okay.", "J.T.: Yes. Yes, we are... all okay.", "Victoria: Would you promise me something?", "J.T.: Name it.", "Victoria: Would you keep an eye on my dad? He's pretty vulnerable right now, and I... I just don't want him taken advantage of.", "J.T.: Anybody messes with the big guy, I am all over it.", "Victoria: Good. Things are... I don't know, they're starting to feel like normal around here again.", "J.T.: Well, I like the sound of that. I do.", "Victoria: Yeah? Did I tell you that...", "J.T.: What?", "Victoria: My mom moved out?", "J.T.: Your mom moved out?", "Victoria: Yeah.", "J.T.: Really? Well... I like the sound of that even better.", "Victoria: Yeah, she's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Uh, a cover story on Sabrina? That's...", "Nick: Yeah, a tribute this time.", "Phyllis: Yeah.", "Nick: 'Cause I really owe Dad one. It's a chance to set the record straight after the way Jack trashed her.", "Phyllis: I think it's a very kind gesture. I just-- listen, I didn't like Jack's smear job either. I didn't like it, but... you know, we have to look at the future of this magazine-- how much revenue we'll generate.", "Nick: So you don't think real journalism sells?", "Phyllis: No! I didn't say that. I didn't say that at all. I just... listen, what Jack was doing was wrong, I know that. He upset people, he upset us, but... he made the magazine swing. He put us in the black real fast. And if you wanna change the editorial style midstream, I just think you have to consider the possibility that this magazine may fail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: How did you find out, anyway?", "Nikki: What, about the letter of credit? Nicholas called me, very excited to be the proud new owner of \"Restless Style.\" And that makes you the proud new owner of a pile of cash.", "Jack: Shut up and drink your tea.", "Nikki: Really, Jack, did you think that I would fall for that ruse and freeze Victor's assets? I can't even walk through his front door without him siccing the cops on me.", "Jack: Okay, you called my bluff. I don't give a rat's backside about old moneybags. I do care that he stuck his nose in a private business affair.", "Nikki: Looking out for the kids. And he asked Neil to hire Victoria at Newman again.", "Jack: You don't say? Well, maybe he's got a few marbles left after all.", "Nikki: I think so. Certainly enough to figure out that you were trying to one- up his son.", "Jack: Nikki, listen to me, he may have won that round, I may have lost. This battle royale is far from over. Your ex has a closetful of skeletons, several of which, unless I miss my guess, are now wearing sombreros and swilling tequila in some quaint little town in, what was it called? Bucerias? Oh, Dear. Did I hit a nerve?", "Nikki: Not at all, I was just thinking what a sore loser you are.", "Jack: A sore loser with a list of questions a mile long, all of which you could answer.", "Nikki: Dream on.", "Jack: Nikki, I'm gonna find out what happened in sunny Mexico. And when I do, if it's as juicy as I think it is, I'm gonna tell the whole world. Magazine, or no magazine. It was sure nice seeing you. You look gorgeous.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Phyllis: Thanks. Thank you. Thanks. Thanks. (Sighs) You're mad about what I said earlier.", "Nick: No. But I want you to know that \"Restless Style\" is not gonna fail. Not on my watch.", "Phyllis: No, wait a second, I-I didn't--I didn't imply that \"Restless Style\" was going to fail on your watch. Listen, I completely believe in you. You know that. I believe in you more than you believe in yourself sometimes. But I have to be honest with you. Nick, a whole tribute on Sabrina-- it's not gonna sell. It's not going to. I mean, people didn't even know who she is. A small, little editorial inside, that's fine-- a little story, but the cover--no. What we need is someone hot, someone smokin' and slightly controversial to create some buzz. Listen, you are an extraordinary person. You are extraordinary, and that's why I'm in love with you. But I think right now... what you need to do is you need to sort of... you know, jump on what-- what Jack created and--", "Nick: I don't-- I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that. I wanna make \"Restless Style\" what it was intended to be-- a monthly fashion journal with an edge. Now to me, \"Edge\" doesn't mean destroying people's reputations. And I'm a little concerned that you think it may be.", "Phyllis: That's not what I'm saying. Listen, let me tell you something. I have a stake in this, too. I have a huge stake in this, and if you want me to just stand here and nod my head at anything you say like Sharon does with Jack, then you're talking to the wrong girl. I have opinions and I'm gonna state 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: I know so many people through the D.A.'s office. I could help get you a job.", "Adam: Heather, after that reception I just had at Victor's, Genoa City does not exactly hold a lot of charm for me anymore, okay?", "(Knock on door)", "Heather: Jack. Hi, what are you doing here?", "Jack: I'd like to speak with Adam. Privately, do you mind?", "Heather: Come in. I have to mail some letters.", "Jack: Going somewhere?", "Adam: Yes, Sir, New York. Permanently. There's nothing left for me in this cow town anymore.", "Jack: Oh, I don't know about that. I have an offer for you that I think you might find quite appealing.", "Adam: Oh, yeah, what's that? Making copies? Fetching your coffee? You know what, Jack? I'll never be that desperate.", "Jack: I have a new focus now. Bringing down your old man. You interested?", "Adam: Uh, you know what? No, I'm not. And let me give you a little advice, Sir. He's not worth it.", "Jack: Okay, on your way out of town, make sure you call your sister Victoria and tell her how happy you are to hear about her new job at Newman Enterprises, courtesy of your old man. And then, give Nicholas a jingle and congratulate him on buying the magazine out from under me, with a new line of credit from guess who? Tell me, what did Daddy give you?", "Adam: Okay, I'm in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: Hey there. This seat taken?", "Nikki: Oh, hi.", "Paul: Oh, sorry.", "Nikki: Um, help yourself.", "Paul: Thanks. How are you doing?", "Nikki: Not so good. Jack's up to something, and I've been trying to reach Victor.", "Paul: Uh, well, actually, you were on my list of people to call today. I wanted to talk to you about Victor.", "Nikki: Ah, well, join the club. Suddenly, he's a very popular subject.", "Paul: Well, maybe too popular. I, um... I never pressed you about any information about Victor when we were in Bucerias. I figured it was your business, and if you wanted to talk to me about it, you would.", "Nikki: Thank you, Paul. You're a good friend.", "Paul: Unfortunately, the rest of the world isn't so compassionate. Uh, people are starting to ask questions about Victor and what he was doing in Mexico. Serious questions. I just thought you should know so you wouldn't be blindsided.", "Nikki: Thanks for the warning.", "Paul: I'm gonna get some tea. You want, uh-- that's tea, isn't it? You want a refill?", "Nikki: Yeah, sure.", "Paul: All right.", "Nikki: Thanks. Come on, Victor, answer the phone. Jack's out for blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Telephone ringing)", "[NEXT_ON]", "Jill: You are asking me to step down?", "Cane: Effective immediately.", "Jeff: What do you think our next move should be? We'd make a hell of a team, Jack.", "Amber: I have tried all of Liam's numbers. I mean, where could he be?", "Jana: I'm sure he'll turn up." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Deacon wakes Amber up and tells her that it is their big day. Amber tells Deacon that she has to get ready for her wedding. Chloe and Jana arrive to try to talk Amber of getting married, but with no luck. Jana suggests to Amber that she borrow her car keys and leave town. Deacon visits Ryder in jail and tells him that he is getting married. Ryder lets Deacon know that Daniel had gotten himself arrested so he could go after Ryder. Sharon talks to her baby about Nick and that she hadn't seen Nick since he had found out that he was the father. Daniel finds out that Kevin is going to Detroit. Victoria lets Nick know that they should have listened to Colleen about Savaneur. Nick asks Victoria about Nikki. Jack and Paul search the cabin for any signs of Patty or Colleen, but find nothing. Jack does find that his father's gun is missing Chance arrives for Deacon's and Amber's wedding. Nick visits Sharon and tells her that he hadn't told Phyllis that he was the father of Sharon's baby. Jana breaks up a fight between Daniel and Kevin. Jack receives a call from Patty. Jack wants to know where she is, but she refuses to tell him. Colleen wants to go home, but Patty refuses to let her go home. Chance begins to question Deacon about Daniel. The wedding between Deacon and Amber begin. Daniel interrupts the wedding .", "" ]
[ "Amber: Daniel.", "(Ring)", "Amber: Daniel.", "(Ring)", "Amber: (Sighs) (Sighs) Daniel?", "(Ring)", "Deacon: Rise and shine. It's our big day. (Singsongy) Amber?", "Amber: I'm here.", "Deacon: (Normal voice) Uh, not a morning person, I take it.", "Amber: (Sighs) Not this morning.", "Deacon: Well, let's get that little golden handcuff on your finger and then we'll work on cheering you up.", "Amber: I gotta go.", "Deacon: You're not getting cold feet, are you?", "Amber: I meant, to get ready.", "Deacon: Good. Don't be late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Knock on door)", "(Knocking)", "Amber: Mm.", "Chloe: What are you doing? You look like you just rolled out of bed.", "Amber: Yeah, um, I-I didn't sleep much, so...", "Chloe: Okay, well, is this okay for a matron-of-honor dress? Because you didn't give me a lot of time.", "Amber: Yeah, um, it's fine.", "Chloe: Oh, is this your dress?", "Amber: Yeah.", "Chloe: Black?", "Amber: Black wedding dresses were all over the runways in Paris last year.", "Chloe: (Scoffs) Yeah, well, this is Genoa City, Honey.", "Amber: It's sophisticated. Plus, um, Deacon didn't give me much time to shop after he moved up the wedding, so...", "Chloe: So he moved it up, and you didn't have a say?", "Amber: It's... (Sighs) It's kind of complicated.", "Chloe: What are you doing? You're clearly miserable. Why are you marrying this guy?", "Jana: I know exactly why she's doing it.", "Amber: I didn't think you were coming.", "Jana: To the wedding? No, I'm not. I don't want to be anywhere near the wedding. (Clears throat) But, um, I did bring you something-- something old inside something new.", "(Tissue paper rustling)", "Amber: (Sighs)", "(Sighs)", "Jana: Don't need to bring you anything blue, do I? I can tell by the look on your face, we've already got that all covered, don't we? But as for something borrowed, how about you borrow my car keys and get the hell out of here, hmm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: What gives?", "Deacon: It's my wedding day.", "Ryder: Are you serious?", "Deacon: Yeah. It's all falling into place, my friend.", "Ryder: No. No, it's not.", "Deacon: I-I know you thought you'd be out of here by now.", "Ryder: (Scoffs) Yeah, because you told me I would be.", "Deacon: And you will be. Sit down.", "Ryder: When, Deacon?", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "Ryder: I mean, you've already got the girl. A-a-and--and Kevin's gonna bring the painting because I convinced him to go get it.", "Deacon: All right, take it easy, all right? I'm--I'm not gonna leave you hanging.", "Ryder: You better not.", "Deacon: All your sacrifices will be rewarded, but we had to do it this way. You know, you had to gain Kevin's trust, and I had to make sure that Amber believed that Daniel could go back to jail on my say-so.", "Ryder: You're pushin' him too hard, man.", "Deacon: Who? What, Romalotti?", "Deacon: (Scoffs)", "Ryder: Easy for you. I'm a sitting duck in here.", "Deacon: All right, well, what does that mean? What, did he come here?", "Ryder: He got himself arrested so he could come after me. The only reason why I'm still alive is 'cause the guards pulled him off of me.", "Deacon: Wait, you didn't tell him anything?", "Ryder: No. No, of course not. But he's--he's losin' it, man. And you're acting like he's nothing to worry about. He could seriously screw this up for both of us.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Yeah, I couldn't get a seat assignment online since the flight leaves today. Um, aisle, please. Uh, no, no. I didn't book my return ticket yet. I don't know how long I'm gonna be staying in Detroit. Okay. Thank you.", "Daniel: Detroit, huh?", "Kevin: Uh, yep.", "Daniel: Same place your dad's safety deposit box is.", "Kevin: How do you know about that?", "Daniel: Is that the key?", "Kevin: How do you know about that? Did Jana tell you?", "Daniel: No, your brother did. Yeah, I paid Ryder a little visit last night. Also told me about the painting that your dad stole.", "Kevin: Well, if you're thinking I'm gonna try and fence it, I'm not. I'm gonna return it to the museum and use the reward money to pay for Ryder's defense.", "Daniel: (Scoffs) Come on, Kevin, you're smarter than that.", "Kevin: He's my brother. If I want to help him, what business is it of yours?", "Daniel: 'Cause the guy's playing you, all right? He admitted to me he's been working with Deacon to get the Terroni. That's been the plan this whole time. So forget him. Help me get Amber away from Deacon, and we gotta stop this wedding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I haven't heard from your daddy in a while, not since he found out that he is your daddy. Maybe Phyllis dragged him off to f--Europe with her or something to try to keep him away from us. I don't know what's gonna happen with him, but I do know that you and I are going to have a wonderful life together. Can you feel the difference? I'm much calmer since I've been here. I was so scared at first, but this has been really good for me, and that's good for you. By the time you get here, I might even have my act together. What do you say about that? Oh, gosh, I'm gonna be late for group therapy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Well, they just resent the fact that we own 51% of the company. Yeah, well, who cares if my father appointed himself C.E.O.? They're lucky to have him. I will. I'll talk to you later. Bye.", "Nick: More complaints?", "Victoria: You know, maybe we should have just listened to Colleen and not gone after Savaneur.", "Nick: Or we should have let Jack buy it when he made the offer.", "Victoria: No, actually, I think that it's gonna pan out. We just have to iron out the kinks. That's the hard part.", "Nick: Hey, the stockholder's meeting should be fun.", "Victoria: Oh, sure. That should be great-- people complaining about our hostile takeover, wondering where we're taking the direction of the company in.", "Nick: Or our association with Colleen Carlton.", "Victoria: I'm sure we have more interesting things to talk about right now.", "Nick: Yeah. (Sighs) Um, has J.T. found out anything new about Mom?", "Victoria: No, not yet. But I'm not sure he's done much digging. He's been a little preoccupied lately.", "Nick: We could ask Paul to look into it.", "Victoria: No, I don't think that's a good idea. It's not very cool.", "Nick: Well, Sis, I'm sure wherever Mom is, she's fine.", "Victoria: Yeah, but it's really unlike her to not call us. I mean, you'd think that she'd at least want to check in on Summer, you know?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Victoria: I could see her avoiding Dad or--or Paul, but, I mean, us? Could you turn your back on your own kids?", "Nick: No, I couldn't.", "Victoria: (Sighs) How's Summer?", "Nick: Oh, she's good. She's charming everyone at the clinic. They really think they can help her.", "Victoria: Oh, thank God. It must be driving you crazy thinking that Patty's still out there.", "Nick: I just hope to God they find her before she hurts someone else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: Well, nothing out of place in the bedroom.", "Paul: No, nothing in the backroom, either.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Paul: What about outside?", "J.T.: Nothin'.", "(Sighs)", "Jack: So this is where it happened. The kidnappers left Patty tied up in this chair. Colleen came in, saw her.", "Paul: Yeah, probably about the same time you and Victor dropped off the ransom.", "J.T.: And Colleen would have let her go, not realizing who she was dealing with.", "Jack: And Patty took her hostage.", "Paul: Yeah, I wonder how she got the upper hand?", "Jack: (Sighs) My dad's gun. It's missing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: Come on. Wake up. Wake up! Come on. We gotta get moving.", "Colleen: (Whimpers) Oh, no. Okay, okay.", "Patty: Hey, hey, hey, hey. At least you slept, okay?", "Colleen: Wait, my foot's asleep. Just wait.", "Patty: Hey, Kitty Kitty. Come on, Sweetie. We're gonna get moving. You ready? Come on. Come on, let's move.", "Colleen: Okay, okay, okay. Ow.", "(Whimpers)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: Do you believe this?", "Murphy: (Chuckles) Well, it's a little over the top.", "Kay: (Laughs) Oh, he's got to be kidding.", "Murphy: Hey, Chance.", "Chance: Hey.", "Murphy: What are you doing here?", "Chance: Uh, Chloe invited me to the wedding. She's the matron of honor.", "Murphy: Ah.", "Kay: Um, did Amber tell her what this is all about?", "Chance: Actually, she's still trying to figure that out herself. You see, we were under the impression that Amber was trying to get back together with Daniel still.", "Kay: All right, Chloe is with her now?", "Chance: Yeah, she is.", "Murphy: Maybe she-- she'll talk her out of it.", "Kay: Oh, please. Oh, um, excuse me.", "Murphy: Yeah.", "Chance: Yeah, sure.", "Kay: Victoria.", "Victoria: Well, hi, Katherine. You look beautiful. You here for the wedding?", "Kay: Unfortunately, yes. (Chuckles) So what has, uh, J.T. told you about your mother?", "Victoria: Nothing yet. Katherine, I'm really starting to get worried about her.", "Kay: All right, enough is enough. Um, I'm going to speak to-- to Chance about her, have him track her down. Now if she needed some alone time, that's wonderful, but, um, we need to know that she's all right, Victoria.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: We don't need to rescue Amber. She could just not marry the guy.", "Daniel: Uh, yeah, and then Ryder can recant his confession, and I wind up back on the hook for murder.", "Kevin: He is not gonna recant his confession.", "Daniel: I already saw the letter, Kevin.", "Kevin: Oh, he-- he just showed it to you?", "Daniel: No, Deacon showed it to me, all right? Yeah, Ryder's got an airtight alibi for the night of the shooting. He wasn't the third guy in the ally. This whole thing-- the confession, the sob story, it's all just an act.", "Kevin: That doesn't make any sense--confessing to a murder you didn't commit?", "Daniel: Deacon says that Ryder does whatever he's told.", "Kevin: Just like the chipmunk.", "Daniel: No, not just like the chipmunk. Not like you. This guy wasn't brainwashed.", "Kevin: You don't know that.", "Daniel: I do know that 'cause he told me he's only in it for the money.", "Kevin: Oh, he-- he just offered that up? Did you hurt him?", "Daniel: I didn't hurt him. Look, I strongly urged him to tell me the truth.", "Kevin: (Scoffs) You're an idiot. So of course that's what he told you. Anyone with his history of abuse would just off--", "Daniel: Whoa, wait a minute. Wait a minute. History? What are you talking about? Who's the idiot now? You don't know his history. You don't know this guy.", "Kevin: I know that he's my brother, okay? And I know what it's like to grow up with Terrible Tom, and so does he, and--oh, you know what? If he is mixed up with Deacon, he needs my help even more.", "(Sighs)", "Daniel: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: Baldwin, Romalotti-- they're all trying to turn Kevin against me.", "Deacon: It hasn't worked so far.", "Ryder: Yeah, last night, I wasn't so sure. Kevin showed up here asking all kinds of questions about whether Tom ever knew if he had another son.", "Deacon: All right, well, so you just answered him exactly like we rehearsed, right?", "Ryder: Yeah.", "Deacon: Okay. So right about now, Kevin's on his way to Detroit bringing us that painting. I mean, can you imagine what a-- what an amazing wedding gift that would be? One phone call from us, and we sell that thing for millions of dollars. You, my friend, get everything that you've ever dreamt about in your life. And me, well, I get to give Amber a life that she couldn't possibly walk away from.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chloe: Marrying the man you hate to save the man you love. It's actually very romantic of you.", "Jana: Oh, come on. Now don't encourage her.", "Chloe: Well, you've got to admit, it's very \"Princess Bride.\"", "Jana: So is the pit of despair.", "Chloe: Right, which is usually where love leads to-- you know, she's right. She's right. You can't do this.", "Amber: I don't really have a choice.", "Jana: No, Amber, you always have a choice.", "Amber: Like watching Daniel go to prison knowing I could have done something to stop it?", "Jana: No, no. Like trusting us to help you find some other way.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Amber: No. See, you guys don't know Deacon like I do. No. If he doesn't get his way, he will make good on his threat, and then it'll be too late. There'll be nothing I can do. No. I am--I'm-- I'm going downstairs, I'm putting on that dress...", "Jana: Amber--", "Amber: And I'm getting married. And if you guys don't want to come with me, then you need to just get out of the way.", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Chloe: I-I don't know what--", "Jana: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Come in. Hi.", "Nick: Hi.", "Sharon: I'm surprised to see you.", "Nick: Yeah, I shouldn't have gone this long, but last time I was here, you gave me quite a bit to think about.", "Sharon: Yes, I did. So how did Phyllis react to the news about you being the baby's father?", "Nick: (Sighs) I didn't tell her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: (Sighs)", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Jack: Anything?", "J.T.: No, some of your neighbors were around, but nobody saw anything suspicious.", "Paul: Were you able to get through to the police?", "Jack: Yeah, yeah. State troopers in three states are gonna be looking for Colleen's car.", "J.T.: Good, so now they know she has a hostage.", "Jack: And that she's armed and potentially dangerous.", "Paul: (Sighs) Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm worried about my sister. She gets cornered. She panics.", "Jack: Or Colleen gets stuck in the middle?", "J.T.: Guys, enough with the worst-case scenario, all right? It's not helping. Colleen's sharp. She got us that first message, and you know she's gonna find a way to escape or get through to Patty.", "Jack: You can't get through to Patty. There's no reasoning with her. She's much too volatile. One moment she's a child, the next she's lashing out.", "Paul: You have had a long and painful history with Patty. She has no reason in the world to hurt Colleen.", "Jack: What reason did she have to attack Summer or terrorize Ashley?", "J.T.: She came after you with that knife, Paul.", "Jack: Paul, let's face it. Y-you could never predict what she was capable of as Mary Jane. Guys, we gotta get out of here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Patty: Okay, wait. Wait, wait, wait.", "(Water running)", "Patty: I hear a stream. (Laughs) Do you hear that, Kitty? Huh? Huh? Come on. Kitty Kitty's thirsty. We're gonna get you something to drink, Kitty Kitty. Which way is it coming from?", "Colleen: On the other side of those trees.", "Patty: How do you know?", "Colleen: It's just louder that way.", "Patty: All right, come on. Come on. Guess what, Kitty. We're gonna get you something to drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kay: So naturally, we're worried about her mother. She could be in some sort of trouble.", "Chloe: Is that him?", "Kay: Who? Oh, God, yes.", "Chloe: Eh, at least he's good-looking.", "Murphy: (Sighs)", "Chloe: Well, for a dirt bag.", "Deacon: Mrs. Chancellor, welcome. Hi. And you--you must be Murphy, right?", "Murphy: Mm-hmm.", "Deacon: Can I call you Murphy?", "Murphy: Well, uh, everyone does.", "Deacon: Okay. Guys, thank you for coming.", "Chloe: Yeah.", "Deacon: Uh, Ms. Newman, this is a surprise.", "Victoria: Uh, well, um, I hope I'm not intruding.", "Deacon: No, not at all. I'd be delighted to have you. Stay, please.", "Victoria: Thank you.", "Deacon: Oh, uh... (Chuckles) I see the justice of the peace. Will you excuse me for a second?", "Kay: Mm, of course.", "Murphy: You are right. That guy is trouble.", "Kay: Please, Chloe, tell me Amber is coming to her senses.", "Chloe: You know, she was pretty determined when I last saw her. Hi.", "Deacon: Uh, now this is Justice Franklin. He's gonna be performing the honors.", "Justice Franklin: Sorry to be late.", "Murphy: Oh.", "Kay: Oh, please, we don't mind a bit.", "Murphy: (Chuckles)", "Deacon: Well, it seems the only, uh, person that we're missing right now is the bride.", "Chloe: Yeah, I'd think she would be here by now.", "Deacon: Yeah, I think--you know, I'm gonna go check on her. Um, actually, I'd like to ask you a couple questions.", "Justice Franklin: Oh.", "Deacon: I'll be right back. Thank you.", "Chloe: (Sighs) Maybe Jana got through to her.", "Murphy: (Sighs)", "Kay: Please, God.", "Chance: Oh, boy.", "Deacon: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daniel: Okay, let me see if I heard you correct. You want to help the guy that is trying to set me up for murder, and he wants Amber to get married against her will?", "Kevin: Uh, that's Deacon, not my brother.", "Daniel: It's the both of 'em.", "Kevin: According to you.", "Daniel: According to them. They admitted it.", "Kevin: Ryder is a messed up kid. We know that, and if what you're saying is true, then at least he's not a murderer.", "Daniel: Everything the guy has said to you has been a lie, Kevin. The guy's a con artist.", "Kevin: Who would I be if it wasn't for Michael? If I didn't have somebody to stand by me?", "Daniel: Would you stop already? You are not him. You are nothing like him, all right? I mean, he's Tom. He's Clint, trying to get you to go out and steal something for him, and you're playing right into his hands. When you were with Clint, Amber, she came through for you, and she could have been killed, and-- and now you're just gonna turn your back on her.", "Kevin: Oh, I turned my back on her? Oh, that's priceless. You rejected her. You threw her out. Talk about playing into somebody's hands, Deacon shows you some old newspaper clippings about Amber's past, and that's it? You're done? She's not pure enough for \"Saint Daniel\"?", "Daniel: You know, you don't know what you're talking about.", "Kevin: I-I think you sit in judgment of everybody. You know, Ryder is a lost cause. Amber's not worthy. What do you really think of me?", "Daniel: Right now, I think you're being a moron.", "Kevin: Oh, right now, I think you shouldn't touch me!