delete this post
Best I can do is report it
Rock Quarry swimming in AR - I took this but looking back months later made me shiver.
Upvote for AR swimmin' holes
Missing for me as well. And yes, there is no DLC showing. It says there are no DLC for this game. I bought it through GMG if that matters.
Double check your emails, GMG sent the key for The Aztecs separately from the main game
Just bought this guy yesterday! Excited for my first bike commute tomorrow!
where's the fender
You do realise Bill Clinton behaved like that while he was in the whitehouse right?
But he's a Liberal, it's all good.
Bill Clinton rapes women.
Donald Trump rapes teenagers.
battlin boxers 2016???
I know nothing about boxers but they appear to mostly be level 4, so maybe running a variant with a lot of protection/floodgates along with {{ties of the brethren}} but like I said, I know nothing about them this is just off a quick glance
I think KK has been beating ryan ford over and over again in the last month or so
Yeah I know he made GFs of some even the past weekend only losing to n0ne, and I remember him winning a tourney with most of PR in attendance recently
Results not typical; most cats just sit on your face to wake you up.
Instructions unclear dick stuck in face
I mean to be fair anywhere else in the world you can drive to another *country* in 2 hours. It'd take me like 30 hours just to drive to Canada lol.
Hahahahhahahahahahahahah Hahahahhahahahahahahahah hahahah Hahahahahahhahahah
Got bored so I made this and I'm eagerly waiting for Final Fantasy XV
i'd use it as a background if you didn't have your instagram tag at the bottom, is there another version?
I've searched everywhere for budget polymer pistols to find a match but no luck!
Might just be an airsoft gun.
More most horrible TV production scumbags ever. Lets find some people with low IQ and put them infront of camera... and confront them with the stupid decisions they made in life so far. Sure, the woman is horrible. But those shows are horrible, too.
Yes, for sure.
/v/ on Nintendo Switch Ad
As ignorant as the brakes comment was... This crop is a thousand times worse.
Well, I know literally nothing else about her, but I've got a pretty low opinion of her.
We did it, Reddit!
A few days late, but here are some pictures of my Yoshikage Kira costume from Halloween!
Nice one dude
Had to rinse off after I dipped my toes in the pool
You are hotter than most porn stars i watch!
So when you ban someone, what keeps them from just creating another account and coming back?
honestly its pretty easy to figure out people via their language, writing, punctuation, vocabulary etc.
Did you?
yes actually and strangely enough the report the city put out does too!
I leave my keys in my car and the windows down all of the time. People aren't willing to steal anything that seems so easy to steal. It's suspicious. I would guess that I've saved at least 1 full year of time by just jumping out of my vehicle and not worrying about locking up. I use the same approach to pretty much everything. Try it yourself. You'll be amazed at how people are unwilling to steal obviously easy to steal shit .
user name checks out :D
You know why MSM does it? It's easy. No investigative reporters to pay. No hard stories to tell. Just a race horse and polls. And polls are cheap, all of the media outlets chip in for the cost and they share the results, you can't do that with investigative reporting. So talking about 2020 is really cheap reporting. It's just like the weather. You get the information from the government, and you fill up 5 to 10 minutes of airtime that you can sell off to advertisers. Broadcast media is lazy, complacent, and dumb. Just like their viewers.
plus, you know, the american government lies to it's own people all the fucking time
ryu da!
If someone only got their information from Reddit, what would they think are the biggest problems in the world?
Can confirm. If a warrant gets done and nothing is found, the person who organised the warrant has to buy donuts for everyone in attendance.
Sounds like a game I cant lose if I never organize a warrant!
The ones who make easy slogans about difficult problems. They can have any political colour but usually have authoritarian tendencies and would say anything as long as it gains them votes. Berlusconi, a liberal conservative, would fi the definition even despite not being extreme
Also: Grillo.
Red Dead 2 for NX? Make it happen, Rockstar!
and this is the 10th time something like this has been posted today
If we miss the playoffs this year I have a feeling Tomlin will be on a very short leash. Too much talent to keep doing this year after year.
All this talk about Talent but we seem to play bad time and time again.. maybe our so called talent is overrated?
NSA is part of the Executive Branch and law enforcement so far has only shown signs of giddiness at the concept of being Trump's henchman.
