My favourite birthday card
Did you make this yourself or buy it somewhere?
I get it but it's so incredibly hard to be arrested for I know absolutely nobody who has been busted for selling and the only person I know who was busted for possession also got a dui. Intelligence is hard to come by, but it's not hard to avoid Johnny Law.
Yeah, thats why the majority of prisoners are in for minor marijuana charges!
Are you for school vouchers?
INSIDE reference?
Can't unsee now.
Post Game Thread: Miami Dolphins beat New York Jets 27-23
can we sign Charlie Weis for HC?
Change a letter in a current class to make a new class. Let's have this thread again, they're fun.
Bow Knight to Row Knight A boat class
My mother thought that the offspring of lions and tigers, ligers and tigons, were unnatural and evil. Funny, she didn't have the same thoughts about mules.
Oh man, I got a good chuckle.
Are you black, or did she use the n-bomb just to be edgy?
School superintendent says Betsy Ross flag is a symbol of 'hostility' and 'hate'
Not news: We have far too many clueless idiots like this one running school systems.
Well he's known to say whatever is convenient. During the debates he was talking about how slow and bad the Canadian system was.
You can't just dismiss everything good about him as it was convenient at the time.
I have to admit it... ...I'm not terribly good at this game on higher difficulties, and that bothers me. TW:W on normal is easily my GOTY but on anything higher it just feels like a slog. Too many armies to cut through, build order and turn budget too strict to experiment. I managed to achieve the Greenskin short victory on Very Hard but I found myself autoresolving through most of it because the enemy could seemingly field 3 armies for every one of mine. Switching from VH to normal isn't a problem, but for some reason I can't get it out of my head that I'm playing a lesser version of the game when I play on normal. The dev blog even says that TW:W's normal mode is designed to be baby's first Total War, but it's the only difficulty I can enjoy. Who am I trying to impress? Why do I care? Am I alone in preferring normal but feeling guilty about it?
I usually stay away from higher difficulties in these kinds of games because generally, instead of improving AI behaviour, it makes the AI cheat with some BS buffs to income and such, which just pisses me off...
Or Maybe Harambe found those emails so Hillary had to kill him??
A gorilla that can use email, come on man.
Rip David Attenborough
fuck off.
I'm 12 pages into Gravity's Rainbow, boy this is weird, lolz, is it like inifinite jest by the end, also a reallly hard book and postmodern, dfw was my favourite writer i like when he went on a cruise ship and it said it was bad lmao
lmao real talent rip
Voting for a criminal and pedophile who will be impeached almost immediately....leaving us in a constitutional crisis Is the adult thing to do?!
Fuck off with your delusional bullshit.
Dude! ^(Sorry for assigning you a gender) That was impressive!
You'd be surprised at how many times this question is asked.
How much do you weigh?/ what is your build like? Sweet jacket though, thanks for linking
i weight 68 kilograms (yes im thin), im athletic-skinny
Never use a registry editor that you find for free on the internet though.
Especially, if you don't know what you are doing.
Look man, I'm a Christian and I think this is kind of absurd. By this same logic, Disney (princess/classic) movies are evil too because they do magic and Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia are too because, well, fantasy. Yes, there are things that are very real and that are bad, but I don't think this movie should be a concern.
you must not be from the south lol i've heard all kind of stuff be labeled sorcery
I'm Ron Burgundy?
I don't think I've ever thrown an interception?
The Knicks are their own worst enemy
Lol the crowd hit them with a bronx cheer the next time down court for getting a defensive rebound
Hillary Told Maid to Print Classified Info
And she killed Vince Foster, in the library, with the candlestick, too.
meh, the backups have been excellent and the story is moving.
The back ups have been excellent no doubt but the main story is suffering from it, 15 pages or so to tell a story these days is dreadful especially when they have an event coming up.
Chili con Quorn, Tofu Fajita Wraps, a Bean Burger alongside some refried beans, guacamole, and sweet potato fries. I also had some Doritos, Doritos salsa, and some Alpro Yogurt.
I make a similar meal except that I call it a Chili sans Carne.
Yeah but the question you asked is more aimed towards that shitty audience than here. Its literally an opinion thing.
I'm asking who is the better pokemon, mostly.
I would highly suggest playing as portugal, settling the americas then moving the capital to somewhere in the current united states / canada. It will allow you to grasp trade, trade nodes and trade flow with the variation and importance that it brings. I suggest this way because this is how I learned. I decided that trade is so important that just immerse yourself in it and it should reveal itself (and it did). It was frustrating but eventually you realize that controlling trade ports are key, and a few nodes are more important than others (end trade nodes and the carribean are BIG examples of strategic locations). Beyond that it's pretty simplistic. Do some quick math in your head and set your merchants and forget them. Check on them once in a while if your power / control changes in some regions to ensure they are still as effective as they could be.
to add onto this ivory coast trade node is super op
Infinite Warfare In Depth: Reflections (From Energy Weapons & Ram Servo)
Ive been fucking foaming at the mouth for some good IW videos.
To be fair, most of the successful ifunny posts come from here, or other subreddits.