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Murphy: She told you, didn't she? Why she's marrying that pompous--", "Chloe: I-I don't-- I don't know the details, but it sounds like blackmail.", "Murphy: What has she done?", "Chloe: It doesn't have anything to do with her. It has to do with Daniel. He has something on him. He's threatening him. I mean, that--that's illegal. Can't you do something?", "Chance: Um, yeah, I can, if there's evidence, and if she's willing to swear out a complaint. Then, yes, I can.", "Chloe: Well, I don't think she'll do that.", "Kay: Well, it's worth a try.", "Justice Franklin: Traditional vows then?", "Deacon: Oh, yeah. (Chuckles) I'd be too nervous to pour my heart out in front of a crowd. I think we'll probably save that for the honeymoon, right, Honey?", "Chance: Amber, could I talk to you for a second?", "Justice Franklin: Excuse me.", "Deacon: Sure. Uh, Detective, we're just about to get started, but, uh...", "Chance: Oh, this'll--", "Deacon: I want to thank you for coming, Chance.", "Chance: Yeah, I--thank you. I appreciate it, but this is only gonna take a minute.", "Deacon: Why, I-is there a problem?", "Chance: No. Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out here. You see, there have been a few, um, concerns that have been raised, uh, about your willingness to go through with this wedding.", "Deacon: Well, I think I've got a pretty good idea where those rumors started-- from the same lunkhead you dragged out of my room the other night. Romalotti's lucky that he's not in jail.", "Chance: Did you threaten to have him put in jail, Mr. Sharpe?", "Deacon: (Laughs) No. No, actually, he threatened me. Well, you saw it. I-- look, um, some guys don't deal with rejection very well. And if I lost a woman like Amber, I-I'd go out of my mind.", "Chance: You don't have to do this.", "Deacon: I don't think the detective's gonna be convinced until he hears it from you, Honey.", "Chance: Amber, would you like me to stop this wedding?", "Amber: No. No. (Clears throat) Thank you, Chance, but this wedding, um, was my decision.", "Justice Franklin: I believe we're ready to start.", "Deacon: All right. Let's have us a wedding. (Whispers) Let's get up there. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jana: Stop! Stop! Do you hear me? Stop it! What are you doing? Get off of him.", "Kevin: (Grunts)", "Jana: Oh, my God. Kev, stop it! Stop it! Stop. That's enough. Break it up.", "Kevin: You've gone too far this time.", "Jana: He's your best friend. What are you doing?", "Daniel: No, its okay, Jana. He's got his new brother now. Tell me something, Kev. You think Ryder's really gonna be there for you when you need him?", "Kevin: Oh, yeah, like what? Like you are?", "Jana: Shh!", "Kevin: Like you were there for Amber? You let her down. You let everybody down.", "Jana: Shh! God, what is the matter with you?", "Kevin: Aah!", "Jana: (Sighs) I got to the airport--", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Phyllis and Summer were gone?", "Nick: No, they were still there. But I looked at Phyllis, and I thought, here she is about to put her life on hold so she can go away and take care of our daughter, and I'm gonna lay this on her just as she's about to leave, that...", "Sharon: Right.", "Nick: I'm having a baby with you?", "Sharon: Yeah, um, that would be cruel.", "Nick: I really hate keeping this news from her. But she's thousands of miles away, and this isn't something I want to talk to her about over the phone. Phyllis was just beginning to trust me again. And if she's in Switzerland thinking that we're together and bonding over this baby that she knew I always wanted to be mine...", "Sharon: Yeah, well, um, Summer needs all of her mother's attention right now.", "Nick: Yeah, I know I need to wait until she gets back. But at least this time apart's giving me a chance to break the news to her, although I don't know how... how I'm gonna do that. I know it's not going to be easy.", "(Sighs)", "Sharon: Um, have you told anyone else that the baby is yours?", "Nick: No. Someone else might let it slip. Phyllis really needs to hear this from me.", "Sharon: Nick, um, maybe we should just keep this secret between the two of us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: A note from Traci. She's at Brad's waiting for Colleen to come home.", "Paul: I thought she already knew that Colleen was missing. Jack?", "Jack: She does. She just doesn't know that Patty was also at the cabin, and she doesn't know that Mary Jane is Patty. I didn't see the point in upsetting her unnecessarily.", "Paul: Jack, you've gotta tell her what's going on before it hits the n--", "Jack: We don't know if Colleen's still with Patty.", "J.T.: All right, the police haven't seen Colleen's car. What about Todd?", "Paul: (Sighs) Patty hasn't tried to get a hold of him.", "Jack: Wait, what about your mother?", "Paul: My mother's in Lourdes with her church group. There's no way Patty could have gotten a hold of her even if she wanted to.", "J.T.: So your mother doesn't know what's going on?", "Jack: What, you didn't want to upset her if you didn't have to?", "J.T.: All right, look. What about this map? Is there any place that was special to Patty when you were kids or when you were married?", "Paul: I've centered around here.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Jack: Oh, wait. It's Colleen. Hello?", "Patty: Hi, Jack.", "Jack: Patty?", "Paul: (Whispers) Keep her talking.", "(Switches to speakerphone)", "Patty: How are you?", "Jack: Uh, I-I-I-I'm fine. I'm happy to hear from you. I-I've been worried sick about you.", "Patty: Well, the last time we were together, we were planning our wedding.", "Jack: Yeah, I know, and the lights went out, and--and you just disappeared.", "Patty: But I wanted to get back to you.", "Jack: You know what? You're okay now. That's what's most important. Tell me where you are, and I'll come get you.", "Patty: No, I-I have a few things I need to take care of first.", "Jack: Th-th-that can wait. I want you back where you belong.", "Patty: With you?", "Jack: Yeah, back the way things used to be, before I messed everything up.", "Patty: I want that, too.", "Jack: Okay, so tell me where you are.", "Patty: N-no. I'll come to you. You--you wait for me.", "(Laughs)", "Jack: W-wait. Wait. Where's Colleen?", "Patty: (Sighs) Colleen?", "Jack: Yeah, Colleen helped you escape the kidnappers. I mean, she's with you right now, isn't she?", "Patty: Is that who you're really worried about?", "Colleen: Jack! Cow--", "Patty: (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) You should take this time to consider all of your options.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Keeping this a secret from Phyllis is not an option.", "Sharon: Well, Nick, sometimes you make a decision in the heat of the moment and you end up regretting it later. You know, look what we put our families through when we decided to get back together before. A-and I'm not just talking about Phyllis and Summer, but everyone who loves us-- Jack, Noah. You know, we thought we were doing the right thing getting back together, but maybe we weren't. And--and I'm really struggling with that-- the pain that we caused other people, and I know that you are, too.", "Nick: I do hate what this is gonna do to Phyllis.", "Sharon: Well, so then maybe don't tell her. Or don't reopen a wound during a time when she needs you and Summer needs you. And, you know, for my sake, too. I've finally found some semblance of peace, and I really don't want to cause anyone any more pain. I just want to take care of our baby.", "Nick: On your own.", "Sharon: Well, it's enough for me that you know who she is and what she means.", "Nick: That's not enough for me. I want my baby to know that I'm her father and that I love her very much. Are people gonna get hurt by this? Yes, they are. That can't be helped. But I will not deny my daughter, Sharon. When Phyllis gets back, I'll sit her down. I'll tell her the truth. It's not gonna be easy, but we'll find a way. The three of us will find a way to work this out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Kevin: Aah! What's wrong with you?", "Jana: This is how you support your best friend...", "Kevin: (Groans)", "Jana: On what is possibly the worst day of his life?", "Kevin: He thinks he's so much better than everybody else. He can handle his own problems.", "Jana: He is terrified for Amber, and frankly, so am I.", "Kevin: You know, Amber can take care of herself. Married or not, she could walk away from this guy. Ryder is the one who's in jail.", "Jana: Oh, again. Again--again with Ryder.", "Kevin: Look, Jana, I don't expect you to have faith in him, but can you have some faith in me and my judgment?", "Jana: Do you not realize he has turned you against all of your best friends?", "Kevin: I don't have time for this. I've got a flight to catch.", "Jana: No. What--you-- you're not going to Detroit.", "Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I am. I'd think you'd be happy. A stolen painting's gonna be returned.", "Jana: (Sighs)", "Kevin: Oh, no.", "Jana: What now?", "Kevin: The key to the safe deposit box. It's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Jack: What was she trying to tell us?", "Paul: Well, you know, saying \"Cow\" in Wisconsin is like saying \"Snow\" in Alaska.", "J.T.: Well, maybe she was talking about some kind of landmark, you know? Something she saw. I'm gonna try billboards.", "Paul: Yeah, try restaurants and bars, too.", "Jack: Can--can--can you pull up a street directory?", "J.T.: Okay, we've got... (Sighs) Giant cow statues in Janesville, Waukesha, Manitowoc. At least a dozen bars and restaurants with the name cow.", "Jack: No, no, no. She wouldn't go where-- where the people are. She wouldn't.", "J.T.: (Sighs)", "Jack: She wouldn't risk being recognized or Colleen being recognized.", "Paul: All right, so let's stay in rural areas.", "J.T.: What about a dairy farm?", "Jack: Wait, there is-- there's an abandoned dairy farm on Route 12 about an hour from the cabin.", "Paul: Let's start there.", "Jack: I'm going with you.", "Paul: All right, you call the highway patrol. Tell them what we know and keep in touch.", "J.T.: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Colleen: (Breathing heavily)", "Patty: (Sighs)", "Patty: So that's why you yelled \"Cowabunga.\"", "Colleen: (Grunts)", "Patty: You knew we were near the camp, and you were trying to tell Jack.", "Colleen: (Sighs) He's probably on his way right now, okay? He--he went to this camp. All the Abbotts did. You can just leave me here, and he will find me, and you can still get away, okay?", "Patty: Oh, Honey, he didn't--no, no, no. He didn't hear you, Honey. He--I-I-I hung up before he could. And now there's no one out here to help you. That was what you were counting on-- you know, pointing me in this direction.", "Colleen: I just want to go home, okay? Why can't you understand that?", "Patty: I want to go home, too! (Sighs) To my husband and-- and my family, but you-- you have made that impossible. And now there is no one in this world that I can trust.", "Colleen: Please. Please. Please just listen to me.", "Patty: Why? Why should I?", "Colleen: Please.", "Patty: You've already proven that you can't be trusted. You know what? You blew it. You blew it, little girl.", "Colleen: No! Please.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I didn't come here to stress you out.", "Sharon: I'm fine.", "Nick: Yeah, you're fine. You're just trying to solve all of our problems inside your hospital room.", "Sharon: You know, my therapist says I have a slight tendency towards over- functioning.", "Nick: (Chuckles)", "Sharon: (Chuckles)", "Nick: Yeah, it's a real surprise. Look, I know you think you can handle this all on your own, but you don't have to, because this little girl already has a father who adores her. And I'm gonna be there for her and for you every step of the way. Do you hear that, Faith Cassidy Newman? I'm your father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Ryder: I'll probably never even see Deacon again. He'll get the money and the girl, the painting. I'll be stuck here. I'm such an idiot!", "Man: Callahan. Got a visitor.", "Ryder: Mom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Deacon: I do.", "Justice Franklin: Do you, Ambrosia Moore, take Deacon Sharpe to be your husband, to have and to hold for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do you part?", "Amber: I--", "Daniel: Don't do it!", "Amber: Daniel.", "Deacon: It's unbelievable. Honey, just finish your vows.", "Daniel: No, no, no. The wedding's off.", "Deacon: Just ignore him.", "Daniel: Baby, you don't have to do this.", "Deacon: If you keep making a scene, I'm gonna have you removed.", "Daniel: I'm not going anywhere.", "Deacon: Excuse me. Would you be good enough to call hotel security? I'm sorry. He's a-an ex-boyfriend who just can't accept the fact that she's made her decision, and there's nothing that you're gonna do that's gonna change her mind.", "Daniel: Oh, that may be, but I'd be willing to bet that I could change your mind.", "Amber: Daniel, please.", "Daniel: No, it's okay. See, it turns out that there's actually something Deacon wants more than you.", "Deacon: There's nothing I want more than Amber.", "Daniel: Really?", "Kevin: (Scoffs)", "Daniel: Not even this?", "Kevin: I knew you took it.", "Deacon: All right, fine, I'll bite. What is that?", "Daniel: You know exactly what this is. If you don't call this wedding off, I swear to God, you're never gonna see it again.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Kevin: I want to know how you found me. I want to know if you actually shot somebody or not.", "Man: Looks like some broken branches down by the dock. Let's check it out.", "Victoria: It doesn't matter. I don't care about him. I thought you were with Colleen.", "J.T.: Who? Who was it?" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Eric Proofread By Emma']
[ "Nurse Hathaway calls Jack at home but is soon interrupted. When Jack calls her back, he cannot get her. Kelly comes in and wants to know if anything is wrong with Phyllis. At the rooftop pool, Victoria runs into Ben and wants to know what is going on between him and Abby. Ben lets her know that he cannot stand Abby but he is finding himself working with her at Jabot. Nikki becomes acquainted with Maureen at the bar across town. They share some intimate woman secrets about the men in their lives. Abby confronts Ben about the contract that he hasn't signed yet and that he shouldn't be divulging any Jabot information to the competition. Dr. Cutler examines Phyllis but sees no change. Nikki gives Maureen some sound advice about the people she is supposed to be meeting. Victor tries to call Nikki but gets no answer.", "Victoria visits Victor and lets him know that Ben is working for Jack at Jabot. Victor suggests that she spy on Ben and Jabot for Newman Enterprises. Victoria refuses to do this. Jack makes up his mind to go and visit Phyllis. Dr. Cutler calls Victor and lets him know that Jack has been inquiring about Phyllis. Victor tells him not to let Jack know anything.", "" ]
[ "Maureen: Boy, you really needed that first drink. [Chuckles]", "Nikki: Oh, boy. Yes, I did. [Chuckles] It was a tough, tough day. I don't normally drink at this hour. I mean, I don't really even drink at all.", "Maureen: No, me neither.", "Nikki: Was it 'cause of the people that you have to meet today? Pretty intimidating.", "Maureen: Must be. One good thing -- if your car has to break down, you're lucky it happened near a bar.", "Nikki: Yeah. Yes, very lucky.", "Maureen: And since we're both partaking before happy hour, we should become better acquainted. I'm Maureen.", "Nikki: Hi, Maureen. I'm...Sherry.", "Maureen: Sherry.", "Jack: I'm sorry. Who did you say was calling?", "Nurse Hathaway: Pamela Hathaway, one of Ms. Newman's nurses.", "Jack: Yes, nurse Hathaway. Is something wrong?", "Nurse Hathaway: I'm calling", "Kelly: Hey! You are about to experience culinary bliss.", "Jack: I can't quite hear you. C-could you -- Nurse Hathaway, has something happened to Phyllis?", "Abby: And Cassie was the nicest person ever, and now we are forced to accept this skulking, stalking witch as Nick's stepdaughter, as my niece. I mean, can't we just jettison her off to Antarctica? Maybe it'll freeze the evil out of her.", "Traci: Or, Abby, you could take a kinder approach.", "Abby: To Mariah? Why?", "Traci: This poor young woman has just survived being kidnapped, only to find out that she was kidnapped at birth.", "Abby: Okay. You're trying to make me feel sympathy for her.", "Traci: Well, is that so out of the question?", "Abby: How can I feel the least bit sorry for her after everything she's pulled?", "Traci: Because you're loving and considerate.", "Abby: But she is terrible and awful and --", "Traci: And alone in the world. Abby, she's probably feeling unloved, unwanted, lost. Can't you find one tiny bit of compassion for her? Because you're just as sweet and kind as your niece Cassie used to be.", "Abby: Maybe.", "Traci: I have the utmost faith in you.", "Abby: You do bring the best out of people, aunt Traci.", "[Both laugh]", "Traci: So, shall we look for the good in Mariah over a cup of coffee?", "Abby: Oh, that's so tempting, but I can't stay.", "Traci: You have to get back to work?", "Abby: Yeah, with a quick detour. I have to deal with yet another criminal who has been foisted upon me, and this one's even worse.", "Victoria: Hey. Hi, Ben.", "Stitch: Victoria.", "Victoria: [Sighs] We keep bumping in to each other.", "Stitch: It seems so. Well, see you later.", "Victoria: Uh, Ben, wait. What exactly is going on between you and my sister?", "Stitch: Why do you care?", "Nikki: Ahhhhh. Isn't this great? I mean, it's like -- kind of like we're in a bubble, you know, with no cares whatsoever.", "Maureen: You got that right. And the more I drink, the more I realize I got nothing to worry about.", "Nikki: No! And isn't that the greatest way to feel? I mean, here we are in this cozy little bar and some funky mood music, I mean, it is a fabulous escape.", "Maureen: It is. What are you escaping from, sherry?", "Nikki: Hold on one second. Excuse me. Powder room -- you know.", "[Cell phone rings]", "Maureen: Hey, sherry, I know we just met, but should I invite whoever's calling you to come join our little party?", "Victoria: It's not that I care, exactly.", "Stitch: Well, it sure seems like you do, Vicki. I mean, you've already grilled me today about my possible interest in Abby.", "Victoria: I didn't grill. I asked.", "Stitch: And since I've already answered, then why do you keep asking?", "Victoria: Because.", "Stitch: Because?", "Victoria: Look, my goal here is to protect my younger sister. But because you're being so completely...", "Stitch: Clear?", "Victoria: ...Obstinent...", "Stitch: \"Stubborn like a stump\" -- that's what my mom always used to say.", "Victoria: Oh. [Laughs]", "Stitch: What is it? What happened?", "Victoria: Well, I guess he or she felt me laughing and decided to join in.", "Stitch: That's nice.", "Victoria: Look, to be clear, you never directly answered my question about Abby.", "Stitch: I stand corrected. Am I allowed a do-over?", "Victoria: Okay, but just this once.", "Stitch: When it comes to Abby, there's nothing to worry about, since I can barely tolerate her.", "Victoria: Really?", "Stitch: Yeah.", "Victoria: You don't like my little sister?", "Stitch: [Chuckles] Let's just say I don't have much use for a girl who can grab a guy she hates and kiss him just to make her ex jealous.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, then, why did I see you and Abby downstairs -- right downstairs -- in some heated moment? I mean, why would you even sit down at a table with her if you're so fed up with her?", "Stitch: There's a perfectly good reason for that.", "Victoria: And that would be?", "Stitch: We're working together.", "Victoria: What? You and Abby?", "Stitch: Caught me off guard, too, but Ashley hired me as a chemist at Jabot.", "Victoria: Why you?", "Stitch: She's perfecting some revolutionary new product, and -- ay! What?!", "Abby: If you are trying to get yourself fired, you're doing a damn good job.", "Jack: Nurse Hathaway, please tell me what you have to say about Phyllis. I -- hello? Hello?! God.", "Kelly: What's wrong?", "Jack: I don't know. I don't know. [Groans]", "Kelly: No answer?", "Jack: No, her voicemail. Hello. This is Jack Abbott, nurse Hathaway. You just -- we lost our connection. Please call me as soon as you can with information about Phyllis. Thank you.", "Kelly: Well, you know, Jack, maybe -- maybe nothing's wrong.", "Jack: Why would the nurse suddenly call me and then just hang up?", "Kelly: Well, she's a nurse. Maybe she went to help another patient.", "Jack: Or maybe she went to help Phyllis.", "Kelly: Look, just call the clinic directly. Find out what's going on. You need to know.", "Nikki: No! Don't answer that! Um...", "Maureen: Well, I wasn't gonna --", "Nikki: No, no, no. I-I know. It's no big deal ordinarily, you know. I just don't want to have, like, a big party or something. Um...after the day I've had today, I just can't be bothered. I'll be back.", "Maureen: Hey, uh, sherry, do you want another drink?", "Victor: Sweetheart, I don't like the way we left things, so kindly call me back as soon as you get the message, okay? Them deliver two dozen red roses to the ranch, okay? And have it delivered before Nikki gets back to the ranch, all right? Thank you.", "Maureen: I called after you to see if you wanted another refill.", "Nikki: Oh. Uh, well, I-I didn't.", "Maureen: Are you cutting yourself off?", "Nikki: Actually, I didn't hear you.", "Maureen: Well, you know, you're right. Maybe it's time to just call it quits and get back to the real world.", "Nikki: Yeah. But you know what? Let's have another one. It's on me this time.", "Maureen: Excellent.", "Nikki: [Laughs]", "Stitch: Why did you just hit me?", "Abby: To shut you up.", "Stitch: Really? Is that what working with you is like? Because I didn't sign on to be your royal whipping boy.", "Abby: Oh. Actually, you didn't sign anything yet. Yeah, you might want to read this contract before you put pen to paper, 'cause you obviously don't know the first thing about your new job.", "Stitch: I was just telling Victoria --", "Abby: Yeah, and that's what I was stopping you from doing -- telling Victoria.", "Victoria: Uh, actually --", "Abby: If you can't live up to the mandates in this contract, including the confidentiality clause, you're fired.", "Stitch: I wasn't telling Victoria anything confidential.", "Abby: See, my sister over there -- no offense...", "Victoria: Uh, none taken.", "Abby: ...Is Victoria Newman of Newman enterprises -- yeah, the roughest, toughest competition. She's the enemy.", "Stitch: I knew that.", "Abby: Oh, yeah, and you were so willing to just blurt out trade secrets?", "Stitch: Okay, that's not what was happening. Victoria wasn't working me for Jabot company secrets.", "Abby: Oh. Why would she need to push you to spill something you were gonna blurt freely?", "Stitch: There's no winning with you.", "Abby: I'm glad you figured that out. It saves us a lot of time. So, Victoria, I'm sure you've had enough of this guy. I'm sure you're ready to get out of here.", "Victoria: Uh, yeah. Actually, I was just on my way out.", "Abby: You know what? I am very sorry about the whole eneny thing.", "Victoria: Uh, you know what? That's okay. I would have done the same thing to you.", "Abby: All right. I'll call you later.", "Victoria: Okay. Bye-bye.", "Abby: Bye. So... you and I need to lay down some ground rules.", "Stitch: Yes, we do.", "Nikki: So, I mean, what am I supposed to do? The car is conked out, and I've got nowhere to go.", "Maureen: I could see some women getting twisted up by that.", "Nikki: Mm. Pretty unnerving.", "Maureen: I don't see that happening to you.", "Nikki: Oh, you don't? Why not?", "Maureen: Well, look at you. You're blond, you're all blinged out and well put together. Women like you always have these hot guys that they can call to come fix their car and take them wherever they want. You know what I mean.", "Nikki: Actually, I'm married.", "Maureen: Yeah, I could tell that from that rock on your hand.", "Nikki: Mm.", "Maureen: Hmm. That is nice. Looks expensive. I don't really have a sophisticated eye for that, but is it? I mean, is it expensive?", "Nikki: Very.", "Maureen: Nice. Your husband must be something.", "Nikki: Oh, yeah. He's something, all right.", "Maureen: So, why don't you call him to pick you up? What's wrong with him?", "Nikki: There's nothing really wrong with him. I'm just a little furious with him right now.", "Maureen: Ah. I understand that feeling.", "Nikki: You're married?", "Maureen: Not anymore.", "Nikki: My husband is truly a very complicated man.", "Maureen: Aren't they all?", "Nikki: Now I know you've been married.", "Maureen: [Laughs] So, what did your hot husband say? Fault for not trying to get in touch with him when I needed him, but he was unavailable -- nowhere in sight.", "Maureen: How are you gonna argue with that kind of twisted logic?", "Nikki: I-I-I don't know, so I left.", "Maureen: And he just let you just walk out?", "Nikki: Oh, well, I didn't have any choice there. I mean, when you get to that point, there's no winning an argument. You know what I'm talking about?", "Maureen: What is it with some people? It's like it doesn't matter how well you think you know them, how long they've been in your life, how much love is bouncing around. It's just that... relationships are so tricky.", "Nikki: I totally get it. Are you talking about those people you're gonna meet?", "Maureen: Yeah. I'm thinking about not seeing them.", "Nikki: Oh, don't do that. You might as well. You're this close.", "Maureen: I don't know. Just showing my face could stir up a lot of trouble.", "Jack: Dr. Cutler, is it?", "Dr. Cutler: Yes.", "Jack: We haven't met. I'm Jack Abbott. I'm Phyllis' -- well, we were engaged when Phyllis had her accident.", "Dr. Cutler: Yes. Mr. Abbott. I'm very familiar with ms. Newman's case. What