I don't think the CIA is in his camp, given the Russia love he's been demonstrating.
stockAday: any requests for week 7th Nov? In the last 2 weeks, we've covered: * Berkshire Hathaway * DaVita * Dow Chemicals (and DuPont) * Kimberley Clark * McKesson (revisiting it after 10 months) * Priceline * SPDR Gold ETF * Vista Outdoor * Wiley Many thanks for suggestions for this week. e.g. any election themes?
I would love your feedback on Altria group
Do they never have any problems with the weather there? I'd be freaked out if the weather got bad
it's in Lake Victoria so there's no tides or huge currents to worry about, i assume they'd get storms and choppy water but they're not going to get massive pumping surf that wipes the island out.
my first build was SRS, so things did survive a few seconds, still not a single problem with fps.
Ehh, SRS is not intensive at all, even if the Monsters survive, id love to see your fps when someone shoots 100% Pierce gmp kb Into double ubique peninsula.
I think it's just black and navy. Black and most blues go together really easily. Plus I think the rule just applies to more formal stuff for the most part.
You mean white and gold
Google Maps could see your calendar, they just haven't built that functionality.
Waze has this so it's only a matter of time GM will have it.
How do you deal with neighbours? The past 10 years I've been living in different housing blocks, usually rather noisy so playing wasn't really an issue as long as it wasn't too early/late in the mornings/evenings. Last week I moved downtown and it's a really busy street pretty much all day and on weekends ofc very noisy because there are many restaurants and bars nearby. Yet (thx to technology) it is really quiet in the entire house to a point it can be rather creepy. Some days, when doing home office, it is so silent it's almost unreal. Sometimes I can hear a vac or a washer but that's it. So I'm playing with headphones because I'm scared to disturb anyone. Thing is, I'm not even sure if it's just very quiet because everyone is pretty much dead - or because the walls swallow everything. We are allowed to play instruments and as a citizen of my country I certainly have the right to do so each day for 2-3 hours afaik, yet I'm not sure if I just should play and see what happens. How would you handle this? Knocking on doors and letting ppl know it might get loud once a day and they should let me know if it bothers them? Not announce it and see if someone complains? Avoid the risk of pissing someone off by simply playing with headphones until I move out? What are your experiences? How did you deal with such things and/or would deal with them in the future? Feel free to share, it sure will inspire me and others in the same situation :)
I'd just kill them, tbh.
The hilt has always bothered me in this picture.
Oh god, why
Plattform ? Because PC is up and running fine
Ps4 is still locked out of our games if we bought it digitally.
Apparently they're aware their tracking poll is shit.
what tracking poll?
Definitely not a bot. Nope.
Comment karma: 0 Totally normal.
As a Californian, I approve. Let's see what happens when our underrepresented state decides to hang the overrepresented welfare states out to dry.
There's a party that wants a smaller Federal government, and devolved powers to the states...
D: Did your dad ever come back?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no
Germany warns of threat from more than 500 'potential attackers'
Or as Merkel would call them, welcome guests.
It absolutely makes Trump look crazy.
So I think my POH glitched, and now everywhere I go is night time.
Someone's late to the party
Sam is much more ballin'
People do similar things in their cars all the time - turn the wheel full lock then move off.
But it's a car..
What's wrong with you OP? You're supposed to be bitching about the game.
Hold on, isn't that a sarcastic picture taking the piss?
What do you consider over waifuism
~~Husbandoism~~ ~~Going to church.of luther or zedus~~ All hail non gender units
Needs more salt m8
We furry frontier now bois
So like, Cancer?
Raaga deserves an omni evolution He was the master of two of the strongest mother fers to step foot in Colorado. What do ya'll think? Typo Celgrad*
How many more limbs will he get with that OE
OE Elimo Fanart sketch
Megane Elimo best Elimo According to the book.....And even with all these justifications...You're still a little bitch.
one of the dogs is not like the others (o-o
Its Zorua, its a fox not a doge
If I knew anything about football, I would make a football joke here.
Raaaace waaaaaar!
Hehe, first race war Summer?
Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says
Putin wants to crash our economy and put us through what the USSR went through.
Do Runic Shield and Witchblade stack attack speed debuffs?
They do not, but you will still reduce both magical power and physical prots, but not att speed
We also see what is being done here, carefully orchestrated spam attacks with shill accounts complaining and than an immediate blog post or article . In this case one miner chose to set fees extremely high to throw off the fee estimates for priority fees and than this outrage post.
Which miner?
