Making a new thread every 5 minutes is a good way to get yourself banned. You should either get rid of this one, or get rid of the older one.
I only made 1.
Aftermarket battery terminal
Safety wire...must be an A&P
You just gotta be the old grizzled veteran type with the horror stories and knowledge of the before time rather than the main character.
It all started with this gorilla...
With living in Vehicles being Illegal like everywhere, how does this work out? (I am really curious with housing prices being out right criminal this seems like a perfect route for me)
Where is that illegal?
This isn't propaganda, this is the truth. The opioid abuse epidemic didn't happen by itself, it is a clear result of unethical pharmaceutical companies greed.
Clear as day!
Can anyone explain to me who the hell nomi is? I always hear about nomi but i have no idea what the fuck he is or what's his role, all i know is that he is related to cooking somehow. Please be kind and explain <3
The Jar Jar Binks of WoW
I sent this guy a video about horses...
Send him more horses.
Use this slider to compare skyrim remaster on ps4 vs remaster on ps4 PRO in 4k
The difference is mind blowing
MC goodbye words
I'd even cheer for MC if he did gay porn
Interesting and easy device to removal cream residues from the corolla.
oh, now two things to wash rather than just one!
Your clique will not last forever.
You're only friends with people in high school because you have to be
I actually was working out of state. Those jobs send you to shit places. I've worked in North Dakota, Utah, and New Mexico. You gotta roll your sleeves up and get dirty.
Damn I'm gettin trolled hard
As an american, SaintsUSA?
kinda screwed up the name but it's United States of Southampton, its the only one I've seen mentioned here or on the forum for American supporters
I am haven't finished my first run yet. Can I still download the patch for performance boost and not lose my save?
Is the MacBook Pro the Future of Laptops?
I really wanted a new macbook pro, had one for 6 years and it served me well... but I had to go elsewhere and got an alienware 15, I think windows is not as bad as it used to be so let's see, so far I enjoy it.
Tim Kaine is right, Spanish was first European language spoken in United States
but, but, 'MURICA
First Family. When you search First Family the Trumps are nowhere to be found. We need to change that.
First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP First Family TRUMP
Dicks out for Castro, anyone?
He cut mine off
sure i agree they have good content but it's still *Netflix* i have a feeling(read: no source at all) content studios(there aren't many of them) may be colluding to limit the content of Netflix
There's something to that - the studios' relationship with Netflix is at least partially adversarial.
women are incredibly vain but try their absolute hardest not to seem that way
I love your level of down votes even knowing we can clearly see based on this sub that it's 99% a woman thing.
OFFICIAL POLL: Who do you want to be President?
I chose Johnson because libeartarieins are just independents that want to get high
Or the fact that you have to have brain damage to confuse Kawasaki with Suzuki
What are you talking about the both end in ki
Supervoters in Dallas elect the decision-makers. Don't stop at the partisan general election. See you at the polls on May 6, 2017. The amount of power you have as a voter depends on which races you turnout for. Dallas County voters can assess their power along a SuperVoter scale. Tier 1: those that show up to runoffs; Tier 2: those that show up to the joint election (i.e. non-partisan local elections); Tier 3: those that show up to only the primary - no joint, no runoffs; Tier 4: those that show up to the partisan general; Tier 5: those that are registered, but don't vote in anything; Tier 6: those that are not registered (this is an invisible cohort). I do know of local elected officials who have their admin assistants verify constituents' voter turnout history when they call with issues. Which Tier do you think gets the call back? Elected officials have limited resources, including time and influence; they won't waste any on voters who are not a threat at the ballot box. The lesson: Vote in everything: joint/uniform, primary, runoff, and special elections...not just the partisan general. This year's turnout has been: * General (November): 514,330 **early voters** / 41.3% of registered voters * Primary (March): 331,635 voters / 26.7% * Joint (May): 59,499 / 4.8 % * Runoff - Primary (May): 25,948 / 2.1% * Runoff - Joint (June): 10,605 votes (percentage is misleading because runoff was not countywide)
The funny thing about this is that people always complain that their vote isn't worth anything and then most of them skip the Runoff and local elections in which their votes are actually very important.