can I do for you?", "Jack: Well, I'd like to know how she is. I mean, is she okay?", "Dr. Cutler: Why wouldn't she be?", "Jack: Is there a nurse Hathaway there that I can speak with?", "Dr. Cutler: I am afraid she's busy with another patient right now. Perhaps I can help you?", "Jack: Well, I got a call from nurse Hathaway -- to tell me about Phyllis, I think -- but we were disconnected.", "Dr. Cutler: I see. Well, I must apologize. Nurse Hathaway must have made that call in error.", "Jack: How is that possible?", "Dr. Cutler: Well, there's been some confusion on the floor today, but there's been no change with ms. Newman.", "Jack: You sure about that?", "Dr. Cutler: Quite certain.", "Jack: Perhaps I should speak to Phyllis' regular physician. Is dr. Burnett there?", "Dr. Cutler: I can understand your wanting confirmation from someone you know, Mr. Abbott.", "Jack: Thank you for your understanding. Could I speak to dr. Burnett?", "Dr. Cutler: At the moment, I'm afraid he's unavailable, as well, but I can assure you I am working very closely with dr. Burnett. And I give you my word -- ms. Newman continues to be doing as well as can be expected.", "Jack: Well, okay, if there's nothing to worry about.", "Dr. Cutler: There isn't. Is there anything else, Mr. Abbott?", "Jack: No. No. Thank you, doctor.", "Kelly: Feel better?", "Jack: Only kind of.", "Kelly: I'm sure a call from the nurse has to be a little emotionally jarring, but this new doctor --", "Jack: Dr. Cutler.", "Kelly: Did what he's saying make sense?", "Jack: Yeah. He was relaxed. He was reassuring. He was calm.", "Kelly: Then why are you still worried?", "Jack: There's something about this that doesn't add up. And Daniel's out of the country. There's no one around to check on Phyllis anymore.", "Kelly: It sounds like you want to go down there.", "Jack: How would you feel about that?", "Kelly: Well, you do what you have to do, Jack. I would just you... what do you hope to find?", "Phyllis: [Gurgles]", "Nikki: [Slurring] Thank you. Can I be honest with you?", "Maureen: [Slurring] Yeah.", "Nikki: I think that you need to face down your demons, whatever you are.", "Maureen: Oh, that's easy for you to say, sherry.", "Nikki: Well, you can do it. You are a strong, strong woman. You are ready to take on anything life gives you.", "Maureen: You're a tough cookie, sherry. You and me -- we're cut from the same cloth.", "Nikki: You think so?", "Maureen: Yeah. You didn't take that call from your husband and go running around back to him.", "Nikki: Yeah, well, my car is out of commission, so...", "Maureen: But even so! You know, you can't take that garbage from him. Don't let him get away with anything ever!", "Nikki: No, I shouldn't. I should not ever let him get away with.", "Maureen: Ever! We are sisters!", "Nikki: Man, are we sisters?", "Maureen: Yeah.", "Nikki: Don't let them do it to us. Sister!", "Maureen: Ohh!", "Nikki: [Laughs]", "Stitch: I understand confidentiality. As a doctor, I have had plenty of practice keeping things to myself.", "Abby: Which is why I assumed wrongly that you could keep a secret.", "Stitch: I am just not as cynical as you. Not everyone has a hidden agenda.", "Abby: [Laughs] Says the doctor with a hidden murder in his past.", "Stitch: Are you ever gonna ease up?", "Abby: Why? That's what you are.", "Stitch: We're gonna be working together, Abby, practically every day.", "Abby: Maybe several times a day.", "Stitch: In that case, could you resist using the word \"murder\" in every conversation we have?", "Abby: Behind those bright blue eyes and smile of yours, you are. You are a murderer.", "Stitch: That's twice in one conversation. You're digressing. Please stop.", "Abby: It's so hard to believe. I mean, you don't look like a murderer.", "Stitch: Yeah? What's a murderer look like?", "Abby: Not someone who saves lives for a living and goes goo-goo over babies and who claims to love my sister.", "Stitch: So, if I looked like a killer...", "Abby: Then maybe I wouldn't feel so gypped for liking you.", "Stitch: You like me?", "Abby: I liked you, yeah, before -- enough to try and set you up with my mom. How could you be that person? Look, I've been mad at my dad -- furious at him -- several times, but I could never --", "Stitch: You could never do what I did.", "Abby: He was your own flesh and blood, stitch. How could you be this person that we all liked and then do something so totally reprehensible?", "Victoria: Hi, dad.", "Victor: Hi, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Did you know that Ashley's back and working for Jabot?", "Victor: Oh. I wasn't even aware she was back in town.", "Victoria: Well, neither was I. I wonder why they're keeping it such a big secret.", "Victor: What did you find out?", "Victoria: Well, apparently, she's developing a new product for Jabot that they're trying to keep tightly under wraps. Maybe we need to rethink the Newman-chancellor cosmetic rollout for the rest of the year. Why are you smiling? This could be a big coup for the competition.", "Victor: Because, obviously, you're back in your element.", "Victoria: [Chuckles]", "Victor: You're fighting to keep this family business on top. It warms the cockles of my heart.", "Victoria: Well, thank you, dad. It warms the cockles of my heart, too, and it's a very welcome distraction, trust me.", "Victor: So, what have you learned about her project?", "Victoria: She hired Ben Rayburn as a chemist.", "Victor: Stitch? Why?", "Victoria: Well, I was asking myself the same question. What skill does he have that they would want? Anyway, I ran in to him, and he let it slip about the new product.", "Victor: Really? That's intriguing, isn't it? Might give us an inside track.", "Victoria: Dad, are you suggesting that I spy on the man who might be the father of this baby?", "Nikki: Okay, man. That's it for me.", "Maureen: No more? Me too. Want some coffee?", "Nikki: Mm-hmm. Sounds good.", "Maureen: Two coffees, please!", "Nikki: Oh, I'm just --", "Maureen: Getting the most for your money. Nothing wrong with that.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Yeah, I guess not.", "Maureen: Thanks.", "Nikki: Thank you.", "Maureen: Thank you, sherry.", "Nikki: Oh, I didn't do anything but buy a couple of drinks.", "Maureen: You have me a little pep talk -- you know, just a little bit of inspiration. You gave me what I need to stick to my plan, you know? I need to face the people I came here to face.", "Nikki: I am so happy to hear that. I think that is very wise.", "Jack: I don't know what I expect to find at the clinic, but I am concerned.", "Kelly: Well, this nurse -- she didn't say there was something actually wrong with Phyllis, did she?", "Jack: No, no, but what kind of confusion would lead a nurse to call me at home? And who is this new doctor, anyway?", "Kelly: Well, maybe you should talk to Summer and Avery. They're the ones that are in charge of her care now, right?", "Jack: I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't I?", "Kelly: No. You're just concerned.", "Jack: I'm...being insensitive, and I'm sorry.", "Kelly: You're feeling what you feel.", "Jack: That's one of the things I love about you. You always seem to understand.", "Kelly: Jack... I get grief. I've lived with it long enough to know that it doesn't have an expiration date. And it's sneaky. It can wallop you when you least expect it, with a photograph or a child's toy.", "Jack: Or a phone call. I'm sorry. I'm sorry my feelings for Phyllis sometimes intrude on my feelings for you.", "Kelly: It's okay. This makes it better.", "Jack: I do love you.", "Kelly: Good. I love you, too.", "Traci: Is something wrong?", "Jack: No, nothing's wrong.", "Kelly: Yes, something, and I think that it might make things easier if you talk to your sister about it.", "Jack: No, no. There's nothing to discuss. Came at the most perfect time, because I just realized I have something at work that I forgot to take care of.", "Jack: Don't do this.", "Kelly: I'm sorry about our romantic dinner, but we'll do it later, okay?", "Jack: Please stay.", "Kelly: I'm the expert at grieving, remember? Talk to your sister.", "Traci: [Sighs] What did I walk in on, Jack? And why in the world did Kelly rush to get out of here so fast?", "Jack: She did that for me, so I'd have time to think.", "Traci: What are you thinking about?", "Jack: Going to see Phyllis again.", "Traci: Oh. Jack, you're [Sighs] You're having trouble letting go, aren't you?", "Victor: Well, if stitch Rayburn, or Russell -- whatever the hell his name is -- hid a crime from you, that's far worse than a little corporate espionage, so don't feel sorry for him.", "Victoria: I would strongly consider playing Ben... if there wasn't a chance that he and I might be raising this baby together.", "Victor: Ay. So, the answer's no?", "Victoria: I'm not making any promises about getting information out of Ben, dad, but I will keep my eyes and ears open as far as Ashley's project is concerned. Okay? Are you satisfied?", "Victor: For now.", "Victoria: Good, because there's something else that I need you to know.", "Victor: What else?", "Victoria: I hope you're not gonna gloat too much when you hear this news.", "Victor: Well, I'll try to contain myself. What is it?", "Victoria: Billy and I -- Billy and I are officially divorced.", "Victor: Ah. Oh. Well... sweetheart... come here.", "Victoria: [Sighs]", "Victor: I'm sorry that you have to go through this, okay?", "Victoria: Okay.", "Victor: But I think you made the right decision.", "Victoria: Thanks, dad.", "[Telephone rings]", "Victor: Oh. Yeah? Uh, tell dr. Cutler to hold on for just a minute, okay? I need to take this, sweetheart.", "Victoria: Of course. But who's dr. Cutler?", "Maureen: It was nice talking to you, sherry.", "Nikki: I know I really enjoyed this.", "Maureen: You sure you're ready to remind your husband how mad you are at him still?", "Nikki: Well, what's the alternative?", "Maureen: More liquid courage?", "Nikki: Mm, tempting.", "Maureen: Oh.", "Nikki:", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Maureen: Oh, your husband?", "Nikki: Cab is here. Listen, um... some of that stuff that I said to you --", "Maureen: Oh, about your husband? J-j-- that's just between you and me. It's in the vault.", "Nikki: [Chuckles] Okay. No vaults necessary. All my secrets are on the front of the tabloids.", "Maureen: [Chuckles]", "Nikki: See ya.", "Maureen: Bye.", "Nikki: Bye.", "Stitch: Hey. You busy?", "Kelly: Uh, no. I'm free -- freer than I wanted to be.", "Stitch: What does that mean?", "Kelly: Nothing. What's up?", "Stitch: I got a job.", "Kelly: At a hospital?! Congratulations!", "Stitch: It's not at a hospital.", "Kelly: Hey, it's a paycheck, right? Where are you working?", "Stitch: Jabot.", "Kelly: Jack hired you? He didn't even say anything to me.", "Stitch: Well, Jack might not even know about it. His sister Ashley gave me the job. She needed somebody with chemistry-lab experience.", "Kelly: Well, I'm...relieved that somebody was able to look beyond your past.", "Stitch: Ashley's okay. Not everyone in Genoa City is so willing to forget.", "Kelly: It's the past, Ben. It can come take a bite out of your life anytime it feels like it.", "Jack: Difficult as it was, I said goodbye to Phyllis. It isn't like I haven't come to the terms with the fact that she's not coming back. But I can't just ignore the fact that this nurse called me out of the blue.", "Traci: Why do I get the feeling there's got to be something more going on here? One aborted phone call has you this unsettled?", "Jack: No, there's something else.", "Traci: I thought so.", "Jack: I don't put much stock in dreams -- I don't -- but I had the most vivid dream of Phyllis. She was in the house. She was here. She was awake, in our bed.", "Traci: Whoa. I can certainly see what prompted this. Kelly just moved in.", "Jack: Yeah, I chalked it up to that myself.", "Traci: Please tell me that you did not share the details of that dream with the new woman in your life.", "Jack: No, I did not tell Kelly that. I don't want her thinking that I'm thinking of Phyllis al the time. I'm not! I haven't had a dream like this about Phyllis in a very long time.", "Traci: But, obviously, Kelly knows something's bothering you.", "Jack: Well, judging from the way she just walked out of here, yeah, I'd say you're right.", "Traci: Well, then, you just have to reassure her, Jack.", "Jack: Believe me, I've done everything I can to put her at ease.", "Traci: I know you and Avery packed up all the rest of Phyllis' things.", "Jack: Yes, and I should have done that long ago, I know, but...", "Traci: You couldn't.", "Jack: I couldn't... just like I can't ignore this phone call. It's gnawing at me.", "Traci: I can see that. Okay. So, you feel strongly about going to check on Phyllis. What's stopping you?", "Victor: Dr. Cutler is working on a very interesting project, okay? He's doing some fascinating research.", "Victoria: Well, then, you shouldn't keep him waiting.", "Victor: Okay.", "Victoria: Take your call. We'll talk later.", "Victor: Let me know about the Jabot project, all right?", "Victoria: I will, and I'll be interested to hear what develops with you and dr. Cutler.", "Victor: I shall do that. And I'll tell you one thing -- if I have the results I expect, then everyone will hear about it, okay?", "Victoria: Bye, dad.", "Victor: Doctor. Tell me you have gooood news.", "Dr. Cutler: I'd like to do some damage control.", "Victor: In what way?", "Dr. Cutler: Phyllis' regular nurse attempted to alert Mr. Abbott to the patient's progress.", "Victor: One second. Under no circumstances must Jack Abbott know about this.", "Dr. Cutler: I understand. I'll handle the nurse.", "Victor: See that you do.", "Dr. Cutler: But there's some positive news to report. The patient's had a small breakthrough.", "Victor: In what respect?", "Dr. Cutler: She's trying to verbalize.", "Victor: Has she said anything?", "Dr. Cutler: Nothing coherent yet, but it's a major step in the right direction.", "Victor: That seems to indicate that you should push ahead with your treatment, right?", "Dr. Cutler: I must warn you, Mr. Newman, there are diminishing returns and possible dangerous side effects.", "Victor: But wait a minute. You told me that they weren't life-threatening.", "Dr. Cutler: They aren't. But ms. Newman may not come out of this the same as she was before.", "Victor: Let me tell you something about Phyllis Newman. She's a risk-taker. She would want you to increase the treatment, all right? She wants to get out of this coma as soon as she can, trust me, so the risks be damned. You do it.", "Stitch: One strange new pitfall of my new job is that Victoria is working for Jabot's top competition.", "Kelly: The only competition you have to worry about when it comes to Victoria is Billy.", "Maureen: What are the odds I'd find you two at the same time?", "Both: Mom?", "Maureen: [Chuckles]", "Victoria: Dad?", "Abby: Hey.", "Victoria: Hi. Oh, hey. Have you seen dad? He was here a minute ago.", "Abby: No. Um, actually, I came to see you.", "Victoria: Hmm? Yeah, sure. What's going on?", "Abby: I wanted to smooth things over with my big sister.", "Victoria: Abby, uh, look, nothing needs smoothed over.", "Abby: That's very nice of you to say, but just so you know, it was not my idea to hire stitch. I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable.", "Victoria: Uncomfortable? Why in the world would I feel uncomfortable? You and everyone else at Jabot is welcome to hire whomever you want.", "Abby: I know. It somehow feels sticky after everything you've been through with him.", "Victoria: Well, that's over with.", "Abby: Have you seen the way that stitch looks at you? You dumped him, and he's still gone over you.", "Victoria: Even if that was the case --", "Abby: And my mom hiring him -- look, I think that stitch took the job 'cause it gave him a reason to stick around Genoa City. Are you sure you're not uncomfortable? I'm uncomfortable.", "Victoria: As long as Ben isn't working with any hazardous then there shouldn't be an issue. He isn't, is he?", "Abby: I see what you just did right there -- trying to get details out of me? Clever, clever. But my mom's top-secret project is staying just that -- top- secret.", "Victoria: Okay. Well, I had to try.", "Abby: So, we're good?", "Victoria: We're good.", "Abby: Okay. And don't worry -- stitch has been warned to stay far away from you.", "Traci: Apparently, something is keeping you from going to see Phyllis. Jack, what is it?", "Jack: It's love. I'm too in love with Kelly to go running off to Phyllis every time I feel a pang.", "Traci: A pang? Oh, m-- this is a perfectly natural reaction. Jack, of course you'd be clinging to Phyllis on some level.", "Jack: It's not healthy. You know what? I've made my decision. I still feel the best course of action is to move on. We set it up at the clinic that if anything is going on there, Avery or someone will be notified.", "Dr. Cutler: Nurse Hathaway. I thought I made myself clear. You're not to set foot in this wing again.", "Nurse Hathaway: I just want to say goodbye to Phyllis.", "Dr. Cutler: That's not a good idea. I strongly suggest that from now on, you not get so attached to your patients and never take it upon yourself to call a family without a physician's authorization.", "Nurse Hathaway: Yes, sir.", "Phyllis: Call...", "Dr. Cutler: Phyllis? This is remarkable! You understand what you're saying? Your mental faculties are starting to come back.", "Nikki: [Sighs] \"My dearest Nikki... why do we fight?\" I could tell you that. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. \"That's why I love you. Your determination and your strength, your willingness to speak the truth no matter what.\" The truth. Oh. [Mutters] Oh, my gosh. [Gasps] Oh!", "Victor: What in the world?", "Nikki: [Gasps]", "Victor: Dear me.", "Nikki: Hi.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Christine: I'm glad you're both here. There's something I want to discuss with you.", "Paul: My forensic team found some evidence on the property.", "Victor: What have they found?", "Neil: Malcolm?", "Malcolm: Yeah, Neil. It's me." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Paul finds Summer in his office at the police department filling out a statement about Luca and what he did to the Newman family. Paul asks her if she has more to add, but she tells him that she has said it all. She opens up the door and sees Luca being handcuffed. Jack and Jill are together when Phyllis and Billy walk in. Jack asks Phyllis where she's been. Abby meets Ben at the hospital for a talk. They discuss Jack and Victor and the memorial service for Adam. Ben tells Abby that they need to talk. Dylan interrupts and asks for Ben's help. Sharon and Mariah discuss Victor possibly seeking revenge on everyone who has gone against him. Sharon has her doubts about Mariah telling Victor about Sully. Mariah assures her that she will never tell anyone. Dylan asks Ben to check if the DNA found in the cabin is were really Adam's. Summer and Luca have a talk about their love and how he betrayed her. Summer accuses him of manipulating her for his own good and declares that she is so done with him but she could never hate him.", "Jill confronts Billy and Phyllis as to where they have been. Jack defends Phyllis. Jack pulls Billy away for a talk while Jill talks to Phyllis. Jack tells Billy that he is glad that Phyllis was with him. Paul discovers that Dylan is still working on the case to find out what really happened to Adam. Mariah assures Sharon that Dylan will never find out. Ben wants to give Dylan the DNA test results but leaves the envelope with Sharon who starts to talk to him about Dylan. Dylan comes home and is quite upset that Sharon is talking to Ben about their marriage. Jack tells Phyllis that he knows what has been going on.", "" ]
[ "Paul: [Sighs] Okay, I figured you might use that.", "Summer: Thanks, um, actually, I just finished up. Do you want to take a look and see if it looks okay?", "Paul: Okay. Well, just a signature and date. Listen, I appreciate you coming in to do this today.", "Summer: Yeah, it's, um, no problem.", "Paul: Well, actually, it probably was. You're dealing with Adam's death and his memorial.", "Summer: Yeah, I didn't go to the memorial. I just thought I had to deal with this, so...", "Paul: Right.", "Summer: Now it's done.", "Paul: Well, you know, summer, I was thinking about this. The statement lays out Luca's criminal acts against your family's business, but a few days ago, you were gonna marry the guy.", "Summer: Yeah, and now he's been shipped off to Spain, so...", "Paul: Luca's still in holding. And I just got the feeling that maybe there was some unfinished business between the two of you.", "Summer: If you think that I want to have some final goodbye with him, well, I don't, okay? I'm -- I'm done. Everything that I needed to say, I-I put in that statement.", "Jack: Where were you?", "Phyllis: I was with Billy. I didn't want to deal with Victor's big show of grief. Especially since he is the reason Adam's dead.", "Billy: I don't understand, Jack. I mean, you and Adam were friends. How do you stand here listening to this?", "Jill: Well, phony sentiments are always hard to stomach. Somehow we manage, don't we?", "Jack: I realized, belatedly, how difficult it would have been for you to be at the memorial. I'm glad you did the right thing and took care of yourself, stayed away.", "Jill: That is so generous of you. Don't you agree?", "Stitch: Hey.", "Abby: Hey.", "Stitch: I am so sorry about the memorial service. Here you go.", "Abby: It turned out to be pretty small -- just family and a few friends.", "Stitch: Hey. I am your family. I should have been there for you.", "Abby: I was fine. My dad, on the other hand, though... I've never seen him so upset. My uncle Jack took it pretty hard, too.", "Stitch: I'm sure they both appreciated you being there.", "Abby: I guess, yeah. Well, you seem pretty busy, so, um...", "Stitch: Yeah, it's -- it feels like I'm always unavailable for you. It's just not right.", "Abby: You can't help it. I mean, with work and visiting max at the clinic...", "Stitch: Abby, we need to talk. Come here.", "Abby: We do?", "Stitch: How about an early dinner? We can order in.", "Abby: Okay, if that's what you want.", "Stitch: Or we go out someplace. Doesn't matter to me. I -- there's just something I really need to discuss with you.", "Dylan: Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt. Stitch, I need your help. It needs to be off the record.", "Sharon: Dylan won't let this go.", "Mariah: Yay, Dylan. Somebody has to bring down the tyrant.", "Sharon: Victor is not someone you go after like that. He will retaliate with a vengeance. Dylan doesn't know what he's bringing down on himself. Or us.", "Mariah: You're talking about sully.", "Sharon: What if Victor finds out?", "Mariah: He would have to be a psychic. There's literally no way for him to figure out that sully is nick and sage's kid.", "Sharon: Well, if anyone can...", "Mariah: It's impossible. You and me. That's it. We're the only two people in the world that know the truth. Wait. Do you think that I'm the weak link, that I'm gonna blab to Victor?", "Sharon: Of course I don't think you would betray my secret. Not wittingly. I'm not saying any of this to make you feel bad. I'm just reminding us both of how ruthless Victor can be. How long until he finds out sully is a Newman?", "Mariah: Why would he even consider that?", "Sharon: Nick's baby died within days of me supposedly giving birth to a healthy child, and that's enough of a hook for Victor. Don't doubt it. He'll unearth the truth.", "Mariah: Okay, Sharon, you're going off the rails.", "Sharon: Dylan will be shattered. He will hate me for keeping this secret for this long. Our marriage will be over. Our beautiful life --", "Mariah: Stop. Look at me. In the here and now, Dylan loves you. Sully is upstairs taking a nap. Faith is doing a school project. Nick likes you just fine. And Victor is clueless.", "Sharon: But if he --", "Mariah: There will be nothing for him to find! A-and warped, twisted Victor Newman wouldn't even leave a shadow of a hint of a clue for Dylan to trace back to him.", "Sharon: I'm not so sure about that.", "Mariah: Oh, come on. What is it? Is Victor all-seeing, all-knowing, never get caught, or...?", "Sharon: He had to have help. Someone helped him set up Adam, and that's the loose end.", "Mariah: And you think your nice-guy husband is gonna out-Victor Victor and catch him in the act?", "Sharon: Dylan's not gonna give up. If Victor's helper overlooked anything, Dylan will find it.", "Sharon: So what are you gonna do to prevent that?", "Sharon: I have to find a way to stop Dylan from looking.", "Dylan: All I can say is it's police business.", "Abby: Dylan, I have to ask. Is this about my brother?", "Dylan: I'm sorry. I can't -- I can't say.", "Abby: If this is about Adam, then I --", "Stitch: Hey. I'll see you later, okay? So we can have that talk.", "Abby: Okay.", "Stitch: All right.", "Dylan: Bye. Okay, this is about Adam's death.", "Stitch: That investigation's closed.", "Dylan: Formally, yeah.", "Stitch: Oh, come on. What are you doing, Mac?", "Dylan: I'm asking you as a friend, okay? I need you to follow up on the forensics work done at the cabin. There's some about the DNA analysis that doesn't sit right with me. It was rushed. It was too quick.", "Stitch: You're wondering if Adam really died in that explosion.", "Dylan: I'm wondering about a lot of things.", "Stitch: [Sighs] Okay.", "Dylan: Great.", "Stitch: I'll look into it.", "Dylan: How fast can you get it back?", "Stitch: As fast as I can. That's all I'll promise, all right?", "Dylan: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: All right, Luca. There's been a mix-up with the transport van. It's gonna be a few minutes before I get it all sorted out.", "Luca: No rush. You're just gonna leave? You obviously came to see me.", "Summer: I came because of you. I had to give a statement about --", "Luca: My crimes.", "Summer: That is the only reason I am here and not with my family.", "Luca: I loved you, summer. And I know you loved me.", "Summer: I thought I loved you, Luca. I thought we were gonna start a life, a family together. I just keep playing it back in my head all the times that you made me laugh. All the times that you cared for me and encouraged me. The times that we --", "Luca: That was all real.", "Summer: You were working me, Luca. You didn't mean any of it.", "Luca: No. It wasn't all an act.", "Summer: Not all of it, but most of it. It was all an act to take down my family.", "Luca: Look, summer, I'm sorry.", "Summer: No, I am so sick of hearing you say that word. I am done with you and your lame apologies. I am an idiot. I wound up comforting you when you broke down, telling me about all the lies that you told me and the despicable things you did to my family.", "Luca: If you'd just give me a chance, just one --", "Summer: No, no. Luca, Luca. I am done giving you things. Done. And I don't want anything from you. Nothing.", "Luca: Just wait.", "Summer: Don't touch me.", "Luca: Summer. Please.", "Jill: You know how close Jack was to Adam. Couldn't you have put your animosity toward Victor aside for a lousy couple of hours?", "Phyllis: I tried.", "Jill: Not hard enough. And you -- why didn't you tell Phyllis that her place was beside her husband?", "Billy: Mom, do you really --", "Jack: I'm glad Phyllis made the choice she did. I'm glad my brother was there for her. The last thing any of us wanted was a big ugly confrontation with Victor at this memorial.", "Jill: Still doesn't justify it.", "Jack: Excuse me. I'd like a minute alone with my brother, if I could, please. Billy?", "Jill: So. Exactly what part of \"leave my son alone\" do you not understand?", "Phyllis: That's what I've been doing.", "Jill: Oh, please. It's so obvious that you and Billy just had sex, you should have it tattooed on both your foreheads.", "Phyllis: Just because you caught us once doesn't mean you're gonna catch us again.", "Jill: Oh, it isn't just me. No. Ashley's beginning to suspect you, too, because of the way you're turning to Billy all the time.", "Phyllis: What did you say to her?", "Jill: I didn't tell her a damn thing. But the time is coming, and very, very soon, when Jack will not be able to look past your behavior. He will be forced to face the inevitable.", "Jack: I just want to make it absolutely clear I do not share Jill's sentiment. I'm glad Phyllis was with you.", "Billy: You are?", "Jack: Yes. That's just what she needs right now -- someone who cares about her, someone with whom she can be totally honest. It is so much better than her spinning out and doing something she'll regret.", "Billy: Yeah.", "Jack: Unless she already has.", "Luca: I had a plan. Seduce the granddaughter, gain her trust, unearth the Newman secrets and use them and her to win. Loving you -- that was the trap I never saw coming. I didn't plan that. I didn't expect it. I sure as hell didn't need it. I loved you, summer. I do love you.", "Summer: No, Luca, just don't. Don't, okay? I cannot let myself believe you.", "Luca: I wish I could make this better.", "Summer: There is something that you can give to me.", "Luca: Anything.", "Summer: Just tell me what you regret.", "Luca: A house with a yard. A little girl with your eyes. Family gatherings. Our 50th wedding anniversary. How it could have been. And what we would have been. [Sighs] Ruining that is my biggest regret. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I'd like to know that someday... maybe you won't hate me.", "Paul: It's time. [Coughs]", "Summer: Luca. I could never hate you.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Paul: You're still working on the case.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Paul --", "Paul: Don't deny it. Your white board gave you away.", "Dylan: Uh, I wasn't gonna deny anything.", "Paul: Okay, then do you want to explain to me why you're still working on that case, trying to get proof that Victor set up Adam when the case is closed?", "Dylan: Because we sent an innocent man to prison based on evidence that was planted by Victor. Victor's the one who set off the chain of events that led to Adam's death. How are we okay with this?", "Paul: You said it yourself. Adam is dead.", "Dylan: [Sighs]", "Paul: Right? You are letting your personal animosity against Victor Newman cloud your judgment.", "Dylan: That's not what's happening.", "Paul: Oh, really? It's not? Did I miss something? Did you find some concrete evidence against Newman?", "Dylan: Not yet.", "Paul: Maybe because it doesn't exist! I'm advising you, as your chief, to let this go.", "Dylan: Even when you know I'm right?", "Sharon: We all have so much to lose. If Dylan continues to go after Victor...", "Mariah: Will you please stop letting this eat at you and believe me when I tell you that Dylan isn't going to find anything incriminating against Victor. He's gonna keep digging and digging and end up with nothing, and eventually, he's gonna give up.", "Sharon: I can't take that chance.", "Mariah: Well, then you really will lose everything!", "Sharon: How?", "Mariah: You are gonna push Dylan so hard that you'll be the one that ends up steering him in the direction that you don't want him to go. The truth about sully! And all of these fears that you're having -- it's going to be a self- fulfilling prophecy, Sharon! [Sighs]", "[Door opens]", "Mariah: Dylan's not home.", "Stitch: Okay. When will he be home?", "Sharon: Um, Dylan should be home soon. Why don't you come on in, stitch?", "Mariah: Yeah, I'm not sticking around for this. Bye.", "Stitch: Something I said?", "Sharon: No. It was something I said. Would you like some coffee?", "Stitch: Uh, I-I can't stay. I want to leave this for Dylan. It's the information he requested.", "Sharon: Information?", "Stitch: Yeah, it's about some case.", "Sharon: Let me guess. Adam's death.", "Jack: That look on your face. If Phyllis is planning something...", "Billy: She's not. She's not, okay? She hates Victor. You know that. But she's not planning on acting on these feelings, all right? I'm sorry to spook you.", "Jack: Okay, thanks for the reassurance. You know if she was headed in that direction, she'd tell you about it.", "Billy: Yeah, I don't know about that, Jack.", "Jack: Oh, I do. And I'm fine with that. I'm glad my brother is comfortable with my wife.", "Billy: I got to get to work. I'll see you later.", "Phyllis: You look worried. I -- I didn't mean to -- look, Jack, the reason I didn't show --", "Jack: You don't have to say anything, okay? I know what's been going on.", "Phyllis: What are you talking about?", "Jack: Not here. Come on.", "Dylan: [Sighs] Paul. Once I'm onto something, I stay on it, I see it through. That's why you hired me. And now all of a sudden, it's a liability.", "Paul: Okay, at this point, no good will come out of pursuing a case against Victor Newman.", "Dylan: After everything he's done?", "Paul: Oh, come on, Dylan. Look at the damage he's inflicted against Jack and Phyllis.", "Dylan: Right.", "Paul: Stitch's sister. Not to mention his own family.", "Dylan: Right, that's why something needs to be done!", "Paul: How do you think your mom's gonna feel about what you're doing?", "Dylan: Oh, the same way I feel about her getting sucked back in to Victor's orbit.", "Paul: So that's what this is about?", "Dylan: Partly. Come on, I hate the fact that he's made my mother an accessory to his crimes. I'm gonna do everything I can to protect her from becoming yet another casualty of Victor Newman, just like you have, Paul.", "Paul: How many times have I told you you can't make this thing personal? You are a cop!", "Dylan: Okay.", "Paul: Okay?", "Dylan: Okay, I'm not out to get Victor. Is that what you want to hear?", "Paul: Well, what do you call all this?", "Dylan: It's called doing my job! I'm sorry, I -- I have a son, too. And listening to Victor claim that he didn't want his son to die in an explosion that he set forward -- that's just not enough for me, Paul.", "Paul: I love my son, too. And I don't want to see you end up like Adam.", "Dylan: I understand. But just because some people have gotten burned attempting to make charges stick against Victor, it's not a good enough reason for me to stop trying.", "Paul: [Sighs]", "[Door slams]", "Jill: Billy. You can't just dismiss me this way. Not only am I your mother, I'm your employer. I own brash & sassy.", "Billy: Yeah, don't remind me.", "Jill: Hey. You work for me. You will get on that plane to Seattle.", "Billy: Like hell I will.", "Jill: You can't keep shirking you responsibilities this way!", "Billy: Mom, this has nothing to do with my responsibilities to the company. This is another ham-fisted attempt to push Victoria and me back together.", "Jill: Why do you keep fighting me on this? I don't have a hidden agenda here.", "Billy: Really? No hidden agenda?", "Jill: You know I want you back together. The fact is, you work well together, and you've even admitted it.", "Billy: Well, okay, I'm gonna say this -- I'm not going to Seattle.", "Jill: Why not?", "Billy: Because you know why. And you've been dangling it over Phyllis' head for weeks.", "Phyllis: What is it, Jack?", "Jack: I was talking to Billy at the restaurant about his relationship with you, and I had this sudden realization. I have been so blind. I've been asking you to pretend something you don't feel at all. I want you to stop pretending.", "Abby: Hey, um...", "Summer: Hey.", "Abby: You weren't at the memorial.", "Summer: Yeah, no, I, um... I just had to go to the police station.", "Abby: You went to go see him?", "Summer: Yeah, I may have seen Luca while I was there. You know, I almost married the guy, so excuse me if I couldn't just walk away, you know? Abby?", "Abby: I don't have a tissue. [Sniffles]", "Summer: Um... okay. Here. Here.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Summer: Look, I know why I'm miserable. Why are you miserable? Is this about stitch's son or something?", "Abby: No, no. Max -- he's, uh, holding his own and... Ben is fine, and, um, I'm fine, so, yeah, we're -- we're fine.", "Summer: I get that. Whenever I'm fine, I just -- I cry all the time. Good luck with that.", "Abby: Summer, wait, um... I'm sorry. I just -- I feel like I can't complain about my marriage to you after...", "Summer: After you slept with my late husband? Well, I'm gonna give you a free pass today. So sit. Come on. Tell me what's going on.", "Abby: Okay, well, um... Ben and I have been dealing with our troubles, but... that's just it. We've just been dealing.", "Summer: Okay, what do you mean?", "Abby: I just realized that that's what our marriage has become. I-it's not about love or commitment or about the future. It's just about us dealing.", "Summer: It's just a phase. You guys have been through so much this year, you know? It's just temporary.", "Abby: Ben said that we needed to talk.", "Summer: Oh.", "Abby: Yeah. I mean, \"we need to talk\" is never good. I mean, he's probably gonna tell me that he doesn't want to go on this way anymore.", "Summer: No, I just think you're overthinking and you're just assuming the worst.", "Abby: That's just it. I know he feels.", "Summer: Why? What do you mean?", "Abby: I don't know if I want to go on this way, either.", "Sharon: That wasn't a wild guess. Dylan's been working on Adam's case nonstop.", "Stitch: I'm just not comfortable...", "Sharon: No, you're helping out a friend. I understand. But if you really want to be a good friend to my husband, don't help him with the case.", "Stitch: Why are you saying that, Sharon?", "Sharon: Because going after Victor Newman is like poking a mad dog with a stick. Just talk to Dylan. Tell him -- tell him --", "Dylan: Tell me what? Maybe you should tell me. If we got a problem, you should be talking to me. No. Not my best friend.", "Sharon: I have tried talking to you, but you don't listen to me. I just thought that stitch might have better luck!", "Stitch: Okay. Um, I just came by to tell you that I took the forensic results to a pathologist. Top in his field.", "Dylan: You trust this guy?", "Stitch: Immensely. He made detailed notes on the analysis. They're all in there.", "Dylan: All right. Break it down for me.", "Stitch: The amount of DNA, the patterns where it was found... it's all consistent with the original conclusions.", "Sharon: Really? Does that mean, um...", "Stitch: Adam died in that explosion. Okay? The doctor found nothing out of the ordinary. There's nothing else, Mac. Maybe it's time to let this go.", "Dylan: Wait. Did you even take this to the doctor?", "Stitch: What are you talking about? What, you think I'm lying to you?", "Dylan: No. No, I'm sorry, man. I just got an earful from Paul about all this. Thank you. Thank you. It's nice to know I can count on my friend.", "Stitch: Me telling you to back off -- that's me being your friend.", "[Door closes]", "Dylan: It'd be nice to know I can count on my wife, too.", "Summer: Abby, you want to end your marriage?", "Abby: End what? It feels like it's already over. And I know that you're probably thinking that this is all my fault and I'm not trying hard enough.", "Summer: Not at all. Who am I to judge, okay? I mean, this would have been the second time that I married a criminal. I barely even knew Luca.", "Abby: Even when you do, even when you know them really well, when you go into it with all of this love, then things happen. Things like the miscarriage. And it just broke something.", "Summer: What, for stitch?", "Abby: For me. It changed me. It changed the way that I felt about Ben.", "Summer: Okay, but Abby, that's not his fault that the baby --", "Abby: I know that, and I keep telling myself that. I keep telling myself that this feeling of emptiness, that it'll go away. But it hasn't. And I can't get back that warm and fuzzy happy newlywed feeling. I mean, I was relieved that he didn't come to the memorial service with me today.", "Summer: Why, you didn't want him there?", "Abby: It just takes so much effort to pretend like everything's normal. He's got to be feeling that, too.", "Summer: Hence the talk.", "Abby: I'm dreading it. How do I say all of those things to the man that I once loved with all of my heart?", "Jack: You have been honest with me from the very beginning about how difficult this has all been for you. So honest. You said you needed a break from our marriage. Even then, I couldn't allow myself to see how much you were struggling. And when you came back, I just pretended like everything would return to normal.", "Phyllis: I want us to be normal, like it's always been.", "Jack: I love you so much. I cannot believe I did this to you.", "Phyllis: You didn't.", "Jack: I have ready empathy for seemingly everyone in the world, even Victor.", "Phyllis: That is because you are a kind man --", "Jack: Don't let me off the hook. I handled this badly. I didn't give you the love and support and compassion that you needed. I didn't give you the space to tell me what's really in your heart. My one consolation, for which I am abundantly grateful, is that you found that with my brother.", "Jill: So Phyllis told you that I found out about your affair and that I was working behind the scenes to keep the two of you apart?", "Billy: Behind the scenes? No, I think \"blackmailing\" is the word you're looking for, and Phyllis didn't tell me anything. You just did.", "Jill: I did not.", "Billy: Yeah, you did. You just confirmed it. I mean, come on, mom. Even Colin's lurking around here waiting to cash in on what you know.", "Jill: No, I haven't said one word to Colin.", "Billy: Well, subtlety isn't exactly your strong suit, and you just love messing around in other people's lives --", "Jill: Mess? You're the one that made this mess!", "Billy: Okay --", "Jack: I'm trying to fix it!", "Billy: I am a grown man. I can do whatever the hell I want.", "Jill: Start acting like a grown man.", "Billy: Stop messing in my personal life. Stay the hell out of it.", "Jill: That I will not do.", "Jill: This is not my fault. You are the one having the affair with your brother's wife, which by the way, how the hell could you do this?", "Billy: Oh, you really want to ask me that? You want me to start in on your shady past?", "Jill: Oh! Oh, don't you try deflecting away from yourself, deflecting away from what you've been doing, what you did today.", "Billy: What do you think I was doing today?", "Jill: You were sneaking around with Phyllis when she should have been by her husband's side.", "Billy: Everything Phyllis and I told Jack was true, okay? She couldn't stand the hypocrisy that would have been on display at that memorial.", "Jill: Oh, the poor baby.", "Billy: That's right. She wanted to be with somebody that understood her, that she trusted, a friend.", "Jill: A naked friend.", "Billy: Oh, mom, you don't know what you're talking about, okay? What Phyllis and I had is over.", "Jill: I'll just try that line on Jack when I tell him.", "Billy: No, you're not. You're not gonna tell him. You would have already. You're not gonna tell him for the same reason that I wouldn't have told him. Because... because Jack would have been devastated.", "Jill: Yes, he would. And it would kill his love for you. So why aren't you more worried about losing him? After you've already lost Delia.", "Billy: Do not talk about my daughter.", "Jill: I'm sorry. Okay, okay. But you're gonna hurt him so badly! And Victoria! What is it with you? Is this the gambling thing? Are you just addicted to the rush? Is life just one big poker table with you, and Phyllis is a card in play?", "Billy: You don't know what we have.", "Jill: Oh, lord, don't tell me it's love. You haven't convinced yourself that this is love.", "Billy: God, I am so sick of explaining myself to you.", "Jill: Oh, God, you don't love Phyllis!", "Billy: Walk away! You're so good at it. Just walk away like you always have!", "Phyllis: I want to go home.", "Jack: I know you don't believe this. I mean it. I am so grateful that you can be open and honest with Billy. Do I wish it was me? Absolutely.", "Phyllis: It should be you. You're my husband.", "Jack: Unfortunately, I'm also a regular reminder of what Victor put you through.", "Phyllis: That was difficult at first, but I'm over that now.", "Jack: You've been honest with me to this point. Don't stop now.", "Phyllis: I'm trying.", "Jack: I know you're not over this. And I knew how hard you've tried. And I'm ashamed and embarrassed of how many times I have forced you to act like everything was normal when it was anything but normal. When you -- when every time you look at me, a part of sees Marco.", "Phyllis: [Crying] No.", "Jack: This man who forced himself into our lives, into your home, into your bed. Is it any wonder you wanted to push me away?", "Phyllis: I didn't want to push you away.", "Jack: I know that now. I know that now. I know that every time you needed a break from me, it was because you were trying to fight for your sanity. I know how hard it was to come back to me. But you did. You came back. Because you're committed to our marriage. To me. We're fighting for us. Please don't stop fighting for us.", "Abby: [Sighs] Hey.", "Stitch: Hi.", "Abby: Um, well, I'm -- I'm, uh --", "Stitch: Yeah, I guess, uh --", "Abby: I'm glad that you wanted to meet. We haven't seen much of each other recently, and, well, when we have, it's been pretty difficult.", "Stitch: Yeah, I felt that, too, so...", "Abby: Yeah.", "Stitch: Surprised I noticed? We're partners, Abby, through everything. That's why we need to talk about what comes next.", "Dylan: What else did you say to stitch?", "Sharon: [Sighs] Are we gonna argue about this all day?", "Dylan: Or you could just answer my question.", "Sharon: Okay, fine. I told stitch that I think it's a mistake for you to continue this vendetta against Victor.", "Dylan: Now you sound like Paul.", "Sharon: Really? If your own father is worried, then doesn't that prove --", "Dylan: This investigation, I helped put an innocent man behind bars, Sharon. Me. Victor got me to do that.", "Sharon: Okay, and you want to right a wrong.", "Dylan: Yeah.", "Sharon: But Adam --", "Dylan: But what? He's dead? So why bother? Come on. You were married to the guy.", "Sharon: I'm more worried about you, and you can't help Adam.", "Dylan: What about Chelsea? I mean, she just lost her husband. What about her kid? He just lost his father. Are you okay with Connor not knowing why his dad died?", "Sharon: Of course I feel for Chelsea and that little boy, but you have your own family to think about, Dylan!", "Dylan: I do think about you. If I let Victor walk away from this...", "Sharon: Just this one time. Do it for Paul. Do it for me. You know, even nick's let this go.", "Dylan: What do you mean?", "Sharon: He was convinced, too, that Victor set up Adam, but he's decided not to go against him.", "Dylan: Yeah, well, that's -- that's nick's choice.", "Sharon: But this is your choice now, too.", "Dylan: It will go against every principle that I know.", "Sharon: Please think about what you have to lose! Please!", "Dylan: You're terrified. What do you think Victor can do to us?", "Sharon: You never know with him.", "Dylan: Okay, you're not alone anymore. You got me. He's not gonna hurt us.", "Sharon: You're wrong.", "Summer: [Sighs] Delete. Delete. Delete.", "Mariah: If only it were that easy to delete them from your life.", "Summer: He's everywhere. His toothbrush is in my bathroom, his clothes are in my closet.", "Mariah: Back in my old cult days, the woo-woo pack would have said that Luca was a growth experience. That you were working out something from your past life.", "Summer: Hmm. Is that how you see Kevin?", "Mariah: What? No. Why?", "Summer: You guys were tight.", "Mariah: I -- not in that way.", "Summer: Heading that way, and then... Chloe walks back into his life.", "Mariah: Yeah. I really don't care.", "Summer: Looks like we both got a lot of garbage to work out from our past lives, huh?", "Mariah: Because of Kevin and Luca?", "Summer: 'Cause you got dumped into my life, and I got dumped into yours.", "Mariah: You just threw shade at me. Good job, snowflake.", "[Both laugh]", "Summer: Yes.", "Abby: Okay, um, who can eat? Uh, just -- just say it.", "Stitch: [Clears throat] I don't like the distance that's come between us, and it's been coming on for a long time now. I realized it started...", "Abby: When I lost the baby.", "Stitch: I thought I needed to give you space, so I did.", "Abby: Too much space.", "Stitch: That's it. Exactly. God, I -- I never thought this would happen to us. But I don't want to go on like this anymore. Baby, I love you. And I want to get back to all those dreams we had.", "Abby: Wait. You what?", "Stitch: I'm ready for another baby.", "Jill: [Sig] How could you say that to me?", "Billy: I mean, I'm just keeping it real, right? You were in and out of my life like a timeshare.", "Jill: Never! Never did I stop looking out for you.", "Billy: I was nothing but an afterthought to you.", "Jill: This is not about me! Baby, you are on the edge and you don't even know it. No. Jack is making allowances for Phyllis because of what she's been through. He is only accepting your lies because he can't conceive that you would do something that horrible to him.", "Billy: It is way too late for you to play the moral authority anywhere here.", "Jill: Oh, my God. You're blaming me. You're holding me responsible for this? For your bad behavior? You're just looking for love in all the wrong places because of your rotten childhood? That is so stupid! Can you not see that I'm doing everything in my power to keep you from making the biggest mistake of your life? Billy, if you keep going this way, he's gonna find out. It's gonna break his heart. It's gonna tear your family apart. I won't let you blame me for that. I won't -- I won't -- [Gasping] [Groans]", "Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey.", "Jill: [Panting]", "Jack: It's okay, red. We're gonna be okay.", "Phyllis: I feel so guilty.", "Jack: Don't. You've done nothing to feel guilty about. Victor did this to us. You've done nothing wrong.", "Phyllis: I've been lying to you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Abby: I don't think that you see the same relationship. In fact, I know you don't.", "Dylan: If you're afraid of something, just tell me. We can handle this. You got to talk to me.", "Jill: [Groans, gasps]", "Billy: Nice try. Maybe next time." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']
[ "Victor told a concerned Nikki that his worsening symptoms were happening because of the stress Adam caused. Adam and Phyllis were there when Victor nearly passed out. Adam denied it when Phyllis accused him of having second thoughts about over-medicating Victor. They made a bet – if Adam continued to go through with this plot, Phyllis would do him a favor, to be named later. If Adam wasn't able to go through with it, Phyllis wanted him to stop targeting his family for good, because she didn't want Summer to get caught in the crossfire. Nate examined Victor, but wouldn't give an opinion about what the issue was until after the blood test results were back. Nikki realized that Victor didn't remember what his favorite food was anymore. Elena was late coming home because she'd shadowed Nate in surgery. Nick and Sharon discussed Faith's upcoming move to boarding school. Sharon let Nick down gently when he asked if she and Chelsea could be friends. Sharon was glad Nick and Chelsea had a fresh start, and she wanted a fresh start for herself, too. Nick supported Chelsea and Abby at the party. Theo hugged Mariah and said they made a great team. Mariah told Tessa she trusted Theo even less now. Lola tried setting Rey up with women at the party, and she distracted Kyle every time he got mad about Theo. Sharon approved of Rey meeting new people, and she thought she should do the same. Sharon talked with Mariah and Tessa about her impending road trip, for which she had no set destination. Summer apologized to Zoe for last night. Phyllis crashed the party, and Abby and Chelsea were skeptical of Phyllis's kind words for them. Abby thought the hotel was her calling. Zoe drugged the pitchers of drinks at the party. Phyllis overheard Devon say that he thought Chance was contesting Katherine's will.", "" ]