What's a Wii U?
It's an add on to the Wii.
Children, behave
That's what they say when we're together...
you know damn well the story of robert byrd. Stop trying to spin fake news.
And that is?
than what...
That's the joke... The punchline is that the bassist isn't a musician.
Don't hert his feelings.
That's very progressive of you.
The transit strike is over
Liberal conspiracy to bus people to the polls
Which Gibbs car(s) won't make Homestead? So now that Carl, who was the lowest ranked Gibbs driver, has sealed his spot at Homestead for the Championship round there are only two spots left in the Final Four. Out of the three Gibbs drivers left which one (or more) do you think won't make Homestead? If Carl hadn't won I thought he was gonna be the odd man out. But honestly it's too close between the other three for me to call. They're all finishing in the top 10 most weeks, they all have similar average finishes at Phoenix, they're all within three points of each other. So I'll put it to y'all. How do you think the three finish and who do you think will be racing for the championship at Homestead?
I have a feeling Carl might cut it close...
Rogue electors brief Clinton camp on anti-Trump plan; Kasich emerges as the group's alternative Electoral College pick.
I never ever thought beginning of this election season I would be saying please Kasich...or Romney...or a wet sock
First one. I love how it joins :) can I learn it?
Once I make documentation that's legible to other humans, sure.
Looked to be waxing crescent, about 1/3rd illumination (41st & Yale).
I just like the idea of BLMers having to argue that all lives matter for once.
Yet it's still telling how despite the self-evident truth, they *still* cannibalize each other.
Less than 1 week until Worlds, here's Silver Scrapes made only using sounds from League of Legends
Holy shit.
What exactly do you feel was inappropriate about removing the email addresses (not names) before giving them to the notoriously leaky House Republicans? Did you see how they 'accidentally' released all the personal information of abortion providers. Ooops. They werent deleting it, they were preserving it but creating a set of data for the mouth breathers. Her skills seem on point.
They weren't supposed to be altered, it was evidence in an investigation.
Mean Streak Site Announcement It will take place on September 18. Fingers crossed for an RMC.
Sermon to the Birds
this is not accidental.
I don't play Civ so I don't really know, but how would you deal with right clicking, or even hovering for a touch screen?
with most touch-screen to desktop aps (like google's remote desktop) you touch with two fingers for right click
I never said it was practical
True , I wrote a script that kills the Remote Desktop Tool used on our school computers so I can browse reddit without being noticed but the PCs are so shit that they start to lag lol
Wow. Sounds like an awesome Doctor. I hope you realize they aren't all like that.
Nah he's a dick, think of all those pissed off people in the waiting room!
I just had a dream where Galilea was a playable character in Smash Broa.
It's called a Nightmare.
So a few customers in a showroom don't want to buy British (actually, Indian) cars. So what? Daily Mail-esque story, and Daily Mail-esque comments here also.
Quite but it's the right kind of knee jerking... ;)
Disabled boy tells Obama 'I hate Donald Trump'
Weakness in the ~~Aryan gene pool~~ American citizenry must not be allowed to propagate, amirite?
TIL the Jesus nut is the bolt at the top of a helicopter shaft that holds it all together. It got its name because if it were to fail in flight, the only thing left to do would be to pray to Jesus.
Yep, and its hand tight.
Beta for the Custom Mario Party Board Editor PartyPlanner64 Released
This is really impressive, does anyone know if it'd be possible to have all the mini games from the first three Mario Parties so that while playing a custom board you could have a greater variety of mini games?
1243 was the year 177 years after William the Conqueror invaded England. In 1243, the (Muslim) Taifa of Murcia was made a protectorate and Christianized by King Ferdinand III of Castile, a great-great-great-great-grandson of William the Conqueror.
1244 was the year 178 years after William the Conqueror invaded England.
All of my relatives. They also love pointing out cute boys for me. I'm waiting for the best possible moment to tell them I'm a lesbian.
I thought Wildcats were already in service during Pearl Harbor and the Hellcat was later service.
They were in service but not yet at Pearl.
Trump says he is doing good in Pennsylvania. The miners are going to come out!
LOL crooked SEPTA back stabbed him
Give it time...
UPS Freight just called me to confirm that my shipment from Rogue will be delivered today HYYYYYYPE
God damn that was brutal.