My man im a guy from a Dota 2 Community you can see my Posts and When did i create my account.
This account, sure.
Anyone explain this GRE question
Use modular arithmetic.
Is no one going to mention that the new Cyber Angel has 4 breasts? ...hey theyre there in plain sight dont blame me for noticing
Can't mention it, too busy fapping.
I've sacrificed everything, what've you given?
You know, if you take Bannon at face value, he's pretty much a sad, pathetic imitation of Armstrong.
A team standpoint? Here's another single-hero perspective on how to save yourself and nobody else. You're also speaking as if the Grey player *isn't* going to keep walking behind you or jumping to you.
It's funny.
He was heavily endebted. To the tune of 6,000 gold. I have a feeling he was hoarding it and expected to skip out on his debts, but then I showed up claiming to be one of his creditors - impatient for repayment.
Still, considering a room for the night costs around a silver and food and drink is coppers usually, 1500 gold seems like a lot of profit to have made unless he had some shady dealings on the side, or just a lot of rich adventurers slapping down more than stuff normally costs.
NA Crowd
*Trump does something right.* Well you see... (semi relevant fact against him here)
Not sure if your statement is in support or against my statement.
Fed up with media, Trump launches his own 'nightly campaign coverage'
And thus TrumpTV was born and lo it spewed it's ugliness on the world
Anyone going to Macy's tomorrow to get Javy's Autograph? I've been pondering if I should. You have to buy something for $35 and he can only sign that. No other outside memorabilia or pictures can be taken with him. So it kinda sucks. But getting an autograph would be hella cool
Is it at the Macys downtown on Randolph?
There are some dank ass refrigerators nowadays tbh
Now I want to see Rudism play Rocket League with a refrigerator.
witten was WIDE OPEN wtf
As is tradition.
I'd just like to admire the Democratic ground game. Great job getting out the vote!
Stop trying to interfere with our elections, you damned socialist.
Pickled cabbage and warm buttered bread.
More of a beetroot fella myself but the bread is something that is a necessity.
sorry for confusion. the 'f' was to pay respects.
No f to dance
Eagles are trying for Alshon Jeffery
For the love of God please trade away some defense.
It still exists as a wreck. Just like my life
Is this the part where somebody comments me too thanks
The pope should keep his fucking nose out of international affairs. He fucked up Venezuela's last chance of toppling Maduro last week, now he wants to meddle in the US too? Fuck off!
Yeah he should only talk about countries where there are Catholics he is the leader of.
All life is meaningless. Space exploration isn't going to change that
That would have been the perfect thing for Neil Armstrong to say on the moon.
Rookie mistake publishing your policies so far in advance.. This just reminds me of last election. National kept their target as small as possible while embroiled in scandal after scandal and kept knocking down labour's policies while mentioning none of their own. Then continue talking about NZs 'rockstar economy', and at the end of it all - the day after the election Key announces that he wants a new flag and everybody is like wtf?
Yes we need to learn from the US election!
Labyrinth 7k
6k + Loopers?
I live next door to a convicted pedophile. That isn't a reflection on me. I've been to his house. If I ran for office and he gave me money I would accept it. He does make me feel icky though. That's all this story is, icky. There's no substance here it's just more speculation.
Have you been flown on his plane to his private island to have a party with him?
I wish her waveclear wasn't ironic. Just gotta make Q do extra to minions :P
Splash damage to minions on the AA buff would be nice and thematical.
President Joseph F. Smith
There is a section in D&C of a dream he had of Spirit Prison.
What are some of the best cell phone deals AT&T is giving for the holidays?
prolly 9 usb cables like last yr
Just what reddit needs right now more politics lol
I've become irreplaceable at my job. Not always a good thing
Who else is gonna post Kpop idols and build a Gundam?
september was a lot calmer. remember the month of khan when he had to have stern talkings to by the secret service about what does and doesn't constitute threatening language?
I member
No. Fracking is bad, this is going to lead to a lot of fracking.
Fricking Fracking man
Wonder if this game will finally be enough to make people shut up already and stop saying he sucks without all the TDs.
But if you take away all of his TDs and receiving yards he is only a top 10 RB
Actually it doesn't. This guy is definitely in the minority. Stop listening to what Clinton and the media are feeding you and actually go out and meet Trump supporters. You'll be surprised.
How come every racist in America is voting for Trump?
Freedom is overrated and inefficient
Thats fine.
I'm Donald Jr, the brains. I'm Ivanka, the beauty. ..... AND I'M ERIC.
That's the making of a great horror flick
That's what I want you to think.
You got me!
Is it me or is this sub getting super weird?
How so?
Julian Green goal vs New Zealand (1-0)
Keeper just stood there
In Vader We Trust
I L L E G A L L L E G A L ...
For Sale Yeezy Boost 350 V2 - $950 obo
Way overpriced.
People think Skyrim's Lod is really bad... but I think he's a great blacksmith.
Steel's good but loyalty's better.
It's such a bullshit thing to say, a head shot is personal. If a man with a gun is wounded he can still fire his gun, the only 100% sure way to prevent that is to kill him. And a head shot is an excellent way to do that.