After trading away good punter, Browns realize they lack good punters
I think a lot of teams would trade a good punter for a good draft pick.
One quick clarification: the President's war powers as used since 9/11 are a mixture of post 9/11 legislation (e.g. the AUMF) and pre-9/11 laws/legal arguments advanced by presidents since Thomas Jefferson. There has been a lot of legal discourse on the subject of the president's powers under Article II for military action short of a war. I'd be happy to provide links if you'd like.
Thanks, I believe you, that sounds right, not all that stuff passed after 9/11 but a lot of it did and it certainly did a lot to strengthen the President's non-war powers and did a lot to weaken our personal rights to privacy.
Job hunting in a nutshell
It's like flipping 100 coins and hoping all of them land on heads.
Excellent video for red-pilling on Islam
Well if that video doesn't wake people the hell up I don't know what will.
Ann Coulter: November 30, 2016 - HOW TRUMP COULD RUIN HIS PRESIDENCY
I want her to have my babies.
School bus cuts off semi truck
Looks to me like the white car keeps braking and the bus drive had the choice to hithe the white car, hit the curb, or cut the semi off.
What movie(s) did you just happen to casually see without having heard of it or without planning but ended up blowing you away? For example, about 10 years ago my mom bought a bunch of random stuff at a yard sale. In it was a dvd copy of Snatch, the Guy Ritchie movie. From the cover of the movie it didn't really look that interesting to me and I had never heard of it so I didn't bother to watch it. It literally sat in our house for several years collecting dust. One day I missed class because I was sick and had nothing to do. The movie was in a drawer near the TV, and I thought, what the heck, I'll see it. My mind was blown, it was like the movie gods had jizzed in my eyes and brain, to this day it is my favorite movie and also the one I've seen the most. What movies are similar to you? You hadn't heard of or planned to see but just blew your mind.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Honestly that's what losers say. You wouldn't take a player who makes your team alot better than they already are? I would take giroux on my team and I don't like him at all.
I would take giroux... after I took Crosby or McDavid
Swiftboating literally became a term because Kerry's purple hearts were used as attacks against him. Nothing is out of bounds, including injuries from war.
the cognitive dissonance by republicans amazes me every day.
Yahoo posted an update on Ty Montgomery.
He probably learned it from monkeys. See, they can teach you the craft, but never the motivation.
You can lead a human to leaves...
Luckiest iguana ever. They even had him at one point and he still managed to escape.
The death defying leap across the cliff face was the nirvana of the experience.
On another article it said Relatives of Beal, who blamed police for the incident, said Beal legally owned the gun and did not fire it. And I almost died laughing. It's called self defence, not revenge.
No you don't understand you can't shoot somebody unless they already shot you, police are trained to be shot THEN RESPOND
I'm sure this is fake. The guy's cartoonish reaction flailing around doesn't seem genuine. On a related note, though, I really can't stand people who try to suppress the opinions of others simply because they disagree with it. In my city (very liberal), the only sign that was pulled from the ground and discarded onto the street at our nearest voting site was the Trump/Pence sign. Same for my neighborhood; people have their Trump signs vandalized or outright stolen. It's ridiculous.
But they're the *bad guys* so it's ok to be shitheads to them!
The active leader in career short-handed goals, Marian Hossa, has a whopping 50% more than his nearest rival, Antoine Vermette; Hossa has 33 in his career, Vermette has 22, Rick Nash has 21, but Brad Marchand is catching up fast, getting one 4.1% of all games played, compared to Hossa's 2.6%
Lord Byron is coming for ya
Well I suppose if she had killed a woman on a SAN Francisco pier she would be one of your dreamers. Sorry she actually worked for a living.
So it's okay if you work professionally despite violating green card laws, but if you are taken as a three month old across the border with no input of your own, you are a criminal that need to be sent to a country that you have no memory of or personal attachment to?
Bernie is an avowed atheist.
I thought was Jewish