[ "[PREVIOUSLY_ON]", "Abby: I want this place, this lounge, to not only be for out-of-town guests but a hot spot for locals, like an exclusive club.", "Zoe: I'm, uh, zoe hardisty. Theo invited me. I'm part of his social-media quad. We could get coffee or go shopping. [ Gasps ] We could have a spa day -- post it all for our followers.", "Summer: Oh, my god. Okay. Um, you are being beyond clingy right now. These look exactly like the medication victor's taking -- the same size and markings. Doubling the dosage will increase his side effects greatly.", "Nikki: Oh, thank you, joan. I'll let you know if I have any changes.", "Adam: Goodbye, dad.", "Nikki: There you are.", "Victor: Thank you, sweetheart. It's not decaf, is it?", "Nikki: Oh, perish the thought.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: But I was thinking, uh, maybe we should just take our drinks to go and head home.", "Victor: Why?", "Nikki: Well, we've been out for a while, and pretty soon we're gonna have to get ready for abby's big night.", "Victor: Oh, we have plenty of time, darling. I mean, I'm enjoying this day. Let's stay a little while.", "Nikki: I just think maybe should relax a little bit before tonight. You haven't quite seemed yourself.", "Victor: Oh, baby, I'm -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm alright.", "Nikki: Are we really gonna do this?", "Victor: [ Sighs ] Okay. I'm a little off. Okay? But that, I think, has to do with the fact that I was upset by adam's visit.", "Nikki: Are you sure that's all it is?", "Victor: Yeah. I mean, otherwise, I-I feel much better. I think I'm making progress, you know? What else could it be?", "Adam: Listen. So...the minute their backs were turned, I switched the medication in dad's pocket. The labels are identical. And the pills are twice as strong now, which, according to my pharmacist friend, can lead to some interesting complications.", "Phyllis: I'm just curious. I'm curious --", "Adam: What? Are you gonna lecture me now?", "Phyllis: No. I'm on board. I told you that. I just want to know, are you having second thoughts, any nagging feeling in the back of your mind that maybe you're going overboard?", "Adam: Victor tried to run me over with a car. Is that not enough?", "Phyllis: I was just checking. I need some coffee.", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Not out here. [ Sighs ] I can't find it anywhere! Should I wear the blue one-instead?", "Lola: I know what's bothering you, and it's not your tie going missing.", "Kyle: Oh, yeah?", "Lola: It's theo. You're dreading seeing him. Just ignore him.", "Kyle: Easier said than done.", "Lola: I know that you have it in you. You ignore me when I bug you about leaving your wet towel on the bathroom floor. Go on, kyle abbot. Ignore me.", "Kyle: Looking like that?", "Lola: It'll be good practice.", "Kyle: Uh...this is... monumentally unfair.", "Lola: What, this is difficult for you?", "Kyle: [ Sighs ] Try impossible.", "Lola: Come on, baby. You can do it. Pretend like I'm not even here.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Devon: Hey, there.", "Elena: Hey!", "Devon: I thought you were gonna be home hours ago.", "Elena: I know, but something really cool came up.", "Devon: Oh.", "Nate: I, uh, had an emergency surgery and invited elena to observe, so if she's late, blame me.", "Devon: Ah, I see. That's okay. That's okay. It sounds like he gave you a great opportunity, huh?", "Elena: He did. Thank you for understanding.", "Devon: Yeah, of course.", "Sharon: Thanks again for letting faith stay here while i go on my trip. Oh, and she insisted that she's fine with just her father dropping her off at boarding school.", "Nick: Yeah, it's not a problem, although I cannot believe our little girl is old enough to go off to boarding school.", "Sharon: I know. Me, neither. And that's part of what I want to work through, you know, on my trip, which I would have been gone by now already, but I'm going to abby's opening-night big gala.", "Nick: Abby's opening-night big gala? You know, it's chelsea's, too. Kind of glided right over that.", "Sharon: Oh. I-I-I guess I did. No, you're right. Um, and I'm honestly happy for her.", "Nick: [ Chuckles ] That almost sounded sincere.", "Sharon: Well, I'll have to work on my presentation.", "Nick: I guess I was, uh, you know, kind of hoping that you and chelsea could be friends. We're all part of this big, messy, blended family. Is that too much to ask for?", "Sharon: Yeah. Probably too much to ask for.", "Nick: It's too much.", "Sharon: [ Chuckles ] But you know what? I am glad that you two are back together, for your sake. You really deserve a fresh new start, nick. And now it's my turn.", "Abby: [ Sighs, chuckles ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Are you ready?", "Abby: Oh, I'm ready.", "[ Chuckles ]", "[ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: Ohh.", "Abby: [ Sighs ]", "Chelsea: Tonight is going to be magnificent.", "Abby: A dream come true.", "[ Both squeal, giggle ] Additional sponsorship", "[ Knock on door ]", "Rey: Lola!", "Kyle: [ Groans ]", "Rey: Kyle! Anyone home?!", "Lola: [ Sighs ] Coming!", "Kyle: Uh -- mnh. Mnh.", "[ Door opens ]", "Lola: Hey! What's up?", "Kyle: Come on in!", "Rey: Thanks.", "Lola: I am so glad that you are here.", "Kyle: [ Groans ]", "Rey: You sure about that?", "Lola: Hey. Rey... tonight is gonna be superfun. This party is going to be packed, and maybe you'll meet someone.", "Rey: Let's not get carried away.", "Lola: Making it a challenge, huh? You're on.", "Rey: [ Sighs heavily ]", "Tessa: Can I help pick some of the shots this time?", "Mariah: Of course. I want you to be comfortable with whatever decisions we make.", "Tessa: You know I always am.", "Mariah: Hi, guys.", "Theo: Hey, ladies! What's up?", "Mariah: Not much.", "Theo: You remember tallulah and indio, right?", "Mariah: Of course. Are you guys ready for the grand phoenix event tonight?", "Tallulah: Yes. Theo has been prepping us.", "Indio: Did you just come from a performance?", "Tessa: Huh? Oh. Oh! No, not really.", "Mariah: We just came from a photo session. We took some publicity shots for tessa.", "Theo: Hey, I wish you'd let me know. I've been to tons of shoots. I know all the ins and outs.", "Mariah: Are you implying that I don't?&", "Theo: Not at all. Just pointing out that my experience might be useful. I want you to feel free to take advantage of me.", "Tessa: Sure you don't mean the other way around?", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ] You know, I'm actually working on tessa's campaign personally, so no outside contributions necessary.", "Theo: Hey, whatever works. Right now we're off to the hotel.", "Mariah: Is that what they're wearing to the event?", "Tallulah: Why? Is something wrong?", "Mariah: Well, let me just put it this way -- uh, you're gonna fit in much more at a gala cocktail event with, uh, some cocktail dresses, so... I want you to go to fenmore'S. You're gonna ask for alex. Tell her I sent you, and she will dress you, and then power communications will pick up the tab.", "Indio: Free clothes?", "Mariah: Yeah.", "Indio: I'm down!", "[ Laughter ]", "Theo: You two go on ahead. I'll catch up.", "Tallulah: Okay.", "Theo: See what I'm talking about? We make a great team! I hustle the talent, you put on the finishing touches. [ Chuckles ] Anyway...I'm off. I'll see you later. Oh. And in case you're wondering... I will be appropriately attired.", "Mariah: [ Chuckles ]", "Tessa: You still don't trust him?", "Mariah: No. It's different now.", "Tessa: It is?", "Mariah: Yeah. Now I trust him less.", "Abby: Whoo!", "Chelsea: Whoo! Ha ha! Well done!", "Abby: Thank you!", "Chelsea: So, now that the pool table is broken in...", "Abby: Let the festivities begin. I cannot wait for all of genoa city's movers and shakers to arrive and see their new jewel.", "Chelsea: I know. Man, I just -- I can't believe how much my life has changed since I came back to genoa city. I mean, I-I-I couldn't have predicted anything that's happened.", "Abby: I know, right? A few weeks ago, owning a hotel wasn't even on my radar, and now look at us. We are business partners -- a real team.", "Chelsea: Yeah. I'm so grateful and thrilled you let me invest in the grand phoenix and manage the place.", "Abby: Well, there is no one else I'd rather have running the show.", "Chelsea: Well, let's hope you still feel that way after tonight.", "Abby: Oh. Well, if it doesn't work out, I predict phyllis would be more than happy to step in.", "[ Clicks tongue ]", "Chelsea: [ Inhales deeply ]", "[ Squeals ]", "Phyllis: The grand phoenix opening is tonight.", "Adam: Yeah, and whatever it is you're cooking up to get even with the new owner.", "Phyllis: [ Inhales deeply ] I'm just going for the free food. But abby and chelsea will be so unnerved that I'm there, and that's gonna be fun to watch.", "Adam: God, that sounds extremely boring.", "Phyllis: So, I assume you're not gonna be my plus-one?", "Adam: Well, I do enjoy showing up to places where I'm not wanted, but... once you come waltzing through the door, no one will even notice me, so...", "Phyllis: Mm.", "Nikki: Darling, I'm sure these repeated encounters with adam have taken a toll on your energy level, but maybe we should just call nate to be sure, hmm?", "Victor: I-I just don't want to run to the doctor every time I... feel...", "Nikki: Victor?", "Victor: [ Breathing heavily ]", "Nikki: Victor.", "Victor: I-I can'T...", "Nikki: Oh, my god. No. No. What -- what can I do? What can I do for you? How can I help you?", "Victor: [ Breathing heavily ]", "Nikki: Darling.", "Victor: Get me some water.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. Please, um... I need a glass of water very quickly. Thank you. Thank you.", "Victor: [ Whimpers ]", "Adam: Hey, what is going on?", "Victor: [ Whimpers ] [ Breathing heavily ] Get out. Just go away.", "Nate: Thanks for the beer, guys.", "Devon: Yeah, of course. You taking off?", "Nate: Abby won't be too pleased if I'm late.", "Devon: I hear that. I should probably change myself. It won't take me long to change.", "Elena: Must be nice. You guys get to throw on a suit and you're ready to go, but i have to rush to get halfway decent.", "Devon: That's not true at all, honey. You could wear exactly what you have on right now and still be more beautiful than anybody at the party.", "Elena: Ohh.", "Devon: You know that. Right?", "Nate: Yeah, every woman... except abby.", "Elena: Good answer. Abby's got some boyfriend material on her hands.", "Nate: [ Chuckles ] Catch you folks later.", "Devon: See you there.", "Elena: So...", "Devon: Yeah?", "Elena: ...If you like this...", "Devon: Mm-hmm?", "Elena: ...I cannot wait for you to see what I have for tonight. You're gonna love it.", "Devon: Really?", "Elena: Mm-hmm.", "Devon: Oh, sheesh.", "Elena: Yeah.", "Devon: Yeah. Can't wait.", "Elena: Can't wait?", "Devon: No, I can'T.", "Abby: Zoe? What are you looking for?", "Zoe: Uh. Um --", "Summer: Oh, my god. You guys, this place looks amazing. The flowers are gorgeous -- everything.", "Abby: Oh, thank you. That was all chelsea.", "Theo: Great job with the decor. Wow!", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Theo: Zoe, I see you beat us here.", "Zoe: Yeah. Lots to do before the party starts.", "Summer: Abby, are you excited about tonight?", "Abby: Yeah, just a little bit.", "Theo: Well, everything's in place social-media-wise to make this an unforgettable event. Shall we check out the party space?", "Summer: Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Break a leg, you guys.", "Nikki: Alright. We are going home. I'm gonna have the driver bring the car up, and I'm calling nate.", "Victor: Okay.", "Nikki: This is all your fault.", "Victor: I told you to get out.", "Nikki: This is mrs. Newman. Please hold. You came over yesterday to stir up trouble. This is the result. So just go. Don't make things worse. Yes. I need you to bring the car up around the back right away, please.", "Adam: Sorry you're not feeling well.", "[ Clears throat ]", "Phyllis: That was fast. Every little movement", "Abby: Hi! Welcome! Every little thing you do is it sleight of hand that commands my heart to love you? Every little movement every motion of your hips I feel the compulsion to pull you to my sweet lips see the black magic spell you put me under", "Chelsea: Thank you so much. I'm so glad. Oh, and be sure to check out the ballroom. If you want to rent it out for a personal event or a work --", "Nick: Excuse us for just one second. I am so sorry.", "Chelsea: Excuse us. Every little movement", "Nick: I mean, look at what you did with this place! I am thrilled for you!", "Chelsea: Well, I mean, I came in late, and I had help. Abby should get most of the credit. It's her vision. I'm just -- I'm just happy to be along for the ride.", "Nick: Oh, okay. Did you forget that we live together? I saw the energy and creativity you put in this place. I'm so proud of you. You are the magician", "Nick: You're amazing. I've been wishing for", "Sharon: Congratulations! This place, this lobby, is fabulous!", "Abby: Well, it was a labor of love. Please enjoy your evening.", "Sharon: I'm sure I will.", "Abby: [ Chuckles ]", "[ Camera shutter clicking ]", "Sharon: Rey!", "Rey: Hi.", "Sharon: I didn't know you were gonna be here.", "Rey: I wasn't expecting to run in to you, either.", "Lola: You know, if people stop coming to society to hang out here, I am gonna be one ticked-off executive chef.", "Kyle: Mm.", "Theo: Excuse me. I hope this party isn't too wild for you. I don't want to offend your wholesome sensibilities.", "Kyle: Actually, it's perfect for the jcv brand. And since jabot is a major sponsor for tonight's event, I'm counting on you to pull it off without a hitch.", "Theo: Hey.", "Kyle: Zoe better not be an issue here tonight, if you catch my drift.", "Theo: Dude, I told you -- not everything's about you. Huh? I need to get back to work. Nice seeing you, lola.", "Lola: Oh, I love this song! Will you dance with me?", "Kyle: How could I resist?", "Lola: Well, you can'T.", "Kyle: We must go find the dance floor.", "Lola: Hey. Um, there's more room here. Why don't we just stay?", "Kyle: [ Chuckles ]", "Lola: [ Chuckles ]", "Theo: Alright. Now some of the two of you together.", "Summer: Okay.", "Theo: Get closer. Pretend you like each other. Smile!", "Nate: Blood pressure's good.", "Victor: Oh.", "Nate: Heart rate's a bit elevated, which I'll chalk up to some mild anxiety about the issues you described.", "Victor: Well, I'm feeling much better now.", "Nikki: Well, I'm not. You were in a great deal of distress, darling.", "Victor: Thank you, sweetheart.", "Nikki: I want to know what nate thinks happened.", "Nate: Well, the weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness can be caused by any number of things -- not necessarily tied to the illness. I want to see the test results of the blood samples I took before I venture an opinion.", "Victor: Well, that's fair enough.", "Nikki: We've been dealing with some family issues that have been very stressful. Do you think that could have been a factor?", "Nate: I can't rule it out. But the fact that he bounced back so quickly is a good sign.", "Victor: And, doc, one other thing. Um... you know nikki and I would very much like to go to abby's opening tonight just to cheer her on, you know? Is that alright?", "Nate: Yeah, as far as I'm concerned.", "Nikki: No. This is my call. We're not taking any chances. You and I are gonna be right here.", "Adam: I mean, I'm not a doctor. Could doubling the dosage kick in that fast? I don't have a clue. I mean, would victor's little episode be because of the pill switch? Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, nikki implied it was just stress.", "Phyllis: You almost sound like you're hoping that's all it is.", "Adam: Come on. Please. You know me better than that. Regrets are for other people. I made a decision. And it was the right decision. So, I am just trying to figure out where I stand.", "Phyllis: You saw your father weak and vulnerable. You're human. Adam, you're human. It is natural for you to have second thoughts. \"The young and the restless\" will continue. \"The young and the restless\" will continue.", "Nikki: I'll get you some more water.", "Victor: Sweetheart, I really wish we had gone to abby's opening tonight, you know? But I do understand why you put your foot down.", "Nikki: Happy to hear that.", "Victor: Okay. You've been so protective of me, so supportive of me ever since you knew about my condition. And in spite of my grumbling here and there, you know... I'm grateful.", "Nikki: Darling, there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you... just as you have done for me so many times. And since we're skipping the party, I asked the chef to serve your favorite meal to us tonight.", "Victor: Ooh! We haven't had that for a while.", "Nikki: Well, actually, we had it last week.", "Victor: What do you mean, last week?", "Nikki: Darling, do you know what your favorite meal is?", "Victor: Well, no. W-- [ Sighs ] I'm -- I'm drawing a blank.", "Nikki: It's cornish game hens, but don't worry about not remembering it. I'm sure it's all the stress you've been under.", "Victor: Oh. Well, I-I'm not that hungry anyway right now. What -- what I would love to do is I'd -- I'd love to dance with you.", "Nikki: [ Chuckles ]", "Adam: Why do you continue to keep bugging me about this, phyllis? I gave you my answer at the coffeehouse. I am fine with what I did.", "Phyllis: I don't believe you.", "Adam: More than fine.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ]", "Adam: You don't believe me. You know, not that long ago, you went on a rant about how unjust the world has been to you, reminding me how much we have in common. That day, you were right, okay? But today you are wrong, because my family has treated me like something you would scrape off the bottom of your shoe. And for that, I want to see my father completely incapacitated.", "Phyllis: Completely?", "Adam: Mm-hmm.", "Phyllis: Alright. I don'T... have any judgment. Just -- I'm all for burning the house down. Adam, this is a little different than you described the other day.", "Adam: You don't think I have what it takes to go through with it?", "Phyllis: Well, time will tell.", "[ Chuckles ]", "Adam: Bet me.", "Phyllis: Adam, I'm not... okay, fine. I will bet you. I will bet you. If you continue to allow victor to suffer now that you've changed his medication, I will grant you a-a wish of your choosing. But... if I win -- if I win -- I want something more tangible from you. Excuse me.", "Adam: Okay. How many zeroes are we talking about here?", "Phyllis: It's not about money. I want you to really sacrifice something.", "Adam: Huh. Name it.", "Phyllis: [ Sighs ] No more vendettas. I want you to stop going after your family.", "Adam: [ Chuckles ] Phy-- why would you care?", "Phyllis: Because I like you. [ Scoffs ] Don't ask why. Because it's for your own good.", "Adam: Is this about nick? Are you worried about how big a hit your ex is gonna take, phyllis?", "Phyllis: No, this is about my daughter. It's about summer. I don't want my daughter caught in the crossfire. Please stop your family feud with the newmans. Stop it. I don't want my daughter hurt.", "Adam: I have no beef with summer. You know that. But are you sure you want to waste your wager on her?", "Phyllis: Okay. [ Chuckles ] I have a party to go, alright? I don't want to deal with this I-- do we have a deal or not?", "Adam: Sure. What the hell? Okay? And because I'm going to win... I will have to think very carefully about what I will ask from you... when the time comes.", "Rey: If I didn't say it before, you look very nice this evening.", "Sharon: Ah, thank you. That's a nice suit.", "Rey: Ah. Well, if I don't get dressed up every once in a while, I'll forget how.", "Sharon: I doubt that.", "Rey: This place is impressive.", "Sharon: It is breathtaking!", "Rey: Abby did a fantastic job. I'm glad I came. I was thinking about skipping, but my little sister would have been pretty upset if I was a no-show.", "Sharon: Well, I don't blame her. She wants her big brother around, right?", "Rey: She wants me to get out and start meeting people.", "Sharon: Well, that's probably good advice -- for both of us.", "Mariah: Hey!", "Devon: Hey, guys! What's going on?", "Mariah: Elena, your dress is killer!", "Elena: You two look amazing, and I love, love, love your whole outfit, tessa.", "Tessa: Oh, this old thing?", "Mariah: She means that literally because it's vintage.", "Elena: Oh!", "Devon: I think we all clean up pretty well, yeah?", "Mariah: And it's a good thing, too, because look at this lobby. Talk about fancy. Do you want to explore a little bit?", "Tessa: Oh, yeah.", "Mariah: Okay. See you, guys.", "Devon: See you. Yeah.", "Elena: Drink?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Elena: Hey. It looks like we beat nate.", "Devon: Yeah, which is fine 'cause he got to hang out with you at work all day. It's my turn now.", "Elena: Really?", "Devon: Yeah.", "Nick: You know, it is crazy to think that this started out as my project.", "Abby: It's gone through a few changes along the way.", "Nick: Yeah, but you're the one who got it across the finish line. People have been underestimating you for far too long, abby.", "Abby: Thank you. But I do have to give some of the credit to phyllis. She did some of the early hard work.", "Nick: As true as that may be, no matter how many \"a\"-listers are walking around, sipping their cocktails, as far as I'm concerned, you are the true shining star tonight, abby.", "Theo: Hey. What are you doing?", "Indio: Uh, sorry to interrupt. We need you to introduce us around.", "Tallulah: The more bold-faced names we can get photos with...", "Theo: The better. I hear you. But you're both more than capable of approaching people on your own, so go for it. It's how you're gonna build your reps online. Uh, zoe! Hey. I expect you to dive in, too. Now, I'll do my best to steer people your way for some shots and some quick interviews, but you're gonna have to keep your eyes peeled. Okay? Let's get crackin', okay?", "Tallulah: Okay.", "Theo: Hey. Hey, you've been quiet all evening.", "Zoe: I'll do my best. But it'll be a challenge not coming off as clingy.", "Summer: Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that last night.", "Zoe: It's okay. You both...had a point. Now, I have a job to do. I'll leave you both alone tonight and do my own thing. Deal?", "Theo: [ Chuckles nervously ] She's fine.", "Mariah: Okay. So, I think next I want to get some shots with you at the swag table, maybe at the guest check-in, getting a bellini. And I am gonna make sure that you are in all the write-ups about this tomorrow.", "Sharon: Tonight's not all about work, is it? Come on, you guys! Have some fun! Join the festivities!", "Mariah: Wow. Listen to you, already in vacation mode.", "Tessa: Ugh. Road trip? I'm jealous.", "Mariah: Without a destination yet -- just point the car and set off.", "Sharon: That's me, the madcap adventurer.", "Tessa: Well, having done it myself a few times, or six, I recommend lots of snacks and a full canteen.", "Sharon: Sounds like an excellent plan.", "Mariah: Is, uh, rey and the uncomfortable run-ins of the things that you're running away from?", "Sharon: I'm not running away from anything. I'm running toward something -- whatever's next for me.", "Abby: Thank you.", "Nate: Hey. Sorry I'm late. Couldn't be helped. Man. You look good.", "Abby: Thank you. So do you.", "Nate: This is easily one of the most elegant hotel lobbies i have ever laid eyes on. And it's all in genoa city.", "Abby: Oh. Well, you are very sweet.", "Nate: Hey, now, you know what you achieved here, right? Perfection.", "Abby: I hope so.", "Nate: Everything okay? I seem to be the only one talking.", "Abby: Yeah. I'm just, um... I'm wondering who would send my flowers in the middle of my event.", "Nate: You know who it's from?", "Abby: I'm afraid to look. [ Sighs ] It's from my dad and nikki. I guess they're not gonna make it.", "Nate: Ah. That's the reason why I was late. Victor had a minor setback.", "Abby: What? Is everything alright?", "Nate: Your father's resting. He'll be okay after a good night's sleep. Okay?", "Abby: Promise?", "Nate: Yes.", "Devon: Hey, abby. This is a hell of a party!", "Elena: Hi!", "Abby: Hi!", "Devon: Hell of a party. Good job, my dear.", "Elena: Beautiful.", "Abby: Oh. Well, I can't take all of the credit.", "Devon: Oh. Well, you can take about 90% of it. I know how hard you worked on this place.", "Nate: look...", "Abby: \"Fabulous\" will work.", "[ Laughter ]", "Elena: Thank you both.", "Nate: My dear, you are truly the second most stunning woman here tonight.", "Abby: Awww.", "[ Chuckles ]", "[ Camera shutter clicking ]", "Theo: Hey. Let her have this.", "Phyllis: Hello. Um...I know I didn't make the guest list, but I just had to come and... congratulate you on your... epic achievement.", "Abby: Did you?", "Phyllis: You don't think i mean that?", "Chelsea: Can you blame us?", "Phyllis: No. Of course not, chelsea. But now that the two of you have willed the grand phoenix into a reality, it is time for me to be the better person and... tell you that you both did better... than I ever could. Ahh. To your success.", "Nikki: Oh. Are you alright? Darling?", "Victor: Maybe. Oof. Um... I'm gonna go upstairs and... lie down, okay?", "Nikki: Um, o-okay.", "Victor: Sorry, my sweetheart.", "Nikki: Alright.", "Chelsea: Thank you.", "Nick: Drink later.", "Lola: Look at you, mr. Eligible casanova, so smooth, so suave. Look at this turtleneck, speaking to all the beautiful women.", "Rey: Yeah, yeah, not before you chatted 'em up a bit on my behalf.", "Kyle: Ooh, busted.", "Rey: My kid sister's looking to start a second career as a matchmaker?", "Kyle: Mm.", "Lola: Okay, look, if you're looking for an apology, you're in for a very long wait. Besides, it didn't look like torture. Why stop now? The night is young. Liz seemed really nice.", "Rey: [ Sighs ]", "Lola: Recently divorced. No kids, and just don't let her love and obsession for cats scare you away. Go talk to her again, yeah?", "Rey: Mm-hmm.", "Lola: Good luck!", "Devon: You know, I reached out to jill regarding that lawyer that contacted me about katherine's will.", "Elena: Yeah? She have any theories?", "Devon: Well, yeah, we both do, kind of. Through the process of elimination, we both settled on her grandson chance chancellor, who I think had some reason to contact that lawyer and mess around in something that's been settled for such a long time, which just doesn't make any sense to me at all.", "Elena: How come?", "Devon: Oh, 'cause when I knew him, he was a good guy. He's in law enforcement, and i just -- I don't understand why he or anybody would want to challenge katherine's will after so much time has gone by.", "Chelsea: Excuse me. I'm sorry. I cannot tell you how many people have been coming up to me gushing -- gushing! -- Over what you've created. If you're not careful, you are gonna become one hot commodity -- designer, developer, real- estate mogul all wrapped into one... the ultimate hyphenate.", "Abby: Ooh!", "Nate: Ooh! Looks like you've found your calling.", "Abby: Actually, I think that's exactly what happened. It was a lot of hard work and stress and sweat, but I can't wait to do it all over again.", "[ Laughs ]", "[ Crash ]", "Theo: Uh...okay. Alright. Sorry. That was not great, but that's how we know we got a party. S-sorry, abby. Uh, I'm getting this clea-- hey, here's the cavalry! See? Look! Here we go. Party's still going. Get this cleaned up in no time. Still have a great night tonight, right? Hey! No? Hey! Okay. We got one. We got one, alright, in the back. [ Chuckles ] Okay. Getting it all cleaned up there. Fantastic. Now we got a party, right? Absolutely. Hey. Hey. Dj, kick it! Dj, are you there? No? Okay." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne', 'provided by ...']