Why didn't they just shoot the gun out of his hand?
I'm a little lost here. Who is the thief, and who is the kid?
I think both are the thieves and the kid isn't shown.
Too Hot To Sit Inside a Classroom, But Not Too Hot To Exercise Outside in Heavy Equipment, but Only for Those Schools With AC.
It really enrages me we build fancy billboards and condos and train station signs and bike paths but we have't gotten A/C into all schools yet.
Something I noticed about the Rashmi=Mishra theory So, hear me out on this, we already know that WotC has a history with anagrams and codes, so the fact that Rashmi is an anagram for Mishra (while also sharing vaguely similar art) was an interesting tidbit. But you might also notice that Eternities Crafter and Artificer Prodigy share a lot of characters, so I removed all the characters that they share, and ended up with etentespodigy, which doesn't look to meaningful... until you unscramble it. Turns out, that if you do unscramble it, you end up with the words edit genotypes, and wouldn't you know, if Mishra is Rashmi, he would've had to do just that to become a female Elf. Note though, that an (obviously important) alternative dejumble of etenteseodigy, is Potty Designee, so make of that as you will. tl;dr Either Mishra is Rashmi or they are tied together by a toilet.
Now I have an idea for a story of how we're all interconnected via the porcelain throne in which we poo.
The pope is in the mist of hijacking an Italian helicopter to quote hunt down that chicken fried fuck, note the pope is only 47 and was raised on the mean ass streets of suburban south texas
He is advised to be ruthless
It's incredible how accurate WWE 2k17 is going to be.
Cant wait to make Big Show do Nakamuras entrance
On ios, from what i saw its only on android.
Damn... Can't help you there buddy.
Maybe, just maybe, corsi doesn't mean shit?
I thought we were past this in 2016.
And yet he still hasn't said anything about that Washington jerkoff blatantly ignoring the will of the voters in his name.
Yes, how dare he try and get people to vote in probably the most important election of the next 30 years!
I'd just delete my Facebook if I was this guy.
I'd just delete him if I was Facebook
I love orange cats. It's like they have a personality of a cheeky monkey on a live wire.
Orange cats are the best, and rule a room full of cats
Anybody else happy about daylight savings? I have insomnia and it really messes with my happiness a lot of the time, but last night I actually went to sleep at a decent hour and I woke up this morning well rested. I feel pretty fuckin' good. How 'bout you folks? How was your morning?
I just love not being able to take my toddler outside after 5 pm anymore!
Next update they'll fix that, being able to buy revives and whatnot from the store that is
Hey come on, they'll probably lower great and ultra balls to closer to pokeball level too so they don't give such an unfair advantage too
Just call one fucking holding. wtf
Nah, only Denver holds.
Why does the back judge keep running over to help Brady up when he gets knocked over? I don't see them do that shit for Russ.
All refs hate Wislon, didn't you know?
I once prepaid for gas and a drink, got my change and walking out to my car noticed something weird on the penny. It was a swastika and an eagle. It was a Nazi penny dated 1934 on it. I was shocked. I tried to grab it with my other hand and it fell, rolled about 8 feet and went down a freaking storm drain.
that is the most tragic story ive ever heard
He wouldn't play under the tag
Didn't he try to last second but your owner stiffed him
Haha I think it was sarcasm. We are notoriously terrible at 3v3
Remembers Getzlaf's back pass to nobody leading to a goal.
Shot by Frolik goes in after the whistle, initially ruled no goal but after the refs conferred was ruled a good goal
You don't see that very often.
And we're still mocked by everyone for having a shit defense. Just look at the game thread.
Well yeah but you do have a bad defense.
That closeup at the serious Asian dude killed me
Break free then, if you are the real kung-fu panda.
my rudy gay and myles turner for hassan whiteside... i can probably pick up kanter, lin, or maybe jrue if no one claims him
What a steal.
Cody in ROTJ?? did you mean ROTS?
Yeah that's Rex.
Any interest in a Star Citizen Ship Giveaway/Contest? Would love to do this. I'm pretty rich, have a lot of Star Citizen Ships and Assets just sitting here, and really want to give back to this community. If there's some decent interest I'll start taking suggestions on how to do this.
I'd like a Javelin.
New Yorkers: Hillary Moved Mountains on 9/11, Trump Did Nothing
While this is very likely true...the title is slightly misleading
LP ladouceur
Chris Jones!
Further, Robert Ford = Brr Footed Coincidence?
Maybe that's why he wanted the boots from Sizemore's new theme... His feet were cold.
What the fuck are you guys talking about
You're not on their level of consciousness
Member when you believed the Flames could still win when they were down in the third?
Oh I member
Fuck it here's a box. It shoots smaller boxes when Q is pressed, W makes him go very fast, E blinks him a distance, and R creates a bigger box that damages enemies. Its... just a white box. No sounds or color or anything. Just a box.
Did you just leak Ivern?
Why can't they set trains with more cars or more frequent trains?
More cars won't help if the train is already end to end of the platform.
Rim it
While on a business trip to Vietnam in '07 I did a similar thing.
I have chlamydia
Me too thanks