Discussion MP: support cards that supporter should not bring with Some support card appears to be very appealing in single play but should never bring to MP and some just sounds good but never perform in both MP and SP. I'm a new MP supporter dancer as mostly I play as attacker and sometimes defender, hope this topic may give some help for supporters in evaluating the necessary support cards (for global version) to bring with. Started with, the topic: SUPPORT CARDS YOU SHOULDN'T BRING (2*MP deck) I categorized into 2 category, which is not necessary on deck, and it's a waste of free slot. When giving name of the cards, please give some of your evaluation points too. Give my ideas first 1/ not necessary to have *Pu or en-element cards: sometimes it's annoying for some V&F and TJ attackers for the non water match *Artemis: breaker should have it already it's not for you to break the boss, if the team don't have brraker just simply don't join that team *any shift or force card: doesn't really affect teamwide *Debuff cards of any kinds: you are support role, I don't think it's your work todo *A&T at 3: even 4* card also very debatable to me, attacker will have their own buff with moogle way better I would rather invest this slot for haste *Taunt cards to help breaking yellow: well if you can handle your HP then it's fine *Hades: drain only benefit for breaker so the return on investment is freaking low on this one 2/ Don't just don't bring, it's trash and waste a slot *Garnet pictlogica: sound good with stars and double effect but at expense of 3 orbs with no orb returned PLUS the effects are pretty useless in MP since boost I have explained above and increased attack doesn't help anything. So to the healer I have the match with as trickster just now. You cast this shit when we already on the turn that killed the boss so you should now take it out of your deck *Vivi pictlogica : just not your work to fill the orbs breaker, or deffender can do it too as he will go last on attack turn and help in generating orbs, the only effect of this vivi is to give a little Hp *yuna pictlogica: 1 orb sound good at the expense but the cool down is a nightmare plus the HP gain is only 30% peak, the only considerable effect is esuna *Tyro at 3: 4 orbs for just 3 turns and the combo effects are not so good as well, even 4* is kind off a no no to bring too, no elements returned like A&T and interior barrier comparing with fat choc 5 turns barriers, wall is well as everyone has explained it already the effect of wall *gigan: powered up increased attack doesn't help at all, I just laugh when healer bring this in his deck Please update the list or reevaluate it giving your the ideas, for the new player to get into the game I will try to update it as well.
You literally just said don't bring any card except Moogle, Fat Chocobo, and Hermes.
Saladin's Vigil with Accelerated Coils, Rangefinder, and Braced Frame. Kills with 4 bolts with low armor, crazy charge rate, max stability, and great hit detection with rangefinder.
Saladins vigil can ONLY come with those
Before their Eleague win, they had only won Northern Arena. Why should they have been included?
Beat Astralis and G2 at NY, beat Herioc and G2 in bo3s to win Northern Arena, Top6 at EPL S4 finals (lost to winner), Beat NV and fnatic in bo3s to qualify for eleague playoffs
Antergos installer is jack shit. Every time I use it, something goes wrong.
You left this: YMMV.
You severely underestimate the coordination possible in certain gaming groups. EVE Online guilds and Planetside 2 outfits come to mind.
i know it's possible for teams to work together very very well.. i'm just saying it'll be a slim minority that bothers to get that good at such a task which I imagine won't be a lot of fun.
One strappin a book bag
A lot of people still do it, but now its not cool (although it still isnt un-cool)
With a hamster inside that provides energy. That incident in New York, when Hillary collapsed, was because the Hamster had a seizure and died. He was then replaced with half a potato and a 486-Processor
You mean the #SIDEOFBEEF incident?
I'll tell you my grudge... because I lived in what became 'condo parks' There's no community, there's garbage everywhere all over the lawn, cars parked continuously on the roads. Sure it happens everywhere but not on aggregate in residential areas. Especially the garbage part. As a homeowner I pick up the garbage the blows onto my lawn. And I'd rather not live in a prison cell where I listen to my music the whole time for peace and quiet.
yeah -- this stuff doesn't exist in the 905 at all
Just Google it.
Yeah and when he declared war on terrorislam after 9/11, that screwed us too. thanks Obama!
Same federal government and deep state.
I know what ping pong is. I was asking why they made a table tennis game.
Idk because they wanted to
It isn't stalking if Smart does it. It's *mumbling* and That is why CIG collapses within two weeks. As you were.
It isn't stalking or harassment because he hasn't tagged her, so according to the argumentative twat the other day, its just mentioning her name