[ "When one of the dockworkers gets injured, \"Christian\" persuades the workers to demand better working conditions or walk off the job. One of the dockworkers calls someone on the phone and tells the person that they are going to have to get rid of the old guy because he is causing trouble. Genevieve finds out that Blackie the bartender at the bar where the dockworkers go is wanted in three states, so she has Blackie arrested so that she can take his bartending job. Sharon tells Daisy that Ricky is dead and that Daniel almost went to jail because they thought he killed her. Daisy wants to go home and explains to Sharon she checked herself into Fairview using a fake name in order to get away from Ricky. Daisy asks Sharon to confirm her true identity to the doctor so that he can let her go home, but Sharon refuses to help Daisy, and the doctor doesn't believe her.", "Tucker tries to see Sharon at Fairview to tell her that Victoria and Nick are making crucial changes at Newman Enterprises and she needs to prove she is competent as soon as possible, but since Sharon is under court mandated observation, he isn't allowed to see her. Tucker tries to send Sharon flowers with a note but she isn't allowed to have flowers in her room either. Sharon has a disturbing dream about when she was at Fairview before and gave birth to Faith and thought that she had died. Victoria and Nick are thrilled when Newman stock goes up and they are told that it could go up even higher than before Victor left. Paul finds a flash drive inside the snow globe of Niagara Falls which was the only thing Heather kept that belonged to Ricky. Paul thinks that the flash drive contains footage of Ricky killing his girlfriend Rachel. Avery and Heather call Michael and when the flash drive is put in Heather's computer, it is Ricky telling whomever finds this drive that if anything ever happens to him, Paul is to blame, because Paul is after him. Victoria tells Billy that she is really worried that something happened to Victor because it isn't like him to stay away when the company is in trouble. Billy tells Victoria there is something important he has to tell her about Victor.", "" ]
[ "Victoria: Thank you. (Sighs)", "Nick: You ready to take all this on?", "Victoria: Yeah, I will be, as soon as I get rid of Sharon's things.", "Nick: Her being out isn't a done deal.", "Victoria: No, but it will be in about, mm, 70 hours.", "Nick: You seem pretty confident.", "Victoria: Sharon is not fit to be C.E.O. of Newman. The psych evaluation is just gonna make that official.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Daisy? Is that really you?", "Daisy: (Chuckles) I changed my hair.", "Sharon: Oh. Well, what are you doing here?", "Daisy: I could ask you the same question.", "Sharon: Well, I'm not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. I came here on my own and I'll be out in a few days.", "Daisy: Hmm. Funny coincidence. We both don't belong here.", "Sharon: Everybody thinks you're dead. Daniel was arrested for your murder.", "Daisy: Daniel? What? Ricky is the one who tried to get rid of me. That psycho is the reason I'm here. I had to hide from him.", "Sharon: Well, you don't have to hide from him anymore. Ricky's dead. Paul's about to go on trial for his murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Paul: (Sighs)", "Heather: Paul, I'm sorry. I had no idea that Ricky had taken Rachel to Niagara Falls.", "Paul: Well, according to his friend, it was just before he killed her. He must have bought this while they were there.", "Heather: It's hard to imagine Ricky buying something so... sentimental.", "Paul: Yeah, I know. It's funny, isn't it? How a simple keepsake shows us... how little we knew about Ricky. He seemed so twisted and--and... sick. Yet the fact that he bought this and--and kept it just makes me think there's a side of Ricky that we never saw, and it's--it's just hidden somewhere inside here.", "(Footsteps approach)", "Avery: Hi.", "Heather: Hey.", "Avery: Your office told me you would be here with Paul.", "Heather: Yeah.", "Avery: I have news. They set a date for your trial.", "Paul: Really? How soon?", "Avery: A few weeks.", "Heather: That doesn't give you much time to prepare.", "Avery: I know. Have you had a chance to go through Ricky's personal belongings?", "Heather: He can't. Um, I threw them out.", "Avery: All of them?", "Paul: All of them except this.", "Avery: Okay, all right, then we need to put all of our focus on finding this video of Ricky killing Rachel.", "Paul: Oh, boy.", "Avery: Paul, it may be your only hope.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hey, sorry I had to hang up earlier.", "Tucker: Is there a problem out there in L.A.?", "Genevieve: Nothing I can't handle.", "Tucker: I don't need Victor showing up in Genoa City right now.", "Genevieve: Don't worry. He has found a new home for himself at the mission. The problem is, he doesn't want me there.", "Tucker: Well, live in a cardboard box if you have to. Just figure out a way to keep an eye on Victor.", "Genevieve: Whoa. (Scoffs) Nice talking to you, too.", "(Cell phone rings)", "Genevieve: Mm, great. Ohh. Hello, Billy.", "Billy: Everything cool with you and \"Snidely\"?", "Genevieve: It will be.", "Billy: I don't like the sound of that. What's going on?", "Genevieve: \"Sister Smarty-pants\" convinced Victor that I shouldn't stay at the mission.", "Billy: (Laughs) Really? You can't handle a nun?", "Genevieve: (Chuckles) Trust me, she hasn't got a prayer against my next move.", "Billy: Well, I should certainly hope not. I'd hate to think what would happen if I let it slip that you and Tucker are trying to pull a fast one on Victor.", "Genevieve: Relax. I'm keeping an eye on Victor.", "Billy: Good. Check in with me later. Thank you.", "Tucker: Thanks.", "Billy: Tucker. What's new?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hey. I'm glad you're back. I need to talk--", "Victor: Not now, okay? How are you doing?", "Sister Celeste: Ooh, he's not doing good. I think his arm is broken.", "Man: No, no, no, it's just a little banged up.", "Victor: Can you move it?", "Man: Sure. (Winces)", "Sister Celeste: Oh, uh, he needs medical attention.", "Man: (Sighs)", "Victor: Wait a minute. Uh... Genny, you're a nurse. Can--can you take a look at this--this man's arm?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Ricky's dead?", "Sharon: Yeah, for awhile now.", "Daisy: (Sighs) I haven't had access to TV or newspapers or anything.", "Sharon: Mm, and I remember what that was like.", "Daisy: You've been here before?", "Sharon: Um, I'm really not gonna discuss my personal business with you.", "Daisy: (Scoffs) Like I care. I want to know about me. Everyone thought I was dead?", "Sharon: You know, I'm surprised one of the staff didn't say anything to you.", "Daisy: Well, I had to check in under a false name. I couldn't risk Ricky finding me here.", "Sharon: You're really paranoid, aren't you? I bet it didn't take much to convince the doctors that you belong here.", "Daisy: Hmm, I'm not the one on my return visit.", "Sharon: Well, I won't be here long. I have a company to run, and I intend on getting out of here before my enemies make that impossible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: Okay, one company-wide e-mail announcing that you've been rehired, sent.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Victoria: What are you working on?", "Nick: Something that will ensure Sharon can never fire us again, at least not unilaterally.", "Victoria: \"Neither Nicholas nor Victoria Newman may be removed or dismissed from their positions as executives at Newman Enterprises without the approval of the board of directors.\" Good, brilliant.", "Nick: It's time we start making our moves before Sharon makes hers. What?", "Victoria: Oh, you just sound just like Dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Billy: So, old Tucker, Buddy, ol' pal, what's new at Newman Enterprises?", "Tucker: Why are you asking me? You're married to a Newman.", "Billy: Oh, that is true, but Vicki has no idea where her dad is, and she doesn't know what motivated Sharon's new power trip.", "Tucker: And what makes you think I do?", "Billy: Well, you have gotten very chummy with Mrs. Newman lately.", "Tucker: I'm on the Newman board. I'm protecting my interests.", "Billy: That's right, until Victor comes back.", "Tucker: If he comes back. You know, no one's heard from him for weeks.", "Billy: Oh, I know. That is weird, and despite every ounce of my being not caring, I still find myself wondering where he is. What's he up to?", "Tucker: It's too bad we can't ask him.", "Billy: Oh, come on. His not being here gives you a great opportunity to make a run at Newman, doesn't it?", "Tucker: Well, it's not so bad for you, either. There's nobody around trying to break up your marriage or your face, or have you thrown in jail for something you didn't do.", "Billy: Well, I guess Victor being AWOL is good for both of us, in a way.", "Tucker: To common ground, then.", "(Glasses clink)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Man: Yeah, yeah--aah!", "Genevieve: He's got to have an x-ray.", "Man: I'm sure it'll heal on its own. I mean, it has to, 'cause I can't afford x-rays, or a doc.", "Victor: Well, you don't have to pay for it. The company will have to pay for it.", "Man: Yeah, well, they already said that they won't.", "Victor: You had the accident because of their negligence. I saw it.", "Jake: Norm. Drinks on the house today, and anything you want to eat.", "Norm: Thanks, \"Blackie.\"", "Jake: Tough break, gettin' the ax.", "Norm: Yeah.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "Victor: You got fired?", "Norm: (Sighs) Can't work the docks with a bum arm.", "Victor: Wait a minute, man, they can't fire you. You hurt that arm because of their negligence.", "Norm: Yeah, well, that's the way it is, man. You know, that's the way it's always been.", "Victor: That can't go on. We have got to change things.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: Head of a company, huh? At least I'm just pretending to be delusional.", "Sharon: The part about abandoning your daughter-- real.", "Daisy: Well, it's better for Lucy that her mother is alive than dead.", "Sharon: Debatable.", "Daisy: (Scoffs) Please. You married the man who kidnapped your child.", "Doctor: Sharon. Time to start.", "Daisy: Electroshock therapy, I hope.", "Doctor: Are you ready?", "Sharon: Yes.", "Daisy: Dr. Laurents, I need to talk to you.", "Dr. Laurents: We have an appointment this afternoon.", "Daisy: I'm sorry, it can't wait. I need to check out now.", "Dr. Laurents: I'm afraid it's not that simple, Scarlett.", "Daisy: Uh, n-no, that's n-not my name. I had to call myself that. I had to hide here. Uh, I'm--I'm Daisy, Daisy Romalotti. Uh, Sharon knows. Tell--tell him who I am.", "Sharon: Um, I'm sorry, I have no idea what Scarlett's talking about.", "Dr. Laurents: We'll talk soon, I promise.", "Daisy: But it can't wait. I need to get out of here. I have a daughter. I have to get back to her. You can't keep me prisoner! Sharon, tell him who I am!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: All my years in business, I've never seen anything like this.", "Victoria: Well, when is the last time you saw someone with zero business experience shanghai the C.E.O. position of a multibillion-dollar corporation? We're trying to keep Sharon from running Newman into the ground.", "Nick: All the other board members have agreed to sign. You with us or not, Tucker?", "Victoria: If you want what's best for Newman, prove it.", "Tucker: (Sighs)", "Nick: We'll get you copies of it as soon as we get the rest of the signatures.", "Tucker: Sure thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Hi. I'm Genny.", "Jake: You want a drink?", "Genevieve: Uh, no. Actually I was kind of wondering if you might be hiring.", "Jake: Nope.", "Sister Celeste: Um, Blackie, could I get some--some ice, uh, uh, for Norm's arm?", "Jake: Coming up, Sister.", "Sister Celeste: Okay, thanks.", "Genevieve: You know something? For a nun, you've got quite a way with the men.", "Sister Celeste: (Laughs) Well, people around here know that I don't want anything from them.", "Genevieve: All I want is a job and a place to stay.", "Sister Celeste: Hmm. I think you might be better off trying to find that someplace else.", "Victor: Listen, we can't let our boss get away with this.", "Man: Nobody wants to make trouble. If you do, you're out of a job.", "Victor: Now wait a minute. He already lost his job.", "Man: Yeah, we feel bad for him, but I don't know, we can't all afford to lose our jobs, too.", "Victor: But, Guys, that's why we have got to stick together. If we all refuse to continue working with this kind of treatment, they'll have to listen. Who's with me?", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Anything out here?", "Paul: No. No sign of Ricky's old laptop, a flash drive, DVD. Nothing that would hold a video file.", "Heather: Hey.", "Paul: You have any luck over at Eden's?", "Avery: They let me bring in a private forensics team, they turned the place upside down, and, uh, nothing in her apartment connected to Ricky.", "Paul: (Sighs) You know, I don't care what Bryce said. It's hard for me to believe that a boy that would buy this would be able to kill his girlfriend in cold blood.", "Avery: We won't be able to prove it if we don't find that video.", "Paul: It's almost as though he's speaking out to us. He was good once, before everything went...what the--", "Heather: Paul?", "Avery: Move back.", "(Pan tapping on glass)", "Paul: (Breathing heavily)", "Heather: Is that--", "Paul: A flash drive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: Hi. Nurse Baker?", "Nurse Baker: Mm-hmm.", "Tucker: Yeah. I was told to check with you about visiting a patient. I'm here to see Sharon Newman.", "Nurse Baker: Let's see where she is. I'm sorry, Mrs. Newman's here for a court-mandated evaluation. She's not allowed visitors.", "Tucker: It's very important that I see her.", "Nurse Baker: I'm afraid I can't help you.", "Dr. Laurents: Kathy, can you get Sharon Newman's file and bring it to her room?", "Tucker: Doctor, Tucker McCall. Hello. I'm a close friend of Sharon Newman's. I need to see her. The nurse refused to let me.", "Dr. Laurents: Nurse Baker was following the rules.", "Tucker: When can I see Sharon?", "Dr. Laurents: Not until she's released.", "Dr. Laurents: Sorry about that. Let's have a seat, and I'll tell you how the evaluation process works. Today, we'll talk generally about your life, uh, what led up to your being here, anything else that you want to tell me. Uh, over the next couple of days, we'll discuss why you've been ordered to undergo this evaluation, uh, your feelings about that. You'll also have to undergo some cognitive testing, and at the end of three days, I will issue my report. Do you have any questions?", "Sharon: No. Okay, sounds fine.", "Dr. Laurents: Great. Let's get started. So tell me what's been going on in your life lately.", "Sharon: Okay, well, um, I got married recently.", "Dr. Laurents: How do you feel about that?", "Sharon: It's not, um, what I expected it would be.", "Dr. Laurents: How so?", "Sharon: Well, I didn't realize that, being Mrs. Victor Newman, I would have a target on my back. I mean, I knew that Victor's children weren't happy about my marriage, but what I didn't expect-- and this might sound a little bit paranoid-- is that they would come after me so viciously.", "Dr. Laurents: How have they gone after you?", "Sharon: Well, this, for one. You know, they've convinced a judge to make me undergo this evaluation as a way of forcing me out of my position at Newman Enterprises, but I'm not gonna let them get away with it. You know, all my life, I've been bullied or pushed around by people who think they're better than me, but no more.", "Dr. Laurents: Mm-hmm. Sounds like you're under a lot of stress.", "Sharon: That's not unusual in the corporate world.", "Dr. Laurents: In the past, when you've been overwhelmed, it caused you to steal. That's why you were a patient here a few years ago.", "Sharon: Well, I was having trouble dealing with my pregnancy.", "Dr. Laurents: You were stressed then, like you are now.", "Sharon: No, no, it's completely different.", "Dr. Laurents: How?", "Sharon: Well, this time, I didn't steal. I was set up", "Dr. Laurents: Why did you agree to go through this process?", "Sharon: Because I want to prove Victor's children are wrong about me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Heather: Here, one pair of tweezers.", "Paul: Thanks.", "Heather: Whoa. What do you need those for?", "Paul: To get the plastic wrap off.", "Avery: We need to do this by the book.", "Heather: I think we should call Michael.", "Avery: I agree.", "Heather: Unfortunately, the evidence has already been compromised.", "Paul: Look, I know, you're right about everything. I just... I reacted without thinking.", "Heather: It's totally understandable.", "Avery: Okay, well, let's not make anything worse. Let's call Michael, get him over here.", "Heather: All right.", "Paul: Tell him to hurry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Genevieve: Gin and tonic, keep the change.", "Man: My kind of lady.", "Genevieve: My kind of bartender, not like that other guy who was here before. What's his problem, anyway?", "Man: Blaukowski? He doesn't like people poking around in his life.", "Genevieve: He doesn't like people, period.", "Man: There you go.", "Genevieve: Thanks.", "Man: Well, you gotta be careful when you're wanted in three states. Never can tell when a pretty lady turns out to be an undercover cop.", "Genevieve: He's a fugitive?", "Man: They don't call him \"Blackie\" for nothing. Dude's got a real dark side.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs) Well, the ice should keep the swelling down.", "Victor: He should go to the hospital...", "Sister Celeste: Yeah, I know.", "Victor: And the company needs to damn well pay for it. Why won't they listen to me?", "Sister Celeste: Well, you heard Sully. They don't want to lose their jobs.", "Victor: But that's why they have to stand united.", "Sister Celeste: (Sighs)", "Victor: Otherwise, the same thing will happen to them.", "Sister Celeste: Well, you're right, of course.", "Victor: Guys, I know you're all afraid of losing your job. I know you are. I think we can do something about that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: (Writing) \"Nick and Victoria making a move at Newman. Prove your competence as quickly as possible and get back here as soon as you can.\" Josie.", "Josie: Yes?", "Tucker: You order those flowers for Mrs. Newman?", "Josie: They said I could pick them up anytime.", "Tucker: Pick 'em up, deliver this with the flowers right away. (Exhales slowly)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Laurents: Are you worried about how all this might be affecting your children?", "Sharon: Well, Noah is old enough. I think he understands that in families, there are bound to be disagreements.", "Dr. Laurents: And how about your daughter?", "Sharon: Faith--I would do anything to protect her.", "Dr. Laurents: Especially after what happened here with Adam?", "Sharon: That was a dark time, for me and for Adam, but we both worked really hard to put that behind us.", "Dr. Laurents: Apparently, you were successful. You ended up marrying Adam.", "Sharon: Yes. You know, he was really sorry about what he did, and I was able to forgive him, and our relationship-- it helped each other heal.", "Dr. Laurents: Mm. Sounds like an incredible story, but it didn't have a happy ending.", "Sharon: No, things didn't work out for Adam and me.", "Dr. Laurents: Then you married his father, who's also the father of your first husband.", "Sharon: It's complicated.", "Dr. Laurents: Well, why don't we stop there? We'll pick it up again tomorrow. I'll have someone let you know what time.", "Sharon: Dr. Laurents, how am I doing?", "Dr. Laurents: We're just getting started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victoria: All right, done. Our shareholders now have second quarter reports for all of our subsidiaries.", "Nick: It's going out this late?", "Victoria: Well, Sharon had it below \"Redecorate the ranch\" and \"Fire you\" on her to-do list.", "Nick: Mm.", "Victoria: How'd you do?", "Nick: I got the rest of the signatures of the board. Sharon can no longer fire us unless the board approves it.", "Victoria: I made a list of things that we really need to address. Um, let's get started with this one here.", "Billy: Connie said I might find you here. Thought we could go to lunch. Her, not you.", "Nick: Mm.", "Victoria: Oh, hi. Um, I'm actually kind of in the middle of something right now.", "Billy: Okay, well, I will just sit here quietly and observe.", "Victoria: Thanks. So I did a comparative analysis when I was compiling the quarterly reports. Tech commodities are up over the last couple of months. However, profits from our new cosmetic line are not.", "Nick: (Scoffs) I knew it-- Sharon and her brilliant idea to allocate all those funds to develop new products. You just can't do that in an economy like this.", "Victoria: I say we put an indefinite hold on Sharon's plans and maybe put the money towards one of our tech companies.", "Nick: Largent?", "Victoria: I already called Phil Anderson. He wants to meet with us. Um... now, actually.", "Nick: Let's do it.", "Victoria: Okay. Oh, Baby, I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry, I'm just--I'm not gonna be able to have lunch with you.", "Billy: That's okay. I'll catch you at home.", "Victoria: But--yeah.", "Billy: Okay.", "Victoria: Okay, I love you.", "Billy: I love you, too. Obviously, you don't love me as much as you love your job. (Chuckles) Oh, well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: I've been working with you guys for weeks, under the same dismal working conditions. We all know the boss cuts corners. That's why Norm got hurt. That's why some of you are gonna get hurt. And now they don't want to pay his medical bills. Are you kidding? It was because of their negligence that he got hurt. They're not offering him workman's comp. This could happen to any of you. Things gotta change around here.", "Man: Who's gonna change 'em?", "Victor: You, you, and you-- all of you. If we stand united, if you all have respect for yourselves, you demand better working conditions, better medical coverage, workman's comp, they're gonna listen to you. If they don't, you threaten to walk off the job. You just don't come back. What are they gonna do? Things will have to change around here... 'cause otherwise, what happened to him is gonna happen to all of you. And then what? So who's with me? What, Norm is the only guy? You're gonna-- you're gonna let him fight for himself?", "Victor: All right, Guys.", "Sister Celeste: (Chuckles)", "Victor: Good. We gotta fight united. We gotta stick together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Daisy: I know what I told you when I first checked in here.", "Dr. Laurents: So... nobody was trying to kill you.", "Daisy: No, that part was true--Ricky Williams. He was wack times ten.", "Dr. Laurents: But he was only after you?", "Daisy: I saw video of him killing his girlfriend.", "Dr. Laurents: Why didn't you go to the authorities?", "Daisy: I tried. I was supposed to meet up with the D.A., but then Ricky showed up ins--instead, and I had to come here and hide from him, but I don't have to worry anymore, because he's dead.", "Dr. Laurents: Scarlett--", "Daisy: Daisy. My name is Daisy Romalotti. I live in Genoa City. My husband is Daniel Romalotti. We have a daughter together named Lucy. If you call the police department there, they will tell you that everything I am saying is the truth.", "Dr. Laurents: I want to help you, Sc--Daisy.", "Daisy: Then let me go home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Michael: You realize you should have called me before you broke this?", "Avery: Yes, but we've all been pretty hyped up since Bryce told us there was a video of Ricky killing his girlfriend.", "Michael: And you think it's on this?", "Heather: You want to prove Ricky was a cold-hearted murderer? That's it in your hand.", "Michael: Where's your computer?", "Heather: Right there.", "(Laptop keys clicking)", "Michael: There's only one file.", "Paul: Play it.", "(Laptop keys clicking)", "Michael: Doesn't look like there's anything on this.", "Paul: What the--", "Ricky: My name is Ricky Williams. If anything happens to me, the first person you need to look to is my dad, Paul Williams. He's out to get me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dr. Laurents: Your story is very believable. So is the one you told when you arrived.", "Daisy: (Chuckles) Yeah, but this one is true.", "Dr. Laurents: It would be irresponsible of me to let you walk out of here without checking it out.", "Daisy: Then can I leave?", "Dr. Laurents: One step at a time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Sharon dreaming]", "(Fire alarm bell clanging)", "Sharon: Aah! (Screaming)", "Dr. Taylor: Come on, you can do it. Push.", "Nick: I'm right here. Good.", "Sharon: (Screaming)", "Baby: (Crying)", "Sharon: My baby.", "Baby: (Fussing)", "Sharon: My baby.", "(Monitor beeping)", "Nick: Sharon? Are you asleep?", "Nick: I got a call. The baby--did something happen?", "Sharon: Faith--she didn't make it. Our little girl didn't make it, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I like hearing that. Thanks, Thomas. That was my stockbroker. Newman stock is on the way up.", "Victoria: We haven't even been in charge a day.", "Nick: He thinks it's gonna get back to where it was before.", "Victoria: Oh, man, Dad would be so happy to hear that.", "Nick: Hey, he's gonna come back.", "Victoria: Oh, I know, I know. I'm gonna go tell Billy the good news.", "Nick: Yeah, I'll walk you out.", "Victoria: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Tucker: What are you doing? I told you to get those to Fairview right away.", "Josie: They said that Sharon can't receive anything from the outside while she's in for observation.", "Tucker: (Sighs) There's gotta be a way to get in touch with her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Victor: Well, now that that's settled, let's get you to the hospital, okay?", "Norm: I already told you, I can't pay.", "Victor: Don't you worry about it. I'll take care of it.", "Sister Celeste: Christian, you don't have that kind of money.", "Victor: I don't care. Just send the bill to the boss, how's that? Let's go.", "Man: The old guy's stirring up trouble. We're gonna need to do something about him.", "Man: Blaukowski?", "Jake: Yeah.", "Man: You're under arrest.", "Jake: (Sighs)", "Genevieve: (Clears throat) Hey, good news.", "Billy: Always happy to hear that.", "Genevieve: A job just opened up at the bar where Victor hangs out.", "Billy: Oh, that's good. Keep an eye on him. Let me know if his memory comes back. And if he's planning on coming back to Genoa City, I at least want to be the one covering it.", "Genevieve: I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon. The poster child for the 1% has just turned into champion of the underdog.", "Billy: Okay. Well, as long as he stays under the radar, it should be a good deal for everybody.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Door opens)", "Billy: And I've got to go. Thanks. Hey. Thought you'd be out conquering the corporate America. (Chuckles)", "Victoria: (Sighs) Did that already.", "Billy: What's wrong?", "Victoria: (Sighs) Nothing.", "Billy: Everything okay?", "Victoria: Yes, everything's terrific. Newman stock is back up. They said it might go even higher than before Dad disappeared.", "Billy: Well, that's great.", "Victoria: Great.", "Billy: So why the \"Not great\" face?", "Victoria: I was thinking on the way over here, he wouldn't just disappear, Billy. I mean, not unless something was wrong.", "Billy: We're talking about your dad.", "Victoria: I know. I just want him to come home.", "Billy: Okay. Um, I have something that I should tell you.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Gloria: I also see straight through you, and so does your daughter.", "Heather: Ricky's obviously lying.", "Avery: No one's gonna hear it anyway. It's inflammatory. It'll never be allowed in court.", "Billy: It kills me to see you worried about your dad. I'm going to tell you what I know about him." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Lily and Devon discuss the pic that just surfaced on the internet of Cane and Hilary kissing. Hilary continues to try to console Cane. Dylan puts Connor to bed and gives him a kiss. Dylan begins to ask Chelsea questions about Adam and his blindness and what it has to do with their son. Dylan wonders what the connection is between Adam's blindness and Connor. Chelsea lets Dylan know that Adam has an eye disease which is hereditary. Adam visits Avery and tries to convince her to be his lawyer so that he can gain custody of his son. Adam tells Avery that he wants a paternity test to reveal that Connor is his son. Hilary asks Cane if he saw anyone outside who could have possibly taken the picture of them kissing. Cane saw no one. Lily and Devon try to figure out who could have taken the picture and got it on the internet so fast. Nick and Sharon laugh together over the gifts that she got him and Avery for their wedding. They reminisce over the past. Nick opens Sharon's purse and finds a pic that Faith drew of him and Avery; Avery's pic was marked through. This unnerves Nick as to whether or not Faith will ever accept his marriage to Avery. Sharon promises that she will talk to Faith once again. Sharon pretends to leave, but she watches Nick through the window as he looks at the pic that Faith drew. Avery asks Adam for all the information that he has concerning Connor and Adam's hereditary eye disease. Avery and Adam argue when she suggests that Adam wait on the paternity test. Avery refuses to take Adam's case.", "Chelsea reveals to Dylan that Connor is Adam's son. Dylan is stunned by the news and cannot believe that this is true. Dylan asks Chelsea why she would want to make him believe that Connor was his son. Chelsea tries to explain everything to Dylan about Adam and how he would have taken Connor from her if he had known earlier. Lily questions Cane about the kiss between him and Hilary and how it fit into their plans. Hilary comes home to Mason and commends him on getting the pic on the internet so fast. Hilary promises to make Neil and his family hurt just as much as she has. Avery becomes unnerved when she sees the pic that Faith drew of herself which been marked out.", "" ]
[ "Lily: Wonder where Cane is. He should have been here by now, and he hasn't responded to any of my texts.", "Devon: Well, he's probably busy with Hilary.", "Lily: Well, of course he's busy with Hilary. That was part of the plan. Just didn't think that it would take him this long to get her to come on to him.", "Devon: You know, I can't believe that you're even cool with this.", "Lily: You thought the other day that it was a good idea to have Hilary show her true colors.", "Devon: Yeah, I didn't think we were gonna use your husband as bait.", "Lily: Well, he's the one that she likes. Who else would I use?", "Devon: I don't know. But having your man go after a woman who's hot for him -- if you ask me, you're asking for trouble.", "Lily: Okay, you know what? I trust Cane, okay? I'm -- I'm just gonna text him again.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone vibrates]", "Cane: Don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: [Laughs] Can I help you?", "Sharon: I'm looking for Nicholas Newman.", "Nick: Wrong house. Sorry. You're gonna have to haul that right back to the warehouse.", "Sharon: Will you stop joking and help me with this? [Laughing] It's heavy.", "Nick: Sure. This is heavy. What is this?", "Sharon: It's your wedding gift. I wanted to deliver it to you and Avery personally.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Pounding on door]", "Avery: Okay, okay. Adam, what are you doing here? I was just on my way to see Nick.", "Adam: He can wait.", "Avery: What?", "Adam: I want you to sue Chelsea for custody of my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Chelsea: Two more bottles of milk in the fridge.", "Dylan: I'll take the 2:00 A.M. feeding tonight.", "Chelsea: That'd be great.", "Dylan: Yeah, you never answered me before. What -- what was Adam doing here?", "[Connor cries]", "Dylan: Oh, Buddy, don't cr-- oh, it's okay. Come here. Your daddy's got you. Yeah, he does. He's got you. Oh, there. Yeah. There you go. What's -- what's wrong?", "[Connor fusses]", "Dylan: Oh, it's okay.", "Chelsea: Nothing.", "Dylan: It's Adam. He had no right coming here, upsetting both of you.", "Chelsea: No, I-I'm just overly emotional right now. [Sniffles] And I think he's ready for a feeding, so...", "Dylan: He came straight here after he saw me at Boulevard. He knew you were alone.", "Chelsea: Honestly, Dylan, it's not a big deal.", "Dylan: No, I'm not gonna let him keep harassing you, Chelsea.", "Chelsea: He's not. He was here about Connor.", "[Connor cries]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Have you heard back from Cane?", "Lily: No, but that means nothing.", "Devon: It means he's doing something other than returning your texts.", "Lily: Okay, if Cane were a typical guy, I never would have suggested that he pretend to be into a lying home wrecker.", "Devon: She's a really attractive lying home wrecker.", "Lily: Spoken like a typical guy.", "Devon: I'm just saying, I have eyes, and so does Cane.", "Lily: Yeah, and you know what? His are fixed on me, so...", "Devon: If you say so.", "Lily: Okay, Devon, I am positive that my husband has everything under control.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: We shouldn't be doing this, okay?", "Hilary: Yeah. You're right. I am so sorry.", "Cane: No, no, no. I'm the one -- I'm the one who should be sorry. Trust me. I feel like I've taken advantage of you. It's just, you know, Lily and I had a fight, and it's just -- we just...between my stresses at work and Katherine's death, its ju...", "Hilary: Yeah. I understand.", "Cane: You can't say you understand, 'cause if you understand, that makes me feel bad now. I feel like I've taken advantage of your generosity.", "Hilary: Cane, you've been through so much lately, okay? You made a mistake. We both did. Let's just forget it.", "Cane: That doesn't fix things with Lily.", "Hilary: You had a fight. Lots of couples fight. You'll work it out. You'll be fine.", "Cane: Uh, I don't think we can work this one out. This, uh... [Sighing] I don't know.", "Hilary: Go home and talk to her, okay?", "Cane: And what good is that going to do?", "Hilary: Well, what are you gonna do?", "Cane: I'm gonna get a room at the club tonight.", "Hilary: Cane, are you sure you want to do that?", "Cane: There's nothing else I can do. Listen, um, I'm gonna go. [Sighs] You've been a very good friend to me, and I hope I haven't taken advantage of that.", "Hilary: You haven't, okay? I promise.", "Cane: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Cell phone chimes]", "Devon: It's the GC Buzz.", "Lily: Yeah, mine, too.", "Devon: Can't be good. What the hell?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Oh, my God. Cane --", "Cane: The blogger was here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: They're at Crimson Lights. This -- this just happened.", "Devon: I mean, this is what you wanted, right?", "Lily: Well, I didn't realize it would happen so fast and be so intense.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Connor fusses]", "Dylan: What do you mean, Adam was here because of Connor?", "Chelsea: He overheard you talking to Billy about his vision problem. Adam was -- was upset.", "Dylan: Yeah, it was, uh, real obvious how bad he felt for all of us.", "Chelsea: He does. He feels terrible.", "Dylan: I could tell by the blind comment he made.", "Chelsea: Adam just -- he has a hard time expressing emotion.", "Dylan: Whatever, Chelsea. I'm just -- I'm just tired of him.", "Chelsea: I don't think he might anything by it. I think, um...I think he was just shocked to hear the news.", "Dylan: Why -- why are you making excuses for him?", "Chelsea: Oh, I'm not. I'm not. I just think that he was devastated at the thought of Connor losing his eyesight.", "Dylan: Why would what's happening to our son have such an effect on him?", "Chelsea: Um...because... Adam had the same disease.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Adam: I want you to draw up custody papers tonight.", "Avery: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know the Newmans are used to getting their own way, but you cannot just lay claim to Dylan's son!", "Adam: What does that have to do with anything? This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a Newman!", "Avery: I know this is hard for you, okay, seeing Chelsea and Dylan together, watching them have the baby that you thought the two of you would have. But you can't -- filing a lawsuit based on a lie --", "Adam: I'm not the one who's lying here! That's the thing! This is my son!", "Avery: I know how much you want that to be true.", "Adam: It's not that I want it to be true! It is true! That is what I'm saying!", "Avery: Okay, how do you know this, Adam?", "Adam: I found out he has a degenerative eye disorder. I had retinitis pigmentosa that I inherited from my mother, who went blind from the disease.", "Avery: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That sweet baby. All right, wait. All right, this is not definitive proof that that's your son.", "Adam: And that is why the very first thing that you're gonna do is demand a paternity test.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: Did you see anyone?", "Cane: No.", "Hilary: Well, you don't think whoever took that picture was gonna stick around.", "Cane: I think whoever took that picture was sick enough to want to see our reactions. That's what I think.", "Hilary: Well, even if they got a glimpse of us, they weren't disappointed. I can't believe that picture's already online.", "Cane: How's Lily gonna feel?", "Hilary: Lily. God, Cane, this is just gonna make things worse between you two.", "Cane: I don't think things can get worse between the two of us, though.", "Hilary: [Sighs] Lily already thinks that there's something going on between us.", "Cane: Well, how can I say there's not?", "Hilary: What are you gonna say to her?", "Cane: I'm gonna tell her the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lily: Something is not right.", "Devon: Yeah, you think?", "Lily: No. No, no, no. I don't mean the kiss. I mean the timing.", "Devon: Are you surprised that Hilary moved so fast or that Cane did?", "Lily: How does she know when the blogger's gonna take Cane's picture?", "Devon: All she has to do is stick close to him, and then sooner or later, it seems like it happens.", "Lily: No. No, no, no, no. She is not the kind of person to leave anything to chance.", "Devon: Well, what do you think? She's having someone tail her and Cane?", "Lily: I don't know. I wouldn't put anything past her.", "Devon: All this is so messed up. I mean, Dad thinks that this Ann Turner woman is posting garbage online about our family to get back at him for her mom's death, and now Hilary, she's doing what? She's using that to break up you and Cane?", "Lily: I don't know. This is just crazy. It's just twisted.", "Devon: I feel like we don't have the whole story, though. Like, there's a piece of the puzzle missing, but what is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Nope. Not in there.", "Sharon: What?", "Nick: The kitchen sink.", "Sharon: [Laughs] Oh, no. Did I -- did I go too far?", "Nick: Little bit.", "Sharon: [Laughs]", "Nick: A little bit. I mean, a toaster would have been fine, you know.", "Sharon: Well, but that would be boring. And this is fun! I just -- I couldn't decide what to get you guys, so I think I just got you everything. And I tried to come up with as many date-night options as I could for the two of you.", "Nick: This is very thoughtful of you, all of it.", "Sharon: Well, I know how much you liked dates when we were married, you know -- horseback riding and picnics, Paris for dinner on the Newman jet.", "Nick: We had a lot of good times.", "Sharon: Right. I want you and Avery to make new memories.", "Nick: Well, I mean, this... private tour of the Art Institute of Chicago and then dinner for two at Spiaggia? I mean, that's a heck of a start.", "Sharon: See, I knew you would like that one.", "Nick: I'm not so sure about this night at Skateland, though.", "Sharon: What? Why?", "Nick: No, Avery is just not the most coordinated human being I've ever met.", "Sharon: Well, you could always watch a horror movie or go to a Packers game.", "Nick: Yeah, there's a lot of cool things in here that we'll enjoy. Thank you.", "Sharon: Well, I hope you do. Okay, well, I should go. Where's my purse?", "Nick: Oh, I think it's over here. Oh, this is --", "Sharon: Oh, uh, Nick, I-I meant -- I meant to throw that away.", "Nick: Wait, did... did Faith draw this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Okay, start at the beginning. How did you find out Connor had a problem with his eyes?", "Adam: I heard Dylan talking to Billy.", "Avery: About Connor having the same disease that you had, retinitis pigmentosa?", "Adam: No, I didn't hear him say those words. When I heard degenerative eye disorder, I took off and I went straight to Chelsea.", "Avery: And what did she say?", "Adam: The same thing she's been saying to me for the last several months, that the baby is not my son.", "Avery: Did she say, \"Connor has retinitis pigmentosa\"?", "Adam: She's awaiting a diagnosis, but I'm telling you, Avery, I looked in her eyes, and I could see a confession of guilt.", "Avery: We need more than that, Adam.", "Adam: You think this is just a coincidence?", "Avery: It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what a judge thinks. And even if Connor has the same diagnosis as you, a judge may see that still as a coincidence.", "Adam: It is a genetically linked disease, Avery. It's in my family.", "Avery: Maybe it's in Dylan's family, too.", "Adam: Okay, well, you've known him for a very long time. Did it ever happen to come up in conversation?", "Avery: No, it hasn't, but that is still not enough to demand a paternity test.", "Adam: Chelsea has been insisting that this baby is premature. I saw the baby. There is no way that this boy was as early as she claims he was. And I want to tell you something, Avery. She and I were together eight months ago.", "Avery: Okay, okay. This can't be true. I can't believe that Chelsea would do this to you and to Dylan.", "Adam: Believe it. Help me get my son.", "Avery: Does Dylan know about this?", "Adam: When I left, he was there with Chelsea. If he doesn't know now, he's gonna know soon enough.", "Avery: So that means she's probably telling him right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: Connor and...Adam have the same problem with their eyes?", "Chelsea: Adam had retinitis pigmentosa.", "Dylan: Yeah, but his vision's fine.", "Chelsea: Now it is, but there was awhile there that he was nearly blind. He underwent a procedure to restore his eyesight, which is actually great news for Connor. It means that there's hope --", "Dylan: What are the odds that your ex... and our son have the same genetic disorder?", "Chelsea: I-I think you'd have to ask a doctor.", "Dylan: It's probably a million to one. Is that why Adam was here? He was thinking the same thing?", "Chelsea: He had some questions.", "Dylan: How'd you answer them?", "Chelsea: I told him it's a coincidence, that Connor is ours -- yours and mine.", "Dylan: Because that's the truth, right? And this is just one of those weird things that happen, no -- no rhyme or reason? Of course it is. [Voice breaking] That's my son sleeping in the cradle that I made. Terrence Connor McAvoy, after my pop. You would never let me name him after my dad if he wasn't mine! Would you?", "Chelsea: Dylan --", "Dylan: Chelsea, just tell me he's my son!", "Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I can't. He's Adam's son.", "Dylan: [Sighs shakily]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: I knew Faith wouldn't get over these feelings overnight, but I was kind of hoping we were making some progress. Obviously we are not.", "Sharon: Well, I've tried talking to her. I told her that you and I will always love her and that we'll always be a family even though we're not living together. But nothing seems to help.", "Nick: There's got to be something we can do.", "Sharon: Unfortunately, the only thing our daughter wants to hear right now is that you're not marrying Avery.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Adam, you're upset.", "Adam: You think? Pregnancy, sonograms, childbirth, naming the baby. Are you gonna help me or not?", "Avery: I'm trying to.", "Adam: No, no. I don't want your advice. I want legal representation, someone who's gonna help me fight for custody of my son!", "Avery: If Connor is your son --", "Adam: No, no, no. No more ifs, okay? It's not \"If\" he's my son! He's my son!", "Avery: Then a few days aren't gonna make a difference. Hold off on a DNA test and a paternity --", "Adam: I don't understand why I would need to wait.", "Avery: Because you're angry. And when you act out in anger, people are gonna get hurt.", "Adam: Well, Chelsea deserves to be hurt. There's always that.", "Avery: What about Connor? You have to think about what's best for this little, innocent baby.", "Adam: Don't you mean Dylan? 'Cause that's the one you're most concerned about.", "Avery: I'm concerned about all of you.", "Adam: But you're only in love with one of us.", "Avery: I'm not in love with Dylan.", "Adam: When you love someone the way that you did, it's very hard to let go of those feelings. Your words.", "Avery: But not impossible.", "Adam: Look, it's obvious to me, even to a cold-hearted guy like me, that you still have feelings for the guy.", "Avery: I care about Dylan. I don't want to see him hurt.", "Adam: So take the case. If you help me, you will help Dylan.", "Avery: How does your getting custody of Chelsea's baby help Dylan?", "Adam: Because the sooner that he realizes that he is not tied down to Chelsea, the sooner he's free to fly away and live his own life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: This can't be true.", "Chelsea: Dylan, I can explain.", "Dylan: Just -- just -- just tell me it's not true.", "Chelsea: I wish I could.", "Dylan: Did you -- did you just realize it when you found out he had the eye problem? Or have you known all along?", "Chelsea: Yeah. I-I knew from the beginning.", "Dylan: How? How -- how could you do it? Why?", "Chelsea: I swear -- I swear I never meant to hurt you. It was that day -- it was that day in Crimson Lights we were talking and Adam came in and he confronted me about being pregnant. He was so angry, and I got so scared, and when he just assumed that you were the baby's father --", "Dylan: You let him think it was true. You let us both believe it.", "Chelsea: I was -- I was terrified. If Adam knew that it was his, he would use his name and his influence --", "Dylan: So, what? You used me?", "Chelsea: No! No -- well, I-I mean, I guess in the beginning maybe I did, and then I -- and then I got to know you and I saw what an incredible man you are and -- and the huge heart that you have, and I fell so deeply -- deeply in love with you. And then I realized -- then I realized that -- that it was the right thing to do, that I was doing the right thing for me and for our son.", "Dylan: Our -- our son?", "Chelsea: Yes. Yes, he's still our son. He's still your son. Please, Dylan. [Sniffles] Nothing's changed.", "Dylan: No, don't say nothing's changed. Everything's changed!", "Chelsea: Wait, wait, Dylan, please. I-I know you must hate me.", "Dylan: No, I love you. And I love that little boy. Chelsea, I gave you everything that I had.", "Chelsea: I know.", "Dylan: No, you don't know! No! You have no idea what it took for me to trust you, to open up about Avery and the baby we lost, to confide in you about Afghanistan! I never told anybody what really happened to Sully and Ara before!", "Chelsea: I'm so honored that you chose me.", "Dylan: You weren't just a sounding board, Chelsea! You and Connor... meant everything to me. I bought the coffeehouse. I bought this place because I wanted to build a life with you, something honest and good like my folks had.", "Chelsea: We still can do that, Dylan.", "Dylan: It was based on a lie. All you cared about was -- was keeping the truth from Adam!", "Chelsea: That is not true. That is not the only reason that I lied. I saw how much this baby meant to you, even before he was born. Every day -- every day you fell more and more in love with him and the idea of being a dad. And I could see that bringing a life into the world was healing for you because of all the loss you've had. I-I couldn't take that away from you, Dylan.", "Dylan: So, you say you did this for me?", "Chelsea: I did it for the three of us. I made myself believe that you were Connor's father because I so desperately wanted it to be true. I wanted us to be a family. Please tell me we still can be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: You think I'd take your case because it might break up Dylan's marriage?", "Adam: Call it a bonus.", "Avery: You make it very hard to be your friend, Adam.", "Adam: I don't need a friend right now. I need a lawyer.", "Avery: How about some free legal advice?", "Adam: Are you my lawyer or not?", "Avery: Take some time to think about this. I have a wedding to plan --", "Adam: You know what? Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, all right? I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend. I'm gonna be far too busy, Avery, fighting for custody of my son.", "[Door closes]", "Avery: Dylan, it's me. I need you to call me as soon as you get this message.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Faith really loves you.", "Nick: [Sighs] I know. I just -- I hate that she's feeling this way.", "Sharon: She just wants what every kid wants -- her mommy and daddy to be together.", "Nick: What else can I do to make her understand that that is not gonna happen?", "Sharon: I don't think there's anything either of us can do to make her feel better about you marrying Avery.", "Nick: [Sighs] I'm just worried about what's gonna happen to her if she doesn't learn to accept that this is the way things are gonna be.", "Sharon: I'll talk to her again.", "Nick: What are you gonna do? Bribe her?", "Sharon: [Chuckles] No. She's too smart for that. Um... I'll just tell her the truth, that even though things are tough right now, everything's gonna work out fine.", "Nick: You really believe that?", "Sharon: Yeah. I do.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Sharon: Nick, you're gonna get your happily ever after.", "[Door closes]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Hey. Sorry, it took longer with Hilary than I expected.", "Devon: We saw.", "Cane: [Sighs]", "Lily: Thank you for waiting with me.", "Devon: No problem. If you need me, give me a call.", "Lily: I will.", "Devon: See you, Cane.", "Cane: See you.", "Lily: So, let me ask you a question. Uh, when did this become a part of the plan?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hilary: You are amazing. [Sighs]", "Mason: You finally noticed.", "Hilary: That picture you got of Cane and me kissing -- oh! You should forget about modeling and take up a career behind the camera.", "Mason: Paparazzi's not really my thing.", "Hilary: Well, you are damn good at it. And I don't know how you got that picture online so fast, but I love you.", "Mason: Mm.", "Hilary: Mm.", "Mason: If I knew that was all it took...", "Hilary: Oh, our hard work is finally paying off. Lily is convinced that something is going on between Cane and me. And it is causing serious problems between them. Once she sees that picture of Cane and me kissing --", "Mason: Boom! One marriage blown to bits.", "Hilary: I wish I could be there to see it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: I told Hilary we had a fight so she would open up to me. I told her how bad things are at Chancellor and I'm finding it hard to deal with Katherine's death.", "Lily: Right, and she probably told you that you need a more supportive partner.", "Cane: Actually, I told her that.", "Lily: Oh, thanks, Cane. Thank you.", "Cane: I had to make her think things were bad between us, all right? I had to make her try and comfort me.", "Lily: Well, you definitely -- you did a great -- a great job.", "Cane: Well, until she kissed me, which I was as surprised by as you are, I-I thought you were wrong about her.", "Lily: Well, can I finally tell you \"I told you so\"?", "Cane: You don't have to tell me you told me so, 'cause I believe you 100% that she wants something more than just a working relationship now, okay?", "Lily: Yeah, Cane, a woman knows when another woman is after her man.", "Cane: Okay, and now we know. I'm gonna fire her first thing in the morning.", "Lily: No, no, no, no, no, no. You can't fire her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Devon: Yeah, Murphy, of course I will be at the reading of Katherine's will. It's tomorrow, yeah? Thanks. Got it in my calendar. All right. I'll see you then. Hey, Noah. How long you been here, man?", "Noah: Hey, what's going on? About 10, 15 minutes or so.", "Devon: Yeah? You weren't, uh, you weren't taking pictures of my brother-in-law kissing his assistant, were you?", "Noah: What the hell are you talking about?", "Devon: Nothing. Nothing at all, actually. Forget I even said anything. It's family drama.", "Noah: Come on, Devon. What do you know about family drama? Your last name isn't Newman.", "Devon: Ohh.", "Devon: You really want to get into a family drama competition with me, Noah?", "Noah: Probably not.", "Devon: I didn't think so.", "Noah: [Chuckles] How you been?", "Devon: I'm all right. How are you doing? I never see you around anymore.", "Noah: Yeah, I thought that now that I'm at Jabot, I'd see you all the time, but I'm usually, you know, uh, setting up equipment or moving equipment or cleaning equipment.", "Devon: Oh, no way. You're getting sick of the, uh, photographer's assistant gig already?", "Noah: Oh, no, no. I mean, I know that everybody has to pay their dues. I just -- you know, I'm not really sure that this is something that I want to pursue as a profession.", "Devon: Yeah. Well, I've seen your stuff. It's good. You have a good eye.", "Noah: Thank you. I mean, that's what everybody says. I, uh, I still don't know what that means, you know, a good eye. I'm just at the right place at the right time. I'm not always sure that it's something I can base a career on.", "Devon: Is that what you're looking for? A career?", "Noah: I'm looking for something, Devon. You know, remember when it used to be music for us?", "Devon: How could I forget? I always get that melody of ours stuck in my head all the time, and I always tell myself I need to record it, and I never do.", "Noah: And that doesn't bother you?", "Devon: Hey, you know, too busy to let it bother me.", "Noah: So that's the trick, huh? Find a job to keep me too busy to worry about anything else?", "Devon: It works for me. In fact, taking my job helped me avoid some family drama.", "Noah: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: I think Nick liked my gift.", "Cassie: What about Faith's?", "Sharon: Mm, not so much.", "Cassie: Success all around, then.", "Sharon: [Sighs] Do you think it was wrong to show Nick Faith's drawing?", "Cassie: You didn't ask her to draw it.", "Sharon: I would never do that.", "Cassie: You were just trying to show Dad how she feels about him marrying Avery.", "Sharon: It definitely made an impression on him.", "Cassie: Enough of one to get him to call off the wedding?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: I doubt it, Sharon.", "[Footsteps approach]", "Nick: Hey.", "Avery: I see Sharon was here.", "Nick: Yep. She really wanted to drop off our wedding gift.", "Avery: Was this part of it?", "Nick: That was in her purse. I-I should have thrown that away.", "Avery: No, it's... not seeing it isn't gonna change the way your daughter feels about me. I'm assuming Faith drew this and not Sharon.", "Nick: Avery, she's just acting out. That's all.", "Avery: Nick... [Chuckles] ...Faith really hates me. You know what? It's fine. It's fine. It's just -- it's the perfect end to this day, so...", "Nick: Why? What else happened?", "Avery: [Sighs] Adam stopped by my apartment.", "Nick: What did he want?", "Avery: He wants to sue Chelsea for custody of her son.", "Nick: Dylan's kid?", "Avery: Well, apparently Adam doesn't think that Dylan is the biological father.", "Nick: Ooh. What?", "Avery: Yeah, um... the little baby has an eye disorder, and Adam has guessed that it's retinitis pigmentosa.", "Nick: Oh, God. That's what he and Hope had.", "Avery: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: What a mess. I mean, I can understand why Chelsea would want to keep Adam away from her kid, but --", "Avery: Well, that doesn't excuse using Dylan like this.", "Nick: Have you talked to him?", "Avery: No, I haven't. I'm sure he's devastated. I know what this baby meant to him.", "Nick: That's rough when you find out a child you loved isn't yours.", "Avery: God, what was Chelsea thinking? She had to know the heartbreak that this was gonna cause everybody involved.", "Nick: You know, sometimes when your kids are involved, you don't think.", "Avery: [Sighs] Adam asked me to represent him.", "Nick: You told him no, right?", "Avery: Yes. Yes. I told him no. The thought of getting in the middle of that... [Sighs]", "Nick: No, you don't want that.", "Avery: Mnh-mnh.", "Nick: Plus we have our wedding coming up.", "Avery: We have our wedding. [Sighs] Nick, there's so much to do, and now gifts are coming and everything feels rushed and... [Sighs] Faith. Maybe she's right.", "Nick: About what?", "Avery: I don't know. About me and the wedding and everything.", "Nick: This isn't about Faith. It's about Dylan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dylan: You can't expect me to pretend nothing's changed.", "Chelsea: What we feel hasn't changed.", "Dylan: You just blew my whole world apart! I don't even know what I'm feeling right now!", "Chelsea: Look at him. Look at him. Look at this sweet, little boy. You still love him, Dylan. You know that you do.", "Dylan: Doesn't make me his father.", "Chelsea: Not by blood. But you still have that connection. He is still the same sweet, little boy that you promised to take care of and promised to protect from the bad guys.", "Dylan: Bad guys? You mean like his dad?", "Chelsea: Adam is -- is threatening to take him from me. He's gonna do it unless we fight him -- together. Please, Dylan. Tell me you won't abandon us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cane: Sweetheart, I thought that the whole point of this was to get Hilary out of our lives.", "Lily: I wanted to prove that she wasn't what she appeared to be.", "Cane: Okay, now that we know that, why can't I just go to work and fire her?", "Lily: Because I think there's more to this than we first thought.", "Cane: Like what?", "Lily: Well, Dad believes that Ann Turner wants him to pay for her mother's death.", "Cane: I know that. And that's why they've been harassing us with the blog posts. I know that.", "Lily: Well, don't you find it odd that after the blog posts started, all of a sudden, Hilary showed up?", "Cane: Okay.", "Lily: Well, think about it. Not only did the blog posts start increasing after Hilary became your assistant, but it went from being pulled from my dad's journal to being about what's going on in our lives right now.", "Cane: So, you think that...", "Lily: Hilary is Ann Turner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Mason: Do you know how close Cane came to seeing me outside of that coffeehouse?", "Hilary: But he didn't.", "Mason: Look, this is getting way more complicated than I thought it would.", "[Glass thuds]", "Hilary: Come on. You're not gonna back out on me now, are you? You know I can't do this without you.", "Mason: You've been tormenting Neil for months. Why don't you just confront the dude, tell him that you know he's responsible for your mom's death?", "Hilary: Because it's not enough for me to just throw it back in his face. My mom was all I had. When I lost her... I want Neil and his family to feel the pain that I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Noah: See, I think that, uh, taking a job at Newman would cause a lot of family drama.", "Devon: But you have been thinking about it, though?", "Noah: Yeah, it's come up a couple times. Um, I don't know. Do you like working in the corporate world?", "Devon: I do. It takes some getting used to, like anything does. But, I mean, you know, I like it.", "Noah: So, if money were no object, is that what you'd be doing?", "Devon: That's not a fair question, 'cause money's always an object. You know that.", "Noah: Mm-hmm. But if it wasn't, would you still be working at Jabot?", "Devon: I mean, anything I wanted? Yeah, I'd probably find something else to occupy my time. But, Noah, you can't look at getting a desk job and putting on a suit and tie as selling out, 'cause some people were just born to do that. And you might be one of those people.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Sharon: Faith's drawing won't stop the wedding. But Avery is becoming very insecure.", "Cassie: So it's working?", "Sharon: I believe so. And now Avery has decided not to sleep with Nick until after the wedding.", "Cassie: I wonder what that's all about.", "Sharon: I just hope your father's wondering.", "Cassie: The wedding is only days away. Are you sure there's time?", "Sharon: There is no way that I am going to let this wedding happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Avery: Of course I'm worried about Dylan. You just went through a situation much like this. You know how devastating it is for everyone involved.", "Nick: Yes, I do. And I feel sorry for Dylan. I like him. I do. But his problems shouldn't affect whether or not we go through with our wedding.", "Avery: They're not -- Nick! What about Faith?", "Nick: Are you looking for an excuse to postpone our wedding again or to put it off altogether?", "Avery: No, I'm not! I just -- I'm having a very bad day, and... this did not help.", "Nick: Look at me. Listen. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And I'm even sorrier that you had to see that.", "Avery: I'm sorry. I'm overreacting, and I just... had a bad day. That's all. And, um, Faith and I will work this out. I know it. And we have a wedding to plan. So, let's do that. Let's -- where's our list?", "Nick: Come here. Come here. I love you.", "Avery: I love you. And I can't wait to marry you. [Sighs]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Connor crying]", "Chelsea: I shouldn't have lied. I should have told you the truth from the very beginning. But we can still be a family. We can make this work. It's okay. It's okay. Come here. I got you. I got you. It's okay. Its okay, Honey. It's okay. No, no. He wants you.", "[Connor fusses]", "Dylan: I can't.", "[Door opens]", "Chelsea: Dylan. Please. [Voice breaking] Your son needs you.", "[Connor fusses]", "Dylan: He's not my son.", "[Connor cries]", "Dylan: [Sobs]", "[Door closes]", "Chelsea: [Sobbing] Its okay.", "[NEXT_ON]", "Nikki: Listen to my story and please don't judge me. Try not to hate me too much.", "David: \"I, Katherine Shepherd Chancellor, do declare this to be my last will and testament.\"" ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne Proofread By Emma']
[ "Devon enters Cane's office only to find him grabbing his coat and rushing out. At home, Lily reads an article to Hilary and Neil about Ian Ward running off and the police chasing him. Paul is in his office at the police department on the phone with the governor. When Christine goes in, Paul tells her his news that he was nominated for the Distinguished Citizen's Award but he doesn't want a party to celebrate. Malcolm pays Neil and his family a surprise visit which unnerves Neil. Avery is confused as to why Dylan doesn't want to see Paul anymore. Malcolm replays events in his and Neil's life. Neil lets him know that he doesn't need him. Victor walks in and finds Nikki getting up from the floor and picking up the roses. Victor insists that she see a doctor about her MS. When Nikki rebukes the idea, Victor wants to know what is wrong with her. Maureen pays Kelly and Ben a surprise visit.", "" ]
[ "Nikki: I didn't expect you to be here.", "Victor: So, the roses are on the floor because -- why? -- You're upset with me or what?", "Nikki: No, that -- that was unintentional.", "Victor: You just stumbled into the table?", "Nikki: Yes, I stumbled into the table. It's no big deal. People stumble every day. Don't make a big deal out of it.", "Victor: Sweetheart, stop the nonsense. I know what's really happening.", "Lily: \"The Newmans refuse to comment on whether they're suing the tabloid for publishing the decades-old journal. However, D.A. Christine Williams stated she wouldn't rule out criminal charges for whoever leaked the confidential court document.\" Well, I wonder who that is.", "Neil: Ian ward, that piece of garbage.", "Lily: Well, that was the whole front section. You want the sports page read to you?", "Neil: Forget about that now. I smell coffee.", "Hilary: Yeah, I'm just refilling your cup. It is at 2 o'clock. You know, Neil, they have these screen-reader programs now with voice commands, and you can pull up the paper online yourself or pull up your e-mails. Whatever you like.", "Neil: That coffee's too hot. [Clears throat] And as I said before, it's really not necessary. The voice program on my phone works just fine.", "Hilary: You know, it's just, Neil, there are so many apps and things nowadays that can make your life so much easier.", "Neil: You know, I'm listening to you right now, and I can tell that you talked to the social worker, and I don't like that. I can talk to him myself if I need advice. Thanks.", "Hilary: I know, Neil, but --", "Neil: No, leave me alone about this, okay? Just please -- just stop.", "Lily: You know what, dad? Maybe you should stop. She's only trying to help you.", "Devon: Hey. What's wrong?", "Colin: I just did this thing for Neil, but I just got a phone call. Now the whole thing's gonna blow up in my face. I got to go.", "Avery: Hey. You look pretty engrossed there. What you reading?", "Dylan: It's a story about Ian.", "Avery: No, no, no, no. You're not talking about Ian. We are not thinking about Ian. We are certainly not reading about Ian. Find the sports section.", "Dylan: The...sports...", "Avery: Yeah, because the Steelers are playing the ravens on Thursday night. Let's read about that. Troy polamalu versus Joe flacco.", "Dylan: Flacco, yeah. I...didn't know you were interested in football.", "Avery: Well, I've done my research. You've been distracted lately, and I wanted to come to you with some authentic football speak, so here it is. The hardest part is pronouncing...", "Both: Polamalu.", "Dylan: Right.", "Avery: Yeah.", "Dylan: I appreciate the gesture. I'm definitely gonna watch the game, but right now, my priority is Ian's whereabouts.", "Avery: You said you thought we'd seen the last of him, but I hope you're wrong. I hope he's caught and brought back here and brought to justice.", "Dylan: Yeah, you and a lot of other people.", "Avery: Well, I'm sure Paul will call us when there's news.", "Dylan: Maybe. All I know is, I'm definitely not going back to him again.", "Paul: Well, it's an incredible honor. I, uh -- I'm, uh... quite flattered. Thank you. All right. Will do. Bye.", "Christine: An incredible honor? What's going on?", "Paul: Hi!", "Christine: Hi.", "Paul: You'll never guess. The governor's office just called, and apparently, I've been chosen to receive a distinguished citizen's award.", "Christine: Oh, that is incredible. Congratulations!", "Paul: I'm really quite flattered. It's kind of mind-blowing, actually.", "Christine: No, not to those of us who know and love you. When's the ceremony?", "Paul: Not for a while yet, and they're going to get back to me with the details.", "Christine: Mm. Well, I say this calls for a celebration, something special.", "Paul: Oh, before you get all Martha Stewart on me, don't make any elaborate plans, okay?", "Christine: Oh, come on.", "Paul: No, seriously. I want to keep this very low-key, no parties. Is that understood? Say yes.", "Christine: Whatever you say.", "Paul: Okay. 'Cause I have had enough surprises this year to last me a lifetime.", "Both: Mom?", "Stitch: What are you doing here?", "Maureen: Can't a mother come see her own kids? Come here, you! Geez. Oh. Honey... oh. I-I know this is probably kind of a shock, but... you know, when Ben told me that you guys were living in the same town, I figured I just had to come visit.", "Kelly: Why are you really here?", "Neil: Everyone -- everyone is just trying to help me, okay? And I'm -- I'm really -- I'm getting sick of it!", "Lily: What is so terrible about that?", "Neil: You don't understand what this feels like here! It bugs me! I mean, some of the stuff I can't do for myself, but most of the stuff around the house I can do!", "Both: Hey.", "Neil: Who is that?", "Devon: It's me, dad, and cane.", "Neil: More help on the way. I appreciate everyone coming by, but right now, I don't think I really want any company, so everyone can just get up -- Hilary, lily. You can just -- everyone can leave.", "Malcolm: Even me?", "Neil: Is that Malcolm?", "Malcolm: Yeah, Neil, it's me. I'm back. Wow. It feels really good to be home, man. How you doing, big brother?", "Lily: Hi.", "Malcolm: Wow. Hi yourself, lily. You're all grown up. Wow. You're breaking my heart right now.", "Lily: Oh, my god. I can't believe that you're here.", "Devon: It's crazy, right?", "Malcolm: Well, if it isn't Mr. Daddy Warbucks himself. Oh, wait. Forgive me. I don't know if you're still talking to the little people now that you're a gazillionaire.", "Devon: You know better than that. It's good to see you, man.", "Malcolm: Good to see you. Who might this beautiful young lady be?", "Hilary: I'm Hilary.", "Neil: That's my wife. That's Hilary.", "Malcolm: I had a feeling. Wow. It's truly my pleasure to meet you.", "Hilary: Yeah. Me too.", "Malcolm: I will never, ever forget the look on your face when I showed up in Genoa City. You remember that?", "Neil: [Chuckles] Glad to see you I wasn't.", "Malcolm: Oh, heck no, man. I think you thought you were gonna be bailing my sorry butt out of jail everywhere I went, right?", "Neil: Yeah, the thought occurred to me. It did.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, the thought occurred to me, too, big man. But I was determined not to let that happen. See, 'cause I told myself, I said, \"Malcolm, you go and you make something out of yourself.\" Or at least I was gonna go down trying.", "Neil: And now look at you. Man, you got a hot career, a fabulous lady, a dynamite little kid who can't wait to call you daddy. I'd say your life did a complete turnaround, man.", "Malcolm: Yeah, well, listen, you, uh, feel like bailing me out one last time, for old time's sake?", "Neil: Oh, no. Oh, what you got going now?", "Malcolm: Check this out.", "Neil: What?", "Malcolm: You know there's a wedding coming up, right?", "Neil: Uh-huh.", "Malcolm: I'm gonna need a best man.", "Neil: Malcolm, I -- man, I'd be honored to stand up for you.", "Malcolm: Job's yours.", "Neil: You sound surprised to hear that I'm married.", "Malcolm: Well, actually, a little birdy by the name of cane gave me the 411.", "Neil: Oh, cane. Did he -- did he, now?", "Cane: Yeah, I called Malcolm when you were in the hospital. I thought he should know what's going on.", "Lily: And you didn't tell me that he was coming?", "Malcolm: Okay, whoa, whoa. Lily, let's not do that. Your hubby over there didn't know I was coming until about a half-an-hour ago. I called him from the cab and let him know I was coming from the airport.", "Cane: Yeah, I would've called you, but it was a little difficult, you know?", "Lily: So, where were you when cane got ahold of you?", "Malcolm: I was in brazil. I was in rio, on a photo shoot. Otherwise, I would've been on the first thing smoking. But I got booked for another job in Virginia, but it doesn't start for a week, so I thought I'd come see my family, and... check on my big brother.", "Hilary: Well, I am glad you came, Malcolm. It'll be nice to finally get acquainted.", "Devon: Yeah, it's been way too long since we've seen this guy.", "Malcolm: Yeah, it sure has.", "Neil: Man sends an occasional e-mail from time to time to let us all know that he's still living. I was almost destroyed believing that I was responsible for your death. And you think you can come in and out of town without talking to me? See my wife? See my daughter? Ignore me?", "Malcolm: Neil, you can call it a mistake, a misunderstanding, whatever you want. But if you had just stayed the hell away from my fiancée, I wouldn't have lost almost three years of my life. Do you know what I've thought about every day since that accident? You and me. Neil, all our lives, it's been bad karma. I'm your blood. Oh, we faked it. We faked being brothers for a minute. Sure we did. Until I got in your way. And what'd you do? You left me for dead. I got no use for you. You don't exist in my life. [Scoffs] Well, there's my big brother, the buzz kill. I mean, come on, Neil. You make it sound like it's a bad thing that I'm even still breathing.", "Neil: Here you are, the prodigal brother returns. Well, if you came here because of my accident, you wasted your trip, man. I don't need your pity.", "Avery: Why would you say that about Paul, that you won't go back to him?", "Dylan: We already stopped by there once today looking for information, and I'm not gonna keep bugging the guy about Ian. He's got enough to deal with.", "Avery: It's not the fact that Paul is your father and you're still trying to figure out what to do with that?", "Dylan: That's not a bad theory.", "Avery: Hey, should you be doing all that while your hand is healing? It must hurt.", "Dylan: It's fine. Just a little scratch. I'm not gonna let it stop me from getting things done.", "Paul: You know, considering all the hours I've put in trying to track down Ian ward, the best celebration you could give me would be some quiet time alone with you.", "Christine: Well, I can't wait to nail that guy in court, what he did to Mariah. It's beyond disgusting.", "Paul: Well, not to mention terrorizing Nikki in her own home.", "Christine: Have you talked to her? How is she coping?", "Paul: Well, I'm gonna find out soon. We found some new evidence at the ranch, so I'm going to see if Victor or Nikki can tell me if they know anything about it.", "Nikki: You know, Victor, you haven't been here enough to even know what's going on with me.", "Victor: I am worried about your health.", "Nikki: Oh, please. Please stop. I don't want to hear the letters M.S. Again. I will scream. There is nothing wrong with me. I've told you over and over -- there are no flare-ups.", "Victor: Will you come to your senses? You've been on a lot of stress lately, so you're weakened.", "Nikki: I am not weakened. You are overreacting.", "Victor: Well, whatever I'm doing, you and I will go to see the doctor tomorrow. Is that clear?", "Nikki: Oh, dear god. Fine. Fine. We will go see the doctor, Victor. I am okay! I don't need your help.", "Victor: What is the matter with you?", "Nikki: I'm fine.", "Nikki: Voilà. I'm not an invalid. I was able to do that by myself. I'm perfectly fine. I'm tired, though. I need to rest.", "[Doorbell rings]", "Victor: Excuse me. Paul.", "Paul: Hello, Victor. I need a word with you and Nikki, if it's all right.", "Victor: All right, come in.", "[Door closes]", "Paul: Hey, there. How are you doing? I've been concerned about you.", "Nikki: Oh?", "Victor: That makes two of us.", "Kelly: I haven't seen you since Sam's funeral.", "Maureen: Well, I suppose that's both of our faults.", "Kelly: Figures you would say that.", "Stitch: We've all been through a lot.", "Maureen: Well, if it makes you feel any better, this isn't easy for me, either. I had to stop and get a drink before I saw you two.", "Kelly: Just what every proud daughter wants to hear.", "Stitch: Kel...", "Kelly: No, I'm still waiting for an answer, by the way.", "Stitch: Just give mom a chance.", "Maureen: I'm here because I'm worried about your brother. You know, the last time you called, you said that your past was catching up with you and that someone might be around asking questions. Well, I haven't been able to think about anything else since you said that, so I want to find out what -- what has happened and how have you dealt with that.", "Avery: Any news on Leslie's application for the assistant D.A.'S position?", "Christine: Off the record, she's on my short list.", "Avery: That's great. I think she will make a really good prosecutor. And it's too bad she represented Ian. I'm sure she'd love to be the one to put him away.", "Christine: How's, uh, Dylan handling the news about Ian's latest outrage?", "Avery: Uh, better than I expected, considering he detests the man.", "Dylan: Uh, if I've learned anything in the last few months, it's the importance of self-restraint.", "Christine: Glad to hear that.", "Dylan: So, any news about Ian? Are the police close to finding him?", "Christine: Unfortunately, no. He's still on the loose. This investigation is ongoing.", "Dylan: That's what the newspaper said.", "Christine: Listen, I'm glad you're both here. There's something I want to discuss with you.", "Malcolm: I am not here to pity you, Neil. Look out for you? I might do that. Want the best for you? I think I got that in me. But pity you? No chance in hell. You know me better than that. Well, I'm here to take you away from all this craziness, all right? I want you to put all that junk away, and we're gonna take ourselves a little trip.", "Neil: Trip where?", "Malcolm: We going to Chicago.", "Neil: Why would I want to go to Chicago?", "Malcolm: Number 23, straight out of north Carolina, drives the lane -- fww, fww! Fakes left, he fakes right, he does a little spin, he stops, stutter- steps, looks at you, closes his eyes, sticks out of his tongue, and fades that bad boy right from 16 feet away! Nothing but net. That's why.", "Neil: It's okay. Just forget about what I said.", "Malcolm: Forget you said what?", "Hilary: Okay. Why don't we give these two some time alone to catch up?", "Devon: Think that's a good idea.", "Lily: I'm so happy that you're home. You have to see the twins while you're here, please.", "Malcolm: I would love to. Maybe tonight.", "Cane: Tonight, tomorrow, later -- whatever works, man.", "Malcolm: It's a date.", "Devon: See ya.", "Lily: Bye.", "Hilary: Okay, I'll see you later, hmm?", "Neil: Yeah, hey. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I snapped at you.", "Hilary: No, apology accepted. Malcolm, will you join Neil and me for dinner?", "Malcolm: I was hoping you would ask. I would love to.", "Hilary: Fabulous. So, I will see you two later.", "Neil: Baby... I love you.", "Hilary: I love you, too.", "[Door closes]", "Neil: What're you doing here?", "Malcolm: I need an excuse to see my family, Neil?", "Neil: Is that what you call us? After months and years of no contact, you just show up here out of curiosity?", "Malcolm: Neil, I'm here... because I care about you and the rest of my family.", "Neil: Sure, sure. You race into town, playing the role of the concerned uncle and brother, pretending as if you're real family.", "Malcolm: [Chuckles] What're we doing, huh? What, I'm not family now? Hmm? You're just kicking me to the curb because I didn't write you a letter, I didn't send you a postcard? If you want to keep it real, Neil, let's not forget where we were and what was going on the last time we saw each other.", "Neil: Oh, no, no. I haven't forgotten where we were. We were at the hospital with Sofia and Moses, my son. That's not why you're here. You're dying to unload something on me. Even a blind man can see that.", "Malcolm: Wow. You're right. Maybe my blind brother... can see after all. Neil, I came here for you. But I also came here for myself because I want to make peace.", "Neil: Okay, good. See? Now we're getting somewhere. We are. What do you mean?", "Malcolm: I'm not proud of how I took off after I found out you were Moses' father. I was feeling a bunch of bitterness and hate. I didn't talk to anybody when I left. I should've come back to make things right long before now.", "Neil: Do you have any idea how many times I wished I had my brother back? How many times I thought, \"if I had it to do all over again... what would I do differently so that my brother would be alive?\" And yet now you're here, suddenly, without warning. You're back in our lives. Malcolm, this is nothing short of a miracle. Don't you see that this is our chance? This is our chance to do things differently. Yet you want to split before you've even arrived. Malcolm, don't you get it? This is our opportunity to heal and be brothers. Don't you want that?", "Malcolm: Nothing's ever that easy.", "Neil: I hated the way you left last time. But I understand why you left. I betrayed you with Sofia, and I'm not proud of that at all. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know it hurt you.", "Malcolm: Neil, I know I hurt you with Dru. But look, man, we can stand here and rehash all our dirty history between us or we can just put it aside, and let's move forward.", "Neil: Wow. [Chuckles] I'm quite impressed.", "Malcolm: What, because your little brother finally went and grew up? Come on, man. It was bound to happen sooner or later, right?", "Neil: Okay. It's about time.", "Malcolm: When do you plan on growing up, Neil?", "Neil: What are you talking about?", "Malcolm: Did I stutter? Yeah, you. 'Cause I just walked up in here. You know what I saw? I saw my big brother being a brat.", "Neil: Okay.", "Malcolm: No, no, you listen. There are people in your life that are only trying to help you.", "Neil: Enough of that, all right? I don't need your help.", "Malcolm: So I really don't need to be here, then.", "Neil: I was wondering why you're here anyway.", "Malcolm: Wow. You are still stubborn and arrogant and egotistical. Man, you have not changed one bit.", "Neil: No, it's you! You haven't changed! I can feel you headed for that front door right now. So why don't you do it? Little brother, why don't you race through that front door, like you always do? Why don't you do that? Do what you know best?", "Neil: I'm not going anywhere. I came here for you. Look at you. Neil... I've done a lot of soul searching over the past couple of years, and I came here to share it with you. But like usual, you are just one tough, abrasive man. I'm the only brother you've got. You're all I've got. So whether you like it or not, you need me, just like I need you. So I'm gonna love you, Neil, just like I always have. You can fight it if you want to, but I love you, and I'm gonna keep on loving you, even if you make it hurt.", "Maureen: You're saying that you've gone from being a doctor to...mixing lipstick colors?", "Stitch: I'm still working in science, which I'm happy about. And it's a terrific opportunity. I wasn't -- I wasn't sure anybody would hire me here.", "Maureen: Well, honey, I'm really proud of your positive attitude, but... are you sure you ought to stay? I mean, I thought you would've wanted to get away from the dirty looks and questions.", "Stitch: There's another reason I'm hanging around.", "Maureen: Hmm?", "Stitch: I may have a baby on the way.", "Maureen: A ba-- what do you mean you may? It's a long story.", "Maureen: Well, am I not gonna be a grandmother? 'Cause that would be wonderful! Oh, honey. Oh. Oh, my god. Honey, I'm so sorry. That was so insensitive to talk about grandkids.", "Kelly: It's all right.", "Maureen: I know that nothing's ever gonna take that pain away. really seem to have done well and kind of moved on.", "Kelly: Yeah, I have. I like my work. The man in my life makes me happy.", "Maureen: And you are your brother are close again. I'm so glad you've gotten over your differences and all that ugliness has been forgotten.", "Kelly: My father's death... and the way you cared more about rushing to Ben's defense than you did about your own husband being murdered have not been forgotten.", "Avery: A surprise party for Paul.", "Dylan: Is it his birthday?", "Christine: No, the state of Wisconsin is giving him a distinguished citizen's award.", "Avery: Oh, that's great.", "Dylan: Wows. It sounds like a big deal.", "Christine: And while he made me promise not to make a fuss --", "Avery: You're making a big fuss anyway.", "Christine: Yeah, I think -- he'll be upset at first, complain a little, but in the end, I think he'd appreciate it. Especially if you're there.", "Dylan: Uh...sure. Yeah, I'd be glad to come.", "Avery: We wouldn't miss it.", "Christine: Okay. Excellent. And in the meantime, Dylan, maybe we should, um... clear the air.", "Nikki: Oh, I'm fine, Paul. Just fine.", "Paul: Nikki, clearly, you are not fine. I mean, how could you be with Ian out there?", "Victor: Yeah, with Ian ward out there. He shouldn't be out there anymore, should he? You and your team should've found him by now.", "Nikki: I am quite certain that we all want the same outcome.", "Paul: Which is why I'm here. My forensic team found some evidence on the property.", "Victor: What do you mean on the property? You mean here?", "Paul: Yes, I was hoping you could shed some light on that.", "Victor: What have they found?", "Paul: Traces of blood and an overturned planter on the driveway.", "Nikki: Blood? Whose blood? Oh, my god. Dylan went tearing out of here after Ian.", "Victor: Are you suggesting that Dylan and Ian had an altercation?", "Paul: I spoke with Dylan earlier at the station, and there is absolutely no reason to doubt his story. He chased Ian out of the house and didn't catch him.", "Victor: Well, what about the blood?", "Paul: Well, we're having a sample tested. It is possible that Ian injured himself escaping. I want to stop by the site where the evidence was found on my way out.", "Nikki: I'm just glad to hear you say that Dylan's not in any kind of trouble.", "Paul: Look, I don't want you worrying about our son. You need to focus on taking care of yourself.", "Maureen: I don't know why I'm getting attacked when you and your brother have made peace.", "Kelly: Ben and I have worked very hard to get to where we are. You can't just waltz in here and assume that everything is fine between us. We're barely on speaking terms.", "Stitch: Let's all just take a deep breath.", "Maureen: I'm sorry. I know we can't make up for past years in just a few short days, but I'd like us to kind of get together as a family. Get to know each other again. I've made the first step here. You could at least me halfway. I'm the only mother you've got.", "Kelly: I guess we could meet for coffee or something.", "Stitch: Hey, that sounds great. Um...I know Kelly has to get back to work.", "Kelly: Yeah, I have a lot of things I have to do. Where are you staying?", "Maureen: I'm not gonna put you guys out. This is nice, but it's a little pricey for me. I passed some motels on the way into town. I can stay there.", "Kelly: I work here, ma. I think I can get you a break on the room.", "Maureen: Oh, that'd be great. Thanks.", "Cane: I know I was hesitant to call, considering how the relationship ended last time, so...", "Devon: Yeah, Sofia was Malcolm's wife, and Moses...", "Hilary: Was conceived under less-than-ideal circumstances. I'm sure it was difficult for everyone involved.", "Lily: Yeah, but I don't think Malcolm would've come if he hadn't put it behind him.", "Devon: No, they've been through a ton, but they're still brothers.", "Hilary: Yeah, you did the right thing, cane, getting in touch with Malcolm. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to Neil.", "Lily: Hopefully, Malcolm can reach him in a way that we haven't.", "Malcolm: Iced tea.", "Neil: Thanks. Appreciate that.", "Malcolm: What's it like, Neil?", "Neil: Not being able to see, temporarily?", "Malcolm: Yeah.", "Neil: You know, I guess it has its good days and bad days. I mean, honestly, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of stuff. You're handling it, though, right?", "Neil: Yeah, I see. So you're asking me if I'm -- if I'm tempted to drink anything.", "Malcolm: Are you?", "Neil: Well, strangely, no. It hasn't been an issue, man, but... you know, the only thing that's getting me through this is knowing for a fact that I'm gonna be able to see again. It's not gonna be forever. I don't know when it's gonna be, but, damn it, might be tomorrow, next month, next year, but I will see.", "Malcolm: Neil, what if it's never?", "Neil: I don't believe in that word, Malcolm. \"Never\" is for people who never learn better, you know? See, I believe that I can fly, and I am the luckiest man in the world.", "Malcolm: You just call yourself lucky? I mean, all due respect, but... if I was in your shoes, there'd be a lot of words coming out of my mouth, but \"lucky\" wouldn't be one of them.", "Neil: Okay. Let me explain it to you, man. See, I feel I am lucky to be alive. Because that surge of electricity could've killed me.", "Malcolm: That's right.", "Neil: And, see, when I get my vision back, I'm gonna have the same great life that I had before. I'm gonna have my great job. I got my loving kids, my grandkids, Moses, every -- and then there's my wife. There's Hilary. She's amazing. I don't know what cane told you, but she's one in a million.", "Malcolm: My brother thinks he struck the lotto, huh? She's beautiful, but I'm not gonna lie to you. She's not quite what I expected.", "Neil: What is that supposed to mean?", "Dylan: Clear the air? I didn't know we had a problem.", "Christine: No, we don't. I just meant that we haven't had a chance to talk since we found out you're Paul's son. And I know it's been rough for you.", "Dylan: Yeah. What about you? I mean, finding out your husband has a full-grown son he never knew about. What's that been like?", "Christine: It's been strange.", "Dylan: That's all you got? You don't have to hold back with me.", "Christine: No, I'm not gonna deny there have been some rough moments, coming to terms with all of this, and while I do have a few issues with Nikki, I just want you to know that I don't have any with you.", "Dylan: That's good to hear.", "Christine: I'm really happy that you and Paul have found each other, and I want to help make this relationship as easy as possible, so I understand inviting you to a family function may be a little uncomfortable.", "Dylan: And Paul seems to have a lot of expectations.", "Christine: I know he's been trying to press a relationship. But I've even had to tell myself, these are things that you cannot rush or -- or force.", "Dylan: Sounds like we're on the same page.", "Christine: Yeah. I'm really good with letting things unfold at their own pace. So while we may not really be a family yet, I'd at least like to hope that we can call each other friends.", "Dylan: I'd like that, too.", "Nikki: You know, Victor, we all want the same thing here. So I don't know why you would give Paul such an attitude.", "Victor: What do you mean I gave him attitude?", "Nikki: I think that you resent the fact that Dylan let Ian get away.", "Victor: I'm very happy that Dylan showed up when he did, to save you from god knows what. But the fact that Ian ward is still running around out there and the cops haven't found him doesn't sit well with me.", "Nikki: Believe me, I couldn't agree with you more.", "Victor: I want that son of a bitch found! That's all! And if that means I'm short with people or demand they do their damn jobs, so be it!", "Nikki: I cannot express to you enough how much I want that sociopath behind bars so we can all get our lives back. I need my life back, Victor. Just to have the simple joys of spending time with my family, my children, my grandchildren.", "Victor: And I want the same for you. Okay? Especially now. Victoria needs you more than ever.", "Nikki: What do you mean? Why do you say that?", "Victor: I guess you haven't heard, but her divorce from Billy Abbott is final.", "Nikki: Oh, my god. I knew it was coming. You're right. This must be devastating for her. She must be so upset.", "Victor: Can we stop fighting?", "Nikki: Yeah, darling, I'm sorry. I'm gon-- I'm gonna go give Victoria a call. Okay? I-I'll be back.", "Kelly: Here is your key. Have a pleasant stay.", "Maureen: Kelly, thank you so much for helping with the room.", "Kelly: Not a problem. Now I have to go.", "Maureen: [Sighs]", "Stitch: You know, you really didn't have to come all the way to Genoa City.", "Maureen: Oh, yes, I did. But it seems like everything's kind of under control.", "Stitch: Yep. Well, um, see you tomorrow.", "Maureen: Okay. Bye, darling. Club soda, please. \"Sherry\" is really Mrs. Victor Newman? I'll be damned.", "Nikki: [Groans] Oh. Oh, my god. Oh, what am I doing? [Groans]", "Dylan: So, where you off to?", "Christine: The club, to talk to the chef about a menu for our little get- together.", "Avery: Ah. Well, thanks for inviting us.", "Dylan: Yeah, looking forward to it.", "Christine: Great. I'll see you guys then. Bye.", "Avery: You seem more comfortable about going than when Chris first mentioned it.", "Dylan: Yeah, her being so straightforward with everything really helped.", "Avery: I'm glad. Everything has been so crazy. I think a party is just what we need. It's a glimpse of how it will be when our lives finally settle down.", "Paul: My team has collected all the data they are going to need, so we won't be blocking your driveway any longer.", "Victor: Well, thank you for doing that.", "Paul: So, um... what happened to Nikki?", "Victor: What do you mean what happened to Nikki?", "Paul: Well, where is she?", "Victor: She's not available.", "Paul: Ah.", "Victor: By the way, I wanted to thank you...for being rather considerate around her, making sure that you didn't upset her any further. I appreciate that.", "Paul: You're welcome.", "Victor: Now, just between the two of us, do you think Dylan and Ian ward had a physical altercation?", "Paul: I'm just trying to put all the pieces together so I can get this guy. Say goodbye to Nikki for me, will you?", "Victor: All right. I shall do that.", "Lily: So, I just wanted to say sorry that I jumped on you for not telling me that you reached out to Malcolm.", "Cane: Don't worry about it. It's -- it's forgotten.", "Lily: Well, I mean, thinking back, I should've just done it myself.", "Cane: Well, you probably would've if you weren't so worried about your dad. So... why did you, uh, want to bring me up here? 'Cause I'm sure it wasn't just to tell me this.", "Lily: Well, I just wanted to show you in person how grateful I am.", "Hilary: I should probably get to work, too.", "Devon: What's stopping you?", "Hilary: Having my mind blown like that, meeting the infamous Malcolm.", "Devon: Yeah, he and Neil have quite the past.", "Hilary: Yeah, I wonder if it's just because they were fundamentally different people.", "Devon: Well, it's that and the usual sibling rivalry, along with their history of always wanting the same woman.", "Malcolm: Relax, Neil. I'm not throwing shade on your wife. Hilary seems great. She's beautiful, and she cares about you.", "Neil: Okay. So -- so what else you got to say?", "Malcolm: She's a little young.", "Neil: You think she's too young for me?", "Malcolm: You're not a fresh-faced kid out of Stanford anymore, man.", "Neil: No, I'm not, but the age difference, it really doesn't matter to us.", "Malcolm: For now.", "Neil: You think it's gonna be a problem in the future?", "Malcolm: All I'm saying is, I'm concerned for your future.", "Neil: What are you so concerned about?", "Malcolm: Hilary's got her whole life in front of her, man.", "Neil: And I'm about to drop dead tomorrow?", "Malcolm: No, you're not, but just hear me out. You're a middle-aged man.", "Neil: Oh...", "Malcolm: But you still got young-man dreams. You're halfway there. She's just getting started. I'm not saying it's definitely gonna happen, but what happens if you are permanently blind? Do you really think Hilary's gonna stay with you through all of that?", "[NEXT_ON]", "Neil: I'm done, I'm through, I'm going home! Either you can help me or you can stay here!", "Sharon: See some people. Have a life." ]
Young and the Restless
['Provided By Suzanne']